#when he's a little unhinged but he looks like this so it's ok
scarecrowismybabygirl · 10 months
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Professor Crane working on his fear toxin
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soupangel · 3 months
Intoxicated - Gojo Satoru
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tags: fluff, established relationship, drunk!satoru, mentions of alcohol
wc: 534
Synopsis: What do you get when you give the strongest jujutsu sorcerer alcohol? a drunk needy boyfriend.
a/n: I hope you enjoy!!
In all the years you’ve known Satoru Gojo, he’s never gotten drunk in front of you. So when celebrating his birthday with your friends, you noticed him stumbling his way across the room. It was clear that he was drunk.
While you try to go back to your conversation with Shoko, the sudden loud plop of Gojo sitting down next to you immediately shifts your focus. You look over to see Gojo hunched over with his head resting on the table, looking up at you with a dopey grin on his face.
“You know you’re the most beautiful person in the world,” he slurs.
While laughing, you run your hand down his back.
“Oh, am I? well I think you’re the most drunk man in the world. How much did you have to drink?”
“Hmm I dont know either four or ten.” He hums, closing his eyes to enjoy feeling your hand on his back.
His response makes your jaw drop. “Ten!?”
He shot up to look at you with wide eyes.
“Are you mad at me?” He said with tears pooling in his eyes.
You turn to Shoko with widened eyes. This was out of character for Satoru. She looks back at you with raised eyebrows as she takes a sip of her drink, turning away from you, leaving you to deal with the drunken mess that is your boyfriend alone.
You grab your hands and look at him worriedly. “No, of course not. Why would I be mad at you?”
“Because I had too much to drink and now you hate me and never wat to see me again,” he rambled on, sniffing in between a few words.
If it was possible for you to unhinge your jaw to emote how absolutely shocked you were, you would do it. But it’s not so you just stick with trying to calm your now very emotional boyfriend.
You take your hands from his to smooth down his hair, hoping to calm him at least a little.
“Satoru, that is not true,” you said. “I love you, and it’s your birthday. I think you're allowed to have some fun.”
“Really? you still love me?”
“Yes Satoru, I still love you,”
“Really really?”
“Really really,” you laugh
“Really, really, really?”
“Ok, I’m not doing this with you all night. How about we go back home and rest?” you breathed.
He pondered your suggestion for a few seconds before smiling.
“We can cuddle, right?” he said excitedly
“Yes, we can absolutely cuddle. anything you want, it’s your birthday after all.”
It takes some effort to help him stand up from his seat. He leans on you almost immediately and walks towards the exit. You throw Shoko a quick wave goodbye so you could keep up with Satorus’ fast steps.
He fell asleep on the cab ride home, so getting him inside took longer since he was still half asleep and stumbling.
You saved yourself the trouble of changing him and just lay him on the bed. You followed shortly after him. Like magnets, you two gravitated toward each other and fell asleep with Satoru cuddled in your arms.
Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated! I'd love to know what you thoughts!
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weebsinstash · 4 months
There's an unconfirmed theory that the love potion Velvette and Valentino sells is his spit, and literally just the spit in his mouth is a doping aphrodisiac
Like ok here's something I've considered. Say you're a new Sinner in Hell. You meet him night ONE down there. You've got nowhere to stay. You're watching people be stabbed and robbed outside, but here in the studio, you're sitting with this Mr Valentino who you just met. It's obvious that he's fucking trouble but he's a much more welcoming option to the unhinged chaos outside (especially if you're a woman, being without shelter is WOOOF dangerous)
It really depends on the person, but technically, isn't "sleep with me and I'll give you a place to sleep for the night" like actually an incredibly lucky almost one sided deal in this context?
So Reader agrees. It's- It's just sex right? It isn't... THAT bad? But little do you know, even just kissing him can turn your mind to mush. He's got his tongue in your mouth and, he suddenly starts asking all these really intimate, personal questions. You've already been drinking, and now with his red hot aphrodisiac delivered straight into your mouth, you're basically hopped up on ecstasy. One minute you're talking with Angel, not sure where you're going to go, the next, you're in Valentino's lap, willingly letting him shove his tongue down your throat, drinking after him, taking shotguns of smoke from his cigarette while he asks you how many times you've had sex, what your favorite positions are, just... he'd have you in the palm of his hand.
There's an Angel Dust fanart comic about Val luring AD into the room where he has aphrodisiac burning like an incense and Angel is being drugged just standing in the room and I can totally see Valentino doing shit like this. He's just chilling with some of his girls and they're all sitting around basically making out and being horny and drinking and doing drugs, and Valentino is still making you fetch him drinks. At some point you're standing there and he sees you wobble a bit and he realizes you're getting the secondhand smoke and suddenly he's intimately curious how you look and sound when you're embarrassed and starts teasing you and becomes addicted to it
Valentino is a sadist. You want me to believe he'd see Reader there hot in the face and starting to sweat and suddenly nervously giggling at all of his flirtatious comments and filthy questions and he WOULDN'T start groping you up just to hear you squeal for him to stop? Please. And then once you're all loopy and easily manipulated, then he'll start laying on the charms, the compliments, the promises. He could treat you so well, baby, and all you have to do is just have a nice little... cuddle session with him once or twice or dozens of times :3c and he always gets you so fucked up first that, really, his offers just sound like the most fun in the world...
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lucilleslore · 6 months
lovesick snow really really really scratches a part of my brain that i cannot have the words that explain it and have to go the library of babel to find it. he'd be more easy to manipulate in that state, especially how vulnerable he is to you and how willing he'd do anything for you. like you said in one of your first posts, i'm in love with the idea of it of how powerful the reader is if you want to add more backstory to them.
ok so i went with your idea and gave manipulative!reader and snow the backstory they deserve for the little au we have going here!! i hope you love it <3
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➸ so as a kid i see manipulative!reader as a bit of a daydreamer and what do lots of little girls dream about?? their wedding. for you though it wasn’t necessarily about the day, not even the fancy dress or the colour scheme but the person. let’s just say you’re already from quite an influential family but it’s not enough - you want more.
➸ you wanted a husband that’s powerful, motivated. he had to be important and charismatic - someone who could really get you what you wanted from life. you weren’t completely unbothered by the idea of romance though and hoped that’d you’d manage to get them utterly devoted to you, willing to do anything to protect you and make you happy. it’s not a hard thing to ask for, right?
➸ you’d always been aware of coriolanus snow but there always seemed to be better candidates for your attention. then he comes back to the capitol and you can sense the change in him - the unhinged, power hungry aura that seemed to surround him and as he quickly started making a new name for himself, you thought he could be the one.
➸ coryo would never be an easy person to get close to however. so you had to subtly start placing yourself in his life. it was a slow process but you were diligent. ‘bumping’ into him just outside his apartment, having the same social calendar as him, even showing an interest in the games so someone would set up an appointment between the two of you to discuss.
➸ then there was one moment. one that not even you - seemingly the mastermind of your own life - had planned out. it was raining that day, pouring and you were alone rushing back to your apartment. you weren’t paying attention to where you were going and when you stepped out onto the road you weren’t prepared for the onslaught of screeching tires or horns. or for the strong grip that wrapped around your wrist and pulled you back.
➸ coryo was there just as drenched as you were but with a kind of frenzied, panicked look in his eyes. ‘you should watch where you’re going,’ he’d urged. it was the way he said it, the way his hand squeezed at your wrist that had you thinking maybe he’d been noticing your efforts after all. he’d tugged you closer to him as if you’d be safer there and it was probably the most genuine moment you’d had in years, as you blinked up at the blonde man who’d just saved your life.
➸ honestly after that you decide to back off, feeling a little guilty about your scheming but seemingly the universe wanted the two of you on the same path. or maybe coriolanus did. suddenly he was there at family functions, taking meetings with your father, charming your mother at all costs. he’d come to dinners hosted at your families estate and his eyes would never leave you from across the table even when he was in a conversation.
➸ so when your family told you about the marriage proposal you weren’t that surprised, just giddy. everything was finally falling into place. you knew you’d have to be careful. to you snow was charming, doting in a sense but you’d heard the rumours. he could be dangerous and you’d have to make sure you were never in his firing line.
➸ in the beginning of your marriage you try and play coy, let coryo take the lead in things. you like to let him know how you rely on him, always holding onto his arm in public and letting him speak first. basically just playing up to his male ego but something about seeing you feeling so safe with him and letting your guard down has him letting some walls down too. which is exactly what you want.
➸ he’d start to confide in you after a while because you’re just such a good little wife! bringing him drinks in the evening in your pretty dresses, loosening his shirts and playing with his hair. it isn’t his fault he ends up telling you things about his past, things he plans to do in the future - a lot of things that he probably shouldn’t tell you especially since you’ll remember each and every one.
➸ kinda dark but i love the idea of you being able to read people really well and always hyper aware of who coryo surrounds himself with, always sussing out their intentions before he does. you give it a little while but if he’s still not catching onto them you’ll simply make something up. maybe they’re giving you dirty looks or maybe their gazes are just lingering a little too long for your liking, in places they certainly shouldn’t be looking. maybe they’ve flirted with you, maybe they’re making nasty digs but you have coryo eating out the palm of your hand by this point and he’s possessive, protective in a mad, feral way. you’re flat out lying but he eats it up and whoever you want gone doesn’t last much longer after that.
➸ maybe that’s how you get your power. by simply having his ear. people know that they can get what they want through you and by the time coryo is president you have people visiting you nearly everyday. hoping you’ll let them into your inner circle, offering you things in exchange for a word whispered in his ear.
➸ and maybe coryo comes to rely on you this way. you’re a capitol darling, their perfect first lady but behind closed doors you’re separating the good from the bad. the people who can help your husband and the people who’re out to damage what he’s built. people begin to see you as a powerhouse in your own right, someone with a good side they need to be on. or else.
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thebearer · 11 months
please can i request reader being carmy's taste tester? something sweet and cute please i love your writing
omg thank you so much!!!!! <3 yes! fluffy taste tester blurb ahead with carmen berzatto! just an inside look at his banter with you!
"Ok, taste this." Carmen gave a final stir to the pot on the stove, tapping it firmly on the side before reaching for the small spoon.
You swung your legs, contently perched on the counter beside him- well, not beside him bc Carmen was sort of a maniac in the kitchen, a little chaotic and bounding around when he got in his rhythm. You sat out of the way, but close enough to still watch him, how electric and excited he got cooking. It made your chest swell.
"What's this one?" You hummed, leaning forward while Carmen came towards you, one hand cupping underneath the spoon to stop spillage, the other holding the spoon delicately.
"Uh, same thing. Added the cream and shallots to it, might add those black cherries if it still needs some sweetness..." Carmen rambled out loud, his mind already whirring with what he could add next.
You smiled, placing your hand on his wrist gently. "I thought the last one was good. Perfect." You added.
Carmen gave you a look, pointed and a little playful. "C'mon, it's not perfect." He shook his head. "Too salty with the veal and the steak. Maybe if it was salmon or chicken, something a little lighter it'd be alright, but-"
You giggled lightly, Carmen cutting himself off. He flushed, shaking his head lightly at his own ramble, lips curling with your infectious laugh. "Just open up for me."
You unhinged your jaw, eyes on Carmen's while he guided the spoon into your mouth, free hand cradling your cheek sweetly. You let the sauce swirl on your tongue, really taste it like Carmen was always yapping that you should.
"Mmm..." You hummed, eyes fluttering closed, the blend of spices and creams and sauces all dancing in a melody on your tongue. You weren't a chef, not by any means. You could barely make eggs, but you appreciated that Carmen valued your opinion.
"Good?" Carmen's eyes lit up, tinging with excitement for your approval.
"Really good." You nodded, beaming at him. You held the spoon in your hand, grinning at him. "I was wrong. This is perfect."
"Yeah? You think?" Carmen's fingers tapped anxiously on your thigh. "Are you sure with the Wagyu? Syd's making these creamy potatoes with a sauce that's already kinda creamy like this. Fuck, I-I just think it needs something sweet ya know? To break up the flavor palette-"
"-Carmy." You cooed, jumping down to pad towards him lightly. You wrapped your arms around his waist, hands gliding over his back, rubbing the toned- tense muscles through the soft cotton of his shirt. He relaxed into your touch. "Just slow down. Add the cherries if you think that would be best, but whatever you decide will be best. You know that."
Carmen snorted lightly, shaking his head. "No, no, I don't." He muttered, face falling.
"You do." You hummed, running a hand through his hair, finger twirling around a curl. "You should."
Carmen felt the sides of his lips curls, the anxiety bubbling in his chest simmering down with a feeling of calmness at your words, soothed into your touch.
"Can you just... just taste it one more time, ok? And-And picture it with the steak." Carmen ran his hands sweetly down your arms, grabbing a spare pot. "I'll save some of this and add the cherries to the others, and we'll do the tasting tomorrow with everything and see what works."
You nodded, reaching for your spoon from before, dipping it into the sauce. Carmen turned around, eyes bulging gently. "Eh, eh! Hey!" He tsked, loud and startling you.
You stopped, staring at him in irritation. "What?" You huffed.
"Is that- is that a clean spoon?" Carmen's eyes flickered from you and the spoon.
"It's the one from before-"
"-Baby," Carmen gasped, like you had committed a federal offense- in his kitchen, it was. "I told you, don't dip a spoon in there you've had in your mouth! Fresh spoon! That's a health code violation, c'mon."
You rolled your eyes. "Carmy, it's just us."
"Ok, but-but, now you have your spit all in that."
"Doesn't the heat cook it out?"
Carmen scoffed, eyes rolling before pinching the bridge of his nose. "No, I-I can't believe you just... Now you got your germs all in my sauce."
"My germs?" You gawked, eyeing him carefully. "You don't want my germs now?"
"Not in my food." Carmen hummed, lips pressed to hide his smirk. He was a little wound tight, a little too strict about things he shouldn't be especially in the kitchen with you. He couldn't help it, and he was glad you found it amusing.
You scoffed loudly. "Please, Carmen. You act like we've never kissed before. You've had my spit in you all the time." You glared at him playfully.
Carmen couldn't help the blush he felt rising in his chest, heart hammering away lightly. "Yeah, but wasn't in my food."
"I think you'll be alright." You dismissed, setting the spoon down on the cabinet. Another twitch of his eye when there was a spoon rest right there.
"I hope so. Hope you don't have any germs-"
"-If I have any germs, they're yours." You eyed him knowingly, smug at the way he blushed.
"Watch it." Carmen pointed at you playfully, turning to wipe the counter with his rag, tossing the spoon in the sink. He waited a beat. "Get a clean spoon next time, please."
You laughed. "Oh my God, Carmen! You have literally eaten my ass before and this-"
"-Hey!" Carmen snapped at you through a feigned sternness that faltered with his glowing cheeks. You giggled, leaning back against the counter to watch him, all flustered and fighting a smile. "That's even more of a reason I don't want your germs in my food."
"More like your germs." You muttered, jumping back up on the counter, hips shuffling back to press your back to the cabinets.
"Easy." Carmen's eyes cut to yours, a stern look that had you flushing, tummy flipping with that familiar heat. "Don't get me distracted in here. I'll have you step out."
"Heard, Chef." You nodded exaggeratedly.
Carmen wasn't sure why he blushed hearing you say it, cock twitching behind his zipper at the words. "Get over here and help me stir this, please. Don't want it to burn. I'm gonna chop these cherries up."
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kneelingshadowsalome · 11 months
what if engel is a virgin but insanely boy crazy 👁👄👁 and she will/can never not be
Hoooo boy!
NSFW below the cut
So, um. Reader never told König if she's experienced or not (if she was a virgin then my thoughts and prayers are with her.) Part of König's hostility in the crazy mating scene comes from his belief that Engel is not a virgin. He is extremely jealous of everyone reader might've had before him, so he guides his frustration to heated, possessive sex, stripping her with a knife, and so on.
But if we imagine you told him it's your first time, then things would go slightly differently. König would be much more delicate with you!
And good God… He would be even more enamored. You're kind, you're sweet, you're innocent and you're a virgin too?
