#he’s got CAT EYES hes got BLUE PUPILS AND hes GOING to bite you
rosedosed · 7 months
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You walk into my room and catch me in the act of building a time machine so we can see s1 Eman Esfandi Ezra and instead of explaining this to you I leap to -539mil BC and accidentally incite the Cambrian explosion
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niallsgoldhoop · 2 months
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sweet spot
a niall horan short story part one of six / six thousand words-ish nsfw, 18+
“I’m going to get another drink!”
I smile at my friends before turning away from the round table we’ve been sitting at, cutting my way through the crowded bar full of people dressed in various shades of green.
St. Patrick’s Day was the day to go out.
This year, for once, it fell on a Sunday which was the only day that I was off work.
Not that I was complaining— Owning my own bakery was the one and only thing that I had ever wanted and dreamed of.
So this morning when a couple of my closest friends asked if I wanted to go out with them later that night, the only obvious answer was yes.
“What can I get for you?” Looking up at me with a wide smile, the girl behind the bar mixes a couple of drinks before pushing the one in her hand right to the girl next to me.
Biting on my bottom lip, my eyes scan over the rows of liquor bottles lined up behind her. “I’ll just take an old fashioned with an extra cherry, please!”
“You got it, babe.”
Turning her back to me and pouring my drink, I lean against the dark wooden bar top to wait. While I’ve made my rounds to different pubs and bars over the years, I’d never been to Wilson’s before. It was full of sports memorabilia and vintage Guinness signs.
As my eyes take in everything around me, I realize one more thing that this bar has that none of the others have ever had.
Jesus Christ.
Even from here I can tell his eyes are light— a contrast to the dark chestnut color of his hair that curls out from the bottom of the Boston Red Sox hat perched on top of his head.
Sitting with a small group much like my own, the moment his eyes meet mine from across the distance something shifts deep inside my belly.
Heat blooms across my cheeks as I look away, focusing my vision on the baseball game playing on the television to my left, only I definitely couldn’t tell you a single thing on it.
“See something you like?”
Whipping around at the sound of a low, Irish accent, I find myself face to face with the most attractive man I’ve ever seen.
If I thought he was captivating from across the room?
That was nothing compared to standing right next to him.
Under the brim of his hat, those eyes are so blue that it takes my breath away especially when the golden ring around his pupil catches the light when his fingers grip the brim of his hat and turn it backwards.
Fuck me.
“I—Um—“ Words evade me as he looks over the features of my face, those eyes falling to my lips for the longest few seconds of my life.
Running his hand over the dark scruff lining his jaw, it does nothing to hide the smirk that pulls at the corner of his full lips. “Cat got your tongue?”
This time I realize it’s my turn to let my eyes linger where they shouldn’t as a smug smile pulls on the corner of my own lips.
“Niall.” Holding his hand out to me, goosebumps travel up my arms at the electric touch between us. “And you?”
Just as I go to answer, the drink I ordered slides in front of me, looking so refreshing that I can’t help but pick one of the cherries out and bite it between my teeth, my tongue catching the drop of cherry flavored whiskey from my bottom lip.
His thoat bobs against his swallow, that thick accent rough and low as he pushes closer to me as someone slides up to the bar behind him, repeating my name back to me as if he was imagining the taste of it on his own tongue. “Willow.”
I’ve never met someone who I’ve been able to fall into a conversation with so quickly. It feels like we stand there forever, slowly drifting closer and closer to each other. The smell of his vetiver and bergamot cologne becomes more and more intoxicating as time goes on.
“So, this is your holiday?” Taking a sip of the amber liquid from my glass, I look up at him through my lashes as the last rays of the sun filter through the old stained glass windows of the bar.
His laugh is loud and full before he leans a little closer to be heard over the noise, his tone playful with something else hidden under the surface. “I guess that depends.”
“Oh yeah?” A smirk pulls at the corner of my lips when Niall reaches out, his finger boldly tracing the thin green strap over my shoulder before following the path of my collarbone. “On what?”
A final peak of the sun hits the gold hoop in his ear just before he leans forward, his soft lips brushing against the shell of my ear. “Are you going to kiss me because I’m Irish?”
“I don’t know—“ Reaching forward, my middle finger tucks into the pocket of his jeans as I look up at him, my head tilting to the side. “Are you gonna kiss me if I’m not?”
Time stands still between us as Niall glances behind him, towards the table of friends he left behind, his hand dropping to my waist where the tips of his fingers slide just barely under the top of my jeans. “Maybe not on the lips— But I can think of some other places I’d like to get my mouth.”
“Here?” This time it’s my turn to look behind me, towards my friends. “I—“
“Well, I’m not opposed to that.” His voice sounds laden with honey. “I won’t lie, Willow— You are one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen.”
A blush crowds the apples of my cheeks as I push a lock of hair behind my ear. “I could say the same about you, Niall.”
“Will they miss you?” Blue eyes look over the top of my head as he looks towards my friends. “Because I know the guys at my table won’t miss me.”
Biting my bottom lip, I shake my head. “They’ll be fine.”
I wasn’t a stranger to a one night stand— in fact, I feel like that’s what I preferred.
Working the hours at the bakery mixed with helping my sister, it just worked out that way. Plus it never really bothered me to be single.
There was something about Niall that felt honest.
Deep in those sapphire eyes with their golden sunset, there was a feeling in my gut of trust.
Ever since I was younger I’d always had intuition that was rarely ever wrong, something that I held close to my heart, letting myself lean into those feelings.
“So what do you say, Willow?” That brilliant smile splits across his perfect features, a couple of small crinkles at the corner of his eyes. “Want to get out of here?”
“Are you asking me to make an Irish exit?” A laugh bubbles out from my lips as I look up to him.
With a shrug of his shoulders, that hand resting along the top of my hip slides along the rough material on my jeans before his fingers dip into the waistband, pulling my body flush with his as his lips brush across my jaw. “Is it still an Irish exit if you leave with someone who’s Irish?”
“Mm, maybe not.” My words come on an exaggerated breath— one not meant for the public to hear. “Let me just send my location to my friends and tell them I’m leaving.”
Niall nips my earlobe. “I can't stop thinking about what I’ll do when I’m alone with you.”
Pulling some cash out of my wallet and pushing it across the bar, I listen to the fire blazing through my blood as I thread my fingers through his, looking up at him with a smile.
“I can't wait to find out.”
I’ve never wanted someone so bad.
The entire ride in the back of the taxi to Niall’s house was like the ultimate tease of his attention.
From the words he whispered against my skin to the way his hands rested heavy on my thigh, his pinky just teasing along the seam of my jeans.
His lips hadn’t even met mine and I already knew just how impactful it would be when they do.
God, how fucking god they’ll feel.
On my lips.
On my skin.
When his hand finds mine as he says goodbye to our driver, butterflies flood my belly as he guides me in front of him to the front door of a quaint bungalow style house complete with a blooming garden.
“Fucking finally.” My body presses into his front door as he reaches into his pocket, the sound of metal keys cutting through the crisp air. “When I saw you— Standing at that bar— All I could think about was getting you here, with me.”
One hand wraps around my waist as the other pushes the key into the lock, turning it and pushing open the heavy door. As much as I’d like to look at everything inside, that idea falls flat when Niall grips me by the hips, spinning us around and pushing my back into the door as it slams shut.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this? With where this is going?” Cupping my jaw, his thumb presses under my chin to bring my gaze to his. “If we’re going to do this— Together— I want you to be vocal, okay? I want to hear you answer me and tell me what you want, what you need. Can you do that for me, Willow?”
I swallow the nerves building up, nodding my head, my tongue rolls over my body lip. “Yes— Yes, I can do that. Please, Niall—“
“Come here.”
When the space between us closes, his lips on mine, I swear to god it feels like the earth starts to spin in reverse.
Soft and supple, Niall moves his lips along with mine as if he’d been doing just that for years. I can't even contain the whimper that falls from my own lips when his tongue teases across my top lip as his hands slide under the thin top that I pulled on this morning.
Just feeling his skin against mine sends a wave of goosebumps across my body, making me arch my back to push myself even closer to his warm body, feeling the heat emanating from him.
“Fuck.” His teeth pull on my bottom lip, just enough pressure to send a jolt through my nervous system. “I could stand here and kiss you all night, Jesus Christ.”
“Mhm.” Is my only reply as my lips travel from his and across the scruff lining his jaw, down to the spot under his golden earring, pulling the skin between my teeth and soothing it with my tongue. “But then I wouldn’t get to see this.” Dropping one of my hands, I cup him through his jeans and listen to the low groan from deep in his throat. “Wouldn’t that be a shame?”
“Yeah? You want to see my cock nice and hard for you— Is that it?” Niall pulls back just enough to meet my gaze as his hands fall from under my shirt. “I’m going to ask you some questions, okay?”
“Okay.” Breathless, I feel the electricity as it buzzes underneath my skin.
“Is anything off limits for you?” Working the button of my jeans, he keeps those blue eyes on mine.
Shaking my head, I feel my heart rate skipping a beat. “No.”
“Good.” A smile plays at the corner of his lips as the unmistakable sound of his fingers pulling down the zipper fills the space around us. “Do you need a safe word just in case?”
“N—No.” I shake my head again. “I don’t.”
A small nod is the only response I get before Niall drops down in front of me, looking up at me from his knees, his fingers curling around the edge of my pants before pulling them down to reveal the skimpy lacy covering my center.
“Jesus Christ.” Strong hands drag up my thighs as his eyes go wide. “This incredible body is just for me tonight, is that right?”
Through dark lashes framing his eyes, the blue fades out as the darkness of his pupils expand. “For tonight, yeah.”
“Are you going to leave that pretty green top on? Or take it off?” The very top of his finger traces the edge of the black lace, making my thighs inadvertently rub together. “Don’t worry— I’ll take care of you.”
Gripping the edges of my shirt and pulling it off, I drop it next to where my shoes and my jeans sit in a small pile, my hand reaching out to run through Niall’s dark hair.
When the soft light from the lamp across the living room catches the silver barbells through my nipples, his eyes close as he tilts his face up to the ceiling, almost like he’s in need of his own savior.
“Willow.” My name falls off his lips on a groan, one from deep inside his chest. “God.”
With my back still against the front door, a small gasp leaves me when Niall’s lips press against my skin, small kisses dancing across my thighs and the soft nips from his teeth adding to the sensation.
“Look at you— Soaking wet.” Dragging his finger over the center of the damp fabric, I tilt my head back when he presses his fingertips to my clit. “I bet you taste sweet, so fucking sweet.”
“Maybe if you quit talking you’ll find out.” I answer.
Niall scoffs, looking up at me. “So the pretty girl from the bar has a bratty side, does she?”
Hooking his finger into the lace and pulling it to the side, I can’t help the way my lips pop open as his tongue moves through my center, the tip of his tongue swirling around my throbbing clit before pulling away.
“You know, I like brats.” Pressing a soft kiss to my thigh, his nails drag down the back of my thighs before peeling the scrap of material from my body. “So by all means— Keep going.”
Before I can formulate a response, he buries his face between my legs and when he suctions his lips around my clit, it feels like all I can do is not to unravel right then and there. Burying my hands in his hair, I moan out as he goes back and forth between tracing mindless patterns across the sensitive nerve and flicking his tongue in a rhythm that doesn’t even seem humanly possible.
“So fucking sweet.” Resting his head on my lower stomach, I take a second to catch my breath before feeling his finger as he drags it through the wetness he’s created. “I bet this cunt is so tight, so warm.”
Pressing one finger inside, he only draws it back to add a second one before hooking them both forward and finding the spot that only those few and far between have been able to find.
“Niall, oh god—“ Letting go of his soft brunette waves, I let my fingers slide up my belly until they find the silver piercings on my chest, messing with them to add another level to the pleasure he’s giving me. “That feels so good, so damn good.”
“Let me.” Moving my hands out of the way, he grips my heavy breast in his hand before flicking the metal and making me cry out. “Put your hands up— Over your head.”
I do as I’m told just as he finds his home between my legs again, the sounds coming from the back of his throat making me whimper louder than I even knew was possible. Especially when he lifts my leg over his shoulder, his tongue working in tandem with his fingers as he eats me with fervor— as if he hasn’t had a drop of water in a desert for years.
“Are you going to come for me like this? Against my front door?” Nipping the sensitive nerve, I feel my walls flutter against his fingers. “How many times has someone made you come before, Willow?”
My eyes flutter closed as he sucks and licks me like never before, his fingers pressing harder inside of me. “Thr—Fuck, three.”
“Challenge accepted.”
Those words are the last ones I hear before he brings me to a pleasure I’ve never known.
“Fuck!” Letting my mouth fall open, I cry out as my orgasm crashes through my body. “Niall.“
He stands up to tower over me, cupping my jaw and letting his fingers dig into my cheeks, a silent question.
When I nod and open my mouth, he lets his saliva mixed with my release gather on his tongue before letting it fall into my waiting mouth.
“Perfect— You are literally perfect.” Crashing his lips to mine, when his hands slide down my thighs, I let him wrap them around his waist before he turns us away from the door. “I’m going to have so much fun making a mess out of you— wrecking you.”
His lips move against mine in a slower kiss than before, taking his time.
I pull back from him just enough to see the dark walls of his bedroom, the bed looking like a cloud from the fluffy sheets and the half made duvet spread across the top.
Niall sits in the edge of the bed, his hands moving across my ass at the same time he drops his lips to my neck, leaving wet kisses down until he takes one of my nipples into his mouth.
“Oh, yes.” Barely a whisper, the sensation of his warm mouth along with his tongue flicking across the metal makes me arch my back. “More.”
Releasing one and doing the same with the other, he pulls away too soon. “Get on your knees first.”
“And if I say no?” I gripping the hair at the base of his neck, I pull until he has to tilt his head back to look up at me. “If I want to be a brat?”
A low laugh falls from his lips as he stands to his full height, turning so that he can drop me down onto the bed, reaching out and grabbing a fist full of my hair just hard enough that I feel the sting in my scalp.
From my scalp all the way to the spot between my legs.
“You want to be difficult? That’s fine.” Working the button of his pants, I bite my bottom lip in anticipation. “You can be difficult with my cock down your throat, yeah?”
When he releases my hair, his hands make quick work of his pants and briefs, shoving them to the floor and kicking them off to be forgotten until later before grabbing his shirt and adding that to the pile.
Just the sight before me makes me whimper.
A perfect amount of dark hair dusts across his chest and even matches the trimmed hair that leads to the most perfect cock that I’ve ever seen.
“Go on, put your mouth on me.” Gripping himself in his left hand, Niall presses the tip of his cock to my bottom lip, using it to pull it down to release it with with a pop. “Let me see how well I fit.”
Opening my mouth, I flick my tongue along the underside of his length, looking up at him through my lashes before closing my lips around him and drawing him in.
“Holy shit.” Dropping his hand, he threads it through my hair instead. “Just like that, baby.”
The small amount of praise makes me take him deeper, letting my tongue run along the thick vein that decorates him. His hand in my hair tightens as he hits the back of my throat, a moan breaking through his lips.
“Open your throat for me, I know you can take more than that.” Niall demands.
Doing just that, I let my jaw relax and when he pushes even further, the intrusion makes my throat restrict— gagging around him and feeling tears rush to the corners of my eyes.
Pushing forward, this time I let him rest at the back of my throat for a couple more seconds before pulling back, using my fist to work him over as I catch my breath.
I don’t waste time before taking him back in my mouth, keeping my eyes on his as I taste the saltiness of him, wishing more than anything he would give me everything— to let me swallow everything he could give me.
“I can’t—“ Shaking his head, Niall pulls back. “You’re mouth feels too good, Will—“
The shortened version of my name makes butterflies erupt in my stomach, ones that I immediately have to tamper down at the reminder that this is what it is.
One night.
A nickname means nothing.
“You’re ruining my fun.” I say with a pout, looking up at him.
“I am?” He grins as he looks down at me, his tongue rolling across the inside of his cheek as I nod. “Fuck, then around and keep your hands where I can see them.”
Eager to please, I maneuver around the mattress until I face away from him, letting my palms run across the soft sheets until they extend in front of me while Niall drops his hands to my ass.
“Willow, were you being honest when you said nothing was off the table for you?” Smooth palms work small circles across my skin.
Turning to look over my shoulder, I catch Niall’s gaze looking at where he wants to be buried, his bottom lip caught between his teeth. “I was being honest— Do your worst, Niall.”
Before I can finish my last breath, he raises his palm and brings it down across my skin making me cry out at the sting of pain.
“How’s that feel?” He asks, bending to press a kiss to the area. “ Feel good?”
“Yes, yes—“
Another sting across the opposite side, this one harder than the other as he squeezes my flesh in his hand. “Good, good girl.”
After a few more stinging strikes, I can feel my arousal as it drips between my thighs, the need for him so strong that I don’t know how to even possibly control it.
“Niall, I need more— Please, give me more.” I beg.
“Tell me now… Do you want me to get a condom?” Voice thick, his lips press to the middle of my bare back as he bends over me, letting his hands run over my breasts and toy with my nipples. “I’ll do whatever you want.”
“No, no.” Shaking my head, I breathe out. “I get tested and I’m clean.”
“I am too.” Warm breath skates across my back. “I can show you the results.”
Rolling my lips together, I whimper. “Don’t make me wait— I need to feel you inside of me.”
Niall presses one last kiss to the center of my back before I feel the blunt head of his cock as he runs it through my center, coating himself in me.
If I thought he was going to say something— I was wrong.
Instead, he grips my hips in his hands and buries himself so deep inside of me that my cries seem to ricochet off the walls from feeling him filling me.
“So fucking perfect.” He says, pulling out to the very tip before slamming back into me and pulling my ass up to meet his thrusts. “My cock fits so well inside you. Can you feel how greedy this little cunt is, huh?”
“Oh— Oh my god—“ A moan slips from my lips as he punishes me for things I haven't even done, his grip no doubt leaving bruises of his fingertips behind. “Fuck, Niall. You’re so fucking deep.”
From behind me, I can hear the sound of his hips meeting my ass, each one more punishing and relentless than the last. Niall lets his hands slide from my hips to my ass, moving just right so that when I hear the spit leave his lips and land perfectly on his cock, I feel myself racing towards another climax.
“I can feel you squeezing me, are you going to give me another one of your pretty moans? Coat my cock?” Bringing his palm down against my skin, my knuckles turn white as I grip the sheets. “Who would have known you were this fucking filthy.”
“Right there, please don’t stop!” The cry from my lips leaves my mouth open as I choke around the moan that follows it. “I’m going to come again. Oh fuck, right there. Please.”
Niall buries himself with such power that my release lets go, barreling towards the finish line as my teeth bite down on the comforter as I push my face into the bed. “God, Willow— You’re squeezing my cock so fucking good, holy fuck.”
He pulls out of me only to pull me to the edge of the bed and roll me over, sinking himself back inside of me, making my back arch off the bed while my hands reach for anything to hold onto.
“I could spend days buried inside of you and not get enough.” Meeting my gaze, Niall slows his thrust as he rolls his hips, grinding the base of his cock against my clit. “A night isn’t enough. Play with those pretty piercings for me, Will, please.”
Using both of my hands, I pinch and play with the sensitive peaks, giving the attention that I love and loving the way his eyes feel as they travel from my eyes all the way down my body to watch where he sinks inside of me.
“Harder, I need it harder—“ I say, biting my bottom lip.
