#and yeah there were legit callers
loremonster · 9 months
Do you think in the Vita Carnis universe, when people have been brainwashed/gotten used to the Vita Carnis being part of life, there were late night talk shows on the radio with dumb segments like "Hello caller you're on the line with some comedian and a doctor with no scruples and minimal qualifications for our show 'Help! I think I Married a Mimick!'" Kinda shit?
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03. Dinner at the Tower
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03. Dinner at the Tower
Story Rating: Explicit, 18+ only
Warnings: SELF HARM (mentioned, post act), pining, masturbation, sleepless idiots, toxic relationship, coerced sex, discussions of sex, cyberbullying, sex education, social media, controlling boyfriend, poor proofreading
Relationships: Tony Stark x Plus Size!Reader/OFC 
Word Count: 4393
Summary: Peter invites you over for dinner at the tower. Tony learns some new things about you.
A/N: AHHH, got a bit wine drunk last night because I'm an irresponsible adult and forgot to share this, better late than never, I guess. 
<< 02. Steam | 04. Bonding >>
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My Stark cup was passed back to me, filled to the brim with sugary coffee slush. It was another late night, or early morning depending on how you looked at it, and I was thinking it was very early in the morning and I couldn’t remember the last time I had consumed solid food. I plucked a brown speckled banana out of the basket by the cash register. 
“That’ll be $7.50.”
I cringed and tapped my debit card on the reader. There went the last of my food budget for the week. I shouldn’t have spent so much on spray paint for the street art assignment. Or spent so much on frappes, but I needed them. After thanking the nice lady behind the counter, my feet took me to the large auditorium across campus, while my eyes scanned my calendar. I needed to put at least 30 minutes into re-budgeting the rest of the month. At this rate, I was gonna have to learn to make my drink of choice at home or become a stripper. I plugged ‘BUDGET REVIEW’ in for two am because that was the only free time I had available. Every other part of the day was carefully crafted to catch up on reading, review notes, work on art projects, and attempts to keep my long-distance relationship alive. 
Peter, of course, came to my rescue on the food front. 
Petey-Pie- Aunt May is having a date over for dinner tonight. Wanna have dinner at the tower with me? You can see my room!
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You- how could I say no to free food?
You- get to school you truant
Petey-Pie- it's Thursday babes, I have my internship today. 
You- oh yeah, sorry I forgot
Petey-Pie- it is legit fine my dude. Have a good day at college! 💖
You- ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤
The rest of the day was a blur. I had to rearrange my calendar, swapping my essay writing in the evening with reading catch up. It would take me almost an hour on the subway to get to the tower. That would be a good time to read and if I couldn’t focus, I could brainstorm ideas for street art ideas. 
Obviously, I didn’t do any of that on the journey to the tower. We were in week four of my Tony Stark crush/obsession and currently, I was busy rereading an article from the 2010 hearing about the Iron Man suit, and how his actions had kept the suit’s technology out of the hands of terrorists. I knew I needed to stop, it wasn’t healthy, but I justified it. What was wrong with getting to know someone who my best friend was very close with? 
As I was tapping in at the station it occurred to me I might see him tonight. Regret washed over me. Leggings and an old flannel shirt did not scream ‘make bad choices with me’, nor did unwashed, clumsy twin french braids. I looked like a walking fucking nightmare. Maybe I wanted to be more than close with Tony. 
The moment I was out of the station and in the crisp fall air, the music stopped playing in my earbuds and the caller sound assaulted my ears. I fished my phone from the breast pocket of my shirt and saw Nathan’s face. We weren’t supposed to be having a call right now. I swiped to answer and returned the device. 
“Hey, Nathan, what’s up?” I put on a cheerful voice. 
“Dumplin’ what the fuck was with that Instagram post?” Of course, he took issue with that. One single fucking post about a new body-positive painting I was working on, using myself and experience as the main subject. Even that charcoal artist I really liked had commented on it. Saying they really enjoyed this positive turn in my work. Followed me and everything. It made my day. 
“It’s just a new series I’m working on. Why are you upset?” I asked, guilt tightening in my stomach, forming knots and churning with emptiness. 
“You’ll fucking post naked pictures of yourself on the internet but won’t send me a nude?”
“I’m not naked in that painting. I clearly have underwear on,” I protested, gripping the shoulder straps of my bag.
“Whatever, you’re a fuckin’ whore and now everyone knows how fuckin’ gross you look.”
I stopped walking up the steps to Stark Towers. I felt naked and sick. The wind picked up and chilled the tears forming tracks down my cheeks. 
“I have to go, Nathan,” I tried not to sniffle. 
“Delete the picture, Dumplin’,” he ended the call. 
Shuffling out of the way of the front doors, I stood off to the side to collect myself. I had been really proud of that work. It had felt so scary to start it but felt so good expressing those emotions. Opening that side of myself up and not just making another self-deprecating joke about my rolls or jiggles or fatness felt right. Why was I letting him ruin that for me?
The palms of my hand scrubbed away the last of the tears and I composed myself enough to walk into the giant, white marble lobby of Stark Towers. Immediately my glasses fogged up, but I saw Peter chatting animatedly with two massive mountains of man, one blond and the other with long dark hair. I waved to get his attention, trying to point to one of the large sofas and communicate that I’d wait for him to finish up. He was having none of that, practically shouting my name in the mostly quiet space. A big, polite grin was plastered on my face, I really didn’t want to meet new people right now. 
“Mr. Rogers, Mr. Barnes, this is my cousin. She’s the one who made those cookies,” he beamed at me and then each of them. 
My heart skipped a beat and felt the smile falter on my face. As I shook each of their massive hands, properly introducing myself, I was planning how to kill Spider-Man. You don’t just spring fucking Captain America and the Winter Soldier on a girl. Two men who have transcended time for one another. 
“It’s nice to meet you both,” I tried to grin bigger. “If Petey-Pie here had said he’d be introducing me to people I wouldn’t have dressed like a slob.”
“Well Queens here has been talking nonstop about you today, so we thought it would be nice to meet you in person,” Steve smiled, flashing a set of perfect white teeth. 
“Only good things I hope?” I rubbed the back of my neck.
“You might as well ’a hung the moon, Doll,” Bucky smirked and crossed his arms. 
I felt a blush spread across my cheeks and let out a solitary laugh. 
“It was nice meeting you,” Steve looked at me, then my cousin. “Petey-Pie, keep up the good work. We’ll see you next week.”
We waved them off and then Peter took me back to the elevator bays. Talking to each other about anything had always been easy. We had no secrets, except, well I maybe had a few, but they weren’t ones that I would burden my world-saving cousin with. I could manage on my own.  Peter talked the whole ride up about how the start of his senior year was going, where he was looking at applying for college, how he and MJ weren’t sure if they wanted to go to the same school or not. When I asked how she was he suddenly went quiet. 
“What’s up, dude? Trouble in paradise?” I dropped my backpack next to his huge bed and followed him back out to the shiny communal kitchen and living space. 
Two glasses of chocolate milk were filled and his phone was fiddled with before he paced up to the ceiling to respond to my questions. 
“How did you know you were ready for sex?” He crossed his arms, his brown hair flopping adorably even upside down. 
“I wasn’t,” I answered honestly, taking a sip from my milk. 
 We both turned to look at a sleepy looking Tony Stark. His jeans were slung low over his hips, socked feet padding his movements through the room. He only had on a black wife beater, his strong, muscular arms on full display. The arc reactor in his chest glowed brightly through the fabric, giving his face a subtle, enchanting blue hue. 
“Talking about sex,” I grinned, my sleep-deprived and run down brain just letting my mouth go off, not caring that I could be embarrassing Peter, or that I should probably be embarrassed myself.
“Wear a condom, ask for consent, and do what feels natural,” Tony grabbed a premade green drink from the fridge. “Also wait until you and your partner are legal, Kid.”
With those parting words, he wandered off, back to where he came from. Peter’s face was flushed at having been caught talking about something so personal by Tony. I could practically see the embarrassment radiating from his skinny frame. I took another sip of my milk and waited for him to calm down a bit more. 
“Are you thinking you’re ready for the next step with MJ?” I asked. 
“I-, maybe, possibly, we talked about it over the summer, kinda, and haven’t really since,” he frowned a bit. 
“Are you all frowny because you want to do it or because you are unsure?”
“Unsure. She is like really ready and it’s so cringy being the one to ask to slow down,” he started pacing again. 
“But she is respecting your boundaries?” He nodded, and I continued, “That’s good Pete, you’ve clearly got an open line of communication, which is the first step. It’s important to know what you are comfortable with. Doing something to yourself and letting someone else do it to you are very different. Like you may be comfortable masturbating, but inviting someone else into that vulnerable moment changes it.”
“Like when I told her I was Spider-Man?” He stopped momentarily to get my confirmation before he started up again. 
“Yeah,” I smiled a bit. “I’m assuming Aunt May gave you The Talk.”
“Oh god yes, it was so awful. I’d rather fight the Hulk in my underwear than go through that again.” 
I walked around the kitchen island and climbed up onto a barstool. “Okay, so you understand the mechanics of it then?”
“I had actually sex ed, unlike you, yes.”
“Self-taught sex ed is still sex ed,” I frowned, leaning back into the tall chair. “I would say it was probably better than any school derived crap, but that ain’t the point. What’s making you so hesitant?”
“What if I’m bad at it? What if I hurt MJ? What if we change our minds? How is this gonna change our relationship?” Peter rambled, running a hand through his hair and nearly missing his own glass of chocolate milk that sat untouched on the counter. 
“Being good at sex takes practice. What works with one partner, might not work with another because everybody’s different,” I started. “If you are concerned about controlling your strength, I’d probably suggest you let her take control, let her be on top, set the pace, ya know?” I suggested. “And if anyone changes their mind at any point, you both just stop. It could be just an awkward position or it could be that one of you realizes you weren’t as ready as you thought.”
“Can you do that? Just like stop?” Peter stared at me, eyes wide. 
“Of course, you should be communicating the whole time. How else will you know what’s making your partner feel good and how else would you tell them what makes you feel good?”
“That makes sense, they don’t really talk a lot in porn.”
“That’s cause porn is all staged, it's like a cop show on TV. Everything is scripted and not how it actually is in real life,” I smirked. “You should talk to MJ about it and maybe plan a date or something on a night when Aunt May will be out all night.”
“What if our relationship just turns into sex though? I really like hanging out and building lego and studying together.” Peter walked off the ceiling and came to stand next to me. 
“These are concerns you need to be open about with MJ, Pete. I’d bet my last dollar that she feels the same. Communication is key for a reason,” I wrapped my arms around him and brought him in for a bear hug. “Also sex is supposed to be fun, don’t put too much pressure on yourself.”
“Why do you give the best advice?”
“Because I am secretly a grandma residing in the skin of a young person,” I laughed. 
“Don’t be gross,” Peter shoved lightly on my shoulder. “What do you wanna eat?”
Later when we are both so full we’re moments from exploding, lounging on the couch, and watching reruns of The Office, Peter looked up from his homework and stared at me. I could feel his eyes boring into my face as I typed furiously on my scummy old laptop. 
“You are staring at me.”
“You said you weren’t ready for your first time.”
I sighed and looked up from my work into his wide, concerned eyes. He would bring that up. Somehow impossibly smart and resourceful, but an idiot at the same time. 
“Yeah,” I adjusted my computer over my crossed legs. 
“Do you wanna talk about it? Or why you were obviously crying before you came over?”
“Pete,” I sighed. “I know you don’t like Nathan, but sometimes relationships are hard. Not everyone can be as lucky as you and MJ.” 
“That doesn’t answer my questions.” He closed his book and gave me a hard stare.
We locked eyes, having a glare off. Peter narrowed his eyes and leaned closer to my face. 
“Bah,” I exclaimed, throwing my hands over my face. “Fine, you don’t tell Aunt May about this, got it?”
Peter nodded, holding in his smug little smile at winning our stare-off. I narrowed my eyes at him for a moment longer.
“You know my first was with Nathan and well, he's kinda crazy religious like my mom. So he convinced me, at a time when I was ignorant of sex, that it wasn’t premarital sex or a sin if we only did anal. And being the stupid idiot I was, I believed him. Neither of us knew what we were doing and it was a bad time for me.” I concluded by crossing my arms across my chest, hand clutching my phone through the pocket like it was a lifesaver.
“Pardon my french, but what the fuck?” Peter shouted. “DUMP HIM, GURL.”
“It’s not that easy Pete,” I covered my face with one hand.
“How is it not easy? He coerced you into sex,” his face flushed with anger. 
“Yeah, and then I agreed to keep doing it, okay?”
“Is he why you were upset earlier? Did he say something mean to you?”
“Nathan doesn’t approve of my new art piece,” I shrugged, still not sure what I was gonna do about that. I had firmly placed that in the don’t think about it pile while I hung out with Peter and did other homework.  
In the background, Dwight was boasting about owning a wig to match everyone in the office. 
“Should we buy wigs and pretend to be the Avengers?”
“What makes you think I don’t already?” Peter half smirked, upset at my deflection as we watched the costume montage. “You wanna build this new lego set I got?”
“Heck yes.”
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I knew Pete said he was staying over tonight. He told me first thing this morning and I had smirked and teased him about May because that kid was adorably protective of his aunt. He would get all flustered about being kicked out for her date and how he better treat her right or else the friendly neighborhood crime fighter was about to get a whole lot less friendly.
That little shit. I had spent the past 36 hours prepping the new gear for Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb and after they were done testing I collapsed on the lab couch to sleep for a few hours before I needed to have a call with the California office. One second I was listening to the kid babble on about a new web shooter formula he and Bruce were working on and then it was dark. Of course, I just picked the best fucking time to wander into the kitchen for a drink. 
“How did you know you were ready for sex?” Peter’s hushed tone tipped me off that whoever he’d asked he trusted, but that he was freaking out. 
“I wasn’t.”
Just the blatant way you admitted to that nearly knocked me off my feet. I was barely awake and already that was just too much. Sure, I was still having Jarvis monitor your social pages for unusual activity and the pages of that absolute sack of shit you were still with according to Pete. God, just thinking about him reminded me of that stupid Instagram story. Why hadn’t you broken up with him the moment you’d seen it? What is going on in that pretty little head of yours that made you think it was okay for him to just tongue fuck some random? 
Words were rattling around in my brain, but I had been pretty decent recently about keeping my thoughts about you to myself.
“What?” I demanded, a bit incredulous and still half asleep. 
“Talking about sex,” you flashed me a grin that was downright flirtatious. You would have been able to tell that much from the fucking international space station. I studied your face for a moment. Dark circles highlighted your red-rimmed eyes and you looked a bit paler. As an expert in not sleeping, I could tell you had been running for at least 24 hours, probably on a mixture of shit college cafeteria food and energy drinks, but that didn’t explain the redness in your eyes.
Reeling in my thoughts some, I tried to give better advice than my old man had given me way back when, but without being too much of a prude. Only sensible advice and to not be a complete perv in front of the two of you. Speaking of a perv, my second brain noticed your very open button-down. With the phone tucked into one of the breast pockets, it pulled down the faded plaid fabric of your shirt and revealed more of your soft pillowy looking cleavage. In the overhead light of the kitchen, I could just see how the lines across them shined a bit differently. 
Why was I now sexually attracted to stretch marks? They were a completely normal part of growth.
“Wear a condom, ask for consent, and do what feels natural,” I rummaged through the fridge to find one of the juices I left in there that morning. Anything to keep my eyes away from your chest. “Also wait until you and your partner are legal, Kid.”
With as much control as I could muster in that state, I walked back to the lab, set my drink next to my screen, and went straight to the bathroom. Like nearly every time I'd woken up since meeting you, I'd had a semi after the power nap. Wet dreams were something I thought ended when you reached my age but apparently not. Depending on what needed to be done when I woke up, I'd either force myself to think of what a creep I was to calm down or I'd force those feelings down and just enjoy the deeply sinful things my mind had conjured up.
Right now, I pushed aside any sort of pervy old man guilt I may have felt and pulled my hard dick free from my jeans. Jesus Christ, I felt like a teenager again, spitting into my hand to get a bit lubrication for the act I was about to commit. The front of my hips rested against the sink as I started to fist my cock. Images of your silky skin came to the forefront of my thoughts. Skin I wanted to suck, bite, and lick until you begged for me to fuck you. What I wouldn't give to hear that slow and low accent of yours say my name, begging me to stuff my fat cock into your pussy. Oh god, it would be so wet and hot, sucking me in until I was buried inside you. 
Fuck I wanted to cum on your tits instead of in a fucking sink. Spread it across those gorgeous goddamn stretch marks with my dick until it got sticky and then make you lick me clean. 
"Ffffuck," I grunted, gripping the edge of the sink.
I tightened the hold around my cock, smearing the precum dripping from the tip around the length. My eye squeezed shut at the sensation and a groan passed my lips as I painted the porcelain with my spunk.
"I wanna do so many bad things to you, Babygirl," I murmured before I cleaned up and got ready for a long, boring call that was bound to put me in a shitty mood. 
I wanted to fire those idiots, honestly. The technology was very simple, the schematics were very clear. Peter could have built a prototype faster with his eyes closed. I scrubbed my face to let out some frustration. After everyone but Pepper had left the call, we had a debrief about the situation, discussing the pros and cons of replacing the team on the project. Ultimately, it was tabled until she was back in the city.
The frustration from the call kept me awake much longer than I wanted. I tinkered on some new code for a suit prototype, but my mind kept wandering back to the conversation you and Peter would have had in my absence. My head thudded against the metal surface of my desk several times before I just gave in to the creep.
"Jay, pull up Peter and my girl's conversation after I left," I should really stop calling you that, but it felt so right coming out my mouth.
The HD security footage came up in front of me. Peter's habit of pacing on the ceiling was slowly driving me insane so I shifted my gaze to focus on your face. You seemed calm and completely relaxed talking about this with Peter, drinking a glass of chocolate milk like you were right where you were meant to be. In my tower, in my house, in my kitchen. Who even drinks milk anymore? 
For some reason, I assumed you'd be more innocent and closed-minded. Maybe it was the stereotype of the Bible belt and what that crazy guy from your state, who was pretending to be the vice president, spewed all over the place. But you really gave him some solid advice, mainly just being open and honest with MJ, which it looked like he took to heart. Then you hugged him and I wished it was me you were wrapping your arms around. Why did I feel a little green monster creeping up my spine? 
The conversation drifted to food and school work and I zoned out, working on my code again until Peter started cursing. I paused the feed and looked at his angry red face. What had him so worked up? Rewinding until you were both working, I started the feed again. First of all, I noticed the practically prehistoric laptop you were working on. I’d get you a new one. 
You were demanding his secrecy and it felt like a rock dropped in the pit of my stomach. Guilt and apprehension took over me, controlling my body as I listened to you try and justify your scumbag boyfriend’s action. Well, that kid was skyrocketing to the very top of my shit list. Sure, I had been a playboy for a long time, but I didn’t fuck anyone who wasn’t as enthusiastic about it as I was. 
“No, no, no baby,” I heard myself mumble at your confession. “Jay, pull up her insta.”
Beautiful flesh tones bathed the barren wasteland of my lab. The heavy brush strokes and delicate, detailed flowers that grew from your skin worked in perfect harmony. Fine details showed me more of the stretch marks that covered your skin. I tilted my head, zooming in on the image seeing the faintest red lines crossing the skin of your thighs. Even this blown up on the screen, they weren’t more than a few pixels wide. I wouldn’t have seen them if I was looking at this on a phone, but on the massive scale of my screen, they were demanding attention. 
I blinked the tears away, quickly diverting my gaze away from the image. Oh my sweet girl, what were you doing to yourself? I turned my focus to the comment section instead of thinking about it too hard. It wasn’t for me to know yet. There were a couple of randoms discussing skill and critiquing, a very eager Peter comment with too many emojis about how amazing it was, but then below that were a long series of vial, hateful comments. Degrading your talent and body for no other reason than because they could. Below those despicable comments, was a single comment from Nathan’s account. Delete this, was all he wrote. 
Well, I was definitely going to order an illegal drone strike on his fucking ass. My smoothie cup was cast into the recycling. Regret and hunger made my stomach churn. When was the last time I had stopped for real food? I couldn’t remember, but it looked like you two had leftovers from the security footage. The time displayed on my screen said it was nearly three in the morning. I closed down my work station, determined to snag the food and then go to bed. Maybe come up with a way to talk to you about your painting to boost your confidence. Maybe I could just buy Instagram? 
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Call Me
I honestly am not a hundred percent sure where this fic had developed from but I thought it was an interesting plot that could have been manipulated many ways. and of course your girl went put smut mode on this one. 
That being said, the only warnings I have for you is smut, smut, smut, and some more smut. 
Don’t forget to like, repost, comment. You feed back means everything to me and I love seeing what you all like and don't fancy. 
Please enjoy and all my love,
I present to you, Escort Harry.
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You were sitting at your dinette on the balcony of your penthouse, exceptionally frustrated. Sipping on your now cold coffee and pulling a cigarette from the gold case that was housing it. You lit the end with the matching gold lighter, slamming it on the table as you inhaled the nicotine to calm your nerves. You expelled the smoke from your lungs with an exaggerated sigh before picking up your phone to re-evaluate the email you just received.
Ms. Y/L/N,
You are cordially invited to the annual Forbes fundraiser for young entrepreneurs, blah blah blah…
Being that you own your own major company that has been featured in Forbes, blah blah blah.
We are expecting your attendance along with your plus one…
A plus one…
Well you are fucked now, aren’t you? You couldn’t remember the last time you had a ‘plus one’. You, this woman, fiercely independent, who built a company from the ground up on your own, and now you are expected to have a date to a fundraiser that you are being forced to go to.
You did the only thing you could think of at that moment.
You pull up Claudia’s number in your contacts, closing your silk robe over your nightgown while you put the phone to your ear and inhale the last puff from your cigarette before stamping it out in the marble ashtray.
The phone rings as you walk through the French doors from your balcony into your dining room, taking the last sip of your coffee before placing your mug on the dark mahogany dining room table.
“Hello, Y/N. To what do I owe the pleasure on this lovely morning at, fuck me, five forty?”
“Thank fucking god you’re awake!”
“Well, I wasn’t but —”
“Did you get that Forbes email too?” You put your phone on speaker while you pulled the email up for the millionth time that morning.
“I did,” Claudia said around a yawn.
“What is this shit with a fucking plus one? When has that ever been a requirement for these things?!”
You could hear her rustling around her bed, “I’m sure some man put it together and wanted to make sure everyone and the pope saw his new arm candy.”
“It’s ridiculous! Some of us don’t have time to have a ‘plus one’!” You sat on your suede sectional, curling your bare feet under your bum. Your long haired black cat jumped up and cuddled into your lap, both melting into comfort.
“I lay claim to Derek, he already said he would go with me.”
You began to stroke your cat’s ear, “Yeah well, you’re fucking Derek, so…”
“I can’t help that your assistant is young and hot, chickee. And so fucking good in bed…” Claudia began to stretch, letting out a moan.
“Thanks for that. Now what the hell am I supposed to do?”
“Don’t you have any friends? Second cousins?”
You stopped your petting, your fur baby giving out a little mew in protest, “First of all, ew. No family. Second of all, I don’t have time for friends. I have you because we have worked together for years.” You let out a frustrated sigh and went back to petting the angel on your lap. “What the fuck am I going to do, Claud?”
You could hear Claudia clunking around her kitchen, attempting to make her latte, cursing at her espresso maker. “Why not hire someone?”
You stopped your petting again, Lady getting annoyed and deciding to jump off your lap. “What do you mean, hire someone?”
“You know,” Claudia hissed after burning her tongue on her hot beverage, “like one of those sexy male escorts. You pay them and they are a nice piece of jewelry for the night.”
“Where do you come up with this shit?”
“That old bag that is always at these events, donates a shit ton and then falls asleep halfway through dinner? You know the one.”
You hum in understanding because you do know the one. Her overuse of minks and emeralds at every event, her hackneyed Chanel No. 5. Oh, and her dentures fell into her champagne flute last year. Yeah, that one.
“Do you really think that the strapping young hunk with her is actually her significant other?”
“I thought that it could be her grandson, maybe.”
“Oh hell no! She hired the boy! I hope she got her money’s worth, if you know what I’m saying...”
Claudia began to laugh as you started to make gagging noises. You sat there, thinking of any other option and you really couldn’t think of one.
“Let me do my research and I will email you the links. But babe, relax. We will figure something out, yeah? You can take my little brother if you need to.”
“No offense Claud, but I don’t really want to present to an event with a 17 year old and be labeled a pedophile… Thank you for helping me, truly.”
“Any time, sweets. Now go mastuarbate before you get ready for work. Got a big meeting today and need you to be calm and relaxed for it.”
“Jesus, Claud!”
“See you soon!” Claudia blowing you a kiss over the line before she hangs up.
You walked into your office with your go to Starbucks order in hand. Derek was sitting on the couch that was off to the side of your office, set up as a little meeting area with a set of armchairs and a coffee table in the center. Derek was sipping on his green smoothie and setting up your agenda for the day.
“I don’t know how you drink that shit. You’re basically grazing in the pasture,” as you take another sip of your overpriced corporate beverage.
“It is an energy boosting smoothie, thank you very much. It’s from the local smoothie place around the corner, it’s family owned.”
“Well good for you bud, but for me, it is about convenience and there are at least 50 Starbucks stores from home to here. A beautiful marketing plan if you ask me.” You smiled before taking another sip then placing it in its rightful place on your desk as you sit to turn on your computer and start your day. Derek stands up and places your daily planner in front of you.
“You have that big meeting today with the business partners. Claudia said she will be here in half an hour to help prep. And I have a list of escort services for you.” He had a folder in hand extended towards you.
You peered up at him, “Fucking Claudia.”
He began to smile and give a light chuckle, “Fucking Claudia. She never knows when to keep her mouth shut. There are a few men she had picked out as well, said she ‘knows what you like’. She will email you the links to their profiles.”
And sure enough, you get an email from her with an eggplant emoji as the subject of the email. You quickly exit the email, pulling up the documents you need for the meeting.
After getting home from dealing with arrogant, self centered pricks in meetings all day, you knew you needed to treat yourself to a relaxing bubble bath.
You ignored dinner, going straight to your wine rack and grabbed the first bottle handy. You filled the glass and began sipping at the sweet nectar as you were walking to the master bedroom. You padded your way to the en-suite to begin filling the claw foot bathtub. You added some vanilla rose bath melts and let the aroma fill your lungs before returning back to your bedroom.
You step into your walk-in closest to begin undressing, putting your jewelry in their rightful place and hanging the garments that need to go to the dry cleaners. After stripping, you throw on your silk robe and pull your hair up before walking back to the bathroom. You grab your phone and wine along the way, finding your ‘bubble bath’ playlist, which you connected to the Bluetooth that you had installed in your bathroom.
You put your wine and phone on the shelf next to the tub and hung the silk robe before melting into the warm embrace of the milky water. Lady had hopped up onto the counter to keep you company.
You close your eyes, take a deep breath and lean your head on to the bath pillow before slowly exhaling the air from your lips. You were finally starting to relax when the incessant thought about the fundraiser reared it’s nasty head at the forefront of your mind.
You look to Lady, who is curled up on the sink counter, the sound of Ol’ Blue Eyes lulling her to sleep. You take another deep breath before grabbing your phone and opening up that email.
Reinhardt, Claudia
Subject: 🍆
So, this company seems the most legit and had the best reviews on multiple sites. Overall, had the best looking dudes too. I picked out a few that I thought that you would like, you know, best friends and all. I will only be slightly offended if you don’t pick one of my gentleman callers.
Good luck chickee! xo
You took another sip of wine before opening the links to these ‘gentleman callers’ pages.
Travis; he was cute in a ‘use to be a skater’ kind of way. Had some muscle, a decent smile. Age, 26. Perfect. Height, 5’3”. Well, that won’t work. You close out his link and go to the next one.
Bret; could be a model with the blue eyes, black hair look and a jaw that could cut glass. You sit up slightly, scrolling down further into his profile. Age; 19. Fuck no. You quickly close the link and go to the next one.
You go through a few more and you begin to feel hopeless. They were all good looking but none of them sparked the desire to take them to an event where you will be spending endless hours with them.
You were officially going to give up until you saw that there was only one link left.
Harry; this guy can’t be real. Beautiful green eyes, silky curly hair, a really cute smile with dimples. The perfect amount of muscle. You held your breath as you continued to read his profile.
Age; 24. You could handle that.
Height; 6 foot. Perfect.
Reason why you joined this company; Honestly, I’m getting my masters in business at Columbia University. A scholarship and work study can only pay so much of the tuition. So he is smart and can talk about business if needed.
What can you bring to the table for your date; I’m personable and will make friends with anyone in a room. I’m the perfect date for a work related event because I can talk about anything. If you chose me, I promise, you won’t regret it.
You took the last bit of your wine as your finger hovered over the message icon. “I better not regret this…”
Harry just got home to his rundown studio apartment from his day working in the college library. He threw his backpack on his mismatching dining set before striding into the kitchen to heat up leftover Chinese. He threw the container into the microwave and began to strip on his way to his bed. He pulled on a pair of old grey sweatpants and went back into the kitchen to retrieve his food and a beer.
He climbed into his bed and turned on the TV, throwing on Family Guy before digging into his food. He got up at one point to get his phone that he left in his jacket, where he couldn’t remember where he threw it.
After finding it, he climbs back into bed and continues to stuff his cheeks with lo mein. He unlocks his phone to see he has some texts, a few emails, a bunch of messages on his Tinder app that he has been ignoring and a new message on his work email. Not the library job, but the job that no one knows about.
He gets emails regularly on his work email. Usually older women who want to make a statement at an event. Like “I’m still young. Look at the young man with me.” He doesn’t mind it because they pay a shit ton for him to just sit there and look pretty, but it gets boring. He would rather work overnight at the library and he is pretty sure it is haunted.
He opens the message and he sees your name. He drops his Chinese container into his lap, cursing at the grease stains that are now on his sweats.
He knows you. He knows you very well. He has written multiple research papers on your work, how you built a company on your own. He’s even rubbed one out to you a few times because your so fucking beautiful and unbelievebly smart.
I apologize for how this message reads; I have never done such a thing before.
I have an event for a Forbes fundraiser and we are required to bring a plus one. Unfortunately, I do not have one and need to go to such lengths as to hiring one.
I have read your profile, multiple times if we are being honest, and I feel that you are best suited for the situation.
If you accept my offer, I will pay you handsomely and will schedule you with my tailor to get a suit for the event. Anything involved will be taken care of by me, you will just need to present by my side.
Please let me know if you accept my offer in a timely fashion.
All the best, Y/N Y/L/N
Harry’s mouth was gaping like a fish. You, you, need a date to an event and you asked him. He must be dreaming. He rereads the email a million times and tries to compose himself enough to respond.
Ms. Y/L/N,
It would be an honor to be by your side. Please let me know where I need to be and when and I promise, I will not let you down.
A few moments after sending the email he got notifications of events being added to his calendar. The first thing was his appointment with your tailor tomorrow morning.
Harry was standing outside the tailor’s shop, being a few minutes early and the door was locked. He could hear the clicking of heels and heard a familiar voice. You had presented at Colombia for seminars multiple times, considering it was your Alma Mater. He knew that voice because he attended every seminar that you were a speaker at.
You had your phone in one hand with your designer purse in the crook of the arm that was holding your phone. You had a tray with a few coffees in the other hand. He thought you looked powerful and beautiful in your burgundy blazer with a black tank top tucked into your houndstooth black and white trousers. A gold Gucci belt pulling the whole look together.
You smiled at him as you told whomever you were talking to that you had to go and that you will call them back. He about melted into a puddle when he heard you call his name.
He nodded with a smile while you put your phone in your purse and coordinated the drinks so that you were able to extend a hand to shake Harry’s. Your hand was so soft, he never wanted to let go.
“Thank you for being able to do this so quickly. The event is this weekend and I wanted to make sure that your suit was done in time.” You were smiling at him the whole time, like you have been friends for a lifetime.
“It’s no problem at all.” He smiled back as you took in a good look at him, seeming to be pleased with your choice. He unconsciously stood up straighter and clasped his hands behind his back as you turned to press the buzzer of the store front.
The door unlocked and he quickly grabbed the door to allow you to walk in first, as you gave your thanks. You strutted in like you owned the place and Harry could feel his cock twitch in his jeans watching you own the room.
A beautiful person was standing there waiting for you with gorgeous red flowing hair. They looked angelic with their light and soft features.
“Harris darling, this is Harry. You will be working with him on finding the perfect suit and tailoring it like the artist you are.” You sat on the white sofa, handing out coffees to the people around you, including Harry.
“I didn’t know how you liked your coffee, so I got it black but I have cream and sugar if you need it.” You pulled out the little paper bag the cafe had given you with the coffee fixings from your purse.
“Black is perfect, thank you.”
You smiled up at him as you handed him his coffee, he gladly took a seat next to you as Harris handed the two of you their portfolio.
“These are what I have in the shop now and the fabrics in the back are what I have at home, if you would prefer one of those.”
Harry scooted a little closer to get a better look that you quickly took notice of, so you moved so that the portfolio sat on both of your laps while your thighs touched. Harry’s breath hitched when he felt the contact but quickly brushed it off to continue looking at the beautiful suits.
“Is my dress done by chance? I would love to do the final fitting today as well.”
“Of course. I also have a few ideas of suits for you Harry that would go with the dress. Not so matchy-matchy, but to make sure you don’t clash.”
“Let’s try those, hm?” You looked at Harry with a sweet smile. All he could do was gaulp and nod.
You put the portfolio on the table in front of you before taking your blazer off and laying it delicately on the arm of the couch. You stood up and began to wander around, looking at Harris’ fall collection.
“I can’t wait to see these on the models. Absolutely stunning, Harris.”
“Wouldn’t have been able to do it without you, my love.” You smiled as you continued to explore.
