#[[ but tumblr makes avatars fucking tiny so ]]
countlessrealities · 1 year
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PRIDE MONTH ICONS here we go !
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@countlessrealities - Evil Rick & Evil Morty, Ace pride [like the mun]
@collidingxworlds - Sam Adams (my OC), Enby pride [like the mun]
@thecursedhellblazer - John Constantine, Pan disaster pride
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collidingxworlds · 1 year
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PRIDE MONTH ICONS here we go !
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@collidingxworlds - Sam Adams (my OC), Enby pride [like the mun]
@thecursedhellblazer - John Constantine, Pan disaster pride
@countlessrealities - Evil Rick & Evil Morty, Ace pride [like the mun]
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PRIDE MONTH ICONS here we go !
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@thecursedhellblazer - John Constantine, Pan disaster pride
@collidingxworlds - Sam Adams (my OC), Enby pride [like the mun]
@countlessrealities - Evil Rick & Evil Morty, Ace pride [like the mun]
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crestfallercanyon · 2 months
🏜️ 🥤🍓 :)
Thank you so much for the ask @mmmichyyy !! I'm excited to answer.
First off, the (I actually don't know what this is lol) 🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Um, I just appreciate people enjoying my work, honestly. Always makes my day. I do enjoy when people point out lines that they liked, and especially if they think it really sounds like the character I'm writing for (when it comes to fanfiction). It just makes me feel good. But honestly, just hearing someone enjoyed what I wrote truly is super thrilling and I love hearing from people reading, so really anything.
and then the 🍓, how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
So I started writing original fiction a LONG time ago, like when I was a young tween. I got into fanfiction due to the pandemic. I just wanted to write something indulgent for me, and had never heard of ao3 and had never had a tumblr either. My first fandom I wrote for (knowing it was fanfiction, I technically wrote Doc Holliday/Katie Elder fanfiction way back when, if it can even be called that),but my first fandom was Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Then it was a teeny tiny video game fandom that I won't even say that's how small it is. Then coldflash, then my friend got me back into TMR and I haven't left TMR since, but have picked up others like Inception and Shameless.
It initially started as a practice to try to help me get my pacing to be better (because I tend to write too long). And now I still think my scenes are probably a little too long lol, but I have become a better writer over the years. So yeah, that's how I got into it!
🥤 recommend a fic or an author I love
Oh, do we have all day? I'm going to take up all day. I realize it says "an" as in probably only one, but I went way overboard. like embarrassingly so. I have so many recs. This got out of hand and I wasn't even done but it's time for me to go to BED so I have to STOP. Anyway, here is my list of recs. I moved this question last that's how long this is lol. Hope you find something you love from here!
@subjecta5newtella , (unbelieve on ao3) they don't miss. I've read several different fandoms of what they've written and they're all great. They also write killer second person fics which is just like, it takes a damn good writer to do that. Also I just learned they've also written for Avatar and Merlin and now I will be reading more of their fics. (also fuck me I have not commented on so many of these I'm such a bastard, I need to comment). Anyway, Some fic recs from them of what I have read that's been great
A Hundred Thousand Loves (for just this one), Maze Runner, Minewt, T+
And if This is What it Takes, Stand By Me, Chris Chambers/Gordie, M
holding all i used to be sorry about, The Flash, Hartmon, T+
They also do great Star Trek: TNG and just Star Trek in general fics
@blue-summers, bluesummersmoon on ao3-- I love all of their thomally. They have written for thomallyweek a few times now and I just -- there is something so lyrical about how they write, and whether their melody is a tragedy or a lullaby, it just always sings. They also have a greece au that's fantastic for tmr. They've also written for other amazing fandoms (I believe I have read their Merlin fic now that I am looking at the title) and I just. I recommend. (they've also done LotR which I'm so mad impressed by and they've done Merlin too!)
Oh when you love it, TMR, Thomally, T+
Meltwater, TMR, Thomally, G
The Greece AU
fissures, TMR, Minewt, T+
@qlala, qlala on ao3 as well, they don't miss. Their fics always are so good. I particularly love their modern aus, I don't usually love aus with coldflash but I love all of qlalas, I also don't usually read kid fics, but you guessed it, qlalas are fantastic. They are such a good writer, and their coldflash just has me chomping at the bit. I often drift on the sides of coldflash these days, but whenever I see they've posted I am brought back into the swirl of them and I am ever so happy to be back because that's how good qlala is.
and because I'm a sucker for soft possessive coldflash, here's one of my absolute favorites: and in your heart I feel how cold it can get; which by the way I just realized how tragic that title is and I am in awe again. So good.
Also this au where Barry is a hired escort and Len is a politician hiring him to raise his ratings with the polls (there's a part two as well/not really technically tied to this story but same universe) that's gold: talking with your fast hands, saving all your slow dances -- very good (also that song the title is from is also a banger, winnetka bowling league my beloved).
@sam-loves-seb, sam_writes_fics on ao3, I am pretty sure they are my most bookmarked gallavich writer, I love the way they write gallavich, also their fucking power to be able to stick to like themed MONTHS and churn out GOOD FICS so FAST? because of time and because their stuff is all that good, I am genuinely just going to link their whole profile and tell you that if you like gallavich you won't be disappointed, they're amazing.
I don't know their tumblr, but pink_ink is another fantastic gallavich writer. They mostly write explicit stuff, and it's all great. They have a (few) multiple chap fics that absolutely stole my heart. My favorite one of theirs? It is absolutely so poetic and sexy and tragic, and Mickey's voice is on fucking point.
Regular What, Shameless (US), Gallavich, E
Paragraphs is also really good. A Shameless multichap ,Gallavich, E
Another tumblr that if they have one I don't know, but I also love spqr's works. It's funny because I've actually just naturally ran into them like several times while delving into fandoms, I never looked at their dashboard until I hit them I think three separate times because I was like "wait, I recognize this author, did I read something else of theirs?" and it was straight up in an entirely different fandom. The fics I did that on are as follows:
madwoman, The Queen's Gambit (TV), Beth/Benny, M
Whensoever, The Sandman (TV), Dreamling, E
the dry sand of daylight, Inception (2010), Arthur/Eames, E
Um, I could do this for hours just going through my bookmarks, but I genuinely am getting tired so I don't want to do that. One day maybe. But, some fics that I would absolutely be a complete dunce if I did not mention because I reread them SO OFTEN. So here we go:
Ready by comebacknow, The Maze Runner, Minally, M
all i want of the world, coming down, Inception (2010), Arthur/Eames, T+
burnout by Tattered_Dreams, The Maze Runner, Brenda/Gally, T+
makes a cathedral, him pressing against me by misandrywitch, Shameless (US), Gallavich, No Rating (and its companion! and we will be like sailors, swimming in the sound of it by intimatelyrearranged)
Cold Storage by @sproutwings (sandrine shaw on ao3 -- also filled with great fics), the Flash TV, Iris West & Leonard Snart, T+
and for a woman wert thou first created by @hamartian-cathexis, The Maze Runner, Minewt, T+
this is what makes us girls by @its-tea-time-darling, TMR, Rachel/Sonya, E
Pinesong by aperplexingpuzzle, Legend of Zelda BOTW, Link/Revali, T+ (this ship came as such a surprise to me, but it's so good)
Stag and Wolf, Wyvern and Rabbit by deadlifts, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Claude/Felix, M
Adagio by towine, Fire Emblem: Awakening, Owaine/Inigo, M
and I'm currently (while behind) REALLY enjoying two incomplete fics
ad nauseum by Order_Of_The_Forks, Dimension 20: Fantasy High, Riz Gukgak/Fabian Seacaster, T+
Stitches by nightmarechild, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn, Rhys/Shinon, T+
These are all courtesy of the writers truth or dare! I love answering questions so thank you SO SO much for asking! if you want to ask more, just send me a message, I'm not shy <3
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creation-help · 2 years
OMG i just saw you saw it !!! Dang tumblr and its faulty notification system !!! Aaaa I'm so glad you enjoyed my silly rambles :'] and yeah, Solaris is literally just a bag of skittles that controls everything and everyone is like "yeah that guy seems reasonable, that guy is a god for sure"
As for the Celestial Managers- They are often separate entities from Vessels, and while now looking back I see I worded it a bit vaguely, the difference between them lies in the very concept of their existence: Managers exist to serve their respective God, organize and help respond to any kind of needed influences over the Mortal realm (Which is why many Mortalis classified Gods have many, because it just affects a LOT of people on the hour basically), and Vessels exist to expand said Influence through their own means, which means "live a while on the Mortal realm, do a bit of everything, see what it is like, and maybe you can even ascend into something else who knows".
Gods make vessels because by nature they are unfeeling, being only pillars of what a concept is and should represent- Their whole "personhood' is defined by whatever sees them, and since Mortals are what define what they are and what they're like through their belief and shared intuition, they have a weird "Fondness" for the little guys. It's like looking at a TV character and going "wow your personality is cool im gonna steal it", but on an unimaginably higher scale.
...Tiny problem though: as they are unfeeling, sometimes when they try to reach out to the ones they care most about, things go HORRIBLY WRONG because Gods aren't physically capable of knowing what a Mortal is and isn't resistant to, so sometimes they'll be like "I heard you needed water so I flooded your village" and won't know why suddenly their Believers are crying violently. To fix this, they're like "Hello small version of me, you should go on earth and see what these people need so I can be nice to them a little bit" and their vessel will be like "Ookayyy". After looking around for a bit, they tell their God/Manager that the people need water, but like just enough so they don't die and stuff, and it helps everyone.
The main story in this World is about a Solarian Vessel called Baltazar (he/they) and how he kinda really liked the mortal realm so now instead of like, actually telling their God things they just hang around and live with all the cool, feeling kids until he "dies" again and is forced to tell their Parent (tm) what they learn. Solaris doesn't really mind them doing that, seeing as its actually pretty interesting information extending through several Mortal centuries, and even goes as far as allowing other vessels to do it too for funnies
--------------------------- - - - - - - Below this line everything is written by me, blog owner
First of all tumblr did that thing again where it doesn't tell me I have a submission. /Fuck/ but hey so glad it brightened up your day! Second of all BAG OF SKITTLES I'M LAUGHING
Thanks for the clarification, it makes sense! Also quite interesting. I like the concept of these Vessels tbh! I feel like there's a ton of potential for different characters and stories. They're sorta like game avatars for the gods, aren't they? To get perspective on the mortals. Also I'm reeling from that Flooding the village thing omg. What a great thing the gods have something to give them perspective, and like I absolutely love that you considered this too, in your setting. Because yeah gods absolutely would lack perspective and have very vague overviews of the mortal world. Mwah.
I also appreciate the fondness "For the little guys" that is lovely.
Go Baltazar don't tell your parents where you've been out so late! "Live" your life! I find it nice that this isn't actually reprimanded either because it's still beneficial to the gods haha
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manyblinkinglights · 2 years
ah shit!!!! tumblr's link filtering stymied the old "write 'dot com' verbatim" trick. I was gambling on you being pretty familiar with imgur's url style. imgur DOOOOT c@m forward slash A forward slash 0uvJPLf. anyhow, god damn, I did not expect you to already have r&d for fucking sea turtles. or even more impressive, just coming up with it on the fly. also: I have no idea what you mean by ground clearance! how much? is it proportional or absolute? do I move the armature in edit or object mode?
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OHHH okay got it, the /a/ tripped me up. Okay, yeah, I see what you mean with this guy's proportions being so whack... I'd leave the arms like that and see what happens/test BOTH of VRChat's new avatar scaling options, though HONESTLY if your neck is mostly going to be doing the quadneck head rotation thing I don't think you'll notice a difference either way. Especially since you don't have legs to have to deal with. The arms/legs mismatch mostly screws with your legs (like by making you going down just a little bit in vr making your tiny legs scrunch all the way up, which will make your avatar, if its legs are lots longer, spend a lot of time hovering with its feet off the floor...) Anyway yeah leave your arms like that. Ground clearance is just, float it a little bit off the ground. Not a lot. The same as the AnyTaur. A couple of finger's widths. Also re: your other ask, by all means put the hind flippers at their proper 45! Unity incorporates rotation-at-rest/basically just handles itself a lot better than Blender does, when it comes to these specific kinds of constraints. Also you can deactivate the constraint, pose the flipper differently, and then reactivate it and see how it behaves at a new angle. This will help you get a feel for things anyway. idk why your headbone is tipped, I always leave my headbones pointing straight up, but I don't THINK this will cause a problem for you that can't later get a unity duct tape fix Yes I realized the best way to rig the flippers on the fly LOL but only because I'm a handful-of-tricks pony and that's one of them XD Now that I think of it you could get a wicked cool strandbeest effect of a load of rowing wings/spines all along an avatar with it... thankfully I am just a simple gryphon and have no need of implementing anything so elaborate.
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Ok this kinda embarrassing and the first time I’ve requested anything but, yk how you mentioned public bedding in ur zuko x of pinned post. Do you think u could write something abt that? Obviously no pressure and if ur uncomfy just ignore me.
Oh, love, don't be shy! I promise, you're welcomed here and free to drop an ask or request anytime~
And, it's your lucky day, because the public bedding may or may not be canon in Limerence 👀 Hence, here are tiny snippets of my rough drafts if I were to write this. Because it's totally not canon Zuko and Yue get married or something and this happens- totally doesn't happen 🍵
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AU: Limerence, Bedding Teasers
Pairing: Zuko x Fem. OC (Ying Yue Jiang)
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Shy, straddling Zuko’s lap with an intense blush.
His fingers were gliding over my arms, feeling the fabric that decorated my skin. I was so nervous, trembling, unable to stop fiddling with the band of his pants as my hands rested over the space between us. Our noses were just touching as his warm breath fanned over my skin.
“Love, we don’t have to do this.” Zuko hummed, a charming smile of comfort.
I could feel his warmth through the sheer fabric, my head tilted upwards as I stared at Zuko’s lips.
Today was the most magical day in my life.
The vows, the dancing, dressing up as a princess of my dreams while my dads and everyone else cheered and celebrated. Everyone I cherished, I loved, family and friends were all there for me.
But most importantly, I can finally call Zuko, my husband.
Dreaming of this moment since the day I laid eyes on him, an instant connection I never thought one could experience. I bit my lip, a silence filling the room that for a moment, the fact that there was a crowd behind us was forgotten.
Purposely making my back face them, as I sat over Zuko’s legs, hugging his thighs. My touch was easing its way up to his chest, enjoying the feeling over his skin under me as I caressed the faint scars that littered.
I was tired, exhausted from all the emotions, but seeing Zuko like this. Shirtless, hair loose, my blush deepened.
There wasn’t a doubt in me that I was nervous, but another part was so curious. Memories of every time we had almost been caught while we were having fun; from the quickies in the study, the garden. The thrill, idea, of someone watching us.
“Just what are you thinking about,” Zuko purred, his finger tapping my lips, and I realized how heavy my breathing had begun.
