#and don't come after me for the kpop okay
possamble · 2 months
Do you have any songs you associate with the group and or a particular DunMeshi character? I have a few I associate with Laios and Kabru (mostly Hozier tbh) but been having a harder time for Falin, Marcille, and even Thistle.
the way this launched me into a day long project of making playlists lmfao
This one I haven't curated super well, but I think i put it in a general progression that makes sense. Unfortunately I have a very small range of music that I listen to so Falin just turned into my millionth Sara Bareilles/Ingrid Michaelson themed girlie LMAO
Highlights on this playlist for me:
"Let the Rain" is just an entire mood for post-canon Falin I think. the line that hits the hardest about her for me is "and I always felt it before, that the world was filled with much more than the drowning soul I've learned to be."
"Twenty-three" i know i know i know it's kpop and no one's gonna get the lyrics but I couldn't not put it on the list. it's literally about being 23 and not knowing what kind of "woman" you want to become and still feeling like you want to be a kid a little bit and wanting to be understood but knowing that you don't even understand yourself and feeling like you're running out of time because you're firmly in your 20's now
"Secrets" i know is incredibly personal to Mary Lambert but most of the lyrics really fit and that like... intensely joyful self expression is just so delightful and lovely and what i want for Falin in the post-canon.
"I Am Here" to me, is just the ultimate celebration of being alive, of being joyful and grateful and happy that you're a messy animal that can laugh and hurt. I think Falin would cherish being half-monster, the fact that it gave her a second chance at choosing to be alive rather than sacrificing herself for others and letting that be her entire story, and the freedom it gives her to keep living.
you have to promise not to judge me on this one. you have to. yes i went ahead and curated an entire playlist that has okay-ish transitions/flow between songs and thematically follows Marcille's journey through the story. i also put a bit of kpop on it but it FITS okay she's a girly girl!!!!
It's rough. it's really really rough right now and i'll probably come back to it but the concrete songs i was trying to build around are like...
"What is Love?" it's literally just a girly girl song about wondering what love might feel like. complete with daydreaming about romantic stories and hoping all that wonderfulness will happen to you.
"Men of Snow" okay i know it's Ingrid Michaelson again but hear me out. this song is so fucking heartbreaking. it can be taken in different ways but if you put in Marcille's context it's gutting. it's a song about mortality and the impermanence of everything set to an almost cutesy waltz-beat piano accompaniment.
"Que Sera, Sera" self-explanatory, I think. im lucky this cover is on spotify because it's such a perfect song for encapsulating the entire sequence where Marcille decides to become the dungeon lord. (the second iteration at the end of the playlist is happier, taking the happy and calm interpretation of "what will be, will be", and also includes the second verse about a "sweetheart")
"What Sarah Said" it's a song about being in the ICU waiting for news about a loved one while suddenly realizing that there's nothing you can do. i think almost every line in this song guts me about Marcille, picturing her waiting for Falin to wake up the second time. (it's also my very pretentious attempt at tying the playlist together by answering the earlier question. What is love? "Love is watching someone die.")
"The Last Snowfall" is just. Vienna Teng has been my favourite artist since I was fifteen and part of it is that she has this incredibly beautiful way of leaving lyrics impactful but ambiguous. This song isn't about being afraid of losing someone but miraculously getting a happy ending, it's just an exploration of that fear with a "what if" built in, and I just think it's such a good way of capturing how Marcille was prepared to lose Falin and that was so important, almost even more important than the fact that it ended up being a happy ending anyway. also I wish i could have put in the live version because it's insane
For Thistle the only recommendation I have is Bird Song by Florence and the Machine it's wonderfully eerie, i literally think it's the best musical depiction of that specific kind of guilty murderer anxiety of "the telltale heart" from edgar allan poe
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bandgie · 6 months
Heyy! I just wanted to say your pretty boy series was just chefs kiss!!!! I was wondering if I could request a shy subby bangchan admitting that he has a choking kink during a game of truth and dare where the members make fun of him for it. Seeing all the teasing makes reader want to fulfill his fantasies and he’s even more nervous because your his crush 😩
a/n: hi thank you so much!! that series was actually my first ever kpop fanfic and I was beyond shocked by all the love it got!! and ofc here ya go!
synopsis: You thought you knew everything about your best friends, especially Bangchan. A game of truth or dare (and maybe a bit too much alcohol) makes his deepest fantasies come to light, and you're more than happy to make those a reality.
warnings: mdni 18+, fem!reader, everyone's a bit tipsy, choking (m!rec), hair pulling (m!rec), dry humping, dom reader, cumming in pants, crying, begging, confessing, aftercare, FLUFF... the usual
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"Uh...Chan! Truth or dare?" Han all but slurs. He hiccups as he takes another swing of his beer. 
Chan thinks for a moment, his face slightly flushed. You notice his cheeks, his ears, and the tip of his nose are tinted pink. His eyes aren't as focused, but they still glint with a curious spark. 
"Oh you're no fun!" Felix complains. He's also very flushed, though not as drunk as Han. "You've been choosing that the entire time." Chan only shrugs in response, "Then ask interesting questions."
Han isn't one to turn down a challenge. You can see his whole demeanor change at the proposition. He sits up a little straighter, ruffles his hair, and looks his leader dead in the eyes. "Fine. What's your biggest kink?"
This makes the men 'ooo' and 'ahh'. Even Seungmin, who's been relatively quiet, perks up. His friends lean in closer to hear his answer, eyes shining with mischievousness. Even you find yourself eager to hear what he has to say.
"I uh..." Chan trails off.
"Don't be a cunt Chan," Felix laughs at this stuttering friend. Minho quickly joins in on the teasing, "Chan the cunt! Chan the cunt!" It doesn't take long for the boys to start chanting, causing you to go into a fit of laughter.
"Okay, fuck! You assholes, choking! I like choking!."
Chan's eyes darted to yours for a brief moment after his forced confession. Choking isn't the only thing he secretly likes, but you. The moment his members asked to play truth or dare, he knew he was in for it. They have an idea about his crush on you, but Chan didn't think they'd embarrass him like that.
"You like choking them during sex?" Han further inquiries. 
Chan shakes his head, "That's two questions." His response is met with boos. The chant quickly picks up again, with you joining in this time. He turns even more red, the color showing on his neck. "Ugh! Me! I like being choked!"
Silence. The abrupt stop of chanting echoes in the dorm. Chan wishes he could bury himself in the ground. 
Then Changbin laughs a high-pitched staccato that makes everyone else in the room howling with laughter. Han clutches his stomach and claims he's going to throw up. Minho and Seungmin team up on calling Chan a sub. You just sit there.
Chan? A sub? No, that can't be right. His entire presence screams dominant. He's the leader for god's sake, why would he be anything less? 
Your eyes travel down to his neck. His veins pop out from yelling at them to shut up. His skin is already pink, but you think it would look pretty blotched with purple. Then you recall the music video he made with Hyunjin, Red Lights. Chan did look rather...nice with hands on his bare throat.
Maybe the alcohol's getting to your head, but the image won't leave your mind. Would he beg for more? Ask you to squeeze harder? Your hands clench and unclench, eager to grasp onto something. 
You down the rest of your bottle, chugging the bitter liquid until it burns your throat. 
The game continues without missing a beat. You learn that Felix wears women's underwear, Han has never cum from sex, Minho has never let a girl ride him, Seungmin's been in a threesome, and Changbin uses a chastity. All of their spilled secrets should play in your head, so why can't you stop thinking about Chan's?
You're so lost in your thoughts that you don't hear Felix calling your name. You blink a few times and look up at him, "Huh?"
"Truth or dare."
Oh, it's your turn. You twirl the empty bottle in your hand before coming to a decision, "Truth."
He hums at that, eyebrows knitting together as he thinks. His eyes land on Chris, and a devious smile appears on his face. "Have you ever choked someone during sex?"
The boys perk their ears up, Seungmin playfully nudges Chan who slaps his shoulder in response. But still, he finds himself anxious at your waiting response. What if you say it's weird? That you could never do anything like that? Instead, Chan hears you say the exact opposite.
"I have actually yeah. Plenty of times."
They make a noise as if they're in awe, and Seungmin elbows Chan much harder this time. 
"Looks like we got another freak on our hands," Minho teases. You only roll your eyes in response, smiling. "Says the one who can't do cowgirl."
"Yeah that's weird as fuck," Han interjects. "Don't you wanna see the tiddies bounce?" Minho waves Han off and tsks, "You're weird as fuck. How do you not cum from sex?"
"I get nervous okay!"
The two playfully bicker before Seungmin calls it night. Then Changbin followed after. One by one, the boys begin retrieving their rooms until it's just you and Chris. It's past midnight, and he should be in bed like the rest of his members, but he stays behind to help you clean. 
"You really don't have to help," Chan says. 
You pick up the empty bottles and toss them in the trash bag. "I don't mind. Plus I played too, it's only fair I do this." He doesn't argue with that logic. An awkward tension hangs in the air and you both quietly get to work, and you're the first to break it. "So choking huh?"
Chan coughs dramatically, covering his mouth with his fist. "What? Me? I don't know what you're talking about."
His blush gives it away. You've always thought his shyness was cute, but you would have never guessed it played a role in the bedroom.
"You don't have to act coy with me Channie. I know all your dirty little secrets." You laugh as he deepens in that reddish color. Chan clears his throat, "Well, I know yours too now."
You nod, "Ah, touché."
A moment of silence hangs over you two. This time, Chan breaks it. "What got you into it? Choking I mean."
You tie the trash bag and put it next to the front door. "A while ago. I was...with someone and they asked me to. Didn't think much of it until we did it again. The boom, now it's just a thing."
Chan nods, making a small ah sound. 
"How about you though?" You find yourself sitting on the couch. Chan has also deserted his duties, fiddling with his ripped jeans. He isn't as drunk as before, but he can still feel it in his veins. There's a small voice of common sense telling him to keep quiet, that he shouldn't embarrass himself more than he has already. But Chan never listens to that voice. 
"The people I've been with always want me to choke them. And I thought 'What's the big deal about?' Then when I did it to myself, I kind of got it."
You do a double-take at him. "Wait what? You do it to yourself?"
He nods, "Yeah. I'm too embarrassed to ask anyone. I really like...taking it. Ya know what I mean?" Chan waits for your answer but is met with deafening silence. He should have listened to that voice. If you thought he wasn't a freak then, you must think he is one now. 
The expression change catches your attention. You quickly apologize when you see his mood stop, shaking your hands in a surrendering manner. "No! I get it, I do! I didn't think you'd do it to yourself. It just caught me by surprise. 
Your words do little to help him. Seeing Chan upset makes your heart clench, and you scramble for ways to make it up. "I can do it. Show you how it feels when someone else does it."
His frown turns into confusion. "You'd wanna do that? Are you sure?"
You've never been more sure of anything else. The thought of your fingers around Chan has never left your mind. It's not fair that he works so hard, yet doesn't get half as much in return. Fulfilling his deepest desires is the least you could do for him.
"Yeah, I'm sure. Come here."
Chan hesitantly rises to his feet, taking slow steps to where you sit. He carefully sits down beside you, watching how you adjust to place each leg on either side of his thighs. You don't know how you gathered the confidence to straddle Chan so easily, but you'd be damned if you stopped now.
Your hands find his neck, grazing over his skin. He's soft and warm underneath your fingertips. Chan half expected you to start right away, so he's surprised to feel you take your time. Your thumb travels to his chin, feeling his plush bottom lip.
Friends don't do this, they don't sit in each other's lap and think about kissing them. But it's what you're doing right now. Chan is still underneath you, waiting for your next move. The two of you are already pushing past limits, but you can blame the alcohol in the morning. 
You lean in, looking up in his eyes to see if he wants this too. It doesn't shock you to see that he does, and Chan fills the small gap between you two. 
His lips are softer than what you could have imagined. It makes your stomach flip in desire. His hands find your waist to bring you closer and you melt in his hold. The feeling of your warm body on his makes him moan quietly in your mouth. You press your lips harder, making his head tilt from the weight of your hunger.
Then your hands travel down to his neck, gripping and getting him used to how your fingers wrap around him. 
Chan gasps in your mouth, aroused eyes opening to peer into your own. He gives you a nod of affirmation, biting his lower lip as he waits. 
Your fingers go on either side of his throat, applying light pressure. Your lips are a breath away, eyelashes nearly touching as you look for any signs of discomfort. Chan instead moans at the pressure, mouth opening to beg. 
"Harder. Fuck please harder."
The pussy between your legs throbs. It's mindless as you slowly grind against his erection, obeying his desperate request. You can feel his pulse quicken in your palm, how his throat opens when he takes breaths. 
Chan's eyes cross, his quiet moans tumbling into your mouth. He's begun to rock his hips against yours. You can feel your cunt sticking to your underwear. It feels so good to feel his clothed cock between your legs, his throat between your hands. 
You squeeze harder, earning a small cry from Chan. His eyes turn glossy, and you take this as a cue to loosen your grip. He reacts negatively, whining and slapping your ass in protest. 
"I wanted it harder," he rasps out. 
You shake your head, "That's too much for you Channie. Just let me take care of you, hm?" He hesitates for a second, debating if he should argue with you. You're the pro though, and Chan might push himself a little too far (something he tends to do much too often). He nods at you, "Yeah."
Moving one of your hands to the back of his neck while the other goes to the back of his head. Chan raises an eyebrow but says nothing. He hasn't seen this one in videos. 
You grab a fist full of his hair and force him to look upwards, baring his throat to you. You squeeze the back of his neck and simultaneously pull on his hair roughly. Chan's hips jerk at the combination, rutting against you. 
It's a bit hard to ride him, but Chan is adamant on feeling your pussy behind the layers of clothes. He keeps his hard grip on your hips to hump you against him while you do the work from above. You hiss when his cock catches your clit, making your thighs shake.
Chan's neck is pretty, forming light red handprints on the side of them. You lean down to mark it up even more, kissing and biting on his tender flesh. Hearing him groan makes you pull on his hair harder, squeeze the back of his neck just a little harder. 
You kiss down his neck until you find a spot that makes him squeak. Chan can feel you smile against his skin as you bite down on it. Your teeth sink into his flesh, making his hips still. 
"Ah~ fuuuck! I think imma cum," he drawls out. 
"That's okay Channie," you coo. "Go ahead and cum in your pants." He attempts to shake his head, but your grip is unwavering. "I don't wanna cum in my pants! You. I wanna cum in you."
You're dripping. Your underwear is drenched in your slick, you think it must be running down your thighs. Chan's cock would fit perfectly inside of you, rubbing against your walls rhythmically, hitting you deep until he cums. It would leave you so full, so satisfied. 
"Friends don't cum in each other," you tsk at him.
"I don't want to be your friend!" He all but wails. Chan's eyes are brimmed with tears, but he's too fucked out to think properly. His words shock you, somewhat hurt. "What?"
"I can't go back to being your friend after this. I've wanted this, wanted you. I wanna cum so bad in you. Fuck, I love you. I fuckin love you and your pussy. Let me cum in you please, please..." Chan babbles incoherently. 
He's thrusting his hips up against you, hands making you bounce on his clothed cock. Chan began to cry, begging pathetically as if he didn't just confess. 
You want to question him, to confirm if he truly thinks that or if it's just his dick talking. Instead, you grind your hips harder and yank his hair roughly, "Nope."
A malicious smile finds your lips when you hear him cry. You bite down on him just to hear him sob more. Chan can feel his cock twitch in his boxers, the tensing in his balls before he cums. 
You have to kiss him to muffle his moans, conscious of the people sleeping just in the other room. He bites and licks your lips messily as you pull his hair downwards. 
Shivers and goosebumps appear on Chan's arms when he finishes. He's softly grinding against you, making sure to milk himself dry. 
The applied pressure on his neck slowly releases. He groans when your warm hands leave him, twitching. The sides of his throat settled to a purple color covered in your bruising kisses and fingers. Chan's neck is even prettier when covered in black and blue.
He doesn't let you get off his lap when you try to move. Chan needs to feel you, that you're still here. You don't fight against him, instead wrapping your hands around his neck and bringing him into your chest. 
Chan molds in your hold, breathing you in. He's still shaking, whimpering softly from his post-orgasm. It's important to stay where you are next to him. This might have been the most extreme scene he's gone through, he'll need time to recover.
Your digits tangle in his messy hair, gently massaging and scratching Chan's scalp. He hums in your chest and pecks your neck, the exposed parts of your chest. It feels right to hold him, to give when he never receives. 
Maybe you shouldn't mention the elephant in the room, his confession. You'll file it away in the back of your mind as sex talk, nothing more. But something tells you this won't be the last that you get involved with Chan.
a/n: badda bing badda boom, this was kinda hard to write I aint gonna lie. I had to google how bdsm choking words and different methods. but I really hope you liked it !! update!: part two here!
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httpsryu · 2 months
muse? pt. 4
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pairing: kang haerin x fem newjeans!reader
summary: getting a new member way long after debut and before a comeback isn't really the best idea to haerin
category: enemies-to-lovers (?), kpop idol au
genre: slow burn, angst, and fluff
warnings: a bit frustrating and A LOT of jealousy
a/n: i appreciate all the love muse has gotten so far! tysm everyone :)
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With a small sigh, you proceed to walk into the dressing room, following your hair and makeup stylists. Seeing the fellow '06 liner, you can't help but to already roll your eyes knowing she's probably going to say some remark to you. 
"I would think you've gotten lost or something." Haerin immediately starts upon seeing you at the doorway. 
Huddling the already soaked towel around your frame, you can't help but chatter your teeth. "I think I'm knowing my way around this building since we were here pretty early." 
"Hmm. Good for you." Haerin shuts her eyes for the makeup artist to do her eye makeup. 
You can't help but to let out another very obvious eye roll at the other. 
"Y/N-shi, inside the changing room, there's a new outfit for you to change into." Your makeup stylist says, handing you another warm towel to which you immediately reach out for.
You bow at the older lady, thanking her with a smile before disappearing off into the changing room.
Haerin watches through the mirror, the door closing. She's still thinking about how there was a glowing energy around you, you're a different vibe when it comes to work.
However, Haerin will never admit that. Never in her life.
"Y/N-shi did amazing today." Haerin's stylist starts to talk to the other stylist. "I was so amazed at how well she grasped the cameras!"