Harry couldn’t take his eyes off you. You were so ethereal in your movements, so effortless. You seemed so gentle and he has only been around you for a few moments. He has always known you as a strong willed, fierce, badass woman. But now, he sees you as delicate porcelain. Not in a way that you could easily be broken, he doesn’t think that could ever be the case. But in the way that you need to be taken care of and adored fondly.
Harry was pulled out of his trance when Harris returned with an armful of suits, calling Harry to the dressing room. Harris helped him with trying them on, all of them being breathtaking.
You had gone into your dressing room with Harris’ assistant helping you put on your gown. You were never one for flash at events, so you asked for a simple black gown with some red detailing, red being your power color. You wore red lipstick or a red pair of heels to every event, so people would be expecting it.
You had walked out as did Harry and he was frozen. The black gown had off the shoulder straps and a sweetheart neckline, showing off your silky decolletage. It had a hip-high slit on your left leg showing off the delicious meat of your thigh, your heels making your legs look even longer. It was form fitting around the torso and hips with the fabric draping beautifully around you, cascading softly around your feet. The bottom of the gown and around the bust was detailed with delicate red stitching, creating a floral design.
And you couldn’t take your eyes off Harry. His suit was the same blood red as your stitching. The floral details of his suit were stitched in black and he had a black button up underneath with the top few buttons undone. Harris had already pinned the suit so it fit him perfectly. His thighs looked strong and thick, his shoulders broad. He was exceptionally handsome.
Harris squealed with how amazing you both looked and you matched without it being obnoxious. Harris walked you to the platform so he could do his final fitting on you. You and Harry couldn’t stop looking at each other in the mirror, the eye contact being strong and unwavering. The only thing that pulled you out of your trance was when Harris called your name to tell you he was done with you.
After getting back into your work clothes, you kissed Harris goodbye and Harry shook their hand. You told Harris that Derek will pick up the garments Saturday morning before the event.
Harry held the door open for you and let you walk on to the sidewalk first. You started pulling out your phone to check it, quickly turning off the screen before looking up at Harry.
“Do you need a ride? I walked here from my office but it isn’t far, I can drop you off.” You stood there waiting for a response and he was taking too long for your taste.
“Well come on then, I’ll take you wherever you need to go.” You started walking with a purpose, pulling out your phone again to give Derek a heads up of your plans. Harry quickly jogged to catch up with you.
“Thank you. Um, could you drop me off at campus?” You looked back up and smiled with a nod.
“Of course.”
When you got to the parking garage, you hit your key fob to unlock your car. You had a nice black Audi that you gracefully climbed into. Harry was treating it like a work of fragile art, not wanting to touch anything. You noticed that he was admiring your car, causing you to smile. “Are you a car kind of guy?”
“Um, yeah. I suppose. I know a pretty car when I see one.”
This caused you to giggle. “I may have another event for you then. One of my colleagues has vintage cars that he submits to a car show, he asks me to go every year. Maybe I’ll go if I have you by my side.”
Harry beamed at the idea, “I would like that.”
“It’s in the Hamptons so I would have to steal you for a couple of days. I have a beach house there. That’s if you don’t mind, of course.”
Harry had the opportunity to go to the Hamptons to spend a couple of days with you? How could he say no to that fantasy.
“That sounds great, just tell me when and I’m there.”
You started your drive to Colombia’s campus when you felt the need to talk about the one factor of this you had yet to approach.
“How would you like me to pay you? I can write a check or direct deposit if you would like.” You give a quick glance over to him while at a red light and you see him adjusting in his seat.
“Um, whatever is easier for you.”
“I think it will be more discreet if I direct deposit. I will give you my number and you can text me your bank information. I will be sure to delete it and would never do anything other than deposit money to you.”
He nodded in agreement, not that he was worried that you would take money from him. Not that he had a whole lot of money to his name.
You pulled up next to the campus and asked Harry for his phone to put in your number. “Whenever you get the chance, text me the information.”
“I will, thanks.” He stepped out of the car, slung his backpack over his shoulder and began to walk to campus.
Harry got home and relaxed for a bit, wrapping his head around the day. He got fitted for a gorgeous designer suit, rode in an Audi, and got invited for a long weekend in the Hamptons, all by the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.
He finally sat up and began to dig through his piles of papers on his counter to find his bank information. He quickly texted it to you, double checking the numbers were typed out correctly. He set the phone down and went to hop into the shower.
When he stepped out with a towel around his waist and another in hand roughly drying his hair, he picked up his phone and saw a notification from his bank.
Direct deposit of $5,000.
He stared at the screen for an undetermined amount of time before going to his contacts and calling you.
“Hello, this is Y/N.”
“That is way too much, you don’t have to do that, please just —”
“Harry, it is my money and I do as I please. You are doing me a huge favor and you will be with me for a full evening. Plus, you have to deal with a bunch of assholes, it’s the least I can do. Now, don’t ever question my decisions again, okay? My assistant will drop off your suit on Saturday morning. Please text me your address so he can do so. Have a good rest of your day.”
The line went dead, Harry was still in shock. He has never seen four digits in his bank account before and it happened in the blink of an eye. He decided to text you his address and asked no more questions.
Harry was pulling on the perfectly tailored suit jacket and ran his hand through his hair one last time before spritzing on his cologne when there was a knock on his door. He walked over to open it, seeing a man in a black suit that he has never seen before. The man gave Harry a nod and he began to walk to the stairs. Harry quickly grabbed his keys and phone before following the unnamed, eerily quiet man.
When Harry reached outside, there was a black SUV with dark tinted windows. The uncanny man opened the back door, exposing you looking down at your phone. Harry gasped when you looked up at him, lips painted red, flashing him a dazzling smile.
“Well, don’t you look handsome.” You scooted over so Harry could climb in. He honestly couldn’t help himself, but he had to stare at you. You had your legs crossed, left leg over your right, exposing the full skin of both of your legs due to the slit on the left side. His mouth began to water looking at the soft glow of your legs.
“So, I apologize in advance if some wives try to take you home with them tonight. Those old hags probably haven’t been screwed properly in ages since their husbands waste their viagra on some girls who want their money.”
Harry raised his eyebrows at you with a smile growing across his lips, “Why do I feel like you're not kidding?”
“Oh,” you let out a scoffed laugh, “because I’m not.” You look back up from your phone to gaze at Harry, “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” You send him a wink, causing him to blush.
He beams back at you, “My hero.”
As you enter through the doors of the banquet hall, arm laced through Harry’s, you begin to get the urge for a cigarette.
You see previous partners to your company; ones that moved on to bigger and better things, others who screwed you over and you cut ties with. You see the old men that hit on you and the wives that stare daggers into you. They all told you that you weren’t going to make it and you proved them all wrong. Though some think you did it with a little help from what is between your legs or your harlot red lips.
You really need a cigarette.
You see Claudia standing across the way, holding out two champagne flutes for the both of you. You gently tug Harry with you, taking in how he is observing the room. He has an air of professionalism to him that can only come naturally; he’ll be a great business man.
“Knew you would pick this one! Had to save the best for last.” Claudia handed you both your bubbling spirit and put her hand out for Harry to shake, introducing herself and Derek.
“I need a cigarette and a stronger drink than this to get through the night.” You quickly downed the liquid, placing the glass on a nearby table, excusing yourself to the terrace.
Harry followed you out a few moments later, holding a rocks glass out to you. You smiled up at him reaching for the glass and taking a sip before handing it back to him so you could take a long drag. “Thank you.”
He leaned over the banister of the terrace to look out over the city, taking his own sip where your red lips had left their stain. You found it slightly erotic how he licked his lips after touching your mark, as if he had decided to take his sip at that specific part of the glass on purpose.
“So tell me, shall I be talking you up in there? Should be easy for me.”
You reach for the glass he is rolling between his fingers, taking another sip, “And why is that?”
He took the cigarette from between your fingers, admiring the vibrant stain before placing it between his own lips, slightly squinting his eyes as he took a drag. “I’m quite infatuated with you. I’ve followed your work from the start, wrote some papers on your business plans.”
You raised an eyebrow and watched him, studying his features that softened as the left side of his lip began to upturn, indenting his cheek to an adorable dimple. “To be completely honest? I started to follow you because I was terribly attracted to you. I saw you on the front of a magazine and…” he pursed his lips out with a smirk before he chuckled at himself. He looked up at you with his boyish charm before he stood back up and took his drink from you again.
“Oh, Harry, thought about me when you were lonely?” You gave him a false pout that grew into a smile.
He finished his drink before looking back at you, “Still do.” His smile and eye contact were never wavering as he stamped out your cigarette for you and took your hand to return inside.
Harry guided you to your table, hand on your lower back before pulling out your chair for you. He sat to the left of you next to another gentleman, who you had no idea what his business was. His wife was glaring at you as Harry was talking to the man, though the man was more focused on the cleavage exposed by your dress. Harry reached his hand to you, gripping onto the skin of your exposed thigh.
You could audibly hear the man whimper and his wife scoff as Harry’s thumb began to caress your skin. You could see Claudia’s smile grow as she takes a sip of her drink, watching Harry become possessive of you before her eyes. Derek caught her attention by kissing her cheek as the head speaker began his announcement for awards and donations.
As the night came to an end, you were thankful to have Harry at your side. He was holding his own, taking to other businessmen as if he had been conversing with them his whole life. He was able to talk business plans, discuss what he was currently learning in classes, he even gave a few men advice on future endeavors. To be completely honest, you were aroused by the power Harry held as he was working the room.
Harry had his arm wrapped around your waist as you walked to your awaiting SUV, holding your hand as you climbed in and he followed suit. You let out a content sigh, enjoying the silence in the car.
Harry reached across you, grabbing the back of your knee to pull both legs to rest on his lap. He gently unclasped the buckle of your heel, slowly removing it before placing it on the floor by his feet. He did the same with your other foot and began to rub his thumb up the arches.
You let out a satisfied hum at the pressure soothing your aching feet, resting your head on the window as you watched Harry focused on his work in hand.
“You did amazing tonight, Harry. Thank you.”
He looked up at you with his dimples on display, making the tightness you have felt in your stomach all night constrict even more. He looked proud, as he should.
“It was a lot of fun. Learned a lot.”
You smiled back at him, slowly blinking your eyes closed. “That old colleague I was telling you about with the vintage car show, Jack, he asked if we would like to go. It’s in six weeks if you are interested.”
“I’d love to.”
In the six weeks since the fundraising event, Harry had joined you on multiple smaller level events, including some work dinners and client matters.
His closest had grown exponentially in the six weeks, whether it was a suit for an event that you had purchased for him or he had found something designer he liked and he bought it with the money from his ever growing bank account, thanks to you. He has found pleasure in Gucci, also thanks to you. He has found that the luxuries he now has in his life was all in your taste, subconsciously wanting to please you.
You would comment on his attire he has purchased without your assistance, always beaming when you talk about what line it was from and how well it suited Harry. He loves the feelings he gets when you praise him.
He was packing his bag for the weekend trip to the Hamptons, having just gone shopping for some outfits for the occasion. He had also bought some things to spruce up his studio apartment, making it look more put together and modern rather than a frat boy's bedroom. Your taste even makes its appearance in his decor.
You had knocked on his door, waiting with coffee in hand for the both of you. He opened the door with a wide smile before allowing you to enter the apartment. He had his clothes neatly folded on the bed, waiting to be placed into the leather duffle bag you got him for the occasion, another ‘thank you’ on your part.
You sat on his bed, sipping your coffee while watching him put his toiletries in the matching leather shaving bag, which was also a praise gift. He was dressed in grey sweat shorts and a simple black T-shirt with his short locks held out of his face by a red bandana. He was still barefoot walking around while he was finishing up.
“Do you have the word ‘big’ tattooed on your toe?” Your ever present smile grew as you leaned closer to get a look.
Harry chuckled, scratching his jaw “I may have been drunk and did it myself.”
You shook your head with a giggle of your own before taking another sip of your coffee, leaning back in Harry’s bed.
Harry was trying to will away the semi he was sporting. He had never seen you in lounge clothes and the black leggings you were wearing were doing crazy things to Harry’s body. You were wearing your Columbia Alumni shirt, tied in a knot at the waist to show off the curves of your hips that the leggings were hugging. Your hair was up messily, making Harry want to pull it down from its restraint so that he could muss it up with his own fingers. Your Clubmaster Ray-Bans sat on top of your head and your skin looked fresh and dewy with no makeup on.
Harry took a moment in his kitchen when he was getting his hydro flask to take a breath and squeeze himself through his shorts to take away some of the ache. He’s not sure how he is going to handle a whole weekend if this is what it will be like.
You stopped at a local gas station before leaving the city. Harry offered to fill your tank while you went into the shop to get some snacks for the trip, getting your essential Swedish Fish and Redbull while Harry asked for gummy bears and orange juice.
Harry was already sitting in the passenger seat when you returned, him now having his Wayfarer Ray-Bans on; he only bought them when you said he would look good in them. He was playing on his phone and perked up when you slid in the drivers side.
You handed him his goodies while you promptly opened your bag of candy to set between your thighs and cracked open your can of liquid energy. You began your hour and a half drive to your beach house in the Hamptons. You had your favorite Spotify playlist playing through your speakers, both of you humming along.
“Want some?” Harry looked up at you confused as to what you were talking about. You smiled as you glanced over before returning your gaze to the road. “Some fishies, help yourself.” You nodded down to the bag between your thighs as you took another sip of your drink.
“Thanks.” Harry reached over, dipping his hand between your thighs that you involuntarily widened when his hand approached. He looked up at your face when he slowly dipped his fingers into the bag to grip a few red fish, reaching for the few that were closest to the apex of your thighs. He could feel your heat at his knuckles as he pulled a few gummies out, sticking his tongue out as the candy approached his lips.
You adjusted in your seat, shocked that you were turned on by a man grabbing and eating a candy. Then again, it was Harry. He has been torturing you with his good looks since you clicked on his link.
The ride was uneventful for the rest of the time, Harry watching as expensive homes, luxurious boutiques and restaurants whiz by as you enter the Hamptons and make your way toward the beach.
You pulled up to your beach house, clicking the garage door button on your phone before parking. You grab your trash and put them in the appropriate receptacles that you keep in your garage. Harry was already grabbing your bags out of the car, allowing you to unlock the door freely. You held it open for Harry, stepping into your small mud room, both kicking off your shoes before walking further into the home.
The first view Harry had was of the beach through the windows that filled the wall of your dining room. He walks past the open concept kitchen to go straight to the windows, watching the waves crash on the shore. You open the french doors that lead to your back porch that has stairs that lead down to the sandy beach. You let some fresh air waft in as you go to the kitchen to take stock of what you need to go shopping for.
Harry was still standing at the window with both your bags in hand before you went over to rub his back and grab your bag.
“Come on, I’ll show you your room.” You guide Harry past your open living room to the stairs, leading him up and to the right. “This will be your room. You’ll have your own bathroom and there should be fresh towels in there for you. I’ll be right down the hall if you need anything. I’m going to hop in the shower.”
Harry watched as you walked away, seeing you pull off your T-shirt as you were shutting your bedroom door, briefly exposing your black bralette. Harry ran his hand down his face, feeling the pulse return to his groin. He quickly shut and locked the door before situating himself on his bed, promptly pushing his shorts and briefs down his thighs, reaching for the high end lotion you placed by the bed for guests.
Harry had taken his own shower after relieving himself after he made a proper mess on his thighs and hand. He climbed down the stairs to the smell of curry and Elton John playing through the speakers.
“Figured we should eat a proper meal since we haven’t yet today, so I ordered some Thai.”
You both sat on your back porch, enjoying the view as you ate your take out. You chatted about the next day, telling Harry about the car show and what to expect when it comes to Jack.
“He's like that eccentric drunk uncle at the Christmas party that you love but don’t want to deal with.”
You enjoyed each other’s company, watching the sun start to set on the horizon before calling it a night and turning in.
After waking up from a restful sleep, Harry got dressed in his running shorts and hoodie, throwing on his running shoes before walking to your room to let you know he was going to go for a run along the beach.
Your door was cracked open slightly, Harry able to see you laying on your bed. He stepped closer to the door, about to push the door open further when he heard an ever present whimper. He wasn’t sure if the noise was due to your sleep, but his question was answered when he looked at you in your detail.
Your legs were spread open, two fingers deep to the knuckle as you were laid open on your comforter. You were pumping into yourself as you had your other hand up under your sleep shirt, groping your breast and rolling your nipple between your fingers.
Harry thought he was dreaming, seeing the delicious sight in front of him. Harry couldn’t help himself but to dip his hand in his shorts to start palming his hardening member. Your whimpers going straight to his cock, the arch of your spine off your bed making his mouth water.
You looked over at your door, eyes barely open, pausing your movements briefly when you saw Harry in the crack of the door. Your eyes trail to see him pumping his hand in his shorts, thinking that you should give him a good show.
He didn’t notice that you had seen him but he did notice that your legs had spread further as you pulled your glistening fingers out of your core to rub them on your clit, causing you to moan louder. You pulled your shirt up completely to expose yourself fully to Harry, all without him knowing that you were aware of his wandering eyes.
Having him watch you work yourself got you to your brink. Your eyes were glued to his pumping which was now frantic, causing you to lose control, snapping your legs shut around your hand as you came undone. You could hear Harry attempt to muffle his grunt as he made a mess of his shorts, causing a blissful smile to grow across your swollen lips. You gently rolled your fingers around your clit, spreading your legs again for Harry to watch as you ease yourself down from your high.
The next time you looked at your door, Harry was gone.
You got out of bed with an annoyed huff, getting a shower before wrapping yourself in your robe to head downstairs to make coffee and a quick breakfast. You grabbed your plate of eggs and toast with your coffee and cigarettes, stepping out on your back porch to enjoy the air while trying to calm your aggravation.
You don’t know why you are annoyed with Harry not making a move on you while you were self pleasing, but you were. You wanted that to be the moment to break down the walls built by the pure sexual tension between you. You knew he wanted you, he had told you he had touched himself to you, and now, you had seen him touch himself to you. You were on the brink of sinking on your knees and pulling him out to prove how much you wanted him too.
Harry climbed up the stairs, all sweaty from his run as you were finishing up your cigarette. He could sense the irritation coming off of you but he wasn’t sure why. Maybe you had caught him and you weren’t happy about it. He would just die if that was the case. He sat down in the chair that wasn’t taken over by your resting feet. He noticed that you were only picking at your breakfast as he untied his shoes and kicked them off so as to not trail any sand inside. He leaned back in his seat, taking a deep breath before pulling his hoodie off, T-shirt coming off with it.
You couldn’t help your mouth watering seeing him now topless and glistening with sweat, watching his chest rise and fall while trying to catch his breath. You sat up and ripped a piece of toast before popping it in your mouth, now refusing to look at him.
“Have a nice run?” You continued to poke at your eggs, acting like you're eating them but you are just trying to occupy your eyes.
“Yeah, it was nice. Been a while since I ran on a beach.”
You hummed at his response before standing up and grabbing your things. “We will be leaving in an hour, Jack wants us to meet him at the country club before the car show.”
Harry nodded at you but you promptly walked inside, ignoring his reply before dropping your dishes in the sink and going to your room to get ready.
You knew you were being petty. You knew that he couldn’t read your mind but god you wished he could. You were just finishing your hair when you heard a knock on your bedroom door. You walked over to see Harry clad in red and white gingham trousers and a white button up with the sleeves rolled up, just sheer enough to make the outlines of his black ink. His hair was perfectly slicked back with a few curls having some definition to them. He had a look of cowardice as he tucked his hands in the pockets of his trousers.
“Looking handsome, as always.” He gave you a soft smile at the compliment before fully taking you in. You were in a white knee length sundress that had big roses printed on the fabric. Your one shoulder strap annoyingly falling down, which Harry promptly grazed his fingers against your skin to slide the strap into place.
Harry’s gaze raked back up your frame before looking you in your eyes, “You ready?”
You nodded at him, grabbing your Michael Kors wedges off your bed before walking out of your room ahead of Harry. You made your way to the mud room to switch your purses and to sit on the bench to slip on your shoes.
Harry grabbed your shoes for you, kneeling in front of you, gingerly wrapping his fingers around your ankle to slide your foot into the wedge, pulling the zipper up at the heel. He had done the same to your other foot, this time watching you watch him. He gently placed your foot to the floor before standing up straight and putting his hand out for you to help you up before walking to your car.
The car ride was silent, omitting the random questions Harry had regarding the country club and Jack. You adjusted your sunglasses after you had parked, reaching into the back seat to grab your bag. You were about to climb out but Harry gripped your wrist, pausing your motions.
“Y/N…” you looked at him as he had reached to push your sunglasses off your face to look you directly in the eyes. “I’m sorry about this morning, when I saw you. I should have left you in private but I just couldn’t help myself. I needed to see you, need to see you like that. If it ruined any type of relationship we may have, I thoroughly apologize. You should know that I never meant to invade your privacy but… fuck, I just can’t help myself with you. My body takes over when it comes to you and I am so sorry. Please, forgive me?”
You sat there in silence, trying not to smile at how cute Harry was. He was giving you the puppy eyes as his thumb ran over your wrist in gentle circles. You were pondering on how you should approach it; Do you tell him it was no problem? Ignore it and act like nothing happened? Or…
“I only got off because I saw you pump your cock watching me.” You leaned over to kiss his cheek before stepping out of the car to the entrance of the country club.
Jack loved Harry. They were chatting it up outside, Jack with a cigar in his mouth and Harry with his mimosa in hand. You were ordering you both another one when Jack’s wife, Sharon, approached you at the bar.
“He’s a looker, sweetheart.” You smiled at her before telling her honestly how you met. Jack and Sharon were always supportive of you. You had been Jack’s intern at his company when you were in undergrad, Jack promptly hiring you when you were getting your masters. He taught you everything you knew and Sharon taught you how to enjoy the finer things in life, including Harry.
“Cut the shit with the escort thing and make him your man. He’s a looker, he’s smart. Jack already adores him and is calling him son. You know how hard it is to please that man.”
You looked back to Harry and Jack, both laughing at one of their dad jokes. Harry looked up to see you looking at him, smiling and twiddling his fingers in a wave. He finished his drink, prompting him and Jack to walk back inside to you girls.
Harry had adjusted the strap of your dress that fell down again and you were handing him a new mimosa, sipping out of your own glass. Harry placed his hand on your lower back, watching you as you engage in the conversation Jack and Sharon were having.
An announcement was made that the fairway was now open for guests to look at the cars. Jack quickly downed his drink before exiting like a kid being allowed free range of a candy store. Sharon promptly followed her husband as Harry guided you to follow, grazing his hand down to your bum to give it a soft rub and light tap.
Harry followed Jack around as he was explaining to Harry all the ins and outs of all the vintage cars on show. What gave them value, their rarity, what he likes and dislikes of each car. Sharon and you following behind, enjoying the sun and the wine slushies you had grabbed from a vendor.
Harry took a particular interest in a white 1966 Mercedes-Benz 230SL, stalking around it to take in the details. He smiled to the owner when they came over to talk to Harry, showing the car with the roof down.
“He’s got good taste. He’s enamored by you and the car.” Jack elbowed your shoulder, causing the strap of your dress to fall again. You looked at him as you adjusted the dress with a smile.
“How can you tell?”
“Well, I can tell he loves the car because that’s how he looks at you, doll.”
You look back to Harry, who is now sitting in the driver's seat, running his hands along the steering wheel. Harry shakes hands with the driver before walking back over to you, grabbing your slushie to take a drink himself.
You look up at him, pushing your sunglasses into your hair to take him in fully. “You like?”
Harry put his hand on your hip, taking another sip of the slushie. “She is a beauty. My dad has something similar but not as pristine.” He looked back over his shoulder to look at the car as his hand continued to rub at your hip.
“She is pretty. Looks like a pearl.” You looked over his shoulder with him to take her in.
Harry kissed the top of your head, handing back your drink before going to follow Jack and Sharon as you sneak off to talk to the owner.
You enjoyed your dinner with Jack and Sharon, catching up on your businesses as well as discussed Harry’s future plans. Jack had offered Harry an intern position at his company if Harry was interested.
Jack and Sharon wished you and Harry a good night before you went your separate ways to your cars. Sharon gave you an extra squeeze and told you to “be nice to that boy”, sending you a wink.
You climb into your car to see Harry beaming. “I think they liked me.”
You smiled back at him, “I know they like you. Wouldn't stop coming up to me to tell me how i should keep you around.”
Harry was leaning his head on the headrest to look at you, “Do you want to keep me around?”
“Should I keep you around?” You started your car and began to drive away, Harry still watching your every move. You could see him in the corner of your eye, both of your smiles growing. His hand made its way to your thigh, pushing your skirt up so that his hand could rest on your bare skin. You hummed at the warmth of his palm.
“So you liked when I was watching you?” His hand began to slide further up your dress and your legs had spread further for him, as they tend to do more frequently than not as of late.
“I loved it.”
He hummed at your response, “Do you like being caught? Dirty girl.”
You moaned and moved your left leg so Harry could touch every inch of you, you lifted the skirt of your dress to expose your lace covered core to Harry.
“Want me to finger fuck you here, dirty girl? Right in your car, while you're driving? You’re fucking filthy.”
He started to run his fingers through your folds and you tried your hardest to focus on the road. You weren’t far from your home at this point, trying to stay safe while focusing on Harry’s delicious fingers learning the dips and curves of your core.
“Should I wait to fuck you properly when we get home? Been thinking about it all day.” He unbuckled his seatbelt to get closer to you to nose at your neck. He started to dip his fingers into you as he was kissing any exposed skin.
You finally made it home, abruptly parking your car in the driveway. You undid your seatbelt, promptly taking Harry’s hand that was between your legs to plunge his fingers deeper into you. Your head tipped back as Harry’s fingers hit your favorite spot. Harry quickly made the come hither motion, rubbing his fingertips where you needed him.
“God baby… you’re my dirty girl, huh? Fucking yourself with my fingers.” Your grip tightened around his wrist as he nipped at your jaw. Your thighs began to tighten around Harry’s hand which caused him to remove himself from you. You let out a whine at the empty feeling and the pure desire that was burning in you.
You turn to Harry with lust filled eyes to see him shamelessly suck on each finger that was buried in you individually. “Going to give me a proper taste later. Aren’t you, sweet girl?”
Harry had climbed out of the car, grabbing the keys from you to unlock the door. He began to unbutton his shirt in the mud room as he was kicking off his shoes, you watched with a panting breath, still in the front seat of your car. Harry tucked his hands in the pockets of his trousers, bare chested, and gave you a nod to follow him inside.
When you finally entered your house, Harry was in the kitchen with his head in the refrigerator. He pulled out the container of strawberries and slid them onto the island. He closed the door before turning to lean on the island, popping the container open with a flick of his finger. He grazed the tips of his fingers across each strawberry, deciding which one was the juiciest berry.
“Go get in your shower. I will be there in a moment.” He gripped the stem of the red fruit, tongue grazing it’s flesh before he sunk his teeth in. He made sure to look at you as he licked his lips free of the sweet juice.
You thought that two could play at this game, standing in place as you unzipped your dress and letting it fall freely around your ankles, exposing you in your strapless bra and panties with your wedges still on before climbing up the stairs. Harry stood up straight as you began to walk away.
You quickly undressed as you started your shower, getting under the warm stream while patiently waiting. The anticipation was killing you. It felt like you had been standing under the running water for hours with Harry nowhere to be found. You decided that you would actually start your shower routine.
You were facing the water, rinsing off your face free of makeup and face wash when you felt Harry’s grip on the back of your neck. He pressed his body close to yours so that you could feel his erection on your bum and so that his mouth had access to your ear.
“What am I to do with you, filthy girl? Spent months thinking of you with your legs spread open, just for me and then you have to go and fuck yourself with not only your fingers, but mine as well.”
He used his left hand to guide yours to the wall for support while his right hand trailed down your body, immediately finding purchase between your legs. His middle finger was quick with making circles around your sensitive nub while he laced his fingers with yours against the wall.
“Dreamt about touching you,” his fingers dipped lower, grazing your glistening entrance. “Tasting you,” he began to pepper kisses along your shoulder. “Fucking you.” He thrusted his hips behind you, his hard on grazing perfectly between your cheeks.
“I’ve wanted to for so long my sweet girl, just know that it’s because I want this, not because of the job. Fuck the job honestly. I just want you, all of you.”
He gave a gentle push to your upper spine to have you lean over slightly as he grips his member, swiftly sliding himself into you and quickly gaining a rhythm with his thrusts. He was quick but not deep, causing you to press your cheek to the cold time for support. His thrusts became deeper and rougher, causing your gentle whimpers to become moans that bounced against the tiles.
Harry gripped your thigh, pulling it to spread you open further while he guided you to rest your foot on the bench of the shower. His moans were muffled by your shoulder that would have his mark by the end of this. Harry’s hand continued to rub circles on your clit, making your legs tremble and for your to lean back upright into Harry.
“Feel good baby? Fuck, you’re such a good girl taking me. Feel so fucking good.”
You could feel his hips stutter against you, causing him to roll his hips slowly into you. You let out a moan and grip the wrist of his hand that is making work on your mound.
“Mmm you like that? Going to cum for me, sweet girl? Let me feel you.” His fingers started to move in rapid figure eights, causing your leg that was propped up to quickly fall and close Harry’s hand between your thighs. The new tightness of your core with your legs closed caused Harry to moan out and still within you, feeling your orgasm throb around him.
He began to kiss down your spine so he could be on his knees. He gently gripped your hip to turn you around so you could finally face him. He looked beautiful.
As he was kissing your lower belly, you took in his wet hair slicked back, his cheeks and chest flush from orgasm, his lips red and swollen. He used both hands to spread your thighs open so that he could see his cum drip from your core. He looked up at you in awe before quickly running his finger through your folds, catching both his and your arousal. He extended his hand up to you, telling you to ‘open’ before he popped his slick finger between your lips. He let you suck his finger to your desire as he dipped his tongue between your folds, moaning at the taste of your mixture.
Harry had stood up and held your jaw before leaning in for your first kiss. He was gentle, holding both sides of your jaw as his tongue grazed your lip to allow him to taste all of you. He pressed you gently against the cool wall as he continued to kiss you breathless before pulling away and grabbing the shampoo to wash your hair for you.
It had been a few weeks and you had finally received the call telling you that you could pick up a gift that you had purchased for Harry. You had bought it prior to him giving you the good news that he had accepted the internship with Jack, but he doesn’t need to know that.
You called him and told him that you were on your way to pick him up with the plan to go for a celebratory dinner. You texted him when you were out front, climbing out of Harry’s gift to lean on the passenger door to await his arrival.
When he walked out, you beamed at how handsome he looked with chartreuse wide legged trousers with a black stripe along the side and a black button up. When he turned to look at you, he was frozen.
The white 1966 Mercedes-Benz 230SL.
You lifted your hands with a ‘surprise’ and a beaming smile. You acted as if you were one of those girls on the Price is Right, explaining all the details, ending with “And she could be all yours Mr. Styles, for the price of a kiss.”
Harry climbed down the front stairs of his apartment building, still in awe of the car but quickly grabbed your face and placed multiple quick kisses to your lips before wrapping his arms around you.
“Sweet girl, you didn’t…”
“You stop. I did and I wanted to, you deserve it. You’ve been working so hard and you got the internship with Jack. We’ll be working together before you know it.”
He looked down at you and gave you a gentle smile before giving you another longer, sweeter kiss. “Shall we go for a ride?” You held the keys up for Harry, who promptly took them before opening the passenger door for you.
Harry drove around the city, following your directions to a more secluded area by a park. The sun was setting as you told Harry to park the car. You looked at him adoringly, your fingers rubbing through his growing locks.
Harry turned to look at you with that all knowing glare, “Did you bring me all the way out here just to screw me, dirty girl?”
You were already climbing across the seat to straddle his lap, unzipping the front of your dress, exposing you had nothing on underneath. You pulled Harry’s head back by tugging at his hair to look up at you. “We need to break her in, don't we?”
Harry groaned before sitting up to give you a searing kiss, his hands trailing over your exposed skin as you were kissing the skin of his jaw and neck. “We could get caught, you know?”
You pulled away, looking down upon him with a devious smirk, you began to undo his belt and zip of his trousers. “Good.”
Harry let out a moan as you dipped his hand in his trousers, pumping him lightly before pulling him out.
“Fucking filthy girl.”
Harry was being added to all the invitations to your work events as if he were a part of you. At this point, he was. Claudia being sure that everyone knew that Harry was an up and coming businessman who was in love with New York’s finest and most beautiful businesswoman.
And everyone adored Harry. How could they not? He was charming, handsome, smart, and an amazing lover. But people didn’t need to know the last part. Well, except maybe Claudia, she was your best friend.
Harry was just as adventurous as you when it came to your intimacy. Always suggesting new things to try, always feeding your hunger. Tonight was no different.
You both had played with the idea of fooling around at a public event but never made any formal agreement. Tonight, you were invited to a gala at the Guggenheim so Harry had used it as an opportunity to fulfill your fantasy.
Harry had stopped by Harris’ to pick up both of your garments and he also stopped at Eve’s Garden on his way to your home. Harry had walked into your penthouse with the garment bags and a little black plastic bag in hand.
You were in your en-suite finishing up your bath, putting lotion on while sitting on the edge of your tub, humming along to Etta James as Lady was curled up on your vanity, licking her paw. She chirped when she saw Harry in the doorway, slinking her way to him for some loving pets.
“Hello, my sweet girls.” You beam up at Harry, rubbing the last of your lotion into your hands before standing up to give Harry a saccharine kiss, also giving Lady a pet. She would never forgive you if you didn’t.
“Thank you for picking up my dress, handsome.”
“Of course, my love. I picked up a little something else.” Harry gave you a small smirk before turning to your room, you follow suit. Harry sat on your bed, patting his lap for you to sit on.
He pulled black bag out from behind him as you sat in his lap. He handed you the bag, undoing your robe to kiss the skin of your collar. You pulled out the vibrant cube box that was nondescript. You rotated it in your hands to try to figure out what it was.
“Open it.” Harry continued to kiss your skin, opening your robe more to expose your chest to him. You opened the box to see a vibrator, a We-Vibe specifically. The box began to vibrate without you touching anything, Harry pulling his lips off your skin to show you that he is controlling it with his phone.