Wetness beginning to grow and stain the front of my panties, embarrassed at how I had just been caught fantasizing. But the smirk on Zuko’s face grew before rolling his hips against mine.
My eyes widened, hitching a breath because he was hard.
The head of cock, rubbing against my core, causing the fabric of my panties to rub against me. I bit down a moan, my head tilting downwards as my eyes fluttered shut at the sudden bolt of pleasure.
“A-ah, Zuko-” I shyly stumbled and Zuko groaned, bucking his hips against me, causing me to tense as my mouth to part.
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“I haven't even fucked you yet, and look at them.” Zuko chuckled into my ear as I arched my back against his chest. The arm that looped over my knee stopped me from pressing my legs together, twitching as his finger continued to tease.
I struggled to breathe, head tossed as my hips jerked, seeking his touch as he flirts with my cunt.
His cocky smirk pressed against my neck, loving how my eyes fluttered shut when he rolled my clit. It was a touch that left one to desire, his fingers on either side, sliding back and forth. The slickness that drips between my legs, a puddle of my cum pooling underneath.
"It's so sensitive-" I gasped.
But my movements, the whine that left my lips, it was such a contradiction. My hips are rolling, despite pleading, another knot building.
"Mmm, but look love. They want to see, see how you gush for me."
His words were a demand, and my body obeyed. Forcing my gaze to lift, meeting the eyes in front of us. It was too much, body flushing red, breathing hitched, "They're all staring at you, love."
Zuko's right. Shifting in their spots, faces twisted in a mixture of arousal and shame. Unable to look away, but they continued to stare, to gawk. Hypnotized by how I twitch and arch, humping Zuko’s hand out of desperation to feel more.
A few of them letting their palms rest in front of them with flushed cheeks, their knees buckling. They were- I gasped as Zuko let his fingers spread my folds, his middle finger happily rubbing that pleasurable button.
The robe that barely stayed on my shoulders finally began to tumble, bunching at my elbows as I tried to muffle my cries. It felt good, so overwhelming and Zuko groaned into my ear.
I was unintentionally rubbing against his bulge nestled perfectly behind my ass.
"Fuck, at this rate, they're not gonna make it for the best part," Zuko snickered as he stared at the audience that daringly got closer. Bucking into the fabric of their clothes, just how Zuko rutted me from behind. Groaning as I pushed myself further into his embrace, wanting to feel the heat from his body, how his cock twitched.
No longer bothering to hide their stares, they saw my toes curl, my hands falling over Zuko's thighs as my pitch grew. My nails dug into the fabric of his silk robes as I struggled to contain my moans. A wave of embarrassment at the eyes that watched, but it was intoxicating.
So dirty, yet I couldn’t stop making a mess-
"They're so fucking thirsty, love. They look like you, drooling. Wishing to know how you taste. Should I let them?"
I shook my head, gasping as his rubbing never stopped but rather got more intense. My hips were jerking into his hand, "N-no."
"Mmm, and why not, love?"
"Cause I only want you," I whined, and Zuko chuckled into my ear, placing possessive kisses over my neck. Humming in utter bliss, his kisses turning into bites. The sting after his teeth left marks over my skin, arching further as his touch began to speed up.
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My arms reached before me, hands gripping whatever I could.
Skin dewy, sweat beading down my forehead as another moan left my lips. Zuko's hands along my hips were deathly tight, forcing my hips upwards while he grunted.
One sharp thrust, his balls slapping against my cunt, that sent a wave of pleasure up my spine. All I could do was gasp his name out because it felt so damn good.
With every roll, it felt like Zuko went deeper, my walls squeezing him painfully because every drag of his cock was causing me to shudder. A new orgasm was building before I could even process the last.
The sounds of our breathing grew, and the intensity only increased as my eyes darted upwards, another wave of guilty pleasure washing over me because everyone was watching so intensely.
The looks of pained struggle on the guards’ faces, giving up entirely of not trying to watch. Their mouths hanging, eyes glued at how I gasped and cried out. My hair was a chaotic mess as Zuko tugged, beckoning me closer, loving how my back arched into him.
“Fuck, you love this, don’t you, love?” Zuko hissed as he felt me clench around him.
I whined, wanting to hide my face in shame because it was so painfully true. Everyone heard my times with Zuko, my screams, my begs. But for them to see, witness first-hand what they were always curious about.
Tears bubbled because I could feel myself tensing around Zuko’s cock, my breath caught in my throat.
“Again?” Zuko teased before his hand began to snake down my hips over my stomach. My eyes widened, already knowing what his plan was, and I shook my head desperately.
“D-don’t, Zuko. I-I’ll-”
Skimming down my stomach, already finding what he was seeking. The pads of his fingers happily parting my folds to let his fingers rest on my clit. His thrusts were growing, using my body to pump himself, hitting that spongey part inside of me that had me seeing stars.
My vision was getting spotty, trying to speak words, but I was merely blubbering nonsense. Zuko was cooing into my ear, encouraging, excited to see me break- “Cum for me.”
I could feel myself gush around him like a dam breaking, his thrusts never stopping, his fingers continued to rub furiously. It was a loud scream as I could feel my juices drip down my legs, painting his with my cum, and Zuko could only groan from behind as I squeezed him.
“Fuck, baby-”
“I-I can’t stop.” I cried, my body convulsing, another wave hitting me, “Maybe this will be a nighty thing, fucking you in front of a crowd. Having you cockwarm while we’re in meetings.”
And my cheeks continued to burn because the thought didn’t seem frightening but a blessing at this point.
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Copyright © 2021 Mystic-Kitten-Writer, inc. all rights reserved. No reposting, modifying, or translations of any kind are allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.
Disclaimer: I do not own any Avatar characters besides any original characters I have created.
Cross-posted on Ao3/Tumblr/Quotev/Wattpad to discourage plagiarism.
❤ Buy me a coffee? ❤
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mohluskiepedard · 4 years
Rating ATLA Characters literally only from what I’ve seen in fandom
or: posts that probably shouldn’t be on my writeblr except I don’t have a sideblog
the context here is it’s half midnight and I have never seen ATLA except I have opinions now apparently so here we go whoop de do- 
I’m also not actually rating them like numerically that’s too much work i’m just stating opinions I know I’m a fraud
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- A child?  - A son?  - he is Baby. but also. he has had It Rough  - would make the updog joke - has unspeakable power or smth and everyone says he’s better than the Korra girl who comes after him but honestly tastes like sexism to me - doesn’t kill people because he’s like twelve, right? he’s like twelve so he refuses to kill people - I stan honestly - less twelve year olds should kill people - Some people say his name WRONG and they are BAD but i don’t actually know what the right way or the wrong way is so. have fun w that yall - lived in peace unTIL THE FIRE NATION ATTACKED 
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- She is also like twelve???  - Is everyone here twelve - Cortana?? Katana?? Catbug??  - She has good hair, - Her mother is dead??? her mother is dead n she has a brother but she cares about her mother being dead WAY more than him (or apparently the entire fandom??) - Badass - She seems soft. good. sweet - she’s a water breather or whatever??? her brother is NOT but he is a meme - I love her 
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- NGL looks like a fuckboy  - The meme brother! does not do the water things, but he has an aXe???  - dates BAMF lady - ngl until I talked to my ATLA watching friend I thought he canonically dated Zuko  - kinda mad he doesn’t - I haven’t actually seen anything about him except like. in zuko ship posts and also Suki appreciation posts - joined the white lotus not-a-cult by accident???  - dark ATLA tumblr show me more Sokka posts - is his name prounounced the same way as Soccer or isn’t it I need to know - HIS FIRST GIRLFRIEND TURNED INTO THE MOON - (AND THAT’S ROUGH, BUDDY) - He and Suki are a good ship, but also, Sokka Has Two Hands
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- the BAMF herself - she says STOP in that photo but also to sexism - Rlly all I see of her in fanon is abt her teaching Sokka to drink his respect women juice and I appreciate her doing that but also it’s sad she never gets talked about outside of what she did for a man - I hope she has other badass moments w/o him it would suck if she didn’t - she is NOT the girlfriend who turned into the moon, she is the one who didn’t - I don’t know much else about her ATLA Fandom y’all should appreciate her more
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- Look at him... my son... - He has a good redemption arc - he and his sister are evil lesbian and redeemed gay guy??? - has a straight canon ship but should’ve been with Sokka this boy is gay - I Want To Protect Him - That’s literally it - he has a cool uncle and his dad sucks  - people ship him with Katara and I Do Not Get It that’s his sister in law except not really - “We don’t trust Zuko’s change of heart” [the next day] “so Zuko is my closest friend now,”  - His dad was like “fuck up the avatar to prove your worth to me” and Aang was like “counter argument you already have worth and we should fuck up your dad” and I think that’s beautiful - he becomes the fire man and he’s very good at it - Zuko for President 2020 - in the words of myself, half an hour ago: “ I was like "that kid with the burn on his face seems like a sad but then happy mlm who needs found family" and I was RIGHT” - took too long to find a happy picture of him :( Zuko rights NOW please - His mother’s story got compared to an OC of mine and all I can say is oh no and they deserve better based on that alone - I have had Zuko for five minutes but if anything else happens to him I will kill everyone in this throne room and then myself
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- She is badass but like also will murder you while laughing maniacally? - for some reason reminds me of Nott from Critical Role, another show I Have Not Seen - Is blind but gets more out of making jokes abt being blind than she would from being able to see - “Sight is just a cheap tactic to make weak benders stronger!!!” - Literally the opposite of Aang and has killed many people?? - She Can Tell When You’re Lying. But I do not know how and Am simply mildly threatened by this - Therapist: Toph’s ability to know if you’re lying isn’t real and can’t hurt you. Toph’s ability to know if I’m lying:  - She and Zuko.... buddies???  - if not they should be - tiny sad boy needs friends like toph
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- Evil Lesbian Culture - [BDG Voice] You committed a war crime! Oopsie! - took be gay do crime too literally - her and Zuko have accurate sibling writin except instead of “you ever want to murder your sibling for breathing in the same space as you,” being a Joke Azula took it seriously - okay but with a name like azula she should be the blue bender this ANNOYS me she should NOT be red bender - AZULa  - AZUL - IT MEANS BLUE - She was half of y’alls gay awakenings and it SHOWS - Should have maybe been redeemed too??? Jury is out no one knows - Was she gay for Ty Lee or wasn’t she I can’t tell how much of that Audio is a joke - IS SHE ALSO TWELVE??? IS EVERYONE HERE TWELVE?? IS THIS TWELVE YEAR OLD COMITTING ATROCITIES? 
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- A Good Man - Finally, Some Good Fucking [Adult Figures]  - he has the tea. literally and figuratively - Ozai is like “and I will permanently disfigure my son and throw him out” and Iroh is like “What The Fuck, Ozai,” thus voicing the entire audience’s thoughts - Literally the only adult in this that I trust - I? I love him. this is all I have to say. my love for him is unending. Some1 protect this man from all harm   - he’s Zuko’s uncle (and also Azula ig) but he does not seem related to Ozai. is it just a theme in this family that one sibling is chill and one sibling commits horrendous atrocities against your fellow human beings or  - something happened to his son???? :((((( I Don’t Want Him To Have Suffered Like This
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- A BAD MAN - Uh Oh (stinky)  - THE WORST OF THE MEN  - I do not like him - Bastard man. nasty. committed war crimes and then went “but what if - get this - i also abused my son,”  - I would like him to Not Be Like This - by Like This I mean present and alive  - :/ 
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- She’s NOT the There Is No War In Ba Sing Se lady and I don’t know why i thought she WAS but until I looked up her photo I thought that was her  - She looks like a sweetheart tho - I hope nothing bad happens to her????  - talks about auras??? or smth??? let her vibe - She would talk animatedly to me about warrior cats if she was in my year seven class and I was sat alone and I would understand none of it but appreciate her anyway - if azula bullies her I’ll be :( at Azula and Azula will not care because she has Mommy Issues and therefore is slightly unhinged - She seems like that one kid with no trauma vibing at the edge of [every other kid having trauma] and not really getting it but trying her best - Is she also twelve?????? She maybe looks twelve
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- HIS CABBAGES - fulfills my favourite trope: ordinary person repeatedly has life disrupted by the inconveniences of relying on actual children to save the world - probably has a campaign post canon for letting trained adults fix the worlds’ problems in the future - or sets up the Very First Cabbage Insurance Company - look at him. he loves his cabbages so much. you go you funky lil cabbage man
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- LOOK AT HIM HE’S SO GOOD - small. fluffy. big ears - Lord Momo of the Momo Dynasty: his Momoness - a Good Boy...
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- he looks so soft... - he can fly but he just does it by??? vibing through the air?? motionless??? iconic - I saw that one post about mishearing it as Abba and thinking he was Aang’s dad and he looks like he would be a good stand in dad ngl - he’s so LORGE - a chonky boy - love him
that is everyone I have heard of it and if I left someone out it’s a sign that y’all should talk about em more bc I have no clue they exist put more ATLA On my Dash ig I’ll do Legend of Korra ig maybe apparently that one has canon wlw and i love me some canon wlw
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kyoshi-lesbians · 3 years
Gen and Sapphic ATLA Fic Recs
I’ve been meaning for some time to put together a list of fics focused on under-appreciated characters, relationships, and pairings, and here it finally is! Split into gen and sapphic pairs, including some rarepairs, rangshi, mailee, yueki. I’ve mentioned just one story from each author for brevity's sake, but plenty of these writers have many awesome atla fics to check out
general, character studies, and worldbuilding
The Hand of Kyoshi by TehRaincoat, 23,000+ words 
MY FAVORITE SUKI FIC. You want in-depth, culturally appropriate worldbuilding of Kyoshi Island? Suki’s fleshed out backstory? Maybe a look into her relationship with her mother and how she became the leader of the Kyoshi warriors at such a young age? This is it. This is IT. 
you were never supposed to leave by windupclock, 2500+ words  
Exploration of Sokka and Kya’s relationship and Sokka’s grief. This fic makes me want to punch a wall. I love it. I hate it. It’s incredible and you should read it.
you are any way the wind blows by suzukiblu, 1000+ words
Beautifully written fic about secret airbender ty lee. I think about this story all the time. 
to hold the breeze by purplecresent, 4000+ words
“tiny vignettes about aang's tattoos, his culture, and those who love him”. This story is beautiful, and heartbreaking, and so loving. My favorite Aang fic.
(many more below the cut)
Encounters of a Swampy Kind by meetmeatthecottage, 1000+
Aang meets Ikki in the Swamp. Pretty sure I cried reading this. As ya do :’)
Long Long Time Ago by Lisse,  2000+ words
One of my absolute fave fics. The story features great OCs, worldbuilding, and Haru. It is part of a series called “Swampverse” that features an alt-universe where the war went differently (badly). Short series, worth reading all of it. I’m always in awe that this was published waaaay back in 2006. Cw for heavy subject matter, including some mentions of violence. 
