#so much fun to work onn
stargirl-lina · 4 months
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my most recent tav commission for the most wonderful person ever hailey 💕💕💕
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rubylovessharks · 5 months
floyd leech x fem reader x jade leech smut warning: this has some yandere details and this is smut. kinda dark (?) reader is fine with it though. this didnt start with an established romantic relationship with the twins but did end with one. from my (very short) research i have found some stuff about how moray eels get to the point of mating, which is to have enough food, for the water temperature to be warm and if i remember correctly the ok sign for them to mate is their mouth being open (?) so ive been thinking of this scenario for the past few days. this was longer then intended :(
You were in the Monstruo Lounge with your friends after you all finished all of your tests for this semester, you all wanted to celebrate together. So here you are talking and waiting for your orders but you feel eyes on you. I mean it makes sense because you are in a dorm full of scheming guys, so you can never tell what any of them is thinking. Yet the unnerving feeling of being watched doesn't seem to end. Little did you know that a set of twins were looking your way from not too far preparing you and your friends order.
"Ughh I just don't get why shrimpy hangs out with those guys! Like are they better then us? no!" The taller of the two pouts his face as he talks with his twin. "Now now Floyd, there's no need to worry. I know she prefers us a lot more then her..." he pauses for a moment there as to find a better word then the one he is thinking, "friends." his signature smile on his face as he finishes making your food. "how about you help me get these orders to the customers and then we'll call our lovely pearl for a little..talk?" "ohhh~ that sounds sooo much more fun then handing out orders!"
And here was your food. Delivered by the Leech twins. Their smiles uncanny yet charming, you think to yourself. It really was true that you like them over your friends. Your fantasies just as twisted as theirs, you wouldn't even mind if your food was spiked just so they could take you down into the depth of the sea.
"I hope you all enjoy your food and drinks." Jade says with a smile. His head then turns to you, "i hope you won't mind if he had a chat after you finish your dish? Me and Floyd had something we wanted to talk to you about." It wasn't everyday you were called to a one on two chat with your crushes, you nod a bit to fast with a smile that was too wide. "We hope you enjoy your meal! We worked reaaal hard on it, we even got you extra!" Floyd says as he waves to you while he and his brother walk away.
You finish your food quickly as you were excited for your interaction with the twins. You bid your friends farewell and walk to the Monstruo Lounge bar table to find the twins, instead you are greeted by Floyd. "You actually came! Saves me work. C'mon Jade is waiting in our room!" He tells you, seeing your confused look he adds, "what you didn't think we wanted to talk here. With all of those hungry eyes on you."
as you walk over to their room Floyd takes your hand roughly, squeezing it. He is also tagging you a bit but other then the rough treatment nothing really happens on your way to their room. Although you seem to notice that Floyd's eyes are on you and not the way ahead. Once you get Infront of their door Floyd slams it open, not enough to break it but you are sure they'll need to fix it later...
In the room Jade is standing there with a bunch of different stuff mostly food and bottles of water, and there's even more on their tables. "I brought them!" Floyd takes you as if showing his brother a prize he won, big smile on his face. "Floyd i am sure you are leaving a ton of bruises on them...You should let them go a little." Jade says as he finishes putting all the stuff he had in his hands on the table and turns back to the both of you. "oh come onn.. We are gonna leave marks on them anywaysss! Why not start now.." Your face turns to one of confusion after what Floyd said, what did he mean by 'we are gonna leave marks anyways'...?
"My Floyd you are scaring the poor thing." Jade gives Floyd his usual calm face. "Do not worry pearl, it won't hurt too much." he looks at you now, yet his words don't help you understand the situation any better. "I do hope you ate all of the food we gave you. We would be very upset if you didn't." He gives you a hurt face "yeaah we worked so much just to keep you from bein' hungry in our lil' session~" now you are even more confused.. "Oya? It seems she doesn't know what we are talking about. My did you not tell her brother?" "huhhh? Was I supposed tooo.."
"Alright then, dearest I hope you noticed the temperature this season. Eels don't have an actual mating cycle. We get to mating when the water temperatures are warm, that there's enough food to eat and we have all of these conditions." Now you get it...All that extra food, that talk about marks.. All of it was their natural instincts. Wait- what does that mean that they took you for that?!
"ahha! Red fits you well shrimpy~!" "It seems our little prey has understood their situation." You weren't actually listening, still trying figure out how you got both of your crushes to pick you as their mate you don't even notice as Floyd pushes you over to his brother who pushes you on the bed. "Do not worry pearl, we will take good care of you." Jade smiles at you as he starts taking your uniform off. "Can't we just rip it though?? Like she won't need it anyways if she is gonna be staying here.." "my brother where are your manners."
You try to ask what is it that they mean by that and you immediately feel small after asking. They laugh at your question, your stupid, stupid question. "My shrimpy you are so silly!" Floyd gets closer as he says that, "you won't need to go outside when you are our mate. All you need to think about is being a good lil' wifey or us, yeah?" "Floyd's right dear. The outside is no place for you, with all of those hungry, hungry people just wanting even one bite out of you! You are a lot more safer here with us." they flash a smile at you, one that should be considered creepy yet you aren't afraid at all. Instead you give one smile of your own, maybe not as creepy and sadistic, yet still a smile that says a lot from how you feel about your situation.
"Oh what a cute smile you've got there shrimpy! I just wanna squeeze you to death!!" Floyd falls on top of your body as he says that and immediately starts to touch your squishy parts. You guess that he isn't a huge fan of your clothes as he starts to claw at them trying rid of them. "Oya oya Floyd no need to claw at her clothes." The shorter twin tries to calm his twin down yet to no avail as the taller one broke the fabric with his unkept nails, scratching a bit of your skin in the processes. Seeing as he already got to break down some of your uniform he continues until he finishes destroying the piece of clothing off your body, leaving you naked and easy for the taking.
"See! I told you it'll be better if we just cut her clothes to pieces!" Floyd tells his brother, big smile on his face. His brother looks at you before answering Floyd, "my, I guess you were correct." As you look at Jade Floyd gets to work on your body, his not so human tongue all over your neck and some of your chest, licking and licking until he puts his mouth on your body.
Sharp teeth nibling on your body threatening to draw blood, as he gets closer to your most sensitive spot and he bites it. And he bites it HARD. You let out a small scream as tears well up in your eyes and you immediately feel a set of fingers on the top of your head. "shhh. As I said before this doesn't hurt too much, please try to endure for us love." Jade pets your head trying to keep you from thinking too much about the pain. You try to keep yourself from making any more pained sounds as Floyd's mouth lets go of the spot, Jade shoos Floyd to let him comfort you further as he licks the wound.
"Hey hey shrimpy now even if someone sees you they'll know who you belong to! Ain't that funn~?" You nod at him as your hand reaches to Jade's head as he still licks your wound from Floyd. "YEAH!? Greatt!! I'm so happy to know we both agree this is for the best" his smile grows wider by the second. You suddenly feel a soft kiss being placed on another sensitive spot of yours, Jade loooks up at you from his spot before speaking. "Now I want to warn you before I mark you as well love, I promise to be gentle just bear with me, alright?" you nod at his words preparing yourself before the second assault, and as Jade promised his bite is indeed more gentle then Floyd's yet it still hurts a lot.
"Heyy shrimpy how 'bout you jerk me off as Jade continues to mark you up?" You look over to Floyd as he already has his pants off and his dick out. So now you have one hand that is clenched on Jade's hair and the other is jerking Floyd's cock. You take time to take in the details of his privates, a lot more girthy then long, it gets more red as it gets to the head it would probably hurt to take into your mouth. Yet you don't think you will be against it. The closer Floyd is to orgasam the louder his noises are.
You feel Jade stop what he was doing and his head's direction turns to Floyd. "Don't you want to have your first orgasam of the session inside of her Floyd?" "ugh get off my back I can paint both her outside and insides white. It doesn't matter!" Even though it is clear Jade doesn't approve of his twin's way of thinking, he can do nothing as Floyd releases his come over your stomach and chest.
"Heyy Jade think lil' shrimpy could take the both of us in the same time?" Floyd looks over to Jade with a sadistic smile, "my not with her dry her flods are!" your privates are in fact not dry at all, how wet do you even have to be to properly take them?! "Oh don't worry love. I'll make sure you can take us both as soon as I finish eating you out." "whatt? I was hoping I could eat her out first!" "you can take her mouth if you'd like. I'm sure it's just as fun."
Right when they finished arguing they both got into position. They lay you down on the bed so your head would stick out for Floyd to have easy access to your mouth, and for Jade to have an easy access to your privates. Jade's own mouth is skilled enough to please you to orgasm after a short while of just some licks and tongue fucking, while Floyd abused your mouth and throat already getting close to his second orgasm.
That's what your few next hours looked like. Sucking on Floyd's cock as he throat fucks you and his balls slap your face. Having Jade in between your legs fingering you, sucking on your clit and of course, tongue fucking you. You came so many times by now you have lost count! Of course Floyd isn't any different.. Stuffing and messing your throat, mouth and face with his sticky cum.
"Don't you think she is ready to finally take us both?"
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luffyvace · 6 months
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i do gn reader so much but it’s probably fine since it’s inclusive. (i’m gonna do her again with poc/black reader- also imma do more black reader in general ☆)
i love her and you do too
she’s an amazing girlfriend
need mental support?
she’s on it! uplifting music, parties and motivation for the win!
need physical support?
she’s got your back in fights
shes got your back (literally) in massages
shes your shoulder to lean on
loves to see you smile and laugh
and blushing too so she teases you
if your just as eccentric as her you two are WILD CARDS
if not—
“come onn! give in to peer pressure!”
won’t give up until she’s convinced you to do whatever she was trying to get you to do at least once
if you’ve got low self esteem she ain’t allowing it
she’ll erase the thought from your brain before you can think it
”what do you mean you weren’t as good as everybody else?! did you see yourself out there?! do you need me to show you the video again?? you did great! you were terrific! a star!”
”i just don’t think so mina..i don’t know, i feel like ___ did way better”
”NO WAY! you are at the top of our class in every aspect and you know it! there’s no way i’m letting you doubt yourself like that so don’t even think about!”
”how can you become a hero thinking like that _____?? heroes are supposed to give people hope! not give up hope themselves!!”
it ain’t happening
with how pushy she is, your bound to have a few more positive thoughts
”fine!! you don’t think your strong enough? let’s train then!”
she won’t go easy on you either
”i thought you said you weren’t good enough? if you really think so and you want to be, here’s the training!”
loves you to bits and pieces
whatever your going through?
nu uh.
