#homemade cough syrup
meaganelaine · 1 year
Home Remedies for coughs
Easy Home remedies for cough and cold It’s cough, cold and respiratory flu season there is no better time then now to learn how to make and use easy home remedies to ease symptoms and for a speedy recovery. Many people have long considered home remedies and herbal medicine as primitive and unnecessary because of modern science and technology. Modern medicine fails to address the fact that most…
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discoverybody · 3 months
Crafting Your Own Cough Syrup at Home
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This article explains the advantages of homemade cough syrup as a natural substitute for conventional cough syrups. It says that coughing can be caused by respiratory infections, allergies, or other medical conditions, and that natural components such as honey, lemon, and ginger have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties that can help soothe the throat and improve the immune system.
Homemade cough syrup is thought to be safer and more effective than commercial medications because it can be created using common household ingredients and adjusted to individual preferences. The article also discusses how to choose high-quality products, such as using freshly squeezed lemon juice instead of bottled juice, utilizing raw and unfiltered honey, and locating organic cayenne pepper and apple cider vinegar.
To retain the cough syrup's strength and effectiveness, the ingredients should be stored and handled properly. Finally, a simple recipe for homemade cough syrup is supplied, which comprises honey, lemon juice, and cinnamon.
A persistent cough during the cold and flu season can be both bothersome and uncomfortable. Commercial cough syrups are widely accessible, however they often contain artificial chemicals and additives. Fortunately, there is a natural option: homemade cough syrup. In this post, we'll look at some easy and efficient recipes that use ingredients you're likely to have on hand. Learn how to prepare your own cough syrup to treat symptoms and improve wellness naturally, using relaxing honey and lemon combinations and herbal infusions.
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muncedes · 2 years
“i’m 10% polish” you’re american rachel
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belovedcloud · 1 month
Sick Days | Roommate! Leon Kennedy x Fem! Reader
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Notes: Been pretty bedbound recently and thought about how Leon would be if he was sick and had his roommate help him out. This is literally just Leon and you being lovestruck by each other but you both are too scared to say it until he does.
WC: 1.9K
CW: Talks of Ada leading Leon on, nervous Leon but cute outcome. He loves you a lot and just can't convey it well. Fluff, maybe a Part 2?
Lazing around in bed was nice every now and again, but that's when you haven't got a tissue shoved up your nose and the highest temperature possible. Leon never meant to get sick in the first place - but when you magically find yourself in a sewer and get stuck in shit-rotting clothes for a good few hours in the cold, it tends to happen. So here he was, trying to breathe properly whilst you tended to him every hour and so. If he wasn't sick he would've thanked you properly by getting you a gift but being bedbound was difficult enough. So his forms of gifts to you were sneezes and coughs as he tried to stomach the pills and cough syrup you gave him.
"Maybe try and not sneeze on my arm..." You jokingly said as he grumbled in bed, wrapping himself in his sheets. "Shut up.." He coughed out as he tried to hide his smile from you, it was impossible to not smile around you. The feelings you gave him were indescribable at the very least. It was like he was a teenager again, fumbling over his words sometimes and not being able to make sense of himself as you would smile at him. Your soft hands swat away the hairs that fell in front of his face as he sniffled, groaning in pain as his head ached continuously. "When can I have my pills again?" Leon asked as his teary eyes travelled up your face, taking in your beauty as you placed down another hot chocolate on the nightstand for him to gulp down any minute by now. "Uhh.. give another 30 minutes, I don't want you feeling even worse because you took your pills too early." You chuckled out as you saw his disheveled state, he really could be dramatic at times. "Fuck.. as if I could be in anymore pain." He muttered, taking the hot chocolate into his hands as he painfully sipped at it, the hot liquid seeping into the cracks of his lips. The lack of hydration causing his skin to dry out.
"Hold on let me get you some chapstick." Seeing you walk out Leon couldn't help but sigh. You were too kind to him, too kind to a man who killed monsters for a living. Yet you wouldn't mind hearing him sob out his monstrous nightmarish stories, you wouldn't mind helping him when he needed help. You would always be there, and that's why he fell in love with you. It took him a while to understand the concepts of love after being lead on by Ada back in Raccoon City. But he got there in the end and he was content with having a crush on you. Even though he thought you would never get with a man like him. Your smile and friendship was enough for him. For now. Your love for Leon was no different. The way he carried himself and his strength mentally was always something you looked up to. He was courageous, no normal person could be like him if they put up with what he was put through a few years ago. His kindness still resided within him - something that you longed for.
Moments later, Leon sees you coming in with a stick of chapstick. The pop of the lid makes him shuffle up from his homemade pillow and blanket mess, his groans apparent as he sat up. "Remind me to not lay down like that again.." He moaned out in pain as he saw you level up the chapstick. "Even when you're sick, you're still funny." You laughed out. "Finally admitting I'm funny now, when I'm on my deathbed?" He playfully rolled his eyes as he put his hand to his head, reenacting how someone would faint. "You are so dramatic Leon." The flick of your finger on his forehead made him yelp. "What the fuck?" Leon chuckled, turning his eyes back on the chapstick. "Red chapstick... really?" He looked at you with tired eyes as he saw your hands approach his head. "It's either this or you can have chapped lips, which one will it be grumpy?" You retorted out jokingly as your left hand tilted his chin up towards you. His face couldn't help but feel warmer... How the hell could it feel warmer when he was ill? A sense of embarrassment overwhelmed Leon as he pursed his lips, a sigh eliciting out his throat. "Fine, chapstick it is."
His gaze wondered over you as the feeling of chapstick replenished the moisture in his lips, slowly rubbing his lips together as you stopped applying it. "Looks like you have lipstick on." He heard you snicker out as your remark slowly made you burst out in a fit of laughter. "Shut uppp.." Leon couldn't help but laugh with you - your giggling made him smile. It was harmonic as he saw tears of joy appear in the creases of your eyes. Laughter slowly died down as you put the chapstick in your pocket - sitting down on Leon's bed. "Does princess Leon need anything else now?" You joked at him as he snuggled back into his fort of blankets. Leon rolled his eyes and averted them towards the side of the room. "You're so kind to me when I'm ill." He grumbled out, a small smile appearing on his lips. "You're welcome." You quipped back as you ruffled his pillows, fluffing them back up to their original shape.
"Thank you..." He hushed out, nervous as it escaped his mouth. Fuck, was that too obvious? "Huh? For fluffing your pillows?" Your head tilted in confusion as your eyes gazed back onto Leon's face. Even when ill, he was so handsome. "No, I mean yeah but.. Thanks for looking after me these past few days. When you could've been having fun with your friends." Leon stuttered out. His heartbeat felt rushed all of a sudden, scared of what you would say back. "You don't have to thank me Leon, it's nice being able to help you out." A soft smile appeared on your lips, he couldn't help but give a weak smile back. "And anyways, you would've done the same thing for me right?" Your hand slid to caress his. Aiding him in some sort of comfort as he mumbled out what he said next. "Yeah.. of course. I would help you with anything."
