#like yea it's a phone meeting Normally. no i dont wanna.
orcelito · 1 year
I have... my boarding pass....
And I still have to do the tips distribution tomorrow morning 😫😫😫😫😫
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yunaanoona · 2 years
First Met
You can imagine them as a human or as the normal animatronic. You can just imagine they were a human band at the pizzaplex if u like.
Glamrock Freddy
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It was a normal evening, You were staying in your room peacefully alone. Reading, drawing, or just laying down while listening to some music, doing nothing. Until your best friend basically just barge in your room. "HEY B*TCH, Let's go to the pizzaplexxx!!"
"No thanks, I'll pass." Closing your eyes, you rejected their offered.
"Awh cmon! I got my dad's credit card. I'll buy you anything lets gooo!" They grabbed your hand, trying to get you off the bed. Sighing to yourself, you smile and agreed.
"Haish, fine. But let me change my clothes first"
"There's no time for that! You look great, now come onn!" They grabbed your hand and you both walk your way to the pizzaplex.
After paying for the entry, you guys go ahead and had some fun. Shopping this and that. Eating a bunch of food. Until you gotta leave, but before that. Obviously you gotta go and watch the Glamrocks performance first.
You both, squeeze yourself into the crowd and got to the front of the stage. There were so many kids, some are screaming, crying or sleeping.
There were smoke and music started to play, and you can see the animatronics enter one by one on the stage. "Omgg! Look at roxyy!! She's so prettyy!!" Your best friend is a huge fan of Roxxane. The whole performance is just them squealing and fangirling/fanboying over her. Your eyes is attached to the main singer though. The bear who's known as Freddy. His looks is very charming.
"Wahh.." You were impressed, both by visual and the vocals. The performance was also awesome.
At the end of the performance, your friend can't help and want to meet them, and since well. They got money, they got in pretty easily. They were squealing so much when they met roxy, You thought that they were gonna faint but gladly they didn't. They keep on talking about how awesome and pretty she is. Andd you in the other hand were infront of freddy,
"Your friend is very energetic"
"Yea, they are" Chuckling to yourself you answer. "Glamrock Freddy, nice to meet you", "Nice to meet you too, Im Y/N" you both introduce yourself to each other andd eventually exchanged numbers. Your friend also got roxy's signature and phone number aswell.
Glamrock Chica
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You are currently at the Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex, since your niece/nephew wanted to go there. You brought them there, and it was going pretty smoothly until they started throwing tantrums at the food court. You see 10 minutes ago you guys were at the arcade, you watched the kid play some games until its time for lunch, And well they don't really like the idea of leaving the arcade. So you basically just pick them up and drag them to the food court. You tried everything to make them calm down, but it was no use.
Chica was there, She helped to serve the food and had some fun with the kids. Until she spotted you, Well technically she heard a child crying and spotted you. She calmly head towards you both, and ask if there is something wrong. "I wanna go to the arcadee!!!" they cried and is hitting the chair with their hand. "Come on don't be like, We'll go back there later. After we eat." sighing to yourself, you tried to calm them down again. "No!!! I wanna go there noww!!" Everyone's eyes is basically on you both now. You were too embarrassed to even look around, especially when chica is infront of you.
"Hey kid, Do you like ice cream? How about this. If you be a good kid and dont cry. Me and your guardian/aunt/uncle, Will buy you some candy and ice cream. Andd we can go to the arcade too! But you need to eat your meal first. Its not good to skip a meal"
Chica bend down to their size and wipe their tears, Their attention is on Chica now. "But.." They had calmed down a bit. "Here, take this. You hug Mister Freddy first, and then we'll get ice cream. Okay?" Chica gave them a Freddy plush to hug. "Okay.." After they have fully calmed down, You sighing to yourself and thank chica, for her help. "Its no big deal! Once you're done just call me. I promise this kid we will get ice cream Anyways I'll get back to work"
She gave you her number, and after that you guys go get ice cream, and had some fun at the arcade. She also said that if you ever need someone to help you to babysit them, you can just give her a call.
Roxxane Wolf
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You are currently at the Mega Pizzaplex, In the toys store with your niece/nephew. You guys were getting a hotdog until they suddenly drag you into the store and is begging for you to get them a plush. You don't mind paying for it, but the only problem right now is that. You can't reach it, You're too short and the plushie was at the top of the shelf.
"Should I just ask the shop assistant to get it?" Your niece/nephew asked you while holding onto a little shopbag. "Nope! I-I can get it! Just a little bittt.. More! ugh" You climb up a little, putting your feet on one of the shelf and you almost got it until you slipped and fell right onto your butt🍑. "A-are you alright?!" Your niece/nephew is panicking, Well you fell just to get something for them. "agh, Yep, im fine." Getting up you can heard a small chuckle from behind your back.
"You need a help shorty?"
"Excuse me?-" Infront of you, there's standing Roxy. You were kinda piss off, You hate it when someone bring up the topic of your height plus your butt is still hurt from the fall, but since your niece/nephew wanted it. You put your ego aside and let her help you.
"Yes, actually. Thank you.."
Roxxane took the plushie and gave it to your niece/nephew.
"Here you go"
"Wah, thank youu!"  She ruffle the child's hair, and write something on a small paper and gave it to you.
"What is this?" You open the paper and there's a phone number  on it with a little Roxxane written under it.  "Call me later cutie, Incase you need my help again" She turn around and walk away. Huffing to yourself, You save the number on your phone anyways.
Heyy! It's yuna here!! Wassupp. I will publish another first meet chapter for our monty, sunny, and moonyy! So yea! if you dont have a niece or nephew. Well too bad now you have one. and if you're tall. WELL TOO BAD now you're short.
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innocent bones ch2
Summary: Apollo gets a wake-up call in a few ways. It’s okay, though--he’s got best-friend backup.
Link to AO3 in the notes.
“Goood morning, sunshine!”
“Blrgh,” Apollo says, more to his pillow than Clay. He rolls over and pulls the blankets over his head.
“Oh, are we grouchy this morning? I can drink both of these by myself if you wanna be left alone.”
Apollo peeks out from the covers warily. Clay dangles an iced drink in a plastic café cup tantalizingly over the bed. The morning is already hot, and only promises to get hotter; Apollo knows by the time he has proper clothes on, he’ll want something cold and sweet. He sighs and kicks the sheets aside, stretching.
“Why are you in my apartment?”
“Why were you sleeping with one sock on?”
Apollo looks down. Sure enough, he still has on the sock he’d yanked on at three in the morning. “...Fuck me.”
“Well, since you asked so nicely,” Clay says, batting his eyelashes, then cackles as Apollo swings a pillow at him and chases him around the room. When they reach the kitchenette, Clay successfully diverts his attention to a small paper bag of baked goods. Apollo allows him to exchange the pillow for a chocolate croissant. “To answer your question, I’m here to chill with my best friend on my day off, like we’ve been planning for, oh, the last three weeks?”
Shit. That’s right. Apollo scrubs the crust of sleep from his eyes, shoulders slumping. “Sorry. I remember now.”
Clay smiles easily and slides him the drink. Apollo sips. Peachy oolong tea with lemonade. “No harm, no foul. Seriously, though. Why the sock?”
“I had the most surreal fucking night,” Apollo says, and tells him about it. Clay starts laughing uproariously as soon as he mentions the teeth. He doesn’t stop until Apollo concludes with Prosecutor Debeste’s intervention.
“Oh, man,” Clay chuckles, wiping at the corners of his eyes. “How does this shit happen to you?”
“If I knew, don’t you think I would try to stop it?”
“I don’t know, would you?” Clay smirks maddeningly and bites into his muffin. Through a mouthful of crumbs, he drawls, “I’m sure you suffered so much with a handsome man vying for your attention.”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full, you disgusting goblin.”
“Ach, Herr Forehead,” Clay says, in the worst fake German accent Apollo has ever heard. “When I’m sad and lonely, you’re the first one I think of to cheer me up. Oh, how I wish you were here with me—“
Apollo seizes the pillow again. Clay rushes to get a grip on it before he can take a swing. They struggle for control until they both tip out of their chairs and go crashing to the hard, unforgiving linoleum floor in a heap.
“Ow,” Clay says. “Huh. I’ve had more exciting tumbles.”
“And Mr. Starbuck trusts you to pilot a rocket with him,” Apollo scoffs, feeling a bit ow himself.
“Please, I’m much nicer to Mr. Starbuck than I am to you, I don’t have to worry about fighting with him.”
They attempt to sit up. Clay somehow maneuvers their tangled limbs apart without injury to either of them. Apollo moves to stand, but Clay slings his legs across Apollo’s own before he can go anywhere.
“Hey,” Clay says, low and serious. “For real. You okay? You didn’t have any new nightmares because of all that, did you?”
Apollo winces. “...No.”
“What was that face for?”
“You’re an awful liar and you know it.” Clay frowns, concern creasing his brow. “You can tell me anything. You know that, right? You don’t have to, if you don’t want to. But I’m here for you, dude.”
“I know, space cadet. Calm down.”
“Alright, alright.”
Clay moves his legs out of the way. It’s Apollo’s turn to interrupt him before he can rise by dropping his head onto Clay’s shoulder.
“Worse than a nightmare,” he mutters.
“What? What’s worse than a nightma—oh, my God,” Clay gasps. “You had a sex dream?!”
Apollo tries to smack him. Clay catches his hand and wrestles him into a headlock.
“The most important thing to remember is that this is a normal part of puberty,” Clay says, solemnly, even as Apollo shrieks with dismay. “Every growing boy—“
“Like you could? Alright, sunshine, let’s hear it. What’s worse than a nightmare, aside from a sex dream?”
“I don’t want to tell you anymore,” Apollo says, sulkily, voice muffled by Clay’s arm.
“Come on, don’t be like that.” Clay pats his head with his free hand. Apollo grumbles some more. “Is it really that embarrassing?”
“Oh, then it’s about feelings.”
“Wh—how did you—I mean, what makes you think that?!” Real smooth, Justice. Apollo can feel the hot flush of mortification on his face.
“Honestly, dumbass, how long have we been friends? You think I don’t know how your brain works as well as you know mine?”
“That doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
“Yeah, you’re busy saving all your affection for Klav—ow! Don’t hit me!”
“Shut up! God.”
“You know you get to have a crush, right? That’s normal and okay.”
“I don’t want to have a crush,” Apollo moans, hopelessly. Clay finally releases him from the headlock so he takes the opportunity to bury his face in his hands. He hates catching feelings. He always blows it somehow. It doesn’t help that they never have these conversations anywhere less weird than the kitchen floor. “He’s my colleague. I need to be professional. Our working relationship is too important for me to fuck this up.”
“He got lonely while he was high on painkillers and called you at three AM and you’re still going on about professionalism?”
“It sounds stupid when you say it like that.”
“That’s because it is stupid.”
“Your face is stupid.”
“I’m serious, man. Like, if you wanted concrete evidence that he considers you a friend outside of your working relationship, it just got handed to you on a silver platter. There’s no way you’re the first friend he’s ever had that’s been a little into him.”
“...I guess that’s true.”
“Who knows? Maybe he’s a little into you too.”
Apollo gives him an incredulous look.
“It wouldn’t be the weirdest thing to happen to you in the last year, that’s all I’m saying! And he has an awful lot of nice things to say about you for a courtroom rival.”
“We’re not rivals,” Apollo says, mostly on automatic. Clay ruffles his hair as they clamber to their feet.
“Sure, sure. Hey, speaking of things he has to say, has he said anything to you this morning?”
“How should I know? Somebody bullied me out of bed and I left my phone behind.”
“I’ll go get it, you eat breakfast.”
Apollo finishes his croissant. After a moment, Clay tosses his phone at him.
“Do I really have to check it right now?”
“If you’re gonna be such a big baby about it, I can check it for you.”
“Ugh. No, fine, I’ll look.”
Klavier Gavin, 9:04am
hey, i just wanted to apologize for last night. i hope i didn’t scare you too badly. i remember you saying i owed you one, so let me know if you come up with a way i can apologize.
Apollo lets out the breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. Clay makes a questioning sound and a grabby hand gesture. Apollo passes his phone over, obligingly, and steals a chunk of Clay’s muffin while he reads it for himself.
“Totally normal,” Clay says. “See? It’s fine. You’re fine.”
“I’m fine,” Apollo echoes. He takes his phone back and sips absentmindedly at his iced tea as he types.
Apollo Justice, 10:38am
I’m going to change your contact name to “Teeth Theft Victim.”
How’s your mouth this morning?
Klavier Gavin, 10:39am
HF no :(
not the worst. definitely not as bad as it was last night!
i had some painkillers when i got up. mostly just feels a little weird rn
Apollo Justice, 10:41am
That sounds about right.
Klavier Gavin, 10:42am
did you get back to sleep okay?
Apollo Justice, 10:43am
Yeah, I’m fine.
Klavier Gavin, 10:43am
you’re always fine, HF ;P
Apollo Justice, 10:44am
I bet you think you’re clever.
I got plenty of sleep. Don’t worry.
Klavier Gavin, 10:45am
i am sincerely sorry though. seriously, let me know if i can make it up to you somehow
“Do I actually seem angry?” Apollo asks Clay, mystified. Clay peers over his shoulder at the message thread. “He didn’t really do anything wrong, considering his mental state at the time. I’m not trying to be brusque with him.”
“Tell him to take you out for coffee,” Clay says.
“What? Why? Where did that come from?”
Apollo Justice, 10:47am
All you have to do is not call me at 3AM saying ominous things without context again.
I know this is a terribly high bar to meet, but I have faith that you’ll rise to the occasion.
Klavier Gavin, 10:48am
you really thought i was actively dying, didn’t you?
were you actually on your way out the door?
Apollo Justice, 10:49am
I thought you had gotten roofied. Of course I was on my way out the door.
Klavier Gavin, 10:50am
my knight in shining armor ;)
“TELL HIM TO TAKE YOU OUT FOR COFFEE,” Clay yells, aggressively shaking Apollo by the shoulder. Apollo yelps and almost drops his phone.
“He’s always like this! It doesn’t mean anything!”
“Do what yourself?! Take him out for coffee?! Fine! I hope you’re very happy together!”
“God, and you mean it, too. You’re hopeless, AJ. No game at all. Give me your phone.”
Apollo Justice, 10:52am
Klavier Gavin, 10:52am
?? HF??
Apollo Justice, 10:53am
Have tio kickmny friendsd ass
Apollo does not kick Clay’s ass, because Clay has fifty pounds of muscle on him and Apollo hasn’t gotten in a real fight since he was a middle schooler, but he damn well tries. It’s the effort that counts. Maybe. Hopefully.
Apollo Justice, 11:12am
Klavier Gavin, 11:14am
Apollo Justice, 11:15am
Klavier Gavin, 11:16am
who am i speaking to??
Apollo Justice, 11:17am
Klavier Gavin, 11:18am
i’m a little worried about it
is Herr Justice okay??
Apollo Justice, 11:18am
Klavier Gavin, 11:20am
that doesn’t sound very fine
Apollo Justice, 11:21am
I am so fucking sorry.
Klavier Gavin, 11:21am
are you alright?
Apollo Justice, 11:23am
I’m fine.
I’m with a friend right now and he decided to be obnoxious.
Klavier Gavin, 11:24am
by which i suppose you
mean he stole your phone
Klavier Gavin, 11:25am
That and putting me in a headlock.
Klavier Gavin, 11:25am
Apollo Justice, 11:26am
I’m fine, honestly. We roughhouse all the time.
It’s mostly my pride that hurts.
“Bet you ten bucks he offers to kiss it better,” Clay says, slurping obnoxiously at the dregs of his iced tea. As winner’s spoils, he has retained eavesdropping privileges. Textdropping? Wiretapping? Fuck it, Apollo doesn’t know.
“He will not,” Apollo says, through gritted teeth, valiantly attempting to suppress the red-hot surge of embarrassment to his cheeks.
Klavier Gavin, 11:28am
well then, we all know you’ll survive that one :P
Apollo Justice, 11:30am
Ouch. Rub more salt in the wound, why don’t you?
“You owe me ten bucks,” Apollo announces.
“You motherfucker, you didn’t even take the bet!”
“It was implied! You would have made me give you ten dollars.”
Clay grudgingly pulls out his wallet and gives Apollo a five, three ones, and a fistful of change. He hands it over way too fast to have figured out how much the change is worth, but then Clay is actually good at numbers shit, so maybe he did. Anyway, Apollo cares more about the principle of the exchange than receiving exactly ten dollars.
Klavier Gavin, 11:31am
i prefer to think of it as a salve to help you heal faster
Apollo Justice, 11:32am
By making fun of me?
Klavier Gavin, 11:33am
by reminding u that u can pull through these hard times!
Apollo Justice, 11:34am
Klavier Gavin, 11:35am
but hey, for real. do you want to go out for coffee sometime?
“YES,” Clay hollers, victoriously. Apollo wants to curl up under the table and die of mortification.
“I can’t believe you. He thinks he has to do this because I got inconvenienced last night. This is stupid, Clay, why would you do this to us?”
“Because,” Clay says, “He flirts with you, constantly, and you’re who he calls at three AM when he’s in pain and he wants to talk to someone to distract him, and you have a crush that can be seen from space. It’s my job as your best friend.”
“It’s really not.”
“Uh-huh. Tell the nice man you’ll go out for coffee with him.”
Apollo Justice, 11:39am
You really don’t have to take me out just because of what happened last night.
Clay was being absurd.
Klavier Gavin, 11:41am
okay, sure, i understand
but do you WANT to?
Apollo Justice, 11:42am
I mean. Yeah.
If you’re sure.
Klavier Gavin, 11:43am
i’m positive :)
Apollo Justice, 11:44am
Then coffee would be cool.
“Cool,” Clay echoes. “God, AJ, you’re a mess. I love you so much. Cool, he says, when the actual rockstar asks him out on a date.”
“You bullied the rockstar into asking me on a date,” Apollo snaps, red-faced.
“I didn’t do a damn thing to him except offer a suggestion. He didn’t get put in a headlock.”
Klavier Gavin, 11:45am
Großartig! i have a meeting tomorrow afternoon, but perhaps tuesday?
Apollo Justice, 11:46am
Tuesday is fine.
What time? Where are we going?
Klavier Gavin, 11:48am
let’s say 3pm? and it’s a surprise ;)
Apollo Justice, 11:49am
I won’t be footing the bill if you drag me out to some weird, fancy upscale tea bar.
Klavier Gavin, 11:50am
nein, don’t be ridiculous. it’s my treat
“Ooh, what a gentleman!”
“Can’t you stop reading over my shoulder and let me set this up in peace now?!”
“No, I just scored you a date and you elbowed me very hard in the stomach earlier. I earned this.”
Apollo Justice, 11:52am
Does that mean it IS a weird, fancy upscale tea bar?
Klavier Gavin, 11:53am
actually it means i haven’t decided yet
Apollo Justice, 11:54am
Ah. Foolish me, then.
How am I supposed to get there if it’s a surprise?
Klavier Gavin, 11:55am
oh, you can just meet me at my office and i’ll drive us there
...unless you’re still afraid of my motorcycle? :P
Apollo Justice, 11:58am
I’m not afraid.
But you better have a second helmet.
Klavier Gavin, 12:00pm
don’t i always, Schatz?
“You go on his motorcycle?” Clay says, outraged and oblivious while Apollo can feel himself going scarlet from the roots of his hair all the way down to his collar. “This is so unfair. You’ll barely get in a car with me, and you’re terrified of motorcycles. How long did it take you to realize you like this guy again?”
Through gritted teeth, Apollo says, “You drive like you’re trying to die young, and Klavier is the only person I know who consistently follows every single traffic law to the letter.”
“Sounds like—“
“Also, we work together, and basically every time I’ve gotten a ride from him has been to or from case-relevant locations.”
“—Like excuses to me. What does Schatz mean, anyway?”
“I don’t know,” Apollo lies. Clay’s eyebrows shoot up to his hairline. He’s not that oblivious, then.
Apollo Justice, 12:04pm
I guess so.
Klavier Gavin, 12:05pm
so tuesday at 3pm, meeting at my office, then?
Apollo Justice, 12:06pm
Works for me.
I have to go, I’m supposed to be hanging out with Clay today. But I’ll see you Tuesday?
Klavier Gavin, 12:09pm
tuesday it is! i can’t wait to see you ;)
and tell your friend i said danke, ja?
Apollo Justice, 12:11pm
Thanks, he wasn’t already being insufferable enough.
“Oh I’m the fucking best,” Clay says, gleefully. Apollo tries to hide a smile, but it’s pointless. Clay has already thrown an arm around his shoulders to squeeze him in a tight side-hug. “Who is the best friend in the whole wide world who probably just got you laid?”
“Remember this when I’m done with my mission and I have time to date again, okay? I expect equally enthusiastic wing-manning from you.”
“You have literally never needed me to wingman for you,” Apollo says, with fond exasperation. “Besides, what happened to that alien boyfriend you keep insisting you’ll come back with?”
“Well, maybe he’ll only be my alien work-friend when I come back, and I’ll need my dear friend to help me push past my misconceptions about professionalism to find true love.”
“Good grief,” Apollo says, as the blush that had been steadily dying down on his face flares back to life. “True love? It’s one coffee date. Slow it on down.”
Clay opens his mouth, probably with the intent to say more wild shit about Apollo’s upcoming date (a date! With Klavier! Is Apollo still in a weird exhaustion-induced feelings dream?), so Apollo hurriedly jumps in to say, “So how did you want to spend your day off? Video games? Movies?”
“I want to kick your ass at Smash Bros,” Clay says.
“I think we can arrange that.”
“Almost as easily as we just arranged—“
“Pushing your luck, Terran.”
“I learned that from the very best,” Clay says, nudging Apollo’s shoulder with his own with a fond grin. Apollo can’t help but smile back.
“I guess you did.”
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jyunshiim · 4 years
𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗅𝗈𝗋𝗇; 𝗋𝖾𝗃𝖾𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 𝗇𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝖺𝗌𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗌𝗈 𝗀𝗈𝗈𝖽༆
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Genre and themes: hanahaki!au | unrequited love | fictional themes | unwanted love | college!au | fem! reader X Hendery | fem! X Xiaojun |
TW:  blood
Listen to:  Moonrise by Day6  | 4am playlist
➪  You wait patiently. Quarter to 7am is when you leave your mellow apartment, that you rent out, to get to your university. It was a 1 long, boresome train ride to get to Seoul University; you studied incredibly hard just to pass the entrance exams so you were always determined to be on time and not miss a day. not even one. The sun was rising, setting the city aglow and despite just being past dawn, people were bustling around in the university already, grabbing coffee from the local cafe or a sweet treat they craved that morning from the nearby patisserie for their breakfast. Seoul was absolutely magical.
8:10am: You had an early Biology lecture that morning and you barely had time to grab something energising, not even an energy drink but it was common for you to miss breakfast for the first 3 hours. The air was light and comfortable enough to walk to classes. In summer, there were clusters  of sweaty students scattered on the verdant greenery of the school making it very hard to walk through. The hallways were incommodious and it was impossible to walk through without feeling the heat and stickiness of everyone skin brushing against yours and the pungent aroma of sweat. The lecturer was already in the room and a few students were dispersed around waiting for the lecture to start.You went and sat at the seat you always sit at -since first year university -and you put your belongings down on the desk and got out your textbook, small white pencil case and your apricot coloured, spiral spined notebook which you just purchased last week. you clear your throat quietly and put a strand of you dark hair behind your ear before you scroll through your phone to pass the last 10 minutes of waiting time, replying to messages from your best friends.
Coffee club-
You had a group chat with your friends; Sicheng, Hanna, Minseo, and Xiaojun. Xiaojun always treated you so politely since you were kids.you both went to the same high school and you were always seen as a cutesy couple but you both weren’t, of course.You guys were close but never shared any romantic feelings for each other, at least you didn’t. They were talking about meeting at ‘Kangmin’s Koffee’ after University; The cafe had always been a place where you all hung out after uni and shared what happened in the day over coffee. Of course you’d say yes because you love your friends so much. 
After university, you packed up your textbooks and walked out of the lecture room sighing at your study schedule. You would notice students waiting outside the room and one of them was familiar to you,perhpas because you’ve seen him around with Sicheng and his friend Yangyang – but never actually knew his name. You signed out swiftly and walked out of campus and took a right and to the dainty little cafe cafe adorned with pink blossoming flowers and wooden chairs and tables.The cafe was opposite this beautiful florist that captivated all the local people. The flowers were always fresh and almost had a nostalgic sense to it. you just wished someone would surprise you with a bouquet but that was impossible since you never had time for relationships. Sicheng scooted up next to Xiaojun and the waitress brough over the 5 coffees that they ordered before you came. “i know you like hazelnut coffee with extra ice so thats what i ordered you,” Xiaojun smiled playfully giving a gentle nudge. You took a sip of the coffee and indulged in the saccharine coffee, the flavours mingling with one another, the caffeine flowing through your bloodstream. It was heavenly to you and only Xiaojun knew you had such a sweet tooth.