Sands of Time by starsofgems, 64,000+ words
OH MAN. THIS STORY. IS. INCREDIBLE. Features amazing worldbuilding focused on the sandbenders, Toph and Zuko friendship, and the story of Avatar Yangchen and her girlfriend! Many moving parts, yet it all works together perfectly. Part of a larger series but I did jump into this without reading the previous parts and could follow the plot without trouble.
a tale I know well by undergrounddash, 6500+ words
My favorite ‘Zuko making amends and getting to know the gaang’ fic! Set at the Western Air Temple, Zuko reads a story to Toph, which becomes Zuko reading a story to everyone. 
Tide Locked by ambyr, 9000+ words
One of my all time favorites. A beautifully written story about Kanna and Hama, and how war changes people.  If you’re at all interested in either of their characters, it is a must read.
The Eyeliner Incident by spacemagic, 14,000+ words
I can’t say I’m a Katazula fan, but this breaks the mold for me! Canon-divergent modern AU set in Ba Sing Se, wonderfully written, delves into serious themes, and all the characters are wonderfully written!    
all i ever wanted was a life in your shape by axsun, +3000 words
It’s sweet but not just sweet, ya know? Kyoshi and Rangi are so true to character. Somehow the author manages to pack in excellent modern worldbuilding in a little over 3000 words. Incredible, must read. (It is part 2 of a previous story which is also wonderful.) 
come back with gravity by frutescence, 7500+ words
THEE Rangi fic of all time. Her relationship with her father is fleshed out beautifully and heartbreakingly −  all Rangi’s relationships are explored so well. So so good!!!!!
Steel, Moon, and Fire by rivensilk, 3000+ words
A tag for this fic is “rangi is an assassin but still harps on about her honor”, what more can i say? What’s not to love???
where we go for each other, we go together by city_of_suns, 2000+ words
GOD. I think it was one of the first rangshi fics i ever read and it cuts me deep every time. Fic summary is “In which Koko grows up idealizing one mother and being raised by the other”. Yeah. YEAH. 
Mailee time! 
to the moon and to saturn by wearealltalesintheend, 10,000+ words  
Mai centric mailee story!! Love love love the exploration of Mai, it has a cool plot, great structuring, and JUNE makes an appearance <3 
bad girls by airnomadenthusiast, 11,500+ words 
So this is mailee but it’s also just the atla girls all together having a good time! They start a band! It’s hilarious and heartwarming, a great feel good story along with the cute mailee.
the language of flowers (aka- how you get the girl) by i_love_your_light, 3000+ words  
I am not immune to flowershop fics and if you aren’t either, this is for you! It’s inspired by the tumblr post about saying 'fuck you' in flower, and if that doesn’t scream mailee idk what does
second star to the right and straight on 'til morning by whattheelizabeth, 11,500+ words
MAILEE ROAD TRIP FIC. It’s cute, it’s fun, it’s sweet, and at times it’s hilarious. LOTS of pinning but they figure themselves out eventually :) 
hello yueki nation
A Tale of Love Letters and International Incidents by theknightlybisexual, 4000+ words
Another favorite! Chief Yue and Captain of the Kyoshi Warriors Suki become friends while exchanging letters. It's a great take on their leadership roles post-canon, and its SUCH a fun read; I laughed out loud so many times.
moonstruck by zeitgeistofnow, 1000+  
Also explores Yue and Suki's leadership roles post-canon. It's beautiful! And it kinda hurts! And I love it!
282 notes · View notes
penguinsledder · 3 years
look into your eyes (and the sky’s the limit)
Rating: K+ (maybe T for some crass language?) Word Count: 4.8k Genre: Romance, FLUFF
ff.net | AO3 | ko-fi
“If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it will have been worth it,” he said with a smile, his eyes never leaving hers. 
A fluffy in-universe Kataang AU where Aang saves the world without her, and they meet after the war instead. If you’ve ever wanted to read love at first sight Kataang, pining!Katara, and smack in the middle of charming and dorky!Aang, this might be up your alley. Inspired by the song “Helpless” from Hamilton. For @kataang-week‘s Kataang Valentine’s Bash 2021, with the prompt pair air and water.
A/N: HAPPY VALENTINE’S YALL! Before you read this I must also plug the absolute cutest crossover art by tumblr user @minky-for-short, which also served as an inspiration for this fic. Aang’s 15 here, btw, and Katara’s 17.
This is by far the LONGEST oneshot I’ve written (it was originally supposed to be so short but it got away from me) and … here we go.
I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, or Hamilton.
Katara was not enjoying herself.
She’d only been back at the South for a week when they’d received word of a grand ball at the Earth Kingdom palace, celebrating the anniversary of the reclamation of Ba Sing Se. And while her father and brother were no strangers to these events as the Southern Chief and Ambassador, Katara was very well a fish out of water.
Sure, she’d attended some functions as a master waterbender during her stay at the North, but it was never anything of this magnitude. The glittering gold and jade green that colored the walls were far cries from all the icy whites and blue she was accustomed to all her life. Her gaze swept the room as she took in the hundreds of people gathered, all dressed to the nines in the latest fashion of their nation.
She herself wore a high-collared ocean blue dress with fur trimmings. She decided to wear her hair down for the occasion, but kept her signature tiny braids so she wouldn’t look too different (hair loopies, she could already hear her brother saying). Patterned white and blue bracelets adorned both her arms, standing out against her brown skin. Animal hide boots just peeked out from underneath her long skirt, completing her unmistakably Water Tribe look.
It was one she wore with pride. However as the night went on, she was realizing that if the room were any marker, the Water Tribes were very few compared to the populations of the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation. On top of that, the Southern Water Tribe was almost completely cut off from the world during the war, so their specific styles hadn’t been seen by the rest of the world in years. And how different they really were—the garb she wore seemed almost out of place alongside the silk robes and dainty shoes common to both larger nations. She’d even been getting looks from different people, some curious, some confused, and some just plain rude.
As if to drive the point home, a gaggle of giggling Earth Kingdom girls with powder-white faces passed by and gave her a cold once over, making her face burn. She tucked a loose piece of hair behind her ear self-consciously as she heard the click of a tongue, then more muffled giggles before they went on their merry way.
She was highly considering bending some of the nearby punch onto their faces when a familiar voice cut through her thoughts.
“Enjoying the party?” She stopped, sighing—it could only be one person.
“No,” she grumbled as she turn to face him. He stood out from the crowd just as much as she did, though he was clad in garments colored a shade darker than hers. “You shouldn’t have brought me here, Sokka. This isn’t my job.”
“Oh, lighten up, little sister!” He elbowed her. “You deserve a break after all that training at the North Pole.”
“That’s why I went home! I wanted to spend some quiet time back home, not at some grand party where I don’t know anybody,” she said, gesturing wildly.
He scoffed. “You’re practically the princess of the South Pole. Think of it as political work.”
She smirked, seeing her opening. “Princess, huh? You introduced yourself as a prince, didn’t you?”
“It’s not not true,” he huffed, crossing his arms.
“I’m sure they were very impressed,” she said dryly.
“Of course she was!”
“Oh, so it’s a she, huh?” she said giddily. The joy she derived from teasing her brother was truly unparalleled.
“Well, how about you?” he goaded her, changing the topic. “Met any guys tonight?”
“A few guys have said ‘hey’ here and there,” she said nonchalantly. “They were … eh.”
“Wow, you truly have a way with words, Katara.”
She stuck her tongue out at him. “Listen, they’re boring. We barely make it past a few sentences.”
Sokka pursed his lips as he studied her. “Ah, maybe it’s because of that.” He pointed at her neck.
“Mom’s necklace?” she said skeptically.
“It’s a betrothal necklace, right?”
“In the North,” she stressed. “We all know it’s just a regular necklace in the South.”
“Ok, but we don’t know what they’re thinking. Here.” He reached over to tuck her necklace into her high collar. “Now you don’t give off ‘I’m engaged’ signals.”
“Hooray, just undeniably single now,” she deadpanned. “Look, it’s probably not that, they’re also just … not my type.”
“Oh? And what is your type?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
A blush crept into her cheeks. “I don’t know. Tall? Handsome? Thinks waterbending is great?” She shook her head. “Come to think of it, some of them get weird when we talk about waterbending.”
A look of understanding crossed her brother’s face. “Ah.”
“Listen, Katara. I know you’re like the first waterbending master from the South in decades, and the first female one in the North, but …”
“Are you calling me a show-off?” she said indignantly.
“No!” He raised his hands up defensively. “I’m just saying that some men don’t like that. They got a lot of pride, and they get … intimidated when a woman is—”
She placed her hands on her hips. “Well good, because I don’t want them either. Just because I’m of marrying age doesn’t mean I—” She stopped, suddenly distracted as a tall, striking figure entered her field of vision.
He was clad in autumn-colored robes that weren’t quite as fancy as the red and green ones she’d seen earlier. He seemed to be around her age, and she couldn’t deny that he possessed a certain handsomeness—one that was boyish and yet mature at the same time. She looked on as he chatted animatedly to King Kuei himself, and another young man she assumed to be Fire Nation royalty from the royal hairpiece and his regal red and black outfit.
However, what intrigued her the most was the powder blue marking that arched over his bald head. It seemed to be a tattoo of some sort, and if she squinted, she could barely make out what seemed to be an arrow. It was a familiar symbol, but for some reason, she couldn’t for the life of her remember what it was at that moment. She continued to stare as the boy burst out laughing at the Fire Nation man, and Katara felt a little flutter in her chest as a small smile escaped her—his energy was infectious.
“What’s gotten into you?” Sokka followed his sister’s eyes suspiciously, then let out a loud groan. “Oh … oh no. Of all the guys, Katara!”
“Wh—What are you talking about?” she snapped, looking away defensively.
She heard the sound of his palm hitting his forehead, something she was unfortunately all too familiar with. “I know I kind of expected you to meet a guy tonight but really? So many possible men here and you decide to go for the Fire Lord?”
“The Fire Lord? Huh? What—no!” she sputtered. “It’s not him!”
“Aha, so you were staring at someone!” he said accusingly, wagging a finger at her.
She watched tensely as Sokka thoughtfully stroked an imaginary beard on his chin. “The Earth King then?” Sokka cringed. “Really, Katara, you might wanna try—“
“What do you even think of me?” she fumed.
“Wait.” Sokka’s eyes went wide as he threw a quick glance back at the trio across the room. He gasped, and Katara braced herself. “The Avatar?”
Sokka’s words hit her like a bucket of cold water. The Avatar! Tui and La, how did she not recognize him?! “I—“ She cleared her throat, trying to compose herself. “The Avatar?” she asked as calmly as possible.
“Katara, you were practically eye-fucking him across the room!” Sokka hissed, then shuddered. “Spirits, it creeps me out to say that but it’s true.”
“Shut up, Sokka.” Her face was burning at this point, and it was taking all her self-control not to wrap her hands around his wolf tooth choker and throttle him.
He sighed, not seeming to hear her. “Well, I suppose he is single.”
“Wait, he is?” The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them. “I mean, he’s a monk, right?
Sokka gave her a look that was in between a cringe and disbelief. “Oh, Katara, everyone makes a fuss about that! At any rate, I don’t think he’s … celibate. In fact, he’s practically the most eligible bachelor in the world, and trust me, it’s not due to a lack of choices.”
She deflated, looking down in embarrassment. Great, now she was just like all the dozens of fangirls who’d gotten starry-eyed over the Avatar. But there really was something about him that drew her like a magnet, and it definitely didn’t have anything to do with—
“Spirits, Katara, I think he’s looking at you too.”
She snapped her head back up, and to her shock, he indeed was looking right at her, seemingly awestruck. Sapphire crashed into silver, and he gave her a small, timid smile that made her feel like she was going to spontaneously combust right there and then.
Beside her, she heard Sokka groan. “Okay, he’s definitely looking at you. Guess that means I’m going to have to introduce you now.” He sighed, holding out his arm. “Come on.”
She looped an arm around her brother’s, and together, they walked across the room. Her heart sounding like a stomping herd of buffalo yaks, and she tried to ignore it by focusing on tucking some more loose strands behind her ears. When this was met with little success, she turned to fixing the folds of her dress with her free hand, unfortunately rumpling it even more than before. She only had enough time left to curse under her breath before they’d gotten close enough for Sokka to start getting the Avatar’s attention.
“Avatar Aang!” Sokka greeted him, waving at the young monk.
The young man looked up, a wide smile spreading across his face as he saw who had called. “Ambassador Sokka! It’s good to see you again,” he said as they clasped each other’s forearms in traditional Water Tribe greeting. The contrast between the Avatar’s lighter skin and her brother’s brown tone drew her attention, and she realized with a start that there were arrows on his arms and hands as well. “Are you here with Chief Hakoda?”
“Nah.” Sokka shook his head. “Dad had to take care of some business back at home, you know, with the reconstruction and all.”
“I see. And you’re with ….” He looked curiously at her, making her heart rate grow even more erratic.
“Master Katara of the Southern Water Tribe,” she said, trying to sound confident. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
A questioning look flashed across his features. “Southern Water Tribe?” he asked, glancing at Sokka.
“My sister.” Katara thought she saw a hint of relief touch his eyes, but it was gone in an instant. “Dad sent us here in his stead.”
“Thank you for ending the war, Avatar Aang. We’re greatly indebted to you,” she said, bowing deeply.
He held her gaze for what seemed to be the longest moment of her life before leaning down to take her hand and press a kiss to it. “If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it will have been worth it,” he said with a smile, his eyes never leaving hers.
There was a pregnant silence as she dumbfoundedly took in his eyes, his words, his hand, his lips on her hand. Her mouth hung slightly ajar, and she was pretty sure Sokka’s was doing the same too.
“All right, this is too much for me,” Sokka finally said, breaking the tension. He raised his hands and started to back away. “I’ll leave you to it.”
The pair watched as Sokka retreated, disappearing into the sea of party guests. Suddenly realizing that they were still in contact, Katara pulled her hand back and they both stood up straight, looking at anything but each other. After a few agonizing seconds, she attempted to start a conversation at the same time as he did, unfortunately, and the two got pushed back into an even more excruciating silence. Just when she couldn’t take it anymore, the Avatar cleared his throat.
“So, I uh, I guess I haven’t properly introduced myself yet,” he said, awkwardly rubbing his neck and putting on the absolute cutest half-smile Katara had ever seen. “I’m Aang. No need for titles.”
“Aang,” she tested it out. It felt surprisingly natural. “Just call me Katara, then.”
“Okay, Katara.” An unexpected thrill went through her as he said her name, and she bit back a smile. “It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve met with Sokka and Chief Hakoda a couple of times, and I’ve heard so much about you!”
“Oh really,” she said, cringing. “What did they say?”
“Hey, nothing bad!” he assured her quickly. “For starters, they said you were a waterbender, and you’ve been training at the North Pole.”
