#but I never went through with the idea because. wow. this is too long
punksocks · 1 day
Warning Signs That You May Have A Toxic/Karmic Significant Other
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Hey everyone, you may have seen my recent post about breaking up with my ex partner after 5.5 years. If not, I’ve been deep in reflection after ending this relationship. My reasons for ending it were that he refused to seek professional help to manage his anger which would come out in constant outbursts of violence (not physical ab*se but hitting walls, kicking furniture, scarring my dog, etc) and his mental health in general. After breaking things off I analyzed our relationship and all the red flags became crystal clear in hindsight. This blog is not only my emotional space to reflect, but also a place to give out advice to make sure you guys feel less alone in the world. So I’ve compiled a list of behaviors that made it clear that in hindsight the relationship was destine to be toxic and could not continue. It’s important to take lessons from painful experiences in order to continue to grow, and that’s what I hope I can help with by sharing my experiences here:
(TW Manipulation, Distressing Themes, Emotional Ab*se)
- They hate your intuition: (they work to make you doubt whatever means you have of self guidance. Whether that’s tarot/astrology, or spirituality in general, or therapy, or your simple gut feelings/reactions to things. They hate them because they know that they’ll be singled out at some point by them so they work to make you not believe in yourself through manipulation/gaslighting. My ex would constantly say the tarot is going to tell me to break up with him, but he never really changed he’d just belittle it and say I was getting weird about spirituality and he’d try to make me doubt myself or choose between the tarot and him. When I asked him to go to therapy he would also say that he was worried the therapist would tell him to break up with me-implying I was the problem. When I would ask him to go anyway he would find a way to avoid it- saying it’s too expensive, too hard to find, he doesn’t have time, etc)
-They constant give you advice that puts you in harm’s way: (My ex always told me I was too quick to cut off people that threw me under the bus and that I was paranoid. When I found out my former business partner was being shady and stealing from me, he told me to keep working with her. I said I had to take things over. He said I had no chance of covering the expenses on my own and that he wasn’t going to help me at all even though he was working a consistent 9-5. I rationalized this as putting too much pressure on him to support me through my apprenticeship over the previous few months, even though by the time we were having this discussion I had picked up a seasonal 9-5 to compensate for starting the business. I still felt guilty because I was asking him to cover the rent at home while I built this business up. I ended up wracking up debt over trying to cover everything myself and he was telling me I was going to fail every step of the way. When I didn’t fail and the business remained open over a year later, he said he had always believed in me every step of the way.)
- They rewrite history (that’s the other thing- when I broke up with him he said it was his idea to open the studio in the first place. This was a lie. A bold one at that. At the time I would have had to become self taught due to dealing with several egotistical mentors (wow thematic) and I looked for positions in other studios and there were none. My ex told me I should “pause” my goals. I told him I’ll open up my own space with another artist. He had a long talking down to me about how we couldn’t afford any of that, and how impossible it was, etc. But I went through with it anyway, effectively doing all the work on my own. He constantly told me what I was doing was crazy. But I made success out of it, thank God. Now my ex is trying to take credit for the whole thing as if I don’t remember what happened. Audacious.)
- Instead of having their own dreams they focus on wearing yours down (I have so many big dreams I want to accomplish and every other idea I shared with my ex was pushed back on or breadcrumbed. I wanted to live abroad, he’d say it’s too expensive but maybe he could find a way to make it work if I stopped putting so much pressure on him. I took over my own business, he told me I shouldn’t do it and should quit while I’m ahead. He would always try to counter every idea I had with a “logical reason” of why it wouldn’t work. He would try to control me by doubting me and in turn trying to get me to doubt myself. I never actually listened to him in hindsight, and when I pushed through successfully he would pretend to have been on my side the whole time.)
-They always compare you to their exes, in bold ways (My ex would always go out of his way to bring up his past relationships. The examples and instances were never appropriate. But one of the first worst early examples was when we were at a show. My friend’s band was playing. In the middle of the set he decided to look up his ex on social media. I was clearly uncomfortable but he continued. Then when we’re talking he brought up a nickname she used to call him that was inappropriate. When I was upset by this he threw a shirt (merch gifted to him by my friend’s band) in the booth almost hitting me with it and he stormed off. He made himself seem like the victim in a situation where he was trying to bait me into starting a public argument and yet made me soothe him afterward.)
- The betrayal of not ever being believed (early on this was another giant red flag in hindsight. I’m black and I tried to explain colorism to him, while I was having a bad experience with it. He’s white and should have been listening and understanding with open ears. Instead he tried to argue me down for being “mean” to light skinned black people. In the experience I was talking about how a mixed femme at work established a boundary with our white bosses to try to avoid racist harm. They let the femme do this without any pushback. I tried to establish the same boundary in the same meeting and those white bosses accused me of actively refusing to do my job. I told my ex this was colorist and that’s when he argued with me about this. He didn’t believe my experiences until he googled “the right articles”. When I brought this up in the future he would say he was just trying to see all black people as equal. It was a pretty disgusting defense.)
- Throwing insults in your face about past trauma (I told my ex about how emotionally abusive my mother was (wow there’s that pattern again) and he would throw this in my face and blame me or compare me to her at the slightest provocation in several arguments. When I was disrespected at work, he would blame me for misinterpreting things. Complaining about how I used him for money whenever I had asked him for help managing the business’ expenses. And so many deep cuts of things he should never said to me and names he shouldn’t have called me if he ever cared about me. He always wrote it off as me misremembering or him meaning it as something else or a distraction tactic of whataboutism -‘what about when you complained that I left dirty clothes on the floor?’ For example. All ways he tried to manipulate me from seeing this pattern of messed up behavior. Every argument he would make us talk in circles until I would have to give up from frustration and exhaustion.)
-They’re full of hot air, and if they seem like they aren’t they’re probably mirroring you (when I broke up with him I stopped hanging out with him pretty much immediately. Although I had to coordinate moving out still, I started keeping my head down to focus on my work. Essentially I had already moved on. I thought we had had deep discussions about the world and life but when I had less to say he had nothing to add. He would just keep filling up the air with anecdotes about nothing and commentary on anything just to keep crossing my boundaries and to try to force me to pay attention to him when it was clear I neither interested or comfortable doing so.)
- They try to force you to become as cynical and jaded as they are (I was never antagonistic per se, but when we were together I had unconsciously started looking/preparing for the worst in every scenario and every person I’d meet. Because of my ex’s toxic influence. Getting along with coworkers? They must be just “kissing up to you” according to him. Like that tv show most people are fond of? No way that has to be trash. Want to try something new? No there can’t be anything good about that. He was a very stuck person that refused to find the joy in almost anything. Unless it was too impressive to ignore —but even then he had to nitpick it apart. I would wonder why his compliments would feel so hollow- it was because he really had trouble seeing the good in anything. Like a day or two after we broke up I was already feeling lighter and more optimistic. When people were kind to me I embraced it easier and in turn every aspect of life got a little brighter. The contempt for others was palatable. Because he expected everyone to be ready to undercut him like he was ready to do to them.)
- Before you know it, they’ll have you romanticizing breadcrumbing behavior (I asked my ex to get on meds for his mental health and to find a therapist so many times over the course of 5 years. 4-5 months before I broke up with him he got on medication. Then after a peace period of a month or so, we were back in a cycle of petty arguments and he was saying the meds don’t work. He didn’t even try to go to therapy until I broke up with him. he got an appointment the next day because he “was trying to win me back” Essentially, he’d never work on himself or actually actively improve things. He’d always make one or two half steps to placate me then complain about how it was too hard and completely impossible to put the work in. Even with the therapy example, he wanted to display that he could make progress in order to win me back. Don’t worry, I had seen this tactic before and knew he would just fall back into toxicity. So, it didn’t work.)
- When you do leave they get cocky about how you’ll have nowhere to go (I leaned on my ex to support me when I became overwhelmed by figuring out my business on my own. I worked several temp jobs in addition to the business but it was stretching me thin. So I needed his help several times and only had so much saved up by the time I broke up with him. After begging me to take him back the entire night and pretending to be supportive, the next day he was scoffing and boasting about how “[he] didn’t even know what [I] was going to do.” He did this over everything from buying my own detergent-even though I always bought the detergent- to managing my bills on my own-even though I usually managed most of my bills on my own- until I finally was able to move out and leave him behind.)
- They never defend you and always make it seem like it’s your fault if you get attacked (My ex was always siding with abusive people and gaslighting me when I noticed that behavior. As many of you may know, my mom was a terror throughout my childhood. I confided in my ex about how much of an impact this had had on me. Before I went no contact with her we all got dinner when she came in town to see me. Despite all my warnings and preemptive begging to be supported through the difficulty of meeting with her my ex threw me under the bus immediately. He laughed at her jokes at my expense and didn’t stop her at all from singling me out. I shutdown in this moment and began to draw to cope- I’m neurodivergent so that’s one of the things I default to doing when I’m overwhelmed. They continued to make fun of me together and when I asked him why he didn’t have my back afterward, he blamed me for “not being friendly enough” and “not interacting with [my] mom enough”. This pattern of doubting and failing to help me would continue through our entire relationship.)
- They’ll have -self aware- moments that aren’t quite what they seem (I truly cannot count the number of times my ex would start an argument just to talk me in circles then try to get me to believe I was in the wrong too. It was truly maddening. He would always push to say he “understood” how we had gotten there. Then ramble on and on and on saying that I was attacking him and he was the victim of things. I asked him to do the dishes? I’m “criticizing [his] housework and putting too much pressure on [him]”. I ask him not to throw things when he’s upset? I’m “overly criticizing [him] and making [him] so anxious he can’t help but hit things”. And on and on and on it went. He would always tidy it up by saying he forgave me because we were “both wrong” and he just “would try to be better next time and [I] should too”.)
-They have underlying personality issues that need to be addressed (and when you bring a hint of these up, they lash out about how you’re attacking them and they throw personal attacks back at you because of their fragile ego. If you -somehow- get them to see a mental health professional you may find them lying about what feedback they got. After I broke up with him he said he’d go to anger management class and find a therapist “to win me back”- funny how it’s after you leave them and set the ultimate boundary they do the work to show you they can hypothetically change and it’s never one of the times you’ve begged before in the midst of madness. Before I moved out I overheard his therapy appointment and she asked about his bipolar diagnosis and he said he was just anxious despite the mood swings. When he came to me to tell me the good news of him finally going to therapy he left that out. When I asked if the therapist knew if he had another disorder he manipulated that. He said the therapist asked if it could be anything else but it was just a brief thought. He framed it that way instead of the consistent behavioral issue it was.)
- Usually they attract drama and chaos but blame you for it as their partner (He always kept his ex around in boundary crossing ways. In hindsight I wouldn’t be surprised if he had cheated in any way with any of them because of how murky he was about spending one on one time with them. They also will always encourage you to keep other toxic people in your life so they can keep flying under the radar/blaming the other toxic people when you feel drained/etc. When I decided to go no contact with my parents, he second guessed me. When I decided to go no contact with my friends that were harmful, he second guessed me. He went out of his way to call me paranoid and picky and every other name in the book he could. Even after I broke up with him he went out of his way to tell me I was paranoid and should quit tarot reading “because [he] knew it would turn [me] against [him] one day”. I told him his opinion meant less than nothing to me.)
- Whenever you set a boundary they try to undermine it and take it as an attack (When we met, all of my ex’s small circle of friends was made up of people he had dated or slept with. Once his friend, who had flirted with him multiple times, asked to stay in his apartment while she moved out of her place. He offered her his bed. She even had a boyfriend at the time but she went to my ex first. I told him this made me very uncomfortable. He screamed and yelled about how he’ll always choose his friends first and I have to understand that and that she didn’t want to sleep in his bed while he was in it. It was crazy but the whole time he called me dramatic and made me feel insane for being so uncomfortable with it.)
- They may often act out in public over the littlest things (my ex would get absolutely infuriated when there were lines in places. Insane right? Especially living in cities? with other people? And yet whenever we went out I’d have to prepare my mental for the possibility of him getting angry and breaking down because people were waiting ahead of him in line. In hindsight the entitlement he had was overwhelming in itself. The last time we went out to a movie -which was a whole scheduling fiasco in of itself with him during our entire relationship, he was obsessed with movies. I like movies but spending 6-9 hours in a theater? Every week? On top of hours of mandatory movie viewing at home? It was exhausting. He also made me pay for my own monthly movie pass even though it was his thing. Even in covid, although I’m immunocompromised I had to negotiate with him to wait to get vaccinated before he went back to the theater. And to wear a mask in the showings. He would huff and fuss about those small courtesies the entire time. Anyway the last movie we went out to see had a long line but we bought tickets ahead of time. He pitched a fit and kept storming off away from me and threatening to leave over the line. I kept following him foolishly, and coaxed him into staying. Of course there were enough seats and of course he enjoyed the movie. He apologized after for “getting overwhelmed by the line” but that shouldn’t have happened in the first place.)
- It’s all or nothing for them but breadcrumbs for you (I’ve always been clear that I have no plans of staying in the country I’m from. From the start I’ve understood I’m not meant to stay here. And yet I stayed in a city I hated so he could suddenly finish his associates degree. We moved back to my hometown but we lived in the most stressful neighborhood because he “wanted to be downtown with a pool.” He would always complain about every single idea I had to leave the country. I’m thinking about doing a language school or artist residency? He “did long distance with [his] ex who cheated and it would be too hard”. I want to study this language and go to this -easy-place for a visa? He “kept forgetting to study and had no idea how we would ever afford the move.” And on and on it went until I simply gave up on trying to get him to step up.)
- They twist everything to be about them even grief (my grandma was like a mother to me, so it hit me hard when she died. She even told me she was going and thanked me for my friendship at the end. It was still a very difficult period and I couldn’t accept it until it just happened. When I got the call and burst into tears my ex said “I’m so sorry… do you blame me because we stayed here for me to go to school and you couldn’t be home with her?” It hadn’t even been 20 minutes since I learned she was gone. The extent of his selfishness would shock me until I cut him off.)
