#while leaving her completely undateable
littleeyesofpallas · 2 years
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queenofallimagines · 11 months
Hi there! Can I please request headcanons if the obey me demon brothers + side characters (except from Luke obviously) with a female MC with naturally big breasts? Like whenever she hugs the demon brothers her breasts are always in their face and the demon brothers and undateables start to feel a bit dirty and naughty?it's fine if you don't want to do an NSFW if you don't want to.
You sure can!! (Me uploading after literally 4 years????) I am no longer burnt out and I’m hyperfixating HARD on nightbringer so *cracks fingers* 🤭😌
** also didn’t notice till uploading this that it just slowly gets filthier and filthier😭
Part 1
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- your so real for this anon bc I got them anime titties and I would definitely use them for evil😈
- This man is filthy if anything! Like you see how he’s always ready to invite you back to his room??
- So when you pressing up against him he’s actively trying not to get hard
- The type to be super touchy like “fixing” your uniform saying you buttoned it wrong(you didn’t)
- LOVES when you hug him really tight bc he can feel the curves of your body pressing into him and now he’s imagining you doing the same thing naked
- I’m telling you this man is worse than asmo
- If you’re in his office and lean in to help him with paperwork his eyes are starring holes into your chest
- He wants nothing more than to hold them in his hands and squeeze
- If you tease him about it he will definitely use that as an excuse to do it
- “Hm? Getting shy now after teasing me so much?”
- Like he WILL have you sit in his lap at his desk as he fondles your chest to his hearts content
- As a demon he’s naturally insatiable so he isn’t above pulling you out of class to indulge in his urges
- Leaves bite marks all over your chest
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- absolutely cannot hide how much he likes them
- He’s glad he’s taller than you so he can just look down at you and get a perfect view
- When you hug him it takes every cell in his body not to rip your shirt open
- Wants to shove his face in em and suffocate
- Loves when you ride him because then he can have them directly in his face
- Whole ass has spent full classes just daydreaming about them
- Probably hides your bras so you don’t wear them
- If you have nipple piercings or want some he offers to pick the jewelry
- Fighting for his life not to squeeze em
- Will fake having a headache to lay on your lap to stare up at them
- Leaves bite marks on em too
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- hentai watcher loves huge boobs
- Fighting worse than mammon
- Bc he will watch you walk down the stairs with no shame and then get flustered about it
- If you cuddle with him in his bath tub he can’t help but get handsy
- Wants to hold you up with his tail and watch them bounce in his face when he fucks you
- Like he will koala hold you and have his face in your chest as he fucks into you nice n deep
- Completely immobilized
- Might even consider coming to class just to watch you in your uniform all day
- Glitches when you hug him like literally his brain factory resets and he’s going through 7 emotions at once
- Your like awww you cute being shy but he’s freaking out bc he wants to do filthy unspeakable things to you
- Like In his head he’s like “oh my god??? Why tf do I want to paint their face it’s just a hug???”
- Banned you from his room for a while and didn’t say why but he’s damn near in heat the way he’s fucking his fist for hours thinking about you
- Will pretend to be normal but asmo can SEE the gears turning in his head
- “Levi is so cute how he gets flustered holding my hand!”
- “Yeah because he wants his hands around your throat,dear”
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- yeah he’s literally just a cat
- Lays on them and paws at them
- Will go shopping with you and compliment them in any tight shirt
- Might even offer to wash your uniform JUST to shrink it a few sizes so it’s even tighter on you
- He’s shameless just like the eldest but he has that flirtatious charm that’s not TOO overbearing like Lucifer
- Cat lingerie
- Puts you in a mating press just to see them squish together
- “Mind warming my hands?”
- Will shove his cold as ice hands in your shirt under the guise of “you’re a warm human I’m cold blooded🥺”
- You know how you squeeze your chest for comfort or just play with them sometimes for no reason? He does that for you
- And it’s all cool and normal until he starts pinching your nipples and kissing your neck🙄
- Like it was normal and now you can feel him grinding against your backside
- “Mmm I can feel your heart starting to race kitten”
- Will brush his fangs up against your neck also
- Wants to keep toying with your body until you start begging
- “Maybe if you ask nicely I’ll fill you up Hm?”
- He’s a sadist at heart so he can’t make it too easy for you
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- Hear me out but it starts out normal
- He’s gunna make comments but he’s more enthralled with how they would look in various outfits
- So you and him are shopping 24/7
- You tired from trying on multiple outfits and bras
- He’s picking up more clothes from the rack so you press against his back and hug him from behind tiredly asking if you can stop your exhausted
- And that’s when he’s like…. I actually want to squeeze them
- Stutters a bit as he comes to this realization
- Smiles a sweet saccharine smile and tells you that you guys can leave and he will make you feel better after overexerting your body
- Looking down at you out the corner of his eye and watching them move as you walk
- Watching how they move when you breathe
- Fr like a scorpion about to strike
- And you’re none the wiser
- Pulling out all his nipple clamps and vibrating ones
- Before he was looking at them from a aesthetic standpoint but now all he can think about is them wrapped around his cock and finishing on your face
- “Open wide dear~”
- Will even pull out to cover them in cum so you might have to beg if you want him to finish anywhere else
- Body worship KING
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- whew
- Didn’t notice until you go to work out with him and then he’s like they look really soft
- Good enough to eat
- Might bite down a little too hard when marking you because he wants to really see the marks
- Sucking them like his life depends on it
- Breeding kink activated bc if he knocks you up they’ll get even bigger
- You just KNOW when he looks at you w those eyes and says he’s hungry what he wants
- Better find a quiet corner and unbutton your shirt
- Will stick to you like glue in gym class good lord
- Offers to pick you up a lot
- Fav position is when he’s on his knees for you and looks up to see you breathing heavily
- Will massage them bc his hands are huge
- Buuuuut like Satan he will get “distracted”
- Loves reverse cowgirl but is impatient and will sit up to hold them from behind and fuck up into you
- “Mc you taste so good”
- Hickeys will be there for weeks
- Will literally tire your ass out QUICK
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- a clown
- Circus king actually
- He’s been peeped how big your chest is and he’s not shy about it
- He’s literally as shameless as asmo it’s crazy😭
- Will lay on you claiming their the perfect pillows but will also feel you up and just act like it’s not a big deal
- “Mmm your really soft mc”
- Whole body a stress ball😐
- Does this in full view of the others and won’t care in the slightest
- Hard to talk to beel about homework when he’s sliding his hands under your shirt and groping you
- You end up in an attic club sandwich often bc of this😔✊🏿
- Will join in the convo and probably take it over like he’s NOT pinching your nipples in a regular conversation
- Going to sleep is his escape card
- Don’t believe him none of the shit he says are exhaustion induced he means that shit fr
- Will stare at you w half lidded eyes and mumble something about how your tits look like they’d be perfect to shove his cock in between
- “Wandering hands as he sleeps” ass mf
- Man sloth and sleepiness is his DOMAIN please don’t let any of the lies about how he’s just sleepy he can’t help it fool you!!
- He will literally enter your dreams and leave hickeys all over them
- Will give you the most raunchy vivid sex dreams ever until you come to him begging for him to touch you
- You wake up actually feeling his touch and he will lazily smile at you from across the table at breakfast as you fidget under his gaze
- Loose hold as he latches onto you but his hands brushing up against your chest is no mistake
- Will straight up say he wants to suck your tits if you ask him what’s w his behavior
- Has the same energy as satan but where he’s smooth and charming belphie is blunt and honest about his desires
- No flowery words or poetic phrases
- He will look you in the eyes w the most bored expression and tell you how he wants to cover you in his cum
- Probably barely looks up at you phone as he says it too😭
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leastdatablebracket · 10 months
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Propaganda under the cut!
Stole treasure form some giant bull people and runs off leaving her friends to be punished for it in her place.
Shuu Iwamine
This damn partridge kills you CONSTANTLY, regardless if you romance him or not. One of them is literally at the START of the school year, he beheads you then uses your head to pilot this grotesque horror movie android thing! Completely unprompted, you can just die immediately! Horrible school doctor material, even worse boyfriend material, but alas, he's my favorite character.
[hatobf spoilers and also gore / violence kind of ?] he literally kills the mc in both of his endings, and in the true route he uses her best friend to kill her . and chops her body up and puts them in boxes to his student . and he puts her brain in a strange scarecrow machine . its insane hes so undateable man <//3
Decapitates protagonist and puts her head in a jar. Kills multiple other characters. Just generally an unpleasant person . My favorite character btw
He hates your species, sees you more as a science experiment than a romantic partner, and also kills you in his ending. Plus he has just, the worst attitude about the whole thing.
Bad End with him the government takes you out. "Good" end with him he cuts off your head, sticks it in a jar, and talks to it while on the run from the government. (Spoilers for hatoful BBL) True End of the whole game that ties up all the characters' stories, he kills you again but this time sends your head to your childhood best friend and takes your brain out to make basically robo-frankenstein. Was also an adult when the MC was a young child, and is the school nurse at MC's high-school. He's also a partridge. 
Literal birderer (bird murderer)
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nateslehky · 7 months
⭐ cribbage fic? either part I love them both
below a cut cause it got a lil long :) fic for reference
come into my ask box and ask for the “director’s commentary” on a particular story, section of a story, or set of lines. 
Or, send in a ⭐star⭐  to have me select a section they’ve been dying to talk about!
so one thing i struggled most with in this fic is the conflict that happens near the end where nate is jealous and a bit a dick about it. because my overall goal for this fic was for it to be lighthearted and silly (it's about cribbage lmfao), but i also wanted the emotions/actions to feel real and authentic, and part of that is nate being an asshole. so this scene, in particular from nate's pov , was interesting to write just because i needed to find that balance of lighthearted-but-still-real-and-believable-emotions-and-actions.
There’s a stirring in Nate’s gut as he sits across from Cale at the restaurant, both of them donning nice clothes while the flickering candles cast the table in a warm glow. [this is the first time in a bit nate and cale have interacted outside of the rink, and nate's struggling with that especially cause cale is ohhhh so cute] Nate can’t help but wonder if this is the outfit Cale would actually wear on a date to a restaurant like this instead of just a team dinner—or Teamsgiving, as Gabe insists on calling it. 
He’s in snug dress pants that hug his ass and a soft, cozy cashmere sweater. [there's a lot more detail in this scene from nate's pov vs cale's, and part of that is because i wrote cale's first so i already had something to work with/fill in, but also cale as a narrator is pretty oblivious to what's going on, like that's kinda the whole vibe of the fic. oblivious and in love.] He looks very datable. [i deliberately included this in nate's pov because in cale's pov of this scene, when nate call's him out he thinks 'Especially coming from Nate. Who clearly thinks Cale is undateable on principle.' it's a direct parralell and another indication that these two are sooooooo stupid at telling how the other feels lol]
So much so, that if Nate were to ignore the rest of the team, he could almost pretend he and Cale were on an actual date. That is, if they were actually talking right now. Which they aren’t, not really. [and whose fault is that, nathan?]
Nate’s chest aches. [oh right, yours]
Beside Nate, EJ is ranting about the complexities of whatever absurdly expensive wine he ordered, but it’s going in one ear and out the other. [more about ej later, but i liked adding him into this scene a lot lol]
Nate does try to listen, but he’s too distracted by Cale and the way he is somehow completely oblivious to the fact that the waitress is definitely flirting with him. She laughs at his polite comments, her hand lingering on his arm as she flicks her hair behind her ear. It’s obvious to everyone at the table, except apparently to Cale. [obviously from cale's pov we get that he's oblivious to this. to him, she's just being polite and doing her job, and he is being polite in return. it mirrors the fact that cale is also completely oblivious to nate's feelings towards him, which of course is something nate doesn't even consider in this moment (or ever)]
Nate’s trying—and failing—to ignore it. 
“She’s cute, Cale,” says Mikko after the waitress leaves. “If you ask her out, I think she’d be into it.”
Nate stills, gripping the stem of his wine glass harder than he should. Mikko is correct, she definitely would, but that doesn’t mean he has to say that. He slams back a gulp of his wine, ignoring EJ’s instructions on the proper way to taste the intricacies of its flavor.
Cale flushes, embarrassed, color rising high on his cheeks and low down his neck, below the collar of his sweater. [nate thinks cale is blushing because he likes the girl or thinks she's pretty etc etc.... cue ensuing jealousy]
Nate frowns, the wine tasting bitter on his tongue, matching his attitude.
“Cale doesn’t date,” he says before Cale can answer. [from cale's pov, this is the first time we're even made aware of nate in this scene. cale's entirely oblivious to both the waitress and nate and meanwhile it's all nate can think about lol]
Across from him, Cale takes a sip of his wine, then says, “I date.”
Something suffocates Nate’s chest then, his heart squeezing tight. [Even as Nate does this it makes him feel like shit and he's aware of that, but does it anyway cause he's stupid (both in general and about Cale)]
“No, you don’t,” says Nate firmly. 
He isn’t sure where this is coming from, this necessity to make it clear that Cale isn’t dating anyone. The urge to press him, goad him into admitting something Nate knows is correct. [nate is incredibly desperate to be correct in this situation and we all know why lol. his actions stem from a fear that he isn't correct and this guy he's been crushing on is actually in love with someone else.]
“Yes, I do,” says Cale immediately, voice firm.
Who the fuck is he taking on dates? He has never once mentioned a girl to Nate or to anyone else, not in the locker room, not during team outings, not anywhere. That is something Nate would definitely remember. [in both povs of this fic, there's moments/line like this that make the reader aware that both these guys are fucking idiots and they're obviously hanging out a lot even though both of them act like they aren't. Nate knows Cale, both as a teammate and as a friend, and besides the obvious jealousy, there's also a sense of hurt because if cale were dating he would've expected cale to have told him, as a friend, because they're friends.]