"She used to be in a pre-debut show with other SM trainees." The other said, getting your seat ready and making it comfortable for you. "I heard that Min Hee-Jin wanted to bring Y/N with her after leaving SM but the other upper people didn't let her."
Haerin goes on her phone, pretending to not "care" about whatever the two pretty unnies are gossiping about.
"Yes! She practically grew up in Min Hee-Jin's arms." The other explains, looking over and making sure each makeup product is sitting on the makeup table. "Apparently, not only did she grew up in Min Hee-Jin's arms but also in Yoo Young Jin's arms, he only trains the special trainees."
The cat-like female controls herself from rolling her eyes; yet again. Everyone is praising you for being this special star but why has Haerin not seen it yet? This supposed star that Min Hee-Jin went through lengths of bringing over here messes up the easiest part of the choreography?
Haerin doesn't get it; she really doesn't.
It pisses her off even more.
And because it pisses her off, something in her is intrigued by you.
"Unnie?" You call out from the changing room.
Haerin's stylist cannot help but to let out a small 'awe' at the tone of your voice.
"Yes, Y/N-shi?" Your stylist responds, coming over to stand in front of the changing room. "Is everything okay?"
You immediately panic at that statement, looking over in the mirror at the small rip in your dress. Only the second day of being in the group and you've already ruined a dress.
"Something happened to the dress."
"What's wrong?"
You opened the door slowly, peeking your head out with a derpy smile. "There's a rip in the dress."
"Let me see?"
With some shyness in the steps of your feet, you walk out the changing room.
Haerin almost feels her breath hitch at the sight of you in the mirror, her eyes looked at you, trailing from head to toe. Somehow, just somehow you manage to look stunning with wet hair and the "ripped" dress.
This doesn't get past the pretty unnie who just finished up the last final touches of both Haerin's hair and makeup. She lets out a silent giggle at how cute the two groupmates are.
"Hmm, we don't have any backup dresses but..I think we can work with this somehow." Your stylist thinks, rushing out the room.
"Haerin-shi, take care of Y/N-shi. We'll be right back shortly." Haerin's stylist says before shortly following the other out in need of aid.
The feline-like female sighs once again. "You cause trouble everywhere you go."
"Here we go again.." You shake your head in astonishment, genuinely surprised at how someone could ruin the mood SO FAST. "Let me give you a word of advice. you should change your personality. no one would ever like someone who’s fussy and sensitive.”
Haerin snaps her head to turn at you. “I won’t ever ask you to like me, so don’t worry.” 
“Who says I'm worried? Stick close to your words, Haerin."
Haerin could only stare back at you, blinking blankly. She opens her mouth to say something but nothing ends up coming out of her mouth. She lets out a huff silently before turning back around and paying attention to her phone.
"Always trying to start something." You grumble under your tone, which does NOT go pass the cat-eyed female.
Haerin is starting to feel ticked off.
First, she had to wake up early in the morning to do a reshoot for the album (keep in mind that these photos were taken a couple months ago). Second, as if the company wanted to torture her enough, she got assigned with you for the duo shoots (which wasn't even a thing til now because of six members). Lastly, you just LOVE to mumble stuff knowing that she can hear.
Before Haerin could say anything, the two stylists enter the dressing room with various of ribbons and different fabrics to layer over the slight tear.
"Y/N-shi, you can help in the decision of which one looks well with the dress."
The cat-eyed female is a bit curious, so she constantly darts her pupils back and fourth with the screen of her phone and the reflection of you and the two pretty older ladies through the mirror. And somehow, Haerin's eyes focuses on you more than her phone.
Your stylist holds up a pretty piece of pale pink lace and Haerin feels her throat dry up in the back at how pretty the pink looks against you.
"Haerin-shi, what do you think?" Haerin's stylist questions, smiling a bit too wide.
You look up at your group mate in anticipation on what she'll say.
"It's pretty."
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The oldest member watches the couple shoot between Haerin and you with her arms crossed in dissatisfaction. Anyone could tell that Haerin and you don't get along like the others.
"Haerin-shi, could we have you whispering something in Y/N-shi's ears? Like you're telling her a secret only for the two of you." The director suggests, hoping the shot will turn out beautiful like the how the others did.
You can't help but to feel a sense of electricity at how close the two of you are.
Haerin fights her eye roll back, scooting a bit more closer towards you and she holds up her hand besides your ear. She slowly moves her face to your ear, she's a bit nervous and uncomfortable with how close this is.
"Y/N-shi, could you tilt your head towards Haerin-shi a bit more?"
Listening to the directions given to you, you move a bit too close but a butterfly leads you to move a bit too far to where Haerin accidentally kisses your cheek. Both girls turn pink at the sudden contact, looking shy afterwards.
What just happened?
However, this shot comes out perfect.
Minji smiles in satisfaction, pushing down the bitter taste in the back of her mouth.
"No fair!" Hanni protests, sitting down on the picnic blanket in a tantrum-like manner as she watches with envy at Haerin and you.
Danielle could only pat the back of her group mate while she too holds back the bitter taste in the back of her throat with a pout.
Hyein can only shake her head at the way the others are acting. "They are so down bad."
Both Haerin and you pull apart immediately after the accidental kiss.
"S-sorry." You apologize, playing with the grass in your hands while looking down to avoid looking at her.
She clears her throat, rubbing the back of her nape in embarrassment. "It's whatever."
Another shot came out perfect.
"They're naturals at this." Your manager views the photos, impressed with how they're looking so far.
The director and staff all nod in agreement at how the two of you look so perfectly paired up.
"There's something in your hair." Haerin points out, prompting you to look up as you brush your hand through your hair. "No, it's there. Careful, you might take off your headpiece."
The feline-like female lets out a small silent laugh, bringing her hand up to fix the falling elf-ears. Fixing your hair afterwards.
She hums in response.
"Oh! Haerin is so going to get it for trying to get to MY woman!" Hanni fists the blanket in her hand in frustration.
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Being in the van close to midnight is a nightmare for the girls. All they want to do is eat and go to bed. Yet, here they are. Stuck in traffic on the busiest road in Seoul.
"Unnie, I'm so hungry." Hyein whines to Danielle, laying her head down on the older's shoulders.
Danielle could only pat the youngest's head to console her. "We'll be home soon."
Haerin looks from the rear view's mirror of the van from her seat, noticing you asleep. Minji, being the oldest she is, besides you as she keeps trying to protect your head from falling into the windows.
Wait; did she just put your head on her shoulders?
"OMG NO!" Hanni whisper-shouts, looking at her ex-roommate in frustration. "Minji is making moves on MY Y/N."
There goes the Vietnamese's delusions again. Haerin wants to just roll her eyes at the way Hanni keeps claiming you as hers. Since when were you a property?
"She sleeps so peacefully." Danielle softly speaks, looking over at you with pureness in her eyes. Oh, how she wishes you were the one laying on her shoulder.
Hyein fights back a giggle at the way everyone is acting.
"She's my roommate at the end of the day." Haerin flatly says, inserting her headphones in to not get bothered and bombarded questions about why she just said that.
Haerin doesn't know either.
Why does she feel the need to tell everyone that you're her roommate? Like why did she even bring it up?
Resting her head against the window, the cat-eyed girl couldn't help but to let her mind flashback to the accidental kiss. Her lips softly grazing against the plumpness of your cheeks. Haerin brings her fingers to her lips again and she can't help but to smile a little over the moment from earlier.
Realization seeps in and her smile drops, eyes blank as she returns back to her usual expression and shuts her eyes. Drowning herself in the music coming from her headphones and traveling into her ears. (in the back of her mind; she doesn't know why her stomach is feeling funny).
"I think Haerin thinks Y/N is cute." Hyein smiles at the others, gulping nervously at the three girls' expressions.
The bang-haired girl waves her hand, brushing it off. "Yeah right."
"No. I'm being serious." The youngest defends her case. "She just doesn't know it yet herself."
The oldest of the bunch shrugs carefully, not wanting to wake you up. "It's only been the 2nd day, who knows?"
"Come on~ everyone knows Y/N is quite cute." Danielle says, understanding Haerin. "And Haerin does like pretty girls."
Hanni rolls her eyes, covering her ears with her hands. "Stop. Stop. Stop. She's my pretty girl, though."
Hyein sarcastically shakes her head while sighing. "Y/N unnie is actually mines, so..."
The other three could only look at her, assuming that it may be a part of puberty.
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Pacing back in and out of the shared bathroom in the room, Haerin wonders if she should wake you up to freshen up. Each time she walks out the bathroom, she's met with you peacefully sleeping and she doesn't dare wake you up with how content you look in your bed.
BUT, there's practice tomorrow! If anything, Haerin would not want you messing up tomorrow. AT ALL.
With full decision in her mind, she strides towards your sleeping figure.
"Hey. Wake up." She taps on your shoulder repeatedly. "We have practice tomorrow."
Opening your eyes tiredly, you're met with your member peering over you. And somehow in the dim light of the bedroom, she looks somehow angelic and not annoying like the past day. If only she looked like this all the time, perhaps you would be able to tolerate the introverted member.
Haerin's eyes widen at the sudden eye contact you and her both made, backing away.
"It's 2 in the morning, I figure you'd want to wash up before going back to bed." She rubs the back of her nape, looking at the ground. "We have practice tomorrow."
Letting out a small incoherent noise, ultimately, you listen to your roommate and sit up from the bed. "Thanks."
"You need to get better at knowing the schedules." The other states, walking back to her side of the room. "I may be your member but it's up to you whether you want this spot on the team or not."
Too out of energy to defend yourself, you let out a nod before vanishing into the bathroom. Leaving Haerin wondering why you didn't argue back with her.
Could everything be okay with you? Perhaps, was Haerin a bit mean to you? Not that she cared or anything.
She was only just warning her; she has no idea why you would be upset by her words. The cat-eyed girl shakes her head to forget all about it and keep her mind CLEAR from you. She DOES NOT want you to be the last thought in her head before going to bed.
That sounds like a definite nightmare.
Charging her phone, she places it on the bedside table before drowning herself into her covers. Shutting her eyes to get some rest for tomorrow's day, your face suddenly pops up.
The raven-haired female immediately opens her eyes in a frantic state. What the hell? She sits up, trying to process what just happened. Alarmed and frightened, she gets out of bed to walk out to the kitchen for some air.
Grabbing some water from the fridge, Haerin could only chug it down in hopes of being able to sleep and it was all just a fragment of imagination because she was EXTREMELY drained and over-worked.
"Rin?" Jihye comes walking down the halls to a rare sight of Haerin. "Everything alright?"
Haerin shuts the fridge, smiling at her best friend to not worry her. "Of course."
"How's Y/N? Is she sleeping well?" The Australian asks, walking over to grab a cup of milk. "I hope she's not too exhausted, she just got here and she's getting into all these schedules all of a sudden."
The other could only roll her eyes, agitated at how other other girls are worrying about you. After all, you're her roommate not THEIRS. So why does it matter that you end up being on her best friend's mind at the end of the night.
"After the concept photos, I think I saw her in a new light." Jihye shyly confesses, looking down at the cup of milk with a soft smile. "She's just so fresh, I don't know how to describe it."
"Do you have a crush on her or something?"
The curly-haired couldn't help but to giggle lightly. "Of course not."
That was the biggest lie Jihye could've ever said.
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prev. part
finally finally pt. 4 is up!!
taglist: @xszn , @airice , @nnewjeansstuff , @xeiinpain , @jiwoneric , @brocoliisscared , @ilamara , @linnnsworld , @gayforall , @lorsstar1st , @haechansbbg , @dhdhdjjf , @hyejin67 , @mushroom-main , @ilovekimminji , @justme-idle , @kyuusberry , @masuowo , @iraa567 , @shycreationdreamland , @idunnofr , @imahybridicannotbekilled , @twicesserafim, @awkwardtoafault 
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cartierre · 11 months
28 REASONS | mv1
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SOCIAL MEDIA!AU max verstappen x fem!kpop idol!reader (fc: kang seulgi)
side note: seulgi is so mother. side note pt2: this is so all over the place i'm sorry.
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♡ liked by rkive, real_pcy, tiny.pretty.j and 3,383,498 others
yourusername coachella, are you ready for this?
view all 7,392 comments
user2 everyone is talking about frank, WHY IS NO ONE SCREAMING ABOUT Y/N ⤷ user3 I AM SCREAMING, CRYING, THROWING UP
user4 kpop is taking over the world, we love to see it!
user5 only three more months and we'll see the performance of a lifetime ⤷ user6 i'm gonna do whatever it takes to see her perform 28 reasons live ⤷ user7 i'm calling the devil to make a deal rn
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♡ liked by coachella, maxverstappen1, oohsehun and 4,984,736 others
yourusername coachella weekend 1 was an absolute blast!
view all 7,398 comments
user8 MAX?? ⤷ user9 ariana what are you doing here?
user10 changed the trajectory of my life
user11 THIS IS HOW A HEADLINER IS SUPPOSED TO PERFORM ⤷ user12 kpop idols never disappoint when performing ⤷ user13 my girl said THE MIC IS ON
user14 does that mean lewis and max saw my girlfriend life at coachella?
user15 max is really sliding into my mother's dms after he broke up with kelly ⤷ user16 he's about to fight for his life with y/n's fans
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♡ liked by lewishamilton, maxverstappen1, redbullracing and 3,647,938 others
yourusername thank you redbullracing for this incredible weekend here in miami! congratulations maxverstappen1 and schecoperez for the 1-2 finish!!
view all 8,837 comments
user17 NOT MAX BEING SO ENCHANTED BY Y/N THAT HE BEGGED RED BULL TO INVITE HER TO THE GP ⤷ user18 nah they probably used her for fame i mean they always invite big celebrities but y/n's on another level of famous
user19 max really said "i've watched y/n perform live so now i need to her to see me"
user20 if max can bag a girl like y/n i'm gonna become a playboy THIS MAN HAS ZERO RIZZ?? ⤷ user21 yeah but it's max, he doesn't need rizz to get the girls coming
redbullracing a pleasure to have had you here! comment liked by yourusername
maxverstappen1 see you in monaco? ⤷ yourusername i think i can manage that ;) ⤷ user22 hUH?
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♡ liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, rkive and 3,627,123 others
yourusername monaco pre-race
view all 9,382 comments
user23 okay so we had lewis, max and now charles liking/following her... smth is brewing in the f1 gossip club
user24 are the f1 drivers turning into kpop stans? ⤷ user25 y/n is powerful like that
user26 28 reasons to love y/n: nr. 1: she likes f1
maxverstappen1 already a strong start to the weekend ⤷ user27 ARE YOU AND Y/N DATING BE HONEST
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♡ liked by lilymhe, maxverstappen1, tiny.pretty.j and 4,029,645 others
yourusername monaco post-race
view all 9,394 comments
user28 girl doesn't even hide it anymore
user29 my new favourite wag <3 ⤷ user30 they haven't even confirmed anything yet? ⤷ user31 they don't need to look at all the evidence laid out just like that
charles_leclerc next time you and max can come have dinner with me? ⤷ yourusername do you have a private chef because i've heard your cooking skills aren't the best ⤷ charles_leclerc wHAT i'm an excellent cook thank you very much ⤷ maxverstappen1 let's just eat out? ⤷ user32 i am deceased
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melonn-soda · 7 months
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Order Up~!
word count: n/a
warning(s): torture & murder, sex, degradation, slut shaming I wanna say, sub bottom male reader, dom top jouno
prompt: self-explanatory
note: I guess I could squeeze this in between writing kinktober. I also don't listen to a lick of Kpop since I hate the industry but Jung kook's song "Seven" is actually crazy what the fuck
fem aligned dni
SFW but kinda not
jouno denies being a jealous person but the way he acts whenever you get too friendly with someone makes him way too obvious
there was a time where you were helping another citizen and he could hear their heartbeat pick up suddenly just from you asking if they were okay
the longer the civilian talked to you, the more he got annoyed with their stuttering heartbeat
he eventually suggested you help out someone else while he threateningly asked if they needed anything else
if things get a little too far, he wouldn't hesitate to torture or even kill a person
someone did end up getting a little touchy with you and he got so pissed he kept that person in the hq's basement (pretend they have one) and starved them to near death
but he still denies being a jealous because he's jouno
if you're friends with tetchou he'll mask his jealousy a bit since he doesn't want you getting upset because he told tetchou off and made him sad
he will listen (and pretend he doesn't care) when you tell him to not worry about other people coming after you
however you never said he still couldn't not chain people up and whip them into promising to not talk to you again
"I am so sorry about him, he just has a little issue in his brain that makes him think this is okay." you apologized, bowing with your hand on your chest. jouno stood there his his arms crossed over his chest and leaning on his left leg, scoffing in disapproval.
"little!?" the citizen exclaimed angrily, "I think your coworker has more a little issue! he's fucking insane! insane, I tell you!!"
they ran away with fear in their eyes, you looking back up with a worried look before it turned into a glare directed at your boyfriend. you just wished jouno could tone it down far more than this.
"what the hell is wrong with you, jouno?" you snarled at the white-haired man, whose head turned in your direction.
his hand was briefly on your waist before he tugged you to press against his body, "what? I just showed them the consequence of stealing what's mine."
"you nearly broke their fucking arm!" you retorted back, "if I hadn't stepped in before anything more happened, you would've ended up killing them!" by grabbing a fistful of his uniform, you yanked his head to your level.
"mm, yeah, but you love that sadistic part of me," he quickly pecked your lips and left knowing that you weren't going to deny it anyway.
would punish you harshly depending on the person
more aggressive if that person is tetchou
one time, during a mission, the venue a married couple rented out was playing music for the dance floor and tetchou really wanted to dance
jouno didn't want to dance because it was embarrassing but you decided to dance with tetchou to lower any suspicions people may have laid on you three
so, you and tetchou danced together, laughing and a couple of times tetchou swung and spun you around
some people remarked how cute you both were together and to say jouno was infuriated is an understatement
when the two of you got off the dance floor, jouno pulled you out of the area and into a nearby alley to fuck the brains out of you without any explanation
because jouno is canonically sadistic, he would pull some bdsm stuff on you like: bondage, sensory depravation, spanking, handcuffing (always has a pair of cuffs on him), edgeplay, biting, breath play, collaring, hair pulling, humiliation, most of the terms under impact play
does most of this stuff behind the closed doors of your shared home but if he's feeling especially brutal he might just do it in public if you're fine with it
LOTS of petnames ranging from "love" to "slut" but he loves calling you "doll"
even so, jouno can be pretty mean when it comes to punishments
a loud whimper ripped through your throat as jouno's gloved hand came down in harsh contact against your thigh, damn near your dick. although, the sound came slightly muffled because of the ball gag in your mouth, drool spilling from the edge of your mouth.