“ew stop acting like a couple,” Minseo spoke in her soft gentle voice covering her eyes jokily. 
“we are not dating!” you giggle and push him away and he sits and smiles at you endearingly. 
“you both look like you wanna eat each others face,” Sicheng teases and jokes with Xiaojun and Xiaojun gets defensive.
“I DONT,” his cheeks flare up a blazing red. He gets flustered and you all laugh but you comfort him. The atmosphere was entrancing, the laughter of you and your friends echoing down the bustling streets and the last bit of warmth fading into horizon along with the sunshine. September was one of your favourite months for this exact reason. Xiaojun always walked you to the train station before vanishing as soon as you board and go on your way. 
You walk into your dorm. The fragrant rose scented room invited you to your cosy apartment, the white fluffy rug between your toes making you feel as if you were  on a cloud, the warm fair luminescent lights hung from the ceiling giving the room a relaxing atmosphere. You sigh and sink into your mattress curling up into a ball but the chime of your phone alerted you. As you looked down at the bright screen, you drag down to see the notification. Of course it was Xiaojun.  
Xiaojun: hey, get home safe?
YN: yeah i got home okay, quicker than usual to be honest
Xiaojun: okay good! what you doing now?
YN: Probably going to make dinner now, how about you? you better not be playing games again and forgetting to eat:/ make sure you eat okay
you sounded like you care too much about every aspect but it’s fine you’re just friends, you didn’t want him to get the wrong idea.....
Xiaojun: yea i will, i’m studying for my Korean writing exam it’s so hard :<
YN: you’ll do well, i promise you :< ily
Xiaojun: you too! and thanks yn i know you will always give me the support 
Xiaojun offline
University was normal for the past month but as October came around, you felt this wave of motivation flood you. You wanted to change something or do something nice for yourself.  A cool halcyon autumns afternoon you and your friends met again at the cafe. It was a lot breezier outside than the last month; the sky was a painted an orangey pink hue and the street lamps illuminating the streets already. Whilst walking 20 minutes earlier to the usual spot, a thought sparked in your mind. You thought to get yourself some flowers for you apartment to fit with the autumnal theme. The glass door opens and the tingling chimes sound throughout the store and a worker gets behind the counter.The various fresh floral scents wafted past you; roses, lilies, gypsophilias and other various flowers and plants. You look around to see what variety there is and what you want for your bouquet-
“hey do you need any help,” a worker speaks to you. 
“i was wondering if i could get a combination of the pink roses and the gypsophilias?” You ask before whipping your head around to see a young boy, the same age as you you presumed and you paused examining his face. where have you seen him?
“wait, do you go to Seoul Uni?” you say with a sweet smile 
The boy smiles and you notice his little flower brooch; Hendery. “yeah i do, I major in Media production,”
“ohh yeaa you’re in my lecture room after my Bio lecture,” you recognised him, you just never knew his name.
His dark umber hair was floppy, perfectly waved in a way which framed his facial structure. As you looked at him making eye contact out of politeness you couldn't help but notice his glossy coffee orbs and the way he smiled so.. softly. It reminded you of Xiaojun. 
“ohh yeah,” he lets out a weak chuckle, “so roses and gypsophilias?” he begins to pick them up and take them to the table for the other worker to arrange them for you. 
“Yes please Hendery, thank you,” you smile and go to the counter to pay for them. Of course Hendery is taking your payment. As you hand your card, his fingertips brushed against your soft skin and you retreat, panicked. He moves his eyes to meet with your and you divert your vision to none other than your phone. “Here’s your card,” he slides it across the table to avoid the contact and smiles whilst returning a small bow too. He looks up and smiles again. “ your flowers will take around 20 minutes to be arrange and packaged would you be able to pick it up soon?” he asks following store rules and protocol of course... right?
“oh yes i’m at the cafe opposite with a few of my friends so i should be able to get them!” You smile and nod your head
“ahh okay! i hope to see you soon,” 
As you turn around and leave and go to the cafe opposite you can see him through the shop window mindlessly staring out of the window. You wave at him and he gives a shy one back. “yn! where’s our coffee?” Sicheng asks as he jogs over with Hanna and Minseo walking close behind him.
“oh i-” you stuttered
“she was on a secret date with someone, what’s that i smell? a new perfume,” Minseo teases
“nahh it’s definitely for Xiaojun, where is he anyway?” Hanna turns around and sees him running, holding his bag to his chest. 
“s-sorry for being late,” he pants his ebony hair messy.
“why is your hair messy?” you ask fixing his hair as he sits down “ it looks cute, right guys,”
They all agree in unison and Xiaojun chuckles, “ thanks guys,”
As minutes went on, they turned to an hour. You completely forgot to pick up your flowers but you still didn’t recall until you heard rustling and a throat clear from the left of you. The group stopped talking. “uh um hey, we’re closing up now and-” he puts the flowers into your hands. “see you around,” he smiles and head off. You looked at him on his motocycle driving off and you looked back at the group smiling and whispering.
“Its not what you think!” 
You friends look at you and then back at each other. “soo are you guys a thing or can i have him?” Hanna asks jokily
“NO I mean YEA I-” you try to think straight, this was really embarrassing “yeah do whatever he just happens to go to our university and works at the florist where i went to get some flowers for myself” – they all in unison said ‘ahh’.
Hendery became more talkative with you in university and as time went on you both became good friends. Hendery’s tender smile greeted you almost everyday and it was clear to see his shy barrier he had was slowly melting away to reveal his extroverted personality. Hendery was like a star beaming in a stygian night sky and his bouncy energy like a puppy waiting for a treat. Hendery had such a sweet winsome personality and you were happier than happy to be friends with him. One evening after University Hendery saw you outside waiting at the bus stop since you were on your way to meet the others at a Korean BBQ restaurant. It was colder and ever so dismal but as he walked next to you he greeted you and noticed that you were cold. “ You seem cold?” he tilts his head his soft locks being pushed back with his warm-skinned fingertips. “oh yeah well I’m a little dumb and i forgot to get a scarf or gloves. I didnt really know it’d be so cold today,” you let out a weak chuckle before rubbing your frostbitten hands trying to accumulate the body heat you had left. “Hey yn,” Hendery puts his hand on your shoulder and you feel a sudden warmth immersing you “take these,” he hands you his leather gloves “also are you sure you don’t want a lift to wherever you’re going? the buses are really full,” he informs you. You think a little bit. He has a motorcycle, you have to hold him. What will Xiaojun or the others think? You decided to take the offer. “if you don’t mind and if you’re free please join me in our meal!” you smile was gleaming and perfect. In his eyes.
You sit behind him and he hands you his helmet. “where’s yours?” you ask concerned. “oh don’t worry you wont be the cause of my death,” he jokes around “it’s not too far so we should be okay yn, hold tight okay,” he advised you. Your hands wrap gently around his waist and you felt butterflies in your stomach. Xiaojun hugged you and often playfully threw you onto the trampoline at his house when everyone was around and you were slightly tipsy. You felt a small pang in your chest. Rapidly, Hendery went from 0-60mph, zooming through the streets of Seoul. The city made you feel like you were in a movie scene running away with your true love, only right now it was a friend of yours taking you to the korean bbq place. The sun disappears and the moon replaces the suns place. The glowing orb in the sky illuminated the streets and reflected off the shop windows. It was peaceful, so serene. The abrupt stop meant that you arrived, your face slamming into Hendery’s back which made you move back quickly. “ yn, you alright there,” he smiles and lets out a little chuckle. You stutter slightly trying to pull the helmet off not knowing how you even got it on. 
“wait that’s not how you take it off,” he inches closer and gets to the twisted clip that got stuck to your necklace. He untwists the necklace being ever so careful and precise. You knew for a fact your friends could see you and this ‘mysterious’ guy outside standing only inches away from each others face. This only made you think... is this how people kiss? You felt his finger lift your chin up so he could see the buckle. “ahh i see the problem,” he smiles seeing the issue. The silver chain was jammed in the buckle and Hendery was gentle with you. This was NOT what you had planned. “AH! got it, you okay?” he asks you handing the helmet on his bike. “yeah i’m okay, thank you,” you gulp and he opens the door for you and your friends all exclaimed at the fact you finally arrived. You and Hendery both sit at the table; “ohh hey Hendery i didnt know would come too?” Sicheng fist bumps him and pours him a soju shot. “ I can’t drink, i’m gonna have to drive home,” he points at his ride outside and a subltle smile paints across his face. It was a little awkward, especially because of Hanna and Minseo since they didn’t know how to keep anything lowkey. Xiaojun always put extra beef on your plate and the girls kept teasing him. “hey, shes my best friend of course i’ll give her extra?” Xiaojun chuckle and nudges Minseo. “then why don’t you act like that with me?” Minseo pouts jokily and Xiaojun sarcastically rolls his eyes “okay Miss Kim Minseo, here is your beef and an extra bit of kimchi too” Xiaojun placed it on her plate and then of course Sicheng was joking around too pretending to be the girls mocking them playfully. To you, you looked at Minseo and Xiaojun and they...looked cute together. Besides your thirsty friends and the random pit in your stomach, the atmosphere felt euphoric; drinking soju, eating luscious  flavoursome food, talking and joking around with the people who you love the most. You sit and go for the water jug at the same time as Hendery and your hands collide again. why does this keep happening? You withdraw your hand away from it so he can pour himself a glass of water. “shall I?” he says holding the clear glass jug hovering over your glass and you just nod. 11:36pm. The restaurant was closing and everyone was en route home.
 The onyx night sky coruscated as the heavenly bodies gleamed, the solitary moon illuminating the street you stood on along with Sicheng, Minseo, Hanna, Xiaojun and of course Hendery. “Lucas should be here soon,” Sicheng says to Xiaojun as he looks at his phone and then loking back up to the road. You all waited for each other to go home so everyone was safe especially during this time of night. “How are you getting home yn?” Xiaojun asked. You stopped bretahing for a split second, “umm i’m not too sure? I can take a night train,” you say looking for your train card. You scavenge through your purse to look for it but it wasn’t there. The paleness took over your face and you looked up in panic; “ I don’t know where my train card went?” Xiaojun looked at you and put his hands on your shoulders, “ hey, it’s okay you can probably take a taxi home or even stay with Hanna and Minseo?” you thought about that but in fact you couldn’t since the girls had a small dorm within the campus which was only enough for 2 people and there was no space for an extra person. “It’s fine, I’ll find a way home” you say a little downhearted. “If you don’t mind I can drop you home,” Hendery broke the silence, grinding the floor with his heel. Everyone glance at him as if he were some sort of hero and you were the damsel in distress needing saving - but you knew that you lived too far and this was a reason why you’d only hang out after classes. “Hendery to the rescue,” Xiaojun and Sicheng praise him (as boys do) “ We trust Hendery, he’s a safe driver,” they reassure you but all you could do is give a weak smile back and move towards the motorcycle. As he hits on, he passes you the helmet and you decline the offer, “you’re the driver, you need it more?” you insist, concerned about his safety. “yn, trust me, nothing will happen to me,” You hesitate but take it and put it on your head and sit behind him. Your arms wrap around him again and Hendery takes a deep breathe, closes his eyes for a second and smiles to himself. He starts the vehicle. “i’ll see you guys on Monday!” You say to the others, looking at Xiaojun. 
Hendery drove down the incandescent streets of Seoul. Your fingertips fiddled with each other but they also rested on his stomach, the warmth of his body warmed you up on this cold journey home. For a little while, to have a break from straining your eyes, you closed them but your head unexpectedly rested in  his back and Hendery’s head twitched as if he was going to turn around but he couldn’t. It was soon after midnight when Hendery arrived to your apartment complex and you felt the hasty breaks. “you’re home yn,” he says and you shake your head blinking to see your home. “ thank you Hendery, thank your for joining me for our meal i hope it was enjoyable for you,” you say handing him his helmet back and stood on the pavement. “It’s okay, anytime honestly,” he smiles - so pure. so innocent. “maybe we should get a coffee together sometime,” he blurts out unexpectedly which came to you as a shock. “of course! you don’t have my number so you?” you ask him and he shakes his head. you both exchanged numbers and you knew that he would become a part of the coffee club...
A seed has been sown – A flower grows when it has been sown deep in the ground and eventually grows roots, a stem and blossoms into something beautiful. Beautiful things have evil outcomes.
You and Hendery started talking more over text and even call and of course sometimes there would be group facetimes where he would be included too. It felt amazing to have such great people and friends who were there for you although you couldn’t help but notice one thing. Xiaojun. One evening as you were cooking on facetime, you noticed Xiaojun texting someone on his phone, smiling, but not the kind where he found something funny. The smile where someone makes your heart flutter, like it’s on a million candy floss clouds floating to - well- who knows? You didn’t want to poke your nose in his private life but since you were kids, you told each other everything? whether it was embarrassing or not like the one time you fell in a puddle because you were too scared of a bee. 
“hey Xiaojun,” you say as you go closer to the webcam “why you so smiley for?” you sounded a little passive aggressive but you didn't mean to.
 “Just talking to someone,” he smiles but that’s all he says and your friends notice.
 “Hey yn, wanna go to the new boba themed cafe tomorrow?” Hendery asks 
 Sicheng gasps “OIOI let me come as well,” he says. 
Hanna frowns “ I have a Liberal arts examination tomorrow after uni, I can’t go but i hope you have fun! i’ll go next time,” she smiles. 
“how about you Minseo? are you free tomorrow too?” Sicheng asks whilst tackling his puppy that was trying to eat his phone.
“I have to help my mother.. with groceries” she nods with her sweet smile.
“what ‘bout you,” Sicheng tries to get Xiaojun’s attention
“o- OH me, I cant tomorrow sorry~” 
You had to go offline. You declined the call without notifying that you’re going offline.
That night as you sat on your phone on your chat with Xiaojun wanting to rant to him you stopped and deleted the message and slammed your phone down on your bed. Your chest hurt really bad, was it your asthma acting up again? You try to sit up and search for your pump in the bed side table where you put all your medication for easy access although when you used it, it didn’t work. Maybe you were just exhausted so you needed to sleep. Your phone chimes, it was Hendery:
Hendery: Hey, you alright? you seemed off on facetime and then left
YN: not really... 
should you lie?
YN: just going through a stressful time
HENDERY: do you wanna talk about it? i’m here to listen to you
YN: thank you but i’m not feeling well right now and i was half way through making dinner and i just can’t be bothered to continue. I wasted so much.... 
HENDERY: if you want i can help you out? I know Hanna has to study, idk about Minseo, Xiaojun has guitar practice now and Sicheng has dance rehearsals 
YN: thats what they said after i left right?
HENDERY: yea and I’m free so
YN: I mean if you want i dont wanna force you
HENDERY: anything for a friend
The fact that a new friend care about you more than your best friend who you knew since preschool
HENDERY: I’ll be there in around half an hour what’s your house number?
YN: ahh okay, I can pick you up from downstairs 
HENDERY: okay that’s fine :D
Hendery offline.
That evening when Hendery arrived, he brought extra snacks and ice cream as well as soju. “H-” you were cut off by him. “I know you like soju so let loose a little” he smiles “you didn’t need to buy me so much?” you exclaim. He goes over to your hob to see that you’re making cheesy tteokbokki with some ramen and were also half way through making a kimbap. “Easy meal, i can make this” he continues from where you stopped from. You kept looking at your phone to see if you got any notifications.. none. But you tried to forget about ti since Hendery was here to keep you company and you had someone to eat with. You felt suffocated so you opened your window a little to ventilate your apartment and you took a pump of your asthma pump and assisted Hendery with the food. The aura was serene and everything felt bright as if the stars had lowered themselves for you tonight. The food had been plated and the drinks were poured into glasses and you both sat on the couch facing the tv watching a show. “how you feeling?” he asks. You noticed that he asks you that quite often? why? “A little, you’re a good chef!” You compliment him and as you do you see his rather charming face glow up. Your phone chimed and you reached over for it and see the notification; “who is it?” Hendery asks, curious if it’s one of the others. “Oh, it’s just Xiaojun I don’t know what he wants right now,” you unlock your phone and read the message;
You felt your stomach spiralling viciously. were you about to throw up? Your chest began to hurt with affliction. 
YN: nothing hbu
XIAOJUN: I was talking
YN: to?
XIAOJUN: a friend of mine
YN: since when were you so interested in this friend that you’d ignore us on face time
You could feel it was getting harder to breathe and your cheeks were burning up red. “hey yn, you’re going red? easy slowly you might choke,”he coughed 
XIAOJUN: why are you so passive aggressive? if i’m annoying you i can go
YN: and talk to this friend, okay
YN: nothing, I’ll go back to hanging out with Hendery, at least he cares.
XIAOJUN: you’re with Hendery!! Since when were you and him a thing! I’m happy for you :D
YN: we’re fucking not. he’s my friend... it’s a shame how my childhood best friend doesn’t give a fuck about me
yn is offline.
XIAOJUN: yn? what? what happened what did i do
XIAOJUN: lets talk this out
XIAOJUN: hello? come back online, i do care.
XIAOJUN: yn...
xiaojun is offline.
You threw your phone on the floor and got up leaving your food on the table and going to the bathroom. Quickly you knelt down at the toilet bowl and your stomach heaved what you just ate and not only that a bunch of water. It wasn’t bile, you knew what bile was but this was pure water that exited your body. You began to get chestier coughs and in this time Hendery knocked on the door. “ yn, you don’t sound well, do you want me to help you? can i come in?” Thats exactly how Xiaojun would speak to you and how much he cared for you. Your night was crashing down on you like an asteroid destroying everything that night. Hendery opened the door and saw you dangling over the toilet bowl having difficulties breathing and your cheeks tear stained. “oh my god, yn-” he rushes to get to you and tries to pick you up but your mind was a mess and your previous memories disrupted the present. “XIAOJUN GO AWAY!”
“Hey, yn... I’m not xiaojun I’m Hendery” he says gently trying to solace you. He was understanding and heartfelt. He had all the qualities that Xiaojun has to make a perfect best friend. Eventually you got to your bed with Hendery’s help and he cleaned the apartment up for you. He went into the bathroom and you heard the tap running but even closer he was heaving too? Maybe it was the cheese? who knew.. “ hey yn, if you need me you’re free to call or message me anytime okay,” thats what Xiaojun said too once. You nod and he leaves the apartment until the next day. 
The growth of roots 11:43am: You had your early morning lectures and you sat on the University steps on your phone since.
MINSEO: hey where are you?
HANNA: library studying :/ hbu
MINSEO: looking for Xiaojun
MINSEO: and yn + sicheng
HANNAH: ohh okay, Hendery?
MINSEO: ohh yeah i forgot about him 
HANNA: where’s yn?
MINSEO: idk??
XIAOJUN: you lot spam, i’m coming out from the back entrance, i’ll be there
*seen by yn*
XIAOJUN: i see you lurking yn
YN: okay
XIAOJUN: aren’t you meeting with your boyfriend
MINSEO: boyfriend???
YN: Hendery is not my boyfriend, can you fucking not :)
yn has turned off her activity status...
Xiaojun taps your shoulder and smiles at you profoundly and offers you a hand to help you up. “what are you doing here alone?” Xiaojun asks despite you going off at him. “i dont know i wanted to be alone?” you scoff as subtle as you could. “ well Xiaojun is here now,” he says as he wraps his arm around your waist but it felt different.. to you at least. His flawless smile made you forget why you were mad at him in the first place; as you begin to walk your phone chimes.
HENDERY: hey where are you? I’m waiting at your bus stop :D
YN: i’ll be there soon sorry for making you wait
HENDERY:  it’s okay :D x
As you got to the main road, Xiaojun still had his arm around and Hendery called your name from afar but as he saw you both his smile dropped into a frown. Did you plan something without telling him to stitch him up? You writhe out of Xiaojun’s arms but he grabbed your arm. “where you doing?” he pouted and that was it. “w-with Hendery,” you gulped but your skin felt as if it were on flames and your lungs were clogged? you brought your asthma pump today too just incase. “oh yeah, he’s taking you out,” Xiaojun nods “ Have fun,” he suddenly drops your arm. You walk to Hendery not wanting to look back but Hendery saw what he saw and he didn’t want to say it....yet. That afternoon the boba shop with Hendery was diverting, it was a shame that it was just you two though... 
9:21PM: you sit at your dining table and scroll through your phone before you see a photo of Xiaojun on your feed but you thought nothing of it and scrolled past it. A painful knot began to grow within your lungs? what was this pain? You didn’t know what it was but the pain was just unbearable. It was difficult for you to breathe but you used your asthma pump but it didnt work this time so you ran to the bathroom again and your couldn’t help but throw up again but this time it was strange? There were red petals and leaves and peculiar vine looking things which startled you and couldn’t stop. The feeling was worse than last time, this time is felt tighter; there was was no scientific meaning behind this. You sat against the bathroom wall and pondered who you should tell? Maybe you’d keep it to yourself since no one would believe you right and claim that you’re making it up for attention, at least you hope they wouldn’t think that. You help your phone between your trembling hands, you were terrified. Coughing was painful; it was as if tiny thorns impaled you lungs and tight vines and roots were wrapping around it more and more every day. The question is, why? The whole night you sat in your apartment alone and agony. Help me. 
Your mind echoed with theories and conspiracies, were you a mutant? a glitch? or was this all a dream. The December Christmas festival was a big thing in Seoul so everything was decorated in red, white and green with snowflakes and mistletoes hidden around the street where the Cafe was. The tinsel glistened in the fairy lights swathed the tall street lamps as well as the shop windows. It was  Christmas day the following week and your friends organised a small Christmas party just amongst you and your friends and they decided to book a Karaoke room and then go to your apartment since you were the only one who lived alone. “what do you think yn? are you okay with the idea?” Minseo asks her pretty dusty pink lips pouting at you. She looked twice as pretty today; her hair was loosely curled, her eyes glittering soft pink and champagne, her lips a dusty pink and her clothing all neat and pretty. “yeah, that’s fine” you nod looking down and feel you coughing start up again covering your mouth “ excuse me..” you blurt out before running to the bathroom and locking yourself in a stall. “what happened?” Hanna asked confused and concerned “should we go to check on her?”. “I think she’s feeling unwell but we can go,” Minseo adds on and Hanna immediately gets up. Meanwhile, whilst you were coughing up blood, petals and full flower buds excruciatingly your phone chimes. 
XIAOJUN: hey, are u at the cafe with Minseo and Hanna? Sicheng and I are around the corner.
you ignored it since your excruciating pain didn't allow you to respond to him. Your eyes tear up smudging your eyeliner and staining your cheeks. Once you felt okay enough to leave, you fix your makeup and open the bathroom door. Opposite was the mens bathroom and you saw Hendery walk out too, brushing his thumb over the corner of his lip. “are you okay?” he asks looking at you noticing you were crying. “ i’m fine, just don’t feel well,” you lie “ your eyes are red? are you okay?” you ask him. There was a short silence. “just choked....on a hazelnut,” he responded. You knew he was lying but he knew you were too. December 24th 5pm the group met at the karaoke bar and went into the room they booked. It reminded you of your first year at university when it was just you and the girls; it was the first time you got drunk and had to crash at Hanna’s mothers house (of course she stayed with you). You all sat around the table and you were wedged between Xiaojun and Hendery. Great. Hanna and Sicheng picked a song and of course it was Girl Generation, Hanna’s favourite. You sat there next to Hendery and Xiaojun and Hendery tapped your shoulder to break you out of your dazed state. He slid a small shot glass across the table and you took it before choking on the pungent alcohol. “WOAH WOAH slow down yn, you normally never drink this quick or like this,” Xiaojun takes the shot glass from you. “and people change best friend,” you shrug his arm that sat on your shoulders off “ Hendery, please can you pour me an-” before your coughing began acting up again although this time you couldn’t run out since you were stuck between them; you felt liquid rise up your throat and thats when everything was out of your control and you coughed up blood, water buds and petals again and everyone gasped in shock and horror! “y-yn...” Xiaojun, Hanna and Minseo stopped and stared at you whilst you were trying to get rid of the flowers and buds. Hendery however put his arm around you and covered you and whispered something to you...
“hey, breathe slowly, it’s okay..” his mellifluous tone calming you.
