#FINALLY sat down to make a pinned post of all my fics!!
stevethehairington · 1 year
✨ Mack's Stranger Things Fic List ✨
✨ Most Recent Work:
for all the pretty mouths and pretty words | 5.4k | steddie
Eddie snags both drinks with a thanks to the bartender and turns to head back towards Steve. Things have been going well, things have been going really well — not even that rocky start could put a wrench into things, and the note they left off on before Eddie slipped away was promising. Eddie is eager to see where the rest of the night will take them. He has high hopes.
But, as Eddie is intimately familiar with, highs are not meant to last, and hopes are easy to lose.
Things, meet wrench.
He makes it three steps when his stride stutters because — oh. That’s. That’s Steve, with a girl. A pretty girl. With short, sandy brown hair and freckles. It’s the same pretty girl Eddie had seen with him earlier. The one he’d thought, for a second, might be Steve’s girlfriend. He’d let himself hope she wasn’t, when he first approached, and let himself start to actually believe it when he’d tried his hand at flirting and Steve had flirted back.
But now...
Now Eddie’s not so sure.
Or, the one where Steve puts his foot in his pretty mouth and Eddie pays the price. Featuring: cherry stems, half smoked cigarettes, and the world's biggest misunderstanding.
✨ Completed Works (below the cut):
the privilege of being yours | 3.1k | steddie
“What do you think?” Eddie asks, grinning.
“You’re ridiculous,” Steve laughs, already reaching for Eddie’s ankle. He curls his fingers around it and gives it a tug, beckoning Eddie closer. “They’re perfect, you’re perfect. I love them,” he adds, as Eddie scooches into his space.
Steve cups both of his hands to Eddie’s face and kisses him right on the center of his mouth. “I can’t wait to marry you,” he says.
The kiss turns into something else as Eddie’s lips split against Steve’s, and he murmurs back against them, “I can’t wait to marry you.”
When they break apart, Steve taps Eddie’s knee. “Okay, where’s the rest of your sense of tradition? I showed you mine, you show me yours now.”
“Oh, I’ll show you tradition alright,” Eddie responds, and he reaches for his left sleeve.
Or, the one where Steve and Eddie share a rooftop, beloved traditions, and so much love.
hold your breath and just dive right in | 4.5k | steddie
“Come on, man, what are you waiting for?” Steve calls, several feet out from the shore where he’s treading water with a perfect, practiced ease. Fucking show off. “An invitation?”
“Ha ha,” Eddie shouts back, deadpan. He makes no movement towards the water, though. Just digs his toes into the sand and wiggles them, watching the tiny grains spill into the spaces between and swallow his feet.
He glances up to stare out at the lake, and his stomach roils uneasily at its vastness. The other end is visible from where he stands, but it still seems so far away. They’re nowhere near the middle either, and even Steve isn’t that far out. It still makes Eddie nervous.
The funny thing is, it isn’t even his recent experiences with Lover’s Lake that’s putting this horrible feeling in his gut. Well, okay, maybe it is a little bit. But mostly, it’s because Eddie already didn’t like the water before that. He’s never been a fan.
Because Eddie Munson does not know how to swim.
Or, the one where Eddie Munson does not know how to swim, and Steve Harrington is nothing if not the perfect teacher.
keep me on a rope | 6.6k | steddie, unrequited stommy
Tommy wipes his palms against the side of his jeans and squeezes through the crowd, never once taking his eyes off of Steve as he makes a beeline right for him.
He’s a couple feet away, gearing up to call out his greeting when someone else beats him to it and sidles up to Steve. They touch Steve, putting their palm low on his waist, half tucked up under his blazer. It’s an intimate touch, an almost possessive one in a very casual sort of way.
Tommy freezes in his tracks.
Steve perks up in the presence of his new company, back straightening and body turning into theirs — receptive, familiar.
He tilts his head, just enough that Tommy can see the smile gracing his lips, the softness in his eyes, and the other person dips their own chin, leaning in to whisper something into Steve’s ear. Their curtain of hair sways forward, brushing against Steve’s collar, and Steve reaches up to tuck it behind their ear, giving Tommy a clear view of—
Of Eddie Munson.
Or, Tommy Hagan attends his ten year high school reunion hoping for one thing, and leaves with something else entirely.
trippin stumbling flippin fumbling | 5k | steddie
“Don’t be such a coward,” Eddie tells himself. “Fucking— go.”
His body doesn’t move. Not even an inch. His ass stays glued to his seat, his feet firmly planted on the floor. His hands don’t leave ten and two.
“God dammit,” Eddie groans, dropping his forehead down to the wheel.
Except — he underestimates the distance, and rather than pressing into the top of the wheel between his hands, his forehead smacks squarely into the center of the horn.
He jerks back so fast he gives himself whiplash, but the damage is done. There is no taking back the short, sharp, loud honk that emits from the bowels of his traitorous van.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, fuck, shit,” Eddie hisses, eyes going wider than the moon hanging in the sky tonight.
He immediately slouches in his seat, sinking down as low as he can go. But it’s too late. He’s caught Steve and Robin’s attention now, and despite parking off to the side and a little further back, his set of wheels is unmistakable.
They’ve seen him. He can’t leave now. He has no choice but to go inside.
when i turn out the lights | 1.8k | stommy
Steve tells everyone who asks him hat his first kiss was Sheila Anderson when he was fifteen years old.
But, really, that's not true.
It was Tommy Hagan. When he was fourteen.
Or, the one that tells the real story of Steve Harrington's first kiss.
love grows (where my rosemary goes) | 3.2k | steddie
“Do you know you have, like, a trillion freckles on your face?” Steve asks right back, leaning in. His left hand winds itself around the strap of Eddie’s overalls, pulling him in too, and the right one catches Eddie’s jaw. It’s cold from his own lemonade glass, abandoned somewhere by his feet, and his thumb sweeps over the bridge of Eddie’s nose, the apples of his cheeks. Doubles back to tap the single freckle that sits right on the tip.
It’s true — Eddie does have freckles. Maybe not a trillion, but when the sun peeks out from behind the clouds like today and becomes a more permanent resident in the sky, those pesky little polka dots like to make their appearance, painting his face in faint faint dusting. They’re not obvious or anything; nobody really notices them unless they’re looking for them.
But that’s the thing about Steve. He’s always looking. Always seeing.
It’s why Eddie loves him so much.
It’s why — oh. He loves him.
the strength to let it show | 3.2k | steddie
Steve keeps his voice quiet enough as he sings now, not wanting to disturb the masses just one room over, but it’s still loud enough for him to get a little lost in it. He matches the strokes of his sponge with the tune he’s singing and even starts to wiggle his hips along. It’s hard not to want to dance to this one — Bennie and the Jets, because it came on the radio in the car while he was making his rounds to pick up the kids, and it’s been stuck in his head ever since.
Most of the dishes are clean now, so all that’s left is the silverware. The casserole dish was the last of the major pieces. Steve’s just finishing rinsing it, letting the excess water sluice off the sides before he sets it on the kitchen island with the other plates waiting to be dried.
In the process of turning, two things happen at once:
1. Steve squeezes his eyes shut and tips his head back as he belts out the chorus, “She’s got electric boots, a mohair suit, you know I read it in a magazine, oh. B-b-b-bennie and the jets!”
2. His eyes fly back open to land right on Eddie. where he stands in the doorway — no, leans in the doorway, like he’s been there a while, like he’s gotten comfortable.
So, the thing is, Steve likes Eddie.
As in, he kind of wants to date him. And to kiss him. And to be his boyfriend.
But, he also doesn’t want to tell him that. Not in so many words, anyways. Those have never been Steve’s strong suit, words. He always messes them up. Never picks the right ones, always ends up sticking his foot in his mouth. The thought of sitting Eddie down and making some big… confession is mildly (extraordinarily) terrifying. Big speeches and grand declarations usually are — don’t let the romcoms and the chick flicks fool you. They’re never as easy as they look.
He doesn’t not want to tell Eddie, though, either. So it’s… well, it’s a tricky situation.
Until Robin, brilliant brainy genius Robin, suggests that instead of telling him, he should just show him instead. That way Steve can avoid the dramatic deliverances and still get his point across, just in a way that’s comfortable for him. On his own time. At his own pace. He can gradually show his hand, can drop hint after hint until Eddie gets it (and Robin is confident that he will in no time at all).
So Steve does.
shake it loose together | 6.3k | steddie
Steve keeps his voice quiet enough as he sings now, not wanting to disturb the masses just one room over, but it’s still loud enough for him to get a little lost in it. He matches the strokes of his sponge with the tune he’s singing and even starts to wiggle his hips along. It’s hard not to want to dance to this one — Bennie and the Jets, because it came on the radio in the car while he was making his rounds to pick up the kids, and it’s been stuck in his head ever since.
Most of the dishes are clean now, so all that’s left is the silverware. The casserole dish was the last of the major pieces. Steve’s just finishing rinsing it, letting the excess water sluice off the sides before he sets it on the kitchen island with the other plates waiting to be dried.
In the process of turning, two things happen at once:
1. Steve squeezes his eyes shut and tips his head back as he belts out the chorus, “She’s got electric boots, a mohair suit, you know I read it in a magazine, oh. B-b-b-bennie and the jets!”
2. His eyes fly back open to land right on Eddie. where he stands in the doorway — no, leans in the doorway, like he’s been there a while, like he’s gotten comfortable.
to my heart i must be true | 14.4k | steddie
Robin starts to smile, this big, evil grin that unfurls slowly across her face, and oh. Oh no. That’s not good. That’s never good. That always means trouble.
Robin sticks her hands on her hips and juts her chin out at Steve. “I bet I can get a Valentine’s date before you can,” she says, all arrogance.
Dustin and Lucas oooh at her fighting words, then turn to Steve for his rebuttal.
“Robin, Robin, are you sure you want to do that?” He asks, standing to his full height. His shoulders roll back, and he feels the patented Harrington Charm flooding back through his body like a switch has been flipped.
“Absolutely certain,” Robin replies, not backing down. She holds out her hand.
Steve shakes his head at her, then lets an easy, confident smile curl his mouth. “You’re gonna regret that,” he says, then smacks his palm into hers, “but you’re on.”
In which a bet is made, Steve’s prowess shines until it doesn’t, and sometimes things don’t end up the way they’re planned.
Sometimes, they end up better.
i was thinking maybe i could lay beside you | 3k | steddie
Their room is the last door on the right, just like Joyce told them.
Eddie pushes inside first, immediately flicking the lights on. He spots their bags in the corner and beelines straight for them.
Steve, on the other hand, freezes in the doorway.
Because, oh. Oh.
There’s only one bed.
Which — Steve doesn’t know why this surprises him. This isn’t a hotel. It’s a guest room at a friend’s house. Of course it’s not going to have two beds in one room. He doesn’t know why he was expecting that.
But it’s — it’s fine. This is cool. He can share a bed for the night. He’s shared lots of beds in his day. There’s nothing different about this time.
Except that there is because he doesn’t have to share with just anybody. He has to share with Eddie.
Eddie, who hasn’t even batted an eye at the bed situation. Eddie, who seems cool as a cucumber about it. Eddie, who—
Who’s already shucked his shirt off and has his thumbs hooked into his sweats, about to tug those off too, and jesus fucking christ, Steve can’t do this. He cannot do this.
in all your blame, in all your pain | 2.4k | steddie
When Eddie had gotten dragged headfirst into this alternate hellscape dimension, DnD monsters-come-to-life nightmare shitshow, no one told him that by the end of it he’d be offering himself up as bat bait to do his part in putting an end to it all.
No one told him that he’d wind up mangled and shredded and torn apart, but still, somehow, alive.
No one told him that he’d be bedridden for months afterwards, as his body stitched itself back together. That some days would be painful at best, while others would be downright excruciating. That he’d barely be able to walk at first, or bathe himself, or even eat on his own.
No one told him that healing would be the most grueling part of it all.
But those were all things that Eddie could get over. Things that, with time, he could forgive. After all, it’s not like anyone had known that that’s how it was going to play out.
What Eddie could not forgive, however, was the fact that no one, not one single member of their rather large, rather extensive party had told him just how much Steve god damn Harrington loved to play Florence fucking Nightingale in the aftermath.
come and rest your bones with me | 2.6k | steddie
“We’re making a fort.”
Steve is barely even halfway through the door when he is accosted with the declaration. His slick raincoat is still zipped up, his wet umbrella still wide open and dripping onto the porch behind him.
“What?” He asks, fumbling to close the umbrella and shake it out before a stack of blankets are being shoved into his arms.
“We are making a fort,” Eddie repeats, grinning at Steve. He’s got his own heap of blankets bundled against his chest, and when Steve glances past his shoulder he can see that the bones of said fort are already mostly established — Wayne’s armchair has already been moved from its cozy corner of the room to now sit directly across from the couch, and the coffee table has been pushed to the side so as to not be a nuisance to the building process.
And, well, it sounds like a lot of fun, actually.
“Yeah, sure, alright,” Steve replies with a huff of a laugh.
hash brown, egg yolk (i will always love you) | 2.8k | steddie
Six months is a long time to be apart. A long time to go without seeing Eddie in the flesh. Without hearing his laugh, low and melodic, right against the shell of his ear. Without hugging Eddie around the middle and hooking his chin over Eddie’s shoulder while he stands at the stove and pushes something delicious around a pan. Without kissing Eddie.
But so is the way of being married to a hotshot musician with a band that has more than made it big.
Because that's what Eddie is. And, god, Steve couldn’t be more proud.
Even if it does mean that sometimes he and Eddie have to go long stretches of time without seeing each other.
But that doesn’t matter anymore. Because Eddie is home now, and he’s going to be home for a while. Corroded Coffin just wrapped up the European leg of their tour (“Fucking Europe, Stevie! Can you believe it!”) and they’ve been given a month before their North American leg is set to start. A whole entire month that Eddie already promised he will be spending at home with Steve.
Starting today.
stuck to the gum that's stuck on your shoe | 2.1k | platonic stobin
“Talk to me, Steve,” Robin says, “please.”
And now she sounds upset, and that makes Steve feel even worse.
He doesn’t want to say it, doesn’t want to make Robin feel bad. She’s been so excited ever since she got that letter in the mail, going on and on about the linguistics program she’d been accepted into, about the campus and how gorgeous it is, about the surrounding city and how much there is to do there.
Steve doesn’t want to rain on that parade more than he already has.
But he knows that she’s going to wheedle it out of him eventually. Might as well rip the bandaid off now.
He can barely bring himself to say it. It hurts too much to acknowledge. But he does, because he has to. Because he will have to.
“You— you got into college, Rob. You’re going to leave,” Steve finally tells her. Whispers, because if he says it too loud he thinks he might break again.
“Oh, Steve,” Robin breathes.
i wish i knew how (your eyes are like starlight now) | 10.6k | steddie
“Mistletoe!” Robin cheers, and Steve’s heart stutters so hard in his chest that he thinks it might crack his ribcage and drop right out the bottom of his stomach.
His eyes fly up, and, sure enough, there hangs one of the many sprigs hung all around the apartment. Small and inconspicuous, but unmistakable. That ridiculous little plant has no idea that it’s just turned Steve’s entire world on its axis.
Across from him, Eddie’s eyes are trained up too, big and round and wide where they stick on the mistletoe. His lips are parted in surprise, and Steve can’t help but stare and think am I going to kiss those now?
When Eddie finally tears his gaze from the plant and lets it flicker down to Steve, a pretty pink dusting blooms across the bridge of his nose and spreads into the apples of his cheeks when he finds Steve already looking back.
Steve spares the mistletoe one last quick peek before he takes a deep breath and steels himself. This is it. He sticks his hands on his hips, aiming for casual, and asks, “What do you say, Munson?”
Or, Steve makes a promise, Robin likes to meddle, and the spirit of Christmas strikes (out) again. And again. And again.
(Until it doesn’t.)
under my umbrella | 5.8k | steddie
Steve sidles up to the bench. Munson stands at the other end of it, arms crossed tightly over his chest, glaring out at the street as if that will make the bus show up any quicker. His bangs are flat against his forehead, the rest of his long hair lank and wet over his shoulders.
He looks like a drowned cat.
So Steve holds out his umbrella. Tilts his chin and raises his eyebrows at Munson as an invitation to step under and get out of the rain.
Munson looks at the umbrella for less than a second before he turns back towards the street with a scoff. “No thanks,” he says. “I’m good.”
“Dude,” Steve says, dumbfounded.
“Dude,” Munson parrots mockingly.
“You’re really going to turn down my umbrella?” Steve asks, still holding it out.
“I really am,” Munson replies, showing all of his teeth in a rancorous smile. “Now if you don’t mind,” he adds, taking a large step forward, closer to the curb and further from Steve.
Steve lets out an indignant huff and pulls his umbrella back to himself. Only just refrains from muttering an unsavory name under his breath because he’s a good person now.
Whatever. Let Munson get soaked. Let him freeze.
temptations of trouble | 2.8k | steddie
Eddie ignores the flip flopping in his stomach as he meets Steve’s gaze and fits his palms to either side of Steve’s jaw. Cradles his face like he’s something special now. (Because he is.)
And then he leans in to kiss him. Right on those pretty pink lips of his.
It’s short and sweet like it always is, but when Eddie pulls back and opens his eyes, he’s met with Steve’s, wide as fucking saucers, goggling unblinkingly back at him. He can feel Robin’s stare boring into the side of his face, can feel the tiny pinpricks of Nancy’s and Jonathan’s and Argyle’s on his back too. The whole room is quiet enough to hear a god damn pin drop.
Eddie is about to open his mouth and ask what the hell that’s all about when it finally catches up with him.
He just fucking kissed Steve fucking Harrington. On the mouth.
waving down the wind | 10.3k | steddie
Eddie furrows his brows, and he’s about to ask Steve what he did come over here for, when Steve starts to shrug out of his jacket. Rolls his shoulders back and lets it slide down his upper arms.
“I came over here,” Steve starts, and he gives his arm a shake when the sleeve gets caught around his elbow. Once it’s off, he bunches his fist into the fabric of the collar. “To give you this,” he finishes and holds out the coat.
Eddie blinks down at it. Then he looks back up at Steve. “What?”
Or, three times Eddie looks cold and Steve does something about it, and one time he’s toasty warm.
the world will follow after | 2.6k | steddie
Another glance at the clock and Steve really has to leave now. He barely has time to shove the piece of toast Eddie, so graciously, made for him (crisp, but not too crunchy, and definitely not burnt, with just the right amount of butter spread thin across the top) into his mouth before he’s running towards the door.
He’s about two steps away from it, hand already reaching for the knob, when Eddie catches him. He gives Steve's shoulders a squeeze, then spins Steve around and reaches for his collar next, fussing with it until it’s straightened and flat. He pats Steve twice on the chest and gives him a smile.
“All set now,” he says. Then, “have a nice day at work.”
Steve, at the complete whim of his scrambled brain, smiles back, tells Eddie thanks, glances at his watch, curses under his breath, then leans in to kiss Eddie goodbye.
Then, just as quickly, he’s out the door and in his car and finally on his way to work.
It isn’t until he’s halfway there that it hits him what he’s just done.
He kissed Eddie Munson.
from this moment on | 3.9k | steddie
Steve bought the ring a year after they started dating.
It was too soon, way too soon, even if everything they’d been through made it feel like they’d known each other, like they’d been in each other’s corners for forever. One year was entirely too early to be putting marriage on the table, especially when they were still so young. Not to mention, Steve knew that Eddie had a rocky relationship with the concept thanks to his parents, and, truth be told, so did Steve.
But none of that really mattered. Because Steve was that in love. He was that sure of them.
So he bought the ring. Without hesitation.
And he held onto it, for all this time. He’d had a gut feeling, back in 1988. And eight years later it’s still there. Still there and stronger than ever.
can't hide the way you make us glow | 6.3k | steddie
“So,” Wayne finally says and looks between them. He gestures his can from Steve to Eddie and back. “Still just friends, huh?” He deadpans.
Steve chokes on his sip of beer, and a grin cracks across Eddie’s face.
“To the general public of Hawkins, sure,” Eddie responds smoothly, hand absentmindedly rubbing Steve’s back as he recovers.
Wayne narrows his eyes at him. “I ain’t the general public of Hawkins, now, am I?”
Eddie shakes his head. “No, I suppose not.”
When he doesn’t elaborate any further, Wayne lifts his eyebrows expectantly. Out with it, boy they say. He barely refrains from waving his hand in a go on then motion.
“Steve and I… we’re, uh,” Eddie’s smile turns soft around the edges, and his hand goes to Steve’s beside him, drawing it into his lap and lacing their fingers together, “we’re going steady now.”
Or, Wayne finds out that Eddie and Steve are EddieandSteve.
good for my boy | 7.4k | steddie
Wayne lets the front door swing shut behind him, rattling and smacking into the frame audibly.
“Jesus, Munson!” A voice rings out — the freezer fiend’s, and definitely not Eddie’s. “Took you god damn long enough!” The head finally pops out of the freezer. “I got tired of waiting and — oh.”
The stranger’s hand slips from the handle and the freezer door thumps shut. As does the stranger’s mouth when he looks right into the face of, not Eddie Munson as expected, but Wayne Munson.
Wayne briefly recognizes him as the Harrington boy.
or, the first time Wayne Munson meets Steve Harrington is a complete accident.
if you have a minute | 10.6k | steddie
They pass the cigarette back and forth for a few quiet minutes. And there’s something about Eddie’s presence that’s helping just as much as the nicotine.
Eddie holds the cigarette back out for Steve, blows the smoke out in a smooth, steady stream, and tilts his head. “You working tomorrow?” He asks.
Steve shakes his head. “Not tomorrow. Why?”
Eddie pushes himself off of the wall. “Great,” he declares and grins. “We’re doing something then. You and me. I’m gonna take you somewhere.”
Steve’s face scrunches. “What? Where?”
Eddie tuts and wags his finger. “Nope, not telling you,” he says. “You’ll find out tomorrow. Meet at my place at nine. Don’t be late.”
He doesn’t give Steve a chance to argue or further question it. Just throws a little salute and turns on his heel, disappearing around the corner.
Or, the one where Steve’s anxiety doesn’t get the hint that they defeated the Upside Down, and Eddie knows just how to help.
and stars, and stars, and stars | 1.5k | steddie
“What are you even painting?” Steve questions, unable to keep himself from asking. Eddie hadn’t told him his plan when he’d first laid Steve out and gathered his brushes — just instructed Steve to stay still and let him paint, he’d see soon enough. But Steve is curious, and it’s been almost an hour now.
Steve carefully tips his head to the side and presses his cheek against his folded arms, trying his best to catch a glimpse of Eddie where he sits atop the backs of Steve’s thighs, bent over his canvas in concentration. His tongue pokes out of the corner of his mouth, like it always does when he’s focusing hard enough, and a piece of hair dangles against his cheek, escaping the bandana he’d tied it back with.
“I’m painting an essence,” Eddie answers cryptically, and he draws the brush in a broad stroke, low on Steve’s back.
“An essence?” Steve repeats. “An essence of what?”
“An essence of you,” Eddie says simply. The brush dots Steve’s upper back now, light little taps.
Steve doesn’t know what that means, but he’s looking forward to finding out.
i want to hold your hand | 14k | steddie
The film isn’t even on Steve’s radar at this point. He couldn’t say what’s happening anymore, but he doesn’t even care. Forget Geena Davis, forget Jeff Goldblum, Steve can’t stop thinking about Eddie Munson, right there next to him, hand inches away from his own.
Steve’s pinky twitches out, like it’s got a mind of its own, towards Eddie’s hand. His heart is in his throat, breath caught behind it, as his pinky hovers, trembling. He could touch him. Wants to touch him. To hook his pinky over Eddie’s, curl them together, maybe even link the rest of their fingers too.
He’s never wanted to hold somebody’s hand so bad before.
promise me nothing, live 'til we die | 2.9k | steddie
“You’ve seriously never had your first kiss, though?”
Eddie snorts. “Why do you sound so disbelieving? Come on, Harrington. I don’t exactly have a long line of suitors winding out my front door, vying for my hand or anything. Nobody wants to swap spit with the local freak. They might catch something.” He gives Steve a scrutinizing look. “I’m not like you, King Steve.”
“I’m not worried about catching anything from you,” Steve says.
Eddie tilts his head, perplexed. “Okay… thanks?”
Steve shakes his head. “No, I mean, if no one else wants to, I will.”
“Will what? Line up outside my door?” Eddie scoffs.
“Kiss you,” Steve says and knocks all the air out of Eddie’s chest. “I’ll do it.”
Eddie’s eyes have got to be as big as dinner plates as he blinks at Steve. “What?”
harlow gold | 4k | platonic steve & nancy
Nancy is pretty sure that she could talk to Jonathan about it. He knows a little something about being the black sheep, and Nancy doesn’t think he would judge her for it. But they’d only just broken up, and while it was a mutual decision and an amicable split, she doesn’t think it would be fair to turn to him so soon after for advice about the feelings she already has for someone else.
She doesn’t have any girlfriends to talk to either. Robin is kind of the first close female friend she’s had since Barb.
