#feel free to ask me things but i will probably take a while to answer
luvlucia · 2 days
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keep quiet - yjw
summary: just the sight of jungwon's hands make you horny, but you have to stay quiet with all the members home as well || warnings: dom!jungwon x sub!reader, fingering, mentions of members being in other rooms || genre: smut, fluff, established relationship || word count: approximately 750
You lie in bed next to my boyfriend. He was busy scrolling through his phone as you scrolled through your own. Well, you were scrolling through your phone until you got distracted by the sight of your boyfriend's hands.
Jungwon had no intention of distracting you, you knew that. It was just how they were so big and looked extra veiny, especially in this lighting. You couldn't help but find yourself pressing your thighs together, your core slowly growing wetter and wetter by the second.
"Jungwon." You softly said, in nearly a whine.
Your boyfriend looked over at you, a small smile on his face, "Hm?" He asked, wondering what was up.
You didn't say anything as you put one of your smaller hands over his larger one that held his phone. He transferred his phone to his other hand and held your hand with the now free one.
"You okay?" Jungwon asked and you shook my head. "What's wrong?" He then asked, looking into your eyes, trying to figure out what was happening.
You didn't say anything as you scooted a little closer to him in bed, your arm going around his torso as your leg went over one of his. You slowly started grinding against his leg, looking up at him shyly, seeing if he was getting the hint.
He for sure was, you could see the look in his eyes growing darker. "My girl needs me?" Jungwon asked. You nodded. "What do you need? My mouth, my hands, my cock?" He then asked.
"Hands." You shyly answered.
"Yeah?" Jungwon asked and you nodded eagerly. "Okay." He smiled a little. He gently pushed you over so that you were lying down flat on my back as he turned on his side. "Take your bottoms off, angel." Jungwon said and you nodded, slowly sliding them down your body and putting them on the floor next to the bed.
Jungwon shoved his hand towards your core without warning, his hand pushing your legs apart before he slowly started rubbing your clit, making you let out a gasp. Jungwon continued what he was doing, his movement slow for now.
Jungwon's hand moved down, his fingers prodding at your hole a little, his fingers growing sticky from your arousal. It was almost embarrassing but as your eyes focused on his hands, the way they moved, it just made you wetter.
Jungwon then slowly pushed two of his fingers, his middle and ring finger, inside of you. You grabbed his arm as you let out another gasp. Jungwon didn't say or do anything, seemingly very focused on what he was doing as he slowly curled his fingers, looking up at my facial expression as you furrowed your eyebrows in pleasure. He uncurled his fingers before curling them again inside of you. "Jungwon." You breathily moaned, your hand still holding onto his arm.
"Shhhh, I got you." Jungwon said in a low tone. You see, the other members were all in their rooms, probably asleep by now so he didn't want to wake anyone up with your noises nor did he really want any of the members hearing you like this. These sounds were only for his ears.
He then slowly started pumping his fingers in and out of you, watching as you did your best to suppress your moans, your hand leaving his arm and going to your mouth, covering it to muffle the noise. Jungwon was the only one who could hear it, he was the only one close enough to.
This continued on for a few moments, Jungwon pumping his fingers in and out of you, curling his fingers inside of you every once in a while, watching your expressions of pleasure. You suddenly felt the knot in your stomach growing tighter, feeling like it was ready to burst any second now.
"Jungwon, Jungwon, Jungwon." You moaned, repeating his name as you felt yourself about to cum.
"Shh, shh. Go ahead." Jungwon softly said and the next thing you knew, after his words of approval, you were cumming all over his fingers. Jungwon continued pumping them in and out of you through your high before slowly coming to a stop. He pulled his fingers out of you as you rested your head against his chest, letting out shaky breaths.
"You did so good for me." Jungwon praised you as he looked into your eyes. He loved being the only one who could both see and hear you like this. He absolutely loved it.
-- link to my masterlist
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lucysarah-c · 4 hours
Not sure if this is like, allowed to be answered and feel free not to of course. But reaction to Levi finding out someone tried to assault his s/o, or just hurting them in general like a more targeted instance rather than a battle, even before they are partners and could just be friends, you think more of a quick death or Levi would get sorta sadistic?
Have a great one 🐞 and thanks for always feeding us amazing works
Hi dear! Ah, no one has called me "bug" in years!!! Haha, thank you—that was so sweet of you!
Don’t thank me! Thank you for reading and stopping by my blog.
I really like this ask… Maybe because I’ve had a similar scenario in mind for my fic, but I just can't seem to find the right approach to it. I’ll try my best here! I’m 100% a "violence doesn’t solve anything" kind of person, and even when someone is truly horrible, I can't stand seeing them get hurt, especially physically. I’m that "sensitive" type, sorry haha. I feel Levi would say something similar to what my mother always tells me: "Don’t try to be more Catholic than the Pope" (a saying we have in Argentina, meaning "Don’t be too nice because people will take advantage of you. Be a little bit tough when necessary").
So, I’ll be completely honest with you: No, this ask doesn’t make me uncomfortable. But I do believe that Levi would resort to violence in certain situations. Levi killed a couple of guys just because they messed with Isabel’s hair. If his special someone (be it a friend, girlfriend, etc.) got hurt or was assaulted, Levi wouldn’t wait to see if she filed a report or went to the police.
He would simply stare at her and demand, "Who was it? Do you know them? Can you identify them?"
If it happened recently and she still shows signs of the struggle, she might try to downplay it. "It’s over now… It doesn’t hurt that much—"
"I didn’t ask if it hurt or if it was over. I asked who did it," he’d reply firmly.
She might avoid giving straight answers, trying to brush it off, perhaps out of shock, embarrassment, or fear—fear for Levi and the trouble he might get into. "I already filed a report and—"
"Have you ever seen any of those bastards behind bars because of a report?" Levi would counter. "Who was it? Give me a name."
"I pressed charges—"
"I’m sorry to break it to you, but men aren’t scared of charges. They know they can get away with it. They know they have friends who will bail them out, who will erase the charges, who will stand up for them," Levi explained. "Do you know what the only thing those assholes fear is? Being treated and beaten down the way they treat others. Beasts like them only understand their own language."
If the person responsible is someone Levi can’t directly deal with, like a higher-ranking officer or an MP, he’d still find a way to make them pay. He’d beat them up so thoroughly and probably in public to humiliate them. Levi knows the military can't afford to lose him, so while he might not be able to kill them, he’d ensure they couldn't sit straight for a long time. The most sadistic I can imagine him being is if he beats them so badly that they end up begging for mercy. And then Levi, lifting them by their hair, would say, "Don’t beg me—beg her."
Now, if the perpetrator is a regular citizen… they’re dead without a second chance. I can’t see Levi being sadistic in the sense of torturing someone, but he wouldn’t give them a quick death either.
So, that’s it. I hope I managed to write this well enough!
Thank you so much!
Have a lovely day.
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @angelofthorr @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @flxrartsstuff @katharinasdiaryy @levisecretgfblog @searriously @blackdxggr @ackermanswifee @galactict3a @abiatackerman @braunsbabe @moonchild-12345 Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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butmakeitgayblog · 14 hours
that soft Clexa ask has me all in my feels about what we were robbed of 😫 like we got ONE scene of happy Clexa gfs and it was SO GOOD. Clarke making lexa GRIN for probably the first time since she’s been able to walk. We were so robbed of everyone around them being shook at how happy Heda was for once. Like ofc she would maintain her professional mask as much as possible but she couldn’t hide shit when it came to Clarke. Can you imagine how shocking it would be for everyone in Polis being like … is Heda? smiling? Dude I saw her LAUGHING 👀
Bruh could you imagine what it would've been like if Lexa had actually been able to fully implement the policy of reversing blood must have blood? I mean it would've taken a lot of time, and a lot of pushback, and god fuckin knows there'd have been so many mfs purposefully trying to undermine every single thing just to prove that it couldn't be done. But even incidental changes among clans. The slow changing of minds from constantly being on edge, constantly being paranoid and watching every move, constantly anticipating attacks/retribution for some slight or another. If Lexa had really been able to see the implementation of her coalition through to a point where relative peace was the norm on Earth - free from the threat of maunon and the looming dangers of Ice nation corruption and a divided Skaikru - and then sowing in the peaceful idea that death is not the inevitable and swift answer to everything...
Imagine all of that, watching over all of her people as they flourish in the dawn of a new age, all while Clarke is right there beside her. Reminding her that she's not doing all of this alone. Not anymore.
Smartypants Heda getting to retire for the day to go spend time with her girlfriend. Getting to actually hold festivals and special gatherings without this feeling of inevitable violence darkening the entire thing, all while feeling Clarke's unwavering support right beside her, every day.
The first time Lexa cracks one of her dry jokes in the middle of a clan meeting? The other ambassadors getting to actually see her subtle and wry sense of humor? The way she her eyes practically gleam whenever she's about to say something clever, all with Clarke watching from her ambassador's seat to the left of the dais. Feeling Lexa's happiness and hope for the future radiating off of her in waves.
Indulgent half-smiles when she and Wanheda take a stroll through Polis and stories, or guards hearing their Heda honest-to-god giggling in the late hours from beyond the doors to her bed chambers (though if asked, Lexa would swear it was more of a... a dignified chuckle at best 😤.)
Obviously things would arise and there would so many trials and tribulations, because unfortunately peace is never a static thing, but oh. Oh the moments when her people could catch a glimpse of the girl behind the mask...
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rraaaarrl · 1 year
What is your favorite Doctor Doom panel?
...Is it even possible for me to choose just one?
This sat in my inbox for five days because narrowing down my favorite Doctor Doom panels is nigh impossible! But I thought about it and now I'm ready to answer. First, I tried to separate my favorite Doctor Doom moments from favorite panel (impossible). That way I could focus on the panel itself, for artistic merit, how much the writer and artist nailed Doom's character. How shiny Doom's thighs, and all that. So I have split my results by era of Doom: a silver age Kirby Doom panel will be beloved for different reasons then a current era Bianchi Doom, for example.
Silver Age Era Doctor Doom
The first time Doom and Reed Richards switch bodies, from Fantastic Four vol 1, #10.
If you know me at all, then you know that this trope in particular, I am a sucker for. This story basically sets a precedent, as the old body switcheroo is a thing that happens a lot with Doom. This panel in particular is right after Doom pulls his gambit, and as a confused Reed stands in the background beseeching Doom, the first thing Doom does as Reed is... disrobe. The look of absolute glee on "Reed's" face as he does this, priceless.
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Speaking of Doom's body swap shenanigans, here's Doom triumphantly strutting down the street whilst in Matt Murdock's body, from Daredevil #37. I still wonder how it was explained away how Doom, with his genius level intellect, didn't figure out that Matt is blind, though? Like, really?
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Doctor Doom steals the Silver Surfer's surfboard and cosmic power, from Fantastic Four #57.
You are probably familiar with this iconic page, which takes place moments after the deception occurs.
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But the moments leading up to the deception, the build up just makes me want to lol like a sociopath. Doom pulls a rather obvious tactic that Norrin, bless his pure heart, falls for without a thought. Doom distracts his cosmic guest with a panoramic view of star-filled wonders. A homesick Norrin gazes in naive wonder, but what is this? Behind him is Doom, lurking, and donning what can only be described as a ceremonious fashion, an elaborate cosmic-energy-sucking gewgaw before he makes his move. THE SUSPENSE.
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Doom will be your host now, from Fantastic Four #85, and #87
This time around, Doom has trafficked the Fantastic Four to Latveria, brainwashed them, and insists on serving them with much pomp and circumstance. This goes on for a couple of issues. It goes without saying that Doom is an excellent host.
In #85, we see just how extra Victor can be. His drip here is unrivaled!
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The story continues, and in #87 it is time for the festivities! At Doom's insistence, you will be served:
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So this post is already longer than originally intended and I have only touched upon "classic" or silver age Doctor Doom!
I leave you with this, because holy shit what is even going on?
The edibles just kicked in and you meet the face of god, only it happens to be Doom, from Strange Tales #147, with Steranko art.
This is his only appearance in the story, right at the very end. To be honest, this particular scan doesn't do the spread justice.
I mean, just look at that. Incredible. 👁👄👁
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Right so, @imperiuswrecked there will be a Part 2 (of ???) focusing on bronze age Doom, stay tuned then!
