#the weight of that night stays on my shoulder and theres nothing i can do to relieve the ache but burn inside
3knecrotic · 1 year
im so god damn insufferable half the time I hate that I can never be sober and pleasantly minded at the same fucking time
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bottomburt · 3 months
gonna be a big venty post about a lot of things im sad about
its not gonna be everything obviously
also dont worry, im ok, im absolutely terrified of dying so my life isnt at risk or anything
i honestly hate my apartment, i wish i didnt have to pay 2000+ dollars a month for what feels like a hotel room. i wish i could be in a house. i want to live in a place that feels like where a person would spend their life in, and this apartment just doesnt feel like that. i hate having to use a community laundry area. i want my own laundry room i want a place that feels like an actual fucking home and not a pair of rooms joined together with some extras like a bathroom and a kitchen. i want an actual living space. i want a front and back yard. i dont want to have to climb 2 flights of stairs just to get back home. i hate living in this place. theres roaches every now and then and im scared theyre gonna keep coming back. i hate not having a garage. i hate having a closes thats barely enough to fit most of the things i have. i dont like the general feeling of the people around me. i dont like being around university students. i hate living right next to a shopping center when its loud as fuck late at night. i wish i had chosen something different.
i hate feeling so lonely lately. 3 out of the 7 days in a week im just at my desk or in my bed just waiting until i feel ready to stream and talk to fucking no one for hours on end. i dont want a roommate though because i like the experience of having to take care of myself. it only sucks when im by myself with my own thoughts and nothing to do and everything to think and the sound of my own voice in my own head gets so grating i just want to hear another person speak to me for once. and the days i do have social interactions are just classrooms where im so burnt out from the classes that i just dont have much to say.
my classes are so fucking stressful. im more stressed out about classes than i ever have been. it doesnt help its adding onto the stress of renting an apartment but the classes feel so much more time consuming and exhausting this semester. one of my classes requires 10+ discussion posts on full chapters of reading and i really just am not motivated to do any of it. the in class time is honestly really good and i like my teachers, but the time outside of class just feels like a 30 ton weight on my shoulders that i just have to drag around until may.
i miss inky so much.
i keep ordering food and it really bothers me. i have the greatest opportunity to cook for myself but i either keep ordering food or the times i do cook for myself end up feeling unsatisfying. i feel like im fucking up cooking rice. i dont even know how thats possible. the rice keeps getting weirdly soggy and gross every time i make it and it just hasnt been the same since the first time i made it. i dont know what im fucking up. its so annoying trying to make rice that just doesnt want to turn out how i want it to.
i have so many boxes that i need to throw out but havent had time to. i know it'll make me feel better if i do but i just can never get any sort of motivation to do it.
the light strips i have put up have been barely hung up for months now. theres a big section of the light strip that i havent put back up so like half of it has just been hanging off the wall and honestly ive just been hoping itll fall on its own so i finally have a reason to put it back up properly. itll just stay like that i guess.
im generally unhappy with my streams as of late. its the same feeling ive felt before where i put in so much effort to my streams and it just never feels like it pays off. i could never quit though because i absolutely love streaming, but even just having a tiny piece of the interactivity that other streamers have would be nice.
i think thats all im really sad about, it felt nice to put it somewhere
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lpfreakification · 1 year
Rambling until I fall asleep or get up again
After I had my bloated episode last night, it was hard to fall back to sleep. I did wake up easily but I couldn't get up. It felt like I didn't rest well last night X(
Wisconsin wasnt too bad. I was doing another patterny/zentangle/mandela doodle while everyone else was chatting about my brother's recent engagement. I was drawing it in this little bookie I had back in 2017, about 12 days after I got hired in my job :)
I had a few pages of rainbow watercolor already colored + a few circles stenciled in. Then I'd make the patterns from there. It sparked an idea to use whatever leftover watercolor I have on my brush + lay it down on the empty page. Once that page is filled, I can go over it with the patterns :) This will alleviate the sense of guilt for wasting any paint. For the thicker, shinier paints I'd use a 0.7 fine point black Posca pen. For now, its either a Faber-Castell, Sharpie, or Micron. Whichever can get that ink flowing XP
I'd like to go back to sleep but its risky. If I sleep rn, chances are that I'll awake up at an odd hour than my usual time. My best bet is to stay awake a little bit longer. Like another 2 or 3 hours (it's about to be 7 PM here).
Thinking about tomorrow. I have a meeting with a nutritionist. Neve had one b4 + idk how this will go. Well, what I'm hoping to get out of this is when I should be eating. It's either i dont eat at all (bcuz work work work) or I eat everything (a result from work work work). Worse, my diet's mainly takeout X( I cant help it bcuz I work at a pizza joint, theres nothing too good at home (or not to my liking), I have the money + freedom to go wherever for food, + I can't cook. I think I already said my reasons for cooking a couple days ago.
(I hate my siblings for pushing my buttons. Them: "Well u have mommy cooking + cleaning for you." *gets infuriated but trying to calm myself*)
*couple deep breaths later*
I used to have the independence back when I was dorming in college but not have money. Now it's the opposite: I have money but I dont have the independence + I depend on (+ taking advantage of) them.
Other things on my mind:
Why I dont look at the scale
Physical activity for the energy, not for weight loss
Siblings against the (pricey) gym I just joined XP
Hoping the item has traveled safely (it's in NJ rn)
Work makes me feel like a winner + home makes me feel like a loser
The weight on my back + shoulders preventing me from getting up again
Want to continue the patterny doodle
Would like to upload more doodles on IG, despite it being a lot of Dratica doodles
What else I can do as I'm up
What bg noise or video can I put on? (I'm out of Kittisaurus content to watch)
Cuddling with Axel for my heart X3
Feeling super guilty for not animating like I wanted to this month.
That last one's a killer X( I built myself up, only to crumble down. When I'm ready, I'll try again. I'd hate to feel sick of working on SNJ. I really do. There's so much I can still improve upon. Even if it practically means starting all over X( At least it's still 78 frames in 24 fps :) There is a lot to think about in this short of an animation. Overthinking caused me to crumble down. The movement of the hips. Perspective. Use of power centers. Weight. Moving holds. Making the character think with (almost) each step he takes. Making it simpler to begin with but not rough. Rough as in too many lines that will overwhelm me... I should write this paragraph down in my notes.
Welp, I'm up. Imma grab my leftover slice of pepperoni + see how the rest of the night will go. Yep! (It is now 7:31 pm)
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atlabeth · 3 years
transferred part 20 - atla smau
part 19 | masterlist | epilogue
summary: trying to run from your past is hard, but falling for your brother’s roommate is even harder. little do you know that he’s falling for you as well.
a/n: me when i have to write more than 5 words in a series thats supposed to be a smau
anywho! basically the last chapter?? which is crazy?? filled with heartfelt emotions and the moment that you've all been waiting for, it's a wild ride. so strap in and enjoy. the epilogue will be posted later today so i can finally wrap this series up!! and dont worry theres a super long sappy authors note on the epilogue. LETS GET INTO IT
wc: 2.3k
warning(s): cursing, mentions of alcohol, hurt/comfort, one suggestive comment, mentions of toxic relationships, reader talking about her self sabotaging behavior and burnout, Bad Coping Methods (dont disappear kids)
“You haven’t seen her?” Zuko sighed as the same words he had heard on repeat for the past hour played through his ears again. “It’s alright, thank you. Have a good night.”
He shook his head at his friends, their defeated expressions mirroring his own as he leaned against the kitchen island. He ran an exhausted hand through his hair, and he couldn’t help but think of the countless times you had done it for him.
“Your sister doesn’t play when it comes to theatrics,” Aang lamented as he plopped on the couch next to Sokka.
“Tell me about it,” he muttered. “I mean, she doesn’t pull stuff like this. Sometimes she went over the top when she was younger, staying out a little too late or doing something stupid, but she never just… she never just tried to disappear like this. I.. I guess she was too worried about Katara and me to do anything like that, but still.” He knocked back the rest of the seltzer and tossed the can on the table — alcohol was tempting, but none of them wanted to be any less than completely aware tonight.
“We all knew she was hurting,” Sokka continued. “Not even she could be fine after everything that happened with Hahn, especially the day after, but I— I guess I thought that she would open up before just dropping off the radar completely!
“No news from the girls,” Aang announced, prompting a collective sigh from the other two boys. “I gotta give it to her, she’s been very thorough with this.”
“Of course she has. It’s classic Y/N — she can disappear without a trace, sure, but she can’t put enough effort into picking up some supplies for my project on her way home.” It was a lame attempt to lighten the mood, and though he got a weak chuckle out of Aang, it was radio silence on Zuko’s part.
“Hey, buddy.” It didn’t snap him out of his reverie, and Sokka seriously contemplated throwing his empty soda can at him. “You okay?”
“She didn’t even say anything to me,” he finally murmured, eyes trained on his phone screen. “She said she would tell me if she was having a hard time, but she didn’t say anything to me. Just suffered in silence until it got so bad she just up and left. She just… left. Without a single word to anyone. To me.”
Aang’s eyes softened and he let out a loose exhale. “Zuko, she didn’t mean to hurt you — I know that much. She’s just been under a lot of stress lately, and… I guess it didn’t manifest in the best way.”
“Stress...” he muttered, trying to piece it together. There was something nagging at the back of his skull, something on the tip of his tongue, but he just couldn’t get it. “And you guys are sure she hasn’t put anything anywhere? No texts that you missed, nothing?”
“Believe me,” Sokka said. “I’ve refreshed her pages a thousand times by now. It’s radio silence on her side. God, I wish I was more invasive and put like, a tracking device on her car or something! For all we know, she could be back to Kyoshi.”
Kyoshi. Stress. This whole thing, your disappearing act.
And suddenly, it clicked.
Zuko stood up abruptly, nearly knocking over the stool in the process and warranting puzzled looks from both of his friends as he grabbed his keys off the table and practically ran to the door.
“Zuko, where are you going?” Aang questioned.
He tugged the door open and shot a glance back at them, tension having noticeably dissolved from his shoulders.
“I know where she is.”
Zuko tapped idly against the steering wheel, once again glancing down at his phone screen but to no avail. His relationship with you had become infinitely more complicated since the kiss through fault of both of them — he supposed that was what happened when two people who didn’t know how to talk about their emotions caught feelings for each other. Zuko was very skilled at sticking his foot in his mouth whenever he tried to talk about anything like this, and
But you had accepted his offer to talk on the way home, so that meant something.
He had originally suggested just talking on the way home like he had proposed earlier, but you had a different idea. ‘Trust me,’ you had told him. ‘It has a good track record with making people feel better.’
Your proposition was a wildflower field on the outskirts of the city, just out of the way that someone would go en route to the university. Far enough from the city to emanate an aura of peace, but close enough to be a feasible trip.
“I found this place when I was missing home,” you smiled as he parked the car. “I love it here, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes I just feel homesick for Kyoshi. You passed a field like this on the way into town, and when I stumbled here, it just kinda felt like fate. So now whenever I’m stressed, or overwhelmed, or just need a break, I come out here. And I think this is the perfect place to talk about… well, whatever’s going on with us.”
“Sounds good.” He returned the sentiment then cleared his throat. “As long as we don’t go in there. I can admire it from afar, but just looking at that field is making my skin itch.”
You laughed and nodded amiably. “Deal.”
One hand was splayed against your chest, the other trailing lazy circles with the pads of your fingers against the metal as you gazed up at the sky. You had the best and only seat of the view, the flora drifting softly in the night breeze as the stars twinkled from above.
You didn’t know what you were thinking, being here. The past couple of weeks had just been… crushing you. It was like your heart was stuck in a vice and no matter what you did, it just got tighter and tighter.
You had been treating everyone you knew horribly, but you couldn’t stop. It felt like a game — how terribly could you act towards them until they snapped too? Until your friends, your siblings, Zuko, recognized that they had made a mistake by trying to help you?
And you didn’t know what it was about today, but… something inside of you just broke after that morning with your roommates. So you did what you were best at, and you ran. Skipped class, skipped work, just drove around aimlessly until even that was starting to feel like too much of a trap.
And then you ended up here.
It would’ve been laughable if you weren’t on the verge of breaking down.
You had been here, just laying on the hood of your car parked a few feet away from the field on an off road path, for the better part of an hour. If you were going to drown underneath the weight of your thoughts, it was better to do it alone.
But as you heard the crunching of gravel underneath car tires, your eyes instinctively shot towards the noise — so much for being alone — and you sat up. Your brows furrowed in recognition, you knew that car, and it felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest when Zuko stepped out.
“You remembered,” you breathed after a moment of silence. “You’re here.”
“Always.” He said it so obviously, so easily — why wouldn’t he remember? Why wouldn’t he be here?
You scooted over to make space on the hood and patted the space next to you softly, pulling your knees up to your chest in a moment of shame as he walked around to the front and pushed himself up next to you. What were you going to say to him? What could you say?
“I’m sorry,” you said out of the blue, your words pouring out of you like an emotional waterfall. “I’m sorry for just— for just leaving, I know it was stupid and I know they’re all probably worried out of their minds, but I couldn’t do it, Zuko. I-it was like I was trapped, and I know it was irrational, but I had to get out of there—”
“You didn’t have to,” he said quietly, effectively stopping your rant. “If you really had to get out, you could’ve at least said something to one of us. I don’t know what things were like back at Kyoshi, but here— here, you can’t throw yourself back onto the knife every time something goes wrong, because— you just can’t do that anymore.”
“I’m not mad, believe me, I’m relieved that you’re okay. I just..” he sighed and glanced up at the night sky, the light of the moon illuminating his features as he faced you once more. “I know you’ve felt alone before, but you’re not. You have Katara, and Sokka, Suki, Toph— you have me, Y/N! And I’m not going anywhere, trust me, but— but you can’t keep doing this to yourself, because they care about you, and I care about you.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat and chose to concentrate on the hood of the car, tapping your fingers against the metal as a way to use up your nervous energy. “You’re… you’re right,” you said after a long moment of silence, the beginnings of a mirthless smile on your lips.
“After that night at the party, I just— I couldn’t stop thinking about what happened. There was a part of me that just wanted to lock myself in my room and never come out, but I— I told myself I was better than that, and I refused to let myself fall back onto any of it. So I worked. I took extra shifts, I helped out my professors, I did anything and everything I could to try and keep my mind off of Hahn. But I wasn’t helping anything, I was just… I was destroying myself. It was just like you said. I was a candle burning at both ends but still convinced that I was doing the right thing, and eventually.. I just couldn’t take it anymore. So I ran.”
“And— there’s always been this… this voice in my head that pops up after things in my life are going good, and it tells me that something is going to go wrong. A-and it tells me that if I’m the one that ruins it, then I don’t have to ask myself what I did wrong, if I could’ve stopped it from happening— if it’s inevitable, then I should be the one to ruin it. It’s how most of my relationships ended, and— well, the only thing it’s succeeded in is making me miserable.”
You don’t even notice your hands are shaking until you feel Zuko placing his own over yours — a simple gesture asking an unsaid question, one you answer by intertwining his fingers with your own.
“That same voice popped up again once I started getting close to you,” you admitted quietly. “And this whole time, I’ve been so terrified of falling that I never considered you would catch me. But I’m tired, Zuko. I’m tired of constantly looking over the edge.”
As you turned your head to meet his eyes again, your breath caught in your throat at his close proximity. You were sure that no matter how much time you spent with him, your heart would never stop beating out of your chest for Zuko.
“I will always be there to catch you,” he affirmed softly. “And I’m not going anywhere.”
And just like before, he brought his hand to the side of your face and tenderly brushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear. His hand, slightly calloused but emanating comfort all the same, lingered on your cheek for a moment before he posed the question.
“Can I kiss you?”
You nodded, and his lips captured your own immediately. You reciprocated with an almost desperate fervor and— and it just felt so right. You had grown so accustomed to the constant warmth he carried with him that it had become a part of you, he had become a part of you, and now a life without Zuko was just unimaginable.
He was right — he already was there to catch you, each and every time. Giving you endless rides when your car broke down, sitting through the world’s most boring anthro projects, letting you bare your soul to him, telling you it was all going to be okay when nothing felt okay, and managing to find you when you had gone out of your way to not be found. And all of it— it all made you realize.
You didn’t want to keep running. And you didn’t have to. Not anymore.
Zuko pulled away and pressed his forehead to yours, breathing slightly labored as the two of you sat in comfortable silence. That is, until you broke it.
“So,” you started, a nervous chuckle following. “Are we… are we a thing now?”
You could tell that caught him by surprise by the laugh that escaped him, a sound of unfiltered joy. “I’d say that we are.”
You could feel the heat rushing to your cheeks once more as he slid off of the hood of the car and held out his hand, an offering you took happily. “We should get home,” he said, somewhat reluctantly. “It’s past midnight, and—” Zuko glanced at his phone and grimaced. “They’re all still worried out of their minds.”
“Right,” you muttered. “I’m gonna get the lecture of my life from Sokka and Katara.”
“Probably,” he chuckled. “But they’re just doing their job as concerned siblings.” He pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead and glanced back at his own car. “I’ll see you back at the apartment?”
You nodded, an uncontrollable smile pulling at your lips. “Thank you, Zuko. For this, and— for everything.”
He returned the sentiment, golden eyes filled with adoration.
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if your name is crossed out it means i can’t tag you!
perm taglist: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin
transferred: @ourbestfriend-mishacollins @lil-lex1 @xxshad0wxb1rdxx @zuko-is-the-sun @akiris @irohs-teapot @thatarthistorynerd @charlenasaxen @minninugget @marvel-ousnesss @count-thotticus @what-ye-egg @furblrwurblr @thesstuff @mariachiii @ietss @dizzy-miss-lizzieeeeee @xbarrjallenx @tommy-braccoli @dreamsluvrr @floofybread @thelovelylolly @lin-biefong-is-my-life @tiffanyy-21 @sistheselenophile @theincredibledeadlyviper @bakugouswh0r3 @loganrwebb @mikaslilworld @matsunshine @iris-suoh @aizameow @h3llbun @kozuelle
atla: @marianne1806
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swtki · 3 years
My Game - Spencer Reid x Reader
This is a part 2 to Teachers Pet
SUMMARY: After Y/Ns little test, she takes Dr. Reid up on his offer. She also takes him back to the apartment. 
It had been three days since Dr. Reid emailed me. I hadn’t texted him yet, too afraid of not knowing what to say. When I pulled that little stunt at his desk, I expected nothing to come of it. Just seeing his cute and pink face was enough of a reward. But it was obvious to me in the days following, he wanted to cross his finish line.
My phone sat comfortably in my hands, the series of numbers lining the top of my screen. I had not an inkling of an idea of what I would say. Should I go casual? Professional? Sexy? I mean, did anyone ever know how to aproach their crush?
Y: It’s Y/N, sorry I took so long. I’ve been kinda busy.
S: No worries, I was beginning to think I had read the room incorrectly. What are your plans for Saturday night? Theres a great Italian restaurant next to where I’m staying in DC.
Y: That sounds wonderful, actually. I’ll meet you there at 7?
S: Perfect.
I reluctantly pulled my figure from the sofa, and soon eagerly jumping into the shower. When the water hit my face the entire day melted away, and left only the anticipation of that night. I felt so special, I mean I was living my most vivid fantasies and not every woman gets to do it with a genius professor.
With my makeup carefully applied, and my dress matching my shoes, I started down the stairs. As my heels made a clicking noise, I started to feel a familiar flutter in my stomach. I was nervous; First date nervous. Though I had met him many times, and most recently met his body with mine, the event of a first date was a pâté of emotions.