And despite this budding friendship between herself and Robin, Nancy can’t turn to Robin. She’s the type to ask a lot of questions, and she doesn’t give up easily. She’ll push until she gets the answers she’s looking for. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but Nancy isn’t so sure she’s ready for that kind of inquisition. Not about this.
Which only leaves one person that Nancy trusts enough with something as delicate as this, one person whom she is comfortable enough to confide in:
Steve Harrington.
sloe gin fizzy, do it till you're dizzy | 6.7k | steddie
Eddie scoots down on the bed until he’s level with Steve and turns onto his side, shifting closer in the process.
The movement draws Steve, and his head lolls to the side to see what Eddie is up to.
It brings them nearly nose to nose, and Eddie goes a little bit cross-eyed focusing on Steve.
Steve doesn’t flinch away from the closeness. Just breathes and blinks. And then his eyes flicker down to Eddie’s lips and right back up, so quick that Eddie’s hazy brain would have missed it if he hadn’t been paying attention, hadn’t been anticipating it.
Eddie takes it as the invitation it has to be, and slowly, slowly closes the distance. His nose does bump into Steve’s as he enters his space, but he pauses, hesitates with his mouth hovering a hair’s breadth away from Steve’s.
He waits for the rejection, for the brutal shove away, for the disgusted “what the fuck man?”.
But they don’t come.
What does come is Steve’s mouth, pushing forward to press against Eddie’s.
it's my feeling we'll win in the end | 6.3k | steddie
Eddie thrusts his hand, fisted around the diploma, into the air like he’s god damn John Bender on the football field, and he lets out a triumphant whoop.
He hears his friends go crazy in their seats again, and when he finds them in the crowd once more he sees that Dustin has climbed up onto his chair, one hand gripping Steve’s shoulder for support while the other is pumping through the air. He’s shouting Eddie’s name, and so is Mike, who is clapping so hard his hands must hurt. Lucas and Max each are holding one corner of a sign spelling out “Eddie the Conqueror” across the center, with hand painted flames licking around the words. It makes Eddie laugh, bright and buoyant, and he shakes the diploma through the air some more.
Eddie’s chest feels tight in the best kind of way as a sudden tidal wave of emotions body slams him, clogging his throat and forcing him to take a sharp, deep breath through his nose. His nostrils flare with it, and a hysterical sort of laugh bubbles up. It’s just, he’s never been this happy before. Never been this proud. Never felt this good.
He’s smiling so big that his cheeks hurt. He feels like he’s walking on fucking air. He did it, he fucking did it.
find my ficlets here
transformative work policy:
fanart, podfics, translations, and any such creations based on my works are always welcome!! if you're not sure about something, just ask!
all i ask in return is that proper credit is given — using the "inspired by" function on ao3; mentioning the source material in notes; linking back to me/my works — whichever fits best with what you're doing!
and please please tag me in/send me a link to it, i LOVE to see what y'all do!! it makes my heart sing!! 💕
i do not allow my works to be reposted to any other platforms (snippets with credit and links is okay though!!)
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lsuyia · 4 months
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A/N - ngl i literally pulled this out my ass at 11 am since i rlly needed to start posting on my tumblr more, pls request fic ideas!
relationship is established! also fem!reader
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satoru gojo, just seems like the the type of person to randomly be scrolling on instgram,— barely finding interesting and find a video of a baby.
The baby could be doing anything, laughing, giggling, saying its first word,—and like fucking magic will automatically text you about it, spam calling you
it all just started as one simple cute video that satoru saw, making his baby fever go through the roof.
One fucking video, was all it took.
You would get home from work, wanting to take a nap, oh but here he comes, bending you over on the kitchen table, making your legs tremble, just so he can try to get you pregnant.
“Spread wide open f’me, yeah?”
You started to wonder what was going on when one day he magically appeared when you were showering saying he wanted to shower with his beautiful girlfriend, which you knew he was lying straight through his teeth.
Few minutes later, he has you pinned against the shower wall, going at an ungodly pace bruising your cervix in the process with every thrust as he smiles seeing breathless, flustered face.— which some how always seemed to keep him hard.
“Just a little longer for daddy?”
You automatically knew when he said that something was going on, and you were going to get to the bottom of it.
For days straight, satoru would always have you bend over, legs up, on the floor,on the wall, in the bed, in the car fucking you dumb until he finally came inside you.
At this point you were getting concerned that you might actually get you pregnant.
So, you decided to finally open up about the whole dilemma, you couldnt keep going on like this.
“toru baby?” You called out to him after minutes thinking about if you should actually do this. “coming.” He said back as his light footsteps treaded across the living room before finally appearing in-front of you before he sat beside you. “yeah honeybun?” He softly spoke to you while his hand traveled to your thighs, squeezing at the plush.
“I wanted to talk to you about something..” You trailed off at the end, which in gojo’s eyes sounded pretty serious to him. His head immediately turned to look at you looking at you concerned. “Do you think we could like…—calm down with the sex?”
You spoke softly to him not even looking at him out of pure embarrassment of the situation. The silence was so loud after you spoke to him,— until he finally casually spoke back to you“yea baby thats fine, if you wanted to calm down you could’ve told me earlier.” He said with a shrug seeming like the situation didn’t affect him at all.
Oh but, it very much did.
In his eyes, It sounded like you didnt want to have a child with him, which drove him absolutely insane.
The constant sex ban worked for a full month until he was back at it again.
You couldn’t even take off your shoes without him touching your nipples through your clothes, just to turn you on and get you into bed with him.
One thing lead to another and you and him getting into a heated argument in your shared bedroom.
“Gojo, what is up with you? I cant even walk into the fucking house without you trying to finger me!” you exclaimed practically yelling at him. Your attitude towards him at him caught in a dumb daze. You were starting to get tired of the constant sex every day.
He was yelling back before but now he was silent as he stood in front of you not speaking, you rarely ever called him last name which let him know you were pretty serious about the whole ordeal.
He couldn’t keep his need for you under wraps for any longer.
“Honeybun, I want a baby.” He said to you, as his light blue eyes locked with yours.
You were honestly shocked at him, he wanted a baby? The only word you could even speak was
“honeybun, I want a baby with you.” He leaned towards you cupping your face as he planted tender kisses.
“I want to see you and me mixed together, I wanna see both of us go through mother and fatherhood, I want to see all of you honeybun.” He said grabbing your hands interlocking them with his. He was really genuine and heartfelt about the whole baby fever nonsense.
You were still in slight shock, but you had a small thought about the idea of you and satoru’s kid still fresh in your mind at the moment
Needless to say, you finally found out why gojo was acting crazy all those months ago
You sighed watching television with your pregnant belly while gojo had his arms wrapped around you and his head lightly resting on your stomach, careful not to hurt you at any point
“Their going to be so cute.”
he hummed giving your tummy a tender kiss.
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turtletaubwrites · 2 months
Misty Eyes ~ Part 5
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Pairings: Trafalgar Law x Fem!Reader, Doflamingo x Fem!Reader (Past & Flashbacks)
Word Count: 3975
Misty Eyes Masterlist
Ao3 Link
Summary: Feeling good seemed out of reach, but you'd never felt safer than you do with Law. Safe enough to ask for what you want.
Author's Note: Alright friends, patience is required, but rewarded 🥰
Thank you so much @pinejayy for this delicious request!!
Rating/Warnings: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Explicit Sexual Content, 18+ ONLY, MDNI, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, Devil Fruit User Reader, Swearing, Eventual Smut, Angst, Pet Names, Degradation, Punishment, Emotional Abuse, DARK CONTENT, DUBCON, Grooming, Trauma, Past Sexual Abuse, Manipulation, Power Imbalance, Dubious Consent, Doflamingo is His Own Warning, Bondage, Dissociation, Inappropriate Use of Akuma no Mi | Devil Fruit Powers, Kissing, Shame, Blood and Violence, Vomiting, Minor Character Death, Sparring, Childhood Memories, Chaste Childhood Kiss, Teasing, Tickling, Yandere Doflamingo, Hurt/Comfort, Smut, Hair-Pulling, Birth Control, Unprotected Sex (stay safe out there!), Forced Pregnancy (Implied/Intended), Sterilization (Implied/Intended), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Fingering, Penis in Vagina Sex, Soft Trafalgar D. Water Law, Other Additional Tags To Be Added, Fluff, Sexual Dysfunction, Safe words, Choking, Praise Kink, Body Worship, Multiple Orgasms, Aftercare
!!! SPOILERS !!! This story begins during the 2 year timeskip before the Punk Hazard Arc, and there will also be spoilers for the Dressrosa Arc for backstory lore
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“What do you mea–”
“Nuh uh,” Law scolded, sticking his thumb in your mouth like a hook to pull you closer by your bottom teeth. “You know I could always tell when you were lying. I know you faked it.”
You pulled his hand away from your face, frowning at his shit-eating grin. 
“I don’t know wha–”
“You little liar,” he accused, sitting up. His movement forced you to slide from straddling his waist to sitting in his lap, the feel of his still firm cock beneath you making you gasp. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck, even as you scowled at him. His satisfied chuckle made you scrunch your nose, heat burning your face. 
“How could you tell,” you gave in, earning a quick kiss before he flipped you, laughing at you while he laid you on your back beneath him. 
“You’re a terrible liar.”
Your mouth fell open in outrage, but you couldn’t attack him while he held your fists, kissing your knuckles. 
“I’m an incredible liar,” you squirmed, his weight pinning you down. 
“See what I mean,” he taunted, your futile thrashing making you breathless. “That wasn’t believable at all.”
A frustrated huff left your lips as you struggled to punch that smirk off of his face, but he stopped talking while he kissed his way along your neck and collarbones, so you let it slide. He finally slowed, releasing your hands as he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. 
“Why didn’t you just mist away,” he seemed to tease, but his voice was too soft. 
“I…” you paused, about to argue until you realized that you didn’t want to answer. You clamped your eyes shut against that feeling, then opened them again to glare at him. “Don’t change the subject. How could you tell I was lying?”
Law took a moment, seeming to search for his answer, which did not appease you.
“I’m not sure,” he smirked at your disgruntled hum. “You always seemed so… cute when you lied.”
He blinked, looking down as if he hadn’t meant to say that, but you wouldn’t give him a pass just for looking adorable. 
So you bit him.
“Gah, what,” he sat up, pulling back in surprise until your teeth left his arm.
“Two things,” you snarked, propping up onto your elbows, “I want to know exactly what my tell is so I can get rid of it, then I want to hear all about how you thought I was cute back then.”
“So your tells are,” he grunted, catching your fist at the plural word, “sometimes the corner of your lip goes up just a bit–”
“It does not! That’s the first thing I trained out,” you argued, sitting up on your knees to face him. You narrowed your eyes at him while he ran his thumb over the edge of your mouth, until you sighed at his touch. 
“Maybe I just pay more attention,” he mused, voice husky as he kissed your temple. His breath moved to your neck, your need for answers melting away. Until your body reminded you of the moment.
“Uh, Law,” you coughed, pushing him away gently, “do you have a towel?”
He returned from his adjacent bathroom with a warm, damp towel, helping you clean up the mess he’d made before kissing up your stomach and chest again.
“What’s my other tell,” you interrupted, his soft touches ending as he rolled his eyes. He grabbed your hand, kissing your fingers before moving your own thumb across them. 
“You rub your thumb over your fingernails,” he reported, brow raised as if judging your performance. 
“I do that all the time,” you yanked your hand back, embarrassed that he’d read you so well. Lying was something you prided yourself on. It’s what kept you safe. 
“It’s a self-soothing behavior,” he softened, pushing the hair back from your face. “And you’re right, you’re probably a great liar. I just spent too much time watching you.”
Releasing a frustrated breath, you looked at his stupid face, and couldn’t help but smile. 
“Is this when you tell me how cute you thought I was?”
Law sucked his teeth, his bright eyes ready for a challenge, but instead, he kissed you. Unhurried lips and tongues, treasuring the taste of each other. 
“I thought you were gross,” he whispered against you, earning a hard punch to the arm. He laughed before he continued, holding your wrists again. “But then I thought you were cute, and I thought that was gross too.”
You grinned at the memory of what a grouchy kid he was. For over two years, you’d spent everyday together, bickering, sparring, and causing chaos. 
“At first, I studied you to gain an advantage during training,” he confessed with a sigh, looking away while his fingers tugged at the sheet. “I don’t know when it changed, but eventually I was watching you because I wanted to. Because you were cute.”
He teased the last word, caving in to your demands, and you rewarded him with another kiss, wrapping your arms around him. Soon hands and lips were traveling, until he laid you back against the pillows. 
“Can I make you come now, or do you have other demands?”
You rolled to the side to hide your face while your skin burned, and his pleased hum and teasing kisses along your side didn’t help. 
“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do,” he soothed, your breath going too slow, and too shallow. “But I would love to make you feel good.”
His voice, his words, his gentle fingers that had pulled away to give you space, all of it made you freeze. 
“What can I do to help you feel good, Y/N?”
There were so many strange thoughts in your head, most moving too fast for you to follow.
Except for one thought that felt more like an emotion, a need. You were barely conscious of it, yet it drove you forward, pulling him onto you.
Make him feel good. 
Lost again in the way he touched you. Lost in the way he breathed your name while his marked fingers smoothed along your skin. Lost in the need to please him. 
“Fu-huck,” he gasped out, moaning as your fingers wrapped around his shaft, already hard again. 
Stroking him with purpose, you lined yourself up as you rubbed his tip through the new wetness his touch had drawn. His eyes rolled back before he buried his face in your neck, leaving a sloppy kiss against your skin.
A long whine left your lips, frustration making you writhe when he pulled away. He laid on his side at the edge of the bed, panting while his eyes tried to focus on your face. 
You rolled, crawling toward him with your lip caught between your teeth, more needy sounds leaving your throat. 
“Gods, you’re too fucking good,” he rasped, catching your hands before they could reach his cock again, “but, you didn’t answer my question, Y/N. How can I make you feel good?”
Your body slumped, a heavy sigh leaving your lips before his fingers brushed across them. 
“Let me take care of you,” he pleaded, the words hot against your ear. 
All you could do was nod, body limp as he lifted you back to the pillows, propping you up as if you were one of the precious comics on his shelves. That thought made you laugh, making him narrow his eyes at you until you giggled even more. 
“Something funny,” he teased with that lovely smirk. 
Words weren’t leaving your lips, so he sucked his teeth while he watched you squirm. Your breath stilled at the touch of his fingers along your inner thighs. 
“It seemed like you enjoyed me eating you out earlier, until I started fingering you. Did I read that right?”
Your eyes went wide, pausing for a moment before your words spilled out.
“N-no, it all felt amazing! I just got overwhelmed, but you felt so good…”
He watched you closely then, and you wondered if you’d shown a tell. 
But I didn't lie… 
“Okay… Please tell me if you’re feeling overwhelmed, or if you don’t like something.”
“I will,” you promised, your voice a bit high while you tilted your head down to the side, looking up at him with a teasing smile playing on your lips. 
“How about we use a safe word,” he suggested, smoothing a hand along your arm while he ignored your attempt to distract from the topic. “Do you already have one you’d like to use?”
Your eyes were a little wide as you shook your head, but a gentle kiss on your temple slowed your breathing. 
“It should be a word that doesn’t mean much, and that we wouldn’t normally say. Anytime you’re feeling overwhelmed or want to stop, you can say it, okay,” he paused, waiting for you to nod before continuing. “How about… radish?”
“Why radish,” you snorted, your body loosening up.
“Why not,” he grinned at you. His smile was a sight you’d never get enough of. “Do you have any other ideas?”
Your lips quirked, but you agreed to the word.
“Perfect. Now, will you please tell me how to make you feel good?”
He stared at your parted lips while you froze. No words came to mind. Just tension, and a mild sense of danger. 
“It’s alright if you don’t know,” he reassured, his eyes going soft as they raked over you. “Just talk to me. Is it alright if I touch you?”
You caught yourself rubbing your thumb over your fingernails when you agreed, stopping the movement before he noticed.
What’s wrong with me?
Law’s hands and lips traveled the length of your body, pulling soft gasps and sighs from your throat. You moved into his touch, reacting, showing him how good it felt. 
“I can’t believe how beautiful you are,” he whispered, looking down at your face while he traced his fingers along your leg. Your cheeks were already burning before a breathy moan surprised you both. 
He cocked his head at you, repeating the movement. For some reason, the barest touch of his fingertips to the middle of your shin made you moan again, the ticklish sensation feeling better than you thought it should. 
“Mm, found something,” he teased, leaning closer to kiss your embarrassed face. “Do you know any other places I can touch to make you moan like that?”
“Law,” you writhed, voice breathy as his fingers danced up your body. 
“Come on, pretty. Tell me one thing that feels good. I know you can think of something.”
There was no pressure in his words, but there was heat, and the hint of a challenge. You still couldn’t think of any words, but you managed to move your head to the side, trailing your fingers along the crook of your neck. 
He hummed as his fingers replaced yours, as your eyes fluttered shut. 
“Your skin’s so soft,” he purred, the hunger in his words making your toes curl. “Does it feel good when I kiss here too?”
Whining, your body went loose when he laid beside you, one of his legs resting between yours before he kissed your neck again. 
It felt so good, you could have stayed in this moment forever. The feel of his lips, tongue, facial hair, even his breath overwhelmed you. That sensitive skin sent electric shocks down to your lower back until you shook for him, his warm laughter only adding to it. 
“Thank you for showing me what you like,” he breathed against your ear. “You’re being such a good girl for me.”
Law’s praise took every thought away, everything was gone while your body reacted. Your hands fisted the sheets, your thighs tried to rub together, seeking friction, but his leg was in the way. 
“Mm, Y/N, is it alright if I finger you? You can say the word if you want me to stop, okay?”
Hesitation came back, along with anger. Anger at yourself for whatever was stopping you. For whatever was keeping you from enjoying this time with him. 
Anger at yourself for not pleasing him by giving him what he wanted.
“It’s okay, hey,” Law soothed, his thumb stroking your cheek, “we can stop here, or we can do something else. Whatever you–”
“I want to,” you choked out. Clearing your throat wasn’t enough fix the broken sound in your voice. “I don’t know why, but… me feeling good seems…”
His soft eyes warmed your skin, even though you couldn’t meet them. He waited for you.
“I keep getting nervous when it’s just me,” you murmured, keeping your eyes wide to fight the heat there. 
“Just you feeling pleasure,” he prompted, studying your face while you gulped, nodding to confirm. “You said you want to. Do you wanna try, and we can stop if you need to?”
“Mhm,” you agreed, looking up as you brushed away an unwelcome tear with the back of your hand. 
Law pressed gentle kisses across your face, wiping away another wayward tear. 
“You deserve to feel good, Y/N.” His fingers followed his pretty words, and you fought to just be here with him. So slow, so light, that tattooed hand trailed lower, until he traced around your entrance, leaning close to your ear again. “I wanna make you come so bad. Please, can I feel you come on my fingers?”
Your “yes,” came out in a whine, and you both moaned at the slide of his fingers, your drenched pussy aching for his touch. 
“Gods, you're so wet,” he panted, playing with your clit while he watched your face. “Can I–”
You interrupted his request, nodding permission before he pushed one finger, then two inside of you. His eyes never stopped scanning, and he sat up to free his other hand, caressing down your body. 
It felt so good, but there was something. You’d been able to keep memories out, but you couldn’t relax. 
“What do you need,” he checked in, his skilled fingers bringing you close, but not close enough. 
“I feel like I–” you moaned, his thumb moving over your clit while his fingers curled up to that spongy spot inside you. “I feel like I need to make you feel good.”
“Mm, you are making me feel good,” he rasped, his body seeming to relax at your confession. “I love the way you’re gripping my fingers like this. I love the little sounds you make. Watching you come would make my fucking year, Y/N.”
A laugh fell from your lips, then a moan as he pressed a little deeper.
“You don’t need it, but you have my permission to come,” he teased, his voice just a bit too real, and somehow those words released something. A tiny smirk graced his lips as you started to fall apart. 
“Gonna be a good girl, and come for me?”
“Fuck,” you breathed, the steady rhythm he’d found was building so much pressure in your core it almost hurt. 
“That’s it, you’re doing so well,” he praised, his free hand grabbing your chin to force your heavy lidded eyes to his. “You’re close, yeah? I want you to tell me exactly what you need so you can come on my fingers like a good girl. I know you can.”
“Can you do that for me?”
So close. So fucking close. But here was a new plateau, and all of his wonderful work was about to go to waste. Until you thought of something. 
Something that came with a pile of confusing memories and shame. Something you would have ignored, and stuffed away if you hadn’t felt so safe. 
If Law hadn’t made you feel so safe.
“Choke me, please.”
The request was almost silent, but you saw his lips part slightly. A hesitation. A mountain of self loathing threatened to roll over you.
Long, tattooed fingers encircled your throat, a necklace marked with “DEATH.” 
“Such a good girl, telling me what you want. Let me feel you– Mm, there’s my girl.”
He wrapped the perfect amount of pressure around your neck, keeping the pace with his other hand until your body started bucking, your eyes rolling white. 
It was everything you fucking needed. 
And it kept going. 
Law never stopped giving and giving, praising you while you shattered. You almost went to mist from the overwhelm, only managing to stay solid because you needed to keep coming for him. For you.
You mourned the loss of those wicked fingers choking and fucking you, but he worshipped your body again while aftershocks tore through you. 
“You’re fucking amazing,” he chuckled, laughing harder at the gibberish you replied with. He kissed and caressed you while your body came back to the room. “Can I get you anything? Water, or are you hung–”
He’d moved away slightly, but you reached out with your wobbly arms, pulling him close. He hummed at your touch, then gasped again when your hands found his cock, the heat of him making you writhe.
“Y/N, we don’t have to–”
“Please, fuck me,” you begged, sluggishly rolling onto your stomach. Looking over your shoulder at him, you got to witness the loveliest, most desperate look you’d ever seen on his face when you lifted your ass toward him. “I need your cock.”
There was no hesitation now. 
Just the whispered, “say the word if you need to,” before he was behind you, thrusting into your twitching cunt while you screamed for him. 
Tattooed hands on your hips helped him slam into you, hitting that perfect spot so fast, so hard, that you came in what felt like seconds.
“Oh fuck. Pussy feels so good, baby,” he moaned, slurring a bit before pressing your upper body into the bed. The new angle made you scream louder, clawing at the sheets. 
“You like that, Y/N,” he checked in, voice strained as he fought his need. 
“Pull my hair,” you demanded softly.
One of those hands pushed you down, his weight between your shoulder blades while he pounded into you. Frenzied thrusts rocked your body while his free hand fisted into the hair at the back of your head, finally giving you that sting you needed. 
“Do it again,” he forced through his teeth, his bruising grip making you drool onto the sheets. “Come for me, pretty. Come on my cock right fucking now.”
“Law, fuck, I’m…”
Words were gone, his quarters ringing with your breathy screams, and his heavy grunts. The slapping of wet, needy flesh nearly drowned you both out until he buried himself as deep as he could go, your toes curling while he filled you with heat. Your body milked the come out of him until you both collapsed, sweaty limbs still reaching for each other. 
“Are you okay,” he coaxed, brushing another hot tear away from your cheek. 
“I’m happy.”
Those words had left your lips many times over the past few years, but this time you didn’t have to lie. This time you let tears fall without shame, laughing as he left tickling kisses anywhere he could reach, holding you close. More laughter floated through the air while he carried you to the bathroom. You trailed your fingertips along his lines of ink, as though you were walking the paths around your new home, memorizing each lovely view. 
“You know this doesn't mean I’m gonna go easy on you, right,” Law threatened as he threw a blanket over your bare skin, wrapping himself around you. 
“You’re such an ass,” you hummed, nuzzling into his warmth. 
“You could be nicer to your captain, you know,” he quipped, his deep voice making you shiver. 
“If you’re my captain, does that make me a Heart Pirate?”
His arm tensed around you, and your mind cringed against your presumption.
Nothing’s changed. I’m still a tool, a threat, even if I am something more. Don’t fucking push–
“Only if you want to be.”
Law’s hushed offer stilled your thoughts. You couldn’t answer without seeing his face, so you twisted in his arms until you could cup his cheek, knowing that the shy smile on his face reflected your own. His eyes poured over you, until his brows creased slightly as he waited for your response. Waited to hear if you wanted to spend your life as a pirate, living on this submarine, putting yourself in danger. Waited to hear if you wanted to stay with him. 
It wasn’t a question.
“I do,” you promised with a kiss, pulling back to smirk at him, “but I’m still gonna call you an ass.”
Soon you were begging, breathless as you lost the fight, your cheeks hurting from laughing after his long fingers had stopped tickling you. Being wrapped up in each other still felt unreal. He fell asleep so fast, his light snores a comforting sound, even when you couldn’t stop the tears from staining your skin. 
You’d never felt safer. 
But memories were still there.
He’ll find me. He’ll take me back. After he makes me watch him kill Law. 
He’ll probably use my hands. Just like…
You went completely limp, head lolling as your body fought the sticky memory of blood on your hands.
Part of your brain still had memories. Part of your brain berated you for not enjoying this perfect moment with Law. But most of your brain went to a strange buzzing place, unfocused eyes seeing nothing but a blur. 