“should we give you some space?” Xiaojun asks as he moves to sit next to Minseo and gave you and Hendery some space. Your heart ached and you closed your eyes and leaned into Hendery’s chest and he let out a small gasp. Hanna and Sicheng were back to the karaoke so the terrible singing, except Sicheng, drowned out the intrusive thoughts. Hendery hesitated putting his arms around you to form a hug, but he did anyway and comforted you. Around 7:30pm it was time to go to your apartment for the gift exchange for the secret santa you all organised. You had Xiaojun. oh the luck. Recently he hasn’t been acting the same and a pit fell in your stomach. You all sat in a circle. You sat next to Sicheng and Hendery this time. Xiaojun sat next to Hendery and Minseo. Sicheng gave his give to Minseo which was a fluffy pink purse like bag she had been wanting for months now and her face began to glow, the lights doing her all the justice. She was just... ethereal. you compared yourself to her a lot. “OMG Sicheng thank you so much I’ve been wanting this for so long” and hugged him. Next it was Hanna to Hendery; he unwrapped the gift and it was a silver plated rose pin. “ I didn’t know what to get but you work at a florist and seem to like flowers a lot,” She let out a soft chuckle. “ Its great! thank you!”. Minseo got Sicheng and got him a silver ring which looked rather expensive. You hesitated to give your gift to Xiaojun. You bought him a pair of shoes he has been wanting for a while and you wrote in your card;
‘ I hope we can step we can walk through everything together and not miss a single milestone.’
He smiles at the card - “ me too, let’s be friends even after we’re married,” but you know what he meant by that. Lastly it was Hendery. He gifted you a jewellery set which were little daisies made of silver as well as a little note inside 
‘ You look absolutely beautiful in silver, I hope you wear these and think of me, Hendery x’
“Thank you so much Hendery I love them so much!” You smiled at the gift. 
That evening as everyone drank hot drinks and played games together, you noticed something. Something about yourself. A deep desire that had been whirling in you mind and heart for the longest time had finally arisen and you decided that it was true. You look at him. His ebony locks neatly sitting over his forehead, his guitar bag on his back, his pearly white smile- everything about him. But he’s your best friend? you cant fall for him. This is what your heart was striking itself over and over again; your own best friend and your forbidden feelings for him. It all made sense. Whenever your eyes collided it felt like a million fireworks exploding into the sea of darkness, illuminating the void in your vacant heart making it feel vivacious. Your emptiness felt revived whenever he touched you, or your stomach would flutter when he would speak to you; his mellifluous voice echoing in your ears. That was it. You were completely in love with Xiaojun. It made sense after all these years you would grow such strong emotions for him and it was obvious now that you liked him. Perhaps he had the same feelings for you too since thats how he would act around you with all the holding and intimacy between you both and how he would care about you so much. You were certain of it. As you thought to yourself whilst in a room amongst your buoyant friends, you thought that perhaps you could confess to him. Now? okay maybe not now... maybe ask him to hang out after Christmas day? it was the best option. Eventually, as it hit 4am, everyone dozed off on the floor, couch and armchair. Xiaojun was curled up on one side of the couch, his arms hugging a cushion of yours and Sicheng on the other side. Hanna slept on the arm chair, Minseo slept against the sofa and Hendery slept on one side of your bed. Everywhere was occupied and you had no choice but to use the unoccupied space on your bed but it was fine he was your best friend so it was normal; you did this with Xiaojun and the girls multiple times.
You waited a while until New Years Eve to do what you have been planning for the remaining time that was left between Christmas and NYE. There was a firework display that was over the Han river and you and your friends went to see it. It was colder during the night time so you wrapped up warm and everyone was so effervescent and laughed together drinking sparkling Champagne or Prosecco. You stood next to Xiaojun and tapped his shoulder however he was too focused on the drink and on someone else talking to him. It wasn’t easy to hear each other since people were bustling around from town to the river. “Xiaojun!” you shout so he can hear you and he turns around smiling, his cheeks flushed a light pink. Everything seemed... different. He was glowing, his lips were a blushing pink, his skin like smooth glass. Everything had seemed to have enhanced? “I want to tell you something,” you say to him, a knot forming at your throat and you struggle to gulp your nerves. “ What is it?” he asks you lowering himself so he can hear you. His face was only inches away from your face and you wanted to do it, you really wanted to but you waited until 12am. “I’ll tell you after t-the countdown,” you stutter. He nods in confirmation and goes back to the group. Hendery talks and smiles with Sicheng but there was a fragment of pain and suffering in his eyes and you could tell when someone was hurting from a distance. He asked Sicheng to hold his drink before he went elsewhere.. did you want to follow him and ask hi if he’s okay or should you wait and tell Xiaojun how you felt. You chose him instead...
There was 1 minute left. You waited for the countdown. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.
You look for Xiaojun since he wandered off closer to the front of the river. You run through the crowd of people but stop. Everything darkens. You feel empty. It felt like you feel out of heaven and everything was taken away from you. The heavenly passion, the sweet intentions you had vanished; Destroyed into an abyss of torment and pain. You felt the tear of you heart. I’m sorry. you tell yourself. You wish you didn’t have to witness what you did but.. well.. you did. 
Xiaojun stood there smiling ear to ear. The smile was sweet but you never saw him smile with so much admiration and love in his gaze before. You froze and watched what was happening, the pain in your heart only getting increasing worse and worse restricting you from breathing more. You see the girl he was looking at and it was none other than Minseo... His blushed lips pressed against her peachy toned lips, Minseo tip toeing to reach him and put her arms around his neck. He lifted her by the waist and the both giggled into each others kisses. You had it. You couldn’t do it anymore. Maybe it was time for this to all stop once and for all. Xiaojun comes up to you and sits beside you. “hey yn, what were you doing to tell me earlier?” he asks tilting his head back so his locks were pushed back from his face. “oh,” you pause. What else do you have to lose? “X-Xiaojun...” you stutter and he nods. “I-I loved you,”
Your heart stopped. It skipped a beat.
“huh?” he asks “you love me,” he chuckles “I’m glad you had the courage to tell me that yn but-” he gulps and smiles again “I love someone else...”
You didn’t know what to say but your tears took over. Hendery wandered around looking for you and saw you sobbing and Xiaojun not knowing what to do. He runs up to you; “ Yn? hey you okay, whats wrong,”. You didnt speak but just cried. “why is she crying?” Hendery asks Xiaojun concerned. “ I told her I love someone else... I didn’t know she liked me” Hendery stopped whilst holding you. “she liked you?” – rejection never tasted so good.. right
Now there were thunderstorms within Hendery’s mind and heart as well as yours.
Everything went black. 
You woke up. The bright light blinded you and you blinked hard to see where you were but the pain in your chest was.... gone. “how long has it been?” you ask a nurse in the room. “hmm 4 days,” You were shocked. “did i get surgery?” you ask. “ yes there was a peculiar blockage in your lungs and we had to remove them,”
You were pain free.
“ someones here to pick you up though,” The doors open to Hendery and Xiaojun. “Hey how are you now,” Xiaojun asks “I’m sorry about New Years, It’s just me and Minseo hung out once and there was this feeling i never had, i’m sorry i lead you on”
you thought for a bit. “I never liked you like that? I didn’t romantic feelings for you,” Hendery turns around and nods but leaves. “i’ll be back,”
“but you told me last night you did? i’m confused,” Xiaojun thinks
“oh, well i don’t,” You shrug
Hendery comes back and tells you both that it’s time for your discharge.
Months pass as everything is back to normal except one day. 
It was a refreshing spring day, the blossoming flowers glided through the spring breeze as the sun light cascades onto the viridescent greenery. You sit outside and always waited for your friends and always complimented how Xiaojun and Minseo looked, despite the memory that had been removed from your heart and mind. Hendery gave Xiaojun a small box and a card to give to you on your birthday; “ make sure she gets these on her birthday,” he tells him “i’ll be out of town for a while....” he lied but Xiaojun didn’t know but agreed to do what he asked. But as days went by a member of your friendship group vanished. Where did Hendery go? 
One evening, you received a small box and a card with it on your birthday. 
“ To my one love YN,
Since the second year of university when i first laid eyes on you I couldn’t control my feelings for you. You swept me away. I’m sorry I couldn’t spend your birthday with you but i had something i had to take care of. I have something important to tell you and that is you did love Xiaojun and whatever pain you felt was something i felt too.... for you. But getting the buds, vines and thorns removed it also made you lose all romantic feelings. Im sorry but I couldn’t see you in pain anymore. But i’ll be back... and hopefully my feelings wont get in the way anymore. 
The silver rose was placed in the box. Hendery loved you? A rush of guilt and sadness flood through out you and now you were worried about him. He was in more pain than you were but he was strong and endured it just to make you happy. Because despite him being in pain, your happiness made him feel at ease. You called, messaged, you did everything you could. No answer at all. He disappeared. No sign of him at all and all you have left is a silver rose..
Where did Hendery go? 
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uno-reverse-fic · 4 years
Part 2 Chapter 4
You woke up the next day with renewed energy, having gotten a surprisingly good night's sleep for the past few days. You rushed around your room, getting dressed and gathering a bag with your phone and money. You slipped on your crocs and headed out of your room towards the common area. You snagged an apple from the kitchen for breakfast and shove a granola bar in your bag in case you got a bit hungry before lunch. Kirshima, Mina, Todoroki, and Iida were already waiting for the rest of the group to show up. You sat and conversed with them, as a few more of your classmates showed up. Midoriya, Ochaco, Jiro, Hagakure, Yaoyorozu, Sero, Kaminari, and Tokoyami eventually showed up and you all began your trip to the mall. You sat in between Midoriya and Kaminari on the train, sharing memes with the two of them. You could already feel your spirits begin to lighten.
Once you got to the mall everyone split up into three groups depending on where everyone wanted to shop. You went with Todoroki, Tokoyami, and Sero, and Jirou who were stopping at the emo-teen stores. You liked the anime merch that was usually in those places, but you didn't usually go to them for any other reasons, so you decided that you would break off from them and meet up with Midoriya, Iida, Ochaco, and Kirshima to check out the more nerdy, stores after you hit Hot Topic.
"Alright since Surō wanted to meet up with Midoriya's group we'll go to Hot Topic first, that way you can get on your way without us boring you in the rest of our emo-kid stores." Sero suggested, gaining nods of approval from the rest of the group. The five of you made your way to the second floor, where said shop was located. However without your knowledge, you caught the eye of someone who definitely didn't want you around.
You looked around a bit, gazing in awe at the huge wall of figurines, but nothing peaked your interest enough to spend money on, so you decided to check out and meet up with Midoriya's group.
"I'm gonna go find the others, see ya later!" You said, waving to your friends as you walked out into the busy crowd. You sent a text to Iida, who you knew would respond the quickest, asking where they were. Just as you suspected he responded quickly, and mentioned that they were a few stores to the right of the Hot Topic entrance. You began heading in that direction, and looked down at your phone once again to type a reply. However, in your multitasking, you didn't notice the hooded figure that walked right into you.
"Ow! Sorry, wasn't looking where I was going, my ba—" You looked up to see him walking right past you, clearly unfazed by your collision. He shot you a crooked, yellow, smile and tapped you on the back of the neck.
"Have fun," He whispered slyly in your ear. Then you felt it. An all too familiar, horrible nauseas feeling, accompanied by dizziness. You stumbled your way through the crowd, and caught yourself on a nearby bench. Out of the corner of her eye, Ochaco saw your sickened movements, and rushed over to help.
"Oh my god what happened is everything ok?!" She worried.
"Oh yea, I'm fine. Just felt a little light-headed there." You said, recovering from the sudden burst of sickness.
"Oh my gosh S-Surō! A-are you ok?!" Midoriya stammered, rushing over to you as well to make sure everything was ok. You nodded to him, and did the same to Iida and Kirshima when they asked.
"I'm fine, really. Probably just dehydrated." You told them, knowing full well why you had that nausea burst. He was back, the same villain from before, and you only had 24 hours to come up with a plan, and get him to fix this mess before it started. 24 hours, and the clock was already ticking.
You spent the rest of the morning silently brainstorming ideas, and looking around to see if you could find the villain again. You were sure your friends suspected something was up, but they didn't say anything about it. At lunch Ochaco told everyone what happened, and how they found you clutching onto the side of a bench, trying not to fall onto the floor. Immediately everyone began questioning you and worrying, you dismissed it as possible dehydration, and continued eating. After lunch had finished, everyone decided to go home, the morning seemed to have been enough time for everyone to shop around.
Everyone hung out in the common area when you got back, and rumors quickly spread about your dizzy spell. Everyone bought your excuse, except for one person, Bakugo. He knew exactly what was up, and decided to keep his eye on you until the inevitable happened. He didn't question you however, knowing you would only blow up in his face again, and you had seemed happy enough the past few days, he wanted to keep it that way. He also didn't miss the way you seemed to get lost in intense thoughts quite often that evening. You were trying to form a plan without telling anyone, trying to keep your problems to yourself instead of burdening everyone else, even though that was sure to get you killed.
That night after dinner you were sitting around the TV, talking with some of your friends, when an unexpected news report came on.
"Breaking News: a criminal known as Tarachi Isoya escaped captivity last night. He was last seen wandering around a mall, before leaving in a hurry. If you see this man do not engage with him, and do not allow him to come into direct physical contact with you. His emitter-class quirk allows him to shrink any object he touches, however it's effect only works 24 hours after initial contact. He is extremely dangerous and has successfully taken on pro heroes. If you see him, immediately call the police." Then the report ended, and all eyes immediately shot towards you.
"Heh heh, what a coincidence that I happened to get a dizzy-spell on the same day he showed up at the mall." You sweated nervously. Mina cut in,
"So, dehydration. Is that also a side effect of his quirk." She said sarcastically.
"Yea what were you gonna do once you... ya know. Shrunk?" Kaminari asked, wary of his word choice, for fear of another attack.
"Ok, lets stop harassing the soon to be shorty and formulate a buddy system." Kirshima remarked, sliding in a small joke along with his idea.
"I don't need a buddy system." You said,
"I'm fine."
"You wont be saying that tomorrow at— wait do we even know what time it happened?" Ochaco asked. Midoriya shook his head,
"No, I vote for the buddy system strategy."
"Oo oo! We can make it like a game! Each hour we'll switch out, and we can draw lots to see who gets which hour of the morning! And then whoever is around when she shrinks gets to take care of her until we can figure out what to do next!" Kaminari chimed in again. That was it, you couldn't take the thought of your friends placing bets on your life. To them maybe it was a simple game to see who would have to hold the responsibility of taking care of another human, but to you, this was a live or die situation.
You got up and went to the bathroom, passing Bakugo, who was obviously eavesdropping, on your way there. He grabbed your arm before you could go any further.
"What do you want blondie?" You asked him.
"I wanna give my input on the situation." He said.
"Fine make it quick." You snapped.
"I think you shouldn't have tried to hide it from them in the first place, they eventually would have picked up on it, and if not you'd be dead meat without me. I was the only one who knew, and I know for a fact you would rather die than spend another week with me," You nodded at him, confirming his assumption,
"I don't think its right that they're drawing lots to see who gets to carry you around in their pocket for who knows how long. However, the idea of someone keeping an eye on you isn't a bad one. Just try to take my advice, and rather than have them decide who takes care of you, do it yourself. Make a decision quickly, before you dont have any authority over them." He concluded, letting go of your arm, and finding that you didn't storm off right away. Instead you pondered his idea for a moment before shaking your head and turning to head to your room.
"Tch, idiot. She's gonna wake up tomorrow and realize she shoulda listened to me." He muttered to himself before turning in for a good night's rest.
The next day you woke up to a knocking on your door,
"Surō, wake up! We cant have you in your bed all day, we have to keep an eye on you!" Iida exclaimed, his overly enthusiastic voice muffled by the door.
"Ok, gimme a few minutes." You already hated today, it was once again the beginning of your living nightmare. You pulled on the same gray t-shirt and red shorts you had worn the last time, having found they were quite comfortable to spend an entire week in. You slugged downstairs to be greeted with words of worry, and concern. You were completely mad at anything and everything, your weekend was ruined beyond belief. You made yourself your last cup of coffee for the next few weeks, and quickly downed the hot liquid. Today was going to be entirely about avoidance. You dropped your mug in the sink, and before you could run back off to your room, you were greeted with Ochaco's smile.
"Hey Surō! So last night we drew lots, and lucky me, I got the first hour!" She said cheerfully, but her voice soon dropped,
"Sorry about all of that, after you left Midoriya suggested that we let you decide, but you had already gone to sleep, so we were forced to go with Kaminari's idea." She told you, and you shrugged at her.
"Maybe we can take a walk outside since it's supposed to rain later today." She suggested.
"Sounds good to me." You knew the real reason she suggested that, it was because it was one of the last normal things you could do before your life went tumbling downhill again. You went with it anyway, taking her idea as a gift of gratitude. It was too bad she definitely wouldn't be the one to keep you for the next few weeks, you trusted her kind nature.
The first hour consisted of you and Ochaco chatting, and walking around the campus, by the time you made it back to the dorms, Yaoyorozu was waiting patiently, with a hot cup of tea, for your arrival. You spent the next hour with her, and the hour after that was with Midoriya, the two of you watched anime the entire time. After that was Mina, who decided that watching a rom-com would be a delightful way to spend her hour with you, the movie wasn't bad and despite your lack of endearment towards that genre, Mina ended up finding one that you enjoyed quite a bit. However this cut into the next hour, which you were to spend with Kirshima,
"Aw darn, I didn't wanna disturb your movie, so I waited til you finished, but now we only have 40 minutes." He complained, and you comforted him with a pat on the back.
"Sorry bout that. I gotta go to the bathroom real quick is that ok?" You asked.
"Yea, I'll wait right here." He answered, and you made your way to the bathroom for a short break. You weren't the happiest camper, because next up was Kaminari, and you definitely didn't wanna get stuck with him.
As you walked out of the bathroom however, you saw Bakugo walking in your direction, hands shoved in his pockets, and eyes fixed ahead of him. He wasn't there to watch you, but his plans soon changed when he saw you stumble back with a surprised look on your face. A horrible wave of dizziness and nausea washed over you, and in a panic, you stumbled backwards, tripping over your own feet. Bakugo's fast reflexes allowed him to catch you before you fell, but he gasped when you began shrinking in his hold. Your eyes opened and immediately locked onto his, you quickly pushed from his hold and stood up to regain your composure, but your pride was short lived. You watched in horror as everything grew around you steadily. Your eyes darted around frantically, and when they landed on Bakugo you felt the tears run down your face.
"No. No. No. Not here. Not now." You said, backing away from him. You didn't want a repeat of last time, you were scared, terrified, as Bakugo's growing form loomed over you. Tears ran down your face,
"Please, please don't take me." You cried to him, his hand came down gently on your shoulder, enveloping it, and part of your arm, as you continued to shrink.
"Surō listen to me. I'm not gonna hurt you, please stop looking at me like that." He said, but you couldn't move, frozen in place with terror. You were at his waist now, and he slumped down to his knees to level himself with you. He spoke again,
"Surō, please, trust me. I'm not going to make the same mistake twice. I'll protect you with my life. I promise. Please just forgive me, I had no idea what I was doing to you." He pleaded, it surprised you, he was practically begging for you to trust him. You had no idea what compelled you to do so, but in that moment you listened to him. You wrapped your arms around his growing neck, standing on his thigh to reach him as best you could. You felt his hands wrap onto your back, comforting your shrinking form. You cried into his chest, feeling his hands behind you, and you felt safe. You didn't completely trust him, but there was something in the way he spoke to you, that compelled you to listen. You felt the warmth of his chest, and you could hear his heart beating, growing louder with every second.
But just as soon as it began, it was over. You slumped against his hold, feeling his hands tremble slightly at the feeling of your tiny form. You could feel him tense up when you shifted to look up at him. He held a look of concern in his eyes, and he took a deep breath before he spoke to you once again,
"Your safe with me."
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sovengarde · 4 years
i hate to vent in public but at this point my notes app is filling up and i have no where else to let this out
i really fucking hate being mentally ill. i fucking hate that i blow up at small things and push everyone away. i always fuck everything up, one way or another. everything is always my fault.
my mother has a friend she wants us to stay with but i hate it over there. im trying not to sound like some stoner cali dude but literally the vibe there makes me physically sick. by the time we're leaving, or fuck even before then, im just so drained of any energy it's not even funny. like i cant fall asleep to save my life but as soon as we get home im passed out, provided i didnt do that in the car.
but because the situation at home isnt great either she wanted us to stay with her. and normally i just say no i dont and it never really escalates but when the whole fight that happened last week between my mother and grandfather that denial was fought by her. i told her i didnt want to go into detail and she got upset but i figured it wouldnt be a problem like any other time.
so she leaves for a week to spend some time there and i locked myself in my room for the week. it felt nice to be by myself and not on edge all the time. because being around her is also draining. fuck she even said she had an amazing time. i've been trying to convince her to go back next week lol.
i walk on eggshells around my own mother. anytime she does anything remotely wrong i have to just sit and take it, because god forbid i bring up any concern to her. she shuts down and then a few hours later im being guilt tripped into apologizing. lather rinse repeat for the 19 years ive been alive.
honestly i wouldve rather have been raised like she was and not allowed to talk about anything at all. rather than her telling me i can talk about anything and when i actually do she throws it back into my face and blows up at me.
i have so many vivid memories of her losing her shit over things ive said. like the time i first came out and she screamed at me that i wasnt transgender bc i didnt fit the fuckin description of the 2 episodes of i am jazz she watched.
or when i told her about my suicidal thoughts and i had to coax her into the driveway bc she was standing in the street saying stuff like "well i should just let a car run me over!"
oh and then the time where she was screaming though the walls of my bedroom that "you should just get emancipated! how about you just fucking leave!" i used to have a fuckin recording of that but when my fb got closed i lost it.
just recently with my new psychiatrist i told her about the bpd diagnosis, side note i fuckin knew i had it since 10th grade, her gut reaction was "yea well i have all kinds of cancer! sorry go on" she fuckin """""""apologized"""""" after that. that literally told me her actual thoughts on my mental health, and that either she doesnt believe me or just doesnt fucking care
and then if i bring it up and she gaslights me telling me that shed never say anything like that. listen idk if you know this but traumatic events kinda stick in your brain for your entire life. i can hear her screaming at me when i think about these times, i can almost see it, it's like im actually there again.
but of course it's always my fault. shes on the phone with my aunt i think talking about "well that plans just not gonna happen." so blatantly in front of me. sitting in the bathroom of her office building damn near nauseous from the stress and then were gonna go home and shes either gonna keep being angry or try and act like itll never happen.
shit like this is why im constantly high now. because at least she'll leave me alone when im high. honestly with how things are going my racist, transphobic, and man baby grandfather starts to look less horrible compared to her. because at least he wont fuckin allow me to let my guard down and then spit in my face.
im so fucming exhausted, im quite literally at my wits end. ive only been in such a deep depression in highschool and i tried to game end myself. literally what the fuck am i supposed to do. i only have like 1 friend i can talk to and i hate putting shit on her, shes got enough on her plate as is. i dont have a therapist anymore. my psychiatrist doesnt like to talk about what's going on bc hes afraid of weed and only schedules meetings that are 30 minutes long.
worst part is i cant fuckin cry. i wanna let these emotions out but after years of pushing them down my """""""normal""""""" is unbareable numbness. i dont feel anything whatsoever. i react inappropriately in most situations. im just in a constant detached state, when i finally see through my own thick shit im terrified of who ive become, that is if i can even recognize my own face.
but from a very early age it was beaten into me that showing weakness to anyone will get me hurt so i stopped. moms even commented that i dont react in normal ways. shes told me she doesnt believe i have panic attacks as often as i do because im not outwardly freaking out. firstly theres multiple kinds of panic attacks. secondly everytime im shaking and suffocating i get yelled at. told im making too big a deal out of what's going on and that i need to stop. so i fuckin suppressed it.
but of course it's all my fault for being actually unable to regulate my fucking emotions and for being so distant and unstable all the time. it’s funny when im not making up my own problems actual issues destroy me. idk man im just. im really tired. 
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fieldfullofbangtan · 5 years
bts reaction: them being hunted by you -mafia!au-
this gave me an idea for a short series... hmm...
A/N: I just felt like writing about the reader trying to kill them would be funny lol sorry if it wasn’t what some of you wanted. :c
Everybody knows. if an assassin if after you, you run, but if the assassin is you, the only option is to pray. Seokjin wouldn’t be an exception, as soon as he heard you we’re after him he would be scared shitless. 
- Jin-hyung calm down, we’ve got your back.
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- Let her come.
Knowing he has some of the best men on his side he wasn’t too worried. He almost wanted to meet you since he’d heard so much about you and your gang. After your run in with the youngest three of them a while ago they can’t stop talking about how amazing, and dangerous, you were. Now all Joon wanted was to meet you, and maybe make you change sides.
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He tried to act like he wasn’t afraid, but when his mates wouldn’t stop babbling on about your previous kills etc. he couldn’t keep his cool any longer. He would lock himself into their bunker and refuse to leave until they had either secured the entire place or you were dead.
- NO I’m not gonna come out! I can’t fight that superhuman, have you seen the shit she can do?
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Normal people would probably be sad about possibly dying, but Hoseok was upset for another reason. Sure he was in a vicious gang... but he was the most likable out of all of them! Why would you be after him and not the others?  While Hoseok kept on questioning this the others actually came up with plans to save his ass.
