#but I also know they’re super lovey dovey in private
setsunasknife · 1 year
Sasuke and Sakura going to absolute TOWN on each other in the bedroom and then both blushing like tomatoes at the idea of kissing in front of anyone.
But I also bet they’re super cuddly and affectionate after being intimate.
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dragondemoness · 2 years
Mahiru, Akane, Miu, Tenko, Kaede, Ibuki and Non-despair Junko Shy or Quite Male reader who is affectionate and energetic in private? Ya know like they only talk when talked to, they’re not good at talking, but over Text and in private they’re super giggly and Loving?
I had to do Mahiru’s part twice because the window reloaded without it saving
Also, I dunno what it is, but writing these on a laptop is so much easier
Mahiru, Akane, Miu, Tenko, Kaede, Ibuki and Junko with a Quiet Male Reader Who’s Affectionate in Private
Mahiru Koizumi
Your quietness really threw her off at first
You seemed so secretive and mysterious
So she tried to get you to speak, to get to the bottom of who you were
Which didn’t work, due to her impatience
But she approached you with a much kinder demeanor, and got you to open up
And so, you started dating
She was not ready for what you were really like behind closed doors
The first time she opened the door, and you ran up and hugged her, she just kinda stood there like “what’
You reminded her of Ibuki
It was a lot, but she adjusted to it
Your clinginess could be overbearing, but something about it felt really nice
As for your energy, she’s friends with Ibuki, so she knows how to deal with it
She knows how to rein it in but keep you entertained
Mahiru wasn’t ready for the sudden change in behavior, but it makes her smile nonetheless
Akane Owari
Your quietness was a little odd, but she didn’t have any issues with it
Although, it did make her very curious about you
It honestly made her wanna fight you, because she thinks the quiet people are the strongest
But instead, she ended up dating you
But if you wanna fight her, she won’t say no
And she never considered that you were completely different in private
So when you jumped on her out of nowhere, she kinda just malfunctioned
“Uhhh... What are you doing?”
But when she recovered, she just awkwardly patted you on the back
She did get used to it as time went on, though
She does enjoy your affection, and your energy makes her smile
So even though it was super unexpected, Akane still loves you for everything you are
Miu Iruma
Oh she had her sights on you since the beginning
She spent so much of her time trying to get you to speak and challenging your shyness by flirting with you
She literally pinned you to a wall trying to fluster you
And while she did successfully fluster you once or twice, she could not manage to get you to speak
Until you got together, and she was in for quite the surprise
As it turns out, you were quite clingy
She was incredibly caught off guard when you jumped on her
“Wh-What the fuck?!”
So you finally decide to speak, and it’s only behind closed doors
She’s pretty salty about it
And she pretends to be annoyed with your private persona, but she does love it on the inside
Tenko Chabashira
I did a male and female version here
Male Reader
She was suspicious of you from the beginning
Out of all the degenerate males she’s met, you were the most closed off
Which of course, meant you were planning the worst things
So she mainly kept an eye on you without directly interacting with you
But you didn’t seem to hang out with anyone, boys or girls
You just kept to yourself
So she approached you and asked what your problem was, and you just stated you were shy
One thing led to another, and boom! You’re dating
She was a little tsundere-ish towards you, but she ain’t letting anyone make you uncomfortable
She did not expect you to be much more lovey-dovey than you let on
When you jumped on her, she kind of just pushed you off out of instinct
She pretended to be annoyed by your antics, but it secretly made her smile
     Female Reader
Like the male version, she noticed you immediately, but for a different reason
Instead of being averse to you, she was drawn to you
The way you were so closed off to everyone made her concerned about you, and she assumed some degenerate male did something to you in the past
So she tried to get you to speak, not because she wanted to make you uncomfortable, but because she genuinely wanted to get to know you
And after she did, y’all began dating
She still adored you all the same, no matter how quiet you were
But she was in for quite the surprise when you met in private
In contrast to your shy, quiet demeanor, you clung onto her while energetically complimenting her
She froze for a moment, but then she pulled you close and started gushing over how adorable you were
She’s glad to know it wasn’t some degenerate male’s fault, but she was still hella protective over you
Maybe even more after she discovered this revelation
Kaede Akamatsu
Kaede was curious about you
She was always interested in the quieter, shyer types
So she tried to befriend you right off the bat
She hung around you a lot, trying to understand you
You were like Maki, but less, well, prickly
Eventually, she understood you well enough to date you
And when she opened the door to find herself engulfed in your embrace, she was surprised, but in a pleasant way
She smiled to herself and hugged you back, feeling so warm inside that you were ready to be vulnerable with her
Ibuki Mioda
Oh she attached herself to you immediately
You looked really cool and she wanted to be your friend
So she followed you around, talking to you while trying to get you to talk back
She was unsuccessful most of the time, but she kept trying
Fast forward to later, when you start dating
She still wanted you to open up a little to her, but she still loved you all the same
But when she came to see you, and you immediately clung onto her, she was so freaking overjoyed
She just pulled you close while matching your energy and gushing over how happy she was
Didn’t matter if it was behind closed doors, you finally opened up to her
Junko Enoshima (non-despair)
She also had her eyes on you
As the popular high school girl, she could get anyone to talk to or “befriend” her
But you didn’t connect to anyone
You made her curious, and she wanted to get to the bottom of who you were
She spent more time with you, initially to figure you out
She teased you, prodded you to talk, anything she knew how to do
But she got nothing every time
Later on, she ended up genuinely connecting to you
And that connection eventually formed into a real, romantic relationship
She gave up trying to get you to open up, but all hope wasn’t lost
For when she came to see you, you jumped on her and clung onto her
She was caught off guard, but then she celebrated
“Ha! I knew you would open up eventually! Nobody can resist Junko Enoshima!”
But when she was done, she smiled and pulled you close while petting your hair
She had finally gotten what she wanted, and she was glad you trusted her enough to be vulnerable
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hopeshoodie · 2 years
how would the s2 lis act like after a fight?
I don’t have thoughts for all of them BUT-
Arjun: He doesn’t stay mad for long, so as long as you both apologize to each other he’s back to being his goofy self. He’s almost always the first to apologize, and when he does you know he MEANS it. Boy gives a sincere apology. He also typically seeks out reinforcement after the conflict concludes, so makeup sex or cuddling afterwards is not out of the question. 
Bobby: SULKY. My dude is SULKY. Less so if he was in the wrong and had to apologize, but if MC or Noah/his friends were in the wrong and apologized he is SO pouty it’s insufferable. Expect a lot of ‘what’s wrong?’ ‘nothing!’ ‘you sure?’ ‘absolutely :)’ *goes back to staring out the window and lighting up when he finds a meme to share with you but then face dropping as he remembers he’s supposed to be upset*. You have to call him out on it for him to stop- I don’t think it’s that he doesn’t realize, it’s that he needs you to acknowledge that he’s upset before he can let it go. Validate his feelings and then he’ll go back to normal.
Carl: Carl insulates a lot of events in his life from the feelings they cause, so while he gets really worked up if he’s being yelled at or feels like you’re not listening, all of those feelings will dissipate after a night of rest or blowing off steam with videogames/something enjoyable. If he doesn’t get that break, the fight will throw him off the rest of the day- he won’t be able to work and will be super irritable with everyone else. But once he gets that break, it’s like nothing even happened, he’s 100% back to normal with no feelings about it. If the issue still needs to be resolved, he’s able to come back to it dispassionately and work out the details without emotions getting in the way.
Elisa: I’m torn. She either handles fights EXTREMELY messily or VERY privately. Like she either posts dramatic vague snapchats/instagrams/whatever and gets everyone all ‘oh no what happened’ ‘hope everythings okay :/’, or she intentionally insulates her social media and brand from any conflict and continues posting as normal. Both would feel weird from MC’s perspective, because she either feels like the whole world is party to their arguments, or sees queued posts of them being lovey dovey posted when they’re very much not talking to each other. Idk, sound off in the replies as to which you think is more likely for Elisa.
Gary: I think he gives MC the silent treatment, lmao. If MC’s upset with him, he’s very clueless and kind of acts like a victim (‘why are you maaaad?’), but if he’s mad at her he’ll be very childish about it. 
Rahim/Noah: I put them together because they’re both VERY similar in how they react to conflict- avoid avoid AVOID. They both try to escape during the fight, and after it they’re going to ghost you. If you live together, expect them to spend lots of time out of the house on work or at the gym or with friends. Even after you both apologize and ‘resolve’ the issue, they’re going to be distant and weird. You can’t rush them getting over it either, if you confront them about being distant they’ll just be distant for even longer (or it’ll turn into another fight). But spontaneously they’ll just get over it in a snap and be back to acting like normal, and it won’t be triggered by anything. They’ll just internally come to terms and then be home again/affectionate with you like normal. Maybe Rahim will do a fancy dinner or romantic gesture once he gets to that point, whereas Noah it’ll seem more subtle.
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lavenderjacobs · 3 years
fluff alphabet - karl jacobs
tw; none just pure fluff >.< wc; 2K pronouns; tried my best to make it gender neutral <3
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A=Attractive (What do they find most attractive in a partner?) 
Karl just loves looking at your pretty face. He loves the familiar feeling he gets when he looks at you. He loves your nose and how it feels under his fingers. He loves the way your face fits perfectly on his shoulder. He loves cupping your face with his hands and looking into your eyes. It might be really cheesy, but Karl also just adores your smile. This man just melts at the way you’re entire face lights up when you laugh.
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B=Best memory (Their favourite memory of you) 
Karl is a simple man lmao. Obviously he loves going out and doing fun things with you. But he would way rather enjoy your company in private. Just the two of you. His favourite memories of being with you probably consist of being cuddled up and completely devoured by blankets while watching a movie. Or you sitting on his lap while he plays Minecraft, struggling to stay awake while he keeps planting little kisses on the top of your head. 
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C=Cuddles  (What type of cuddles do they like?) 
OMG KARL IS SUCH A HOE FOR CUDDLES. Whenever you two lay in bed together he just holds you so close to him the entire time. He just loves feeling you so close to him and knowing that you’re safe and happy. He loves being bigger spoon so he can wrap his arms around you and rest his head on top of yours, but he definitely won’t complain about being little spoon either. He loves resting his head on your chest, just listening to your heartbeat as he has his arms wrapped around your waist. 
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D=Dirty mind (Do they have a dirty mind?) 
Karl definitely has a dirty mind oops. He is very open about it too. He can be very soft with you but when he’s whore knee he just wants to have his way with you. That can mean planting sloppy kisses on your neck from behind you while your just minding your business in the kitchen, or giving you ‘that’ look when you come out of the shower with just a towel wrapped around your body.
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E=Effort (How much effort do they put in the relationship?) 