When this empty space wasn’t frightening, it was relaxing, in a sick way. 
Being nothing. 
“Y/N? You okay,” he checked in, groggy voice filled with concern. 
Your limp body rolled as he shifted. A tiny part of you floated above the bed, watching, yelling at yourself to move, hating that he had to deal with this.
The rest of you was trapped in a fish tank, sinking to the bottom.
Law stayed with you. Even though you couldn’t feel, even though you couldn’t hear, you knew he was there. He was there when you returned, soothing your “sorry’s” away. Asking what you needed, bringing you water, then starting all over again as if it hadn’t happened.
Holding you close as he drifted off to sleep, and this time, you followed him. 
This time, Law pulled you from the nightmares. He reminded you where you were while he kept you from clawing at your chest. He waited until he saw your eyes stay present, then he teased you until you were his again. 
“Hurry up, or I’ll make you use the barracks bathroom,” he warned, pushing you through the door with a towel and a change of clothes. He beamed at your middle finger, and you could hear him counting down random numbers while you got ready. 
“Why don’t you just join me,” you challenged, about to turn on the water.
“You know why.”
You showered fast, even though your body twisted with need at the thought of him shoving you against the tile wall, but your mood soured when you looked in the mirror. It was disorienting to see that face on this submarine. To see that face anywhere but at Doffy’s side.
You managed to pull yourself out before you fell too deep, but this time you didn’t push it away. No hiding, no running in fear. 
Doffy lived there, behind your misty eyes. The weight of his presence hung around your shoulders like that heavy, pink coat. Your body screamed with the need to be safe, the need to be whatever he wanted you to be. His laugh echoed in your skull as he called for his “pretty doll.”
But you weren’t a doll anymore. 
I’m a Heart Pirate now, Doffy. And I’m gonna help Law kill you.
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Likes, comments, and reblogs bring me all the ✨dopamine✨ thank you so much!
a/n: Heeeyyyy we made it. We completed the fic request. It's over... Lol, not! I have so much more planned for this story, but there will be a pause here while I circle back to another fic. But fret not, I'm obsessed with this story, and have already outlined some upcoming chapters!
Thank you so much for joining me! Again, I hope none of you relate to the reader's trauma, and her struggle to enjoy her own pleasure, but if you do, you're not alone 🖤 I hope you are given all the patience and love you need so that you can enjoy all the pleasure you desire.
You deserve to feel good!!
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Tag List: @shewrites02 | @jadeddangel | @nothing-but-brass | @lovemesomefanfic846
Part 6
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Operation Olive Branch has compiled a working spreadsheet of ways to help families fleeing from the genocide in Palestine. If you enjoyed this fic, and are able, please click the link to find a list of GoFundMe's, as well as other ways to help.
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bettyfrommars · 5 months
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Dirty Metal Summer
a Dirty Dancing au
masterlist playlist
Part 2: The Hideout
You follow Robin over the resort property line to a place where guests are forbidden and get a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes.
word count: 3.6k
My blog is 18+ONLY, mature themes, violence, alcohol consumption, eventual smut, fighting, mention of blood, reader is called Bird as a nickname, reader plays the cello. Reader is 21, Eddie is late 20's.
Songs for this chapter: Animal (fuck like a beast)//W.A.S.P. No one like you//Scorpions Mental Health (bang your head)//Quiet Riot Wasted Years//Iron Maiden
a/n: it has been so much fun to pull this out of the rubble and jump back into this world for a rewrite, I hope you enjoy. To my I'm on Fire peeps, there will be a scene in this chapter that feels very similar to something that happened in IOF, and that's because I originally stole it from this fic, thinking I'd never post it, lmao. Thought about changing it, but it's just too perfect. Plus, there will always be a hint of biker Eddie in all of my Eddies.
Sticking close behind Robin, you crossed the arc of a walking bridge over a creek and disappeared on a worn path through the trees.  It was only then that you could finally make out the building where the loud music was coming from.  
It had corrugated metal sides and roof, like a structure you might see on a farm that housed large equipment.  There was a picnic table out front where a few people were seated, and the shell of a vintage automobile with bullet holes in it sat in the weeds.
A little more than a city block away was a modest cabin made from actual logs with an old truck, a van, and a motorcycle parked out front.
“Who lives there?” You nudged Robin.
She stopped to see where you were looking first, and then, “oh yeah, that’s Wayne’s place.  The head maintenance guy.  This is his too,” she gestured to the metal building where the music and shouts were coming from.  “Both him and his nephew Eddie.  Have you met Eddie?”
You absolutely knew who he was, but didn’t want to come off as a stalker, so you shook your head.  
The large sliding door entrance to the building was open about a foot, letting out wafts of smoke and a hazy, golden light.  From over Robin’s shoulder, you could see quite a few bodies moving around in there, and just then came the sound of a glass breaking.  
“Ready?” She smiled back at  you, struggling to hold everything in her arms as she reached for the handle to slide the door open the rest of the way.  
“Let me?” You lurched forward.
“I got it,” she insisted, fumbling one of the guitars before catching it again with a gasp of relief.
You weren’t sure what you’d been expecting to see when she eased the door open the rest of the way, but a topless woman dancing on a table top was not one of them. 
Her hair was bleached blonde, frizzy and teased around her face.  She was tan with a prominent bikini line over her pert breasts, and it looked like she’d just pulled the top of her leopard print spandex dress down to give a little show.  
The song Animal (Fuck like a beast) by W.A.S.P. was blaring and the guys around the table cheered while the woman flipped her hair and worked her hips in a circle.  You were sure you recognized her as one of the waitresses from earlier that night. 
Metalheads of all kinds were crowded together, mingling, and you feared that you stuck out like the proverbial sore thumb. Some were in leather; some wore jean vests with pins and patches all over them.  A handful had long hair that they must’ve tied back or wore under hats while they worked at the resort, but a few of them, like Steve, kept theirs short and tidy, for the most part.  Overhead string lights swayed from high wooden beams, and a chandelier that looked like it was made out of wrenches.  An old, pea green Kelvinator refrigerator and a small kitchenette was to your left, as if someone had lived there at one point, and two couches sat against the wall that were mismatched and worn.  
Most of the crowd of people seemed to be lingering together in the middle, standing there as if waiting for something.  Taking shots, smoking blunts, and making out with each other, blocking you from seeing beyond them.  
Robin signaled to follow her, and you were hesitant to start moving through the masses, holding the guitar case flush to your body, feeling like it was something to hide behind.  You noticed posters on the walls for bands like Judas Priest and Metallica, and on the concrete floor you saw smudges from white chalk markings, dark splotches the color of dried blood, but that was ridiculous.  
You pushed between a girl with a blue mohawk and a guy with a shaved head that was covered in tattoos in a hurry to keep up with your escort, and the two shot you a hard glare.  When you could finally see the far wall, there was an oval, threadbare carpet in the corner with a drum kit set up, three microphones, two amps, and some other equipment that suggested live music would soon be happening.  
“This is where they practice!” Robin shouted over the music, directing you where to put Eddie guitar down.  “We call it The Hideout.”
“'Where who practices?’ You set Eddie’s baby near the wall where she told you to.  
“Eddie and Chrissy’s band,” she motioned for you to stand over at the wall with her. 
“Oh,” you turned to look at the instruments again, heart flopping a little at the idea he would show up at any moment.  “They're playing tonight?”
There was a commotion up ahead and you both turned to look. "Later maybe! The fights are tonight,” again, yelling over the growl of the music.  Now the song was No One Like You by Scorpions, and it sounded like people were cheering at someone who’d just come through the door. 
“Fights?” You leaned in to get more information when everyone started pushing back to make room for whatever was about to happen.  You remembered that one of the guys on the porch earlier that day with Chrissy and Steve had a black eye, and you’d noticed another worker at the resort who had a busted lip, but you hadn’t paused to think that maybe they were somehow connected.
It was then that you saw Eddie appear from out of the sea of bodies, and took a sharp intake of breath, holding it in, afraid to let it out for fear you might whimper.  
He was so beautiful, it made you dizzy. You stood up straight, adjusting yourself, covertly checking to make sure you weren’t perspiring too badly.
He was wearing the tux he’d had on for the show earlier, but the tie and cummerbund were both gone, and his white shirt was unbuttoned almost to his stomach.  You caught a glimpse of tattoos on his chest, and a necklace of some sort. Someone handed him a beer and he threw back a generous gulp.  
“There’s going to be boxing? Here? Tonight?” You were trying to act casual and not stare at him the whole time, but it was hard to tear your attention away.  
“Nothing professional,” she scoffed, folding her arms over her chest, putting her shoulder blades against the wall.  “Just your average bare knuckle street fighting, basically. The guys were doing it to blow off steam, but then some others got involved and people started placing bets, so a whole thing started.”
Eddie unbuttoned the rest of his shirt and took it off, passing it to someone in the crowd.  Your mouth went dry at the sight of his lean muscles under the scattered ink.  He kept his hair tied back and started wrapping white tape around one of his hands while Steve said something in his ear.  
“How do they choose who fights who?” You were invested now, wringing Robin out for any information she had.  
“I don’t know how they figure it out, but the new guys usually fight each other, and then a winner challenges Eddie or Steve or Alex,” she pushed off the wall to get a better look at the center of the room. “But it looks like Eddie is up first.” And then with a smirk she added, “all of the new hotshots at the resort think they can beat Eddie.”
“Can they?” Your voice cracked, eyes locked on the scene.  A guy shorter than Eddie but muscular in a football player type of way, was also shirtless in the circle now, with taped hands and wearing a pair of sweats with the name of a university down the leg. The guy was hopping from foot to foot to keep himself hyped up, punching the air in front of him.
“No one beats Eddie,” there was pride in her voice.  “Looks like the guy he’s fighting tonight is Lance, one of the new ski instructors.  Totally full of himself.”
Steve was wearing a white wife beater and jeans, and he raked a hand through his mop of hair just before pointing in your direction.  Eddie’s gaze followed the line of his finger directly to your stunned face, and then it lingered there.
He seemed to contemplate, wetting his lips, and then he nodded to Steve and was on his way over.
He didn’t have to push people out of the way because they were all quick to part to make room for him.  It wasn’t long before he was standing right in front of you.  You tried not to let your gaze linger on the full curve of his slightly chapped lips, or the way his wavy bangs framed his cherrywood eyes.  On closer inspection, you could see that the necklace he wore was a ball chain with a guitar pick hanging from it.  
Robin opened her mouth to say something, possibly introduce you, but Eddie cut her off.  
“What the hell are you doing here, Princess?” His voice was low with an edge of irritation.  He pulled the chunky metal rings off his fingers one by one as he spoke.
Robin cleared her throat, stepping forward. “She’s with me,” she stuttered a bit nervously, knowing full well she shouldn’t have brought you there.  “She came with me, she’s cool.”
Eddie collected all of the rings in his fist and kept staring at you as if he wanted to hear it from your mouth, not Robin’s.  
Your brain short-circuited for a second and you forgot how to form words when he was so close you could see the detail of the dragon tattoo on his chest.  But then, finally, it came to you:
“I-I carried your baby.”
The second it slipped out, you knew how stupid it sounded.
Unblinking, he gave his rings to Robin, and then he was gone.
You stared at the space where he no longer stood, flushed with embarrassment.  
“I carried your baby?” You repeated in a whisper, covering your face with your hands. 
Someone turned the music down so that Steve’s voice could be heard, and he waved his arms in the air to get everyone’s attention.  
“I don’t have to explain the rules to you, because there are none,” his announcement was met with screams and cheers.  Robin tugged at your arm, signaling for the two of you to get a bit closer to the action.  “First one to hit the ground for whatever reason is the loser.  Just fists, no blades or other stupid tricks.”
At one side of the circle of bodies, Lance the ski instructor was practicing some tight punches, and at the other end, Eddie rolled his neck while Chrissy finished taping the knuckles of his other hand.  It was then that the chalk and the stains on the concrete you saw earlier made sense.  
“You two ready?” Steve put his arm up between them, waiting for their nods, and then, at their signal, he chopped his hand down between them as if he were slicing the air.  
Lance was hopping from foot to foot, trying his best to look like some fancy footwork he saw in a Rocky movie, while Eddie walked casually, giving the guy a hooded, bored stare.  
Eddie could read Lance like a book.  A fight was a lot more than just a mindless throwing of hands, there was a mental prowess and skill needed that a lot of the punks busing in from suburbia did not have.  Street smarts was one thing, and Eddie surely had that, but he’d been fighting bullies off since he was a kid, and Wayne taught him to fight like it was a game of chess.
Eddie could tell where Lance was going to go a second before he made the move. He saw the guy was amped up, letting his emotions fight for him, and that was only one of his first mistakes.
Lance charged at him and swung, but Eddie was already steps away; relaxed and agile, holding his guard up. The ski instructor came at him aggressively, again and again, until Eddie pushed him, making his opponent stumble back. 
Keeping his form, Eddie caught you standing there out of the corner of his eye.
…what were you doing there at the Hideout?
He let himself ponder that question for too long and Lance was on him again, aiming a left jab to his ribs, and Eddie absorbed the blow with a grunt, arching to the side. 
You were not supposed to be there.  What was Robin thinking?
Mostly, Brenner and Joyce stayed out of their business, as long as whatever they did was off resort property, but if they found out one of the guests was somehow involved, there would be hell to pay.  
Lance charged again and Eddie dodged, angry at himself for not being able to focus .
“C’mon Lance, stomp that freak,” someone yelled from the crowd. 
And that was all it took
For Eddie to get tired of dragging it out for betting purposes.
Lance charged forward with a cry and Eddie socked an uppercut into his unsuspecting jaw.  
The surfer boy went down
Saliva and blood flew from his mouth as he flailed back, arms going ragdoll.
It felt like it happened in slow motion but soon enough, Lance was splayed out like a starfish on the concrete floor.
“Goodnight sweet prince,” Steve said sarcastically as he collected bets over the ski instructor’s limp body.
Robin cheered with her hands over her head, and you gave a few slow claps, your brain barely able to register where you were or what you were seeing.
“You want a beer?” She asked as you watched Lance numbly get to his feet with the help of two friends and attempt to shake it off.  
Robin motioned for you to follow her around to the refrigerator which was stocked from top to bottom with nothing but beer cans. She handed you one and then went to lean against the side of the appliance, cracking open the tab with a hiss.
With your back to the crowd, you prepared to follow suit, listening to Steve introduce two more fighters.
But then there was someone at your side,
“Not like that,” a voice said.
Eddie had come up behind you, wearing his white shirt unbuttoned, skin still glistening with sweat. Mental Health (Bang Your Head) by Quiet Riot came over the speakers, eliciting a wave of yelps and screams from the group.  
“Wait,” he put his hand on top of yours to keep you from opening your beer while he motioned for another guy to toss him one.  You turned to seek comfort or guidance from Robin, but she was absorbed in conversation with a girl in a platinum pixie cut who’d just walked up.  
“Like this,” he brushed his bangs to the side, and winked as he fished a ring of keys out of his pocket.  He used the serrated metal edge of one to punch a hole at the bottom of the can.  
It was the wink that made your skin flush hot, and then your jaw went slack as you watched him wrap his lips around the newly made hole in the can.  He made eye contact with you one more time before tipping his head back, and cracking the tab of the beer open with his thumb so that the liquid when squirting down his throat.  
The muscles in his throat jerked as he swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing.  
It wasn’t three seconds before he lowered his head and crushed the can in his hand to show it was empty.  He let out a refreshing, “ahhhh,” and darted his tongue out to lick a droplet from his chin.  
You were still holding your unopened beer, waiting for him, mouth dry.  “I-I’m not sure I—”
Yes, you knew what shotgunning a beer was, you’d seen it done plenty of times at college parties and in movies, but had never been tempted to try it yourself.  
Ignoring your hesitation, Eddie motioned with the crook of his finger for you to come closer.  You shuffled to be within reach of him as if your knees were locked in place.  
With a gentle touch, fingers brushing yours, he took your beer from you, wiped it off with his shirt, and then proceeded to make the same hole with his key in the aluminum.  Some of the beer sprayed up and misted your face.
“Here we go,” he tipped your chin with his finger and butterflies swarmed in your stomach as his eyes searched yours. “Just let it shoot into the back of your throat.”
You swallowed nervously to make sure your throat was working, and then wrapped your lips around the can at his instruction.
“Easy, just like that, hold it there,” Eddie was so close now that your elbow was touching his bare chest.  He put a hand on the back of your head.  “When I say, tip your head back all the way, and I’ll flip the tab for you.”
You swiped your tongue over the hole in the can, thinking about how embarrassing it would be if you messed it up and beer went shooting out of your nose.  
Robin offered a few words of encouragement and you noticed a tendril of hair clinging to the sweat on Eddie’s neck, right over the heartbeat in his throat.  
“You ready?”
You weren’t but—-
“Okay, now.”
You closed your eyes, slammed your head back, and prayed, even though you weren’t at all religious.  Some lukewarm beer leaked onto your tongue, and then Eddie pulled the tab, keeping one hand over yours to hold the can steady.  
The gush of liquid hissed and exploded down your throat, and for a second you thought you would choke, but then your swallowing reflex bolted into action and it was over so fast.  
You gasped and swiped beer from your chin when you pulled away to look at the empty can, amazed. 
Eddie cupped his warm hand around the back of your neck, and you felt him shift closer until his mouth was at your ear.
“Good girl,” he whispered.
An actual chill ran down your spine.
Robin put up her hand and you gave you a high five.  “Not bad for a first timer,” she joked.  “Now crush it on your forehead and grunt.”
“Ha. Ha.” 
You turned to Eddie, “that was fun maybe he should—”
You were about to say the two of you should do another one, 
but he was gone.  
The next night, Eddie couldn’t sleep, so he decided to head to the property to finish up some work at the pool house.   
The place he shared with Wayne was close enough to walk to the Hawkins Landing property, but that night, he drove.  He wanted to roll the window down on the van and blast Wasted Years by Iron Maiden and belt out the lyrics.  
He slipped into the parking lot for visitors and employees, turning the music down so that it wouldn’t be heard by any of the nearby cabins.  There were two street lamps on, but a third one he noticed was out, and made a mental note that he’d have to get Jamie to fix it tomorrow.  The sidewalks along the manicured lawn were also lined with lights that came out of the ground like little mushrooms, and the boat dock far off to his left was lit, but other than that, he was in the dark.  
Grabbing his red toolbox from the passenger seat, he put a flashlight in his tool belt holster, and the van door creaked on its hinges just before it banged shut.  His ribs still ached from the punch he took the night before, but he only allowed himself to cringe and curse in private. Luckily, his only companions at that moment were the crickets and the lapping of the water against the bank.
It wasn’t until he was a few yards down the sidewalk, head down, lost in thought, that the din of classical music made him halt in his tracks. 
It was definitely strings, possibly a violin? No, it was too deep.  
He looked up at the main house, but the sound was much too close to be coming from way up there.
He cut to the right and up the grass.
Then he saw the attic light on in cabin #11.
He told himself not to bother, but as the passion of the playing increased, curiosity got the better of him.  
He came right up to your driveway, staying half obscured by a tree trunk, and watched you.
The cello, of course that’s what you were playing.  He was no expert on the classics, but he’d always learned music by ear and had a unique sense for identifying instruments.  
You weren’t reading from sheet music, you were just playing while you stared out at the sky.
Playing something by heart, or making it up as you went along, he wasn’t sure.  
In his mind, you were so far out of league, it was criminal.
Your attention broke when a sudden movement down on the road startled you.  
The bow zipped clumsily across the strings one last time, and you stood up to get closer to the open window.
But, your eyes must’ve been playing tricks on you. 
There was no one there.    
Hi hello! thank you so much for reading! For those wondering, this fic will still be centered around music, not boxing, but the little fight club they have has a lot to do with the spin of the plot soon.
thank you all so much for the suppport! we are getting to the juicy parts now! give me those hungry eyes. comments and reblogs are cherished!! like, I live for them.
taglist: @tlclick73@micheledawn1975@kurdtbean@katethetank@elvendria@spookysqaush86@somethingvicked@stylesxmunson@laurenlokirby@sapphire4082 @kellsck @motherfckerrr @emxxblog @justdamnpeachy @dashingdeb16 @corrodedcoffincumslut @bexreadstoomuch
316 notes · View notes
yunhoszn · 3 months
(this is user sourkimchi pls don’t perceive me on main lmao)
i saw another user post this abt this hongjoong fit and it’s been living in my head rent free…
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as a fellow asian rave bisexual.. i need a fic for this concept 🫣
(not so) alcohol-free
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PAIRING kim hongjoong x f!reader
GENRES fluff?﹒smut
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, mature language, clubbing scene, reader feels self conscious, mentions of alcohol, strangers to lovers?, ummmmm hardly any plot tbh half of the wc is porn, couch sex, little bit of foreplay (vaginal fingering), some marking here and there i think, cowgirl position, missionary, protected sex, allusions to multiple rounds of unprotected sex, not beta’d or proofread bc we rawdog this shit like men
SUMMARY notorious for canceling plans at the last minute, you finally let your friends drag you out for a night at the club. however, a chance encounter with the prettiest man you’ve ever seen has the night turning to something unexpected.
MORE AAAAAAND i finally finished my first request LOLLLLL here u go yves!! i kinda strayed away from the main idea bc i wanted to make it my own, but i hope this meets ur expectations <3
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You had a natural affinity for canceling plans at the last minute. You’re not sure why, especially because you always get an awful case of FOMO every time you do. It’s your own fault that you feel left out when your friends get together without you.
No matter how far in advance you plan for the event, you somehow still find a way to lose your motivation to go. You haven’t properly hung out with your friend group in months, so when they start talking about clubbing tonight, you immediately say yes. 
At first, you think you’ll change your mind an hour later, since it’s only an afternoon’s notice. But when you realize your friends will be here to pick you up in thirty minutes and you’re finishing your makeup, you nearly jump for joy. You successfully stuck it out for once. 
Even as you’re sandwiched between Wooyoung and Mingi in the backseat, San in the drivers’ seat and his girlfriend in the passenger, you’re still shocked that this is your reality. You’re actually dolled up and you’re actually on your way to a club right now. 
“Y/N, do you remember the signal if someone hits on me?”
“Wooyoung, no one’s hitting on you.”
“Shut the fuck up, Mingi. It could happen.”
You snort, pulling your skirt down a little. “Woo, we should come up with a signal for if I get hit on.”
“Yeah, Y/N’s more likely to get laid than you are even though she’s bitchless, too.” Mingi nods, adjusting his sunglasses. (You have no idea why he’s wearing sunglasses at 10 PM.)
“Kill your—”
“We’re here!” San announces, effectively putting a pin in any argument that was about to begin. As long as your friendship with the males spanned, he’s always been the mediator. You’ve known the three of them dating all the way back to high school, lumped in the same homeroom your freshman year. The four of you sat in the same general vicinity and got grouped together for a project once and you’ve been inseparable ever since. 
You know you look hot, Wooyoung wolf-whistling at you the moment you started walking towards the car, but you still feel a bit insecure. It probably has everything to do with the fact that you don’t go out much and you’re self-conscious as is. Stepping into the crowded club, a scene that could only be compared to a sardine can, has you shrinking in on yourself. 
Instinctively, you tug on the hem of your skirt to attempt to cover your ass a little more. Then you wrap your arms around your midriff, though your cleavage leaves pretty much nothing to the imagination. You swallow thickly as your trail behind your friends, like a lost puppy with its tail between its legs. 
This is why you always back out of plans. You feel so out of place, like you don’t fit in even when people try to include you. It feels like everyone’s staring at you, waiting for one wrong move so they can point and laugh like you were the butt of some sort of weird joke. You’re ready to go home. 
“Are you okay?” Mingi asks once you’ve settled at an empty high table just a few feet from the dance floor. Through his stupid sunglasses, you can make out the concern on his features. 
“Yeah, I think so,” your lips purse, arms hugging yourself tighter. “I just haven’t been out in so long. I feel… like I shouldn’t be here or something. I’ll be fine. I hope.”
He raises an eyebrow at you, but doesn’t ask any more questions, instead turning to San and his girlfriend who were about to make a trip to the bar. Your poison for the night is simple, a plain margarita that’ll ease your nerves more than anything else. You weren’t much of a beer person, often opting for fruitier, sweeter drinks in comparison to your male counterparts. (When you do go out with them, that is.)
Wooyoung and Mingi fall into a heated discussion about who knows what, leaving you to become a third wheel while you wait for the couple to come back with your drinks. You people-watch to pass the time, chewing on the inside of your lip, your eyes flitting around the club like some kind of guilty criminal. Almost immediately, they land on a guy in the middle of the dance floor. 
He’s hypnotizing, body fluidly moving to the song the DJ’s playing and matching the energy of his friend standing next to him, two girls in front of and facing them. His dark hair falls into his eyes slightly, though parted and styled damn near perfectly. He’s dressed in a black tweed jacket, a white button up left open enough to reveal a couple necklaces resting on his sternum, some ripped jeans, and black boots. But none of that is what caught your attention. 
You’re entranced by his smile, its brightness and how fucking pretty he looks wearing it. You caught the tail-end of something his friend said that made him laugh, and you feel yourself being pulled in deeper and deeper without a single conversation with him. Too bad he seems unavailable. 