“All you do is talk about your stupid board game and the books you read and the shit you get from grocery stores.” [again, this line is another indication that they actually talk quite a bit. and nate pays attention to what cale says. and even though he's an asshole about it in this moment, he actually very much enjoys and finds their conversations interesting]
The screech of Cale’s chair as he pushes away from the table causes Nate to flinch, but he sits still, acutely aware that everyone else has fallen silent. EJ glances between Cale and Nate, his wine glass in his hand, looking bewildered. [i adore EJ in this scene and had a lot of fun writing him in. in cale's pov he isn't mentioned at all except for when cale hear's him say "the hell was that" (and doesn't even know it's ej saying it), but adding him into Nate's pov was a lot of fun and i think it helped break-up the asshole-y behavior from nate's internal monologue in a fun way and kept it more light hearted]
Cale grips the edge of the table, his knuckles turning white. “I go on plenty of dates, Nate,” he says, his voice shaking slightly. “Just because I don’t talk about them doesn’t mean they don’t happen.” [this is obviously, as we know from cale's pov, a lie. and nate, deep down, knows it is, but there's also a part of him that wonders and latches onto the belief that it isn't]
Momentarily, Nate deflates, feeling as though he kicked a puppy. He hates the look in Cale’s eyes and he hates that he’s the one that caused it, but the whole team is watching them now, and he refuses to back down. [nathan is nothing if not stubborn] He crosses his arms and smirks, but there’s something coiling in his gut, causing him to shift uncomfortably. [even, and often especially, to his own detriment]
Cale storms away, and Nate swallows before delicately grabbing his wine and taking a sip. [he's trying to play it cool. like it's no big deal that cale's dating and that he wasn't just a bit of a dick]
“The hell was that?” asks EJ, breaking the silence that has fallen over the table. [ej's statement, of course, calls out both of these things haha]
that's where cale's pov of this scene ends, but i enjoyed writing this next bit because as a whole, i think the team is both used to and also doesn't put up with nate's shit. so him acting like this, while weird, is not entirely surprising, even if most of them don't know the context
“Yes, Nate,” says Gabe coldly. “What the hell was that?” [gabe obviously does know the context]
Nate shrugs, looking around at the guys, but no one really meets his eyes. 
“I’m right. You all know I’m right.” Please tell me I’m right. “Cale doesn’t date.” [this calls back to the beginning of the scene and reminds the reader that nate's doing this out of almost desperation because he's scared the boy he likes not only doesn't like him back, but likes someone else instead]
ok ok i'll call this quits here, but this was so much fun! thank you for sending <3
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akishojou · 2 years
The Delinquent, And Princess
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As long as you could remember you always been your brothers little princess they spoil you with gifts, and affection as years pass by they began to get more protective, doting, and over baring fed up with this you decided to get back at them by doing the one thing that you know they'd hate.
Pt. 1
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'Oh my god, there she is.'
'I heard that the guy she dated only lasted for a hours, until he finally ditched her'
'Really, I heard that the guy didn't even showed up'
You could hear the other students talk honestly, they aren't all true well, maybe the third one about your date ditching, but that was all because of your brothers over protective natures it wasn't a secret that you had been spoiled by them, the moment you were born.
Whatever toys, and candies you wanted as young girl they brought for you they had gotten you only little girl would dream designer clothes, least bags, your own doll house, expensive sweets, and anything your little heart desired.
But, as you older the more doting, and protective they became your brothers just knew sooner, or later you'd be at that age where you wanted to start dating, and you are.
Though no guy had ever dated you, and left your house not feeling scared thanks to your brothers Ran while is more affectionate then Rindou, is the most protective considering that his the eldest.
Rindou, on the other hand likes to shower you with gifts and expensive dresses he absolutely loves mothering, and doting on you would have the chefs cook you your favorite meals when your sick, or sad about another failed date.
Yes, you do care for your brothers, but that never meant you haven't crossed the thought of disobeying them for once you wanted to experience, you of feeling happy with a significant other maybe, even someday if your brothers allowed it build a future with them.
'Why does she even keep on trying to date?'
'Yeah, it's obvious no one is gonna be with her'
'Unless, their blind'
Another thing you hated of what your brothers are doing to you thanks to them you are defined as 'undateable', by your own class, and school mates leaving you completely alone.
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The lunch bell rings out through the school, and you opened your bag taking out the bento the maid had made for you, then got up you went to the canteen, and seated yourself at an empty chair then began eating your lunch.
"Excuse me." A voice came, and you look up to see a blond male about your age his eye is covered in a bandage, his cute, and the bandages actually makes him look badass.
"Uhm, h-hi." You said, then gave an awkward wave.
"Can I sit here? There's no other chairs available," He told you, and you smiled at him.
"No, go on ahead." You said, then you two had a conversation while having lunch together you later found out his name is 'Chifuyu Matsuno', and he just got here out of a scholarship.
Which seems surprising, the guy doesn't look like a scholarship student instead he looks like more like a delinquent something, that your brothers had always warned you not to date.
Then an idea went to your head, Chifuyu looks like delinquent and your brothers hated that type of people with a burning passion you turned back to Chifuyu, who is already half done with his lunch.
"Hey, Chifuyu." You began, and he turned back to you.
"Yes, (name)?" He asked.
"How would you feel like hanging with me after school?" You asked, and he shrugged his shoulders.
"I don't really mind if I'm being honest, (name), I like hanging out with you." He told you, and that made you smile if he wasn't part of your plan to get back at your brothers, you would have done everything to date this guy.
"That's great! Meet me at the school gate after school?" You asked, and he nodded his head you finished your lunch after that Chifuyu had walked you back to your class room.
"Thanks again for walking me back, Chifuyu." You told him, then you took out your cellphone from your pocket.
"Do you wanna exchange numbers?" You asked, and he smiled then nodded his head he handed you his cellphone, while you gave yours to his once done you handed back his phone, and yours to you.
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"(name)." Chifuyu called from the gate, and you wave your hand at him then ran up the entrance just then the limo that your older brother also sent your way came, and stopped in front of you the driver got out then opened the door for you Chifuyu had a surprise look on his face, you turned to him.
"Come on, let's go." You said, then slipped into the vehicle Chifuyu following behind the ride to your house was oddly silent once you got there, Chifuyu had his mouth wide open.
"Yeah, sorry I'm not to flaunt around money." You told him, then grab his hand pulling him inside.
"Come on we can hang out in my room." You said, and walk up the living area leading to the stairs.
"(name), back so soon?" You hear Ran, and you turned to see standing with Rindou you nodded your head.
"This is Chifuyu, by the way his just here to hang out with me." You told them Ran scanned the blond up, then down you dragged Chifuyu up the stairs to your room, and closed the door behind you two, then locked it you turned to the male.
"Anyway, Chifuyu, I need your help." You began, while Chifuyu had a look of confusion.
"I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend so, I can get back my brothers for always scaring off my dates." You plead, and Chifuyu nodded.
"Of course I'll help you, (name)." He told you, and you squealed then jumped towards you.
"Yes, yes, oh, thank you sooo much, Chifuyu." You said, meanwhile outside the room Ran, and Rindou lean their ear on the door listening on their conversation they couldn't hear that much aside you seemingly endless 'yes', and squeals, they just hope they aren't doing what they thought they are doing.
"Rindou." Ran said.
"I know." He told him.
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avorbl · 27 days
Avor's Watchlist
May has begun and this year all weeks but one are short work weeks so expect to see me catching up on alot of series I missed while I was obsessed with other things.
Currently Airing
23.5 _10/12 I should have dropped this because it never really caught me and the framing of the Aylin incident made me skip through the last episode
25 Ji, Akasaka de _4/10 Love the colours, the pining, the Japanese Blness of it
Be Your Star _6/20 THere are apparently 20 episodes to rgis and I dont no what it wants to tell me
Beauty and Mr. Romantic _6/50 I like the general vibe chaebol intrigue a hidden child? child exploitation but the start of episode 7 is a hurdle
Boys Be Brave! _6/8 each set of episodes gets better and I really want these boys to work it out
Ghost Yankee _3/8 Fun ghost drama about the things worth living for
Kare no Iru Seikatsu _5/8 Love me a slice of life romance
Kimi to Yukite Saku: Shinsengumi Seishunroku _3/8 The theatrics got me. this shippable group of men is more likely to open a gay bar than start a rebellion
Only Boo! _6/12 Cute Fluff pretending to be more
We Are _6/16 THe dark/light brigade of friendship and couples
What I am catching up on
Celebrity Danshi wa Te ni Oemasen _3/10
Gym Affairs _8/24
Never Twice _6/72
Oh No! Here Comes Trouble _9/12
Star and Sky: Sky in Your Heart _7/8
Sweet Stranger and Me _7/16
The Love You Give Me _17/28
Unstoppable High Kick _15/167
Still on my watch List
Fermat no Ryori _3/10
Fight for My Way _0/16
Given _1/6
I Feel You Linger in the Air _1/12
Kore wa Keihi de Ochimasen! _2/10
My Lovely Liar _5/16
One Spring Night _2/32
Qing Qing Zi Jin _20/40
Sell Your Haunted House _3/16
She and Her Perfect Husband _18/40
The Great Shaman Ga Doo Shim _2/12
The Uncanny Counter _3/16
The Undateables _1/32
Finished in the last two weeks
1000 Years Old 01.05.24 8,5/10 True to its free flowing style a lot was left in the air but it was fun to follow along
Seven Days: Monday - Thursday 03.05.24 8,5/10 Ice and Fire
Unknown 04.05.24 9,5/10 All the things happening in Episode 12 were necessary to wrap and resolve this plot. I just wish they would have given themselves more time for that. There were a lot of interesting points I wish they dwelled on longer. Maybe by cutting the health and the return of Le to the gang
Seven Days: Friday - Sunday 04.05.24 9/10 An improvement on the first one. It really needed them to completely misunderstand each other.
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha 05.05.24 8,5/10 Why did they have to pack one episode with all this heavy stuff?! 15. 05.05.24 Overall this was very good and enjoyed it, but some story lines where oddly timed
Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!: The Movie 05.05.24 9/10
Tsuge & Minato 05.05.24 8/10
Love Is Like a Cat 06.05.24 5/10 Romance stayed away from this Dog Cafe just like any sensible cat would.
A Shop for Killers 09.05.24 8,5/10 I dont know how I feel about the ending
To the X Who Hated Me 09.05.24 7/10 Worringly close to life
Silent 10.05.24 9/10 The music and audio design is compelling. I do love the Minato character he thought through and consistent. 5. 01.05.24 It's so heartbreaking. There is this whole cast of people I want to be happy and the series has a lot of work to do to achieve that. Why belabour the point that Nana is only teaching people sign language out of romantic interest and as a persobal gift. In a show about hearing and deaf getting together this exclusionary attitude feels weird as the representative attitude of the life long deaf character. 8. 09.05.24
Memory in the Letter 11.05.24 5,5/10 Predictable progression so far. But in what world is Kyo 45-47 5. 04.05.24 Making handwaving gestures at solving the issues while trying to obfuscate them with the casting choice really leaves me with a bad taste
Zettai BL ni Naru Sekai VS Zettai BL ni Naritakunai Otoko 11.05.24 8,5/10
You Are Mine Special 11.05.24 8/10
Zettai BL ni Naru Sekai VS Zettai BL ni Naritakunai Otoko 2 11.05.24 9/10 Someone in the production for this series of drama specials has a thing for uneven teeth 1. 11.05.24 It works better as a second season
Blue Boys 12.05.24 7,5/10 two people navigating their homosexual awakening with the internalised homophobia 2. 25.04.24 This works as an ending even though i am hoping for an happy ending 4. 12.05.24
Lonely Girls 13.05.24 7,5/10
Bad Buddy 13.05.24 9/10 Slowly peeling away all the layers for this reveal 1+ 5. 07.05.24 There are some wobbly bits and some high points overall very good
Dropped in the last two weeks
My Stand-In 10.05.24 /10 Extended flashback, my beloathed 3. 10.05.24
0 notes
whatifbutnot · 4 months
Undated diary entry, Villa Diotari, Switzerland
I am at my last, I can do no more. We must leave, weather or not. My only hope is that there remains a sanatorium in Europe which news of us has not reached, that we might be taken in. Not only are my nerves most hotly strained, but the infamy of this place has grown to a degree which must surely end any hopes of returning to polite society. We will be forever pariahs, the subject of knowing looks and outrageous gossip. I truly believe we will never be able to return to our lives. Once the immediate scandal has died down, we must assume new identities in a place where we will not be discovered by our old acquaintances, maybe Patagonia, or the Dutch trading colonies.
The final extremity was the appearance of Augusta Mary, Byron's older half-sister. I had known her, lightly, during my earlier acquaintance with Byron, and recall finding her somewhat over-awing in her worldliness. It seems she had a corresponding sense of me, as something of an ingénue. While time has changed my feelings - if nothing else Byron's correspondence has rendered me knowledgable in the ways of the world - it appears she still sees me in the manner of a nut to be cracked from its husk and gravely masticated.
It started with her very greeting, which was much more physical than the moment called for. She took the opportunity to whisper a remembrance into my ear which was not in any way appropriate for one of my now married status. There followed a series of implications which betrayed her lineage, being the sort of suggestions that only a Byron would make. I warm even thinking of them. Thank God that Sophia truly is an ingénue, in her condition she could ill bear the anger that full understanding would have granted her.
No word would discourage her. If anything, resistance made her more outrageous in her behaviour, progressing from mere speech to physicality, the caressing of a hand, the touching of a knee. And then, during dinner, the placement of her stockinged foot in a place where only a wife's foot should be placed.
This cannot go on. Though I know I am strong enough to resist her brave physicality with its threat of robust and degenerate carnality, I fear that her determined assault may give me no choice in the matter. Even as I sit here writing this, Augusta Maria may be slowly removing her stockings, the concentration needed necessary leading her to bite her lower lip, in preparation of a further assault on my dignity. Even thinking about this makes my manhood warm with anger. No, no, I cannot place myself in a position where I might be unable to resist, perhaps tied down, being disciplined for my resistance, maybe being roughly penetrated in a way that only a wife should roughly penetrate a man. One's dignity and reputation could not bear it.
Tomorrow we will leave. Tonight, when Sophia has taken the draught I have made her and is securely asleep, I shall go to Augusta Maria to tell her of my escape and the failure of her plans.
