#also this book had me SCREAMING crying Smiling Laughing SCREAMING
thekenobee · 1 year
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What a book to relish, what a joy to be alive 💙
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Seventeen as dads part 3 (All members)
I am so obsessed with this series, I’m weak for dad!seventeen More dad!SVT and other fics on Seventeen Masterlist <3 Genre: FLUFF
→Choi seungcheol
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"Will you help dada fix the showerhead?" Seungcheol asks your first born daughter, Siah. Seungcheol was in the bathroom being stubborn that he could fix the showered in the bathroom himself. Your 2 foot high daughter leans on the door frame looking up at her father.
She nods as her dad asks her to help.
"Can you hand me that wrench?"
"Wench?" she repeats wrongly.
"W - RENCH" cheol corrects her again.
"This one?" she points her little finger to every tool in the box and finally gets to the one he wanted. Cheol was very patient with her. He believed in her, it helped built her confidence too.
She handed her dad the wrench.
Cheol did some pushing and pulling, meanwhile siah really wanted hands on experience in this plumbing apprenticeship.
"How are my two star plumbers doing?" you ask walking into the bathroom to see what trouble these two were up to.
Cheol now had Siah on his shoulder while she played with the showerhead acting like she was helping fix it.
"We're almost done, my associate here is new so she's a bit confused" he says pointing to her daughter on him.
Suddenly there is a 'thak" sound and water comes down pouring on cheols face.
You burst out laughing.
“What are you laughing at?” He asks playfully and pulls you into the shower area so now you’re also soaked. This is responded with some sqeals and squeaks.
“Never calling this plumber duo again” you say laughing.
“Well the plumber duo loves you” he says with a cheesy smile and takes siah off his shoulder to bring her between the two of you, now shes soaked too.
→Yoon Jeonghan
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"Stop pushing our kid into the pool" you say giggling as Jeonghan playfully throws your 5 year old son, Hyun woo into the water.
Hyung woo hated the water when he was younger, especially the sea. But now it's a mammoth task to get him out of the pool.
"Again! Again!" Hyun woo screams while you could see jeonghan's energy battery running low.
"He'd make you do this all day" you say sitting poolside, reading a book.
"That's all, that's enough" Jeonghan says and pulls Hyun woo out of the pool, now comes the tantrum. Jeonghan uses the last of his power to pull his son out of the pool and airplane him to where you are sitting. He dropped your tantrum throwing son on you. He made you scoot in the small pool chair and stuck close to you, putting his head on your shoulder, boy was he exhausted.
"Does your battery have enough power to pass me the sunscreen?" you playfully ask him.
"There's always a reserve battery for you my love" he says and also gives you a complimentary peck on the shoulder before he retracted to the same position as before.
→Hong Joshua
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There was chaos in the Hong Residence as two boys, Dojoon 7 and taehyun 5, run around yelling and screaming. Two hyperactive boys were definitely a lot to handle.
"Boys, Boys!" Joshua claps his hand to get their attention.
"I have a mission for you"
their eyes light up and Joshua has their full attention. They loved missions, they recently got into spy movies and when they hear the word mission, they snap into their alter ego, little spies.
"Dojoon's mission is to clear up your toys on the floor and Taehyun's mission is to bring all the clothes from the dryer to the living room then mom and I will teach you how to fold laundry" he recites all the tasks. You loved doing chores as a family, it was possible on the weekends and you thought the boys would learn how to do things. It was the easiest way.
The kids rush to do their chores and the first one to finish was the elder one. This made the younger one upset, he came crying to you. The two boys are very competitive.
You end up giving them both some cookies. The calmed Taehyun down.
“We need to get them off cookies”
“Just this once please” you tell your husband pulling a cute puppy face. The boys loved cookies and it was easier to calm them down that way. Joshua hates it.
“Last time, promise?”
“Promise” you say pecking his cheek.
→Moon JunHui
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“Noo I don’t want to, what if I hurts, and you flush it away”
“You want to keep it?”
Your son nods.
Your 2 and a half year old son is sobbing on his potty chair, not pooping because he thinks its a part of his body and he’s going to lose an arm if he poops.
You knew if was something Jun might’ve told him so you call him over.
“Hes not letting me flush his poop, he thinks we can raise it” you explain to jun sighing.
Jun ends up laughing at this.
“Please?” Your son asks in a small timid voice.
“Its going to start stinking baby”
“It already does” Jun chimes in.
“You think its a caterpillar?” Jun asks and your son nods.
“Its just rubbish, it goes into the dustbin, the toilet is the poop dustbin.” Jun tells his son.
After half and hour of discussion, your son was finally ready to let it go.
“Where is he learning all this?” Jun comments in general.
“Are you sure its not you?” You ask playfully.
“No wayyy!” He says clearly lying.
“You’re lucky we didn’t have to raise his poop”
→Kwon Hoshi
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"Appa, I'm going to fall, I'm going to fall" you 6 year old son, Ji ho screams at the top of his lungs. Both the tigers are very loud, it took you some time to get used to. You literally gave birth to a Soonyoung junior. They're too similar. So they clash a lot.
“I haven’t even let go, stop screaming”
“Appa appa!” The little boy screams and goes down the small hill at the park.
“Don’t look back, look ahead, you’re doing it”
“Im going to hate you if you let go!” Your son screams at your husband.
Knowing your husband, he definitely let go and you hear your sons screams again.
“Appa i hate you!”
“You’ll never learn if i don’t let go, you want me to hold the back all the way to school? Whats the point of riding?” Hoshi scolds him.
Your son comes running to where you were sitting and he takes his shoes off to sit on the blanket.
“Appa is not trust worthy”
“You’ll thank me one day!” Soonyoung says and plops himself next to you on the picnic blanket, putting his head on your lap.
Your son joins him and now the two boys were playfully fighting to keep their heads on your lap.
“She’s my mom!” Jiho tells his dad to grt off of you. All this makes you giggle.
“Shes my wife! Get your own wife!” Soonyoung tells him off playfully.
“Im 6!” Your son exclaims.
→ Jeon Wonwoo
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“See, now if I move my piece 4 places, I catch one of yours, so you take it back to your house” wonwoo explains to your 5 year old daughter.
She was suddenly on the verge of tears when her dad captured her piece in a game of ludo. She clearly hated losing.
“Appa is cheating!” She kicks her feet in annoyance.
“Thats the rules” Wonwoo says very logically defending himself from a 5 year old. It was hilarious to watch.
“She’s 5! Let her win” you say from the couch shile you watch the two cuties play ludo on your living room floor.
“She’s going to become a brat if I let her win” wonwoo comes back to you with more logic. Hes not wrong but once?
“Just let her win once!” You ask him again. He shakes his head.
“Come here, you and me, we’ll be one team” you say as you slide down the couch on to the floor.
Your daughter calms down a little while she sits on your lap. “Lets make daddy lose” she says and rolls the die again.
You very strategically play and capture 2 of wonwoos pieces in the next 3 rolls. Your daughter was happy now and wonwoo was stressed.
“Yes! We won! Daddy lost!” She sticks her tongue out at Wonwoo.
“See? This is what I meant” he says and bites his lower lip acting like he’s angry about the gesture.
You giggle at your cute husband.
→ Lee Jihoon
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“Im going to throw it now, eyes on the ball okay?” Jihoon tells his 6 year old daughter who is wearing a hand glove thats bigger than her face. It was cute to watch.
You could see them through the living room window where you sat to read a book.
Jihoon makes the first throw that goes over the little ones head.
Her eyes follow the ball like her dad asked her to.
“Its too high”
“Jump to catch it” he teaches her but she groans.
“Just throw me a ball I can catch”
“Jump jump” he repeats stubbornly throwing another ball over her head.
She hates running to get the ball. This time she makes it her mission to make her dad run and get the ball. She throws the ball full swing and it hits jihoon right where the sun don’t sun.
You burst out in laughter watching the love of your life fall to the ground and groan in pain.
“Thats it for the day” he says between the pain and finally gathers himself enough to come back to the living room.
“That was some revenge shot”
“Our daughter is very powerful” he says remembering the pain and almost wincing again just at the thought.
“Im sure she takes after you honey” you smile at him.
→ Xu Minghao
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Your younger daughter and your husband, Minghao, were standing in front of the bathroom mirror.
Minghao lost a bet yesterday about something silly and the punishment was to make your daughter hair. It was punishment because your daughter hated it when someone touches her hair or brushed it. It's a recent development. She would throw tantrums and it was just difficult.
It was minghao's first time touching her hair and he was visibly nervous too. He didn't want to hurt his little princess. Understandably.
"What do you want me to do today, princess?" he says hovering his hand over her hair, not sure where to put it.
"I don't want to!!" here it starts.
Minghao gets down to her level on his knees to talk to her. That's how he gets everyone. He has a way with words. A smooth talker you fell for.
"Why not?"
"It hurts"
"Daddy will do it softly, very very softly, and we stop the second you feel hurt okay?" he explains to her and try to touch her hair again.
He does it so softly like even the slightly touch would hurt his daughter.
"Ah" your daughter lets out a yell and Hao begins to inspect that area softly pushing hair away so he can see.
"Look, she has a rash"
she was not throwing a tantrum. She really was hurt, it made you feel horrible. you immediately apologise to her and bring some ointment for it.
"I'll brush it softly okay? so the knots are out" he tells her before he continues. She trusts him, you trust him.
You take some ointment out to put on her but she refuses.
"I want daddy to do it" she says and you nod understandingly.
He helps her with the ointment and your daughter finally has brushed hair. She hops away happily while you watch.
"I can't believe I missed it"
"It's normal, don't worry" he reassures you.
"This wasn't even punishment, she loves you doing her hair" you complain and he chuckles.
"Want me to do your hair?"
"Only if you do it as softly"
→ Kim Mingyu
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Kim mingyu, your husband of 5 years was working out in his work out room, he made a area attached to the living room a work out area so he didn't have to go to the gym, but occasionally still sometimes ends up going to socialise with friends while he exercises.
He had become much more of an exercise person once Bora was born cause he wanted to be as energetic with her as possible. He wasn't ready for his body giving up if he had to play with Bora or worse save her life.
You were passing by his work out area with the laundry basket but watching him working out your feet stopped and you ended up staring at him.
"What are you looking at?" his voice snaps you out of your staring.
He smirks and you throw a sock at him at shut him up. If you stared longer you would've drooled physically.
You watch Bora's little legs run to her dad.
"Hello, to you too!" you say sarcastically and playfully as your daughter ignored you. Bora found Mingyu's gym contraptions very fascinating. She might be into exercising too. She loves being active.
Bora climbs her dad and somehow gets to his shoulders. What a total monkey. Only her tail is missing.
He ends up doing chin ups with bora on his back, no idea how he is this strong, but you were glad that he is.
while you come back to the living room with dry clothes to fold you see mingyu doing push ups with Bora on the floor.
"You're too sweaty" she screams as Mingyu's seat drops on Bora who was under him, every time he came down he would shower bora with kisses as she counted.
It was the sweetest thing to watch.
"I'm done, you can stop staring"
oh the things you would do to wipe that smirk off his face, right now all you could do was throw a dry towel to his sweaty face.
→ Lee Dokyeom
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"What is this you do daddy?" the little girl asks her dad while he puts on multiple toner pads on his face.
Since it was a Sunday, dokyeom scattered all his skincare on the living room floor, ready with a bare face to pamper his.
"This is for my skin, so it's soft and pretty, like yours" he explains to her while she listens intently.
"My skin is soft and pretty?"
"of course it is, because you're a baby"
"I'm a big girl, I want to do this too" she whines a little. You overhear this conversation.
"should I cut you some cucumbers to put on your eyes?"
You take your child to the kitchen and she watches you cut some thin slices of cucumber, she was very excited. She ends up taking the plate to her dad rushing to be a part of this salon play.
You follow her out while she lays on the floor next to her dad. You sit by her feet and suddenly DK starts a salon skit.
"Hello Ma'am, what would you like today?"
"Cucumbers" she responds cutely.
DK places the cool cucumbers on her eyes that make her shiver.
"Would you also like a foot massage ma'am?" you ask her as you rub her feet. You hadn't done this since she was a little baby. It brought back memories and how much she had grown.
Your daughter, meanwhile is busy munching on the cucumber she's supposed to have over her eyes.
"Hey, are you just eating it!" DK scolds her playfully.
She giggles in response. Her giggles are the most adorable sound.
Between the massage and the cucumber facials, your daughter falls asleep in the middle of the both of you. DK slides his butt to sit next to you. You subconsciously put your head on his shoulder.
"She's growing up too fast, I don't like it"
"Wait for the day she says 'I don't need you' I'm going to start bawling my eyes out" DK says and a visual of him doing that dramatically flashes in your head that makes you giggle.
"I'll be right next to you probably also sobbing my eyes out" you mention and he gives you the sweetest smile.
→Boo Seungkwan
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Your husband was pacing back and forth with your 2 year old son in his arms trying to get him to go to bed. It was 11pm already, way past his bed time, but you just couldn't get him to sleep.
It had become practice that Seungkwan sings him a soft lullaby and some walking in his father's arms knocks him right out.
You saw him whispering a song and couldn't help but hum it yourself while you put away all the toys he played with today so they don't poke your feet in the morning.
Your humming perked his eyes and seungkwan gave you a side eye for waking his baby up, you mouth a sorry.
"Mommy's here?" you wakes up to find you. He never gets to see you in the night because you come home late from work.
He immediately wants to come to you, you take him for a second say hi give him some kisses and give him back to seungkwan, despite all his whining, sleepy whining.
You pat seungkwan's back as a 'best dad' pat and move on to the toys on the living room.
→Choi Vernon
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You were surrounded by paper and scissors and scrap paper. Your kindergarten going son, Derek had a project at school to make a jar full of cranes to bring to class.
Of course, a child's project is the whole house's project. Now, it was you, Vernon and Derek Sunday afternoon, making a jar full of cranes.
You were teaching Derek how to make a paper crane and the folds were too tough for a 3 year old.
Vernon folded one crane a little too big and filled the entire jar.
"Tada! We're done!" he announces clearly with so much space left.
Derek giggles. "No daddy, there is so much left"
"No look? It's all done, one big crane fits the jar, just tell your teacher that" he jokes with him.
It makes you giggle too.
You end up having a nice family bonding time when you do arts and crafts with Derek.
→Lee Chan
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“The same one?”
Your daughter nods.
Your daughter, 5, has been asking for the same story about the elephant and the ant for the 100th time. She only sleeps once shes heard that story.
Chan can recite that story in his sleep. Its the same thing over and over. Your daughter could finish his sentences at this point. Once the story was done, Chan tucks her in and turns the light off.
“How can I forget?” Chan pretends to gasp and showers your daughters face with kisses.
Your daughter wipes her face.
“Don’t do that, Im a big girl now”
“Okay okay” He says and shuts the door, it does break his heart a little bit.
He comes to you looking a little mopey.
“Is she in bed?” You ask your husband. “Yeah” he says and comes to cuddle you.
“She said she doesn’t want to be tucked in with kisses anymore” he mutters. You run your fingers through his hair. “She’s growing up a little too fast, I don’t like it” he pouts.