‘WERE going through’
yall are a team and she calls the shots on that one
but anyways :)
mina is a cuddle bug and will trap you if you don’t give her cuddles often enough
she traps you anyways
sometimes to mess with you
other times because she wants more affection from you
her love languages are ALL
yes. all of the above.
she does anything to make you happy and this is her way of showing it
she really doesn’t expect anything in return either
although she might bribe you
”awww cmon! please? remember that super cool mirko figure that you wanted? that I got you??”
she means well by it i promise
is down to do practically anything with you
she’ll teach you how to dance btw
even if you really don’t want to 😭
gets mad and fake pouts if you genuinely don’t want to learn
shes still coming over for her cuddles tonight tho. 😐
what you thought this was? 🤨
a free for all??
you gettin this work.
she needs you there
you just have to be there ok?
if your intelligent or at least understand the homework your gonna have to remind and help her
if your not and forget as well
“momo we need help with the homewor-“
ngl she unintentionally does pda
its just the fact that she doesn’t pay attention to the people around you
and doesn’t care
she will hold your hand, peck your lips, giving you lots and lots of hugs in public
but she won’t make out with you- that’s for private
if you don’t like any pda
apologies but ya girl is going to keep forgetting
sure mina
she’ll want to do self/hair/skin care with you
if you don’t wanna you gotta at least be there while she does
and hopefully sing some songs with her
pretty please?
with a cherry on top?!
why nooooott?? :(
fine! >:(
but if you do..!
y’all sing and dance around and do the whole shabang
hyping each other up and all
its so fun
also a really good gift giver
she remembers stuff you say you like wayyyy better than her homework
so she gifts you whenever she sees something she knows you’d like
or wants to see your surprised happy face
she’s just a ball of love
please love her back
she’s not the best at cooking or baking 😭
if you are she won’t stop bugging you to cook/bake
especially bake-
for her and the girls-
lowkey brags about your skills
”seee? i told you ____ can cook really well!”
”____ is amazing! i’d bet on them in a baking competition with sato!”
her room isnt messy she just has a lot of stuff
also she trusts you a lot with her secrets
like you were the first person she told that kirishima had black hair in middle school
she gossips to you as well
even if you don’t wanna hear please listen!
your her partner in crime!
if your really strong and at the top of your class she’ll brag about that too
she doesn’t mean to put anyone down but she’s just so proud of you!
10/10 i recommend as a girlfriend
shes your best friend, lover and soulmate i swear!
stan ashido!!
hope you enjoyed :)
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fruit-trio-kins · 2 months
Hi! Not sure if you do requests pertaining to Monster High. May I please request positivity for a Draculaura (monster high g1) fictionkin? I am not really sure how positivity works but perhaps maybe pertaining to being plus-sized and also AU kin? I struggle a lot with myself because of how I vary from the canon Draculaura. Kin tags are fine but please no fandom tags! The monster high fandom is.. Not really good. Thank you so much if you do this. :>
HELLOO!! So, a Draculaura kin? That is honestly great! Both g1 and g3 are sooo scary cool! I am a plus size person myself and I know that its hard. I feel you and your struggles are valid. But remember - just because you are not skinny, it does not mean that you are not absolutely stunning. Because you are! Sure, there are people who think that plus size people are not pretty but I promise you, that there are a lot and i mean it - A LOT, who think otherwise. Me included! I find plus size people aesthetically pleasing, especially when they wear what they actually want to wear. The freedom, the style, dang! /pos /p. But also. Who cares what other people think? Love yourself. Wear anything you want, look at yourself in the mirror and notice how pretty you are. Not perfect - nobody is. And its okay. Actually, those things that make us imperfect make us unique! And we all love unique dont we? You are unique. Special. And the only one that opinions on your body actually matters. Once again, love yourself because you are amazing no matter your shape and size, media or irl, time or place, or clothes! Be yourself. Thats enough :3 As for positivity about an AU Kin – TWINSSSS I AM ALSO AN AU KIN!! And honestly again from experience I can tell you that this is the most amazing thing that happened to us. Like we are so unique and cool!! Like pfft sure maybe we are different than our canon, but isnt that actually so fun? Because instead of remembering thing that everyone have seen already, we remember something different and its like..yk, special. Its only ours, not everybody elses. Then, even if you meet your doubles you KNOW that you are yourself. And of course, every kin is different from each other but when it comes to an au and a lot of changes are there, then you are even more hm..personal? Because there is a low chance that your double will remember themselves the way you do. Come onn its cool, you know it is!! Smile and say it outloud, you are cool and special and interesting! :DD
— 🍎
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networksupported · 1 year
as a fanatic of those little videos within the stanley parable (mostly bc ive been rewatching them in bulk lately) i honestly just
feel there's SO many implications to them that don't really get viewed??
our only glimpse of the world outside really is this whole,, apocalyptic nightmare with SO much happening and yet the outside world is commonly just written as a normal 21st century environment? i mean ofc you can do what you like forever but it would be so FUN to see some of this realised sometimes
even when it's portrayed as an apocalypse outside of the parable there's so much stated in the videos that just gets soooo glossed over i mean does time dracula mean nothing to yall??? my main man time dracula??????
"but toby the fact it takes place in a slightly retro office really implies its not some kind of 1940s apocalypse going on" they have a mind control device 🤨 yaint telling me they couldn't just be like hey employees. pretend it's not the apocalypse and get back to work. and everyone would be like sure okay!! 👍
come onn please im rattling the narrator of these videos in my hands so tightly you want to analyse every part of this silly man you want to analyse them with me soo much
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therealestpodcast · 1 year
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“So what do I get out of this?”
“What do you mean?” Kyle asked them as he took the duffle bag of expensive camera equipment from Jae.
“I meannn, this seems like a deal for only Ona. And as much as I want that girl to get her grades up…” Jae looked around to see if the said girl was listening, she always had a knack for hearing her name being mentioned.
“Yeah I understand, so how much do you want?” Kyle said with a small chuckle as he pulled out his wallet, the inside had a Polaroid picture of his family.
“Join our podcast.”
“Excuse me?”
“Come onn” Jae lightly punched his shoulder as she went back to crossing their arms. “Join Team Realest.”
“Yeah dude! Come on, after tonight, you’re definitely gonna want to join.” Jae teased as the two made it to the front of the car.
“Hmm.. I’ll think about it, I’ll let you know after tonight then.” Kyle opened the passenger door for Jae before he walked around to the drivers seat to get situated.
“Sooo where are we going?” Ona asked from the backseat, she gave a sharp turn in her neck pillow to look at Jae infront of her.
“Do you really need that?”
“Yes, Jae,” Ona scoffs, “I really do need this.”
Stan pipes up, breaking the two’s small argument, “I think we should drive around till we see a place that speaks to us. You know?”
Kyle drums his fingers along the steering wheel, “Okay, that sounds good, but what if we don’t find a place that we like?”
“Then we go further out and away from the city, duh.” Ona says.
Kenny speaks up, voice clearly riddled with sleep, “We don’t have to find a place today either… we have quite a while before we need to turn this project in.”
“Oh my god Kenneth do you ever like to WORK??” Ona asks, mock annoyance in her tone.
“It depends… is the work fun? Or is the work forced upon me by the vicious Gods that roam our skies, seeking havoc and causing pain through out the human population?”
“Dude what the fuck?” Stan looks over at Kenny confused and Kenny just shrugs in return.
Kyle sighs, putting his car in drive, “Let’s go then, no time like the present.”
“…..Can I play music..” Jae asks.
“Huh, oh yeah go ahead.” Kyle responds.
“Sweet, any recs for the time being?”
“Give Me Everything by Pitbull and Ne-yo.” Kenny requests.
“Oh my god.. of course you’d ask for something like that.” Ona rolls her eyes and shakes her head at Kenny’s request.
Stan snickers beside her and Kenny looks at her bewildered, “The fuck does that even mean?”
“You know what it means.”
Jae sighs and queues up the song Kenny wanted, before queuing up a random car ride playlist to have play afterwards.
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"Hey, do you guys want to stop at this Mc Donald's up here?" Kyle mumbled, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. His voice was barely audible over the soft hum of the car engine, but everyone heard his question loud and clear.
It had been about two hours since they had set off on their trip, and the sky had gradually grown darker as the October evening set in. The crisp autumn air seeped in through the car windows, making the journey all the more eerie and foreboding.
Ona's ears perked up at the suggestion, and she sat up straight in her seat. "Yes, please!" she exclaimed, feeling relieved at the prospect of stretching her legs and getting some fresh air.
Jae chuckled softly, nodding in agreement. "Sounds good to me," they said, her eyes darting to look at the three in the back to catch a glimpse of Stan’s reaction.
Stan shrugged, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Sure, why not?" he said, his eyes meeting Ona's briefly before turning back to his game.
“Dont forget to wake Kenny” Kyle reminds the two in the back seat as he pulled into a parking spot.
Ona took off her neck pillow and hits the blonde boy with it repeatedly, “Wake up Kennethhhh!.”
“The full name is insane Di’ona.” Jae smiled before she took off the seatbelt.
Kenny groans, annoyed that he woke up to being hit by the neck pillow and stretches, purposefully covering Ona's face with his hand, "Good morninggg everyone."
"Get. Your. NASTY. hand out of my FACE!" Ona exclaims, roughly grabbing his wrist and pushing Kenny's hand off her face.
Stan can't stop himself from laughing and quickly unbuckles his seatbelt to get out of the car before Ona directs any of her wrath towards him.
Everyone else soon follows and gets out of the car and once everyone is out, the five of them start heading into the McDonald's, Kyle locking the car as they walk across the parking lot.
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"Soooo.. where did we end up?" Kenny asks the group, munching on a fry.
"Gross dude, don't eat with your mouth open." Kyle grimaces, disgust clouding his face.
Jae turns on her phone, "Hmm.. According to Apple Maps we are in Woodland Park."
"Oh sick dude, There's an abandoned mill south of us.. if I'm remembering the town right." Kenny grins, shoveling another handful of fries in his mouth.
"Oh my god, you are so gross." Ona frowns.
"Since when did you know of an abandoned mill, Ken?" Stan asks, taking a sip of his drink.
"It's because of Butters, apparently Butters knows a lot about hidden things, abandoned places or whatever. He gave me a list and I've been slowly checking them off as I go explore 'em."
Kyle stares pointedly at Kenny, "And you didn't think to tell us about the list prior to leaving..?"
Kenny shrugs, "I was assuming you guys would've found a place sooner in all honesty. This place I'm referring too is far out and the others that I have been to are too rundown to probably film anything without us potentially.. dying."
Kyle sighs, "We're already this far we might as well stop over and check it out."
Ona steals a nugget from Jae, "HEY-" They start but Ona cuts them off before anything else was said, "How far away is it from here?"
"Jae, can I?" Kenny asks, referring to the Apple Maps she still had pulled up.
"Oh yeah, here." Jae hands their phone to Kenny and he types in the coordinates.
"You memorized the coordinates?" Stan questions.
"Uh.. yeah dude.. I would've just ended up losing the list had I not memorized it."
"If only you put that much effort into memorizing your class lectures.." Kyle shakes his head.
Kenny flips off Kyle, "It's about 35 minutes from us right now," He says, handing the phone back to Jae, "Think we can make it?"
"If we left now, yeah." Kyle responds.
"Good thing it's the weekend then." Jae sighs, the rest of the group murmuring in agreement.
They finish their meal and all head back to the car, driving away and towards the location Kenny had set for them.