“Woah, N/N, might wanna wipe your chin,” Wooyoung teases, a stupid smirk on his face that you want to punch away. “I think you’re drooling a little.”
Mingi howls with laughter, falling onto the table to support himself. He clutches at his stomach as it cramps up from how hard he’s laughing. It wasn’t even that funny. You roll your eyes. 
“Shut up, Wooyo.” 
“Who are you even staring at?” He inquires, resting his elbows on the high top surface, his chin placed on his hands. He blinks at you expectantly, like he’s not letting you off the hook. You avoid his gaze, simultaneously ensuring that you don’t look in the attractive stranger’s general direction either. This all felt so elementary. 
“None of your business.” You murmur, ducking your head. Thankfully, San and his girlfriend return to the table with your drinks perfectly timed, and the topic is dropped completely. 
The first sip of your margarita is damn near heavenly, the alcohol flowing through your system smoothly and calming that storm waging in your mind. It’s not too strong, just enough that another couple drinks would inebriate you entirely. It aids with the anxiety of being in such a packed space, but that feeling of not belonging still sits inside your chest. 
You can’t help but look for the stranger again, who’s no longer on the dance floor. Now he’s on the other side of the club at another high table. His friend is still with him, but the girls from before are nowhere to be found. You focus on his hands and the chunky rings on his fingers, the way he holds his beer bottle, the way his free hand runs through his hair. Your tongue twirls around the straw in your glass out of habit, enthralled by this man who has yet to give you the time of day. 
Except when you glance up to admire his face, you discover that he’s already looking back at you. He’s nodding along to his friend’s words, but his eyes are zeroed in on you, a different kind of smile playing on his lips. Your features fall slightly from being caught red handed, cheeks warming up significantly. You aren’t sure what’s more embarrassing, caught gawking at a stranger by your own friend or by the stranger himself. Truly, the universe was out to get you. 
You down the rest of your margarita and excuse yourself to go to the restroom, needing a second to gather your bearings. Your skin is flushed and you have to hold your cheeks between your palms as you psych yourself up in the mirror. Why should you feel ashamed of thinking someone’s hot? You were only human. Besides, you looked good, too. 
When you exit the restroom, you’re shocked to see the stranger walking out of the men’s restroom at the same time. Your eyes are wide and your body freezes. He gives you that smile from before, ruffling his hair as if this interaction wasn’t difficult enough. 
“I was hoping I’d bump into you,” he says, unabashedly drinking in your figure. “It’s not everyday someone as gorgeous as you crosses my path.”
So he’s a flirt. Noted. 
“I could say the same,” you manage to get out, though your palms are already clamming up. “If fleeting glances across a dance floor count as crossing paths.”
He laughs and you swear it’s the best sound you’ve ever heard. A couple girls come into the hallway, and you maneuver so they can go into the women’s restroom. His hand comes to rest on your lower back when your balance wavers slightly. 
“I’m Hongjoong, by the way,” he introduces himself since he’s in such close proximity to you now. “Can I buy you a drink?”
“Yeah, sure,” you nod, too distracted by how much prettier he is only inches away from you. “I’d like that.”
Hongjoong leads you to the bar, a gentle hand wrapped around your wrist so he doesn’t lose you in the crowd. He orders himself a beer and turns to you to ask what you’re having. While waiting for the bartender to whip up your drinks, he strikes up a conversation. 
“Are you gonna tell me your name?” 
You scratch the back of your neck sheepishly. “Oh yeah, sorry… It’s Y/N.”
He repeats it, like he’s testing out the taste in his mouth. The smile that graces his features afterwards says all you need to know. It has butterflies flapping around rampantly in the pit of your stomach, nearly knocking the wind out of you. He thanks the bartender seconds later when he slides your margarita and his beer bottle across the bar. 
“So, Y/N, what brings you out tonight?” He takes a swig from his bottle, one arm leaning onto the surface of the bar. God, the things you would do to him if given the chance…
“Catching up with my friends,” you answer honestly, baby-sipping your margarita through the straw. “I don’t really go out much, because I’m really bad when it comes to canceling plans at the last minute.”
“Should I consider myself lucky then?” Hongjoong quirks a brow, licking his lower lip. If men had anything, it was the audacity. And this man had the audacity to do everything in his power to lure you in with his good looks and charisma. 
“I’ll have you know that this is a one of a kind, once in a lifetime opportunity,” you play along, stirring the slowly-melting ice cubes around your glass. “You’re a very fortunate man.”
“Yeah?” He laughs again and you think you might faint right here and now. He looks off to the other side of the club and then back at you. “I think Prince Charming over there is looking for you.”
He points at the table where your friends are, and you find that Wooyoung is glancing around in search of something, or someone. Namely you. It’s most likely because you went to the restroom and then never returned. He’ll live. 
“Wooyoung? Nah, he’s just being a good friend. I raised him right,” you turn back to him, sipping at your drink leisurely. “Now where were we? Something about you being lucky?”
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“Hwa, I’ll— shit— I’ll have to call you back,” Hongjoong forces out, promptly hanging up so he can focus on putting you in your place. You’re like a damn leech, lips attached to his neck, marking the supple skin like it was your job. Your hands paw at the button of his jeans, your lower half grinding down on his lap. “So fucking impatient. Can’t even wait until I’m off the phone?”
“Want you too bad, Joong,” you pout, slowly undoing the buttons of his shirt, his jacket lost somewhere near the front door. He groans when the nickname falls from your mouth. You had no idea how sexy you were.
The two of you were so insatiable, you couldn’t even make it to the bedroom, collapsing on his couch. You hardly had the mind to message your friends to let them know your whereabouts. His hands hold your ass firmly, halting you from any further teasing. You whine, pushing his shirt off of his shoulders. Your nails drag down his toned abdomen, enjoying the way it tenses beneath your touch. After all he’s put you through tonight, you think you at least deserve a bit of payback. Just a bit. 
“Are you too antsy to make it through foreplay?” He coos and presses a quick kiss to your lips, trailing a few along your jawline. Your eyes flutter shut with a hum and a nod. It was true. If he didn’t fuck you soon, you feared you might go insane. 
“I need you inside me already,” you whine, trying to spread your legs and create more friction downstairs. He chuckles at how desperate you are, how touch starved you must be considering you don’t get out much. It fuels his pride knowing he’s the only one to see you like this, to have you like this, for the first time in who knows how long. If he’s successful, maybe he’ll be the only one ever. 
Hongjoong bunches your skirt around your waist, sneaking a hand between your bodies to rub tight, gentle circles into your clothed clit. A blissful sigh escapes you, your forehead dropping to his shoulder. The cocky smile you’ve grown to adore over the course of the night decorates his lips at how quickly he has you falling apart at his fingertips. 
His middle and ring digits push your underwear to the side, sliding down your slit to prod at your entrance. He nips at the base of your throat, working his way up to the spot behind your ear. Your sighs grow into whimpers, squirming around on his lap when he applies pressure to your cunt with the pad of his middle finger. 
“You’re so wet, sweetheart,” he mutters into your skin, shivers running down your spine from the low register he uses. He circles his digit around your hole, not quite giving you what you need. “You weren’t kidding about how bad you wanted me.”
You’re about to quip back, but then he’s inserting a finger and rubbing your clit with his thumb. You gasp, biting down on his collarbone to ground yourself. As much as you would love to sit here and let him finger you until sunrise, you have bigger priorities. “Mmm, Joong, please… Fuck me, please…”
He kisses his teeth, tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip. He supposes he can satiate your hunger, though he really wanted to take his time with you. “Do you think you can be still while I put the condom on?”
You pull back and nod enthusiastically, sitting on your haunches slightly, fingers locked behind his neck. “I’ll be so good, I promise. I just need you, like, now.”
All he can do is laugh, and you melt into a puddle in his arms. You’ve concluded that smile of his would quite honestly be the death of you. He removes his fingers from your pussy, instead squeezing your hip before helping you onto the couch cushion beside him. You rest on your knees as he unbuttons his jeans and kicks them off, swiftly grabbing his wallet out of his pocket and plucking a condom from it. In the same breath, he’s taking off his underwear and tugging you back on top of him. 
He places the foil packet between his teeth so he can quickly aid you in the discarding of your panties. Now that your cunt is bare, you can feel the heat of his cock and it’s so hypnotic. Your eyes can barely stay open as you watch him tear open the condom packet and roll it on. He’s the perfect thickness and the perfect length, and you feel so special straddling his lap right now. 
Hongjoong kisses you softly, gripping your waist so he can guide you to sit on his cock. The first breach of your entrance has a shaky exhale leaving your lips against his own. You stay like that for a second so you can adjust to the feel of him inside of you, the fullness in your lower half, and overall just how fucking good it feels. He grins when you slowly start bouncing up and down, his dick thrusting in and out under you. 
“How are you doing, sweetheart?” He pecks your cheek, moving downward and reaching behind your back to untie your halter top. It slips off of you with ease, revealing your tits to him. 
“So good, Joong… Feels so good,” you arch into him, whining and moaning every time he brushes that crook in your cunt that has you seeing stars. He peppers kisses all over your chest and sternum, scraping his teeth along the skin of your breast. You whimper, nails sinking into his back and your toes curling. You’re completely aware of what’s going on, but those two margaritas have to be contributing to the pleasure swirling in your abdomen. 
“Yeah? You’re taking me so fucking well,” His eyebrows knit together when you switch your pace, sitting on him fully and letting his cock fill you for a couple seconds. In reality, your knees were starting to ache and get tired, something he recognizes instantly because he was so attentive. 
His hand holds the small of your back and he flips you so you’re in missionary on the couch now without skipping a beat. The change in position allows for a change in angle, his dick dragging against your velvety walls deliciously. Your sounds grow in volume, scratching his back when he pushes one of your knees to your chest. 
You weren’t anticipating to end up here at the end of the night, but you don’t think you could dare complain. While a majority of this night felt like a fever dream, you feel a high that’s never taken over you before. 
Hongjoong’s hair falls into his eyes as he glances down at where your bodies meet, his cock disappearing inside of you and then sliding out with ease. You intertwine your fingers behind his head, pulling him down so you can connect your lips in a fervent, passionate kiss. That familiar summit is within view now, your hand nudging his own to your clit so you can inch closer towards it. 
His thumb swipes side to side on the sensitive bundle of nerves, never once breaking your kiss. There’s so much stimulation going on for you, you’re starting to feel dizzy. In a good way. He’s gentle in a way that’s still rough enough to knock the daylights out of you and the juxtaposition makes the moment all the more enjoyable. 
“‘M so close, Joong,” you arch off the sofa in an attempt to be closer to him, to sandwich yourself between him and the couch. 
His thrusts become faster and more calculated, but he doesn’t break the focus on your clit. His efforts come to fruition and he mumbles words of encouragement for you as you finally reach that boiling point. A strangled moan falls from your mouth and you spread your legs to suck him in further. 
The uncontrollable fluttering of your walls following your climax is almost too much for him and he has to pull out. Your eyes are half lidded, nimble fingers rolling off the condom. He fucks his fist until he’s painting the area between your tits with his cum.
The two of you don’t move right away, regaining your composure. He leans down to kiss you sweetly, and then repeats the action all over your face until you’re a giggly mess. This is probably the best sex you’ve ever had in your life, and part of you doesn’t want to go home— whether that be later or tomorrow morning. 
“Do you have the energy to go again, or should I go grab a warm washcloth to clean you up?” He raises an eyebrow at you, indicating that he’s just joking but he’s totally down if you are. You laugh, running your fingers through his hair. 
“If you give me a minute, I’m all set to do that again,” you start, resting your eyes for a second. “You don’t have to worry about a condom this time. I kinda wanna feel you raw.”
Hongjoong laughs in disbelief, glancing away from you and then letting his forehead fall onto your shoulder. “What have I gotten myself into…”
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© yunhoszn. do not steal, claim, or repost. 
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burnedwriter · 2 years
N.N.N Harbinger special!
A/n:i have had so many problems with this fic i swear,this is a reupload of the fic due to my blog being shadow banned and my post getting community labeled.i will have an ao3 account in a few days so i will also upload all my fics there
A/n:im not responsible for what people read
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💉he would accept the challenge only to experiment on himself.we are talking about dottore afterall.He was curious to see the effects that it had on his body.
💉he will even tell you to tease him a bit to see if the there any diferent effects.
💉this man sees everything as an opportunity for an experiment and suprisingly enough he made it through the whole month
💉until one day,you were approached by a fatui agent.
''lord dottore requests your assistance!''He said monotonely
and with that you got up from your seat and headed towards dottore's office.Knoking the door before entering,you closed the door behind you,he had his chair turned back at the door but as soon as he heard the door close he turned his chair to face you.
you always felt like a deer in headlights to his presence making your whole body freeze in place
''you requested my assistance,how's the experiment going sir?''you said cowardly
making himself comfortable he placed his elbows on his desk as the tips of his fingers touched eachether creating a sophisticated pose
''the experiment went great dear,but there is one last thing i want you to help me with.....how about you show me what that beautiful mouth of yours can do other than talking''
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🐋When you told this man about the challenge,he acceted imediatly without any hesitation.Childe loves challenging his abilities in every way he can.
🐋But what he didnt expect was how hard it would be with you around him
🐋he lasted until day 15 and failed in the most clitche way possible
🐋You heard him call you from the living room,so you quickly threw a towel over yourself as you just came out of the shower and headed to the living room.
''what is it ajax?''you asked confused as you saw him stand still before you
his cheecks flashed red as he continued to stare at your half covered body
''you look really beautiful like this''his voice trembling almost like he fell in love again
coming closer to you he wrapped his arms around your waist closing the distance between you
You saw his gaze turn from soft to a lustful one,as his hands slithered down your ass massaging it softly and earning a low moan from you
"How about we take this to the bedroom hm"
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👿When you told him about the challenge he thought it was stupid but....he accepted it only because hehas a big ego about himself and wants to prove its not that hard
👿So of course you took it upon yourself and decided to tease him a bit just to step up the difficulty for him.
👿Pretending you dropped your pen and picking it up only to flash scara with a glimse of your panties,or another thing you did to tease him was grinding yourself against his crotch every time you sat on his lap and when he confroted you about it,you tried to pay it off as coincidence
That was the last straw for him
"Are you satisfied now slut" he hissed threw his teeth as he pounded into your core as he had you pinned with your legs next to your head
"Trying so hard to get my attention"he said continuing his merciless pace
By that you knew you were in for a long night
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👖 Pantalone is different from the rest of the harbingers.He will agree to participate in the challenge under one condition,if you too joined
👖By accepting the deal you sealed your fate in he worst case possible
👖Pantalone didnt seem to break by your teasing even if it did hes impossible to read under that charming smile of his
👖Pantalone's teasing though...made you wish this month to be over already
👖He would brush his hands with yours everytime he passed you or he will whisper dirty things in your ear every chance he got just to see you cheeks glow red
👖Finally you had enough of his teasing,putting your ego aside you went straight to his office,upon entering you closed the door behind you
Pantalone lifted his head off of the paper work only to realise it was you
"Hello darling,is there anything you need?"
Bitting your lip as your face started to heat up from embarassment
"Oh!i see...you finally gave in,too bad we have to try next year again"he let out a teasing laugh as a sly smile started to form
You were in for a treat
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
I'll Never Leave You - Peter B. Parker
notes - FINALLY OMFG. Okay, I make this poll a while ago and I finally got to the fic! Thanks to all who voted and all of my Peter fans! Here's a bit of an angsty comfort fic! I hope you enjoy! <3 word count - 451
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You woke up to the sound of your front door opening. You knew it was Peter coming home late from work, but you didn't want to be too sure, so you grabbed your pepper spray from off of your keys and slowly walked towards the stairs. When you saw that it was just Peter, who was slowly coming up the stairs, slipping off his Spiderman mask, you smiled.
"Hey, bubba," you said. "Tired?"
He nodded, chuckled, and grabbed your hand, letting him lead you to your room. You put your pepper spray away and helped him out of his hero outfit. He smiled at you sweetly as you cupped his face, pulling him close to press a small kiss to his lips.
"I love you." you whispered against his lips, pulling him into your arms, not caring that he was just in a pair of boxers. You ran your fingers through his soft hair and pressed small kisses around his ears that made him giggle.
"I love you too." he said, falling straight into bed. He was much to exhausted to take a shower, and you really didn't mind.
You landed on the bed next to him and cuddled onto his chest, rubbing a little circle on his stomach.
"I'm sorry I can't be here for you." Peter said quietly.
You looked up in shock and saw that there were tears running down his cheek.
"Peter, what on earth are you talking about?" You cupped both sides of his face, wiping his tears with your thumb.
"I'm gone all day and come home late and..." He went on and on, choking on his own tears. He sat up and buried his face in his hands, trying to hide that he was crying in front of you.
"Peter, stop apologizing. I know your busy and-"
"I just don't want you to leave me." His voice was faint.
"I'm not going to leave you," you reassured him, rubbing his back. "I promise."
He looked up at you and smiled, despite the tear stains. "I know," he sighed. "I just get scared a lot."
"But I thought Spiderman never got scared." you teased, poking his tummy and pressing a couple of kisses to his cheeks.
"Peter Parker does though." he giggled and tried pushing you away, but you pinned him down, tickling him and kissing all over him.
You both laughed until you couldn't breathe and you ended up landing right on his chest, playing with his hair.
"I'll never leave you, Peter. Please know that."
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head and locked you in his arms, breathing you in. "Thank you."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
into the spiderverse masterlist | pinned post 2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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buckys-little-belle · 2 years
Hellfire Babysitting Club (Part One)
Little Fairy
Eddie Munson x Little! Reader (They/Them Pronouns used)
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Warnings - the word ‘hell’ is in this a few times because the ‘hellfire club’ is mentioned!, honestly not very edited, the reader is sad at one point, the word ‘freak’ is used in a demeaning way. This is so not something I usually write so I HOPE it’s okay! Reader is ‘big’ in the first half.
Note - this totally has space to grow eventually if people like it, so if you like it let me know because I can totally see this becoming a cute little story, “Hellfire babysitting club” Anyone?
SFW - Please keep all interactions with this fic and this blog SFW
(Part two and three are now out and can be found on my masterlist (Pinned post))
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Hawkins was a small town, a seemingly sweet and calm town, one that accepted people and welcomed newcomers. At least that’s what Y/n’s parents had said when they convinced them to move. Now though, as they sat alone at lunch with people around them laughing and snickering at their loneliness and isolation, they knew their parents were oh so wrong.
Seemingly no one here wanted to accept a new person into their existing friends groups, Y/n worried that maybe it was their clothing, the second hand outfit paired with an old backpack covered in pins. Or maybe it was their personality, so willing to talk, the positivity that radiated from them. Either thing could be off putting maybe, there was just no way to tell, they couldn’t ask someone as everyone seemed to avoid them.
That is until two boys stood at the end of Y/n’s lunch table. “You’re the new kid right?” The boy with a hat asked. Y/n nodded in agreement, their mouth full of the sandwich they had packed that morning.
The two boys looked at each other in great excitement, the boy with long black hair then spoke up. “I’m mike, and we are in a club called …” He paused, and unbuttoned his flannel. “Hellfire. We play dungeons and dragons every tuesday and Thursday after school, you should totally join.”
Y/n hesitantly looked at them, unsure if these boys were being sincere or if this was a long prank that would eventually explode later. “Here is a flyer, I’m Dustin, the best player, just ask for me when you show up.” He offered a pice of paper with seemingly hand written text covering it, letting the recipient know the room, time, dates, and idea behind the club.
“Or they could ask for me!” Mike argued back, the two boys beginning to walk away from Y/n’s table, letting them contemplate the invite. It was Tuesday after all, and a game would start after school in the drama storage room.
The whole day Y/n thought about it, paying more attention to the boys walking around school in the club’s shirts than the schoolwork that they were assigned. ‘It can’t hurt to try it out.’ Y/n though, really what was the worst that could happen? A game with a few sweet nerds sounded lovely to them.
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Walking around the school once everyone had left was weird, the hallways were silent with a faint echo, and the school seemed to lack a sense of purpose when no one was in it. Before they could wander any longer the two boys Y/n had once seen at lunch came back into veiw, this time with another boy tagging along. “Hey! You looking for the club?” Dustin shouted from his position down the hall.
Y/n just nodded their head, the boys waved them over. “It’s in here.” The new boy said as he motioned towards the faintly lit room. “I’m Lucas by the way.” He said, extending his hand out for Y/n.
“Um, I’m Y/n.” They said shyly as they shook Lucas’s hand, still adjusting to all this welcoming attention from strangers. “Am I allowed to join? I don’t want to intrude or anything.” Y/n asked, genuinely worried about putting the club in any type of uncomfortable situation.
“Of course you can join!” Dustin exclaimed. “Eddie will probably make you just sit in for your first few games, just to really understand the game.” He said, the three boys finally walking into the room, gesturing Y/n to follow.
“Who’s Eddie?” Y/n asked, taking the seat next to Lucas and Mike that the boys had offered them.
Before they could answer someone walked in. “Helllllfire club!” He shouted, walking in bowing. “Your humble game master has arrived.” His smile large and his demeanour care free.
“That’s Eddie.” Lucas whispered, a grin matching Eddie’s on his face.
Eddie sat in the large chair at the head of the table, pulling things out of his bag and placing them in front of him. When a small pile was finally accumulated on the table Eddie turned back to the table to face the other club members. The three boys Y/n had met earlier, Y/n, and three other boys sat around the table, waiting for Eddie to speak. Eddie himself took a scan around the table, his intimidating scowl changing into a welcoming smile as he laid his eyes on Y/n, suddenly singling them out. “And who do we have here.” He asked, gesturing to Y/n.
“This is Y/n!” Dustin spoke up when he noticed Y/n wasn’t going to say anything. “They are the new student I was telling you about.”
“No I actually pointed them out first.” Mike interrupted. “We invited them to come and play.”
“It doesn’t matter who got them to come, I’m surprised the two of you could convince a real person to come and try the club out.” He chuckled, a few of the other boys chuckling alongside him. “So Y/n, have you ever played DnD before?” He questioned, his hands sat clasped in front of him as he turned his wholehearted attention towards the new comer.
“No, but the boys said I could just watch.” Y/n said, slightly uncomfortable with how much attention was current place on them. “So that I know how the game works, before I play.” Y/n averted their eyes back to the table, scanning the flyer in-front of them to distract themselves.
To be honest Y/n struggled with authoritative people, especially when they paid genuine attention to them. The care and kindness often tips them over the edge, plunging them into little space. The current pressure of trying new things, and now a kind leader, were slowly chipping away at their big demeanour.
“I can go, I don’t want to be a hindrance!” Y/n exclaimed, looking around the table for peoples reaction, trying to see if maybe they wanted them gone from their club.
“No no, fairy you are welcome to stay.” Eddie beamed as he began propping up a few binders. “We love new additions to the club, if you stay long enough you might even get a shirt.” He winked, making Y/n heat up as they smiled.
- - - - - -
Ever since that first Tuesday Y/n sat at the hellfire club table during lunch, walked with the boys in between classes and even began getting a ride home from mike’s sister. Slowly they blended right into the club, their appointed nickname being ‘fairy’, because for some reason ‘Y/n’ wasn’t good enough. “Your name is too boring for such a complex character like yourself.” Eddie had once said.
Things seemed to be going well, Y/n slowly began understanding the game more and more, even beginning to shape their own character for a future campaign. But like all good things, this routine quickly got shaken.
Y/n’s locker was near the gym, a hotspot for the basketball jocks, the boys who, well think that they, ran the school. Often they would walk by and snicker as Y/n grabbed things from their locker, trying to get books for the next class, or grabbing a sweater as the school always seemed so cold.
As Y/n was putting their books away and getting ready to head towards the drama room, a boy appeared on the other side of their locker. “Hey, you must be Y/n.” He spoke, his perfect blonde hair and green jacket making him look oh so obnoxious. Y/n simply nodded, hoping the interaction would be over soon, allowing them to escape to the place they really wanted to be. “You know the club you hang out with are demon worshipers right?” He scoffed, tugging on the newly gifted hellfire shirt Y/n was currently wearing.
“It’s just a game.” Y/n whispered, growing unconsciously timid during the interaction. The boy scoffed, letting go of the shirt and rolling his eyes.
“You freaks never learn.” He laughed, a few other green jacket clad boys gathering around. The group eventually left, Y/n now regressed, the stress and tension too much for them to truly handle at the moment.
“‘m not a freak.” They whispered, closing their locker and making their way towards the drama room. “‘m not a fweak.” The repeated, their words becoming more slurred as their emotions began getting bigger.
The drama room door came into sight and Y/n walked in, looking up at the group that seemed to be waiting. Y/n looked distressed, a few tears falling down their face, their shirt off centre due to the rude boys tugs. “‘m sorry, I don feel good.” Y/n stuttered, hoping that the excuse would allow them to get out of todays meeting. “‘m jus gonna go home.” They quickly walked away, making their way through the school and towards the parking lot.
“Why was Y/n talking like that?” Lucas asked, confused as to why their words were slurred and not fully articulate.
“They were crying what do you think?” Dustin retorted, trying his best at a reasonable answer.
