#I will defeat you Sailor Moon!
theabigailthorn · 1 month
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New Philosophy Tube coming this week to Nebula!
Finished the editing on the Nebula cut much faster than I thought I would! It's rendering now. Just gotta do things like the subtitles and the thumbnail now, and a few other bits and bobs like the blooper reel etc.
It's about Judith Butler and it's about 75 minutes long.
The YouTube cut will probably arrive the following week: takes a bit more work to do the subtitles and the additional editing on that version. $15+ Patrons will get to see that cut early!
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hatesverse · 1 month
why do i have the urge to redraw a sailor moon scene as kirby characters. what part of the 2010s infected me.
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kalak · 1 year
Luke skywalker is so magical girl coded I can imagine him going hyaah! Through the power🌈 of friendship 💫 and love!💓 I will defeat you✨️ and he does the sailor moon transformation sequence and then does a LOVE💖 BEAM⚡️! through palpatine's chest and palpy bursts into a mess of bloody pulp
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empty-movement · 30 days
Nanami-sama, Beware!!!
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It's May 7, 1997, and you're about to watch episode 6 of Revolutionary Girl Utena!!!
There was a HUUUGE data leak though, and somehow, in advance of the episode dropping, you were able to catch the storyboards!! (Hell, you even found someone who leaked the script, and screenshots of the episode!) Looks pretty exciting, lots of strange things happening here. The storyboards say episode 8 for some reason, but otherwise it all seems on the up and up!
So you eagerly crack open your May issue of Newtype Magazine to check out the plot summary:
Today's home economics class is cooking practice. At Miki's request, Himemiya and I decided to make "spicy curry." However, the curry powder we use is replaced with extremely spicy curry from India, which is so spicy that Touga's younger sister, Nanami, harasses her. What's more, the spiciness explodes into pieces! The phantom megaton of ultra-spicy curry, 900 billion times more, goes into the pot. When Himemiya and I did that, we were so blown away that our personalities switched!! Hey, hey, you're not kidding!
Wait....what????? That doesn't match the storyboards at all! Or the screenshots??? Sure enough, the episode title listed with this plot summary is Nanami-sama, Beware!...but what's curry gotta do with that?
So you hop in a time machine, and check out Ikuhara's 2011 DVD extras commentary:
This episode originally went into production as “Episode 8.” It was “in production as Episode 8” during scripting, storyboarding, and even after animation started. But it got switched in the broadcast order with “Episode 6 (”Curried High Trip”, which broadcast as episode 8)“, because that episode fell behind schedule. Because I always called this “Episode 8” during the production process, the impression stuck in my mind to this day is: “Curry is Ep 6; the kangaroo is Ep 8.” It’s a comedic story, but it shows Nanami’s feelings for Touga. This wasn’t just about Nanami; it was also about how we’d present Touga. The original plan was to connect stories with a “Touga Episodes” theme: first in episode 8 we’d show Nanami’s feelings for Touga is a comedic way, then in episode 9 we’d show Touga in contrast with [Kyouichi] Saionji, then in episode 10 we’d show Touga using Nanami’s feeling for him, and finally in episode 11 we’d show Touga facing off against Utena. I’d used a group of three identical characters before, in Sailor Moon S [the Amazon Trio?]. It was strangely fun, so I tried sticking them in this show, too. The staff liked them, too (it was probably more like the staff found them convenient), so we turned them into semi-regular characters. It’s largely thanks to Ms. Hayashi, the animation director, that the production troubles weren’t reflected in the quality of the episode. I like how Touga looks so unnecessarily cool during the climax, when he defeats the kangaroo.
Huh!!! In case you're wondering, the next issue of Newtype will have the identical description under an episode 8 titled Curried High Trip. So I guess amid the mess, they just never published an episode description for this one??
Come chat about it in the watch thread on Something Eternal, or just enjoy this weird little tour. :)
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bedoballoons · 6 months
Forgive me for spamming your inbox i just have a lot to say for some reason </3
This is just a little thing thats been on my mind ever since my sailor moon phase xame back :,) character and reader with a tuxedo mask and sailor moon type of relationship urgrggrh
Pretty much smart responsible mature guy with sensitive klutz reader :( god i'd do anything to have this irl help i love this dynamic sm
I like spam, don't worry :p I LOVE THE SAILOR MOON AESTHETIC!! It's inspired my art alot and I still have yet to fully finish the series! Have you watched the whole thing, is it good 👀
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎄𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎄
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{༻~The ship has sailed~༺}
CW: Fluffy and sweet! Readers kinda klutzy but very sweet! Mentions of reader owning a cat!
(Includes: Thoma, and Zhongli, Childe!)
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"Are you alright?"
You looked up at Thoma from your place on the floor, cupcake batter dripping down your face and cupcakes sprawled around you..."Yes but my cute cupcakes are having issues..." You sighed in defeat as he walked over to you, helping you off the ground and washing the batter off of you gently with a towel.
"We can make more, I'll help."
"But I wanted to make them for you..." You looked away with a light blush, wishing that you'd been a little more careful so he wouldn't have found out your true intentions.
He gave you a sweet smile, leaning in to kiss your cheek, "While I love the things you make me, I enjoy spending time with you more. Let's make the next batch together."
You giggled at your cat as he laid belly up on the floor, dramatically acting exhausted after his long day of doing nothing, "Zhongli, do you ever wish you could curl up in a ball like a cat and sleep anywhere?" You turned to face the man sitting next to you, wondering how he could possibly be so engrossed with the rather long boring book he held in his hands...just the first sentence had given you a headache...
He looked up from the words on the written page and gave you a small smile, "No, I don't believe I have. Although they are sweet creatures and their ability to curl up and sleep anywhere seems appealing, I rest perfectly fine...as long as I am with you that is."
Your cheeks went warm, your heart skipping a beat as you hid your face in your hands...how had he turned such strange question into something so sweet..."That's not what I thought you were going to say."
"I suppose it was a bit more of a response than needed, but I do so much enjoy when your cheeks blush that way..."