I fear my masterpiece will not be completed. I shall leave it here with the memories of this place. On balance, I do not think I shall be too sorry to end the enterprise, I do not think the world is yet ready for the sort of work I was creating. It is too adventurous, pushes too many boundaries. I will leave Theodoric where he stands, having killed the villain but turning to find the body it not where he had slain it.
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leviathism · 2 years
hello !! could you please do a most to least likely to get piercings hc with the undatables and side characters (like the other piercing hc u did) ? (dia, meph, 13, etc) also if ur comfortable with it then Luke too (platonically ofc) !! I hope ur having a great day and feel free to ignore this if u don't wanna do it <<3
most to least likely to get piercings (dateables version) gender neutral reader
Thirteen is already decked out in piercings. Her ears? Beautiful piercings everywhere. She has a tongue piercing, lip piercings, nose piercing, and an eyebrow piercing. You look lame with your piercings compared to her.
But don’t worry! Thirteen slaps your shoulder, leaving it sore with the unnecessary force she uses. She has lots and lots of experiences with needles. Leave it all to her, she’ll help you out. (At least you will die in the hands of a pretty woman.)
Solomon is very open to the idea. He’ll let you bounce ideas off him, whether it’s for you or him. He ends up getting a lot of what you talk about but doesn’t tell you, preferring to see your shocked expression the next time he sees you in person.
Diavolo wants to, he definitely wants to, but it’s very hard to escape to go get some when he’s under Barbatos’ watchful eye.
So, it’s not your fault you weren’t expecting him to somehow break out of the castle and into the House of Lamentation. It certainly wasn’t your fault that he scared you to death by sneaking into your room and begging you to be with him while he goes to his appointment.
Simeon is kind of on the fence about it. Sure, he thinks he’d probably look pretty with them but he’s fearful of him potentially getting tired of them after having them for a while.
So he ends up getting simple ear piercings. And then a month later he goes back for more. And then two months later he goes back again.
Barbatos doesn’t want them. Or at least, he’s never actively wanted them. If you somehow convince him, he ends up with small ear piercings that are hidden by his hair. Even if they’re hidden that way, he still takes them out while he’s working.
Mephistopheles doesn’t want them. Just because he likes them on you doesn’t mean he’d like them on his face. But when he goes to watch you get your ears pierced, he suddenly right then and there asks to get one. He will never tell you why though.
Raphael somehow senses you’ve come to see him about getting pierced because Simeon tells you he’s all the way back up in the Celestial Realm.
If you do end up wrangling him and convincing him to go with you next time, you will be holding his hand, whether it’s you or him getting it. He’ll grip your hand so hard you won’t be able to use it for a week.
Luke thinks you’re crazy. He thinks you’ve completely lost it. You pierced your skin with a needle to decorate it?! If you ever ask him if he’d ever like to get some, he’ll completely shun you, saying how dangerous it is to stick sharp things where you shouldn’t. A ring is meant to be on your finger, not your nose!
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Can u make mc is the actual owner of Cerberus when he was a pup but villagers killed him because they thought that he was a monster and what how would the brothers and the undateable react to that when mc started to cry when she saw Cerberus headcanons
Oh Beans! I totally spaced when reading this and only have the brothers.
I'll post what I have here right now, but this will also be on AO3, so if you keep checking/subscribe there, you'll get a notification when I've added the undateables! It might not be for a while though, since I'm about to start school again ^-^;;
Who's a Good Boy?
The Guard Dog of the House of Hades. A vicious, three-headed hellhound that only the fallen Morningstar himself could command. Unfathomably massive. Devourer of demons, angels, and humans alike. Notoriously difficult to groom.
That is Cerberus, Lucifer’s extremely volatile pet named after a figure from Greek mythology for reasons no one truly understands. The creature has struck fear into the hearts of its housemates, and the Devildom at large, for what feels like ages.
So when MC cries upon seeing the wolf-dog for the first time, none of the brothers are especially surprised. How could a human cross such a monster’s path and live, after all?
Except those who weep in fear usually don’t then barrel full-tilt into one of the monster’s furry legs, babbling incoherently about how they thought they’d never see him again.
One of Cerberus’ heads leans down to the human, and the brothers panic, fearing the worst. It opens its mouth, revealing razor sharp fangs—
And licks MC’s entire body in a saliva-filled canine kiss. Now covered in tears and drool, MC laughs as they shake themself off, teasing the hellhound by saying that they already showered today, thank you very much.
“So, did you miss me as much as I missed you?” they ask, giving Cerberus’ central head some under the chin scritches (the only part of its head they can currently reach).
Cerberus boofs loudly, enormous tail waving back and forth at an increasingly hazardous pace.
Lucifer is dealing with a Lot right now. He almost lost the exchange student to his own dog, except apparently Cerberus used to belong to MC?! How?!
He orders Cerberus to back away from the human, part of him still convinced that this is somehow a combination of MC being mistaken and Cerberus playing with its food, but the hellhound actually growls at him and picks MC up by the back of their shirt, tossing them onto its back.
MC, in response, finds new places to scritch.
He stares at the scene for a few minutes, unable to process what his life has become.
Later, once Cerberus finally agrees to let MC leave, they explain to him that Cerberus used to be a puppy in the human world.
Obviously, he was immediately noted as strange due to his three heads, and the people of MC’s village believed him to be an omen of death. MC themself didn’t care, and just saw “lil’ Cerb” as a puppy like any other, albeit an exceptionally drooly one.
He used to be more or less normal dog-sized, but it quickly became obvious that Cerberus was growing fast, and would be much larger than even a wolf by the time he was done. He also became harder and harder to hide.
Unfortunately, one night they awoke to poor Cerberus being chased out into the night by a mob, never to return.
They assumed the worst, mourned, and got on with their life as best as they could. But seeing Cerberus— they knew it was the same dog as soon as they saw him — brought all those emotions right back to the surface.
It’s not hard to adapt to these strange circumstances. Lucifer is actually quite relieved to have someone who is both willing and able to safely help him in caring for Cerberus, and both MC and the hellhound delight in each other’s company.
Lucifer also won’t deny the pride he feels upon seeing MC, the one he loves, getting along so well with his son dog.
The P A N I C of seeing MC within bite-chomp-murder-kill distance of Cerberus nearly killed Mammon.
What the hell is he supposed to do against that furball?! MC’s dead meat, a chew toy, he can’t save them again—
Torn between passing out from fear and yelling about how brave and cool HIS human is!
So he kinda just… stands there, slack-jawed, as MC finds a spot on the creature that makes it thump its leg so hard the ground shakes.
Already he’s cooking up ways to use MC’s Cerberus-taming powers to get into all kinds of Shenanigans
Except he quickly learns that while Cerb is much more gentle with MC, it won’t let them distract it from its duties.
Has this resulted in MC semi-unwillingly riding Cerberus as it chases a terrified Mammon throughout the Devildom? Possibly~
Though when MC explains to Mammon how Cerberus used to be their dog, and what had happened to him… He can’t help but feel a touch more sympathetic to the hellhound.
Only a little bit though. It still does try and tear him apart whenever he gets too close, after all.
Levi’s fear metamorphoses into awe much faster than the others’. MC LOOKS SO COOL!! Riding the mighty Cerberus like a steed!
He desperately wishes he had the art skills to capture this iconic moment forever. But alas, a camera will have to do.
It’s a pretty good picture, the comparatively small human sitting on Cerberus’ back like something straight out of a fantasy novel. Levi even has a shot of them accidentally scritching a spot that makes Cerberus breathe fire (like a furry dragon!)
100% gets super emotional when MC tells him how they originally had— and lost— Cerberus as a puppy. It reminds him of his precious Henry 1.0 in some ways…
Begs MC to let him post the photos he took, along with their story as the caption. It’s just too good! It’s exactly like that arc in My Adventurer Boyfriend Keeps Adopting the Monsters He Beats in Combat and Now We’re Running Out of Space to Keep Them!
Like Mammon, Levi also quickly learns that just because he unlocked Cerberus’ tragic backstory, doesn’t mean that the hellhound will treat him any differently.
But sometimes, after a long “walk” with MC, the massive creature will be mostly asleep. And then, his hand shaking, MC will guide Levi to pet Cerberus’ flank. Its tail swishes softly, Levi’s own swaying in response.
He shakes his head and laughs, torn between relief, awe, shock, and lingering horror for MC’s safety. Of course they can tame even the ferocious Cerberus…
Guess all sorts of angry monsters like MC, huh?
He definitely wants to hear the story of MC owning Cerberus in the past, but first he’s going to drink in the absolutely dumbfounded expression on Lucifer’s face.
Toooootally doesn’t cry upon hearing MC’s story with Cerberus. No way, he’s still a cat person, he swears!
...No one is allowed to comment on Satan’s various burn injuries that occur over the next few weeks.
Not if they don’t want to be left with worse.
OH SHIT!! Also, ewwwww
Once the fear for MC’s safety subsides, Asmo can appreciate the cuteness and hilarity that is MC with Cerberus. Truly no one is immune to their charms it seems, and their affections know no bounds.
...Is it that same quality that allows MC to continue to care for him and his brothers despite their past actions?
Asmo claims that the smoke from Cerberus’ fire breath is getting into his eyes, prompting him to leave. He has a good long stare-at-a-wall crisis for a bit.
Learning MC and Cerberus’ story only makes him mushier. Their tragedy got a happy ending after all!
As much as he loves MC’s charms, he still insists that they de-drool themself before touching him or any of his things. It stinks like brimstone!
Now if they need any help getting clean… That he can oblige~
As one of the physically stronger brothers, when Lucifer’s not available it’s Beel’s job to groom Cerberus. He knows how dangerous that mutt is.
But apparently not for MC “Knows No Fear” over there!
As Cerberus continues to remain docile in MC’s presence, Beel starts to appreciate the cuteness of a human and their giant hellhound.
Unabashedly mushy upon hearing MC’s story about Cerberus. The themes of losing a loved one, only to find them much later in a new form… it kinda hits a little close to home for him.
(It’s not a perfect analogy: Beel knows MC isn’t Lilith, but having them as part of her legacy is undeniably cathartic. It’s why he doesn’t share these exact feelings with them, since he knows they’re uncomfortable with being compared to her excessively. Still, he can’t help but note the comparison.)
Naturally, he’s also very happy to have a very useful partner for grooming Cerberus. That living nightmare turns into an overgrown puppy whenever MC’s around. It’s much easier, and much safer, to work with this way.
Plus, it means he gets some quality time with MC! And there’s nothing quite like the fond smiles they share with him during these moments.
He has got to be dreaming. No way is this actually happening— nope, Mammon just stepped on his foot, and that hurt, he’s awake.
Does MC not fear death? Is that it? Did that part of their brain just completely shut down when he killed them?!
Unlike the others, he can’t really shut down his panic. Sure, right now Cerberus is acting all cuddly, but that could change on a dime. That dog only listens to Lucifer, and right now all Lucifer is doing is staring gormlessly at it!!!
He nearly loses his hand trying to pull MC away from the creature (which it naturally did Not appreciate).
“Belphie, wait! It’s okay,” MC reassures him even as smoke blows out of Cerberus’ nostrils.
They explain their history with the hellhound, how they rescued it as a puppy and then lost it to the angry and frightened people of their village.
Belphegor can’t help but recall their expression when he told them about his imprisonment, the outrage there mingling with a much older emotion. Is that why they were so quick to help him?
He’s still wary of Cerberus. He refuses to be fooled by any facades the creature may be putting up.
But one day, MC invites him to one of their “playdates”. Cerberus watches him like a hawk, growling when he first approaches, but MC just shushes and soothes the monster until it allows him closer.
And maybe, after a few tense minutes, the pair begin to relax around each other.
And maybe, Lucifer has a picture of MC and Belphegor curled up in Cerberus’ fur as the three take a mid-afternoon nap.
And maybe, Belphegor lets him keep it.
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minteyeddevil · 3 years
do you know that moment when you suddenly remember embarassing things you did? so when my brain did that, i accidentally make some random noises. and it makes me being made fun of. so could you make the demon bros+undateables reacts to FM!MC accidentally make random noises? like- "eep" "wtf" "oh sorry i just remember stupid things i did haha" "???" sorry if this is too much for you, and thank youu!
(Yo I do this a lot too lmao xD so I feel you anon, though lemme fight the people who make fun of you >:()
The first time he heard MC make a random noise out of no where, he stopped and almost did a double take
She went 'ah fuck' once, stopped, turned on her heel for a moment, as if doing a weird 'robot' dance, went 'ah fuck!' a tad louder and ran the opposite direction of where Lucifer was standing
It didn't quite sound like proper words, though he made out what she was saying; it was more a mumble under her breath and to no one in particular except herself
He made an attempt to follow her to see what was wrong, and found her digging in her school bag in the main hall; he asked her what exactly she was doing
"Forgot to grab my charger for my phone, phone was dying, ha," she answered, making him raise an eyebrow at her earlier antics
Humans really were a peculiar species
He and MC were hanging together in the common area, he sitting on the floor while she was laying flat on the couch
They were both playing games on their D.D.D.s, when MC let out a loud "SCREEEE" sound, making him jump in his spot
"Wha!? What happened!?" Mammon hollered back, looking up at MC, confused by her strange noise
"Finally beat that stupid level! Here, look!" She held up her phone triumphantly, showing him the 'Win!' screen
He blinked a few times at the screen, than looked back at her for a second, "Uh, cool, congrats! Though, did ya need to sound like a dyin' animal just now?"
