#and then nobody even asked if he was okay.
steddieas-shegoes · 3 days
He’s not sure why he even comes to these parties anymore. He used to sell at the frat houses, made his rounds until he was out of product, made more money than any minimum wage job he could find near campus.
But he hasn’t in a while. Months, at this point.
It’s just that every time he came to one of these idiotic showing of riches and popularity, the most beautiful man he’d ever seen was sitting in the corner of the kitchen watching with a faraway look in his eyes. Sometimes he stood in a group of people in the living room, but never contributed to the conversation. Once, Eddie saw him swinging his feet back and forth in the water of the hot tub on the back patio with three different couples making out inside it, completely zoned out.
Eddie needs to keep an eye on him. Hence, he attends the stupid parties.
And it’s stupid, to go through so much trouble for a guy he doesn’t even know, who probably doesn’t even notice him back. It’s stupid, but Eddie’s never claimed to be very bright.
Which is probably why he walks up to the guy when he’s about two seconds from punching Tommy Hagan, grabs his wrists, and tugs.
“The fuck are you?” He asks Eddie, reasonably confused and angry at being interrupted by a stranger.
Eddie could feel his pulse against his fingers, swore he could feel a spark of electricity flow between them.
“Eddie. Just leave him. Whatever he did isn’t worth it,” he said through clenched teeth.
His fingers tightened around Steve’s wrists as he considered trying to pick him up, throw him over his shoulder, and walk out of this party entirely.
“How the hell do you know?” Steve wasn’t trying to pull away.
Eddie didn’t let himself think about that too much.
“I just know nothing Hagan does is ever worth trouble for you. C’mon,” Eddie tugged on his wrists again, and this time, it seemed to catch the guy off guard.
“Didn’t know you were into freaks, Harrington,” Tommy said as they took a few steps away from him. “If you’re gonna be gay, you could at least have taste.”
Eddie froze.
The guy, Harrington, tried to pull his wrists loose, but Eddie didn’t let him.
He turned to Tommy, the guy who almost got him arrested for selling at his party only a few months ago, and smirked.
If he was gonna out someone to a stranger, Eddie had no problem doing the same right now.
“And you just sucked my dick because you wanted to add it to your résumé?” Eddie grinned at Tommy, who quickly looked around to make sure no one else heard.
“As if I would-“ he tried to say, but Harrington cut him off.
“You forget you say shit when you’re high. You told me about it already. I think your exact words were, ‘he had the best dick I’ve ever seen, Steve.’ Or am I mixing that up with another dick?” Steve pulled one arm loose from Eddie’s grip, brushed hair from his face, and let it relax at his side.
Eddie could let go now, he was sure if anyone would start something at this point it would be Tommy. But Steve wasn’t trying to pull his other wrist loose and Eddie liked the warmth of him in his hand.
“Whatever man, just go. You don’t even wanna be here,” Tommy turned and left before Steve could respond.
Eddie finally let go, but he didn’t like the immediate sense of loss that filled his chest.
“You always interrupt strangers before they fight?” Steve asked him, hands shoved into his pockets.
Eddie really looked at him, inspected him. He only ever saw him at these parties, so the lighting was shit, but he’d noticed the dark shadows under his eyes a while ago. He noticed that he held himself in a way that showed he was always ready for a fight. Steve’s hair had gone flat over the last month or so, not nearly as voluminous or shiny as it had been at the start of the year.
“Are you okay?” He asked instead of answering the question.
“I’m fine, dude.”
Eddie shook his head. “You don’t seem okay.”
“Then why did you ask?”
“Just seems like something is bothering you,” Eddie wouldn’t push more, not if Steve was actually gonna get mad. But something told him that nobody pushed Steve to talk enough.
Eddie had Wayne back home, and his friends in his band here, and a couple coworkers at the bar he worked at twice a week now that he could joke around with. Steve didn’t even seem to have the people he hung around with.
“Why does it matter to you if something is bothering me?”
That’s a fair question. Why does it matter to him?
“Maybe because I just wanted to help. That’s what people do, right?”
“Not for me, usually.”
Eddie stepped closer, barely leaving space between them. “Well, I am.”
Steve stared back at him, shoulders dropping and eyes losing that angry fire.
Eddie was an idiot sometimes, but he was able to read people pretty well. It’s what kept him safe for most of middle and high school, and made him friends in college.
He knew what it looked like to be lonely and depressed, and Steve had check marks next to both of those.
“You wanna get out of here?” Eddie asked, once again avoiding his question.
“And go where?”
“I’ll show you my favorite getting high spot.”
“I don’t really smoke with strangers,” Steve seemed nervous.
“You don’t have to smoke. I’m just gonna show you the place.”
He watched Steve think about it, noting the way his brows scrunched together, how he bit his bottom lip, how he looked at the ground instead of at Eddie.
“Fine. But if you murder me in the woods, my mom will have you hanged,” Steve finally said.
“Hanged? Do they even do that anymore?”
Steve giggled. “Probably not. But she’d find a way.”
“Well, I’ve got no interest in murdering you, big boy.”
The blush that filled Steve’s cheeks was stunning. A perfect pink dusting his skin, giving him a healthier glow than what he’d had for a while.
“What do you have interest in?”
Eddie could say any number of things to flirt, make his true intentions clear, maybe even go straight back to his single dorm instead of showing Steve anywhere.
But Eddie figured that’s all Steve was used to, or maybe he was always the one who had to put an effort into things.
Maybe he wasn’t used to getting treated like a human being.
“I’d like to get to know you. Parties like this aren’t really a good place to learn about someone’s favorite song or what they snack on when they wake up in the middle of the night.”
Steve seemed shocked by this answer, but his features quickly melted into a soft smile, one Eddie would want to see every single day.
“Fine. But it’s not a date,” Steve held out his hand, ready to be led.
Instead of lacing his fingers with Steve’s, or even just grabbing his hand in his palm, he wrapped his fingers around Steve’s wrist again.
“We’ll see.”
On graduation day, Steve and Eddie found their way back to their spot, one they’d probably never visit again.
Eddie’s fingers were curled around Steve’s wrist as they stood facing each other, close enough to feel each other’s breaths against their lips.
Nearly two years together, nearly 300 trips to this spot, and more than 500 dates that they never called dates.
And it was just the beginning.
Eddie leaned in to press his lips to Steve’s gently, keeping it soft so they wouldn’t get carried away.
They had to meet Wayne at the Italian restaurant in less than an hour and then Steve’s mom expected them back at Steve’s apartment for a wine and dessert celebration.
They wouldn’t be properly alone like this again for at least a couple days, but they didn’t have time to do much about it right now.
“I love you,” Eddie whispered as he rested his forehead against Steve’s.
“I love you, too,” Steve said back.
He didn’t have dark shadows under his eyes anymore, spending more nights sleeping in bed with Eddie than awake at parties he didn’t want to be at. His hair had most of its shine back. He’d put on a few pounds after joining the gym again, using it as an outlet for stress instead of hiding in corners at parties where he would drink just enough to get buzzed four times a week.
He made friends with Eddie’s friends, plus some of his own when he got a part time job at the coffee shop on campus.
Steve never spoke to Tommy again, at least as far as Eddie knew. He didn’t seem interested in being his friend again, and once he told Eddie more about their “friendship”, he couldn’t really blame him.
“You ready to go see Wayne?” Steve asked him, probably more excited than even Eddie was.
Wayne and Steve bonded quickly and they’d probably spend most of the lunch talking about sports and where they would go fishing this summer.
Eddie nodded, but he pulled something from his pocket before Steve could pull away and start walking back to the car they now shared.
“What’s that?” Steve asked, pointing towards the envelope in Eddie’s hand.
“It’s a gift from me to you. Well, I guess both of us, but I really got it for you.”
He handed it to Steve, who opened it quickly.
He pulled out the paper inside and Eddie watched his eyes fly across the words written there.
“You got us a trip to Italy? How the fuck did you get us a trip to Italy?” Steve was looking at him, eyes wet with tears.
“Doesn’t matter how. Wayne gave us some money for it, so did your mom. I’ve been saving for a year. Want us to have something special before we have to start working.” Eddie kissed his forehead. “Plus I want any excuse to see you in some of those see-through linen shorts.”
Steve’s lips were on his, his arms wrapped around Eddie’s neck. Eddie wrapped his arms around his waist to hold him there.
“I’ll wear them every day,” he gasped as he leaned in for another kiss.
Eddie laughed. “You won’t hear any complaints from me, sugar.”
“I can’t believe you did this. All I got you was a t-shirt.”
“You know I love t-shirts. I know you love Italy. It’s a win-win for both of us.”
Steve rolled his eyes, but kissed him again.
His eyes widened. “Oh my god. Are you gonna propose in Italy?”
Eddie snorted. “Why would I answer that question?”
“Because! I have to know!”
“So I can make sure I have a nice outfit for pictures, dumbass.”
“You’ll just have to wait and see. You look good in everything,” Eddie kissed the top of his head before he wrapped his fingers around Steve’s wrist and tugged on it once. “Let’s get to Wayne before he sends a search party.”
Eddie smiled to himself as they walked to the car, Steve’s rambling about what he wanted to do in Italy keeping his mind from wandering too far. He couldn’t help thinking about the ring he had stashed away in his guitar case, though.
Italy was the perfect place to propose.
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sunarinscat · 2 days
(s/o with sensory overload)
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He was the first to notice.
You have always struggled with sensory overload. It’s noise, lights, texture, temperature, movement in your line of sight… It just builds up and you can’t help but break down. It’s embarrassing honestly. You aren’t even sad but you’re sobbing and heaving for air. What? Because some silly flashing lights were too bright for you? You hide away in a corner or a bathroom and wait for the waves of panic to wash away. Then you clean yourself up and face the world again. Nobody was ever any the wiser.
He noticed. He saw when your breath began to quicken. You stopped making eye contact with people and glued your gaze to the floor. He tipped his head to the side as your trembling hands grasped the nearest surface. You slipped outside into the cold night air and he followed.
As you slumped against the wall and let the tears wrack your body you heard the door creak. Shoes scuffled against the pavement and you hid your face in your arms, away from prying eyes.
“Hey baby, are you doing alright?”
He slumped down beside you, leaving a gap between your bodies.
You tried to keep your voice even as you spoke but it cracked and trembled.
“Yea-h I’m ju-ust P-peachy!”
You hiccuped.
“Do you need hug?”
His hands which were reaching to comfort you returned to his sides.
“No, it’s just a lot righ-ght now I can’t h-handle anyone touching me.”
Oh. He was starting to understand.
“What can I do sweet heart?”
You swallowed hard and took a breath, removing your hands from your tear stained face. You offered him a small smile as a tear slid down your chin.
“We could just talk quietly.. it helps distract me sometimes.”
He grinned back.
“Okay, okay. Eyes on me.”
He pointed to his eyes.
“I want you focused right here.”
You turned your body to face him and he did the same, sitting cross legged.
“How’s your day been? Tell me your favorite and your least favorite thing that happened today.”
And you sat like that for fifteen minutes. The tears receded and the sobs turned into soft laughter. When you pulled yourself up from the concrete you grasped his hand. You turned your eyes to the floor again, this time bashfully.
“Hey can I have that hug now?”
It was barely a whisper.
He turned around and wrapped his arms around you. He just held you. Your body relaxed and you let out a sigh. If you ever had a home it was this.
“Thank you.”
“You don’t have to thank me honey. I love you. I will always be here, whatever you need.”
Sugawara Koushi, Tetsurou Kuroo, Hajime Iwaxumi ,Keiji Akashi, Osamu Miya, Daichi sawamura, Eijiro kirishima, Shoto todoroki, Albedo, Diluc, Al Haithem, Kazuha
author’s note: as someone who struggles with these issues I hope this made you feel seen. I haven’t been on this blog in awhile but I am back to give it a little TLC, !Friendly reminder that my asks are open! Dont be shy to send something my way, I want to hear every detail..