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"Is.. this the right place?" Stan asks apprehensively, peering out the window and at the mill.
"Is this not a mill?" Jae points out.
"Well yeah, but it looks... I don't know not mill like?"
Kyle parks the car and turns off the car, "Uh? What's the qualifications for 'mill-like'?" Kyle asks, turning around in his seat to stare at Stan.
"What's the qualifications for mill-like, I am Kyle Broflovski and I use big words!" Ona mocks, voice no where near how he speaks.
"That is not at all how I sound like."
"Yeah huh it is."
Kyle groans and turns back around in his seat, opening the car door and getting out.
Kenny whispers to Ona, "He can't handle the truth."
Ona nods her head, "He's got no sense of humor. None at all.. shame."
Everyone else gets out of the car and looks over at the mill, "It looks a lot bigger now that we're really staring at it." Jae concluded, turning on her phone's flashlight to be able to see where they'd be walking.
The rest of the group turns their phone's flashlights on as well, "Yeah.. it looks like it'd be haunted." Ona whispers, chills running through out her body.
Kyle rolls his eyes, "You guys and this whole ghost paranormal schtick. It's not haunted, it's literally just a regular abandoned mill."
"Famous last words Kyle, famous last words." Kenny says, moving past Jae and heading over to the mill.
Stan opens the trunk and grabs the equipment, "Let's just go ahead and check it out, besides if we get no filming done, we might as well figure out where we could start shooting. Or if we even like this place well enough to film."
Kyle runs a hand along his face, "We should also get to Kenny asap.. who knows what he'll end up doing alone."
Kyle and Jae head off next after Kenny, being careful to not stumble or fall along the rocky ground.
Ona turns to look at Stan, "Need any help with any of that then?"
Stan grins, "Nah, just as long as you stay by me and can guide me properly, I think I'll be alright."
The girl stared blankly at him, then gave the smallest smile “Cool..cool, yeah uh okay.”
Snorting, Stan closed the trunk “So are you excited? I know this is your element or.. whatever.”
“Yeah, honestly, I just wanna see you be professional for once” Stan smiled at Ona while she stood back up and put a headlight on his messy hair, she stood back and looked at him in the eyes
“Dude you don't even understand!, it’s been a hot minute since me and Jae investigated something alone without cameras watching you know?”
The boy hummed in agreement as he watched Ona put on the body, camera and headlight “Are you excited? This is your first time right?” She asked squatting down to check the rest of the bag.
“Excited, yes. Nervous? Also yes, who knows what tonight’s all gonna bring us.”
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Jae shook their head in annoyance as they walked through the dark, abandoned street. "So, is this the usual for uh...Kenny?" she asked, referring to their now mutual friend's tendency to disappear without any explanation.
"Walking away with no context? Yep," Kyle replied, looking back at Jae.
He couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over him as he thought about how they ended up walking through this eerie, desolate area . "We really should've gotten the better flashlights before running off," he added, his voice tinged with regret.
Jae agreed, their eyes fixed on the ground as they carefully navigated the rocky terrain. "Definitely," she said, their voice barely above a whisper. "So, how long have you known Kenny and Stan?" they asked, trying to break the silence that had settled between them.
Kyle sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Our whole lives," he replied, a hint of nostalgia in his voice.
"We used to spend our summers riding bikes and playing video games together. It feels like a lifetime ago now," he added.
Jae listened intently, their heart swelling with emotion at the thought of lifelong friendships. "That sounds amazing,"
Kyle chuckled, the sound echoing through the empty area. "It has its ups and downs, that's for sure," he said, his eyes crinkling at the edges as he smiled.
"But at the end of the day, there's nothing quite like having people in your life who know you inside and out."
The thick, eerie air of the abandoned mill seemed to engulf the duo as they searched for their friend. Suddenly, Kenny's voice shattered the heartfelt moment, causing both of them to jump in surprise.
"You guys! Come look at this!" Kenny's voice called out, but his face was nowhere to be seen.
Jae and Kyle looked at each other in confusion, wondering where Kenny could be hiding. "Kenny?" Jae shouted, hoping for a response.
But there was no answer, only a deafening silence that made the hair on the back of their necks stand on end. "Come look at what? Where are you?" Kyle asked.
Again, there was no reply, and the silence grew even more suffocating. "Kenny, where are you, dude? I don't feel like running around a creepy ass mill," Kyle sighed, his flashlight shaking as he scanned the area for any sign of his friend.
The old mill was silent, dead silent, with no rustling of the trees or sound of the wind. It was just Jae's and Kyle's footsteps crunching on the gravel as they moved forward cautiously.
"This isn't funny anymore, Kenny," Jae spoke up
“What’s not funny anymore?” The words hung in the air as the two turned around to look at the girl who had uttered them. Ona’s face was illuminated by the sudden flash of light on her and Stan’s head, making her features appear eerie and ominous.
“Oh my god Ona, you scared the shit out of us,” Jae exclaimed, placing a hand on her chest. “Why didn’t you tell us you were behind us?” She finished as she reached for the flashlight Stan offered themself and Kyle.
Ona shrugged nonchalantly, exchanging a quick glance with Stan before looking back at Jae. “Have you found a spot to record yet?” she asked, scanning the surroundings of the rundown mill.
“Um…” Jae started, looking at Kyle who, in turn, looked at Jae.
“Um…???” Ona repeated impatiently.
“We were going to… you know, we were trying to catch up to Kenny!” Kyle explained, his voice rising in pitch.
“But, you know…” Kyle trailed off, his voice lowered.
“I know what?” Ona asked, her arms crossed in front of her.
“We can’t find Kenny,” Jae said with a heavy sigh, her tone laced with dread.
“What do you mean you can’t find Kenny?” Stan frowns, quickly scanning the area around the group for any sign of Kenny.
“We mean that he’s run off and he isn’t responding to when we call out for him.” Kyle finishes explaining.
Silence befalls the four as Stan and Ona digest the words Kyle and Jae have said, about how Kenny is gone and they haven’t been able to find him. The dust settling around them is illuminated by the flashlights held by the group; the broken tables and chairs, the rundown and rusty machinery, all looking a lot more foreboding as the group stands in complete silence.
Before anyone speaks up next, Kenny’s voice is heard once more in the distance, “Guys? Come on! This way! I found a cool place for us to film!”
The group exchanges glances before heading after Kenny’s voice, “Kenny! Stay there for God’s sake,” Stan calls out.
As the group enters the room Kenny is standing in, they look around in awe at the size of it. From the looks of it, it was probably where most of the bigger machines were, however they have all either been torn down or broken, rusted away in a corner somewhere. High windows near the ceiling on the wall, concrete walls and floor, steel beams surround the ceiling.
Scattered conveyor belts lay broken down in a corner of the room. Some were still up, but disfunctional. Chairs and tables laid flipped over in a heap in a random pile in the room, scattered graffiti laid about covering the walls, but the room itself was relatively untouched and clean, aside from the dust piles and weeds growing in the cracks of the concrete floor.
“Oh woah..” Jae whispers in awe.
Kenny grins, eyes lighting up as he gushes about the room, “I know right? We could so set up here, like this could be our main room, and I’m thinking we could branch out into the other rooms from here, I saw I think… some stairs leading to a managers office towards that end too,” Kenny jabs a thumb behind him, “Isn’t this gonna be sick? I’m so excited for this guys.”
Kyle nods, “I think this room is pretty good! We could check the manager’s room and use that as a place to rest and think up of ideas.”
Stan whistles in agreement as he sets the duffle bag of equipment onto the ground gently, “Nice find Kenny.. next time just wait for the rest of us, yeah?”
Kenny lets out a humorless chuckle, “You got it boss man.”
“Don’t… call me that again..”
Ona puts her hands on her hips, “So let’s started yeah?” She exclaims, ready to get started.
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feuqueerfire · 1 year
Our Skyy 2 Live Blogging
They really filmed the episodes for this in parallel and it was fun and chaotic to get all the spoilers for them. This is one my GMMTV's 2023 most anticipated shows, so I'm very excited.
My most anticipated are Bad Buddy, My School President, and The Eclipse. Then, NLMG > 1000 Stars = SIMM > Vice Versa and I don't plan on watching ABAAB. Bad Buddy was my most anticipated when the announcement happened because it's my favourite BL and I miss Pat and Pran so much T.T but since then, My School President has aired and I care about seeing both the characters and actors in that (NobiGun I'm gonna scream for 80 years); I don't care about ONN as a ship for Bad Buddy and I don't really care about seeing more of The Eclipse but rather am mostly excited for KhaoFirst. So now it's MSP > BBS > Eclipse
Never Let Me Go Apr 19, 22, 23
The actual show left me with a meh feeling but I really liked this historical time travel soulmates nonsense. It was cute and fun and I'm happy to have seen Nueng and Palm one more time. Also the Ep 2 part 1 beach kiss from the present time took me by surprise but it was great. Also think it's funny that we traded 1 Dangerous Romance couple in NLMG (Perth/Chimon) for another (Marc/Pawin).
I do like Pond/Phuwin and wonder if they'll get another show next year or not.
Rating: 6.5/10 - same as NLMG
Star In My Mind
I don't care about or remember this show but I like JoongDunk enough and idk, I'm in the mood for cuteness
Ep 1 (Apr 26): they're soo cute and also even though it initially seems like Kluen's always scheming to or pushing for more physical affection from Nuea, Daonuea's the same way with the kissing in part 2 end and part 3 beginning. Daonuea's just a schemer in general (with Maitee and Sean for example) and I like that
Ep 2 (Apr 27): So much more boring rip it's like how Kluen and Nuea got boring in the actual SIMM show once they got together. also sad that we didn't even get Nay/Sean but still had to abandon Sean/Maitee for them rip.
Rating: 5.5/10 - slightly lower than SIMM
The Eclipse - May 5
It's my first week at work + my laptop charger stopped working, so I didn't watch this during release but am watching on Friday.
Ep 1: My beloved beautiful KhaoFirst back on screen, hello. I'm actually a big lover of established relationships + conflicts in such a relationship, so I like this in theory but I feel like I couldn't quite understand what was going on or what was making them be so irritated at each other and also the characters esp Ayan were a bit ? to me if we compare them to their The Eclipse selves; I think a longer show where we could see patterns of behaviour would've been so good if this was a longer series. Also they're sooo cute in part 4 ahh Ayan trying to make up with sulking Akk and Akk just being like ">:( sometimes you make me feel so good and other times you're horrible"
Ep 2: ahh friendship is magic Akk-Wat-Kan conversation with them wholeheartedly supporting Wat without glorifying his decision - even if his directorial dreams fail, they'll still support him T.T
I got spoiled since ep 1 aired that Aye was planning a surprise while pretending to forget Akk's birthday and yeah, it's dumb to make somebody sad for 2 weeks for a surprise smh also since his friends knew, they should've shaken some sense into him .
Anyway, very horny ending, nice.