If anyone understands making random ass noises all the time, it's going to be him
He and MC basically make up their own language of strange noises that they make at each other, especially when around his brothers
She'll go 'lel' and he'll go 'lawl' and just bust out laughing when his brothers just look at them like they are crazy
They especially will 'whoop' and holler with each other when playing games together, because how could gamers not communicate through weird sounds they make
They even text each other the sounds, and when doing so in the group chats just makes the chat explode with his brothers losing their minds lol
MC walked up to Satan once, leaned over him while he was sitting and reading his book, and closed her mouth on his shoulder
She made a loud "NOM" noise when doing so, making him close his book and look directly at her
"Must you always make such strange noises when coming near me?" he asked, sighing when she simply answered with another 'nom' noise, and bit his shoulder again
She also enjoys walking up behind him and going "Nya~", making him freeze and turn on her like she just smacked him on the backside
She drives this poor demon crazy with her cat and 'nom' noises lol
He was caught off guard by MC making the loudest "Squee!" noise when they were out shopping together
She ran up to a particular plush set outside of a shop they were walking by, and wrapped it in a bear hug
She continued to coo and squeal at it, pressing it's nose to hers and being down right adorable he felt he would melt right in his spot
"Would you like me to buy that for you, my dear?" he offered, eliciting another high squeak from her
He finds her little noise to be complete adorable and does whatever he can to make her make them more for him
When they were sharing lunch together, MC made the randomest "Grrrrrawr!" noise when biting into her burger
Beel almost choked on his at the sound, looking at her both slightly confused but laughing at the sudden noise
"You okay MC? Did you bite yourself or something?" he asks, showing his genuine concern; but she simply laughs and shrugs, admitting she just likes making random noises like that
He tilts his head a bit in thought, than kind of shrugs and gives her a nod, before making a loud growling sound of his own when taking another bite of his burger
She bursts out laughing so hard she almost falls to the floor, his large hand coming up to keep her in her seat
He decided that MC's room was going to be his nap spot for the day, so he waltzes right in, and lays out on her bed, while she does homework at her desk
He however, does not get much sleep, since MC is sitting there, making loud "Wah" noises repeatedly to herself
"Why are you making that sound?" he asks, not really hiding his annoyance in his voice as he pulls his pillow over his head
"Helps me 'wah' concentrate 'wah'," she replies, continuing to make said noise
After about an hour of enduring the noise making, he gives up and gets off her bed, thumps her across the head with his pillow, and storms out of her room lol
Fascinated by the random sounds she makes, all of them
The first time he heard MC make a random noise, she was walking around with him and randomly went "Nyoom!" while running her hand along the banister of the stairway
Now he will mimic the sounds that she makes as well, and it drives both Lucifer and Barbatos absolutely bonkers when he does it
He even writes the noises out through text when messaging them, with the help of MC teaching him how to do so
Needless to say, MC is in a whole lot of trouble with Lucifer over this lol
He found himself staring oddly at MC the first time she made a 'nom' sound when eating one of his baked goods
She constantly would go 'mmmm' as well, making him confused at whether she was enjoying the food or not
When she walked up to him and made the 'nom nom nom' sound at what he was preparing, he finally stopped her and asked her to explain the weird noises she was making
She apologized, explaining she liked making weird noises, and honestly the 'nom'ing noise was meant as a compliment; it meant she found everything he made really good!
Took him a while to believe her, but he would eventually come to smile whenever she would make that noise around him again
*confused angel noises*
He saw MC one day walking around at school, stop in her tracks, and back up, making a 'Beep beep beep' sound
She than happily walked on her way, seeming to hum to herself as she did so, leaving the angel rather confused in his spot
He wasn't sure if he should ask her what that was about, until he noticed that she would do it again quite often, and seem to laugh to herself when doing so
When he brought it up to her, she was incredibly embarrassed, unaware that he had seen her doing that; she explained it was just a fun noise she would do because she was bored, and it was entertaining
She almost died the one time she caught him copying her, making the 'beep beep beep' sound and walking backwards in the hallway; it was a good laugh between the two of them
Another one who seems to speak the random sounds language along with MC
They communicate through random 'pips' and 'plups' when in class together, giggling like idiots when other students look at them confused
MC will run up to him in the hallway randomly, blow him a raspberry, and run off while he just laughs his ass off at them
Of course, they do the same thing through text messages, especially if they are absolutely bored and want to just mess with each other
Sometimes they pull the brothers into it, Levi having a ball with them while the others just rage in the thread
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lancermylove · 3 years
Troublesome Brothers (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: All x Reader, Luke platonic.
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Can you do one where a female mc is like exhausted from having to fix all the brothers problems so they're just sleeping for like a week straight. How would the brothers react? And... Maybe the undateables if you can! Thank you 😁😁
A/N: This request is great but poor MC!  I can imagine the game having an event like this. 😂
Who do I need to punish!? 
Then a line of questions follows. Who would tire you out to this point? Is Devildom getting to you? Does he need to send you back to your world? What will he tell Diavolo?
Lucifer doesn't know where to start, but then Simeon hints that he and his brothers are the reason behind your fatigue.
He swallows his pride and let's guilt take over. How could he be so careless? He's supposed to be watching over you, yet...
Lucifer calls his brothers for an emergency meeting and explains the situation to them. All the demons feel guilty and decide to write an apology letter to you. 
Once you wake up, Lucifer hands you the letters and asks you to take it easy for the time being.
If any of his brothers dare to fight in front of you, he will glare them down until they shrink into a corner. 
Mammon runs around the House of Lamentation crying and calling his brothers while yelling that you're dead. 
All the demons drop everything and rush to your room. Lucifer checks on you while Satan hits Mammon upside the head for scaring them.
Once he learns that you're just sleeping, he calms down a bit but is still worried. 
Mammon waits for you to wake up next to your bed. He doesn't even leave the room to sleep or eat. Beel has to bring him food half-eaten food. 
When you wake up, he greets you with a bone-crushing hug and tears in his eyes. Then he asks if you're okay and what happened. He adds that he was afraid that he lost you.
If you choose to tell him the truth, he will be upset at himself for letting this happen to you. Mammon will promise that he will not cause you any trouble. 
He doesn't tell you this, but Mammon got into a habit of watching you sleep. So sometimes, at night, he sneaks into your room and sleeps there. 
NO NO NO NO NO!!! This can't be happening! 
Levi starts panicking, then freezes, then starts panicking again. Blood is rushing to his mind, and he feels dizzy. 
Did I do something to hurt her? Did someone else hurt her? Did I keep her up too late? Maybe I shouldn’t have forced her to watch me play video games the entire night! 
Levi sits against your bedframe with his knees to his chest, holding his head in his hands. 
Only when his brothers come to check on you does he learn that you are just sleeping. 
When you wake up, Levi is restlessly pacing around the room. As soon as he sees you awake, he nearly throws his arms around you but then blushes and backs away. 
"Normie, can't you take care of yourself? You had all of us worried."  
No matter how much he pressures you to tell him the reason behind your tiredness, please don’t say a word. Levi will not be able to handle the truth, so spare the poor demon.
Oh no! My lovely sweetie is not waking up!
Asmo is truly worried about your health. Your skin will be well-rested, but not washing cleaning your skin will cause issues. 
You will no longer be tired, but your muscles will stiffen. You need to eat to survive, so not eating is going to be an issue. 
Asmo already feels wrinkles appearing on his skin from worrying so much. He asks Solomon for help, much to Lucifer's dismay. 
When you wake up, Asmo immediately apologizes to you and tells you that you need to take better care of yourself. 
"If you don't care for yourself, then you won't be able to care for us!"
Asmo becomes your partner in crime from then on. Whenever his brothers cause issues, he tries to help you, so that you don't take on too much stress. 
His rage gets to him, and Satan nearly wipes out half of Devildom. Thankfully, Lucifer, Beel, and Diavolo are about to stop him. 
While the eldest brother searches for answers, Satan stays in your room and looks at you.
A thought crosses his mind...will a true loves kiss wake her up? Humans and angels are going to school in hell, so it's not a farfetched idea, right?
He kisses you, but you continue to sleep. Satan has never felt this embarrassed in his life. 
"I need to stop reading romantic novels." 
He is thankful that none of his brothers are there to witness this moment; otherwise, they won't let him live it down. 
Satan patiently waits for you to wake up, and when you do, he can't look in the eyes. One thought keeps racing in his mind: what if she finds out I kissed her while she was asleep? 
When Beel hears that you have not woken up for a whole day, he runs into your room and flings open the door so hard that it rips from the hinges. 
He tries to wake you up by shaking you, hugging you, asking you to wake up, and even offering you your favorite food. 
Beel gets so worried that he binge eats more than usual. He even eats inedible objects. 
When you open your eyes, you see Satan sitting on the edge of your bed. He tells you to hurry and get ready. 
"Beel has been eating so much that all the grocery stores in Devildom are out of food. Now, he is trying...no...I am sure he has already started eating Diavolo's castle. Only you can stop him." 
She's not waking up? Great, I have a nap partner!
Belphie takes this chance to nap with you every day. He is worried about you, but what better way to watch over you than sleeping by your side? 
Belphie learns from Beel that the brothers are the reason for your condition. He makes up his mind that he's going to force you to nap with him daily. That way you can at least get some rest, and he can use that as an excuse to spend more alone time with you.
His brothers ask him to leave you alone, but Belphie doesn't listen to them. He doesn't want to miss this chance to snuggle with you. 
When you wake up, you see Belphie's face in front of you. He is fast asleep with his arms wrapped around your waist. 
She hasn't woken up in days? YOU TELL ME THIS NOW?
Diavolo drops everything and visits you. After seeing your exhausted face, he asks Barbatos to cancel all his meetings and appointments. 
The King of Demons carries you back to the castle and asks the best doctors to attend to you. On the side, he also asks Barbatos to look into the situation.
When the demon butler informs him about the reason, Diavolo isn't sure how to react. He is angry, but he doesn't want to point fingers without getting your perspective first. So, he holds back on taking action until you wake up.
When you open your eyes, you see Diavolo's large form cuddling with you. He looks like an angel a puppy while sleeping. 
Diavolo mumbles something in his sleep. Something along the lines of “(Y/N), wake up soon...I love you". 
Oh dear, I was hoping this would not happen.
When you last visited Diavolo's castle, Barbatos noticed that you were exhausted. He even asked if you were alright, but you brushed his concerns aside. 
It didn't take him long to learn the reason behind your fatigue, and the demon butler was unhappy, to say the least. 
After getting permission from Diav, Barbatos shifts you to the castle.  
Once you are settled in the castle, the butler sends the brothers a basket of their favorite foods along with a note saying to take care of themselves. 
The brothers are delighted to eat their favorites, but their excitement diminishes as soon as they put the first bite into their mouths. 
The flavors of the food are completely opposite; Asmo's wicked cupcake is super spicy; Mammon's spicy noodles are sickeningly sweet; Belphie's sushi has nothing but wasabi...
While the brothers are shell-shocked, Barbatos watches them through a window with a smile. 
“This is just the beginning.” He chuckles before heading back to the castle to tend to you.
I should have stopped her from pushing herself too hard. 
Immediately comes to see you when Asmo tells him that you haven't woken up in two days. 
You told him that you were tired and hinted that your fatigue was a result of helping the brothers and worrying about them. So why didn't he stop you?
Simeon feels immensely guilty for not catching your hint. 
He asks Lucifer if he can take you to Purgatory Hall. When the demon agrees, Simeon decides to tell Lucifer the truth. 
By no means does Simeon blame the demons, but he asks Lucifer to give you a break. 
When you wake up, you see Simeon sitting on a chair next to your bed. His head resting on your bed, and his hand gently holding onto yours. 
Luke enters the room and is happy to see you awake. He tells you that Simeon hasn't slept in the past few days as the angel was too worried about you. 
Luke is upset with the brothers and blames them for your condition. Simeon has to hold him back. 
The young angel tells the demons that you're much safer in Purgatory Hall, so henceforth, you will be staying with them. 
Luke asks Simeon to carry you back to their dorm. When the brothers protest, the angel says demons are not to be trusted.
When you wake up, you see Luke sitting next to you, watching you with sad puppy eyes.
The angel immediately throws his arms around you and says, you're in a safe place now. He also promises that neither he nor Simeon will cause you any problems.
Luke asks if you are hungry and hands you a plate of your favorite sweets. 
Solomon is shocked and considers using a potion to wake you up. But when he sees you resting well, he reconsiders. 
As a punishment for the troubles they caused you, Solomon comes to visit you every day and causes a few mishaps here and there.
He also makes sure to irk some of the brothers Lucifer in the process. 
If Lucifer asks him to leave, Solomon taunts him by saying someone has to care for you since you're too busy sorting out OTHER people's problems. 
When you wake up, your entire room is filled with firefly-like orbs and your favorite flowers. 
Solomon greets you and gently strokes your hair before kissing your head. He immediately asks if you want to consider moving to his dorm. 
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leastdatablebracket · 9 months
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Propaganda under the cut! (tw rape)
He is also part of the Brothel route (he and Dorain Grey share it). He is a prostitute at the Oscar Wilde brothel, and he has absolutely no problem raping MC under his bosses orders, not letting her leave and overall assists his boss in turning MC into a brainwashed sex slave.
Cullen Rutherford
stupid racist cop creep whose fans cry about how hes "changed" and "you can't judge him he was addicted to magic drugs" nah he still chose to be a racist cop and abuse his power over innocent people and i hate him. the writers making him romanceable in da:i after how blatantly horrible he was in da:o and da:2 is baffling but i guess they had to appeal to the part of their audience who watch those "mafia boyfriend" videos on tiktok or whatever
He's creepy in origins, though still 100% willing to kill the female mage pc he's crushing on, as well as all the other mages trapped in the circle with him. He's the second-in-command in an even worse circle in 2, listening to and defending the increasingly obviously insane meredith until literally the end. He's one of the people still pushing for the circle system by inquisition, and yes he's going through withdrawals and working through the traumas of previous games. And to be brutally honest his was the first romance i took and while i don't remember much from it, its not worth all the girls going absolutely nuts over knockoff terrible alistair.