- They make you bury things they don’t like about your self expression/goals (I’ll use a simple example. I love fairy lights. When we met I had fairy lights and my ex had no complaints. But when we moved in together they ‘would always bother him and give him headaches’. So I took out the lights. Then he got me a glowing lamp I wanted for my birthday but never allowed me to turn it on when we were in the room. I brought the lights I love to my work and my ex would complain about them there too. He’d say he didn’t know why he “just didn’t like spending time at the studio” and then use the lights as an excuse, and then hed complain all day about how exhausting it was to be there. He’d only offer to come to the studio more if I turned them off just for him. All this time later and all of a sudden I don’t have any lights I like up. This didn’t happen for everything, but there were a lot of little things he was so controlling about just to be authoritative about something I liked.)
- They hate it when you have positive things happen to you (and instead of seeing your success as a good thing they see it as you one upping them, so they often express jealousy and then disguise it as a joke. He would “joke” about how I was going to fail so often I lost count. When I had a great day there would always be a hint of disappointment in his voice. He would always undermine it in anyway he could. “Oh you made X amount that’s nice, but that’s not enough to cover the rent”. I got a lot of compliments on my outfits, so he’d say “no one ever compliments me”. Always something to bring me down and try to get me to focus on a worry.)
- They downplay your trauma (I’m a burn survivor. My dad burned me through hot water and neglect as a baby on around 20% of my body. For that and many other reasons I became sort of a local legend for my time in our local child protective services. In a city of well over a million people. Doctors thought I wouldn’t be able to walk again and it was a miracle when I did. My grandmother had to wrap my scars everyday, twice a day for 3-4 years afterwards. She would tell me the pain would make me cry random throughout the night until I went to kindergarten. All that to say, my scars had a BIG impact on my health and my life. When I told my ex about my insecurity he said “sorry that happened, but it’s not that big of a deal.” Crazily at 21 I took that as flattery. It was not, it was severely downplaying the trauma I went through because my ex didn’t care for that part of my life. I even remember thinking I should tag a post as a burn survivor and he said “isn’t that like advertising your burns, why warn people about it?”. I got better and embraced my scars all through my own healing but damn it was all severely fucked up.)
- They usually have a Fatal Flaw they try to make you contend with (My ex had explosive anger where he would hit something (a wall, the couch, his desk, etc) or throw things at any slight provocations, and he would disguise it as a reaction of low self esteem instead. I didn’t realize how bad the conditioning had got until I broke up with him and I wasn’t getting jumpy from him coming home anymore or my dog wasn’t hiding from him anymore. I was walking on eggshells all the time and I only knew it subconsciously. He would also curse at me and call me the meanest names from the smallest arguments, he would get belittling. It’s their signature style to make you feel small and to desensitize you to truly nightmarish behavior.)
- That’s the other thing- most people and sometimes animals can tell they’re off (I would always wonder why my ex never seemed to make a good impression on others. They could tell he was off from the start.)
- They start trying to love bomb you after you give up or when they sense you are finally giving up (I always asked my ex to pay more attention to my business/endeavors/art/etc when we were together, to respond to texts I sent him at work-within reason-, to give me some support or feedback. His replies were always blasé. “That’s nice.” Or “I will.” As soon as I broke up with him. He was complaining that he always missed texting me at work. Then he started getting more involved on my social media pages. Then for the first time in months he watched my story on Instagram completely unwelcomed and unprompted. It was how fake the performance of interest was that really struck me after everything.)
- They always ask for one more chance when you’ve given them at least a hundred chances (Evem when I broke up with him he kept saying “you cut off other people (for being toxic) but I never thought it would be me!” I feel like I’ve already put plenty of examples of this, so I’ll just say this points to the fact that at their base motivation they don’t really respect you or care about you. If someone actually cares about you, they’re going to go out of their way to make you comfortable, to care about your opinions and feedback, from the very start)
- Even when it’s over, they still always try to blame you for their bad behavior. (My ex painted himself as an introvert when he was in a relationship. I had always asked him to make -newer, healthier- friends and to make a social effort. Since the beginning. After we broke up he made an effort to go out to social events. After he went out one day he came back and said “I was such a girlfriend guy, I never went out and socialized!” In turn I said you’re not a girlfriend guy you never cared about what I had to say, if you were a girlfriend guy I wouldn’t have had to break up with you for literally never taking me into account. So that ended that.)
- When it’s over the relief hits you in waves (I didn’t even realize how much I was doing to cope with the hostility and boredom of the relationship until it was over. I stopped overeating, I actually lost my appetite for days. I went from taking edibles every week to not even craving the ones I had. I wasn’t the most indulgent but I was shocked by how immediately I was fine with going cold turkey. My time with myself became even more peaceful. Even before I moved out, I was more creative and productive. I felt the beauty and the optimism of all the little moments deep in my spirit and my glow was brighter than ever before. My ex kept turning to me in despair and asking “how can you be so okay with this??” I answered him indifferently because he wasn’t worth entertaining. But obviously my spirit had been restored, I wasn’t wasting love on anyone that didn’t deserve it anymore. My energy was finally all mine. And I had faith in God that everything would be alright. And it was.)
You slowly but surely realize that you were formed to be a victim of a narcissistic/antagonistic person due to being raised by narcissistic parents and in an environment full of enabling emotionally and verbally abusive behavior. When we met I was so vulnerable. I had moved to a new city on my own, I was in a financially precarious place. The city was The Worst for Black people (tm). I was so desperate for an ally, I caught an energy vampire instead. I’ve healed and learned a lot from this. To be much more deliberate about who I let into my life. To be unafraid of purging and moving on when someone shows you they’re incapable of growth. To not accept crumbs of affection and appreciation. To pour my love into myself first before I let anyone else do the same. So I write all this to say, it’s not your fault. It’s not your fault that some people are so corrupted to the core that they’d rather destroy you than heal themselves. So… forgive yourself for this experience. Forgive yourself for being a person that just loves and cares about others. That believes in cultivating a world full of warmth and compassion. Don’t let one (or a dozen- ugh the people I’ve had to move on from oml) toxic ass person ruin you and your compassion. I had to forgive myself for believing in a lot of disappointing, inept, bad people. But I won’t stop being kind and compassionate because of those losers. I’ll continue to shine my light on those who need it whenever I’m supposed to. I mean I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to rely on anyone again without fear of their self interest but one step at a time, I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.
Anyway, wish me luck on this fresh start. Buy a reading if you want to support me. But yeah, thanks for reading y’all.
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calmbigdipper · 2 months
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What you mean to me
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
It’s Dustin who saves Eddie.
He doesn’t try and carry him back to the trailer, nothing like that—if he could manage that on determination alone, then he would, but his throbbing leg has other ideas.
So he stays by Eddie’s side. Throws off his hoodie and starts to rip any piece of his clothing that he can, because he’s come a long way from when he once stuck bandaids on Steve’s beaten up face.
“What… what are you doing?” Eddie says in between gasping breaths.
Dustin would laugh if he wasn’t so scared. “Buying more time,” he echoes. Then he looks Eddie right in the eye and adds, voice wavering, “I’m really fucking sorry in advance.”
He takes a deep breath and presses the material to Eddie’s chest with force.
Eddie screams.
Dustin grits his teeth. Keeps going.
He creates makeshift tourniquets for Eddie’s arms, keeps tearing at his shirt, then takes it off entirely to use as a larger bandage, ignoring the shock of cold against his skin; the only thought in his head is that he has to stop the bleeding.
Eddie’s hand finds his bare shoulder. Squeezes weakly. “Tha’s enough,” he slurs. “D-Dustin, stop.”
And Dustin only does what he says because it doesn’t look like any more blood is soaking through the material. He keeps pressure on the worst of the wounds, tries to keep his elbows locked, as if that will stop his relentless shivering.
And when he looks up, he sees a tear fall from Eddie’s eye, down his temple, into his hair—and Dustin somehow knows that it’s not from pain alone, that Eddie’s crying just because he can see how cold he is.
“M’sorry,” Eddie whispers. “Never meant for… for you to—”
“Shut up,” Dustin says, then hastily amends, “Actually, don’t shut up, just—just stay awake. They’ll be back soon, okay, Steve and Robin and Nancy, and they’ll—”
“Steve,” Eddie agrees. His voice goes up and down, like a little song: “Steve, Steve, Steve.”
“Yeah, he’ll—hey, Eddie, eyes open.”
“Mm-hmm,” Eddie says faintly. “Eyes… oh, forgot to… you were right, H-Henderson, he’s… a badass. S’got pretty eyes, too, like wow. Pretty, pretty…”
Well. That’s a development.
“You can tell me all about Steve’s pretty eyes if you keep yours open.”
And Eddie’s eyes do jolt open at that, like he’s received an electric shock. He groans in mortification.
“Jesus Christ. Didn’t mean to—fuck, feel like I’m drunk, man, I can’t… just kill me.”
Dustin thinks he probably would have found that request funny if Eddie wasn’t saying it through teeth flecked with blood.
Still, he does let out a strangled, hysterical giggle when he says, “I know how to keep you awake now.”
Eddie groans again. “Spare me the—”
“He sings in the shower, like, full blown Elvis impression, all that jazz. And he denies having lucky socks, but he wears the same pair whenever Lucas has a basketball game.”
“Huh?” Eddie says eloquently.
“Pay attention, dude, you need to know what you’re getting into! Oh, he said when he went to see The Fox and the Hound, he cried.”
Eddie chuckles. “That’s… oh, that’s sweet.” He smiles, eyes bright, and Dustin suddenly knows that they’re gonna be okay. “Keep going?”
Dustin does. He talks about how Steve always says, “Two for joy,” even when he sees a singular magpie, because he reasons that the second one is always just hiding. How he eats ice-cream too fast, does a comical hop in place when he inevitably gets brain freeze. That whenever he happens to pick up Dustin from school, he almost always has a Simon and Garfunkel tape playing, sings along to At the Zoo as he turns out of the parking lot.
Dustin doesn’t mention the Farrah Fawcett spray; a promise is a promise.
Eddie seems pretty damn well entertained with what he’s been given, anyway. He keeps smiling, lets out breathy chuckles that give Dustin hope: that he still has enough energy to laugh.
“Okay, okay, I’m awake,” he says, “I’m so awake, jus’… you just relax.”
And it’s only when Dustin stops talking that he realises his teeth have been chattering the whole time.
Eddie gives an unhappy sounding hum, and his hand comes up to clumsily rub at Dustin’s forearm.
“Your lips are blue.”
“I’m f-fine.”
A sudden desperate yell splits through the air; Dustin didn’t know that Steve could sound quite like that.
“Here!” Dustin shouts as much as he can.
He hears three people running; Steve gets there first.
Eddie’s eyes go wide. “Steve,” he says, and Dustin’s seen enough movies to think that this could be it, the big moment, or at the very least that Eddie’s about to give another wandering speech on Steve’s eyes.
But instead—
“Steve, Steve,” Eddie repeats, “Dustin’s cold.”
“Jesus Christ,” Steve says; he’s already taking off his jacket, shoving Dustin into it with this frantic mixture of urgency and care.
Dustin’s shivers get even more pronounced as the jacket’s zipped up, as the warmth from Steve’s body heat hits him.
“Think E-Eddie’s—b-bleeding stopped,” he says, accidentally biting on his tongue thanks to his chattering teeth.
Steve looks over Dustin’s handiwork, eyes shining. “Yeah, you did good,” he says, choked, rubs his hands down Dustin’s forearms more effectually than Eddie had. “You did so good.”
“You must’ve been wearing your socks tonight, Harrington,” Eddie says.
Steve stares at him. It’s only when he starts to laugh that Dustin realises he’s crying at the same time. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Shh, s’okay,” Eddie says. “I cried at th’movie, too, don’ tell anyone. S’not fair what… s’posed to be a happy endin’…”
Steve catches Dustin’s eye, says, deadpan, even with a tear-streaked face, “Doc, I think we’re losing him.”
Dustin whacks him on the arm, because it’s so stupid, it’s so Steve, and, God, they're really gonna be okay.
“Dustin’s th’best doctor,” Eddie chants, “best, best, best…”
“Yeah, he’s a goddamn superhero,” Steve says sincerely.
There’s a look Steve has on his face while he lifts Eddie up, a fleeting softness right before he goes back into planning mode, scanning the trailer park in case of any more threats; where Eddie’s fingers curl around Steve’s neck, and Steve smiles down at him, and…
Dustin would put a bet on Steve thinking Eddie has pretty eyes, too.
At least, he would if he could stand up.
When Steve clocks his leg, his jaw works a couple of times before he speaks. “Hey, Robin, Nance?” He raises his voice, looking to some point in the distance. “Could you—help Dustin up, I’ve—uh, kinda got my hands full.”
His tone is light, but his chin trembles just a bit, like he might break down at the thought that he can’t carry Dustin out of here, too.
“Okay, c’mon superhero,” Robin says, suddenly by Dustin’s side; she counts down, and then Dustin’s being carefully lifted up, an arm flung around Nancy, too.
“I’m okay,” Dustin feels the need to say. Robin and Nancy are out of breath, and he can’t help noticing the vivid red marks around their necks.
“Yeah, you will be,” Robin corrects.
“Is—is Eddie—?”
“Look, he’s right in front,” Nancy says. “Steve’s got him.” She lowers her voice and when she says, “You were really brave, you know,” Dustin has to swallow a lump in his throat: for a moment feels thirteen years old, her hand in his at the Snow Ball.
And she’s right; Eddie is right in front. Dustin can see him trailing a hand up and down Steve’s arm, slow and soothing, and he’s talking, just too far away to be heard.
For a few steps, Dustin thinks that Eddie must be spilling more of what he’s learned, regurgitating the anecdotes.
