#Aph Nico
lord-of-tomatoes · 1 year
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May i offer you some cuba in these trying times?
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supermemer · 2 years
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ziggy-slithers · 2 years
They have colors now.
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I have to draw them now
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l--changetheworld · 28 days
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Currently I'm hyperfixated on Death Note and Tokyo Ghoul
I do requests in my asks, memes, occasional serious fanart
A little bit more about me under the cut !
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names; nikolai/nico, aphelios/aph, lou/L
prns; he/it/thing/vile/bite/she
studying forensics in college
🔪 i have asperger's and adhd
🔪 system as well but that's irrelevant on this blog
🔪 proud fudanshi
🔪 L irl promise trust
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dni; basic dni , proship/comship, radqueer, exclus, syscourse and discourse, terf, propara, if you're weird and gross pretty much
i'm not super comfortable being followed by people younger than 15! however i wont sb or anything, just don't try to be friends with me :3
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ninarances15 · 3 years
Please don’t get mad at me, this is just my opinion on the matter.
PLEASE DON’T BASH ANY OF THE PEOPLE OR ARTISTS THAT ARE MENTIONED! PLEASE DON’T! EDIT: I advise people to read the notes on this post. The people who commented on the notes make valid points. I also would like to add, I apologise for the many people I have offended, I didn’t do research that much, before making this post. You can color the characters in any way you want. Just don’t go up to certain people in real life and tell them what they should or shouldn’t be, because they don’t fit your image of them. Again, I am so very extremely sorry to anyone who was offended by this. For a lot of Fanders, I know many of you have seen the “Flirting With Social Anxiety” video from Sanders Asides. And therefore, be very familiar with who Nico Flores is, and that he is definitely a Latino. And there are many people who are saying that whenever someone wants to draw Nico, they shouldn’t give him white skin, since he’s Latino, and that would be considered white-washing or racist. I get it, we all want diversity, because for years, when we study history or consume media, usually we see a lot of white people (or POC people with white skin only or POC people who originally don’t have white skin, but have been whitewashed). But nowadays, people are being more open and encouraging for diverse representation, when it comes to those who are POC.  But here’s the thing, I wanted to say something. Having the “This person is a Latino, so drawing them with white skin is bad, while drawing them with a dark or tanned skin is right” isn’t really good. Because there are Latin Americans who have white skin. Heck, even Nico’s voice actor is a Latino (from what I’ve read), but is very white passing. Because of this, I think the animators made a clever idea to not add colour to the FWSA video. But just because you see a Latin American with white skin, that really shouldn’t make them any less of a Latin American. (Heck, I’m Filipino, but I don’t have tanned or dark skin like how people would expect. But I am white passing, but that doesn’t make me any less of a Filipino. Not all Filipinos have dark or tanned skin, some are white passing. Some actually WANTED to have white skin, because we have our own issues about colourism.)  I also feel like this would be a good time to talk about Hetalia😅. I found this deviantart post: https://www.deviantart.com/hachijinkx/art/No-need-for-the-Whitewash-Deen-316599809 that has a fanart of Seychelles. In Hetalia, in the previous seasons, Seychelles has been portrayed as having white skin, despite being the personification of an East African country, which would mean she should be black. And the artist mentioned how Turkey, Romano (South Italy), Spain, Greece, and etc. are whitewashed in previous seasons. But people in the comments mentioned how countries like Greece, Spain, South Italy, Turkey, and Seychelles isn’t whitewashed. Because Turkey, South Italy, Greece, and Spain are Western countries, so it would make sense to make them white. Also, I used to attend Spanish class, and my teacher would show me and my classmates videos of Spaniards speaking in Spanish to teach people, and majority of them are white. Yeah, there are some Turks, Italians, Greeks, Spaniards, that are a bit tanned, but majority are white. Whereas for Seychelles, there are some African countries who have white-skinned Africans, or those with European ancestry. And most of those people come from South Africa (I’m only familiar with two people, Troye Sivan and Luke Alexander: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyUgwOjD7ju4MbmTACYWCRg, both South African, but have white skin, but they moved to Australia). So it’s ok to make Seychelles white, because African countries are diverse, and not all Africans are black. At least, that’s what I’ve read. And this Hetalia related post that I found: https://www.instagram.com/p/CHebqR5pm7r/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link, also talks about this type of thing. How the fandom makes the skin of Western countries like Italy and Spain a lot darker, while make Asian countries like Japan a lot whiter than Westerns. It’s ok to make fanart where some Western countries are just a bit tanned, but not to the point where you will make them very dark. Because it’s unfair to make Western countries have darker skin, instead of POC countries, and it rubs off the wrong way. But it’s Hetalia, it’s filled with stereotypes, so I won’t really be surprised, if the country has the wrong skin colour, accent, or human name. Overall, I don’t think it’s wrong to draw Nico Flores from Sanders Asides with a tanned or pale skin, since he’s Latino. And people do it out of diversity, and show that not everyone is white (or for artistic purposes or to show that not all Latinos are tanned), and I encourage that! But it’s not right to say “he’s Latino, so people should NEVER draw him white”, since there are some Latinos who are white passing. But if someone draws Nico with white skin (so far, no one has done that), please don’t bash them. As for the Hetalia one, I feel like it’s best to do research when coloring your fanart. Since Hetalia has a bunch of stereotypes, and that the countries in the anime represent the entire people of a certain country.  