#digging in the direction of some pipes and i should change course
hedgehog-moss · 2 years
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I’m proud to say that the stairs between my house and the greenhouse, which in this post only existed in my imagination, are now a thing!
Here’s the before picture:
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And here’s Pandolf demonstrating proper stair-climbing protocol:
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If he could give me a thumbs up, he would.
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(I had trouble getting him to agree to these pictures because during construction he was not allowed to set foot on the fragile stairs-in-progress. He scrupulously respected this new rule and whenever I went to the greenhouse he would make an unnecessarily-broad detour to follow me while showcasing how much of a good dog he is. It’s always easier to teach him he’s not allowed to do something, than to undo it later and convince him the thing has now been legalised. He’s very worried about misinterpreting you and accidentally becoming a criminal.)
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nugnthopkns · 3 years
dance me to the end of love (iv)
word count: 4.1k
warnings: fem!oc, cursing, alcohol consumption
series masterpost: here
a/n: my apologies for the delay!! life got crazy for a bit but i'm back with my two favourite idiot intellectuals
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Magdalene stays busy to keep the loneliness at bay.
All of her friends have left Denver, doing whatever it is that hockey players and their partners do in the off-season. She never expected them to stay to keep her company, and would certainly never ask. Besides, they were all so excited to go home and visit family. How could she disrupt their happiness just so she wouldn’t feel so alone? It isn’t her fault that Ryan, Bette, and company aren’t estranged from their families like she is. At twenty-five she should be a little more self sufficient than what she currently is, but Magdalene is working hard at being kinder to herself.
To combat the pervasive loneliness Magdalene spends a lot of time in the heart of downtown Denver. Under normal circumstances she would hate the crowds, but now they comfort her. The swaths of tourists walking the streets and approaching her to take family photos make her feel like a part of something bigger than the pity she finds herself wallowing in often. Barn Owl Books also becomes a frequent retreat when she has downtime, and the owners enjoy when she brings Caligula around. Other patrons adore the white cat and he loves the attention.
One day as she’s leaving work, once again offering to stay late so June doesn’t have to, Magdalene’s phone rings. She contemplates not picking it up, wanting nothing more than to curl into bed with the novel she picked up at Barn Owl the other day, but she knows it must be important. No one ever calls her around this time unless it’s absolutely necessary. Digging the phone out of her pocket, she sees the number of her building superintendent Paul flashing on the screen.
“Miss Stevenson?” he asks, voice tinged with the toughness that comes with dealing with upset renters on a regular basis.
Magdalene chuckles at the formality, pointing out he hasn’t called her by her last name since she moved in five years ago. “Yeah Paul, it’s me. What’s up?”
There’s the crackle of static on the phone line as the man clears his throat. “So, uh, some bad news.” Magdalene’s stomach twists into an intricate knot. She knows she paid rent on time and can’t think of another reason he’d call her. “A sprinkler main on the floor above yours burst about an hour ago, and it’s pretty bad. Your place definitely got hit the hardest because it’s directly under where the pipe burst. You’re going to have to move out for at least two months while we gut the place and start from scratch. How quickly can you come and get the things that are salvageable from your apartment?”
“Fuck.” This is the worst news Magdalene has ever received. “I can be there in fifteen minutes,” she panics, “But Paul, you’ve gotta go inside and check on my cat. He’s going to be freaking out.”
Paul agrees to visit Caligula after some prodding, and Magdalene drives much faster than she ever has before through the neighbourhood. It’s far from reckless, but she knows that it isn’t the safest course of action. A police officer stops her about three minutes from her final destination but lets Magdalene go after she explains the situation as calmly as possible.
Other tenants affected by the flood are already moving boxes down the stairs when Magdalene pulls up. Everyone is understandably grief stricken, but she can’t find it in herself to console them like she would under normal circumstances. All Magdalene cares about is making sure Caligula is okay. She sprints up the four flights of stairs and doesn’t even break a sweat, adrenaline flooding her veins. Her apartment door is ajar, most likely from Paul entering a few minutes ago, and she flings it open with more force than probably needed. It swings back violently on its hinges and makes a spectacular crash when it hits the wall.
“He’s in the bathroom,” Paul sighs. “I can’t get him out of the tub but he’s still breathing. Is he not scared of water?”
Magdalene lets out a breath of relief she didn’t know she was holding in. She treads deeper into the apartment, casually assessing the damage, before reaching the room in question. There, pressed against the far corner of the tub, is the fluffy white cat that Magdalene’s heart beats for most days. Paul is there too, leaning against the sink and shaking his head.
“Thank you,” Magdalene says sincerely. “I’ve got it from here.”
The superintendent exits the unit with a solemn goodbye and heads to the lobby, no doubt going to direct traffic flow and answer questions. It takes a few minutes but Magdalene coaxes the cat out of the tub and into her arms. She holds him tightly and whispers words of praise, knowing it will help to calm them both down. After an uncounted amount of minutes Magdalene moves them into the bedroom, that looks surprisingly intact upon first glance, and changes out of her work clothes and into something more suitable for rummaging around her destroyed home. Caligula climbs up her body and settles gingerly into the hood on her sweatshirt. She starts in the bedroom, and finds that the only thing that’s actually salvageable is the clothes in her closet. Grabbing the suitcase from the top shelf, Magdalene shoves everything inside of it and wheels it into the living room.
She spends the next few hours going through every room in a meticulous manner, desperate to keep relics from her life in Denver. The water did a number on her space and destroyed almost everything. All the furniture is a write-off, and most of her books and records are ruined. Two things that withstood the damage are faux marble busts of Augustus and Marcus Aurelius, which Magdalene packs into one of the boxes Paul dropped off. Everything else fits in three other boxes and they’re tucked into the trunk of her car before the sun sets. Paul insists that the demolition company will get rid of everything else and ensures her she won’t have to pay rent while the construction is going on. It isn’t much of a consultation, considering that Magdalene has no idea where she’ll be staying, but she thanks him anyways as she makes the final trip to her car with Caligula.
Once inside, Magdalene breaks down. She has no idea what to do – no one is in Denver to help her out and she can’t afford to stay in a hotel for however many months this is going to take to fix. Tyson and Bette will be back in just over a month, but Magdalene doesn’t want to bother them or guilt them into coming back early. She cries in the driver’s seat of her car for a while, Caligula on her lap and doing his best to lick up the tears streaming down her cheeks. Not knowing what else to do, she dials Ryan’s number. Though they haven’t been talking as frequently due to the time difference and Magdalene’s insistence he enjoys his time with family, she knows he’ll pick up and listen intently. He’ll also hopefully talk her down from the imaginary ledge she’s found herself on.
He picks up on the second ring. “How’s my favourite girl?” Ryan asks, and Magdalene can hear the smile in his voice. The combination of his voice and the words spoken has her choking on another sob. “Hey, hey, breathe.” Concern is now the primary emotion expressed through the phone line. “Mags, what’s the matter?”
It takes her a few seconds and multiple pads of Caligula’s paws into her stomach for Magdalene to calm down, but she eventually tells Ryan what happened. He listens just as she thought he would, and keeps her breathing steady with his voice. She cries a bit more before running out of tears, but Ryan keeps her focussed on anything but the shitty circumstance she’s found herself victim to – detailing how he skated with Nate earlier in the day and just how many times his teammate kicked his ass. Hearing the mundane story helps more than Magdalene thought it would, and when Ryan asks her where she’s going to stay she responds with a relatively strong voice.
“I’m just going to sleep in my car.”
“Fuck no you aren’t.” The certainty in which Ryan utters the words takes Magdalene by surprise. For someone so far away, he has a lot of opinions on what she should be doing.
She sighs. “There isn’t another option Ry. I can’t afford a hotel for the months my apartment is going to be out of commission and there’s no point in renting another place.”
“Stay with me.”
A series of flabbergasted noises come out of Magdalene’s dropped jaw, but she can’t form any words. Ryan continues, “Think about Caligula. Being cramped in a car isn’t going to be good for him. Or for you. I have an extra bedroom you can call your own for as long as you need. Please Mags.”
Truthfully, it’s the best she’s going to get. Bette and Tyson offered to house a couple of rookies this season, meaning their spare rooms are filled, and there’s no one else she’s close enough with to think about asking. “I don’t want to intrude,” she sighs, but it isn’t a very convincing deflection.
“I want you there,” Ryan insists, “And little boots too.”
It takes them a while to work out the logistics, but Ryan makes a couple of calls and lets the doorman of his building know Magdalene is moving in. He also books a flight for the next day, and ensures her that he’s more than ready to come back to Colorado. They talk for a few more minutes, and in that time she gets directions to her temporary home. Once Ryan hangs up with well wishes and a see-you-soon, Magdalene looks in her rear-view mirror and sets out for a part of Denver she never thought she’d live in.
When Magdalene calls Bette to fill her in on what’s been going on while on the way to pick Ryan up from the airport, the blonde is taken aback by the surplus of information. “Hold on,” she breathes, “Ryan’s coming back to Denver?”
“What part of ‘I’m on my way to the airport to pick up Ryan’ was confusing?” Magdalene laughs.
Her friend doesn’t find the jest funny. “Fuck off.” The comment only increases Magdalene’s laughter, but Bette forges on with the conversation. “Can you recap the events that led to Ryan leaving home nearly three weeks early?”
Magdalene indulges her friend, explaining for what feels like the hundredth time that her apartment was destroyed in a flood and that Ryan offered her his spare bedroom and that he was coming home so she wouldn’t be alone in the unfamiliar environment. Bette listens in silence, and Magdalene imagines she has a shit-eating grin plastered on her face. She’s made quite a few comments about how friendly the two of them seem, but Magdalene does her best to shrug them off. Ryan can just be her friend, a great one even, without Bette projecting her need to have her best friend to have an identical lifestyle to her. Even if she’s right, and Magdalene does want there to be something more between her and Ryan.
“Hold the phone.” Magdalene hears Tyson shout, no doubt getting closer to his girlfriend so he can join in on the conversation. “Gravy’s letting you stay at his place?”
“Yeah…” she trails off, unsure about what wasn’t clear this time.
Tyson hums as though he’s an old-school anthropologist who just made an astute observation about the group they’re studying. “Interesting.”
“How so?”
“Well for starters, he barely lets us hang out at his place,” Tyson explains. “I think I’ve been there maybe twice. So that’s new. Is Caligula staying with you?”
Magdalene is completely confused. “Why wouldn’t he be? He’s my cat.”
“How does Gravy feel about it?”
“What the fuck are you getting at Tys?” Magdalene asks, but there’s a bite to the question. She’s tired of the impromptu interrogation he’s providing. “Because Ryan was excited to have him around. Last night I sent him a video of little boots prancing around the condo like he owned the place and he thought it was hilarious.”
Bette, who had been silent for several minutes, gasps loudly. Tyson laughs, but Magdalene can tell it’s riddled with disbelief. “Mags,” he says gently, though with more than enough teasing laced in, “Gravy isn’t a big pet guy.”
The comment hits Magdalene like a tonne of bricks. What is she supposed to do with that information? There’s only ten more minutes until she gets to the airport, and she needs time to push Tyson’s comment to the back of her brain and collect herself. Magdalene gives a rushed farewell before hanging up the phone and checking her rearview mirror and blindspots. The radio filters back through the car speakers, but she doesn’t hear it, too caught up in what Ryan allowing Caligula to share his space means. There’s little traffic on the off-ramp and before she knows it Magdalene is pulling into a parking space and killing the engine.
She grabs the messily scribbled welcome home banner from the back seat before locking the doors and heading inside to the arrivals section. The inside of the airport looks similar to the empty parking lot – it’s a Tuesday after all. Only a few others wait with her for the plane, and many chat idly amongst themselves. Magdalene stays off to the side in an attempt to not get sucked into a conversation about the upcoming thunderstorm. Passengers slowly trickle through the open door, and Ryan is easy to spot. He towers above everyone and is carrying a rather large bag of hockey equipment. Magdalene smiles at the sight of him, unable to help herself. It’s been nearly a month and a half since she’s seen him and being apart for that long is something she never wants to do again.
“Hi,” she breathes as he approaches, waving awkwardly while she speaks. It’s as though she hasn’t spent countless hours talking with him about every possible topic her mind could dream up.
Ryan doesn’t feel the tension, or if he does he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he wraps her in a tight hug that lasts a touch longer than one with just a friend should, especially in public. Magdalene tries hard not to melt into his side but it’s nearly impossible – Ryan has a magnetic pull that tugs on her heartstrings and makes her insides feel fuzzy. Others bustling around the terminal start to give them strange looks, and it’s only then that Ryan clears his throat and untangles his arms from Magdalene’s waist.
He smiles down at the strong-willed brunette with kind eyes and shoulders his bag once more. “Let’s go home.”
It takes a few days to settle into a routine, but once they do it’s glorious. Training camp doesn’t start for another three weeks, so Ryan spends his day doing light workouts and chilling with Caligula while Magdalene is at work. Once she gets home they make dinner and watch West Wing reruns on the cable network Ryan didn’t know he was even paying for. Their lives fit together seamlessly and it surprises Magdalene just how much she missed having a roommate – Bette moved out after their sophomore year of college, and it’s been just her and Caligula ever since. Though the personal space is nice, she likes being able to hear Ryan laugh at the meme she just sent or knocking on his door in the middle of night to ask if he wants ice cream.
Magdalene wakes up one Saturday to complete silence. It’s unsettling considering she hasn’t heard that since adopting her pet – Caligula sleeps next to her head and breathes loud enough that she’ll never have to buy a white noise machine. She notices her door is slightly ajar and hears soft noises coming from the living room. Ryan must be taking a day off, Magdalene notes, because he’s typically out of the house by seven and it’s currently five minutes past eight. She rolls out of bed and stumbles into the ensuite, brushing the tangles out of her hair and washing her face.
Not bothering to change out the pyjama pants and hoodie she stole from Ryan, Magdalene pads into the sunlit living room to see her roommate doing yoga. On a tiny mat beside him is Caligula, stretching his limbs like he’s following along with the tutorial. The sight is adorable, and before she can think twice about it Magdalene is snapping a photo of the two of them and posting it to her Instagram story.
“You trying to whip my cat into shape Graves?” Magdalene teases, weaving around them and plopping onto the couch, bringing her knees to her chin and holding in a yawn.
Ryan laughs, loud and care-free, and Magdalene wishes he could record the sound and play it on loop. “He kept trying to sit underneath me and I didn’t want to hurt him. I read somewhere that if you give a cat something similar to what you’re doing they’ll leave you alone. Guess it really works.”
Her heart constricts in the best way possible. Ryan continues to go above and beyond to make her and Caligula welcome and doesn’t seem to mind they’re the ones invading his space and not the other way around. There’s still twenty minutes left on the YouTube video he’s watching, so Magdalene pushes herself off the expensive leather sectional and into the kitchen. The least she could do is make breakfast. Deciding on pancakes, Magdalene gets to work prepping the batter and warming up the frying pan. She hums absentmindedly to the Joni Mitchell song playing on the small radio she placed in the kitchen window. Music always made cooking more enjoyable for her, and Ryan doesn’t seem to mind the device taking up space.
The island is set and the food ready by the time Ryan slides into his seat, small beads of sweat lingering on his forehead from the workout. Magdalene resists the urge to wipe them away and instead busies herself with placing the right amount of berries on his plate.
“Mags,” Ryan calls softly, pulling her out of her mind and back down to Earth. “That’s more than enough. Sit down and eat before it gets cold.”
They eat in silence until Caligula appears, meowing for whatever scraps he can get his hands on. Against Magdalene’s pleas Ryan feeds him a blueberry. The cat sniffs it inquisitively before swallowing it, though it comes up again a few moments later.
“You’re cleaning that one up bud,” she laughs, bending down to make sure Caligula is okay before rinsing her plate in the sink.
Ryan does as he’s told and helps Magdalene with the dishes before getting ready to head out for an unofficial team meeting. Camp starts in a few days and Gabe wants to get together and make sure they’re all on the same page before barreling head-first into the season. He promises to pick them up a late lunch of sandwiches from Barn Owl and Magdalene follows him to the door to say goodbye. It feels natural, like they’ve always shared this routine, and she knows that Ryan feels it too because he wraps her in a tight hug before petting Caligula one last time and slipping out the door.
Bette calls soon after he leaves and grills Magdalene on all the details of her new living arrangement. She’s still in Canada, spending a few more days there than Tyson to help his mom and sister finish unpacking their things at the house they recently purchased.
“So, have you kissed him yet?”
The question is asked in such a casual, Bette-like manner that Magdalene barely chokes on her water. “Bee, what the fuck?”
“Oh come off it Mags,” she sighs, “You like him. He likes you. The two of you live together now. It’s only a matter of time before the friendship turns into something more.”
The blonde is right about at least one thing – Magdalene has developed a steady crush on Ryan. She should have known being in such close proximity to him all the time would put her feelings into overdrive. However, she didn’t have another option other than to accept his offer when it was proposed nearly a month ago, so Magdalene is now being forced to deal with the repercussions.
“I have, in fact, not kissed Ryan,” Magdalene huffs. “But I’ve thought about it once or twice.”
A squeal tears from Bette’s throat and she forces her friend to share the details. Magdalene obliges mostly to get her off her back, but it does feel good to talk about it with someone. It’s a very long time since she’s had romantic feelings for anyone, and Magdalene is nearly giddy with excitement over the possibility of new-found love by the time Ryan gets home. She says farewell to Bette and promises to come over as soon as they're both in the same city again.
It’s later than both of them expected, so they decide to forgo lunch and instead cook an early dinner. Ryan wants chicken and Magdalene wants spaghetti, so naturally they compromise on a carbonara without the pork. The radio is cranked to the highest volume as they work, both singing along and in their own little worlds. Magdalene is in charge of cooking the pasta and Ryan sets about making the sauce, and more than once she catches him looking at her while he’s supposed to be stirring the mixture. She can’t be too mad, however, because each time their eyes meet she’s supposed to be doing her job too. Before too much time has passed the meal is ready. It cools on two plates while Caligula is fed and wine is poured – the former done by Magdalene because the cat still isn’t quite comfortable enough with Ryan. Once sitting, they raise their glasses in a silent toast and dig in. The pasta tastes heavenly, and Magdalene makes sure to say so.
“Oh my god this is delicious,” she nearly moans, “You have to make this like every night.”
Ryan laughs and raises his fingers in mock salute. “You got it boss.”
Conversation flows into how they spent their hours apart – Ryan gushing about how good it was to see his teammates again and Magdalene talking about how she caught up with Bette on the phone. She of course left out the part where she confessed feelings for her best friend to her other, more senior best friend. Dinner passes in the blink of an eye and soon the two of them are standing side by side at the sink, elbows knocking occasionally as they do the dishes.
“Want to watch a movie tonight?” Ryan asks nonchalantly. “You said earlier this week you wanted to see Clueless again.”
Magdalene smiles – of course he would remember this offhand comment she made a few days ago about the classic. “That sounds fantastic. Can you finish putting these away? I’m going to pop a couple blankets in the dryer to warm up and see if I can get a nice picture of the sunset for Bette, she mentioned on the phone that she’s missing it.”
“She literally hasn’t changed time zones!”
Laughter tumbles from Magdalene’s lips as she slips out of the kitchen. Two fluffy blankets are pulled from the back of the couch on her way down the hall and tossed into the machine. Grabbing the same sweater of Ryan’s she was wearing earlier in the day from the foot of her bed, Magdalene heads for the balcony door and slips through the glass.
The city is nearly silent. Cars pass under Ryan’s balcony like blips in the night, but they don’t dare touch the peaceful atmosphere radiating from Magdalene. She’s had one of the best nights of her life, just her and Ryan laughing over glasses of wine and the pasta dish they cooked together. It’s all so domestic and charged with stolen glances and soft smiles that Magdalene knows it’s more than two friends living together for a short period of time. There’s been a fundamental shift in their relationship but she doesn’t know how to address it, or if she even wants to despite her looming attraction. Being with Ryan is so easy that she forgets it’s only temporary. Realistically she knows it can’t last forever, but she finds herself hoping each day Paul will call and tell her the rebuild is taking longer than expected.
Ryan calls her inside, informing her the blankets are out of the dryer and the movie she picked out days ago is queued up on the television. Magdalene takes a deep breath and finishes her glass of wine in one gulp. Hopefully he won’t notice when she casually leans in and rests her head on his shoulder halfway through the film.
taglist: @scrunchmakar @marcoscandellas @toplinetommy @samsteel @lovethepreds @cutiesara23 @hockeyallthetime @stlbluesbrat21 @denis-scorianov @danglesnipecelly @c-tangerine @stormingroses @spine-buster (add yourself to the taglist!)
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exhausted-dog-mom · 3 years
Underwater (2020) Fix It Fanfic
Last year, I was commissioned to write a fix it fic for the horror movie Underwater. I had no idea it was a horror movie until after I agreed to write it, lol. I'm a coward at the best of times and writing this gave me nightmares for months. It's 24k words and almost 55 pages long. I rewrote the whole dang movie, lol. The entire fic is on my Patreon, but here are the first 2k words. 
           Norah followed behind Rodrigo as they picked their way carefully through the debris. Her body shivered uncontrollably, her meager clothing long soaked through by water of questionable quality. The tinny, prerecorded voice of the infographics which once lined the walls echoed in the too tight hallways, skipping as sparks crackled along the broken screens. Great slabs of concrete and torn sheets of metal made their progress slow, their flashlights illuminating little more than water. The hallway they were following to CR-7 was far from a direct route, but it was the only one they were both able to traverse, and Norah knew she wasn’t alone in wanting to stick together—not after closing the bulkheads.
           She dismissed that thought. She didn’t have time to think about that. Not when the path before them suddenly stopped, the way forward cut off by a serious cave in.
           “Can we dig through there?” She asked, watching as Rodrigo crouched down and began moving loose bits of rubble.
           He called back, uncertain but willing to try, and Norah began scanning the area for alternate routes. They didn’t have time to double back and find another way. The Kepler wouldn’t last long and every second they wasted not getting to the pods was another second the entire station deteriorated around them.
           She took a chance and put her weight on a ledge above where Rodrigo was digging, shining her light down a narrow passage that might allow them both through. Maybe.
           “Hey,” she called down to her colleague. “I can fit through there if you can.”
           He came up and looked at her discovery, considering the rough looking tunnel.
           Distantly, Norah heard something. A voice. She had to turn her head to catch it, the hearing in her left ear completely gone, but it was there.
           “Hello?” She called out, hope rising in her throat. “Hello? Can you hear that?” She didn’t wait for Rodrigo’s response, leaving him behind as she clambered over derelict ductwork and dodged sharp edges, shining her flashlight on everything as she searched desperately for any sign of life. “Keep talking, I can hear you!”
           She turned her right ear to the ground, tracing the source of the muffled voice to a pile of concrete slabs, the edges sharp against her hands as she began to pull on them with a strength she didn’t know she had. Rodrigo came up beside her, helping to free whoever was trapped underneath. The first thing she saw as they pulled back a layer of rubble was a stuffed rabbit, the furlike fabric covered in grease and who knew what else. She stared at it, confused, for all of two seconds before joy and recognition filled her with renewed vigor.
           “Paul?” Sure enough, as she took the rabbit from upstretched hands, her friend’s face came into view, his eyes clenched shut against the brightness of Rodrigo’s flashlight. She handed the rabbit to Rodrigo, reaching down into the crevice to get better leverage for lifting Paul’s not insignificant weight. With Rodrigo’s help, she pushed back the final slab, revealing the drill worker in all his bare chested glory, his skin coated in dust and grime. His hand held on to hers tightly and she watched as recognition bloomed in his eyes.
           “Hi.” She was as breathless as he was, a shaky laugh passing through chattering teeth.
           Paul smiled up at her, squeezing her hand as he laughed right back. “Oh, you sweet, flat chested elven creature.”
           She couldn’t even be mad at him. She was sure she made quite the sight, in her sports bra and sweats, but it was no better than his.
           She watched her friend breathe harshly for a second, lungs taking full advantage of their renewed capacity now that the weight of the debris was no longer crushing his chest. She knew the instant his brain had reoxygenated, because he turned to Rodrigo, a man he’d probably never interacted with before, like Norah, and asked after his rabbit.
           His concern for his little buddy was endearing, though she knew the stuffed toy couldn’t hold a candle to the real Little Paul, alive and waiting seven miles above them on dry land.
           Getting Paul out of the hole was a process, but they did it, the large man standing before them in nothing but a robe, boxers, and one lucky sock. He cradled the rabbit against his chest like a living animal, his attachment to the thing so much stronger after so long down in the deep.
           Norah lead the way back down the hall, flickering blue lights casting eerie shadows on the walls. “There are pods in CR-7,” she explained over her shoulder, the joy she felt at finding her friend alive tempered by a renewed desperation to get out. “The upper decks are collapsing, so we’ve gotta move fast.”
           She pulled herself up onto the ledge, Rodrigo helping her from below. She caught the tail end of Paul’s whining complaint and she rolled her eyes. Leave it to him to find something to complain about during a life or death situation.
           Paul was much larger than either her or Rodrigo, but, as Norah crawled through the cramped tunnel, she was pretty sure he’d be able to fit. She had little trouble scooting through the dark, her movements sending the light from her flashlight in all sorts of disorienting directions. Everything was grey, with the exception of the odd wire or two, exposed copper stinging her wet skin as she brushed up against it. She turned back to look at her two companions, the men clearly having a harder time than she was.
           “You guys ok?”
           “Yeah,” Rodrigo nodded to her, dust clinging to his dark skin. Behind him, Paul grumbled out an affirming expletive.
           Turning back, she immediately recoiled, flashlight dropping from her grasp and teeth clacking loudly in her skull.
           Closing her eyes against the terrifying sight, she called back to the boys. “There’s-there’s someone up here.” She swallowed thickly. “It’s McClellen.”
           Just like that, the high from unburying Paul was gone, replaced by the grim certainty that his survival was nothing short of a miracle and the odds of finding anyone else alive were incredibly slim.
           How many were left alive? How many more would there be if she had waited just a little longer? How many were dead because of her?
           McClellen had no answers for her, blue eyes locked unseeing on something far in the distance. Norah took a shaky breath, bolstering herself as she began to move past the other woman. Their hands touched as she did, the fading warmth she felt deepening the ever growing pit in her stomach.
           If she’d waited, would McClellen still be alive?
           Would Paul be dead?
           Those questions, like all the others, were tossed aside as she resumed the slow journey forward, eyes locked on the darkness ahead of her. There was no telling what waited out there, just beyond the range of her flashlight, but she didn’t have time to lose herself to what ifs and should haves. There were two men behind her, two living, breathing men, and that was enough. It had to be enough.