“Maybe they were drinking.” Mike added. The three boys continued to discuss their theory’s as Eddie got up out of his seat. “Where are you going?” Mike asked, the group stopping their bickering and turning to their leader.
“I’m just going to check up on Y/n, you guys go raid the cafeteria for snacks while I’m away.” He said, finally leaving he room. “Oh and look for juice boxes!” He called out to the group as they too began to make their way out of the room.
- - - - - -
Y/n was sat on a curb that divided the parking lot and a small garden that was planted right outside of the school. Their backpack was sat beside them, their water bottle sat next to them. They had stopped sobbing but tears still trailed down their face, they were confused by their surrounding, frustrated that they weren’t big, and mad that they couldn’t play the fun game with their friends.
“Hi fairy.” A familiar voice called, this time the usually loud and extravagant voice was smooth and calm. When Y/n looked up they were met with Eddie, his face contorted in concern and his body language showing restraint. “Just wanted to see how you were doing.” He soothingly said as he sat next to Y/n, his long legs awkwardly laid out in front of him as the curb was far too short to sit with his knees to his chest.
“‘m fine Eddie.” They whispered. “I jus’ need you to leave.”
“Fairy it’s okay, I know.” Eddie offered, his eyes trained on Y/n’s form as they curled into themselves.
“‘m not a freak.” Y/n cried. They thought that being called a freak would be left in the old town, the name being directed at Y/n’s tendency to regress when stressed, but now being used being they were in a fun and welcoming club. “‘m not.” They whispered, playing with their fingers as a few more tears escaped and made their way down Y/n’s cheeks.
“I know you aren’t.” Eddie comforted, his hand now resting on their back. “You just feel small, that’s okay. You don’t have to be embarrassed.”
Y/n was confused at Eddie’s sudden acceptance, his kind approach not expected. “But ‘s weird.” Y/n murmured, their brain moving a million miles per minute.
Eddie laughed. “Out of everyone in the club you think that you’re weird?” He exclaimed. “Fairy you are the most normal person in that room, and even if you were weird we would all still love you.” Eddie announced, standing up from his seat and grabbing Y/n’s discarded backpack and water bottle. “I sent the boys to get snacks.” He said excitedly. “Let’s go see what they got.” Eddie grabbed Y/n’s hand, helping them up and then tucking them under his arm.
“But.” Y/n Began.
“No ‘but’’s, I won’t tell anyone.” Eddie held out a pinky, gearing up for a pinky promise. “But you do need to sit next to me, I can’t have you running off again, I don’t want to loose you.”
Y/n smiled. “Sorry.” They whispered, embarrassed by their rash decision to bolt, in their defence it always worked before, people usually don’t follow. Eddie wiggled his pinky, stopping in his tracks waiting for the promise to be confirmed. “Promise.” Y/n giggled at his wiggling pinky, bringing their own pinky towards his to seal the deal.
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witchersoldier · 2 years
Stars He Hung
azriel x fem!reader
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SUMMARY: He hung the stars for you. Then he made you cry them all.
WARNINGS: (+16) first person pov, angst, implied smut, insecure reader, reader comparing herself to others, unrequited love and like one swear word (let me know if I missed something).
AUTHOR'S NOTE: this fic is my take on the "star tear disease", similar to the "hanahaki disease". It's my first full length fic in like 8 years, so please be kind. Know that English is not my mother tongue and I didn't proof read any of this. Honestly I'm too excited about posting this to search for mistakes. If I get enough positive feedback, I might write part two or something <3
When I was younger I used to think that the apex of love would be seeing stars every time my one and only was near. I thought I’d be so lost in their eyes, drunken in the comforting undying love. I wasn’t wrong. Not completely, at least.
Because here I stood at the top of the stairs, watching the male I thought was the one and only for me. Watching as he gives her a shiny necklace. Their proximity was suffocating me, as if the closer they got the tighter my throat felt. When their lips were mere centimeters away from each other, I felt it: I felt lost because of the look on his eyes as he touched her unflawed porcelain skin. Everything I’ve ever wanted, ever hoped for, was fading to ash by the second their faces inched closer. She was taking all my dreams for herself, painfully ripping them away from me. The worst part was I couldn’t even be mad at her. Elain was the most captivating female I have ever met, and I doubt she could have evil in her heart, her soul, to willingly throw me off the path loving Azriel was. Now I only felt lost, with no place to go, no one to guide me through the endless night.
My hands were being pinched by pins and needles, my eyes and nose burning from the incoming tears, tired of holding them back. A blinding, golden shimmery light came in to my vision as I let the tears fall freely. Maybe I was going to pass out? I sure did feel lightheaded. But I couldn’t be more wrong about the source of the light. As my hands wiped away the waterfall coming out of my eyes I caught a glimpse of golden glittery liquid staining the back of my hands, but before I could give it any thought a gentle tap on my shoulder startled me. Turning around and facing the person, I could barely distinguish the High Lady and Lord in front of me, the glowing tears overflowing and making it hard for me to see. “Y/N? What is- are you okay?” Feyre calmly asked me, now holding my wet painted hands in her tattooed ones. “I-” my throat felt tighter than before, I was seconds away from breaking down into oceans. Nodding my head before mumbling a response. “Good night.” was the only thing I managed to get out before sprinting towards my own room.
It was the middle of the night when I finally calmed down. Although the golden liquid coming out of my eyes had seized, I still hurt profoundly. My chest was aching, my heart beating rapidly. I sat before my mirror, blinking and wiping the substance that came out of my burning, irritated eyes. Analyzing it.
If stars could melt, they’d for sure look like this, the warm, glittering gold tears I cried all night. Cried for him, because of him.
Azriel and I had a bizarre relationship, I never quite knew where we stood, where he thought we stood. Were we just friends? Were we lovers? Last night was the first time in the almost one year that we’ve really known each other that I could see the puzzle we were from his point of view. We were acquaintances. Acquaintances with benefits, I’d dare say. Cause not even the pain I was in could erase from my memory all those sleepless nights, tasting each other, tangled limbs and messy kisses. My mind couldn’t help but drift to the last actual interaction we had, almost two weeks ago.
I fell beside him on my bed; legs shaking, mind in a blissful haze. Five times in a row. Five times he took me to heaven and back again. Azriel made me see stars. I opened my eyes after a while, just to see his shiny golden irises looking right back at me. His eyes were so warm and comforting, just as his embrace was. Big wings draped over my naked sensitive body, relaxing my shaky muscles and keeping the cold winter breeze away. Tonight felt different, not just because of the sex, there was something else. Inside me. A fulfilling sentiment. “Fuck. You should- you should get yourself cleaned up, you’re-” Azriel stopped, clearing his throat. “Well, you’re leaking my seed. There’s no other way to say it.” He said calmly, and though my head was heavy with sleep, I could sense the smirk he had on his plump lips. “You made the mess, you should do something about it. Be a good boy and help a girl out, will you?” I muttered, small smile on my lips. I heard a breathy laugh and his footsteps distancing.
I was startled awake when the bed dipped beside me and a warm wet cloth rubbed against my inner thigh. I must have fallen asleep after he went to the bathroom. “Hey. I’ll get you cleaned up and then we can sleep, that okay?” Azriel’s voice was soft. Softer than I have ever heard him. ‘Then we can sleep’, that’s what he said. Not ‘you can sleep’. We. Us. It made my heart jump around in my chest, having him care for me. Were my tired mind misinterpreting things, maybe? I sure hoped that wouldn’t be the case. I begged The Cauldron it wasn’t the case. Hoped that maybe it was finally time for my undying love to be returned.
I didn’t realize he had finished cleaning me up until I missed his body warmth beside me. Blindly reaching out to him, I touched his scarred hand, grabbing his attention back to me. Whatever it was I wanted to tell him faded into sleepy incoherent mumbles. He leaned down to kiss my forehead, and through almost closed eyes I could swear I saw his lip tremble and tears form in his waterline. I muttered something before the warmest and brightest of feelings inside my chest lulled me into a deep sleep.
No matter how hard I tried to remember what it was that I said that night, I couldn’t recall anything. I would give all that I could to go back there and understand what I’ve done for things to change so drastically. After that night, Azriel grew cold and distant. I wanted nothing more than to be near him. I was left with only this inner desire, a tug inside my chest, pleading me to be with him. But I couldn’t.
Those past few days have been hell. Seeing him with Elain almost every second of the day made my heart slowly crack. I had no right to feel this jealous and betrayed. We never spoke about being exclusive, strictly each other’s, but never in a million years I could’ve foreseen him jumping to someone else as quickly as he did. But then again, Elain was the sweetest female I knew. Pretty and kindhearted, it was so easy to fall under her spell, even I could fall for it, too, weren’t it for my feelings for a certain winged male.
Maybe Azriel didn’t do it out of nowhere. I noticed how he looked at her before we got close. Noticed how he’d try to be close to her. Then he got so close to me. I wasn’t even half the female Elain was. Maybe that’s what he wanted? Something to help him get over the middle Archeron sister. Obviously that didn’t work out. I couldn’t be enough, I’d never be. No one compares to her.
How could I let myself open up to him? Let him in so deep to the point where I felt empty without him near. To the point where all the stars he made me see faded, seeped, poured through my very own eyes.
Because that’s what’s happening. All the stars he hung so effortlessly to the dark, empty night sky that was my soul, all those shiny little dots of happiness are melting down. What happens when the last dot fades? When the last liquid star runs down my cheeks? What then?
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gracev0609 · 7 months
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Giving & Receiving
A Josh X Danny X Reader story.
Warnings: MINORS DNI 18+ ONLY, Polyamorous couple, m/m, f/m, explicit sexual material, possessiveness, angst, pregnancy, breeding, asshole Danny, angelbaby Josh.
You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll get horny 😉
This can be read individually, but some things mentioned are referencing previous fics. The timeline is in order on my pinned post if you want to catch up.
Word Count: 7K+
You sat in the middle seat of the back of the rental truck conversing with Danny behind the wheel and Josh in the passenger seat. The three of you were on a trek from the airport to their hometown of Frankenmuth Michigan, travel had made you weary in the pre holiday bustle, but you were excited to meet your boys families. You knew the Kiszka's and the Wagner's were accepting of your relationship and that helped to calm your nerves.
Danny made the final turn off the highway and into the eccentric little Bavarian town of Frankenmuth. You stared in awe out the window as you saw snow covered shops adorned with Christmas lights, fully ready for the season as we were just a few days away from Thanksgiving. 
A series of text messages came up on the screen that is connected to Danny's phone interrupting the playlist you had been listening to.
"Oh, it looks like my sister is demanding that I get dinner with her tonight. She says it's urgent that we catch up." Danny said with a chuckle," Is that okay with you guys?" He asked, peering over his shoulder between you and Josh.
"Of course it's okay babe, go hang out with her. Don't worry about us. Just have a fun time." You said reaching out and touching his shoulder. Nodding your head towards Josh," I'm sure his family will keep us plenty entertained."
Danny let out a curt laugh, knowing all too well that you were correct, before tapping the message reply button on the screen," Sounds great! We're just getting into town now. Be at Mom and Dad's in about 30. "
Danny pulled the truck into a gravel driveway a little ways out of town. White string lights were wrapped around the wooden porch, along with a lit garland hung above the red front door. A light blanket of snow covering the rooftop visible in the dwindling light. Josh's childhood home looked like something out of a Hallmark movie. 
Josh turned around to face you in his seat, " Welcome to the Kiszka household." A goofy grin spread on his face.
Quickly he jumped out of the truck and opened the door for you as Danny went to the bed and started unloading your suitcases. The three of you followed the pathway up to the front door, snow crunching under your shoes. Josh found the correct key on his keychain and unlocked the front door, " Mom! We're here!" He called into the foyer. Josh slid his vans off and disappeared down the hallway leaving you not knowing where to go and Danny with the suitcases. 
You heard a woman's voice call out," All of my boys under one roof again!"
You turned to Danny and gave him a timid smile, your nerves amping up. 
You heard the same voice ask," Where's Danny and Y/N?"
You followed Danny further into the house, holding onto the hem of his sweater.
You found them in the kitchen, a woman with grey hair embraced Danny first, squeezing her arms around him and swaying him back and forth despite being almost half his height. After welcoming Daniel she turned to you," And you must be Y/N. I'm Karen, it's so nice to finally meet you. I'm so happy that you make my baby happy." She turns her head towards Danny," I'm happy that you both do."
Danny told her that he was just dropping off his things and that he'll be back later this evening, he gave you and Josh a quick kiss goodbye before making his way back through the house.
Jake and Sam make their way down the steps as Karen puts a hot mug of coffee in front of you and Josh. Jake dramatically flops down on the kitchen chair next to Josh, obviously comfortable in his mother's home. 
"Just so you know, I've already claimed our room so you guys can stay on the pull out couch in the basement." 
Sam chimes in," Yeah, keep you far away from the rest of us so we don't have to hear-"
" Samuel, for the love of God, and your mother's sanity, don't finish that sentence." Karen interrupts while adding cream to her cup of coffee.
" Okay! Okay. But Joshisloud!" Sam rushed out, eager to embarrass his older brother.
"Jesus Christ Sam!" Josh exclaims cheeks reddening.
Karen takes a sip of her coffee," That's definitely something I didn't need to know."
Josh gets up from the kitchen table," On that note, I'm going to take our suitcases downstairs."
You stand to join him, grabbing your bags and following him to the doorway near the steps. He opens the basement door and clicks on the light as you follow him down the carpeted stairs. Thankfully the basement is finished and warm. You look around the room noting the posters of musicians, bands, and Greta Van Fleet. There are a few instruments in stands in one corner and amplifiers in the other. Across from a big thick flat screen TV, clearly the latest technology from the 2000s, sat a large comfortable looking sofa. Josh set the suitcases down near the amps and went over to the couch easily and successfully flipping it out into a pull out bed. He must have done it thousands of times over the years. Your eyes followed him over to a closet you hadn't yet noticed and he pulled out pillows and blankets and a large comforter. He plopped the linens onto the bed and you grabbed the sheets helping him make up the bed. 
"You know sweetie, I'm not the only one who has a set of lungs," Josh said, fluffing the pillow in his hands," you're not so good at being quiet either."
He set the pillow down grabbing the next one to fluff. " You're probably going to need to bite down on something, aren't you baby?"
A blush crept onto your face," Oh? So you think we're having sex in your parents house? What makes you so sure?"
Josh comes around to your side of the bed and wraps his arms around your waist, his hands sliding down to grip your ass," We'll, for one I find you absolutely irresistible." He nuzzled into the crook of your neck, his plush lips leaving wet kisses making your heart beat faster and a pulse form in between your legs. 
A choked moan slips out between your lips," And for two?"
He drags his tongue across the sensitive skin right below your ear lobe. 
He rasps in your ear," I can't think of another reason right now baby. Please just let me have you. I haven't had you to myself in so long. Please?"
Nodding your head, your hands find the button on his pants. He lets you fumble for a moment in your haste before he pops the button open for you. Eagerly you slide the zipper down and push the fabric down his hips revealing his already hard cock. He quickly steps out of his clothes and grabs at the spandex fabric of your leggings at your hips, fluidly pulling them from your body. Keeping your tops on to accentuate the haste of your quickie. 
"Gonna have to be quick baby, lay down on the edge of the bed, on your back. I need to taste you." He tells you, guiding you back onto the springy mattress. It creaks under your weight, and your eyes widen knowing that even if the both of you keep quiet, the mattress will surely give you away. 
Josh drops to his knees and pushes your legs wide, spreading you out for him to feast upon. 
You watch his eyes darken as they study your dripping core. 
"All for me lover?" A smirk adorns his mouth. Knowing his words have a double meaning tonight.
"Yeah Joshy, all for you- oh!" You suck in a breath as his warm tongue laps through your folds. You lean back further down onto your elbows and you groan. Josh disconnects from your heat and sits up. His hair is a little wild, and his eyes glassy. He simply raises a single finger in front of his mouth that's glistening from your arousal in the low light as if to shush you. You mutter a soft sorry and he dives back down in between your legs. Taking a grounding deep breath as you lay the rest of the way back onto the mattress and he continues to devour you. The knot in your stomach is quickly getting ready to snap, Josh continues to moan into your heat sending vibrations through your clit. In your haze you notice his arm moving and you realize that he can't help but touch himself as his face is buried in your pussy. You knot your fingers in his curls and yank his head up, and he lets out a pitchy whine," Josh, please, just fuck me already. I need it."
" Okay. Yeah, uh. Here stand up and lean down onto the bed to brace yourself. Hopefully it won't squeak too much." He says as you stand in front of him, he pushes you roughly in between the shoulder blades down towards the mattress. Josh grips his painfully hard cock in his hand and runs the velvety head through your wetness. Simultaneously you both groan at the feeling. After a bit of teasing he finds your entrance and slowly eases in, inch by inch letting you feel all of him. 
A sigh erupts from his chest.
" Pussy's so tight." Josh mutters through gritted teeth.
His hips find a pace just brutal enough to make you squirm, and the knot in your stomach tightens.
"Josh, I'm close." You pant. 
He runs the palm of his hand down your spine," I know baby, I can feel it. Let it go, I've got you. I promise I've got you."
"Josh!" You cry into the pillow at your face.
"Cum Y/N."
Your eyes roll back into your skull as the waves of pleasure crash upon your body. 
" There you go baby, such a good girl. So beautiful. So perfect." He whispers, continuing to fuck you through it. 
As you recover from your orgasm Josh begins to chase his own, his hands find purchase on your hips. His dull nails digging into the sensitive flesh. 
" Your pussys so perfect Y/N. Fuck, let me make it mine baby." He weaves his hand into your hair and pulls you up against his chest. He growls into your ear," Who's pussy is it baby?"
" Yours"
"That's right. Mine. Take it baby, let me fill you up. Fuck, fuck here you go."
You wail loudly and his hand flies to your mouth, successfully shutting you up. You bite down on the fleshy part of his hand in between his thumb and pointer finger, screaming into his palm. 
His hips stutter and you feel his warmth coat your insides. You stand there for a moment enjoying the sensation.
Exhausted you flop onto the mattress in front of you. Your legs turned to jelly. 
Catching his breath he leans down and grabs his underwear out of his pants and runs the soft fabric between your legs cleaning up the mess he made there. 
" I'm going to be honest, I'm not really sure how quiet we were." He chuckles heading over to his suitcase to grab out clothes to change into after a shower. 
"Come on baby, let's gather your things so we can shower and then relax." Josh says kissing your hair. 
You muster enough energy to slowly wander to your suitcase and open it up reaching for your sweats. You also open up your toiletry bag to grab your shampoo and body wash. That's when you notice something. A handful of tampons sit inside next to your travel size deodorant. You should be nearing the end of your period, and you haven't even started it yet. 
"Josh" you whisper.
"Yeah?" He asks rifling through his own toiletry bag hands full of hair products.
"I'm late. My period. It's late." 
Your hands start to shake as your mind runs a mile a minute.
Josh drops the things in his hands back into his suitcase and pulls you into his lap," Hey, hey. It's okay. You're okay. We're okay. There could be many reasons why it's late." His hand runs soothing circles over your back. 
Tears threaten to spill over," But what if I am pregnant. Then what? I've been fucking two different men for months."
He holds you a bit tighter," Then you are. I've got you Y/N. I love you so much, and whatever you decide, if you need to decide anything, I'll be here. I'm not going anywhere okay?"
In a quiet voice you weren't sure he could even hear," but what if it isn't yours."
He takes a deep breath that sways you in his lap," Then it's my lovers. I think either outcome is a beautiful thing. I could biologically be a father, or I could be a father figure to the baby made by a person I have loved for most of my life. If you're even pregnant of course. Either way sweetie, you're stuck with me."
The tears that were threatening to spill finally run down your cheeks. A bit of relief floods your chest," Joshua, I love you so much."
He presses his lips to yours in a needy emotion filled kiss. He leans his forehead against yours," Let's go upstairs and get cleaned up."
You both quietly gather your things and make your way upstairs up both flights of stairs to the Kiszka kids childhood bathroom. You set your things on the countertop as Josh turns the shower on. He abruptly squats down and rummages through the cabinet underneath the sink, way in the back.
He leans back out with a rectangular pink box in his hand, he inspects the package for the expiration date and finds it still good.
"Here. I thought I might find one in here." He hands you the target brand pregnancy test. You look at him with confusion on your face. "Lilly had a scare sometime last year when we were visiting. She asked me to take her to Target so she could get a test and not alarm Jake, and I remembered she bought a ton of them to be sure."
You read the print on the package, the words early detection jumping out at you. 
" I should just take it shouldn't I."
Josh offers you a soft smile in response, letting you make the decision. 
You sigh and start opening the package, careful not to rip the instructions on the box.
"Do you want me to stay in here with you?" He asks from his spot on the floor. You nod, reading the instructions and uncapping the test, mentally preparing yourself to pee on a stick. 
After doing the deed so to speak you set the test down on the countertop and finish stripping your clothes getting ready to get into the shower knowing that the last thing you can do is sit and just wait for the results. Wordlessly Josh follows you into the hot stream of water. He grabs your body wash and squeezes some into his hand, lathering your body. He runs his hands down your arms and across your chest cupping your breasts, before sliding his soapy hands down your stomach. With his front pressed against your back, his hands caress your stomach.
Softly he murmurs," You know you'd look stunning pregnant. A goddess really. I'd worship you."
You bring your hand to intertwine your fingers with his, still pressed against your stomach.
He finishes washing your bodies and he turns the water off before wrapping you in a towel. 
"Are you ready to find out?" He walks over to where you put the test on the counter.
"As ready as I'll ever be."
You lean into his side as he flips the test over so you both can see the results at the same time.
You realize that this is a happy thing. You are in the most healthy relationship you've ever been in with two amazing men who love so fiercely. 
" I can't wait to tell Danny."
Visions of Danny circling you in his arms and kissing both you and Josh, with joy radiating off of him fill your head. 
Josh wraps you up in his arms kissing you with so much passion and love it steals your breath away.
"Fuck, I'm so happy Y/N. So happy."
"A baby." You breathe.
"A baby."
You can't help the smile on your face as you grab your sweats and put them on, Josh eyeing you carefully as he gets dressed himself. He lowers himself to his knees in front of you for the second time tonight. This time for a very different reason, he pushes up the oversized sweatshirt you have on to expose your stomach before laying light kisses on your skin. He murmurs, I'm your Daddy in between kisses and you feel your heart swell. You slide your fingers against his scalp scratching softly as he continues talking to your stomach. 
After a moment your empty stomach growls interrupting him, he turns his attention to your face," Let's get you two something to eat, huh?" He asks, rising to his feet again before turning towards the door.
"Babe? Can we tell Danny first before the rest of your family? He deserves to know next. "
" My thoughts exactly."
You pack your stuff, including the test and the packaging, back into your toiletry bag and take it with you back downstairs. Once you descend the stairs and wind your way into the living room you spot Jake snuggled on the couch watching a movie by himself. He lifts his arm up, out from under the blanket and wiggles around the weed cart he has in his hand," Welcome to the party."
Josh grabs it from his hand and sits down next to him taking a long pull from the vape. He pulls you down onto his lap, his hands circling your waist and resting on your lower stomach as you get comfortable nestling in halfway on his legs and halfway on the couch in between the two men. He slowly exhales the pale grey smoke waving it away from your face to no avail. 
"Sorry! Sorry!" He apologized in between coughs. 
"Blow it upwards you dick! Smokin her out" Jake laughs, plucking the pen from his brother's hand before taking another hit, " Do you want?" He asks extending it to you. 
"Oh no, I'm okay right now. Thank you."
"Okay, just grab it if you want it." Jake says, making Josh snort and laugh.
"You fucker, I didn't mean it like that!" Jake giggling in between his words. 
You roll your eyes getting up off of Josh's lap," I'm going to go raid your kitchen."
"Ah! Mom plated up leftovers for you guys, she said it's on the middle shelf in the fridge." Jake tells you as you wander into the kitchen. 
After taking the first plate of food out of the microwave you begin to heat up the second one, when you hear bare feet pad into the kitchen. You turn your head to find Jake wrapped in his blanket from the couch heading towards the pantry.
"I'm fuckin starving," he says in an awful British accent reaching for the tub of cheese balls.
You laugh as he struggles to pour them into a bowl without spilling them on the counter," How high are you?"
He looks up a you with a grin and droopy eyes," I'm pretty fuckin high babe"
You then hear the front door open and the shuffling of a coat and shoes being discarded. Danny comes traipsing into the kitchen " Hi baby! Hi Jakey!" He says with a slur coming over to envelope both of you into a hug and you can smell the alcohol on his breath. You can't help the feeling of disappointment as you realize that he isn't sober enough to hear the news you can't wait to tell him. 
"Did you have a good time with your sister?" You ask him muffled by the fabric of his sweater. 
He releases both of you from his hug," We had such a great time! I told her all about you and Josh of course, but she knows him already. She needed to see me because she wanted to tell me first, she got engaged last night!" Danny has a proud smile on his face, happy for his sister.
"Oh that's amazing! I'm excited to meet her." You tell him genuinely.
Danny occupies himself with getting a glass of water. You make your way back to Josh on the couch, you softly say," He's too drunk to tell him tonight." 