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Hard to say- pt. 4
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overview- you and the sturniolo’s have been best friends since you remember, but you’ve always had a thing for Matt. When a new girl, Abby, moves into town, things between you and Matt change.
warnings- underage drinking, crying, Abby being a bitch but then getting what she deserves.
a/n- sorry guys
your head was pounding when your woke up, from all of the crying.
You still couldn’t believe that Matt had just left you- for someone he barely even knew.
you sighed and got up, getting ready for school.
“he doesn’t fucking deserve you,” Logan practically spat out. You and him had gotten closer over the weeks Matt ignored you.
“if he can’t see how amazing you are then he must be blind.” You shrugged. “Thanks I guess.”
Logan frowned at you, but he knew just the thing to lighten the mood. “Also.. I finished season one of bridgerton!”
your face immediately lighten up. “Really? Did you like it?”
“it was good honestly. I’m just glad Simon came to his senses.” You laughed.
from across the room, Matt looked at you and Logan laughing. Something twitched in his stomach. Had he really been right to leave you?
he shook it from his head, or tried too, and turned his attention back on Abby.
Lunch approached suddenly, making you feel a little skeptical. You approached your table.
unfortunately things weren’t gonna go good. “Oh look, the whore has arrived,” Abby said. Your faces burned with anger and embarrassment as you sat down.
“shove it up your ass,” ally said. There was an awkward silence for a moment until Logan walked up to the table.
“hey y/n, wanna sit with us?” He motioned to his table where a few people sat and waved.
Matt glared at Logan but nobody noticed. “Sure,” you said, trying to escape the tension.
“your gonna leave me?” Ally fake pouted. “Oh God,” she gasped. “Are you replacing me too?” You smiled at her. “Don’t worry Al. Nobody replaces the original.” “Good,” she said with a smirk. “Now off you go.”
you smiled at her and followed logan to his table. Matt glared at both of your backs as you walked off.
you sat down at the table. Besides Logan, there was 2 girls and another guy. “Hey,” you breathed as you sat down.
“this is y/n guys. Y/n, that’s Emery,” he pointed to a girl with brown curly hair. She smiled and waved at you. You smiled back. “That’s Angela,” he pointed to a girl who’s also had brown hair, but it was straight. “And that’s Mateo.” The boy had deep black curly hair. He gave you a nod.
“On my gosh,” Emery said. “How does it feel to be friends with the sturniolo’s? They’re so fine. Especially Chris.”
“okay Emery that’s enough,” Angela said. “Sorry about her. She has a little.. obsession.” You laughed. “It’s okay.”
“so anyways y/n,” Logan began. “Laura Dwarfman is having a party tonight. Wanna go?”
“I dunno..” you said a little skeptically. Usually parties didn’t go well with the kids in your school. “Come on! It’ll help you get your mind off of… recent events.”
he wasn’t wrong. You had a lot on your plate lately, and you wanted to take a breather. “Fine,” you sighed. “But you have to give me a ride.”
“I’ll be there at 5,” he said with a mischievous grin. You rolled your eyes and continued to talk with your new friends.
it was about 4:45, and you were currently applying lip gloss. You wore a blue dress that hugged every curved of your body. It made you feel confident for some reason.
“ooooh, someone’s looking good,” you mom said as she walked into the kitchen. You rolled your eyes.
“where are you going?” She asked. “Some random girl’s party.” She nodded her head and sipped her coffee.
the door bell suddenly rang. “That must be my ride.” You open the door to see Logan grinning at you.
“hey,” you breathed. “You ready?” “Yeah.”
“And who is this y/n?” Your mom asked, smirking. “Mom this is Logan. Logan this is my mom.”
“nice to meet you.” He said with a smile, shaking her hand. “Now if you kids are gonna do anything, please use protection.”
a crimson blush appeared on your cheeks. “Mom!” Logan chuckled behind you. “Don’t worry. Me and your daughter are just close friends, and we plan to keep it that way.”
“Alright alright. You kids have fun. Also y/n, be back by 11:30. There’s school tomorrow.”
“alright,” you said as you walked out the door. “Bye!”
the first thing you smelled as you walked through the door was sweat and alcohol. You and Logan walked through, managing to bump into Chris and Nick.
“Oh hey y/n. Long time no see.” Chris said. You grinned at him. “Oh yeah. This is Logan.” Logan waved. “Cool. I’m Chris, and that’s nick.”
You saw a blush crawl on Logan’s face as he shook hands with nick. “Right. We’ll catch you guys later.”
You followed Logan into the living room, where a circle was forming. They were playing truth or drink.
“alright so here’s how the game goes,” some random guy said. “You spin the bottle. When it lands in someone, the person he spun the bottle asks a question. You either say it, or you have to take a shot.”
you normally didn’t drink but this sounded fun. “Alright I’ll go first.” The guy spun the bottle, and it landed on a girl.
“Alright. How many bodies do you have?” The girl blushed and poured a shot in her glass, gulping it down.
After a few rounds, the bottle landed on you. “Who was your first with?”
you didn’t hesitate to pour yourself a shot. You were not admitting that you were a virgin in front of a crowd. Some sounds of disappointment left the circle.
after about 30 minutes of playing, you were completely wasted. You found yourself wandering to the dance floor, losing yourself.
someone pushed to you to the floor- hitting your head. You were a bit dizzy as you sat up, but the dizziness left immediately.
Right in front of your eyes- Matt and Abby were making out. The drink in your hand spilled in the floor when you fell, and it now touched Matt’s shoes.
Matt pulled away, looking down at the mess in front of him, until he saw you, right in front of him.
there was so much hurt in your eyes, and tears were falling down your face. Abby just laughed at you. “Aww, did the little baby hurt herself falling?” She said in a mocking voice.
you couldn’t with her anymore. You grabbed punch bowl and poured it over her head, eliciting gasps from everyone in the room.
she wiped the vodka punch out of her face and screamed. “You little bitch,” she yelled. “Do you know how expensive this dress was?”
“aww, is the little baby gonna cry over her dress?” You said in the same tone she had. “Go fuck your self bitch.” You flipped her off and stormed out the house, tears falling down your eyes.
Logan followed you out the house. “Y/n,” he said grabbing your shoulder. “Are you alright?” That was it.
you bursted out into sobs, and he pulled you close. You wrapped your arms around him and sobbed into his shirt.
tags- v4mp1r3c4t sturniololvrrr sturnssan blahbel668 arleanka futuristicladywonderland iloveneilperry sturnstvr jetaimevous britishamerican11 alicejwebster sturnsforlife ldrloverrrrrr sturnthepot
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anandrettisimp · 23 hours
Okay, so I need to do a bit of a ramble about one of the biggest couple goals in recent motorsport.
I am, of course talking about Will and Liz Power
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Now you’ve gotta understand that they basically started at Team Australia/Walker Racing within a couple of months of each other with Will doing the last two races of the ‘05 Champ Car season and Liz joining as part of the PR team in February ‘06. They had met and interacted but it wasn’t an easy start for Liz.
You see, between Long Beach and Houston, which was to be the first race she would attend in person, her Dad, Bo, had a stroke and required quadruple bypass surgery. It was only at the last minute that she felt she could do the race only just making it in time for the team bus leaving for the airport.
Will sat beside her, making sure she was okay (apparently all he really wanted to do was hug her).
Eventually Liz was asked by team boss Derrick to befriend Will for two reasons:
He basically knew nobody
Australian media wasn’t happy that Australian driver at Australian back team wasn’t dominating series he had only just started in.
Part of the way Derrick sold this to her was by describing Will as a lost puppy but, at the same time, she wasn’t to date Will or she’d be at risk of losing her job.
Well within a couple of months they were dating because what do you expect when you take two people in emotional vulnerable situations and tell one of them to get close to the other.
It should be noted that around the same time Will had already asked mutual friends if Liz was seeing anyone.
Simon Pagenaud knew from the start and was even Will’s wingman from time to time and helped them hide the relationship while Liz’s family became part of Will’s rock in America. Liz’s mum Kathy is Will’s PA lady and basically the only person he trusts to buy and choose his outfits (cause left to his own devices you will know he is colourblind).
Of course it got found out but between how well Will was doing by the end of the season and how professional Liz had been in her role all was good.
Over time their careers would split, Will moving to KV Racing then Penske (with Liz being heavily involved in helping him prep for the interview) while Liz had stayed with Walker Racing until the end the going on to Dreyer & Reinbold Racing before calling time as she found it was too much to do PR at one team while your husband races at another.
And, honestly, if I was a racing driver’s partner I’d probably be in a similar state to Liz, murdering all the bottles.
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Their son Beau, named in honour of Liz’s dad who had sadly passed away in 2007, was born in 2016 but after the birth there were complications which resulted in Liz having to go back into hospital in Christmas Eve, luckily she was able to recover.
Towards the end of 2022, as Will won the championship for a second time, Liz again was starting to get ill. Come January 2023 she had a fever of 106 and Will had to call an ambulance.
It turned out that she had a staph infection that had settled in her spinal column and the only way to save her was to do an operation.
She almost didn’t make it.
Will pulled out of the Daytona 24 but he almost retired full stop.
He had to be there for his family.
She got better though she was back in the hospital just before St Pete.
I think you had to be an idiot to not see that Will was off balance last year. This was a man who was doing everything he could to take care of his wife and then going to races by himself.
The support system that he has depended on since his first full season racing in America was gone.
For the first time since 2007 he failed to win a race.
It wasn’t until the final races last year, with Liz finally back that he relaxed. He even said he was just happy the season was done.
This year everything is back to normal or as normal as it could be after going through something like that.
But, most importantly, Liz is back.
There’s already been a couple of weekends, be it after practice, qualifying or the race where you can see Will come out of the car hot and all it takes is Liz being there a couple of words and he calms, ready to speak to the team and media.
We already know if Liz hadn’t gotten better when she had then we don’t have Will leading the championship right now because he would have chosen her and Beau over another season.
Heck, if he wins the championship this year I wouldn’t be shocked if he decides to end his career on that high so he can spend more time with the one who stood by him through it all.
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Yandere diaries. || Toby x reader. A new (possible) series I got the idea to do of the creeps doing diaries showing them gradually becoming yandere.
3k words. CW: Yandere, adult content (mentions of arousal and references to masturbation), descriptions of violence and gore, unhealthy relationships, severe abuse, delusions, Toby slipping into insanity and also being an unhonest/unreliable narrator with how awful he’s being.
4/26/22 -
I met someone new today! We bumped into each other at a park I like to go to on Earth. They were so kind to me. We ended up getting ice cream together and exchanging numbers. I hope I can see them again soon.
5/11/22 -
I’ve been able to see them a couple more times. We’ve been messaging regularly, and have also called a couple of times. I’ve never felt so connected to someone so quickly before. We have a lot in common, and they don’t even mind any of my tics or odd quirks. We have a plan to meet up this weekend and go to the movies together, I’m really looking forward to it. I hope we continue to be friends with each other for a long time!
5/14/22 -
I just got home. We had such a fun time at the movies! We saw one of the more recent horror films together. They got scared partway through and clung onto me to feel better, and it made me feel really happy and protective over them. I wouldn’t mind seeing more horror movies with them in the future if it means that they’d do that again. We haven’t known each other very long, but I feel so connected and interested in them, I feel sparks every time they touch me. Is this what falling in love feels like?
6/21/22 -
I haven’t been able to see them for a few weeks because of our schedule differences. I feel like I’ve been excessively sad because of that. I just feel like my life is so much dimmer without them. I wanna go to the park with them again, eat ice cream, and curl up under a tree with them. I wish I could be with them every day.
7/29/22 -
We haven’t known each other for a very long time, but I’m certain they’re the person I’m meant to be with for the rest of my life. They make me the happiest I’ve ever felt, they understand me like nobody has ever understood me before, I just feel so carefree and excited in their presence. I think they might feel the same way about me too. I need to try my best to build up some courage and ask them to be my partner before someone else can.