           The cramped tunnel let out to an open space—another hallway, by the looks of it—and Norah carefully climbed out and set her feet on the ground. The light here was red, a sign that the emergency systems were working, at least, and she could only hope that the way to the escape pods was open. She led the way, following a mental map of the rig as automated voices rang out overhead. Their flashlights reflected off the tall windows which surrounded the evacuation room, the reinforced glass surprisingly intact compared to the wreckage all around it. Norah stumbled over a rogue pipe, her mind going blank as it struggled to put together what she was seeing.
           Sparks flew, the display illuminating Captain Lucien’s back where he sat hunched over inside the closed off rotunda. He made no indication that he’d heard her, his head in his hands as he sat alone in the dark. Norah hit the control panel, but he didn’t react to the obnoxious sound it made in protest. Squinting through the glass, her heart sank as she took in the damage surrounding him, the escape pods they’d all put so much hope in clearly no longer an option.
           “Shit?” Paul winced as he came over to stand beside her, looking over her shoulder into the dark. “What’s shit?”
           “The evac pods are gone.” Norah tuned out her friend’s frenzied cursing as she pounded on the glass, calling for her Captain. Could he even hear her through the reinforced windows? They were designed to withstand sudden changes in pressure—likely why they were still intact—but did that mean they also blocked out sound?
           The answer was no, they couldn’t, and Norah deflated with relief when Lucien turned around, face lighting up as he recognized first her then the men behind her.
           “Norah,” he called, his voice muffled but still intelligible through the glass as he rushed over. “You’re alive.” He didn’t sound like he believed it, but she could understand the sentiment. “The door’s jammed.”
           Right. Of course, it was. He probably would have left if it wasn’t. Norah quickly moved over to the control panel, mentally apologizing to the machine for hitting it as she tried to find some way to override the lock. Absently, she recognized the Captain giving orders to Paul and Rodrigo, both men rushing to obey, though Paul complained loudly between hissing breaths.
           “On a scale of one to ten, how bad’s my rig?”
           His attempt at humor fell a little flat and Norah looked up at him incredulously as the doors opened. “Uh,” she looked him up and down in the harsh white lights which conveniently decided to turn back on. His left arm was in a sling, miscellaneous bruises and cuts littered across his face. Shit. “Ten. We’re, um, seventy percent compromised—breathe too hard and we’re in trouble.”
           He didn’t appreciate her candor, turning away from her with a grim expression before turning back around and reaching for her face with his good hand, looking at her damaged ear with a grimace.
           “What happened,” she asked through chattering teeth, the two seconds she’d spent standing still reminding her body of how cold it was. “Was it an earthquake?”
           “I don’t know.” That wasn’t what she wanted to hear. “I’m trying to figure it out.”
           She watched, still somewhat dazed, as he pulled a large red med kit out from seemingly nowhere, using his one hand to its full effectiveness as he rummaged through it.
           “I don’t understand.” Her voice forced its way through her tight throat, swallowing only thickening the knot living there. “Why are you still here? There were pods here, you could have left.”
           He gave her a look she was sure he’d leveled on his child a thousand times before. It certainly made her feel like one. “That’s what Captains do.”
           “Who cares?” She couldn’t stop the words or the incredulity which laced them. “You have a kid. You should have gone up.”
           He froze, expression blank as his mouth opened and closed, eyes shut as he tried to find the words to respond to that. Instead, he urged her to sit down, returning to the med kit as though she hadn’t said anything.
           “You know any one of us would have shoved your ass into a pod—.”
           “Listen to me!”
           Norah shut her mouth, staring wide eyed at her Captain as he kneeled in front of her, mouth tense as he glared up at her. His French accent was thicker in his anger, coloring his words as he gestured wildly with his good arm.
           “Everyone is getting out of here alive.” He said it with such conviction, Norah was almost able to believe him. “You here me? I already sent twenty two up, Smith reported seven dead.”
           Warmth spread in her chest at the news that Smith, at least, was still alive. She hadn’t let herself consider any other possibilities but having her old friend’s survival confirmed relieved a tension she hadn’t realized she was carrying. She gave a stuttering report of the dead she and Rodrigo had found before coming across Paul, and she struggled past telling him about McClellen, nonsensical words spilling from her lips—she lived three floors up, I was brushing my teeth, her hands were still warm, I shut the bulkheads on the entire East Wing so there’s definitely more.
           Captain Lucien, to his credit, remained staunchly focused on cleaning her ear, damp gauze coming away from it bloody. Whatever was wrong with it, it stung when he touched it, the pain a welcome reminder that she was alive, only living people could bleed, and a grim one that so many people weren’t.
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tonystarktogo · 3 years
Last part of the time travel crack ‘verse for now (and sorry for making you all worry about the scepter, I didn’t mean it that way, it just seemed like a good cut-off point tbh):
"The scepter! Did anyone keep an eye on the scepter?"
"I assure you," Agent Agent, who looks a little singed and has a bandage wrapped around one ear, yet continues to rock the personality-free drawl that tricks people into thinking he’s not worth paying attention to, speaks up, "that the scepter is still safely in SHIELD custody, Dr. Banner."
Banner scoffs.
Rogers grimaces.
Barton winces.
And oh, all other issues aside, the vindication of this moment is glorious. Tony feels fully justified in the doubtful look he aims at the screen. You know your show sucks balls when even your own operative doesn’t buy what you’re selling.
"That’s great," Banner says in a painfully droll voice. "But I’ll feel a lot better when we hand it over to our resident Asgardian prince for safekeeping rather than put it into a secret high-security facility and hope for the best. Like the one you stored the Tesseract in took Loki what, five minutes to take over?"
Woah, talk about burn. Tony doesn’t bother muffling his snicker. Who’d have thought Banner has it in him?
[continues under the cut]
"Hang on, wouldn’t it be better—" Rogers interrupts before Fury or Coulson can come up with an excuse, which judging by their sour-slash-carefully-blank expressions isn’t as easy as they’d like it to be.
Banner raises one hand. It shouldn’t be a power move on part with his green counterpart squashing a car in his fist, isn’t even particularly aggressive but for some reason Rogers shuts up. Immediately. The bright, eerily green eyes might have something to do with it. 
"If you’re going where I think you’re going, I advise you to reconsider," Banner growls, the vocals deep enough that Romanoff reaches for the nearest weapon. "Even setting my personal issues aside, it’s not worth the risk."
Barton sighs with what sounds less like exhaustion and more like sad resignation. "Hate to say it, Cap, but he’s right. Sending the scepter off-Earth with the Tesseract is probably the safest course of action we can take right now. We can’t count on being that lucky again."
"Agent Barton," Agent Agent’s words drip with such a pointedly polite friendliness, it’s a wonder he doesn’t spear his own tongue on it. "Please desist in trying to hand off objects that pose an immediate threat to global security to an unvetted alien who, while a valued ally, is in line for the throne of a foreign world."
And wow. Tony’s not gonna win a prize for his sensitivity any time soon, but there’s some things you just don’t say to a guy who got brainwashed into doing an alien’s bidding less than forty-eight hours ago. Going by the way Romanoff has gone rigid, she agrees.
Luckily for everyone present, Barton doesn’t bat an eye at the dig. He leans forward instead, elbows placed on his tights, the picture of relaxation. As long as you ignore the expression on his face that could possibly pass for a smile. If you catch sight of it out of the corner of your eye. Through a dirty mirror. 
"Not that I’m not glad to see you alive and well, Phil, because I am. But getting my head rolled once was already one time too many and if the Tesseract is powerful enough to draw fucking aliens to it then it’s too fucking powerful for us to protect." Barton’s voice becomes progressively lower as he continues his little not-having-any-of-your-shit rant. "More people are gonna get killed over that thing. Good people. Because we don’t have the damn resources to keep it safe. So if we gotta bet on Asgard for this, then that’s what we’re gonna fucking do because to be frank with you sir I’d rather lead the hostile aliens to a world ready for interstellar warfare than my own."
Thor straightens from where he’s been fixated on Loki for the past hour or so, trying to crawl into his brother’s skull through willpower alone by the looks of it, and dips his head in Barton’s direction. "Thank you for your faith," he says gravely, as though Barton hasn’t straight up told everyone in this room he wants to use Asgard as a shield-slash-sacrificial-offering. "I hope my people will prove worthy of it."
"Should be fine." Banner shrugs with a nonchalance Tony envies. "’s long as we take care of your murderous sibling first."
Thor winces. Loki’s face loses whatever expressiveness it had left and it already was at state zero: emotions not welcome here to begin with. 
But. Tony tilts his head. Why not just call Loki by his name? Unless, of course, Banner isn’t referring to him. But how would the infamous Hulk-slash-brilliant-scientist have gotten himself wrapped up in alien family drama? And is there a form Tony can sign? Because he hates being kept out of the loop.
"Avengers!" Fury snaps before things can get any more awkward. Which, good for him, but in Tony’s fine opinion he should have taken the win and be done with it. There’s just no winning against whatever type of madness — not to mention feelings — these people are so inconsiderately spreading inside his walls. "You’re not bartering off our best chance to defend ourselves against alien invaders, have I made myself clear? That’s an order."
Rogers scoffs at the screen and damn it, Tony’s determined not to like the guy but the way he just smirks humorlessly as he stares Fury down, all aww shucks did you want the pretty, glowy thing too and well too damn bad for you makes it hard. Especially when Rogers goes that little extra mile and asks with a plain as day air of who fucking cares: "Whatever gave you the impression that this is a negotiation, Director Fury?"
It’s just too great a line to resist and Tony is only human. He makes a sharp gesture with his hand and JARVIS disconnects the call before they witness Fury pop a blood vessel. Let that be Agent’s problem for the time being.
"So," Tony states after a moment. "Besides all but declaring war on SHIELD, the organization two people in this room are officially employed by, for the record, and dealing with Reindeer Games over there, what’s the plan?"
Nervous shuffling. Awkward grins. Badly-hidden glances going back and forth. 
Perhaps most notably, nobody protests the declaring-war-on-SHIELD part. Tony would ask but frankly he’s still on his first glass of scotch — meaning way too fucking sober for whatever madness the answer to that question will undoubtedly raise. It’s a sad, sad day in the history of mankind when Tony is the voice of reason in a room filled with one-person-armies.
"What about Shawarma?" Rogers, apparently the most uncomfortable with the pressing silence, blurts out.
Tony gives that pitiful attempt to change the subject the nice try, have to admit I didn’t see that coming but you’re gonna have to give me more than that look it deserves. As it turns out though, he may have been overestimating his present company’s average ability to read a room.
"I could go for a bite," Barton pipes up, earning himself a soul-shriveling, dead-eyed, where the fuck did I go wrong with you and how have I not killed you yet stare, courtesy of Romanoff that he brushes off with admirable ease. Still not moving an inch away from her either and if Tony’s noticed the way her hand’s been edging ever closer to the knife strapped to her calf, there’s no way Barton hasn’t.
"Sounds good," Banner chimes in with a twisted amusement that makes Tony want to scratch his eyes out. "I know just to the place."
They do eat Shawarma together. [All of them, even Loki, because Thor insists his brother is far too thin. Considering Barton doesn’t protest and the only person Loki tries to stab with his salad fork is Thor himself, nobody comments on it.]
As if to add insult to a very long list of injuries that Tony is dying to poke and prod at, the food tastes delicious.
Okay so the whole antagonizing SHIELD thing wasn’t planned, but I figured in this AU there was no drawn out battle and no bomb and so there was no ‘thank fuck we’re even alive right now’ relief to take the edge of. Instead everyone is pissed off and frustrated (if for very different reasons) and not outright attacking the helicarrier right now is about all the diplomacy Steve has the patience for at this point.
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sing-a-sirensong · 3 years
A Reed900 Venom AU I had rattling around in my brain, thanks to Discord.
Summary: Gavin’s strange new “roommate” has some questions about human behaviour. Rating: E Warnings: None
On AO3 here
Some people have their entire lives planned out. Others have no plans at all, just letting life take them in any direction it happens to go. Either way, “expect the unexpected” is a commonly spoken phrase. Unexpected changes are a fact of life, all just a part of the human experience. However, there are some events that seem so far out of the realm of possibility that one might wonder about the existence of some giant cosmic joke. 
Gavin Reed is not the type of man to wax philosophical, or question some cosmic order, or think about his place in the universe beyond being a damn good detective. Right now, in fact, he’s pondering little more than what to eat for dinner as he stands idly waiting at a crosswalk. Music plays a little too loudly in his earbuds. 
Chinese again? Gavin wonders, scuffing his shoe against the pavement. Maybe pizza. Got one of those coupon books in the mail. 
He’s pulled from his musings by a touch against his shoulder, an accidental bump by another pedestrian crossing the opposite direction. Gavin turns his head as they walk away, allowing himself a brief up-and-down glance at the retreating figure. Tall, fitted slacks, legs a mile long. Fuck. Gavin thinks, I haven’t gotten laid in ages. 
He sighs tiredly, pausing his music. He’s gotten so used to the internal commentary by now that he doesn’t even feel surprised anymore when his new… roommate pipes up. 
“Yeah tar pit?” He answers, out loud. He fiddles absently with his earphones, grateful for the wonders of modern technology that keep him from looking like a complete lunatic talking to himself.
Having offspring now would be very inconvenient. 
“W-What?” Gavin stutters, taken off guard by the odd choice of topic. “Dude, what the fuck are you talking about.” A mild annoyance that was not his own filtered into his mind. 
That other human. You considered procreating with them.
He scrubbed a hand over his unshaven face, pinching the bridge of his nose. “That isn’t- ok first of all, don’t call it that. And second of all, this isn’t a conversation to have in public. Just wait five minutes until we get home.” The feeling of annoyance settled slightly, and his head was quiet again. 
Less than five minutes later, in the elevator to his apartment, the peace was broken.
We should not have pizza for dinner again. It is not healthy for us to have such an unvaried diet.
Gavin sighs again, something he seemed to do a lot more frequently now. He steps off the elevator, walking down the hall. 
“Alright, how about the chicken alfredo from that place around the corner?” He suggests, unlocking the door and stepping in, shrugging off his jacket and shoes. “I’ll even get it with broccoli so we can eat one whole vegetable.”
Can we get the chocolate lava cake? 
Gavin snorts, warm fondness settling in his chest. “Yeah buddy, we can get the chocolate lava cake.”
A cantankerous meow signals the presence of Princess Peanut; Gavin’s crotchety, cranky, three-legged very senior cat. She stares up at him with two murky orange eyes and lets out another raspy howl. How rude of him to set foot in his own home and not pay attention to her immediately upon arrival. 
Gavin feels the now-familiar sensation of Nines manifesting physical form, a feeling akin to peeling tape or glue off of your skin, except it feels more everywhere. The odd creature Gavin now shares his body with leans down, bracing their weight on one hand and gently petting the cat with the other. It’s adorable, in a heartwarming, eldritch horror sort of way.
Nines appears to be a young man, looking almost human enough. Dark brown hair that sometimes slips into curling tendrils, blue-grey eyes that almost seem to glow, black stained nails that might be a little too sharp, gleaming white teeth that are definitely too sharp, and pale skin that’s just a touch too grey, fading into the swirling black mass at his hips where he emerges from Gavin’s torso. 
But as odd as it is, Gavin thinks this appearance is for his benefit. He knows that isn’t what Nines looked like the first time he showed himself to Gavin. He remembers it being almost… mechanical looking. All sharp lines, and sleek inky blackness. Two glowing eyes. Of course Gavin had been completely losing his mind at the time, in the middle of a (very understandable) breakdown, so his memories may be slightly exaggerated. 
Another grouchy meow jolts Gavin into motion, Nines retreating back under his skin.
“Alright you fucking Nut, I’m getting to it.” Gavin grumbles, opening a fresh tin for the princess’s dinner. He gives her a quick scratch under the chin, and leaves the kitchen to flop on the couch. 
He hums in acknowledgment, idly considering a nap before dinner. 
We are home.
“Yeah tar pit, we are.” He mumbles. 
We can continue the conversation about procreation now. 
Gavin’s eyes snap open, wide awake now. “Uh, yeah, I guess you’re right. Fuck, um.” He sits up, scraping his fingers roughly through his hair. “First of all, don’t call it that. It’s just sex. It’s not really about making babies or whatever, it’s to relieve tension. Because it just uh, feels good. Really good.” 
Unintentionally, Gavin remembers being bent over various pieces of furniture and fucked silly by his previous trysts. He flushes slightly with embarrassment, Nines definitely saw that. He’s still getting used to sharing a brain, sue him. 
An unconvinced murmur brings Gavin back to the present, Nines was apparently finished rifling through his sexual encounter memory catalogue.
The process of pursuing a sexual partner seems time-consuming and difficult. Why bother if it is not necessary? Your failures outnumber your successes. 
“Way to kick a guy when he’s down.” Gavin grumbles, but he knows the question is genuine and Nines has no malicious intent behind his statement. Nines simply thinks in terms of numbers; success and failure, yes and no, black and white. Gavin sighs. 
“I guess you technically don’t really need a partner, it’s just sometimes better when you’ve got one.” He explains, allowing Nines a very short glimpse of Gavin’s moments in bed or in the shower with just his hand for company. He can feel Nines consider this new information. 
A much more logical approach with a significantly higher success rate.
Gavin huffs out a laugh at Nines’ rational analysis, scratching idly at his chin.
“You’re not wrong.” He says. 
Show me.
“What?! No!” Gavin splutters, instinctively alarmed at the thought.
Why not?
“Because it’s fucking private, not some part of fascinating human culture to observe through a microscope!” A ridiculous point to make to someone that lives in his head and can read all his thoughts.
Gavin can practically feel the unimpressed look Nines is giving him.
Hm. It sounds like you are being a little bitch. 
Gavin barks out a surprised laugh. He’s clearly been a bad influence on Nines’ vocabulary. That warm fondness bubbles up in his chest again and he runs a hand through his hair. You know what, why the fuck not? His life is already so fucking weird, this might as well happen. 
“Shit, alright, why not.” He stands. “But we’re not gonna stay out here for this.” He closes the door behind him once he’s in the bedroom. Gavin does not want an untimely cat-shaped interruption. He strips down, tossing his clothes on the floor haphazardly, and lays flat on the bed. This, at least, isn’t unfamiliar territory. Nines has to be with him in the shower, and he’s merged with all his cells or whatever, so it’s not like he doesn’t know what Gavin looks like naked. 
Gavin relaxes into the sheets, one arm folded behind his head and the other palm resting on his stomach. He closes his eyes, breathing deeply, and tries to pretend this is just like any other time he’s jerked off. 
This is not very interesting.
Gavin can’t hold back his amused snort at the obviously unimpressed tone, but he feigns irritation anyways. “Yeah I’m going, I’m going.” He grumbles. 
He skims a hand down his belly, palming between his legs. This isn’t going to take long, he thinks, the barest touch and he’s already filling out from the anticipation of finally getting off.
Gavin eases into it, stroking slowly over hardening flesh. Pleasure sparks low in his belly, but doesn’t want to overwhelm Nines with too much too fast. But the mental feedback Gavin is receiving seems to just be curiosity at the new sensations, and steadily increasing interest. 
I think I am beginning to understand why humans choose to do this.
Gavin’s dick twitches at the low voice echoing in his head, and he laughs weakly. “You ain’t seen nothing yet.” He jokes. 
On the next upstroke he twists his wrist, fingers tracing a vein along the underside. He bites back a small noise, forcing his breathing to stay even and trying to quell the simmering heat in his belly.
Do that again.
Gavin’s breath stutters at the abrupt demand, but he complies, hand speeding up and thumb smearing a pearl of precome over the sensitive head. His hips jump and the fingernails of his opposite hand dig into his palm. 
“Nines I- ahh, uhm,” Gavin pauses to swallow hard, “I’m not gonna- ah- not gonna last long. S’been a while.” He manages to grit out. Fuck he’s gonna have a hard time keeping quiet. 
His cock is getting slick in his grip, leaking steadily now. Gavin would feel embarrassed, if he thought Nines cared even a slight bit about how long he lasted. A groan escapes him on the next swipe over the tip, and Gavin brings his hand down from under his head and bites his knuckle to muffle the noises. 
I want to try.
Gavin wheezes like he’s been punched, nearly sitting straight up in shock. 
“You what?” He chokes out. But after the initial surprise of the request, Gavin is slammed with a wave of arousal at the thought of Nines touching him. He squirms in place a little. 
I want to touch you.
Gavin’s cock throbs in his grip. He can feel the hungry curiosity from Nines filtering through his mind, and yeah, fuck, why not. He settles back into the blankets, cautiously laying his hand by his side.
“Oh-kay, yeah alright.” He breathes. “Just be careful alright? Us humans are fucking fragile.”
I would never hurt you.
Gavin feels a pinch of emotion at the sincerity in his statement, and relaxes further into the bed. He gives Nines the mental go-ahead. 
A familiar sensation starts up on his skin, and Gavin looks down to see rippling darkness emerge and pool across his hips, brushing against his cock. Against his overheated skin, it’s fucking cold.
Gavin instinctively jerks his hips back and yelps. 
“Shit that’s cold, Nines, fuck.” An apologetic hum echoes through his mind, and Nines pauses briefly. He resumes his path after a moment and covers Gavin’s cock entirely, deliciously hot this time and squeezes. Gavin curses. 
“Yeah, fuck, how’d you do that?” He gasps, fingers gripping the sheets. 
Temperature regulation is imperative for survival.
The reply is offhanded, most of Nines’ focus now on consuming Gavin’s responses to his touch. 
Gavin groans, his head tilting back in the pillow. Christ it feels so good, hot and tight and slick. He moans raggedly, praise falling from his lips. 
“Just like that, fuck that’s- that’s good, keep going.” Nines trills happily at the praise, spreading further up Gavin’s abdomen. Curious tendrils flick at Gavin’s nipples, and his hands fly up, gripping the pillow above his head. Nines continues to play with his chest, and Gavin arches into his touch. 
The grip around his cock is scorching, twisting sweetly over the tip with every squeeze. Gavin squirms with pleasure, futilely thrusting his hips up.
More of Nines’ inky form skates greedily across his skin, drinking in every one of Gavin’s reactions. He twines up Gavin’s arms, winding around his wrists and through his fingers, pinning his arms above his head. 
Black tendrils slide down the inside of his thighs, and Gavin spreads his legs without realizing, rocking his hips desperately. Nines smoothes over his body, pressing Gavin’s thighs wider. Gavin lets out a whine, feeling filthy and on display. He tugs against the hold on his arms, whining again when there’s no give.
Gavin always had a thing for being manhandled but fuck, this was- fuck. 
“Oh God, fuck- ohhh don’t stop- baby don’t stop-” Gavin pleads. Nines is purring in his mind, eagerly devouring his pleasure, experiencing it with him.
Gavin keens at the feeling of something prodding at his entrance, nodding frantically and gasping when it presses inside. 
It’s like nothing he’s ever felt before, smooth and slick tendrils sliding into him and exploring, swelling inside him until he’s filled so perfectly. He shudders and clenches down, gasping at the fullness. 
Fuck, then Nines starts moving, not thrusting but pulsing, rubbing deliciously against his inner walls. Gavin moans with every movement, drooling onto the pillow as his throaty ah ah ah’s fill the room. 
Gavin’s drowning in pleasure, his eyes rolling back in his head. But then Nines presses up firmly, directly into his prostate, squeezing around Gavin’s cock at the same time. Gavin very nearly wails, babbling desperately. 
“Oh fuck, baby I’m so close- Nines, please sweetheart, I’m gonna come- don’t stop, baby please don’t stop-” He begs, writhing in Nines’ all-encompassing hold. 
His name is growled out loud, Gavin hears it right next to his ear, not in his mind, and the faint scrape of sharp teeth on his throat tips him over the edge. 
Gavin‘s voice cracks on a sob, mewling Nines’ name as he comes in long, aching pulses. His toes curl as pleasure rips through him so strongly it almost hurts. He clenches down hard on the tendrils inside him, thighs trembling from the force of his orgasm. 
Nines keeps moving, drawing it out until Gavin is whimpering from oversensitivity, finally relenting. 
Gavin melts into the mattress when Nines releases him, completely boneless. Instead of vanishing beneath his skin, Nines settles across his body like a soothing, form-fitted blanket, petting affectionately at Gavin’s arms and shoulders. 
Fuck, Gavin’s never come that hard in his life.
Was my performance satisfactory?
The smugness radiating through their mental bond was almost palpable. 
“You’re fucking insufferable.” Gavin slurs, tremors still running intermittently through his muscles. 
Perhaps more practice will be needed.
Gavin’s spent dick twitches pathetically at the thought. “If you want.” He mutters hoarsely. Gavin definitely wants. But his eyelids are drooping, and he nestles down into the pillow. A faint question tugs at the edge of Gavin’s mind. “Nap first, food after.” He mumbles, “And I’ll get your lava cake.” A moment’s pause. 
… Can we get two lava cakes?
Gavin smiles fondly into the pillow, chuckling quietly at the timid question. 
“Yeah baby, we can get two lava cakes.”
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
The Cane (Part 4)
@flyboytracy​​​ asked:
Steampunk AU: five uses for a cane and one time Scott used it for its intended purpose 😘
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Aaargh, those migraines messed with my muse on this one. Had to fight it the entire way and the cane reference is tiny. Hope you enjoy it anyway ::hugs to all::
Many thanks to @janetm74​​​ @tsarinatorment​​​ and @scribbles97​​​ for all their help and amazing support of my crazy. And to @flyboytracy​​​ for asking in the first place.
This be Steampunk AU with a mix of John snark, a little bit of wee!Tracys in a little bit of peril, some selfless Scott, and a reason you don’t want to mess with Five or her pilot.
“This is very inconvenient.”
Scott stared at his brother in the dim light. “Is that an attempt at impersonating Lady Penelope?”
John stared back, dust drifting haphazardly off his hard helmet and goggles. “As you’ve said many times yourself, there is no use in panicking.”
He had to give his brother that. A sigh and he assessed their situation yet again, shining his torch about the space they found themselves in.
They were in a basement. It was likely that they were lucky, as all indications were that if they had been in any other part of the building, they would not be having this conversation or any other any time in the future. The basement had a wall of solid bedrock on one side, the building having been constructed with that in mind with half the plumbing bolted into the rock. Unfortunately, the rest of the structure had been built on sand, which promptly liquified when the earthquake hit.
Speaking of earthquake. “How long do you think before the next aftershock?”
John pulled out his notebook, took a note of the time on the watch he had strapped to his wrist, and scribbled down some math. “They are very unpredictable, but I’m hoping this last big one will give us some time. Or at least, Virgil some time to dig us out.”
Scott fiddled with his transmitter unit. There was no response on any frequency he attempted. Either the equipment was broken or something was stopping the signal from reaching his brothers. John had already pulled his apart and attempted a signal boost with no success.
They were both covered in dust, but fortunately uninjured.
