#gonna have my hands full for a while tonight unfortunately :p
roadkill-dreaming · 21 days
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✨Lead Us Into Temptation✨
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The poll didn't even finish before I started working on this lmao, hope you enjoy my first take on some very soft dom Luci!
Lucifer x f!sinner reader
Summary: You were a devout believer in life, but somehow you ended up in Hell with no real explanation. Most nights you can be found sitting on a bar stool in the lobby, trying to cope with what's happened to you. But one night while in an intoxicated state, you reveal your most hidden desires to the King himself...
Lucifer x f!sinner reader
Warnings: smut, 18+, reader first time, hand job, fingering, tail play, oral (m & f receiving), p in v
"That's it, I'm cuttin' you off for tonight," Husk said sternly, whisking away your unfinished glass of whiskey. You'd been at the bar for only an hour and you've already downed five full glasses.
"Noooo, Husk c'mon...I'm fffffiiiinnee," you babbled, trying to push your head from the countertop unsuccessfully.
It's been a few months since you arrived in Hell after an unfortunate accident that ended in your early demise. But being a devout believer, you were so sure that Heaven would be your final destination. How wrong you were. You woke up in the fiery pit confused and scared, your body had transformed into that of a demon; you had become something you had feared for your entire life. When you first heard about the Hazbin Hotel, you nearly jumped at the opportunity for redemption. If there was even the slightest hope of getting out of here, you were going to take it. But your situation was more than troublesome, considering how you led your life up on Earth. On most nights, you could easily be found sitting on a bar stool, trying desperately to drown your sorrows and distract yourself from the reality you'd found yourself in.
What's worse...not everyone here is evil. It was ingrained into you that everyone down here in Hell deserved to be, they had earned this punishment. But getting to know some of the other residents at the hotel, that couldn't have been further from the truth! Was everything you were taught just a complete lie?! For Heaven's sake, Charlie, the literal princess of Hell, was the sweetest and kindest being you've ever had the pleasure of meeting! And Vaggie, a former angel, so devout to Charlie and her dream, you've never seen two people more in love. Angel, although a bit eccentric and over the top, cared deeply for his friends and was ready to fight for them at a moment's notice. It was all...not what you expected, and you had a very difficult time coping with everything that you had been thrust into.
"You're shit faced," Husk snapped back. "Look, I know you're havin' a hard time with all this. But drinking away your issues ain't gonna solve any of 'em. You need to sleep this off." He watched you stumble off the bar stool, your one foot catching the other, resulting in a rather pitiful fall onto the carpet. But you couldn't feel anything, the alcohol helped mask the pain you were sure to feel tomorrow. You couldn't help but giggle at your own clumsiness. "Oh, for fuck's sake..." Husk grumbled.
Before you could even attempt to pull yourself off the ground, you saw a pair of black boots approaching you in a rather hurried manner.
"Woah!" the voice exclaimed, "Are you alright? Here, let me help you!" In no time, your limp body went from lying on the lobby floor to being hoisted up and helped back onto the bar stool you fell from. You turned your head to see Lucifer's concerned face staring back at you. "Husk, what happened?"
"She's drunk," the cat demon explained, "I told her she was done drinkin' for the night and she ate shit trying to stand up. I was about to help her back to her room-"
All of a sudden, a shadowy presence started to form behind the bar. A static filled laugh was heard before Alastor had popped up, startling the bar tender. "Husker, my good man!," the radio demon bellowed, "it seems as though I am in need of your assistance."
"Fuck! Why can't you just walk in here like a normal fucking person?" Husk grumbled.
Alastor only responded with a light chuckle before fixing his attention on you. "My, my, what have we here?" Alastor taunted. You could have sworn you heard a low growl coming from Lucifer beside you. "I say, my dear, I've never seen you look worse than you do now. What a pity, all of those teachings really didn't help you in the long run, now did they?"
You felt tears threatening to fall from your eyes at Alastor's cruel words. If you were sober, you would have run the other direction as fast as you could. Alastor had been the other real soul you met who you knew with every fiber of your being belonged in this pit. But considering you had no inhibitions and clearly no chance of getting away, you picked your head up and slammed your fists on the table in righteous anger.
"Ohhh, eat shit youuuu *hic* smiling prick!" You tried to stand up once more, only for your legs to buckle underneath you. Luckily, Lucifer had caught you before your face had met with the carpet again. "I-I don't deserve this! 'Least I'm TRYING to redeem m'self!"
Alastor's malicious grin never faltered. "Oh, and what a fabulous job you're doing! I do wonder how a woman such as yourself has fallen so far from grace."
"Fuck off, radio freak," Lucifer snarled, barring his teeth and his eyes shifting to a deep crimson red and yellow.
“Oh, ho ho! Seems as though I’ve struck a nerve,” Alastor mocked. He made his way around the bar, now towering over you and the fallen angel. “Tell me, your highness, what is your fascination with this lost soul, hmm? I’m so utterly curious as to why you would give her the time of day when all she does is wallow in her self-pity and-”
“I. SAID. FUCK. OFF.” the king spat, his eyes now changing into a solid red and his voice deepening to match his threat. Though your vision was hazy, you noticed his horns had burst out from his temples. Whether it was the alcohol or something else entirely, your face suddenly felt very, very hot. “Don’t make me repeat myself again.”
Despite the immense danger, Alastor could only muster a sly grin. “It’s very rude to ignore my question.”
“I don’t have to do anything for you! Or have you forgotten who you’re talking to?” The way Lucifer spoke sent a shiver down your spine. “The only reason that you’re not a mangled corpse on the ground right now is because of my daughter. So, if you want to stay in one piece, I’d walk away right now if I were you…”
The two men's faces were just inches away from each other now. Alastor’s eye twitched as he glared back at Lucifer with pure distain. His eyes shifted to you only for a brief moment before standing up straight and smirking to himself.
“I suppose it really is no business of mine as to how you choose to mingle with the guests here,” the radio demon resolved. He turned around to walk away, but not before glancing at you once more over his shoulder. “They’re lost causes anyway. Come along, Husker!”
Lucifer’s demonic traits disappeared as Alastor finally left the parlor. “I hate that man.” He looked at Husk empathetically. “If I could break your arrangement with him, I would. I’m sorry. But don’t worry, I’ll take care of her.” With that, Husk nodded and followed the radio demon down the hall, leaving you and Lucifer alone at the now empty bar.
You started to bawl as you clung to Lucifer for support. Immediately, he rushed you over to the couch and sat you down next to him, letting you cry into the crook of his neck.
"Hey, hey, shh," Lucifer soothed. "It's alright. Alastor won't bother you anymore, I'll make sure of it."
"It's n-not him," you sniffled, "it's everything! Al-stor's right, there's no savin' me."
Lucifer pulled you away from him, placing a hand under your chin as he looked into your glassy eyes. "Now what makes you say that?"
Another tear rolled down your face. "Is like he said, what I was taught up there...nothing's true! Welllll, except..." you placed your hand over the one holding your face tenderly. "Theeeyyyyy did say that you, Luciferrrr, were heaven's prettiest angel. They def-liny didn't lie about that!"
You noticed a small blush creep across Lucifer's face at your words. He pulled his and away from your face to clear his throat, glancing away from you. "T-Thank you. That's umm, very kind of you."
You chuckled to yourself, scootching your body closer him. "Do you mind if I *hic*, lay down, jus' for a sec. Gettin' sleepy.
"Yeah, of course!" Lucifer smiled, but only for a moment. "W-Wait, hold on!"
But by the time he tried to warn you, your head had already fallen into his lap. You smiled up at the flustered man and chuckled, the heat returning to your face once more. "You got soft legs, hehe!"
Lucifer inhaled sharply. "Husk was right, you really are drunk. Wouldn't you feel more comfortable laying your head on a pillow?"
"Nnnnope!" you replied.
"Alright then," the king breathed and massaged the back of his neck, doing his best to hide how tense he'd become from your sudden closeness.
"H-Hey," you called up to him, "why'd youuu...why'd you protect me jus' now? From Al-stor. You *hic* didn't have to..."
He looked down at you softly, brushing away the hair that had fallen in your face. "I don't like bullies. You didn't deserve that, and Alastor knows that for his sake that he shouldn't get on my bad side."
"Never seen you so mad." you mumbled.
"I'm sorry you had to see that," he apologized, continuing to play with you hair. "I don't like bringing out that side of me. But Alastor really likes to push his luck for some bizarre reason."
"Awww," you pouted, "is too bad. I liked seeing that side of ya. It was HOT!"
Lucifer stopped his movements completely. “I-I’m sorry?”
“You heard me,” you responded poking at his chest. “What? Did ya think jus’ cuz I was a believer when I was alive that I’d be SCARED of ya? Maybe at first. Not anymore! I’m already in Hell soooo there’s no point in hidin’ it, is there?”
“Hiding what, exactly?” Lucifer gulped as if he was almost too afraid to ask.
You giggles and hid your face with your hands. “Noooo, you’re jus’ gonna laugh at meeee!”
Lucifer let out an amused hum. He gently took ahold of your wrists and lowered your hands away from your now completely beet-colored face. “I promise I won’t laugh at you, my dear. You’ve very much piqued my curiosity! And I’m very good at keeping secrets, you know! So please, let me keep yours.” He let go of your wrists, letting your hands fall onto your chest. You watched as he leaned closer to you, his half-lidded eyes piercing your very soul. “Won’t you tell me, my sweet angel?”
"I...*hic* I umm..." you babbled. It was clear that you were struggling to answer.
"Mind if I take a guess?" Lucifer offered as he went back to playing with your loose locks of hair. "Is it possible that you have a little crush on-"
"I WAN' YOU TO FUCK ME STUPID TILL I CAN'T 'MEMBER MY NAME!" you blurted out without any reservations.
"-me..." Lucifer froze at your confession. You could hear the sound of a pin drop with the deafening silence that now filled the air. With a big inhale, he straightened his back fully, placing both of his hands under you in a flash, not daring to look down at you. "Well, I-I think it's about time we got you to bed!" he nearly shouted as he scooped you up in his arms and stood up faster than normal.
You let out a small squeak of surprise with his sudden motion. With a snap of his fingers, a portal appeared next to you and he quickly carried you across the threshold and into your dimly lit room. With a flick of his wrist, your bedsheets were undone and Lucifer was able to lay you down gently onto your mattress. He reached over you to grab your undone comforter and pulled it on top of you, covering everything but your head.
"Okay! Uhh, s-sleep well!" Lucifer went to run through the portal, but not before you were able to grab his sleeve.
"D-Did I upset you?" you asked nearly on the verge of tears again? Lucifer still hadn't looked at you.
"N-No! No, angel, you didn't upset me!" he tried to sooth you, but you weren't buying it. You couldn't stop more tears running down your face. When Lucifer heard your quiet cries, he finally turned towards you in a state of sheer panic. "Ahh, no!" He kneeled down next to you, wiping your tears away with his free hand. "Please don't cry! I promise I'm not upset!"
"Knew it was stupid...," you sobbed, "shouldn't have told you..."
"Don't say that," the fallen angel cooed. "Okay, okay, look...If uhh, we're admitting things right now, I might as well too. Would that make you feel better?"
You sniffled a bit. "M-Maybe..."
Lucifer shut his eyes and let out a deep sigh. "I've had...similar feelings...about you, that is. So...no more tears, okay?"
You stared at the man before you, completely and utterly baffled by what you had just heard. "R-Really?"
"Yes," he whispered. "But we can talk about this tomorrow, yeah? You need some sleep; it looks like you're about to pass out."
He was right. Your eyelids felt as though they could give out at any moment, and the warmth from your blanket wasn't helping you stay conscious either. As Lucifer stood up, you still clung to his sleeve like your life depended on it. "Stay?" you almost begged.
He smiled weakly, taking your hand from his sleeve, and placing a small peck on the back of it. "Not tonight," he responded. "Sleep now, darling. I'll see you when you wake." You couldn't find the strength to respond, letting yourself drift off to sleep as Lucifer left you to dream.
Little did you know that he had disappeared to take a very cold shower.
When you regained consciousness, you felt the familiar pounding in your head after a heavy night of drinking. Begrudgingly you dragged yourself out of you bed and forced your way to your bathroom for a much needed shower. You realized when you glanced towards the mirror that you never changed out of your clothes from yesterday. In fact, you don't even remember how you got back to your room last night, Everything was such a blur, and it hurt to think with the major headache you were experiencing at the moment. The last thing you could recall was falling off the bar stool, the pain you felt in your shoulder was enough of a reminder. Once you stepped in the hot shower, you felt a little better, but only a little bit. You tried to rack your brain for answers, trying to remember exactly what happened after you fell. You ran your fingers through your hair, letting the water soak your aching body. But in doing so, something had clicked. That motion had unlocked a foggy memory. Your hair. Someone had run their hands through your hair last night, but you couldn't for the life of you remember who. It was gentle, soft, tender. But who would do that?
After a few minutes, you stepped out of the shower and threw on one of the sundresses you had hanging in your closet. You really didn't feel like putting a ton of effort into your clothing choices today. Hopefully Charlie would forgive you for skipping out on her planned activity today and let you recover. You realized after that initially thought that you didn't even know what time is was. Chances were you had already missed it. With a groan, you plopped down back onto the mattress, your hair still damp.
"What's the matter with me," you asked yourself. "How do I expect to be redeemed when all I do is sabotage my chances by getting wasted every night?" Your headache persisted as you laid in your bed, you almost wanted to cry from the pain. But then, you heard a soft knocking at your door. Charlie, you thought. More than likely she was checking in on you to make sure you were alright. "I'll be there in a second!" you called out. The volume of your own voice didn't help your hangover in the slightest. You grabbed one of the small pillows off your bed for comfort and trudged your way to your door. "I'm really sorry I slept in Charlie," you spoke as you turned the door handle, "it was a...really rough night for me and I-" you stopped completely once you opened the door fully. Charlie, in fact, was not the one who had knocked.
"Yeah, you really did get put through the ringer last night, didn't you?" Lucifer smiled at you. The pillow you held fell to the floor with a soft thud.
“Oh, I-I’m so sorry, sir!” You stuttered. “I-I thought you were Charlie! Did-Did she send you?”
Lucifer looked at you with a puzzled stare. “Uhh, no, no she didn’t. I told her what happened last night and let her know I’d check in on you like I promised.”
“Promised?” you asked, but Lucifer didn’t seem to hear you.
“And you don’t have to refer to me as “sir,” my dear, “Lucifer” is just fine! I mean, you used my name just fine last night!”
Your heart stopped. “L-Last night? Oh no…what…what happened last night?”
Lucifer gawked at your question. “Wait, do you not remember anything?” You shook your head timidly. “Oh dear…well, nothing bad happened, I promise! What’s the last thing you can remember doing?”
You looked down at the floor sheepishly, embarrassed to admit the real answer. “The last thing I can remember is falling off the bar stool and…landing on my face…”
Lucifer stood there and pondered for a few seconds before speaking again. “Do you mind if I come in?”
“Oh, umm, yeah, y-you can come in,” you agreed. You picked up the pillow you had dropped and opened the door for Lucifer to saunter in. “I’m sorry I look like a mess right now, I-I just got out of the shower and my hair isn’t completely dry yet and-”
“Hey, hey, it’s alright!” Lucifer interrupted. “You don’t need to apologize. You look lovely, in any case.”
You brought the pillow in your hands up to your face in an attempt to hide your blush. “T-Thank you,” your muffled voice came through the pillow. "I-If you want, you can sit down on my b-ahh fuck!" One hand came up to your forehead when you felt your head pounding from the pressure that's been building since you woke up. This was definitely one of your worst hangovers to date.
"Oh! Are you alright?" Lucifer asked, his voice laced with deep concern.
"My head..." you choked out. You made your way over to your bed, crawling up to the top and cradling the pillow in your arms "Hangovers are never really kind to me."
Lucifer frowned, seating himself down on the edge of your mattress next to you. You felt your face flare up again when you looked up at his worried expression. "Can I help you? I can alleviate the pain. You only need ask."
"Y-you can?"
"Sure! Angelic power and all that." His hand hovered just above your forehead. "May I?"
"Yes," you breathed. With that, you felt his soft hand make contact with your aching head. You felt a warm tingling sensation emanating from his touch. It didn't hurt nor was it unpleasant, it was healing. Without thinking, you leaned further into his touch, letting the warmth spread throughout your entire body. Your headache slowly began to fade away along with the fogginess that had been plaguing you since you woke up. As his touch lingered, you realized you were able to think more clearly than before, memories from last night started to become clearer and clearer. You remembered Lucifer had come to your rescue after you'd fallen. You remembered Alastor had shown up to mock you in your drunken stupor, only for Lucifer to step in and defend you. You remember sobbing with Lucifer while he comforted you. Then you remembered...
You shot straight up, your heart racing a million miles a second, with Lucifer throwing his hand back in surprise. "What? What happened? Did I hurt you?" Lucifer asked in a panic.
"I'm..." you began, "I'm starting to remember things from last night." You clutched the pillow tight to your chest, refusing to look in the fallen angel's direction. "Please tell me I didn't actually lay down in your lap..."
"Uhh, well...," You could tell from his response that that's exactly what had happened.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" you apologized. "I shouldn't have done that! I-I know I drank way too much last night, I should have stopped, I didn't realize that-"
Lucifer's hand immediately flew to your shoulder in an attempt to get you to stop you from completely spiraling. "Darling, you don't need to apologize for that! You weren't feeling great so you just, ya know, used me as a pillow. And besides, it's not like I disliked it either."
"W-What?!" you nearly shrieked. Another realization had hit you just then. "You! You were the one that was playing with my hair! That's the only thing I could remember when I woke up!" You buried your face in the pillow once more. "If I said anything embarrassing..."
You heard Lucifer swallow hard. "I guess uhh, it depends on your definition of the word."
"Oh God, please no..." you pleaded. "What did I say?"
Lucifer held up his hand again as an offering, a weary smile on his face. "I can help you to remember, if you wish."
You let out a shaky breath but nodded in agreement. Lucifer's hand once again found its way to your forehead, a familiar warmth flowing through you once more. You closed your eyes and saw the images from last night flash before you. You saw yourself looking up at Lucifer who'd just asked you to tell him your little secret. But as soon as you remembered the drunken words that flew from your mouth at that moment, your eyes shot open and you flung yourself to the opposite side of the bed, as far away from Lucifer as possible.
"No. No! Nononononono!" you panicked, "I didn't-I mean I couldn't have, I...NO!" You couldn't stop yourself from crying into the pillow, ashamed and embarrassed at the thought of your past actions. "This is a nightmare..."
You felt the bed shifting beneath you as Lucifer crawled toward you hesitantly. "I'm sorry," he murmured behind you, "I know you must be feeling a lot of different emotions right now, but it's alr-"
"NO, IT'S NOT ALRIGHT!" You snapped, jumping from the bed in an attempt to put as much distance between you and him as possible. Your rage was quickly replaced with remorse when you saw Lucifer's shocked, almost hurt expression. You took a deep breath before speaking again. "I didn't mean you scream at you like that, I'm sorry...but you don't understand..."
"Then help me understand," Lucifer asked, now kneeling on the bed. "Please?"
You looked away from him and down to the ground, your heart threatening to beat out of your chest at the thought of explaining yourself to the literal king of Hell. "I...I grew up in church. I was raised as a believer. Told to be a “good girl." I was taught my entire life that Hell was a place to be feared, a place where the most evil of people end up. And I would be wise to fear it as well and repent so I would not end up there...uhh, here. That clearly didn't help me now, did it?" You let yourself drop to the bed again, letting your legs dangle over the sides. "My entire worldview just seemed to crumble around me when I started staying here at the hotel. Sure, there are some awful people here, but...it feels as though this "divine judgement" is...just completely fucked up! The guests here are better people than most believers I knew when I was alive! How is that right? How is that fair?!"
"Well," Lucifer interjected, "I can tell you first hand that Heaven is definitely not what it seems. I mean, have you seen the things they've said about me in that book of theirs?" he laughed, trying his best to lighten the mood.
You twisted your head over your shoulder, staring back at him with complete intensity. "And you!" You shot back up on your feet in an instant, pacing back and forth as Lucifer watched you completely mesmerized. "Where do I even start with you? You're Lucifer, the devil himself, the great deceiver, and temptation incarnate! Everything I was ever told about you is bullshit! You've been nothing but hospitable ever since I've been here! You protected me from Alastor last night! You took care of me while I was drunk! You didn't have to do any of those things, you shouldn't have done any of those things! You're not evil and it's...it's driving me to the brink! When Charlie had told me that you were her father, I was PETRIFIED! But nothing could have prepared me for finding out who you really were."
Lucifer slowly crawled towards you, climbing off the bed and now standing before you, perhaps just a tad too close for your comfort. "And who am I?" he asked softly.
Instinctively, your body drew itself closer and closer to his, as if you had no control of your movements anymore. "You're...an angel," you sighed.
Lucifer smiled at you, timidly resting his hand on your forehead. "Would you like to remember the rest of last night?"
"I already embarrassed myself enough to the point of no return so I might as well," you huffed shyly.
Lucifer chuckled, "Don't worry, the worst is over. But at least now you'll get to remember my favorite part."
The last of your aches in your body finally subsided as you let the rest of your previously forgotten memories flood your mind. It made sense that Lucifer would have been the one to bring you back to your room. Seeing yourself cry was not surprising to you, but what was surprising was Lucifer's admittance of reciprocated desires. You opened your eyes at last to the angel's sheepish grin. You took a half step away from him, your face feeling like the core of a raging volcano.
"You...you really..." was all you could muster.
"I'm not above embarrassing myself either, my dear," he joked, "I'd say we're even now."
"T-That's not even remotely close to being even!" you babbled.
Lucifer grinned and closed the gap between the two of you, taking one of your hands in his. "Regardless," he mused, "I meant what I said. Every word. And if you'd like to discuss this further, I'd be more than happy to listen." He pressed a small peck to the back of your hand just as he did last night. Even though your hangover had completely vanished, the brain fog had come back in full force. Maybe Lucifer was truly temptation incarnate.
"I-I can't believe this," you stutter, pulling your hand away from his and throwing yourself back onto your bed and covering your reddened face with your hands. "This has to be a dream, there's no way this is real! I'm sure I'm still passed out drunk right now! You're not supposed to be this way! You're supposed to be cruel and wicked and manipulative! Not..."
"Suave and oh so devilishly handsome?" Lucifer smirked.
"You're not helping!" You felt the mattress fold further under Lucifer's weight as he sat down next to you. "So...w-what happens now?"
"I mean, I can think of a few things," he answered smugly. "But in all seriousness, nothing will happen. Not unless you say otherwise."
"See, it's stuff like that!" you shouted, suddenly sitting up right. "Being respectful and considerate, constantly making sure I'm comfortable? That's not who you're supposed to be! I've just been fucking lied to my whole life and I'm PISSED and I'm finding it extremely difficult to not just...just...oh FUCK IT!"
Without warning, you grabbed Lucifer by the collar and crashed your lips into his. He let out a surprised yelp, but you had quickly swallowed it as his shock turned into pure bliss. His hands quickly found your face, cupping them and massaging your red-hot cheeks with his thumbs. Your annoyance had faded almost immediately, your fierce kiss had turned soft and passionate with his tender touch. You were the first to pull away, only to be met with Lucifer's pleading gaze.
"S-So much for being a good girl," Lucifer teased.
You pushed his face away gently. "I hate you!"
"That kiss suggested otherwise, darling."
"You should stop talking," you threatened.
"You should make me," he challenged.
In an instant, you were straddling Lucifer’s lap, your legs flush against his. You gripped the brim of his hat and tossed it to the floor below. You leaned in for another kiss, but this one was hungrier, needier. His lips were soft and you had already become addicted to his taste. You felt his jagged tongue brush against your bottom lip, and you pulled back in shock. “Is your tongue…” Lucifer flashed a cheeky smile and stuck out his tongue playfully. Sure enough, a forked snake tongue hung between his lips. “O-Oh, okay…” You weren’t sure how you never noticed before right now, but your lack of observation skills were the furthest thing from your mind right now. You closed your eyes and leaned in again, your mouth slightly ajar, basically begging for him to invade your mouth. To which Lucifer happily obliged. You felt his tongue slip past your teeth, entangling itself with yours. His hands had shifted down to your hips, kneading and lightly squeezing at your skin underneath your dress. The feeling of his claws pressing into you sent a shiver down your spine. More, more, more was the only thing you could think at the moment. But just as you got used to the feeling of his lips, Lucifer was the one to pull away this time. A tiny whimper escaped you. “Don’t worry, angel,” Lucifer cooed, “we have time. All the time in the world, in fact. I just want to make sure you’re alright. Do you want to keep going?”
The passion you felt was quickly replaced with fear. It hadn’t occurred to you that you had neglected to mention a pretty crucial piece of information. “Yes, I-I do, but umm…I should tell you…”
“I…haven’t exactly…” you gulped trying to find the right words. “I haven’t been with anyone before…”
“Wait, wait,” Lucifer froze, “you’ve never-”
“No!” You cut him off. “L-Look, when it’s been drilled into your head since you were a child that premarital sex is going to send you to Hell, you’re going to avoid it!”
Lucifer let out a deep sigh, then chuckled to himself. “Okay, I have to admit something. That whole “sex before marriage is a sin” thing miiiiigggghhhhttt be my fault.” You raised an eyebrow. “They never got over the fact that I more or less stole Adam’s first wife. Of course we weren’t married at that point! Heaven’s been petty ever since.”