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inkskinned · 1 year
"the curtains weren't blue on purpose. why should we care?"
my love! let me ask you this - did you eat breakfast today? this tiny moment in your life. just think about it. did you?
for some of you, the answer is yes and for some of you it is technically and for some of you it is does coffee count. some of you reached for cereal or gmo-free overnight oats or frozen waffles or 3-day-old pizza. sometimes we eat the same thing, every day, for weeks. i get tired of eggs randomly, only to go back to craving them desperately. i'm cuban; i take my coffee like my father showed me, very milky and sweet.
some of us ate in a hurry. some of us hate eating breakfast but if we don't we will get nauseous later. some of us took our meds first or took our meds after. some of us have a kitchen 5 feet wide and sometimes it's the biggest room in the house. some of us are confident there will be food in the pantry and some of us flinch and say well, the paycheck is coming. some of us turn on a podcast while we eat or we scroll our phones or write in our diaries.
some of us are choosing, specifically, not to eat breakfast. some of us are too busy. some of us are pretending we "just forgot," but we are ignoring the warning signs that everything feels too-heavy. some of us are so consumed with anxiety or grief that we can't eat. some of us can't stand up long enough to make our coffee. some of us have no table to sit down and eat.
i cannot tell you what an artist "meant" by their choices. but they did have to make a choice, conscious or otherwise, to give you information. to give you a little bit more light. each of these choices are little stars of data; connecting speckles for you to weave through, drawing a line.
you cannot use a mirror in a dark room. for some of us; we will not care that the curtains are blue, because that will just be a data point and not enough light to see by. for some of us, the blue curtains will be the same as our childhood bedroom. it will make us seasick. for some of us, blue will be the color of frostbite. it might look like a pixel up close; but from a distance, oh! the picture blooms.
i cannot tell you what will stick out for you. what will carry meaning. some of you will read the sentence "i didn't have breakfast today" and say "this means nothing." some of you will read that and say "oh, me neither." some of you will say "this means the character is probably a little grouchy." some of you will say "oh, i wonder if they're okay. why didn't they eat anything?" ... art is a mirror. i am holding hands with you, over space and time, and asking you to feel something with me.
i want you to read my work and find a blue pair of curtains. i want you to read my work and find things in it that i never imagined placing. i have no way of knowing what will resonate with you, that's true. and maybe i just was hungry while i wrote this, and thinking about the eggs in my fridge. but if you found meaning, that meaning is yours. it cannot be erased just because i didn't "intend" it. you created a different world by interpreting my work. it's collaborative! that's beautiful! that's stunning!
just! imagine looking at the night sky and saying - it's stupid to have a favorite constellation or a favorite star. they're just there.
because here's the thing - across centuries and cultures, we look up. we still find meaning in the stars. these beautiful, lovely scattered accidents. are you looking? they call. and we look back and say oh! of course we are!
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bountydroid · 2 months
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Request: Can I please request a Cooper x Fem reader comfort angst romance where the sweet reader is infatuated with Cooper (she has a thing for older men)The sweet reader is always doing unnecessary favors for him, like secretly giving him discounts on rad away and supplies, taking care of dog meat, and getting him information on bounties. Until he brings along Lucy, misunderstanding the whole situation, the reader’s heart breaks thinking the worst and slowly stops trying and acting cold and distant, making Cooper notice that the only tolerable person he has ever known in this god forsaken world is ignoring him. (Feel free to add or change anything just pls feed into my delusions😭 I just want some hardcore romance with our cowboy) Also can u pls add that the reader also has a cute southern accent?
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x f!reader
Description: As a wandering trader, you've made a lot of strange friends. Among them, Ghouls, but there is one in particular that is your favorite.
Notes: I hope I did this justice for you anon!
The Wasteland was brutal, and even you knew it was a bad idea to trek it alone, but you had a job to do. However, as you found yourself in front of your old friend Roger's home you felt like the Wastelands weren't all that bad.
"My name.. is Roger." You heard him repeating between snarls.
You stopped in your tracks outside the door. "He's turning," You thought to yourself as you rummaged through your pack looking for any vials of Radaway. You were all out. Sighing, you put your hand on your holster before slowly making your way inside to check on your friend.
"Rog?" You ask as you round the corner to find him sitting in the dirt.
"Oh hey," he said relieved. "My savior. Do you have any vials"
"I don't have any, Rog." You replied sadly.
"Oh." He whispered. "You should probably get out of here then. It's not safe for little girls like you to be in the Wastelands alone." He said sadly, leaving out the bit you both knew, you weren't safe with HIM alone. 
Before you could respond, you heard quiet footsteps down the corridor. "Who else is here?" You thought to yourself as your hand went back to your holster. Peaking your head around the corner you find none other than Cooper Howard and... a vaultie? You did very little to hide the confusion on your face as you looked between the two.
"Hey, you." You said to Cooper. "What are you doing here?"
"Could ask you the same thing, sweetheart." He responds, pushing the vaultie through the doorway and making his way to Roger.
"Hey Rog," Cooper greets him.
"Hey. Hey." Rogers laughs, relieved to see his friend. "Fancy seeing you here. You out for that bounty, too, huh?"
"Yep," Cooper responds as he knelt in front of his friend.
You all stand there in silence for a bit, listening to Roger snarl and whip his head around. 
"Oh, shit," Roger says between wails.
"How you feeling?" Cooper asks quietly, already knowing the answer.
"Oh.. you know," Roger replied. "It's hard out here. Dang smoothies can be so unkind. I see you got a smoothie of your own." He says as he looks over at the vaultie.
You also turn to look at the vaultie, a look of displeasure on your face. "A smoothie of your own." Repeating over and over in your head. You wanted to be his smoothie. You and Cooper never really started a relationship, but you thought you were heading in that direction. You gave him a generous discount on Radaway since you developed a little crush on him, and he would always spend more time than necessary with you whenever you crossed paths. He was always fussing after you and was always telling you how you were too reckless. In his eyes, everything was too dangerous for you. He knew how you felt about him, and you THOUGHT you knew how he felt about you, but this vaultie threw a wrench in everything. "Maybe I was wrong. Maybe he doesn't like me." You thought to yourself while eyeing her up. You were so lost in thought that you could barely hear Roger snarling next to you. 
"You're turning," Cooper says reluctantly, his voice pulling you from your thoughts.
"Yeah maybe, maybe." Roger says on the verge of tears, "Maybe. Hey, you don't happen to have any vials, do you? Y/n is all out."
Cooper's eyes met yours as you nodded your head sadly.
"Just one little puff and I'll be back on my feet. You know I'm good for it." Roger pleaded.
"I'm sorry Roger I am all out," Cooper says, looking back toward his friend.
"That's okay. That's okay." Roger mumbles. "Though, um, you and y/n and your smooth-faced friend, you um... you might want to clear out before things get ugly."
You flinch as you hear Roger snarl again, each time he was getting louder and louder. You look down at your feet with tears in your eyes.
"I did okay. 28 years since I first started showing," Roger said looking between you and Cooper, before snarling again. "Oh, hell! Not as long as you though." He pointed proudly at Cooper, "You've outlasted us all. How long since you first started Wastelanding?"
"A long time," Cooper responds while shaking his head.
"That's a lot of vials," Roger said quietly.
"Well I've always been good at making money, Roger." Cooper exhales as he stands up. "Say, you remember how good food used to taste?"
"Yeah, BlamCo Mac and Cheese!" Roger says excitedly.
"Ice Cream and Apple Pie." Cooper countered.
Roger laughed, a real laugh. He was happy. "Apple Pie is not nearly as sweet as young Y/n's southern accent though." He says smiling up at you. "You know, my mom used to -"
Before you knew what happened, Roger's brains were all over the wall. You looked up at Cooper with tears in your eyes. You knew it had to be done. You knew it was mercy, but it still hurt. 
"Why did you do that?" The vaultie asked. "He was sick."
"He wasn't gonna get better." You responded dryly.
"You usually don't go all the way out here sweetheart, not on your own. What are you up to?" Cooper asks you as he picks up Roger's body and places it in a position where he easily access what he needs.
You don't respond. Between the jealousy brewing in your stomach at the vaultie next to you and the sadness about Roger, you couldn't find the words you wanted to say. 
"Stop. Stop Stop." The vaultie pleaded, "Please, I know it's hard out here but you don't, you don't have, you don't have to resort to... to..."
Before he could respond you quickly made your way out of the building for some fresh air. You could hear their voices inside, but you decided to drown them out by humming to yourself. You didn't need to see him take apart Roger, and you definitely couldn't stand the sound of her voice any longer. You knew you should get walking, you were low on supplies and they would be leaving the building soon. You didn't want to face them again, but it felt like there were bricks in your boots. As exhaustion hit you, you sat down in the sand and closed your eyes, losing track of time.
"Hey," You hear Cooper say as he puts his hand on your shoulder. "You good, sweetheart?"
'Fine." You mumbled out. "You and your smoothie should get going." The venom in your voice was loud and clear, but you didn't care.
"That's what got ya panties in a bunch?" Cooper laughed. 
You glared up at him in response. "Don't laugh at me, Cooper."
"I am taking her to SuperDuperMart. Not keepin’ her as a pet.” Cooper smiles as he offers you his hand. 
"Oh," You responded quietly, feeling stupid.
"What is SuperDuperMart?" You heard the vaultie ask, but the two of you completely ignored her.
"No one could ever replace you, sweetheart," Cooper says as he cups your face. 
You couldn't help the smile that graced your face at his words, and the blush that creeped up your neck.
He smiled when he noticed the way your eyes flickered towards his lips. 
"When I get my hands on some Radaway, I'll show you just how much you mean to me." You whispered.
"Lookin' forward to it." He whispered back.
The two of you were so caught up in each other that you didn't even notice the look of pure disgust on the vaultie's face as she watched your interaction. Some people may never understand why you like Cooper so much, but honestly? You couldn't give a damn.
Tag list: @sitkafay
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breadbrobin · 5 months
campfire games
luke castellan x reader - percy jackson and the olympians
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[established relationship, fem!daughter of ares reader]
summary: bets are fun, until they aren’t. you’re fine though. luke knows you’re an absolute badass.
warning: pushy male behaviour, suggestive comments, swearing, bets, threats, assault (physical), sexual harassment.
word count: 1.6k
(help i’m writing too many of these but this is the only other good one also feel free to leave requests yall i’m on summer break i have so much time and need something to do 🤩🤩)
(also i am still in love with luke castellan thank you very much I CAN FIX HIM PLSSSS)
(also very sorry to anyone named andrew it was the first name i thought of)
there wasn’t much that your siblings in the ares cabin liked more than winning capture the flag, but watching you tear down another boys’ ego was definitely one of those few things.
campfires were great for many reasons. singing, marshmallows, games—and bets. when chiron and mr d. turned in for the night early, something that rarely happened, the bets would come out. guys would try and talk to you, your siblings would intercept them, find out what they wanted, then place bets among themselves and with other campers as to how long it would take you to tear them down a few notches, or, on occasion, tear them a new one.
clarisse patted your shoulder as two of your brothers talked to another camper. “incoming.”
“details?” you picked at the chipped red polish of your fingernails.
“son of apollo. been here for about two months. andrew. something about wanting to go on a date with you and thinking you’re prettier than the aphrodite girls.” she rolled her eyes. “he tried it on with me before and doesn’t like taking no for an answer, so break his spirit completely. or, you know, his bones.”
you saluted her teasingly. “yes, ma’am. you can count on me, sergeant.”
she patted your shoulder again with a joking grin. “good on you, private. godspeed.”
with that, she left you sitting alone.
well, not really alone.
luke castellan had somehow ended up as your bodyguard in all of these cases. probably something to do with the fact that you’d been dating in secret for the last three months. you weren’t a huge fan of keeping your relationship a secret, but when you’d told clarisse, she told you that her and your other siblings wanted to keep making easy money, and betting on me was the best way to do that. since everyone thought you and luke hated each other anyway, it was easy enough to keep it up, but as your mocking remarks turned to teasing, then to flirting, it was getting more and more difficult. and as he was getting more attractive each day, it was getting harder not to kiss him in front of everyone at camp.
you swivelled in your seat to look up at him. he was sitting three rows back, almost hidden in the darkness, a distinctly put out look on his face.
“you hear that?” you asked with raised eyebrows and a grin on your face. “he thinks i’m prettier than the aphrodite girls. when have you ever said that?”
“i told you you’re prettier than a model one time and you punched me,” he said dryly. “and then i said you look like a goddess while fighting and you punched me again.”
“in my defence, i did hate you at the time.” you shrugged. “got my back?”
“always.” he said seriously.
you grinned and winked at him as you turned around, waiting for the newest idiot to come annoy you.
luke had, once upon a time, been one of those idiots in your mind. he irritated you to no end. he was better than you at sword fighting, so you bested him at everything else. he was more popular than you, so you became one of the most well-liked people at camp. all of your attempts to break him down, however, only made him fall in love with you. now, there you were, wishing you could be sitting beside him instead of waiting for some loser to come annoy you to death.
“y/n, hey.” andrew said, sitting next to you, probably a little too close.
you looked over at him. “andrew, right?”
he nodded, his smile widening as you knew his name.
you sat up straighter and scrutinised him, looking him up and down. “yeah, you look like an andrew.”
you heard luke hide a laugh in his cup behind you.
andrew’s face fell a little, but he regained it quickly. “heard you were one of the best fighters in camp.”
“i am.”
“that’s pretty cool. i mean, i can help you become the best if you want.”
“no, i think i’m okay.”
“come on, i mean, everyone needs to improve. even the self-proclaimed best. bet i’m better at archery than you at least.”
you looked over at his smirk and had to stop yourself from smirking too. this would be too easy. “no. thanks, though. i’m good on my own. one of the best, remember.”
“you could be better. we should have a little challenge. a game.”
“i only play games with people i like.”