Niall leans over the bed, his hand wrapping around the base of my throat, squeezing just enough to restrict my airway. “You want to be fucked like a slut? Is that what I’m hearing?”
Only able to nod, my voice catches in my throat as he picks up his pace and thrust into me so hard that my back slides up the sheets of the bed. “Oh, fuck.”
“Yeah?” Sweat drips down the side of his neck as he hovers over me, those blue eyes flaring with unbridled lust. “How’s that?”
“So good.” I moan, my nails scratching down his chest and over the muscles of his stomach. “I feel, god. Your cock feels so good.”
“I’ve never been buried inside someone that feels like this.” He moans, tilting his head up to the ceiling. “Strangling my fucking cock. and trying to kill my for everything I have.”
Dragging his hands away from my neck, his hand splays wide across my chest as he pushes me into the mattress. “Come on baby, I can feel you ready to soak me again— Give it to me, let me have it.”
“No. I want—“
Niall groans as he brings his thumb to my mouth, pushing it in deep enough that I gag before he drops it to my clit, working circles around the nerve as I cry out his name so loud that if he had neighbors close enough they’d never have to wonder what his name is.
“Stop being difficult, fuck.” Thrusting into me, he drops his head to mine and pulls my bottom lip between his teeth. “Come around me, now.”
Giving over the control of my body, Niall fucks me as I release around him again, coating his cock and soaking the sheets as he drops his head to my neck, sucking the skin between his teeth.
“There you go, look how perfect you are when you listen.” Low and rough, his voice is like gravel. “Such a fucking good girl for me, Willow.”
I nod, feeling empty as he pulls out of me and grips my knees, pushing them apart to look down at my weeping cunt, the mess he created.
Dropping down, he wastes no time before taking my clit into his mouth, the suction so hard that it sends me spiraling into another orgasm and coating his tongue with my release, making me squirm on the sheets.
“Niall, I— I can’t, my god—“
“Get up, let me see you dripping for me.” Niall runs his tongue along his bottom lip. “I’m not done with you.”
“Now.” His palm cracks across the side of my breast, making my breath ragged as he fists his cock, taking a step back from the bed and reaching for my ankle to drag me to the edge. “Stand up and bend over. Take my cock like the good girl you are.”
I scramble to stand up, my legs already feeling weak as he grips my hips and turns us to face the dresser along his wall, the oversized mirror hanging above it.
“You’re going to watch me fuck you in this mirror— Watch as I fill this cunt to the brink with me, do you understand me?” Wrapping my hair around his fist once, twice— he tugs on it when I don’t answer. “Fucking answer me, you slut.”
Nodding, I rest my elbows along the top of the dresser. “Give it to me, please.”
“There’s that nice girl I met at the bar.” He smiles at me. “You are so perfect, so beautiful.”
Slower than anything else we’ve done tonight, Niall pushes inside of me; it feels like every single ridge and vein touches the right spot inside of me, filling me up so full that it brings tears to my eyes.
“You gonna cry over this cock?” Pushing harder, Niall places his hands on the outside of my arms flat on top of the dresser, the heat between our bodies an inferno as his sweat slicked skin moves across mine. “Cry over how fucking good we fit— Cry over how well you’re taking me— Taking me so deep?”
Shaking my head, I find his eyes in the mirror. “I can’t—“
“You can.” Niall presses forward, my legs shaking as he reaches around to bring his fingers to my clit and working the sensitive nerve into tight circles. “You can take it, and you fucking will.”
“You’re going to come all over me again and then l’m going to fill this perfect pussy so full that you’ll be dripping down your thighs for me.” For the first time, his voice falters as I feel his thrusts foster for just a second. “Then maybe I’ll be done with you.”
Pushing up onto the tips of my toes, the new angle causes me to cry out, my hands sliding along the wood and pushing a stack of shirts to the floor at the same time that Niall’s scream blends with mine as he empties himself so deep inside of me that it feels like I can’t breath.
Fucking me through both of our orgasms, I feel the tears as they stream down my cheeks at the same time I gasp for air to fill my lungs.
“Fuck, Willow— Fuck—“ Niall grips my hips as he slowly pulls out of me, his eyes trained between my legs. “Look at that.”
Dropping to his knees, I let my head fall onto my arm. “God.”
“I made such a mess of you.” Using his thumbs, he pulls me apart to watch as his release runs down the inside of my thighs. “I’ve never seen someone look so good coated in me, dripping my come.”
“Niall.” The words from my lips are hoarse as he stands up, wrapping his arms around me and pulling my spent body into his. “I’m so— so tired.”
“You did so good, baby.” Pressing a kiss to my temple, I let myself sink into his arms knowing that it’s a chance I won’t get again. “Let’s go get you cleaned up.”
Carrying me to the bathroom, I don’t protest when he starts a bath and helps me climb inside, the warm water soothing me into a post sex state that I have never experienced before.
As he runs his hands over my body with a lavender body wash, I let my head rest against his chest from where he sits behind me, listening to him as he keeps telling me how good I was.
How good I am.
“You know, you could stay here.” Pressing a kiss to my shoulder, I close my eyes at his words. “Spend the night.”
Shaking my head, I turn to look at him. “This was a one night thing, we know that.”
“Exactly.” Pressing a lingering kiss to my lips, he runs the tip of his nose down the length of mine. “You staying the night is still just one night.”
Chewing on the inside of my cheek, I find myself nodding.
Which is exactly how I find myself curled into his side after a change of the sheets, an oversized Harley Davidson shirt pushed up over my stomach as Niall’s warm palm keeps me pulled into him as his warm and steady breath tickles the hair at the back of my neck.
I let myself relish in his warmth for thirty more minutes before I slip out from the sheets, taking one last look at him before making it to the living room and pulling on my jeans before calling a taxi.
Slipping away from the best sex I ever had and leaving without a note is hard, but it has to be done.
Niall and I were meant for one night and nothing more.
However, when I climb into my own bed still wrapped in that white shirt, I find myself wishing for the first time in a king that there was a potential for more.
That we would be more.
That Niall would want to be more.
With me.
i’m so excited about this story and putting it out here for everyone to read!!! the second part is coming soon and i hope you like this!
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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aromanticannibal · 1 year
mha characters physical headcanons (does that even make sense idk im french). this is in absolutely no order im just popping these up as I go
shouto is blind on his burnt side, the good ol headcanon. his eyes is a very dull blue
shinsou has a scar across his face from forster parents putting muzzles on him
bakugou is hard of hearing
aizawa has a single tattoo and it's a cat sleeping on a cloud
mic has a shit ton of tattoos including but not limited to : a matching tattoo of a cat meowing on a cloud, a lot of clouds, aizawa's goggles and capture weapon, music notes and partitions of his favorite songs, his own hero name, etc
midnight is tall as shit, shes taller than aizawa. mic is only 1cm taller than her but she wears heels all the time so she's still taller. she loves to tease people about it
I know it's just a funky thing horikoshi does to his characters sometimes but shinsou is actually one of the only people in the show to have white pupils. people's eyes mimic his pupils when shinsou brainwashes them.
aizawas hair is really thick and curly, but he takes terrible care of it.
on the topic of aizawas hair, sometimes it floats a bit when he's flustered, surprised, angry, excited etc
shinsou's hair just does that. it stands on its own and it's terrible and shinsou used to hate it but he comforts himself thinking it kinda looks like aizawas.
midoriya and mina are blasian i am right
mina has vitiligo
kaminari has a bunch of lighting shaped scars. also he's south asian and brown skinned because I said so
this is literally just how I edit hori's sketches now lmao (cough cough @lunejump)
iidas legs are fucking covered in scars and he refuses to say how he for them
ochako's cheeks are naturally really pink.
ochako's has chubby muscle dad bod vibe kinda. she'll beat the shit out of you anyway. she's also super small and wears discreet platform shoes sometimes
tsuyu's skin is just straight up green. I really just want her to be more frog like lmao. she got frog eyes too. toad skin in places with the little bumps and shit. also she's autistic I KNOW I SAID PHYSICAL HEADCANONS BUT SHH
dabi desperately needs glasses. he also has terrible dry eye because of the whole no tear duct situation, so in general he just doesn't see shit. he pays a lot fo attention to noise because of that.
dabi's hair is very fluffy and thick naturally, but dying it (+yknow the burning) made it really damaged (its why it's spikier than when he was young)
toga has a bunch of vampire features, notably : glowing eyes, pointy ears, the good ol' fangs, naturally sharp nails, pale ass skin from being sensible to sunlight, etc. she really likes garlic tho dont get her wrong
toga also got tattoos at some point, not a lot tho cuz she started only a bit after joining the league. she has : a lot of hearts, a bat, couple of knifes, "stainy <3" (she did this one by herself so it's a bit wobbly). she wants to get tattoos that ressemble her friends from the league, especially for twice, magne, dabi and shiggy.
mic has piercings. obviously. he has nipple piercings (listen im just a man), a nose ring (he doesn't wear it when doing hero work), a bunch of ear piercings, and an eyebrow one.
when they were in high school, mic got aizawa to get snake bites. aizawa stopped wearing them somewhere in his 20s so they closed back, and mic is constantly trying to get him to get them redone.
midnight prolly has matching nipple piercings with mic honestly they'd do that
shigaraki's hair is surprisingly soft because kurogiri makes him take care of it. when kurogiri gets arrested, his hair starts to get more tangled because no one brushes it anymore.
fuyumi, rei and dabi have the same hair type (wavy, thick fluffy hair)
shinsou stays pretty skinny no matter how much he muscles up. he has a fast metabolism and struggles to take on weight
aizawa is so fucking hairy its terrible
mic's mustache is like that because it's the only thing he manages to grow
mic's hair is like the opposite of aizawa's. it's straight and stringy, and its pretty damaged despite mic's efforts to take care of it because of all the hair gel
bakugou has heavy acne on his face and back, which is why he takes very good care of his skin. he doesn't really care if people think it's ugly, he just doesnt want it to hurt like a bitch
hagakure is really pale because the sun technically never really touches her skin. her eyes and hair are a weird pale color for a similar reason. not like anyone sees it much though.
MOMO IS TRANS MOMO IS TRANS I AM RIGHT. she was able to transition early on thanks to her parents acceptance and money.
momo is a bit chubby and taller than most of the boys in the class. she's never shy about eating a lot, especially since its what makes her quirk work, and she tends to get really hungry after using it a lot.
jirou often gets overwhelmed because of how much she can hear. think of dolores from encanto she can hear a lot.
her earjacks are really sensible too, but she doesn't really have anything to protect them.
jirou's irises are a very bright red.
hatsume is blasian, she has pink dreads
her arms are pretty muscly from working a lot on heavy stuff. she also has a lot of different scars on her hands and some on her face from her lack of care for safety
concerning shouto, the carpet does match the drapes. he isn't that hairy tho.
shouto has a couple of burn and frostbite scars on his arms from training too much. the burn ones are older, since he didn't use his flames for a long time.
shinsou is the type of pale thats so pale you can kinda see veins under the skin. he calls himself a corpse pretty often. it's also why his eyebags are so visible.
mirko is probably albino tbh (this is 100% inspired by that one edit)
while bakugou's palms are always super hot and sweaty, midoriya's are very cold for no reason.
midoriya bites his nails and the skin around them, often 'til it bleeds, so his fingers are. in a state (im just calling myself out at this point lmao)
mic has heterochromia and is hard of hearing
all might's eyes weren't blue before he got ofa. I like to think ofa modifies the user's appearance a bit, notably with the eyes. all might's eyes changed so luch because he went from no quirk to mastering ofa.
midoriya's eyes are very green naturally but when he uses ofa a lot, there's a blue tint as well (think the overhaul fight)
kirishima's hair must be so fucking damaged man. his hair is naturally black but he dyes it a very bright color, so he probably needs to bleach it a lot. it's probably permanent dye too since he wants to keep it like that, and he probably dyes his roots often too. plus the hair gel. he probably went through the elastic hair pain
bakugou's eyes are an orangey red, while kirishima's are blood red.
similar to all might and midoriya, aoyama's eyes became that bright sparkly blue when he got gifted his quirk. they're probably kinda glittery looking. his eyes were probably brown originally
kendo has stretch marks and some scars on her hands from them changing size so often. it doesn't really hurt tho.
shinsou probably had braces at some point
kaminari has a tooth gap
sero is part latino. he has brown eyes also.
sero's skin gets sticky sometimes. he hates it because people think he's dirty. It's really just a side effect of his quirk.
because I'm trypophobic I refuse to think sero has holes in his elbows. his tape is probably a sort of extension of his skin, and the weird shape in his elbows are here to help produce the thing.
denki has an eyebrow piercing
shinsou's eyes glow slightly when he's using his quirk, but it's not that noticeable.
aizawa's eyes glow yellow (like in the manga because I love yellow). otherwise his irises are completely black. it's unnerving
aizawa actually isnt that silent when he speaks, unless he's trying to. he has a big voice.
mic is actually very silent when he wants to because he's used to controlling the volume of his voice. also, he's very good at doing weird shit with his voice.
similarly, shinsou is very good at mimicking voices and sounds. he struggles a bit with high voices because his voice is naturally deep, but he's good at imitating birds and cats. he can purr also because I said so.
im losing inspiration unfortunately. feel free to share ur headcanons in the tags or in reblogs (even if they go against mine it's fine lmao). have a good day
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
Since you want Smut what about Arkham Mad Hatter fem!S/O riding him while saying “You look so good beneath me.” 
A/N: whelp, looks like i’m gonna go cry…asdffgh I haven’t even gotten the opportunity to write Jervis like…well not normal..but non-smutty rip. Well, nothing like going off into the deep end of the pool (I’ve actually done that at the wee age I don’t recommend it but I miss that fearlessness tho) shout out to @mischievous-marchie whose loving, adoring ramblings of him has helped immensely with this.
Trigger Warnings: 18+ ONLY MINORS DNI explicit sexual content (cowgirl position, unprotected sex, biting), and strong language
Word Count: 1.9 k
Arkhamverse Mad Hatter x F!Reader - A Midnight Surprise 
It truly was a miracle. 
Your sweet, loving, devoting Jervis was back home. 
After being under Strange’s selfish, cruel, and calculated thumb for a few years. Jervis was a free man like his other fellow rogues after the Protocol 10 ruling. Albeit stripped of his equipment, his work, and the time away from you. Strange had spun a convoluted tale of your demise to Jervis, beginning his quest for Alice anew. 
You were always there though, always alive. Jervis didn’t even believe it was you, he was so twisted and confused from Strange’s shrilling cacophony of lies. 
It’s been slow going, but your Jervis was finally coming back around. His eyes lit up whenever they met yours, his neutral smile ultimately widening like the Cheshire Cat’s in delight at the sight of you. Fractured as his mind was, he was able to piece back the memories of you. 
However some habits don’t change, no matter how much trauma one goes through. 
“Jervis…darling, it’s time to go to bed.” You called from behind the door to his work room. 
“In just a moment, my dear. I’ll come join you in a minute, did you hear?”
You groaned. Pulling this man away from whatever project plagued his mind was almost as difficult as defeating the Jabberwock. 
You had a card up your sleeve however, one that would benefit both you and Jervis. 
You cleared your mind from the lewd tactic you had planned…in exchange for coming up with a decent rhyme. You have been with Jervis long enough to detect when he was experiencing an overwhelming amount of emotion…he tended to rhyme. Not to mention whenever you rhymed back, you could almost see his pupils turn heart shaped.
“Oh, Jervis, please would you join me in bed and stay until morn? Especially if there is a reward..in return?” Okay, that sounded more clever and flirtatious in your head.
Whatever effect you were hoping for, it worked. Jervis spun around from his desk on his beat-up swivel chair and almost rabbit-like bounced up from the seat. 
“A surprise? Ooh what a delight! Perhaps I can turn in with you proper, if just for tonight.”
Okay, it’s kind of stupidly unfair how good he is at that. 
Nevertheless you grab his wrists and gently drag him to your shared bedroom down the hall. Everything was going exactly according to plan…well, except for however the hell you were going to rhyme what you needed him to do. 
“Errm..uhh…Jervis…it’s imperative for the surprise to be underway, that before you lay down, your clothes must go…away.” 
You got an adorable chortle in response, unsure if it was from him understanding the implications of your surprise or the fact you were struggling to rhyme. 
“I am under you control, for you I’ll do as I’m told.”
Unceremoniously, Jervis began stripping off his dress shirt, pants, and different colored socks. His signature hat, long hung up in his workshop. 
“I admire your efforts, they don’t go unheeded. But if it’s troubling, you don’t have to rhyme, it’s not needed.”
You took a relieving gasp as if you were drowning and finally came back up for air. “Okay thank you, but I was doing all right, huh?”
Jervis chuckled in glee. “Indeed.” He made himself comfortable on top of the mattress, nude as the day he was born. 
You could hear him softly whimpering behind you as he watched you strip off your nightgown. The only clothing you wore were your lacey sky blue panties. His favorites. 
Stealing a glance over your shoulder, he looked absolutely delectable. Stretched out in the middle of the bed, about to be completely at your mercy. 
You turned around and got on all fours on the bed. Slowly inching closer and closer to Jervis. His breathless pants becoming more erratic and loud as you got closer to him. You were hovering over him, slowly lowering yourself on top of him. 
You felt the slightest pressure to your lace cladded core. Despite his rather short and lanky stature…he was decently thick and had a slightly above average length. That length was surely getting hard and was already trying to make headway to it’s final destination. 
Chuckling, you rested your forehead along his. “Seems someone’s excited for their surprise.” 
Jervis nodded, barely affirming with a whisper, “y-yes..”
You smiled sweetly at him, before cupping the sides of his face in both your hands. “My handsome hatter.” You purr before softly locking your lips with his. 
As you two locked lips, you started to softly grind on Jervis’ member. You giggled as Jervis’ gentle moans tickled your lips, but you kept steady with your movements. Your hands raked down from his face towards his chest. You could feel his warm hands encompassing around your arms. His fingers traced your collarbone down to your chest. 
It was your turn to moan into his lips, as he began kneading your chest. You had to break the kiss when he teasingly pinched one of your nipples. 
“T-Two can tease, my sweet.” He breathed, somewhat pleased with himself. He pushed you back, to where he was sitting up against the headboard and you were straddling him.
You let out a small huff…so much for being in control, but this was his surprise. You figured you’d get what you wanted out of him, just as long as you were on top. 
“I couldn’t have asked for a better teaser.” You whispered, before directing his lips by his chin back onto yours. 
After more kissing and groping, you decided to give attention to the aching member just below you. You reached your hand down, and started to softly tighten your grip, with every tightened grip you languidly stroked him. 
Words couldn’t describe what the piercing whimper he let out did to you. It made you dampen your underwear more than you cared to admit, but damn the sounds…his sounds were addicting. 
You leaned in to the side of his face, you began kissing and softly suckling on his soft skin. Breaking his breathing between pants and soft moans. You swear you could almost cum then and there from his noises alone. 
Abruptly, you broke your kiss from Jervis as you laid back on your haunches. You slowly began sliding your soaked garment off of you through one leg at a time, before tossing it to the side. You returned to your straddling position over Jervis’ lap. 
You kept slowly pumping his cock, spreading the pre-cum from the head down to the base. After a few more pumps, you lowered yourself onto him, finally becoming one. Jervis let out a sharp hiss as your walls already began clamping around him. His fingers clutching your love handles for dear life. 