Overall: They have some very good things I love (established relationships going through some problems or navigating things, lovely friendships and supportive friends, lots of pecks and cute kisses) with some things that will forever annoy me (I think this sort of "surprise" is bad and mean agh) and also Ayan didn't quite feel like The Eclipse Ayan. The parts that were good made me smile though, I like KhaoFirst a lot.
Tangentially related but now I'm wishing KhaoFirst are in a slightly serious drama about an established couple going through a rocky period - but not like tooooo dramatic or with big consequences like divorce or custody battles or anything. more like alan/wen where they still love each other but keep hurting each other (not via cheating though) and make it back together by the end.
Rating: 6/10 - significantly lower than The Eclipse
Vice Versa - May 10
I get why people keep up with weekly shows, I haven't been able to binge any show since I started work/internship but coming home to watch an episode is fun and doable. But I think this pretty much only works because it's a 2-episode arc that's gonna end the same week rather than watch 1 ep and think abt it the whole week.
Ep 1: I didn't really care about Vice Versa or Puen/Talay or JimmeySea but this episode was fairly cute, good for watching while somewhat paying attention but not really analyzing or thinking. I also liked that the kid shows up like 2/3 of the way in and we get some o the couple being coupley before that
Ep 2: Boring and idc and also slightly annoying with the secret thing
I'm so excited for next week MSPxOurSkyy, idc if people are sad it's the same scenes and not college Tinn/Gun. i’m forever a lover of flipping dynamics + we get Nobigun so i’m hyped
Rating: 5.5/10 - slightly lowe than VV
My School President
My most anticipated (beat out Bad Buddy because for that one I'm only interested in the characters but not the actors whereas I'm into both the actors and characters here)!!
OST: Love Love Love (May 16) - I smiled through the whole thing! It's It didn't beat out any of my MSP OST faves after 2 listens but that might change later who know
Ep 1 (May 17): They're just cute! Tinn was soooo into Gun knowing how to ride a bike lol. Also the switching of cute scenes among pairs was interesting too, like Tinn/Gun getting the motorbike scene and Sound/Win getting the homework scene.
they made fans guesses with TiwPor secretly dating come true and they're even scheming. that's cute even though i don't really feel any attachment toward TiwPor
Ep 2 (Ep 18): I’m watching MSP Our Skyy and if I liked SoundWin more, the “Why? do you want us to be friends?” reenactment would have done me in fr
Tinn my sparkly-eyed boy!! Gemini's eyes were so beautiful in part 2? 3? when he and Gun were lying down beside each other ah pretty boy. Also, so adorable that Tinn fell first in this universe too and he was so cute talking to his mom when Gun came to the store that first time.
Although to have the previous Our Skyy eps be full of kisses and not even have cheek kisses in this one, forget lips is like why
Overall: The MSP Our Skyy eps are just okay, i don’t think they needed to do a play by play of the original series squished into 2 episodes and they could’ve been more clever if they were set on doing the body switches. I just dont care that much though because I got 2 more hours of TinnGun and also GemFourth
Rating: 6.5/10 - lower than MSP
Bad Buddy (x ATOTS)
MY BELOVEDS!!!!!!!!! ohmnanon this ohmnanon that idcidcidc my beloved PatPran are coming back to me! as are Ink and Pa~~~~
Ep 1 (May 31)
gonna only get to watch part 1 during lunch so I debated just watching it at the end of the day but no, I'm impatient
they're so dumb, they're so cute, they're so horny, I can't handle it my head is in my hands
ink peeling shrimp for pa ah. i love their nonchalance at ruining pran and pat's moment but rubbing it in their face with their own cute feeding moments
phi pran not pat roleplay i die i cry i scream forever
they would not make me witness Pat playing porn in front of everybody, would they?
oh, they would...
ah they're so T.T now it's snow white roleplay
oh pat really would back out, the dumbass is so in love
also they're so bad at hiding this relationship, just handing out on campus in broad daylight, n wonder Prom's character saw them talking from time to time
Pran dumbass pulling the "i like it." "you mean the stars?" "i like you" line ah
kiss kiss kiss !!! what is up with these interruptions !!!!!!! i needed it to be like the eclipse, simm where it's kiss after kiss but somehow my horniests faves are getting no kisses? it won't end up like MSP no kiss right?
oh my godddddd I'm so done, why is Pran overhearing Pat's drunk ribbing at him?
well at least Pran seems to take it more as a challenge rather than getting sad about it
Pat accidentally cuddling and kissing Wai T.T but also they kissed this ep before Pat and Pran did? be fr
Pran really has a kink for embarrassing Pat in public T.T Pran's putting Pat through public humiliation kink
lmao why'd Phupa faint?
not the Pran-Phupha stare and then Pran-Tian staredown pls
next episode nowwwwwww
Ep 2 (June 1)
oh pretty long ep, like 70 mins?
lmfao Pran really getting their in the middle of Phupha and Tian's argument T.T
somehow doesn't feel weird to see Pran in this village and setting of another show. somehow he and Tian conversing just makes sense
oh Pat with his cheekiness, him getting here feels like more of a difference in the setting
ah Pat Pran i love them
Tian clocked them in 1 second
I didn't really like Phupha in the original ATOTS, let's see if I'll care about him now
not Phupha Tian arguing about who threw themself at who first T.T
these fuckers T.T running Pran around to get the other to admit they liked the other first
"following what's in the diary" ep 7 flashbacks, Pat Pran are experts at doing cute couply things without just admitting that they're both liking it and doing it
silly boys T.T playing in water soooo cute
ah fucking mosquito net phupha-tian roleplay T.T finally a kiss but why would Pran push him away T.T they kissed with ease in Bad Buddy, what is this
askldfjalskdjfakldsfj they're soooo horny "have you ever wondered how much this can withstand the shake?" adsfsadfkl but they won't even kisssssssssss
Pat's obsession with smelling Pran
ah Bad Buddy song - secret
ngl I wish this was a little less about Phupha-Tian and more about Pat-Pran since it's still their week of Our Skyy
lmfao pls not Pat and Phupha waking up shirtless beside each other also are you guys stupid really counting down to check if they have their pants on
girl what's happening
Cute and fun and I love PatPran, so I wish there was a bit more of them than there actually was. Can't believe I only watched this because I'd get to watch it weekly but instead I have to wait until next week D: Though at least it's good that we get PatPran for 1 whole week instead of just 2 days.
A Tale of Thousand Starts (x Bad Buddy)
I finished The Devil Judge on Monday and was still in that sort of mood on Tuesday and Wednesday, so I'm gonna binge both episodes from this week on Thursday - the last Our Skyy episode day.
Ep 1 (June 8)
fucking smell kink freak Pat
this ep is kinda boring ngl
these horny mfers really fucked in the tent lmfao
bro this ep is just annoying like why is everybody getting lost and both Tian and Phupha are just annoying characters this whole crossover
Mostly a boring (and repetitive - why get lost twice in the woods smh) episode except for certain Pat/Pran moments ah my beloveds
Ep 2 (June 8)
won't like i'm just skipping through the second half of part 1 bc I don't care about Phupha/Tian and I'm bored already
watched a bit more of part 2 bc they were cute enough
is that the P'Aof cameo as the solider in the play
lol Pat as Tian and Pran as Phupha cute
plssss InkPa at the back - I wish they were there a biiit more
Pa heckling them to kiss and Wai + Korn making it happen pls
wtf the WaiKorn? did they acc kiss?
yaas PatPran as PhuphaTian kiss even though we haven't got a regular PatPran good kiss except that 1 surprise one
yeahhh kiss as Pat and Pran or I kill you - oh this is the finger-sucking scene, horny bastards okay we did get a kiss
plsss my beloved Pa pee interruption scene recreated
oh, I don't give a fuck about engagements
Okay yeah sure idk Pat and Pran are great as expected but the first ep of this week was fairly boring (and mostly Pat and Pran apart) and 2nd ep was Phupha/Tian heavy (That's expected)
Rating: 6.5/10 for both weeks BBSxATOTS eps
In the end, some were good, some were meh, some I was disappointed by but oh well. It was still fairly fun and I liked watching it weekly since I get a new story every week. NLMG = MSP = BBSxATOTS > Eclipse > SIMM = Vice Versa
Rating: 6/10
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gracien-system · 2 years
For the writing ask!
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
38. What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us?
24- Uhh... near zero. The one person in our system who does prep work (Vai, the nanite bastard) usually only writes a vague outline, then goes along where the story takes it. We usually just follow along with where the story wants to go -- the best way we can really describe it is that writing is like swimming in a river, trying to plan, for us, is swimming against the current. You'll get swept along whether you want to or not.
28- That depends on what you mean by delightful, if you mean "most enjoyable to write", that's either the Writer or Onn. The Writer because we absolutely love the way its abilities work -- it's one of the strongest deities in our multiverse, but without its journal, it's basically just a really hard to kill human. Onn, well- we absolutely love the description of "a lightning winged angel of death", very fun to write with.
If you mean "the kindest/nicest character", that would have to be Rose, from our WIP book. Xe's the chief engineer on the Quicksilver, and xe is one of the most wonderful characters we've managed to write out.
35- Any formatting rule which makes things harder to read, especially paragraph rules. Oh, also comma rules. Fuck anything that tries to tell you exactly where and when to put your commas. Put them where they make the pacing easiest, nowhere else.
38- We have a few weird things that are... mostly synesthesia related. We can't really name them off the top of our head, but when we're writing, even now, it feels like we're kind of... following a path through a mixture of different stones. The best stories come from following the easiest stone to carve through, however, that stone changes direction often, and can lead you astray -- it's easy to follow, but also easy to get lost. In order to get a good story out of us, we either need to make it short, so we can follow the easy stone from start to finish without meandering, or we need to take a long time between writing, so we can have the energy to break through the harder stone and follow the easier stuff on the other side.
Without using metaphor, when writing, our brain kind of guides us towards using some words and away from others.
There's a lot of detail we could go into here, but the long story short is that we assign way more meaning to words in certain orders than is normal, along with some properties which are... fully unrelated. But yeah, that's something even we think is a bit weird about our process.
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rewirelessify · 1 year
How to Charge Your Onn Rugged Speaker?
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Are you the proud owner of an onn rugged speaker? Have you been wondering " How to Charge Your Onn Rugged Speaker? " To charge an Onn Rugged Speaker, connect the included charging cable to the speaker's charging port and a power source such as a USB port or a wall adapter. Allow the speaker to charge until the battery is full, which may take several hours. The speaker's LED indicator will turn off once it's fully charged. This article is about the "How to Charge Your Onn Rugged Speaker?". In this article we will not only discuss how to charge your onn rugged speaker, but also provide tips to ensure your device remains in optimal condition.