“She’ll always be your little girl” you tell him.
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osachiyo · 9 months
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ꕤ Genshin impact men + their favourite body part of yours, part one 🕊 ˚✧ ₊˚ʚ
PAIRING ✧ Ayato, Kaeya & Neuvillette x fem!reader (seperate)
CONTENT WARNINGS ✧ Not safe for work content (mdni), oral sex , overstimulation, talks of anal but no anal actually, degradation, name calling, petnames, pussy slapping, fingering and etc
AUTHOR'S NOTE ✧ this one won the poll so here it is! Feel free to request other characters for this series! Happy reading <3 I don't own any of the artwork used.
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If you asked him what body part he liked most about you, he'd laugh it off, cupping your face with a large gloved hand and looking at you with his ocean blue eyes, " I love all of you equally, my dear. But if I had to choose, it would be your eyes." You felt your cheeks grow hot as he stared at you with his loving but mischievous eyes. His lips curl up into a grin when you tore your gaze away from him, struggling to come up with a response. To be completely honest, you weren't really expecting an answer like this but you should've, knowing how romantic your husband could be at times. "I love how your eyes light up when you talk about something you're excited about- or when your eyes gloss over when you're feeling particularly emotional. They're absolutely stunning." He continued, brushing a stray hair behind your ear as he kept going on about why your eyes were the prettiest to him. "They shine like glittering jewels, I could stare at them forever.." he mumbles, gently pulling you even closer for a sweet kiss, his lips moulding perfectly against your own.
When he said he loved your eyes, he also meant how they roll back into your skull when he's between your thighs, the soft flesh decorated with so many red, blue and purple bruises, his teeth marking you as his own. His now bare hand coming in contact with your sweet cunt, slapping the soft flesh as you cry out for him so deliciously, making his cock throb in his undergarments. You muttered out a string of curses when he started rubbing your clit, soothing the stinging flesh before slapping it once again, your juices going everywhere. You scream his name once he finally, finally indulges in you and shoves his tongue inside your gummy walls, still making eye contact while eating you up. He could see how your pretty eyes gloss over with unshed tears and how they roll back slightly when he hits a certain spot. He humps the bed, unable to go on without some release as he watches you fall apart on his tongue and fingers completely.
"Keep shedding those beautiful tears for me, darling. You look the most stunning when you're sobbing my name out."
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It was a lazy Sunday morning with your fiancè. You were perched atop his lap comfortably while he read a book and occasionally playing with your soft hair, his nose buried in it as he inhaled the sweet scent of your shampoo. You were playing with the hem of his shirt when a thought came into your mind. You paused for a bit then leaned back, smiling up at him as you admired his beauty. His dark blue hair was tied in a messy ponytail, matching his complexion beautifully. God he was beautiful. "Honey, I have a question.." He finally looked down from his book and raised an eyebrow at your playful tone. "And what would that be, darling?" You smiled at the nickname, "well, what is your favourite body part of mine?" He chuckled softly at your question, the slight dimples showing on his cheeks that you loved so much. He closed the book and placed it aside, wrapping his strong arms around your smaller figure as you waited for an answer. "well?" you inquired. He merely hummed, thinking for a bit before answering, "let's see, I'd say your smile is the prettiest thing I've ever seen in my life." He looked down at you, your gaze softened at his answer. You saw the look of pure love and admiration in his blue eyes, staring at your own reflection in them. "god, you're so cheesy, y'know that?" you slapped his chest gently, laughing at the way he pouted. "Whaaat?~ It's true!" He scoffed, clutching his shirt, where his heart would be to show you how hurt he was. "well..i guess your ass does look pretty ni- OW!!!"
He wasn't lying when he said he loved your ass, the soft flesh jiggling with each brutal thrust of his hips against your own. Your face was buried in the pillow, staining it with your unending tears and drool as your fiancè pounded you into the sheets exactly how you loved it. "Yeah you like that, fuckin' slut? You like it when I- mmh- fuck your brains out?" You couldn't answer him, the way his cock was hitting your sweet spot repeatedly. The only coherent thought in your head was how good he was dicking you down. His hand came down against your reddened ass, the hit stinging bad, making you jolt up, pleas and cries falling from your swollen lips as he rearranged your guts so damn deliciously. His thrusts slows down, greedy hands spread your cheeks open to get a better view of your soaked cunt swallowing his cock. He groaned at the lewd sight. His gaze fell on your puckered hole, twitching slightly as he licked his lips. You were about to whine for him to go faster when a glob of spit landed on your other hole, dripping down to your aching pussy.
"Ahh fuck, think I should take this hole next, sweet girl? It'd hurt? Aww, of course it would hurt! You need to experience a bit of pain to get good things in life, no?"
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If someone asked you how you started dating the leader of the Marechaussee Phantom, you wouldn't even know how to answer. Honestly, all you knew that he was your type and he was hot as fuck. So here you were, sitting on your boyfriend's lap as he did some 'very important paperwork', as he called it. You sighed dreamily, bored out of your mind as you hear the scribbling of his fountain pen meeting the high quality paper. You tried to adjust a bit, getting more comfortable on his thighs as you looked up at him, taking a moment to appreciate this man. You hummed, catching his attention as his gaze snaps from the paper to you. You smiled at him, making him sigh and put the pen down. "Do you have something to tell me, dearest?" You pondered if you should ask the question before looking at him again, "well..yes. I have a very important question to ask you, actually." He merely gave you a questioning look before motioning for you to continue. "Sooo....I wanted to ask, what part of me do you like the most? As in like body part.." He deadpanned, "that's the very important question you wanted to ask me?" "Mhm! So what is it?" He leaned back in his seat, "Hmm.. I'd say your breasts are quite the sight-" "NEUVILLETTE!" You screeched, shocked by his answer. He merely raises an eyebrow, confused as why you were 'squealing like a little piglet.' "I didn't expect you to be so blunt..." You mumbled shyly, resting your head against his hard chest, playing with the intricate design of his coat.
Oh your breasts were quite the sight indeed. He couldn't help but stare at the two bouncing mounds as you tried your hardest to ride him, your hips and legs were hurting from slamming down repeatedly on him, pussy gushing on his cock. But he didn't care, all that was in his head right now was how fucking tight your cunt felt around his throbbing cock and how pretty your tits looked, glistening with a thin layer of sweat covering them. Delicious, he thought to himself as he took one nipple in his mouth, making you slow down before a harsh slap against your other tit snapped you back into reality. You whined to him to take the lead to give you some relief but he refused. He kept suckling and biting the bud until it was left raw and sore, before moving on to the next one with equal eagerness. Oh don't you worry though, he'd massage them nicely after.
"Oh archons, you feel so good. Mmm...yes darling, keep bouncing. Maybe I should impregnate you, fill you up with my seed, hmm? I bet you would look so pretty with a swollen belly and tits full of milk, yes?"
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©sachiyoh— do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, reblogs are very appreciated♡
TAGS ☆ @lxverss @stygianoir
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glassartpeasants · 3 months
How to Love
Eustass Kid/Trafalgar Law x F!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, semi-slow burn?, beginnings to chapters are hard </3
A/N: yeah here we are. just wanted to set a light on what the base plan is. Also, this takes place RIGHT after the prologue ends. hopefully, it's good for a first chapter.
Your heart beats harshly against your ribs as the events of only moments ago replay in your mind like a broken record. The images of the two most significant people in your world, your boyfriend and your best friend, betraying you, makes your head spin. It almost feels unreal, like a nightmare instead of reality.
But it wasn’t a dream. It was a harsh reality, a stark contrast to the life you thought you were living.
Instead of waking up next to your boyfriend, you find yourself in a disorienting place: your ex-best friend's ex-boyfriend's car. Random items you managed to grab scattered across the passenger side and on your lap. The smell of Eustass’s cologne, a scent that used to bring comfort, now only added to your heartbreak, still plaguing your nose.
“Thank you, Law. You really didn’t have to.” Despite being almost inaudible, Law still heard you like you were screaming. The tremble in your voice notifies him of his own inability to speak without breaking down.
“It’s fine. Thank you for telling me about (.....)-ya’s infidelity.” The fact you even told him in the first place shocked him. You had known (.....) for years, and she was your best friend, while you only had a class project with him. Given that it was a whole semester-long, you were willing to throw away a friendship just like that. 
“You're a good guy, Law. You don’t deserve to be cheated on. Whether we’re friends or strangers. I would have told you regardless. No one deserves such heartbreak.” Law can see tears slipping down your cheeks out of the corner of his eyes. The fact that you're trying to stay strong after being the one to discover the affair is admirable in a sense. It could also be that you didn’t want him to see you cry. The latter sounds more plausible.
“I'm glad I didn’t delete your number. It would have been awkward if I had tried to catch you at work.” A small, sad chuckle left your lips. The tension in the car was too much, and you needed something to keep your mind distracted so you didn’t start wailing in front of Law.
“That would have been a scene I’m grateful we avoided. I like to keep my private life and work life separate.” 
“I’m the same in a sense. I don’t tell my co-workers much except to recommend shows or movies. I know you're more of a book guy, but have you seen any shows or movies recently?”
“(.....)-ya made me watch a movie the other day. It was a horror movie.”
“Oh. Was it good?”
“No, it was terrible.” You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh at Law's cold tone.
“Bad effects, or was it a storyline issue?”
“I could’ve made a better movie with a budget of two dollars.” Even though tears still fall from your eyes against your wishes, Law manages to make you laugh to ease the pain.
“Well, have you read any good books recently?”
“Haven’t had the time.” Law’s admission made your eyes furrow together. You know the medical field could be rough, but there wasn't enough time for him to read?
"The bookworm hasn't read recently? Are you sure you're the real Law?" A small smile tugs at the corner of Law’s lips as he listens to you talk, but even he can only hide the effects of heartbreak for so long.
Whether Law knew it or not, you could see tiny droplets of water gather in his eyes. Seeing him trying to hold it together made it just a bit harder to prevent yourself from breaking down. You grip the seat of his car and try to regulate your breathing. Clenching your teeth together,  you lay your head on the window and look outside. The sudden tap of water hitting the glass makes you jump. You look around and watch as more water droplets start hitting the car. 
“It’s raining. I thought it was supposed to be sunny all day?”
“I thought so, too.” The thick, tense silence rose once again, making it hard to breathe. If there had been enough room, you would have curled yourself up in a ball and cried. But you could do that when you get to...
“Where are we going?”
“My apartment. Just for now.”
“Ah, okay. Do you have any alcohol at your place?”
“Maybe some (.....)-ya left. Why?”
“So we can drink away our sadness.”
“I’m not much of a drinker.” A second silence covers the car.
“So I can drink away our sadness.”
“We’ll see when we get there.”
Your feet feel heavy as you walk into Law’s apartment. It’s been a while since you’ve been inside it. After the project was finished, you stopped coming over. Law’s busy schedule and your own just didn’t mix. Sometimes, you’d text him to check up on him and ask him how he was doing. He’d take hours or a day to respond, but you never held it against him. He always answered before it had been 48 hours, so it was okay with you.
Looking around his apartment, you see things that hadn’t been there before: some plants, many pictures on the wall, a TV, and some knickknacks you recognize that belong to (.....). The atmosphere was more welcoming than when you first visited Law’s apartment. If an apartment could feel like a hospital waiting room, then that’d be Law’s place before (.....) put her touch on it.
Placing your things near the couch, you take a deep breath as you rub your sternum to try and soothe the pain in your chest. All the pictures of Law and (.....) smiling happily nailed to the walls made your throat go dry. The images of your own apartment clouded your vision as you remembered your own photos with Eustass. Pictures of times when you did matching Halloween costumes, went to concerts together, relaxed at a beach together, or the two of you would just stay home. Every picture held a memory. 
A once cherished memory is now tainted by the image of betrayal. No amount of effort can make that image disappear. Even your happiest memories become blurry when you hear (.....) calling out Eustass's name. It ignites a fiery rage inside you, and seeing (.....)'s face everywhere makes you clench your teeth. You feel like tearing apart every picture of Law and (.....) just to remove her face from your sight. Every bone in your body screams at you to lose control. To destroy everything that reminds you of Eustass and (.....) until it is nothing but microscopic pieces.
But you weren’t home. The home you once had was now lost to time. For now, your ‘home’ depends on whether Law will allow you to stay the night for tonight.
“You can stay the night on the couch for tonight if you want. I have blankets in the closet over there.” You let out an internal breath of relief from Law, answering your question without being asked.
“Thank you, Law. Can I make you dinner or something? Just so I can repay your kindness?” You watch Law lean against the kitchen counter before crossing his arms. His eyes staring out into space.
“I haven’t gone shopping yet this week, so I don’t have much.”
“I’m sure I can craft up something.”
“If you want, then go ahead.” The sound of a ringtone brings a silence to the both of you. You check your phone and see the screen’s black.
“I think it’s yours.” Pulling out his phone from his pocket, you watch Law look at the screen. A frown crosses his face immediately, letting you know the caller. Letting out a heavy sigh, you watch him answer the phone.
“What do you want (.....)-ya?” While you couldn’t understand what she was saying, the tone of her voice was frantic. You could hear sobs coming from the other line. Hearing them pissed you off to hell and back. Didn’t (.....) have a shred of decency? How dare she plead and beg after she committed such an act?
You had to sit on the couch to calm yourself down just so you wouldn’t start screaming at (.....) through the phone. As soon as your body relaxed on the couch, a wave of soreness came over you. It feels as if you’ve been working out for hours on end and only now stopped. Even your eyelids felt heavy as you feel tears starting to form and blur your vision. Trying to breathe normally falls short as you begin to hyperventilate. Your lungs burn as you can feel your throat constricting. It feels like you're swallowing your heart just to keep yourself quiet.
“I meant what I said (.....)-ya. I’m breaking up with you, and that’s final. You can come get your things tomorrow afternoon.” Hearing Law’s voice helped soothe a part of your aching soul. Hearing something other than your own ragged breathing helped calm down the streams of tears that were flowing down your face.
“I’m done talking with you (.....)-ya. Goodbye.” The sound of Law’s calls ending made you rub your face, trying to hide the tears that plagued you seconds ago.
“Your more civil than I would have been. I probably wouldn’t have even picked up her call.” Your voice cracked as you tried to let out a small laugh.
“She was asking me for a ride. Apparently, her and Eustass got in a fight, and he threw her out in the rain.” Scoffing in disbelief, you turn your head to look at Law, hoping he wouldn’t notice your puffy eyes.
“She asked you for a ride after cheating on you? Serves her right, getting thrown in the rain. Hope she gets a cold.” You can see Law’s body tremble and how he bites his lip. His eyes get glassy as he looks at the ceiling.
“Fucking a man.” Even from across the room, you can hear Law whispering to himself. You hated seeing him like this. Watching someone you care about hurt only adds to the pain you feel.
“Hey…do you wanna watch something to get our minds off them?”
“I should go back to work. They probably need me.” You let out a hum, hearing his words. A slight feeling of rejection crosses your mind, but you're quick to shake it off. The last thing you wanted was to make him uncomfortable. And if he was the type to work away his feelings, who were you to stop him?