“you could like me.” he leaned a little closer. you leaned away slightly. “i bet i could make you like me.”
you had to stop yourself from laughing. “yeah, i don’t think so, buddy.”
‘buddy’ was usually all it took to break a man’s ego. you’d used it on luke many times during unusually flirtatious sparring, back when you still pretended to hate his guts. it didn’t work on him anymore, but it usually worked perfectly on everyone else.
andrew didn’t falter. “i bet i could. give me a chance. let me take on a date. show you a good time.”
“no, thanks,” you said calmly. your siblings were watching intently. clarisse looked ready to step in if you needed it. you wondered what he’d said or done to her to put her on edge. then you realised it wasn’t what he’d done to her. it was what he was about to do to you.
his hand was on your thigh, gripping onto the bare skin by the hem of your shorts.
his hand was on your thigh.
you looked up at him, eyes sharp. you could hear luke shifting slightly behind you. “what are you doing?” you voice was deathly calm.
“showing you that i can show you a good time, princess.” his voice oozed honey—sickly sweet and sticky, like a fly trap. good thing you hated honey.
“how about i show you how many bones there are in the hand? by breaking every single one.” your voice was equally as saccharine sweet, but your eyes were glaring daggers into his and your jaw was set tight.
he just shifted his hand higher. you tried to push him off but he was strong. annoyingly strong.
he tutted. “come on, sweetheart. you’re gonna make a scene.”
you finally managed to peel his hand off your skin. “i’ll make a scene, alright. get off me and leave me alone. and while you’re at it, leave my sister alone too.”
he raised his hands, a sickening, sleazy smirk on his face. “i was just being nice, princess. you and your sister need to relax. you especially. i can help you relax.”
“oh, i’d love that. you know how i relax?” you tilted your head mockingly, eyes hard. “i punch my enemies in the face.”
he laughed. “you’re cute. now, come on. it’s not like you’ve got anything going for yourself. i mean, you’re hot, sure, but no guys ever gonna look at you when they realise how much of a bitch you are. not like i will.”
you rolled your eyes and stood up. it was time to go and sit by luke. it grated at you, but if he wouldn’t listen to you, maybe he’d listen to another guy.
he didn’t let you leave. his hand gripped your wrist and pulled you back to him as he stood up too. you were chest to chest with him. he towered over you, at least six inches taller. you stepped back, but he pulled you in by your waist and laughed.
“look at how good we look together,” he smirked. “i could show you—“
you punched him in the stomach. he doubled over, finally letting you go, so you kneed his diaphragm. he gasped for air as you stepped back. your friend chris rodriguez whistled appreciatively.
“touch me, or anyone here, ever again and i won’t just hurt you.” you hissed at him. “i’ll beat your ass, then i’ll drag you past the boundary and leave you for the monsters. got it?”
he nodded, still hunched over.
“good boy,” you grit out.
“fucking bitch,” he grunted.
your eyes darkened, but you didn’t do anything. your siblings were right behind him, all ready to drag him away. “good luck walking tomorrow, andrew.”
“good luck finding a guy stupid enough to fuck you,” he scorned.
you laughed. “hey, luke?”
“yeah, babe?” he stepped down beside you, his hand settling on your hip and pulling you gently into his side. andrew faltered at the sight. he probably hadn’t even realised luke was up there.
“are you stupid enough to fuck me?” you asked with raised eyebrows.
he looked like he was trying not to laugh. “oh, i’m way past stupid.”
you didn’t care about any of your sibling’s bets anymore. you didn’t care that people thought you hated each other. you especially didn’t care that everyone was watching. you kissed him. and in front of the whole camp, he kissed you back.
your siblings groaned in disappointment, knowing their betting days were over, but you didn’t care. you smiled the stupidest smile ever as you pulled away, feeling like you’d just had your first kiss all over again.
“what?” he asked quietly.
“nothing.” you shook your head. “just glad we don’t have to hide anymore.”
after months of kissing behind buildings, pretending to fight in public and avoiding each other so people wouldn’t find out, it felt honestly freeing to kiss him in the open.
he kissed you again as your siblings dragged andrew away. “and all it took was an asshole.”
“thanks for not stepping in,” you said. “i had it handled.”
“oh, i know you did. i was more than happy to watch you destroy his ego.”
“good, because if you had stepped in—“
“i’d be going home in an ambulance?” he smiled.
“no, you’d be going home in a hearse.”
“ah, my bad.”
as the campfire kept burning, you sat down with luke. your legs were pressed against his and his arm was around your waist. there wasn’t much that you liked more than tearing boy’s egos down, but being with luke castellan was definitely one of those few things.
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vaspider · 11 months
Last year I wrote about what happened at Pride when a couple of kids didn't understand why us older folx were so bitter about Reagan.
This year, I have something a little softer.
Someone who looked a little older than me came up to the booth wearing a pink t-shirt proclaiming him one of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, San Francisco chapter. As I was ringing him up, I asked if he'd been involved for a while.
"Yes," he said, "for a bit," in that way us middle-aged people do when we're sort of wincing and feeling old.
"Okay, well," I said, sitting at my register in my queer booth full of queer clothes and patches and pins, topless in public for the first time. (I had pasties on for my own comfort bc I was working, but I live in the city of the Naked Bike Ride, and I took full advantage). My baby brother and both of my partners ran around behind me, my brother wearing a loose tank top that makes his scars visible.
"I need to tell you that you all helped keep me alive."
He blinked at me as I continued, "I was a kid in high school in the early 90s. I lived in the middle of nowhere in Pennsylvania, and what you all were doing was so loud and so out there that even I heard about your work. It was one of the things that kept me alive. So thank you, and please thank the rest of the Sisters."
I heard about them through people in my parents' church complaining about them, and then I sought more information through the beginning of the internet, through newspapers, through anything I could find. I found the cover of Newsweek that one of the Sisters was on. I read about their "exorcism" of fundamentalist preachers whose books sat on the shelf in my parents' basement and probably still do. I saw how loud and colorful and unapologetically queer they were.
The knowledge that someone was out there, so full of defiant joy, refusing the shame that people kept trying to put on them? Oh, that kept me alive. I saw them, and I knew I could make it through. I wrapped my hands around that knowledge, and I held on so tight.
It took me a long time - a long, long time - to unwind most of it for myself and get to the point where my fat butch ass was sitting bare-chested in the July breeze, looking up at him as he held out his arms and said "you're actually giving me chills." I answered, "I mean every word. You helped keep me alive. So thank you."
I never know what to say when people come up to me in public and tell me that I helped them or changed their life in some way. I appreciate it, and I genuinely love the people who apologized for "fanpersoning" at me last weekend, I just never know what to say. I'm incredibly grateful that the Sister I spoke to was incredibly gracious, saying "usually we give blessings, but I feel like you blessed me." Another member of the party let me pet their tiny dog, who was not very interested in me, and that's okay. It was an overwhelming day. Then, they moved on.
Me? I'm still sitting with the fact that I looked last weekend into the faces of people who didn't know they were holding my head above water, and that I got to tell them the work they do matters. It's a rare thing to get to tell someone, "You saved me," and I'm treasuring it.
Last weekend, I wore my new battle vest with nothing underneath it, unless it was too hot, and then I just sat in my chair, chatting and ringing ppl out with my skin free to the air. I decided last year that top surgery isn't for me, but that also I'm going to love this body unapologetically, and it's no less a transmasculine body because the soft new dark hair on my belly isn't accompanied by pink scars along my ribs.
I didn't get here on my own. I got here because someone else cut through the undergrowth ahead of me so I could take another step forward. Here I am, decades later, still taking step after step, one at a time, and trying to lay paving stones behind me.
Last weekend was another step along that way, another step through unwinding the fear and shame and sadness that my parents and their church built into me. Another step out of hating myself for hiding parts of myself for so long, for acting out in other ways to distract people from my queerness, for feeling so much guilt when other people tell me I'm brave, because I know how much of myself I hid for how long because I was a coward, because I was afraid.
Another step into expiating stigmatic guilt.
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mattyriddlesbitch · 2 months
Um sorry uf this is a weird one but could the reader be shy and mattheo uses bdsm on her for the first time and she likes it
Yes!!!! Love this idea!
Do You Trust Me
Mattheo Riddle x F!Reader
Warnings: Bondage, cussing, unprotected sex, creampie, blindfold, fingering.
18+ Minors DNI!
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You and Mattheo had been dating for a while now. You obviously have had sex many times, you were just always shy about it. Embarrassed about the topic. You loved having sex with him, but if he tried talking about it, you always shied away, always wormed your way out of the conversation. Mattheo found it funny and cute, but really wanted to talk to you about something that he’d been wanting to try with you for the past week. But you kept managing to get out of the conversations.
Finally, he had enough and had you under him as he was kissing you, he had you pinned to his bed, no way you could get out of this now.
He pulled back from the kiss and smiled down at you. “Princess, you know I’ve been trying to talk to you about something for a week now.”
“I think I prefer the kissing.” You said with a blush.
“You know I love how shy and cute you get.” He teased. “I wanna try something.”
“What?” You asked quietly.
“Do you trust me?” He asked back, not answering your question.
“I do.” You said, but with a bit of caution.
“Would you trust me to take care of you if you were tied up or blindfolded or anything like that?” He rubbed at your sides soothingly, not wanting to scare you off.
You stared up at him, face red in embarrassment at the conversation. But you also couldn’t deny that what he was saying intrigued you. So after a short pause, you finally spoke up. “Yeah.” Your voice was quiet and he probably wouldn’t have caught it if he wasn’t so close to you.
“Would you be willing to try that with me?” His hands stopped and squeezed your sides slightly in a reassuring way.
“Yeah.” You said with a small nod.
He smiled again, giving you a sweet kiss before helping you out of your clothes. He might’ve been going a little faster than usual, eager to try this out with you. He figured you’d say yes and already got what he’d need, so once he had you undressed, he quickly grabbed the soft ribbon he bought to tie you up. He didn’t want it to hurt you, so he opted for that instead of rope.
“Hands up for me, sweetheart.” He said as he came back to the bed, sitting beside you. You lifted your hands up and he tied them to the headboard before checking to make sure they aren’t too tight and aren’t digging into your skin too hard. “This makes you look like a present.” He smiled, trying to ease your nerves. “How’s that feel?” He rubbed along your stomach gently.
“It feels fine.” You said quietly, gently tugging at the ribbon to see if it’ll come undone. It won’t. Mattheo had done his research on how to keep it from untying.
“Good.” He said, bringing a hand to your cheek, caressing it softly. “If you ever wanna stop, if it gets too much or anything at all, just say ‘pomegranate’ and I’ll stop everything, okay?”
You nodded, leaning into his touch.
“What’s the word?” He asked.
“Good girl.” He said. “I’m gonna blindfold you, too. Just focus on how I’m making you feel instead of worrying about things, yeah?”
You nodded in response again and he smiled.
He placed the blindfold on you, leaving you in darkness and unsure of what he was planning. You could hear some shuffling before he settled between your legs, rubbing them gently. He slipped his fingers between your folds.
“You’re fucking soaked, princess. It seems you’re into this stuff, huh?” You could practically hear the smile.
He pushed two fingers in you, thrusting them in and out quickly as you moaned and whined. His thumb found your clit and you were trying to close your legs on him.
“You’re doing so good for me.” He said, using his free hand to push your legs back open. “So beautiful.”
“Matty, please.” You whined.
“How about we try ‘sir’ instead?” He said and you were too worked up already to overthink anything.
“Please, sir.” You begged.
“That’s much better. Please what, angel?” His fingers were relentless, just working on trying to make you cum.
“I’m gonna cum, please.” Your hips were trying to move to meet with his fingers.
“Beg for it then, princess. Use your words.”
“Please, let me cum, sir. Please.” You begged, pulling at the ribbon as your legs shook.
“I’m not convinced yet. Keep going.”
“Please, sir. I need to cum. Please. It feels so good. Please.” You were nearly crying at this point.
“Good girl. Cum on my fingers.” He said, his free hand coming up to play with your nipples.
You came on his fingers with a cry of his name along with some profanity, body trembling beneath him.He helped ride out your orgasm before pulling out his fingers.
“Open.” He said and you opened your mouth. He pushed his fingers in. “Clean them.” You followed the order and sucked and licked his fingers clean, tasting yourself from them. “You’re so obedient.” 
He pulled his fingers out and pushed your legs up to your chest. You could feel him starting to tease his cock along your pussy, coating it in your arousal. You whined and hissed at the contact, still sensitive from the orgasm.
“Please, sir, I need you.” You begged, wiggling your hips a little to get a little more friction.
“Yeah? Need me to fuck your sweet little pussy?” He teased, just wanting to hear you beg more.
“Yes! Please!” 
“Always so shy, but act like such a slut for my cock, huh?” He started easing his cock in, wanting to go slow to make you feel everything. You both were moaning, panting with every inch that he pushed into you. 
He bottomed out and groaned before starting to thrust in and out of you, setting a brutal pace. With how he had you folded, you were feeling him so deep in you, feeling like he was in your stomach. He moved a hand to rub at your clit, the other wrapping around your neck, lightly squeezing the sides. It had you getting lightheaded and making everything feel much more intense.