After a moment to get used to the new pleasurable pressure. You grabbed his shoulders and slowly began going up and down, up and down, occasionally tightening your walls every time you went up. 
Jervis was an absolute mess. Whimpers, stifled breaths, moans, and groans. He was like a naughty music box, and you were adamant to keep him wounded up, to keep him playing. His unruly hair, somehow became more so, caked to his forehead in sweat. His lips raw from kissing yours and biting his lower lip. 
You began picking up your pace for a little bit and then slow down to a medium speed. Just when you were sure he’d reach his high, you slowed down. 
“Aaahh…mmm…Ali-Y/N…please…stop…mmm…d-don’t tease..” He whined. 
You couldn’t help the satisfied grin on your face, one that’d rival the Cheshire’s and even Jervis’.  
“I can’t help it, darling.” You leaned your head to the side of his. Lips just centimeters from his ears. “It’s just…You look so good underneath me…” You kissed the skin just below his ear, before softly nibbling at it, causing Jervis to moan more. 
Jervis’ nails pricked and poked your skin, you wouldn’t be surprised if it broke your skin. You knew he’d leave bruises no doubt. You wrapped your arms around his neck and bring him in for another passionate kiss. 
Never once did you stop grinding on his cock, keeping a steady pattern, only speeding up occasionally. You had no doubt though that both of your peaks were near. Your walls anchored down as you began bouncing faster than before, and much longer too. All the way down to the base, and up, where just the tip of his head barely stayed in between your lower lips. 
“J-Jervis…mm..fuck.” It was your turn to be a moaning mess. 
In Jervis’ eyes, you were like the sirens or nymphs at sea, constantly luring him into a state of euphoria. When he was with you, the prospect of Wonderland wasn’t such a delusion, if not the evidence that it exists wherever you are. You are Alice, after all. 
You didn’t recognize the piercing wail you let out, as you felt Jervis begin thrusting into you. Perfectly thrusting into you the exact moment you bounced down on him. 
“Y-Y-Yes…shit…J-Jervis…please, please, please…”
Your hands reached down to the middle of his back, gripping onto him and whatever skin you could sink your nails into. Red irritated lines went up Jervis’ back, as you dragged them up and back to his shoulders. 
The two of you kept a fast sloppy pace. Just trying to chase that inevitable sweet release that’s been building up slowly but surely. You could feel your gut tighten, and tighten with every collision of both your hips. 
“Jerv..Jervis…s-s-so close.” You whined in his ear. You whine reached to a higher pitch when you felt him sink his teeth into the middle of your shoulder. Jervis stilled, you felt this cock throb and shake between your lips. Your walls in turn began convulsing around him, choking him like a vice. He brought his hand lower and began rubbing your clit with his thumb, giving you that final push over the edge. 
“Jervis…” You squeaked, as your fingernails painted his skin in red again at the shoulders. Your nerves were shocked with vibrations and warmth all over. Your legs shook rapidly, Jervis placed his hands on your thighs to calm the muscles. 
The two of you stayed still as an undisturbed pond on a golden afternoon. Trying to catch your breaths and revel in the delicious afterglow. Once you started gaining feeling in your legs, you began pulling off of Jervis, the emptiness causing you to let out a pathetic whimper. You collapsed on the other side of the bed beside Jervis. 
You could feel the mixture of both your climaxes begin seeping out between your folds, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You felt Jervis flip over onto his side and you could feel his eyes on you. Stretching your legs, to keep the nerves from rapidly going back to sleep to recover, you flipped over on your side to look at him. 
You brought your hand up to his face, softly caressing the prominent cheek there with your thumb. 
“Did you like your surprise?” You whispered sweetly, as if you snuck him a cookie he wasn’t supposed to have this late as opposed to riding him to infinity. 
“Oh, very much so yes, loved it even, dearest.” He took your hand that was on his cheek, and brought your palm to his lips, kissing it. 
“I surmises…on future nights there will be more surprises…” He leaned his head against your shoulder. 
“We’ll see, my handsome hatter. We’ll see.” 
You both drifted off to a peaceful slumber, knowing as well as the sun would rise tomorrow. 
There would be more surprises to come.
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fatedsinners · 1 year
Obey Me, Nai. Tell me your kinks~ (divinepunishment)
His eyes are bland as he stares at the other, blue a dull, disapproving tone as he watches the Undertaker. The man had saved his life so he'd told the other he could ask one question and get a truthful answer. But he only got the one. "Of all the things you could ask.... This, is your decision?" he's already tired of the human, arms crossing over his broad chest, but he did survive because the idiot let him feed from his blood. It was only fair. "Ugh, fine." he growls as he settles in on his chair, looking away sharply as he thought. "I feel it would be faster to go through my turn offs at this point. Instead I'll give you my go to ideas." he lets his legs spread, truly making him comfortable if at the demise of the other's smug confidence. "Biting and blood play is a given at this point, both being bitten and doing it myself." He motioned to the other's bandaged wrist before he furrowed his brows, eyes glossing as he tried to think. "Somnophilia has garnered my interest once or twice. Just the idea of my partner in blissful slumber beneath me, helpless as they squirm and writhe in their sleep, mewling delightfully for me." he hums to himself, smirking. "Anilingus is another, prefer it to be done to me, if my partner has an oral fixation only makes it better." Oh how dark and smug he was at that, knowing the other's obsession with something between his lips always. "The stock standard bondage, though none have been brave enough to try with me. I've gotten quite good at shibari and kinbaku in my long life." he shifted at the thoughts crawling through his mind. "Gagging and erotic asphyxiation is always a delight, seeing the way their life flutters, feeling their pulse double under cold fingertips." he let his voice dip down, purring as he curled slender fingertips in the air before him. He'd make the pup regret asking. "Katoptronophilia.... My partner needs to be interested in seeing themselves splayed out before a mirror. To be able to see everything, including me, even when their tits are pressed into the bedding as I breed them like the good little bitch. Another one right there, breeding." he snickers, shameless in his position as he kept himself open but powerful in the room. "Of course power play. Pain is a delight on occasion and-" he paused as his eyes flicked to the lazy chain link tendrils wriggling at his hip where they often hid. "I suppose technically tentacle play would be interesting, knowing these could easily rip one to shreds if I so choose." he purred now, a deep and warm sound as he reached down to pet the chains along his thigh. "I'm sure there's many many more, so perhaps narrow it down for me, Nicolas." his attention flicks up now, landing on the wolf as pupils blew wide before snapping down to thin slits like a cat, his grin dark and predatory. "What is it you want to do with me?"
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Headcanons for SBI Sibling!Parrot Hybrid!Reader
(A/N): ope, went a little overboard with this one (also it’s not proofread, so sorry about any mistakes)
You have wings on your back (the feather pattern depends on what parrot floats your boat)
If you’re a Scarlet Macaw, Blue-and-Yellow Macaw, or Chestnut-Fronted Macaw, then you have black lines on your cheeks and heavy black lines around your eyes (think Hawks from bnha but less pointy)
If you are a Hyacinth Macaw, you have yellow markings around your eyes and mouth
If you’re a cockatiel, you have a killer mohawk/hair that is always very pointy and orange circles on your cheeks (how cute!)
I have a feeling that your hair is incredibly soft
Very sensitive wings
I feel like your teeth would be sharp and your nails would normally be fast-growing, long, and sharp
You tilt your head like impossibly far when you’re confused or trying to hear something better
Like your ear would almost be touching your shoulder
The head movements are very jerky and kinda just happen on their own when you hear something so you would have a lot of neck pain : (
You’re allergic to chocolate : (
I feel like people would underestimate you greatly and think you’re nothing except the ditzy comedic relief
Parrots are actually very intelligent
It bums you out to hear people say things like that behind your back when they think you can’t hear, but you try to not let them get to you
You give the best cuddles and are very affectionate with the people you’re close to (you’re also very cautious of strangers)
You’re also very in tune with the emotions of the people around you
You see someone sad? Head nuzzles and wing hugs
You see someone angry? You deescalate the situation the best you can and make sure they’re ok afterwards
You can dilate and contract your pupils rapidly at will
You may or may not stare at people doing it until they notice you staring or until they get creeped out
You fuck hard with any type of seed, nut, or fruit
When you get excited, it’s literally so cute??
Like you do everything parrots do
Little happy pitter patters with your feet, flutter your wings, your pupils contract and dilate rapidly, you make a ton of mob sounds
You’re easily excitable, hyper, and happy most of the time
It makes everyone happy to see you so excited so they would often go out of their way to get you things that make you happy
“Hey (y/n) I have some extra melon seeds if you want em!”
*Pupils contract and dilate rapidly*
You are loud
Like very loud
And very talkative
Like everyone knows where you are at all times
If you’re quiet and they know you’re around, either something is very wrong or they’re about to get pranked
God forbid you start to scream, your scream is loud enough to deafen someone for a brief amount of time and would leave everyone’s ears ringing for days on end
The mere mention of yours and Tommy's names together in one sentence is enough to give Philza a headache (someone give this poor man a couple of advils and a long vacation)
You two are literal demons when you’re together
Very chaotic relationship
You both like to fuck with people by sneaking up behind them
You would make mob sounds and Tommy would jump them before you two made a break for it
You and Tommy almost got killed by Techno a few times, but in your opinion the look on his face was 100% worth it every time
I feel like you would cart him up and down from the towers he builds
He could relate to being stereotyped as the stupid loud one, so he recognizes right away when you’re sad about it and will try to cheer you up
His main go to is the jukebox
Oh my god if he plays his jukebox around you, you go full send with your dancing
He would laugh at your awful dancing, but he would join you eventually
Cat and Mellohi go hard
Speaking of music, Wilbur uses you as a walking soundboard
He needs a sound sample? You better prepare for spending most of your day recreating the sound
He needs back up vocals? You spend most of your day listening to his voice and other singers so you could replicate it
You don’t want to disappoint him so you try extra hard to appease his picky music composition
You kinda stress yourself out over it sometimes
When he notices (which he will, he’s very perceptive), he immediately calls it a day and has some sibling bonding time
You both bond over liking to eat strange things
Amazon macaws like to lick clay deposits on riverbanks so you like to have some on you at all times to lick when you get stressed
Wilbur carries some in a bag in his pocket and you carry a bag of sand 
Whenever one of you notices the other has a rough day, you give each other your respective stuff
You have to be sneaky with it though, Philza always takes away nonedible stuff from his children if he sees them trying to eat it (he has good intentions tho)
It always looks like a drug deal 
With Techno, I feel like he would find you incredibly annoying at first with how loud you are
He would actually start to hate you when you started to sneak up behind him 
It got to the point to whenever he would hear your voice he would get irrationally mad and have to leave the house for a few hours
He, like everyone outside your family, would think you were useless and incredibly stupid
That was until he passed Tommy’s room one day and overheard you crying and telling Tommy about your insecurities
He would spend the next few days ignoring you bc he felt bad
He would spend those days contemplating on why he treated you like he did
Coming to the realization that you were likely trying to get closer to him and you were just being yourself, making him feel like the biggest piece of shit
He totally had no idea how to confront you about this, so naturally he went to Philza (that man was literally so happy that his children were gonna start to get along)
He would spend the day gathering golden melons because he found out that you’d never tried golden melons before from Philza
When he approached you one day with an apology and some golden melons, you were suspicious at first
He hated you, so why would he get you these things if he didn’t need anything from you?
Quickly finding that his apology is genuine and he felt incredibly bad for treating you like that over the years
You picked up on his guilt pretty quickly and made quick work to reassure him
He would take you on short trips and would soon find that you’re very useful in detecting mobs and deterring creepers with cat noises
He would never admit it, but he loves it when you would scare Tommy or Wilbur, thinking it’s hilarious 
You also found out that carrying a seven and a half foot tall piglin hybrid was incredibly difficult to do, especially when flying
You two managed to get only about ten feet above the ground before your wings gave out under the strain and you fell on him
“(Y/n) has earned the achievement ‘When Pigs Fly’” flashed on everyone’s comm tablets that day
That wasn’t fun trying to explain to Philza
Philza would be ecstatic to have someone to fly with that he didn’t have to carry
He would take you on flights when you had too much energy 
Sometimes racing each other and competing to do tricks midair (which sometimes you both rope your brothers into judging)
Late night flights when you need to get your mind off from something
Watching the sunrise together in silence for once
Bonding over being able to see ultraviolet light when everyone else couldn’t
You always give him the shiny things you come across and he gives you your favorite snacks
He always fusses over your wings, sometimes preening them for you
Helping each other through molts
Matches your excitement sometimes when you’re really happy
You feel bad whenever you hear stories of how difficult you were as a baby
He’s quick to reassure you that raising you was worth it and you turned out to be a great person
But he wouldn’t be lying when he said you were a difficult infant
Your terrible twos stage? His literal hell
Philza swears he can still hear ringing from whenever you would throw tantrums as a toddler, even years after you left your toddler age
He also still has some scars from when you went through your biting phase (teething was awful for you, his poor baby)
But he’s happy he was the one that raised you, he genuinely enjoys your presence
If you’re in a really affectionate mood he is more than willing to let you cuddle up to him while he reads a book or something
When he’s had a long day and is stressed out, you immediately pick up on that and do everything in your power to make sure your brothers are quiet and behaved, try to find out what made him so stressed, and sometimes go out of your way to take care of it for him
You try to be the one taking care of him for once as much because he’s taken care of you so well throughout the years
He can tell if you’re overwhelmed or upset just with one glance at your ruffled feathers and your rapidly dilating and contracting pupils
Immediately pulling you out of the situation and letting you talk it out
Whenever he finds you sad about your insecurities, he points out every part of your personality that he loves
That’s before he hunts down the person that made you feel like this (he really lives up to his title of ‘The Angel of Death’)
Overall, you wouldn’t trade your family for the world
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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The Husky and His White Cat Shizun - Chapter 14
Original Title:  二哈和他的白猫师尊
Genres: Drama, Romance, Tragedy, Xianxia, Yaoi
This translation is based on multiple MTLs and my own limited knowledge of Chinese characters. If I have made any egregious mistakes, please let me know.
Chapter Index
Chapter 14 - This Venerable One is Married
The red veil was thin and hung in front of his eyes. Although he could still see things, he couldn't see them clearly. Chu Wanning had sullen eyebrows and a calm face and was brought to the flower hall by the ghost bridesmaid.
Looking up through the soft red, seeing the person standing there, the temperature of Chu Wanning's whole body suddenly dropped several degrees.
Mo Ran was also dumbfounded.
No. . . shouldn't it be Shi Mei who came out?
The "bride" in front of him had bright red makeup and his face is covered by tulle. Although his facial features were slightly blurred under the veil, it was still Chu Wanning's handsome and murderous face, just staring at him, his eyes filled with the intent to kill.
Mo Ran: ". . ."
He was at a loss at first, and then his expression gradually became extremely complicated. After all kinds of emotions cycled on his face, a strange silence settled between them. Chu Wanning looked at the other, the atmosphere becoming extremely embarrassing.
It happened that the golden boy and girl behind the two chuckled. They clapped their hands and began to sing.
"The water of the White Emperor, the waves are clear; the ghost mandarin ducks are greeted with flowers.
In the coffin, they lie in the same cave; before life, the intention is clear after death.
From now on, they will be together in the underworld, and the lonely souls will never leave each other."
The lyrics were eerie, but they were also full of lingering feelings.
If he could speak, there was only one word Mo Ran wanted to say.
But he couldn't speak.
There is a pair of paper mâché men and women in front of the stage. Although they had no faces, they were dressed richly and gorgeously. They were slightly loose and bloated. It is supposed to refer to a person who has reached middle age in the main hall.
The official of the ceremony began to sing with a sloppy tone: "The bride is charming and shy, with low eyebrows and soft eyes, a red veil covering her face and delicate smile. Please come and let the groom lift the veil."
". . ." Mo Ran was originally very reluctant, but when he heard this, he went crazy holding back his laughter.
Hahahaha, the bride is charming and shy, ahahahahaha!
Chu Wanning's face was blue, and he closed his eyes while holding back his anger, as if this would make him deaf even with his ears.
The ghost bridesmaid laughed and handed Mo Ran a folding fan. "Fan" and "good" are pronounced the same, which means that the marriage is a good fate.
"Would the groom please lift the cover?"
Mo Ran held back his laughter, but he submitted. He held the fan handle to lift the light veil in front of Chu Wanning's eyes. His eyelashes smiled cheekily, going to look at Chu Wanning's expressive face.
As if feeling the sneering gaze of the other party, Chu Wanning, who had endured it for a while, did not hold back. He opened his eyes abruptly, a pair of eyes flashing with lightning, full of a sword-drawn, murderous aura.
His red gaze seemed to match his fiery red clothes. Although the intensity didn't lessen, the reddish ends of the eyes caused by anger and grievance had a unique romantic style.
Mo Ran looking at these eyes, unconsciously startled, and his smile instantly froze. The shizun in front of him was suddenly so similar to the one in his previous life that he almost forgot what day it was.
Even though it was only for a moment, it was enough to make Mo Ran break out in a cold sweat.
He had once done three vicious things to Chu Wanning:
Firstly, kill him. That is, make a fatal move against Chu Wanning.
Secondly, humiliating him, forcing Chu Wanning to have sex with him.
Thirdly. . .
Thirdly, it was the most painful thing he did in his previous life, and it was also the thing he regretted the most.
Of course, the emperor of the human realm wouldn't admit that he regretted something he had done, but he couldn't escape the internal suffering it brought in the end.
Damn it. Why did he think of that crazy past again and think of Chu Wanning from back then?
Mo Ran shook his head, biting his lip, trying to shake off that memory of Chu Wanning's face and re-assessing the person in front of him.
Chu Wanning has been staring at him with eyes that screamed "I'll kill you". Mo Ran didn't want to provoke this prick, so he had to pretend to play innocent with a helpless smile.
The official said: "Bride and bridegroom, perform the Rite of Washing."
The so-called "Rite of Washing" is that the newlyweds should dust and clean themselves before wiping and washing each other's hands.
The ghost bridegroom brought a porcelain jug filled with clean water and lifted the jug to ask the two of them to wash their hands. The washing water was followed by a basin underneath.
Chu Wanning's face was full of disgust, but he had to wash the other party after washing himself. Because Mo Ran was a little distracted, he looked quite restrained, silently washing his hands for Chu Wanning. Chu Wanning didn't have a good temper. He splashed Mo Ran with the whole pot and soaked half of his sleeves.
". . ."
Mo Ran stared at the wet half of his sleeves for a while. He didn't know where to look, but there was no expression on his face, only some subtle lustre flowing deep in those dark eyes.
He thought in a daze.
Chu Wanning hasn't changed, has never changed.
What he does, what he thinks, in his past life and in his present life, he was exactly the same, not changing a bit. . .
He slowly raised his head. For just a moment, he felt that he was standing on Life-Death Peak, standing in front of the Wushan Temple. Chu Wanning walked towards him from the bottom of the stretch of imperial steps, and the next moment he would kneel down on him in front of him. The noble head would fall to the ground, and his straight spine will be bent and humiliated. Chu Wanning would lie down in front of him and couldn't afford to worship.
"The Rite of Washing is complete."
The ghost bridesmaid suddenly sang a long song, snapping Mo Ran out of his thoughts.