- Do you think she dislikes me...?
- Hoseok she’s in our rival gang, ofcourse she doesn’t like you. 
- But do you think she likes me less than you guys? Ugh... this is so unfair.
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His demeanor would change as soon as he heard the news. Thus far only a few have been able to remain alive despite them being one of your targets. And never has it been because you’ve missed or not found them, but because you’ve shown them mercy. He knew what he had to do, charm your socks off, literally.
- I’ll just make her fall in love with me then.
- Jimin are you seriously basing your survival on that?
-  He’s so dead.
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Game on. Sure being an assassins target is pretty serious, but for Taehyung it was also kind of fun. The act of chasing or being chased had always been something he subtly enjoyed so he wasn’t complaining too much. Instead he started to not only leave clues for you, but in a way he was chasing you as well. It didn’t take long for the seriousness to fade away and the playfullness started. 
- I don’t get it Tae you’re gonna give her your phone number? Isn’t she still out to kill you?
- I guess yea in a way she still wants to kill me... but we’re having fun! Plus I’m not going to tell her where I am att all times, we’re just gonna talk!
- This is the unhealthiest relationship I’ve ever witnessed.
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Boy has a lot of enemies. He had just recently joined his brothers in the gang and it didn’t take long for him to become great at pretty much everything. Obviously he was seen as a threat by everyone else so it wasn’t uncommon for Jungkook to always have people trying to kill him. Though he noticed you were different because you actually almost succeeded, several times infact. 
He started to think that maybe you chose to come close but never close enough.
- I met her last night. The girl who’s trying to kill me. She was in my bedroom.
- What?!
- Yea it was really odd. She just stood in the room watching me sleep, when I noticed her she just left though my window. She had the chance to kill me but didn’t.
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anarcoqueer1994 · 5 years
You Deserve Better (Chapter 3)
*A Muffy and Marty heavy of my Trans!TJ and Trans!Marty fanfiction. Features some Tyrus and platonic Tarty.*
Couple additional notes, there are some unsupportive parents in this chapter. I based some of it on my own experience. Also it is never okay to purposely dead name a person. And as always, you are valid if you pass, don't pass, or dont want to pass. You matter.
A voice calls from downstairs. It gets no response.
The voice calls again. The sound of that name in the air fills the space with poison. It makes the air feel heavy. It is hard to breathe all of a sudden.
"Jesus Christ! Mara if I have to come up there, you are not going to like it."
Crash. Books tumble to the ground off the dresser.
The sound of feet climbing the stairs come next. Those feet belong to the voice. They make their way to a bedroom door. They push open the door to find a person shaking in anger surrounded by books littering the floor.
"Mara, I know you heard me."
"It's Marty, mom." He says defyingly.
"We are not doing this again. Knock it off. I need your help downstairs." She says in an exasperated voice.
"With what?' He spits back, trying to keep it together long enough to fight back the tears forming in his eyes.
"Well after you clean up your little temper tantrum, I need you to wash the dishes while I run to the store. I want to finish dinner before your dad gets home."
"I don't have a dad." Marty says behind gritted teeth.
"Now you stop that. Don't be so dramatic.'
"He won't even look at me anymore."
"That's only because he wants you to stop playing dress up and using these fake voices and go back to being his daughter. He just wants you to show a little respect for yourself and the way God made you." His mother says in a 'sympathetic' voice. 
"I am showing myself respect, mom. I am being true to me."
"Whatever, I'm not getting into this with you again today." She says as she turns to walk out.
As she walks out, Marty yells out the door to her. "That's right, walk away! But you can't avoid this forever!" He slams his door shut and sinks to the ground. He lets the tears stream down his cheek unchecked. It shouldn't hurt this bad to be himself but it does.
Honestly all he wants to do is call Buffy and hear her voice… but he can't. He can't because calling her would involve him telling her why he was upset. The problem with that is he hasn't come out to her yet. In fact the only person who knows is his new friend, TJ. It shocks him that TJ has become one of his best friends but given the fact that TJ is also trans, it helps him not feel alone in this.
Thinking about it, he couldn't believe how much his life had changed in this past month. He was finally dating, Buffy Driscoll, the girl he never gave up feelings for. Buffy was the best thing to happen in his life. Sure she was pretty, but God she was so much more. She was funny, smart, a hell of an athlete, and just as competitive as he was, if not more. Buffy was not perfect, sometimes she lost her head(i.e. the shoe incident or trying to run a marathon on no training) but who is? All he knows is that she is perfect for him.
Then why can't  he bring himself to just tell her the one thing she does not know about him? She would understand. She wouldn't care, he can almost guarantee himself but...what if she did? What if Buffy does care that he is a trans guy? 
He thinks about calling TJ to vent but remembers that his friend had planned a big date with Cyrus today. He doesn't want to ruin that. So he does the only thing he can think of to chase these feelings away. He gets up, changes into his running clothes and leaves his house. From there, he just goes. He doesn't know where he is running to, but it doesn't matter as long as he keeps going.
After what must have been an hour, his phone rings in his pocket causing him to come to a halt. He expects to see his mother on the caller ID, having come back from the store and realizing he wasn't there. To his relief though, it is not. Its Buffy instead, he smiles to himself, almost forgetting his bad feelings, if only for a moment.
"Buff-ay" He says in a goofy voice as he answers.
"Mart-ay" She replies. "What are you doing right now?"
"Not much, running, that's it."
"Wanna grab dinner with me then? Cyrus is out with TJ and Andi is hanging out with Amber and Jonah."
"Are you asking me on a date,  Driscoll?" He jokes.
"In your dreams." She teases back. "Anyhow, see you at The Spoon in 20?"
"Yea, I'll be there." As he hangs up, he can't help himself not to smile. Even though they are finally dating, he likes that they can still joke around like that. Honestly he doesn't know how he got so lucky.
Twenty minutes later, he finds himself in the diner walking towards the table that Buffy is sitting at. He smiles as he meets her eyes.
"Hey" he says as he takes a seat next to her.
"Hey, yourself." Her smile mirrors his. "How was your run?"
"Good, I guess."
"You should've texted me, I would have ran with you."
Marty smirks. "You know, didn't  want you to feel bad when you couldn't keep up."
"You mean, you didn't want to feel bad when you were eating my dust." She laughs. God he loves that laugh.
"But really, I just needed to get out of the house, it was kind of a spur of the moment thing."
"Another fight with your mom?"
"Yea, I guess."
"What do you guys even fight about all the time?"
"You know how it is, just normal parent-kid stuff." He likes trying to smooth over the topic.
"Are you sure?" She pushes.
"Yea.' He says quietly before switching his tone. "Let's eat, I'm starving!"
Buffy doesn't want to drop the subject but knows pushing won't help. She makes a mental note to bring it up later. 
After a while, Marty's phone buzzes in his pocket. He pulls it out to find a message from his mother. 
Where the hell are you? This isn't funny. For the record, I noticed you didn't do anything I asked.
Marty rolls his eyes and throws his phone on to the table. Buffy gives him a look demanding what is going on.
"It is just my mom. I didn't quite tell her that I was leaving. " Marty rubs the back of his head.
"So you should be getting back." Buffy says in a matter of fact tone.
"I guess. I'm going to be dead when I get their though. So you better say your goodbyes." He tries to joke.
She punches his shoulder playfully before giving a small kiss on the cheek. "Don't worry, I'm sure you all will work through whatever is happening."
He gives her a weak smile and just nods. He doesn't quite believe that is true. "I should get going."
"Want me to walk you home?"
"Nah, Buffy. It's okay. Thanks."
"Okay, call if you need anything?"
"Of course." He says as he stands up.
"One more thing" Buffy says softly. "You do know I am here no matter what? So if you ever wanna talk about the bad stuff you have going on with your parents, I'm here."
He can't help but beam at her words. Maybe he will tell her, but not tonight. "Thank you…you have a good night Driscoll." 
Buffy sits a bit longer at The Spoon. She doesn't quite understand what can be going on with Marty's parents. Whatever it is though, she knows it has to be more than "normal teen stuff." She wishes that she could help more. She just doesn't know how.
When she finally goes to leave 20 minutes later, she notices that Marty left his phone at the table. She picks it up and slides it into her pocket. She decides that she will just drop it off to him. So she heads out of the diner and heads towards his house. Buffy has only been there once, awhile back, when his parents weren't there. He has always been weird about introducing any of his friends (or girlfriend apparently) to his parents.
When she arrives at his house, she knocks on the door and waits. She would of called him ahead of time but, you know, she has his phone. A short brunette woman who appears to be in her late 30s answers the door. She guesses this must be his mom.
"Hi, can I help you?" The woman asks politely.
"Yea, actually, um I'm Buffy. I am Marty's girlfriend. We were hanging out and he left his phone." 
The woman rolls her eyes and Buffy worries she said something wrong. Oh god, she thinks, what if he has not told his mom he has a girlfriend. What his mom says next though surprises her.
The woman turns behind her and yells "Mara! Get down here now."
Mara? Who's Mara? Does Marty have some secret sister she doesn't know about. As a matter of fact, she remembers a Mara at school in the 6th grade but she didn't come back in the seventh grade or eighth grade. She doesn't have much time to think about it because she notices Marty bounding down the steps. He isn't looking up so he doesn't see her. Then she hears him say "Its Marty, mom." As those words leave his mouth, he looks up and sees Buffy.
"What...what...are you doing here, Buffy?" It sounds like he is having trouble breathing. 
Before Buffy can answer, his mom speaks. "This nice young lady was bringing you your phone. But then she let me know you have her twisted up in this stupid game you are playing, Mara."
"Stop calling me that!" Marty says, focusing on his mom because he isn't brave enough to look at Buffy.
"That is your name! Just because you are playing dress up and pretending to be a boy, doesn't change who you really are."
Suddenly it clicks to Buffy what is going on. Marty is trans and his mom just outed him to her. She feels terrible and feels like she should say something. She clears her throat and says "I don't mean to be disrespectful but apparently you don't care about that ma'am so I'm going to continue anyhow. Marty is the best guy I know and you aren't being very nice to him at all. I don't  think you are a nice person. I don't like the way you treat him." Marty smiles to himself. She really is the most amazing person.
His mother turns away from Marty to face Buffy again. "Watch your tone with me." She snaps back at the teenager at the door.
Marty's voice comes from behind his mom. "Don't talk to her like that." 
"She has no right to talk to me like that. Especially since all I was doing was telling the truth, Mara."
"Stop calling me that."
"That is your name!"
"No it is not and you know it!" Marty is shaking now in anger as Buffy looks on.
His mother's voice is tinged with annoyance as she speaks in a calmly. "I don't want to talk about this, I think you're friend should go home and you should go to your room."
"You never want to talk about this!" The boy steps closer. "You never want to talk about the reason dad barely speaks anymore and hides out in your room. You never want to talk about why I don't have friends here. And you never want to talk about the fact that you have a son! But we are going to talk about it! We are going to talk about me." 
His mom interrupts him. "You will listen here. I work too hard for this family for you to talk to me like that."
"Oh you work too hard?! Well I worked harder! I tried harder than you to stomp this out and not make it a problem! I tried not to bother my family with my problems. " He starts shaking slightly. Buffy pushes past his mother to stand next to him and squeeze his hand. He continues. "But then I couldn't anymore, mom. It hurt too much. So I did what I could to feel better about myself. I started dressing and presenting in a way that felt right. I was happy and everyone at school just saw a boy but you and dad couldn't accept that. Dad just stopped talking to me and you live in this delusional place in your head where this isn't happening. But it is happening. Why can't you be okay with this? Why don't you care about me being happy?" His voice was smaller now.
"Because it's wrong, and you know that. Do you want to be some freak?"
"Mom...that's not true. You don't really think I am a freak, do you?" He asks as Buffy keeps squeezing his hand.
His mother clears her throat. "I think you should leave...Mara." 
"Don't you care about me…"
"I told you to leave. I will call over to your aunt's and you will stay there."
"You know what? Don't bother." He pulls Buffy's hand with him as he pushes past his mother without another word and leaves, slamming the door behind him.
They walk in silence for a while, with Marty holding onto Buffy's hand like he would die if they let go. When they are far enough away from his home, Buffy whispers "You know you didn't deserve any of that, right?"
Marty stays silent, not able to look at her. She continues, "I mean it. I wish your parents would see what I see when I look at you."
"Which is?" He manages to barely push those words past his teeth.
Buffy stops and moves in front of him so she can look him in the eyes. "I see someone who is funny, and smart, an amazing runner, a person who will do anything for the people he cares about. I see one of the best guys I have ever met."
"Buffy ...I'm so sorry I lied to you. I should have known you would have been so supportive." He says, taking both her hand in his.
"Don't be sorry, you have to do this own your own time. Just know, I got your back, always." She smiles at him.
He mirrors back her expression. She asks "Do you want me to text my mom to see if you crash on our couch tonight?" 
"Nah, I'm pretty sure your mom wouldn't be happy with a guy staying the night, but thanks. If you give me my phone back though, I think I know someone I can call.
"Oh yeah, sorry. Here." She hands him his phone. He quickly shoots TJ a text.
Yo, can I stay at your house for a few days?
Let me ask my mom. Why?
My mom kicked me out. I'll explain more later.
My mom said yes. See you in a bit. 
Marty turns back to his girlfriend. "TJ's parents are going to let me stay over."
"I still don't understand how you two became so close." She says as they start walking  again, heading to TJ's.
"He kind of found out about me and has been really supportive." He doesn't go into specifics because saying  more would out TJ. That is not his right.
Buffy can sense that there is more but gets the hint not to push. As they walk, they intertwine pinkies. They don't say much. That's okay though because her still being there even after everything, is enough.
After a while, they reach TJ's house. They walk up to see the boy with sitting on a porch swing, resting his head against his boyfriend's shoulder. Marty thinks it's kind of cute to see the taller boy slouching to rest his head on Cyrus. Then a thought crosses his mind as he and Buffy step into view of boys on the porch.
"Oh god, you guys had your date day today and I am crushing it."
Cyrus smiles at him from the chair. "Actually  I was just telling TJ I have to head home. It's late and now that my mom knows we are dating, sleepovers are a no-no." He laughs. He kisses TJ's cheek and pulls away. TJ groans in pretend annoyance, before pulling Cyrus in for one more kiss. 
"Bye Underdog." TJ gives a dopey smile.
"Bye Teej…" He returns with the same lovestruck look.
Marty and Buffy make fake gagging noise almost in unison. It makes them both smile.
Cyrus eventually smiles towards Buffy. "Wanna walk home together?" Buffy nods before giving Marty a hug goodbye. She whispers "Text me tomorrow, okay?" Marty nods before the two friends head out towards their homes.
Marty joins TJ on the porch and takes a seat. He clears his throat.
"So uh, Buffy knows." Marty says softly.
"That's great man, you told her?"
"Not exactly, she came over to drop off my phone. I had left it at the diner. My mom answered the door and kind of outed me. But Buffy didn't care, you know? She even stood up to my mom for me. So it made me feel, you know good."
"I told you Buffy really cared about you, didn't I?" TJ gives a smug grin.
"Yea you did, man. I just felt so strong with her there, like a better person. So I stood up to my mom. Unfortunately that got me kicked out, but it was worth it. I mean I shouldn't have to stay with people hate such a big part of me."
"You're right. And tomorrow my mom said we will help you figure it out, okay? But tonight, just relax."
They sit quietly for a while just enjoying the night air. But TJ breaks the quiet. "So like does Buffy know that I know you're are trans?"
"Yea but don't worry I did not tell her you are trans too."
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shawnies-rihno-blog · 5 years
Avoiding Commitment
A/n: I love this one so much. Its probably gonna be like a mini series. Thank you for reading!! 
Also listen to “Girls love Beyoncé” by drake. That what inspired this!!! It sets the mood and all!!!
Where Alisha likes to play around with boys, Shawn is one of them. Both of them avoiding commitment. Though he gets intrigued by her and ends up asking her to stop ‘playing around.’ She does, but this time Shawn ends up playing her. 
WC: 1.6k
Warnings: Cussing, talking about sex?? 
Alisha had Shawn wrapped around her finger. It was supposed to be a one time thing, meet at a bar in Toronto, spend the night together, and then forget the other existed. Alisha was used to boys like Shawn, who got clingy, but Shawn knew he wasn’t one of those boys. He was a man, he was never the one to be hung up on a one night stand.
Whenever Shawn was in town, he always saw Alisha at the bar, around other men. Well boys. Shawn wasn’t jealous, he was just curious, he wanted to know why everyone got so hung up on her. Did she mix something in their drink? He couldn’t stop thinking about her, it wasn’t sex, it was something else about her -not that the sex was bad. 
One night he took her back to his apartment, again. The sex was amazing, but he had amazing sex before. Sure Alisha was mind blowing, but Shawn couldn’t pinpoint what was mind blowing about her, her body or her personality.
That night though, he got her number. For casual fucks whenever he was in town. Shawn knew it was just for casual fucks, he was too busy for commitment. No actually, he was scared of getting fucked over by a girl like Alisha, he knew he was playing with fire but for some reason he couldn’t stop.
Alisha on the other hand didn’t even think about him that much, he was just another pretty, rich, fuckboy looking -but too soft to be one, boy. A boy, definitely not a man. Alisha had her fair share of men, Shawn wasn’t one. All the guys she was “with” were boys. None of them had half the guts to be a man.
Alisha gave up on the whole relationship thing a long time ago, she wasn’t as bad as she looked, she just played around now. Committing had fucked her up many times, after her last relationship she gave up on ‘commitment’ so she thought it would be better to have her play toys. Some would call her a whore, but she couldn’t care less, those people were stuck in their captivity of negativity. 
Alisha was heavily making out with a guy that took her home, she knew it wasn’t going to be more than making out, he wasn’t enough for her. She knows she’s being cocky, but she wasn’t going to give herself up that easily. Her phone starts ringing, she pulls away trying to answer her phone, but the guy is too desperate and starts kissing her again. She pulls away again when her phone started ringing again. The guy now leaving sloppy kisses down her neck. She pulls her phone out of her butt pocket. Pretty Boy. 
She’s confused for a second, who the hell could be pretty boy? Oh. She answers.
“Hi.” He exhales.
“Why’d you call?”
“I wanted to talk to you.” He replies with a shaky voice. 
Alisha gets up from that guy’s lap. She forgot his name. Oops. 
“I jus-” Shawn stops talking when he hears another man’s voice in the background.
“Why are you leaving?” She hears the guy growl, she grabs her bag and leaves, accidentally slamming the door. She winces for a second, forgetting about the pretty boy on the other end, until she hears shuffling.
“So you called?”
“Oh yea… I accidentally dialed your number. M’sorry.”
Alisha pulls away the phone from her ear, rolling her eyes at him.
“Does he think I’m some kind of fucking idiot!” Shawn hears her say, and then the line cuts.
Shawn sighs and tries sleeping on the bus. He doesn’t sleep all night though, he blames it on the shitty roads, even though that was far from the truth. He knew that. Good thing he didn’t have a show the next day.
For the first time Alisha actually spent the night thinking about a boy -after a very long time anyways. Why would he call anyway? So I could help him jerk off?, She thought. It wasn’t normal for her to think about boys. -At least the ones she was fucking. 
It’s 2 am when she decides to call Shawn, asking him why he really called. It was cliche and very unlike her, but she couldn’t help herself. She wanted to know why. Though, she would be a little disappointed if he called her so she can just help him jerk off. 
She is about to end the call after 3 rings, already regretting the call, but he picks up.
“...Hey?” He questions.
“I- uh-” She stops herself from speaking when she hears a voice in the background. A voice that belonged to a girl. Well, she was right, he probably found a girl to help him out.
“You called?” Shawn questions again.
“Well technically you called me first, i’m just calling back.” She states.
“Well isn’t it awfully late to call back?” Shawn says harshly. “It’s been about 4 hours, since I last called,” he continues.
“Well I-” She’s cut off.
“Are you done with that guy you went home with, and now you’re bored, so you decided to call me.” Shawn says bitterly.
“What? I just called cus’ you called me and it seemed like you had something to say. So I thought why not call you back.” She’s truly confused.
“Oh so you didn’t call me, cus’ you were awfully bored, and thought why not call your toy. You couldn’t even say my name in front of that dude,” he continues.
“What the hell is your problem? I called you because I genuinely wanted to know why you called. Plus you thinking I would call you cus’ I’m bored, you are so fuckin’ wrong. I would never call a rookie to entertain me. I have better options. Much better options.”
She couldn’t care if she offended him, he went there in the first place. He practically begged to be her toy,  and then he decided to add his number on her phone. What a hypocritical rich boy. 
She ends the call, and goes to bed. She wishes she was in her fiance’s arms right now. The only guy who actually understood her. She meant her dead fiance. She hadn’t thought about him in awhile, well no, she thought about him everyday, correction, she hadn’t begged that she died in that car crash instead of him, in a very very long time. 
She woke up in the morning with puffy eyes, good thing it was the weekend. She didn’t have work. She headed to the bathroom, before checking her phone, it was a habit, for which her fiance always bothered her for. But she always told him bad breath makes her want to puke. He only knew that. 
She headed to the kitchen and fried herself some eggs with bacon. After finishing up her breakfast and catching up on the news, she put her dishes in the dishwasher and headed to go take a shower. 
When she got out, after moisturizing herself and doing all the other stuff girls do, she grabbed her phone to see a text from Pretty boy. 
Pretty boy: Look i’m sorry, i shouldntve said that but it still doesn’t change the fact that i feel like your play toy. And u just use me when u need too.
First of all, what the fuck is ‘shouldntve,’ Did he not graduate highschool? What a hypocrite. He uses me and then says I use him???
Pretty boy: Also i am good! Infact im amazing! You just dont know what amazing feels like!!!! I’m a pro not a rookie.
She snorts at his second text. He really said that. He wasn’t bad, she just said that to make him feel horrible, and she guesses she succeeded.
She replies with a “K,” and not long after her reply, her phone starts ringing. She picks up already knowing who it is.
“How dare you not reply to me all night, and then reply with a k?!” Pretty boy exclaims on the other end.
“Oh what can I say? I guess I was too busy fucking a guy last night, and then this morning another one came over, so I had to reply to u quickly cus’ I had to go suck him off.” She says rolling her eyes.
“Okay well I’m gonna go now, cus’ another one is coming. I’m gonna suck him off too. Y’know me and my whorey ways have to be prepared.”
“What’s your problem?”
She laughs, it isn’t a chuckle, it’s a laugh, it’s loud and it lasts about 15 seconds. Shawn truly confused on the other end, not knowing what he did to make her laugh that hard. He couldn’t lie to himself though, she had a cute laugh.
“Can I ask you the same question?” she says genuinely.
He ignores her and says, “You think you’re so great right? Well don’t sleep with anyone else until I come back to Toronto.”
“So you wanna dictate me now too?” she questions jokingly.
“I’m serious, don’t sleep with other men. You think you are some next Angelina Jolie, so let's see if you can even go without sleeping around for like 2 weeks.”
“Oh pretty boy, I don’t think i’m Angelina Jolie, cus’ I’m Alisha Bianchi, and there’s only one of me.”
“What boy?”
“I’ll prove you wrong, but I need something in return.”
“You have me, you don’t need anything else.”
“Oh really, well then i better memorize your name, cus’ i don’t know it yet.”
Oh was he offended. He just wanted to smack her on the face -well preferably her ass. He would never say that out loud. It was wrong, but she was pissing him off, alot.
“It’s Shawn.”
“Oh right. Now i remember. Well then, Shawn, you better be ready for this ride, cus’ you just signed up for hell.” She chimes.
Even though alot of you wanted Ready for Me, i ended up writting this, cuz i was listening to my homeboy Drake’s new album and this just clicked. Anyways I hope you liked it. I cant wait to write part 2 like literally. If you wanna request keep requesting. I also am working on a kind of smutty request. Its actually hilarious. I can’t wait to share it with you!!! THANK YOUUUU for reading and liking it!! x
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livelovelaug-h · 5 years
Normal life? Nice try trickster
Dean x reader
A/n: This is for @supernatural-jackles #Weekly Writing Challenge. The line is "you cant ignore me forever" it'll be in bold.
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"yea well I wish I never had this life and I wish I never met you."
You were sitting in a chair at a desk??? You narrow your eyes what the heck?? Where were you. You heard phones ringing. You looked around and right behind your desk you saw Someone familiar. "Sam?"
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"Hey y/n what's up?"
" whats up? Or more like what are we doing here."
"working?" He laughs. "how much did you have to drink last night?"
"drink? I didn't drink last night. Actually I can't remember anything about last night after we got back from a hunt"
"a hunt? You shot an animal? And who's we"
"no what ? Me, you and Dean."
"Dean, the boss?
"boss? What ?"
"Sam you guys are going to get in trouble for talking"
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"who are you?"