"It's okay love, we can tell him tomorrow."
You stir awake, back aching from the shitty mattress, you go to sit up but you realize you are pinned there by Josh. His arm is draped over your body with his hand splayed over your stomach, his subconscious protecting you and the little clump of cells from the outside world. Slowly you pry his arm off of your body causing him to rise from his slumber. You take the opportunity to sit up in bed as he groggily utters a " Good morning baby." 
Danny wakes too, greeting you with," Good morning loves." As he leans down to kiss your lips before reaching over your lap to brush his lips with Josh's. 
" Did you have a nice time last night?" Danny asks alert and ready to go without a drop of caffeine in his system. 
You grasp his large hand in your own before opening your mouth ready to start telling him the news, when you hear the basement door open.
"Knock knock! Are you guys decent?" Karen asks slowly descending down the steps.
The three of you reply yes in unison. 
She peeks her head around the banister and tells you that we need to get ready because breakfast is almost done. Once she goes back upstairs you all put on comfy clothes ready to eat some homemade cooking. Danny reaches his hand out to open the door when you speak up," Danny, I have a surprise for you after we're done with breakfast. Maybe we can all head out to the porch?"
He throws a crooked smile your way," Ooh a surprise? Sure babe. Can't wait."
The three of you work your way into the kitchen and you're incredibly impressed with the spread of food on the table that Josh's mom has prepared. There's pancakes and eggs, sausage links and fresh cut fruit. It looks like something out of a movie. 
" Karen, I can't believe you made all of this for us. Especially since you're cooking Thanksgiving dinner tonight too. Thank you so much." You tell her genuinely, taking a seat down at the kitchen table. 
"Oh it was no problem, I made Jake help so I didn't do all of it myself." She said with a wink.
" Well, seriously, thank you."
Nerves invaded your stomach as you picked at the food on your plate. You were thrumming with excitement as you continued to picture the little family you had unexpectedly made. How there would be so much love in your house, how happy Josh's parents would be, and you were sure Danny's would be ecstatic as well to have a grandchild. 
Once you saw that they had stopped munching you decided to gather the plates and put them in the sink as Josh's father Kelly told you that guests don't wash dishes. 
You placed your hands on Danny's shoulders and leaned your face down next to his ear," Are you ready for the surprise?"
"Yeah! Let's go." Danny led the way to the porch grabbing your jackets on the way out. 
Zipping up his coat he asks," Josh, do you know what it is?"
" I do." He said pulling the sleeves down over his fingertips. 
You motioned for him to sit on the wicker chair, Danny clasped his hands in front of his body and smiled up at you eagerly. 
You let out a shaky breath, wringing your fingers together trying to settle your shaking hands,"Okay, Danny. Baby. While you were out last night with your sister I uh." Your voice faltered and you looked down at your hands," I discovered that I'm pregnant." 
You looked up from your palms and at Daniel's face. You were met with furrowed brows instead of the warmth and joy you were expecting.
"What?" He rises from the chair," What do you mean you're pregnant? Is this a joke?"
' I - It's not a joke Danny. I have the positive test in my suitcase if you need to see it."
" How did you let this happen? This is your fault. What the fuck!" Danny spits. 
"I-" the trembling in your hands increases tenfold.
Josh quickly comes to stand between you and Daniel," Excuse me?! Her fault? Are you fucking kidding me? You can't be serious Daniel. We haven't been careful and you know it."
" Of course it's her fault, she's the one taking the birth control pills. She probably missed one or something!" 
Josh clenches his jaw hard," No, no. You're not getting out of taking responsibility for this. You accepted the risks and consequences as soon as you stuck your dick in her! Jesus Christ,I can't believe we're having this discussion. We thought you would be as happy as I was Daniel!"  Josh's voice is rising in volume.
Danny tangles his fingers in his hair, pushing back from his face, he lets out a breath of air from his lungs," I can't do this right now, I've gotta go." And he quickly descends down the porch steps.
Josh calls after him, following him into the yard," Danny! Danny just wait. Daniel, hold on!"
You hear the front door open and Jake asks," What's happening? I heard Josh yelling."
You turn to look at him with tears threatening to spill over at any second.
Jake quickly pulls you into his chest and wraps his arms tightly around you," Babe, what happened? Talk to me."
You hear the rental truck start and peel out of the driveway, the sound telling you that Danny is in fact leaving.
The tears start flowing as you hiccup your words into Jake's chest," I - I found out that I- I'm pregnant. Josh is so happy, and- and Danny, well he reacted like that."
"Oh honey." He gently rubs your back.
Jake's genuine niceness and care for his twins partner makes you cry harder.
You hear Josh's footsteps creak up the wooden porch steps," I really thought he would have been happy." You can hear the hurt in his voice.
You try to calm down the best you can and you look Jake in the eyes, hoping he has an answer, " How do I know he's going to come back?"
" You don't, but we can hope he does."
You spend the rest of the afternoon sandwiched on the couch in between the twins watching holiday movies. Karen wouldn't let you help her prepare the meal, so you laid around with them. Both boys kept your mug full of hot tea, Josh was careful to only give you the ones that were caffeine free as he read online that too much caffeine isn't good while pregnant. 
You snaked your hand into Josh's and squeezed it," I love you."
"I love you too, you know I am still really excited right?"
"I do."
Jake places his hand on your knee and gives a gentle squeeze in reassurance. 
Josh's mom comes over to the couch, her apron covered in various ingredients from slaving away over the meal she was making for her family.
" Honey, when's Daniel coming back? Dinner will be ready in an hour, we decided to do Thanksgiving dinner today so he could come here and you guys could go to Lori's tomorrow for their dinner. Us moms had it all planned out."
You clench your jaw at the mention of his name, not ready to spill your tears and your drama over the holiday cheer.
"Um I'm not-" the doorbell rings interrupting Josh's reply.
"Hold on baby." She extends her pointer finger out signaling him to wait while she checks the front door.
You hear the door open up and his mom greets whoever was there, and then you hear his voice," Sorry I was gone so long, I couldn't find this anywhere!"
Danny was back.
"Oh a pumpkin pie, perfect! Thank you sweetie." 
Danny wanders over to where you are sitting on the couch," Hey. Um. Can we go talk downstairs?" His eyes pleading with you both.
Wordlessly you get up from the couch, knocking into his shoulder with yours as you make your way down to the basement. As soon as his feet hit the landing apologies are spewing from his mouth.
" I'm so, so, fucking sorry. I totally freaked out. I'm embarrassed with how I reacted, I'm sorry I blamed you. You're not to blame Y/N, it's as much mine and Josh's doing as yours. I understand it wasn't on purpose." He turns to Josh, " I'm sorry I reacted so poorly. I'm sorry I wasn't as excited as you were. I'm sorry that I let you down and hurt your feelings as much as hers."
Tears start streaming down both Josh and your cheeks, " We were so excited Daniel. We were fully prepared to love this unconventional family, and be surrounded by love. And the way you acted comparatively makes me wish I knew it was Josh's baby."
Danny's face screws up in hurt," I can't believe you just said that to me Y/N. That fuckin hurts." He points to the center of his chest. 
"How do you think she felt when you told her you can't do this,and you got in the car and left. I ran after you, begging you to not go, and you did. Jake was basically supporting her whole weight as she cried into his chest while you ran away." Josh says pointedly. 
"I can't take it back. And I feel like shit about it. I feel like scum. But I did think about it, and I came back to you."
You sniffled,"Okay?!"
" I talked about it with my sister, and she pretty much yelled at me the way you guys are. And I deserve it. She made me really sit and think about it, about the future, about our end game, because I love the both of you so much. I think eventually our future would have babies in it, and maybe a dog or something. The three of us and the manifestations of our love. I just didn't realize that maybe the next chapter of our story happens so soon. But I want it. I want you, Y/N …Josh, and the little baby we made." Daniel explains. 
You nodded at him and agreed, the love you have for him is strong,but you can't help feeling the sting from this morning. He tarnished the memory, which should have been happy, something to revisit in your mind. But now it won't be. 
"Are we okay?" Danny asks.
" Yeah, we're okay, right Josh?"
Danny scoops the both of you in his arms, and covers you with needy kisses. 
" I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have this." He croaks, tears finally falling. 
You give him a soft smile." I think that we should head upstairs, dinner should be just about ready."
You walk back into the kitchen to be met with an even more extravagant spread of food than what was presented earlier. Turkey and every side dish imaginable was laid out on the countertops.
You looked at Josh, mouth agape," Is it like this every year?"
He grins, tooth gap on full display," It is! I'm pretty sure cooking is her love language."
" This is incredible," you call to his mom and thank her yet again.
"Y/N honey, you really don't have to thank me every time! I love to do it. Okay, everyone grab a plate!"
Everyone started heaping food onto their plates, and Jake caught up to you at the roast potatoes. He softly asked," Everything okay?"
"Yeah I think it will be." You replied, scooping a helping onto his plate and yours.
You sat in between your loves at the family table, eating and conversing, having a wonderful time at the Kiszka house. As the evening went on you couldn't help but battle the internal feeling of wanting to build an invisible wall between you and Danny. Your instincts tell you to lean into Josh and his unwavering love, but you know that wouldn't be fair. Danny deserves a chance. 
After dinner and the pie that Daniel brought, everyone retired to the living room, and you were treated to Christmas carols Greta Van Fleet style. You loved seeing them play in such an intimate setting, lounging around in comfy clothes scattered on the floor and surrounding couches. All of them taking turns singing and switching instruments, you really started to feel the holiday magic. You realized your life was being weaved tightly into theirs. You once again let your imagination run wild and you thought about what next Thanksgiving could look like. Josh's parents cooing over their grandson, Uncle Jake and Uncle Sam holding their niece, showing her the Christmas tree lights that were already up. Your heart felt so full. You thought about your son having Danny's sharp jawline, or your daughter having an identical gap in her front teeth, just like Josh. You knew for sure your baby would have either man's deep brown eyes.
After a bit you found your eyes getting heavy.
" Getting sleepy babe?" Danny asked, running his hand down the length of your blanket covered leg.
"Actually I am. Had a long day."
 Him knowing about the emotional rollercoaster you've had," Let's head to bed then huh. Are you coming with us Joshy?"
Josh put the guitar he was messing with back in the case," Yeah I'm pretty beat. Night all."
A chorus of good nites came from the remaining of the Kiszka clan. 
The three of you descended the basement stairs to go to bed for the final time this trip.
You snuggled up under the comforter in the uncomfortable mattress with your arms out making grabby hands at your lovers. Josh slid into bed on your right and Danny on your left. Josh kissed your cheek and almost instinctively slid his hand down to your lower stomach resting it over your womb.
"Can I?" Danny asked, motioning to your stomach.
You smiled and nodded as Josh intertwined their fingers and rested them on your tummy once again. Danny tested his chin against your shoulder and murmured," I'm really so sorry. I want to be a good Dad."
You felt your heart squeeze in your chest at his confession. 
"You will be Danny " Josh said with his head propped up in his hand.
" We have a lot to live up to. Our dads are the best. I mean we wouldn't have gone anywhere without their support. We'd still be playing in shitty bars." 
Josh lets out a chuckle and unlaces his fingers from Danny's, and he runs his fingertips across your skin. Goosebumps form under his touch, he traces his fingers up and underneath your breasts that are hidden underneath your oversized t-shirt. 
" Feels nice."
" I know…. I can't wait to see your breasts heavy and your stomach swollen."
You inhaled shakily.
Danny speaks up, his voice low," He's right babydoll. You're going to look so fuckin sexy." He leans over and traps you under his upper body, his face hovering right above yours," Everyone's going to know that you belong to us."
Josh growls in your ear," Little girl always begging us to fill her up. Cum inside that pretty pussy. So much so that we knocked her up. Such a slut for it."
You let out a pathetic whine, you felt like you were prey under a predator's gaze. 
"Keep talking." You breathed. You could feel your body becoming more and more turned on. Your nipples were hardening and the slick between your legs was becoming noticeable.
Danny pulled your shirt off and flicked your nipple with his tongue," I can't wait to see your tits big and round and leaking milk."
Josh slid his hand between your legs, cupping your heat. Shamelessly you grinded up into his hand searching for friction.
" You know sweetie, I never realized how breedable you are."
Your eyes roll back in your head and your hips buck into his hand. They were scratching an itch in your brain that you didn't even realize needed to be scratched. 
Danny leaned down and nipped at your neck, surely leaving little marks,"Ooh, she liked that Josh."
Josh chuckles darkly," Yeah? I'm sure you did. Babydoll likes knowing that I'd pump her full and knock her up again and again because she looks like a fertility goddess."
"I need it."
"What do you need, pretty girl. Need our cocks?" Danny said, grinding his hard length against your stomach.
You were a whiny mess and they hadn't even properly touched you yet.
"I think I should spoil your pretty pussy first. Lick up your sweetness."
Danny made his way down your body leaving burning hot kisses on your skin. Once he situated himself above your core he wrapped his lips around your clit, holding her safely in his mouth. He lapped up your juice like he was dying of thirst. His tongue licking and swirling and making a mess of you.
" Fuck honey, your dripping off of my chin." 
A single drop of arousal dripped from the tip of his chin back down to your folds.
Danny dove back in groaning as he made contact with your sopping wetness. Josh grabbed onto Danny's locks and yanked his head up and began licking his mouth and chin, eager to taste you on his lips. Danny rose to his knees and turned his body towards Josh's, needing to make contact with his lover's body. They pressed their chests together as their hands wandered, lips locked together.
"I love you, God let's demolish her." Danny panted in between needy kisses as he grinded his length against Josh's.
"I know you want to, but remember she's a little fragile now. Gotta be nice to her." Josh pushed his hips against Danny's sliding his aching cock against Danny's while anchoring himself to him by his palm on his cheek.
"I'll be nice to her, I promise. Be a good boy." He whispered while nuzzling into Josh's palm.
"Go spoil her baby." 
Danny came to rest in between your legs and Josh sat near your head. He leaned down to kiss your forehead as he grabbed his leaking cock in his hand loosely pumping it.
Danny grabbed his own cock and ran the head through your folds gathering your wetness. You spread your legs wider for him to entice him to nudge into your entrance. You were desperate to feel full of him. You whined and pouted as he circled his tip around your entrance, teasing you.
"What? Do you want it?" Danny pressed himself against you, dipping just the tip inside.
" Does my babydoll want Daddy's cock to stretch her out and fill her up?" He pushed in a little bit further before pulling out yet again.
"For fucks sake Danny just fuck me!"
"Sssshhshhshhh, can't be too loud." Josh reprimanded you. His hand working himself with a bit more purpose. Danny took the opportunity to slide himself deep within you, making you groan. Loudly.
"Looks like I've gotta shut you up." Josh rose to his knees and tapped the sticky head of his cock on your lips signaling you to open your mouth for him. He immediately started fucking your mouth unable to hold himself back anymore. You started moaning when Danny angled himself in such a way that had him grinding against your clit with every thrust. He was pushing you closer and closer to your orgasm. 
"Fuck your close, I can feel it. Your pussy keeps clenching around me." Danny mutters through clenched teeth.
You wailed around Josh's cock as you soaked Danny's. Pleasure coming in waves over you.
"Fuck, I'm cumming. I'm gonna fuck it in deep." Danny said into the crook of your neck and he gave you a few last powerful thrusts before feeling his hot cum spurt inside you.
Josh pulled himself from your mouth," Do you think you can take me too sweetie? Not too tired right?"
" No, not too tired, I need all of your love."
"Come ride me then, I want to watch your tits bounce."
You climbed into Josh's lap, gravity making Danny's cum drip from your entrance while you got into position to sit on Josh's cock. Slowly you lowered yourself down until you were fully seated and he was twitching against your cervix. Josh cups his hands around your breasts, thumbing your nipples. You clench around him at the sensation making him curse. 
"I'm not gonna last long." He whimpers, leaning his head back exposing his neck. Gently you start bouncing in his lap, grinding his cock deep inside you against the spots that make you see stars. After a little you feel a stronger full body orgasm take hold of you, your body shaking and writhing in Josh's lap. Your brain buzzes as your body tingles. Josh grasps onto your hips hard and starts thrusting up wildly into your oversensitive cunt. He whines as you feel his hot load flood into your already full cunt. His cum oozing out of where you two are connected with nowhere else for it to go.
Gingerly you get off of him and lay down next to him. You watch Danny give Josh a quick peck on the lips before he licks the cum off of Josh's spent cock. Josh's jaw hangs slack as he watches, if he could get hard he would.
"Fuck, that's hot."
"We all taste so good together." He quickly slides Josh's half hard member into his mouth slurping it clean.
" Let me clean you up too." Danny says crawling in between your legs.
"Wait! Leave her full and messy."
Danny nods and lays down in between you and Josh. Groggily you play with his curls, you feel whole. You were excited for the journey ahead, you knew you were in the most capable hands. Both men are so full of love, they just need to shower you in it. The baby in your belly is going to be born into the most beautiful amazing life full of music and art and most of all love. You run your fingers across both of their chests capturing their attention.
"I love you, doesn't even begin to express how I feel for you, the both of you. I'm so fucking lucky."
Tagging my friend because you're gonna want to read it ❤️ @lipstickitty
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Her Perfect Girl
Kinktober 2022 - Day 29
Pairing: Soft!Wanda Maximoff x Insecure!Fem!Reader
Kink: Body Worship
Words: 1.2k
Summary: You see someone flirting with Wanda and your insecurities come out.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (oral sex (f! receiving), body worship, marking), a bit of angst, insecurities about not being good enough, a whole lot of fluff
a/n: Here is Day 29!! Only one more day left! I hope you enjoy these last two fics that I have to post! 
Banner By @vase-of-lilies​ 
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You sat in the booth at the club as you watched Wanda at the bar getting drinks for you and her. You watch the bartender flirt with Wanda and she seemed to like the attention and you looked down at your hands. You hated watching them and your heart broke thinking that Wanda could find someone better than you. Someone skinnier, prettier, less annoying, these thoughts haunted your mind as tears fill your eyes. Small tears slipped down your face. You wiped them away before you got up and you rushed to the bathroom. You stood at the sink and you saw that your mascara was running and you whimpered quietly before going into a stall and you sobbed quietly into your hands.
Wanda tried her best to shoot down the flirts that the bartender was giving her. She just wanted the drinks so she could get back to you and have a nice night. When the bartender finally gave Wanda the drinks, she walked over to the booth where she left you but you weren’t there. She panicked as she set the drinks down and looked around the club trying to find you. She rushed to the bathrooms hoping that’s where you went. She walked in and heard crying coming from one of the stalls and she sighed as she recognized your crying and she knocked the door.
You sniffled as you heard a knock at the stall door, “O-occupied.” You stuttered as you wiped your tears away. 
“Princess? It’s me. What’s wrong?” Wanda asked quietly and you sniffled as you continued to cry softly. “Unlock the door, please, baby?” She said and you whimpered before she heard the door unlock. She immediately walked in and kneeled in front of you. “What happened?” She asked as she cupped your face gently and you looked down at her with tears and sad filled eyes. 
“Y-you w-w-were flirting w-w-with that w-woman.” You whimpered as you stuttered and hiccupped and Wanda sighed as she caressed your cheek but you shook your head and pulled away. “N-no, n-no, you d-don’t want me.” You cried as you sobbed into your hands and Wanda’s heart shattered as she heard you. 
“Sweet girl, why on earth would you think that?” She asked as her hands rubbed your thighs softly and she wrapped her arms around your waist. 
“M’not p-pretty. M’not worth y-y-your time.” You whimpered and Wanda immediately stood up and pulled you up in her arms. “You deserve everything good in this world, you deserve my love, my time, everything. Let me take you home and show you how much I love you.” She whispered as she held your hand tight before she rushed out of the bar after giving the bartender a glare. Wanda held you close as you two walked down the street towards your apartment building. She unlocked the door as you hid your face in her shoulder and once inside, she scooped you up in her arms and she kissed your lips passionately as she pinned you against the wall. “You’re all mine. I’m going to worship you like the goddess you are.” She whispered and you blushed at her words. 
You whimpered quietly as you kissed back, trying to get lost in her lips instead of getting lost in your own head. “W-Wanda, w-want y-you to make me feel good.” You whispered quietly and she looked down at you with a soft smile. 
“That’s all I want. First, take a deep breath for me.” She whispered and guided you through your breathing, making you calm down and nuzzle into her chest and she cradled you against her chest. She carried you down the hall to the bedroom and she opened the door and laid you on the bed gently. “Let’s get you out of these clothes so I can see your pretty little body.” She smiled as you nodded and she stripped you down till you’re bare. Her eyes raked down body making you blush under her gaze and her hands ran up your sides and up to your breasts. She kneeled in between your legs and she caressed the undersides of your breasts. 
You gave her a small smile and she kissed your lips softly. “Thank you for this.” You whispered quietly and she smiled softly and kissed your head before she pulled your legs up to wrap around her waist. She started by kissing your calves and your inner knees before your inner thighs and across your lower belly before giving the other leg the same treatment. 
“You’re so beautiful. Every single part of you is beautiful. And I will spend the rest of my life telling you that you’re beautiful, if I have to, and I will enjoy every minute of it.” She whispered as she leaned down to kiss on your inner thighs and sucked small marks into your plush skin. She moved further down to your cunt and she brought her hands up to spread your folds and she leaned down to trace your folds with her tongue. 
You moaned softly as her lips wrapped around your clit and suckled softly, your back arched against her mouth and you let out a whine of her name. Her hands gripped your hips softly before pulling you down against her hungry mouth. She lapped up your juices with soft noises of happiness as she tasted your unique taste and her hands moved up to link her fingers through yours. You squeezed her palms as she looked up at you and you blushed at the eye contact. She kept lapping at your pulsing cunt making you moan louder and your thighs shook around her head. 
She let go of one of your hands to bring one hand down to your cunt and she slid one finger into your throbbing hole. You moaned as you felt her finger tip press against your sweet spot gently before she started moving her finger in and out of you. Your slick coated her finger and she smirked before sliding a second finger into you as her palm grinded against your clit. She moved up your body to kiss your lips passionately.
You moaned as you tasted yourself on her lips and you kissed back deeply, “Y-you f-feel so good.” You whispered against her lips with a moan and she smirked as she pulled her lips away and she rested her forehead against yours. 
“Glad, I could make you feel good, pretty girl. You deserve all the pleasure in the world. You deserve all my love and time. I hope you know that.” She whispered with a smile and you smiled as well as you kissed her lips again. 
She moved her fingers faster, curling her fingers in a ‘come hither’ movement, rubbing against your sweet spot making you cry out. You kissed her deeper as your walls quivered and clenched around her fingers and the coil in your lower belly tightened with your impending orgasm. “M’gonna cum.” You whined as you threw your head back and Wanda kissed your neck softly as she rubbed against your sweet spot harder. 
“Cum for me, pretty girl. Show me how good I’m making you feel.” She whispered against your skin as she nibbled softly. “You can do it. Show me that you’re my perfect girl.”
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xxavengingangelxx · 2 months
A Brighter Side of Grey 1/?
This is for my lovie @bellgraves. :) This is a continuation of my fic As the Rush Comes.
Summary: A female mercenary got a lot closer to killing Graves than anyone else had. So Graves put her in her place. After leaving her for dead, he was almost certain she was gone. So what happens when he catches her making another attempt on his life?
Warnings: Violence, drugging, kidnapping, all the things that come with writing about dueling mercenaries. If I need to add anything, let me know. Eventual smut, possibly enemies to lovers, I haven't decided :)
I have no idea where this fic could end up so let's all of us take a ride and see where it takes us! I didn't get a chance to proofread so please excuse any mistakes.
The first thing you remember…no the first thing you feel is pain.
Horrible pain.
Not being able to breathe like you should be able to. Instinctively you reach up to what’s blocking your airway.
Tubes that were making you gag.
Your right arm appeared useless so you used your left arm to try and pull the tubes out of your throat.
Someone tried to stop you from doing it but you shoved them away and finally yanked the tube out of your throat.
And you gagged, dry heaved over your hospital bed.
And when you did, you felt fire across your ribs.
More people came into your room and were shoved down, strapped down like a mental patient…
You gasped awake.
Another night, another nightmare.
All thanks to Phillip Graves.
You sat up in bed and grabbed your phone, seeing it was 2 in the morning. These nightmares had been going on every night sometimes multiple times a night since you’d regained consciousness.
You were almost ambidextrous before but now your right arm was at 75-80% mobility thanks to the spiral fracture Graves had inflicted when he broke your arm.
So you used your left arm to toss the covers off. Life had been pure hell since Graves had almost killed you. You might have been medically fragile when you got discharged from the hospital but that didn’t stop your boss from beating the shit out of you for the failed mission.
A year, your boss had said,  you have a year to stop faking this injury shit, find Graves, and kill him. Bring me his dog tags with his blood on ‘em.
You were almost certain that beatdown had take away mobility from your right arm too. You ran your fingers along the scars where the hospital had to cut your arm open and add screws and metal plates.
You had gotten an apartment with a garage because you were told it was going to take you months to recover. You dressed in shorts and a tank top before heading to the garage as you normally slept naked.
