jxkesonyxu · 5 months
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"Hey! I resent that!"
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knowlessman · 1 year
bnha I guess then? ep 5-7
ohey isn't that the tumbly sexlerguy of this show? with the scarf and the 5 o'clock? actually idk if he was in the poll or if drawfee just talked about him before, but he looks like one to me.
huh. he's got his shirt tucked in and all. not planning on hulking out tonight I guess. -- come to think of it tho, there hasn't been any talk so far of whether this "inheriting" of the Quirk is going to mean that All Might loses his power. -- …okay I guess this is him saying that here?
…"Itadakimasu" is translated as "I'm off!" here. I think I'm gonna have to accept that I'm never gonna know the full meaning of that one unless I put my entire ass into learning what's probably one of the harder languages to try to learn when starting from English. 'XD I should content myself with knowing about "natsukashiku."
This fucking guy again
This other fucking guy tho, Ida (Iida? Maybe the subs just misspelled it that time? idk). Cautiously starting to like him. Bit annoying, but annoying about being a decent guy.
it's the sexlerman doing his Kakuna cosplay. Forgot he did that. Maybe he's literally just Stein but less uncomfortable to watch, that'd be fun. -- Aizawa. When do we learn pink girl's name tho? The opening flashes the names by too fast.
ZUKO. IT'S ZUKO. HI ZUKO. Hope he gets some lines soon. -- literally googles just to check that he isn't voiced by dante basco bc that might be the only thing that would actually get me to watch a dub (I just like to read shows and not have to follow verbal convo I'm not here to argue about it) -- also Froppy (?) and birdman and that one guy who by reputation needs as few lines as possible and, uh, acid girl I think? and invisible girl. and, y'know, the rest
sounds like shithead's (not The Bad Shithead, the bad shithead we already know) VA is having fun, at least. sounds fucking terrifying
…eraser what. …am I not gonna wanna like this guy? I know just enough about what eraser head (the movie) is to know I don't wanna know any more about it -- pretty sure he's bullshitting about expulsion. unless it's gonna be laser navel here who gets expelled, cuz I've never seen nuffin about him before -- stg give this man a bucket hat and clogs and poof he's from a different show -- …gawd I hope nothing tempts me to continue bleach, I haven't heard anything good about the bits past that filler even tho it's aesthetically so much more my jam
Uraraka. …I read the entire Bionicle book series as a kid, I should be able to remember that just fine. … ':|
can't get the image of saitama with his head stuck in the ceiling out of his head
…ayup. no notes. next one.
"the person with the lowest total score will be expelled" meanwhile I don't think being fucking invisible makes you run any faster or throw any harder. the fuck's No-Hat-No-Clogs on about? -- absolute dickweed. also how in fuck did invisible girl beat deku? cheating? is she even able to make her clothes invisible, or is it a Violet Parr situation where it has to be a specific material?
I mean tbf you haven't tried powering up one toe at a time yet. running/skipping that way might look stupid as hell but it's better than blondie over there
"I'M DEKU!!!" 'XD -- I also love the exaggerated reaction shots in this, they're very good -- copernican…? googles nerd.
how I've never seen a gif of "I'M… COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" I'll never know
these oughta be good
okay this is cute -- facepalm nobody told me deku was a furry
…well that's conve - huh. Iida being the teammate will be interesting. (also is it gonna turn out that they're lying about it being randomized now? because this is some astonishing coincidence) -- interesting that they're literally playing rainbow six siege tho
awfully metallic for paper mache
…that's… huh. powerful moment for bakugo to just throw away like he's going to
aye, next one
haha kid bakugo walks like a rugrats character
why is zuko half-covered in ice for no reason? is that sposed to be his costume?
heh. he's not Saitama or Rock Lee. He's Karate Kid. (I saw like one or two episodes of Legion of Superheroes) His superpower is knowing what it's like to not have a Quirk. -- "I need a plan." runs off ah, yes. more time for thinking. hope he stops being relatable soon and actually comes up with a plan, tho. -- you don't need to beat Bakugo if you can get him lost tho. …maybe I'm underestimating him but I would be surprised if he bothered to memorize the layout worth a damn. -- I swear his VA is channeling a lot of mob boss for a high schooler 'XD
…Iida you're being weird. for the love of fuck please don't tell me you're gonna start listening to mr bonaparte up there
"he's just standing there… cackling like an idiot"
huh. we did learn why he's got bigass grenades on his hands. -- sidenote: …when I was a kid I wrote up superpowers that my stuffed animals had. one of them was literally this. …I gotta get myself to fucking write more. (didn't write any actual stories, tho. also obv I didn't think of the gun bit) -- and that's how deku got his costume
aye. good shit. gonna stop for tonight
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sparkles-and-trash · 2 years
I honestly just want more of your headcanons for mha if you have them? :3
note: I have this note on my phone with all my random mha headcanons that's like, a mess of characters and plots, so it might be a bit all over the place, but here we go! tw: canon typical violence, scarring, burns etc for Dabi
Shoto is totally the type to sign his texts like "friendly regards, Shoto Todoroki", and uses super appropriate punctuation and stuff, but he also uses all the overly expressive smileys ( :3 xD UwU :c ^u^ etc) because Izuku does it, and Izuku is the first friend Shoto texted, so he thinks this is normal
and nobody has the heart to tell him otherwise
Denki having adhd is one of my favorites, I've already mentioned this, but it's kinda important to me, lol
I also love to think that Denki is a super supportive friend, and that he genuinely cares for everyone in his class, and knows them all really well, he's just a person that's so genuine and caring, it makes it very easy to open up to him!
okay Shinso and Denki are gamer boyfriends, they can sit together in the dark on their gaming computers and talk to each other on discord for hours and call it quality time
I think the burns under Dabi’s eyes were on purpose, or, at first he tried to wipe his tears when he was upset, much like what happened with Kirishima, but when he realized he couldn't cry from that eye after, he did it again to the other one so he wouldn’t cry in front of his dad and show weakness
I 100% think Hawks molts every now and then, and it makes Dabi sneeze like a motherfugger
When they were kids, Izuku worried that Bakugo's explosions would make him lose his hearing, and while it hasn't yet, he still worries about it and keeps up with the basic stuff, just in case
Bakugo realizes it one day when he catches Izuku practicing, and seeing his childhood friend sitting there trying to perfect this thing for him, just in case, with his weary and crooked hands, something just... hits him
He asks Izuku to teach him too, and once, when he's working as a pro years later, he once uses it to help a deaf child in a hostage situation, and he calls Izuku the second he has the chance to tell him all about it
Izuku cries and Bakugo pretends he doesn't hear it lmao
I think Eri loves Momo and Jirou, she thinks they’re sooo cool!
They become a safe place for her as she grows up, some older girls to ask about all sort of different stuff Aizawa and Mic might not be able to understand or relate to
oh, and Deku and Eri stays tight forever, to the point where she starts to refer to him as her brother
He gives her away at her wedding BYE I'M GONNA CRY -
If we're in the upheaval verse or any other scenario where Dabi and Shoto reconnect, I think they would realize they're more similar than they ever knew
Esp Dabi, who had Shoto built up as this perfect, glossy Endeavour 2.0 in his head for so long, only for him to realize Shoto is just the most socially awkward kid who also hates Endeavour
Shoto thinks any time they spend together is great quality time, and Dabi is just so taken aback by it lmao
Dabi loses his mind a little at Shoto's fashion sense tho, Dabi loves to be extra, as we already know, and Shoto's little cardigans and polo's and mom-fashion makes him wanna shake some edge into him
Okay, but imagine the same with Hawks and Tokoyami, but kinda the other way around
Hawks isn't exactly a fashion icon, but after he's released escapes from the commission (leave me alone it happens in my version of things), he starts to realize he enjoys expressing himself with clothes
He asks Tokoyami for ideas and stuff since he likes how edgy and personal Tokoyami looks
Tokoyami literally just wears black tho, so he's not much help, but he's willing to try
Hawks ends up wearing shit that looks like the pastel grunge/goth tag from Tumblr in 2012 lmao
But he's happy so who cares, right?
(Dabi cares, but he tries really heard not to say anything)
I also just think Hawks wanna be friendly with Tokoyami so badly, like, bond outside of work? Talk about school and friends and stuff?
And Tokoyami doesn't understand that's what he's doing because Hawks is so bad at candid social stuff because that's not really something you can train for, yanno?
So he thinks Hawks just wants information, like when they first met, and Hawks is like... so lost lmao
I know they're not friends in canon, but I looove Mirko and Hawks as besties
I just think she'd be great at taking care of Hawks and teaching him social skills and stuff without being condescending
Dabi would do it, but he's just as bad as Hawks and doesn't wanna learn anyway lmao
Okay and finally, Shoto totally used to have a crush on Hawks
Just a distant school boy crush, and it ended years ago, but he still thinks it's a little weird when Hawks and Dabi starts dating at first lol
Shoto would totally tell him in front of both Dabi and Izuku (Shoto's boyfriend) lmao
"You know Hawks, it is a little funny that we are here now, as you were my first crush, and sort of made me realize I was gay, and now here we are and you are dating my brother who we used to think was dead haha :-)"
And Hawks is just like... ʘ‿ʘ
Izuku is blushing so hard he almost passes out lmao
Dabi finds it all fucking hilarious of course
bnha requests are open <3
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palettepainter · 2 years
OKAY BUT THINK,,, jirou, hatsume and shinsou would be ultimate trio. them babysitting eri in the teachers dorm together and since the teachers dont really have anything to hide from them its just a big comfy and funny (and well, chaotic) night for them
Shinsou and Jiro vibing with the same aesthetic, going shopping together and looking cool af, they convince Hatsume one day to let them choose her outfit for a day and they have such a blast
Jiro stopping Hatsume from taking apart the dorms toaster because it's the fourth one this month, and Shinsou is leaning against the wall like the smug boy he is, cheshire grin while he watches the chaos unfold (or he falls asleep, it's a 50/50 chance either way)
Hatsume testing out some kind of support item that hovers off the floor, using Shinsou's cat as a test to see if it will hold the cats weight. Shinsou is clinging onto Jiro's hand, maybe crushing it in the process, and Jiro is patting his back like "There there" (Shinsou pratically scoops the cat into his arms the moment Hatsume says she's finished)
Jiro one day shyly showing off her music to Shinsou and Hatsume, Shinsou thinks it's cool and Hatsume thinks it's SUPER cool! So cool in fact she made Jiro her own deluxe speaker: Five windows where broken from the volume and all three lost their hearing for around three hours. Higari was so angry (concerned-) so you have no clue
And oh god..the chaos that would unfold if they babysat Eri!! XD Shinsou and Jiro being the cool but responsible ones, and Hatsume is the one that runs about with Eri over her head!
Ectoplasm, Aizawa and Higari leave them alone for all of five minutes and they return to find Shinsou with glitter glue over his face, Hatsume's and Eri's hair is sticking out on end and Jiro somehow got tied up in a blanket with the resident dorm cat chewing on her hair
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Denki Kaminari
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Kaminari is not a stranger to tickling, being involved with the illustrious ticklesquad (Bakusquad). He actually is the most tickled of the group and the one who most dislikes it, even more than Bakugo. His dislike of tickling isn’t because he dislikes the tickling itself, but because excessive tickling makes him short circuit. He is the designated lee of the group. As a fun fact he can use his quirk to carefully stimulate parts of his brain to weaken his ticklishness (or make it worse), but it leaves him in a robotic type of state.
Kaminari is most ticklish on his thighs, followed by his feet, his last spot is a tie between his knees and his navel.
A “shockingly” ticklish spot XD Tickling here started as a game in the Bakusquad. They had a bowl full of tickle spots and a dare that they had to last longer than 25 seconds to advance. It was all going decently well until Kaminari pulled thighs, his laughter was heard on every floor of the dorms. Tickling him here will result in electrical discharge and will deafen anyone in a 25-foot radius due to his loud screams and squeals. Funny enough he just barely lasted 11 seconds being tickled here.