“Oh.” That put her a bit more at ease. “That’s true.”
“Not only that,” he went on. “But Chief Hakoda said you were excellent and the first North-trained female master in centuries! Master Pakku taught me too so … I know how big a deal that is,” he added cheekily.
“It definitely wasn’t easy convincing him,” she chuckled, fully relaxing. This was going better than every other conversation she’d had that night. “But he’s asked me to help him train his waterbending students, so I guess we’re on good terms.”
“That’s incredible! I’d personally love to see you waterbend sometime.”
Katara blushed. “What? No, I can’t—you’re the Avatar! What’s my bending going to look like to you of all people?”
He was unruffled. “Probably great. I can bend all four elements, but that doesn’t mean I’m the absolute best at them all. You can ask Toph.” He winced.
The waterbender laughed. Toph Beifong was collectively known as the greatest earthbender of all time, partly due to objective acknowledgement of her talents, and partly due to her constant self-declaration of it. “I’ll be sure to do that. Is she here tonight?”
“Nah, she’s busy with her own stuff these days. She’s found other students to yell at instead of me,” he said dryly.
“Good for you,” she said, grinning. “Anyway, I’d love to see you airbend sometime, too. I’ve never seen airbending before!”
Aang perked up immediately, looking excited as he reached into the folds of his robes. “Oh really?! Well, check this out!” He clasped his hands together for a second before parting them with a wicked grin.
Katara blinked. A couple of marbles were spinning around midair in between the Avatar’s palms. Aang looked at her eagerly, and she quickly tried to rearrange her confused shock into a (hopefully) impressed look.
“That’s uh—that’s great!” she said, and much to her relief, he didn’t seem to notice her hesitation.
“Right! This is my favorite trick,” he said proudly, before bringing his hands together again and returning the marbles to his pocket.
He’s a dork, she decided. An unexpected burst of affection swelled in her chest at the thought, and she decided she liked that about him.
“I’ve got another trick to show you,” he said, pulling her out of her thoughts. Katara could have sworn there was an almost mischievous glint in his eye as he said that.
He looked pointedly at a nearby Earth Kingdom general wearing a cape, and she watched as he did several deft twisting motions with his left wrist. All of a sudden, a gush of wind threw the general’s cape up, flipping it over and consequently covering his face.
The pair exploded in a fit of giggles as their victim threw the cape off his face angrily, revealing a very red and livid face. He started cursing as he angrily searched for a suspect.
“Uh-oh.” Aang said, ducking his head. “We better get out of sight.” He paused for a moment, calculating.
“Just take my hand.”
She looked at him like he was crazy, but his face told her he was dead serious. All things considered, trusting him did seem to be her best option at the moment. “Okay.”
The moment her hand was in his, he spun her around skillfully into his arms with one turn. She looked up at him incredulously. “Are we going to dance?”
“Oh no, we’re going to be doing some bending practice.” He grinned impishly, placing his free hand on her shoulder. She gulped.
“Just follow my lead, Master Katara.”
The tinkling of the bianqing echoed throughout the room to signal the transition of music, and she decided Aang must have been familiar with the piece, because they took off at the same time the erhu started with its first note.
He led her through the dance floor with utmost grace, blending the both of them seamlessly into the crowd. If Katara didn’t know any better, she would have thought they really were just dancing. But observing closely, she had never seen any dance quite like whatever Aang was doing—the spiraling movements, the ability to turn himself (and her) to a different direction at a moment’s notice. They might as well have been leaves in the wind.
So this was airbending, she thought.
However, as their little “dance” went on, she started to notice a hint of familiarity to their motions—the way he would alternate between drawing her towards him and holding her at arm’s length, the way the weight transferred back and forth between the two of them—unmistakably, there was also an ebb and flow to his breeze, a push and pull.
“Waterbending,” she breathed, low enough that he didn’t hear her. She’d read about how airbenders just trusted the air to let it carry them but she’d never realized how similar it could be to her element’s constant shift of energy. That is, until this display.
A deft spin pulled her out of her thoughts, and before she could process what was happening, she found herself mere inches away from his face. Argentine eyes took up her entire vision, and she could only hear their ragged breaths and beating hearts. Agonizingly slowly, the distance between them started to close, but it wasn’t until she felt his warm breath on her lips did she realize just how close they were.
“So,” she said, ducking her head in a panic and suddenly taking interest in the orchestra playing at the end of the ballroom. The music had quieted to a soft melody, and she fixed her gaze on the bamboo flute producing it. Her cheeks burned both at their almost-encounter, and she prayed to the spirits that her complexion was enough to hide it. “Flight and evasion. Very airbender.”
The Avatar blinked, then shook his head as if coming out of a trance. “You know for someone who says she’s never seen airbending, you sure seem to know a lot about it.” He lightly swayed them to the music, just enough to blend in without actually changing position.
She scoffed. “You’re the talk of the Four Nations, you know. Plus, Master Pakku told me that learning the bending styles of the other nations would help me greatly, so I read up at the North’s libraries while I was training there.”
“From firsthand experience, I can tell you it does help greatly.” He paused for a moment. “On that note, I’m curious if you’ve read anything about the Avatar.”
She shrugged. “Sure. Comes with the territory of the four elements.”
“So, how have I fared?” he probed playfully. “Living up to your textbook expectations?”
“Well for one, I didn’t expect the Avatar would be such an incurable prankster.”
She had to bite back a giggle as her partner did his best to feign offense. “Me? I’m just a simple monk,” he said innocently.
She laughed in earnest this time. “Could have fooled me. Do you always charm girls by kissing their hands and whisking them away to dance?”
“I—“ He stopped swaying. “You think I’m charming?”
Katara flushed. “I—“ She swallowed. “Um … sorry.”
“What? No, why are you apologizing?”
“Sorry, Aang, can we just drop this?”
“If it makes you feel better, I—I think you’re beautiful.” Katara froze, and the Avatar averted his gaze. “And um, to answer your question, no, this isn’t a regular thing.”
Katara’s world completely stopped. Did … Did the Avatar—did Aang just … what did that mean?
“Aang! There you are.” The two immediately jumped apart at the sound. Katara turned in its direction, and her panicked mind picked up various disjointed information about the approaching figure. Regal crimson robes, a golden headpiece, silky black hair, a scar … Sacred spirits, she realized with a start. “I’ve been loo—” The Fire Lord’s golden eyes flitted between their two flushed faces. “Sorry, am I interrupting something?”
Katara desperately willed Aang to earthbend the ground to swallow them whole, but to her dismay, he had other plans. “No, nothing at all,” he said lightly, plastering an easy look onto his face. “Zuko, this is Master Katara of the Southern Water Tribe. Katara, meet his fieriness himself, Fire Lord Zuko.”
Zuko ignored the last part. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Master Katara.” He touched a fist to his palm and bowed to her, and Katara returned the gesture graciously.
“The pleasure’s all mine, your honor.” Something in Zuko’s expression shifted, and to her even greater confusion, Aang snickered next to her. She decided she’d ask about it … some other time.
“Now, what was it you were saying, Sifu Hotman?” Aang asked, a grin still playing on his mouth.
Katara found it harder to stifle laughter as the Fire Lord scowled, making no effort to hide his annoyance at the nickname. “I’ve just gotten word about the New Ozai Society causing unrest back in Caldera City. I need to get back as soon as possible, and I wanted to ask if you could come with me.”
A sinking feeling came over her at the rueful look Aang shot her. He took a deep breath. “Of course. Let’s take Appa so it’s quicker.”
Zuko nodded. “Thank you, Aang. I’ll just take a bit to look for Mai, then we’ll meet you by Appa.” He looked over at her, bowing once more. “I apologize for the abruptness of this. But it was nice meeting you, Master Katara.”
She bowed back. “Same to you, Fire Lord Zuko.”
She watched numbly as the Fire Lord left. Well, what did she expect? He was the Avatar, for spirits’ sake! It was just her luck that she had to start falling for him, of all people. How did she ever think—why did she ever think something was possible?
And it’s not like she was sure he liked her back? Sure, he called her beautiful, but that could have meant nothing. Regardless, it was just so damn frustrating because something was there, and they were being pulled apart before they had a chance to make sense of it.
“Katara?” He said her name timidly. She turned to look at him. His silver eyes, which had been so light and playful earlier, were filled with sadness. “I—“
“You need to go.” Aang winced, and Katara felt a pang of regret—her words might have ended up sounding much icier than expected. “Aang, it’s not your fault. Keeping peace is the Avatar’s duty.”
He gave a small sigh. “Yes, it is. But that’s not what I was going to say.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Oh. What was it then?”
“I wanted to tell you … I had fun tonight,” he said with a shy smile, easily melting her defenses once more. Spirits, what was with this boy? “I really enjoyed talking to you. And dancing with you.”
“I did too.” She hesitated. Nothing to lose, she told herself. “I … really wish we had more time.” She just knew she was blushing, but she had to try.
“Me too.” She was desperately racking her brain for something to say next, when Aang suddenly perked up.
“Could I write you?” Katara looked up, surprised. “I could send you a hawk once I get to the Fire Nation. And you can send me a letter back on the same hawk—it’d know where to find me. And I could visit you in the South Pole as soon as I can! If you want,” he added quickly.
Her initial shock soon dissipated and was replaced by warmth at his unabashed enthusiasm. He did like her. He was willing to try, and it was going to be hard, but he wanted to make it work.
And truthfully, so did she.
“Sounds perfect,” she told him.
Affection swelled in her as she watched his gray eyes brighten at her response. She listened as he excitedly rattle off a seemingly never-ending list of things they could do, ranging from something as mundane as trying out the local food to a seemingly surreal cloudbending trip (“We can take Appa!” “Okay, who is Appa?” “He’s my best friend.” “That we can ride on?” “Sure. He’s a flying bison.” “. . . oh. Neat!”)
There was really something about Aang that she couldn’t quite place. Maybe it was his surprisingly troublemaker energy, or his catching enthusiasm. Maybe it was the way his native element just exuded from him in every way, and how easily it worked with hers. Or maybe, it was the way looking into his eyes was all it took for her to believe that cloudbending really was a thing they could do, despite her never having heard of it in her experience as a master waterbender. After all, sky seemed to be the limit with this airbender.
But even if she wasn’t yet sure what it was, she couldn’t be happier to know that they were going to have a chance to find out.
“… or you could show me around your village, and we could skate on some ice and I don’t know if this sounds weird but … will you go penguin sledding with me?”
She blinked. Penguin sledding. It was honestly one of the last things she ever thought she’d be doing on a date, and the whole thing was just so … unpredictable. And fun. And free. So … Aang.
“Of course,” she said, her face breaking into a smile.
He beamed at her. “Great! It’s a date!” He immediately blushed when he realized what he had just said. “I—I mean, the date, like you know, the fruit … not …”
That was it. He was just so darn adorable with his attempt to cover up that she couldn’t help but lean over to give him a kiss on the cheek. “It’s a date,” she assured him, watching with much enjoyment as Aang, who was scarlet by this time with his jaw slack, touched the spot where her lips had been.
“What, gotta catch your breath, airbender?” she asked teasingly.
“I—I—um,” he stammered.
Katara shoved his arm lightly. “Get going, Avatar, the world needs you. But I’ll be expecting the hawk.”
“Airbender’s honor,” he said, giving her one last dopey smile before he turned on his heel and walked away. He seemed to navigate the crowd with a new spring in his step, just barely touching the ground. Clearly, walking on air was a literal thing for him, she thought with a chuckle.
“OKAY, I SAW THAT!” a voice interrupted her thoughts with a screech. She turned to see none other than Sokka aggressively making his way to her. “OOGIES CENTRAL, little sister. OO—”
“Sokka, please.” She rolled her eyes. “You talk like I didn’t see you flirting with that Earth Kingdom girl the whole night.”
“That’s different! I’ve met Suki more than once.” She raised an eyebrow at him, but he went on. “I can’t believe it. You … and the Avatar …” he whispered tensely. “Oh man, wait ‘til Dad hears about this. You attend ONE party and you suddenly have a boy wrapped around your finger!”
“Well, didn’t you and Dad say I should meet more guys?” she said coolly. “And now the tribe can stop complaining about me not snagging myself some North Pole husband.”
“We didn’t mean the AVATAR!” he exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.
“Why not?” She glared at him. “I’m sure everyone would love to meet him.”
Sokka scrunched his eyebrows. “Meet him?”
“Aang said he’d come over to visit the South Pole as soon as he can,” she said a-matter-of-factly. “We’re going penguin sledding.”
“He WHAT?” Sokka sputtered. “The Avatar? Is coming to the South Pole? And you’re going penguin sledding???”
“Yup. He asked me, and I said yes,” she said with a grin, already giddily imagining sledding down the South Pole’s slopes with him. She felt a rush run through her, making her feel light-headed with glee. In that moment, realized she might actually have half a mind to go over to the Fire Nation herself should the New Ozai Society start delaying their plans.
“Ohhh no. I know that look.” Sokka groaned. “Spirits, you’re … you’re helpless.”
Katara kept smiling. Maybe she was.
But so was he.
A/N: Btw, the bianqing is a Chinese stone chimes instrument.
The whole point of a Helpless-inspired AU was a love at first sight AU basically, which was an interesting angle for me to write since Kataang is canonically a slow burn friends to lovers couple. Also: first move x pining Katara? Natural charmer x awkward bean Aang? I needed that in my life so I wrote it lol.
I also had so much fun peppering this with so many references (from both the actual Avatar shows and Hamilton!) If you wanna point out as much as you can I would love you for it.
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cinnamon-spicex · 3 years
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Hey guys, so I got this ⬆ card on that 50 pull event, and this particular part of the history gave me ideas! I don't write that much (this is actually my second fic here on Tumblr)  because honestly I’m lazy and I don’t think I’m really good at it, but well I needed to write my thoughts on potential things for that “spa day” with Diadaddy. I won’t give much context not to spoil the history of the card for you guys, so sorry about that. Please keep in mind that I’m NOT a writer and english is NOT my first language so forgive me for grammar/time/words mistakes, also feel free to comment if you liked it or if it is a constructive criticism. To anyone who reads it I hope you enjoy it and thank you for your time!  😊 (Also if you haven’t read my other/first fic pairing Lucifer and want to feel free to check it out too but I warn you I’m a horny b*tch so it’s also a NSFW hehe  😈 🤣).
Fandom: Obey Me!
Main characters: Diavolo and F!Reader. 
Word count: 2,868K
      Royal Treatment Spa Day
You were asking yourself how you ended up in this situation to begin with, in the moment you were sitting naked in a huge bathtub with roses petals, lavender and some other devildom flowers that you didn't know of floating in the milky waters at the big luxurious private bathroom of a famous Spa in Devildom, scented candles, incense burning and the distant sound of the decorative fountain adding to the relaxing environment . Except that you weren’t entirely alone, you were alone with the Royal Prince of Hell himself (who was also butt naked in said tub). You cursed Asmo for being the horny bastard that he was and Diavolo for asking you to go with him instead, but above all you cursed yourself for not knowing better what “a relaxing spa day for two” meant for the avatar of lust. (You also knew that Diavolo wasn't naive, taking advantage of the situation when it appeared before him smiling with “the purest intentions” at your oblivion).