You got into your garage and looked upon the masterpiece you had been putting together in the last year. The entire wall of the garage was Phillip Graves. You’d been obsessed with tracking him down so for the last year that was all you had done, track Graves as much as you could.
You’d used string and thumbtacks to track his movements with as much detail as you could but you were still missing some pieces. Luckily paying a highly ranked military officer overlooking PMC contracts was finally able to pin Graves down to your home country.
As far as you knew, he was back in the States which would make killing him easier. You wouldn’t have to worry about a third-world enemy capturing you or a fake passport so you could focus all on Graves.
The map on your garage wall was taller than you, making you need to get a stepladder.
Graves was supposedly taking an R&R with his company in Houston, TX which was perfect because no matter where Graves went in Houston, there were sure to either be empty buildings or some other way your could hide high up and snipe Graves.
Sniping would be the lowest risk but the lowest reward. You wouldn’t get to see him die.
The highest risk highest reward would be to allow yourself to be captured, pray Graves didn’t kill you outright, and lay low, get information, gain his trust, then kill him before leaving with dead Graves’s dog tags and interior information about Shadow company.
I don’t care how you fucking do it, you recall your boss telling you after you reeled and almost whimpered from the pain the beatdown he’d given you for failing your mission. Get it done. Be his fuckin’ whore for a year and then kill him. Snipe him. Get it done or go ahead and pick out your headstone.
You’d be able to prove yourself and provide information on Shadow Company. Your boss wouldn’t see you as a failure anymore and you’d get to live.
Weeks of trying to make a decision was interrupted by a text from you boss, simply saying, Two months left.
You’d tracked Graves down to Houston but it was proving difficult to find him in a vulnerable position enough to take him out with a sniper rifle.  He was too heavily guarded to simply approach him and attempt the hit.
That night you fell asleep and finally slept for more than 5 hours straight because you finally had a plan. You’d make a pathetic attempt to hurt Graves and you were certain his boys would jump all over you…but they wouldn’t kill you…not until Graves gave the order.
And if Graves did give them the order at least you’d die quick rather than slowly and painfully at your boss’s hand.
Today was Graves’s last day in Houston or so you’d been told from intel. So you needed to move quick.
It hadn’t been too hard to find the fancy hotel where Graves and his Shadows had been staying. So to make sure you wore a cloth mask similar to the one you wore when COVID had been rampant. You’d died and cut your hair. The only part of you left unchanged by a large margin was your height.
You walked into the lobby and eyed some of his men, each carrying heavy military backpacks or duffels as they loaded their Tahoes and Suburbans in the back parking lot of the hotel.
You were walking down a hallway as you tried to find a way up to the roof when you saw him.
Graves himself. The Shadow himself. Shadow-01. A legendary mercenary and the CEO of his own private military.
Before you new what was happening your breath caught in your throat. Were you panicking? Afraid? He was leaving his own hotel room, military backpack securely on his shoulders. You thought he was alone when you saw what you’d describe as a dumb bimbo whore walking out of his hotel room after him.
And then fear turned into…jealousy?  Why the hell did you care who Graves slept with?
But it was definitely jealousy burning in your chest.
So when she walked away while Graves was getting the last of his belongings from his hotel room, she brushed your side and that was all you needed to shove a knife right into her ribs.
She started to cry out but you delivered a sharp karate shop to her throat to where she couldn’t speak. Next you delivered a blow to her solar plexus, so she’d be quiet for at least the next minute while she gasped for air. You used your gloved hands to shove the knife in her hand, making it seem like she had either done it herself or done it accidentally.
You turned the corner when Graves closed his hotel room door, keycard in his hand.
“You trip, darlin’?” He drawled as he walked closer to his female friend. When he tried to help her up, he noticed she was bleeding heavily from her side. And that she was gasping for air.
“Holy shit,” Graves actually sounded surprised. “What…what happened?”
And you smiled for the first time in a year because you were proud of yourself that you’d managed to startle Graves.
After finding a stairway that led to the roof, you busted the lock on that door and made your way to the top of the building.
It was cold, windy up on the roof and you were glad you’d worn layers. Layers were mandatory anyway because you needed to change the clothes you’d entered that hotel in. But first…
An attempt on Graves’s life. Not a real attempt but you certainly had to make it look real.
It didn’t take long for you to build the short-range sniper rifle you’d brought with you.
You had to wait longer than your would have liked as the police and an ambulance showed up. Then the coroner. Whoops, you thought. You hadn’t meant to kill her.
Good riddance, bitch. He’s mine. And you had no idea where that thought came from.
Graves finally exited the hotel towards the back parking lot.
Through the scope you saw he looked…shaken, unsure of what had just happened.
And that made you smile a second time.
You had counted the number of men Graves had with him as they loaded up in the parking lot.
Three were missing.
You frowned into the scope, trying to see if they were already in the vehicles.
Nope. No one was in the vehicles yet.
So where were they?
Maybe in the hotel?
You were about to take another look through the scope when it suddenly darkened around you. You thought it was nothing. It was a cloudy day so maybe the sun had slipped behind the clouds.
But you were suddenly dragged backwards, away from your rifle and across the rough material of the roof.
You reached for a knife down your shirt and sliced into that motherfucker’s hand hard enough that he hissed and released you.
Shadows. They probably swept every location for threats before their boss made himself visible outside.
You knew another thing that might shock this Shadow enough to where you had more time to react was to remove your mask. You were certain Graves had warned his men about you.
And you were right.
Once you lowered the mask, you saw the Shadows's eyes widen. “You’re dead,” he gasped.
You were about to tell him, Tell your boss to finish the job next time when you heard a footstep behind you. You turned and had no time to react as a Shadow used his rifle to strike you across the left side of your head.
And then…
A sharp, stinging pain followed by falling deeper and deeper into a black hole.
You woke up when the vehicle you were in hit a sharp bump in the dirt road. You tried to take a breath but it was difficult. Your mouth was duct-taped shut and your hands being bound behind you didn’t help.
You felt someone tear the long sleeve of your right arm followed by a muffled, “It’s her,” you guessed they were identifying you based on the scars Graves knew he left on your body.
Then you heard Graves’s familiar drawl say, “Drug ‘her. She can’t know where she’s going,”
You tried to move but your body felt heavy and wasn’t responding to your brain’s commands. The sensation reminded you of how you felt coming out of another surgery to repair your arm. Whatever they were using to drug you was strong. And no matter how hard you fought it, you lost consciousness faster than you would have liked.
You woke up on a cement floor. The duct tape had been removed from your face but your hands were still bound behind you. It was causing significant pain in your right arm.
“What’d I say would happen to you if I got ahold of you?”
And when you opened your eyes you saw him standing in front of you, larger than life, in the same uniform and vest he’d had on the night he almost killed you.
Phillip Graves.
And that was when your breath caught in your throat again and your heart started skipping beats.
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
a/n: first full genshin fic in tumblr let’s go.
we’ve had god readers but what about god complex reader who’s a smartass.
without further ado i present to you the flowers of evil au! (which i will actually explain more in another post but for now have this)
divider by omiyours!
no beta read we die like rukkhadevata’s god friends
summary: reader is basically wanderer but a slut
cw/tw: self indulgent, wish fulfillment, manipulative! reader, asshat/arrogant! reader, implied noncon (reader gets drunk), alhaitham being incredibly horny, alhaitham being a homewrecker, kaveh doesn’t have any self esteem, very snobby ass intellectualism, mary sue/gary stu reader.
pairings: yandere! al-haitham x spy! reader x yandere! kaveh x ? ? ?
V O L U M E ( I )
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[Y/N] [L/N] is the epitome of perfection. Even amongst the scholars that excelled in their fields, and the sages that basically ruled over the Akademiya. [Y/N] always managed to stand out.
Part of that is what attracted Al-Haitham. They were intelligent, and quick-witted. He found himself effortlessly engaging in conversation for hours when it came to their banters. Everything he was looking for in a partner — both in academics, romantic and sexual side of things — could be found in [Y/N].
But there were two things he had to consider.
The first thing was their awful(ly hot) god complex.
“Told you I’d be correct.” [Y/N] sat atop his desk. Their legs crossed, practically begging to be ripped apart as the scribe fantasized of bending them over the nth time that day.
Their intoxicatingly sweet yet mature scent — of roses and old books — wafted through the air and into his nostrils. It took all he had to not pin them on his table so that he could breathe it in. He wanted their scent to be permanently ingrained within his mind like the languages and manuscripts he’d memorized to heart.
But alas he had to at least maintain a modicum of sanity and control over his hormones. He replied, trying to edge away from their form, “You don’t have to rub it in my face, [L/N].”
But it was getting rather hard when they began leaning over “Fair is fair, Scribe. You get to gloat when you win, and I as well during the many triumphs I have over you. So, what are you supposed to say in this situation?”
“I was wrong to go against your judgement.”
You poke his nose. A mocking grin on your disgustingly pretty features, “I knew you had it in you.”
He could tolerate the first thing. In fact, he found it attractive at times. It’s what attracted him to the idea of dating them; owning them, the desire to rip that smug look on their face. To make their face contort to that of unfettered desire. To bring them down and off their high horse and instead kneeling — yearning for his touch, his lips, his cock.
The second thing was the fact that they were dating his roommate. That darned Kaveh.
“My love.” Al-Haitham could swear Kaveh smirked at him as the latter mouthed his petname for you.
“You’re late.”
“They’re sending me away for a project.”
“What?” Oh, [Y/N]’s concerned face however? Hurt even more. The palpable love between the couple made him want crush the book within his hands and throw its remains across the library. He’d tell you two to get a room if he didn’t want eyes on you 24/7.
“It’s just another construction. I’ll be back soon.”
“Stay safe.”
Al-Haitham couldn’t help but stare at your back while the two of you left him alone.
Was that a smile - no - a smirk on your features?
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It was a mistake on your part. You should have known not to get drunk on enemy territory.
But your one success as a spy finally came. You had to celebrate somehow, right?
In your mistake in judgement you found yourself tangled with Al-Haitham of all people. How’d he even get drunk enough to sleep with you anyways? He couldn’t have purposely have sex with you, could he? All your interactions have been those of rivals and friends at most.
“You’ve been avoiding me.”
“Was it that obvious?”
“We’re adults [L/N]. You don’t have to act like this.” Stop acting like this. Al-Haitham wanted to scream. He couldn’t take it anymore. He missed your presence so dearly. If only you could see the mess that had been his room and office.
“Exactly. Adults. I can make my own choices and I choose not to interact with you. I’m doing this for the sake of staying civil. For Kaveh.”
“I’ll tell him about your lord.” You paused.
No, you couldn’t have. Your [e/c] orbs slowly turned a velvet red while he continued his speech. Were you that careless? Were the words your co-workers used to describe you true?
That you were an absolutely useless, reckless piece of rot?
“The way you screamed his name while I—“
His? Ah, so he didn’t know their name. You probably just screamed My Lord and he automatically assumed…
He’s bluffing.
“Then go ahead.” You couldn’t help but grin knowing that you finally didn’t mess up in a mission. So what if he said those words to Kaveh, your mission to distract the Light of Kshahrewar had been a success. All you needed was to leave once everything had been finalized and your god had been reborn. “This may not be Focalors’s nation, but this sort of conduct could get you in jail, Scibe.”
“By who? Cyno hates me, sure. But if there’s one person he loathes more than me it’s you.”
“We’ll talk about this tomorrow.”
“No, [Y/N]. We’ll talk about this now.”
“Why are you so persistent—“
“Because I love you!”
Al-Haitham grabbed unto your face, squeezing so tightly you knew it’d bruise, “I think about you every single day, hour, minute — every damn second even. I can’t get a single paper fully transcribed because I always end up writing your name over and over again as if I’ll forget it any second.”
“That’s impossible. You can’t love me. No. That isn’t supposed to happen.”
“[L/N]. I know you’re a skeptic but doubting my feelings is—“
“You were never my target.”
Al-Haitham gasped as red petals enveloped his entire body.
“My lord. May you forgive this forsaken soul. Grant this servant a place beside your holy being as you ascend—“
His throat, his nose, even his eyes — all burnt under the heavy scent of roses.
“and accept this sacrifice.”
You looked at him solemnly. If only you weren’t so incompetent, he wouldn’t have been roped into this.
Your time with the roommates was fun while it lasted.
“Oh Lord of Flowers.”
In the end, [Y/N] could not kill him. It was always like this. Their missions always went wrong. It’s anyone guess really — why they haven’t been thrown away by their lord. They were defective at best. Completely useless at worst.
So they were commanded to be a honey trap. Someone made to lure in and distract an assigned target while the rest of the Zuhur, came in to assassinate and/or thieve around.
“Kaveh.” You greeted. Shit, you shouldn’t have gone back to his place to check for lose ends. Wasn’t he supposed to be away anyhow? What was he doing in the Akademiya?
“Where are you going?”
“I—I’m leaving.” You had recently finished drugging Al-Haitham and sending him to the sages to deal with. Time was ticking, and you had to be there for when your new master breathes his first as a brand new god. “to get some samples for research. Meet up with the Forest Rangers and all that.”
“Does lying to me get you off or something?” Kaveh stopped you in your tracks, he didn’t have to hold you still, the hurt in his voice was enough.“I know about it. About your affair with Haitham.”
“And I’m fine with it.”
“You- You can meet up with him all you like. I already knew someone like me couldn’t possibly satisfy a being such as you.”
“Just don’t leave me ever. Please?”
“Kaveh . . .”
“I promise to never get between you guys. I swear I-I’m not jealous at all. You deserve to receive all the love you can get.”
“Kaveh!” You cried. Who was this person? The Kaveh you knew was loud and boisterous. In fact, you used him and Al-Haitham as a basis to create [Y/N]. The prodigy of the Akademiya.
Who was this weak, broken person that trembled in front of you.
“You deserve someone better than me, alright? Not the other way around.”
“Stay safe and get as far away as you can from the Grand Sage in the next few weeks alright?” You continued your journey away, only stopping to say a few words, “I love you. Truly.”
“If you love me, why would leave me?!”
“I have to.” You clenched your hands, and disappeared.
“(Wardati) وردتي … “
flowers = zuhur
وردتي = my rose
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fhrlclln · 2 years
lust for life | eddie munson
SUMMARY : you should’ve listened knowing that jock was no good, leaving you hanging the morning after. now here you are, concealing the fact that you still like your bestfriend eddie.
eddie munson x fem! reader
REQUEST : by @kellysimagines
GENRE : nsfw/smut
WARNINGS : both stubborn & idiotic ppl in love, violence, mutual pinning, arguments, mentions of alcohol, best friends to lovers and smut (fingering, p in v, unprotected sex, inexperiences and gentle sex)
WORD COUNT : 5,546
a/n: hope you like this!! <3 posting the rest of my requests on the weekends. sorry it took so long to post this, i have been a little busy since i recovered from my sickness and unmotivated as of lately. stay tune for more eddie fics !!
likes, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated !! <3
enjoy !!
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your heart pounds against your ribcage, your stomach flutters with this familiar sensation you’ve had since the start of your senior school year. everybody’s eyes were on you as you walked along the hallway. headphones on and walkerman playing. w.a.s.p’s i wanna be somebody playing through as you hummed to yourself with school was ending as usual. you could feel them, each stare, each whisper, checking you out as minded your own business. making you feel a little uncomfortable thinking your tight shirt you wore was too proactive or if something was on your face, but you shook the thoughts. now putting on a tight smile as some were waving at you, greeting you as if they weren’t the ones ignoring you back then in the past school years. nobody noticed you until now.
you’ve changed, a lot, almost everyone in your life knew you to be that chunky glasses and braces girl that sat back at the class with the freaks. you knew you’ve changed, swapping the glasses for contact lenses, braces already removed and the only thing your teeth needed now was just retainers. simply put, you grew confident finally.
and yet no one dared to talk to you even now.
the reason? it all leads to the person wearing his signature smirk written across his face, leaning against his locker adorned with every sticker from his favorite metal band, which was next to your locker. of course, you were friends with the whole hellfire. it has been known since you had sat on their table in the cafeteria in the first day of school year ‘86. and nobody wanted to go near you knowing your association with hawkins high’s resident freak and drug dealer—
eddie fucking munson.
“hey, baby.” he greeted as usual. the nickname thrown, flirtatious it maybe but it was eddie and you were used to it. eddie, your bestfriend since middle school. eddie, who everyone thought was your boyfriend. eddie, who always sticked around you since you two changed in appearances. you got through his buzz cut faze and he got through with yours. and you two look complete opposites standing next each other.
“hi, eds.” you smiled at him, shoving your headphones down to your neck, kissing his cheek as usual making him grin wider. eddie cocked his head to the side seeing a couple of stares people gave him in shock that you kissed the freak’s cheek. he smirked at it, turning his attention to you now. seeing you put in that heavy textbook back in the locker and fishing out your binder.
“gonna study tonight, sweets?” he asked, crossing his arms.
“nope.” you simply replied, shutting your locker as you faced him with a small smile on your lips making him gaze upon it for a second. “chrissy just invited me to jason’s party tonight. you wanna come?”
“baby.” he rolled his eyes, letting out an exasperated sigh. you giggled, knowing mentioning chrissy’s jackass of a boyfriend made his head hurt. “you know we don’t do parties, sweet thing.”
“but you said you wanted me to experience at least one party, eddie! and don’t give me that excuse. i remember very clearly dragging your drunk ass out of harrington’s halloween party last year.” you reminded him as he smirked.
“and that was harrington’s. better than carver.” he countered, inching closer to you to see your pout clearly. you huffed, crossing your arms, unaware the slight boner you just gave him.
“pretty please, eds?” you fluttered your eyelashes at him, still wanting him to come with you. “it’s my first party and i want you to be there with me.”
eddie stared at you. brown honey orbs shifting between your eyes and slightly parted lips, painted with that strawberry or mint gloss. his jeans felt tight seeing you plead for him. he bit his lower lip out of habit, jeans feeling tight in his crotch area. an itch in him that made him cower at the intrusive thoughts he was thinking about you right now.
“so?” you broke his silence as he let out a heavy sigh in defeat, unable now to say no to you. he could make a few bucks at the party, only downside was bumping with jason and his goons there. and he certainly needed to take care of you amidst the sweaty dancing crowd and creeps lurking in the house party.
“fine.” he said as you squealed in delight, making him smile as you engulfed him in a hug. not noticing the stares again as eddie patted your back gently. familiar he was with your touch as you pulled back, a little heat on your cheeks from his scent that you liked a lot. he smelled like cigarettes and cheap cologne, you figured he hadn’t opened a beer or smoked pot yet hence him actually smelling fairly clean today. rather attractive you would add for some reason.
“you happy, baby?” he asked, the way he rolled the nickname lower than he intended making your heart thump loudly. you nodded bashfully, your hands fiddling with each other as you two headed out of the school.
and yes, you may have little crush on him. actually, no. you do have a huge crush on him, you love him. it felt weird at first, sure, you two changed a lot. you’ve been pinning on him for as long as you had, since the start of highschool. you were still a freshman and he was a junior, back then he already had rocked his current style. from being two kids pushing each other and pulling each other’s hair to now him being so overly sweet that you warmed up to him for being this flirtatious friend. lingering touches, compliments, all those lovey-dovey shit you read in books.
but you were conflicted. yes, the thrill of him paying attention to you like you’re the only girl in his life was exciting. but the fact that none of his actions turned into what you expected. just bestfriends. it always ended like that as far as you knew, it seems normal to him that he would make you blush and call you ‘baby.’ and you were so confused and utterly defeated when you had brought it up the first time, asking him indirectly if there was something more than this confusing dynamic of a friendship. in which you gained nothing but more expectations.
“do you have someone you like, eds? or love.” you asked, laying on his bed while he was tuning his sweetheart. “or a crush! you haven’t told me anything about that.”
“i love you, sweets.” he chuckled making your eyes widened slightly as you stared at him. “you’re my fucking bestfriend. of course, you’re someone i love and like.” he shrugged, getting back to tuning. leaving you feeling vague at such a reply. damn him.
“can you drop me off by chrissy’s house? i got her directions.” you asked, hoping in his car. eddie rose a brow at the sudden mention of carver’s girlfriend.
“for what?”
“she’s lending me a dress to wear for tonight. ‘m just picking it up.” you explained, getting comfortable in his seat.
“don’t you got enough of those?”
“i’m just borrowing it.” you rolled your eyes at him, nose suddenly scrunching as you got a whiff of something foul emitting at the back. turning around to inspect it seeing that pizza box laying by the stuff he has in the van.
“oh my god, eddie. did you leave last week’s pizza in here?” you sighed as you opened the window. he snorted as he started the engine, driving off as you complained that he should clean the van for once. him saying back that he did clean it. just a month ago.
“left then that really nice white house with that garden!” you pointed as eddie let out a sigh.
“sweets, i don’t think we should be here.” he came to a full stop, looking around to see rich-ass houses and parked mustangs or whatever in this suburb. definitely not a place he should be driving in. scarier than where he lived.
“i’ll make it quick!” you assured him, getting out of the van to see chrissy standing by the porch. a big smile on her face as eddie watched you hug the hawkins high queen. he knew the friendship between the two of you, never really remembered how you started talking with chrissy. he watches as chrissy whispers something to you, looking slyly back to his van making him raise a brow as he tried to distract himself. a big smile was on her face as you bid her goodbye, hurriedly walking to hop in again, the slight glow on your cheeks noticeable as eddie hit the gas and drove off.
“got the goods?” he asked as if it was a drug deal, you rolled your eyes at him again as you held the neatly folded black dress up to show it to him.
“she said it’s not her style and it’s her wrong size. black and all and a bit short. i’m giving it a try.” you smiled at it. eddie glanced at the said dress, seeing it was indeed a party dress or something. got the little cute thin straps and all.
“looks expensive.” he mumbled, fishing out his pocket for cig and the lighter. you hummed contented, hugging the dress to your chest as you looked out the window, the whispering words chrissy gave you settled in your mind as you waited to let it all sink in later. hoping for the best.
“sweetz! i’m ready. you okay in there?” eddie called from his room, the bathroom door shut as he waited for you. standing up in new clothes, fresh ones, still in his vest and jacket as he sauntered to the kitchen. drinking his beer out as he placed it on the counter, his black lunchbox in hand with all the goodies in it to make him some cash tonight.
“just a minute!” you yelled as you puckered your lips with the gloss in your hand. fixing anything that is out of order in your look as you admired yourself on the mirror. you look good, the dress indeed fitted you perfectly. it was nice, little ruffles at the hem and spaghetti straps. plain and simple yet daring.
eddie nursed the last bit of liquid inside the beer bottle, getting bored you were taking so long for a fucking party. it’s not like you had anybody there to impress or what fucking what. the bathroom door opens, eddie let outs a noise of relief as you stepped out, still fixing yourself.
“well thank fucking god, sweet thing. can we go—“ his words stopped at his throat as you walked towards him in that fucking dress. you look so good, too good in fact that he had to stutter something out feeling his sudden awkwardness as his cheeks turned slight pink at it.
“oi? you okay? i don’t want you drunk as shit while we’re still not in the party, eds!” you complained, grabbing the beer out of his hand to shove it in the trashcan. eddie only went quiet as he stood up to take a good look at you, not ashamed he was checking you out.
“you look good, baby.” he muttered out, checking you up and down. your cheeks tingled as your stomach did flips seeing him overly eyeing you. “why don’t we just stay at home tonight, sweets? don’t want you getting away from me at the party.” he teased with a smirk as you slapped his arm thinking he was serious for a moment yet his grin ruined it. he laughed as you ignored him and got out of his trailer to his van again.
the party was already roaring inside the house. you were met by a smiling chrissy again as she hugged you. eddie watched with a smile seeing you looking excited for the party, momentarily glancing down at your ass. he coughed, embarrassed now as you turned to him, grabbing his wrist to introduce him to the sweet girl.
“you know eddie, right?” you asked chrissy as she nodded, waving at him, friendliness radiating. eddie didn’t know what to do but awkwardly wave back, feeling a little shy and uncomfortable he was surrounded by the people he loathed. the rest of the moment transpired with you now in hand with some punch chrissy gave you as eddie was in the kitchen, drinking away while he was dealing with a few people. him occasionally looking out for you as you smiled at him from afar. here you are, turning your attention to chrissy who had knowing look on her face.
“how did it go?” she whispered, a teasing tone. it was kind of a dumb idea you two planned. chrissy knew your crush on eddie, it happened in the moment knowing she knows exactly there’s more than just friends between you and eddie. so she offered you to show off to him, testing the waters, seeing if the metalhead would crumble for you.
“it turned to nothing.” you sighed, chrissy frowned in confusion. “i mean he told me i look good but that was just it.”
“what!?” chrissy gaped, eyeing you in your dress. “you look hot! i guaranteed that he couldn’t get his hands off you looking like this, babe.”
“at least i got a compliment.” you shrugged. it was stupid to expect that something was gonna happen. eddie was just being eddie again. “it’s fine, chris’. he for sure still thinks of me as his best friend.”
“babe.” she pouted, noting the disappointment in your tone as you gulped the punch. “well, you’ve been dropping hints and he still hasn’t figured it out. maybe there’s a chance?”