“Well, drive safe. It sounds like the rain is hitting harder.” The sound of rain beating against the windows of Law’s apartment was finally acknowledged. Its beat almost matched Law’s own heartbeat as he thought about the phone call only minutes ago.
Hearing (.....)’s voice felt like nails on a chalkboard as she tried to explain what happened. The voice that once calmed his aching heart was now the reason it hurt. It was astonishing how fast his whole world flipped upside down. Earlier today, he couldn’t wait to come home and see (.....) and have her talk to him about her day. But now, instead of (.....) smiling at him, you were sitting on his couch with puffy eyes.
The way he could hear the tremble in your voice and how the light shined against the path of tears left on your face made his own wave of emotions try to surface. Even if he could tell you were trying hard to hold them back, he could see tears collect against your eyelashes. The sight had tears accumulating in his own eyes, making him look up at the ceiling to try and stop them. He didn’t need to show how bad (.....)’s betrayal has affected him. At least not in front of you.
Sure, you guys were going through the same thing together, but it wouldn’t help him or you if he let his own emotions out. It’d just be easier to shove them down, ignore them, and work until the pain left. He’s done it before, so he can do it again. 
“Um, Law?” Looking back down, he sees you standing in front of him. You refuse to meet his eyes as you fiddle with the bottom of your shirt.
“Can I hug you?” Law felt his heart skip a beat hearing your request. A part of him told himself no that he’d break down the moment you wrapped your arms around him. Yet, the voice of someone he used to know told him something different.
“Okay.” As soon as the words left his lips, he felt your body smushed up against his. Your arms held him in a tight embrace as the sound of your hushed sniffles made Law finally cave. Wrapping his own arms around you, a sense of comfort filled him. The feeling of being cared for once again was nice yet terrifying. As soon as the feeling would come, it’d leave just as fast.
But for now, he’ll indulge in your hold.
The blanket that wrapped around you did little to replicate Law’s hug. Sure, you were warm, but it wasn’t the same. It reminded you of how alone you were. You had no family in this city, and your only friends were (.....) and Law, but you wouldn’t count him as an option due to the current predicament. It felt like you were running in circles with every idea that popped into your head. Always leading to a dead end and making you start all over again.
You couldn’t go back home. It’d take you around three to four hours to drive there! Plus, you didn’t leave on a good note with your parents when you left for college. And if their last words to you were anything to go by, they didn’t want you back. You shake your head at the thought of your parents.
“No. No need to drag myself down even more thinking about them.” Slithering your hand out of your blanket cocoon, you grab your phone that was on your right. The black screen stared at you as it showed your reflection. Eyes red from tears earlier and a cut lip from biting on it so hard earlier.
A ding echoes across the empty apartment as the phone's black screen soon turns on. The quick flash makes your eyes burn before squinting to try and get used to the brightness. Once adjusted, you see a message from Law hiding in your notification bar.
-“I need a favor from you.”
-“Sure, what ya need?”
-“(.....)-ya is supposed to be getting her things this morning. I want you to make sure she takes everything and leaves her key in the dish by the door.”
A frown skims across your face as the thought of seeing (.....)’s face makes your stomach churn. It’s only been a day, and you're already forced to see her face? At the same time, Law did allow you to stay the night last night. So, despite your distaste for seeing (.....), you agreed.
-“Will do. Can count on me :)”
-“How’s working going so far?”
-“That's good”
The urge to ask him what his plans were with you after you did him this favor ate at your conscience as soon as you sent that last text. Law was really the only one whose place you felt safe enough to sleep at. And he’s the only person you have in the entire city. You didn’t have a license since a lot of things were always within walking distance, so you never had a reason to. 
But now, you were on the complete other side of the city. What used to be a five-minute walk to your job now would take at least thirty minutes. You had no idea where anything was on this side of the city. Sure, you and Law would go grab an energy drink from the gas station when the two of you worked the night away on that old project, but that was two years ago. Who knows? Maybe that gas station doesn’t even exist anymore!
“Do you go here a lot?”
“To buy an energy drink and coffee every now and then.” The sound of small pebbles crunching under your and Law’s shoes goes unnoticed as you walk next to him.
“Okay, so every day then?” A laugh escapes your lips as Law rolls his eyes, yet a small smile plays against his lips.
“This gas station is the only place that sells my favorite one.”
“Which is?”
“Can’t tell you. What if you take it?” A smirk appears on his lips as he puts his hands in his pockets. Scoffing, you place your hand on your chest in fake offense.
“I can’t believe you’d think so lowly of me. Stealing your beloved drink? Only a monster could be so heartless!” Hearing Law let out a chuckle from your words made a heavy feeling of confidence run through your veins. He was always relatively quiet when in class, so it was nice to see him show emotion other than ‘bored.’
“How much farther? I’m dying to know the favorite drink of the future best doctor in the world.” A faint pink tints Law’s skin as he tries to look away from you, hoping you don’t see what your comment did to him.
“You really think so?” Despite trying to copy your playful tone, you can hear his self-doubt and hopefulness that your words were true.
“I know so! No one works harder than you! If anyone says otherwise, tell me and I’ll kick their ass.” Law could feel his palms grow sweaty, and his heart beat a little faster. 
Sure, he’s gotten praise from his teacher, but hearing it come from someone he had just met and barely knew felt a little more sincere? Why, he didn’t know, but he won’t complain.
“Will do.”
The sound of light knowing pulls you from your memories. Looking up at the clock, you see it’s nearly three pm. You sigh as you shed the multiple layers of blankets you were snuggled in. The rage and anger from yesterday are still strong in your system, making you clench your fists. You walk towards the door when you hear your fingers popping from the sheer force. Unlocking it, you take a deep breath before fully opening it.
In front of you stood a very unkempt (.....). Her hair was in a messy ponytail, accompanied by red eyes and a red face. Makeup from the night before was still applied to her skin as mascara streaked down her face. Your eyes even caught the barely covered hickeys and bite marks that shined through her concealer.
“(Y-Y/N)?...Why are you…Where’s Law?” Her pitiful voice made you squeeze the doorknob tighter to try and calm yourself.
“He’s at work. Not that it’s any of your business, but he was kind enough to let me spend the night.” Your eyes narrowed at her as you couldn’t help but glare daggers at the marks on her neck. Noticing your stare, (.....) moved her shoulder to cover her neck.
“I see…” You move to let her in and shut the door behind her. She lets out a shaky breath before beginning to take down the multiple pictures hanging along the wall. The sound of sniffles hits your ears as you watch her grab the frames with shaky hands. Listening to her hold back tears made you struggle to hold your own.
How could she have done this? Years of friendship only to throw it away for some dick? Did you mean so little to her? You’ve been with her for everything! Breakups, grandparents passing, getting in trouble together, anything and everything you’ve done for her! If she needed a kidney transplant, you would’ve volunteered right away!
Now, seeing how a friendship can easily be thrown away like trash after years made bitterness fill your heart. If your best friend and boyfriend could betray you without so much of a second thought, what does that say about the strangers all around you?
What does that say about you? Did you do something to deserve this? Was (.....) mad at you and thought fucking your lover would get back at you? There had to be a reason. To be an explanation for the horror you saw yesterday. Maybe after a drink or two after (.....) leaves will calm you down.
“You got everything?”
“Yeah.” Just as she was about to walk out the door, you remembered that she still hadn't given you the key.
“I need the apartment key.” Putting your hand out, you move your eyes to your hand and back at her.
“I-I don’t have it.” Furrowing your brows, you sigh.
“Don’t bullshit me. I’ve known you for years, and I know when you lie. Now give me the goddamn keys (.....).” You watch (.....) bite her lip before digging into her jacket pocket. The light shined off the key as she gently put it in your hands.
“Can you say goodbye to Bepo for me?” Confusion hit you like a train at her request.
“What the hell are-you know what? Fine. I’ll say bye.”
“Thanks.” Closing the door, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. After locking the door behind her, you placed her old key in the dish Law has near the door for his keys. (.....) request puzzled you as you tried to think of what she was talking about.
“What the hell is a Bepo?”
Just then, a light pitter-patter echos in the apartment. Your heart stops as the sound gets closer. There shouldn’t be anyone else in the apartment but you. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you try to move quietly towards the kitchen to grab something to defend yourself.
“Meow!” You stop in your tracks upon hearing that noise. Embarrassment floods your body as you move even closer to the noise. Upon turning the corner, you see a white cat walking in your direction. A big white cat.
“Can’t believe I got spooked by a damn cat. Didn’t even know Law had a cat…a fatass one nonetheless.” Bending down, you move your hand to let the cat smell you. A smile appears on your face when it rubs against you.
“Hmm? What’s this?” Moving the fluff from his neck, you see a collar with a tag. Squinting your eyes, you finally see the name engraved on the tag.
“Ohhh…your Bepo! Well, aren’t you a cutie-pie?” With (.....) 's request finally making sense, you fight to actually fulfill it. With a sigh, you pick up Bepo and hold him gently. 
“Let’s send your dad a selfie. I think he’ll appreciate it.” You go to the couch, pick up your phone, and find the right angle for the picture. When you find the right spot, you smile as Bepo rubs his head against your face.
“Say cheese!”
It’d been a long day at the hospital. It felt like nothing went right. Sure, he put in his all, but he had to tell people how they were diagnosed with a terminal illness or dealing with dumb co-workers. The only good thing today did for him was keep (.....) out of his head. But now that work was over, the nagging thoughts could finally bother him once more.
Sighing as he unlocked his apartment door, he was immediately hit with the smell of something cooking. Whatever it was, it smelled good, and he was happy that he didn’t have to make anything tonight. When he went to put his keys in the dish designated for them, he saw (.....)’s key lying in the middle. A wave of relief washed over him as he finished taking off his shoes and coat.
“Oh, Law, are you home?” Your voice rings in his ears as he walks further into his apartment. He spots you setting up the table while humming to yourself.
“Yeah, I’m back. Did you make something?”
“Well, you’ve been at work for sixteen hours, so obviously, you should be hungry! Not to mention that you deserved a home-cooked meal after working so hard.” Moving closer to the dinner table, he sees a plate of grilled fish along with a can of what looks to be sparkling water. The smell of his favorite food drew him closer, and he felt a sense of calm filled him. It’d be the second night in a row you made him dinner.
“Where did you get the fish? I don’t remember having any?”
“Oh, after (.....) took her stuff and left, I used GPS to find a store nearby, and there was an organic type of food store only two blocks away! So I went shopping and got things! Except for beverages, so I stopped by the gas station we used to go to and got sparkling water 'cause you don’t drink and no way you’d drink an energy boost at eight pm.” You continued talking, but it was lost on Law’s ears as he stared at the set-up table. The fact you put yourself to go grocery shopping and making him dinner made his sour mood from only moments ago lighten.
“Thank you.” As he moves to wash his hands in the sink, he sees his beloved cat following you and purring.
“I see you’ve met Bepo.” Upon speaking, the cat changed his attention to Law. Bepo begins to meow as he prances towards Law’s feet before rubbing against them. Leaning down, Law gives him a few pets before washing his hands.
“I didn’t even know you had a cat. Did you just get him?”
“No. I’ve had him for almost a year and a half. Why?” He watches you lift your eyebrows and look at Bepo before looking back at Law.
“Law. Do you see how big that cat is?” Despite just washing his hands, Law picks up Bepo and holds him in his arms.
“What about it? He’s growing.”
“That cat is obese. He needs a diet.”
“Bepo is perfect the way he is.” You couldn’t help but giggle as you watched him hold Bepo protectively and away from you.
“You can be delusional all you want, but come eat before the food gets cold.” Turning your back, you begin to dish up after washing your hands. You can hear Law rewashing his own before sitting on the opposite side of the table.
As awkward as it may be, the presence of one another brings a slight calm to your new chaotic world.
TAGLIST: @yuki190 @stachelrose @loraleiii @axcel-lucci @st4rfevrr @rexspersonalhell @nanapurinpurin @elen-alambil @starlightkitten19 @bby-deerling @queenofthekill @chaes-tea @emmaiscool22 @shuujin @augustanna @likeliterallywtf @iraaiitz @cherrybomb5000 @lavenderkaye106 @jabean @wrennyx @jamaicaa-blakee @ashortdork @kat2tired @nerdgeekandeverysweet-blog @getsue @kaptain-rebekah @reigenmagnet @rebeccawinters @keenzinemugstudent @mydearlybeloathed @firefistussy @throne-inmyside @littleleelee @thepurpleempath @yuji4lierrr @whodissbitj @slut-for-buck i hope i got everyone and if i didn't im sorry. I tried writing everyone's names
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soft-mafia · 8 months
Can we have where the S/O was sketching Captain Buggy in secret, because she has a thing for him and she didn't want him and the crew to know about it. Until she lost it until the crew took a glimpse while laughing; they figured that she had a crush on the captain. She hid in the Crow's Nest in shame until Buggy finds her, after hearing what she's been doing in secret
Crush [Buggy x Reader]
warning: fem reader, nude drawing descriptions
a/n: this is such a cute idea😭😭 also this is me coded bc I low key draw Buggy half naked sometimes
part 2
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Y/n was sitting in one of the crow’s nests on the Big Top, hunched over her sketchbook, scribbling out another fantasy she had of Buggy.
Yeah, it was weird drawing her own captain half naked with a visible happy trail but— was she hurting anybody? No, of course not, besides nobody had to see these drawings except her. Y/n was beginning to get a little flustered sketching out the muscles, defining them.
She had a little smile on her face, but it was all interrupted by Buggy calling everybody down to the deck. Y/n left her sketchbook up there without thinking and quickly climbed down.
A while later after they had to make a pit stop somewhere to stock up on food, Y/n was carrying crates of meat when she heard some other crew mates snickering and giggling. She wondered what the hell was so funny, so she glanced over— but then a look of horror washed over her face.
“What a pervert!!” One of the men said, flipping through the pages, “Do you think she joined the crew just to get a piece of Captain Buggy?” Another man laughed. “Awww she has a little crush on him.” Another one said before they all burst into laughter.
Oh my god?! Is that my sketch book?! She nearly dropped the crate, so she quickly set it down and ran back onto the ship, panicking and feeling humiliated. Oh god.. this was awful, what if they show the captain?! He’s gonna kick me out of the crew!! This is so embarrassing I’m gonna throw myself off the ship, I can’t do this!!
Y/n hid in the crows nest, curled up in a ball, crying into her knees from embarrassment.
“Hey Captain!! Take a look at this!!”
Buggy’s attention was directed over to the group of men with Y/n’s sketch book, “Huh? What is it?” Buggy grunted and snatched it out of the man’s hands. His eyes went wide and nearly popped out of his skull when he saw the sketches.
Why was he such a hunk?! Damn he wish he looked like this, is this how people saw him? If it was then this was an absolute win. “WHO DID THIS?!” Buggy shouted, “WHO’S SICK JOKE WAS THIS?!” There were so many pages!! Who even had time to do all of this?!
“That girl, Y/n. I think she has a little crush on you, captain.” One of the pirates jokingly cooed, which made Buggy’s face go even redder.