Leon felt himself get too hot as he hushed out his words. You couldn't help but feel nervous in this situation. His raspy voice hit spots in your heart where you thought it could never be reached. The way he spoke to you, the way he looked at you. Were you both really just friends? "I uh.. Sorry if that came out weird." He broke the silence between you two, feeling scared if he had made things awkward. "No, don't worry. It was really sweet of you to say that." You stumbled over your own words trying to make him think otherwise. The way your soft lips moved as your hand kept caressing his hand made Leon crazy. All he wanted to do was kiss you, hold you in his arms. Make you his. "Leon?" You nudged at him. Oops. He forgot he was mid-conversation with you.
"Sorry." He chuckled out. Fuck it. "You're really pretty." He whispered out meekly. It had felt like you short-circuited. Did Leon just call you pretty? "Huh?" Was all that managed to come out of your mouth as you stared at Leon in bewilderment. "Pretty?" You asked him, as if you were begging him to say it again. A soft chuckle erupted out of Leon's throat as his gaze wondered all over you. "Yeah, really pretty." He made it clear to you his thoughts. "Inside and out, and I'm sorry if I made this awkward I just couldn't keep it to myself anymore." He groaned out as he plopped his head back on his pillow. A subtle smile emerged on your face, looking at the man who just confessed to you. "It's okay, I just didn't think you thought of me that way." A mellow laugh elicited out your throat. "What? Of course I do, I mean look at you... You're beautiful and oh my God.. you treat me so well. I can't help but be in love with you." Leon rambled out, hushing himself as he realized the last part. "Shit..." He mumbled out, knowing he had fully confessed his love to you. He anticipated a rejection, instead he felt a soft kiss press on his forehead.
"I'm in love with you too Leon." She couldn't help but have a wide grin as she relapsed his confession in her mind. Leon on the other hand couldn't believe what just happened. It soon sent him into a coughing fit, with you patting his back and laughing. "Agh.. fuck." His voice rasped out of his throat. "How about you get some rest?" You stroked his face, getting the stray hairs out of his eyes. "Uh.. so we're going to just forget that you kissed my forehead?" He joked as he looked at you with teary eyes, still struggling to breathe from him coughing fit before. "Well I can't kiss you on the lips can I?" You snickered as you pinched his cheek, a small whine escaping his lips. "Yeah.. okay. I'll make it up to you when I'm not dying." Leon groaned out as he melted into your touch. "How are you gonna do that?" Confusion laced in your voice as you asked him that question. "Well if I tell you that'll ruin the surprise." He laughed as he looked into your eyes. Feeling your body leave his made him whine. "Where are you going?" He held onto your hand.
Your lips pressed against his forehead again as you stood up. "It's time for your pills." Leon yanked you back down to him as he rolled his eyes, a yelp leaving your lips. "They can wait." He grumbled out, his arms slowly wrapping around you. "Weren't you just crying about not having your meds?" You snickered out as you melted into his touch. "Hush, I don't need them now." He murmured as he lifted up the blankets, covering the both of you. Leon couldn't care less about the medication if it meant having you in his arms, at least for a bit. "Leon.." You whined out, "You're going to get me sick." You tried to escape his embrace, but to no avail. "We can be sick together." He joked as he kissed your neck, feeling content in his sick body. "Shut up, I'm getting your medicine." Getting up from his tight embrace was hard, but it was possible in the end when he felt you kick his kneecap. "You're really going to leave me when I'm like this?" He huffed out, a small pout forming on his lips. "I'll be back soon with your medicine, it's not like I'm leaving forever." You flicked his forehead as you walked out the door.
He was so in love with you.
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lalacliffthorne · 10 months
because it does have it's perks that Azriel is running cool sometimes
(brought to you by me remembering how awfully sick I was a few months ago, and how I wished for something like this. now you do too. you're welcome.)
“Ugh.” Burying my nose in my pillow, I slowly breathed out through my open mouth, feeling a scowl form on my face, even though it felt a little weak.
I hated being sick.
An awful scratch started forming in my throat, and I coughed, my body shaking with the force of it and tears building at the corners of my eyes from the pain.
Groaning softly, I pushed myself up on an elbow, still coughing lightly, the sound rattling my body as I reached for one of the many cups on the nightstand. The tea within was one of the things Feyre had brought yesterday.
She had appeared in the middle of the apartment out of thin air, cringing at the sound of the cough welcoming her, carrying two bags, one of which contained homemade chicken soup and the other supplies Madja had given her, including drops against the stuffed nose so that I could at least try and sleep at night, teas and syrups against the sore throat, paste for the fever – it felt like she had whizzed once through the whole infirmary.
It was clear Madja had not believed me a bit when I had told her I was fine.
But the whole of Velaris was currently plagued by a rather nasty flu, and she and the other healers had their hands full. It was the only reason I had been helping in the infirmary in the first place – and probably how I had gotten to where I was now: Sick and miserable.
Carefully taking a sip of tea, I pushed the cup back onto my nightstand, breathing against my closed up nose and carefully sinking back into the pillows, my head thrumming with the movement.
Blinking, I felt my eyes begin to burn and scowled as I squeezed them shut, breathing through my open lips as I tried to blend out the way my body ached and how my head pulsed.
I felt a soft brush of air that should not have existed, because all the windows were closed, and when I furrowed my brows and cracked open an eye, my heart skipped weakly.
The last two and a half days, since I had locked myself up to not get anyone else sick, the only person who had visited was Feyre, mostly because when she had appeared in my apartment on the first day without prompt, I had first thrown a pillow at her head for risking to get sick before I made her promise to not let any of the others get in here.
Of course that had not kept him away.
Azriel's eyes moved over the apartment that was unusally dark even in the middle of the day, the curtains drawn because even the halflight made my head pound. His shadows whispered curiously, moving over the big carpet that was covered with tissues, the nightstand crowded by used cups and cans with tea, the sink full of unwashed dishes – and me, buried deep under my blanket and trying to glare at him.
“What are you doing here?”, I croaked, almost cringing at my own voice, hoarse from coughing and nasal from my stuffed nose as I slowly pushed myself up, wincing at the way my head protested. “Get out, you'll get sick.”
Azriel threw me a look, and even if the halflight, I saw the way he scowled back.
“I knew Feyre played this down.” His deep mumble caused my heart to skip weakly again, and I glowered at him.
“Yes, because I told her to, so that no one else would turn up here.” My voice broke with the last word, and a new fit of coughs shook my body, my eyes tearing up as I turned, but before I could reach for my mug, a gloved hand picked it up, and when my gaze darted up, Azriel crouched down next to the bed and handed it to me. A wrinkle had formed between his brows as his gaze moved over my face. His cheekbones were tinged pink from the cold outside, his dark brows were furrowed, his lips looked soft -
Maybe it was the fact that I was so sick, I felt a little delirious. But he looked so beautiful, it made my chest ache.