Checking the Speaker's Battery Level
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I love going on outdoor adventures with my onn Rugged Speaker, so it's important for me to make sure it has enough charge before I leave. Explanation of How to Check the Battery Level on the Speaker I just press the power button once to see how much power the speaker has left. The LED light on the speaker will then light up to show how much power is left. If the battery level is high, the LED light will flash green, if it's medium, it will flash orange, and if it's low, it will flash red. If the speaker's red LED light is flashing, I need to charge it before I can use it again. The Importance of Ensuring the Speaker Has Enough Charge Before Use I've found that checking the battery level before each use has kept my speaker from running out of power in the middle of a trip, which would be a bummer. Plus, I like having a full battery so I can enjoy my music to the fullest. Overall, I like how easy and straightforward it is to check the battery level on the Onn Rugged Speaker. It's just one small part of the speaker's user-friendly design that makes it a fun and reliable companion for all my outdoor adventures.
Charging the Onn Rugged Speaker
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I recently bought an Onn Rugged Speaker to use when I'm outside, and I've learned that it's important to know how to charge it correctly. Different Ways to Charge the Speaker, Including Via USB or a Power Outlet The speaker came with a charging cable, which I use to charge through a USB port on my laptop or a wall adapter. First, I turned off the speaker and then plugged the charging cable into the charging port on the back of the speaker. The other end of the cable was then plugged into a power source. I saw that the LED light on the speaker was on, which meant it was charging.   Read More: How To Power Bookshelf Speakers? Tips on How Long to Charge the Speaker for and How to Know When It's Fully Charged I let the speaker charge for a few hours until the LED light went out. This meant that the battery was fully charged. I found that the time it takes to charge depends on how full the battery is and what kind of power source is being used. I also found out that the battery lasts a long time, which is great for long trips outside. I'm happy with my Onn Rugged Speaker as a whole, and it's been easy to charge. To make sure it works, I need to know how to charge it properly, and it's nice to know that I can listen to music without worrying about the battery life.
Troubleshooting Common Charging Issues
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Since I've been using the Onn Rugged Speaker for a few months, I've had to figure out how to fix a few common problems when charging it. Here are some problems I've had and how I've solved them: List Some Common Problems Users May Face When Charging the Speaker and the  Solutions to These Issues I can't charge the speaker. It's usually the charging wire. It wears out. Changing cables usually fixes this. The speaker also charges slowly, even when the battery is low. My power source usually causes these issues. Certain USB connections or wall adapters may not have enough power to charge the speaker rapidly. In certain cases, using a stronger wall adapter might speed up charging. Finally, the speaker seems like it's charging, but the LED light stays on for hours. In some cases, the speaker may overcharge, which shortens battery life. I unplug the speaker when the LED light goes off, even if it hasn't been charging for the suggested period, to remedy this. Checking the charging cord, power supply, and instructions fix most Onn Rugged Speaker charging issues. If maintained, the speaker has provided high-quality sound for years.
Maximizing Battery Life
Since I love going on outdoor adventures with my Onn Rugged Speaker, maximizing its battery life has become one of my top priorities. Over time, I've picked up a few tips and tricks that have helped me keep my speaker running longer. Tips on How to Maximize the Speaker's Battery Life I've learned that being aware of the volume is one of the most important things. Even though it might be tempting to turn the speaker up all the way, doing so will drain the battery much more quickly. I've found that keeping the volume at a moderate level gives me plenty of sound without draining the battery too quickly. How Proper Charging Habits Can Extend the Life of the Battery To get the most out of the battery, it's also important not to overcharge the speaker. Even though it might be tempting to keep the speaker plugged in all the time, doing so can shorten the life of the battery. When the speaker is fully charged, which usually takes a few hours, I try to unplug it. Lastly, when I use the speaker outside, I always bring a portable charger with me. So, if the battery starts to run low, I can easily charge it back up without having to find a power outlet. By keeping these tips in mind and being aware of how long my speaker's battery lasts, I've been able to use my Onn Rugged Speaker for longer without worrying about running out of power.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Charging an Onn Rugged Speaker?
Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Charging Onn Rugged Speakers: How Do I Charge My Onn Rugged Speaker? To charge your Onn Rugged Speaker, connect the included charging cable to the speaker's charging port and a power source such as a USB port or a wall adapter. How Long Does it Take to Fully Charge an Onn Rugged Speaker? It may take several hours to fully charge an Onn Rugged Speaker, depending on the battery level and the charging method used. How Long Does the Battery Last on an Onn Rugged Speaker? The battery life of an Onn Rugged Speaker can vary depending on factors such as volume level and usage. On average, the battery can last up to 12 hours. Is the Onn Rugged Speaker Waterproof? The Onn Rugged Speaker is water-resistant but not fully waterproof. It can withstand splashes and rain, but it should not be submerged in water. Can I Connect My Phone to the Onn Rugged Speaker Via Bluetooth? Yes, the Onn Rugged Speaker can be connected to a phone or other Bluetooth-enabled device. Can I Use the Onn Rugged Speaker to Make Phone Calls? Yes, the Onn Rugged Speaker has a built-in microphone and can be used for phone calls. Is the Onn Rugged Speaker compatible with voice assistants like Siri or Google Assistant? No, the Onn Rugged Speaker does not have built-in voice assistant capabilities.
I just acquired an Onn Rugged Speaker, so I know how crucial charging is. I was apprehensive at first, but after reading the handbook and doing some research, I found it easy. In this article, I tried to discuss about "How to Charge Your Onn Rugged Speaker?". Before charging my speaker, I checked the LED light for power. I connected the speaker's charging wire to my computer's USB port. After charging for a few hours, the LED light turned off, indicating fullness. I also discovered how to extend my Onn Rugged Speaker's battery life. I don't overcharge or overuse it. If I take care of my speaker, it will endure for years. I'm delighted I took the effort to properly charge my Onn Rugged Speaker. To maximize speaker use and enjoyment, it's crucial. Don't worry if you've never heard this speaker. Following the instructions will work. I hope you all liked our articles. To get more articles visit us: Rewirelessify Read the full article
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basilly · 3 years
fake date 4 free food || p!irl!tommy x reader
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. request:  how abt tommy and reader fakes being a couple to get free food: there’s like coupons for this restaurant but it’s only for couples
. let me preface that i allowed this request because they are not actually dating and its mostly a joke between tommy and the reader, no romantic feelings, fully platonic
. pronouns: they/them
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. the situation all started when tommy saw a restaurant he’s been wanting to go to for a while
. and as much money as he makes, he could always go for deals (i mean same)
. however tommy doesn’t always read the fine print
“Y/n y/n y/n- we should go to this restaurant- they’re having a deal!” “Tommy did you even read the deal?” “What do you mean?” “Well its for couples- we are not a couple” “But we can pretend! It shouldn’t be that hard- I’ll even pay! Come onn” 
. and that’s kinda how you agreed- something along those lines
. the plan was to go there and pretend you a couple- the only skinship you needed was an arm over the shoulder, right?
. to be fair who’s going to question it
. tommy’s arm over your shoulder wasn’t at all that awkward, it felt just like another day out
“Hi how can I help you guys today?” You answered so Tommy wouldn’t screw it up “Hi can we get a table for 2? We have this coupon for couples.” “Yea of course- follow me this way”
.  sitting down, you guys couldn’t stop laughing
. did try out the petname thing though
“Okay I’ll get number 4- what do you want sweetie?” (Pls you both cringed so hard inside when you said that) “I’ll get the combo” “alright- I’ll be right back with your food!” “Let’s never use that as a nickname again- joke or not” “Agreed.”
“Look- we are so good at this, no one questioned a thing” “Tommy I doubt someone's going to go up to us and start asking us a ton of details about our quote quote relationship” “Hey- we are still great actors”
. nothing was really that different, other than some fake label
. pls the other customers kept looking at you guys for laughing loudly
. just talking and tommy telling stories and vice versa
. the food was so good though, you had to admit
. tommy also accidentally knocking over a water cup <//3
“And here’s the check! Do you guys need anything else?” “No I think we are good!” “Alright- well have a nice day you too, thanks for participating in our couple’s event!”
. quickly rushing to get out of there, you crack up laughing, a little thrilled by the nervousness and adrenaline as soon as you stepped foot outside
“I’m so glad that worked- this restaurant is so good” “Me too- aren’t you glad I suggested it?” “Yea yea big man- you can have the credit for the idea”
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an: a little shorter but this would be such a fun idea
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cyancherub · 3 years
So about the shower sex thing… my bf wanted to try it so bad, (for context we were both virgins when we met two years ago, and he spent the first 6 months thinking I was asexual when in reality I was just scared to initiate, and he wanted me to initiate because he was scared if I would just agree to whatever and then feel like I’d been molested) and since I saw nothing wrong with it, I said “sure why not?” Well.
He apparently fucking loves ice cold showers, so cold a penguin would freeze to death. Water is the goddam worst lubrication I have EVER experienced, it just increases the friction so much and in such an unpleasant way. It fucking hurt, he got maybe 2cm in before I called quits. He then tried to pull out, slipped, grabbed me by my breast and fucking yoinked me down with him (by my breast mind you) he landed on his butt, proceeded to have an anxiety attack about touching the floor (OCD is fun…) while I managed to get scratched by what felt like every single tile in my shower. He showered afterwards to feel clean again while I bandaged all my cuts. Least sexy time I’ve ever had 0/10 would try again. (He felt terrible about suggesting it and made me pancakes when he came out of his shower, so it all worked out in the end I guess)
AWWW your bf sounds like such a sweetheart tho !!! ;___; good man <3
IM CRYING !!!! my bf doesn't like it cold per se but i like it scalding hot like as hot as it can go LMFAOOO and he HATES it ahahah. but YEAH water is not lube in any way it's awful LMAO
IM FUCKING CRYING THE WAY HE TOOK U DOWN WITH HIM??!?? HELLO??? what is going ONN sjadjha that is so wild im sorry it turned out that way it sounds miserable dear lord AHAHHAHA but it's so sweet of him to make u pancakes after. AWWW
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xsugarysweetsx · 3 years
Hi so I know you already did a Royal au for Oikawa, but insted of him being a prince how about a knight or a stable boy? And the reader as a lady-in-waiting or kitchen maid 👉👈 You can ignore this if it doesn't make sense
Thank you 💕
A/N: I don’t mind anon! I made Oikawa less....self absorbed here.
Please enjoy~🍰
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“You should talk to him” y/b/f urged you as you watch your crush from afar. It was none other than Oikawa. One of the top knights of the kingdom, yet you were a simple servant who cooked and cleaned for the royals.
“You know he would never notice me...“ you said defeated. Even though he was a knight he was fair and just to everyone, no matter their status. That’s what drew you to him. As much as your heart yearned for him, he wouldn’t be yours.
“Come on would I ever lie or mislead you?” your friend asked 
“Exactly! Besides I have seen him taking a few glances your way” she bounced her eyebrows “speak of the devil, there he comes“ she whisper yelled as said knight started to come into view. You were pretty sure he could see the bright blush on your cheeks. Both from him coming and because you felt a bit embarrassed to be in rags.
“Hello ladies, how are you this afternoon?“
“Just as fine as we can“ y/b/f answers 
“That’s good, lady Y/N, may I speak with you for a moment?“ he asked you causing your brain to short circuit 
“S-sure“ he motioned to the side where there was more privacy “What did you want to speak about?“
“Well, I have no intentions to lie nor deceive you Y/N, I’ve taken a fancy to you and I’d like to treat you to a day.“ he said with a smile
“I’ve asked my captain to have the day free so I could take you into town“ he smiles softly at you.