I just want to be honest, I’m very scared someone might come at me when I mentioned the thing about Seychelles. And that coloring her white is fine, since not all Africans are black, and that is supposed to be justifiable. But there has been a long history of whitewashing, so people probably won’t be fine about Seychelles being white, and I understand that. Because again, there has been a long history of whitewashing and the mindset that everyone should be white.  In general, just keep in mind that groups of people are different. Not everyone is white, not everyone is dark, and all that jazz. And it isn’t right to tell a certain group of people what they should or shouldn’t be, because you have a one-dimensional view towards them. Like for example, you can’t come up to me and say I’m not Filipino because I have white skin. I still very much am. (I also feel like people would justify whitewashing POC characters with all of the things I have mentioned above. And say stuff like “This is a fictional character! It’s fine to change their race!” To be honest, trying to be in an argument like that will just give me a headache, and it might just lower my IQ.) I want to hear other people’s thoughts about it.
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yesterdoesart · 4 years
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Sixfanarts as given to me on Instagram!
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shiraru · 4 years
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Very distressing things happening so I drew my faves in order to calm down
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heta-fics · 5 years
In Which Shadows Are Unexpected
In Which Shadows Are Unexpected 
by WriterGreenReads 
‘"Nico appeared right next to me, as if the shadows had darkened and created him. He stumbled, but I caught his arm. "I'm okay," he managed, rubbing his eyes. "How did you do that?" "Practice. A few times running into walls. A few accidental trips to China." OR Nico actually ends up meeting a certain Chinese nation through shadow-traveling shenanigans.’
Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Hetalia - Axis Powers, T, English, Friendship, words: 9k+, updated: Nov 4, 2017 published: Dec 19, 2016, Nico A.
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fakashimeme · 5 years
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Hetalia x Love Live µ's ~
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ask-gakuen-kiku · 5 years
Any 2D waifus you'd recommend?
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Join the Nico cult
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koneko387 · 5 years
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It’s midnight at my place so
Hapy New Year!
Here’s my presents for
And few of my friends who don’t have Tumblr
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mylifeisfruk4ever · 6 years
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forloveoflibertea · 6 years
The Hero
[ just a preview for a fill for a prompt sent to me by my dear cousin, @fayemichaels . heavily unedited . ]
Nico di Angelo had experienced a lot of strange things. It came with the territory of being a demigod, after all.
Trapped in a hotel for decades and never aging? Done. Fallen into the worst place a person could think of? Also done, and nothing, in his opinion, could beat Tartarus. Confessed to an egotistic god of love about his first crush? Done, and he didn’t want to remember that experience. Seen his stupid boyfriend eat half a basket-full of fruits just to get him to finish the other half of the contents? Done, and he still hadn’t forgiven Will for that.
In conclusion, Nico had done a lot of weird things and also experienced them almost daily. (Heck, even Percy Jackson preached something related to the weirdness of demigod life—but then again, that was a quote from Annabeth’s cousin Magnus’ ‘special friend’ (?), Alex Fierro, and Nico wasn’t sure if he was meant to take it seriously. And he was still rather apprehensive as to ‘flaunting the weird’, as it was phrased by the eccentric einherjar. )
Having set forth the facts, it shouldn’t have surprised him when he had to write another entry in Nico’s Book of Strange Happenings inside his mind.
But then again, it wasn’t everyday when he saw a man patting a previously snarling hellhound and laughing off a large, bleeding bite in his side.
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ziggy-slithers · 2 years
I love them already.
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Especially aerican empire. He's such a dork lol. He's so cute.
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lilithkb · 6 years
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Talking about Hetalia crossovers... Here’s one I did of One Piece x Hetalia!! Luffy and Usopp are not in here because there is no character yet for the Nationalities Oda assigned to them (Brazilian and Moroccan).
Zoro as Japan, Nami as Sweden (Nyotalia version), Sanji as France, Chopper as Canada, Robin as Russia (Nyotalia version), Franky as America and Brook as Austria.
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a-feral-child · 7 years
I am 100% prepared to get into a physical altercation for my OTP
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