“Fuck, you’re squeezing me, baby. You like this? You like me fucking you like a slut?” He asked and all you could do was moan in response, too fucked out to think of anything else. “Got you all dumb on my cock now too? My sweet, shy girl, all fucked out on my cock. You look fucking perfect, princess.” He was rambling, but it only made you wetter, building your orgasm much quicker. “Gonna cum on my dick, angel? I can feel you fucking clenching me.”
You were moaning and crying out as best as you could with his hand around your throat, pulling on the restraint. Your orgasm tore through you and cried out his name again, tears spilling down your cheeks in pleasure. He helped ride it out before untying you and flipping you over, getting you onto your knees and pushing your chest and head down onto the bed before pushing back into you.
“You’re so fucking perfect for me, princess.” He said, grabbing your hands to hold them behind your back with one hand as he pounded into you from behind. His other hand landed a spank on your ass, causing a yelp to escape your lips followed by a moan. “My princess likes that, huh?” He said and spanked you again, rubbing the area softly. “Fucking slut. You’re so fucking dirty. Just hiding behind all that shyness.”
He ripped another orgasm from you before finally cumming himself, filling your warm cunt with his cum as he helped ride out both of your orgasms.
He helped you back onto your back, gently taking off the blindfold. You had to blink a few times to adjust to the light before seeing his face, softly smiling down at you as he rubbed at your side soothingly again.
“How was that?” He asked gently, brushing your hair from your face. “Good?”
You nodded, catching your breath. “Good.”
“I got other things we can try later, too.”
@jeannie-beannie @yourenogoodforme
Let me know if you wanna be added!
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ellemj · 6 months
That Wasn't Quiet: 12 Days of Smut #5
Bucky Barnes x Reader One-Shot
Fully inspired by this tiktok from @the.stark.internship: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8u74sXe/
Summary: You've been on the run for two months and now that the team has found you, they don't trust you to be alone. Of course, Bucky is one of the ones assigned to keep an eye on you through the night, even though you two have a bit of a history.
Warnings: profanity, teasing, oral sex (female receiving), slight exhibitionism (someone overhears), fingering, MINORS DNI, 18+!!!
Feel free to comment and let me know if this requires any other warnings.
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: This one isn't Christmas-themed because truthfully, I forgot about that. It takes place sometime after Captain America: Civil War but before TFATWS, not that that matters much for a one-shot. Also can everyone go look at @littlemiss-yeehaw's fckin INSANE SKETCH OF A HAIR-PULLING BUCKY BARNES BECAUSE I'M STILL NOT OVER IT THANKS.
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            “How’re we doing, boys?” Nat asks the question immediately upon entering the surveillance room of the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre in Berlin. She’s the last to arrive. She glances around the room, letting her eyes scan over the expressions of Steve, Sam, and Bucky. They all look quite done with the situation at hand.
            “She’s not talking.” Steve answers. He’s standing with his back against the far wall, with his arms crossed over his chest and a slightly defeated look on his face. Bucky, however, looks more determined than defeated.
            “She’s about to.” Bucky’s tone is so calm and certain that it draws all eyes to him as he pushes himself off of the table he was sitting on. Nat looks at him, her interest clearly piqued, before glancing back over at Steve, wondering if she should be concerned. Steve gives Bucky a hard stare, while Sam turns his head to watch as the man with the metal arm and perpetual bad attitude heads straight for the door. No one makes a move to stop him. Instead, as the door shuts behind Bucky, everyone turns their attention to the surveillance screen that shows you. You’re locked in a secure glass chamber, with your arms and legs immobilized by metal restraints, and even your shoulders are held in place by something similar. The only movements that you’re free to make are within the normal range of motion of your head. Everyone watches as Bucky steps into the secure holding area and stops a few feet away from the glass that separates you and him.
            “Bucky Barnes.” You say his name with amusement. You find it amusing that he’s the team’s last resort. First, Steve tried to get through to you. Steve is just too nice, he was never going to get anything out of you. Then, Sam tried to rationalize his way into your mind. Of course, that was about as effective as Steve’s good cop approach. Next, they sent in Agent Everett Ross. You have to admit, Ross was good. If you were going to tell any of them anything, it probably would’ve been him. He has that whole I’m-on-your-side-and-I-can-help-you thing down pat. But you were waiting to see if Bucky would take a shot at you. You wanted to see him. Now he stands before you, wearing one of his signature Henley tees and hiding that irresistible silver arm from you. “You just couldn’t stay away, could you?” You tease.
            “I could, but where’s the fun in that?” He plays along, but he’s actively denying himself the pleasure of looking at you. He’s keeping his eyes down on his hands, where he’s using a small cloth to clean the crevices of his metal knuckles. You imagine he probably scuffed it up a bit during the scuffle earlier today. It took the entire GSG 9 team along with Steve, Bucky, and Sam to capture you and bring you here. You never were one to go down without a fight.
            “Why don’t you go ahead and ask your questions? Get them out of the way so we can get to the good part of all of this.” Your eyes are tracking every move he makes with his hands. You’re mesmerized but trying your best to focus on your goal.
            “And what’s the good part of all of this, sweetheart?” Fuck. He hasn’t called you a name like that since… Images of the last time you were together start flooding through your mind. Your memory is a blur of his hands on your hips, his lips against your ear as you sink down on his cock, and that stupid name rolling off of his tongue: sweetheart. As you’re lost in thought, Bucky’s taking the chance to look at you. You look just like you did the last time he saw you, barely two months ago. The only thing that’s different about your appearance now is the bruise over your left eye and the cut over your cheekbone. He finds himself wanting to severely injure whichever GSG 9 agent it was that laid hands on you hard enough to cause even those minor wounds, but he can’t think about that right now. He needs answers.
            “The good part will be the moment you realize you still need me, in about three minutes, give or take a few.” You say smugly, tilting your head to one side since it’s really the only move you can currently make. Bucky tsks, tucking the small cloth in the back pocket of his dark jeans before looking you dead in the eyes.
            “Why are you in Berlin?” He asks plainly. Wow, right to business then. You expected him to at least question what you meant when you said that he still needed you.
            “I needed to speak with an inmate at the Berlin Correctional Facility.” You answer honestly. He’s already gotten more info out of you than anyone else has today, but that’s all part of your plan.
            “Zemo.” Bucky says coolly. You nod slowly, awaiting Bucky’s next question. “What information does Zemo have that you’re interested in?”
            “He knows someone that has the ability to reverse the effects of the super soldier serum.”
            Your words send a blanket of silence throughout the surveillance room, as well as sending a new wave of realization rushing through Bucky’s mind. This is why you disappeared two months ago. All of those times you talked about wishing you’d never been injected with the serum, all of those hours that Bucky knew you spent researching and experimenting on your own blood samples looking for a way to reverse the effects, Bucky should’ve known. He should’ve known the day you disappeared from New York that you were simply continuing your efforts to get yourself back to normal. But, he never put two and two together. Instead, he believed it when he was told that you’d been compromised, that you’d gone dark and that the serum had likely brought the worst parts of you into the limelight. All of this time, everyone assumed you’d been working against SHIELD and the Avengers as a rogue agent. They were all dead wrong.
            “This is the part where you realize you need me.” You say with a smirk. “You need me because I’m the only one that’s ever wanted to reverse the effects of this serum, I’m the only one with the research and the leads that I have now. There are other super soldiers out there besides the three of us in here, and a lot of them do way more harm than good. If I can get to this guy that Zemo knows, we’ll have a chance at righting a few wrongs.”
            “Why should we trust you now? You’ve been gone for two months and you’ve left a trail of dead bodies and destruction everywhere that you’ve been.” Bucky’s eyes are narrowed at you now, analyzing every face you make and every word that leaves your lips.
            “I said you needed me. I didn’t say you had to trust me.”
            It’s a long three hours later when you’re finally set free from the uncomfortable glass chamber. Agent Ross insisted they keep you in magnetic handcuffs, though you think it’s more for his peace of mind than anything, because with a little effort and determination you think you could pretty easily get out of them. You sit in the backseat of a car with Steve on your left and Bucky on your right, his cold metal arm pressing against your side due to the lack of space the two giant men leave you. Agent Ross is driving while Nat sits in the passenger seat. Sam chose to fly ahead and scope out the safehouse you’re being taken to for the night. Since you’re still not trusted, they’ll be leaving you, Steve, and Bucky there overnight. They figured you wouldn’t be able to fight two super soldiers on your own, and even if you did manage to take them both down, there wouldn’t be anyone else around for you to possibly severely injure or leave dead on your way out.
            You fight the urge to be an annoying little shit for the duration of the car ride, and instead remain silent. You can be an annoying little shit once you’re locked in the safehouse for the night. The plan is to head over to the Berlin Correctional Facility first thing in the morning to meet with Zemo and find out what he knows. Until then, you’re going to be kept under the watchful eyes of Steve and Bucky. Steve isn’t feeling great about the plan at all. He’s the only one that knows you and Bucky have a bit of a past. He doesn’t even know what exactly that past is, but he’s always been able to sense the tension between you two. He sees the way Bucky looks at you like he’s both angry that you’d leave and angry that you didn’t invite him to run away with you. It almost makes him wonder if having Bucky here with you tonight is going to be more trouble than it’s worth. Maybe they should’ve had Nat stay instead.
            The safehouse is small as shit. There are exactly two bedrooms, not a single window in the whole place, and even the couch in the living room is only a two-seater. You’ve decided Berlin sucks. You had to fight Steve and Bucky just to be allowed to have a shower, with the two men only giving in if you agreed to leave the door open while they sat out of sight in the living room.
            As you’re in the shower, rinsing the soapy suds off of your skin, Bucky’s sitting next to Steve on the couch, actively trying not to think about how naked you are just down the hallway. He can’t seem to shake a specific memory that’s playing behind his eyelids every time he blinks. He had your front pressed up against one of the gym shower walls, fucking into you so slowly and silently that no one ever would’ve realized you were about to cum on his cock for the second time that day. God, you were always so pliant for him, so ready for his touch at any given time. He has to wonder if you’d still be that way after two months without him. Have you thought about him while you’ve been away?
            “Maybe you should go check on her.” Steve says to Bucky, tilting his head in the direction of the open bathroom door. You’ve been in there for almost twenty minutes now, when they originally gave you a ten-minute limit. There isn’t any way you could possibly escape through the bathroom walls, but they still don’t trust you to be alone and out of their sight for that long.
            “Why me?” Bucky asks, raising an eyebrow at Steve.
            “You know why.” Steve chuckles, hinting to Bucky that he knows there’s been something between you and him. Bucky shakes his head, but doesn’t say anything. Instead, he stands up and treks down the short hallway. You can hear his footsteps before he ever has a chance to say anything, and you quickly cut the running water off.
            “You’re really taking your time in here.” Bucky points out, stopping right outside of the bathroom door. He can see the reflection of the shower curtain in the bathroom mirror from where he’s standing. He only has a second to notice the way your towel is folded up on the bathroom sink, a good two steps away from the shower, before you pull the curtain open confidently. His eyes freeze on your naked reflection in the fogged up mirror and all of the blood in his veins reroutes straight to his cock. “What the hell are you doing?” He asks harshly, quickly stepping into the bathroom and throwing the door shut behind him. He sure as hell isn’t going to let Steve see you like this.
            “You said I had to leave the door open, I was just following orders. I can’t reach my towel from here.” You say innocently, pushing out your bottom lip in a fake pout. Bucky isn’t even facing you, he’s standing facing the bathroom sink and mirror, with his eyes shut tightly.
            “You’re so damn manipulative.” Bucky spits the words out through clenched teeth before grasping the towel in his right hand and tossing it over his shoulder to you. You towel yourself dry quickly before wrapping it around your figure and stepping out of the shower. The bathroom is so small that you have no choice other than to brush against Bucky’s back as you pull the curtain closed. He tenses up as soon as he feels how close you are to him.
            “Tell me something, Bucky.” You whisper. You let your fingers trail down his back lightly, surprised that he hasn’t turned around and shoved you away yet.  “You’ve missed me, haven’t you?”
            “Get dressed.” He says flatly, opening his eyes for a moment to verify that your clothes are still sitting on the other side of the bathroom sink.
            “No.” Your answer is defiant. You let your hand fall away from his back but you keep your eyes focused on his frame, on the way his shoulders are moving up and down with each heavy breath he takes. He’s trying to keep himself calm and composed. Knowing how easy it was to get him riled up back when the two of you messed around only makes this whole situation laughable. He already wants to fuck, and you’ve barely done anything.
            “Why are you making this so hard?” He questions, boldly turning around to face you in your towel-clad state.
            “What’s so hard?” The teasing lilt in your tone is driving him insane. He watches as you stand three inches in front of him, letting your eyes travel down his body to land right over his hard-on. His jeans can only do so much to hide it. “Oh, I see.” You laugh lightly, noting his boner. Bucky feels enraged. Enraged that you left two months ago, enraged that you never once tried to reach out to him or ask him for help with your little side mission, and especially enraged that you’re standing here right now teasing him, like you haven’t also been reliving your past sexual trysts with him. You want him as much as he wants you right now, and he can prove it. He will prove it.