Karl is on it 24/7 to make sure your happy. He loves planning little dates, even if it’s just a walmart run or a drive around the neighbourhood, he just wants to spend time with you. Whenever you’re going through a tough time he will drop everything to make sure you’re okay. For example he could be streaming, and you would text him saying you’re sad, not knowing he would be streaming, and he’d just end the stream right there to go spoil you with cuddles and loving words.  
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F=First date (What was your first date together) 
Your pre-dating relationship was probably either a friends to lovers one, or an enemies to lovers one. Constantly teasing each other but everyone, including your friends, would know what was really going on. You probably got tricked into going on a date with him for the first time, both acting like you hated it but secretly falling harder and harder for each other with every second. 
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G=Gentle (How gentle are they with you?) 
This dude literally treats you like he could break you. He hold your hands like they’re little butterflies and plants the softest kisses on your forehead. He’s also super protective and possessive of you. He hates the thought of you going out alone, and whenever you two are at a party or something he’s just constantly holding your hand or having his arm wrapped around you, to show you’re his.
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H=Hands (Do they have nice hands?)
To be honest, Karl’s hands are probably one of his best features. He takes such good care of them and loves wearing rings. He also loves wearing black nail polish, and constantly wants you to polish his nails for him. He could easily do it himself but that’s not the point lol
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I=Impression (What was their first impression?)
The first time Karl saw you walk into a room he lost his breath for a second no joke. He was just so taken aback by your charming attitude and thought you were the most gorgeous person he had ever seen. He just immediately walked up to you to ask you for your name. 
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J=Jealousy (Do they get jealous often? If so what do they do?)
Karl is such a pouty little jealous boy. He gets really whiney and needy in public when you’re not giving him enough attention. Whenever he sees someone hitting on you, he just gets extra lovey-dovey with you, wanting to make sure everyone knows you’re his. You would know exactly what was going on but just play along with it. One time you joined him on a filming day with the mr beast crew. All the boys would give you lots of attention, making flirty jokes mostly just to mess with Karl. Which worked because oh my god you had never seen him so touchy. You would ask him what was up and he would act like nothing was bothering him. “I’m fine why? Am i not allowed to show affection to my gf/bf/so anymore?” 
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K=Kisses (What type of kisses do they like/give?)
Anything that has to do with touching you, Karl is a sucker for. (have I mentioned this man’s love language is 100% physical touch?) He litarally kisses your neck or forehead every 5 seconds, it’s just his way of showing he’s there. He doesn’t shy away from pda either. He won’t hasitate to kiss you passionately in front of a crowd of people. He doesn’t care who’s watching, all he cares about is you. 
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L=Love  (Do they show their love?) 
As I said, this dude’s love language is definitely physical touch. After that probably comes quality time. He will get super pouty if the two of you haven’t gotten to properly spend time with each other for a while. For example, whenever you’re on your laptop working on something for school or work he will get super whiney, constantly begging for you to get off your laptop and come cuddle with him. He’s less good at expressing his love through words of affection. Obviously, this man tells you he loves you all of the time, but he gets scared about having deep conversations about your relationship, he’s just scared he’ll say something stupid and mess it all up.
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M=Memory: (Their favourite memory in general?)
His favourite memory in general 100% has something to do with you. If he had to pick one, it would probably be that one time he introduced you to all his friends from the SMP. He’d be on a videocall on discord with Dream, George, Sapnap, Alex, Tommy, and Wilbur. They had been begging to meet you since forever, but he always said no, because he was scared they’d say something to embarrass him. But after some persuasion of you, he finally gave in. “HOLY FUCK I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU’RE REAL THATS SO POGGERSS!” Alex yelled when you joined the call and sat next to Karl. You burst out laughing. You all just played Minecraft and messed around with each other for that night. All of Karl’s friends really liked you, and Karl himself couldn’t be prouder. 
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N=Nickname  (What nicknames do they call you?)  
He has practically replaced your real name with “Baby” at this point. He loves calling you baby or babe in front of other people to show that you’re his. But when it’s just the two of you he would definitely be the type of guy to call you something really cheesy like sweetheart or darling. You love it tho :)
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O=Over  (What happened the one time you ‘broke up’?)
The only thing you and Karl would ever fight about would be whenever your schedules would clash and you would spend less time together because of work/school. A lack of communication and both being exhausted lead to a huge fight once. Ending with you both thinking it just wasn’t gonna work out like this. You had slept in a nearby hotel for a night or two, basically crying yourself to sleep every night, because Karl wasn’t laying next to you. After a few days of both being miserable you realized that the two of you are meant for each other. You showed up to your house again, and almost tackled Karl with how fast you ran into his arms. “I’m never letting you go again.” He whispered in your ear. 
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P=Parents (What would they be like as a parent?)
You and Karl both think it’s too early to have children, but you love just having endless conversations about how amazing it would be to have a little baby of your own. Just fantasizing about showing the little thing off to all of your friends, thinking of ridiculous baby-names together. Everytime you have these types of conversations you just melt at the thought of Karl actually being a dad one day. He’d be perfect for it. 
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Q=Quirk (Something special about them)
I’m not saying homeboy has abandonment issues but....whenever you get up in the middle of the night to go get some water or something, he either gets very twitchy in his sleep, or wakes up right away and asks you where you’re going. “Y/N?” He says with a sleepy voice. You reach out for his face in the dark and gently ruffle your fingers through his hair. “Only getting some water baby, I’ll be right back.” You reassure him. 
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R=Romantic (How romantic are they?)
Karl doesn’t want things to feel forced. He just wants things to be effortless. Big romantic gestures and fancy restaurants scare him. He has a very specific way of showing his affection to you and you know this, so you don’t expect him to wake you up with breakfast in bed or anything. Making it even more special whenever he does pull something like that. 
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S=Sad (What are they like when they’re sad?)
Karl didn’t really like showing any emotion to you whenever he would be sad, he felt like he’d be bothering you with his problems. But after you explained to him that you just want to be there for him whenever he’s feeling down, he started warming up to you. Sometimes he would just crawl in bed with you hiding his face in your shoulder. You would play with his hair while he talked to you about what bothered him. He always feels so comforted and safe with you.
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T=Together (What are they like when you’re together?)
Karl can be super hyper. Constantly wanting to do stuff like bake cookies or play minecraft with you. You’d obviously always be down to do these types of things with him. But he could also really find the joy in simple things like just watching a movie or getting his nails painted by you. Whenever you would have these types of moments, Karl just keeps cracking little jokes to make you laugh. He also would be telling you how much he loved you every 5 seconds. Just so you know.
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U=Understanding (How understanding and empathetic are they?)
Sometimes Karl can have a little trouble trying to get into your mindset. But he does think it’s super important to know what you’re going through and do his best to help you. Whenever you’re dealing with anxiety or depression, he makes sure to ask you what he can do to help you and be there for you. He tries to do as much research as possible, trying to find the best way to help you.
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V=Value (What do they value most about the relationship?)
Karl cherishes the relationship you have for so many reasons. One of the most important ones being that he can have fun with you. Both understanding each other’s type of humour, finding joy in the same types of things. He just loves that you know and understand exactly how his brain works, because it’s very similar to yours. 
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W=Wedding (Would they want marriage? If so what would they like?)
Karl literally proposed to you 2 months into dating. He knows you’re the one. It’s very clear to him. But after discussing it you both decided that having a wedding would be way too stressful right now. It’s definitely not that you wouldn’t marry him, obviously you would, but you both know that breaking up just isn’t an option, so why go through all that trouble, just to get it on paper? You both agreed on this, but after all Karl just wants to see that ring on your finger, just so he knows you’re his forever.
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X=X-Ray (How well can they read you?)
Earlier in your relationship, Karl would often have trouble reading you, he would be very hyper and touchy with you, and would just be completely oblivious to the fact that you where sad or tired or something. But as he got to know you better, he learned exactly how to tell when you’d be sad. He knew to get you some food, put on a tv show and play with your hair, without you having to tell him you weren’t feeling like going out or doing something extravagant.
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Y=Yuck (What they would never want in a partner)
Karl would hate to be in a relationship with someone who isn’t in it for the same reason as he is. He doesn’t like to ‘date around’. He want’s someone who was a very similar vision of their future, so that’s why he’s so lucky he found you. The most reoccurring arguments you two have are about not agreeing on your future. He finds it very hard to compromise and doesn’t just ‘agree to disagree’. 
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Zzz (How do they sleep around you?)
Karl just has to touch you in some way when he’s sleeping. Having his arms wrapped around you, having his legs intertwined with yours, resting his face in the crook between your head and shoulders, you name it. He also loves to hold hands whenever you two are sleeping. As i said, this man gets very icky about you leaving him when he’s sleeping. So, he just wants to know you’re there. All of the time.
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actuallysaiyan · 3 years
Hello!!! Can I request a NSFW alphabet for Rock Lee? My boy needs some more love! Thank you! :) 💖
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Lee is literally the sweetest about aftercare. He’ll make sure you're cleaned up and hydrated, and he’ll probably even run you a bath if you’d like. Another thing he would do is get you food if you needed it. Lee will do anything for you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Lee’s favorite part of his own body is probably his legs. He is very good in taijutsu and his long and capable legs allow him to perform well.
On you, it’s probably your smile. It’s what made him fall in love with you in the first place. It’s so warm, and it makes him feel so fuzzy inside.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Lee doesn’t necessarily have to cum inside of you, unless you told him that was one of your kinks. He just as much enjoys painting you up with his seed. Cumming inside of you feels really good though…
Lee has the stamina to make you cum so many times. He’ll have you begging and crying for him to stop, and while he’s a sweetheart, this is just something he enjoys doing to you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He often used to pleasure himself to thoughts of you before he was in a relationship with you. He’d think about you at night while in bed and stroke his cock. It would be so erotic and arousing, and it wouldn’t take him too long to cum.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s not super experienced, as he was a virgin before you two got together. He learns very quickly, but he can be a little clumsy and sloppy with his techniques sometimes. That being said, he’s so eager to please and has so much stamina.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Lee loves it when you’re on top. He loves guiding your hips and watching your tits bounce while he fucks himself up into you. It’s mesmerizing to watch you roll your hips against him as you reach your climax. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He definitely can be very goofy. He might get a little too eager and talk about the fires of youth, but it’s endearing and it doesn’t ruin the moment too much. He’ll praise you loads, which can get a bit silly sometimes but it’s so damn sweet, you melt.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Lee has smooth black pubes, and he keeps them well trimmed or completely shaved. He loves making sure he’s nice and clean for you when you make love. The carpets match the drapes of course.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He is quite romantic, but it can be a bit much at times. He’s very passionate, and he’ll just make sure you’re feeling good no matter what. He’ll praise you so much, and call you beautiful and just enjoy watching you come undone.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Lee used to masturbate a lot before he got together with you, and it made him very horny. He just wanted to be with you intimately, and it took him everything to not just confess his feelings. He loved lying in bed at night and fantasizing about you sucking his cock while he would stroke himself to climax.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Lee has an overstimulation kink that is dedicated to making you cum so many times. He loves watching you pant and moan as he brings you over the edge over and over.