Forcing down a few sips of tea, I breathed out through my mouth, burying back into the pillows when Azriel took the mug and placed it on the bedside table. The crease on his forehead deepend, and then he slipped off a glove and reached out.
My breath hitched a little, something turning over in my chest, and in reflex, I pulled away.
Something shifted through Azriel's eyes, and his face froze over, his scarred hand stilling in the air.
My heart tightened as I realized what it looked like, and I breathed out in frustration at myself.
“I don't want you to get sick,”, I mumbled, my voice raspy as I dropped my head into the pillow, my lids heavy and eyes burning from being open.
I could feel Azriel's gaze, could feel it piercing the side of my face. Then something brushed my shoulder, and the next, he carefully placed the back of his hand on my forehead.
I sucked in a soft breath, because his skin was cool, even after being under his lined gloves, like it really was freezing outside and he had been flying the whole morning. It felt heavenly.
Which is why I blamed it on the fact I was sick and delirious that when Azriel pulled back his hand, my own shot out to catch it, and without missing a beat, I tugged it close, dragging his whole arm towards me as I tucked Azriel's hand, rough and far bigger than my own, against my chest, almost whimpering with relief when it pressed against my too hot skin.
I could feel the shadowsinger grow rigid. His fingers froze in mine, and I felt my cheeks heat a little more as I cracked open an eye, ready to defend myself. But the words got stuck in my throat.
Azriel was staring at me. His lips were a little agape, the crease still between his brows, but almost smoothed over, like what I had done had made him forget about the reason it had been there in the first place. His fingers twitched, and I already prepared for him to pull his hand out of my grip and away from my body – but then Azriel blinked, and his hand shifted, gently closing around mine as the back of his forefinger carefully stroked over my chest.
“You're burning up,”, he mumbled, and I was almost sure his low voice sounded a little raspy.
“Knew you think I'm hot,”, I mumbled back, my head thrumming as I blinked heavily and grinned weakly, and Azriel rolled his eyes, but for a second, I caught his lips curving.
For a second, his gaze moved over my face, then he blinked and dropped his head, and something flickered a little in my chest when he pulled his other glove off with his teeth, dropping it carelessly as he raised his free hand.
My eyes fluttered shut and a blissful whimper left me when Azriel pressed his palm against my forehead, his thumb slowly brushing over my cheek. I nuzzled my face into his hand, not caring about anything but the fact that his skin was cool, the fever made my body feel like it was on fire and this was the closest to being a little more comfortable I had gotten in days.
My eyes fluttered shut as the movement triggered another wave of pounding headaches, and I coughed lightly, the rattling sound making my own face pull into a wince as I sniffled against my blocked nose.
“I still don't want to get you sick,”, I mumbled, my voice hoarse, and Azriel's hand shifted in mine, his fingers carefully linking with mine as his deep voice gently rumbled over me.
“You won't.”
“I think you're overestimating yourself.” Tipping my head slightly, I stared at him in exhaustion, feeling my lips curve as I raised an eyebrow tiredly. “Even big bad Illyrian warriors can get the flu.”
Azriel's eyes flickered over my face, and the shadow of a crease formed in his cheek. Then he blinked and straightened up, his hands slipping away from me. Something tightened a little in my chest, but when I opened my eyes that had already started to droop again, my heart jumped so high, it got stuck in my throat.
Azriel was stripping out of his chest armor, the winter leathers heavy as he peeled them off and dropped them to the ground with a thud. Muscles shifted under his skin, causing his tattoos to shift as well, like they were moving over his shoulders like his shadows, and suddenly, breathing felt even more difficult than before as my eyes dragged over his torso, chiselled like carved from marble, the dip of his shoulders where they met his neck, the planes of his chest over his lean, muscled middle -
Azriel's thigh holsters with his knives hit the floor, then he kicked off his boots and moved towards me, and I felt my lips part, my voice so croaky I couldn't even blame it onto the flu anymore as I mumbled: “You know, I'm not sure I'm in the shape for that right now -“
Azriel huffed, and I was almost sure to see a twinkle flash through his eyes when he glared at me.
“We need to get your temperature down.” The mattress dipped, and I could just stare with hitching breaths when Azriel climbed over me, dropping onto the mattress and propping himself up until he could spread his wings comfortably. Then he raised his eyes, and something started fluttering weakly against my ribs when they met mine, twinkling just a little bit as he held out his arm. “Come on.”
I felt my lips part, my head thrumming as I stared, stared at the male that just had to be so godsdamned gloriously perfect, and one corner of Azriel's lips twitched a little. Then he softly arched an eyebrow, like a silent challenge.
And maybe it was because there was pain thrumming under my temples and my skin was burning up and I was just utterly exhausted, or the overwhelming urge to be close to him had just finally gotten too much – but I just breathed a soft grumble and turned around, simply flopping onto his chest. My cheek met his skin, my arm wrapping around his middle as I curled into his side, and I almost purred at the sensation of his cool skin against my own, way too hot and flushed.
I would have been completely content like this, my eyes already drooping, ready to doze off to hopefully get a reprieve from the thrum in my head – only the shadowsinger had other plans.
His arm snuck around my back, sliding under me, the other wrapped around my waist, and smoothly, like I weighed nothing, Azriel pulled me up onto his chest.
I almost groaned at the sensation of his cool skin pressing against mine wherever it was exposed. I had long shed any shirts I used for sleeping and was only wearing underwear and a soft bra under a short flimsy thing with thin straps, and I had never been happier about little clothing before.
Draping my arm over his chest, I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck, feeling my eyes flutter shut when just for a second, the pulsing pain in my head seemed to subside a bit. I thought I could feel Azriel shudder a little when my nose brushed over his throat, then I shuffled a bit, pulling up my leg and draping it over Azriel's waist, almost shivering blissfully when my bare thigh pressed against his cool skin.
Azriel's muscles shifted under me. I could feel it ripple through his body as he grew still, his hand tensing where it was pressed against my hip, my top ridden up far enough for his skin to be flush against mine, and my heart stumbled a little.
Suddenly, the pounding in my head was back, only it had transferred to my chest, the ache growing as I felt myself grow stiff, because maybe I had gone too far, crossed a line –
Quickly, I raised my head, almost wincing at the way the movement caused my head to swim, and my eyes found Azriel's, only inches away, so close I could see the golden sprinkles in his honey-colored iris, so close I could count the shadows of the few freckles on his nose.
Azriel blinked. Then something shifted in his eyes, and a deep exhale left him. His head dipped forward, and I simply lost my breath when his arm wrapped tighter around my waist and hauled me up, up until my whole body was completely draped over his, his rough hand slipping under my top and up my back until his whole arm pressed against my spine and his other hand – his other hand grabbed my blanket and threw it over us before it slid under my knee, pulling it up further until his arm slipped under it and his whole forearm was curled around my thigh.