You let out a laugh in disbelief, “Oh, baby.”
Harry smiled at you before getting a good grip of you to lay you on the bed. “I figured we could have a little fun tonight.”
You laid on your back and spread your legs for Harry, who settled on his knees between yours. Harry had pulled the vibrator out of the box, going to the bathroom to sanitize it like the gentleman he is. He made eye contact with you on his way back to you, sucking on the vibrator as he crawled back up the bed.
He shamelessly rolled it against his tongue as his free hand ran up your inner thigh. Harry pulled the vibrator out of his mouth, hollowing his cheeks to spit on the tip of the vibrator before running it through your folds. He gently pushed it into you, watching you as you take a quick inhale.
“You okay, sweet girl?” You gave him a small nod before grabbing his hand to help him adjust it to a more comfortable position within you. Harry rubbed the tops of your thighs before leaning forward to give you a gentle kiss. “Let's get ready, hm?”
You both got up to get ready, you waddling slightly as you walked to your closet, adjusting to exciting new object between your legs. You let out a squeal when you felt it begin to vibrate.
“Just testing it!”
Dinner was really rough on you, Harry having his phone permanently attached to his hand under the table. You were starting to get sweaty around your hairline and upper lip trying to keep your moans at bay.
You were reapplying your signature lipstick after finishing dinner and Harry took it as an opportune moment to give you a pulsing vibrate, causing you to give a light moan as your mouth was open and your hand holding your mirror fell to the table soundly. Claudia, Derek, Jack, and Sharon all look at you as Harry tries to hold back his smile, clearing his throat and rubbing his two fingers on the tip of his nose.
“Are you alright, chickee?”
You also cleared your throat and nodded as you felt the intensity between your legs increase and the pulsing become more frequent. You closed your eyes and let out a hum, gently rubbing your lips together before suggesting you go to the bathroom, giving Harry’s thigh a squeeze.
You made your way out of the dining area, Harry quick to follow, telling your friends that he was simply checking up on you. You heard the click of his boots on the marbled floor, the vibrations being between your legs making your knees buckle as you feel Harry’s grip on your bicep to pull you in his direction.
He pulled you into a more private area that was closest to where you were, which happened to be a coat closet. He smeared his lips against yours, smudging your scarlet lips. Harry’s hand was quick to run up your skirt to pull the toy from you, promptly placing it between his lips to suck off your juices before sticking it in his inner jacket pocket.
Harry fell to his knees before you, hiking up your skirt around your waist, gripping your hands to guide you to hold the skirt up for him.
“You’ve been such a good girl for me tonight baby.” He was kissing along your thighs, “Stayed nice and quiet for me, though I hate it. Need to hear you scream for me now, darling.” Harry lifted your leg so it rested on his shoulder while his hands pinned you against the wall.
You felt his fingers tighten around your hips as his nose rubbed against your mound, pecking kisses, occasionally giving your skin a soft lick. You moan softly and look down to see Harry already peering up at you through his long lashes. “Going to need you to be louder than that, sweet girl.”
Harry sat up on his hunches to pull himself out of the restraints of his designer trousers. He lifted his palm up to you, “Spit.”
You gladly spit in his palm before he started to stroke himself, letting an unashamed moan out of the back of his throat. “Been so fucking hard for you all night. Was palming myself under the table all through dinner.”
You spread your legs further as Harry scooted closer, returning to giving you gentle kisses to your mound and lips. You could feel his moans against your skin as he was pumping himself and spreading you open with his tongue.
Your head tipped back as Harry began to dip his tongue into you, gently sucking your lips and clit individually into his mouth. You continue to let out tiny mewls, and Harry needed more.
“Louder, dirty girl. I want them to hear you in the dining room.”
“I need you to fuck me if you want me to do that, baby.”
Harry quickly removed your thigh from his shoulder and climbed to his feet. He still had a grip on your thigh, slinging it over his hip so he could simply slide into you, which was easy to do with how slick you had become from Harry’s incessant teasing all night.
You both moaned out at the feeling, finally having you full of him, just what you needed. What you both needed. You let out a loud moan when Harry started thrusting his hips into you, begging for him to go harder as you dug your nails into his suit jacket. You quickly pushed it off of him so that you could get your nails into him properly.
“Fucking hell, my dirty girl really needs me, huh?”
You nodded at him, letting out another moan that caused Harry’s hips to thrust erratically. His hand gripped your ass to pull you closer, his other hand went to your jaw, his thumb running over your ruby lips, smearing the color.
“You look so good when I fuck you baby girl.” You licked his thumb, tasting the remnants of your lipstick. You grind your hips against Harry, egging him on.
“I need you harder.” You begin to lift your other leg to wrap around Harry’s waist, him gripping your thigh and pinning your harder to the wall with his hips. He took your direction and began to thrust into you harder, hips snapping at a feverish pace. The sound of your skin slapping and your strangled moans sent Harry into overdrive, using his pubic mound to grind perfectly into your clit causing you to gush slightly around Harry’s member.
“Fuck, dirty girl. Got you squirting on me.” The look on Harry’s face was a look of awe as well as pained trying to hold back from his own orgasm. Your thighs clamped around his waist as your second wave came over you, constricting Harry causing him to come undone. Harry’s hand flew up to the wall to support the two of you as you slowly came down.
Harry kissed your cheek and jaw mumbling how perfect you are and that he loves you over and over. You grip his jaw as you unhook your ankles to plant yourself to the floor. Kissing him and praising how good he treats you, how much you love him.
“We should probably get back, hm?”
“I think that since we are both a proper mess,” he tried to remove some of your smeared lipstick with no luck, smiling down at you, “we should probably just head home.”
“So what happened with you and Harry last night?” Claudia had asked you as you were both eating your salads from Derek’s go-to local bistro.
“Hm? Oh, I wasn’t feeling well so he just took me home.”
“Not feeling well as in, ‘tummy not well’, or ‘he fucked you so good in the coat closet that you couldn’t walk’ not well?”
You choked on your salad, taking quick sips from your water to clear your throat.
“He said he wanted everyone to hear you and boy did we!” Claudia began to laugh, taking another bit of food and giving you a cheeky smile as you blushed.
“I wanted to check up on you, as girls do, and the next thing I know, I have my ear pressed up to the coat closet getting turned on by Harry’s dirty talk to you.” She shrugged it off as nothing as you covered your face in embarrassment.
“You told me you both are adventurous but lord have mercy. Getting everyone hot and bothered by it.”
You finally loosened up, giggling slightly as you asked her, “Did you notice how I was off throughout the night?” She nodded as she licked the piece of green hanging out of her mouth to guide it where it belonged.
“Harry got us one of those remote vibrators…”
“Oh my god! He was fucking with you all night?! I would take him in the coat closet too! Fucking hell! That’s so hot though. Was it nice? I mean clearly, but would you do it again?”
As you were about to respond, Jack walked in with Harry beside him. He looked so handsome when dressed in a more casual suit for work. His hair was growing longer and he was too lazy to shave that morning at your place before work, so he had a slight scruff to him.
“To what do we own the pleasure of you fine gentleman?” Harry winked at your cheeky remark.
“Well sweetheart, wanted you to be the first to know. Harry has accepted a position at my company and would like to discuss a business proposition with you.”
You couldn’t help but to jump up to your feet to run over and give him a hug and kiss, doing the same to Jack.
You clear your throat to appear to be more professional, which no one in the room took seriously. “So what is this business proposition that you have for me?”
Harry cleared his throat and you didn’t realize that Derek and Sharon had also made their way into your office. Harry tucked his hands in his pockets, getting a nod of approval from Jack.
“I know that our start was quite unorthodox in nature, being as you had hired me as a date to an event. That being said, I have come to learn a lot more about you than I had when I was just a simple fangirl of yours.”
You giggle at his natural joking nature but know that there is true sentiment to his words.
“I have been utterly in love with you before we even met but being with you and getting to truly know you has cemented my thoughts and feelings for you. I know that we have been official for less than a year but I don’t think I could handle another moment of my life where I can’t say that we will be each other's forever.”
You could hear Claudia and Sharon squeak and gasp as Harry pulls his hands out of his pockets, his left one holding a small velvet box.
“Y/N, my love, my sweet girl. I promise to love you and take care of you for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?”
You were beaming with your eyes brimmed with tears, sniffling with a giggle. “There is only one problem.” Everyone froze in their movements, anticipating what you will say next. “I get to keep taking care of you.”
Harry let out the breath he was holding, “Fair enough.” He reached for your left hand to place the perfect engagement ring on your finger. Standing up to give you the most perfect kiss from the most perfect man. And to think that you had ordered him online.
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Borscht and Khachapuri
Fic request for @gothlebedev
When the boys get a new student who is very pushy with her concern, they learn an important lesson.
Based on https://youtu.be/HZK2RHl5Whc by request
Johann Chu sighed softly, drumming his nails on his desk and slowing the natural rise in his pulse in response to the weather. The view outside his dorm window was white with rain. The sound of its hiss came in waves. When the wind blew, the large drops rattled heavy on the glass. Lightning flashed brightly and the thunder occurred close, like a wildcat’s scream. 
A text popped onto his cellphone. “Severe thunderstorm warning has been issued for the Chicago area…”
Followed by “A Tornado Warning has been issued for the following counties…”
Followed by “There’s a legit tornado on the ground just a county over!” This text was from Luminous. He added a fearful emoji in his text.
Johann texted back. “We are not in any danger.”
“Yeah but still! Have you ever seen a tornado?”
Johann’s eyelids lowered in a slow blink. He didn’t respond to that. Of course he’d seen a tornado. After all... Shavee’s EX was...
“Never mind. I’m stupid. Forget I said that.” Luminous replied with a face palm emoji.
Another text, this one from the principal. “Forgive my poor timing. However, this is an emergency, I need you to come to my office right away.”
It was a group text to Caesar, himself, and Luminous.
Johann grabbed his coat, his umbrella and his sword on his way out the door. An emergency in this weather requiring his immediate presence had to be truly dire.
He arrived at the same time as Caesar. Caesar and he approached from opposite sides of the hall, walking confidently towards the principal office door on the left. Normal human interaction would dictate that one yield to the other and let the other enter first as only one could fit through the door at a time. 
But their eyes met and they both matched their stride so that they would have to arrive at the door at the same time while neither was willing to yield to the other. The result was that they stood in front of the door. Lightning flashed outside illuminating their shadows. 
Caesar was in a crisp navy blue suit and had somehow managed to stay untouched by the pouring rain outside. Nono had just informed him that she was leaving tomorrow so he had just come from the airport after seeing her off when he got this cryptic text from the principal. “What are the odds, meeting you here?”
Johann tilted his head. “100 percent. I was invited in the same group text as you.”
“That was a group text?” Caesar examined his phone and at that time, Johann  walked in ahead of him.  
The office was empty so Johann waited while Caesar caught up. The door on the far side of the room was open and the principal’s jolly voice could be heard behind it.
He was speaking to someone. “Oh, don’t be shy. Here, I’ll go first.” The principal was also wearing a suit with a button down tailored shirt with a frilled collar. He bit down on a fine Cuban cigar. His blue eyes were sharp and glowing with activity. Both of the young men stood up straighter. He only got in such moods when something important happened, usually when it came to dragonslaying. “Thank you for coming out on such short notice. I-...” 
He looked back and forth. “Where is Luminous?” He checked his phone. Luminous had filled the text messages with objections due to inclement weather. “That boy. Ah. I suppose we’ll have to continue without-”
“We could have been hit with lightning?! Don’t you know there’s a tornado not far from us?” Luminous entered the Principal's office, being dragged by the collar by a soaking wet Finger Von Frings. 
“Here he is, just sign here!” Finger held out his checkbook.
The principal pulled a pen from his jacket pocket and signed a big 0 on the check book. “I did not order delivery, but thank you for your service.” 
“Brutal! Not a single cent!” Finger howled. 
“Now go on. I’m afraid your grade is not high enough to take part in this meeting.” He shooed him away with a gentle wave of his hand.
Johann held out his umbrella to Finger who readily accepted it. “Thank you, brother. At least someone here is kind to me!”
Luminous whose soaked clothes were creating a puddle on the shining floors growled. “Don’t give him your umbrella now, he’s already wet!”
Anjou's eyes shifted back to the open door. “Oh pish-tosh, it’s just a little rain…”
"Seriously principal,  getting struck by lightning is a thing! Why are you laughing? You like to laugh at the misery of others? What a sadist! This had better be good." Luminous shuddered, the air conditioning getting to him. “Is this a prank? Seriously?”
Luminous trailed off. Caesar and Johann both understood that the Principal's methods tended to be more educational than sadistic. He was letting Luminous voice his complaints without interruption because he had a reason. Luminous suddenly realized he was the only one speaking, like a warrior running into the battle shouting a battle cry, only to realize his army wasn’t behind him.
The Principal beckoned to someone. "I just couldn't wait to introduce our new student."
The click of small heels echoed against the rumble of thunder. Her heels were white with frilly ankle socks. Her pale legs had a gentle curve up to her knees. Her Cassell uniform skirt rested right where her thighs began.
She was below average height of 5'4". Her waist length hair was colored light lavender to match her grey eyes which tended to reflect the color of the room she was in, whether it was the blue of the sky, the silver of a sterile hospital or the Principal’s warm colored office which gave them a lavender hue. They were wide and earnest as she walked up to Luminous and looked up at him with an intense regret. “I’m sorry, let me dry you off!”
A thick plush towel was in her hands and she hurried to Luminous who leaned back in terror.
“No, I-!” Luminous tried to back away but she was too fast and too determined.
“You must be freezing. I didn’t know the weather or I would have asked the Principal to wait.” She spoke with a slight Russian accent. She dabbed at his face, his hands and his shoulders and chest, while he squirmed helplessly to escape. But where he moved he exposed another soaked part of his body that she firmly patted dry, brazenly invading his personal space with her female presence! 
“Stop! You don’t have to dry me off!” He reached for her towel but she ducked under his arm and ran her hands along his side. 
“Please, you’re going to catch a cold!” She snapped.
Anjou observed, his face as tranquil as a mirror pool. “This is MC, our new student. She’s just finished her 3E exam and has also come back S-ranked.”
“Another S-ranked student in so many years?” Caesar raised an eyebrow.
“The Dragon Kings are accelerating their awakening as well. I think it’s reasonable to assume these occurrences are connected. That’s why I called you here.” Anjou said gravely.
Chu Zihang lifted one hand to his chin, his eyes narrowing. Her earnest manner seemed completely innocent, but her moves were anything but. They were calculated, swift, and without any hesitation. Luminous could only vocally complain. He couldn’t catch her or her towel. She was only holding a towel, but if it was a blade instead of a towel, Luminous would be covered in stab wounds!
Luminous finally gave up resisting. His face was completely flushed with embarrassment as she patted him down cooing. “See? This isn’t so bad is it?”
They were quick to learn that MC was like this to everyone.
“Johann! Johann!”
Early one morning a week later, the man was on his way to school when he heard MC screaming his name. He turned to see her running for him full tilt. She made so much noise that people around stopped what they were doing. She halted right in front of him and held out a small Tupperware. “I made you some snacks.” She puffed twice and straightened, holding the box with both hands.
“I already ate breakfast but thank you. You shouldn't just do things for me without asking.” Johann turned away and started walking.
“You just eat that simple porridge for breakfast. It’s not enough! You’re going to wither away to nothing!” She grabbed his hand and placed the Tupperware in it.
Johann’s eyes sparked with irritation. He followed a very strict diet plan and what she put in his hand smells of eggs and bacon and possibly a baked good or two. It was far too much and he wouldn’t eat it. “It will get cold.”
“Put it in the uh… the uh…” She snapped her fingers to recall the word. “The oven. The one with the buttons on it. That turns it into a circle.”
“It turns it in a circle.” Johann corrected her. He also became pointedly aware that other people were starting to gather and watch.  “Fine. Just this once. And it’s a microwave.”
She tilted her head. “A what?”
“Microwave oven. It’s the oven with the buttons.” He turned away to walk and much to his shock, she followed him! 
“What’s a microwave?” She asked, looking up at him. Her eyes were so big, judging from the ratio they would fill at least a quarter of her face.
“It’s a form of radiation that…”
“Radiation?!” Her eyes widened even further. “Oh no, no no!” She shook her head, dismayed that the microwave was dousing her food in radiation.
“It’s harmless radiation. There are microwaves all around us. Microwave ovens move the molecules of food, specifically water molecules and that heats the food…”
Later that day, Caesar received a phone call. “Gattuso speaking.”
Caesar checked his caller ID. It was one of his Student Union people. In fact, it was the exact one he sent out to invite the MC to join the Student Union. “MC why are you on Marcus’s phone?”
“Who is Marcus?” She asked indignantly. “I’m calling Caesar…”
“I’m Caesar!” Caesar covered his eyes, laughing.
“Why didn’t you just say that?” She asked with a touch of wounded pride. “This man here says he wants me to joining some sort of Union. I am not interested in a Union. I don't have any money for fees and I don’t know what it's about.” Her voice sounded like she’d turned her face away to yell at him.
“Calm down. It’s a club. I run it. It happens to be the most prestigious club in Cassell College.”
“Oh.” She was quiet for a moment. “So it’s not a Union?”
“Can I talk to Marcus please? The man who’s phone you’re using?”
“Oh… alright… Here Caesar wants to talk to you.”
“Oh thank god.” Marcus was gasping. “She attacked me and put me in the pantry! There are nothing but beets in here! I’m covered in dirt”
“You’re not hurt too bad around you?”
“She punched me in the stomach!” He whimpered! “Please! She won’t let me leave!”
“Her English is a bit limited. Let me talk to her.” 
Marcus hands MC back the phone. “Did you work it all out?” She asked.
“Yes. There is a misunderstanding. Please let Marcus go. I think I’ll have to invite you in person.”
MC’s voice brightened immediately! “Good! Come over to my house for dinner, I’m making borscht and khachapuri. You like khachapuri.” Statement, not a question. “It’s egg and cheese in a bread. Come over to my house. I’ll teach you how to make it.”
“Fine, I'll come over. How does 7 pm sound?” Caesar chuckled followed by silence. “Hello?”
She’d hung up!
By the time Caesar got there, Johann Chu was already there. Johann looked bewildered as she struggled to help him understand how to knead the dough properly into a boat shaped bread. “Now, you need to …” She looked up and noted that Johann was looking at Caesar. “No, don't look at him look at me. You put this cheese here, okay?”
“Did you make this cheese? It looks fresh?” Johann said in wonder.
“Yes, only fresh cheese for khachapuri. Caesar! Close the door, you'll let out all the heat!” She yelled over the strains of traditional Russian music. “Take off your shoes!”
Lu Mingfei was on dish duty. He looked terrified and mouthed the words. “Help me…” At Caesar, who did not help.
“I brought some wine!” Caesar said brightly.
The woman looked it over and nodded approvingly. “Good. Please set the table.”
The oven was blazing at full power and sent out a wave of heat on opening that might have seared Johann if he wasn’t already used to much higher temperature. MC herded Luminous to the table that Caesar had already set with bowls and utensils.
In a few minutes, the MC had served them borscht and khachapuri. “Good thing I brought some wine over.” Caesar was always well prepared with a fine vintage for dinner invites. He even poured a confused Johann Chu a glass. “How did she rope you into this?” Caesar asked.
“She told me she needed help with homework. But this was actually home-work. Not… studying.”
Caesar laughed. “Okay, I see how that happened.”
Once everyone was seated, MC stood in her flour dusted apron at the head of the table. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were misty. She shocked everyone by suddenly dipping her head into her hands and sobbing quietly. Luminous hesitated but Caesar was at her side in a flash. “What’s wrong?” He asked.
“No, it’s just… I’m so happy. I thought… I thought I would never have any friends any more.”
Caesar grabbed a napkin from the table. “Why would you think that? You’re such a sweet person.”
And then she told them. All her friends were killed. In front of her. On Christmas day. It turned out that she had been looking forward to a warm hearty dinner with friends as her last memory and was eager to recreate the feeling of gathering around a table for a home cooked meal. It was only after everyone was seated and the food was warm and served in front of them, that she could finally let go of her earnest desire. She did it. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I have to say such sad things and cry like this.”
Luminous and Johann Chu and Caesar stood around her, hugging her tightly in turn. Luminous regretted trying to stop her from drying him off. Johann regretted rejecting her food so harshly and Caesar regretted not understanding her intentions and laughing at what seemed to him to be strange behavior. They didn’t realize how much sorrow she was working under and that they were her replacement friends.
After that, Johann got into the habit of skipping breakfast and incorporating her rich food into his diet plan. Luminous let her care for his health even wearing the lumpy knitted hats she shoved on his head whenever it was slightly cloudy or breezy outside. And Caesar always showed up for dinner.
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anotherbeingsworld · 3 years
vegas adventures
Pairing: Bryce x F!MC (Casey Valentine) , a pinch of Ash Tanaka x MC (Melanie)
Book: (BP x Open Heart crossover, rewrites of Chp 15 Book 2)
Summary: The rewrite of their trip to Vegas with an extra helping hand.
A/N: this is a belated birthday gift to the one and only @robintora ! We talked about this fic before, and this is my best attempt at bringing it to life. It was a tough one, but I'm satisfied with it! And Tanu, happy (belated) birthday, and I hope you enjoy this! Love you! <3 // I did manage to add some bryce x mc fluff along the way, which I hope again you enjoy!
The workload has been released upon her shoulders, as she arrives at Donahue where the others have been seated. She took a seat besides Bryce, as he placed his arms around her in the booth.
“Okay, so what’s going on here…” Her eyes made its way to Jackie’s somehow questioned about the text that was sent earlier.
“It is something important -..”
“But, don’t worry – we got some good loaded fries to entertain us through the briefing right Jackie?” Bryce interrupts as he take a piece of it with a happiness planted on his face.
Aurora breaks the silence, ‘Since we are all here – so spill.”
Jackie took a deep breath explaining the whole situation on Declan trying to leech onto some doctors from Mass Kenmore, followed by the partnership to push Panacea drugs onto MK’s patients as well.
Realization dawn to her face,
“Hence, the perks that made the others join then.”
Jackie nods, with an angry expression on her face.
“That’s why we need to stop them.”
Elijah looked at her with shock, “Wait…I thought you were in with the perks. What changed?”
Casey’s eyes, meet with hers somehow both knowing what happened the other day at the gas station has somehow a connection with her sudden revelation.
Jackie clears her throat suddenly upon the awkward silence that follows, clasping her hands together.
“I guess – it's not worth it anymore if it costs others misery. I don’t think I want to be part of it anymore.”
A surprising look was painted on Casey’s face which disappears in a second as Elijah interrupts with a resolute nod.
“So, how are we gonna bring the monster down? Technically Declan Nash is the kind of person who can get away with anything.”
Jackie looks resolute, as she lays out the plan which involved a company retreat in Vegas which will be happening during the weekend.
“…They have extended the invitation to doctors they’ve worked with…including me.”
Casey nods, “I am officially intrigued, count me in.”
“The situation is gonna be sticky, but a few drinks in and we can stop them. As a fact that he and his scumbag friends will be bragging about the ways they are scamming the system – all we gotta do is a tape and we can catch them.” Her tone is commanding.
The whole table went silent, as Bryce replies.
“And then what…blackmail one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world?”
There was silence, as the others were contemplating the pros and cons of the situation but, in the end, they decided to stick together.
“If something happens to me while I’m gone, I at least wanted you all to know where I am.”
The others looked at her in surprise before Bryce breaks the silence,
“You mean – what happens to us.”
Casey nods,
“You don’t think we will let you go alone right? We are with you all the way Jackie, the group who heist together, stays together as we are should.” Casey said before Jackie can protest. The night ended with possibilities of the implication as Casey gets on the phone with a friend from afar that could help her with the situation.
A few days later.
The bright lights of Vegas were the reason for their wide smiles – as they stepped into the suite that was provided by Mass Kenmore. All of their jaws dropped in an instant – as the lights of the strip sparkle outside of the panoramic windows.
“This is the single coolest room I’ve ever been in, like legit.” His eyes wander in awe along with the others.
Jackie snickers, “Just remember that this luxury is from blood money.”
They all nod in agreement as they started to form a plan, as Casey finds herself texting a mysterious friend.
“Let’s get dressed shall we,” Bryce stated as the others get ready to dazzle for their night at Vegas.
As the others get ready, Casey finds a message from Rafael – wishing them good luck. She smiles at the message, as she took the phone call from the familiar number.
“Hey! We are in Vegas already – getting ourselves ready for the night.” Her voice is slow, as she stood facing the strip.
“That’s good! My friends and I had arrived yesterday, and we will meet you at the lobby! I brought a very special helper for you.” A knowing smile occurs on the caller’s face through the phone.
“Let me guess – it's your famous magician boyfriend Mel?” Casey raised an eyebrow at the statement – disbelieving but kinda curious as well.
“That’s right! He decided to join us tonight – plus, he is actually a vegas master. All of you will be lost without him.” Melanie replies from the other line.
Casey just shakes her head, but the smile remains.
“I’ll see you soon, say hi to the girls for me!” Casey ends the call, to be met with Bryce looking dashing in his suit.
“You look nice Lahela.” Her eyes are equivalent to the heart-eyed emoji as he models in front of her, making her chuckle happily at him.
“I always look nice, Casey! It's my specialty, but – why aren’t you dressed?” He asked as he loops his arm around her, eyes falling upon the Vegas scenery.
“I was making a phone call, but you definitely look stunning. You are gonna beat everyone here Bryce.”
He laughs at the comment, but somewhat smiles – “Thank you, now get yourself ready – we shall be the good-looking couple here shall we?” She looked at him in shock but brushed it away. The word ‘couple’ caught her somewhat off-guard but she somehow adores it.
“I will” She replies placing a kiss on his cheek before moving on to change.
Moments later, she walked out to a room, as all of their eyes fall onto her.
“You look…beautiful.” Bryce walks in front of them, as he pulls her in her arms – as she blushes furiously by the compliment.
“The lovebirds are at it again, let's move on before they hog the spotlight with their PDA,” Jackie said sarcastically as they walked out of the room – meeting with a specific group in the lobby.
The lobby was filled with people, yet the familiar pink hair caught her eye.
“Guys, I brought us some help – and, they have an expert for it.” She said as the others follow her, meeting a group of friends.
“Casey!!!! HI!” Melanie a.k.a the woman with the pink hair, pull her into a hug – as they were finally reunited.
“Hii, have you been waiting long?” She asked gesturing to the other familiar faces, Aisha, Courtney, Diana, and a mysterious guy who she assumes as the one and only infamous Ash Tanaka, the guy Melanie won’t stop gushing about to her.
“Casey! We have just arrived earlier – it's good to see you again!” Diana pulls her into a hug, as Courtney and Aisha did the same.
“Also, this is my friends! Bryce, Jackie, Elijah, Sienna and Aurora.” Casey introduces them to the group, as they all exchange introductions.
“Nice to meet you all, this is the men of the hour – Ash Tanaka, he will be a huge help as he knows the deep unknowns of Vegas itself.” Melanie introduces him to the gang, as he and Bryce ended up bro-hugging one another.
The reunion was cut short as they began to devise a plan, which went out smoothly, as Ash leads Declan to a game where he was surrounded by the group. They went in randomly, as it would avoid any alarms from Declan himself, and with the help from Melanie’s buddies – they were undetectable.
The information that was received, was priceless – as they found out upon that Solomon Health is making moves into vertical integration – however, it didn’t help their issue at the moment as they regroup once more to create another plan.
In the end, it went well, as Declan Nash was confronted – and he was captured on tape. The group manages to bring their best together – and the satisfied look on Jackie’s face is a very good sight to see.
“Payback’s a bitch, isn’t it?” it erupts the cheers of victory, as the air from the rooftop makes the winning of the night felt much satisfying. Sienna, Aurora, Elijah, Aisha, Diana, and Courtney were found socializing at the dance floor, as they recapped the whole situation again – somewhat like a televised situation that made Casey smile.
Jackie stood there, letting out a breath – somewhat feeling the calmness in her lungs again.
“How are you feeling Jackie?”
She met her eyes, and somehow – she was met with a hug. Jackie hugged her, and it feels like they did something incredible at the moment.
“Thank you…I feel like, tonight – I think I can sleep really well tonight.” She said happily, as Jackie joined the others.
Casey felt her heart in happiness – somehow, seeing Jackie in peace is such a sight. Her thoughts were interrupted by a familiar presence, Melanie who smiled at her.
“You did this tonight – and, I couldn’t even be more proud.”
“Hey, all of your friends and ehem…your boyfriend helped as well.” She gestures at Ash and Bryce who are having a conversation that follows a series of laughter.
“We love to be here – and, it's actually where I met him.”
“I remember the story. It involves mobs, a missing suitcase and a lot of chaotic stuff am I right?” Casey recalls their meeting before, as Melanie laughs in agreement.
“Yeah, that’s about right. It's an adventure, and being here with my girls – meeting Ash; it doesn’t feel real sometimes. But, I’m grateful for it.”
Casey nods, as they took a sip upon the drink they were holding.
“Thank you again for coming – I know it's such short notice.”
Melanie shakes her head, with a wide smile.
“It's okay, you helped us years ago – it's our turn to repay back. A silver lining too, I got to see Ash for the weekend.”
At the mention of his name, Ash appears at the scene.
“I heard a mention of the magician here?”
Both of them let out a hearty laugh, as he placed an arm around Melanie.
“I wanna thank you – it means a lot for your help,” Casey said, as he smiles at her.
“It's no problem at all, and if all of you ever hit vegas again – just give me a call; I can show you some of the best-secret locations here.” He winked as Melanie nods in agreement.
“It's true – he knows this place in its depth and, you will not regret it.”
Casey nods, excitedly as the others join them – somewhat looking panic suddenly.
“We don’t want to end this party yet, but the flight back home is in 4 hours.” A panic Diana stated, as the widening of Melanie’s eyes brought her back to reality.
“Oh crap, we have to get going.” She stated as all of them walked out of the club.
It’s a farewell with the whole gang, as they left for the airport.
“I’ll call you when we land? But, it's definitely a good time seeing you again Cas.” Melanie stated as they hugged once more, along with the group.
“Definitely, I’ll see you guys soon.” It was somehow an emotional farewell in a short amount of time.
The car vanished in a second, as they decided to make their way back to the suite after the success of the day.
The suite was quiet – as it was past midnight. However, the bright lights of Vegas are still shining brightly as ever. The room was dimmed, as the others had fallen onto slumber, leaving the pair to be awake.
She was dressed in her pyjamas as she settled down upon the squishy couch from the hotel. With a cup of coffee in her hand, as there was someone who decided to join her. She smiles at his sight, as she filled the gap as Bryce pulled her into his arms, both of their gazes fall upon the neon lights of the city that filled the dimmed room.
“What are you thinking about?”
He smiles softly before answering,
“Jackie. She did an incredible job tonight – but the grudge she held against Declan on what he did. It felt like someone else that we were seeing tonight.” He paused biting his lip, a pinch of anxiousness can be sensed from him.
“I just – I cant help to think about all the anger I am carrying around for my parents. I wonder – what its done for me?” His gaze falls onto her, somewhat pleading for an answer.
It was followed by silence for a few moments – before she spoke again.
“Are you ready to let it go?”
He shrugs, somewhat confused upon his decision too.
“I honestly have no idea, I don’t like to see them in myself – especially the times of arguing with Keiki. It feels like the past has repeated itself.”
“So, are you ready to forgive them?”
His stare falls upon the view in front of them – as he stares wistfully as his mind is filled with thoughts.
“Forgive feels like a huge action – but, maybe for now…I’m ready to let go and, start a new book with those who actually love me.” A smile appeared on his face, as he kissed her on top of the head.
“That sounds very healthy, for you and Keiki.”
He laughs as he nods in agreement, “I hope so too.”
They sat together in silence, as she stayed in his arms closing her eyes against the bright lights of Vegas, a beautiful ending of the day.
“Bryce, I’m proud of you.” She said as they lay upon the bed, her eyes looking at him in wonder.
He looks sleepy, yet the smile didn’t leave his face – today was a good day. A start of new beginnings for all of them – as he replies before both of them fall into another slumber once more.
“I’m proud of you too.”
tags: @bitchloveskcbaseball , @mvalentine , @storyofmychoices , @princess-geek , @lahellacute ,   @annekebbphotography , @mrsbhandari , @dcbbw , @choicessa , @fantasyoverreality98 , @baltersome , @ofpixelsandscribbles , @thundergom @starrystarrytrouble ,  @kelseaaa  , @choicesficwriterscreations  , @lalizah , @drethanramslay , @eleanorbloom , @openheartfanfics , @brycessgirl  ,  @freckles-spangledvampire , @agentnolastname , @robintora , @adriansbiss , @appiomofchoice  , @ariondevereux , @natureblooms24 (comment if you want to be tagged or removed 💜💜)
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dgcatanisiri · 3 years
Hrmh... *sideeyes*
I try not to bring it up casually, which is why I will not be linking to the post I’m referencing, but... You remember that fuckery a little over a year ago where someone decided that me saying that ME3 gives me no reason to be sympathetic to the asari was the reason that I, personally, am the worst of the worst in the ME fandom?
Yeah, so now if I see that post get a like in my mentions, ESPECIALLY from someone I do not know, I get very skeptical about WHERE it’s being liked from. A part of me wants to delete it so that I’ll never see that shit in my mentions, but like... I did nothing wrong in that situation.
All I did was toss off a comment in the midst of liveblogging a game, and tagged it with my personal liveblogging tag, so it wasn’t even in the general tags, and some stranger, who, if they found it, MUST HAVE BEEN FOLLOWING ME IN THE FIRST PLACE, because they reblogged it from my blog, decided they would unleash this rant full of... just outright LIES, most of them in no fucking way any relation to what I have ever actually said. It was like full on “If X, then fish.”
