559graces-blog · 9 years
I have been thinking about a lot of things lately, so I’m sorry if this post ends up being long and a hodgepodge of my thoughts… First of all, isn’t this sorta-fall weather amazing?  It makes me want to stroll around Baylor campus with a few books in my hands and just think…  I love it! Postmodernism I was reading a book for my certification called Reclaiming the Future of Christian Education,…
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559graces-blog · 9 years
No Place Too Dark
No Place Too Dark
Yesterday I finished reading The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom, a Dutch Christian who went to prison for hiding Jews during the German Occupation.  In this woman’s true story, her conditions went from bad to worse, and she finally ended up in a death camp.  No matter how bleak the situation around her seemed, though, she always had faith in God and found a reason to thank Him and a way to serve…
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559graces-blog · 9 years
Entitlement Is a Trust Issue
Entitlement Is a Trust Issue
Yet [Israel] sinned still more against him, rebelling against the Most High in the desert. They tested God in their heart by demanding the food they craved… When he killed them, they sought him; they repented and sought God earnestly… But they flattered him with their mouths; they lied to him with their tongues. Their heart was not steadfast toward him; they were not faithful to his covenant.…
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559graces-blog · 9 years
Christ (Not SCOTUS), the Cornerstone of Marriage
I’m not usually the one to write about things that will offend or spark controversy.  I often reread my blog posts and imagine how someone could have interpreted something differently than what I intended and it tears me up. But over the past several weeks I have been thinking a lot about my country and my neighbor, and I believe I have an obligation to speak the truth in love no matter how it…
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559graces-blog · 9 years
Justice Falls
The wrath of God is a wall of water Rolling towards the shore. The rocks and shoal cannot break the wave, And my feet are sealed in sand. His anger is a guided missile Locked on its target — me. I can run and hide, but it matters not; He’ll carry out his plan. His fury, or as it is called — Vengeance or jealous rage — Is a hurricane, a charging bull, A boulder loosed from the canyon wall. The…
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559graces-blog · 9 years
The Day of the Lizard - written while I was in Zion National Park
The day of the lizard is one hundred days. Each breath he takes Whispers like leaves of a tree. His frantic movements all a scurry In a hurricane of Years, and when he stops — The sun has scarcely moved. The day of the mountain is a never-ending age. It neither writhes nor breathes And does not feel the winds of time Upon Its face; Its face Is an ancient sanctuary From the heavens that Impale…
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559graces-blog · 9 years
A Trick of the Eyes
I see a single yellow leaf, Parachuting hammock. I feel my little spirit leap, Adrenalinal mimic.
I see a crowd of flowers sprout, Masterpiece in florals. But, oh!  I hear a pow! pow! pow! Fireworks in flourish.
I see but don’t see shrub’s stem, Levitating plant. A trick of the eyes, it seems to float To heavens, magnificent.
I see words without seeing them, Hear without hearing How spring can…
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559graces-blog · 9 years
The Spirit in Me
In my prayer time I have been asking God for things I wouldn’t normally ask because I have not received because I do not ask, and trying to ask rightly has been a thing to navigate.  For the most part it’s been for benign works like “Make me wise,” that I know God ultimately wants because His Word admonishes me to ask for them.  But lately I cannot help myself but to add, “And help me feel your…
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559graces-blog · 9 years
The Complete Holiness
“I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.  Therefore, go out from [unbelievers’] midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you, and I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord.”
Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse…
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559graces-blog · 9 years
Peace and Readiness
and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.   
Maybe you haven’t completely overcome the behaviors of the one still trapped in sin; maybe you haven’t clutched the freedom from thought patterns which so easily entangle.  Maybe at the end of each day, you lie down and tuck your bare feet into bed, having never picked up the gauntlet for the challenges of…
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559graces-blog · 9 years
Come Play
Just like the way the first sip of my morning coffee both revs me up and focuses me for the day, an afternoon run on the trails has been what’s keeping me centered.  At lunch, one of the cafeteria workers gave me a refill on my mug because it was one of those days that 8 cups was not going to cut it.  I know.
As soon as the whistle blew, I made the quick sprint home to grab my bandana and dog,…
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559graces-blog · 9 years
body of Christ
He did not make a sound, He did not break Or quench, But with his body broken and blood we drank, Was justice.
I bow my life And on my back I bear The broken like stripes, And take his life for food, And die for their good, Making his cross my seat.
Body of Christ, the body of Christ — Take and eat.
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559graces-blog · 9 years
Dust and Leaves
In my quest for more and more life I squeezed and it fell from my hands like a cicada slips from its shell and leaves behind a mold of dust and leaves and if it rains enough they turn to green. I got to the end of it before I began.
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559graces-blog · 9 years
Great Is Your Reward
Do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in Heaven.  Luke 10:20
I remember who God is, who Jesus Christ is and all that He has done, accomplished, and all that His great name merits.  I remember who I am, who He made me to be by His redemptive sacrifice.  I am chosen, called, being perfected.  There is only one sure anchor for my joy.
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559graces-blog · 9 years
God Meant It for Good
As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people[a] should be kept alive, as they are today. Genesis 50:20
As opposition from others turns our thoughts inward, it can make the world seem like a small place, like the narrative begins and ends with our justification.  Over the past several weeks, I have had to ask myself, “Am I trusting God?”  Do…
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559graces-blog · 9 years
The Freedom of No
My New Year’s Resolutions are always a place where I envision myself in the future, and I am finally the person I most want to be.  All of the things I can accomplish by saying yes are right out in front of me and this will be the year.  I love goals, even to-do lists.  I think writing down what I would like to do and putting a time limit on it holds me accountable, and if done prayerfully, can…
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559graces-blog · 9 years
Last year around this time, my life was disjointed.  We had been back from Australia for almost two months, were living with my parents, Christmas was over, I didn’t have a job, and all of my friends were off finding their own places in the world.  Even though I am not a worrier by nature, I had a lot on my mind.
After all of my resolutions were hammered down, I wanted to choose a word for the…
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