Rated 10/10
The spot that is most often tickled in the Bakusquad. Kaminari made the mistake of teasing Bakugou for having “Insanely ticklish piggies” once and now its bomb-boys mission in life to break Kaminari here every time they tickle each other. Tickling Kaminari here results in a machine gun cackle and he suddenly turns into a champion thrasher; usually they have to hold him down with Sero’s tape.
Rated 8.5/10
A surprising weak spot and one that he is mocked for by Bakugo. Discovered by Mina when she tried to get him to confess his feelings for Jirou. It shocked him so badly that they got small burns and had to go see Recovery Girl and a detention from Aizawa for acting like children. Can’t stand brushes here at all and will result in him thrashing and shocking any passerby.
Rated 7/10
Like the knees, this spot was a surprise, though less so because Kirishima was ticklish there. Kaminari wasn’t really upper body ticklish so being as ticklish here as he was.... Kaminari is really only ticklish here after he discharges,  
Rated 7/10
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spiritfoxarts · 3 years
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Ok, so I know that MHA series’ end is right around the corner, but I told myself that if I won’t post this now, it might be too late another day. I actually made those characters when manga version of class 1A vs class 1B came out (so I didn’t know about that experiment Chimera guy), I just didn’t want to post it immediately after finishing the pic.
- Younger sister, who basically grew up as only child. Very outgoing, isn’t scared of many scary quirks like Dark Shadow at night, acid, exlosions, etc. That is also why she’s never afraid to talk with Shinso and doesn’t mind, if he forcibly makes her shut up.
- Her quirk doesn’t require any outside sources, but she has wide knowledge about many animals and likes to share fun facts about them. That knlowledge helps her survive and be creative in fight. She can also spit poison like snake, regen quicker like starfish, geeko, etc.
The catch is, that she morphs her body on DNA level, which causes a lot of pain. Currently she’s used to it and that also helps her withstand longer in combat.
[I actually imagined, if during Sports Festival she stood agains Monoma; and after he of course insulted her, she smiled and said “Fine, you want my quirk?! Then come and get it!”, they high-five and as he’s trying to simply morph his hand, he get’s struck by unbearable pain. In the end she won and also menaged to insult his quirk as well.]
- After her “Tami” returns after 13 years of possibly being dead and now working with LoV, Runi got put into bad light by other students. Only Shinso remains by her side, like she did when everyone was scared of him.
- She didn’t have it easy getting and staying in UA, because her parents became very protective after Toshiko dissapeared and didn’t want another child gone.
- Runi called herself as “morphing hero: Chimera”, despite being limited to only one morph type at the time. The ability to mimic multiple animals at once comes after some serious development.
- Born with her mother’s quirk - healing hands, Toshiko wanted together with her little ”Sunflower” to become support among other heroes. Unfortunately, she was kidnapped at the age of 7 and almost smuggled across the border together with other 10 kids. They were hoping for heroes to save them, but nothing happened. One night one man came in to shut them up, Toshiko had this burning feeling in her eyes from anger and frustration and before she noticed, the man was on the floor choking on his own blood. She led their escape, but later split their ways, somehow trying to find their way home - that night there was only half of Moon visible.
She was wandering around nearby town and stealing to survive - she couldn’t come back with that second quirk, what would she do? Hide it until it will activate on it’s own? Be called “monster”? But one day a woman caught her stealing in the market and instead bringing her to the police, she took her home - to her orphanage.
Turns out it wasn’t JUST an orphanage, kids with promising quirks were training how to fight, improve them and how to steal, when other kids could just play.
- When she returned to her home town, she heard Stain’s message and about that “League of Villains” and wanted to be helpful by saying “City birds breath air from streets, and they sing truth about those in need.”. She develops a bond with others in a different way, but only Dabi is stubborn and refuses to get healed faster. Mr.Compress however understands her often complicated logic and even sometimes flirts with her.
- When she wants to piss off somone, she speaks in ryme and riddles - that is also her way to tease Runi by leaving riddles around the city, which only she can solve (Toshiko had a weird liking in riddles, rymes and miths as a child).
- Everytime she faces Aizawa it’s a f***ing staring contest - who will blink and die first. XD
- Despite how cold and calm she is all the time, she still has this “big sister instinct”, so if you will hurt some innocent children, who were not involved in fight, being her teammate won’t save you.
For some reason I like Toshiko more than Runi, who I made first. I guess because of her character, you know - you can’t really call her just “bad” or “good” and her grey hair and eyes really imply that. Also the front view on Runi’s face… mmm it should be more round, you know. Kitsune mask design taken from internet.
So that is it, I hope You like it, if not that’s fine.
Have a great day.~ :)
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tellatennie · 3 years
Bakugou x Soulmate!Reader
Hi! This is my first Tumblr post! Not my first time writing but it wont be as awesome as everyone else on Tumblr but I hope you like it! Im still figuring some mechanics of Tumblr out first so let me know if I mess any technical stuff up :)
SOULMATE AU: Reflecting in the mirrors is the appearance of your soulmate 
(Y/N): age thirteen
”mommmm can you come here for a minute?” I call out of the open bathroom door. I’m freaking out. I looked in the mirror one second and it was fine then the next moment it’s reflecting a boy with spiky ash colored hair and not me. 
“Yes sweetheart?” My mom said walking next to me. “Who's....that” I say; pointing at the mirror. She smiles at me.
”Is it not you?” I shake my head. “Then that’s your soulmate” I look up at her. “My... soul..mate?”  She crouches down to meet my very short height. 
“You see, everyone has someone that’s perfect for them. Someone that you can be best friends with and hopefully marry” She stands up and looks in the mirror. “Everyone that has a soulmate sees that person in the mirror instead of themselves. I see your father, and your father sees me.” I make an o shaped mouth and nod. 
“So my soulmate sees me in their mirror?” I ask. She nods. I glance back to the mirror and leave the bathroom. 
Meanwhile, about a 30 minute drive away (No POV) 
”What the HELL” A young boy yells. 
“Language!” His mom screams. “WHY THE HELL IS THERE A PERSON IN MY MIRROR” He heard his mom stomp up the stairs. “What are you blabbering about?” She glared at him from the doorway. 
“There’s a fucking person in the mirror” He deadpans to his mother. She squeals and runs over and hugs him. “Wha- GET OFF ME YOU OLD HAG” She smiles at him and smacks him upside the head. “That’s your soulmate!”
”..my whAT?” She explains to him the details of having a soulmate without yelling more than 3 times. (Sorry, I'm lazy) The boy somewhat glares at the mirror as his mom leaves.
”Stupid fuckin system makin that extra my “soulmate”” he mumbles to himself while walking away.
I groan and hit my alarm clock. Today was the first day of school at U.A and I did not want to get out of bed. I slumped the top of my body and slowly slid off my bed onto the floor (we have all done that) I get dressed into my uniform and walk into my bathroom. I stare at the ‘reflection’ of the once young boy that turned into a handsome young man that you call your soulmate. I figured he was about the same age as me but I could always be wrong. My mom has to do my hair every morning due to me not being able to see myself anymore other than pictures. 
After she did my hair I bid her farewell and walk out the door, excited for what the first day of school will bring.
I stare at the somewhat H shaped building. My jacket hood pulled over my head, I walk into the school and search for my classroom. I made a few friends during the entrance exam, like Kirishima, Mina, and Ochaco. So at least I knew I would have friends.
I walk into my designated classroom and immediately get tackled by Mina. 
“(Y/N)!” I let out a laugh and pat her back to get off me.
”Hey Mina, can’t breathe” She got off of me and backed up whilst I stood up. I eye around the room and spot the people I saw at the exams. My gaze falls on a blonde guy sitting with Kirishima and a yellow haired boy. I remove my gaze and look for my seat but Im FrEaKiN oUt DuDeS. 
Oh right next to him that’s great 
Why am I freaking out? You probably guessed (*cough* since this is a cheesy oneshot*) . It’s the same exact boy I have seen in my mirror for the past 2 and a half years. I sit down at my seat and try not to look too much in that direction. Hoping the crimson eyes I constantly had stared into, didn’t land on me. 
“Oh! Hey (Y/N)! Nice to see you got in this class too!” 
God damn it Kirishima
I turn my head to him and smile “Hey Eijiro! Nice to see you too” He stands from his sitting position off the desk. 
“This is Denki Kaminari” He pointed at the yellow haired boy “And this is Katsuki Bakugou” He leaned in slightly and whispered “Be careful around him, he’s a hot head” The blonde boy shot up. 
“WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY SHITTY HAIR?” The boy glanced at me and then back to Kirishima. I see him do a double-take at me and blink slightly. He quickly regains his *terrible* posture and crosses his arms and glares daggers at Kirishima.
"This is (Y/N) (L/N) by the way" He added, acting like he didn't just get screamed at. I smile slightly and wave. I feel someone hug me from behind and put their hands over my eyes. "Guess who" a very high and obviously fake voice came from behind me. I think for a second; the only person I know that would need to make their voice higher other than Kirishima would be....
"zuku!" He huffs and removes his hands and I turn around to stand up and hug him. Me and Izuku have known each other for a while, my dad is his moms brother, making us cousins. So him and I would hang out often. Just as I was about to start a conversation with him our teacher Aizawa appeared from practically nowhere and told us to take our seats.
I got a weird feeling that someone was watching me about halfway through the lesson, figuring it to be Izuku I glance at him only to find his head stuck in his notebook writing down what Aizawa said. I looked around the classroom before giving up and looking down at my desk. I still feel watched and out of the corner of my eye I see Katsuki Bakugou staring directly at me. I make eye contact with him and hold it for about 3 seconds before snapping my eyes to my notes. I see him move his head to his notebook to start writing his notes.
When class lets out for the day I organize and pack all my things together in my bag and stand up to leave when I notice a note on my desk; neatly folded into quarters. I look around the classroom and just now notice I'm the only person left in the room. I pick up the note and open it, reading it out loud. 
"Meet me at the (Random Park Name: R/P/N) at five" I glanced at the clock that reads 3:45. Giving me plenty of time to go home, have a snack, get dressed and go. I don't know why I'm going, I just feel like I need to. 
I walk out of my house holding the note in my hand. I walk to (R/P/N) and stand outside the entrance. I walk in and sit on one of the benches and scroll on my phone. I feel someone sit next to me but I pay them no attention. I could tell it was a guy but I didn't want to seem weird or something. He cleared his throat expectantly. I look up at him to meet the gaze of Bakugou. I feel my cheeks heat up slightly and look down at my hand holding the note. 
"Um. Hi. I'm assuming you gave me the note then? Is there something you need?" I raise my head to look at him. He scoffs, "We both know we're soulmates so don't act fuckin stupid like those other idiots." He snaps. 
"Alright fine. Yes we're soulmates. Why did you want to talk to me" I said, trying to act super chill about it. "Because I wanted to get to know you dumbass"
For someone as hot as you, you seem really dumb 
"I could say the same thing to you gorgeous" I snap my head to him to see his eyebrows raised and him smirking. My face flushed, did I say that out loud?
Me and Bakugou walked together for about 3 hours after that, just telling each other about ourselves. I learned that he is really sweet-hearted but he doesn't want people to know that so he made me swear not to say anything about it. Somehow our hands got linked together and we were sitting in a patch of dandelions on a large hill looking down at the city. 
"You know I've dreamed about meeting someone as pretty as you the day you appeared in my mirror" He commented, glancing over at me. He was really good at complimenting, I've lost count of how many times he's made me blush tonight.
I leaned my head on his shoulder and asked "does this mean we're a thing now?" He let out a soft laugh and put his hand under my chin and lifting me head up. He closed the gap between us. I couldn't help but notice how soft his lips were. I leaned into the kiss, deepening it as he cupped my face. When we broke apart he rested his forehead onto mine and smiled softly at me. 
"Of course we're a thing dumbass"
AHhh I'm bad at writing romantic scenes I'm sorry xD
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maximit3 · 4 years
Caregiver -1
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Pairing: Shouta Aizawa x Reader
Summary: After the raid on the Yakuza compound Aizawa offers to take Eri home with him on the weekends, you are her caregiver. Lots of Dadzawa!
Warning: Perhaps childhood trauma, language, but no others beside that.
W/C: 1523
a/n: I got this idea for this when i was doing another set of headcanons and decided to turn it into a fic. Let me know what ya’ll think and hit me up if you want more!