But then Robin and Nancy pull him a little closer. And he can read Eddie’s lips.
He’s okay, Eddie is saying, looking away from Steve’s face to find where Dustin is. He’s right behind us, sweetheart. He’s okay.
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blue-jisungs · 9 months
heyy girlypop 😘
can i request a skz and how/what partner privilege they give you?? 😍
partner privilege ♡
a/n. girlypop😭😭😭😭😭 will do 🤞 sorry for such a long wait bestie 🤧
i wrote something similar with svt if anyone is interested ^_^
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┆彡 CHAN [ 찬 ]
everyone, including you, thought that whenever chan has a song idea or has written lyrics he shows it to the boys first. whether 3racha or felix or the others if they’re nearby. only then the producers and then you. but one day, after chan gave you a new song to listen, you were sitting in the kitchen and reading a book. han and changbin walked in, chatting about something. subconsciously you listened to the convo, which happened to be about the song. “yeah, i wonder what it’s like. or if he used the thing i told him about” han nodded and you rose your head. “oh the adlibs? the song is a banger, i’m sure stays will love it” you hummed and sent them a smile. “how do you know how it sounds?” changbin asked. “chan let me listen to it… am i the first one? i thought you were–“ you halted. “and we thought we were first–“ han mumbled, dialling chan’s number. blush crept at your cheeks, a sudden feeling of butterflies in your stomach. were you always the first listener…?
┆彡 MINHO [ 민호 ]
“hey, we’re back–!” felix hummed and was met with your quiet shh! looking at chan in surprise, they walked closer and noticed minho napping on your lap, quiet snores leaving his mouth. you were caressing his hair gently, giving them a silent warning to be quiet. “oh wow. first time in years i see this man asleep on someone else” chan grunted and they went to unpack the groceries. you continued running your fingers through his hair, warmth spreading across your heart. minho is truly like a cat; only falling asleep on a person he fully trusts and loves wholeheartedly.
┆彡 CHANGBIN [ 창빈 ]
you pop into the room, peaking your head and seeing your boyfriend engrossed in a lively discussion. “hey, binnie, ready to go?” you ask, drawing attention. he smiled wildly and proudly, standing up with a ‘sure, let’s go’. that causes hyunjin to gasp dramatically and jeongin side eye seungmin. “you literally told us your car just broke” seungmin murmurs and you frown. “well, whatever y/n wants, she gets. which includes rides” he chirps happily and drags you out before they start shouting. “you told them your car broke?” you laugh as he opens the door for you. changbin just winks and points at the aux. “shhh. you can play some music” he grins and hopes they don’t see it from the dorm window. because they’re absolutely not allowed to touch anything in the car.
┆彡 HYUNJIN [ 현진 ]
hyunjin stops in his tracks once you kneel down and start tying your shoelaces. “oh, you don’t have to” you mumbled, looking up and smiling at him. your boyfriend shakes his head and mirrors your smile, kneeling down too. “how could i not?” he hums and waits for you to finish. changbin turns around once he realises he didn’t hear hyunjin’s laughter in a while and gasps. noticing you two are far behind, he grunts: “he never waits for me when i tie my shoes”. once you’re done, he stands up with you and grabs your hand, swinging it back and forth dramatically. jeongin suddenly kneels and ties his shoe… only for hyunjin to pass him by, chuckling. changbin sighs as if to say “see, this is what i meant”.
┆彡 JISUNG [ 지성 ]
“no, go away!” you’re met with jisung’s growl when you enter the room. lino pouts and leans away, rolling his eyes. they greet you, han’s mouth stuffed with food. you smile and sit next to them. after he’s chewed, he pokes your cheeks. “hi baby, how was your day?” han asks and slaps lino’s hand that made its way to his bento box. “it’s was decent. i missed you” you hum and peek at his lunchbox. it looks delicious, with the fried rice and chicken and– “you want some?”. you nod shyly and in no time han gives you it, along with a pair of chopsticks. minho gasps, punching jisung’s arm. “i’ve been begging you for a bite for half an hour and you–! hmpf” minho grunts and waddles away, offended. “ignore him. if you want, you can finish it. it’s delicious, isn’t it?” your boyfriend asks and laughs when you nod energetically. eyes staring at you lovingly when you take another bite, han smiles.
┆彡 FELIX [ 필릭스 ]
han walked into the room, letting out the loudest gasp ever. you turned around slowly, still busy with chewing the apple. both of you frowning, shock on your faces. “what?” you ask and han rushes to you, trying to push you off the chair. “are you crazy?! felix doesn’t allow anyone to touch his gaming set! get off or he’ll kill you like he tried to choke me when i touched his computer for a split second–“ jisung panics and you just shove the apple slice into his mouth to silence him. “he allows me to play on his set, though? look, here’s a house i built in the sims!” you chirp and show them the building, leaving han speechless and with flashbacks of the pure purge once felix found out one of them even tried thinking about logging into his account…
┆彡 SEUNGMIN [ 승민 ]
chan sighs heavily and passes you in the hallway. you give minho a questioning look but he just shrugs, returning to his phone. you plop down on the couch, next to your boyfriend when a sudden gasp rips from your lips. “dang, i forgot to take my phone” you grunt and are about to stand up when seungmin places a hand on your thigh, standing up himself. “i’ll get it for you, i was on my way to kitchen either way. do you want something cold to drink too?” he asks softly and you send him a wild grin, nodding. seungmin startes at you lovingly and off he goes. chan comes back and sits at his place, mumbling something underneath his breath… “of course he’ll get y/n’s phone but when i ask him, suddenly he’s asleep”. a blush creeps on your face, minho giggling at chan’s misfortune.
┆彡 JEONGIN [ 정인 ]
“–and then he proceeded to slap my arm because i just borrowed his hoodie!” chan whined, crossing his arms. you laugh softly, patting his arm. “no, don’t worry. it’s nothing personal” you hum and see a text notification from your boyfriend announcing that he’ll be there in a second. chan looks at you, almost hugging a thanks when his eyes widen. “isn’t that his hoodie though? and his… shoes? and the cap too?!” he gasps. “yeah! he allows me to wear his clothes…? i didn’t want to say anything because you’d feel bad but…” you stopped once i.n entered the room. before chan starts to argue, jeongin simply reasons: because they look better on you than on chan.
[ masterlist <3 ]
taglist. @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinshua ,, @stxrseungs ,, @ka-ni-ma ,, @iliveforlixie ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @mark-geolli ,, @l3visbby ,, @w3bqrl ,, @ddeonudepressions ,, @yourfavoritefreakyhan ,, @mirxzii ,, @kazmura ,, @primoppang,, @nfrgirl
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citrustan · 5 months
slipping through my fingers [3] (myg)
title: the calm before the storm
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pairing: min yoongi x reader genre: dilf!yoongi, exes and co-parents au, angst!, fluff, smut summary: you're hit with some harsh facts that you aren't ready to entertain. warnings: [hi find the story masterlist here] insecurity, stubborn oc, ft. public enemy no. 2 (for now)
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The restaurant took twice the amount of time they usually do to deliver your orders. On top of that, they ended up charging you a convenience fee for taking too long.
Taehyung was now on the phone, negotiating a refund or a discount from the place.
Meanwhile, you had tucked yourself in bed. You still had a lot to ask him. Now that you saw Yoongi’s girlfriend on his phone, you’re wondering if Taehyung’s close to her. It’d be awkward if they were.
On the contrary, you do feel a tad better at the idea that your friend was no stranger to the woman. For Nao.
Even though Yoongi would never bring anyone he didn’t trust wholly around your daughter, it’s an extra layer of security for Taehyung to know or know of her.
Taehyung walks into your room with freshly picked peonies in his hand.
“I still can’t believe you’re letting Nao meet her before you do.” He voices.
Still, you skip over the statement, “What is that in your hand?” Taehyung didn’t have those with him when he came.
“They’re flowers.”
“Yeah, they’re peonies. Like the ones Katarina grows. In her garden.” You observed, realisation hitting you slowly.
“Ok, what’s your point?” He pauses and sniffs the petals, “WOW, these are fragrant.”
A little agitated, you prop yourself up on your elbows, “My point is that you stole my neighbour’s flowers?”
It’s hard enough maintaining a flower garden in an apartment complex. You did not want to participate in ruining it for her.
Taehyung took offence to your accusation, “I didn’t steal! I bought them.”
Confused, you ask, “Why?”
“They’re for you. For your room. I thought you liked flowers.” He looks around your room.
“Where’s the crystal vase I gave you?” Taehyung walks into your closet in search of it.
“Next to the shoes,” you trail off, “I think…”
You were used to Yoongi bringing your flowers every other week. But because he stopped recently, you put all your flower vases away in storage not wanting to be reminded of Yoongi’s flowers, or rather, the absence thereof.
Reemerging from your closet, he sets up the flowers on your bedside table. And you fall back in bed with a ‘thud.’
“Tae…” You trail off, lazily patting the spot next to you.
He joins you in bed, “Yeah?”
“Are you close with her? Like, are you friends?”
He carefully watches you.
Your eyes were trained to your ceiling but you could tell that his were on you.
“I met her at the gallery a few times. We went clubbing together. That… Do you remember when I invited you that one time?”
With your brows scrunched, you rapidly turn your head to face him, startling him.
“YOU INTRODUCED THEM?” You couldn’t control the way that came out.
“I didn’t intend to! I- I wanted you to meet her, but when you said no…” His voice faded off.
He looked like a kicked puppy. However, you were too riled up to stop.
Suddenly, you jump off the bed, feeling a rush of emotions. This was one of those moments when you could feel the blood pumping through your veins and hear your own heartbeat in your ears, and you couldn’t just lie still.  
You run your hands through your hair, “I can’t believe you introduced my ex to his WIFE.”
By enunciating every word, you tried to process this new piece of information in your own way.
You couldn’t help but wonder; Had you not refused to go out with Taehyung because of Yoongi being there too, is it possible that you and Yoongi would’ve ended up together instead?
It wasn’t Taehyung you were angry with. It was yourself. But you were in too deep and couldn’t help the words coming out of your mouth.
Still, you continue, “And you didn’t even TELL me about them.”
“And how long have Yoongi’s ‘other girls’ lasted? And what even was this? Love at first sight or some bull?” You’re pacing around your room. “You could’ve warned me, Taehyung.”
“What? What just happened?” He asks, mostly to himself.
Sitting up, he explains, “_____, I didn’t know. I didn’t know they kept in touch! He didn’t seem that into her!” Taehyung was visibly forcing himself to keep his voice down. His tone of speech still leaned towards comforting.
Holding Taehyung’s full focus now, you almost whine, “I don’t deserve this.” You point a finger at him, “Just answer me.”
After a long pause, he sighs, “What do you want to know?”
“Why did nobody warn me?”
“_____, you’re putting me in a difficult position here.”
“No, I’m not.” You dismiss immediately, “Why did none of you lot tell me about this new girl? Why was I so out of the loop? It’s like you were trying to exclude me because you like Yoongi more or something-”
“_____, YOU told us not to. That’s why nobody ‘warned’ you. You can’t get mad at US for respecting YOUR wishes.”
Flabbergasted, you gasp, “WHAT are you talking about?”
“You don’t remember? YOU told us to never update you about Yoongi.”
You shook your head.
You don’t believe him. “That’s stupid.”  
“I agree.” He nods.
“No. I mean, you saying that. That’s not right.” – “_____. You might not remember it, but you weren’t the easiest person to be around after you broke up with Yoongi.”
“I know. I was there,” you spat, spitefully.
Taehyung frowned, “This is why I didn’t want to do this.”
That pauses your train of thought. You don’t understand why he’d bring this up now. You knew you were a mess.
After Yoongi moved out of the home you shared, your break up was actually finalized.
After that, all your time went to your daughter. You were hyper-fixated on her and might’ve neglected other aspects of your life, but you’ve come so far that you don’t understand why he’d remind you of that again.
Mayhaps you should take it down a few notches. But your head was too full of anger to acknowledge his stance.
“Forget about it. Let’s not do this now,” Taehyung kindly suggests. “Why don’t we go down to the bakery?”
Anxiously scratching your neck, you declined, “Taehyung, no. Just… I really don’t remember saying that,” you spoke somewhat apologetically.
You returned to bed, plopping yourself next to him.
Gracefully accepting, Taehyung coos, “I know, angel. But that really is all I can say.”
Yet another moment of silence takes over your space.
You cleared your throat, “Is she a good person?”
Taehyung looked at you awkwardly.
Before he could respond, you add, “She seems to know about me, I want to know her too.”
“She’s okay.” He shrugged, making your smile a little. “Don’t try to flatter me…”
That smile doesn’t last very long though. Taehyung caresses your back as you navigate your emotions. “I want to cry but I can’t and I don’t know why.”
Taehyung opens and shuts his mouth a few times, debating whether or not he should say anything.  
You change the topic before he could, “Where’s the food?”
“I traded it for the flowers.” – “That’s nice.”
Taehyung remained by your side, his presence a source of comfort amidst the chaos in your mind.
Wordlessly, he offered a supportive embrace that you eagerly accepted.
As you sat there, grappling with your emotions, your phone abruptly rang, startling both you and Taehyung.
The caller ID displayed Yoongi’s name, and for a moment, your heart stopped.
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₊˚.🎧 ✩。 die 4 you by dean ₊˚.🎧 ✩。
note: ok this was probably a little boring but its imp background
this was supposed to be a part of the previous chapter but it got too lengthy so i thought i'd cut it out for a flashback later. but i think it makes more sense now.
! and i hope it answered some of your questions kinda
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unfinishedslurs · 1 year
bodyswap (steddie)
So, they beat Vecna. Nancy shoots him full of lead, El tears him apart from the inside, and Steve and Robin burn this version of the Creel House down with him in it. It’s over. It’s finally, finally over.
Steve ignores the reopened wounds in his side, racing to get back to Dustin and Eddie before the gates close forever. The ground rumbles again and all three of them stumble, Robin taking his hand and yanking him along when he falters. 