The door of the restaurant was cold against my hand. I didn’t expect a high end dining experience, and when I walked in the entry way I was glad it wasn’t. The entry way was filled with cozy items. The faded rose pattern on the wallpaper complimented the display of family photos.
“Excuse me, I’m looking for a tall brunette man, it was a table for two.” I said to the hostess. She paused for a second, tapping on her tablet as she checks the current table descriptions.
“Ah yes, party of two for Reid?”
I confirmed and she led me through a hallway to our left, which led into a small dining area. The room walls were a burgundy color, illuminated by the candle sitting at the head of each table.
I thanked the woman as I walked toward Spencer. He looked a tad bit cleaner than usual, his hair was combed and tucked away behind his ears.
“Oh, here let me get that for you.” He rose from his seat and rushed over to the chair across from him.
“How gentleman like, Doctor.” He laughed and we both took our seats.
“Please, call me Spencer.” His form was more relaxed than it usually was in class, giving him a calmer and peaceful demeanor.
Dinner progressed, a glass of wine was nursed, and he insisted on paying our check. Though I had been on dates before, this felt like my first real adult date.
“How did you get here?” He inquired as we stepped onto the rough parking lot terrain.
“I took a cab, I’m thinking I may catch the train though.” I said. His mouth spread into a displeased expression.
“Nonsense, please let me drive you home. I would hate for those statistics we learned last week be applied in this manor.” I laughed and rolled my eyes. I hesitated to answer for a moment, instinctually I looked down and shifted my weight on my feet. The thought of him driving me home could end up in a number of ways; Mostly good. But, if I did take the train, it would end in a few ways; Mostly unmentionable.
“Alright, since you asked nicely.” His cheeks grew red as he avoided eye contact with me. I knew right then where our night would likely head.
“Would you like to come up? We can have a drink if you aren’t hell-bent on going to sleep before nine-thirty.” I joked with him.
“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want you to feel forced into anything because I know that theres a certain expectation when-“
“Spencer, if I didn’t want to fuck you, I wouldn’t have asked you up.”
Sure, having to say it in blatant terms is less than sexy, but thats what I adored about our dynamic at that point; I led the relationship.
I leaned into my fridge, purposefully bending over so my skirt lifted to show my ass.
“Well...fuck,” I said, “As it would turn out, someone stole my wine bottle and filled my fucking vodka bottle with water.” I stood up and shut the door, walking over to the counter inches away.
“One time I took the drink turn when it came to our friend-team-dinner-night, the bottle was forty dollars, which granted is the cheap wine more or less. To this day I still have no idea who stole the bottle, because I wanted to take it home.” Spencer reminisced. I laughed at his unusual way of trying to understand.
“Wasn’t really mine to begin with,” I started walking over to the sofa where he patiently sat. “I’m not of legal drinking age. But of course it tastes better when its forbidden, everything does.” I stepped in front of the man, his knees only an inch from my shin. "Can I touch you, Spencer?” I said in a soft voice, the lids of my eyes relaxed in a sweet shift.
“Y-yes.” He gasped, obviously so turned on by the way I stood over him, in power of him. I threaded his hair through my fingers and tugged back, pushing his head as far up as I could. His eyelids fell and he was no longer looking at me.
“Look at me, sweetheart. I want you to see everything.” He opened his eyes, his irises were colored with lust and desperation. I connected our lips in a long a sweet kiss. Rather than just having a mess of tongues, the kiss was filled to the brim with emotion, of pleasure that this was happening again. His lips were slightly swollen when I pulled away to unbutton his shirt. While I fiddled with the garment, he put his hands on my hips firmly.
“Can I- can you sit on my lap?” he asked, a red tint forming on his face. I smiled and obliged, sliding his shirt off of his lean torso. I started kissing him once more, this time I made sure to press my dripping panties against the large tent in his trousers.
“Would you like to take this to the bedroom?” I ask,hands resting comfortably on his neck.
“Please”, I stood and laced our hands together, leading him to my bedroom. Once we both entered through the doorway, I pushed him onto the bed, he fell softly.
I reached my hands behind my back to unzip my dress, as I felt it fall past my legs and onto the floor, I saw his eyes scan every detail of my body.
“One might say you were planning this.” He eyed my matching lace set.
“Wanted to make sure Spencer Reid had the best.” I replied, climbing on top of him so that I would be straddling him. I felt his hands connect to my waist as we kissed, his hands were warm and excited me even more. He pulled away, quickly pressing his lips to my neck and collarbone. My breath hitched in my throat as he bit down lightly on the skin. “Lets get these off, shall we?” I motioned to his pants, which had to be killing him right now. While he does that, I reach into my drawer and retrieve a condom, laying against the plush material of my pillows after I set it down on the table.
He gets on top of me , pressing his lips with mine as he rubs the back of my bra, signaling he wants me to take it off. I ,of course, reach back and unhook it, tossing it onto the floor. He grabs my tit while dancing his tongue with mine, making me more wet than I thought was possible. Usually, these actions signified a need for control, but when Spencer did it, it was like a desperate sixteen year old boy. Its clear he needed me.
“Can I...” he nods down to my cunt, still covered by the thin material of my panties.
“Can you what, Spencer?” I lace my fingers in his hair and pull, earning a soft groan from the man hovering over me.
“Can I please eat you out?” He begged. I smiled and pushed his head down, spreading my legs when his face met my stomach. He started by taking his thumb and rubbing over my clothed pussy. I bucked my hips, desperate for more friction. “Is it okay for me to take these off?” His eyes met mine, searching for confirmation. I smiled and nodded, moving my hands to stroke his hair rather than tug at it.
As his fingers latched onto the last piece of fabric that covered me, instinctually I pushed my hips upwards. He looked at me, silently asking if taking the garment off was still okay. When I bit my lip, a rose hue covered his face. He was flustered by me, by the escalation of us. But nevertheless, he slowly pulled off the last piece of modesty I had.
To re-assure him, I lightly tugged at his hair. Thankfully, he took the hint and licked a long stripe on my clit. My voice was caught in my throat as he continued making flat-tongued movements. I felt his hands slowly wrap around my thighs, pushing my heat into his face more than it already was.
He devoured me without hesitation, but when he pulled away for air he replaced it with two fingers and then when my stomach tensed and my eyes rolled back into my head, he used three. I finished with his mouth sucking on my bundle of nerves and his fingers buried inside me.
“Do you want to keep going?” He raised his head up and his thumb stroked my thigh, which he was still grasped onto.
“Yes, God yes please, Spencer.” I whined, the high fading away. He stood up off the bed and removed his strained boxers. He was beautiful; His lanky form was now a lean masculine type. I smiled at him, to which he obviously thought he was being laughed at. He couldn’t make eye contact with me, resulting to the floor instead. “Spencer,” I crawled towards the edge of my bed and placed my hands on his shoulders, “You are so gorgeous, the reason I’m smiling is because you always hide it in those sweater vests.” he relaxed.
“Thanks” he mumbles, still avoiding my eyes.
“Now please, come back here and let me take care of you.” He climbed back onto the bed while I rested against the pillows. He was nervous, and obviously he wanted to do it right. I could see his hands shaking as he unwrapped the condom and put it on.
“You’re sure?” He asks, the tip of his cock resting on the top of my inner thigh. He was easily six inches, my hand could probably wrap around and be too small.
“Yes, please fuck me.” He slowly inserted himself into my dripping cunt, causing me to let out a lewd string of words. Once again, my hands flung to his hair and tugged harshly, causing his arms to almost buckle beneath his own weight. I could feel his pelvis against mine, his muscular bottom torso pressed up against my clit. “Move, baby, its okay.” I reassure him. His hips pull away from mine, then snap back with a nice pressure. He quickly started to pick up his pace, small grunts escaping through his clenched jaw. “Do you like the feeling of your pathetic little cock inside my cunt? I bet you feel like a special little bitch now.” I moaned into his ear. “Well, are you going to tell me how much you enjoy my cunt?”.
“God, yes! I love it so fucking-“ his moan paused the sentence and he focused on getting his movements right.
“So fucking what? Go on, finish the sentence baby.”
“So fucking good, I love being inside of you so much!” He was practically whimpering in pleasure.
“Be a good boy and make me cum all over that pretty little cock of yours?” I struggled to contain my moans, I could not fall apart this quickly.
“Yes I will!” His fingers reached down to rub my clit, impressively keeping a steady rhythm. I felt the knot in my stomach becoming hotter and hotter as the minutes passed by.
“Oh my god, such a good- oh my god!” my eyes rolled back into my head as the impact of my orgasm was full forced. When my head cleared, I tugged on his hair, pulling his head so he could look me in the eye. “Gonna cum soon? Are you going to cum all inside of me?” his thrusts got off beat, he was close.
“Yes, I’m gonna-“
“Ask permission to cum, Spencer.”
“Can I please cum inside of you? Please?” He whines.
“Of course you can, baby.” With that he makes a strained moaning noise and his hips slowly stop moving. We’re both panting, while he flushes the condom I walk into the bathroom next to him. I turn to the shower and twist the hot water knob.
“We might as well get clean together, yeah?” I said.
“Yeah.” he smiles and kisses me once more.
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ickymichi · 3 years
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
<3 warning: none really! just slight mentions of nsfw but nothing brutal, swearing, v slight angst, mentions of insecurity.
<3 things to know!: set in the timeskip, unless i’m like ‘this was back in high school’. (implied female) reader and issei are in an established relationship.
<3 summary!: headcannons i have about issei and his appearance/body. :)
<3 a/n: see i genuinely had no idea what to call this. like it’s headcannons that i have about issei’s appearance/body?. and also to make some of the things named more normalised and to make ppl see how attractive they make ppl. reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
all contents belongs to hotboyissei 2021. please do not repost or modify on this or any other platform.
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𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐊𝐋𝐄𝐒: listen to this okay. issei with freckles on his shoulders. beautiful i know. but just imagine it. those nice broad shoulders with thousands of freckles scattered across them from years of tanning and getting sunburned on the beach while on holidays or just from the numerous summers he spent in your backyard getting a tan. just running your hands across them seeing how some of them connected to form a bigger one. he always tells you it tickles. but never says stop. also in summer he gets them on his face from the sun.
𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐒: he definitely had them on like the part of his back where his arm meets his shoulders, on the under side of his biceps and definitely got some on his ass cause boy got cake. but he’s insecure about them and used to hate wearing tank tops cause you could see them. but you told him how much you love them and how cool they look. now mf thinks he’s hot shit (as he should) and walks around your house in them or just shirtless. if you have some to he would literally always be telling you how attractive it is. literally constantly.
𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑: he definitely is on the hairier side. like he got hairy ass legs let me tell you, but it thins out when it gets to his thighs a bit. definitely waxes or shaves his ass idc idc, was scared from this one time he was watching porn and it just got a shot of the guys hairy ass and he was disgusted. but also he got like, not a lot to where he has to constantly wax it, but a nice amount of chest hair, like it’s only on his pecs not on his stomach you know?. side story!: it was like, two months after you started dating and you were having a movie night at his and you were staying over. makki convinced, i mean convinced him you were going to have sex for the first time. so issei being afraid you’d think his chest hair is unattractive he booked a chest wax and made makki come with him. he recorded the whole thing and showed you two years later, big bad matsukawa issei himself, screaming from pain and nearly breaking makki’s hand with the grip he had on it. end of side story :). his happy trail? pheww that shit idky it’s just attractive to me for some reason. also has a bit of stubble but he shaves it cause of one time in third year he was just really lazy that week and didn’t shave and when the four of them went to go to the cinema on saturday oikawa said: “who’s uncles coming our way?”. from then on he never goes out with to them without shaving beforehand. if you tell him you find it attractive he’d grow it out a small bit just to see your reaction. but if you said you don’t like it he’d do it anyway to annoy you.
𝐀𝐂𝐍𝐄: high school issei definitely had acne. not like major but had some on his cheeks and his back. he hated it sm cause all his friends never had a problem with it. until you told him it doesn’t matter if he has it for not he’s still seggsy as fuck. now timeskip issei? not as much. he made sure to start taking care of his skin halfway through high school. that is until masks became a thing, poor guy has a love hate relationship with them now.
𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆: listen, issei eats. mf has the biggest appetite you’ve ever seen. ceo of “you eating that?”. every time you see him on the couch he either has a bag of crisps, chocolate, popcorn, leftovers from last night or a takeout he ordered in his lap. man just loves food (i relate ‘sei dw). but all that eating makes boy bloat like crazy. like, he has a fast metabolism so mf never gains weight that much🙄. but he could literally eat half a sharing bar of chocolate and suddenly he’s eight weeks pregnant. also, he didn’t know what bloating was until you finished a movie night and mf took half the popcorn, had his own bag of jellies and three of the small multipack chocolate bars. so when he undressed for his shower and caught a glimpse of his stomach that normally only has a bit of pudge, pushed out to where it looks like he gained weight over night he has a stroke. this how shiz went down:
“(Y/N)!!” you literally sprinted to the bathroom thinking he fell or sum. “what issei? what happened?!”. “have i, have i always been this big?” “what? you look like you always do”. the distressed noise he let out along with him fake stumbling and grabbing the counter had you confused. “i look pregnant! what do you mean i always look like this? we’re getting a treadmill or at home gym or whatever i need to get back to how i was. good lord i really let myself go.” he ran a hand across his face while rubbing his stomach and looking in the mirror. then it hit you. “oh my god you fucking idiot, you do realise how much shit you are right? your just bloated.” “bloated? the fuck is that?”. you then spent the next fifteen minutes sitting on the toilet seat explaining what bloating was while he showered.
𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐇: i just know baby don’t got teeth that look like a fresh set of veneers. and it’s not like they crazy crooked, just slightly that you barley notice unless you’re up close and stare at his mouth. but because he’s always looking at himself it’s the first thing he sees. this leads to him covering his mouth whenever he laughs and only slightly smirking or lifting his mouth to a small closed lip smile when he’s told to smile. everytime he has to take a picture with his family one of his auntie who’s taking it shouts: “smile issei!” every time. and he always says: “i am though”which leads to his getting pinched in the side by his mother and her telling him: “fucking smile properly before i whoop your ass” through gritted teeth while she smiles brightly herself. he grew to not care as much when, you again, told him you love his smile when he threw his head back instead of covering his mouth when you told him a funny story.
𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐒/𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐒: heavenly i know, but bby doesn’t completely agree. we all know boy thick especially those gorgeously thick thighs! but he just thinks they’re too thick. he’s used to seeing oikawa and makki’s slender ones, so when he stands in front of the mirror in a pair of swim shorts he bought and they’re swinging on his waist but about to rip around his thighs he can feel himself start to tear up. and then, what a suprise, you walk in!
~ start story:)): “ ‘sei! you ready to go, oh are you okay?”. he whips his head around to see you standing in the doorway in the swim set you just bought your self. ‘god you look so good’ he thinks to himself. “uh yeah yeah i’m good just need a few minutes these uh, they don’t fit.” he brings a hand to his face and uses his index finger and thumb to wipe the tears in the corner of his eyes. “oh well then you can just tie the strings, that’s what they’re there for, i told you to go a size down silly”. you stand infront of him and start to tie the strings in the shorts around his waist. “no doll, they aren’t to big, they’re to small look” he motions his head to the way they’re straining around his thighs and he just wants to start crying again. “oh i see, we’ll theres nothing we can do there , is there? we’ll just buy another pair on the way.” how? he thinks. how are you not laughing in his face that his legs are to fat to fit in a pair of shorts that are 2 sizes to big for him? “i know what you’re thinking,” your soft voice breaks him out of his thoughts. “why is she not laughing at me huh? she probably thinks i’m fuckin’ ugly” you do your best to mimic his deep voice but just sound silly trying, making him let out a small laugh. “how many times have i told you how much i adore your legs hm? how many times have i done, such oh so sinful things on them while going on about how much i love them?. to many to count issei. so next time you think all those silly bad thoughts just think of me and every time i tell you nice things about them!”. now he’s definitely crying, but this time over how much your words helped him. and now he feels like a million dollars as he struts across the beach to the three men waiting for you with his neon orange shorts tied around his waist and clinging to his thighs. end story :))~
jesus i forgot about his legs. anyway, all his life he’s been told how ‘lanky he is’ and how long his legs are. this makes him feel like shit really,most of his jeans stop above his anlke so the only type of socks he had is the long ones that he uses to hide his ankles fromm people, making them think he has the perfect size. he’ll never forget the time he spent hours shopping with his mother and trying on countless pairs of trousers for an upcoming wedding that and they stop above his ankle. he feels embarrassed really, seeing the fitter tell him they can just get them custom made, but it’ll cost more plus the original price. watching how distressed his mother gets when he tells her how much it’ll be. he doesn’t want his mother spending that much money on a pair of trousers he’ll wear once so he butts in saying it’s fine and he’ll deal with it by wearing black socks and no one will notice. the same exact problem happens several years later except in his mother’s place is makki along with oikawa and iwa, watching him get fitted for your wedding. he tells himself ‘think of (y/n), think of (y/n) and how much she says she loves your legs’ but it’s hard to when all the other men have no problem finding the perfect suit size. he doesn’t want to pay extra for a custom suit but that’s what it looks like is going to happen.
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-end <3
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ghostiiiee · 3 years
Just Like Me
To read at my Ao3 CLICK HERE This is the first chapter. sorry is its a little rough. :sweatdrop:
Almost forgot! Tw: i will be going heavy on quirkless discrimination and mental health issues. Theres not much in the first chapter but i do want to touch on it at some point.
School was never something he looked forward to. After all, what was there to look forward to? He was used to getting bullied, made fun of for being different, called names, shoved around. The irony wasn’t lost on him. Many years ago, maybe he would have been the normal one? 
Then again, what even was normal?
It used to be normal to go to school- learn history, math, science and whatever language the school taught. 
It used to be normal to not have any powers, after all -  superheroes were a dream. Stories people made up to tell themselves. Heroes existed, yes, but they never had powers. Heroes were just people, average people. 
Again, there's another word that's changed. Average. 
Normal. Average. 
Two hundred years ago, it was normal for the average person to look human.
Two hundred years ago, it was normal  for the average person to have no powers.
Two hundred years ago, it was normal for superheroes to only be a thing of stories.
That was two hundred years ago. Not now.
Now it's weird to not have powers.
Now you get bullied for being regular. Quirkless.
One of 20%. 
Mathematically, he thought it was stupid that so many people get treated so differently. He did remember Mr. Lancer telling him of people getting treated for less. Mr. Lancer told him two hundred years ago, 10% of the population was seen as satanic because of what hand they used to write with. A similar estimated percent was discriminated against because of who they loved, or what they identified as. 
“Sadly, Mr. Fenton, the human race has a history of not tolerating those who they see as a minority.”
“I remember that from history Mr. Lancer.” Danny sighed, leaning his head on his hand. His eyes stared out the window, looking at the stormy weather. “I remember you talking about how things used to be.”
The teacher pursed his lips, staying quiet and looking at him with concern.
Lancer had asked Danny to stay after class to speak to him. He never did like how Daniel’s peers would gang up on him after school ended. The best he could usually do was this. Casper’s principal was... far too likely to be accepting of anything the more wealthy students’ parents had to say.
“Is that why you’ve been spacing out all day then, Danny?” 
It was asked gently. Danny’s eyes glanced over to the balding teacher before darting back to the window. He hummed for a moment. “...Kinda. I got a lot on my mind.”
“Penny for your thoughts then?” Lancer pulled his chair next to his desk.
It was quiet for a few minutes, the sound of rain gently pattering against the classroom windows filled the room while Danny collected his thoughts. Blue eyes watched raindrops roll down the glass.