You definitely took a wrong turn somewhere. You could have sworn you would have had the path memorized by now, having walked it every weekend for the past month, but you were definitely lost.
Sighing, you pulled out your phone and input the address, hoping that you werent too far off. It was hotter than normal today, and you really didn’t want to arrive looking sweaty and disheveled. You heard your phone ding showing that you were only a block over from where you were supposed to be. You smile with relief and put your phone away and quickly tie your hair up into a ponytail to keep it from sticking to your neck. 
“I really need to be more careful, I can’t just be wandering around.” You muttered, continuing your walk.
It wasn’t like you were any danger, but you had a job to do and being tardy was somewhat of an embarrassment, one you tried to avoid. After all, you were chosen as the head caregiver at the Hosu General Hospital to take care of a very important patient and you weren’t one to shirk duty.
Your steps slowed as you reached the front of the familiar apartment complex. As you climb the steps of the stoup and press the buzzer, you find yourself fidgeting waiting for the response.
A month ago you found yourself standing in the Administrator's office unsure of why you had been summoned to a meeting with the pro hero Eraserhead. You had been told that you would be receiving a special assignment, a new patient who would be under your care, but that was all.
In the meeting, you stood silent as Eraserhead spoke with the Administrator and soon the name, Eri, had been mentioned. You knew of the girl who had been saved during a huge raid on a Yakuza base, the girl who had great power that was uncontrollable. You listened more intently as Eraserhead explained his wish for Eri to have weekends outside of the hospital, to give her a chance for some normalcy.
“She’ll stay with me under my protection, of course, so that her quirk does not get out of control.” Eraserhead stated in a voice that was low and somewhat scratchy.
It wasn’t a hard sell, but the Administrator had one condition. “Miss (Y/N) must accompany young Eri to be sure her health stays in good standing while she is away from our care.”
There wasn’t much discussion after that, Eraserhead seemed to understand the position and agreed. Thus began your walks to his apartment every weekend and your caregiving of Eri.
A loud buzzer suddenly drew you out of your haze and you heard the door click allowing you entrance. 
Making your way up the familiar stairs you get a little excited to see Eri again. The little girl has been through so much, you read her file, but she was so strong and brave and slowly learning what it meant to be a kid. You push away the thought that you were a little excited to see Eraserhead himself, you are a professional after all, but you still can’t help being a little starstruck.
Quelling your thoughts you find the apartment you're looking for and knock lightly. Through the door you hear giggling and a low amused chuckle. Then there's movement and the door opens and an excited Eri patiently waiting for you.
You kneel down to her level and smile. “Hello Eri, may I come in?” you ask politely.
Eri nods excitedly, “I’m really happy to see you, Miss (Y/N).” She says with quiet excitement, still getting used to her own voice.
She takes your hand and leads you inside where you see the living room table covered in crayons and coloring sheets as well as some glitter that had apparently spilled out. You smile warmly and look down as Eri lets go of your hand to sit in an armchair, already rolling up her sleeves for her examination.
You look around for Eraserhead and hear the bathroom sink running and you figured he must be cleaning up before coming out. Your attention fixes back on Eri and you begin to pull out your equipment starting with monitoring her blood pressure.
“Have you been having a good time today, Eri?” You ask while you watch her numbers on the device.
“Mhm, Mr. Aizawa has been playing with me, we’ve been coloring and playing dress up!” she squeaked excitedly.
You smile as she rambles on allowing her to simply speak, an act you know is difficult for her, and move on to checking her heartbeat. 
“That sounds like a lot of fun, I’m glad you’re having a good time. Now, same thing as last week. Just a small pinch, ready?” You say, getting ready to take some of her blood. You can see the tears in her eyes, but she's being brave and grabs hold of your hand. It’s over quickly, just the way you like it. You hate causing her pain.
“Oh, Mr. Aizawa said we could go on a walk later!” She manages to get out while you study your vial.
You hear a low voice suddenly and you won't deny there is a bit of a flutter in your chest. “Actually, what I believe i said was that if Miss (Y/N) was okay with it and if we asked her nicely, maybe we can go on a walk.”
You turn and see Eraser standing in the hallway, leaning against the wall, and smiling at Eri. He was dressed in sweatpants and a short sleeve black shirt that showed off his arms. He catches you watching him and you turn back to your work a slight blush on your cheeks.
You always find yourself a little tongue tied around him and oftentimes all of your conversation revolves around Eri. Sometimes he may ask a question or two about your week and you sometimes give a polite answer and that's that. You’ve heard from others that he is fiercely private and you try not to come off as unprofessional or too starstruck. You remind yourself that it is the way it should be, you are here for Eri.
“Well, Miss (Y/N) what do you say? Would you like to join Eri and I on a walk today to the park?” He asked, raising his eyebrow at you.
You look from him to Eri who is wearing a smile that would melt anyone's heart, and you knew that you were going to say yes. 
“I think that would be a lovely idea.” You smile back as Eri claps with excitement.
“Eri why don't you go change your clothes and we can be on our way.” Eraser says and Eri excitedly bolts out of her chair and heads down the hall. You don't miss the Pro hero giving her a loving pat on the head as she passes.
You start to pack up your equipment, you aren’t done for the day you’ll have to check her stats when you get back from the walk to, but you won’t need it for your walk. 
“I hope you are really okay with us going. I know how hard it is to tell her no, but she would understand if you did.” You watch as Eraser goes to sit on the couch as you both wait for Eri.
You look at him and politely smile. “Her vitals look good today and she seems to be in good spirits. As long as you're sure there aren't any immediate dangers, I don’t see a reason to say no. You’re doing a good job making her feel normal, Eraserhead.”
You smile and place your pack by the front door then take a seat across from Eraser who had been looking out the window with a contemplative look on his face. Almost absentmindedly, you heard him say, “you know, Miss Y/N, you don’t need to call me Eraserhead while we’re here.” 
You knew this, he had told you many times that you could call him Mr. Aizawa. It really didn’t bother you all that much to make the change, but it added just a little more of a personal connection between the two of you. You suppose though, that it had been over a month now and it was probably getting a little awkward for him. 
You smile politely and say, “Yes, of course, Mr. Aizawa.” 
For a moment you thought you saw something flash in his eyes, something that you hadn’t seen before, but the moment passed when Eri rounded the corner. She smiled at the two of you an awkward toothy smile, but bright, almost as bright as the yellow sundress she was wearing. You couldn’t help but smile back.
“Are you ready to go Miss (Y/N),” she asked politely.
You heard Aizawa stand up from where he had been sitting and you mirror the action dusting off your skirt to straighten out the wrinkles.
“If you are ready Eri and- “ You hesitate for a moment, “And if Mr. Aizawa is ready then so am I.” you finish.
Big shout out to @mindninjax​ and @bullrunpicnicker​ for being my beta readers XD. Yall motivate me to be better. I’m working on the second part of this right now and would love to hear feedback from yall. This is definitely going to be a slow burn so prepare yourselfs. Love you all, Plus Ultra!
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lukneetoonz · 4 years
From Across The Room
Summary: Shinsou spots you from across the room, and suddenly there’s nothing else he wants more in the world.
Pairing: Shinsou Hitoshi x Female Reader
Warnings: Drinking (be responsible pls), mentions of uncomfortable touching situations,
Word Count: 1,698
A/N: This is a special for getting to 100 followers!! Loosely based on the song ‘Dance, Baby!’ By Boy Pablo, ‘Strangers in The Night’ by Frank Sinatra, and ‘Beautiful’ by Bazzi. Tbh at this point I should just make a playlist so you guys could have some bangers. But in all seriousness, thank you all for the love and support lately, it’s meant a lot. I can’t even begin to tell you how much it’s meant. I love you all 🥺👉👈
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Shinsou Hitoshi was not a partier. If it was up to him, he’d be home playing video games, eating chips and drinking a bang energy until he could hear the birds chirp beyond his black out curtains. But here he was, sitting on a couch next to his blonde friend that was practically having sex with a random girl he met with horrible music playing in the background. Drink in hand, Shinsou looked up at the makeshift dance floor only to have his breath taken away by a girl he could swear was an angel on this god forsaken earth. You were dancing with some of your friends, smiling as you tried to sing along to the song the best you could.
As you were blissfully unaware of the lilac colored eyes watching your form in fondness, a man approached you from behind and gripped onto your hips and pulled you into him to dance, the action making Shinsou scowl. What was he thinking? Of course a beautiful girl like you would have many others pining after you, he’s sure you wouldn’t even look in direction. Hell, the only reason people know his name is because he’s friends with Kaminari and Midoryia, and not by choice. Ever since becoming a pro-hero, he decided to take Aizawa’s route and go underground because he could care less about fame and attention, he just cared about helping people.
Shinsou was lost in his thoughts; he didn’t even notice your own look of discomfort as you tried to nudge the guy away unsuccessfully. The indigo haired man only noticed when he heard your soft voice speak up, even if it should have gone unnoticed with the background noise, he noticed. “Let go of me.” Was all you had to say for the young pro hero to stand up and be by your side in an instant. Towering over both you and the Male he raised an eyebrow, “Why are you still here if she said to let go?” His deep voice got your attention and you couldn’t believe your long time crush came to your rescue.
You had gone to UA, but you were in the support course and you still did support hero work, in fact you worked with Kirishima. Kirishima would actually have you help the other pro hero’s a lot too since your quirk came in handy a lot of times; you were able to see anything damaged or weakened just by looking at it. So you could easily tell a person's injuries or see what’s wrong with their costume and fix it faster than anyone. Because of this, you had known Kaminari quite well, since he was a little clumsy sometimes and he needed help to figure out what was wrong with his gadgets and you never hesitated to help, because sometimes shinsou would be there and you’d sneak a peak at him.
That’s why when he was towering over you with such an intimidating look, your whole body froze. Heat rushing to (S/C) cheeks as you couldn’t even force yourself to look away. After years of pining he actually noticed your presence? Shaking your emotions off you focus on the situation before you, subconsciously moving closer to the purple eyed boy. “Man you know how crazy bitches can be! She was grinding on me and then just got all weird, Cmon just walk away and we both avoid trouble” the man's words make you want to vomit as you looked at Shinsou with terrified eyes, which merely confirmed to him what he was already thinking.
Nodding he sighed before grabbing your waist and pulling you away fully from the man and anyone who truly knew Shinsou would say he was practically seething with anger, even if he came off calm and collected. “I’ll only say this one time, ‘man’, so listen good. If I ever catch you touching a woman when she doesn’t want it, I’ll personally break both of your hands in ways you never knew. Now, turn around and go home before I second guess my decision on letting you go.” The man didn’t even reply and just mutely listened to Shinsou so you only assumed there were quirks involved.
Turning, you moved to fully face Shinsou and smiled shyly, avoiding his gaze. “Thank you… Uh for helping me…” A lazy smirk found itself on Shinsou’s face as he shrugged, hand still on your waist. “It was nothing, I see a beautiful woman in danger and I help, it’s what I do.” (E/C) eyes flew up to meet his as your face heated up, “Wh- beautiful? Did you, Shinsou Hitoshi, call me beautiful?” Your knowledge of him seemed to shock him as he raised his eyebrows at you and tilted his head, “You know who I am?” Pulling your lip in between your teeth, you nodded shyly, not even being able to find the right words to answer him.
Shinsou himself gulped as he stared at you, not liking how his eyes drifted to your lips. The beating of his heart was loud in his ears as he thought about how you knew him, yet you still didn’t shy away from his touch. With a quirk that’s been called villainous, Shinsou has been judged most of his life. It didn’t help with his personality being cocky and seemingly self centered, so when you smiled at him while saying his name, it’s like he was housing a butterfly garden in his stomach. “I-I went to UA too… except I was in the support course… but I always admired your determination to be a hero. It’s very reputable.”
Okay now he was just gonna slap himself. You went to UA? How could he have not noticed you!? Yet you noticed him, not only did you notice him but you admired him! A blush spread across his pale skin, as his focus was on you and only you. “What’s your name? I mean, it’s only fair since you know mine” Now your heart beat was rapid as you played with your clothing. “You can call me Y/N…” Y/N… what a beautiful name, and it fit you so well. Replaying it over in his head, he chuckled a little before saying it out loud. “Y/N… I like it.”