König can’t believe his luck. You're just perfect. He can’t stand the thought of you with other men so finding out you're in fact untouched is only a blessing. König wants to be the only one who makes you scream and sigh. And what an ultimate fantasy: he gets to corrupt a pure, pristine virgin (of course König would never put it this way. He's simply introducing you to pleasure. Nothing wrong with that, right? He has good intentions! He's the best choice if you wish to feel good, ja ❤️)
So, König tries to keep his cool as he asks if this is what you truly want (yes? please say yes) and if this is the right time (this is as good a time as any, you just need to trust him!), is he truly the man you want to give yourself to? (tell him he’s the one, you will not regret it.)
He tries to be a gentleman and at the same time can't keep his hands off you. Hands steal their way under your clothes as he tries to persuade you by whispering things like: "I will be good to you, there’s no need to be afraid. I will be gentle, I promise…" But it’s difficult to believe anything he says because his hands are trembling, the whole man is trembling and throbbing and panting already.
If and when you're willing to have sex, König will take you in a classic missionary. No pounding from behind, no crazy unhinged mating press. And he prepares you first! With his tongue, perhaps pulls out an orgasm or two so that you will be relaxed and ready for him. It’s very likely that König pumps himself through an orgasm too while pleasing you with his mouth because he’s waited so long for this moment. Your taste and the sounds you make as he licks you to ruin are far too much. He will erupt in mere minutes and then be hard again in no time for the main event.
König tries so, so hard to control the urge to just plow you until your eyes roll in your head. He tries his best not to simply pound himself straight into oblivion. He wanted you before, sure, but now his want is doubled. Tripled. He fears he will hurt you and basically shakes from the effort to restrain himself as he finally enters you.
He goes a little over the top with the praise, too... You feel so good, nothing has ever felt better, you're such a good girl when you said yes, Lieber Gott you look cute like this, he knew you were made for him, etc. And he wants to know that you feel good. Not just to check if you're ok, but to hear how he makes you feel. Does he give you pleasure? Do you like it when he does it slowly? He can be more rough if you want. How does it feel to have a man inside you for the first time?
He's sweating from love and frustration, the hunger becomes all-consuming as he approaches his peak, and you get to see a sliver of who this man truly is underneath all that fake composure. As sad as it sounds, there's a chance he is so lost in you that he cums before you. He just can't help it. But he will make sure you get all the pleasure you need before the night is through and be extra attentive with the aftercare ❤️ (Also he would definitely be one of those guys who check if there's blood after you did it because he thinks it's a given that there is)
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Hi, I have a request if you don't mind...
Any of the batboys [Or poly with all of them ;)] with an ultra-feminine Reader, with a filthy *wink* *wink* mouth.
She is very into dresses, makeup, dressing up and everything that is considered 'girly', and their mate just thinks she will be all soft and innocent too, how most guys think "Just how females are supposed to be" (Obv, not the bat boys cause they love their women all loud and powerful)
But she literally has the wildest, dirtiest, most unhinged thoughts and just says them without a second thought
and the first time it happens, during IC dinner, she says a string of swears or just says the most sexual thing to her mate and everyone in the IC eyes them and Nesta/Elain (who was a little cold to her for whatever reason) just goes "Ok I was wrong, I love this bitch"
Dirty mouth.
Azriel x f!Reader
Warnings; SWEARING :') , suggestive
Hello I really hope this is what you had in mind! I had so much fun writing this! If you don't like it you can always ask me to rewrite it I won't get offended. Hope you enjoy it! <3
When you first met Azriel, and the bond snapped you felt like the luckiest female in the world. The shadowsinger was the best mate someone could wish for, he treated you like a queen and even though it had only been six months since you accepted the bond, you felt like you knew everything about him.
You couldn’t say the same for him though since you decided to keep your bolder personality hidden not wanting to scare him away. Azriel only saw a female who cared about clothes and shopping with her friends, he told you how sweet and delicate you are multiple times and always tried to be soft in bed. At first you enjoyed all the protectiveness and affection but as the months passed you decided to stop overthinking before you spoke and let Azriel see who you really are.
“You should try these cookies, I got them from the new bakery” Feyre exclaimed and placed a big box on the dining table.
You were in the dining room at the house of wind with the inner circle, Azriel was sitting next to you with one protective wing wrapped around you.
Everyone took a cookie, including your mate who took a bite and let a soft moan.
“What was that?” Cassian chuckled.
“Oh he really likes it, that's the noise he makes when I suck his cock” you giggled.
Azriel choked on the cookie, Rhysand and Cassian gaped at you and the girls burst into laughter. You quirked a brow at Nesta who always gave you a hard time and she winked.
“What did you say?” Azriel asked when he stopped choking.
“That’s how you moan when I suck your cock just before you finish in my thro…” he covered your mouth with his palm and stared at you wide-eyed.
Nesta went hysteric and shouted, “okay I love you”.
That was the first time Azriel saw your true self and as the days passed and you made more comments like that and started cursing too his whole attitude changed and he finally started treating you like he wasn’t afraid of breaking you.
You were in a meeting with the inner circle and Eris to find a way to kill Beron, the Autumn heir though kept making offensive comments to your mate and you could feel your patience running thin.
“How does it feel to be touched by those disgusting hands?” Eris asked you and silence filled the room.
“Most of the times I squirt” you replied with a smirk. Eris frowned while Azriel’s breath hitched.
“What happened lordling? Cat got your tongue, or you just can’t process the fact that the shadowsinger fucks better than you?” you teased him and got up.
You grabbed the Truth-Teller from your mate and approached Eris.
“Do you know how many times he has fucked me with this?” you asked and touched the tip of the dagger on his cheek. Rhys tensed but Cassian grabbed his shoulder with a proud look.
Azriel’s face flushed, and he gaped at the scene in front of him.
“Do you want to have the honor to feel this inside you too?” you asked, and he shook his head, his face paled.
“Then I suggest shutting your fucking mouth before I sew it.” You growled and walked back to your mate.
The meeting finished after a while and Azriel cupped your jaw staring deep in your eyes
“You never fail to amaze me” he mumbled and kissed you “but to be honest you are scaring me a bit” he continued and smiled.
“And you haven’t seen all of me yet” you replied and pecked his nose before exiting the office, leaving a very worried shadowsinger inside.
The next time it happened you were having a game night with your friends, you and Azriel were winning but Cassian and Nesta were close behind only two points away.
“You have 7 red” Nesta said.
“Siphons” Cassian exclaimed.
“Oh and Azriel’s siphons are..”
“Time!” Feyre said.
“It’s a tie” Rhysand announced.
“Oh come on those were so easy like asking him what his name is” you protested and Azriel chuckled.
“No I’m just better than you” Cassian teased you.
“Oh fuck off brute” you scoffed, Azriel spat his wine and stared at you.
“Seriously you have to warn me before you do that.” He mumbled and grabbed a napkin.
“Does it hurt to share the victory you little bitch?” Cassian smirked.
“Does it hurt to know that your mate fakes it every night?” Cassian turned to Nesta who was laughing uncontrollably.
“You’re a cocksucker” He shouted and winked to show that he was just messing with you.
“And a good one, ask Azriel” your mate shook his head and glanced at Feyre who was covering Nyx' ears.
After a small fist fight with Cassian, you both burst into laughter and hugged.
“You act like babies” Rhysand spoke. “Shut up” you and Cassian said simultaneously making the high lord lean his head back with a desperate look on his face.
“Okay I think you had enough wine for tonight my little cocksucker” Azriel teased and grabbed your shoulders “Let’s get you in bed”.
“I will show you how good I am” you winked and let him guide you into your shared bedroom ignoring Cassian’s gags.
After a while Azriel got used to your dirty mouth and the way you threatened whoever disrespected him and actually enjoyed it. He felt good having someone to protect him for a change and fight his battles. A few months later he noticed that he started cursing more and was horrified when he realized that he was acting like you, later he started making vulgar comments too and everyone groaned “Now we have two of them”. You had never felt prouder for your mate.
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kkami-writes · 7 months
waiting for us — chapter forty five. andong wc. 736 + 2 SS
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The trip to Andong isn’t too bad with you ending up in the car driven by Minho, sandwiched between Felix and Jeongin. Half of the ride is spend listening to music, all of the boys singing along loudly while the other half is spent asleep, head nestled on Felix’s shoulder.
You take the time to get settled into your room before you and Seungmin decide to head towards the garden. It ends up being not too far from the hotel so you had decided to walk, enjoying the rather nice day outside.
The garden is breathtaking, pretty arched bridges and rivers with cute koi fish. Plus it was the perfect time of the year as the sakura trees were just starting to bloom. You had quickly learned that Seungmin had a bit of an ulterior motive for picking this spot. He had not stopped taking pictures of you, quietly posing you - falling into his photographer mindset. The boys had warned you that when Seungmin got inspired it was hard to get him to stop. But the way his eyes were looking at you so softly made you reluctant. So like always, you let the boy indulge just a little.
The date is comfortable, small talk here and there. You had already known that Seungmin was one of the more quiet ones, reserved. Though you had definitely seen him be just as chaotic and unhinged as the rest of them, you just figured he needed to get used to you, which you totally didn’t blame him for.
The two of you sat on a bench, not too close, a few inches apart and you could tell Seungmin was nervous, fiddling with his fingers. He had been fairly normal on the date, though most of the time was spent behind the camera and now that he could hide behind it, the nerves came back at full force.
“I’m sorry,” Seungmin mutters suddenly. Your eyebrows furrow as you turn to look at the boy. He’s looking anywhere but you.
“For what?”
Seungmin shrugs. “For being awkward. I’m- bad with feelings, sometimes I really don’t know how to express myself so I can come off indifferent or even mean. And I’m probably the least good looking out of everyone. Though to be fair they’re all pretty hot. Don’t tell them I said that,”
At that you gasp and swat at his arm, of course not very hard but it causes him to look back over to you, blinking at your reaction.
“How dare you?” Seungmin’s expression suddenly turns fearful at your words but you continue before he can panic. “First of all I need you to know how insanely attractive you are? Like? Fuck. You are so handsome Seungmin. All of you guys are, there is no tier list of who is the prettiest. So if I hear you saying something like that again I will be drilling it into your head that you are gorgeous,” He’s blushing furiously now but you’re not finished. “And I think we both know that I’m just as bad with feelings like my ass didn’t try to run away at the first thought of finding my soulmates. So we can be bad with feelings together ok? Besides maybe you’re not good at verbally expressing your affection but you definitely show it. The way you subtly care about the others, subconsciously trying to take care of them. It shows Seungmin and they know it to. So don’t sell yourself short just because you don’t express your love in the same way,”
He’s still blinking at you, cheeks flushed and staring at you a little starry eyed. Before you can even ask if you had said too much he’s cupping your cheeks and pulling you towards him. It’s a rather quick kiss, just lips pressed together for a few seconds but it still manages to take your breath away. When Seungmin pulls back he’s grinning a little cheekily, nodding his head towards the entrance of the garden.
He clears his throat. “Shall we go? The others will probably be wondering where we are and blowing up our phones soon,”
This time you’re the one blinking at him, a pretty red taking over your face. “Um. Yeah. Ok,” You’re reduced to simple words, moving to follow Seungmin who seems very pleased with himself. It seems that someone has clearly found their confidence. You certainly don’t mind though.
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serxinns · 2 months
Yandere Older class 1a x Deadpool reader
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You were a goofy sarcastic playful hero who always made jokes while brutally punching villains in the face while doing wacky and wild stuff saying the most unhinged stuff with a smile on your face and your Fans and Most pro heroes love that about you
Iida was always with you not because you were dead gorgeous and your fighting skills were amazing but because he's worried about you! You pulling these dangerous stunts makes him have a heart attack whenever he peacefully wants to see the news he sees you teasing and taunting a very dangerous and very deadly villian riling them up to the point where they just slash at anything to get you to stop your yapping, next thing you know he's grabbing his hero suit and running over there right now he always scold you for being u safe while you just either laugh it off do those cringey "I'm sowwy🥺" look iida pretends to be cringe out about but deep down he thinks your pouty face and puppy eyes are cute,
Bonus: both you and Iida's fans agree that Iida was the Dad friend and make those complications video of him being one
Bakugo wants you to depend on him and look up to him he always wants you to be by his side whenever you work with him, but you being a little shit makes his job way harder, you always making fun little jokes and uncanny comedic lines while the two of you are literally in a life and death situation while you're just singing nursery rhymes, He always yells at you to be serious and all you did was say "uh oh cranky pants need a sippy cup?" He chased you around that day and seeing that cute little cheeky face of yours made him blush he always acts like he doesn't wanna work with you but in truth, he stalks your schedule and demands his agency to work close to yours but he won't admit that even the fans kinda see that he cares for you and loved you and himself dynamic
Momo is the worried mother if you ever get hurt by a nasty villain she's beating that villain to a pulp heck even making the dude see the clouds, she always is very protective of you like a mother hen making sure you eat, sleep brush your teeth she always tell you to while you whined like a child, if you didn't bring your lunch don't worry she brought a little bento box for you!, whenever your merch comes out or before she's always the 1st one to get it. She even has a room dedicated to it (just like Izuku but we'll get to him) literally she and Izuku would have a battle about who got the rarest merch and expensive merch
Ochako is like your number 1 biggest fan she always knows your schedule as well so she can either watch you from afar and if you needed any help she'll be there to kick their asses!, she's like Pucca (if you know the childhood show congrats) she always watching you dreamily eyes fluttering but strong and dangerous if anyone messes with you, she's is always in her dream world imagining carrying you like a little princess and she's the knight although she's also ok with you holding her like that as well both ways make her blush and giggles and kicking her feet while floating up, she makes fanfiction of you x reader or her under a fake username ofc so she can write down all her fantasies (some of your classmates would follow that page secretly) she keeps an oversized merch t-shirt that you wrote an autograph
While Izuku may be all Might's number one fan who said he can't be yours as well? Like this dude knows it all has 4-6 pages of you, your quirk, your weapons, your personality, your likes and dislikes, your family, your address-, you name it! He doesn't even need to write down your schedule since he remembers it so easily dude has a great memory there's no denying it, whenever his fans scream all over him wondering what's his favorite hero everyone is so surprised when he mutters out you heck he's shy whenever he talks to you your his idol his darling his sweetie standing in front of him happily making jokes and laughing along or badass shooting and slashing any bad guys, as mentioned in mom's headcanon this boy got a WHOLE ROOM dedicated to you heck one time you jokingly put a dick shape drawing when he asked to Have a autograph he bought a photo case for that and put it on display like he's PROUD
Sero and Denki were your go-to when wanting to cause trouble and Crack some jokes heck all even flirt with each other trying to see who gets the most flustered denki craves whatever attention you give him whether trying to annoy him or not he loves it when you eyes are on him he may act like a carefree person who jokes with you but he's a possessive dude he glares at your fangirls from afar when they're squealing all over you trying to get a autograph calling you hot that made his blood boil that he had to intervene by saying there's a villain waving goodbye at the girls while their squealing got louder seeing Denki but Denki glared at them Sero is the calmer one but is Obsessive he loves everything about you whenever your close to him on the outside he as cool as a cat but inside he's dying screaming on the inside just wanting to hold you close he always ask for any sort of physical interaction like high fives, hugs, he even remembered you patting him on the back praising him for wrapping up the villains luckily someone recorded it and now he saves that in his phone watching it repeatedly over and over again also he keeps those spiderman x Deadpool comics
Jirou and Kiri are like Sero but she acts more like a soft tsundere while Kiri acts like a love-sick puppy following you around and worshipping you head to toe. She acts cool and tough around you but if you compliment her she turns red and hits you to shut up just like Izuku she's too shy to speak to you and always lets you do the talking while she doesn't pay attention just hearing your voice makes her trapped in a dazed smiling dreamily she just couldn't help it You were so adorable even under that mask she wants to cup her hands on your cheeks and give you the biggest kisses leaving you a hot flushed mess kiri on the other hand worships you like a God, he always rants to his friend teru about you and even works together with bakugo at times talking to him about you the two of them will rant on about how cool you are (mostly Him and bakugo just listens) he will invite you to spar with him and if he ever accidentally hurts you he feels so bad and apologies to you even tho you didn't even show any anger or sadness but he thinks you do but all you did was laugh saying how strong he was making the number 4 hero blush and crumble right there he always used to complimenting you on your skills body and even your muscles but you complimenting him!? It's like a kid getting a gold star for their behavior! After sparing he always buys you his favorite drink which you teased him about while he looked annoyed with your teasing he actually likes it and when you promise to stop he mentally whines wanting you to do more!