"Woah, what did you do..." Childe chuckled as he took in the scene in front of him, it seemed your sweater had begun to unravel unbeknownst to you and one of the loose threads had decided to latch itself on just about everything. Now you were standing in the middle of the room with a pastel spider web surrounding you and you couldn't possibly move unless you wished for everything to be pulled along with you.
Your cheeks blushed in embarrassment, this was just another one of those clumsy situations you always got yourself in...,"I swear I had nothing to do with this."
"Mhm, I completely believe you. Here let me help" He hurried to untangle everything, collecting the string in a nice bundle around his hand until he finally got all the way back to you, the source. "There we go, you're free."
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"Thank you- woah!" You tripped forward, falling into his arms with a huff...at least he'd always be there to catch you.
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚~Merry Christmas~*⁠.⁠✧
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
We need to address how media, and media critics, portray female characters poorly. What can be done about it? What are examples of media works that portray complex female characters well? What are writing tips for people trying to write complex female characters? Why do media critics hate on women?
Its just something I noticed.
Male writers drop the ball with female characters all the time. They'll give the men all the good lines but women get weak roles and no sense of humor. When we complain they then make a female character who has too many boyfriends and too much ego and too much power but no resourcefulness, or she's super powerful but still needs a man to save her, and of course they make her complain about everything and fight with everyone who helps her. I could go on and on.
A lot of people are incapable of viewing female characters as anything other than an innocent saint or a portrait of pure evil. Arguably the best characters are morally ambiguous ones who live in the gray area between good and evil, but women are much less often afforded that distinction than their male counterparts.
I'm been having a huge problem connecting to media. The only women around are very young or very old and their main defining feature is usually motherhood. If a woman my age exists who isn't a mom she's usually either obsessed with men or desperate to have a baby (or will be once the right dude comes along).
Fanfiction has great female characters , but you keep running into people who will only write a complex woman who's tied to a male main character.
Michael Burnham from Star Trek: Discovery . POC Female Protagonist. You probably have heard or seen a lot of hatred against.
Korra from The Legend Of Korra. Sequel Series to ATLA. POC Female Protagonist. Despite losing fights and suffering extreme trauma and making mistakes, critics passionately bash the show, calling her a Mary-Sue, and accusing the show of being Protagonist-Centered Morality.
A lot of the time if there is a military high ranking female character or just female leader that is masculine or butch she will be the villain to be defeated by the traditionally feminine or at least more feminine heroine/love interest of the hero. I hate this because it basically implies that a woman can only be good if she’s conventionally attractive or a love interest. It’s saying being butch is bad/evil.
Even movies trying to be feminist, like “Contact” which I had to watch for homework? With Jodie Foster from the 1990s told the brilliant, focused woman scientist to not be so “confrontational” (as two male characters stole credit for her work right after they stole her funding) and to be happy with “small moves.” They continued to pat her on the head and tell her to be quiet through the whole movie. The one time she even spoke to another woman was to ask where she could find a really pretty dress. This was supposed to show growth in her character arc.
If I recall correctly, one of the playable characters in the next release of the grand theft auto series is gonna be a women. People online were flipping out over this saying they are being too "woke", among other things. Its funny to me because there has been 5 gta games with only male protagonists, and now there's 1 female in it and suddenly its a problem. Its like these people think there are only 2 genders in games, male and woke.
Heck, people love basic trope laden protagonists..... until they are women.
People love unreasonably over powered characters that are loved or feared in equal measure by the entire cast..... until its a woman.
Then all of a sudden, she's a Mary-Sue and the show/game/book is "Protagonist-Centered Morality"
Some characters who are torn apart for their initial naïveté like Sansa Stark or Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon) are immediately written off as stupid girl characters. Never mind that one becomes a political powerhouse and the other routinely saves the world. People just write their characters off as too “girly” or “annoying” before they even have the chance to redeem themselves in their stories.
Feels like at it's core, people don't like women trying to build self confidence and play out power fantasies. The only difference with the original Mary Sue was that she was imagining being liked by everyone, which was every woman's dream back then and to a certain extent, now. The power was being well liked, and that made her annoyingly boring because there was no struggle for her. Men think struggle is needed, even in fantasies and dreams, but it isn't.
The term Mary-Sue gained a new popularity by shaming female characters (such as Rey, Galadriel, Captain Marvel,…). I am not saying the term is not used towards male characters as well, but it is more rare, and it is rarely as violent as when it is used to characterize a female character.
More importantly it is used against female characters unevenly compared to male characters, its accepted as a genre trope for a male character to be extremely capable or to acrue experience and ability rapidly throughout the narrative. But when it's a woman suddenly "realism" must apply, a real person doesn't simply gain strength and talent through endless perfectly leveled hardship. In simpler terms, Batman can launch a thug across the room with a single punch and it's awesome, Black Widow, however, is breaking the laws of physics when she does her famous around the neck takedown.
Neither are realistic, arguably any grown man launching another grown man bodily through the air with a casual punch is less realistic than a woman pulling off a skilled takedown, but the unequal application of standards says all that needs to be said about the critic.
Writing a "mary sue" to be male often results in a praised character that people don't really worry about. Like Goku or Kirito. People are fine with it. Enjoy it. And there's massive amounts of rather popular fanfiction taking random male characters in series and sue-ifying them, making them the protagonist over the actual main characters, and slapping in poorly developed romance arcs. It's "mary sue" 101, but hardly anyone talks about them in that light.
Meanwhile a woman shows a level of competence similar to another character in the same series (e.g. Rey to Luke or Anakin) and the accusations are everywhere.
Calling these characters one-dimensional is one of the dog-whistles of the modern [whatever]-gate colony creature.
They know that they'll get savaged if they come out and say they're mad because this character is a woman, so they couch everything in these subjective terms. She's one-dimensional. She's flat. She's badly written. She's a mary sue. I just couldn't relate to her.