If you died in that second, you wouldn’t care. Shinsou Hitoshi, likes your name. Oh god you’re going back to your highschool ways… although highschool you would have probably fainted already or ran away screaming. “I like you too- wait no- I mean I like it too. Not you too!” Shit, you were so weird. He’s gonna hate you and talk about you to Kaminari who’s gonna tell everyone- “Man, and here I wanted to take you out. But I only take out the ones who like me” he smirked smugly, making you choke on air. “Really?” Shinsou chuckled, nodding his head as he traced your jawline with his finger. “Really really.”
“Then boy do I like you , I've liked you since highschool!” Maybe that was too much information, but you wanted- no needed that date. Shinsou smiled softly and blushed, grabbing his phone and opening contacts handing you the device, “Well, I'm gonna need your number then” nodding, you grabbed his phone and put in your information, gulping as you couldn’t believe this was happening. “Y/N C'mon you’re our DD!!” Damn your friends for ruining your moment. Damn them to the seven circles of hell. Honestly, you debated on acting like you didn’t know them but they came and draped themselves onto you, making Shinsou chuckle. “I’ll see you soon, Y/N.”
After having to take care of your drunk friends you finally walked into your own place and sighed happily, going and changing into pajamas. As you flopped into your bed, your phone buzzed and you saw an unknown number had texted you and you pulled it up, furrowing your eyebrows as you forgot everything that happened.
Shinsou: ‘Hey, it’s Shinsou :)’
Oh my god. He texted you. He actually wants to know you. Before you could even respond you noticed that he texted you basically right after you left the party, which was hours ago. You ruined everything, he must hate you. How could you have not noticed that he texted? Dragging you out of your thoughts was the buzz of your phone, looking down you saw the miracle of a double text.
Shinsou: ‘I hope this isn’t too weird, but did you get home okay?’
He’s so sweet you might just die. Smiling softly, you let your thumbs move as you typed a response back to the handsome pro hero. You saved his name to a new contact, chuckling at the name as you were unaware of the name he had made yours.
You: ‘I’m so sorry! I didn’t see your text! But yes, I just got home! I had to take care of those toddlers I call friends XD’
On the other side of the phone, the indigo haired boy took a breath of relief seeing you were okay because ‘Angel’ responded to his texts, and didn’t block him for double texting. Shinsou Hitoshi was happy for the first time in a while, hoping that he would be able to keep your presence in his life for a long time to come.
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Ello! I dont know where to request since i'm stupid but i usually use this place to request! I saw those two 1A scenarios/drabbles and since i loved them, can you please make another 1a (with the characters Bakugou/Tokoyami/Mina/Todoroki and Aizawa plus Monoma) scenario/drabble with fem!reader where Monoma keeps pranking her and one time it got to reader and almost killed him, but BTMTA (the characters) stop her and calmed her down and Monoma got scolded! ❤️❤️ Love your writing btw 😌
Hiya lovely! You’re not stupid, this is exactly where you send requests! I’m glad you liked them and I really hope you liked this one! Ugh, I love a sassy reader at times xD Thank you so much!! Btw, I aged them up here, so they’re all 3rd years because Baku needs work before he’d ever be this friendly lmao.
Length: 1.9k words
Warnings: Mild swearing
Your Name: (y/f/n)
Quirk: (y/q) - preferably one that increases strength and speed.
Age: 17
“Good morning, (n/n),” Tokoyami greeted as (f/n) walked towards him with a bright smile.
“Morning, Fumi! Sleep well?” She inquired, making him nod. She walked around to her desk and pulled her chair out.
“I did, yourself?”
“Eh, could’ve been better. You know-” As she went to sit, the legs of the chair broke, making her squeal as she fell flat on her butt. The loud racket garnered more attention as worried classmates ran to her, including Bakugou and Mina.
“(f/n)!” Todoroki and Tokoyami yelled as they ran to her, making (f/n) groan as they helped her stand.
“What happened?!” Mina exclaimed, her hands landing on (f/n)’s shoulder.
“Th-the legs broke,” (f/n) explained, rubbing her back, “h-how? I thought these were brand new chairs…”
“What happened?” Aizawa’s voice came through as he walked into the classroom and saw the broken chair with a few students gathered around (f/n).
“(f/n) went to go sit, but the chair broke!” Mina explained, turning to her teacher who was now approaching them. His tired eyes gazed at the chair for a moment before he sighed.
“Class B should have extras. They’re next door, go get one.” (f/n) nodded and quickly left her class to get another chair. When she walked into their classroom, she had to embarrassingly explain that she needed to borrow an extra chair due to hers breaking. She did NOT miss Monoma’s pathetic attempt to cover up his laughter.
“Oh, you’re breaking chairs now? What a surprise, class A has no regard for our school’s reputation or supplies.” He muttered as she walked past him.
“Shove it,” (f/n) glared as she quickly grabbed her chair and left the classroom, returning to her own.
Turns out, Monoma had been responsible for her chair breaking. But that’s not where his stupid pranks ended. For example, her project went missing and she had to completely redo an entire week’s worth of work. He changed the locks on her dorm room so she couldn’t get in until Bakugou broke her door down. Let’s not forget the camp incident (heh), he was also the reason all her white clothes turned blue in the wash making her buy a new shirt for her uniform, and he also sent mean texts from HER PHONE to Bakugou, Mina, Todoroki, and Tokoyami. She had a difficult time explaining those texts weren’t her.
Now, it was starting to get too much. There was no way (f/n) could prove what happened was exactly Monoma’s fault. She never caught him in the act nor did he ever outright admit to pulling those pranks. He’d always make sly comments like towards her situation, but those weren’t enough. She had zero proof.
However, (f/n) was 100% sure that Monoma was behind all of these dumbass pranks and she was starting to get furious. However… that could wait because…
“OI! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!” (f/n) immediately screamed and covered her eyes as she turned away. She was positive this was the girl’s bathroom.
“S-Suki! I-I’m sorry!” (f/n) ran outside, pulling the door shut behind her. Her eyes flew to the sign next to the bathroom and widened. Girl’s bathroom? She backed up, looking around the hall and realized the girl’s bathroom was on the other side. Someone switched the signs?
She frowned and rubbed her eyes. She had been training with Todoroki and Mina all day, so she was a bit tired. She hadn’t even noticed she was on the wrong side of the building. Monoma came all the way to their DORMS to mess with her? Well… it wasn’t the first time. Her frown quickly melted into a look of anger.
“Monoma, I’m gonna kick your ass. Prank me one more time…” She muttered to no one in particular.
“Hey, (n/n)!” Mina chirped, slinging her arm around (f/n)’s shoulder. (f/n) smiled at her and gave her a side hug.
“Hello, Mina! Sleep well, I take it?”
“Maaaybe! Hey! Wanna go out for dinner tonight? Fumi and Sho are coming too! Not so sure about Suki.”
“Sure! Sounds fun, I’ll talk to Suki and see what he says.”
“Gosh, I’m jealous of that little soft spot he has for you.” Mina pouted. “But then again! A cutie like you probably gets all the dudes, huh?” (f/n) laughed and moved away from Mina, who’d started tickling her sides.
“You’d be surprised. By the way, you’re early today.”
“Yeah, Kiri woke me up early this morning. So, I decided to get ready instead of laying in bed.” (f/n) squinted at her.
“Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?” She teased, making Mina giggle and place her hands on her hips.
“I am Pinky! Or wait, no! Alien Queen! Bow before me mortal!” (f/n) giggled and gave her a little curtsey.
“Hello, your highness. Welcome to the halls of UA! Oh! May I introduce you to sir Peppermint?” Mina turned around and saw Todoroki approaching them with an amused look.
“Hello, your majesty. I am sir Peppermint, a pleasure to meet you.”
“Hello! Sir Peppermint! Oh! Who’s that?” Mina feigned innocence and pointed behind (f/n). The (h/c) haired girl turned around and saw Tokoyami and Bakugou approaching them.
“Oh! That’s sir Tsukuyomi and Knight Kacchan.” Bakugou’s eyes almost popped out of his head.
“The hell did you call me?!”
“Ooh! Hello, Knight Kacchan!” Mina greeted making him groan. As much as Bakugou liked to pretend he hated that nickname, deep down… he didn’t. Especially when it came from his… friends.
“What are you idiots doing?” He asked, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
“Well Mina here is Alien royalty and thus, must be treated as such.” (f/n) said, matter-of-factly.
“You’re a royal pain in the ass, that’s for sure,” Bakugou responded, making Mina pout and Todoroki laugh a bit.
“We all know you don’t mean it, Kacchan.” Todoroki teased, making Bakugou glare at him.
“Listen here, you half-n-half bastard, I’m go-” Bakugou was interrupted by (f/n), who shrieked when she opened her locker. The second she opened it, her entire uniform was covered in blue paint. Some speckles even landed on her cheeks, mouth, forehead, and hair. Everyone froze as the paint slowly dripped down her now dirty clothes.
They all turned their heads when they heard laughter and saw Monoma doubled over trying to keep his laughter in. (f/n)’s shock turned into a death glare. She clenched her fists, ready to pummel him into the floor.
“I didn’t know you wanted to die today, YOU LITTLE SHIT!” Before anyone could do anything, (f/n) sprinted to Monoma and tackled him down, spreading the paint to him as well. He let out a scream as they both collided with the floor, the paint smearing beneath them.
“KICK HIS ASS, (N/N)!” Bakugou encouraged her, however,  Todoroki, Tokoyami, and Mina tried to stop her. Knowing he’d just copy her quirk, (f/n) settled for simple hand to hand combat.
“L-LET G-GO!” Monoma strained as (f/n)’s arm wrapped around his throat in a chokehold. (f/n) ignored him as her arm tightened around his neck. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he fell on his back, leaning his weight on her. He struggled, trying to stand up but to no avail.
“(f/n), you have to let go!” Todoroki yelled, as he and Tokoyami attempted to pull (f/n)’s arms off of Monoma, but she had a good grip. Todoroki pulled both (f/n) and Monoma up so they would stand. “Bakugou! Help!” The blond rolled his eyes, but complied, coming up behind (f/n) to pull her off. Ideally, he’d let (f/n) beat the shit outta him, but he also didn’t want (f/n) getting in trouble.
All the commotion caused their classmates to pile up at the doorway to watch the fight. Most of them were on (f/n)’s side.
“Goddammit, woman! LET GO!” Bakugou yelled, struggling to pull her off. Monoma was starting to see spots and his vision was getting hazy due to the lack of oxygen. Both Tokoyami and Todoroki noticed, making them pry harder.
“Let go, (f/n)!” Tokoyami yelled as Dark Shadow joined in. He tried to wrap around her, much like he would with Tokoyami, in an attempt to make her loosen her grip.
“NO!” (f/n) yelled back, making Mina’s eyes light up as she got an idea. She quickly ran behind Bakugou, slid her arms around him and tickled (f/n)’s sides. It took a few seconds, but their friend let go, making Todoroki and Tokoyami stand in her way, grabbing her arms and pressing their sides against her as Bakugou held her waist.
(f/n) was a strong fighter and here was proof, 3 fully grown men having to hold her back. Monoma felt his soul leave his body at the sight.
“STOP IT!” Bakugou yelled as she struggled against him.
“Let go of me! Let go of me right now, Kacchan! I’m kicking his ass!” Monoma was currently leaning against the lockers trying to catch his breath as he watched the furious girl attempt to… kill him?! She wanted to kill him! She was trying to choke him to death!
“ENOUGH!” Everyone froze at the booming voice and (f/n) shrank against Bakugou when she saw her teacher standing there with his hair and scarf floating. Her hands reached out to grab Tokoyami and Todoroki’s arms. His red eyes glared at the group demanding answers.
“She tried to kill me!” Monoma yelled, holding his throat. (f/n)’s eyes widened and shot to Aizawa.
“This jerk’s been pranking me for the last three weeks! Everything that’s gone wrong is his fault!”
“You have no proof of that!” Monoma argued, glaring at her.