            In one swift move, Bucky grabs your waist and spins you to the side, pinning your back against the bathroom door before sliding down to his knees in front of you. In another second, he’s tugging on the bottom of your towel, forcing it to unwrap from your figure and fall to the floor around your feet. When he has you fully naked for him, he looks up at you with his lust-blown eyes.
            “You’re going to be quiet for me.” There’s no hint of a question in his voice, and you can only nod in response. “Good girl.”
            Bucky nudges your knees apart with his hand before hitching your left leg up and over his shoulder. Shit. Is he really going to eat you out right here, with his best friend only a few feet away from the thin wooden door that your back is pressed against right now? You look down as Bucky leans forward and captures your clit in his mouth, licking and sucking on it with enough passion to make your head spin. Your back arches off of the door as your fingers card through his hair, pulling his face impossibly closer to your cunt. Any other time, Bucky probably would’ve pulled back and told you to be patient. But this time, he’s feeling every bit as impatient as you. So, he continues to work on your clit, circling the tip of his tongue around it just like he used to do when he wanted to drive you crazy in bed. His metal hand is gripping your ass while his flesh hand moves to join his mouth between your legs. He teases your entrance with a fingertip for a moment, and just as you’re about to beg for more, he plunges it into you up to the first joint. The moan that sneaks past your lips is a good bit louder than you expected it to be and Bucky pulls back abruptly, giving you a stern look and squeezing your ass with his metal hand.
            “What did I say?”
            “I’ll be quiet.” You promise, in a hushed tone. Bucky eyes you coldly for a second before nodding and putting his mouth right back where it belongs. He steals a look up at you to find you covering your mouth with one hand while the other hand is firmly rooted in his hair. You’re doing so fucking good for him. As a reward, he adds a second finger inside of you, alternating between thrusting them in as deep as they can go and then curling them against your walls.
            What you don’t expect is a third finger. When he adds a third finger inside of you, the stretch is a little too much to bear and you moan out louder than before. You expect him to stop, you expect him to pull back and tell you to shut the fuck up, but no. Even though Steve is now fully aware of what’s going on behind the closed bathroom door, Bucky doesn’t stop. Your moan and the fact that Steve knows you’re getting off right now spurs Bucky on so much so that he starts sucking on your clit like it’ll take him right back to two months ago when everything was perfect. He increases the pace of his fingers fucking in and out of your tight, wet cunt, absolutely loving the sounds your body is making. He’s committing those sounds to memory right there on the bathroom floor. A few seconds later, he feels the way your hips are bucking against his face and the way the walls of your pussy are repeatedly clenching around his fingers and he knows.
            “Bucky, I’m gonna cum.” You moan out. You’ve stopped caring that Steve can probably hear every bit of what’s happening right now. All you care about is your looming orgasm that’s being held hostage by the man between your legs. Bucky continues doing exactly what he’s doing, working your cunt just right until you finally tip over the edge, falling into perfect bliss over his mouth and fingers. He continues curling his fingers softly inside you and pressing his tongue against your clit as you lightly grind against it. When you finally still above him, he pulls back and sucks the taste of you off of his fingers.
            “That wasn’t quiet.” Bucky laughs, looking up at you with a mischievous smile painted across his features.
            “No, it wasn’t.” Steve’s slightly unsettled voice echoes from the living room down the hall.
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bloatedandalone04 · 1 year
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➪the one where ethan is desperate to get you all to himself. (requested)
Warnings: 18+, smut, unprotected sex (my specialty), swearing, semi public sex (you fuck on Sam's bed, oops), hair pulling, choking, praise kink, dom ethan
Word Count: 3.9k
Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine <3
Ethan’s leg hadn’t stopped bouncing for the last half hour, his palm pressed against his face and his elbow leaning on the armrest of the couch. He was bored out of his mind and being so close to you didn’t help his racing thoughts. 
You were sitting beside him on the couch, your eyes glued to the show Anika put on as a way to distract yourself from real life for a bit. Originally you were sitting on Ethan’s lap, but he kept moving and shifting his hips, so you took that as a sign that he wanted you to move, but in reality it was the exact opposite. 
To put it as easy to understand as possible; Ethan was horny. It was as simple as that.
He tried getting your attention, but his advances went unnoticed by you. Instead, he had his jaw clenched, his leg shaking and his whole body tense. 
At his stiff position, you finally took notice of him and furrowed your brows at his tense shoulders. “Hey,” you whisper to him, watching as he turned his head in your direction. “Are you okay?” You place a comforting hand on his arm and despite it being a totally innocent gesture, it only made Ethan’s want for you grow.
He turned his head back to the TV screen, pressing his palm harder against the side of his face as he nodded. “Fine,”
You weren’t convinced and that much was obvious as you inched closer to him, grabbing his arm and lifting it. You situate yourself so you are snuggled into his side and wrap his arm around you, lacing your fingers together when you are comfortable. 
While you were comfortable once again, Ethan was not as he felt another jolt go through him and settle in his lower area. He shifted his hips once, something you didn’t take notice of, before exhaling harshly through his nose. To the others it appeared as if he was watching the show, but in reality he wasn’t paying it any attention as the images of you under him played in his mind. The sounds you only ever made for him, the whimpers and whines were on repeat in his head and it caused his hips to buck upwards without warning.
He, of course, tried to cover it up by shifting and making it seem like he was trying to get into a more comfortable position, but you saw right through him. You leaned up so your face was close to his and he had to refrain from closing the distance and taking you right there in front of everyone. “Seriously, what’s the matter?” You ask, reaching up to push the curls that rested against his forehead to the side, the palm of your hand replacing them as you felt him for his temperature. “You’re really hot.”
No, you’re really hot he held himself back from saying, instead deciding to clear his throat and shake his head. “I don’t feel well,”
Sam, who was sitting on the floor with her back against the couch, heard him and looked up at the two of you, her brows furrowing. “You don’t look well,”
He gave her a sarcastic smile as you sat up. “Maybe I should just take him home,”
Yes, please the voice in his head begged. 
But he was quickly disappointed by the shake of Sam’s head. “No, we all need to stay here,” she answered. 
Fuck, someone help me Ethan internally groaned. 
“Just take him into my room,” Sam offered once she noticed the glare Ethan gave her. “Let him lay down for a bit.”
Oh, Sam. 
She probably should’ve let you take him home as the things he was planning on doing to you were nothing short of filthy, and he was going to do them on her bed. 
“Okay, yeah,” you agree, giving her a grateful smile and standing up, your hand holding Ethan’s tightly. “Thanks, Sam.”
Ethan stood up as well, giving the older Carpenter sister a poorly hidden smirk. “Yeah, thanks, Sam,” 
As soon as the space was free, Tara and Chad took your previous places on the couch, sitting nearly as close as you and Ethan were and your smile grew as you knew their relationship was growing steadily. It made you happy, being able to watch as they grew closer together and bonded more and more each day. 
On the way to her room, which was the furthest from the living room and from where everyone was sitting, Ethan’s grip on you never let up. In fact, you were surprised you didn’t feel any bones break from just how tight his hold was. 
Once you are in Sam’s room, you push Ethan towards the bed and walk into the bathroom, wetting a cloth with cold water. From where you stood you could see him in the mirror as he laid down on the bed, kicking a few decorative pillows off as he did so. You shake your head, a small smile on your lips, before wringing out the cloth so it wouldn’t get water everywhere and turning the tap off.
 When you turned the light off and entered her room again, you nearly jumped out of your skin when you came face to face with your boyfriend. “Jesus, Ethan, don’t do that,”
“Sorry, sorry,” he mumbled as he looked down at you, his eyes flickering all over your face. 
You shake your head and swat his hand away when it reaches out to touch your arm. “Here,” you say and reach up, cloth in hand. “I got you a wet cloth for your head. You should go lay back down.”
Before you could place it against his head, his hand wrapped around your wrist, stopping you halfway. His fingers take the cloth from you and let it fall to the floor, his head shaking afterwards. “I don’t need it,” he murmured, trailing his fingers up your arm until they reached your shoulder. “ I just need you.” 
When his thumb and index pressed gently against the base of your throat and he leaned down, you pulled away just before his lips could capture yours. “I’m not kissing you if you’re sick,”
Ethan only smirked at your words, caressing the side of your face. “I think we both know I’m not really sick.”
You gave him a confused face before looking him up and down, coming to the conclusion that he didn’t appear to be sick at all. “You faked it?” You ask in disbelief, watching as he shrugged with a boyish grin on his lips. “Why?”
The answer came easily. “I had to get you alone somehow,” he said it like it was the most obvious thing ever. “You were driving me crazy out there.”
You furrow your brows. “How? I was just sitting next to you.” 
Ethan rolled his eyes and gave you a pointed look. “No, first you were sitting on me,”
It was then when you finally clued in. You glance down at the now obvious bulge, and question how you had failed to notice all the little signs he usually gives you when he’s in the mood. “Okay, so you got me alone,” you repeat his words, crossing your arms over your chest. “What do you plan on doing now?”
Ethan’s hands gripped the hem of your shirt, his eyes never leaving yours. “I think you know exactly what I’m planning on doing now,” at the slight raise of his brow, your eyes widened and you shook your head. 
“Oh, no. Absolutely not,” at the soft shove you give his chest, Ethan lets out a whine. 
“Come on,” he dropped the cool guy act and let his desperation take over. “Sam and Mindy won’t let us leave. We’ve been stuck here with them all day and I’m bored. You can’t tell me you’re not bored, too.” 
You tug on your bottom lip with your teeth, making Ethan hold back a groan as he waits for your answer. “Well, yeah, I’m bored, too,” you say and watch as he holds back a smirk. “But we can’t…do that here. This is Sam’s room and the others are right down the hall.”
“We’ll be quiet, we’ve done it before,” he says, referring to when he fucked you back in his room on the night he told Chad he wouldn’t be home and had to skip out on guys night to ‘study’. “It’ll be just like before.”
“No, it won’t,” you press, already feeling yourself beginning to give in. “That was just Chad, not a whole house full of people.”
Ethan rolled his eyes at that. “Five people is not a whole house,”
“But…. this is Sam’s room,” you repeat your previous excuse as you didn’t have anymore to give out.
“And she’ll never know,” he assured you, bringing his thumb up to tug on your bottom lip. “Are you done?”
At that, your shoulders drop as you give in, pressing your body against his as you lean up, connecting your lips in a heated kiss. At the feeling Ethan had been craving all day finally being given to him, he doesn’t hesitate to deepen the kiss. His hands fall from your face and grip the back of your thighs, and at the slight tug you jump up and wrap your legs around his waist. 
He makes the short walk back to the bed, Sam’s bed - to be exact, and drops you on it, making your lips disconnect for a brief moment. Only a second passed before he was hovering over you and pressing your lips together again, his hands gripping your waist tightly. 
“We’ll have to be quick,” you mumbled in between kisses, your hands pulling at the dark shirt he was wearing. 
Ethan hummed in agreement, his fingers tugging at your jeans. “You’ll have to be quiet,” he smirked against your mouth and you rolled your eyes as you pulled away. 
“Are you forgetting the fact that you initiated this?” You ask and turn your head when Ethan begins placing kisses against the skin of your neck, granting him better access. 
“No,” he answered, sitting up on his knees and pulling away from you completely to tug off the henley. “But we both know how loud you can get.”
Your face heats up and you’re unsure of the cause. Was it his words? The view of his bare chest? Or was it because of the feather light touch of his hands on your knees?
Whatever it was, you allowed it to warm your body completely, a heat ghosting over every inch of you as you watched him pull your shirt up enough to see the button and zipper of your jeans. He leans down to place hot kisses against the skin of your abdomen, tracing his tongue along each mark he created. 
Knowing that time was limited, and considering he has been thinking about this pretty much all day, he didn’t bother teasing you too much and popped open the button of your jeans before unzipping them and sliding them down your legs.
The only light that was on was the one on Sam’s dresser, which was by the wall furthest from the bed, so you couldn’t see much other than Ethan. Even then, you could still see the want and desperation in his eyes. “You couldn’t have waited until tonight, could you?” You tease him as your fingers work on the button of his pants. 
One of his hands slides up your back until they reach your neck. He gathers a handful of your hair between his fingers before giving you a sharp tug, making a surprised gasp leave your lips. “You know, for someone who’s so worried about someone walking in and insisting we need to be quick,” he began, hovering over you once more. “You sure don’t know how to shut up.”
His words, though they caught you off guard, sent a wave directly to your core as did the pull he gave your hair. Before you could reply, his lips were on yours again and his hand tugged at your hair once more, making the smallest moan slip from the back of your throat. 
Ethan grinned, more like smirked, against your lips as your fingers returned to the waistline of his jeans. You easily unzipped them and pulled the rough fabric down just enough for your hand to press against him. 