You can argue with them, you can point out that, say, in Star Wars, that Rey's ability to handle weapons intentionally established in the early scenes of TFA, that we see the setup for the skills she's going to display later in the movie/series, and that her first win is against a badly wounded Sith apprentice. By contrast, Luke successfully fights his way through a huge space station against professional soldiers, then hops into a starfighter he's never flown before, outflies a bunch of experienced pilots, and pulls off a physically impossible shot to save the day.
But sure. Rey is the one who strains credulity.
You can point all that out, but none of it matters. They're not arguing in good faith. They're just mad that there's a girl, and know better than to say that out loud.
He pulls off the shot because he has a throwaway line about murdering animals the size of a camel for fun in his civilian craft that just so happens to have controls similar to the military superiority fighter because they were manufactured by the same company. Because that doesn't strain credibility. Also guess which parts were filled in later by novel writers who were like, "holy **** that makes no sense at all"
Sailor Moon and Sansa Stark are two female characters that start out as whiney cry-baby girlie girls who evolve into political powerhouses and heroes in their own right. But most people write their characters off immediately, because they’re disgusted by their girlish-ness.
While our media gives male characters a chance to grow, female characters are generally written off unless they either show masculine traits, or are used for fan service. It’s why women in movies and TV are usually a kickass tomboy or a girlfriend character.
So anyway, I guess my point is that there are amazing kickass women characters who are well-written and evolve and grow, but their growth tends to be written off as frivolous and not as cool as their dude counterparts.
Imagine an anime where the woman is the main character and she's strong, smart, and not sexualized ?
How about Guardian of the Spirit (seirei no moribito in Japanese)? The MC is a mercenary woman who fights with a spear. She's a complex character, maybe somewhat emotionally stunted because of growing up on the road. She meets a wonderful, compassionate male healer and I love how they break stereotypical gender roles. There's also a complete badass old lady with magical powers and a temper. One of my favourite characters in any genre.
But I'd like to add SuleMio to the list.
Some people did not like that Gundam had its first female protagonist last year, or that she's engaged to another girl, or that they have a romantic moment where Miorine makes Suletta "promise to be with me forever".
It's my first Gundam show and I was nowhere near the fandom, but even I heard the howls of rage from the otakus over that show while it was airing.
“ I highly recommend reading Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson. Strong female main character with a supportive cast of male characters. His Skyward series is also good for this.  Sanderson is great but there are some female fantasy writers that do this even better IMO. NK Jemisin has tons of great female characters. Tamsyn Muir’s Locked Tomb series has a majority female cast and I’d say 4 or 5 of them are in the top ten most interesting and complex female characters I’ve read. “
You heard of The Bechdel test: Two women have to talk about something other than a man. There is no time window. It came up in a 1985 comic Dykes To Watch Out For and although it is not a great indicator of more feminist content, it's a wonder much media fails to pass that test.
Have you seen
Arcane? That is a wild crazy masterpiece with awesomely complex awesome characters. It's animated, yeah, so what? But I mean, to say "it's animated" is a heavy  understatement. Have you seen Jinx? Have you seen her portrayal of psychosis and godknows what else was happening in her head? No one in history came even close to that.
Queen's Gambit? Anya Taylor-Joy brought Beth Harmon flawlessly through immense complexity of the character
Mare of Easttown - Kate Winslet there is, I kid you not, the best acting I have ever seen. Her character is going through complex situations and emotions and learning to deal with her human side. Bryan Cranston raised the bar ridiculously high with Walter White, but Kate Winslet pushed it further up, set explosives on it, and walked away like a badass without looking at the explosion. No one is topping that anytime soon.
I'm sure there are more examples. But what I love about these, and a big part of what makes them perfect is that they are their own characters and aren't defined by men around them. Their greatn
I wish female characters were given better in terms of development and characterization. Honestly, I feel like a lot of people hate female characters simply because most male dominated media does such a poor job of writing women, and those characters aren't given the same excuses as poorly written male characters.
Anyway, yeah, sorry for my rant. Having grown up on Anime, Harry Potter, Star Wars, you name it?
I later in life realized what was missing, what is needed, and really needed to hear other people's input on this stuff.
I never understood the need for every main character to be only a cishet white guy. I had already come up with several characters of my own, all of them LGBTQIA+, and half of them women, and several also POC. But my writing and art skills are poor so I can't visualize them properly...
We need more female authors, and we need to promote the ones that are out there more!
(there are plenty of really, really good female authors, in all genres, but often they get less attention, because, well, misogyny)
Edit: If you want an example of how the double-standard towards women and LGBT is applied? Go watch RWBY or Legend of Korra. Both involve a deconstruction of tropes. Both involve women standing up against an authority that demands respect based on being authority, not based on respect. Both shut down the white male savior trope so hard, that men and women who love the patriarchy despise both shows.
But of course, anything that Team RWBY or Korra does is immediately held to a double standard and ripped into for anything that they do NOT because they’re flawed or because of writing decisions. Its because they’re LGBT women that they’re held under a microscope. Or have you noticed that every fixit fanfic for both series involves defending the Patriarchy while supporting toxic masculinity and trying to revive the White Male Savior trope that both shows have tried so hard to bury six feet under?
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 2 months
Hello how are you,
You said you follow a lot of series. What other series are you into? What series of manga do you have? And which series are you willing to experiment with?
I follow too many fandoms to count, from video games to books, manga, movies, and stuff in between to count them all. My newest series I've gotten into it Delicious in Dungeon, it's funny and well written, but I'm still new to that.
As far as the manga series I have:
-Record of Ragnarok
-My Hero Academia
-My Hero Academia: Vigilantes
-One Punch Man
-Komi Can't Communicate
-Tokyo Revengers
-Monster Musume
-Ancient Magus' Bride
-Let's Buy the Land and Cultivate it in Another World
-Hunting in Another World with my Elf Wife
-Flying Witch
-That Time I got Reincarnated into a Slime
-Demon Slayer
-XXX Holic
-XXX Holic Rei
-Cardcaptor Sakura
-Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card
-I've been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed out my Level
-I was a Bottom-Tier Bureaucrat for 1500 Years and the Demon King Made me a Minister
-A Centaur's Life
-Machimaho: I Messed up and MAde the Wrong Person into a Magical Girl
-The Alchemist who Survived Now Dreams of a Quiet City Life
-Spy X Family
-Plus Sized Elf
-Plus Sized Elf Second Helping
-The Titan's Bride
-I'm not a Succubus
-Nurse Hitomi's Monster Infirmary
-Sailor Moon
-Ah My Goddess
-Otherworldly Izakaya Nobu
-You Like Me, not my Daughter?