“Ughh demons…” you thought to yourself.
But there was nothing to be done about it anymore and here you were completely nude  with Diavolo right across you, in a place where you’re supposed to relax but being very NOT relaxed at all. You were trying to keep yourself not to look at him, focusing your attention on the fancy chandelier, the fire dancing in the candles or anything but those muscular tanned pectorals just above the water or the cocky side smirk together with an intense amber gaze the prince was giving you. You fidget a little and he chucke.
“What is it? Are you not feeling relaxed? Do you want me to get you something?” he asks seemingly worried.
“NO!” you scream and then immediately cover your mouth with a hand, he looks at you with amusement.
It was already hard enough not to look at him undressing to join you in the tub, and you were very thankful that the milky water covered things beneath it.
“I mean... no, thank you my lord… I’m… I’m good” you swallow, trying to look at his eyes without blushing and failing miserably at it.
“Are you certain my dear? For someone in a spa you look rather tense, does my company make you unconfortable by any way? I can leave if you…”
“Oh no my lord! This whole thing was planned to help you relax, and you don’t make me uncomfortable at all, so don’t worry. Is just that… well you see…” you trale off biting your lips.
“Yes? Carry on dear it’s okay.” he gives you a reassuring smile.
“Is just that, frankly, being naked with your highness… with you… makes me a little nervous that’s all.” you finally say it with a sigh.
Diavolo just looks at you for a moment and then he begins to laugh, his characteristic enthusiastic laughter, while you on the other hand stare right back at him with an incredulous look.
“Hey! Stop! Are you laughing at me?” you say pouting and splash a bit of the water at him.
“Of course not my dear I just think it’s cute, but don’t worry I would never do anything to make you uncomfortable on purpose or touch you without you wanting it” he says still laughing a little and with a surprisingly caring look that you didn’t remember ever seeing in his eyes.
“Even you being the most beautiful sight I had the pleasure to behold in ages ” he adds with a sincere yet intense look.
Immediately your face goes red and a fire starts at the lower of your stomach, you stay there looking at him without knowing what to say in return as he keeps his gaze at you,  his smile fading from his handsome face, only his eyes now adding more and more to the burning inside you. 
“I…what? I thought we had agreed not to look at the other as we undressed” you say in a moment of clarity.
“Yes we did. But can you blame a demon for giving in into temptation?” He answered with a deep voice, his tone serious for a moment.
“But don’t worry I just took a quick peak” his smile back again and you just reply sarcastically.
“A quick peak hun? Yeah right”
You both smile at each other for a moment and he says:
“See there’s nothing to be nervous about, it's just me. I’m glad you are more relaxed now but I do own you for breaking our promise, tell me how can I compensate you?” he asks.
For a moment several devilish possibilities cross your mind, pranks and challenges, but then you remember that he is the prince (and not one of the brothers, minus Lucifer clearly) also the sensation in your belly is still there and you look at him thinking about sliding your hands on those big arms or the muscles of his torso and back and… “wait wait wait WAIT” you think stopping before things get out of track.
“Well?” he asks, still waiting.
“A massage” you ended up saying.
He smiles. 
“That’s hardly a punishment dear, but if it’s what you want me to do then come.”
“Wait right now?” you ask, surprised.
“Yes?” he gives you a funny look while you curse yourself yet again.
“shit I didn’t think that through” you think and hesitantly sits next to him with. 
“Excuse me darling” he says before putting his hands on your shoulders.
You tense again for a moment and he leans in your ear and says in a smooth voice.
“Relax, you’re in good hands.”
A shiver runs through your body and you tighten the hold of your enlaced hands at your lap. He presses against the muscles of your shoulders for a while and his hands goes to your scapulas, drawing circles in there with his thumbs, until they found their way to the top of your spine where he slides then down pressing all it’s way and you close your eyes and squeeze your legs together letting a small breath out.
“Is that good?” He asks seeing your reaction, his deep voice oh so close to your ears.
His hands again drawing circles but this time at the base of back, you don’t reply afraid to open your mouth at all and letting any embarrassing sound out, instead you just shake your head in a “yes” as his hands slide to your waist and you let a tiny little moan out unconsciously.
“Oh. I guess it is” He says teasing and you are mortified.
“I’m so so sorry my lord, it’s okay you don’t have to continue it was a stupid idea I will…” you say as you start to move to get back at your side of the tub but he holds you firmly by the waist, right where you are.
“Why do you say that? I think it was a marvelous idea! I’m having a very pleasurable time, and clearly so are you…” he says from the crook of your neck, holding your back pressed firmly against his chest. You shake feeling his strong hold and his warm breath at your sensitive skin, the fire in your stomach now impossible to ignore, your pussy getting wetter with every second.
“My lord, I don't think we should…” you start.
“Diavolo.” he interromps  “There’s no need to be so formal it’s only us in here” One hand goes to the back of your neck massaging there, as the other still holds you in place and starts slow movements at the base of your back  . 
“Hunm… Diavolo… I don’t think we should continue, we might do something we’ll regret later” you say a little breathless, unable to stop the clench between your thighs.
“Dear I’m positive I won’t regret anything with you, and I can assure you neither will you” he says in a sexy way giving a small kiss at your shoulder, stopping his hands and letting them rest at your waist again. You turn your head and look at him. That your core wants him is no secret for you, and you look at his eyes overflowing with confidence and lust, and at your own desire mixed with uncertainty. 
“I’ve said before I won’t touch you without you wanting it as much as I do, if a massage is all you want then is all that you’ll receive. But... if you’re feeling like something more, then I’ll be honored and very happy to indulge you” he says in a strong voice.
For a moment you just keep looking at him, the two of you trapped in each other's gaze, and you think to yourself “Fuck it! We only live once.” and kiss him a little hesitant at the beginning, and when he presses you harder against him you can feel his dick twitch at you ass as he kisses you back with a ferocious need, devouring your mouth, you reach one arm to his head lacing you fingers in his red hair as his tongue invades you, conquering every spot, dueling, dancing with you own until you are gasping for air as he slides his hands down on your thighs, kissing and sucking at you neck, he squeeze your left thigh and bites you and you moan.
“Hunm, you have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to hear this” he kisses your earlobe, sucking at it as his hands go up your stomach.
“Diavolo” you call his name drunkenly, your core moist and throbbing for him.
“Yes darling?” he says lavishing your neck and running his hands around your breasts not really touching it.
“Stop teasing, please” you whine.
“If you want me to touch you more intimately you’ll have to ask dear. Give me your permission and I’ll kiss, and lick, and caress, and fuck you all over. You’ll be glowing and it won’t be because of the spa treatment sweetheart.” He chuckle.
You start grinding your ass against his bulge eliciting a grow from him “please touch me.” He smiles holding your jaw and turning your head to kiss you hard on the lips, the hand there going to your throat as the other slides it’s way down your body to your clenching pussy. He kisses you as he slides the tip of his fingers up and down your vulva, spreading your legs a bit more he circles and presses against your clit, getting you moaning between his lips, humming in return, until he enter you with three fingers at once and you scream, your head going back resting at his shoulders as he fingers fuck you. 
“Hunm you like it when I touch you here dear? You’re such a little slut for me are you not?” he kisses your cheek but you don’t reply, just looking at him, his hand around your neck as his fingers curl and reach your g-spot, and you give a little cry closing your eyes at the sensation.
“It looks like I found you weak spot” chuckles “Lets see how long it takes to get you there darling” he speeds his ministrations adding a fourth finger as his thumb stimulates your clitoris. The hand on your throat goes down to your breasts playing with your nipples, pinching at it as he kisses and bites at your neck and shoulder, the constant thrusts of his firgers at your spot with the stimulation of your clit and nipples being too much.
“Dia… I… Ahh hun… I’m going to...” you try to warn him.
“Cum for me.” he demands.
And as if obeying a direct order you came with a loud moan as your body shakes and your back arch.
“Hunm that must be one of the sweetest sounds of all three realms” he says removing his fingers from you, your cunt immediately clenching again at nothing. “Here, taste yourself” he says bringing his fingers to your mouth and you suck at then cleaning your juices from it, you can feel his dick pulsating at your back and he kisses you again tasting your flavor on your own mouth. He then turn you around and gets up, you now  can see him in all his mighty naked glory, and all you can do is look astonished at his thick girth, to say he’s big would be a euphemism “He’s huge” you think, and for a second and  you worry he might just rip you open. You bring your gaze back at his face,  passing it through his toned abs and chest right back at his eyes, and he looks down at you with a knowing smile. He offers a hand and helps you to stand taking a languid look at your bare body himself and you  can’t control another clench, your pussy needy to be railed. He sits on the marble edge of the luxurious bathtub and taps at his lap with one hand the other holding his hard member.
“Look what you did to me dear” he says starting to stroke himself  “Won’t you be a good girl and help? ”.
Smiling, you walk to him, your pussy as wet as it can be dying to be buried and stretched till the limits by his fat cock. You straddle him getting his member in your hand, he holds you and closes his eyes with a satisfied exhale as you sink at him, slowly, adjusting to his enormous size, biting your lips when finally he enters you completely. You never felt so full in your life, his dick reaching till your cervix just right. 
“Shit you’re so tight.” he exclaims, his browns pressed together and he kisses you in a sensual and adoring way.
You start to move as he holds you tight, his kisses now making their way down passing your throat until his lips, teeths and tongue are at your nipples, sucking and licking as you bounce up and down at his girt, riding him, and he thrust at you, you both meeting halfway. He hits just the right spots while you on the other hand clench at him oh so deliciously with every movement. You are moaning and gasping and so is he.
“Fuck… hahh… yes baby don’t stop, just like that.. yes...” he praises you.
“Dia I’m getting close.” you say as the movements get harder and faster, both your climaxes fast approaching.
“Don’t hold back, scream for me” he says.
You meet him harder and harder and in no time you reach your limit point screaming his name in a high pitched voice, and with your walls clutching at him from your orgasm he soon follows reaching his own with a deep grunt, spaying his royal seed in your warm womb. With ragged breaths you collapse at his chest and he hugs you laying on the marble with you above him, still connected.
“Are you alright my dear?” he asks, caressing your back with one hand.
“Yes” you answer still in daze.
“Hahah now that’s what I call relaxing” he says in good spirits and you look at him. “Follow me to the palace later, Barbatos will give you a potion to avoid a possible pregnancy, and we can also have some tea” he says kissing your forehead and smiling content.
“What? You don’t want a little mixed heir my lord? You joke.
“Oh no darling, I would love to father your children, but I must make you my queen first don’t you think? He says, exiting you as he moves you both back to the warm waters of the bath.
“You’re joking right?” you say incertain.
He laughs again and replies in a conspiratorial tone. 
“Yes… but you never know the future...” 
“Barbatos does though” you say as he starts to wash your skin and press against your sore muscles. 
“Indeed he does”  
And that’s all he says, you decide to just let it go as you lean on him relaxing and  enjoying his pampering. But you could never imagine that he wasn't really joking and where that afternoon would lead you in the not so far future.
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max-is-tired · 4 years
Misconceptions: A Show
Pairing: Intrulogical
Characters: Remus Sanders, Logan Sanders, Roman Sanders, Patton Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Deceit Sanders.
Words: 3.941
Warnings: sympathetic Deceit & Remus, swearing, some graphic talk bc it’s Remus, screaming in caps
Notes: Finally, I can post this monster of a fic -hey there, @princeyssash, guess who was your secret santa? This fic was honestly so much fun to write, I swear -I loved all of the prompts I had, but this one just called to me,,, I had to,,
Big thanks to @purp-man for betaing this fic for me and listening to my 3am rambles, and shoutout to @afulldeckofaces for helping me flesh out some plot points, like Virgil memeing his way through Roman’s plans. You’re the absolute best <33
Commission me!!  Buy me a coffee!!  My Discord server!!  AO3!!
It was a normal day in the mindscape.
Patton was humming happily in the kitchen, shuffling around with a pep in his step as he mixed the batter for some cookies. In the living room, Logan and Virgil were enjoying each other’s company while doing their own thing, may it be reading or half-slouching on the couch while scrolling aimlessly through Tumblr.
Everything was peaceful.
Until it wasn’t.
Everyone jumped at the sudden shout, Virgil going as far as tumbling off the couch with a startled yelp. From upstairs, Remus’ unmistakable laughter bounced on the walls, followed shortly after by the twin himself bolting down the stairs with a maniacal grin on his face.
“Oh god,” Virgil groaned from the floor, pinching the bridge of his nose, “what the fuck did he do now?”
“Language, kiddo,” Patton called, emerging from the kitchen with a confused frown on his face. 
Turns out, they didn’t have to wait long for an answer.
“REMUS!!” Roman screeched, running down the stairs. He looked thoroughly pissed, eyes flashing dangerously as he glared daggers at his brother.
Virgil took one look at him, blinked, and then promptly broke down cackling.
“Stop laughing, Hot Topic!” Roman exclaimed, cheeks flushing red. Not that his blush was very noticeable, due to the various scribbles and crude drawings covering his face. “Look at what he did to my beautiful face!”
“You just don’t understand real art, brother dearest,” Remus snickered, waving the marker in his hand around.
“Oh, I’ll show you real art,” Roman muttered darkly, unsheathing his sword as he stalked down the last steps of the stairs.
At the sight of the unsheathed sword, Virgil’s eyes widened in alarm, his body tensing slightly as it became clear the situation was starting to escalate. Beside him, Logan looked at the two brothers, sighed in resignation and snapped the book in his hands shut.
“That’s quite enough, you two,” he said, staring the two brothers down with a raised eyebrow.
“Specs, he drew penises on my face! Multiple times!!”
“Which you can easily snap off with a wave of your hand,” Logan pointed out, “I do not believe there is any need for all this screaming, or for weapons to be brought into the picture.”
“Logan, you don’t understand, I gotta fight him now! For my honor!!” Roman exclaimed, waving his arms around -and therefore further proving Logan’s point by almost cutting Deceit’s head off as the side rose up to check what the commotion was about.
“Oi, watch it!” Deceit called out, ducking to avoid another accidental swipe of Roman’s sword, “who are you, Zuko?”
“If Roman’s Zuko then Logan is totally Uncle Iroh,” Virgil added, still lying on the floor.
Logan shrugged. “If we are referring to the first season of Avatar: The Last Airbender then yes, I can see the similarities.”
Roman squinted at them, finally lowering his sword. “There is an insult somewhere in that phrase. I don’t know where, but I know there is.”
“It’s because you’re a dumb-head, bro!” Remus cackled, once again calling the attention to himself.