"y/n it's Ian, are you high? Wouldn't be the first time" He laughs.
"no I don't do drugs."
He huffs a laugh "yes you do, we smoked last week at that party."
"what? No I didn't even know you last week."
"everything okay over here?"
"Dean?" "your hair's different" you whispered but they all still heard.
"I don't think shes feeling very well today." Sam says.
"since when do we work here? " You asked.
"...................did you hit your head or something?"
"actually -."
"why don't you take a sick day. I'll see if Brad can come get you. Let's go to my office."
You pick up your jacket and phone. "Brad? Who's Brad?" Following Dean to his office. He shuts the door.
"is something going on I should know about."
"no but something doesn't feel right about this place."
"you mean work?"
"yeah we don't even work here. I mean what even is this place?"
He stared at you with a confused face "Look I don't know if you're doing drugs or something but it isn't appropriate do to them before or at work okay? I texted Brad and he said he'll be here in 10."
You got sad. Why was he being so mean. You just whispered a quiet "okay".
Some guy came in asking if you were okay. He was about 6'1, skinny and looked like a normal guy. No plaid.
"um, I'm fine."
"okay let's get you home then." He started walking towards the door and you stared at Dean, you didn't want to leave him. You didn't know why but it hurt to leave a little something still felt off.
In the car it was quiet for awhile until you spoke up "so how do I know you?"
He rose an eyebrow and looked at you "are you that high?"
"I'm not high at all, clearly."
"sure and you Know me because we're dating."
"mmm-hhhm for how long ?".
"i don't know if I should be offended or not."
"I just feel like something's wrong or different i dont know."
"maybe you need to get a good night's sleep. More than 5 hours."
"yeah that sounds good."
You went in and laid on the couch since you didn't want to share the bed. "Why are you laying there Lets go to bed." He said.
"no! I mean no it's okay I wanna try here."
He frowned. "Okay then good night." He kissed your lips quickly and it felt so wrong.
Morning time -
You woke up to the smell of bacon and pancakes. You totally forgot where you were previously so you called out deans name. "Dean?"
"y/n? Are you awake?" You walked into the kitchen still groggy. You got a little startled when you seen Brad and not Dean.
"ready for breakfast?" Brad asked giving you a big kiss on the cheek.
"ha ha you know what I'm not feeling that hungry I'm just gonna head out." You were about to head out when you seen you were still in your clothes from yesterday. You quickly found your room and changed, seeing a paper with the name of your work and the address you took it and walked out. After about 26 minutes of walking you got to work. "y/n your running late." The girl at the front desk says.
"only about 5 mins."
"okay thank you." You got to the 8th floor clocked in and went to your desk. Apparently you had a meeting 5 minutes ago probably about 10 now. You ran in and Dean spoke up
"nice of you to join us y/n." All eyes were on you now. Dick move.
"uh, yeah I'm sorry I walked to work today." He nodded but still looked a little angry. "That's okay, you can just do this week's article then right?"
Article?? "Um, but I just do sales."
"yeah but Josh can help you. Also, I need it by Thursday afternoon." You looked at the time and date on your; Tuesday 9:45 am. Great so only about two day.
"okay yeah." You say. Why does he hate you so much. Your lunch break was at 12:20 and apparently you had another meeting at 1 p.m. You were running a little late since you had to walk to go get breakfast, quickly jogging into the building, you bumped into someones shoulder knocking there drink over them and the floor. "I am so so sorry." You looked and saw that it was Dean. Great he already hated you. You pick up the cup and say "I'll buy you a new I didn't mean-"
"it's fine." You can see the anger in his eyes. "Oh.... alright. Well here's some napkins." You were holding napkins still from your lunch so you used those and started dabbing his shirt. "I got it alright." He said with a little venom in his voice.
"ooo-kaay." You say on the verge of tears. The next day you went to his office to give him a coffee and his response was " I don't like that kind. Back to work." Wow that was cold. The next three days were hard after that, you tried to avoid Dean at all cost.
Your three day streaks ended this morning when you walked into the elevator with Dean and some girl following. It looked like he was going to say anything but then glared at you so you looked away. He was kissing her the whole way up to the 8th floor. "See you later baby."
And now about 3 hours later hes calling you into his office....
You didn't say anything walking into his office and you didn't really look in his eyes or at his face much.
"please sit down." You did as told.
"So we've been on a small budget at the moment and sadly... You're one of the people that are getting laid off."
Seriously??? "Is this because of the coffee? I didn't mean it."
"it's not because of that."
"your last name is Friday and I would still like the article by Thursday afternoon." You wanted to cry.
"why do you hate me so much?" You whispered.
"it's not about hate it's about having a small budget." He gives you one of those fake smile with a shrugs.
"yes you do I see it in your eyes when you look at me."
"it's not hate it's just you're like a kid to me, always messing up, always having to clean up your messes. You haven't grown up yet." You were surprised to say the least.
It was like a wave energy just hit you
"you still act like a kid, you havent grown up yet. always messing up, and I'm always having to clean up your messes."
You remember Dean saying that to you before. The whole arguments came to you in pieces.
"you said that to me before."
"I knew this wasn't right. you have to remember so we can get out of here"
"look if this is your way of trying to get your job back-"
"no, you know you remember. I said I didn't want to have that life anymore and then bam I wake up here. Trickster." The surrounding changed and you were in a completely empty diner sitting across from Dean and the trickster.
"I really thought you would be the first one to get it but not this time." He said to you.
"deano over here got it this morning."
"what? And you didn't tell me?"
"I just wasn't sure if you remembered it yet."
"no you did know.... You kissed that girl right in front of me."
"yeah that was just a bonus" the trickster laughed.
"okay, okay I was still mad." You shake your head "so what you thought it would make me jealous?" He shrugged.
"okay." Your about to get up when the trickster speaks up "alright the point of that you bozos was that no matter how Angry you guys were you still Remembered and you definitely didn't want that life y/n."
"yes I do, you just did it wrong it would have been way better if I didn't have to see Him"
"oh please." Dean says.
"Would you two idiots just put that stuff behind you and move on. You still care about each other." You snickered. He snapped his fingers and you started choking, you flung your hands to your throat.
"stop your hurting her." Dean yells causing him to snap again, causing you to breath again. "Tell me that's not caring." He says and disappears.
"Ughhh" you walk over to leave but the doors were locked. "Oh come on!" You sat all the way across the room from Dean. It was quiet for a minute when Dean spoke up "you can't ignore me forever."
Silence. You didn't answer. After another minute you finally spoke up: "was she good in bed?" He squinted his eyes at you.
"I didn't sleep with her."
"that's surprising."
"you know you went home with someone too."
"yeah but I at least know how to control myself." He got mad but didn't say anything.
"I slept on the couch."
" wh-"
"I slept there because he wasn't you, it felt wrong."
"yeah it did for me too." You looked over towards him. You were caught off guard when he asked "do you really hate me?"
You slowly made your way towards him "hmm idk that depends.... Do you? Or do you think I always mess things up?"
"look, I was mad and I just said somethings"
"you didn't answer the question." He started slowly making his way to you now.
"we all have messes even me and Sam, you know that. but we all help to clean it up." He reaches you. "I missed you " he says.
"I'm sorry y/n for the what I said. I love you with all my heart, i didn't mean any of it. Please forgive me." He grabbed a flower from one of the tables and put it in your hand holding your other hand. You smiled that stuff girly smile and your heart melted at his actions.
"I apologize too it wasn't just you I said some things too. And I forgive you Dean."
"Good because I forgive you too." He said grabbing your face and kissing you. It was rushed but it was the type of kiss where you poured all of your feelings into it. You missed his lips and his hands on your face. You both heard "took you guys long enough." You pull away to laugh but Dean pulls you back to his mouth.
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livingisachore · 6 years
Dinner~ FwB part. 2 {G.D}
I’m sorry this took a long time I have been really busy and it only seems to be able to write really late at night... 
Summary: After avoiding the twins well mostly Grayson you go over to hang out and thing aspire...
Warnings: SMUT ( really really really bad smut this is the first smut i have written and its makes me cringe soooo bad dont judge please)
that being said its UNEDITED cause i don’t think i could read through it without dying.
Waking up was unpleasant, your head resting on something hard definitely not a pillow. You open your eyes seeing tan skin, of someones chest?
You planned on leaving or at least going to the guest room. You must have fallen asleep.
“Dang it” you went to get up but Gray’s arms were around your waist. You moved them  carefully to get up and hope it doesn’t wake up and he doesn’t, thank the lord. You gather you stuff quickly and hop in your jeep and leave to your apartment.
You avoided the twins, well mostly Grayson in hopes to clear your mind of these thoughts about Grayson. He didn’t want a relationship but he kissed you and then cuddled all night with you. That’s what people in relationships do, right? You don’t know, maybe you just over thinking things, like normal. But what does this man want?
You decided after a couple of days you had to see the twins especially after Ethan and Grayson texting you like crazy.
Whats up
U ok?
Hey Y/N
hello Y/N Y/L/N
how are you?
Hey Y/N wanna come over, me and gray have been worried about you
Hey sorry bout that have been busy with stuff and i’d love to come over, what time? You reluctantly text back.
sounds good see you than
~Grayson’s POV~
“Yo E” I shouted walking down the hall into the living room. Ethan was laying on the couch on his phone.
“Has Y/N responded to your texts? cause she hasn’t responded to any of mine. Is it me or is she acting weird” I ask.
“She is acting weird but she has answered me saying she was coming over to hang later” he says. 
“That’s weird I texted her the same thing and she didn’t respond to me” I wondered.
“Maybe she figured I’d tell you and she didn’t want to text the same thing twice” Ethan tried to reason.
“Ya ya probably you’re right” I say agreeing but mostly trying to convince myself.
It was around 4 and that’s when Ethan said Y/N was going to come over and she was right on time, walking straight in without knocking. 
“Hey guys” she plops down on the couch, sighing.
“Hey” me and Ethan responded at the same time. There were no words said, we were all just on your phones.
Y/N seemed off, I couldn’t tell what was wrong but something wasn’t right. She seemed, dazed a little like she was thinking about something non-stop.
“You guys hungry?” Y/N asked out of the blue.
“Really Y/N is that even a question” Ethan says and I agree.
“Why you wanna get some food” I ask.
"Actually I feel like cooking so how about I cook, make a nice homemade meal, if that’s okay” she suggest.
“I would never turn down a home cooked meal from Y/N” Ethan jumps on the idea seeing the fact that he doesn’t even know how to make himself anything to eat.
“Only if I can help” I say, she looks hesitant for a second but reluctantly responds.
“Sure you can be my sous chef” she smiles ruffling my hair.
Me and Y/N are currently at the store without Ethan because he can’t do anything. Y/N is looking around the store going in circles trying to decide what she wants to make.
“You as executive chef today I think you should have know exactly what you want to make” I joke with her trying to lighten the mood.
“Hmm I just don’t know what I want to sometimes” she sighs.
“There are so many options pasta, chicken, spaghetti, steak, soup. Help” she turns toward me, looking at me.
“Okay how about chicken and pasta” I suggest.
“Thank you Gray, sound perfect” she gives a small smile and than heads off to get the now known dinner ingredients.
~Y/N’s POV~
The whole Grayson thing was really messing with your mind. You don’t know why but it-it’s AHH its bothering you so much.
“Y/N Y/N” you hear shouting and footsteps.
“Huh” you question turning towards the shouting and footsteps. 
“The waters boiling over” Grayson says taking the lid of the pot.
Oh sorry” you say.
"You okay? You’ve seem off today” he asks.
Other than the fact that I’m so confused about you
“Ya no I’m fine just a lot on my mind ya know” you say trying to convince him, he just nods.
“Hey Gray, go get Ethan the foods almost done” you tell him, finishing up.
“Ooh smells good Y/N, what did you prepare tonight for us Chef Y/N” Ethan asks as you set a plate in front of him and Grayson.
“Well Judge Ethan and Grayson, I have prepared garlic roasted chicken with creamy tomato and spinach pasta” you explain like they do on the cooking shows, laughing a little. You stand across the counter waiting for them to take a bite.
“Its amazing you win” Ethan says with his mouth half full and Grayson nods in agreement.
“Thanks” you laugh as food falls out of Ethan mouth. You grab a plate, get some food for yourself and sit down at the table
Ethan left immediately after done eating leaving his dishes in the sink going back to his room. You collect dirty dishes and start to do them.
“Hey I got the dishes” Grayson say from behind you, going to take the dishes out of your hands.
“No its fine I made them” you argue holding on to them.
“Well they’re my dishes” he retorts taking them out of your hands.
“Ok fine” you give up, sitting down on the counter.
“I hate doing dishes anyway” you give a cheeky smile and Gray rolls his eyes playfully.
You were in Ethan’s room watching him play Fortnite. After playing a few games you got too frustrated and gave up opting to just watch him. You eventually got bored of watching and decided to see what Grayson was doing. 
“Hey E as exhilarating as watching you play Fortnite is, I’m bored, I’m going to go see what Gray’s doing” you say standing up.
“Ok sorry to bore you” he says focusing on the game.
“It’s fine, goodnight don’t stay up to late” you say giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“Goodnight Y/N” Ethan replies eyes still glued to the screen and you walk out closing the door behind you. 
You wonder down the hall until you are in front of Grayson’s door, knocking before slowly opening the door.
“Hey” you says, he was laying down on his bed.
“Hey Y/N, Fortnite get boring” he ask. You nod plopping down next to him.
“What ya watching” you say scoot over next to him looking at his phone.
“Just YouTube” he holds the phone so you could watch to.
You started to space out, getting lost in your own thoughts. Your thoughts were mostly consumed by the person laying next to your. Grayson. He made you want to do questionable things to him. After the conversation you had about friends with benefits with him in the pool a couple of days ago, it got you thinking.
Why not be friends with benefits with Grayson? You wanted to have one, he did too, why not right? Ya it sounds crazy you know. You would usually never think about doing anything like that, ever. You didn’t want to have the chance ruin the friendship but would it? You will never know until you try.
“I’m going to the bathroom” you say getting up form the bed, going to the bathroom.
You was standing front of the mirror, looking at your self in your blush colored undergarments.
Tumblr media
To say you were nervous would be a total understatement. Were you really about to do this? What if he rejects you? What if you read this whole situation wrong? 
It’s now or never Y/N, now or never.
Taking one last deep breath, you take slow steps towards the bathroom door preparing yourself. You open the door to see Grayson sitting up against the headboard on his phone. He doesn’t notice you for a couple of seconds before looking up for a quick second than taking a double take taking a longer look. Confusion than embarrassment shown in the blush creeping onto his face. You slowly start waling over to him, his eyes not leaving your basically naked figure walking towards you.
“So” you say once you reach the bed, crawling over to Grayson.
“I’ve been thinking” straddling his lap. It took a second for him to react, placing his hands on your lower back looking up to meet your eyes, a smirk on his face.
“Oh yea, about what” he ask looking down at your body.
“I think you could guess” your hands trail up his arms, a smirk appearing on your face by the way he was checking you out.
“I-I don’t think I do” he says smirking, hands moving smoothly up and down your back. He wants to play that game, lets play. You lean towards his mouth, as if going to kiss him but you move to the side leaning to his ear. 
“Why don’t I show you instead” you purred, nipping at his ear lobe causing him to left out a heavy breath. You go down his neck leaving open mouth kisses before going up to meet his lips in a hot, desperate kiss. There was no time wasted for your tongues to meet, fighting for dominance. 
Pulling away you gasp for air from the hot makeup session while Grayson moves down to neck, kissing and leaving gentle bite marks. He finds your sweet spot causing you to arch you back, pressing your lace covered breast to his chest, a moan leaving your lips.
As he reaches your shoulders his hands trail up your arms to slip the straps of your bralette off and unclips it, letting the little lace that was covering your breast to fall exposing your breasts completely. 
His eyes focused on your breasts as his hands come up your sides, under your breast cupping them then palming them in his large hands. His hands were the perfect size to hold one breast in his hand. 
The pleasure causing you to move your hips against his making him groan which was really hot for you to hear. You could feel him growing under you as you continue to grind, he was big and you could tell he wasn’t fully hard yet. 
You bring your hands up to the side of his face bringing your lips to his just barely brushing them, grinding harder causing Grayson to move his hands to your hips to slow your movements.
“If you keep doing that you are going to make me cum in my pants” he breaths out, his lips curling in a slight smirk, stopping your movements.
“Really” you giggle trying going to move your hips again but Grayson wasn’t having any of it.
“Oh your going to get it” he says wrapping one arm around your back flipping you both over so you were on your back and Grayson on top which causes you to let out a squeal.
Quickly getting to work, he plants his lips on yours giving you a rough, hard kiss going down your jaw, down your neck, meeting your collarbone when he gets you the valley of your breast.
He wraps his lips around one your of you nipples while he palms the other with his large hand, than switches giving them the same attention.
“Mhmm Gray” you moan out your back arching, pressing more of your breast into his face while you hands runs through his hair.
He switches back but this time he gently bit down around your nipple dragging his teeth which surprised you causing you to gasp but than moan. It wasn’t hard enough to cause pain but pleasure from the new sensation. 
He continues his way down to the top of your panties, kissing along the waistband but leaves them on and settles himself in between your legs, lifting them over his shoulders. He starts at your knees going down, leaving kisses and hickeys on your inside of your thighs. 
He reached your core leaving open mouth kisses over your clothed core causing your hands to go his hair to hold him still and writhe around. Despite the grip on his hair he pulls away causing you to whine.
“What”  he says tapping your core with his fingers.
"What do you want” he taps again.
“You Gray, you” you squirm.
“Gonna have to be specific” he commands.
“Ugh" you groan getting frustrated.
"Everything, you, your mouth, your tongue, your fingers, your cock. Please Grayson” you give in and beg. Your words must have done something to him because he tore off your underwear.
He takes on finger and drags it up and down feeling and spreading your wetness before diving right in. His mouth going around your now throbbing clit, slowly inserting one finger, pumping than adding another finger.
“Huh Gray” you breathe out as he curls his fingers hitting just the right spot with his lips wrapped around your clit. Your hands go to his hair slightly tugging at his roots causing him to groan making vibrations drawing you closer tot he edge. You started to become more vocal your moans getting louder.
“Mhhmm fuck I’m gonna-” you moan but he pulls away completely making you groan in displeasure.
“Why’d you stop-” you get cut off by him smashing his lips to yours, you could taste yourself on his lips.
You moan against his lips as your hands trail down his chest to the waistband of his shorts, your fingertips teasing his v-line, before reaching in and stroking his cock. He freezes, his eyes screwed shut, mouth open panting. He was hard and big, really big.
He groans grabbing your wrist, stopping your movement.
“I’m not gonna last” he breathes out.
“Than you should take theses off” you tug at his shorts and boxers with a smirk, he gets up and pulls off his shorts along with his boxers and places himself back in between you legs.
He rubs his tip against your folds, spreading your wetness and tapping your clit. He does that for a while, you get tired of his teasing so you flip you both over.
“You tease to much” you place yourself on top of him grinding, spreading your wetness on his shaft before reaching back and lining him up, slowly sinking down. You mouth open when you bottom out, feeling your ass touch his thighs.
“Fuck” your breath hitches in your throat as you start to grind adjusting to his size, slowly starting to move up and down.
“Fuck your tight Y/N” Grayson say grabbing your ass helping you move. 
“Shit your so big” you grind for couple seconds before bouncing harder and faster. The slapping sound your ass hitting Grayson’s thighs and your guys moans was the only thing that could be heard.
“You feel so good wrapped around me babygirl” he starts to thrust up meeting you halfway his hands going to your breast squeezing them as you continue to ride him.
“Shit Gray” you moan as he grabs your thighs holding you still thrusting up hard and fast. You lean forward you hands landing on Gray’s chest your nails digging into his skin leaving little crescent moons.
Grayson suddenly flips you over and waste no time continuing his fast deep thrust. He lowers himself onto his forearms, his face inches away from yours, you reach up grabbing the sides of his face smashing his lips to yours. The kiss was rough, teeth clashing, lip biting.
Grayson moved one arm around your leg placing it over his shoulder bending back over to be face to face with you. With your leg over his shoulder created a new angle, hitting certain spot that makes your toes curl and your mouth hang open.
“Is that the spot babygirl” he grunts bringing his face to your neck dragging his nose to the side of your face continuing his animalistic thrust. You could feel a knot forming in the pit of our stomach, your orgasm approaching.
“Fuck I’m close Gray” you clench around him and he grunts as his thrust seems to get faster and deeper.
“Fuck” a high pitched whine leaves your mouth as your orgasm ripples through your body.
“Oo shit” Gray grunts placing his hands on your lower stomach holding you still, his thrust getting sloppy and short as you clench around him milking him of all he has.
He pulls out after awhile and heads over to the closet and comes out in a pair of boxers and a shirt in his hands.
“Here” he hands you the shirts.
"Thank you” you out it on, standing up with a slight wobble in your legs.
“You good?” Grayson chuckles.
"Hey don’t laugh its not my fault” you whine playfully undertone.
“I’m sorry but is kinda is you started it” he says.
"Oh shut it Dolan" you say, Grayson now in front of you, hands on your hips as he lowers his head to meet your lips. Before the kiss could get to heated you gently push him away, and head to three bathroom.
You are cuddling with Gray when you notice the faint marks on his chest, running your fingers over them.
“Sorry” you lightly drag your fingers over the marks placing a soft kiss on them.
“It’s fine, kinda liked it” he winked.
“Kinky” you wink back through the blush on your face causing him to blush also. You lay your head on his chest with a laugh.
After awhile you thought it was best to move to the guest room, Grayson was sleeping so you move his arm slowly trying not to wake him up. You successfully do so and you go around the room and collect your clothes for the room and the bathroom. You walk out of the bathroom with your clothes in your hand.
“Hey where are you going?” you jump, the rough voice scared you.
“Oh my god you gave me a hard attack” you say placing your hand on your chest taking a deep breath.
“Sorry” he says stretching out and sits up a little.
“Where you going?” he asks.
“Guest room” you reply taking a couple steps toward him on the bed.
“Why? You should stay” he reaches out, grabbing your hand and pulling you to the edge of bed.
“Don’t want Ethan walking in and seeing. Even though him waking up before both of us is very unlikely but still” you shrug.
“That is almost impossible” he chuckles.
“Come on” he whines slightly tugging at your hand.
“Almost” you point out.
“And there always a wild card with Ethan” you make an excuse.
“Ya ok fine” he groans and you turn to walk away but he doesn’t let go so you turn back to him.
“What I don’t get a good night kiss?” he asks causing you to roll your eyes.
“You're so cliche” but you lean down to give him one on the cheek.
Before he could testify you escape from his grasp and walk to the door open it standing half in the doorway, looking back at Grayson who was already looking at you.
“Goodnight, sweet dreams don’t let the bed bugs bite” you say slowly disappearing out of his view.
“Goodnight Y/N” he says and you close the door and head down the hall to the guest room.
You crawl in the bed and just stare at the ceiling. Your thoughts run wild, thinking about what just happened and whats going to happened because of it.
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rainbowglittr · 5 years
Senior Year: Chapter 26: pt1 cause it's so long
"Jaleia! Jaleia, wait!" Tyler yelled after me. I've been avoiding and ignoring Tyler for at least a week. I have to admit he is persistent- persistently annoying. I heard his footsteps get closer.
"What do you want Tyler?" I asked, bored of this game of cat and mouse.
"Can we talk later?" he asked, almost out of breath. 
"Why? I don't think we have anything to talk about." I started to put my earbuds into my ears.
"I know you're mad but I promise I will explain everything later. I hate it when you're mad at me."
"Oh now you care about me being mad? This should be good." 
"Seriously, Jaleia."
"I don't know what you expect me to say." I said while I picked out a song.
"Just let me explain, Jal-"
"Fine, Jesse and Kiara are going to be busy during lunch anyway." Jesse had to practice something for his music class, and Kiara was going to be writing an essay. And Robyn, well when has she been to lunch lately, might as well waste my time with Tyler.
"How's Jess?" Tyler asked with his voice low and his head down.
"Wouldn't you like to know? If you really want to know, you'll ask him yourself. I'll see you at lunch." I turned and walked away, my music blasting in my ears. Usually I'm a lot more forgiving, but Tyler, I want him to feel just as bad as he treated us.
The wind rustled the branches around us. I was with Tyler, we were walking to a cheap Pizzeria during lunch. I looked around, it was almost my favorite part of spring, when all of the flowers and plants come into full bloom. Right now, you could only see the buds of the flowers that were soon to awaken.
"Look, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for not believing you about Mariah and not being around very much." Tyler blurted out.
"Okay?"I said, unimpressed by this confession.
"Look I just want us to be cool again, I'm sorry. I found out last night that-anyway. Are we cool?" I heard the hopefulness in his voice.
"I don't think so Tyler. You really treated me like shit." He suddenly stopped and faced me.