8/11/22 -
I asked them on a date and they said yes!! I’ve never felt more excited than I am right now!! We’re going on our first date in a few days. I need to make sure I have a nice outfit to wear because I want to take them somewhere nice to eat, and then we’re gonna go for a walk together and stargaze. My life truly feels so complete and wonderful right now, I feel like I’m finally on a path to keep getting better with them in my life!
11/24/22 -
I haven’t been dating them very long, but I convinced Slender to allow me to invite them to Thanksgiving dinner. Normally we have to date our partners for a year, but I just know our relationship is going to work out, so I don’t feel the need to wait that long. They had so much fun meeting everyone, and they were happy the whole time. I felt a bit jealous that they didn’t pay as much attention to me, but that’s okay because there were so many new people they had to meet. I’m sure next time I invite them over they won’t pay anyone else any attention. I’m looking forward to having them over here more often!
12/14/22 -
I got into an argument with Jeff today. I had them over to visit me, and I stepped away for a minute to get us some snacks and Jeff so rudely decided to try and steal their attention from me. It isn’t fair! He was trying to make them laugh and hang out with him instead of me!! I got really angry and I started yelling at him, and he yelled back at me, claiming he wasn’t doing anything wrong. He’s not allowed to just walk up to them and act like they’re buddy-buddy. They’re my partner, and they’re here for me. Nobody else has the right to their attention but me.
12/25/22 -
I got to celebrate my first Christmas with them today. We spent a little bit of time downstairs with the others, but then I wanted to bring them upstairs to my room so we could be together alone. I gave them a bracelet with our names on it so that everyone would know they belonged to someone, and they seemed to like it. However, I got a bit upset at them. They said they had to go home so they could celebrate with their friends and family too, but aren’t I good enough? Aren’t I their family now? It doesn’t make any sense to me why they couldn’t just stay at the mansion, but I let them go. I’ll have a talk with them about this later.
1/24/23 -
We had another argument again. They have this friend that keeps overstepping his boundaries and I don’t appreciate it. He’s been hogging their attention recently and hanging out with them more and it’s seriously fucking pissing me off. They wouldn’t stop talking to him so I had to lie to them about him to finally get them to back off from him a bit. I wouldn’t normally want to do that, but it’s for their own good. Nobody should be hogging them away from me that much. Their friends are lucky I even allow them to talk with my dove at all. I think that’s what I’ll start calling them, now that I think about it. My sweet, soaring Dove.
2/17/23 -
I ended up getting into a fight with one of Dove’s friends. I was trying to make sure I could spend Valentine’s with Dove, but this friend wanted to be able to see them that day since he’s going on a trip soon or some other stupid excuse. It pissed me off. IM their boyfriend, that day is for US. I confronted him to get him to back off but he had the nerve to stand his ground. I had to beat the shit out of him to get him to understand his place. It’s been three days, and apparently, he hasn’t contacted them since. Good. One less pest I have to worry about. Dove was a little suspicious when I came home with torn-up knuckles that day, but I just told them it happened during training and they believed me. They even took the time and care to bandage me up. They really are so special to me. Nobody else can have them.
3/18/23 -
I’ve never really thought much about blood before. When it’s on myself or my victims, I’ve never really cared about it, I’ve actually usually thought it was gross, but it was different today. Dove got this gash when we were out on a hike from tripping and slicing their arm on a sharp rock. Normally the blood wouldn’t have bothered me, but it was just so pretty. The red spreading across their skin was just so alluring. Of course, I got them cleaned off and patched up as soon as I could, but my heart is racing just remembering it. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I hope they get cut again soon. I have to confirm if this feeling inside me is real or just a one-off.
3/28/23 -
It wasn’t a one-off. We were cooking, and they were using one of our sharper knives. My curiosity got the better of me, and I “accidentally” bumped into them from behind. They ended up cutting themself, and their blood was just as alluring today, flowing freely out of their finger. I ended up putting their finger in my mouth to suck the blood off, and I’ve never tasted something so intoxicating before. They were a bit confused, but I just played it off and they let it go. Holy shit. I feel like I have to taste it again. I have to. The red on their skin, the metallic lingering taste in my mouth. It’s so addicting. It honestly made me a bit excited, I had to take a moment to myself so they wouldn’t notice.
4/16/23 -
I bit them. We were making out, and I just felt myself getting so worked up. I pinned them down on my mattress, and I started kissing down Dove’s neck. I couldn’t help it, my heart was beating so fast and I felt myself getting dizzy, and I bit them really hard. Their skin was so soft in my mouth, and blood started oozing out, running against my teeth and my tongue, and my lips, it was so warm and exciting, it felt like I was getting drunk. Dove didn’t like it though. They screamed and cried and begged me to stop, and I didn’t want to, but I did. I bandaged them up and apologized and feigned innocence. They said they wanted to go home early, so I took them to not get on their bad side anymore. I was so worked up though. I had to take care of myself when I got home, I was just so turned on. I have to do it again somehow. They won’t like it, but I have to. Nothing has ever felt so pleasing before.
4/29/23 -
I tried to bite them again, and they realized it wasn’t an accident this time. They yelled at me and hit me to get me off of them, and I hit them back much harder. They looked so broken and upset while they cried, but their tears and screams got me just as turned on as their blood did. The bruise that formed on their cheek was so beautiful. I held them close and apologized a whole bunch because I don’t want them to hate me. I cried a lot and I meant it. I promised I wouldn’t do it again, which I guess I didn’t mean. However, they can’t just disobey me like that. I need to try and be on my best behavior so they can be more relaxed around me. I can’t have them fighting back every time I want to do something to them.
5/09/23 -
I think my Dove needs to be caged. They’ve gotten so used to flying free that they need to be grounded and brought back to reality. I keep trying to limit their interactions with others because they keep poisoning my Dove against me, and Dove tried to fight me today. We got in a big yelling match, but I was able to calm myself down in the nick of time so that I didn’t make things worse. I got them to calm down, and we’re gonna have some space between us for a few weeks. I think I’m going to take this opportunity to my advantage.
5/30/23 -
While we haven’t been spending time together, I’ve been working hard. I found an old house in the Underworld for cheap, and I’ve been rebuilding it and fixing it up. I altered it to be able to hold Dove in without their escape, and I’m so excited about it. I’ve got a bedroom I’m setting up for them, and a nice kitchen because they’ve always liked cooking with me. I know Dove is going to love it so much when I bring them here in a few weeks. It’s going to be the best thing for us. Dove is too innocent about the world around them, and I have to be able to protect them. Nobody else can do a better job than I can.
6/08/23 -
[Parts of the entry have been torn. Words are smudged or crossed out and it is not completely legible, but some of it remains visible. *Full translation will be added at the end for those that use translators/text to speech.]
Dove is FUCKING LU—Y I had the home re—y! If not, I wo—d’ve just thrown th— in the fucki— basement!!! [Redacted] got wh— they deser—. I be— the- so bad you —— —king recognize —. I’ll du— the bo— som—ere else.
7/06/23 -
Dove hasn’t been making things any easier. Since they last tried to move away things have been such a fucking pain in the ass. They were so scared when I locked them in here. I wanted it to be a warm welcome, where I’d bring them here voluntarily, but they had to go and ruin it because of [Redacted] sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong. They tried to run away a few days ago, and I went to write about it but I was so fucking pissed I ripped the page to shreds. I had to break their ankles so that they wouldn’t be able to run again, least not for a long while. I’ve also been keeping them tied up more, but it’s easier now that they can’t walk. The bruises on their legs are just so beautiful. I think I might keep them like this, even though they cry every day from the pain and the circumstances, but their tears are beautiful as well. I have to get more painkillers soon for them.
10/18/23 -
It’s been a while since I’ve updated. Things have been going smoother lately. Every time Dove’s ankles start to heal, I’ve been breaking them again. I just can’t trust them because they tried to escape again. I’ve been enjoying myself a lot more. I can bite them and cut them and hit them whenever I want to. I can taste their blood and chew their skin and bruise their beautiful body however I like. Of course, sometimes it makes me sad when Dove gets so upset about it. I don’t know what to do. It gets me so turned on and riled up like nothing ever has before, but I also want them to love me. They haven’t been fighting back anymore, so I think they’re getting used to it. We’ll see.
12/25/23 -
It’s our second Christmas together. I got Dove a bunch of things they asked for since they’ve been so good. They seem to have given up hope of resisting me, and it’s made me so happy. They even made me a cake for Christmas, and it was so delicious. I’m so happy we can be together again like this, just a happy couple with no interruptions. It’s truly the best gift I could have received this year.
2/16/24 -
I’ve been letting Dove’s ankles and legs fully heal. They truly haven’t been trying anything, and they’ve been so devoted to being a good partner for me, I don’t think I need to break them anymore to teach them a lesson. They can nearly stand on their own now, and they seem so happy. They said it’s because they can hug me while standing, and that made me so happy to hear. We’ve started cooking together again. We’re becoming a happy family, and I’m so glad I was right that Dove is the one for me. They even let me bite them as much as I wanted today, and they let me scratch them too, they didn’t even cry out today. I could tell they were trying really hard, so it made me very happy.
4/25/24 -
Things have still been going well. Their legs have healed up perfectly. It’s been five months since I last broke them, and I think they’re so grateful for it. They don’t disobey me, they do everything I ask, they’re so affectionate and loving with me. It makes me so happy to know that they’re truly settling into life with me. I don’t think they mind how much I hurt them anymore. They don’t complain as much, but they still cry those same beautiful tears for me. I think they’re starting to enjoy it.
5/26/24 -
I have to go on an extended trip for a week soon because of work and I’m nervous. They said they’ll wait happily for me, but I’m still so, so nervous. However, earlier this month I was gone for a few days and they didn’t go anywhere. Dove actually welcomed me back happily. I think we’ll be okay. I think this is it, the true test. I know they’ll pass, but still, I can’t quiet the anxiety in my heart. I’ll have to spend as much time as possible with them and get out all my excitement before I have to leave. I’m going to miss the feeling of their skin beneath my fingers and teeth.
6/11/24 -
[This page has also been smeared and torn in anger. *Another fully corrected version will be at the bottom.]
Dove, you’d better pray to —y FUCKING DIETY in EXIST—— THAT I DON- FIN- —U!!! When I d-, you’re goin- to su——— much for do— th— to me.
6/08/23 -
Dove is FUCKING LUCKY I had the home ready! If not, I would’ve just thrown them in the fucking basement!!! [Redacted] got what they deserved. I beat them so bad you can't even fucking recognize them. I’ll dump the body somewhere else.
6/11/24 -
Dove, you’d better pray to every FUCKING DIETY in EXISTENCE THAT I DON'T FIND YOU!!! When I do, you’re going to suffer so much for doing this to me.
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pretty-circa006 · 2 days
OKAY imagine IMAGINE reader sees negan/jeffrey naked for the first time AND sees his chest full of chest hair THENNNN nakedly grinds on his chest
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Negan x F! Reader
tags nudity, smut, grinding, chest hair fetish i think??
note i did my best, i hope you like it
wc 1.5k
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆ 
Negan sits at the head of the table with Lucille in hand and his leather jacket resting on the back of his metal chair. He’s explaining something, likely what the Saviors’ next move against Alexandria is going to be, but it all flies above her head. Her eyes watch his lips as they move in tune with his words, his hazel eyes as they alternate eye contact with each Savior at the table, and occasionally glance down at what parts of his body were visible above the table. 
“Ya get all that, darlin’?” He asks, looking at her. 
“Oh..yeah! Uh huh. Yes…sir,” she lies. The deadpan look Negan sends her way tells her that he is not convinced, and honestly, neither is she. She bashfully looks away from him and down at the table, this time actually trying to pay attention to the rest of the meeting. 
With a bang of his barb wired bat to the metal table, he dismisses everyone as he gets up and leaves, too. She's the last one out of the room, partly because she didn't want to meet Negan's eye on the way out but mainly because she wanted to watch him as he left. Before she can leave the room something catches her eye—Negan's jacket. She looks around the room, making sure it's empty before walking over to his chair and grabbing the expensive looking leather garment. She picks it up and it almost feels unreal to be holding it. She hesitantly brings it up to her nose and breathes in the scent: leather and manliness. She could get lost in it and almost does, but she quickly remembers the task at hand and rushes out the room to catch up to Negan. 