Roman growled, looking more than ready to stalk through the room and tackle his twin to the ground, but Logan anticipated him before the situation could escalate once again.
“Remus, I believe this is quite enough,” he said, turning towards the aforementioned twin.
“Aw, but Logan, I’m just having some fun!”
Logan simply raised an eyebrow, staring him down.
“Ugh, fiiiine!” Remus finally groaned, throwing the marker somewhere behind himself, “that does not mean I’m happy about it though!”
Then, he sank out.
Peace once again established, Logan hummed and leaned back on the couch, going back to reading his book.
Or at least that was the plan.
“What the fuck just happened?” Virgil asked, staring at him in disbelief.
“Virgil, language!!”
“Sorry Padre, but I gotta agree with Cout Woelaf here,” Roman said, sword laying limp in his grip, “that was nothing less but weird.”
“I honestly do not understand where all of this apparent confusion is coming from,” Logan sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“You told Remus to stop!” Roman exclaimed, throwing his arms up, “and he listened to you!!”
“Roman, your sword!” Deceit hissed in frustration, having had to duck for the third time to avoid being cut in tiny scaley pieces. “If you don’t put it down this instant I might just try and stab you with it, do not try me.”
Roman grumbled but complied, making the sword disappear with a wave of his hand. Then, he crossed his arms, looking once again towards the logical side. “My point still stands though. Remus never listens to anyone, like, ever.”
“Yeah, I think I have to agree with them here Lo,” Patton said, still standing under the kitchen’s doorway, “that was a little weird.”
“Well, I do not know what to tell you,” Logan countered, “I asked him to stop, he complied and then sank out -it’s as simple as that.”
“If you say so,” Roman said, squinting at him in suspicion.
From the other side of the room, Deceit gave him A Look, appearing to be torn between amusement and concern. Logan subtly raised an eyebrow in response, making sure the others would not notice their silent exchange.
After all, it wasn’t like he could just tell them the truth, could he?
When Logan finally sank up in his room, sometime later, he was not surprised to see a very familiar side sprawled on his bed, head hanging from the side of the mattress as he threw a tiny dagger up and down in the air.
“Lolo!!” Remus grinned, spotting him, “took you a while, I was starting to get bored!”
“I wanted to finish this novel first,” Logan said, putting the book in question back to its place in his large library, “it was rather interesting.”
“You know what would be interesting?” Remus asked, not looking away from the other as he kept playing with his dagger, “to find out what would happen if this dagger hit me in the eye!! Do you think it would reach all the way to my brain?”
“I suppose it would,” Logan hummed, sitting beside the creative side and quickly catching the dagger out of the air when Remus threw it again, “but between proving that hypothesis and spending the rest of the day with my not-injured husband, I think I prefer the second option more.”
“Oh really?” Remus grinned, sitting up -a slim silver chain fell out of his shirt with the movement, the golden ring hanging from it twinkling in the light of the room. “And tell me, how would you like to spend that time, my dear?”
Logan hummed, the light pressure of his own ring hiding under his shirt bringing a smile to his face. “Oh, I’m sure my dear husband will have some ideas of his own to share.”
“Oh, you are wicked,” Remus said, before leaning in to capture Logan’s lips in a kiss.
For a while, it seemed like whatever had happened in the living room had been forgotten -the others were still confused by how easy it was for Logan to make Remus listen to him, but most of them waved it off as Logic easily overpowering Intrusive Thoughts with rationality and all that shit.
(Deceit knew better than that, but that was mostly because lying to him was next to impossible and Logan had been smart enough to let him in on their secret as soon as it had started to become a serious thing, both to help the couple lie to the other sides and to avoid him finding out on his own and potentially jeopardizing their cover.)
Point is, no one had yet discovered the real reason between the apparent chemistry between the two sides. But that didn’t mean they weren’t starting to notice things.
The first one to start suspecting something was, surprisingly enough, Virgil.
He had been sneaking to the kitchen around 3am, planning to grab a quick snack from the pantry and then tip-toe back to his own room, all the while hoping not to alert anyone of his nighttime escapade -he had already been at the receiving end of several stern talks about his fucked-up sleeping schedule and did not want to have to sit through another one, thank you very much.
What he had not been expecting, was to find himself staring at Logan’s back, the logical side looking busy filling two mugs with steaming water.
Virgil froze on his tracks, eyes wide in alarm as he tried to figure out how to sneak back out of the kitchen and up the stairs without being noticed. Unfortunately, Logan seemed to have other ideas and turned around before the anxious side could make up his mind about the next course of action.
“Uh,” Logan said, blinking in surprise, “hello, Virgil. I have to be honest, I was not expecting to meet anyone at this hour of the night.”
“Likewise, I guess,” Virgil shrugged, giving the other a tiny smile, “why are you up at this hour anyway? Weren’t you the one waxing poetry about the importance of a regular sleep schedule?”
“I got sidetracked, I guess. One late night won’t harm me in any way or form, I assure you.”
Virgil snickered. “I’m telling Patton you said that.”
“I don’t think you will,” Logan countered, calm as ever as he put down the kettle and moved to grab the two cups, “because if you do I will tell Patton about you sneaking into the kitchen at 3am with, as it appears, not a single ounce of sleep in your body.”
“... harsh, L. Real harsh.”
“Just stating facts,” Logan said, before walking out of the kitchen.
Virgil stared after him, watching the logical side leisurely cross the living room and walk up the stairs until he could not see him anymore. Then, he shrugged, quickly walking to the pantry and grabbing the snack he had come for.
He straightened up, holding triumphantly a bag of chips, only to freeze up again when a tiny detail finally struck him.
“Wait, why the fuck did he have two mugs?”, he wondered, turning back to glance at the stairs. Then, he turned towards the kitchen counter, noticing a little bag sitting just to the side of where Logan had been standing just a few seconds before.
“Kuding Tea” read the caption on the front of the bag, the inside filled with slim, dark tea nails.
Virgil frowned, rolling the name around in his head. He was sure he had heard it before, but where?
The second one was Roman.
He had been strolling idly around the Imagination, humming a song under his breath as he walked along a path in the woods. Of course, his guard wasn’t completely down, not now that he was so near Remus’ side of the Imagination -while his relationship with his brother had greatly improved in the last year or so, he was still very much aware of the dangerous creatures lurking in his brother’s domain, and Roman had no desire to be caught by surprise by one of them.
Could you imagine the teasing, if Remus ever were to find out?
So yeah, he was still being very attentive to his surroundings -that’s probably half of the reason why he found himself hesitating when what sounded like distant laughter reached his ears.
Roman stilled, focusing on his surroundings. But all he could hear was silence, and after a few more seconds he was about ready to shrug it off to his imagination.
Then, the same, faint sound echoed from somewhere in the forest.
Curious, Roman started following the sound, watching his steps as his hand moved to hover over the handle of his sword -better be safe than sorry, he figured.
It didn’t take long for him to reach his destination, the forest receding just a few feet in front of him to make room for a vast, lush clearing. What he found, however, was something he could have never fathomed.
In the middle of the clearing, sitting on the grass in front of each other, were Remus and Logan, looking way too engrossed in their own conversation to notice the stunned prince staring at them from just behind a tree.
Remus seemed to be showing Logan something, looking completely enraptured by whatever Logan was saying.
The logical side was talking animatedly, waving his hands around with a grin as he occasionally gestured to something sitting between them. And Remus, well, he was staring at Logan with an expression Roman was pretty sure he’d never seen on his twin’s face.
He was looking at Logan like he was the sole holder of every secret of the universe, like he was everything he could see and hear.
He looked absolutely, utterly smitten, and Roman did not know what to do with that information.
For Patton, well, it was more of a gradual realization.
He may not be the smartest in the group, but he was not by any means an idiot. He had noticed right away the potential chemistry between the two sides, the way Logan never seemed to be fazed by Remus’ shenanigans or the way Remus seemed to enjoy poking fun at the logical side.
Initially, he had not been very thrilled about it. But as time went on and they started to get closer to the dark sides, he could see how those two being friends could be highly beneficial for everyone, Remus and Logan included.
And he thought that was all it was -a blossoming friendship!
But the more time passed, the more Patton started to realize how that wasn’t exactly the case.
He didn’t know what initially tipped him off, really. Maybe it was the shared glances when one of them thought the other wasn’t looking, or the smile both of the sides seemed to fight down when in the presence of the other.
Maybe it was the subtle change in Logan’s demeanor, the way he’d grown calmer, happier, metaphorically softer around the edges ever since he and Remus had started growing closer.
Something was starting to bloom between the two sides, and Patton was not so sure it was a simple, innocent friendship anymore.
Things came to a head one fateful Saturday afternoon, with Logan stuck revising schedules with Thomas and Remus doing who-knows-what in the Imagination.
The other sides were all lounging in the living room, all doing their own thing.
Then, Roman spoke up.
“Do you guys think something’s going on between Remus and Logan?”
Virgil, who was very much not expecting to hear something like that in the foreseeable future, jumped up from where he had been sprawled on the couch, headphones hanging limp from his neck as he stared wide-eyed at the creative side.
“Please tell me you’re not implying what I think you are implying.”
Roman shrugged, looking away as he scratched the base of his neck. “I don’t know what to tell you, Panic! At The Everywhere -I’m just asking.”
“If I have to be completely honest, actually,” piped up Patton from his place on the floor, stopping the episode of Parks & Rec they had been using as a background, “I have noticed some strange things too.”
“Right??” Roman exclaimed, “I saw them in the Imagination, last week, and I swear to god at one point Remus’ expression almost rivaled the way Logan usually looks at a jar of Crofters.”
“Whoa there Princey,” Virgil said, “don’t you think you’re exaggerating a little?”
“I know what I saw, J.D-lightful.”
“And I think Logan could be developing some feelings for Remus, even if he probably hasn’t quite realized it yet,” Patton added.
Virgil went to argue, but suddenly a realization struck him.
“Oh fuck,” he whispered in shock, suddenly looking like he was reevaluating everything he’d ever known.
“What?” Roman asked, confused.
“I caught Logan down in the kitchen, the other day,” Virgil explained, “he was brewing two cups of tea -which I found rather strange, really, but it was something like 3am so I didn’t question it too much. But I saw the name of the tea he brewed, and it felt familiar but I didn’t connect the dots until now.”
“Well?” Roman prompted, “We’re on the edge of our seats here, Marilyn Morose.”
“It was Kuding Tea, aka Remus’ favorite,” Virgil revealed. “He made us brew it all the time, and he was the only one able to drink that stuff because it’s one of the most bitter things you could ever try to swallow.”
Patton hummed, looking deep in thought. “Looks like those two might be closer than we thought.”
Roman grinned, something akin to mischief glinting in his eyes. “How about we help them grow just a little bit closer, uh?”
“We can discuss all of that later, Ro, but first there’s another thing we need to talk about,” Patton said, before turning to look at Virgil with a stern look on his face. “Virgil Sanders, what’s this I hear about you being up at 3am again?”
(Engrossed as they were in the new revelations, none of the sides noticed the tiny smirk stretching on Deceit’s face as he watched the scene unfold. He could have tried to stop them from trying to meddle, sure.
But where would be the fun in that?)
As it turned out, not a single one of the sides’ plans came even close to its goal.
First came Patton’s idea, which was arguably the most subtle. They set up a family dinner, pestering the two sides until they confirmed their presence at the table. Then, very last minute, everyone gave random excuses as to why they couldn’t come. Everyone was sure it would work, even if they didn’t stick around to find out -knowing Remus’s tendency to make things rather… spicy, they didn’t want to find out what would happen after the two finally confessed their feelings.
However, when, the day after, they asked Logan how the dinner had gone, the logical side simply leveled them with a confused stare.
“Since you all weren’t there we just agreed to bring the food back to our rooms and keep doing our work -I still had some possible scripts to read through so it worked just fine for me.”
So, it looked like plan A had been a failure.
Roman, in all of his finesse and “romantic prowess” (his exact words), decided to put his own plan in action -which consisted of not-so-subtly shoving the two sides in the same room and “accidentally” break the doorknob, effectively trapping them inside.
(“Wow, a true Cupido alright.”
 “Oh, shut up, you Emo Nightmare.”)
However, Roman’s incredible, astonishing, foolproof plan (again, his exact words) did not account for one specific aspect, aka Remus’ tendency of not letting puny, material things like doors keep him trapped.
In less than five minutes, the two sides were free once again, easily sidestepping what little remained of the door with Remus still holding his morning star in his hands.
And just like that, plan B joined its predecessor down the metaphorical toilet.
Last came Virgil’s plan, which was quite different from the other two’s -it was succinct, concise, and the farthest thing from subtle you could ever think of.
“Hey L,” he called one day, not even looking up from his phone, “what if you went and kissed Remus?”
Logan slowly looked up from his book. “... I apologize, what?”
Virgil shrugged, smirking. “Don’t worry, I’m just kidding. Unless…?”
Logan blinked at him, looking thoroughly confused. “Virgil, are you unwell? How many hours of rest did you get last night?”
And that’s how plan C joined its sibling down in the metaphorical sewer.
(“Your plan was a meme??”
“At least I didn’t try to cliché them into a relationship, Princey.”) 
Point is, by the end of the week the three sides had still to come up with a tactic that could actually work. So, they planned another brainstorm question in the living room.
Only, they appeared to have greatly miscalculated Remus and Logan’s whereabouts.
“Alright, you guys want to share with the class what the fuck is going on already?”
The three sides jumped in unison, whipping their heads around to stare at the two sides standing at the bottom of the stairs. Remus was leaning on the railing, looking at them expectantly, while Logan was standing just beside him with his arms crossed in front of his chest, one single eyebrow raised in a silent question.
“Uuuuuh…” Patton spoke up, looking at the other two in search of help, “language?”
“Pat, I think my language is the least of our problems now,” Remus retorted, refusing to drop the subject, “so, who wants to start talking first?”
The three sides, who looked like three deers caught in the headlights, seemed to grow more panicked by the second, searching for a possible explanation and coming up empty-handed.
“We found out you guys have a crush on each other and wanted to help you two get together!” Roman finally blurted.
“Roman!” Virgil growled, turning to glare at the creative side.
“I’m sorry!” Roman squeaked, throwing his arms up in frustration.
“You could have been a little more… tactful about it, kiddo,” Patton said, smiling nervously as they all waited with bated breath what the two’s reactions would be.
Logan and Remus blinked, dumbfounded. Then, they turned to look at each other, before Remus decided that the best course of action was, of course, to break down into hysterical giggles, compete with wheezing and tears prickling at the corners of his eyes.
As for Logan, well, he limited himself to chuckling, looking downright amused by the whole situation.
So yeah, not exactly the reactions the others were expecting.
“... what?” Virgil asked, “please tell me I’m not the only confused one right now.”