Y/n could hear Buggy screaming from where she was, it made her curl up and want to die even more, “Ugghh!! Why did I have to leave that fucking book up here?!” She cried to herself. “Y/N!!! WHAT IS THIS?!” Buggy said once he got back onto the ship. Y/n sniffled, peeking over the side of the crow’s nest as she looked down at Buggy, “I’m sorry captain! I-I didn’t mean to..” oh god how could this situation get any worse.
“DIDN’T MEAN TO?!” Buggy took another look at the drawings. Damn he was hot, “WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘DIDN’T MEAN TO’?!”
Y/n hid in the crow’s nest again, crying harder. He was going to kick her off the crew.. she knew it.
Upon her cries, Buggy sighed and decided to climb up to where she was. “Cmon-.. don’t- don’t cry.” He kneeled down and gently patted her head, he looked back at the sketchbook, still amazed with how handsome he was.. “These are really good..!” He flipped to another page which was just him.. completely naked, his eyes went wide again. That fucking penis was bigger than his, why was it was so vascular!! He cleared his throat and closed the book, handing it back to Y/n, “You really captured my likeness.” He giggled, his cheeks redder than a tomato, “Maybe you can.. draw me.. maybe a bit more buffer, taller? Just a suggestion..” he coughed again.
Y/n took her book back and sniffled, “Y-You’re not gonna kick me off the crew? You’re not mad?” She couldn’t even look up at him.
“What? Why would I do that? It’s kind of a stupid reason to kick someone off..” Buggy laughed and sat beside of her, “Of course I’m not mad. But.. am I really that hot?” He chuckled softly, making Y/n even more flustered. “Maybe I can model for you sometime eh?” He joked, but then kind of regretted it.. no way did he look as hunky as those drawings.
Y/n hid her face into her sketch book, “This is so embarrassing..” she whined, “They’re never gonna let me live this down.” She could still hear the sounds of those crew mates laughing.. it made her internally recoil.
“Yeah.. not a chance.” Buggy laughed, then patted her back, “But hey, if you ever want the real thing, you can come to me whenever you want.” He grinned, winking at her.
Her face went red again and she hid it further into her book.
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discotitsposts · 2 months
my little secret
reader x mgg
she/her pronouns used (but you can imagine whatever you want)
reader has a secret tumblr account where she writes fanfiction about her husband
mature themes.
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Matthew Gray Gubler walks around his house. Looking for his wife. She was nowhere to be found. He knocks on her office door. He knows she may not hear because sometimes she plays music loudly in her headphones so he opens the door and steps in. He sees her bopping her head to whatever song she may be playing and typing rapidly. He smiles at the sight.
Since the door to the office was behind her, she doesn’t see him creep up behind her. Perfect opportunity for a spooky scare. He’s about to scare her when he notices what she’s doing on her computer.
She’s on Tumblr. Typing up what looks to be a long story? He knows she’s an author but wow. Her fingers move extra fast over the keyboard and he senses inspiration was hitting her over and over.
Then he sees what she’s writing. A few lines stick out to him.
“He slipped his length inside of her slowly.”
“Her dripping heat.”
“She moans out, ‘Spencer’ and grips the blankets.”
She’s writing a smut story on Tumblr with a character named Spencer? Out of the ordinary. He thinks. She’s stopped typing to think for a second. Now or never. He thinks.
“Boo!” He yells and touches her shoulders. She screams so loud and frantically tries to hide what she was writing. She clicks save on the draft and closes the page.
“Whatcha writing.” He smirks knowing full well what she was doing.
“What..N..Nothing.” She stammers and stands up. “I’m gonna get a snack. Want anything.”
Matthew looks at the empty chair and sits down and opens Tumblr to see what she had written.
She screams, “NOO!! Don’t look at that.”
He laughs while going onto her blog. It’s a Spencer Reid fan account. She had revealed little details like her name and favorite music, but hadn’t notified her followers of her marriage to a certain man. She had also written fanfiction about Spencer that was, accurate, in terms of the size of a certain body part.
He clicks on a post with his name in it. It reads, Do you guys think Matthew Gray Gubler brushes his teeth in the shower?
“Hey, that was ONE time!” He says out loud.
She scoffs, “Twice, actually.”
Another one, a photo of his lap zoomed in on the crotch with the caption, “His wife must be happy.”
“She is.” He says out loud. She is absolutely mortified at his findings.
He keeps reading. Spencer, Spencer, Himself, Spencer.
“So you love Spencer more than you love me?” He jokingly pouts.
“Yeah I’m planning on leaving you for Spencer Reid. We’re running away together tonight.” She jokes back.
“I won’t let you!” He dramatically stands up and grabs her. They both hear a loud cry from upstairs.
“Someone’s hungry.” She says and leaves to the kitchen to get her baby’s bottle. Matthew goes upstairs to comfort their daughter. When his wife comes upstairs, the sight is so beautiful it should be framed.
Matthew’s in the rocking chair in the nursery holding his daughter and gently cradling her while she’s fussing. He’s whispering a poem to her. He sees his wife walk in and she hands him the bottle.
“There you go baby, see, you were just hungry sweetie.” He speaks in a voice sweeter than honey. He smiles down at her. When she falls asleep in his arms he brings her back to the crib and lays her down. Meanwhile, his wife puts on a relaxation cd that has lullabies, soft sounds and ocean waves. They exit the room quietly.
“Back to Tumblr I presume.” He smiles. “I thought you were supposed to be working on your next book.”
“I am, it’s just something on the side to keep my skills fresh.” She replies.
“Does the publishing company know about this ‘extracurricular activity’ of yours?” He takes her arm and they walk back to the office together.
“No, like I said it’s just something fun. Testing the waters.” She slips back into her chair and opens Tumblr again.
Matthew comes up right behind her and whispers in her ear. “I’m never letting you live this down.” He runs away but she grabs the water gun on her desk and chases him with it.
the end (they lived happily ever after)
just a silly little story
this man deserves a child i had to include him w a baby
@whoisspence this is one of the fics i was talking abt
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imtryingbuck · 4 months
Eighteen part two
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: Bucky comes from a well respected family, he falls in love with a girl who prefers the simple things in life. Follow their journey through the years.
Word count: 2,240
Warnings: fluff, angst, heavy use of pet names.
A/N: No description of reader other than she has curly hair.
A/N pt 2: when I saw the duck tattoo I screamed, no joke I screamed! Make sure you have a look it’s so bloody cute!
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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They spent the rest of the night and early hours of the morning apologising, promising to make up for their mistakes. All three guys crying when she told them how much they had broken her heart, the guilt still there front row and centre but she promised them that it was all forgiven.
Steve and Sam had begged for forgiveness for not being there for her but she reassured them that all was forgiven, that it was time to move on.
Even though all three of them had hurt her and they hadn’t done anything to help her when she needed at least one of them the most, she had forgiven them. She missed them more than anything, they were the other part of her fractured soul.
She didn’t want to hold any grudges against them.
For a whole month Y/n caught up with her boys, caused mayhem just as they did a few years ago.
It was as if nothing had changed.
They didn’t understand what was happening when they showed up to Howard’s and Maria’s house to take Y/n out for the day when she opened the door where they could see two suitcases by her side.
“Bun? You’re leaving again?”
“Yeah only for two months, going to travel with Nat and Wanda. Isn’t that so exciting?” She smiles.
“Yeah, yeah how come you didn’t tell us?”
“I was a bit busy catching up with you guys…”
“Is it going to be just you three?”
“No Pietro, Clint and Vis are coming too”
“Who’s Clint and Vis?”
“Clint’s Natasha’s boyfriend and Vis is Wanda’s”
“Will you be coming back?” Steve asked.
“Yeah of course, then I’ll start my new job. I can’t wait”
“What job?”
“You know Mr Stan? Well he’s given me a job as his accountant”
“I’m so proud of you Bun”
“Thanks Duck-“
“Y/n come on love we’ve got to go” Maria interrupts as she checks over the plane ticket and double checking that Y/n had enough money.
“Okay momma, give me a hug then boys”
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For the two next two months Bucky was out of his mind. He wouldn’t sit still for long periods at a time. He had gotten a taste of the happiness he had for years, went without for three years and then he got it back just for it to leave with Y/n once again.
“Buck she’ll be home in a few days”
“It’s been too long man”
“Are you going to tell her?” Sam asks.
“Tell her what?”
“That you’re madly, hopelessly in love with her?” 
“No I’m not!”
“Yeah right and I’m Captain America” Steve snorted from the kitchen.
“I’m not in love with Bunny. And plus she’s got a boyfriend and I’m seeing…shit what’s her name?”
Sam burst out laughing, nearly sliding off the chair and Steve shook his head “Lily, Bucky her names Lily”
“Yeah I’m seeing Lily”
“How’s that going Buck?” Sam says as he calms down.
“Great, it’s going great”
“Bullshit she told Sarah that when you two fucked you kept calling her Y/n.”
“No he didn’t!” Steve gasped. Between me and you he already knew.
“Yeah and it’s pretty much the same with every girl he’s slept with, he calls them Y/n’s name” okay Steve hadn’t heard that before.
“Fuck off man, it’s not been with all of them” Bucky weakly tries to defend himself, again just between me and you what he just said was a big fat lie.
“L to the I to the A right down to the R, guess what that spells Buck… liar.”
“Shut up.”
“Oh and plus you have a bunny tattoo on your chest” It was true. On Bucky’s eighteenth birthday he went to the tattoo studio to get his first ever tattoo, he saw it in the book as he flipped through it halting his movements as he saw the cute bunny. It was a lot smaller but he asked the tattooist if he could have it bigger which the guy said yeah, Bucky had him also add the small love heart.
Over the year he got a few more added to his body but his bunny that sat just over his heart was his favourite of them all.
“Don’t mean I’m in love with her”
“Yes. Yes it does.”
“No. No it doesn’t.”
“Steve help me out here man” Sam begs.
“I’m not getting involved. But Bucky your in love with Y/n/n”
Groaning Bucky stands up “fuck you both I’m going out to see Lucy”
“Yeah her, bye”
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“I’m sorry Y/n” Pietro says wiping her tears.
“No it’s okay, I understand honestly”
“I just don’t want to hurt you baby”
“I know Pieface just don’t die please and please be safe”
Laughing sadly at the nickname she had given him he nods with a promise that he’ll be safe.
“I do love you Y/n/n”
“I love you too Pietro”
Giving one final long hug they separate from one another, she watches as he walks through the doors to the airport wiping her fallen tears she smiles and waves at him as he looks back at her, giggles fall from her lips as he pulls a funny face to her.
“Won’t you be able to see him in a few months?” Wanda asks softly.
Shaking her head Y/n shrugs “h-he broke up with me”
“You what?”
“Yeah, he said he doesn’t want to hold me back and wants me to live my life whilst he’s away”
Pietro had told her a few weeks before coming back home that he signed up for the Army and had been accepted. Though he did love her he didn’t want her staying at home worrying about him, he wanted her to experience life and who knows when he got back they could rekindle their relationship, though Pietro knew it was unlikely. He knew that Y/n loved him but he also knew that she was in love with Bucky, and for him there was no way he was going to get in the way of her happiness even if that wasn’t with him and to be truthful he was okay with it.
“Y/n/n I’m sorry”
“Don’t be, it’s fine honestly. Let’s go home I’m missing my bed.”
“I still can’t believe you’re not coming to college with us” Nat says as she pulls on her seatbelt yanking it a little to hard when it gets stuck.
“I know but it’s just not for me you know”
“It’s not going to be the same” Wanda says.
“I guess but you two can’t get another me to add in to your friendship group or I’ll cry”
“Definitely not happening, if another female tries to be our friend we’ll kick them” Nat says seriously.
“Don’t kick them Jesus that’s a bit harsh, just say “no you can’t be our friend because we already have the bestest one” but please don’t kick them”
“I’m kicking them”
Saying her goodbyes as she’s dropped off at home her eyes start to sting with the amount of tears she’s cried. They all promise that they’ll meet up as soon as they can.
As she tells her parents of her adventures and shows them all the photos she had taken, she hands them their gifts.
“You didn’t have to get us anything angel” Howard says loving the pyramid paperweight she had gotten him.
“Alright I’ll take them back”
“Touch it and I’ll bite you”
Gasping she looks at her mom “momma did you just hear what he said?”
“I did sweetie but I have to agree your not taking these back” admiring the snow globe she had gotten, already knowing exactly where it was going, adding it to the collection she had been collecting since she was twenty.
“Where’s Antonio?”
“I’ve told you time and time again not to call me that, hey baby sis” hugging his sister he checks the bag for his gift.
“It’s not in there Tone, it’s outside”
“What have you gotten me?”
“A car”
“Holy shit! Really? I knew there was a reason why I kept you around”
“Yep come on” Her, Tony, Howard and Maria make their way outside.
“Whe-what the hell is this Y/n?”
“A car” she laughs along with her parents as Tony picks up a toy car off the ground. “I brought you a car”
“You’re such a little shit!” He laughs along. “Oh nice new tat”
“You got another one?” Maria asks wanting to see it.
“Yeah it’s a turtle his names Sid, isn’t he cute?”
“Sid?” Howard questions.
“Yeah, we went to a sea life centre and we got to meet Sid the turtle, so naturally I had to add him to the collection”
“Obviously” Tony rolls his eyes.
“Anyway I’m going to go to the boy’s apartment and give them their gifts see you later”
“Be careful!” Maria calls out.
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Panting as she knocks on the door she nearly collapses into Sam’s arms when he opens the door.
“Jesus Y/n, Holy shit guys Y/n’s back!”
“I can taste blood in my mouth is-is that normal?” She asks.
“Are you alright?”
“No Samuel I’m not alright I’ve just walked up a trillion stairs just to get here! Why do you have to live so far up?”
“It’s easier when the elevator works” he grins.
“Hey Y/n/n” Steve says hugging her.
“Hi Stevie”
The three of them hear hurried footsteps coming towards them and when they look they see Bucky rushing down the hallway “shit, Bunny you’re back! I nearly fell in the shower trying to rush to get out” he pants pulling her into a bone crushing hug.
“I-I-I’m sorry but…Ducky…”
“What’s up Bun?” He follows her eye line and he’s realised his mistake. In his rush he managed to pull on some shorts but no shirt.
Meaning that she can see the bunny tattoo.
And unbeknownst to either one, they don’t realise that Sam and Steve have their eyes trained on the tattoo she has on the top of her spine.
“That’s a bunny” she points of the obvious.
“Yeah, yeah it is”
“For you”
“When did you get it done?”
“On my eighteenth birthday”
���And it’s for me?” Watching as he nods “can I?” He nods again to the unspoken part of her question, his skin tingles as she reaches out and runs her fingers over the delicate lines.
“Oh Duck it’s beautiful”
“Your hiding your own little secret aren’t you Y/n” Sam smiles.
“What are they talking about Bun?”
“I-um-I got this done on my eighteenth birthday” she says turning in his hold to show him her tattoo.
“Bun, it’s us. Can I?” It’s her turn to nod at his unspoken words she gasps lightly when his cold fingers trace the lines, he’s so mesmerised by the details and polka dots that he simply couldn’t stop touching it. “Bun it’s so beautiful”
“It was my first tattoo, obviously”
“So was mine”
“I actually feel really left out” Sam admits wrapping his arms around Steve’s “Stevie they don’t love us”
“That’s not true because-“ she rolls her sleeves up to her elbows and shows them the tattoos she had gotten for them ‘♡ S.R ♡ ♡ S.W ♡’ with a love heart on the top of her forearms. Not batting an eye at the scars the two boys lean in as Bucky leans over her shoulder.