With the jacket cradled in her arms, she hurries down the halls in search of the man in charge—he's nowhere to be seen. She sees his right hand, Simon, walking idly down the hall. 
"Wait, Simon. Do you know where Negan went?" she asks him. The mustached man's eyes drift down to the jacket in her arms and back up to her eyes with suspicion. 
"What're you doin' with Negan's jacket," he questions, reaching down for it as he does. She clutches it closer and moves it out of reach. 
"He left it in the meeting room, so I'm bringin' it back to him. Do you know where he went?" 
"I can give it to him, it's no trouble." 
Annoyed with Simon's insistence, she sidesteps him and storms down the hall, protectively clutching the jacket. 
"I'll handle it, thanks!" 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆
Nobody said anything when she knocked on his bedroom door, so she waited a second. She knocks again and yields the same results. She tries the doorknob and surprisingly, it gives, opening the door and letting her into his bedroom. Until now, she'd never been in his room. The sheer luxury of it all strikes her with awe. The king sized bed, the leather couches and chairs, the tall windows and dark curtains, even when the world was normal she's never seen anything anything like this. 
The sound of Negan's voice saying her name snapped her attention away from the room and onto him. He's standing in the middle of the room, practically naked other than the towel wrapped dangerously low around his hips. His tattoos are on full display along with the salt and pepper hair on his torso. Unintentionally, her eyes drift down his body to his belly button, to his v line, and even his–
"My eyes are up here, sweetheart," he reminds her, forcing her eyes to meet his hazel ones. 
"Ah, shit! Sorry, I umm..." 
"The hell are ya doin' in my bedroom?" he asks. 
"You left your jacket," she holds the jacket out to him, to which he accepts. 
"Thanks..." He still looks at her suspiciously as she awkwardly rocks on her heels and doesn't leave. 
"Uh, you're dismissed." She's about to turn and leave, but the sound of fabric hitting the floor keeps her there. Her face burns with heat and eyes widen as she makes eye contact with his dick. He always brags about his size, but now she has proof that he was never exaggerating. Negan doesn't make any moves to grab his towel nor cover himself, instead, he's smirking at her, amused by wide eyes and dropped jaw. Subconsciously, her thighs squeeze together at the feeling of heat pooling in her core.  
"Y'alright, darlin'?" he asks out of amusement rather than concern. She blinks rapidly as her mouth opens and closes but no words come out. Her eyes alternate from meeting his to dropping down to his penis again. 
"S-sorry! Sorry!" she apologizes as she covers her eyes with her hands. The attempt to cover her eyes is fruitless since she's looking through the gaps in her fingers anyway.
"Like watcha see?" he teases. He half expects her embarrassment to take over and for her to run away, but instead she stands her ground and nods. 
"Yes, s-sir." Her breathing is shallow as she shifts around trying to subtly sooth the needy ache in her throbbing pussy. Negan can tell that she wants him, needs him even, and honestly seeing her so needy and desperate is a turn on for him. 
"Well, you can either get the fuck outta my room or take your goddamn clothes off. The choice is yours, doll, but make it quick." 
He didn't have to ask her twice, she's already unbuttoning her jeans. In a rush, she clumsily toes off her shoes before stepping out of her pants and panties. She wishes she could've given Negan a show instead of the unsexy rush-job she's currently putting on but luckily for her, Negan finds her sex crazed desperation for him endearing. But she's taking a little too long for his liking. He approaches her and pulls her shirt over her head before unclasping her bra and discarding the items. 
"Holy shit, baby. You look downright fuckin' delicious," he compliments as he eyes her naked body from head to toe. His arms snake around her and pull her body into his. His hard length slides between her thighs, almost slotted between her lower lips. Her hands slide up his chest, her fingers weaving through the wispy hairs on his chest. By the back of her neck, he pulls her in for a heated kiss, teeth clashing as their tongues get to know each other's mouths. His hands slide down her back and around the curve of her ass before squeezing and kneading it in his hands. He holds her firmly and close as he thrusts his dick along her soft inner thighs. Their pleasured moans mix in their mouths which are still attached to each other. As they kiss, her hands never leave his chest. Her fingers continuously play with his chest hair and occasionally give it a gentle tug. 
He pulls away from the kiss, the string of saliva between them breaks. He looks down at her, his hazel eyes dark with lust. She looks back up at him, her eyes begging him to fuck her. 
"You like my chest hair, don't you, babydoll?" She just giggles but doesn't any anything and continues to doodle abstract swirls with her finger on his chest. 
"I asked you a goddamn question," he says sternly. 
"I do, sir." Without warning, he picks her up by the back of her thighs and she reflexively wraps her legs around his waist. While still holding her, he lays down on the bed with her now straddling his waist. 
"Get yourself off on it," he orders in a way that leaves no room for questions. But she has some anyway. 
"Wh...what?!" she asks through a bout of nervous laughter. 
"If you like my chest hair so much, get yourself off on it, baby." 
"What if I crush you o-or something?" 
He scoffs and rolls his eyes before just pulling her onto his chest by her thighs. He smirks, enjoying the view of having such a beautiful woman on top of him. 
"Well, I'm waitin'," he huffs. Her hands cautiously grip his shoulders before she begins grinding her hips against his strong chest. Her movements are slow and apprehensive at first, but eventually pleasure starts building up. The friction of his chest hair against her clit feels better than she expected and brings her closer to her orgasm. Negan watches her from beneath his thick eyelashes, in awe with the way her tits move in unison with her grinding. 
"I shoulda made you my fuckin' wife," he comments as his hands caress her thighs. 
"Better late than never, right?" comes her breathy reply. She's close and Negan can tell by her breathlessness and sweaty, flushed face. Her hand creeps down between her legs and she rubs her clit in quick circles, urging her orgasm closer. Her thighs squeeze his ribcage and her eyes screw shut as the dam breaks and her orgasm comes crashing over her. 
“You liked that, didn’t you?” He teases. She climbs off his chest and flops onto the bed beside him. 
“Mmm hmm.” She nuzzles into the crook of his neck. He wraps his arm around snugly her as she  caresses his chest. 
“So what was that you were saying about makin’ me your wife…?”
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jji-lee · 3 days
when they says something which ends up hurting you
did this in a different format so hopefully it's still okay - enjoy! ☺
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⟡ mark - tense silence
takes him a minute to even register what he said. seeing your face sadden he'll start to stutter, wanting to say something, but not knowing how to organize his thoughts. he'll just sit there for a minute scared that he'll say something wrong again. ends up muttering a short, "i'm sorry you know i'm not good with words, just give me a second okay" more awkward silence as he thinks, but he'll reach for your hand to give you reassurance as you wait. doesn't like to act without thinking, he needs time to gather his thoughts, please be patient.
⟡ renjun - stubborn comments after
when he sees your eyes start to water he'll immediately try to excuse himself, "you know i didn't mean it that way" "can you just listen to me" "why are you jumping to conclusions," which obviously makes you feel worse. he'll pick at his nails and straighten his sideburns, not understanding that he's making you feel worse. eventually he'll gently grab your face to make you look at him, "okay please just, you know i hate to see you cry, let me explain, please." it's hard for him to admit he's wrong, but he knows he needs to apologize eventually, excuse his slight attitude, he's trying.
⟡ jeno - immediate regret
as soon as the words come out of his mouth he knows he messed up. immediately grabs you and pulls you into his embrace. "wait, let me explain, that didn't come out right" you'd try to push him away, "jeno, let me go, i don't wanna hear it" but he'd just pull you closer dipping his head into your neck, "no, i'm sorry, please just listen to me" he'd force you to sit there with him hugging you listening to his explanations and apologies. best boyfriend to talk things out with, you don't need to explain whats wrong he always seems to know, pro at reading your body language.
⟡ haechan - begs for forgiveness
feels actually so bad that he said anything that would hurt you, feels worse that you think he would ever try to intentionally hurt you. eyes start to water seeing your hurt expression, feels like kicking himself. however, he has a little sass in him, he's haechan of course, and tries to wait for you to say something first. when he notices that you in fact are not going to speak to him, he gets up and kneels in front of your sitting figure. puts his head on your lap and pouts, "baby please i'm sorry, you know i hate to see you like this" kisses as an apology, hands, legs, arms, face, every inch of you kissed as he praises you. his main priority is to comfort you before trying to smooth things over.
⟡ jaemin - has read the boyfriend manual
nobody can convince me that jaemin is not the prefect boyfriend. you are as shocked as he is when you hear those words come out of his mouth. immediately reaches for your hands and kisses them, "i don't know what came over me please i'm so sorry" you're just standing there looking at him wide eyed as he pulls you in for a hug, "please say something, what's on your mind, lets talk about this" gives you any space and time that you ask for, watches how your body reacts to his movements and his words to see what he should do next. is the most patient boyfriend in the world and is not afraid to open up and express why he said what he said and explain how he plans of fixing his mistakes. treats you like royalty all night and makes sure you're comfortable enough to open up to him.
⟡ chenle - will apologize for the next couple of days
chenle is a bit stubborn, will just sit there for a bit and chew on the inside cheek, he's more "actions speak louder than words." he'll get up and leave for a while, making you feel worse, but he'll come back with a chocolate bar you didn't even know you had. "eat this, it helps release serotonin or whatever" watches you as you silently take a bite, his heart literally hurts seeing you like this. you'd be the one to speak first but he cuts you off, cause he know he's the one that should be trying to say something and apologize. "i'm sorry, i know i act impulsively sometimes, let me make it up to you?" at the time you didn't know what he meant by that but as the week goes by and you start waking up to breakfast, receiving flowers at work, and having candy bars snuck into your bags with sappy notes, you know just how sorry chenle truly was.
⟡ jisung - nervous nervous nervous
he will like start to vibrate, don't know if it's all the regret in his body, or the need to say something, anything, to make his last comment go away. he will start to fidget and play with his fingers while trying to say something to you, "wait baby" "y/n" "are you upset" "is it what i said?" knows what he said hurt you but wants you to tell him so he can know exactly what went wrong. once you tell him he'll try to calm his nerves and apologize for what he said, would never intentionally say something to hurt you. takes him a second to grasp the situation since he likes for you to explain things clearly before he makes his next move, but he's a great listener so you don't mind, don't be afraid to rant.
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Just Gale being a total freak. Gale x F!Tav, blood, spice, etc.
@netherese0rb @boufsy @owlseeyoulaterpal @lanafofana
@auroraesmeraldarose @aryancunin @amorgansgal
'I wanna see your animal side, let it all out, I wanna see the dirt under your skin, I need your broken promises.' - Death Valley, Fall Out Boy
Tav stood in the middle of the ruined landscape, taking heaving gulps of air. The shadows that had attacked them had disappeared in bursts of sickly green and they pressed on to the muted moonglow in the distance. One of the beseiged harpers had pointed it out, snapping that they should run for it if she perished. Tav led the group, barely thinking as they made their presence known and chose a camping spot away from the inn. Why they were not permitted to be inside she didn’t know, though she had an inkling there was little room for them.
The darkness had the unfortunate affect of making the air feel like a winter’s night; she shivered even as she built up a sweat helping everyone with their shelters. Gale appeared distracted- not unlike him, certainly, though he seemed a little more intense than usual.
‘Cold, Tav?’ said Karlach good naturedly as they passed each other. She carried a stack of dead wood under each arm. ‘We’ll have a fire going soon as. Where’s our rogue got to?’
‘Hunting, most like,’ said Halsin, bumping shoulders with Tav and almost sending her sprawling. ‘Oops! Sorry.’ He steadied her with a hand on her shoulder. ‘Silvanus knows what he’d eat out here, though.’ His eyes glittered impishly. ‘Unless you’ve been feeding him of course.’
‘Oh, behave,’ said Tav, blushing. ‘That was once.’
‘And where did Gale go?’