"you should've thought twice before pulling something like that, doll." jouno scowled, tightening the leather straps on your ankles but loose enough to leave you some wiggle room.
he walked to the side of the bed and grabbed another vibrator from the nightstand, pressing it against the tip of your dick and adjusting the cock ring currently on you. you continued to complain about all the stimulation albeit unintelligible.
jouno had almost all the toys you both owned taped onto so many parts of your body: nipple clamps, a vibrating dildo, leather bindings, a collar, a blindfold, the ball gag, and now the vibrator and cock ring. it was almost too much for you. and what caused this? you spent the whole day with tetchou instead of jouno.
jouno grabbed a riding crop and smacked it against your other thigh this time, "what's the matter, doll?" he jeered, fingers brushing against your shin, tickling you as his fingers travelled up to your knee, "wanna cum?"
you nodded rapidly, tears rolling down your face from how long you've been edged from the cock ring and jouno suddenly removing all stimulants when you were on the brink of ecstasy. just one orgasm would've been enough to satisfy you.
"too bad. you just can't seem to remember who you belong to, slut." jouno let out a mocking laugh at your pitiful state, "sorry, doll, you aren't getting that release any time soon."
I had fun writing this
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springseasonie · 1 year
Blackout | KDY (M)
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Established relationship, Fiance Doyoung x fem reader
Summary: The powerful storm outside knocks your power out even though Doyoung assured you it would be fine. Luckily, he bought candles the day before just in case this happened. But even with the candles to light the dark house, you were still a bit anxious about the storm, so Doyoung decided to distract you for a bit
Warnings: sexual content, unprotected sex, breeding kink, softer dynamic, fluff (I think idk), proofread but may still be errors
Word count: 3,2k
Song recs: get you by Daniel Caesar
A/N: wrote this listening to the cutest kpop gg music you could imagine. Literally listening to achoo by lovelyz rn (stream) please lmk if I missed any warnings. Feedback is loved and appreciated
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"Are you sure everything will be fine out there? It's looking pretty serious." You stood by the window of your living room staring outside at the storm.
"Well I don't know for sure, but what I do know is that you shouldn't stand near the window like that." Doyoung grabbed your arm pulling you away from the window. "It's night time so hopefully nothing too crazy happens. Are all the flashlights up here?"
"Yeah." You turned to Doyoung who put his hands on his hips with a concentrated expression. He was always so cute like that. "Babe, we're gonna be okay. There's no need to-"
The room went completely silent as your vision was impaired with the sudden blackout. All that you could see was the trees moving in the strong wind and power lines flying in different directions. You pulled your phone out of your pocket, turning on the flashlight to see in front of you.
"Babe? You still there," you said loudly, looking around.
"Yeah I'm just getting the flashlights and candles," he called from the kitchen.
"I didn't even know we had candles," you laugh.
"I bought them yesterday just in case." You pointed your phone in the direction of the kitchen, seeing him walk back with his hands and arms full. He placed all the stuff on the coffee table with a big sigh. "Wanna help me light them?"
"Of course." You sat on the floor next to him between the couch and the table. Doyoung handed you a lighter and the two of you started lighting the candles "you're always so prepared."
"In life, you always think 3 steps ahead." He placed the candle in the candle holder, carefully putting it on the table. Doyoung reached to pick up another one, but was distracted by how pretty you looked in the lowlight. Your features were soft, and the way you picked up everything was delicate.
You turned to ask him something, but was quickly humored when you caught him staring at you. Doyoung looked away from you super flustered by it. His cheeks turned a bright shade of pink, making him cover his face. You snickered as he whined in his hands from the embarrassment. Even after dating him for so long, he was still embarrassed like a middle schooler.
"Don't be embarrassed," you teased, poking him softly. "you're so cute, you know that?"
Doyoung groaned, earning a soft laugh from you. "stop, it's embarrassing."
"It's not." You continued lighting candles listening to the rain pick up outside. You set it down before turning to Doyoung who was still hiding his face. You ruffled your hands in his hair knowing that would be the only thing to make him come back to you.
"Don't mess up my hair, I spent so much time on it today," he whined, moving your hand gently.
"It still looks good. Looks like the aftermath of a long week," you said, winking at him. Doyoung, who was already flustered enough, gave you nervous laughter. "You know..these candles are kind of romantic."
"You think so," he asked, a small smile on his face. He stood up m, taking 2 candles with him setting up the room.
"Mhm," you answer. You finished lighting the rest of the candles and stood up to help Doyoung put them around the first floor. "Maybe we should be romantic while we have the chance," you laugh.
"Do you think we're still gonna have to work tomorrow?"
"Hopefully not. Hopefully a tree falls in the middle of the street. Okay…I'm all done." You turn to Doyoung who was finishing up the candles right along with you. The room looked nice and lit up like this. It reminded you of a room in a dark academia movie with all the books and papers lying around. Doyoung looked good in the low light too. The slight silhouette of his body in front of the candles was so pretty. He was so pretty, and it was starting to do things to you.
You and Doyoung sat on the couch together snuggled into one another under the throw blanket. You nuzzled your head between his neck, inhaling his cologne that you loved so much. You felt Doyoung tense up a bit, squeezing you closer into him as the storm picked up. He knew you didn't like storms very much, and you were starting to get a lot more anxious as time went on.
"You okay," he said quietly.
You nodded, planting a small kiss on his jawline. "It's getting really bad out there."
"I know," he said, kissing your forehead. "Don't worry about the storm, okay? I'm here."
"I know I shouldn't worry…but what if the tree in the backyard falls or the one across the street? What if-"
Doyoung turned your head to face him and kissed you deeply. He cupped your face, stroking your cheek with his thumb. You pulled away from him, looking up at him with adoration. He was always so sweet, never wanting you to worry about a thing.
"Don't worry about what's going on outside," he said quietly.
"Well, now I can't worry about anything because of you." You smiled, glancing at his dimly lit lips. "I think we should take advantage of this romantic setting. What do you think?"
"I think you're right." Doyoung smiled before kissing you again, capturing your lips in a heated exchange. You kiss him back, moaning softly into his mouth. Your hand finds its way to his chest, holding his shirt softly.
"I bet you were thinking about this all day," he mumbled against your lips.
His voice was so deep and raspy and you could hear the smirk in his statement. It gave you butterflies, and they immediately went right to your core. You wanted to just kiss him for the time being, just in case something bad happened outside or inside. But the way he was kissing you, the way his fingers softly glided on your arm - you needed him.
"Do you think you can distract me some more," you mumbled. You pulled away from his lips, kissing his face softly. You could feel his beard growing back and still smell the expensive skin care he loved.
"It's almost like you read my mind."
You and Doyoung move yourselves on the couch, him under you and you on top of him. Doyoung could never get over the way you looked at him. It made him feel warm and fuzzy. Not once have you even made him feel unwanted or unloved, and he hoped that it would stay that way forever.
"You're staring again," you giggle softly.
"I know." Doyoung took one of your hands and clasped them with his, squeezing it tight. "You're so beautiful."
"Don't get sentimental on me," you whine softly, but the smile on your lips was wide. You always got shy when he started complimenting you out of the blue. Doyoung was big on words of affirmation. He always had to tell you that he loves you, or anything that showed his love for you in general. You loved it because no one ever made you feel as special as he did.
"I'm not being sentimental, I'm just telling you." Doyoung kissed the back of your hand, making you even more flustered than before. "But I'll stop talking because I know you just want my dick in you."
"You didn't have to put it that way," you laugh. You leaned down, kissing him softly. Doyoung placed his other hand on your thigh, squeezing the flesh softly. Doyoung let go of your hand and placed both of them on your hips. Unconsciously, you started to grind on top of him, lips never leaving his. His hands followed your movements, pushing his hips up to get more friction.
The sound of the rain breathing the windows created the perfect white noise for you to put your focus on him. You pulled away from him, leaning lower to kiss his neck.
"God, I love you so much," he sighed.
"I know you do." You came up and pulled your shirt above your head, throwing it on the floor in front of the couch. You reached to your back, unclipping your bra. Doyoung's gaze never left your body, watching as the fabric fell from your skin exposing your chest. Every time felt like the first time. It didn't matter how many times you undressed yourself in front of him, he would still get excited and nervous all at the same time.
"I'll never get tired of this," he mumbled, eyes going straight to your chest.
"I hope you don't because I'll never get tired of you," you said softly. You lift Doyoung's shirt tugging it up. He lifts his arms helping you get the fabric off of him. You toss the shirt next to yours and shuffle off his lap to remove your pants. Doyoung started doing the same. His hands clumsily undid his belt, fingers unable to properly hold the leather because of how sweaty his fingertips were. You watched him, laughing softly as you moved his hands gently, undoing his belt for him.
"Why do you still get nervous every time," you laughed.
"Because it's you."
Your hands are on his zipper when you stop and look at him. You leaned in, kissing him quickly with a small smile on your face. "We might as well get married now since you wanna be all cute and romantic," you tease.
"But if we do that, you won't get your big princess wedding." The both of you laugh as you pull off his jeans and boxers. You run your hands down his chest, making his breath hitch in his throat slightly. The way your nails raked softly over his skin - he wanted to put a baby in you right at this moment.
You had almost completely forgotten about the storm at that point, just focusing on Doyoung in the candle light. But like always, your small fears had to betray you in some way. You glanced out the window, immediately becoming worried again seeing the trees sway in the wind and - wait, is it hailing now? The loud sound of the balls of nice hitting your window and car in the driveway confirmed your thoughts, making you knit your brows.
"I think it's hailing now, Do."
"I know, but don't worry about it, okay." Doyoung put his hand on your waist, pulling you closer to him. "Don't worry about anything. Just lay back and let me take care of you." Doyoung gently laid you on the couch, lifting your legs. You and him had discussed having children before, conversation always ending in "I don't know" or "maybe," but right now he was feeling like the answer should be "definitely."
You laid there watching him as he lined himself with your core, eyes lost in the wetness between your legs. Doyoung pushed himself into you, a sigh of relief and pleasure falling from both of your lips. Doyoung moved his hands from your thighs to your ankles, holding them tight in his hands. Your brows knit once he starts thrusting, moving in and out of you slowly.
"You remember that conversation we had about kids," he asked, breathing heavily because of the pleasure.
"Mhm," you nod, lip between your teeth.
"I..I changed my mind, I want one… now." Doyoung's other hand found its way to your core, fingers gently toying with your clit as he thrusted. He felt you shiver under his touch, soft moans filling the space of the quiet room. "Wanna put a baby in you so bad.."
You nodded, only half listening to what he was saying. And in all honesty, you wanted it too. You needed it. "Please Doyoung, put a baby in me," you moaned softly.
Doyoung kept thrusting in you slowly, breathy groans leaving his lips. His eyes followed your hands as you brought one to your chest, pinching your nipple, and the other to Doyoung's hand that was in your clit. You followed his movements, pressing his fingers on your clit harder. "Fuck," you whispered. "Faster baby."
Doyoung let go of your ankles, allowing you to readjust yourself on the couch. He leaned down, kissing you passionately as he thrusted. His movements were sharp and deep, the sound of skin slapping playing over your ears instead of the worsening storm outside. You cupped his face, moaning on his lips.
"Fuck..right there," you whined softly.
If he could, he would get your face at the very moment tattooed on his brain. You were so pretty, you were always pretty no matter what. But something about your face when you were under him, letting yourself be vulnerable despite your usual introverted nature was so fascinating to him. You always crumbled at every touch, every word, every sound. And to make matters better, you looked angelic in the candle light.
Your arms were now around his neck, forehead resting on his as the both of you moaned. Doyoung's arm snakes around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He needed to be chest to chest with you, feeling every breath you took. Doyoung slipped into the crook of your neck, planting messy kisses on your sweaty skin. You whimpered in his ears, hands in his hair.
"You sound so pretty baby," he mumbled on your skin. "I love it so much."
"D-Doyoung.." The way his name rolled off your tongue almost sent him to the moon. You clenched around him slightly, earning a small raspy whine from him. Doyoung took your left hand and pinned it on the arm of the couch above you. He clasped his hand with yours, squeezing it tightly as if he would lose you if he let it go.
He kissed you once again, tongue dancing with yours. He was so desperate for you and you could feel it. You always felt it, and it always turned you on even more. You never knew Doyoung to be a person who loved physical touch, but after you started dating him, he was like a completely different person, especially in bed. He borderline worshipped, and while it was overwhelming in the beginning, you grew to love and crave more of his attention.
Just as he pulled away, the sudden sound of thunder roared through the sky. The sound was so strong, you felt your house shake at the sound’s vibrations. The sudden noise made you jump, making Doyoung pause his movements for a moment. "You okay," he asked worriedly, scanning your face.
You nodded, giving him a small smile. "I'm okay, it just surprised me a little." You have him a quick kiss moving your arm from around his neck to cup his face. "Keep going."
Doyoung started thrusting again, a low grunt in his throat feeling you squeeze around him again. You were still cupping his face, finger tips lightly brushing his skin with every movement. Doyoung squeezed your hand again, wincing slightly at your nails digging into his skin. Doyoung started fucking into you harder, pulling louder sounds out of you.
"That..that feels good," you said between pants.
"How good baby? Tell me." Doyoung leaned into you neck, teeth nipping softly at your skin. His arm was still wrapped around your back, rubbing circles in your waist.
"Really good," you whimpered. "I'm so close Do."
His brows were knit when he lifted his head from your neck. Doyoung canned your face, a small smile tugging in his lips. He could always tell when you were close. You always tend to cling to his shoulder or grab whatever you were holding tighter, and this time it was both of those things. Your hands gripped his hand and shoulder hard, nails imprinting on his flesh. "Look at me when you cum."
You nodded, trying your best to listen and be good for him. You felt yourself become small under Doyoung's intense gaze, gulping when you felt your body begin to tense up. "Baby, I..I'm gonna.."
And just like that, you came hard squeezing around him hard. Your moans filled the room, body trembling under his when he pulled you closer.
"That's it Y/N. I know that felt good," he cooed. "Where do you want me to cum?"
"Inside me," you panted. "I wasn't kidding earlier."
"You sure? I don't mind doing it but-"
"I'm sure Doyoung." You kissed him, smiling against his lips when he kissed you back harder. Doyoung started thrusting into you again, a shudder falling last your lips. You were already sensitive from cumming first, every movement started feeling like an electrical current flowing throughout body.
"Fucking hell," you moaned loudly, throwing your head back at the feeling.
"Just a little more baby. Can you take it for me?"
"Anything for you." You were slightly slurring on your words, too overtaken with pleasure. Doyoung kept rocking his body at a steady pace, but his movements were getting rougher and rougher. He dropped his head in the crook of your neck, soft moans and whimpers leaving his lips closer and closer to his orgasm.
"Cum in me Doyoung. Make me yours."
That's all he needed. Doyoung came inside of you hard for the first time. The both of you moaned together, the warm liquid spreading inside you. Doyoung clung to your body, still holding your body close to his like you would run away from him. His breathing was heavy along with yours, breaths tickling your neck. Doyoung let go of your hand but stayed on your palm simply resting it.
"I can't believe we actually did that," he said giving you a soft tired chuckle.
"Well I can." You kissed the top of his head, nuzzling your nose in his hair.
"Are you..sure you're okay with me cumming inside you? That seemed like such a heat of the moment thing," he questioned.
"It was, but I don't regret it."
Doyoung lifted his body off of yours, staring down at your tired face. You had a happy, content look on your face, like you waited for this to happen. Just when he was about to say something thunder roared again. He looked over to the window, seeing that the hail stopped and all that was left was horrible rain. This time you didn't jump because you were so distracted by the mere thought of a mini Doyoung running around your house.
"The hail stopped.."
"I love you."
A soft laugh escapes your lips speaking at the same time as him. You licked your lips, smiling at his flustered expression. "Why are you getting embarrassed?"
"You said that out of nowhere," he said, blush spreading across his cheeks.
"Your naked and inside of me. And when you pull out, your-"
"Okay, okay. I get it. I shouldn't be embarrassed about it," he chuckled. Doyoung kissed you softly, smiling in your lips. "I love you too."
"Good. Now what are we naming our children?"
Doyoung gave you an amused look, trying to lift himself off your body only for you to pull him back down. "Y/N, we'll talk about that when I get off you."
"But I want you close," you pout.
"Okay, fine. If we have a girl, I like the name Sarah," he said, giving into your question.
"And a boy?"
"I just want girls."
"Do, that's not how it works-"
"I said what I said."
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jamjaemin · 8 months
One more night (M)
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: idol bf!jeno x f!reader
𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: +18 mdi pls
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ⚠: explicit content, hard!dom jeno kissing, fingering, unprotected sex, doggy, possessive, orgasm denial, dirty talk, rough sex, Praising and degradation....
𝐰𝐜: 1.5k
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: ONE MORE NIGHT is about missing your boyfriend jeno and the times you spent together. It's difficult to find that time again because of his work as a kpop idol, he's been so busy and you couldn't handle the distance asking to end this relationship just to threaten him. What's gonna happen when you tell him?
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Lately you had the idea that this relationship will not last forever, there's no deep-rooted feelings anymore those late-night conversations that lead to intimacy, confessing his love for you so many times and much more. It's just different now although he told you about how his job works and it's not the first time that you had an argument about this topic.
the night you opened your mouth again, jeno seemed like he was going to explode with anger, trying his best to control himself. Every word that came out of your lips burned the heart that loved you blindly. It is okay to be impatient but he's no different than u, you did not think about how much he was trying to make your relationship successful even if your intentions were not to end it, most of times he come tired and see you after work.
On the night he found free time in his schedule, in his car and after a date. The timing was fucked up the situation was fucked up and you were just fucked up. You noticed that he drove faster and how his grip tightened on the steering wheel, instead of getting in the same argument. His veins want to burst from his skin. He had enough of your complaints and it's time to make you pay for your unforgivable mistake.