“Who’s who?” Sam grins “but Y/n you actually got our initials tattooed on you?”
“Your obviously SR idiot and yeah of course I did, these were my second tattoos”
“B-but we weren’t friends at the time” Steve says as he eyes the long jagged scars.
“Well you three were a massive parts of my life and the reason why I got the duck and bunny on my back was because Bucky was the first person to see the scars once they where heeled and he never once judged me so”
“Anyways you want your presents, I’m like Santa but less cool” she moves out of Bucky’s hold and makes her way over to her bag and started to pull out the gifts, laughing as Sam stands there with his eyes closed and hands out stretched. Steve shakes his head at the guy.
Bucky, well his eyes are trained on his Bunny.
He knew he was in love with her since he was fourteen and now he wonders if she feels the same. 
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“So how’s you and Peter doing?” Bucky asks as they wait for Steve and Sam to come back with the pizzas.
“Pietro, and he broke up with me”
“What? Why?”
“He joined the Army and he said he didn’t want me to be waiting around on him, that it wasn’t fair for him to do that to me so yeah”
“Bun I’m sorry”
“It’s okay, I actually understand why he did it you know? And there’s no hard feelings about it.”
When the boys got back laughter filled the apartment as the boys filled her in on what they had been up to during them two months she wasn’t with them and her telling them about her adventures.
It was way past midnight when Sam stretched and looked over at Y/n and Bucky curled up on the couch fast asleep.
“Steve, how long you think she’s been in love with him?” He whispered so he wouldn’t wake the pair up.
“I think just as long as he’s been with her”
And Steve was right.
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essenceofelegance · 3 months
new year’s day
Luke Castellan x aphrodite!reader
warnings: angst </3
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There's glitter on the floor after the party,
He’s giving her that smile.
The one reserved for you.
The one you adored so, so much.
Girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby
Luke took her hand in his larger one, leading her back to her cabin.
He laughed at something she said.
You directly your attention back to cleaning up the Aphrodite cabin after a party, alone.
Luke used to do it with you.
Candle wax and Polaroids on the hardwood floor You and me from the night before, but
While you were cleaning you own bed, you found a polaroid picture of you and Luke from a year ago, probably.
You were wearing a pink, feathered cowboy hat, you were leaning into the camera, a bright smile on your face.
Luke’s hands were on your waist, he had a pink fur boa around him to match your hat.
You would give anything to have him hold you just one more time.
Don't read the last page But I stay when you're lost, and I'm scared, and you're turning away
Of course he would like an Athena girl.
They’re smart, they can fight, and they’re pretty.
Sure, she doesn’t have that radiant glow around her like you did, but she was still pretty.
She had h/c hair, like you did.
She also had e/c eyes.
But her’s… looked so much better than yours. It glowed.
She looked better, she could fight better, she was actually smart.
Your siblings reassured you, insisting that you were a daughter of Aphrodite, there was no way she was prettier than you.
But that wasn’t the way you saw it.
And in your eyes, that wasn’t the way Luke saw it either.
I want your midnights But I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day
You were teaching your usual archery lessons, when you spot Luke and his new girlfriend in a sparring match.
He looks happy.
Only, a different kind of happy.
Sure, you were good with a dagger, but not sword fighting. You were never good at sword fighting, you were only good at archery.
Maybe Luke wanted something who appreciated the things he liked to do.
You squeeze my hand three times in the back of the taxi I can tell that it's gonna be a long road
"It's not you, it never was, its just that I feel like we don’t get each other anymore." Luke said.
"Yeah, I get it." you looked down to hide your unshed tears.
"Thanks for... everything," you gave him a forced smile.
“You were great. You were a great experience,” Luke said, as if to comfort you.
‘You were everything!’ you wanted to scream at him.
But you just smiled and walked away.
I'll be there if you're the toast of the town, babe Or if you strike out and you're crawling home
You watched as Luke celebrated his capture the flag victory with his new girlfriend.
You weren’t jealous,
you just felt replaced.
How could he replace you so easily when you felt like your heart would be empty for years?
Did you really mean that little to him?
You couldn’t bear watching them anymore.
Don't read the last page But I stay when it's hard, or it's wrong, or we're making mistakes
A total of 17 guys sent you flowers.
If you were a logical person, you would have at least hooked up with them, but little old you decided that you should wait for Luke.
So, you rejected every single guy that came up to you.
All your siblings are just straight up worried about you now, they knew how important Luke was to you, but not to this degree.
You still cry yourself to sleep every night,
they find you in the middle of the night going through a photo book of you and Luke.
I want your midnights But I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day
Hold on to the memories They will hold on to you
You still wear the matching bracelet he gave you for your second anniversary.
He’s wearing a new one with his girlfriend.
You see them connecting their magnetic heart charm on their bracelet at campfires, while you’re here playing with yours that no longer had a match.
Hold on to the memories They will hold on to you
You still have his favourite hoodie under your bed.
You still have his favourite shirt under your bed.
You still have one of his camp t-shirts on your bed.
He caught you wearing his hoodie on you way to the bathroom in the middle of the night when you bumped into him.
He never questioned you or asked for it back.
Hold on to the memories They will hold on to you
You still have everything he gave you.
And I will hold on to you.
Everything reminds you of him.
That one bench where the two of you used to hang out on everyday,
ever your own bed, where he used to sneak in to talk to you at night.
Please don't ever become a stranger Whose laugh I could recognise anywhere
You hate it when she makes him laugh.
You hate it when you hear that damn laugh.
You hate it because it didn’t happen because of you.
Please don't ever become a stranger Whose laugh I could recognise anywhere
You hate him because he’s not yours.
There's glitter on the floor after the party Girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby
It’s been a couple of months.
You still wear his hoodie to sleep.
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liked this? or want something better? City of Stars is much more heartbreaking </3
author: yay
Copyright © 2024 Emory Belrose. All rights reserved. 
Please do not re-upload my work on any platforms without permission.
Any reblogs, comments, likes, shares, and follows are appreciated.
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radiant-reid · 1 year
Omg wait these blurbs got me feral for dad Spencer!!! I need one with Spencer and the first time his toddler throws a tantrum or misbehaves
Spencer always insists on doing naptime and bedtime when he's home. It's his chance to read to Matilda, which she loves since she can hold the book because he knows all the words.
Today is no different, except for the fact she's very overtired after spending the day walking around the museum.
Since she was born, you've always been alert to her crying, like the natural instinct, so when you hear her screaming her lungs out, you jump off the couch and rush to her room.
She's standing by the bookshelf, half a dozen books thrown on the floor while she has red cheeks and heavy tears flowing out of her eyes. She's crying inconsolably like something's dramatically wrong in her 2-year-old world.
Spencer holds his hands up in confusion when you enter, clearly also having no clue what was going on.
He squats down next to her. "Sweet girl, what's going on?"
"I can't-" She sobs, hyperventilating. You'd rush in to help, but he's got it handled.
He takes the book out of her hand, placing it gently onto the bookshelf. The books laying on the floor so carelessly are probably killing him, but Matilda's the only thing that's important. "What's wrong? You can tell me. I'll fix it."
"Daddy!" She cries, crossing her arms over her chest. "I can't read!"99
"That's okay." He assures her, brushing her hair out of the way and trying to get her to calm down. You struggling to fight off a laugh, of course, it's upsetting to see her crying, but crying over not being able to read? It's mildly amusing. "I can teach you." He offers.
Her eyes widen. "Really?"
"Yeah. Lay in bed, and I'll tell you the words to the book." In other words, he'll read it to her. "Pinky promise." He assures her, holding out his pinky finger.
She locks her much smaller one with his, smiling and completely forgetting about the meltdown she just had. "Please."
Spencer opens his arms, waiting for her to put her arms around his neck before easily picking her up and setting her back down in bed. He opens up the book, pointing to the first word and clearing his throat before he starts reading.
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adonisbeloveds · 11 months
Hmm, how about a genshin story with a child god of Teyvat? I honestly can't think of any character(s) who should be in there, so I think I'll let you decide. I really like your writing, so I can't be disappointed. 👁👁
Genshin Characters with a child god of Teyvat
-Reader: They/them + no gender implied -They/them for Traveler -He/him for Dottore -They/it for Albedo -He/it/they for Baizhu
Requested: No/Yes
Warnings: None Disclamer: Characters personality, looks, ect may be different from canon due to either hc or author has just forgotten.
A/N: I am so happy that you like my writing! This one is also a pretty long one but I hope you like it! I picked some of my fav characters for this and had a lot of fun writing for them :D
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^ Made by me
-⚔️ The Traveler and Paimon were just wandering around sumeru when they got called to meet up with Nahida. When they both made it to nahida they saw her talking to a child who looked like they were half listening and half paying attention to they toys they were playing with. -⚔️ After Paimon made their presents known Nahida walked towards them and started explaining why they were here, she explained that the god of teyvat was here and asked if they could protect and care for them after explaining that the child was the god of teyvat and being such a young child they are defensless and even though she is sure no one would hurt them people cough the fatui cough might try to take them. -⚔️ The Traveler agreed straight away and went to talk to you, after some talking with each other the Traveler picked you up as you three said goodbye to Nahida and made your way to the place the Traveler and Paimon were staying for the meantime. -⚔️ Paimon loved playing with you and your toys, you were just so cute and calming to be around, you two also ate lots of food together. You guys were almost like siblings and the Traveler was like your parent!
"Okay you two, we will be going to the market to get some things okay? go get your shoes on little light and wait near the door okay?" you nodded and ran to go put your shoes on. After a little while of you rocking back and forth the Traveler and Paimon came to the door and you three went off. The traveler was looking at different stalls when they heard the sound of you screaming, they looked over to see a fatui agent trying to drag you away from the market, as soon as they were about to run over the whole ground shook and Paimon held onto the Traveler, they looked over to see you were sitting down and crying with the fatui agent no were to bee seen, not even thinking twice the Traveler ran over and scooped you up in their arms and started comforting you. After they were finished and your crying turned into small sniffles they laughed softly "thats a new one huh? thats the perks of being the god of teyvat I guess"
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^ Made by me
-🧪 When all the fatui got called by the Tsaritsa they weren't expecting to be told that the god of teyvat was found and one of them are going to take care of them. -🧪 Thats when Dottore found out that he was going to take care of the god, the god thats a child at that and I mean even he was confused that they were trusting him with a child but yet again he would never think of hurting you. -🧪 He picked you up after bowing to the Tsaritsa and left to his office, contacting pantalone to get you some toys, coloring books and everything else you wanted. -🧪 He never did experiments while you were in the room and always called Pantalone to take you out whenever he was going to do experiments.
"Dot! Dot! look what I drew! its us and Mr Pantalone!" you squealed as you ran into his office and showing him your drawing, he smiled and patted you on the head as you giggled softly "that looks amazing my little god, have you shown Mr Pantalone?" he asked pausing his report on his new experiment and turning his attention to you, you shook your head "well you should go show him huh?" you gasped and quickly nodded running out of his office and making your way to pantalones office. It has been a few hours scence you came and showed Dottore your drawing and he was just thinking you were deciding to spend time with Pantalone when he heard screaming that sounded like your voice, quickly he stood up from his desk and was about to run to the door when it slammed open to show 2 new fatui agents holding you. Dottore marched over with a dark auror around him and commanded them to drop you, after they did you quickly got up and ran to him hugging his leg and crying into his pants, he picked you up and softly comforted you while usally he wouldn't show this side infront of fatui agents these ones wouldn't last long enough to step out of the room. After you calmed down and fell asleep in his arms he called Pantalone and he took you from Dottore, meanwhile the two new agents knew that they messed up big time and that this would be the last time they ever got to live. No one hurts you and gets away with it while your in Dottores care.
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^ Made by me
-🎨 Albedo was looking at different papers when Klee ran into the house dragging another kid with her, she started rambling but they were able to make out the important parts such as you being the god of teyvat and that Amber found you when she was out and brought you too the favonius knights and that Klee took you. -🎨 Albedo smiled softly and crouched down infront of you and asked if you were okay staying with it and Klee, you nodded and hugged him. -🎨 Albedo soon informed the knights that they would be taking care of you and that you will be staying at their house. While it was telling the knights that Klee decided to show you her bombs! -🎨 You mostly stayed inside the house helping Albedo with paper work and cooking, when your not in the house your running around with Klee and blowing fish up and covering Klee up so she doesn't get introuble!
Albedo tried not to laugh and only let out small snickers at seeing you on your tippy toes trying to see over the tall desk to see what it was drawing, after enough of your suffering you pouted and turned around looking up at Albedo with puppy eyes and grabby hands, shaking his head while smiling he picked you up and placed you on his lap and you looked with sparkles in your eyes at the drawing they did. They got you some paper and crayons and you started your own art with your tongue slightly poked out showing your concentration. A couple hours later you you were finished and lifted it up to show albedo "look! look!" you squealed while showing your finished drawing of it, Klee and you as a family! Albedo smiled softly and picked you up making its way to the kitchen "that's amazing my little artist! why don't you hang it on the fridge and grab some stuff for dinner?" you nodded and slid out of their grip, running over to the fridge and hanging the drawing up. After Klee got home you all cooked dinner together like the small found family you were!
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^ Made by me
-🐍 It was like what happened with Klee and Albedo, Baizhu was looking around for his medicine when he heard Qiqi's voice calling out for them, when he turned around to greet Qiqi it saw that she had another child that looked like the god of teyvat. -🐍 After Changsheng confirmed that you were the god it took it upon themself to look after you and Qiqi, Changsheng didn't want another child running around but she could let it pass just for you. -🐍 You helped Baizhu out by getting different ingredients for medicine, putting cold towels on paitents heads, keeping Hu toa away from Qiqi whenever she tried to steal Qiqi, you were just a helpful little assistant! -🐍 Qiqi also loved having a sibling around to keep her company and to keep the Hu toa lady away from her, she once intruduced you to coco goat milk and you loved it!
"Itss been quiet for a while hassn't it Baizhu?" Changsheng said while watching Baizhu write down a letter to a paitents family telling them that the paitent was okay and healthy "mm, it has been quiet hasn't it? I'll go check on the kids" they got up and left the room, slowly shutting the door behind him so it doesn't wake the person up and making his way to the place they sent you and Qiqi to collect some glaze lilies. When Baizhu made it they didn't see you two at first glance but after looking around it saw you and Qiqi making little flower crowns out of the glaze lilies, smiling they made their way towards you too and sat down "what happened to collecting glaze lilies you two?" he asked with a smirk on its face, you just smiled and started giggling "but we made flower crowns for you and Changsheng!" you got up and plopped a flower crown on his head and a smaller one on Changshengs head. You squealed and started laughing when Baizhu grabbed you and started tickling your sides "this is payback for making me worried little assistant!" you couldn't stop laughing as you fell into Baizhus lap, Qiqi running over and plopping into their lap too.