Plus the added refrain that I’d managed to hear before of how I am, somehow, violently lesbophobic, which... I legit have NEVER gotten where that has come from. Like it’s come up before, in relation to me complaining about how hey, I’m not trying to take away anyone’s empowerment, but the jokes about male Shepard being pointless feel like they are trying to take MY empowerment away, could the fandom maybe stop them, which... I mean, doesn’t that just prove my point? That this fandom tears down male Shepard and his players, not because of people trying to impose playing male Shepard on them, but for the fact that they don’t like male Shepard?
Oh, and the death threat, too. Gotta love that logic. “Because I have decided to interpret your comments on a video game as violence against women, I wish for your inevitable death to be sped up.”
And like... this isn’t the only time someone from the Mass Effect fandom has ever pulled this shit - aside from the thing about male Shepard, a few months back, someone took my commenting about how BioWare has ignored making ANY reference to Kaidan’s bisexuality in the build to the Legendary Edition’s release or since, and turned it into me being racist against Steve Cortez, who I wasn’t even bringing up in the comment.
It’s shit like that that honestly puts me off the very idea of trying something like video essays, because good FUCKING god. I can laugh off one jackass, but the fact that they spread these lies and I saw there being reblogs OF said lies from them, so I had to make a refutation, which... That’s the frustrating thing about refuting lies, for every one line lie they spread, it takes like three paragraphs to properly refute. It’s exhausting, and I don’t have it in me to deal with this shit or the dragging of my name through the mud because SOMEONE decided that I needed to be taken down a peg for daring to disagree with them, a total stranger, on some matter.
Y’know, I’ve watched both Contrapoints and Lindsay Ellis’s videos on their own “cancellations,” and honestly, while I can agree with the people who call them out that the catalyst for those events were perhaps not the best looks... Considering this merest of GLIMPSES into the world of online shaming I have had, dogpiling on to a person because they tossed something off rather than think about EVERY POSSIBLE PERMUTATION that statement could be interpreted as saying, not to mention the caller out throwing in so many lies (or, at best, “bad faith interpretations”)... Yeah, I tend to agree with them that the response they received for their own missteps was WAY out of proportion to the actual comment. Again, I point to the death threat addition. And I know that, in particular, they had it much worse than I did - my instances have been isolated incidents of one person. They had their Twitter mentions HOUNDED because of a bunch of people who will ALWAYS take the things they say in the worst possible light, and then going “oh, but if you don’t think this is bad enough, then LOOK, look at THIS history of things!”
(Funny how the rolodex is full of fuckups and not the apologies and corrections and explanations and original context that has been conveniently left out...)
Like, I’m random nobody and I got this reaction. I mean, yeah, according to Tumblr metrics I have a whopping 1284 followers, which, y’know, is the population of like... that town you pass through that’s sandwiched between two more major cities that you never actually learn the name of. So like... Not nothing, but definitely not “influencing” anything. Now picture it with a platform, where the number of people who are following you goes up to like a major metropolitan center. It’s easy to laugh off when it’s only one person and a few of their followers who take their words as gospel instead of looking things up for themselves. It’s much harder when you’re talking about things that just ABSOLUTELY snowball out of control, which happens when you have a larger platform - you are out there for more people to know about, listen to, and judge your perceived fuckups.
In conclusion, the Mass Effect fandom is trash and I really do not want any part of it.
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21. Part 2
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Placing my bag on the table in my kitchen, everyone is ever so quiet, not a word is being spoken. They know I didn’t know want them here, I said to it to them. Especially Keeis, I said for him that he can have his bitch in this home but nobody else, there is a shift that has happened now, they were laughing but not anymore, maybe it is me. I am angry, I just feel like I want to beat a nigga up. Turning around slowly, looking around the room. They are all staring at me “you had a good holiday with Royalty?” Keeis asked, I want to fucking beat his ass “I want every bitch out of my home” I said, I don’t care who they are “what did I do? I literally been sat here and even cleaned your home” Krista said “if I wanted a maid I would have paid for one, don’t fucking piss me off, get the fuck out” not only did I have to leave Robyn, now I got these fucking idiots here. Grabbing my phone from my pocket, seeing the caller ID “what’s up?” I answered the call from Ant, he ain’t called me in a while “heard you was back bro, where you been? You want me to come up?” pulling a face “uh nah, I am good. I just came back now; I need to sleep and whatever” which I do “sleep? Chris you don’t sleep, anyways. I have a little something for you, Drake got his album coming out, he lost your number and he is asking for you to get on the track, I heard the beat. Perfect for you, come down. I said for him to wait until you come back, I honestly feel like this song will be a good one. Two legends coming together again” I sighed out “I am going to sleep, so I am good with that” I am being deadass with it too “don’t be fucking stupid Chris, everyone talking about how you dumped your son in Germany and took Royalty to Mexico, you look bad. Drake need you on a track, fucking grow up nigga. He is paying well too, come over” he put the phone down, it is just a song and I suppose it would be good money.
I don’t like this home; I just feel bad vibes from it. From police raids, orgies, drugs, it’s just a mess and I don’t like it. I went to my bedroom and there was some peace there, but I don’t like the vibe, but I need to go and meet up with Drake in the studio now. Walking down the steps “I’m going now, and Krista if I see you here I will fucking drag you out myself” seeing TJ doing whippets on my couch, I sighed out shaking my head. I am stuck between being in my home alone or having these here and I am not winning in this. I would go to my mother’ home but she will question me and talk shit so I can’t be bothered “Keeis” walking over to him “what’s up?” he said “you think I am a joke, like when I speak to you am I just a fucking joke to you?” I asked “nah” his ass is on some shit, he is always fucking high “right” standing next to him, staring at him in annoyance balling my fist up. I punched Keeis in the stomach, which was a low blow and winded him, his girlfriend screamed out. Keeis fell forward “seeing as nobody listens to me, I said get out. All of you” staring at them, I am being deadass. I rather be alone actually, I can’t deal with the drugs in my home anymore, it’s just throwing my urges to my face “you punched your own cuz? Chris what the fuck?” Hood said, staring at Hood and he knows I am being deadass with this.
Watching from the cameras, they left finally but they think I am a crackhead, an unhappy one but I’m not, I just wanted them to go and get out of here away from me. They left their mess here, it’s like they only listened when I had to act in violence which sucks but whatever. Robyn hasn’t even got to London yet; I am missing her like crazy already but I don’t want to trigger her again and she is crying so I will just keep it to myself. Now I need to find out about car shipping, I want to send one of my cars, maybe two to London because then I can drive my own cars there, I mean I sound crazy because they may tell me to go but I doubt it, then again I don’t. Looking down at my phone ringing in my hand “Robb” I wonder if he is calling to talk to me or was it Keeis crying down the phone “hey cuz, Keeis said you punched him? Why? We family, he ain’t like the people you hang with” raising an eyebrow “you don’t call me, and you call me for this? How about you ask Keeis, I told him to keep niggas out of my home and he invites them, like you no good nigga calling me for that, get off my nuts bruh” disconnecting the call, I now know that my family will assume I am having a breakdown when that is wrong, I am just done with it.
Watching Mijo walk over to my Bentley, he is laughing and I don’t know why, I thought I would come and pick up Mijo and take him with me, see what is good with him “I was like who the fuck is this dark skinned nigga, you turned into a dark skinned nigga, wow” dapping him as he sat in my car “well Mexico was hot, you should see Royalty, she worse then me” placing my phone in the middle panel smiling “good hearing you after so long, I called you but then you didn’t pick up. I saw you was on holiday with Royalty, you know how good that is to see!? You took little queen on holiday; I loved the pictures too. Family first, you know that” nodding my head “yeah, thanks for coming with me to the studio. I kicked out the OHB niggas you hate, I am just done bro. I am done with that life, I am sick of it. The drugs, I ain’t had that shit for weeks. Can you tell?” looking at Mijo smiling “you look happier, I can see it” he nodded, I sighed out “and I clocked some shit right, I read your post. And it read really rubbish feeling bih. And I was like huh, so I am reaching but then shade room comes on my feed and are clocking shit saying r is for Rihanna, so I am like Robyn Rihanna Fenty? So now I am like huh? Nigga, you did that shit on purpose” Mijo and I both looked at my phone that is now ringing, he gasped and so did I, like I didn’t know I have her number “noooo?” he said, picking my phone up from the side “nooo” he said again, answering the call “hello shawty, you get there?” she should by now “we’re going to land now, I just thought I would tell you because it’s late and you should be asleep” she is right I should be “I will be going to sleep but I need to go to the studio. Let me know when you’re in bed” I want to know every moment “were them idiots there?” she asked “of course, I punched Keeis but I will tell you this tomorrow. I need to go inside” Robyn groaned out “that is no good Chris, ok. I miss you already” smiling lightly “I miss you too, love you” I wish I were with her.
Mijo doesn’t know if to laugh or what, he is in shock “that was Rihanna, like what? Uh, no!” his face dropped “no fucking way, no Chris. Oh my god!” Mijo shouted out jumping in the seat “what?” I said ever so innocently, Mijo placed his hand over his mouth like he is holding in a scream. What is wrong with him, is he ok “Chris?” he moved his hands back “what?” is he dumb “I have worked it out, I know you fucking assholes! I know you both so much, oh my god. She is pregnant, and I know you. You both had sex at the party, she is pregnant, you are the dad and you put this shady picture of a ring. You eloped with her! Rihanna is being shady with who the dad is oh my fucking god!” I had to laugh, because he does know us “you kick my car anymore I will have to kick you out” Mijo is too excited “I am just fucking siked!” he shouted, I didn’t even need to say shit “so tell me, am I wrong?” he said, I shook my head smiling “but you can’t tell a soul Mijo, I am ditching Cali and going to London. I came here to take care of some stuff” I was not expecting this reaction from him, my face softened “are you crying?” I said “fucking happy for you, you two idoits! You go Chris, don’t look back. Hear me? Don’t fucking look back, I was scared I would lose you” Mijo grabbed the back of my neck “you don’t let a fucking clown ruin this, or anyone. You go to London and be the dad you are, you do it!” he pointed at me “I am happy for you, nobody fucking knows you like I do” Mijo got me choked up here now.
Getting out of the car, we got to the studio eventually “come here, my nigga fucking did that” Mijo attacked me in a bear hug “yo” I said laughing as he hugged me “I fucking saw the post, I just started adding shit together. I fucking know you both Chris! I ain’t dumb” patting his back letting a sob out, I just thought Mijo would also have shit to say because nobody is ever happy for me “fucking crazy shit but happy for you, you go there and you get the life you deserve. You deserve the happiness ok” Mijo moved back “nigga, I got my family now. I want you to have your family, I ain’t here for that shit anymore. I see you drugged up, I hate that. I had to leave you, I had to go away for my kids. You know how happy I am to be sat on the couch with my kids jumping on me and baby mother there? Happy as fuck, I tried that shit and I was close to losing it. Maleah needed me, and I needed her. My son is a cool nigga but he also needs the right path. Now it’s your time, I want to thank Riri man, that fool don’t know what she done. That hurt me, you were so lost. I want you to go, don’t fucking look back at those niggas!” wiping the tears that fell nodding my head “I didn’t think you would be happy for me, you was so negative about the party, you was just not happy about us you know” I said because he really wasn’t “I didn’t want her to play with your mind because you was already a fucked up mess Chris, I was scared for you because you get crazy lost but this!? Wow, you both did it, you did it without a care both of you. I knew it” Mijo ain’t stupid, he does know us “so you legit going to just run to her yeah?” nodding my head “I am straight moving without anyone knowing, Robyn will be the one to announce it, and then everyone will find out but you know now. Royalty knows, she was there for the day. I have pictures” digging into my pocket “wow! Little queen knew before me? I understand, I am so fucking hype. Like this is what you needed” opening my photos, and it’s the first picture to come up “this is us” turning the picture to him “oh wow, look at Rih yo. She looks well, I mean wow” I grinned “that’s my wife, I am happy. I am just sad that I miss her but I am happy. Appreciate you bro, I am sorry for being a dickhead with you” I have been a dickhead to Mijo, I haven’t been here for him as a friend but when I call he is here for me.
Dapping Ant as I made it to the studio session, I just want to get it over with and then I can go back home “you are glowing” he said, nodding my head laughing “well, it’s that holiday glow. Royalty loved it there” walking into the studio seeing Drake’ people, to be honest it is full of his people but it doesn’t bother me, we don’t have no issues now, we are cool with each other but I hate that nigga still, he wants to use me, I can use him too. He a whole goof “my nigga Chris” dapping Drake and then he hugged me “I lost your number; I text Ant for it. I am sorry but you’re here, I am very happy you are here. I heard this song and I said it would be perfect for you” he talks too much “cool” walking off to sit down, I didn’t tell Robyn about this because it’s not relevant and also she don’t need to know right now, she won’t care about it anyways. Sitting down on the couch “let’s hear it then” I said to him, Mijo sat next to him “you looking good breezy, happy? Is it the new cologne, I don’t know it’s something about you” Drake pointed laughing, this nigga is weird at times, but he is a whole goof I guess.
Staring at Drake and then looked at Mijo, he doesn’t know what to say and I have to keep my calm “what you think?” Drake asked, hearing his verse makes me want to punch him in the throat “uhm” rubbing the top of my head “don’t you think that is like a low blow, I mean who cares about Rihanna right?” why do I sound like the logical one here “Drake been tasting his tears from the amount of times he been crying that much, we had to ask him are you the dad. Shit, he ain’t the dad” one of his friends said “but you blatantly made a diss song because you’re upset, I ain’t going to be involved in that” shaking my head “it’s not a diss song, I love Rihanna I do but she played us, she plays everyone. She uses me, and then get pregnant by some random person and has the nerve to hide like anyone cares, she didn’t even clear up the rumours that I wasn’t the dad, I wish I was but that is not the point. She is a bitch, she played petty with me. I am too, and that isn’t the song, I just wanted you to hear it” I can do this, I am not going to let nobody stop me with this “right” I breathed out “Drake, you know Rihanna think she above everyone but she still be running to you. She thinks she a bad bitch, but came to you” they are massaging his ego “you invited me to a Rihanna hate club? You set me up or some shit? I ain’t fucking with this” getting up from the couch “she dogged you out too Chris, you telling me you haven’t?” I need to go, I shouldn’t have came to this shit in the first place. Side eyeing Ant as I left the room, I am being so calm right now but he deadass clowning my wife that she is a whore and a single mother, he called my child fatherless “I am proud of you” Mijo said behind me, I am really trying to remain calm.
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Secret Voight (Jay Halstead) S2 Part 6
Summary: The team finally knows that Y/N is Voight's daughter. One secret is out but theres still one secret that's not out. Y/N and Jay's relationship. Will that stay a secret or not? I mean Voight always finds out
Words: 2858
Requested: yes
Warning or A/N: I have 3 more parts and I'm done.
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  You and Jay finally had a day off and you guys were at Jay's. You guys were supposed to be watching a movie that Jay rented, but you guys were to concentrate on making fun of each other to pay attention to it. You both were on the sofa, your legs over his. "Says the guy who is obviously attempting to impress me all the time,"
      Jay gives you the side eyed. "When?"
     "Every time we have to chase down a suspect, you go and do extreme efforts,"
     "Sorry to break it to you baby girl, I've done that before you even arrived here,"
    "Oh, I know, but it's gotten worse since I've joined. You do realize putting yourself in harm's way doesn't do you any justice and won't get you laid you know, right?"
     He looked at you and mouths, oh and then pushed you off his legs, which makes you fall on the floor. You giggle and sat up thinking about a way to get him back. You smiled to yourself. You got up off the ground and straddled Jay's lap. His eyes were full of lust. You bit your lip, straining to hold back your lust for him. He moved his hand to touch your face, but you grabbed both of his hands and held them down. You moved down to kiss his lips and then slowly yoy moved down to his jaw and then you lightly graze my lips against his neck and he let out a small moan as you bit down on his neck. I forgot the reason, you was doing as you let my desire to get the best of him. Jay broke through my grip as he was much stronger than me. He quickly took my shirt off and started doing what you was doing to him but more aggressive.
     Your phone started to ring, but you didn't care as you took Jay's shirt off. The voice message notification went off as Jay got your shirt off.
     As you started to unbutton Jay's pants, his phone started to ring. You stopped doing what you did, looked at him knowing who was calling. You got off Jay's lap and let him grab his phone. He showed you the caller I.D and saw that it was Voight. He got his breath under control before he answered the phone while he answer the phone, you grabbed your phone and listened to the voicemail. You had a case that needed your help and Voight said the same thing to Jay. You put your shirt on and went to the bathroom and noticed that a couple of spots on your neck were red and started to bruise. "Shit,"
     You quickly opened a drawer, saying a quick thanks for your forgetful ass, leaving some of your makeup here. You quickly applied it to your neck as Jay came in the bathroom. "Think you can do that for me too,"
     You turned and saw that his neck was doing the same as yours.
     You walked into the casino with Jay and Voight eyed you two for a second before addressing the team. "Trade Casino,"
      Voight started walking towards the back and you looked at Jay and with a wink went. "Feeling lucky?"
     Jay's lips twitched up for a few second before he forced himself to hide it. You walked into the back and see multiple D.O.As. Antonio was already in there and he sees you. "Over here. They killed the damn errand boy too,"
     Your heart shattered when you saw the little boy. You guys saw walked over to where the security cameras were at it and watch them. Voight didn't take his eyes off the camera. "Surgical,"
     Dawson saw the moment the little boy came in. "They were startled by the boy."
     Jay saw the little details. "Weapons. Uniforms. Military, for sure. These guys are pros,"
    Voight looked at Lane, "I wanna copy of this in the Intelligence office before we get back,"
     We've been in intelligence for about an hour digging up anything your hands on. You put up a few different pictures on the board at the same Jay did. "All right, this is an illegal triad gambling den. It's one of the dozen that Vice think they operate in the area. Problem is they tend to shut down and pop up somewhere else quickly,"
     "Who's their competition?"
     Jay pointed at a picture. "Cermak Crew,"
    Antonio walked closer to the board, but leaned against your desk. "They got a lockdown on the illegal lotto in the neighborhood,"
    Jay pointed towards Antiono but then moved his arms. "They take the nickels and dimes, and the triads take the bigger cash,"
    Voight looked between you, Jay and Antonio. "This Cermark crew looking for a bigger piece?
   "They could be,"
   Lane walked up the stairs and into where we all were. "Alright. I went back seven days and downloaded all in-progress, and service calls in close proximity to the Chinatown quad. WE got three calls on suspicious vehicles. I ran the plates. Legit, Legit, but the third came back ghost. I put that plate into our lookout database and just got a text back with its location. 236 West First. Right back in Chinatown,"
     Jay walked back over to his desk and moved some paper around. "That's another trait gambling den. It looked like a karaoke bar from the outside, but they're playing pai Gow once you go in,"
    "Alright, let's go,"
    Jay offered to go into the den alone. The longer he was in there, the longer you worried, but you knew Jay could handle himself. About maybe ten minutes come comes out talking about how there are cops in there and now you are back in intelligence. Voight walked up to Jay and threw a file on his desk. "They're cops? This the guy you saw?"
    Jay picked up the file and looked through it. "Yeah, he had his gun in the traid's mouth,"
    You all looked at the file. "You know him?"
     Voight looked at you and nodded. "That's Jimmy Shi. We were partners when I first came up. Me and Jjimmy worked the gang unit with Alivin. Ivory tower recognized he'd be better served working undercover in Chinatown,"
    Al stood up from his seat and walked over to where you guys were standing. "Yeah, perfect place for him,"
   Voight reached for the file back and then addressed the team. "He's got his own vice squad now all Chinese cops."
    Jay stood up from his desk and shrugged. "All I can tell you is he was dressed like the guys in the video, and he was looking awfully cranked,"
   You walked over to your desk, leaned on it. "So why don't we put a tail on him, see what's what?"
    Voight didn't even entertain that idea. "Causee it ain't him,"
   You eyed him. "You sure on that?"
   "Yes, he's a cop,"
   "You're the boss,"
    Voight shot down any mention of Shi being dirty and that he'll talk to him. The team had no other choice but to agree mainly because you all trusted Voight. You and the rest of the team were waiting at sis' place. You and your father in the same car. Voight wanted to talk to you which you thought it was about Justin. "You know this whole trusting someone cause he's a cop is gonna burn you someday,"
    Voight just looked at you for a second before talking. "Well, I'll cross that bridge if needed,"
    Voight turned and looked over towards where Jay and Ruzek were at in Jay's truck. "Are you sure there isn't anything between you and Jay?"
    You rolled your eyes and looked at him. This protective dad is getting old. "Dad, I''ve told you, nothing is going on there and even if it was, it's none of your concern. I'm old enough to make my own decision and if I want to date someone, I will,"
     "It is, if it'll affect the job,"
    You were getting annoyed with this whole 'dating your partner will just cause problems' shit. You were done with that mindset. You can date someone and still be a badass and still do what it right. "It wouldn't. I know how to separate personal things from work things. Now, drop it,"
    Voight was about to say something, but dropped it and looked out the car. "Shy,"
     He tries to get out, but you held him back and watched him for a few second before opening your mouth. "We are already here, why don't just trail him and if it leads to nothing, then you can talk to him,"
    Voight looked at you and thought about what you were saying and he finally agreed. "Fall back. We are gonna put a tail on Jimmy,"
     We ended up following ship to a building and Antonio called in to Voight and told them that the rest of the vice team came in after we got there. We saw his team walking up to meet Shi and putting on masks. "We got 'em. Let them make an entry, "
     It was about a few minutes after the call from Antonio when they finally make an entry. "Everyone move in,"
     You grabbed your gun and your bullet proof vest and walked up to where Jay was still getting ready. You give me the 'be careful' look and he gives you one back. Voight fastening his vest and looked at all of us. "Antonio, you, Olinsky, and Atwater take the front. Me, Halstead, and Y/N will take the back,"
    We all nodded. I was going to take the lead, but Voight made me go last.
      Yeah, I'm the one who can't separate personal from work.
      You went to the front, and you have seen the others walk in and you went and busted into the main room of this place. "Chicago P.D,"
     You walked pointed a gun at another suspect as the team did the same.
   Voight pointed the gun at Shi. "Put down the gun,"
    Shi wasn't listening. Put it down,"
     After a few minutes of the suspect an intense staring contest and not listening he finally put down the gun and got on his knees. After he got on his knees, the rest of his team did too. While bringing them out of the buliding, Voight ripped of the mask and exposed Shi. "What the hell are you doing here, Voight?"
     Voight didn't even looked at him. "We got you for this robbery and four others,"
     "Robberies? We're here apart of a six-month operation to take down the leadership of the traid,"
     "Yeah? Then why are you all skulled up, Jimmy?"
     "I've been wokring this Chinatown detail for 11 years. They know my face. We were going to shake down the employees of that place to get the names on the traid. Now, at least put us in the cars, would you, please?"
     You were now in the back of the precinct after taking Jimmy out of the car and Jay went up to Intelligence. "What are you now Voight, Interal Affairs?"
     Voight looked at Shi. "We caught a robbery homicide case, and Intelliegnce prursed it. The gang in the video look a hell of a lot like you,"
     "I'm not dirty!"
    Voight was going to say something but Jimmy. "We were partners. Partners! And did I ever look sidesides at you? At Alvin? Not Once not when they came asking about Brownin. Not ever,"
    Jay comes back downstairs and into the back room. "There's been another robbery. They hit the pool hall Jimmy and Rick here stopped at eariler,"
    You were at the pool hall and every single person that was alive when you were in not even an hour before, were shot and dead. You and Dawson walked back to the hall after talking to witnesses. "Four masked suspects with rifles,"
     "Witnesses said that they could be gone and out without bloodshed but I guess thats not the style,"
    Voight looked back at Shi. "We saw you and Rick come in by yourselves,"
    "Yeah. We got a C.I inside here. He gave us the C.B.A address where you arrrested us He's the one that gots a new coin slot in his head,"
    "When you came out, you radioed your crew?"
   "That's right,"
   You talked before he could. "They're on your radio,"
     You were back in the lobby in Intelligence talking about the details about the case with Shi. Voight looked at the board that had all the details on it and then looked back towards the team. "So we got a four men crew impersonating Jimmy's vice unit, freelancers, probably ex milltary, listening in on their radio calls and hitting vulnerable casinos as soon as they know Jimmy's left,"
    Dawson walked up next to Voight and looked at the team as well. "That's right so we should use that against them. Jimmy, why don't we have you and your team bait a fake count house with Olinsky and me acting as bankers? You guys radio amongst each other you got 200,000from some new den, and they're in the process of banding it. Once we're inside, we put out a fradulent 10-1 office-needs-assistance call, and you guys radio in, aboriting your surveilance to respond to the call and then we wait,"
    Jimmy was silent until now. "Yeah, with a sticky net,"
    "We tie this crew to the other robberies, we put 'em away forever,"
   While Antonio went to the court house to get a court order, you were in the back room of the precinct with Jay restocking everything and making sure everything that you need is in the veichle. For the time being it was just you and Jay doing it. "You know what we started this morning isn't over,"
    You smiled. "Obiviously. I mean I started it and I intend to finish it,"
      Jay winked at you and was about to kiss you when you heard footsteps coming down the stairs. You two quickly parted and you saw that it was Jimmy. "You look just like your mom,"
      Just hearing him compare you to your mom, pissed you off. You might looked like her not that where the simarillties end. "Too bad, I never got to know that,"
     You picked up a box and put it in the veichle and shut the door. You turned and saw he was looking at you funny. "Know what?"
     "You didn't know?"
    Jimmy shook his head at you. "No?"
     "She died a few months after she had me because she was too much of a drug addict who was always looking for the next fix instead of taking care of her kid,"
      You didn't say anything else. You just walked back upstairs leaving a confused Shi in the back room.
      You were now outside the fake count house with Voight, Rick, Burgess and Atwater while Jay, Antonio, Ruzek, and Al were inside the house. You didn't know what was being said as you didn't have a radio that had Rick and Jimmy had. After a few minutes of not knowing anything. Voight calls radios Al and you heard it. "Okay, Olinksy, call it in,"
      You heard the radio click on and Al's voice come through. "Offier calling for help, multiple offenders on scene. 10-1,"
      About ten minutes you saw a maroon SUV coming, you quickly got on the radio. "Here they come, A crown vic and a maroon SUV,"
     Voight was the next one to come over the radio. "Remember, we got to let them breach if we want to pin this one them,"
    "Roger that,"
    They got out the car and up to the door and before we could get a heads up to the team, they threw a flashbang inside the house. You and your team quickly jumped out of the car and ran over to the house. You drew your gun and started shooting as they started shooting at you. You dodge behind a park car and saw that there was a suspect running. You quckly grabbed your radio. "Suspect is on foot. I'm in pursuit,"
     You quickly dodge between cars until you were out of the line of fire and then went full sprint. You had saw him turn into an alley, you quickly turned and saw him trying to climb up a high fence. You run up to him and pulled his ass off the fence and onto the ground and quickly put your gun on him. You heard the radio turn on and it was Jay. "Y/N? Location,"
     You removed one hand off the gun to talk answer Jay. "Half way down the street in an alleyway,"
    A few moments later, Jay appeared and walked up to you two and put handcuffs on the suspect. "Now whose the one playing superhero?"
     You put your gun away and laughed.
      You knocked on Jay's door about an hour after you left work today. Jay opened the door and instantly grabbed you and pulled you into the house egar to finish what you started that morning.
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nightowlfandom · 5 years
Yandere/Crazy! Kim Namjoon- Body Heat (Part 2)
Also hey! Do You guys want some music recommendations because I got a few, better yet I also know some bomb ass voice actor channels that would make you fucking CRY (in a good way of course).
Also I have been listening to you guys. Some of you guys actually enjoy a little bit of fright with your fan fic so HERE IS YOUR WARNING YANDERE CRAZY BOY AND BLOODY AND AAAAHH
Do not read if you do not want to read the dark side of yandere I’ll ever put a warning so you guys know where to skip. Also I do not encourage dating or fucking a yandere who legit hurts people for you, this is just a fantasy and should never translate into real life. Especially when you’re using celebrities’ likenesses. This is strictly for fun and please do not forget that. Yandere bf’s are cute in theory until they start all the stabby stabby
Read Part 1
Namjoon shot up in bed, a loud gasp ripping through his throat. An ungodly horrible pain went through his head as he ripped himself from his nightmarish sleep. He looked around frantically, staring at the glass of water on his bedside table. Without thinking, he snatched it off the table and downed the whole glass.
“Ugh...” he groaned, wiping the sweat off his forehead. He frantically searched the area for you. His thoughts were but to rest when he looked to his side and saw your soundly sleeping body. He stared at your face, the rise and fall of your chest and the slight mumbled that left your mouth with each breath you took.
Good, he hadn’t lost you. He couldn’t imagine losing you. Ever. Even his thoughts loved to play mind games with him, but he wouldn’t allow that to happen. He leaned down and pressed his lips against your cheek, shutting his eyes tightly. His damn nightmares were getting the best of him again.
You had spent the night at Namjoon’s house one night after a special night. Oh, the feeling your your hot body moving is sweet synchronization with his. It made him want to wake you up and take you again.
He was knocked out of his trance when he saw your phone vibrating on the other bedside table on the side of which you were sleeping. Curiously, he grabbed it. He put in the password you so cutely gave him.
“Hmm what do we have here.” he mused quietly.
It was a text from who he assumed to be Jay. (Even though his Caller I.D was labeled “My First Mistake”)
Listen Y/N! That guy you were with! I’m trying to tell you he’s insane! He threatened to kill and feed me to you.
A low, quiet growl left Namjoon throat. “Jay, Jay...Jay.” he clenched his fist. “You should have kept your mouth shut.”he shook his head.” I’ll be sure to take care of you later...”
You groaned, turning in your sleep.”Namjoon? You’re awake?” you yawned, sitting up. “What time is it?”
“Three in the morning.” he put on a fake smile, even though his rage was slowly building. “Your phone was going off and I didn’t want to wake you.” he showed your your phone screen. “Did I wake you?”
“Oh no, Namjoon you weren’t meant to see that. “you said sheepishly, looking down. “Are you mad at me?”
“Never.” he traced his fingers under your jawline. “I just wanna know why he’s saying this.”
“Well after than night.” you scratched the back of your neck. “He kept bad mouthing you to me, saying you were a psychopath and that you were gonna kill him.” you chuckled. “That if I wasn’t careful you could do something to me too.”
Namjoon nodded thoughtfully acting as if this was a surprise. Even though deep down he was dead serious. “I see...”
“I tried telling him to just leave me alone and that any chance he had of trying to scare me right back into his grip was impossible.” you rolled your eyes. “If you were a psychopath, I think I’d know by now.” you mumbled. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“Hey.” Namjoon put your phone down. “If Jay texts you again...tell me.”
“Wait what?” you raised an eyebrow. “May I ask why?”
“Knowing him, he’d probably take other measures.” he kissed your nose. “I don’t want that.”
“Okay.” you nodded.
“Yeah?” he made sure you were serious. “Promise?” he got closer to you until your noses were touching.
“Yes.” you nodded, making him smile a little. Namjoon kissed your lips slowly, reveling in the feel of your soft lips against his. You were already starting to turn into the perfect obedient princess he knew you were deep down. He wanted you to stay with him, for a long, long, time. But....he couldn’t do that when there were obstacles in his way. Jay, for example and any other old flame of your that decided to make an appearance.
“Good girl.” he mumbled. “Very good.” He gently held the back of your head, reveling in your taste, in your touch. Out of sheer want, he abruptly pulled you into his lap. He was just sleeping but his tiredness was replaced by his primal list for you, and he was about to feed that demon again.
He tiredly pinned you to the bed, dipping his head into the crook of your neck. His tongue lashed against your warm flesh, sucking on the sensitive skin. He would have sunk his teeth into your shoulder but he wanted to wait.
“Hey. We were just at this a while ago.” you jokingly whined, making him chuckle. “How much stamina do you have?”
“I could go on forever without sleep if it meant I could use you to...charge me.” he smirked as he felt those familiar, but beautiful goosebumps rise on your skin. This time, he crashed his mouth over yours, hooking his arms around your legs.
Your bare bodies were flush against each other, you could feel Namjoon’s warmth from within your core and your body ached for more of his touch even more. Namjoon kissed down your body, tracing his warm mouth over the slope of your chest. He left hot open mouthed kissed over your collarbones, making you gasp.
That gasp, it was enough to make a growl erupt from his throat.
His previous thoughts of that nightmare had vanished, now he wanted you.
You were sitting in a cafe alone, texting Namjoon. He had been texting you all day, without even hesitating to reply. Not those short, dodgy, one worded, simple minded responses. His replies to your messages made you feel special like he really did care how you day was instead of asking just to ask.
You had sent him a picture of you making a funny face with your usual beverage in hand and were waiting for him to reply. You were pretty much enjoying it when Jay burst in.
Y/N, I knew you’d be here.” he sat in front of you.
“What do you want?” you asked boredly. “I’m busy.”
“Did you get my text?” he asked.
“About Namjoon being crazy?...Yeah and I gotta admit your humor sucks.” you sighed. “I don’t get it. You want me to be miserable don’t you. I was miserable with you, then I was miserable without you, then i got over you and then you made me feel miserable for trying to move on and now you want me to break relations with the first guy I genuinely like so I can be miserable again?” you ranted, losing track of how many times the word ‘miserable’ came out of your mouth.
“Listen, I’m telling you the guy is nuts!” he sighed. “He said he was gonna kill me if he ever saw me again. He threatened to lock me in his basement!”
“Now you’re just being dumb.” you shook your head. “You make it sound like he’s a character from those animes you made fun of me for watching.”
“He might as well be! I had a few people follow him.”
“That’s against the law.” you crossed your arms. “He could sue you if he found out.”
“Listen! One of my buddies caught him ON FILM beating the absolute shit out of a guy three days ago.” Suddenly an Ipad was slid in front of you. You could very evidently see Namjoon’s face on the thumbnail or maybe not...he was wearing a mask but the hair was a complete match. “Give me five minutes.”
You promised Namjoon, but now you were curious...what exactly was on this video? You had to find out....what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. (Or you....you hoped.)
You put in the air pods that he had given you and pressed play.