He regained his senses abruptly and met Chu Wanning's eyes. The dark pupils gleamed with cold light, like a sabre covered with snow, which was truly frightening.
Mo Ran: ". . ."
...Uh, his previous life was his previous life after all. Thinking about Chu Wanning kneeling down to him was enough for this life. The price he would have to pay to make it happen was too great. . .
After the Rite of Washing ceremony, there is the Rite of Togetherness, and then the Rite of Drinking from Nuptial Cups.
The ghost bridesmaid sang slowly: "The couple will drink one cup of wine together, and from now on, in this world, they will never be separated."
The cups were crossed and then they worshipped the heavens together.
Chu Wanning seemed really close to going crazy. His slightly upturned slender phoenix eyes narrowed dangerously. After Mo Ran left, he would probably pound the Master of Ceremonies Ghost into the mud.
But he really couldn't look at Chu Wanning when he was like this.
Even if he took another look, he could fall back into those messy and dirty memories, and he wouldn't be able to drag himself back out.
"The first bow—— kneel to the heavens——"
He thought that even if this was all improved, Chu Wanning was too arrogant and stubborn to kneel, but he did not expect that he would need to in order to complete this set of steps. He twitched his eyebrows and closed his eyes, but he still knelt down, and the two of them bowed together.
"The second bow—— kneel to the family——"
Come on, just kneel towards those two faceless paper men, they can also be called the family.
"The third bow - kneel - to each other -"
Chu Wanning's eyes were half-lidded. Without even looking at Mo Ran, he turned around, taking a gulp and rapidly knelt down, clenching his teeth together.
Unexpectedly, the two were really out of sync. They got too close and banged their heads together.
Chu Wanning sucked in a breath of pain, clutching his forehead. He raised his moist eyes and staring fiercely at Mo Weiyu who also rubbed his forehead.
". . ." Mo Ran felt he had to say: "I'm sorry."
Chu Wanning didn't say anything. He grimaced and rolled his eyes.
Then there was the Rite of Binding Hair. The official sang: "Binding hair as husband and wife, the love between them is clear." The ghost bridesmaid handed over the golden scissors and Mo Ran couldn't help but shrink back, lest Chu Wanning be displeased and stab himself to death. Chu Wanning seemed to have this intention, but in the end, he only cut of a piece of each other's hair. He put them into the pouch presented by the golden boy and girl and they were put away by the "bride" Chu Wanning.
Mo Ran was tempted to ask him, you won't use my hair to curse me in a rage, take out the villain, right?
The tribute officer sang: "The Rite - is complete -"
Both were relieved and got up from the ground. Unexpectedly, the official yelled leisurely at the next moment:
"The time has come to send the bride to the bridal chamber——"
What. The. Hell!!!
Mo Ran froze instantly.
A mouthful of old blood almost spewed out!
What a joke. If he dared to sleep with Chu Wanning, this wedding was going to be a real fucking marriage! If he should die beneath a peony flower*, he would still be charming as a ghost. . . No, the person he wanted in his two lifetimes was the untainted Shi Mei, not this cold-blooded devil Chu Waning who would tie up anyone who coveted him and throw them into the mud pond to humiliate them!!
(T/N: peony flower is a metaphor for a beautiful woman)
Is it too late to run away from the marriage?
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inkykeiji · 4 years
sapphire and gold
characters: dabi, takami keigo | hawks
genre: smut
notes: for @babyy-bunnii and @kirispiracy! inspired by a text i sent my best friend lmao. i considered using the name touya instead of dabi, but i didn’t want anyone to get confused with the touya characterization i’ve already got going on, so!! we’ll just use dabi.
warnings: 18+, pseudo-incest (stepcest), threesome, slight degradation, drug use (weed), dubcon/noncon, blowjobs/face-fucking (kinda implied???)
words: 2.2k
You nod, laughing a little and rubbing your face against his shoulder like a cat. He smells so good—has he always smelled this good? It’s making your mouth water—does he taste as good as he smells?
Would you like to find out, songbird?
Blinking slowly, you look up at him, eyebrows furrowing a little as you try to focus on his face. Did he just read your mind? Did he just speak to you through telepathy?
He’s gazing down at you with half-lidded golden eyes and a lazy smirk.
“You’re real cute, you know?” he looks up. “Dabi, bro, she’s really cute,”
      ���          ✰          ✰          ✰          ✰          ✰          ✰          
“Please, niichan?” you’re using that high, whiny voice, the one you use when you’re begging for something, the one that really gets under his fucking skin, that he can’t stand, unless his cock’s buried inside you. “I’ll be good, promise!”
“Yeah, right,” he scoffs with a roll of his eyes. “The answer’s still no, sweetheart,”
“Ugh,” you groan, plopping down on his bed heavily as your lips push out into an adorable pout. “This is so unfair! You’re literally kicking me out of my own house. At least let me stay in my bedroom, I’ll—”
“Except you won’t,” he bites, sapphire eyes cold as he glares at you over his shoulder.
“Aw, c’mon,” Keigo collapses on the bed beside you, making your body jiggle a little and placing a large palm on your back, petting. “What’s the harm in letting her stay? She’s of age now,” he turns towards you. “You’re legal, aren’t you?”
You nod enthusiastically.
“And do you want to spend the entire night babysitting her?”
“I wouldn’t mind it,” Keigo responds with an easy smirk and a quirk of his eyebrows, expression steadfast even in the face of the fierce glare Dabi shoots him.
“Oh, Christ,” Dabi sighs, dragging a hand down his face.
“No.” he snaps firmly. His eyes burn into yours, stare so intense it almost hurts. But then your chin begins to tremble, and your eyes glaze over with a thick barrier of tears, and you’re starting to make those cute little half-sniffle, half-whimper noises, and he blanches.  
No, not the tears—please, anything but the tears.
“But I j-just—” your chest hitches. “Just wanna spend a lil time with you, s’all,” Keigo coos to your left, sharp cobalt eyes darting to him, narrowed and seething. “Jus’wanna be with you for a bit, th-that’s it,”
And he can see it, the painful sincerity in your eyes, can see it in the way your nose twitches and your chest hiccups, in the way you bite down hard on your bottom lip to keep it from quivering.
Sometimes, he wishes you weren’t so goddamn genuine.
“C’mere,” he’s sighing with a defeated nod of his head, and you’re bouncing up before he’s even finished speaking. He shares a quick look with Keigo, who nods and takes that as his cue to leave, closing the bedroom door softly behind himself. “You’re such a brat, y’know that?”
“Mm, but I’m your brat,” you mumble into his chest, nuzzling against him.
“You can stay on one condition,” he begins, you looking up at him and batting your shining eyes in question, remnants of tears decorating your eyelashes. “I don’t want you leaving my sight, do you hear me? Wherever I go, you fucking go, got it?”
“Deal,” you agree readily, fingers tangling in his shirt as you pull yourself closer. He sighs again, and you can tell he isn’t happy about it, isn’t happy about allowing you to stay, isn’t happy about his inability to say no to his darling baby sister.
But every word of what you said is true—you just started your third year of university, and it’s taking up more of your time than you initially expected. Feels like you barely see him anymore, you’re whining into his chest, tears beginning to burn your eyes again. It’s not fair for him to kick you out of the house on one of the rare weekends you have free.
He can’t argue with that. It isn’t like he doesn’t want you around—he does; he’s missed you too, you know, even though it would be like pulling teeth to get him to admit it. It’s that he doesn’t want you around his friends. They’re sleazy, gross degenerates, absolute dirtbags, and they don’t deserve to be in the presence of his precious, pure angel.
     ✰          ✰          ✰
There are so many people—too many people—crowding your living room, so many unfamiliar faces you’ve never seen before, and you curl into your big brother, fingers knotting in his white t-shirt as curious, wide eyes drink in the scene around you. Dabi smirks, looking down at you and giving your shoulder a squeeze, a tiny bit too hard. You jump and pout up at him, and he laughs, eyes glittering.
The majority of the night is spent in his lap, leaning back against his chest as large hands idly rub gentle circles into your hips, fingers wandering up and down your thighs in nonchalant caresses as he talks languidly to his friends, and it’s just teasing enough to have you wanting more.
Many of the people surrounding you frighten you a little, and you pretend not to hear some of the girls’ obnoxious whispers as they pass by; they look a little close for step-siblings, don’t they?, opting to snuggle into your niichan instead. It’s cozy and familiar, a sharp pang searing through your chest when one of his hands moves to caress your hair, readjusting you a little in his lap and holding you tighter.
There’s a part of you that wishes he didn’t have this party at all, that wishes it was just the two of you, since it seems like you rarely get moments like that anymore. You would’ve rather spent the weekend your parents were away getting pounded into his mattress for two days straight, or fucking in the kitchen and the shower, spending the duration of the time they’re gone in nothing but his hoodie—no panties allowed, of course—like you used to any time they took a vacation.
But you can’t be selfish—you’ll take what you can get.
The living room’s hazy now, thick with smoke, diffusing the light shining from the lamps and making everything look softer. Everyone around you looks so loose, so relaxed, so cool as they exhale clouds of smoke. Restless, you wiggle a little and pout, whining against Dabi’s neck that you feel left out, that you just want a little, please?
You can hear some of his friends giggling, and it only makes you more embarrassed, heat rushing to your cheeks as you squirm in his lap and nuzzle into him.
A soft groan vibrates in his chest and Christ, he thinks, you’ve got to be doing that on purpose, grinding right up against his cock as you blink your eyes up at him, begging for a hit.
He won’t allow it, of course. No, if you want some, you gotta take it from his mouth, and his mouth only.
It doesn’t matter that there’s a ton of people around, a few of them staring incredulously as they murmur things behind their hands—he doesn’t fucking care.
Fingers thread through the hair at the back of your head, holding you still as he brings his face close to yours. Your mouth falls open immediately, obediently, and you can see the laughter dancing in his eyes at how pathetically eager you are.
It isn’t as difficult as you worried it might be, concentrating hard to inhale the smoke he’s slowly blowing into your mouth at the same speed that he’s exhaling it.
He tells you to hold it in for a moment, and you cough a little, not used to smoke in your lungs. Dabi’s looking down at you with shining, half-lidded eyes, ebony pupils outlined by a thin ring of blue.
“Again?” he asks, amused smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Yes, please,”
He only does it three times, claims that that’s more than enough, and then he’s getting up, shifting out from under you and depositing you half in keigo’s lap, who laughs as he adjusts you to sit more upright.
You’re not even that high—not really, just a lil floaty, you think, and you kinda can’t stop giggling. It’s just that Keigo is so pretty, you just wanna be a little closer to him, wiggling into his lap completely, and everything he says is hilarious—but Keigo’s always been so funny.
“Feeling good, pretty girl?”
You nod, laughing a little and rubbing your face against his shoulder like a cat. He smells so good—has he always smelled this good? It’s making your mouth water—does he taste as good as he smells?
Would you like to find out, songbird?
Blinking slowly, you look up at him, eyebrows furrowing a little as you try to focus on his face. Did he just read your mind? Did he just speak to you through telepathy?
He’s gazing down at you with half-lidded golden eyes and a lazy smirk.
“You’re real cute, you know?” he looks up. “Dabi, bro, she’s really cute,”
Niichan’s back? You whimper for him, making grabby hands, but his eyes are narrowed as they dart between the two of you suspiciously.
She asked to taste me,
Did she now?
“Niichan,” you pout, whining out the word. It isn’t fair—you’ve barely had his full attention all night, and now he’s too far, much too far, and you tell him so—or at least, you think you do, because then he’s scooping you up into his arms and carrying you to his bedroom and—and is Keigo coming, too?
Niichan is talking, you know he is, can feel his deep voice vibrating against your body, though you’re having trouble concentrating on his words, especially when hiccupped giggles keep escaping your lips without your permission, drowning him out.
Niichan’s gonna share you tonight, okay? Only for tonight, princess, he’s saying as he lays you down on his bed. Two cocks should satisfy your insatiable need for attention, right, baby?
You hum in response, nodding your head a little, even though you’re not exactly sure what you’re agreeing to. But it doesn’t matter; you don’t really care to question it as tender hands—two pairs of tender hands—are removing your dress and panties, fingertips grazing your skin and leaving chills in their wake.
All you know is that everything just feels nice. Their fingers on your skin, in your mouth, in your pussy, it all feels so nice.
“Good, feels so good,” you’re whimpering around the two fingers stuffed in your mouth. You suck experimentally, giggling a little when a moan sounds from somewhere in the room. Someone praises you for being a good little whore, for drooling all over their fingers so well as they slip into your cunt with ease.
“Feels—” you cut yourself off with a gasp. “Good,”
Yeah, I bet it does,
That’s niichan, you think. Sounds a lot like him, but it’s hard to tell when knuckles are curling inside of you, and your little hole is fluttering, and someone’s playing with your clit, and God, her pussy’s so cute, dude.
You’re whining a little now that your mouth is empty, body arching off the bed just a bit, and aw, no, baby. Do you need something to suck on?
Hands are on you again, flipping you over and forcing you to hold yourself up on all fours. The head of a cock—a pretty cock, all smooth and velvety with a few prominent veins and a pretty pink tip—is nudging against your lips, your mouth falling open automatically. Someone praises you again and you preen, giggling around the cock stuffed in your mouth, a pleasant warmth spreading through your body.
Something’s pressing into your cute little cunt now, too, a soft groan sounding from somewhere behind you as nimble fingers flex on your hips, keeping you still as your hole stretches.
A moan gets caught in your chest, partially silenced by the cock now being thrust down your throat, hard, fast, rough, fingers knotted in your hair pulling as they force you to move your head.
But whoever it is in front of you—yes, it must be Keigo, niichan doesn’t taste like this, is just a hint thicker than this—doesn’t last long, cock shoved in your mouth throbbing as it spurts ropes of white down your throat. You’re choking a little as strong hands hold your head still, all wrapped up in your hair, but you’re doing so well, songbird and God, you’re so hot.
You’re mumbling something, drool and cum dribbling down your chin, though you’re pretty sure you swallowed most of it. Gold, shimmering, blazing gold, settles in front of you, cooing gently as fingertips clean your mouth and then mildly begin massaging your jaw, a stark contrast to the hips slamming into you from behind.
It feels good, so good, but it’s so much, too much, overwhelming your senses and making your head feel like it’s spinning, soft little moans falling from your lips as your niichan’s cockhead drags against that spot over and over, vision completely whiting out as your pussy clenches around him.
And then he’s asking you if you want his cum, and you’re babbling a little; yes niichan, of course you want to be filled up, yes please niichan, wanna be full from both ends, and yes niichan, I want your cum, I want so much cum, I want it leaking out of every orifice of my body.
Fuck, the word’s spit out brokenly as his hips stutter, cock pulsing inside of you as it fills you with hot, thick cum, and it’s so much, you’re sure it has to be leaking out of you, glazing your inner thighs.
Pain sears through your body, a special type of agony that burrows into your muscles and bones, that has you whining as someone pulls you against their heaving chest, fingers combing through sweaty hair. Your jaw is sore, hips bruised, pussy aching just a little, but you were such a good girl for your niichan, and that’s all that matters.
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bruhlsbees · 3 years
i'm going in tonight || modern!alex kerner x fem!reader
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summary: you end up at the club while your friend is on a date and find yourself company with alex - one thing leads to another and the two of you end up in a stall in the bathroom.
pairing: modern!alex kerner x fem!reader
warnings: public sex, club bathroom sex, nsfw, 18+, minors dni
word count: 2787
a/n: based on starboi3 and doja cat's song 'dick' (idk y'all this song got me freaky and thinkin of modern!alex) - probably bad smut writing i'm still new at this shit
The heavy bass of the band playing on stage vibrated the club’s main sitting room - drinks left on the bar spilling as the weak plastic cups bounced and tipped, spilling along the counter and onto laps. Those who lost their poor drinks to the obnoxious bass erupted in yelps that led to laughing, dollars slapping on the counter for refills as the bartender frantically filled cups up.
To say you were bored was an understatement, you were completely displeased with the idea of sitting in the club on a Saturday night with a lame band playing, all because your friend wanted to meet with a guy and didn’t want to go alone. There were promises of a friend being there for you to talk with, but you weren’t thrilled with that. It had been over an hour and there were no signs of this ‘friend’.
Watching your friend from the barstool, laughing and grinding up on the guy she met up with, you could only roll your eyes and toss your head back, downing your drink before swiveling the stool around, holding up a couple bills for your next drink. The one thing you could admit you were enjoying was the discounted drinks - whether they were bad or not.
When the brown drink slid in front of you, you yelled a thanks to the bartender, hoping he would hear you over the music before taking a swig, wincing at the burn before setting the cup back down, leaning over to dig into your back pocket for the carton of cigarettes you brought along with you. Cracking open the carton, you pulled one out and set the carton in front of you before lighting the smoke, taking a long inhale before tilting your head back, exhaling the smoke up above you.
You knew it was going to be a long night, you wouldn’t doubt it if your friend kept you all night with her until the very end when she would tell you at the last minute that she would be going home with him...it wouldn’t have been the first time. Although sometimes you couldn’t blame her, it wasn’t like she was doing this all on purpose - you’d rather be bored and with her in case something happens than at home and the worst unfolds.
Nonetheless, you could only hope that the night would end soon.
While you silently prayed, it seemed like none were answered. One drink became two and soon you found yourself four drinks in, buzzed and groaning over the loud music. You had smoked more cigarettes than you would have liked, but at least you were having a semi-good time.
You were shocked though that no creep had bothered you all night. It wasn’t common to be in the 21st century and not have someone try and hit on you at least once at a club. Perhaps it was your demeanour you could thank for that. Or maybe you were being creeped on, and you just hadn’t noticed because you were too busy in your own thoughts.
The figure at the end of the bar shifted, catching your attention out of the corner of your eye as they made their way closer towards you, sliding onto the stool besides you. Letting out an annoyed sigh, you blew out the last bit of your smoke before crushing it in the ashtray, turning to look at who was attempting to get friendly with you, ready to tell the douche to shove off and go find someone else to bother.
You were pleasantly surprised, however, to see a rather nice looking guy, around your age, now sitting beside you, a crooked smile on his face. He was wearing a striped blue shirt with a jean jacket, you noted how his hair was messy - as if he had been running his hands through his hair. He was cute, that much was obvious.
“Hi!” He yelled over the music, his darker eyes twinkling as they caught the light of the set on stage. “I was wondering if I could bum a smoke off you?” He asked, motioning towards the carton in front of you.
Catching yourself staring too long, you quickly fumbled at the carton in front of you, flipping the lid open before pulling one out and handing it to him, smiling as he yelled out a ‘thank you’.
You watched as he pulled out his own lighter, lighting the smoke before turning his attention to the main floor, shaking his head as a laugh escaped his lips. You felt him lean over closer to you, motioning towards the floor, “You get dragged with your friend too?” He asked in your ear, the scent of tobacco and liquor filling your nose.
Nodding, you laughed and pointed towards your friend who was still dancing with her date, “Yeah! She’s the one in the pink dress dancing with the tall bloke,” You shook your head and leaned back against the counter, picking up your drink and taking a sip, your eyes not leaving your friend. “I was told that he had a friend...although I have yet to meet this said ‘friend’. I’m wondering if he was smart and stayed home!”
At first you didn’t notice the smile that crept on the strange man’s face. You had turned your back to your friend again to pull out your own cigarette, stopping with the unlit smoke between your lips as the man turned towards you.