‘Huh?’ Tav scanned the campsite. Though his tent was set up, the wizard was nowhere to be seen. ‘I saw him a minute ago. He’s probably getting supplies for dinner?’ She sighed. ‘I’ll take a look. But there better be a fire going when I come back, it’s freezing.’
‘Relax,’ said Shadowheart, rolling her eyes. ‘I don’t know why you’re all so whiny. I feel fine.’
‘You would,’ shot Wyll. ‘This is Shar’s work, after all.’
‘Okay,’ said Tav. ‘I’ll leave you to your sniping. I’ll find the wizard. We’ll starve without him.’
‘Hey, I can cook,’ said Wyll, pouting a little as Tav turned her back and trudged off into the dark.
‘Gale?’ she called. ‘Everyone’s looking for you!’ He can’t have gone far. She misty stepped, walked a little further, scanning. ‘Gale!’ She was well away from camp now, clear on the other side of the lake.
‘Always one for walking into trouble, aren’t you?’ said a voice in her ear.
‘Gale? What the fuck?’ Her head whipped to the side, heartbeat picking up. ‘Why are you invisible?’ Stupid wizard.
‘I don’t want a search party looking for me,’ he said. His breath was hot on her ear. ‘Just you.’
‘Why?’ she asked, drawing the word out. ‘We need you back at camp, and-’
‘I wanted us to be alone.’
The cogs were turning in Tav’s head. ‘Hang on,’ she said slowly. ‘Is this about- about-’
‘Oh Tav, don’t play coy,’ he crooned. ‘I know you find this all as thrilling as I do. Now I admit,’ he said, sounding a little more like himself, ‘that I got a little tongue-tied. A little flustered. But now I think I can say what I want to say, knowing nobody but the one intended will hear it. But,’ he said, ‘perhaps it can wait. You’re so cold. We can’t have that…’
‘Turn visible, coward,’ said Tav, giggling. Gooseprickles rose on the back of her neck.
A snap and he was there in front of her, robes looking much the worse for wear, his face spattered with blood. ‘Dear me,’ he said. ‘You’re practically covered in blood and guts. Time for a bath?’ He tilted his head, smirked. His eyes were blazing.
‘You are too,’ she said boldly, gesturing. ‘Arterial, by the look of it. That’ll really mess up your hair if you’re not careful.’
Gale lunged forward, grabbing her face and smashing their lips together in a mess of tongue and teeth. She tasted blood and sweat on his lips, metal and salt. Groaning into her mouth he pulled at a slash in her robes and rended the fabric even further, mouth falling to the exposed skin of her shoulder to suck a bruise into her flesh. Her breathing stuttered and he hummed against her skin, dragging his teeth a little to pull a whimper from her. ‘Hnnngh, more of that,’ he said, kissing her mouth again.
‘What’s gotten into you?’ she gasped when he pulled away again to mark her neck. ‘I thought you couldn’t-’ she hissed as he dug his fingers into her thighs and growled.
‘As if that will stop me,’ he said darkly. ‘Not when you’re so fucking tempting-’
‘Gale, it’s not safe-’ She was between his teeth, latched onto the tender skin between neck and shoulder as he ground his hips against her. He applied sharp pressure in response and she yelped, half in pain, half surprise. He kissed the bite tenderly, pressed another kiss to the corner of her mouth.
‘I love seeing you covered in blood,’ he rasped. ‘Not that I want to see you hurt, but…’ he panted into her ear. ‘Fuck I love seeing you filthy.’
Tav could hardly breathe. This was not a side of him she’d ever anticipated. ‘You said we couldn’t-’
He laughed, a dark little growl. ‘We can’t. But I couldn’t resist giving you a little taste of what’s to come…’ he snapped his fingers and was gone, leaving her burning and frustrated in the dark.
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reyreadersblog · 2 days
Here are some Avery and Jameson hcs because they're my parents
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When Avery goes on interviews and stuff, she takes Jameson with her as a guest and then people ask them questions.
Avery is always worried on Jameson's birthdays because she thinks he won't like the gift she chose for him but Jamie loves it everytime and tells her it's perfects.
They travel together everywhere, LITEARLLY everywhere, like there isn't a single place on god's green earth they haven't visited.
Nan shows Avery Jameson's childhood pictures, some of them are photoes of 5 years old Jamie dressed up as a small cute lamb (i like to belive Skye used to dress up him like that) and Ave thinks it's cute and laughs but Jamie gets so embarassed, he blushes and everything.
This guy whispers most unholy, dirty things in her ear and it's also in public areas, like parties, wedding, and then Avery gets super flustered and be enjoyes it.
Jamie helps her undo her hair after parties and meetings.
They have a favourite TV show (you guys decide) that they watch every sunday.
One time Avery did make up on Jameson's face, like the Hawthorne foundation and stuff, since she needed to test it and she asked Jamie and at first he wasn't sure but then she gave him "the face" he couldn't resist, so he agreed.
When Avery is in the kitchen making coffee or breakfast he always silently sneaks up on her from behind, hugs her and kisses her neck while Ave's laughing and giggling and she says smthg like "okay, okay, Jamie i'm trying to make breakfast"
Ave's that kind of person that easly gets scared during horror movies so she always hugs Jameson and he tries to comfort her, says things like "nobody is taking you away from me, heiress"
Max, Xander, Jamie and Avery go on double dates once in a while and that's when they catch up, but usually it's just Ave and Max hanging out and shopping in big malls while Jamie and Xander are just there holding their bags.
Avery gets so worried when Jameson dissapears for couple of hours, even tho she's used to it, bec she know how careless Jameson is when it comes to taking risks.
So she calls him multiple times and lefts like 10 massages
This is suppose to be a happy hcs..but..when they have fight it's usually about safety, like for exapmle: one night Jamie gets in the apartament and it's like 4 a.m., he looks like someone beat the shit out of him, when Ave sees him she gasps, it's all confusion worry and shock. Then she decides to clean him up and when she is taking care of the wounds Jamie whispers "it's not that serious" and then Avery gets mad and they fight. They always make up tho, time is needed but they always do
And i could write whole fic on thiss!! (Tell me if i should)
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vent-stink · 2 days
Everything (1)
Summary: Jongho wrote his song, Everything, to move on from his ex-girlfriend so he could finally pursue you.
c/w: slight angst pairings: idol!Jongho x idol!reader a/n: this was sitting in my drafts since I wrote that one drabble ages ago!
Jongho pretended not to care too much about your presence. You weren't there for him, you were just seated with your group, not too far from his. He'd spoken to you a few times that left his heart pounding but left you wondering if he even liked you. When you caught his eye, he flushed, embarassed, but you didn't seem to notice as you waved at him with a kind smile that he returned. Okay, at least he does like you.
Jongho wanted to talk to you more, but he found himself reading through his old conversations with someone he shouldn't be thinking about anymore. It stopped him from seeking you out further, though he couldn't deny that he wished he was the guy you'd sing your groups' love songs for. He felt guilt eating away at him for these feelings, knowing he had yet to move someone else, so he didn't pursue you further.
When he was approached by Hongjoong to make a song for their next full length album "The World Ep. Fin : Will" He took a week baring his soul on papers that ended up cluttering his room more than he ever had before. Sleepless nights were spent trying to write the right thing. He wanted to do his feelings justice. He wanted to sing them out of his system and then, after the promotions and tour for this album were over, never think about them again.
Hongjoong and Wooyoung worried for him as he heard the youngest practice the heartbreaking lyrics to his song through the walls of their flat, but the result was beautiful, and though they never talked about it, they could see that writing it had been cathartic for Jongho and they didn't need to force him to talk to them about what he was going through.
When the song was released, his ex-girlfriend knew it was about her, but it didn't have the affect he was hoping for. Instead of letting her go, it made her come back. She used fansites to find him, and he locked eyes with her as he passed by, waving to Atinys. Seeing her again shook him, and she ended up unblocking his number to ask him to meet that very same day. He wondered if he even should, if he would undo all the progress he gained when writing the song.
In the time he was contemplating whether he should meet her, he ended up seeing you in a reality show. He was surprised to see that you were excited to see him. "Your song on your new album was beautiful, Jongho-ssi," you said, "Everything you sing is full of emotion, but… this one felt especially powerful. It was very moving."
Jongho was stunned. He didn't even know you liked his work, but to know that you made time to listen to his b-side of all things made him particularly feel some type of way. He thanked you kindly, and by the end of the reality show the two of you became quite close, but there was a line that yet to be crossed.
This urged him to see his ex-girlfriend and cut all of his loose ends. He didn't want to pull on one accidentally one day and unravel his whole sweater later, so he had to cut them off now.
At a basically unknown coffee shop with a mask and oversized hoodie, he met her and she frowned at him. "What's with all that getup. You didn't do this before." "I'm a real idol. I can't be caught in any scandals. Nobody knew me before," He said to her quietly, "Why did you want to meet?" "I heard your song." Jongho didn't say anything to that. Obviously she had. To anyone who'd known his relationship with her, it was obvious that she was the song's subject. "Okay…?" Jongho honestly thought his heart would be a lot more bothered by her presence, of course the nostalgia was prominent, but the love he had dwindled significantly. His heart twisted, but didn't beat as hard as it used to.
"I miss you, too." She replied. He paused, buffering for a moment before he asked, confused, "What?" "It was about me, right? My Everything? You still think about me?"
Jongho looked at the table thoughtfully, brows furrowed before he looked back up at her, "I- yes, I guess. It was about you but that- I just felt sorry for what happened-" She cut him off with a smile, touching his hand across the table, and he stared at it, feeling the unfamiliar desire to snatch his hand away. Her touch felt wrong. "I was wrong before. I love you. I want to try again."
This was not what he wanted. Now he was worried for an entirely different reason. He pulled his hand away, putting both hands in his lap and leaning forward slightly, "I'm sorry. That wasn't my intention when I wrote the song." Her face dropped in disappointment and then accusation, "Then why would you write me a song-?" "It wasn't for you, it was for me. It was just about you," Jongho said, "I wasn't trying to hide that, but even though you heard the song… I don't think you really listened to it."
"…You said I'm your everything. What else am I supposed to think?" "I wish I could go back and say all of that to you, but I can't. It ended with 'you were my everything.' Things have changed. This- this was my apology to you, but the concerns you had then are even more prominent, now. I would never have fathomed you coming to this conclusion…"
"Jongho-ya… I said I was wrong. I want to be with you…" "I can't give you a normal life, though," he said firmly, "What changed?"
"Everything changed, Jongho-ya. I missed you, and I didn't realize how you felt about me back then…" "…It's in the past now. I don't feel that way anymore. Did you even watch the MV? That house burned down."
"What?!" She exclaimed. She hadn't even watched the music video. Now looking at her, he wasn't even confident that she'd listened to the whole song.
Though painful, this conversation brought clarity to his mind. He wronged her, he apologized, but things would have ended someday anyway. She wasn't right for him, and there was no way he was right for her either. He didn't regret being with her all that time ago, but she wasn't in his future. He realized that he hadn't imagined a future with her in a long time. He couldn't even remember what he thought it would look like.
"You were my everything. I was finally able to meet you again and convey my feelings from before. I wish I could have told you that you were my reason for living and that I struggled so hard to run to you after falling down a hill of idol responsibilities… but I can't tell you that back then. I can only tell you now. I can't change the past because it's different now. My feelings aren't the same. You were my everything, but you're not anymore. I'm sorry if the song made you misunderstand."
She gripped the coffee in her hand so tightly as she listened to Jongho prattle on in the same indifferent tone she remembered from the day he had finally let her go. She stood, throwing her half-full cup at him, but he was too quick, blocking her hand and spilling the drink everywhere else more than him, even on her.
They stared each other down and she spoke bitterly, "I don't think you ever loved me."
Jongho replied confidently, "I think you're just refusing to see it because I didn't say what you wanted me to say."
The stare-down continued until he gently let go of her hand and left the cafe. Though Jongho was not one for emotion anyway, he was actually surprised that he did not shed a single tear after talking to her. His head was clear and he didn't feel guilty anymore as he drove away, finally leaving her behind.