(If you don’t want to read yandere crazy boy killing then please skip this part. I will alert you in bold print when you can continue to read.)
You saw Namjoon or whoever this doppleganger was throw the first punch, it was so aggressive that the male stumbled back and you soon saw the face of the other male. It was your perverted landlord. You had told Namjoon about him and his words were.
If I see him, I’ll have a little chat with him.
You didn’t realize it meant beating the living tar out of him.
“Oh my god.” your jaw dropped as Namjoon basically body slammed the much bigger and stronger opponent. You couldn’t hear or understand what he was saying. He was switching back and forth between English and Korean and was talking way too fast to comprehend either language.
“You worthless piece of.....” you watch the bottom of Namjoon’s show become acquainted with the guy’s knee. If he could still walk after that then he was lucky. He kicked the guy in the nose and to make matters worse, Namjoon grabbed the landlord by the back of his shirt collar and drug him across the concrete, slamming his head into the side of the dumpster.
Your heart dropped when you saw him whip out a knife and stalk towards the landlord. A terrifyingly delighted laughter ripped from Namjoon’s lungs as he raised the knife. All you could say was you had never seen so much blood in your life come out of a single wound.
“....Now...have I made myself clear or do you need me to explain further?”
(Okay, you can look up now, violent part is over.)
“Don’t make me watch anymore.” you pressed pause. You were scared of what was gonna happen. “H-how did you find him. W-where was this recorded?!?” you tried to keep your voice hushed. You ripped out each airpod and threw them at him, not caring if he had to fumble to catch both.
“We saw him at the night market...” Jay replied, looking down at his knuckled. “He’s bad news Y/N. I know you hate me...but if anything happens.” he slipped a piece of paper towards you. “This is my sister’s phone number, she’ll help you out.”
You wordlessly nodded your head, you gave him his Ipad back. That Namjoon, that man...was not the Kim Namjoon you had met and grown to know so well. Your phone vibrated.
How would you like to go out to eat tonight?
Your froze. Did you want to risk it?
Sorry, I can’t....My job has me working all night.
You didn’t know for sure if you could trust him just yet. You weren’t even sure if you could believe Jay! You just needed to think.
You walked down the hallway to get to your apartment. On the way you were surprised (you had no idea why) too see your landlord who had a suspicious looking gauze around his arm.
“Oh Good. Boy, am I glad to see you!” you sped walk up to him. For some reason he looked weary, as if he didn’t want to be caught talking to you.
“What? Why? What do you want?” he asked quickly. Strange, usually you wouldn’t even want to talk to him and he’d come up with some stupid pickup line that made your skin crawl.
Oh...he probably didn’t know what you- Well he wasn’t dead or brutally injured...but that suspicious wrap had you thinking that maybe ....
“I wanted to check if you got my rent check, I know you have a habit of losing them.” you sighed. Correction, did he throw away the check purposely just to give you an eviction notice and scare you half to fucking death which would cause you to have to write another one and plead to him to not kick you out.
“Oh Yeah I got it don’t worry. As a matter of fact I found the other one six I lost so you won’t have to worry about rent for 7 months!” he said quickly. “No money will be taken out of your account. Bye now!” he sped walked off, clutching his arm.
“I was gonna ask you about someone taking a look at my dishwasher!” you called after him but he had bolted.
You walked into your apartment, practically leaning against the door.
“Maybe a bath will calm me down.” you mumbled, throwing your stuff down.
Before you could walk into the other room, you heard a knock on the door.
Without thinking you walked back and yaned the door open. You just weren’t suspecting Namjoon standing there.
“Oh! You!” you squeaked.
“..Yeah, me.” he chuckled. “Thought you said you were working a late night.”
“I did! I was!...Change of plans!...Haha... Funny how things turn out!” you laughed nervously.
“Are you alright?” he walked in closing the door. “You seem jumpy.”
“.....Where were you three nights ago?” you just came right out and said it. You were dead scared but you’d rather hear his side first.
“....Why do you ask?”
You saw his adam’s apple move as he gulped down.
“I just want to know.” you replied as confidently as possible. “One of my friends say they saw you...at the night market downtown.” you shrugged. “I just wanted to know-”
“Well, I wasn’t. I was with you remember?” he chuckled. “We went out to dinner, I was with you the entire night.”
You suddenly felt stupid. He was right. He had been with you the entire night. The only time he ever left was to get up to go to the bathroom and he came back in less than ten minutes. What were you thinking?! Of course! You remembered because you wore shoes that matched his shirt and you both laughed about how you even matched when you were apart.
Jay had tricked you. He probably got one of his stupid friends to beat up your landlord. Not even beat up! Almost kill! Just to make Namjoon look like some psychopathic unstable maniac!
He was weird and pervy but this was too much. You would know better than to trust him again.
“...I’m sorry.” you laughed. “I can’t believe I-” you were about to say. “Guess you think I’m pretty dumb huh?”
“Never. You looked shaken up. Is something the matter?” he asked, putting his hands on both your shoulders.
“...Someone said they saw someone who looked a lot like you beating the shit out of my landlord.”
Namjoon froze. Shit! Had he been exposed? He didn’t think he was gone that long. Damnit, what would he tell you, how would he expla-
“But that’s impossible, you were with me the whole time...I really don’t understand why he was so weird to be in the hall though.” you crossed your arms, still trying to put the pieces together.
Namjoon relaxed and chuckled, kissing your head. “Who knows?”
He did, he made sure his threats and intents were as clear as a wine glass. If he made any passes at you, threatened to evict you, or did anything that made you go to him for ANY reason. His balls would be Namjoon’s dog’s new chew toy.
“Sorry I acted weird.” you looked down sheepishly.
“Hm, that’s what I love about you.” he chuckled. “Now let’s put that behind us.” he leaned down to kiss your lips. You wrapped your arms around his neck, standing on your toes almost.
Namjoon’s body like usual was warm against yours. His hand held onto the back of your head, while his arm gripped onto your waist, keeping you against him. He tongue traced and teased your bottom lip. Absentmindedly, you hooked your leg around his hip. Your body was already submitting to him.
“You feel like getting takeout?” you suddenly asked, feeling your high come to a slow but eventual end.
“I’ll pay for it.” he agreed.
“TO THE INTERNET!” you pointed to the sky like a child. Namjoon smiled at you as you began skipping towards your  bedroom, but his smile was soon replaced by a frown.
He would have to be more careful, he just couldn’t go eliminated targets willy nilly, the cleaning would already be hard enough. He had to be careful or you would definitely suspect him. He had to get tracks off him.
Starting with the man who began this mess....
(Also how would you guys feel about a good end/ bad end of this story?)
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idreamofhazeleyes · 4 years
Ties in Blood -- Chapter 34
Notes: Yeah, I’m taking longer than usual in getting the chapters/drabbles up.
@mrswhozeewhatsis  @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @squirrelnotsam @impala-dreamer @optimisticpeacecollector5 @bamby0304 @kittenofdoomage @idreamofplaid
Chapter 34
“There’s no way there’s angels,” Aaliyah argued.
“Then what else could it be?” Sam countered.
Aaliyah had been pacing Bobby’s living room where he sat at his desk, Sam sat in a chair with Dean standing not far from.
“All I know is that I wasn’t groped by an angel,” Dean tossed into the conversation.
“Okay, Dean. But what would this Castiel have to lie to you about it?” Sam asked.
“Maybe he’s some kind of demon. They lie.”
“A demon that’s immune to salt rounds, devil’s traps, and Ruby’s knife,” Aaliyah said, her pacing coming to a stop. “Lilith’s afraid of that thing.”
“Don’t you think at one point a hunter … you know … woulda seen one?” Dean asked them both.
“You did,” Aaliyah pointed out.
“I’m trying to figure out a theory here; work with me,” Dean pled. “One with less fairy dust.”
“Okay, look.” Sam leaned forward in the chair. “I’m not saying we know for sure. I’m just saying that we …”
“That’s the point, we don’t know for sure. So I’m not gonna believe that this … thing’s an angel of the Lord just because it says it is.”
“You three chuckleheads gonna argue religion, or come look at this?” Bobby called over to them.
Aaliyah looked over at the older hunter and walked over to look at what was laid out.
“I got stacks of lore,” he started. “Biblical, pre-Biblical. Hell, some of it’s in cuneiform. It all says that an angel can snatch a soul from the Pit.”
“What else?” Dean prodded. “What else can it do?”
“Air lift your ass outta hell? Nothing.”
“This is good news,” Sam said.
“How’s this good news?” Aaliyah asked.
“For once this isn’t demon crap. He was saved by the good guys.”
“Say it is true,” Dean jumped in. “Then what? There’s a God?”
“At this point, Vegas’ money’s on yeah,” Bobby said.
“I don’t know, guys.” Dean took a few steps away from the desk.
“I know you’re not all choir boy about this,” Sam said. “But it’s becoming less about belief and more about proof.”
“Proof?” Aaliyah questioned; her eyes narrowed. “What proof?” She heard Dean join them back at the desk.
“That there’s a God out there …”
“And he gives a crap about me personally?” Dean cut Sam off. “I’m not buying it.”
Aaliyah nodded. Why would God, or any deity, give a crap about someone who was in Hell? Or a misfit family of hunters?
“Why not?” Sam asked.
“Because why me? If there is a God, why would he give a crap about me?” Dean asked. “I mean, I’ve saved some people, okay. I figured that makes up for the stealing and ditching chicks. But why do I get to be saved? I’m just a regular guy.”
“Apparently you’re a regular guy that’s important to the man upstairs,” Sam argued.
“That creeps me out,” Dean said. “I don’t like being singled out at birthday parties, much less … God.”
“What do we know about angels?” Aaliyah cut in. She watched Bobby lift up a pile of books and dropped them on the desk.
“Start reading,” the older hunter instructed.
Aaliyah took a book from the pile while Dean told Sam he was getting pie. She flomped down onto the couch and got comfortable. After a while, her attention drifted away from the book. Her head started nodding as sleep crept up on her. The sound of her phone ringing caught her from answering sleep’s call.
“Mm’lo,” she muttered.
“Is this Aaliyah Fisher?” the caller asked.
“Depends on why you’re calling?” Aaliyah adjusted herself on the couch into a sitting position.
“I’m calling on the behalf of one Casey Fisher. My name’s Georgetta Hayes, Mr. Fisher’s lawyer. I need to get ahold of any one of Mr. Fisher’s children.”
“What about?” Aaliyah dug.
“It is something I feel better discussed in person with my retainer’s children,” Georgetta told her. “Can you pass on the message to them?”
“Only if you can provide an address for them?” Aaliyah countered, searching for a scrap piece of paper and pen. She jotted the address down as the lawyer provided it. “Thank you.” She ended the call as she pushed herself off the couch.
“Guys, something’s come up,” she called out, gathering her things.
“And you’re taking off?” Dean asked. “What’s so important…”
“Family issues, apparently. I know finding out what brought you out of hell, but maybe dealing with this…” Aaliyah held up the address. “Will finally stop my father coming out of the past.”
“Your fault for digging him up in the first place,” Dean told her.
“Yeah, I know.” Aaliyah made sure she had her things packed and headed for the door, stopping long enough to give Dean a kiss on his head. “I’ll keep in touch. Promise. Call me if anything major happens.”
She stepped out the back door and down the steps to her cycle. With her things secured in the saddle bags, Aaliyah mounted the cycle and started it up. Her stomach knotted a little from guilt in leaving the three hunters, but the lawyer refused to discuss matters over the phone. No matter, she would just call Leo and Nissa when she stopped on the way back to her hometown.
Aaliyah dumped her bag on the motel bed and fumbled through it for clean clothes. Having pushed through the night, the only things she was looking forward to was a hot shower and a quick nap. Her cell started ringing as she started up the shower.
“I hope you’re not planning on yelling,” she spoke. “After all your family drama I was dragged through…”
“It’s your family drama too,” Leo cut in. “Just so you know. Where are you?”
“In town, just got a room. Why?”
“Feel like lunch with me and Nissa? Think Xander’s looking forward to seeing you.”
Aaliyah stopped in middle of stripping off her shirt at the mention of her brother’s name. Guilt crept in before she shoved it off to a side. “The rehab place let him out?”
“After our work with the Djinn, they were a bit … eager to get him out,” Leo said. “You’d know that if you kept in touch more often.”
“I’m bad enough trying to keep myself in check,” Aaliyah countered. “We can play catch up in, say about an hour at Annie’s Kitchen.”
“Sure, sounds good.”
She waited for Leo to end the call before putting her phone on the sink counter. Making the shower quick and putting on the clean clothes, Aaliyah made sure she had her things before grabbing her helmet and heading out.
“Liyra,” Nissa greeted as she pushed herself to her feet for a hug.
Aaliyah accepted the hug, returning it. “Hey, Nissa.”
“What’s up with the biker get up?” Xander asked.
Aaliyah pulled from Nissa and looked at her older brother. “I was taken in by a biker gang a few months back; adopted more or less.” She shed the leather jacket and draped it over the back of a chair. “It’s been quite a while since Christmas last year.”
“Anything to drink, love?” the waitress asked as Aaliyah sat.
“Coffee, or coke. Anything caffeinated.”
The waitress nodded and headed off.
“So, what’s happened with you and the Hardy Boys?” Leo asked. “How much trouble did you guys get into?”
Aaliyah sat there as memories flashed through her mind between Christmas the year before and then. Her body shuttered when her mind froze on the images of Dean bloody on the ground after being torn to shreds by the hellhounds.
“Aaliyah, what is it?” Xander’s voice cut into her memory.
“It’s … um … Dean had made a cross roads deal to bring Sam back from the dead a little more than a year ago,” she started. “But unlike the usual ten years, he got one. All of last year, even during Christmas, I with the boys tried to find a way to break the deal. We weren’t that lucky.” She took a breath, trying to steady herself. “A hellhound ripped Dean to shreds when his time was up. I had checked out mentally for a week at Bobby’s after that. I took off from his place, getting his words all twisted up, and went off on my own before the bikers took me in.”
She looked around at her siblings just as the waitress came back with the drink for Aaliyah. “Do you all need a minute or two to decide?”
They nodded, sending the waitress off.
“That’s rough,” Leo said. “Remind me not to make any deals like that.”
“You should know not to do that period,” Xander told him. “So, you got involved with a biker group?”
“The Dragons. They know all about Hunters, the supernatural, and all things that go bump in the night,” Aaliyah kept her voice low. “Through no fault of my own.” She grabbed a menu and glanced over the options. “I actually kept out of active hunting until I heard on the news about all the windows being blown out by something.”
“Sub sonic boom,” Leo tossed out. “I’m sure a fighter jet broke the sound barrier that caused it.”
Aaliyah shook her head. “Wasn’t a jet. It was whatever brought Dean back from hell.”
Leo and Nissa half choked on their drinks.
“Wait, he’s back? How?” Nissa asked.
Aaliyah half shrugged. “According to Sam, it was an angel. Dean doesn’t believe it; and I’m …” She shrugged again. “I’m not fully buying it. Being used to dealing with demons and things that wanna kill me, I can’t wrap my head around the fact that there are legit actual angels out there willing to help one lone hunter.”
“You’re joking, right?” Leo asked. “Demons, I get. But even they won’t let someone escape from hell. Why would any angel help any of us?”
“Why would a demon let any of us out of hell?” Nissa countered.
“They wouldn’t.”
Aaliyah looked up from the menu when the waitress returned. She waited for her siblings to order before placing hers. “So, am I to naturally assume we’ve all been called by father’s lawyer?” She watched each of them nod. “Something she couldn’t discuss over the phone?”
“And trying to reach any one of us,” Xander added. “And reaching all of us, it seems.”
“But what’s this business?” Leo asked. “And why in person?”
“Maybe he finally died,” Aaliyah suggested. “The world’s better off with one less of him.”
“If that’s the case, the lawyer might be trying to execute whatever will Father had,” Nissa said.
“If he died, why didn’t mom call us?” Leo asked his sister.
“Maybe she wasn’t listened as one who was to receive anything,” Nissa guessed. “Or the lawyer already told her what she was getting.”
“Or she already got it,” Xander added.
“Does she even know about us?” Aaliyah asked, gesturing between her and Xander. “I saw no pictures of us at the house a few years ago.”
“Wait, you were at our house?” Nissa asked, putting her drink down.
Aaliyah shot a semi guilty look over to Xander, who shrugged. “It was a few years ago when I was trying to figure out what happened to Xander and dad. Before I got caught up with the Winchesters full time.”
“Whatever the lawyer wants, we’ll find out after breakfast,” Leo said.
Aaliyah shifted in her chair as the receptionist went about their work and ignoring the four young adults. They had arrived soon after breakfast nearly an hour ago. The woman that had arrived well after them emerged from the lawyer’s office while Georgetta and the woman exchanged farewells. The woman walked out while Georgetta walked back into her office.
“Forget this,” Aaliyah muttered to her siblings as she got to her feet.
Behind her, the receptionist called after her; which Aaliyah ignored. She threw open the door just as Georgetta sat down at the desk.
“You can’t keep us sitting out there all day, Ms. Hayes,” Aaliyah snapped at the lawyer. “You called all four of Casey Fisher’s children, and all four showed up. Now, we’re going to handle this business in person just like you asked of us.”
“I cannot unless…” Georgetta trailed off when the other three siblings walked into the office.
Aaliyah heard the door close behind her while the other two took a seat in the offered two chairs. “Now, you have all four of us here. What is this business to be done in person?”
She watched Georgetta shift in her chair before turning around to dig through some folders. The lawyer returned with one folder.
“I never liked giving bad news like this to relatives,” Georgetta started. “Your father had died about month ago in a freak accident.”
“What sort of accident?” Xander asked.
“All I was told was his body was found out in the woods torn to shreds and his heart missing.”
Aaliyah swore she heard her siblings share a look while she focused on Georgetta. Sounded like the classic werewolf case to her. “What happened to the rest of him?”
“His wife, a Helen Fisher, had him cremated due to his final wishes. And she currently still resides in their house,” Georgetta replied. “Which is acceptable. Which leaves you four. Which of you is Xander?” She nodded when he raised his hand. “You are granted the deed for the land of your childhood home. If you so wish to have it.”
Aaliyah glanced back at her brother, who shook his head. “He doesn’t want it; how does he go about selling it and getting the money from the sale?” She crossed her arms.
“Don’t worry about the details,” Georgetta assured her. “I take it that you’re Aaliyah. He’s given you the keys and title to his truck. Saying how it will work for those jobs when you need to move a dead body. And for Nissa and Leo…” She scanned the paper. “Your father’s other truck. It seems your father had a well off roofing company and the two trucks had been there since the beginning.”
“So, that’s all it was? Handing out property?” Leo asked with a scoff.
“And monies willed to Aaliyah and Xander from their mother’s will. I understand she passed a couple decades ago. It took me this long to hunt you four down for your father.”
“So, they get money and a truck while we get just a truck?” Leo started.
“Not now,” Aaliyah cut him off, barely turning to look at him. “Is there anything we have to do?”
Georgetta flipped through the paperwork. “I’ll sign over the trucks over to you and your young siblings, and start the paperwork for the funds to be transferred into Ms. Aaliyah and Mr. Xander’s accounts. IF there’s any other questions…”
“How’d our father pass away?” Nissa asked.
“The corner’s report says wolf attack with the heart missing.”
Aaliyah uncrossed her arms and actually turned to look at her siblings.
“Well, that’s … unfortunate,” Xander said. “Thanks for telling us. Guys, I think our business here is done.”
Aaliyah heard the warning in her brother’s voice and turned back to Georgetta. “If there’s anything to be mailed…” she reached into her back pocket and pulled out her walled; dropping a card on the desk. “Send it there.” She turned for the door, opening it for Xander to roll through. “And I and one of my siblings over there will be by later for our trucks.”
She was the last one out, closing the door behind them.
“What now?” Leo asked, leaving the building. “Dad’s dead, finally. And we get little from it.”
“You still got a house and a mother to go back to,” Aaliyah snapped. “We don’t. So, go back to your middle class life and leave us alone. And stay out of hunting. I shouldn’t have to remind you what happens if things go bad in a hunt.”
She helped Xander into his vehicle and started off down the road.
Aaliyah killed the bike as she came up to Bobby’s. With a call from Dean on the way back from dealing with the lawyer as a warning, she had arrived at the house ready for a fight. She hadn’t seen the Impala, but expected it to pull up at any second. No time to wait for the men to arrive, Aaliyah checked her handgun and eased her way to the door. Just as the rumble of the Impala’s engine echoed through the salvage yard.
One of the brothers had called out to her as she slipped into the house. She ignored them. The call she had with Bobby hadn’t gone well when she told him that the lawyer was going to send paperwork there. The fire poker was laying on the floor in the living room.
“Bobby,” she called out, gun ready.
She heard a door creak open and turned toward. Behind her were the footsteps of someone being quiet in their walking. A hand went up and gestured toward the door.
“Come out, come out, whoever you are,” Aaliyah called.
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oh-theatre · 5 years
Sycamore High: An Ending (Almost) (Chapter 39)
A/N: One more chapter bois!!! Honestly, I love Tommy so much holy jeezus, hopefully, I can remember how to do comedy in the sequel again oop! Anyway, leave me some comments. Also, I love Tommy and Ted and my heart legit can't take how much I love them
summary: Its the last day of finals, and the last day of school. What could go wrong?
words: 3158
warnings: Swearing, negative thoughts, kissing, violence
Edited by: @theyreallidiots  (Seriously please go give them some love, they're amazing and I love them with everything I have)
Ao3 Link
Finals Day 3...
“Tommy, right?” Tommy glanced up, his eyes adjusting to the figure standing in front of him. He blinked, realizing how exhausted he was. The library was quiet, huddled in a corner with all his materials and supplies, Tommy was studying.
“Hmm?” He hummed, he didn't really have it in him to speak. The figure chuckled sitting down next to him, Tommy shifted giving him some room. He could see his face better now: his hair was dark and long, it fell to his shoulders in a wavy formation. His face...was boring. Not in a bad way but there wasn't anything special about him. He was cute, sure, but that's about it. Tommy recognizes him from his English class, he sits in the back, he doesn't talk much. He extended his hand towards Tommy. “English class,” Tommy said.
“Yeah” He chuckled again, Tommy hated the way it sounded as if no matter what Tommy said, he would smile and play along. “I’m David,” Tommy nodded shaking his hand, he didn't really have time for this and hoped the conversation would end soon. “I..uh recognized you...from class” He rubbed the nape of his neck, avoiding Tommy’s eyes. His lips curled into a sweet smile or at least an attempt. “You're like...really smart” He complimented. Tommy pressed his lips together swallowing an exasperated sigh.
“Thank you...I’m sorry, I'm really bus-”
“Oh yeah! Totally, sorry...don't let me disturb you” He gestured to Tommy's work. Tommy eyed him but went back to his papers, he tried to work but he could feel Davids intense stare. He put his pencil down looking back up at him. “Sorry, it's just…” David looked him over, his eyes twinkling, his lips in a half-smile. “You’re...really cute” He pushed his hair behind his ears
Tommy’s heart sunk, he was being flirted with, never had he hated a feeling so much. He shut his eyes, taking a deep breath. He looked back up at David, his smile as fake as he could make it.
“Thanks! My boyfriend sure thinks so” He chirped, and there it was. David's face fell, his smile disappearing becoming confusion. His eyebrows furrowing, he let out a small laugh.
“He's very lucky, and where might he be?” David looked around expectantly. Seriously? Tommy thought you're still going? He didn't really know how to respond, once his free period was over, he had a final and he really didn't have time for...whatever this was. It was almost selfish of him to wish Ted was here.
“I...I don't know” Tommy admitted. He was probably studying with Charlotte and Emma right now, seeing as they had free periods as well but he couldn't be sure. They used to know where the other was because they were usually together. And sure, some might say that's a bad thing but...it worked for them. And they loved it. They loved each other, Tommy loved him. “You know what? I have to go” But this time, he wasn't running away from someone, he was running towards them. He collected his things, not giving David another look and rushed down the hall and out of school. He was really hoping Ted would be at the coffee shop they always went to, and lo and behold.
Ted sat behind Charlotte fiddling with her while Emma lay strewn across Charlotte's lap reciting something. Tommy could almost laugh had he not been so nervous. Ted looked up noticing him, his eyes actually grew, the pupil dilates when it sees something it likes. Or at least that's what Tommy remembered from class, his mind was a little preoccupied right now. Ted stood, much to Charlotte's disappointment, well, until she saw who he was standing for. Tommy wasted no time, he took Ted’s face and kissed him. Ted was clearly taken aback but melted into the kiss nonetheless, realizing how desperate he was for this moment. Tommy giggled happily, wrapping his own arms around Ted's neck. Charlotte tried really hard but her heart was so full, she squealed Emma tried to stifle it but she was just as happy. Ted pulled away eyeing his friends, they quickly returned to their work shrugging. Tommy cupped Ted’s face pulling him back towards him.
“Hi” He smiled, his heart, much like Charlotte’s, was full. Ted shook his head trying to swallow a smile, he smothered Tommy in more kisses hugging him right after. “I’m so sorry dearest” Tommy whispered in his ear.  “How do I make it up to you?” He asked pulling away, Ted shook his head once more.
“You don't ha-” he paused, an idea popped into his head. “Sing with me” He marveled, Tommy laughed slightly. Ted stood his ground however, he didn't budge.
“Oh! You're serious?” Tommy’s eyes grew wide, Ted nodded.
“My parents wanted me to sing at the wedding...and I want you to sing with me” Ted admitted, Tommy forced a squeal squeezing his hands. To be honest? He didn't know if he would be here for the wedding. He wanted to, so badly but his parents were pretty adamant about him leaving as soon as he could. Ted bit his lips, still smiling. “What?”  Ted could tell.
“Nothing! I'd love to” he lied, well he would love to but...would he be able to? But no more, he was going to be here for Ted. As long as he could, he just had to convince his parents to let him stay a little bit into summer and it would be fine. “What are we singing?” He asked, his heart still racing from excitement to be back in Ted's arms.
“Bill Dorris!” The name echoed the auditorium. Ted always felt like this ritual was stupid and would cause low self-esteem for the students but watching Bill, shocked, rushing up to stage to accept the award, Ted felt nothing but pride. He definitely showed it by cheering the loudest. “Congratulations to Mister Dorris for winning the ‘Best Academic Student’ award”. The principal handed the boy the award, Bill was almost crying behind his glasses. He quickly returned to his friends, receiving an abundance of hugs and ruffling of the hair.
“Nicely done, dude” Paul complimented, Bill, smiled up at him. The principal called back attention. They turned to him and shushed.
“Next, as requested by Mr. Hidgens, our drama teacher-” Ted shouted out a single cheer, receiving weird looks but he didn't care. “Thank you, Ted” The principal shook his head at the boy, the school laughed. “As most of you know, the drama finals consist of singing a song, what those students didn't know is that those were auditions” The group stopped smiling and turned to one another, Tommy hid a smile. Those who were interested in the musical but were not apart of the class were asked to audition months ago, just as Tommy had done, his heart sank realizing he would have to pull out. “So, I'm here to formally announce the cast of Starship for next year! The cast is as follows” The list was something so many students had not expected to hear, but they were on the edge of their seats.
“Bug: Ted
Commander Up: Sam
Taz/Bugginton: Emma
Tootsie Noodles/Pincer: Tommy
Mega-Girl: Deb
February: Charlotte
Junior/Veeto Mosquito: Paul
Specs/Neato Mosquito: Alice
Roach/Krayonder: Bill
Overqueen/Sweetheart mosquito:  David
The Caller Bug/mister bug: Paul”
Ted’s jaw dropped hearing his name first, Paul was pretty shocked playing so many roles but excited nonetheless. Emma was delighted to hear her name called and getting a kiss on the cheek from Paul was pretty exciting. Charlotte looked to Ted and they shared a knowing look. Guess their chemistry was undeniable, on stage of course. Jackie hugged her, proud of her achievements. Paul shared a look with his sister, nodding at her for finally gaining enough courage to audition. Tommy bit back his lip, trying not to cry. He smiled and nodded at every single one of his friends, and kissed his boyfriend lovingly, but his stomach churned sadly. Bill nodded appropriately and congratulated his friends. David looked up and winked at Tommy who didn't reciprocate anything. Deb smothered her girlfriend in kisses, Alice returned the action. Sam smirked to himself but ultimately was just excited to perform again. They all were, junior year was going to be fun.
“Ok, kiss, marry, kill” Ted started pointing his fork at Paul. The teen returned the gesture, mocking his friend. “The try guys” He decided, Paul scrunched his eyebrows. Tommy rolls his eyes, returning to his conversation with Bill. The girls sit in their usual spots discussing other things.
“There are four try guys dumbass” Paul noted, Ted smiled coyly.
“Yeah, so double up loser” Ted replied, Paul, shrugged stuffing more salad into his mouth. “Alright, I'll go first. Mmm...id...kill Ned” Paul mocked a gasp, Bill stifled a laugh “Kiss...Zach and marry Eugene and Keith” Tommy turned to him, a smile placed on his face, but curiosity and confusion riddled his face. Ted turned to him, kissing him on the forehead. “Polyamorous baby” He joked, Tommy playfully pushed him off awaiting Paul's answer.
“Ok lame, I’d kiss Zach and Ned, marry Keith and...kill Eugene” He decided, Ted can't even fathom his response. “What? Don't hate me cause im right” Paul defended, Bill turned now facing them.
“Even I know you don't kill Eugene, Paul” Bill commented. Ted gave him a high five, posing a confident ‘told you so’ face to Paul.
“I’d marry Zach” Tommy joined in, munching carefully on his carrots. Ted smiled at him, the tug at his stomach in delight. “That's all, the rest can do as they please” He finished, Ted chuckled softly nodding.
“Ok moving on” Paul continued, he waited for the rest to turn to him but to no avail. “Ted?” He asked impatiently.
“What?” He focused back on Paul, the teen smirked.
“You've never played tuber simulator?” Paul teased, Ted laughed sensibly. Bill and Tommy shared a quick glance.
“Hey, have you seen Joe?” Ted inquired carefully, playing out his part to perfection. Paul raised a brow.
“Whos Joe?” Paul gave in, no one matching the name.
“Joe mama!” Ted cheered victoriously. Paul turned to Emma instantly.
“Just kill me” He requested. Emme stroked his cheek lovingly, turning back to Charlotte and Jackie.
“You look wonderful, bubbles” Jackie complimented tying up the back of Charlotte's dress. She let her hair down, turning back to her girlfriend.
“I love you!” Charlotte quipped wrapping her arms around Jackie's neck. Jackie giggled kissing Charlotte, moving to her cheek. Charlotte pulled away “Sorry J, I gotta finish getting ready”. Jackie groaned, falling back onto the bed. She finished her braids and slipped her jean jacket on.
“I look like Rosa Diaz” Jackie smiled, admiring the new jacket she made. Charlotte smiled, wrapping her arms around her. She kissed her cheek from behind. “Hmm, can I do your hair?” Charlotte shook her head, tying her own hair up with a ribbon to match her dress. “Oh pretty, nevermind you've got it” Jackie kissed her cheek.
“I'm so excited for dinner!” Charlotte exclaimed putting her earrings in, Jackie helped her with her necklace. “Everyone back together! Tommy! Ted! Paul! Emma! Bill!” She turned to Jackie “You…”
“I love you, bubbles” Jackie kissed her, wrapping her up in a hug. Charlotte squealed as Jackie spun her around. “Oh! We gotta go” And so they did, saying goodbye to her mother and heading out the door.
“Ok stop stop stop” Tommy chided, he undid Ted’s tie fixing it neatly. Ted pouted kissing Tommy on the forehead, Tommy pulled him closer meeting his lips.
“Oh my god, I missed you” Ted sighed. Tommy chuckled wrapping his arms around his neck. Ted did the same around Tommy's hips. “Hey, after dinner tonight we should take a walk in the park” Ted proposed. Tommy giggled, his head landing on Ted’s chest. “What? I think it would be nice” Tommy looked back up at him.
“It would be pitch dark, and one of us would get killed,” Tommy said honestly, Ted smiled kissing him on the forehead. “I love you but that's just not plausible,” Tommy told the boy, Ted nodded agreeing. Tommy wished he could stay like this forever, and his face showed it. His eyes avoided Teds, his mouth quivered.
“Gumdrop?” Ted asked, the nickname rolling off his tongue easily. Tommy looked up and shook his head, he stood on his tiptoes kissing Ted softly, connecting their lips. “What's wrong?”
“Nothing, dearest” He patted Ted’s chest, pulling away and going to the mirror. Ted stood behind him wrapping his arms around the smaller boy. “Ted” Tommy giggled “I have to get ready” Ted moaned, kissing his boyfriend on the cheek. Tommy’s heart sank, he didn't want to leave. He wanted to stay like this forever.
“Hey, sorry to interrupt but Jackie just dropped off Tommy’s skirt” Paul poked his head through the door, Ted pulled away beaming. “She said it was done last minute because she wanted to put some more stuff on it” Tommy smiled sadly, he squeezed Ted’s hand nodding a thank you to Paul. He took the skirt looking at it. “Ted, your dads wanna see you” Paul notified before leaving. Ted kissed Tommy on the cheek before leaving. He set the skirt down clutching his chest, he and Jackie had been making this one for a while. It was put on hold for finals and she finished it. But something changed, he didn't want to. He shoved the skirt away putting on an old suit he brought from his house. It fit comfortably, and fine. It was...fine.
“Hey, look at mister fancy pants” Chad declared as Ted emerged from his room. He did a little spin showing off his new suit, he was test running the outfit before the wedding. Tommy emerged after a moment in a suit, Ted furrowed his brows. Paul followed in wearing a suit as well. “Well look at the three of you” Chad took a picture.
“Yes, you all look very dashing” Henry admitted, he handed Chad a drink. Paul smiled, he was really missing home. He talked to his mom every day but he missed his room, his bed, the smell when he got up in the morning. The back and forth with his sister. He loved Ted, and Ted’s house and the professors but it wasn’t home. “I hope you enjoy your night out boys, you two-” Henry pointed to Paul and Ted “Home by eleven, got it?” They nodded, Tommy, intertwined his fingers with Ted.