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sweetnans · 8 days
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a/n: This could contain some mistakes, english is not my first language. Enjoy 💫
You saw Bakugo flying away, blasting explosions through the air, chasing Midoriya, who was miles away from him. A bad omen twinkling in your guts right after he disappeared from your sight.
You were in the city, trying to help the heroes establish the order again. Helping elders and kids find his relatives again in the middle of chaos, some of your classmates helping you and the other heroes doing some sweeping in the remains of disaster after Shigaraki broke the city in two.
Ochako screamed your name because your quirk was useful in the thing that she was doing. That helped you a lot to keep your mind away from your boyfriend.
He told you we'll be careful and you trusted him with all your heart.
Cleaning the city, evacuating civilians, and watching your back for any villain to appear out of nowhere, made you extremely tired.
You were putting your hands in some wreck from machia destroying everything on his way when an agitated Todoroki stumble in your view.
"Have you seen Bakugo?" He asked right away catching his breath a little bit.
"I saw him fifteen minutes ago flying that way chasing Midoriya," you pointed out to the horizon, and that didn't change Todoroki demeanor, made it worse. "Why?" You grew anxious at his face. Todoroki wasn't the kind of person who wore his emotions on his face, but right now, it was fear all over gaze. "Why Shoto?" Your voice trembled.
"We have to go, right now" he looked at Ochako, and she caught the hint right away.
"I got your back," she said, giving you a little push.
Todoroki grabbed you by your arm and started making a path of ice, sliding in it with you at his back. You ignored the cold and the way that he was going so fast that you almost slipped two times only for him to grab you tighter. You've never seen him act like that, desperate and breaking the rules, not to mention Ochako as well, after what happened in Kamino, you saw a change in her but never expected to cover you two for running straight to something very dangerous without any hero escorting or knowing about.
"Are you okay?" Todoroki shouted in front of you, his voice muffled for the sound of the ice and because he was giving you his back.
"I don't understand what's going on" you yelled back.
"You know your boyfriend," he said, giving you a side eye, "He can be very reckless"
Ok, now you expected the worst.
"What did you see exactly? Where the fuck are we going?" You sounded desperate and you knew that you needed to keep your calm because you were a hero, you needed to act like one but in the other hand, you loved the bastard and you didn't know anything about him and in what state you would find him.
"I think there's something bigger going on in that direction. I'm pretty sure my father is there, and I think that neither Midoriya nor Bakugo should be there. That's what worries me"
He sounded like he was worried. You knew that your boyfriend and Midoriya made him come out of his shell of trauma, and that, even though Katsuki didn't think that, they were friends.
"If your dad is there, maybe they're not in danger. He's protecting them, isn't he?" You asked, trying to see the bright side. At least they were with the number one hero.
"Why do you think my father is there?"
He didn't mean to make you feel dumb but it was a conclusion that you didn't want to come to.
It didn't settle your nerves down, the exact opposite, and it increased when you started to notice the columns of smoke and flames far away, the sound coming straight after that.
"Fucking hell" you muttered to yourself.
You closed your eyes, putting away all your intrusive thoughts and preparing yourself to fight against Shigaraki.
The villain was like an unhinged king Midas, but instead of making gold, he destroyed everything he touched. His capacity to break down everything was absurd, and he seemed undefeatable.
"Hang on!" Todoroki screamed worry laced in his tone.
His path of ice stopped while grabbing you firmly, so you wouldn't trip over him from the impulse. He was still in front of you, blocking every view from you to see. The grip in your arm was hurting, but you didn't have the chance of saying anything before he made a mountain of ice to stop Shigaraki from tearing up Aizawa's face.
You were shocked to see your teacher bleeding and on his knees.
The neurons in your brain connected quickly. He was using his quirk to suppress Shigaraki's quirk. Now that he wasn't able to do that, the situation morphed into one that was ten times worse.
Shigaraki destroyed Todoroki's ice in an instant. You were in the ground when Deku appeared out of nowhere and tackled Shigaraki.
You ran towards Aizawa kneeling at his side to see the damage in his face. He couldn't open one of his eyes, and the bleeding wasn't stopping.
"What are you doing here?" he coughed his answer and put on a worried face.
"We are the back up team, remember?" You tried to joke but you were out of breath.
"Get away from here. It's too dangerous. " He was getting weaker, and you grabbed him, helping the other heroes.
"No chance, sensei. I promise you'll have me in one piece when this ends"
Your quirk wasn't very useful in hand to hand combat. You could grow vines in every part of your body, making them useful for climbing, swinging, catching, and with suitable surfaces, flying, but this time you didn't have any building at your sides to tie up your vines Sero style.
"Why did you bring her here?" You heard Bakugo yell at Todoroki while shooting explosion to Shigaraki.
Todoroki didn't answer.
After a round full of fights, Shigaraki stopped. He was in the center of it while everyone was panting at his side in a prudent distance. Todoroki made his way to his father, throwing him some of his ice so he could cool down and keep fighting. This was far from ending.
Bakugo made it to your side. He didn't touch you in any way. He was just by your side, his chest rising and falling with every breath he took.
"Before you say something," you started knowing that he would call you out for coming. "I'm here to back everyone up. I want you to do your best there and destroy that bitch"
He smiled smugly at your words and gave you a look taking you in.
"You got it princess"
You ran back to Aizawa, wrapping his leg with your vines to cut the bleeding. Midoriya was there losing it. The heroes telling him to go.
"Midoriya," you snapped your fingers at his crying face. "Go"
In your peripherals, you could see Shigaraki ready to touch the ground again when something in his chest exploded, shredding all his skin. He reached his limits.
Everything happened so fast. Midoriya grabbed you all with his quirk lifting you up from the ground before Shigaraki destroyed everyone.
You didn't know that Midoriya could float, and it seemed that the other didn't know it too.
You couldn't let go Aizawa's leg from your vines, so you weren't much of a help trying to secure the others with your quirk, lightening Deku's work. You could keep them floating, but you needed something to tie your vines and there wasn't any building around.
While thinking of ways you could help, Deku left you all in the ground just staying with Shigaraki in the sky.
"Shoto, take care of the wounded" Endeavor said looking at him and then looking at you. "You, help him too"
You nodded and went straight to settle Grand Torino on the ground.
Bakugo started yelling at Midoriya, but you couldn't catch anything he said.
Midoriya started to punch Shigaraki in the air repeatedly, over and over, but the bastard was far from getting unconscious.
"He's going to break his limbs again." Shoto remarked, standing up and watching the fight. You did it, too.
"Todoroki are you done?" Bakugo said.
"Yes, what do you-"
"Come here and hold on tightly,"
Todoroki made his way to Katsuki while he was yelling his plan to Endeavor. He was going to Midoriya to help him get rid of Shigaraki.
With Endeavor and Todoroki at his back, he started elevating, making his way faster to his friend.
Bakugo grabbed Endeavor and throwed him to Shigaraki. Enveavor hugged him, telling everyone to go away. He lit himself up, burning Shigaraki to the core, leaving him roasted like a burned chicken.
Endeavor fell, and Todoroki caught him in the air.
You were out of breath watching everything passing so quickly in front of your eyes. From your position, the scene seemed like it was near to end. You thought that Shigaraki was the next one to collapse from the air.
"Why isn't he falling like Endeavor?" you asked the heroes that were beside you, but they were clueless too.
In a span of seconds, something emerged from Shigaraki's body, aiming straight to hurt Midoriya when the explosions caught your eyes, three to be exact.
Bakugo tackled Midoriya receiving all the impact from Shigaraki's quirk, red spiky blades passing through his arm, chest, stomach, and leg, hurting him bad.
You heard you screaming like it was a third person. You felt your throat getting sore and your vocal chords straining out.
Your vines weakened beside you, breaking loose from Aizawa's leg because you couldn't concentrate on anything other than Katsuki hurt and falling from the sky above you.
You were ready to throw some vines to catch him, but Todoroki grabbed him by his leg holding Endeavor's and Katsuki's weight.
"Hey, we need you here," Lock Hero snapped you from your trance.
You blinked a few times, dissipating the tears you hadn't noticed streaming down your face. You put yourself together and kneel beside Aizawa, wrapping your vines around his bleeding leg.
You tried not to look up. You wanted to keep your vines in position so your teacher wouldn't bleed to death before the EMTs arrived. But the try was worthless.
Midoriya was turning into something you hadn't seen before. He was seeing red. He made his way to Shigaraki, biting the blades until he was in front of him. The villain was able to reach him now, and he absolutely did.
Todoroki screamed, everyone did, even you. Shigaraki was absorbing Midoriya's quirk.
You were midway of keep screaming when all of a sudden something lit up in the sky and blinded you, then, complete silence. Both of them, Midoriya and the villain fell from the sky.
What happened after was something that you were almost unable to explain. The other from the league came and made his appereance venting out some secrets that took you and everyone else by surprise.
Everybody ended wounded, even though that, while taking care of the already wounded, had to interfere. Aizawa and Bakugo, whose heartbeat was steady but faintly, got all your attention. You had to keep them safe.
You were one of the conscious ones while everybody was dropped dead. You helped the paramedics carry the bodies of your classmates and friends using your vines and tucked them safely in the ambulance.
They took you to the nearest hospital, where they checked your vitals and looked up for hidden wounds. You didn't have any.
"I need to see my boyfriend," you almost pleaded to one of the nurses.
When Todoroki dropped Bakugo to your side to keep fighting against his own brother, you leaned on your boyfriend for a while, touching his hair and cleaning the blood from his body, the tears dropping to his uniform. You watched his eyes closed and prayed that he wasn't feeling any pain.
The nurse gave you a sympathetic look. You weren't asking for impossible. You knew he would be fine, and he would give you shit about your look and make fun of you for being a cry baby.
You needed him.
"I'll see what I can do"
That sentence stucked for a few hours. She gave you his room, but the doctors didn't allow you to come in. They said that they were still checking on him.
Mitsuki called, and even though she sounded like she was about to cry, she said firmly to you that you had to punch him in the face the minute he woke up, for being so stupid to get hurt.
You cried a little talking to her, and she told you the same that his son told you just the say before. He would never leave your side.
After two hours, the doctors and several nurses left Katsuki's dorm. You stood up at the sight of them and the doctor just smiled to you.
"I think he wants to see you too"
That took all of your breath away. He was awake.
Joining your hands, you made your way to the dorm while the doctor held the door for you.
You couldn't help but sob at the sight of him. He was connected to several machines, and his body was wrapped around bandages.
"Don't cry," he told you, holding his own tears at the sight of you. "C'mere"
You sprinted at him and pulled the chair to sit by his side.
"Oh no," he said, scooting over his bed. "I need to know I'm not dreaming"
"I don't want to hurt you," you said, doubting if it was a good idea or not.
"It's hurting not having you right here," he pleaded.
He sounded desperate, touch starved. You complied.
Silence flooded between the two of you, only the beeping from the machine echoing in the room and your heartbeat matching his.
"Your mom called. She said she's proud of you, " you told him. Well, you lied to him, but you knew that deep down that was Mitsuki meant.
"She didn't say that shit," he shook his head in disbelief.
"Nah, she said something about you being stupid for risking your life." You looked up at him, and he pouted. He did that face when his mind went cloudy.
"Mm," he hummed in response and stayed still for a moment, caressing your hair and twisting your locks in his fingers while brushing it with them. "I'm sorry"
Katsuki wasn't the type of boyfriend to verbalize his apologies. He was more the type of doing things to fix what he did. His love language was acts of service for rights and wrongs.
"If you are saying sorry for what I think you are saying, sorry, I won't forgive you," you whispered, searching for his eyes to meet yours. "I'm proud of you Katsuki, you did exactly what every other heroe would have done"
"But I broke the promise I made to you," he sounded conflicted. He was a man to his words but he was also a great hero.
"You did what you had to do. You saved not only Midoriya's but many more lives. I know you just woke up, but have you realized what it could've had happened if he hurt Midoriya instead of you? That son of a bitch was acting like some sort of unbreakable loser and after he did that to you Midoriya went nuts, he almost lost his mind using Shigaraki as a punching bag"
He went quiet for a minute and then hugged you with the remains of his strength after a huge fight. You could feel his arms around you, hanging faintly but his grip firm on you, his head against yours.
"It's okay baby, you are okay, I'm okay, everybody's fine," you hummed against his chest.
"When I saw you behind icy-hot, I almost lost it," he blurted. "The first thing in my mind was getting you out of there, getting you as far away as possible, and then I saw how you were helping Aizawa with his leg, and then I realized that you are one of us too. Back there, you were doing ground control, but what if we need you and your quirk fighting next to us?, I can't lose it like I did with you there knowing that you are as capable as me doing this kind of shit, I'm sorry" his voice trembled and you tried to look at him.
"Sorry for what, Katsuki? For caring for me? Please, we saw Shigaraki, how he broke everything in his way. I was scared as shit when I saw you fighting, and when you got hurt, but I do know you too, I know your strength, I know you stubbornness, I know you care for others even if you try to hide it, I would've do the same for one of our classmates and I know it felt more personal to you being that person Midoriya, it's fine, shit like this is going to happen again and again but I'll be here, next to your wounded body everytime and I know if it was me laying here with all these bandages in my body, you'll be here too"
You didn't expect that your speech broke him, but he did, in a Bakugo way. He exhaled the longest sigh that you ever heard, and his heart was beating like it was going to blast out his chest. But he was fine knowing that you wouldn't leave his side anytime soon.
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pandorxxx · 1 year
Crazy about you
Lo’ak (21) x omatikayan fem readef (18)
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Warnings: SMUT THE HOUSE, bondage, p in v, oral,spitting, spanking, bruising, cursing, squirting, DOM-Lo’ak.
🔞Minors, do not interact🔞
Now this wasn’t like any other love story; where girl gets boy and they live happily ever after. This was a story of an unhealthy obsession, and the beginning of a toxic relationship. You knew that your attraction to lo’ak was affecting you, but you just couldn’t help it. It had been this way ever since he started training you to become a warrior. The way he scolded you, yelled at you, snatched you up for being a trouble maker….it sparked a desire deep inside of your heart that couldn’t be put out until you got what you wanted. Until you got him…
These feelings were not reciprocated, however. He felt as if you were unhindered, and he knew that your obsession for him was not healthy. Not that he doesn’t like his women being obsessed, but you were….crazier, and he shied away from you because of that. At first, lo’ak thought the little crush you had on him was cute, but now it was scaring him. Scaring him to the point where he wanted nothing to do with you, ending training with you all together. So you could imagine his surprise when you still showed up for sessions.
“Y/n, what are you doing here?” He asked sternly, walking over to you. He grabbed you with ease, pulling you to a nearby tree so that none of the other warriors or trainers could hear.
“Training silly!” You smiled, tracing his chiseled body up and down, not being able to keep your eyes off of him. He stood up straight, looking around before leaning back down to you.
“Stop looking at me like that, little one. I already told you that I canceled training with you. Do you not remember?” He asked in a calm tone, handling your feelings with care because he knew…
He knew this good girl act that you put up was just a façade, and deep down, you could lash out at any second, and there was no telling how far you’d go.
You tilted your head, pouting up at him. “I remembered, but I thought I’d come anyway. Why don’t you want to train me anymore?” You croaked, tearing forming in your eyes
He sighed, running his hands down his face. “Y/n. Go home.” He said, melodic voice ringing through your ears like your favorite song. You smiled, gripping his arm to pull him closer. He pulled away immediately. He growled, wrapping his hand around your neck.
“GO. HOME.” He mumbled, clenching his jaw before letting you go harshly, causing you to stumble back. “I love you too, lo’ak! See you later!” you chirped, swinging from side to side.
He growled in frustration, rubbing his hands through his hair rougly. “Do NOT come to my hut later. I’m tired of kicking you out every night, bro. I need you to stay away from me. Got it?” He whispered angrily, with his hands on his hips.
Before you could answer, he walked off. Going back to train another warrior. Your eyebrows shifted in confusion, before turning back around, walking away from him.
As you trailed back to your hut, you couldn’t get over how stubborn lo’ak was being. Why was he acting like he wanted nothing to do with you? Why did he cancel training? Did he think you were crazy? Unhinged?
“Hey, y/n! Wait up!” You heard a familiar voice speak. You turned around to be met with Neteyam, jogging towards you to catch up.