But, for the moment, they were stuck.
Scott was not very good at sitting still.
“We may as well rest so we can be ready when needed.”
Scott grunted.
His brother ignored him and wiped off a large chunk of masonry with one leather-gloved hand and sat down. “You know Virgil will find us.”
Another grunt.
“Sit down, Scott. You can afford to take a minute to rest.”
He let out a breath and bit his lip, but with a sigh, he did as his brother asked.
There was silence for a moment, broken only by the sound of dust and rock settling.
“Why did you come back in?” John’s voice was crisp, clear and calm.
“You were in here.” Obviously.
“But now both of us are trapped, whereas if you had run like you should have, you could be assisting Virgil to dig me out.”
Scott’s lips thinned. What had been his line of thinking? Had there been a line of thinking? To be honest, all he could recall was the thought that John was under a building that was about to collapse and he needed saving.
His voice was a little rough. “Virgil will get us out.”
“Hmm.” John was not looking at him.
“What did you expect me to do? Leave you here to die?”
Aquamarine turned calmly to catch his eyes. “Better than both of us.”
“We’re not dead.”
“Pure chance.”
John was always ever so direct.
“But important nonetheless.”
John sighed. “Reminds me of the well.”
Scott eyed him. “Really? You’re going to bring that up again?”
“Eternally, my dear brother.” John’s smirk was exceedingly annoying. “Besides, it passes the time.”
“I would rather spend time finding a way out of here.” Scott shot to his feet and began pacing around the space they were stuck in.
“If you disturb something that brings the rest of the building down on us, I’m haunting you until the end of time.”
Scott slumped a little. His brother was right. Messing with the fragile pile was just asking for trouble. They were lucky to have room to breathe, much less walk around.
“This is the reason why you ended up in the well, Scott. You haven’t changed in twenty odd years.”
Scott glared at him. His little brother had been six at the time, Scott only ten. The two of them had gone beyond the borders of the Tracy farm in Kansas and into land they shouldn’t have. They were exploring. John, as always, was a little more cautious, but Scott was ever running ahead.
It was rather ironic that it was John who fell in the well.
It wasn’t long dug, but the planks covering it were flimsy and the winds from the previous day had obscured them. John had gone through them as if the planet had eaten him.
Scott found his little brother clutching his leg at the bottom of the hole.
It wasn’t a very deep well, but it was deep enough to put his brother out of the reach of a ten-year-old.
“Scotty, my leg hurts.”
“I’ll get you out.” He looked around for something to help John.
Perhaps he knew in some part of his mind that this could be the wrong decision. He had no rope and no real way to reach his little brother. He should get help.
But he couldn’t leave Johnny here on his own.
The thought was terrifying from both of their perspectives.
Perhaps he would have thought it a little less terrifying if he realised what could happen if he didn’t fetch help. Because once he found a long enough stick, he reached over the edge and while doing his best to add to the length John couldn’t quite reach, he fell in the hole on top of his brother.
There were groans and tears after that.
Scott didn’t hurt himself. John had been heard to comment on multiple occasions thereafter that it was because he landed on a cushion he called brother.
Scott countered that by saying he was lucky he hadn’t been impaled by a bony limb of said scrawny brother.
In any case, they huddled together for warmth for thirty-six freezing hours until someone finally found them.
By then, both brothers were dehydrated and starving.
The lecture from their father was almost as long as their time in the well.
Their mother, pregnant with Gordon at the time, took ill with the fright and there was some seriously scary time until the little fish was born a month later…a touch early.
Virgil wouldn’t let either of his brothers out of his sight for a good year after the incident. The nine-year-old obviously terrified they would disappear again.
It became legendary in the Tracy household for good or bad.
“So, you’re saying, I should have gone for help?”
Something clunked in the pile of rubble.
John arched an eyebrow. “As I said, you haven’t learnt. Yes, Scott, you should not have dashed back into the collapsing building. When Virgil finds out, he’s going to scalp you.”
“I’m sorry that my first instinct is to protect my brothers.”
John rolled his eyes, both original and artificial. “Your first instinct should be to protect yourself so you can protect your brothers.”
Folding his arms across his chest, Scott shifted his weight onto one foot, cocking his hip. “Fine. Then explain Bermuda.”
“That was different. That was saving lives.”
“You rammed a twenty-eight gunned frigate with Five!”
“It was firing on a sinking civilian target full of over two hundred passengers, including my four brothers. Grandma was not aboard. It was a fair decision.”
Scott had to admit it had been spectacular, the huge, blue-grey, manta-ray-shaped Five had reared out of the ocean and sliced the pirate vessel in half.
International Rescue had fished the survivors out of the water and there had been minimal casualties, considering.
Five had taken damage, but her cahelium superstructure was designed to withstand something as simple as a mostly wooden hull. Some gentle care from Virgil, an assessment from Hiram, and she was declared fit and well.
They had disappeared for a while after that as the rumours ran riot. Lady Penelope managed to smooth any ruffled feathers at government level.
Scott had both commended and roasted John alive.
“You could have been killed.”
“So could have you, and Virgil and Gordon and little Allie. Was I supposed to sit back and watch?”
Another clunk from somewhere in the rubble.
Scott arched an eyebrow. “Perhaps, you know how I feel.”
“Of course, I know how you feel. We all do.”
“Then what is the problem?”
But John was interrupted by another clank, this time clearly from one of the pipes against the wall.
“Virgil?” They both said it at once and hurried over to the rock face.
The clunk repeated itself and then started on a very familiar dot dot dot…
He reached behind and pulled his folded cane out of its sleeve on his back. Its metal tip shone dull brass in the yellow light.
He only had to tap one letter. Dot dot dot dash.
Three letters came back in a hurried jumble of excited hammering. F A B.
Then…S T A T U S?
J  A N D  S   W E L L  A N D  M O B I L E.
S T A N D  B A C K ?
F A B.
Assuming Virgil was referring to the rock wall as the point of origin, the two brothers stepped as far back from it as they could.
Moments later a rumble and hiss of gears, the crash of breaking masonry and daylight suddenly shot through part of the rubble. This was quickly followed by a massive but familiar brass claw reaching in and grabbing a large chunk of rock, disappearing with it. A crunch of gravel, shove of rock…a shout. “Scott, are you in here? John?” Their goggled and fully armour-suited brother pushed the rest of the way through the pile of broken building, both claws fully extended.
“Over here, Virgil.”
Their brother’s head turned in their direction and metal shoulders sank in relief. “Oh, thank god.”
Something shifted in the rubble pile and Virgil reacted, his right claw slamming into the chunk of masonry threatening to fall. “Let’s get you out of here.”
Scott didn’t need to be told twice as the remains of the building creaked around them in warning. Grabbing John’s arm, he hustled his brother out through the gap past Virgil.
The engineer’s eyes on the both of them.
No doubt there would be a medical examination in their near future.
Shoving John gently ahead of him, Scott turned to keep an eye on Virgil.
His metal clad brother stepped back carefully, letting rock fall in his wake.
Then, as if the final domino had been tipped, the entire pile began collapsing in on itself.
Scott took a step towards Virgil only to have his arm yanked on from behind.
“Damnit, Scott protect yourself!” John dragged him through the remains of the rubble as a cloud of dust roared behind them.
“Virgil!” He dug his heels in, fighting John’s hold.
“He’s wearing his armour, Scott. You are not! Move!”
It went against everything. He had to protect his brothers first. But John was right. Neither of them was wearing enough protection. Virgil was.
He had to trust.
Trust that Virgil knew what he was doing.
When put in those terms the answer was simple. Of course, he trusted Virgil.
Perhaps it was fate he had issues with.
John dragged him clear of the building and the cloud of dust. Two, nestled on her landing struts, was a wonderful sight.
And then Gordon was grabbing at him. Alan was yelling his name and there were dusty hugs and clunking helmets.
But still the cloud…
As if summoned, his brother strode out of the haze, cogs whirring and pneumatic systems hissing, metal glinting in the sun. His goggled eyes searching until they latched onto his brothers.
Thank god.
A matter of strides and he enveloped his engineer brother in a hug, metal suit and all. “Thanks, Virg.”
His brother exhaled in a huff. “What on Earth were you thinking?” And so began the rant about worrying about a brother encased in metal when a building is falling when he wasn’t and could have been killed with a single rock. You idiot.
It went on for some time.
John smirked at him for the entire tirade.
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harringrovetrashrat · 3 years
Tagged by @disdaidal !!!  Thank you!  Omg I’m like 🥺💖🥺💖
So, I figure since I have so many things I’m working on, and no idea when I’ll actually finish them (outside of my Big Bang Project), I should share the bits of them that I do actually have dhfoiahfiosh
What we have are these:
A fic where Billy meets some older queer people while kicked out, and learns from them how to love himself
“So I’m guessing you’ve never met a queen before,” they said. Billy shook his head.
“I’ve never met any royalty.” Juicy laughed and it made Billy feel like he’d said the wrong thing until she looked at him again, practically beaming.
“Well honey, there’s queens abound in here. Drag Queens, specifically.” Billy’s mouth formed a small ‘o’.
“So, you’re a… man?” Juicy shook her head.
“Personally, I find man and woman too limiting. All gender is a costume, darling. I just think dresses are prettier than suits.”
“You haven’t been in the right suits,” Cindy said with a smirk. Juicy gave her the finger without looking.
“It’s called taste, sweetie.” Cindy just laughed. Billy stared at Juicy, feeling awed by them. They were so tall, toned and beautiful. Their skin was dark and glistened with the glitter they’d spread over it. “I’m sure you have taste, don’t you munchkin?” Billy couldn’t help it and he pouted.
“I’m not short, I’m average for my age,” he snapped. Juicy just smiled.
“I like you,” they said, pointing a long nailed finger at him.
A Cheesy Summer Camp Horror fic, with romance and comedy because Like.  Y’all know me.
“Let’s stop talking about her,” Heather cut in. “Let’s talk about this weekend.”
“This weekend?” Billy asked, perking up. “What about it?”
“Well, I was thinking we could celebrate the end of the first week with a skinny dip,” she said, eyes sparkling. Billy didn’t miss the flush that crossed over Robin’s face, though he wasn’t entirely sure who it was directed at. He definitely had a guess.
“I’m game!” Tommy piped up, grin wide, anger disappearing from his face. Billy rolled his eyes and snorted, but raised his hand, tongue running over his top teeth.
“Why not,” he said, giving his eyebrows a quirk. “I ain’t no pussy.”
“Of course,” Adam muttered, rolling his eyes. Billy’s eyes snapped over and narrowed. “Isn’t it a little, I dunno, juvenile?”
“Oh come on,” Steve chimed in, munching on the cookie now, relaxing with the change of topic. “Maybe so, but it’s summer, it’s camp, why not, right? Start it off with a bang?” His smile was teasing, bright, and Billy found it hard to look away, hard to deny that smile what it wanted.
The Reverse AU where Steve moves to Hawkins with his father and step family, Claudia and Dustin, and Billy was adopted into the Mayfields
“I’m not--! It’s just midterms! That’s what has me all out of sorts.” He opened his notebook and tried to will his blush away. There was a soft thud and Nancy joined them.
“What has you out of sorts?” She asked.
“Billy so has a crush on that new guy from New York,” Heather said. Billy made a noise of protest when Nancy smiled, leaning over.
“Oh he’s so cute! Truly impeccable taste you have,” she teased. Billy rested his head on the table.
“I hate both of you so fucking much,” he hissed.
“No you don’t,” they chorused.
“I do, I really do,” Billy replied.
Mermaid AU where Steve and Billy were young friends before being separated.  Steve tries to reunite them obviously
“I can show you a bunch of cool stuff,” Billy said, feeling oddly proud of himself. And well, the ocean was his home. And he never got the chance to really show it off to someone who didn’t already know it. “If I show you the ocean, will you tell me more about humans?” Steve nodded. “Like, why are all the ships girls?”
“Huh,” Steve said, tapping his chin with his finger. “I don’t actually know… Usually I think ‘cause a guy names them. I’ll ask my tutor. He knows everything.” Steve wasn’t a huge fan of Professor Owens, but he was nice enough. He let Steve find things to bring in and ask questions about, he didn’t get mad like Steve’s other tutors had when he had trouble reading. So even though Owens still pushed for Steve to focus more on his future, he was better than the other adults in Steve’s life.
“Tutor?” Billy asked. “What’s that?”
“Like a teacher,” Steve replied. “But like… Different.” In fact, Steve wasn’t totally sure what the difference was. Billy just squinted, looking confused.
“Different… how?”
“Uh, tutors are… are taller,” Steve replied matter of factly. Professor Owens was taller than Ms. Joyce had been, so there wasn’t anything to argue against that. Billy nodded seriously, making a note.
There was a ringing bell and a distant voice calling Steve’s name, making him sigh dramatically. It was already time? Billy’s ears twitched a little and he looked at Steve.
“What’s that?”
“That’s my nanny,” Steve said, mopey and pouting.
More of You’ll Find Me Looking Over the Edge of the World
“Oh, King Steve thinking about skipping?” Billy tugged him down, making Steve stumble as a fist started rubbing against his scalp and messing up his hair.
“Fuck, dude!” Steve cried, nearly dropping his tray. Billy just cackled, letting him go and shoving his hands in his pockets.
“No,” Nancy said through grit teeth. “He’s thinking about staying and taking--”
“He can’t go around looking like that,” Billy said with faux concern, eyes all worried as he leaned on the table with one hand and used the other to point at Steve’s, now fully messed up, hair. “I think Steve’ll have to take the afternoon, don’t you?” Billy turned to look over his shoulder, not seeing the way Nancy rubbed at her temples as Jonathan very obviously tried not to snicker. Steve almost felt bad. Billy knocked on the table with his knuckles, pushing up with a grin. “Don’t worry, I’ll get him home safely.”
“Get me home--” Steve began, but before he could finish his sentence, Billy was shoving him around and out of the cafeteria. Nancy sighed, shaking her head, giving Steve a look he knew would turn into a talk later. “Sorry guys!” Steve tossed over his shoulder.
Billy with a rat he named Max to piss off Max (he calls her human Max and she hates it)
“And what the fuck are you doing here?!” He asked her. Max, the little trouble maker, just squeaked at him, wriggling in his grip. “No fucking wonder I didn’t see you in Barbie’s house this morning, you decided to be a fucking Houndini, didn’t you.” She squeaked again, tail swirling and dragging along his wrist. He heard footsteps behind him and moved to shove her back into his jacket sleeve when Steve approached.
“You okay-- Oh!” Steve blinked, brows raised as he saw Max reach with her small, cute little pink hands to grab for Billy’s hard nipple again. “So…”
“Cut that out!” Billy hissed, moving her down to cradle her against his stomach. She settled in, but she was definitely hungry and would get restless again quickly. “I didn’t see her this morning but just assumed she was hiding in her little pile.”
“Me too,” Steve said, checking around the hallway for anyone who was late. Luckily, there was no one around to see them trying to hide a rat in Billy’s jacket. “How’d she even get out?”
“I mean, we are keeping her in a Barbie dream house instead of a cage--”
“Really? You’re gonna sass me now? After you insisted that she ‘live like the princess she is’--”
Stranger Than Fiction AU
“Billy, I swear to fucking god if you don’t get out there right now--” Billy stumbled out from the back, head turned to glare at Max, who was pushing him from behind. She pushed until he was at the counter, face to face with Steve. He glared, though his face was flush. Max crossed her arms. “Like we fuckin’ practiced.” Billy shot her another angry glance, but then looked back to Steve. Who was so confused.
“Max may have, uhm, brought it to my attention that I may have overreacted just the tiniest little bit.”
“That’s not at all right,” Max said under her breath. Billy swatted behind him without looking, missing her completely.
“Anyway,” he pressed on, “I just,” he sighed, pushing an errant curl behind his ear. Steve watched the movement before snapping his eyes back to Billy’s. “I don’t often take the chance to be nice, so I got maybe a little offended.” Max scoffed. “Okay a lot offended,” he said with an eye roll. Steve couldn’t help it; he snorted. Billy’s eyebrows shot up and his eyes lit up, like a kid who just learned Santa was real. Steve blushed, looking away, but he couldn’t hide the smile on his face.
“It’s okay,” he replied, turning back to look at Billy. The sun lit up the stray blonde hairs poking out of his messy bun, making a light halo around him. Steve had to catch his breath.
It was like looking at an angel, vengeful and dangerous, but exciting all at once. His eyes seemed to shine, bright and gleeful, but also full of mischief.
“It’s okay,” Steve repeated, feeling his face heat up more. “I would have taken them if I could. They were amazing.” He smiled, nodding towards the stairs. “I should get to it though. Last day and all.” Something sad briefly flickered over Billy’s face, but it was gone as soon as it was there, and Steve thought he must have imagined it.
“Yeah, good luck,” Billy said. Max was smiling, smug, and she punched Billy’s shoulder.
Leverage AU
“Well,” he said slowly, letting the trio shake off their shadows. “The lab closed.” This isn’t about the kid was the underlying message. “But, what’s happening now is that Mayor Kline accepted a lot of weird bribes. They’re from a company called Starcourt Industries. Now, that’s the name of the mall that opened, Starcourt, but what’s weird--”
“--Is that they didn’t exist for very long before suddenly popping up in Indiana,” Alec cut in. “It reads like one of our companies. General background, seems legit, but I did a lot of poking around most of this stuff leads to loose ends. It took a while to get there, so at first glance…” The group nodded. At first glance everything checked out, and even a little digging would provide a general cover that most people wouldn’t think to look past.
Of course, none of them were most people.
“So who are they?” Eliot asked.
“All of the loose ends lead back to Russia,” Alec said. “But nothing concrete or connected, just more companies that do really general stuff. It goes real deep.” The implications there were discomforting. Alec was a genius, and excelled in his line of work, but this kind of grand scale cover up meant one thing: this was bigger than just a few bad apples in a company. This was a plan.
“So who’s the client?” Sophie asked. Nate pulled up a picture of a grumpy looking man, mustache groomed and eyes hard, but kind.
“Chief Jim Hopper.” That got Parker’s attention, bringing her out of the funk she’d been in since the mention of San Diego and Billy.
“Like, Police Chief?”
“Yep,” Nate said, popping the P. “He’s the one who found the kid, found out there was something going on at the lab. Now, he’s positive something weird is going on. Knows he’s done everything he can to legally take the Mayor down, but the man has a lot of friends in high places, and Jim can’t do anything. And that’s,” he smiled, “Where we come in.”
That’s still merely some of what I have going on, but that’s what I’ll share rn. Anyway, tag me in ur WIPs! I’d love to read them :) tag ur it
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sapphicmsmarvel · 4 years
EP: Siren Queen
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Premise: Y/N L/N is a part of the world's biggest girl group. A stalker starts harassing her and her band mates so their label calls in the BAU. 
The case was weird for the BAU. It was a stalker case for a famous girl, Y/N L/N, she was part of the worlds most successful girl group. Garcia was all too excited to be involved in the case. Of course, she hated that you were being stalked but she was a huge fan. 
“You better tell me everything!” She squealed, “If she’s nice, if she’s as hot as she is on camera, if the other girls are nice, if they are ‘just like us’ please!” 
“If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were the stalker, Garcia.” JJ joked.
“If someone hurts that ray of sunshine I will stalk them!” She shouted through the video call and then hung up. 
JJ flipped through the file, “we have five days to catch this guy before they go on tour. And the girls are refusing to cancel.” “Even if their lives are at stake?” 
“They said that they will not cancel because it’s the opening to their world tour and they won’t risk disappointing fans because they know people are flying in from all over the country.” Prentiss explained. 
“Shouldn’t the label put the girls first?” Morgan asked. 
“Usually labels tend not to care about artists.” Reid said, “the amount of label abuse that’s been coming to light is horrific you guys should read up on it.” 
He looked up as everyone looked at him confused, he explained, “Simon Cowell for example, there are claims against him because of abuse towards clients. Overworking them, homophobic comments, racist comments, sexist comments you name it.”
“What groups?” JJ asked. 
“Little Mix and One Direction are the two most prominent ones.” Reid said flicking through the file. 
“How do you know all this?” “Garcia.” He answered. “Then I did my own research because I was fascinated by the music industry. It never hurts to learn even if I don’t know anything about it.” 
The team left it at that, and continued digging through the evidence of your stalker. 
The team was currently sitting in one of the rehearsal rooms. There were couches, a snack bar, a coffee stand, everything except the girls they were meeting. 
Their publicist Ramona looked at them all apologetically, “I’m so sorry, the girls seem to be in traffic. They’re with trusted drivers and security guards.” 
“Have they been background checked?” Hotch asked. 
Ramona nodded, “we all were when we were taken on, we were when this stalker showed up as well. The dancers, the crew, everybody those girls come into contact with are background checked.” 
“Even interviewers?” Reid asked. Ramona nodded, “without their knowledge, just like you advised. If this got leaked…” Ramona shook her head, “we all know what happens to victims of stalkers, it isn’t foreign in this business.” 
At that moment the girls all came in, Emily recognized them from the files. Apparently, even your bandmates got checked. Zoey came in first, snuggled in her hoodie, her jeans were rumpled and her heels were clacking. Her smile falling off her face the second she walked into the room. Her blonde hair was tousled as if she was running her hands through it a lot. Her green eyes were tired.
Leaning on her was Brooke, who was also looking exhausted. Ramona told them that they had been up since 4 am doing press, it was now 4pm. They had a two hour rehearsal next, then dinner, then vocal rehearsal, then they could go to their hotel. Apparently it was an easy day for them. Brooke's black hair was in it’s natural curls, she wore heels as well as a dress. 
The two were holding hands. 
Then came in Liz, she was wearing a black long sleeve shirt, shorts and a beanie as well as heeled boots. She didn’t look as tired, she looked fiercely protective as she was holding your hand. 
You looked anxious, you were also in a hoodie, jeans and heeled boots, all black. Your eyes were darting around the room as you took in everyone around you. Your eyes startled when they landed on Emily, Emily wasn’t sure why. 
Ramona introduced all of them to the girls then said “Sit down girls.” 
Three of them did, you had other ideas and went and got coffee. “Y/N, that’s your fourth cup.” 
You held up a finger, “I don’t want to hear it, Ramona. I have a stalker out there and I have to act like everythings normal, if Marcus has a problem with it, he can suck my dick.” 
Morgan looked at Emily with wide eyes. Emily shrugged. Then looked at Reid, “who’s Marcus?”  She asked him. 
“Their choreographer.” “Why does it matter what he says?” 
“Because he cares about us and is a fitness nut.” You answered, “you’re not very good at whispering.” You deadpanned, sipping your coffee. 
“Y/N!” Ramona scolded. 
You rolled your eyes, and Zoey spoke up, “give her a break Ramona. She never gives you issues, let her live.” 
“It’s okay,” Emily spoke up, “I understand what it’s like to be afraid of looking over your shoulder.”
You nodded, avoiding eye contact. You felt guilty for snapping, that much she could tell. 
“Okay, let’s get started.” Hotch said, “do you have any particular fans you’d like to tell us about, people have stood out?” 
“We have a lot of...dedicated fans.” Zoey said, to put it gently. “Some good, some bad, some that are really intense.” 
You scoffed from where you were standing, “that's putting it lightly.” You grabbed a mini chocolate chip cookie.. 
“Do girl groups have groupies?” Morgan asked. 
“Of course we do,” Liz said, her tan cheeks gaining a rosy color. You sat in between her and Zoey, Brooke was next to Zoey. You had three other cookies in your hand and handed them to the others. 
“We recognize the line between fans and stalkers as well as people who don't agree with who we are. But there’s been nothing like this.”  Brooke shuddered.
“Don’t agree with who you are?” JJ asked. 
You held up a hand, “queer.” 
Brooke raised her hand, “black.” 
Liz raised hers, “philipino and black. So mixed race.” 
Then Zoey raised hers as well, “I’m ‘too skinny’ so everyone thinks I have an eating disorder.” 
You piped up, “I’ve also been fat shamed by the worlds biggest media outlets, it’s nothing new to find hate online.” 
Emily grimaced and she knew her team was doing the exact same thing. 
“Do you have any ideas as to who it could be?” Rossi asked.
“There’s one,” Zoey said, “but Y/N insists it can’t be him.” 
“You need to tell us.” Emily said, everyone looked at you. 
You sighed, “he went to jail when we were teens for sexual misconduct. I was the first person he assaulted and harassed consistently. But I didn’t press charges.” “Why not?” Morgan asked. 
“Because I was a fourteen year old girl who didn’t recognize that it was sexual assault.” You snapped, then sighed, “I’m sorry Agent Morgan. It’s touchy.” Zoey took your hand, Liz took your other one, Brooke reached over and put her hand on top of Zoeys. “To be honest, I don’t know where I would be without these three.” You admitted. Emily admired it, the sisterhood between you four. 
“How long have you guys been friends?” JJ asked. 
“We met in high school, then formed the band.” Brooke answered. 
 “Do you know if he’s out?” 
You sighed, “he is. But he lacks the brain cells to pull this stuff off.”
“It’s not that hard to mail letters.” JJ said. 
“Yeah but, he shouldn’t know the exact times we show up at venues, interviews, he isn’t smart enough to think of how to obtain that information. As kids he was not smart, at all.” You said, letting go of your friends’ hands and you started rubbing your hands on your jeans. 
Emily noticed how all of them kept their hands on you, as a way of comfort. 
“Unless he was following the bus,” Zoey said.
“He’s too lazy.” You said, “never had energy for thorough shit.” 
“What’s his name? We’re gonna send it to our technical analyst.” Morgan said. 
You nodded and spoke the name you’ve feared for far too long. “Peter Brady, he was born in my home state
“Okay,” Hotch started, “I want all of you to be shadowing the girls, they are not to be left alone, we don’t know how organized this guy is and what he knows.” He looked at Rossi, “we’ll contact Garcia and run through possible people. Do you have anywhere to set up?” 
Ramona began directing them to rooms, then told all of you to get changed and do rehearsals for the tour. 
JJ and Reid sat in during the rehearsals, meanwhile Emily and Morgan helped Hotch and Rossi with going through all the names that Garcia flagged as potentially dangerous. 
Two hours later, Emily was eating dinner, she was planning to eat alone, but then she found you. You were sitting on the floor backstage, by a bunch of wires and such eating your pizza. You were alone. 
“Hey,” Emily said.
“Hi, did Ramona send you because I’m alone?” You asked, smiling slightly. 
“No,” Emily said sitting next to you, “I can recognize when someone needs someone to talk to. Where are your friends?”
“They’re talking to their partners, I insisted they do. They haven’t been the past couple of nights because of all this. Part of being….’famous’ is that you have to leave your loved ones for long periods of time.” “My field is the same way. I don’t see my mom more than twice a year.” 