“I don’t get it, Mr. Lancer.” His voice was quiet as the floodgates opened. “Everyone in my family has quirks. Dad is strong. My mom can copy anyone’s fighting styles just by watching. Jazz can look at someone and-.... well you know.” He sank down into his chair. “Aunty A, even has a quirk. I've never seen her miss a shot. And then there's me. Daniel James Fenton. The first quirkless person in our family in a long time. Don’t get me wrong either, it doesn’t bother me too much.” Liar. “It’s just... it feels like the cherry on top of everything else.
“My parents got an invitation to teach some classes at UA in Japan. In Japan, I've never lived anywhere but here. Amity Park. It’s not like they can leave me here. PLUS, Jazz has always wanted to go there for the General studies.”
“I understand your concern, Danny. But I’ve seen your work,” There was slight amusement in Mr. Lancers voice. “Aren’t you good at building things? I know I’ve caught you tinkering with something more than once in class.”
Danny’s face flushed red. “...My parent’s usually make those. They’re old models of support gear they have made. I was seeing if I could get a glitch out.”
“...I keep shocking myself.” He mumbled. “It hurts like hell.”
“While I can’t say I’m happy that you are getting injured. As long as you are safe, I'm glad.” Mr. Lancer offered a smile to the teen. “As for the other predicament, you are always open to contact me if you need me after you move.”
“Thank you Mr. Lancer.”
Danny was thankful that they moved over the summer and not in the middle of the year. School was already hectic enough as was. Moving in the middle of the year was not something he ever wanted to do, let alone moving across the globe in the middle of the year.
He kept to himself for the first few weeks. He liked to walk around, exploring the new area. It felt different than Amity park. More crowded. He noted early on there was definitely more hero around too. It didn’t bother him too much.
That's a lie.
More heroes means more villains.
He didn’t like villains.
He also didn’t like being a hostage.
Lucky him!
He was held hostage by a villain not even before the end of the second week. Not that this was a first time experience for him, having been a favorite target back in Amity Park. He knew all the heroes back home personally because of it. People just loved to take quirkless people hostage. One would think, with the target that seems to hang over his head, that Daniel James Fenton wouldn’t take such risks as walking around alone at night. One would think that if he did, it would be out of necessity, and he would at least have something on him to defend himself.
...yeah no that's not the case. Why in the world would that be the case?
Danny was shoved onto the ground, air leaving his lungs as he hit. He gasped for air, trying to look at who was targeting him now. He couldn’t really tell much about the person, ratty clothes and a hoodie pulled up to cover their face. Nothing could be seen under the hood, it was just shadow, pure, black shadow.
“What’s a runt like you doing out right now?” The villain crouched next to Danny. Chuckling when he tried to scoot away. They put a foot on one of Danny’s wrists, “Ah-ah. Now that’s rude. I’m talking to you punk.”
Danny didn’t respond, wincing at the pressure on his arm. 
“It’s rather rude to ignore your elders.” The villain put more pressure, adjusting so they were crouched like a vulture next to prey.
“F-fuck you. I’ve seen worse.” He growled
The regret in saying that was nearly instant. In the blink of an eye, the ground next to his head - that was solid concrete what the hell- was shattered. The villain was making an inhuman noise, a low gutteral sound coming from them. “You haven’t seen my worst. I wasn’t gonna do much to ya, but I’m starting to change my mind kid.”
He knew he should do anything else - he was already on a thin line - but fuck it. He had a free hand anyways. He grabbed something from his pocket and slammed it against the villain. “As I said before. Fuck. You.” He pressed the button on the side.
The machine sparked to life. Quite literally. Danny still didn’t know what it was supposed to do, but he could make it shock things. Like a weird taser. Unlucky for Danny he was literally pinned to the ground beneath the villain getting tased. And as everyone knows. Humans are conductive. Very conductive. 
Strangely the villain didn't even flinch. The growl getting louder as they grabbed the device from their shoulder and crushed it with their hand. Danny started shaking. Okay so that was a horrible idea. 
The shadows of the alley gathered around the villain. Climbing up their clothing and slowly slithering along their arm. They held Danny down, forming chains around him. In the villain’s hand, a knife, absorbing all light, The villian made the move to attack, and Danny closed his eyes, waiting for the pain to come.
It never did.
It lessened. 
Weight lifted from him, a weight he hadn’t realized was there besides his arm. Tentatively he opened his eyes. 
The villain was on the ground a few meters away from him, knocked out and tied up to a fire exit- similar to how Batman would leave criminals for the cops. Danny blinked. He hadn’t heard anything. So what in the world happened? And how could that have happened so fast? 
Standing up, he looked around for a sign of anyone being there to help him.
Oddly enough. It seemed no one had caused the villain to go down, at least not that Danny could see. Blue eyes scanned the area for a moment, looking for anything that wasn’t there before. Nothing popped out. Nothing was out of place. It looked like no one had been there.
He let out a breath he didn’t realize he had been holding. The air condensed, forming mist as it left his mouth and floated away. It was like when he first stepped outside in the winter. Which was strange- it was the middle of summer. A small frown formed on his face. The nights here weren’t that cold normally. 
He brushed it off, ignoring the goosebumps running along his skin as the air chilled. Perhaps whoever knocked the villain out had a rather cold quirk, he mused to himself. Heroes normally make themselves known at this point, checking to see if he was okay. 
He had an inkling it wasn’t a hero. At least not a licensed one. Not that he minded. He didn’t care who it was really. They saved his life… he was grateful for that.
Danny looked up to the clear sky, moonlight peaking over the buildings enough to illuminate the alley where the street lights glowed. He smiled up to the stars. “Thank you.” He said softly. “I wasn’t paying attention tonight.”
He left the alley, starting his way back home. He never caught sight of the figure watching him.
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germvity · 3 years
leon s kennedy x reader // 7 // wallflower blooming
"that felt really good..." you whisper, and he agrees. "i've been waiting to do that.." he admits with a small laugh. you giggle too, giving him another eskimo kiss as you coddle him close. "trials might start soon..." you say, glancing out the cracked window at the brightened (yet still dark) sky. "nah, we still have a while." leon grins, leaning in to give you a loving smooch. you hum happily, cupping his face as his tongue gently brushes against your bottom lip. "we have at least an hour.." leon trails off, and you catch his meaning immediately. "yeah, we do." you smile.
tags: smooching, a lot of it, relationship development, it aint official yet, leon being a good boy, mild crying
warnings: smexy time, leon giving head :), he just wants to pamper you, very much a people pleaser, me trying to write this as gn as possible without implying any genitalia <3, fingering, semi-public sex?? leon having a praise kink, leon being a sub bc ur welcome, blowjob and handjob for leon hc he's a good boy that deserves love
tag list:
@trinswhimsys , @hex-touchstarved <3
you felt safer in trials with leon. a special bond formed between the two of you after that night, and the entity only spawns you both together in trials. you were a team, and a powerful one. with you eliminating totems and any traps and leon pumping out gens and distracting the killer from you. the entity grows amused as it watches the killers scramble to combat your powerful strategies. leon huffs as he finds you at the gate, he left ghostface in the dust after you taught him how to evade them better. you grin at him, and he smiles, leaning in to give you a soft kiss as you open the gate. "thanks for getting rid of noed." he says softly as you grab his hands to pull him through the gate. "no problem, can't have the pretty boy dying." you tease as he rolls his eyes and follows you. "hey.." you say softly before the two of you leave. "hm? what's wrong?" leon stops too, letting you fiddle with his hands, a habit you picked up when you're nervous.
"what... what are we?" you ask quietly, and leon thinks for a moment. "what do you want us to be?" he asks, watching your face carefully. "i... don't know..." you whisper, letting him pull you into a hug. "well... i want us to be a thing, but i don't wanna push you." leon admits, and you nod. "i know.. but... it just doesn't feel real that someone as good as you likes me..." you sigh, resting your forehead against him as he holds you tighter. "nonsense, of course i do." he smiles, giving your forehead a soft kiss as the ground shakes. "c'mon, lets go before we get killed." he says softly, pulling you through the gate and into safety.
the two of you arrive at your shack, and you sigh as you flop down onto the bed. leon chuckles at your exhausted expression as he takes off his new jacket. "you alright?" he asks softly as he sits next to you. humming with a nod, and you take his hands in yours to fiddle with them idly. "what's up?" he asks, watching you play with his fingers. "hm?" your eyes find his, and he gestures to your joined hands with his head. "you normally do this when you're nervous. what's wrong?"
"nothing, just tired." you reply quietly, and leon hums. "alright.." he sounds unsure but lets it go as you pull one of his hands to your cheek. "i just like your hands." you admit, and he chuckles. "alright, i see that." leon's worry melts away and you smile. "what'cha thinking about?" you ask him softly, sitting up to look at him. "just what you said outside the gate." he replies, blushing slightly. "oh..." you huff, clambering into his lap to hug him. leon's arms wrap around your waist as he hooks his head on your shoulder. you nuzzle his neck, rubbing his back gently. "what do you want us to be?" he asks again, voice soft. "i... i do really want to be with you too... but i'm too scared." you admit, and leon hums. "you don't have to be scared." he replies softly, adjusting you in his lap so you were comfy. you sigh, closing your eyes as leon gives your cheek a soft kiss. "i'll always be here for you." the blonde assures you, and you hum. "i know. i'm just scared that i'll either lose you, or you'll change your mind." you say, your arms tightening on him.
"i'll never change my mind, you know that. and i'll never turn my back on you, or think any less of you. i'll be here." leon smiles, resting his head on yours. you sniffle slightly as you nod, "thank you... i just... after everything it feels so surreal that someone cares about me." you say softly, tears wetting his neck. "i know. it's hard to adjust to, but we're making progress." leon says, giving your head soft scratches to comfort you. you sigh, leaning onto him more, pinning him between the wall and your body. "tired?" he asks softly, and you shake your head no. "wanna go for a walk?" you sit back, waiting for his response. "sure, we can avoid the camps and go through one of the realms?" he suggests, and you nod. "the red forest is pretty, can we go there?" you ask softly, and leon chuckles with a nod. "sure, c'mon." he lets you pull him up from the bed and grabs his jacket and an offering on his way out.
your eyes find some fireflies that are floating near the gate. they're peaceful, and leon follows your gaze to the luminous bugs. "c'mon, i think theres a pond in a forbidden area. i used to hide there then get hatch in trails before i got a bit braver." you pull leon along by his hand. "what if it's been blocked off?" he suggests, and you hum in thought. "then we can sit in a quiet area." you smile and leon nods, "alright." the crack in the wall was boarded up, and you try pushing them. the bent nails creak under your weight as leon moves you out of the way. readying himself, his boot goes through the boards. you clap slightly, grinning at him. "that was hot." you tease, pulling the blushing blonde through the crack.
the pond is peaceful, and you sit happily next to the bank. leon joins you, watching you cradle a beetle before it jumps off and scurries away. "this is nice." leon smiles, and you nod. "i found it by accident, luckily it's in the corner so no one knows about it." you shrug, leaning against leon as he admires the clear water. "wanna bathe?" he asks teasingly, but freezes when you nod. "yeah, i'm covered in dirt." you laugh, standing to strip your dirty shirt off. you offer leon your hand, and he quickly takes it. you grasp his hands with both of yours, and it takes most of your weight to actually haul him up, it's cute.
leon lets you take off his jacket for him, and takes off his shirt. you admire a scar on his torso, fingertips rubbing his tender skin. "michael got you good, huh?" you mumble, and leon huffs out a laugh. "yeah, he did. he's surprisingly strong." leon shrugs, glancing to your lips out of habit. you catch his gaze, and lean in slightly. leon takes the invitation, kissing you lovingly as your hand tangles in his hair. his hands travel across the bare skin of your sides, and he deepens the kiss as you hum softly. your other hand stays on his chest as you lean closer to him, letting the officer rest his forehead against yours when he breaks away. "you're a really good kisser." he laughs sheepishly, and you smile, gifting him another soft peck. leon smiles, his finger tips slipping under the waistband of your pants. "can i?" he asks softly, ever the gentleman. you nod, helping him remove his pants as you give him another kiss.
you grin, and leon smiles too, but when you move him back he has to trust you. you giggle as you push him back and he hits the cold water with a gasp. "hey!" he laughs, splashing you with the water as you join him. "sorry, it was too tempting." you giggle, wrapping your arms around his neck as you give him a kiss as an apology. leon smiles into the kiss, his hand finding your back as he pulls you up against him. eventually, his lips find your neck and you hum softly at the feeling. "fuck.. can i make you feel good?" he asks softly against your skin. your thighs shuffle at the thought and you nod. "let me hear you, can i?" he asks again, wanting full consent (hot). "yes, you can." you smile, and leon grins, this time pushing you back to settle between your legs on the bank of the pond. you help him by removing your underwear for him.
he grips your thighs, and your fingers find his hair as he kisses your soft skin, fingers gently stroking your legs. you feel your arousal build, and you whine softly as he nips the flesh of your right thigh. "patience, i want you to feel good." he says softly, moving to pamper your left thigh as well. you huff, letting him lick a soft stripe along your skin and growing slightly frustrated when he pulls away. his teeth sink into your thigh and you moan softly as he suckles a dark hickey onto your skin. fingers tightening in his hair as he licks the bruise lovingly, you cant help but shuffle your hips to him. leon holds you in place as he leaves a bigger hicker further up your leg, before switching to give attention to your other thigh. you moan softly as his fingers begin to stimulate you, rolling your hips into his hand. leon chuckles into your thigh, the vibrations going straight through you as he moves his mouth to your sensitive area. you gasp, trying to push his head closer as he suckles you, fingers slipping to your hole to give you more pleasure. "oh, fuck! leon-" you whimper, grinding onto his face as you pet his hair. "good boy..~" you can't help but moan, and leon smiles against your lower area. "ahh- you're such a good boy, fuck.. that feels really good." you praise and it encourages him to try harder, desperate for your words of affirmation.
"leon!" you yelp, thighs wrapping around his head as his fingers prod that bundle of nerves. leon grins as he breaks away to give you a teasing lick. "f-fuck, please!" you whimper as his mouth covers you again, tongue kitten licking you. "you're doing so well, such a good boy for me.." you keen, back arching as your thighs tighten around his head, fingers gripping his blonde locks. "fuck, you look so pretty between my legs.~" you grin as he flusters, humming against your core. "keep going, you're doing so well." you encourage, and leon drags his tongue along you before going back for more. you groan as you thrust your hips into his mouth. leon hums again, fingers still pumping into you as his mouth does the rest. "you're so good." you moan, still trying to fuck his face as his hands can't find it in them to stop you.
leon whimpers against your pelvis, letting you practically take control as you grip his hair and roll your hips. "oh, good boy. so pretty as i fuck your pretty mouth." you grin, watching the tips of his ears turn red as he moans against you. "fuck, you're so pretty." you continue praising him, hips beginning to stutter as you grow closer. "mm, fuck i'm close. you're doing so well." you huff, using the hand on his head to help continue grinding into his mouth. you moan his name as you cum in his mouth, and leon shudders at the feeling of your fluid gushing onto his tongue.
pulling away, you watch the blonde swallow nicely and pulling you into his lap to coddle you. "good boy, you did so well.." you smile as leon giggles into your neck. "thank you..." he smiles, and you grin as you feel his erection. "want me to take care of you?" you ask softly, shuffling off his lap as he lets out a small hum. "hm? i can't hear you..." you tease as he gasps when your hand presses against his bulge. "yes, yes please!" he begs, letting you remove his boxers. the blonde whimpers as your hand wraps around his shaft, giving him a few pumps before you move down to lick his head.
"a-ah!" he yelps as your warm mouth envelopes his tip, trying not to buck his hips into you. you continue to pump his shaft, tongue teasing his slit. "p-please, i need more- pleasepleaseplease!" leon begs, moaning sweetly as you give him a soft suck. "please i need you!" he whimpers, letting you drape his thighs over your shoulders as he lays back. "shh, let me take care of you." you smile, going back down on him. "ah! you feel so good..!" he keens as your mouth moves down his shaft. the blonde yelps when your teeth gently scrape along his cock, and you hum softly, the vibration driving him crazy. his moans grow loud as his hand finds yours. tangling your fingers with his, you let him slowly roll his hips up into your throat as he whines.
the wind picks up familiarly, you pull off him much to his dismay. "shhh!" you hush him, and he whimpers softly. "a trial is starting, you don't want to get caught do you?" you grin as he shakes his head. "then be quiet, they won't know." you say before wrapping your mouth around him again. leon's free hand clasps over his mouth as he moans behind his palm. the humming of the huntress picks up, and so does leon's anxiety. his hand tightens on yours as you slowly drag your tongue up to his head. "it's okay.." you whisper to him, taking his other hand and holding that one as you go back down on him.
leon whimpers, feeling exposed as he clenches his jaw, trying not to make any noise. "fuck, y/n.." he whines, voice cracking as he tries to keep his noise below a whisper. you rub his knuckles sweetly as you bob your head at a steady pace. leon's back arches, and he whimpers softly, clearly yet slowly getting louder. you squeeze his hand to keep him grounded, and he squeezes back as your tongue teases a vein. leon's breathing hitches as you continue to pamper the prominent vein, popping off his cock to suckle it. "ah!" he yelps, and you pull away to hush him. "be a good boy, and stay quiet or they'll find us!" you whisper to him before lowering again.
the scream of meg makes leon wince, having almost completely forgotten that a trial was going on. "fuck, oh.. please." he mumbles desperately, trying to buck up into your mouth as his orgasm grows near. "ah ah ah, behave." you pull off him, and leon whines with want, not wanting to lose his high. you smile, moving your hand to massage his balls as your mouth engulfs his shaft. he claps his hand over his mouth, loud groans muffled. you tap his hand, and he nods. "so close, so close! please please please!" he keens, practically going feral as he tries to fuck into your mouth again. you decide he's been good, and let him take control slightly. tears of bliss drip from his lashes, and he fucks your mouth desperately, moaning behind his hand as he twitches then suddenly cums into your mouth.
"ah..!" he sighs, letting you off as you swallow. "good boy. you feel okay?" you ask softly, fingers tracing lines on his outer thighs. leon nods, drowsy from his intense peak. "good, this trial will probably last for a little while longer and i wanna see how many times i can make you cum." you grin as leon whimpers.
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playboysaleen · 3 years
Love Malady.
Tumblr media
Summary: Daughter of the notorious gang of thieves. One day your brothers group kidnap a nobel woman. Feeling guilt you gave her warm clothes, tended to her injuries, and helped her escape. instantly the world falls under a deadly pandemic and is killing/infecting people left to right and you are the only one who is immune. All because you saved a girl years ago coming to find out... it was the goddess of death(Famine).
Warnings: Blood, injury, cursing, violence. (if theres more feel free to just let me know.)
word count: 1,980 (around there)
Ya’ll this is my first Wanda story(first ever on here) so bare with me. thank you. 
its in first person(ill learn 2nd person soon)
February 12th, 2017. 
God, I hate the rain. The sounds of the droplets banging against the roof outside my window is a wonderful way to keep me up. A loud crash rang throughout the room I laid causing a yelp to fall from my lips. 
            “Y/n?” my brother's voice was heard from the door that seemed to be miles away from my bed. His tall silhouette approached my nightstand switching on the lamp. The brightness that lit the whole room could light a whole village in this type of storm and night we’re in. 
        “Thunderstorm.” he humbled taking a seat at the end of my bed. I gazed at the window that painted streaks of clear droplets. 
        “So, what did dad make you and your group do this time?” I whispered, fumbling with my fingers. A sigh fell from his lips knowing how much I hated the deeds my father does, but it's our lives now. 
        “We crashed a business party.” He answered by handing a beautiful Rolex watch that held so many diamonds that cost more than the house we were in. 