-My Room is a Dungeon Rest Stop
-Me and My Brothers
-Ouran High School Host Club
-My Love Story
-Honey So Sweet
-Magic Knights Rayearth
-Thigh High
-Wish (by Clamp)
-Eyeshield 21
-Who Says Warriors can't be Babes?
-Giant Spider and Me
-I Married my Best Friend to Shut my Parents Up
-Manly Appetites
-Our Dining Table
-Saki the Succubus
-Saber Marionette J
-Miyuki-Chan in Wonderland
-Satan's Secretary
-Shirahime-Syo (by Clamp)
-My Girlfriend is a T-Rex
-Cyborg 009
-Saiyuki Reloaded
-Love Hina
-Negima?! Neo
-Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies moved to a Starter Town
-No Need for Tenchi
-Sorcerer Hunters
-3x3 Eyes
-Street Fighter II
-Sakura Ganbaru!
-Street Fighter Alpha
-Street Fighter III Ryu Final
-High School of the Dead
-My Dress Up Darling
-The Way of the Househusband
-The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today
-Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting
-Beauty and the Feast
-My Senpai is Annoying
-A Man and his Cat
-In the Land of Leadale
-Drugstore in Another World
-Farming Life in Another World
-Savior's Book Cafe Story in Another World
-Magic Artisan Dahlia Wilts No More
-I'm a Behemoth, an S-Ranked Monster, but Mistaken for a Cat, I live as an Elf Girl's Pet
-Wood Woof Story I told you to Turn me into a Pampered Pooch, not Fenrir!
-Cutie and the Beast
-Ms. Kozumi Loves Ramen Noodles
-If It's for my Daughter, I'd even Defeat a Demon Lord
-Reborn as a Polar Bear: The Legend of how I became a Forest Guardian
-Restaurant to Another World
-So I'm a Spider, So What?
-Kaiju Girl Caramelize
-She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man
-Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear
-I Shall Survive Using Potions
-Reincarnated as a Sword
This one took me a while lol, but I have been collecting my series for over 20 years now so I guess that's understandable.
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silvermoon424 · 3 months
How much time do you think passed after Sailor Moon defeated Chaos in the Galaxy Cauldron and before her and Mamoru's wedding?
I think fans have established a rough timeline, although of course it could be inaccurate. Usagi is 16 when she defeats Chaos, and she ascends to the throne as Neo-Queen Serenity when she's 22. This is also the same year she gave birth to Chibiusa.
In the last pages of the manga, before Usagi and Mamoru's wedding, we see what appears to be Crystal Tokyo being built. At their wedding, Usagi tells Mamoru that she's pregnant with Chibiusa. So going by the established timeline, she could be either 21 or 22 here. In other words, there is a timeskip of 5-6 years after the final battle.
That being said, some fans argue that the timeline is different because of all the time shenanigans that go on during the series. I personally think this timeline is accurate, tho.
TL;DR: I think 5-6 years passed.
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lancermylove · 9 months
Could I have a quick ask please for the obey me bros? How would they react if their girlfriend was secretly a magical girl? Like the monsters attack her boyfriend, but she transforms in front of him to save him! She’s angel themed (extra love if she looks reminiscent to Lilith!) and she’s nearly defeated! How do the bros react?
Thinks your transformation is cool, but you know he can defend himself, right? He's a demon/sorcerer, after all. But still appreciates your sentiment - Satan, Beel, Solomon, Mephistopheles
Waiting for you to regain consciousness so that he can lecture you for intervening, but then gives you a hug and is thankful that you are alright - Lucifer, Belphie, Barbatos, Raphael
In awe when you transformed and too shocked to realize you were nearly defeated. He is worried about you and can't stop apologizing for not noticing you were injured earlier - Mammon, Asmo, Diavolo, Simeon
Feels a little uncomfortable with you resembling Lilith since it resurfaces old memories - Beel, Belphie, Raphael
Awww, you look adorable, but why did you step in!? - Thirteen
Cries his little heart out because he is worried about you - Luke
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hxhhasmysoul · 4 months
Have you watched or read Sailor Moon? So I just saw a joke from twitter that said if Sukuna is fighting Sailor Moon, then he will be defeated way faster 🤣🤣😂
(From a Sailor Moon fan)
This is the second ask I got about this, and sorry to the first one that I didn't reply, I was mentally in the pit when I got it, I'm still not great but now there are two XD
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I've read and watched the classic Sailor Moon, I've even seen some of the live action and the renewed version.
And I absolutely agree with the person who wrote that, even if it was phrased as a joke, it's actually kinda true. Because Sailor Moon always got to the emotional core of her opponents and cracked them from the inside and that's very clearly what's happening to Sukuna now. That's what I've always expected from Yuuji.
He is very good at fighting as in martial arts and he has very good tactical mind, like many shounen protagonists, but Yuuji is more of a shoujo protagonist in the way he's written, which I outlined here.
If I remember correctly, in Sailor Moon, all of the Sailor Scouts contribute to the fight, get defeated and then Sailor Moon has this high vulnerability moment with the main villain and defeats them but also the other Scouts are there with her.
And it's kind of like that in JJK, but with less sparkles (is the Cursed Cat a coward?). Everyone who tried to attack Sukuna in a typical shounen way, with the typical shounen woes of strength has perished and left no impression on Sukuna. But Yuuji with his compassion and strength of character and vulnerability is actually affecting Sukuna. And at this point it seems that shattering Sukuna's convictions is the way to actually getting an upper hand. And a plan and teamwork.