Another kink that Lee has is being a sub sometimes. He doesn’t mind if you want to tie him up and use him for your own sexual pleasures. He knows you love him dearly.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
For him, anywhere could be good. He’s not super worried about someone catching the two of you, but he does enjoy being in a private place where he can take his time with you.
On the bed, in the shower, on the couch...anywhere is good as long as Lee can get to fuck you nice and proper.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
If you tell him how badly you need him, and stroke his hair a little while you're kissing him, he will instantly grow hard. You just need to stroke his ego a little sometimes too, as that would motivate him to want to fuck you the best.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He’s not into hurting you. If you want to be spanked or bit or have your hair pulled, you may need to coax him into a little and explain how you enjoy these things. He also won’t do any urine play or scat. He hates the thought of dirtying your pretty little face or body.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Lee is so damn weak if you suck his cock. Just the image of you getting on your knees and releasing his cock from his pants is going to make him weak in the knees. He’ll praise you through his moans as you deep throat him, and he’ll probably get very loud.
On the other hand, he absolutely loves eating you out. He enjoys having to hold you down as you buck up against him. He’s really good at oral sex, and he’s very eager about it too.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
This all depends on how Lee is feeling. If he’s feeling a little more lovey dovey, he’s going to be so sensual and clingy and needy. He’ll thrust into you so slowly and just allow his cock drag against your walls.
But if he’s feeling fired up, he’s going to pound you so good. You’ll be fucked so hard and fast, but Lee will make sure you cum hard.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Quickies are very nice. It allows Lee to continue his rigorous training regimen and please you whenever he’s got the chance. Don’t be surprised if he prefers quickies over long sessions sometimes. They definitely make him weak.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He definitely is game to experiment. He wants to try all kinds of fun things with you, and he wants to push his stamina beyond its limits. It’s all consensual and he definitely wants to know what kinds of things you’d like to try before he does them.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Lee has the stamina of a god. He can go for so many rounds, and he lasts a long time...well, most of the time. There are certain times where he is just so turned on that he’ll cum quickly. He came very quickly the first time you had sex, but he made up for it.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He wouldn’t be against toys. If you want to go out and buy some for the both of you to use, he’s going to be pretty excited actually. Lee loves the idea of furthering your pleasure and just exploring each other’s bodies.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Lee loves to tease you, but he’s never mean about it. He’ll praise you and call you super needy, but you know he absolutely loves it. He’ll edge you from time to time, only to make you cum hard after he’s satisfied with it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Lee is fucking loud. He’s so vocal, and so loud and he can’t help himself from moaning and whining when you pleasure him expertly. He’ll praise you, call you pet names and beg you to let him cum. He loves letting you know how much he’s enjoying it.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Lee is a very jealous lover. He’s possessive from time to time and he absolutely hates it if someone flirts with you. He won’t be mean, and he trusts you lots, but he knows you’re a good looking person and people might be attracted to you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Lee has a rockin’ bod from all the working out and training he does, and he’s nice and ripped...but on the lean side of things.
His cock is fucking huge. It’s 9 inches, veiny and thick. He’s been blessed.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He’s got a high sex drive. He yearns for you so much, but he can’t let it interfere with his life. So quickies and the occasional hours long romp is all he needs to quell that fire inside of him...well, for some time.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He needs to make sure that you are comfortable and hydrated before he can even think about lying down to sleep. Once he’s sure you’re good, he falls asleep quick enough.
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imagineansuta · 3 years
heyhey!! could i request hcs for rinne, leo, mao, and ritsu with an s/o whos affectionate but easily flustered and how their s/o makes them flustered? thank you :DD
of course, thank you so much for the request!
this man lives and breathes to see your flustered state. will do absolutely anything to tease and annoy you just to catch a glimpse of your red cheeks. he really likes that you’re affectionate with him — he’s pretty touchy and obvious with his feelings for you.
dating rinne means putting up with how spontaneous he can be, and his #1 way of getting a reaction out of you is surprising you. mind you, this man is more than happy to make a whole scene out of it. expect some odd looks in your direction whenever he executes one of his ‘perfect plans to make you swoon’ that attracts more attention than it should.
if you don’t mind pda, he loves to put an arm around you and kiss you in public. he’s grossly embarrassing about it too and will let everyone in the area know that you’re together. expect him to blab to his unit members about your relationship.
and if you’re comfortable with it, rinne is definitely not afraid to whisper some... quite obvious innuendoes in your ear.
rinne is painfully cocky, rowdy, and a serious pain in the ass at times, but even he has off days. during those times, you may be able to catch a glimpse of his different side if you treat him extra gently. after all, genuine love is still a concept he’s exploring. he’s actually not quite used to being with people as affectionate as you. if you’re lucky, you can squint to see a rare shade of red dusting his cheeks as he pulls you closer.
leo is loud with his love! so loud! both of you are so insanely affectionate with each other. there’s absolutely no way to hide a relationship with him from others. he’ll yell that he loves you from every corner of the room. it’s quite embarrassing, but it’s too much work to stop him.
like rinne, he’s quite eccentric and unpredictable. he doesn’t mind skinship and takes every chance to lay in your lap or borrow your back as a surface for him to compose on. he doesn’t really have much regard for other people’s personal space, so you’ll have to remind him if that’s something that bothers you.
he loves seeing your flushed face and constantly compares them to things, whether it’s tomatoes, fire trucks, roses... oh, he could totally write a song about that! he points it out whenever it happens, grinning and laughing.
expect embarrassing love songs and unfinished poetry that he never got the chance to attach a melody to. they’re silly and short. arashi thinks they’re super cute. izumi thinks they’re super lame.
it’s not easy to fluster leo, but he does get a bit embarrassed if you suddenly baby him. if you are to pet his head out of nowhere, expect a playful pout and one of his iconic growls.
doesn’t mind the affection at all! he loves having you near him while he works as long as you don’t distract him (which is what he says, but he can’t help but blush and laugh whenever you steal a kiss from him every now and then).
he doesn’t actively try to tease you since he’s worried that you’ll be uncomfortable. he truly thinks that your red face is adorable, though! you’ll definitely catch him staring at you whenever it happens.
out of the four, mao is the easiest to fluster. especially during the beginning of your relationship, he’s a bit awkward around you. don’t think he hates it when you’re trying to get close to him, he just doesn’t know how to react in a cool way!
after some time passes, he gets a lot more casually touchy. he isn’t big on pda but tends to absentmindedly reach for your hand or place a hand on your shoulder — it surprises both of you, and you can’t help but look away from each other.
you’d probably end up being the more openly affectionate one in the relationship, especially with how busy and stressed mao gets. he’d secretly love it if you’d dote on him a bit even though he says that he doesn’t want to burden you. he isn’t used to being taken care of and it’s a bit embarrassing for him at first.
also ignores the concept of personal space. dating ritsu also means being his personal lap pillow, to no one’s surprise. he loves to whisper a languid ‘good night’ to you before slumping against your figure. he doesn’t care about other people watching and wouldn’t mind pda at all.
ritsu loves teasing you to see your reactions,  pointing out the colour of your cheeks and going on and on about how cute you are. he prefers to see you like that in private compared to public. knowing that he’s the only person that gets to witness you like that at times... it fills him with an odd sense of pride.
he loves it whenever you’d dote on him. in fact, he makes it very well known whenever he feels love-starved.  
he enjoys receiving love just a bit more than giving, but he’s still plenty affectionate! cradle his face and wake him up with a kiss, or stay in his arms as he hums both of you to sleep. while you exchange tender looks during lazy afternoons, you then realize that you two find a special type of comfort in each other.
flustering ritsu is quite hard, but the easiest way to do it is to catch him off guard (which is a pretty difficult achievement) or to embarrass him. on top of that, just plain lovey-dovey acts won’t work — he finds it more endearing than anything. consider it a real challenge. just know that if you ever need hints, i’m sure a certain brother would be more than happy to help you work out a plan.
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myonepiece · 3 years
Benn, Lucky Roux, Yasopp HC- Relationship HCs
I felt like doing this cuz Lucky and Yasopp have like no conent and I think Lucky is super cute :p I had to kinda improvise with Yasopp&Lucky because we don’t know much about their personalities but it’s still pretty accurate~
*gender neutral
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Ignore the subtitle
He is such a gentleman and secretly very romantic. He’s the type to hold open doors and pull out chairs for his S/O. Omg and he offers his arm for them to hold whenever they walk. Gives his jacket to them when they’re cold. Literally so sweet and polite. Relating to this, he is like so faithful, doesn’t notice anyone else his attention is always on his S/O
Lots of little compliments, every day he’ll call his partner beautiful/handsome. He’ll whisper compliments into their ear whenever he passes by them ;-; 
He’s not one for PDA but if his S/O initiates it or likes it, he’ll do it. Anything that’ll make his lover happy. He naturally has an arm around his S/O whenever they’re in public, but he doesn’t really initiate anything else unless he has to intimidate some perv/enemy or unless he gets a bit jealous. 
Very protective- he always has an eye on you from far away or up close, he’ll ask a crew member to escort you somewhere if he can’t. He tries to stay by your side whenever you’re out with him and the crew, he’ll just find himself next to you sometimes not even realizing he walked over.
He’s not the best at comforting, but he tries his best. He’ll leave his S/O alone if they need that, but he’ll also hug them against his chest and let them cry as much as they need. He’ll rub their back and attempt to whisper reassuring words
He loves drinking with his S/O, sometimes after a stressful day that all he needs to relax. He also likes having them in his arms while he drinks/parties with the crew. He definitely stargazes with his S/O
Dates are usually nice bars or little resturaunts on the islands the Red Hair Pirates dock at. He doesn’t have much spare time so whenever he does he spends it with his S/O. 
Omg sharing a bed with him is like having a giant teddy bear. He’ll always let his S/O sleep with him, usually having them tucked into his side with their head on his chest, or directly on top of him. He’ll rub their back until they fall asleep, then he’ll just listen to their breathing for a bit until eventually it lulls him to sleep aswell. He secretly loves when his S/O lets him rest his head on their chest, the sound of their heartbeat makes him feel so calm and safe.