“You can pass out when we get topside!” She screams at him, and he tries to give her a thumbs up before he wraps that hand around his bleeding torso.
They get to the trailer park, but Dustin and Eddie aren’t where they’re supposed to be. Steve almost rips Robin’s arm out of her socket when he turns around and runs. 
“Dustin,” he bellows. There are dead demobats everywhere, and the mass of them on the ground thickens in a particular direction. He heads that way with a sinking feeling in his gut. “Dustin! We need to fucking move!”
“Steve!” He hears Dustin wail, and all self preservation leaves him as he bolts, landing heavily on his knees at Dustin’s side and immediately checking him over for injuries.
“Are you okay?” He gasps, holding his tearstained face in his hands. “Where are you hurt? Show me.”
Dustin shakes his head, crying harder, and that’s when Steve notices the limp body right in front of him. 
Eddie coughs up blood. “Wow, Harrington,” he grins, “nice to see that you care.”
“Shit, shit, shit.” It’s bad. Steve goes into preservation mode, stripping off his jacket and shirt and using them to press down on the many, many bites littering Eddie’s body. He senses Robin and Nancy catch up behind him, and hears Nancy gasp.
“What do you need?” She asks, dropping down on Eddie’s other side.
“Robin and Dustin need to find a new way to get through the portal,” he says, looking over at them. “I can’t carry him and use the rope.”
“Rope’s gone, anyway,” Dustin mutters. “He cut it.”
“You cut the rope?”
Eddie shrugs as much as he can. “Seemed..” he coughs again, red and wet, “…like a good idea…at the time.”
“Stupid,” Dustin corrects angrily. “It was really fucking stupid.”
“We don’t have time for this,” Nancy says frantically. Robin nods, and takes Dustin away swiftly. Steve files Dustin’s limp in the back of his mind for later. “What do I need to do?”
“Help me keep him from bleeding out,” Steve says as he gathers Eddie into his arms. Eddie turns and nuzzles his face into Steve’s chest. It’s weird, but at least he’s alive to do it. “I might need help walking, too.”
“Right.” She examines him worriedly. “On three?”
He heaves Eddie up on the count of three, and Eddie whines, long and pained. “Sorry,” Steve gasps, the wounds on his side tearing. “Sorry.”
“S’kay,” Eddie mumbles, closing his eyes. He doesn’t open them again, and Steve jostles him.
“Hey, no passing out on me, got it? Keep those eyes open for me.”
The last thing he can remember is feeling Eddie’s blood mixing into his, their open wounds pressed together. Then he blacks out.
He wakes up in a hospital bed.
Dustin is beaming at him, teary and happy like Steve’s never seen him before. Not even when he agreed to play one campaign with the scoops troop, and admitted at the end that Dungeons and Dragons wasn’t that bad. Too much math and writing and thinking for him, it made his head hurt, but not, like, awful. 
Steve thinks he’d wake up in a million hospital beds if it meant Dustin always smiled like this. 
“—Robin’s with Steve, we’ve been taking shifts. Well, the rest of us have. She hasn’t actually left his side. He’s woken up a couple of times, like you, but you both fall right back asleep after,” Dustin’s saying, and Steve blinks, foggy. 
“Yeah, he collapsed after he carried you out. Went septic, because he didn’t take care of himself again like an idiot and his bites got infected.”
“Wait,” Steve says. “Is there another Steve? Were you hiding another Steve behind my back? Where’s Eddie?”
Dustin stares at him. “You are Eddie.”
“S’not funny, Henderson. I just woke up from a fuckin’ coma, I don’t need this shit right now.”
“Did the bats eat your brains?” He demands. “Shit, do you have brain damage? What’s wrong with you?”
Steve pouts. “That’s not funny, you know I do.” Dustin’s seen him through his fair share of migraines, knows more about what to do and what exactly causes them than Steve, probably. The perks of getting your ass kicked in front of the smartest eighth graders on the planet.
“They gotcha on the good stuff, huh kid?” A man says from the other side of his bed. Steve whips around, only just realizing that this guy is also holding his hand. There’s multiple hand-holdings going on here, which he knows is normal for hospitals but doesn’t know why this random stranger is doing it. Does he know Dustin? Is this the other Steve?
“Who’re you?”
He looks hurt by this, which makes Steve feel like a monster. But his brain won’t work, he’s definitely high on some kind of painkillers, Dustin is being confusing, and he’s tired. 
“That’s your Uncle Wayne,” Dustin reminds him. 
“I don’t have an uncle,” Steve replies, frowning. His parents are both only children, as far as he’s aware, and they don’t have any friends that would call themselves his uncle. Still, the name sounds familiar. “Doesn’t Eddie have an Uncle Wayne?”
“What the hell are you going on about?” Uncle Wayne asks. 
“You’re Eddie,” Dustin insists, confused and somewhat panicked. Now he knows how Steve feels. 
“No I’m not.” Steve scowls, sick of whatever game he’s playing to fuck with Steve’s head. “I’m Steve.”
Dustin’s eyes widen, and Steve gets the sinking feeling that something is very, very wrong. 
The door slams open.
“Dustin!” Robin hollers, eyes wild. “Something is wrong with Dingus! That’s not my dingus!”
“Robbie!” He says excitedly, and tries to sit up. Which goes poorly for him. Ow. 
She looks at him, and a diamonds worth of emotions crosses her face at once. “…Steve?”
“Yes,” he cheers. At least someone knows who he is. 
“How did you know?” Dustin demands. 
“I’d know that drugged up puppy-dog look anywhere,” Robin replies, eyes still on Steve. “Plus, there’s a guy in Steve’s body trying to tell Nancy what kind of campaign he could make out of this.”
“My body?” Steve asks, horrified, just as that Wayne guy says, “Now hol’ up just one second—“
Robin pulls a compact mirror out of her pocket and approaches the bed with caution. 
Wayne is ushered out, still loudly demanding answers for what the hell is going on with his nephew. Steve wishes he had them. 
“Wait, wait, wait,” Robin says with a grin. “This is great.”
“Literally how,” Steve deadpans. 
“Well maybe not great for you, but I’m about to have the time of my life. Eddie, quick, say something nerdy.”
“What,” Eddie says flatly. It’s weird to see his expressions on Steve’s face. His face shouldn’t look like that, shouldn’t move like that. 
“C’mon,” she urges, “I wanna hear Steve’s voice talk about dnd, or your shitty music, or the moral majority.”
“Hey!” Steve objects. “We do talk about the moral majority.”
“Yeah, but we’re always serious about it. I wanna hear Munson give one of his tabletop speeches.”
Eddie looks baffled, which looks so different from the face Steve makes when he’s confused. It’s got the bare bones of it, but the finer details are off, trying to use a face that isn’t his. It’s creepy. Robin must agree, because she shudders a little. 
“You, Steve Harrington, talk about the moral majority?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Steve asks, offended, at the same time Robin says, “Oh, you should hear him. It’s incredible.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it,” Eddie answers, and Steve huffs, throwing his hands up as much as he can when he’s stuck in a hospital bed. Which means he basically just makes a little gesture and hopes it gets the message across. 
“I don’t see what’s so shocking about it! A bunch of assholes declared that my kids were in a cult. They were going to hunt you down. Why would I be on their side?”
“I dunno, Stevie,” Eddie says, eyes glinting. “I guess it’s just a shock to me that the straight, rich-boy jock would have something to say about it. What’re they teaching you in those churches?”
He can’t quite stop the grimace that flashes across his face, meeting Robin’s eyes almost on instinct. Eddie’s eyebrows jut up. 
“What’d I say?”
“I haven’t been to church in two years, man,” Steve admits, avoiding the other glaring assumption. “Once you have to save the lives of kids from monsters that shouldn’t exist, God doesn’t really seem that great.”
It was for the better, really, that Steve had given up. No amount of praying or bargaining made him forget how Jonathan Byers’s hand felt in his as they ran for their lives. It didn’t stop the monsters from coming back either. 
Still, he hadn’t really stopped believing until Robin came out to him. He looked at her, this scared, brave girl who spit in the face of their torturers, the girl who Steve was pretty sure was his best friend, and quietly came to terms with the fact that if she was going to hell, there was never a god to begin with. 
Robin had cried when he told her that. 
Eddie is staring at him, eyes wide and searching. It keeps tripping him up, how different his own face is when someone else is wearing it. 
“You’d think seeing hell would make anyone a believer,” he says, voice wry. “You keep surprising me.”
Steve fidgets, staring down at his legs. “It was just…it was always a lose-lose situation, you know? Either I stop going to church and go to hell, or I do what they want and end up there anyway. I can’t be what they want me to be, so why even try? There’s no point.”
When he looks up again, he meets Robin’s eyes first. She looks achingly fond, smiling at him as she gives his hand a squeeze. He gives a small smile back, and looks at Eddie. 
He’s wide-eyed, surprise coloring every inch of his face. Or, well, Steve’s face. “Yeah,” he whispers. “Yeah, that’s— that's exactly it.”
“Dude, does Jonathan scare you?”
“Your body, like, goes haywire around him. He checked my—your—the injuries I’m currently sporting and I thought I was gonna die.”
Steve’s face heats up. “I’m not scared of Jonathan.”
“It’s ok, Steve, you can tell me the truth,” Eddie says, only a little bit of mockery in his tone. “I’ll protect you from Big Bad Byers.”
He closes his eyes in mortification. “I’m not scared,” he stresses, “of Jonathan Byers.”
“Really? Because I wasn’t joking about thinking I was dying. Your heart goes crazy around…him…” Eddie trails off, eyes widening as he clocks the blush spreading down Steve’s neck. 
Fuck Eddie’s pale skin, seriously. Steve’s tan enough that people barely notice, but Eddie seems like he spends a sunny day sitting in his room working on song lyrics or campaign notes. He wants his fucking body back. 
Shit, he’s in Eddie’s body, and Eddie just found out he’s queer. He’s a queer man in Eddie’s body. He’s going to think Steve’s some kind of perv, or using his dick, or…or…
“Byers?” Eddie finally says. “Of all the men in the world, Byers is the one you pick?”
Steve’s eyes pop open from where he’d squeezed them shut. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
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fairytsuk1 · 1 year
getting katsuki gifts for the holidays was like trying to teach a monkey to dance, it was impossible.
you'd whined, mumbling about how the two of you had enough money to buy most items you wanted; katsuki also never seemed to never ask for things specifically.
"so, katsuki... the holidays are coming up!"
he's picking at his ordered in take-out, and you can see his displeasure at the lack of peppers as he picks through his kung pao chicken.
"yeah, already got your gift," and he's giving you smirk that makes you sweat, "are you sure you got the right chicken? this shit tastes like the fuckin' kids menu."
your eyes get caught on the wedding band wrung around his fingers, sailing the veins of his forearm till you can see his bulging biceps in the black muscle shirt. was your husband hand-carved by gods? seemed likely.
"mmm, no, it should be the kung pao chicken, want me to chop some chilies up for you?"
you're standing before he can protest, taking out your knives and chopping boards, "and you already have my gift? I don't have your gift, yet."
the box of take-out is set down as your husband circles his arm around your waist to leave soft kisses on the column of your neck.
"yeah, 'cause you don't love me," and a thankful hand squeezes your ass just to show his appreciation for the chopping of chilies, "...whatcha gonna get me?"
his hands are still wandering, and you're thinking more of what his talented fingers could do than his stupid gift, "i'm not supposed to tell, you know. santa's elves might get me into a whole lotta trouble."
he gropes you even more fiercely, and you can feel his pressing need against your back.
"fuck santa,"
he carries you off in a fit of giggles to your shared bedroom.
the bookstore was fairly crowded and you felt thankful you could slip by unnoticed and browse the various books of romance or sci-fi; katsuki didn't even seem like a sci-fi guy so each row left you feeling panicky and like a bad wife the further and further you went.
"excuse me, do you have any classical romance?"
the timbre of the voice makes your heart stop. It sounded just like, well, katsuki! your legs are thrumming with the knee-jerk reaction to tackle him to the ground, but you were literally buying his gift! the surprise would be ruined, and you're dashing into the row of cookbooks to calm yourself.
maybe it's not even him. you know what they say, just because it sounds like katsuki doesn't mean it is! you're affirming yourself silently when footsteps grow close, and your husband is flashing by you in seconds.
it is katsuki!
"i'm fucked."
your eyes follow the object of your love, his strong hands randomly pick books out of nowhere, but there's grumbles of displeasure as he skims the summary and grimaces at the cover. he didn't know that much about books, but you deserved something special.
you'd dealt with all the hero stuff (being gone for long periods of time and coming home nearly dead was no news to you), always made him lunch or dinner, and frankly... katsuki found his eyes drifting to a sleeping baby in its stroller.
he'd started thinking more like that. so the gift had to be pretty damn good!
a man strikes up conversation, and you smile at the idea that katsuki wasn't just factually married, but he gave that aura too. yeah, that was your man.
"i'm shoppin' for my wife," straight to the point and he's already grumbling at having to interact with this person for more than a minute.
"wow! a true husband, what's with the books then? looking to open your marriage?"
it's a joke that katsuki doesn't find funny, you do however and you're sure this conversation would be going very differently.
"fuck no. i'm just lookin' for somethin' good," there's a brief pause in his words, and katsuki looks askance at having to provide a reason why, "she does a lot for me. want her to know I appreciate it."
a beating heart is soothed by the words. your hormones run wild at his mild love declaration, and you're grinning like a mad man.
katsuki wakes up on christmas morning to find his absolute favorite thing; you.
and the book he got was pretty damn good, too.
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chronicowboy · 11 months
Eddie isn't sure why he doesn't tell Buck about Marisol. He doesn't mention meeting her at the hardware store, doesn't mention exchanging numbers, doesn't mention the many failed texting attempts, definitely doesn't mention asking her out—or, well, saying yes when she asked him out.