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Episode 1: ♤AGGRESSIVE♤
{WHERE a young teen screams out her aggression with heavy death metal for a boy she barely knows.}
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[Warnings: Yandere Aqua, will add more Warnings later.]
《AGGRESSIVE: Pursuing one's aims and interests forcefully, sometimes unduly so.》
Aquamarine Hoshino was a strange type of person...
He was a liar, a scoundrel at best.
Yet he was a young man. With simple and unhinged desires.
Meeting you didn't change that.
What attracted him to you like a bear to honey? Was it your sweet smile and compliance? Or your features that made him feel like he was gonna melt into a puddle?
"Uh-umm, you okay?" Your voice captures his attention as you gave him an awkward smile.
"Yes." The blonde replied smoothly as he watched you nod unsurely.
"You were talking about how you felt bad for not getting in the assignment for one of your classes, right?"
You look at him blankly... Then, eruptly bang your head against your desk. Comically, whining as your female friend, laughs at you robotically.
"It's not funny!!" You cry fruitlessly.
Aqua studied you like a new breed of animal.
You weren't much of an attention bringer, yet so ordinary to the eye, while also being so secretive and polite.
People wanted to be close to you, good or bad.
He was one of those people.
Aqua believed it was possible that you held that 'star-power' that he, Ruby, and his mother had.
And you did.
But instead of showcasing it to the world with pride. You kept to yourself, going as far as tl screaming your lungs out a simple karaoke room across town.
Aqua.. Wanted to see you shine like Ai. But the selfish part of him relished the simplicity of your relationship with him.
Of course, it was held together by thinly veiled lies. But not so detrimental to his plans.
Deceiving had become easy, was this how Ai felt when she showed her "love"?
Aqua would never know. Yet he yearned to, one day.
"Hey, (Y/N)? Wanna join us for drinks at a new cafe we found?"
Aqua narrows his eyes slightly at your male friend. His blushing and humble appearance ticks the blonde off.
"Maybe it'll help you keep your mind off it?"
You groan miserably at your friend.
Aqua, used to this, expected you to decline. Yet raised your head and sighed.
Don't tell him you were considering-!
"Maybe another time.. You guys should go.. Lunch is almost over.." You mumble distracted and off into your own world.
"See you guys.."
You don't bother to get up as you shove your face back on the desk.
Your male friend eyes you worriedly as he says goodbye while your female friend taps something on her phone. Before glancing at you and Aqua.
"You'll get over it," she said simply, "you always do.." She sighed agitatedly before leaving the classroom too.
"She could of been a little nicer.." You grumble before leaning your back against the chair, a calm sigh leaving your lips as you pull out your school book.
You look away from your task, giving your sorta, new, school friend, attention.
"Yeah? What's up?"
"If you need help studying, maybe you should-"
"Please don't give me advice," you said sweetly.
Ah.. He could tell your rage was rising.
"Sorry," he mutters, looking away.
Noticing his aloofness, you quickly scramble up an apology for him.
"Wait! I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean it!"
You try to back-track your words.
"It's just.. I'm suprised, you didn't really give advice.. So.."
"You think I'm not wise?" Aqua acted offended as you squeak and raise your hands, hoping for mercy.
"You know.. You can just ask the teacher for easier work." Aqua said in a monotone voice, hiding his smile as he sees your composure slightly crack.
"HAH... FUNNY JOKE." You grit out, your lips pulled together into a gummy smile.
Alright, Aqua knew when to quit, and he rather be kept in your good graces... For the mean time.
"I wanted to ask you something.." Aqua said seriously, his bright blue eyes giving off a small gleam.
You look at him expectedly and curious, capturing your full attention once more.
You huff, exasperated at the end of the day. Your normal shoes padding down the pavement calmly as you stride with a purpose.
Finding yourself in front of a familiar Kareoke Club, the clerk nods to you.
"Party of one?"
Typing in the numbers to the kareoke machine, you take a single breath.
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{Hi! So.. This will be a slight mini project for me, and I would love for some feedback and such! Comments and art are always appreciated! Thank you!]
(Ps: The Ai Hoshino series is on my Qoutev.}
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thereticx · 1 year
៚𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗍 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍𝗌 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗂𝗍 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍𝗌
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inspired by this song
pairing: Eren Jaeger x Reader
summary: Eren Jaeger shows his face again after a whole year away, recovering from the mess that was yours' breakup. Summer was already here and with it there's no escaping one another.
warnings: break up, ex's to lovers, cheating rumors, sexual themes, slight body talk
author's note: first attempt to write something that includes a song so I hope this isn't terrible (also the first one shot with smut after some time)
✎"Darling, you need to eat something. Please" Carla's voice rang through the massive room where she and her son stood for almost an hour trying to enjoy some good food. She hated seeing him like this, empty and absent.
Eren played with the fork while slowly raising his eyes to face his mother. He tried to mimic a smile as best as he could, maybe just maybe, she'll let it go "I'm not that hungry I ate before I got here"
The long ride to his mother's house gave him enough time to put himself together, to put up a front, convincing enough in order to not raise suspicions. But he forgot that it's his mother. Carla could read him like an open book, she was able to break through his facade and see him.
"Sweetheart, did you break up? Or is it something else? You know you can—"
"Yeah, we did" The boy felt how tears were about to fall from his eyes. God, he hated crying. It made him weak and hopeless. A single question was enough to take him back to that day where all went downhill.
「Hand over heart, I'm praying
That I'm gonna make it out alive 」
"Three years, Eren! Three damn years!" Your mouth tasted the salty tears that slipped over your chapped lips, then it hit you "Why?"
Eren stood in front of you, his eyes scanning your form. Your beautiful face was coated with tears and your eyes were tinted red from all the emotions flowing through them. Those eyes he got lost in every night held so much pain, so much betrayal, for him.
"Baby…please.. I can explain, just—" His trembling hands reached out for you, taking your face in them, his thumb brushing away a droplet of water. Eren's touch was so comforting yet so strange in that moment. You didn't know what to do, how to react. Part of you wanted to slap him so hard he would feel the sting for days, but another part wanted to give up. It was quite tempting to fall into his arms, to let him taste your lips and whisper what you so desperately wanted to hear.
「You got me scattered in pieces
Shining like stars and screaming」
No it's not right. You couldn't offer him your forgiveness not this time. With a shaky breath you managed to break everything you two have built. Every happy moment where you were laughing together, kissing, undressing everything crumbled. To say it hurt like hell was an understatement. It felt horrible. Eren felt his heart hurt, his chest moving up and down so fast he couldn't breathe properly "Please don't….please"
「This is a modern fairy tale
No happy endings」
That day haunted you for weeks on end. You grew to miss him so—so much that nothing had meaning in your life without him.
Eren was the air you breathed, he was the sun that warmed you up whenever you had a messed up day, when you wanted to smash everything in your sight and just hysterically cry.
He would warm you up with his little smirk that showcased perfect teeth, coming to embrace you and kiss your eyelids, your hair and finally your lips. There, he spent a good amount of time, swallowing every regret you had for the day and every bad thought. His lips were so gentle and sweet you couldn't resist. His fingers playing with the hem of your shorts while saying "Let me love you, baby"
And who were you to deny him?
「The bed's getting cold and you're not here
The future that we hold is so unclear
But I'm not alive until you call
And I'll bet the odds against it all」
The body that laid beside you was unknown, strange. Your soul refused to acknowledge it. The burning feeling you once got from Eren touching you, now it was locked up. There's no such thing as pleasure anymore. Only the gods now, you tried to love him. Your new boyfriend. You really did try.
If only he knew what was going on through your head a few hours ago when you had sex. If only he knew the boy who stole your mind and heart was far—far away and still you felt him so close.
His old shirts were kept in your closet, his ring that he had given you on your first year anniversary was kept beside you on your nightstand.
「There's a million reasons why I should give you up
But the heart wants what it wants」
Nights were the worst. In those moments you felt like the most. Your body tingles when you wear his clothes and when you click on the album you're faced with thousands of memories. All of them printed on your mind that when you close your eyes you're able to see him.
「You got me sippin' on something
I can't compare to nothing」
"Eren…this is my boyfriend" A knife ripped his skin and struck his heart. Was this really happening? He shook his hand trying to be as polite as possible but deep down he wanted to break your boyfriend's head and steal you away from him.
Eren was dressed handsomely but adapted to the hot weather. He had his key necklace hidden under his shirt and a smaller one sitting right at the base of his neck. His arms were decorated with bracelets all of them from the time you went to parties together but what really caught your attention was the ring he wore. The one you bought him when he turned nineteen.
He always wore it, even at the gym. Despite the fact that it left nasty marks on his finger, he didn't dare take it off.
When you trailer your eyes up his form you caught his eyes. You could see the pain and regret was still there, but he restrained himself from making a move. His body just couldn't move. You saw the innerbattle he endured seeing you with another man. It was hard for you too, because if he was to take your hand in his right then and there you'll give in and abandon your morals.
Please do it.
He didn't.
「But then you disappear and make me wait
And every second's like torture」
This was a terrible idea. You shouldn't be here with him. Not alone. It's not like you didn't trust him, you didn't trust yourself.
"So, about that thing. I didn't cheat on you. Historia just got into a fight with Ymir and I hugged her. That's all" Eren felt like it was too late to explain everything. But he had hope that you'll take him back.
「Save your advice 'cause I won't hear
You might be right, but I don't care
There's a million reasons why I should give you up
But the heart wants what it wants
The heart wants what it wants」
You smashed your cold lips against his, licking his lower lip to ask for entrance. His hands cupped your face keeping you so close your breaths became one. The taste of him was so addicting you desperately wanted to rip his clothes off.
"What about him?" He whispered, opening his eyes to scan your reaction. You smiled "The only one I care about right now is you. So, shut up and kiss me"
(the two of you broke up before this)
His arms lifted you by the hips and wrapped your legs around his waist. You felt him smirk against your neck, pressing wet hungry kisses. You tilted your head to the side allowing Eren to mark your neck. Your fingers were in his hair taking out his hair tie and letting the long strands of hair to rest on his shoulders "Eren..please"
"I know baby, I know" With one kiss pressed on your lips he laid you down on his bed sheets, admiring your body. You were curvier than he remembered, more beautiful if that was even possible.
Eren removed his shirt, his torso and abs on full display. He let your finger travel on his pecks while he rested his forehead on yours "I fucking missed you" Your touch raised goosebumps on his whole body and his pants were tighter with every second.
You sat up discarding your clothes along with your bra and underwear. You kept your thighs together to stop the slick from slipping further down your legs.
Eren watched you with hungry eyes when he noticed something. Your arms were around your middle, to hide something. He leaned in, taking your lips in his, meeting your tongue. You couldn't escape him. His overwhelming presence made you remove your arms from around you and pull him in, working your way to get him out of his pants.
Eren gripped his dick in his hand aligning with your entrance. His slit moved briefly up and down teasing you "Eren please.." You raised your hips to get some kind of friction.
The boy gripped your hips and stopped your movements "Tell me if it hurts" He pushed his tip inside, making you gripp the bedsheets. It's been a long time since he had been inside you and your now ex boyfriend wasn't even near as big as Eren.
He pushed forward making you close your eyes to stop the tears from building up "Relax baby I'm almost halfway"
"Eren it hurts—" Upon hearing you, he moved no more. His hands grabbed yours and squeezed them "Shh…you're doing so good love..so good" You opened your eyes seeing him look at you with so much love and admiration. He was painfully hard but still he took it slow for you.
His thumb drew circles on your hand while he whispered "Do you remember the first time we did it? You took me so good. Fuck, this pussy is perfect baby. You're perfect"
While he talked you were so focused that you didn't pay attention to the pain anymore "Can I move?"
You slowly nodded your head and felt Eren's thrusts. His movements were slow but deep. Your walls hugged him so good he felt like cumming right then.
"Oh fuck—" He picked up the pace, making you see stars. His dick went deeper with every movement reaching your g spot.
You arched your back feeling your orgasm build up "Eren I'm about to cum" He let go of your arms letting you wrap them around his neck. You rested your face in the crook of his neck, panting.
Eren felt your pussy clench around him as your orgasm hit you "That's it baby. Let it go" He put his hand on the back of your head, stroking your hair while he kissed your hair line.
When he pulled out of you, your juices where running down your inner thighs "No..you didn't get to cum"
He laughed sweetly pecking your lips "Don't worry about me—"
But you didn't listen. You pushed him on the bed, your lips kissing him lower and lower, reaching his still hard dick.
You looked up at him and god, he was about break. His hair stuck to his handsome face, his cheeks reddening. He was embarrassed.
You started kissing his dick from the base until you reached his tip. Your tongue came in contact with the precum and didn't hesitate to take him in all the way.
"Fuck—fuck" You felt his fingers grip your hair while he held you there for a second. He didn't apply pressure letting you do whatever.
You moved your head up and down, your tongue flat against his dick. He wasn't able to contain himself and thrusted up in your mouth "Don't stop fuck—"
You didn't dare to. Your hand squeezed his balls while you went faster. His moans were getting louder which indicated that he was close. Eren wasn't the one to shy away when having sex. He was as loud as he wanted.
His dick hit the back of your throat, releasing his load.
He watched you swallow his cum. You crawled on top of him kissing him. He trapped you with his arms, his lips biting your earlobe "I love you, Y/N"
You didn't reply with words but rather you kissed his jaw resting your head on his chest.
I love you
He knew that. You didn't have to speak.
For him it was enough that you were there.
That night the two of you made a promise. Through breathless moments you admitted to yourselves that…..
「The heart wants what it wants, baby
It wants what it wants, baby」
Your hearts want one another.