“No pro- you’re always laughing at me and making snide comments! I know for a fact it’s you, asshole! Don’t even act like your innocent!”
“I am innocent, asshole!” (f/n) shoved Bakugou off and slipped in between Todoroki and Tokoyami, running towards Monoma when Aizawa’s scarf quickly wrapped around her.
“Out of your entire class, you’re the only one who hates us, dumbass!” (f/n) retaliated as she struggled against her teacher’s bindings. “Let me fight him, Mr. Aizawa! LET ME KICK HIS ASS!”
“That’s enough!” Aizawa interrupted their petty squabbling as he approached them. His eyes stopped glowing and his hair fell down. (f/n) was still wrapped around in his scarf but was no longer struggling. “Have you been pranking (l/n) this whole time?” Aizawa asked the blond.
“NO!” The hallway was so quiet, one could hear a pin drop. Aizawa glared at Monoma as he grabbed his arm and made him stand up.
“You’re lying.” The scarf loosened around (f/n) and fell off, returning to Aizawa as he looked at the students. Bakugou, Todoroki, Monoma, (f/n), and Tokoyami- not to mention his scarf- were covered in the blue paint. “Go clean yourselves up and come back, we’ll discuss your punishment for starting the fight later, (l/n). For now, I’ll be handling this one.” With that, Aizawa took Monoma away leaving everyone in awkward silence.
Until Kaminari broke it.
“Damn, (n/n)!  You really kicked his ass! That was awesome!”
“I think you’re rubbing off on her,” Tokoyami said, looking at Bakugou who smirked proudly.
“And the problem with that is?”
“We’ll have another you to deal with.” Todoroki responded, flatly.
“What’s wrong with me, IcyHot?!” 
“You guys are awesome!” Mina giggled, wrapping her arms around both Bakugou and Todoroki. “(f/n)! Get in here! You too, Fumi!”
“I’ll get the paint over you,” (f/n) muttered, looking down at herself.
“Either you come here or I’ll give you a bear hug.”
“You just want to go back to your room so you can lay in bed.” (f/n) argued, as she and Fumi joined the little group hug.
Later that day, Aizawa had met up with (f/n) and explained that her punishment was going to be detention for 3 days, as well as cleaning up the dorms. Although Monoma got something similar, it was worse.
However, whenever their classes were paired up for sparring matches or mock fights, Aizawa always did his best to pair (f/n) against Monoma, so she could teach him a lesson. Properly.
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nachotrash · 3 years
Everybody dies in their nightmares
Requested by: My irl friend
Type: Songfic (?), angst to fluff (idk lol)
Song: Everybody dies in their nightmares by XXXTentacion
Character: Platonic!Aizawa x gn!Reader, Bestfriend!Denki x gn!reader
Summary: Reader gets scared to sleep because of their nightmares
Warnings: Thalassphobia (fear of deep bodies of water), swearing, bullying, bakugou
Authors note: Simon you chose the perfect character for this. Finally something you’re good at XD (jk) REBLOGS ARE APPRECIATED!
Word count: Exactly 1001 words 
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“Mama! Help me!”
You cried as you struggled against the waves. But it was no use. Nobody heard you.
You felt a bit lightheaded, but the pain in your chest didn’t fade at all. It just kept getting worse by the second.
And just like that, you sank
And deeper...
“Yo Y/N! Are you awake? Class starts in 30 minutes you know” You heard the familiar voice of Denki, and sat up panting.
You sighed, images of your nightmare still flashing through your head. “Yea, I’m coming! Give me a minute” You yelled back. You quickly brushed your teeth, slipped on your uniform, and opened the door.
You were met with a grinning blonde boy, holding a few onigiris in his hands. He looked at you and his grin faltered. "Uhh Y/N? Are you okay? You look so dead. Did you even sleep?" He asked, concern written all over his face.
“Oh, don’t worry Denki, I’m fine. I just stayed up too late watching youtube again” You said, taking one of the onigiris from his hands and taking a bite.
“Uhuh...” He nodded, still confused. But his face quickly lit up and the grin returned on his face. “Last one there is buying lunch!” He yelled, bolting out the hallway and to the elevators.
“HEY! NO FAIR!” You laughed, chasing after him.
“Alright class. About that trip to the pool next week, they already have someone who booked it. So the trip is going to happen this friday.” Mr. Aizawa sighed, crawling back in his sleeping bag. “Now you can do whatever you want, I don’t care”
Cheering erupted from your classmates, but you felt the rock in your stomach drop.
Oh no. What if they find out? What if they think you’re pathetic? What if Denki will hate you? What if-
“Y/N? Are you feeling alright? Do I need to get Recovery girl?” Mina walked over to you, leaning on her hands on your desk.
You groaned. “Yes... I just stayed up too late and now I’m tired.” Mina responded with a raised eyebrow. “Okay then, but if you don’t feel well just tell Mr. Aizawa.” She said, standing up. “Oh and by the way, me and the girls are going to go shopping for swim suits. You wanna come?” She asked. You shook your head and smiled.”Nah, I already have a swimming suit” You lied. The pink-haired girl nodded and walked back to her classmates.
“How pathetic! You’re scared? There’s no way! You’re just an attention seeker!”  Alex laughed. “Guys, lets teach her a lesson shall we?” He smirked. Your eyes widened at the sight of the huge branch in his hand. He laughed once more before swinging the branch down at your head.
You yelped, waking up with sweat plastered all over your face. You buried your face in the palms of your hands, fresh memories flashing before your eyes.
Laying back down, you closed your eyes while trying to go back to sleep, only for the images to come back once again.
You groaned, sitting up and grabbing your phone.
1:30 AM
“Why at this time” You thought. Frowning, you stood up, put on a hoodie and sweatpants and walked through the door.
It was a surprisingly calm walk around campus. The temperature was a bit chilly, so you pulled the hood over your head and buried your hands in your pocket.
After walking about 10 minutes, you saw a bench and decided to sit down for a bit.
Sighing, you took out your phone and started listening to some music since its the easiest way to calm your nerves.
“Long endless highway, you’re silent beside me”
“Driving a nightmare I can’t escape from..”
“Helplessly praying, the light isn’t fading”
“Hiding the shock and the chill in my bones.”
You jumped at the sudden voice other than the music, and looked around you. There was a familiar black-haired man standing next to you. You quickly stood up and stumbled
“You were singing out loud.” He said, and you relaxed, sitting down on the bench.
Aizawa sighed, sitting down next to you. “What are you doing here at 2 in the mrning? Shouldn’t you be sleeping?” He asked, looking at you.
“I couldn’t sleep..”
“And why is that?”
You bit your lip, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall.
“Hey, it’s okay. You can talk to me” His voice sounded way softer than a minute ago.
That was the moment your brain decided to give up. You tried to tell him everything. The time you almost drowned trying to learn swimming on your own, when people bullied you for being scared to swim, you being scared to tell the class about it, and your fear of them finding out at the trip to the pool. It was hard for him to make out what you’re trying to say, because your words were cut off by hiccups and sobs.
Aizawa sighed. He didn’t expect something like this, but he somehow wasn’t surprised.
He watched with concern as your sobs slowly turned into small sniffles. He turned around and handed you a tissue, which you used to dry your tears
“Look. I get you are scared of people bullying you. But why didn’t you tell me or any other teacher?” He asked.
You looked down, feet kicking at the tiny rocks on the path.
“I- I don’t know”
Aizawa stood up, looking at you with the same concerned face.
“Alright, we’re gonna do this. Tomorrow you’re free from class to get some rest. I’ll just tell them you didn’t feel well enough to go to class. And for the pool, I will need to think of something, but you will need to overcome your fears to become a hero.”
“Yes sir. Thank you”
“Now get yourself back to bed.”
You slightly smiled as you walked back to the dorms, feeling relieved that you got all that off your shoulders.
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astrangeraccoon · 3 years
BNHA rambles part 3
Here to episode 3
-Izuku mumbled rant are the funiest thing to see
-All might could have phrase his proposition better because what I just heard (and how Izuku can have interpreted the offer) is you can’t be a hero without a quirk but you can using mine. Which is a) wrong and hurtfull to hear and b) the best way to get Izuku to only base his worth on the quirk which is... not good.
-He also says something really interesting “I may hide a lot of thing but I don’t lie”, and I’m definitely going to expend on that when I do a post on all might but THIS, this is exactly what caracterise him during the whole serie
-All might training is just insane, I mean, even knowing he took into account Izuku theorical limit it’s insane.
-Also how did he not notice Izuku overworking himself before he collapsed?
-(I’m not saying he’s a bad teacher but he’s a bit of a bad teacher)
-Speaking of bad teacher, let’s go back to burning Aldera and getting Izuku out of this toxic environment please. I mean I’m pretty sure using your quirk on your student is illegal (I know that Aizawa does it but he both is a hero meaning he has a license to use it and teach at UA which probably has it’s own law for on campus activities with the kind of school it is
-Also shout out to mama Inko whose son just came home one day with a training and eating plan and she just accepted it and cooked what he ask from her.
-Can we also talk about the fact that by month 6 or 7 Izuku could carry All migth on his back, which mean that he can at least carry 255kg without any problem without a quirk. It’s insane!
-Izuku scream at the end of his training
-”Eat this” XD
-Uraraka is the most precious person on this planet and I would die for her. Also her first interraction with Izuku is the cutest thing
-Izuku, honey, the fact that your scared of Bakugo during your interaction even if he ahasn’t done anything drastic against you since the sludge incident is a sign that something is REALLY wrong in your relationship... Also that’s not you being scare for nothing, that’s having a conditionned reaction to your interaction with Bakugo, which is... not good
-YEAAAH! Present Mic is here! I feel so bad that no one answer his yeah (I mean I understand it but it still sad)
-Izuku fanboying over present mic is just so pure
-The little presentation is so cuuuuute
-Iida, Iida please. I love you but please get that stick out of your ass. Also don’t scream at the green bean or I’m the one who’s going to punch you...
(Also knowing that Present Mic went to school and is friend with Tensei and must known Tenya, it make it increadibly funny for me to hear him calling him by his candidate number, I mean I understand it, but it’s like you’re uncle calling you by your ID number, it must be pretty weird)
-0P or OP? 
-Mic, babe, I love you,b ut why do you look like a psychopath? I mean...
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-Why does Iida have so much muscle? And why does midoriya still look like a twig? I mean we all know how much muscle he really has so why?
So I just realise that with the fact that I’m basically just info dumping my every thought just after watching an episode, I have no way to regulate how much I write, so I’m probably going to do one of this for every episode, which mean there is going to be a lot of them... I hope you’re ready for the ride
Aya’s out!
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knowlessman · 9 months
idfk knowless got a pokemon game and then got pinkeye edition, bhna s4e10-14
oh yeah it's the plague doctor faction, with the tiefling kid
"you need to heal up so I can fight you to the death properly!" okay so this punchy guy wandered in from dbz then
yup. lockdown got redshirted -- so vampire girl can create clothes with her disguises, but because this writer is the way he is, that doesn't mean she can just transform her clothes when she morphs? wheretf did she put them, then? also aizawa fell for that ruse for like 0.5 seconds longer than he should've -- also also I have a feeling deku isn't gonna get the news that she infiltrated a school to whoever needs to know in time (or maybe that was revealed to them ages ago? I forget)
handface: "no, I don't know how to play chess. take your fancy-pants stradgedy and shove it, I do what I want"
"I can only read the future once a day, but luckily I'm also Batman"
"but we don't wanna work for the yakuza!" "we're gonna double-cross 'em." "on it!" he probably coulda just said "deku will be there" and the token protagonist-obsessed knife-licker would've shown up in a plague mask
(twice and vampire girl got hypnotized into saying how their abilities work) …wait, "my clothes transform with me, but they overlap with stuff because I purposefully wear clothes that sabotage my own ability just so I have to take them off?" …the fuck
mr zone of truth keeps holding his gun by the trigger. idjit's gonna shoot his own kidney out any moment -- sidenote, I imagine this confession guy's quirk is very popular in fanfic
"ultimate move: phantom threat!" you can't fool me, subtitles, I know what I heard 'XD it's jojo all over again
maybe don't scream your target's name when making a surprise attack tho? -- running time? you got the girl, I'm pretty sure chisaki's quirk is touch range… run away time?