            “Jaime! You know how risky that is right?” I raised my voice, swiping the blanket off my body walking towards my closet. I opened the doors rummaging through my hoodies finding a white Nike pullover throwing it on. I pointed at the black warmups next to Jaime, he stood up grabbing them, tossing my way. I slipped on my black running shoes heading downstairs. 
          “Wait Y/n!” Jaime shouted, sprinting from his position which was late by a second when a cry was heard from the entertainment room downstairs. I glanced at Jaime making sure he saw the glare I gave him as I made my way downstairs. 
       “At least put on a mask- you know how dad is with you and me.” He begged, handing me a mask which I snatched with a frustrated sigh. I placed on the face mask heading towards the door as another cry rang out the room. 
    “Oh we’d be dead if Mr. Rome was here.” the figure spoke turning his head towards the smaller figure standing in front of the stranger tied to the chair. 
       “But he's not.” the smaller guy breathed out picking up his hand sending another hit towards the “criminal”. I barged in pushing the small figure full force into the bar sending him over the top landing onto his shoulder. I turned towards the taller man which completely surprised me, 
        “Got damnit Adam!” I growled sending a hit towards the younger yet taller boy. I looked forward to the stranger with a bag over their head, examining them which sparked my curiosity seeing woman-like features. I grabbed the bag and gently lifted it making eye contact with the horrified woman. Her emerald green eyes filled with tears stared back into mine, I gasped not knowing what to do. Her eyes spoke a million words to me yet I could not find one to say. My hand moved towards her gently placing it against her cheek, she shuddered under my touch but it was not happiness nor relief. It was pure fear. 
       “It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you.” i reassured her not breaking eye contact letting her read me knowing my true intentions. Soon she nodded, I returned the gesture standing up facing the two boys with an emotionless expression.
            “Take off your masks.” I spoke- 
    “But Y/n-” I walked towards now seeing his face; Buck, grabbing the back of his neck squeezing down onto his pressure point. A cry dripped from his mouth as I faced him towards the terrified woman. 
                 “She is a woman! What did I mention to you all when you were introduced to the group? Hmm?” I asked pressing deeper into his pressure point causing him to grunt. I shoved his neck so his eyes can lock onto the woman's injured face. 
                 “WHAT DID I SAY BUCK?” I yelled, causing the woman to flinch at how loud I was but I didn't care, they're gonna get taught a lesson. He whimpered under my touch letting fearful tears fall from his eyes. I looked up towards Jaime nodding my head towards Adam, Jaime grabbed Adam placing him on his knees next to a crying Buck that stood in front of the girl. 
             “Respect the ones who mean no harm. We are not strays, we are survivors.” Buck spoke between his tears. I let go of his pressure point sending him to the ground, I huffed loudly looking towards Jaime with disappointed eyes. 
                   “But now since you don't have the right mind to follow those simple rules-” i spoke softly ripping off Adams mask then proceeding to Bucks. Snatching their hoods back to show their whole identity, Jaime placed his hand on my shoulder which I shoved off.
              “Now apologize.” Adam was the first to apologize with a small head bow, I nodded to him letting him leave the room. Buck remained quiet breathing heavily, I pushed his back awaiting his apology which nothing happened. 
          “I don’t owe you anything.” Buck spat towards the quiet woman spitting towards her feet. I grabbed the back of his shirt and sent him back first towards the wall, I grabbed the golf club swinging towards his knee. Screaming in agony clutching his knee I dropped the club sending blows towards his face. Jaime jumped between Buck and i knowing he had enough, i huffed fixing my hoodie walking towards the woman untying her from the chair. 
           “If I untie you, will you run?” i asked locking eyes with her once more, she shook her head awaiting for what comes next, i helped her up looking back towards Jaime picking an unconscious Buck. 
          “I want you to tell dad what he did. Both of them.” I ordered Jaime, he nodded walking down the hall to the pool house. I turned towards the girl helping her towards the staircase, she whimpered struggling up the stairs. I wrapped my arms around her waist placing her body weight onto me walking towards my bedroom. Walking into the bedroom I sat her down walking towards the restroom grabbing the first aid kit.  I knelt front the quiet woman's legs grabbing the alcohol wipes looking back up to her wondering eyes. 
          “This might sting a little but i promise i won’t hurt you.” I whispered, placing the wipe against her bloody wrist. A small hiss fell from the girls mouth as she gripped my hoodie, i quietly apologized dabbing the wipe around her wound on her wrist. 
        “Wanda.” She whispered under her breath when I grabbed the bandage from the kit beside her foot. My head snapped up towards her breathlessly smiling, I grabbed my hood gently taking it off. She watched intently as my hand ghosted over my mask pulling it off, and I looked up sending her a small smile. 
          “Hi Wanda, i’m Y/n.” i uttered letting her take in my profile, she let out a breath sending me a small smile. I moved up dabbing a warm rag against her eyebrow, I held my breath for some reason being around her made me feel at ease. I looked down to lock eyes with her own thoughts and ran through my head which I shook my head clearing up the dry blood that painted on her forehead. 
           “Why did they bring you in Wanda?” I asked standing, picking up the used wipes tossing them into the trashcan heading towards the closet. I grabbed a track suit handing it to her,
         “I was doing my nightly stroll and I walked past the Richland Suite and I heard crying and it was a little boy. He said his dad was hurt and I saw some people hurting these men and I just froze. Next thing I know I'm getting tossed into a trunk with a bag over my head.” Once Wanda finished I huffed leaning against the bathroom door shaking my head. 
        “I am truly sorry for what these men have done to you.” Looking down whispering, she walked towards me placing a hand against my cheek,
         “ Why am i feeling like this towards a stranger?” she asked gazing into my timid eyes. I gently placed my hand against her waist looking into her eyes. 
      “Will it make it better if I told you, you’re not the only one?” I whispered my eyes flickering down to her lips. The flashing from her lips to her eyes was repeated multiple times until I leaned in capturing her lips into mines. 
Complete bliss. 
After what seemed like forever but was only a couple seconds, Wanda pulled away resting her forehead against mine. I sighed knowing it’s wrong to leave her with me, grabbing her wrist I dragged her towards my bedroom door. 
     “You can’t stay here. My father finds out you were brought here and you’re still here he’ll kill us both. Let’s get you home.” I spoke untying my red bracelet tying it onto her wrist. She watched my movements and slowly looked into my eyes, 
        “I will never forget you my love.” She spoke but what caught my attention was her voice didn’t sound like a regular American as of before, it dripped with this foreign accent that made my heart flutter. She placed a kiss against my cheek making her way downstairs to the door, I held it open watching her walk down the steps. 
      “We will meet again Y/n.” She said before walking down the street towards the corner then disappearing into the night. I sighed looking at the sky that cried droplets of water, why am I feeling this way. 
          “Hey.” I snapped my head towards the hallway to see Jaime playing with his fingers, i hummed waiting for his response, 
           “We have to take Buck to the hospital.” I scoffed slamming the door walking towards the back door, 
           “I didn’t even mess up his knee that bad, a little ice and a clean up will do” I grumbled out picking up my pace as I opened the back door walking into the pool house. 
          “No Y/n, he’s sick.” Jaime defended opening the door for me, walking in I gasped watching a pale Buck throw up into a small trash can that stood near the small couch. Furrowing my eyebrows I leaned down placing the back of my hand against his head- 
       “He’s on fire- Buck what did you do?” I couldn’t bring myself to look away from his fatigue state but so many unanswered questions danced through my head. Jaime turned on his flashlight on his phone, shining it into the trash can. I gagged seeing the black blood and mixed vomit that pooled inside the can, I wobbled back looking out the huge window. 
          “My head hurts..” Buck wheezed out, squinting my eyes watching sweat trickle down his temple I noticed his eyes weren’t as blue as they once were. I placed a hand against Jaime’s chest patting rapidly, 
        “Call Pedro. Get the car ready. Somethings wrong.” I ordered, Jaime fumbles his phone in his hand trying to type in Pedro’s number with shaky fingers. Once Jaime gave me the okay, I grabbed Bucks hand gripping it tightly. 
          “I’m sorry for the harsh punishment.” I apologized sighing deeply, he weakly smiled tapping my wrist 2 times. 
         “Gotta learn some way huh..” he tried joking, coughing dryly black and white substance dripped from the side of his mouth. 
       “Pedro’s here.” Jaime breathed out running in. Jaime grabbed Buck taking him into Pedro’s car, I leaned against the window frame glancing back at a wheezing Buck. 
      “Keep me updated when you get to the ER with him okay?” I scolded Jaime, he nodded looking at Pedro giving him a firm nod. I stepped back watching the car back away from the driveway riding off into the rainy night. 
Part 2
Part One. 
Im trying guys.
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: Hi! Could you write hcs for poly bakusquad with a quirkless reader who has a serious independent streak but has recently been a target for villain attacks and got injured, but refuses to rely on anyone and tries to ignore their pain and take care of everyone else, please?
This is gonna be a little angsty
• First- it annoyed bakugou that you, someone /quirkless/ made it into the hero class
• On pure fucking spite and anger alone
• You didn't even particularly want to get in to UA
• It was just something you chose to prove someone wrong about
• and it fucking aggravated him- more than aggravated him
• Inspired Deku though, he hated that even more
• and he isn't surebhow- but he ended up talking to you and suddenly you're part of his friend group and he's /okay/ with that
• that irks him too.
• and a lot of things are uncovered when y'all are friendly w eachother
• and they learn pretty fucking fast about your independent streak
• and when you all started dating (crazy how they managed that) they thought it might go away- only it didn't.
• You never asked for help, regardless of what it was- you'd handle it on your own.
• You got hurt during training? Don't worry about it, I'm fine.
• Failed a test? You'd disappear for a few days to study and retake it.
• Didn't know what you were doing in a particular subject? You'd teach it to yourself.
• Aizawa had heard the words 'help' ONCE and he was limited to the help you'd allow him to give you .
• You trained your ass off everyday, you worked hard in school, you took no shit- it was obvious you felt like you had something to prove.
• Bakugou felt like he was a partial reason for that and it made him feel like shit.
• He wasn't exactly the kindest to you when classes started in first year.
• But he was concerned.
• They were all concerned.
• recently, you'd been stressed out. They could tell, even if you weren't giving them signs.
• On top of that, you'd become a big target for villains and no one knew why.
• it seemed like both you and midoryia were a magnet for assholes in masks
• And they tried talking to you about it, they do.
• Denki brings it up, he's holding your hand, Kirishima is threading his fingers through your hair and Seros behind you, holding your waist. Mina is in between your legs, resting her head on your chest and bakugou is at the end of the bed.
• And Denki asks if you need help- whether its coping with it- or dealing with it while its happening- or trying to figure out /why/ they're attacking you
• and you blow him off "it doesn't matter, i'll deal with it if it happens again."
"It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when." Bakugou glares.
"Okay, then when it happens again, I'll deal with it."
"That's fucking stupid," he growls.
Kami squeezes your hand gently. "Maybe we should have a plan-" he glares at Bakugou.
"I was fine last time. Don't do this."
"Do what? Offer fucking help?" Bakugou snaps and Mina cringes. She grips your shirt. She knows what's going to happen, she knows you're going to stomp off to think- it could be a few hours or it could be days. Sometimes, if she held something on you, you'd stay. She hoped this was the case.
"Your fucking pity." You seeth. "I don't need it. I can take care of myself."
"Baby we didn't-" kiri starts but you're already sliding off the bed.
"Babe," Sero looks at you. "please come talk about it,"
You say nothing, and let the door close behind you.
"Fuck." Mina sighs
• Its 2 days.
• 2 days before you resurface, calm and collected, like nothing happened.
• but you're busy- you're training harder. Much harder, you're pushing yourself past your limits and its obvious
• they were already impressed. Theg already knew you could take care of yourself. Why couldn't you see that?
• you push and push and push
• and they don't see as much of you
• when they do see you at the end of the night, you always look exhausted
• and you put on the same fucking front each time
• you smile and laugh and kiss them goodnight but they can see you're in pain
• they don't even get a chance to talk about it with you
• because the next thing they know
• theyre in another attack and youre in the center of it
• You're fighting and you're holding him off but you aren't going to last much longer
• You were tired from the day before- you hadn't gotten proper sleep- and he was strong
• It's all kind of a blur, really, you're thrown a lot, youre bleeding
• he had you by the neck at the end, you were clawing at his hands and he was laughing
• your mates weren't exactly in the best shape either- after all, the attack had happened in the middle of the night
• A strong kick to the center of his nose seemed to do the trick. There was a sickening crack and his hand loosened and he fell back.
• When you regained youre senses you froze- he wasn't breathing.
• you /killed/ him.
• Your stomach churned and suddenly all the pain you felt increased ten fold.
• You scrambled to stand up, Mina was the first one you saw and you fell to your knees in front of her, cupping her cheeks. "Baby? Baby you okay?"
"M fine, but you're not, that's a lot of blood." She looked up at you her eyes wide. "Baby that's a lot-"
"I'm okay, I promise."
• She wanted to yell and scream and you, she wanted to hit you and telling to just accept help but you'd already stood up, moving to look around for the others.
• Denki was next, you met him with a hug and a short but desperate kiss. "You okay?" You whisper, brushing your thumb over his bruised cheek. Mina was behind you now, gently brushing her fingers through the blondes hair, but she stepped away when she saw Kiri and Bakugou.
"I'm okay, I'm okay," he smiked softly.
"Eiji? Katsu?" You mumbled.
"They're okay, they're fine. You don't look so good though."
"M- M okay.." you mutter. Youre tired now. Standing here is nice. You're dizzy- Ashido was right. That was a lot of blood.
Your eyes close and your weight falls.
"Hey- Hey- Jesus! Guys! Katsuki! I don't- I can't tell if she's breathing-"
• You wake up in the hospital 2 days later.
• Mina's in the bed with you, hand thrown gently over your thighs. Sero and Denki are on the left side, heads down, eye's closed and arms over your shin.
• Kiris got your left hand in his, another hand in Minas hip.
• Bakugous on the right side, arms crossed and head down.
• and youre confused because why the fuck are you here?
• what happened?
• you miss Katsukis voice next to you when it all comes back
• and you can't help but scramble to sit up and suddenly you can't breathe
• youre not sure how long you zoned out, but when you finally get back, there's two nurses
• ones replacing and IV bag
• and the other is checking your tempature, you think.
• theres another needle stick in your arm but you can't pay mind to it right now.
• the warmth around you was gone and you desperately wanted it back.
• they weren't in the room anymore
• and when the nurses cleared the room, the tears spilled over.
• your brought your hands to cover your face and your head fell back.
• five minutes? 10 minures? Later there was a gentle tap on your shoulder
• it was ashido
• your arms were around in her seconds
• "You okay?" She whispered as the others took their spots around the bed.
"No," you shook your head. "I killed him- and and I could've gotten you guys hurt because I didn't listen," your breathing had started to get faster again.
"Hey, it's okay. Just breathe," she soothes, thumbs stroking your cheeks.
"I can't- I- fuck /help me/-" you gasp out
• It takes awhile, but they managed to calm you down.
• Ashido just holds you, she lets you cry, and Kiri reminds you that you're okay
• they do most of the comforting usually
• when you're breath has finally started to even out, and you can feel the pain again, you know you'll be asleep soon from the pain meds.
"How bad was it?" You whisper, hands still gripling Minas shirt.
"Bad." Katsuki spoke. "You stopped breathing when we got you here."
Sero rubbed his face. "You needed a blood transfusion. They weren't entirely sure how it was going to end."
"You were...you were just standing in my arms and then you weren't moving. And then you weren't answering-" denki breathed. "There was blood everywhere."
"What about you guys?"
"Can you just stop?" Katsuki groaned. "Can you just let us worry about /you/? Let us help. Don't ask about us. You almost /died/ and your only fucking thought is us. Why?" He was crying, head down, hands gripping his pants.
"He's got a point. It's okay to ask for help," kirishima whispers. "So why don't you?"
• you're quiet for a few moments.
• do you go into detail.
• or do you dodge the question.
• ultimately, the fear of losing them outweighed any shame you would have felt
• "its hard not having a quirk." You mumble, eyes down. "Quirks are practically currency. And power is highly valued. I don't have that. I don't have any of that. I'm in a constant risk of being replaced and if I ask for help, they know I'm weak. I can't ask for help."
• And they all feel their hearts shatter a little bit.
• Bakugou had poked fun at you for quite some time in first year for not having a quirk.
• and Denki wasn't much better- neither was Sero. They'd make jokes about how fast you'd drop out.
• Bakugou would break a little bit, reminding you that you weren't weak. You still being alive was proof of that.
• and slowly
• slowly you get accustomed to ask for help.
• its not necessarily with words- sometimes they ask and you just nod
• or you ask in your own way.
• youre independent streak remains- but its not as bad.
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thinking1bee · 3 years
When it Reigns Part 5
Requested by Anonymous
Pairings: Kara Danvers x Reader
Tags: Angst, Kryptonian!Reader, Parent!Reader, Parent!Kara, Estranged Parent, Graphic Depictions of Injuries, Blood, Humor, Bad Dreams, Memory Loss
Everything Taglist: @sammy90682 @nobody13 @owloftheshadows @captain-josslett @camslightstories @worldovart @finleyfray @acertainredhead @sammm9068 @reginassecretlover
It took some more investigative journalism, but you and Kara found out that it was Edge who was behind poisoning the kids. He orchestrated the plan to have chemicals dumped into the pool, and then to frame Lena further by dumping the same chemicals into National City’s water supply. Luckily with some saving from Supergirl, Edge was thrown behind bars and a cure was made for the families afflicted. You sighed for a day well done and you were in the process of saying good night to Angel.
“Will Luke be okay?” she asked you and you smiled.
“Yes. He should be getting better as we speak.”
You leaned down and kissed her forehead when Angel froze.
“Hey what’s wrong?”
She blinked. “You have a hole in your shirt.”
You looked down to see what she was talking about. Sure enough, there was a tear in the fabric of your blouse, and you held it in confusion, wondering how it got there.
“Oh, weird,” you said, shrugging it off. “Sweet dreams, okay?”
Angel nodded before she closed her eyes and you left quietly, smiling fondly as your daughter drifted off to sleep. As you walked down the hall, you felt at the tear in your shirt, and as you kept playing with it, something cold and metallic fell from the torn threads and landed on the floor with a sharp clang. You paused, bending over to pick up the object, and when you inspected it, you saw that it was a bullet.
You were…shot.
And you didn’t feel it.
Your hands went to your stomach, feeling around for anything unusual. You even lifted your shirt to see if there was anything wrong. There was nothing. Just the expanse of smooth and unharmed flesh. You swallowed hard as you looked up, seeing nothing but the emptiness of the hallway in front of you. You couldn’t ignore any of this anymore. You needed answers, so you went into your room and packed a small travel bag. You’d be gone for a day tops and hopefully, you would find what you needed. As you packed, you dialed for Kara, and she answered in the first ring.
“Y/n is everything okay?” she asked, and you smiled. Your darling wife, ever the worrier.
“I’m fine babe,” you replied with the smile playing at your lips. “I was wondering if you would be okay with watching Angel. I need to take a trip.”
You could practically hear Kara fix her glasses while shifting her weight from one foot to the other. “Is everything okay?” she asked again.
“I think so. I just need to pay a visit to my mother.”
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
The question was justified. The relationship between you and your adopted parental figure was less than stable. You’d soon go to hell voluntarily before stepping foot in her house again, but this was important. Something was going on with you and you needed answers. You had to start somewhere.
“I’ll be fine, I promise.”
Kara accepted your promise, trusting that you would be fine like you said. “Okay, just come back soon.”
You smiled. “I love you.”
“I love you more,” you replied, and you disconnected the call.