You shuddered, “I can barely handle not seeing my mom as much as I used to before ‘fame’. I can’t imagine it in your shoes.” You sighed. 
Emily popped open her salad box, “do you mind if I eat with you?” She smiled.
And she smiled wider when you smiled back, “feel free. By the way, I’m sorry about snapping at you. It’s been rough.” 
“I know how you feel.” Emily would tell you about Doyle if it helped you open up more about this guy.
“Have you been stalked?” 
Emily nodded, “by an abusive ex.” Was all she said. 
You grimaced, “so we’ve gone through similar things.” “Was this guy an ex?” You shook your head, “we were thirteen and fourteen, as kids navigating those feelings can be hard. I’d say we were close to dating then he...he pushed too far. I wasn’t raped, but he touched me inappropriately, then harassed me over text. Then continued for three years, he’s been silent ever since and now all of a sudden 12 years later he’s back.” You laughed bitterly, “and I have no doubts he’s done things to other women. Do you think because I didn’t report, it’s my fault that this is happening? And he’s most likely doing this to other women?” You asked her.
Emily shook her head, “It’s not your fault Y/N, it never will be. He’s a sick creep, and we’re gonna get him.” She assured you. “Can we talk about something else?” You asked. 
“Sure.” Emily smiled.
You felt your heart stutter. 
Over the next few days, you and Emily had fallen into a routine. 
You ate all your meals together. Breakfast at 6am in the hotel lobby, lunch in the dance rehearsal room, dinner in the backstage area. 
Of course, your friends teased you relentlessly. And her team teased her relentlessly. 
But you two didn’t care, you found solitude in each other's company, considering both of your worlds were hectic and crazy. 
You two were eating chicken tenders for lunch before vocal and dance rehearsal in the dance room when Marcus walked in, “hey, some fanmail was left for you.” He handed you a blue box. 
“I’m surprised you can bring it to me.” You said grabbing it. 
“It went through security first.”
That was a good sign, you opened it and saw a diamond necklace, “holy shit.” You murmured, it was stunning and sparkly. 
Emily thought it described you personally. 
You took it out of the box and set the box on the ground. Emily saw a tag in the box. She grabbed it. She pulled it and it revealed a bigger note. She picked it up and read it. 
“Y/N….” Emily started. 
“What?” You asked, scared. 
Emily cleared her throat, “for you my love, it matches your smile. Remember that night under the stars at that restaurant our parents took us to as kids? It’s one of my fondest memories.” You dropped the necklace as if it had burned you. 
It had. 
It clattered against the floor, you shot off the ground. “Get it away from me! Get the box away from me! Get it all away!” You started crying. “No, no, no, no.” 
“Go get my team, now!” She ordered Marcus who ran off with his concern and protectiveness in his eyes. 
She approached you, “can I touch you?” She asked. 
You fell into her arms, “he found me. He actually fucking found a way to torment me. After all these years, I can’t. I can’t. I can’t. Please don’t let him get me.” You sobbed into her arms. 
She looked at the diamonds on the ground, the sparkling contrasted against the dull gray floor, she stroked your hair as she said, “I won’t, he will never touch you again.” 
And she would die to ensure that that promise was kept. 
Two hours later, you were in vocal rehearsals. You had to do questioning as well as calm down from your panic attack. 
You would only allow Emily near you. 
You two walked side by side to vocal rehearsals, the girls immediately rushed to hug you. Emily stepped back as the three of them hugged you. It was a huge group hug. 
“Oh sweetheart.” Brooke said and kissed your head. “Baby, we tried to get in there but they wouldn’t let us.” Zoey said, “I almost kicked that damn door down but Ramona pulled me away.” 
“We got you, that bastard isn’t going anywhere near you,” Liz declared. 
Emily heard a sniffle from you, and the girls all “aww’d.” 
“Babyyy.” Liz cooed as they all held you tighter. 
After about three minutes of you trying to calm down, you four separated, all of you were wiping your eyes. “God, we really do feed off each other huh?” You tried to lighten the mood. They all smiled, trying to keep the light mood going. 
They all said hi to Emily, then headed towards a couch. You four then sat down and began singing.
Okay, she had heard your records, after all your band was one of the biggest bands in the world, the biggest girl group. 
But God, she did not expect you to not have an auto-tuned voice. None of you do. All four of you have amazing voices but yours…
It was rich like dark chocolate, she wanted to hear you sing all. the. time. It was like a siren, captivating and lustful. You were calm while singing, nobody would know that your stalker had just dropped off a box with diamonds in it two hours ago. 
Then to make you laugh Zoey broke out with an off key note and made you burst out laughing. 
That laugh warmed Emily, she realized how much she loved your company and what she would do to make you laugh like that at her. 
Oh God, she was falling for you. And she was falling hard.
Two hours before the show was supposed to go on, they caught him. 
He was staking out before the show, Garcia had his picture sent to all the guards and they found him. 
Everyone else went to question him, while Emily stayed with you. It was a few minutes before showtime, makeup artists and hair stylists were doing final touches. As well as the stylists. 
“Twitters blowing up.” Ramona said from her chair.
“About?” You asked, jumping to shake the nerves.
“The guy who got arrested in front of the venue.” 
You looked at Emily, “dear god.” 
“JJ will handle it.” She assured you all.
“Good.” Zoey said. 
You nodded to a corner at Emily, she nodded and followed you over. “I just wanna say, thank you for helping me and spending time with me. I know it’s your job but,” you sighed, “if you’d allow me, I’d like to take you out on a date when we have a show in DC. We’re staying for a couple days doing press and I’d like to go out on a date with you, if you’d like?” Emily smiled and blushed hard, “I would be honored, Y/N.” 
The smile you had could light up the night sky, “thank you, Emily. You won’t regret it.” 
“Ramona called, “Y/N! Show time!” 
“One sec!” Then shoved a piece of paper into her hand, “I hope to hear from you.” Then you kissed her cheek and ran off to stage. 
She opened the piece of paper, “to my hero, I hope to hear from you.” Then underneath was your number. 
She sighed happily, then went to find her seat in the stadium so she could watch her siren queen perform.
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fallout4reactsblog · 3 years
companions react to news of the institute christmas party courser revolution and the fact that the institute is now apparently populated entirely by festive rogue coursers in elf costumes and also what ramifications this has on the politics of the commonwealth as a whole. father's drowned corpse, still in his silly santa hat, is now impaled on the antlers of the fake reindeer on the sleigh prop by the institute's metaphorical front door as a warning and a symbol of their casting off chains.
Cait: “You have to at least give them some points for creativity.”
Cait pulls a face, but says, “I guess.”
“Come on, Cait. You could at least admit it’s a little funny. I’d have paid good money to be a fly on the wall that day.”
“It’s fucked up, is what it is. How are you so calm?”
“How are you so stressed?” They lean back in their chair, folding their arms contentedly. “They basically did our job for us. No more Institute.”
She sighs. “You’re nuts.”
“Maybe. I guess all we can do is wait and see what happens, huh? Maybe they’ll retreat to their underground hidey-hole and leave the Commonwealth alone.”
“Not countin’ on it.”
“You can be as pessimistic as you like. The way I see it, this is a good thing both ways. Either the Institute collapses without strict management- which would be good- the coursers decide they don’t believe in what the Institute was doing before and stop- also good- or we go in there and only have to kill half of what was there. A win-win-win situation.”
She shakes her head. “Whatever you say. I’m not buyin’ it.”
Curie: “The absurdity of the situation is certainly not lost on me, Madam/Monsieur, but surely there are still, ah, consequences for this?”
“Oh, sure, yeah, definitely. I mean, they’ve basically got my son on a pike on the CIT lawn. But, you know, don’t sweat the petty things and don’t pet the sweaty things, as the old saying goes.”
“I... do not think this is a ‘petty thing’ anymore.”
They wave a hand dismissively. “We’ll wait for the dust to settle, then go check it out. Until then, I’m not jumping to any conclusions.”
“I am merely saying that, given the evidence, this seems quite disastrous, especially in terms of political instability.”
“Ah, who cares about politics? Unless they or someone else starts a war, it’ll be fine. Let ‘em live a little. Everybody’s gotta have a rebellious teenager phase at some point.”
Curie wasn’t sure this counted as being a rebellious teen, but if that was what brought sole comfort, she would let them have it.
Danse: Listening Post Bravo is quiet. That’s how he likes it, and how it’s going to stay.
Courser uprising. Of course, it was a courser uprising. What else could it have been? Those things are killing machines; death is everything they were designed for, and now they’ve taken the reigns and can do as they see fit across the Commonwealth with no masters to keep them in check.
He pulls himself a little tighter into his corner. God, what a mess. This is over. They needed to go back to DC and forget they had ever heard of the Institute. Tactical retreat. If Arthur wasn’t so far on his warpath, he might have even suggested it, but he was six feet deep in his “now’s the time to strike” speech with no sign of stopping to think about the hole he was digging.
Well, Arthur could do what he wanted. Danse has had enough of this, enough of the goddamn Commonwealth, enough of the synths, enough of it all. This was his home, now, and he was going to sit here and plant potatoes and forget anything that happened outside. Especially the fact that coursers even existed and could, presumably, come knocking on his door at any moment. 
He was going to make an effort to forget that first.
Deacon: He lets out a long, low, whistle, then turns to Dez. “We should’ve thought of that one first, Boss. It’s genius.”
“It’s madness.” Desdemona pinches the bridge of her nose. “But I suppose it works in our favor, at least for now. There should be chaos in the Institute right about now.”
“Other synths probably saw the carnage.” Glory pipes up. “They might be getting some similar ideas. This could be our moment.”
“Who would’ve predicted this, though?” Deacon grins. “It’s so out there that I can’t even be surprised that it happened. I mean, tell me “Holiday Office Party Leads to Destruction of Commonwealth Boogeyman” doesn’t sound like a headline you’d see in the Publick these days. It’s the perfect brand of Commonwealth crazy.”
“The Brotherhood is going to want to get on this,” Carrington says, shooting a glare Deacon’s direction. “We need to act before they can get there.”
“I’ve reached out to our man on the inside,” Deacon replies, glaring back. “But until we hear back, we might as well enjoy the show.”
Dez shakes her head. “I suppose so.”
Gage: “Honestly? Can’t blame ‘em. That holiday party sounds like an actual nightmare. I’d kill someone if they stuck elf ears on me, too.”
“Damn. There go my plans for next Christmas.”
Sole’s tone is dry enough he can’t tell if they’re joking. “I’m serious, Overboss. You even look at me with a costume-”
“I value my life, thanks.”
“Just providin’ fair warning. I don’t think any of the others would take kindly to it, either.”
They shake their head. “Mason wouldn’t mind. He practically dresses up in a costume every day.”
“Are you shitting me? He’d be the one that hated it the most.”
“Absolutely not. Mags would hate it the most.”
He thinks about it a moment, then replies, “Fair point, but what about Nisha?”
Sole sucks in a tense breath. “Oh, that’d be a mess. A bloody, ugly mess. Moral of the story: no holiday parties.”
“Good advice.”
Hancock: “I mean, good for them?” He stares at the ceiling, still a little baffled. “I guess?”
“But what does this mean, John?” Fahrenheit lights up a cigarette across from him.
“Well, we’ll be fine. I have that on good authority. Everybody else...” He makes a face.
“Exactly. No one knows.”
“No one even knew this was an option.” Smoke hisses between his teeth. “I mean, it’s fitting that they’d go up in smoke because of their own arrogance, but still.”
“People are losing it.”
He snorts. “Think of the Brotherhood. They must be havin’ a real heyday over there. But us? We’ll be fine. That’s what matters, right?”
“That’s what matters.”
MacCready: “I honestly don’t know what to say.”
Sole shrugs. “Then don’t say anything. I’m still not sure how I feel about it myself.”
“This is a good thing, right?” He looks to them for some explanation. “Right?”
“It’s too early to say, yet.”
“’Too early to say’? It’s a courser uprising for crying out loud. Forget what I said. This is bad.”
“Could turn out to be good, though.”
“Okay, it could, but...” he shakes his head. “What the heck. You’re right. We’ll see.”
Still, it’s a messed-up way to go. The only thing worse than being killed by a courser, he imagines, is being killed by a courser dressed up as a holiday elf.
Nick: He blinks slowly, purses his lips, then carefully folds his newspaper and puts it to the side.
“I beg your pardon?”
“I know. Crazy, huh?” Sole pops the cap off a Nuka-Cola and takes a seat on his desk. “All it took was a Christmas party.”
“I gotta say, this wasn’t among the ways I thought the Institute would go. Up in a firey ball, sure, but at the hands of killing machines dressed as Santa’s elves?”
“That’s what makes it so great! No one saw this coming, the Institute least of all, I assume. Can you imagine the mess that must be happening at Boston Airport right now? The Brotherhood is shitting their pants as we speak.”
He just shakes his head. “We can close that case, I guess. I’m not sure if I should be happy for them or horrified at the circumstances. Still, we should be careful; it’ll be hard to know what a change in leadership means for us.”
“Sure, sure.”
“I’ll give ‘em credit for creativity, though.”
Piper: This is the best thing to happen all year.
For once, papers are flying off the shelves. She’s selling copies right off the press, selling them before they’re even printed. She’s on backorder for the story of the festive courser rebellion, which she’d heard all the details about from a Diamond City guard wearing suspiciously Deacon-like sunglasses. But forget him.
People have traveled to get here and get their hands on the Publick. There’s someone from Bunker Hill sitting next to someone from Cambridge next to someone who said they came from the Glowing Sea, of all places. The caps she’s making is more than she could have ever imagined, and she’s glad she faced sleep deprivation to make this one a Publick Occurrences exclusive. It’s been well worth it so far. Nat doesn’t even have to stand on the street to hawk the paper, people are coming right up to her door and knocking, no joke.
She knew the war would be profitable, but it’s made even better by the way it all went down. A holiday party gone wrong is the perfect headline, and if she could find a courser, she’d kiss them for their genius. Because this is the best thing to happen to her since she not-so-subtly implied McDonough was a synth.
Bless the coursers of the Institute for their impeccable sense of style.
Preston: “I have to say, I didn’t expect to be crossing ‘take care of the Institute’ off of my to-do list so quickly.”
Sole cocks their head to the side. “I mean, it’s not gone yet. Just... under new management.”
“New management, new threat in my opinion. You can’t really believe everything is going to stay the same after this. The Institute is going to change in at least a couple of ways.”
“Fair.” They lean up against the workbench. “Kinda crazy how it all went down, though.”
He chuckles. “I’d call that an understatement, General. No one could’ve seen this one coming. Trigger-happy Brotherhood goes on the warpath? I thought we might see that one, but blowing up from the inside?” He shakes his head. “That’s a new one.”
“They kinda had it coming, though. Who thought making killing machines play Barbie was a good idea?”
“Someone who came to regret it, no doubt.”
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weirdthinkingdragon · 4 years
Unwanted Devotion
Yandere Erasermic x Reader
Warnings of yandere and obsessive themes, and kidnapping (like usual)
I was resting in the cat cafe with my best friend, Adara. She loves cats almost as much as me, and they seem rather fond of us too. I scratched the chin of a long-haired Bombay. Its fur was extremely soft and silky to the touch. They take really good care of the cats here. I should know from working here before. Adara laughed as the tail of a white Persian swiped across her nose. It was a peaceful silence between us otherwise.
“So, anyway, have you got anyone to date yet?” She asked, suddenly speaking up. Why did this have to come up? “Eh, only once, but it didn’t last long since he liked someone better.” 
“Ouch. Well, definitely plenty of fish in the sea, huh?” I sighed. “Yeah, but that isn’t really the main focus right now. I can focus on that after my job starts to pay me more. Barely scraping by, but they’re giving me a raise hopefully next week.” 
“That’s not a wrong thing to do.” I rolled my eyes at her. “Says the one married to a rich man already.” 
“Once again, true.” The bell opened to two men entering. They seem slightly familiar. Adara seemed to recognize them before I did. “No way! Is that Hizashi and Shouta!?” I knew she was about to yell out to them. I tried to stop her by covering her mouth, but she leaned away right before. “Hey, Hizashi! Shouta! Is it really you two!?” Her yelling caused the two of them to turn their heads into our direction. A face of annoyance came over the one with the long black hair. It perked up a bit when he and I locked eyes. 
It didn’t take long for the two of them to come to our table, especially seeing the two cats with us. The Bombay of which decided to rest in front of me on the table. That seemed to grab Shouta’s attention. It just looked at him while purring contentedly.  He seemed rather surprised. It could be this one doesn’t like many people. Adara sat next to me for the other seat to be empty for the two of them. 
“It’s been AGES guys! We really should have kept better touch! How have the two of ya been!?” As hyper as ever Hizashi exclaimed. It startled the Bombay, making their fur puff up, but they still didn’t move. 
Adara nodded. “Yeah, it’s been way too long. Surprised to see you guys here. The two of you have been rather busy, huh? being heroes AND teachers now.” 
Wait… what? “Wait… they’re teachers now?” She nodded. “Yep. They actually have been for a few years already!” My eyes widened in surprise. “Hah, wow, never expected you to become a teacher Shouta!” He kept his ever so stoic expression. I do however have a growing interest in how he got that scar on his face. Something tells me it might be a touchy subject though, so no bringing it up.  
A cream-colored Persian went into Shouta’s lap, instantly getting his black outfit full of bright long specks. He didn’t seem to care in the slightest, and it made Hizashi chuckle at him. Hizashi grabbed Shouta’s free hand closest to him and interlocked their fingers. An odd sense of sadness came over me, but there was also happiness as well. Shouta seemed to be looking around making sure no one else saw. It wasn’t very busy considering it was night and had less than half an hour before closing. 
It reminds me that I used to like both a while ago. Of course, now that's definitely off the table. It’s great they stuck towards their heroic desires though. I had to give up from not being able to intern. Same with Adara. Shouta saw where my sight was aimed and tried to pull his hand from Hizashi. “No worries! We can keep it a secret!” Adara piped up.
I smirked at her and looked at them. “What secret?.” She smirks back and that seems to ease Shouta. “Ya should have told me you quit working here! I was tryin’ to find ya months ago! I asked your co-workers when you worked so I could drop by. They refused to tell me!” 
“Well, think about it. They probably thought you might have been a stalker or something. You’re not as recognizable without your hair up.” He thought for a moment and nodded. “Ya got me there!” 
“Still, really bummed they didn’t even tell me someone was asking for me. We could have met so much sooner!” 
“You’re tellin’ me! Well, don’t stop now! Give me your number!”
I laughed at his enthusiasm and gladly gave it to him. He almost too eagerly put my number into his phone. “Might as well give me your number as well.” Shouta piped up. I was rather surprised he wanted it. He didn’t talk to me much back in school. He did often sit by me though. Rather closely too, but there was nothing about it. I shrugged it off and also gave it to him. Adara did the same, but they didn’t seem as enthusiastic about it? Well, she can be rather annoying in her texts. The Bombay demanded attention again by rubbing their head against my hand. 
“Anyways, I envy the energy you have Hizashi. You never seem to run out.” I commented. 
“I really wish he would. He can never be quiet.”  
“Aw Sho, don’t be like that! Ya know you dig it!” 
“I really don’t.” Hizashi looped his arm around Shouta’s shoulders. “Baaaabe! Don’t be so meeeeaaan!” 
“Quiet down!” He snapped, quickly looking around again. None of the staff were in earshot distance and they were busy starting to sweep and restock things. 
“I’d like to ask something if that’s okay,” I said. Shouta looked at me and nodded while Hizashi and Adara were spouting something about music and new slang. He nodded. “How long have the two of you been together? You don’t have to answer if it’s too personal though.” 
He seems to think for a moment. “Believe it or not, it wasn’t long after school. We met up again and spoke to each other at times like now when we have the time,” He looked over and “glared” at Hizashi. “If only he could be a bit quieter, but that’s never going to change with his loud mouth.”
“Were ya talkin’ ‘bout me, babe?” Hizashi suddenly asks, gaining attention towards us. I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Maybe, maybe not,” A smirk grew on my face. “He’s just saying how much he loves you.” Shouta glares harshly at me with a bit of blush forming on his face as Hizashi quickly pulls him closer. “Aw! How sweet of ya!” Adara laughs at Shouta’s misery. 
Hizashi looked at me. “So, y/n, have ya got a lover yet?” I groaned. “Adara JUST asked me that before you two came!”
“We weren’t here then.” I sighed heavily. “No, and I’m not planning on it until my life is more together.” The two of them grew worried expressions. “What do you mean?” 
I gave a nonchalant shrug. “Just having trouble with a bad landlord and bills. You know, the usual sucky things of life.” Hizashi looked at me with a small frown. “We could-” I knew what he was about to say, and that’s a definite no.  “No. I can’t have you guys do that for me.” I cut in. “But we’re will-” 
“Nope! I’ll handle it on my own.” 
“Y/n, this is serious. Let us help you before it gets worse. I’d know.” Shouta’s voice turned incredibly stern. It almost made me want to cave in and accept it. No wonder he’s a teacher now. 
“Listen, I understand your guy’s concern for me, but I’ll be fine! You both have my number, so maybe just text me something later, and I’ll reach out if I need to.” I persisted. Shouta’s eyes narrowed more. I’ve forgotten how truly powerful this man’s glare was. Yikes. 
It felt like hours, though it was only seconds until he finally relented with a nod of his head and the other two let out their breath they were holding. 
Adara decided to break the tension in the worst way possible. “Hey, Y/n? Remember when you used to have a crush on-” I covered her mouth before she could finish. “That jerk from school? Yeah, I want to slap my younger self for ever having that damn thing on such a narcissist.” I quickly came up with that lie and glared harshly at her. I could tell Shouta can tell something was a lie. 
Adara licked my hand. It took a lot of restraint not to recoil and take my hand away from her mouth. “We better go. Text me later for us to meet up!” I told them, and dragged Adara out the door. I yanked on her long red hair to make her come, and as a little payback. As soon as we got out the door and a little ways away, I let go of her. “What was that about!? You were going to make it so awkward between us four than it already was!”
“Don’t try to deny it! You STILL have feelings for the both of them! I can tell just by the way you look at them!” 
“They’re together now! Do you know how bad it would be!? Seriously, they’d never want to talk to me again!” She shrugged. “I don’t know about that. They seemed still pretty interested in you.” 
“You’re reading too far into things. I don’t want this to come up again.” I hissed, and stormed away with feeling sheer embarrassment at the utter gall she had to try bringing that up. 
I started to hang out with the two of them in their limited free time. It surprised me they wanted me to hang out with the two of them every time they were free. My little thing I still had for them quickly vanished as I saw their interactions. Now it’s me trying not to physically gush how adorable they are together. Shouta was reading with his legs over Hizashi’s. A cute little habit I noticed of his is him always having to touch Shouta in some sort of way. In public? A “friendly” arm slung around his shoulders. Between us? Holding his hand or even just rubbing his hands on Shouta’s legs. Especially if Shouta is wearing shorts, like he is now. 
I didn't want to impede on their connection more and more as my mind focused on it. They don’t need me here. They were sitting on their couch while myself was on the loveseat. My phone was out in front of me while I absentmindedly glanced at the two of them from time to time. The more the thought wandered, isn’t this kinda weird as well? We don’t even really speak at times like this. Sure, the peace is great and all, but… Fuck it, this has to change. Come on Adara. Right now would be a great time to- 
My phone started to ring. It was Adara. Impeccable timing! I answered it and stood up to leave the room. “What’s up gir-’
“You need to get away from them NOW!!!” Adara sounded beyond panicked. Panic quickly started to rise in me as well as I glanced at the two men. They didn’t seem any different. I stopped looking before Hizashi and I could lock eyes. 
“What do you mean?” I question. 
“I fully underestimated just HOW much they love you! My husband was just warned by his friend you’re in danger. You need to leave, and NEVER be alone with them again! No matter how much they ask! Get out now, before you can’t again!” 
Okay, that’s beyond concerning. But they’d be caught if they ever did something like that! This can’t be a joke though. She’s surprisingly not one for jokes. 
“You’re on a suspect list! It’s free reign if they get you! RUN!” 
The fear increased tenfold with her words. I look back at the cou- They’re not there! Flight kicked in, and I started to run towards the front door. My wrist was suddenly grabbed, and my phone is yanked from my hand. My attention snapped forward to Shouta tightly gripping my phone. Tight enough his knuckles turned white as he pressed the speaker button. 
Hizashi was standing next to Shouta with a betrayed and hurt expression. His frown deeper than I’ve ever seen it. Shouta isn’t doing much better. “You know Adara, It’s rather hurtful to go back on trying to rekindle our love.” Chills ran up my spine. That doesn’t even sound like Hizashi. 
A shriek of surprise came over the phone. It quickly turned to her breathing heavily. She sounded more angry than fearful. “It’s because you two are fucking insane you put them on the suspect list!!” she spat. 
“That’s rather hurtful, dear Adara.” Hizashi fully blew off her accusation. 
Shouta squeezed it tight enough the screen started to crack. He wasn’t holding my wrist… I decided to run for it. I didn’t even get close to the door when something wrapped tightly around my waist and dragged me back. It was pulled up slightly to prevent me from falling. There was only one thing it could be… Shouta’s capture weapon. He was using his quirk and it only needed one hand. The other still held the phone. 
“You’re no longer needed. Stay quiet, and maybe things won’t end bad for you.” 
‘Crack’ the phone got crushed. 
I was in full blown panic now. Especially the look on their faces. It didn’t take long for Hizashi to hug me tightly. Something wet dripped onto my shoulder. Why is he crying!? If anything, I should be the one crying! “Sho, w-we did it all wrong!” Shouta sighs angrily. He stopped using his quirk, but his capture weapon still was wrapped tightly around me. Including my arms which were pinned to my sides. 
“We overheard that night. We were hoping to bring your love back to us by jealousy,” His eyes narrowed as he looked away. “Turns out that was clearly the wrong decision. It only drove you away more.” 
Hizashi hugged tighter. “Do-Don’t worry Songbird! We can still fix this! We can make ya love us again!” He turned his head towards Shouta. Shouta walked behind me and hugged my bound form as well. It was so binding to the point it was hard to breathe. I tried to squirm in their toxic grip. The attempt to break free was clearly fruitless, only succeeding in them squeezing tighter like a snake suffocating its prey. 
Shouta leaned to be right next to my ear, and let out a satisfied exhale. It being so close to my ear sent another shiver up my spine. “We should have done this much sooner.” Hizashi eagerly nodded as I started to get tired and stopped struggling. 
“Ya see! They’re already lovin’ us! Sho, it’s not close enough though!” In the corner of my eye, Shouta nodded in agreement. They released me, but like a leash Shouta pulls me over to the large couch, Hizashi not far behind. 
"Hold them." Shouta said, and pushed me closer to Hizashi. He didn't have to be told twice. Shouta quickly used his quirk to undo his capture weapon. They had a silent conversation as I started to squirm again. “Guys, stop this! I moved on, you guys need to as well!” 