Lucky Roux
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I can not explain how excited I was to write his :D
He is so sweet, literally a giant teddy bear- That’ll rip (shoot) anyones head off if they harm his S/O. He was the first character to kill someone on screen, so that should tell you something. He’s very protective but he’ll often just watch his S/O from afar and make sure he’s ready if they need him to step in. He won’t wait for them to signal for his help, the second he sees someone threating his S/O’s safety he’s there pushing his S/O behind him and shielding them from whoever’s causing the danger
He will try to be more subtle with his gentle and soft side in public. He saves the lovesick confessions for private. Because seriously he’ll start listing off all the things he loves about his S/O to them. One time he got super duper drunk and accidently started doing in in front of the crew. They never let him live it down
He likes to have his S/O sit on his shoulders, he’s quite tall and big so bending down that far to hold his S/O’s hand is kind of uncomfortable. But when he has them sit on his shoulders he’ll reach a hand up so they can hold it while they walk. He’ll do this anywhere doesn’t matter who’s there, the whole crew could be teasing him and he would just continue eating and throwing the occasional “At least I have someone to do this with” 
It is so easy to guilt trip him. He could say a compliment like “You’re so pretty baby” and his S/O could do puppy eyes and be like “Do you only like me for my looks?” [insert lip quiver] and he will be a stuttering mess that then practically throws flowers and gifts at them while trying to apologize
If the crew teases him about all of his affection towards his S/O, he becomes a little distant or less affectionate for a bit. He does have an image to keep, so he’ll really only be soft in front of his lover and the crew. In public it’s more of a colder/less lovey-dovey affection, no nuzzles or cheek kisses, and he tries to hide his blush and flustered-ness
So hugs- he is so soft when he hugs his S/O. He’ll usually pick them up or sometimes he’ll bend down and let them wrap their arms around his neck then stand back up bringing them with him. In public he’ll bend down and help them onto his shoulder. He freakin 7′11 so he is worried about hurting his S/O. Thats why he holds them close, but very gently. In private when he picks his S/O up he’ll cheekily smile at them before offering his cheek because he takes kisses in exchange for his hugs.
When he shares a bed with his S/O he’s very careful to not crush them, he’ll have them lay directly on top of him or up towards his head holding onto his arm. He sleeps liek snorlax so just picture like a kitten sleeping on snorlax, thats the position most of the time.
When he’s drinking or sitting around wiith the crew he likes having his S/O on his shoulder or right next to him. He’ll often have them sit on the table in front of him so he can rest his head on their shoulder/top of their head. And he absolutely loves when his S/O feeds him, like holds out a pice of meat for him, then he’ll offer them a bite too ;-;
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His personality is similar to Usopp’s, except he’s a lot less of a coward (no offense usopp I love you) He would star at his S/O quite alot, just admiring their face and the way they smile. He loooooves their smile, he’ll do anything to see it. 
He likes to showoff his shooting skills, so sometimes he’ll have his S/O watch him practice. Also he’ll offer to teach them how to use a gun. He’s very protective of his S/O and prefers to have them next to him or at least within reach at all times. If he sees someone starting to cause trouble for his S/O, he’ll watch and make sure they’re okay but the second they look uncomfortable or signal for his help, he’s over in the blink of an eye. He won’t immediately hurt whoevers messing with you, but a harsh threat warning and very scary glare is what they get. Buuut the second someone threatens actual harm towards his S/O, it’s over for them.
He holds his S/O’s hand whenever they’re out together, or he likes to give them piggyback rides- more hand holding though. He’ll take them shopping or looking for a decent food place in his spare time. He loves when his S/O is with him when The Red Haired Pirates are partying at a bar, but he’s also worried about how crazy and somewhat dangerous it can get with all of them. So he’ll have his S/O sit with him either tucked into his side with his arm around them, or sitting in his lap.
He just loves telling his lover about his adventures and of course his wonderful son. He has definitely thought about introducing his S/O to his son when he sees him again someday. Yasopp will sit with his S/O on the deck and tell them stories about his life, he loves seeing them smile and laugh at his tales. 
He loves hugs from his S/O, in public they’re rather short but in private they can last forever. He’ll pull them close and nuzzle hiss nose into their hair while holding their head against his chest. His hugs last a lot longer when he’s having a really soft moment or when he occasionally gets a bit insecure.
When he shares a bed with his S/O he likes spooning, he’s fine being the big or little spoon just as long as the crew doesn’t know he can be a little spoon. He prefers being the big spoon because it makes him feel like he’s protecting his S/O. He also likes to lay his head on his S/O’s chest and listen to their heartbeat while they run their fingers through his hair- he falls asleep right away like that.
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could i get some headcanons for what the THH cast would call their s/o? yknow like babe, darling or sweetheart stuffs like that please & thanksss!!!
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... Hewwo <3
Aaa, this is so cute!! I know I said my character limit is five, but I just couldn't resist doing this one! I wasn't sure if you wanted the male cast or female cast, so I did both!! I don't write for Hifumi, Despair!Junko and Mukuro though, so I'm sorry if you wanted them to be here too. I wrote for Junko in a non-despair AU, so she's still in this, just not despair-crazy.
I hope you enjoy it, my buttercup baby! <3
- 🌺💖Mod Rantaro💖🌺
HCs for what nicknames the THH cast use for their S/O!
The guys :
Makoto Naegi :
Now this boy.
This boy is very pure.
He likes calling you kinda generic, but still sweet stuff like honey, baby, sweetie, dear, etc!
He usually just calls you by your first name though, and uses nicknames when he's being super romantic. It's either on purpose or totally on accident, and there's no in-between.
I can just see you two being out on a date, and you catching him staring at you-
You ask him what's up and he hits you with the:
"It's nothing! You just look amazing, as usual, honey."
How can he be so smooth and yet easily embarrassed? No one knows I-
Byakuya Togami :
He calls you dear, darling and honey a lot!
Only when you two are alone though, like Makoto he usually just calls you by your first name.
He likes to keep any sort of intimacy private.
He sometimes uses very teasing nicknames.
Yeah he's a jerk like that.
Like, if you're short he WILL call you pipsqueak, no I don't make the rules-
He never wants to hurt you though, and he will stop if you ask him to!
He just likes teasing you because your reactions are cute. <3
Mondo Oowada :
Babe? Babe.
He calls you babe a lot.
He also uses very?? Pure and cute nicknames!
Like angel, babydoll, bunny, all that sweet, tooth-rotting jazz.
His favorite is angel though.
Angel, angel face, angel baby, any variation, you name it!
Like, you can be as nice or as mean as you want and he would still be calling you angel.
OH and if you're chubby he would 100% call you marshmellow!! Because you're just so fluffy and cute!!
You're so so precious to him and he wants you to know that!
Leon Kuwata :
This dude calls you nicknames more than your actual name.
He's probably used every nickname in the book for you at least once at this point.
Your name don’t exist no more sorry-
His nicknames range from cute stuff like boo, sunshine, cutie, gorgeous, love, etc
To him calling you dude, man or bro, mostly as a joke.
He also likes calling you things like hot stuff and good lookin’!
He also 100% called you a smurf once. No matter your height. You are now a smurf.
He also called you nicknames before you started dating (if you were comfortable with that, of course!).
Kiyotaka Ishimaru :
Now, Taka's a little shy when it comes to nicknames.
He's shy about relationship stuff in general to be honest-
But he REALLY likes calling you honey, precious, dearest or my love when he feels super lovey-dovey or romantic.
He also calls you sunshine every time you wake up.
Expect a "Good morning, sunshine! How was your sleep?" from my mans right here like every morning-
He's just a precious boi. <3
Chihiro Fujisaki :
He calls you such cute stuff!
Like tater tot, sweetheart, darling, lovely, cinnabun and many more!
He also sometimes uses nicknames related to his talent, to joke around a bit.
Like pixel or byte, especially if you're short like him!
The tone of voice he uses whenever he calls you a nickname just makes your heart melt.
He's just,,, so smol and happy,,,
*mod Rantaro crying noises*
Yasuhiro Hagakure :
Ok so hear me out-
He names you after conspiracy-related stuff.
Mostly cryptids.
Like he also uses regular nicknames like babe, hun or baby-
But like,,,
He also calls you Ness/Nessie, Yeti or Bigfoot, and he sometimes calls you my fortune when he’s being all lovey-dovey.
Maybe Chupacabra when he’s especially chipper, because Chupacabra’s just a fun word to say.
The girls :
heehee chupacabra
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Kyoko Kirigiri :
She really likes giving you nicknames, but is often too shy to.
So she usually just calls you by your first name, like Makoto and Byakuya.
She really likes calling you sweetie, though.
You may’ve expected something that sounds more elegant, but she likes giving you super cutesy nicknames!
Some other examples are muffin, my lovely, fawn, and more!
When you’re in a more public setting she does tone down the cuteness though.
Usually goes for my darling or hun.
Aoi Asahina :
Also someone who uses nicknames more than your actual name!
And hot take-
All of Aoi’s nicknames for you are based on sweets and/or things you would find at a bakery.
She loves sweets, and she loves you, so why not combine the two?
She calls you sugar, honey buns, cookie, and sometimes my little powdered donut.
She also sometimes uses those overly-affectionate, annoying nicknames just to see how hard you’d cringe at them-
Sakura Ogami :
She’s super affectionate and modest with her nicknames!
She usually adds “my” in front of the nickname she’d give you.
My love, my darling, my treasure, my precious, my dearest, etc.
She feels like it’s more intimate by adding the “my” at the start.
Like she’s closer to you when she does that.
Whenever she uses a nickname, you can tell how much she adores you by just her voice alone.
And she also likes using the nickname blossom (heehee).
Because Sakura... Blossom... 👉👈
It sounds cute to her-
Celestia Ludenberg :
Celestia’s very passionate whenever she calls you something that isn’t your name.
She usually uses the names of flowers or fruit to nickname you.
Peach, cherry, plum, daffodil, rosebud, peony... Stuff like that!
She thinks it sounds pretty.
She also likes calling you kitten!
It has a similar sentiment to Aoi’s nicknames (nicknaming you after something they love), and besides you’re as cute and precious as a kitten too!
Her voice is very soft when she calls you something romantic, and she likes taking your hand when she does!
Sayaka Maizono :
She LOVES nicknames!
She thinks they’re just so cute!!
And she uses cute nicknames too-
Like baby, gumdrop, lovely, the list goes on.
She just likes cooing at you and calling you something cute!
“You’re so sweet, lovely!” 
“Baby, you look amazing in that!”
So she usually compliments you, then adds a nickname to give it a more affectionate kick!
Junko Enoshima (non-despair) :
Dear buttercup, I’m warning you.
Junko has literally no concept of shame-
She loves pointing out just how hot you are!!
You could be in the middle of a giant mall and she’d just be going OFF-
She likes using nicknames like hottie/hot stuff, sugar lips, luscious, tasty, all that.
And if you get flustered, get ready because it’s only getting worse.
But sometimes, she goes soft and calls you stuff like cutie or sweet cheeks.
Toko Fukawa :
Toko’s nicknames aren’t exactly endearing all the time-
And she’s very reserved, so most of the time she doesn’t even nickname you.
When she does though its usually something like dummy, stupid, idiot or even egghead.
She doesn’t want to insult you, but it is a defense mechanism of sorts.
Like, you compliment her and her self-hatered just goes “no❤️”
So she tells you: “S-shut up, stupid!”, or something like that.
But way further into your relationship, when she gets comfortable and knows she can trust you, she calls you dear or honey.