"I think we finished this nonsense a long time ago baby, no?", he said with a low voice smirking, he know you can't just turn your back at him because you loved each other's and can't spend a day without hearing his voice, either seeing him in person or on a phone call when he's away. Jeno have his own ways to change your mind no matter what you tried to say but this time he will do what he want to do.
“Did you really think that talking it out would change anything?” you whispered grabbing hard on your bag .You knew you were hasty when you said that, and you regretted it deeply.
You shivered hearing his next words, “do you think threatening me would, kitten?” He said rising one eyebrow not expecting you to talk back like this glancing at you for a moment before looking at the road and sighed deeply.
"Tonight can't be enough to teach you some manners, i need one more night" his lips moved again while turning the steering wheel all the way to the right parking the car near the familiar place where you spend most of time with him.
"I didn't mean it i-" you stuttered panicking when he get out of the car opening your door and pulling you by your wrist strongly, slamming the door behind you "get the fuck out" his grip firm and you never seen him like this before.The possessive nature within him swelled, the need to keep you close overwhelming. He led you towards the entrance of the house, his presence providing a sense of security and stability but its scary because u never seen him this mad. With every step, his dominance and control radiated, a silent reminder of the power dynamic between you. You were his, and he was yours, and he relished in the knowledge of the depth of your need for him, "My wrist hurts so much jeno! Relax your grip, please"
Your body was slightly trembling like it's your first time although you had sex many times with jeno but this time feels different...like you're a virgin.
"Shhhh" his eyebrows furrowed shushing you. Your trembling only fuelled his desire, he tightened his grip on your wrist, offering a silent reassurance that worse is coming if you don't shut up. The realization that this time felt different, the power he held over you, the effect he had on your body and mind. With each step, your weakness only seemed to intensify.
As both reached the entrance, jeno's other hand slid into his pocket, retrieving the keys to the door. The cool metal pressed against his palm, With a flick of his wrist the door unlocked, dragging you inside. The click of the lock echoes in the silence and you know its your end.
"Look at me and say it again" He murmured "you can't" and he was right you wanted him so badly, his voice laced with longing closing the distance between your bodies and without wasting a second he smashed his lips on yours, he start kissing you hungrily and aggressively, pulling your hair while breathing heavily. Moving step by step, It didn't take long for him to push you making you lay down on the couch....the bedroom was upstairs and he's so impatient and desperate to fuck you here and now.
He takes his white dress-shirt off after unbuttoning it, ripped some buttons from the strength that he can't control especially when mad and turned on before he's hovering above you.
"Jeno no-" He didn't let you finish your sentence and attacked your lips again doing the same thing to your shirt sliding it off your arms and throwing it on the floor.
From your lips, he kisses down to your jawline. Then to your neck sucking on it hard as if this is the last sex he'll ever have leaving his marks of ownership. You bite your bottom-lip to stop any moans you make, but it wasn't worth it.. you were a moaning mess he knows your body so well and everytime you moan jeno would go wilder, he snipes your bra off and keep going down to your cleavage and breasts fingers find their way to your hardened nipples, pinching and squeezing the sensitive buds. You let out a sharp cry. "not t-there"
“here?”he suppresses a groan lips are attached to your bare nipples teasing the hell out of you, swirling his warm tongue and sucking loudly. Your hands tugging at the strands of his hair as you moan his name. 
"I don't want this" You squeezed your thighs together bucking your hips as he kiss on your tummy reaching to your skirt taking it off too as he growls "spread those legs for me, cmon" before he loses his shit.
So ashamed from yourself to do so because of your arousal, thinking for too long what to say but he can solve this with force, he's so strong for you making you spreading them wide enough.
"Please stop" you breathed trying to hide the wet spot in your panties with your hands but he uses more force grabbing your wrists and pinning them above your head with one hand. "What's this baby, hm?"..your body jolted when jeno's long fingers slipped inside your panties feeling your wetness and teasing your clit making you squirm softly, even your own body betrayed you.
"Oh no, you lied to me twice princess" adding a rough whisper "Promise I'll not go easy on you" that ruined you immediately before he does.
"Jeno im sorry" You begged him, hoping he let it slide but lee jeno is lee jeno. your eyebrows frowning on how good he's making you feel waiting for his answer eagerly. "Too late" without a warning his fingers find their way inside your folds curling them and hitting every sweet spot of your needy pussy that makes writhing in pleasure.
"just like that...fucking slut, let me hear every sound you make" He added, straightening the fingers inside of you and going a little faster, loving how wet you were.“God, you're so wet and desperate for me.” 
You moaned louder as his thumb circled your clit, hips jutting up. “Ahh!—” Your pleasure soon turned to be unbearable “Oh, my god! hnn—Jeno!” He wasn’t gentle in the slightest, fingers working you until you were a sobbing mess beneath him, and just when you think you’ll come, he’s pulling away and slapping a hand against your quivering pussy. “You'll cum only when I allow you to” He rasps, mouth hot against yours.
"P-please don't do this to me I said I'm sorry" He let you whine but it wasn't long before you were interrupted by the sound of his belt, which made your poor body shiver.
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“I’ve ap- apologized, jeno sl- ow down.”Jeno ignored you and thrusted harder, earning another whimper from you. no matter how you move he wouldn’t budge.
Since you didn't stop moving and without hesitation he flipped you onto your stomach and spanked your ass until it's numb and red, grabbed your waist harshly making sure to leave his fingerprints on your skin as you arch your back from pain and pleasure. “This is what you deserve for being impatient" ,tugging you back against him until his cock went inside you again "you can do better than just apologizing with words, prove it to me needy girl.”
You moan, fingers clutching against the couch as he rains down another series of slaps against your ass, each one stinging more than the last. It’s on the fifth one that you bite down on the leather fabric, desperate to muffle the annoying sound of your voice.
Jeno doesn’t like it that much wrapping his fingers in your hair, tugging you up until your back is pressed against his chest. He growls against the shell of your ear. “You’re gonna cry, and you’re gonna do it loud, show me how sorry you are"
Your eyes were burning from all the crying, you ended up submitting to him. Allowing him to use your body however he liked. You were on the verge of passing out when he picked you up and began fucking you as hard as possible "scream my name and make me fucking proud"
"Jeno! I wanna cum please" You sob fingernails digging into his forearm. Him telling you how good you're taking his cock and that your apology is still not accepted, the tears of yesterday’s forgotten placed by tears of pleasure. "So pretty" a low growl escaped his lips.
an hour passed – maybe two – you’ve lost count from the amount of times jeno has made you cum after denying your orgasms for long enough to make you break, your legs are giving out, shaking from pleasure after teaching you a lesson of respect.
it seems he misses you just as much, can't stop fucking you even when your pussy is dripping full of his cum, breasts swollen all marked and ready to learn your second lesson of patience, one more night.
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: hope you enjoyed it as mush as I did writing it, i ended up choosing jeno for this one bc he fits it perfectly and bc I couldn't stop thinking about being manhandled by him ^^ anyways ty for reading♡
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mikaleialt · 8 months
Secret Love Song
Bada Lee x Bebe!reader
"Why can't I hold you in the streets? Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor?"
Synopsis: being in a secret relationship is not easy, especially if you are hiding it to the whole world. — or — the heavy weight of the strained relationship you have with Bada has just become too overwhelming.
cw: major angst, mentions of breaking up, kinda toxic relationship,language, long ass story— i didn't count
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When BeBe got invited by Mnet to compete for the second season Street Woman Fighter, all of us were ecstatic, especially our team leader and my girlfriend, Bada Lee.
I know just how much Bada wants to showcase each of her members talents to the whole world, and how important this is for her, especially for her career as a choreographer and dancer.
Before the day of the first filming, Bada and I had come to an agreement to keep our relationship in secret in order to keep a professional image in front of our opponents and to the viewers. I didn't mind it, its not like this the first time we are keeping our relationship a secret after all.
As a matter of fact, our relationship has always been kept private, as we are both professional dancers and choreographers, only a few close people knew about our relationship.
We kept our personal life separated from our work life which let us have a nice private and peaceful life as a couple, just in each others arms with no one trying to pry on our relationship or any personal matters.
Everything is perfect. Everything was perfect.
After the first episode had aired, Bada's popularity blossoms and soon had her own fan base. I was so proud that to see her grow in her career.
But as the team and Bada's popularity grew each day, the pressure to meet the people's expections also rises, and it had affect Bada the most.
After the Kpop Deathmatch Mission, Bada has pushed herself to be better, which means she also pushes the team to be better. She becomes more strict to us, but still kept her bubbly personality when it is appropriate to goof around.
But it all went down when we got the feedback of the other groups for the Mega Crew Mission. When we learned that all of our opponents predicted that our team will be the next to go home, Bada broked down into pieces. The negative feedback had causes her to lose her confident on herself and as her girlfriend, I tried to comfort her.
"Babe, don't mind what they said, they were probably doing this to messed us up, after all we won the last challenge right? We got this, okay? I believe in us." I tried to comfort the crying Bada on my lap that night and although it had seemed to work as Bada was now more determined to prove those people wrong about what they think about her and her team.
But, It just doesn't feel right at all, yes Bada have improved a lot and was now more motivated to do better, but the more she focuses on winning the challenges and mission, the more distant she becomes to me.
After that night, Bada never stopped talking about the routines she can think of for the upcoming missions and how it will be a new step for Bebe.
It was all that she talked about, to the point she even forgets that tonight is your anniversary night.
"...I'm thinking maybe Lusher or Tatter would be the center for the first part and then we will use the..." Bada kept mumbling about the dance choreo and other stuff related to the competition and as a great girlfriend, I tried to be understanding.
I really did try my best.
But it only gets worse from there, with Bada's fame grew more, people can't help but get attracted to her, which is understandable.
It was a typical fan behaviour, and I know that Bada has this charisma in her that just makes her more attractive. But, I drew the line when people starts shipping my girlfriend to other participants like Audrey or Kirsten, heck even Redy who used to have beef with Bada.
It was pathetic, I know. But the fact that Bada was becoming closer to Redy once again after the first battle made me feel insecure.
Maybe it was the additional stress from the already strained relationship I had with Bada that makes me more anxious and jealous when in reality it is just an fantasy fans and shippers had built to satisfy their delusions. But it is starting to get to me slowly and slowly.
And this night is the final straw...
Bada kept staying up late, busying herself with making choreos, too busy to even realize that I'm not even sleeping in the same bed, let alone the same room anymore as I had moved to the spare bedroom in our apartment a week ago.
And the fan edits of Bada with other girls and guys, occupy every single social media I have. Almost like it was taunting me.
I broke down that night. All the stress from the competition and my relationship with Bada is finally having an affect on me. That night I was restless, my eyes are puffy
The next day was Bebe's practice for the New Song Challenge, where we will be choreographing Hwasa's song 'Chile'.
There were cameras set up on the dance studio we were practicing on, documenting the progress of our team. Which also means that Bada and I won't be able to interact once again.
"Ok let's run that part one more time" Bada said as everyone went to their places and the song starts.
During the part of the hook where we are doing the '7' sign with our hands, I was at the wrong position making me bumped into Bada as we danced.
And my blood runs cold when I looked at the taller girl behind me who is glaring at me intensely. I mutter a quick sorry, to which she just ignored and replayed the part again.
I feel like breaking down once again. Everyone in the team Bebe noticed the red, puffy eyes that I tried to hide from the camera by wearing a hat, the dark cloud that looms over me at my sulken face. Everyone noticed that, except Bada.
"Y/n, go back to the first position!" I flinched when Bada raised her voice, she is obviously pissed off at me now.
I am trying so hard not to cry infront of the camera and my crew as I bit my lip hard enough for me to taste a bit of blood.
The practice continues as the tension between me and Bada thickens. Looks like the show found the highlighted drama they want for the next episode.
Once the practice was over and the cameras sre all turned off, I quickly made my way out of the room I was in, not even waiting for Bada as I made my way home, eventhough Bada drove the both of us here.
I stopped by a convenience store to buy an ice cream and some sour candies to shock my system and stop me from breaking down. Before making my way back to our apartment.
And just as I thought, Bada is already there, she has a car whilst I walked home for the most part, so it makes sense.
As soon as I stepped inside, Bada is sitting on the couch, her elbows are pressed on her knees, as her fingers are intertwined.
I can sense she is very angry, but I'm way too mentally and emotionally unstable for any confrontations as I walk passed her figure, attempting to go to my bedroom, which is the stupidest decision I ever think of since it just made Bada even more mad.
"Oh so now you're gonna ignore me? Gonna act like you didn't just walked out after practice and then going home late?" Bada glares at me as I stop on my tracks.
I stare back at her, but all I can see from her is how pissed she is. I can't even recognize her.
Just a few months ago, we were fine, we were happy. But now here we are, acting like we're not even in a relationship.
"Y/n!" I flinch again as Bada raises her voice once again, "What, are you just gonna stare at me like a deer in a headlights? Answer me goddamit? What is your problem? You are so off today, your performance is already way worse than before? Are you trying to sabotage the team—"
Bada's voice faded out in my mind, all I can think of is how we used to be. This is totally different from the secret relationship we had when we are at work.
Bada has become way to obsessed with the competition that I don't she recognize my role in her life anymore. I think she already forgot that I'm her girlfriend, all because of how often we restrain ourselves from showing affection in public.
A lone tear runs down my face as Bada keeps on rambling and nagging me about my performance today.
"Stop fucking crying and answer me. What is your problem—"
Bada was shocked from my tone and by my answer. She stayed silent, feeling nervous as this is the first I got angry this bad.
"Eversince we kept our kept our relationship a secret from the whole world, you continued the act even when it's just the two of us." Fat tears are now rolling down my cheeks as my legs started to feel weak.
"I'm so sick and tired of hiding everything. I just want to be held by you in public. I mean you did it with Redy, heck you even kissed Kirsten on the cheek after you were both auditioned for the main dancer title on the first mission, why can't you do it to me?" My legs finally give out as I sat on the floor while Bada stood next to me.
"How can you flirt and be affectionate to everyone but your own girlfriend? Am I still even your girlfriend?" I looked up to her as Bada now have a hint of regret on her face.
Bada can't talk back, she was in deep thought as her mind fills with regrets.
"You forgot our anniversary last week, you talk about me leaving you behind earlier while you left me behind on everything you do. You are so obsessed with the competition that you pushed me and our relationship out from your thoughts. Honestly by now I'm justing waiting for you to break up with me." Bada's felt a pang on her chest as she kneels down next to me and hugged me, I let her but I didn't hug her back.
"I just want to stop hiding anymore..." my tone is much more softer now as I hear Bada's sobs. "You even forgot that today’s my birthday..." I tear up again as Bada starts muttering her apologies.
We both cry in silence, as we finally realize how much damage hiding did to our relationship.
"I'm sorry... It hurts me too when I can't hold you in front of many people. I'm sorry I didn't know how much I hurt you until now... I-It was stupid of me." Bada looks in to my eyes as she says those words.
"I'm sorry I forgot about you...I-" Bada chokes on her tears as she just squeeze my hands.
"I wanna get back from all I did the past few months since the competition... please give me a chance... I-I will be better." Bada looks at me desperately.
"Bada, what I want is for to us to stop hiding anymore..." I cup her cheeks. Bada contemplates at the mention of going public and it was very evident at the sudden change in her expression.
My heart breaks even more when I saw that Bada is having second-thoughts about my request.
"...so that's your answer, huh?" I sighed as I tried to stand up once again and walk to my bedroom. “Why is it so hard for you to tell the world that I’m yours?” I said before closing the door. Bada stumbles on her feet as she tries to follow me but I locked the door before she can even enter.
I broke down once again, seeing as there's no hope that Bada will ever agree to making our relationship public...
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A/n: this is honestly really weird, I might revised it later but there might be a part two for this... I'm just too tired to finish it right now. Also, here you go, @badasgirlfriend ... anyway hope you enjoyed this—even if it's a bit trashy and incomplete
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koishiro · 9 months
𝑬𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍 | 방탄소년단 📍
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ — 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 : Jungkook just wants to take care of you and if that means he needs to join you in the bath then so be it
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ — 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 : Jungkook x fem!reader
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ — 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 : fluff/smut
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ — 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒 : Jungkook has a kink for dom reader, penetration, unprotected sex, cumming inside
=͟͟͞͞ ⌧ 𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒍 : reader’s nickname is cat because I had too many puns to use im sorry- (it’s explained I promise :’))
main masterlist | kpop masterlist | upcoming anon asks
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"Baths ready" I heard echo out of the bathroom.
"Thank you" I mumbled, getting up from the bed, slower this time.
The bath was aromatic, full of bubbles and looked so peaceful. I leaned against the door frame closing my eyes.
"Cat, are you going to be ok in there?" He questioned softly.
"I'm fine" I snapped back to reality. I was aware of my stubborn determination to be self sufficient, especially after having a panic attack.
"It's okay to need help" Again the soft tone of his voice irked at my independence.
"I'm fully capable of having a bath, what are you going to do? join me? It's ok, I've got this" I said trying and failing to unzip the back of my dress.
"If that's what it takes to know you’re okay? Then yes” If I hadn't just burnt out all my brains reserves of adrenalin having a panic attack, I'm positive my mind would have been running a thousand miles an hour, but for the first time in a long time, it wasn't. I was entirely focused on the basic things - like how relaxing the bath looked and how good it would feel to wash my face and hair. I still had some wits about me, as romantic as the concept of having a bath together was, and despite how my body was reacting to the idea, I wasn't necessarily in the right headspace for anything intimate; I tried to make that thought process clear.
"It can't be anything. But, yeah, I'd appreciate the company. I don't really want to be alone right now" I offered honestly, "but you can't look”
"I know" He sighed, "Not like this, this is not how I ever imagined it Y/n, I sincerely just want to make sure you're okay”
"Not like this...?" I repeated what he said. My brain and heart took a double take as I stared up at him. He'd thought about it, he'd thought about us. "Okay, I'm not looking” He turned around, embarrassed.
I slipped out of my clothes and slowly hopped into the bath. It was gigantic, so full of bubbles. The water sitting almost at my shoulders, I was able to easily sit sideways with my knees up to my chest.