“Apologies, Virgil,” Logan said, as Remus kept merrily cackling his lungs out on the floor, “we just thought something serious was going on, since you have all been acting strangely during the last week or so. Discovering that the reason behind your strange behavior was that, well, is rather amusing.”
“Wait, is that your way of telling us you actually don’t like Remus?” Roman said.
“Actually, I do like him, in a romantic sense,” Logan chuckled, throwing a fond look at the side wheezing on the ground. “We have been engaged in a romantic relationship for a while now.”
“... I know I probably sound like a broken record but what?”
“He wants to tap this booty, Vee!” Remus cackled, “and I’m 100% down for that!”
“ By the horn of a unicorn, please spare us the details,” Roman muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“So that means you guys are already in a relationship?!” Patton exclaimed, a wide grin on his face as he clapped his hands in obvious delight, “oh my gosh, that’s so cute! I’m so happy for you guys!!”
“I don’t know if I want to be angry because you guys didn’t tell us or because my brother somehow managed to score a boyfriend before me,” Roman grumbled.
Logan and Remus shared a glance at that, mischief twinkling in both of their eyes. Then, once it appeared they were both on the same page, Remus spoke, barely stopping himself from giggling in anticipation.
“Actually we’re married, but go off I guess.”
Silence fell, seconds ticking by as the news started to sink in.
“Now hold on a second you guys aRE WHAT-”
And then, chaos.
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Speaking about disability in fiction, would you say Toph from a:tla is one of the best written disabled character? Is there anything that could've been improved about her character?
DEAR FUCKING GOD do I love Toph.  I would humbly submit to have Lady Toph “The Blind Bandit” “The Runaway” “Greatest Earthbender of All Time” “Inventor of Metalbending” Beifong harvest my organs to achieve eternal life if such a thing were possible.  There are a ton of things that Avatar: the Last Airbender does really well when characterizing Toph, and a few I wish they’d done differently.  [PLEASE NOTE: I am nondisabled, so if I err, please tell me so.]
Is she one of the best-written disabled characters?
She’s certainly a damn cool character whose disability informs but does not define her.  I can’t really say if she’s “the best” or one of, because I haven’t read everything, but I can say that I really like her.
First of all, her story is intersectional AS FUCK.  Toph’s gender, her disability, and her social class are so inextricably linked that there’s no analyzing any single element in a vacuum.  She’s all about being tough and independent.  Partially that’s about being underestimated because of her disability.  Partially that’s about being commodified because of her gender.  Partially that’s about being privileged due to her upper-class upbringing.  All three interact to inform her identity.
“Tales of Ba Sing Se” shows that blindness bars Toph from certain aspects of femininity — she can’t perform the traditional motions of making herself up, attracting young men, being pretty and delicate — which causes her to embrace a more accessible masculine identity.  “The Runaway” shows that Toph enjoys femininity as well as masculinity, but that she struggles to build nurturing relationships when she’s concerned with appearing weak, and that that sometimes leads her to cross ethical boundaries.  “The Chase” and “Bitter Work” are all about how Toph values her independence above all else — because she’s had to struggle against her gender and disability influencing others’ perceptions, but also because she’s had the privilege to avoid helping others due to her social class.  In “The Ember Island Players” she loves being represented by a big tough strong man, but she also clearly associates masculinity with power in a way that becomes troubling when contrasted with Aang’s horror at being played by a woman.  Etcetera.
Even the whole Earth Kingdom’s role as a sort of middle rung of imperialism – less powerful than the Fire Nation, more powerful than the Water Tribes and Air Nomads — informs both the relative strictness of its gender roles and the ability of individual Earth citizens to subvert those roles.  Toph’s identity, like the identities of the other Avatar characters, is inextricably linked to her position in society.
Secondly, Toph has a lot of the features of a complex and agentic character, and her disability is neither ignored nor centralized.  She’s often right, as when she becomes the first person to trust Zuko and the only person capable of making Aang an earthbender.  She’s often wrong, as when she tries to justify theft with a “they started it” argument or belittles Sokka for being a non-bender.  She’s often somewhere in between, as when she chooses to let Appa get taken by sandbenders in order to protect her friends or gets into screaming matches with Katara over matters of procedure.
There’s also the fact that Toph interacts with certain environments differently based on her blindness, drawing attention to (in)accessible aspects of those environments the others wouldn’t have necessarily noticed.  She finds sand and wood flooring inconvenient, she hates navigating water and ice, and she initially avoids walking on metal.  Although she’s not a big fan of flying, she mostly adapts as long as her friends actually remember that she can’t navigate when they’re on Appa’s saddle.
When conflicts do occur with the environment, Toph puts the onus on the environments and on other people to adapt or help her to adapt.  She’s amused and annoyed when Sokka tries to fake correspondence between her and Katara, or stupidly asks why she doesn’t like libraries.  She rips the bottoms off of her shoes.  She calls attention to her inability to do things like scan the ground while flying when her friends are at risk of forgetting.  She plays into others’ assumptions to try and get onto ferries or get away with breaking the law.
Another thing I like: the art style for Toph avoids the trap of “draw sighted person, change eye color, call it a day.”  She doesn’t turn to face people most of the time when she’s talking to them, but also doesn’t seem totally clueless as to their relative locations.  She gets the lay of the land by stomping her feet or pressing a hand against the ground, not turning to “look” in various directions.  She doesn’t bother to keep her hair from blocking her eyes, because her bangs don’t interrupt any sight lines.  She’s neither a comically blind character who apparently can’t navigate at all with sound or touch, nor a dramatic “blind” character whose every action comes off as those of a sighted character.  Toph repeatedly mentions that she doesn’t get the value in sight, clapping back at the assumption that of course she’d want to be nondisabled.
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[Image description: A screenshot from “The Chase,” which shows Toph shouting at Katara, with her face turned away from Katara.  Toph is pointing in anger, making it clear that she’s addressing Katara and that she knows Katara’s location relative to herself based on Katara’s voice.]
One last small but important victory for Avatar: it passes the Fries Test.  It has two or more disabled characters — I can explain why Zuko counts as disabled if anyone’s not sure — who survive to the end of the story without being cured, and who have their own narratives rather than existing primarily to educate nondisabled characters.  As a bonus, they have at least one conversation with each other about something that isn’t disability-related.  The Fries Test is meant to be a minimum standard for representation, much like the Bechdel Test, but it’s still nice to know that Avatar passes.
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[Image description: A screenshot from “The Ember Island Players,” which shows Zuko and Toph sitting on the floor in a hallway of the theater, talking about the play and about Zuko’s uncle.]
Is there anything that could’ve been improved about her character?
If I ruled the world, or at least the Avatar writers’ room, I’d start with two changes.  One’s small-ish, one’s big and controversial.
The small-ish change: tweak Toph’s narrative to make her earthbending super-abilities less directly counter to her blindness.  As it is, she has shades of a superpowered supercrip: a disabled character from SF whose superpower primarily acts to nullify their disability, thereby giving them the lived experience of a nondisabled person for most or all of the narrative.  Toph is definitely not an egregious example — she’s not Daredevil, who can use his superpowers to read handwritten papers, navigate unfamiliar environments, “feel” colors, detect tiny gestures, and shoot guns.  She does embody experiences with blindness like disorientation when flying and frustration with hanging posters.  She just also has several instances of not experiencing blindness when she (as she puts it) “sees with earthbending.”  I’m not sure what that tweak would look like, precisely, but I’d like to see one all the same.
The bigger change: I’d cast a different voice actor.  Jessie Flower is, based on what little I can find on Wikipedia or IMDB, not blind or visually disabled.  Disability rights activists are right now fighting hard against the trend of “cripping up,” wherein nondisabled actors use mimicry or makeup to pretend to have disabilities on TV and in the movies.  Avatar doesn’t go that far, because it doesn’t have Jessie Flower onscreen in (for instance) contacts that mimic blindness.  However, it nevertheless does not cast a blind actor for the role.  The issue here is that disabled actors are almost never allowed to play nondisabled roles… and disabled actors are also almost never allowed to play disabled roles either.  By failing to find a blind voice actor, the show denied that opportunity to a less-privileged talent.
The Guardian compares the issue to the way that cis actors of the wrong gender are too-often cast in trans roles, men used to play female characters onstage, and white actors used to play black characters in American movies.  I never know how much those comparisons make sense, because among other things they completely ignore intersections of those identities.  But I also think that it’s sometimes the best way to help people understand why excuses like “but it’s haaaaaaarrd to find blind female actors of Asian descent” don’t hold water.
And here’s where I go from “slightly controversial” to “extremely controversial” and might have to enter Witness Protection.  Avatar is getting a live-action adaptation in a few months.  I predict that it will cast a nondisabled actor to play Toph.  And I predict that the same voices which (rightly!) raised such a cry against “racebent” white actors playing Aang and Katara will be completely silent on the topic of “abilitybent” actors playing Zuko and Toph.  I’m saying this on Tumblr partially to get this statement out there:
I am an Avatar: the Last Airbender fan who will ONLY support the live-action show if it casts disabled actors to play disabled characters.
I’m saying it partially because I hope to be proven wrong, either because a blind actress will be cast as live-action Toph or at the very least because Avatar fans will object when a sighted actress is cast.  I’m also saying it because I think that fans can and should protest responsibly when marginalized voices are erased by beloved works of fiction.  Will casting a blind actress require more “work” to make the set accessible?  Probably.  Will casting a blind actress perhaps necessitate more CGI for fight scenes than using a sighted one?  Maybe.  Will it be worth it to cast a blind actress anyway, so that a girl with the lived experience of Toph can portray her on screen and actually get the chance to break into an industry that bars most blind girls from participating?  YES.
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ben-the-hyena · 4 years
Ok so far
I HATE The Legend of Korra for focusing on a Mary Sue and ruining a lot of things from the original show (OH LOOK NEW AIRBENDERS ! HEEHEE NO MORE AVATAR CONNECTION ! IROH IS IN THE SPIRIT WORLD BECAUSE HES A FAN FAVORITE ! AANG AND KATARA ARE BAD PARENTS ! TOPH IS A FUCKING COP !) and adding a lesbo couple to be Tumblr bait reall was the cherry on top with HOW MUCH IT SEEMS TO WORK
I HATE the 2nd and 3rd season of Ducktales while I loved the first one but season 2 with all its "lit coolio cynism whatever hip" jokes, characters and pacing and forced nostalgia baiting crossobers and Frank Angones being a hypocrite holier than thou discord creator disgusted me
I HATE Steven Universe with its stupid morals, rushed developments and episode pacing choices from season 5 and forward while I loved the previous seasons and that made me sad especially with me not knowing if Rebecca Sugar is a holier than thou hypocrite or an actual dumbass when it comes to her view in bullies and that "nOboDY is BorN eVIl aNd eVERyoNe caN reFOrm wItH LOVe" she keeps saying on her social media accounts
I don't HATE She Ra but I HATE its ending for the sake of diversity baiting (CATRA IS TOXIC AND ABUSIVE DAMMIT AND WAS TIL THE VERY END BUT I GUESS "IT DOESN'T EXIST IN LESBIANS" !?!?!)
I don't HATE Rise of the Guardians but it's tasteless with bidimensional characters and a moral that doesn't know where it goes to me and a rushed childish ending with the human kids helping in a ridiculous way like a 1990's kids TV movie
I don't HATE Bojack Horseman but I DISLIKE it for even if indeed it is smart and realistic the humor is forced and it is not because it is smart a d realistic it makes it good IT IS WAAAAY TOO DARK I know life is dark and cruel but we have the real world for this thank you I mean of course dark stories exist buuut they really are not my cup of tea especially when they just keep and keep and keep torturing the characters for the sake of saying "life is shit, you audience will never be happy", I just love the psychology notably Beatrice's arc
I don't HATE but Hazbin Hotel feels very MEH to me
Same, I don't HATE OK KO but it's even more MEH
I HATE Frozen 2 while I loved the first one for making so many retcons, so many tasteless songs to try to insult/redo Let It Go (A FUCKING BOYSBAND PARODY... BIG LIPPED ALLIGATOR MOMENT...), forced and rushed developments and cancelling the ones from the first movie
I HATE the tv show of Tangled for forcing its villains not subtley at all and DARING to force their redemption afterward
I don't HATE Gravity Falls in fact I love it but I HATE how Wendy Ford and Mabel are awful people the show tries to show as good and on the contrary plays dirty in the end against Pacifica while she already had a redemption as if nothing had happened
The first movie aside I HATE the How to Train your Dragons franchise for so many reasons : the tv show for having too many clichés and exagerating Hiccup's alpha role and again the bad humor, the second movie for forgiving so easily his mother while she could have been home anytime "but boohoo I didn't dare" bitch you just were happier far from your family don't dare regretting and also for forcing humor as usual and forcing tiny ass Toothless to become the dragon alpha of all just because he roared the best and LET'S NOT TALK ABOUT ALL THE SHIT THE THIRD MOVIE DID (GIRLFRIENDS MORE IMPORTANT THAN FRIENDS, IT'S GOOD TO RELEASE THE DRAGONS AS IF THEY WERE ENSLAVED WHILE THEY ALL CHOSE TO BE TAMED BEFOREHAND, TOOTHLESS STUPID AS FUCK, VILLAIN DUMB AS FUCK, CHARACTER DEVELOPMENTS ERASED AND NEW USELESS SIDE PLOTS AND THE LIGHT FURRY BEING AN UGLY SNOBBISH BITCH AND ALL THE BOYS THINKING ABOUT THEIR COCKS FIRST BEFORE THEIR FRIENDS TOOTHLESS NOTABLY IT JUST THE WHOLE FRANCHISE'S MESSAGE AND MORAL I HATE IT I HATE IT SO MUCH)
I HATE Miraculous Ladybug for habing bidimensional characters, focusing on a very forced and toxic ship, constantly teasing and disappointing fans' expectations, ruining character arcs out of whims and Thomas Astruc for acting like it is the most wonderful show ever and being rude if you dare to remark something or do fandom things
And now I HATE the end of the Dark Crystal prequel Mayrin comic for being a WHOOOOOLE retcon ruining the hopes of making a bitch sympathetic and actually making her a total irreedeemable bitch when raking account of the show while these retcon comics ignore the show just for the sake of cute OC X Canon ships from the writers (AND LET'S NOT TALK OF SKEKSA'S CHARACTER AND THE CLANS' RELATIO SHIPS)
In short I feel like I less and less share Tumblr's mind and excitement regarding fandoms and quite feel lonely these last years
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eyooo!! i listened to firesorrow girl [TUMBLR | SOUNDCLOUD] by @gerrydelano and HAD A MIGHTY NEED (to also analyze this)
disclaimer: I have only listened to TMA through one (1), read it ONE time, so if you read something that seems wrong it probably is because my memory is not The Best (the seasons are 40 eps long and 30 mins each, Jonny why) and I’m probably straight-up not remembering or misremembering some aspect or detail about a character/a relationship/a part of their narrative
(and before you say it, i absolutely CANNOT just go relisten to an ep out of order. my nd brain Will Not Let Me until i have listened thru all 4 seasons, In Order, several times)
ALSO: i speak very definitively here, but it doesn’t mean i’m right abt my analysis
italics and bold are lyrics, normal is analysis. if there’s a way i can make this more accessible, lmk!