Maybe cutie but shhh it’s only when you can’t really hear it
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Woo, that was super fun!  Make sure to drink some water, take any meds you may need to, and maybe eat some fruit or candy! Lotsa love from me, my buttercup baby! <3
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honorguk · 3 years
dating ➔ j-hope
» navigation | REQUESTED
what it’s like to date j-hope from BTS (based on my assumptions)
────✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ────
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• with you, hobi’s cheerful colorful personality would enhance by a 1000%
• he would be so jumpy when he sees you like
• he’s your little excited pup that is way too unexpectedly dominating within
• gives you a lot of space all while being super clingy (he’s the ideal combo)
• when you guys are around the boys tbh it’s like you’re not even dating. neither of you want to make the members uncomfortable with the pda (unless it’s to tease them) even though namjoon calls it cute
• but hoseok loves rubbing it into their face that he has a girlfriend lol
• he’s a jealous guy, but it’s hidden under so many layers
• if you guys aren’t constantly hugging or cuddling or his arm isn’t wrapped around your waist somehow..prepare for the boy to be pouty
• writes so many songs about you oh my days
• also he prepared to find random little notes and noodles scattered around your apartment and the pockets of your clothes. they’re all lovey dovey notes and as much as he thinks it’s just a tiny bit cringe, he still does it anyway
• pinching your cheek is a MUST
• a lot of walking around the house naked too
• hoseok is a huge gentleman and very proper and traditional in romantic relationships i feel, so expect the whole ‘meeting your parents-moving in-getting a dog together’ thing but very late in the relationship
• matching socks and overall couple fits
• wants to show you off so bad ugh !!!
• (and he does)
• (because you are his world :,) )
• (his hope world ;) )
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• from a park to a restaurant to a bar - you guys have been everywhere
• he makes sure each time you hang out it’s a very special adventure, so dates with hobi never get old
• oftentimes you’d chill in his studio and dance around to new music, ordering food and calling it a date
• (lots of grinding when u dance hehe)
• but he also makes sure to treat you to fancy restaurants with fancy attire and fancy food quite often to remind you that you’re pretty much his number one priority
• giving you his jackets when you’re cold, of course (and sometimes just because he wants to see you in them since you look so tiny)
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• “hiya honeybuns!” “hey cupcake” “what’s up lovely!”
• so EXCITED and CHAOTIC because he loves seeing you so he makes up some weird shit to call u
• always pinching your cheeks whenever he calls u anything cute
• you react in the same way and play along, but only when it’s just you two
• when you’re around others, though, both of you are like the effortlessly cool couple with all the ‘sup babe’ and the smirks
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• can’t help but update you every hour about what’s happened and what will happen
• he has moments when he’s super focused on work and won’t text back but you better expect a spam of hearts when he finally gets to use his phone again
• “baby i promise i wasn’t ignoring you” “i know, hobi, its fin-“ “no it’s not! ily 😾 💝💖💕💓💞💕💝💘”
• (he definitely uses the cat emojis)
• would send you videos of the members (probably jungkook and jimin, because he was forced) doing some DUMB shit
• if it’s a facetime call expect yoongi to be in the background
• you can see him cringe at the lovey dovey things hobi says, which makes you laugh so hard (making hoseok turn around and throw a slipper at the elder lmao)
• but still you understand that he’s busy and won’t always answer to the memes you send him, but you should damn well know he’s getting back all the time lost on tour when he comes back home with cuddles
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• it’s very scary to see hobi’s angry side come out since it’s so unexpected
• of course he’s still human, he still has emotions, but FUCK are they expressive
• lord of swears and raised hands and shouting
• doesn’t mean to scare you but finds it sometimes necessary so you see how much you’ve pissed him off
• he has definitely broken plates before
• maybe even noses, but that’s only when some idiot is hitting on you at a club
• but anyways when hoseok is mad at u, he tries to be patient at first but gets sassy really easily
• lots of idioms and comparisons too (not very good ones..)
• but at the end of the day he knows that any argument is necessary and he won’t let you leave the room or go to bed until you’ve fully talked it out
• he will hug you, hold you real tight and kiss the top of your head
• you’d smile into his chest and tell him he’s a dummy for being so loud (he would say he knows, and then hug you tighter)
• “now, how about i make it up to you for shouting?” ;)
─ • NSFW:
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• total switch. you can so fight me over it.
• he will fuck you with his eyes and it’ll be very obvious, so that’s your sign to find some place private
• so big on experimenting!! fr what a guy - any position, any place, any time, with anything
• i really see him being sadistic and into bondage though… damn
• but with constant check-ups
• he’s also quite patronizing and degrading when being a hard dom, but if you verbalize any signs of discomfort he will instantly back down
• a whiny sub too, bucks his hips and whimpers
• will treat every mark and bruise he made with so much love
• really sweet aftercare with a lot of caressing and kisses and baths
• sex isn’t always serious - you guys definitely have a lot of giggles before, after and during which is very sweet
• literally loves you till the end of the world and will show you that through physical touch ;)
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jenoismydad · 4 years
can you do a nsfw a to z for jeno please?
this was really fun to write! took me a while though
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Once you’re done fucking he’ll treat you like a princess. Helps you clean up and gets you a fresh pair of warm and comfortable clothes. Lets you snuggle up into him and fall asleep in his arms. Whispers gentle apologies in your ear while you doze off. The next day he’ll massage your thighs for you if they hurt too much (but honestly you’re so used to his brutality so they don’t hurt that often)
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Jeno likes your tummy. He likes how smooth and soft the skin is. Never forgets to place a trail of kisses down the skin and suck dark marks into it for him to admire later. Even when you’re not having sex, his hand is always slipping under your shirt to rest on your tummy. For him, he takes pride in his arms. Mostly because you like them. Loves how you tightly grasp onto them while he’s ruthlessly pounding into you.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
When it comes cumming, there’s two things that Jeno likes. Firstly, cumming inside of you. Sometimes he gets so lost in the feeling of your walls engulfing his walls that he doesn’t even realise he’s close until its too late. Buries his cum deep inside of you and sits back to watch it drip out of you. Other than that, Jeno likes cumming on your tummy. It’s his favourite part of your body and he likes how its slowly cascades down the expanse of your abdomen. Also likes how filthy you look with his cum all over you.
D = Dirty Secret (A dirty secret of theirs)
Jeno pockets your panties and keeps them as trophies. He keeps them hidden under his own underwear. Whenever you’re away from each other, he’ll pull one out and start reminiscing the sex you had that day. Like he associates each one of your panties with the sex you had the day you wore them. Usually gets him really horny so he ends up jerking off while replaying the sex in his head. You still don’t know where most of your underwear goes, so he makes sure to buy you new laces from time to time.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Whatever experience Jeno has, he’s gained from fucking you. Boy didn’t even know how to make out before he did it with you. As a teenager he’s jerked off to a lot of porn so he’d always try to replicate what he saw in that when you guys would initially fuck. But now he’s just so familiar with your body and how it reacts to him so he knows exactly how he needs to treat you.
F = Favourite Position (What positions you tend to use the most)
Basically anything where he’s doing most of the work. Something where he gets to pound into you without any obstructions. So that means either missionary or doggy. Pretty basic but he knows how to make the most of it. Doesn’t really let you ride him that much because its harder to fuck into you that way and you usually don’t scream when you’re on top.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Jeno is very serious. Sex is not a joke to him and the only sign of amusement he’s ever show is when you’re begging him to fuck you while he’s teasing the life out of you. Finds it cute when you’re being needy but he’d never tell you that. He’s just super commanding during sex and like i’ve said in other posts, he’s not evil, he’s charismatic.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they)
Clean shaven lmao. He just doesn’t like to keep hair down there because he finds it annoying to maintain. Doesn’t mind if his partner has hair though. Just finds it more convenient when he has no hair. Shaves it regularly so that there’s no ‘stubble’ (idk what you’d call it sry)
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Very intimate. Even though he’s drilling into you, he’s doing it to show you how good he wants to make you feel. Eye contact is a very crucial thing to him although sometimes he’ll let you off the hook because he knows its hard to keep your eyes open when he’s fucking you so good. You guys do make love, in the morning mostly because the mood’s all lovey dovey, but he ends up finding it kinda hard to control himself and ends up slamming into you.
J = Jack Off (How often do they tend to masturbate)
Before he met you, every single day. Don’t judge him. He was a horny teenager. But now that he has you, whenever he’s horny he just asks you to either suck him off or let him fuck you, which you always comply because you can’t resist. Only jerks off when there’s no possible way for you both to get together.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Choking, overstimulation and slight visual sensory deprivation. All giving though. In terms of receiving he has a very subtle pain kink. very subtle.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
The bed. Again, this boy hates any sort of obstacle or interruption while he’s having his dirty time so he likes to take it to the bedroom. Even if it starts outside of the bedroom, he’ll always find a way to get there. But for the few instances that he’s too riled up to make it to the bed, he doesn’t mind fucking you senseless right then and there. You guys do it in the kitchen occasionally though, mostly when you’re sure that it's just you two.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
You wearing revealing clothes. Its dumb and immature, he knows. But whenever you’re showing a bit too much skin or your dress rides up, something like that, Jeno can’t seem to hold it in. Also when you both are arguing. Jeno just thinks you look really hot when you’re mad because you get really bitchy, different from your usual self and it riles him up. He can’t help put pin you to the wall and set you straight.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Spanking, exhibitionism, voyeurism, and anything that has to do with inflicting pain on you. Jeno’s is very uncomfortable with people watching him have sex or do anything sexually pleasing to him. That’s why he makes your sex life very private. Also he’s just very scared to hurt you so chocking is farthest he’d go. Nothing beyond that.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Loves fingering you. Prefers it over eating you out because he gets to see your face screw up in pleasure. When he’s eating you out all he can see is the rise and fall of your chest, that why he isn’t so keen on doing it, but he will if you want him to. Isn’t too big on receiving because he’s just so fixed on pleasing you. But he doesn’t mind when you ask to give him head. Just not all the time or only when he can’t fuck you and he’s in the mood.
P = Pace (How fast do they go)
Pretty fast but likes to go more hard than quick. That’s why he likes ‘pounding’ into you. Is very rough with it, almost animalistic. It doesn’t matter if you start out nice and slow with a fluffy mood because he always gets fed up with the lack of pleasure and ends up slamming into you. Whenever he’s fucking you it feels like he’s always trying to chase both your highs but you don’t mind because you enjoy the roughness more than you’ll admit.