“W-why?” You ask a bit confused. A day with him? He couldn't possibly mean it
“Why? Because I l see how hard you work day and night, it’s only right to treat a lovely lady to a lovely day. So, may I have the honor?” he gave a smirk with a quick wink.
Damn that charm
“O-Okay-“ he cut you off in excitement
“Perfect! Our day starts tomorrow at noon!” for some reason he had ran away from you almost like a child. Nonetheless, you were a bit confused 
“Oh Y/N!“ Y/B/F came and almost tackled you in a hug “What did he say? Did he ask you to marry him?”
“What? No, he just wants to treat me to a day is all“ you said regaining your balance 
“Awwwh, my Y/N is getting her prince charming after all“ she then noticed how you weren’t exactly thrilled “Hey...aren’t you happy?“
“What if it’s a joke? I’m not exactly as pretty as noble girls, or have their beautiful clothes, what if he just wants a laugh out of me“
“No, don’t think that! Any man walking this earth would be blessed to even hold your hand. You are beautiful, kind, and warm, you don’t need silly dresses to impress some man. If anything, I’ll poison his dinner“ she said trying to make you smile. Which did work “Come on we have to get you ready for tomorrow“
The next day Y/B/F had lent you a beautiful pink dress. It wasn’t too flashy, nor heavy, it was delicate yet pretty and it fit like a glove. She helped with your hair and gave your lips and cheeks some color. Just as he said he was waiting for you near the stables to take you into town. 
“You look lovely this afternoon my lady” he said taking your hand and laying a quick kiss to your knuckles
“Th-thank you”
“So shall we be off?” he said extending his elbow for you to take. Today you wanted to play it cool, to not freak out, and to just enjoy your day off. As you walk out of the castle you had gotten some looks from girls. Some were surprised, other of envy, and other of joy for you. 
Walking into town you both had small talk. How things have been, your childhood, how you came to work at the castle
“Look this is our first stop“ he said pointing to a small store with sweet attracting aromas. He opens the door and lets you in first into the small bakery. It was very humble and cozy inside the bakery, but the smells were so comforting and appealing. 
“Oh Oikawa it’s been quite some time since you’ve come here, and you’ve brought a beautiful young lady“ an older voice came into view “What can I do for you today?“
“Hello uncle, I took today to take Y/N here around town“ he said laying a hand to your shoulder “Thought we would stop by for a treat first.“
“Well, hello Y/N, pick anything you like free of charge“ he offered with a warm smile 
“Oh, no you’re too kind I don’t mind spending-“
“Ah ah, I am treating you today Y/N, which means you will not be spending your best silver“ he winked taking your hand in his and walking over to the display to pick a sweet. You both pick a slice of cake with pink frosting and fresh fruits. His uncle truly had hands for desserts. 
You both thank him for the wonderful cake and make your way out. As you walk down the town street as it began to get busy. Buzzing with people of all kinds, farmers, black smiths, merchants, everyone. You kingdom was a busy one. But the was still one question you had
“I- um I do have a question Oikawa...“ you clear the air
“Go ahead” he pulling you into his side so he doesn’t lose you in the crowd.
“Why me of all girls?” You ask a bit confused. Confused because there were so many girls in the kingdom even princesses who would she loved to get his attention so, why you?
“Well,” he started as he took you down a street where the crowd cleared up more “you caught my attention. You weren’t exactly drawn or impressed whenever I showed off and I think I really liked that” he admits
“Really?” You ask
“That’s right. I’m honestly so used to attention that when I saw you look away as if I were another person you gave me a feeling. A feeling like I wanted to know you better”
“Well....I’m glad to be the one who caught your eye then“ you gave his arm a slight squeeze. 
Walking up to a pub and dinner he walks in to be greeted by the men and women of the place. He leads you to what seemed like the only peaceful place in the bar. Honestly, this didn’t seem anywhere close to what he may like, you found it a bit funny. He pulls out the seat for you and pushes you in 
“I’ll get us some drinks and food alright?“ he told you before taking off to the waitress there. In the meantime you took a look around the place, men were arm wrestling, betting, or just being rowdy. A figure stood at your table, looking up you thought it was Oikawa but you were mistaken. 
“Hey there prrretty lady, why don’t we have er...some fun” the man wrecked of booze and seemed to not have showered in over a week. You looked over the bar to see if you spotted Oikawa but had your arm caught by the man “Come onn *hic* I’ll buy you something to drink“
“Please leave me alone, I’m here with my...knight and he’ll be here any moment“ you tried not to show any panic but he was reluctant 
“I don’t see him-“
“Turn around.“ a strong voice called out the man turned around to face him still with a hold on your arm “Let her go“
“Er what? *hic*“ he threatened standing to him, even though his drunkenness made him slump over a bit 
“Or I’ll throw you out of the pub”  
“You brat-“ he tried swinging but missed as Oikawa moved to the side swiftly putting in almost no effort. The man takes another swing which Oikawa caught his arm and twisted it behind his back and turned him to you 
“Now if you would apologize to my lady here“ he asked adding in an extra twist making a high pitched 
“Sorry!“ come out of the drunk after his forced apology he was then pushed out of the pub earning the young night a crowd full of cheers. Coming to sit with you he takes your hand 
“Are you alright?“
“Y-yes thank you for the, help“ you smile at him
“And was I hearing things or did you call me your knight?“ he beamed causing you to blush 
“W-well I mean he was bothering me a-and I um-“
“Don’t worry about it, I wouldn’t mind being your knight if it’s what want“
Wait was he courting you? What do you do? What do you say?
“But there are so many-“
“I’ll stop you there, you’re a beautiful woman inside and out. No other woman, princess or noble can match the wonder that you are. And I would lay my life for you“
You hadn’t ever been courted this way. His proclamation of love was so deep and emotional you honestly did know what to do or say. He then leaned over and kissed your cheek  “You’re cute when you get shy”
The rest of he afternoon was spent with food and drinks until sundown, by then you had to head back. It was clear to say you felt very protected even in the streets at night. He kept you close to him even up to your quarters. Once at your door you bid each other good night 
“I had a lot of fun today“ you say to him 
“I did too...so does that mean-“ you stop him in his tracks crashing your lips on his as he melts into your lips. The cold hallway becoming warm and fuzzy from the kiss you shared. He pulled away almost breathless
“Wow....I um...goodnight“ you chuckle as he seemed almost kiss drunk
“Goodnight...“ you say shyly closing the door softly. As Oikawa walked away he heard your roommate practically scream and he just giggled
“She’s going to be my wife” 
I hope this was okay!❤️
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1tsnoya · 4 years
heyya bubby it's me again!! i love how u wrote my last request thank uuu :DDD may i please request sum hcs of noya, suga, daichi, tsukki and asahi having an s/o who enjoys drinking but kinda have a low alcohol tolerance hehehe and how they take care of s/o after she gets drunk or is hungover,, thank uuu
a/n: HI BUBBY ILY <3<3<3
+ this is a long one so i added a mark!
✧・゚taking care of their drunk s/o ✧・゚ headcanons
warning: alcohol (they’re all aged up!)
pairings: noya x reader, suga x reader, daichi x reader, tsukishima x reader, asahi x reader
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:* :・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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→ probably has a low tolerance too LOL
→ cmon this boy is like 112 pounds
→ you two usually come up with a plan before drinking
→ like who is gonna get absolutely shitfaced and who is gonna be the babysitter
→ you always agreed to be babysitter so you never rlly drank that much around noya
→ you just played it off like you werent too big of a drinker
→ eventually he noticed and was like “you’re LYING! you like drinking DON’T U??”
→ and the next party you guys go to, he tells you “just pls enjoy yourself, i’m good trust me”
→ noya didnt know what he was in for...u were L I V I N G
→ dancing on tables n shit
→ he obvi joined in on that dancing cause u looked hot as hell
→ but then he realized how drunk u really were and told u like “lets get you home cause u will regret this in the morning”
→ held your hand the entire walk to the car bc u were ✨tumbling✨
→ very playful with you when you’re tipsy
→ also very protective of you. makes sure that NO ONE fucks with you
→ when you get home he makes sure to make life a lot easier for your drunk ass PFFTFP
→ he’ll get you your pajamas and cuddle you til you fall asleep
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→ i get the vibe that suga loves drinking! 
→ he is super cautious when he drinks with you around
→ you two are def the type to just drink at home together
→ *that’s how he found out that your tolerance was low
→ big wine drinkers
→ like he’ll bring a bottle of wine home and you guys will down the entire thing while watching a movie
→ and then you make fun of the movie
→ any and every thing will make you two laugh
→ suga always keeps an eye on you when you’re drinking
→ and he’s always by your side
→ like he knows your limit and usually keeps note of how many drinks you’ve had throughout the night
→ makes sure you have food and water in ur system too
→ oh and when you two get drunk together at home, a FEAST is made
→ most of the time it’s not even that good cause you guys are shitfaced but you still enjoy it
→ baby is on TOP of it if you have a hangover you already know it-
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→ not that big on drinking
→ but when he does drink...
→ wooowww chile anyway so
→ side note: he’s is a PRO at beer pong
→ anywho
→ since he doesn’t drink that much, he usually babysits you
→ call him dad(dy) or whateva🙈
→ like suga, he’ll keep an eye on your intake and usually knows when you get tipsy
→ *if ur at a party - he’ll just keep an eye on you from a distance
→ he kind of already had a feeling that you were a light weight
→ so when you start getting a little too drunk, he’ll step in and tug at your arm
→ daichi: “babe..hun..it’s time to go”
→ y/n: “psshhpft- the paaarty’s jusy sstarting daaaad”
→ daichi: >:| “okay but there’s a party home remember?”
→ he has to baby you LMFAO
→ he has to buckle you up in the car and make sure you’re drinking water
→ and when you fall asleep 👉🏼👈🏼 he carries you inside
→ helps you change into your jammies, if you’re wearing makeup, he’ll help you take it off, etc.
→ then he tucks you into bed and gives you a lil kithy
→ daichi: “you’re gonna hate yourself in the morning :)”
→ meanwhile you’re knocked out
→ but whatever he said was true, you were FEELING IT when you woke up
→ dw though, he helps you out with your hangover<3
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→ he had to find out the hard way about your low tolerance
→ he loves you and all but he does not wanna deal with ur shit when ur drunk-
→ still does anyway
→ like he’ll watch you from afar while he’s drinking from a red solo cup😭
→ he probably handles hit alcohol SUPER well
→ so when he sees you, dancing around and a little too happy, he knows it’s time to bounce
→ tsuki: “(y/n)”
→ y/n: “TSUKI!”
→ tsuki: “ready to go?”
→ cue the pouting
→ as much as he doesn’t want to, he has to baby you and dumb everything down HSHSH
→ he is a huge tease when you’re tipsy though. like he enjoys messing with you
→ don’t worry doe... he still takes care of you and shit
→ he’s also very protective of you
→ like.. very
→ if anyone looks at you weirdly or whatever, all he has to do it look at them and they’ll get the hint
→ y/n: “baaabbyyy”
→ tsuki: “mhm?”