Kara nibbled her lips, staring at the screen when you disconnected the call. She couldn’t help but think that something wears wrong and that you wanted her to think that everything was okay. Whatever it was, she knew that she would have to wrap this up soon. Angel was already home, and judging by the clock on Kara’s phone, was also in bed.
Kara looked up to see everyone in the DEO staring at her and she hastily put her phone back in her pocket.
“Is everything okay?” Alex asked and Kara shrugged. That was all she could do.
She was so worried about you. Ever since Angel told her about your selective memory loss, she had been so preoccupied with you that it was evoking distracting. She knew she should have followed up with that. She trusted you, as she did, but something was telling her to dive deeper into it and she ignored it. What could be going on that you felt the need to reach out to a woman that you had spoken to in years? Was everything that bad? And what about when Angel got hurt. Angel told her that it was a city light pole that fell on top of her, but she had been less than forthcoming with the details as to how she got free from under it. Things weren’t making any sense.
Kara blinked and focused on everyone again. Alex had asked her a question and she went on a mental spiral.
“I’m fine,” she said quickly, but everyone looked at each other with skepticism. If Kara was truly okay, she wasn’t very convincing about it.
“Are you sure?” Alex asked, mirroring Kara’s early question to you. She nodded.
“Yes. Let’s focus on what caused the earthquake.”
Alex gave her once last look, her eyes searching. Kara nodded, her eyes focused on hers, knowing that she would know what it meant. We’ll talk later. Alex nodded before turning her attention back to the giant screens in front of her.
“Go ahead, Winn.”
Winn typed on his tablet before he dragged his finger across the screen, his wrist flicking, before what was on his tablet appeared on screens for everyone to see. On them was a map, with a single dot highlighted on a specific location. From the dot came virtual shockwaves that pulsed from the single location and spread outwards.
“I was able to pinpoint the exact location of the earthquake,” he explained. “But theres nothing out there.”
Beside him, J’onn nodded and crossed his arms. “I flew from the center and covered the entire area of coverage. There’s nothing there except cracked earth and debris.”
“So, if there’s nothing there, where did the earthquake come from?” Kara asked.
“That’s the mystery,” Winn said as he turned his attention back to the pulsating dot on the screen. Kara watched as the shockwaves emanated from the point over and over, the feeling of foreboding sending a chill down her spine.
You pulled up to your mother’s house and put the car in park. She still lived all the way out in Metropolis and was still in the same house and everything. It was like nothing changed. Well almost nothing. She may have stayed the same, but you changed entirely. No matter what happened, you promised to keep your cool. There was a reason why you never so much as sent her a Christmas card. So, you took a deep breath and squared your shoulders, before getting out of the car and knocking on the door. It took a bit of knocking but she finally answered, and she looked at you like she had seen a ghost.
“Hello, Elizabeth,” you greeted. “May I come in?”
After some small talk and a glass of water that you still hadn’t drank from, it was finally time to address the elephant in the room. Though if it were up to you, the elephant wouldn’t need to be pointed out anyway. Just acknowledge it and move on.
“I haven’t seen you since…” Elizabeth swallowed thickly, a nervous chuckle escaping her. “Well, you know.
“I couldn’t imagine why you’d expect me to keep in touch after you kicked me out.”
“I did that to teach you a lesson!”
She still believed that? Even after all these years?
“That’s odd because that wasn’t what it felt like.”
She looked away from you, her eyebrows furrowed in hurt, and you had to resist the urge to scoff. Her little act wasn’t going to work on you. You decided that you had enough with strolling down memory lane.
“Do you know where I can find my birth parents?” you asked. At that, her head snapped up and she met your eyes.
“That doesn’t matter. Do you know or not?”
She didn’t answer, she only stared at you, and you could feel your irritation grow. You never asked her of anything, not since she kicked you out, and now that you were asking about your real parents, after all these years, now she wanted to give you a hard time???
“I’m sorry,” was all she said. You smirked and she looked at you.
“You have got to be kidding me. Then at least tell me which adoption agency you adopted me from.”
Elizabeth shook her head, and you actually snapped your fingers, pointing at her as your irritation morphed into rage.
“I’ve never asked you for anything once you threw me out, and this is how you want to play this?!”
“That was to teach you a lesson,” she repeated, like the explanation would make everything okay.
“That what?” you demanded. “That it was never okay for me to like who I liked?”
“You know that I didn’t approve of your homosexual escapades.”
“Oh yeah, and then I dated a guy to make you happy. Good thing for me that he knocked me up and left the moment he found out I was pregnant. I was 19! I needed someone there for me! I needed my mom!”
“Y-you were pregnant?” she whispered, horrified that she hadn’t known until now.
“Yes! And you would have known that if you had just listened to me!”
Elizabeth had thrown you to the side after finding out that you had sex with him. She wanted a good Christian daughter, one that followed every rule in the Bible. That wasn’t you, and no matter how much she tried to force you to learn, or how much she forced you to go to church, it would never be you. Even now. You were happily married and trying your damnedest with your daughter. The relationship with her sperm donor may have been a huge mistake, but Angel never will be that. She was so much more. She was the reason you never gave up, and the woman that was in front of you, was the reason why you never learned to be a good mom. You spent your whole life being what she wanted for her sake.
“Did you keep it?” Elizabeth whispered.
“Her name is Angel,” you said sternly, and you had the satisfaction of watching her flinch. “And I guess by technicality you do have a granddaughter.”
“How is she?”
You stared at her, really stared at her, incredulous that she thought that she had the right to ask about Angel.
“If you think that I would let you, with your religious, Bible thumping poison and rhetoric around her, then I must be on crack.”
Elizabeth sighed. “I’m sorry.”
It was way too late for sorry. That wouldn’t work on you either.
“Do you know anything about my birth parents or the adoption agency that you got me from?” you asked again.
“Why do you want to know so bad?”
You had to stop yourself from screaming in from frustration. Instead, you took a deep breath and looked down.
“Things have been happening to me, Elizabeth,” you started as you looked at her intensely. I keep blacking out to do only God knows what and then I have no recollection of going anywhere or saying anything. Earlier this week, a pole fell on my daughter, and I lifted it clear above my head and threw it away as though it weighed nothing. Yesterday I was at a press conference when someone open fired into the crowd. I was shot, Elizabeth, and I didn’t feel anything. I pulled the crushed bullet from my clothes but there were no marks, no cuts, no anything. The past few weeks have been weird, and I swallowed the anger I have with you to ask you for your help. Now if you know anything, now would be the time to tell me.”
Elizabeth looked at you and was quiet. It seemed like she wasn’t going to say anything until she nodded her head, deciding something internally, before she looked at you.
“Follow me. I want to show you something.”
Part 6
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butgilinsky · 3 years
december // mb
warning; heartbreak. that’s it. 
summary; after he’s left alone in an empty apartment with the weight of the world on his shoulders, mat comes to realize that december’s his least favorite month of the year. based on the song december by neck deep.
word count; 3.8k+ 
add yourself to my nhl taglist!
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mat doesn’t know how long he’s been walking around the block. all he knows is that it’s hard to see, even harder to walk straight, and he can’t shake the itch he has to call you. he just needs one more time, just one final attempt at hearing your voice, even if it’s just your answering machine. 
“hey, this is y/n! i’ll get back to you-” he hangs up then, decides that he doesn’t have the mental capacity to leave another message. 
it’s only been two weeks, but mat feels like it’s been years since he’s seen you. his heartbreak is just as fresh as it was when you walked away from him, tears in his eyes and mind going through the motions of trying to put itself back together again. two weeks isn’t long enough to heal from the gaping hole you left in his heart. there’s not enough time in the world for mat to heal properly. 
he comes to the realization that he’ll never be the same fairly quickly. he thought you were it for him. he thought that every obstacle would be tackled by the two of you together. he thought you’d be in this shit show called life together, for the long haul. he can’t say it’s not his fault, can’t say he tried as hard as he could. he took you for granted, and he knows that now, but now it’s too late.
he thinks that december is the worst month to be face heartache. he can’t take you home for christmas like he planned, can’t kiss you when the clock strikes midnight on january first. he doesn’t get to see you shudder from the cold despite him telling you to bundle up ten times before leaving the house. the christmas decorations that line the street are a constant reminder of the ones you lined the apartment with, and mat starts to think he’ll never look at christmas decorations the same. 
when he gets back home he sees a pair of your shoes by the door. he sees the christmas card from your best friend sitting on the table in the entry way. he sees little traces of you, almost fooling him into thinking you still live there. he has to remind himself then, your stuff is here but you’re not. you told him you��d pick everything up after he went to vancouver, wanting to limit your amount of contact with mat, but that only made it worse for him. 
you didn’t want to see him anymore. he wants to see you, and you want nothing to do with him anymore. it’s a hard pill to swallow, losing you so quickly after having you for so long. he knows he should understand, knows he should come to terms with the fact that he wasn’t the best he could’ve been. he wasn’t the man he should’ve been, nowhere near the man you deserved. you asked for simple things and mat told you he’d never be able to give them to you. 
he thinks about how hard it’ll be to go home, to open gifts on christmas when he knows that theres a pile of boxes in the back of his closet that’ll never be opened. he knows that he should return them, should take them back to the stores before his grace period expires, but he can’t bring himself to even look at the boxes. he can’t bring himself to return the gifts he bought for you, can’t imagine going over each individual one in the process. 
tito offers to do it for him, says that he has a pair of pants he needs to return anyways, but mat knows better. he knows his friend is just doing what he thinks will help, and while it’s heartwarming, it’s also gut wrenching that his friends think he can’t take care of things himself. 
the first time he sees you after you walked out is at a restaurant, sitting across the table from a guy he’s never seen before. anders asks if he wants to leave, says that there’s another place they can go to right around the corner. mat shakes his head and slides into his seat, says it’s fine even though it’s not. 
he sits with his back to you, figures that’ll make it easier to resist the temptation to look at you. he doesn’t know that you watched him walk in, watched him slide into the seat facing away from you. he doesn’t know that your heart sinks into your stomach when you see him turn his back to you, silently telling you that it’s simply too difficult to look at you now. 
you excuse yourself from your table, the man across from you offering you a worried smile before you walk to the bathroom quicker than normal. you grip the edge of the sink, leaning over it in case your stomach fails you. the world around you spins, makes it harder to catch your breath that’s only getting worse with every passing second. 
you try to ground yourself, try to tell yourself that you did what was right for you, that this is what you wanted. it’s what you needed. you remind yourself that you want things that mat can’t give you. you want things that mat doesn’t want to give you. you need a life that mat can’t provide. 
“what do you want from me, y/n?” it’s the same fight, the one you’ve had too many times to count. you ask for something simple, ask him to do the bare minimum only for him to act as if you asked him to pull the moon out of the sky and shove it in your pocket. 
“i want you to tell me that we’ll get there! i don’t need it now, mat, but-”
“but that’s the thing, y/n. you do need it now. you want me to throw away everything i’ve worked for because you want some stupid house with a red door and shrubs around the lawn. you want to get married on a beach or in a forest. you want to have a large wedding, a reception in a big ballroom where everyone is smiling at you like you’re the only person in the room. 
“you want kids that pull on your hair and draw on the walls. you want to settle down and have a life made for thirty year olds who sit in cubicles from nine to five and then go home and eat dinner at the kitchen table. but i can’t give that to you. you want a life i can’t give you.” 
it hits you at full force, like a tsunami that nobody saw coming just before it wipes out an entire city. you try to ground yourself, try to bring yourself back to the restaurant bathroom that you’re in, rather than your place in the middle of your living room, crying and begging mat to just listen to you. 
you don’t think you’re ready to leave the space just yet, but you’re reminded that you’re not here alone, and the guy at your table is probably worried that you’re crawling out of the bathroom window. 
you run straight into someone on your way out of the bathroom, chests colliding into one another before you’re both rushing out apologies. you’re almost knocked off of your feet by the force, and grip onto the first thing that you can reach, which happens to be the person’s forearm. 
anthony’s hands steady you, making sure you don’t topple over in the heels that are suffocating your feet. he tries to mask his shock with a warm smile, tries to hide the sympathy that’s eating away at him. it doesn’t work, but you can tell he’s trying. 
he noticed the red rimmed eyes you’re sporting, and the way your eyeliner is smudged just the slightest bit. he notices the indents in your bottom lip from where you were just chewing on it to conceal the sounds of your sobs. it’s not the first time he’s seen you in a state similar to this one, and he’s not sure if he hopes it’s the last. 
you see him look back at his table and make the mistake of following suit, feeling every muscle in your body tense when you find the same set of eyes you’d missed for two months. you can’t tear your eyes away from him, can’t even bother to notice that the guy who brought you here is watching the entire exchange. 
mat doesn’t know what to do. he doesn’t know if he should look away and pretend like he never saw you or if he should get up and go talk to you. he doesn’t know where the boundaries are drawn or if he’s invited to overstep them regardless of what they entail. he wants to ask you, wants to stand up from his set and rush to take tito’s spot. he wants to hear your voice and feel your touch, feel his heart intertwine with yours in a bed shared by the two of you. 
anders brings mat back, clapping a hand on his back and trying to integrate him back into the table’s conversation. you look at him for a little longer, only brought out of your thoughts when you hear anthony’s voice. 
“i have to go.” you leave him before he can say anything else, walking up to your table and rushing out a slew of apologies as you gather your things. 
“i’m sorry, i have to go.” he notices the tears building in your eyes, asks you if you need a ride home or money for a cab, both of which you turn down but thank him for. he’s not sure what just happened but he knows you can’t stay here for much longer without tipping over the edge, so he lets you go. 
you walk by his table then, trying to ignore the fact that you’re so close to him. you ignore the call of your name and cover your mouth with the back of your hand as you inevitably catch the attention of half of the restaurant. 
“barz, don’t-”
“y/n!” he’s out of his seat and running after you before any of his teammates can bring him back down. 
he doesn’t care that the whole restaurant is watching, doesn’t care that he’ll see stories about the exchange in the morning. he just focuses on you running out of the doors the best that you can, focuses on the fact that he’s getting closer to you with every stride. it’s not close enough, but it’s the closest he’s been in a long time and he’ll take anything he can get at this point. 
“don’t do this, mat.” it’s the first time he’s heard your real voice for month; the first time it’s not your answering machine or his saved voicemails from you. it’s not in a video he can’t seem to stop watching, or a figment of his imagination in the middle of the night. it’s you, and you’re here. for a moment, he thinks he’s dreaming. 
“baby, please.” you move when he reaches for you, trying to hail a cab as quickly as you can so you can get the hell out of this situation. 
“i can’t do this. please, mat, please don’t do this. i’m begging you.” he feels his heart sink at the desperation in your face, somehow coming to terms with the notion that you don’t want to talk to him right now, and you probably don’t want to talk to him ever again. “i can’t do this to me mat, because if i let you tell me what you’re thinking then i’m not going to be able to walk away from you.” 
your words hit him at full force, almost knocking him straight off of his feet. he’s not entirely sure what weight your words held, but he does know the he wishes you’d give him the room to explain why that wouldn’t be such a bad thing. 
a cab pulls up to the curb and you’re reaching for the handle before he can get another word out, even though he doesn’t have anything else to say. he’s forced you into conversations that you didn’t want to have for months, he can’t bring himself to do that right now despite the questions swimming around in his mind. 
he watches you slip into the backseat, locking eyes with him one more time before shutting the door and begging the cab driver to take you home. he knows he messed up, knows he should’ve stayed in the restaurant, knows that he shouldn’t have let you walk out in december. 
you’re gone before he can process it. he’s left standing on the edge of the sidewalk, his hands shoved into his pockets and his eyes glued to the spot where you once stood. he feels a hand on his back, hears his friends telling him that you just needed time, that it was still all too new for you to face. 
but they don’t know you the way he does. they don’t know that you’re never going to be ready to face this. they don’t know that all you wanted was mat in a big house with a rose colored door, and all he gave you was the opportunity to find him passed out in the bathroom at three in the morning, too drunk to crawl into bed. 
he hears tito say the same thing he always does. the four words he hates to hear, but can’t seem to get his friend to stop muttering when the situation arises. 
“pain is never permanent.”
he bites his tongue, doesn’t want to yell at tito and tell him that he knows that, but tonight it’s killing him. he doesn’t say that december has become his least favorite month, that he wishes time would slow down so he wouldn’t have to reach the end of the year. 
the next time he sees you is a few months later. this time you’re in the park, hand gripping a leash with a dog he’s never seen on the other end of it. he feels his heart threatening to jump out of his chest when he sees you leaning into someone’s side, his arm wrapped around your shoulders. he has a leash in his hand as well, a different dog on the end of it. 
he doesn’t know if they’re yours or his, the dogs. he doesn’t know if they’re still puppies or fully grown. he doesn’t know if the guy you’re with is your new boyfriend, or a friend that’s overly affectionate. 
he gets his answer, unwillingly, when you turn to the man and smile brightly, watching as you push yourself onto your toes and press your lips to his. mat feels bile tickle the back of his throat, feels the gut wrenching feeling that comes with a heartbreak that’s never subsided. 
he wonders how he’s forced to see you like this. the city’s so big, and he had to be at the same park as you and him today. his jog picks up pace, his frustration being fueled into his early morning run. 
you see him when he passes you, eyes locking for just a moment before he looks ahead of himself once more. you know he’s mad, know he’s still grieving, but then you’re reminded of the man beside you, his hand squeezing your shoulder just as the dog on your leash gives you a firm tug as a reminder of where you are and who you’re with. 
you smile at him and tell him that yeah, you’re fine. you walk with him, only glancing over your shoulder once. mat’s already gone, no sign of him anywhere in sight. you almost wonder if you’d made up the entire thing in your head. 
it’s december again, and when mat reaches up to scratch his neck, he’s reminded of the facial hair he’s sporting. he remembers a time when you ran your fingers over his jaw, scratching gently at the stubble forming. 
“should i shave it?” you hum, almost not hearing his question. he asks again, peeling his eyes away from the tv and looking down at you. 
your head’s on his chest, and your eye are wide with admiration as you look up at him and shake your head. you tell him no, that you like his facial hair and it makes him look about five years older. he smiles, despite the fact that he asks you if that meant you didn’t like the babyface he usually wore. 
you smile then, rolling your eyes and squealing when his fingers dig into your ribs. you try to swat him away, but he rolls the two of you over and effectively traps you between him and the mattress. he only stops when you struggle to catch your breath from laughing, both of you wearing wide, cheesy grins while holding eye contact. 
you lean up and press your lips to his, humming when he pushed back against your lips with added pressure. his fingers dip down to your hips, gripping them slightly before slipping under the material of your shirt. 
mat has to pull himself out of the memory before his mind goes too far. he can’t spend too much time dwelling on the moment, or he’ll back out. he can’t back out, not after getting this far. 
he needs to tell you, needs you to know that he wants the best for you. he wants you to have everything you’ve ever wanted in life, even if he isn’t the one that gets to give it all to you. 
he wants you to know that he loves you, and will until his last breath. the years he spent with you weren’t like anything else he’s ever experienced, and he has a feeling it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. 
your smile spreads a warmth through his chest. he notices that it doesn’t reach your eyes, but neither does his. he walks into the coffee shop, know that there are so many thoughts bound to be left unspoken by the end of this. neither of you know how to start this conversation, but you take the first plunge. 
“you look good.” he lets a soft laugh slip, not understanding how that can be the first thing you’re saying to him after all of this time. he takes it in stride though, and bites his tongue so he doesn’t return the sentiment. 
there’s not much small talk. it’s practically impossible to sit in front of the other and pretend like the last few years never happened. he can’t act like he doesn’t know how it feels to wake up beside you, or have your lips moving up and down the skin of his neck. you can’t pretend you don’t know how it feels to watch him score a goal, or two, or three, and be the one that gets to go home with him afterwards. 
so he takes a deep breath, and you sense the hesitation coursing through him. he notices your patience, remembers how that came in handy over the course of your relationship. he gives you another small smile, and grips the cup in front of him as a way to keep his hands occupied while he starts to speak.