And again, maybe because I was delirious with fever and pain thrumming through my head and whole body, my heart just fluttered softly and warmly as I curled deeper into his chest, burying my face in the crook of his neck and closing my heavy eyes.
And when Azriel pulled me closer, dropping his nose into my hair as his thumb started to gently brush over my spine and I began to slowly doze off, I thought that maybe, just maybe, this stupid flu had turned out to have some perks after all.
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ruiniel · 4 months
Alucard & sick Reader HCs
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*totally not inspired by the devilish respiratory illness I'm contending with these days
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He may take after his mother in so many ways, but he's still his father's son in having witnessed the consideration Dracula had shown Lisa during their times as a family
It all brushed off on him from a young age: humans need more tending to during times of illness
If Adrian cares, whether in a platonic friendship capacity or whichever way, he will fuss over you, make no mistake
When you're coughing so much your intercostal and abdominal muscles hurt he'll draw you up, hug you against him so you don't cough on your back; outwardly calm and composed while reeling inside (you won't notice anyway)
He'll scour his mother's papers for any aid to ease your state because he can't stand to see you hurting
He'll carry you everywhere when you're too weakened to walk on your own
He'll never let you out of his sight. Some might find that too much, too overbearing, but he's lost so many people he cares about he's taking 0 chances
You're getting homemade cough syrup and medication as soon as he figures out what the main cause and symptoms are, no buts
After all he was Lisa's most devoted apprentice
He'll rest close by, idling in an armchair or standing by the window of your chamber, quiet and unobtrusive but to be around just in case
He'll lend you all the clean shirts you need, help you change out of the wet ones as your body fights fever spells
If you call his name, the book flies from his lap
He'll gently urge you to rise from time to time, to listen to your heart and lungs; there are no stethoscopes yet in the 1400s but his hearing is sharp enough that he can discern your heartbeats or if there's anything worrisome with your lungs. He'll press his ear to your back, following all points of interest
Once satisfied, he'll lie you back down, listening to your mutterings of gratitude with a blank stare, but his lips do alight on your forehead for a fast fever check
He'll lie beside you in your sickbed and hold you close if you get chills, telling you it'll pass, he's here, he'll take care of you
He believes it, too, of course, he can't even fathom other alternatives
Adrian is nothing if not methodical, so once you're better, an immune system boost 'program' awaits.
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mggsv · 7 months
ft. Gojo, Toji x fem reader
warnings : smut, mentions of sex, food play, oral (f receiving), squirting
+ Dividers | not proof read!
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GOJO loved cooking you breakfast. It wasn’t the joy on your face seeing that he beat you to it- no, it was the flustered expression of you fresh out of the bed in the morning, staring at him in the baby pink apron with the word Daddy written in a deep red. That’s not what got you, though, it’s what was underneath. Nothing, absolutely nothing.
“Rise and shine!” He had said excitedly. The smell of your favorite waking you up. You barely peeled your eyes away from the outline of his cock poking through the thick material over to the french toast that had your stomach growling. “I hope someone brushed their teeth this morning.” He turned away from you. It made you cough out a small giggle. You watch his perfect little ass move.
“Sato..what are you doing babe?” You giggle some more watching him wiggle his butt. “What are you laughing at~ Is it as tasty as it looks babydoll?” He coos. Gojo turns back to you, that shitty smirk on his lips as he watches you dip your finger in the syrup and suck it. “It’s delicious baby.” He hums and leans over the counter.
“I spent a good while making it~” He leans in to capture you in a kiss, the syrupy taste dancing around your mouths. You could tell he’s been tasting it, too. “S’perfect..” you mumble into the kiss. You lean up at the feel of his hand creeping up your neck. You didn’t hesitate to grab his bare ass, earning a chuckle from him. “Why you slutting around, huh?” You grumble.
“Wellll let me tell you a little story.” Gojo’s lips move down to your chin. “I woke up this morning to the most beautiful view. I couldn’t help myself! That beautiful little pussy of yours on full display with Daddy’s seed spilling out from last night~”
You moan, feeling his teeth graze against your neck. “I couldn’t help myself. And since you were sleeping, Daddy had to spill his seed elsewhere..” Gojo dips his finger in the syrup again. You open your mouth wide, tongue out. “Eat up babydoll~”
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TOJI gives you breakfast in bed. It’s an off day for the both of you, and to make things better, it’s raining. You loved nothing more than a rainy morning in your apartment with your boyfriend. Especially when he made you breakfast, literally.
“S’fuckin good mama.” He groans into the heat of your folds. You whimper softly, hand in his hair while you chewed on the homemade waffle. You may back into the softness of your shared bed, large pillows supporting your back, cover wrapped up with your legs. And between them was Toji’s face lapping at your sensitive clit. “That’s my girl..” He growls, his face sinking deeper into your heat. “s’wet mama.”
Your eyes flutter shut, hips rolling as Toji’s hand came up to grip your hip. His shirt that you wore rolled up to your stomach. “M’gonna cum Toji...” You whine. Your hips rocked against his tongue. You drop the waffle on the floor as you moaned loudly, eyes squeezing and toes curling. Your body froze up as he continued to eat you through your orgasm.
“Ahh- ah fuck- I can’t..shit s..top.” your legs tremble, gasping at the wash over your body. You gush over Toji’s tongue, earning a satisfied hum from him. He lifts his head, smirking down at your body. Reaching for the tray on the bedside table, he grabs one of your waffles, biting into it.
“You gonna let these go to waste?”
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what-if-nct · 7 months
What NCT's cum taste like.
Taeil: Grass, you know the way fresh cut grass smells on a summer day. Yeah it tastes like that.
Johnny: Battery acid, straight battery acid. Will actually sting your lips. Do not swallow for your own well being.
Taeyong: Straight sugar, it skips right past tasting salty to tasting like sugar, specifically powdered sugar.
Yuta: Cocaine, he doesn't even do cocaine but like it just tastes like a hard drug. Do not go back for more.
Kun: Lemon San Pellegrino, extremely hydrated close to having no taste but he likes his fancy water.
Doyoung: You know the way a doctor's office smells, just extremely clean and sterile with a hint of the older doctor's cologne, Yeah that's what it tastes like.
Ten: Tropical fruit punch, he drunk his pineapple juice he knows what to do.
Jaehyun: Battery Acid part two, but it burns the back of your throat and your coughing for air and you want to smack him for asking you to swallow that.
Winwin: Nothing with a hint of blueberry and menthol, hydrated but not enough, you can still taste his habits.
Jungwoo: Candy, jolly ranchers, starbursts, Skittles, blow pops, he's more high fructose corn syrup than man.
Mark: watermelon and hot pockets, no explanation needed.
Xiaojun: Mint, just like straight peppermint oil, it's like you gave a candy cane a blow job
Hendery: Fresh homemade lasagna, and he says it's me Mario when he climax's
Renjun: Sparkling water, lemons, berries, beauty and talent. You should thank him for it.
Jeno: Cheese, specifically canned cheese and flat diet Pepsi.