A month ago he'd know exactly why he wasn't telling Buck about her. Most likely because a month ago he'd still believe he and Buck were dancing around something, so he never would have blushed his way through an interaction in front of the epoxy shelf in the first place. But now, with Buck and Natalia, Eddie doesn't know why he wouldn't just tell him.
Buck would be happy for him. He knows that much.
And yet, Eddie doesn't tell him, doesn't want to tell him, wants to keep Marisol as separate from Buck as he can possibly manage given how they met those first two times. He just wants to have something that isn't defined by Buck.
(He already has the heartache when Buck mentions Natalia with that little smile, already has the fear of rejection whenever he asks Buck to hang out now, already has Christopher who tilts his head when he's confused just like Buck.)
But its impossible to keep anything from Buck for long. And really, he should have seen this coming.
"Eddie, that is so embarrassing." Buck is shaking with his laughter at Christopher's colourful retelling of Eddie wiping out in the school parking lot the other day.
"For me or him?" Chris replies without missing a beat, only succeeding in making Buck laugh harder. He falls across the length of the couch as he clutches at his sides and Eddie shakes his head from the kitchen doorway. "Besides, if you think that's embarrassing," Chris snickers, and Eddie blanches, "you should have seen him trying to ask Marisol out."
Buck's laughter stops instantaneously, his whole body freezing up, and the silence consumes Eddie whole. He swallows thickly as Buck drags his eyes away from Christopher to look at Eddie. For once, Eddie can't actually see Buck, not the way he normally he can, all he sees is the Buck who can rip his heart from his sleeve and tuck it back into his chest.
"Marisol?" he prods weakly. "Rosa's mom?"
"No, God, no." Eddie shakes his head vigorously, tries to get back on even ground. "You think any single mom at that school would say yes after the Monday fiasco?"
"Who's Marisol?" Buck asks without even a huff of laughter.
"We went and helped her out after we destroyed the house she was fixing up, remember?" Eddie shrugs, ducks his head to avoid Buck's carefully blank eyes. "Saw her in the hardware store a month ago, finally worked up the courage to ask her out."
"Technically, she asked you," Chris chimes in. "I have no idea why."
"Thanks, kid," Eddie sighs.
"Wait, so I can't date someone I met on a call but you can?" Buck butts in, a heat behind the words that makes Eddie's hackles rise.
"I never said you couldn't date her," Eddie retorts, trying not to let his frustration boil over. "I politely tried to remind you that you dating someone you saved never ends well."
"Oh, wow." Buck scoffs. "I didn't save her, Eddie. She had a scratch on her hand, I patched it up. That's it."
"Yeah, I patched Ana's hand up too," Eddie mutters. He glances down at Christopher and feels a tendril of guilt curl around his heart. He's already had to live through his parents' arguments before, Eddie's not making him do it again.
Eddie purses his lips as he retreats into the kitchen, settling back against the fridge to let the cool metal calm him down. He tries to sort through Buck's reaction, but it doesn't make sense. This goes beyond the protective instincts of a best friend, and it feels like more than just Buck's abandonment issues rearing their head.
Everything gets so fucked up when one of them dates. A mess that neither one of them thinks to clean up until its too late. To Eddie, it makes sense. Now, anyway. Now, he knows why he'd hated Abby's ghost so passionately, why he'd U-turned so sharply from finding Ali perfectly nice to a ticking time bomb, why he'd only hated Taylor more with every day that had passed. And, of course, Natalia who never stood a chance when she was hanging onto Buck's death and running away from his life. Because Buck would never hold a grudge, but Eddie does it gladly and without being asked, simmering at the side-lines.
But Buck's reactions never make sense. Not to Shannon, not to Ana, not to Vanessa, not to Marisol.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Buck asks as soon as the kitchen door closes behind him.
"I don't know." Eddie squeezes his eyes shut and tilts his head towards the ceiling.
"Were you going to tell me?"
"I don't know." Eddie sighs, knocks his head against the fridge once for good measure. He cracks an eye open to look at Buck. "Were you going to tell me that you and Natalia bought a new couch together?"
"I did tell you." Buck frowns.
"No, I came over and saw the new couch and you distractedly told me that your mom's couch was covered in Kameron's amniotic fluid. Which you also didn't tell me about." Eddie folds his arms over his chest and takes a deep breath. "Buck, what are we arguing about here?"
"Our girlfriends apparently," Buck mumbles.
"I don't have a girlfriend. Just a date on Saturday." Eddie rolls his eyes, and a sharp thrill of bravery sparks at the base of his spine as he looks at Buck. "What are we really arguing about?"
"I-I don't know." Buck frowns down at his socked feet
"Maybe you should go back to the loft and figure that out," Eddie says quietly, hating himself for the flicker of hurt on Buck's face.
"Just me?" Buck croaks. "So you know what we're arguing about?"
"Yeah," Eddie whispers. He'd been arguing with himself about the very same thing for years before he'd just let himself feel it. Its only fair that Buck does the same.
"And you aren't going to tell me?" Buck asks wetly.
"Its something you have to figure out yourself, Buck." Eddie bites his lip and shrugs. "You don't have to leave now. I don't want you to leave," Eddie clarifies, "but no more arguing. Not where Chris can hear." And then, Eddie thinks that maybe he should give Buck a place to start even if Eddie never got that luxury himself. "He's already been through this with me and Shannon, doesn't need to go through it again with us."
He leaves Buck in the kitchen with the first clue to this little riddle of theirs.
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the-froschamethyst4 · 6 months
When you meet his kids
John Price Headcanons
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You were definitely nervous to finally meet Price’s children
When you both started dating he didn’t want to share that he had kids till he knew she was the one for him
He has a son named Beau and a daughter named Iris
Iris is a sweet and kind girl who did t care if someone wasn’t her mom as long as he daddy was happy
Beau was very much skeptical about Y/n for the first time. Price has been with other women before Y/n and every time it never ends well
Price was nervous as well on how his kids will act around his now soon-to-be wife
“Hi, Y/n,” Iris said with a soft smile and putting her hand out
Y/n took it and shook it. “Nice to meet you too, Iris. I’ve heard so much about you, you’re so lovely,” Y/n said.
“You’re just trying to get on her good side because you want something,” Beau said but he got smacked upside the head by Price.
“Be nice, Beau,” he said in a low voice.
“Why are you with my dad?” Beau asked.
“Because I love him.”
“Him or his money?”
“Him and only him,” she said being calm.
“I’m not buying that…every women he’s been with wants his money…I know you want it.”
“With respect Beau…I have my own money, I don’t need your father’s money,” Price smiled at Y/n.
Beau was slightly impressed that she was standing up for herself the others would have crumbled knowing they’ve been caught
Y/n had dinner with Price and his kids. Iris was already attached to Y/n and doesn’t want her to go, after dinner Iris showed Y/n her room and showed her the toys Price has brought her from his missions, Y/n smiled at the toys
Iris gave Y/n a toy that Price brought from China and Iris said it's one of her favorites. Price leaned against the doorframe watching Iris tell Y/n about the 'adventures' her toys went on
Beau rolled his eyes when he watched Iris and Y/n play together
Iris kind of seeing Y/n as a someone she could play with instead of a mom and that's fine with Y/n as long as everyone is happy
Price held Y/n's hand as they sat on the couch watching TV together, Iris was in bed due to her early bedtime and Beau played video games in his bedroom for the rest of night till Price wants to go to bed
Beau was playing a 1st person shooter game and Y/n went upstairs to go speak with Beau to let him know everything will be okay
She knocked before she entered his bedroom, he removed one of the headphones covering his right ear and looked at Y/n, he groaned, rolling his eyes and focusing back on his game
"I know you don't like me and that's okay, I'm not here to replace your mom in any sort of way-"
"But you are or else you wouldn't be here," Beau said.
"You...You might have a point...but...I will only love you as much as I can even if you don't like me...I've never been a mom before let alone a stepmom before and...I know you don't like me and you have the right to never ever like me-"
"Right, can you go now, I want to play my game," Beau said, placing his headphone back on his right ear.
"Oh, I know this game...my brother played it all the time," she said, sitting next to him on the bed.
"Did you play it?"
"Every now and then but I'm not that good," she said as an idea popped in Beau's head.
"Here...you try," Beau pushed the controller into her hands.
"Okay..." Y/n was flipping through skins and guns, ammo, and upgrade the skills. Beau was kind of impressed, she was fast, and her character looked amazing.
Y/n then started to game, and she was dropped into a random part of the map, he passed her his headphones and immediately shot at an opponent.
Beau was impressed with how she played, she didn't hesitant to shoot some opponents and collected some new guns that even Beau has never collected before
Beau was stunned when Y/n was in the top 5 with the most kills in 1 round
"Wow," he said, she took off the headphones and gave him the controller back.
"Yeah...I'm not that good-"
It's been close to a year now. The kids love Y/n, and the kids and her now have days where they do mother and kids bonding time together.
Iris and Y/n every Friday night will play 'Iris's dolls adventure'
And every Saturday night, Beau and Y/n play the video game that Y/n was 'bad at'
Price and Y/n also spend every Thursday night as a 'date night' because their mom gets them every Tuesday and Thursday
Their mom...hates Y/n...because she's young and has more attention from her kids and her ex-husband. Why does she care about her ex-husband? Because she was told by him that she is his one and only but not anymore
They got the divorce because Price's ex-wife was a workaholic constantly working and not spending time with the kids or her 'husband'
Beau and Iris came running into house excited to see their stepmom, Y/n bent down and hugged the two kids, she kissed their temples
"How was school?" She asked them.
"Good." Iris said.
"Boring," Beau said, his usual answer when he came home.
"Well go get cleaned up, and get you things together, your mom is coming to get you two," Y/n said as the kids groaned and headed to their rooms.
Price walked through the door of his home seeing Y/n fix them some food. Price has to be home when his ex-wife comes to collects the kids.
He knows Y/n is capable of making sure everything goes smoothly, it's just the fact of his ex-wife hating Y/n and she tries to start things with Y/n.
“Daddy, I don’t want to go,” Iris groans as she came downstairs.
“I know, baby, but it’s part of the court, it’s just for today and you come home to us tomorrow afternoon,” he said, kissing her forehead.
They waited on the porch for their mother. Y/n stood close to Price and the kids sat on the porch stairs and played with the rocks, then they saw their mother car pull into the driveway with music blasting mainly 'heartbreak' songs.
Happier by Olivia Rodrigo, Good in goodbye by Madison Beer, Online Lovers by Conan Gray, and Backstabber by Kesha
Price rolled his eyes at her being dramatic.
"Come on, kids," she yells. Beau got up first and Price picked up his daughter taking her down the porch stairs and placing her into the backseat. "Does she really have to watch?"
"Yes...she's a witness in case anything happens," Price said.
"Like what John? You afraid I might call the cops again?"
"You called them because the kids told you no on a visit and you calmed, I was holding them hostage...I'm not putting them through that again, I almost lost them because of you and reckless behavior," Price said as she smirked and pulled out of the driveway.
"I fucking hate her," he said as he walked towards her and moved her inside.
"Do you think everything will be okay?"
"I'm not sure...Beau knows my number that if anything happens, he can call me and let me know," Price said.
Price and Y/n tried to get over what had happened, Price picked at the food and Y/n placed hers down.
"Did I not make it right?" She asked.
"No, it's good, love...I'm just worried about the kids."
"I understand, Price...we can stop eating and you can call them."
"I can't, she has the right to decline my calls...so I can't even reach them."
"We can get Beau a phone."
"He's too young," Price said, leaning back.
Price and Y/n cleaned up around the kitchen and Y/n was dancing to a random beat in her head. Price was confused and watched her do some small random dances
"What are you doing?"
"Huh? Oh, I don't know, it's just a random tune in my head," she said as she turned to him still doing those small dances
"Are you trying to cheer me up?"
"A bit..." she said.
Price smiles and joins in on the small dances
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spectersgirl · 7 months
Hi! I saw your requests were open and was wondering if I could request a fic? I had this idea of Harvey x wife!reader where they think they are the last ones there for the night and put on one of his records and start slow dancing. Maybe only to find out Mike is still there too? Thanks! ♥️
This request physically hurt to read because it's so damn sweet 😭ily for that.
Wonderful Tonight
Harvey Specter x Reader
It was getting late and both you and Harvey were still at the office. Everyone else had long gone home, the halls now still and quiet, but Harvey had been swamped all week and you generally preferred to head home whenever he did, so you found yourself tying up some loose ends on your own cases.
You finally looked down at the clock on your computer and decided it was time to attempt to drag Harvey home to spend at least a little quality time with you before you both passed out for the night. Gathering your things and switching off your desk lamp, you walked down the hallway toward his office. The closer you got, you were able to pick up on the record he had playing on his record player. You smiled softly to yourself as you went, finally reaching his door. He was standing with his back to you, facing out the large picture window and looking down at the city.
Quietly, you set your bag and coat down on the ground and walked over behind him, wrapping your arms around him and resting your chin on his shoulder. He smiled at your touch and turned in your arms, immediately leaning down to kiss you.
"Hi love," he said softly. "I was just thinking about coming to get you."
"Looks like I beat you to it," you said with a smirk, letting him go and sitting on his couch. "Did this thought have anything to do with the song you're playing?"
Harvey smiled wider, he hadn't noticed what song it was until now. "Wonderful Tonight" by Eric Clapton played through his speaker, the song you had shared your first dance as a married couple to.
"It didn't, but now that you're here, and our first dance song is on..." He stood with an arm outstretched, waiting for you to take his hand.
You smiled and obliged his request, wrapping your arms around his neck, and his around your waist. You slow-danced around his office, thoughts of the stressful week melting away as he dipped and twirled you around and around, just as he had the night of your wedding.
The song came to a close, and he brushed a strand of hair from your face.
"Just as beautiful as the day we got married." Harvey whispered, leaning down to kiss you softly once again.