“Oh, hey Neteyam.” You sighed, turing back around to walk forward. He finally caught up to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
“I saw what happened, little one. Are you ok?” He asked in a concerned tone, looking down at your dainty figure.
“Maybe you could tell me. What is the matter with me? Why doesn’t lo’ak like me anymore?” You asked, stopping in your tracks to face Neteyam.
“Maybe he believes that you are too young for him, yeah? I mean, you just turned 18.” Neteyam chuckled, gesturing calmly.
“Tis not it, teyam! And you know it! Tell me why he doesn’t want me!” You lashed out, crossing your arms as you glared up at him. He sighed, gripping either sides of your arms in his large hands.
“Lo’ak just thinks that you may be alittle….obsessed.” Neteyam tilted his head, lifting a brow at you. “Is that true, y/n?” He nodded, already knowing that you were obsessed with lo’ak, but wanting you to admit it out loud.
“I am obsessed, but there is nothing wrong with that! I would never hurt him!” You shouted, pushing the ball of your finger into his chest.
“Maybe he’s afraid that you will?” His voice raised an octave, statement coming out more like a question. Your gaze softens at Neteyam’s words. Was that it? Lo’ak thought that you would hurt him? You would NEVER hurt him?
“Oh no! I-I dont want him to think that I would eve- I’ve gotta go talk to him!” You stuttered, walking away before Neteyam pulled you back.
“H-How about I talk to him for you? He’ll listen to me. I don’t think it’s smart for you to go back there right now. Give him some time to cool off.” Neteyam explained. Neteyam knew you were unhinged, and it was no point in adding fuel to the fire. So as lo’aks big bro, he took the heat for him.
You looked up at him with narrow eyes, scanning his face for any detection of a lie. “Tell him to meet me back here, eclipse.” Neteyam’s eyes widened. Lo’ak didn’t really listen to him on a regular day, so making him confront his stalker, in the middle of the forest? Now that was going to be a challenge.
“o-ok!” Neteyam nodded, smiling nervously. You squealed him happiness. “Thank you teyam! You don’t know how much this means to me.” You hugged him before skipping away. Leaving him in his thoughts about how in the hell he was going to get lo’ak to meet her tonight.
It was almost eclipse when Neteyam finally decided to bite the bullet, and confess to lo’ak that he got him in a…sticky situation. Neteyam hesitated walking into lo’aks hut, but he needed to talk to him.
“Umm, lo’ak?” Neteyam squinted his eyes, knocking on the, already, opened door to get his brothers attention.
“What’s up, bro.” Lo’ak looked at Neteyam breifly before putting his hair in a ponytail, getting ready for bed. Neteyam walked further in with a nervous smile.
“Uhhh, What happened with you and y/n today? She seemed upset.” Neteyam asked cautiously, leaning back on the wall. Lo’ak chuckled, shaking his head.
“Brooo.” Lo’ak sighed, turning to Neteyam with wide eyes. “That crazy little bitch can’t get enough of me. I mean, I get it, look at me!” He started, turning back to his mirror, taking his neck piece off.
“It was cute at first, because she’s kinda hot. But she’s too obsessed with me. I might wake up to her trying to kill me or something.” Lo’ak chuckled, turning back to his brother. Neteyams hope for lo’ak meeting you tonight….was dwindling, but he had a plan.
“Well! You know that they say about crazy girls.” Neteyam smirked, walking closer to lo’ak. Lo’ak nodded his head, all knowingly before plopping down on his cot, sprawled out as he looked towards the ceiling.
“Hell yeah, bro.” Lo’ak smirked, licking his lips just think about it. He quickly snapped out of it, jolting up to meet neteyams gaze. Lo’ak eyed him up and down in confusion.
“What’s going on here? Why are you asking about y/n?” He squinted his eyes. Neteyam sighed, running his hands through his hair.
“Don’t be mad, but I kinda told y/n that you would met her in the forest in likeeee…..15 minutes or so.” Neteyam smiled widely, shooting lo’ak a thumbs up as he nodded his head. Lo’aks eyes almost popped out of his skull.
“WHAT THE HELL, BRO!” Lo’ak shouted, standing to his feet immediately. “I’ve told you how many times this girl has stalked me, and you set me up on a DATE with her? IN THE FOREST?…..AT NIGHT?” He yelled, gesturing angrily.
“I-I know, DAMMIT! I’m sorry! She just really wants to talk to you, lo’ak. Cant you give her that? Just a conversation? The girl is madly in love with you.” Neteyam confessed calmly, almost feeling sorry for you. You were so relentless with lo’ak, and nothing could stop it.
“You think you know y/n, but you don’t. She wants to do more than talk, and I don’t wanna go down that road with her. You think she’s crazy NOW? She’d need a straight jacket if I gave it to her.” Lo’ak explains, shaking his head before looking in the mirror again. Neteyam rolled his eyes in disgust, walking towards the door.
“Just go and talk to her. It would make her day, and you know it. Be nice for once.” Neteyam spat, stomping out of lo’aks hut. Lo’ak rolled his eyes before staring at himself in the mirror.
“I mean, what could her little ass do to me anyway? I’m not scared! Im a warrior, dammit! I TRAINED HER!” He riled himself up through the mirror. He huffed, growing angry with himself for running from you like YOU were the threat. No, HE was the threat, and you were just a crazy little girl in his eyes. He stomped out of his hut, coming to confront you like he should’ve done a while ago.
You sat on the mossy ground, looking into the sky. You thought about what you would say when he finally got here, or what he would say. All you’ve ever wanted was him, and you hated that he stepped back every time you took a step closer.
“Y/N!” You heard lo’ak shout from a distance, startling you. You whipped around, seeing him stomp towards you with vengeance.
“Get up.” He muttered through gritted teeth, snatching you off the ground by your armpits, pinning you to a nearby tree. For the first time, he genuinely scared you with his anger.
“Ouch! What did I do now?” You whined, throwing your head back on the tree. “You just can’t seem to get it through your head. I DO NOT WANT TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU!” He screamed, just inches away from your face making you flench with every syllable. You looked up at him, plastering that crazy smile of yours across your face.
“Oh, but lo‘ak! If you’d just give me a chance, I’d think we’d be perfect for eachother.” You confessed in your sweet, innocent voice as you rubbed his arm. He shook his head with a quick chuckle of utter disbelief.
“No we wouldn’t! First off, im too old for you. Second off, YOURE CRAZY!” He confessed, looking down at your confused face. You tilted your head as your eyebrows furrowed.
“I’m crazy about you, baby. Don’t you get it?” You asked, bringing him closer by the band of his loincloth. He towered over your small frame, sighing loudly as he looked around, then back at you.
“What do you want? Huh? You want some dick? Is that it? Will that shut you up?” He asked, looking for your eye contact, but you were too fixated on his growing bulge. “Mhmm!” your ears perked up as you hummed, nodding frantically.
“If I give it to you, do you promise to leave me alone? We can be friends, but the obsession has to STOP! Do you hear me?” He replied sternly, letting you go completely. You nodded slowly, waiting for his command before you went completely feral. He put his hands on his hips, eyeing you up and down to see what to do with you first.
“Okay, so I’m guessing you’ve never done this before. I’ll take it slo-“ he was cut off by the impact of the ground. You straddled him, pinning his arms down.
“DAMN! wh-what the f- aghh! fuck a-re you doing?!?!” He stuttered, struggling to get you off of him as your insatiable habits had taken the forefront. You took your hair out of its ponytail, wrapping the string around his wrists quickly. With that, you pushed his wrists above his head, leaning down to his face.
“I give you the green light, and THIS is what you do? You couldn’t give me a minute? SHIT!” He shouted, trying to wiggle his way out of the tight string.
“I’m sorry baby, I just couldn’t wait any longer. I want you soooo bad.” You giggled, attaching your lips to his neck. You trailed up and down his jugular, planting soft kisses and lightly sucking it. His wiggling slowly came to a halt as he purred in pleasure. You reached down to his loincloth, untying it slowly. You grabbed his throbbing cock, causing him to jolt up. You moved to his lips, planting tiny kissed across them.
“u-untie me.” He growled, panting as he looked you in your eyes. “Why? So you can run off? I’ve finally got you where I want you.” You spoke lowly, trailing your kisses down to his stomach.
“No! So I can give you what you want, and we can get this OVER WITH!” He growled, muscles flexing with every strain of his voice. You ignored him completely, trailing all the way down to his aching cock. You wasted no time, immediately engulfing him in your mouth.
“Shit! y-you couldn’t give me a warning?” He asked breathlessly, watching you bob your head up and down his huge shaft. You made it sloppy, spitting down onto his cock, before taking him all in your mouth again, gagging and chocking on him.
“Damn, girl. w-who taught y- fuck! You this?” He stuttered, moaning loudly under you as he wiggled weakly. You looked up at him through your eyebrows, slowly sliding your mouth off of him, making sure to make a popping sound. You jerked his cock, as you licked his sack, engulfing it completely, still glaring at him with nothing but lust in your eyes
“Ohhhh shit! b-be gentle with that!” He threw his head back, his face screwing In pleasure. You sucked his balls slowly, juggling them in your mouth before pulling away. You sat up in between his legs, gently pulling your top and loincloth off as you maintained that lustful eye contact.
“Can I ride it, lo’ak?” You asked crawling up to his chest, positioning yourself above his cock. He wasn’t even listening to you. He was way too focused on your perfect breasts that were inches away from his face, and He couldn’t even touch them. “Huh?” He muttered, still glued on your chest. You giggled, bending down to his face. “Wanna touch ‘em?” You asked seductively, kissing his chin.
“How if you won’t untie me?” He asked in an irritated tone. You sat up again, reaching over his head to grab his wrists. You pulled them up to you, attaching his hands to your soft breasts. He immediately squeezed them, biting his lip in the process.
“Happy?” You asked, placing your hands on his chest. He nodded frantically, eyes threatening to pop out of his head. Without warning, you slid onto him, sucking him in with one fell swoop. Your mouth went wide, as you threw your head back in pleasure.
“Damn! You’re so f-fucking wet, mama. All for me huh?” He asked with a smirk, watching you bounce up and down on him.
“yessss!!! it’s all for youuu!” You whined, balling your pretty little face up in pleasure. You sped up the pace, looking him in his eyes.
“Untie me, I won’t leave.” He huffed, watching you Please yourself without any of his help.
“You promise?” You moaned, leaning in to place your forehead on his. “I promise.” He grunted, thrusting up into you as he bit his lip. Your mouth flew opened, as you fell into his chest from the overwhelming amount of pleasure.
“See? Now Imagine how good I could make you feel if you untied me.” He muttered in your ear, nibbling on the lobe. You reached down lazily, untying his arms as he rutted into you. Once free, He immediately dug his fingernails into your hips, bring you down onto him with every hard thrust. You let out a broken scream that muffled with every stroke.
“You feel amazingggg!” You whimpered, throwing your head back in pure bliss. All he could do was stare at your bouncing breasts, almost sent into a trance by them.
“Comere.” He growled, grabbing your neck harshly, pulling you down to his face. “Are you sure this is what you want?” He grunted, slapping your breasts before massaging them.
“YES! YES! Please, lo’ak!” You screamed, feeling your orgasm build in your lower abdomen. He smirked, pulling you into a sloppy kiss as he thrusted into you relentlessly. He kissed you hungrily; sucking on your lip, spitting in your mouth. You pulled back a-little , moaning into his lips.
“Lo’ak, I’m g-gonna cum!” You squealed, holding the side of his face. He slowed down his pace , rolling his hips into yours to massage your sweet spot with his swollen tip. “Do what you gotta do, mama.” He whispered before taking your sore nipple into his mouth, sucking it softly, as he pumped into you at a steady pace. The overwhelming stimulation sent you over the edge.
“YES! RIGHT THERE!” You screamed sharply, convulsing and cumming hard before falling into his chest. “Yes, just like that baby! I’m gonna fuck the crazy outta you.” He growled, pumping into you slowly as he held your trembling body in his arms. You cried into his chest, feeling jolts of pleasure shoot through your spine with every thrust.
“I thought you were ready? I thought this was what you wanted?” He asked in your ear, as he felt your tears pour over the sides of his waist. He flipped over, prying you off of him to put you on all fours. Your head immediately fell to the ground, hips still in the air.
“No sleeping, mama. We’ve go unfinished business. You brought this upon yourself.” Lo’ak chuckled, slamming into you. Your eyes widened as you tried to get up, but you felt a strong hand pushing your head into the mossy ground.
“Stay just like this! Don’t fucking move!” Lo’ak growled, rutting into your sensitive cunt, making your legs tremble.
“Lo’ak, pleaseee! I w-wont stalk you anymore!” You whimpered, reaching around to push him out of you, as the pleasure was too much for you to bear. He grabbed both of your arms, pinning them behind your back as he took his ponytail out, tying the string around your wrists to secure you.
“Doesn’t feel so good, does it?” He asked, bending down to your ear as he thrusted into you at a fast pace. You cried out, trying to crawl away from him to no avail.
“I-I-mmm!- I GET IT! I will a -ngh!- Leave you aloneeee!” You whined, tears blurring your vision from the indescribable pleasure.
“If you think I’m letting this pussy go, you’re sadly mistaken. You fucked up, little one.” He chuckled, slapping your ass hard. You whimpered into the ground, feeling that familiar knot in your stomach. He trailed his strong hand all the way up your back and to your hair, pulling you flush to his chest by your braids, harshly. You yelped in pain, feeling your hair rip with every harsh pull.
“This pussy is mines now right? Say it!” He grunted, hitting your bruised sweetspot everytime.
“Fuck!” You squealed, earning you a slap on the ass. You jolted in pain, wiggling under his touch.
“That’s not what the fuck I said!” He growled in your ear, shaking your head with every syllable. you couldn’t even form a collective thought, the pleasure was eating you alive.
“I-I , thi-“ you stuttered. Lo’ak grew angry as he pushed your head back down into the ground, spanking you until you did what he wanted.
“SAY THAT SHIT RIGHT NOW!” He yelled, spanking your ass as you tried desperately to squirm from under him.
“LO’AK! MERCY!” You begged, as you felt your ass stinging from your punishment.
“NO, FUCK THAT!” He roared, growing irate. He continued spanking you, harder and harder until you said it.
“T-This pussy is yours, lo’ak!” You screamed, tears running down your face.
“And I’m the only one who can handle your crazy ass, RIGHT?” He shouted, making you scream in fear. “YES, LO’AK!” You whimpered.
“Say you love this dick!” He commanded, rutting into you at the speed of light, slapping your bruised cheeks one more time.
“Ohhhh I love this dick! I love it sooo much!” You moaned, shutting your eyes tightly. Before you knew it, your legs started shaking under him.
“I’m g-gonna cum soon!” You screamed, feeling him hit your sweetspot one good time, making you cry out. You collapsed to the ground, convulsing uncontrollably under him. You let go, squirting all over him as stars flooded your vision.
“Mhmmm, just like that.” He bit his lip, still rocking in and out of you as he felt his high quickly approaching. “Ohhh shit, y/n!” He grunted, pulling out of you. He jerked his cock quickly, letting his hot and sticky seed squirt all over your back as you laid there lifeless.
“Fuck yessss!” He hissed, throwing his head back. You groaned in exhaustion, falling in and out of consciousness. He looked back down at you with a sadistic smirk, watching you twitch occasionally from your lingering orgasm.
“You ok, mama?” He asked, smacking your bruised ass, making you wince in pain, flenching under his touch.
You moaned in agony in response to his question. He shook his head, picking you up to toss you over his shoulder. You whimpered through the whole ordeal. He grabbed both of you guys cloths, walking out of the forest.
“Don’t worry little one, you’re mine now.”
Y’all, not this taking me all day to write😒. I like it thoughhhh period! As always, I love y’all to death, and I’ll talk to y’all later!!
Taglist: @number1gal @loak-bae @tiredmamaissy @neytirishottie @viajaeger @terrorthewolf @lethargicluv @reyzzsostellar @pullandhug @ameliestsblog @m0nst3rfk3r @agelsully @jakescumdump @wekiamo @st-cass @cleardonutangelwagon @tsireqas @satanlovedays @afro-hispwriter @thecutieyahia @urfavgirlmakenna @fanboyluvr @iameatingmyhair
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pedge-page · 3 months
Plushies 6 - MooMoo
Joel Miller x F!Reader
Plushies Series Masterlist but Can be read as standalone
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Summary: you surprise Joel for your 2 year anniversary by being the fuckable plushie tonight.