Haechan: Sour patch kids, need I say more.
Jaemin: Straight black coffee.
Yangyang: Monster, Red Bull, and a blue raspberry vape
Chenle: Hot unfiltered tap water, it's literally boiling hot, call a doctor.
Jisung: Balloons, cause he's still wearing the condom and is afraid to take it off.
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lots-of-pockets · 6 months
Grumpy sunshine
Advent day 7 prompt: Jeez, if that’s your bedside manner, I’d rather take my chances on my own.
Pairing: Sick Natasha x reader
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"You're a terrible patient," you grumble as you secure the lid to the cough syrup and place it back onto the nightstand with a slightly louder than necessary thud, wiping off the sticky residue it had left behind with a tissue.
"Like seriously," you continue, using the same tissue to wipe the top of her shirt where she'd purposely spat out said medicine because apparently she could kill someone with her bare hands, but taking some cough syrup that would inevitably make her feel better was completely out of the question. "how hard is it to take some damn medicine?"
Natasha, from her placed propped up against the headboard burrowed beneath the covers, sends you a glare. "Quite fucking hard with you shoving it down by throat." She retorts.
It was day five of this now, and it was quite safe to say you were over it. At first. It was fine. Nice, even. You got to stay home from work and practically spend the whole day cuddled up with your favourite person in the world. But then Natasha had become incredibly restless, and whilst it had been kind of expected due to the fact she was normally a very busy woman with a very busy schedule, it had gotten to the point now that she point blank refuses to let you help her in any sort of way.
You tried to be okay with it at first. You really did, but it was like taking care of an overgrown toddler and babysitting was the last thing you wanted to spend your days off doing. You absolutely adored Natasha, but you did not adore the current attitude being thrown your way and you had absolutely no idea how to snap her out of it.
"I'm going to suffocate you with the pillow." You threaten somewhat harmlessly as you rise to your feet, and Natasha scoffs as she sniffles wetly into the palm of her hand. You would offer her a tissue, but she'd only bite your fucking head off. Instead, you grab the box from the nightstand and toss it onto her lap.
"Jeez, it that's your bedside manner, I'd rather take my chances on my own." She mutters sarcastically, and you clench your jaw to refrain muttering something you'd regret as you watch her knock the pillows off of her legs and slide down in the bed so she was more or less laying down.
You needed a breather.
"Great. You do that. I'll be in the living room." Without waiting to hear her response, you turn on your heels and leave the bedroom making sure to close the door behind you. Despite your current frustration with her, Natasha did not like open doors and you weren't about to purposely leave it open just to upset her.
"Food." You say to yourself. It was late now. Around dinner time and if you were hungry you knew Natasha would be too.
With the knowledge that soup would be the easiest on her stomach, you pull out the ingredients to make some homemade chicken soup knowing it was her favourite before heading over to the sink to give your hands a thorough wash.
It wasn't even ten minutes later that you hear the familiar sound of footsteps heading towards the kitchen. You set the knife down just in time for a certain red head to appear in the threshold of the doorway, and you quirk your lips up into a knowing smile as she pauses unsurely with a sheepish grimace on her face.
When she lingers a little longer than you'd like, you take a step away from the chopping board and hold open your arms. You visibly see her shoulders sagging in relief as she trudges towards you, falling into your arms and looping her arms tightly around your waist as your own settle around her shoulders.
"I'm a pain," she murmurs, and you snort in amusement as you lean down to press a kiss to the top of her head.
"You are," you agree, and she tilts her head up so deadly it could kill. Before she could even attempt committing murder, you reach a hand up to cup her cheek and gently trial the pad of your thumb over the warm skin. "But I love you, more than anything else in this in this entire universe." You admit, and Natasha's eyes become visibly shiny with tears.
Before they could spill, she buries her head into your chest, and you tenderly cup the back of her head and hold her as close as you possibly could. A quiet I love you too was whispered just moments later, and you feel your own eyes become wet.
It wasn't often she says those words, so you cherish them each and every time she finally brings herself to say them.
@goldenempyrean @mywitchy-assassin
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bcyhoods · 1 year
can I request steve taking care of a sick shy!reader?
the universe knew i needed inspiration and they said BAM, now ur sick :P so essentially……..this is self-indulgent, i apologize in advance | 1k fluff, fem!reader
You’d first assumed that the itch in the back of your throat was trivial. The cold morning air had irritated your lungs before and it would usually go away within the first hour of being awake. But something about this particular itch could not be satisfied, no matter how many times you’d cleared your throat or how much water you drank. Then your nose started running.
A few harsh, involuntary coughs and an empty tissue box later, you’d reluctantly accepted your fate. You were sick.
When you called to tell Steve, you didn’t expect him to make a big deal about it. You severely underestimated just how tight you had him wrapped around your finger. Not even half an hour later, he was at your doorstep with a giant paper bag full of cough syrups and other remedies. He sported a cute frown upon seeing you answer the door with a chapped nose and a blanket draped over your shoulders.
He was here to bear witness to your sickness in all its raw glory. You’d feel more embarrassed if it wasn’t Steve. Nonetheless, you shrink into your pillows as he dotes on you.
“Hmm.” He presses the back of his hand to your forehead. He’s sitting on the edge of your bed, right beside your legs as you sit up against the headboard. His nose scrunches and makes his wire frames slip slightly down his nose.
“You feel a little warm, but I don’t think you have a fever,” he deduces. He hauls the paper bag off the floor to sit in his lap while he digs through to find the proper medicine bottle.
You see, Steve had no idea how sick you felt when he was speeding over to the general store. He didn’t want to get you something that’d be completely useless. So with the help of Joyce Byers, he practically raided the aisles and purchased as many daily capsules and herbal teas that he could get his hands on. Your medicine cabinet will be stocked for at least the next couple years.
A sound of satisfaction pulls your attention to the bottle of cough syrup in his hand. The bright orange liquid taunts you as it sloshes against the plastic when he pushes it your way.
“Do I have to?” You whine, lips beginning to curl at the mere memory of its offensive taste, “It’s gross, Steve.”
“I know, honey, but it’s just one spoonful. You can do a spoonful,” he tells you so confidently that it makes you hiccup.
Upon seeing the twist in your expression, he sweetens the deal with the promise of homemade chicken noodle soup and a few kisses — the latter you begrudgingly refuse so as to not pass the cold.
He pours the syrup into the shallow bowl of a spoon, chuckling at the grimace that’s still present on your face. You push yourself to sit up straighter and sniffle as he moves the spoon closer to you. Your stomach dips when you see him smile and nod in simple assurance before you’re opening your mouth.
Your lips wrap around the metal and you’re immediately recoiling at the foul flavour.
“See? I told you, you could do it. Look how easy that was.”
It makes your chest flutter. He’s reaching down into the bag again to grab a water bottle and your arms spring for it. Steve chuckles at your eagerness as he watches you quickly unscrew the cap and chug. The remnants of the medicine burn the back of your throat and your eyes briefly water at the sting.