"Okay, you can look”
"Aw you look so small” he noted, sitting next to the bath.
"I thought you were going to join me?"
"Ah, it's okay, I'll just keep you company, I really want to let you have space” He reached and scooped up a handful of bubbles, placing them on my head "Cat in a hat”
I took a hand full of bubbles and blew into it, spraying him with them, he laughed and sighed.
I turned to lie and stretch out in the bath, considering I had it all to myself, I thought it best to make the most of it. He leaned against the tub and played videos on his phone to keep us both amused, occasionally splashing me.
"You know you actually need to wash yourself in the bath?" he joked.
My eyes fluttered open and shut again, "’m just so tired, you said to relax" I twisted his words to fit my agenda.
"Come on, wake up!" he splashed my face.
"No, you wake up” I lazily splashed him back.
"We can't hide in here all day" Splash.
"You can't hide in here all day," I splashed him again "This is my home now”
"I thought Cats hated water” Splash.
"It's a myth, I'm a purrmaid now" I stretched out, enjoying my terrible pun and attempting to ignore the barrage of water attacks.
He splashed me just for the bad joke, he sat there looking a little angry and wet "That's it! Cat-tatonic, you can't stay in there forever” he got up and left the room.
"I can and I will!" I yelled after him.
I didn't feel bad about it at all. I lied back again, closing my eyes and enjoying the peace, trying desperately not to accidentally fall asleep.
He sauntered back a few minutes later wearing a towel. With all the photos and videos he'd sent me over the years I'd never actually seen him shirtless. I drank it in for a minute, his shoulders and arms were my favourite part, muscular with one full sleeve of tattoos.
"Hey, hey, hey, no looking” he laughed and I covered my face with my hands, clearly still looking. "Cat, this is kind of nerve wrecking, please?"
"Okay, okay, okay, just saying, I don't understand why. You’re hot so” I turned away from him, this was difficult, I could have stared for decades, etching his physique into my mind like stone.
"Now schooch over," he demanded, "If you're never getting out, I'm getting in”
I moved forward in the bath and he stepped in, sitting behind me, making the water rise and splash a little over the edge.
"OK, you were right, this is pretty relaxing. Well, pretty and relaxing”
I looked back and smiled at him, he always got to me with his sneaky compliments.
"Alright now, come here" he said, I backed up little so I was sitting between his legs but not fully against him, I felt a sudden cold on my head.
"What are you...?"
He was washing my hair, I was confused but okay with it.
"Since you're determined to just sit and do nothing, we'll be here for ever, so I'll do it” He started to massage the shampoo into my hair, It was a nice feeling, I'd only had hair dressers ever do this and it wasn't like they actually got in a bath with you. It felt so intimate and caring, his hands massaging my tired head. I was close to melting down the drain with the water at that point, I was so at peace. I certainly didn't expect him to randomly blast the conditioner out with the shower head set to cold.
I screamed and turned awkwardly in his lap "You bastard!"
He was just smiling that dumb fucking smile that he always used to get away with anything. I put my knees on his legs to gain purchase and grabbed his throat lightly. I suddenly noticed he was looking down, not at my face. In my attempt to be threatening, I was giving him a full view of my breasts, nipples perky as the cold water dripped down my body. Something about the way I'd grabbed him dominantly stirred something inside me, something I didn't know was there.
"If this is how I die I'm 100% fine with it" he gleamed.
"Ah, you pervert" I teased, dropping back down into the water and turning my back to him quickly. Deflecting my own thoughts yet still sitting between his legs again, choosing to be closer this time.
"hey, I did nothing”
He got a loofa and started scrubbing my back gently
"This is kinda weird right?" I said thinking aloud, my brain starting to work again.
"Do you want me to stop?"
"Not at all, but I mean, we've sorta just met”
"We've been friends for eight years" He said defensively.
"Online though" I reminded him. "So have you bathed Taehyung?" I was referring to one of our mutual male friends.
"No, but he's never refused to get out of a bathtub before, I guess this is a new one” he laughed, "Arm up”
I raised my arm, he glided the loofa up and down, washing it, then proceeded down the side of my body, grazing my breast and hip.
"Other one”
Same thing again, one of his hands had snaked its way to resting on my waist, I wasn't sure why it was so intensely comfortable but also so present in my mind. All the physical touch in such a gentle caring manner was turning me on a lot more then I expected.
"Do you want to do the rest? Or do you want me to?" He questioned, it had become apparent the next parts would be very intimate. I slid back against him so my back was on his chest.
"Is it weird I'm enjoying this? this is so relaxing and..." I paused, changing my thought pattern "I can do it if you don't want to?"
"Not weird at all, I just don't want to make you uncomfortable. I'm so glad you’re feeling better" he pulled my waist towards him so I was fully pressed against him for a hug. He body felt good against mine, his arms felt strong wrapped around me. The bubbles, the water, all adding an extra layer of sensation. I knew he was being kind but it was impossible to not notice that he was absolutely turned on, I could feel him so hard against my back.
"Seems like your feeling pretty good yourself" I giggled.
"Hey, I really can't help it, it doesn't have to mean anything. I just, can't..." he paused for a moment to collect his words "I cant control what my body feels with you naked. Just ignore it, I promised I wouldn't do anything but help you”
"I think I understand the feeling” I sighed quietly to myself.
"Nothing... you missed a spot" I said handing him the loofa again.
He slowly washed my shoulders and collar bone, then skipped to my waist and stomach, he started mirroring what he was doing with his hand on one side, loofa in the other and occasionally swapping. It was slow and sensual, it felt like he was exploring my body. At a leisurely pace he moved to my legs and thighs, stopping just short of anything too intimate. I knew it wasn't intentional, but it felt like teasing and it was driving me wild, I could tell how wet I was even in the water. I was aware of my pulse in my pussy as he ran his hands up my inner thighs. I could feel his cock getting even harder, I wasn't sure that was possible when I had first lied back against him.
He moved his hands up to my breasts, finally. I wiggled my ass, just a little, back into him. I was testing the waters, feeling his cock twitch against me, his breathing got heavier and faster. He slowly caressed my breasts, at first appearing to wash them but after a minute had past and his hands still lingered, I was sure he was just enjoying them.
"I don't mind at all" I said, wanting to give him some confirmation that I was enjoying the attention to detail, I leant my head back against his chest and closed my eyes to enjoy the sensation. He let the loofa go and slid his hands around, slowly squeezing and massaging my chest. Letting his fingers glide over my nipples, which were getting harder at his touch. He intermittently pinched each one, I moaned a little, not intending to, but rather unable to controll it. His hands started to take turns at exploring more of my body.
"You're really beautiful and soft, you feel amazing" he sighed in my ear.
In a lot of ways I wanted it to stop but I also couldn't seem to say no. I was so heavily conflicted between my attraction and fear of the level of intensity. I'd always been scared of Jungkook in that way, I always felt like I'd die of thirst without his attention, but I also felt like I'd drown in the emotion attached to it. He had, and probably always would be 'The one', as stupid as that sounded. He wasn't the guy I imagined fucking without strings attached, he was so much more to me. He came with the dream of the life after, the simple life; full of laughter and light. We'd spent eight years talking online everyday, never tiring, never losing interest. He even kept calling me Cat, part of my online tag, after telling him my name years later. He was always a passing ship in the night, one of us always in a relationship, the unobtainable and that felt so safe. However, right now, we were both alone, together. Everything about him felt so right, his hands on my body, his presence, the way we fit together so well, just lying on him watching TV or even now, in the bath, it just felt so much like I was a part of him and he was a part of me.
I tensed up and he felt it, he stopped touching me instantly.
"Y/n, are you ok?" He didn't say Cat, he used my actual name not the nickname he always called me.
"I just..." I turned in the water, sitting up and slipping my legs over his to face him, "Can we do this?"
"Only if you want to?" He looked at me puzzled.
"I mean, with you? can it be casual? Isn't it always going to be more?"
"Cat, it can mean whatever you want it to, or I can stop right now if you want and I'll go get dressed. You know how I've always felt about you, but also, I respect you. It can just be fun, if that's all you want at the moment. I've never been able to do this kind of thing without the connection, but I already have that with you and nothing will ruin that. All I can think in this moment is that fucking you would feel right, for once Cat, don't overthink”
I stared at him intensely. Was he just saying what I wanted to hear? Am I going to hurt him? am I going to hurt us? This is the type of thing that's going to invoke a few days worth of reckless behaviour from me and I was well aware of my patterns.
"I really want to," I admitted "my body is screaming at me to, but, I don't want to hurt you” I was watching his face intently for any sign that this could be wrong.
"I rather be hurt 1000 times than never feel you," he put his hands back on my hips starting to pull me down onto his lap. "I need to know what it feels like to be inside you, I need to watch your perfect body bounce, I need to see your face as you feel me inch by inch, I don't care about myself right now. I need to know what it feels like to make you cum”
Fuck, he knew how to talk when he wanted to. He knew what was in my head and he knew how I felt. He also knew I wasn't going to back down now. I hated that he knew me. I couldn't help myself, I managed to lie to myself in that moment, maybe it could just be fun, maybe it wouldn't have an effect on the dynamic of our friendship.
We'd talked a lot about sex with the distance keeping us safe, some nights spent exchanging fantasies, messages and videos. I knew everything about what he wanted, the magic words that would tip the scales for him, and he knew everything about how my body worked and what I might do. We both knew I was far more experienced, him only having a few sexual partners in the past worried me, but not enough to stop me. The logical part of my brain had shut down. I needed to be the dominant one here, I needed to show him. He could talk smoother then I ever could, but I could use my body.
"Cat we don't have to- " I cut him off and grabbed his throat, I enjoyed that feeling earlier, I wanted to try it again. I pulled myself to him and kissed him deeply, his hand raised to mine in shock but he relented and kissed me back. I kneeled over him and used my other hand to stroke his hard cock under the water. His hands slid across my body, I'm not sure he knew what to do with my sudden assault on his senses. I felt him moan into my kiss as I moved my hand up and down the length of his shaft, taking my time to rub slowly around his head, feeling it twitch in response. I released my grip off his neck and used my hand to move his hands to my ass which was hovering over him, he seemed to follow the motions amazingly. I continued to stroke his cock, surprised that it was larger then I expected.
I climbed further onto him sliding the head of his cock gently up and down, from my entrance to my clit, as I kept up the motion of sliding my hand up and down his shaft. He was starting to put pressure on my hips, begging to get inside me each time I slid up and down on him. The wetness of my cunt so different to the water of the bath. I teased him with each movement as I used his dick as a toy for my own stimulation, I wanted him to force me down onto it, he seemed to yield finally, grabbing my hips properly and pulling me onto him, inch by inch. I'd been turned on for the entire bath, I felt so swollen and as he forced his way in we both gasped, breaking the passionate kiss, locked into inhaling each others breath. By the time he was fully sheathed inside of me I was almost shaking, he fit so well, I wasn't going to last long at all. I kissed him again, biting his lip and wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
I started riding him like my life depended on it, like every groan he made brought me closer to an edge I was ready to fall off a thousand times. I grinded harder against him, wanting to be so full I would never need to be fucked again, and it worked so well, up and down, him enjoying my bubble covered breasts as they bounced in his face. I felt the familiar build up of my orgasm coming on as I rode harder and faster. I gripped him tighter as my pussy clenched around his cock, unable to keep my mouth shut I let out a very audible moan of pleasure, I leant back enjoying the after shocks of my orgasm.
He seemed to be enjoying the expression on my face before he got a serious look, grabbing my hips harder then before and using my body. Jungkook was stronger than I expected, I wasn't doing any of the work anymore, just enjoying feeling him lift me and pull me back down onto him as the water splashed around us and his face started to tense.
I slid my hand back under water to rub my clit, if he was coming, I'd be damned if I wasn't going to come again with him. It wasn't hard for me to get close again, he was so focused, grunting and fucking me hard, I was loving the view, the way his arms and body tensed, the focus on his face, the way he threw his head back, moving me like I weighed nothing, grinding his hips up to mine.
I knew what would get him there, from every fantasy he'd sent me and I knew he'd fucking love it and hate it.
"You have to pull out, I'm not on birth control” I teased at him, he agreed and started going harder then before, I could feel him twitching inside me, I knew I was going to cum when he did. I wrapped my arms around him and started fucking him back again, our hips meeting. He was starting to shake, he stopped suddenly.
"I'm going to cum, I have to stop" He gasped, I knew what we both wanted to hear. I grabbed his throat again and held onto his back as tight as I could, continuing to grind against him as deeply as I could.
"Don't you fucking dare, I'm not letting go, you're going to fill me or we'll never do this again”
Jungkook’s eyes lit up with a touch of fear and excitement as he gave in, finally thrusting back knowing that I needed his seed, it only took a moment and I felt him explode inside me, shooting layer after layer of warm cum into me. My body fucking loved it, exploding into an orgasm that just kept clenching for what felt like minutes around his cock as it pulsed.
I let my grip loosen as I let my head fall against his, having an exhausted giggle, he smiled and laughed with me, wrapping his arms around my body and occasionally thrusting to see my face as we recovered our breath.
"You can't do that or I'm going to need to cum again" I breathed, trying to lift myself off him, he held me down.
"Do it” he whispered with an evil grin, I started to grind on him softly, it wasn't going to take much. He leant me back and watched me, finally using his fingers to rub my clit, as my breasts bounced freely and he met each of my thrusts again, he was watching me so intimately but I couldn't keep my eyes open. It was happening again, I gasped and held his arms tightly as I shuddered with another orgasm. He seemed so pleased with himself, kissing me again softy down my neck.
"You're mine," he whispered, moving my hair from my face.
That surprised me, but more in a way that I enjoyed. We both got out of the bath and wrapped ourselves in towels.
The bathroom was completely flooded, I giggled and bent to pick up my wet clothes. I felt his hand lift my towel at the back as I did, still bent over I looked back at him confused.
"Just admiring my work" he smiled that damn smile again, it always amazed me how confident men got after you fulfilled a fantasy. I moved into a presenting pose and let him enjoy the view of his cum dripping from my pussy for a moment, he slicked his finger up and down my slit.
"hey, no touching unless your prepared to finish the job again”
He kept going, sliding his fingers back and forth over my clit before sliding his fingers inside of me, pushing his dripping cum back in. This man was determined to make sure I couldn't think for a week.
But that's when we heard a knock at the door.
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a/n: I doubt I’m going to make a pt 2… :)
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ikigaisvt · 10 months
Everything Everywhere All at Once
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You have always loved Vernon and that much he knows. What he doesn't know is that you love him more than a best friend probably should. He also doesn't know you're virgin; but that has no correlation, right? Or does it?
What you don't know about him? Well, he's in love with you too. And surprise, surprise, he's a virgin too.
pairing: reader x vernon, she/her!reader x vernon, virgin!reader x virgin!vernon, inexperienced!reader x somewhat experienced!vernon, bottom!reader x top!vernon (but no real power dynamics) words: 3.9k content: smut, fluff, slight angst warnings: dirty talk (subtle), begging, praising, fingering, first time for mcs, protected sex, kinda love making, very sappy tbh, vernon is vry horny, they're desperate for each other, petnames (for reader: babe, baby, sweetheart, my girl, girlfriend / for vernon: babe, baby, boyfriend), vernon is called pretty, slight angst ig?, reader wears lingerie note: MINORS/AGELESS/BLANK BLOGS DNI. i first thought of this idea after playing a silly kpop dating game with my bff and i got vernon as my best friend and first time,,, i thought it fit him all too well so i decided to write it! you absolutely don't have to know the movie EEAAO to read this, it's absolutely not related to its story. the last paragraph of the fic is inspired by a quote from EEAAO which i'll put here "of all the places i could be, i just want to be here with you." (same quote as on the banner). also, once again, shout out to @homerunhansol for hyping me up while i was in the process of writing this and for being so excited! this one is for you, my fav dolly 🫶
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You love Vernon. You really do. You don't think you could have lived your life without him and thanks god you didn't had to. You often talk about being soulmates with each other; how the feeling of being together transcends anything else. Any love you have ever felt feels so little compared to what he makes you feel.
And people must be thinking how lucky you are to have such a wonderful partner.
But here's the problem: Vernon is your best friend and you have been in love with him for as long as you can remember.
As Vernon looks at his best friend sat next to him, on his couch, in his dorm, he wonders how a situation can feel so blessed and yet so cursed. He truly thinks being your best friend is the greatest gift in his life; you are an amazing friend, you never fail to support him and let him know how precious he is to this world. You understand every single one of his obsessions, from movies to cats to tacos. Despite all of this, you will forever – at least he thinks so – a source of hurt for him. Vernon has been in love with you for as long as he can remember and that's a lot of time. You have always been part of his life, just like his love for you has always been here, rooted deep in his heart, never swaying or moving aside for anyone else.
He knows it's all because of this love that he's still a virgin. He also knows that he probably should have gotten over it by now and lose his virginity with the numerous girls who have tried to get with him. He truly knows all this and yet he cannot get over this deep-rooted emotion he feels when you look at him, just as you are doing right now.
"Vernon? Earth to Vernon?" you say, waving your hand in front of his eyes, "Are you even listening to me?" you ask him, chuckling.
"Sorry, was up in my head for a sec." he answers, turning to give you his full attention.
"Let me guess, were you thinking about Everything Everywhere All at Once, again?" you tease him in a smile.
"No, I wasn't," he says, frowning a little, "It wasn't anything important." It was important.
"Okay, if you say so!" you tell him cheerfully, "Anyway, as I was saying, I was on a date with this boy and you know what was one of his first question?" you ask him, waiting for his answer which comes in a shake of his head, "If I was a virgin!" you say, dropping your hand in a dramatic way, "When I told him I was still one, he bolted out of that café-"
"Wait, you're still a virgin?" Vernon asks, completely surprised at the news. If there was someone who could pulled anyone, it'd be you.
"Oh, you missed that part too?" you tell him, still annoyed at the memory of said boy, Vernon nodding again, too shocked to let any words out, "yeah I confessed to- no I mean, I broke the news like 5 minutes ago. What you were thinking about must have been really important. Anyway, now I’m thinking I really need to get rid of my virginity card because it's blocking every relationship for me."
"But how can you get rid of it? It's not like you're going to jump on the first boy who's slightly interested in you?" he says, in disbelief at your words, "Right?"
