#Podcasts for Entrepreneurs
denierob · 2 years
Good Podcasts for Entrepreneurs
Are you looking for good podcasts for entrepreneurs? Let’s explore our website for business services. Denierob will help you with multiple podcasts and suggest which one is best for you. He also gives you minor results with the point of proof. We make your services more accurate in a few steps. More reliable services we will drop in front of you. Get all of the entrepreneurship details in more brief. Make a call:+393891268678.
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cerealsensei · 29 days
I've always known that one of my biggest flaws as a creator is that I'm not good at promoting myself. But in 2024 I'm changing that.
What started off as something completely different ended up turning to into a full fledged trailer promo video showcasing everything I do as a creator.
I spent almost all day working on this and I'm proud of how it turned out. I hope you feel the same.
The song for the trailer is "Beautiful Wonder" by Kevin Maison which I purchased a creator license for and have permission to use.
Music blog
Dojo Talk Podcast
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sbrown82 · 2 years
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Meghan Markle photographed for her new podcast series, 'Archetypes' now available on Spotify.
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blackgirlusa · 3 months
Living in America? Maybe you can relate to my ranty topics!
This is new unfiltered talk , come in and listen, your input is welcome!
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mjalford98 · 1 month
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St George & Merry England!
This country may have a more complicated past than some may like to think, but let us never forget that which made our country great. Let us build upon it, learning from the successes as well as the mistakes and failures; let us make England great again and put the "Great" back into "Great Britain!"
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Work is underway rebranding my website as part of my developing photography & photojournalism business, with the aim of having my "Michael's Mission" blog/podcast launch on Pentecost Sunday 19th May. Together we can restore England to her true greatness and help other nations revive theirs too!
Happy St George's Day everyone!
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cbentrepreneur · 3 months
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elisemb123 · 1 year
✨️Attention Fantasy/dnd/tabletop rpg nerds and lovers!✨️🗡
Do you like heists, pirates, revolution, magic, and a little steampunk? Then you came to the right place. I'm a part of a fantasy rpg YouTube podcast series by The Fiction Workshop on the Expedition Anything channel. I play Piper Monroe (the tiefling in the poster) in this current campain! Season 2 just dropped! Considering supporting all of the wonderful creators involved and click the link below! Thank you 🥰
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hailieshapedbox · 2 years
uploaded a new podcast from Honest Power Talks. check it out for some motivation.
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theunpuzzleproject · 5 months
🌟 Decoding Business Structures with Astha | Business Law Essentials | The Unpuzzle Project 🌟 Dive into the world of business registration! 🚀 Explore key structures like Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, LLC, Corporation, Nonprofit, and Cooperative. 📊 Learn about their legal, tax, and operational differences. 💡 Astha breaks it down, offering essential insights for entrepreneurs. Whether you're starting up or restructuring, don't miss this episode for top-notch legal wisdom!
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evolution-ofa-geek · 1 year
Time to Celebrate Again!!
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Got another 100 downloads!! LETS FKN GO!!!
Also if you haven't yet, follow my Spotify account, I would greatly appreciate it... or message me that you have and I will shout you out on the next episode.
Again, thank you all so much. Im making my goal of 4k downloads by my birthday next month and 6k by the end of the year.
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laquitastoolbox · 1 year
How Personal Storytelling Can Skyrocket Your Customer Connections
How Personal Storytelling Can Skyrocket Your Customer Connections
Get ready to discover the art of personal storytelling in business, as our special guest, La'Quita Parks, shares her journey from overcoming trauma to becoming a successful business owner. LaQuita started Pa-Pro-Vi Publishing, focused on turning personal stories into published books, and she's here to teach you how to do the same. After reading this blog post, you'll understand how sharing your personal story can create meaningful connections with your customers and lead to business growth.