Q = Quickie (Do they prefer proper sex over quickies and how often does it happen)
Not that rare actually. Sometimes Jeno will just be in the mood but too lazy to fuck properly so he’ll pull you to the side, pull your pants down and fuck you till he came. Don’t worry, he never lets you hanging. In case you don’t cum before he does, he’ll always finger you till you finish. Of course he prefers proper sex but some days he’s just way too horny to do it all.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Unless you want to try something, Jeno isn’t that outgoing in bed. He knows what you like and don’t like as well as what your limits are and he’d only ever push around the borders.You once told Jeno you wanted him to fuck you in the shower and he did but it never happened again because he hated the way his top priority had to be preventing you from slipping instead of making you cum.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Has a life long supply of stamina and can usually go two rounds without feeling overly sensitive. But he’ll usually only go as long as you can manage to go since he doesn’t think there’s a point in going on with you half dead. Lasts a pretty long time as well. Even if he starts before you he usually cuts after you or with you.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t own any toys. I mean, why should he when he has you? Finds toys awkward and just can’t see himself using them. He knows that you own a vibrator though and he knows you use it sometimes but he’d never use it while you both are having sex.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
It depends from time to time. Somedays it’s more than the other. Mostly teases you when you’re the one to initiate the sex. Likes it when you beg for him to touch you and fuck you so he’ll only rile you up till you’re on breaking point before giving in to your pleads. Teases you a lot verbally while he’s fucking you. “Do you want me to go slower. I think you’re really liking it slow. No? Faster? Sorry but you’re gonna have to beg for it.” Things like that.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Raspy grunts and low groans when he’s close otherwise he’s silent. Since he spends most of his time dirty talking, teasing you and getting reactions out of you, he chooses not to be too loud. It’s not that he finds his moans embarrassing or anything. He’ll occasionally let one out while your riding him or giving him head to let you know that you’re doing good. Hot is the only way to describe his moans.
W = Wild Card (something random)
One day you woke up super early cause Jeno’s morning wood was poking your thigh and so you sucked him off and rode him. Ever since then Jeno’s aways wanted to fuck you in your sleep but the problem is that you’re a very light sleeper.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
His dick isn’t be big or thick, but more or so on the long side. Like Jeno’s body isn’t really that bulky, its more slender and sculpted and so his dick would also kinda be the same. Has some nice views running through it though.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It’s decreased over the years but it’s still pretty up there. Jeno gets horny pretty quick by the most basic things. You guys fuck probably every two to three days or so. Just a lot of sex.
Z = ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
You guys don’t always fuck in the night so sex generally doesn’t tire him out as much as it tires you out. (Probably because he’s not the one getting fucked dumb.) But he’ll usually fall asleep after you do, a good 15 to 30 minutes after you’ve fucked.
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parkmira · 3 years
WAYV Boyfriend! series
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Kun is the reason why the word boyfriend (and husband tbh) was invented
He is very caring and super sweet
Like Taeyong, he is also your personal chef
the type to cook you breakfast in the morning and you wake up seeing him in the kitchen frying eggs wearing that cute mint green apron
Chef Kun is an expert of Chinese cuisine so if you are from another country or you are good at other recipes he is willing to learn
Imagine Kun and you having fun baking a cake and being the perfect master chef couple
Dream and WayV members would invite themselves everytime they smell something good in the oven or pan
That happens a lot. Almost always lol
Aaaah these kids hahahhahaha
Chenle and Ten would tease him non stop bc he is always heart eyes for you
He likes to play the piano for you and sing with you and also he wants to let you hear what he's working on and producing
Messing around with the keyboards and producing softwares he has in his room is usual but that doesn't mean he doesn't pay attention to you
He suddenly says he is inspired by his muse
Yes that's you uwu
You blush and watch him work, sometimes you distract him giving him kisses and wispering in his ear (that's how songs that go to the list of hoe anthems in nct discography are made yes)
He is sweet as honey but he knows how to charm a person oh yeah
His smile + dimples are illegal
Also lethal
He is very caring toward you but is not very fond of PDA
He might give you his jacket if it's cold but he might think twice before holding your hand or hugging you in public
He thinks affection is something that must be held private but it's just because of the culture and his shyness around other members
Maybe bc he is older and he kind of wants to keep his mature facade and doesn't want to look lovey-dovey with you in front of the younger members
He's very supportive and probably teaches you Chinese if you don't speak it already
I think he is intellectual but he said himself that he's not athletic so I do believe he's the type to go to museums or amusement parks as a date
But if you like extreme sports he can give it a try also the type to try to fly a plane with you or bungee jumping something like that
He's not afraid of heights but maybe you would die... in his arms... the best death ever!
Sexy time uhuhu
I do believe Kun is a very sensual lover and he respect you on every decision you make
also the type to try new things if you are into it but he has things he hates
For example I think he's not into inflicting pain to the partner even if they're into it
I believe he's so soft and sweet to do that so if you are searching for that kinda lover you just change partner he's is not the type
I believe he likes when his partner listen to him so maybe he has a sir or daddy kink but he always keep it soft and he doesn't punish his partner in a strong way
He has those days when he's super tired but you are his way to relieve his stress peaks
And those are the days when he lets you be in charge and you can do whatever you want to him yeah
He is the perfect combo of sweet boyfriend material + husband material + sexy mofo
Let him love you like they say in the song
You should love him just as much because he deserves the whole world
he's an angel fallen on Earth
those dimples are lethal he needs to stop
I love him okay?
Never let him cry, never let him being disappointed by you because his heart is so pure
Let's say all together 錢錕我爱你
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h2bakugou · 4 years
Can I request bakugou, todoroki, and midoriya with an s/o that’s touch starved but really likes showing affection for others? Like, they try giving others affection but if someone gives them affection, they don’t know how to deal with it? Sorry if it didn’t make sense >.
a/n: i love this! it’s a super cute idea. i haven’t done a headcanon in a minute lol
headcanon: touch starved s/o who has no problem showing affection but struggles with receiving affection
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff, teensy bit of angst (sad nae nae)
»»————- ★ ————-««
katsuki bakugou
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Bakugou picked up on your behavior really quickly. (he’s just attentive like that 👀)
He didn’t say much about it at first, just assuming it was something you always did. You were always open on giving a good hug every now and then to a friend who needed it.
But then he started to notice smaller things.
How you’d tense up when the person you were hugging patted or rubbed your back. Or how you’d freeze when someone touched your shoulder mid-conversation.
He began noticing things in your relationship with him. 
If you were sitting together, you always got nervous about your hand being near his.
At first, he thought this was because of his quirk and his sweaty palms. It was the only time Bakugou felt 0.001% insecure about his quirk and sometimes clammy hands.
But then he noticed, you would often get shy when he mentioned kissing or cuddling.
So he decided to ask you about it.
It started off as just a normal conversation, you were talking to Deku about something when Bakugou intervened.
“Oi, (y/n), we need to talk.” Bakugou stated in his usual tone. You gave Deku a smile and walked off with Bakugou over by the stairs, alone and away from most everyone.
“Do you not like being seen with me or something? Are you embarrassed by me?” Bakugou stood against the wall, his arms folded over his chest.
“N-No? What makes you think that?” You answered, worried you’d said or done something that upset him.
“You never want to hold hands or do any stupid couple shit.” Bakugou looked at you, his ruby pupils staring you down.
“O-oh.” Was all you could muster to say.
“Oh?” Bakugou repeated back to you.
“I’m sorry. It’s not like I’m trying to avoid you or anything, it’s just...” You were searching for the right words to say. 
You’d never been good with affection. Receiving it at least. It was easy to be there for your friends, not wanting them to experience what you had once gone through.
Seeing people change and switch up on you was hard, especially after knowing all the love, and affection they had given you was fake.
You didn’t believe the people you called your friends would do that to you now, but you still had problems with accepting their affection.
“I’m just not good with receiving affection.” You followed up. You had taken interest in the ground. Bakugou’s eyes widened.
“You’re not good with receiving affection?” Bakugou questioned, trying to grasp what you were saying.
“I had a really bad bunch of friends back in middle school, and now I just have a hard time believing any affection someone shows me is real.” You clenched your hands into fists and held back tears.
“Oh.” Bakugou went silent.
“I’m sorry I’m not good enough for you.” You began to walk off, letting the tears fall from your eyes.
Before you could get very far, Bakugou’s hand on your wrist stopped you. You froze. Bakugou let you go almost immediately.
“I never said you weren’t good enough for me so don’t even fucking think like that again.” Bakugou looked you dead in the eyes.
“I’m not like those assholes. N-No one in this stupid class is like them.” Bakugou looked away, having trouble saying that about his classmates. He knew they were stupid sometimes, but he wouldn’t say they were fake.
“I love you. And I mean every ounce of that stupid gooey lovey-dovey shit.” Bakugou looked back at you, pink dusting across his cheeks.
“I’ll try harder for you.” You said softly, wiping the tears that had fallen down your cheeks.
“We don’t have to rush into anything, just-” Bakugou paused.
“I just wanna be able to hold you.” Bakugou pouted, his cheeks burning a brighter red shade.
“Awe.” You said softly. You walked over to him and hesitated before giving him a hug.
“You can hug me back.” You said quietly, allowing him to wrap his arms around you. You tensed up, but relaxed, remembering his words.
Little by little you began adjusting to affection, starting with little things like touches and hugs before moving onto kissing and such.
Bakugou was proud of your improvements, and so were you.
»»————- ★ ————-««
shoto todoroki
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»»————- ★ ————-««
If we’re being honest, you’d have to openly admit to struggling with affection to Todoroki.
Baby boy is a bit oblivious.
But he cares for you immensely and is 110% ready to help you in any which way you need.
You struggle with receiving affection and need to get out of a certain situation, Todoroki is there to save the day. (hehe he’s ur hero)
But on the sidelines, Todoroki is also helping you little by little, by allowing him to give you affection.
Whether it just be holding hands or laying with one another.
If it ever gets to be too much for you, he’ll stop what he’s doing and give you your space.
When Todoroki found out, he was angry. He wanted to give those people a piece of his mind. Because he knows first hand how shitty people can be in the emotional abandonment department.
i.e. thanks dad if i should even call you that you heat meister looking ass bitch. (i’m just saying this for the fic i love endeavor even if he looks like the heat meister.)
“I’m so sorry that happened to you.” Todoroki spoke softly. He hesitated before hovering his hand over yours.
“May I?” He asked. You nodded and allowed him to hold your hand in his. You didn’t mind his touch as much as you thought you would.
Todoroki was different. He was always so gentle with you, nothing compared to how your old friends treated you.
So it was easier to get used to his affection.
And little by little you got accustomed to your classmate's affection, Todoroki, of course, monitoring everyone.
There were still times when small actions made you unsure.
The person you struggled most with was, of course, Bakugou.
He was always loud, and he just seemed like he hated you.
Todoroki, being the good boyfriend he is, tried to talk to Bakugou.
Whether Bakugou received the information given was still unsure.
“Could you at least treat them with respect? They respect you it’s the least you could do.” Todoroki glared at Bakugou.
“They’re below me. You can piss off.”
“It wouldn’t kill you to be nice. You don’t know what they’ve been through.” Todoroki stood up for you. Bakugou went silent.
“Whatever. Get out of my way IcyHot.” Bakugou shoved past Todoroki.
Bakugou didn’t really talk to you much after that, only if he absolutely needed too.
Which meant he wasn’t really acting like much of an asshole, at least toward you. 