Warnings: literally 99.9% smut. Unprotected sex (she is on the pill but they’re playing with the idea of it failing), BREEDING KINK, pregnancy kink, plushie milk sucking (? You’ll see); nipple pumps, nipple play, nipple orgasm, boobjob, oral m-receiving, squirting, cream pie, belly bulge, no breastfeeding but Joel has a breastfeeding kink (obviously!), Daddy kink, spitting, bimbofication, lots of cow talk, praises you and degrades you, cringe ass language overall for these horny fucks
18+ ONLY
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It's getting pretty bad now that every time you see your pile of plushies in the room, your panties dampen. And you can’t really avoid them because Joel’s been adding to the mountain of stuffed animals with every excuse to get you a gift.
And then outright making you cum on them before he’s ripped the tag off.
You suspect Joel also gets equally as hard by them too, with all the interesting things he’s been sharing since starting your Plushie-sex journey. He’s pretty quiet and reserved any other time, even during regular sex. But when all your little beady stuffed animals start getting involved…
You’re startled by a gentle knock at the door. “You okay in there, sweet pea?” 
“Mhm! I’m almost ready!”
You both just got back from a fabulous date—ready to seal the night with passionate sex. And you’ve planned the perfect 2 year anniversary gift for him.
You stare in the mirror in your new “outfit” to surprise Joel’s loins: naked, save for a spotted felt ear headband, a leather collar with a big golden bell dangling from your neck, knee high white and black spotted stockings, and a slutty garter body harness speckled in black splotches. The straps dip and curve over your hips with cute ribbons on the waist, snaking under your soft parts, accentuating your breasts, tummy, thighs, ass—everything that Joel finds bitable. 
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^photos + product by GlamourIsTheEndGame on Etsy
When you finally walk out into the bedroom with all the might your tiny little harness could muster, Joel’s eyes finally land on you. You smile at him with a sultry, pretty, and far from innocent smile.
"I was thinking maybe I could be your plushie for tonight,” you say, pushing your breasts out with your arms drawn tight, and shaking a little so he can see them sway and hear the jingle of the bell bounce over your collarbone.
Ok, so you know the scenes in Tom&Jerry where Tom sees a female cat, and his eyes bug out cartoonishly and jaw falls down to the ground?
Yeah, that’s Joel right now.
His jaw is so slacked it might unhinge itself. Eyes straining because they can’t go any fucking wider, and his pupils literally so blackened, you wouldn’t know he had baby brown eyes.  
You’re standing there very expectedly, waiting.
… waiting.
Say something you kinky bastard, damnit NowILookLikeAFool—!
Your nerves are starting to curl in on themselves...maybe you don’t look as sexy as you’d hoped...
“Um…if… if you don’t like it—I mean if you wanted to pick up a stuffie instead…”
The man takes advantage of your brief embarrassment and jumps you, shoving you against the wall and caging your legs around his hips.
You whimper as the unmistakable bulge of his package presses hungrily, slipping past the little string and nudging your wet clit.
He glues his lips to yours, devouring your tongue. It’s extra hungry, extra needy tonight than usual. His lips twitch with the rumbling growl reverberating deep in his chest. 
“You’re so fucking sexy holy fucking shit baby-jesusssssss look at you— fuckfuckfuck I’m so lucky, luckylucky bastard—FUCK ME—you’re mine? You’re actually fucking mine????”
You giggle, confidence surging again as his hands struggling to grab every bit of you all at once. Holding you captive nonetheless, eyes raking over in wonder and astonishment.
“I’m all yours, Daddy,” you hum sensually. You grab his hands and bring them to curl along your harness, under the straps to feel your skin all hot and tingly. Begging for his touch.
“Happy fucking Anniversary to me.”
Joel scoops you up and sits on the bed, immediately having you straddle him. You grind down on his tent poking up between your cheeks. His fingers dig into your thighs when he feels the flutter of your folds.
He knows you feel as sexy as you look. 
“Gonna be my cow slut tonight, huh? You know what good little cow sluts do?”
“Suck cock?” You ask cheekily, preparing to sink down to your knees to pleasure him with your mouth.
He lets out a happy sigh. You’re ready to move, your teeth sucking in your lower lip, but he stops you, instead choosing to pin you closer to his body. His voice drops an octave:
“They birth and they milk.”
They—what? “Um—come again?”
“Breeding, baby. That’s what we’re doing tonight.”
He knows you’re on the pill, so it’s not like you’re really trying to get pregnant…but the thought of getting knocked up tonight sends a particularly dangerous chill down your spine. He never uses a condom so the chances are still….there. Every night. Each time he blows his fat load deep inside you; like a good little cumdump, he says. 
Why not indulge his fantasy tonight?
“You wanna breed me, Daddy?” You tease, hips swaying along his clothed member, dancing along your slit.
“Mmmm, yeahhh. Shit, baby. You’d look so good pregnant. And these—“ he grits his teeth, fingers pinching the straps that circle your mounds, watching them squish together, “—Are gonna fill up with so much milk, gonna feed me with your delicious cunt and sweet milk 24/7.”
You want to slap the smug look off his face, but now’s not the time. It’s time to get those pouty lips on your breasts and the cock in your cunny.
“Better start getting them open so I can satisfy that big thirst of yours.”
On cue, his lips wrap around your nipples, kneading your tits in his big rough hands. You start bouncing steadily along his cock. He’s domineering and digging into your skin harshly, teeth overly excited and sinking into your pebbled nips while he grinds up against your heat.
He’s biting and sucking so hard, asking-PLEADING-for your milk.
Milk that is definitely not there!
"Ouch! Joel I'm not going to give you milk, we’re just—playing—I’m not actually pregnant!"
But the THOUGHT of you exactly like this but stuffed full of a baby, just imagining your tits all round and belly bursting, the garter harness pulling tight against your skin and your tits poking out with that big heavy swell of your tummy making you look like his own breeding stock.
Desperate whines rush out of his mouth in a string of babbling: “I can get ya pregnant, please? Pleasepleaseplease darling let me put a baby in you— breed ya so good, just look at ya, could get ya knocked up, just think how cute you'd look gettin' all round with my calves grown in that tumtum. Fuck! what a sight, showing off to everyone our hard work breeding, evidence of our love making, and these titties would just swell n get all heavy with all the creamy delicious milk ya could give me like the best momma n—“
Your palm splats against his mouth to shut him up. “Slow down, cowboy. We aren’t having a real baby any time soon. We don't even live together yet..."
"Then move in with me,” he proposes without hesitation.
You …blink for a moment. His mouth hovers over your breast again but you drag him up to look you in the eyes—so you know he's not just fucking around.
"Yes! Why the fuck do we still have separate homes? I'm here all the time anyway. Plus, takin' care of all those plushie pets must be exhausting on your own, they're partially my kids anyway so.”
"You really want to live together?"
"Yeah. Yeah I do.” 
You and Joel were a ‘take it one day at a time’ trusting kind of love, but right now as you stare into his heart-shaped eyes, you can see your whole future together. The kind of earth shattering reality that’s never been more clear and more desirable than this moment. 
“Don’t gotta give me an answer right now. Wanna ask ya again when we’re—less horny. So you know I’m bein’ serious.”
You grin and kiss him.
“Show me a good anniversary night and I’ll give a good thought-over.”
“Oh babygirl,” he tuts. “Think you were gonna be the only one showin’ me a good time? I got ya something too, sweetheart. Gonna go perfect with ya cow slut theme ya got goin’ on.”
You don’t know what he could possibly have that could “match” your very specific cow themed sex outfit—
Unless its more cows.
So when he sits you on the bed, stumbling over his shoes because he can’t take his eyes off you, Joel equally surprises you with a box of cow themed gifts—little calf beanie babies, which are conveniently jerry-rigged to two separate nipple pumps with their little snouts pointing towards the  suction cups, and a cow plush toy that has a compartment in the top to pour milk in, complete with rubber “practice” utters for farmer kids to learn milking.
“I swear, I had no idea you were gonna be dressed as slutty cow momma for me. I just—saw this shit online and thought my girl needed to be drinking some cow titties when I fuck her swollen cow tits.”
“We’re so in sync,” you muse, shaking your head with an amused smirk. 
Its honestly should be... kinda concerning.
He sits back next to you on the mattress, shoving some of your animals off the edge. You instinctively crawl atop his thighs again, and his hands settle once more protectively around your waist. You stare down at him, his sinful lips practically begging to get sucked while that lidded lustful gaze lulls you in a trance. The Joel Miller spell is wordlessly working on you again—and you know you’re gonna be cracking and doing anything this man says within a few shorts minutes.
You beam at each other tenderly, unable to help the genuine happy crinkle at your lips as you kiss him softly.
Then it starts:
"Can ya moo for me?"
You roll your eyes. Not quite doing anything he says so soon.  “Fuck no I'm not doin that shit again for you. You want a farm, go get one yourself."
"Please Angel?" He plants wet kisses along your jaw before giving two fat ones on top of your breasts.
"Still no."
He groans, but continues to nip at your breasts like a scolded child. "Can I fuck your big mommy milkin' cow titties?”
“There is no milk!” You snap. You’re ready to throw the whole idea away, but his persistent hold around your waist and cock nudging your throbbing puss is making it difficult to resist him for long.
His big brown chocolate lab eyes bleed into your horny little soul. “C’mon, MooMoo, for Daddy?” 
“I am NOT your MooMoo—“
He jingles the bell dangling from your neck. “Ya’sure sound like my MooMoo.”
you clench your fist around his shirt and take a deep breath. "Fine, Fine! Whatever."
"Say it."
"You can—ugh—fuck my big... mommy milking cow titties." You face feels so hot with embarrassment, but Joel purrs with such satisfaction that you feel even WORSE how much you don't hate it. 
Since when did the double entendre of being called his "kitty" and "puppy" when Joel fucks you and your animal themed plushies become his "moo moo girl"?
He grins with such a dirty, perverted look about him. Continues to kiss over your mounds, massaging the muscles in your back so you don’t notice when he bends over you to grab his homemade breast pumps.
He looks at you sideways with expectant hope in his eyes. 
You roll your eyes again. Of course he can’t just get a normal titjob and blow his load in your mouth. There’s always some fucking thing else you gotta do. But with the way his cock pulses under your drooping pussy, you decisively snatch it from his hands and get to work just so that he’ll call you his slutty cow again. 
“That’s my girl,” he groans, rubbing along your hips excitedly. He holds them in your hand and exhales hot air over the cups so they aren’t cold against your skin.
The clear tubes are narrow, obviously meant to resemble that of utters rather than actually breastfeeding from a bottle. You stick them on each tit, and very quickly Joel is pumping the little hand squeeze that starts to suction the small space of air into the connecting wire.
You gasp at the sensation. Slowing latching on, the small of your breasts are pointing inward towards the pumps, sticking up on their own now as Joel continues to suck the air out. 
You hiss a strangled moan. The sensation isn’t—bad. It’s like an invisible hand is dry vacuuming your pebbles.
“Fuck—fuck look at that,” he growls. “Your nipples are sooooooooooo fucking suckable right now.”
You look down and see their hardened state reaching out into nothing. As more of your flesh and tissue gets sucked in, pressing tightly, trying to fill the small space, the pain mixes with pleasure. Joel’s continually nipping at your chest with lidded eyes glued to the scene helps spread the multiple sensations your body is feeling.
“There’s not gonna be any milk,” you warn again, shifting uncomfortably in his lap. Your breath hitches in your throat when you get to a particularly suffocating phase of tightness in your breast.
He casts a sorrowful grin before yanking the pumps off together with a loud SCHMOP.
You screech unexpectedly, rolls of pleasure sparking through your chest, up to your brain then right down to your tummy and cunt, your eyes rolling back as you collapse forward on to him.
You’re both quiet for a moment save for your heavy pants. Until you feel a wetness growing on his pants.
“Joel—did you—?”
He laughs out, “No baby, that was all you.”
Your cheeks go warm in embarrassment, looking down to confirm that you had actually squirted onto his jeans just from getting your nipples suctioned.
“Didn’t know ya titties were so sensitive…” he goads.
You shake your head and nudge it into his neck—because you didn’t know you could squirt just from getting your breasts suctioned either. 
“Shhh, I know. I know baby, just breathe. Little titties are so sore, but we gotta get them ready to start feeding from. S’not my fault you’re just a little slut, so hungry to be a momma—don’t you worry, Daddy Bull is gonna make it happen. Ya can squirt your little juices all you want when I breed your cunt like my own personal livestock.”
You have half the mind to tell him again there is no baby to be feeding any time soon, and you sure as heck weren’t his livestock to be bred, and had nothing to say about "Daddy Bull", but with the harsh throbbing along your nipples, dragging sensitively against his cotton shirt, you don’t care to do anything else but drool and hump your weeping clit against his soaked thighs.
 “Let Daddy see his work,” he mumbles into your throat with a kiss.
You sit up again with his assistance. 
He groans heartily at the sight of your swollen, redden tips poking from your boobs. “Jesus fuck, MooMoo.” He rubs his thumb over your mounds and you wince away. “They hurt?” He laugh sadistically.
You cover your lips with the back of your palm, unwilling to let him see your delirious heaving. Your pussy throbs desperately for more his unique torture. “You….bastard…”
He soothes over the swollenness, groping your breasts and telling you how they’ll be sore like this all the time when they start filling with milk. How he’s gonna breed you so full of calves you’ll be bursting milk on your own, and he’s gonna lap it all up to keep you happy.
You don’t know why you keep letting him put the pumps back on. He doesn’t try to rip them off like before, but keeps bringing you close with tight compresses before letting air quickly filter in again. The little cow beanies bob up and down with each deep breath you force through your nose, eyes glittering up so innocently. You’re trying to ignore the equal throb in your untouched clit as the ones in your overstimulated perky nips.
Once they’ve swelled to a level of his satisfaction…
“Time for cow titty fucking.”
He throws you down on your back in the heap of your plushies. Wasting no time pulling his stiff member out of his jeans, he pumps a few times with one hand. Like a professional Joel wraps his belt tightly around your wrists, like a cowboy expertly tying his prize calf he just lassoed in. 
You twist your legs to hide the leaking drip of slick sliding down to your ass. Your head leans to the side, arms thrown behind you so you can see him, biting your lips and furrowed brows of want, admiring his physique when he pulls his shirt off with a satisfied grin. 
“Fuck me, cowboy,” you hum, shifting your bum up  and spreading your legs so he can see your swollen slit twitching up at him.
But he throws your legs down and cages you under him. “I’m makin’ a mess of those god damn Mommy milkers first. Then your cunt gets whatever Daddy Bull has left.”
DaddyBullDaddyBullDaddyBull, you chant in over and over again your dumb little cow brain...
Oh Christ, tonight’s gonna be wild.
You watch him crawl over your body, fisting his leaking member over your chest. You want it, licking your lips in anticipation, pushing your boobs together with your arms to entice him. He twists the bell-collar so its dangling off the side of your shoulder before placing his leaking tip right at your lips, smearing his precum. Moaning at that fucking taste of Joel you’d been craving all day. You lap at the saltiness, begging him to force it deep into your mouth, but all he does is rub it over your lips, your tongue peaking out to get it nice and wet for him.
His cock falls right in the valley as you smoother it with your supple breasts. “Soft titties all mine to play with? You gonna be a good girl and let me fuck them?”
He starts thrusting, suffocating his cock between your tits. With one hand, he’s pulling the harness roped around your body tight like he's riding a God damn horse, the other still possessively pumping the nipple suction cups so they squeeze harder around your precious tits. His balls rub along your sternum while he bounces his hips, rocking back and forth again and again, making a sticky mess of his arousal and your drool all over your chest.
"Angel, imagine how fucking good this is gonna feel when these pups are filled to the brim with Daddy's milk.”
You nod dumbly. “Want you to fill them, Daddy. Want you inside,” you moan. Your head leans forward as you try to suck in his tip each time it poked through your boobs. 
Joel lets out a shaky breath, trying hard not to blow his load too soon. Though the sight of your face and cowbell all sticky with his creamy spent has him drawing away quickly, a firm grip wrapped around the base to hold his twitching balls from releasing his seed just yet. 