…togata's not the main character tho. they ain't gonna let him solo this. …probably. -- ayup. hella move on the yakuza's part, tho - oh wait no, the dart probably wouldn't have erased eri's quirk, that's just her own quirk. he just guessed that togata wouldn't realize it wasn't a bullet, I guess. or that he wouldn't realize that it probably (?) wouldn't have any effect on eri.
…ngl, they did have me going for a second. I wasn't sure whether togata had somehow avoided the effects of the dart, or was gonna just Karate Kid it and beat chisaki to a pulp without powers, or what
goddamn after-credits scenes. -- oh wait so the after-credits bit here was just preview or something. well, fucked if I know
I still say Nighteye's future sight shouldn't make him able to dodge perfectly since it doesn't give him the superhuman speed to match his opponent's. -- …and there it is.
oh right, he ate the confession guy. …huh.
"then who was the deku we just saw" I was wondering how he got up there that fast. -- "…how DID we, kronk?" "well, you got me. I guess we copied that other teammate of ours and used his pokeball quirk to dig our way out" - wait a minute holy shit this is a lot of quirk copying going on. both these two can do it, Ditto from Class B can do it, it's a whole subgenre of superpower, huh
…subtitles, tiefling kid has been in the opening and outro for this whole arc. she's the macguffin of the whole thing. I know who Eri is.
"I have to go back…" eri's homura. calling it. we're about to re:zero this whole arc.
nighteye you have rock where most of your torso is sposed to be and an arm off, how in fuck are you still talking
"eri rewinds humans, so I just gotta keep taking damage to balance it out so I don't overheal and turn into a monkey!" …okay??? I guess??? -- I was just thinking how deku's power is kind of like if saitama's body wasn't immune to damage
you, sir, are a resident evil boss
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hehe deku's hair kinda makes him look like a Bluper Saiyan here
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(chisaki's backstory) "that girl is a person. does that mean nothing to you?" and I'm sure you, a mob boss, would be saying that even if she weren't your granddaughter
"midoriya… he changed the future…" actually I'm pretty sure that was little miss groundhog day who did that. -- altho, I guess it'd be a little much to assume that her ability actually fucks with the time continuum or whatnot, given that it seems that it just reverts bodies to earlier versions of themselves. it is pretty wonky that the first thing it does is healing and the second thing it does is erase quirks tho, rather than de-aging, and we haven't actually seen if it has any middle grounds (like other kinds of de-evolution) between that and complete annihilation.
(seer's gone) huh. …well, he did have a big ol' spike replacing most of his internal organs. maybe eri coulda done something, but tbf she can neither steer nor control what she does, so (according to chisaki) she'd probably have just turned him into a monkey anyway
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Icarus: Bakugou/reader, Part 5
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6 (Edited summary because I didn’t like the first one haha) In which Katsuki continues to despise you, but gets accused of being nice more often than he could appreciate. Things aren’t really going his way lately.
(Also there’s a title drop.)
(I might put this series on hiatus for a while, depending on how my feelings about it change (or don’t change)...sorry for how late this update is + my inconsistent as hell writing style, I kinda lost motivation in the middle because idk, I’m kinda dissatisfied with how it’s going so far ;-;  And I’ve now remembered that quirk training/sparring wasn’t a huge thing until post training camp arc, but ah well. I’ve already written it in so let’s just ignore that small defiance of canon XD Hope somebody out there can enjoy the story anyway, though! ^^;;;
Katsuki doesn’t believe in red flags, the same way he doesn’t believe in cowering. He tears right through them and doesn’t look back.
You’ve made your stance clear, so this is a turning point. The next time your handkerchief turns up in his uniform pocket, he marches over to the washing machine and shoves it in. It’s only a generic, white cotton handkerchief- hopefully, his mother will mistake it for one of her own. If she doesn’t, he doesn’t care.
Because that’s what you said yourself, isn’t it? We don’t have to be.
He tolerates walking with you, answering your every word through gritted teeth but refusing to back down. Fights don’t have to be physical; the tension carries over from the sparring field to the classroom to the walks home, when Kirishima will later comment on his harshness, but shitty hair doesn’t get it and that’s fine.
(He can’t tell anyone that he has an extra mental image added to the film reel in his brain, that he’s now stuck on loop with you looking back at him from the left fork in the road, your smile sharp with a momentary flash of secret humor as your mouth forms the words,
We don’t have to be.
And the wording of that phrase is a needle in his consciousness, ever-present and irritating, because something about your tone, something about the way you worded it-
The only logical conclusion is mockery, and the only way to retaliate is not to give in.)
We don’t have to be (friends.)
True. You can be proper enemies instead.
But there’s a method to dealing with this. New approach, new rules.
So when he finds you in front of the vending machine after school, examining the drinks on display inside, he stops for a moment and greets you with a blunt,
“The fuck are you doing?”
You tap on the glass at the machine’s front. Do you think milk tea is preferable to boba?
“How the hell should I know anything about your stupid tea?” But he looks at the bottles, because whatever game of faux-friendliness it is that you’re playing, he’s decided not to lose. “Don’t get tapioca though, it’s fucking gross.”
Really? You seem to be in the minority there.
“Well I’m right so does it matter?”
You hum- neither agreeing nor disagreeing- and begin counting out coins. Clink, clink, clink. When the machine regurgitates two bottles, you fish them out and hold them up, squinting slightly as if to examine them.
Would you like one?
He glares. “Keep it. I don’t drink that shit.”
You shrug lightly, unfazed as you slip one bottle into your bag. Ah, well. I suppose Kirishima might want the boba, then.
It’s nice that you’re assuming Kirishima will be there- that you’ll be walking together. As if anybody asked for you to join in. Katsuki just sneers before he whirls around and stalks briskly away, making sure that he’s fast enough to leave you behind.
There’s a certain bitter, unfulfilled satisfaction in the sound of your footsteps leisurely chasing after him.
“Is anybody actually looking forward to camp?” Kaminari groans as the students file out of class.
I am, you remark, entirely too brightly.
“What the fuck is there to look forward to?” Katsuki doesn’t like the way you’re falling into step beside him, as nonchalantly as if you do this every day, but he clenches his fist and bears it. “Also, don’t tell me you’re going to meet up with your shitty boyfriend again.” (Kirishima’s jagged elbow glances off his side. He ignores it.)
Well, you can never get too much training. But no. You hum, adjusting the strap of your backpack and checking your phone. I’m not meeting Takeo-kun today.
___ Not meeting Takeo-kun means you walk home alone. Katsuki kicks at the pavement as he whirls around, determined not to watch you go. It’s not as if he cares. You can be an antisocial asshole if you want to be; doesn’t matter to him. He wonders, though. What you do when you go home. What you do when you’re with your boyfriend. The things he knows of you- your horrible crumpled shirt collar, your insulting serenity, your grades and your quirk- don’t lend themselves to any image of a person outside of school. So there’s another facet of yourself you’re keeping close to your chest. It pisses him off. How many times do you need to fight someone before you figure them out? How much do you need to know before you really win? _____
The bus is bursting with chatter from all sides; Katsuki’s palms begin to tingle as he turns and tries to shout in every general direction, “Can everybody just shut the fuck up for one second?!”
Which just makes them louder.
The only exception is you, staring out the window on one side and watching the scenery flash by. There’s a weird look on your face, your brow slightly furrowed as you lean against the glass pane, apparently lost in thought, which is rude of you, considering that he’s about to decimate you again once training starts.
“Oi,” Katsuki begins, not entirely sure what he’s about to say, only knowing that your thoughtfulness pisses him off, but then you look up and meet his gaze.
Exciting, isn’t it? Seems like we’re going to have some fun.
“…’fun,’ my ass.”
He slouches back into his seat and glares at the floor, additional curse words suddenly dying in his throat. Doesn’t matter. There’s never been much of a point in picking verbal fights with you, if only because you just don’t talk enough to keep things going. He’ll beat you at camp. That should be good enough.
The soft huff of almost-laughter that drifts from your lips just pisses him off that much more.
When Class 1-A stumbles out on the other side of the forest after a long, hellish battle, he glances at you. There’s a cut on your forehead and sweat on your brow but you don’t seem to mind. You catch his eye and smile at him, shoulders still shaking with deep, ragged breaths. Like you’re not bothered at all.
He returns the look with a scoff. Same old, then.
Training is harsh.
Katsuki creates explosion after explosion from his palms as he stands, planted stubbornly on the baking earth beneath the midday sun, burning his skin and brining his clothes with sweat. It’s gross, but the fire’s getting hotter and the damage from his quirk is getting worse, which really means better.
He’d anticipated a fight, but maybe this is fine- grinding sparks from his hands and watching them get hotter, sharper, louder when they burst. Deku, the fucking bastard, isn’t going to catch up this time. And when he spars with you again, he’ll get the explosions strong enough that he won’t have to resort to fistfights anymore. That’s kind of the point of camp, after all.
“You hold back too much.” It’s Day Two. He spots Aizawa-sensei taking you aside and overhears his quiet words, spoken in a low tone under the rest of 1-A’s post-training chatter and groaning. “Your control over Reflection is highly advanced for your age, but you’ve taken it too far. That’s just stunting a perfectly good quirk.” You bow your head. I’ll work harder, sensei. Katsuki fixes his gaze on Pikachu and Mineta, both currently getting told off by Tiger for something or other, and wipes the sweat from his brow. He keeps his mouth in a line and his eyes steady. It’s not as if some cheesy teacher-student moment is anything he should be giving a shit about. He just feels half resentful, half spitefully vindicated by Aizawa-sensei’s comments- the implication that you could be doing better, maybe didn’t necessarily have to get knocked on your ass every time you fought him. As Aizawa-sensei wanders back off towards the Pussycats, Katsuki catches a glimpse of your face. It’s neutral, just the way it always is, eyes staring blankly after your teacher as he leaves, but there’s something off, maybe. Something in the line of your jaw that seems unnaturally stiff, making you look less calm and more just exhausted. Maybe even sad. (Like you have any fucking right to go around looking depressed?) When Class 1-A begins to head back to their base, he stalks up to you, glaring, and slows momentarily to match your dragging pace. It’s not that he particularly wants to talk to you, but he’s pissed enough by what he’s heard that he doesn’t want to avoid you, either. For reasons probably best known to yourself, you don’t object. ”You better fucking improve,” he hisses to you under his breath, quietly enough that Aizawa-sensei could miss it. “And get ready for me to kick your ass again once you do.” For some reason, the stiff lines of your face soften again, just a fraction. I will. Thank you. ”The fuck are you thanking me for?” You shrug with a knowing glance that makes him feel enraged all over again. It’s nice of you to walk with me. And by all accounts, that should make him immediately leave you for Kirishima or Ashido or even Kaminari, but because that would be losing, and he’s long since made up his mind to adapt to the game, he just curses again and sticks with you. The entire journey back is sickeningly reminiscent of the walks home.
Later at night, he catches sight of you, sitting at one of the wooden tables used for dinner with a book held up to your face. The letters on the dark blue cover spell out Greek & Roman Mythology.
He could just go inside and leave you to your own devices, but, “Hey,” he calls out instead, loud and abrupt, just to gloat in the way you briefly tense before turning to face him. 
You inhale deeply, shaking your head. Hello. You surprised me. 
He snorts. “Yeah, yeah. You just gonna sit there forever?”
I’ll get inside soon, you don’t need to worry about me.
“Who said I was worried, you bastard?”