You rolled your eyes playfully. “Oh, so it’s YOUR fault that I’m a virgin! Good to know.”
“Forgive me.” Lucifer allowed himself to lay flat on his back, with you following close behind. He raised his head and brought his lips to your ear. “But at your word, I’d be more than happy to rectify this injustice,” he whispered softly.
Goosebumps covered both of your arms at his words. You knew your face must have turned a new shade of red the way Lucifer smirked at you. You lowered yourself on his crotch out of spite and began to grind your hips lethargically. It was your turn to embarrass him. His breath caught in his throat from your motions, you could already feel that your lewd actions were having an effect on the man beneath you. The growing bulge in his pants that you felt on your own clothed heat had you salivating.
"You know, I-I'm not a complete novice," you admitted, your hands now making your way down his jacket, undoing every button with care. "I have a few tricks up my sleeve."
Lucifer pushed you back upright, now straddling his lap once more, and slipped himself out of his undone shirt. Aa you gripped his bare It took everything in your power not to stare at his perfectly toned chest. "And what "tricks"-hngg…would those be?"
You placed a chaste kiss to his lips before sliding off of his lap and kneeling on the floor in front of him. Lucifer's breath hitched instantly at the sight before him. You rested your palms on his inner thighs, your rapid breathing betraying your faux collected exterior. "I figured since I couldn't break the rules, I could at least bend them."
Lucifer firmly gripped the sheets beneath him as he watched your thumbs trace circles near his crotch. "Already on your knees for me, sweetheart?” he teased, running a hand from the top of your head, relishing in the softness of your hair, and down to the tip of your chin. “I didn’t know my powers of temptation would work so well on someone as devout as you.” You failed to hide the whimper that escaped your throat. “I’m sorry, I know I’m teasing you too much. I’ll stop if-”
“N-No, don’t stop…” you responded almost inaudibly.
A sultry laugh emanated from the man above you. “Oh, is that so?” You nodded. “Use your words, love.”
You shivered. “Please… remind me of my place…sir…”
He tilted your head up towards him, leaning down and placing a soft kiss on your lips. “Whatever you wish, my angel. You let me know if I go too far, okay?”
“Yes, I will.”
“Good girl,” he murmured. “Now, I believe you wanted to show me something?”
You took a deep breath before reaching out for the zipper and button of his pants. You made slow work of them, trying to be as delicate as possible. You grabbed both the hems of his pants and boxers, Lucifer raising himself up so you could more easily shimmy the remainder of his clothing off. His hardened cock sprang free, your face boiling from seeing the very obvious precum that had already begun leaking from the tip. After tossing away his pants, gripped Lucifer’ s hips and brought him as close to the edge of the bed as possible, your lips now mere inches away from his impressive length. You swallowed harshly. Breathing became an increasingly difficult task. With tentative hands, you reached out and lightly gripped the base of Lucifer's cock, his low moan sent pleasure straight between your thighs. There was no going back now.
"Go ahead, my dear," Lucifer encouraged, "show me how sinful those hands of yours are."
Without any further prodding, your hand move languidly up and down his cock, the precum providing enough lubrication for smooth strokes. Lucifer groaned above you, his sounds were everything you'd imagined and more. Your strokes became faster, needing to hear more of Lucifer coming undone from your touch alone. But even touching him wasn't enough to satisfy your desires. Your hot breath so close to his most sensitive area had Lucifer shuttering. And even more so when you decided to run your tongue from the base of his cock to the very tip. You'd finally gotten your first taste of him, and that sent you into a complete frenzy. Your tongue worked circles around the head of his length and you could hear Lucifer's guttural moans turn into whimpers of pure ecstasy.
"F-Fuck," Lucifer managed to choke out as he watched you bob your head and down, taking as much of him as you could manage. "You-mnmm...s-sure seem to know what you're doing. S-Shhiiittt...I-I'm starting to think you-GA-AAHH...you really do b-belong down here." Lucifer's composure was fading fast even though he continued his taunting. His words lit a fire within in, increasing your movements to an unrelenting pace. "O-OH FFFFUU-UUCCCKK," he screeched, his hand now tightening around your hair for an assemblance of stability. His overstimulated cock twitched in your mouth; you knew he was close. "Y-You're gonna make me c-cum if you keep doing thaa-ahhhht...but t-that's what you want, isn't it? You wanna taste m-my cum, sweet girl?"
"M-Mhmm," you hummed blissfully, your mouth and hand working in tandem to bring him over the edge.
"Then d-don't stop," he commanded.
You did exactly as he said, not slowing down for even a second. The thought of kneeling before the outcasted being that you were meant to despise with every inch of your soul drove you mad. Now here you were, unraveling him with your hands and mouth alone. Lucifer was using all of his willpower to not thrust his hips into you and completely fuck your mouth. That would have to wait for another time. But once your other hand started to gently massage his balls, it was over. "Fuck fuck fuck FUCKFUCKFUCK-CUMMING," he cried out before finally emptying himself inside your mouth. You couldn't move away even if you wanted to the way he way holding your head in place. But you were perfectly content swallowing every drop of his hot cum. When the twitching stopped, he had released his grip on you, allowing you to pull away from him and gulp down the last of his seed. You looked up at him with a nervous smile, your hands now resting on his knees.
"H-How'd I do?" you laughed sheepishly. But your laugh faded once you saw the change in Lucifer's appearance. His eyes were no longer his normal soft yellow, but a deep crimson red.
"Oh, my sweet little angel," his voice dripping with desire, "you were nothing short of absolute perfection. How absolutely filthy you are for swallowing all of my cum. I love it!" He offered his hand to you, helping you off of the ground. He stood with you, pulling at the bottom of your dress. "But I'm far from being done with you." With a soft "yes", your dress was dragged over your head and tossed to the side in one swift motion, leaving you nothing but your matching black bra and panties. Lucifer stood there drinking in your form, his outstretched tongue swishing from side to side. "Gorgeous," he hummed against your skin before bringing his hot mouth to your neck. You squeaked at the sensation, but your surprise rapidly shifted to wanton moans. His sharp teeth and forked tongue raked across your pulse, sending waves of pleasure throughout your entire body. "I'll make sure everyone knows you're mine now..." he pulled away and looked up at you pleadingly, "that is, if you'll have me."
You smiled, tears now pricking the corner or your eyes. "I'm already yours."
Lucifer's breath had caught in his throat as he captured your lips, your mouth being invaded by his eager tongue. He hoisted you up by your hips, your legs instinctively wrapping around his hips as you hooked your arms around his neck to pull him even closer than before. He laid you down on the bed sweetly, now crawling his way up towards you. Lucifer's body now completely enveloped yours. The angel's disheveled hair and the sweat dripping from his forehead was truly a breathtaking sight. His captivating red eyes felt as though they were piercing your very soul, searching for every hidden desire you had locked away. Lucifer licked his lips seductively. "If my memory serves, I recall a certain someone telling me that they found my unholier side...oh, what was the word..." Lucifer feigned forgetfulness as his horns appeared from his skull, "Ahh, yes, I remember now. "Hot." Isn't that right, darling?"
Your face flushed furiously. You mentally cursed your drunken self as you looked up at Lucifer's smug expression. His demonic features made you quiver with anticipation. You've all but sold your soul to the devil himself and you were more than willing to give him everything he wanted. His red claws made quick work of your bra, unclasping it with ease and throwing it across the room. The urge to cover yourself was overwhelming, but it was like Lucifer could read your every thought. He held both of your wrists and placed them above your head, holding them there with just one hand while the other made its way towards your chest.
“Be a good girl and keep your hands there for me,” he ordered.
You nodded obediently. You clung onto the pillows above you as Lucifer let go of your wrists, placing both of his hands on your supple breasts, mewling from the stimulation. Lucifer pinched your nipples, rubbing them gently between his clawed fingers. The sharp ends of his claws poked at your skin while he continued his ministrations. Your meek whimpers turned into moans.
“L-Lucifer, please…” you begged. “I-I need-GAH…”
“I adore the way you say my name, love,” he praised. “Say it again.”
“Luciferrr…” you whined.
He rewarded you with a kiss. “What a pretty voice you have, all desperate and needy for me. So willing to submit…”
He let his mouth fall on one of your nipples, lapping and sucking the sensitive bud while kneading at your other breast. Your nails dug into the pillows, fighting every urge to reach out and touch him. But you couldn’t stand it, obedience truly had its disadvantages.
“Please Lucifer, l-let me touch you,” the request fell from your lips in a desperate plea. “Let me hold you…”
“Hmmm,” his lips reverberated against you. “Patience, love, patience.” Lucifer’s demonic tail appeared suddenly behind him, swaying back and forth. You watched as it lowered itself close to the hem of your panties. Slowly, it inched its way underneath and found itself between your slick folds. You couldn’t hold back a gasp once you realized what Lucifer had planned. “Allow me to try something first.” After giving him the "okay", you felt him flick his tail against your clit, causing you to arch your back, moaning unashamedly in the process. It was circling your swollen nub slowly at first, but quickly built up to a relentless pace. Your body shook uncontrollably as his tail abused your clit. “The way your body reacts to me is such a wonderful sight to behold, sweetheart. Look at you, so easily corrupted.”
It wasn’t long before you cried out in absolute pleasure. You could feel that coil in your stomach ready to snap. You'd barely been touched and you were helpless to fight against your impending release. “F-Fuu-aaahhhh Lu-Lucifer! I-I can’t-HHAAAA-gonna c-cum…g-gonna-FFFUCK!” Lucifer ignored your cries, only focusing on your breasts as you writhed under his touch. You screamed as your sudden orgasm hit you like a freight train, your walls clenching around nothing.
With a low chuckle, Lucifer removed his tail from your drenched slit, admiring your complete fucked out face. "You did so well," he praised, "I promise I'll get you some new panties soon, it wasn't very nice of me to let you ruin yours." You turned your face away from his to hide your embarrassment, only for Lucifer to give you a small peck on your very reddened cheek. "You can move your arms now, darling." At his word, you released the death grip you had on the pillows behind you and pulled Lucifer in for another deep kiss. You felt his lips curl into a smile against yours. "Would you like to keep going?"
"Hehe, so eager," he said poking your nose, "it's adorable. I think it's only fair that I get to have my fill of you now, don't you think?"
Your pupils dilated. "O-Oh, you mean..."
"Is something wrong?" he asked nervously.
"No! No, nothing's wrong," you reassured him, "it's just that...no one's ever offered to uhh, do that for me."
A mix of annoyance and confusion flashed across his face. "Wait, what?!" He sat up straight, resting his full weight on your stomach. "So, let me see if I'm understanding this correctly. You've gone down on men before but not one of them ever offered to return the favor?" You shook your head nervously. A fearsome growl erupted from Lucifer's throat and his eyes had turned a glowing red for just a moment; you couldn't help but shiver. "I'm sorry, but that's inexcusable! Hell isn't enough of a punishment for men like that. To only take and never give back." Lucifer made his way off of you and helped you sit upright against the pillows. "Please allow me to make up for their sins."
"O-Okay," you responded weakly, "only if you want to. I never want you to feel like you have to do anything for me."
He leaned into you for a tender kiss. "Darling, I want nothing more than to ravish you in every way possible; you deserve that and much, much more." You couldn't help but blush at his flattering words. "Lift your legs for me?" You did as he asked, allowing him to tug at the hem of your panties. You held your breath as you watched him drag them down the length of your legs and toss them away carelessly. You closed your legs instinctively, though you realized it was a little bit too late to try and hide yourself from him at this point. Lucifer only smiled and positioned himself in front of you, resting his hands on your knees. "It's alright, take your time," he soothed.
You nodded and let out the breath you had been holding. Lethargically, you began to part your legs for him, letting him finally drink in the sight of your soaked entrance. You noticed him gulp in response and couldn't hide the small smirk on your face. "Like what you see?"
Lucifer licked his lips mindlessly, staring at you like you were a meal to be devoured. "You have no idea," he answered, never taking his eyes away from of your glistening pussy. He laid himself down on his stomach, trailing soft kisses on either side of your inner thighs, leaving nothing but tender bite marks and hickies in his wake. With each passing second you became more and more restless, wanting nothing more than this torment to end. But Lucifer was savoring every bit of you and your heart couldn't help but feel full. At last, you felt his hot breath against your pussy, your body tensed at the sensation.
"Lucifer..." you whispered.
He placed one final kiss to your thigh. "For as long as I live, I'll never tire of hearing you say my name," he spoke sweetly, "Relax for me as much as you can now, love. And if you need to, you can grab my horns. They're there to help you."
"W-Why would I need to gra-AAAHHH" you tried to ask but were cut short after feeling Lucifer take a long, languid lick up your folds. It was something you'd never felt before, but you knew you needed more of it, and you needed it now. Luckily for you, the fallen angel between your thighs was more than happy to provide. His lips were pressed firmly against your aching cunt while his tongue quickly found your clit. The noises you were making were unholy but you couldn't imagine a more heavenly feeling. He moaned against you desperately, as if your essence was his life source. Without warning, Lucifer tossed your legs over his shoulders to give him better access to his prize. In your haze, you remembered his suggestion and took ahold of his demonic horns, doing your best to keep yourself grounded.
"God damn it," Lucifer snarled, "To think no one has done this for you, f-fuck, what complete and utter fools they were. I've never tasted something so divine." You felt his claws dig into your skin as he forced his tongue deeper into you, drawing out the dirtiest sounds you didn't know you could make.
"F-Feels so g-good," you babbled, your hands tightening around his horns. "P-Please don't stop, I-I..."
One of Lucifer's arms unhooked itself from your leg, his fingers now prodding at your slick. His tongue never stopped circling your clit as you felt a single finger slip inside you with ease. You whimpered from the sudden intrusion. "C'mon baby, need you to cum f'me." Another finger quickly entered you, two of them now thrusting in and out of you. "Let me taste you, all of you." Lucifer's tail swished behind him as he focused on coaxing another orgasm out of you. His tongue and fingers worked together to bring you closer and closer to the edge once more. His fingers curled inside you, your back arching as he hit your most sensitive spot with each motion. "I can feel you clenching...you're so close..."
And he was right. That same coil in your lower stomach was as tight as it could be, the knot threatening to unravel at any moment. "Lucif-fer, I-I'm gonna...fuckfuckfuck-GAAAHHH!" With little warning, your second orgasm hit hard, your walls now pulsating around Lucifer's fingers which refused to stop moving. You felt yourself empty onto his face, your cries filling the room, your hands stinging from how tightly you held onto his horns. As Lucifer helped work you down from your high, you couldn't help but notice the loud slurping sound that came from beneath you. He was lapping your cunt like a man starved. After another moment or two, Lucifer gazed up at you adoringly, his mouth completely drenched in your juices. Your hands flew to your face out of pure embarrassment. How could someone look so happy after basically being assaulted by your orgasm. "Y-You can't just look at me like that after you just did what you did!" you berated him.
"Look at you like what?" he teased, crawling on all fours and closing the gap between you. He gently pulled your hands away from your burning face and gave you the toothiest grin you'd ever seen from him. "Look at you like I'm the luckiest man in existence, you mean?" Lucifer kissed you once more, and you could taste the faintest hint of yourself on his lips. "And by the way, I'm absolutely addicted to your taste now, my angel. I hope you don't mind if I indulge myself every single day from now on. With your permission, of course."
You could only smile at him, caressing his face in your hands and locking your lips together once more. "Who would've thought the devil himself would be this perfect? I'm starting to believe that you may have fully corrupted me, my king."
The way his title rolled off your tongue made Lucifer shudder. "Not quite yet," he corrected. He laid you down gently as he trailed kisses down your neck and collarbone, stopping periodically to nip and suck as many parts of your exposed skin as he could. He then laid his full weight on top of you, and you could feel his hardened cock resting on your stomach. Your mouth ran dry, but you never needed something as much as you needed this. Needed him. To fully claim you and make you his. "Is this what you want?" Lucifer asked. "Because if you're not ready, we can stop right now. I won't be upset if that's what you decide."
You shook your head assuredly. "I'm ready, Lucifer. Even though I may not ever make it into Heaven after this, I'm not sure I want to anymore if it meant I'd have to leave you behind." You could tell by Lucifer's sudden change in expression that the thought of losing you if you were to be redeemed had never crossed his mind. His face fell at the realization, but you reassured him with a quick peck to his forehead. "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. And we can worry about the details later. But right now..." you ground your hips up into him, forcing a low moan out of your lover, "...I need you...please…"
"Oh, you're just a little devil, aren't you?” Lucifer chuckled darkly. He then pushed himself off you, settling himself between your legs. The head of his cock teased your entrance, and you gulped in anticipation. "Are you ready?”
"Y-Yes," you murmured. Your body instinctively bucked up in attempt to create more friction that you so desperately craved. Lucifer pressed your hips down firmly into the mattress to keep you from squirming. You whimpered in protest.
“Ah ah ah, all in good time,” Lucifer cooed. “It’s your first time, love, I don’t want to see you in any pain. Stay perfectly still for me, alright?” After what felt like an eternity, Lucifer at last pushed the tip of his cock into you. Your knuckles turned a solid white from the way you gripped the bed sheets beneath you. The pressure you felt was unlike anything else. “A-Are you still okay?” Lucifer asked.
“M-More, please Lucifer, I-I need…” you choked out. He was only an inch deep inside of you and the only thing on your mind was the carnal desire of having him fully sheathed inside of you.
“My pretty girl,” he whispered above you. Inch by inch, his hips pushed forward, stretching you out beyond what you thought was possible. Once he was finally fully inside of you, you and him moaned in unison. The complete fullness you were experiencing was something you needed to be engrained into your memory forever. He didn’t move for a minute or so, letting your body get used to his above average length. He didn’t want to break you. At least, not tonight. "S-So tight, f-fuck..." Lucifer's entire body quivered as his enormous angelic wings magically sprung from his back. You stared up at him in awe, taking in the heavenly sight above you. Your eyes followed from the base of his wings to the very tip. Lucifer noticed your gawking and laughed lightly. "My eyes are over here, darling."
You blushed incredibly hard. "S-Sorry, I didn't mean to stare. It's just...they're beautiful. Can I...? You didn't need to finish your question as Lucifer dropped his wings down, allowing you to reach up and feel them for the first time. You ran your hand down each set, your fingers combing through his scarlet feather. They twitched under your gentle touch. "Are they sensitive?"
"V-Very much," Lucifer breathed. "We can experiment another time, though."
"A-Another time?"
Lucifer looked down you puzzled. "I hope you didn't think this would only be a one time thing. That's not who I am, despite anything you may have heard. When I said I wanted everyone to know you were mine, I didn't mean just for tonight."
Your eyes began to water from his declaration. "You mean..."
Lucifer leaned down and kissed the tears that had began to fall down your cheek. "Yes, I do. I'm yours, if that's what you desire."
You smiled weakly, holding back a sob. "Yes, it is." You brought your hands up, cupping his face and kissing his trembling lips tenderly. Your kiss caused Lucifer to twitch inside of you, quickly reminding you of the pressure between your legs. "Y-You can move now, Lucifer...please..."
With a deep exhale, Lucifer pulled out of you slowly, only to snap his hips back with no hesitation. He repeated this motion, slowly at first, coaxing as many sound out of you as he could. Your cries of pleasure were intoxicating, pulling him deeper and deeper into a state of pure bliss. His hips rutted into you at a steady pace as he continued to hit your G-spot effortlessly with each thrust.
"You're d-doing so well, love," he growled animalistically, "t-taking me so well. You f-feel so good. Too good...Take it all f'me, want you to feel all of m-me. Look how g-good you are, taking the Devil's cock like this."
"L-Lucifer," you mewled. You couldn't form a coherent thought anymore, all you could manage to say was his name. "Lucifer, f-fuuu-uuck...Luciferrr."
"That's it, dear," he praised, the pace of his thrusts quickening. "My name on y-your lips is more beautiful than any melody I ever heard in Heaven." His grip on your hips tightened, pulling you closer to him as he mercilessly pounded into you over and over. "G-God, you're so fucking wet. Slipping in and out of you s-so easily. You g-gonna cum for me again?"
"Y-Yes!" you cried out helplessly. "I'm close, so c-close, I can't..." Your hands flew around his neck as your body shook violently beneath the fallen angel. Your stomach felt like it was in knots, you didn't know how much longer you could hold out. "G-Gonna cu-aaaAAHH,"
"Hold on j-just a little longer, baby," Lucifer said, wrapping his tail around your abdomen. "I'm close too...w-where do you want me to-"
"INSIDE! P-PLEASE!" you screamed, locking your legs behind his back. "I c-can't hold it, Lucifer, I can't, I can't, I CAN'T!"
"Naughty girl..." he taunted lovingly. "Cum for me now, angel. Need t-to feel you clench around me. Cum for me."
The coil inside of you snapped for a third time, your walls pulsating around Lucifer's cock. Your spasms had left Lucifer groaning, his head now resting on your collarbone. His own orgasm washed over him not long after you. You milked his cock, his hot angelic seed filling you up your cunt completely. Wave after wave of pleasure filled you both, reducing you to nothing but exhausted and sweaty messes. He stayed inside of you for a moment longer, both of you trying to recover from your release. Lucifer finally found enough strength to remove himself from you, and at long last reverting back to his normal state. He crashed down on top of you, looking at your through his half-lidded eyes and pulling you into a crushing hug.
"Lucifer...can't...breathe..." you forced out, tapping his shoulder rapidly. His grip on you loosened immediately.
"I'm sorry!" he apologized. "I forget my own strength sometimes. H-How are you feeling?"
Your faced flushed as you tucked your hair behind your ear. "G-Good. More than good. That was...just incredible!" you couldn't help but laugh to yourself.
"What's so funny, dear?" Lucifer asked with an amused look.
You smiled at him. "Oh, you know just...I was thinking about how I would go about explaining myself to my friends and family back on Earth. How the well behaved, never strayed from the light church girl just had the best sex of her life with the one and only fallen angel Lucifer. Wonder how well that would go over! They probably think I made it into Heaven!"
Lucifer laughed along with you, pulling you flush to his chest. "I'll admit, it's pretty ironic. But to be fair, I never would have thought you'd give me a chance."
You looked up at him confused. "What do you mean?"
"Well, you know, I am 'the bad guy' to believers. The winners always write history, and according to Heaven, I was the loser. And when I found out you were one of them when you were alive, I didn't think you'd even glance in my direction. I thought you were the most stunning creature I'd ever laid my eyes on when you first arrived here at the hotel. But I never truly pursued you because...the bad guy never gets the girl, right?"
You couldn't help but frown as he spoke. His voice was sad, full of hurt. It was clear that Lucifer has suffered though a lot of pain and anguish. You were told the story of Eden growing up, of how Lucifer had deceived Eve and in doing so, caused the downfall of humanity. But that was clearly only one side of the story. You gave a quick peck to his cheek. "You're not a bad guy, Lucifer. I know that now. I let my fear and my upbringing cloud my judgement before. Not anymore. I want to hear your side of the story, every detail. Will you stay with me and tell me?"
Lucifer's eyes softened, his lips forming into a tiny smile. "I'd love nothing more." He brought his hand to your cheek, leaning in to capture your lips once more.
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Taglist: @ask-theradio-demon @kermitdafroggy @thonethatflies620 @luc1fersducky @a-okay-rj
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698 notes · View notes
mwahsturns · 20 days
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matt sturniolo x fem!reader
Contains: Smut, swearing, A lot of praise, teasing/flirting, pet names (baby, good girl), fingering, Sextape, unprotected sex, Creampie, p in v, overstimulation, spanking, aftercare, fluff. - Semi-proof read! I think that’s all?
Synopsis: you and Matt have been dating for 3 years now and your sex life isn’t vanilla pre say but it isn’t crazy. Matt and his brothers are about to go on tour and unfortunately Matt isn’t allowed to take you this time, So Matt wants something to remember you by.
Word Count: idk?
Author’s notes: a lot of you guys wanted this one so I hope you enjoy it!!
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* *:・゚✧💒*:・゚✧
Me and Matt had finally a day to ourselves, Chris and Nick were sleeping over at a friends house and Matt texted me telling to come over. Me and Matt have been dating for around 3 years now and we never get to have any alone time, he’s going on tour tomorrow and I wanna be able to spend time with him before he goes.
We’re in Matt’s bedroom music softly fulls the room as the passionate make out session takes place. Earned it by the weekend softly plays in the background as Matt pulls away from the kiss, ‘you know how I leave tomorrow right..” he plays with the bottom of my shirt. ‘Yea why?’ My hands creasing his chest as i straddled his lap, ‘what if we tried something different tonight?’ He sounds nervous but Matt never wants to try something new so I’m kinda excited.
‘Of course what is it?’ ‘What if we made a sex tape so while I’m gone we can both have it since we won’t be together..” honestly the thought of him fucking me dumb being on tape makes me fucking soaked. ‘Of course baby I’d love to be able to watch how good you fuck Me’ I get off of him sitting on the bed, I watch as Matt gets up and walks over to his computer picking up the camera he and his brothers use to film, he starts recording smiling as he walks to the edge of the bed.
He grabs my legs pulling me to the edge of the bed the camera basically in my face. As he faces the camera towards me he bites his lip, ‘look at my pretty girl..’ I blush and immediately cover my face with my hands. ‘Matt.. stopp’ he chuckles and zooms the camera in my face and zooms back out, ‘uncover your face’ I uncovered my face smiling as he lifts my chin up. ‘There’s my precious baby’ he puts the camera down back on the desk facing it towards the bed, he picks me up swiftly as he lays me down on the bed hovering over me moving my hair out of my face.