"No! Of course not," you say trying to calm down your nerves at what you're about to say, "That's why I was thinking about this- What if you become my first time?" you finally throw as Vernon takes a sip of his coke, making him choke on it.
"What?" he answers in a strangled voice.
"Listen to me before you say no, please!" you beg, your hands joined in front of you, "I just- I trust you and I love you and you are definitely experienced," I am definitely not, Vernon thinks to himself, his cock already straining in his pants at the thought of even touching you, "And I can't think of anyone else better than you for this." you conclude, looking desperately in his eyes for any sign that you did not scared him away.
"This is a crazy idea, Y/N." his voice still hoarse from the coke incident.
"It really isn't," you fight back, "We don't have to talk about it to anyone. It will just be between me and you."
"Do you really trust me with this?" he asks you, pondering about the idea. if I say yes, when I say yes, it will be for me only, Vernon says to himself. So selfish. "If we do this, I have one request." Vernon tells you, already knowing his answer.
"Anything you want." you tell him, already eager to please. Cute.
"You have to watch Everything Everywhere All at Once with me." he asks, making this easier on purpose – if he’s true to himself he’s doing it mostly for him rather than you.
It's a few days later, when you scrubbed every inch of your skin that you and Vernon meet up – in your apartment (as it is roommate free) so you can, quite literally, fuck around. If someone told you months ago, you'd be doing this with your best friend, you wouldn’t believe them.
When Vernon walks in your apartment, you can see the anxiety on his face and in the way he holds himself. You’re starting to think you have broken your best friend with your proposition.
"You good?" you ask him, getting a hold of his hand, making him jump out.
"Y-Yeah! I'm fine," he tells you, his cock hardening already hardening against his pants for you.
"Come on," you say as you give him your hand, leading him to the bedroom.
When you both go into your room, Vernon notices how it is cleaner than any other day, no clothes lying on the floor (even though that will not last) while your bed is done nicely. You sit down at the foot of the bed, Vernon still standing in front of you.
"How- How do we process?" Vernon asks you, his knees shaking slightly.
"We don't have to do this, you know?" you say softly, "Maybe it was a bad idea after all." you mumble.
"No, no, no," he tells you hastily, falling on his knees to get to eyes level with you, "It's fine. I want to do this." he says, holding your hands tightly. "Do you?"
"Yeah, I want to do this too." you say, looking up at him with doe eyes.
"That's good to know," he chuckles slightly, stroking your hand with his thumb, "Can I kiss you?"
"Hm, you can." The nerves starting to get to you too, before easing up when Vernon gets a hold of your hand.
He leans in slowly at first, so you can back out at any moment but when he feels your hand squeeze his in a you can kiss me, he slams his lips to yours. He feels your hands move to his shirt, grabbing it tightly. After a few seconds of a sweet kiss, you part, feeling the emotion of finally sharing a kiss settle down in the pit of your stomach. You hide your face in his neck, whining softly.
"What is it?" he whispers, rubbing your back over your shirt.
"Nothing, 'm fine." you mumble, raising your head slightly, kissing at his jaw, making him shudder. You make your way back to his mouth, leaving a trail of wet kisses along the way. Vernon hisses at each one, feeling sensitive already, his cock getting harder every time your lips touch his skin.
"Can I kiss you again?" you whisper against his lips.
"Of course," he says as he gets up, "Come on, lay down for me."
"Y-Yeah, okay."
"Good." he says as he gets onto the bed, holding himself up above you.
"Come here," you mumble softly, raising your arms to touch him, "please."
Vernon lowers himself, your nose touching, as you close the space between your lips, opening your mouth slightly. You moan quietly when he starts to kiss you harder as if he wanted to do this his whole life. If only you knew.
As the kiss gets even more heated, you start to play with the hem of his shirt, wanting him to get it off so you can feel him completely.
"Want me to get this off?" he asks you, trying to keep it together for your sake. After all, you think he has experience.
"Yeah," you breath out, "I can take mine off too." you whisper softly.
"it's okay, you don't have to," he utters, sitting up on his heels, "Anything you're comfortable with."
"I want to." you tell him, looking up with shiny eyes.
"Alright, baby." he answers before pulling up his shirt, revealing his toned torso, blushed a light pink.
"You look so pretty-" you sigh out, laying your hand on his stomach, feeling his happy trail under your palm.
"T-Thank you." he mumbles, reaching out for your shirt in a sign that he wants to see you too. Your shirt gets pulled off in a few seconds, revealing a pretty baby pink bra, made mostly of lace.
"Fuck- You look so good," he moans out, his pants getting tighter at every passing second, “Is this for me?" he asks in a low voice, reaching out for your chest, almost hissing – as you moan – at the sensation of the lace under his fingers, as if it burns him.
"Hm, yeah," you admit in a small voice, "Wanted to be pretty for you- It's a matching set, too." you moan out at the way he plays with your covered tits. He must have done this to so many girls, you think to yourself, and you feel the tears welling up in your eyes but you push it down. If you can have him at least once, you will take it. No matter how much it hurts.
"You're going to kill me," he whines, the desperation making the fire in the pit of his stomach grow bigger and bigger, "Can I see?"
"Yeah." you nod, feeling the shyness gather up in a blush all the way down your neck. As soon as the words are out of your mouth, he works at the buttons on your pants, chuckling slightly at the way his hands are shaking from nervousness. Once your pants slide down, Vernon gasps at the way your baby pink panties hug your pussy so well.
"It looks gorgeous- No, I mean- You look gorgeous." he sighs out, the stress making him mumble rapidly.
"Thank you," you exhale, clutching onto his hand tightly, "Why are you so nervous? You already did this. I’m sure you know what to do."
"Well- I know what I’m doing b-but only up until this point." he mumbles under his breath, finally confessing to being a virgin too.
"What do you mean?" you ask, not quite understanding the situation.
"I mean- I already did all this and some more. I already used my fingers on someone but-" he chokes out, the words not quite wanting to form in his throat, "I’m a virgin too."
"Oh." you say softly, shocked that your best friend – whom you are deeply in love with and who's extremely hot, is a virgin too. He softly lets go of his hold on your hand, understanding that you might want to back out of your arrangement. After all, this is not what you were expecting.
"I’d understand if you don't want to keep going." he utters.
"Hey," you interject gently, holding his hand once again, "Can I know why?"
He sighs out; "Maybe one day I will tell you." In a very very very long time.
"Okay, that's fine," you smile, "It doesn't matter anyway."
"No? It doesn't?" he asks, surprised.
"No, it doesn’t. I want you," you reply, looking up at him, a pleading look across your face, "And I’m so wet. You can't just leave me like this."
"Fuck- Okay," he murmurs, knowing you want him and not his experience making this whole situation way different, "What can I do? I don't want to do something you don't want."
"Will you touch me? Please?" you ask, your hands softly touching his back, goosebumps appearing on his skin.
"Can you open your legs for me, baby?" he asks, his hands pushing your legs open gently. You fall open at his might, Vernon seeing your pretty panty with a wet patch already showing.
"Shit baby- You're so fucking wet for me already."
"i told you so," you whine as your hips buck at him, "Will you touch me n-" you choke out, not even being able to finish your phrase that his fingers meet over your panties, rubbing your clit in a circle motion. Your moans fill the room pretty soon and its only music to Vernon’s ears.
"You sound so good for me- you're driving me crazy." he tells you, his cock pressing against the harshness of his pants' seam making him groan out. He knows he already ruined his briefs from how much pre-cum is oozing from his cock.
"Shit- Vernon," you say, choking out on your moans, "Just get rid of my panties, please."
"Y-Yeah, of course, sure," he mumbles, panicking at the thought of seeing your pussy in full light. He tugs at your panties, your hips raising to help him get it off, "You look so pretty," he says, the second it's off, already teasing your hole with one finger, "Everywhere. You look so pretty, everywhere." he rectifies, blushing deeply. "I’ll start slow, okay? Tell me if it hurts or you want me to stop."
"Don't worry," you say as you grasp at his other hand, intertwining your fingers together, "I will." you whisper, bringing your intertwined hands to your lips, kissing his knuckles.
He slowly thrust his index, feeling your warmth hugging him tight, making him wonder how the fuck are you even gonna take his cock.
“You good, babe?” he tells you, breathless, brushing your hair out of your face messily.
“Yeah- feels so good.” you say, in a high pitch, already choking on pleasure. “You can move. I- can take it.” you assure him, closing your eyes, letting your body fall into the slow rhythm he settled for.
Vernon works you open slowly, your hips bucking up slightly at the sensation after he adds a second finger.
“You’re so tight, sweetheart,” he says, your walls clamping around his fingers, “How are you even going to take me?” he mumbles under his breath as he never stops his movements, bringing you so close to the edge.
“I’m so close, please-” You beg, wanting to fall off the edge already. Your hand grips his even harder, wanting to feel him all at once.
“You can come whenever, okay? Just let me know,” he replies, adding pressure to your clit with his thumb, “I might need to prepare my heart to see my pretty girl cum.”
“Stop being so silly,” you say, short of breath, “you might kill the mood.”
“I’m not silly,” he says out loud but as you fall of the edge he adds, “I’m just in love with you.” quietly, thinking you will not hear it with the fog shortening all of your sensations but your sense of touch. You feel Vernon everywhere; in the depth of your brain, thoughts of him dazing everything for you and also in the beating of your heart, how it slows down when his breath gets caught in his throat and how it speeds up when he utters a word, especially when he confesses of being in love with you. Your pleasure keeps going up and up, thinking of how he’s in love with you as much as you’re in love with him, until it starts to goes down and you realize he doesn’t know you heard him and that you love him too.
“Me too.” you whisper, once you catch your breath, as if loving him is still a shameful secret that should never be brought into daylight.
“This is not the kind of things people say after their first orgasm.” he utters as he rubs at your hips, “How are you feeling?”
“I’m in love with you too.” you clarify, bringing your hand up to the hair falling into his eyes as shock can be read on his face.
“Y-you heard me?” he answers quietly, his world slightly crumbling around him as his brain didn’t register your words just yet.
“Yeah, I did.” you chuckle slightly as your rub at his hand, waiting for realization to hit him. Realization that you love him too.
“Shit- this is so ba-” he starts, before cutting himself off, “did you just say you’re in love with me too?”
“Yeah, I did.” You repeat, amusement showing on your face.
“Oh. Oh.” He utters, happiness making its way on his face as quickly as pink tint his cheeks, “Do you, really? You’re not just saying this, right? It’s not an in-the-moment thing? You really do, right?” he babbles fast, nervousness still present within his heart – and in his voice.
“Vernon, baby,” you say, grabbing his face in your two hands, stroking his cheeks, “I’ve been in love with you since the first time I got to learn about love. This is the cheesiest thing I can probably say but it’s the truth. You’re who taught me love, who made me realize I’d never settle for someone who loves me less than you do. Trust me when I say I love you; I do, in every way. As a best friend and as a girl who thought she was in an unrequited love all of her life.” you confess, hoping it can ease his nerves – mostly so he can fuck you. You want him even more, now.
“Do you know you just made this whole thing way hotter, now?” He mumbles, redness still covering his cheeks – and even his torso.
“By confessing my undying love for you?” you giggle, your hands resting on his shoulders, playing with his hair at back of his neck, “I’m glad then, baby.”
“Do you want to keep doing this?” he asks, leaning down to kiss at your neck, leaving a trail of kisses from one side to the other as your hands wrap around his shoulder, whining at the way he’s so eager to please you.
“Baby- yeah, please,” you plead, “I want you.”
Vernon groans slightly at your desperation, thinking that maybe all along you wanted to have him and not just to have someone take your virgin card. Vernon keeps leaving kisses along your neckline, your collarbones, your jaw, slowly working you two up again; you, pleased by the sensation of his warm mouth marking your body forever and him, thrilled to please you as he hears your sweet whimpers begging him to fuck you. He detaches himself from you, despite your whines making him want to grab you in his arms and never let you go, to take a condom from his jean’s back pocket. He climbs on the bed again, sitting on his heels as he puts the condom on, while you watch him resting on your elbows.
“Are you ready?” Vernon asks as he finds his place over you again, opening your legs slightly with his hand while you lay down again.
“Hm, I am,” you whisper, brushing his hair back, “Are you?”
“Y-yeah,” he says, offering his hand to you in a please hold me, “take a deep breath for me, okay? I read it can sting but we will go slow, okay?”
“Yeah,” you whisper, “I trust you.” you add before he pushes his tip inside. He keeps going so he fully settles in you, your pussy clenching around him as your hand squeezes his.
“You’re okay?” he asks, nuzzling his nose against your cheek before leaving a full of love kiss against it.
“Hm, j-just give me a minute.” you utter out, leaning into his touch against your cheek.
“You feel so good around me, my girl.” he whispers as he moans out loud at the way you clench around him at his words.
“Y-you can move.” you tell him, feeling your slight pain subside, only for pleasure to replace it.
As soon as he settles a gentle rhythm, you can feel his pleasure building up as he moans out louder at every passing second, your whines mixing with his, your pleasure sitting in the pit of your stomach.
“Babe- fuck, I’m not gonna last long,” he whines, loving the way you tighten around him, “You feel so good- fuck, you’re so good for me.” he mumbles incoherently, pleasure taking over his every cells.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” you whimper, “you can cum, cum for me, cum for me, baby,” you tell him, holding him as he plops against your chest, his hip giving one last push as he comes, burbling against your shoulder – a mix of moans, I love you’s and thank you’s.
You rub his back for a few minutes, waiting for him to come down his high, feeling his breath hit your neck every time he exhales. His heart, which you feel strumming against your chest, slowly calm down before he pulls out of you and gets up to get rid of the condom. He’s quickly back on the bed, holding himself over you, his face still harboring a pretty hue of red, drops of sweat still showing at his hairline.
“You look so pretty,” you whisper, looking up at him with stars in your eyes, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he whispers, a deeper shade of red creeping on his cheeks, “you didn’t come.” He mumbles under his breath, a slight pout making its way on his lips.
“It’s okay,” you mumble, slowly pushing him back so you can straddle him, “we have a whole life now, don’t we?” you laugh, kissing his cheek before getting up, “Come on! We need to shower.”
It’s only after a shared shower and countless kisses that you find yourself under the sheet again your head resting against his naked chest. You gently play with his fingers as it rests over the sheet, his other hand lightly rubbing at your bare back, giving you goosebumps all over.
“What now?” he says quietly, as if he expects you to let him slip through your fingers.
“Now, you can call me your girlfriend,” you chuckle slightly, knowing he doesn’t how to go about the new relationship, “and I’ll call you my boyfriend.” Vernon giggles at your corniness, loving how you can ease up his nerves so quickly.
“Okay, girlfriend. What do you want to do for our first date?” he asks after leaving a kiss on the top of your head.
You think for a few seconds, still playing with his fingers as he rests his chin on your head, before you sit up quickly, turning around to face him.
“I know, I know!” you say loudly, almost jumping up and down from excitement.
“Okay, babe,” he says, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear, “care to share a thought?”
“Let’s have watch Everything Everywhere All at Once as a first date!” you tell him, proud of your idea.
“Oh, didn’t I choose my girl well?” he says before grabbing your arm, making you fall down in his embrace again.
No matter what the future holds for you and Vernon, you both know that despite all the places you could be, you both just you want to be with each other. In every world. In every timeline. And in every universe.
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thank you SO much for reading! remember that likes, reblogs and comments are always appreciated so don't hesitate if you liked it 🫶
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discluded · 1 year
Mile teased Apo while they were shooting the climatic scene of Man Suang with a dance move and Apo almost broke character and got scolded by Pond while Mile ran off. Apo didn't want Mile to get scolded 😂
Apo: "I was standing directly opposite him, and I happened to meet his eyes, and he did this to me"
Woody: "Okay, pretend you're there, stand here"
Apo: (meeting Mile's eyes)
Mile: '"nobody, nobody but you" in my head 🎶 pointing at Po' 👏👏👉
Apo: "Laughed at the end"
Apo: "When I'm done, P'Woody, you know, when the camera is filming me, I'm in a serious mode and character, and then when I'm in his face, I see this "dancing pose," in my In the back of my head, I was like "I screwed up" and I was like that...the camera was on me. After the scene. I was scolded by P'Pond he was like "Hey~ you come here", but P'Mile just walked away and ran somewhere."
Apo: "I just said good good kub, because I don't want him to be scolded"
Mile said that it was 3/4 days ago, during the shooting of the movie, the scene was very serious, it was the climax of the movie, and then he made Po laugh, and Po burst into laughter after finishing the performance
Mile replied to one of the fan edits of this scene
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If you're unfamiliar with the kpop second gen classics, it's a reference to this song:
my ridiculous babies 😂
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tsuunara · 2 months
   " lets crash course learn twice choreography ! "
SPECIAL GUESTS : chuuya nakahara , osamu dazai , atsushi nakajima !
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 ABOUT ORDER : forcing teaching bsd men twice choreography! how into it are they? do they hate it or enjoy it ?
 CONTENTS :  might be ooc !! , profanity in chuuya's part , dazai shenanigans , kunikida appears in dazai's part !! , poor atsushi is struggling to keep up :( , kyouka appears in atsushi's part !! .
 SERVER'S NOTES : stan twice!!! this was a warm up to prepare for my soon chuuya angst fic... sorry for the wait :( btw here is the playlist of all the songs for each character! i'll make a pt 2 with nikolai and fyodor . :) this was super fun to write lol
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   chuuya nakahara ! The Feels
chuuya has seen you practice the choreography a couple of times . he doesn't really mind when the music blasts and just lets it slide because he loves you so much ! chuuya doesn't know much about kpop but he's heard a couple in your playlists , and hears you play the same ones over and over again ... not like he doesn't mind though . despite it not being his actual music taste, he secretly enjoys listening to it sometimes and it's his guilty pleasure . when he sees you dancing all silly , he can't help but smile in awe . he thinks it's so funny and cute seeing you put your all into it !!
" well uh shit... am i interrupting something here ? "
" lightning straight to my heart oh yeaAAAH WHAT THE FUCK CHUUYA- "
oh, but when you encourage him to dance with you ? who is he to say no with that stupid smile of yours ? no matter how silly it is , he WILL do it .