My special guest is La'Quita Parks
Introducing La'Quita Parks, an inspiring entrepreneur who transformed her own pain into a flourishing publishing business. La'Quita is the CEO and founder of Pa-Pro-Vi Publishing, a company that helps authors turn their stories into published works. After facing medical childhood trauma and years of chronic pain, La'Quita found solace in helping others share their experiences. Through her dedication and skill, she has built a successful business that supports and uplifts countless authors. La'Quita is a passionate mentor and coach, using her journey to inspire others and help them create impactful stories.
The power of personal storytelling cannot be underestimated, especially when it comes to forging strong connections with your customers, as it allows you to share your journey in a way that resonates with them on a deeper level. By incorporating your unique experiences and challenges into various aspects of your business, such as your website, blog, social media, and email marketing campaigns, you are inviting your audience to become a part of your story, which can lead to increased customer engagement and loyalty. So, let's dive into this topic and learn how you can effectively harness the potential of personal storytelling for the betterment of your entrepreneurial journey.
Here are the steps to get Power of storytelling in achieving personal and business growth.:
1. Identify the core message of your personal story 2. Reflect on your personal experiences and challenges 3. Develop a compelling narrative structure
1. Identify the core message of your personal story Storytelling is an age-old tradition, but it's also a powerful way to connect with others, share our experiences, and relate to one another. From a business standpoint, personal storytelling can help build connections with customers and foster a sense of trust and understanding. The first key step to using this powerful tool is to identify the core message of your personal story. To do this, think about the lessons learned, the triumphs and struggles, and the pivotal moments that make your story unique. The central message should be something that will truly resonate with your audience and provide meaning, relevance, or guidance.
LaQuita Parks, the founder of Pa-Pro-Vi Publishing, knows the significant impact that personal storytelling can have, as discussed on the podcast with LaQuita Monley. Parks turned her experience of overcoming trauma and adversity into a mission to help others do the same, through sharing their stories and connecting with others. Parks is living proof that everyone has a unique and powerful story to tell, and finding that core message can lead to significant personal and business growth. Pa-Pro-Vi Publishing's emphasis on giving authors the platform to tell their stories demonstrates the power of personal storytelling and the positive influence it can have on others. Identifying and sharing the core message of your personal story is important for several reasons.
First, it humanizes your business and helps customers see the real person behind the venture. By sharing your experiences, struggles, and triumphs, customers understand the motivation and purpose driving the business. This genuine connection can directly translate into increased interest, loyalty, and ultimately, sales. Second, this sharing provides a means of relatability – listeners may identify with aspects of your story even if they have never been in the same situation and can apply the lessons and perspectives from your experiences to their lives. Lastly, the process of personal storytelling can also be therapeutic, offering an opportunity for self-reflection and healing, thereby contributing to personal growth as well. By tapping into the power of personal storytelling and sharing the core message of your experiences, both your business and your customers can benefit significantly.
2. Reflect on your personal experiences and challenges Using personal storytelling to connect with your customers is an essential part of any successful marketing strategy. By reflecting on your own personal experiences and challenges, you can build deeper relationships with your audience and demonstrate your ability to empathize with their needs. Personal storytelling is a powerful way to showcase your expertise and credibility while making your brand more relatable to your target market.
La'Quita Parks, the founder and CEO of Pa-Pro-Vi Publishing, is an inspiring example of how sharing your personal experiences and challenges can truly impact others. Her journey of overcoming trauma and pain to create a successful publishing company helps countless authors share their stories, all while pushing through her own struggles. By including her experience with chronic pain in her business narrative, Parks is able to demonstrate her resilience and determination, fostering trust with her clients and readers. This key step has made her business relatable and personable, which ultimately leads to deeper connections with her audience and customers. Practicing personal storytelling is a powerful way for entrepreneurs to create emotional connections with their target audience, as it makes the brand more authentic and approachable.
By sharing your unique experiences, insights, and challenges, you can inspire, educate, and empathize with your customers. This authentic connection is essential for branding, as it allows your business to truly resonate with your customers on a deeper level.
Personal storytelling can humanize your brand while also highlighting your expertise, making it a key marketing tool that should not be overlooked. By reflection on your personal experiences and challenges, you can create a compelling business narrative that will engage and resonate with your audience, ultimately setting your business up for success.