“Not the smartest. He was told that there would be a ‘friend’ as well, but haven’t got the chance to meet her yet.” While the comment had no other meaning behind it, the tone insinuated that the stranger did in fact know that you were ‘the friend’ and it had taken him almost the entire damn night to realize.
You knew that if he were anyone else you probably would have gotten up and left, been annoyed that your friend’s date’s friend finally made an appearance. But Jesus, the man was wearing an outfit that screamed ‘hi, i’ll have your parents fall in love with me on the first introduction’ and he had the stupidest crooked grin that made you melt in your seat.
So there you were, laughing at the confession as it finally hit you. “You? You’re the friend?” You shook your head as you lightly shoved his arm, grinning as he laughed back, “You’ve been sitting in that corner all night! Why didn’t you come over and say hi?”
He shrugged his shoulders and finished off his smoke, crushing the butt into the ashtray before rubbing his fingers together to get the ash off his skin, “Maybe I got cold feet?”
You couldn’t hold back your eyes from rolling, shaking your head before you looked back at him, “Give me a break. You? Cold feet? I don’t buy that.”
And then he blushed. The man actually blushed. You had to admit, the innocence that washed over him sent butterflies into your stomach, not expecting the mystery man to get all flustered. Maybe it was the liquor, maybe it was the smokes, but either way, something flipped a switch in you.
After a moment of debating, hearing the band end their song and kick in with another, you finally got the guts to ask. Clearing your throat, you motioned towards the exit, heading out of the main room, “You wanna get out of here?”
You wouldn’t of been upset, or surprised, if the stranger turned you down - after all, he was just that, a stranger...but he must have been in the same hazy state of mind as you, because the next thing you remember is leading the way out of the busy room and out into the hall, tugging him by the front of his shirt into the restroom.
It didn’t take long for your lips to be on his, sloppy open-mouthed kisses as you stumbled through the bathroom and into the bigger stall at the end. The stranger frantically tried to lock the door behind the both of you, not wanting to pull away from the kiss, but you could hear the grunts of frustration come from him and took matters into your own hand.
Running your hand down his arm, you felt his hand and the lock, clicking it shut before pulling away for a moment, catching your breath as you stared into his eyes - his pupils equally blown as your own, “Was it that hard?” You teased, lips plumped from the kiss.
You let out a squeak as he suddenly grabbed the back of your thighs and lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist to carry you to the opened baby changing station, laying you on the half-sturdy table, pulling back long enough to feel your hands pushing his shirt up enough to find his belt.
“Alex.” He said suddenly, watching as you sat up enough to tug his belt off and unzip his jeans. You looked up and frowned in confusion, “Pardon?”
He could only laugh, feeling his jeans sink down his thighs, groaning at the feel of your hands wrapping around his hardening dick, pulling it out of his boxers. With a shaky breath, his head lulled back for a moment before the sudden tug brought his attention back.
“Alex! My name, my name is Alex.” He stuttered out, his chest heaving as you continued to stroke his cock, a smile on your face.
Repeating his name, your free hand found his cheek, running your fingers along his jaw before along his lips, blushing faintly at the feeling of him kissing your fingers that he could catch between his lips. When you gave him your own name, he repeated it back, much as you did, before moving his hands from your thighs up and under your dress, running his fingers along the bottom of your underwear, moaning at the feeling of the soaked fabric.
Biting down on your lip, you closed your eyes and squeezed his dick when his fingers sank into you, gasping as he curled them deep inside of you before slowly pumping his fingers in and out of you.
“O-Oh! Alex…” You felt your body fall forward against his, your toes curling as your heels sank into his back, pulling him closer to you until he stumbled practically on you, catching himself before his weight brought the entire table you were sitting on down.
You couldn’t help but laugh, watching as he pulled his head up and smiled at you. You smiled back, leaning forward to give him a quick kiss before feeling his fingers slide out of you, gripping the side of the table next to your head while his other hand grabbed his dick, lining himself up at your entrance before pushing himself deeply in, the two of you moaning in unison.
It didn’t take long for the two of you to adjust, because only seconds later he was rocking into you, the table shaking as the bass from the band vibrated against the walls, a humming echo filling the bathroom with your moans and the slapping of skin.
When he was in you, he tugged your underwear to the side to bottom out in you, letting the fabric rest against the side of his dick as he continued to rut inside of you, his movements becoming erratic as he felt himself quickly reach his climax.
You couldn’t blame him for not lasting as long as you would have wished. Given the circumstance the two of you were in, you knew you couldn’t have a passionate night of love making because someone would eventually come in to go to the bathroom. You took what you could get and in that moment, it was a quickie in the handicapped stall of the bathroom.
“I-I don’t know how much longer I can last.” He panted, his lips against your neck, kissing and sucking at the delicate flesh - leaving marks that you knew would be seen the next day.
Shaking your head, you gripped his shoulders, clenching around him to the point he was a moaning mess in the crook of your neck, “It’s fine, Alex! Really!” And you meant it, you weren’t mad at all.
Alex nodded his head, accepting your answer to be truthful before he pulled back, gripping your legs to hike them up higher until he was pounding into you, sweat dripping from his forehead as his clammy hands stuck to your thighs. The temperature from the venue was not in your favor that evening as the two of you practically stuck together from the sweat.
After four more deep pumps into you, Alex grunted hard and let out a long exhale, finishing off in you as his legs shook, leaning against the table to keep him from falling. Surprisingly you weren’t far behind him. You thought that the quickie wouldn’t get you off and you’d have to relieve yourself later that night - but you were wrong. You were seeing stars and laid still once it was all over to catch your breath.
When Alex finally caught his breath, he slowly pulled out of you, groaning softly before tucking himself back into his boxers and pulling his jeans up, doing his zipper and belt and pulling his shirt back down. You, on the other hand, wiped the sweat from your forehead, sitting up and adjusting your soiled underwear, making a mental note that you’d have to take a shower when you go home.
As the two of you finished getting semi-ready again, you noticed Alex smiling at you, causing you to blush and smile back. “I don’t...I’ve never done that before...hookup like this. I promise whatever came over me is not normal.”
Watching you tuck your hair nervously behind your ear, Alex could only smile and shake his head, “No, no don’t worry. I enjoyed it - would have either way.”
He bent down and kissed your cheek, leaning back and pulling his cell phone out of his pocket and motioned to you, “Maybe...maybe I could get your number?”
Looking at his phone, then up at him, you grinned cheekily and nodded, taking his phone from his hand before typing your number in, sending yourself a text before handing his phone back to him. You pulled your phone out from your own pocket and smiled at the text of a simple kissing emoji before adding his number into your phone, sending him the same emoji back.
You adored the sound of his innocent laugh, shaking his head before he stuffed his phone back into his pocket, taking your hands and helping you off the table, adjusting your dress for you and looking at you contently, “I...I enjoyed myself, maybe we could meet again sometime?”
“Yes, yes, I would like that.” You were about to go in for another kiss when you felt your phone buzz, jolting you before you dug into your pocket, pulling out your phone to see that your friend had texted you.
‘Hey! Couldn’t find you - just wanted to let you know I’m going back home with him...don’t wait up! Xoxo’
Shaking your head, you motioned your phone towards Alex as you let out a weak laugh, “She strikes again...going home with the boy.” You explained, keeping your hands rested in the pockets of your dress.
Alex must have gotten the same text, before when he looked at his phone, he rolled his eyes and put his phone away, “And he strikes again...going home with the girl.” He mimicked, leaning against the bathroom wall.
Part of you wanted to be mad, for being dragged out tonight, but you knew that if you hadn’t been, you probably wouldn’t have met Alex - and you wouldn’t have had the infamous bathroom quickie.
You didn’t want the night to end, as you were enjoying Alex’s company. Nudging his arm, you motioned towards the door, “I’m not too far from here. If you want to come over...you can crash at my place. No pressure though.” You assured, waiting for his answer.
His frowned turned up and into the cheeky innocent smile that you had seen all night, the butterflies returning to your stomach. With a nod, he grabbed your hand and led the way out of the bathroom before switching roles and letting you lead them out of the venue and outside, into the night and down the street towards your home.
When you got to your place, the two of you found yourself in a similar position as before, this time in the comfort of your own bed, and went on until the sun came up before falling asleep in one another’s arms.
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frat!tom cause why not
warnings: 18+ smut (protected, for once sdfghj)
you cursed silently when another cold breeze hit you––you had no idea why you hadn’t brought a sweater tonight but you were inevitably paying the price. you felt your heart rate quicken when you noticed a familiar face making it’s way towards you on the deck.
“should have told me you were coming darling, would have loved to see you sooner.” tom. you and tom had a very flirty relationship, but nothing ever happened between the two of you––maybe because you just liked to see how eager he would get.
though you loved to see his curls, he did look good with a cap on. he was wearing a blue cap, backwards, a tight black t-shirt and a pair of jeans––the bottle of beer in his hand attracting your eyes to the veins going down his arm, the slight red tint to his knuckles as he gripped the bottle. 
you shrugged, “was a last minute decision.” 
his lip quirked up as he scanned your body shamelessly, eyes catching on your nipples straining through your shirt, the way your hand was running up and down your opposite arm and you felt another shiver run through your body––this time not from the cold.
he dragged his eyes back up to yours, “you cold?” 
your voice was small, “freezing, actually.” 
he licked his lips, his eyes becoming a shade darker as he stepped closer to you, a twinkle in his gaze. “want me to warm you up?” 
you looked into his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. what the hell, right? “okay.” 
he paused at first, shocked that you agreed so quickly––you would always blow him off, tease him, play this cat and mouse game. but now that you were actually giving him a chance? he didn’t know what to do with himself. he blinked then smiled and reached a hand out. “come on then.” 
he took your hand in his and walked you inside, leading you up to his room, setting his beer down along the way. 
it wasn’t long before you were both in his bed, your pants and his shirt off, his hand between your thighs as he lied down next to you, leaning on his arm to watch you. 
he looked at you, his eyes wide and falsely innocent as his fingers continued to thrust into you slowly, his thumb rubbing your clit. “is it working? am i warming you up?”
you let out a slightly shaky breath and rolled your hips into his touch. “you’re getting there, yeah.”
he smirked and leaned in to whisper, “good,” before slotting his lips with yours. his mouth was moving fervently, you could taste the beer on his lips just he could taste your drink on yours. neither of you were drunk, of course, but you had had a few sips throughout the night. if anything, as cheesy as it sounds, you felt drunk on tom at the moment. he was hitting all the right spots, his lips moving in sync with yours as if they belonged together.
his fingers started thrusting faster, his thumb applying more pressure as he rubbed circled onto your bundle of nerves. you gasped into the kiss and he smiled, biting your lip before pulling away. 
“let me hear those pretty moans, yeah? 
to his pleasure, his words only pulled more sounds from you, your hips circling and grinding into his hand as you gripped the sheets. 
“so fucking pretty, aren’t you? god––” your head tipped back and your breaths became heavier, your eyes shut. “you gonna cum?” when you nodded, too lost in the pleasure to answer verbally, he smiled. “that’s it, cum on my fingers. wanna feel you.” 
soon enough, you were cumming, your lips parted to let out a string of moans and calls of tom’s name, which he ate right up. the sight of you and the feel of you were enough to make him want to burst. 
when your body went lax and you turned your head to look at him with a smile, he leaned in and gave you a long, wet kiss, before sliding his two fingers inside your mouth, watching with a dropped jaw as you sucked him clean. he slid his digits in and out teasingly slow, getting lost in the look in your eyes before taking his hand away and biting his lip.
“do you wanna sit on my face?” his voice dropped down to a whisper, “cause i know that i would love for you to ride my tongue.” 
he smirked, “i’ll take that as a yes, then?”
you nodded and let him undress you, his pupils dilating as he took in the view. his hands were gentle, smoothing over your body, tracing your curves curiously and clearly aroused. when you were bare you reached up towards his head. “i’ll be taking this then,” you took his hat and placed it on your own head and the sight made him curse. 
“fuck, get on me. right now.” 
he lied down and you bit your lip, straddling his face. you hovered just above him and looked down. “are you sure i won’t hurt––” you cut yourself off with a gasp as he brought his hands to your thighs and pulled you down directly on his mouth. “shit––”
he wasted no time, groaning as he tasted you, his tongue making its way all over your already sensitive pussy, his hands holding you down. you moaned and grabbed onto his hair with one hand and the headboard with the other. 
you looked down at him, already breathless and smiled. “didn’t know you were such a giver, tommy.” 
he moaned and grabbed your ass with one hand tentatively and you could tell that he was silently asking––”you can smack it if you want to.” 
you could feel his lips curve up underneath you as he paused to see your reaction as his hand lifted off of you and came back down, hard––the sound echoing through the room despite the music blasting outside the door. you moaned breathlessly and smiled down at him, moving your hips in a circle. 
he smacked your ass again and stuck his tongue out and you took the hint, grinding yourself down on his face. he moved his head along with you, letting you take over. he watched in awe as you swiveled your hips with purpose, pants and whines falling from your mouth as you sped up and pressed yourself down harder, tom’s hands guiding you and grabbing your ass generously as you did so. 
your moans got louder and louder, your hips losing their rhythm, becoming more frantic and messy as tom helped you––soon your back was arching, eyes rolling back as your thighs trembled around his head, his lips wrapped around your clit. 
you let out a shaky breath and a broken whine as tom continued to swipe his tongue through your folds. when you caught your breath, you lifted your way off of his face on somewhat shaky limbs, trying not to moan out loud at the sight of him licking his lips almost hungrily. 
he sat up and gave you a sweet kiss, placing a hand on your cheek as he pulled away to look at you. “do you want to go further? we could stop right now if you want.”
you smiled, bringing a hand down to grab his bulge through his jeans, making him sigh. you leaned in so that your lips were grazing his teasingly. “i want you to fuck me tommy.” you blinked up at him innocently, “do you not want––”
he cut you off with a passionate kiss, his hands pulling you closer to him and you giggled, making him smile against your lips before pulling away to hastily undress himself. he grabbed a condom from his nightstand and stroked himself before putting it on and when he looked back at you he let out a quiet fuck. 
you were lying there, your legs spread, your fingers rubbing your clit slowly, his hat on your head, as you waited patiently for him. “you’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?”
you laughed, and cheesy enough, it was like music to his ears. you tilted your head and bucked your hips, letting a quiet moan fall from your lips as you looked at him. “what do you mean?” 
his eyes darkened and he quickly made his way onto the bed, pulling you closer to him by your thighs, unfortunately knocking the cap off, making you gasp lightly as you looked up into his eyes. he swiped his member through your folds, adoring the way you reacted to his touch. 
“you want me to fuck this pretty pussy?” 
you swallowed and nodded, “please.” 
he smirked and slid himself in slowly, letting you feel every inch as he glided into your wet pussy. “fuck––” his mouth fell open at the pleasure that shot down his spine. he pulled out almost all the way before sliding back in and bottoming out and you both let out moans together at the feeling. 
your hands came up to hold his biceps and with one glance at your blissed out expression, he knew he wasn’t going to last long. he pressed his thumb down on your clit, rubbing the way you needed and sped up his hips. he was grunting, panting and cursing as he chased both of your peaks. 
“feel like fucking heaven, love.” you moaned loudly and he took the hint, showering you in more praise as he worked the both of you up. “so good for me, look and feel amazing. god this pussy is so wet for me. so fucking tight.” 
when your nails started to dig into his arms, your legs tightening around him, he leaned over you, pressing his lips against yours as he rubbed your clit faster and pounded into you desperately. 
“that’s it, cum baby.” 
you kissed messily and fiercely as you both tipped over the edge, tongues and teeth clashing as you panted, moaning out as you bucked your hips together. a few more leisure pumps, and tom was pulling out, giving you a sated smile, which you happily reciprocated. 
after cleaning up, putting his boxers back on and giving you his shirt to put on, you both settled into bed, his arm wrapped around your middle, your hand tracing the veins on his forearm. 
his eyes were hesitant as he looked over at you. “do––do you maybe want to stay over?”
you paused, before a shy smile made it’s way to your face. “y–yeah. yeah i’d like that.” 
he held you tighter and you nuzzled into him contently, ready to shut your eyes, unsure of what this meant for the two of you, but you weren’t scared to find out. 
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clonewarslover55 · 3 years
hello do you think you could write soft echo smut please🥺
Playful and fluffy couch "fun" with Echo
Echo X Fem!Reader //SMUT//
Absolutely!! I am soo sorry this has been sitting in my inbox since like November. I loved this request btw and I am soo sorry I didn’t get to it before I took my break.
Notes: I hope this isn’t bad! I am a little rusty lol
I did a Fem!Reader instead of a gender neutral one, I hope that’s okay!
Also! I know you asked for soft smut….but I made it a bit more playful! Still soft though! (if none of these are what you wanted in this request please request this again so I can write you another!)
Warnings: Before the Bad Batch era by a lot, fluff, established relationship, smut, playfulness, Echo is a considerate angel, unprotetced sex!!!BE SAFE!!!
You sat on your couch beside the love of your life, gently teasing his thick curls of hair. Echo had his head on your shoulder, enjoying your soft touches. He was so relaxed, his eyes half lidded as he struggled to stay awake.
A thought popped into your mind. You glanced at his relaxed face one again, a grin pulling at your lips. Shame…..He was adorable when he was this relaxed.
You gently scraped your nails down the back of his neck, a feeling you knew Echo loved. He shivered, his whole body seeming to twitch in excitement. He huffed, sitting up quickly, a glare on his handsome face.
Echo’s scowl got bigger when you began to laugh. He was too cute! Echo was definitely planning revenge already, but you were too busy laughing to notice.
Your mistake.
Echo grabbed your legs which were curled on the couch, and yanked. You screamed in surprise when he dragged you down flat on your back, Echo quickly crawling on top of you to pin you down with his body weight.
You struggled in a playful manner, shouting his name and pathetic pleas of ‘I’m sorry!!’ None of which worked. Echo flopped on you like a loth cat would, all of his weight was on you. He was heavy!! You gasped for air dramatically, swatting at his sides.
“You’re a butt Echo!” He gasped in mock offense, looking at you with wide eyes. “Me?? A butt? Never.” He scoffed, smiling when your glare grew more intense.
“I’ll….” You paused to think about a good way to get him off, “I’ll…...I’ll tickle you!!” Echo laughed, nuzzling his face into your neck. “Go ahead. I’m immune.” You sighed loudly and stopped struggling, giving up.
Ugh, you loved this fool so much.
You both sat there in silence, Echo’s hot breath on that one really sensitive spot on your neck. He was doing it on purpose, the ARC trooper knowing exactly what turned you on.
Echo smirked against your skin when you squirmed a bit, your underwear growing damp and uncomfortable. “What’s the matter honey?” You scoffed at his sweet deep voice. How he said that drove you insane, and the bastard knew it!
“You know what!” You squirmed more, finally hitching one of your legs around his hips, pulling him closer. Echo’s eyes widened, his pupils blowing out in lust. You brushed your nose playfully against his, drawing him in for a sweet and deep kiss.
Echo pressed his body firmly against yours, slotting his hips with yours. He stroked a calloused hand along your thigh, grabbing it and moving it over his other hip. Echo loves to be as close to you as possible, he just enjoys your warmth and the intimacy of it all.
He was also very careful as well, moving one of his arms beside your head so he could take some of his weight off of you. Echo was very considerate of your needs.