" ...so uh- "
" ...crash course twice choreography . "
" ...what ? "
" you know what , chuu ? you're in perfect timing . you should really join me !! come on , i'll teach you twice choreography ! "
" huh ?? woah woAH WOAH- WAIT HOLD ON NOW- "
although he is a bit hesitant , he always gives in . and with no regrets after whatsoever !!! he's a very quick learner too with lots of flexibility !
" one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight ! one , two , three and four , five and six and seven , eight ! good ! just make sure to bend your knees a bit more... and then... stretch them ! "
" uhuh, okay... like this ? my god- this dance is kinda hard... how'd ya even manage this ? "
" not to worry , chuu ! just like that !! YOU DID IT !! "
"holy fucking shit . I DID IT . "
overall , 9/10 is super into it . always exaggerates his moves but at least it shows he's having fun !! bonus points for being a new little distraction he can do at work ! has definitely had a couple of his colleagues walk in on him . whoopsies !
" you have stolen my heart oh yeah... never let it go oh oh no , never gonna let it go , oh , oh , oh... "
" uh... sir ? the... documents... "
" lightning straight to my heart oh yeaa- GOD WHAT THE FUCK ?! oh . it's you . the documents ? yeah yeah , uh... go put them... over there . "
" ......sir- "
" no . if it's about that , then i don't want to hear it . "
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   osamu dazai ! FANCY
dazai's favorite pastime ? learning twice choreography . and what better ? with you !! he's had his ass dragged into your little dance classes sooo many times... (not like he's complaining though !) he knows somewhat about kpop , he likes listening to it with you (and for shits and giggles . ) also loves to see you dance to the songs yourself !! always tries to copy you so much so he ends up distracting you because it's funny , causing you to mess up the entire choreography :( when he hears the music play , that's when he knows it's time to crash course learn twice choreography !
" ...'samu ! "
" yes lovely ? "
" do you know what time it is ? "
" hmm..... four-thirty . "
" stupid , not the actual time ! c'moooonnnn you knowww thissss... "
" well color me clueless . "
" 'samu.... "
" i'm kidding! hmm... oh , don't tell... it's that time , isn't it ?! "
a little slower learning the choreography (because mf can't take it seriously sometimes) , but once he gets the hang of it you bet fucker WILL be hitting those moves whenever has the chance .
" it seems another job well done to us for solving the mystery , bella ! oh , OH , OHH !! i feel a song coming ... LET'S HIT IT , [name] !!! ohhh yes GET IT !! "
of course being dazai, you can't have a dance lesson with a little chaos in between ! but that's what makes it even more fun !
" one, two, three and four... no 'samu, that's not how do it ! "
" hehehe. fancyyyy youuu ooh-ooh-ooh- "
" ouchieeee.... !!! bellaaaa~ help me out hereeeee... my hips huuurrrrrt !!!! "
" oh my god... "
overrall , 9/10 very chaotic but totally fun experience ! he enjoys it far too much for his own liking . he does a few freestyle moves of his own to " jazz up " the dance takes your dance lessons to HEART . period . kunikida always scolds him at work :P
" OI DAZAI . this isn't some dance class . get back to work !! "
" whaaaat ? sorry kunikida~ i can't hear you right now over the music !! my dearest [name] just taught me how to dance ! and i feel so POWERFUL !! OHH , keep quiet now !! THIS IS MY FAVORITE PART !! "
" DAZAI- "
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   atsushi nakajima ! TT
atsushi is a very interesting case when it comes to learning choreography... he tries his best though ! i feel like atsushi is very open to different kinds of music , so kpop is no different to him and enjoys listening to it ! super fascinated by how you managed to learn the dances . always slides in compliments after you finish with a little clap !! atsushi NEVER thinks about learning the choreography himself . he just likes listening to the music . but who is he to say no to you ?
" atsu !! "
" [name] !! what's the matter ? did something happen ? "
" atsushi . you know the one thing that you're missing right now ? it's that you NEED to crash course learn twice choreography with me . there's no backing out now !! "
" wha- ??? wait- HUH ???? "
poor boy is unfortunately a slow learner when it comes to dancing... but he's trying !!! his moves are a bit stiff , but just a little more practice and instructing will do !!!
" it's easy ! one , two , three , four , five , six , seven, eight ! can you try that for me ? "
" umm... one... two... three... four and five and six and seven eight... ?! did i do it ? "
" close !! there's room for improvement , though ! you're doing great though ! for your first time and the easiest twice choreography to learn ! "
" EASIEST ?!? aaahhhh... this is so hard , [name] ..... can we take a break ? "
practices whenever he can . you've seen and walked in on him practicing in front of the mirror and he's always gets soo embarrassed , but slowly he's starting to get the hang of it and you're so proud of him !!!
" one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight... "
" well , someone's been doing their homework ! "
" [name] ?! WHERE DID YOU COME FROM- "
overrall , 7/10 . he's proud to know he's finally learned how to perform twice choreography ! (even if the process was literal hell) obviously still struggles sometimes , but very silly and cute when he does it ! kyouka has walked in on him a few times... but she doesn't seem to mind !
" one , two , three , four...- "
" ...why are you dancing ? "
" YEAOW- oh... it's just you , kyouka... practicing this dance [name] taught me ! ah , where was i again...? one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight... "
" i didn't know they could dance . maybe i'll ask them about it later... "
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   reblogs appreciated ! ♡
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minhosimthings · 9 months
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Call him up. He comes to my bedroom. Ended up we'd fuck on the hotel floor.
Summary: you, Jay, fucking after an award show
Warnings: smut, fem!reader, MINORS DNI, Oral (recieving), some comfort from husband material Jay
A/N: ALRIGHT! First smut work! I definitely need to improve a lot but here you go my babygirls. Also first Jay drabble! YAY! im taking a break from my work and writing whenever I'm at work and just staring at fishies.
Song rec: A&W by Lana del Rey. Yes the title is a lyric from that song. My favourite lyric!
"You wanted to see me baby?" Jay Park. Can anyone in this world get more luckier that you to get Jay fucking Park.
Award shows were boring, but when you had Jay beside you, it made it worth it, for you to stare at that slightly open white shirt with that watch that you gifted him, wrapped around his pretty little wrist. Yet again, L/N Y/N had won another award for best producer of the year. Some more of these and your house will end up becoming a store for selling 'Best producer' awards. Jay's group Enhypen had won 'Best boy band of the year' award this time and you were so proud of him. If not for the slight hiccup.
Being a producer, your ears were probably the most sensitive shit on earth, which enabled you to hear far more further than most people can (I actually have this ability and it's really cool!). Which in turn allows you to eavesdrop easily. But sometimes the eavesdropping isn't always the most comforting thing on this world, and as you heard your fellow producers smoke in the bathroom stalls and say 'She just got that award because she's Jay's girlfriend.' and 'He's so delicious though. Why did he pick that ugly bitch of a whore?'. You weren't really the type of person to cry or feel insecure, I mean after all you were in the kpop industry. Someone was always prettier or more talented than you. But hey, you were raised by some pretty good people, who taught you not to let jealousy take over you. But sometimes even saints abandon their principles in time of desperation. And for you? Your co workers shit talking about you was the time of desperation. You knew being in a relationship in this industry and letting it be public was a risk. But for Jay? Oh honey you'd risk the entire universe to be with him.
"Honey what's wrong? Hey are you crying?" Jay had walked into your hotel room, after you sent a staff member to get him. The afterparty was in the same hotel and you knew Jay would be with the rest of the boys, enjoying, drinking and critiquing every person's outfit. But you just couldn't go and stand there and give fake smiles to your coworkers, and pretend that everything was okay. You needed your boyfriend right now. And Jay would do anything for you, even abandon a party to come up to your magnificent suite. "Baby what's wrong?" Jay sat down on the bed next to you and cupped your cheeks. "You weren't at the party. I brought some food for you." Hearing that only made you sob harder onto your custom made red Prada dress, a gift from the worried man sitting in front of you, wondering silently what he could do to make you feel better as he stroked your hair and put your head against his chest.
"Shh baby shh. What happened?" "I- I heard them s-saying- Jay they think I- don't have- Jay." You sniffled in Jay's chest as he quickly understood what had happened. He had seen your coworkers giggling and approaching him again and again at the party and connecting the dots, it made perfect sense. Tracing the jewels on your dress with one hand and slightly taking off his tie with his other, Jay moved you to the pillow slowly, whilst admiring your figure in that dress. He hadn't had much of a chance to talk to you or see you up close since both of you were seated at different places, far from each other, neither did he have the chance to see you before the show, so when his eyes fell upon the tightly fit fabric on your hips, oh god his entire world came crashing down.
"Jay wha- what are you doi-" "Baby where do you keep the condoms?" You shuddered back as Jay slowly cane above you. "I- I'm on the pill." Jay slowly unzipped your dress, sneaking his hand behind you as you moved your hand to his collar. "Good" he growled against your ear. "You'll see what you're capable of tonight."
"Jay~" you whine as he grinds against your figure, the fabric of your dress slowly getting destroyed and ripped off of your body. You were quick to unbutton his white silk shirt, your gift, and unbutton his pants, throwing away the belt onto the bedside table. Jay moaned lowly as he inhaled the scent of your jasmine perfume, his favourite one. "Shit baby were you always this wet for him?" He teased you as you could do nothing but only whine in response. "Jay ah fuck!" He had slipped his fingers into your cunt, rings still on. The metal of the rings rubbed your pussy so hard, pleasure seeping in and out of you. "Is this ok baby? Or does my love need my cock inside?" "Jay ngh ahh fuck!" He slips himself in at an absolutely brutal pace, that your brain goes dumb and your pussy goes wild. This was heaven like you've never seen it. Jay was angry, so angry, and as his hands felt all of your naked skin, and all of your sadness turning into pure pleasure, satisfaction filled him to the brim. "No Jay don't pull out please." You whine to Jay as he slowly goes back. "Patience baby. Patience. I'll make you feel even better yeah? Give me my belt would you?" You were quick to reach out to the bedside table, where the brown leather belt lay, waiting for its turn. Jay slowly got your hands up and tied them to the bedframe with the belt tightly, as all you were capable of doing was whine and moan for him. "Jay please" He chuckled slowly at your desperate words and made his way down to your ripped pink panties. Pressing light kisses to your pussy, Jay took in your ever sweet whimpers and as his tongue darted out ever so often to flick you cute little clit, it drove you crazy, as you begged and begged for his cock again and again. "Aww does my Y/N want her daddy's dick inside of her now?" You whimpered again as he came up to you, face right above yours, hot breath, tinted with the smell of alcohol hitting your face. "Yes d-daddy please I need it please." You whispered to him. "Anything for my princess." He kissed you with his tongue moving around in your mouth, hands touching your clit, making you moan out his name, in the dirtiest way possible.
"Ah deeper Jay go deeper please." "You like that baby? Want me to cum inside of you hm?" The belt tied around your hands was untied now, as you moved your hands to Jay's pretty neck and thrust him into you. Jay sucked on your nipple softly, love and roses filling the huge room. The bed was definitely strong, because at the rate both of you were thrusting into each other, it should have broke. But then again, the hotel you were in wasn't called the best in the country for no reason.
"Wanna get in the shower baby?" Jay finally pulled out and flopped next to you on the bed, both of your hair and makeup, a mess. "Sure baby. Round two there?" You asked him, massaging your legs. Jay, to your dissatisfaction, shook his head. "No baby. Lets get washed up. We got an event tomorrow don't we? Don't want you limping at the event do we?" You pouted slightly as you remembered the Prada event you had tomorrow and as an ambassador, you had to deliver a speech. Yep another round of sex with Jay right now and tomorrow, nothing would be on your brain other than getting your pussy filled with his cum again. "Alright oh great Park Joengsoeng. I got your lavender shampoo. Wanna use that?" You said while getting up from the bed, completely naked. "Of course baby." Jay replied.
Winning an award tonight was good but getting your actual award with Jay was even better, you thought, as you entered the hot shower, Jay caressing your hips and kissing your neck. Yep you can't wait to get married to this man.
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lxmbr · 9 months
so ive written out a crap ton of fanfic ideas..for you to try
i genuinely don't know if I'm okay. wtf is wrong with me omg lmao
these are all Nijisanji En, mainly the boys. If it has the checkmark it doesnt mean u cant do it! if you really like it i'd still love to see it.
I AM NOT WRITING SMUT!! im sorry i do not feel comfortable writing smut in detail, thats just me..of course i will write suggestive things but i will not be writing smut! please refrain from requesting the smutty stuff..understand that i will ignore it.
hear me out on a lot of these okay 🥹. ive been saving them up for like a month or so now. not all of these are for everyone. if you see one you dont like, ignore it. someone else will probably do it
🔞: nsfw/smut
☁️: sfw/fluff
��: crack/silly
💔: angst/sad
💭: headcannons/reactions
💌: one shots
✔️: been done/I've seen one like it 
‼️: in progress/im writing this!!
all gn reader and most are established relationship! and you can keep mysta, yugo, and nina in there! (although there won't be much NijiEn Girls)
⚠️IF YOU USE ANY OF THESE IDEAS, PLEASE TAG ME⚠️ not all of these are ones ive requested, again some ive just seen that happen to be similar to the idea
🔞💭Luxiem/Iluna/Noctyx seeing you in a cosplay of a character they really like/a sexy costume
☁️💭Luxiem hcs treating you on your period
 fanfix - not mine!
fanfic - not mine!
☁️🔞💭Luxiem reactions(?) to you dancing competitively (for ex: kpop dances) 
⭐💌☁️💭ike eveland reacting to you using some Swedish words he taught you in a sentence. (could be a curse word, a color, or a simple word to point out something. ex: balloon! or in Swedish, ballong!)
⭐☁️💌💭Noctyx hcs you crying over something silly (for ex: you lost your keys or the cat looked at you in a weird way)
☁️⭐💭💌NijiEn foreign: them reacting to you learning their native language! ‼️
☁️🔞💭Luxiems reaction to you proposing to them before they could to you
janes fanfic!
🔞💌Sitting on Vox's lap while he does his asmr steam
⭐☁️ 💌You and Ike eveland as geese (inspired by the untitled goose game stream)
☁️🔞💌When you meet meixul for the first time‼️
🔞💌💭Luxiem reacting to you touching yourself in their clothes 
🔞💭💌 NijiEn boys reacting to you dry humping them
💭💌☁️ Luxiem when you fall asleep on them
🔞💭☁️ Luxiem when you have baby fever ✔️
fanfic - not mine!
fanfic - not mine!
💌☁️⭐ Luxiem when you want to do their hair
💭🔞💌☁️ NijiEn Boys/Merryweather/Shxtou with their puppygirl ✔️
fanfic - not mine!
fanfic - not mine!
☁️💭💔 Luxiem comforting you after a fight with your parents/gaurdians
🔞💌 Luxiem's favorite dirty talk
🔞💌☁️💭 Luxiems wedding night with you ✔️
fanfic - not mine!
💌☁️⭐💭 Luxiem when shu accidentally turns you into a baby for a day ✔️
fanfic - not mine!
💭💌🔞 Luxiem when you wear lingerie for them
🔞💌☁️💭⭐ NijiEn (whoever) getting high🍃 with them!
💭☁️💌🔞 Luxiem/Noctyx when they're jealous
💌🔞☁️💭 Ike eveland, feeding into his yandere tendencies (for ex: offering him to put a tracking device on you. basically just a super willing reader that encourages his unhealthy actions and urges)
🔞💌💭 The names you call Luxiem/Noctyx/iluna in bed‼️
💭☁️💌⭐ When you're luxiems oshi/vtuber crush and you guys collab for the first time‼️
💌💭☁️🔞 Luxiem when the other members purposely flirt with you to piss the other member off (for ex: ike likes u/ur dating ike, and the other members purposefully flirt with you to make him mad. and so on for the other members) ‼️
⭐☁️💭💌🔞 Luxiem coming home to you and your child (or your young cousin or little sibling. like 5 yrs old or smn) to you listening/singing/rapping to their part in hope in the dark or jazz on the clock
☁️💭⭐💌🔞 Luxiem reacting to a partner loud in bed ✔️
fanfic - not mine!
💌☁️💭🔞 Luxiem reacting to the cliche porn situation - u getting stuck in something (for ex...the washing machine lmfao) ✔️
🔞💭☁️💌⭐ Luxiem reacting to calling them senpai
🔞💭☁️💌 Luxiem when their cat!girl purrs at their affection
💭💌☁️⭐ Luxiem reacting to you having lepidoptraphobia (self insert oop)
☁️⭐💭💌 when Luxiem tells you the latest gossip
🔞💭💌 Luxiem getting aroused at the sight of your blood
I'll be adding more just try to keep up! pls post your questions ill answer them, again pretty please tag me..id LOVE to see your takes on these. ill try to update as much as possible :)
do you guys think i should write some of my own? I'd be down to write a couple..pls let me know 🥹
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jseobsky · 1 year
That spot will be mine.
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Pairing ! bf!Seeun x gn!Reader Synopsis ! Seeun was tired of you having photocards of every idol but him on your phone, now that he was debuting he made it his mission to get you his own photocard. However, when you finally open the album, you don't pull him. Genre ! So fluff I can't, romance Warnings ! swearing, kissing, not proof-read, my humour- Wc ! 1.3k a/n ! Totally not based bcs today I finally bought the album and got Junmin while I was manifesting Seeun- HOWEVER JUNMIN LOOKED SAUR CUTE ON THE PHOTOCARD I CAN'T
Main masterlist !
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After knowing my boyfriend was finally going to debut I had one thing in mind and one thing only: Collect his group’s photocards. Until now, I haven’t really collected any photocards even while having around 20 albums myself. I just kinda kept them in their album boxes and the usual one photocard that I kept in the back of my phone case. Seeun wasn’t thrilled about this, he took my photocard choices very seriously, telling me I should keep them in a safer manner or that I could not by any means in the entire world take my Enhypen’s Niki photocard everywhere I went. 
While he was still a trainee it seemed like he also had one goal in mind: Gain my phone case photocard spot. He tried to gift me Polaroids that he took and make me save them on my phone case. At first, I did have them on my phone, but after seeing an idea on Pinterest I couldn’t help myself; All the Polaroids went on the now giant pictures wall. He then started to hate Pinterest. Sure he said all those things jokingly, he knew how much I loved kpop and how much that wall of pictures meant to me. He loved seeing me happy, but he did hate when I got his first album. 