Also while Yuuji hates Sukuna and is absolutely in the mindset to kill Sukuna, he's never lost the sight of his main priority which is saving Megumi. He's not enjoying this fight like Gojou and Kashimo enjoyed theirs, just because they could face off with the strongest. Yuuji doesn't seem to give a shit about that.
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sorakazeno · 9 months
Sailor Stars episode 200 was written with a different ending. Part 1
I was surprised when I started reading the script how parts of the ending was changed. Let me know your thoughts on what version you like better!
Side note. I am paraphrasing.
Page 4. On this page, Chibi Chibi is referred to as Cosmos in parentheses. Makes me wonder if they tried to plan a little more than just the silhouette.
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Page 17. This is where Sailor Moon defeats Galaxia. It mentions how the starseeds are returned and they shoot off of into the night. The entire scene of Galaxia and Sailor Moon speaking while they are both naked wondering what what happened to Chaos did not exist.
One of the starseeds materializes into Endymion. He calls her name and she calls him Mamo-chan. In the original script, he was the first appear. Not the Sailor Senshi. The anime reversed it.
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Page 18. Usagi still rushes into Mamoru's arms and they hug. He wraps his cape around Usagi. While that is happening the other senshi are returning in this order: Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Saturn.
Mars: Usagi!
Mercury: Usagi-chan!
Usagi: Everyone!
Mars rushes forward to hug Usagi and Endymion and the other Inners are right behind her. It is not completely clear, but I believe the Outers hug them as well.
Scene shifts to Princess Kakyuu appearing in front the Starlights.
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Page 19. Scene with Kakyuu and Starlights is pretty much the same until the end. Fighter looks up at Usagi and Usagi looks back at Fighter. They smile at each other.
Usagi says, "Thank you Chibi Chibi." This is the first time Chibi Chibi is mentioned in these past few pages. I would assume Chibi Chibi is not present for any of this.
Scene at the end shifts to all the starseeds returning throughout the universe to where they belong. This reads like an amazing scene to have countless shooting stars leaving the Earth to go home.
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Page 20. Continuation of starseed scene. We found Chibi Chibi!
This is rather vague. Chibi Chibi is talking to someone listed as "girl." Going back to the cast page in a previous post, "girl" has "Past Galaxia" listed and no cast name. Is this the freed Galaxia?
Girl/Galaxia is taking to Chibi Chibi about going back home. They discuss how light revived the galaxy but Chaos may come back.
Chibi Chibi talks. She says, it's okay because of Sailor Moon's warm light.
Girl/Galaxia agrees.
The Moon is rising and Chibi Chibi says they should go home.
Girl/Galaxia agrees and thanks Sailor Moon.
They hold hands and go home.
Scene shifts to plane lights in the sky twinkling like stars.
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Page 21. Saying goodbye to the Starlights. WOW. This is very different.
Ami asks Taiki if they are leaving.
Taiki says they are and his friends are waiting for him. They are going to make a new planet.
Ami says "Taiki-san......" (there are a lot of dots)
Taiki said thank you it was really nice to meet her and they shake hands.
Rei and the girls are surprised to see them shaking hands. Rei comments they're holding hands.
Minako says somehow.
Makoto says Ami-chan is doing well.
Ami is embarrassed by this that she is holding his hand and she is still shy she is trying to say something but her voice trails off.
Rei and the group ask, what about us?
Enter Yaten who states he is also really glad to have met everyone.
Rei, Makoto, and Minako... (I think) make googy eyes at Yaten and call him Yaten-kun.
Yaten then thanks Luna and shakes his hand with the cat. (I'm dying over here). I am also assuming he shakes the cat's paw?
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Page 22. Luna's response and Artemis are pretty much the same here.
Makoto says, wait a minute.
Rei comments, passing on all these cute girls/maidens.
Minako: Say hello to the cat?
Yaten and Luna laugh.
Seiya and Princess Kakyuu are looking up at the sky.
Seiya comments it feels like a long time since they chased Princess Kakyuu to this planet.
Princess Kakyuu speaks out loud wondering what happened to the Light Hope they were searching for.
Seiya says hope is within everyone. He will continue to guide everyone as a shining star and it was something he forgot along the way.
Princess Kakyuu smiles. She never gave up on that Light of Hope until the very end. (She is not clear. Maybe Sailor Moon? Chibi Chibi?)
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Page 23. Usagi calls out to Seiya. Scene is very similar to the anime.
Seiya turns around to see Usagi standing there with Mamoru. He tells her, he is glad she has her boyfriend back.
Usagi says it is thanks to him being here and she working hard.
Seiya says Odango. The two stare at each other.
Seiya says he will never forget her.
Usagi still says they're be friends forever. (poor Seiya)
Minako and Makoto laugh. Ami and Princess Kakyuu turn red. Rei and Mamoru look baffled.
Girls make fun of Usagi for not understanding.
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Page 24. Rei makes fun of Usagi for not understanding what Seiya means.
Princess Kakyuu says its time to return to their planet.
Seiya whispers in Mamoru's ear as he passes by, he has to protect her from now on.
Mamoru says he will and will make Seiya happy.
Seiya laughs and comments you say that. He turns around and says goodbye Odango.
They turn into the Starlights and say goodbye, same as the anime.
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Final pages in the next post tomorrow. Couldn't fit it all in one.
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notoriousbeb · 20 days
Lighthouse Keeper Tweets
Part Three: February 2024 - June 5, 2024
Back to Part One Back to Part Two
Feb. 5, 2024 (barely) 12 a.m.
"'I have been used to consider poetry as the food of love.'"
Now THIS is interesting. First, this is a Jane Austen quote (from Mr. Darcy of Pride and Prejudice [see 11/28 tweet, as well]). In the book, Darcy goes on to say, "Of a fine, stout, healthy love it may. Everything nourishes what is strong already. But if it be only a slight, thin sort of inclination I am convinced that one good sonnet will starve it entirely away." What Darcy is saying here is that he formerly thought pretty words and declarations were enough to sustain a relationship, but he now knows that's not enough. The underlying bond has to be strong first, or it's all for naught. Interesting. Because, my second point about this post is: this is the date of the Grammy's, and the date Taylor announced The Tortured Poets Department.