He's basically a cop who thinks being born a certain way can revoke personhood and by Inquisition still thinks mages are monsters to be controlled, not people. He gets a fairy tale cutesy romance that focuses on his personal struggles with addiction while showing absolutely no regard to the atrocities he committed and still thinks were justified. He can be romanced BY A MAGE and his actions and beliefs are just glossed over. He believes mages are 'not people like you (Hawke) and me', but if the Warden was a female mage he canonically had a crush on her and would deliberately hang around her despite the fact that he was her *jailer*. If that Warden romanced Leliana, there is war table dialogue in which he pesters Leliana for news of his 'former' crush despite her repeated statement that she doesn't want to talk to him about her. All this shitty behavior and lack of introspection gets swept under the rug by the game, not even giving the PC the chance to really challenge his beliefs. Like damn even Fenris could apologize when he lashed out due to past trauma with mages, and if anyone has a reason to hate mages it's Fenris. If you want an ex Templar hottie Alistair is RIGHT THERE. Tbh I know Cullen is a popular romance and I'm not here to tell anyone what they can or can't do or like in a video game, I'm just saying I think he is deeply undateable
Spends the first two games as an antagonist, fervently devoted to the cause of subjugating mages, then a bunch of "character development" happens off screen and the games treat him like he's completely reformed. However he's actions make it clear he still sees mages as dangerous and lesser. Not to mention if you romance him with an elf he doesn't pay your culture more than lip service respect like most of the devout characters 
He was a total villain in the first two games who was violently prejudiced against mages and uses one single bad experience as an excuse for it (a bad experience that is pretty much exactly what he in his job subjected graduating apprentices to, mind you, but this is never brought up). Now he says he's changed, but his words and actions say otherwise. He still distrusts mages, sympathises with the rebel Templars trying to kill them, and he never owns up to the terrible stuff he did and helped others do in the past two games. He totally knew what Meredith was doing and says he doesn't, and he still tries to defend her intentions. And you have no option to call him out on it. If you romance him as a mage, he angsts about how he might have seen you as subhuman in the past but NOW you're one of the good ones, and when you ask him if he'll kill you if you get possessed, he dodges the question. And the PC is written as being almost sad that she's a mage? Like 'can you love me despite what I am??' Also if Leliana romanced a female mage PC in the first game who is still alive, he asks her creepy questions about their relationship. Fitting considering his original purpose was to be creepy to the female mage Warden. 
I hate him and want to cause chaos. Plus his VA is an asshole.
I think you covered almost everything but don't forget that beautiful moment in DA2 - Act 2 where you find out some templars had a petition to lobotomize all mages and Meredith, THE HARDCORE TEMPLAR LEADER, rejects it, but Cullen says they got a point. Despite the fact that we just found out that those templars were using lobotomy (or the threat of) to rape people and get away with it. And then Cullen in DA:I is whining that anything that happened it's not his fault because Meredith kept the worse away form him so he didn't know, but also that anyway Meredith had a point and did what she had to do. Meredith does not go mad until Act 3, before she was of sound mind and Culllen was her second in command BECAUSE he hated mages as much as (or even more) than her. What the FUCK did she even hide from you, Cullen. Oh, but he changed! Because the writers make A VICTIM OF THE TEMPLARS say so. And anyway he only says so BECAUSE HE READS MINDS not because Cullen did anything to show it. Also the narrative wants to sympathise with Cullen for his drug problems while Cullen is openly attacking the only other character with the same problem for...having the same problem. And he's the antagonist, so there were OTHER things Cullen could be mad about. But he is mad about the drug problem. Also I'm not an expert on writing characters with addictions but he is an addict only when it's time to have a cut scene where you pity him. Otherwise it has zero impacts on everything else.
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sevendeadlymorons · 3 years
The brothers + undateables react to the MC bringing her small child to RAD because no one in the human world is available to babysit, and they can’t leave a three-year-old alone. Bonus points if at some point, the kid runs up to them with something in their mouth, and when questioned, the kid spits out a rock or something.
Brothers + Dateables Reaction to MC Bringing Their Kid to RAD
He had no idea you had a child honestly but considers it none of his concern
Well, not until you asked him to help out in babysitting that is, suddenly all his stress comes back
At first, the child was hyper, running around, stealing things, climbing on his lap and distracting him from work, he can’t count the amount of times he’s had to save this child from throwing themselves out the nearest window or getting flattened by all his records and books
One time, he caught the child running around with something in their mouth only to spit out a whole rock. Easy to say he was traumatised
But he couldn’t get over how much this small child looked and acted like you and he would never tell anyone, but he completely fell in love with your kid
He’s honestly the best babysitter, checking up on them constantly and keeping them company. The headaches he got from them though were a minor set back for him
Offers to be a regular babysitter as he enjoyed time with them so much and he loves all the little quirks that they share with you
Since when did you have a kid?! With who?!
Couldn’t believe it at first but he couldn’t deny this small human looked quite a lot like you and he honestly started to quickly fall in love
Wasn’t so keen on the idea of babysitting but he soon came around as your kid became his new sneaky thief. Lucifer would never dream about harming your child, would he?
Turns out the kid was a huge nightmare, just like his human, and he had to stop the kid from killing themself several times a day. He even had to claw a whole damn rock out of this kids mouth
He was actually pretty cool with the kid when they weren’t causing trouble, though, playing games and talking to them, making them laugh and yeah, he cried when they gave him a little hug
He got flustered at the fact this was your child he was currently looking after and he may or may not have imagined you two having your own children and looking after this one together
He may babysit the kid again… for 500 Grimm, of course, he’s not a charity
He’s not good with children! Don’t leave him with your child!
At first he was shocked you even had a kid. Since when?! But then you dropped this tiny human in his arms and went about your day
Not too sure what babies like at first and he tried multiple things just to entertain them for long enough that he could play his game in peace
To no avail though, the kid was a nightmare, shoving shit in their mouth and causing him to go into panic mode, knocking over his figurines and distracting him from his game
They honestly settled down eventually though as your kid crawled into his lap and snatched the phone from his hands, beginning to laugh at the game on the screen
He’s the cool babysitter. He taught them how to beat the levels in his game, talked to them about his favourite anime’s and even let them play with Henry for a while, this kid quickly had his entire heart
He doesn’t know what came over him but he weirdly wouldn’t mind looking after your kid again if you needed him to… maybe it’s just because they reminded him so much of you though
Like Lucifer, he didn’t want to be involved with your kid in all honesty
But surprise, he now has your kid wrapped up in his arms for the whole day
He tried his best to keep them company at first even if they were a nightmare. He can’t even begin to count the amount of times this kid ran off and hid and shoved stuff in their mouths only to spit out a pebble or two…
He did enjoyed reading to them though, watching them smile and clap their hands when they heard a part they found particularly amusing and then attempt to read it back in their jumbled baby language
He actually started to really like your child and the two of them went cat searching later on in the day, petting all the cats they saw and sneakily feeding them leftovers from the kitchen
He definitely liked the child more when they were worn out and more calm and they just hopped up to sat on his lap and started poorly reading the book out loud to him in gibberish, but either way, he liked watching the child learn and enjoy reading
He offers to look after the kid more often, he didn’t mind. It was your child after all
Oh well aren’t you cutest little thing~?
Yeah easy to say he was immediately drawn to this tiny, adorable 3 year old of yours and happily took them in with open arms
The two of them spent the day painting eachothers nails and Asmo brushing your child’s hair, putting in little clips and bows and telling them how pretty they look
For some reason, the child was pretty behaved in Asmo’s care, not including the time they came way too close to eating nail polish and he almost had a heart attack
Gave eachother lots of hugs and he couldn’t stop complimenting them and loving every single time the kid laughed or smiled, it reminded him of you in a way, you two really were similar
He enjoyed being around the kid when they were calm and sleepy as it gave him a good opportunity to just relax without the stress of thinking the kid will eat something they’re not supposed to
He definitely will take care of them more often if you ever need a babysitter, he’d be happy to!
… is it edible?
After going through the rules of ‘no eating the 3 year old’ with him, he’s actually a pretty good babysitter and took good care of them while you were busy
He always knows when they’re hungry and will feed them whatever they ask, maybe sometimes a little bit too much food though but hey, at least they look happy
He caught them with something in their mouth the one time and he immediately thought they snagged his food, but all of a sudden, they spat out a whole rock and honestly, he gets it. Sometimes he gets hungry enough to eat rocks too…
The two get along well honestly, sharing meals and watching TV and Beel even invites Belphie to help look after your kid so it was just the two of them playing with this tiny human child for hours in the attic
Beel loves the child’s smile, it reminds him of you, and their laugh and the way they give him little leg hugs. Truthfully, he loved your kid so much
Kinda sad when they have to leave; offering to babysit whenever you want him to because he just loves them so much
You really expect him to be able to look after a child? He’ll pass…
But before he knew it, a kid was sat on his bed and you were gone and already he was fed up
Weirdly though, looking at your kid brought him this odd inner peace kind of feeling where he just wants to hold them and never let go. Maybe it was because the kid was yours and it reminded him so much of you…?
He kind of just naps with them more than he should for the entire day. He knows 3 year olds like to sleep and that’s his specialty so he thought why not
When the two of them are awake, he spends it in the planetarium looking up at the stars and teaching the child all the names and alignments or eating way too much downstairs with Beel
There was a time where he had to forcefully snatch this stone out of the child’s mouth after running after them for hours, and then lecture them on how they can’t do that and then he had to take another nap due to being absolutely exhausted but besides from that, the child was pretty sleepy, all day
Yeah ok maybe he fell for your child and maybe he’ll babysit them again, but expect him to complain about it first
He’s actually really happy you came to him first to look after your child :)
Honestly, he’s such a sweetheart towards the small child, but he definitely gave in several times to those irresistible puppy eyes and ended up spoiling them
He was also sort of busy with work so the kid tended to just sit on his lap and play with his free hand and would sometimes run off without him noticing only to come back hand in hand with Barbatos who found them digging through the trash
He wasn’t any good at discipline so whenever they came back covered in trash he kinda just laughed it off and sat them back down, he’s too sweet to yell at such a small and helpless human
He can’t remember the last time he had such fun though. The child was sweet to him and he very much enjoyed watching the antics of a normal 3 year old human with hyper tendencies
They took walks around the garden together, helping them pick little flowers and putting them in their hair, watching them laugh and smile afterwards
The child reminded him of you and that just made them even more lovable to him and it was easy to say he’d without a doubt babysit your kid any time
Never expected you to want him to take care of your child but he’ll do his best
He was sort of busy the entire day and couldn’t take care of the child as much as he planned to but he made sure the child was happy either way
The two of them cleaned up together, Barbatos handing the kid a little feather duster and showing them how to properly clean, watching them enjoying themselves and laughing in the corner of his eye
He did have to scold them a few times for misbehaving and eating things they shouldn’t though, especially random pebbles from outside
When he wasn’t cleaning or tending to paperwork, he took the child on little walks around the garden, enjoying the way the small kid laughed and smiled at all the flowers and butterflies, their arm swinging from side to side cheerfully, causing him to smile too
Easy to say he fell in love hard pretty quickly, noticing the way they took after you and how polite and sweet they were towards him
He wouldn’t mind looking after them again, just perhaps when he’s less busy…
He already has Luke but he supposes one more couldn’t hurt
He’s a great babysitter really, no complaints and rarely any misbehaving on the child’s end except for a few times throughout the day where he had to desperately stop them from swallowing rocks
But other than that, the child was pretty calm, following him around and laughing at his awfully made jokes; their hand normally attached to his trouser leg so they didn’t get lost
He loved how the child reminded him of you, their mannerisms and the way they acted were so similar and he couldn’t help but laugh and fall deeper in love with this tiny, peculiar human
He spent a lot of the day having a small tea party with them, sharing biscuits and hot chocolate for the child and tea for him, watching them pour him tea then laugh as he takes a sip
When he needed to do something quickly, he left the child with Luke and then came back to legitimately the most heartwarming game of monopoly between two small children he’s ever seen
He would without a doubt babysit again if you ever need him to, it’s no trouble honestly
You’d really trust your kid with him? Really?
He’s honestly really happy you’d entrust them with him though and he’ll make sure to not get them killed
He’s actually really good at babysitting though: making sure they’re always laughing until they’re falling over, showing them cool spells to entertain them, playing games and seeing how badly he can scare the shit out of them without making them cry
Solomon’s that one cool babysitter you always have that’s cool in a bad way, like he’ll make you dinner but he’ll also burn the entire house down, but hey, at least he’s funny
He’ll randomly sneak up behind the kid and yell ‘boo’ just for the fun of it and if they cry, it’s Simeon’s problem now
He absolutely adores it when the kid follows him around and laughs at every little thing he does, it’s like he has his own personal fan
Kinda disappointed when the kid has to leave but make sure to call him to babysit again
Finally, someone that’s shorter than him!
He kinda just hangs around the kid all day, keeping them company with games and jokes and cheering them up if they start to miss you
He even attempts to teach them how to play monopoly with him but eventually finds out that 3 year olds cannot play monopoly…
Though he isn’t the one actually babysitting, he sure is a good playmate towards the child and they seem to enjoy his company at least
The days full of laughter and just two children having fun, which is a sight to see for everyone at Purgatory Hall
They’ll take walks around together, Luke immediately regretting his decisions and panicking when they put a rock in their mouth and he has to negotiate with them to spit it out
Yeah alright maybe he’s a little sad that they’re leaving so soon, so make sure they come visit again!
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merakiui · 3 years
just thought of something here: a reverse harem ddlc au with sucrose, xiao, kazuha, and venti as your very(very!!!) friendly but undateable npc. he didn't mean to make sucrose kill herself the night before the music festival, but he would be lying if he said it didn't make it a teensy bit easier to be closer to you, to revel in the magnificence of something real and free, instead of the two-dimensional pieces of code he has to share a game with. and for some reason, even after seeing such a horrible, horrible sight, you reload the game and continue playing like nothing had changed. that has to mean something, right? venti hopes it does.
kazuhas new dialogue after you restart is... strange. it's so noticeable that even prickly xiao pulls you aside to mumble something about getting him help, before doing a complete 180 and telling you "not to care about that poetry jackass." venti acts as a mediator now, which is bad because he's not a very good mediator. many of kazuha and xiaos previous silly little banters have turned into full blown arguments, that make everybody uncomfortable. venti ends up just pulling your character out of the room and letting them blow up at each other privately, which often ends with xiao leaving for the day. you come to appreciate the time you spend with venti in the hall, like a breath of fresh air. venti hopes that your view of him stays that way when he enacts the final stage of his plan.
anyway, just had this stuck in my head for a while. sorry for making you read this.