Neither of you noticed Mike standing in Harvey's doorframe, at least not until he could no longer help himself.
"Wow Harvey, you are literally never allowed to call me a softy ever again. That was the sweetest shit I've ever seen!" He exclaimed, amusement written all over his face.
"Mike, don't you have somewhere to be? Like perhaps at home with your girlfriend?" Harvey asked, pretending to be annoyed.
Truthfully, he didn't mind that Mike had seen his soft side, not really at least. Harvey was proud of the man he had become since meeting you, he'd told you this many times. Of course, he was still the great and powerful Harvey Specter when it came to working a case, but he didn't mind this side of himself so much as he used to.
"If you must know, I went home to my beautiful girlfriend hours ago but I came back to pick up a few things I forgot. I'll let you guys get back to that, but Harvey, please let your wife go home sometime soon instead of keeping her trapped in your office." Mike said with a smirk and a wink, leaving the two of you alone once again.
"Yeah Harvey, let your wife go home soon" you repeated, poking his chest. He smiled in response and walked to his desk, powering off his laptop and gathering a few items.
"Alright baby, let's go home."
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moodymelanist · 1 month
A Nessian drabble idea: Cassian waking up from anesthesia forgetting who Nesta is and is immediately starts flirting with her because she's so beautiful.
omg YES. this is so them thank you for sending this in I’ve always wanted to write one of these. I’ve also never had my wisdom teeth removed so sorry for any inaccuracies there LOL
Nesta had been hanging out in the waiting room for about an hour when someone finally called her name.
“Nesta Archeron?” one of the nurses called. Nesta quickly gathered her jacket and purse and got up to follow her.
“How’s he doing?” Nesta asked. Cassian had finally taken the plunge and gotten all four of his wisdom teeth removed in one go, and while Nesta knew this was a routine enough procedure, she was still a little antsy about her husband using anesthesia.
“It went well,” the nurse replied, leading Nesta into what looked like the outpatient area. “He’s recovering now. The anesthesia should be wearing off in the next few minutes if it hasn’t already.”
The nurse ran through a list of symptoms to watch out for and general tips to help Cassian’s healing process. Even though Nesta knew she’d be getting a thick packet with all these instructions, she still did her best to commit them to memory. This was her husband they were talking about; she wasn’t going to take any risks with him.
By the time the nurse finished explaining everything, they’d made it inside Cassian’s recovery room. He looked a little funny with his cheeks all swollen and a bandage wrapped around his face, but Nesta was too glad everything had gone well to really make fun of him.
That didn’t stop her from snapping a picture, though. Just because she didn’t intend to use it to tease him later didn’t mean she didn’t want one.
“Hey,” Nesta said softly as Cassian’s eyes fluttered open. “How are you feeling?”
“Hey,” Cassian said back, drawing out the word long and slow. “How are you doing?”
“I’m fine,” she managed to reply without laughing. He was clearly still feeling the anesthesia, and she was going to enjoy him being loopy for as long as it lasted. “You ready to go home?”
“With you?” he asked, his face lighting up.
“Of course with me,” she responded with a fond roll of her eyes.
“It must be my lucky day,” he answered, trying to pull his lips into a smirk and failing miserably. “Going home with the most gorgeous woman in here.”
“We go home together every night, you idiot,” she told him with a huff of laughter. “We live together.”
“Then I guess it’s my lucky night every night,” he fired back, though some of the effect was lost by how drowsy he sounded.
Nesta and the nurse exchanged amused glances before they started to prep to get him out of there. Thankfully Cassian was still dressed, so they just had to get him to stand so he could sit back down again in the wheelchair.
“Come on, big guy,” Nesta said, pulling the blankets back from Cassian so he could get out the bed. “Time to come home with me.”
“But…” Cassian trailed off, his face twisting into the most adorable pout as he caught sight of her left hand. “You’re married.”
She stared at him a little incredulously. Was he fucking with her, or was this just the anesthesia? “Yes?”
“I’ve been flirting with a married woman,” he groaned, bringing his hands up to his face and immediately regretting it. “Oh, God, I’m a homewrecker.”
“Jesus Christ,” she muttered under her breath, trying and failing to hold back her laughter. She gently pulled his hands away from his face and tapped the matching gold band on his left hand before raising her voice to add, “Cassian, look. You’re married too.”
“That’s even worse,” he groaned once he noticed his own wedding band. “Holy fuck. I’m a homewrecker and a cheater.”
“No, you doofus,” she replied, still laughing. “We’re married to each other.”
Cassian’s face looked like Christmas had come early. “Really?”
“Really,” Nesta confirmed. “It’ll be six years this October.”
“Oh, wow,” he breathed, completely awed. He reached out and grabbed her hand, lacing their fingers together with a dopey look on his face. “Let’s go home, then.”
tag list: @perseusannabeth | @bookstantrash | @charming-butt-insane | @oversizedbats | @melphss | @sv0430 | @podemechamardek | @autumnbabylon | @live-the-fangirl-life | @julemmaes | @that-little-red-head | @jmoonjones | @sayosdreams | @thewayshedreamed | @hiimheresworld | @brieq | @pearlfortears | @swankii-art-teacher | @nerdperson524 | @snickerdoodlechittybangbang | @imsointobooks | @nesquik-arccheron | @sweet-pea1 | @champanheandluxxury | @dustjacketmusings | @mrs-shadowsinger04 | @unlikelypersonalknight1 | @goddess-aelin | @arinbelle | @talkfantasytome | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @duskandstarlight | @letstakethedawn | @vidalinav | @c-e-d-dreamer | @dealfea | @katekatpattywack | @burningsnowleopard | @thatsowlmazing | @avidromancereader | @a-little-disguised | @kale-theteaqueen | @talibunny30 | @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk | @fieldofdaisiies
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dozing-marshmallow · 8 months
Would it be alright of I request some headcannons for Chris x co-host reader? Where the reader enjoys the show/challenges the show puts the contestants through just as much as he does? Thx!! 💕
P.S. I really enjoy your writing!
Hi there! Absolutely! And thank you so much, I’m so happy to hear that you enjoy my writing! 😊 Enjoy!
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Regardless of how high your reputation was, this was still Chris’ show; you were lucky to be on it. 
If he thought you were hogging the spotlight for too long, he wouldn’t hesitate to interrupt you mid sentence.
Alike the man in question, you had your humble introduction, and screen time explaining the concept of Total Drama to the audience alongside him.
You quickly became famous for interjecting Chris towards the end of his explanation of orders to the campers, with filthy suggestions that poured more weight on their behalf.
Wouldn’t help when you covered your lips in pretend apology.
Unlike Chris and Chef, who chose to eat in the separate tent away from the contestants, you went out of your way to eat in the mess hall, same time as them to rub it in their faces the better quality of food you got in comparison to theirs.
Some of the nicer contestants like Owen and Beth begged endearingly for a share, whilst some of the daring contestants such as Duncan and Leshawna spat curses on you.
Needless to mention, you never let them have that slice of heaven.
There was an episode where Chris let you have complete control over the challenge and whether or not it was a reward one.
“In spirit of the summer camp, I’ve decided on a gardening challenge.” You explain to him,“Each contestant will pick a seed to plant, and they will be given no instruction to what their seed will need in order to grow, so if they’re really stumped, they may be allowed to get a look at their respective seed guides or swap out their seed...in exchange of answering ten questions correctly. These questions can be about anything ranging from humanities to math. For that process, we’ll have them locked in a glass chamber with an easily accessible separate compartment above them filled with all attainable enemies of gardening. Fruit flies, mosquitos, lacewings etc.” 
You pause to look at Chris, seeing how he’s catching on where it’s going by his restless face expression,“For every question they answer wrong, the hatch will open automatically, slowly. First team that’s able to have all members grow something will win.”
“Wow! Okay, that’s a really good challenge idea. I’m surprised I didn’t come up with that!” Chris commended you, before he broke out into laughter,“It’ll boost the ratings for sure!” He notices your ready tray of seeds and begins reading out the labels,“Talipot palm... Raspberries... Potatoes... Tomatoes... Hey (Y/N)...” he finds you already beaming at him,“This is a guess...but don’t a lot of these seeds need at least a month to grow?”
Also known as the episode of which they do not speak of.
You never understood how in spite of that, you were still the more favourable host to the contestants.
Maybe because you weren’t as self centred as Chris?
Either way, you used every figment of hope to remind them that you aren’t there to make anything easier.
And you remained that way, up to where the show was supposed to be over, had it not been for Owen deciding to gamble his luck and kicking off a new game.
“Owen’s definitely lost his win now.” You comment wearily.
“Tell me about it.” Chris yawns,“I’m so bored. Wanna get back to the lodge?”
“Say no more.”
Long story short, you basically called it- not only did Owen lose his money, but thirteen other contestants got tied with him.
Given the situation, Chris declares a new immediate season, where you would be cued to open an empty briefcase for the producers to have someone edit wads of cash in.
However, you accidentally open up the wrong briefcase, this briefcase storing a pack of water snakes that slithered out onto the planks and into the lake, causing the contestants of the future season(apart from Izzy) to scream and frantically swim their way onto land.
It was a ridiculous scene, but what can be done? You and Chris laugh as the final episode of the season comes to a close.
You’re already looking forward to what happens next! And you have a good sensation the contestants feel the same.
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twelvelevens · 4 months
Hunting The Hunter (Chapter 2)
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F!Reader x William Afton, explicit themes, bad language, eventual smut, reader is in her mid to late twenties Ao3 link Chapter 1 Heyyyy! I changed text formatting a bit in this one, cause it felt like the dialogues weren't easy to read. I really hope you'll like this chapter!
Steve stopped for a moment, stunned. He glanced down and let out a chuckle.
“Well-well, what an impression I’m giving. Do you really think that of me?” He said endearingly, almost with condescension, as if you were a child asking if the moon was made of cheese. Do you? You honestly couldn’t be sure about anything, there was nothing but a wild guess, and his response made you even more confused about your own judgment. What if you were wrong about him all along? Every reply that never answered anything accumulated rage burning within your chest more and more, and feeling manipulated in the process definitely didn’t help.
“You can never be too sure.”
“I see. You still have an option to refuse my request.” The seriousness in your tone made Steve temper his enthusiasm.
“I accept it.” This is the first thing you were certain about in a long time.
“What if I’m a cold-hearted ruthless killer?” He was still annoyed at the fact you won’t play by his rules.
“Too bad for you.” You answered, knowing damn well you won’t give it up that easy.
An hour later, you’ve been preparing for the event in the comfort of your home. But even the coziest room at your parent’s house would not wash off the ice-cold feeling of Steve’s look frozen on your skin. It felt like he was still sitting in the office miles away, his piercing gaze seeping through hundreds of walls of the neighborhood to reach you anywhere. “And be extremely careful with the animatronics...” His raspy voice kept reverberating in your mind, and you weren’t sure if you’d simply wanted to remember the address and instructions correctly or it was something different entirely. Something otherworldly intense deep within you letting out a wild growl. “Damn… I could really use a sandwich right now.” You headed towards the kitchen.
After a while you were ready for the sortie, dressed all grandpa at a family gathering: cargo pants, military boots, and a big sweater to conceal a crowbar conveniently strapped to your back. You also packed a sports bag of tools you could find in your house, in case you’d have to get out or notice something of interest. There was nothing much, and you really wished you’d had a service weapon on you. Warming up, you tried to remember everything they taught you at the training. “Well, someone might get hurt today, if he doesn’t behave.” You said jokingly in an effort to ground yourself, because, frankly, you had no idea what to expect once you got to the place, and there was no reinforcement to call for help. You went outside and opened your ford’s door, throwing the bag on the passenger seat. This was gonna be a long ride.
You drove in silence, cool autumn wind flowing in through an open window, blowing hair over your face. You were anxiously twisting a small key with a shabby sticker of some fox mascot in your hand. Driving up to the restaurant, you saw someone else’s sedan standing in a parking lot. You parked and got out of the car. There was no one in the vehicle, but approaching it, you noticed a nodding bunny toy behind the windshield. As you turned around, you saw the pizzeria itself: it was nothing special, a simple restaurant building straight from the 80s, you remember spending a lot of time in these as a child, except this one had clear signs of wear on the facade, and a huge “Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria” signage. You went straight to the side, just as Steve instructed, and… No way. He stood right there, leaning against the wall next to the back entrance. He looked you up and down as you approached, analyzing your outfit.
“Wow, all ready for the return of the living dead?” The man smirked as if completely forgetting how pissed he was at you two hours ago.
“Well, I don’t know about the zombies, but a nice living dad I think I can manage.”
Steve laughed, “Didn’t know you were that funny.”
You put the bag on the ground, “Didn’t know you liked bunnies.”
“Oh, I do,” He smiled, “And yes, I figured I shouldn’t be leaving you all alone, since you haven’t even been here.”
“Not afraid of burglars anymore?”
He chuckled at your teasing comment. “I never was. Sometimes you just have to leave the work to the professionals. Shall we?” He gestured at the door and took out a set of keys with a rabbit’s foot on it. You suddenly remembered seeing it on his desk in the office, but you didn’t notice it at the time. Yeah, this man definitely has a thing about these little creatures.
You patiently waited as Steve opened the shutters and unlocked the back door. Rolled up sleeves revealed toned slightly tanned arms of a working man, with muscles tensing and relaxing under the skin in a mesmerizing dance. Where did these even come from? The desk jockey has to be extremely responsible when it comes to the yard work. He let you in first and you hesitated for a moment, wondering if he’ll just lock you up in there, but he walked in right after you, closing the door.
“You could’ve just dealt with this yourself, couldn’t you?” You were walking down the gray hall, steps echoing off the wall. Steve said they kept it clean, but no amount of cleaning products could ever get rid of the weird smell of… oldness? Stale air filled your lungs with each breath you took.