“You okay?” He caresses your calf over the thick comforter when he asks. It makes your shoulders droop — you ache to feel his cold hands in your warm skin. You nod sheepishly and avert your eyes from his stare.
“Thank you, doctor,” you say without much thought.
Steve perks up. There’s a playful glint in his eyes as he hums and takes the bottle from your hands.
“Doctor, huh? Are you into that? Doctor Harrington?” He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose with a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips.
A cough of surprise pushes out past your lips and you can feel your heart beating wildly against your rib cage. Your leg burns where his hand rests and the sensation rushes right to the top of your head. His taunting gaze makes your hands fly to your cheeks and a shy grin fights its way onto your face.
“What? No, I…” Steve’s brow jumps up to challenge you. You attempt to steel yourself, but eyes dart everywhere but his face. “I’m into being healthy,” you reply, voice shaky.
“Right, yeah. Totally. But you’re also into me, right?” He scoots closer to you as his hand slowly inches up toward your thigh.
“Steve,” you scold him and shut your eyes.
“Oh. You’re so into me, it’s making you sick, my poor girl,” he teases before leaning over to kiss your jaw down to your throat. You giggle as tufts of his hair tickle your cheeks and then you’re pulling him back. His lips drag up the column of your neck until he’s reaching your lips. It’s feather-light before you’re pulling back.
“I’m gross right now,” you mutter with a frown, referring to your cold. But Steve takes great offense. He pouts.
“This bug got you good. Making you delirious.” He dives back in for your lips. It’s firm this time, like he’s proving a point. It makes you sigh and grab at his biceps as he’s pushing you up against your headboard. When his hand moves to cup your cheek and pull you closer, you start pushing at his shoulders.
“Steve,” you whine into his mouth, “I’m gonna get you sick.”
“Come on, I have a solid immune system,” he insists, “I’m basically superhuman. I think I can handle a few kisses.”
Steve thinks he’s just about the luckiest person in the world when you smile and laugh. And also because he’s got you to take care of him when he inevitably gets sick the following week.
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morallyinept · 5 months
I have covid and I’m just wondering how the Pedro boys would take care of you during covid :) Love what you do thanks!
Hey Non! 🖤
Aww, so sorry to hear you've got Covid. I hope you rest up and feel better soon! 🖤
Thanks so much for asking this, and I hope the Pedro Boys can make you feel somewhat better... enjoy! 🖤
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Joel Miller - Joel would really want to take care of you, but he would keep his distance. This man has seen the end of the friggin’ world for Christ’s sake, and all the gross shit that comes with it. If he had to take care of you, it would be behind a thick screen of plexiglass and passing your food and meds to you through a hatch. Whilst wearing a Haz-Mat suit. Joel is so done with infections. And mushrooms. No mushroom soup for you, only chicken and noodle.
Ezra - Ezra would probably give you space leaving you enough water and Bitz Bars in his tent for you to take care of yourself whilst he proffers more of his coveted loot, Birdie. Returning later to periodically paw at you when he needs his dressing changed or just wants some sweet Kevva loving. It won’t bother him that you’ve got Covid and are all sweaty, until he catches it from you and ends up becoming the worst. Patient. Ever.
Marcus Pike - Marcus would climb into bed with you and give you all the cuddles, hold you through the fever shakes. He’d make you fresh homemade soup. He’d bring you extra-fluffy pancakes in bed with fruit and syrup and feed them to you patiently. He’d hold your hair back if you got sick and would wash you down in the bath with extra bubbles and candles. Even if he got sick himself, Marcus would still want to care and make a fuss over you.
Max Phillips - Max is the only Pedro Boy who would be immune to catching Covid due to, you know, being dead... But still, he wouldn't want you coughing up gunk all over his fancy, new suit. So he’d send you home until you’re fit enough to return to work and be his personal blood bag again.
Oberyn Martell - Covid wasn’t around during Oberyn’s time, however he’s seen a lot of illness and being royalty doesn't have to, or want to, deal with it. You’re no good to him in this sickly state. So your Prince has no real use for you until you’re fit, healthy and supple again for him to have you spread eagle in his chambers.
Frankie Morales - Frankie would likely get sick with you; the man’s immunity is probably wrecked anyway due to the coke, so you’d both be laid up in bed together moaning and groaning, and not the good kind of moaning and groaning either. But you can bet once he starts feeling better, he’ll want some sweet medicine and he’ll find it between your legs, hermosa. And you can bet it'll make you feel miles better too.
Dave York - Dave has no patience for sickness or germs, which is ironic because he has two children who are in the prime ages for getting all sorts of sicky bugs. But then he’s not at home much so he never gets sick. And he can’t tolerate all that needy, whiny crap either. The most Dave would do is to deliver you some meds and Kleenex and leave them on your front door step. Begrudgingly, of course.
Marcus Moreno - Another caregiver, Marcus would literally stop saving the world to make sure you're okay. To drop off some hot Thai soup to make you sweat it out, to get your prescription filled for you, to fluff your pillows, to smooch you on the pasty head. You name it. Anything you need, Marcus will be your hero, baby.
Javier Peña - Javier doesn’t do sickness. Period. He’s out catching a drug lord, you think he has time to tend to you, cariño? The man doesn’t have time to eat, let alone make sure you do. You’re on your own. You’ll only see Javier when you’re fully recovered and he’s skulking in at 2am ready to give you a fever of another kind…
Javi G - Javi G would take care of you and give you everything you could need and want when you're ill, but probably to the point it would become a little unbearable. You’d force yourself well just to get out of the Paddington movie marathon he puts on for the sixty-seventh time.
Maxwell Lord - A sick man himself, Max knows how bad Covid can feel, so he’d want to make sure you get well as quickly as possible. Even going so far as to wishing for it. But we all know how that went down. Step away from the dream stone, Max! Just make some hot honey tea instead, yeah?
Dieter Bravo - Dieter is probably the most over dramatic and tiresome patient when he is sick, and he really can’t deal with you being ill and not able to take care of him. He’d keep a distance, wearing several masks, slipping notes under the door to inform you that he doesn’t know how to work the timer on the oven so has been surviving on KitKats, or that the dishwasher has stopped working and there are now bubbles all over the kitchen floor… When you're better, you return to a chaotic house turned upside down and a very worse for wear looking Dieter surrounded in the mess.
Agent Whiskey - Known to get things done (as long as there isn’t a meat grinder around), Whiskey will want you ship shape and in good health as quick as possible, so he’ll tend to you, feed you, wipe up all the mucus and whip you back into shape quicker than a tornado in a trailer park, sugar. Whiskey wants you fit and well, it's the only way you'll be able to keep up with this handsome cowboy after all.
Silva - Tending to you gently, Silva will have you laid up in his bed all comfy, dabbing at your skin with a cool cloth whilst he tells you stories of a dreamy ranch life. He’ll watch you sleep in his rocker at the end of the bed, spoon feed you soup and run you a bath whenever you need, and will join you in it.