"I know and am sorry I'll never do that to you again. I know that you were just trying to look out for me." I crossed my arms at his words.
"What inspired this change of heart? And I'm not the only one you should be apologizing to."
"I know I know. There's a lot of shit going on with me okay?" His voice was slowly getting defensive.
"Who would know that but you Tyler? People tried to help you and you acted stupid and now you don't understand why you're on your own?"
"You know I hate talking about that kind of shit."
"Fine, but you don't have to be a jerk to everyone, everyone has problems but everyone doesn't act like a brat."
"Look my parents have gone fucking insane. Jaleia, they've been fucking fighting nonstop and they totally forgot I existed. I know that Mariah has been fucking other people. And I've been killing myself to get this basketball scholarship. It's been a lot." Two birds flew away as his voice got louder. We started walking again.
"I get that Tyler, but like that's what your friends are supposed to do-help you, but you wouldn't allow anyone to do that you just got sucked into the world of Mariah and didn't listen to anyone. You really screwed it up with Jesse. He didn't deserve that. We were only looking out for you."
"What do you want from me, I'm sorry! I don't know what else to tell you. I'm sorry for not believing you and ignoring you." Tyler raised his voice and threw his hands in the air.
"And being a dick, and for saying stupid things that were not true, for ignoring my feelings, for picking fights, for many more things, need I go on?" I rattled off. We stopped walking again. He turned to face me.
"I'm sorry for all that. But now I see what you were talking about. Now I know that there's better." He said sincerely as he grabbed my hand, stepping closer to me. I pulled away from him. I really couldn't believe him.
"Don't do that." 
"What?" he said, confused.
"Don't do that. I know you well enough to know how you try to hit on girls Tyler. I'm not your backup now that your first choice screwed up. This is what I'm talking about. You are so self absorbed! Spend some time dealing with the things that are clearly bothering you before you ruin another FRIENDSHIP!" I pushed past him and started to walk back to the school.
"Jaleia!" He said, trying to catch up to me. I turned around to face him.
"Stop trying to use people. You're not sorry, you're lonely. When you are actually sorry, come talk to me."
"Jaleia! That's not-I wasn't-I-" He stuttered, trying to think his way out of this.
I walked away. That's what I thought.
"You need to get your friend." I said as I leaned against a tree outside out school. Me and Jesse were in our usual meeting spot after school, waiting for the rest of our friends to come out so we could walk home.
"What do you mean? Who?" Jesse said, a little confused.
"Tyler, I think he's lost his mind."
"I don't fuck with him." Jesse said, flatly.
"He tried to apologize to me and hit on me at them same time. It's ridiculous. And I know you two will eventually make up. You can drop the macho guy act." Jesse rolled his eyes at me, then his eyes darted back at me."
"Wait, what the fuck did he do?" His head tilting as he said it.
"He was all like I know there's better now and tried to grab my hand. He's so stupid. Like I've known him for years I know what moves he tries on girls. That's classic "I'm pulling a move on you."
"What did you do?"
"I told him that he needs to figure out what's going on with him before he ruins another friendship."
"He's a fucking idiot." He sighed, shaking his head.
"Who is a fucking idiot?" Kiara said as she walked up to us.
"Tyler," I said. "He tried to apologize and hit on me at the same time. Who does that?"
"I can't wait for him to get it together. I don't know what's wrong with him."
"Well, apparently his parents are going through a thing. They have no idea what's going on with him. He realized that his little friend has been cheating on him, and been trying to get a basketball scholarship. So he's a little stressed right now we have to forgive him. No matter what he does. I Guess that's what he thinks." I said, while trying to figure out where I put my phone.
"He's a dick." Jesse said with a weird look on his face.
When I got home I laid on my bed and just thought about some things. It had been such a crazy year so far. I never thought that so many things could happen. Jesse and his brother fighting all the time, his sister getting sick, fighting with Tyler. Tyler dating a crazy girl, driving all his friends away, his parents fighting. Robyn-I don't even know what to say about her. So much has happened over the course of like six months. I think at this point me and Kiara are the only normal ones. All of a sudden I got a call from Tyler. It was 10 at night, one it's late, two, I have nothing to say to him, so I declined it. Like two minutes later it rang again, Tyler. I declined it again. Then got a sudden rush of text messages from him coming in.
Idk wat to do
So I texted back
What could be so damned important?
No, what do you want? Before I block you.
What, are you just wasting my time?
No, it's just that...
Mariah is pregnant 
I almost dropped my phone, I read it again to make sure I wasn't crazy. Pregnant? Pregnant? What the hell? Do they not know what condoms are? I get that she may not wanna be on birth control but damn no condoms? What the hell were they thinking? So many thoughts rushed through my head. What were they going to do with a baby? I guess I took too long because Tyler texted me to see if I was still there.
Shocked.... what do you mean like you saw the test?
Yes, positive
Your fucked
Thanks. that helps I dont know what to do
I dont know what you want me to tell you
Didnt she cheat on you?
Yeah but the timing....
Its mine pretty sure
You gonna tell your parents?
I dont know what the fuck to do
And no im not telling them
Your bro?
No. not yet. he wud tell them
Is she keeping it
Your fucked
Please help me
What do you want me to do? I didn't have unprotected sex and get someone pregnant. What am I supposed to do about it?
I dont know, im flipping my shit
I sighed, as annoyed as I am at him right now, I know that if I was in his shoes I wouldn't want the bitchy attitude I was giving him even though he completely deserved it. I would want a little understanding, so I decided to actually try to help him as best as I could. After all, when your friends are in trouble you're supposed to support them not tear them down. Right? Right? And I think at this point Tyler has literally reached rock bottom. I don't think he can go any lower. As much as I feel he doesn't deserve it, I'm going to help him. Then again this is not my responsibility. I don't even know what he expects me to do. I don't even know what to do. I don't even know why I'm so surprised.
You know I'm still mad at you right?
But I'm going to help you, cause I care about you and I think you've also suffered enough right now.
But you have to tell your parents, how can you even keep that a secret?
My parents dont care about me, her parents are always really busy. For the next couple months she wont show so...
And then whats the plan? Thats not a plan and its not smart.
Well she doesnt want to tell them until after prom.
What? Thats ridiculous and stupid
Well she has a cousin that works at planned parenthood that can hook her up until then
Please dont tell anyone. shell kill me and we dont want anyone to know
What if I tell someone that I know really well?
You can't tell anyone.
How am I supposed to keep this a secret? There is no way I can keep this a secret-no way. I have to tell at least Kiara, I know she won't tell anyone else and you know she won't.
Fine but if it gets out then Mariah and me are going to kill you
Ttyl, Tyler.
I sighed, what a mess. I can't wait to tell Kiara tomorrow. I don't even know how to feel at this point. I'm not even sure I want to be involved but I think it's a little late for that. A part of me can't even believe it. I hope it's just a late April fool's joke because... I don't know how this will end but they need to tell their parents for one. This whole situation is a mess. I grabbed the blanket on my bed. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.
Jesse's POV
"Hey bro!" Shaun said as he opened the door to my room.
"What do you want?" I said, I didn't even look up from my laptop.
"Mom and dad are going out for the night, they sent Diana to Aunt Ebony's. You know I never had a chance to repay you for ratting me out. I know you told mom and dad about school and the car and all the other stuff. So don't worry the time has come for me to repay you for that."
"Just get out Shaun. You deserved it! You're not going to run all over me anymore."
"Oh I'm Not? Did you finally grow a pair?"
"Get out!"
"Make me, BITCH!"
I threw a shoe at his head. I ducked as he threw it back at me. "Fuck you!"
"Oh well I thought about all the ways to repay you and I thought what does Jesse care about the Most? And I found something. Those stupid guitars limited edition special bullshit-" I looked up at him.
"Shaun, what the fuck are you talking about?" I started to panic those guitars were so expensive I bought one and my dad bought the other for me. Special edition, gold trimmed, rare, Martin guitars. I have special cases, everything for them. They cost over a thousand dollars each. Those were not your average guitars. They are like collector's guitars, I very rarely played them.
"So I decided to fix them up for you."
"Leave them alone I swear, Shaun." I said as I got up to check for them in my closet.
"I already have them little bro, no need to look for them, I'll show you." Shaun smiled sadistically.
"Shaun, what the fuck are you talking about. This is not funny, do you know how fucking expensive those are. I will-"
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hyunjin-writes · 7 years
photographer!kihyun au
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i,,, have had a thing for photographer kihyun for like,,,eVer sinCE i started stanning him,,,
and since there’s not much out there fics/aus about photographer kihyun
/rolls sleeve/
ok but photographer!kihyun would be both cool and cute i kid u not
the type to always???? ALWAYS!!!! have his camera by his side; either slung on his arm or in his backpack
there was this one time he forgot to bring his camera along and his friends thought something happened to him or the camera
“is ur camera oKay??????r YOU okay????” “why wouldn’t they be okay and im here aren’t i?”
turns out he just forgot to charge the batteries overnight shdsdsj clumsy
but how much do you wanna bet he can’t sit still without his camera by his side?
“yOo kihYUN sTop FidgEting” “i cant help it!!!!i’m so used to have my camera with me i-”
his camera is basically his wife,, but anyways moving on,
the type to be gone during the weekends to take short trips to the beach or countryside for pictures
“hey kihyun are you free this weekend” “can’t im going to the beach” “hey ki-” “CANT i have to go to the neighbouring city”
but his pictures ended up being to die for so it’s forgiven ;;
his phone wallpapers,,, would mostly b pictures of sceneries he took. Only on rare occasion it would be faces of people,,,, prob mainly bcs it was him who took it.
imagine him putting a picture of minhyuk because he loved the way the pic turned out and minhyuk saw,,,
“omg ki i didn’t know u liked me that much ;”^ )” “i  DONT. the pic just turned out nic-” “AWWW SHUSH I Like Me Too ;););)” “sdhjsdhjskajhskja remind me to not take a pic of u ever again”
“no way u like the way he poses for pics too much to not take pics of him” - prob shownu
“,,,,,, riTe”
its tru tho kihyun is picky when it comes to his pictures, especially potraits and he always complains about how its so hard to take pics of shownu
“shownu u do know you can breathe like normal, right?”
but anyways,
his instagram!!!!
god his instagram would b aesthetically pleasing nd like, low quality-ly hq,,
pics from his trips? pics from his coffee stops? pics of mx hanging out? you got them all!
but like,, what’s hard to see in his feed is probably his selfie since he takes bad selfies according to wonho and minhyuk
“i  DO NOT. take bad selfies” - says kihyun as he poses the same pose for 2938482 selfies with the same angle
so instead of uploading his selfies, the only pictures that would have his face in it would be the candids the boys took of him
from when he’s drinking coffees, or from when he’s taking pictures,,,
mostly r pics of him taking pictures w his camera since he find himself looking extra cool doing those
but like,,, since most of his pics r candids, u can hardly see his face since it’s always being covered w camera or looking down
also since most pics r from  the boys, u could expect to see minhyuk or wonho annoyingly commenting on his pics
“omg what a cool pic i wonder who took them” “i bet the photographer’s good looking tell him i’m a fan of him!”
“im  Blocking. both of u”
ok but you,,,, you do know kihyun, sort of
that is if u consider being friends with changkyun and hearing changkyun bragging about how good this one photographer friend is then yeah you do know kihyun
you follow him on instagram, but like,,, u never actually met him before??
tho judging on his ig pics he seems attractive but also seems like a snoob?? or a bit cocky?? based on his comments so idk,, u just dont really like those type of guys
but anyways, you’re studying filming major in school so you’re always standing behind the camera or screens instead,
but you’re been told a handful of time that you have enough visuals to be a model,, it DID crossed ur mind but like???me??? a model??? must b mad enough to do  That,  so u didnt
so you’re a close friends with changkyun, and you two are always hanging out when kyun ain’t hanging out w mx
so when you’re out together, it’s always u who takes kyun’s pictures and you’re no photography student, but you could say your pics r decent (since you actually like photography as well,)
changkyun loves!!!! ur pic and he always say that you would bond well with kihyun since the two of you have similar taste
youre like  “naaaaah no thx” and kyun just shrugs bcs like okay then sure no fOrcing u
so u continue to hangout with changkyun with him mentioning about wanting the two of you meeting up but you always refusing
one day you two were hanging out at the park, just casual and being a bunch of goofs when kyun said some of the mx boys r here and wants to meet up nd if its okay with you
“yeAH??? i mean i would love to meet them anyways especially minhyuk! i heard he’s kinda cool,,”
“yeah but there’s gonna be kihy-” changkyun before his words being interrupted by a hollering minhyuk from afar
you immediately recognize minhyuk based on his jumpy attitude and also wonho who’s following behind a sprinting minhyuk
minhyuk immediately pounced on changkyun and you like,, laughed at how done kyun looked
u suddenly heard some clicker sound beside u and when u turn, ur eyes meet w a pair of very??? beautiful??? eyes???
it took a few seconds but u then realized it was kihyun,, with his camera his hand,, like OF COURSE kihyun would b around taking pics
immediately introducing yourself to the boys, changkyun immediately said, “ah ki hyung, she’s the one who always took my cafe an d ootd pics”
youre like ?? but when u look at kihyun he was like O-o and was saying “yeah i sorta figured?? since u hardly hang out w anyone else anyways” but he wasnt even looking at u or anything,,,
“wow he really /is/ snobby,,,,” was what u thought at first since even after a few mins of hanging out at the park, he still wont meet ur eyes??? even when he’s talking to you or something??? wow   rood.
but like yea you guys hanged out for a while longer before u decided to leave the boys alone
so when you excused yourself, changkyun was like “yeah yeah sure i’ll see you later” but
kihyun seemed weirdly and surprisingly disappointed for someone who hardly made any eye contact w you through out the hour of hanging out
nd judging on his personality around the boys and on what changkyun told you, you doubt he’s actually  SHY
(in which he is but we’ll get to that later)
but anyways, kihyun was like: “you’re leaving already?”
“????y ea??? i have early classes tomorrow so,,”
“o right your filming classes”
???? ?you’re actually surprised that he knows??? but okay then
so like u go home and attend your classes like normal for almost a whole week, nothing unusual happened, and u doing ur usual routine,
like going to classes, having lunch w your friends and changkyun when he’s free, studying in the library,, and even going out during the afternoon for an hour of,,, walk
so here’s the thing
even when you’re a film student, you have a huge interest in photography, so,
every afternoon you would go out for an hour or two, just to walk around town, stopping once in a while to just take pictures.
people thought you go out for some exercises but l mao n O
you always have your small handy little camera by your side,, your loyal best friend.
so like it was a week??? after that meeting with kihyun and the other boys, but nothing happened,
you did saw kihyun around the campus once in a while,
but everytime your eyes locked, he would blin k for once or twice then quickly look away,
in WHICH, helped u to think that he’s really a snob
(u gH HE IS REALLY NOT but we’ll get there anyways,)
so like one afternoon you’re just walking around town, taking pictures like normal,
and you’re at this small park at the end of town,
its small, and not packed, just like how u like it,,
so you ended up just spending your afternoon there, taking pictures and stuff
nd after a while u spot a cute little kitten playing around, and of course u took pictures of it
the cat spotted you and it just ran towards you and soon,,
your camera was forgotten and you’re there,
just sitting on the ground and playing with the little kitten,,,
it was really peaceful, with just you and the kitten, and maybe some one or two people passing by, a couple sitting on a bench nearby,, but that’s just it
it’s not noisy or anything, just the way you like it,,
at least until u heard some sound of the flicker of a camera
looking around, you were expecting to see someone taking photos of views or the trees,, BUT
what you wasnt expecting was seeing a camera lens being pointed directly towards you,, just a few feet away from you,, and the kitten
you just stared at the camera,, nd the person behind the camera since you’re not really sure what to do
because like you’re not sure either to be mad or not?? since yea, it’s not nice to take other people’s pictures without permission but like,
you yourself have taken so many candid pictures of others,,, so??? u’re not exactly sure??
realizing they were caught, the person quickly lower down their camera and bow down their head slightly
but like you managed to catch their face and you just,,,: “kihyun???”
the person look up at you and with his round glasses on the bridge of his nose, his beanie covering his black hair, a simple round sweater hugging his figure,
you could easily tell it is indeed your campus’ infamous photographer, Mr. Yoo Kihyun
“what are you-”
“look, i’m sorry for taking your picture without permission it’s just that the settings was all so nice and the sunlight was on point, the kitten was active and you look really pretty so i just had to,, and like i hope u dont ask me to delete them??? because it’s really pretty,,, like i could show u if you don’t believe me it’s ReALLy nice!!! and-”
“l mao kihyun you’re babbling and yea of course you can keep them,”
“please dont tell me to- wait, what?? reaLLy???”
“yea h, i mean, as long as i look good in them tho”
“o- oh,, well,, u do look decent i guess???”
“don’t lie, i heard it when u said i looked pretty.”
“o h sh OOt”
CUE a cute blushing kihyun scratching his nape, trying to figure out how to cover up his honest words he blurted out a while ago,
but when he looked up trying to spit out some words about how it was the sun that helped you looked nice,, he sees you grinning at him while the little kitten still playing with your fingers,,,
and he thought,, oh screw it
“y-yeah,, well you always look good anyways, so nothings new”
and when he sees your cheeks slowly growing red, he was glad he said those words,,
he’d always thought you’re cute anyways, only he never actually brought up the guts to approach you properly
and now,, with you here for once smiling at him instead of looking at him as if he’s some kind of snob you hate, which he knows you thought of him that way before this,,
he decided he’s gonna be a  Man and not waste this chance with you
“but like, do you wanna see it though? the pictures, i mean.”
a/n : i might do a second part of this, who knows since i have a major big fat love for photographer!kihyun anyways! Also, newton was released today and photographer!kihyun made his appearance!!!! 
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lowcalfics · 7 years
SVT as your best friend’s brother/brother’s best friend
my first ever fluff(angst?) so pls bear(bare?) with me, im sorry that some are longer than others, most of them ended up being like drabbles
if you squint ig you could consider tiny parts of it as mature
Y/NN = your nickname (just use your name if you dont have one)
Y/F/N = your friend’s name
Seungcheol/S. Coups(ft. Jisoo) :
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“Seungcheol, what the hell was that?!” he frowned at your words.
”You didn’t like it?” 
You blushed, of course you’d liked the kiss you shared with him. You’ve had a crush on him for years but his friendship with Joshua made it extremely hard for you to express your feelings. Catching your own thoughts, you looked back up at a smiling Cheol.
“What about-” he cut you off by placing his lips back on yours making you realize how much you had missed the softness of them.
“If you were gonna make an excuse about your brother, you might as well forget it. What will he do, any way? I’m still his hyung,” he winked and smiled at you before closing the distance between you for the third(and definitely not the last) time.
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You and Y/F/N had been laughing for so long that neither of you could even remember what you were laughing about, but you stopped abruptly when the most beautiful man you’d ever seen in your life walked in looking annoyed but still very very pretty.
“Hey, brat, could you keep it down?” his eyes snuck over to meet yours, “who’s this?” he smirked at you flicking his hair out of his face.
Your friend finally stopped laughing in order to introduce you, “oh, um, Jeonghan this is Y/N. Y/NN, this is my older brother Jeonghan. He’s annoying as fuck” she turned her head to smile at him bitterly.
Instead of meeting his sister with a snippy comeback or leaving the room like he normally would, he walked in further holding eye contact with you and held out his hand for a handshake, “Nice to meet you, Y/N”
“Likewise,” you held out your hand and he brought it to his lips to kiss it chastely, foreshadowing similar events to come between you two.
Next to you, Y/F/N roller her eyes, “can you guys please eye fuck at a later time? Y/NN and I are busy, Jeonghan”
He mumbled under his breath, “More than just eye fucking,” and smirked at you before leaving the room.
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Y/F/N’s family had always treated you as if you were a part of it and you loved it! You were always around and 90% of the time that you spent there was good and the other 10% was called Joshua Hong.
That boy made you feel such anger towards him that you didn’t even think it was possible. You wanted to just remove him from your entire life but he was basically all you talked about. Y/F/N would complain about how often you talked about him but she was only receiving half of what you wanted to say. Yes, Joshua was a know-it-all, selfish, entitled, annoying prick, but he was also the main character of many wet dreams that your subconscious had created since you’d met the boy.
You would try your best to only spend the night at Y/F/N’s house when Joshua wouldn’t be there but unfortunately tonight wouldn’t go as planned.
You and Y/F/N were making “inside s’mores” when he walked into the kitchen making your bubbly mood drop instantly.
He hugged his little sister and kissed her forehead, “you still hang out with this loser, huh?” earning himself a slap on the arm from your friend and an eye roll from you.
Not wanting to start trouble you opened the fridge looking for a drink.
“What, no more bitchy comebacks?” you could hear him walking towards you but you continued to ignore him just bending over to look further into the fridge. You didn’t realize how short you pj shorts were but Joshua was well aware of the show you were obliviously giving him.
Y/F/N decided to interrupt before you went off on her bro, “wow, Y/NN, you’re being super mature right now, right Josh?”
“Yea,” he licked his lips, “she’s really grown up, I might have to reconsider how I’m treating her.”
Jun(ft. Vernon):
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“No, nope, fuck no, God no,”
“Well Vernon, you don’t really have a say anyway, if I like Jun then I like Jun”
“Y/NN please don’t do this to me, I don’t want you getting hurt!” Vernon kept talking but you had zoned him out after that, regretting even telling him about your crush in the first place.
You knew about Jun’s reputation of being  player, a lady killer...but you didn’t care. He could tear out your heart and feed it to his cat if he wanted to and you  would say thank you because he was that fucking hot. Your brother was wrong, you didn’t need to be babied, you just wanted Jun to rock your world, one night only edition so that your heart couldn’t be broken in the process.
So, you had confidence when you got up from the table where you, Vernon, Jun, and a couple others were sitting and walked over to Jun sitting in his lap. He was surprised but both of you smiled at each other(you caught the wink that he sent in Vernon’s direction before looking back at you). Neither of you could predict that the next morning when Jun woke up to only a note from you thanking him for that night, he would be the one with a feeling of something missing from his heart.
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You rang the doorbell, ready to greet Y/F/N for your movie marathon but you were pleasantly surprised when your boyfriend (her big brother) opened the door.
You gave each other sly smiles, “is your sister home?” you asked him, not sure which answer would make you happier.
“Fortunately, Y/F/N went out with my dad to get some things for a movie marathon. Looks like it’s just you and me,” he smirked pulling you inside and taking your stuff away and letting it fall to the ground next to you.
“Hey, those are nice clothes, Soony-” he cut you off by pulling you by your belt loops into a long overdue kiss. As you let him take over dominance in the kiss, he pulled you into the kitchen and picked you up putting you on the counter.
“I missed you,” he mumbles into the kiss as you thread your finger through the hair at the back of his neck
You chuckle, “take me with you next time, then,” he groans at the idea of a week away from everyone but you two. The things he could do with all that time...
His thoughts are interrupted when you both hear his father clearing his throat. You hop down from the counter, your face becoming even redder than it already had been. “You two might wanna fix yourselves before Y/F/N walks in,” he shakes his head laughing and walking away.
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“Wonwoo, come downstairs for a second?” your friend called for his fraternal twin brother.
“what do you want?” he groaned seeing that food was not the reason that he had been forced to come downstairs.
“My friend is coming over, I don’t want you to annoy or distract us so can you please stay away?”
“Depends, is she hot?”
“Wonwoo, I’m gay, how the fuck should I know?” Just then you rang the doorbell, “that’s her, please leave now.”
Wonwoo didn’t listen to his brother, following him to the door instead.
When Y/F/N opened the door, instead of greeting you, Wonwoo just said, “yes, yes she is” to his brother answering his own question. He winked at you leaving you confused before leaving you both alone for the rest of the night.
Somehow, before you left, he put his number in your phone as “Oppa Wonwoo” making you blush before texting him so that he would have your number as well.
Jihoon/Woozi(ft. Jeonghan):
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“I must be the greatest friend in the world,” Jihoon yawned to your brother.
“Sorry that I had to drag you here, it’s to torture my little sister,” Jeonghan explained, “she has a crush on you and she already has stage fright,” Jihoon just nodded in understanding.
You made eye contact with your brother from backstage and glared at him as he waved. Mentally taking note to shave his head later, you flipped him off and stormed away all of a sudden very nervous about your performance.
By now, your dance was muscle memory so no matter how fast you could feel your heart palpitating, the rest of your body would flow to the familiar music. Performing somehow calmed you this time around, but the butterflies returned when you saw that Jihoon hadn’t stayed to see your entire performance,
Once the recital was over and you only found Jihoon without your brother, you couldn’t help  but ask, “why’d you leave?”
“I’m sorry,Y/N,” he had hoped that you wouldn’t notice,” I had to take a call, but I watched you from outside through the door. It wasn’t the best view but I saw how amazing you did. I got you some flowers,” he smiled handing you a nice arrangement.