Their faces turned to delusional obsession. Hizashi sat on the couch, and forced my legs to wrap around his lower back. Shouta quickly ties his capture weapon around my ankles before Hizashi lets go of my legs. 
Hizashi then leans against the armrest of the couch as Shouta goes behind me. He puts his legs over Hizashi’s, and leans forward to fully sandwich me. 
“No. We’ll make you love us again. We lost ya once, and never again.” 
“One way,” He leaned next to my ear again. “Or another.” It didn’t take a genius to know it was a threat… That and him squeezing his legs into my sides. 
It was easy to tell I wasn’t going to be able to go anywhere anytime soon…
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jimlingss · 4 years
Sugar and Coffee [4]
Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 4.5 OR Chapter 5
➜ Words: 4k
➜ Genres: 99.5% Fluff, 0.5% Angst, Pâtisserie school!AU
➜ Summary: It isn't hard to be a pâtisserie chef, but it's not a piece of cake either. It seems like for you in particular, life keeps throwing in one wrench after another. It always finds ways to make your sweets bitter. The cherry on top is Jeon Jungkook — a rival with a sensitive sweet tooth who always finds ways to complain about you.
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You miss Seokjin.   You know that you shouldn’t, but in the middle of the night while you’re unable to sleep, you pick up your phone again. And you send him a text.   2:03 am. Y/N: hey   The bright screen stares back at you, illuminating your face and blinding your vision in the darkness of your quiet dorm room. Your messages are lined up in a row, the same exact text left unanswered. Ones you sent from a week ago to two days ago.   The radio silence makes the realization sink in — he broke it off. Jin really has no plans of communicating with you again, of giving you an explanation other than telling you that it’s run its course and that you’re not the one at fault.   It doesn’t sit well with you, so your thumb moves, quicker than you can list the consequences for. You call his number. It dials. But instead of hearing the tone ring, you hear an automated message.   Seokjin changed his number.   //   It’s morning while on the way to class with you hiding beneath the hood of Jin’s sweater that you end up catching sight of someone familiar walking towards your direction. It’s your only strand of hope, but you step forward before the opportunity is lost. “Hani?”   “Y/N?” Hani stops and greets you with a smile. She’s a friend — well, Seokjin’s friend. But she still regards you with the same warmth as she gave to you for the past two years, albeit the atmosphere is awkward.    The both of you know what happened, know it’s looming over your heads. But no one speaks about it, no one dares to broach the subject. “Hey, how are you?” And her question is asked at a higher pitch, cautious as if you were a wounded animal that she was afraid of scaring.   “I’m...fine, how are you?”   “I’m okay.” Hani nods and gathers the courage to approach the issue that you’re skirting around. “I...heard about what happened. It’s a real shame. I hope you’re holding up well.”   “Trying.” You muster a smile, shrugging your shoulders.   Yet in spite of her friendliness, you can still feel it — the distance.    Like you thought, they sided with him. They’ve chosen him with no plans of getting between you two and involving themselves in the conflict. “Well, I should go. I might be late. I’ll see you around, Y/N.”   You nod and she brushes past you. But then you twist on your heel. “Hani?”   “Yeah?” She spins around.   “Did,” you hesitate, “Jin say anything about me?”   “No, he didn’t,” she says, quietly and sadly.   You bob your head again, meeting her eye. “How is he?”   “He’s okay.”   You wonder what that means — if he never really cared, if he’s already over this. But you’re also glad that he’s okay. You’ll never have any ill wishes against Jin. You still love him.
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Jungkook and his friends have a system, if one could call it that — a shitty system of crashing each other’s dorms. Sometimes they’re crowding around Taehyung’s gaming consoles, other times it’s Jimin’s computer. Or Jungkook’s flat screen that he spent his entire summer job’s savings for. Or even going to Hoseok and Yoongi’s apartment to raid the fridge and be as loud as they want without getting noise complaints.   Hoseok and Yoongi didn’t like the dorm life, so they were willing to raise their living expenses and pool their money together for an apartment off campus. And that’s where Jungkook finds himself this evening.   They’re watching a soccer game, but the only person invested is Taehyung who actually knows the teams and who is who. Hoseok is preoccupied pigging out on the snacks, Yoongi sipping his drink, and Jimin is playing a game on his phone.   “Can I ask you something?” Jungkook asks out of the blue, smacking his lips after taking a swig of the beer. He can’t wait till Taehyung gets curious and drinks some — he’d probably gag from the taste.   Yoongi looks up. “What?”   “It’s not about me, but I have a friend of a friend and this friend of theirs was...dumped pretty badly and now they’re depressed and not talking...at all….and they don’t really have friends anymore because all their friends were my friend’s friends, so it really sucks for them.”   “Uh-huh.”   “So what would you hypothetically say to my friend’s friend to make them feel better or like what would you do?”   “Well, for one, I’d take Y/N out,” Hoseok pipes up while chuckling.   Jimin lifts his head and Taehyung looks over. The two of them exchange expressions and burst out laughing. Jungkook sighs in irritation. “Who said this was about Y/N?!”   “We’re not total idiots, dude.” Jimin grins. “Sometimes.”   In the meanwhile, Taehyung leans down to give a punch to Jungkook’s arm and winks. “Trying to slide into her DMs now that she’s single, huh? I see you, Kook. Still got game. Can’t say I’m not impressed. Go get that puss—”   “As if.” Jungkook scoffs. “I just feel bad, alright? Forget I asked. Whatever.”   But Yoongi isn’t ready to drop the subject quite yet. His cat-like eyes narrow in on him as he sips on his drink. He puts the bottle down on the coffee table with a clank. “Since when did you start caring about her?”   “I don’t—”   “You don’t have to get defensive,” Yoongi deadpans boredly. He isn’t that interested, merely stating a fact. “I’m just surprised.”   “She’s going to be my internship partner whether I like it or not in a few months.” The youngest sighs. “I don’t want to make it awkward. And I thought it would be better in the long run if we become friends now. It would be nice to have each other’s backs. Or at least be civil enough where she’s not trying to rip my head off every other second.”   Yoongi appears mildly understanding and nods. “So it’s a diplomatic thing.”   “Yeah.”   “Invite her to our game night,” Hoseok says from the kitchen.   “Don’t do that.” Yoongi scoffs, expression wrinkled like he bit into a lemon. “It’s our thing.”   “Are we ten? Boys only?” Hoseok argues, “We already have our thing every single night anyway. Plus, it might be a nice change since Jungkook always wins.”   “Fine.” He rolls his eyes. “Do whatever you want.”   “That actually sounds kind of fun!” Taehyung grins, tearing his eyes away from the soccer game. Jungkook’s amazed that he had half a mind to pay attention to the conversation. “But I wonder if Y/N is any good at board games or if she even plays.”   “Is everyone cool with me asking?” Jungkook looks around — Hoseok and Taehyung are enthusiastic about the prospect while Yoongi is passive aggressive at worst and apathetic at best.   It’s Jimin who looks uncertain.   “She’s….intimidating,” he mutters. “But….I think you’re right. Y/N looks like she’s having a tough time and if we can help, then we should. At least then we know we tried.”   He nods. There’s only one issue left. “I don’t even know if she’ll even accept…”   Knowing you, you might just laugh in his face and then spit at him for even making such a suggestion. Then again, with how you’ve been acting lately, you might just start crying from gratefulness and freak him out. Both scenarios are equally horrible.
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The pair of you bake alongside each other as the teacher watches for technique and the order of the procedures done. Jungkook works on the dough while you focus on the custard filling. It’s surprisingly perfect teamwork — you’re in sync with one another and assemble the final cake together.   And when the teacher returns to eat it, he’s astounded that it’s been exactly replicated. From the taste to the presentation.   You leave the room with a ninety percent grade, having absolutely aced the midterm.   “That was pretty good, huh?!” Jungkook grins, putting his hand out. You muster a small smile, and high-five him back.   “Yeah.”   “Man, all our hard work paid off! Did you see the look on Mr. Chu’s face?”   He was over the moon, especially considering that napoleon cake isn’t all that easy to make under strict time constraints. But when Jungkook glances at you, you don’t seem very happy over it. Your eyes are on the floor with your downcast head.   “Hey.” The doe-eyed boy pokes your shoulder until you look up at him. “Do you wanna…”   “Pardon?” Your brows furrow. His voice became so quiet, you couldn’t hear him.   Jungkook clears his throat noisily. “I asked how you were holding up?”   You shrug. “Fine. I don’t know. Do you really want to hear about it?”    You doubt he would trouble himself with your problem, but what catches you off guard is that he stops in the middle of the hallway and nods. You stop with him too. “Sure. Shoot.”   “Really?”   “Yeah, I don’t see why not. It’s not like I have anything better to do.”   You inhale a deep breath. It catches in your throat. Your fist tightens, nails digging into your skin. You swear you wouldn’t cry again. “I texted Jin, even though I know it wasn’t a good idea and yeah, it wasn’t. He changed his number.”   “Oh….shit.”   “And I talked to one of his friends yesterday and she said he’s doing fine. He hasn’t really talked about me. And I don’t really know what any of that means. I haven’t seen him around either. I think he’s avoiding me and I can’t help thinking about what I did that was so wrong for me to be treated this way. I don’t….I don’t think I deserve this.” You exhale a shallow breath, eyes stinging painfully.   Jungkook suddenly plops his hand on the top of your head. You frown at him and he realizes what he’s doing and withdraws his hand awkwardly. “That really...sucks.”   “Yeah, thanks, I know.”   “Sorry, I don’t really know what to say.”   “You don’t have to say anything,” you tell. “Thanks for not laughing, I guess.”   “Why would I laugh?” Jungkook asks, genuinely confused. You shrug.    You always thought Jungkook would be the first to applaud your misery — he’d goad you and cheer you when you’d cry. You guess you severely misjudged him. “Are you free tonight?”   “Why?”   “My friends and I are doing this thing.” Jungkook scratches the back of his neck and diverts his vision elsewhere. “We meet up to play games sometimes. It’s really Taehyung’s thing cause he’s the one who likes games, but if you’re free, then you should come along. We’re in need of new players actually, cause it gets boring when it’s the same people over and over again….”   “Would they mind?”   He swallows hard, taking in the way your head is quirked to the side, your eyes big and glimmering with hope. It seems like you’re taking him up on the offer or at least considering it and he’s pleasantly surprised. “No, no, they wouldn’t.”   “I don’t want to make it weird or anything…”   “No, you wouldn’t. Trust me. They’re just a bunch of lame dorks, and you kind of already know Taehyung and Jimin. They’re nice guys. So if you wanna come, you should. No pressure whatsoever though.”   “Sure.” The corners of your mouth lifts.   “Really?”   “Yeah. That’s….okay, right?”   “Totally. Yep. I’ll text you where and what time.”   You never knew one day you’d be going off campus to some random apartment for a night of game boards, much less with Jeon Jungkook. Part of you is skeptical about his offer, envisioning that he’s catfishing you somehow, that there isn’t actually anything happening and he’ll text you ‘sike’ after making you wait hours.    But then you remind yourself that he hasn’t been exactly an asshole lately and that you’re not in the cruel world of High School anymore. Jungkook would have to be sick to prank you in this state.   You can already hear the boisterous noise on the other side of the door before you even knock. But after some hesitation, the sounds taper off when you do.    The door swings open and Jungkook greets you with his doe eyes and messy dark hair flopping in different directions. He’s in a black shirt and loose, gray sweatpants, casual unlike how he usually dresses for class and the kitchen.   “Hey!” He reaches in to give you a quick hug. You stiffen and he lets go. “Come in!”   “Finally, she’s here!” Hoseok stands from the couch with his beer and moves to the table Taehyung’s setting up.   “Sorry, am I late?”   “Right on time actually,” Jimin says with a gentle smile.   “Beer or cooler or wine?” Yoongi suddenly asks, twisting around from the fridge.   “A-Any.” It’s fast paced, but they’re welcoming. There’s not a moment for awkwardness to settle in. Yoongi comes over with a beer can, tosses it, and you catch it with both hands. “Thanks.”   “We usually start with a game of good ol’ Janga.” Taehyung grins from his spot at the table. “Usually the person who goes before the loser gets to pick the next game, but since you’re our guest of honour, you can pick. There’s a whole shelf of them over there.”   He gestures towards the living room and you head over to look at the boxes that are accumulating. There’s a ton of boxes stack on each other on the shelf — The Game of Life, Risk, Twister, Battleship, Monopoly, Connect Four, Snakes and Ladders, and even CandyLand.   “What’s this?” you ask, pointing at the bottom shelf with a huge bin. There seems to be small bags inside, place mats, and books too.   “It’s stuff for D&D,” Jungkook clarifies with a sigh, popping a can of beer open to drink. “Dungeons and Dragons.”   “Taehyung’s been wanting to get us to play,” Jimin tells with a smile.   “I’m a great DM,” Taehyung chirps, “It would be so much fun, but we don’t really have time for a whole campaign. Otherwise I’d pull together official content and stuff from Unearthed Arcana and run a module from Wizards of the Coast—”   “Alright, nerd.” Yoongi sighs after a swig. “I’m not trying to re-virgin myself and remain abstinent for the rest of my life, alright? You can do that by yourself.”   “Don’t hate on my game, bitch,” Taehyung spits as Jimin and Jungkook laugh. A smile comes to your face and it isn’t one you have to muster for once. “Wait till the day you come to me and ask me advice on what kind of spells a halfling bard should have at level six.”   “Over my dead body.”   “Okay, can we not argue for once? We have a guest.” Hoseok intercepts with his hands out, literally standing between them. “Let’s try to not scare her off?”   You go back to looking, but you can’t seem to decide what game to play. “There’s a lot.”   “It’s not ours,” Yoongi pipes up again, wearing a friendly smile that is more like a smirk. “This is Hoseok and I’s place. Taehyung just always finds a way to put his shit here too.”   “Hey! That’s cause no one else has a big table like this at their dorm, plus my place is too messy to store my precious games there. They’re expensive, you know.”   “All I know is that somehow I always come home to furniture and clothes on my bed that I swear I didn’t purchase….”   “Alright, alright.” Hoseok intervenes for the second time, having enough of this nonsense. “Is the game done being set up or what? Y/N come sit, you can choose the game later.”   You gather around the table with Jungkook beside you. He leans in while the others are figuring out who gets to start and what direction to go in. “Sorry about that.”   “No, it’s okay,” you say and mean it too. “Your friends are a lot of fun.”   Yet the moment the game begins, there’s a shift in the atmosphere. It goes quieter, less fooling around as it intensely dials down. There are half-lidded stares across the table, snarky remarks exchanged. They’re a competitive group and you feel a lot of pressure to perform well.   Jimin seems to go for the easy blocks. Hoseok tries to make it more difficult for the next person. Yoongi is the designated asshole, going for the second top layer while Taehyung argues that it isn’t even allowed. On the other hand, Jungkook somehow flicks the Jenga block with his middle finger and thumb. He’s cocky about his technique, leaning back as his arm drapes over the back of your chair. He runs his tongue on the inside of his cheek with his brow lifted.    You remember why you fucking hated him now. He’s so unbearable sometimes.   “What?” He looks at you when he finds you staring.   You frown at him. And for a second Jungkook gets a glimpse of the bitch he remembers — the one he misses. “Why do you have to be so extra about it? Who are you trying to impress?”   “Right?!” Taehyung stands up and the entire stack of blocks nearly topples over. “I keep trying to tell him that! It’s so goddamn annoying! You won’t even believe it!”   “Watch it,” Hoseok shouts, “You’re going to make it tip over.”   That’s when you become fired up. You’ve never felt this kind of motivation surging between your veins before. But it’s not a thirst to win — it’s a ravenous hunger to beat Jeon Jungkook.   And you do.   After playing to Hoseok’s tactic and being an asshole, you risk it all to remove an important block and it collapses on Jungkook right as he tries to remove another.   Then there are screams — hoots, hollers, like your country won the damn world cup. You stand up and everyone cheers. Hoseok chest bumps you. Taehyung lifts you up and spins you in a circle. Jimin starts to record the moment on his phone and even Yoongi pats you on the back.   “God, why are you guys making such a big deal,” Jungkook moans, still seated at the table, embarrassed from all the teasing.   “Maybe because you’ve never lost anything in your life!” Taehyung laughs in his face, rubbing his loss where it hurts.   “Say something for the camera.” Jimin sticks his phone right between Jungkook’s eyes, and dodges with giggles when Jungkook tries to slap it away.   “Hey, send me that.” Yoongi points. “I’m going to post it on facebook for my grandma to see.”   “Has Jungkook really not lost any game we’ve played before?” Hoseok questions, the realization finally hitting him and the gravity of the situation sinking down onto his shoulders.   “I don’t think so,” Jimin says after sincerely contemplating for a long moment.   “Oh shit. You’re our lucky charm!” Hoseok slings his arm over your shoulder, giving you finger guns and winking.   It’s ridiculous but you’re beginning to believe it too — especially when the game you pick is Uno and it ends up with a similar outcome.   Somehow, someway, Jimin, Taehyung, Hoseok and Yoongi finish their cards and the only people who are left are you and Jungkook. The tensions are high and you see the sweat accumulating at his hairline. It’s apparent that he’s never even been second last in a game before.   You’re so close to victory, you can taste it. You’re down to a single card while he has three more.   Jungkook slowly places down a wild card. “What colour do you want, Y/N?”   “Hmmmm.” You rest your chin in your palm, arm propped up on the table. You glance at your card before looking straight at him, locking your gaze together. “Would you even choose the colour I pick?”   “I just want to hear what you want.”   “Fine. I want yellow. Please?” You bat your lashes. “Pretty please, JK?”   The ass smirks. “Red.”   “I knew you’d say that,” you sigh. Your fingers reach down to the pile to grab another card, but then your other hand slaps down — slamming a red four onto the pile. Your arms shoot in the air. Again, it triggers cheers. “I win!”   Jungkook throws back his head and groans. He tosses his one red and one blue card left onto the table. What’s worse is the way you gather with all his friends — the five of you huddled together with arms around one another, like you’re preparing for a football game. But instead, you’re all hopping and cheering while belting out the national anthem.   You’ve stolen his own friends from right under his nose.   But despite how the loss is rubbed in his face, Jungkook’s happy that it seems like for a moment, you’ve returned to yourself again.   Eventually, the games go so much into the night that you have to bid your goodbyes. You didn’t know Jungkook’s group of friends were so easy to get along and get comfortable with. You weren’t sure what you were expecting, but the time passed so quickly and you’re sad to leave.   Hoseok and Taehyung hug you until Yoongi has to help you pry them off.   “I’ll miss you so much,” Taehyung fake cries. “You and the way you absolutely demolish Jungkook.”   “Oh please.” Jungkook rolls his eyes.   “I’ll come back...if you’ll have me again.”   “Are you kidding? Of course!”   “You have to come back,” Jimin insists with a sheepish smile like it should be obvious. “You’re good at Monopoly, right?”   You shrug. “I’ve been told I’m decent.”   “You better be.” Yoongi grins. “I’ll expect you to win against Kook.”   “I’ll try my best.”   “Let me walk you back,” Jungkook says as you grab your coat. You look at him and he elaborates, “It’s a long way back to the dorm and I’m tired too. Gonna call it an early night.”   “Oh, okay.”   The two of you get ready to leave, and at the doorway, you turn around one last time. “Thanks for having me.”   “No problem.” Hoseok smiles. “Come back soon.”   You think this is the longest time you’ve been without crying for the past month. It went by too quickly — you wish you could do it all over again. But you consider how lucky Jungkook is. He has great friends and surrounds himself with great people. You’re jealous.   The night is silent except for the sound of your shoes against the cement of the sidewalk. You’re illuminated by the lamp posts above you and you watch your shadows alongside Jungkook’s.   The air is cold enough that you can see your breath as you exhale. Jungkook’s own hands are dug into his pockets, but the chill makes you feel alive.   “Sorry about them. I know they can get a bit much.”   “It’s okay. They’re really nice actually.”   “Yeah, they are.”   “I had a lot of fun.” You steal a glance at him.   Jungkook’s doe eyes widen, the corners of his mouth quirking. “Really? I’m glad.”   “It was a lot of fun destroying you.”   “Wow.” He laughs. “Okay.”   It makes you giggle too.    You know what he’s been doing. From him listening to everything you have to say and doing more than necessary during the midterms. From that time he called you over in the dining hall to sit with him to tonight, bringing you over to play games with his friends….   “Thanks, Jungkook.”   “Hm?”   “Thanks,” you repeat, looking at him, and he meets your eye. “For helping me. I don’t think I’ve said it yet. But I really appreciate it.”   “Yeah, it’s not a big deal, really.”   “It’s a big deal to me.” Your gaze softens. At the moment you had no one, he was there. You didn’t know you would find such an unlikely friendship during such a hard time, but you don’t mind at all.   Jeon Jungkook is your friend.
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smegdwarf · 3 years
But Who Could Love Me? (Rimmer X Reader) - Chapter 2
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A/N: ..........👀
Warnings: Eh not really
Summary: Pretty much just giving Rimmer the love he deserves ☺️
It was no surprise that your new found friendship with Rimmer lead to teasing and wind ups from the rest of the crew but you being you, you took it on the chin. Something Rimmer admired you for.
“So let me get this straight? You’re friends with Rimmer now?” Lister asked, mischief in his voice.
“Is that a problem?” You replied, your eyes not leaving the book in front of you.
“No no...” Lister paused for a second “It’s just a bit weird”
“Well I am weird Listy!” You looked up with a smile.
“Ain’t that the truth” Lister laughed as you stood up “Where is his royal smegness anyway?”
“Working which is more than I can say for you Lister!” You smirked before flicking Listers nose and leaving the room.
“Ow you smegger!” You heard him shout after you.
You knew without putting too much thought into it where Rimmer would be, after all someone had to make sure Red Dwarf was running smoothly and headed in the right direction ...although he may not have been the best choice.
“Good Afternoon” You smiled as you walked into the Dwarfs navigation room, Rimmer quietly making his way through the book he was borrowing from you “Enjoying the book?”
“Well I was until they brought in a love storyline” Rimmer screwed up his nose “What’s wrong with a having a good story without love?”
“Is love really that bad?” You laughed a little as Rimmer’s eyes met you with a dead stare “Anyway...”
“What brings you here?” Rimmer asked putting the book down, maintaining friendships was always a challenge.
“Here, the dumb snack dispenser chucked out two bars when I only paid for one” You smiled as you placed the extra chocolate bar down next to the book followed by some almost inaudible jabbering from the snack machine just outside the door “Now it’s giving me back chat”
You’re little escapade with the snack dispenser brought a small smile to Rimmer’s lips as he let out a soft laugh while the snack machine outside continue to lose it.
“Hey buddy, you chucked out two snacks instead of one not me” You shouted out of the door at the machine.
“You didn’t have to take the second one” The snack machine was clearly up for a fight.
“Shut it or I will unplug you!” You threatened the machine as Rimmer laughed behind you “Am I really about to throw punches with a snack machine?”
“Apparently so” Rimmer smiled, still tickled by your snack fight.
“Well if it keeps you smiling” You shrugged with a smile “So what’s the plan for today?”
“I ...erm ...no plan yet” Rimmer stuttered, it would honestly be a miracle for him to accept your kindness without almost having a full blown panic attack.
“Ok well give me a shout if anything changes, there’s a few things Kryten wants me to take a look at” You smiled as you went to leave.
“Erm I’ve been meaning to ask ...what exactly is it that you do?” Rimmer was generally curious as you had never confirmed exactly what your position on your old ship was but you also couldn’t help but feel that Rimmer also didn’t want you to leave just yet.
“I’m an engineer” You smiled leaning against the door frame.
“What kind of engineer? Snack machines? Drink machines?” Before Rimmer wouldn’t even look at you and now here he is trying to hold a full conversation.
“An engineer engineer, I’m trained to fix anything that’s broken”
“C-can I help?” Rimmer asked innocently.
“I’m sure there’s a chicken soup dispenser that needs fixing somewhere” You smiled with a wink “Come on”
Rimmer didn’t know whether to groan and glare or smile and laugh at your dig, settling with a playful glare and a soft ‘you little smeg’ as you made your way to Kryten.
“So where do you need me to start Krytes?” You asked the mechanoid enjoying mopping the floors of the ship far more than anyone ever should.
“Oh of course, this way ma’am” It was only then when Kryten looked up from the floor he was cleaning that he realized that you wasn’t alone “Excuse me ma’am but are you aware Mr Rimmer is standing behind you?”
“Yes Kryten, he’s going to help me” You laughed as Kryten pulled a face of worry “Don’t worry it’ll be fine Krytes”
“Yes of course, this way” Kryten walked on a head.
“Bloody gimboid!” Rimmer muttered.
“Lister corrupted him, you know he can’t help it” You smiled as Rimmer’s shoulders relaxed and all tension left his body, you clearly had a stronger affect on him than you thought.
“Don’t you need tools?” Rimmer asked, noting your lack of a tool box or trolley.
“Who needs tools when we’ve got Kryten” You smiled as you patted the droid on the shoulder “He is basically a walking multi-tool ...no offense Krytes”
“None taken ma’am ...you are technically correct” Kryten gave you a smile only a droid can give.
“Let’s get fixing shall we?” And with that you took off to fix the many, many issues on Red Dwarf.
A few hours later and you were joined, in Rimmer’s eyes, by an unwanted visitor. Despite working away behind a soup dispenser you knew exactly who it is was without looking.
“What’s going on here then?” You could tell Lister was grinning, making a clear point about you and Rimmer working together “See we don’t even need to set it up anymore”
“Set what up?” Rimmer asked completely blind to what the boys had really been up to the moment you glitched to the ship.
“Just ignore him” You grumbled from behind the dispenser, rattling a pipe “Hey Arnie? Could you move the dispenser nozzle over for me please?”
“Ok” Rimmer replied quick and short as he did as you asked, apart from Kryten as soon as you were joined by either of the remaining crew Rimmer would instantly withdraw, almost too scared to even speak incase Lister would pick him apart or even worse he’d upset you., after all the filter between his brain and his mouth was faulty and he was much more aware of it with you around.
“Perfect!” You smiled at Rimmer from behind the machine as you triggered the machines cleaning system, a projectile wave of old chicken soup chunks covering Lister “Well that might explain why it wasn’t working?”
“YOU BLOODY SMEGHEADS!” Lister stormed off in a huff, presumably to the nearest shower.
“Have fun!” You called down the corridor after him as Rimmer broke into laughter “Two can play that game Listy!”
“Was that actually the problem with it?” Rimmer asked referring to the machine.
“Oh no, as soon as he opened his mouth I thought you know what would make him look better? Old chicken soup chunks!” You laughed as Rimmer looked at you almost in awe.