“Of course I couldn’t. A pair of trained eyes would always work better in a situation like this.” He adjusted his glasses. “May I ask why you decided to give up on your career?”
“Well, let’s say it didn’t work out.” You sighed. “I guess I felt weird thinking about what was going on inside criminals’ heads all the time. It’s not that I wasn’t doing my job properly because of it, it’s that these obsessive thoughts tired me out. I even got to interrogate some of the guys but what they said was never enough for me. I had to know their exact thought process, why were they capable of doing what they did and… Never found an answer.”
“Huh, that is rather interesting to know. We're kind of similar in this respect.” Your heart skipped a beat as you heard him say it. “I like watching crime investigation documentaries for this specific reason. They usually try to dig deeper into the psychological aspect, gives you a better understanding. It’s… exciting.”
You glanced at him skeptically, but Steve suddenly stopped and looked you in the eyes with such kindness, taking you aback. You almost passed out seeing his smile, wondering how good your poker face actually was. Was he aware of the effect he had on you? But he only raised his hand to point to something at the back. You turned around to realize you were now both standing in a dining area with a performance stage on the right side. Worn out checkered tiles, dark walls and empty tables looked quite eerie, lit by a gloomy light of a couple neon signs. You reached into your pocket for a flashlight and pointed it at the stage. Turning it on, you almost jumped: three life-sized animatronics stood there, staring right back.
“Stars of the show: Freddy, Bonnie and Chica.” Steve put hands on his hips, standing there like a proud parent. “There’s also Foxy, a shy one, hiding right behind that curtain.” You listened to him silently, still processing the sudden encounter. You almost thought his smile was about you. Yeah, right. The man was definitely far too enthusiastic for someone who had nothing to do with this place. “Look, there’s a mark right there. On the floor.”
You shone the light in that direction, there was a scratch on the tiles in the corner. You came up there and saw that it certainly was not recent, filled with dust and dirt from all the years, it was as old as the building itself. “It’s nothing, Steve, it’s just…” You stopped there, noticing something far more intriguing. A trash can nearby caught your attention, with a piece of newspaper sticking out of it alluringly. You went and took it out, giving the photo in the corner a quick look. It was a picture of the pizzeria in its prime. “No… No, no, no, no...”
“Five children gone missing, a dishonorable end to the well-liked Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria,” read the headline. “Co-founders detained for further questioning.”
You looked around, panically waving the flashlight in a desperate attempt to find Steve. But there was nothing but a slow creaking sound of old metal joints in response.
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vbecker10 · 2 years
Hi! Could I make a Loki request? Reader is a shy little office worker at stark tower, quiet and keeps to herself mostly. She hears the other ladies brag about dating shield agents and catches them all giving her the side eye and making teasing comments because they think she’s single and will always be lonely cause of her shyness. Until she starts receiving flowers and small gifts at her desk at random times. Someone says she sent them to herself trying to put on a show or something for attention. Until one day Loki walks into the office carrying take out and a sunflower (readers favorite). Pulls her up from her chair, kisses her deeply saying ‘happy anniversary’ and takes her out of there for the rest of the day. Now the other office ladies are a little jealous but keep their mouths shut from now on.
Thank you for this one! I absolutely love this idea! I changed a few things slightly, I hope that's ok and I kinda ran with the sunflower thing lol 💚💚💚
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Pairing: Loki x female reader
Warnings: people being jerks, mild smut, touch of angst, self doubt a bit, fluff
Summary: You prefer to keep your private life private, being a naturally quiet person, but the growing rumors and rude comments at work have started to make you question if you should just finally tell everyone the truth about you and the God they are all obsessed with...
Word Count: 3.5k words
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(Monday morning)
You keep your head down as you get off the elevator and make your way through the office towards your desk. The large, open room is full of chatter, everyone standing around their desks talking about their weekends. 
“Um, excuse me,” you stop, your path blocked by the three women who sit closest to you. You can feel them all looking at you but you keep your eyes down, trying to avoid the inevitable conversation that happens every single Monday. 
“Oh, good morning Y/N. You're so quiet, we didn’t even see you,” Megan scoffs but none of them move. “So, did you finally do something this weekend that was worth talking about?” 
"I'm sure it wasn't as exciting as yours," you answer, trying to get out of the conversation as quickly as possible.
"You're probably right, but tell us anyway," she insists.
"I went to a bookstore, had lunch in the park and the Met had a new exhibit on-" you begin to describe your weekend but are cut off.
“Wow, sounds super fun” Pam interrupts, rolling her eyes while the other two giggle.
You bite your lip and look down again while you tried to think of an excuse to get out of this conversation. All you wanted to do was get to your desk and get on with your work. Why couldn't people just understand that you preferred to be quiet, you disliked talking about your private life especially with people who weren't your friends. There was no reason they needed to know you weren't alone, they never would have believed you anyway so why would you bother, you thought to yourself. They weren’t interested in your life, they only asked so they could tell you how much better they thought their life was.
"Pete and I stayed in the cutest little bed and breakfast in Pennsylvania. It was so romantic," Megan brags. "We're thinking of going to a vineyard next weekend," she adds.
"Oh wow, you'll have to let me know where. Hector and I want to go away for a few days when he gets back from his next mission. He's going to be lead agent so he'll need to relax I'm sure," Pam says but you're barely listening anymore.
"Speaking of relaxing, Mitch and I are going to spend a few weeks in August in Cape Cod. We rented a beach house, you should bring the guys for a weekend, it'll be fun," Lacy tells Megan and Pam. "Oh, I mean I guess you could come too but it's better when your a couple. Being alone would probably be really depressing for you," she adds when she looks over at you.
You shrug but don't respond, you were used to them referring to you as single even though you hadn't been for a long time. When you were first hired at SHIELD, the three of them kept making comments about how sad it was that you were alone and didn't have anyone. They began giving you unsolicited advice, telling you that you were too quiet and withdrawn. They told you that you needed to be more outgoing because no one would ever notice you, especially not a SHIELD agent like their boyfriends. It turned out they were right about the SHIELD agents not being interested in you but didn't care... two months after you were hired, you ran into a God on your day off and you had been his ever since.
“Can I just get to my desk, I have a meeting with Loki and Thor soon about the-,” you start to explain, trying to change the subject which unfortunately works too well.
"Mmm, now that's something fun I'd like to do," she says with a laugh, fanning herself dramatically while the others agree. The conversation quickly shifts to all the things they would let the tall, raven haired God do to them, forgetting completely about their own boyfriends. You stand there quietly as they comment on his long, slender fingers and joke about his nickname, Silvertongue.
"You know, I heard he's dating someone," Pam sighs as she finally makes her way towards her desk.
"What? No I thought that was just a rumor," Lacy sounds almost disappointed and you almost laugh to yourself.
Pam shakes her head, "I think it might be true... I was behind him on line this morning to get coffee and he ordered two different types."
"You're basing this whole thing on a second cup of coffee?" Megan laughs.
"No... I've heard other things too," Pam says but you just sit at your desk quietly while you play with the to-go lid on your coffee cup. They continue to speculate on the mystery of the extra coffee but your mind wanders to the memory of when Loki gave it to you.
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(An hour earlier)
You turn the corner and walk past the conference rooms, heading for the smallest one at the far end of the hall, like you have almost every morning for the last six months. You walk past a few agents and analysts, saying good morning as they hurry to their meetings. When you reach the door you are looking for, you knock once and it opens quickly to let you inside.
As soon as the door closes, Loki pushes your back against it with a smirk, his hands instantly settle on your waist. "Good morning sunflower," he says looking down at you.
Loki has more than a few pet names for you but sunflower is by far his favorite and it never fails to make you smile. He began calling you that only a month into your relationship, when he took you to a botanical garden. The two of you spent hours walking through the gardens, looking at all the beautiful trees and flowers, he never let go of your hand once. As you were leaving, Loki offered to buy you flowers and asked which you would like. He couldn't help but laugh when you hung your head in disappointment, telling him sunflowers were your favorite but they didn't have any. He kissed your cheek lightly then waved his hand dramatically, conjuring a small bouquet of sunflowers for you. As he left your apartment that night, he kissed you lovingly and whispered, 'Goodnight sunflower.'
You reach up, putting your arms around his neck, "Good morning Loki."
Standing on your tiptoes, you kiss his lips quickly before putting your feet flat on the floor again. You knew that wasn't nearly enough to appease your favorite God but you were willing to risk it.
Loki raises his eyebrow as he presses his body against yours and says, "Well that certainly won't do."
You stifle a giggle and try to act innocent, "Should I try again?"
He simply nods and you raise yourself on your tiptoes again, he leans down to help close the distance been your lips and his. You ghost your lips over his lower lip, just barely touching him. Loki moves forward to capture your lips fully but you pull back causing him to growl in annoyance.
You bite your lip as Loki shakes his head, his eyes fixed on yours as he towers over you. "Its too early in the morning for these games of yours love," he says, the tone of his voice letting you know he's in control, not you. He brings his lips to yours, kissing you hard as one of his hands slides up to your neck and his other hand grips your hip tighter. You kiss Loki back, opening your mouth to allow his tongue to find yours, instantly abandoning the idea of teasing him further.
"I still think one of your more useful spells is keeping coffee warm," you say, making Loki laugh as he hands you your coffee when its finally time for you both to go to work.
"I love you, Y/N. I will see you tonight," he says as he picks up his coffee and opens the door for you.
"I love you too," you respond before you walk into the hallway and go your separate ways without anyone noticing.
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(Monday night)
You sit on the edge of the couch wearing a pair of shorts and one of Loki's t-shirts, holding a throw pillow against your chest as you absent mindedly change the channel again and again. You aren't looking for anything in particular, just noise to drown out the thoughts that have been eating at you most of the day.
"Hi sunflower," Loki says cheerfully as he closes the door to your apartment.
"Hi Loki," you respond, turning off the TV.
He kicks off his shoes and walks over to you, his smile fading quickly. "Darling... what's wrong?" he asks, sitting next to you on the couch.
You shake your head and hold the pillow tighter, trying not to look at him. He rests his hand on your knee and squeezes it lightly. "Y/N, talk to me, please," he urges and you nod as you sit up a bit.
"Are you..." your voice wavers and you try again, "Are you embarrassed to be with me?"
He touches your chin and gently makes you look at him. He looks concerned as he leans closer to you, "Of course not Y/N. What would make you worry about something so ridiculous?"
"Well... I-" you stammer. "There are rumors going around the Tower that you're dating someone," you start to explain.
"I am," he says matter of factly.
"I know but... you know Pam, Lacy and Megan?" you ask and he nods.
"You've told me about them before but I've only met with Pam once a few weeks ago," he answers.
"They are obsessed with you lately," you tell him. "And it was worse today, they spent all day trying to figure out why no one had ever seen or heard anything about your her. Megan told them she figured you must be ashamed of her for some reason, because why else wouldn't you take her to Tony’s parties. Lacy and Pam joined in of course and they kept coming with more and more reasons why you would hide who you were with... I don't know it was just hard to listen to that for hours I guess."
"Y/N, I would never hide you," he says softly, stroking your cheek with his thumb. "Do you know what I did right after our first date?" he asks you and you shake your head no. "I went straight to Thor’s room and told him I had met the most amazing woman in the nine realms," Loki says.
"I didn't know that," you smile, you knew Thor was aware you were together but you had no idea Loki had told him from the beginning.
He chuckles, "He made fun of me a bit for it actually but I didn't care. I know it may seem like I am keeping you a secret, but the moment I met you, I told the only person who has ever had a vague interest in my life about you." You laugh a little, picturing Loki gossiping to Thor but it makes you feel so loved to know he couldn't wait to tell his brother he had met you.
"And you know, I don't take you to Stark’s parties because I don't even want to go. My favorite part of those nights has always been when I can slip out unnoticed and come here," he says and you nod knowing what he's telling you is true, not what your coworkers guessed.
"I'm sorry I let them all get to me today," your smile fades a bit and you feel guilty for doubting him.
"I hate that they made you feel like this," he says, kissing your forehead when you lean on him. He puts his arm around you and asks, "Do you still want to keep this separate from work or do you want to tell them? I will do whatever makes you feel more comfortable, sunflower." You start to nod but then shake your head and then shrug as you pull the pillow up to your face.
"I don't have any idea what that means," he chuckles as he takes the pillow away from you. "Would you like to try again?"
"I want people to know about us," you tell him and he smiles. "Maybe then they will stop thirsting over you," you mumble and he looks at you questioningly.
"I.... well, ok I told them I had a meeting with you and Thor this morning and the whole conversation suddenly turned. They were all talking about how hot you are and the kinds of things they would let you do to them. Pam even joked it was such a long list, they should write it down and I just..." you trail off for a moment. "I got jealous? Does that make sense, I'm not sure how to explain it," you say more as a question than a statement.
Loki laughs lightly and you pick up the pillow from his lap, hitting him in the chest with it. "Its not funny," you pout and cross your arms.
"It is a little," he says, taking the pillow back and throwing it on the floor this time. He puts his hands on your waist and lifts you so you are sitting on his lap facing him. He keeps one hand around your waist and your hands settle on his back, gripping the fabric of his shirt lightly. Loki plays with the ends of your hair and looks into your eyes, slowly moving his face closer to yours.
"Y/N, they can talk all they want about me but I'm yours and no one else's. I love you," he says and you move forward, pressing your lips to his.
"I love you, Loki," you tell him, resting your head on his shoulder as he rubs your back lightly.
You sit in silence for a moment then Loki says, "I like the idea of them all knowing you're mine."
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(Tuesday through Thursday)
Tuesday morning, you settle into your desk and notice a small emerald green box on top of your papers. Loki was always bringing you little gifts or flowers when you were on dates or at your apartment but you had never gotten a gift while at work before. You open the box and smile to yourself as you hold the 3 inch tall crystal sunflower carefully in your hand. Its beautiful, you can't wait to tell him how much you love it when you see him later tonight.