He glares. You’re still sitting silently, while he stands as close as he can get, hands shoved deep in his pockets and words swimming in his head but the right ones getting lost on the way to his mouth. There’s a brief moment of staring and he hates your practiced blankness, the way you act so goddamn collected when there’s clearly something hidden underneath that you won’t set free. It’s like going round and round in circles, stuck in this loop of a game that doesn’t end because you don’t seem to understand the rules. Though- whatever. He’s getting used to the rhythm. And though you make his blood boil on the best of days, there’s no worth in picking a fight when you’re wilting for some inexplicable reason. Have you ever heard of the story of Icarus? ...what the fuck kind of a non-answer is that? The look on his face must have said something, because, damn it all, there’s a hint of what might almost be amusement in your eyes now- he wonders if you’re even capable of looking amused without also somehow mocking him. “The fuck are you laughing at?” I’m not laughing. You tap the book lightly with a finger. If you’d like, I’ll tell you about him sometime. Just remind me that I owe you a story. “You don’t owe me anything. I don’t give a shit about some stupid story.” But he glances at the book again before he turns to leave. You’ve opened it to an illustrated page, bordered with designs almost like stained glass, a winged figure in the middle of the paper reaching up towards a gold-foil sun glimmering in the dim light. Looks pretty fucking useless, Katsuki decides as he wanders off, leaving you to your own devices. ______
The next morning, you greet him with a smile at breakfast. As he offers a glower in return and turns back to his food, he notes how you yawn your way through the entire meal, your hands shaking and fumbling as you reach for a mug. He’s not about to ask any more questions, because it’s not like he cares; you probably just stayed up the entire night reading your stupid book, and now you’re paying the price for it. He doesn’t owe anybody any explanation as to why he curses you out and hands you the mug instead of leaving you to suffer. “Somebody’s being uncharacteristically nice,” Icy-hot notes in his most insultingly deadpan voice. Katsuki reaches across the table and explodes his toast. ____ The third night of camp is a fairly straightforward situation. The test of courage is done in pairs; Class 1-A is composed of twenty one students; twenty one is an odd number. Therefore, either one group should be composed of three people, or one of these fuckers has to suck it up and go alone. “We should draw lots,” Iida suggests, adjusting his glasses as he turns to seek the Pussycats’ approval. “Or does anybody want to volunteer?” “Count me out of it!” Mineta, the fucking nuisance, already has his eyes bugging out of his tiny head in fear. “I’m not dying at fifteen, no thanks, why can’t I just go with two partners- ?!” Katsuki inhales deeply, feeling a familiar migraine coming on as he prepares to speak up- he can go alone just fine, unlike the majority of these fucking extras- when somebody else’s hand shoots up instead. He turns to look and immediately scowls. Of course. Invisible Girl and Uraraka are hanging off of your arms and practically fucking weeping as you glance at them with raised eyebrows. “Seriously? Aren’t you scared at all?” “Hell yeah, show B-2 what we’re made of-!” I’ll be ok, you say, the words directed to Mandalay. After all, it’s not as though there’s any real danger. _____ Someday, Katsuki might look back and pinpoint this as the moment when everything went to hell. He’s not superstitious- thinks superstition is a fucking ridiculous concept, has never believed in omens- but it’s almost funny how ironic your comment seems in hindsight. Not as though there’s any real danger. The words seem to echo in his head as he feels the rough, scarred hand of the villain close around his wrist and the cold mist begin to swallow him up, Deku reaching towards him from the other side, and he snarls, stay the fuck back you shitty nerd, do you honestly want to mess this up any more than it already is- The mist closes around him. (In the last few seconds, he realizes that though Deku’s accounted for- you’re not. If you die before your sparring rematch, he’s going to kill you.) ____ Shouta almost sinks to the ground in relief when his last unaccounted for student finally stumbles out of the forest. As it is, you’re the one who immediately slumps. He grabs your shoulders as gently as he can, hoisting you to your feet as he examines your face, your limbs, the tears in your clothing. Though there’s not much blood, only a few cuts here and there on your hands and cheek, you seem unnaturally dazed. For a tense second, he’s terrified as he searches your eyes for any dilation, or any sign of consciousness- god, if you’ve inhaled the gas- But then your gaze finally focuses on him and you speak, voice hoarse and ragged. Sensei- sensei- is everybody alright? Where’s- “It’s alright,” he mutters, steadying you as you begin to tremble. “Shh. Calm yourself.” You’re insistent, though, hoisting yourself up on wobbling legs. Sensei, what about Bakugou? “Bakugou’s...” He can’t say it, not now, not here, but you seem to understand anyway. A tear runs down your cheek. Shouta holds you steady as you begin to cry. You’re shaken- crying over Bakugou, a boy you barely seemed to like, is proof of that. Something happened in the forest, something that hurt you, even if it wasn’t necessarily physically. None of the other students have broken down like this so far. For the moment, though, he holds you, and chooses not to ask.
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phoenixkaizen · 4 years
#3 Erasermic? If you have the time and energy of course!
Time? Energy? What are these mysterious things xD Absolutely I will do this for you! (did you send me two Omegaverse requests btw, if you did, they are currently in the works!) 
Welp! Annnnywayyyy, here you go!
Shouta Aizawa constantly found himself in sticky situations. Being an underground hero had its major downsides, and on the other hand had major upsides. Being able to operate alone fell in upsides and unfortunately downsides. 
His current predicament? Possibly broken ribs and a severely twisted ankle. Well, he wanted to say it was a twisted ankle. By the looks of it alone. Probably not. The skin around his ankle being a sickly looking dark black and blue with purple mixed it around the edges. Every single time, legitimately, every single time he tried to put any type of pressure onto his foot, the pain would spark through his entire leg and he would collapse in pain. His head felt as if it was splitting into two at that point. 
How this happened? He would never admit. Stupid miscalculations and going to quickly for his own good. Nope. If anyone asked. It was a villain. He would rather admit to a defeat that never happened than admit to this. 
His phone was completely shattered and unusable. He tried, multiple times. The retched device might also be even more broken at this point from his frustration and a nearby wall. 
Now he was just sitting in dirty, damp, and smelly alleyway with absolutely no way to contact anyone. Unless he screamed. But he wasn’t Hizashi. No one would hear him. It was the middle of the night on a Friday. The only people who would be out where heroes like himself, criminals, and drunk people. He would not entrust a drunk person to his welfare. Absolutely not. He’s been down that road once and never again would he ever let that happen. 
The ground in the alleyway was soaking through his pants and shirt from the rain from earlier that day. He was wet, cold, and, in a seriously terrible mood. This night couldn’t possibly get worse but at the same time and knowing his luck, it would. For his sanity, he hoped it didn’t. 
After this year and all the shit that has happened. He would gladly just see to his death in this alleyway. Because of his own stupidity. Yup, this was the end for him. 
“Shouta?” Shouta raised his head to see Hizashi standing at the end of the alleyway with his phone up to his ear. The blonde’s face was completely pale and his emerald green eyes wide that Shouta could see the white’s of his eyes around his sunglasses. 
“Um, hi, Zashi.” Shouta muttered, putting his head back down onto the concrete. 
Footsteps echoed through the alleyway, notifying him that Hizashi indeed came down the alleyway. Of course he would though. They were married afterall. 
“What happened, Shou?!” Hizash exclaimed the second he managed to survey the injury on Shouta’s foot. The blonde kneeled next to him completely silent. 
“I plead the fifth.” Shouta stated, trying everything to make it seem like he wasn’t in pain. He had an extremely high pain tolerance and Hizashi knew it. He just didn’t want Hizashi to know exactly how much pain he was in. 
Hizashi snorted. “We live in Japan. Not America.” He replied. 
“Than I choose not to incriminate myself!” Shouta retorted. 
Hizashi rolled his eyes, unlocking his phone. “I’ll call an ambulance.” He stated, not pushing the issue any further. 
Shouta shot up, wincing loudly as he grabbed at his torso. “No!” The black haired male practically screamed, causing Hizashi to look at him with wide eyes. “I mean, just call Recovery Girl. I don’t want to go to the hospital. Recovery Girl does a better job anyway.” 
“Are you sure? She would scold you worse than any doctor would.” Hizashi questioned. 
“I would rather face the wrath of the old lady compared to telling an ER doctor what happened.” Shouta whined. 
Hizashi rolled his eyes, sighing in defeat. “Well, up you go. Lets get you home.” The man stated, grabbing both of Shouta’s wrists and pulling the man up. Shouta bit his lip to keep the pained groan from leaving him as he was now to his feet, attempting to keep the weight off of his injured ankle. He gasped as Hizashi turned and he was pulled onto the man’s back with Hizashi’s hands holding his thighs. Shouta’s arms were now over Hizashi’s shoulders and his head resting on the blonde’s shoulder. 
Hizashi huffed slightly, starting the track out of the alleyway and down the street in the direction of their home. They were a good thirty minute walk from U.A. plus the ten minute walk to the teacher’s dorms on campus. 
The first ten minutes of the walk had been in silence. Hizashi made a noise in his throat, adjusting Shouta on his back. The Erasure hero cast him a concerned look. “Zashi, am I hurting you? Put me down. I’m heavy.” 
Hizashi turned his head, looking at Shouta with a toothy smile. “You’re not hurting me, you’re not heavy. I’ve got you, love.” The blonde replied. “I’m more concerned about hurting you.”
Shouta sighed, putting his chin on Hizashi’s shoulder. Hizashi was not a person that could be easily swayed. 
Shouta was sure he had fallen asleep at one point cause when he reopened his eyes, the door to his apartment was being opened and Hizashi was placing him gently on the bed. The blonde smiled softly down at him, moving some of his black hair out of his face. “You need out of those clothes before you get sick.” He whispered, reaching forward to start stripping the man out of his clothes. With his ruined costume disposed of, Hizashi grabbed a pair of sweats and a loose t-shirt. Helping Shouta get into those clothes as well. “I called Recovery Girl already, she’s on her way.” 
It was almost as if on cue when a knock at Shouta’s door alerted them that Recovery Girl had arrived. Hizashi walked over, opening the door and letting the woman in. Recovery Girl had a scowl on her face, still in her pajamas as she looked at the Erasure Hero. “Fell off the roof again?” 
“Again?” Hizashi questioned, his eyes wide as he looked at Shouta. 
Shouta shrugged. “The side was wet.” 
Recovery Girl sighed. “What have I told you about jumping from roof top to roof top on days that it had rained?” 
“Watch my step?” 
Recovery Girl rolled her eyes. “No. Do not jump on roofs, so I don’t have to do this.” She took in a deep breath, walking over to where he was laying on the bed. Quickly examining his ankle. “What else hurts?” 
“My ribs and my head.” Shouta replied. 
She nodded, leaning forward and placing a quirk activated kiss to Shouta’s ankle. Shouta wanted to cry in relief as the pain from his ankle quickly evaporated. She moved up, placing another to his side and finally one to his forehead. Recovery Girl turned to Hizashi once she had been completed. “Keep an eye on the ankle and his head. He should be perfectly fine. Make sure he stays in bed and off of that ankle for the rest of the night. That means bed rest. If he gets out, put him back by force.” 
“Chiyo!” Shouta whined. 
Recovery Girl turned, leveling a glare on him. “You heard me.” She said, the sass clear in her voice as she smiled. “Take it easy, Aizawa. I wish you would be more careful.” 
“Might want to ice the ankle to just in case of swelling.” Recovery Girl added as she turned and looked at Hizashi once more. 
The blonde nodded. “Thank you, Chiyo. Sorry for having to get you up for this.” 
“Its the usual. Aizawa was a problem child as a teen to. He’s my problem child apparently.” Recovery Girl stated with a shrug. “Rest up, Aizawa. I will check on you in the morning.” 
Shouta smiled. “Thanks, Chiyo.” He said as Recovery Girl exited the apartment, the door clicking shut behind her. 
Shouta turned his head, looking over to Hizashi who was already grabbing an ice pack from the freezer and a tea towel. The blonde walked back over to the bed, slipping on next to Shouta. He gently placed the ice on Shouta’s ankle, the other man wincing from the sudden coldness. Hizashi gave him a soft smile. “Problem child, huh?” 
Shouta snorted. “Shut up and cuddle me.” 
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thelazyhermits · 4 years
Haunting Memories
Here’s that Fortune angst I promised. I hope y’all enjoy it! XD
Once again, you’re back in the fighting ring. This time you’re up against a large man with a mutant Quirk that gives him the appearance and abilities of a rhinoceros. 
That means he’s not only strong but incredibly thick-skinned. To say you’re nervous about this match would be a complete understatement. 
While you are definitely faster than him and will be able to predict his movements thanks to your Quirk, that can only get you so far. Just like with some of your past opponents, the only chance you have of winning is by wearing him out to the point that he can no longer move. Although, something tells you that this feat will be much harder with this particular opponent.