→ y/n: “why are we leeaving”
→ tsuki: “cause you’re tired remember?”
→ y/n: “oh.. oh yeah!”
→ and in his head, he’s just “oh ok... i guess that worked”
→ once you get home, he’ll help you change and just put you to bed
→ like i said earlier, he’s not good with tolerating drunk ppl LMAO
→ he just let’s you rest so he doesn’t get annoyed with you and make you upset
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→ like he’s babysitting you but at the same time you’re babysitting him
→ people think he’s super intimidating at the party but he’s just 👉🏼👈🏼anxious👉🏼👈🏼
→ y/n: “babbey, come onn!”
→ asahi: •—• “o-okay-”
→ he follows you around like a lost puppy-
→ even though you’re obviously out of it
→ tbh he lets you decide when you wanna go home. unless you just pass out, it’s your choice
→ if he thinks that you’re too drunk (like i’m talking SUUUPER drunk) he’ll just say “um. come on..let’s go home pls🥺”
→ cause let’s be real here. he does not wanna argue with you when are wasted
→ back to this anxious thing
→ he’ll hold your hand the entire walk from the car to your house
→ and if you’re just not cooperating, he’ll throw you over his shoulder HA
→ helps you out until you get to your room
→ and then he gets you something to eat
→ if you wanted fast food on the drive back, he probs stopped to get it😭
→ sigh he’s just.. a nervous mom with a toddler
→ after you eat, he’ll get you your stuff to change and help you get comfy
→ once you knock out, he knocks out with you
→ lowkey over it when you wake up but still treats you like a baby HSJSH
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milkybunbuns · 3 years
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i. new beginnings → perfection masterlist → next
w/c: 3.3k
warnings: bnha spoilers ahead (season 1 episode 5 mainly)
a/n: this series will follow closely with the anime although I might be missing parts of it since it’s been a while since I watched BNHA. also i went overboard with this aishhh, though I don’t think future chapters will be so long oh and I couldn’t be original so I stole the quirk idea from one of my old fics on wattpad and added more abilities to it haha
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“Aww comee onn you really can’t be sending me to UA, you know how much I like being at home with you!”, you whined at Keigo, grabbing tightly onto his arm and digging the soles of your feet into the carpet of the living room.
 The said man sighed, facepalming, “Look nuggie, I would never do anything to make you uncomfortable but you’re gonna have to interact with people if you’re going to become a popular pro hero in the future like me!!”
“But can’t you just keep home schooling and training me?”
“I would, but I have hero work to do as well at the agency and I wouldn’t have enough time to help you out”, you pouted and kept your ground in the living room. It had already been a fussy morning with Keigo chasing you everywhere to get you to put on your uniform. With a final rub of his temples he spoke up again, “I’ll let you buy anything at the grocery store tonight?”
You looked up at him and stuck a pinky out, “Pinky promise?”
“Yup!!” and before you could even respond he scooped you up, already flying out of the building and flying towards what you assumed was the direction of UA.
“Please warn me next time!”, you yelled over the wind as you held on tightly, you would use your quirk but you still didn’t have a licence and you were still learning how to fly through narrow spaces. Crashing into a building didn’t sound very appetising at the moment. It wasn’t too long before you spotted the easily recognisable glass building of UA, Keigo slowing down for a landing and allowing you to get off.
“Alright I’ll see you later nuggie!”, he waved cheerily, already getting ready to take off.
You just nervously responded with an “uh-huh”, while examining the surroundings, students bustling everywhere. Alright 1-A it was, I should probably ask someone, maybe someone who looks nice. Hmm, how about that purple-haired boy, yeah, he looks like a senior and doesn’t look too bad. You briskly walked up to the purple haired male with elf ears, “Err, hii-”
He looked up at you with shock and you could see bullets of sweat dripping off his forehead, “u-uh h-h-hi”, he meekly responded, looking like he was going to die any second. 
Just as you were about to ask for directions to 1-A, too cherry voices called out to the boy in front of you, “Woah, you’re socialising Tamaki! Great job!”, a blonde boy with blue eyes strolled up to his friend, grinning brightly and giving him two thumbs up.”
“Hey Mirio! Wait up!!”, you turned around, immediately spotting a light blue haired girl rushing towards her friends waving happily. She must’ve noticed you standing there awkwardly and quickly came to your rescue, “Hi!! I’m Nejire and that’s Tamaki and Mirio! You must be a first year here!”, she smiled at you gently, pointing to the respective people as she introduced you to them.
“Nice to meet you Nejire-senpai, I’m L/n Y/n. Also do you know where 1-A is, I’m kinda lost”, you had enrolled as L/n Y/n instead of Takami Y/n as to not reveal the last name of Hawks since it was meant to be kept secret for some reason he didn’t tell you about.
“Speak no more, we’ll guide you there since we’re the big 3 after all!”
“Huh, what’s the big 3?”
“Oh, it’s basically 3 students in their third years who are talented and I guess you could say that’s us. Come on Mirio and Tamaki, let’s help bring this student to her class.”
Mirio took your right side, while Nejire led on in front, pointing out different buildings and Tamaki in the back.
“I’m Mirio! Great to meet you!”, he reached a hand to shake with you which you quickly did, “Same here Mirio-senpai, I’m L/n Y/n.”
“You’ll be seeing us around the school plenty, so if you ever have any questions, feel free to ask us or any of the teaching staff, they’re always happy to help! Well, I guess I can’t really say the same about Mr. Aizawa..”
“Oh, isn’t Mr. Aizawa, Eraserhead?”
“Yeah, he is and as a matter of fact, I’m pretty sure he’s going to be your teacher this year.”
“That’s uhh wonderful, he sounds like a great guy!”, you replied awkwardly trying to sound cheery.
“Don’t worry too much, you’ll do fine”, he patted you on the back reassuringly and at the same moment, Nejire announced that you had arrived at 1A.
“Thank you Nejire, Mirio and Tamaki-senpai”, you bowed to them, before they sought you off, heading for their own classes. Pushing the door open, the room was already bustling with students and you scanned your eyes over the room finding a seat between a spiky red hair boy and a green haired girl who looked a bit like a frog. Honestly, the random desk at the back seemed wonderful at first, but you remembered how Keigo had encouraged you to sit around more social people and they seemed social enough. It was probably the least you could do after he went through all the convincing with Nezu and some other things to get you to UA without having to take any tests.
You were really relieved when neither of them didn’t bother to talk to you, or notice you maybe, and continued on chatting to their friends. It seemed like you were just on time, the bell ringing and yet not any sight of any teacher. Frowning slightly, you were about to get up and go to the staff room which Nejire had pointed out earlier to search for Aizawa-sensei.
 Luckily, he arrived in some sort of yellow sleeping bag which slightly resembled a cocoon, announcing in a sorta lazy and flat tone, “Go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends. This is the hero course.”
The room quickly quieted down and became silent as everyone averted their attention to Aizawa, “It took 8 seconds before you quieted down. You kids aren’t rational enough. I’m your homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa. Nice to meet you. This is sudden, but put this on”, he presented a UA PE uniform out of thin air, or maybe he had it hidden inside his sleeping bag that whole time? “And meet me at the field after.”
Without any hesitation, everyone got up and grabbed their PE uniform from the desk which had their names on the packaging, likely to have been pre-ordered and filed out of the classroom towards the lockers. You grabbed yours, grimacing as a blond spiky haired boy shoved past you, resisting the temptation to yell at him and give him a piece of your mind. Like what, how can someone be so rude!
Upon arrival at the locker rooms, you didn’t really try to socialise with anyone, nor did they, I mean, your locker was in the back corner so they probably wouldn’t notice you anyways which was fine to you. To draw the least attention towards yourself, you waited until all the other girls had headed out happily chatting among themselves, then followed closely behind them and out onto the field where pretty much everyone was already assembled. 
“We’ll be having a quirk assessment test”, well there came the flat recognisable tone of Aizawa, he would definitely be an interesting teacher, that’s all you could say for him. Everyone either goraned or shrieked in horrification at this announcement, quirk assessment on the first day? Well damn, okay, thought first day would be a bit more chill. Kinda ironic for someone who seems like he can’t be bothered to do much himself.
“But what about the entrance ceremony or orientation?”, some girl piped up, yup definitely a bubbly one, she should be pretty easy to make friends with.
Okay at this point Aizawa was just getting a bit too blunt, “If you’re going to become a hero you don’t have time for such leisurely events. UA’s selling points is that it’s ways aren’t traditional, which is the same as how the teachers teach.” You watched him carefully as he skimmed over the class, landing on the rude blond spiky kid from earlier, “Bakugo, you finished top of the practical test, didn’t you? What was your furthest throw in middle school?” So Bakugo is his name, I’ll just stay away from him.
The said boy looked up cockily, a shit eating grin on his face, “67 meters.”
“Okay, then try throw this ball, but you can use your quirk.”
“Sure”, he grabbed the ball, leaning back on one foot in the circle and yelling “DIE!” as the ball flew off. It wasn’t took long before a beep came from a device that Aizawa was holding, showing 705.2 meters.
“Know your maximum first, that’s the most rational way to forming the foundations of a hero”, he seriously seemed to have something with things being done rationally...
A chorus of woah’s were heard throughout the class, well that sure did blow up that Bakugo’s ego. His ego must’ve been too big for his own good.
“This is going to be fun!”, an alien looking girl exclaimed punching her fist in the air.
Followed by a black haired boy excitedly looking on, “So we get to use our quirks as much as we want!”
And yet again, the mood came crashing down as Aizawa spoke up again, “It looks fun, huh? You have three years to become a hero, you think it’ll be all fun and games? Sure, then whoever comes last in the 8 tests will be expelled. Welcome to UA’s hero course!”, earning another screech form the class including yourself. Alright Y/n, you are NOT wasting this change Keigo gave you and you better do well in this!
“Let’s begin shall we? Starting with the 50m dash.”
The first two up were blue haired boy and the frog looking girl who sat next to you in class and before you could even blink, the blue haired boy was already off, speeding past the finish line. His quirk must’ve something to do with speed, so don’t panic Y/n, there’s only so much you can do with speed, you encouraged yourself determinedly looking on. And maybe you were a bit tooo busy encouraging yourself when you noticed the same bubbly brown haired girl patted you on the back.
“Hey, it’s your turn. Also, I’m Ochaco Uraraka, nice to meet you!”
“Thanks Ochaco-san, I’m L/n Y/n. We can continue to chat after these tests, sorry”, you apologetically looked at her before rushing towards the starting line. Beside you, was a white and red haired male with a red scar over his left eye. Okay that’s edgy, time to focus! You activated your quirk allowing wings to grow on your back through the use of light energy which was absorbed through two horns on your head.