You blushed and nodded because his explanation was alright, but before you could thank him, Jeonghan found you both holding his own little bouquet of roses, “Are those for me too?” you asked excitedly reaching for them
“No,” the long-haired boy snatched the roses just out of your reach, “they’re for Joshua.”
On the ride home, your brother forced both of you to sit in the back so that Josh’s flowers had enough room. But it was ok because this gave you the chance to read your note from Jihoon that he had put in the flowers. Both of you were blushing while you read the heartfelt confession. Somehow your fingers had slipped and intertwined themselves with Jihoon’s own.
And if you forgot to shave Jeonghan’s head that night because you were texting a certain boy from dusk to dawn then no one had to know ;)
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“Seokmin please focus! I need you to do this dance with me by tomorrow and you still have like 10 counts to learn!”
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I’m just not as good as my brother,” the older boy complained and you wanted to slap him...so you did, “Ow! What was that for?!”
“You’re just as good a dancer as your brother is, maybe even better. The only problem is that you won’t focus because you couldn’t give a shit about the dance or the talent show or fucking anything!” you finally went off on him. You knew that the boy wouldn’t want to do such an intimate dance with you (he probably already knew about the embarrassing crush that you had on him), but you’d hoped that he would stay professional. That was all obviously in vain.
“Wait!” he called after you as you were storming out to go cool down. When you turned to face him he sighed dropping his head in shame, “Y/NN, I already know the dance, I just don’t feel like doing it with you right now.”
That really hurt you, “I already knew that you didn’t like me, I just hoped that you would be nice enough to help me!” you started to walk out again hoping to get away before the tears started.
Unfortunately, the boy grabbed your arm stopping you then pulled you by it bringing your chest to his own and forcing your teary eyes to look into his.
“I don’t want to dance with you right now because I’d rather be doing this,” he whispers to you before placing a soft, slow, passionate kiss upon your lips.
Mingyu(ft. Wonwoo):
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Mingyu [22:42] - Y/NN, you look beautiful here
Y/NN [22:50] - Mingyu, sweetie, can you pls do me a favor?
Mingyu [22:50] - Of course
Mingyu [22:50] - You can count on me
Y/NN [22:52] - thnx babe, im gonna need you to slide tf out of my dm’s
Mingyu [22:53] - oh, do you wanna ft?
Y/NN [22:54] - no, mingyu, i wanna sleep
Mingyu [22:54] - your wonwoo told me that you have a crush on me ;)
 Y/NN [22:57] - oh my god ignore him
Mingyu [22:58] - but wonwoo said you talk abt me sometimes, why wont you talk to me
 Y/NN [22:59] - if wonwoo has so much to say why dont you talk to him
Mingyu [23:00] - that almost sounded like you ere jealous ;) wonwoo cant come close to how amazing you are. baby you are my angel
 Y/NN [23:00] - oh my god you’re so dramatic
Mingyu [23:02] - *romantic
Mingyu [23:02] - if you’re that tired right now then we can just discuss our future relationship over chick-fil-a tmr after school
 Y/NN [23:06] - fine, but only if you get me a milkshake 
Mingyu [23:06] - i’ll get you one of every flavor
Unfortunately, you both kept your promises.
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(his fucking arms in this gif???)
“That’s Jun’s little sister, I would fuck off if I were you,” you heard  a familiarly annoying and condescending voice as the cute guy you were talking to walked away as if you two didn’t even know each other.
“Are you kidding me?!”
“No but it is kinda funny, don’t you think?” you wanted to slap the smirk of the boy’s face.
“What if that was my future boyfriend, Minghao?” you tried to force the boy to have some pity on you.
“Do you think your brother would like you dating that guy?” he had a point.
You shrugged, “I don’t care about what my brother likes.”
He chuckled at your response, “What about what I like?”
You laughed, “And why should I care about what you like, Minghao?”
“Well self-care is important, isn’t it?” it took you a minute to understand what he meant but once you did he was gone and all you wanted to do was find him.
Boo Seungkwan:
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Y/F/N and you were playing a game called “Remember When” just to get a conversation started. 
You giggled, “remember when we couldn’t decide which members of TWICE we wanted to be and we both started crying?”
Your friend could barely breathe from laughing and neither could you. That was until your friend suddenly gasped remembering something and then started laughing so hard she cried.
“What, what is it tell meeeee,” you whined.
Just then her older brother Seungkwan walked in smiling at you when you both made eye contact. But before you could acknowledge the boy, his oblivious sister cackled, “remember when you had a crush on my brother?”
Y/F/N was laughing so hard that she didn’t notice how wide your eyes got once she said it. Your face turned bright red and you decided that the ceiling was so much more interesting than anything anyone else in the room had to say.
“Why’re you being so quiet? Do you still have a crush on him?” your head snapped back up and you tried to give her a death glare so she could just burn too death on the spot bc you could still see Seungkwan out of your peripheral vision, “Oh my gosh, you do!” she screamed.
You just turned around and buried your face in a pillow deciding that if you couldn’t kill Y/F/N then you would just kill yourself instead.
You almost had a heart attack when you felt Seungkwan’s hand patting your back, “Don’t worry Y/N, its not your fault that I’m so handsome. You call me if you want to talk about it, ok? Let me know just how much you really like me.”
The first part he was teasing you, but you thought that maybe the second part was serious when he forced his sister to give you his phone number...
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“Hey baby bro,” Y/F/N smiled at Hansol as you both passed him on the couch ruffling his hair.
“I’m one year younger, please shut up” he replied in a bittersweet tone.
Vernon rolled his eyes and you frowned walking over behind him, “Aww, Hannie’s sad,” you start using the voice you would to speak to a baby, “tell your noonas what to do to make it all better,” you and your friend chuckled almost evilly.
“Well, Y/NN,” he look up at you, “Why don’t you blow me and see if that helps?” he smiled evilly back up at you as you gasped offendedly.
Y/F/N laughed along with her brother before saying that she needed to go find her phone.
You walked into the kitchen still salty about Vernon’s joke as you bent down looking in the fridge, “You guys have like no snacks,” you said standing up only to be face to face(chest) with the younger boy.
As you looked up at him he asked, “Do you think I’m still a kid, Y/N?” and you shook your head no seeing that he had obviously grown.
Just then he picked you up and placed you onto the counter putting his own body very close to yours in between your legs. Speaking of..
“Do you think I won’t fuck those stupid little comments out of you just because you’re my noona?” he asked brushing your hair behind your ear.
Chan/Dino(ft. S. Coups):
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Your ear is pressed so closely to the door that you think you might fall through it. Your boyfriend had told you not to listen, that the results might hurt you. But it was impossible for you not to eavesdrop, especially when two of the most important people in your life were talking.
Chan sighed, “Seungcheol I’ve been dating Y/NN behind your back for a few months now.“
There was a very long pause in which you tried to press your ear even further through the wall.
When you finally heard someone it was your brother, “No. I’m sorry Channie but you’re not allowed to date Y/N.”
You backed away from door on the brink of tears. Not only did you have to hear that, but now you would have to suck it up so that Chan could come downstairs and break up with you. You started walking down the stairs when you heard Channie again and rushed to the door.
“I’m sorry Seungcheol, but I wasn’t asking for your permission. We both love Y/N but I’m also in love with her. I don’t even know if i could leave her if she asked me to so I know for sure that I will not leave her because you said so.”
Your heart fluttered as your brother tried to give his input, “Channie I-”
“No, Cheol, you know what? I only came to talk to you because this matters to Y/N and I care about her. If you cared about her too you would see how happy we can make each other.
“Channie, are you done?” Seungcheol finally asked.
“Yes, you can go ahead now.”
You could help but let a happy squeak escape when your brother told Chan that he and you could date now that he knew that the younger would never hurt you. They boys pretended not to hear it so that Chan could watch you squirm as he (re)delivered the news to you.
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4jimin · 7 years
change my mind
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin; jikook/kookmin Genre: Fluff (a lot), college au, friends to lovers Length: 7k words; 3 chapters | crossposted on ao3 Summary: “I don’t do relationships,” Jimin spills in the fresh air of the fast food – a mixed smell of hamburgers, ketchup and french fries surrounding them. “I enjoy the conquest and the flirting part better. Relationships are always so boring and predictable. Not to mention most of the times fake.” Jungkook rolls his eyes and laughs, pretending he doesn’t feel his heart clench and slightly sink inside his chest. “You’re helpless.” Jimin smiles at him, and it’s almost unfair. “Call me realistic.” he corrects, taking a greasy thumb till his lips to clean it out of the oil of the food. He repeats the same action with the rest of his fingers. Jungkook has to divert his gaze, scared he might end up staring too hard. He snorts with a made up irritation. “I call you a pain in the ass.”
“Love means never having to say you're sorry”. It's written with white chalk on the blackboard hanging by the wall a few tables across him. It quotes “love story, 1970” in a smaller calligraphy right beneath the sentence. Jungkook dwells in the words for a while. He observes the vintage posters pending from the newly painted lilac walls around him with a forced interest, as he taps with long fingers on the plastic cup of cola he ordered. Bullshit, he decides. What is even supposed to mean? That you can't mess up because you love someone? Or that you can't say sorry, because if someone loves you they instantly forgive you, it doesn’t matter what you did? Either way, bullshit. People give too much credit for things just for being old. He sighs, the scent of fresh paint invading his lungs. It used to be baby yellow. The walls. Before the place was just a normal coffee shop and not a fast food with a coupled bookstore. “It's not going to work out,” Jungkook remembers Namjoon saying when they were passing in front of the place being renovated, “people will have greasy fingers from their hamburgers. How will they touch the books like this? The covers will be all disgusting after some time.” Jungkook just shrugged back then. He doesn’t really remember if he agreed or not. But, it turns out Namjoon was wrong. There is a glass wall separating the bookstore from the fast food, so the smell of french fries and cheddar won’t mix with the scent of newly printed copies and fresh ink – also, people has enough sense to clean their hands before moving to the books section, so, by far, the recent business seems to be going very well. Jungkook can’t decide if he prefers the prettier environment it became after the reform, or the calmness it used to have before the appealing design of modernity attracted an alarming number of people. Probably the calmness, since it wouldn’t take so long for Jimin to change a wrong order. The waiter had somehow mixed it with someone else's, getting the boy a double chicken with extra cheddar when he had asked for a steak with barbecue sauce and cream cheese. After opening his hamburger, Jimin had grimaced with the funniest – and maybe kind of cute? – nose scrunch ever. “I hate cheddar.” He stated, as if it wasn’t obvious by the utterly disgusted expression on his face. Another discovery for his on-making list of things about Park Jimin. “How dare you?!” Jungkook had brought a hand to his chest at the declaration, just for the sake of accentuating drama. “I trusted you.” He choked out in fake offense, hoping to hear the older boy's laugh. Unfortunately, he had been given only a faint chuckle followed by a roll of eyes and a “You're an idiot, Jeon. I'll be right back.”, before Jimin got up from his seat and disappeared on his walk till the counter, in search for the right order. They've known each other for five months now – not that Jungkook is counting, it just happened for them to meet on the exact same day the latest movie of Avengers was out, so it also just happened for him to have the day tracked in his mind. Coincidences of life. Anyway, it's little time – Jungkook knows –, and it was definitely not enough to deepen their relationship the way he wished – but, nevertheless, it's nice. They are past the awkward silences and the weird topic's conversations it has some time now, and it isn’t like they are the most intimate people in the world, but yeah, they have some intimacy. Enough that Jungkook has grown used to regularly tease Jimin about his height or – this one Jimin hates the most – his fingers. He bites the inner part of his cheek in order to repress a smile at the memory of Jimin cutely glaring at him with rosy cheeks when Jungkook told him he had baby hands for the first time. He tries not to think about it for too long though, scared he might blush just as hard as Jimin did that day.
There is a foreign song comfortably floating around the place. He is almost sure it belongs to Coldplay, or to a band with equivalent musical genre. It's nice, but he is growing impatient and his lunch is cooling down untouched in front of him – consequently losing half of the unhealthy flavor only a fast food could provide. He wonders if getting up to see how much longer it would take for Jimin to come back would be rude of him. Maybe it would. So instead, he chooses to open the (mostly useless) notifications on his phone. There's a message from Jin and another from his dad. The one asking if he has eaten belongs to Jin. Not that he is surprised. He smiles, typing 'yes mom' – because well, he is about to –, and decides to ignore the one from his father, which questions him when he is paying them a visit. His smile almost fades, but then he clicks on Jimin's icon, leading to their conversation thread.
Jiminie – 11:45 am why are you online u kid shouldn’t u be on class?
You – 11:46 am i am and stop calling me kid
Jiminie – 11:46 am ohhh seems like we have a rebel here lmao
You – 11:46 am shut up asdjk aren't you supposed to be on class too?
Jiminie – 11:47 am …
You – 11:47 am ;)
Jiminie – 11:47 am dont you ;) me !!
You – 11:47 am ;)
Jiminie – 11:47 am ugh
You – 11:49 am hey wanna grab some lunch after class? the fast food that reopened seems nice
Jiminie – 11:49 am the one across the street?
You – 11:50 am yea
Jiminie – 11:50 am do you like being with me that much? ;)
You – 11:50 am shit up look who's ;)-ing me now i just need company to eat
Jiminie – 11:50 am shit up
You – 11:51 am !! istg!!!
Jiminie – 11:51 am lmao meet me at 12:30 at the central gate
You – 11:52 am just changed my mind im calling someone else, you suck
Jiminie – 11:53 am yeah right
He didn’t change his mind. Nor did he call someone else. How could he, honestly? “Hey there.” Jungkook hears the voice he's already so familiar with, and smiles. “I'm back.” “Oh, nice,” he pretends to check the time on his nonexistent watch. “Just took you a lifetime.” “Shut up.” Jimin chuckles, taking his seat in front of the younger. “I decided to change my previous order.” Jungkook leans back on his chair, narrowing his eyes and tilting his head to the side. “No…” he drags the words out, disbeliefed. He had literally taken ten whole minutes to decide his order when they got there. Jimin giggles, following the same tone in a playful manner. “Yes…” The younger boy adjusts his posture, eyeing the other with something akin to incredulity. “How are you the most indecisive person in the whole entire world?!” he jokes, catching some fries from his tray, and shaking his head with a smile. “I just… like most things on the menu, okay?” Jimin tries to defend himself, sipping his orange juice from the straw. Hates cheddar and loves orange juice. Jungkook gave up on understanding him from there. “Except–“ he starts, already laughing, but is cut off. “Except the double chicken with extra cheddar, yes.” The older rolls his eyes, an habit he is very much attached to – almost as much as his uncontrollable urge of running his fingers through his hair. Jungkook is surprised he still haven't done it in, what? Three minutes? “You know, how fucked up is this?” Jimin drops the question, placing his elbow on the table to look at Jungkook with his face leaning on his hand. “The menu has like, at least thirty different hamburgers and mine got to get mixed with the only one I absolutely hate. I'd eat any other one.” Jungkook laughs at his misery, because they are past the phase where this kind of reaction could be read as rude. “I guess coincidences are really out there to bite us in the ass in our worst moments.” Jimin sighs, defeated. Jungkook shakes his head, shoving another portion of fries into his mouth. “Or perharps, you're just the unluckiest person in the world for the day.” Smiling, the older frowns, and unwraps his hamburger to take a bite. “What's this, a theory?” he asks after swallowing the food – because he's polite, unlike Jungkook, who speaks with his mouth partially full all the time. Not that any of them really cares. “What do you mean?” Jungkook doesn’t get the line of thought. “Like…” Jimin shifts on his seat to find a more comfortable position, “Do you think that there is a day for every person in the world to be the unluckiest?” Jungkook laughs, amused by how a random choice of words he made, aroused this kind of questioning on the boy. “Um, I don’t know? I've never really stopped to think about it, but maybe? It might.” He is about to remove the paper enveloping his own hamburger when an idea surges in his mind and lights up his features. “Oh! How about we do an experience?” “Experience?” Jimin smiles, never really able to not to when he is around the younger – because there is a thing about Jeon Jungkook that just keeps on impelling his cheeks to rose up and flush without his consent. It'd be frustrating if it wasn’t endearing. “Yeah, experience! You're our subject. If bad things enough happen to you today, then it's a proven theory.” He nods confidently. Jimin licks his lips before speaking. “I'm pretty sure every scientist out there in the world would be flattered by our revolutionary method of research.” They laugh, and Jungkook takes the chance to fully stare at Jimin – he is so pretty. However, the older's smile fades way too quickly, replaced by a sudden curious expression when Jungkook unwraps his hamburger. “Oh! Didn’t you tell me you were vegetarian before?” he asks, pointing at the food with a good piece of meat between the breads. Jungkook archs his eyebrows, genuinely surprised. “Oh? Do you remember that? It was like, months ago.” Jimin looks away, humming a sort of agreement and Jungkook almost thinks he sees the lightest of the pinks coloring his cheeks. “Ah…” he tries not to focus on it too much – it might make him delusional –, and concentrates on his response instead. “I don’t… You got it wrong. I'm trying to turn vegetarian. But fast food is kind of the misfortune of my attempts. And the meat here… Well, let's be honest, it doesn’t really tastes like meat.” The older giggles, sucking more juice from the straw afterwards. “But why did you decide this?” he licks his lips to catch some drops of the juice that accumulated on it and Jungkook has to try unusually hard to not stare. “Mhm, I…” he clicks his tongue in order to regain his focus and elaborate an answer, “I just… Don’t think eating animals is right.” Clever. Very clever, great job, Jeon. He facepalms himself inwardly. The problem is: he is always put on a challenge whenever he has to explain his ideals – he feels like he's pressured to convince the other person what he believes is right, and this, he just hates. Usually, because people tend to get defensive pretty fast, but also because he understands he can be wrong and that is okay for other people to not follow the same way of living as him. He just believes in what he believes and that's it. Jimin bites the corner of his lips, looking up thoughtful. “Yeah, but I don’t think anyone thinks it's right? I mean, don’t we just need it? As a vital necessity for our daily pack of energy as humans or something?” Jungkook decides to finally take a bite of his hamburger. “Not really. I mean,” he swallows, “of course it's important and it helps, but there are many potential substitutes. At least, for me it works. It doesn’t for everyone though. Some people really need it to survive, but since I don’t… what bad it does, right?” Jimin smiles, genuinely interested and Jungkook stupidly flushes. Seriously. “What made you get into it?” “Ah.” he bites his lower lip. It's not a topic he was expecting to talk about while they were eating. “It's a cruel system.” He stops himself when he is about to add an 'I think' in the end of the sentence. It's not an opinion; at least not this. It's the truth. “I kinda got disgusted of eating meat after watching a documentary about the way animals are treated in slaughterhouses. It's… unpleasant to know.” “Oh.” Jimin puts his lunch down. “I feel bad now.” “No, don’t feel!” Jungkook hurries. “I mean. Yeah, okay, you can feel, cause it's bad, but it's not like only one person can change the way this industry treats animals by not buying any more meat, so…” He explains. “I understand that, I'm trying to stop just because I truly feel disgusted now. I don’t enjoy the taste. Well, except for this. Fast food is my only weakness. And chicken nuggets.” Jimin nods and tries to lighten the atmosphere, changing the subject of conversation. “Oh! Just like soda to me.” Jungkook archs an eyebrow, ready to tease. “But you drink beer?” The older doesn’t answer, caught in a trap. “Seems logical.” He laughs hard when Jimin leans over the table to slap his arm. “Shut up.” He repeats for probably the tenth time that day. “It's addicting.” “I know. Even though it tastes like shit.” Jimin rolls his eyes, running his fingers through his hair and pushing his bangs backwards. Oh, there it is. Some strands get back on its place, but his forehead remains mainly exposed. It's a great sight. “Kid.” Jungkook rushes to defend himself. “M' not! Sayeon-noona is the same age as you and she agrees with me!” “Another kid!” Jimin accuses and laughs. Jungkook's scowl almost instantly disappears, as he gets busier being overwhelmed by the sound. “How is she, by the way?” How are you two?, he knows it's what it means. There's a sigh asking for allowance to escape from Jungkook's throat, but he reprimands it. “I guess we're really just friends, after all. We don't work out as a couple.” Jimin hums. “I'm… sorry to hear that.” “No, it's okay, truly. It's nice like this.” Jungkook takes the chance to sip another gulp on his drink, before asking, “What about you?” Jimin purses his lips to contain a smile, while shaking his head to the sides. His bangs move cutely, falling over his forehead again – almost calling for Jungkook's fingers to move them aside, so his beautiful skin can be fully on display once more. He swallows the urge, taking his hand to scratch his nape instead. “I'm the unromantic romantic type.” Jimin muses, and Jungkook frowns. “What?” he laughs, confused. “What do you mean?” “I don’t do relationships,” he states and Jungkook can almost feel his heart sinking at the words, but he pretends it's the ghostly sensation of the soda's gas on his throat. “Cause I enjoy the conquest and flirting part better.” The boy is suddenly amused at the reason. “Why?” Jimin clicks his tongue. “I like the nervousness of the unknown. The fluttering heart and the stomach's butterflies at the beginning. But that's it. I don’t like what comes next. The boredom of relationship, always so predictable and…? I don’t know, I don’t like it.” Jungkook nods understandingly, but not really agreeing. “It isn’t always like that, though, you know?” “Oh, please.” Jimin smiles. “You know it is.” “It's not!” Jungkook is smiling too, but he feels defensive, ready to stand for his point of view. “If your relationships are being predictable and boring, then you're dating wrong.” Jimin chews on a lonesome fry, before letting out, “Uh, I never dated.” He takes a moment to absorb the information. Park Jimin never… What? Jeon Jungkook is beyond offended. He stares at Jimin for a long second – mouth gaping for effect –, before playfully slamming his fist on the table with a fake angry expression, dragging the most gorgeous and contagious laugh ever out of Jimin's throat. He almost forgets what he is doing when the older squeezes his eyes shut and throws his head back, having Jungkook's own lips unconsciously quirking upwards into a giggle as he watches him. When Jimin composes himself again, Jungkook continues dramatically. “How can you possibly say you hate, with capital h, relationships, when you have never even once experienced one?!” Jimin shrugs, nonchalantly – yet, still with remainings of a playful chuckle on his features. “I just know.” “That's aburd. And impossible.” He emphasizes. “It is not!” It's Jimin's turn to stand for what he believes, it seems. “You have to agree with me that the flirting part is the best one.” Jungkook ponders for a second, just to sigh defeated on the other, already flashing a victorious smirk on his hyung's lips. “Well, yes, but only because I've been through a lot of shitty relationships.” “Jungkook… My dearest dear Jungkook… Let's be honest here.” Jimin closes his eyes while holding Jungkook's wrists for drama's sake, and then sighs even more dramatically when he blinks his eyes open to look at him again. “Every relationship is shitty.” Jungkook snorts. “Hyung! You're being very unfair and unconsiderate with every healthy and happy relationship out there in the world!” Jimin laughs. “Which is none.” “I'm offended.” Jungkook says, looking away with a pout and crossed arms, getting Jimin extra aware on his seat. “Wait, for real?” The boy eyes him, reluctant on his play. “No, but…” he lets his arm fall, already giving up on the act. “I mean, come on, there must be a relationship you look at and say, 'that's it, relationship goals'.” Jimin fakes a gag and Jungkook can’t help but chuckle at the sight. Fucking idiot. “Thankfully never.” “You're helpless.” “Call me realistic.” Jimin corrects him, taking a thumb till his lips to clean it out of the oil of the food. He repeats the same thing with the rest of his fingers. Jungkook diverts his gaze, scared he might end up staring too hard. “I call you a pain in the ass. Outch!” he complains when Jimin punches his shoulder – even though it didn't really hurt. “Respect your hyung, brat.” It's Jungkook's turn to roll his eyes – although, he keeps silent, eating the remainings of his now withered fries, and drinking the rest of his cola, hamburger already being digested inside his stomach. Jimin, however, is still on half of his burger, almost all of his fries out of the red container and scattered over his tray. “How do you eat so slowly?!” Jungkook asks, nearly shocked. Jimin answers him mouthful for the first time and Jungkook has to bite back a smile at his puffed cheeks. “Well, I'm sorry if I don’t eat like a starving tinasor!” Jungkook furrows his brows. “A tinawhat?” He swallows before speaking again. “Dinosaur!” The younger takes a hand to his chest, faking offense. “I don’t eat like a starving dinosaur! You're the one who eats like a slug!” Jimin rolls his eyes at him and sticks out his tongue. Jungkook has to chuckle in order to pretend he's not on the verge of melting. “You're so cute.” He lets out before his mind processes it. Well, shit. “I mean,” he tries to correct it, but just ends up pointing at Jimin's entire face. “Cute.” The black haired boy flushes so hard even his ears turn pink. “Shut up.” He mutters a second before taking the white straw to his mouth, the plastic turning