“You’re perfect” Rimmer let slip as he laughed, catching himself almost instantly attempting to covering it up.
“Arnold?” You replied surprised, for Rimmer that was the last thing you were expecting to escape his mouth.
“The prank!” He stuttered “I meant the prank was perfect”
“Come on, Kryten will almost be ready with dinner” You smiled, sparing Rimmer from more embarrassment than he was already feeling as his cheeks flushed a light shade of pink “I’m starving”
“Erm you’re a hologram, holograms don’t eat?” Rimmer pointed out, his smile slowly returning.
“Doesn’t mean I can’t feel hunger, let’s go!” You smiled as you walked off ahead, a soft chuckle from Rimmer travelled down the corridor.
Arriving back at the crews quarters The Cat and Lister were already digging into their dinner, the usual vindaloo.
“Your dinner ma’am” Kryten smiled as he placed the pasta dish down in front of you.
“Thanks Krytes, it looks great” You grinned at your plate.
“See Listy, I told you other food existed besides vindaloo curry” Rimmer grinned as he sat down at the table continuing on with his book from earlier earning a not so subtle groan from Lister.
“Hey pretty lady” Cat scooted his chair over to you, fluttering his eyelashes.
“Don’t even think about it” The Cat had made it his mission since you got here to try and ‘win you over’ but no matter how many times you turned him down he was reluctant to give up.
“Oh come on” Cat tried again, you noticed Rimmer watching you from the side of his vision behind his book.
“You need to back off before all 9 of your lives flash before your eyes” You said sternly enough that he eventually moved back.
“Obviously you’re not interested in the Cat or Kryten ...so what about me?” Lister looked up from his plate with the devil in his eyes.
“Why has my love life suddenly became topic of discussion?” You sighed as you tried to continue eating, Rimmer had completely stopped reading as he hid behind his book.
“Well would you?” Lister pushed a little more.
“I wouldn’t no” You replied bluntly as a grin formed on Listers face.
“What about Rimmer?” You choked on your pasta as the words left Listers mouth, Rimmer completely frozen behind his book.
“Just because there is a woman on your ship doesn’t mean one of you has to sleep with her?” You shouted as you dropped your fork, a loud clang radiating through the room as the metal hit the plate.
“It’s just hypothetical, you don’t have to date any of us” Lister pointed out.
“Lister shut up!” Rimmer growled, sensing your anger.
“Damn right I don’t” You stood up in a huff “Why do men never think with their brain?”
And with that you stormed out, leaving your dinner unfinished and you not quite sure where you were storming off too.
Realizing the only place you could really escape without being bothered was your room. Asking Holly to lock the door before throwing yourself in your bunk. It’s times like this that made you glad you chose to have your own quarters. Who knows what kind of hell would ensue if you hadn’t? You knew in their minds the boys probably didn’t mean it to be harmless but you weren’t standing for it ...and for that matter neither was Rimmer, it wasn’t much but he did try and get Lister to stop.
After losing yourself in a book for a couple hours you decided to go hunt down a snack machine, after all you had abandoned your dinner earlier. It would be your luck though that you didn’t have enough money on you, your foul mood insisting you take a hit on the snack machine but before you could an arm in a blue sleeve appeared over your shoulder to place a coin into the slot.
“Here” Rimmer said softly but still managing to scare the life out of you ...well metaphorically.
“Bloody hell” You grumbled as you held your chest, you maybe a hologram but holograms could still have heart attacks.
“Sorry I didn’t meant to...” Rimmer panicked.
“It’s fine and thank you, you didn’t have to do that” You managed a smile as your snack hit the bottom of the machine.
“Sorry about earlier” Rimmer’s eyes shot to the floor.
“It wasn’t your fault Arnie?” You looked at him a little sad, he didn’t do anything wrong and yet he was still taking the blame “Please don’t blame yourself”
“If you want I can get Kryten to make you another dinner...” Rimmer started to blabber “It’s not a problem”
“Arnie it’s fine” You smiled, placing your hand on his shoulder and feeling him instantly relax.
“The boys are having a game night, if you want to join?” Rimmer asked
“Erm I think I’ll pass this time” You spoke softly “I’m not really in the mood”
“Yeah me neither ...I best get going though” Rimmer turned to leave.
“You know you don’t have to go to game night...” You hesitated to see if he’d pick up on where you were going.
“What?” Rimmer froze, as far as he was concerned he was dreaming and he’d wake up any moment.
“You’re more than welcome to keep me company for the evening... if you want?” You smiled as Rimmer mulled over your offer “Come on”
You couldn’t help but smile at the sound of the footsteps behind you, pleased that Rimmer had chose the option that would make him happy and instead of going with what everyone else was doing so he didn’t feel left out. Rimmer had only seen your quarters from the door as you swapped over books for him, this time he was actually inside, looking around and taking in all of his surroundings.
“Excuse me while I change” You said calmly.
“Wait what?” Rimmer panicked, completely forgetting in that moment that you were a hologram and only focusing on the ‘change’ part of your sentence.
“Comfies please Hol!” You asked the computer as your blue uniform changed to leggings and an oversized jumper “Ah much better ...maybe you should try changing into something comfier?”
“I don’t think I have anything like that?” Rimmer spoke quietly, you were clearly distracting him.
“Holly, find some comfy clothes for Rimmer please?” You asked Holly again.
“Don’t look!” Rimmer exclaimed.
“What?” You laughed.
“I’m know I’m a hologram but don’t look while I change” Rimmer chuckled.
“Alright fine I won’t look” You laughed as you covered your eyes “Go on Holly!”
“Oh god this feels weird” Rimmer looked over his new clothes, black jogging bottoms and a blue jumper and even you couldn’t deny how soft and sweet he looked as he stood in front of you confused.
“Good weird?” You smiled as you sat down on your bunk.
“Too soon to say” Rimmer was completely occupied by what he was wearing to notice you had sat down.
“Hey Holly, is there anything new to watch?” You asked as Rimmer stood next to your bunk “Well sit down then”
“Are you sure?” It was clear he was nervous, it had been a really long time since he’d had any interaction with the opposite sex and even when he was alive it wasn’t something he was particularly experienced with.
“Yes” You laughed softly as you patted the spot next to you gently “Please sit down”
“You know if the others find us they’ll rinse us?” Rimmer sat down next you cautiously, as far he was concerned this was all some sort of elaborate joke and you were going to walk away or tell him to leave.
“Oh I have a plan don’t worry” You smiled as you looked over at the screen “Holly?”
“Yes Y/N?” Holly replied.
“Could you make sure the door is locked please? ...oh and see if you can get one of the scutters to bring up some snacks too please?” You made your demand, a sweet but nervous smile lighting up Rimmer’s face.
“Bob should be up in a few minutes, shall I tell him to leave your delivery outside the door?” Holly asked.
“You know the drill Hol!” You grinned.
“Something tells me you’ve done this before?” Rimmer raised his eyebrow, his hands resting in his lap.
“Well I need an escape from the rest of you sometimes you know” You teased “Well the other 3 anyway”
“You chose me over them?” Rimmer looked at you confused as the scutter tapped the door outside.
“I suppose I did” You smiled as you went to retrieve the delivery, turning back round to see a smug and rather pleased smile on Rimmer’s face “Hey no need to be a smug git ...or I might have to start calling you Ace?”
“Oi?” Rimmer shot you a glare as you sat back down.
“I’m joking” You laughed a little, picking up the chocolate bar Rimmer had got you earlier, breaking it in half and offering it to him “Here...”
“Erm thanks” Rimmer smiled as he took the offer.
“You’re welcome ...Holly start the film!” You asked the computer and that was it.
From that moment on movie night with Rimmer became a regular thing, you had both agreed not to speak a word to anyone else. After all you didn’t want everyone invading your space and for Rimmer, although he would never admit, he didn’t want to share you with anyone else. Arnold Rimmer was starting to feel something he’d never really felt before.
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austarus · 4 years
Harrison Wells (Eobard Thawne) Integrated Revelations (3/3)
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**A/N: The picture/edit/gif does not belong to me.
**Hey guys, enjoy the final installment! Meanwhile, I’m going to go cry about physics because our physics department is shit and I’d rather much learn from Eo or Harry physics since they’ll actually teach me. Please don’t forget to comment, like, and reblog. It means a lot to content creators of all kinds! 
Part 1   Part 2
Word Count: 5770
“Right here,” future Barry responded calmly as he entered the Cortex. Both versions made eye contact before future Barry sighed to himself. He knew he royally screwed up big time. The speedster was supposed to be in and out with the speed equation. I didn’t intend to get them all tangled with- with that Time Wraith… What’s done is done, but at least I know Thawne and I are in the same boat. Barry took a glimpse at you. Not that it’ll matter anyway. He won’t deny the immense hole that would dig itself in your chest a year from now. Stoic and devoid of any of the warm emotions you normally bring to the labs. It… is what it is. Eddie made his choice that day, ‘there are no such things as coincidences’.
“Okay,” Cisco stepped out of the small lab with Caitlin following behind. “Not how I expected today to turn out.” You gave Eobard a look as if to say, you trained him. Eobard ignored the meaning behind your glance while you both remained in the side lab, observing the interaction between these four.
“Yeah,” Future Barry agreed quietly to himself.
“Okay, so I'm-who are... who are you?” Present Barry stumbled over his words, his mind trying to catch up with what his eyes were seeing.
“Who is he? Who are you?” Caitlin chimed in with an arched brow, eyes moving between the two Barry’s
Present Barry frowned at the biological genius. “What do you- I'm Barry. I'm Barry. Your Barry. He's-”
“-Your doppelganger.” You face-palmed at Cisco’s revelation, whispering an ‘oh my god’ to yourself while directed your gaze up to the ceiling. Eobard started to wheel out of the small side lab, where you and held be at the back of the standing group.
“No, not yet.” Eobard gave Future Barry a subtle incredulous look as he continued to talk. He clenched a fist tightly, resting an arm on the armrest of his wheelchair You mouthed, ‘Bro, just shut up!’ and even made hand gestures to your mouth. “I am you, Barry. Just… different.” Present Barry nodded in awe.
Cisco looked between the two, an urge to know which Barry’s a fraud or not, and if any of this is actually real, “Wait a second, how do we know which one's the real Barry?”
A hurt look crossed Present Barry’s puppy-like expression, “Dude, okay, I've watched ‘Wrath of Khan’ with you like five times.”
“Imposter!” Cisco pointed an accusatory finger at Future Barry. You know, the one that’s been running around this entire time after the comms incident and insistence on a speed equation.
Eobard just shook his head at the nonsense between the two Barry’s and Cisco, trying to somehow keep it together before he popped a blood vessel. “Yeah, and every time at the end, you turn to me and you say, ‘I have been and always shall be your friend’."
“Haha! You, imposter!” Cisco cried out in frustration, both arms directed at the two different Barry’s. Caitlin just narrowed her eyes to a squint at Present Barry. “What is going on here?” You were just baffled at this point and 1000% done with Bartholomew Henry Allen aka the best person to run his mouth and reveal everything.
“Okay, guys, I'm sorry. This was not supposed to happen. The tranq dart that Caitlin made,” Eobard started gesturing for Future Barry to not mention anything, “was supposed to last a lot longer.”
“I did not give him a tranq dart,” Caitlin defended herself, arms up as an act of innocence.
“Okay, no, yes, not you, the you from the time that I am from.” You were now just screaming on the inside because Future Barry just kept talking, revealing things he shouldn’t be and exactly what he did to knock his past self out. Eobard just gave up sending visual signs and mouth words to stop talking like any sensible person. You just gave Eobard an a ‘I don’t know what to do with this one anymore’ look, and you’re pretty sure he was have the same thoughts. You sighed inaudibly when Eobard just shook his head in defeat and shrugged his shoulders at you.
“The time that you are from?” Present Barry asked with a high level of disbelief, the words sounding foreign on his tongue.
“I think what he's trying to say is he's from the future,” Eobard finally stepped in (not literally, just figuratively), wheeling himself forward. His eyes hadn’t left Barry’s, maintaining a sort of placid look, but the emotion behind his eyes were far from stoic. Of course, now he was dealing with two ridiculous speedsters of his archnemesis. You saw Eobard run his thumb over the tips of his fingers on one hand while the other remained on the control panel of the wheelchair.
“The future?”
“The future?”
“Wait, the future,” Present Barry was cut off the third time he asked.
“Yes,” replied for the third time in a flat tone, Eobard’s mind already launched into various ways to keep Present Barry from learning the truth of his identity and intentions. More importantly, all the ways the yellow speedster can keep you safe and out of the scarlet speedster’s grasp for any sort of leverage against himself.
“Are we saying I can time-travel?” Present Barry finally questioned his future self.
Future Barry chuckled lightly, nodding gently, “One day.”
“Oh, that explains the white on the symbol.” Cisco piped up once more, ideas whirling through his mind already. You saw your other best friend’s excitement rise at the possible time theories. “Well, wait a second. Suppose we now change your emblem. Will it be because we got the idea from this? Or, I mean, that would mean-”
“Stop talking.” Eobard shut Cisco up before rounding his heated gaze to Future Barry with a pointed finger. “You stop talking too, all right? More you say, the more the timeline is disrupted. Now I'm going to assume that your presence here is the reason that thing is attacking us. Hm?” Eobard tried a 3rd time to signal Barry to play along without giving any more information of the future to his past self and the others. The tone change should have been a clear indicator too.
“What? What thing?” Present Barry’s face contorted in confusion at Dr. Wells.
He legit looks like a lost puppy.
“Have you ever seen ‘The Frighteners’?” Cisco asked his present time buddy, who nodded at the reference. “It's sort of like that, but scarier and faster and it's after you-after him.” The mechanical genius corrected himself, pointed at the future version of his best friend.
“Yeah, it's been chasing me ever since I got here,” Future Barry confessed.
“Okay, so how do we stop it?” Present Barry looked to everyone for some kind of answer.
“We don't know.” You responded with Eobard, glancing at one another before running a hand through your hair tiredly. You wanted to just go home and lie down on a bed with a fluffy blanket with your boyfriend beside you, threading a hand through your hair while you give him teasing kisses just to hear that deep chuckle. Three Barry’s is too much in one day, if I’m going to be honest.
“Then what are we gonna do?” Present Barry raised an eyebrow in confusion.
“The one thing we can.” You and the others watched Eobard roll away, he had a plan or came up with some sort of reasonable plan. Both Barry’s glanced at each other once more, but this time a look of awe and a wave of thrill definitely rushed through both. Possibly infecting Cisco along with them. But they knew better, knew that this Time Wraith creature could hurt anyone and that the Team needed leveled heads to eradicate it.
“What-What are we doing here?” Future Barry questioned, entering the Time Vault with you and Eo. His green eyes couldn’t help but glance over the yellow suit with Dr. McGee’s Tachyon device attached to it. The staged night mulled through his mind rapidly thanks to his speedster abilities. How they were all tricked into essentially handing it over to the Reverse Flash. Either way it seemed that Thawne was going to get it. Charging it up for the next time Eobard would need it. Pressing your lips to a thin line, you immediately drew up the necessary schematics and scans for the city on your tablet.
“We're here for the answer to your speed equation...” Eobard held up an odd flash drive as he stepped over to the plinth, popping it in. The villainous speedster turned back to you and Barry. “The reason that you traveled back to this time, and the key to running faster. Tachyon enhancement.”
“The tachyons should give you just enough speed to time travel back to your time without getting caught by the Time Wraith.” You added in, not really knowing if this Barry has actually used Tachyons before or not. “If anything, you just need to time things right to get through the breach and have someone on the other side destroy the Time Wraith. Either way once you start using your speed it’ll find you.”
“I know what it does, I just don’t see why you’re needed here when you can be helping the others out there,” Barry scowled at you, to which you rolled your eyes with lips pressed into a thin line. You’re already done with this shit attitude since he’s been here, but the frostiness in his demeanor honestly did hurt in some part of your heart. The corner of Eobard’s mouth twitched with the amount of disrespect that he’s been showing you since this version of Barry Allen had traveled here.
“That’s it, if you keep talking to her like that then there’s going to be more hell to pay for it. You won’t be just dealing with the Time Wraith, Allen.”
“Is that a threat?”
“It’s a warning,” Eobard looked at Barry with dangerously feral eyes. “You have a problem; you deal with me. Don’t you dare think of involving her in this feud.”
Barry kept his mouth shut for a moment, “This was not the deal.” He gestured to the plinth.
Eobard retracted the flash drive from the white column plinth once everything had been correctly copied to it. “If you think that I'm gonna hold your hand this entire way, you're sadly mistaken. Everything you need is on this drive. You follow its instructions; you will enhance the Speed Force in your system and run faster...” He dropped it in Barry’s open palm, “than you ever thought possible.”
“If this doesn't work, I'm coming back.”
Yeah, please don’t. I’m content without dealing with another Barry-time incident.
Cisco’s voice erupted from the comms set up all over the labs. “Dr. Wells, we need you.”
Eobard gave Barry one last look, whether it was a warning or a threat, you couldn’t tell. “Time to go home, Flash,” he responded sardonically.
The futuristic speedster exhaled through his nostrils, rubbing his face harshly as we stepped up from his wheelchair. The labs were vacant at the moment. His mind reeled through all the events that happened today. Tropical waters blue eyes flickered to the windows, he noticed that the sun was still in the air from the amount filtering into the Cortex. Eobard shifted his focus to the computer monitor, a thought whirling in his mind ever since both versions of this present time’s Barry had showed up. Words, phrases, hints. Everything that both had said to him about his future. I can’t trust either. With furrowed eyebrow’s, the dark-haired Wells impersonator ran a finger over the knuckles of his opposite hand. Not with my life on the line and her heart caught in the crossfire of it all. Guilt welled up in his chest, causing his stomach to churn uncomfortably.
A few seconds passed, he pulled out his phone to check the time. That was the excuse he gave himself because Eobard Tiberius Thawne knew exactly what time it was, there were clocks almost on every monitor screen in the cortex. But really, he was checking his lock screen picture. It was a picture of you on the beach of Coast City, gazing out onto the shoreline with the sun setting behind you. The fluffy clouds were dusted with velvety pinks and fiery oranges while the sun dipped to meet the cool blue waters. A candid picture, if you will. The sight of you allowed his tensed muscles to relax slightly. Eobard remembered how his heart had forcibly stopped, urging him to take a picture. How you added even more beauty to nature’s elegant scenery. How the waves gently glided with each, only to cascade onto the beach. You had coaxed Eobard to finally get out of the labs for once, to just take a trip somewhere for the evening. He had some speed after all. Just some time for you and him, that Barry and the others can handle one evening without him for guidance. “They’re adults Eo, let them handle a meta situation by themselves.” His heart ached if he were to… pass, leaving you here to face the others… alone.
His thoughts flickered back to the current situation at hand. He didn’t- He didn’t want to go down that trail of somber thoughts. Eobard had finally managed to convince you to go home for the day, he saw the exhaustion on your tensed shoulders, and he worried. He had allowed Barry to speed you home, that way you’d have arrived safely. The speedster knew what you would exactly do once you got home. Change into that new set of pajamas she recently bought, make some food while singing at the top of her lungs. Probably scare off a few birds and squirrels in the process. It’s sushi night, tonight. That’ll be interesting to see her make. Reluctantly, Eobard had to push thoughts of tonight off to the back of his ind.
“Alright.” A long sigh left his lips as he plopped down on a chair, adjusting his dark-clear glasses and recording remote in hand. Eobard slipped off his glasses, pressing his lips together tightly while avoiding the gaze of the camera. He needed to record some kind of will in case… Finally, looking up, he saw the determination in his own eyes, the realization of how his words could also be a possibility of occurring. “Hello, Barry. If you're watching this, that means something has gone horribly wrong.” While Eobard gathered his thoughts, he paused as an image of you popped into his head, he looked away. He swallowed thickly, “I'm dead and the last 15 years have been for nothing. Bummer.” He quirked an eyebrow ironically as his eyes meet the camera once more.
You pouted slightly, staring down at the bottle of painkillers on the granite-top island before your eyes glanced to your boyfriend’s alcohol cabinet. The headache would just not go away! With socked feet, you stood in the chilly kitchen in a new oversized sweatshirt and cotton running shorts. Your hair was in a loose, messy bun with the hood up over your head because the bum look is the most comfortable look, if we’re being honest. Do I want to make good choices tonight? You swallowed a bit and tapped a finger to your chin with your eyes flickering between the two once more. Your left arm crossed over your chest with your right elbow resting in your left palm, clenching and unclenching your right hand. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, you chanted in your head as a pointed finger went back and forth between the Ibuprofen and alcohol cabinet. Halfway through the nursery rhyme, you found your gaze lingering more and more to Eobard’s tempting stash. Bad choices it is. With that you push the pills further away on the island and stomp over to the cabinet.
Why the fuck is bourbon the only thing here? You tilted your head with a raised eyebrow at the two fancy glass bottles. I swear this is the only thing he drinks when he needs to let loose a bit. Fancy bastard. Puffing out a breath, you grabbed the weighty glass bottle and shut the cabinet. I should get him to try a margarita or something. Pouring yourself half a cup of the amber-ish liquid, adding in a few ice cubes as you had seen Eobard do. You sealed the alcohol and put it away. You took a small sip, mentally knowing whether it tasted good or bad, you’d finish it. The liquid burned the back of your throat, allowing you to cough a bit before really tasting the drink. You shrugged looking at the cup. Not bad… I can see why he’s addicted to it. Though I still prefer my fruity drinks to hard liquor.
You saw a torrent of red lighting flash past the front door and to the direction of your shared bedroom. Someone’s home early. Shutting your eyes for a moment, you leaned back against the opposing counter to the island close to the fridge.
After a few moments, your speedster boy toy (yes, you use that phrase to describe Eobard mentally, ignoring its actually meaning because well… he’s your man and… he vibrates. Like a toy. You’re welcome.) strides through his home and to the kitchen, a towel hanging around his shoulders as he uses one hand to dry his hair. Eobard shot you a concerned look after seeing the bourbon and painkillers out.
“Don’t worry, I decided to make bad decisions with only alcohol.” You stand with one leg crossed in front of the other, handing him the cup so he can take a sip. He wouldn’t ever refuse his bourbon. “What happened to conserving your speed?”
“Couldn’t miss out on sushi night, also I wanted to wash up from all the... You know. I had too many Barry’s around me and I needed to scrub that off.” He shrugged at you, sipping the whiskey drink. You giggled, shaking your head at his dramatics about ‘Barry germs’. Eobard smiled to himself at your giggle, the sound of it made his speedster heart do multiple flips. He threw the towel in an empty bin by the laundry room.
“Sushi is located on the bottom shelf of the fridge.”
Eobard set the cup down and slightly narrowed his eyes at you. “Oh, you’re evil.”
“Learned from the best,” you winked at him, taking back your cup and downing the alcohol. Payback’s a bitch for all the times you purposefully put my things on the highest top shelf.
Slipping out the plate of sushi, there were six rolls left because obviously you ate some while you waited for him to come home. To be fair, you would have devoured the rest if he decided to stay in late at the labs. He took a roll and ate it while you poured yourself another drink with a second cup for him as well. “Mm, these are actually good. Nicely done, kitten.” He teased when he fully indulged in its taste and texture with that boyish smirk of his. You couldn’t help but play along.
“Are you insinuating that I’m not a good cook?”
“You’re just questionable at times, depends on the recipe.” Eobard continued eating, savoring every delectable sushi roll.
“At least I didn’t burn the pasta last time.”
“That was one time and I had to deal with Cisco and Barry on the phone!”
“Excuses, excuses,” you replied with a satisfied hum, pushing his glass to him.
“What about the time you added sugar instead of salt to the Königsberger Klopse?”
“They look the exact same and they were beside each other! It was an accident and you know it.”
“Excuses, excuses,” he mocked you with a cheeky grin, picking you up and setting you to sit on top of the cool granite island top. He leaned down to plant a kiss to your lips, a hand trailing to up your thigh. You shivered at his touch.
“You know, I didn’t notice it until today, but Barry’s a bit taller than you.”
“Your point?”
“Think it’s kinda ironic though. You’re shorter than he is, and you don’t have all your speed right now.”
“Is that also another reason why you hate him?”
“He’s like an inch taller than me, hardly anything to compete with him about. And my speed exceeds his own, especially in the past and with experience.” Eobard growled lowly, “Less thinking about him, more focus on kissing me.”
A cheery noise left your lips when he leaned once more for another kiss. This time hungrier with a hint of possessiveness. You knew how to push his buttons. Wrapping your arms around him, you pulled the speedster closer to you which allowed him to slot between your open legs. He smirked against your lips, feeling himself press against you. You played with the little hairs at the back of his neck as he began to nip at your lips. A little gasp left you which allowed his tongue to enter, exploring your mouth as you made a little satisfactory noise. His lips devoured your own. Your body moved on its own, pressing closer to him, his hands roughly wrapped your legs around his waist. The air felt hot and sticky, his speedster body warming up significantly at your every touch. Your hood fell off your head from the passionate kiss, loose strands of hair falling out from your messy bun. It felt exhilarating! Pulling away with one slow and sensual kiss, Eobard rested his forehead against yours as a heavy breath left him. His half-lidded eyes glossed over yourself- cheeks tinted red, breathing raggedly from the intensity of the kiss, and lips wonderfully swollen.
You both shared a small breath, feeling the world spin and spin, but the moment was just intoxicating. Neither of you wanted the moment to end. Letting out a yawn, you covered your mouth and Eo just chuckled lowly. Your hands now rested against his chest, feeling the pounding of his pulse underneath your palm. Eobard licked his lips at you, kissing your neck and nibbling lightly on your collarbone. You sucked in a breath, one hand running through his dark locks. His ears perked at the sound of his name leaving your pouty lips. Kneeling down for a moment, Eobard kissed the inside of your thigh before glancing up at you. You had your bottom lip between your teeth, gently gnawing at it as you observed him. The speedster only winked at you, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively before giving you a few more kisses and nibbles. He stood up once more to tower over you, kissing your temple as another yawn fell from you.
You’re too cute, my precious queen.
Eobard sped you to the bedroom with fiery red eyes and a coy smirk on his face, plopping you on the plush king-sized bed. A bed you had to continually badgered him to get with the promise that ‘rolling around in it’ would be much more fun than just with a queen-sized bed. He had already propped you up against the large pillows and under the comfort of the blankets. Eobard took the spot beside you, carding a hand through his now wild tresses. The speedster noticed your pained expression when you reached for your forehead, his insides churned at the sight. He reached out a cool hand to gently massage your temples. A little hum of relief escaped your lips, shutting your eyes at his cold fingers. The scientist assumed your alcohol consumption tonight was to lessen any pain from your head.