“I'll make sure of it, doctor Hidgens” Tommy assured, Henry, nodded at the boy. He was excited to see him back, Ted had instantly become happier with him around and it had only been a day. “We should go, we need to pick up Bill” Tommy reminded, Ted and Paul, nodded. They said their goodbyes heading out the door.
“Emma you look… stunning” Paul breathed as his girlfriend walked through the door of the restaurant. He stood greeting her, kissing her cheek and pulling out a chair for her. She sat next to him, her dress flowing beautifully. “I love you” he confessed, the table silenced laughing. He was clearly head over heels for this girl.
“Thanks, babe” Emma stroked his cheek, kissing it softly. “So...we did it! Sophomore year is over!” She declared, the group cheered happily. She grabbed a menu, skimming through the options. The rest of the group did the same, except Tommy and Ted they shared a look. Emma noticed and looked at them “What’s up you two?” She asked the group looked up at her.
“Tommy just wants to say something” Ted admitted, Tommy swat his arm softly. “What? It’s true” He teased, he kissed his boyfriend's cheek encouragingly.
“Um well… I wasn't planning on telling you all right now, but it’s as good as any I suppose” He looked around the table, he didn't want to bring the mood down but he had to tell them. “I'm leaving next year,” The group burst into a chorus of complaints, Tommy squeezed Ted’s hand. “I'll be back for senior year… I think” I hope “I’m going to a boarding school in France… I don't really have a choice” He explained, Bill put a comforting hand on Ted’s shoulder. “Um… my parents are letting me stay for the wedding but then… I’m leaving as soon as possible” Tommy finished.
“I hate this” Charlotte decided, a murmur of agreement was heard “I hate this so much”
“Look I just wanted to tell you, that's all, can we please move on?” Tommy begged, after more arguing and frustration they agreed to move on. “Ok, how about the musical guys?” Tommy proposed excitement buzzed throughout.
“Ted! Congrats on the playing ‘Bug’!” Charlotte announced, Ted blushed hiding it with his menu “Guess we just are the perfect couple” She joked, the group chuckled. Tommy shot her a playful glare. “I’m kidding, I clearly have the better significant other” She kissed Jackie on the cheek.  
“Hey, congrats on Pincer” Bill told Tommy “I know you don't get to play him but it’s still pretty cool” Tommy smiled gratefully. It was pretty cool and he was definitely going to ask Chad about the decision, mostly because he didn't see it himself. Tommy wasn't the type to play a meaningful role, but he supposed that's what acting was. He should take it as a compliment having such a big range. He was excited to return senior year and audition for Falsettos.
The dinner continued, a wonderful way to close off the year. Sharing stories:
“So you and Charlotte kissed?” Tommy almost laughed, Ted nodded shoveling food in his mouth. Charlotte giggled, Jackie, eyed the pair. “I… I have so many questions”
“It was for practice!” Ted defended, Tommy laughed into his shoulder. “I… shut up,” He said burying his face into the food.
Gushing over each other:
“I just love you all so much!” Charlotte announced, Jackie kissed her lovingly on the cheek.
“Oh, ditto that feeling” Paul commented, Emma laughed. They all did that night, down to the last dessert they ate.
“Bud, no matter what, we support you” Ted assured, Bill, smiled at him gratefully. He wiped away his tears, feeling foolish. 
“Thank you guys...seriously” He confessed “I don't know how im supposed to tell my dad” 
“Your dad is the most supportive person. He wouldn't care if you decided to like...become a murderer as long as you were ok.” Ted joked, Bill chuckled followed by the rest of the group “He’ll love you even if you are aro and ace” Ted's voice became more serious, Bill stood going over to his friend. They shared a hug and it was perfect. 
Sadly...the night had to end
Then they went their separate ways. Emma got picked up by her mother, passing out as soon as she stepped into the car. Paul drove Bill home, dropping off Tommy at his house. Paul and Ted headed home sleeping as soon as they got home. Charlotte and Jackie had a sleepover, spending the night watching Barbie movies and playing with Maggie and Token. It was perfect, and the night went perfectly. It wrapped up a weird year that was, in the best way, weirdly perfect. There was a lot they still had to figure out but that's why they still had two years to go. Two years…
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tomeandflickcorner · 4 years
Episode Review- The Real Ghostbusters: Mrs. Roger’s Neighborhood
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Of all the episodes to resume this ongoing project with, this is the one that I have to deal with?
Okay, so it’s apparently a slow week for the Ghostbusters, as they haven’t gotten any calls in days.  Which results in them pretty much lounging around the Firehouse.  Janine is busy filing her nails (which seem to have already been painted, even though you usually file your nails BEFORE applying nail polish), Peter is getting annoyed by the sound of Janine filing her nails, Ray is sitting on a rocking chair they just happen to have, and Winston and Egon are busy making card castles (with Egon’s castle far surpassing Winston’s). Suddenly the phone rings, and the Ghostbusters are super exited.  But it’s only Janine’s sister, calling to pass on a casserole recipe.  However, the second time the phone rings, it’s a legit call.  
The caller requests the Ghostbusters come to 1313 13th Street, as the house at that address is apparently haunted.  Which makes Peter groan as most haunted house calls turn out to be false alarms.  Regardless, they arrive to find a bright, colorful cottage with two topiary lions out front.  Which makes Peter feel even more strongly that this is another false alarm as the house doesn’t look haunted. But Egon’s PKE meter does indeed register definite readings emanating from the house.  In fact, as they near the door, the PKE meter overloads and explodes in Egon’s hand. (Strangely enough, Egon states that PKE meter was sabotaged, which doesn’t seem to match up with what we’re seeing.)
Anyway, the front door opens and the Ghostbusters are greeted by a kindly old lady who introduces herself as Mrs. Rogers.  She states that she’s been hearing a lot of strange sights and sounds, which seems to excite Ray as he’s the most gung-ho about finding legit hauntings and such.  For the sake of Mrs. Roger’s safety, Ray agrees to take her and her pet canary, Precious, back to the Firehouse while Peter, Egon and Winston get to work in looking things over at the house.  Of course, Peter, being Peter, decides to sit back and let Egon and Winston do the dirty work while he gets to work in writing up the bill for their services.
So Egon and Winston begin to explore the house.  And bizarrely enough, the ghosts haunting the place only conjure up paranormal tricks when they’re not looking.  Which seems rather counterproductive to me.  But then, Peter begins hearing a voice saying ‘Wat.’  Which triggers a whole uninspired comedy routine of ‘What? What?  Did you say something? What?  That’s what I asked you!’  But then, Peter gets sucked through a door that he was sitting in front of and…. things get a little jarring, because it then cuts to Peter lying on the floor at the bottom of a flight of stairs, with Egon and Winston standing at the top of the stairs.  Even though they didn’t seem to get sucked through the door as well.  Honestly, I’m not exactly sure what happened there, but I don’t feel like watching this scene on repeat to figure it out.  Either way, Egon consults his pocket copy of Tobin’s Spirit Guide and determines that the episode’s big bad is a demon called Wat.  And Wat is supposed to invade and conquer the living world with a legion of lesser demons.
Back at the Firehouse, Ray drops Mrs. Rogers off before leaving to rejoin his teammates.  After he leaves, Janine begins to give Mrs. Rogers a tour of the Firehouse. Including the basement where the containment unit is held, which seems like a dumb idea under any circumstances. However, it’s then revealed to the audience that Mrs. Rogers is the demon Wat in disguise.  But Janine somehow does not seem to notice when Mrs. Rogers’ voice clearly changes.  Because Janine apparently took stupid pills this morning.  However, the main point of this scene is to inform us that the Ghostbusters, no doubt sick of how many times the containment unit’s protection grid went down, installed a special failsafe.  Now, the only way the containment unit can get shut off is if one of the actual Ghostbusters places their hand on a touchpad and unlock this voice recognition lock.
Also, Slimer, who had been left upstairs with Precious the canary, figures out something is amiss when Precious transforms into a firebreathing bird demon.  But of course, Janine pays no attention to his attempts to warn her.  And seemingly doesn’t question what caused the burn mark to appear in the filing cabinets behind her desk.
Meanwhile, while all of that nonsense is going on, Ray is returning to the haunted house, but is concerned when he discovers he can’t contact the other Ghostbusters.  I guess we’re supposed to conclude that Wat is somehow blocking their radio signals or something.  Either way, Ray hurries back to help his teammates, returning in time to see a bunch of ghosts emerging from a chest that had been seen earlier next to Mrs. Roger’s front door.   Ray eventually rejoins Peter, Winston and Egon inside the house, where Egon has just finished repairing the PKE meter.  With it, they are able to figure out Mrs. Roger’s true identity when they locate her closet and see that one of her dresses is burying the needle on the PKE meter.  (But not before we get an indication that Ray has been sharing the stupid pills with Janine by saying ‘Mrs Roger’s dress is Wat?’)
Now that they finally figure out the truth, they have to hurry back to the Firehouse to ensure Wat doesn’t harm Janine or get near the containment unit.  But first, they have the escape the house, which comes alive in order to try and stop them.  Eventually, after a prolonged action sequence, the Ghostbusters escape the house by blowing up the furnace.  But they then have to fight off the Topiary Lions, which are also ghosts.  Once that’s out of the way, they make their way back to the Firehouse.
When they arrive, they see Janine seems to be unharmed. But for some reason, she seemed to think it was okay to allow Mrs. Rogers to wander around the Firehouse unsupervised.  Which was REALLY dumb of her.  Even if this was an actual old woman, would you allow her to wander around aimlessly? So the Ghostbusters have to hurry to track down Mrs. Rogers/Wat before any harm could be done.  But by splitting up, Peter ends up getting possessed by Wat who, remembering what Janine mentioned about the failsafe, sees his opportunity to shut down the containment unit, freeing the ghosts inside.
The Possessed Peter makes his way down the basement and proceeds to shut down the containment unit.  But Slimer managed to warn the others in time, as they followed him down there.  But the Ghostbusters then proceed to just stand there while Possessed Peter begins shutting down the containment unit.  Sure, we got Egon deciding to adjust the power on their proton throwers to enable them to safely separate Peter from Wat, as a direct hit from a proton stream would most likely kill Peter, but what was stopping them from running over and physically dragging Possessed Peter away from the containment unit? Especially when Peter effectively bought them time by trying to fight off the possession briefly.  
Thankfully, Egon’s plan to separate Peter and Wat with the altered proton streams prove to be effective, with Slimer personally keeping Precious from interfering and Janine managing to stop the containment unit’s shutdown sequence in the nick of time.  Once Wat is effectively captured in a ghost trap, the haunted house gets sucked back into that chest from earlier, with the chest vanishing in a puff of smoke seconds later.  And Peter seems to be completely unharmed from his brief possession.  Apart from his hair, which is still standing on end. Slimer, attempting to help, tries flatting Peter’s hair with his slime, but this just makes Peter angry enough to chase Slimer down the street.  Dude, just take a shower!
Yeah, this episode was painful to sit through.  Not only did we have to put up with the whole stupid pun of Wat’s name leading to repeated attempts at a comedy routine that Abbot and Costello did WAY better, Ray and Janine especially were dumbed down to the point when they seemed more like drooling, blind idiots.    And of course, there was the obvious plothole of the house at 1313 13th street.  Apparently, this house just appeared when Wat came along.  But you’re telling me that nobody else living in that area reported a house just appearing overnight?  Hopefully, this was just the low point of the series.  
(Click here to read more Ghostbusters reviews)
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linzerj · 6 years
Golden Gate’s Heroes
(Hey ya’ll it’s that Venom/Ant-Man crossover fic I promised. It’ll have a few more chapters and maybe I’ll even figure out a real plot for it eventually. The AO3 link will be in the notes.)
Scott has got to learn to pay attention to schedules. Or maybe he just needs better friends. Actually, no, it’s probably a combination of those two factors that has led him to his current situation.
“Aw, are you sure you can’t come to babysit Cassie? No, I know it’s last minute, but – well, no, I’m sure I’ll figure something else out. Thanks anyway, Mrs. C.” Scott hung up the phone, then put his head in his hands with a groan.
“Are you sure I can’t just come with you, Daddy?” Cassie asked, bringing him out of his funk. “I can just sit in the lobby and play games on my phone. Or I can even sit in the car!”
“No, Peanut, that’s not fair to you,” Scott said, sinking off the couch to sit next to his daughter on the floor. “It’s my fault that I forgot about this big meeting we’re having. But your mom and Paxton are out of town for the week so I can’t just drop you back off, all the usual babysitters and even the emergency babysitters are all busy, and obviously Luis can’t watch you because he’ll be with me, and then Hope and Hank and Janet are out in NYC trying to not kill Tony Stark as they hash out new Accords amendments now that Jan is back, and….” Scott trailed off with a groan.
“I’m eleven now, daddy. I’m almost twelve! Did you know that when you’re twelve, you can legally stay home alone?”
“Oh really?”
“Well, that’s what the teacher said when she was offering everyone who was already twelve to come take a babysitting course!” Cassie beamed. “I’m almost there, just another three months!”
“Yeah, well, I don’t know if that would fly with Agent Woo, remember him?” They both shuddered overdramatically, before Cassie sighed.
“I know, daddy. Sorry again.”
“And again, not your fault Peanut, that’s all on me.” Scott grabbed his cell phone again and began scrolling through his contacts list. “I mean, I haven’t called everyone yet,” he narrated when Cassie peered over his shoulder. “Maybe we can find someone on this list who I know that can watch you for 2, 3 hours tops.”
And that’s when Scott saw it, a name he forgot he had in his phone, certain he had deleted it or lost it when he got his new cell. They’d hit it off at an interview before he’d had to go to prison for his big heist, and hadn’t really talked at all since then. It was such a long shot, but everyone else in his contacts had either already said no or lived way too far to make it in time or were Avengers that were doing who-knows-what. There were probably other options in his phone, but, well, it never hurt to try, so.
Holding his breath, he called Eddie Brock.
Eddie’s phone rang while he was scrolling through his Facebook feed in a half-asleep daze. Venom perked up a bit at the unknown number – they loved to take over and scare any telemarketers that called, which was why Eddie rarely answered unknown numbers anymore.
But this one looked – not too familiar, but it had a legit San Francisco area code, and something about those last four digits was ringing some sort of distant bells. So with a shrug, Eddie answered.
“H’llo?” he said through a mouth of Fruit Loops.
“Uh, hey, is this uh, is this still Eddie Brock?” the caller asked. Eddie swallowed his food, ignoring Venom as he manifested a head and started munching on the rest of the cereal, and studied the number with a confused glance for a second. The voice sounded sort of familiar, but it was not immediately recognizable, and Eddie wasn’t sure who would have his number that was unsure if it was him – he’d lost most of his old contacts when he’d broken his old phone, but he’d reprogrammed in all the numbers of important people or people he talked to daily, like Anne and his boss.
“Yeeeeah, who is this?” he finally said after realizing that the guy on the other end of the line was probably wondering what the hell was taking him so long to respond.
“I don’t know if you remember me, but uh, this is Scott Lang.”
And that made everything click into place. “Oh! Yeah, the engineer who broke into that CEO’s house and stole all the money that he’d been stealing! Yeah, how you been, dude? You’re out of jail I see – probably been out a while by now, actually, huh. What, uh, what’s up?”
“Okay so, this is going to sound super weird and I know we don’t know each other very well but you seemed like a cool dude and whatever, and even after all that LIFE Foundation stuff you still seem really awesome, but uh, anyway. I’ve got a daughter, right, but I’m an idiot and forgot to get a babysitter for like three hours while I go do this interview for my new business, and all my other regulars are busy because the universe is awful, and uh, if it’s not too much trouble and you’re willing to do it, I was wondering if you could, uh… just… watch her for like, two or three hours? Please?”
Scott rushed this all out in one breath, and it took Eddie a moment to process it. Some dude he’d interviewed once nearly 6 years ago was asking him to babysit his kid? Venom offered no insight to his problem, focusing on slurping up the remnants of their cereal.
“I’ll definitely pay you, too, and when I’m done I’d be totally down to hang out too, I mean, if you wanted to, I mean, oh god what am I even saying-”
“Yeah sure.”
On the other end of the line, Scott paused. “Really?”
“Sure,” Eddie said again, pushing Venom’s annoying face away as they leaned in closer. “I’m free, got nothing better to do, and you sound super stressed out man, and kids aren’t so bad. Plus I still totally respect you for that heist and exposing that scumbag, even if it was a one-time thing or whatever, so. Yeah.”
“Oh thank you thank you! I’ll give you my address, can you get here – ohhh boy, just, whenever you can? I gotta run ASAP man.”
“Not a problem,” Eddie replied, jotting down the address and grabbing his keys. “See you in a bit.”
Eddie, Venom said as Eddie plugged the address into his phone and started down the stairs of his building, what is ‘babysitting’? Why would we sit on a baby?
“Oh, uh, that’s not – we’re not literally sitting on a baby, love. We just go and watch a child, oh gosh how old even is this kid, oh boy. Well uh, we basically make sure she doesn’t die while her parents aren’t home, and then we get paid money for it.”
Hmm. Humans are weird.
Eddie arrived about five minutes after getting the call. He may have sped a little bit, but he wasn’t pulled over or anything, so it was fine.
Knocking on the door revealed Scott, dressed in a suit, smoothing down his hair and obviously trying not to look too flustered. “Okay, hi, Eddie, hi, I’m Scott, I’m sure you figured that out,” he said, extending his hand. Eddie took it and shook it briefly as Scott continued on. “So Cassie is pretty chill, man, don’t worry about a thing, there’s chicken nuggets in the fridge for you guys to eat and you can also have whatever else you want, and don’t worry about feeding Charlie Ben-Ant-e – wait – Cassie where’s Charlie Ben-Ant-e?!”
“Uhhhh… I don’t see him Daddy!” Eddie heard a girl call. She appeared in the doorway, and Eddie supposed this must be Cassie. She looked between ten and twelve, which, okay, that was definitely manageable. “But I’m sure it’ll be fine, he usually doesn’t start his routine for a while anyway.”
“Okay so don’t worry about Charlie Ben-Ant-e at all then,” Scott said to Eddie. “Also this is Cassie, Cassie this is Eddie, thank you again for watching her so last minute for me like this man, I really really owe you one, but I gotta go, bye Cassie be good-” Scott kissed his daughter on the head – “thanks again Eddie, I’ll see you in a few hours!” And Scott was off, running down the road to what Eddie supposed was his car. Well, then.
Eddie turned to Cassie who was looking at him intently. “Uh,” he said. He stepped inside and closed the door behind him. She was still watching him. “Uh, hi.”
“Hi,” she said, still studying him, before grinning up at him and asking, “So you interviewed my Daddy before?”
“Oh, uh, yeah, back when, you know, he was arrested and whatever.” Eddie mentally smacked himself. That is probably not what you should say to kids.
But Cassie surprised him. “Yeah, he’s my hero,” she told him. “I think it was good that he tried to get that money back to the people it belonged to, even if he didn’t do it the right way. But he tried! And when I got to see him again after he got out of jail, I got him this trophy to show him how much I loved him!” And she triumphantly held up a cheap trophy.
“World’s Greatest Grandma?” Eddie asked, squinting at the writing on it. Cassie looked at the trophy then giggled.
“Yeah, it was the only one they had left, but now it’s like our secret joke,” she told him.
Eddie I like this child, Venom said, and Eddie couldn’t help but agree.
Eddie was cool, Cassie decided, even if she heard him muttering to himself every now and then when he thought she couldn’t hear. Maybe he was like some of her friends from school, who talked to themselves to keep on track or reassure themselves. There was nothing wrong with that, and she didn’t want to make him feel bad about himself by pointing it out.
But he was pretty funny too. He told her stories about being a reporter, and made lots of jokes like her dad, and grinned when he munched down on some chocolate with her. He asked her questions too, about what she liked and wanted to do, and when she said that maybe she would be famous someday he chuckled and said that she should think of all his questions as a practice interview. She wouldn’t mind having him as a babysitter again, she decided.
But that’s when Charlie Ben-Ant-e decided to make an appearance.
Her daddy had named the ant after a drummer whose name allowed for the ant pun of all his favorite ants. This was the same ant that had fooled the FBI when her dad had to help Hope and Mr. Pym stop the Ghost and save Hope’s mom.
Cassie had been told to keep the giant pet ants a secret from her friends, because people didn’t usually like ants anyway, and the giant ants were kind of scary. Cassie thought they were cute and that those people were dummies, but whatever. Her pet ant Ant-ony Junior lived with her and her mom and Jim Paxton, and it had learned to be very good about hiding when she or the grownups had friends over.
But Charlie Ben-Ant-e had not yet learned this. It still liked to stick to its usual routine, which was why her dad only had over his friends who knew he was Ant-Man, or had other people over when Charlie was sleeping.
So, sure, when Scott had left, Charlie hadn’t been around. That wasn’t unusual – lately he’d taken to wandering the backyard, or napping under beds. But of course, he was still a creature of habit, especially when it came to his food, and the meeting seemed to be running a little longer than expected.
So when Cassie went into the kitchen to grab chocolate milk for her and Eddie, she almost jumped when she saw Charlie Ben-Ant-e. He was scuffling at the fridge door, and Cassie rushed over to grab his designated food from the cabinet instead.
“Here, Charlie,” she said, filling his food bowl more than she should have, but hoping it would distract him long enough for her dad to come home and Eddie to leave. She liked Eddie, and she didn’t want this to scare him away. That would suck.
She grabbed the chocolate milk and some cups and ran back into the living room, where Eddie was looking past her toward the kitchen with curiosity.
“I was just feeding Charlie Ben-Ant-e,” Cassie explained before Eddie could ask. “Hopefully he won’t bother us.”
“That’s okay,” Eddie said. “Is he like, your dog? Cat?”
“Uh, yep!” Eddie totally didn’t believe her, but he shrugged and let it go.
So they sat for a while, sipping their chocolate milk and watching Phineas and Ferb reruns, when Charlie Ben-Ant-e decided to scuttle on by and head toward the electronic drum set.
“Uh,” Eddie said, eyes wide as he did a double take. “Uh, what…. is that Charlie Ben-Ant-e?”
Cassie grinned guiltily, and shrugged, trying her best to look innocent. “Maaaaybe…”
Eddie was still watching as the ant put on the headset and started drumming. “Ben-Ant-e,” he repeated, “Ben-Ant-e. Well. That. That explains the name pun, I guess.”
Cassie looked up at him, slightly concerned. “Are you… going to run away? Or call the police? Please don’t,” she added as an afterthought. “He’s really harmless. We trained him to play the drums!”
“I’m more… confused,” Eddie said slowly, eyes still on the ant. “How did – what – like, how does he exist? And no,” Eddie continued, whispering to himself, “we cannot eat it, stop it Vee.”
And Cassie blurted, “I’ll tell you how we have him if you tell me who Vee is that you’re talking too.”
“Uh,” said Eddie, and then her dad decided that this was the time to come home.
“Uh,” said Scott, eyes going from Eddie to Cassie to Charlie Ben-Ant-e back to Cassie then back to Eddie. “Uh.”
“Uh,” Eddie said again. Cassie decided that sometimes grown men were idiots.
“My dad is Ant-Man,” Cassie blurted, because there was too much tension now and she couldn’t stand it.
“Cassie!” her dad hissed, and she guessed he was upset that she told his secret identity. But what else was she supposed to do? Eddie had already seen Charlie Ben-Ant-e, and he wasn’t running off screaming yet, so maybe he could be a friend.
“What? Oh, okay, that’s, okay,” Eddie said. “So, uh, you were at that airport battle during that Avengers thing, that was crazy, I did a report on that, but uh, are you like an official Avenger then?”
“You’re taking this way better than some people, but whyyyyy does that matter?” Scott shot back, recovering from Cassie’s betrayal. Cassie was curious too, but Eddie did say he was a reporter, so maybe it was his natural reporter curiosity.
“Well, uh, um, uh, I don’t know if you heard about the uh, shhh, the whole LIFE Foundation rocket and human testing thing just a few months ago?”
“Yeaaahhhhhh, what does that have to do with anything?”
“So, they, uh, they had actually brought back these alien symbiotes and were experimenting with them using people, and well, uh, oh god Vee, listen one of the aliens may or may not be a friend but you won’t arrest us for that right?”
“Dude I don’t think I have jurisdiction to arrest you anyway, but I mean, like, what is even going on.”
“Oh god,” Eddie said again, and that’s when a weird black slime tentacle thing branched out of his shoulder, which formed a head with white eyes and very sharp teeth.
“Hello,” it said, and Eddie put his head in his hands.
“What the he-e-eck,” Scott said, stumbling backwards.
The black goo thing sprouting from Eddie grinned. “We are Venom,” it – they? – explained.
Cassie thought that Venom looked kind of cute in a weird way, and so she voiced her thoughts. “You’re kinda cute, in a weird way.”
Venom swung its head toward her, a long tongue sticking out of its mouth. “Cute? Eddie, tell the child we are not cute! We strike fear into bad guys!”
“I mean you are kinda cute when you’re just a floating head, Vee,” Eddie said, seeming to have overcome the shock of everything going on. Venom turned back to Eddie with a look of betrayal, and Cassie thought that they must be inside Eddie’s head or something because Eddie rolled his eyes at an unspoken jab and muttered, “yes you are you drama queen.”
“Okay, okay, let’s back up for a minute, yeah?” Scott said, holding up his hands. “Maybe let’s try this again. Hi, I’m Scott Lang, that’s my daughter Cassie, I’m also Ant-Man though that’s usually only when Hank really needs me right now, and we may have used our grow and shrink technology to make a very big ant named Charlie Ben-Ant-e that plays the drums and acted as a decoy for me when I was on house arrest. Your turn.”
Eddie blinked. “Well, uh. I’m Eddie Brock, and this is Venom but I call them Vee, and together we are also Venom. We met after I was disgraced for trying to expose Carlton Drake after Drake’s rocket crashed and brought their race here, and then LIFE was doing all sorts of unethical experiments on symbiotes and humans, but I broke in and we accidentally bonded and then we went out and beat up Drake and another evil symbiote and maybe ate some people at one point, and now we just try and keep to ourselves except for some occasional late night runs where we, uh, well.” Eddie paused, looking at Cassie with what she thinks is concern and nervousness.
“We eat the heads of bad guys,” Venom said plainly, and yeah, Cassie could see why Eddie didn’t want to say that out loud.
“You eat people?!” Scott cried. Eddie winced.
“Only bad guys!” he emphasized. “Plus, look, Vee needs some compound from humans, one that’s especially abundant in brains, in order to live or else they’ll start eating my organs and then we’ll both die and that’s not that fun.”
“Phenethylamine,” Venom added, “is what we need. It is also found in chocolate and there are supplements but they aren’t as good as fresh stuff. It is in many animal brains as well, such as the rats and raccoons and even deer we sometimes eat, but we feel that it is not bad to eat other bad people who would be released from prison, free to hurt more people again.”
“So you’re trying to be a hero too?” Cassie asked.
“Sure, yes, we are,” Eddie and Venom said together, and Cassie found that a little creepy but also super cool.
“Well,” her dad said, “that, uh. Sure is something. What the hell are the odds that two superheroes meet because one asked the other to babysit his daughter?”
“Like zero,” Eddie replied. Then: “Seriously though you won’t tell anyone right?”
Scott opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again. “Well. I mean. You could always tell them yourself?”
Eddie leveled a very unimpressed stare at her dad, and Cassie couldn’t help but ask, “You want to tell Hope and her parents, daddy?”
“And maybe whatever’s left of the Avengers,” Scott admitted. “Not that I don’t believe you or trust you or anything! But like, more as a… like, you could join us? That’d be cool, right?”
Eddie blinked, and it’s Venom who answered. “We will…think about it,” they said. “For now, we would appreciate if you tell no one, or we might eat your head.”
“Please don’t eat my daddy’s head,” Cassie said at the same time Eddie shouted, “No, Vee, we aren’t eating a hero’s head!” They shared a look, and Eddie continued, “Cassie would be very sad if you ate her dad’s head.”
“Oh. That’s not good. We like Cassie,” Venom said with a bit of a purr, and Cassie giggled.
“Well,” Scott said, “thanks for, for not eating my brain I guess. And, hey, you have my number – let me know if you ever want to do that hero meet-and-greet thing, I’m serious.”
“Sure, I mean, like we said, we’ll think about it,” Eddie replied.
“Yeah, cool, cool, man. I guess, uh. I guess I’ll see you around?”
Eddie and Venom grinned. “Sure,” was the simple reply.
“Great,” Scott said. He looked back to Cassie and then back to Eddie. “And uh, if you’re okay with it – I mean – I’d be okay with you babysitting Cassie still, I mean only if you want to…”
Eddie cut Scott off with a laugh. “Sure, man, we’d love to. See you around, man; bye, Cassie!”
And Cassie watched, still fascinated, as Venom melded back into Eddie and they walked out toward their motorcycle before driving away.
“He was like, the best babysitter ever daddy,” Cassie proclaimed, grinning up at her dad. “I liked him, and Venom too!”
“He certainly was….something,” Scott replied, scratching the back of his neck. “And I’m sure we’ll see him again, sweetie. Now, should we get Charlie Ben-Ant-e some more food or what?”
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btsiguess · 6 years
Womyn with a ‘Y’ (m) - 1
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Summary: You weren’t quite sure how you ended up working with the aloof Yoonji on your student council campaign, but you did know that that girl was starting to make you question yourself. I mean, if she’s even a girl at all... 
Pairing: Yoonji/Reader Yoongi/Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff
Word Count: 4477
Warnings (if applicable): None yet
A/N: Haha, here’s a Yoonji fic because I’m gay trash. Just to clarify though, Yoonji is actually just Yoongi dressing as a girl in this fic. That’s p important.
Chapters: 1 2 
“Please be sure to vote for me as student body president!” You say, handing what feels like the thousandth button out to what feels like the thousandth student. The boy merely nods politely at you, but he does pin the button to his lapel. So you consider that a success.
You’d been doing this all day. And now it seems like there are a sea of students with your tastefully printed button pinned to their jackets and backpacks. You aren’t particularly worried about winning; the other student running against you tended to rub people the wrong way. Still, you refuse to just rest on your laurels. You were going to put your all into this race, just like you were going to put your all into the presidency - if you won it, that is.
“Hey, oh my god. There you are!” You turn towards the sound of the voice and find your friend Soonmi standing before you.
“We have a problem, lady.” She pants, and you briefly wonder if she’d run to get to you. “It’s Eunyoung.” Your running opponent. “She’s gotten Jimin to run as her VP!”
You could have sworn time stood still. Jimin? Run with Eunyoung? This was certainly a prospect that had never crossed your mind. You haven’t even begun considering running partners yet!
Jimin was the most popular boy in your grade, possibly in the whole school as well. Even with Eunyoung’s generally intolerable disposition, people would still vote for her if Jimin was by her side. You are screwed. So screwed.
“I didn’t think Jimin even knew Eunyoung? Why is he running with her?!” You hiss through your teeth, trying to retain your composure.
“Yeah, he basically didn’t.” Soonmi responds. “At least, I knew he wasn’t a fan. Eunyoung basically bribed him by convincing him it would impress Yoonji.”
You scoff under your breath. Impress Yoonji? Not likely. But I guess you have to give the kid points for trying.
“What the fuck are we going to do?” Soonmi bemoans and you internally agree with her.
“I guess I just have to get a running mate that boosts my campaign as much as Jimin did?”
“Where are you going to get that? Jimin is the most popular boy in school… you’re basically the most popular girl! It’s like you can only go down.” Soonmi cries.
“I’m not quite the most popular girl in school, Soonmi. But maybe I can get who is to be my VP.” You flick your hair over your shoulder as Soonmi’s mouth drops open.
“Y-You can’t be serious… there’s no way.”
“There has to be a way. If I want to win I need her. I need Yoonji.”
That’s how you find yourself waiting outside of the infamous Min Yoonji’s classroom at the end of last period. It hadn’t been hard to find out her schedule. Just asking one of the boys in her weird little fanclub gave you more than enough information on the girl.
You stood awkwardly as the room began to empty, a bit relieved that she hadn’t been the first person out, forcing you to make cause more of a scene than was necessary. When she exits the classroom, you almost chicken out - almost. You need her to join your campaign if you want to win. You need to do this.
You can understand why so many people fawn over her. She’s basically like a real-life porcelain doll. She always looked so effortlessly flawless. And not in the way that you tried to, either - where you put hours of work in every morning just to look put together. But really, genuinely Min Yoonji put no effort into her appearance. And it totally worked for her. You’d be jealous of her, if that wasn’t so 2004 of you. Instead you try to extol her blase nature, at least to yourself anyway.
Her eyes pass over yours as she walks out of the classroom, not pausing even for a second.
“Ah,” you try to keep your voice calm, “excuse me! Min Yoonji!”
The girl pauses momentarily turning briefly back towards you, tilting her head minutely to the side in question.
“I, uh, I wanted to talk, um, to discuss something with you.” You stutter out. “If you’re free, that is.”
You’re a little bit surprised at the way your voice quavers as you speak. You haven’t had trouble with your stutter in years. It only came out when you were particularly nervous now. Like really nervous. It didn’t even happen in front of crowds or for oral presentations anymore. So Yoonji must truly be a force to be reckoned with.
Her eyes flicker over to yours.
“I’m not.” She says simply, before turning to walk away.
Trying to remain undeterred, you follow her as she walks. She was tall - for a girl - and so you have to maintain a slight jog to keep up with her. Yoonji doesn’t slow down when she sees your predicament, and so you just have to do your best not to pant as you speak.
“I’m not sure if you knew this, Yoonji,” you start, but her quick glare has you backtracking, “M-Min Yoonji, s-sorry. I’m uh, running for student body president.”
“Yeah, I’ve seen the pins.”
“O-Oh good.” You’re starting to run out of breath so you decide to just spit it out. “Well, you see, I need someone to run as my vice president with me and well I think that if we ran together we’d--”
“Please, Min Yoonji, just hear--”
“You’ll get to beat Park Jimin if we win!”