orange when he sucks the liquid from the cup. He has such nice lips it's distracting. Jungkook misses the chance to tease him for blushing thanks to it. “Uh.” He forces a cough. “So.” And scratches the back of his neck, because it's terribly itching all of a sudden. Jimin's phone vibrating on the table saves him from the embarrassment and also from an awkward silence it was for sure going to settle on the table. The older takes the gadget on his free hand and presses the side button so the lockscreen lights up. “Ah!” Jimin groans, throwing his head back. Curious, Jungkook leans his cheek on the palm of his hand and asks, “What is it?” Jimin snorts, seemingly annoyed. “This guy.” He doesn’t look back at Jungkook to answer, busy trying to type something on the phone with a single hand. “I told him I didn’t want nothing serious, but now that we fucked he keeps on texting me, asking me to go out with him and shit.” The younger nods, and bites the inner part of his bottom lip, pondering what to say. He almost smiles, dying to tease with an “are you that good?!” – but ends up choosing the most secure option. “Why don’t you?” “Dates sucks. And the whole idea of going out already fades the conquest.” Jungkook furrows his eyebrows for probably the tenth time on the day – his never ending battle of trying to understand Park Jimin – and reclines on the backrest. “Um, no?” Jimin turns his attention back at him. “Um, yes?” He places the phone on the table. “I mean, if you're going out with someone it means the flirting is done, because well, the purpose of flirting is getting a date. Or getting laid.” He adds thoughtfully. “Which I already did. So now it means feelings are about to be involved, and no, thanks.” He emphasizes the last two words and takes another bite of his hamburger, chewing on it while waiting for Jungkook's response, who can only roll his eyes. “Ah, hyung.” He snorts, letting his head fall in defeat. “Why are you like this? Have you even gone to a date, at least? Or you just hate it based on nothing?” Jimin straightens his back, and acts as if he's very offended. “Excuse me? It's not based on nothing. I've analyzed it with my own eyes, you just have to look around.” And so, Jungkook does. Jimin watches him with something akin to amusement on his face. “Not literally, idiot.” “No, let's do this.” Jungkook decides, looking for a table with couple vibes. “There!” He excitedly bounces on his seat once, turning back to Jimin to make sure he is looking the right people. “Those two.” Jimin shakes his head in confusion. “What?” And with no further explanation, Jungkook simply gets up and gestures for Jimin to follow him. “Wh-what, Jungkook!” He quickly gets up when he realizes the boy intends to walk over to the two girls at the other side of the restaurant. “What the hell, are you crazy?!” He hurries to grab the younger's arm with both hands, attempting to pull him back to his chair. There are firm muscles bulging against his palms, but he ignores it with a gulp. “What?” he asks indifferently. “I'mma just ask them some things.” He has a calm expression on his face, as if he's not about to approach two strangers about their supposed love life. Jimin laughs with incredulity. “Yeah, not happening.” He tugs at the arm more insistently. Jungkook doesn’t flinch a centimeter. “What, why not?” Shining, big doe eyes winks back at him innocently and Jimin can’t decide if the he is naive or just dumb. “Um, because that's very impolite? And extremely invasive.” Jimin eyes the couple discreetly for a second. The girl with blonde short hair is leaning with forearms on the table, attentively listening to what the other is saying, and adorning a tender smile across her pink lips. Jimin can’t see the face of the one speaking, but her long hair lays on her back in soft bluish curls. They both seem very pretty. “You also don’t even know if they’re like… a thing.” Jimin finds himself turning his attention back to Jungkook just in time to catch the boy rolling his eyes. It's annoyingly cute. “Oh, please. Just look at them, of course they're a thing.” He doesn’t find much argument against that. He might have never allowed himself to fall in love in his life, but he does recognize a fluttering heart shinning through enamored eyes when he sees one. “Besides, what the hell do you think I'm gonna ask them?! Their sexual lives? No, thanks, Namjoon-hyung's story of his first time eating a guy's ass is traumatic enough.” A grossed out expression makes its way across Jimin's features. “Dude. Thanks for the unnecessary information.” Jungkook tilts his head to the side, smiling sarcastically. Jimin wants to punch it out of his face. With his mouth. Maybe. “You're welcome. Now come.” He's about to complain and step back when Jungkook suddenly grabs his hand and interlocks their fingers. The world kind of spins in a soft blur for a moment and his eyes instantly fall down to it – intertwined fingers clasped together; Jungkook holding firm and he loosely –, which gets his stomach to clench very weirdly. Oh, shit. However, he doesn’t have much time to dwell on how smooth, warm and soft Jungkook's skin feels against his, cause one second he's wondering how it'd feel pressed on his nape – or waist, maybe? – while they make out, and the other he's put in front of two very confused, unknown girls. He forces out a smile to the strangers after a second of hesitation, doing his best at crushing Jungkook's fingers on his, hidden behind their backs. “Hah!” the younger loudly gasps, startling the girls and pulling his hand away from Jimin's grip, quickly forcing a smile on his lips as well. Jimin hopes he felt a lot of pain. Jungkook takes the embarrassing moment to bow in greeting, so Jimin follows suit. “Hello, nice to meet you two. I'm, uh, I'm Jungkook and this is my friend, Jimin.” Jimin lightly leans his head forward again, a low mutter of something that seems “nice to meet you” falling from his lips. The two girls bow back uncertainly and stare at the both of them in silence. God. Jimin never wanted to deck someone in the face so bad – Jungkook, deck Jungkook, not the girls, for god's sake. Yet, he chooses to poke him with his elbow instead. For the time being. “Ah!” the idiot jolts, clapping his hands once in front of his body, obviously trying to come out with something to say. Jimin is sure he could bury his whole self in pure embarrassment right now. He's already blushing hard enough for the two of them anyway. “I'm sorry to, um, interrupt your meal, it's just that me– Me and my friend,” he reiterates, pulling Jimin closer and Jimin really has to manage all of his self control to not kill the boy right there. “We were talking about dates and we got onto a disagreement, so we're doing… research.” Jimin turns to look at him, a smile that says “I'm so going to murder you” hanging on his lips. “We are?” “Ah. Yes.” Jungkook laughs the threat away. “So, anyway, since you two seemed to be on a really nice date, we thought–“ “Oh.” The short haired girl's voice surges for the first time. She takes a hand to her chest and laughs, seemingly relieved. “Thank god, I thought you were trying to hit on us.” If Jimin's cheeks were flushed before, now they are the red of the flames in hell itself. The other girl also laughs, and gestures with her hand to the both of them. “I'm Eunji and she's Hyerin. But, um, actually… We're not on a date.” Jungkook snaps his head back just the slightest, surprised. “Oh.” He voices out innocently, exactly like a kid who just discovered the ocean is only blue because it reflects the sky. Jimin would find it adorable if he wasn't, you know, dying. “Ah, sorry, we thought– Well, that's not a problem, really.” Jungkook smiles. “Can you still answer our questions, though?” Jimin facepalms himself. Literally speaking. “Please, just say yes, so we can leave and I can kill him after this.” His voice comes out muffled, but he can hear giggles, which means it was audible enough. “Yeah, sure.” One of them say. Jimin finds out it's the one with the blue highlights when he takes his hand out of his face. Eunji, right? “What is it?” He finds himself curious, considering he also has no idea what Jungkook is about to ask, so he redirects his attention to him. “Ah, it's truly just one question.” The boy admits, and Jimin could easily mistake the way he is scratching his neck with nervousness. He watches Jungkook open his mouth once and then be caught in a loss of words, as if he is reconsidering what he's about to ask. Jimin doesn’t have time to say anything though – the younger is quick to talk again. “Do you think dates erase the whole meaning of flirting?” Yes, it's his immediate thought. He halfheartedly shifts his gaze from Jungkook's profile to the girls, so he can see their reactions. Hyerin is the first to answer – she has her head tilted a bit to the side in thought, with a pair of furrowed brows. Jimin feels a faint smile forming on his lips, because she's cute. “I think it depends? It's the first date? Second?” Eunji intervenes. “Why would that matter?” Jimin kind of knows why, but he doesn’t want to interfere in their path of discussion. “Well, if it's the first date maybe not, but if it's the sixth then probably?” He nods, as it was exactly what he was thinking. However, Jungkook doesn’t seem to agree beside him, if the way he keeps on changing his weight from a feet to another is anything to tell. “I mean, if you got to the sixth date, there's a high chance that you're, well, dating.” Hyerin concludes, and Jimin takes the chance to subtly glance at Jungkook, but the boy is still resolute in his opinion, it seems. Eunji is the same apparently, as she places her palm on the table and gapes at Hyerin for a second, almost offended. “Excuse me, but what makes you think couples can't flirt at all? My parents are married for 20 years and they flirt all the time!” “Yes, my grandparents too!” Jungkook decides to buy Eunji's fight, so Jimin steps in. “It's not the same.” Although, he is surprised as Hyerin says the very same thing as him in complete sync. They look at each other with open mouths, right before chuckling and high-fiving. “When you flirt with someone you're already dating, it doesn’t really hold the whole meaning of flirting, since the purpose is making the person whom you flirt with fall in love with you.” she concludes and Jimin almost thinks Eunji doesn't have any other argument to beat this one – except she does. “Well, but you can fall in love with the same person everyday.” And this seems to be the actual K.O., given how Hyerin intensely blushes, ducking her head down and Eunji smiles victoriously. So they're actually on a date, Jimin realizes with a smile on his face that warms all the way to his chest. Smart as ever, Jungkook doesn’t seem to catch on that, smirking at Jimin and quirking his eyebrows twice with a hidden teasing that says “see?”, since he thinks they won the argument. Jimin rolls his eyes just because. Hopeless romantics. “Anyway, in which context did this surge?” Hyerin is quick to ask in order to not let an awkward silence stretches on the table, but just after the words leaves her mouth she seems to realize how they actually sounded. “Oh, sorry, I-I didn’t mean to be rude or intrude, I was just curious.” “It's okay.” Jimin reassures with a warm smile, and when he is about to tell her and reasonably explain his point, Jungkook decides to be a dick and paint him as the shallow asshole by cutting him off before he even started talking. “He hates relationships. And he thinks dates sucks.” Jimin punchs his arm, embarrassed. “Yah!” His cheeks feels warm and the grin Jungkook gifts him with does nothing to ease it. “What?” he asks, rubbing the sore spot. “It's your own words! Do they sound completely heartless when I say it to other people?” Jungkook teases and Jimin purses his lips, focusing really hard on stopping blushing so he doesn’t make a fool of himself. “Shut up, I have plenty of reasons.” Jimin emphasizes and Jungkook mocks him by pinching his cheek in front of two strangers. Oh boy, he's dead. “Mhm-mhm, I bet you do, you red baby.” He coos. Oh boy, he's dead. “Oh, we have similar opinions,” Hyerin's voice snaps them out of their personal bubble, “but I don’t think dates sucks.” Jimin sighs. He is alone in this battle, apparently. “But you used to!” Eunji points an accusing finger at the short haired girl. She rolls her eyes, but there's a hint of a smile on her lips. “Well, but I don’t anymore!” Hyerin protests in her own defense. “Stop exposing me.” she mutters. “But what made you change your mind?” Jungkook asks, genuinely curious. “About dates, I mean.” “Well,” Eunji starts in Hyerin's place. “I guess she had to go through a series of many awesome dates, right?” They share an accomplice gaze and Jimin knows it's time for them to leave the girls alone again. “Okay, so. Thank you so much for helping with this idiot's “research”, I'm sure he'll make good use of it being a pain in the ass later.” The girls smile sincerely, politely bowing their heads afterwards. Jimin places a hand on Jungkook's back motioning for him to move back to their table. When he starts walking, Jimin takes a second to lean down a little and whisper so only the girls can hear him, “Enjoy your date.” Hyerin cheeks turns pink instantly, but Eunji simply waves at him, a loving smile adorning her features. “You too.” she whispers back. Before Jimin can clarify he and Jungkook aren’t on a date, said boy holds his waist and waves the girls goodbye over their shoulders. “Thank you!” the younger makes sure to give them his brightest smile. Jimin isn’t able to catch it in full hd though, because Jungkook’s hand on his waist is currently making the skin beneath his jacket tingle in a funny way. ”What did you whisper to them?” the boy questions when they are almost at their table. Jimin has to pull up a small battle with his brain to detach himself from Jungkook's touch so he can reach his seat. He waits for Jungkook to do the same to speak. “I told them to have a good date.” The boy in front of him seems very shocked, much for Jimin's amusement. He chews on a now very cold fry, waiting for Jungkook’s answer. “What– how rude! Hyung, they told us they were not on a date!” Oh god, was he still clueless? For real? Jimin swallows. “Jungkookie. They are on a date.” “Bullshit, they're not–“ he insists confidently at first, but as soon as he turns his body back to take a glance at the girls and spots their shy hands curling in one another, he gulps his previous words. “Shit, they're on a date.” “No joke, Einstein.” Jimin teases. “Now stop staring, they just stopped thinking we're weird and I'd like to keep that way, thank you.” Jungkook does as he's asked, but Jimin can see a hint of offense on his eyes. “They lied to us. Why would they do that?” He shoots Jungkook a face, and the offense painted on the younger's face only grows ten thousands bigger. He places a hand over his chest and almost chokes out, “Do we look like homophobes?!” Jimin rolls his eyes at the boy's innocence. “Jungkook, seriously, when you go out with someone of the same sex as you in an homophobic country, everyone around you looks like homophobes. I thought you would know that.” “Oh.” His face softens. “Right.” And then he smiles. “That's good, then, they form such a cute couple.” Jimin hums agreeing, finally finishing his hamburger with a last bite. His fingers are greasy, so he takes a napkin to clean them and when he looks up, Jungkook smiles a smile with no teeth that makes his cheeks plump up like two little red apples. Jimin knows that smile. He's seen it before. “What?” he asks cautiously, sensing an idea forming in the younger's mind. He's planning something. Something stupid, probably. Once, they were trying to chill in an ice cream shop with Taehyung. Jimin remembers the day was unbearably scorching – and even inside the refrigerated place, there were droplets of sweat forming on the back of his neck, turning the tips of his hair humid. They were talking and trying to distract themselves from the heat as well from the upcoming finals. The topic of the conversation was human beings physical limitations. Don’t ask him how they got there, they just did. Apart from the hot weather, the atmosphere was nice and cozy; their fingers and lips smeared with sweet, Taehyung being the messiest of the three – but that was no news –, and their voices occasionally overlapping one another as they shot random guesses of how much ice cream a person could eat in one sitting. When a mutual agreement – between Jimin and Taehyung – settled that 15 scoops was the limit, the table fell in silence. Jungkook wasn’t pleased. He stared at the older boys with a cocky wriggle of eyebrow and then smiled the way he was smiling now. Before anyone could even say a word, he called for the waitress and well, proved Jimin and Taehyung were wrong by eating twenty scoops of ice cream. Twenty. Jimin almost felt impelled to go and eat twenty one just because, but he wasn’t that suicidal. “What do you have on your schedule today?” Jungkook asks, leaning his head on his hand and blinking his eyelashes in a way it's kind of hard to stare at without getting a heartbeat to skip. A seminar to finish, dance practice for the upcoming performance and a good lay at night, he remembers. “Nothing.” he answers, “Why?” At that, Jungkook's smile grows so wide Jimin's heart clenches and it's awkward, because what the hell. However, he has no time to freak out since Jungkook is suddenly grabbing their personal belongings and shoving it all down his backpack. “What are you doing?” his voice sounds genuinely confused, just how he feels. “Come.” The younger simply gets up and says – as if it's very self explainable –, looking around the table and tapping his pockets to check if everything's there. When Jimin keeps his butt glued to the chair, Jungkook diverts his focus to him. “You're not coming?” he seems puzzled and maybe a bit taken aback, but that’s probably just Jimin reading his actions too deeply. “Coming where?” And that’s when Jimin has to hold back all his oxygen inside his lungs in order to keep a straight expression, because all of a sudden Jungkook places one hand on the chair's backrest, another on the table and leans down so fast his face is found just inches away from Jimin's. He almost gasps, but he knows his self control better, so he quickly finds his composure again. “To the mall.” Jimin's mind suffer an abrupt short circuit, because is Jungkook really planning on doing what I think he's planning to do. “I'm gonna be your cupid.” Oh. Well, he's not, but wait– “What?!” The younger straightens his column with a smile, hands hiding in his pockets. “I'll be your cupid.” He repeats plainly, something hidden in the way his lips curve at just the right angle to form a timid dimple. “Let's find you a date. That's the only way we can know who's right.” Jimin laughs with incredulity. “Would you go that far just to prove a point?!” That's when he sees a chance to tease. And he takes it. “Are you sure you're not just using this as an excuse to take me out?” He gets up, and even though Jungkook is taller, this time, the proximity seems to disconcert the younger. It lasts such a short second, though, just like it did with Jimin. Apparently, they're playing games and well that's Jimin's language. He smirks, and so does Jungkook. “It's not like I have to find an excuse to take you out, is it?” he whispers closer to his face. Jimin is left back shocked at the boldness, since Jungkook pulls away just as fast, switching his tone and consequently the atmosphere. “And of course I'm serious!” he steps backwards at the cashier's direction. “Let's go, it's gonna be new. That's the synonymous of exciting to you, right?” he turns around in order to walk properly and misses Jimin rolling of eyes at him, but Jimin's pretty sure it was purposeful. He rolls his eyes one more time, following the younger nevertheless – and it's not like he doesn’t realize the bothersome tugging at his chest, but he decides to settle on it being simple anticipation. Maybe Jungkook's right and new is really another word for excitement to him. Not that he is letting him know he's right. When Jimin reachs the boy at the front counter, Jungkook's money is already being handed to the lady behind the computer. “Yah!” Jimin reprimands him. “What are you doing, idiot? Told you it's my treat!" “Of course not.” Jungkook looks back at him. “I invited you, so I pay.” Jimin shakes his head, insistent – not like it's useful, since the woman is already giving Jungkook the change and thanking him. But no dongsaeng has ever paid for him – not even Taehyung. It's somewhat intimate, and it unsettles him. “I'm the hyung.” He says. “So?” Jungkook puts the money back on his wallet and then snorts. “Aish, stop being difficult, you're the only person I know who complains for getting free food.” There's a couple of young teenagers already waiting behind them to pay, so Jungkook bows for the lady who attended to him and walks towards the exit. Jimin follows suit, maintaining his lowkey sulking mode. “We're probably proving that theory right by the end of the day and I'm really the unluckiest person in the world today.” Jungkook isn’t sure if's he's more of pouting or talking. Either way, it's adorable. He fights the urge to squish his hyung's cheeks, and decides on bending down instead, putting them on eye level. “Don’t be like that…” he trails, entertained by the way Jimin's eyes widen slightly and his bottom lip is sucked inside his mouth. “You're spending the entire day with me.” He reminds him. When Jimin releases the flesh, it comes back a flushing red. “It's not that bad, right?” Smiling amused, Jungkook does exactly what he did minutes ago, and gives Jimin his back – instead this time, he does catches the elder rolling his eyes. Within the cutest pair of rosy cheeks coming along on the package. Too bad he misses the loving smile sprawling on Jimin's lips when he turns arounds.
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kimmoonkwon · 5 years
Dear someone... hopefully....
Dear to whom it may concern. I'll love you, I dont know who'll you'll be, all I know is that I'll love you.... hopefull I'll meet you one day.
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
Hey! How'd ya feel.
if we go for lunch ^^
Uh sure
It's cute how you were being nice, SeungChan, but I wish you'd said no, indulging me only made it hurt more...
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
"Hansooooooool," you whine, trying to snap your friend's eyes off the cute boy who he'd been having a staring contest with for the past half hour. "Get your eyes off Jun and pay attention to this!"
"Awe c'mom y/n I'm not picking matching colours for our graduation."
"You're my best friend! You've gotta match with me!"
"What if I wanna match with Jun?"
You press your fingers to the bridge of your nose, "you're not dating Jun, you're barely friends with hi-"
"You're right, I'll go ask him."
You sigh banging your head against the table.
A few minutes later, Hansol excitedly tapped you on the shoulder.
"He said 'yes' y/n!"
"Ah good for you, Ji."
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
I've asked so many girls out, I'm almost done high school! Why cant I get a girlfriend??
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
A three week camping trip, more like a three week break from Hansol and Jun...
I wish I could stop my mind from thinking about him hes been so nice to me this whole trip! The warm air, the atmosphere, it's a nice trip! Plus th- is Woochul looking at me???
I know we've never spoken or anything.. but hes smiled at me lots! And been nice! And stood next to me while lining up for the bus back! And-
Oh my gosh-
Hes just being nice....
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
I'm friendly! I'm nice! So why does the only girl who wants to date me only want me for sex? Why cant I just have a nice relationship?
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
So I started noticing a guy at work...
Hes friendly with me, his friends, customers!
Hes funny, sweet, nice, cute, unique!
Jo Mingyu seems pretty cool!
He literally ticks off every requirement for a guy that I've ever had!
Okay. I'm going to ask him out!
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
"Hey? Hwi?" You ask, running out onto the parking lot, winter air striking your face.
Just ask y/n.
"Hey, uh, would you like to go for dinner or lunch sometime, maybe this week?" You ask, nervously rubbing your sweaty palms on your jeans.
"Oh, uh, um, I'll uh, text you, I'm pretty busy this week..." He said, halfway in his car.
"Yeah, no problem!" You smile, mentally stopping yourself from celebrating prematurely.
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
Hey y/n so i thought it would let you know now rather than later about going to dinner sometime, im going to have to decline, im just not really looking for a relationship or anything right now. Sorry.
Yea no problem Have a
nice weekend ^^
Yeah you too...
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
"Hansol what do I do?"
"In regards to what?" Hansol asked, reaching across the table to grab the bottle of soy sauce.
"To get a boyfriend! Like you've got!"
"You you dont want mine, hes a little bit gay..."
"Ugh, leave Jun out of this! You know what I mean!" You protest.
Hansol rolled his eyes. "What about I set you up on a date?"
"Yes! Okay with who?" You jump in your seat, bumping your plate forward, crashing into your friend's.
Hansol rolled his eyes again, pulling out his phone, showing you a cute guy with squishy cheeks. "This is Yunmin."
"Okay I'm in." You nod vigorously at your friend.
"I'll let him know." Hansol laughed at your eagerness.
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
"Okay, y/n I'll ask now."
A few minutes of excited silence passes.
"O-oh Hes got a girlfriend y/n, I'm sorry I didnt know"
"Oh, yeah, that's... good for him..."
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
What if I die alone? A miserable old man?
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
Just a normal Saturday, a perfect, normal, nice, Saturday.
That is until you received a text from a co-worker...
Hi Jiann!
Um are you doing
anything Friday night
Nope 😊
Would you like to go to
Dinner with me? I know a
Great restaurant downtown!
I'd love to!
Okayy! I'll meet you there!
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
You called Hansol about what to wear 3 times, reapplied make up 2 times, thanked Jun for driving you there, countless times, and waited an hour... two hours... three hours... four?!?!
Y/n I'm so sorry to do this to you, but my mom had an emergency, shes fine but I need to be with her right now, maybe another time?
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
Shes kinda cute, shes been sitting here all evening, o-oh she crying now...
She ran past me and into the bathroom, I probably should comfort her...
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
"Miss? Miss we close soon... may I come in?" A sweet voice asked.
You were too sad to really register the door open, gentle figure sit down next to you and his soft hand cautiously rub circles on your back. You felt the owner of the hand hold out a tissue to you.
"May I ask why your crying Miss?"
"S-stood u-up," you stutter, embarrassing yourself further.
"That bastard! I'll beat him up for you, Miss!"
You try laugh between sobs, "His mom needed him." You explain.
"Ah, I see, we'll how about a make up date?"
"W-with you?" You dare to look up, praying that your makeup hasnt run to badly.
"Y-yeah, is that okay?"
"Sounds lovely," You smile, trying to make yourself look slightly more inviting.
"My shift is over now? How about we go next door to the café?"
You nod, smiling, wiping away your tears.
The boy's name tag read 'Jinkwon'.
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
"She did What?!?" You exclaim, a warm cup of tea clasped tightly in your hand, its contents quickly depleting.
"I know right!!" Jinkwon laughs, his own coffee going cold from all the stories he's been telling you.
Funny how life sucks so bad that you end up with something better?
"Its my last year of college too!" You excitedly explain your major to the boy infront of you.
At the end of the wonderful evening, Jinkwon drove you back home, you exchanged numbers, and couldn't feel happier!
Dear to whom it may concern.
I'll love you, I dont know who'll you'll be, all I know is that I'll love you.... hopefull I'll meet you one day.
Dear Jinkwon, thank you for being you, and thank you to everyone who rejected me or otherwise, you've given me the experience to have a healthy relationship with someone who I truly care about. Funny how loves seems to figure itself out huh?
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