You cry out, tongue chasing his retreating tip. 
“You ready to be my little cocksleeve plushie tonight?” He asks, raking his nails over your chest and belly, raised red trails marking you in their leave.
“I’m ready Daddy, fuck me like your dirty whore!”
He spits a fat gob of saliva right on to your slit before rubbing it over with his thick tip. You don’t need the extra lubrication due to how drenched you are, and the sweet squirting you did earlier, but oh how he admires the way it mingles with your juices and slides down your ass.
He rips the cow patterned garter ribbon from the waist buckle and wraps it around your calves, sticking your legs straight, and pulls your ankles taught. You’re completely tied off at his mercy, like cattle being tamed. He hoists your legs straight up in the air, his bare cock grinding against your wet heat.
He leans your straight legs against his left shoulder and peers down over you: messy lipstick, bound wrists pulled together and straight to your stomach, pushing your tits even closer,  and the harness does nothing but give each one an immaculate show of perkiness. Paired with the tight press that the pumps are still holding your nipples captive.
He decides to show you some mercy by removing the tubes. He kneads their swollen state at the same time his cock rubs along your slick folds.
“T’Thank you, Daddy Bull,” you puff.
“Good girl. Didn’t even have to remind you,” he praises with gentle strokes of your cheeks.  “Your little calf babies are full now. Time for DaddyBull to spend time with Momma.”
You hope he doesn’t see the way your stomach clenches at being called Momma—a kink you’re shelving for much much later.
He’s got such stamina to be still gliding himself along your pussy but not penetrating just yet. Your brows are scrunched together in a plea and desperation, and those little cow ears are flopped back into the mess of softness. Softness that surrounds you, that innocent feel of cute plushy fur and cotton all rubbing against your body below you despite the numbing throb in your breasts and cunt. 
He puts his fingers in your mouth. Your tongue swirls around his digits, getting them wet before he’s drooping them down your puffy lips, down your breasts each with a squeeze, trailing warmly over your belly before coming to the place where he’s about to impale you.
Your entire body is thrumming with need.
He takes the moment to see how wrecked you already are for him—and to savor your body, knowing he’s gonna breed you so good one day and everything is gonna swell, like a stamp of ownership.
“You’re so fucking breedable,” he whispers in awe of your body. You don’t think he meant to say it out loud, but it turns you on all the more to hear his inner thoughts that would most likely scare away other women.
Not you though. You shutter at the thought of it taking, of making something evident of all the fucking and cum dumping he’s been giving you.
The pornographic gasp you let out as he slides his cock over your folds, between your squished thighs. Your slick lathering his length, prepping him and teasing your clit with long strokes. You whine as his mushroom tip glistens with precum, poking through your thighs then retreating. Getting your hopes up and holding it there sadistically.
"Don't gotta do nothin' tonight for me, sweet pea. Just gotta hold on for the ride."
You're not ready when he latches at your entrance and thrusts in all at once. Your eyes roll to the back of your skull as he fills your gut with his fat cock, stretching you in the best way only Joel Miller knows.
Joel Miller does have a Bull sized cock. More evident now stretching your little hole than you’d ever truly thought before.
The position is so restraining, leaving you no way to move or adjust - just take take take take his pounding. You both groan at the sight of his tip ballooning in your lower belly with each thrust. 
He throws his arm over your straight thighs and thumbs over your swelled naval. "Fuuucccckk look at that, look at that!"
"S-ssoooooo deeeeeeppp," you wreathe, lips curling in delirium.
“Yeah-yeah babygirl, gotta stretch you—get ya ready to hold my calves huh? Gotta make room for them to pop out—“
“M—mnot—pregnant,” you rasp hoarsely, eyes closing when he starts angling his hips up and rutting along the gummy part in your cunt.
“I’ll make it happen, don’t you worry your little brain.” He laughs. “You like getting stuffed like your stuffies. Turned you into a proper fuck toy—mm—there we go—but you’re always gonna be my favorite toy to hump, to fill, to own." He forces each word out with each rut. “You’re so fucking good at being a soft whore for me to use, all precious and pretty on the outside. Just another one of these plushie sluts on this bed,” he grunts.
You stick your tongue out dreamily and smile, fingers getting lost in the scattered stuffed animals surrounding you with their soft, fluffy textures and hard or squishy bodies. 
It feels really good to have 0 thoughts and just get fucked like a cow plushie.
He kisses your ankles soothingly, almost pathetically attempting to distract you from the sudden lash of his palm slapping against your ass.
“DADDY—shit!” You whimper. He doesn’t love the way you instinctively try to squirm away from him, but with how tied up you are, continually impaled on his throbbing length, you have nowhere to go. 
He continues to spank you, the same spot, fingers splayed wide until his reddened print is left etched into your skin "Gotta brand ya baby, make sure everyone knows who owns this body.”
Lewd noises of wet skin slapping, and the little cow bell clanking on your neck fill the room along with your pathetic whimpers and Joel's repressed grunts.
"Yeah? You like daddy's bull cock ramming that tight little Moo Moo pussy?"
“Yea- ohh-f—fuck yes Bull Daddy, cock so good, fuck— nobody stretches me—ah shit!Yesyesyesyesyesyesyes—m’gonna be bred so fucking full Daddy fuck yes!”
“My little cow breedin’ bitch,” he hollers. He tears the cute little cow patterned bow from that had held your calves together and quickly parts your legs, shoving your knees up to his shoulders so you’re in full mating press. He continues thrusting aggressively downward. Despite still being bound by the wrist, your elbows part slightly enough to slot him between your arms, slinking your hands over his neck to bring him closer to you.
"Breed me!" You cry, literally cry. He doesn’t relent his rough thrusts despite cooing your tears welling.
 "Gonna take all that bull cum in your slutty womb? Gonna let me put a baby in ya?”
Your walls clench down on him harder in response. The more his thick tip nudges your cervix, the less words you’re able to string together in sentences.
He doesn’t wait for answer—doesn’t think he ever will because he’s dangerously dreamt of impregnating you for so long now, knowing he wouldn’t be able to stop the day you said yes. Never bringing it up but fuuuccckkk he can’t stop his confessions from tumbling out: “Shit baby, might take this time. Lookin like my breeding stock n shit, gonna plow ya, you'll milk my cummies in your tummies and then—"
"Jesus Joel stop your yapping and FUCKME.”
"Ya gonna moo for me?"
You're moaning more, but with the way your sockets are rolled to their whites, arching up like the exorcist as he rams himself so deep its puncturing your belly, the sound’s eliciting from your mouth coming out as "mmmmmaaaauuuuhhhhhau-huh-hhuhh-huhhhh!"
He chuckles. "Close enough.”
He grabs the moo plush and shoves its utters in your mouth. You tilt your head to the side and your tongue circles around the rubber part. He almost busts his nut at the gorgeous sight below him: your pretty lashes closed as you suckle from the utters, each little swallow of milk going sown your throat. You're so delirious and cock drunk that you don't care about the trickles of cream dribbling down the corner of your lips. Your tits swollen and red, nipples so perked up they may actually start bleeding milk if he were to play with them any more, and your breasts bounce back and forth with each thrust, the jingle of the cow bell clanking loudly with no sense of tune but with all the hymns of his fucking he can give you. He snaps the garter belt strapped around you like reins, free ruling restraints that only make every bit of you even more voluptuous. Your legs are so strong, thick yet securely plastered together by his knot.
Your brows pinch together as your orgasm builds from your belly, making you arch violently against the pillow.
You pull away from the cow to take a gasp of air. Joel sticks his finger in your mouth and swirls it around. You hum in content, letting him make a mess of your drool and leftover milk spilling out, down your chin and cheeks with his thick digits. He yanks it out and licks it clean.
"Taste so fucking goo—“
"Keep fucking me with Daddys Bull cock fuck daddy I wanna get bred so fucking much wanna be your breeding little cum slut daddy fuck yes! You're so fucking huge, splitting my little moomoo pussy in half poundbreedbreedbreed daddy want all your cummies inside!"
"Fucked ya so dumb. All that ‘no baby, no milky talk.’ Shit! Fuck I'm gonna wreck this pussy, my fucking pussy! Nobody comes inside this sweet little womb but Daddy!"
"Just you just you daddy all yours please brand me make me yours! Oh-oh fuck Daddy yes! I’m cumming , I’m cumming so hard Daddy Bull fuck yesyesysssssyesyesyes!!!” you hiss through gritted teeth.
Your mouth parts as a silent scream is let out into the air. Joel keeps fucking you through your orgasm, his pained gasps while trying to remain sane with your convulsing walls choking his cock, sucking him in so tight he wouldn’t be able to pull out if he pried himself from you. He reaches between you to rub your clit, and your head thrashes about in overstimulation. Hard teeth latch on to your collar bone as you squirt once again all over his cock, streaming to his balls and soaking the bed and poor plushies caught in the crossfire with your naughty juices.
“There’s my slutty girl! Squirt that puss everywhere, want to stain everything with that cunt, my pretty cow girl.”
Joel’s whole body ruts into you like his life depends on it. The bed lurches violently against the wall, plushies falling over the sides like an avalanche while your battered soaked pussy takes the beating of a lifetime from the man who undoubtedly has ruined you and laid claim to your soul for the rest of your life. You hold on with the little strength you have left as he readies to empty his balls into you.
“Shit—shit—oh ff-ffuck baby—Daddy Bull is cummin—gonna breed ya SHIT oh baby,baby,babbyyyy gonna flood ya, you’re gonna take it? Gonna take all that cum—not a drop—haa-left—Gonna knock you up this time-mmmf—fuck! My good cow sluuutt—Baby give it ta me so good, Breed ya full o’me!FUCK!!”
With a final slam, Joel plunges his cock balls deep and shouts into the mattress, pumping his cum as deep into your womb as it could possibly go with thick, fertile ropes flooding every inch of space inside you.
He forces out each harsh, agitated pant into your neck, sweat sticking between the two of you. Your hips are held upright, walls fluttering with each pulse of his dick still unloading inside.
“I love you,” you whisperinto his ear, mind all hazy as you stroke his damp curls. He shudders, relaxing into your embrace, and you welcome the crushing sensation of his body on top of yours.
He pulls away to admire your barely conscious state: stockings all torn up, harness now tattered and  straps broken from their belts, the cow-eared headband snapped in half. Bruises and purple markings and love bites scattered all over your skin, your breasts the most damaged and swollen. He wonders how long it will take to fully heal, and how sensitive those little nipples are going to be for the next few days. Most importantly, he can’t tear his gaze away from the beat of your pussy lips struggling to swallow all of his creamy seed. 
You gasp out when Joel pushes his cock all the way back in, his cum spilling out the sides and coating you but trapping a good amount inside, leaving it nowhere else to go.
“I Love being your cow MooMoo plushplush,” you hum, wiggling your bum and holding him close. 
“How bout this one still?” He grabs the forgotten milker toy and brings the utters between the two of your lips.
Your tongue wraps around one utter and you start suckling the sweetness. 
Joel yanks the toy away.
“Show me.”
You open your lips so he can see the pool of milk filled to the brim, spilling over the dips of your cheeks.
He dips his tongue into your mouth and begins sucking out your split-mixed milk, kissing you passionately so you’re both gulping around each other’s tongues.
Drunk. You feel drunk off him. Off the milk. 
Eventually he pulls away so you can both breathe.
“I mean it.”
You draw away momentarily, wondering. it takes a moment to process anything that the two of you talked about while his cock still twitches in your cum-filled vagina.
You laugh when it hits you. “Yes, I’ll move in with you—“
“—You’re gonna look so fucking beautiful when you’re pregnant.”
You both pause for a moment before bursting out in a fit of giggles.
“Oh, I already knew that,” you taunt.
After you sleep for 14 hours straight, you wake up to find your tattered costume is gone, and your body completely naked. You don’t feel as achy as you expected—thanks to Joel probably massaging you in your sleep. Your cunt and breasts, however, are puffy and bruised as hell. You’ll have to restrict sexy time from Joel to just regular, Plushie-free fucking.
Speaking of, there’s an unfamiliar little guy on your bed right under your arm right now: yet another cow plushie, but it’s sooooo much softer, a bit heavier too. You turn it over and switch the little battery pack on, and the animal begins expanding and deflating with gentle breaths, its tummy warm and comforting against your body.
Joel comes in with a cup of tea  placed on your bedside before jumping on the Plushie bed. You poke his face.
"Joel, you know this is for babies,” you say, gesturing to the new cow breathing cow plush.
Right my babygirl.” He smiles proudly, stroking your face.
"No, like actual babies. It’s a breathing soother to help them sleep. Did you not notice what section you were in when you bought it?”
He looks ahead at the wall for a briefly, revisiting the memory. “Ya know what, that might be why the lady asked if it was for a girl, and I said ya my girl. N’ then she asked 'how old' and I told her ya age and she gave me a weird look.”
Your eyes squeeze tight as you fall back in a fit of cackles. “You were literally in the baby section Joel."
"Ain't all these plushies for kids anyway?” He gestures to the pink, purple, frilly, soft, funny faced squish stuffed animals you have on your bed. “What’s the difference?”
You switch the heavy cow animal on again and the cow starts slowly inflating then deflating with each breath. 
He gets all amazed like the marvels of today's technology far exceed his imagination. “Holy shit it got a real heart in there! No wonder it cost me 60 bucks.”
“Pretty sure a real heart would cost more than 60.”
“Mmm, cost me even more to keep yours.” 
You glance over at Tomm—ahem, Teddy—sitting upright in the corner of the room, the dildo still strapped around his crotch, and at Mr. Oinkers who’s jittery fun was sometimes too much to handle, and at Valentine Puppy that has a permanent white streak in his hair when you tried washing out Joel’s cum, and at every other plush on this bed that has occupied an ever growing space in Joel’s horny head below the waist.
“I don’t love you just cuz of the plushies, you know.”
“Oh? I’ll take them all back then, since ya don’t appreciate—“
“No!” You cry desperately. “I—I love them.” You cold your cow plush close and kiss his head.
 Joel curls up next to you and spoons your body. “But I love you too. Just you.”
He hums in agreement. “I know you do. Who else would dress like that just for fun?”
You cringe at the image of the destroyed cow garter that sits helplessly on the floor. Definitely cost waaaaaay more than $60.
“I can’t wait to move in,” you mumble into the pillow.
“Oh—about that.” 
You lean back and meet his gaze. Was it a farce? Did he not actually want you to move in? Was it jut to get you excited for sex last night? You already feel your heart shattering, knowing its gonna take more than 60 bucks to put it back together—
“While you were sleeping…I brought all my shit here already. Cancelled my lease this month and packed for weeks. Figured it be easier than making you have to pack all your little fluffy bitches in boxes—”
“Well they wouldn’t go in boxes, they’d be buckled up in seatbelts.”
“Exactly my point. Would have been a nightmare trying to move you.”
You slap his shoulder.
“Um… what if I said no?”
“Oh…” the thought never actually crossed his mind that you’d say no.
You laugh again, kissing his jaw reassuringly. “Kidding, Bull Daddy.”
He grumbles into your back and kisses the back of your head. His big meaty paws rub over your thighs, the little dents from the strap still ghosting your skin, trailing up over your belly that he can’t wait to see swell one day, even if not any time soon, and snaking up to your aching chest—
“Don’t you dare touch my fucking tits.”
10 minutes later, you catch Joel’s cuddling the breathing cow right next to his face, snoring soundly as it exhales next to him. you kiss the tip of his noses and burrow yourself closer to your sleeping giant.
It really does help babies sleep.
- - - -
Notes: this ended up being waaaaaaay longer than I thought holy heck.
Bonus of Joel x Preggo reader thot in the plushies saga
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 8 months
I’m back in my silly nonsense again and I do have a request, if that’s ok, I seriously don’t wanna annoy or stress you out hun but I do have a specific request in mind.
A sadistic yandere doctor x reader
It starts out simple enough like the reader goes in for a simple checkup and there’s a new doctor taking care of them and it escalates from there, every appointment with the new doctor becomes more unnerving and unhinged until escalating to abducting his “patient” and keeping them to himself
I dunno this sounded better in my head and plus you’re more creative than I am😅 I had this lil idea for a while and I’d figure it was worth a shot to ask, thanks for putting up with my silly shenanigans 😅
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CW: Abduction, drugging, obsessive yandere, former bully reader, foul language, trypanophobia and mild iatrophobia
I took this ask and fucking R A N
The line between hatred and love is much thinner than one would like to believe.