AAAAH OMG 🥕!!!! \(//∇//)\ YOU ARE A GENIUS!!! Please don’t apologize!! This idea is amazing! I have to share some of my thoughts as well.
(cw: yandere, unhealthy behaviors, obsession, mention of suicide)
Sucrose is such a sweetheart, too. That’s what makes her death even more upsetting. She was your dear friend—the one who got you to join the music club in the first place. She felt that it would benefit you to join, considering the two of you knew each other and it wouldn’t feel as lonely in the club if you were there. And it was lots of fun during the time she was alive! Sucrose was able to slowly open up more to the club and although she was still shy she was able to gain some confidence with you at her side. This helped her share her music with her fellow club members, but she was never truly confident in her abilities.
And whenever she got self-conscious, you would be there to remind her to do her best no matter what. Because as long as she was having fun that’s what truly mattered! Of course it’s startling when the game’s lighthearted tone shifts into something darker and you as the player feel sad knowing that Sucrose is gone. But it’s just a game; you can’t truly get as attached to a character as you would a real person. Despite that, though, Sucrose’s suicide still hurts. You realize this as you continue playing. You miss her presence in the game; it feels incomplete without her.
But you’re forced to overcome it as you now know the game’s true genre.
Kazuha is your typical nice guy. Always offering to help. Always knows what’s best for his friends. Always calm and gentle, never needing to raise his voice or get into useless arguments in order to prove a point. You’re drawn to him because he’s so easy to get along with. He likes to come to the club room a little earlier than the other members, which means that the two of you are often alone together. You learn more about Kazuha through the time you spend with him: how he lost a close friend, how he likes poetry, and how he’s come to appreciate the little things in life after losing so much in his past. You can’t help but feel bad and you make sure to choose the comforting dialogue options over the ones that feel a little harsher whenever you can.
The character you play as acts oblivious to Kazuha’s interest in you and as the game progresses a certain someone notices it right away. Venti likes to tease the two of you about it, calling you the club’s ‘cutest couple of musicians’ or subtly shining light on Kazuha’s crush by voicing his observations.
You’re sitting closer to (Name) than usual, Kazuha! Could it be puppy love?
Whatcha writing about? Hey, this poem’s pretty good! You’re a man of many romantic talents, aren’t you? I bet it’s all for (Name), right?
That last song was awfully sorrowful. Could it be that you and (Name) are going through a lovers’ spat?
It’s all jokes, of course, but you can’t ignore Kazuha’s blush or the way he smiles shyly and doesn’t deny it. You suppose you’d like him as well if he was a real person. He has nearly every quality of a perfect boyfriend! It’s a shame he’s just a character in a game. You really do enjoy talking to him and reading through his cute poems. Speaking of those poems, they’re always so interesting. Sometimes they’re deep and filled with a melancholy you’ve never known before. And sometimes they’re about the stray cat he saw on his way to school or the leaves that rustle in the afternoon breeze.
But after Sucrose’s suicide, those poems change abruptly. They’re darker and scary—obsessively detailing a love that is one-sided and twisted. Even though you know it’s meant to be a horror game, it still spooks you. Kazuha happily allows you to read his newest poems while he absentmindedly taps at the keys on the keyboard, playing a melody that can’t possibly count as a one. Those poems show his obsession in a clarity that’s clearer than the most opaque gems. It sends a shiver down your spine. You don’t want to talk to him anymore.
Everyone’s been a little odd ever since Sucrose died. That’s to be expected, though. The grieving and coping processes are tough. But whenever you try to bring her up, you’re met with the same question: who’s Sucrose? No one seems to remember her—not even Xiao. As grumpy and cold as he is, he was always kind to Sucrose. She went to him whenever she had questions about the electric guitar. Even though she didn’t play it, she was curious to learn and Xiao, after much pestering from you, agreed to teach her. So the fact that even he can’t remember her…
Xiao’s got a rough exterior, but once you get beyond that you’ll find that he can be nice. He offers you snacks and has come to enjoy playing for you. He’s really good with the electric guitar. You could sit and listen to him play all day. Too bad Venti likes to interrupt the two of you with the songs he strums out on his ukulele. It may seem like he doesn’t care about anyone, but that’s not true. He worries over you and the other members whenever they show up late or appear visibly distressed. If anyone ever comments on it, he’s quick to scoff and dismiss it, saying that he couldn’t care less if they bothered to show up to the club or not. But when he pulls you aside to secretly address the situation with Kazuha you can’t help but feel weird about it. 
It’s true that Kazuha has started acting creepy ever since everyone stopped remembering Sucrose, but no one’s really commented on it. Even Xiao’s worried for the guy. He’s just not normal. But what’s normal anymore? It’s not like you’d know and neither would Xiao if he happened to glance at Kazuha’s writing. And you’re glad that Xiao cares. The both of you agree that Kazuha would benefit from some type of help and you want to get him that help as soon as possible. 
But Venti really doesn’t like it when secrets are kept. How could you not talk to him about this? He wants to help, too! Maybe you’d feel more inclined to tell him if Xiao was out of the picture. Although he really doesn’t want to hurt anyone else, especially not himself. It’s hard to get rid of his friends, even if they are just code meant to follow a specific script. They don’t even feel a thing, not truly. Maybe you’ll see that he cares as much as Xiao does if Xiao stops caring. 
Things fall apart. Xiao's meaner than before and he’s quick to anger and even quicker to get into a fight. He bickers with Kazuha a lot now. It used to be useless quarrels about how Kazuha’s always leaving his supplies out when they should be put away to make space for practice. But now it’s about anything and everything, from the little things to the big things. You watch their friendship wither away into ash alongside Venti, who can only offer a sympathetic smile and an “oh well!” before yanking you outside for a breath of fresh air. He does this a lot. He lets their friendship crumble. 
Venti likes to talk to you. It’s a shame there’s never enough time. That’s the issue here: not enough time. How could you possibly have any left when it’s being distributed among the others? How could you think of him when your mind is occupied with Sucrose, Xiao, and Kazuha? How can you think to focus on him when they’re showing their affection for you in little ways that you can hardly notice? Venti’s not going to lie to himself about his jealousy. He hates feeling this way. These negative emotions weigh him down. All he wants is to be happy and freely live his life with you. You’ve chased away his perpetual loneliness. There’s no way he could ever stand by and watch as you choose everyone else but him. 
Even if he isn’t meant to be an option, he’ll find a way around it. Who cares if the game wants him to be the cute and supportive NPC who’ll never get to have you? He’s going to listen to his heart and what his heart wants is you. But is it truly freedom if he’s trapped in this game, terribly aware of his existence, while you’re on the outside, just barely out of reach? Still, he wants to pursue love. Even if it hurts him and those around him. Even if this ‘love’ does more harm than good. He has to do what he must so that you’ll finally consider him. 
And you will because he’s the only one who’s left.
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devildomimagines · 3 years
Part 2 Remix
Ok, listen. First, I’m going to need you to go read this *chef’s kiss* of a post if you haven’t already. The Brothers and Undateables at one of Diavolo’s balls when a Noble starts talking down on MC by @arcadejohn127-9. There is now a part 2 for the ending (and it has been up for a while haha)!
Somewhere after the first post was published but before we had the ending, I started writing my own twist on the ending because I was so inspired and because I needed the comfort from the hurt/comfort lol. I’ve finally gotten around to finishing it and I wanted to share. You will see why it took me so long as some of these parts really ran away from me. The younger brothers and the Undateables are under the cut to save everyone’s dash. 😂
For a second he was torn, making that Noble pay or chase after you.
The choice was obvious, you came first.
As he made his way through the crowd, Diavolo caught his eye. 
With a few quick gestures, Lucifer had communicated he was going after you. Diavolo nodded, making his way to the Noble to take care of that side of it.
The crowd opened up enough for Lucifer to see the door to the butler’s pantry close.
He had to catch up to you before you met up with Barbatos. 
His worst fear right now is that you would take advantage of Barbatos’ power and have the timeline altered to where you never came to Devildom and never met him.
Once he was close enough he used a blast of magic to open the door and rushed into the room.
You had been wiping your tears but with the door bursting open, you jumped and scowled at who was entering. Realizing it was Lucifer, your face softened but looked away.
“You’re still here,” Lucifer held a hand on his chest, allowing himself a moment of relief.
“Well it’s not like I can teleport or fly. I’m just a human.”
The way you talked down about yourself made Lucifer’s own heart drop, your pact physically affecting him, your pride was at the lowest he had ever felt. 
As the Avatar of Pride, he wouldn’t stand for it. “You’re not just a human, MC. You’re unbelievably important.”
You rolled your eyes, “Yeah, because I’m Lilith’s descendant and a part of the exchange program.”
“No, you’re important because you bring kindness and joy into everything you do. You’re important because you’ve become the anchor I’ve been trying to be for my family for centuries. You’re important because you truly try to make a meaningful difference even when it’s difficult.” Lucifer moved in front of you, gently tilting your chin up to meet his gaze, “You’re important because I love you.”
When he recovered from the shock, he looked around.
The first brother he saw was Levi. He marched over and ordered him to deal with the Noble.
Next he moved in the direction you had stormed off in. He finally caught up to you at the coat check.
You noticed him and looked away pretending you didn’t.
“MC! You going home? I’ll go with,” he dug out his own coat ticket and handed it over to the coat checker.
“You really don’t have to.”
“Don’t be stupid, I’m going where you go,” He moved to sling an arm around your shoulder like he normally does but you shrugged out of his reach. That hurt.
“Well maybe I am stupid! Just a big dumb human who doesn’t realize they’re being used.” You hugged yourself to try to self-soothe.
It took a few moments for Mammon to register all of your words, “What? Who’s using you? Was it that Noble??” He scowled back at the ballroom.
“No, forget it.” You started walking to the exit.
He growled as he grabbed his coat and jogged to catch up to you.
You heard the rushed footsteps and paused more out of habit than anything else. “Mammon, stop.”
He had made it right behind you before he was forced to stop, the pact binding him in place. That didn’t stop his mouth though, “MC, whatever that Noble said to you, it’s a lie!”
“You don’t know what he said,” you replied coldly, “He said that I’m being used, by you and your brothers, by Diavolo, he said that none of you ever really cared about me, I was just a replacement for Lilith.” Repeating the words made them worse, it had you shaking as the sobs started to rattle your body.
“MC,” Mammon whined your name, clearly trying to force his body to move, “drop the spell,” you shook your head no so he begged, “Please MC.”
His desperation softened your resolve for a moment long enough to release the hold you had on him.
Mammon immediately turned you to face him, your tears broke him and he started tearing up. He pulled you into his chest and started, “We never thought of it that way. I was so relieved that Lilith got to lead a fulfilling life where she didn’t have to suffer turning into a demon. You were the result of her happy life that it made me so happy, unbelievably happy. But I liked you before we knew all of that, I was the first of my brothers to see how great you are.” He placed a soft kiss on your forehead, “MC, I love you so much. Please don’t doubt that.”
“Ouch,” he thought as he looked around. The first of his brother’s he found was Beel, his height and orange hair made him stick out. He was also in the most likely place to find him, in front of a table of food.
Levi maneuvered around party guests and tapped at Beel’s shoulder. Very quickly he explained the situation, Beel nodded with a piece of meat hanging out of his mouth and started muscling his way through the dance floor.
Next was to face you. He was nervous, had he done something he wasn’t aware of? Did the Noble point out his inferiority and MC was disgusted to have a pact with him?
He got to the bathroom and hesitated. He could hear your soft cries muffled behind the door. All nervousness left him as he knocked and called out to you, “MC?”
The cries stopped and you answered, “Go away.”
“No,” Where was this confidence coming from, he wondered as he added, “I’m here for you, please let me help you.”
“You can’t help me, you’re part of the problem.”
All of the confidence he just had was shattered. “MC… I’m sorry. If it was something I did, or didn’t do, please tell me. You know I don’t know how to handle these situations but I would never try to hurt you.”
The door swung open and Levi jumped. 
“And why is that Levi?” Your tear stained face stared him down.
“Because I c-care about you?” He was confused why you were angry at him now.
“Because I’m a replacement for Lilith?”
“No way!” Now it was his turn to be angry.
A bit of the venom was removed as you asked, “Because I’m a dumb normie human?”
“Well…” He started to joke but when you pouted he took it back, “of course not.”
“Then why?” You sniffled.
Levi looked around, you two were in a pretty secluded area. He took a deep breath and braced himself so he wouldn’t lose his nerve. “I wouldn’t hurt you because we’re a team! My player 2, my Henry, my friend! When I agreed to form a pact with you, it was because you opened my eyes to how valuable it would be to let people into my world. At that time, I had no idea about Lilith, Lucifer kept us in the dark and I chose not to seek out the light. Then you came into my life and you were so bright it hurt my eyes.” He was rambling, “Anyway, you might be a normie human but you’re my normie human! Whatever that Noble said to make you question that, it isn’t true.”
After a beat, you jumped into his arms. His heart was absolutely pounding as he wrapped you in his arms, he knew you’d hear it but he was relieved he somehow said the right thing.
He knew it was the Noble that caused your mood shift.
You retreated through a door, Satan didn’t have time to make the Noble suffer in the ways he was already imagining. 
As he headed for the door himself, he bumped into Lucifer.
It was grinding on his nerves but for your sake he asked Lucifer to take care of the Noble.
Without question, Lucifer whisked off to take care of it. He probably knew it was important since Satan would never ask anything of Lucifer if it wasn’t necessary.
Satan picked up the pace to get to the door and catch you.
He looked down both sides of the connecting hall and found you leaning against the wall facing away from where you had come from.
As he approached he realized your shoulders were shaking. It broke his heart.
When he placed a hand on your arm, you jumped out of your skin and stepped away. 
You relaxed seeing it was Satan and not someone else but making eye contact with him hurt, “Leave me alone, I just need a moment.”