You nearly purred against his lips, your arms wrapping around his neck so you could play with the hair at the base of his neck. A small giggle left your lips when he shivered, Echo pulling away slightly so he could glare.
He made you laugh more just with a look. “I’m sorry!” You spoke through your laughing, Echo rolling his eyes in mock irritation. He sat up and pulled off his shirt, tossing it on your face. You continued with your fit of giggles, tossing the shirt onto the floor.
“You’re lucky I love you….” You smiled at his words, your laughing finally coming to a stop. “Oh I know.” You grinned cheekily, Echo helping you with your shirt and bra. Well it was technically HIS shirt……...
“Always straight to business.” You spoke, trying your hardest to mock his sexy voice. He chuckled, pressing a light kiss to your throat. “The ARC Trooper way.” He purred in your ear, his lips attacking your throat.
You threw your head back, exposing more of your sensitive throat to his incredible lips. You put one of your hands on the back of his neck, teasing the sensitive skin while your other hand ran down his side to the waistband of his sweats.
The sweatpants were dark blue with little white republic logos on them. You had bought him and Fives matching sets a while back. You yanked at his waistband some, Echo getting the hint and helping you slide them down his thin hips.
He awkwardly kicked them off and onto the floor, huffing with effort. He didn’t have on any briefs underneath, which made things quicker for you. Echo was already hard and ready, his cock head shining with pre-cum
Just looking at his cock made more wetness rush between your legs. He quickly distracted you by moving his lips to yours once again though, his cock pressing into your thigh.
His lips moved perfectly against yours, his tongue eagerly slipping between your lips to wrestle with yours. You moaned into the kiss, your eyes closed in bliss. Echo smirked against your lips when he removed your thin pajama shorts.
Both of you were very excited and ready now, so he didn’t do his usual teasing trick with your underwear. He just slowly removed it with his thick fingers instead of his teeth this time.
Once you were both finally naked Echo ran a finger through your drenched folds. He grinned, pulling away from your lips with a smirk on his face. “Don’t look at me like that trooper.” You smirked back, playfully biting his bottom lip.
Echo chuckled, nipping back at your lips as he slowly pushed a finger into you. Echo always checked to make sure you were ready and could take him. You moaned, throwing your head back once again.
He had been on Coruscant on leave for the past two days and wasn’t to return for a few more, so you two had been very….busy…. Whenever he had a long leave like this you two made sure to take your time with one another. Echo was a very fast learner.
You gasped when Echo found one of those spots that made your toes curl. He had a very good memory, and boy did you love it.
Echo quickly removed his finger, bringing it to his kiss-swollen lips to lick it clean. Your walls clenched around nothing at the erotic sight. You whined loudly, glaring daggers into your lover. Echo chuckled deeply, the sound sending waves of pleasure down your spine.
You scoffed, Echo quickly cheering you up with a kiss. You gasped into his mouth when he pushed the head of his cock into your heat, pressing your body up into his. He groaned out your name as he slowly pushed all the way into you.
Echo pressed another soft kiss to your lips as he began to slowly and deeply thrust into you. He moved his head to your neck, burying his face into your skin. He pressed a soft and sweet against your hot skin with every thrust.
“Oh Echo.” You moaned softly, your nails softly gripping his shoulders. You always tried to not scratch him up too much; but when he hit that certain spot only his cock could ever reach you lost a bit of control.
You saw stars, cries of pleasure leaving your lips. Your walls clenched him tightly, Echo moaning loudly at the feeling. He picked up his pace some, both of you getting closer and closer to the edge.
“I love you.” He panted, pressing his damp forehead against yours. You smiled, looking up into his beautiful eyes, “I love you too.” Echo kissed you again, his kiss making you feel even more excitement.
His pace started to become a little messy as you both got closer. Echo reached down between your bodies, finding your clit. His lips stayed on yours as he brought you over the edge, swallowing your cries of pleasure.
You saw spots as you came, your fingers and walls gripping Echo tightly. Echo gasped when he came, his eyes squeezing shut with pleasure. You laid your head back as he came, the feeling of him painting your inner walls causing you to shiver more.
You rode out your orgasm together, Echo weakly thrusting until he had finished. He held you tightly as your body shook with little aftershocks, pressing soft kisses to every little bit of available skin he could reach.
“We should take a bubble bath in a few.” He mumbled into your neck, his body relaxed and fit perfectly against yours. “Mmmmm…...Good idea baby.” You muttered back, the soft cloud of bliss keeping you from opening your eyes.
Taglist: @leias-left-hair-bun @iamassbutkingofhell @catsnkooks @azem-thefourteenth @colorfulloverbatturkey @blueberrybubblesandboba @ahsokatano-thetogruta @jedi-mando @peacefulwizardfox @hounding-around @julyzaa @feathersforclones @chr0nicbackpain @strangebroadwaykinks @jedi-nila-rhyn @fyrepen33 @mistflyer1102 @kamino-mermaid @cherry-cokes-world @cherry-cokes-posts @darmanfi @silverinkandstardust @chewychewyque @majorshiraharu @ravenpuff01 @808tsuika @commanderrivercc-3628 @captainrexstan @girlvader @ct7567329 @just-some-girl-92 @valkyrieofthehighfae @my-awakened-ghost  @escapedthesarlacc @katethecrazy @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @lightning-wolffe @dominhoe-squad @qui-gon-jinn-and-tonic​
If you’d like to be added to my taglist its on my masterlist! 
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miyuhpapayuh · 3 years
Disclaimer: I tend to get over my writers block with a lil encouragement. I’m sure some of y’all can relate, it’s okay I won’t tell nobody— anyway. I got super high and found the light and the end of the tunnel to this, here, draft that’s been collecting dust for months.
This one is strictly based off a conversation that my fellow writing friend, @504queen, had & this interview, right here.
Now, grab your vibrators and enjoy!
Kiss Me
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It was always the one thing on her mind, whenever she saw him. Talked to him. Thought about him.
Now, it had come out.
The cat was out of the bag.
His right brow raised, slightly. He was surprised— but, not in the way that one would think.
He’d always catch her eyes lingered on his lips as he spoke to her... watch how she’d absentmindedly bite her own lip, sometimes.
He never thought she’d come out and say it. Yet, here they are.
Taking a step towards her, he reaches out for her hand, taking it into his own. His midnight eyes meet hers, making her melt.
“You’re a card, you know that?” He says. She lets out a shaky laugh, her nerves getting the best of her.
“Am I a good card?” She asks, watching his eyes dance over her face.
Instead of verbally responding, his hand moves away from hers up to her chin, pulling her closer to him. Her breath hitches.
The last thing she sees is his smile, before their lips touch, setting her hormones ablaze.
Her hands cup the sides of his face, her nails softly scratching his beard. His hands find her waist, rubbing circles on her exposed skin.
A soft sigh escapes her at the softness of his lips.
Sitting her atop the island behind her, his heavy hands rest on her thick thighs, squeezing ever so gently. Tingles rush up her spine.
Their tongues slowly wrestle for dominance. The temperature in the room skyrocketing.
Her hands peel the blue jean jacket from his shoulders, as his lips trail down her neck, delighted by the unsteady climb in her breathing.
“Daniel...,” she breathes, clutching onto him as his tongue makes a path on her scorching skin.
“Mm,” he chuckles, going back to squeeze her flesh, “you sound so pretty.”
The moment his teeth nip at her collarbone, she lightly pushes him away. Her teeth scraping her bottom lip as she catches her breath.
“Did I do something wrong?” He questions.
“No.,” she whispers, leaning back in to peck his lips. “I didn’t know that would feel like that.”
“You like surprises, right?”
“Let me give you a couple more.” Hoisting her up from the counter, he carries her off to her bedroom.
Tossing her onto the bed, he pulls his jean jacket from his shoulders, dark eyes boring into hers.
The inside of her thighs begin to stick together with the mixture of perspiration and arousal as his clothes hit the floor.
Stalking the short distance towards her, he kneels to her level and their lips reconnect. This time, full of passion and yearning.
Her hands land on his broad shoulders, while his hands roam her shapely figure. Their tongues mold together, as if they’d been long-term lovers.
“Mmm,” his mouth trails down her neck, resuming his teasing to her supple skin. “Never thought we’d be here, huh?”
She whimpers out a ‘no’, as he sucks on her sweet spot, her thighs clenching. He smiles against her skin.
Pulling away, his fingers find the buttons on her blouse, deftly unbuttoning and tossing it behind her head, revealing her full breasts confined by her emerald lace bra.
“My favorite color.” He grunts. Her skin raises in a million goosebumps at the sound. Moving to her side, he rubs his sharp jaw.
“Stand up for me.” Moving a little bit too quickly for her own liking, she stands in front him,unzipping the side of her skirt, letting it fall around her ankles. Her matching thong makes his mouth water.
“Mm mm mm.” Reaching out for her hand, he pulls her to him and reclines back onto the bed, pulling her with him.
Her eyes widen as he moves her higher up on his chest, moving her thong to the side to reveal her glistening slit. His pupils dilate.
Wasting no time, his tongue swipes over her clit, almost doing her in. She braces herself with a grab of his shoulders.
Her body tenses as he licks away at her. His hands knead the softness of her sides. He pulls away, only to mumble ‘relax, beautiful’.
Slowly giving in to his dreamlike touch, a moan slips from her lips. “That feels so good,” she wines her hips against his mouth.
His lips suckle her clit, eliciting a gasp and a jerk from her. He hums against her.
Her movements become more fluid, as the pressure in her belly heightens. Her hand finds the top of his head as she tosses her own back, her moans filling the air.
“You’re gonna make me cum!,” a chill rushes up her spine. Cupping her breast in her free hand, her back arches.
“Fuck!,” she squeaks, her thick thighs clenching around his face as her orgasm rushes through, almost making her topple over.
“Ohhh fuck!,” her hips continuously grind against his mouth, emptying her honey onto his awaiting tongue. She stares down at him with wide eyes, his deep brown ones already staring up at her.
Collapsing forward, her forehead becomes one with the cool headboard, as he continues to lap at her sticky folds.
His groans hit her clit, directly, setting her off, once more. Her eyes roll back, thighs tightening around his face, once more.
“Mmm!,” she grasps his hands, trying to pry them away from her sides as he wildly wags his tongue against her.
“Okay, okay! That’s enou— unh!” Leaning back up, she continues her efforts of freeing herself from his lethal tongue.
Her face screws up, harsh whimpers leaving her. His tongue rolling over her bud like it’s his favorite ice cream, sending her clawing at his soft fro.
“My God!” She huffs. A small, frazzled laugh leaving her as he continues. “I can’t take anymore.”
Placing one last kiss to her sodden lips, he finally releases her.
Flipping them over, he presses himself against her, letting her feel all of what he’s about to give to her.
Their lips reunite as his briefs hit the floor. Her hand reaches between them, lining his thickness up with her purring kitten, moaning into his mouth as she rubs against him.
“I’m so wet for you,” she breathes, pecking his lips. He presses his forehead against hers, before sliding inside of her.
Her leg wraps around his waist, pulling him deeper. “Mmm, gimme that big dick, baby.”
His brows raise, as he realizes that he’s in for some surprises of his own.
Planting his feet firmly on the ground and getting a good grip her wide hips, his thrusts begin to smoothly pivot into her.
Her bottom lip immediately makes a home between her teeth, the sensation causing her to grip his shoulders.
His eyes bore into hers as his rhythm changes, a moan slipping past her trembling barrier. She bites down harder.
“Come on, beautiful... let me hear it,” he dips his head into her neck, inhaling her sweet scent, nibbling on her skin. She naturally recoils from the feeling, his mouth unrelenting of her flesh.
Her mouth falls open, a giggle laced moan filling the air. “That t-tickles!.... sssss, ooh that feels so good, baby,” her hands stretch across his back, lightly scratching.
His upward thrusts cause her body to tighten around his own. Her soft moans turn into full cries of pleasure.
Her hands find his chest, as it becomes a little too overwhelming for her. Gripping her wrists, gently, he places them by her head, beginning to hit a spot that makes her toes curl.
“That’s my— that’s my spot!,” she whimpers. He kisses her pouty lips.
“Hmm... right here?”
“Yes! Don’t stop!” Her eyes roll back.
“I ain’t stoppin’ baby,”
“Fuck, don’t stop!”
“I got you,” her back arches away from the bed. Hands flailing under his vice grip.
“Fuuuuuck! I’m gonna cum!”
“Right on this dick, baby...”
Her jaw goes slack as her orgasm rushes through her. Turning her head, she squeezes her eyes shut as he continues to drive into her.
She breathes out an ‘oh my god’ as he presses kisses to her face. Her fists drawn tight.
“You like that?” He teases in her ear.
“Yeah! Don’t stop!” Her toes curl.
“I won’t stop, princess... I got you,” his baritone in her ear makes her gush.
“Give it to me, baby...” she purrs. Releasing her wrists, he places his elbows onto the bed and digs into her at a deeper angle.
“Yessss,” her hands immediately find his back, fingers spreading out against his skin. “Unh! That feels so goo— oh!”
Her hands lightly smack his back, trying her best to contain herself, but is steady unraveling.
“Scratch me.” He mumbles into her chin. Her nails slightly scrape against his smooth skin, even though she wanted to do more damage.
“Come on, baby...” his movements slow, as he precisely grinds into her spot. Her eyes roll back.
“Oh fuck,” her legs wrap around him, “right there, baby,” she chants over and over.
“Right here?”
“Yess,” she whines. “I’m gonna cum!” Her nails sink into his skin as he speeds back up, pulling her orgasm from within her, abruptly.
“Oh!” Her thighs begin to shake as she gushes around him, once more. His own groans, freely flying into the air.
“Fuck,” he grunts into her skin, feeling her suck him up, as he continues. Leaning back up on his hands, his thrusts speed back up.
Not afraid, anymore, she drags her nails down his back, her breath getting caught as he pumps into her.
“Fuck! Fuck! Oh, fuck!” Her mouth drops open. “Unh!, that feels so good...”
“Fuck,” he grunts. “Squeeze it, baby.”
Lip between her teeth, she gushes and squeezes him, simultaneously.
Daniel feels a powerful tug in his gut, reaching for the back of her thighs as a means to escape, before he unintentionally becomes a father.
“Don’t stop.... I feel you cummin’,” she moans into his ear, weakening him by the second.
“Oh shit, baby..” heavy pants mix with choppy thrusts, delighting his sweated beauty. Her lips find his ear, purring right into it.
“That’s right... give it to mama,” she moans as he fills her with his seed....
@soufcakmistress @504queen @ghostfacekill-monger @hearteyes-for-killmonger @uzumaki-rebellion @l-auteuse @blowmymbackout @blktinkerbell @supersizemeplz @chaneajoyyy
@captainsaveasmut @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @daddy-killmonger @killmongerdispussy @browngirldominion @issahyland @honeyandpeaches @nxxstybrat @write-fromthe-start @emjayewrites @fentyfact @sheabuttahwrites @browngirldominion @honeyandpeaches @nxxstybrat @emjayewrites @fentyfact
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wolf-and-bard · 3 years
So, I wrote a Lambert x Aiden thing because of a conversation I had with @littoraly-art, so here we go. It’s hurt/comfort, but very much on the angsty side.
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: explicit language, (brief) mentions of self-harming behaviour
You can also read it on AO3 if you want to
The hunt didn’t go according to plan. Lambert underestimated the amount of ghouls that would crawl out of that shithole and fought them well into the night, dodging and striking, dodging and striking for hours on end. They chased him through the forest and branches whipped at him. More than once, did he narrowly escape their bites and when they were dealt with and he stumbled back to light a bomb in the nest, he wasn’t fast enough on the retreat. His ears still ring and white spots dance at the margins of his vision. Lambert only notices that he’s overdosed on Thunderbolt when he’s already back at the inn he booked for the night, two ales down, and his muscles are still taut, ready to strike, while his sense of self-preservation has plummeted. Fuck. His fingers shake as he gestures for another drink. Sweat gathers at his collar, at the small of his back. He wants to sleep and rest, but he won’t be able to, not with the residue adrenaline.
“Lambert?” someone says and Lambert hunches his shoulders. Maybe if he hides his face, he won’t be recognized. But Aiden’s already emerged from the crowd and, anyway, he would have smelled Lambert the moment he set foot into the building.
“It is you!” Aiden saunters over, all neat bun and scandalously tight gear, his brown hair looking almost black in the downcast light of the inn. His smile is brilliant as he takes the chair opposite Lambert. Takes Lambert’s hands and inspects them for wounds before bringing them to his lips. “Hey, there, pup,” he murmurs against Lambert’s knuckles. Lambert’s heart does skip a beat, but with that comes a flare of anger. Aiden doesn’t get to be lovey and cheerful when Lambert wants to crawl out of his own skin. He hums something indiscernible.
“What is it? Talk to me.”
“Oh, really? Alright, if that’s how you want to play it,” Aiden says mockingly, letting Lambert’s hands go. “What? Oh, yes, it is good to see me, isn’t it? How I am? I’m so glad you asked. I managed to haggle a big fat fee on a rock troll couple that were mating up in the mountains and causing avalanches and now I’m drowning in coin. Pretty crazy, right? If I made it okay? Aww, sweetie, there’s no need to worry. Haven’t got a scratch on me. You wanna hear more about it? No, of course it isn’t too much to ask, I will happily oblige.” 
"Just... leave me alone," Lambert cuts in, and lifts his tankard to veil his face. He's good at hiding his emotion, but in the face of whatever this is and with the day he's had... well, his boundaries are more than probed.
“What? So, you can give yourself a sorry hand-job and cry yourself to sleep? No, sir, that would be incredibly pathetic and a crime against humanity.” Aiden smiles and before Lambert can keep drinking, he’s snatched the tankard away and emptied it himself. Great. Now there isn’t even that to hide behind. Lambert likes Aiden, he really does. On most occasions, he’s so overjoyed to see him that he doesn’t recognize himself. Aiden makes him feel… too many things to think about right now. Today though, Lambert’d rather be alone.
“None of your business.”
"Fine, have it your way" Aiden says with a good-natured shrug and, humming, stands. He makes a beeline for the nearest table full of average-to-handsome soldiers with the Temerian blazon on their chests, and slams a hand down on the table. His hips are cocked out, his smile sly, exposing overly sharp canines. They all look up at him with varying degrees of surprise, realisation. “Any of you boys down to fuck a mutant?” Lambert's blood runs cold, he’s had enough of this. He hurls his empty tankard across the room, angling just so he doesn't hit anyone - though no guarantee on the rebound – and leaves.
His armour, clothes and swords are scattered across the small room he rented by the time he makes it into bed, wearing only thin cotton smallclothes. He sits not two minutes, contemplating whether to go asleep or order himself more alcohol to dull the edge of his frustration even further, when Aiden comes into the room, no knock, no courtesy.
“Aren’t you off sucking flaccid cock? Or are you already done the whole lot of them?” Lambert spits, and crosses his arms over his bare chest. Aiden’s eyes darken and he shuts the door behind himself, forceful enough that it rattles, then slips out of his own armour and boots without much ceremony. “Go get your own room, asshole.”