Feb. 16, 2024 1:30 a.m. BST
"You don't mess with love, you mess with the truth."
These are lyrics from Ellie Goulding's "On My Mind." Someone can't stop thinking about someone!
Feb. 18, 2024 10:45 p.m. BST
"The dirt on my jeans from the mud on the Heath feels like karma to me"
Perhaps someone is starting to realize he fucked up.
Feb. 23, 2024 4:50 p.m. BST "A tangle on the television and the magazine."
These are lyrics from The Arctic Monkey's Teddy Picker. Perhaps, and this is just a guess by me, obviously, but maybe a shot at TK, who was riding around in a rented sportscar, speeding and blowing red lights in Australia while following Taylor on tour?
Feb. 26, 2024 12 a.m. BST
"I've let love be free, and I've let it go. I've let it fade and I've watched it blow."
March 20, 2024 5:35 p.m.
"You go back, Jack, do it again, wheel turnin' ' round and 'round"
These are lyrics from Steely Dan's "Do It Again."
March 22, 2024 1:41 a.m.
"One to remember A spill to reflect on High in your bedroom Will you still remember?"
He mentions in his replies that he's "feeling creatively inspired by the people [he's] surrounded with." Perhaps in the studio? A little poem for someone. Reminds me of the "you smoked then ate seven bars of chocolate," line from TTPD song. So, maybe, yeah, she did remember. Gah, these two exhaust me.
March 28, 2024 1:10 a.m. "If you're gonna try and walk on water make sure you wear you comfortable shoes."
These are lyrics from The Arctic Monkey's " Piledriver Waltz. Could be nothing, but it could also be a few things.... Anxiety about the impending TTPD release (thinking about the line "you're gonna shoot me out of a cannon" here). Pics of TK and TS at Nobu that had just popped up where TS looked annoyed as hell. Also there were all those pics of them from their beach vacation. Also, a few minutes before, he'd posted something about the stars, and then deleted it and proceeded to gaslight everyone on his timeline who asked about it. smh.
April 5, 2024 12 a.m. BST
"Would you hear of an old-time sea-fight? Would you learn who won by the light of the moon and stars? List to the yarn, as my grandmother's father the sailor told it to me?"
This is a bit of the Walt Whitman poem "Song of Myself." Has the tell-tale moon and stars, of course. What is he fighting for, I wonder. And who will win?
April 8, 2024 10:35 p.m. BST
"I looked around then for a reason When there wasn't something more to blame it on But, if time makes a difference while we're gone Tell me now, and I won't be hanging on"
These are lyrics from The Eagles' "Train Leaves Here This Morning." Maybe feeling defeated? He's about to leave to go to Japan with TR. When someone mentions in replies that this isn't a happy song (it's not. it's about one of the band members going through a divorce), LK replies: "Or, you could see it as a gateway to happiness. Sometimes the path to joy needs some pruning, and leaving things behind." Then someone else replies, "This is how it has to be though, right?" And LK responds, "I mean... no? Nothing really has to be anything; new things wash up on the shore, seasons pass, gardens flourish and die. Life is ever fluctuating. But also, it's just a great Eagles song." That's some true blue Aquarius shit right there. LOL. Another tidbit from the replies, he likes "Idaho" and "Words" by Gregory Alan Isakov.
April 12, 2024 8:30 p.m. BST / 4:30 a.m. JST
"Take a second, take a minute, take a mile Run the routes, light it up, enjoy the highs"
Probably in Japan?
April 19, 2024 12:31 p.m. BST
"Certified member of The Tortured Poets Department now."
And so it begins, again. Comments in the replies that he's feeling "tortured and poetic." Says he can't pick a favorite track yet.
April 25, 2024 7 p.m. BST
"I won't sit here and wax poetic to try and untangle the way we've crossed each other's firing range"
Sure, Jan. In his replies, he says he's currently inspired by "my life, my fears, my loves, my losses, in no particular order." Also says his current favorite TTPD track, "Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus" "has [his] heart."
April 26, 2024 12:35 a.m. BST
"Love is no more Than the wide blossom which the wind assails, Than the great tide that treads the shifting shore, strewing fresh wreckage gathered in the gales"
Already wrote about this here. My dude here is IN IT. He sarcastically says he's feeling "dazzling," and when asked who he's dancing with he replies, "Myself, my closet skeletons, and my wandering mind!" Cool night, LK. Sounds like a blast!
April 29, 2024 10:55 p.m. BST
"I used your old toothbrush to clean out my keep cup I suppose that's the way things are right now"
A keep up. So, who's toothbrush we talking about here?
April 30, 2024 1:01 a.m. "What are our vices for today?"
I've already posted about how very, very well he's doing.
May 3, 2024 12:30 a.m. "When the garden leaves blow and you jump out your skin once the shock starts to go that's when solitude sets in"
Already posted about this one, too. Tayrry no more?
May 9, 2024 10:40 p.m. BST
"I should think most of my problems are solvable by feeling the sun's warmth and the sparkle of the stars."
He did pop up in a couple spots in London (a cab, dinner and the ballet) the next day with a nice tan! I'd hoped he'd been to Paris, but it was overcast and not very warm there. Maybe he was just laying out in the Heath taking it easy (and maybe texting someone??). In his replies, he seems in quite a good mood and talks about getting high to write. He also replies to a commenter who asked, "Are you watching TTPD livestream from Paris?" LK said, "I had hoped she would come to Eroda. Granted, it would be a lot more intimate than she's used to..." Cheeky, bugger.
May 17, 2024 3:25 p.m. BST
"Would you be angry? At the cruelty of history Fading away the stories we penned For slamming the dot at the end.