You had turned to leave but he wasn’t letting you go again. He regripped your arm.
“Don’t go.”
“Satan…” You sighed trying to bring back some of your usual strength.
“Whatever that Noble said…” A thought dawned on him mid-sentence, “Did he do something to you?” The wrath in him bristled anew.
“He didn’t do anything besides point out some things.” You laughed weakly, “Actually he made some good points I should have seen for myself a long time ago.”
“What points did he make?” Satan asked.
You looked down the hall, debating an escape, “That I was just a pawn to Diavolo’s plans and a replacement for Lilith.”
“That’s not true,” Satan defended.
His tone of finality made you look back at him. He took the opportunity to explain.
“You’re no one’s pawn. You always had and will always have your free will to do as you want. Just as you’ve shown me that I’m my own being,” he held a hand to his chest, “You are your own person.”
You scoffed, “and being related to Lilith-”
“Doesn’t matter to me,” Satan interrupted and finished the sentence. “I’ve heard all the stories from my brothers but I never met her. I met you though,” His hand moved down your arm to your hand.
Automatically you gave his hand a squeeze just falling into habit and he smiled.
“It doesn’t matter how you got here,” Satan started, hoping you would complete the quote from a book you both read.
Quietly you added, “All that matters is you’re here now.”
He pulled you into his arms and you let him engulf you in a warm embrace. It was so different from the sharp, cold feeling you got from the Noble that it felt like home to be here with him.
“I’ll always be here for you MC,” he whispered and you believed him.
Well clearly something was wrong, you never pulled back from him like that.
He first looked around for some assistance. Things had been fine before your dance with the Noble so something happened in relation to that dance.
The first person he spotted was Satan. Asmo waved him over to the table. Satan nodded and departed from the company he had been talking to. Asmo quickly described the situation in a pretty grim light knowing exactly what would flip the wrath switch in Satan.
The blond demon stalked off after his newly provided prey.
Asmo checked his appearance in a pocket mirror before setting after you. It wasn’t like he had something on his face or a hair out of place that drove you off but he had to be sure.
He found you looking out over the Devildom with the most somber look on your face.
“MC~ You look absolutely stunning under the Devildom moon.”
You sighed. 
That wasn’t the reaction Asmo was aiming for. “Won’t you tell me what’s wrong, love?”
“It’s nothing,” you tried to smile but it didn’t light up your face like he knew it could.
“Ok,” Asmo put up his hands. He could take a hint, you didn’t want to talk about it and he wasn’t going to push and make it worse. “Let’s go home then?”
“I know you don’t want to leave. You’ve been looking forward to this all month,” You looked back out at the cityscape.
“Well I don’t want to be here if you’re not having fun,” Asmo snaked an arm around your waist and looked out across the city himself.
He felt you stiffen under his touch and he tried very hard not to pout outwardly but you rejecting him really hurt.
He said he wasn’t going to push but he had to know, “Did the Noble say something unacceptable to you?”
“No, if anything it was too acceptable, factual even.” You leaned away from him and against the railing as your face soured further.
“What did he say?”
“That I’m being used,” you looked at him to see how he reacted to the second part, “by Diavolo and your family.”
His brow furrowed and you knew it was genuine emotion since he would never risk the wrinkles otherwise.
“No, no, no, no, no!” Asmo shook his head, “That’s absolutely not what’s happening.”
“It’s fine,” you shrugged, “we all have our part to play.”
“MC,” Asmo took your shoulders and stared you down, “You are not just some pawn, you’re a very important human to me and my family!”
You looked to the side, “Only because I’m related to Lilith.”
“No? We love you for you!”
You blushed at his blunt honesty, “Oh.”
“Did you think that we didn’t care about you before we learned that you were distantly related?”
“No!” You defended, “But when he was laying out all the info, it did kind of seem like that.”
“Who are you going to trust? Some random or me?” Asmo batted his eyes at you.
After a moment you conceded, “You, of course.”
You both giggled and he whisked you to the dance floor to show you the best night of your life.
“Wait MC-” Beel jumped up from table, his knees knocked it and it wobbled as he pushed his chair back.
“You couldn’t just leave like that,” he thought, “I can’t lose another…”
He found you on the front balcony. From what he could guess, you paused to take in the fresh air but then watched as you steeled yourself and briskly started your way down the stairs.
“MC,” he caught up easily even in his formalwear, “Let me at least walk you back to the dorm.”
You hesitated, not making eye contact with him, you shrugged, “fine.”
The two of you walked in silence. Beel had no idea what to say to make you stay. He cursed himself that words didn’t come as easily to him like Asmo or Mammon, he couldn’t relate it to something he read or watched like Satan or Levi usually did and he couldn’t think of the perfect solution like he knew Lucifer would.
He was the only thing standing between you and the metaphorical exit and he had to do something. 
So he did the only thing he could think of and apologized. “I’m sorry.”
It made you stop, “What?”
“I’m sorry. If it was something I said or did or ate, I’m sorry. If it was one of my brothers then I’m also sorry. Whatever it was, I’m sorry.” Tears pricked in the corners of his eyes. He wasn’t usually one to cry but he was so frustrated and felt so helpless. If this wasn’t what you wanted then you’d be gone.
“No,” you sighed, “I’m sorry, I took out my frustration on you. I’m not mad at you or your brothers. If anything, I’m mad at myself,” you laughed dryly.
“Yourself?” Beel repeated, trying to figure out how he could help you with that.
“Yeah, I should have seen it for myself but that Noble was right,” you continued onwards to HOL.
“Right about what?”
You finally looked at him and it crushed him to see the saddest smile on your face as you answered, “That I’m just some kind of replacement for Lilith. I thought you all really cared about me but your behavior did change after everyone learned I was related to her.”
Beel was frozen in shock. He watched you pick up walking home again.
“That’s not-” he started but you raised a hand to stop him.
“I get it, you guys were so happy that she lived that you wanted to show it in some way,” this time when you turned toward him you couldn’t keep the tears from falling, “and in a way I’m grateful because if I wasn’t her descendant then I wouldn’t be here, I wouldn’t have met you all, and I wouldn’t have been a part of a family like yours. But I’m selfish and I wanted you to love me for who I am.”
He was finally unfrozen and wrapped you in a near-bone-crushing hug. “We do!” Beel confirmed, “We love you, MC!” He began crying, “I love you, please don’t leave.”
Enclosed in his arms, you felt his earnest emotions flood into you, “I believe you,” you wiped his tears, “Thank you for loving me.”
He knew it, that Noble was bad news.
Belphie looked around and easily found Asmo in the middle. He pushed past his fans and told Asmo what happened. Asmo left to take care of the Noble.
Belphie caught up with you in your room back at the HOL.
He had followed the noise and found you were angrily packing a bag, in between wiping your face.
“What’re you doing?” Belphie asked from the door.
The sudden voice made you jump, “Leaving.”
You paused, wringing the shirt in your hand, “We’d all be better off.”
“Because you’re a replacement?” Belphie threw your words back at you but realized his mistake too late.
When you shuddered and fell to your knees crying he wanted to disappear. How could he be so tactless?
“Yes! I’m not Lilith!” You cry-yelled at him. “I wanted so badly to be a part of your family. I did everything for you and your brothers to make amends, to prove myself and my intentions and it didn’t matter! The second you all learned about my lineage, it all changed.” 
You sniffled and added, “You hated me for being a human, I’d almost prefer that if that is honestly how you feel about me.”
Ouch. But he deserved that, “I don’t hate you,” he knelt in front of you.
“I’m just a stupid human,” he grabbed your arms and pulled you into him as you sobbed, “I don’t want to be used as a pawn, and I’m not a replacement for your sister.”
“I know, MC,” Belphie soothed, “You’re not a pawn and we know you aren’t a replacement for Lilith.”
“B-but,” you blubbered.
“No buts,” there was an edge to his voice, that he wasn’t going to take any rebuttals. “Without you, we wouldn’t have been able to move forward as a family. We’d be worse off without you in our lives.”
You shifted back a bit to look at him, “Really?”
“Really,” Belphie verified. “Don’t go,” his voice caught in his throat, his own emotions finally hitting him. What would he do without you?
You grabbed his face, assessing for yourself. “Ok…ok.” You relaxed in his hold and finally felt secure in how he felt about you.
You ducked into the kitchen.
He tried to follow but got stopped by a high ranking demon that he could not brush off. He was trapped, that is until Barbatos caught his gaze.
The butler swooped in, distracted the demon with appetizers and began leading them away.
Ever grateful, Diavolo smiled and then another thought hit him. He stopped Barbatos and whispered in his ear what happened between you and the Noble. Barbatos nodded and made his way to find and complete his new task.
Diavolo jumped into the kitchen before anyone else could stop him.
“MC?” he looked around and found you sitting on the counter with your head in your hands. His heart dropped.
You sniffled, “Go back to your party.”
“I don’t feel like it.” he mused.
“What a spoiled prince,” you replied.
He felt hopeful, if you were joking then surely you would recover. “Won’t you tell me what happened?”
When you tensed, he stopped inching closer.
“It doesn’t matter. I don’t matter.” 
“That’s not true,” Diavolo tried to take your hands but you fought him slightly, still trying to cover your face. When you finally relented and looked at him with tear stains on your face, he swore he never felt a greater rush of love and the need to protect like he did in that moment, “You’re so important to me.” 
“Because I’m an exchange student?” You searched his face for any reaction.
“What?” He was actually dumbfounded. “You think that’s the only reason I care for you?”
“What other reason could there be? Isn’t that the whole point of why I was here in the first place?”
He paused to gather his thoughts. There were so many reasons to love you and the fact that you could be undone like this from one conversation proves that Diavolo was failing you. Still holding your hands, he raised one to kiss your knuckles. “I’ll admit that at first, my goal to build bridges between the realms was my focus, but as the program went on, I found myself looking forward to our meetings. Much to Barbatos’ chagrin, I would sneak out to steal a few moments with you and they meant everything to me.”
You had begun rubbing his hand with your thumb, tears were gone but you still looked sad.
He rested his forehead against yours, “I can’t imagine what my life would have been like if I didn’t meet you. You’ve brought a joy and sense of adventure into my life that I wouldn’t trade for anything.”
“Thanks Dia,” When you smiled softly, he could swear his heart was melting into a puddle. “I’m sorry if I ruined your night.”
“Nonsense!” Diavolo laughed and backed up to help you off the counter, “The night’s still young and I think I owe you a dance.”
You squeezed his hand, “Wait, I probably look terrible from crying!”
The kitchen door swung open to Barbatos trying to hold back Asmo. Asmo chirped, “We can help with that!”
Diavolo laughed at the sight. Barbatos sighed and released Asmo as he whipped out his travel make-up kit and busied himself with you.
Barbatos stood next to Diavolo and in a hushed tone affirmed, “The target has been captured.”
A dark look passed over Diavolo’s face as he responded, “Good. We’ll deal with him in the morning.”
He wanted to chase after you but his duty was of course to Diavolo and the ball at hand.
Within a few moments, he reasoned that the ball was in danger of being compromised if you weren’t there and the Noble was allowed to roam free of consequence.
Barbatos wasn’t one to ask for help but he knew that if he mentioned the Noble’s actions to Lucifer, the demon would take matters into his own hands to deal with it and Lucifer did so.
That left him to track you down. He had a feeling of where he’d find you.
Out in the garden, seated on the bench, you were fidgeting with his handkerchief.
Careful to make noise as he approached you so as to not spook you with his usually silent steps, Barbatos sat on the other end of the bench.
He caught you peeking at him so he tried not to look directly at you, knowing it would make you feel uncomfortable.
“Thank you for this,” you held out his handkerchief.
“Any time,” he accepted it and even through his gloves, he could feel the dampness. Had he left you alone for too long to have cried this much? Very slowly he folded the cloth and put it in his pocket.
“Also I’m sorry for my behavior before.” You shifted and began to explain, “I was confused and hurt, that Noble… actually nevermind.”
“There’s no need to apologize to me, though I am sorry for the distress you’ve gone through.”
Still bothered, you had to ask, “Why do you tolerate me?”
“What do you mean?”
“Are you only nice to me because you’re under orders to be?”
He couldn’t lie, “Lord Diavolo has directed me to be of use to the exchange students, but I’ve come to genuinely appreciate your company, if that isn’t too presumptuous.”
You peeked over again and could see a light blush on the butler’s cheeks, he wasn’t looking at you now out of embarrassment.
That earned a small smile, “It’s not, I’m grateful to hear your true feelings.” You paused thinking on what the Noble said, “Do you think the others feel the same? That they actually like me, not as some replacement for Lilith or as a tool to be used?”
Ah so that’s the idea that the Noble had planted, he rubbed his chin in thought. “While I can’t speak for the brothers, I can conclude that you mean much more to Lord Diavolo than he’d like to admit. He has never spoken ill of you in my presence. Even Lucifer, who has often verbalized his distaste for his brothers’ shenanigans, has never voiced the same of you even if you were involved in said shenanigans.”
“Well that’s something.”
“It certainly is,” He confirmed.
You giggled and it was like Barbatos was hearing his favorite song for the first time. 
After a beat, he stood, brushed himself off more out of habit than any actual dirt accumulation and faced you. You looked slightly surprised. He bowed and offered his arm, “Shall we head back in?”
Hesitantly, you took his hand, “Can I stay with you?”
“If that is what you desire,” Barbatos smiled and led your hand to hold his arm, “How could I deny a direct request like that?”
He was stunned for a minute. Had you meant him and you weren’t on the same page or the humans and the demons weren’t on the same page?
Solomon was pretty sure that the pacts were a clear indicator of a human and a demon being on the same page.
This was the perfect opportunity to take advantage of one of his new pacts, he sent the demon to gather as much information, good and bad, that they could dig up about the Noble that had danced with you.
If knowledge was power then he wanted as much knowledge on his side as he could get before making a move.
That left him free to follow you. He caught the sight of you as you left into an adjoining hallway.
Shuffling through the crowd he broke free and got himself through the door. He looked both ways and found you at the end, turning the corner.
Although not one for running, he jogged down the hall to catch up with you.