(Reader) sat stiffly in the waiting room, staring at their phone while scrolling, not paying attention to anything that passed their eyes. Time was not moving fast enough, and it felt like they were about to have a heart attack while waiting for the doctor, fifteen minutes past their scheduled appointment time. They nearly jumped when the nurse finally called their name, not bothering to offer even a polite grin to the nurse as they were led back to get weighed, praying to whatever was listening that their deodorant didn't fail them. Sweat glued their shirt to their back, but (Reader) refused to take off their jacket.
Going to the clinic was always a hassle, and if it wasn't for the pain in their neck that refused to ease up they would have continued to avoid it like the plague. The nurse brought (Reader) back to an empty room, and left them there again, now waiting on a paper sheet that crinkled obnoxiously whenever (Reader) shifted and was ten times colder than they were in the waiting room. (Reader) took a shaky breath and continued to scroll absentmindedly on their phone.
A soft knock at the door was enough to make (Reader) drop their phone, diving for it as a nurse wheeled in a cart. "Hello, dear, how are we today?"
(Reader) popped back up, flushed. "Peachy."
"Lovely." The older woman grabbed a chart and read over (Reader's) information. "I'm going to take a quick little blood sample and get you checked in for Dr. Campbell."
Their face felt cold with how quickly their previous embarrassment faded into fear. Both at the thought of getting their blood drawn, and in confusion at hearing a new name. "Actually, my doctor is Dr. Kowl." (Reader) tried to correct the nurse.
The nurse smiled brightly. "Dr. Campbell is our newest doctor, he'll be taking over for Dr. Kowl when he retires. Can you remove an arm from your jacket please?"
(Reader) slipped their left arm out for the nurse, holding in their breath and averting their eyes while she pulled out a clean needle. Even if they couldn't see it, just knowing that it was getting closer to their arm sent a rush of adrenaline up and down their body so quickly that (Reader) was afraid it would knock them out. They swallowed a lump of snot threatening to choke them, rolling their eyes back to look at the ceiling as they ignored the tiny prick of pain.
"All done."
The sleeve was rolled down before (Reader) turned their head, a tight grimace plastered on their face. "Great."
"Dr. Campbell will be with you shortly." The nurse's demeanor was warm, but (Reader) couldn't feel it past the cold crispness of her scrubs. Clinic doctors weren't as bad as hospital or ER doctors, but they still were not pleasant to be around.
• 17 years ago •
A chubby boy with dark curly hair obscuring his eyes nervously watched (Reader) from afar, working up the courage to go speak to them. (Reader) had a bruise on their neck, partially hidden by their hoodie, and the young man was worried for the stranger in his high school. Tugging on his baggy shirt awkwardly while shuffling his feet, he made his way to the sad looking teen, struggling not to lose his nerve. "Hey.." he struggled not to stutter. "I was just, uh, wondering if everything was.. okay?"
The look of loneliness and emptiness on (Reader's) face was gone so fast that the boy thought he imagined it, now only seeing disgust and rage.
"The fuck you just say?"
• Present •
A young doctor with wavy brown hair stepped into the room, his downward turned eyes widening every so slightly, a bright, welcoming smile contrasting his surprised gaze, as he entered (Reader's) view. (Reader) was equally shocked, taken back by how handsome their new doctor was. "How are we feeling today?"
Hearing that typical doctor's greeting paled (Reader's) complexion, reminding them that no matter how hot this man might be, he was still a doctor. "I, uh, got a pain. It won't go away."
Dr. Campbell nodded, gently touching (Reader's) jaw as he tilted their head, watching their face carefully as they grimaced at certain angles. "Have we already taken X-rays?"
"Yeah, there's nothing wrong. Urgent care said it was a pulled muscle, I'm just here for a follow up." (Reader) noted how the new doctor searched their eyes uncomfortably; it was as though he was looking for something specific. "Is there something wrong?"
The doctor removed his hands, smiling again, but this time the smile seemed disingenuous, almost melancholy. "I'm sorry, I just.. you look like someone that I used to know." His jaw clenched under his smile. Dr. Campbell swiveled away, rolling to the computer and tapping on the keyboard for a couple of minutes before clicking his tongue. "I'm sorry, (Reader), but it looks like something went wrong with the blood sample we just took. Can you roll up your sleeve for me so I can get a new sample?" He asked while already reaching into his drawer, grabbing a fresh syringe and three vials.
(Reader) sighed, frustration displayed openly on their features. "Really?.."
• 17 years ago •
"Cry, bitch!" (Reader) snarled, kicking the new kid in his ribs. His only real crime was not knowing that, despite the lack of piercings, (Reader) was practically the leader for the high school's most notorious delinquents. The only reason (Reader) hadn't been expelled was because their grades never dropped below an A-, and the school prioritized their placement as the second best school in the country over a few accusations of harassment.
"Hey (Reader), who's your new friend?" Nate asked while sauntering over with the rest of (Reader's) friends.
"Dunno. Hey new kid," (Reader) bent down, grabbing a fistful of his dark hair and yanking his head up, "what's your name?"
The kid could barely speak through his sobbing. ".. Ichabod."
"HA! What kind of name is that?!" Lily cackled hysterically.
"From now on, I think you're going to be my new best friend.. ain't that right, pussy?"
His dark brown eyes couldn't help but fixate on (Reader's) neck as they glared down at him, the bruise shaped like fingers was so dark that in the lighting it looked like it was bleeding. "Well, that's the worse fucking name I've ever heard in my life. No wonder you're such a pussy.
• Present •
"I'm here for Dr. Campbell? I have a twelve-thirty about some blood results?" (Reader) grumpily muttered, pissed that they had to be back at the clinic only a week after their last appointment. Hearing Campbell's name, one of the receptionists smiled, fluttering her lashes and biting her lip subtly.
Her colleague saw her reaction and made a noise of approval. "That new doctor, he's quite the charmer, isn't he?"
"Stop!" The younger woman smiled harder, rolling her eyes. The whole thing made (Reader) grossed out. Yeah, the man was cute, but not when you're on the job. "Besides, he's.. unavailable."
"What? I didn't see a ring on his finger."
'They have forgotten me.' (Reader) puffed out their cheeks and patted their sides loudly, hoping the two medical professionals would get the hint and just sign them in.
"Apparently, he only became a doctor because of his highschool sweetheart. He said he had somebody whose 'attention' he 'wanted'." She sighed dreamily. (Reader) sighed also, but only out of frustration.
"Hey." (Reader) snapped, embarrassing the two receptionists as they looked to (Reader), mouths open like (Reader) was an apparition. "Twelve thirty. (Reader). Is there any paperwork I need to fill out?"
"Sorry! No-"
"Great." (Reader) interrupted the lady, heading over to the horribly uncomfortable chairs a few feet away. However, nearly as soon as (Reader's) butt touched the seat their name was called out, startling them on the speed.
They raised their eyebrows but didn't complain, heading back past the smiling nurses with disdain.
Dr. Campbell met (Reader) in the hall, sneaking up behind them. "Not big on smiling, huh?" The tall man grinned, feeling immense joy at the way (Reader's) face blanched and their muscles tensed.
"I'll smile for some good news." (Reader) forced a smile onto their face, the faux sign of friendliness not reaching their eyes.
He held out a hand as if to say 'after you', directing (Reader) to an open door.
• 16 years ago •
Ichabod couldn't look away from (Reader), studying their shaky visage as (Reader) barely held themselves together, teetering in the corner of the dirty basement. It was interesting, the first real emotion Ichabod had ever detected from (Reader) besides disgust.
The group of 'friends' all drunkenly sat around Lily's older brother while he tattooed the minors in his dingy home. (Reader) was trying their hardest not to barf as the gun entered their friend's skin rhythmically.
"(Reader), check it out!" The dumbass child held up his arm, proudly displaying a jagged dog. "What'd ya think?"
"It looks like shit." (Reader) spat. The horror was masked by their hatred, fooling everyone except Ichabod. He stared a little too hard, finally drawing the attention of (Reader).
(Reader) could see by the look in Ichabod's eye that he saw their dirty little secret. Rage buzzed throughout (Reader's) body. "Why don't you give one to the pussy?"
Gasping, Ichabod went weak, experiencing something close to betrayal. He never felt an ounce of companionship from his 'best friend' but he was always looking for something from (Reader), he just couldn't understand what. Nate jumped up, launching towards the group's punching bag with sadistic glee.
(Reader) went blank, as they often did, showing neither pleasure nor anger as their friends closed in on Ichabod. "What about it? Since you're not fighting back, I take it that means you want one?" They paused, almost hoping for a reaction other than fright. But Ichabod was frozen, pleading (Reader) with his large teary eyes.
• Present •
"Fine. Hey Marty, why don't you write-"
"This better be the last time." (Reader) finally opened their eyes, too blinded by their phobia to question why their doctor's face was pink; why his large eyes were half lidded; and why he was smiling at them like they were the most attractive person he's ever seen in his life.
Dr. Campbell shuttered, eyes glazing over as he watched (Reader's) face contort, sweat beading on their forehead as the needle pierced their arm. (Reader) was so focused on not crying that they had no clue the look their new doctor was giving them. Being able to see this side to (Reader) was a privilege, one reserved for best friends.
"This should be the last test." His voice which usually oozed like honey quivered oddly, tickling a memory (Reader) couldn't quite recollect.
"Yeah, well, bit aggravating that both times I've gotten my blood drawn, something went wrong and it needed to be taken again." They pulled on their jacket with a huff. "Arm's beginning to look like a junkie's."
"Well, I do apologize for that. You can schedule your next appointment at the front desk. Your results will be in by next Thursday, we'll discuss them together then."
"Great." (Reader) left the room as quickly as possible, the agitation felt from being trapped in a doctor's office trumping how woozy they were. The nervous adult left the doctor behind, unaware of his erection hidden under his clip board. Dr. Campbell pocketed the blood sample, casually readjusting his pants through his pocket as he did so.
His smirk faded into something haunting, something damn near evil. "Last appointment, huh?" The doctor couldn't help but roll up his sleeve, his hard on becoming almost painful in the position he was sitting. A faded blue ink tattoo fuzzy with age and poor in quality marred his arm like a beautiful blemish.
• 15 years ago •
Cigarette smoke drifted up towards the gloomy clouds, the senior leaning against the fence that separated student and faculty parking lit a new cigarette as soon as the last one finished. Ichabod recognized (Reader) from behind, and found himself incapable of running and hiding, pulled in to his tormentor's side against his will. His breath caught in his throat at the sight of (Reader's) face, one eye completely swollen shut and their skin dark purple. Their one good eye stared at nothing, unblinking and dead.
(Reader) didn't look at Ichabod, knowing there was only one person dumb enough to approach them when they looked like this. No matter how hard they pushed him, he never stopped looking at them with that pitiful sentimentality. "Don't hang out with us at lunch today." Nate failed another history exam, and would be looking for someone to take his anger out on. (Reader) didn't know why they were sparing such a little bitch from getting his ass beat. Maybe they were just bored of him.
Ichabod flinched like he had just been hit, trying to will (Reader) to look at him, to explain themselves.
"Actually.. I'm done with you." They finished off their cancer stick, and dropped it into the gravel. "Stop hanging out with us."
"Why?" It was the only thing he could force himself to say.
(Reader) wondered why themselves. Would a therapist have been able to understand? See past their anger, their disgust? The only reason why (Reader) started bullying Ichabod was because he was new, and no one told him that (Reader) wasn't worth his sympathy. They knew he saw it, the bruise on their neck, and they could see it in his stupid face. And it pissed them off. Everyone knew-
(Reader) wasn't someone to pity.
Watery eyes threatening to overflow shook under the force of his tumultuous feelings as the baby faced young man got in (Reader's) line of sight. Even getting decked would be better than being ignored. But there was nothing in (Reader's) eye. He was invisible to them. "I hate pussies."
• Present •
"So, just a pulled muscle?" (Reader) grimaced, raising their hands in annoyance.
Dr. Campbell smiled, showing off all his pearly white teeth. "Thank God it wasn't something more serious."
"Great." Slapping their knees, (Reader) stood, ready to leave and hoping to never come back again. However, their body was stopped at the door by a strong hand gripping their wrist painfully, a deep scarlet staining Dr. Campbell's face and what was visible of his neck. "What?"
"Have we met before?" His face was smiling but his voice was on the verge of cracking.
"Yeah. Three weeks ago. When I first came in."
Long eyelashes nearly pushed his glasses off his nose. The doctor had (Reader) trapped in his arms at this point. "Are you sure? Are you sure I don't look familiar?"
The rising feeling of anxiety quickly morphed into anger, just as it always did, just like when they were a little kid. It took every ounce of self control they had to not knee the new doctor in the nuts. "Am I supposed to?!" (Reader) raised their voice, clenching their fists, feeling their entire body tense as it prepared to fight.
A laugh escaped him, jerking uncontrollably as he felt himself nearly cum just from seeing the old (Reader) trapped in his arms, unable to escape him, knowing that they were just masking their fear, just like that day in the basement all those years ago. "Thank you.." The look in his misty eyes grossed (Reader) out. "Thank you for not changing."
• 15 years ago •
"What?" Ichabod asked in disbelief. The office attendant spoke clearly but her words just didn't make sense.
(Reader) had been missing for nearly a month before Ichabod had the courage to ask anyone where they went. His tan skin had already begun to heal, the bruises left by (Reader's) shoes and the cuts left from their punches had faded. The only memory he had left of them was the tattoo on his arm he kept covered up. If he ever wore a short sleeve shirt it would be over, the pain would end, but he would also never see (Reader) again, and he couldn't have that.
"(Reader) doesn't go here anymore, sweetheart. They got their G.E.D so they could graduate early. One smart cookie, that one."
'But that's impossible.' Ichabod thought to himself. He knew (Reader), knew them better than anyone else. He was special. There was no way he couldn't have known about this. He was closer to (Reader) than their piece of shit friends, and that's why (Reader) hurt him! Deep down Ichabod just knew that (Reader) only hurt him because he could see them for who they were. No one else knew how scared (Reader) was. No one else cared about (Reader's) home life. Only he did.
Only Ichabod knew how terrified (Reader) was of needles.
Through the tears and spit, hiding his body from his parents so they wouldn't know what was happening at school, lying to teachers when they voiced their concerns about potential bullying, Ichabod had convinced himself that what he and (Reader) had was special. Because only he saw how scared they were. He told himself that it wasn't because no one else cared about the "future criminal", but because he was special to (Reader), and only he was allowed to see them vulnerable. That was a privilege for best friends only.
'Was it because I didn't give them enough attention?'
He walked through the hallway without a limp, without a hunched back, just like a normal student. It disgusted him. The walls were plastered with students' artwork, motivational posters, and recruitment ads. A smiling man in a white lab coat caught Ichabod's attention, pulling him out of his dark emptiness and showing him the solution to his problem.
"I'll make you see me."
• Present •
"Stupid son of a bitch!" (Reader) moved at a fast pace through the parking garage, nearly jogging to their truck. They had been doing so well, such a good job, but one moment in a stranger's arms and their mind was invaded by a voice they hadn't thought about in almost a year.
Their mother's words tumbled from their lips as they fished for their keys, shaking with apprehension disgust. "Fucking coward, fucking pussy, goddamnit, good for nothing-"
The old familiar tingling of adrenaline, the need to punch something.
Reaching their truck didn't provide any relief. The keys they were searching for kept evading their fingers as though they had a mind of their own. In the black of their tinted window another figure approached their reflection. (Reader) angrily whipped around, ready to start swinging. Behind them stood Dr. Campbell, wearing a baby blue short sleeved polo tucked into a pair of black slacks. The collared shirt exposed his muscular arms and accentuated his broad shoulders. He would have been so attractive if (Reader) didn't know what he looked like in a lab coat.
"I'm glad I caught you! I didn't have a chance to apologize in there, you rushed off before I could explain myself."
"Don't make up excuses for being a pervert." (Reader) snarled, ready to lash out like a cornered animal. They still couldn't feel the keys in their pocket.