Din Djarin - Din would want you better, and so would The Kid. To the point that The Kid would just Jedi Mind Trick those Covidy germs right outta your system so you can carry on collecting those bounties with your tin can man. This is the germ-free way, Mesh'la.
Pero Tovar - Another hypochondriac when he gets unwell, Pero would be useless in taking care of you when you're sick. He’d grumble all the way through it and ultimately end up sick himself, resulting in you taking care of him whilst you’re still riddled with the ‘rona.
Comandante Veracruz - There’s no such thing as Covid on Veracruz’s agenda. He’ll shut that shit down right away. You won’t be sick on his watch, cariño. Nope. He won’t allow it. You got a job to do. So just get on and do it, lest you make the Comandante mad…
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destinysbounty · 2 years
Humans are naturally more delicate and squishier than nindroids, and i think Zane and Pixal would have vastly different attitudes about it.
Zane is very much the health-and-wellness type, who is very conscienscious about cultivating an optimal environment for his human friends. Drafts out full meal plans, changes all the lightbulbs in the house bc he read online that certain lighting arrangements can elicit certain moods in humans, and he's studied human medicine intensely enough that he could probably get a medical license if he wanted. Kai gets a sore throat, Zane immediately begins researching homemade cough syrup recipes. Cole's got knee pain, instant ice pack and bedrest. Jay is lactose-intolerant and Zane has a conniption if he so much as looks at dairy.
Pixal's reaction, meanwhile, is on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. Constantly overestimates what humans can survive. "I could punch Nya through five inches of steel right? She can take it, shes tough." And "Jay, let's test out my new laser cannon by seeing how far across itll blast you across the secret base." And " im sure no one will take issue if i get rid of all our oven mitts, surely humans arent so weak they cant handle a hot sheet of metal." It doesnt help that she usually poses most of her questions about human fragility to Lloyd of all people, who is a half-dragoni demigod chosen one of prophecy, so he doesnt know either. "Lloyd, it is my turn to cook and i was wondering if four whole ghost peppers is spicy enough for humans." "Hm....maybe add a fifth pepper." "My thoughts exactly."
The catch is, since theyre all essentially superhuman, theyre also more durable than the average human so all of Pixal's dangerous overestimations usually turn out just fine.
Except that incident with the peppers. She is still banned from the kitchen after that.
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ssho197 · 9 months
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my xiao imagines (scenarios ig also probably modern
im so tired today i have 2 things due today and im in hell, but i should write something since i post every 2-3 days lmao
chase atlantic x xiao = happy sho,,, imagine just relaxing with xiao on a bed, scrolling through social media with chase atlantic playing in the background. with the sun slowly getting ready to set like yayayaydnjvhnjebekjvkjdfkjsadkjsvdkjsdkvjsdv
imagine this, rainy outside with very slight and quiet thunder booming and sitting with xiao drinking hot drinks while playing video games together. personally, i rlly like matcha when it's rainy i think that xiao might like cough syrup specifically orange flavour (i tried almond tofu and it tasted like medicine :((( ) but fr he might drink peppermint tea with a bit of honey
you two go to a park for a picnic or just a walk but xiao has allergies and hayfever (a friend gave me this imagine)
imagine you and xiao both do an extension class which unfortunately runs outside of school hours so he waits for you outside the school library for the class to start as you get out your school stuff. you told xiao to go in first because its so cold outside but he insists on staying outside to wait for you
xiao obv always acts like he doesnt care but its always the small things that clearly show that he does care afterall. the small litte smiles or shuffles he does when he sees you or the way his hand tighens around yours slightly,, after having a huge debate with yourself whether he even liked you at all, after confronting him, he had to repeat himself over and over that he loves you but finds it hard to show it
(a while ago i was going to write a xiao x reader thing but its twilight au and xiao is edward cullen but thats so 2010)
xiao getting a gift for you, he's not the type to buy flat out expensive gifts. he does enjoy making handmade things though, handmade cards, handmade gifts etc (im a fan of homemade things,, it just has so much thought put into them)
he probably did coaching/tutoring or whatever its called (asian kids will get it) maybe kumon? idk how kumon works i have to assume its like what i did as a kid.
gonna turn the one above into an actual imagine now lmao,,, so xiao would be the type to continue doing it into high school bc he's just incredibly smart,,,,,,, thats how he does like every single extension class and a ton of the harder classes.
imagine customer xiao (yes this again) who tried to give you his number but he failed so many times that he came in 3 times in the week just to try again in dropping the slip of paper into your pocket or tip jar or on the empty plate with the crumbs of the pastry he ordered.
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woogigi · 10 months
Sick Day
Yuqi wakes up sick and Soyeon takes care of her.
Some yuyeon fluff <33
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“A- a- achoo!”
Soyeon sighed when she heard the clear sign of a sick Yuqi coming from their bedroom. She immediately turned the kettle on, the rumbling filling the silence as she placed lemon, ginger and honey into a mug. All the while mentally preparing herself for the day ahead. She made sure to check her messages and inform their manager of the sick puppy. There was no way she would let Yuqi try and go to any of her lessons today.
It would be a fight but Soyeon would not let her get worse or make anyone else sick just because the younger one was stubborn. Especially now, with a comeback and tour ahead even her unusual high energy self was drained by the end of the day. So much so Soyeon and her barely spoke by the time they were shutting the lights off and curling into each other. 
Soyeon herself was an incredibly hard worker and it frustrated Yuqi how Soyeon would shut everything out when preparing for a comeback. When tour time came around Soyeon truly understood why Yuqi got upset. Soyeon missed her hanging around in her studio or making them homemade food hoping the smell would lure the leader out of her studio. It always worked and Soyeon would love to wipe the proud smile off Yuqi’s lips every time if she wasn't so adorable when relishing in her win.
When the kettle whistled she sighed as she poured the water into the mug. She put it on a tray with her coffee and some other flu medicine. She walked into the room and smiled at the girl bundled up in their bed. Yuqi’s cheeks were tinted pink and her hair was splayed all over her pillow. A few strands hanging over her face. 
The younger groaned and turned over.
“Come on, I brought some medicine for you.”
Soyeon rolled her eyes but pulled the cover back despite Yuqi’s obvious desire to fight back, “Take it now or I’m calling Shuhua to take care of you and leaving you in her hands.”
Yuqi turned back to her pouting, “that’s mean.” 
Soyeon smiled as she moved the hair out of Yuqi’s face, “I do it because I love you.”
Yuqi sat up, “That’s not fair, you know I’ll do anything for you now.”
“I just want you to take care of yourself too.”
“I prefer it more when you take care of me,” Yuqi smiled sweetly before turning to the side to sneeze.
Soyeon grabbed the tissues next to the bed and passed them to her, “Come on - take your medicine and drink the tea then you’re gonna shower while I make us some food. Okay?”