The taller girl suddenly stops, and you nearly walk straight into her. She turns to face you, a small grimace gracing her lips.
“What the fuck do you mean?”
You flinch at her language.
“Well, I heard that Jimin is running as Eunyoung’s VP, so if you ran with me you’d, you know… beat him. M-Maybe that’s not something you want, but I just heard he’s always all over you or whatever. I don’t know. I’m sorry.”
You watch with baited breath as Yoonji’s tongue pokes into her cheek. Her eyes aren’t on you, they’re focused on something in the distance. The side of her mouth quirks up just briefly before she schools her expression, and then she’s looking directly at you. Her dark eyes seem to gaze all the way into your soul and it all but takes your breath away.
“S-So?” You ask hesitantly.
“Fine. I’ll run with you,” she dismisses, “but you better learn how to stop stuttering all the time. Don’t you have to do a lot of public presenting as student body president? I don’t want you to embarrass me.”
Your mouth opens and closes a few times like a fish, and Yoonji’s lips pull down in annoyance.
“I’m sorry, Min Yoonji,” you look down hard at your feet, “n-normally I’m not… I haven’t stuttered for a long time. You just…”
“I make you nervous?” She supplies, and you glance up to see her utterly impassive face.
You simply nod.
“Good.” She sighs out. “Then you won’t try to bother me or anything. Here, give me your
cell phone.”
“M-My ce-”
“Yes. Your cell phone. We are running partners now, aren’t we? We’re going to need to be able to contact each other.” She holds out her hand impatiently.
“Oh, right. Yeah. That’s great thinking Min Yoonji, thank you.” You quickly shuffle your
your phone out of your pocket and hand it to her.
She enters her information, then sends herself a text, in case she needs to get a hold of you as well.
“There. I’ll contact you later and you can fill me in on the details more properly. I don’t just want to beat Jimin. I want to annihilate him.”
Your eyes widen comically, but you nod your head nonetheless. Anything Min Yoonji wants from you, she would get. She was your ticket to the top, so to speak. You can’t afford to lose her, not if you want to win.
She had already walked away as you pulled yourself out of your daydream, and it’s only the bright light of Yoonji’s contact information on your phone that lets you know the interaction even happened in the first place.
What a weird day this was turning out to be.
“I can’t fucking believe you got Yoonji to agree to this?” Soonmi nearly shouts over the phone.
“Yeah, she must really hate Park Jimin if she’s this desperate to beat him.” You respond flopping back on your pillows.
“I totally feel bad for him. I mean really, he’s definitely the hottest boy in school… I would bang him.”
You chuckle and hum in agreement.
“I was talking to Taehyung, and he said that Jimin has like.. Legit abs. I tried asking about his dick, but Tae wouldn’t say anything.”
“Jesus Christ Soonmi. Why can’t you let any of these men live?” You chuckle again, and Soonmi scoffs. As if the very prospect of it had never occurred to her.
“Babe,” she coos, “it’s been ages since we’ve gotten laid. I mean seriously! You haven’t even tried dating since Jihoon broke it off with you! And that was like, six months ago! I have to get my thrills where I can, and that’s imagining that Jimin’s dick is just as sexy as the rest of him!”
Before you can respond, your phone vibrates against your ear. You expect it to be the singular buzz of a text, but the accompanying tone signifies that someone’s calling you. You briefly pull your phone away from your ear to check the caller ID.
“Oh fuck, Soonmi I gotta go!” You say frantically. “It’s Yoonji.”
Soonmi’s following shriek is cut short as you disconnect your call, and switch over to where Yoonji is waiting.
“H-Hello?” You mentally kick yourself for stuttering, even after she’d told you not to.
“Still nervous even over the phone, I see.” Comes Yoonji’s gravelly tone. You’re always so surprised when you hear her voice. It’s much lower than you would’ve expected. Nevertheless, it seems to suit the girl.
“I guess so. I’m sorry.” You finally choke out.
“It’s fine, it’s kind of cute.” She says in response and you shoot up from where you lay on your bed. Cute? Yoonji had just called you cute…
“Anyway,” she continues, “I’d like to discuss some of your ideas for this student council bullshit. If I’m doing this, I’m doing this. Are you free now? It’ll be brief.”
You’re sure your soul leaves your body at that, and you peak a glance at the digital clock on your nightstand. It was only 7:30, and you still have hours left of free time. You’d originally planned to spend it binge watching the Kardashian’s - a guilty and oh so secret pleasure of yours - but… You don’t think you could say no to Yoonji even if you wanted to.
“I-I’m free. Why?”
“Good then. I’ll come over. What’s your address? Nevermind just text it to me.” And with that, Yoonji hangs up the phone, leaving you no chance to argue.
You do as she says, texting her with trembling hands. Your parents won’t mind if you have company, especially if it’s for student council. Then you call Soonmi back.
“BITCH!” She screams as soon as she picks up her phone. “Spill that tea! What’d the mysterious Min Yoonji want?”
“She’s coming over. She called me cute.” You respond weakly, your stomach turning at the prospect of Yoonji being here. In your room.
Your phone’s speaker crackles at how loud Soonmi’s voice gets. She’s always been very excitable.
“Oh my god! Literally no one has ever been able to crack Yoonji, if you do it, you’ll seriously be like… the most popular girl in school. What the fuck? And she called you cute? I’m seriously shook. Who knew Yoonji had a heart buried under all that ice.”
She kept rambling as you stare blankly. You glance around your room. It was decidedly feminine, pink curtains, cream colored walls, a pink bedspread. You’d always liked your room, likening it to a page out of one of those garden magazines your mother used to buy. But imagining Min Yoonji standing in here, like the queen of darkness herself, you felt a bit faint. She would think it was childish, wouldn’t she?
“Bitch??? Hey bitch, you there?” Soonmi’s voice manages to break through your worried daydream.
“Sorry, I’m here. I’m just nervous!” You respond and Soonmi calms down immediately.  
“Why are you nervous?” She asks.
“It’s just… Yoonji. She makes me really nervous, like… stutter nervous. I don’t know. It’s so lame, but she’s really, like, cool? I guess? I want her to like me. Plus I need her help if I want to win this election.”
“Listen. You really shouldn’t worry so much. Yoonji is just a girl, you know? She’s just a tough nut to crack. Just be yourself and it’ll be fine. If she doesn’t like you then she’s a goddamn idiot, I’m serious. Plus… she at least likes you a little bit? She called you cute, didn’t she?”
You smile softly. Even though Soonmi can be a handful, she’s always supportive when you need her to be.
Before you get the chance to tell her so, there’s a knock on your door. You hear your mother answer it, and your stomach drops down to your feet.
“Oh fuck, I gotta go, she’s here.” You don’t wait for her response, hanging up and bouncing to your feet. Soonmi will understand, she’s done the same thing to you a bunch of times. Usually that’s when she has boys over, but still.
You straighten your skirt and blanche as you realize you have the first few buttons of your blouse undone, something you’d done as you’d taken off your bowtie when you’d come home.
There’s no time to fix it though, because your door swings open. Your mother smiles at you, before shuffling Yoonji inside your room and closing the door as the exits.
Yoonji’s still in her uniform, and she gives you a once over, her eyes lingering at the top of your shirt. Then she takes a cursory look around your room, smirking slightly at it.
“This is cute.” She says. “Just what I imagined your room to look like.”
You don’t respond, and Yoonji doesn’t expect you to. Still though, your cheeks heat up at the thought of Yoonji imagining being here, in your room.
“So,” she says, taking a seat on the edge of your bed, crossing her legs demurely, since she’s still in her uniform as well. “What were your plans on the election. How are we going to announce our partnership?”
“W-Well, by this time next week I have to report my running mate to--”
“No, that’s not quickly enough. It’s already public that Jimin is running with that girl. They can’t be afforded any more of a headstart than the one that they already have.”
“You’re really taking this seriously, huh? Thank you.” You blurt out, and you feel your cheeks redden more at your careless words.
“Are you going to keep standing in the middle of the room?” Yoonji scoffs in response, choosing not to acknowledge what you’d said. “You’re being annoying. Come here.” She reaches out and grabs your forearm, pulling you toward the bed with surprising strength.
Her touch catches you off guard and you stumble a bit, tripping and awkwardly crashing into Yoonji’s body. She heaves an exasperated sigh as she easily steadies you, her arms catching your hips and maneuvering you easily into the space next to her on the bed. Much to your surprise, she doesn’t admonish you for your clumsiness, and in your mortification, you’re too overwhelmed to apologize either.
She doesn’t seem to care either way, though, and as she lets out another sigh, you realize how close you are to her.
You scooch yourself back quickly, crossing your legs and sitting so you can face the older girl before you. Yoonji moves as well, shifting to rest gently on her hips so she can face you as well. You’re unsure of what to say, and Yoonji trails one of her hands through her short dark hair. You’re struck with a pang of jealousy at how beautiful she is. No wonder all the boys at school are trying to sleep with her.
“So?” She tries again, with slightly less patience. “Do you know how we can announce our running together? Or do I have to come up with that on my own?”
“N-No, I can think of something!” You retort. “What if we just… old school announced it over the intercom at the beginning of the day? Soonmi does morning announcements so…”
Yoonji nods swiftly.
“Fine. And another thing… about your buttons…” She says, glancing to the visible one she can see adorning your backpack.
“What about my buttons?” You’re immediately defensive, you can’t help it. You worked hard on those buttons! Yoonji can’t come in here and just take over completely? The buttons are important to you!
“Relax, princess.” She says, and a shiver shoots up your back at her pet name. “They’re cute,” her eyes briefly rake over you, “like you. I don’t want to change them. I was going to say, don’t you think we should add my name to them too?”
“Y-You like my buttons…?” You question incredulously.
“And… you want your name to be on my buttons?”
“With my name and everything?” Your heartbeat, which had been racing like a rabbit’s since Yoonji had entered your room, was now pounding. Soaring, almost. You aren’t sure why the prospect of Yoonji’s name sitting snugly with yours was so appealing, but as your cheeks flush once more, you can’t deny that the thought makes you happy.
“Of course. I’m running with you, aren’t I?” She huffs.
In an uncontrollable gesture, you leap at her, wrapping your arms around her neck and hugging tightly. She’s visibly taken aback by the gesture, and you immediately feel her hands venture to your hips to push you off of her. She hesitates though, and at the happy little squeak you emit, she changes course and wraps her arms around you as well.
The hug is brief, but you don’t think you’ve ever felt happier. You whine slightly as Yoonji undoes her arms from around your waist, holding onto her neck tightly, unwilling to lose the moment. Her movements are gentle at first, but soon she becomes impatient.
You’re not quite sure how it happens, but Yoonji flips you quickly, your back pressing into the bed beneath you as she hovers above you, your arms still around her neck.
You’re paralyzed, Yoonji’s dark eyes piercing into yours. She slowly pulls your hands off of her, but pins them down to the bed in a word of warning.
“Don’t be a brat, princess.” She whispers. “You wont like what happens.”
“Y-Yoonji, w-what are you--” you stutter, trying to rationalize what had just happened.
“I have to leave.” She says, again in that uncharacteristically quiet voice. “I’ll come back tomorrow. After we’ve announced we’re running. We can talk more then.”
With that Yoonji is up, and out of your room before you can even bid her a proper goodbye.
You however, are still frozen on your bed. Wondering what the actual fuck just happened.
Yoongi stumbles into his house blindly. It’s just late enough for him to be shrouded in darkness when he enters, but he doesn’t mind. He lets his back fall against the door and tries to breathe. He needs to get a fucking hold of himself.
He’s never been more grateful to have parents who are never home.
He dashes up to his room, locking the door behind him as he enters. Geez, you had really gotten under his skin - metaphorically and literally, he supposes. He’d known you were cute, obviously. That’s why he even bothered to listen to you talking in the first place. And then the idea of Jimin losing to him was too good to pass up, that aggravating creep. He just couldn’t get a clue, no matter how many times Yoongi rebuked his advances. Yoongi had almost blown the whole thing one day, when he had had enough. How satisfying, he imagined, it would be to watch Jimin’s face twist in horror when he learned that Yoongi had a dick, was a man…
If only that was a possibility.
You though, were another story. Yoongi had noticed you the year before. You had always been kind of popular, but after you broke up with your long term boyfriend, your popularity had  skyrocketed again. Yoongi had admired the way you’d politely declined all the skeevy teenaged school boys’ advances. He was never that nice to them.
He knew you were pretty, he wasn’t blind. But he tried to respect you. He didn’t like getting leered at, so he imagined you sure as hell didn’t. Especially when you were actually helpless when he wasn’t. So he kept his distance.
Plus there was that whole thing where he was a girl, or whatever.
But today, god. It was too much for him to deny, really. You were so nervous around him, and he hated that it turned him on, but it did. He chalked it up to unavoidable exposure to toxic masculinity or something. But damn if you didn’t look cute as hell, stuttering away, blushing. All because of him - or… her, as it were.
And your room. Your pretty pink room. Fuck, he was just one man. How many fantasies could one girl encompass? You were going to be the death of him.
He flops down on his bed, pressing his forearm down over his eyes. For a few moments, his mind stays blissfully empty, but soon enough, you pop back in.
You always looked so fucking happy when he gave you what you wanted. That cute little smile that scrunched up your nose a bit. Jesus, he’d really give you just about anything if you’d always smile like that. It was almost as good as when you blushed.
And it was so so easy to get you to blush. The red colored your cheeks and trailed down your neck. Yoongi couldn’t help but wonder just how low that flush would dip.
His dick twitched in his tight boxer shorts at the thought and he groans in annoyance. Still though, he allows himself the pleasure of trailing his hand down to the hem of his uniform’s skirt, flipping it up, and palming over his semi-hard length.
Yoongi thought of the tantalizing way your shirt had been unbuttoned; just two innocent little buttons and it had his mouth watering. He could imagine your sighs and gasps as he unbuttoned it the rest of the way. Soft little mewls escaping from you as his mouth explored inch upon inch of newly exposed skin. You would whine his name, he’s sure, in that sweet, soft, lilting voice of yours. Just begging him to touch you properly, to make you feel good, in your own innocent way.
He thrust his tights and boxers down his legs, throwing both over the side of the bed. He hated those tights, and it only added to his arousal to have them off. Yoongi slowly trailed his fingers up his thighs, the way he imagined you would. Your shy little hands shaking slightly as you try to work up the courage to touch him properly.
When he finally grasps his length in his hand, he lets out a shaky breath. In his mind’s eye, you are looking at him. You’re wide eyes meeting his.
“Y-Yoongi, is this okay?” You ask and he nods, trailing his fingers along your jaw to ease your nerves. Then there was that smile from you again.
That devastating smile.
“You’re so big, Yoongi,” you coo, and Yoongi allows his hand to speed up slightly, and he lets out a small grunt.
You’re under him again, his fantasy rapidly changing, It was still so vivid in his mind, the way you had looked so shocked and adorably confused. And when he’d held your hands down, he had felt the proverbial nail in his fucking coffin. You’d unknowingly squeezed your thighs together, Yoongi had felt the movement against his thighs.
Yoongi had gotten hard right there. The skirt that was now hiked up around his waist only did so much to hide it and he couldn’t let you see. So he’d run.
He’d left you there all wet and wanting. Not that you even realized it yet. He was Yoonji afterall. He’d never heard of you swinging that way.
He wants to fuck you in your school skirt, and he hates himself for it. But he just knows that his dick would look perfect pressing into your tight pussy, your panties pushed to the side and your skirt still sitting on your hips. Maybe you’ll even let him fuck you at school. Let him cum inside of you and walk around the rest of the day smelling like him.
His hand twisted as the images in his head got dirtier and dirtier; you crawling into his lap and moving your hips, grinding. Throwing your head back as his name spilled from your lips over and over again; your perfect rosey mouth wrapped around his length, your eyes watering as he uses your hair to fuck into your throat. But he knows you’ll love it, he just fucking knows you would; Him spanking your ass till it was as red as your face got when he talked to you; He imagined Jimin walking in on the two of you, leaving horrified as he realizes the two most fuckable girls in school were fucking each other; Him eating out your sweet pussy whenever he wants. In school closests, on top of your pretty pink bedspread, in public restrooms; You begging him to let you cum, to fuck you good and hard like no one else had before, to fill you up with his cum and make sure the only thing you could remember was how good it felt to get pounded by his cock; your sweet voice keening in his ear as he fucked you, “Yoongi, Yoongi, please cum inside of me, god! I need to feel you! Want you to fill me up!” The thought of such a good girl, his good girl, getting dirty just for him, only for him.
“Oh fuck.”
Yoongi cums suddenly, with a sharp grunt. It’s an earth-shattering orgasm, one he was sure would only be topped by actually fucking you.
He’s soiled his uniform, he notices as he calms down. God fucking damn it, what in the hell were you doing to him?! Now he had laundry to do.
A/N: Haha, here you go! I’m super into Yoonji. Also, I am sorry to leave it on such a.... note. Let me know what you think ;)
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ohmytheon · 6 years
heroes of the dark (10)
title: heroes of the dark
summary: Uraraka has spent almost a year grieving the loss of Deku, the greatest hero and her love, but life is slowly moving on. She’s got her job, her family, and even a strange friendship with Bakugou. Things are looking hopeful. Until Deku comes back and he’s not what he seems. Something is wrong with his mind, but Uraraka will be damned if she lets him fall again. (Villain!Deku)
– Chap 9: Kaminari’s rescue attempt blows up in everyone’s faces to unexpected proportions and things will never be the same.
notes: By sheer coincidence, this chapter was lined up to be posted right after yesterday’s new episode. There are references to the events in that chapter and it sort of ties into it in a way. This is a massive chapter. I couldn’t find a spot that felt good to break it in half ans basically just said, “fuck it,” and posted it as one. I’m talking an 8 pg fight scene here. It was insanity to write. I’m hoping it’s a good one! When I first pictured this scene, the ending was different, but then the characters took on a life of their own and this felt so natural and so much better (or worse, depending who you are). Buckle up, ya’ll. This is going to be a wild ride. Also @youseimanami has blessed me with this beautiful drawing of my Villain Deku and it is absolutely perfect. I’m legit that picture of Tom in Parks and Rec where he stares at that painting for 5 hours.
 “History is moving pretty quickly these days and the heroes and villains keep on changing parts.” ― Ian Fleming, Casino Royale
The block was too quiet. Uraraka watched Kaminari’s apartment building from what most would’ve considered a safe distance, but with Deku nearby, it was anything but safe. The light was still on in the apartment, but they weren’t for sure if Deku was still inside with Kaminari. For all they knew, he’d transferred them somewhere else. She hated not knowing -- hated wondering what was going on through Kaminari’s mind as he waited to be tortured by his old friend -- hated what Deku had turned into.
How could she possibly save him when he was like this? How could any of them forgive him? Uraraka knew that she was being soft, but she couldn’t help it. She had loved Deku with everything in her and she still did, but seeing him like this was twisting a knife in her heart. It made the world seem wrong and she had to fix it.
Tsu came back down from her trip to the roof in the office building they were in, pulling her goggles off her eyes to rest of the top of her head. “Eight people confirmed in Kaminari’s apartment.” The heat signature goggles she typically wore for her hero costume these days came in handy while out on the ocean when it was hard to see, but it also helped them here tonight. “If Kaminari is in there, that’s seven villains.”
“That’s assuming that all of them are hold up in that one spot,” Kirishima pointed out. “He could have more stationed throughout or outside the apartment.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “I don’t like this. We shouldn’t go in so blind.”
“We don’t have much of a choice,” Bakugou said as he glared at the apartment heatedly. It was like he thought he could melt it down with his eyes alone. “We’re out of time.”
The end of the hour limit that Deku had given them was almost up. Uraraka glanced at the watch on her phone and chewed on her bottom lip. She kept picturing Kaminari tied up in his apartment, alone with a bunch of villains, watching the clock and counting down to a horrible death. They weren’t going to let that happen -- he had to know that -- but it was still terrifying. What if they hadn’t made it here in time? They’d managed to reach here with time to spare, but had then argued about whether to go in or not.
The truth was that they weren’t enough to take on Deku and a handful of other villains. Bakugou could deny it all he wanted, but even he couldn’t defeat seven high-powered villains at once. These weren’t every day villains. Besides, if there was one person that knew his fighting style in and out, it was Deku. He knew all of them well. He’d spent years watching them and documenting them for his own analysis. He knew her. It was frightening to know that the one person who had believed in all their strengths could now revel in their weaknesses.
A knock on the door pulled all of them except Bakugou away from the window. Kirishima answered and stood to the side as other pro heroes poured inside. Aizawa was first, looking livelier than she’d ever seen him, though perhaps it was because he was about to battle a former student. He also was the voice of reason, seeing as how Midnight and Endeavor follow after. It was hard not to get slightly overwhelmed by their old teachers and highly ranked pro heroes. Iida, Jirou, and Todoroki strode in as well.
Even though the battle hadn’t begun yet, relief bloomed in Uraraka’s heart as she took in everyone. Surely with all of them now, they could save Kaminari. They had more people in their favor now. She was grateful that they’d managed to convince Bakugou to wait. With so many heroes with incredibly strong quirks, the scales had to be tipped in their direction.
“I can’t believe that idiot got captured,” Jirou complained, although there was real worry in her eyes. Uraraka was surprised to see her at first, but then she did live close by. Jirou looked awkward standing in between Todoroki and Iida, both of whom were incredibly serious, her arms folded and a tense frown on her face.
“Deku knows us too well,” Uraraka told her. “He knew that Kaminari would be running point on communications.”
“Are we that predictable?” Jirou asked sullenly.
Uraraka bit her lip. “To Deku, maybe so.”
“Then I’ll just have to blow his expectations out of the water,” Bakugou growled, sounding like an attack dog.
“We can’t just burst in there and fight him head on,” Iida put in seriously. Bakugou rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath that was obviously an insult, but Iida didn’t care. “We need to have a plan.”
“That’s what the adults are doing,” Aizawa said, giving them a look that suggested they were still kids. It made all of them bristle, but it did the job of shutting them up. Bakugou looked like he was ready to launch himself out the window, but he clenched his fists and stayed quiet. Even after being out of school for a few years, Aizawa still had that effect on them.
“Is anyone else coming?” Kirishima asked.
Bakugou shook his head. “We don’t have the time.”
And he was right. They didn’t. They had to make do with what they had; they had to work together with who they had. If Bakugou wasn’t complaining about having to work with others, then it was clearly a dire situation. He considered Deku to be that much of a threat. Then again, he had witnessed power like Deku’s up close before when he’d witnessed All Might battling All for One. If Deku was capable of that kind of power nowadays, they would need all the help they could get and more.
They moved through making a plan quick. When they were done, not wholly satisfied but unable to do much more, they all split up through the room.
Tsu rubbed her arms. “Do you really think we can do this, ribbit?”
“We have more people,” Iida said. “We have the advantage.”
“We don’t know that,” Todoroki pointed out. “More than likely there are other villains out there lying in wait. He did that when I fought him.”
The not knowing made Uraraka incredibly anxious. Her former classmates huddled together one last time before the night would go to hell. None of them really knew what would happen. They could stick to the plan and still be defeated or they could go off script and do something amazing. Anything could happen.
Uraraka glanced up at the apartment. What was going on up there? What was Deku doing? She pictured him sitting in Kaminari’s computer chair, looking out the window and waiting for them, but that wasn’t right. She bet he was talking. But about what? Would he just talk with Kaminari about how his life had been for the past eleven months? That sounded right. It was unsettling. He shouldn’t be able to do such casual things while hanging the threat of torture and death over a person.
When Uraraka’s phone rang, she jumped, completely forgetting that she had it on her. She pulled it out of a pouch and looked at the ID.
“Who is it?” Aizawa demanded. She held it out to show Kaminari’s caller ID. “It’s Midoriya.” He stared Uraraka down, making her question everything she had ever known about her life. “Answer it.”
Taking a deep breath, Uraraka swiped to accept the call and put it on speaker before setting it down on the table. Everyone crowded around the table, except for Bakugou and Todoroki, both of whom hung off to the side on opposite ends of the room but watched out of the corner of their eyes. “Hello?”
“It’s good to hear your voice, Ochako,” Deku responded on the other end. He sounded like he genuinely meant it, like he would when they were together and he was gone for hero business outside of the city. The late night phone calls had always meant so much to her, if only to hear him, even if it meant listening to him ramble.
“You too, Deku,” she replied softly.
“Kaminari says hi as well,” Deku said before there was a shuffling sound. “Say hi!”
“Don’t listen--”
There was a smack followed by a yelp and then Deku was sighing into the phone. “So much for being nice.” Yeah, he was threatening to kill one of his old friends by breaking all his bones. That didn’t sound like a nice thing to do. Uraraka didn’t comment on that though, not wanting to push Deku’s buttons any further. “Did you come like a good girl?”
Uraraka tried not to blush, as it wasn’t the appropriate response given the situation, but it was weird with everyone listening. “You know I did. I don’t want anything to happen to Kaminari.”
“Such a good friend,” Deku said. “I hope you didn’t come alone.”
“No, I--” Uraraka glanced up at the others, most of whom had their eyes on her. “Everyone you saw on the camera feed is here.”
“No Shoto?” Deku asked, disappointment evidence in his voice. In his corner, Todoroki stiffened, but said nothing out loud. It was more than evident to Uraraka now that she wasn’t the target for tonight. By him calling her, it made it appear as if he was focused on her, but his mentioning of Todoroki told her that they had wanted him to be here tonight. Maybe he should’ve stayed back, but no, Todoroki was as stubborn as she was and they needed him here besides. “I thought we were friends. Maybe he doesn’t care as much as I thought he did.”
Todoroki turned away from them completely, hiding his face in the shadows. She gazed at his back, reading all the tension in his body. He cared. He cared so much. This was tearing him apart. Everything that had brought Deku and Todoroki together was either gone or twisted into something awful. Just as Deku’s love for Uraraka had been turned into some sort of obsession, his love for Todoroki had changed as well. Into what, none of them could be sure, except Deku seemed unable to decide whether or not he wanted to kill Todoroki.
“Maybe if you gave us more time--”
“No, I’m afraid I can’t do that. I’ve probably been too accommodating as it stands.” Deku chuckled lightly to himself. “Can’t have the other guys thinking I’m going soft. After all I did to prove otherwise. I’d have to break a few things to prove my point again and, well, no one would enjoy that.”
Uraraka fought the urge to shiver. To think that Deku had actually injured other villains in order to prove that he was not to be questioned was a strange thing. Actions would always speak louder than words. He could tell them that he was no longer a hero only so many times before it became repetitive. Or he could show them just how cruel and cold he could be. Deku had always been good at proving what he believed in and who he was.
“I’m a little disappointed that you don’t think I still know you.” He did sound disappointed, like when you wanted it to be sunny but opened the door to find it raining.
His words caused Uraraka to furrow her brow. “What--?”
“Tell Shoto I’m sorry.”
Uraraka whipped her head around to look Todoroki, who had done the same to look at her. Their eyes met for a second, confusion written in both their gazes and their bodies equally tense, when a massive wall of blue fire exploded into the room and took Todoroki completely out of her sight. She didn’t even get the chance to scream out for him. The explosion was so intense that it knocked all of them off their feet. Uraraka went sailing back, crashing into Bakugou and then through a window. He managed to grab her so that he took the brunt of their fall when they landed, but then let go as both of them rolled about on the ground.
She hadn’t even come to a complete stop when she started scrambling to her feet and screamed, “Todoroki!” Her wide eyes took in the sight of half the building blown to pieces as blue flames ate greedily and flickered in the air. It didn’t look like it would stand for much longer, certainly not if another explosion hit it. To their right, Iida was setting Tsu back on her feet. He must’ve grabbed her and leapt out the other window. Everyone else was still inside. Uraraka felt sick. The blast had been huge. Was anyone still alive?
“Oh, was that rude? Should I have knocked?”
The smoke cleared a bit, showing Dabi standing beside the hole of the building. Of course she had known it was him -- those blue flames were as good as a signature -- but to see him just standing there, jacket billowing in the wind, his eyes glowing as blue as his flames, Uraraka couldn’t help but feel like she was on edge.
Before Uraraka could do anything though, Bakugou was flying himself toward Dabi with his explosive quirk at a rocket-like speed and screaming, “You bastard!” Both of them let off explosions at the same time, Bakugou’s orange colliding with Dabi’s blue, so strong that Uraraka was forced to throw an arm over her face and bend down to one knee to brace herself so that she wasn’t thrown back again. When she pulled her arm away, she saw that Bakugou had launched himself in the air with one hand at the last second to avoid Dabi’s flames while attacking with the other. He fell to the ground now, aiming like a bullet, directly towards Dabi, his eyes as red as fire.
“Uraraka, watch out!” Iida yelled.
So focused on Bakugou and Dabi and dazed from being thrown out the window, Uraraka had stopped paying attention to everything else. She spun around just in time to see a large chunk of the street flying towards her. She couldn’t dodge it, so she threw a hand out in hopes that she could tag it with her quirk before it smashed into her, but at the last second a wall of ice erupted in between her and the concrete. Ice shattered around her, but it did the job of shielding her from the rubble.
Todoroki hopped out of the window of the burning building, panting heavily and staggering for a moment. His costume was singed and he was bleeding over his forehead, but he was alive. He must have used the ice half of his quirk to shield himself from most of Dabi’s initial blast. Now he looked infuriated as he walked towards the villain who had appeared from the mouth of the alley.
Fire burst to life behind Todoroki as Endeavor joined Bakugou in fighting Dabi and she heard Dabi actually laugh, “Oh, you too!” So some of them had survived the initial attack. She shook her head. She couldn’t worry about that. She couldn’t be distracted during this fight. Their fears had been correct; the only villains in the area hadn’t been in Kaminari’s apartment. They hadn’t even gotten inside the building.
Iida and Todoroki started towards the villain, who pressed his hands to the ground. The street started to quake under their feet, as if alive, and then break into pieces. It threw Iida off track, taking away his footing. Tsu was able to leap from each chunk of concrete like it was a maze while Todoroki used his ice quirk to skate over the broken ground. The villain threw up more of the street in Todoroki’s way, forcing him to blast them with his fire, but it gave Uraraka an idea.
She ran forward, stumbling through the street as it shook and broke underneath her, slapping her hands on the large rubble as she did so. When she felt like she had enough, she rounded back to where she’d started and touched the large block of concrete that had been thrown at her initially. “Get out of the way!” she shouted. Todoroki slid to a halt and glanced back at her. He got the picture pretty quickly, throwing himself to the side right as she swung the debris like a bat so that she hit all the floating chunks of rabble as hard as she could. It rained on the villain like a hailstorm, too massive for him to dodge.
The victory was short-lived though as a shadow snaked its way through the cracked street and then wrapped itself around Uraraka’s ankle. She let out a yelp as she was jerked into the air upside down and then slammed into the ground like she was nothing but a ragdoll. She gasped as the air was stolen from her lungs and her head felt like it had been cracked despite wearing her helmet. Then, before she could be thrown again, Tsu’s tongue wrapped around her waist and pulled her to safety.
“Do you see him?” Iida questioned as they all looked around for the source of the shadows.
Instead of getting their questions answered, Dabi jumped back and said, “Your turn!” and shadows as black as ink burst onto the scene. They were so thick that they seemed to swallow Bakugou and Endeavor until nothing could be seen except pitch blackness. It was like they were gone, except that they could still be heard. Even one of Bakugou’s explosions sounded out, but only the darkness could be seen and they all gaped at it, not knowing what to do.
After only a moment’s hesitation, Iida shot forward, darting into the shadows and disappearing from sight. Seconds later, he appeared again, looking frazzled, but before he could get out of the mess completely, the shadows contracted, like water being sucked down a drain. The shadow caught hold of his leg like it had Uraraka’s ankle. When it was done, they could see the shadows were tightly wound over Bakugou and Endeavor as well, holding them in an anaconda-like grip in the air so that neither of them could move their hands. Explosions rattled out of Bakugou’s hands as he struggled in the painful grip, but they did nothing to hinder the shadows binding them.
When Uraraka and Todoroki took a step forward, Endeavor snapped, “Don’t come closer!”
“Smart choice,” Dabi mused before letting off another burst of fire. This time, it was aimed towards Tsu. She leaped out of the way as Todoroki shot a row of ice spikes at him.
With him distracted by counteracting Todoroki, Uraraka ran up behind Dabi. She was only a few inches away from slapping him on the back when a knife buried itself in the ground right at her feet. She gasped and pulled back, which caught Dabi’s attention. He threw a hand in her face and started to activate his quirk. Both of them seemed to realize what was about to happen at the same time and their eyes widened in surprise. He was going to hit her right in the face with his flames. Deku had sworn that if Dabi hurt Uraraka, he’d break Dabi in half and she had a gut feeling that Dabi had seen firsthand what happened to people that Deku didn’t like.
And then the fire winked out as if someone had blown on it so that she was left to gawk at Dabi’s hand an inch away from her face.
They stared at each other for a second, interrupted by a yell and then someone crashing into Dabi. Uraraka gasped when she saw that it was Kirishima. He was a little burnt, but otherwise uninjured. When the explosion hit, he must have hardened himself. Dabi’s flame had gone out suddenly too, which meant-- Uraraka looked over to see Aizawa carrying Jirou out of the nearly destroyed building. They both looked worse for wear, Jirou especially, but they were alive. He must have cancelled Dabi’s quirk right before Dabi let it off.
However, Uraraka didn’t get to bask in the relief of her friends’ lives when more knives started to rain down on her. She did her best to dodge them until one of them got her in the thigh and she went crashing to the ground.
“Not her, you idiot!” Dabi shouted as he jumped away of Kirishima’s swing. His nose was bleeding from where he must have been hit by Kirishima, but he’d gotten out of the hero’s grip.
“Stay still!” Kirishima growled.
Uraraka tried running in Aizawa’s direction, but was forced to come to a halt when a villain dropped down in between her and them. It was a woman, wearing an absurdly revealing outfit that seemed almost entirely made out of knives. The woman smiled and practically purred, “Oh, you must be the one he talks about so much.” Uraraka narrowed her eyes. “Strange. You don’t look like much.”