‘God you’re so beautiful my love..’ he says pulling down my Jean shorts showing my blue thong, ‘mmh you wore these for me didn’t you’ he smiles rubbing my legs ‘you like em?’ I tease ‘like is an understatement beautiful.. strip for me’ i sit up and pull off my (his) shirt showing my blue lace bra. I take off my bra and underwear leaving my self bare in front of him and the camera. Matt smirks and grabs the camera showing my bare body, ‘fuck look how beautiful..’ he spreads my legs still holding the camera he shows my soaked pussy.
‘Who got you this wet huh? Tell the camera’ he says showing the camera him running his hand over my vagina. ‘You did..’ I say softly, he gives me that irresistible smirk before slowly moving his fingers towards my soaked pussy and start to rub me in a circular motion. I gasp as he slides a finger into me ‘oh fuck Matt just like that’ Matt smirked again as he said ‘hmm you’re already wet for me mama, good girl’, he says as he takes of his shirt and his pants being low reveals his slurry waist even more. As he smiles and he slides his middle and ring finger right into me causing me to moan and gasp.
‘oh baby..’ he smiles at me as he knows he’s making me feel good ‘ am I making you feel good?’ I moan again as I say ‘y-yes’ as he starts to pump his fingers faster and faster pushing me to my climax ‘Holy fuck Matthew’ he smirks ‘are you gonna cum mama?’ he asked his voice turning me on. As he continued to do his amazing finger work I start to moan very loudly and say ‘oh fuck M-matt ughh’ as my legs starts to shake only little as I release. Matt pumps and shakes his hands up and down making me squeal and moan even louder. ‘Fuck..good girl making such a mess for me’ he smiles kissing my stomach softly as I calm down for the intense pleasure.
‘I’m going to fuck you so good, you won't even remember your own name.’ He says pulling down his sweatpants and boxers his cock springing out hitting his lower stomach. ‘Knees now’ he climbed on the bed and I got on my knees in front of him, as I’m looking up at him he shows the camera me on my knees ‘you look so pretty like this.’ I smile as I jerk him just a little bit before taking him into my mouth full throating him my lip almost touching his sack as I continued. He lets out a groan. The warmth of my mouth causes him to flinch as i continue to suck Matt, I put my hands onto his thighs and pull off putting my mouth on his tip swirling my tongue around his tip before I take all of him back into my mouth, ‘fuck princess your so good to me’ Matt says throwing his head back with a little eye roll.
‘god your such a slut’ he says causing me to moan against him, he grabs my hair into a makeshift ponytail pushing my head farther down. ‘Good fucking girl .. take that dick baby’ I moan pushing my head farther down, my eyes water as I felt the tip hit the back of my throat gagging as I tried to take more.
‘fuck yea choke on my cock.. shit’ Matt starts twitching in my mouth indicating he’s getting closer and I can tell by the tone of his voice and then he says ‘oh fuck.. I’m about to cum’ I then take my mouth off start to jerk his cock ‘fucking hell..’ I take it back into my mouth to swallow the load. ‘Oh shit ..’ Matt grins, his cheeks flushed with pleasure as he watches you swallow his cum and then show off your empty mouth. ‘Damn, you're fucking hot... I could watch that all day.’ He pulls me in for a deep kiss, tasting himself on my lips.
‘Lay down princess..’ I got back on the bed laying down adjusting the pillows, ‘you ready my love?’ I nod feeling him slide in me. ‘Oh my goodness fuck..’ his hips thrusting against yours with more urgency. He kisses down your neck and trails his lips lower, sucking and nipping at your sensitive skin. ‘I'm going to fuck you so hard, you'll see stars, baby’ I moan grabbing the sheets.
‘Hader Matt please..’ this encourages Matt as he hits a new spot in you that makes you instantly scream. ‘Fucking shit your so tight babe’ he unexpectedly pulled out flipping me over, my face smashed into the pillow as he slams back into me. ‘Ughh fuck Matt’ I moaned into the pillow, ‘I’m going to fucking breed you baby..’ he pulls my hair making my back arch as he kisses my shoulder playing with my breasts as the thrusts into me. He roughly smacks my ass making me moan softly ‘again..’ he smirked smacking my ass again ‘such a slut’
‘Matt ima cum..’ he ignores my words letting go of my hair as I fall back into the bed, he goes harder as I let out a scream releasing all over him. That doesn’t stop him though he continues thrusting into me at a very fast pace. ‘Matt please I can’t take it’ I screamed out as I came for second time. He felt my walls tighten around him as I came for the second time. He let out a primal growl of satisfaction and continued his brutal thrusts. With one final push, he released himself inside me, filling me up completely as they both cried out in ecstasy.
I was screaming at this point and his back was all ruined due to my nails he pulled out picking up the camera showing my pussy dripping with our cum mixed together. ‘Such a perfect pussy..’ he takes his fingers and shoved it back into me and finally turning off the camera. He collapsed onto the bed next to Me, both of us panting heavily as our orgasms subsided. He turned to look at me, admiring the sight of his beautiful girlfriend ‘ima clean you up okay?’ I was too tired to speak as Matt comes back with a damp rag cleaning us both off climbing back into bed cuddling me softly.
‘I should let you film it more often huh?’ He chuckles ‘oh definitely’ he says as we drift off to sleep…
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Author’s notes: I hope this was good if I missed any errors don’t be afraid to let me know I love y’all so much and hope you have a good day
Taglist: @mattyb4dominicans @sturniololvrrr @norr1ssturni0lo @thc-bolter @va1ent1naa @lanas-doll @sturniolohoe @iluvmattsbeard @m9ttsverse
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neteyamssyulang · 2 months
♱ Wild Encounters ♱
♱ Easter special ♱
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♱ Pairing: Adult Neteyam x Fem human reader ♱
♱ Summary: While on a late night walk in the woods, you immediately regret your decision.
♱ Warnings: Dom Neteyam, Sub reader, Neteyam in rut, Dub-con?, P in V, Size difference, Creampie.
♱ Translation(s): Tawtute -> Sky person, Tìyawn -> Love.
♱ Word count: 653 ♱
♱ A/N: Happy Easter my darlings!
♱ Tagging: @teyamshuman @ikeyniofthetayrangi @itchaboi-itchyboy @aria-tempest @anemonelovesfiction @loaksulluyswife @kia-wolfie @tallulah477 @kariz-stark
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When you decided to go for a late night walk through the forest, this is not what you had in mind.
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The air was temperate, the breeze was cool, the bioluminescent moss lighting your way though the endless forest. It felt good to be out here, so perfect and free.
Tonight felt different though, like someone was watching you from the shadows. Whenever you turned around however, there was nobody around. It was like pandora was playing a prank on you, making you feel crazy and on edge.
Glances over your shoulder now and then would ease that nervousness inside of you a bit but it would never fully go away. A twig snapping behind you made you turn around instantly, only to be met with, him.
You've heard stories about the omaticaya prince from humans that went back and fourth from the village, yet none compared to what is infront of you right now.
His eyes, normally described yellow like honey were green, with slits for pupils. His skin was covered in a thin layer of sweat, and a noticeable tent was in his tewng.
"Such a pretty little tawtute" he purred, stepping closer towards you. Instinctively, you took a step back making him growl.
In an instant, you found yourself laying flat on your back with the huge na'vi hovering above you. He was so large compared to you, having to bend his back a bit to bury his head into the crook of your neck.
"Please, don't do this.." you begged him, unfortunately your pleas fell on deaf ears as he ripped off your shorts, along with your panties and shirt.
"You do not tell me what to do, little girl" he hissed, moving his loincloth to the side. His cock slapped against his stomach, beads of pre-cum already oozing from the tip.
Holy mother he was huge, that would never fit inside you. No way, no how. "That thing will ne- ahh! oh shit!" Your cut off as he immediately rammed his cock inside your tight pussy.
"Fuck.. so tight..so good" he moaned, with no preparation the stretch felt unbearable to you. It was like he was tearing you in half, literally.
Tears streamed down your face as you dug your nails into the palm of your hand, leaving small crescent marks. Without warning, Neteyam pulled out only to slam back inside. A noticeable buldge could be seen from your stomach where his cock was buried.
Neteyam hovered above you, his large frame making you feel even smaller compared to him. His arms caged you in as he started rutting into you like a rabbit in heat.
The forest was filled with the sound of his hips slapping against yours, along with the lewd sounds he kept pulling from your lips. You've never felt so full in your life, not even the toys you had could make you feel this way.
"That's it" Neteyam purred, coiling his tail around your ankle. He leaned down, burying his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent.
You whined, clawing at his shoulders as you felt your climax approaching. Neteyam groaned, picking up his pace "Is the little human gonna cum for me? Hm?"
Leaning back up, he gazed down at your flushed face. You nodded frantically, desperately wanting to cum already. Neteyam smirked,"Cum, be a good little slut and cum.on.this.cock!" With each word he delivered a hard thrust, his tip kissing your cervix.
A choked out sob left your lips as you came hard, squirting onto his lower abdomen and thighs. Neteyam hissed feeling your walls squeezing around him tightly, with one last thrust he buried himself to the hilt inside, painting your gummy walls white.
Panting heavily, you gazed up at him, his green eyes slowly turning back to the warm honey ones you heard so much about.
"Your mine now, pretty human" he murmured.
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riizewrtr · 4 months
Omg! Youre hyunjae biased? Me too! You know what... i've been thinking about big dick hyunjae like... giving him a crazy blowjob. Could you do a little smut about it?
oooo that's so hot, a dream!!! even seeing him irl i lowkey had them thoughts, lol.
content: 18+, mdni, blowjob, no p in v, just simply good good head! idol!hyunjae x reader
You haven't seen Hyunjae in almost 2 months due to his world tour. He was finally back home, you can easily say how needy you were. Hyunjae can say the same, since almost every night consisted of video calls and late night orgasms with him over the phone.
You had the worst timing, though. The red devil has made it's appearance after you had set up roses from the door trailing to your bedroom in your shared apartment. You had already felt the cramps but you were hoping it would start AFTER you shared some love-making.
It took Hyunjae almost about an hour after arriving to the airport to get home. You heard the keys jingle in the door, making your body jump with excitement. Instead of the pretty black lingerie you had, you were faced with just cute tight little shorts and a crop top to surprise him. As soon as he walked through the door you heard him say, "babe? I'm home!"
"In the bedroom, my love!!" You yelled back sitting yourself on your bed. "What is all this?" you heard him mutter, a smile in his voice. Then your man finally appeared into view at the doorway. His smile grew bigger before dropping his bag and making a beeline straight to you. He lifted you up, pressing his lips against yours. The kiss was full of love & need.
He laid you down on the bed, but unfortunately that's where you had to end it. "Babe, not tonight......" you trailed off. The scoff that escaped Hyunjae's throat was as dramatic as he really is. "I started my period..." you looked up at him with an awkward smile.
"So, how do I deal with this??!" he stood up, and the big bulge he already had waiting in his sweats, making your mouth drool.
You laid on your stomach, before looking up at Hyunjae with doe eyes. Licking your lips, "I can still give you head, so you can see how much I missed you," you smiled up at him. Hyunjae smiles before slipping off his sweats along with his underwear before moving a little closer to the bed's edge.
He slaps your lips with his cock before you open up your mouth, keeping complete eye contact with him. You start by sucking and licking the tip, his precum tasting a bit salty. You start bobbing your head slowly at first, small moans escaping your throat. Hyunjae takes the time to caress your face before moving his hand into your hair, playing with it for a second before bunching it into a ponytail.
He let out small sighs and moans, while slowly guiding your head back and forth slowly. You could feel every vein, every time it hit the back of your throat. You gagged, almost forgetting how big he really was. The gag around his cock built a fire in his stomach, he loved the feeling of you gagging around him. "I'm too big for your pretty little mouth, huh babygirl?"
You look up at him, nodding. You picked up the speed more easily now that your drool, was dribbling down your chin. The grip on your hair got tighter as he began to lead you even deeper around his cock. The speed he was going you knew you were going to have a bruised throat. Each thrust you felt the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat each time. Your hands were placed on each of his thighs, your nails digging into them. Your eyes had closed while you try not to throw up around his cock.
"Keep fucking looking at me," you heard Hyunjae groan. You snapped your eyes back open before looking up at him. Tears began streaming down your throat, struggling to breathe was something you always dealt with when giving Hyunjae head. "I'm gonna cum," he moaned, his speed becoming erratic as he began to basically hump your face. He pulled his cock out of your mouth, as you gasped for air. "Tongue out, now."
As you were catching your breath, you stuck your tongue out as he began stroking his cock quickly. His cum spewing across your tongue and a few landed on your face. After he was done squeezing out the last few drops, you swallowed what landed in your mouth and opening your mouth showing Hyunjae. He smiled, stroking your face. "Good girl," he bit his lip before leaving the room to grab a warm towel, wiping your face off of his cum.
"I missed you by the way," he giggled, before placing a gentle kiss on your lips.
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deadboyfriendd · 2 years
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝𝕤 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕒𝕟𝕕 | E.M. 
Summary: Your band finally scores the Friday-night spot at The Hideout. But who the fuck is Corroded Coffin? And who the fuck is Glitterfoot?
Warnings: Eddie Munson X Fem!Reader, unprotected p in v sex, fingering, language, light angst, Eddie goes a little Vince Neil, language. As always, if I missed anything reach out and I'd be happy to change it!
My content is 18+ Minors DNI
Word Count: 4.0k
Author’s Note: I've had this piece in the works for literal weeks. I'm literally gonna burst into tears if it doesn't get read.
“Fucking pardon?” 
“I don’t know why you’re so upset. That spot wasn’t yours anyways.” 
Eddie’s thought came to a needle-scratch halt when those god-awful words spilled from the old man’s mouth. Eddie towered over Ott, the gruff man who owned The Hideout, however, the man nearly doubled him in width, and he wasn’t budging. 
“You said we could have it!” Eddie screeched at him. 
He was a republic of voices tonight, and unfortunately, that republic was Italy. Ott raised a brow as the young man before him swung his wrists so hard he thought they were going to fly off in a liability claim. He knew his words were going in one ear and out the other, but at least it was entertaining. 
“No… I said I’d think about it.” He corrected, stance unwavering despite the tantrum happening before him. 
“That almost always means yes!” Eddie hitting the highest tenor he had probably ever hit in his life. 
“Except for when it means no.” Ott gruffed back. 
“Who else is gonna play? There’s no other band in town?” Eddie said, finally, resulting to mirroring a much lankier, much more dramatic version of Ott’s stance. 
“Glitterfoot. They’re a couple of really nice girls. And it looks like you’ve got competition.” He said back to Eddie, turning around and walking back out of the greenroom door. Eddie furrowed his brow, his face twisting in anguish. He looked back at the rest of his band members, who looked back at him in unsurprised questioning. 
“Who the fuck is Glitterfoot?” 
The bar was old, to say the least. The wood covering the ancient bartop had been covered with resin in order to preserve it, yet the constant spilling and wiping had left a waxy residue that pulled at your skin whenever you leaned against it. When you looked around, you realized nothing was new here. Not even the patrons- save for four men leaning idly against the bartop. Not even the bartender. Not even the shock that came to you at the sheer age of this building. 
You were used to bars like this. You played them every chance you got. 
The static basso of Lori’s guitar being plugged into the amp finally drowned out that god-awful hum that reverberated off the walls from the neon surrounding you. 
The bar was considerably more full than the Tuesday-night slot. Eddie wore a near-comedic deep-set frown. He moped, leaning his back angrily against the bar and he kept his arms crossed across his chest, glass bottle handing deftly from his fingers off to the side. 
“Why exactly are we here again?” Jeff asked, leaning over towards Eddie’s shoulder so he could hear them over the opening riffs of your first song. 
“To scope out the competition.” Eddie explained, shortly, eyes fixated on the stage before him. 
“What competition?” Jeff asked him, confusedly. 
“Whoever these bitches are.” Eddie said back at him, trying desperately to end the conversation. 
“I wouldn’t go so far as to say they’re bitches bu-”
“Dude, just shut up and look mean.” Eddie finally snapped, other boys in the band turning their heads back towards the stage. All of them took on the same stance, backs leaned against the bar top, arms folded over chests, bottles hanging from the necks in their hands beneath their folded arms. However, while the other boys watched, and quite enjoyed it, Eddie’s face stayed mean. 
He used those mean feelings to ignore the way your hair flew around your face in slow motion. He shook the dastardly thought right out of his head, but he couldn't ignore the way the light refracted around your face in a shower of sweat like glitter. He couldn’t help that he could see your stupid eyelashes kiss where the apples of your cheeks pushed them together from the bar. It’s not like he controlled the way your ring-clad hand brushed ever-so-softly against your face or the way you smelled like a girl and he could catch a whiff of it across the building. 
What he could help, however, was that he was mad. He was mad that you were up there instead of him, and he was mad that there was actually a respectable crowd here tonight, and he was mad that they were actually enjoying the set- and so-help-him-God that was your fault.  
He sat stone-faced through the entire setlist, through the crowd clapping and Jeff telling him that his face was going to stick like that if he didn’t cut it out. Frankly, he was hoping that his face would stick like that. This was the most lively the bar had been in years and he was mad that it wasn’t him that drew it. Before he knew it, the gaggle of girls were strutting towards the bar. 
“Hey.” He piped up, loud enough for you to hear, as your band all took their places beside them at the bar. Your bandmates and yourself turned your heads to look at him, a parliament of wide-eyed owl women hungry to tear apart mean mice-men. They stood behind you, read for a fight, or to say really mean things until he cried. Most likely the latter. 
“Uh, who are you?” You asked, sitting back on the barstool and crossing your arms in defense. 
“We’re Corroded Coffin.” He explained, like he expected you to know the name. You raised an eyebrow, hoping- daring him to elaborate
“The Friday night band?” He continued, gesturing his arms around his head like he owned the bar. 
“Uh… we’re the Friday night band?” You asked, your friends looking at each other like they needed to brace themselves;
“What the fuck is a Glitterfoot?” He started immediately. It blindsided you, and you stared at him, dumbstruck. 
“Us-” Ada started in, in your silence, but this was your fight now. 
“What twelve year old came up with Corroded Coffin?” You spit back with a vigor, splaying your hand out to gesture at all of them- even the boys behind him that were burying their face in their hands in sheer embarrassment. . 
“Me.” Eddie piped up, perhaps a little too quickly. 
“You guys aren’t even that good.” He started, just looking for an out at this point. 
“Then why are we playing tonight and you’re not?” If your purple nail polish were poison, it would drip from your fingers and dissolve the flesh in front of you like acid
“Because we suck, too.” His friend piped up, trying desperately to dig his friend out of the hole he dug himself into. 
“Shut up dude, they didn’t know that.” He turned around to look at the man, his arms waving around like an aggravated toddler. 
“Everyone knows that.” His friend said back. 
“Hey! Girls! You did great! Look at the crow- oh Christ on a cracker.” Ott said, arms outstretched excitedly as he emerged from the office behind the bar- only to see the drama in front of him unfold. 
“Oh, hi, Ott, we were just leaving, actually.” You said, anger and annoyance dripping out of your voice in the same poison purple tone as your nails. 
“Wait. Where are you going?” He asked, watching you with broken eyes as you slid off the barstool. 
“Giving the Friday-night band their spot back.”
“What do you mean we’re fired?” Eddie screeched, loud enough to reverberate out of the green room and rattle the glasses behind the bar. 
“Y’heard me. Whatever you said to those girls made them not want to come back.” Ott said to him, firmly. 
“So that means I’m fired from Tuesday night?” 
“Call it showbusiness, son.”
“But what about our fans?” Eddie screeched again, making Ott want to shove Gareth’s drumsticks in his ears just to block out the noise that was coming from the Vince-Neil-level tantrum before him. 
“Drunks, Edward, not fans.” Ott humbled him, remaining stagnant as Eddie buzzed around him like electrons to an atomic nucleus. 
“They come for us.” Eddie reasoned, loudly enough to still be unreasonable. 
“No, they came for alcohol… and they came for those girls.” Ott said back, gesturing his hand outward towards the bar. 
They sat in silence for a long while, Ott relishing in the silence and Eddie staring through him in thought. 
“Ugh… shit Ott.” Eddie started, running his hands over his face, through his hair, and back again, “What if I can get them back?”
The silence stretched on- this time with Ott deep in thought and Eddie buzzing with nerves. It was finally broken when Ott released a defeated sigh, pulling the hat off his head to rub at his balding hairline. 
“I’ll tell you what, son, if you can get them back, your Tuesday spot is safe…for now.”
He saw your signup on the open-mic night sheet for the record shop downtown. He was well-known here, well-liked even- considering whatever spare money he had was usually spent here. With a little bit of prying, he got the manager to fess up to what time you were playing, and he even got your names. 
He hung around in the back through your set, watching your deft, ring-clad fingers curl around the mic again. This time you looked softer, less on the defensive. He listened to your voice this time- less drowned out by the angry music your friends backed you with. He let it fill his brain like ink spreading through water. 
He knew why you were called Glitterfoot now, the sunlight coming through the shop windows like a beacon. He swore he could see the glitter falling from the sky and pooling at your feet in a pool, he knew it would follow you and coat the bottoms of your shoes and leave beautiful metallic footprints when you walked away. He immediately felt bad for what he said just a few nights prior, he knew you weren’t bad. You had to crowd to back it then and you had the crowd to back it now. 
This wasn’t just about saving his Tuesday-night spot anymore. Hell, he would trade all of the Tuesdays in the world just to hear your voice for just a little longer, even when it dripped in anger at him.
“You’re here to boot us out of open mic, too?” You asked, this time, letting your friends pack up after you insisted you could handle him one-on-one. 
“No, actually, I’m here to listen.” He said, hands up and palms facing you in surrender. 
“Thought you said we sucked?” You asked, not dropping your own defensive stance. 
“No- ugh, jesus. I came to apologize, okay?” He said, finally, rubbing his temples with his middle fingers. 
“Go on.” You said again, coldly, still not dropping the stance. 
“I’m sorry. For Everything. You guys don’t suck, and I am a gigantic, gaping asshole.” He started, taking a step closer to you with his hands out towards you- offering his apology like it was tangible and sat in his hands. 
“Keep talking.”
“You guys belong at The Hideout and I was just mad that you got picked to play instead of us.” He continued. 
“Okay what?”
“Okay.” You reiterated, turning on your heel and starting to walk away
“That’s it?” He asked, stepping forward and gripping your elbow softly, “You’re just gonna say okay and walk away?” He asked you, spinning your frame around and placing his hands on your shoulders. 
You tried to ignore the way your stomach turned. 
“Look, come down to The Hideout on Tuesday, we’ll buy you guys a round of drinks. Like friends.”
The bar was old, the same way it was old the last time you checked. The wood covering the ancient bartop had still been covered with resin, and it still pulled at your skin when you leaned your elbows against it. When you looked around, you realized nothing was new here, not even the band, and especially not the patrons.
What was new in this place was the way you looked at Eddie, the stage lights casting a halo around his head shrouded in soft curls. You watched the way his lashes kissed at the corners of his eyes, attached to the corners of his pillowy mouth by invisible threads. The stage lights dripped molden gold on to his personage, rolling down his face like sweat. It dripped out of his voice and coated the strings on his guitar. 
The setlist looked much different now that you weren’t playing, fifteen full-length songs felt so much longer when you sat at the bar. You realized now that this was the one place you had never been- in the crowd. You reveled in it for a while. It was atmospheric, really, something you couldn’t seem to describe- maybe it was just him. 
“Hey” You started, your best smile plastered across your face. 
“Hi.” he said back, more genuinely. He was still covered in a sheen of sweat from the set he’d just played. 
“So you’re Corroded Coffin?” You asked sarcastically, a sort of starting over phrase. 
“The Tuesday-night band.” He clarified, looking through kissed lashes at you, “We kinda suck.”
“Hey, we kinda suck too.” You giggled back. 
“Only slightly less, though.” He clarified, once more, “-enough to be the Friday-night band.”
“So… we were actually wondering…” Ada started from behind you, pulling you out of the daze of the back-and-forth banter.
“...If you guys maybe wanted to play with the Friday night band?” You finished, getting her hint and getting to the point. 
“What, like, amp versus amp?” Jeff asked, shoving his hands in his pockets. 
“No… like… together.” Gwen said, finally. All of the boys turned to look at each other, then back to you, and then back at each other once more. 
“I call huddle.”
You, Ada, Gwen, and Lori reconvened into your owlet-woman parliament, staring with wide eyes at the congregation of grown men in a t-ball-esque huddle in front of you. From the eye of that storm, a rain shower of whispers resonated Dungeons-and-Dragons-style from it. 
“What’s their motive here, boss?” Gareth asked. 
“That’s the thing�� I don’t think there is a motive.” Eddie replied. 
“Maybe they’re just being nice.” Grant groaned, rolling his eyes. 
“Maybe they’re gonna make us look like a bunch of assholes.” Eddie started, with a raised brow. 
“Make you look like an asshole.”  Jeff corrected, remembering his qualms with the word bitches from a mere few days ago. 
“Well maybe you deserve it a little bit.” Gareth added in, with a soft nod from the rest of them. 
“Shut up, Gareth.”
“So what do we do?”
“Well we already look like assholes, what else do we have to lose?”
“We’ve been begging for that Friday night spot for months.”
“Fuck it.”
From two barstools away, your own congregation chipped and screeched in a patriarchal basso of mirrored words. 
“So… what are we looking at here, boss?”
“I honestly couldn’t tell you.”
“Maybe they’re scheming? Trying to find another way to humiliate us?”