“That feels nice,” You mused to your boyfriend, curling up beside him. He curled his arms around you, your head resting on his sturdy chest. “The Barry that traveled with his daughter, I saw a few things when they talked.”
“I figured, have… you seen anything else?”
You shook your head ‘no’. “Only Savitar and Cicada, just the general foresight of their appearance,” you fiddled with the necklace he had given you, looking away. Eobard’s eyes caught the shift in your mood.
“What’s wrong, kitten?”
“Hm, nothing.”
“You only ever play with your necklace when something’s bothering you.” Eobard ran his teeth of his lower lip before taking one of your hands in his. “I swore to you that I would tell you whatever’s on my mind, especially when prompted by you. We both promised to be honest with each other, especially when it’s about our feelings.” His thumb rubbed soothing circles on your skin. The dark-haired man’s other hand hooked a finger under your chin, tilting your head to look at his softened gaze. He waited patiently for you.
You pulled away from him, “I just-I don’t know which Barry to trust. You… what if your plan to go home still fails? Even after they’d assured you’d go home when you help them? Both versions!” Your headache started to form once more, but not from your psychic powers. There was something else you weren’t entirely sure of either…
“…” Eobard exhaled through his nose soundlessly. He hadn’t wanted you to pick up on those clues… It broke him that you did. “I can only do what I can to go back. Failure isn’t an option. Not anymore, especially with how far I’ve gone.” The murdering, lying, stealing, scheming, and masquerading. All of it. “Do you trust me?”
“Then trust my plan… I’m doing everything I can with the least amount of collateral damage being caused in this time period.” You just nodded at his words, but that didn’t alleviate the certain weight you now secretly carried in your heart. Sighing to yourself, you decided to push it aside for the night.
“I hate how you can read me like an open book.”
“I hate that that beautiful mind of yours doubts yourself.” Eobard ran a hand over his face. I like that I can read you because then I can understand you. Especially if it’s when I can be doing better when it comes to us. I’m harder to read because… I’ve never really had someone quite like you in my life. Someone I can trust with no doubt in mind that you’re using me or going to backstab me. I’ll do better, I promise. For you, I’ll be good.
Pressing your lips into a thin line, you shift away from him on the bed to sit up with a serious look in your eyes. “I-I need you to be honest with me.”
“No lies. No shading the truth. None of that.”
The dark-haired speedster nods, returning your seriousness by adjusting himself. He wouldn’t dream of lying to you, ever. When he came clean to you and swore to you, Eobard intended to keep his word. You were the one thing that… that he wouldn’t mind spending the rest of his life with. Someone as precious as you that had grown so close to his crooked heart. His love that he could confide in all his fears and doubts and thoughts. You’re his special person.
“Eobard,” you started, “What do you think of me? Like, when you look at me?”
He remained quiet for a moment, looking past you before refocusing his eyes onto your locked gaze. A smile twitched at the corners of his lips. “I think of a cheeky and persistent person that can be a real pain in my ass sometimes.” You raised an eyebrow at him and crossed your arms as he continued. “But a spectacle, nonetheless, put together with strong willpower and fierce determination to achieve whatever she puts her mind to. I think of that kind heart of yours and… how it accepted a flawed and corrupt man as myself. I see a queen that keeps me grounded, a person that encourages me to grow and achieve my goals. I think of home.” You had unfurled your arms, your gaze softening as your heart ached at his words. “A home that I can return to at the end of the day with no shame. I can just be a man with none of my baggage or sins. I-I can love you with no guilt or shame or doubt. All your imperfections and quirks, they’re mine to cherish.” The scientist had traced the side of your face as his piercing gaze held you down, hypnotizing you.
“Eo,” you trailed off as he took a hold of your hand, softly kissing each knuckle. Leaning forward, you place a chaste kiss on his forehead before reaching for his lips. The kiss was soft, heartwarming, pure. All the things that the Reverse Flash was not because of his atrocious deeds in this time period and hunger for revenge against Barry Allen in whatever way possible, yet… Another thought flickered through your mind as your lips parted his. “Is Gideon able to tell you what happens to your future?”
Eobard simply shook his head, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. “It only reveals the article about Barry, my supposed final battle with The Flash before he disappears.” After a Crisis, but which one would come first?
“But then what happens to you?”
“I don’t know.”
You sucked a breath in before opening your mouth once more, “I don’t want to be without you.” Is that selfish?
Eobard’s eyes widened a fraction, his stomach fluttering.He licked his lips slowly, eyeing your desperate gaze. “If I wasn’t a selfish man, I would have stayed away. But I am selfish and just the way you look, even then, it fuels my desire to be by your side. At every moment. Until death do us part.”
Your breath hitched; you should have been scared- terrified- repulsed- by his words. Red flags that would have gone off in any person’s mind, but- “I’m selfish too,” you whispered the words that came from the heart. Eobard watched you with electric blue eyes, a feral flash of red flickered behind his irises. You trailed a hand over his chest and over his heart. “Your mind, your heart,” You glanced at him under your eyelashes, “are mine. I don’t want them to belong to anyone else.”
“I’m not a good man. I can’t be what you want me to be.” I will never be good for you.
“…” You pressed your lips into a thin line. “You’re not good man, Eobard, but you’re more than enough for me.”
“You should have run the first time you found out.”
“I should have, but I don’t regret choosing you… I don’t want anyone else but you, Eo.”
“I am yours, and you are mine.” The speedster was truly smitten by you, gingerly he cupped your face with a firm hand as his azure eyes met yours. “I would do everything in my power to come back home to you.” He craned his head down to reconnect your lips together. There were no limits to how far Eobard Tiberias Thawne would go for him to remain by your side.
Even if it meant killing another person.
Barry and Nora ran through the speed-force, memories and events weaving past them as the sped through to return to their present time. “Back in Time,” by Huey Lewis still played in the background right as the touched the concrete ground of the Cortex.
“Did you even go?” Ralph asked with a terrified-ish look on his face.
Caitlin and Cisco just chuckled at their friend. Cisco shut of the music, “Told you time travel was weird.”
You had stopped in the corridor, overhearing the team in the hallway. Frozen in place as things started to set in your mind. A headache washed over you, but you had gotten used to them by now. You had to after Flashpoint. But you knew things had gone south, and by south, they had to take a detour. You were digesting the immediate revelations, all of it integrating together as things in the past now made sense. Both versions of Barry Allen knew the outcome. Yet Nora and her father revealed more than they should have to Eobard. After all, your psychic abilities allowed you to see what happens if the timeline that you’re involved in. Especially when it had to do with one handsomely intelligent and driven speedster by the name of Eobard Tiberias Thawne.
But did things really change? I’m still here. And Eobard…
You ran a hand over your face, pinching the bridge of your nose. Your feet carried you to the Time Vault while the others prepared for tonight. Pressing a hand to the wall, you unlocked the futuristic door into the neutral-colored room. A chill ran down your spine as you approached the plinth. Waving a hand over the circular center, you activated Gideon. The AI appeared in all its holographic form.
“Yes, Ms. (Y/N)?”
“Gideon,” your fingers ran over the chain of your necklace, “I need your help with something.”
“I am at your service.”
“I need you to…” you ran your tongue over your lips. Heart pounding in your chest as you chose your next words carefully. “I need you to tell me where Eobard is?”
“I’m sorry Ms. (Y/N), but I am unable to process your request right now.”
“Why?” Your voice rose, red was now seeping into your vision.
“It is not within my programming capabilities.”
“Is Eobard alive?”
“I’m sorry, but that is also out of my-”
“Then what good are you for?” You yelled in pure frustration, a fist slamming harshly onto the white column. A tear had left your eyes. Your body trembled as your voice shook when you spoke up again, “Gideon please, anything. Any news about Eobard is all I need. Any sign that he is alive. I can’t-”
Until death do us part.
“…” The AI was silent for a moment while you collected yourself miserably. “There is a hidden message for you that Dr. Wells wished for you to receive. Would you like to read the message?”
“A-a message, what-” You ran both hand through your locks, glassy eyes searching the placid look on the AI. The stone of doubt was slowly eroding away from your heart. “I-I, yes! Please!” The AI pulled up a screen, three simple words were configured in medium-sized black lettering. Your heart stopped for a moment as your hands tingled. Blinking a few times, you reread the words over and over and over- as it stared back at you.
Wait for me.
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milkybunbuns · 3 years
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i. new beginnings → perfection masterlist → next
w/c: 3.3k
warnings: bnha spoilers ahead (season 1 episode 5 mainly)
a/n: this series will follow closely with the anime although I might be missing parts of it since it’s been a while since I watched BNHA. also i went overboard with this aishhh, though I don’t think future chapters will be so long oh and I couldn’t be original so I stole the quirk idea from one of my old fics on wattpad and added more abilities to it haha
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“Aww comee onn you really can’t be sending me to UA, you know how much I like being at home with you!”, you whined at Keigo, grabbing tightly onto his arm and digging the soles of your feet into the carpet of the living room.
 The said man sighed, facepalming, “Look nuggie, I would never do anything to make you uncomfortable but you’re gonna have to interact with people if you’re going to become a popular pro hero in the future like me!!”
“But can’t you just keep home schooling and training me?”
“I would, but I have hero work to do as well at the agency and I wouldn’t have enough time to help you out”, you pouted and kept your ground in the living room. It had already been a fussy morning with Keigo chasing you everywhere to get you to put on your uniform. With a final rub of his temples he spoke up again, “I’ll let you buy anything at the grocery store tonight?”
You looked up at him and stuck a pinky out, “Pinky promise?”
“Yup!!” and before you could even respond he scooped you up, already flying out of the building and flying towards what you assumed was the direction of UA.
“Please warn me next time!”, you yelled over the wind as you held on tightly, you would use your quirk but you still didn’t have a licence and you were still learning how to fly through narrow spaces. Crashing into a building didn’t sound very appetising at the moment. It wasn’t too long before you spotted the easily recognisable glass building of UA, Keigo slowing down for a landing and allowing you to get off.
“Alright I’ll see you later nuggie!”, he waved cheerily, already getting ready to take off.
You just nervously responded with an “uh-huh”, while examining the surroundings, students bustling everywhere. Alright 1-A it was, I should probably ask someone, maybe someone who looks nice. Hmm, how about that purple-haired boy, yeah, he looks like a senior and doesn’t look too bad. You briskly walked up to the purple haired male with elf ears, “Err, hii-”
He looked up at you with shock and you could see bullets of sweat dripping off his forehead, “u-uh h-h-hi”, he meekly responded, looking like he was going to die any second. 
Just as you were about to ask for directions to 1-A, too cherry voices called out to the boy in front of you, “Woah, you’re socialising Tamaki! Great job!”, a blonde boy with blue eyes strolled up to his friend, grinning brightly and giving him two thumbs up.”
“Hey Mirio! Wait up!!”, you turned around, immediately spotting a light blue haired girl rushing towards her friends waving happily. She must’ve noticed you standing there awkwardly and quickly came to your rescue, “Hi!! I’m Nejire and that’s Tamaki and Mirio! You must be a first year here!”, she smiled at you gently, pointing to the respective people as she introduced you to them.
“Nice to meet you Nejire-senpai, I’m L/n Y/n. Also do you know where 1-A is, I’m kinda lost”, you had enrolled as L/n Y/n instead of Takami Y/n as to not reveal the last name of Hawks since it was meant to be kept secret for some reason he didn’t tell you about.
“Speak no more, we’ll guide you there since we’re the big 3 after all!”
“Huh, what’s the big 3?”
“Oh, it’s basically 3 students in their third years who are talented and I guess you could say that’s us. Come on Mirio and Tamaki, let’s help bring this student to her class.”
Mirio took your right side, while Nejire led on in front, pointing out different buildings and Tamaki in the back.
“I’m Mirio! Great to meet you!”, he reached a hand to shake with you which you quickly did, “Same here Mirio-senpai, I’m L/n Y/n.”
“You’ll be seeing us around the school plenty, so if you ever have any questions, feel free to ask us or any of the teaching staff, they’re always happy to help! Well, I guess I can’t really say the same about Mr. Aizawa..”
“Oh, isn’t Mr. Aizawa, Eraserhead?”
“Yeah, he is and as a matter of fact, I’m pretty sure he’s going to be your teacher this year.”
“That’s uhh wonderful, he sounds like a great guy!”, you replied awkwardly trying to sound cheery.
“Don’t worry too much, you’ll do fine”, he patted you on the back reassuringly and at the same moment, Nejire announced that you had arrived at 1A.
“Thank you Nejire, Mirio and Tamaki-senpai”, you bowed to them, before they sought you off, heading for their own classes. Pushing the door open, the room was already bustling with students and you scanned your eyes over the room finding a seat between a spiky red hair boy and a green haired girl who looked a bit like a frog. Honestly, the random desk at the back seemed wonderful at first, but you remembered how Keigo had encouraged you to sit around more social people and they seemed social enough. It was probably the least you could do after he went through all the convincing with Nezu and some other things to get you to UA without having to take any tests.
You were really relieved when neither of them didn’t bother to talk to you, or notice you maybe, and continued on chatting to their friends. It seemed like you were just on time, the bell ringing and yet not any sight of any teacher. Frowning slightly, you were about to get up and go to the staff room which Nejire had pointed out earlier to search for Aizawa-sensei.
 Luckily, he arrived in some sort of yellow sleeping bag which slightly resembled a cocoon, announcing in a sorta lazy and flat tone, “Go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends. This is the hero course.”
The room quickly quieted down and became silent as everyone averted their attention to Aizawa, “It took 8 seconds before you quieted down. You kids aren’t rational enough. I’m your homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa. Nice to meet you. This is sudden, but put this on”, he presented a UA PE uniform out of thin air, or maybe he had it hidden inside his sleeping bag that whole time? “And meet me at the field after.”
Without any hesitation, everyone got up and grabbed their PE uniform from the desk which had their names on the packaging, likely to have been pre-ordered and filed out of the classroom towards the lockers. You grabbed yours, grimacing as a blond spiky haired boy shoved past you, resisting the temptation to yell at him and give him a piece of your mind. Like what, how can someone be so rude!
Upon arrival at the locker rooms, you didn’t really try to socialise with anyone, nor did they, I mean, your locker was in the back corner so they probably wouldn’t notice you anyways which was fine to you. To draw the least attention towards yourself, you waited until all the other girls had headed out happily chatting among themselves, then followed closely behind them and out onto the field where pretty much everyone was already assembled. 
“We’ll be having a quirk assessment test”, well there came the flat recognisable tone of Aizawa, he would definitely be an interesting teacher, that’s all you could say for him. Everyone either goraned or shrieked in horrification at this announcement, quirk assessment on the first day? Well damn, okay, thought first day would be a bit more chill. Kinda ironic for someone who seems like he can’t be bothered to do much himself.
“But what about the entrance ceremony or orientation?”, some girl piped up, yup definitely a bubbly one, she should be pretty easy to make friends with.
Okay at this point Aizawa was just getting a bit too blunt, “If you’re going to become a hero you don’t have time for such leisurely events. UA’s selling points is that it’s ways aren’t traditional, which is the same as how the teachers teach.” You watched him carefully as he skimmed over the class, landing on the rude blond spiky kid from earlier, “Bakugo, you finished top of the practical test, didn’t you? What was your furthest throw in middle school?” So Bakugo is his name, I’ll just stay away from him.
The said boy looked up cockily, a shit eating grin on his face, “67 meters.”
“Okay, then try throw this ball, but you can use your quirk.”
“Sure”, he grabbed the ball, leaning back on one foot in the circle and yelling “DIE!” as the ball flew off. It wasn’t took long before a beep came from a device that Aizawa was holding, showing 705.2 meters.
“Know your maximum first, that’s the most rational way to forming the foundations of a hero”, he seriously seemed to have something with things being done rationally...
A chorus of woah’s were heard throughout the class, well that sure did blow up that Bakugo’s ego. His ego must’ve been too big for his own good.
“This is going to be fun!”, an alien looking girl exclaimed punching her fist in the air.
Followed by a black haired boy excitedly looking on, “So we get to use our quirks as much as we want!”
And yet again, the mood came crashing down as Aizawa spoke up again, “It looks fun, huh? You have three years to become a hero, you think it’ll be all fun and games? Sure, then whoever comes last in the 8 tests will be expelled. Welcome to UA’s hero course!”, earning another screech form the class including yourself. Alright Y/n, you are NOT wasting this change Keigo gave you and you better do well in this!
“Let’s begin shall we? Starting with the 50m dash.”
The first two up were blue haired boy and the frog looking girl who sat next to you in class and before you could even blink, the blue haired boy was already off, speeding past the finish line. His quirk must’ve something to do with speed, so don’t panic Y/n, there’s only so much you can do with speed, you encouraged yourself determinedly looking on. And maybe you were a bit tooo busy encouraging yourself when you noticed the same bubbly brown haired girl patted you on the back.
“Hey, it’s your turn. Also, I’m Ochaco Uraraka, nice to meet you!”
“Thanks Ochaco-san, I’m L/n Y/n. We can continue to chat after these tests, sorry”, you apologetically looked at her before rushing towards the starting line. Beside you, was a white and red haired male with a red scar over his left eye. Okay that’s edgy, time to focus! You activated your quirk allowing wings to grow on your back through the use of light energy which was absorbed through two horns on your head.
You flapped your wings as fast as you could making it in 4 seconds which wasn’t too much faster than the guy behind you gliding along with ice. Your brain quickly put together what his quirk was, white represents ice and red must represent fire. Wonder why he didn’t use his fire like the explosions of that Bakugo boy, it would’ve been much faster than skating.
Then came the grip test which you absolutely flunked, only coming in at 43kg which was pretty much the lowest in the class. Well what can some damn light energy do to help increase your grip? All it’ll do is burn your hands off.
After came the standing long jump with you passed with breeze, just flying to clear the sandbox and with the repeated side steps you simply used pure speed to get through it. And at last, came the ball throw the one which you were most excited for since you had a great plan to get a good score. When it came up to your turn you grabbed the ball tightly throwing it up in the air gently right above you, then activating your quirk and encasing it in a bright bubble made of light energy, then sent it off, controlling the bubble to keep going forwards without leaving the circle at all. You concentrated hard, thinking about the ball in your mind and it got more difficult to control until you couldn’t visualise it’s location anymore and let it drop. A beep was heard as Aizawa presented you with his device, showing 1638 meters.
Satisfied with your work, you smiled a bit and got back to your place.
“Midoriya, your turn”, the green haired boy nervously walked forwards, grabbing onto the ball and throwing it. You almost scoffed, if you didn’t feel the teeniest bad for the poor boy who had seemed so confused. Something was surely off about him, how did someone who can barely even use or control their quirk get into UA... He was given another chance, getting almost the same as Bakugo, except his hand turned a weird purple colour. That must be one powerful quirk for one weak body, you grimaced at his injury.
“Ow, that’s gotta hurt, Aizawa-sensei sure is harsh”, Ochaco frowned at the scene in front.
“I mean yeah he is, but not gonna lie, if I was in Aizawa’s spot I’d seriously be wondering how he got in, though he does have some potential with a quirk as powerful as his.”
“I’m sure he’ll get better, hopefully he’s not last, I’m really hoping that Mineta kid gets expelled, I already don’t really like him just by the looks of him.”
“Either it’s a crush or just you dislike Mineta, but then again, you shouldn’t be judging a book by its cover.”
“Eh what make sure you think that!”, she panicked cheeks flushed, “Its just that Mineta guy really seems like a perv.”
“Well, in that case, I guess it’s kinda his own fault, first impressions are key.”
“That’s true I guess.”
The two of you were snapped out of your conversation when Aizawa’s voice rang through the field, pulling up a projection, or was it a hologram? Anyways, you quickly skimmed through the board, searching for your name and you were glad to see you had landed a decent spot, coming in 3rd, just behind the Todoroki kid. And in last came Midoriya, ow, that’s seriously gotta be a huge blow to his self esteem.
“No ones actually gonna get expelled, it was just a rational deception to get you all to go beyond.”
“It was clear it was a rational deception”, Momo who you had seen on the top of the board piped up unhelpfully.
“Ughhh well that’s just greaaat”, you groaned into your hands “and now we appear to have a smartie genius know it all in our class as well”, you muttered annoyed as Ochaco sweat dropped patting your back slowly.
“L/n, you should not be so disrespectful to your classmates!”, Iida reprimanded, chopping his arms up and down.
“Okay thank you thank you.”
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Finally school had been dismissed and you stood outside the gates of UA, impatiently tapping your feet as you waited for Keigo to come pick you up as other students made their own way home. It had been 10 minutes already and the bird brain still hadn’t picked you up! Welll, he didn’t really ever specify that he would come pick you up, you just kinda assumed? Frowning, you activated your quirk, not give one hec about the no quirk in public rule since walking home would take forever and you didn’t have that kind of time smh. Flapping your wings and stretching your arms, you prepared to take off and far into the sky where the police wouldn’t be able to see you flying around.
“What are you doing using your quirk in public without a licence?”, a loud voice boomed, stopping you in your tracks.
“Oh hi Endeavour-san!”, you smiled a bit, continuing to ignore his words and continue what you were going to do. You were really great at being annoying and ignoring people, just a trait you picked up from Hawks I guess.
Endeavour deadpanned, “You’re not allowed to be using your quirk and I know you don’t have a licence, so you need to go and take public transport or walk like everyone else.” He was completely ignored as you started floating a bit, “Well, I’ll be off then! Have a wonderful evening Endeavour-san and Todoroki-san.”
You flew off, but before you could get anywhere, Endeavour was already pulling you down by your foot, I mean, considering how strong he is, it succeeded. “Okay then Mr.Smartie, how am I meant to get home now without my quirk huh? I have no clue how public transport works”, you sneered at him, huffing and crossing your arms unimpressed.
“Go walk home.”
“But it takes a long time.”
“Then go figure out the public transport time schedules.”
At this point, you were sick and tired of him and Todoroki looked pretty annoyed as well, so you decided to do everyone a favour. You grabbed Todoroki by the wrist running off and dragging him while waving back at Endeavour, “I promise I’ll return him in one piece! You don’t need to worry!!”
Endeavour was about to chase after you, but you were already gone and out of sight, whatever, he had to return to his patrol anyways. It could also be good training for Shoto to deal with the annoying villains, not saying you were a villain, but you sure did fit that annoying standard.
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“Your welcome”, you yawned lazily, staring up at the sky while walking. Todoroki was still confused but if being with you let him get away from being with his father he was more than glad too. Plus, he could use this chance to find any weaknesses about you, you seemed quite strong and could be someone to look out for in the UA sports festival.
“How did you talk to my father like that? Most people would’ve never had the guts to do it.”
“Wellll, for one, I’m not most people and I know him pretty well, I’ve talked to him a lot of times on his patrols. There’s almost nothing scary about him, he’s just a big fire guy walking around with an angry voice, but it’s not like he can harm any of us, he’s a hero.”
Todoroki felt his blood boil at what you had said, Endeavour was no hero, driving his mother to the end of her wits, training him harshly from a young age, some hero. But the rational part of his brain won over the emotional part, explaining that you were an outsider and had no clue as to their personal lives. Todoroki was intrigued with your quirk, he wanted to learn more about what it could do, all he knew so far was that you had the ability to create wings, bubbles made of light energy and not very much else. Considering you were the sister of Hawks (Endeavour had told him, I guess that’s something that Endeavour is useful for), he honestly expected more, but you could be holding back. He considered asking you more about your quirk but that would probably make you put walls up around yourself and see him as a threat. It was probably just best to wait and see your full potential.
You noticed it had become silent and nobody had anything to say, enveloping both of you in an awkward silence. Well, you were pretty sure you were the only one feeling awkward. You made up some lame excuse and sent Todoorki off on his way, glad to be out off the awkward silence. UA wasn’t that bad, you supposed.
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sunfloweradoring · 4 years
the one with the playlist
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Strap yourselves in! This is big one, but I hope you enjoy! K xxx
word count: 5k
It was certainly not the first time we’d been parted. Indeed, it was almost more common for one or both of us to be jetting off to some new location than staying in our own flat. However, that fact did not, in any way, alleviate the pain and sorrow the pair of us experienced with each prolonged separation. In the almost four years since we met at that stupid party so much in our lives had changed - yet the biggest constant was the feelings Harry and I shared for one another.
That’s why I found myself tearing up more than usual this Wednesday night.
“I’ll call you every day.” Harry reassured, glancing up from his almost completely packed suitcase to my eyes as I sat on the other side of the bed from the object. I tried my best to give him a convincing smile, nodding softly. “Baby...” His tone seemed to send me over the edge that I’d quite frankly been teetering on for the last three days. He abandoned his packing, pushing the suitcase down to the end of the bed before crawling towards me. Within a second he pulled me against him, his lips pressing kisses to the top of my head as my cheek squished against his chest.
“I’m just gonna miss you, ‘s all.” I muttered into his jumper, my fingers clutching desperately to the material as if I could hold him against me forever instead of letting him go on tour. 
“I know, lovie, I know. And I’m gonna miss you too, so much. But before you know it we’ll be together again!” His voice picked up a little towards the end. “You know, you’re gonna visit me in America, and we get two whole weeks together then, and then it’ll only be a little bit until I’m home again.”
“But then you’ll go again.” 
“You’re pretty shit at taking comfort, have I ever told you that?” I giggled quietly as his fingers playfully prodded at my sides. I squirmed in his grasp in attempts to escape his attack. 
“Just let me be sad!” I laughed, sitting between his legs when he finally released me. His eyes lingered, darting between mine and my lips. The silence that took over was one completely void of awkwardness. “I love you.” I almost whispered the words as I crawled up his body, swinging my right leg over his left, straddling his waist. His hands pushed up my thighs, curving around my waist as he pulled me forward into him again. 
“I love you too, Sunflower.” I could feel his smile against my neck before I let out a little whine of annoyance. 
“You know how much I hate it when you call me that.”
“Yeah, that’s why I do it.” I pulled back, hands on his chest as I inspected the smirk spread across his features. 
“Arsehole.” I laughed, shaking my head.
“Yeah, but you love me.” His hands dropped from my waist, grasping my bum in a squeeze. 
“Don’t know why.” I mumbled teasingly, glancing my eyes up to meet his as he let out a small ‘heeyyyyy’. I released another laugh, leaning forward to steal a quick peck from his lips. “I’m joking, my love. You know I love you because you’re the sexiest, funniest and all round best person in the world.” My lips ghosted over his, allowing me to detect the subtle darkening of his eyes as lust overtook him. 
“Are you sure you’ve got everything?” I asked for what was probably the fifth time in the last thirty minutes.
“Yes, woman, Christ.” Harry replied in fake exasperation. 
“Alright, alright, I just don’t want you calling me, crying, because you didn’t bring enough knickers.” I smirked, stepping out of the apartment. 