3. Develop a compelling narrative structure Developing a compelling narrative structure is a crucial step in using personal storytelling to connect with your customers. When you share your own experiences, challenges, and successes in a relatable, engaging manner, you create an emotional connection with your audience, making it easier for them to understand and relate to your brand message. This technique not only humanizes your brand but also creates a sense of trust and loyalty among your customers. To create a compelling narrative, you need to identify the key elements of your story, such as the turning points, conflicts, and resolutions that have shaped your personal and professional journey. In addition, it is essential to organize your story in a way that is easy for your audience to follow and build an emotional connection.
During her conversation with LaQuita Monley, La'Quita Parks, the founder of Pa-Pro-Vi Publishing, shared her own story of overcoming childhood trauma and pain to build a successful publishing company that helps authors share their stories with the world. Parks discussed how her life was changed forever when, as a baby, a nurse in the hospital poured boiling water on her legs, leading to permanent disability and lifelong pain. She took this personal experience and channeled it into a powerful narrative that allowed her to find healing and purpose through helping other authors share their own stories. With Pa-Pro-Vi Publishing, she has been able to assist over 100 authors in transforming their experiences into compelling narratives and bring a sense of achievement and fulfillment to both herself and her clients. Understanding the importance of creating a compelling narrative is essential for any entrepreneur looking to connect with their customers through personal storytelling.
The genuine, human aspect of personal stories allows customers to identify with you on an emotional level, making them more likely to trust and support your brand. It bridges the gap between company and consumer and fosters a sense of loyalty and connection that goes beyond the products and services you offer. Moreover, sharing your unique journey demonstrates your resilience, passion, and purpose to your customers, which inspires them and deepens their relationship with your brand. By harnessing the power of personal storytelling and developing a compelling narrative structure, you can truly make an impact in achieving personal and business growth.
For entrepreneurs like you seeking to inspire others and build a thriving business, understanding and utilizing personal storytelling is crucial. LaQuita Monley and La'Quita Parks have provided valuable insights in their nine steps to connecting with customers through the power of storytelling, showing us that what truly matters is the authenticity and relatability of our experiences. By implementing these guidelines in your marketing strategy - from showcasing your own story on your blog to connecting with others for powerful collaborations - you'll see the tangible improvements in customer engagement and overall business growth. It's time to turn your personal journey into your most potent marketing tool, so dive in and start crafting those captivating stories today!
Have you tried these tactics and strategies?
Share your successes and challenges with us in the comments.
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We offer premium design services for your business. Contact & details:
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ejpentertainment · 9 months
It's no secret.. it can be tough for women at times in mostly male dominated industries such as the music business.. but this Chicago tough artist shows us how she gets it done each day
S/O to all the ladies in and around the music industry and all industries worldwide who get the job done regardless of the obstacles they may face
I recently had the chance to ask @JushaySignature this question of how she takes on the challenges of being in a male dominant industry plus more.. and later we get a NonStop 1st listen of her two unreleased tracks "They Don't Care About Us" and the long anticipated "Brenda's Story"
For the best in New music and riveting conversations with tomorrow's stars and influencers.. be sure to check us out at https://www.soundcloud.com/nonstop-radio-show
All submissions and inquiries can be emailed to [email protected]
#newmusic #upcomingartist #hiphop #culture #podcast #media #entertainment #thenonstopradioshow #theemillioegbarshow #chicago
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hood-cash-ent-blog · 9 months
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kajmasterclass · 9 months
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valtoybob · 9 months
Mastering Your Morning Routine with Ryan Cote
“How do you start your day?” Mastering Your Morning is important because the morning is a magical time that holds the potential to set the stage for a truly remarkable day. Learn how to productively start your day in this episode.
Mastering Your Morning: A Blueprint for Productivity and Success The morning is a magical time that holds the potential to set the stage for a truly remarkable day. By crafting a mindful and intentional morning routine, you can unlock the power to uplift your productivity, amplify your positivity, and enhance your overall sense of fulfilment. Join us on a journey as we explore the art of…
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