“You know what? Go fuck yourself,” Aiden replies in a measured manner. All his earlier aloofness is gone, replaced by a gravity Lambert has a hard time looking at. Aiden sorts both their stuff into neat piles, then takes Lambert’s swords to the corner chair. Lambert stares at his own knees, but he can hear every tiny movement of Aiden’s hands as he cleans Lambert’s swords, inspects them for chips, pulls out a whetstone to restore their edge. The amount of care this alone conveys almost brings tears to Lambert’s eyes. Aiden could be deep-throating handsome soldiers right now, but instead he’s here, doing for Lambert what he doesn’t have the energy left to do for himself.
When he’s done the swords, Aiden does the same to his own pair, then examines the two sets of armour plating for tears or gashes that need mending. He lines up both chests of potions and counts out what’s missing, takes notes for ingredients. It’s a normal routine, only that usually, each witcher does it for himself. Lambert feels a mixture of embarrassment and affection heat his cheeks, but he doesn’t look up, not yet. Only when Aiden finishes with a soft exhale and wanders over to the bed which dips under his weight, does Lambert uncross his arms. Dares to take a peek. Fuck. He shouldn’t have. Aiden’s pupils are wide in the starlight that falls through the single window, the moon painting him in blues and silvers. Some of his hair has escaped his bun and his lips part on a sigh that expose his teeth. He’s a fucking vision, too gorgeous to be sitting here.
For once, there is quiet, so rare with the two of them. If Lambert lets go of consciousness a little more, it almost feels like a dream. If it were, he would reach out, draw Aiden onto his lap, lose himself in the familiar glide of their bodies against one another. As it is, the silence hangs by a thread and Lambert cuts it, edges fraying into dust between them.
“What,” he barks and Aiden sighs again.
“The only cock I want to suck is yours, idiot. Flaccid or not.
“Is that so?”
“Yes? I thought I had made that abundantly clear.” Aiden has. There have probably been more blowjobs than nights they shared a bed, altogether. And maybe that’s the problem. Aiden might not seem it now, but one day Lambert’s cock will not be enough to make up for his mouth.
"Why were you so obnoxious then?" he asks.
"Because you need to learn not to push me away, Lamb. I'm here, I understand, I'm yours." Three quick sentences that puncture Lambert like barbed arrows. I'm here feels like sparks of an off-kilter Igni that eat at his fingertips. I understand goes right to his gut and makes him feel like he is out on the rocky sea, in a rickety boat all by himself, at the storm's mercy. I'm yours is the lightning that strikes then and short-circuits his nervous system into small spams. He takes a deep breath and the soft kiss Aiden places on the corner of his mouth when he leans over helps quell the panic. "I can't change how I am," he says. Prickly, loud-mouthed, mean.
"You really aren't... no, that's not gonna work, is it? C’mere." Aiden crawls over the bed and settles next to Lambert, draws him against him, his strong arms wrapped firmly around Lambert's bare chest. Lambert's head is throbbing lightly, heartrate kept accelerated from the alcohol, but he deflates a little. Notices the small vial with almost clear liquid Aiden is holding between his index and middle finger. “You didn’t drink it, did you?”
Lambert shrugs. So, maybe he forgot to take the White Honey, fucked-up as he was. So, maybe he didn’t want to take it, stay fucked-up a little longer. He has days like this, where the lingering toxicity of the potions stokes some dark flame deep inside of him, kindled by his hatred for what he is, what he has become. Lambert isn’t prone to self-harm, but this, well. This he is prone to and Aiden is seeing right through him. Fucking cat, fucking.... is this love yet?
“I didn’t.”
“So, do it now.” Aiden uncorks the bottle with one hand and his grip on Lambert tightens so that he would have to struggle to escape it. For a moment, Lambert thinks about refusing. He wants to wallow, dammit, he wants to pity himself and maybe have Aiden pity him too. “Don’t think about it, pup. You can bullshit your way around other people, but not around me,” Aiden continues and holds the vial to Lambert’s lips. Lambert snatches it away and empties it in two long drags. Immediately, his vision sharpens and his lungs clear. His muscles stop trembling and his heartrate settles into its normal, mutated rhythm. “Better?”
“Better,” Lambert agrees sulkily. He tosses the vial aside and sinks back against Aiden.
“You’re really stupid sometimes, you know that?” Aiden says with a sharp edge to his voice, but he noses at Lambert’s ear, under it, breath hot over the skin of Lambert’s throat.
“You’re the one that’s stupid…” Stupid for caring for me. Stupid for still being here.
“Will you stop it already? I’m trying so hard to be patient and you keep pushing me away. Did you forget who I am? What we share?”
“I didn’t,” Lambert says. He is weak and tired. He lets Aiden tug at his chin and half-turn him for a kiss that lingers even after their lips part for breath.
“Then drop the farce. Fuck, I don’t know what to say to you,” Aiden whispers against his mouth, chasing each word with a kiss to Lambert’s lips, the corners of his mouth, his nose. “I love you, Lambert, I love you so fucking much, but I can’t keep prying you out of your shell. Don’t you trust me?”
I want to love you too, Lambert thinks.
With my life, Lambert thinks.
You’re the best person I’ve ever met, Lambert thinks.
But he isn’t ready for that yet and so he settles for the next best thing: “I’m sorry.” The rest of it he pours into their next kiss, one that feels frozen in time for how slow and indulgent it is, the world reduced to the drag of their lips and the scratch of Aiden’s canines, the stuttering of his breath. Lambert wriggles around until he straddles Aiden’s lap with his thighs and frames Aiden’s tanned face with his scarred, pale fingers. Even paler next to his lover. Aiden fucking glows and Lambert is less a man, more a phantom next to him.
“Fuck, puppy, you’re so beautiful, do you know that?” Aiden gasps when they part once more. His hands are splayed over Lambert’s upper back and they are both half-hard against one another, but Lambert doesn’t feel like sex. He feels like curling up and having a good cry. He feels like kissing Aiden again, and so he does.
“And here I am, trying so hard to hide it so you peasants don’t feel bad about yourselves,” Lambert says, on instinct more than anything else. He wants to slap himself, this is exactly what Aiden meant, isn’t it? But Aiden laughs, the fucker, a clear sound that sets loose something fluttery inside of Lambert. Shit. It is love. “I thought the scar would have done the job.”
“Joke’s on you, I adore the scar.” Aiden presses his lips to the bottom of it and drags them along, skipping Lambert’s eye in favour of nuzzling his forehead. It’s ridiculous. It tickles. Lambert laughs and hides his face in Aiden’s neck. Aiden sighs and his hands wander up to Lambert’s head, cradling it. “Promise me something, pup?”
Anything, Lambert thinks. He grunts.
“Allow yourself this. I don’t need you to fall onto your knees and profess your love in some grand gesture, but… don’t shut me out. Okay?”
“Yeah, okay.”
“Thank you.”
Lambert falls asleep like that, tucked against Aiden’s chest and he wakes in the morning facing the sunrise with an arm slung around his bare torso and Aiden’s nose pressed against the nape of his neck. He allows it to last.
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barsformars · 3 years
reaction: when you bite them out of the blue; ateez
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req: can I request for a ateez reaction where you randomly bite them and then giggle if they get surprised? :D thank you!
a/n: thank you for requesting! hope you enjoy it even though they are more like word vomits rather than reactions. also i tried working the giggling part into some but some don't have it, hope you're fine with that!
taglist: @closer-stars @jeongyunhoed @fairyofdusk
genre - fluff, suggestive | pairing - ateez x reader | warnings - food mention (yunho), bathing together (mingi), mention of a possible zombie apocalypse (jongho)
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⭒❃.✮:▹ seonghwa
you were on the subway with seonghwa after a long day doing whatever couples do and you were just, plain exhausted. seated right next to your lover, and with his broad shoulders poking into your 'territory', you had two choices in your mind.
do you want to lay your head on his shoulder, or do you want to chomp on it? unfortunately for seonghwa, you find resting your head on shoulders rather uncomfortable. so, without a care in the world for the other commuters around, you leaned down and caught the edge of your lover's shoulder with your mouth, causing him to jump a little in his seat, his attention now drawn away from his phone.
"what are you doing?" seonghwa didn't mean it in a hostile way, he was just surprised, and very rightfully so.
"im tired," you answered with a slight giggle. this made the boy furrow his eyebrows in confusion, which only caused you to giggle even harder, turning some heads in your direction.
"are you trying to eat my shoulder to gain some energy then?" seonghwa laughed, finding your actions rather adorable.
you shook your head. "no, im asking for some attention so i don't fall asleep right now." seonghwa rolled his eyes playfully at your reply, knowing just exactly what you meant, and went in for a peck on your lips. he would stay there for a little longer but it would be rather rude for the people witnessing it.
"now, that should keep you awake."
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⭒❃.✮:▹ hongjoong
hongjoong's always busy. if he's not in the practice room dancing to the same few tunes up to ten hours at a time nearing comeback week, then he would be in his studio pressing on the many buttons that even after months you still can not tell apart its functions. if even that was not it, he was in his dorms, cooped up in his room, either playing around with some old clothes at the corner of his closet or reading a new book he had picked up at the bookstore down the street of where he gets 45% of his fashion accessories from.
"so when do you have time for me?" you asked with a pout, rather upset that even after inviting you to hang out in his studio he was still caught up with work.
"just five more minutes, i promise," hongjoong said, cupping your face with both of his hands, the cold metal rings adorning his slender fingers almost causing you to shake him off.
"you said that five minutes ago." you shot a glare at him before turning your head slightly to the side, and without warning, bit gently on the fleshy part of his right palm.
his eyes opened wide at you, that was the last thing he would ever expect anyone to do. "babe, what..." he tried to pull his hand out but you refused to let go, not until you heard what you wanted to hear.
"okay, okay, im sorry. ill stop work now," hongjoong finally relented. your bite wasn't painful but he would rather you not. he sighed as he saved his work and got off his chair, extending out his hand to help you off the couch.
"next time i want something, im using that back on you."
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⭒❃.✮:▹ yunho
you and yunho have a movie night together once every two weeks, regardless of what the both of you actually get down to that night, the movie night will always happen. usually, yunho would grab a few snacks and drinks from the convenience store just right below the company but he had completely forgotten that it was movie night until he was already on the way back to his dorms. so not only was he late to arrive at your place, he also came empty handed.
"im hungry," you whined, your stomach growling. you couldn't focus on the movie like that, but you didn't have any food at home and the nearest convenience store wasn't really at a convenient distance.
"im sorry about that, let's get food delivered." yunho was quick, his food delivery app already opened, the wide array of choices displayed on the screen.
"i might just pass out from hunger by the time the food arrives," you sighed, laying your head on his abdomen. it was currently the peak hour for food delivery.
yunho was just about to pat your head lovingly when you went ahead and bit down on his lean abs, surprising yunho so much so that he pushed on your forehead so that you were now staring at him in his eyes. "do that again and you might pass out from something else."
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⭒❃.✮:▹ yeosang
yeosang was scrolling through twitter while you were on tiktok, watching videos after videos of horror tiktoks. you can't say that you aren't deathly afraid of them, but you're always too intrigued to not watch them. yeosang, on the other hand, would just prefer seeing what his fans were up to. but being as sweet as he is, he offers you a hand to hold as emotional support. said hand went from simply being held, to getting squeezed, then pulled, dug in with your fingers, all as they slowly travelled up to your chin. he doesn't mind, after all, he likes it when you fiddle around with his hands.
but what he didn't expect at all, was for you to bite on his fingers. it was definitely a mistake on your part, you had meant to bite on your own fingers but forgot that you were holding his hand. yeosang yelped out in pain, quickly pulling his hand away from you, who was looking at him quite guiltily.
"oh my god, im so sor-"
"oh my god." yeosang stared down at his phone screen, eyes even wider than when you had bit him as his pupils dart around, unsure of what to do now.
"what's wrong?"
"i liked a fan's tweet by accident...." this was exactly why you had told yeosang to stop using the official ateez account.
"quick, unlike it!" you told him as you burst into laughter at his carelessness.
"hey! it's your fault, you don't get to laugh!"
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⭒❃.✮:▹ san
with his hair being too long to be let down comfortably, san has started to tie it up into a little ponytail whenever he can. you find it adorable, there really was a reason why people call it the 'apple hair'. everytime you walk past him when his hair is up, you can't help but to smack the ponytail. you have done it so many times that san has absolutely no reaction to it anymore, just letting you do as you please.
however, while walking pass him today, you felt this urge to bite, not the hair, but his head. don't ask questions, it happens. you hesitated for a moment, wondering if you should just do the usual and then leave. but once you saw how his little ponytail shook, you couldn't stop yourself. you leaned down and bit on him softly.
now, that, that gave san the shock of his life. he whipped his head around and gave you a questioning look. it didn't hurt, but..."why did you do that?" it made you giggle.
"nothing, i just wanted to." you shrugged your shoulders before patting him gently at the spot you had bit him. right as you were about to leave, he gripped onto your wrist and pulled you back.
"you bend down," he ordered, his other arm holding onto the chair as he twists his body towards the back.
"w-what?" but you bend down anyways, only to feel a bite on your head as well.
"i wanted to as well," san said as he broke into a smile, the corners of his eyes lifting up to resemble a cat eye eyeliner. "nyam."
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⭒❃.✮:▹ mingi
"hey, would you scrub my back for me?" mingi asked rather shyly, handing you the body scrub without turning back too much.
"yea of course." the two of you were too close to even be shy over something like that, but leave it up to your soft-hearted giant to feel so.
once you were done helping him, you passed the body scrub back to mingi so that he could place it on the shower rack, pressing your chest onto his back. "you smell so good," you told him, burrowing your nose into his neck as your arms wrapped around his waist.
"good news is, you smell the same," mingi chuckled, his hand going up to caress your face as he tilts his head to rest it on yours.
"i wanna see you."
well, if he doesn't want to turn around, you will make him. with that, you gave him a quick bite on his shoulder, one that wasn't too hard but enough to leave a slight impression on his skin. it made him yelp out in pain, and more importantly, whip his head around to see what you were up to. then, you swooped in and landed a wet kiss on his plump lips. you merely saw the opportunity and took it, he can't blame you for that.
"i-" he was at a loss for words and that made you giggle, the giggles becoming louder the more he struggled to form sentences.
"oh no, you're going to get it from me, babe."
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⭒❃.✮:▹ wooyoung
you have been eyeing him since this morning, and if you think he hasn't noticed, then you're the stupid one here. wooyoung also knows exactly why you were staring at him like a predator to its prey. he was wearing a tank top, his biceps on full display. it has become a more common sight in their recent stages but he never wears them around you, whatever his reason was.
"you want to touch it, don't you?" he said in a teasing tone as he flexed his arm muscles right in front of your eyes. it took every ounce of energy in you to not nod, not wanting to give in to him that easily. he would never stop teasing you. "you're acting indifferent but you looked so, should i say, hungry, the whole day."
"i have better things to do than to stare at you." you turned away from him and his muscular arms. it was the best thing to do right now, for both his and your sake.
"better things as in, imagining how it would feel, i bet."
"jung wooyoung,"
"bring your arm closer."
"see, i knew it." no he didn't, because he almost sent a punch to your face when you chomped down on his biceps. and he probably would have if you weren't looking at him with such innocent eyes.
"that's what you wanted to do?" wooyoung asked in disbelief. he had totally underestimated you and your, 'thirst'.
"okay, pay back time. give me your arm."
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⭒❃.✮:▹ jongho
"are you busy right now?" you asked as you entered his room, not knocking since the door was already wide open.
"not really, just doing some online shopping," he replied, his eyes still not leaving his screen. he has been stuck in his seat for a few hours already. you shook your head, not knowing how he could even shop for so long. "do you want to get something too?"
"no. and that's lame-" you dragged his chair away from his desk-"come do something fun with me." jongho narrowed his eyes at you, your definition of fun was not the same as his. you tend to have some bizarre ideas on how to entertain yourself. but he couldn't refuse you, besides he probably should get out of his seat by now.
"what do you need me for?"
"just stand back facing me," you directed before you went on to explain. "so i was watching some zombie apocalyptic movies, right?" jongho already had a bad feeling about this but he won't even try to question it. "we have similar pain tolerance, correct?" he nodded. "okay good, i just want to know how painful my death would be in a zombie apocalypse."
jongho really wanted to put you on pause and question just what was going through your head at the moment but you were too fast, already biting down on his shoulders, more specifically his trapezius muscles. it hurts, and it hurts bad. you did not show mercy at all, it was as if you had turned into a blood hungry zombie yourself.
"what the f-" he held himself back from spitting vulgarities out at you. because he has a much better plan on how to get back at you.
"i want to try something out as well...." oh no, you better run for your life.
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mollymauk-teafleak · 3 years
Tie Your Heart to Mine
Widomauk vampire AU! Huge thanks to @minky-for-short for coming up with this AU idea and for being an amazing beta reader alongside the ever wonderful @spiky-lesbian
Please consider leaving a comment on Ao3!
Mollymauk only ever remembers being a vampire. He woke up like this, with a still heart and a thirst he had to fight to control. He struggled to understand humans for the decades he's been alive.
Until vampire hunter Caleb Widogast arrived to kill him.
A year or so on from that day, he marks Caleb as his for the rest of their lives.
When you see them, you just know. You just know.
When Yasha had given him that answer, Mollymauk seemed to remember he’d made a retching noise and aimed a kick at her head. He’d felt that had summarised his feelings succinctly, even if it had earned him a pillow to the face.
He’d just been struggling to understand it. Ever since Yasha had bonded not only with the usual one partner but a second, and a human at that, Molly had been trying to wrap his head around it. How someone’s life could change so completely and so quickly. One day his best friend had been the silent, towering, stoic vampire he’d whiled away decades annoying and travelling with. But then she’d met Jester and Beau and suddenly she was silent, towering, stoic and in love.
With a lot less time for her best friend.
Not that Mollymauk was bitter. He’d wanted happiness for Yasha since he’d met her, he knew how hard her life had been since she was turned, since she lost her first wife. The way she’d talk about Jester and Beau, the light that would dawn in her eyes, the kind that used to be a memory. Molly would never, ever deny her that. He just didn’t understand and that answer hadn’t helped.
But now he was looking down at Caleb, holding his angular face in his hands as he paused in between kisses, kneeling over him as they sprawled out on the bed. A moment’s inhaling, the slightest pause before their lives changed forever, where he looked down at the man he loved.
And he just knew. He just knew.
“What are you thinking, Liebling?” Caleb’s voice was rough and low, breathless from the countless kisses that had carried them up the stairs and into the bedroom. His smile was bright, crooked, a little goofy in the way it only got when he had let his walls down completely.
Molly gave a soft chuckle, running his thumbs over Caleb’s cheekbones, “Just how I can’t wait to be yours…”
“Mine,” Caleb murmured, a note of awe gentling his voice as he reached up to return the touch, ghosting his fingertips along Molly’s neck and following the line of that old scar that bisected his body, “And...you’re certain you want this? You want me?”
Mollymauk sighed softly, his smile turning fond. Ever since he’d explained the process to Caleb, the way that vampires marked those they’d chosen to bond with, the way they tied their souls to another’s, he’d seemed completely mystified. Like he wanted to believe it was happening but, even now that they were moments away from it, part of him still doubted.
And Molly knew exactly who had planted those parts of him, who had cultivated them until they’d grown into a tangled thicket of thorns that Caleb still cut himself on today. He’d known Caleb and his scars for years and it still woke a deep, hungry anger in him. One day he would need to do something about that anger. He would need to do something about Trent Ikithon.