analysis under cut
little girl tries sleeping in the fireplace at home no one banished her inside it, she just lay down on her own she stares up into the darkness of the chimney and she hopes that someday she may go up in smoke this makes me think abt hilltop road first and foremost (but i have a feeling i’m missing something aljlkdjf) this is also the first hint to agnes’s wavering thoughts abt her being “the chosen one” for the lightless flame she’s already wishing she could burn, or in other words be normal
oh, the ends of her hair curl into embers in the wood beneath her head like a pillow, splintered shoulders in the soot flickers turn to flame and moves in kisses up her arms it loves her, so refuses her a scar i really like the imagery here bc, aside from the splinters, it evokes a softness embers are pretty, pillows are soft, “moves in kisses up her arms” really evokes a gentle intimacy, even before the line “it loves her” but then the last line really solidifies agnes’s relationship with fire--she wishes it would burn her but it loves her too much to do that, so she doesn’t
she doesn't burn oh, she learns again, reinforcing the motif agnes’s relationship with fire--the layers of 1) her not wanting this but 2) the first doesn’t care and loves her anyway i also see it as foreshadowing, or at least leading up to what she learns (put a pin in this)
pretty girl sits quiet in the coffee shop alone staring empty out the window like she used to do at home she feels his eyes fall down upon her from the counter, like a doe the ache of yearning blisters in her bones jack barnabas! hilltop road the use of doe, evokes the visual of “wide eyes,” which, in turn, evokes naivety--jack doesn’t know who agnes is, what she is, or that she could hurt him, even if she didn’t want to love, love, LOVE the fire motif here and used throughout the song--using fire metaphors bc it’s so fitting (put a pin in this)
he follows her up to the hill where water never works to send him down she broke his crown and blessed him with a curse her only kiss a smear of kerosene, a desperation unrehearsed and love made sure to let her know it hurts (love made sure it hurt) this only hit me like after the 5th time listening in a row, but LISTEN, “jack and jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.” i think it could also mean hilltop road, but i do think the stronger theme lies in that nursery rhyme. his name is jack and then to solidify that, “to send him down she broke his crown” vs. “jack fell down and broke his crown” i really love the contradiction of “blessed him with a curse” *ben from parks and rec voice* it’s about the layers. so listen, love is often seen as a blessing. but coming from agnes it’s a curse bc she burns anyone she touches. this is also in reference to her momentarily transferring her curse (the love from the lightless flame/fire) to him through her kiss “smear of kerosene”--another way of using a metaphor that evokes images of fire, and I LOVE IT “a desperation unrehearsed” MORE LAYERS YO. she knows what her touch will do to him but she’s so desperate to feel normal for even a second, she kisses him anyway “and love made sure to let her know it hurts”--going back to her curse, the love from fire/flame, and the destruction is causes bc of this. it could also be representative of how love can be very destructive. ppl often describe “the fires of passion” or passion as being like fire/hot *eyes emoji* i think the addition of “love made sure it hurt” could also communicate how the fire’s love for agnes is possessive--she cannot be normal or human or have any other relationship except with the lightless flame
he burns oh, she learns a parallel to “she doesn’t burn”--the striking difference between her and jack (the lightless flame and the rest of the world) what she learns here, tho, is also a parallel between what she learns at the beginning of the song there she is learning abt herself, here is is learning about everyone else
learns that breathing screamsmoke blackens hearts as much as lungs a heart motif, representative of love another fire-related metaphor that breathing in smoke doesn’t just fill your lungs with soot, but also covers the heart (love) in soot, as well a toxic love, as soot is bad for lungs and hearts it can’t be coughed back out and she can’t glisten like the sun using fire-related metaphors--the soot in her lungs and on her heart cannot be “cleaned” or cleared from her body with the body’s natural reaction to something obstructing breathing, which is coughing listen, i’ve said this before AND YOU’LL HEAR IT AGAIN: i really love “she can’t glisten like the sun” bc the whole point of fire, as the lightless flame sees it, is what the fear is named for: desolation. BUT fire is ultimately a neutral thing. if you respect and carefully control it, it can give warmth and life--like the sun (tho you can’t control the sun lmao). so there are positive aspects to. but not for agnes, given her upbringing and literally how she was conceived there’s no one left to save with love and no one she can touch affection is the pyre built on wildfire in the brush reinforcing her being unable to connect with normal humans bc of who she is ALSO i’m pretty sure this is referencing the bonfire she was born in--the ritual that made her the lightless flame’s messiah also, also, the use of the word “affection” uses the theme that fire itself love agnes, in it’s own, twisted way
her hands were only ever made to press through burning flesh and boiling tears won’t put it out but scald it like the rest referencing her birth again--that she was made to be this messiah for the lightless flame, for their ritual to remake the world through the lens of the desolation also more fire-related metaphors that i am IN LOVE with ugh, and, okay “boiling tears” communicates what agnes is feeling again--that she Does Not want to be their messiah, she just wants to be normal. she doesn’t want what the fire has given her but even her tears burn bc that’s what she is, what she was made for and the love of waxen women makes no difference in the end if never she can make and keep a simple human friend reference to jude, specifically, but other members of the lightless flame, as well. from what i remember, they all loved her but in the way that the fire loves her: possessive and toxic (like soot in the lungs) and then the reinforcement that she’s not human and cannot have the connection with humans she desperately craves, even if it’s just a tiny sliver
she can’t burn oh, she’s learned YO the difference between “she doesn’t burn” and “she can’t burn”--there’s a passiveness to it in the first line, but it’s more active in the second. here me out: as i said before, the “learn” lines communicate the inner thoughts of what agnes is thinking, the revelations she makes as he grows and lives. so “she doesn’t burn” communicates her learning and get used to the fact that fire doesn’t hurt her. versus “she can’t burn” communicates her knowing and accepting that the fire doesn’t hurt her, but she can hurt others with that very same fire. lowkey it’s so hard to articulate this difference, but this is the best my brain came up, hope it makes sense
firesorrow girl says, “hang me up; i’d like to go” (i would like to go) referencing her death--her realizing that bc she’s fallen in love with jack, she can no longer lead the ritual for the lightless flame. but bro, listen, the addition  of “i would like to go” is a direct line to what agnes is thinking and feeling. more than not being able to lead the ritual, she doesn’t want to live like this anymore; doesn’t want to live her life unable to make connections with humans this isn’t quite a chimney she can column up to choke (i choose now to choke) a throwback to the first lines about her lying down in the fireplace and looking up through the chimney ALSO has a double meaning here, reinforced by what agnes is thinking: you can choke on smoke. her death involves literal choking the “i choose now to choke” again is a direct line to what agnes is thinking/feeling BUT ALSO a decision she finally gets to make autonomously the weighted hand upon her waist is chained there like a ghost, (always been a ghost) i know you’re probably tired of hearing but i ain’t gonna stop saying it. I REALLY LOVE THIS LINE. the lyrics say one thing, agnes’s internal thoughts say another bc raymond fielding is a ghost. not just like a ghost. he is one to her. i believe it was distortion helen who said that there was a scar on hilltop road. and we find out later that it’s bc hilltop road belonged to the web and even tho agnes burnt the house down, the web still left a mark on her. part of that mark is fielding, who i assume, was an avatar for the web. and it’s quite literal, as agnes never got rid of his hand he literally is a ghost haunting her bc of this but the rope she wears is woven cold with hope (yearning to be cold) THIS LINE BRO,,, i’m gonna say it I FUCKING LOVE IT. of course, referencing the rope she uses to hang herself BUT LISTEN “woven cold with hope” YOOOO THIS IS TAKING THE FIRE LOVES HER THEME AND TURNING IT ON ITS HEAD COMPLETELY she has been burning with fire this entire song, her body a raging inferno, contained in a body that appears human but hurts anything she touches. BUT AT THE END OF THE SONG WE GET THE COLD fire is often associated with warmth is often associated with hope, right?? but this time bc of the circumstances and what fire means to agnes and the lightless flame, being cold, not burning everyone she touches horribly, is her hope ”yearning to be cold” strengthens that message coldness is also associated with death, and here it’s quite literal but it’s also important to note that it’s also still agnes’s hope. so it’s still a very positive thing, even tho it’s associated with very negative things. bro,,, i gotta go lie down
those who can remember sing her name out like a prayer (i am not your prayer) the lightless flame, of course, bc they are a cult. don’t @ me, i’m right BUT “i am not your prayer”: again, a direct line into agnes’s thoughts. she never wanted, nor asked to be their messiah. she was thrust into the position against her will as she was literally borne in flames. from birth she had this shouldered on her. and she doesn’t want it, even in death the music to it hollow of the truth in her despair (hollow with despair) goes along with the “prayer” for her above: the lightless flame sing and mourn her but they’re not mourning her, not agnes, they’re mourning their messiah, the one who was going to lead them through a ritual that would remake the world. their words ring hollow bc of this. and it hurts even more with “in her despair” bc even in agnes’s despair at not being able to connect with a human, as well as not being able to lead the lightless flame like they wanted her too, they’re only mourning the idea of agnes they’ve created in their minds, not who agnes really was in wickerwind the crackleburn of candles cries for fate (i rewrite my fate) and firesorrow girl may someday be chosen again (firechosen girl, again) i LOVE the use of “wickerwind” and “crackleburn.” no analysis i just love the way they sound okay but the “cries for fate.” i think this has a lot of meanings. one is the fire crying out either about agne’s ultimate fate (having to kill herself or die, anyway) and/or crying out for another to fill her position (putting agnes’s fate onto someone else’s shoulders). another is the lightless flame also crying out for the same reasons. and the third is agnes, herself, crying out about her unfair fate. i think that last one is strengthened by “i rewrite my fate.” a common but powerful theme in many stories of a character defying fate bc it’s unacceptable to them. it’s also wholly contradictory to what the lightless flame wanted and then, of course, the second line strengthens the idea that they’re already looking for another messiah for their ritual
and so the wheel turns ‘round and ‘round
final note abt the music that is probably wrong bc i’m not musically inclined BUT i have been listing to sideways on youtube, who is very musically inclined. and that makes me an expert right? /s anyway, what i wanted to note abt this musical structure is that the beats aren’t the usual 4/4 that most popular songs use these days.
and what that means is that you get gratification ever 4 beats. (sideways describes it way better than i ever could here) this song doesn’t follow that structure (i think lakjlkdjf again, i’m not musically inclined at all) and i think it really adds to the theme of how agnes feels: trapped with this fire burning inside her until she finally chooses freedom (tho i know it’s more complicated than that in-verse).
now whether was was purposeful or not, i have no idea. but still a cool detail i, personally, noticed.
again hope it was semi-coherent. as with my other analysis, i just listened to the song and wrote what i was thinking, stream of consciousness
bloodwater ballad analysis | bonus meme i made for these analyses bc it’s funny and i wanted to share
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Do you feel uncomfortable on the dance floor? Or are you confident with you dancing abilities? Ha, what dancing abilities? You won’t find me out on any dance floor.
Is it exciting to you to imagine having an affair with a teacher? No. Or an affair with anyone.
Do you like your smile? No, it’s one of the many things I’m self-conscious about. 
What is something silly that you believed to be true when you were a child? That cotton candy was made of clouds.
Have you ever been in a relationship with someone you completely connected with on a mental/emotional level, but did not find physically attractive in any way? Was physical intimacy a problem? How did it work out? No. 
What classic or cult movie have you never seen and have no desire to? The Room.
Have you ever taken a real liking to a band/singer you never ever....ever thought you'd enjoy? Yeah, I was really surprised that I liked some of Justin Bieber’s newer music. 
Which one actors/actresses do you despise in the roles they tend to play? We are not talking about who they are as real people - just their roles. Hm. I can’t think of an example at the moment.
Do you have a fountain in your garden? Is it something you would like to have? I don’t have a fountain or a garden. I don’t really care.
After seeing the movie “Avatar” did you suddenly view our Earth as ugly and/or boring? If you have not seen the movie, do you think it’s worth your time? No, that didn’t even cross my mind. I didn’t know that was a popular opinion.
Do you know how to properly use your knife and fork? Or does being proper not matter to you? >> I mean... yes, I know how to use a knife and fork... I don't know what you mean by "properly"... <<< Right? 
What's the earliest news event you can remember hearing about/seeing? What years was this, and how old were you at the time? 9/11 was the biggest for sure, but I was already 12 by then so I know that wasn’t the earliest or first I heard about or saw. I think cause I was older and it was so heavily talked about and shown for such a long time and the fact we have a day of remembrance for it, so it stands out.
Your favorite book is being made into a (good well thought out and produced) movie. You choose the cast. Which book, which actors? 
If your favorite book has already been made into a movie, how was the casting? Who would you have chosen? I don’t have the energy for this.
Would you care if your SO went to a strip club? I think I kind of would, but likely wouldn’t say anything.
What is the first link that pops up for each letter of the alphabet when you put it into the address bar?: A - Amazon. B - Bzoink. C - Chrome settings. D - I Googled “directions” for something. E - The LiveJournal that I got this from, eldrichplushie.livejournal.com F - Facebook. G - Google. H - “How” pops up cause I Googled how to do something. I - IHOP. J - Jack in the Box. K - Kohls. L - I looked up the largest city in my state. M - “Mini fridge.” I want one for my birthday. N - “Non-spicy chimichangas.” lmaooo. O - “Olive Garden.” P - Pinterest.  Q - The name of this local bubble tea place. R - “Romantic Country Coloring Book.” S - Spotify. T - Tumblr. U - “Undercut bobs.” V - “Vanilla bean frappe hacks.” W - I had looked up “when did we enter new century” for a survey not too long ago. X - Xfinity. Y - YouTube. Z - “Zoom.”
Do you think someone could gather a good a idea about from that list ^ ? A tiny bit. I feel it’s mostly just pretty random and not about me specifically.
What are you fucking sick of hearing? Fireworks. People in my city start lighting them off randomly mid to end June up until the 4th and then even like a week after. Oh, and they like to do it in the middle of the night, too.
How are you when you get angry? Is it ever a physical sensation, or purely emotional? I end up breaking down and then I just shut down. There have been some instances where I literally was shaking from being so mad, which isn’t common at all so that says how angry I was at the time. It takes a lot to make me angry.
What word do you pronounce wrong every time, despite the fact that you know its wrong? I’m blanking at the moment.
How helpful are your parents to you? Would they help you to pay for your first apartment? College? Where does the line end? I’m very blessed to have the supportive and loving parents I have who would do anything for my siblings and I. They have always made sure we had everything we needed and plenty of things we wanted. They do whatever they can and I’m very grateful.
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