“No, I think he really meant that apology. Maybe we’re just a bunch of bitches?”
“Maybe you’re just a bitch.”
“Well then maybe I deserve it a little bit.”
“You’ve got that right.”
“Shut up, Gwen.”
“Ugh, fuck it.”
In a choreographed dance, you and Eddie met face to face, eyes piercing into each other like leucotomes. You feel like a lobotomized housewife, words coming to the forefront of your mashed-potato frontal lobe but unable to make its way through your ground beef cortex. 
“So do we have a deal or not?” He asked, and it felt like it was barely above a whisper. 
“It’s a date.”
The stage lights in the Indiana-local dive bar were miserable- always had been. After performing a few times, you started to realize that they were comforting- almost in the same way as the beginnings of a sunburn. They blocked the prying eyes of the crowd and settled the nerves, which were extraordinarily tense on this night. They didn’t, however, block the piercing, ambergris gaze of the man casting a shadow over you on the stage, deft fingers traveling back and forth over frets and metal strings. 
The music isn’t what you’re used to performing, but you can’t help the way the sound that poured from his system dripped off of the frets like gold. 
Your voice wasn’t a sound that he was used to working with. It was far less abrasive and sounded like bells. The sound resonated from you like glitter. 
The stage was packed, with the eight young adults performing on stage, some people opting to sit out for certain songs- some originals from Glitterfoot, some originals from Corroded Coffin. It was a new entity- entirely different in nature. It had the boys’ abrasiveness, with your tentative, feminine flare. The small crowd, though confused, loved it. 
Eddie didn’t sing much, but tonight, he couldn’t help but to let the small resonation slip past his lips into the microphone. You felt it in your chest. Though he sang much more quietly, it filled your ears and overtook the sound of your own voice. 
He couldn’t help but to peer up at you, hair flying over your shoulder in the most beautiful sequence of flight-like movement he had ever seen. He saw every detail about you through a macro-lens, the way your lashes kissed at the corners, the broken ends of hair at your crown catching the light and casting a celestial halo around your head, the delicacy- yet firmness- of the way your hand gripped the microphone in front of you. 
As the final note catches in your throat, the applause from the crowd fades from your ears like they’ve been stuffed with cotton. The only thing you can hear is the clicking of fingers on strings on frets, the only thing you can see is ambergris eyes.
There was a wire that cut through ice tonight. The group had filed out, quickly and all at once- as they usually did, leaving you and Eddie alone to pack things away into the green room for the next Tuesday-night show. 
You plopped yourself down in between the open back doors of the van, the suspension groaning and flexing slightly under the combined weight of yourself and Eddie. You sighed softly, bringing your knees up into your chest and staring at the brick in front of you, breath escaping your lips in a cloud of vapor in front of you. 
You could feel his eyes on you, not boring, like they were the first night. Scanning. Scanning your personage. If there were a light behind his eyes it would illuminate your body in a soft glow. 
“You're like… really pretty, you know that?” He asked, craning his neck to look down at you, his neck wrinkling under his chin. 
“What am I supposed to say to that?” You asked, and his brows knit together in confusion. 
“What?” He asked you 
“I mean… if I say no you’re gonna elaborate and it sounds like I’m fishing for compliments and if I say yes I sound conceited.” You explained further, drawing a chuckle from his lips. 
“I guess, when you put it that way, I’ve put you in quite the predicament, huh?” He asked, looking at you with soft eyes. The softest you had ever seen. 
That’s not the only predicament. You thought quietly to yourself, his liquid-gold laden image still filling the crevices of your brain matter like ink dropped in water. 
“I guess you have.”
“Pretty and funny.” He continued, your cheeks aflame. You tried to ignore it. 
“Okay, I will claim funny.” 
“But you really are very pretty.”
“Thank you, Eddie.”
Your eyes flicked upwards towards him, pupils locking into his. The warmth of his breath cut through the ice of the night like a hot wire, melting the condensation into pools of steam and soft puddles- one of which pooled between your legs. 
His lips touched yours as his hands came to grip your waist. It felt like it was in slow motion, yet moved so quickly you couldn’t process it. He was down soft- yet steel-wool abrasive. Otherworldly yet so tangible. 
Your back pressed against the woolen carpeting of the van beneath you, head resting sloppy against his folded jacket, still warm with smoke from the bar. Your hand gripped the nape of his neck abrasively, holding on to him as he lay your body down against the hard back floor of the van- back doors clicking shut as he dragged them with the top of his foot. 
“Pretty.” He whispered, breath tickling the soft spot beneath your ear. You drew in a breath, offering only a soft whine in response. 
He was delicate with you, hands drawing up and down your legs with a tenderness he had never displayed before. He gripped on the meat of your outer thighs, running them down to meet your knees and so delicately spreading your legs to make a home for his body to settle. 
His fingertips pressed valleys into the flesh of your thighs like linen, coming up to cup your heat. It drew a sigh from your lips at the contact. 
“So, so fucking pretty.” He whispered, breathlessly, yourself just as breathless as the pad of his thumb slid beneath the band of your underwear to rub endearing circles across your clit. You released a soft whine. 
“And you make the prettiest fucking noises for me.” He said again, his spare hand running across the valley of your breasts and over the bump of your tummy. Slowly, he slid his middle and ring finger into you, drawing another whine from you. 
“Good girl.” 
The name sparked a fire in your abdomen, heating quickly- tightening a coil within you. It burned bright orange, teetering on the edge of molten, just as you teetered on the edge of orgasm. His soft whine sent you into a spiral, the coil snapping and your orgasm cresting like a dam. 
“There we go. You did so good for me.” Eddie praised, working you down from that floaty place. 
He unclasped his belt, unbuttoned his pants and slid them down his thighs, lean with a light smattering of hair. His cock sprung up from the waistband of his boxers, pink at the tip with a pearlescent bead of precum dripping from the head. 
“Are you ready, baby?” He asked you, with tentative eyes. It turned your stomach over, a slight, 
“Mm-hm.” all you could muster. 
“Okay.” He whispered, pressing a soft kiss to the flesh of your lips, following it with a sparse trail of them that led back down your body. 
He  used his two fingers to guide the tip back on, and you relinquished the sting- followed by the delicious ache that filled your stomach. Slowly he pushed in, pausing once he was buried to the hilt. 
“We doing okay?” He asked, barely above a whisper, running his hand back and forth across your hip, endearingly. 
“Move, Eddie.” You whined back, just wishing he would move already. He chuckled at this, gripping both of your hips firmly between his hands. 
“Slow down, tiger, I’m going.” He said, between laughs.
You swore you could have seen stars as he began to thrust, each one more rhythmic and deeper in nature. It was delicious and celestial. His whines were like songs, high-pitched and out of character for him, but still just as beautiful. 
His hips met yours with a near-pornographic slap with each thrust and, as far as you knew, the suspension from the van was creaking just as loudly, though masked by the sounds being drawn from your throats. He was all hands, attaching himself to you like a garment. He ran hot. A furnace of a man. 
You swore you went blind when you came. In the few minutes he took on the comedown, you caught yourself staring. He wasn’t as rough around the edges here. More oblong. More organic. You looked at the soft smattering of freckles that dusted the outsides of his cheeks, indicators of childhood days spent in the sun. His ambergris eyes a much cooler color in the darkness of the night that surrounded you. 
He offered you a soft smile, pink lips pulling upwards where they met. 
It was then that you realized that not all that glitters is gold, but it’s still so goddamn beautiful.
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rissararity · 3 months
Keep My Secret - Stucky/OC
By RissaRarity
(NSFW, a/b/o porn with plot. Unprotected p/v sex, oral- f recieving)
Fic masterlist:
THE REP SWITCH - (Bucky + Prism)
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Tony had been somewhat uncomfortable when briefing them on this mission, but he was happy to send Nat and Priz on a luxury shopping spree so she'd have plenty to wear.
It was necessary for Prism to look the part of a pampered sex doll and that was a specialty of Natasha's.
She used a bit of the Eau de Omega Tony and Bruce made for the undercover mission in Russia a while back - deciding these people didn't deserve to be around the real thing.
The current mission?
A meeting of several mafia members from across the globe was taking place in Germany. Bucky had taken out the Romanian representative and would take his place in the meeting - his multi-lingual skills would be put to good use.
Gathering Intel was the name of the game.
Unfortunately, these people had some unusual traditions at these meetings. One of them being to bring a woman to service him during; sit in his lap, suck him off, warm his cock or just straight up have her ride him.
The Romanian representative had already bragged to the others that he'd be bringing an omega.
Despite their history, Natasha was a happily mated fellow Alpha so she wasn't an option.
That left Prism - the scentless beta.
She used her magic to turn her silver locks to blonde ones just incase someone recognized her and was now trying to mentally prepare for what she had to do tonight.
Bucky. She had to do Bucky.
This time in front of a room full of international criminals.
She also had to keep enough of her head to keep an ear out for whatever the Italian representative said, since that was the single one out of the bunch that Bucky wouldn't be able to understand.
It was, apparently, common for the men to select a woman that could translate at least one language for them so it wouldn't draw attention if she started softly speaking to him during- even if it was English instead of Romanian.
"Ready?" He asked, dawning his expensive, tailored suit jacket and leather gloves.
She had to refrain from chewing her lip to keep from ruining her lipstick. "I'm a little worried that I won't be...ready at the time. I know you're a prick, but that," she pointed at his crotch, "is a whole spear."
He laughed, "I'll take that as a complement, Alessandra." He addressed her by her cover name. "I'm sure I'll have time to get you good to go before we get there. I may like hurting your feelings but that," he pointed at her crotch, "Is the holy grail of pussy and I don't want to break it."
She glared and blushed, "It was ONE TIME, Luca."
He raised his hands in surrender, "That really was a complement, îngeraș." (Little angel) His gaze softened as he helped her into her long leather coat. "This is gonna be a little weird for both of us. Steve doesn't mind us sleeping together for whatever reason so at least we don't have to worry about coming back to a shit storm."
"Don't say that like we've been casually fucking in our everyday lives! It's for the cover, nothing more."
Bucky rolled his eyes, "I know, I know. That said, you do still have a no strings free-bee from when you and your freaky hands saved me..."
"Me and my freaky hands are gonna kill you if you don't shut up." She growled.
He made a dramatic, surprised face before smirking. "Well that's not very omega of you. Threatening your alpha."
Prism crossed her arms and glared.
"That reminds me," he stood a bit straighter and the air shifted as he took on his Alpha form all the way down to his pheromones.
Her anger died down as his dominant aura filled the room and she couldn't help but shrink a little in response, arms dropping to her sides and gaze dropping to his chest.
The alpha patted her head, careful not to muss her hair, "Good girl, 'mega." He praised when he noticed.
Prism lifted her chin to push the top of her head into his palm, accepting his touch in a very omega way with a small smile.
"And you make a hot blonde, I'll have to tell Steve he's got competition."
Priz laughed, unable to help her blush.
"I like the silver better though." He shrugged. "I gotta admit, you do play the part surprisingly well." He cupped her cheek instead, grinning when she leaned into his hand a little - a flick of arrogance in her eyes as her little Omega smile turned into a cocky smirk.
"You make a pretty convincing Alpha yourself, Beta."
He gave a chuckle, "It passes the omega test."
"That it does."
"Nat's on a mission so I need your opinion."
With a sigh, Bucky entered her room briefly taken back by how amazing she looked in her blue and silver dress- her blonde hair reminding him of the moon at night.
Her silver hair would make her look like a shooting star.
She caught a glimpse of his lax jaw in the mirror, a sparkle of flattery danced in her eye for a moment as she looked down at the dresser and pretended not to have seen him.
"Hair up, or hair down?" she turned to face him and used her hands to position her shiny hair in different ways.
His cheeks darkened and no words came out, just a small smile as his inner alpha preened at the thought of his omega eagerly seeking his approval and praise.
"You're laughing at me! Don't laugh at me!" she pouted, clearing her throat and changing expression to an angry one that reminded him of a puffed up kitten.
"No, I'm not! I'm just..." he raised his hands in surrender cataloging this memory to share with his mate later.
"Don't make it weird. Just...as a guy hair up," she arranged her hair again then dropped it and shook it out so her flawless waves bounced around her. "or hair down?"
"Usually when girls pose for me they at least smile." He teased, leaning into his current alpha disposition.
When she gave an annoyed huff, he knew it worked.
Sure enough, she repeated her actions but this time with a flirty smile on her face that made his pants immediately get tighter.
She could swear she actually heard his breath catch.
"Hair down. Definitely. Both are good, but as a guy...hair down." He said at last, looking at her for a long moment.
She turned back around to face the mirror and used to magic to ensure her golden locks sat perfectly.
"One more thing before we go. I think we should scent mark each other to really solidify the story. And it should dissuade anyone...looking to get to know either of us."
After gulping, Priz faced him again - uncertainty clear on her face.
"It's mostly for your benefit. Most likely, the other girls will be betas so everyone will have one eye on you."
She shuffled her feet, glancing down at the shimmering heels on her feet that made her legs look like they went on forever. "If they think we're serious about each other...they'll leave me alone..."
"Any decent alpha should, otherwise it's a challenge to me. And I will win." He vowed, clenching his vibranium fist.
She nodded, shyly approaching him and stopping directly in front of him. Bucky stooped his head and pressed a kiss to her lips, she was surprised but went with it.
When he pulled back, he hovered by her face. "You seem like a sentimental person so I thought we should take proper steps before you become my dickwarmer.
She cracked a grin, "How eloquently put. Way to break the ice."
"It worked." He smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist.
She laughed and rolled her eyes, admitting to herself he wasn't the worst person to be on this mission with.
"We need to smell the part. So we need to smell like each other. That could be fun." Bucky's blue eyes flitted up and down her body.
"How is it we have constantly have missions together where we end up having to have sex?" she sighed, letting him pepper kisses into the side of her throat as his large hands massaged her ass.
"Luck of the draw?" he offered, chuckling at her snicker before continuing to lick and suck at her mating gland. Prism's back arched as her arms wrapped themselves around him, making his squeeze her possessivly. "C-careful." Her voice barely came out, a shaky breath coming out after.
"Tony's perfume can't ever be released. It'd reek havoc on every alpha that gets a whiff." He murmured, sucking a bruise over top of it where it would easily be seen. "But as far as any of these assholes know, you're mine."
A whimper came from her as he leaned away. "Your turn."
She blushed, "You want me to mark you back?"
He nodded like it should have been obvious. "They need to think we're together, and exclusive. If they think we're serious about each other they'll leave us both alone." With that, he unbuttoned his perfectly pressed, tailored button up shirt to bare his unmarred mating gland- Steve's mark would have to remain hidden on the other side.
Honestly, Prism had never seen such a breathtaking sight. She chalked it up to hormone crap and swallowed nervously before getting on her toes to press submissive kisses to his collar bone before sucking her own mark on his mating gland, not missing how he shuttered as she did it.
"Good girl." He rubbed the back of her neck gently to get her to keep her nose near his neck. "Nuzzle me. We need to smell like we spend a lot of time together."
"Now it's starting to feel like feeding your ego."
He grinned, "Maybe a little but I'm serious. It can only help our cover."
"I hate when you're right." He tilted his chin up a bit as she did as he said, his hands roaming up and down her waist before settling on her butt cheeks again.
Bucky couldn't help but close his eyes as her own hands slid up and down his back, torso and upper thighs, then back up in the reverse order to slide her hands down his arms. He loved Steve, but little Omega hands felt so good in a different way- her touch was calming and left tingles in its wake due to the Eau de Omega she was wearing.
At least that's what he thought it was from.
He didn't notice the pleased rumble of approval that came from his chest that convinced her to kiss under his jaw while she rubbed his back in a hug of sorts.
Bucky buried his nose in her hair, rubbing his slightly scruffy cheek in it to scent her in a way Alphas only did for Omegas-or especially needy betas.
She purred under him, pressing her torso against his as she got lost in his alpha pheromones. They managed to keep their petting over the clothes and were both a little breathless when they separated, visibly flustered.
"We leave in ten." He told her, kissing her lips one last time before leaving the room.
Soon enough, they were in the back of a limo to arrive in style and in character.
It would be a bit of a drive to the meeting place, leaving them sitting across from each other for a while.
Bucky couldn't help but stare at Prism. She had never looked more perfect. More than humanly possible, since she'd used her magic to attain her flawless skin and hair. The books always said a happy omega was breathtakingly angelic, and even in a dress that clung to her like sin she fit the bill.
Tony's Eau de Omega filled the enclosed space of the limo and it almost seemed to add yet another layer to her beauty.
Having decided to go blonde for this mission, she opted for a navy blue cocktail dress with silver jewelry. It was surprisingly comfortable, but then again she'd need unrestricted movement for this. Part of her was excited to get to dress up for a mission that wasn't expected to end in her having to fist fight in a ballgown- thankfully Natasha taught her how to tie it up into pants.
Another part of her was excited to dress up in front of Bucky. Especially when he played Alpha, like he would be for the duration of the mission, she couldn't help but be instinctively pleased that he thought she was attractive and was flattered to catch him starring from time to time.
Like now.
As she caught his eye for the second time and he looked away quickly, she decided to ask, "What? Cat got your tongue?" a smirk pulled at her lips.
"I'll give you my tongue." His wink caught her off guard, making him grin as she floundered and her confidence turned to that of a fourteen year old girl.
"Its okay when you get flirty but when I do it you clam up." He chuckled, watching her look out the window and pout. Adorable.
"I'm just...not used to it is all." The only time she ever seemed to get these looks or complements was on missions. At home, it was common for Bucky and Steve to roast her appearance and while that could roll off her for the most part, it was the complements that made her shy and embarrassed.
Bucky got quiet as he considered her words. "Well, as long as you're playing my Omega I'm gonna treat you like one. That being said, I do believe you need to get ready for your big role tonight." He winked again, heart fluttering when she blushed.
"The role of being an Alpha's prized sex doll?" she arched an eyebrow.
"The very same!" he smiled, making her laugh and relax. "As the alpha in this scenario, its only right that I get you ready to ride. Don't want to hurt my 'mega's princess parts."
She wrinkled her nose, "I liked holy grail of pussy better."
He chuckled, "So do I."
"How do you plan on shining the grail? We're in the back of a moving car."
"Stranger things have happened in the back of a limo, Doll."
Prism rolled her eyes but didn't try to refute it.
"And as to how I'm going to shine the grail?" he paused for dramatic effect, "I was thinking spit shine." He gave her a look she could only describe as a smolder.
She tilted her head in confusion before he saw it click in her head- silver eyes going wide and cheeks ablaze. Her body felt electric as it began to weep for him, full of anticipation.
Bucky slid to kneel in front of her, maintaining eye contact as he did.
"You're just gonn-ya!" she yelped in surprise as he grabbed her thighs and scooted her to the edge, tossing one of her legs over his shoulder.
Prism gasped when he immediately started pressing kisses to her inner thigh, slowly getting closer and closer to the most intoxicating thing he'd ever smelled.
Try as she might, her arousal still smelled like omega no matter how much she tried to keep her scent blank.
Chalking it up to interesting perfume placement, Bucky didn't think about the why so much.
Before long, she was crying out as her body squeezed his thick fingers, back arching as fireworks went off behind her eyes.
Bucky sucked a love bite onto her inner thigh to savor the taste before he helped her right herself on the seat. Her release was visible on his cheeks when the sun peaked through the tinted windows.
Prism loosely hung in the chair while eyeing her partner. "Y-you should wipe that off."
He shook his head, "I'm yours, tonight. We'll make sure they all know."
He watched possessiveness enter her eyes, "...mine."
Bucky nodded, "For the mission, yes. Luca is yours." His inner alpha loved the look coming from her, feeling proud that a beautiful "Omega" like her wants to rub it in everyone's face that he belongs to her.
Hey, everyone likes to feel like a prize sometimes.
A smile curled at her lips and she sat a little straighter, nodding. He sat beside her and put an arm over her shoulders for the duration of the ride.
When they arrived, she took a deep breath before the driver opened the door. Bucky pressed a reassuring kiss to her forehead and let her get out first.
Alessandra noticed the change in his body language as soon as he got out- he was moving like the Winter Soldier, alert and calmly assessing every situation. He commanded the air as soon as he entered the room, and she was on the arm of the strongest alpha there- weather they knew it or not.
As they walked by a few others chatting around a pool table, they all turned to watch then pass. Her cheeks burned as she realized he was wearing her like cologne. It was a badge of pride for an alpha to have a happy, pleased omega at his side.
Mine. She told herself, solidifying the look of confidence in her eyes. People eyed their necks, some visibly frowning in response to the equivalent of engagement rings that sat there.
No one would come between an alpha and his potential omega.
Luca gave her a kiss before following the other men into another room and leaving her with the betas.
She tried to keep her expression unimpressed and bored, despite feeling many eyes on her.
Before long, a staff member entered the room. "When I open this door, go to your alpha and take a seat. Keep movement to a minimum during the meeting, but keep him satisfied for the duration. Keep your own sounds down to a minimum- remember this is a place of business and you're all expected to translate as well."
The betas nodded, finally taking their attention off the only "omega" in the room.
The women lined up and waited silently as the staff opened the main door to the conference room.
Prism's heart raced but she kept up her façade, eyes immediately scanning the table until they settled on Bucky.
They entered and each approached their alpha as ordered, she observed how the others were mounting the lap and positioning her partners head at her entrance then waiting.
Not missing a beat, Alessandra followed suit - making eye contact with Bucky the entire time. He got harder in her hand as he focused on her.
When all the women were in position they all exchanged a look and sank down in unison.
The beauty's eyebrows knit at the immediate full stretch, accepting Luca's kiss as a distraction until she was all the way down. His hands immediately wrapped around her waist and guided her head to rest on his shoulder while he turned his attention to the meeting.
Following the lead of the others, she rolled her hips occasionally - each time she did, his hands would tighten for a moment, or his jaw would clench. Keeping an ear out for the odd Italian comment, Alessandra relaxed against her alpha, teasing him a little more than the betas dared to.
He met her challenging gaze with playful annoyance, trying to keep his head straight. The whole point of all this was to gather Intel after all.
Having studied up on the other Alphas, Bucky was fully prepared to converse with them usually in the groups common language English, letting some comments out in Romanian then be corrected to English. Prism had never heard him speak anything but Russian and a little Chinese once at a restaurant, but this language rolled out like it was his mother tongue.
As the thought occurred to her, her cheeks flushed as she recalled her last experience with his tongue.
He glanced at her in surprise as he noticed the change in her scent, clueless as to what had effected her.
As the meeting went on, the alphas began to finish around the table. A couple threw their betas on the table, most just pulled them all the way down and held them down until they were done.
Bucky noticed this too, looking to her questing with pink cheeks and glossy eyes.
She leaned into his ear and whispered, "It's okay, Luca, I'm here for your pleasure."
"Good girl, Allie." He murmured, using his hands to puppet her hips before pulling her down hard and squeezing her as he buried his face in her neck, fangs pricking his lip as his instincts tried to convince him to finish accepting the "Omega"
They barely felt the eyes on them as he groaned, one hand squeezing her jaw and making her look him in the eye as he shot long bursts into her until her belly protruded in a way only omegas were built for, getting some groans from the onlookers as they watched.
Now spent, Bucky pressed a peck to her cheek as she and the other betas were soon collected and escorted out while the men spoke for a bit longer.
The women were permitted to freshen up in a nearby lavish washroom and return to the waiting room for their alphas to come collect them.
Some of the men came out, grabbed their beta and left but to her surprise, she was waved in.
One look at Bucky assured he everything was fine as he seemed to be comfortably chatting in German, turning his attention to her as she got closer.
She immediately settled herself under his wing and nuzzled him as if to take his scent for comfort in a way omegas often did.
The Alphas he was speaking to only glanced at her and made a noticeable effort to politely ignore her presence.
The Italian representative, Matteo, joined Luca and Felix shortly after she did. Luca explained that Matteo's English isn't great and he'd been hoping to discuss some business with his Romanian brother. "Would you be a good girl and translate for me?" he asked, arching an eyebrow expectantly.
"Of course, Alpha. Whatever you need!" she chirped in a way that - to Bucky- was overly interested and annoying, but it certainly sold the whole omega act and the others that overheard gave approving looks or even jealous ones as she spoke.
Felix left as it was safe to assume it was meant to be a private conversation.
Alessandra listened while Matteo directed his words at Luca then she spoke softly into her partners ear in English.
This went on for twenty minutes before Matteo bid them goodbye and left for the evening. Luca took his leave shortly after, not even sparing a glance to the betas who glared at them as they passed by the waiting room on the way out.
"I don't think they liked me." She giggled as the driver opened the limo door for them and they got in.
"They're jealous that you outshined all of them and they never stood a chance."
She blushed, "Do omegas get glares a lot?"
He shrugged, "Honestly, I haven't been around enough to answer that. I don't think so...but then again most people are probably nicer and less shallow than beta badges."
Prism gave a confused look. "Beta badges?"
He relaxed in his seat, man-spreading. "That's what those girls are called. Omegas almost never get mixed up with the mob, so it's actually a flex to bring one - especially one you appear to be serious about and who seems happy to be there."
"Badges, though?"
"The betas are just there to be objects- used and displayed. It's almost like...an unofficial contest to see who can bring the hottest dame. And you won."
"Is that what happened when we had to leave? Did you all vote?" she grinned, expecting to laugh but he merely shrugged and glanced at the tinted windows.
She scoffed and kicked his shin half heartedly. "As long as I won." She grinned again, making him smile now that he knew she wasn't upset or jealous.