“i just want you to know that i want you to be happy. i know that you are, and that makes me happy. i hope you get your ball room floor, and your perfect house with rose red doors. i know that it’s been a long time, and i couldn’t tell you that when-” he swallows, and attempt to stop the lump from forming in his throat. it doesn’t work, but it adds a sense of comfort in a weird way. 
“i want you to know that i’m happy for you. i wish it was me, and i’d be lying if i said there’s a point where i won’t feel like that, but i know that you wanted things i couldn’t give you. i hope he's better than I ever could have been.” he doesn’t say that he doesn’t think that’s possible, and he doesn’t say that he’s ready to give you everything you’ve ever wanted, everything you asked him for a year ago. 
he doesn’t say that he’s ready now, that he’s at a place that he didn’t think he’d ever reach. you don’t get the pleasure of knowing that mat’s ready for this, for you. you’re left with the thought that he’ll never be ready, and you’ll never be given the chance to see mat mowing the lawn of a big, two-story house with a red door and a wrap around porch. 
you don’t tell him that you want to hear it, that you need to hear it. you don’t tell him that you’d drop everything you have right now if it meant that you can live that life with mat. he doesn’t get the pleasure of knowing that you’re silently begging him to ask you to leave your new life behind and run away with him. he’s left with the thought that you’re satisfied with what you have going for you, and he’ll never be given the chance to see you in a beautiful white dress, walking towards him with a smile so bright, he thinks it’ll blind him. 
you sit across from each other, biting your tongues and holding back words that would change everything if just one of you would simply spit it out. if one of you could build the courage to just say what you were both thinking, your lives would change once again. your lives would finally end up being everything you wanted them to be. 
but you don’t say anything, because you don’t think there’s a place for you to say it. mat doesn’t say anything, and he thinks he’s doing the right thing by holding back. he thinks he’s come to terms with how his life is meant to play out, and you think he’s still incapable of reaching the point that you need him to be at. 
you leave the coffee shop with a weight on your shoulders that wasn’t there when you arrived. your stomach feels uneasy, maybe from the coffee but definitely from the realization that you’d never be able to move on from mathew barzal. 
mat stays in his seat after you leave, not being able to hug you goodbye or watch you walk back to your car. he can’t find it in him to move from his spot, trying to give himself the time to come to the realization of what just happened. he knows that he still loves you, knows that he’ll always love you. he feels his chest ache and maybe it’s the weight of the situation, but it’s definitely from the realization that he’d never be able to move on from you. 
it’s going to be another long, lonely december.
barzy taglist; @extratragic @vinceduhn @teenagekook @smit41 @sidscrosbyy​ 
himbos; @babytkachuks​ @bricksatlandyswindow​ @anxietyandtacos​ @damndunner​ @dmonchld​ @kiedhara​ @sortagaysortahigh​ 
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vintagecxctus · 3 years
“Something Bad”
-before we begin, this fic deals with sexual assault and it’s mentioned fairly directly. read with caution and your own safety and comfort in mind. this is technically a “reid-centric” fic but i do want to write a sequel to this that is more morgan focused because i think that his experience with Carl Buford is often overlooked. i’m rambling, thank you for reading :))-
It felt selfish, coming here. To Spencer at least. He stood stiff as a board, preparing himself to knock. As it would be, he didn’t have to. The door opened on its own, no prompting from the man before it.
“Spencer?” Morgan’s deep husky voice, laced with concern called out.
“How’d you know I was at the door?” Reid inquired, staring hard at the ground.
“Clooney has missed you, must have smelled you through the door. Either way, he was going nuts. Whining and barking until I got him to his favorite genius.” As if to make a point, Clooney woofed from beside Derek, tongue out chaps drawn back into a dopey grin.
Spencer got onto his knees and began petting the puppy, who’s tail was now going a mile a minute. He gave one wet kiss to Spencer’s face and layed down on his lap, not quite fitting.
“Dogs know.” Morgan said smiling sadly at his coworker and dog. “When something is wrong, I mean. Why don’t you two come inside and continue this cuddle session.”
“Derek, something bad happened.” Spencer said, always having a way with dramatically understating things. Clooney whimpered and nudged Spencer’s hand at the sudden change in body language.
“I know.” Morgan said, placing a comforting hand on Spencer’s shoulder, light enough that the other boy could shake it off if he wanted.
“You know?” Spencer looked up, making eye contact for the first time tonight with wide glossy eyes.
“I know that something happened, and I know when. I don’t know what though.” Morgan saw the boys confused look and explained, “You came into work one day and everything was different. Like your personality had shifted just slightly. You wouldn’t look at anyone, your smiles were fake, you’ve lost weight.”
“I’m sorry.”
“There’s nothing for you to be sorry for, nothing at all. Something bad happened, and when it did you changed to accommodate for the something bad, for survival.” It made much more sense coming out of Morgan’s mouth.
“Can I tell you the Something Bad?” He wasn’t sure when it became capitalized in his mind.
“Of course Reid, you’re my best friend. I’m here for you for the rest of your life, like it or not.” They had made their way to the couch and Spencer’s hand somehow made it into Derek’s.
“I can’t say who did it. You and the team would try to find them, and I don’t want that. Someone hurt me.” Clooney whimpered from the floor, pawing at the couch. Derek snapped and motioned at him and he hopped onto the couch, nuzzling his way into Spencer’s lap.
“He came over to my apartment, I haven’t seen him in a while so I was surprised to see him. He….offered a drink. I don’t drink, so I let him make me tea. I never….I’m assuming he put something in it. It’s all blurry from there. I had such a clear, conscious, train of thought. But my body was numb and felt a bit like jelly. I couldn’t have fought back in that state. I tried. I tried so fucking hard.” Theres tears running down the younger mans face. Morgan is tense and visibly shaken.
“Did he….” They danced a pas de deux around the word ‘Rape’.
“Yes. He just took everything he wanted, and I couldn’t do anything to make it stop. I don’t remember all of it. I went to a happier place in my mind as much as I could, once I realized this was happening and I couldn’t stop it.” The conversation broke off in a sob.
“God, I’m so sorry Spence.” Words were failing the man.
“Can….Can you hold me? Just for a minute.” Spencer was barely done with his sentence before Derek was pulling him into his lap, letting Spencer’s head curl into his chest. Clooney let out a groan and, if dogs could glare that is, glared at Morgan. Just to say ‘you took my cuddle buddy away’.
“Clooney isn’t pleased.” Derek let out a breathy laugh, running his fingers through Spencer’s hair. It was clear it hadn’t been brushed through in a long time and it made Derek’s stomach churn.
“He can join us if you’re okay with it.” Spencer honest to god giggled when he looked at the dogs pout. He had now turned onto his back and was sliding off the couch with a dramatic howl, like an upset toddler.
“Come here you silly boy. I would never separate you two for long.” Clooney came over and hopped right into the pile of limbs.
“How did you do it?” Spencer looked up at Derek, such faith and adoration in his eyes that it almost brought him to tears. He cradled Reid’s head and pulled him into a tight hug.
“How did I do what, pretty boy?” Morgan secretly wondered if it was okay for him to call him that right now.
“Heal.” Reid frowned. “From your Something Bad.”
“I didn’t heal for a long time. Concealing it doesn’t fix it. I didn’t heal until after the case in Chicago. After I told someone, in that sense, your pattern of healing is already ahead of mine.” Love churned in his gut, god this was a talk he never wanted to have. “You’re ahead in another way too, I didn’t have someone who understood to help me.”
“You want to help me heal?” Reid let another few tears fall before Clooney licked them off his face.
“Of course I do. I want to help you with all of this. I want to be there for the good days and the bad. I wanna be there when you can’t get out of bed and when you find your voice to take this douche bag down. I want to be there not just for you, but with you.” Morgan offered. Reid broke. He just cried and cried. Clooney couldn’t keep up anymore and just let them fall.
When the tears stopped and the storm seemed to give way, they talked again.
“How about you stay here tonight? I’ll order us food, it’s on me. We can watch whatever you want until ungodly hours and then you and Clooney can cuddle you to death in your sleep. I was serious about his missing you, that dog needs his Spencer.”
“I didn’t think anything would ever sound good or fun again.” Spencer smiled just a little. “That sounds amazing.”
So that’s how they spent the night, cuddling on the couch and eating pizza, watching Doctor Who and, who knew that Spencer even liked this, reality TV. And when it got too late, neither of them had the strength to untangle. So they didn’t, and they stayed that way, in a deep sleep posed together as Valdaro Lovers.
i hope that you enjoyed this and please take it with a grain of salt because it’s not my best work.
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poptod · 3 years
The Breeding Kings, pt. 3 (Ahkmenrah x Reader)
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Description: The blacksmith.
Notes: I Love this story but i know yall arent that interested in it which is kinda yikes for me but theres no way im not finishing this fic whether its now or two years from now WC: 7.8k (again im so sorry)
By the time you and Ahkmen actually made it out of the pyramid, most of the stars had vanished, and the dawning light of the sun sparked a panic in the Prince's heart. He hurried you back to the shore, picking you up and setting you in the boat before pushing the boat far into the water. Constant glances over your head let him keep an eye on the shore, on the rotating guards at the gates, and where was best to tie the canoe back up.
In the end, he found a spot as far away from the gates as possible, securing the boat before helping you out of the rickety contraption.
"Have you school?"
"Unfortunately," he muttered beneath his breath, adjusting his belt.
With that he took your hand, jogging down the wooden docks until you came to the entrance. He ran through that as well, terrified of anyone recognizing him, and didn't leave enough time for you to think on it long. Ever respectful, he saw you home before sprinting back to the palace by himself, wind burning his eyes all the way up.
For the next couple days he took extra care in his physical health. Learning to calculate the time of day and its' relation to the curvature of the earth, while in the blazing heat of the sun, had not fared well on his sleep-deprived mind. When he returned home that evening, he slept over 12 hours in a dead faceplant on his bed. Upon waking he found Piye looming above him with a knowing expression.
"How much time have you been spending with that Yogi?" They asked in a clearer, less clogged voice than Ahkmen had been able to manage through the amount of beer he'd had recently, paired with how little sleep he had.
"Didn't come home one evening," he grumbled, raising his hand to wipe away the tiredness from his eyes. "Got a lot of sleep last night, though."
"I can see that. Get up. We've got some time yet before the weekend," Piye said with a clap that roused the young Prince.
"Good morning, my Prince," said Naguib, who slipped in through the door. "The Pharaoh's dinner with the emissaries from Ebla is tonight. He wants you there."
"I have other places to be," Ahkmen whined, his shoulders drooping as he looked up.
"So does he," Piye said flatly.
School passed by without him ever seeing you, a fact that disappointed him more than it saddened him. His mood got him into a small verbal bout with one of his teachers, and though Piye tried to hold him back, the school day ended with him in one of the study rooms watching Yafeu argue with his father.
Ahkmen huffed, resting the weight of his head on his open palm balanced on the table in front of him. Yafeu couldn't tell him that he wasn't allowed in the school anymore, but the Priest would do his best to make sure Ahk got the second best punishment.
"I expect more from you, Ahkmen," his father said quietly as they walked side by side back to the palace. "None of your brothers have the skills or the wherewithal to lead a country. That responsibility may fall to you."
"Kamun is the oldest, isn't he?" Ahkmen grumbled. "He's the one who's going to be Pharaoh."
"Nothing is set in certainty, my son. Now then, in a few hours the Eblans will arrive, and a dinner will follow."
"Does that mean I have some free time, then?" Ahk asked with a sudden, bright change in tone.
"I want you to get ready," Merenkahre said, frowning. "Not play around with your friends."
"I'll only be there an hour at most," he said, playing off his own innocence.
The Pharaoh paused in the street to look down at Ahkmen, before letting out a long sigh.
"Very well. One hour."
Ahkmen didn't wait to return to his room––he turned and immediately set back off down the road, dashing and twisting through the crowds that formed the closer he got to the temple of Osiris. He barely looked to see where his hands and feet were as he climbed over the familiar crates, landing back in your alley and ducking back into your home.
To his surprise, Piye was already sitting in your waiting room, their feet set on a high shelf with their butt in a pile of blankets.
"Oh, hello Ah–"
You entered the room with massive goggles on.
"-hhh whhhat's up?" Piye corrected with wide eyes.
"... not much," Ahkmen said slowly. "I have a dinner with my parents in an hour, so I can't stay for long."
"I do need one help," you said as you pulled your goggles off, examining the material in your glove-clad hands. "I need a.. a..."
You snapped your fingers, attempting to recall the name of something. Ahk and Piye waited patiently.
"A kaentam," you muttered before a curse. "It is the rocks that kiss."
Piye stared at you dumbfounded, their mouth half open.
"You mean a magnet?"
"I think, yes," you said, though you didn't look sure. "Panya and her rock are still not... I do not know the type of her rock. I need your 'magnet' for to find the – the name."
"Well it's not exactly easy to find magnets," Ahkmen said slowly, picking at his chin as he thought.
"No, yeah," Piye agreed in the same contemplating tone. "I know they're used in medicine, but it's a... an unconventional treatment. Kind of expensive."
Ahk stared at the ground, continuing to play with the skin of his jaw.
"I think I know where we might find some," Ahk said after a moment.
"What is it?" You asked, stepping nearer.
"Osiris' temple. Priests have areas for medicine, and we already know the layout of the place."
"It's late, though. We're not allowed to enter after sunset," Piye pointed out.
"That's why it's good we know the layout!" Ahk said as he stood. "Now let's go."
"Don't you have a formal dinner in an hour?" Piye asked, watching Ahkmen leave out the door with a quirked brow.
"Let's gooo!" Ahkmen sang from outside.
Anything to distract from the coming responsibilities––anything to earn your favor, to win you over in some fashion he was convinced he hadn't already won you over in. You followed him out with a smile, murmuring a small greeting and thanks before Piye also appeared from behind you.
"And onwards we go, to Osiris, to Osiris," Ahk sung as he scaled the crates, followed by you and Piye in order.
"We have obtained," Piye continued the song with a grunt, "forever and ever, what your Grace will gift us."
"You talk like your heads have nothing in their side," you said, to Ahkmen's great amusement.
As Ahkmen originally suspected, most of the temple's inhabitants were too preoccupied with the evening adulations to notice three children, however strange looking, entering the complex. Ahk entered first, donned in his usual golden fabrics, followed by Piye, who by themselves always looked out of place no matter where they were or what they wore, and then you, a child at Piye's side, dressed in an unfamiliar but royal fashion.
Murmurings and voices could be heard from the tall roof of Osiris' temple, where many of the hour priests gathered to scan the heavens. Already the brightest stars shone through the light of sunset, a fact Ahkmen was quite glad about, since it would keep attention off him.
"Yafeu's room here has many, many supplies," Ahkmen whispered as the three of you crept down the open hallway.
"How do you know that?" Piye asked.
"I was sent there so he could yell at me and he's got bookcases and chests worth of things in there. What a monetary bastard," Ahk said with a tut, chuckling from his own humor.
When he reached the door to Yafeu's office, he slowly turned the lock, letting the wood door swing open with a creak. He motioned Piye in, then you, before following in himself, locking the door behind him.
Although Ahkmen might've been privy to the private belongings of the high priest, you and Piye shared no such knowledge. Piye, who had to bow down slightly due to the height of the ceiling, slowly scanned the room, from the pots to the jars and tapestries hanging from the walls. A reed mat had been set on the floor, keeping away the dirt and sand anyone might drag in.
"Where does he keep his medical supplies?" Piye asked quietly, taking a ginger step forward as they scanned the shelves with their eyes. When they spotted nothing useful, they began to rifle through them with their hands.
"No clue. Let's start, shall we?"
The three of you set to searching the room, categorically searching the different shelves––Piye for the tallest two, Ahk for the middle, and you for the lowest. You tried your best to keep quiet, wary of those who passed by outside the door.
"Why do you need a magnet again?" Ahkmen asked after several minutes of silent searching.
"Panya's rock seems iron in a... clean.. way? It is.. not how you see it in earth, and I don't know it. But your magnet will," you made a motion with your hands of them colliding together, "if I am right."
"You must know quite a lot about metals," Piye said, not bothering to tear away from the work at hand. You and Ahkmen, however, had stopped to look at each other when he spoke.
"My family is... kaghruppakal, moving.. metal, to make into things," you said as you reluctantly returned to the baskets on the bottom shelves.
"Blacksmiths," Piye said.
"Thank you," you said. "My father father's had it learned by the Kings in my home. They give us a good home for years, but they give no... money. So when new King comes, we had no home after."
"What do you mean, new King?" Ahk asked with a confused furrow in his brow.
"It is long and I do not know the how to say in Egyptian, but a man killed the King and stole his name," you said quietly.
"Is that why you left your home?" Ahkmen asked. "There was a revolution?"
"More of a usurping," Piye muttered.
"A little, yes," you said with a nod, before falling quiet.
Ahkmen waited a moment to see if you would say anything else, and a moment to wonder if he would say anything else, but ultimately returned to scavenging through Yafeu's belongings.
More gold bracelets.
Ancient scripture.
"You have to leave for that dinner pretty soon," Piye said in a dull voice.
"I don't need to leave for anything or anyone."
"Ureka!" you suddenly cried, a toothy smile coming to you as you forgot yourself.
Ahkmen and Piye both shushed you, to which you quickly apologized in a much quieter voice.
"I saw them," you said, extending in your hand a pair of magnets stuck to one another.
"Oh thank Gods," Piye said in a rush of breath, their hands immediately falling from the tall shelves. "Let's get back and see if it reacts to your stone."
"No, no, I bring it here," you mumbled distractedly as you dug into your large pockets, pulling out the shiny metal.
He watched in bated breath as you raised the magnets to Panya's stone. The whole of the process meant little to him, but it was part of your job, and he enjoyed partaking in little bits of your life.
This handicapped understanding of your work left him rather confused at your excitement when the magnets stuck to Panya's rock. You gasped, marveling at the reaction. As you moved to your feet, you never looked away, holding it close to your chest.
"Irumpu," you said through your smile. "Iron."
"I'm quite glad you've figured this out, but for the time being, we need to get out of here without being spotted," Ahkmen said, putting his hands on your shoulders before gently moving you aside, and opening the door a crack.
Piye spoke in a mumble with you as he stuck his head outside, the cool air of night filling his lungs, distinct from the stuffy walls of Yafeu's office. There were few people in the courtyard, as most of the priests and workers were still preoccupied with their finishing tasks for the night.
He motioned the two of you over, leading you silently outside. You crept along the wall with quick feet, skipping out of the temple, and running back into your home in a smiling rush.
The rush of adrenaline in his blood soon dissipated, comforted by the familiar shades of red and gold always resting upon your crown. Still staring at the metal, you collapsed down in your cushion pile, moving to hold the ball above your head as you stared. Ahkmen chuckled at your behavior, taking a seat beside you as Piye fell in a similar manner as you did across the room.
"Happy?" Ahk asked teasingly.
"Very," you said. "I must to find who had made it. The old King shows my father father's how to make it, but I never ask. And," you snapped your fingers, "then it is gone. When they go."
"Your grandfather knew how to purify and mold iron?" Piye asked in a low but loud voice, sitting quickly up.
"Yes, and it is good for..." you made a stabbing motion, "things that make people dead."
"Weapons," said Ahkmen.