Yuqi nodded but her pout had Soyeon chuckling. Soyeon got up to give Yuqi more space, she moved to her side of the bed and lay on top of the covers next to the sick girl. Yuqi picked up the medicine downing the tablets and cough syrup before using the tea to take the taste out of her mouth. Yuqi settled down under the covers again.
“Don’t get too comfortable,” Soyeon reminded her, “You have to take a shower.”
“Why?” Yuqi groaned, turning to her with the covers covering the bottom half of her face so only her nose and round eyes could be seen.
Soyeon giggled and booped her nose, “being adorable isn’t gonna stop me from forcing you into that bathroom,” she rested her hand on Yuqi’s cheek feeling how hot it was, “It’s going to make you feel better.”
Yuqi rolled her eyes but turned to lay on her back, “fine.” she looked back at Soyeon with a mischievous smile, “but only if you kiss me first.”
The older girl moved back, “you have to be out of your mind. I am not getting sick.”
Yuqi chuckled but took the covers off turning to Soyeon with a wide smile, “I thought you loved me though?”
“Not enough to be sick. I also happen to have a lot of work by the way,” Soyeon replied, moving back a little.
Yuqi huffed, “No fair.”
“Life’s not fair.” 
Soyeon laughed at Yuqi’s silence, turning back to face her. Yuqi was pouting and her feverish cheeks and messy hair only made Soyeon laugh louder at how adorable she looked. That only seemed to make Yuqi even more sulky. Soyeon shook her head as she pulled Yuqi closer to her and kissed the top of her head.
“When you’re better, my love.”
Yuqi settled and Soyeon let her fingers smooth out the frown lines until the younger’s sulkiness was all gone. Yuqi was starting to doze off again and Soyeon thought to wake her, but stopped herself. Yuqi could sleep in for a little longer. She turned to her phone making sure to inform whoever needed to know that she and Yuqi were sick and would be taking leave. She turned her phone off and got herself under the covers trying not to wake the sleepy girl and held Yuqi close as she followed her into sweet dreams. 
Hey! Something a little different to what I usually post but I hope you like it♡ lemme know if you want me to post more fluff too.
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a short list of things i found attempting to tidy up my fridge this morning:
paintbrushes, wrapped in clingfilm
a bunch of gifted salad dressing type things (expiry ranging 2022-2025), sweet and sour sauce (expired 2020), chocolate sauce (expired last year)
grated parmesan cheese, best before 2020. Does parmesan go stale? Asking for my mom, who commented recently that it seemed like it tasted a bit pathetic..............
dry yeast, expired 2020 (but i used it last a couple months ago and it was fine, so it can stay lol)
cough syrup, expired in 2020!
prescription laxatives, expired in 2019!!
loads of little plastic sauce pottles (see below) filled with all sorts of unidentifiable sauces, some of which had turned into jellies
jar of lime curd, expired in 2014!! Discovering this one is why I started cleaning out the fridge, bc I knew it was old but not FUCKIN TEN YEARS OLD WTF
jar of apricot something, also expired in 2014. at this point I began to laugh.
some sort of medicine prescribed to our canaries. We haven't had canaries since like 2014.
eyedrops from 2013!!
rennet tablets from a cheesemaking kit which was bought sometime prior to 2003............ apparently rennet tablets don't go bad so much as just get worse at their job, so i am very tempted to try them out now lmfao
whatever the fuck is in these:
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left to right:
either rhubarb, fig, or onion bullshit
homemade fruit compote from this year's fruit haul, feat. dramatic mold
miiiight be homemade lemon curd, feat. mold? not opening it to find out lmfao.
possibly leftover garlic butter??
definitely homemade lemon curd, feat. mold.
i have no idea and i'm afraid to ask
and finally, whatever the fuck this is:
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brokoala-soup · 8 months
I think my aesthetic might be something along the lines of cottagecore and light academia with a tinge of Studio Ghibli and bits and pieces of chaotic academia. So this includes:
classical music blaring out of cheap speakers, homemade food served in reused takeout containers, half dying houseplants in everything but traditional flower pots, the fragrance of jasmine and mint, mirrors reflecting sunlight on to disorganised bookshelves with the most random collection of books, soups in glassware, gel pen doodles all over my notes, herbal teas in whiskey glasses, locally sourced incense sticks, handmade woolen blankets over commercially sold quilts, baking granola bars on a lazy sunday afternoon, adding chocolate to literally everything, mid day naps when the weather is cloudy yet humid, ribbon ties instead of stapler pins, making my own spice powders, scented oil lamps, being obsessed with cloves, sleeping on a bed full of pillows only to find over half of them on the floor next morning, missing alarms because closing my eyes for two more seconds won't make me fall asleep again, picking flowers and herbs from the garden, sleepy afternoons, careful skincare but with the most day to day products, eucalyptus oil, use and throw inhalers to deal with my anxiety because the smell of menthol calms me down, short nails and neutral manicure, smelling like flowers one day and like the sea the other, getting excited whenever I spot the moon, absolutely in awe and in love with the clouds because they're amazing and so creative, puppies, calligraphy using ball pens, homemade mocha latte using soya milk, my grandma's childhood earrings that I wear all the time, newspapers, organic vegetables sold by retired social workers, tote bags, reusable metal water bottles, hot showers and cold rinses, using my grandmother's favorite brand of soap because I love smelling like her, herbal hair oil, smelling like sandalwood, cooking pasta with the family, reading secondhand books, collecting fused light bulbs, pencil underlines, postcards, 1 am poetry, pop instrumentals and pensive journaling, benzene rings on page margins, berry flavoured cough syrup, baking bread, long walks, loud conversations, thrifting, e-books, chocolate wrappers hidden between dictionary pages, colourful periodic table prints, plushies, honey, fleece blankets, sleeping cats, signet ring, dried rose I'd bought for myself and carried around like a trophy travelling back home with it in the public bus, twinning perfumes coincidentally with my best friend, vintage looking brand new ink pen and expired ink, sticky notes with motivational quotes covering my wall, never buying perfumes and only using the ones I'm gifted, random words that remind me of niche incidents or memories written along the corners of my study material, pearl jewelry set that my dad gifted my mom but it's me who wears it now, combat boots bought at ¼th it's price at a discount clearance sale, all my jackets being bought from different countries by my dad and thus each serving as a token of memory, lipstick shades that match only extremely specific vibes and look off and odd at other times, cherry lip balm stick that I've used only twice, daily calendar sheets reused as a notepad, birthday candles from my 16th birthday sitting on my work table, the lingering smell of multiple beverages in my room because I seldom wash the cups I drank them from and now they're cluttered all over the room, hand me down luxury watches older than me, chipped nailpolish, reminders written down on tissue papers, bus tickets all over my bag, sugar-free chewing gum, deodorant that never washes off my clothes, wearing clothes purchased 5 years ago and getting compliments simply because it's not trendy but is unique, mini origami cranes, rose sprays, lychee scented sanitizer.
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