After all, she wasn't really Bucky's mate or even primal fiancée as they were playing the roles of.
"You know, I couldn't help but notice only two out of ten woman actually finished in there."
She blushed and looked away, "Its an uncomfortable situation. I couldn't really relax."
"Well, you did a good job in there."
"Uh...thanks?" Prism felt like all she did was keep her cool and ride him slowly until he came.
The alpha chuckled, "I think an omega would get a reward."
She arched a brow at him. "What kind of reward?"
"Rewards given from alphas to omegas are usually orgasms. And I think since I got mine it's only fair."
"You don't have to, Buck, I'm fine." She blushed, pushing her hair behind her ear.
"Oh I know you're fine. They know you're fine. But I don't remember the last time I had sex with a girl and didn't get her off too."
"I hardly think that counted as sex."
He feigned hurt, "Oh you wound me!" he chuckled, "It technically was and I got off so it counts. But I feel like it's not over until everyone gets to cum."
She considered it, shyly looking down at her body in the beautiful dress.
"And I'm being gentleman and offering to get you off, so this doesn't count as your free-bee. This one's on the house, like a thank you fruit basket." He beamed, eyes softening as she gave a genuine laugh, covering her mouth with one of her hands.
"Okay, Buck, I'll take you up on that."
He smirked, positioning her in the large flat space between the limo seats.
"What about the driver?" she asked, cheeks pink as his hands molded to her breasts and easily pulled them from the fabric.
The wall had been up the entire time, so Bucky rolled his eyes and put it down a little bit. "Conduceți o vreme. Sunt ocupat." He grunted to the driver who respectfully agreed, then put the wall back up. (Drive around for a while. I'm busy.)
"Taken care of." He winked, "Now I'm gonna fuck you until you cum and you're gonna be a good girl and take it, right?" his tone changed as he rasped into her ear.
Her body felt alert and warm as his words and their meaning washed over her.
"Yes alpha. Please make me cum."
In a blink, he was hoisting her legs onto his shoulders and burying himself in her still prepared entrance, a fresh layer of slick having made an appearance as his words woke something she tried to keep slumbering.
Her real scent peaked through, pheromones singing in the air.
"You smell so good...fuck!" he groaned, reaching down with one hand to rub her clit. She immediately arched her back and gasped his name as he did so, her mind quickly melting as her body tried to rid itself of the stress of the mission.
Bucky easily kept his balance in the moving vehicle, not at all deterred from what he'd deemed his new mission.
In the back of his mind he wondered why his fangs had elongated as soon as he bottomed out. Even in his alpha state and her Eau de Omega he didn't think his body would respond like it was.
He'd never popped fang with a beta before.
He pounded into her, supporting her back with his vibranium arm to effortlessly lift her a bit. "How do you want to cum, little dove? Tell alpha what you want so he can take care of you." His voice was a little strained with pleasure.
"I w-want....I....I want-" she panted, groaning desperately trying to cling to him as he hit the deepest parts of her. "Please...I..." her fingers clamored around trying to make contact.
He smirked, breathless, "You are sentimental. I knew it." He laid her down on her back and took his place over her, letting her wrap her legs around him, hands coming to run her fingers through his hair and grip his shoulder blade.
Bucky growled a little as she tugged at his long strands, moving to grip her throat with his flesh and give it a controlled squeeze that made her walls flutter and eyes roll.
"Gonna take my cum nice and deep, like a good girl?" he grunted into her ear as he continued to fuck her.
"Mmm a good girl." She whimpered, lifting her hips to fuck back as best she could.
"Normally Id make you answer me properly but since this is about you, I'll take it." He grinned a little, she opened her eyes a little more and blushed as she met his eyes so close.
Confidence and pride glowed in his steel blue eyes, making her heart flutter a little. Her moonlight gaze was full of submission and lust, framed by dark lashes that made the contrast more stark.
She whimpered, tugging at his hair again to urge him closer. "Please...kiss me."
Bucky smirked and obliged, loving the sound of her needy whine between their lips as her hips rose with choppy, desperate movements.
Priz was close, he could feel it.
His metal fingers slid up and down her waist a few times before returning to her clit. The cool touch was all it took for her to see stars, back arching off the floor and limbs wrapping around the alpha who followed immediately after- unable to resist.
She moaned while he cursed, shoving himself as deeply as possible. While she came back to Earth, her melted post-orgasm brain peppered submissive kisses to his cheek, jaw and neck - at the time not thinking much of the fact that he allowed it.
That was when she felt it- her own tiny fangs extended as the urge to mark her mate rose in her.
She immediately laid back away from him, finding he had locked his own jaw; likely for the same reason.
Worried about what this meant, she knew she couldn't afford to freak out about it so...she'd just have to keep her freaking out internal.
She kept her face neutral as she thought about how she'd have to do a magical deep dive in Bucky's brain after this to prune any risky thoughts or things he'd noticed about her.
Both of them wanted each other on a primal, subconscious level. She knew accepting this mission was playing with fire but oh how she loved being warm.
Honestly, she kind of loved going on missions like this with Bucky, or even Steve. She loved getting to secretly let her true nature through and being taken care of. Her omega need for physical touch, dominant pheromones and praise only ever got sated when on these missions so she always returned back home with an extra burst of energy.
Prism caught her breath and righted herself, shuttering with desire as she felt his load move around in her then blushing deeply as the feeling registered to her.
Still wearing a cocky smirk, Bucky watched her with amusement as she smoothed her dress and adjusted it, using her magic to fix her hair.
"That really is the holy grail of pussy."
"Thank you?" She arched a brow, crossing her arms.
He chuckled, "Anytime, Darlin'."
The tightening in his chest told Steve about what they'd done. Of course, he was well aware.
Back at the tower, Cap had been laying on his bed with his weeping cock in his hand as he used their bond to catch snippets of what Bucky was seeing.
He was completely fine with it if Prism and his mate wanted to be fuck buddies, but part of him felt dirty that he wanted her too.
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sunshineseung · 3 years
Interrogation // Bang Chan
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🍄 | genre: smut  ☁️ | pairing: Bang Chan x female!reader 🌿 | wc: 2.0k 🌸 | includes: kinda hard dom!chan, sub!reader, detective/suspect roleplay, spitting?, degradation/praise, handcuffs, oral (f!receiving), spanking, hair pulling, unprotected sex, hanjob/oral (m!receiving), cum swallowing, lil aftercare, wholesome end :)
☀️ | synopsis: You’ve been thrown in the slammer for robbing a casino, and the detective needs a testimony from you, but you won’t fess up. Guess he’ll have to get it out of you the best way he can... well, not really. This was your boyfriend’s idea to roleplay this, but he looks so hot in the detective outfit that you couldn’t turn down his cute little pout :(
🌊 | collaboration: this is part of the Summer Time Love collaboration hosted by @milkym00n​ ! here’s the full masterlist to every other work in the collab! go support the other authors that took place in this please. they’re all super talented! thank you!
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“Where’d you hide the money?!” Chris slammed his fist down on the table, standing up across from you. Your wrists were handcuffed behind the uncomfortable wooden chair you sat in. You kept shaking your head, refusing to fess up. “Tell me where the money is!”
“I’ll never tell you where the money is, pig!” You hock up a loogie and spit right in his face, never wavering your façade. He wipes the spit off of his face, rubbing his wet hand against his button-up shirt. 
“You better tell me where you’re hiding the damn money, bitch.”
“Make me.” You smirk up at Chris, lightly giggling as he catches on so you can finally get to the good part. 
This whole interrogation scene was Chris’s idea, not yours. He practically begged you to roleplay with him just this once with an admittedly cliché idea. You couldn’t say no to those puppy eyes, though. They always melted your heart. Now that the scene started, you were pleasantly surprised how good of an actor your boyfriend, or in this case, your prosecutor, is. Not to mention how hot he looked in this black button-up dress shirt, tight black dress pants, a leather belt, a slim black tie, and some shoes that you honestly didn’t care about. He looked like an absolute gentleman, although it was too bad that he wasn’t going to be fully dressed for too long.
“Oh, make you?” Chris raised his voice, walking around the table to be next to you. He looked down at you, unable to move from your seat, legs spread with a pleated skirt covering your upper thighs. “And how would I go about making you talk, pretty girl?”
“Maybe but your loud mouth to good use, hm?” You spread your legs more causing Chris’s eyes to drift downward to where you needed him most. He smiles, getting onto his knees after twisting your chair from under the table so he didn’t have to bonk his head. “Good boy~”
“You’ll regret talking down to me, princess.” Chris slides his rough hands up your thighs, grabbing your panties and pulling them down your legs. Your skirt still covers your crotch, Chris’s hands resting on your knees while he looks up at you. “Gonna talk yet?”
“Don’t know, have you make me cum yet?” You roll your hips against the chair, biting your lip as he stares at your cunt, pushing your skirt back up your body to finally reveal your pussy. He licks his lips, eager to dive in. He grabs your hips and pulls you to the edge of the chair, wrapping his arms around your thighs before finally bringing his tongue in contact with your cunt. The whine you let out is painfully lewd, but Chris eats it up.
“You taste really sweet for being such a sour bitch, you know?” Chris laughs at his own home as his tongue flutters through your folds. You ride your hips against his face, feeling his mouth explore your aching pussy. An arm of his comes off your thigh and goes to your cunt, his fingers pressing against your entrance as he sucks at your clit. “You want me to finger you, little girl?”
“P-please finger me.” You forget about the whole roleplay for a second, desperate to feel Chris stretch you out with his fingers.
“Then where’d you hide the money, baby?” Chris hums against your clit, his fingers still teasingly circling the rim of your pussy. “Only good girls get to cum on daddy’s fingers.”
Despite the countless times Chris has made you cum with nothing but his fingers, you still have the audacity to say “I d-doubt your pathetic fucking fingers could get me even close to c-cumming.” If you’re stutters didn’t make it obvious enough, the shaking of your legs gave Chris a clear signal that your words were nothing but empty. Still, he wanted to see you sob from how good he makes you feel.
Accepting your challenge, Chris dives two fingers into your dripping cunt, already making you moan like a bitch in heat. His expert fingers curl into your sweet spot while they trust in an out of you, his lips still wrapped around your sensitive clit. His other hand slaps your thigh, making you yelp in shock, not that you didn’t like it.
“You want to know where I hid the cash, pretty boy?” Chris lightly bites your clit for a second to make you whine after your sentence. If your hands were free, they would have been combing through his hair by now. Unfortunately, all you can do is curl your toes and tighten your hands into fists. “Make me cum and I’ll tell you everything you want to know.”
Chris’s eyes are focused like you’ve never seen them before, and finally looking down at his lustful faces makes you whimper. You feel the knot in your stomach tighten as the movements of his fingers quicken, increasing in intensity. He truly knew your cunt like no other partner you’ve ever had in the past, and because of that, he always knew when you were close without you even saying a word.
“Cum on my face, princess. Give daddy what he wants.” Even in roleplay, Chris can’t help but call himself ‘daddy’ at every chance he gets. You bucks your hips into his face, your legs going limp as you cream on his fingers, whining his name loudly as you cum for him just like he asked. Your thighs tighten around his head, but he doesn’t care. He just wants to ride you through this orgasm while your hips roll against his face. “Good girl, baby. Such a good girl.”
You catch your breath as Chris stands up, scanning your face for any sign that you’ll crack and tell him what he needs. A smirk returns to your face as you close your legs and look up at him. “The money’s in the back of my car under the seat. It’s long gone by now, though.”
“Long gone? Where?”
“If my boys did what I told them to, my car’s five towns over as we speak, and they aren’t stopping anytime soon.” You wiggle in your seat, a weak attempt to escape your restraints. “If you know what’s good for ya, you’d let me out of these cuffs. I know you want to fuck me properly now, don’t ya?” 
Chris hesitates, walking around your chair to put his hands on your shoulders from behind you. “Your boys, huh?” Realizing what he was calling back to, you fear that you’ve unleashed Chris’s jealous side, something you haven’t seen since he made you see stars in a dressing room. “How many boys play with this pretty pussy?”
“That’s none of your business, pig. Now let me go.” 
“I don’t think I will, slut.” He lifts you out of your chair from under your arms, tossing you onto the table, your ass in the air as you’re bent over. “You’re gonna know what a real cock feels like tonight, little girl.” 
You hear his pants unbuckle from behind you, your legs spreading just enough for your cunt to be on full display for Chris. You can’t see, but Chris is throbbing at the sight of you ready to be ruined. He runs the tip of his cock through your folds, collecting your wetness before making any attempt to slip into your hole. 
“Dumb whore thought she could get away with this crime without any punishment, huh?” Chris laid his hand down on your ass in a spank, leaving your ass stinging after the hit. He grabbed the skin he’d just slapped before plunging his cock into you, making you feel full within seconds. The way his length stretched you out made your eyes shut tight, the pleasure pulsing through your body without giving you the chance to think or breath. “You’re so much better with my cock stuffed in you, huh?”
“Such a big cock, but you don’t know what to do with it, do ya?” You attempt to laugh at Chris, but his hand lays another swift spank across your ass. His dick is pulsing inside you, hard as a rock as it twitches against your walls. You’re purposefully tightening around him, teasing him with every flex of your lower muscles. “I bet you’re gonna cum within seconds, big boy.”
“Stupid fucking slut doesn’t know when to shut up.” He leans forward and grabs your hair wit his fist, pulling your head back without lifting your torso off the table. He starts thrusting into you, his pace rough and deep right from the jump. The way his cock hits so deep inside you is nothing you haven’t felt before, but it’s so jarring that it can’t help but feel like a new experience every time. Drool seeps out of the side of your mouth and onto your chin as Chris easily fucks you dumb.
Chris’ other hand holds your hips tight enough to bruise, keeping you still against the table as it shakes under you. Your cunt feels so tight around him, he feels almost light headed from the pressure around his fat cock. His tip hits your cervix, your pussy aching for release sooner than expected. He knows your body too well to roleplay like this.
“You feel so good, sweetheart... I mean, bitch.” Nice one, Chris. His grip on your hair fluctuates between painfully aggressive and light as a feather. As much as he wants to cum inside you, he fights the urge to release suddenly and holds out just to prove you wrong. As much as he knows he isn’t a minute man, he doesn’t want this roleplay to turn into shaming him for cumming too soon.
Your eyes roll back as he hits your sweet spot over and over again, every stroke slamming into you better than before. The sounds echoing through the room can only be described as lewd, loud skin slapping and wet noises filling the air. The only thing more lewd than the bodily sounds are you and Chris moaning for each other, both still painfully holding onto your characters for the roleplay until it becomes too much.
“W-wanna cum...”
“What was that, baby? Say it louder.”
“I’m about to cum.”
“Louder, bitch.”
“Channie!~” Breaking character, you whine his favorite nickname loudly as you cum around his cock, the walls of your pussy tightening around him one last time before your creamy release covers his cock. You feel your wetness drip down your thighs as he continues pounding your cunt to chase his own high. “Chris- Chris-“
“Shhh, I’m almost there, angel.” The hand that was once in your hair is now petting your cheek with the back of his fingers, feeling the heat radiating from your flushed face. “Knees, now.”
“Get on your fucking knees, Y/n.”
He leans off of you, allowing you to stand up with weak legs and quickly (but purposefully) fall to your knees in front of his cock. Chris’ hand jerks himself rapidly, his red tip oozing precum right before his orgasm. You stick your tongue out and look up at him, Chris biting his lip and squinting his eyes shut as he pumps his cock with a tight fist.
You hold his wrist still at the base of his cock, Chris’s eyes immediately flying open to watch you take him into your mouth, sucking his tip just enough to make him groan and cum down your throat. Your tongue is covered in his white release as he pulls out of your mouth, the sensitivity being too much for him. He stares down at you as you swallow his load, licking your lips to secure every drop.
“You’re a really sexy criminal, you know?” He chuckles, pulling you up into his arms and pecking you on the lips as he takes the handcuffs off of you. “So, where’s the money, darling?”
“I’ll pay for takeout, how about that?” You both laugh as you take his hands and push him onto the bed to cuddle with him, soon getting up to pee and coming right back. “You want pizza?”
“Pizza would be great, but can we wait a minute before ordering? You just ate...”
“What do you m- ... Oh my god, Chris.” You shove his lightly before pulling him right back to you, his joke absolutely tickling him pink. “You think you’re so funny, huh?”
“It’s fine, I ate too.”
“God, you’re annoying.”
“Love you too!” <3
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bluemusickid · 4 years
Hi! I hope you're doing well 🥰 Can you I request one where Steve breaks reader's arm or leg by mistake during training and has to take care of her afterwards? Definitely won't mind if some smut is added 😅 Thank you!!
OMFGGGG MY FAV WRITER SENT AN ASK ASDFGHJKL (Also full disclosure: this has been one of my kinks for a while :P)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Warnings: slow burn (just a tad), 18+, SMUTTTT, unprotected sex (don’t be silly, wrap your willy), did I mention NSFW? Read at your own risk.
A/N: I would like to thank @imdarkinme for sending in this AMAZING ask! She’s a doll and I’ve been a fan of her writing for so long!! I would also like to thank @donutloverxo for converting me to a Steve Stan loool. I wanted him to be a bit dark here, but in the end his dorky side won. :P Without further ado, I hope you enjoy!! Send in your requests here and you can join my taglist here (or you could just send an ask lmao)! Thanks!
I post my stuff only on AO3 and here, nowhere else. 
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The Learning Curve
You groaned as you got up from the mat, yet again. It was dumb of you to ask Captain Rogers to train with you. As a new recruit, you’d obviously wanted to impress him; he was the leader of the Avengers after all. There was only one tiny problem you forgot to factor in: the man was a Super Soldier, while you were...not.
“Come on, get up! We still have two rounds to go!” a voice bellowed from above you.
You mentally cursed at the voice. You’d tried to not let it affect you, but like many others, you had a bit of a crush on the Captain. But it wasn’t solely because of his looks, it was more about his passion to help and save and to protect. He was always so passionate, it was hard to keep away(which was a fiercely guarded secret). You felt like Icarus, when you were with him.
Getting up, you tried to block his punches, while getting in a few yourself. It was impossible, the man was a champ. You saw your opening, however, when he seemed to be distracted by someone approaching him from behind you. Seeing this as a golden opportunity to catch him off guard, you threw a punch aiming for his face. Unfortunately, he blocked the punch and pushed you, to ward you off. It seemed as if he too, forgot that he was a Super Soldier, pushing you a bit too hard.
You screamed as you fell to the ground, twisting to save your face, your arm breaking your fall. Your suspicions were confirmed as you tried to move your arm but couldn’t. Steve heard you yelp and rushed to your side, carefully inspecting your injured appendage. You squealed as he touched your arm, the pain indescribable. Steve whispered his apologies a million times, trying to haul you up by your waist, in vain. Finally, he gave up and picked you up bridal style, like you weighed nothing.
You gasped, partially out of pain, but mostly out of surprise at the sudden move. 
“Umm...Cap..tain..I..can..walk..” you stuttered, unable to keep the pain out of your voice.
He looked into your eyes and smiled, shaking his head. Oh dear lord. This man truly was gorgeous. Nearing the MedBay, he slowly placed you on the bed, his mouth tantalisingly close to yours as he lowered you onto the surface. You never realised how blue his eyes were, which at the moment were filled to the brim with anxiety and some other emotion; which you couldn’t quite place your finger on. Deciding you were probably delirious from the pain, you tried to focus on what the doctor was telling you.
“...so you’ll have to be on constant bedrest for the next two weeks before we can check again to see if you need a rod put in.” 
“Err, I’m sorry doc, what?” you mumbled apologetically, embarrassed by your thoughts.
“As I was telling Captain Rogers, you seem to have a hairline fracture in your ulna, which could require support. You need to rest and take it easy for at least two weeks. Training will have to be put on hold, and I suggest you call a family member to take care of you in the meantime.” the doctor said, scribbling notes.
“Oh, that..won’t be necessary. I can do stuff on my own, I’ll be very careful.” you said with a grimace, not wanting to seem weaker in front of Steve.
“That’s not gonna happen.” Steve said, firmly. “She’ll stay in my quarters. It’s the least I can do after breaking her arm.”
You stared at him, a million things going through your head. You and him, in the confines of a room, alone. Oh no. This was going to be torturous in more way than one.
“Oh no no no, Captain. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t like to impose. Plus, I’m feeling better already! I’m sure it’s more than manageable. Please..I..I’ll be okay, really.” you rushed, pretty sure that your voice was betraying just how fast your heart was beating.
Steve smirked. “This isn’t up for debate. Plus, I’m sure it would be easier for the others to check up on you when we’re away on missions.” he said, taking the prescription from the doctor.
You winced as he helped you up from the bed, the warmth of his hand making you hyperaware about what your life was gonna be like for 2 weeks. You sighed. It was gonna be a loooong two weeks.
You realised after a week that your worries had all been for naught. Steve was an excellent caretaker. He made sure you took all your medicines at the right time, ate properly and rested enough. He was also a thorough gentleman, always calling a lady nurse when you needed to take a shower or get dressed; really respected your boundaries. But you couldn’t deny the shift in his behaviour towards you. At first, you felt like you were reading into it too much, but then it started to get more noticeable. They were little things, but it meant so much. He would insist on having lunch with you, no matter if you were quiet or chatty; Steve always was there. He brought your favourite blanket from your chambers to make sure you felt more comfortable. At night, he would make sure you were comfortable, get you hot chocolate, maybe even sit next to you till you fell asleep. One time, he held your hand till you drifted off; but you were sure that you felt him leave a small peck on your cheek as you nodded off.
If you weren’t falling for him earlier, you sure as hell were now.
After hitting the two week mark, you went to the doctor again for a checkup. All seemed well, there was no need for a rod to be put in but the cast would have to stay on. Steve was there throughout the appointment, listening intently at everything the doctor said with his full focus. It was quite distracting and kinda hot, and you couldn’t help but sneak glances at him periodically. On one occasion, he caught your eye and grinned, catching you in the act. You wished the ground would swallow you up just then: this man fully well knew that you had a crush on him and was enjoying messing with you.
You nearly gasped as you felt his hand on your shoulder, guiding you to the lift. Something was different today. Steve seemed buoyant, which was very out of character for him.
“The nurse isn’t available today, she had some prior commitments. If it’s ok with you, I’ll be taking care of you tonight.” he said, softly. You gulped, his tone messing with your train of thought.
“Uh, that’s ok, I can manage things for a night. I’ve already imposed on you quite a bit and don’t want to create more of a hassle.”
Steve smiled. “Sweetheart, you’ve not been a hassle, trust me. It felt nice having you around, I enjoy your companionship. Just a few weeks more and you can get rid of me.” he said, with a mischievous grin. You groaned inwardly; this man was driving you nuts.
“Oh no, I really liked staying with you. You’re great company! I don’t think I want to get rid of you, ha.” you said in a flourish, mentally cursing yourself for being such a blabbering fool around him.
Steve looked at you, his eyes darkening. He stepped closer to you, opening his mouth to say something, but the elevator seemed to sense the tension rife in the air and opened at that exact moment. You both snapped out of the haze you were in with Steve beckoning you to his quarters, his hand resting softly on your back.
Back in your room, you realised you needed to take your nightly shower. You were about to call for the nurse, when you remembered that she wasn’t gonna come. Shit. You’d have to call Steve to help with your sling. Closing your eyes, you sighed before you walked to his room, praying to God that you would get through this. Just go in, get the brace off, and get out, you whispered to yourself. With that mantra in mind, you hesitantly knocked on his door. A muffled ‘come in’ reached you, and you timidly entered the lion’s den.
Steve was tinkering with the laptop, clearly engrossed in some work. You felt guilty disturbing him, but it was kind of an emergency. 
“Is everything ok?”
“Yes, I..just needed some help with my sling; I tried to take it off, but it’s not coming off. Can you..unfasten it? I’ll be out of your hair in no time..”
Wordlessly, Steve sauntered over to you, turning you around to face the wall. Softly, his fingers undid the clasp of the sling, pulling the straps off your neck, his fingers grazing over your skin gently. You jerked, surprised by the small currents you felt with these small touches. Turning you around, he helped you take your arm out of the sling, his hands accidentally brushing the sides of your breasts. You didn’t dare make eye contact with him; you were sure you would say or do something you would regret later on. 
“All done.” he whispered, his eyes not leaving yours. You realised he was merely inches away from your lips; the proximity driving you crazy.
“Thanks.” you mumbled, wanting to run out of the room.
“Are you going to bed? Do you need anything to drink?” 
“Yes, I was just gonna head to bed after my shower.”
“You can shower here. I’d be able to keep an eye on you then and you won’t have to worry about any mishaps. See? Win-win.” he said with a grin.
You were about to decline his offer but stopped when he held up his hand. “You need to stop thinking that you’re a burden on me. I like doing things for you, it makes me feel like I’m not totally alone. These two weeks have undoubtedly been one of the best weeks in my life. I like you, and I know you like me. I just want to show you how much I care for you in my own, peculiar ways.” he said, taking your hand in his, drawing patterns on your knuckles softly.
Your mind raced with all the information. You never knew Steve felt this way, he was always so taciturn. Your gaze flitted to his face, his eyes darkening the way they did in the morning. He didn’t need words to convey what his eyes said; he felt the same way you did about him.
You melted as he raised your hand to his lips, placing a kiss which felt like petals grazing your skin. Leaning down, his lips inched closer to yours, his breath tickling your face.
“Tell me if I should stop, and I will.” he whispered.
You waited a beat before making your decision. Raising your lips to his, you touched his lips slightly before murmuring, “don’t stop.”