Once upon a time, talk about Deku might have gotten Uraraka’s mind off track. She was terribly messed up over this whole scenario, but she wasn’t about to let some villain knock her off her game and so she attacked. The woman was much more graceful than Uraraka and she pulled out a knife from around her leg, spinning it delicately on a finger before slashing at Uraraka with it. She managed to bend backwards out of its way, sliding under the woman’s outstretched arm and slamming a palm into her chest. With her quirk activated, it sent the woman careening backwards until she hit a wall.
“We got this!” Uraraka exclaimed as the knife villain and Dabi squared up together. “Help the others!”
If Aizawa managed to find the villain with that strange shadow quirk, it would free Bakugou, Endeavor, and Iida from his grasp. She could hear Bakugou exploding behind her in rage, Iida’s engines bursting at full speed to pull himself out, and Endeavor’s flames attempting to cut through the shadows to no avail. She couldn’t help them. She needed to get through these two villains so that she could get to Kaminari.
Todoroki seemed to be on the same page. “I’ll distract them and you and Tsuyu go.”
She knew that Todoroki could take them on, but she didn’t like the idea of leaving him alone, especially since Jirou was nearby almost completely out of commission.
“Froppy will stay back to help,” Midnight’s voice came from behind. The three younger heroes looked back to her. Besides Jirou, she looked to have suffered the worst of the blast. Her costume had so many burnt patches, along with her skin, and pink smoke seemed to leak out of those holes. “I will come with you. With Eraserhead busy, we’ll need my quirk if we have any hopes of subduing Midoriya.”
After taking the two gas masks that Midnight was holding out to her, Uraraka nodded her head tightly. This was a disaster. She was frightened. She didn’t want to confront Deku again, but knew that it was unavoidable. A part of her hoped that he wasn’t in there. They couldn’t fight him head on. It should’ve been Todoroki or Bakugou.
Using his vast power, Todoroki cut a line for them straight to the apartment building, blocking the two villains from attacking her or Midnight, and they bolted in that direction, Midnight slightly ahead. Once they reached the side of the building, she touched the other woman’s arm and threw her up in the air. Uraraka did the same thing to herself, pushing off the ground, when she saw the streak of shadow out of the corner of her eyes. She was five feet off the ground when it burst up like an arm reaching out for her. Right before it could do so, it disappeared and she knew Aizawa must have found the villain controlling the shadows.
There was no time to consider it though, not when Uraraka grabbed hold of the railing on Kaminari’s balcony and deactivated her quirk so she and Midnight could stand on it. Uraraka took her helmet off and slipped the gas mask over her face as a thick, pink fog began to seep from Midnight’s exposed skin and they jerked open the door, the air happily sucking in the sedative smoke.
Except the apartment was empty.
Uraraka bolted through the apartment, but there was no one inside. There were obvious signs of a brief struggle and it looked like someone had raided Kaminari’s fridge, but that was it. Her heart dropped into the pit of her stomach as she realized that they had been tricked and she ripped the mask off and ran back onto the balcony.
“Where is he?” Bakugou screamed from below, ready to blast himself up to her level. Uraraka could only shake her head. She didn’t know.
“Up here, you guys!” came Deku’s excited voice. Uraraka leaned over the railing and twisted her neck so that she could look up towards the roof. Sure enough, there was Deku, one foot propped up on the edge while he rested his folded arms across his knee and leaned half his body over it. “There you are, Ochako. Safe and sound. I knew you’d be the one to come up for Kaminari.”
Uraraka’s heart seized in her chest. “Deku--”
“Stay there,” Deku told her as he straightened up. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Him ordering her around -- like he had any right to do so now -- angered her so much, but there was little she could do about it, especially when she realized what was about to happen. The others down below did as well and tried to brace for it, but when Deku jumped off the roof, they could only prepare so much for the impact. Using the strength of his quirk, Deku crash-landed in the middle of the fight like a meteor, smoke exploding everywhere, the impact so hard that it created a large crater and wrecked the street. The concrete shattered and more pieces of the building that Dabi had partially destroyed began to fall off in chunks. It created a shockwave that broke windows and set off car alarms. At the same time, Todoroki threw up a huge wall of ice and Bakugou let off a massive explosion to defend themselves and others.
It was way too much power. Uraraka had never seen Deku unleash so much unless it was to fight a villain, but now he was using it to just break things. Because he could. Because he was capable of such destruction and whoever was behind the scenes of this new League of Villains was just letting him go.
Uraraka didn’t wait for the smoke to settle. She threw herself over the balcony and did a free fall before activating her quirk on herself a few feet from the ground. The ground was uneven, like from an awful earthquake, and she skidded down a chunk of concrete before getting her balance. She shoved her way through the smoke towards the ice until she saw red flames to her right and she came to a stop. Had they come from Todoroki or Endeavor?
Chains shot towards her and wrapped themselves around her before she could react, writhing around her like snakes, and she fell sideways onto the cracked street. She gasped as they tightened around her and she couldn’t move her arms. A yelp slipped out of her as the chains began to drag her through the rubble towards whatever villain controlled them. She twisted her right wrist to a painful degree and stretched her fingers until she was able to brush her fingertips against the chains and then she tapped her thigh. The sudden change in gravity meant that she was jerked forward, but it must have startled the villain as well. She floated in the air and the chains loosened around her so that she was able to wiggle out of them.
Using an upturned part of the street as a base, Uraraka kicked off of it and floated through the fog like she was a part of it, shouts and explosions surrounding her, until she finally spotted two people. She released her quirk and landed next to Jirou and Iida, both of whom were covered in dust and blood. Iida was crouched down over Jirou, who was shoving him away so that she could sit up, even though it looked like she might tumble down again.
“Thank everything you’re alive,” Uraraka gasped.
Iida raised his eyes to her. “Uraraka, you came down here!” Of course she had. Had they expected her to listen to Deku’s order? “Help me with Jirou. She’s being stubborn. We need to get her out of here.”
“I’m fine,” Jirou snapped. She certainly didn’t look it, but Uraraka understood how she felt. “We’re blind right now anyways, so unless you want to walk right into a villain…” Iida gave them both uneasy looks. Taking a deep breath that looked uncomfortable, Jirou extended one of her earjacks into the ground and listened. Uraraka looked through the smoke. It was beginning to clear and she could see the telltale red streaks that came with Deku’s quirk. “Okay, there’s a clear path to our right, but we’ve gotta be quick.”
Luckily, quick was what Iida did, so she activated her quirk on Jirou so that he could pick her up with no issues and then climbed onto his back herself. She didn’t take away her own gravity, starting to feel the toll of using it on herself in the pit of her stomach. The last thing she needed to do was puke in the middle of a fight.
It was only when they stopped and Iida let them down did she notice that one of his engines was beginning to sputter. Iida caught her line of sight and admitted, “I had to overdo it in order to get Jirou away from the building when pieces started to fall off.”
Jirou practically fell down in a sitting position. “And I used my heartbeat speakers to blast most of the rubble away from me, but broke my left one. I think…” She struggled to move her leg, gritting through the pain that she could no longer hide. “I think my leg is broken.”
Behind them, Uraraka thought she heard Bakugou shouting something at Deku and she turned towards the sound of his voice, calling out like a beacon. With the smoke and dust mostly settled, the fight could be seen clearer now. Five villains, including Dabi, were on Aizawa and Endeavor while Todoroki and Bakugou were fighting with Deku. Tsu and Kirishima were nowhere to be seen. She couldn’t think about that.
At first, it looked as if the five villains were struggling with the two older pro heroes. With Aizawa cancelling their quirks left and right, it gave for easy picking for Endeavor, who was even more talented with his hellfire quirk than Todoroki was. The shadow villain was the most difficult to deal with, considering the versatility of his quirk, so Azawa was mostly focused on him, but then Dabi would let off a large burst of flames that forced Endeavor to counter with one of his instead of paying attention to the shadow villain. Endeavor was also forced to deal with a water controlling villain that worked alongside Dabi, which left him little opportunity to help Aizawa or consider the other fight going on.
The realization struck Uraraka: the villains weren’t fighting Aizawa and Endeavor; they were distracting them.
The real fight was between Deku, Todoroki, and Bakugou and the villains needed to ensure that the older heroes, especially Aizawa, were kept out of it. Deku’s quirk was overpowering. Now that he’d mastered it, he could take on multiple people at once. If Aizawa were to join in that fight, Deku would immediately go from one hundred to zero and Bakugou and Todoroki would be able to subdue him.
As of right now, Todoroki and Bakugou were trying to close in on Deku and keep him in one spot, but while they were fast, Deku was faster. He could punch a hole in Bakugou’s explosions and knock him back or shatter Todoroki’s ice with a kick that sent sharp ice flying everywhere.
Deku bolted in zigzag directions, leaping out of the way of Bakugou’s explosive reach to the side of a building, kicking off it to aim a punch at Todoroki. He managed to block Deku’s hit by using his fire to blow himself out of the way, but then Deku corrected himself swiftly by grabbing onto a piece of rubble, swinging around it and then launching it towards Bakugou. He blasted the rock with such a strong explosion that it turned the rubble into dust and bits of debris. Unfortunately, the rubble hid Deku who was coming up right behind it. Bakugou didn’t have time to let off a strong enough explosion to defend himself and he took a heavy hit from Deku, flying back at least fifteen feet and one of his grenade bracers breaking.
She couldn’t wait any longer. She had to make a decision on what to do and she had to do it now. “I’m going in.”
“Uraraka--” Iida started.
“Trust me, I’ll be fine,” she interrupted firmly. “I need you to look for Tsu and Kirishima.”
Iida didn’t look pleased, but he nodded his head in a determined fashion. He took off one way and Uraraka went off in the other in the direction of the fight between Aizawa and Endeavor and the five other villains. She activated her quirk on a large chunk of the street and then threw it like a frisbee in the direction of the shadow villain, whose back was to her. The ground villain saw her though and pulled up some more of the street to act as a shield. Still, it was enough to distract them and Aizawa was able to cancel the shadow villain’s quirk long enough to wrap him up in bindings and slam him hard enough on the ground to knock him unconscious.
The female knife villain let out a snarl and sent five blades in Uraraka’s direction, but then she was saved by Endeavor’s flames. With the fire as her cover, she was able to reach the knife villain and grab her by the wrist. Without gravity, Uraraka threw the woman into the sky, sending her floating practically into space, and then released her quirk so the knife villain fell at least fifteen stories from the air, a scream tearing from her throat as she fell. The villain with chains was able to snatch her out of the air and bring her safely to the ground.
Gasping for air, the woman shouted, “You little--” and threw at least a dozen large daggers at Uraraka. This time there was no Aizawa or Endeavor to save her and she let out a shout of fear.
Just as Uraraka hoped, Deku came to her rescue, letting out a gasp of, “Ochako!” and then shooting away from his fight with Todoroki. He was quicker than lightning, practically invisible to the naked eye. He snatched her up bridal style and carried her out of the way of the knives so fast that it was like a gust of wind blew through. Her hair settled as she took in a breath of air. Even Deku was breathing heavily. “Why would you be so reckless?”
Uraraka turned to face him, tears in her eyes, as she cradled his face in her hands. “I’m sorry, Deku.”
As soon as the words sunk in, Deku staggered as he began to float in the air and nearly dropped her. She peeled herself out of his arms and away from him, keeping his gaze as he clenched and unclenched his fists. His eyes flickered from her to his hands and then behind her. An awful, furious expression overcame his face when he realized that Aizawa had canceled his quirk and he had no hold on his gravity, leaving him to be an open target.
“DEKU!” Bakugou half growled/half roared as his explosions propelled him forward like a bat out of hell. He threw a hand out to snatch Deku, another explosion at the ready. Deku used a bit of debris to kick off the ground with his gravity zeroed out by Uraraka’s quirk to escape his grasp. She cancelled it quickly as Todoroki created a wall of ice from behind Deku to keep him from escaping. They had him. My god, they had him.
And then pitch black shadows and blue flames exploded at the same time, the shadows swallowing Deku and Bakugou while the fire forced everyone else back. It was like a line was cut in between them, severing them from each other.
“ENOUGH!” Deku raged from inside the darkness. There was a series of explosions as Bakugou set some off at random in an attempt to hit Deku, but then Uraraka saw the telltale signs of Deku’s power. It was like nothing she had ever seen before. The shadows shielding him didn’t seem to matter as red and green lightning streaked through it and into the sky. “This would be easier if you did your damn jobs!”
“Bakugou, get out of there!” Uraraka screamed.
The shadows retreated and they were all left to watch in horror as Deku slammed a fist into the ground. Simply speaking, it blew everyone out of the water, heroes and villains alike, the ground rippling like a tidal wave. Uraraka was thrown backwards, but hit some rubble so that she didn’t go far. It was still painful and hard. She hit her head and blacked out for who knew how long.
When she came to, Uraraka slowly opened her eyes and pushed herself up, her entire body screaming in pain, her ears ringing, and her head throbbing. She gingerly touched the back of her head and winced when she felt something sticky and wet, her fingers coming back with blood. No wonder her head hurt so much, but she couldn’t think about it for too long. It was difficult to focus her vision, much less her thoughts. When she tried to sit up further, her body protested and she fell back down again, her hands scraping on the debris.
Lying there on the ground with her head turned to the side, Uraraka blinked her eyes and tried to focus. As far as she could tell, nearly everyone else was down as well. She caught sight of Aizawa’s scarves, but he wasn’t moving and they looked stained with blood. There seemed to be a flicker of Endeavor’s flames near him, but they were barely there, as if he was coming in and out of consciousness. The whole place was destroyed, looking as if someone had dropped a bomb in the middle of the street. The building they’d been in earlier was gone, having collapsed in on itself. Where were the others? Had Iida been able to find Tsu and Kirishima? Had they been able to get out of the area?
Gods, where was Bakugou? He’d been so close to where Deku had exploded.
Movement to her left caught her eyes and she watched as Dabi and the ground villain appeared in the clearing of the smoke. The ground villain must have used his quirk to protect them both from the quake caused by Deku. Dabi was nudging something with his foot as he wiped blood from his mouth with the back of his hand, his blue eyes glowing dimly in the light of the fires and a hint of interest on his otherwise cold face. She managed to scoot a little to get a glimpse of what Dabi was looking at and felt her breath stolen away when she saw that it was an unconscious Todoroki, his right half patchy with ice and steam coming from his left.
“There, there, stay still,” she heard Deku sigh in a calming but exhausted tone. With some difficulty, Uraraka pushed herself up so that she could get a better view of him. He was leaning over someone, a knee pressed deep into their back, an almost gentle look on his face. “I wouldn’t struggle if I was you. After taking a hit like that, even indirectly, you must be in a lot of pain, Kacchan.”
Bakugou. Deku was leaning over Bakugou. Uraraka’s heart jumped. She tried to get up, but it was a struggle. She couldn’t tell if she’d broken anything, but her head was so dizzy. His costume was burnt on his right leg, showing red and angry skin, where one of Bakugou’s explosions must have hit him, but he was the one still standing while Bakugou was on the ground.
“I-I’ll kill you, D-Deku,” Bakugou said through gritted teeth.
Deku tossed his head back and let out another sigh. His right arm was shaking slightly, so he used his left to grab Bakugou by his hair. “I know.” He slammed Bakugou’s face into the ground and Uraraka twitched. “And I know. I really should just kill you now.” He did it again, like that Nomu had done Aizawa during the USJ Incident their first year. “All those stories about how villains get caught because they couldn’t stop talking or let a personal grudge get the best of them?”
Blood spilled out of Bakugou’s nose and he spit out some more when Deku let go of his head. “Why d-don’t you just sh-shut up then?”
“Oh, Kacchan, you didn’t think this was just about Ochako, did you?” Deku asked in a voice that brought tears to Uraraka’s eyes. It wasn’t anger or disgust or anything like that. It was hurt. It was pain. It was all the awful things that Bakugou had done to Deku when they were kids before some sort of respect had been born. Even Bakugou stilled upon hearing that voice. “All those years, all those days, when I was just trying to be nice because I admired you and you were so strong. I wanted to be just like you -- but you were a monster.”
Uraraka clawed toward them, digging her way through the dirt and rubble, gathering more scrapes and bruises as she went along, the thin material of her outfit catching on rocks and tearing. She had to get to them. She wasn’t sure what she could do, but she had to do something. “Deku…”
“It amazes me,” Deku continued, his words taking on a disdainful tone, “the kind of trash they’ll let become heroes these days. You were a nightmare, Kacchan. Do you know how many times I had to go to the nurse’s office after getting a beating from you? How many burns I had to fix up on my own? How many outfits my mother had to either repair or just throw away because they were too destroyed?”
Bakugou was silent, as he should be. There was still anger in him, of course, but it bled into something else that she couldn’t read from where she was on the ground. The left side of his face was pressed into the ground and he stared up at Deku with one red eye, blood seeping over it from a cut over his eyebrow. He was still, the only movement coming from his chest as he struggled to breathe with Deku leaning on top of him.
“That quirk of yours… So strong, so destructive… You never once used it for good until UA. All you knew how to do was hurt and so that’s what you did. Now does sound like like a hero to you?” Deku leaned down closer to Bakugou and dug his knee further into Bakugou’s back when he didn’t answer. “Does it?”
“Screw you,” Bakugou gasped.
Deku pulled upright, a rather smug expression on his face, like he’d expected that response. “You’re only as strong as your quirk and I was nothing compared to you then. Look at us now!” He pulled something out of his boot and held it up in the air. Uraraka’s eyes widened when she saw the knife gleaming in the light of the fire. “Your quirk comes from secreting sweat from your palms, right? Have you ever wondered if you’d still have a quirk if you didn’t have hands?” He grinned in amusement. “I have. You know, I wondered how you’d feel if you were quirkless. Not so I could treat you as you did me, but so you could learn some humility. So you could understand what it truly means to be a hero.”
Oh god, no, oh god, no! Panic flared in Uraraka’s mind as she watched Deku spin the knife delicately between his fingers. Bakugou began to struggle again, but then Deku used his quirk to still him and Bakugou grunted in pain as he was shoved harder into the ground.
“I don’t think I’ll use my quirk for this. I deserve to take my time.”
“Deku!” Uraraka managed to cry out. “Deku, please!”
This was too much. She couldn’t handle it. There would be no going back.
Deku paused, the knife right over Bakugou’s right wrist. “You know what he did to me? You know what he said?” She didn’t reply, knowing that it was his time to talk. This was his moment. “The day that sludge villain attacked him and I jumped in to help him despite being weak and afraid, Kacchan told me to throw myself off the roof. He told me to kill myself.” His hand shook. “He probably would’ve laughed about it had I done it. What kind of hero does something like that?”
“They don’t,” Uraraka said. She pushed herself up, cringing as she did so, but then she grabbed onto some of the upturned street and got to her feet. “They don’t do this either.”
The knife was trembling a hair over Bakugou’s wrist. “He doesn’t deserve a quirk like this. He doesn’t deserve to be called a hero. He isn’t one.” Tears appeared in his eyes. So emotional, her Deku, he felt everything. He felt so much. He never hid how he felt either. “Kacchan might have been the hero in his story, but he was the villain in mine.”
He lifted the knife, ready to bring it back down, and Uraraka exclaimed, “You’re right!” and Deku halted. He turned to look at her. She took a shaky step towards him. “You’re right. He’s...terrible. He’s rude, selfish, and an arrogant bastard.” She didn’t look at Bakugou as she spoke, only at Deku, who stared back at her. She didn’t want to see the look on Bakugou’s face, whether it was shocked, confused, or nothing at all. She didn’t want to know. “But I don’t want to see you do this either.” She held out a hand. “Take me with you.”
Deku blinked. “What?”
“Take me with you,” Uraraka repeated, stronger this time.
Bakugou jerked from his spot on the ground and this time Deku didn’t push him down harder, just stayed in position. “Uraraka, don’t--”
“Shut up, Bakugou, this doesn’t concern you,” Uraraka interrupted, not unkindly. He went silent though. A small, tremulous smile appeared on Deku’s face. “I’m starting to get it now, I think. How can a society be good when they allow bad people to become heroes? It’s not fair. I...I don’t want that. But I don’t want this either. I’m still a hero to you, aren’t I?” He slowly nodded his head, almost mesmerized. Her hand started to shake the longer she held it out to him. “I’ll do whatever you want, Deku. Just don’t do this. Please, for me. Let’s just go. Take me away from here. Take me with you.”
It’s you. It’s always been you.
There was nothing but the crackle of fire around them and the wind until finally she watched as Deku sheathed the knife back in his boot and step up. Before Bakugou could attempt to get up, Deku hooked a foot underneath him and kicked him hard so that he flung to the side and smacked into a wall. He didn’t get back up or even move. Uraraka flinched, but she said nothing, just continued to hold out her hand. When Deku told a hold of it, she tried to breathe steadily.
“We’re done here,” Deku decided. He tugged her closer to him. He didn’t look just happy as he looked her in the eyes; he looked relieved. His eyes flickered behind her and he furrowed his brow. “What do you think you’re doing?”
Uraraka turned around and brought a hand to cover her mouth when she saw a warp gate appear and then Dabi lift an unconscious Todoroki over his shoulder in front of it. Todoroki was by no means small. He’d been fairly tall when Uraraka had first met him back when they were fifteen. But despite being thin, Dabi carried him like a sack of flour. Todoroki hung limp, his feet and hands swaying as Dabi moved and his hair hanging over his grey and blue eyes.
“You get your toy,” Dabi replied. “Why can’t I have mine?”
Deku huffed. “That wasn’t the plan. We’re supposed to kill him.” He didn’t sound angry, just worn down.
“What if we find a better use for him?” Dabi countered, a sly grin on his face. It looked eerie on him. “What if he’s better to us alive?” Deku tilted his head in thought. “You don’t really want to kill him, do you?”
“He could...come in handy…” Deku murmured.
Dabi hoisted Todoroki further on his shoulder. “I think it could turn into a new opportunity.” He jabbed a finger back where Endeavor was coming to. “Plus, it’ll really stick it to that bastard if we’ve got his precious, little Shoto.” He took a few steps back towards the warp gate. “C’mon, Midoriya, it’ll be fun. We’ll all be one big, happy family.”
Uraraka didn’t think that Todoroki would be happy about any of this. When he came to and found out that she had willingly gone with Deku, he was going to be infuriated. Still, she hadn’t known what else to do. She couldn’t let Deku freaking cut off Bakugou’s hand. Uraraka suddenly felt as if she’d overused her quirk and maybe she had and the adrenaline was just now wearing off. My gods, would Deku have really gone through that? How horrible had Bakugou been? Deku had talked about it some, but he’d always brushed it off in the end before.
“What are you going to do with Todoroki?” Uraraka asked in a quiet voice as Deku guided her towards the warp gate. She was almost too afraid to ask, but knew she had to even if she didn’t get an answer.
“It’ll be for his own good,” Deku insisted, though it wasn’t much of an answer. “I mean, I won’t lie. It’s going to hurt -- it did with me -- but this will be for the best.” He nodded his head enthusiastically, but his eyes were distant, like his mind was lost in thoughts again and she couldn’t really reach him. “Yeah, this is much better. I wasn’t really savoring the idea of killing him.”
He swung an arm around her and kissed her on the temple. She was still dizzy and weak from his last attack, so he was very nearly supporting her. She didn’t look back until the very end when they turned around. Bakugou was shoving himself to his feet with Kirishima’s help, but Uraraka couldn't feel relief at the redhead’s appearance from the way Bakugou was swaying dangerously and how damaged they both looked. When she and Bakugou connected eyes, the first thing she saw was rage -- but then behind it, clear as day, fear. She couldn’t remember seeing that in him ever before. She wondered if Deku could see the desperation in Bakugou as he tried to fire off a few pitiful explosions.
Maybe Deku had, but his warning goodbye, “Stay back, Kacchan,” and the protective way he held Uraraka against him had Bakugou freezing. The last thing she saw was Bakugou’s horrified face. Hopefully he saw her mouth the words and he believed her.
I’m sorry.
Gods, she was. She really was. She couldn't keep her promise to him.
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feyredarlinggg · 6 years
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“Hi girls, my name is Jimin. I’m friends with your babysitter.”
synopsis: Your boyfriend Jimin comes to the rescue in your dire time of need.
notes: i legit think this is the cutest thing i’ve written [jimin w/ kids ... your heart might seize up]
You had never felt so beaten-down, so completely and utterly helpless. You were alone, all alone, and henceforth, easily outnumbered. It was over— you knew you were fighting a losing battle, and it was only a matter of time till they broke you.
You looked over your shoulder in fear as you heard their bloodcurdling screams, those of which were getting closer and closer by the second. You didn’t know how much longer you had—
“Can’t you play now? Why are you taking so long?”
There was a loud wail from around the corner. “Soon-jung hit me!”
“Did not! Now can you come play?”
You let out a slow sigh and faced the two little girls in front of you, one teary and the other indignant. Both were eyeing you intently.
“I’ll come and play in just a second, I just need to finish washing the dishes.”
“But that’s what you said last time!”
“I know, but I really need to finish the dishes first. Go on and play together and I’ll be there soon— okay?” Your voice nearly broke in exasperation.
There was an impatient tug on your jeans, and you were met with a watery albeit hopeful gaze. “Can I have another cookie?”
“I already told you that you can only eat one, remember?”
“If Nari gets another cookie than I want one too!”
You shut your eyes for a moment. “No one is getting another cookie— now go on and play. See who can build the tallest block tower.”
“Oh, I’ll definitely win!”
“No, I will!”
“Hey, she said no pushing!”
There was a shrill noise from behind you, and you spun around, ready to scold, until you realized the source was your ringtone. You slid the phone between your ear and shoulder and went back to scrubbing dirty dishes. “Hello?”
“Hey baby, you want to go to dinner tonight?”
You sighed deeply and paused. “Uh ... yeah— sure. What time?”
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He always picked up on your moods almost instantly.
“I’m just ... tired.” You put a plate down in the sink and pinched the bridge of your nose. “I’m babysitting, and it’s already been five hours— and I spilled soup on my pants earlier, and the kids are absolutely relentless—adorable, but relentless—and I feel so completely drained it’s unreal. I have no energy. It’s like a slow, painful death.”
“You’re so dramatic.” His laugh was warm over the phone, and you frowned.
“Hey, I’m being serious. I’m in a rough state right now.”
“I know, I know,” he said. “Send me the address— I’ll bring you some caffeine.”
You hummed. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, positive. I expect to see a text from you after I hang up.”
“But—“ There was a sudden click, and you pulled your cell away from your ear to find the screen now blank, Jimin’s contact photo and caller ID gone. Your boyfriend was only missing for a moment, however— ever the impatient one, a text popped up suddenly.
Address please
Shaking your head in amusement, you sent him your location. You had just finished rinsing and drying the last dish in the sink when the doorbell rang loudly, causing—as you had predicted—almost immediate shrieks from the living room.
“Someone’s here!”
“The doorbell rang!”
“Can I open the door?”
“No, I want to open it!”
“Too bad, I’m older!”
“That’s not fair!”
You strode past both girls. “Neither of you will be opening it because I’m going to.” They were hot on your heels with the eagerness of puppies as you reached the front door.
“Who is it?”
“Can I see?”
By the time you finally turned the doorknob and opened the door, both girls had latched themselves onto you, their overwhelming energy subduing to shyness as they peered around your waist and at the blonde, smiling stranger standing on the front step.
“Well hello there,” Jimin said brightly, catching the girls curious gazes. Both Soon-jung and Nari squealed and hid their faces behind your back. Laughing, you attempted to take a step back to let Jimin inside, moving as smoothly as you could with one child gripping your waist and another attached to your leg in a monkey-like fashion.
After what seemed liked centuries, you sighed, finally managing to shut the door behind all four of you. Jimin presented an iced coffee in his hands, smiling. “As promised.”
“Oh yes— thank you,” you accepted the drink gratefully and took a sip, closing your eyes briefly to fully appreciate the cool caffeine. “Wow, I love you.”
“Do you love me, or the coffee?” He said, grinning.
“Hm ... “ You paused, as if seriously considering the question. “Can I say both?”
There was a flurry of movement and squealing from down below, and Soon-jung giggled loudly. She looked up at you in glee, a hand over her mouth. “You just said you loved him!”
Nari grabbed your hand and tugged you down to her level so she could whisper in your ear. “He’s a boy.”
You bit back a smile and nodded. “You’re right, he is.”
She frowned and furrowed her eyebrows, as if thinking deeply about something. “Is he your ... boyfriend?”
You nodded again, giggling at her concern. “Mm hm.”
Jimin knelt down on the floor and held out his hand. “Hi girls, my name is Jimin. I’m friends with your babysitter.”
Nari, clutching her favorite stuffed bear in one fist, moved towards him. “I’m Nari and I’m five years old. That’s one whole hand!” She held up a hand proudly, any previous shyness seemingly gone.
Jimin widened his eyes. “No way! That’s so cool!” He sighed and shook his head sadly. “I can’t count my age on one hand anymore.”
“How old are you?” Nari asked, cocking her head curiously.
Jimin hummed. “Let’s see ... I’m 23 years old. Just a little bit older than you.”
Soon-jung leapt forward suddenly, seeming to realize all the attention being given to her younger sister. “That’s a lot older than Nari! That’s not a little bit!”
“You’re right,” Jimin laughed. “You got me.”
She placed her hands on her hips. “I’m older than Nari, too. I’m seven.” She paused and eyed Jimin suspiciously. “You’re not friends with Y/N. You’re her boyfriend!”
He groaned and put a hand over his eyes, pretending to be embarrassed. “Oh, no! It was supposed to be a secret!”
Soon-jung paused, considering this. “I won’t tell anyone else. Except for Nari, ‘cause now she already knows.” Nari nodded in agreement. 
Jimin sighed in relief. “Good. I trust you guys. We have to make a pinky promise, okay?”
Both girls giggled at Jimin and his outstretched pinky, stepping forward to wrap their small fingers around his. “We promise.”
Nari turned to you. “You have to pinky promise too!” Soon-jung nodded vigorously.
Jimin raised an eyebrow, his hand reaching towards where you were standing. “They’re right, it’s only fair.”
You laughed and hooked pinkies with him. “Okay, I promise I won’t tell anyone else you’re my boyfriend.”
He grinned, turning his attention back to the girls. “Now ... did I see block towers over there?”
“We were building them!” Soon-jung said excitedly, jumping up and down. “Do you want to help?” 
“I would love to help,” Jimin said. “I have to warn you, though, I’m a professional block tower-builder.” Nari grabbed Jimin’s hand and tugged him towards the living room. “Help me build a tower too!” 
You started to follow them until Jimin stopped suddenly, grabbing your shoulders and veering you towards the couch. “No, no, no—you lay down right here and rest.” 
“I got this covered,” he said, gently pushing you onto the cushions. “Trust me.”
“Jimin! Can you stack this one on top?”
“Help me first!”
“Sleep,” he said, giving you a look. He turned back and headed towards the girls, leaving you and your tired bones on the couch. Mere seconds passed before your eyes drifted shut, overcome by exhaustion, too sleepy to protest any further.  
There were hushed voices around you, words spoken in whispers. 
“Why can’t we wake her up?”
“She’s really tired, Soon-jung. She’s had a long day and needs to rest.”
“She can sleep with my favorite kitty to have good dreams.” There was a shuffling, followed by a soft brush of fuzz against your cheek.
“Ooh, I can get her a blanket too!” The sound of hurried footsteps lasted only briefly, a warm weight suddenly draped over your body. 
“You have to give her a goodnight kiss!”
“Yeah, that’s what my mommy and daddy always do every night.”
There was a chuckle—then, the familiar feeling of lips pressed against your forehead. Delighted giggles ensued, and you heard another laugh. 
When you finally awoke, the Moana soundtrack was playing loudly from the speakers. Opening your eyes, you found Jimin, Soon-jung, and Nari all sitting on the floor, legs crossed, and—to your enjoyment—Barbies in hand. You took note of a small tiara upon Jimin’s head as he nudged Princess Fairy Barbie up the stairs of the dreamhouse. 
“Jimin,” Nari said, frowning. “Princess Fairy Barbie doesn’t use stairs! She flies!”
“Oh man,” Jimin said, sighing dramatically. “You’re totally right. I can’t believe I forgot she has wings!” He looked up and, upon seeing your amused gaze, broke into a smile, waving hello. “Speaking of princesses ... Sleeping Beauty is finally awake.”
Soon-jung and Nari ran over to you, eyes bright. “Can your boyfriend come over every day?”
“He’s really good at playing games!”
“He taught us knock-knock jokes!”
“Guess what? He told us he loved you back!”
You laughed, exchanging glances with Jimin as he stood and brushed off his jeans. He bowed slightly. “Well ladies, this is my leave.”
Soon-jung and Nari trailed behind him, pouting as he put his shoes back on. “Do you have to go?”
“Can you come back?”
Jimin smiled and patted both girls on the head affectionately. “That’s up to Y/N.”
Soon-jung and Nari whipped around and attached themselves to you, eyes wide. “Can he come over every day?”
“Pretty please?”
“I’ll tell you what,” you smiled. “If you are really good listeners and help clean up toys, then maybe Jimin can come back next time.”
They nodded vigorously. “We promise! Pinky promise!” Both girls grabbed your hand and wrapped a pinky around yours before you could even blink, and you laughed at their enthusiasm. “Okay, let’s say goodbye.”
“Bye, Jimin!” Soon-jung reached out and gave him the biggest hug she could muster. “Don’t forget to come back!” Nari wrapped herself around Jimin’s leg tightly. He laughed and shuffled towards you as best as he could with the girls latched on. 
You grinned. “You were a lifesaver today.”
He leaned forward and gave you a quick kiss. “I’ll see you later, baby.” 
Soon-jung and Nari had let go of Jimin, beside themselves with giggles once again. “You guys just kissed!”
“He called you ... baby!”
“You’re not a baby!”
“You’re an adult!”
Jimin winked, his laughter mingled with the girls’ as you shut the door behind him. 
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