You flapped your wings as fast as you could making it in 4 seconds which wasn’t too much faster than the guy behind you gliding along with ice. Your brain quickly put together what his quirk was, white represents ice and red must represent fire. Wonder why he didn’t use his fire like the explosions of that Bakugo boy, it would’ve been much faster than skating.
Then came the grip test which you absolutely flunked, only coming in at 43kg which was pretty much the lowest in the class. Well what can some damn light energy do to help increase your grip? All it’ll do is burn your hands off.
After came the standing long jump with you passed with breeze, just flying to clear the sandbox and with the repeated side steps you simply used pure speed to get through it. And at last, came the ball throw the one which you were most excited for since you had a great plan to get a good score. When it came up to your turn you grabbed the ball tightly throwing it up in the air gently right above you, then activating your quirk and encasing it in a bright bubble made of light energy, then sent it off, controlling the bubble to keep going forwards without leaving the circle at all. You concentrated hard, thinking about the ball in your mind and it got more difficult to control until you couldn’t visualise it’s location anymore and let it drop. A beep was heard as Aizawa presented you with his device, showing 1638 meters.
Satisfied with your work, you smiled a bit and got back to your place.
“Midoriya, your turn”, the green haired boy nervously walked forwards, grabbing onto the ball and throwing it. You almost scoffed, if you didn’t feel the teeniest bad for the poor boy who had seemed so confused. Something was surely off about him, how did someone who can barely even use or control their quirk get into UA... He was given another chance, getting almost the same as Bakugo, except his hand turned a weird purple colour. That must be one powerful quirk for one weak body, you grimaced at his injury.
“Ow, that’s gotta hurt, Aizawa-sensei sure is harsh”, Ochaco frowned at the scene in front.
“I mean yeah he is, but not gonna lie, if I was in Aizawa’s spot I’d seriously be wondering how he got in, though he does have some potential with a quirk as powerful as his.”
“I’m sure he’ll get better, hopefully he’s not last, I’m really hoping that Mineta kid gets expelled, I already don’t really like him just by the looks of him.”
“Either it’s a crush or just you dislike Mineta, but then again, you shouldn’t be judging a book by its cover.”
“Eh what make sure you think that!”, she panicked cheeks flushed, “Its just that Mineta guy really seems like a perv.”
“Well, in that case, I guess it’s kinda his own fault, first impressions are key.”
“That’s true I guess.”
The two of you were snapped out of your conversation when Aizawa’s voice rang through the field, pulling up a projection, or was it a hologram? Anyways, you quickly skimmed through the board, searching for your name and you were glad to see you had landed a decent spot, coming in 3rd, just behind the Todoroki kid. And in last came Midoriya, ow, that’s seriously gotta be a huge blow to his self esteem.
“No ones actually gonna get expelled, it was just a rational deception to get you all to go beyond.”
“It was clear it was a rational deception”, Momo who you had seen on the top of the board piped up unhelpfully.
“Ughhh well that’s just greaaat”, you groaned into your hands “and now we appear to have a smartie genius know it all in our class as well”, you muttered annoyed as Ochaco sweat dropped patting your back slowly.
“L/n, you should not be so disrespectful to your classmates!”, Iida reprimanded, chopping his arms up and down.
“Okay thank you thank you.”
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Finally school had been dismissed and you stood outside the gates of UA, impatiently tapping your feet as you waited for Keigo to come pick you up as other students made their own way home. It had been 10 minutes already and the bird brain still hadn’t picked you up! Welll, he didn’t really ever specify that he would come pick you up, you just kinda assumed? Frowning, you activated your quirk, not give one hec about the no quirk in public rule since walking home would take forever and you didn’t have that kind of time smh. Flapping your wings and stretching your arms, you prepared to take off and far into the sky where the police wouldn’t be able to see you flying around.
“What are you doing using your quirk in public without a licence?”, a loud voice boomed, stopping you in your tracks.
“Oh hi Endeavour-san!”, you smiled a bit, continuing to ignore his words and continue what you were going to do. You were really great at being annoying and ignoring people, just a trait you picked up from Hawks I guess.
Endeavour deadpanned, “You’re not allowed to be using your quirk and I know you don’t have a licence, so you need to go and take public transport or walk like everyone else.” He was completely ignored as you started floating a bit, “Well, I’ll be off then! Have a wonderful evening Endeavour-san and Todoroki-san.”
You flew off, but before you could get anywhere, Endeavour was already pulling you down by your foot, I mean, considering how strong he is, it succeeded. “Okay then Mr.Smartie, how am I meant to get home now without my quirk huh? I have no clue how public transport works”, you sneered at him, huffing and crossing your arms unimpressed.
“Go walk home.”
“But it takes a long time.”
“Then go figure out the public transport time schedules.”
At this point, you were sick and tired of him and Todoroki looked pretty annoyed as well, so you decided to do everyone a favour. You grabbed Todoroki by the wrist running off and dragging him while waving back at Endeavour, “I promise I’ll return him in one piece! You don’t need to worry!!”
Endeavour was about to chase after you, but you were already gone and out of sight, whatever, he had to return to his patrol anyways. It could also be good training for Shoto to deal with the annoying villains, not saying you were a villain, but you sure did fit that annoying standard.
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“Your welcome”, you yawned lazily, staring up at the sky while walking. Todoroki was still confused but if being with you let him get away from being with his father he was more than glad too. Plus, he could use this chance to find any weaknesses about you, you seemed quite strong and could be someone to look out for in the UA sports festival.
“How did you talk to my father like that? Most people would’ve never had the guts to do it.”
“Wellll, for one, I’m not most people and I know him pretty well, I’ve talked to him a lot of times on his patrols. There’s almost nothing scary about him, he’s just a big fire guy walking around with an angry voice, but it’s not like he can harm any of us, he’s a hero.”
Todoroki felt his blood boil at what you had said, Endeavour was no hero, driving his mother to the end of her wits, training him harshly from a young age, some hero. But the rational part of his brain won over the emotional part, explaining that you were an outsider and had no clue as to their personal lives. Todoroki was intrigued with your quirk, he wanted to learn more about what it could do, all he knew so far was that you had the ability to create wings, bubbles made of light energy and not very much else. Considering you were the sister of Hawks (Endeavour had told him, I guess that’s something that Endeavour is useful for), he honestly expected more, but you could be holding back. He considered asking you more about your quirk but that would probably make you put walls up around yourself and see him as a threat. It was probably just best to wait and see your full potential.
You noticed it had become silent and nobody had anything to say, enveloping both of you in an awkward silence. Well, you were pretty sure you were the only one feeling awkward. You made up some lame excuse and sent Todoorki off on his way, glad to be out off the awkward silence. UA wasn’t that bad, you supposed.
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I think it was AL that started by confiding in people that worked with them that he had a crush on her. NR spilling that AL would kill him for saying he checked DG out was telling. As soon as DG joined the cast AL was always super attentive to her. Always reacting to her one way or another. His flustered face when she said she was a lioness like Chonne is marked in my head. I think AL tried at first not to be too out there with it but his reactions often failed him 😂 1/?
DG I think from the moment she arched the pilot, once she knew she had to audition for the show, I think she was drawn to AL’s intensity. She praised his (Lenni£ & J0n) acting and said that when she saw their game she was sold and in. I think she didn’t want to entertain anything with AL although I do think it was innocent fun for her to be touchy feely or casually flirty with everyone but AL 😂 Just a few years ago NR himself spilled that he loved to make AL jealous with being around DG 💀 2/?
I think that they both fancied each other & that despite themselves the more they got to know each other the more they fell in awe & in love. I think A separated when G left Atlanta for good and that she’d come back to atl so that A could see his kids. At this point AL prob tried to pursue DG. I think DG didn’t want no parts and that she got involved in a short lived relationship, that aligns with the S7 premiere tension, when AL tried to pursue her which would explain the big mad energy 3/?
I think the big thing was when they decided to leave the show. This is something I think they planned together. AL couldn’t, he even filmed the scene, leave during S8. The San Diego con where he was sad and even went out of his way to make DG laugh was telling. He was conflicted but he stayed and his storyline in S9, if anything, consolidated R***onne ´s relationship more. DG’s last episodes in S9/S10 where filled with R/ck’s presence. Leaving also meant he could get down to « continuity » 4/?
DG bought a house in LA & they both started to be in Cali at the same time. When she flew back from Paris that’s where she went -she spills it in her last Kimmel itw- AL was there as well. AL also spent a whole week in LA at a time when Hollywood is on a well deserved break and he left on a Friday night. DG has been to the UK a lot, she was most likely there in early March. The big thing 4 me is the builder that posted a picture of AL inside a London home. I’m 100% sure that’s his new place. 5/5
I think you made some really great points. “Andy’s going to kill me,” makes so much more sense now. Like damn, how long has Andy wanted to get divorced? I’m in agreeance with the separation timeline. And exactly with the back and forths. I knew something was up with the case of the missing luggage after the U2 concert. I love this, thank you!
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 6X15 The French Mistake
Computer is noticeably improved in the cleaning department
Hunter's Helper
beer, cold pizza, blood of lamb
oh boy it's Rapahel
Bobby has all the shit so he enlists their help ok
"I'm flattered. and down a lung" BRO?
ah the fake glass
I feel like these are all stand ins
"I'm a painted whore" DEAN IT'S JUST MAKEUP CALM DOWN
ah the interference
our life the TV show
"according to the interviewer, not many people do"
ok so it's normal so far
ah they do the spell again
or try
ah yes fake knives
"at least they're talking to each other" TheY'Ve bEEN gUTTe-
yep! your lives are FAKE!
yeah they're not gonna take this well
man this must be real fun
i mean yes it's Gen
"you're talking"
"looks like you did alright" LMAOOOO
"i should figure out her name"
no earthquaKE SPIKE A H
They were all for the show
"you have been sam winchester way too long" OH MY GOD
"I Bought part of a dead person" "cool"
this is painful
*mouthing* what the hell
so Dean can't stop staring and Sam can't stop talking
they're doing great
"Who says penultimatE" AHAHAHAHA
"gun, mouth" AHAHA
*CRASH* *that hurt* "drugs" AHAHAH
huh oh
and the graceful end
they get lost
"Jared and Jensen were seen beating an extra to death" "huh"
"hey he wasn't mostly dead! he ran away!"
she's, you know, new AHAHA
"they'll buy anything" FasDFIPASASPD
frowny face
"what kind of a douchebag names a character after himself" AFHIDFA AHAHAH
they probably think they're on drugs
virgil is trying to be poetic and misha is crying
"where""Where" AHAAHAH
"the scary man killed the attractive crying man" THIS IS HILARIOUS
Dean likes having money
bruh ur a dick
it is much nicer for them here
"hits have been coming since you were six months old"
of course the brothers convince dean
ah yes the don't care about misha
there's...yeah there's something in here
ooo cool SH0-
dude looks like a lady
boy it's nice to see him
yet them as pawns
ah not fake
you're broke again
look. This episode is not devoid of substance. The everything fake and their problem with it, the being rich, the little nods to itself through using the story to tell it's own story, the fucking duel soundtrack. Like. There was careful thought put into this. but
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