And that was it. You were lost in the maelstrom of emotions that was Steve kissing you. It started off sweet, with Steve engulfing your lips within his, taking his time to make sure you were enjoying. It turned heated the moment you ran your fingers through his hair, gently tugging on it. Steve ran his tongue over you, begging for entrance. You moaned and opened your mouth, prompting him to unite his tongue with yours, as if to memorise every inch of you. You broke apart, the need for air greater than your desire. 
He picked you up and carried you to the bed, placing you on it carefully. Being extremely careful, he pulled off your tee, eyes widening as he took in your bare chest. Kneeling in front of you, he took off your sweatpants and your underwear, leaving soft but searing kisses at every inch of skin he exposed. You sharply inhaled, already feeling yourself get wet even though he hadn’t even touched you properly.
Lowering you to the bed tenderly, he made sure your arm was resting comfortably, placing a pillow underneath the appendage. Placing his hand next to your head, he kissed you deeply, pouring every emotion he felt into that kiss. You moaned as you felt his lips trail lower, leaving kisses along your neck, laving your pulse point. Moving lower, he kissed your breasts, leaving small bites along the way. Taking a swollen nub in his mouth, he sucked on it while massaging the other, prompting you to groan and run your uninjured hand through his hair, wanting him inside you.
While he moved his attention to your other breast, he trailed his fingers down your body, leaving goosebumps in their wake. He finally reached his destination, his fingers soft against your wet nether region. 
“Steve, please..I need you..” you whispered in urgency. His intrepid fingers found your swollen nub and circled; gently at first, and then with more intensity. Moving lower, his digits swirled around your wet lips, before plunging into your tight channel. You gasped as he began thrusting, his knuckles bumping along your front wall, hitting your sweet spot. You had to refrain from arching your back, instead relegating to pulling his head down for a kiss. He increased his speed, adding another finger once he sensed how close you were. You shrieked as you reached your peak, breaking apart from the kiss. 
As you opened your eyes, recovering from your orgasm, you saw Steve look at you, an unspoken question in his deep blue eyes. You nodded, cupping his cheek, running your thumb over his soft, soft skin. You don’t know what power he wielded over you, but it didn’t matter. You had no qualms being caught in this spell he wove.
Shedding his clothes, he returned to his place, widening your spread legs with his torso. Sitting back on his heels, he took in your body, his gaze running over every curve, every stretch mark, every beauty spot on your body. Taking his hard member in his hand, he gave a few strokes before lowering himself, running his nose against yours. He ran his tip along your wet folds before plunging into you in one swift move. You gasped and closed your eyes, your head falling back against the pillow. He gave you time to adjust to his size, your walls snug against him. After a moment, he began moving, careful to not move your arm. He started off slow, making sure you felt every inch of him. You hooked your legs around his hips, urging him to move faster. He took the hint, his pace increasing with each thrust. The coil in your belly was tightening and you could feel yourself hurtling towards completion for the second time. Running your hand along his back, your hand made it’s way to his ass, pushing down, begging him for more. Steve held himself up, looking deeply into your eyes, as he sped up his thrusts. You could feel him within you, each thrust hitting your weak spot over and over again.
You screamed his name as you reached your peak, your legs tightening around him; wrapping yourself around him like a vine. He was close too, his thrusts now becoming frantic as he was chasing his end. Your walls contracting around him set off his orgasm as he moaned, spilling every last drop of himself inside you. You both panted, as he dropped his head on your chest, trying to catch his breath. You both stayed like that for a while as you ran your fingers through his scalp, enjoying the feel of his weight on yours. 
There were many things to talk about, sure.
But for now, this was more than enough.
Tags: @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @donutloverxo @worksby-d @gotnofucks @imdarkinme @chris-butt @ozarkthedog
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whump-cravings · 3 years
Bird in the Bathroom Pt 2
1,309 words | Original Work: Bird in a Box
Content | BBU (adjacent), recovery whump, winged whump, nonhuman whumpee, past abuse/torture implied, bruises & other markings, disassociation, descriptions of insects (like lice), chronic pain
tag list: @whump-blog
Lemon thought to perhaps turn them around and lean them against the wall, but they instead shifted to lean against the corner made by bathtub and wall, stretching their left wing out so it the end of it ended up in the water. The feathers there soaked up water right away, which Lemon wasn't sure was supposed to happen normally. Were feathers meant to be water-repellent?
Xe tried not to look at the lacerations on their back, stomach twisting at the crisscrossing scars or open lash wounds there. "I'm not sure if soap is any good for feathers, so I'll just pour water on them." Xe picked up the glass of water before perching on the edge of the tub. "Here goes," xe warned before starting at the top of the wing and trickling water from the cup.
Xe jumped when the feathers fluffed up, the person moving their wing in a few jerking motions so that the wing splashed in the water and flicked water off the feathers. Lemon, a casualty, wiped water out of xir eyes with a light laugh.
"I hope that means I'm doing this right. I'm going to try working some of this dirt out with my fingers."
Dirt and muck fell away as xe poured water while brushing through the feathers with only two or three fingers at a time. Xe marveled at the feeling beneath xir fingers, even if grit interrupted the experience.
"Shit," xe said when the first feather fell out under xir touch, fluttering down into the bathtub. "Sorry—a feather came out. I must have been too rough."
But as xe restarted xir work in the same spot, barely touching their wing, another feather dropped out. Lemon sat back, anxious.
"I'm going to look something up really quick," xe said, wiping xir hands dry before reaching over to the sink for xir phone and pulling up a browser to search why a bird person might be losing feathers.
Xe flicked through several websites, many of them about birds instead of birdfolk. Lemon didn't know if that mattered or not, like if illnesses that could affect birds could unilaterally affect birdfolk. The most common answer seemed to be molting, but that involved a lot of keratin 'casings' and looked pretty obvious. Another site said poor nutrition would do it—that was probably a contributing factor but not one Lemon could solve immediately. Other websites suggested parasites, listing signs and symptoms.
"I'm going to look for mites and feather lice," Lemon said a few minutes later. Xir guest hadn't moved. Xe plucked up the fallen feathers and held xem up to the lights above the mirror.
Sure enough, there were holes around the shaft of the feather. "Got feather lice," xe murmured. "I have to look at your skin now, so you might feel my breath on your wing."
Lemon shifted, feeling xir muscles protest, but pushed aside the pain. Gonna pay for this tomorrow morning. Xe leaned in close to examine the exposed patches of skin on the person's wings.
There were scars here, too. It was hard to not focus on those, on the anger simmering in the back of xir spine. To hurt something so beautiful—no, to hurt anything this way was monstrous.
Detecting mites seemed like a harder task than feather lice. Xe leaned back to grab xir phone again, turning on the flashlight before leaning close again.
Lemon almost dropped xir phone when xe saw near-microscopic flecks, almost like pepper, crawling across the person's skin. Xe shuddered, shaking xir free hand. Though xe didn't think xe were particularly bug-adverse, this was disgusting and unnerving and xe already felt itching all over. Xe started looking up home remedies so xe could hopefully start eliminating the problem right now.
"Got mites. I can pick up some spray treatment at a p—store for ani—at a store," xe stumbled, trying to avoid words people used for box boys like pet and animal. "Mite infestations cause skin irritation which can cause feathers to fall out in patches." Which they probably know because they're the one with feathers, xe scolded xemself. "Looks like the best we can do tonight is keep cleaning you up." Unfortunately, xe doubted xe had enough vinegar to make a home remedy.
So Lemon pushed away xir anxiety about the loose feathers and, trying not to think about the bugs, continued cleaning. The water quickly became littered with feathers, dirt, dried blood, and insect bodies that looked like pepper. Every few cups of water, the person would ruffle their feathers and flick water everywhere.
Once xe had cleaned this wing as well as xe could tonight, xe helped them shift to sit on the toilet lid, leaning against the over-the-toilet cabinet. Xe cleaned the other wing.
Probably need a strainer to drain this... Lemon thought as xe looked at the water.
"Time to dry off," xe murmured once finished, leaning to grab a towel and gently dabbing the feathers. Then xe grabbed the first aid kit again to grab a few packages. "I'm going to put some antibiotic ointment on your back."
Finally, Lemon suspected the two of them were both too exhausted to continue. It wasn't perfect, but the guest was about a thousand times cleaner.
Still going to have to vacuum mites out of the bed in the morning, Lemon thought with a sigh. And those boxers are probably done for. Stripping a battered Pet naked definitely did not feel like the right thing to do, though.
"Let's fold this wing up and get you lying down."
Lemon waited for them to furl their wing up, then helped them stand, looping their arm around xir shoulders and xir arm around their waist. Slowly, xe shuffled from the bathroom—the door and hallway were a bit tight, but they managed okay now that the wings were tucked out of the way.
Where their bodies touched, Lemon could feel the bird person's muscles, taut and trembling with every step. It was the only sign they were struggling or pained.
The two of them reached Lemon's bedroom on the other side of the apartment, and for once xe was grateful xe never made the bed. The person slipped from xir grasp as xe lowered them, crawling onto the soft mattress and curling up facing the door.
"Reaching over you to get the blankets," Lemon said, draping them over the person. Xir guest watched xem silently.
"There," Lemon said. "I'll be right back."
Xe left the door open and gathered up the snacks from the bathroom, refilling the cup with apple juice and then bringing all of it to the nightstand. Xe unplugged xir phone charger from the lamp.
"I think that's it tonight.” Xe looked around to assure xemself. "I'll leave the door open and the hall light on. Try and eat some food."
Xir guest's eyes were drooping closed, and this time it looked like it was out of exhaustion. Lemon held back a smile and nodded, turning out the lamp and the room light, leaving the door ajar.
It was difficult not to just drop onto the couch and leave every problem for Future Lemon. 0300 was approaching. Xe sighed in the middle of the kitchen, looking at the instant pot still full of food. The tub needed straining. The bathroom needed to be wiped down. A headache was already building behind xir eyes.
Come on. You can't waste food and you don't want a mite infestation. Grumbling, xe got to work.
By the time xe popped a few painkillers and finally collapsed onto the couch in a change of clothes, the others in the hottest wash possible, it was closer to 0400. Xe knew xir body would extract its revenge in the morning, but that was definitely Future Lemon's problem.
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redhoodssweetheart · 3 years
Star-Crossed Lovers Part Two
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Requested: Yes @sarcasmismyfirstlove​
Word Count: 2.5K
Warnings: Swearing, angst, Reader has an assumed name in this (she is not named, but she goes by Sophia Turner since she is in hiding)
Description:  Y/N now lives in Metropolis, she likes her life, but she misses the one she lost.  Jason has spent eight months trying to find her, but to no avail.  Maybe they truly weren’t meant to be.
A/N: I originally wasn’t going to post this part so soon.  But I got inspired today and couldn’t stop writing it.  I hope y’all enjoy.  And please pretend that’s not a notebook for school okay.  I’m too lazy to go looking for something new right now. 
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Her window was open letting in a nice spring breeze.  Dinner was cooking in the oven and she was reading over the events from that day.  It had been eight months since Y/N had hopped off the bus at the Metropolis station and entered the motel she would be staying at for the next few days. That was when she had found a quaint apartment that would do until she got on her feet.
Her phone buzzed and she looked over at it.
Clark: I need a favor, Sophie.
Sophie.  The name she had assumed when she moved to Metropolis.  Her full name was Sophia Turner.  Sionis was more than likely dead, but Y/N wasn’t taking any chances.  She hadn’t stopped looking over her shoulder since that night, and sometimes she would dream that he had found her. 
In her dreams sometimes he was torturing her, but sometimes it was Red sitting in that chair.  He was begging her to do something while Sionis laughed sadistically and said, “My little puppet ain’t gonna do shit, Red.  She used you.”
“No!”  Y/N would cry when she registered the betrayal on Red’s face.  
She would sit up straight in her bed and gasp before the dream went any further.  Most of the time she would look at the clock and see it was still in the early hours of the morning.  
Now she was staring at the text from Clark and sighed.
Sophia:  I’m listening, but you’ll owe me, Kent.
Clark was a good guy.  A little flighty at times, but that was part of his charm.  He was the one that had taken the risk on her when she had gone to the Daily Planet trying to get a job.  He never abused that either.  He was a genuinely good guy, something that had unnerved Y/N at first, but now she was grateful for it.
Clark:  I’m supposed to be meeting with Lex Luthor tomorrow to ask him about the Superboy project, but I’m needed elsewhere.  Sort of a family emergency.  Do you think you can cover for me with Lex?
Lex was Metropolis’s biggest asshole.  And she could eat him for breakfast.
Sophia: Sure thing.  Need me to water your plants while you’re away?
Clark:  Please?  I’ll leave the key to my place in my top desk drawer, just pick it up tomorrow when you come in.  You’re a lifesaver, Sophie. 
A lifesaver….  Sure.
Jason came home to the manor at least once a week for a good home cooked meal and so he wouldn’t be alone at the safehouse.  He hadn't returned to the one that he and Y/N had always frequented.  He couldn’t, she was still haunting the place.  Tonight however when he entered the manor he heard Dick and Tim arguing.
“You need to tell him,” Dick hissed.  “He deserves to know the truth.”
“No, I made a promise to her that I wouldn’t,” Tim spat back.  “Plus I haven’t even found Sionis yet.  How would it look if Red Hood showed up in a city other than Gotham?  Sionis knows about them, and Y/N would be compromised.”
Jason’s breath hitched at the sound of her name.  Tim knew?  Tim knew and hadn’t told Jason anything.
He threw open the door so hard that it let a dent in the wall, Dick cringed knowing that Alfred was going to be mad at that.  Tim looked coolly at Jason, unbothered by the display.  “Where is she, Replacement?”
Jason was starting to see red.  “You know damn well who.  Y/N.  Where is she?  What the fuck did you do?”
Dick came over to Jason and put a hand on his brother’s shoulder, but it was roughly tossed off by Jason, “Jay--”
“Don’t,” he snapped, his gaze going to Dick.  “Don’t you dare.  Tim knows something and I want to know what it is.”
Bruce entered the kitchen, having heard the raucous that his boys were causing.  “Tim, Dick, I need a moment alone with Jason.”  They nodded and swiftly made their exit.  Bruce leaned against the counter, “Y/N’s story about how she came to work with Sionis was true.”  Jason looked at Bruce confused.  “Except I met her a month before she met you.”
“What?”  Jason’s tone relayed the shock he felt.
Bruce closed his eyes, “She got mixed up with the wrong people because of her boyfriend and after Sionis killed him he kidnapped her and forced her to take on the role as a bodyguard.  Commissioner Gordon came to me with a note from an anonymous source from someone in Sionis’s organization telling him to send the Bat to a certain location.  I met with Y/N and she told me that she wanted out, that she didn’t want to be payment for her ex’s misdeeds.  She fed me information and in exchange I promised to set her free.”
“So you knew that she was going to fake her death this entire time?!”  Jason’s anger was returning.  He had spent the last eight months agonizing over where she could be, turning over every stone only to come up with a dead end.  And this entire time Bruce had known it was a ploy all along.
“Yes, but  didn’t know the two of you had been involved.  She never disclosed that to me, and I didn’t expect her to tell me things she did in her free time.”  Bruce looked regretful, “Jason, I think you were the only normal relationship in her life and I think you brought her some semblance of happiness.”
“Apparently not enough to tell me the plan,” he said bitterly.
Bruce pulled something from his pocket and passed it over to Jason, “It’s from her.  I don’t know where it came from, but if I had to guess I wouldn’t be able to figure it out either.  I haven’t read it, but maybe she will answer some of your questions.”  With that, Bruce took his leave.
Dear Red,
By now you probably know that I’m not dead.  Maybe you even know that I met with Batman a month before I ever even met with you.  That was purely coincidental.  I didn’t plan on things progressing like they did between us.  It made my job a whole hell of a lot more complicated that it needed to be.  And for what it’s worth I’m sorry for how it all went down, but Red, I hope you understand that I couldn’t tell you.  That was just not an option.
I’m somewhere safe for now.  I have been for awhile, just blending in and living my life to the fullest that I can.  I hope you’re doing well too and not getting too many bullet wounds.  Who’s going to patch you up now that I’m not there :p
He chuckled at the little hand drawn face.
I do miss you, Red.  Our banter.  Your kisses.  How you made me feel normal for a few hours a night.  Even with the mask on I could still pretend we were just two average people living our lives.
We were dealt a shitty hand, and as I told you that night we truly are just star-crossed lovers.  I’ll see you in the next life, Red.  Maybe that one will be kinder to us, and maybe I can finally see what color your eyes are.  Can I tell you what color I think they are?  Blue, I always imagined you had the prettiest shade of blue eyes.  Like the sky on a summer day.  Cloudless and beautiful.
I need to cut this short before I start crying on the page.  Take care of yourself, Red.  I’ll be waiting for you at the River Styx or maybe you’ll be waiting for me.  And I’ll finally know your real name and what color your eyes truly are.
Goodbye, Red.
Jason stared at your name signed at the bottom for the longest time and finally when he tore his eyes away from it, he neatly folded it and put it back in the envelope.  He then headed up to his room and stored the letter in one of his drawers, not wanting anyone to disturb it.
The Daily Planet was bustling when Y/N arrived to work the following morning.  Clark - who was usually in before her - was nowhere to be seen.  She hadn’t expected to see him, but it was still weird.  
Wandering over to his desk she found the key like he had promised and stuck it in her pocket before heading to her own desk and preparing for the meeting with Lex.  Lois stopped by her desk to say good morning and chit chat for a few minutes before going to work on her own assignments.  Around ten thirty Y/N headed out to LexCorp.
“Mr. Kent was supposed to be interviewing Mr. Luthor,” the receptionist said.
Y/N kept the forced smile on her face, “Yes, that’s true, but Mr. Kent unfortunately had an emergency that has taken him out of the city and he asked me to fill in.”  She showed the receptionist her credentials.  “I am more than qualified to handle the interview today.”
“It’s fine Lacy,” a new voice added and Y/N turned to see Lex standing there with a smile on his face.  “I was alerted of the change last night, Mr. Kent was nice enough to email me and let me know.  Miss Turner, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“You too, Mr. Luthor,” she responded.  As she made to leave the receptionist area she shot a scathing look at the girl behind the desk who was frowning.  She probably thought Y/N was some groupie waiting to throw herself at Lex.
As if.
The two of them made it into Lex’s office and he offered her something to drink.  “Water, coffee, tea?  Just say the word and I can have it here for you immediately.”
“No thank you, I’m quite all right,” the quicker that she could get this interview over the better.  She got her recorder set up and looked to Lex, “Clark informed me that he was going to be talking to you about the Superboy project, is that correct?”
“Yes it is, everyone has been dying to know more about the program,” he responded.  “The world needed a Superman, as I’m sure you’re aware Superman was thought to be dead there for a good while.”
Y/N had known that, although she had been in Gotham at the time more concerned with her own welfare than that of a superhero that had supposedly died.  “I am, so you decided to respond and give Metropolis hope then?  That is what Superman represents, is it not?”
There was a shift in Lex’s smile that Y/N picked up on, but she wasn’t going to push him on it.  He apparently had a dislike of Superman, but if he didn’t like him then why create a clone?  “Yes it is, and yes I wanted to give this city some hope that everything was going to be okay.  That LexCorp would make sure that while the big, bad Superman was away I would be the one to look after us.”
Y/N hummed, “Mr. Luthor, how long have you been working on this project?  This doesn’t seem like an overnight solution and you seemed to unveil it fairly quickly?”
“Are you trying to insinuate something, Miss Turner?”  Lex’s eyes narrowed.
Y/N’s smile turned predatory, “No sir, just merely asking some questions.  I wondered how something as complex as replicating Superman’s powers took place so quickly.  And how?  How did you replicate Superman’s powers?”
“I had some of Superman’s DNA on hand, a gift from the Man of Steel himself,” Lex replied coolly.  
Hardly, Y/N thought.  She knew how these heroes worked, their identities were pivotal in maintaining some semblance of a normal life outside of hero hours.  There was no way that Lex had legally obtained that DNA sample he claimed to have gotten from Superman.  “It sounds like you and Superman are close, would you say that the two of you are friends?”
“Oh yes,” Lex matched her smile as if trying to intimidate her.  What he didn’t know is she had been around some of the worst Gotham had to offer and he didn’t frighten her in the slightest.  “We were very close.”
“You must have been crushed when everyone thought that he had died.”  She saw through his smile and the lies.  Superman and Lex weren’t close, but he wasn’t going to say that in something that would be printed in the Daily Planet.
“I was, it was like losing an old friend,” Lex rested a hand over his chest for dramatic effect.
Before she could ask her next question they heard someone saying, “Sir, sir you can’t go in there.”
The door to Lex’s office opened and revealed Bruce Wayne.  Y/N had never had the pleasure of meeting him when she had lived in Gotham.  She hadn’t run in those circles, but she would know the billionaire anywhere.  “Lex, we need to speak now.”  His gaze landed on her and she froze.  For the first time in a while she felt exposed under the intense look he was giving her.
“Could it wait, Bruce,” Lex forced out.  “I am in a meeting with the lovely Miss Sophia Turner here.”  
Y/N turned to Lex, still feeling the weight of Bruce’s stair on her back as she did so, “It’s all right, Mr. Luthor.  You seem to have some important business to attend to right now.  Thank you for your time.  The article should be out by Friday if all goes well.  Email me with any other information you can disclose about the Superboy project that would be pertinent for the article.  Have a nice day,” then she fled as quickly as she could.
Bruce watched Y/N flee the office.  Sophia Turner, huh?  He wasn’t surprised to find her living under an assumed name.  He looked to Lex who was glaring at him, “Did I interrupt something?”
Lex’s eyes narrowed, “You damn well know you did.  Now what do you want?”
“You have a leak,” Bruce said, causing Lex’s face to pale.
Y/N made it back to her desk without any other blasts from her past and she began to go over the information she had from her interview and checked her email to see that Lex’s assistant had sent over any other relevant information she would need to type up the remaining gaps.  
A few hours later she was closing up shop and heading to Clark’s to make sure his plants didn’t die.  As she moved down the sidewalk her mind drifted to thoughts of Red Hood, wondering what he was up to and if he were okay.  She also wondered if he had gotten her letter yet or if maybe he had thrown it out the moment he knew that it was from her.
She wouldn’t blame him if he had.
As she continued down the street she accidentally bumped into someone.  She stumbled for a moment and looked up as she said, “Sorry.”  When her eyes met his, she was shocked to find the prettiest blue she had ever seen.
He smiled at her, “It’s all right.  Have a good evening.”  Then he was sidestepping her and going about his business.  She watched him go, wondering why he seemed so familiar to her.
And those eyes.
Like the sky on a summer day.  Cloudless and beautiful.
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iisuya-simps · 3 years
hello hello would you do Sasara taking reader on his ideal date? <3
A/N: ooooh, I have a little scenario in mind. :p enjoy
Word count: 1225
Sasara loves going to new places with you. Today he decided that you two could adventure to a few restaurants and shops around town. He would take you out for breakfast, lunch and dinner if you'd let him. But decided that was too much for one day. Knowing him he probably already packed the day full of activities for the both of you to do.
"I know a great okonomiyaki place that I go to quite frequently. Let's go there for lunch." You smile and nod. On your first date, he took you to a nice diner that had the best
Sasara leads you down an alleyway to a little walk-in restaurant. "Ohayo~" "Ah Sasara, nice to see you-" the cook turns to you and smiles. "And who's this pretty young lady?" "This is my date, y/n." "Oooh my, arent you the lucky one." You both take a seat.
"Well, would you like your usual?" The chef says squirting some oil onto the grill. "Sure. What would you like y/n?" You take a moment to scan the menu. "Hmm, whatever you're having I guess." "Are you sure? You can get whatever you want." Yeah, I'm not picky though. I just hope that you have good taste." You wink and nudge his arm. "Better make that two then."
Sasara entertains you with some small talk and his dry humor like usual. When the food is done you down it with great gusto. But it unfortunately ended up being too much for you to finish so you took the rest to go.
Sasara's arm wrapped around your shoulder while you walk down the street. He cracks jokes the whole time and teases you.
"So why do you like me y/n?" "W-what?" The question catching you off guard and you can't help but blank and stare back at him. "If you don't tell me I'll have to guess. Hmmm..." Sasara scratches his chin.
"Is it my sense of humour? I've been told I'm pretty funny yknow." He nudges you with his elbow. "Maybe my fashion sense? Houndstooth print is coming back and I hear green hair is in these days." You laugh and ruffle his hair. "Your hair is pretty great, and you are a stellar comedian, Sasara."
"Is that all?" Sasara pokes your side. "H-Hey!" He grins and raises an eyebrow. "Oh, so you're ticklish, huh?" His hands immediately launch forward to tickle your sides.
"Sasara stop!" "No way! It's fun if you're really ticklish!" His fingers poke and jab back and forth from your sides to your armpits making you yelp and squeal with laughter. "Stop, please!"
"Alright alright." He ceases his assault leaving you out of breath. " You have a cute laugh y'know." "Whatever." Sasara takes your hand. "C'mon, let's keep going."
You're out most of the day going from shop to shop, taking a walk in the park and visiting the 'fish galleries'. Later on in the evening, you stopped by a convenience store where you two share a melon cream soda.
"Since you asked me earlier, I think it's only fair if I ask what you like about me." "Well, that's an easy one." Sasara put his arms behind his head. I think you're very cute, down to earth, have the cutest laugh, but I suppose that's already been established. He takes your hand.