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fairyhaos · 1 year
how seventeen react to you planning their birthday surprise
requested by @minhui896: "hi!! if you don't feel comfortable writing this or anything that is perfectly fine! i think ive been obsessed with birthday fics they just make me happy :) so i was wondering if you could do a ot13 svt reacts to you planning their birthday! if ot13 is too much you can just do your favorite members as well!"
notes: this is one that i really enjoyed doing, haha <3
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when he's surprised at the surprise birthday party that you plan for him, that's his genuine shock. had absolutely no idea that you were doing all of this in secret. trusted you completely when you said you had unfortunately had no time to plan a big event n so you were just going to take him on a small date instead </3 started crying a little when you guys came back to the house after the date to realise his birthday celebrations had only just begun
this man sees everything. well, almost everything. he knows you're planning something for him, thinks it's going to be one of those surprises where everyone jumps out at him. practices acting shocked for it, but then is genuinely surprised when the celebration turns out to be just you and him, having a fancy, quiet meal on the rooftop by yourselves of some expensive restaurant. it warms his heart at the sincerity and intimacy of what you've planned for him
you probably told joshua everything about the event you were planning for his birthday. he most likely ended up planning half of it with you tbh, but he doesn't mind bc it makes him feel so loved to see you so excited for his special day. allows you to drag him around the fairground to keep to the schedule you've planned, and the highlight of the day is when you scheduled the timing just right so that you're at the top of the ferris wheel in time to see the beautiful winter sunset <3
the guy had no clue, i promise you. lets himself be dragged out of bed by dokyeom early in the morning bc the younger "needed someone to help him buy shampoo" (at 6am??? but he doesn't think too much abt it) and follows him unquestioningly on the series of (planned) mishaps that the guy has. comes back to the house at noon, exhausted, then actually screams when you and the rest of svt come at him with balloons and party poppers. even tho you almost gave him a heart attack, he loved his birthday surprise very much
is all hyper like an excited child. when you tell him you have something special planned for his birthday, his eyes light up brighter than anything else in the world. is rlly confused when you tell him to dress comfortably, n is pestering you to give him a clue of where you're going the entire ride to the destination. almost drops to one knee right then and there when you guys get to the adult soft play you booked for him and yourself. has the time of his life, gets drunk and gives you sloppy kisses everywhere he can reach
eyes go as round as saucers and he starts beaming rlly adorably when you wake him up with breakfast in bed on his birthday. jokingly asks what the special occasion is, and eats everything with gusto. you take him to a big cat sanctuary, and he is in awe of all the different wild cats you see. it's a quiet birthday, but he's so touched that you went out of your way to do this for him and honestly, he thinks getting to spend the day with you is the best birthday event ever
wakes up at 2pm to your face looming over him asking if he had a good sleep. part of your birthday surprise was to turn off his morning alarms and let him rest for once, which, once he realises, has him laughing n smiling rlly widely. your birthday surprise for him also comes in the form of a song you wrote and composed (with the help of hoshi and vernon), and he listens so intently with tears forming in his eyes because goddamnit you really love him so much and he's so grateful you do
he tells you offhandedly one time that he thinks he'd like it if someone planned something extravagant for his birthday, so you go all out. there's an early-morning treasure hunt to find you via post-it notes n smugly grinning members, then you take him to lunch in a newly opened dog cafe he's said he's wanted to go to, before finally you dress up to go see a theatre in an extravagant hall, ending the day with orchestral music ringing in your ears as you eat homemade cake that mingyu had left on the table once you came back home, dabbing frosting on each other's noses. he's tired, but he's smiling, and he thinks he's never loved you more than he does right now. 
has the most dramatic reaction ever. your surprise could have been handing him a burnt cake you'd made and he'd be sobbing all over it. as it were, however, you'd planned a whole spread of food for him while he'd gone to the cinema with some of his friends, and so he ends up being an inconsolable mess at your feet because it all smells so good and why didn't you tell him you knew how to cook??? you can't finish everything, but you two try your best, and he's grinning dopily bc he's all happy-full and it's all because of your wonderful cooking
another person who genuinely had no idea you were planning something for him. when you wake him up with breakfast in bed, he thinks it's going to be a quiet day, but oh boy is he wrong. finds himself absolutely loving it as you rattle off all the plans you have for the day while he's stuffing his face with pancakes. takes pictures of everywhere you go and everything you present to him. kisses you softly under the night sky as you're sitting on the roof of your house, telling you quietly and sincerely that this was the best birthday event he's ever had
was lowkey stressed that he'd end up having to plan his own birthday again, so when he walks into the living room to see you next to a whiteboard with a whole schedule of events, he genuinely breathes a sigh of relief. takes a picture of your timetable, but lets himself relenquish control to you as you take him practically everywhere he's ever wanted to go on a whistlestop tour throughout the day. everything is so meticulously planned out, and he tells you very seriously over wine and pasta in a fancy restaurant that he will give you a birthday celebration next time that is as wonderful as this
when you wake him up with a simple "happy birthday" in the morning, he can't lie that he's a little disappointed. he thought you'd do something a little bigger for him. but when it's nearing the evening, you tell him to get dressed into something warmer and he visibly lights up. is in absolute awe when the two of you drive to a stargazing sight in the middle of the countryside. gets all hyper, tells you all the weird facts he knows. you two end up leaving after a few hours bc it's cold, but he's beaming and he's so happy that you did this for him
when he's woken up by you throwing off his covers and leaving him shivering in the winter morning, he's a little disgruntled but eventually grows utterly excited when you tell him over breakfast (that someone else made bc neither of you can cook all that well) that you and the rest of the group are taking him to a roller disco. (he's even more excited when you make a point to tell him that you paid for his ticket but the other members had to pay for their own.) still considers that roller disco party to be his best birthday celebration ever
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habibi-bambi · 18 days
The Fall of The First Man [ADAM]
Adam dies,,, but the story does not end.
Charlie and her father had won the battle when Lucifer had defeated Adam by beating him up to a complete pulp with nothing but mischief and bare hands. No angelic powers, or devil powers. Just bare hands and the fury of a dad reigning hell on the scum who dared to hurt his daughter. Just when he was about to use his powers and end the First Man for good, Charlie intervened. Adam would deserve it but there was no need for further violence and death. They had won, and if her dad killed the guy, it could escalate the fighting between Heaven and Hell which was the last thing Charlie wanted. 
And then Nifty, who had appeared out of nowhere, grinned like a maniac and let out a deranged laugh as she kept stabbing Adam “Blood!” 
Everybody was staring in complete silence. Completely dumbfounded and stunned, all except Vaggie who was smiling with joy as if it was Charlie’s anniversary present for her. Nifty then returned to looking like an innocent, sweet dwarf sinner and merrily hopped to the ground as if she hadn’t murdered the leader of the murdering angel bastards who terrorized the Pride Ring for thousands of years.
Right on time because Adam’s lieutenant rushed to the first man. She was all bruised and injured, with one arm torn. She bled gold blood, but she didn’t care as she fell to her knees and cried. Turning the first man over, she cried.
“Sir?! Sir!”
Adam looked at the furious red sky of Hell. It was ugly as fuck. The only beautiful looking thing in this shithole was the sight of Heaven. He could feel his strength and lifeforce draining away. Lute came over him, crying and screaming. Silly girl, wasn’t she already too big and strong to weep like a baby? She’ll be fine, Adam knows it. 
Adam was going to die.
Fucking finally, was all he could think of.
He let out the smallest briefest sigh. 
What was that saying again? The one from the Harry Potter books? Ah, yes. 
Death is just another great adventure, one that Adam would happily welcome because honestly? He was waaayyy to old and tired of this shit. And Heaven is just way too fucking- Heaven, for him.
“Sir, Stay with me!” Life fades away and leaves behind dull, gold eyes.
Adam smiles peacefully. 
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From the dust and dirt of the earth you were made of.
To the dust and dirt of the earth you will return.
In the beginning, on the ‘Sixth Day’ of Creation, Man and Woman had been created by God. He created them with the rich and blessed earth from the paradise on Earth, the Garden of Eden. God then sculpted the dirt into a shape, one that was beautiful and wonderful, because humans were to be created after God’s image. 
When he was all said and done, the Creator of everything then split the shape into two. One was a ‘man’, and the other was a ‘woman’.
God breathed life, and from then on, ‘Adam’ and ‘Lilith’ came to life. 
Lilith eventually left and was replaced with Eve, but that was a story for another time.
All that was important was that Adam knew he was created from the dust and dirt of the greatest paradise on earth. Adam also knew, and had expected, that he would return to the earth when his time had come. 
It had been 300,000 years ago since he was made. He died nine hundred years later after his creation, and ascended to Heaven. 50,000 years before now, he became the leader and head of the Exorcists and would come down to Hell’s Pride Ring every year on the eve of Jesus Christ’s birth to kill every sinner they could find. From day one, Adam had been obedient and loyal to God and to Heaven. From day one, Adam had been a faithful servant. From fucking day one, Adam had done nothing but did everything for God and Heaven.
He died from some fucking coward sinner. It was surely a no-name sinner, all of them were lowly scums who deserved to rot. But angelic steel is angelic steel. He might be Adam the First Man, but he was stabbed by some psycho from the back over and over. The knife went past his chest. It was the end. Pathetic, yes.
But it was an end.
His end. 
He should be fucking dead. 
So why the fuck isn’t he dead?
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Lucifer Morningstar lets his daughters and her sinners go to the ruins of her hotel, and stays behind to watch the sobbing exorcist hunched over the corpse of Adam.
He was keeping watch, to make sure no crazy bitch tries anything funny. That was all. There totally wasn’t a small part of him waiting for the angel to just fuck off to heaven like the rest of the other exorcists did so he could come close to the corpse of Adam. 
Yup. Totally keeping a close eye on that angel for his daughter. It was totally just Lucifer keeping watch to make sure the angel finally leaves! Why the fuck would he want to see Adam? The First Man was dead, and good fucking riddance!
His tail flickered and snapped to the ground in impatience. A vein popping from annoyance.
…Just how long is that angel going to keep crying like a baby and fuck off to Heaven? For fucks sake, it been almost an hour already! It’s surprising that a woman would actually cry over Adam (Adam no bitches, ha!) but Lucifer just wants her to be gone already. God, what a stupid bitch, crying over a man like Adam. His eyes narrowed at the albino angel. Look at her, looking like some poor wife whose husband was just murdered in front of her. He could puke. If she doesn’t fly up to Heaven, Lucifer’s going to send her to where her precious ‘Sir Adam’ is-!
! Lucifer’s train of thought is stopped suddenly when he hears a quiet, but sharp inhale for air.
He looks over in confusion, and then shock.
Adam sits up. His big gold wings twitching weakly at his side. There was gold blood everywhere. Holy blood of the angels who served God and Heaven faithfully. It was fucking everywhere.
And Adam… was still alive? Lucifer’s red eyes zeroed on where Charlie’s little crazy sinner had went all crazy on Adam. 
There was nothing but a scar. 
Seems like no matter how garbage Adam had become, he was still Father’s most beloved human. 
“Adam! Sir! Your alive, thank fucking god!” The exorcist that was by Adam’s side let out a big sigh of relief. Gold eyes lit up in joy.
Adam ignored her though, terribly rude that man (no fucking surprise, this was Adam after all) just to look at Lucifer dead straight in the eyes. 
“Stay there Lute. I need to have a chat with this God Damned asshole real quick.”
Blessed gold eyes of an angel at Damned red eyes of the Devil.
(bright brown eyes of Man meeting twinkling gold eyes of the Morningstar.)
Adam stood up. He was a big guy, and Lucifer was as short as ever. So if if it were anyone else, the sight of Adam hulking over them in fury would make any sinner tremble and bolt away. But not Lucifer, whose eyes never strayed away from Adam. 
He could see how Adam was still weak and vulnerable despite having a divine intervention equivalent to a bandaid slapped on him by God. 
“I’m surprised you could survive that, Adam.” Lucifer says, smiling coldly. His red eyes were sharp, but he stayed at ease and unwary as Adam the First Man approached him, ignoring his lieutenant for Lucifer “But I guess you could survive anything if you are God’s ‘perfect’ creation.”  
“You fucking asshole…!” 
Lucifer wasn’t surprised when Adam grabbed ahold of his collar with his one hand to pull him closer and pulled the other hand to punch him
(If Adam wants another round of being a loser, then Lucifer will give him one. He always strived to give what Adam asked for after all, lol.)
Adam gritted his teeth, his hands shaking. His every cell in his body aching to fucking rip the head of this smug asshole who ruined his life and the entire humanity, and just beat up the headless body to the ground. 
But killing Lucifer was his second greatest wish. What he really wanted was-
“Kill me.”
Cricket Noise.
Lucifer stared at him as if he lost his mind,
“Adam what the fuck???”
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“The fuck?” Lucifer’s smarmy smug smile was gone, and stared at Adam with big wide eyes, his red slit pupils becoming round again from how he was taken aback by Adam’s sudden loss of sanity “Are you okay? Did that munchkin sinner also hit your head or did Dad whacked your head so hard from healing you that you suddenly lost sense?”
“I’m serious, Lucifer. Kill me. Do whatever you want with me. Just make it quick, because you owe me you asshole. Kill me and let’s be done with it. Hurry the fuck up Lucifer. It shouldn’t be a problem for you since your the Devil and you hate my guts, so just fucking do it already you goddamn asshole!” 
Adam was yelling and shaking Lucifer so hard, his voice growing louder and louder. Growing more manic and desperate as he tugged Lucifer back and forth. Adam roared “LUCIFER!-” but was cut off.
Lucifer pulled Adam’s hands off him easily, and instead, gave him a slap so hard it would leave a mark.
Adam was stunned to silence, face still turned to the side. A red slapmark bright on his face, with four gold scratches that were left behind by Lucifer’s claws.
 A slap that hard and painful should be enough to put some sense back to him!
 “Adam! What has gotten into you?!” Lucifer snapped.
The angel, Lute (a name he would continue on ignoring and forgetting  as the woman herself) steps forward to pull Adam back, who only shook her hand off and grabbed Lucifer’s wrist.
Adam’s hand was much bigger than Lucifer’s thigh, so his wrist was easily wrapped around as if Adam was just holding a stick. A pasty, white pale stick.
If Lucifer wasn’t who he was, and if only Adam could, Adam would have snapped the wrist in his hand a long time ago.
“I’ve been stabbed to death by a psycho sinner of yours, Lucifer. Why the fuck am I still alive?!”
“Not my fault, Adam! That would be God’s and Heaven’s or a You Fault!” Lucifer pulled his hand away, shaking his hand as if Adam really did hurt him “For fucks sake, one would think you’d be thankful and swear revenge on us or some shit, instead of this crazy crap your pulling on me right now.”
“Kill me!” Crazy Adam yelled.
“Get a fucking grip, Adam!” Lucifer yelled back, pushing Adam from him “I am not doing that!” 
“Of course you wouldn’t help me out. Of course. You’re Lucifer. A fucking asshole who hates me to the core. You'd rather have me suffer eternity than kill me! God, you are such a fucking asshole! You wife-stealing, garden killing, God damned devil asshole!” The look of rage and insanity in Adam’s eyes with his words made Lucifer flinch “You ruined my life. You ruined humanity. You ruined Eden! You owe me Lucifer! You fucking owe me but once again, you proved yourself to be the same fucking asshole who can’t do anything right! FUCK YOU LUCIFER!” Adam screamed.
Adam stepped back, and stopped looking at Lucifer and instead, at his own hands. A haunted look in his eyes and a look of horror on his face. 
"Three hundred thousand years.” Adam whispered, staring at his shaking hands “I’ve been alive and existing for three hundred thousand years since God created me and Lilith-” Lucifer flinched at the mention of of his estranged wife “and I’m still not dead. Why am I not fucking dead?”
“shit.” Lute cursed quietly, eyes focused on her leader and the shitshow was happening. She looked around, and it was still only them. But that will not last for long “Sir, we have to go. Heaven is calling us back.”
“Shut the fuck up, birdbrain. Can’t you see he’s having a breakdown? I don’t know what’s his problem but help for fucksss sssake!” Lucifer says, angry.
“I’m trying!” Lute snapped back at the King of Hell. Lucifer Bristled at the rude impertinent useless wench for having the gall-!
“I’ve spent my entire fucking life, afterlife included, being good and obedient and all that shit for God and Heaven. I listened to every single fucking thing they said, and did whatever I was asked to do! I did nothing wrong! Even when I have to be responsible of shit, of garbage, that wasn’t mine to be taken care of, I still did it. Because it was asked of me!” 
Adam stepped away from Lute’s carefully reaching hands, far away he stumbled on a broken construction of the Hazbin Hotel, and he leaned against it. Hunching over, his wings drawing closer to him, trying to make himself as small as possible.