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sturnthepot · 15 hours
after hours - chris sturniolo
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𑇍 Paring :: rough!dom!chris x fem!sub!poc!reader
𑇍 in which :: you’re at tara’s party with chris who wonders off for a moment when a creepy guy approaches you and offers to buy you a drink, suddenly you feel a pair of arms snake around your waist
𑇍 warnings! :: smut,drink spiking, oral;fem!receiving,car sex, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap your silly willy), violence
𑇍 requested? :: yes!
You are out with your boyfriend chris at one of tara’s party’s, all dressed up for it, you have on a black diesel crop top paired with a black leather skirt, white boots and a matching bag, you didn’t do your makeup over the top with graphic liner this time, opting for someone simpler than you usual makeup
chris wasn’t as dressed up as you, wearing his iconic pirate girl tank top paired with a belt and black pants, wearing his white air forces to match your boots
you’ve been clinging to chris this whole party, it’s not like you don’t like going to parties, actually you love going to them but today you didnt feel like drinking that much, you still have had a few shots throughout the night though but now you had just went to the bathroom going back to look for chris when you see him at the photo booth with tara and nick, deciding to let him have some fun you go to get another drink
you had decided to get something a little more fruity rather than a shot or beer, you were waiting for you drink when a older man came up to you, most likely in his 30’s
“what’s a pretty girl like you doing here alone?”
the man asks making you uncomfortable
“i’m not alone i have a boyfriend he’s just not with me right now”
you state clearly uncomfortable when the bartender hands you your drink, quickly you thank him before the older man speaks again
“honey, i don’t see your boyfriend right here so why don’t i buy you another drink when you finish that one?”
your heart skips a beat, you’re becoming very nervous and uncomfortable, your heart racing faster and faster when he gets up from his seat and walks next to you
“no thank you, like i said i have a boyfriend”
you state once again hoping he will back off, but he doesn’t
“is that him over there?”
the man asks pointing towards somewhere, you turn your head when he slips something into your drink, thankfully the bartender sees this and quickly takes your drink away and pours it out “you need to go” the bartender says sternly
“oh come on i’m just having a bit of fun” the man complains “she probably doesn’t even have a boyfriend” he states now hovering over you, your heart racing more and more you breath hitching when you feel a pair of arms slide around your waist
“who the fuck are you buddy?” chris asks enraged at the man
“i’m just a man trying to hit on a girl calm down buddy” the man shrugs making chris even more angry
“i’m her boyfriend so you might want to leave” chris states clearly amused at this man’s audacity but also extremely mad at it
“i don’t see a ring on her finger” is the last thing the man says before chris lets go of you and.. thud! chris punched the man, quickly grabbing you by the waist and slinging you over his shoulder “chris!” you squeal out but nothing happens, he takes you to the parking lot and puts you in the passenger seat before shutting the door and going to the drivers side (pretend he can drive in this)
your sniffling in the car as chris pulls over to a gas station, nobody else is there other than the worker of course
“babydoll don’t cry” chris says looking over at you before thinking for a second “would some snacks make you feel better, hm?” he asks unbuckling his seatbelt, the second he mentions this your face lights up and you nod multiple times making chris chuckle “okay”
he walks out of the store getting back in the car to find you laying down in the backseat, he climbs back there with you leaving the snacks up front before sitting down “c’mere” he mumbles out before you crawl over to him and straddle his lap pulling him into a hug
“sweetheart don’t do that to me” chris groans out before you look up at him confused and oblivious to your position, he looks down to his lap and you look down with him turning a light shade of red when you see the obvious tent growing in his pants
you think for a moment before grinding onto his hips making him groan “not here baby” he barks out making you whine “please, i need you” you beg out grinding onto his lap again letting out a quiet soft moan at the fabric rubbing my against your clothed clit
i’m a blink of the eye chris gets you of his lap having you sitting down on the seat while he’s on his knees at the floor of the car
chris is toying at the buttons of your skirt, you whine “chris, please” “be patient my love” chris mutters out before finally unbuttoning your skirt pulling to to your ankles, quickly discarding it and can’t help but take notice at your orange lace thong with bows on the side “you planned this out didn’t you doll?” chris chuckles from below you “sorta, this wasn’t the way i planned for it to happen but-“ you were cut off by chris licking a stripe across your clothed cunt making you whimper
“fuck, no teasing please baby” you whisper out, your hands finding their way to his soft brown locks “mhm” chris mutters out, moving your panties to the side running a finger through your soaked slick, making u let out a soft moan “already so wet for me baby” “fuck chris” you whimper out when he slowly inserts one of his long slender fingers into you pumping it slowly “you think you can take two princess?” chris breathes out, you nod multiple times “words ma, i need you to say it” chris says looking up at you with his piercing blue eyes never stopping pumping his finger in and out of you “fuck yes chris, please” you whimper out “good girl”
chris slowly inserts a second finger stretching you out for him before slowly pumping and curling his fingers at the slightest “shit baby” you moan out making chris pump his fingers faster and curling them reaching places your fingers couldn’t even brush
within minutes your clenching against his finger squirming, chris placed his free hand on your thigh holding you down “holy shit!” you squeal out as chris adds a third finger “m’ gonna cum!” “m’ cumming!” “fuck!” you ramble out, the knot in your stomach finally snapping, gushing all over his fingers
slowly chris pulling his fingers out causing you to wince and the loss of contact before bringing his fingers to his mouth tasting you, chris brings his fingers to your mouth “taste yourself baby” chris tells you, you suck on his fingers moaning at the taste of yourself
chris sits on the seat with you grabbing you by your waist and pulling you onto his lap “lift your hips f’me” he mumbles out, you do so as chris pulls your panties off, chris toys at the hem of your shirt looking up at you for permission, you nod as he quickly pulls it off and unclasps your bra, your tits spilling you leaving you completely naked exposed in front of him “take your clothes off to” you mumble, chris quickly taking his shirt off lifting his hips to fumble his pants down to his ankles kicking them off leaving him just in his boxers and you in nothing
you start grinding your hips onto him whimpering at his bulge grinding against your slick cunt
chris pulling his boxers down just enough for his painfully hard cock to spring up lightly tapping on his stomach, no matter how many times you’ve had sex with him you’d never get used to his size, he was big
chris grabs you by your hips, you hovering over him, slowly he lowers you down onto him, you whimpering at the stretching sensation “fuck chris you’re to big” you moan out “shh, you can take it, i know you can” you whimper once more as he bottoms you out “doing s’good for me angel” chris praises and you get adjusted to him
after a few minutes you give him the green light to move, him slowly thrusting into you as you bounce on-top of him becoming a moaning mess and grunts and groans leave chris’s mouth
out of nowhere chris begins thrusting into you at a ungodly place, hitting your g-stop everything “shit!” you moan out wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your face into the crook of his kissing and sucking on it while whimpering
“you close baby? squeezing the life outta me like a vice” chris groans out as you nod vigorously “i’m so close, fuck!” you moan loudly “m’ cumming fuck!” you whimpers the knot in your stomach snapping for the second time tonight
chris thrusts into you a few more times before the knot in his lower stomach soon collapses to, shooting his warm load into you groaning throwing his head back “fuckkk” chris whimpers before lifting you up slowly “cmon sweetheart we need to get home” he mutters out but you just whimper and moan out
chris looks down at you seeing you thrusting your fingers in and out of you once again
“well shit.”
authors note:
second fic how we feeling? we like it or no?
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detectivebambam · 7 hours
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Andrew x Jean
Andrew is not soft with anybody. not Kevi, not his brother, not even Neil.
but Jean.
Jean is young. Jean barely speaks English. the only words he knows are insults. Kevin told Andrew that he had it worse in The Nest. he had it worse. Andrew has dealt with Kevin's panic attacks, heard his horror stories. and Jean had it worse.
Andrew knows what it's like to go through so much pain from such a young age and not be able to articulate what happened, how it happened, how it made you feel. to finally speak up and be ignored. Andrew had forced himself to be big. Jean forced himself to be small.
now this isn't to say that he's particularly gentle with Jean. he pushes him, he insults him, he forces him to fight. he knows how hard to push to get Jean to hit back. but he's careful, in his own way. he knows that Jean is insecure about language. knowing three, knowing four, but only being fluent in pain. so instead of forcing Jean to understand his language, he adapts. Jean understands sarcasm well enough, but Andrew is careful anyway. he does not tell Jean he wants to hurt him. does not say "you make me angry" because he can't risk Jean not understanding
he teaches Jean to be large. to take no shit. to fight back and not be scared of repercussions. but in the dark, when it's quiet, when they know it's only them, Andrew holds him with the tenderness he hasn't had in him since he was a child. Jean doesn't realize that he's helping Andrew heal too.
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weneeya · 19 hours
Hiii!!! Omg i read some of your hq fics and im just INLOVEEEE<333
Can i request a fluff office romance with kuroo Tetsuro x fem reader? Ive been so obsessed w/ office romance lately and i just cant get enough of it😭🙏💗💗
idiots in love w/ kuroo m.list | rules
note. OMG thank you sm for the idea it's perfect!! i'm so in love with kuroo i should write more with him <3 pls don't hesitate to request!
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You have been working here for almost two years now. You were a simple office worker with not a lot of responsibilities, and it was more than fine with you. You reacted badly to pressure so it was good for you to have a job as basic as this one. Everything could have been easy and perfect, if Kuroo Tetsurou wasn’t your coworker. 
It wasn’t that the two of you hated each other or didn’t get along well, in fact it was quite the opposite. You had a big fat crush on the man working at the desk right in front of yours, and it was making it a bit difficult for you to focus on your work from time to time. 
The thing was that it was more than obvious that he felt the same towards you. Everyone realized that in the building, except the two of you of course. He was a confident man, always so sure about everything ; but it was like he was melting each time he had to talk to you. You faded his confidence away, just as much as he made you flustered with the most simple things. 
It was a bit ridiculous for the people around you. You were two grown adults acting like teenagers too afraid to talk to their crush. At least, it made some entertainment for them as your job wasn’t really captivating. You were blushing from the top of your ears and he was struggling to pronounce a complete sentence. Nobody had the strength to intervene. 
You were currently sitting at your desk when Kuroo arrived just in front of it. He was looking away, and a slow sigh left his lips. Suddenly, his gaze met yours and you felt your heart skipping a beat just at that. “Take your lunch break with me,” he asked, like he was asking you out right now. You looked away, a bit taken aback, before clearing your throat. “Yes, okay.” 
This is how you both ended up sitting at his desk with your lunches. Like usual, the rest of your coworkers were eating somewhere else, leaving the two of you alone in the room. It was silent at first, as you both didn’t dare saying a simple word. Until you decided to break it. You were about to start a sentence, turning your head to him ; but he had apparently the same idea as you, at the same time. You simply looked at each other for a few seconds before a laugh left his lips. 
You didn’t expect this, but you ended up chuckling slightly because of his communicating laugh. He slowly shook his head, a smile across his lips. “I can’t believe it. You really are making me feel like I’m sixteen again.” Your eyes rested on his face, a soft smile slowly appearing. “I could say the same thing to you.” 
He met your gaze and you swore you had never been so comfortable with him before. Not that he was making you feel uneasy, it was more complicated usually. This is how the two of you started to talk about a lot of things, starting with your highschool years. Sadly, the lunch break wasn’t long enough for you to talk freely. 
“Let me take you to dinner tonight,” he asked you, and you couldn’t believe he really did it. You shook your head with a smile before waving at him and going back at your desk when your coworkers started to come back. 
The end of the day finally arrived, and you were more than excited to be able to spend some time with Kuroo out of work. You left the building together as you got back to your previous conversation. You learned a few things about him, and you told him a few things about you. The night went well, even better than anything you could imagine. 
He walked you back to your apartment, and you stopped in front of the door of your building. You turned to face him, a soft smile across your lips and the hint of a light blush on your cheeks. “Thank you for tonight, it was great,” you told him, and he smiled back at you. 