Here's how I interpret this: LK is asking the muse, would you be angry at history if it decided this was it for us? If this was where it decided our story ended? In his replies, LK also mentions he’s been doing some “embroidery.” This reminds me of the line in “loml,” “we embroidered the time of when I was away, stitching ‘we were just kids, babe.’” Perhaps LK is musing about memories today. He also says in response to the question “May I ask you what you would change about your past, what do you like about your present and what would you like get in your future?” “I guess there's not much point in thinking about changing the past, and I love the love I have right now, and in the future l'd like to keep that love.” In Haylor news, rumors are that Tayrry has split. Taylor is about to play night one in Stockholm after spending time with TK in Italy and Harry is unseen (rumor is he's out of London doing a photoshoot--perhaps for HS4, I hope!).
May 19, 2023
May 23, 2023
June 5, 2023
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odera · 4 months
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If you follow me and miss the energy of my Sailor Moon inspired work, then today is the perfect day to support the Wheels & Roses kickstarter and make the dream a reality!!!
Wheels and Roses is a queer Sailor Moon meets Roller Derby coming of age story started by Orange Blossom Studios and Pearl Low! It’s right up my alley so I had to do a little bit of fanart of the main character Sahara!!
The first time I met Pearl was at VANCAF and we instantly connected over our love for Magical Girl anime. Fast forward to 2024 and they started an indie animation studio Orange Blossom Studios to support the dream of a very Black very queer Magical Girl anime that pushes against the confines of genre or corporate greed nixing original ideas.
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Now is the time for us to unite and combine our powers to support this dream! It’s giving the second to last episode of a season, where we need to gather our forces to defeat the big baddie.
There are officially only 7 days to go for the Kickstarter! So be sure to go to their Kickstarter page to support, pledge, and reshare!
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kawaoneechan · 1 year
why anti-zsnes?
Short answer: ZSNES sucks as far as accuracy goes.
Sure, it runs full speed on an absolute potato, but at what cost?
You get a whole bunch of translation patches for popular games, and all these ways to play them on the actual hardware, and what do you get? Nothing, only half a thing, or complete garbage, because the translated game tries to upload new tile graphics mid-frame just to push more text onto the screen, and you can't actually do that on the actual system. Kinda defeats the point of a translation patch if the translation is unreadable, right? But these translations were tested against ZSNES and ZSNES does allow you to change VRAM content during active display so fuck it, it works, ship it. (Primary example would be Sailor Moon Another Story, but take your pick honestly.)
As the late Near said, those hacks don't run on the Super NES-- they are made specifically to run on ZSNES.
Then there's the dozens if not hundreds of Super Mario World hacks that have stolen custom music. A great many of them have been made using a version of the addmusic tool that was sorely mistaken about the nature of the echo buffer, causing an overflow on real hardware and corrupting the rest of the music. So I hope you didn't have your speakers turned up too loud.
And that's if you're lucky! If you're not, you can get out-right crashes.
Really, the only good reasons to use ZSNES are nostalgia, or your daily driver is in fact an absolute potato from the turn of the millennium.
(and that's not even getting into the state of RAM on startup, or open bus...)
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the-monkey-ruler · 6 months
So immortals can be stronger than some gods and vice versa, but what about demons? Besides Sun Wukong, are there demons that gods or immortals could not defeat or represented a real threat?
There are a good amount of demons that are threats to gods or immortals. But because that is such a wide question I would have to say that it depends on what novel or what mythos you are talking about.
In most cases, demons are never as strong as immortals or gods because of their lack of formal training. It is very hard to cultivate without training and thus most demons just eat humans to gain cultivation, and while still powerful, far sloppier skills than compared to a trained immortal. You would see in a lot more modern literature that demons have communities or clans while in ancient literature that is rarely the case as because demons are all abnormalities and cultivated individually it is hard for them to form clans and create communities.
I asked around and I was nicely told that the Four Perils are considered like progenitors to yaoguai. While they are not quite the same as yaoguai as they are considered either natural disasters or just malicious creatures depending on the context. They are considered the antithesis of the four benevolent creatures that are the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Black Tortoise. But in either case they are to be considered the embodiment of chaos and thus directly oppose heaven which is to symbolize the embodiment of order.
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There are other creatures that toe the line between god and yaoguai just depending on different regions, similar to that is Shuimu niang niang who is a water deity but in Suzhou, Anhui she may be a yaoguai, while in Taiyuan, Shanxi it is believed that she was a woman who was gifted a magical whip by an old man. I was also informed that even the Four Perils, the taotie in particular, can be connected with ding due to the idea that taotie collected the offerings in ding for the ancestors and shen, and offered protection to the people. 
Wukong in the demon world is very much an outlier when it comes to power scaling, he is like the Sailor Moon to anime of the demon world. There are plenty of strong demons in Xiyouji but there is always a catch, so to speak. Scorpion Demon has a poison strong enough to hurt even the Buddha, but she was taken down by Maori Xingguan who turned into a rooster her natural enemy. That is more like a glass cannon where she can do a lot of damage but not take a lot in return. Demon Bull King was pretty strong, Nezha had to cut his head off like 50 times or something for him to falter and eventually be cornered but he fell as well. Single Horned Rhino King was also super strong in that he was able to take on so many celestial warriors but that was because he had the help of his magic item. Also when they found out his origins he was able to be captured fairly quickly by his owner.
In other works like FSYY we have Daji who is more known for her cunning and manipulation than power itself but she is still considered one of the most dangerous demons to have ever lived just by how much damage she caused an entire dynasty. It is noted that in Xiyouji the more powerful demons are from heaven as they were able to get some kind of information or training while up there, but they also have the great weakness that they are still submissive to their owners when they are found out. This is the usual chip in the stronger demons armor as while more earth-demons like Red Boy or Demon Bull King must be overtaken with force.
There have been PLENTY of powerful demons that have given the gods trouble, but in most if not all mythos, they were able to be defeated by the end through some kind of chip in their armor or loophole in their magic. While there are legendary demons of great feats and fight other legendary heroes like Nezha, Jiang Ziya, Erlang Shen, there aren't any demons that like... defeated them. At least not enough that cannot come back with stronger forces and eventually overrun the demon in question. Demons can be very powerful but they always have some kind of weakness whether in their cultivation, or in their origins as depending on the demon's original species helps in determining how to stop them a lot.
Wukong doesn't have that.