He groaned into your mouth, the kiss making it sound more muffled as he also didn’t want anyone to overhear the two of you and have them come see what the noise is about. If he gets cockblocked by Chad one more time, he’ll kill him. And that was a promise, not a joke. 
At the feeling of your hand palming him through his boxers, he lets out a needy whimper, bucking his hips against your hand. You grin against his mouth, pressing your hand harder against him and listening to all the small sounds that leave his lips. 
He wasn’t kidding when he said he needed you, if the hardness rubbing against your palm and the breathy whines leaving his mouth were anything to go by. You pull away from his lips and ask, “Protection?”
Ethan stops moving his hips against your hand and groans, shaking his head. “In my school bag,” he said. “Which is beside the couch.”
You playfully roll your eyes, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. “Smart,”
“I can make an excuse. I’ll say you need a book to study off of or something,” he offered and you laughed quietly at the way his face was tinted a pale pink at the thought of going back out there when he was sporting a very obvious boner. “Or I can pull out.”
You shake your head and kiss him again. “Don’t worry about it,” you mumbled against his mouth. “I started the pill a couple weeks ago.”
At that, Ethan pulled away from you and didn’t bother to hide the look of surprise that graced his face. “Really?”
You hummed and nodded your head. 
His lips formed a smirk and he looked down, watching as his fingers traced the inside of your thigh and created goosebumps as they inched closer to the lining of your underwear. “So, you’re saying I can claim you in more ways than one now?” 
You roll your eyes and grab him by the back of his neck. “Now look who can’t shut up,”
Before he could retaliate, you pull him towards you and connect your lips, swallowing the groan that escaped his mouth. The kiss lasted only a few seconds before he pulled away to focus on freeing himself from both his jeans and boxers.While he did that, you took the chance to slide upwards and position yourself more comfortably on the pillows, ridding yourself of the black fabric that covered your heat. 
Once he shoves the dark fabric partway down his legs, he kisses you again and places one arm under your back while the hand of his other moves down to guide himself along your slick folds. 
You held your breath once he entered you, as did he. It was a new feeling to the both of you as you had never done this without the use of protection on his part. It felt so much better and the feeling of him in his entirety invading your core had your eyes closing involuntarily. 
Ethan, on the other hand, nearly came right then and there, to put it simply. 
When you pulled away from his lips and leaned back on the pillows, he looked down at where the two of you connected with a completely fucked out expression on his face. 
The feeling of your walls around him with nothing in the way was enough to soothe the craving he had for you all day, and his stomach muscles flexed at the thought of what was still to come. 
You let out a small whine when he pulls halfway out that quickly turns into a quiet moan when he sinks back into you. 
You don’t get a chance to make a comment on the sly look he gave you before he began thrusting into you at a steady pace, effectively making any and all words die on your tongue and a moan slip out instead.
Ethan buries his head in the space between your neck and shoulder, his teeth sucking marks to quiet his own sounds. One of your hands reaches up to tug at his dark curls, your other scratching at the skin of his back. 
The slight sting of your nails against him has a low groan leaving his lips and the sound goes straight to your core, where you feel yourself clench around him. “Fuck, you’re always so good for me,” he nearly whispers, the words creating goosebumps on the skin of your neck. “I love you.”
You lift your hips and meet his thrusts halfway, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and your legs around his waist. “I love you,”
Ethan gives a particularly hard thrust at your words, a warm feeling settling in his bones. The hand that was gripping your waist slides upwards, stopping briefly at your shirt covered chest before travelling further. His thumb and index fingers press against the base of your throat for a few seconds before the rest wrap around your neck and apply the faintest amount of pressure. “You’re so pretty, so good for me,” he praises, pressing a chaste kiss against your lips. “You’re mine, aren’t you?”
You whimper in response, his hand on your throat making your head feel dizzy in the best way. 
At the lack of words from you, Ethan’s other hand that was under your back inched upwards until it reached the back of your head, where he tugged on your hair harshly, making your head move in the direction of the pull. What could only be described as a filthy moan escapes you at the sharp pull and he watches you with lust filled eyes. “Use your words, pretty girl,” 
“Yes,” you whimpered, moving your head forward and trying to press your lips to his but another pull of your hair stops you. 
“Yes, what?”
At his unrelenting thrusts, you have to fight to keep your eyes open and focused on him. “Yes,” you say again, tightening your arms around him. “Yours. I’m yours, baby. All yours.”
Your words send waves of happiness down his body and he grins, leaning down and finally letting you connect your lips again. His tongue fights with yours for a second or two before you give up and surrender yourself completely to him, making him smirk into the kiss. 
A string of saliva keeps the two of you connected when he pulls away to look you in the eyes. “You’re taking me so well,” he mumbled, making you involuntarily clench around him once again. It made fucking into you a bit harder to do but your tight walls were so greedy for him, it made his hips ache to continue to hit yours at a bruising pace. “Always take me so well. My good girl.”
His praises send heat waves down your body and they rest at your core, where you take him deeper with every thrust of his hips. The hand that was around your throat slides down to rest on your lower abdomen, right above your entrance. He presses his palm flat against your skin, feeling the outline of himself everytime he slipped back inside your heat.
The pressure makes your head spin and you cry out, clinging onto him with every ounce of strength you had left. With the hand still tangled in your hair, Ethan pulls you close to him to allow you to hide your head against his neck, your moans becoming muffled against his skin. 
“My sweet girl,” he mumbled, his mouth next to your ear. “Letting me ruin you on someone else’s bed. Taking me so well with our friends just down the hall.”
His words make you moan loudly against him, a heat spreading across your face. 
He knew the effect he had on you with his words, so he continued to give you praise after praise, making your self control slip further away from you. “What would they say if they were to see you like this? Hm?” You whine in response, your legs tightening around his waist while your heels pressed hard against his lower back, making him inch even deeper into you. “Sweet, shy Y/n, letting her boyfriend fuck her just because I couldn’t wait any longer.”
“Ethan,” you cry out, digging your nails into his back.
He grunts at the sting and it only adds to the intense pleasure bubbling inside him. He holds the back of your head once more, fisting your hair while his other hand grips your waist. The movement of his hips increased in speed and it wasn’t long until you felt the familiar knot begin to form. 
“I’m close,” you tell him, sucking a mark of your own on his neck and running your tongue over it afterwards. “I need you, Eth, please. I need you so bad.”
“So needy,” he teases, knowing damn well that he was the needy one who couldn’t wait a few more hours, when everyone fell asleep and gave you the opportunity to sneak away without being detected. “I’m right here, baby. Right here.”
Your eyes squeeze shut, your legs wrapping impossibly tighter around him as you moan against his neck. His hand cradled your head as you no longer had any control over the sounds leaving your mouth, the knot twisting until it was about to burst. 
When he felt you clench around him one last time, he moved his head to press his lips to yours, successfully muffling the string of moans you emitted once the knot snapped. Your warmth flooded around him, making him sink further and further inside you until his tip brushed against the most sensitive spot you had. 
His fingers gently massaged your head when he pulled away and he hid his face against your neck, his own moans lost to your skin as he felt himself tip over the edge as well. His hips slow down considerably as he rides out both your highs, and even after. He rocks into you for a few more seconds until the overexertion becomes too much, and he falls on top of you. 
You lay like that for a minute or two, silence taking over the room with the exception of your quiet inhales and his heavy pants. Your fingers thread through his curls while his traced up and down your back, leaving chills to take over your body. 
He pulls out of you slowly, not wanting to overstimulate you as he knew you became quite sensitive afterwards. He tugged his jeans back up and before the mix of both yours and his releases could slip onto Sam’s comforter, Ethan grabbed the cold cloth you wet for him from off the floor. He grinned at you while he wiped away the evidence of your previous activities, scrunching the cloth up in his hand once he was done. “I guess this was put to good use, after all,”
You rolled your eyes and slipped your underwear and jeans back on before sitting up. You grab his shirt from off the floor and toss it at him, watching as he easily caught it. After gripping the sides of his face and pressing a chaste kiss to his lips, you take the cloth from him and ask, “You feel better now?”
Ethan nodded his head, a boyish smile on his lips. “I feel fucking fantastic,”
Thank you all SO MUCH for 1000 notes and all the love on my last post. It truly means to much and it's the first time I've gotten that much feedback and support <3 so, seriously, thank you so much
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cutielando · 4 months
my lifeline ~ mattheo riddle
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Summary: You are Mattheo’s lifeline, his one ray of sunshine in the darkness that is his life. A cute little breakdown of how your relationship to the Slytherin bad boy began.
Other works: my masterlist
Mattheo had always had it rough.
Being the son of the Dark Lord brought enough complications to his life, let alone being at school with people who only made fun of him because of that.
It wasn’t fair. Nothing about his life seemed fair, but he had no choice about it. He couldn’t change who he was, no matter how much he wanted to.
But he could change the way he viewed himself.
And he did. 
From the moment you had entered his life.
You transfering to Hogwarts from Beauxbatons had probably been the best thing that had ever happened to him.
Watching you timidly walk towards the Sorting Hat, anxiously waiting for it to speak and tell you which house you would join, seeing the sweet smile you had given the Slytherins once you joined them at their table and just so happened to have been sitting right across from him.
He knew, from the moment you had looked at him with your bright eyes, that he was a goner.
Over the course of your first weeks at the school, Mattheo had been the one to welcome you the best, always offering to show you around the castle, help you study or simply just keep you company while you would do homework together.
Pansy had also become your friend, very eager to have another girl in the friend group.
Pansy was also the first person to find out about your crush on the curly haired bad boy. 
It didn’t come as a surprise, really. With the amount of time you had been spending together ever since you came to the school, the countless walks you had been on with him when the both of you had free time, the charming smiles he would give you whenever he would look at you.
He had you mesmerized and he didn’t even realize.
The holidays had proved to be the perfect opportunity for Mattheo to finally tell you what he was feeling, right before you left for home.
“Y/N!” he had called out for you as you were struggling to carry your luggage down the countless pairs of stairs towards the castle entrance.
You turned around, a smile immediately appearing on your kind face. The kind of smile that made the butterflies in Mattheo’s stomach go crazy.
“Hey, Mattheo. I was just about to leave for the train, I didn’t want to be late” you explained, gesturing towards your trunk.
You didn’t know if you should have said anything else, knowing that his father and him probably didn’t want to have anything to do with each other and he had no reason to want to go home for the holidays.
“I know, and I wanted to catch you just before you left. I wanted to tell you something that I’ve been putting off for the entire semester” he said, scratching the back of his neck.
You nodded, signaling that you were listening. 
He let out a breath before speaking up once again.
“I like you, a lot. Ever since you transferred here, you’ve been on my mind. I’ve come to look forward to every minute that I get to spend with you, regardless of what we do. I just wanted to know if you would like to go on a date with me once you get back?” he asked, making you smile.
All the daydreams about what it would be like to be with him, to know that he was just yours, they were finally going to happen after so much lost time.
“Your timing really sucks” you joked, making him blush and nod. “But my answer is yes” you added before quickly leaning up to kiss his cheek and left.
Unbeknownst to you, the moment you had turned around and couldn’t see him anymore, he fist-bumped the air and did a little happy dance, being sure that nobody would see him and tarnish his bad boy reputation.
During the time you spent away, you guys exchanged several letters, in most of them Mattheo was complaining about how slow the time was passing and how eager he was to see you again and take you out.
Which he did, the hour right after you had got back to Hogwarts. 
Your date had been amazing, sipping your favorite warm drinks at the Three Broomsticks, browsing around your favorite shops in Hogsmeade, and then finally ending with a goodnight kiss right at the bottom of the stairs leading to your bedroom.
The news that you had become a couple spread around as quickly as a disease would. Gossip traveled very fast around a school full of teenagers, especially when it involved someone with a reputation like Mattheo.
Being seen together in front of the whole school had been something you were weary of, ever since he had asked you out; mainly because it was no news that your now boyfriend was a very handsome lad, and a good number of the girls from every house had a thing for him.
Imagine now, with him dating you, it had automatically put a big target on your back.
But not to worry, Mattheo was there for you.
“People are staring” you told him on the morning of your first breakfast together as a couple, a day after everyone had got back from holiday.
“So? Let them stare, I don’t care” he said, shrugging his shoulders and pulling you closer to him.
You gulped, noticing more and more girls whispering and looking at you over their shoulders, frantically it was more like glaring deep into your soul.
“Easy for you to say, you don’t have the entire female population of this castle hoping your head would explode so they can take your place” you had meant for it to sound like a joke in order to not worry Mattheo, but he had seen right through it.
Following your gaze, he had noticed just how much attention there was on you that morning. He cleared his throat, glaring at every single girl right back, which then prompted them to blush and turn away from you guys.
“Don’t worry about other people, they know nothing about us and they’re just jealous” he whispered to you, planting a kiss on your temple in comfort.
You knew that he was right, that you just had to drown everyone out and just focus on Mattheo and what you had.
And that was exactly what you did.
Months went by very quickly, making your relationship with Mattheo only blossom more and more with each passing day. The love shared between you was more intense than anything either of you had experienced before.