You were about to turn around to enter your building when he moved towards you. A second after, his hands were cupping your face and you could feel the softness of his lips against yours. You were sure that your heart exploded the moment you felt him so close. 
He pulled away, his hands still on your cheeks. His eyes were moving all over your face which was clearly burning. “Sorry, I- '' You didn’t let him finish, cutting him in his sentence. “No, it’s fine, I’m fine. I wanted it too, so…” He blinked a few times, processing your words. 
A chuckle left your lips, and the moment after, you were laughing together in front of your building. You took a step away, doing an exaggerated bowing in front of you before kissing the top of your hand. “I’ll see you tomorrow at work,” he said, and you nodded with this stupid smile which was showing how you felt right now. “See you then.” 
Maybe you were two idiots in love, it was true ; but at least, you were understanding each other so well that there was no more fear.
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thank you <3
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jujumin-translates · 2 days
[18TRIP] Ten Murakumo | [SSR] Crow Under The Full Moon | Two/Faced
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Location: HAMA Tours - Office Floor
Momiji: Alright, finally done…!
Momiji: (I know it was a bad idea to work overtime, but it just didn’t sit right with me to rest with paperwork left to do.)
Momiji: Now I can just take it easy tomorrow…
Ten: Good work, Chief.
Momiji: Oh, Ten-kun. I thought you left already… Did you forget something?
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Ten: Well, I guess you could say that. More importantly, are you done working?
Ten: Want to go out for a drink now? I’d love to treat you to a good drink as a reward for working so hard this late.
Ten: Sound good? Let’s go.
Momiji: (...This is a little suspicious. Since when has Ten-kun been the type to say something so admirable like that?)
Momiji: (But since he’s gone through the trouble of asking me…)
Momiji: Alright, but just one drink.
Ten: That’s the answer I was looking for. Miss, if you’d like to follow me.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Location: Bar
Momiji: It’s so quiet in here…
Ten: Have you been here before by any chance? Right. This is Kuguri-san’s favorite bar.
Ten: Last time he brought me here as a ��reward”, I got totally hooked.
Bartender: Sorry for the wait. Here’s your Hungarian wine and Klondike Highball.
Momiji: Thank you very much.
Ten: Alright, a toast to all the hard work and effort done by you, Chief… Cheers.
Momiji: C-Cheers.
*Glasses clink*
Ten: Must be a lot having to deal with so many different types of members. Now’s a good opportunity, so if you want to complain about any of them, I’m all ears.
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Ten: I am always on your side, after all.
Momiji: I know and I thank you for that.
Momiji: (Ten-kun feels a little closer today than he usually is… He’s a lot more touchy-feely than usual too.)
Momiji: (He even playfully hugged my shoulders on the way here… Just what is up with him?)
Momiji: …Mhm, the wine is really good.
Ten: Right? You don’t have to keep it to one glass, you know. Drink as much as you want.
Ten: It’s on me today, so don’t hold yourself back.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Momiji: (Yikes… I feel a little dizzy.)
Momiji: (I think I ended up drinking too much because Ten-kun kept encouraging me. Thank God I have the day off tomorrow…)
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Ten: Are you drunk? Your face is so red. Cute.
Momiji: (Isn’t he way too close? I can really see how long his eyelashes are like this…)
Momiji: (Huh? Did he just glance at someone behind me?)
Momiji: (Nobody’s there… Maybe I just imagined it.)
Ten: …Ah.
Momiji: What’s wrong?
Ten: I think I’m a little bit drunk too…
Ten: Why don’t we go outside and get some fresh air?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Location: Wharf
Momiji: Alright, keep steady. Just walk straight ahead.
Ten: Haha, you’re sooo warm, Momiji-san.
Ten: I just want to borrow your shoulder and keep walking like this forever…
*Fabric rustles*
Momiji: Uwhoa!?
Ten: Since there’s no one to disturb us, that means I’m allowed to indulge myself at least for today, riiiight?
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Ten: Let me hug youuu.
Momiji: Hold on, you’re all over the place…! Be careful! I’m going to go get you some water, so just go and sit on that bench over there, and—.
Momiji: (Footsteps? Someone’s coming up to us…!)
Unknown Woman: Haah, haah… Ten…!
Ten: …You’re finally here. Took you long enough.
Momiji: Huh? W-What do you mean…?
· ❀ —– ٠ ❀ ٠ —– ❀ ·
Unknown Woman: Ten… Who is that? Is she…!?
Momiji: (S-She’s glaring at me really intensely!)
Momiji: Who is this woman…?
Ten: My ex-girlfriend.
Momiji: What?
Ten: I’m going to let you in on a “little secret”, so just listen to me for a moment, okay?
Ten: She started stalking me after we broke up. She’d always be following me around, whether I was going to campus or working part-time for HAMA Tours.
Ten: I really wish she’d just give it a rest already~. Maybe if she sees I have a new partner, it’ll snap her back to reality.
Momiji: …I see. So you’ve been putting on a show for her.
Momiji: Does that mean your drunkenness was just an act too? Did you really have to go that far?
Ten: It’s gotta be realistic. Doing stuff like that is important. Please keep up the good work for me~, Chief.
Ten: Even though I just work part-time, I’m still a member of HAMA Tours. Isn’t caring for my mental health part of the job?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Option 1: Play along with Ten’s act.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Momiji: (I’m really curious to know about the kind of breakup that would lead to this kind of thing happening, and I’m really curious about his relationships too, so…)
Momiji: There’s no avoiding it… If you’re in trouble, I’ll help you, Ten-kun.
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Ten: That’s what I was hoping to hear. That’s what I love about you, Chief.
Ten: Alright, follow my lead. I’m going to hug your shoulders, so cling to me with everything you’ve got, okay?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Option 2: It’s better to be honest.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Momiji: …If that’s your plan, then I can’t help you. You should just be honest and talk to her properly.
Ten: I thought you’d say that.
Ten: So that’s the kind of person you are, Chief. You’re one of those people who think they can understand almost everyone if you just talk to them.
Momiji: I didn’t mean to sound that naive, I just…
Ten: I’m not so sure about that~. You’ve always been so carefully protected, so you probably wouldn’t understand…
Ten: Don’t you know that there are some things in this world that can’t be solved with lip service?
Ten: And that’s why I’ve got to reject your opinion, Chief. The show must go on.
Momiji: (H-He put his hand on my waist…!!)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: Hey, stop being so secretive and say something already! Who is she!?
Ten: Do you really not get it unless I spell it out for you? You’ve been watching us all this time, so you should get it by now.
Ten: She’s my new partner.
Momiji: (He’s nuzzling his cheek against mine. Isn’t this a bit much…!?)
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Ten: That’s why you need to just give up and move on to someone else.
Momiji: Be careful with what you say! You don’t want to provoke her too much…!
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: …Y-You don’t have any clue how I was feeling…!!
Momiji: (This is bad, she’s rushing at us…!)
Momiji: Watch out, get away from—.
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: Ughh, you should’ve just said so from the beginning~!! As long as you’re happy, Ten, then everything’s okay!
Momiji: (She’s smiling happily and giving us a thumbs up!?)
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: Ah, I’m so sorry for misunderstanding. I—.
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: I was just so, so worried about whether or not you were happy after we broke up. I guess I just ended up following you around by accident.
Momiji: Huh?
Momiji: What!?
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: This one here’s got a nice face, but he’s kind of a mess, isn’t he? And on top of that, he’s got no real life skills, he’s like the epitome of a sugar baby.
Momiji: (That sure is a whole lot something that she’s saying…)
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: But. He was really kind to someone like me. I just wanted him to be happy.
Ten: …Huh.
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: Looks like everything’s okay. I’m glad. I’ll never follow you around again, don’t worry.
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: I… Hope things last between you and her for a long time. I wish you both the best!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Ten: …Haah. That’s finally over with.
Momiji: Having a stalker like that is hard to believe. But I’m glad there’s someone who cares about you that much.
Ten: I didn’t ask for that, though.
Momiji: Even so, you should be more happy to see such a wonderful person, Ten-kun.
Ten: Ohoho, giving me advice, are we? So you’re talkative when you’re drunk, huh~? If you keep on talking, I might have to shut that mouth of yours myself.
Momiji: How can you even do that?
Ten: …
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Ten: It’s nothing, don’t worry about it. It’s not fun when drunk people take things so seriously.
Ten: Good work, Chief-san. Let’s call it here for today.
Ten: I’ll repay you for this eventually.
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modanisgf · 2 days
wc: <1k
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danielle woke up to the ringing of her phone, turning in her bed to answer.
“hello?” she asked, rubbing her eyes.
“DANIELLE?!” a voice who she assumed to be hanni yelled, making danielle wince.
“could you be any louder?! i just woke up.” danielle says, getting out of bed to get ready.
“you have criminals after you and you didn’t tell us??” haerin says, presumably being with hanni.
“it was gonna come up some day.” danielle shrugs.
“mo jihye.” minji warns, “you could’ve died yesterday!”
“hello, are all of you there?” dani asks.
“yes, we’re waiting on you outside.” hyein replies.
“waiting on me? OUTSIDE?” dani says, before the phone hangs up.
she peeked out her blinds to see none other than her entire friend group standing on her front porch, the four of them constantly looking around probably in fear of dani’s enemies coming to visit.
danielle sighs, but continues to get ready regardless and makes her way outside. her eyebrows furrowed at the backpacks they all had on.
“were none of you gonna tell me i needed to pack a bag?” dani asks, to which hanni responds.
“oh no you’re okay, just come on follow us.” she says, the rest of them start walking hanni and danielle trailing behind.
the five of them pass yn’s house, dani staring at it as they passed. she missed you dearly, and wanted to apologize for the past week. maybe she’ll do it on the way back.
when danielle’s friends made her leave and walk somewhere, she didn’t expect it them to go to minji’s house. why couldn’t they have just called her driver?
“minji, why couldn’t we have just gotten your driver to take us here?” danielle asks.
“he’s on his break right now.” minji shrugs.
“maybe if someone had their license we wouldn’t have to rely on her driver.” hanni says, earning a side eye from minji.
“i don’t have time for drivers ed.” minji says, rolling her eyes.
sometimes danielle forgot that minji was truly a rich girl, moments like these proving it. minji unlocked the door, and the five followed her as she led them to a room.
the room was extremely closed off, the window on the door being covered by a black paper and caution tape being attached to the front side of the window.
“was this really necessary?” haerin asks, her eyebrows furrowing at the exaggerated precautions minji had done.
“yes, nobody else can get into here if we want to keep this secret.” minji says.
“wouldn’t this just make it obvious it’s something secret?” hanni asks.
minji sighs, choosing to ignore the question and opens the door. the door revealing a full fledged lab, gadgets and more all around.
“how the hell did you get something like this in your house?” danielle asks, her jaw dropping.
“i have my connections.” minji shrugs, walking in to let her friends follow behind.
“we’ve all known about this except you dani, we were sure you would’ve told us to not get involved.” haerin explains.
“but we want you to be safe, so minji designed this so we could make you things that can help you whenever you’re out and think someone’s after you.” hyein says.
“well by we, mainly haerin and minji. more on that we thought about it, since you’re probably gonna be fighting those guys— why don’t you fight crime like the comic spiderman?” hanni says, recieving a look from danielle.
“i barely even know how to use my powers? wait— don’t tell me you guys made a suit..” dani says, getting nervous smiles from all her friends except minji.
she clicked a button on a remote, revealing a spider suit inspired by the comics altered to fit danielle more.
“you guys are crazy.” danielle mumbles, too busy being in awe of the suit.
“me and haerin are still making adjustments to it, but it should be done and ready for you in a couple days. just stay on the down low for a bit alright?” minji says, to which danielle nods.
“anyways, we need to train you if you agree to this being your side job.” hyein says.
“and how are we doing that?” danielle asks.
“connections!” she replies.
“we found someone who’s willingly to teach you some martial arts, but that’s not until tomorrow.” hanni says.
“so go hang out with yn or something for now, we’ll let you know our schedule soon.” haerin says.