The man smiled so sweetly at (Reader) that it made them want to bite him. "It really hurt my feelings. I thought that maybe you just didn't remember me." His eyes looked down at his feet, but he wasn't an actor, and (Reader) could see plainly that there wasn't a drop of sadness in the man before them. "But I guess.. I do look different than I did back in highschool."
His right hand reached out towards (Reader) to caress their cheek. They almost smacked him away, but a small, shitty tattoo on his arm drained them of their blood faster than a gun shot wound, feeling their bravado leak out of them so quickly that they didn't have time to remember to be pissed.
Before they could recover and throw the first punch the hand clamped over their mouth, and a needle was revealed from behind his back in the other hand.
They struggled, but Ichabod hadn't spent his years in med school working out to impress (Reader). Eyes wide with horror watched the needle approach their neck helplessly, and Ichabod could almost cry at the beautiful sight before him. The fear that only he was able to see, only he was allowed to experience, God he could have fucked them right there and then, but he controlled himself. This had all been planned out, and he couldn't fuck it up just because (Reader) was shaking beneath him so cutely.
The needle went into their neck, injecting a drug to knock them out for a few hours. (Reader) screamed silently into his palm, and he watched as they recognized the adoration in his eyes with terror. (Reader's) keys were pulled out from Ichabod's back pocket, dangling teasingly in front of (Reader's) face as they went limp. "You said you hated pussies." His smile was mocking as (Reader) went dark, unable to stay awake. There was so much they wanted to say. They wanted to apologize, to beg for forgiveness. To tell him he wasn't a pussy, that they were never speaking to him when they called him that.
They didn't understand why he looked down at them so kindly. (Reader) hoped that if he killed them it would be a swift death. They felt that they deserved it after all this time.
What he had in store for them was much, much worse than death.
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deathbecomesthem · 2 months
Eddie Munson x gn!reader | 1.2K
+18 ONLY - Minors Do Not Interact
Warnings: A handy over jean shorts and some nipple play.
A/N: This is a reupload with a lil bit of sprucing up. When I originally wrote it, it was dedicated to @courtingchaos, and that feels appropriate yet again.
The unseasonable weather drove you down here, to the riverbed, where toes can dip in swirl at the cool water. Eddie was thrilled at the suggestion. It’s been too hot, and it always felt better sitting on the damp rocks. In his desperation for relief, he had cut away at an old pair of jeans that were just a little too tight these days. When you caught sight of them, he misunderstood your wide-eyed gaze. Drool gathered in your mouth while you took in the way the shorts hugged at him, emphasizing parts of him that have only been in your imagination all these years.
“Do not even fucking say it –“ his hand is out, eyes closed as if bracing for impact, “I know it looks stupid, but it’s too hot and the air conditioner took a shit.” He thinks you’ll make fun of him, but you can’t even form a thought. Your brain is on fire, burning with ideas. Flames licking at the inside of your skull with thoughts you try to avoid entertaining. While you’re still looking for words, any words, he huffs and reaches into the – very fucking tight – front pocket of his shorts and pulls out a black hair tie. Can it be worse? Yes, he can reach his arms up, exposing that trail of hair that starts at his navel, while he tugs his soft curls into a low hanging bun.
He's right, though, it’s hot and humid in his place. Even with the impure images whizzing through your mind, you can’t stay here. Movie night is out. You still struggle for words while he’s shaking his head and grabbing his sneakers.
“Don’t argue, we’re going to the river. I’m over this heat.” So you nod in ascent. Sure, let’s go to the river. “Are you ok?” He’s finally noticing the glazed-over look in your eyes, the mouth slightly open. It’s just Eddie. Yes, but you suddenly have the urge to unhinge your jaw and swallow him whole.
“I’m fine,” you try not to do it, try not to give him a shy smile that gives away your filthy thoughts. It inches across your lips anyway, and you can feel heat rising from your chest all the way to the tips of your ears. His eyebrows pinch, a barely detectable movement of consideration at your behavior. So, you divert, “why not grab some stuff? Stay at my place after the river, my air works fine.”
His face betrays his own thoughts, when he dips his eyes to your chest heated and sweaty in the stifling heat of his apartment. With a throat clear, and an awkward bouncing step back, he runs through the rooms grabbing essentials before you both head out into the summer air.
The current moves the water, ever flowing cool relief in the heat of the summer. Right now, with the moon reflecting off the ripples, the paths along the bed are empty. The stars of this summer night are putting on a show, bright and sparkling. It feels like magic is in the air, the smell of dirt and showy blooms hang all around. And his scent. It’s there, his sweat and smoke with the faint hint of oil that never quite leaves his skin.
“You know what that is?” he’s pointing up to the night sky while your toes dance along the top of the water’s surface, “that constellation right there, the one that looks like a whale?” he’s moving his hands as if you can follow the path and see the image he’s trying to create with the movement, “that one is called ‘your mom’.”
“You fucking idiot,” you push him away from you, hand pressed against his sweaty forehead, while his laugh echoes out into the night. You try to poke at his side while he’s distracted, but as usual, he’s too fast. He always sees it coming, and you find your hand in his, stopped in its tracks, the cool metal of his rings pressed into your skin.
The cover of the dark outside of the glowing moon does nothing to hide the look you both share. And his eyes shoot down your body again, an involuntary gesture that feels like permission. You lean forward placing your open lips against his mouth and wait for him.
A clash of lips, tongues, and teeth. No gentleness, the fire was lit at the first glimpse of him tonight. At the thought of the shorts you break away and let your eyes take him in. They’re tighter now as his hard length fights against the soft denim. You bring your eyes back to him while you take your hand from his and place it firmly on his bulge. He moans at the feeling, mouth open, eyes wide.
“Is this ok, Eddie?” Your hand rubs up and down, feeling the shape of him for the first time. The muscles of his thighs tighten as he whimpers out his answer.
Affirmative, “yes, please,” whining from the back of his throat. With every stroke you feel the denim at the tip of his ever-hardening cock get wetter. The sounds he’s making are so sweet to your ears. They feed the desire already pulsing deep inside your gut.
“Does it feel good? Is this why you put on these little shorts tonight?” You can feel his cock jump at your words and his whine turns to a low growl. Oh, it must feel good, because his own hands are working under your shirt and searching for something to hold onto while his face nuzzles into your neck. His teeth take the skin of that tender place below your ear.
“It feels so good. I’m never taking these shorts off again.” He’s rutting up into your hand while he tweaks a nipple. When his head dips down and attaches himself to your peaked bud, your hand falters. His hot tongue flicks against you, and you’re both lost in the feeling.
“You gonna wear those little shorts around even when you stain them with your cum?” You stutter the words out around a moan at the shots of pleasure from the feel of his teeth against your sensitive chest. With every swipe of your hand, you find the slit of his cock and rub against it over and over until his mouth drops your nipple and opens in a cry of delirious bliss.
He lets out a whining moan with each thrust of his release, his forehead pressed against the sweaty skin of your chest. You both sit that way for a moment, skin sticky and breathing heavily with only the moon and the stars witnessing what just took place in that quiet spot at the river’s edge.
You break the silence, as a laugh rips through your chest that startles Eddie. It brings him back from wherever his mind went at the moment of his euphoria, and he pulls his sticky forehead away from your skin and finds his own laugh. You sat there with your shirt pulled around your neck and Eddie’s jean shorts soaked with his cum. Like teenagers seeking out any possible way to release the sexual tension.
“So, Eddie,” you’re pulling your shirt back down while he assesses the damage he’s done in his shorts, “how about we go back to mine now, yeah?”
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Co-Stars pt.15
Callum Turner X Actress! Reader
Summary: Y/n is invited of cooking with Flo and gets a little drunk.
Warning: Kinda cringe (I'm sorry)/ alcohol/ Swearing/ use of Y/n/
Word count: 790 words
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Florence Pugh invited her on her cooking show. She was excited to go with her, she loved to cook, and she was friends with Flo. She brought Callum with her, and Callum brought Austin. When she arrived, she hugged Florence and took the apron that she gave her. It was a white one with pomegranate all over it. ‘’I’m so excited!’’ she squeals. Y/n chuckles and kiss Callum before Florence goes live.
‘’It’s cooking with Flo, bitches!’’ she puts the knife in the cutting board. ‘’And Y/n is here!’’ Flo exclaims, hugging her again. ‘’Hey everyone! How’s everyone doing?’’ they look in the chat for the answers and then, they look at each other before laughing for no reason. ‘’Guys, today we’re going to do chicken Cajun alfredo, or whatever the order is. But for the drink, I made Y/n’s favorite, a rum n’ coke!’’ she gives her the glass and they tap their glass together before starting to pace around the kitchen to get the ingredients. ‘’By the way, if you hear people talking behind, it’s my husband and my husband’s husband’’ Y/n laughs. Austin, Callum and Florence burst out laughing, Y/n is proud of her joke, as she joins the group laughing.
‘’So now the chicken is seasoned – ‘’ Y/n impulsive thought took control as she slapped the chicken, like she would slap someone’s ass. ‘’- Mate, what the fuck’’ Florence’s smoker laugh took over her laugh, which made Y/n laugh even more. ‘’How many drinks did they have?’’ Austin asked, chuckling. ‘’I don’t know’’ Callum laughed. Y/n was out of breath from laughing so much. ‘’Okay, where were we?’’ she laughed again. Florence took a sip of her drink before looking at her friend. ‘’We have to cook the chicken’’ she explained. ‘’Oh, we should put music!’’ Y/n suggested. Florence nodded before she hit shuffle on her playlist, the first song that came to their ear was Vente Pa’ Ca by Ricky Martin ft Maluma. ‘’I love that song!’’ Y/n exclaimed as she took Florence hands to dance. ‘’The chicken is going to burn, love’’ Callum warned. As Y/n lip synced, Florence quickly took care of the piece of meat.
The pasta was almost done, so was the chicken, Florence and Y/n had about 3 drinks, Austin and Callum’s cheeks were hurting from laughing so much; Y/n was unhinged. Every thought that went through her head, she shared it. ‘’I think I would’ve been burned alive if I lived in Salem when the trial happened, because I have great tits and an opinion.’’ She said, touching the side of her tits, laughing. ‘’I’m hot, they want to make me hotter’’ she giggled. Florence face palmed as she stirred the pastas. ‘’I think you had enough to drink’’ Callum laughed. Y/n nods in agreeing with him. ‘’We’re going to take a little bit of pasta water before dumping it. That’s the secret, pasta water!’’ Y/n exclaims as she takes a scoop of the pasta water. ‘’Someone in the chat said that Callum and Austin are the parents and we’re the children’’ Florence laughs.
‘’Ok! It’s done! Look at how pretty it is!’’ Y/n says as she shows the plate to the camera. ‘’Austin, Callum, come and taste!’’ Florence says. The boys come behind the girls, Callum puts his hands on Y/n’s waist, making her giggle. ‘’That smells amazing!’’ Austin comments. ‘’Yeah, it does!’’ Callum adds. As they take a bite of the food, Y/n and Florence looks at each other. ‘’It’s so fucking good!’’ Y/n exclaims. Florence nods and chuckles. ‘’Babe, you need to come on the show more often’’ Florence says. ‘’I’ll gladly come back’’ Y/n smiles. Austin and Callum take a bite at the food and smile. ‘’That is Gordon Ramsey level’’ Austin exclaims. ‘’It’s really good, oh my! I love it’’ he smiles.
‘’Okay guys, so that was cooking with Flo and Y/n, bitches! See you next time!’’ Florence says as she stops her live. ‘’That was really fun! Thank you so much for the invite’’ Y/n hugs Flo. ‘’You’re welcome here any time. Maybe with less drinks’’ She laughs. Callum agrees as he puts his arm around Y/n’s waist. ‘’Ouh! Next time we can cook shrimp tacos!’’ Y/n proposed. Florence nods as she says goodbye to Austin.
The aftermath of the video on the internet is good. People are saying that Drunk Y/n is unhinged, the fact that Y/n called Austin her husband’s husband is funny, Florence needs to invite Y/n again, Callum’s love contact is physical touch and many more stuff. Y/n was a little bit embarrassed about things she said, but overall she had a really great time, and she wanted to do it again…
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runa-falls · 11 months
the love bite - steven
pairing: steven grant x reader (what's new)
warnings: biting (lol), physical hurt/comfort, FLUFF, unhinged!reader, sub-ish!steven [I CAN'T HELP IT OK], small reference to the boys' past/their job, a bit suggestive but not explicit!
a/n: blaming @whatthefishh for this thot after the comment on the flowers fic about wanting to bite him i had to write. and @leoluved for encouraging me to write this instead of my wips -- hehe :3
prompt (by me): i wonder how steven would react to the reader just biting him out of love...
w/c: ~800
With Steven, the initial chomp would happen during a normal hangout with each other. 
Like you'd both just be chilling, sprawled out on the couch, with the tv droning in the background:
You love these moments with Steven. The unspoken acknowledgment that you are both pretending to watch what's on when really you're just sinking into each other's touch, enjoying each other's company.
Soft, lazy days like this have become increasingly rare as Konshu has Marc sent out on missions in the States every few weeks. You don't blame them. You could never blame them. You just miss them.
Steven is snuggled right behind you, a sweater-clad arm securely wrapped over your shoulder to keep you close to his body. He sighs softly into your hair, wishing to just lay here, legs tangled with yours forever.
He doesn't notice or care that his oversized sleeve bunches at his elbow as he repositions himself behind you, but your eyes instantly catch onto his revealed forearm, tan and strong, but relaxed, resting right above your chest.
Sometimes you forget how strong your boyfriends are, how they can handle you with such care, touches as light as a feather when all they've known in their life is pain.
Steven settles closer to you, face nuzzled against your shoulder, subtly breathing you in with a soft sigh. His warmth soaks into your back, surrounding you with undeniable comfort. You look down at his arm with interest in your eyes, teeth gnawing at your bottom lip.
Suddenly you have this urge, this impulsive thought to just --
Steven chokes out a high-pitched yelp.
"HEY!" He’s barely able to process what happened as he swipes his arm away from your mouth. "W-what was that for?" He stares at you with furrowed brows while his other arm slips out from under you to rub at the fresh bite mark on his arm.
You sit up a little, eyes trained on the indents as his fingers gently swipe over them. Pretty. You didn't bite hard so they're quite faint, but you can still make out your bite pattern. 
You bite the inside of your cheek, "I dunno." 
It sounded dumb coming out of your mouth, but you really can't explain why you did it. You just needed to. Something about his softness and the pure affection you hold for him compelled you to bite him…and you kind of want to do it again.
Your hand darts out and you try to tug his arm closer, but he struggles against you, no longer trusting his limbs anywhere close to your mouth. He whimpers softly when you tug harder, trying to resist your eager grip.
“What d’you mean ‘I don’t know’?!” His arm is immovable, but you keep pulling at him. “You bit me!” 
When he pulls away from your body, attempting to push himself up to a seated position, you huff in frustration and yank him back. He falls back with a squeak and you hold him close, leaning in instead of pulling him in this time.
You brush your lips against his warm skin, hovering right over the last bite and he relaxes a bit, believing you’d soothe the bite with a kiss as an apology. But you don’t. 
It’s less aggressive this time around. Less of a bite and more of a nibble. 
He tenses at first, instinctively wanting to draw away from you, but as you gently suckle and lick at him, he starts to settle against you, seeing as you mean him no harm. 
“I-I still don’t get it.” He peers down at you as you leave soft marks along his arm, “What – Why are you doing this?” 
You sigh, “Steven…just let it happen.” 
“Um, ok.” 
Since that initial bite, your lips have made their way around his body, taking time to show every inch of him some love and affection. He’s littered with love bites and phantom kisses, but he still yearns for more. 
He shudders as you drag the edge of your teeth against the crook of his neck and eagerly leans into your touch, hungry for physical contact.
No matter how much he mewls and begs for you, you’ve taken it slow, drinking in each bated breath and soft cry. 
You breathe a whisper against his skin, “You like this, Steven?”
He doesn’t answer your question.
You place a gentle kiss on his sweet spot, but pull away when he starts to whine for more. 
“Please, darling.” 
He wants you to bite, but you stay put and watch him writhe for your touch. 
Your thumb swipes over a blotch of purple on his shoulder and he shivers at the sensation of pleasurable pain, “Why do you like it so much, sweetheart, hm?”
“I dunno,” He’s delirious, only able to think about you and your touch, “I just – please.”
“Ok, baby…”
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