Seeun kept telling me how I could not, by any means, buy his album. Talking about how he was going to gift it to me. “You’re going to curse it.” He said. “You always cry about how you never get your biases unless I’m the one who gifted you the album. I’m not taking any chances.” It was hell waiting for it. I had been waiting for years until his debut, and now I had to wait even more until I could get the physical album? Unbelievable. Seeing all those unboxing videos, and all these people having more than one photocard inclusion while I, who wasn’t able to even pre-order because of Seeun, will only have one. I learned to get over it quickly, patience is a virtue… Fuck that. I don’t wanna wait anymore. It’s been years, decades, maybe even centuries since the album came out. I want that album. I need that album. 
What’s worse is that I didn’t realize with Seeun’s debut that he’ll be even busier. Maybe what I actually needed was Seeun, not his album. 
I’m lying around my living room. A kdrama playing on the tv, and the window is open while I feel really cold. Look, someone is lazy, okay? And the kdrama is so interesting as well… An open box of snacks next to me that I slowly reach out to, not taking my eyes off the tv. The scene was so intense that it was able to make me ignore the little click of the door until I hear someone shouting. “IT’S HERE!” I slowly turn my head around with my eyes wide open. Who the fuck? A wild Seeun appears. Like literally, ignore the bad pokemon reference, Seeun comes in running with a bag in his right hand and his phone in his left hand, which he’s waving. He has the biggest grin on his face while looking at me. I smiled too. Pausing the show while standing up, running towards Seeun going for a hug. Which I never received. Seeun moved to the window and closed it. “It’s really cold outside, you shouldn’t have your window opened, it’s literally about to rain.” He said. I tilt my head and shrug my shoulders while still smiling. “Meh that’s not important, come here” I ran towards him again, only for him to move to the couch, moving some items to the floor before placing a pizza-shaped box on the table. I glare at him. “Look I got it!! Aren’t you excited?!” Seeun says with, again, a really big smile. I try to contain a smile and jokingly I roll my eyes, turn around, and act petty. “I would be more excited if my boyfriend, who I haven’t seen since February, would hug me.” I try to look at him for a bit, and seeing that he now has a smirk on his face I turn my head around again. “Oh really?” He said teasingly. I turn around with a blank face. “No.” We stay looking at each other for some seconds before I start smiling again. I run to the side of the sofa he is sitting on and I jump on top of him. “I’ve missed you so much,” I say while hugging him tightly. He moves my head from being buried in his neck to being in front of him. His expression mirrors mines, a big, BIG smile, and eyes with adoration filled in them. He squishes my face. “I missed you too, so much” Seeun turns his face to look at the box on the table behind me. He sits me on his lap as he sits up, leans forward with a hand on my back to not make me fall, and grabs the box off the table. 
“I got you this,” He says, “hope you like it” I shake my hands and grab the box out of his hands. “I’m just saying, with my luck you’ll get my photocard so enjoy. I did one on this version with that pose you showed me. I’m manifesting specifically that one for you.” Seeun looks at me proudly. I nod fast and start to rip off the plastic that wraps the album. Seeun laughs softly at my poor attempt to rip the plastic off. “Look,” I start saying, “these things are made by the devil himself, don’t laugh at my poor persona because I can’t open the album” I stop my attempt while glaring at him. “Also, I’ve seen you trying to open albums before, and you aren’t a god at opening albums yourself” Finally being able to open the album I grab the most important part of the album. The cd. I’m joking, I grab the inclusions knowing that the part that Seeun mostly wanted to see. I rip one side of the envelope the inclusions were in and slowly turn my head to look at my boyfriend. Fuck, he has his face way too close. Seeun got closer in anticipation of the grand reveal. He nods encouraging. 
I pull out the postcard first, and I smile. “Look I got the baby!” I laugh, Seeun smiles a bit too. “Could’ve been better but I guess a Yechan postcard isn’t the worse,” He says, “now the most important thing, please” I nod. Seeun gets even closer and places his head on my shoulder. I pull the single photo card, which is turned around. I start talking. “You know, just remember it’s okay if I don’t pull your photocard because at the end of the day I-” “Just look at it” Seeun whines. I turn the photocard around.
I feel Seeun drop his whole weight into the sofa’s back, letting out a sigh. Here we go. “I just don’t get it. Why Minjae, why him? Like. If it was… Okay no. I wouldn’t have been happy with anyone. But still!! Why him??” Seeun fake cried. “I mean,” I start talking. “You’re right, you do always pull my biases” Seeun stopped his actions and looked at me with a dead face. He then went to push me off. “Okay no, no, no, wait, no, I’m sorry, I’m joking! You’re my only one!” I laugh, and he stops trying to push me off and goes back to pouting. I lay fully on top of him. I start kissing his face. “I. Promise. You. Are. My. Bias.” He smiles. “Also, I bought an album the other day and I pulled you” I showed him the back of my phone, where a big smiling Seeun was looking back at him. He dropped his mouth and looked at me. “I couldn’t contain myself I’m sorry-” Seeun kissed me. 
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sunshinebarbie · 1 year
only love can hurt like this
pairing: Bang Chan x Female Reader x Changbin warnings: angst, so much angst, sad bang chan (i promise i love him and i don't want him to be sad but...) swearing/cursing, drama. words: 2,683 parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | FINAL a/n: this is my very first time writing for Stray Kids, for kpop in general! i am very nervous, but i was listening to this song and felt so inspired. please be gentle, i have only ever wrote for fictional characters my entire life, taking a crack at a real life person is a bit intimidating.
There wasn’t a doubt in your mind, you felt like the luckiest girl in the entire world. If someone gave you a lottery ticket right now, you were at least 80% sure you would hit the jackpot.  
Yet, you had already hit the jackpot, that even the one that promised you mounds of money wasn’t enough to get you to trade what you had. 
Matter of fact, your jackpot was sitting across from you as you typed your latest assignment on your laptop. You looked up through your lashes and smiled softly seeing Bang Chan sitting in his chair, his headphones covering his ears and his laptop opened. 
Chan’s makeshift studio was the best place to get your studying done. It was quiet most of the time, that wasn’t including when Chan would start humming a tune, or singing lyrics under his breath.  
Your focus shifted to the clock on the bottom corner of your screen. It was nearly midnight and time just got away once again. 
You pulled your earphones from your ears and placed them back in the case. You stretched your arms up to the ceiling and stood up. Chan was still focused on what he was doing, he didn’t notice you standing behind him. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed a kiss to his cheek causing him to jump a little in his seat. 
“oh, it’s you.” he smiled and pressed pause on his latest project. 
“were you expecting someone else?” You teased, pretending to be offended.  
“yeah, I was expecting the janitor, he usually comes in around 12:30 to clean, was wondering why he decided to make a move tonight.” he joked.  
“it’s almost midnight, you ready?” you asked showing him the time on your phone.  
“uh, give me another hour okay?” he looked at you with puppy eyes. 
Your fingers instinctively combed through his hair, and a smile tugged across your lips. “fine.” you sighed.  
You sat back down in your spot and started to place your headphones in your ears when Chan turned around and looked at you confused.  
“oh, you’re going to stay?” he asked looking at the time. 
“yeah.” you chuckled lightly. “i want to make sure nothing is really happening between you and this janitor” you joked.  
Chan smiled and turned around, putting his headphones back on.  
An hour had passed and Chan was still working, you looked at your phone it was nearing 1:00am.  
Chan looked fully focused on his laptop, you could hear his curses under his breath followed by an aggressive pressing of his laptop keys.  
“Chan?” you tapped his shoulder softly, he quickly turned around and forced his headset off.  
His eyes soften after realizing it was only you, “oh, sorry. you should probably get home.” he frowned. 
“i’m not going to leave you here alone.” you smiled softly but feeling unsure of your decision. “i’m just going to go for a walk, because I been sitting there all night.”  
Chan nodded and allowed you to press a kiss to his cheek before leaving the studio.  
You turned towards him, he was already focused on his laptop again, his cursing louder as closed the door behind you. 
You walked down the hall, looking at the photos and framed albums on the wall. That’s when the idea hatched. Maybe, you should bring Chan a midnight snack. You knew he would think better with a little food in his tummy. 
You walked down to the nearest 24/7 mart and picked up a few of Chan’s favorite snacks. “it will be a late-night picnic” you thought to yourself, as you handed the cashier the money.  
You walked back to the studio to see Chan still in the exact same spot. His headphones over his head, and the laptop at the tip of his fingers. 
“Chan.” you tapped his shoulder. This time he ignored you, he was fully focused on his project.  
“Chan” you tapped again.  
“for fucks sake” he cursed “what? what is it now?” he looked at you his eyes once full of sorrow now full of rage. 
“uh-” you stammered full of surprise. “uhm-I brought you some brain fuel” you smiled weakly and showed him the bag full of snacks. 
“can you just go home.” he scoffed. And turned back to his laptop. “i honestly don’t know why you’re waiting around” he put his headphones on. 
“Chan” you tapped his shoulder again after analyzing what he just said.  
“GO HOME!” he threw his headphones hard into his laptop and looked at you, his eyes filled with fire. 
You stepped back feeling a little bit of fright from his action. “i-” you stammered. 
Chan ignored whatever you were about to say and put his headphones back on. “fuck!” he yelled at the screen. 
You dropped the bag on the floor and hurried to gather your things. You were with Bang Chan for 2 years now and never had he ever raised his voice at you. He was always timid, and he even panicked when he gave you your first kiss.  
“i’ll see you at home” you whispered to him as you hurried out the door. You closed the door shut and hurried to the elevator. When the door “dinged” and shut, you finally felt safe. Your body relaxed and yet you still felt the panic jolting through your veins. 
The taxi ride was quiet, you couldn’t even remember giving the driver directions, or let alone a destination. Still, you watched the city lights zoom by illuminating your tear-stained face every two seconds.  
“That will be $52.91” the driver pulled up to a familiar curb. You snapped out of your daze and reached for your bag, your fingers raked the contents of your items in search of your wallet. “shoot, I must have left it the place you picked me up.” you frowned. 
“hey, I am not running a free service. You better pay for your fare.” the driver turned around his face red with anger. 
“this is my apartment, building let me run inside and I promise I will be back down.” you begged.  
The driver went quiet, and sighed. “you have five minutes” he grumbled. “and leave your bag, in case you don’t come back down.” he gestured to the bag Chan bought you for your birthday. 
“fine” you sighed and stepped out. You started to head for the door, when the driver sped away. 
“wait!” you shouted as he ran the red light down the street.  
“shit!” you cursed and looked around seeing if anyone saw what happened, but you were alone on the street. 
Finding the bus park bench, you sat down and collapsed your head into the palms of your hands. You choked out a sob, feeling like this night couldn’t get any worst. 
“y/n?” a voice stammered out of the dark. “go.” you sighed “away.” you sniffled “please.”  
“it’s almost 2 o’clock” the voice grew louder signifying they were closing in. “what happened?” you looked up at Changbin who was towering over you. 
“just- a bad day” you sniffled and wiped your tears away. “where is Chan?” he looked up at the apartment seeing if your lights were on.  
“at the studio.” your voice hiccupped. “he told me to “just go home.”.” you sniffled again. 
“is that why you’re crying?” he sat beside you. 
He could feel you beginning to shiver from the cold night air, he quickly pulled his jacket from his body and covered your shoulders.  
“part of it.” you smiled weakly at his gesture. “the cab that brought me home, I left my wallet at the studio, and I told the driver I was going to get some money inside and he asked me to leave my bag as collateral, and when I was far enough away, he sped off with my bag.” you started to tear up again. 
“between that and Chan cursing at me.” you could feel your lips trembling as the tears began to fall once more. 
“he cursed at you?” Changbin stood up, feeling angry now. 
“no.” you quickly tried to backtrack. “he didn’t. Curse curse at me” you lied. 
“no, this isn’t acceptable.” Changbin began walking towards his car.  
“Changbin.” you hurried behind him, he unlocked the door and you quickly jumped in the passenger seat.  
Your hand touched his as he reached for the ignition. “Changbin, it’s okay. He is probably tired. Or hungry-” “stop trying to justify what he did y/n” Changbin cut you off.  
He started the car and pulled away from the sidewalk, you watched as familiar signs and lights passed by you once again. 
You felt your heart stop and pound rapidly as the car was put in park at the studio. 
“Changbin- please” you begged. “go easy on him.” you felt your face warm up as the tears welled in your eyes. 
“I’m just going to talk to him, and ask him what all this is about.” he assured you. 
You followed behind him cautiously into the elevator. It was quiet, only the hums of each passing floor filled the air, and made you even more nervous.  
The elevator came to a halt and the door opened revealing Bang Chan standing there, your wallet and house keys in hand. 
His face relaxed upon seeing you, but immediately washed over with regret seeing how swollen your eyes were. 
“Baby, look I'm-” Bang Chan looked at you sympathetically, “how long did it take you to realize that she left her money and keys here Chan?” Changbin snarled cutting off Chan’s apology as he appeared from behind the wall of the elevator. 
“I got caught up trying to produce our next song and I-” Chan began to explain. 
“that is not an excuse” Changbin interrupted again.  
“Changbin” you stepped forward and put your hand on his shoulder. You could feel his anger pulsating through his skin, making him warm to the touch. 
“I think it took you quiet long enough, seeing that she had enough time to get robbed.” Changbin added.  
“Robbed?!” Chan’s face flushed, “are you okay?” he stepped towards you. Changbin instinctively stepped in front of you and extended his arm blocking Bang Chan from stepping any closer.  
“yeah, I'm fine.” you lied. “it was a misunderstanding, and-”  
“She could have gotten hurt.” Changbin interrupted yet again. “luckily, I was coming by to see if you both were home, because I know when we are in the middle of making a new album, you over work yourself-” 
“Changbin” you shouted his name a little bit louder, he stopped talking and the both of the boys looked at you.  
“i’m grateful that you were there.” you sighed and looked at him “but you have to take it easy on Chan, he is-”  
“you’re always going to stick up for him aren’t you?” Changbin stopped you again. “it’s always Bang Chan who can do no wrong in your eyes.” he taunted.  
“Changbin. That’s not fair.” you sighed. “anyway, it’s late.” he cleared his throat. “i’ll see you both tomorrow.” he got into the elevator and closed the door leaving both you and Chan in silence. 
“y/n” Chan finally broke the silence and turned to face you. “I’m sorry baby, this album is more stressful than our last one, the songs aren’t coming out the way I want them to-” he began. 
“Christopher” you stopped him, he looked at you in shock, throughout the entire time you were both together you never used his real name, not once. 
“Changbin is right.” you stepped away from him. “I felt like I was the luckiest girl in the world to be dating THE Bang Chan” you smiled at the silly idea. 
“but my entire night has been everything but lucky.” you scoffed. “and it is all because of THE Bang Chan.” 
You stepped forward and slowly pulled your stuff out of Bang Chan’s hands.  
“what does that mean?” Chan asked feeling a heaviness in his chest after you went silent. 
“Christopher-” you sighed, you refused to look at him as the words rolled off your tongue. “-we need to break up.” 
“y/n” Bang Chan stepped forward. 
“I will be by tomorrow to get the rest of my stuff, but give me 20 minutes to get a few items when we get back.” you turned away and hurried into the stairwell. You would rather stumble down a flight of stairs than be in an awkward silence with Bang Chan in the elevator. 
You hailed a cab as soon as you reached the bottom and exited the building. As you settled into the cab you looked out the window. You gave the address and looked out the window hoping to see Chan, instead you noticed Changbin sitting in his car. 
You looked in the other direction and spotted a familiar bag on the seat.  
“I hope you brought your money this time” the cab driver from earlier scoffed. “great.” you sighed as he started the route to the apartment. 
You paid for your previous fare and this one. Before exiting you requested the driver to wait until you came back down. Promising double.  
You arrived to the apartment before Bang Chan, and you knew this because the lights were out still, and his shoes weren’t by the front door.  
You walked to the room and started to collect a few items, some clothes for tomorrow, your pajamas, a warm jacket and a hoodie. You were in the bathroom collecting your hygiene products when you heard the door shut close.  
Bang Chan walked into the bathroom; his body leaned against the frame as he watched you pack your things. 
“y/n, baby please.” he begged. 
“don’t-” you stopped him. As you continued to drop products into your vanity case. 
You tried to walked past him but he blocked the exit to the bathroom. “can we talk about this.” his eyes were beginning to well. 
“Christopher-” you sighed “don’t call me that.” he argued back. 
“it’s Chan, or Channie, or baby or-” he began to fumble his words in frustration. “anything but Christopher-” he sniffled. 
You looked at him and shook your head. “my cab driver is going to leave... he- he does that.” you gulped down a dry lump.  
As Chan wiped his tears you hurried past him and back to the livingroom where your luggage case was waiting. 
You were heading towards the door, when you felt Chan’s hand grab yours. He pulled you into his body. His lips immediately meeting yours, you melted into his lips as you have done many a times.  
The kiss was interrupted as Chan sniffled; his tears seeped into your cheeks as leaned his forehead against yours.  
“please-” he begged again. “-don’t leave me.” he sobbed. 
“I-” you tried to pry yourself from his grip. “I will leave my key when I come back tomorrow.” you pulled away. 
You hurried out the door, and into the elevator. It was in that moment of silence you felt the tears falling violently down your cheeks. 
The elevator bell dinged and you exited quickly, your cab was still there as you exited the building. 
The cab driver, opened the trunk and started to put your luggage inside.  
“where to now?” he asked. “the hotel, just three blocks down” you replied.  
“you got it.” the driver walked to the driver side. 
You opened the door and took one last look at the apartment building you called “home” with Chan for a year.  
You got into the cab, and settled in once again. You buckled yourself in, and looked out the window towards the building. The voice of Bang Chan echoed in your ears as he begged you not to go.  
You closed your eyes and inhaled a deep breath. “can we go please.” you requested to the driver, not wanting to stay and endure another memory that haunted this space. 
“just finishing putting in the destination” the driver replied and put the cab in drive.   
Bang Chan walked out of the lobby, his focus on you as he watched the cab pull away from the curb.  
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