You two helped each other, motivated and encouraged one another. You helped him deal with his problems, listened to him whenever he needed to unwind and just talk to someone about his home, about what his childhood was like and what being Voldemort’s son had done to him.
You slowly helped him out of his shell, making him open to you more and more each passing day, making sure he was comfortable whenever he was around you and always made sure he was okay, no matter where you were or what the circumstances were.
You became what he needed, his savior. 
A lifeline to pull him back to reality when he would need it the most, whenever he would feel like he was about to fall off the edge.
You were his life.
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mirohlayo · 7 months
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( lando doesn't like when you give your attention to someone else, when all he wants is to be with you )
warning : fluff, some jealousy
word count : 2.7k
!! english not my first language !!
you greet acquaintances as you walk and try to find your way in the paddock. you walk towards the McLaren garage and then your eyes search for your boyfriend. shortly after, you find him next to oscar and some engineers. they're talking and have serious faces. you want to greet them (lando actually) but you decide to not intrude their conversation because it looks serious and important, probably about the qualifications. so you wait. a little long. maybe a little too long. lando doesn't seem to have noticed you. well actually you arrived 30 minutes earlier than expected and that's why lando have no idea that you are here, waiting for him.
so you keep waiting. and waiting. time passes and now you've been waiting for 20 minutes. you know very well that the conversation was going to last a little longer, races are really important for lando and his team because it's their jobs. so instead of wasting your time and wait for him, you decide to take a walk inside the paddock, because as time passed you got bored.
a lot of people are present of course. engineers, journalists, racing teams, staff and the drivers' friends and family. but now you're used to that crowd. you're dating lando for quite a while now and attending almost all his races enabled you to be comfortable with this environment and atmosphere. and actually you really enjoy it. being able to meet new people, having funny conversations with them, the stressful feeling of races and qualifications, happiness when the racing team does a good job. you know that you're a very lucky person to have access to all of that.
you keep walking slowly, observing here and there around the paddock. then you find hamilton, saying goodbye to some guys and he notices you right after. you smile at him as he walks towards you, smiling back to you. he stops himself in front of you.
- nice to see you here y/n ! he says with a great smile.
- nice to see you too lewis ! you answered.
- why you're taking a walk alone ? he frowns a bit and then raises his brows like he found something. your boyfriend is too occupied right ?
you laugh and nod.
- yeah, looks like he was having a serious conversation with the engineers, i didn't want to intrude. but it's okay, i enjoy walking alone around the paddock.
- would you like to walk with me a bit then ? i've finished checking things with my team and i'm not gonna lie i need some distraction, he adresses to you a big smile.
part of you want to decline your friend's offer but you remember lando is still in the mclaren garage and if you join him now he'd probably be still here talking, not having time for you. and it's been a while since you last spoke with lewis.
- okay, let's go. but just for like 10 minutes, otherwise lando will wonder where i am and search for me all around the paddock, you say in a grin.
- don't worry, i won't take up too much of his girlfriend's time, he joked.
you guys start to walk slowly, enjoying the presence of each other. lewis is actually a good friend of you. well it's thanks to him that you're now lando's girlfriend. you're one of his closest friend, you know him for some years now. one day, he asked you to come to watch him pilot. you said that you didn't have the time, too busy with your job. he had to beg you and made you free up time to come over and watch a grand prix. finally, you gave up and went a sunday to the race. and you don't regret coming that day, because it's when you met for the first time lando. and now he's your boyfriend. lewis really deserves an appreciation for that.
- when i think that at the beginning you were a supporter of Mercedes, he grin and look down at your mclaren hoodie. the number 4 was on the back of it.
- guess tastes change, you answered playfully.
- especially not because of one particular boy, he's now giving you a implicit look.
- oh please shut up, you say in a smile and hit his shoulder.
he laugh at you. sometimes you forget lewis can be very teasing when he wants.
- but it's okay, i like lando. especially because he got me rid of an irritating girl, he jokes and can't hide his vicious smile.
- you lewis !! you give him a blow in the ribs and  shoot a black look. you try to bite back a smile but his laugh and teasing can't help it.
- i'm not going to remind you that roscoe loves me more than you, you tease him. and well, it's the truth.
- don't even try to continue on this topic. you know it breaks my heart y/n, he says and place his hand over his heart like he was hurt.
- so dramatic, you laugh and roll your eyes.
you can't deny it but your teasing game with lewis is something that you really like. you missed these interactions with your friend. and so does he.
you both are so into your teasing game that you don't even realizes you're now in front of the mclaren paddock. and what you also didn't noticed was how lando is looking at you two.
he finished his checking conversation with the engineers and oscar not so long ago. he thought that you were already in the garage waiting for him. but how suprised he was when he found out you were not here. first, he thought you were just in the toilets, or in his drivers room. so he calmed down a bit and went to his room. but you were not here too. then he started looking for you, searching everywhere until he finds you here in front of him, laughing and joking with hamilton. you look happy, looking at him with a playful look and smile, slapping his arm and then shoot him back a black look trying not to burst out laughing at the dumb things he says.
lando can't help but felt his heart tightens. the way you are just having a fun time with lewis, laughing like it is the funniest moment of your life, your hand touching his shoulder so that you don't lose your balance because you have this habit of almost falling to the ground when you're laughing to hard. and that usually happens when you are with lando, when he makes you laugh because oh he loves the sound of your laugh and your big smile, especially when he's the reason of it. but seeing you in this exact state with his driver friend instead of him, he just doesn't like that at all. yeah, he hates it. and he also feel guilty about it. he likes hamilton because he's his friend, but above all because it's thanks to him that you're his girlfriend.
he feel like he has no right to feel like that, because originally you are a friend of hamilton and he met you after him, when you were already one of his closest friends. if lewis didn't bring you that sunday, lando wouldn't be bere to be yours. but he also can't stand seeing you being so close to him, like it's just the two of you against the world. he just wants to be the only one for you, to be the only one that make you smile and laugh like that. just him and you. just you giving him all your attention. maybe he was just a bit insecure.
he sigh and take a deep breath. then he walks towards you two. he stop himself behind you and in front of the other driver and you are still laughing like kids until lewis notices him.
- looks like the prince if finally here for his princess, lewis says earning a grin from lando.
- yes, i come to save her, he reply in a grin but with an annoying tone, that he hopes you haven't heard. it comes harsher than he wanted.
- i am a troublemaker or something ? lewis joked and tease his friend.
- of course you are, you're always bothering me when lando is not here ! you say, still teasing him.
- oh stop i already know you loves him so much and would rather be with him than me in any situations, the mercedes driver give a playful look to the mclaren driver while saying this to you.
- of course, he's lando norris. how can i not love him ? you reply softly.
lando feel his heart lights. he can't help but smile at your sweet words. you look so in love with him it just makes lando so so happy. he drop his gaze on you and you give him a big smile, the one he cherishes with all of his heart. he wrap his arms around your waist and pull you close to his body.
- oh please don't do that in front of me, lewis says and act like he was disgusted, just to tease and bother you.
- not my fault if you don't have someone to hug, you reply, defending you and your boyfriend.
- yes it is, he reply back to back.
- no, it is not.
and like that you guys keep arguing about why lewis never hugs people and that he's maybe in need of affection. and lando was just there, trying to follow the debate.
you are just giving almost all of your attention to hamilton instead of him. and lando just hates that. he just want to run away from you and eclipse himself for the whole day, distancing himself from you until you give him your divine attention. maybe he is childish for thinking like that, but he just feels so jealous right now. for him, lewis is just stealing his girl. he should be the one debating with her, not the one who is here on the side and just standing like a bot. he is getting more jealous and angry. and he doesn't like that.
so, instead of just explodes in front of you two, he try to get your attention by squishing your hand, or your waist. reaching his hand to replace a strand of hair on your face, pull the sleeve of your hoodie, randomly kissing quickly your cheeks or the back of your hand. he just keeps touching you gently and softly and each time you look up at him and give him some bit of attention he feels relieve and happiness fills his body. but not a second later you're back talking and laughing with lewis. and then he can't stand it anymore.
he walks away from you and left you here with hamilton, not even daring to look back. he feels like an idiot for his shit behavior towards you and his mate but he gets sick by just seeing you so close with an another man than him. he knows damn well jealousy is not something good in a relationship, but he's so done. he is so annoyed and irritated by what happened that he completely forgot he has the qualifying. he enter the mclaren garage in a virulent way, and some people notice it, oscar being one of them.
- hey mate, you look like you're going to kill someone, oscar joked as he comes closer to the driver.
- maybe because that's what's going to happen, lando reply in a irritating tone.
oscar get silent for a moment and frown. he examines lando's expression.
- what happened ? he asked cautiously, not wanting to make things getting worse.
- nothing, don't worry, lando reply coldly.
- you're sure ?
lando turn to face his teammate and calm down a bit. he sigh and pat his shoulder to reassure him.
- yeah, just some silly things i think about. he pause for a second and then he gives him a determined look. let's do our best for the qualifying mate !
oscar smiles and nod his head, even though he's still worried about his friend statement.
and then, the qualifying takes place.
you're now waiting for your boyfriend in his drivers room. you know something bad happened, or maybe you did something wrong but the way your lover just left you in the middle of the paddock like an abandoned child makes you worrying about him. he looked angry, furious and frustrated because his walk wast fast and he didn't even look back. you want to know and understand why he reacts like that.
the race just finish some minutes ago, and lando will come soon into his driver room to dropped some stuff out as usual.
and then the door opens. you meet his eyes, and they're a lot of different emotions in it when he realizes that you're here. you stand up and guide yourself to him.
- lan, you whisper softly.
you try to approach him but he moves and take a step back. you're hurt.
- can we talk about what happened please ? i know something bother you.
he lift up his head to meet your gaze. and he didn't expect to see your hurt expression on your face. now he feels even more guilty than during the race. because yes, he regretted his behavior and how childish he was towards you when he was on the track. he couldn't concentrate fully on the race because of you and his shit actions. and now seeing you in this state makes him want to kiss you and hold you tight. his heart is crying.
- yeah, sure.
- why did you walk away like that ? something happened i know it, you start.
he avoid your gaze and start playing with his fingers. he's nervous. he does not want to reveal that he was so jealous of lewis because you would think he's such a kid and immature. a moment of silence fill the air. you notice that he looks nervous, so you try to help him.
- it is because of me ? you ask gently.
- not really, he answers still not looking at you.
- lando tell me what's wrong. i want to know because i'm confused and i don't want you to keep things to yourself. you can talk to me baby.
- i'm so sorry love, he says. then the second later, you're in his strong arms. he pulls you very close to his body and hide his face in your neck. so so sorry. i didn't intend to hurt you.
you sigh and gently rub his back.
- i'm not. just tell me how you feel lan. i promise i already forgave you, just tell me about your feelings please.
he goes silent for a minute, keeping you close to him.
- it's just... i didn't like the way the two of you interacted later. you were laughing a lot because of lewis and you kept making jokes with him. and i felt like you were ignoring me and enjoyed more his presence than mine. i don't like when you're close to an other man. i want you just for myself. i know this is selfish and childish because originally you're one of his closest friend but you were giving all of your attention to him instead of me. i was huh... jealous.
you move a bit away just to look at his face. you can see how guilty and hurt he is, like he was begging your pardon through his eyes. this picture breaks your heart in two. sometimes you feel like you don't deserve him.
- ohh my sweet boy... i understand how you feel. you have the right to feel like that. i was having fun with lewis because it's been a long time since we last saw each other and i didn't even think that it could have affected you so much. i'm so sorry love... so sorry. you know i also want to keep you all to myself.
- we're quits i guess.
you laugh softly and hug him. his hands rub your back slowly.
- i just want your precious attention y/n, lando says close to your lips.
- now you'll have it lando, you reply in a grin.
he smiles wide and pulls you closer. god he just loves you so so much, it sometimes hurts. he leans in and kisses you, squeezing your waist as you cup his face in your hands.
and you'll never leave his side, giving him all your attention for the rest of the day. and the rest of the week-end.
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wolfish-trickster · 1 month
Don't make me choose
Gojo x fem!reader
Part 2
Word count: 1.4K
Summary: it's been some time since you've started dating the infamous Satoru Gojo. But lately you feel more like the two of you are just cuddle/fuck buddies and not a real couple. You make him choose his priorities which is something the strongest doesn't like.
Warnings: bad grammar (possibly), typos, angst, very little comfort
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When Gojo Satoru first asked you out you couldn't be happier. The first time he caught your eye was when he zoomed past you together with Geto on one bike. You got so startled you fell to the ground and scratched your knee. You thought at first that they will just leave you there and probably laugh at you later at a pub, talking to their friends how they knocked over a clumsy girl in a park. What completely shocked you was Gojo running up to you with Geto pushing their bike behind him asking you if you were okay and if you need any help.
The rest is history.
Now, three years later, things have been going well. Mostly.
You had the ultimate boyfriend experience. Nice dates, wholesome anniversaries, moving in together, having fun. You did everything in your power to not get boring, for him to not get bored. You cooked, cleaned, asked him how his day was, acted silly with him even when you were exhausted after a long day.