“I did nothing wrong. I did everything right. Everything they asked me. Everything.” was all Adam said, losing more sense and becoming more emotional and irrational in his grief “Why am I still alive?”
Adam looked up at the shy. Up at Heaven. He looked up and hoped that the goddamn Big G was up there wand listening to him at this very moment.
“I did everything you wanted me to do. I did everything for Heaven. I was a faithful and obedient servant of yours. So fucking tell me why in the fucking Lucifer shitstained face did you bring me back you b-” Lucifer’s eyes went wide at Adam finally losing all sanity. Did this idiot want to Fall? He was definitely going to Fall with how he was cursing God “I’ve done EVERYTHING! I’VE BEEN PATIENT AND STEADFAST AND STEADY IN MY FAITH AND SERVICE. I DID ALL THAT WAS ASKED OF ME SO WHY DID YOU BRING ME BACK?! WHY WHY WHY WHY-” 
Adam collapsed on his knees. 
“Just let me return to dust and be at fucking peace, please…” Adam dropped his face in his hands. A small muffled sob escaped. He looked small and weak. Pathetic. 
He looked miserable.
Lucifer feels a discomfort in his heart at the sight. He tries to swallow the hard lump in his throat.
And then Heaven’s light reached down to Hell and touched where Adam was kneeling. Gold, holy divine light that would turn any sinner and overlord and Sins to ash, and give Lucifer a big fucking nasty ass burns if the light were on them.
That wasn’t just Heaven.
That was God. 
(Fucking hell. You ignore your black sheep of a son who tries to talk to you for thousands of years , but you respond to the crazy mental breakdown of Adam at once? Way to make your favoritism obvious, Dad!)
Adam’s eyes are big and round glimmering gold in that light. 
And the light fades away, leaving behind a dead-eyed, empty looking son of a bitch who has gone all lifeless and colorless. 
“Adam?” Lucifer hesitantly reaches out, concerned.
Lute steps in front of the King of Hell with a steely look in her puffy, red rimmed eyes. She looked pathetic with her wounds and one arm missing. But despite her sorry appearance, she was still blocking Lucifer from Adam.
“Lute, stop fucking asking for a quick death by pissing off the shitty Devil and lets fucking go.” 
“Wait, Adam-” 
“I have nothing to say to you other than your a fucking useless asshole. I hope I never see your ugly face again.” Adam says.
With that, Adam then just ignores him as if he’s wind, and with Lute’s aid, flies back up to the portal to Heaven. 
Leaving Lucifer looking up at the sky where the portal Adam had been with a strange knotted feeling in his chest. His hands were curled tight and shaking.
What... What had just happened?
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morlao · 11 months
"You can thank me later"
Being best friends with Anne Sallow
(contains Sebastian x f!reader)
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- The first time you meet Anne the two of you immediately get along very well. She is more than happy that after all the weeks that she spent alone with her uncle Salomon, she finally has someone her age - and on top of that A GIRL - to talk to.
- You both spend the whole afternoon talking about Hogwarts while laughing and giggling about the memories that she shares with you.
"Do you know how horrified Leander gets when he sees a spider? One time during class he jumped on his desk and screamed like a little girl for at least five minutes! Professor Hecat had to promise him three times that it was gone before he agreed to sit down again."
- Of course Sebastian starts to feel left out pretty soon. He left you two for only a few couple of minutes and when he steps back in the room you are so busy talking that you don't even notice him. He jumps around, making a scene and acting like a total drama queen, which makes you and Anne cry out in laughter. He dramatically points his finger at Anne: "Stop stealing my best friend!"
- He is not really angry, though, more relived that Anne finally seems happy again. It's been a very long time since he heard her laugh like this. He even feels like she's finally able to forget about the curse - at least for a few minutes.
- After your first meeting you visit Anne on a regular basis. Almost every weekend you spend some time with her, often bringing some snacks from Honeydukes or something from Zonko's to cheer her up.
- Sebastian really appreciates what you do for her and - if that's even possible - he falls even harder for you. Of course Anne doesn't miss the hidden glances and the way he smiles when he looks at you. Not to mention the blush on his face and the fact that he often acts like an idiot in front of you to get your attention. Maybe it's also because of twin intuition that his feelings for you are like an open book to her.
"Merlin, I can't believe how nobody sees that!"
- She loves to tease him about it, which almost every single time gives him nearly a heart attack and causes him to panic as he fears that she might tell you, since you two grew really close. And girls tell their best friends everything, don't they?
"Awww does my twin brother have a crush?"
"Shut up, Anne! That's not true!"
"Of course not, there are a million other reasons why you look at her like that!"
She starts imitating Sebastian's glances and gestures, which causes his face to blush a deeper shade of red than the Gryffindors' flag.
- Even though she likes to tease her brother about his crush on you (by threatening him to tell you if he didn't confess soon) she will not say a single word to you about it. Once in a while she might drop a hint or ask you a question in order to find out whether or not you like Sebastian too. She might say things like:
"Don't you think that he's acting weird lately?"
"He let you have some of his Bertie Bott's Beans? Wow, normally he never shares with anyone! You must be really special to him!"
- Even though Sebastian constantly flirts with you he won't make a proper move for a very long time as he is afraid that you don't like him as more than a friend. While Anne was really amused about that at first, she starts to get pretty annoyed after a few months.
"For Merlin's sake, Sebastian! When will you finally confess to her? If you wait any longer, other boys may take their chance! You know she's amazing, a lot of people fancy her!"
Anne's words haunt Sebastian in his dreams so he decides that the next time you accompany him to Feldcroft he will tell you about his feelings. But again he is too nervous. He just doesn't find the right moment and the right words to tell you (even though he forced Ominis to act out this scene with him various times).
- In the meantime Anne has made a plan herself. She knew exactly that her brother wouldn't find the courage to tell you so she decided that it was finally time for her to take action. As soon as you knock on the door she jumps up, runs outside and takes both your hands while giggling excitedly.
"Y/N, finally! How was your date with Garreth? You have to tell me everything!"
She leads you inside without giving you the chance to stare at her in confusion and ask her what the hell she was talking about. Obviously you weren't on a date with Garreth. Garreth was just a good friend. Your heart belonged to someone else. That special someone who now stood frozen outside the door, absolutely horrified at what he just heard. Garreth FUCKING Weasley!
- He screams out in frustration before clenching his hands into fists and storming inside where you and Anne are standing. Anne is still giggling and asking questions about your "date", barely leaving you time to answer. Sebastian can't believe how happy she is. She knows exactly that he loves you and she still seems to be so excited about the idea of you and Weasley! In his hurtred and anger he doesn't even notice how confused you are and that you try to interrupt Anne various times by asking her, what she was talking about.
- "Anne, what the hell?" He shouts while grabbing her arm. "You knew Y/N was going on a date with Weasley and you didn't bother telling me?!"
Anne smiles innocently. "Of course I knew. She's my best friend. Actually it was my idea. She told me that Garreth passed her a note in potions, asking her if she wanted to go to Hogsmeade with him. I told her to say yes. Garreth is a nice guy, so why not?"
- Sebastian is so furious, he can't believe what she says. "I told you months ago, that I love her and you set her up with GARRETH? WHAT THE HELL, ANNE?"
- Anne's smile gets even bigger as she watches you stare at him in disbelief. "You love me?" Sebastian freezes as he realises that he just confessed to you (if that's what you could call that screaming and shouting). His face turns bright red and he gets all flustered, nervously rubbing the back of his head. "Yes, I do." He finally manages to say.
- Now it's your turn to blush a deep shade of red. Sebastian Sallow loved you? You couldn't help but smile. You never expected him to have a crush on you. While you try real hard not to turn into a blushing and giggling mess he still stares at you. Of course, you're such an idiot! He obviously wanted an answer, a reaction, any sign that you're still alive.
- "Sebastian...", you stutter while slowly stepping closer and taking his hand. "Did you really think that I would go on a date with Garreth? I thought it was quite obvious that I like someone else." You pull him closer and he holds his breath. "Do you really think I would drop everything and go into the forbidden forest to fight some spiders with you if I don't have a crush on you? Wow, I guess even the Hogwarts ghosts know I like you!"
- A huge smile appears on Sebastian's face and before you could say something else he cups your face with his hands and kisses you. Your heart skips a beat when you kiss him back. You couldn't believe it was finally happening!
- When the two of you let go of each other, you see Anne standing there with a huge smile, looking completely satisfied with herself. "You can thank me later!" You laugh and pull her into a hug while Sebastian stares at her with a grin, shacking his head. She really was a true Slytherin.
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20thcentwriter · 2 months
Get him back [Michael Gavey x OC]
Chapter One- When Edith Met Michael
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Word count- 1.2k
Cw- swearing
Vaguely proofread
A/n hello everyone, welcome to chapter one of my series. I don't consider myself a great writer but I hope you enjoy this series I have planned. I kinda have no clue what I'm doing really and any tips and tricks would be very helpful. All I know is that I'm excited to discover the relationship between Edith and Michael.
Also apologies for this chapter being kind of short. I just wanted to establish the breakup between Felix and Edith and have her meet Michael. It will get more interesting
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“You’re breaking up with me?!?” Edith can’t believe what she’s hearing
… Well maybe she can a little bit but it doesn’t mean she thought this would really happen.
“Umm…Ed… yeah. You know we’re both going to uni in two weeks.”
“Felix Catton don’t you fucking bullshit me. you and I are both going to Oxford.”
”Okay umm…” Felix brings his hand to rub his chin. “ it’s just that this whole past year I’ve been so great and understanding about your boundaries regarding sex but I thought by now we’d have already done it though. I don't think it’s going to work.”
Through breathy laughter Edith can’t help containing her anger “Wait- So what you’re telling me is that you are done with me because I'm not ready to have sex and you’re horny ?!?!”
“That's pretty much the case, yeah.”
”You know what Felix Catton, I can't believe I thought you would ever be understanding.” Edith starts, heels turning to walk away so he couldn’t see the tears whining to spill. “You fucking suck and fuck you!!!!”
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“What a fucking asshole,” Edith mutters under her breath peering out the window of her room. She shakes her head looking at a completely okay looking Felix Catton chatting and laughing with other popular rich kids who some Edith use to call “friends” .
The term “friends” would frankly be a loose term for Edith because they were more of people she hung out with because she was dating Felix, they weren’t true friends. she’s never exactly had a true friend.
Eddie knows he doesn’t deserve anymore of her feelings towards him but it’s hard. All she wants to do is scream and cry, telling Felix that he’s so pathetic.
Edith knows she can’t, all those other girls would come right after her, saying she’s jealous and desperate. how could he just break her heart and be completely okay? He’s most likely even moved on already.
Taking her eyes off from her ex, Edith flops onto her bed with a groan. All she wishes to do for the rest of the day is sit on her bed and read her book, draw in her sketchbook and maybe play her guitar. She’s aware though that she has to go to the dining hall tonight. Edith hasn’t been able to eat all day as she’s been moving in.
The idea of having to potentially sit near a perfectly fine Felix makes her want to gouge her eyes.
It's also her luck though that she’ll be stuck with some maths loser who forces you to answer sums, showing off how smart they are. If she were to compare the two she would take the maths loser but still not ideal.
Completely done with reality, Edith grabs her ipod, headphones and sketchbook off her nightstand and drowns out the world with music and drawing until she has to leave her room.
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This is just great. I don't have to sit next to Felix but I also can’t find a seat in the first place. Edith can’t help but comment in her head, walking the dining hall in hopes of a spot to sit.
In a way she did luck out but she doesn’t know where to sit. That thankfully for Edith isn’t long lasting as she finds an open seat next to a boy with dirty blonde hair and glasses. Not thinking to whom she might have to converse with, she quickly walks over and sits down desperate to begin eating.
As she's eating, Edith can't help but feel uneasy and like someone to the right is staring into her soul through her ear. She looks up to the right and piercing blue eyes fill her vision. she whispers an awkward hi and smiles at the very strange boy and he in return moves his eyes down to her messenger bag.
Edith’s bag is decorated with little doodles that draws on it when she’s bored. The boy quickly turns his head away from muttering something under his breath that Edith didn’t pick up on but knew couldn’t have been nice.
What an ass.
The feeling of uneasy and bitterness doesn’t die the more she sits next to this guy. It was also not exactly possible to find a new seat either as the only other open seat was across from him and somehow for Edith that would be even worse. She feels bad for whoever would be sitting across from him
Like the universe reading her mind, another boy around her age with dark brown hair and glasses, who after struggling to find a place in the dining, eventually seats himself, somewhat reluctantly. right across from the strange boy.
The two boys stare at each other in silence for a few minutes, the brown-haired boy also clearly uneasy like Edith. it was the other boy who reach his hand out though to the brunet to introduce himself and Edith finally learned this strange boy’s name
”Hi I’m Michael Gavey”
The other boy accepts Michaels outreached hand and Edith learns his name is Oliver Quick. The boy begins to converse with one another. The last thing she got by fully eavesdropping was Michael asking Oliver if he was also a Norman no-mate too.
Not really interested, Edith turns her attention back to her half empty plate. the quicker she finishes the faster she can leave and not have to be in the presence of this Michael Gavey.
Even with half eavesdropping and half ignoring the two. Edith slightly laughs to herself as Michael tells Oliver even though he doesn’t like math, he is some math genius and to ask him a sum. Oliver clearly uncomfortable and telling Michael he’s fine and that he doesn’t need to ask him a sum
Edith though couldn’t expect was was to come out of a now agitated Michael.
Jesus fucking christ Edith curses to herself while the whole dining hall quiets at the sudden intrusion of loudness. Among the same surprise, She is also intrigued and she smirks knowing something that would give her a little happiness asking Michael.
Before Oliver could clear the embarrassment he's feeling at Michael's sudden outburst, Edith interrupts. “What's 34+35?”
The attention of the boys are turned on to Edith as she smiles as Michael answers but then realizing what sum she asked, face turns to annoyance at the question, clearly knowing she is taking the mick out of him.
“Haha, very funny….” Michael’s voice trails waiting for a name
“Edith Pemberton and you said to ask a sum”
“Well Edith Pemberton i don't think I was talking to you Ms.” I'm wasting my money on an vapid arts degree”
“How fuck do you know what I'm learning.”
“Lucky guess based on how you're dressing and your… interestingly designed… bag.”
The gull this guy has to judge after literally yelling at someone to ask him a sum.
“Well Mr “I think math and science is better than the arts” you're wasting your money on a subject you don't really like so guess who's money is really wasted”
“Well at least I'll be making money post grad How about You? Oh wait Probably not.”
“Wow Michael Gavey you deserve a Nobel prize for solving the meaning of life!! Making money!!” sarcasm spilling from Edith’s mouth, not wanting to let this guy win.
Due to the bickering fight Edith and Michael were having, either of them failed to realized Oliver used it as a way to escape the situation
“God you're such a cunt Edith Pemberton.”
“Takes one to know one bitch.” a smirk reappearing on her face as she picks up her now almost empty plate and bag to leave a now bewildered Michael Gavey.
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Taglist- @fan-goddess @iamavailablesstuff @callsignwidow
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