"I like talking to you y/n. You're always willing to listen and put up with all of my shenanigans, cheesy puns and dad jokes. All I want to do is make you happy." A slight blush forming on his cheeks. "I really like you, y/n." Your stomach flipped in the best way. "Sasara, I like you too." You smile a foolish grin and squeeze his hand.
"There's a club downtown that's having an open mic tonight. Might be fun to scout out some of the local talents." You roll your eyes. "Of course, you're going to take me to a comedy show." "Haha you're not too tired, are you?" "Nah, I'm game." "Great."
There were a lot of great acts at the comedy club. You both laughed until you cried, almost to the point where water was going to shoot out of your nose.
Sasara loves watching you laugh. Seeing how happy and carefree you are makes him glad to be by your side. He hopes to always make you feel this way.
"And now, our last act of the night, please welcome to the stage Tragic Comedy!"
Your eyes widened as you saw Sasara leave his seat to walk up on the stage. Though you really shouldn't be surprised that he's part of the act tonight. But you just were suspicious of what gags he had up his sleeve.
His set was very playful and lively. You couldn't help but feel your heart beat faster when your eyes locked on his. He looked to you when delivering punchlines to check if you were still having a good time. But there was no doubt that you weren't impressed.
Sasara's energy was exhilarating, and if your stomach wasn't hurting from laughter before it certainly was now. Wrapping up the show his tone got a little calmer.
"So my date is here tonight. Say hi, y/n." The crowd oohs and awws. Your face heats up and your cheeks become beet red as you wave. "I was gonna say this earlier but thought I should wait. Cuz what am I if not a man of good timing right?" 'He can not be serious...' you slouch in your chair and look around for somewhere to hide.
"Well y/n, I was hoping that tonight you would become my girlfriend." The audience gasped gawking in anticipation. 'Why did he have to make such a big deal out of this.' You scratch your arm and look up to see him staring at you with uncertainty. Surely you couldn't turn him down in front of all of these people. You cover your face with your hands in embarrassment.
"Yes of course, you clown."
The room erupted in a roar of cheers and applause. That smug look returning to Sasara's face. "Alright alright, looks like I can end this show on a good note after all." He wipes the sweat from his forehead. "Goodnight everybody!" He takes a bow.
Like that he's back by your side in an instant and pulls you into a hug. After the quick embrace, you're practically dragging him out the back door of the club to then punch him in the arm.
"H-hey!" "That's for not telling me you were a part of the show." "I thought it was a nice surprise." You smack him on the other arm.
"That's for asking me to be your girlfriend in front of an audience." You cross your arms against your chest. "But I shouldn't expect anything less from you I suppose..." You lean over to kiss his cheek.
"And that's thanks for taking me out on a wildly fun date." "You enjoyed it then? "Of course I did, moron." You cling to his arm. "I always have a blast with you."
Sasara brings you home. You insist on inviting him inside but he declines saying he should get back to his place and go to bed. Cupping your cheek he leans in to kiss you goodnight, thus ending your date with your new boyfriend.
Thank you for reading!
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infinitegalahad · 4 years
Idk I’ve been feeling pretty down lately. Something cute, angsty, and smutty with a jealous Merriell Shelton and fem reader ?? You can have fun with it
Doux Comme Des Bonbons
Pairing: Snafu x Gender Netural! Reader
Summary: Snafu has a tendency to always wound up into trouble. Regardless, you still manage to put up with him.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: Implied sexual harrasment, jeleous! snafu, cursing, fighting, but very minor! 
A/N: Of course I can! I feel you, hope this cheers you up! ❣️✨ I’m sorry this came so late. I’ve been studying for a few tests. I promise to work on a few requests this weekend though! I love the requests though, keep them coming in! This one was a little longer than expected. Snafu is my favourite himbo. The title translates to “as sweet as candy” bc this is fluffy-is. Anyways, hope you enjoy!
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“Snafu, he’s just a classmate!”
Snafu slammed the door to your apartment building. If school and work weren’t hard enough, this had been your breaking point. As much as you loved your Cajun boyfriend, he was an absolute handful. It was like taking care of a manchild who you loved one minute, the next you wanted to scream in his face. Whenever things were peaceful between you, it was bliss. Endless worship, cuddles, cute french nicknames, romantic and steamy nights. It was anything a partner could ask for.
But when all hell would break loose between you two, it would be full-on discord.
“Classmate ma’ ass. Prissy lil’ fucker. I’ve seen ‘da way ‘dat preppy boy looks at you.” Snafu annoyingly badgered. He followed you around your apartment. Stopping at the kitchen counter, you spin on your heel to look at him straight in the face, a hand on your waist and an angry pout proudly displayed on your face. “ ‘Dat Chris or whatever his n-”
“Chad. His name is Chad.” You corrected.
The Cajun groaned as his calloused hands grasped onto the counter. He was extremely aggravated with hell in his eyes. “Whatever. I don’t like ‘yah hangin’ ‘round him. Chad kept starin’ at you like you were a piece of meat. Tried to fuckin’ steal ma’ seat next to you! ‘Dat lil’ sunva gun tryin’ to sit next ‘ta ‘ma Cher!”
Chad wasn’t someone you considered a friend or acquaintance. He was someone who was in your lecture who happened to be one of your friend’s inner friends. Whenever you would go to study, Chad would always tag along. He mainly wouldn’t study and would pester the hell out of you. He had even followed you to Snafu’s jeep, which proceeded to Snafu almost running him over. Thankfully you had convinced Chad not to press charges.
There was no denying he was a total asshole. He wore the brighetst polos, cheated on every test, and did whatever he pleased. Snafu was convinced that his parents paid his way into college. It baffled you how you’re best friend could even consider someone such as Chad a friend. His whole purpose of being alive was to annoy you. Snafu surely didn’t care for him. But you only had the class for another two months, and then you would be rid of Chad.
Two months had gone by and Chad’s advances had begun to slowly die down. He was aware that you were dating Snafu, who he deemed a man out of your league. It was true, but you loved Snafu with every part of your soul. Snafu was not your everyday boyfriend. It was like dating a man child off of his ADHD medication. He was a somewhat (but still young) man who worked in lumber, a little rough around the edge with a thick Cajun accent. You were a teacher’s pet with a kind heart and gentle presence. When your friend Eugene had set you up, you’d never thought it would work. But date after date, the two of you only grew closer. Within three months, you had moved into Snafu’s apartment since you could barely afford to live in a shitty dorm. When Snafu had offered his home to become your home, you knew you had fallen in love with him. As much as Snafu was the occasional pain in the neck, he was yours and you were his.
Also in those two months, your professor had invited you to a semester party after you had finished up exams. The university you attended was celebrating his retirement and had invited the whole school. Not wanting you to be alone, Snafu tagged along. He looked amazing that night; his wild curls tamed with copious amounts of gel, a white collared shirt, and dress shoes that were crisp. It would have been a lovely night if Snafu had simply kept his mouth shut, which he struggled with.
Walking arm and arm with your Cajun boyfriend, you were literally the belle of the ball. The amount of compliments you had received on your outfit was impressive. You had to thank your friend for the simple, yet elegant outfit.
One of your classmates had stopped to compliment your outfit. After a short discussion, you and Snafu continued your way to your assigned seating. Smiling at one of your classmates, Snafu pulled you in closer to his body.
“Relax Snaf,” You smiled as you leaned your head onto his shoulder. “Don’t get your panties in a twist.”
“Whaddya talkin’ ‘bout? I’m fine. Justa’ lotta guys comin’ up ta you-I don’t blame them ‘doe. But if the-”
Snafu was cut off by your friend Hana. Best friends since birth, the two of you were inseparable. Same neighborhood, same high school, and same world-renowned university. Hana knew you better than your own parents at times. You left Snafu’s link to go give her a hug. Hana walked over and gave Snafu a pat on the back, knowing him quite well. You could tell she was a little standoffish with him since she thought he was way out of your league, but was glad to finally see you happy.
“Someone's looking dapper tonight!” Hana commented, patting Snafu’s shoulder. Snafu chuckled and nodded back, complimenting Hana’s (hideous) pink coral slacks. You saw Snafu’s confusion at how bright the pants were. Hana, even if she was your best friend, was a drastically different person from you. “Glad you brought him along, y/n. You guys look so cute together!”
Snafu stood right beside you. Feeling a firm hand on your waist, he looked over and gave you a devilish smirk. “Hana, my cher right here is ‘da real belle of the ball? They don’t even have to try-they just always look flawless.”
While being flirty, Snafu’s sweet side was starting to break through. The three of you chuckled as you gave Snafu a peck on the cheek. Cooing into his ear, “Merriell Shelton, you’re one heck of a kiss up.”
“What? I’m only speakin’ the truth.” He defended.
Hana smiled along at that, giving you a small wink. “Snafu is only speaking the truth. You guys are looking for your table?”
You nodded in response. The banquet hall was small and full of people. It was also dark which made it near impossible to find your assigned seating.
“We’re actually at the same table! Allow me to lead the way.” Hana stated. Snafu and you followed here through the crowd to the table. It mainly contained your classmates and a few of their families and friends. Everything was at peace until you saw a flash of a preppy patchwork suitjacket. It took a minute to process before it hit you and Snafu.
It was the one and only Chad.
Chad had been conversing with his friends.Upon seeing you, he let out a bostieorus laugh with his other preppy friends. Snafu felt immeidntly threatened in his presence, his hold tigenthing at your waist. He was trying to act tough but came off more as a child who’s favoruite toy was going to be taken away. As Chad stood up to come greet himself, you leaned over with your teeth gritted into a smile.
“Don’t say a damn thing. I can handle this.”
The tension between Chad and Snafu was evident. Here Chad was a young and egotistical frat boy who thousands of girls would squirm after. Here Snafu was, a bug-eyed Cajun with a heavy accent and one hell of an attitude. Chad still seemingly wasn’t over the fact that he was almost run over one time by Snafu. He even lightly joked about it, which didn’t sit well with any of you. This only caused Snafu’s burning hatred for Chad to grow even more. Chad was the gasoline and Snafu was the flame. Unfortunately, you and Snafu were placed right next to Chad and his friends. Hana was right next to you and knew that this wasn’t going to end well with the prepster and Cajun. Snafu would swing around the cheap whiskey in his cup and glare down Chad whenever he would even dare look at you. You hated the fact that Snafu was acting like this just because of Chad. The inner immature child in Snafu was beginning to show when Chad began to talk politics. It led to a passive aggressive agreement before you became the mediator before someone got a black eye.
Chad was busy talking to his goons when Snafu turned to you, a hand on your thigh. You placed your hand, squeezing it as you leaned in. “Bab-”
“I don’t like him. Prissy little bitc-”
“Merriell!” You scolded. “Langug-” Snafu smirked as he leaned in to whisper into your ear. “I ain’t a Proctologist, but I know an asshole when I see one. Do people think he’s straight? With those pink tight pants, it’s sendin’ another message.”
A snort escaped your mouth as you leaned into the Cajun’s shoulder. He did have a point though. What did people see in Chad that was so attractive?
Snafu noticed that you were amused by his humor. That devilish smirk you knew all too well was plastered on his face. “We should bust outta here, ditch the party and go back home. Watch a ninety day fiance. I like what’s on ‘da outside, but i wanna see what’s on ‘da inside…”
Snafu’s fingers crawled closer to your stomach. You bit your lip in response, your cheeks burning. It was so hard to resist him all dressed up and neat. Two could play this game.
“What the hell am I ever gonna do with you, Merriell Shelton?”
“Beats me, (Y/p) (Y/l/n).” He purred into your ear. It was definitely starting to become harder to resist him, especially when he called you by your professional name. But you had to contain yourself and watch over Snafu for another hour.
Your professor had walked over, interrupting your intimate moment. It was mostly for the better. Snafu had a chance to talk to your professor and learn more about the class you had been taking. He chatted up a storm with Snafu, who seemed integrued. Snafu wasn’t one for learning whatsoever. But anything that his partner would do was of interest. Your professor had even complimented Snafu saying that he had found a lovely partner. As he walked away, Snafu stood by and grabbed your drink to go get a refill. You attempted to get up but Snafu put a hand on your shoulder, holding you down.
“Sit down, darlin’.” He stated, saying a hard d in his creamy Cajun voice. “I’m takin’ care of my smart lil’ student.”
The next few events happened too quickly for you to process. Once Snafu had left, Chad had scooted into his seat. You could smell the vodka on his lips. He began to be his typical self, but got much more invasive of your space. You mostly ignored him as he talked about how rich his family was and his summer house on Nantucket. Hana wasn’t there, so you were stuck until Snafu came back.
Chad began to insulet your boyfriend. It started out as nothing more than a drunken rant, but things slowly came to tug at your heart. He began to make fun of his appearance, calling him “bug-eyed” and “dirty looking skin”. He made fun of his work occupation, outfit, almost anything and everything about him. It was definitely an uncomfortable situation. Where the hell was Snafu?
The breaking point was when Chad had wrapped his arm around you, asking you “What the hell do you see in that loser?”
The next events were full of discord. Snafu had come over, furious. He had yanked Chad out of his chair, yelling in his face. Chad began to cry, threatening to sue you and Snafu. He had also thrown pathetic insults at Snafu, which only made Snafu’s burning hatred brighter. Everybody had their eyes on Snafu, you, and Chad. Embarrassed, you grabbed Snafu and dragged him out of the venue. It was best for the both of you to leave before the police were called. The last words you heard before leaving were Chad’s drunken cry.
“You’ll be hearing from my lawyer next day! Hope you both get evicted from your shitty little apartment! You people are so evil!”
“You could have just ignored him!”
“Like hell! He had yah’ hand ‘round you, tryin’ to s-”
“Oh for the love of god!” You cursed. “I could’ve handled that on my own. You didn’t have to yank him out of his chair!”
“I did have ‘ta! He was assaultin’ you! You’re my c-”
“Merriell, do not cher me. This is serious,” You hissed. All you wanted to do was go to bed and escape this horrible nightmare. “He could charge you for assault. Even if it was minor, you did try to run him over with your car. There’s no way you could stand a chance against that. If you had let me handle it, it wou-”
His sour tone definitely made your whole body go numb. When Snafu raised his voice, you knew he was mad. He was usually pissed off at the world, but it was chilling to hear him scream. His eyes widened as the gel in his hair began to wear off; his unruly curls began to show. You stepped back, feeling tears sting at your eyes. Snafu, upon seeing this, freaked out. He had been irritated the whole night. The last thing he wanted was to see you all upset. Your lip began to quiver as warm tears streamed down your cheeks. The Cajun’s face softened, walking over to apologize. He had fear all over his face. You were the person he loved the most yet at times he had no idea how to comfort you. Emotions weren’t his speciality. He grew up greedy and selfish since it was all he knew. When he had met you, Snafu had truly changed. He didn’t know how to describe it, but you had made him a better person. You gave him hope that the world wasn’t such a shitty place.
Turning around, you walk upstairs and block out everything. Your eyes are full of tears, blinding your vision. Snafu followed after you, begging for forgiveness. He was like a lost, heartbroken puppy. Instead of heading towards your shared bedroom, you decided to hide away in the bathroom. Slamming the door, you back into the wall and slowly slide down. All you wanted to do was just let your emotions loose and not have to think about absolutely anything. You just wanted to be alone with your tears and nothing more.
The tears eventually stopped with your vision cleared. You could feel the dry makeup under your eyes. Your arms and legs felt numb as you were backed to a wall, staring into the shower. What did your professor think? It was horribly embarrassing for you. There was no way you and Snafu could win a lawsuit against Chad. He knew the power he had over the both of you. It was going to be an absolute nightmare. Hana was most likely blowing up your phone with notifications. What di-
Your thoughts went away when you heard the bathroom door open. It was the one and only Snafu who had the look of a sad puppy. He normally wasn’t this soft, but his face was ridden with guilt. You didn’t even react when he walked over and sat right next to you, his thigh right next to yours. Staring at the wall, he let out a sigh. His big blue eyes were right on you.
“Cher,” His fingers trailed onto your chin as he gently turned your head. Your face was destroyed with ruined makeup. It looked like he wanted to say something, but he couldn’t bring himself to. Guilt was all over his face. But there was no time to be whining, all he could do was attempt to make things right.
“Come on,” Snafu cooed. Grabbing your hand, he gently led you up to look in the mirror. This was the second time you saw yourself in the mirror that night. You looked like you had been hit with a tornado. The once neat outfit had been wrinkled, your neatly gelled hair wispy and falling apart, and your face covered with runny makeup. Snafu had gone through the cabinet to grab some makeup wipes. His fingers titled your head to him as he ran it gently over your face. Instead of fighting back, you let him remove the makeup from your face. He made sure to clean off every little bit from your foundation to your lipstick. As he reached your eyes, he peeled off one of your fake leashes and jumped back.
“Sacre bleu!” He cursed, throwing the eyelash into the sink. Snafu was a man who was scared by nothing, except for a fake eyelash. You bit your lip, trying to hold back a chuckle.
“ ‘Da fuck is dat thing? Fuckin’ spiderweb lookin’ bitch. Looks like it has a damn life of its own...” Snafu ranted as his words slowly turned into french. He turned over to you, biting your lip as you held back a laugh.
A smirk appeared on his face as he placed his hands on his hips, “You’d wear this shit?”
“Hana gave them to me.” You shook your head, smiling. He did have a point; they looked like spiderwebs. “I know, they're ridiculous.”
You felt Snafu’s calloused hands grab your waist and halt you on top of the bathroom counter. “Well atleast you make them look hot. Speakin’ of hot, you looked amazing tonight…” He looked down before looking right back into your eyes. “Listen, I’m sorry darlin’. Just seein’ him bother you made me livid. Ain’t no one gotta treat my cher like ‘dat. Especially ‘dat vineyard vines lookin’ prissy.”
You let out a sigh, leaning into his shoulder. “God, his suit was awful…”
“Fuckin’ blindin’. Like, pick a struggle with ‘dat middle part and layerin polo shit…”
A snort escaped your mouth. Snafu wasn’t wrong; Chad looked even worse than he usually did. It was always bright, blinding colors matched with even brighter, more hideous clothes. Snafu’s hand gently caressed your hair as you leaned onto him.
“By the way…” You cooed into his ear, “I’m not condoning what you did, but hearin’ you rip Chad to pieces was kinda hot...”
“Want me ta’ do it again? I’d love to see his little face all scrunched uppa’ ‘gain.”
“God no,” Shaking your head, your hands fiddled with his unruly curls. “If you do, i’m gonna take away all your cigarettes. We can’t handle the lawsuit that’s coming.”
“Y/n, hate to break it ‘ta yah, but I’m not a rule follower. Can I atleast run him over with ‘ma car? Or steal his trump sign?”
“Snafu Shelton, what the hell am I going to do with you?”
Snafu wrapped his arms around you, holding you close. He held on tight, like a child holding a teddy bear. “Stay with me. Right here, right now.”
You smiled into his shoulder as the two of you were wrapped in each other's arms. Snafu was certainly a handful, but you loved him more than anything in the world. He was truly willing to do anything to protect your honor and make you happy. That was a true man, not a boy.
“Ok, your chokin’ me Snaf.” You stated. Moving his arms, Snafu looks at your eyes as you rubbed them. “What time is it?”
“Ten? Darcey and Stacey are on.” He said, grabbing your hand as he led you out of the bathroom into your bedroom. “We can poppa’ few beers and order from Shanghai.”
An relieved sigh escaped from your mouth. Alcohol and chinese food were the perfect cure to a horrible night. “Thank freakin’ god. Anythin’ to forget this god awful night.”
You walked away to throw on your sweatpants and one of Snafu’s flannels on. Suddenly, his hand grabbed yours as he pulled you back to whisper into your ear. “Can’t wait ta’ see you outta’ dat pretty lil’ number ‘ya got on.”
An over exaggerated gasp escaped your mouth as you playfully (gently) slapped his face. A snarky laugh escaped his mouth. You rolled your eyes as you walked over to change. “Keep it in ‘ya pants, soldier.”
“Sorry. Whenever I see yah, I lose control darlin’.” Snafu smirked devilishly. “Can’t help it that you're smart n’ sweet. Just like candy.”
“Seriously, what the hell am I going to do with you?” You repeat yourself as you finish changing. It baffled you how you could handle Snafu. He was a manchild at times.
The Cajun grabbed your waist and began to tickle you. You fought back as you held back your giggles. Carrying you to the bed, he laid you down as the two of you held each other. His hand drew careless figures into your back as you nestled your face into his neck. He placed a kiss into your face, gently sighing into it.
“I love you, y/n.”
“Love you too, you dirty bastard.”
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kyber-crystal · 4 years
in your arms || s.r
summary: in which the avengers are called to disaster-torn syria to provide medical relief to those affected by the recent earthquake and carry out a search-and-rescue mission for the missing. as both a superhero & former SHIELD nurse, you’re always prepared for what’s to come, but this event in particular leaves you shaken and you’re not sure how to handle your distress.
words: ~3.1k
warnings: mentions of blood, death, soft steve ;-p
a/n: shamelessly stole this idea from the kdrama i was watching. if you haven’t seen Descendants of the Sun yet GO WATCH IT. IT’S SO GOOD
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Phil Coulson had a grim look on his face as he clicked through the slideshow displaying images of crumbling buildings, children clinging to their parents as they shielded themselves from the ash-filled air, debris littering the streets and those unfortunate enough to have been trapped beneath the rubble struggling to escape.
You anxiously looked down and picked at your nails, unable to look up at the projector screen any longer. Steve noticed your discomfort and decided to intervene.
“Okay. That’s enough.”
Phil nodded, and the images disappeared.
“I’ve arranged for one of the STRIKE helicarriers to fly you guys out tonight," Phil stated. “Be ready. You’ll be leaving at 9:45.”
“Agent Coulson, sir,” Sam cleared his throat, “could you first explain to us what exactly we’re doing?”
“You’re partnering with the Red Cross to provide disaster relief to those affected. You may be stationed for anywhere between two weeks to two months, depending on how successful things go. Does anyone have any more questions?”
“No, sir,” everyone replied in unison.
“Alright, then. Meeting dismissed.”
You were silent throughout the entirety of dinner, and the silence continued as you began packing your bags. Steve watched you as he leaned against your doorframe for a few moments before coming over to help you pack.
“Are you okay?”
“Huh? Yeah,” you yawned as you handed him a pair of jeans and he folded it for you, “just tired.”
“We both know that’s not the only thing bothering you,” he sighed. “Tell me what’s up.”
“I haven’t been in the operating field in over five years. If I mess up - then all those deaths are on me. I can’t live with the fact knowing I did my best, yet I still failed to save someone.”
“You’re going to do just fine,” the super-soldier reassured you. “If there’s anything I’m more sure about, it’s that you’ll do your job and you’ll do it well.”
“I sure hope so.”
Maybe it was the consequences of hardly sleeping finally catching up to you, because you were completely dead inside by the time you headed to the hangar bay and boarded the helicarrier. You had no energy left to even open your mouth to speak, resting your head against Steve’s shoulder and dozing off immediately.
If you thought what the news channels showed was bad, the sight you were greeted with as you stepped down the ramp was a hundred times worse. Agonized cries of the injured, young children crying out as they searched for their missing parents, a mother frantically trying to calm down her wailing infant. You couldn’t take a single step without coming across bits and pieces of debris that fell as a result of the earthquake, coughing every so often from the dust blowing around.
Wanda handed you a piece of cloth and you gratefully accepted, having it serve as a makeshift mask, covering the base of your nose and entirety of your mouth.
“Thank goodness you guys arrived in time,” a breathless Maria Hill came up to you. “Wanda, Y/N, Barnes, Cap, I need you two to carry out the second search-and-rescue operation. We’re suspecting that there’s still more survivors trapped under.”
“How many?” you questioned.
“I don’t know, we’re saying about a dozen. Medbay’s almost completely full so you guys’ll need to work as fast as you can.”
Six hours later, and you’d barely managed to lift five of the twelve people back up to safety. Even with Wanda’s combined powers of telekinetic manipulation, lifting heavy stones worth several tons was an extremely difficult task. It was only when you and Steve stepped into help that they budged slightly.
Your shoulders ached immensely and sweat poured down your dirt-streaked face. The cut on your upper arm from a sharp edge of concrete stung but you kept going nonetheless, knowing you couldn’t simply stop what you were doing, or someone would most certainly end up dead as a result of your carelessness.
Another two hours later, you fortunately managed to find the last two people amongst the mess of ash and stone.
But there was a small, no major - problem.
One man was trapped as he was impaled by a long strip of scrap metal; narrowly missing his heart, while another was trapped underneath a slab of concrete.
If the medical team lifted the slab to save him, it would release the scrap metal trapping the other, ultimately cutting him in half.
And if you freed the impaled man, it would drop the slab all the way, crushing the legs of the man stuck underneath.
“You have ten minutes to decide. You have the final say in who lives, Y/N,” Steve informed you.
“Are you seriously telling me to choose who to save right now?”
“We have no other choice.”
“Ten minutes, Y/N,” he repeated, before turning around to leave and help Bucky.
So after a long ten minutes of internally arguing with yourself, you finally stepped up to tell Wanda and the others your decision.
“The plan of rescue is...”
Spending all day underground and rarely ever stopping to drink water was beginning to take its toll on you. Your vision was blurring slightly and you couldn’t stare in one direction for longer than a minute before you began to see double of whatever was in front of you. It could’ve just been the heat, but your body was producing abnormal amounts of sweat and you swore you could’ve burned your hand if you kept your palm against your forehead any longer. 