“Don’t wear knickers. Imma man.” He grumbled in return, delivering a playful slap to my bum before locking the door. “You don’t have to take me to the airport if you don’t want to, honey.” 
“But I do want to.” I grinned, getting into the car as he loaded up the boot with his numerous bags. As he reached out for the passenger door’s handle, he gasped.
“Wait, hang on one sec, I forgot something.” He said, holding his finger up before jogging back to the door, unlocking it and disappearing inside before I could chastise him for his forgetfulness. Not two minutes had gone by before he reemerged, locking the door once more. To my surprise, though, his hands were just as empty as they had been when he left the car moments before. When he entered the car I shot him a questioning look. “What?”
“What did you forget?” I asked, pulling my seatbelt across my body and fastening it.
“Oh, nothing, realised I actually did have it already.” Harry said, his lips quivering slightly. In the last four years I now knew this to be a tell-tale sign that he was trying his utmost to keep the smirk that was fighting its way onto his face at bay. Of course I wanted to dig deeper, get a truthful answer from him, but I knew we were already running out of time to get to the airport on time for his flight. 
“Okay... you weirdo.” I giggled, starting the car and backing out of the driveway.
The lump in my throat was growing every second I watched the five boys (well all young men now) checking off their things with the tour manager. 
“Alright, I think we’ve got everything. Let’s hit the road, again!” He spoke, quietly chuckling to himself as he put his clipboard away after a final chat with Zayn. 
“It’s actually on the road again.” Louis sarcastically remarked, pulling his rucksack onto his shoulders before hugging his sister Lottie. Harry and I exchanged a look and laugh before he approached me, pulling me into a hug.
“I’ll call you everyday.” He repeated the words from last night into my hair as he squeezed me as hard as he could without hurting me. 
“I love you so, so, so, so, so much!” I spoke, head nestled into his neck. 
“I love you more, angel. I’ll see you soon, yeah? Keep my side of the bed warm for me.” He pulled away, eyes momentarily scanning over my face, noting the well of tears in my eyes I was refusing to release in front of him. His lips pressed to mine, and even though it was but a few seconds, the kiss we shared held so much passion and love I felt my heart race. Pulling away, we looked at each other once more before he dropped his arms from my body and retrieved his bags. “Bye, love.” Despite the wink he shot in my direction, I couldn’t help detecting the slight break in his voice now.
“Bye, baby.” 
Before I knew it, the whole tour party of was gone and out of sight, just leaving us loved ones that had come to wave them goodbye. 
“God, I still can’t believe it, every time they go.” Louis’ mum piped up, receiving a hum of agreement from the rest of us. “So proud of them.”
“Yes, so, so proud.” Liam’s mum replied.
The silence that greeted me as I unlocked the door was no where near as comforting as the silence Harry and I shared the night previously. This silence was almost eerie, confirming that, yes, I was alone once more. I sniffled back the tears that I had finally allowed myself to shed in the car on the way home, wiping my eyes with the back of my sleeve. 
Slowly, I made my way up stairs, pushing open the door to our bedroom. It seemed far less chaotic than it had been for the last couple of weeks now that it was relieved of Harry’s many bags. I missed the mess now; it had told me that he was still here. Without turning on the light, I trudged to the bed, flinging myself onto the duvet, laying like a starfish on the covers as I let out an exaggerated huff slash groan. I glanced up in the direction a small rattling noise came from. On the pillow was an object I couldn’t quite make out in the dim light of the room; it certainly hadn’t been there earlier when I left the room to take Harry to the airport. Maybe this was what he was being so secretive about then. Pulling myself up, I flicked on the lamp beside the bed, discovering a CD with a sticky note attached.
‘For when you miss me and may forget how much I love you, here are all the songs that remind me of you (I’d know, seeing as I wrote them about you ;))
All my love, H xxxxx’
Another wave of tears hit me as I stared at his scrawl across the pink paper. How could I miss him so much already? Shooting up from the bed, I clambered out of the room and into the office where the computer was. I dropped into the chair, fiddling with the CD before slotting it into the machine. My heart seemed to skip with anticipation, my eyes darting all over the screen as I waited for it to load. Finally the songs came onto the screen; I was surprised to see how many of them there were, but I couldn’t help the grin on my face at the first four.
Stole My Heart
Under the lights tonight, you turned around And you stole my heart, with just one look When I saw your face, I fell in love Took a minute girl, to steal my heart tonight With just one look, yeah Been waiting for a girl like you
Harry’s PoV
“So remind me how you know this guy again?” I questioned, leaning forward to push my head between the driver’s and front passenger’s seat. Louis huffed out a breath, shaking his head in annoyance. 
“He’s just a friend, mate. Does it really matter how I know him? It’s free alcohol. You should be bloody grateful seeing as you’re fresh out of the womb.” Niall snorted at Louis’ reply, earning a punch to the leg from me. 
“No need to be snarky.” I muttered, watching as the car pulled up to a large house that already looked like it was breaking at the seams with too many people. 
“He’s just butthurt that he and Caroline broke up. Mate, you were punching. It was gonna end at some point!” Zayn chimed in. The five of us hopped out the car, making our way up the steps and into the house. 
“Best behaviour, everyone, Simon said we could do some good networking here. There might be some people here we could need.” Liam said, the four of us completely ignoring him as we pushed through the crowd. Almost immediately we lost Niall - no doubt already in search of some alcoholic beverage. I decided not to join him, knowing full well that Zayn was right. I’d never tell him that though! I was definitely feeling a little low after the short rendezvous with Caroline Flack came to a somewhat abrupt end, and if I went straight to the drink like Niall, it was probably not going to be pretty. Instead, I followed Zayn who was talking to a group of three that he already seemed to know. 
After nearly half an hour though, the conversation was getting a little boring, and I was certainly struggling to keep up the façade of interest. I cleared my throat, gaining the attention of my peers. “Um, sorry, just gonna excuse myself, gonna get a drink.” I muttered.
“I’ll follow, be right back.” Zayn agreed, quickly following me. “Oh my god, did you hear them? How on earth can someone complain about not having enough rooms in a 7 room house for like twenty minutes?” He questioned, a laugh escaping his lips as we were out of earshot of the trio.
“I mean, if you fill half of them with your weed plantation it’s definitely going to affect the potential of the others, isn’t it?” I joked. “Now where the hell is kitchen?”
“I think,” Zayn spoke half the sentence, nodding his head in the direction in front of us. Together we continued pushing through the crowd of people that somehow seemed to have multiplied even in the short amount of time since our arrival. “Please don’t start growing a weed plantation in your house, Harold.” Zayn teased, finally entering the kitchen. “Ah the others are here.”
“Lads!” I heard Louis shout as we appeared. I didn’t answer Zayn’s joke because, leaning against the fridge was a girl. God Harry, that is not just ‘a girl’. I’d never seen anything that could even come close to her beauty. Just looking at her face I could feel my heart rate increase tenfold. Her brown hair was slightly waved, pushed back over one shoulder, accentuating her high cheekbones. She wasn’t wearing anything that was particularly noteworthy, but she made the simple outfit look like it was being modelled for the runway. Suddenly I noticed that I had yet to speak; that in fact, no one had said anything because Zayn had become a little shy with the presence of this stranger. I tried to adopt the most upbeat, unfazed tone.
“Hi!” As Liam introduced us I felt myself move forward towards her. I stuck out my hand. What the fuck am I doing? Who shakes hands at 17 - especially when they’ve just met the most beautiful woman in the entire universe?! Her hand slowly slid into mine; the softest, most delicate hands I’d ever felt - and that’s including my own mother who it seemed applied Cath Kidston hand moisturiser every waking moment. I thought quickly, moving down and placing a gentle kiss to the back of her hand. “Lovely to meet you, Y/N.” I smiled, making eye contact for the first time. 
Never in my life have someone’s eyes felt like they were looking straight into my soul. Her cheeks flushed a pink shade, causing mine to match.
“And you, Harry.” She returned, maintaining the eye contact. 
Shit, Harry, this is deep. You can’t fall in love this quickly, can you?
When I got home that night, I couldn’t get her out of my mind. She clouded every thought, her touch still seeming to cause flames to run over my skin. As I sat on my bed, I grabbed the scrap of paper that was beside the bed from a piece of junk mail I’d opened this morning. Rummaging around I found a half blunt pencil, scribbling less than ten words onto the crumbled paper: 
When I saw your face, I fell in love.
They Don’t Know About Us
They don’t know about the things we do They don’t know about the I love you’s But I bet you if they only knew They would just be jealous of us They don’t know about the up all nights They don’t know I've waited all my life Just to find a love that feels this right Baby they don’t know about, they don’t know about us
It must have been my continuous sniffles that prevented me from hearing that the front door had opened and closed, allowing Harry back into the apartment. My arms encircled my shins, pulling my legs up close to my chest as I sat on the little bench by the window in our bedroom. 
Things had just gotten too much as of late. With three new projects of mine coming out this year, with Harry working what felt like around the clock with the guys in the studio to produce another album, the press seemed to think it was their role to shit over everything. At every opportunity media outlets took it upon themselves to dig their way into our private lives we tried so hard to keep just that: private. 
“Baby, what are you doing up here? I thought you had an interview on the phone at 6? Why are you in the dark?” All of Harry’s questions felt like a tonne of bricks, causing more tears to well up in my eyes, and eventually cascade down my cheeks. “Hey, hey, hey, what’s wrong? What are the tears for?” Not a second later he was by my side, kneeling down beside the bench, hands pulling on mine gently.
“I’ve had enough.” I cried, allowing him to pull my body around so he was kneeling now between my legs.
“Enough of what, my love?” His voice was soft, gentle, matching the feel of his caresses over my hands.
“I know we’re not s-s-supposed to r-read about ourselves in the n-news, but-” My hiccups became too much, completely cutting me off.
“Shhh, lovie, take a breath, yeah? Calm down, it’s okay. I’m here now.” The look in his eyes broke my heart; his pupils were swimming with concern and anxiety at finding me in this state.
“They were talking about how you’re really close with all of these women, like Cara and Caroline and all of that... And you know that picture that paps took of me like three weeks ago and I was crying because of something stupid on the phone outside of the set?” Harry nodded in confirmation, not wanting to cut me off in my flow. “Well according to them that was me crying about you cheating on me with all of these girls and how I felt trapped in this relationship and all that. They said I was calling someone to find another place to live for a bit or something. I know it sounds stupid, Harry, trust me, I know; because I know you’d never cheat on me, and I know they’re just you’re friends, but at the same time, this constant bombardment from the press is just so tiring! I just want to go outside and not be followed.” By this point I’d slowly sunk to the floor, tears continuing to flow freely from my eyes; but he was there to hold me. My head rested on his shoulder, nose pressed into his skin whilst his hands ran soothingly up and down my back.
“I know it’s hard, baby.” Harry spoke softly, his breath washing over the side of my face. “But it’s our life, yeah? We’ve just gotta live it the best way that we can and fuck them and what they think. They’ve got no idea what goes on behind closed doors; they have no idea how much we love each other; they’ve not got a clue what stupid stuff we talk about in the middle of the night when we can’t sleep. But trust me, I’ve waited too long for this to let them come between them. You’re the love of my life.” My heart fluttered at the end of his mini rant, a small smile playing on my lips.
“Really?” I croaked, lifting my head enough to catch his gaze. The previous expression that had evoked such sadness within me was now replaced by one that filled me with delight; he looked so in love, his eyes were shining in the darkness of the room, his lips only inches from mine.
“Yeah, of course. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, baby. What we have... just feels... right. You know?” I nodded in agreement, leaning forward to press a kiss to his lips.
“I’m so in love with you, Harry.” I muttered.
“And I’m so in love with you.” He finished his declaration with my name.
The rest of the evening was quiet, peaceful; he sat beside me as I lay in the bath, his fingers intertwined with mine. It didn’t feel weird at all to be lying in front of him completely naked, he knew everything about me; every curve and bump of my body, every thought in my mind; everything.
“Wanna know something funny?” Harry asked gently. I nodded, swirling my free hand in the cooling water. “I was trying to write a song for you... well about you, all day and I was struggling so much,” He chuckled, looking down at our hands. “The boys were starting to take the piss, saying I wasn’t a real songwriter because I literally sat there for hours and didn’t write a single word. But in the fifteen minutes we’ve been here, I think I’ve got something.”
“Can I hear it?” I asked hopefully, sitting up a bit to lean my head on the side of the tub, mirroring the positioning of his. 
“Yeah,” He cleared his throat a little, shaking his head as if he were about to belt it out, but in what must have been the softest I’d ever heard his voice he smoothly sung: 
They don’t know I've waited all my life Just to find a love that feels this right Baby they don’t know about, they don’t know about us
Think of how much love that's been wasted People always trying to escape it Move on to stop their heart breaking But there's nothing I'm running from You make me strong
“What are you even talking about, Harry?” My voice was hoarse, not from shouting (because that was something I refused to do), but from the hours and hours we’d been going at each other in this fight. “You’re taking this way out of context and trying to put words into my mouth!” Exasperation and frustration were clear in my words as my hands sat on my hips, sending Harry a slight glare as he stood on the other side of the living room.
“I don’t think I am, love,” The pet name in this context seemed a little sarcastic as his voice was definitely louder than usual, but not yet shouting. I think he’d exhausted himself an hour or so ago. “I think I’ve hit the nail bang on the head.”
“All I said was that I would appreciate more time with you; that’s all! What I didn’t say is that I don’t think you should be going out with your friends and reducing the amount of time you spend on tour.”
“That’s not something I can do, Y/N! I’m not in control of that! I can’t just go to management and say ‘oh yeah, my missus has got the hump, can we just cut out some of those dates?’“
“Harry, please!” Now that he was starting to get away with himself, clearly becoming more and more angry by the minute, I needed to clear the air. “That’s not something I’m asking from you.” I repeated, my voice cool, calm and collected. “I’m just asking you to consider spending some more of the time you have in England at home. You’ve been out nearly every night the last two weeks with various people-”
“I’ve always invited you to come too!”
“Harry please don’t interrupt me.” I begged.
“You’re being unreasonable.” It was clear to me now that he was definitely not prepared for an adult conversation, so I decided it was a good time for me to go upstairs and give him time to cool down. 
“I can’t talk to you when you’re like this, I’m gonna leave you.” Before I’d even made it four metres to the stairs, Harry’s hand had grabbed my arm; I was about to say something about man-handling me when I caught his expression. 
He looked broken, eyes filled with fear as his lips were parted. “Please don’t leave me.” His voice had absolutely no hint of anger anymore, just pure terror. 
“Leave you? No, Harry, I meant leave you alone to calm down. I was just... going upstairs.” I trailed off, eyeing him in confusion. His hand let go of me, both palms cradling his temples. 
“Fuck,” He breathed. 
“Why would you think I’d leave you?” I asked, stepping closer to him as he started pacing around the room. When I received no answer I called out his name.
“That’s just how it happened to my parents.” His voice was so quiet I almost missed it. My heart sunk.
“Hey,” I walked over to him, allowing my arms to go around him as I rested my head against his chest. I could hear his heart thumping against his ribcage frantically. “That’s not what’s going on here.” I explained. “It’s just a little fight, yeah? Nothing we can’t come through.” His arms were tightly holding me against him, his cheek against the top of my head. 
“I just thought you’d leave before something happened.” 
“What do you mean?”
“I dunno, just to leave before I broke your heart or something.” He muttered, sounding almost like he was too scared to even say it. 
“No, Harry. No.” I shook my head, tightening my arms around him. “I love you so much, too much almost.” I let out a little laugh. “I wouldn’t do that to either of us.”
“Would be a waste.” 
“Yes, a waste.” I agreed, looking up at him. “I’m not running away from this... from us. I never want to do that.” I reassured. 
Hours had past; apologies had been exchanged, promises made and kisses traded. I walked out of the kitchen, holding two glasses of wine to find him hunched over the journal I’d brought him for Christmas last year. 
“What you writing, superstar?” I teased, sinking into the sofa beside him. Without words, he tilted the pages for me to look at his writing:
But there's nothing I'm running from You make me strong
Night Changes
We're only getting older, baby And I've been thinking about it lately Does it ever drive you crazy Just how fast the night changes? Everything that you've ever dreamed of Disappearing when you wake up But there's nothing to be afraid of Even when the night changes, it will never change me and you
The night had been absolutely beautiful. Harry had arranged to take me out to a fancy restaurant for our fourth anniversary, wining and dining me like he was trying to make a good first impression on an initial date. 
We walked the short distance from the restaurant back to our home, fingers laced together, the warmth in our bodies from the, perhaps too much, alcohol we’d had with dinner. 
“Thank you for tonight, lovie.” I smiled up at him, his features somewhat shadowed by the darkness, but subtly illuminated by the various street lamps. 
“It was my pleasure, baby. Thank you for the best four years of my entire life.” My skin flushed before I leaned up to press a soft kiss to his cheek.
 “How is it that you can still make me blush and feel all gooey inside after all this time?” I wondered aloud. Harry shrugged, a smirk on his lips as he turned into our driveway. 
“Just a god really, aren’t I?” He shot me a wink, letting go of my hand to unlock the door. I laughed, shaking my head at him. 
“I can tell you one thing that’s never changed.” He raised his eyebrows at me in question, holding his arm up to keep the door open. 
“After you,” He muttered, watching as I ducked under his arm and into the house. 
“You’re still a cocky bastard.” 
“I can assure you, madam, my parents were married.” I spun around, looking at him before we both burst into a fit of giggles. 
“Stop it! You’re still 17 I swear!” I chortled, kicking my heels off by the door (a problem for me to sort tomorrow). 
“Yeah, but you love it though, don’t you, sweetheart?” His lips were centimetres from my ear, hand squeezing my bum playfully. 
“You’re such a flirt.” I countered, a wide grin on my face. 
“Just for you.” He winked again, taking off his jacket and hanging it up before mirroring my actions with his own shoes. 
“You know what else is for you?” I asked, attempting to adorn my best sultry tone. 
“Hmm?” He hummed in return, eyes flickering over my body. 
“All of this.” I muttered, gesturing to my body. “These,” I continued, my index finger playfully stroking down my breasts. Suddenly Harry was advancing on me; but I was faster. I let out a small shriek, spinning around and running up the stairs. 
“Hey! Come back, you pest!” Harry shouted after me. I could hear his footsteps chasing after me. “You’re gonna pay for that!”
“Thank you again.” I muttered, lips slowly trailing over his naked torso, the sheets pulled up under my armpits to cover my own bare skin. 
“I’d do anything for you.” He smiled, watching as my lips made their way from his pectorals, up his sternum, to his neck and eventually to his lips. 
“You’re the love of my life.” I replied, laying my head against his skin after our kiss. We lay there in silence for a few minutes, just soaking in each other before I heard him softly humming a tune I’d not heard before.
“What’s that?” I asked curiously, propping myself up on my elbow.
“Just thought of it.” He replied, turning his head to look at me. “I wrote some lyrics the other day, and I think they’d go with that.” I looked at him in a way to encourage him to go on. He playfully rolled his eyes at me before clearing his throat, gently singing the words to the tune he’d just been humming:
But there's nothing to be afraid of Even when the night changes, it will never change me and you
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nimsajlove · 3 years
This is kinda related to the brothers-au, but you can take it as an alternate ending. In a reality, where the war ended and everyone is safe, at least the clones, Anakin and the other Jedi.
It was dark and hot. Panting, she tried to get up and look around. In doing so, she discovered two things. First, she felt so incredibly light and her head was spinning. However, her body remained chained to the ground. Second, there was nothing really to see. It was dark around her and when she at least put her hands up, her fingers quickly met resistance. There were just a few inches of air between her face and what felt like a hot stone under her fingers. Why was it so hot? 
Her thoughts were slow and only with thinking really hard, the images of the last few minutes returned. Or hours? The moment, the building swayed. That small second, in which she had pushed the other three figures away from her. She still knew that Rex had hit the ground pretty hard and wondered briefly, if she had given him another head injury ... wouldn't be the first, the captain would get up again. Like always! She digged her way back into her memories. Actually, this had been a peace mission, after all these years she should be allowed to fulfill her task as Jedi! Where did the bomb come from? She puzzled over it for a moment, then gave up. Lying here any longer wouldn't do her any good, her fingertips got cold and it worried her a little, given the heat around her!
With a grunt, she pulled her hands to her head and felt around at her wrist, the communicator was still in place and she pressed it firmly, there was a low squeak and she sighed, thanking every little god she knew, that the little device was still working. In fact, someone answered her too. "General! Where are you?”, somebody called, it sounded a bit hectic and she thought she recognized Fives. He always sounded like that when she threw herself in danger again. At least, since she'd actually taken a shot for him and was not able to walk for nearly two weeks. But hey, they got him out of the trouble and everything was back to normal, kind of! "Don't know... downstairs?", she tried to grin and noticed how her face hurt and a little dust got into her mouth. She turned her head in disgust and spat the dirt out again, tasted blood and spat again, ran her tongue over her lips. Yep, that was blood indeed! 
"Not funny, Snips.", growled another voice and now she had to laugh after all, the movement shook something against her ribs and she stopped, it hurted more than she would have thought. She ran one hand down to her ribs and gently pressed on her flesh, she didn't had to be a medic to feel the narrow pipe. It appeared to pierce a lung and she suspected that the pressure on her body alone was keeping her alive. But for how long? She had grown up on the battlefield and knew the results of such injuries. She couldn't remember a single case, where Kix or the other medics had been successful. And now he wasn't here, but at home! In preparation for the next mission for the reconstruction... "We will come down to you, I think I got your location.", she heard her former master again and she thought about it. How thick was the layer of building debris above her? "Master, I don't know...", she mumbled and ran a hand over her face, damn tears! The only response she received were curses and rebukes. She was silent, did not answer. She didn't wanted those curses to be the last thing they had in conversation. 
She rubbed her face again and was angry, she normally had better control of her emotions! But she couldn't dismiss the fear that crept into her throat. Should that be it now? She had survived the war, Palpatine, and all that crap. Had offered her master an anchor and had promised to train Luke in a few years. Just to die down here now, alone and cold? She had thought the war was over... The fear of death was joined by another and she reached for her comlink again. "Rex?", she asked, her voice was shaking ab bit, and there was silence for a few seconds. Then there was a soft crack, it indicated a slightly unstable connection and she suddenly feared, that the conversation would simply break off. "Yes?", the clone answered, panting, she heard the others working in the background and her heart clenched hard in her chest. She couldn't hear them down here, so the layer was definitely too thick! "How's your head?", she asked, suppressing a sniff, it was good to hear something and she didn't want to miss anything. "I'm fine, but I'll pay you back." The answer came as half of a joke and she smiled, although small tears continued to run down her cheeks. "Have you already found out how...", she wanted to end the question, but was interrupted by a cough and simply swallowed the blood. Every time she turned her head, she was afraid of having to vomit, so she preferred to lie still.
“Yes, Fives got his hands on him practically straight away. Don't worry.” She let the calm voice lull her in a little and almost felt guilty. She knew, that Rex had nightmares as much as anyone else. That he was afraid too. But in moments like these, he hid all of this well. It made her feel at home, something that had been with her for years. Her eyes hurted and she closed them, she couldn't see anything anyway. The cold had crept up to her elbows like cold water. She no longer felt the communicator under her fingertips and was afraid again, that she would suddenly just be alone. "You're taking care of them, aren't you?", she asked, her tongue was so strangely heavy in her mouth and a thought popped up in her light head. She always thought she would die quickly. Simple. But this was so different. Now the captain's voice became harder and she heard the stern tone, that had brought the men back to their feet again and again. “You won't get rid of us that easily. Just give us a few more minutes." 
The whole time she doubted, that she would be able to notice when the three of them reached her. But at some point she heard the scratching above her and a cloud of dust trickled down to her. She wanted to cough, but every breath was already too much for her. She was freezing terribly and her arms were numb, she didn't believe that she could still use the comlink, although calm voices persuaded her the entire time. She didn't knew, when she'd last replied and when she tried to think she felt sick. Though, she actually felt miserable enough to throw up all the time. "Please tell us, that we're at least digging in the right place.", Fives muttered in the comlink and she thought, he was talking more to himself and to others than to her. Another few minutes passed before a fine beam of light appeared next to her head and she turned her head slightly. A familiar hand reached into the tiny hole and felt around a little, then the gap widened and a narrow torso pushed its way into it. 
"Hey, Snips.", Anakin muttered, his smile slowing her frantic heartbeat. With an effort, the corners of her mouth pulled up a little and she stretched her numb arm a little helplessly in his direction, she did not feel him gripping her wrist. Her tongue was too heavy, but she was glad not to lie alone in the dark any longer, forced to just wait. If the men's words had already been balm for her soul, then this was like a beacon that drove away the darkness. Breathing heavily, she tried to return the grip and saw the exact moment, when Anakin realized how weak she really was. His gaze routinely scanned her and his face hardened, as he absorbed the severity of the injuries. She saw his shoulders pull up and wanted to comfort him, she fought against her own body and managed to loosen her tongue. "Took you a long time.", she mumbled and watched, as the three men enlarged the hole further. Eventually the two clones climbed in too and didn't hesitate to get her free. However, they all had their lips pressed to a thin line, and Ahsoka hated that they looked so seriously. The war was over! 
"Kix would be handy.", she gasped when Anakin checked the back of her chest with his long fingers without turning her over. Rex grumbled, but Fives gave her a weak smile. “Oh really?", he muttered and she had to smile, until the pain made her grimace. Hands grabbed her and moved her gently. "Doesn't go through, must have come from above.", her old master stated and she broke out in a cold sweat, when she even thought about changing her current position. However, there was no way around it. 
She gritted her teeth and let herself be pulled out of the hole and lifted. As she lay on a stretcher, the suddenly bright world turned wildly around her and she swallowed at the nausea. When did the others join them? The edges of the world blurred as she was loaded into a Gunship and she tried to find the others. Where were they? Tears began to gather in her eyes, as hands appeared and gently rested on her shoulders. On her cheeks, on her montreals, soothing hands were placed everywhere, warming her cold body. She blinked again, the world was strangely dark and cloudy, but she wasn't alone. She tried to concentrate, the pain was just dull and she was trembling slightly, tiredness reached out for her. "Take care of them!", she puffed into Rex and she saw his face suddenly soften. He stroked her cheek, she felt his thumb catch a tear and wipe it away. "Of course, vod’ika.", he muttered and she was satisfied, turned her gaze to Anakin and Fives. "Don't do anything dumb!", she growled, trying to appear stern. The rattle in her chest might work against that. Still, both nodded and she sighed, her heartbeat dropping again. It was like sinking into meditation. Peaceful, kind of. "Its okay. Sleep a bit, rest.", her former master mumbled and she nestled her face in the offered warmth. She felt the vibration of the ship and heard the quiet conversations of the other clones around her. Then it got dark. She was warm.
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