So why? Why was he spending more and more of his free time away from you?
It started out small. The first time you started noticing was like a month ago. As soon as he came home he told you he's going to the pub with Geto and Nanami. You told him to have fun of course, not wanting to seem like that girlfriend that doesn't allow their boyfriends having fun without them. Then from one weekend it became every weekend. Both of you were busy during the week, the only time you had for yourself was during the night and weekend. It soon became just nights.
Even during the week it was "babe, i have a day off tomorrow i'm going to Geto's" or "sorry we have to move the date night to sometime else, Geto is sick and has no one to take care of him" and once even "babe, remember how you told me about this place you used to love as a child? I'm going there with Geto! What a coincidence, right?". The last one hurt the most. Honestly, the last one was also what made you start noticing these in the first place. Once you looked into the past and counted all the times Gojo chose to spend his free time with his best friend instead of you you nearly slapped yourself. It was too many times. How could've you been so blind?
All off days were for Geto. All special days were once again for Geto. Weekends, holidays, his and yours birthdays, all for Geto fucking Suguru.
You needed to have a talk with him.
If he comes back that is. Lately he started to have sleepovers with Geto. As if both of them were teenage girls. You did ask to join them but they always told you off to "not disturb their boy time".
Steps echo outside your apartment. The door unlocks. And in comes...
"Babe," comes the voice of your beloved white haired guy, "I'm home."
"I can hear that," came your answer. You prayed it didn't sound too agressive. Your stomach was full of nervous butterflies, making it even worse to come up with a decent way to start the talk.
While you were thinking he came from the entrance hall to the kitchen where you were sitting and kissed you on the crown of your head. "I wanted to ask, do we have plans next wendesday? Because Suguru said he'd-"
"Listen," you interrupted him before he could even finish, "can we talk?"
Gojo chuckled. "That's a very scary sentence."
"Why? Have something to hide?"
"Nope," he put his bag down and leaned his back against the wall, "I'm listening. What is it?"
You took a deep breath. Then another. "Don't you think you're spending a little too much time with Geto?"
His playful smile loosend into a neutral line. "Elaborate?"
"It's just... you've been with him so much lately and I miss being with you-"
"I'm with you all the damn time. Every single night we-"
"Can't you let me finish?!" you said a little louder than intended but enough is enough. "Is that all you see me as? A fuck-buddy to warm your bed?"
Gojo groaned in annoyance. "No, of course not. But you're literally overreacting over here!"
"Overreacting? How? By wanting my boyfriend to be home on his off days? To spend some time with me and have fun like before?"
"Have fun times with you? What am I your babysitter?"
"Are you Geto's? All the fun stuff we used to do you're doing with him!"
"No, no darling," he stood up straight and walked towards you, backing you into the corner, "all the stuff we used to do I did with him first. He's my best friend! I've known him half my life! You have to have at least a bit of empathy to understand that."
Even cornered by a giant of a guy like him you didn't feel fear. The butterflies in your stomach died. What remained was just pain in your chest predicting what was about to come.
"Do you even see me as your girlfriend anymore, Gojo?"
"Oh, so we are on last name terms again?" he asked sarcastically and walked away to pour himself a cup of water.
"Answer me."
You watched him drink. Slowly. You've never seen a man drink this slow.
"Of course I do," he put the glass down, "what kind of a bullshit question is that?"
"It's how I feel Gojo. You're never here with me!"
"I am here now aren't I?" he poked his chest with his forefinger. "I'm here every single day and night, twentyfour fucking seven ever since we moved in together! Well excuse me I want to have some quality time with my best friend from time to time!"
You didn't want this. The yelling, the arguing. But it has to be done.
Now as a finishing touch. "Who do you value more?"
"Excuse me?" was all he said, too surprised to not hear you yell in return, just calmly asking your question.
"Who is more important to you? Your best friend or your girlfriend?"
Gojo covered his face with his palms and threw his head back. "You can't be serious right now," he groaned. "Suguru is my best friend. You can't just make me choose!"
"So I'm below a best friend. I might as well be called your friend with benefits..." you say more to yourself than him.
"There you go hating yourself again," he shook his head. "I get it, you want to hear me say how much you mean to me, how you're the most important thing in the world and other stuff I've told you a million times already and yet you still slip into this state. I might as well record myself saying those things so you could listen to them everytime you're attention starved," he pinched the bridge of his nose.
He sighed. "You know what? I'm tired of this. I still care about you, but you have to understand Suguru is-"
"I know," you interrupt his rant. "I'm tired too."
Gojo sighs. "Okay. Good. I knew we could talk this out," he said and picked up his sleepover bag again. "I hate arguing with you."
He walked past you to the bathroom to dump his pyjamas into dirty laundry. "Let's go to bed, okay?" he shouted from there.
After a quick shower he walked out the bathroom with nothing but sweatpants on and a towel around his neck.
However you weren't there. Not in the bedroom, nor living room, nor anywhere else. Confused Gojo walked around the apartment, looking for any signs where you might be hiding. Maybe you want to jumpscare him again to light up the tension?
Fine, two can play this game. He tiptoed into the bedroom to your massive closet and yanked it open.
You weren't there. But neither were your things. He quickly checked under the bed to see your beloved backpack missing.
Panicked he started calling out for you, thinking this was just a prank.
It wasn't.
You made him choose and without even realizing it he did.
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linopls · 8 months
kinktober day two
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titfucking seungmin x fem!reader summary: seungmin's biggest pet peeve is when you forget plans warnings: warnings: SMUT MINORS DNI, 18+, degradation, humiliation, manhandling, use of color system 0.9k words
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“seungmin, i’m sorry! i didn’t mean-”
“ground,” he commands.  you comply, not wanting to piss him off more than he already is.
“i’ll make it up to you! i promise! whatever you want-” tears are streaming down your face and your grabbing at his legs, begging him to forgive you.
he grabs your chin in one of his big hands to cut you off. “i want you to shut the fuck up. since you want to act like such a slut, i’ll fucking treat you like one.” he forcefully releases his grip on your face, in a throw-like motion. “take your shirt off to match your fucking cunt.”
you quickly take your shirt off and throw it god knows where. you sit on your knees, hands in your lap, waiting for seungmin to make his next move. you had forgotten that seungmin said he would come over after his schedule today and he caught you playing with yourself. he had previously said that this event would probably stress him out so he wanted to come to your apartment and make love to you before falling asleep. 
“i’m already fucking exhausted from today,” he says, walking over to your nightstand and opening one of your drawers. “and i expected to come home to my beautiful lover that i could make sweet, romantic love to. but no.” he turns around, a small bottle of lube in one hand and he’s unbuckling his belt with the other. “i came home to a slut, who couldn’t even wait for me to come home to make her feel good.”
he grabs you by the chin again and lowers himself to eye level with you. “i was going to be so sweet and gentle with you today, i was thinking about it the whole way home. but now i don’t think you deserve it.”
you gulp, too scared to respond, seungmin picks up on this. normally you would have a snarky remark or would continue to beg for forgiveness, but today you’re too disappointed in yourself to do so. 
“color?” seungmin whispers, lightening the grip on your jaw. 
“g-green,” you whisper back, lowering your head.
“good,” he says, as he stands up fully.
“c-can i say one thing?” you ask meekly.
“yes,” he answers, standing above you looking down at your solemn figure.
“i’m very sorry, i-i had mixed up what days y-you said y-you’d be o-over and i,uh, thought it was ‘morrow.”
“shouldn’t be so forgetful,” he laughs, pulling his belt off and throwing it onto your bed. 
“i know. you can do whatever you need to me tonight and i’ll make it up to you in the morning.”
“i intend to,” he spits. he pulls his slacks down just enough for his hard cock to spring free, the sight makes your mouth water. “sit up,” he commands. 
you do as he asks and sit up on your knees, you’re face to face with his stomach and you look up to him. he looks so handsome like this, telling you want to do and holding this power above you.
“push ‘em together,” he says, removing the cap from the bottle of lube. he doesn’t have to explicitly say it, you know exactly what he’s talking about.
you knew that seungmin was a tit guy, the way he always groped at them or stared at them no matter what you were doing. a couple months ago, you were having a similar scene but you were allowing him to face fuck you. he stopped suddenly and asked if it would be okay to use your tits to get off. ever since then he had become addicted to it and would do it any time you misbehaved.
you pushed your breasts together and he prepared his cock and placed it between your tits. 
“good?” he asks. everytime he checks in, it makes your heart swell. you nod in response.
he slowly begins to move back and forth between your soft breasts. “fuck,” he groans. 
you nod. you feel yourself dripping all over your hardwood floors and you adjust yourself to close your legs and stop any further leaking. 
“sitting nice and still while i use you is the least you could do right now.” he says through gritted teeth.
you try to move again but seungmin grabs you by the jaw and pulls you to look at him.
“why the fuck are you moving?” seungmin yells.
“d-don’t want to make a mess on my floor,” you whisper.
“speak up slut. you were so loud earlier begging for my forgiveness. where is that now?” he taunts, tightening his grip on your jaw.
“i’m making a mess on my floor, d-don’t want to leave a puddle.”
“oh my god,” seungmin erupts into laughter. “you are such a fucking slut aren’t you? i can just use your tits for my own pleasure and it has you gushing all over the place, hmm?”
your face turns red and tears threaten to spill over.
“gonna cry, hmm? save it.” seungmin grabs both of your shoulders and begins to fuck your tits faster.
“push ‘em together further, slut.”
you push your breasts together as hard as you can and seungmin moans loudly in response. 
“gonna come all fucking over you,” he spits before releasing his load. he paints your breasts, neck, and jaw white and you sigh in relief. he takes one of his fingers and slides it over a pile of is cum and holds it to your mouth,
“suck,” he commands and you eagerly take his fingers into your mouth. 
once you wipe them clean, he ponders for a moment. “push ‘em back together,” he says, stroking his cock back to its full length. “i’m not finished yet.”
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seungmin simps please rise !!
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bandgie · 2 months
SKZ MTL likely to touch themselves in front of you - and be able to come with you watching them (and giving them praise) but not touching them?
I reckon Hyunjin would love this, and probably Jisung and Felix. Hyune would make a whole show of it, probably showering first and coming out with his hair mussed and dripping wet then dropping his towel and lying back completely naked to give you the performance of your life.
Ji would be shy the first time and stay fully clothed, just slipping his hand into his pants with his little chubby cheeks burning. But once he sees how much it turns you on and hears your words of encouragement he gets braver and shoves his pants down to let you see his fist working over his cock before he comes all over himself with a whine.
Okay I'm answering my own ask now I'll stop (but I have thoughts)...
you're so right! it's something he has to get used to I think. you're usually always touching him, stroking his cock and whispering dirty little things in his ear until he shoots hot cum into your palm. but having him do all the work while you watch is a nice switch up! might be a little nervous with a shaky grip, but when he gets into it he gets into it. whimpering and bucking his hips into his fist while you watch propped up on your elbows, feet swinging back 'n forth while cooing at him
heavy on the mutual masturbation. you don't have to touch yourself, but he would looove to see your fingers playing with your pretty pussy while he rubs his tip. you need to talk him through it. constant praising, maybe even some directions on how he should stroke himself. and if you drool on his cock? he's busting right then and there
hot take! you need to coax him. call him a pretty boy and that you love every single thing about him. he's kind of like han in being shy, but you're right in him putting on a show once he's comfortable. bites his lip, throws his head back, lets out deep moans and the occasional gasping mewls when his tip gets sensitive. there doesn't need to be a whole lot of talking with him, but if you moan with him woooweeee he's creaming himself.
not me putting him lower :( but! I think binnie cums the hardest when you touch him. pinching his nipples, cupping his balls, something. then again, you could just stare into his eyes and call him your good baby and he'd be spilling cum all over the sheet on his own, but it sooo much better for him when he gets to feel you. not that he'll complain, whatever makes his baby happy
he can jerk off no problem, but he needs a kiss. his tongue lolls out of his mouth desperate for your own. he wants to taste you, to ground himself on you. I feel like he'd take it personal if you didn't kiss him, he needs your lips constantly. if you're keen on not touching him, he'll take you spitting in his mouth. it's better than nothing.
I think he would use it against you! making you keep your legs wide open so he could jerk himself off right over your wet pussy. he can see it basically sobbing for him to put it in, to rub against your slit, for any type of friction, but he'll just giggle and keep stroking himself while you whine. the only type of contact you'll get is his cum landing on your cunt and tummy :(
jeongin has good dick, so like why would you want to watch him jerk off when he can fuck you? that's what he thinks at least (and it's true) but he'll try it out once or twice. it's not as easy to finish compared to when you're the one jerking him off, but he can't say it isn't hot. watching your hungry eyes rake over his body while he pumps himself. he'll run his free hand up and down his abs just to tease you
tbh I so feel like he can be anywhere on this ranking. he just has some days where that's all he wants to do and others where fucking you is an everyday thing. he can absolutely cum without you touching him, but he's making you lick his cum up. sometimes he'll say you can just watch, but he'll have you on your knees throatfucking you minutes later. it ranges honestly, this man keeps it a surprise
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