He wouldn’t admit it, but what Todoroki said really struck a chord with him.
Todoroki was really good at understanding you. He knows what it’s like to not feel like affection is mutual. He understands being wary of other people.
That’s why the two of you work so well together, and why you feel so strongly for him.
He’s not bullshitting you, and neither of you have the heart to bullshit somebody else.
You may come across as blunt or rude, but you’re just honest. You’ve both been through the rounds, and no one deserves to be treated like garbage.
Todoroki stands up for you a lot, but he knows when and where it’s your place to say what you need to say. 
Todoroki is a solid boyfriend, and is honestly just the sweetest. He’s understanding, and open to learning. And you both help each other grow.
You’re the perfect pair.
»»————- ★ ————-««
izuku midoriya
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»»————- ★ ————-«« 
Izuku is honestly so sweet. 
And given the right circumstances, he’s super affectionate. But it’s his shyness that changes that.
When he first liked you, he struggled big-time admitting to it. He was always nervous around you.
But when you got into your relationship, he was much more affectionate and confident.
You had to tell him you were uncomfortable.
Midoriya felt super bad. He felt overbearing, and pushy, as well as clingy. But then he saw your reasoning behind being so closed off to receiving affection. He felt upset.
“It’s not your fault, Izu. It’s just a lot to process at the moment.” You spoke softly, resting your hand on his.
Midoriya went to move his hand, worried that you were uncomfortable. But you stopped him.
“I trust you. I know you wouldn’t hurt me.” You smiled. Trusting Midoriya was, in a good way, easy. He wouldn’t deliberately hurt you. You weren’t sure if he could.
Midoriya was always thinking for others, and rarely thought for himself. 
That’s one of the main reasons why you let him in so quickly. He needed you. He’d been touch starved himself.
So letting each other in slowly was nice. You were both new to so much, and it was nice to be going at the same pace with someone, especially in a romantic setting.
Things started off slow, holding hands in private, to holding hands in public, and hugging often.
Then when things got easier for you, allowing your friends and classmates in, you noticed how kind and true these people were.
Midoriya helped a lot with that as well.
Being a part of his friend group was a major help. They were all so kind to you, and they all helped you get comfortable as best they could.
Whether it be Iida helping you study one afternoon, or Uraraka and you spending some time together hanging out.
Midoriya also understood when you got uncomfortable around Bakugou. Midoriya struggled with his childhood friend too, so it was something you got over together.
Eventually, the two of you understood that it was just in his nature to be a little overbearing and loud. Bakugou was training to be a hero, after all, you knew he wouldn’t hurt you, unless you were sparring in which he expected you to give it your all against him.
But you didn’t expect Bakugou to be affectionate towards you, so you just tried to be as friendly as you could toward him.
And eventually, you and Midoriya were inseparable. You were often cuddling with him when you got the chance too. But with being close with one another, you also developed boundaries, and knew if it was too much to handle at times, you had to tell him.
Midoriya was open, and always there when you needed him, if you needed him for anything.
And if Bakugou gets too rowdy with you, you better believe Midoriya is standing up for you and using a little more than 8% to whoop his ass.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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gaymershigh · 4 years
I finally found a blog for male readers, thank you so much! Could I please request hcs for deuce, ace, and octavinelle trio with an mc who likes to give them piggyback rides? Like man just likes carrying them around. Thank you!
No problem, annonie! This fandom doesn't really welcome male readers that much despite they're so many guys and male OCs in here! I did this in like 2 am and only posted now so please forgive the low qualityness of this fanfic-
Triggers: none!
Deuce, Ace, Azul, Jade and Floyd with a male s/o who likes to give them piggyback rides
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Oh no.
He's very embarrassed.
He's supposed to be the one giving you piggyback rides, not vice versa! Doesn't mean he hates it though.
If anything, he loves it. He's just too shy to admit it.
Public or private, he will be a blushing stuttering mess.
The first time you done it, you two were on your way to the Ramshackle dorm after shopping for dinner. You felt bad for making him hold your things and decided to surprise him with giving him a piggyback ride to thank him for carrying your groceries.
So you decided to do so, which lead to Deuce screaming like a pterodactyl.
But of course, doing it publicly is way worse. Ace will always make fun of him everytime you pick him up and place him on his shoulders with Epel sometimes recording you two.
Everytime you put him on your back, he will be so stiff, you'll probably think he's a mannequin if it wasn't for his heart beating like it's an earthquake.
He'll hug your upper torso and bury his face on the crook of your neck, his soft breathing tickling your neck.
Well, that's if you carry him on your back but if it's on your shoulder...
He's gone, his soul has left his body. You can consider him dead now.
The feeling of his thighs wrapped around your head feels kinda wrong for him but for you? Probably heaven.
The more you do it, the more he loves it. He might be ok with you doing this publicly! That will take a long time though, probably a year or two.
If someone makes fun of any of you when you carry him, they're dead meat.
He will try to give you a piggyback ride in return but if you're above 190cm then you might accidentally crush him.
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He hates it, no doubt. Not only the fact you do this in front of his mates, you do this anywhere, anytime with no warning.
You might take this too far and do this in front of his brother! He's not gonna hear the end of it.
This is going to be new reason why Grim and Ace fights to the death now, Grim kept making fun of him because he doesn't really repent that much about your intimate actions.
To be honest, he won't care about this if this happens in private, he genuinely enjoys and unlike Deuce, he actually tells you he's nice.
That's a big mistake, you think he's now comfortable doing this in public. That assumption didn't last long when you placed on your back and he started screaming utter nonsense.
He likes wrapping his hands around you and placing kisses around your neck if he has the chance, you saw him embarrassed so it's fair if he sees you blushing too, right?
This moron is a huge tease. He might whispers 'god-upsetting' things in your ears and he'll just laugh at you when you get startled.
However, he doesn't mind you giving him piggyback rides if he's tired or in a lazy mood. Maybe you can give him a piggyback ride while running away from trouble maybe?
He prefers it if you place him on top of your shoulders, he likes the tall view and he can give you some head pats to tell you how a good boy you are to him!
If you're the type of guy that everyone loves, he'll LOVE getting piggyback rides even more!
The feeling of pissing off everyone nearby and dating someone do loved makes him feel so powerful, don't even start about the bragging part.
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He seems to be ok with you doing this privately. Yes, he panicked the first time you carried on your back but as time passes by, he handles it in a great way.
Until the first time you picked him up in public.
It was the end of the beans day event and you were on your way to Octavinelle with your very tired boyfriend. He looked very tired so you offered to give him a light back ride, he said yes unconsciously.
So when you do so, he snapped back in reality, he's yelling and wiggling himself to get out of this embarrassing position.
Unfortunately, the twins saw what had happened and he was teased nonstop.
For the sake of your boyfriend's sanity, please don't give him piggyback rides in public. Yes, he wished you two can do it together publicly like lovey-dovey boyfriends but he has a reputation and a professional role to keep.
He has no hesitation to nag at you to stop. If it means his reputation will not be tarnished, he will do it. Don't worry, he'll apologize later.
He's a workaholic and he'll usually ignore your words when it's about his sleeping schedule so do you know what'll make him go to bed?
That's right, piggyback carry him to the bed, he'll repent for a bit but if you wrapped your arms under the blankets then he'll stay silent and go along.
He loves back and shoulder rides equally, he just loves the feeling of being close with you.
Unlike the previous two, he will never accept public affection in general. You might need to travel to a parallel universe just to see a super affectionate Azul.
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Aren't you a brave one? If you two weren't dating he would've snapped your neck.
He's not embarrassed at all, more like shock that'll quickly change to amusement.
He's rather curious at to why you like to do this little gesture. The creatures in the sea never done anything affectionate like the humans do. It's so entertaining to him.
This all started with you keeping him company while the two of you climb a mountain for the club activity. He was a little bit tired and you're still full of energy, so you had an idea to give him a free ride from you.
He quietly gasped as you suddenly brought him to your back and continued back walking like nothing happened. Surprisingly, he didn't seem to asked you to stop probably because there's nobody around.
He warned you to never do this in public since he has a reputation to take care of just like his dorm leader.
He sometimes take this to an advantage of this little habit of yours by making you walk as he wrap his beautiful long arms around you and looking at ground, mushroom hunting.
You probably love shoulder piggyback rides when it's with him. His thick thighs wrapped around your head while he lovingly gazes at you is a godtier experience that will never be forgotten.
One time your friends caught you giving Jade a ride in the forest and their reaction is either shock, confusion or unnerved, this is a blursed sight.
With his tall figure, he'll probably do the same thing to you as well since you definitely deserve it.
He'll let you have your fun for now as long as you don't break his one and only rule, or else you'll face the punishment.
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Unlike the others, he immediately loves this gesture, it's so affectionate and fun, he wished this also happens in his homeland, it's paradise for Floyd!
Please pay respects to Riddle, this is more hell to him ever since Floyd found out about piggyback rides.
Just like his twin, he wonders why you like this so much but he doesn't blame since he loves it just as you!
All of this chaos happened when you see your boyfriend in his mood swings, napping on the usual bench at the courtyard. Not only his emotions mode is bad but he might get caught by Sir Crewel and that will make his emotions even worse.
You kept waking him up to tell him to at least sleep in his dorm or yours but he doesn't even budge. You had no choice but to carry him behind your back. What you didn't expect was for him to be fully awake, asking you excitedly what are you doing.
When you explained what a piggyback ride is, he's all for it. He wants you to carry him 24/7.
He couldn't care less about what other people say. If it's fun, he'll do it.
He's actually the only person in this list that actually supports and persistently asks you for piggyback rides.
The school is like hellfire now. Everyday, students have to witness you and your boyfriend behind your back, running around the halls with Jade trying to stop you two.
He also loves shoulder rides! The fact that he still feels tall without the need to stand is definitely a huge yes for him.
No doubt, giving you a ride is a must for him. You can have a nice view and him running while you're either behind or on top of him is a rollercoaster nonetheless.
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This is the most disappointing fic for me, doing this in a not so good state is a terrible idea.
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neo-ct23 · 3 years
Can I request winwin and the fluff alphabet 💖 thank youuu
Winwin x Fluff Alphabet
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Affection: Their love language & how affectionate they are.
Cautious about being affectionate in public or in front of others. Might put his hand on your lower back sometimes to help you feel secure. In private he’d be so affectionate. But then Hendery would walk in and he’d immediately take his arm out from around you and act like you weren’t cuddling.
Behavior: How their behavior is when it’s just the two of you vs with their other members around.
Wayyy more lovey dovey with you. Would be so embarrassed if the members ever found out how sweet he was with you. Calls you cute names but only to your face. If the other members found out about what you call him (idk some kind of cutesy name like booboo or something) they’d call him that all the time.
Cuddles: HC about cuddling with them.
Holds your hand. Rubs his thumb over the back of your hand while holding it. Wraps his arms around you.