You had turned to watch for the approaching noise and at the sight of your watery eyes he skidded to a stop.
Solomon couldn’t remember a time when he had seen you cry, not like this, where your whole being seemed depleted.
“I’m fine,” you wiped the tears away quickly, “I was dumb for thinking that any of this meant something to them, that’s on me.”
“What are you talking about?”
“The exchange program, the demons, everything here was just all part of Diavolo’s plan and I played right into it.” Bitterly you added, “I was a pawn and I couldn’t even see it.”
“That’s not true,” Solomon rebuked. “I’m sure they did not count on you making pacts with the 7 demon brothers. They are extremely high ranking, that wasn’t an easy feat.”
“They’re not any better, they probably only did so because I was some sort of replacement for Lilith.”
“Lilith… oh yes the fallen angel that almost did not survive.” He nodded as he remembered, “Is that what they said when they made the pact with you?”
“Well not exactly…” you admitted.
“I see,” he took your hand and pulled you to a nearby bench, “I happen to know a bit about pacts.”
You rolled your eyes but he took it as a good sign, “And when entering the pact, usually one or both parties admit their reason behind entering the contract. Usually it’s the human asking for something only that demon can offer like money, power or influence, but that wasn’t the case for you was it?”
“What was it that they were looking for from you?”
You didn’t answer for a while, thinking back on each of the pacts being forged. “If I had to sum it up for all of them, love or acceptance.”
Huh, that was pretty straightforward, Solomon wondered why he hadn’t thought of that. “That seems like something only you could have given them, I doubt they would want the same from me.”
You laughed, “I wouldn’t say that, Asmo really loves you, he always talks about you.”
Solomon groaned for effect but you both knew he cherished the bond with the demon.
“You were never their pawn, they chose to offer the pact and you chose to accept, that was not something orchestrated by someone else.”
Finally, you nodded, seeing his perspective. “You’re right.”
“Of course I’m right,” he joked.
With a light punch of his arm, you both made your way back to the party. Solomon planned on showing you a magical night.
The walk back to Purgatory Hall was quick, too quick for Simeon to figure out what happened.
He’d seen you dancing but not who with, also why had you been in such a hurry to get away from the brothers? He thought things were going well with them.
“I’ll put on some tea, ok?” Simeon offered as you two entered the front door.
You nodded and sat at the table.
“Simeon~” Luke called, “You’re back early!” The cherub entered the room and saw you from behind, “And MC!? What a treat!”
Luke came up to your side and caught your sad expression before you could turn away. “What happened?” He shot an accusatory glare at Simeon.
Simeon looked shocked, Luke thought you were upset because of him?
“It’s nothing Luke,” you replied softly, “you were right, I shouldn’t have trusted demons.”
The two angels looked at each other shocked, neither had expected that. “Well of course!” Luke defended, “What did they do?”
You sighed, you didn’t see a way to brush them both off so you recanted the dance with the noble, the things he knew about you and the ideas he had brought to your attention.
Luke chomped down on a cookie, “Well he’s not wrong about Diavolo’s plan.”
“Luke,” Simeon admonished, “I’ve known Diavolo for a long time, he’s not one to use others for personal gain, even if he is a demon. He’s always preferred to do things his own way.”
“And those brothers?” Luke asked. You looked at Simeon expectantly, your face repeating the question, ‘And those brothers?’
“I’ve known them for a long time too. Of course they adored their sister Lilith, we all did. But no one could serve as her replacement because she was irreplaceable.” Simeon allowed that thought a moment to sink in. “I think that you've made your own bonds with them, different and separate from your ancestral lineage.”
“I suppose…” You conceded.
“Why do you even put up with them MC?” Luke offered.
Now you had to laugh, “For a while I thought they were the ones putting up with me.”
“No way!” 
“Yes way,” you smiled at him as you sipped your tea. “I think you forget sometimes that you’re all powerful beings and I am not.”
Luke blushed, “You’re powerful, in your own way!”
“Thank you,” you put your hand on his cheek and he smiled. 
You looked over at Simeon, “Can I spend the night here?” 
Although he still sensed some sadness from you, it certainly was not the same level as he had felt when he bumped into you before.
“Yes!” Luke answered first, “Please Simeon!”
With the two of you giving him pouty looks, “How can I say no?”
“Yay!” Luke cheered and ran from the room, “Sleep over!”
“It’s alright if you’d rather not entertain Luke all night,” You offered, “I can go back to the HOL, I don’t want to impose.”
“You’re not getting out of this that easy,” Simeon teased, “He probably has six movies lined up already and he has been practicing making pillow forts in his room.”
You both laughed, “I appreciate you listening Simeon, I’m glad I have a guardian angel like you,” you winked as you joined Luke on the floor. He did already have a stack of movies to watch.
Simeon blushed and then shook his head to clear his thoughts as he joined the blanket pile.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
The Obey Me Cast on a Camping Trip (Part Two: The Undateables)
This post is split in two due to length (I had too much fun again…) For the Brothers, please click HERE!
Another day, another team building activity between the demons and the exchange students. It was Diavolo’s idea to go on a camping trip to the human world (because of course it was), and there were very… mixed responses. That sentiment wasn’t helped when he refused Lucifer’s insistent pleas to just purchase cabins for everyone to stay in. Oh no, the Demon Lord wanted to rough it out in the wilderness, and now everyone else was getting dragged along with him…
Wonder how that turned out?
He was soooo excited to get to experience camping! He had been asking the MC about human camping trips for about a week before making the announcement and he was pumped!!
Barbatos chauffeured him to the campsite in his own car (of course) but he insisted on taking every roadside, touristy stop they came across which doubled the drive time considerably…
He wanted to help everybody set up the camp but Barbatos and Lucifer were having none of it… So he took pictures and offered moral support instead! Good work everyone! 😁
He had his own tent about the size of a small house (ngl it took Barbs and Lucifer about a half hour to set the whole thing up). Barbs even somehow managed to pack a collapsible desk in there for him so he could still work… greeeat…. 🙄
Diavolo wanted to try everything. Literally everything. The man even traded his uniform out for full on outdoors gear, right down to one of those floppy fishing hats with the tackle stuck to it.
Politely insistently asks that Lucifer does things with him. The MC could come along as well (and in many cases Luci begs them to do so) but he wants to get some bonding time in with his best friend!
Unfortunately for Lucifer, Diavolo would get sidetracked quite a lot… Which is how he ended up having to physically steer his Lord out of harm's way more than once…
At one point while hiking, Diavolo was so distracted by taking pictures that he nearly walked right into the path of a passing bear and her cubs. Lucifer had to tackle him down into some bushes until they went away... His brothers teased him mercilessly when they heard about...
Dia also loved the camping food quite a bit. He's never gotten the chance to cook his own food before, even if it's just marshmallows over a fire, so it was all a brand new experience for him! S'mores are now declared a human world delicacy.
Man had the time of his life! He'd love to do it again, hell, maybe even make it a yearly event! (Few of the brothers share his sentiment, but hey, it pays to be King 😏)
If his Lord orders it, then he follows. He'll just have to double check that everyone is prepared for the occasion…
Drove Diavolo there with the patience of a saint (while also, like, being the exact opposite of that). Had it been anyone else in the car, they might have told him, "No, we can't stop for pictures of every moose you see," but Barbs is as accommodating as he is loyal.
It was pretty much all on his shoulders to direct the others when setting up camp. Lucifer would claim it was his, but let’s be completely honest here, Lucifer can't order Barbs to do shit. 
Naturally, he had his own tent close to his Lord, more modest in comparison, but big enough to hold a majority of the belongings and gear Diavolo had requested.
He also managed to bring a almost fully functioning kitchen setup for him using magic, minus a working oven by Diavolo's instruction. If he wanted a heat source, he had to use the campfire and he found the challenge intriguing…
For once in his extended life, Barbs had to do some trial and error in the kitchen. As it would turn out, fireside cooking can be a little difficult to master, but by the end of the trip he could still somehow dish out four course meals without so much as a sweat (according to the MC the secret was tinfoil and cast-iron cookware… who knew?)
When he isn’t prepping their next meal (which let’s be honest, with Beel on the trip that’s a constant activity) he’s guarding the food from Beel and Solomon…
The sorcerer wanted to help, but Barbs has already learned the hard way that if he so much as pokes a dish its flavor is ruined… It’s enough to make him wonder if it was a curse laid on him at some point…
Watching Barbatos deny Solomon becomes a pretty funny routine in and of itself. He’s not above just smacking the man’s hand away with a wooden spoon if it gets too close. Barbs doesn’t play in his kitchen. Back off. 😠
Barbatos is happy with the trip so long as the young Lord enjoyed himself. If that’s the case, and it was, then he’d happily do it again if asked… not that he’d have much of a choice anyway.
Simeon was familiar with the concept of camping, he’d written about it in his stories, but he’d never actually done it himself… He had hoped it'd be an interesting experience! And uh… it was that from the very start… 
Purgatory Hall got its own car and Solomon was put in charge of driving… But no one mentioned that he drives like a complete maniac. Speed limits, stoplights, even the ROAD ITSELF be damned. Solomon drives in a straight line from point A to point B and if there’s anything in the way he’ll just use magic to get around it…
It’s safe to say that by the time he and the others got to the campsite (which was significantly quicker than the rest) the angels weren’t in the emotional state to pitch tents… He and Luke just waited for the others to catch up while praying and praising the solid ground beneath their feet…
He shared his tent with Luke and didn’t mind at all. It was probably for the best anyway because the little angel was scared of human world predators like bears and wolves coming for him in the night… Poor boy…
Simeon took to hiking quite a bit. Going out and exploring the area around the campsite made him feel invigorated! The forests were beautiful and it gave him ideas for a bit of a guilty pleasure he's been debating on writing, "The Tale of the Lonely Prince." 🤭
It was on one of those trips that Simeon discovered human world creatures love him. Pretty much all of the wildlife gravitates towards him like he's a Disney Princess.
At one point he came back to camp riding on a moose with birds chirping on his new friend's antlers. He offered to take the MC out for a ride, but the brothers threw a fit about it…
He WAS able to get a couple more wrangled for Diavolo, who naturally dragged Lucifer along (though he clearly didn't want to touch the thing). 
The three ended up getting into a mooseback race because Diavolo wouldn't let Lucifer take the lead. He was glad to see Luci enjoy himself for a change! (It helped a lot that he won of course 🙄😏)
All and all, Simeon had a great time. Maybe he should ask the MC to show him more human places… But he's never getting in a car again. Pardon his language, but fuck those things!!!
He doesn't know what's worse… being out in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of demons or the absolute insanity that was the "drive" down… 😣
He spent the entirety of Solomon's Magical Ride of Nightmares clinging to Simeon or the armrests for dear life. He swore his entire life flashed before his eyes, can angels even have heart attacks???
Stayed right next to Simeon when they finally pulled themselves together enough to leave the car. He was so happy that Michael didn't see any of that… Who knew human transportation was so horrifying…???
His saving grace (literally) was getting to share his tent with Simeon… After Solomon told him that bears sometimes get curious and ransacked campsites, he clung onto the older angel like a protective charm.
...Whiiiich he wasn't too off about actually after he saw Simeon playing (yes PLAYING) with the human wildlife… Simeon had to introduce him to some of the nicer animals for him to eventually get over his fear and venture out past the campsite.
Luke loved to swim in the lake or river with MC and the others. The MC found a sturdy branch where they set up a rope swing and the little guy amused himself for hours!
Sometimes he'd watch Barbatos prep and cook using the campfire… He didn't even know you could make lasagna in a Dutch oven…
At one point the MC convinced him to go with them and the twins on a particularly long hike…
He got tired halfway through and Beel offered him a piggyback ride, but of course he'd NEVER let himself be that close to a demon!! (Just kidding, poor boy was so tired he climbed onto Beel's back and held on the a kola until they got back. Then he jumped off to save face)
He had a better time than he thought he would, but still doesn't want to go camping with demons ever again. (He and Simeon also begged Lucifer to drive them back instead of Solomon so the brothers' van was pretty much a clown car on the return trip).
Solomon hasn't been camping (for enjoyment) in quite a while, so when the prospect came up to do it with the MC and the other students he was intrigued...
When Simeon asked he knew how to drive, he said yes. He knows how to start a car, put it into motion, steer, and then come to a stop. That's all driving is really. 🤷‍♀️ You can't blame him for not memorizing all the rules, he's been traveling by portal for decades!
Was pretty confused why his angel friends fled the car so quickly... He got them there in one piece, after all. 😕🤷‍♀️ He put up their tents himself since they were too busy thanking their father then made a magic barrier around the site for protection purposes.
He and the MC both have their own tents, of course his is enchanted to be a lot bigger on the inside than it is on the outside, but he's only let the MC in on that little secret in case they want to visit… 😏
When everyone else finally arrived, Solomon was happy to help the MC introduce the wonders of the human wilderness to their companions! Including the breathtaking vistas, beautiful flora, bitter temperatures, man-eating predators, waters filled with disease… Hm? Oh, Luke won't leave the tent now…? Whoopsie.
Solomon kept himself occupied on the trip the best way he knew how… relentless trolling (particularly of Asmo and Barbs because they're used to his shit).
He'd alternate between poking fun at Asmo for the almost ritual length routines he was going through to try and save his looks to genuinely trying to encourage him and downplay the severity of the downgrade...
Meanwhile he was bound and determined to serve at least one of his own dishes during the trip (but Barbatos had banned him from the "kitchen," the food tent, and even the spoons...)
Diavolo, nice guy that he is, eventually made Barbs relent and let Solomon cook for ONE night… It went as well as to be expected. (They sent Solomon to grab more supplies then everybody took turns washing their mouths out with lake water... Diavolo apologized profusely, he had no idea...).
Solomon was confused why the angels would rather squeeze themselves in with the brothers than ride with him back but he wasn’t upset about it. That meant he could make a few extra stops without anyone complaining! He knows a guy in New Orleans he’s been meaning to see again… Luke and Simeon can wait a little for their stuff, right?
Click HERE for Part One. Check out my Masterlist for more!
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