“he’s too stupid to know.” you chuckled as she let out a laugh. “and i’m fine. don’t wanna pester this further you know?” you lied, completely disappointed still as the thought of him and his confusing manner.
chrissy sighed, feeling a little defeated you two weren’t seeing the obvious fucking feelings between the two of you. hadn’t you noticed the way eddie was looking at you the whole night? staring at you from the kitchen, as if he couldn’t do anything else than just be near you? you manage to stir the conversation of your little crush on eddie to a more interesting one as chrissy let the thought go. not noticing one man coming to stand before you.
“hey, y/n, right?” the music of party blasted as chrissy tapped your shoulder to make you look up from the couch to see this one jock you knew from jason’s group. you couldn’t remember his name but you put on a friendly smile as he sat next to you making you scoot over to chrissy.
“yeah. that’s me.” you responded.
“listen, i’ve been meaning to talk to you for a while and i was wondering…” the conversation drifted as your eyes widened hearing clearly you were being asked out. a thrill escaped inside of you as you got to know the jock with his sweet words. telling you how pretty you are and blah blah. chrissy watch momentarily before being called by jason leaving you alone with the admirer. the thoughts of eddie out of your mind, if he didn’t want you then surely someone would want you even if you couldn’t see the deception.
“so, do you wanna ditch this place?” he asked, eyeing your chest as you smiled at him.
“where to?” you asked softly.
“anywhere you wanna go, babe. think of it like a date in my mustang.” he smugly said as you wanted to say yes. yet you glanced to the side, seeing eddie still dealing in the kitchen. you needed to tell him you weren’t coming home with him tonight, he sure would understand, right? this was the first time somebody has openly asked you out. you were excited, getting attention as nodded excitedly as the said man grabbed your hand to get to the door. unfortunately so, you stopped amidst remembering the metalhead. suddenly feeling guilty as you searched for him, excusing yourself for a moment to find him.
your head turned to eddie’s direction. a grin on your lips as you wanted to tell him about this. how you just got asked out! yet everything stopped as you were met with his hard stare, a noticeable clench on his brows as he drank his beer. your breath caught upon your throat seeing him staring at you from across the room, a not so friendly smile on his face as he waved at you. you held in your breath as you sauntered towards him as he took big steps to get to you as well. something in him that looked like he’s mega pissed.
“don’t go with that prick, baby. i’m telling you.” he immediately warned, glaring before your shoulder from that jock who flirted with you before his eyes. the same fucking prick who eddie remembered was teasing you for looks back then.
“what? eds, he just asked me out! a drive in his car and that’s it!” you raised your voice a little, knowing the music was blaring to muffle both your voices.
“sweets, he’s the same fucking jackass who bullied you last year!” he stressed, cupping your cheeks as you stared at his brown orbs. seeing them dilated, almost black, making you want to kiss him. this sense of overprotectiveness overwhelming you, momentarily forgetting the jock waiting for you by the front door.
“he’s using you, sweets. i’m telling you.” his brows furrowed. your face contorted into annoyance at his words. you gulped, knowing now you recognized that jock from somewhere. memories seeping in your head the times you cried in the hallway with eddie comforting you because him but as stubborn you are, you stood your ground. “please put that in your fucking head for once. you drank and i’m not letting you out of my sight.”
you trembled yet sighed. “fucking hell, eddie. i’m just trying to have fun—“
“fun? fun? fun? is this what you call fun? getting wasted and getting with someone who once fucking told you harsh things, y/n!” he used your name, this all getting serious as your eyes widened. this sudden rage he has overwhelming you. fights between you two were scarce yet now, out of all moments, right now was the time to get in an argument with him when you’re still so conflicted in the inside.
“i’ve had enough of remembering what i used to look like, eddie. at least he doesn’t make me confused what he wants not unlike you.” you back away from him. the alcohol in your veins making you not think straight that you blurted those words. “i got to go.” you mumbled.
eddie’s hand dropped from your cheeks, utterly defeated as he let you go to the that jackass. he wanted to shout, reach out for you, yet the look of your face said that he couldn’t say no to you again. and now he was left to regret he couldn’t say something else to make you stay. hearing well those words you spew to hit him. he confused you? his mind run high with the alcohol in his stomach making him feel sick watching you leave giggling with that prick. he just hopes you were fine by tomorrow.
a day had passed since that night. the night of the party ended badly for eddie. his head was hurting, still so confused the single sentence you threw at him the night you two argued. he confused you? his head hung low as the hellfire table chatted amongst the noises in the cafeteria. something missing stirring in the vibe of the table.
“where’s y/n?” mike broke the ice as he looked to your spot next to eddie. it was empty, like a silent void that no one was used to. eddie lazily brought his head up to see every member waiting for his answer, knowing he was the one who knew where you are all the time. shit, would he like to know as well where you are.
“saw her at the last table alone. is she ok?” dustin added as he look to eddie again. the members went silent as eddie stood up from his seat, leaving them as they all turned their heads to each other in confusion what was going on between the two of you.
eddie walked across the unknowing glances as he saw you. sitting alone, head hung low as he was. like you had been so hungover, a concern in his heart telling him to come close to you. and he did, even if you were still mad at him for trying to prevent you last night but he doesn’t care, as long as you are alright, he’ll fuck off right after.
“sweets.” eddie called out. your eyes widened slightly hearing his name. right now you wanted to sob hearing him say it so softly. you looked up, bags under your eyes, mascara stained around it. like you just have been so tired and felt so utterly used after that date you had gone out with. which you so deeply regret not listening to your own best friend.
“e-eddie.” you manage to croak out, not able to hold in the sob. tears flowed down your cheeks, the emotion of distraught and utter disappointment in yourself taking over. you never wanted to experience what happened last night. how foolish you are so. now here you are, feeling selfish you sought the arms of the man you yelled at last night because of your stupid feelings.
“sweet thing.” eddie sat beside you, pulling you close to his arms as you immediately hugged him back tightly. wanting to shake off that embarrassment, thoughts of last night like a plague in your mind. your head buried in the crook of his neck, letting it all out. his hand caressed your head, flipping of any who stared at the two of you for so long. eddie didn’t want to say anything else, wanting you to feel comfortable first to tell him what happened last night. a moment of silence transpired as you sniffled, letting out a sigh as he let you compose yourself.
“i-i’m sorry, eds.” you started, looking at him with teary eyes. “i should’ve listened to you and now i just…”
“bit by bit, baby. don’t have to tell me everything if you don’t wanna.”
“n-no. it was shit of me to yell at you, i’m sorry. b-but… i really thought someone had finally wanted me last night.” you trembled, feeling disgusted at the thought of that jock. “i really thought. and i was so fucking stupid and all he did was just take m-my—“ you stopped your words as another sob took you.
“he what?” eddie asked again, not wanting to believe it was true to what you were implying. you looked at him, his eyes went red as you spilled out the rest of the night. you had gone home with the jock, sleeping with the prick for the first time yet the experience was slowly disintegrating the moment he took pleasure for himself only. leaving you so unsatisfied and used the morning after. like he treated you after that deed like he used to, completely cold and a fucking prick when you left off without a word.
“and he started yelling at me when i-i left… telling me those fucking words he used to—“
“fucking piece of shit.” eddie had enough as he stood up. the rage inside him bursting hearing you sound weak just because of that jock. he grabbed the empty tray you used as you stared at him in complete confusion.
“eds? hey, wait—“
“i’ll be back, sweetheart.” he promised, holding the tray on one of his hand while the ringed cladded one clenched and unclenched seeing that fucking jock’s smug face as he neared their table, hearing your name being thrown out of last night.
“i’ll fucking tell you, she was so—“ eddie didn’t want to hear the boasting of your name in his mouth. none of them heard his footsteps, all still laughing in which eddie thought how disgusting they are.
you watched with teary eyes as eddie slammed the tray on top of the prick’s head. you jumped at the scene, gasping as eddie manage to land a punch on the fucker when all hell lead loose. you yelled seeing carver get in to punch your stubborn metalhead as dustin and the others manage to see what was happening and run towards eddie to aid him. the whole cafeteria becoming a hellhole, the rest leading to teachers being called. a moment of calmness in your heart when eddie was pulled away from killing the prick.
god, he’s a idiot. you thought with much glee. heart fluttering.
“hold still!” you scolded him as you dabbed ointment on his cheek the nurse told you to give him afterwards when he had showered at home. eddie wince as he holds your waist tightly, sitting on his bed trying his best to uphold the pain as you stood before him, nursing him. the scent of the weed he just smoke in the room a little overwhelming.
“you should’ve done that, eds. you could’ve been expelled or something.” you sighed, when teachers got involved your heart almost leaped out of your chest thinking eddie would be repeating his senior year for the third time.
“all worth it. manage to beat his face out for talking bad about ‘ya and what he did.” he sneered, smug he got to smash the prick nose and swole the jock’s face up afterwards. you smiled at him, heart pounding as you placed the ointment down on his drawer. cupping his cheeks to look at him. he looked tired and worn out. head probably juggled from the punch.
“so pretty when you smile, sweets.” he lazily grinned, arm shifting as his thumb caressed your cheek to where tears were there before. only a smile now because of him.
“thank you, eddie.” you leaned into his touch as he to yours.
“no problem.” he said, staring at your eyes. “and you know, someone does want you.” he added, a sense of courage in him surged.
“really?” you laughed.
“yeah. totally. and i’m sorry i got you all confused. i kinda put the pieces together now.” he confessed, understanding your words last night. “i do want you, sweets. just got scared if you wanted me—“
“for fuck sakes, munson. yes, i want you! i love you. isn’t that obvious?” you sighed at him. this whole time the two of you were complete idiots for thinking the other didn’t want them. you laughed at it as eddie chuckled pulling you down on his lap.
“you love me?” he rested his forehead against yours, staring deeply into your eyes as you nodded. “like love me? love me? wanting to be my girlfriend?”
“since fucking freshman year, eds.”
“i love you too. i guess i’ll remedy that for making you wait so long.” he smirked as he leaned in to take you by surprise with a kiss. you froze for a moment, feeling his soft lips mold over yours so slowly. you hummed, closing your eyes to tangle your hands in his hair. eddie groaned between the kiss as you sat firmly on his lap, jean clothed crotch rubbing your inner thigh as you deepened the kiss with fervor. you grind yourself on him, the sensation between your legs throbbing as eddie got a hold of your hips. keeping you steady to hump on his crotch.
“w-wait, sweets. you wanna—“ eddie mumbled between your lips as you didn’t gave hims chance to finish it as you shove your tongue in. eddie groaned, rolling his eyes back as he held you tight against him. the two of you continued the hot makeout sesh as he flipped you over for him to tower over you, breaking the kiss momentarily to shrug off his shirt while you shredded yours as well. fumbling with his jeans as he did with yours. you giggled as he started getting impatient, shoving them down hastily as he threw it back on the floor. eddie crawled back to you with a smirk as removed your thong, the last cloth covering your body as he was still in his boxers.
“i’m sure, eds.” you assured him, seeing the conflict between his eyes. “i want you to be the first to make me feel good.” you whispered, sending him shivers down his spine as he put his fingers to good use now.
he shuddered, seeing your glistening bare cunt. he almost drooled at the sight of it, wanting more to be it on his mouth but he’ll save that for later. he just needed you as well. eddie plunge a finger in slowly, thumb rubbing your clit as your hips stuttered the pleasure. the pleasure where how comfortable and relaxed you are with him. the only person you could think of to make you feel this way. how many months you’ve fantasized taking you each night now come alive. he started pumping slowly, adding another finger in to stretch you out for his cock. you manage to guide your hand to the hem of his boxers, curious to see what’s underneath.
his cock sprung of it confines, eddie whined as his bare cock hit the cold air making you bit your lip. you touched it, seeing it so big and throbbing in the tip, clearly better than that shrimp from last night. he pumped his fingers a bit faster, letting you rut against his hand as he stopped abruptly, your slick running down his rings as he grinned at the sight.
“want it in me now, please.” you pleaded as eddie shushed you, interlocking your hands together while the other took hold of his cock standing hard as he pumped himself, coating himself with your slick. he groaned the sight of your bare body laid before his bed. a fantasy come to life as he aligned his dick to your entrance, clit engorged and fluttering open wet as he rubbed himself on you for a moment. he let out a strangled moan, pushing his tip in as you lifted your hips up wanting more. it felt rushed but none of it felt bad, you two desperately needed each other. little foreplay not the problem just skin contact igniting the pleasure to rut together.
“what a wet cunt for me.” he groaned out, pushing himself to the hilt. bottoming out as you wrapped your arms around his neck. you sighed blissfully as you felt him start to thrust slowly yet deeply. you kissed his neck up to his jaw and to his lips, loving the way he was so gentle. “gonna fuck you the way you deserve it.”
“y-yes!” you nodded as his thrusts went hard and deep, not quickening or pounding relentlessly, taking his time to rub his whole cock inside your walls, caressing every part of your body with his lips and big hands. you moaned out, back arching as eddie pounded a bit faster, liking the way your cunt was engulfing him. he let out a groan as he continued the pace, so glad you were enjoying it. seeing stars of pleasure as the sound your mingled wetness slapping against each other, eyes passionately staring at one another, just pure love and lust mix in. ending to the near of the enjoyment.
“gonna cum.” eddie whispered warningly as you nodded, feeling yourself to orgasm as well. clenching around him as he started to deepen his thrusts. it was an erotic scene to see in his bedroom. eddie groaned out as he urged you to cum first in which you did, eddie let out a growl as nipped your neck, balls throbbing as he felt himself to the brink of orgasm as you rode yours out.
lips rested against each other, cum filling you up to the brim as he grunted between your lips. mouth open, breaths mingling as you let out a shaky sigh. his hips stuttered as his fingers interlocked with yours tightened. your eyelids fluttered feeling the dizzy post-orgasmic sensation sink in. eddie was panting, balls milked out by your cunt. eyes staring lazily into yours as you let your tongue up to slot your lips together in a slow kiss. eddie moaned as he sloppily kissed you back, loving the way how your tongue danced against his as he rested his weight upon you. silence just filling the room, sex in the air and skin hot against each other. murmurs of satisfaction out of your lips.
“that was long overdue.” you sighed out as he laid beside you, grinning widely. smug as ever as he kissed you again, a promise in his passion as he smirked. the darkness in his eyes growing as you giggled when he crawled towards you again like a predator as he spoke with promise.
“that’s why we’re not done yet, baby. gonna fuck this pussy until it knows it’s mine, sweets.”
i can finally sleep, GOODNIGHT
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dingbatnix · 4 months
uhm lol are you going to continue maneater it is probably one of my favorites and i really want to see more of it lol take your time.
I am! Currently, I'm working on a timeline for the plot!
The way I've written this one is a little weird. It's my fourth brainchild, but since I'm already working on three multi-chapter fics already, I don't wanna start on another one. Sooo, I'm writing the timeline, and I'll post that, and then if I feel like it, I'll write fics of specific events in the timeline. It may take me a very long while, though.
And just for you, since you asked about one of my favorites, have a snippet!
Tw: murder, blood, hard vore, death
It had only been a couple of months since Punz had found out that Dream was a man-eating giant. Even more, he was a giant that could swallow and kill a human, and then gulp down somebody else without even hurting them. Punz didn’t entirely understand how that could possibly work (and he wasn’t sure that he wanted to know) but George had said that Dream had two separate stomachs; one for…one for digesting things, and one that didn’t do much of anything at all.
It was an accident, how he found out. He had been on a scouting mission with Dream, George, and Sapnap, miles and miles away from their little village of hybrids and outcasts. Punz had stayed behind to set up camp before night fell while the other three had gone ahead to make sure that the area was clear of various dangers, like mobs or any traveling hunters.
Punz had finished striking up the camp (it had been easy, all he needed to do was dig a fire pit, get some food for himself, George, and Sapnap cooking, and lay out the sleeping rolls) and had decided to follow after the rest of his group. It hadn’t been very difficult. No matter how much he claimed to be stealthy, Dream was a giant. He left a noticeable trail of destruction wherever he went. So, it had been easy enough to find them, but the sight he came to had frozen him in his tracks.
It was Dream, towering over a small path between the trees, with blood dripping down from his chin. Normally, Punz wouldn’t have been bothered. Dream ate whole animals and even mobs all the time, so Punz was used to that. No, what had terrified him was the limp, human form slumped over in the giant’s fist.
At his feet, a rickety wagon sat somewhat askew to the path, horse having broken free of its harness and, more alarmingly, Sapnap and George casually picking through the bags and chests inside the wagon. They didn’t seem to care at all as Dream raised the unmoving person higher and higher and higher, up towards his face. Punz could only watch with a gut-churning dread as the giant dropped the former owner of the cart into his mouth. There was a horrifically wet crunch, and then the distant sound of the giant swallowing.
Punz had let out a small noise of shock and stumbled back, noisily crushing forest debris underfoot and drawing the attention of the three men before him.
Like a slow, haunting owl, Dream's masked face swiveled towards Punz, and he could feel the giant's gaze lock onto his own fearful eyes. The sight sent chills dancing up and down his spine, and his mouth had dried instantly.
He had turned tail and ran, but George and Sapnap quickly caught up to him and pinned him down until Dream could catch up. Then they had all explained what was going on, that Dream actually needed to consume humans to stay sane. Then they tacked on that–that using the people who were traveling near the valley their village resided in was convenient, because word would spread that the forest was dangerous and that you'd disappear if you went in. Ergo, it kept humans away from the little sanctuary Dream, Sapnap, and George had created.
It had taken some convincing, but Punz finally relented and agreed not to say anything to anyone in the village. For one, it would invite mass panic in their little community, and most everyone would probably try to move away and die at the hands of humans. For second, Punz wasn't about to argue with the literal giant that could kill him in one bite. He wasn’t that dumb.
So, it's kinda dark, but, y'know, that's what makes it one of my favorites. Of course, the whole thing isn't just Dream running around eating people (that's more of a side note) the story is more focused on the characters, their families, and the kingdom trying to exterminate Dream and his little village.
@brick-a-doodle-do @i-am-beckyu @da3dm @kayla-crazy-stuffs @local-squishmallow @skullsnbruises @munchkin1156 @gt-daboss
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copiousloverofcopia · 9 months
Hey there ghesties!!!
Here is a new fic commission, fresh off the press for @kittenburps featuring their OC Lucrecia and Terzo!!!
Thank you so much for allowing me to write for you! Hope you all enjoy!
Commissions are OPEN, please see pinned post for Carrd info!
Driven to Madness
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Sister of Sin Lucrecia has caught the eye of Papa Emeritus III. While neither one will admit their full feelings for the other, an innocent gesture between her and a new sibling of sin makes Terzo need to remind her to whom she belongs.
Also available HERE on AO3!
Definitely NSFW below the cut!
It was too late—events set in motion from the moment he saw it. An innocent smile in the direction of the new postulant made as his lover sat in the pews. A friendly gesture—sending Terzo’s blood boiling in his veins. Fury, burning within him as he continued watching her from the lectern. 
Terzo’s jaw clenched tight, forcing himself to continue as he began rushing through his planned sermon. Waiting impatiently for the moment when the congregation filled out from the pews. When the time finally came, Sister Lucrecia took her leave. Following the crowd out, none the wiser of her sin. The fire that was searing inside Terzo, only growing as he hastily made his way towards her in the naive. 
“Papa?” she asked, turning to face him. Watching as his white eye glow in the low light of the chapel. His breathing, heavy and presence foreboding. 
“Sorella?” he responded, hand slamming hard against the chapel door and forcing Lucrecia back against it. Bringing himself closer and closer until she could feel the heat of his breath on her skin. He looked dangerous and wild. His appearance, bringing within her a heat that began in her belly. Swirling and flooding inside her, until it finally pooled in the space between her legs.  
“Everything ok?” she asked, eyes crawling over him. Reveling in just how incredible he looked draped in his chasuble. Frame, sensually accented in black, purples, and gold—adorning him like the royalty of the Ministry that he was.  
“No.” Terzo growled, his voice sinister and dark. Bringing his lips dangerously close to hers, only to pull away when she spoke.  
“No?” she asked, both thrilled and a bit frightened by him. 
“I saw you, Luci. Smiling at him…the new guy.” Terzo growled, his other hand now trailing up the front of her habit. Finding its way over the swell of her soft breasts. Teasing the tender flesh of her nipple beneath the fabric. His hand, continuing upward before finally wrapping tight around her throat. 
Lucrecia let out a gasp, mouth hanging open before him. Feeling herself getting more wet by the second. Hoping that by pressing her thighs tightly together she’d be able to stave off her need a bit longer. Terzo took the opportunity to remove his hand from the door, unzipping his pants, and allowing his hard cock to hang freely between them. 
“You see what you do to me?” he asked her, throwing his chasuble over his shoulder, Lucrecia doing her best to peek down at him. Terzo loosened his grip from her throat. Bringing his hand between him to stroke the length of his cock. Rolling his thumb across the swollen head of it, only to drag those same fingers along her jawline. Pushing his thumb into her willing mouth. “You taste my need for you.” he asked her.  
Lucrecia moaned, the salty sweet precum filling her mouth. Luci’s bright blue eyes, blown wide as she held his gaze. Sucking his finger as if it were his aching cock–wanting him to know she wanted him. Terzo’s eyes burned even more with fury and lust. Asmodeus blessed and cursed at the same time, was his desire for her. 
“It meant nothing I swear.” Lucrecia explained, her voice heavy with need. Terzo wanted to devour her—consume her wholly. Needing to mark her as his own, claim her before Lucifer and anyone else who dares so much as glance at her. 
“You know what that does to me? I am driven to madness at the thought of it. Someone else’s hands caressing the curves that so rightfully belong to me.” he began, hand slowly lowering into the bodice of her dress. Rolling his thumb over her hardened nipple. Watching with pleasure as she twitched at his touch. 
“Oh Papa.” she moaned, bringing her hand down to touch him, only for Terzo to grab her wrist hard. Keeping her from touching him. Torturing her until he had said his peace. 
“...someone else touching you…tasting you…feeling the heat of your cunt on them. I would gladly kill anyone for entertaining the thought. You belong to me sorella…no one else...”
“Of course, Papa, I’m yours.” Lucrecia told him. Terzo grabbed her full hips, quickly taking up her dress and finding his way to the band of her panties. Tearing them off swiftly as his hand went to cup her cunt. 
“Then prove it.” he hissed, fingers sliding easily into her slick. She let out a moan, her voice trembling and soft. Wanting nothing more than for him to use her body. 
“This cunt…and you—you are mine Luci. No one else.” Terzo continued, fingers working her hard and fast. Pressing deliciously into the ribbed upper walls deep inside. His expert touch, having her cumming over his hand within seconds. 
Terzo continued, pulling her breasts from her dress and drawing a nipple into his mouth. Grazing it with his teeth a bit as he listened to her wanton moans. Humming against her skin, as his fingers pulled from her yet another orgasm. The sensation pouring over her—a rush unlike any other.
“Only yours.” She vowed, when suddenly Terzo withdrew his fingers, lifting her up high above him. Hiking up her legs up over his shoulders and burying his face in her folds. “Oh fuck!” she cried out, held high against the door as Terzo lapped at her. His tongue, darting in and out of her dripping pussy before sucking mercilessly on the bud of her clit. 
He sucked and licked over her lips, Savoring the taste of her on his tongue. His cock throbbing, an almost painful compulsion to fuck her. Continuing his ministrations so she’d be ready to take all he had to give her.  
Luci began to shake around him, cumming against Terzo’s broad tongue. His Papal paints coloring the insides of her thighs. Her cum, dripping all over his mouth. Terzo smiled, satisfied with his efforts. Lowering Lucrecia down before bending her over the statue of Baphomet that sat at their side. Gathering up her dress in his fists and tossing it over her back before stuffing her with his cock in one quick motion. 
“Oh Satanas!” she mewled, trying to keep her balance as Terzo pounded away inside her. Fingers gripped tightly into the soft, plushness of her hips. Leaving a wealth of bruises in his wake. 
“Oh, fuck you feel so good. So tight for me. This cunt was made just for me.” Terzo groaned as he thrusted. The head of his cock, hit her in just the right spot. Lucrecia, beginning to feel herself rising again, insides pulsing around him with each thrust of his hips.  
“That’s a good girl, Luci. Cum on my cock. Show your Papa how good it feels for me to fuck you. To claim you as mine.” Terzo whined, beginning to feel himself get close. 
“So good Papa! Ah! Ah!” she cried as Terzo picked up his pace, bringing her hips back harder against him, hitting her even deeper than before. Lucrecia’s pussy was already tightening up around him. Holding him as he pushed through her, filling her over and over with his cock.
“Cum with me my pet, make me cum for you!” Terzo called out, his cock swelling up inside her. Engorging the hollow of her cunt with his thickened girth. So tightly that she thought she may burst. 
“I’m cumming!” she yelped, as his cock began kicking hard deep inside. Her own orgasm, milking him as he spilled his burning-hot seed. Terzo collapsed over her back. Running his fingers through her damped long black hair. Staying inside her for as long as her body allowed before kissing along her spine and settling in the small of her back. 
“Never again will there be a question as to who you belong to, si?” he asked her, feeling her tensing against him inside. 
“Never Papa…never.”
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