Dates: First date & their favorite thing to do on dates as well.
First date he’d take you to do something interactive and maybe physical. Not a walk, maybe roller skating. Embarrassed about not being good at it but it’s adorable. His favorite dates would be arcade dates. Makes him feel like a kid.
Effort: The ways they put effort into their relationships. How they to the extra mile.
Little things. Has a thing for your hands, so he kisses them and holds them all the time. Buys you lotion and self care items, especially when you’re having a tough time.
Future: How often they think of the future, their plans, etc.
Doesn’t think about it too much, more of a take-every-day-as-it-comes kind of thinker. Might occur to him when things get serious in a relationship.
Gifts: What they like to both give and get for gifts.
Likes to give small and cheesy things. Things like photo albums, Polaroids of the two of you, or like a hand made ticket to a movie night in the dorms with him with your favorite snacks.
Habits: Any habits, good or bad, that they may have.
Fairly clean and has a great habit of cleaning a space after he’s done with it. As for a bad habit, he probably orders food too often cause we know he can’t cook.
Insecurity: Their main insecurity and how to comfort them about it.
Insecure about the shape of his body. I feel like he thinks he needs to work out especially being in a group with Lucas and Xiaojun. (This is not me saying he needs to get in shape!! We’ve seen proof he’s in great shape in the take off video)
Junior: What they were probably like as a kid.
Adorable. Really proper and respectful but with a really goofy side to him. Would crack a lot of jokes.
Kisses: Your first kiss story and their favorite type of kiss
First kiss would be the kind of thing when you’re on your first date at a restaurant and he leans across your table to kiss you and accidentally spills your drink. Favorite kisses are when you kiss his neck or jaw. Or cute little pecks.
Liquor: How well they handle it/how much they can handle.
Drinks casually and socially but not into the idea of getting super drunk. Likes the buzz of getting tipsy. Gets really goofy and fidgety when tipsy.
Mature: How mature or immature they are and the ways they show it.
Very mature. Might lose a bit of that around the members.
No: A dealbreaker for them. Something they couldn’t deal with in a relationship.
I don’t think he’s super picky or has a lot of deal breakers. Probably wouldn’t date someone with super high standards cause he’d be worried he’s not enough.
Online: How public your relationship would be. Whether or not they’d post about you online.
Doesn’t risk a thing publicly. Would create a secret private account and would only let his other members & friends follow so he could show you off to them.
Protective: How protective and jealous they get.
Can get really jealous. I feel like he loves it when you put your hand on his shoulder (he just melts) so he’d get lowkey angry if you touched someone else’s shoulder (especially another member)
Quarrel: What fights would be like with them, what they’d be about, etc. Might get a lil angsty.
I get the feeling he sticks up for himself in fights. Probably gets sad easily when he realizes what’s going on. But he’s definitely reasonable.
Room: What their room is like, living habits, etc.
Decently clean. He’d be a quiet roommate who would keep to himself most of the time. Probably the type to wipe down counters after using them (this king)
Social: Their favorite way to communicate with their s/o when they’re not around, how social they are, etc.
Will send Snapchats. They’re just selfies of different parts of his day. Hendery and Lucas probably photobomb the selfies which he doesn’t notice. He’d send selfies of him in the makeup chair, on set, mirror selfies in the bathroom, etc.
Travel: Where they want to go & what they want to do.
Obviously wants to go back to China (he’s there now!!) but also I feel like he’d want to go to (and this is really random) Scandinavia. I have a weird vibe he wants to go to Norway.
Unwind: What helps them relax after a long day.
Casually plays video games, maybe just mobile ones. Might listen to music or take a nap. Switches things up every day.
Vulnerable: What makes them vulnerable & why.
He’s pretty strong I think, but feels vulnerable when talking about his emotions. I’ve said this about a lot of them. He’s not even concerned about his masculinity, I think he probably just isn’t used to talking about his feelings so it’s a bit of a comfort zone thing.
Wedding: whether or not they want to get married, if/how they would want to do it, etc.
Has a dream wedding planned, doesn’t say a word about it until it actually comes up in conversation. Feels embarrassed by it and worried about rushing things with you.
X: an AU that comes to mind.
Hmmm this is a tricky one. I could see a college student AU or maybe even a single dad one. CEO!Winwin would also be hot.
You: Their absolute favorite thing about you & why.
Loves the way your eyes look when you smile. That’s super specific but he melts when he looks at you and you respond with a smile. Also loves your hands but not in a dirty way. Loves to hold and kiss them.
Zzz: Cute sleeping HC.
Sleeps with his mouth open so he drools the tiniest bit. Also grossed out by it so of course he changes the pillow case every time. Takes up room on most of the bed to the point where you’re squished.
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actuallysaiyan · 3 years
And here's Vegeta's SFW alphabet for @cutelittleriot
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Vegeta isn't super affectionate. He hardly pays you any mind and usually will not be lovey dovey with you. Instead, he would prefer if you were to be affectionate with him in private and when the mood strikes him.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He would be very flaky and possibly rude, but he would try a little bit to show you that he's not a complete asshole. You would have to show interest in training or fighting for him to even consider you a friend.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Oh yes, he loves to cuddle. He doesn't want anyone to know that he does, but he wants you to snuggle up against him and he loves the way you feel so small in his arms. He'll hold you close to him and rub your back.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He would love the idea of settling down eventually. He wants you to cook and clean for him and basically become a wifey(or husbandy?) to him. He won't do any of the chores(unless you talk him into it), and he'll probably expect you to do them all.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He might actually be very cruel about this, but inside he's hurting. He won't show it because he has his pride.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
It would take him quite some time before wanting to get married. He likes the idea of someone taking care of him, but he also loves being by himself as well.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He can be a little rough emotionally and hurt your feelings, but if he truly loves you, he'll apologize. He's also strangely gentle physically and doesn't want to hurt you at all.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He likes hugs, but only privately. He's not big on PDA, so don't just hug him when you're around friends unless you want to invoke his wrath. His hugs are a bit bone crunching, but you feel so loved in his arms.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It might slip out eventually, but it would take a long time for him to actually say it to you and really mean it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Vegeta is the definition of jealousy. He would get crazy jealous if anyone even tried to hit on you or flirt with you. He'll probably threaten to beat that person up.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are either soft and passionate, leaving you wanting more or they are sexy and animalistic when he's feeling aroused. He loves kissing you all over whenever he gets the chance. He loves it when you kiss his lips softly or if you kiss his forehead affectionately.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He's not exactly the best around children, but if you were to start a family, he would settle down with you and do his best to protect you and the children.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He will get up with you and you'll make him breakfast. After breakfast, he gets ready to train while you take care of the rest of the chores.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
If he's not feeling aroused, he may want to have dinner with you and shower afterwards then cuddle. If he's feeling in the mood, you might expect him to want to have a little fun ;)
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It would take Vegeta a very long time before he actually started becoming opening with you. He needs to get to know you and trust you before he opens up and tells you about his past.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Ohhh he has basically 0 patience. This man gets angry very easily. You'll need to help him stay grounded and calm.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He would remember all kinds of things about you, but he doesn't mention it or talk about it that much. It'll just be something he says in passing that makes you realize that he remembers things about you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite memory is when you finally told him you love him and kissed him for the first time. He couldn't help but melt into the kiss and see how much you truly do love him.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Vegeta is SUPER protective. He would hurt anyone who even dares to look at you the wrong way. Anyone who messes with you, they should stay away. He wouldn't like being protected at all. It would hurt his pride.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He wouldn't be the first to initiate this kind of thing, but if he knew it would make you happy, he might actually put some effort into it.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He's very prideful and arrogant, so it can be off putting and hurtful.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He's very concerned with his looks. He's the prince of all Saiyans, he's got to look his best.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He wouldn't show it openly, but he would feel super incomplete without you. He needs someone in his life to love him.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He's super good in bed and actually it's one of the only places he's not only thinking about himself.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn't like it if someone beats him at something. He always needs to be number one.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Vegeta will hold you close in his arms and snore very lightly. He doesn't toss and turn much.
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myonepiece · 3 years
hi!! i totally forgot we could request gabon so if you want to can you do general relationship headcanons with him?? ur last scenario with him was so good 😭 ty!!
  thank you! he’s so fun to write for i need more gaban content 😩
gaban general relationship headcanons
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-the literal first thing i thought of is how much this man loves picking you up. and hugs! 😍 whenever you’re away from each other for awhile, awhile being as long as 4+ hours, he’ll open his arms when he sees you so you run to him and he’ll lift you up and usually spin you around then kiss you. really whenever he sees you and he’s not doing anything he opens his arms for a hug
-kisses are always welcome, always. kiss him. you can interupt him while he’s steering the ship and he’ll be completely fine. his kisses are always passionateand love filled, he also likes tender kisses on his neck especially. sometimes when you’re laying in bed he’ll just start attacking you with kisses
-whenever the crew is singing gaban goes to find you so you can dance together, especially when they’re singing bink’s sake ☺️
-how often he gets jealous is still iffy to me, if he sees someone being touchy with you like rayleigh in my fic, he’ll move them without a second thought. he trusts you to go off on your own in town while he goes with the rest of the crew, but he always goes to find you if you’re gone for too long. and of course there’s also days he doesn’t want you to leave so he’ll throw you over his shoulder and bring you everywhere with him
-he can be fiercely protective, violently protective, when someone pushes it far enough. in fights he knows you can handleyour own but he tries to fight near you (far enough so he won’t accidentally hurt you) so he can keep and eye on you and step in just in case
-when someone flirts with you he’ll usually laugh it off but if they persist then he’s gonna make himself known 
-he’ll come into thebathroom when you’re on the toilet and just go about his businnes. you can do the same to him it’s super normal in your relationship. same for if you’re not bathing together sometimes gaban will go and sit in the bathroom with you or join you bathing
-speaking of bathing, he always tries to bathe with you and almost every night that is how it goes. he prefers showers with you. sometimes he’ll accidentally forget two towels and he only brought one. i’m pretty sure since he’s not the first mate he doesn’t have his own so you use one of the shared bathrooms. so with only one towel he’ll wrap it around you and pick you up then run to your room
-so chances are, especially if you’re a girl (because then crocus and/or rayleigh would vouch for you saying you shouldget your own room) gaban will moveinto your room with you and he was just so happy and excited the first night you slept together (innocently of course) in the room
-he uses nicknames a lot, such as baby, babe, sweet cheeks, buttercup, beautiful, princess. if you look like a certain animal or like/remind him of a certain flower he’ll nick name you that- like bunny or bluebell. he loves when. you call him nicknames too, his favorites are baby, handsome, and in private boo boo
-he doesn’t really like to act all mushy and lovey dove in public, and he’s not exactly lovey dovey in general, but like none of the really disgustingly sweet nicknames for either of you. if you try to initiate something romantic in public he’ll smile and like throw you over his shoulder, squeeze you into his side, or. just laugh it off
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