After a late afternoon meeting on Wednesday, you find a second green box on your desk and it is slightly larger. You pick up the box and as you start to open it, you notice Pam watching you over her shoulder. You ignore her staring, too excited to see what else Loki sent you. You giggle when you realize it is another sunflower gift, this time is a white picture frame and behind the glass is a handcrafted sunflower flower. You lean the frame against the wall of your cubicle and move the crystal flower next to it, suddenly aware that all three of your coworkers are watching you.
The next morning there is yet another green box waiting for you, it's larger still and sitting on your chair. You pull out your chair and sit down, placing the box on your desk as you feel Megan, Pam and Lacy coming up from behind you.
"Another gift?" Megan asks and you nod.
"I can't believe it, looks like you have a secret admirer, Y/N," Lacy says sarcastically.
"Seems like it," you smile at the adorably fuzzy teddy bear that was in the box. You sit him up on your desk and adjust the tall, fake sunflower he is holding. When Loki picks a theme he really sticks with it, you think to yourself.
"What's with all the sunflowers?" Pam asks.
You don't let her judgemental tone bother you, instead you answer her with a smile, "He must know they're my favorite."
You can hear the three of them whispering at various times throughout the day and you are only able to catch small pieces. From what you were able to hear, it seems they had decided the gifts couldn't possibly be from a mystery man.
"She has to be sending them to herself," Pam whispers and the others agree.
"Of course she is, who would be interested in her?" Megan responds. "I mean really, three gifts in two days is a little much."
"I think it's sad," Lacy adds.
When you return from having lunch with Loki you find yet another gift. You look at the long, thin box and wonder briefly how he keeps putting all of these presents on your desk without being seen but shake your head when you remember he's a trickster God who can do magic. Before you can open the present, your computer chimes to remind you of an upcoming meeting. You place the box in your top drawer and leave the office, walking past Megan, Lacy and Pam.
You walk back into the office and hour later and see the three of them standing around your desk and whispering to each other. "Can I help you with something?" you ask when you get closer. They all move back from your desk and you see another, very small green box resting on your keyboard.
"We were just curious to see what the mystery man sent you this time," Megan says as she leans on the wall of your cubicle.
"Oh, he sent me two things actually," you inform her as you take the slim box out of the drawer. Her smug smile fades a bit, it's easy to tell by the shape of the boxes that they both most likely contain jewelry. You open the thin box first and pick up the long gold chain, laying down the sunflower charm in your palm. You pick up the second box and make a point to hold it so the can see the small sunflower ring inside.
You look up briefly and see Megan rolling her eyes. The fact that they still think you are sending yourself these presents means tomorrow will be even more shocking for them and you can't wait.
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(Friday afternoon)
"No presents today?" Megan remarks around noon.
"Oh, I should be getting one more. He's bringing it here himself though," you answer her.
"What do you mean?" Lacy asks.
"Don't worry, he'll be here soon," you tell them, checking the time.
"Oh my god..." Pam turns towards the door, her mouth hanging open.
"What?" Megan and Lacy both ask. You turn to look too, you can't wait to see him. Loki and you had taken a half day, you were both excited to start your weekend early.
Loki stands by the door, looking around the office until he finally spots you and a smile spreads across his lips. He's wearing black pants and a tightly fitted black dress shirt, the first few buttons of the collar are open and his sleeves are rolled to his elbows. In one hand he has a bouquet of sunflowers and a large paper bag in his other hand. He makes his way towards you, seemingly unaware of the whispers spreading from one coworker to the other as they try to figure out why the God of Mischief is so focused on you.
You stand up just as Loki reaches your desk and you can feel Pam, Lacy and Megan staring at you but you don't care. Loki places the flowers and the paper bag on your desk without taking his eyes off of you. He puts one hand on your back and pulls your body to his, you giggle and look up at him as his other hand caresses your check softly.
"Happy anniversary, sunflower," he says with a warm smile. He leans down and gently brings your lips to his as he kisses you deeply. You close your eyes as you kiss him back, your hands wrap around his waist, lightly gripping the smooth fabric of his shirt. When you break the kiss to breathe, he rests his forehead against yours and runs his thumb over your lower lip lightly. "Gods, I can't believe it's been a year already. How did I ever get so lucky?" Loki asks and you hear an audible gasp from Lacy and Pam drops her pen.
You laugh, "I think we both got lucky."
He doesn't let go of you, looking at the paper bag then back at you, "I picked up your favorite. How do you feel about eating in the park, that spot by the pond?"
You smile wide and reach up to kiss him again, "I think that sounds amazing."
The two of you walk towards the door, his arm wrapped tightly around your waist while you hold your flowers. You can feel everyone in the office watching you leave and you laugh a bit to yourself. You look up at Loki as you reach the door and he winks at you.
"Think they are shocked now, just wait until they find out I plan on asking you to move in with me," he says just loud enough for them to hear him.
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Like, comments and reblogs are always appreciated 💚💚
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junipers-archive · 1 year
Are Saturdays for Spencer sill on going? If it is can I please ask for a Spencer x Ballerina!reader? Where they both are old childhood friends and she was Spencer's first kiss but had moved away due to him going to college and her because of dance and met each other again when the BAU were investigating a case at her dance company and they hate it each other because of a misunderstading and could they have lots of sexual tension and make up in the end. I love your works. Keep up the great job 🥰 and congrats to your new milestone 🥳
Wow, ok I'm going to try to fit this all into one blurb but wonderful idea!! Thank you for sending and thank you for reminding me ab this! ( I'm glad to have reached the milestone with all of you!)
You'd moved away once the both of you had finished college, earning a bachelor's in fine arts you'd been offered a job at a prestige dancing studio up state. Spencer hadn't understood, the plan was to move into together, live in the same apartment as you took on separate jobs. You weren't supposed to lose touch.
You'd been childhood best-friends since as long as you could remember, both having crushes on the other at some point and then again during college. You never acted it on it though, both acknowledging you'd rather be friends than break the bond by becoming more than that.
You regretted it in your time apart, always knowing that guys like Spencer only existed in one in a million.
You'd never expected to see him again, at least not when a serial killer was killing dance students/teachers around your age range. That was the reason he'd visited you, albeit he wasn't as enthusiastic as he was years before.
"Y/n you need to quit your job. Or you need to go into protective custody. You're exactly the type of girl this guy is looking for!" He had stormed into your apartment once again after his team had found another body, this time the woman had the same physical attributes as you.
"I can't just uproot my entire life Spence! I've made a name for myself here, I have respect! I can't get that anywhere else!" You'd been through this conversation a hundred times since he'd been assigned the case.
"Look I'm just looking out for you." He'd towering over you know and despite yourself you were this close to leaning into his touch as you look up at his big brown eyes. "You are-were- you were my bestfriend not too long ago."
You frown at that, you are his best-friend, no amount apart would ever change that. "I look out for myself Spence, I'm a woman living alone, you don't think I take precautions?"
"Of course I do, but that only makes you a bigger target. This guy- he's dangerous! You could get hurt- or worst you could-"
"Why do you even care?" It hurt him that you had to ask but he knew you had the right to, the last conversation you'd had before you left for the job had ended in a screaming match. Only for you to end up in the same city as him, yet never once had he tried to contact you.
"I just-" might as well come out in say it, he'd waited his entire life to confess maybe you'd stop being so stubborn if he did.
"I was in love with you before you left. I still love you. Y/n you were my entire life! We'd spent every waking moment with each other, and then you got accepted to the same school as me! God knows I would've gone anywhere you went. I just, I fell in love with you and then you told me you were leaving. You broke my heart."
You were speechless, utterly and stupidly speechless at a time you shouldn't have been. Which gave him the oppurtunity to continue.
"That's why I care. Y/n I still love you, after all these years you are what matters most to me. And this unsub he's not one we've seen before. He's meticulous and god knows what he could do to you if-"
Although words don't come over you, actions do, you pull him in by his tie pressing you lips softly against his and he relaxes into your touch.
When you pull back you find your voice, "You couldn't have said that a few years ago?! Jesus, I was in love with you too idiot!"
He chuckles at your choice of insult, "No one ever calls me an idiot."
Your roll your eyes playfully shoving him slightly, "Yea well you deserve it. But I guess, I could take a leave of absence, but only for a little while! Just until you catch this guy."
He pulls you into him by the waist band of your jeans loops, tugging you until you're so close to him you can feel all of him,
"You know, you live pretty close to me now, we could always resume where we left off, you could move in, like we always planned."
"Wow, my idiot has brains." You really were the only one to ever call him that.
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wonwoonlight · 1 year
When you're dating S.Coups from Seventeen but no one believes you.
Idol!Cheol x reader // fluff // not proofread // happy Christmas guys! A little something that would hopefully feel like a gift for you💚❤️
"Babe, you're still into them?" Gyuri shakes her head as she sees the Weverse notification on your phone. "You don't even like other idols, do you?"
You grin shamelessly and nod a yes, proudly telling them you're not interested in idols in general except for them.
"Why do you like them so much, though?" Haru asks, genuinely interested. Your personality is not exactly one for fangirling life, but you have, for reasons that they don't understand, been following Seventeen for about four years now.
And that's not even the weirdest thing.
"I told you it's because my boyfriend is in the group."
That is.
They've known you for almost a decade; and while, yes, you're not exactly best friends, you're still close enough to keep each other around since high school. And while 16 year-old you had always side eyed classmates that went too crazy on fangirling, they had never imagined it would be you saying an idol is your boyfriend with the most shameless shrug they could imagine seeing almost ten years later.
"Yeah, yeah." They laugh as they shake their head, luckily finding you amusing, if anything. "You've been saying that for how long, now?"
You share a knowing look with Hina, the only one who knows of your relationship with Seungcheol. She's your closest friend, the only one besides your family who knows of the relationship; you've introduced her to him, too, and you've actually been thinking it's time to introduce him to the rest of your clossse circle.
It's been a little past four years since you've started dating Seungcheol too, and you've both (along with the boys) decided that he's come far enough in his career and your relationship is stable enough to come out to his fans if you're ever caught.
That said, you think it's only right to start with your close friends. You're glad they've never been pushy when it comes to your relationship, and have simply accepted that whoever you've been seeing the past few years is someone you'd like to keep to yourself.
They've seen you talk with him on the phone from time to time, and it's clear how happy you are and, frankly, that's the only thing that matters. You've told them his name, but never a face to match it with. You'd talk about him from time to time too, and from the way your gaze softens everytime you do, they think it's okay not to know who he is as long it's clear he makes you happy.
"Is your boyfriend okay with you liking them?" Haru prods, finally done with the cookies she's just put into your oven. It's Christmas dinner in your place, and while you've said that you can just order in, Haru has insisted to bake her cookies anyway even if you want to order the meals. "What's his name, again? Your favorite--S.Coups?"
Hina holds back a laugh as you grin and hum a confirmation, not minding her that much. Ah, it's been quite some time since you hear someone around you refers to him by that name.
[17:22] Cheol: u home??
[17:25] Yesss. I told you I'm having a Christmas dinner with my friends, right?
[17:25] Cheol: huh right
[17:26] Cheol: do you have any idea when it'll end?
"S.Coups. General leader. August 8, 1995." You look up as Haru starts to list down the fact she's reading off some site. Gyuri plops down next to her on the sofa, giggling at the turn of events. "Real name Choi Seungcheol--huh? Wait. Is that why he's your favorite? Because he shares a name with your boyfriend?"
You blink innocently and shrugs again, not really giving them anything before texting Seungcheol you can't tell for sure when the dinner will finish.
"Is that why you keep on saying your boyfriend is in the group?" Gyuri giggles, somehow ending up looking through his pictures on twitter. "Oh wow. He does look good. Can relate why he's your favorite."
"I also can tell why you keep on saying he's your boyfriend." She continues, going through his instagram for some reason. "I mean, look at these pictures. Wouldn't be surprised if his girlfriend actually takes them."
You bite down a grin as you hear her talk. You did take some of those pictures, though now that you've experienced it, it's weird to listen to someone talking about your boyfriend like this.
"Right." Hina agrees with an amused grin. "Doesn't that mean that our girl right here took them?"
"Yep. I did." You laugh at your friends' grimaces, but you continue on telling them about where exactly you took those pictures even though they're not even trying to pretend they believe you.
"Girl, we love you but we can only defend you so much." Haru shakes her head in mock scolding. "I didn't know you liked them to that point. You sound like my 12 years-old sister, you know? She's been saying Kim Mingyu is her boyfriend. That guy is 13 years older than her! Thirteen!"
Kim Mingyu, huh. How did you not know Haru's sister is into Seventeen? You keep in mind to ask a favour from them and give Haru's sister a signed album for her birthday. She's like your niece, after all.
"A girl can dream." Hina shrugs like she's defending you (or Haru's sister?) and the sound of your laughter fills the room before the talk spirals from there.
It's almost three hours later when you hear your door unlocks, the four of you sharing a very confused look with each other because you definitely said you're not expecting anyone.
Fear has only started to creep in when Gyuri asks if anyone knows the code to your apartment, and before you can even answer, you hear Seungcheol’s whiny voice booming through the room.
"Babe, why are you not answering my texts? I asked if--oh. Hi."
All of you gape at him, but moreso Haru and Gyuri because what the fuck.
"Merry Christmas?" Seungcheol adds in hesitance, bringing up the wine in his hand with a sheepish smile. "I'm Seungcheol. The boyfriend."
Hina laughs as Haru slaps your arm hard, and you hiss despite the amusement in bubbling in your chest. It's only later on when Seungcheol's in the toilet that you get to finally tease them.
"Why didn't you say your boyfriend is a celebrity!"
"I told you my boyfriend's in Seventeen, didn't I?"
A/N: Merry Christmas! A little something bc I've missed writing and I got time to squeeze in today. Hope you enjoyed this ❤️💚 Gonna be busy again until right before new year so🥹 see you guys then hopefully🥰
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