You crossed your arms tightly over your blood-splattered shirt as you watched soldiers milling around from tent to tent and wrapped up for the day.
You’d willingly let one die so the other could live. While you knew there was no other viable option, guilt still clawed at your insides, settling heavily in the pit of your stomach. You knew the man trapped underneath  was already suffering from crush syndrome, and therefore had a lesser chance of survival. But that didn’t stop you from feeling guilty.
“Please don’t look at me,” you muttered. You didn’t need to turn around to notice Steve approaching you from behind. “Aren’t there any dark and shady places around here?”
Steve didn’t listen, and stepped around so he could look at you, concern evident in the expression he wore.
“No, there isn’t. Then, should I try my best at being ‘shady?’” he exhaled, offering a small smile.
You cracked a small grin before glancing back down at your feet.
“You did well today,” he complimented.
You didn’t respond, swallowing hard and squeezing your eyes shut as more tears slipped down your cheeks.
He tilted his head slightly, brows furrowing with worry. “I need to hear your answer so that I can wipe your tears. Just look at me for a moment.”
You reached up to hastily wipe at your eyes before finally looking up to meet his softened gaze. Steve then held a finger up and you looked in the direction he was pointing to see the starry night sky; like a beautiful contrast of a million tiny diamonds scattered across an ebony cloth.
“Wow, how shameless,” you breathed out, “Without knowing what the ground did...”
“I thought it would’ve been comforting...”
“I’ve already received consolation from you, Captain.”
The super-soldier took another glance at the sky, then back at you before you spoke again.
“Thanks for, um...helping me out there,” you began, “if you weren’t there today...I might’ve run away.”
“If you have plans to run away, take me with you. You know, running away...is more fun when a man and woman do it together.”
A small smile tugged at the corners of your lips at his suggestion, and you nodded. And even as you looked away from him to admire the sky once more, his unwavering gaze on you did not fall.
“Yeah, it is.”
He took a step forward, reaching up to cup your cheek with one hand and gently wiping at your eyes with the tip of his thumb. You were shaking at this point, maybe from the lack of balance you had over your body or because you’d started crying again. You didn’t have the energy left to flinch at the sudden contact or turn away from him and instead, stayed still.
“Hey, c’mere,” he muttered, reaching an arm to encircle it around your waist.
“Steve, no-” you struggled against his grip but eventually gave up a few seconds later, knowing that fighting against a super-soldier was hopeless.
“I’m not gonna take no as an answer, sweetheart. Come here,” he repeated, stopping to scan your face for a moment before pulling you against him. A part of your consciousness screamed at you to pull away as soon as he did so, that this wasn't right and you didn't have any time to stand around like this. But at the same time, you didn’t ever want him to let go. You choked on a sob. “You’re gonna tell me what’s going on right now because I can’t stand here and watch you fall apart, and not do anything about it.”
Your voice caught in your throat as you tried to speak. “I tried so hard to save everyone. I really did. But I couldn’t, and-”
“This job,” Steve murmured, “we try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes that doesn’t mean everybody. But if we can’t find a way to live with that, then next time...maybe nobody gets saved.”
“I know, but...still...I couldn’t save them all, and I can’t help but feel-”
“You tried your best to save everyone. I know you did. And sometimes, that’s the best you can do. It’s the effort that counts rather than the numbers themselves.”
It was relatively quiet as he held you there, bodies swaying gently to the sounds of the evening breeze and chirping crickets. And the longer he held you for, the more of the spite and frustration pent up inside your body began to fade. When he embraced you, all the anger and guilt washed away.
Your arm’s bleeding,” he pointed out as pulled away from you and noticed the crimson blood spreading across the top of your shirt, “How’d this happen?”
“I...caught it on a piece of scrap metal as I was down there.”
“We should get that checked out.”
You winced as he lightly pressed a hand to your shoulder to gauge the severity of the wound. “I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not. This cut’s pretty deep. You’ll need stitches.”
“I’ll just do it myself.”
“No. Just let me care for you this once, alright? You’ve been on your feet all day. You deserve a break.”
He wrapped an arm around your waist and helped lead you back to the medbay where the rest of the team was awaiting with Maria. 
“Y/N! I was just about to send Nat to go get you,” Wanda exclaimed as she approached you, “are you alright? You’re bleeding!”
“Don’t worry, I’m fine,” you chuckled. “It’s just a scratch.”
“It’s not just a scratch,” Steve corrected. “Come on. Let’s go get that treated.”
You were led to the back of the room, sitting down on the edge of a cot as Wanda rolled over the cart of medical supplies. 
“You’re a doctor?” you questioned as you watched Steve lay out the necessary materials on the table next to your bed. “I didn’t know that.”
“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me, Y/N,” he chuckled. “Back in the army, they had us take a crash course on treating basic injuries in the case that something like this happened. It’s always good to be prepared.”
“Wow. America’s golden boy not only knows how to fight, but is also a part-time doctor? That’s nice - ow!” You let out a hiss of pain as the needle pierced your skin. “Could you please be a little more gentle there...”
“I’m sorry,” he apologized, “I’ll try and be more careful.”
Several more minutes passed in silence before you spoke up again.
“I bet you have plenty of girls purposely getting injured and falling at your feet just so they could be treated by you.”
“I don’t think so.”
“You know, that’s also tons of potential girlfriend options for you right there. Why don’t you pick one of them to take out to a nice dinner or something? You’re in your thirties, and honestly, I can’t think of a better time to date than now, if you aren’t already married.”
“Why would I do that? I already have my eye on someone else.”
“Then how come you haven’t made a move?”
“I've been as obvious as I could possibly be,” he explained as he finished stitching you up, and you leaned back against the bed, “but I’m not sure she gets of my signs. Besides, I don’t have time for relationships.”
“Why not? Is it just because you’re a superhero?”
“No. She’s, well, how do you put it...out of my league.”
“Excuse me?” You raised an eyebrow in shock. “A woman, out of Steve Rogers’ league? If anything, it should be the other way around. Why would you think that? What makes her so special?”
“For starters...” he exhaled as he took a cotton ball and gently began dabbing at the small cuts on your face, “she’s a badass.”
“Language,” you laughed lightly. “Go on.”
“I think that’s what I admire most about her; her fearlessness. It doesn’t matter what events are thrown at her, she handles them well and with ease. She makes everything she does look easy, when in fact, her job is anything but. And she always knows how to make you laugh. It doesn’t matter how bad of a mood you’re in, she’ll find a way to get you rolling around on the ground within minutes. And even if everything’s falling apart around her, she manages to keep it altogether. She always chooses the path of righteousness, even if it requires a sacrifice of some sort.”
“Former SHIELD agent, amazing nurse, currently an Avenger.”
Your heart stopped as you put two and two together and realized it was you he was talking about.
“I’m not that special, Cap,” you mumbled. 
"You are, to a lot more people than you think. Especially to me.”
By the time he spoke those last three words, you’d fallen asleep. He let his head fall into his hands with a sigh. Right as he’d worked up the courage to confess his feelings, you weren’t even paying attention.
“Cat got your tongue, Rogers?” Sam commented as he patted Steve’s back. He looked down at your peacefully dozing figure and smiled. “She must’ve been exhausted out there.”
“Working twelve hours nonstop, didn’t even bother resting even when she was offered a break.”
“We’ve all had a long day. You should go rest up, too. I’ll watch over her. Okay?”
“Go. Seriously. Rest.”
“Gosh, lovesick soldiers,” Sam rubbed his forehead with one hand, “the things being in love can do to you. Alright. But you’re going to eat the sandwich that I bring you, no arguments.”
Ten minutes later, he came back with a chicken panini. “Eat. That’s an order.”
Reluctantly, Steve took the sandwich, taking a bite. He finished ten minutes later, throwing the wrapper into the trash can before going to talk to Dr. Cho. 
“Is Y/N okay? Do I need to run some extra tests?” she asked, concerned. “Did she get hurt anywhere?”
“A bit of heat exhaustion and injury to her left arm, but other than that, she’s alright. I took to stitching her up so I could take that work off your shoulders.”
“Thank you, Cap.”
“No problem.”
Steve pulled his chair up to your bedside again, sighing as he rested his chin in one hand and gently brushed your hair away from your face with the other. Times like these in which he saw you in a peaceful state were extremely rare, so he cherished any moment of tranquility he could get. He knew your jobs were extremely demanding and forced you to stay on your feet 25/8, but if you were tired, you hardly ever showed it. 
“You must really care about her, huh.”
The super-soldier jumped about ten feet in the air as he turned around to see a sweaty but grinning Peter Parker. “Oh, hey, Queens.”
“My phone just died so Bucky went to charge it for me. What time is it?” 
He blinked a couple times before looking down at his watch. “It’s...2:43 a.m.”
“You’ve been sitting and staring at her for the past five hours?”
“It’s been five hours already?”
Steve let out a sigh. “Tell Dr. Cho I’m staying here for the night, will you?”
“Uh- yessir!”
By the time Peter came back with Helen, and Natasha as well, Steve was fast asleep as well.
“Guess we can’t get him to budge,” Natasha shrugged. “It’s cute.”
When you woke up the next morning, you felt a heavy weight pressing down on your legs. Blinking to adjust your vision against the harsh white lights, you opened your eyes to see Steve, snoring softly with his head resting in your lap as one of his arms were draped over your knees.
“Rogers. Cap. Capsicle,” you gently shook him awake, “hey.”
“Yes what huh?” Steve shook his head and stretched his arms up in the air as he looked around, then at you. “Oh, you’re awake.”
“Have you been here this whole time? Shouldn’t you have gone back to the sleeping quarters with Tony and the others?”
“I decided to stay here.”
“But why? You should be getting sleep, too!”
“And you were on your feet all day yesterday. You were doing most of the work,” he pointed out. “Besides, I squeezed in a couple hours, here and there. You contracted a fever sometime between 4-5 a.m, so I had to stay awake to make sure your condition didn’t get any worse.”    
“I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not. You’re just too stubborn to admit sometimes that you actually need someone’s help. So please,” his expression softened as he placed his hand on top of yours, “just let me help you, okay? You’re tiring yourself out.”
“Mhm,” you let out a tired sigh, falling back against the pillows as he leaned over to press a gentle kiss to your forehead. “Thanks, Steve. You’re the best.”
“You’re welcome.”
You spoke so quietly that if it weren’t for his exceptional hearing, he wouldn’t have caught what you were saying. 
“I love you. I'm in love with you,”
He smiled softly, lacing your fingers together. “I know. I'm in love with you too.”
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twokinkybeans · 4 years
Kinktober Prompt Fill #20: Master/Slave (24/7)
Find our full Kinktober post right here!
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Summary: Tony has to go to a meeting, but he wants his boy to stay horny and ready for him. Warnings: Master/Slave (24/7 dynamic), NFF, Adult Peter Parker, Praise Kink, Remote Controlled Sex Toys, Public stuffs
When I initially started writing this during lunch break, I was aiming for this to be bigger and then a lot of stuff came in between after work- SIGH. Sorry for the tease :P
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About two months into their relationship, Tony and Peter discussed their eerily similar kinks. They're so compatible, they soon found themselves living their interests all day long. Casual touches, possessiveness and servitude... It was everything Peter could only dream of as an exploring teen and now he was living this life.
"T-Tony," Peter whines as he leans into the older man's touch, nuzzling the crotch of Tony's pants. "Please, don't go-" "Ssh-ssh-ssh," Tony shushes as he pulls back a little, caressing the collar around Peter's throat. "I'll be home in two hours and then you can warm my cock all you like, how's that sound?" "Yes- Yes, please," Peter moans muffled into the pantalons, pressing soft kisses against the clothed shaft.
Maybe he's obsessed with Tony's dick, so what? Who could blame him? The man was well hung and the perfect size and shape for Peter to wrap his lips around. They were made for each other. Others would say Peter is being used by his older boyfriend, but the people who know them, know better. Peter has Tony wrapped around his fingers. He can get anything he wants, whenever he wants. He just so happens to always want Tony's throbbing cock splitting him in two. Either side, doesn't matter, as long as he's filled.
"Such a good, little slave, aren't you?" Tony coos as he pulls Peter away from his hardening shaft by tugging at his hair. The boy looks up hungrily and Tony quietly curses at himself. He doesn't want to leave for that stupid meeting. He wants to spend time with his good boy, as he always does. Some meetings unfortunately can't be cancelled, though. "For you, Master," Peter whispers with a slacked jaw. An idea sparks in Tony's head.
"Why don't you go out for some shopping, huh? Go buy some pretty lingerie for tonight. Make yourself even more beautiful. For me." Peter smiles up and nods shyly as his Master helps him stand upright. "What's the budget?" Peter asks, smirking. It's a running joke between the two of them, from when Peter was still younger and didn't get to financially rely on Tony yet. Tony's answer is always the same. The man embraces Peter to kiss his opened mouth. "Sky's the limit."
Their kiss grows bolder by the second and while Peter's fingers find Tony's hair, Tony's hands travel down, roaming Peter's back until he squeezes his bare ass, eliciting a sweet, soft gasp from him. "Yes, yes-" Peter can't help but rub himself against Tony's expensive three-piece suit. A quick yelp escapes his lips when Tony suddenly breaches his crack, immediately finding his hole and pushing something in. "Haa- wha-?"
He clenches around the familiar shape and then chuckles, dropping his head against Tony's shoulder while the man pets him, coaxing him through the sensation and the proccess of getting used to the cold toy now resting inside of him. "Didn't think I was gonna let you out there without a little reminder, did you?" Tony presses a soft kiss on Peter's cheekbone. "Want you to always know you're mine." "Yours, m-yours," Peter sighs, melting under Tony's attention "That's right..."
Peter didn't expect to be this nervous. He doesn't actually want to get caught being buzz-fucked by remote controlled Stark tech in a high end lingerie store. The toy has been steadily humming inside Peter for about half an hour now, making him hot and dizzy as he browses through the racks filled with skimpy outfits. Occasionally, the toy's buzzing gradually increases and decreases, a sure way to let Peter know Tony is in control. That he's there with Peter, even though he's at the meeting, lazily dragging his finger up and down the screen of his phone. The thought alone has Peter twitch with delight.
After a short while, he finds a few sets to try on and he makes his way to the changing rooms. They're spacious and, since it's a door that fully closes, quite private. Slowly, he starts undressing, goosebumps covering his skin at the sudden cold hitting it. Or is it the vibe that's buzzing more and more prominently in his hole? Against his sweet spot? Anyways...
By the time Peter gets into the first pair, he's a sweaty, panting mess. There's no way these lingerie items are gonna stay clean. He's gonna have to buy them all. Not that Tony would mind and neither does Peter, honestly. It'll just be an awkward encounter at the register. Soft moans fall from his lips, in a poor and desperate attempt to stay quiet. His hips roll and he stares at himself in the mirror as he cups his shaft through the black lace. In a whim, he takes out his phone and sends his Master a photo of his current state. The reply is swift. Collected. TS: So needy. For who? PP: U TS: Tsk, bigger words, Petey, you're smarter than that. PP: For you. TS: Good boy. Right as the message pops up on Peter's screen, the vibe goes up to the most intense setting for a good ten seconds. Peter nearly drops the phone out of his hands, standing on his tippy toes in an attempt to get away from the overwhelming sensation. He loses his balance and clutches the walls, arching his back and biting his wrist to stifle his otherwise porn-worthy moans. He needs a second to come back to himself when the buzzing settles at a lower setting again. PP: Thank you, thank you. TS: Oh, sugar, so sweet. Put on the next set you picked. PP: Yes, Master. Peter's body convulses when the vibe goes up in intensity again. He barely manages to remain upright. He squeezes his face tightly together and paws at his ass, fighting the urge to rip the toy out. He'd be strong, he'd hold on, for Master. That doesn't mean it's the most agonizing, mind numbing pleasure Peter has ever experienced. The panties are already soaking with his precum. He finally manages to grab the second pair from its hanger, already anticipating the next wave of immeasurable pleasure. This is going to be a long fitting...
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planetjisungie · 4 years
détester- l.dh
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characters; slytherin! haechan x gryffindor! reader ft. gryffindor! mark (its just a given at this point) and slytherin! jisung
summary; enemies to lovers, you and donghyuck had always just hated eachother. you dont know when it started, or why it started but it was starting to get annoying.
an; i WILL finish my hogwarts series tonight we only have chenle left but now we have more fluff than actual crack because simon says is playing
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congratulations you have reached gryffindor level you lucky prick
only the finest gryffindor
you are the embodiment of courage, literally if there was a ditch and someone fell down while everyone was too scared to help them, youd dive in before they could even say ‘dumbledore’
and you just so happen to be the younger sister of mark lee
the infamous mark lee,, that is
lucky prick part 2
but one thing made you seem not so lucky
your sworn enemy, lee donghyuck
or haechan as he liked to be called because apparently all evil villains needed a fake name
thats what you said anyway, he just liked the name haechan for its meaning
but he was also the emodiment of a slytherin, ambitious, cunning, resourceful and he was a pretty damn good leader
hence him being the captain of the quidditch team (no we are not going down the jisung route)
you didnt actually know when you started hating him, in your first year he had just decided to tie your poor, poor cat like a pig for roasting (he was in his second year already)
mr snuggles was traumatized
after that day it was small things to annoy you
like when he put hair dye in your conditioner bottle, resulting in your hair turning out a seafoam green colour
which you actually didnt mind so the joke was really on him, you pulled that shit off
or when he put spiders in your school shoes
that was unpleasant
and he also put a cockroach in your pocket, scaring your poor best friend who was terrified of the creatures
jisung was shaking, he hates cockroaches
to this day you still didnt know why he was a slytherin, but you guessed it was because he was a pureblood, very ambitious and resourceful but not so scary
but today was no exception
you walked towards the gryffindor table, robe billowing behind you as if you were walking in a movie
you were a lee sibling, you were both good at literally everything and deserved all the praise on earth
you fucking go girl, i stan
jisung sat at your table, the gryffindors appeared not to mind, especially as he was actually super nice
"y/n haechan told me to give you this"
ah there it was
the small hufflepuff girl handed you the letter before scurrying off back to her table
"y/n im scared"
jisung was already frightened of what that letter would hold
and you were a good friend, who knew no good would come from that letter
so you shoved it in your pocket, letting it crumple up before turning back to your breakfast
rip donghyuck
that was a fat L for our boy
he just wanted your attention
at first at least, he just wanted to be noticed by you so he pulled the cat stunt, making sure he didn’t actually harm the creature because he is still a decent human being and the grey furry animal did nothing to him
but now he had taken things too far
and he realised that after the stunt he pulled which resulted in you
yes, you, the brave, courageous gryffindor, crying
yeah he fucked up
he casted an illusion spell that infiltrated your sleep, creating nightmares with your deepest fears
and he regretted that
prank gone wrong *nearly killed her* (not clickbait)
you were still pissed at him for that
but that letter in your pocket was no ordinary letter
it was a confession letter, because he; yes him, the infamous slytherin, was too scared to talk to you about it in person
yet you literally just crushed his heart
which he kinda deserved to be fair
but jisung sent you a grateful smile and you went back to your conversation of which cereal brand was better
the answer is obviously lucky charms or frosted shreddies pengers mate
so our baby slytherin needed to find another way to get his feelings across because he was failing
and brother mark was: not happy
mark was a friend of haechan but despite his complaints every goddamn time that he needed to stop his stupid jokes that weren’t actually jokes, he didnt listen
maybe he shouldve listened
mark knows best
apart from jenos fic, mark was a real bitch but this is mark 2.0
mark really doesnt know best
anyways moving on
its time for innovative hyuck™️
so its back to the drawing room, sitting next to yuta (his head boy) to discuss the next plan of action
cutie yuta felt that haechan opening up to him about his feelings was the biggest achievement during his time at hogwarts
so right, the next plan
it was to leave flowers on your bed and then when you turned around to see who put them there (hypothetically) he would be there and he could make his outstanding apology
but of course, this isnt some fanfiction where everything goes right
who do you take me for?
so later that day he gathered his flowers, tying them in a cute dark green ribbon
staying with the slytherin theme
and he put them on your bed
they were some seriously nice flowers
you noticed them as soon as you walked in and your heart swelled
unfortunately that wasnt the only thing that swelled
you were allergic to pollen, and your eyes had puffed up slightly, itching a little and you had some sniffles
that was another L for hyuck
and he ran, he fucking booked it out of his little hiding spot back to his common room aka the dungeon
"how the fuck do you fail giving someone flowers hyuck?"
"shes fucking allergic"
so you never found out who gave you flowers
but you did keep them, despite your obvious physical irritation to them
they were pretty :(((
so you pressed them into a random notebook you found, because seriously you couldnt just chuck them out
unfortunately for hyuck, he was not so slick to mark who narrowed his eyes on the boy
he knew something was up
what kind of torture device was flowers ?? this was too soft
and so he found out that the same boy who had been making your life a little
how should i say
s p i c y
had a fat crush on you and was just a pouty baby who wanted your love and attention
mark didnt know whether to support this?? like ?? he knew that underneath your front of disliking the long legged boy, you had some feelings, maybe small but they were there
you wouldve called it fondness
i promise youre not a sadist or masochist
but you would see him in class
he was very focused and had a beautiful smile
and laugh
he may come across a little... stand offish and arrogant at first but hes actually a kind soul
from how he made a mess in the grand hall but when he thought everyone was gone, he stayed behind to help clean it, having fun conversations with the staff (elves? who tf cleans the great hall??)
that goddamn melodious laughter constantly ringing in your head
shawtys like a melody in my head
but moving on
you noticed the pranks he pull decreased
and that was because he was spending time with yuta and mark, planning the perfect, foolproof (unfortunately not jeno this time) way to confess
and he sent you small smiles ?? what ??
this is so unlike the hyuck you knew
like he did a 180
i did a full 180 baby crazy
i said this was gonna be less crackish but when regular comes on and you hear jaehyuns queso line you cant not feel qUirKy
okay so the next plan
you loved quidditch too, mainly because your brother was the captain for the gryffindor team
so the plan was for you to attend the slytherin v gryffindor match and
mark somewhat willingly agreed to have a friendly match so that hyuck could show off his skills
this was an awful plan
because it was raining the day of the match
so you and jisung huddled together for warmth, shivering as you watched the match
and hyuck couldnt feel worse, he felt like you were now going to be sick because of him
damn, you really couldnt catch a break
the groan of pure frustration yuta let out was amusing at least
he was just as invested in this as haechan at this point
like he was germinating a seed??? he was fathering this relationship
so with another L, haechan felt super super bad
and this baby cooked for you
he got his best friend jaemin to teach him how to make chicken soup
because you were actually not a herbivore
(thats the category i put vegans and vegetarians in)
omnivore tings
so he carried his little pot of soup, his fingers kind of burning as it was piping hot
he legit walked right past a suffering jisung in the slytherin dorm, the pot of soup still in hand not even sparing a thought about taking pity on the poor kid and giving him some
so he walked to your dorm, being let in by mark who was being big bro™️ and looking after your sick ass
you looked dead
pale skin, eyes closed, lips tinted blue, your body was shivering but you felt fucking boiling
peak peak times
but haechan still thought you looked gorgeous
mark vacated the dorms, leaving to his lessons so hyuck could look after you
this wasnt a plan ?? but hyuck rolled with it
setting his lil pot down he sat in a seat next to you, staring at your asleep awake form with closed eyes
his eyes held so much love and adoration for you, you really are lucky
he took off his robe, just sitting there in his shirt, trousers and green tie and watching you sleep
you were actually awake, just vibing and breathing to stay alive
and he had a lot on his chest
"i know ive been a massive prick to you and im really sorry. i know you’re asleep right now but im too much of a coward to say this to your face. i really only just wanted your attention because i seem to have feelings for you and i am sincerely sorry for going about it the wrong way"
your ears were {}
wide open
boy were you listening and taking this all in
oh shit
realizashun xx
so you fluttered your eyes open gently, watching his face morph into an expression of pure terror from his previous one of literal love
*whipping noise*
"youre awake!" he squeaked out, eyes darting around the room to look at anything but you
which you couldnt help but smile at
shifting to the side in your bed slightly, you lifted the covers, lazily patting the now open space
your voice was kind of croaky and hoarse
that made hyuck feel guilty
baby it wasn’t your fault
but he complied, kicking off his leather school shoes and sliding besides you, staying as far away from you as possible
not to offend you, his heart was just going a million miles a second and there was no way you wouldn’t be able to hear it
this boy was like blushy sausage face part 2
arrogant hyuck has left the chat
you pouted seeing him shuffle away from you, shuffling to move yourself closer instead
power move, he either had to cuddle with you or fall off the bed
"can we just forget what i said earlier?"
that made you frown
the fuck?
hell no
"hyuck wait-"
"no dont bring it up its embarrassing"
whiny baby is back
"hyuck i-"
"nope nope nope nope"
he had no choice but to listen
your voice sounded strained already and he didnt want to make you feel worse
"i have feelings for you too you big baby"
double take
you what now?
haechans mouth just kinda froze open
so you shut his jaw gently
cant let him get jaw ache
"wait what?"
his soul has returned
he felt elated, completely happy, dare i say like he was high on a drug and said drug was not THC it was your TLC (LMAO GET IT IM PROUD OF THAT)
and so thats how mark returned to your dorm room to see you and hyuck cuddled in your bed, your head laying on his chest as his chin rested on your head, nuzzling into your hair (which was still half seafoam green might i add)
hyuck wasnt awake to celebrate, so yumark had their own small celebration, counting this as their success
you only found out he had put the flowers on your bed about two months after you started dating
a month after that you read the letter he gave you
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