“are you guys like my bosses now?”
“do you wanna die?”
dani sighs, taking her leave. she could not believe her life had taken this sharp of a turn.
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a/n— hey yall….
TAGS 🏷️ (OPEN): @jayjj7 @haerinsloverr @mxl633 @hrjunluvs @kissablening @mah4u @idkwhatim-doinghere101 @xen248 @dexthzone @kaypanaq @multiliker @addorations @edenzeepy
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ghostboneswrites2 · 2 days
Hii!!! This account has been my go-to for daryl fics since ive been into him. And i really love the way you write!! But since im a sucker for angst and anything cry-worthy, ive been wanting a fic where its in pre-negan and to negan's first appearance timeline— after rick decides to bring maggie to the hilltop to figure out what's wrong with her, the reader is to stay with gabriel to watch out for alexandria, but considering how her anxiety for daryl and the other's safety is eating her she went out to look for them, using the tracking skills daryl had taught her. The time she found the group was at the lineup, Abraham's head already bashed to a unidentifiable pulp. Due to the scene she couldnt help but act in fury and tried attacking negan but his men was able to catch up and before she could even lay a finger on negan, she was kneeling aswell. this triggers Daryl, not being able to see reader in such danger as he vowed to protect her at all cost and punched negan which causes him to stumble. And instead of glenn dying at Daryl's outburst, its the reader who gets a taste of lucille.
And i leave the rest to you! :DD
Well first of all anon I am HONORED to be your go to 🥹 please accept this flower as a token of my appreciation 🌸
Anyways, I’m an absolute sucker for angst and you have INSPIRED ME. I hope you’re ready for the b i g sad.
*ahem* *cracks knuckles*
The Man Who…
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(Fem!Reader) (Reader Description: has hair)
Warnings: blood, gore, profanity
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With your teeth chewing tirelessly at your nail beds, the flesh had become raw. A faint hue of blood settled in between the cracks on your lips.
A deep pit had formed in your gut. It was vacuous, consuming. Your nerves were eating you alive. Nobody had come back yet. You knew it wouldn’t be a quick trip, but still. And nobody had radioed back in over an hour.
You sucked in a sharp breath, partially in hopes that the sensation of air filling your lungs would calm the rapid pace of your heart.
“Is something the matter?” Gabriel asked you, having picked up on your restlessness.
“We haven’t heard from them.” You said simply, foot tapping against the ground. Gabriel pressed his lips together and nodded.
“The Lord is with them. They’ll be okay.” He assured you. With a scoff, your rolled your eyes. Who was he to preach to you in times of need? What did he care? He left his entire congregation to be eaten alive.
“I have to use the bathroom.” You announced abruptly, pushing your chair back and exiting the room with haste. You stomped down the hall into the bathroom, locking the door behind you.
You stared at yourself for a while, begging your reflection for some guidance. Daryl told you to stay put. You made a deal with him a long time ago, never to break away from the plan unless you had no choice. However, would he sit idly by if he didn’t know you were safe? Surely not. You may have made a deal with him, but the two of you had also taken an oath to each other.
It was the silent, unspoken kind of promise. Neither of you needed to say it out loud, you just knew. You’d always protect each other, you’d always find each other, and you’d never leave the other behind. So why were you still standing there?
They would have contacted you by now if they were okay. That was the plan, and you never strayed away from the plan.
Without a second thought, you marched out of the bathroom and made hast to the armory, mapping out a plan in your mind as you did so.
The engine sputtered as you pulled the key from the ignition. You’d been driving for roughly an hour, following the route the others would have taken. You only pulled over when you saw the RV parked on the side of the road.
As you examined the scene around the vacant house-on-wheels, you were able to put Daryl’s teachings to use in identifying the tracks leading into the trees. The woods were eerily quiet as you followed the trail of disturbed undergrowth. Dusk was settling in, and the only sound to be identified were the rhythmic chirps of frogs and crickets.
Nightfall crept up on you quickly. Your breath had become visible in the moonlight, chills crawling all over you. Regardless, you pressed on. The night could throw anything your way, but you wouldn’t turn back. The idea that something was terribly wrong hadn’t eased. If anything, the feeling grew more dire, as if you were running out of time.
You had been consumed entirely by your thoughts at this point, worst case scenarios floating around in a sea of worry inside your mind. You were only brought back to the present when you caught a glimpse of shining lights just up ahead. Hurriedly, you crouched down into some shrubbery. The bright lights casted shadows through the leaves that danced over your face as you peered through the bushes to see what was going on.
It was hard to make out, but you could see a wall of people surrounding another RV. There was a voice, too, hidden behind the barricade of bodies. It was giving some kind of speech that you couldn’t quite pick up on. The people surrounding the scene were predatory in their demeanor, like a pack of hungry hyenas cornering their kill.
You watched for some time before you caught onto a second voice — one with more grit to it — and you recognized it immediately.
Rick was on the other side of these people, which meant the rest of your family was too. It meant Daryl would be there too.
As carefully as you could, you crawled closer, sticking low into to the shadows. You could almost make out what was being said when a strong pair of arms yolked you up by the waist. A gust of breath escaped you as your back impacted a solid chest. You flailed your arms and legs, hissing profanities in between your hunts and growls. Whoever it was struggled to contain you, but they were still just strong enough to hold you.
The people who previously had their backs to you parted, allowing entrance into their circle. The man who had your restrained dragged you into the middle. When you finally grew tired of struggling and had a chance to look around, you took it all in.
Your friends were all kneeling on the ground, shock and grief written all over their faces. People you’d never seen before surrounded you.
Your captor threw you down in to the dirt. You caught yourself with your hands. A pair of boots stepped in front of you. Your eyes followed them up to a face.
He was tall and menacing. A wide grin spear over his lips as he chuckled, swinging a bat over his shoulder.
“She was watching from the bushes, sir.” The man who found you reported.
“Huh.” He hummed, spinning on his heel to face Rick. “One of yours, I take it?”
Rick hesitated to nod. The man thought for a moment, as you continued to study the scene around you. When your eyes fell on Abraham — or, what used to be Abraham — a wave a nausea washed over you. You slapped your hand over your mouth to suppress a gag.
“Oh, shit.” The man chuckled. “Guess you missed that part. See, that’s payback for fucking with me.”
“You cocksucker.” You growled, scowling as you lunched up at the man. Arms wrapped around you again, shoving you back down into the dirt. He dragged you over to Rick and the others, kicking you into place.
That was all Daryl could bare. His chest tightened, a sharp feeling darting from his core down into he tips of his fingers. His face went numb with nerves. He had no time to think. Before you could even push yourself off the ground, Daryl sprung forward and landed a solid punch across Negan’s face.
Two men quickly dragged Daryl back into place, one of them holding a familiar crossbow to his head. “Let me do it, boss.” The man begged.
Negan recollected himself quickly, laughing at the audacity required to attack him under such circumstances. Had he not made himself clear?
“Nah. That’s not gonna work.” Negan shook his head. “I told you. No exceptions.”
In the blink of an eye his bat was raised. Time slowed down, nearly halted for those around you. You looked up, tears flowing softly down your cheeks. For a moment, you felt peace. The next moment, fear. Finally, pain. A searing, crushing, all-consuming kind of pain. A loud crunch echoed through the trees. Your ears rang loudly, vision blurry and red. You blinked rapidly, throwing to clear whatever was in your eyes.
Gasps and sobs followed. Your friends and family around you watched in horror as you struggled to sit back up. It didn’t seem like you really registered what happened. You were too disoriented from the first blow to feel the second one.
You gurgled as tried to speak, blood spurting from your lips. Daryl’s cries rattled his body, barely able to make a sound as his breath seemed to be knocked out every time the bat fell down on your skull.
The only thing you could see was a blur of lights and shadows, tainted red with your own blood. For everyone else, the view was much more gruesome. Bits of bone and brain were hanging from your frizz of hair, some of which had been snagged on Lucille’s barbed wire dressing and ripped out. Only two blows from the bat and your were fully incapacitated, reduced to a bloody blubbering lump on the ground with a dent in your skull.
Weak with horror, Daryl lost the strength to sit straight. He fell tot he ground, attempting to drag himself toward you. A heavy boot pressed into his back, holding him firmly down.
Even Negan seemed to falter at the sight of his own destruction. Killing women was a new low for him, even with his track record. Especially in such a barbaric fashion. A sniffed and frowned, gripping Lucille tightly. It was too late for second thoughts. Daryl had to be taught a lesson. He had to understand how things would be from now on. There would be no more bravery or heroism. There would only be Negan.
He raised the bat once more, glancing over to Daryl as he groveled and sobbed below Dwight’s boot. The pain in Daryl’s eyes struck a chord in Negan. It was an unmistakable kind of reaction. The kind you could only bring out of a man when you were taking away the person he loved. Negan knew that feeling all too well. His eyes fell back down to you, twitching and squeaking with pain and confusion. He decided the best thing he could do for you was to swing hard and end your misery.
The final blow was the loudest, the messiest, the one nobody could bare to watch. Blood and brain matter splattered across those close to you. Daryl, Rosita, Negan, Dwight. Everyone was silent, save for a few sobs and the only pairs of eyes that never left you were those of Daryl and Negan. The man who loved you, and the man that killed you.
On days like this, Daryl found his peace in the woods. His fondest memories were there.
It was the only place he could still be close to you. Near the small streams, he’d hear echoes of your laughter from years passed. He’d see the glow in your hair as the rays of sunlight filtered through the treetops, and he’d smell your sun baked scalp in the wind, just like when he’d hug you tight and press his nose into your hair.
You were everywhere around him, even if you were long gone. He’d visit this spot often. Some found this place to be haunted. Too many bad memories plagued the grounds. But, to Daryl, it was sacred. It was the last place he saw you, living and breathing.
Your body was gone from there, but your presence lingered. Your blood had soaked into the dirt long ago, mingling with the rain as it watered the earth to sprout new life. When he cremated you, he spread the ashes here. You’d be part of the earth now and forever, and he’d always have this place to visit when he missed you.
Hell, he always missed you. He never stopped thinking about you. The war was over years ago, and new threats had risen and fell. Still, you were all around him. He vowed to protect you always. He may have failed at that, but he’d never allow himself to stop honoring you. He was the man who loved you, and he’d be the man who remembered you even when no one else did.
He took a deep breath and looked down at the bouquet of flowers he’d picked at the Kingdom. A long time ago, when he first escaped the Sanctuary, he returned to this spot to decorate it. He’d lugged heavy stones and sturdy branches over and arranged them around the spot where you died. Every time he came back, he wove flowers into the crevices between the stones and twigs. He swept away fallen leaves and shooed away unwanted pests. He’d bring random trinkets and pieces of jewelry he thought you’d like and arrange them atop the stones. There was a blend of old tarnished items, dead flowers, and the new trinkets and floral arrangements he’d brought just now.
The most important thing, though, was the handwritten letter he’d always bring along. He’d wait until he had enough to tell you, then he’d write up a lengthy letter, just to sit and read it to you there. This time, he could only write of how much he missed you. How dreary life had become without you. How he missed your sarcasm, your giggle, your voice, your singing. He talked about Judith and RJ, and how he wished he could have had a child with you. He was always afraid of fatherhood, but somehow it seemed possible with you. If only you were there.
When he finished, he let the tears flow freely. He cried to you, cried for you. Eventually he’d clean himself up and place a kiss on the necklace draped over the biggest stone. It was your necklace, the one you had never taken off since he met you. It was the last tangible part of you he was able to touch.
“See ya later.” He whispered as he walked away.
tags: @kissmeunicornbaobei @thesadcatt0 @clairealeehelsing @duckybird101 @tmntfixationxreader @ryoujoking @blackvelveteen1339 @yondus-girl @ladylincoln @sunshinebug9 @saylum559 @yoowhatthefuck @duffmckagansbandana @celtic-crossbow @virginsexgod69 @dazzling-roaring-20s @l0kilaufeys0n7 @uhnanix @superbowlisgay @liizzygrant @eddiemunsonsupremecy
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