"Etuvaka. Not many know how it makes, and that is how – why we come here. Makes better money, more than a city. Our city, people know how to," you mimicked squishing and molding things in your empty hands, "do with iron, so it is all every shop. Here, it was my family, only my family."
"That must've been quite the business at the time," Piye said in a softer voice, still low as they contemplated your words.
"We make good money," you said with a nod. "But I know this not. I want... to see.. find the maker. Hear his words."
"You'll probably want to see Panya, then," Ahk said. "It was her who found it, right?"
"I think yes."
"Wonderful. You'll go find her, and I will take him home," Piye said as they stood, gesturing to Ahk with their chin. "Dinner, remember?"
"Has anyone told you how irritating you are?" Ahkmen said, but nonetheless obeyed and stood.
"Your father reminds me every day," Piye responded flatly as the two returned to the palace.
Ahkmen drummed his fingers against the table below him, leaning the weight of his head on his raised knee. His mother had forced him into his royal clothes––the actual royal clothes, not just the expensive ones––and the crown his parents had made him gave him headaches with its' weight. Pure gold was heavy.
Ebla was a trading nation from the north who supplied a small but important type of material rarely found in the desert; wood. That was what Merenkahre and the Eblaite queen spent two hours talking about. Wood. They brought other goods such as rarely-found textiles and handcrafted artifacts as well, but they focused on the wood. It made sense, since that was what Egypt required the most, but it still bored him terribly.
Piye was much luckier by his reckoning. They didn't have to attend duties such as these. All the things they had to do were fun, things like gathering ingredients from the markets or the side of the Nile, going off on quests to defeat mythical beasts.
The young prince huffed, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from tapping his fingers too loudly. Walls of grandeur surrounded him, a good enough difference from your home that he was nearly shocked when he entered his own home, staring up at the towering ceiling. His style was slowly changing, as it usually did, to accommodate new aspects of his life; this had happened before on many occasions, as he suspected it did with many other teenagers his age.
A dream to look at. He would reckon your smile would match against any angelic beauty––anything holy was a common miracle in comparison to the subtle, entrancing magic of your laughter, his hand holding yours as he dragged you, pretending not to notice the racing of his heartbeat. A dream.
He wanted nothing more than to scoop you up and drown you in kisses. In order to avoid his own disappointment at his fantasy not currently being reality, he bit deeper into the inside of his cheek, pressing down harder on his open palm.
Hours later, he stared up at the canopy of his bed, the sheets tossed around his body till most of them hung half of the bed. His breathing was the only noise in the still room.
Until his breathing irritated him so fiercely he sat straight up in a huff, a frown on his forced expression.
"Fucking... thoughts," he muttered to himself, halfheartedly punching one of his pillows.
He could not manage to tear his mind from you. Every time he closed his eyes, he thought of you, and adrenaline built in him as he unwillingly imagined your face. Would you mind if he came to see you? It must've been past midnight. You worked during the day. He shouldn't bother you.
Ten minutes later he was fully dressed and sneaking out of the palace, a shroud of cloth concealing his identity as he moved along the shadows. He reckoned Piye, who also slept inside the palace, did not want to see you at this hour, and he left them to sleep.
Ahkmen wasn't sure what he was looking for in returning to you, but as per usual, fantasies spared no expense in the luxurious self-indulgence department, scenes playing behind his eyes of the two of you 'naturally' finding yourselves in intimate situations. Most of it consisted of him finally getting some sleep, this time with you in his arms or wrapped around his waist.
Despite his embarrassment concerning previously mentioned fantasies, they did inspire him to move faster, and before he knew it he found himself standing in front of your tent, hesitating for the first time.
Again his doubts plagued him. He comforted himself with the fact that he had come all this way, and it seemed a rather foolish idea to give it up now.
With that he entered, his eyes immediately falling to the one candle lit in the shadowed room. The usual rushlights set about the entrance room––where he and his friends usually sat about and did nothing––had disappeared, leaving much of the folds of cloths in shadows that casted stark against the single flame.
"Yogi?" Ahk said in a much quieter voice than required.
The sound of rustling blankets had his heart sinking in his chest. He had hoped, at least, that he wouldn't bother you from your sleep––most of him believed you would be up all night working.
"Aganu?" You murmured softly, high and quiet with the sleep pulling at your lips.
"Uh, yes," he said, trying to peek behind the curtain separating your bedroom front your shop. "I'm sorry to disturb you so late. I thought you'd be up, I – I can leave."
"No, no," you mumbled. "Is good. Come here."
He gulped, gingerly stepping forward and pulling away the cloth door. Behind it, you lay in a pocket of space built into your fabric wall, drowning you in luxurious blankets of red and gold. All that remained visible was your eyes, an adoring sight in his mind.
"Why've you got that light in the other room?" Ahk asked quietly, kneeling down in front of you.
"More not strong. It is very red," you said, poking your finger out to gesture to the room as a whole. "Good for night sleeping. Why are you coming here?"
"You mean your house or your bed?" Ahk said, stepping away as he became aware of his closeness to you.
"My house."
"Couldn't sleep," he said with a shrug. "Thought you might be able to help."
"Why?" You asked, before backtracking. "Wait, that is not the word I mean. Um... how do you want help?"
"I don't know. Maybe you have a potion, or just a better bed than I do," he said, chuckling.
"I have both."
"Hey, you haven't even felt my bed," he said in a teasing manner. "How do you already know your bed's better?"
"Because it is not hard."
Fair enough point––Egyptian beds were essentially a table built for the purpose of sleeping. Good for the hot weather, bad for the joints.
"I don't want to disturb you, though," he said quietly as you began to rise, sheets and thick blankets falling from your shoulders to reveal the naked expanse of your chest and stomach. He gulped, though fortunately not audible, as you stretched your hands up.
"It is no problem," you said, sighing deeply as your arms fell.
Rooting around in your bed, you found a large but thin blanket, wrapping it around your body before you left your comforts. You yawned as you stood, but faithfully wandered to your potion storage. Ahkmen had never seen any of your potions, as he didn't believe a hangover cure counted as one, and thus he looked eagerly over your shoulder when you knelt down. Glass and pottery clinked together as you searched.
"What kind of potions do you make?" Ahk asked, stepping back when you once more rose to your feet.
"To help bodies," you said, gesturing to your own body, "and soul." You tapped your heart.
He frowned. Obviously.
"Do you have like, a love potion?"
"Why you ask that?"
"Just curious," he said quickly.
"I have... khamam potion. You make a man drink it and they will.. have..." you trailed off, unable to explain fully. "Love to you? When they make the children."
"Sure. They do the sex. Man or woman," you said with a dismissive wave of your hand.
"How do you make a potion like that?"
"You think I give it with no paying? I must make money, Aganu," you chuckled softly, bopping his nose with your finger, before sobering to speak. "This is a potion that will make you calm. Ready for sleep, yes."
"Oh, thank you," Ahkmen said, taking the small, clay bottle. "How much do I owe you?"
"Speak more about the sky."
He quirked a brow.
"That's your price?"
"I want to know more. I go to school to clean, not hear, but I want to," you said, taking his hands in your cloth-covered hands, and staring upwards. "I am alive to see and hear and I want to hear you."
You couldn't be aware of the effect of your words. Not with eyes that innocent. But, as usual, his heart raced painfully in his chest, overflown with an affection he had no choice but to hold back.
"... very well," he murmured, and led you back to your bed. You crawled in, surrounding yourself in blankets once more as Ahk sat on the floor, carefully watching your sleepy, fluttering eyes.
"The sky––well, more specifically the night sky, is a woman. Her name is Nuit. At sunset, her head in the west consumes Ra, and in the morning, she births him again. Her eyes are the sun and moon. Her lover, Geb, is the earth, but they are forever forced apart by Ra, who placed their father to separate them," Ahk said, reciting information he had long known. "His name is Shu. He is the air that lets us breathe."
"Why did Ra want them apart?" You asked quietly, muffled behind your blankets.
"Nuit became pregnant by Geb. Ra found it an abomination, cursed her to never give birth on any day of the year. But Thoth helped her––won a few games of Senet against Khonsu, god of time, and earned her five days in which she gave birth to five children."
"Osiris on the first day. That's his temple you work at. Then I believe it was.. Horus.. Seth, Isis, and her sister, Nephthys." He paused to yawn. "Those are the epagomenal days, at the end of the year. Pretty big celebration."
"I like to see this," you mumbled.
"I'll take you this next year," he said. "There's plenty of food and beer for everyone."
Your breathing was beginning to slow, and when Ahk noticed that, he fell into silence. Instead he stared at your closed eyes, your cheek squished into your pillow. Too much to look at. The better half of him yearned to reach out and touch you, but the remaining bits of his conscious reminded him that that was, beyond anything, an incredibly strange thing to do.
He was even more grateful for his decision to remain still when your eyes opened on an inhale, blinking slowly as you met his gaze.
"Tired?" You asked. "Potion does not takes long."
He chuckled, "yeah. I'm pretty tired now."
"What time does it take to walk to your house?"
"I'm not sure. Maybe thirty minutes."
"You are.. you will fall by then," you murmured.
"Yes. It is a strong potion."
You paused, scanning his body and its' position near you.
"Remain here," you said, soft as the silk you drowned yourself in. "For the night."
The rope around his heart tightened at your request. His imagination, somehow, had come to fruition.
"Where will I sleep?" He asked, fighting back another yawn.
"All places. Do what you want," you sighed. "Or you fall sleep in the street."
"Very funny. Scoot over."
You glared up at him, but eventually gave in, scooting closer to the wall to make room for him. He pulled his jewelry off him before sidling in, hoping to avoid hurting you accidentally.
When he turned to face you, he found his forehead crowning you, his nose just barely brushing against yours.
"Thanks," he murmured. "You didn't have to."
"I know," you whispered in a breath, closing your eyes.
Only a few hours later he was awakened by something prodding at his face. His eyes fluttered open, blearily finding Piye above him, poking his cheek with a fireplace fork. Ahkmen groaned, turning over on his side.
"Don't you ignore me, you royal pain," Piye said, prodding him harder yet. "Do you know how many lies I had to tell to your father?"
"Piye, it's way too early in the morning for this," he said groggily, throwing his arm over his eyes.
"It's midday!"
"I got here late," Ahkmen said as he slowly fell out of the bed, sliding onto the floor.
Piye grasped the top of Ahk's head by his hair, lifting his face and kneeling to meet him.
"I swear to the Gods if you had sex with a ci–"
"I did not," Ahk hissed, wriggling till Piye's grip loosened.
Reluctantly, Ahkmen rose to his feet, brushing the wrinkles out of his clothes and pulling your blankets off the floor, placing them back on the bed. The lumps in the cloth suggested your presence, but as he pulled them away he found the rest of the bed empty. He stepped back in surprise.
Piye looked over his shoulder, frowning as they, too, saw your absence.
"Isn't this Yogi's bed?"
"It was last night," Ahk said.
"I am here," you said from behind. Ahk whirled around, coming face to face with you struggling to pull on a large, ornate coat.
"Oh. What are you doing?" Ahk asked with a frown.
"I am placing my coat."
"We can see that," Piye said flatly. "It's hot outside. Why do you need it."
"Pockets," you said, opening your jacket to reveal a plethora of pockets sewn into the inner seams. "I do go to market now. I will see for the man that had made this."
You reached into one of your pockets, pulling out the block of pure iron some blacksmith had thrown away.
"Will I go to Panya? If she wants to?" You asked, pocketing the metal once more.
"Probably should," Ahk said with a yawn, stretching his hands high enough that they raised the cloth ceiling. Piye nodded in agreement.
"She likes to stay in control," Piye added.
"I can help you get there," Ahk offered expectantly.
"Oh! Thanks many," you said, grinning wide. "I do not know to find her."
"I better come too," said Piye, who crossed their arms. "He always seems to get into trouble without me there."
"You say that as though I don't get into trouble when you're with me, too," Ahk chuckled.
"I'm not in the mood today, Ahk," Piye whispered, gripping Ahk's upper arm tight enough to leave temporary marks.
"Then don't come along," Ahk whispered back. "You don't have to if you don't want to."
Piye glared at him but said nothing, walking swiftly out the door and closing the flap behind them. It left Ahkmen once more alone with you, awkwardly shuffling his feet as you prepared yourself, carefuly to remember all your tools.
"Thank you, again," Ahkmen said after a moment of silence. "For letting me sleep here."
"Yes, yes. Go now."
You pushed him out the door, following as you fixed the tassels of your pants. Thin ropes flipped every which way till you knotted them, tightening around your waist, before you set off towards the common streets. Ahkmen followed, though he couldn't see where Piye had gone.
Murmuring conversations surrounded him, circled by flocks of people heading towards Osiris' temple. Shoulders and feet pushed on him, shoving him about as he headed in the opposite direction, always searching for your scarlet red robes. They set you quite wide apart from the usual crowd, and thus the Prince used them as an identifier.
People cast looks in his direction as he continued to shove and push, a constant stream of shaky apologies tumbling from his mouth. He considered himself adept at moving through crowds, but he had clearly not gotten as much practice as you did, which combined with your smaller size, led you to stop far ahead to wait for him.
He panted as he reached you, pausing with a heavy chest.
"Feel you good?" You asked, quirking a brow.
"I don't do well when I haven't eaten in the morning," he said, his voice cracking as he bent over slightly, his hands on his knees.
"Funny Egyptian man," you laughed, reaching up to ruffle his already messy hair. "You are... too full of money."
"I wouldn't doubt that," he muttered, recalling the many luxuries his father had given him throughout his life.
"I buy your food, we will go," you said as you returned to walking, slow to allow him time to catch up.
"Oh, don't worry about that," he said, waving his hand dismissively as he rose to follow you. "I can pay for it. Don't waste your money."
"... yes," he said, after having given up on trying to decode what exactly you'd meant.
As the two of you entered the main streets of the city, the conversations of strangers grew louder, more densely packed between houses and stalls full of goods. Through the street you now walked down, there must've been at least five different spice carts. Careful mountains of cumin and ginger were placed in the corner of nearly every stop.
Near the end, he found a small stall of a woman selling beer. He reached for you, pausing your step as he dug into his own pocket, pulling out a silver ring.
"One cup, please," he asked, to which the lady politely acquiesced. He set the ring down on her counter. "Will this do?"
"... one more than that," she said, her gaze flickering from the ring to Ahk's eyes.
He pulled out another ring, and with that she handed him the cup, taking the rings simultaneously.
"Have a good day!" She said as the two of you left.
Ahkmen sipped at his drink with a satisfied sigh, relaxing into the sweet, familiar taste. Your drinks were good, but far too alcoholic to be worth any sustenance.
"I want a little," you said, moving on your toes so as to see inside his cup.
"Sure," he said, and handed it to you. You returned it after a couple swallows.
"We look for Panya, yes?" You asked.
"Oh, right. I'll take you to her house."
Panya didn't live far away from the center of town, so in a matter of minutes you were already knocking on her door. What you didn't expect, however, was for the High Priest of Osiris' temple to answer it.
He eyed you up and down, your odd way of dress, the dot on your forehead, before his gaze fell to Ahkmen. It was then his eyes narrowed, coldly recognizing the prince.
"What do you want," he said, leering down at you.
"Your daughter," said Ahk, who was leant against one of the pillars outside Panya's mansion of a house.
"You may not have her."
"I –"
Before Ahk could finish, something tugged on the inside of his arm, pulling him away from the doorstep. You didn't seem to notice, busy conversing with Yafeu. He turned round, stumbling with broken balance before he looked up, meeting Piye's eye.
"What are you doing?" He whispered, glancing back to you and the priest.
"I've been thinking," Piye murmured, leaning down to lessen the space between them, "I don't think we should go around the markets just talking about a purified iron. I think it might land you in trouble."
"Why?" He scoffed.
"I’ve been at all my father’s meetings with the Pharaoh and his generals and they’re talking about iron. How to get it, how to use it, how to control it, everything,” they said.
“Well why’s that a problem? They did the same thing with wood.”
"Not like this! Iron, it – it's incredibly strong. If we had armor made of that, shields made of it, weapons made of it, it'd give us an enormous amount of military power, and with your father in rule, I don't think that's a good idea," they said in a growing volume before they remembered Yafeu was there, and quieted down again.
"What's wrong with my father?!" Ahk gasped.
"Nothing!" Piye hissed, eyes darting back up to Yafeu to see if he had noticed. "He just has a habit of oppressing people!"
Ahkmen snorted. His hand shot up to cover his mouth, quiet giggles wracking his body.
"I'm sorry," he wheezed, "that shouldn't be funny. Sorry."
"It's fine," Piye said with a long sigh. "You know what I mean. If word gets to him that this little immigrant over here has a key to finding how to shape iron, he isn't going to take a visit and credit them with the discovery. He's going to deport them, cover it up, and claim he learned it from the Gods. You know everything’s a game to him."
Ahkmen's breath caught in his throat as Piye laid out the consequences in plain, simple terms he could understand. That would be the end of your friendship, but more importantly, it was also the end of your livelihood. You were still young––around his age––and you didn't know much else except living in Egypt. If he were to take your word, your home to the east was far, far away, and ruled by an unjust dictator. You would not make the journey there alone, let alone when you actually reached your city.
"What do you suppose we do?" Ahkmen said after a minute or two of deep thought.
"I think –"
"We can go here," you said, passing by them with Panya and, unsurprisingly, Unas bringing up the rear.
"Wait –"
He went to stop you, but Piye stopped him first.
"Best you don't tell them. We're not from the palace, remember?" Piye muttered, before promptly following you off the steps of Panya's house. Ahkmen, however disgruntled as he was, followed as well.
"I wish I was poor," he grumbled, walking alongside Piye, who kept a fair enough distance from you and your customers.
Piye struck him with a flat palm against the back of his head. The weight in his neck rolled forward, kinking it awkwardly, to which he let out a yelp of pain.
"Don't say that. Others in your country, in this city, starve. They would give anything to be you."
His frown drew tighter, irritant clogging his thoughts. Every inconvenience angering. He breathed deeply, willing the feeling away, and sped his pace to catch up to you. Panya might've been up there, but her presence would be a small price for yours.
The markets approached faster than he realized, and soon he was once more surrounded by strangers bartering and advertising. Thin tarps of orange and dusty yellow spread from one side of the thin street to the other, sheltering merchants from the hot sun, and allowing them to hang different products on the lines. He ducked under rings of cloth and over piles of incense, shakily following your wavy trail through the walkway.
Heat began to redden his cheeks, and it was then he realized that you'd made it to the blacksmith area of market, near to the kitchens. Fire stoking bread and metal filled the open air, made much clearer by the absence of the shading tarps.
"Uh, Yogi," he said, grabbing your shoulder to stop you before you could enter. "I think we should keep on the down-low, this purified iron, people might start talking."
You looked him up and down.
"Okay," you said, turning back round to enter the shop.
It took until evening before you made any progress. Most everyone you met was skeptical of you, which wasn't surprising considering the size and age of your group. But the last man you came to was still working, even as everyone around him ate dinner, readying to leave for home or staying for music.
He had long hair––longer than Piye's, trailing down to his mid-thigh. Unlike theirs, his was black, and much stringier in comparison. The knotted rope used to hold his hair back as he worked was crude at best, and one he had to constantly fix. Ahkmen didn't see it, but you noticed he was much skinnier than most of the other blacksmiths, who had grown muscles over the years of their work.
You approached him much like you approached everyone; a bright, commercial cheerfulness that came across as dangerously fake. To those who had spent good time in the markets, it was easy to see through. Those who hadn't, however, couldn't quite decode why you were unsettling, other than you being foreign.
"What did you say this was for again?" The man asked, his voice a quiet, low rasp. He had seated himself amongst your menagerie, matching the height of Piye, who was of course the tallest member.