Wukong is the strongest, smartest, most powerful, most skilled, most clever, most cunning demon to have ever lived and is the only one I can think of that has gone to the heavens, defeated everyone, almost defeated the Jade Emporer and just before about to kill him needed Buddha ALL THE WAY from Eastern Heaven, a completely DIFFERENT heaven, needed to step in to stop him. He is to be considered an outlier of demon kind really. And I think that is because of his creation as the Monkey Mind. He isn't a being of havoc and destruction and that is what makes him separate from more demons at the start, rather he is intelligent, can learn, can adapt, and thus we see that he can bring order to the world. The whole point of the journey is how Wukong is able to overcome his own base desires and learn how to discipline himself to be more in control of his actions. Wukong is able to be seen as a person that provides and protects, very different from most yaoguai that reek chaos, and it could be that because of this Wukong was able to match to the gods just because it is so similar to them from the start.
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idkaguyorsomething · 1 month
Sailor Earth and the Crystal Senshi and Firelord Katara both sound interesting, could you tell me a little about them?
Fire Lord Katara is a slight AU fic where, after the Agni Kai in the finale, Zuko ends up in a coma for a hot minute, leaving something of a succession crisis as to who will take the throne. As it turns out, Katara. Katara takes the throne and becomes Fire Lord because technically she’s the one who defeated Azula in an Agni Kai. What follows is her trying to navigate the royal court, dismantle the bender’s prisons, and pay reparations to other nations without getting overthrown, at least until Zuko’s recovered enough to take back the throne. Iroh, Ty Lee, Mai, Suki, Hama, and maybe Azula are all involved. There’s not actually much romance, mostly just Katara trying to make the best of a tough situation while being her awesome self. A story of politics, trauma, unexpected friendships, Katara badassery, dismantling the prison system, and tea. Technically more of an outline than anything else at the moment.
Sailor Earth and the Crystal Senshi is a Sailor Moon roleswap between the Inner Senshi and Heavenly Kings with a bit of mystery. Mamoru rescues a talking cat one day who discovers that for some reason he is the guardian of the moon, even though by all accounts this shouldn’t be possible. Even more mysteriously, four other teens manifest the power of the other planets despite being boys, and there’s a weird blonde vigilante that keeps shooting top hats at people, plus reports of four young women going missing whose descriptions match up with the generals they’re battling… it takes more inspiration from the old anime than the new one, but it’s not a beat-for-beat retread, and there’s a lot of exploration of gender roles and identity going on in between everyone trying to figure out why all these people have the wrong powers. A story of transgenderism, dysphoria, questioning one's assigned roles, confusing feelings, fabulous crossdressing, mystery, and THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP Also I changed the ages to make it a bit less squicky. Here’s an excerpt:
Masato set his drink down and looked at the binder again. The picture stared up at him, that stoic face inscrutable. He’d reread all the information over and over again, and all he’d gotten out of it was a headache.
“Heeeey!” a shout made him look up. Usagi stood across the street, waving at Masato. Behind her stood Jirou, both of them carrying several brightly colored shopping bags.
“What’s going on?” before long, the duo was seated across from him, setting their bags down in the cafe floor, and Jirou was asking him questions. “Weren’t you supposed to be paying off that shrine today?”
“That’s already done,” Masato waved him off. “Something more important’s come up. Where's Mamoru?”
"He was called in to work today," Jirou shrugged. "Some flash-in-the-pan diva idol showed up at the studio and they needed all hands on deck to record a music video."
"I wanted to come along, but he said no," sighed Usagi. She looked up with a dreamy expression on her face. "Could you imagine being an idol and having all those adoring fans?"
"I don't need to," Jirou grinned haughtily. A bit of his model's grace found its way into his pose. "It's good of you to keep imagining, though. Everyone should have at least a few impossible fantasies."
Usagi smacked him with one of her shopping bags. She turned her attention towards the spread of paper that Masato had laid out over the table. "What's all this?"
"Paperwork for the shrine," answered Masato. "I was reviewing how many people worked there to see how many people to compensate."
"How interesting," said Jirou, rolling his eyes. "I don't suppose you have any of that huge allowance of yours left over to compensate the brave heroes who saved the shrine?"
Masato ignored him and kept talking. "However, I learned that one of the workers there had disappeared a few months ago. The granddaughter of the owner, a young lady who was by all accounts very hard working and dedicated to her job. What's more, she disappeared only a few weeks before the youma attacks began, according to Luna."
Both Usagi and Jirou's expressions grew more serious.
"Hey, what're you implying here?" asked Jirou.
Masato laid down the photo on the table and Usagi immediately snatched it up. Both she and Jirou's eyes widened when they saw who it depicted.
"General Mars?" she gasped. Masato nodded solemnly.
"Wait, but- no, the youma transform their victims all the time, so their leaders-" Jirou curled his hands into fists and let out a cry of frustration. "This is a joke, right?"
"Do you think I'd joke about something like this?" Masato snapped. "We may have been responsible for the death of an innocent girl brainwashed by the Dark Kingdom."
Usagi, looking down, clutched the photo to her chest and asked softly "What do we tell Mamoru?"
"I don't know," he rubbed his fingers against his temples.
"We tell him the truth, obviously," Jirou glared at Masato. "And we ask that stupid cat if she knew about any of this, and if there's a way to turn people back from being generals."
"Yeah, maybe Luna can help!" Usagi said with a sense of renewed hope.
"Maybe," Masato let out a sigh. "But let's just give Mamoru some time before telling him anything, alright? It would be counterproductive to not tell him, but with his work and this new 'General Venus', he already has a lot on his mind. Let's just not put everything on him at once, alright?"
The others agreed that it was already a busy weekend, perhaps they should wait until the end of it to lay this revelation on Mamoru. The stresses of leading a double life were known to all of them. Just focusing on one or the other instead of trying to juggle both was practically a break at this point. A little bit of tedium might have been what all of them needed right now, especially Mamoru.
Elsewhere, Mamoru was being chased by a giant record label youma hurling exploding vinyls at him.
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