Most likely, it’s because you could tell he was being serious when he was taunting you yesterday about defeating you. He claimed that your usual cheap tricks wouldn’t work on him and that no matter what you throw his way he will be the victor.
Of course, that wasn’t the first time you heard words like that from an opponent. However, unlike previous opponents, this man has the power to back up his words. His past matches were proof of that.
In addition to claiming that he’d be the victor, your opponent said he’d beat you down until you couldn’t move anymore. According to him, the pain you’ll experience at his hands is going to be worse than anything you’ve ever experienced. 
So, you think your nervousness is perfectly understandable. You do not want to experience whatever kind of pain the rhino Quirk user has in store for you.
That’s why you’ll have to push yourself to your limits to ensure that doesn’t happen. No matter what it takes, you will not allow your opponent to prevail. 
It’s at that moment the sound of a bell ringing reaches your ears. However, rather than signal the start of the match, the bell becomes a harbinger for a much more horrific nightmare. 
All you can do is stare with large, horror-filled eyes as your opponent literally explodes, covering the surrounding area with blood and gore. Naturally, due to your close proximity to the explosion, you get covered in blood.
Dimly, you’re aware of the screams coming from the crowd as you slowly look down to examine your trembling, blood-covered hands. You don’t know how long you remain in that position, too shocked to do anything else.
You’re eventually drawn out of your stupor by a hauntingly familiar voice. “Ah~ As expected of my beloved Prophet, you even look beautiful covered in blood. Although, I think that it’s a waste that you’re covered in the blood of a fool so far below you, don’t you agree?”
Immediately, your gaze moves to focus on the speaker who’s standing right outside the fighting ring, and you see bright, acid green eyes staring back at you and a large grin that sends shivers down your spine. Pure terror washes over you as your heart beats rapidly in your chest. 
The only thing you want to do now is run, but you can’t. Your body remains frozen in place, so unfortunately for you, there’s only one thing you can do in this situation.
You scream.
Your eyes fly open as you jolt into a sitting position. Immediately, one of your hands flies to cover your mouth to prevent yourself from releasing the scream building up in your throat.
Shivers rack your body as your heart pounds a mile a minute. Tears spring to your eyes and quickly cascade down your cheeks before you can even think to stop them.
Rather than try to fight back against the surge of emotions that’s overwhelming you, you just give in to it and spend the next several minutes crying into your knees after pulling them to your chest. Miraculously, you manage to avoid making a lot of noise since the last thing you want is to wake Eri and have her see you in such a pitiful state. 
Even though there’s nothing you want more than to forget about that horrible nightmare, you can’t stop yourself from thinking about it. As much as you’d like to write it off as just a bad dream, you know that it’s a memory from your life as a cage fighter.
Somehow, you ended up in a match where your opponent suddenly died due to exploding. Unfortunately for you, you can’t remember how that explosion occurred. Obviously, you didn’t do it, and it couldn’t have been the fault of the rhino Quirk user.
So, whose fault was it?
Immediately, your thoughts turn to the person with acid green eyes that seemed like they could look right through you. As soon as you do that, your trembling increases, which is definitely not a good sign since this is the kind of reaction you had after you had that vision of Mumei following the USJ attack.
Deciding it would be in your best interest to stop thinking about the memory, you do your best to clear your mind as you slowly move to climb out of your bed. You know there’s no way you’ll be able to go to sleep on your own after such a horrible nightmare, so that means a trip to Aizawa’s apartment is in order.
So, that’s exactly where you head. However, before you can, you have to make a stop at your bathroom since you suddenly have the overwhelming urge to wash your hands.
For some reason, even though you know it was just a memory, your hands still feel like they’re covered in blood, and you desperately want to get rid of that horrible sensation.
As a result, you end up spending several minutes roughly washing your hands in a desperate attempt to get them “clean”. Even when your hands start turning red, you don’t stop washing them until the sticky sensation you feel finally fades.
Once you’re finally satisfied, you leave your room and take a moment to stop by Eri’s room, wanting to make sure she’s still sleeping in her room. Once you’re sure she’s fine, you take the elevator to go downstairs. 
Much to your surprise, shortly after you exit the elevator, you notice that the lights in the kitchen are on. Either someone forgot to turn the lights off before heading to bed, or one of your students is up despite it being the middle of the night.
While a part of you wants to see if someone else is awake, you’re also reluctant since you know you must look like a mess considering all the crying you did earlier, even though you did wash your face while you were taking care of your hands. 
Just as you’re thinking you should just head straight to Aizawa’s apartment before anyone can see you, a pajama-clad Todoroki appears in the kitchen doorway.
Once you see him, you immediately realize what’s going on. The stoic boy has a penchant for sneaking sweets in the middle of the night, so he’s obviously going after the fruit tarts you made earlier today.
The thought of Todoroki pilfering fruit tarts causes the corners of your lips to quirk upwards. Leave it to your student to put a smile on your face without even trying. 
As you’re thinking that, Todoroki moves to approach you. Rather than make a comment defending his actions like he usually does when he gets caught in the act of stealing sweets, the taller boy remains strangely quiet for some reason.
It’s when he comes to a stop before you that you realize why. Now that he’s closer, you can make out the clear concern in his eyes and the small frown resting on his lips. “Are you alright, Sensei?”
Your first impulse is to tell him that you’re fine, but that would be a lie. And you’re sure that he’d know that. While the last thing you want to do is lie to your student, you also don’t want to tell him about your nightmare since that would mean reliving it which is the last thing you want to do.
Of course, your brain has to choose that moment to betray you by bringing scenes from that nightmare to the forefront of your mind. When that happens, tears immediately prick your eyes as your breath hitches.
Todoroki’s eyes widen slightly after seeing your reaction. However, rather than question you about it, the stoic boy moves closer to you before outstretching his arms.
He doesn’t move to hug you since he’s not sure if that’s what you want right now, but he wants you to know that the offer is available to you. It’s obvious from his soft expression and the worried gleam in his eyes that he just wants to help you in any way he can.
As much as you hate the idea of him seeing you in such a pitiful state, his offer is too tempting to resist. When more horrible memories flash in your mind, you quickly move to embrace the younger boy, hugging him as tightly as you can as you bury your face in his shoulder.
Immediately, his arms wrap around you and hold you close. Remaining silent, Todoroki uses one of his hands to gently stroke your back in hopes of providing more comfort to you. 
For awhile, the two of you remain in that position. Eventually, after you calm down and feel less like crying, you break the silence. “Thank you, Todoroki. I really needed that.”
His arms give you a gentle squeeze. “I’m glad I could help. Is there anything else I can do for you?”
A small smile forms on your lips as you pull away from him so you can meet his gaze. “No, it’s alright. You don’t have to do anything else. I’m sure after your midnight snack run that you’d like to head to bed and get some more sleep rather than stay up with me.”
Rather than release his hold on you like you expect, Todoroki tightens his grip on you, catching you off guard. Your surprise only grows when you see the small pout he’s now sporting. “So, you’re going to see Aizawa-sensei instead?”
Once your shock fades, the meaning behind his words register, causing your heart to melt. To think he’d actually get jealous of the fact that you always go to Aizawa for comfort when you have nightmares. 
The corners of your lips lift higher as you move to softly tussle his two-toned locks. “It’s not because I prefer him over you. I just don’t want to bother you with my problems. It doesn’t seem right for a teacher to burden her students, especially over something as trivial as a nightmare.”
Todoroki frowns, “Anything that upsets you this much isn’t trivial, and you’re not burdening me. You always help me when I have problems, so it’s only right I do the same. That’s what people do when they care about someone, right?”
Warmth blossoms in your chest at his words. “That’s true.”
With a sigh, you press your forehead against his shoulder. “In that case, could you keep me company for a while? I don’t really feel like sleeping right now.”
He softly pats your back. “Of course. Would you like to sit down on the couch, or do you want to do some stress baking?”
An amused huff passes your lips at his question. “You know me so well. I could definitely benefit from some stress baking.”
After the two of you finally pull apart, Todoroki pulls out his phone, catching you by surprise since you weren’t expecting him to have it on hand. Maybe he likes to browse the internet while he snacks. “I’ll invite the others, so they can join us. I’m sure they wouldn’t want to be left out.”
Before you can tell him that that’s not necessary since you don’t want to wake any of the sleeping students, you notice that he’s sending the message to a group chat called “Y/N-sensei Protection Squad”, and you can’t help but snort in response. “Protection Squad, huh? Who all is in that group?”
Once he hits the send button, Todoroki replies, “Everyone in the class is a part of the squad, but this particular group chat is just for the members who are familiar with your past.”
Your eyes grow large. “Wait a minute. Then, that means…”
Shortly after those words leave your mouth, Bakugou, Midoriya, and Kirishima come storming out of the staircase near the elevators. While the latter two are wearing worried expressions, the former is scowling and looks like he’s ready to fight, making you wonder what exactly Todoroki typed in his message since you never got around to reading it due to being distracted by the group chat name.
Midoriya and Kirishima immediately run over to you while Bakugou observes his surroundings as if searching for an enemy he needs to fight. After giving you a quick once over, Midoriya frowns worriedly. “Are you okay, Sensei? Todoroki-kun said you needed our help. Did something happen?”
Kirishima dons a similar expression. “He said it was an emergency so it must be really bad. Whatever it is, we’ll do everything we can to help! You can count on us, Sensei!”
As expected of the sunshine children, the two boys do not disappoint. Unable to help yourself, you pull them both into a hug, making Midoriya flush while the redhead quickly moves to reciprocate the embrace. “I’m alright. I just had a nightmare and didn’t want to go back to sleep. Todoroki thought having more company would help me. I’m sorry for worrying you.”
While they both sigh in relief after hearing that you’re okay, Bakugou glares at Todoroki. “You bastard....Don’t go saying it’s a fucking emergency when it isn’t! You wanna die?!”
The stoic boy just tilts his head. “It’s not like I lied. Just see for yourself.”
His words puzzle you, but before you can question Todoroki about them, Bakugou suddenly stomps toward you, catching you by surprise. As you release your hold on Midoriya and Kirishima, the blond comes to a stop in front of you and studies your face for the next several seconds.
When he finally pulls his gaze away from you, Bakugou turns to look at Todoroki again. “I’ll let you live to see tomorrow. Be grateful, you bastard.”
Stoic expression never faltering, Todoroki just blinks, “Thanks.”
As you snort at the exchange, Kirishima grins at you. “So, what do you wanna do, Sensei? Make a pillow fort?”
At the words “pillow fort”, Todoroki’s eyes brighten. “Yes.”
Bakugou scowls, “What you want doesn’t fucking matter, Half-and-Half. This is about Sensei, remember?”
A smile forms on your lips. “A pillow fort sounds like a great idea, but first, I’d like to do a little stress baking. Any requests?”
Immediately, Todoroki and Kirishima reel off what they like while Midoriya shyly mentions a dessert he hasn’t had in awhile. Bakugou just rolls his eyes before saying that he refuses to bake anything super sweet.
In the end, you decide to make multiple desserts, so everyone will be happy. Not only that, it ensures that you’ll be able to keep yourself busy for awhile, meaning you’ll be able to avoid thinking about your horrible nightmare.
It’s not just the baking itself that keeps you distracted, however. The whole time you’re in the kitchen, the students take turns keeping you engaged in fun conversations. 
Kirishima tells you about a movie he went to see recently with Tetsutetsu that, according to him, was the definition of manliness. Midoriya brings up what he’s recently added to his hero notebook and how he’d like your opinion on some of the observations he made regarding his classmates.
Every now and then, Todoroki chimes in with a pun or a meme, making you laugh every time. While he mostly remains silent except for the times he snaps at the others for making careless mistakes with their baking, Bakugou does eventually start talking to you about his training regimen which he’s considering adding onto and wants your input on much to your surprise.
Considering how much fun you’re having with your students, it’s like your nightmare didn’t even happen. While your eyes and hands are still red, it would be hard for anyone to think anything is wrong after seeing the large smile you’re now sporting.
Just goes to show that no foe is a match for your students, not even the haunting memories of a past best left forgotten. 
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