"We are trying to find the owner of an amulet," Panya lied smoothly, pulling off one of her many necklaces and handing it to the man. "Or rather, the maker."
He took the necklace with skinny fingers, twisting it round in them as he surveyed the whole of it.
"Gold, ruby.. copper," he muttered, pointing to each of the different beads as though you could understand him mumbling. "Silver?"
Panya gestured for the amulet back, which he gave, and she strung it back around her neck.
"Iron. It's the purest we've ever seen and we're looking for the source," she said, pointing to the rest of the group.
"The durability is incredible. I would love to have access to that kind of things in my buildings and such," Unas added.
"I know," the blacksmith said, his hair still drooping long in front of his face. "I have been searching for a way to purify the ore, but I cannot get my fires hot enough. I keep getting... what might be iron, but it never looks right. Then again, I – I don't know what the correct product would look like."
Well then, Ahk thought, that explains why it was in the junkyard.
You leant over to Ahk, moving to your knees so your lips met his ear as you whispered.
"Can I show him what we found now?"
"Um.." his eyes darted over to Piye, who was listening intently to the man's woes, "sure."
Tapping on the blacksmith's shoulder, you brought his attention to you and the heavy malformed metal in your hand. His eyes widened, near imperceptive behind all his hair, but certainly filled with shock.
"Is that my...?"
"It is iron," you said with a grin. "I live in a city where lots of iron everywhere. Here, not so much, but that is iron."
"Unas found it in the junkyard in the southern part of Memphis," Panya said, pointing a thumb to her friend.
"Shit," the man breathed out, combing a hand through his hair. "I don't know which one that was."
"Which what?" Ahkmen asked.
"Which heat level," Unas answered for him. "It takes a specific amount to actually purify different ores. Otherwise you might burn it into a charcoal."
"And the all other rocks and," you motioned grinding your fist into the palm of your other hand, "the rocks you smash until they are sand."
"Powder," Ahk said.
"Yes. I see, when I was 5, my father has powder in his furnace, in the iron," you said with a variety of questionable hand motions. "Red, and... a bright black. Shiny."
Ahkmen listened intently for the next hour and a half as you, Unas, and the blacksmith conversed about smelting techniques. Apparently, all of you had, at one point, attempted to smelt iron out of the ore, a fact that was made appalling because Egypt didn't have any iron. Most of the iron within the country was either imported or from the meteor, which was confined to only serving the royal family.
Even Piye eventually tired of the conversation that never seemed to stray from smelting, though you did for a short time discuss techniques for copper. Piye had an incredible sense of patience, so when they tapped Ahk to tell him they were leaving, Ahk realized he usually would've left ten minutes into the conversation.
It clicked quite quickly that he wasn't really listening––he was watching you, and that had somehow occupied him for a full hour and a half. A creeping sense of embarrassment had him hunching his shoulders.
"Unas, we should go, we have that thing in the morning," Panya murmured into Unas' ear, though Ahkmen still caught it.
"Oh, right," he said in a deflated tone. He stood, brushing off his skirt before facing the blacksmith. "Thank you for your time. Is it alright if I come back sometime? Might be better to have more than one person working on this."
"How old are you?" The blacksmith asked in his usual mumble.
"... okay," he said after a moment. "You're old enough."
"Oh, good. Well thank you, anyway," Unas said, before motioning to Panya to leave. He bowed his head slightly as he left the circle of conversation, following his friend back into the markets.
As she left, Panya turned to walk backwards, holding her hands out to you. You quickly caught her drift, and threw the ball to her. She thanked you from a distance.
"We should leave soon as well," Ahk whispered to you.
A few minutes later, the two of you were once more walking side by side, wandering down the now-vacant streets. Ahkmen had no idea where you were going, but was along for the ride no matter where you ended up. As you hastened your step, you took Ahk's hand, forcing him to match your pace with a giddy laugh.
"The night is clear," you said, walking backwards to face him without halting your step. "You will show me the star shapes, yes?"
"The constellations," he said with a soft chuckle, his body filling with a warm, lighthearted haze. "Of course."
You led him back towards your home but ignored the alleyway entrance, instead reaching the doors of Osiris' temple. The tall walls marked themselves steep against your small stature, casting long shadows in the moonlight, that tonight shone like a shell of the sun. He opened his mouth to say something, but the words died stillborn as you tugged him into you. His chest met yours as he stumbled clumsily.
"Be safe, funny man," you giggled, looking down at him as his head's weight rested awkwardly in the crook of your neck.
What little citylights remained in the dead of night faded away as you scaled the tower, your neck craned upwards to the heavens. No matter how tall the roof of the temple was, no matter how high you climbed, the stars never seemed to move any closer. Their distance must've been incomprehensible, but inconsequential when grasping Ahk's hand to help him onto the roof.
He panted softly as he stood on his feet once more, brushing off the dust that came from the temple walls. You left him to wander to the center of the stone plateau. His breathing slowed, attention centering on you as your eyes still stared up into empty space.
You turned, noticing the heat of his gaze.
"Speak to me," you said in a voice that moved like music. "You tell on Sopdet, yes? And.. Sah. Nuit and Geb."
"Lie down with me," he said.
You dutifully obeyed, sliding down next to him, your clothes and hair splayed out.
For a good hour he pointed up, tracing the outlines of constellations he had studied all his life. Since you didn't know their shapes on paper, he drew the images in the dirt and sand collected on the roof, showing you how random collections of dots made up women and beautiful creatures, the everlasting Gods in the sky.
"I want to be... something beautiful," he murmured, looking down at his own shoddy illustrations. "Like the stars."
"You had say that when you will die, you will go to the stars, right?" You asked softly.
"In death," he said with a small nod. "I will not be able to see this earth. I will be one amongst millions. It's strange, but... I wish I could stay here forever. A star close to home."
"You are scared of being nothing," you said. "But we are nothing. We are nothing to birds, or to other cities. We are already nothing and everything. It is what you choose to make of you––make more of your everything, or sleep in your nothing. There is happy things in both."
"No time wasted in happiness is truly time wasted?" He said, remembering a familiar anecdote from school.
"Yes," you said with a smile.
Silence filled the space for a few minutes, stilled by the slow breathing of Ahk's chest. He closed his eyes, exhaustion tugging at him, all of which he ignored.
"Aganu?" You said, nearly whispered.
"I like my hours with you," you murmured, wide, warm eyes staring bashfully at him.
"I do too."
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12yeahiminluvwu · 4 years
pairing - JJ Maybank x Athlete!Reader
summary- JJ Maybank gets his shit rocked by the captain of the school volleyball team
word count- 2,365 (i got so carried away, oh my goodness)
warning(s)- swearing, uhh JJ gets hurt but he’s fine, volleyball lingo (if you don’t understand, i’m happy to translate lol) this wasn’t proof read so, have fun if theres any typos.
“It’s volleyball week, class. Experienced played on the left court, beginning players of the right court. Over on the left, we’re playing normal sets to twenty-five, no serve cap. On the right, normal set to twenty-five, serve cap is 3. Have fun!” Mr. Perkins said and let everyone lose. Volleyball week was your favorite because you got to do something you actually liked during gym class.
You and a few of the other varsity girls made your way to the court and made a quick game plan with the other three players you’d gotten on your team. From your middle position, you see JJ Maybank from across the net. You had no idea that he even knew what volleyball was, seeing as the only thing he ever did was surf and smoke weed.
“You ready to get your shit rocked, Maybank?” You smirked, waiting for the serve. His eyes scanned up and down your body before meeting your eyes with an equal smirk.
“Bring it on captain!” JJ didn’t know much about volleyball, but he was determined to stay on the court for as long as he could before Perkins booted him over to the other court. He wanted to be close to you, try to impress you. This was the best way he knew how to do that right now.
The ball was served to the setters corner, a pass, set, and a hit made. Your teammate, who was a libero on your actual team, made a dig to your setter and you released to make your approach calling a 1, which is a quick/low set right above the tape, and realized that JJ stood flat footed- not even attempting to block you. The boy watched as the ball connected with your hand and ducked, thinking that it was headed straight for his face.
The ball dropped right on the 10-foot line and your team cheered for you, as you had won the first point. JJ watched in a daze as you smiled and laughing, taking the compliments your team was showering you in.
“JJ! Block her next time!” Someone said from behind him and he nodded aimlessly, doing his best to focus and try to play. The set went back and forth a few times before you went back to serve. You had begun to catch on to the fact that JJ had absolutely no idea what he was doing, so you intentionally served him, knowing it would get you a point.
The ball spun in your hand once, and you placed a hand on top lightly before drawing your arm back and tossing the ball,swinging through right at JJ. The ball coasted perfectly above the net, floating right to him, but it ended up hitting him in the face.
“Oh shit!” You gasped, running across the floor to where he now laid on the floor.
“You ok Maybank?” JJ laid there quietly, trying to grasp on to what just happened. Of course, he's the one that gets clocked by a serve. And of course it was y/n’s. Just his freaking luck. Opening his throbbing eye, he saw you staring down at him, close enough he could feel your breath fanning across his face.
“JJ, come on, I didn’t hit you that hard!” You said, placing a gentle hand on his cheek. You felt him lean into your touch as his eyes fluttered.
“Y/n, I’m gonna have you walk him to the nurse, ok? I wanna make sure he doesn’t have a concussion.” Perkins said and you nodded, latching onto his hand to help him stand up. He was a little unstable so you wrapped his arm around your shoulder, while yours held securely onto his waist.
“You know, when you asked me if I was ready to get my shit rocked, I didn’t know you meant literally!” He groaned. A giggled escaped your lips and you looked at him, almost like you were seeing him for the first time. His face looked different up close, he looked a little less tough. He looked softer.
“”Well, maybe you shouldn’t have let your guard down,” You shrugged, smirked in his direction.
“Oh, so that’s how it is, ok.” He scoffed and you laughed again, tightening your grip on him. A beat of silence passed between the two of you before the boy spoke again.
“Can I be honest with you?” He asked and you nodded, perking your ars at what he was going to say. You were very aware of how close you were to him, as his body heat was beginning to make you sweat. You passed by a few people who were in the hallway, avoiding going back to class.
“I have no idea how to play volleyball…” He finally admitted and you stopped in your tracks, feeling laughter bubble in your chest.
“Ya think I didn’t notice that?” You laughed out, and the redness on his cheeks darkened.
“Why were you on that court if you don’t know how to play? There's nothing wrong with being on the beginners court!” He shifted, taking his arm off of your shoulder and leaning against the wall. Suddenly, he was more interested in the floor and playing with the hem of his shirt than he was looking at you and you felt the weight shift between your feet, your eyebrows raising at him.
“Because… I wanted to impress you…” He trailed off. Your cheeks began to heat up at his confession. Truthfully, you didn’t think JJ, or anyone, thought about you that way. You’d never really been a main character like JJ, or any of his friends.
“Why?” You asked, grabbing him from off the wall so you could continue your journey to the nurse’s office. This time, he held onto you a little tighter than he had before, he realized you did the same.
“Because you’re freaking y/n y/l/n! You’re the captain of the volleyball team, voted most likely to play in the Olympics before you turn 25! You’re, like, awesome! And, I didn’t know how else to get your attention. So here I am, with a possible concussion.”
“I’m not worth getting a concussion over JJ, why didn’t you just ask me out ;like any normal person would?” Your boldness surprised you, but you figured that it couldn’t really hurt at this point.
“Cause, John B said that would be lame…” He muttered.
“Well, I guess you’ve learned to not always listen to John B,” He nodded and looked over at you.
“How about we go out tonight then? Catch the sunset, have a picnic?” He asked, causing your smile to grow wider.
“As lovely as that sounds, I have a game tonight… but I’d like it if you were there.” He nodded, looking around before looking back at you.
“What’s your jersey number?” He asked. You had come upon the door to the office and you slowly opened it before answering him.
“13.” You said and sent him in, walking in after him.
JV had just finished, meaning you and the girls were out on the court warming up and getting ready for your game. Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran blared throughout the gym, hyping the team up.
The whistle blew and you looked over to the ref, holding up a C. That’s your cue.
You won serve and thanked the ref before departing back to your team, who had gathered around the bench, waiting for coach to give the line up. You’re starting, obviously, so you gave your speech and made your way onto the court, quickly scanning the crowds to see if JJ was there.
You didn’t see him right away, but he was there with his friends, wearing your number painted on an old t-shirt he didn’t wear often enough to care about, with your name above it.
It was down to the wire now, 11-13 in the fifth set. JJ had no clue what was going on but he knew that every time you hit the ball and got a point, he screamed the loudest of everyone in the gym. You still hadn’t seen him as you were focused on the game, the cheers just sounding like white noise filling the void.
“Bro, you’re over here yelling like she’s already your girlfriend! Step it up!” John B said and that kicked him into gear, making the rest of the pogues laugh at his willingness to act like an idiot. You went back to serve and his mind raced back to his trip to the nurses office earlier in the day. He silently hoped you would do the same to one of the girls on the other team. He’d learned that when you hit someone in the face on a kill, it's called a six pack. He liked that name, for obvious reasons.
JJ silently hoped for you to six pack someone all night concluding that it would be really sexy.
“Come on y/n, ace these bitches!” He yelled and that caught your attention. You looked over and saw him, standing amongst the crowd with a proud smile plastered on his face. You took another deep breath, after sending him a quick smile, and refocused yourself on the task at hand. You needed to keep the serve if you wanted to get to the end of this game without a fight.
You served the ball exactly how you had earlier in gym class, and watched as it floated over the tape, dropping right in front of the left back passer. Your team cheered you on as you came into the middle of the court. The ball was passed back to you, and you went back to do your routine all over again, choosing the same person to serve to, knowing it would psych them out.
The passed the ball high and to the middle, making it easy for the setter to get there and make a play. Sucks for them though, cause your offense read it, and easily went up for the block, the ball going straight down to the ground.
13-13. Two more and you win. You breath a little deeper now, looking over to your coach who is holding on a 5, indicating where you needed to serve. Deep right back corner. JJ watched as the ball spun in your hand, watched as it floated over the net, and watched as the players made their moves. The last hit was made, coming over the net quickly. Left back took the pass and you called ‘Pipe”, a back row middle hit.
The ball landed in the net, ending your streak. The score was 14-13 now, and in a set that only went to 15, it meant you had to bust your ass to get the ball back. Typically, a libero or defensive specialist would rotate in for you right now, but you had been working on your back row skills so coach opted to keep you in. The ball was served to your right, the setters corner. The pass was made, a set to the outside, and a kill, bringing you back to 14-14. You had to win by two.
The play was a blur, all you knew was you won that point, and before you knew it, it was game point again.
The feeling that washed over you when the crowd erupted in cheers as you won the game was one you would never get used to. Euphoria, a high that would never get old. One you couldn’t build a tolerance to.
The team rushed onto the court, dogpiling in the middle as the crowd started to shuffle out. When you made it out there was still a group of people standing around in the gym, waiting to talk to different payers.
A small crowd of four people stuck out to you, one in particular catching your eye. You ran over to him and he smiled, catching you in his arms and spinning you around as you laughed into his shoulder.
“You came!” He laughed at our surprise and nodded.
“Did you really think I’d miss it?” He asked and you shrugged, still wrapped up in his arms.
“I didn’t see you, so I wasn’t sure.”
John B, Pope, and Kie all looked at the two of you in amazement. They had never seen JJ like this with anyone before. The group watched JJ swoon over you and hype you up about winning all the way out to your car.
“Hey JJ, we’re gonna head out. You comin’?” Pope asked him.
“I could give you a ride if you want?” You offered and he looked back between you all, opting to spend as much time with you as he could. The car ride was filled with laughter about how amazed JJ was that you could jump as high as you did and hit the ball as hard as you were capable of. It was funny to see him so enamoured by something that seemed so mundane to you at this point.
Pulling up to the chateau, you both got out and stood at the front of the car, neither of you wanting to part ways.
“So, I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 8?” He asked and you nodded. He began walking into the house, but stopped when you called out to him.
“You’re not even gonna kiss me goodnight?” He turned around to see the smirk on your face and dropped everything to run back to you, scooping you up in his arms and attaching his lips to yours in a deep kiss.
You felt a fire ignite across your whole body as you shared this moment with him. You shared a kiss filled with passion, desire, and emotions you couldn’t yet name.
“Night, Captain…” He whispered in your ear, leaving you with nothing but goosebumps and shivers down your spine.
hehe, this was really fun to write.
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milkacchan · 4 years
Katsuki Bakugou x daughter reader
• You, my little dove, were a product of a one night stand VERY early in his hero career
• He goes to a big party and nine months later theres a baby girl on his door step with his blonde hair and her mothers eyes and he immediately knows what happened
• He's pissed.
• He's pissed at himself for going that far and he's pissed at the mom for neglecting to tell him
• But you? He loves you SO much and damn if he wouldnt carry the weight on his shoulders so he could give you a happy life
• His image suffers a little bit, theres scandals and news stations and publishers trying to find the mom
• His former classmates and friends are there to help
• Deku scolds the public during an interview and basically tells them to go fuck themselves
• The public looks at him with distaste for a little while before it blows over
• He honestly doesn't care though
• His focus is on you.
• You're such a sweet girl- such a daddies girl.
• And I'm telling you now you soften that man up so much
• I've seen HC's where Katsuki blows his kids off for being a hero and honestly I thinks that's so far from what he'd actually do
• He'd still have his career but outside that career you are his main focus.
• He'll spend nights cuddling you, he'll make baby food, he'll sing for you, fuck he even learns how to sew
• He'll make you cute little headbands and what not
• He ends up getting together with Deku when you're about one
• Obviously you're pretty familiar with him at this point
• He's the only person (besides Katsukis mother) that can hold you without you crying and reaching for your dad
• He's still temperamental, he still has a sour attitude, but he's noticeably calmer when he's with you.
• his friends LOVE you
• to death
• Kiri is the cool uncle
• Mina is the whine aunt
• Sero and Kaminari are crackhead uncles
• He'll hold you close to his chest and glare at people being to loud or walking to close to you
• He's VERY protective
• But he's happier than he's ever been with you and Deku
• And when he and deku tie the knot and you waddle down the aisle throwing flower petals he thinks he cries more seeing you then than he does when he SEES deku
• You stay with Grandma Bakugou while they go on their honeymoon
• Bakugou def cries bc he misses you and Deku can't even judge bc he's so close to tears himself
• They almost cut the honeymoon short
• God they're so whipped
• Definitely cries again when they get back and you run over
• "Daddy!"
- "Hi Babygirl,"
• Anyway watching you grow up KILLS him
• What kills him even more is the fact that you want to be a hero
• and that you have an incredibly powerful quirk so theres no way he'll be able to convince you otherwise.
• He threatens each of the teachers there on your first day
• Aizawas just 😐
• The two of you do have arguments, because you're just as stubborn and hotheaded as he was
• Deku sometimes has to negotiate but most of the time he just sits quietly and watches it go down bc its entertaining and you two will figure it out on your own
• He's still super protective
• That's not ever going to change
• You get taken the same way he did during your first year
• He doesn't even bother trying to hide his anger, he goes absolutely APE SHIT
• When they find where you are he annihilates everything in his path to get to you
• Everyone else is sure to stay out if the way
• Did I mention that you won the Sports festival??
• Well you do (and spoilers you keep the title your entire time in highschool)
• Dekus handing you the medal and Bakugou is in the stands screaming because he's just so damn proud
• He makes sure that you understand how much he loves you
• He loves his mom but sometimes she said some harsh things and he didnt really know if she was joking and he doesnt want that for you
• He's very expressive w his love for his daughter
• You are his pride and joy and nothing will EVER take that away
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