But not tonight. Tonight he would show Caleb exactly what he was worth.
“I want you,” he nodded, kissing the bridge of his lover’s nose, his cheeks, his forehead, “Every part of you, Caleb. Since the moment you walked through my door.”
Molly felt his human squirm, saw the delicious rise of colour up his neck, smelled his sweet, rising pulse.
“Since the very first moment, huh?” his blue eyes shone like pools of water in high summer, though his smile was somehow brighter.
“Well, there was something just so alluring about the vampire hunter turning up all soaked through with rain, giving me the whole oh kind sir my carriage broke down just outside your door routine like I didn’t know he had a stake strapped to your thigh under those ever so tight trousers…”
“Küss meinen Arsch,” Caleb slapped his leg lightly, “It worked, didn’t it? I saw where your eyes were.”
Molly laughed, flicking his tail in retaliation, “I was simply watching for more concealed weaponry, I don’t know what you’re talking about…”
Caleb rolled them over, a growling edge to his laughter, until the two of them were caught somewhere between wrestling and kissing, hands wandering and gripping tight enough to leave marks.
“So…” Caleb eventually asked, chest heaving, hair now loose from it’s tie and spread out across the pillows like burnished copper, “Do you want to, um…how do we…”
Molly, now sprawled on his side next to his lover, grinned and took his hand, “You know how to do this part, darling. Let me take care of the rest.”
So Caleb nodded, the last of his anxiety falling away like leaves from a tree in the last days of autumn. He dragged Molly across those last few inches between them, kissing him hard, letting his lover stretch out over him like a contented cat. Mollymauk remembered when his dear human had been a thin twig of a thing, when he’d been forced to keep his strength on a tighter rein than he would even have to normally, for fear of hurting him when they lay together.
Now he was fuller, wire cords of muscle hiding in those still slender limbs, stronger and surer. Of course Mollymauk could still break his bones with a firm grasp but that was humans for you. About a year of wandering, free from Ikithon’s brutal, abusive training and returning often to Molly’s determined, loving caretaking, Caleb had flourished. He wasn’t the frightened young man with the shaking hands who’d been sent to Mollymauk’s door to kill him. And as much as Molly had loved that man, he loved this one just as much.
“Liebling…” the other language fell from Caleb’s lips in between heavy, open kisses, making Molly think of far flung fields full of golden wheat, snow capped mountains, all the things you couldn’t find on the Menagerie Coast. It made him think of the other world his lover came from and just how lucky he was that he’d wandered into his home.
“My darling,” Molly murmured in return, bringing their still clasped hands down between his own legs, encouraging Caleb to feel how aroused he already was, “Take me?”
The human gave a breathy gasp and nodded, drawing himself up onto the bolsters so Molly could climb fully into his lap. He slipped his hand back between Molly’s thighs, gently teasing him open, as the tiefling’s tail wrapped around his bare thigh and anchored them together.
“My mate,” Molly whined, biting his lower lip, fangs snagging the low light, “Mine, oh gods…”
Caleb grinned up at him, working his fingers deeper, breaching the soft heat between his legs, “Then make me yours. Show the whole world who I belong to.”
Molly groaned brokenly, digging his nails into Caleb’s shoulders as he dragged him into a bruising kiss and sank down onto his cock. He felt the human start under him before leaning into it, moving into that rhythm they knew, that they’d built over nearly a year together. Familiar, comforting, the same way it always was after Caleb would come home from his long hunting trips. Like coming home. Like exhaling.
And always, as ever, that line waiting just up ahead. The line Molly had never crossed, as much as his heart had ached for it from the first moment he’d had Caleb in his bed. Something so much deeper than his usual hunger, the kind of desire he’d never experienced with any other partner, with anyone he’d ever fed from or slept with. That pull that said he’s yours, the one you didn’t know you were waiting for.
They’d held back from it for nearly a year, both of them very aware that the brainwashed, brutalised, rain thin vampire hunter who’d turned up in the rain that night was in no fit state to make that kind of bond. So it had been long months of separation while Caleb sorted his head out, Molly putting him on the trail of those many vampires that did deserve the justice he’d been trained to give. He’d receive letters, tales of nights under the stars and the deep, dark thoughts that were slowly being unpicked and straightened out, and Molly’s heart would break for him. Breaks that would knit back together the moment Caleb returned.
Molly had been happy to wait, it wasn’t as if he wasn’t used to that. Immortal beings had to learn how to be patient or things got messy.
But now here was Caleb, his mind his own and his heart about to be Molly’s for the rest of his life. And gods, all Molly could think was how long he’d wanted this. How much he was going to enjoy this.
“Ready?” he gasped out, voice high and wild, instinct and lust burning through him so fiercely it took every inch of his carefully constructed self control to ask that question.
Caleb lifted his chin, pupils blown wide, hair falling in his eyes. He just looked so bloody alive, all flushed skin and damp brow and throat pulsing. So human, so fragile but nothing other than complete and total trust on his face.
“Ready,” Caleb hands slid down his shoulders to rest against Molly’s chest, over his heart that hadn’t beat in nearly a hundred years, as long as he could remember owning it but he could have sworn he felt it flutter at that touch. He felt it respond to that call.
Time stopped when Molly’s fangs broke Caleb’s skin. A single, perfect moment of stillness where the universe clicked neatly into place. Then everything flooded through him, the dark, savoury taste of Caleb’s blood crashing over his tongue, the white hot release of his orgasm and something more, something much more. If his mouth wasn’t busy he would have screamed, though Caleb did enough for both of them. Molly had always wondered what the feeding felt like for his human lover, if he really gained as much from it as Molly did.
But in this moment, he didn’t have to wonder. Caleb’s pleasure was his own and his was Caleb’s, everything they felt theirs to share. They weren’t separate for that brief beautiful heartbeat, they were one being, tied together right down to their atoms. Mollymauk felt Caleb’s red hair sticking to his forehead, the tremble in his hands, the fear and anxiety and doubt that had become permanent fixtures in his brain shaken in their foundations and starting to shift. Caleb felt the strength and power in Mollymauk’s muscles, the looseness of s form that could change at will, the never ending, always gnawing hunger sated only in moments like this.
And they both felt the love the other held for them. Even when they’d doubted and felt unworthy, even when it had seemed impossible, there it was.
Coming back to themselves was like the snapping of a whip, both vampire and human left reeling as they crashed back into their own bodies. Molly shook all over, the usual adrenaline rush he got from feeding cranked up so high he felt like he might break at the seams, every noise a racket in his ears, even the low candlelight too bright. He took deep breaths to ground himself, bracing himself to throw back the usual violent urge to take and take again and take too much.
But it didn’t come. Because how could he ever hurt his mate?
He swayed, their bodies coming apart as he tumbled onto his back, gasping out, “Gods, Caleb, that was…”
He trailed off, everything calming down enough that he could pick out the sound of muffled, snatching sobs. He saw that Caleb had thrown his arms over his face, his whole body hitching as he cried.
“Oh…” Molly immediately reached for him and Caleb latched on, gripping him tight enough to hurt anyone but a vampire, “Oh, my darling, come here. It’s alright, I’ve got you…”
“Sorry,” Caleb choked out, “Sorry, I’m okay, I promise. It was just…a lot.”
“I know,” Molly soothed him, stroking his hair and squeezing his shoulders, making sure he could feel that he was there and his thoughts couldn’t take him far from his embrace, “I know, darling.”
And he did. He felt how overwhelmed Caleb was, how his mind was slowly growing to accommodate these new feelings, the ache in his muscles and rawness in his throat. It was as if the emotions and sensations were coming from somewhere behind his own heart. That was going to take some getting used to.
Eventually Caleb’s sobs were just sniffles and his smile was shining through like sun peeking through clouds. Though he still clung to Molly tightly.
“My mate,” he sighed happily, licking over the twin puncture marks and blushing bruise he’d left on Caleb’s neck, chasing away any lingering burn. Unlike the others from their year together, this one was permanent and it was perfect.
“Mine,” Caleb replied, his voice heavy as the inevitable exhaustion overwhelmed him. He’d always fall asleep after Molly fed so this must have floored him.
Molly smiled, kissing his forehead as he let him drift away, “Sleep, darling. Everything’s going to be okay.”
And as he held his mate in his arms and listened to the quiet of the night around them, Mollymauk meant it. Despite everything they’d been through, it would be okay.
He just knew.
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nctchaotiq · 3 years
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Studio | Mark Lee
Characters: Fem y/n x Mark Lee
Theme: smut, fluff
Plot: Mark is recording his rap parts in the studio, but when you arrive it turns out he's done recording so you two just hang out in his studio leading to something a couple can do alone.
(I didn't proofread this one again, but hopefully you enjoy! And I know, Mark is probably vanilla when it comes to everything in a relationship, and this is probably him if his dominant side shows. ENJOY!)
You open your eyes after a deep sleep, yawning, and slowly gaining vision. Your sight is filled with sunlight coming from the bedroom window of the apartment that you and Mark share.
Because Mark tends to be extravagant, of course he got the unit on the top floor, containing two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, kitchen, maid's quarter, and the extensive view of Han River from the huge floor to ceiling windows surrounding the whole apartment. For the average person living in Seoul, hell, this isn't normal, to live here one must be rich, like Mark Lee, your boyfriend of two years. As you appreciate the view from the bedroom, you thought about how Mark was up so early, you grabbed your phone from the glass bedside table and opened it to see a text from Mark, "Hey baby, sorry to leave so early today, I got an urgent call from LSM telling me to drop by SM this morning. See you tonight at the studio? Love you!"
You were sad to see his text knowing that if Lee Soo Man, the head of SM Entertainment, demands for him, Mark won't be able to come home most likely until midnight and you'll be stuck all alone with Auntie Sunny, your stay in house maid, and yours and Mark's dog, Blaze, a black miniature Poodle.
Grabbing your phone and going down the stairs leading to the living area, you sat on the huge, comfy, couch staring at the window with sleepy eyes and limp body. Blaze was there watching you as he wags his tail with excitement when your eyes landed his, "Blazey, baby, come here." You picked up your Poodle and cuddled, until a voice startled you.
"Looking a little tired today Miss y/n? Mark left early today and it looked urgent." It was Auntie Sunny's voice coming from the kitchen, preparing some cereal and fruits for you, "Here eat this y/n." You get up and drop Blaze softly on the couch, but he then follows you to the dining table.
It's always like this when Mark's out, you left with the Poodle and Auntie Sunny, though you have to admit that you get along well with the two considering that Blaze is basically yours and Mark's son, and Auntie Sunny is just a few years older than you which made you two get along quickly, you think it's weird to call him "Auntie" since the gap is just three years, though she looks older than you by ten years, but still you do since it's a huge respect in Korea.
You actually pitied Sunny since she didn't have any parents, never graduated in college, didn't have a degree, she's basically an orphan and when Mark's manager assigned her in his house, after mistakenly being assigned in Taeyong and Doyoung's apartment, she was absolutely happy that she can finally work after months of waiting.
"How have you been these days Auntie?" You ask, while sipping on the milk from the now vanished cereal.
"Well, I've been good though nothing to worry about Miss y/n." She says as a smile curls from her lips.
"Oh." You said after giving her the bowl of cereal, "I almost forgot to ask you to call the driver for tonight, Mark wants me in his studio to visit." You said.
"Not a problem Miss y/n, Sir Mark already told me earlier this morning to call the driver for later." You nod in response.
The night has come and you didn't doll yourself up considering that you're just going to Mark's studio tonight. "A little tinted red lipgloss wouldn't hurt." You said to yourself as you wore the pair of expensive Dior sneakers.
There you were, all set and ready for a night with Mark at his studio. You just wore a lace bra pairing it with a white oversized jacket and a black skirt that stops right above your knee. "Perfect." You say while checking yourself out in the mirror.
The driver was there and you bid your goodbyes to Auntie Sunny, while Blaze was over there whining about your sudden goodbye but being okay after Auntie picked him up.
"Thanks." You say to the driver as he closes the car door and smiles at you, "To Sir Mark's studio right?" You nod and say "Yes, his SM studio please." He said "Okay" and in a while he searched the address and pinned it, "Let's see, is this the right pin Miss? Sorry I forgot about it since the boys have a lot of studios around." He said while you're softly chuckling at his innocence, you looked at the map on the digital screen of the car and nodded once you saw 'SM Entertainment Headquarters' pinned on the map.
Once you arrived the building you said your thanks to the driver and left, the building was packed today, full of fans, you can see a lot of 'Mark stans' as they call it, seeing their handfans with Mark's face, some fans buying Mark's merch, and some just waiting and sitting in the SM Cafe while sipping on their drinks and staring at you, whispering to their friends.
You saw Mark's manager there and he approached you to ask if you'll need an escort knowing that there are many fans, or if you're uncomfortable using the main entrance and said he can pass you through the back entrance. You passed his offer since you just want to stay lowkey.
You and Mark have publicized your relationship a year ago and to be honest some fans were supportive of it, and some were absolutely not. The first month of it was so hard, the fans gave you a hard time, especially those obsessive ones called 'sasaengs' they stalked you and Mark everywhere, followed every move, and they were creepy as hell. You and Mark were advised to stay inside your apartment that time since they were intense and even knew the apartment you and Mark were staying hoping to catch a glimpse of him. The fans that brought you light were the good fans, those supportive of Mark and his decisions, those who were happy for him having a loving girlfriend.
You finally reached your way up, the SM building was complex, it was also difficult to pass through the elevators, everytime you went up to Mark's studio, it would either be him or his manager to fetch you because you'll need a fingerprint scan in order to access the elevators. You walk slowly and search for Mark's studio in the third floor, the level full of studios for producers and artists. You bumped into Taeyong while searching for the room.
"Hey y/n looking for Mark are you?" You nod in response, "Come. He's in PD Blue's studio, not in his, if that's what you're looking for." You stare at him while he talks, feeling dumbfounded that you're looking for Mark's studio. He chuckles lightly, "I was done recording and it's his turn. He's the last one." You followed in Taeyong's footsteps and led you into the studio.
It was silent when you went inside, no people inside, you were almost surprised when someone held your hand from behind, the coldness of his hands made it unrecognizable, but when you turned around to see who it was, it's your boyfriend. Mark Lee.
"Thanks bro." Mark said to Taeyong and he just nodded, gave Mark a bro fist, and left after Mark closed the door.
You stare in Mark's eyes and admire him after not seeing him the first thing you wake up earlier this morning.
"Cat got your tongue?" Mark chuckles.
"I just missed you." You say, "Thank you for coming here." Mark says and you just nod.
The studio that was once noisy and musical is now surrounded by silence and tension. Mark's hands caress your hair, your cheeks, you tiptoe to kiss his left cheek and hug him to show him that you missed him a lot.
"Mark, didn't you miss me?" You stop the hug and stare at him with tears slowly forming in your eyes.
He moved closer to you, and closer, and closer, making you lean on the wall just beside the locked studio door, now, Mark's face is an inch away from yours, you can feel his body heat all around you, and his arms, pushing the wall, locked into you so you won't go anywhere. "Of course I missed you babygirl." He stares at you, his pupils dilating, fully black, fucking full of lust and love for you.
Sexual tension is all around the room and suddenly it's like there's no air conditioner in this studio from how your cleavage is dripping with sweat, your core burning with intense desire for touch. You stare at Mark, admiring his facial structure, you're caressing his jawline, and when you land your eyes on his swollen lips, you bite your lower lip and stare back at his dark pupils.
"Fucker." Mark swears under his breath, he looks on the gap between you two only to find out that he's quickly forming a tent on his sweatpants. He stares at you again and slowly he removes your jacket, you get a bit flustered since you only wore a lace bralette under the oversized jacket.
"Why are you wearing only this under that jacket?" Mark says as he lands his eyes on your boobs, studying the cloth that covered both mounds, noticing it's that Victoria's Secret bra that he bought for you about a week ago. "Well I didn't think it would be too hot in here for me to remove the jacket." You said and smirked at Mark, feeling a little playful you come closer to Mark and whisper something in his ear.
"You know, it was supposed to be for tonight when we get home." And with that Mark's length bulges even more, him controlling himself and simply saying "And what do you want to do tonight when we get home huh?"
"I missed you so much Mark, I want you to fuck me balls deep, until I'm crying and screaming your name, fill me with your cum, Mark." Your words were music to Mark's ears, hearing those hardened his dick. Hearing those made him kiss you like you're his first and last meal of the day, the hunger and passion on his lips made you feel loved and horny more than ever, you started to feel your panties getting dampened and you're starting to crave Mark's touch, you wanted Mark to fuck you right then and there on the studio. You kissed Mark hungrily, returning each of his hungry kisses. Mark's kissing you on your neck messily, while he squeezes your breasts and unclasps your bra, throws them to whichever part of the room, landing on the music mixers.
Mark wouldn't stop sucking on your nipples, giving you the best pleasure ever after weeks of craving his touch. You have to admit, even though Mark was busy you two always had the time to have sex, knowing how you and Mark's libido is high and how you both have a public sex kink, you both can do it wherever and whenever. He touches you where you need him the most, just to have a feel of how wet you are, and god, you're definitely soaked for Mark.
"Such a slut huh, you went here to get fucked by me?
"Yes, fuck me, please Mark, fuck me in the studio."
"Baby not here, I'll fuck you in my studio, come on." And then there was Mark hurrying to cover you up, return your bra and jacket on, and carrying you bridal style, sprinting through the hallways carefully and making loud footsteps and chuckles to find his studio as quick as he can so he can finally fuck you and make you a mess.
Once Mark entered his studio, you're thrown in his large couch just beside the mixers you look at Mark as he hurries to lock the door, shut the curtains completely, and turn on the lights. Once he's all done he jumps on top of you and removes every piece of clothing you have, exposing your hardened nipples and soaking wet core.
Mark starts again by kissing you rough, marking your neck, sucking on your nipples as he gets a feel on how much wetness is dripping from your core. He gets up and you whine as he faces the mirror on the opposite side of the couch, he was focused on removing his shirt, which exposed his toned chest and his six pack.
He stare at you from the mirror and says "Wanna suck?" after cupping his dick. After he said that waves of arousal sparked through your body, you almost felt your legs twitch and your pussy wetter than ever, you know that you need Mark's touch now.
Mark chuckles as he sees you all flustered from his words and your pussy sparkling from the mirror's reflection. "What are you waiting for, come here and beg like a good kitty." he says and you just nod in approval while getting up from the sofa smiling like an idiot.
"Hmm beg first y/n." Mark smiles at you when he found you already kneeling infront of him, mouth ready to take in his length.
"Mark, please I want to suck your cock."
"Mhm, go on baby. Make me feel good."
You start by licking the tip of his cock, palming the balls and playing with it, you can feel Mark's hands slowly gripping your hair, tightening for every lick that you do. You attempt to take on Mark's whole cock, it was always like this, slim, veiny, but juicy as hell, he tastes like mixed sugar and salt and you loved every drop of it.
"Fuck y/n, so good." Mark said while gasping for breath, he bobs your hair carefully on his length but after a few minutes he couldn't resist and just used your mouth as a fucktoy, making himself feel good, and your mouth a big mess from his juices spilling over your chin and neck.
"Get up and lay down." Mark told you as he pointed to the couch. You were a bit worried because the couch was dark red, you could always stain it with your cum, but somehow Mark manages to remove it, he came clean to you one day and told you that he pays the dry cleaner more for the service and that made you feel shy.
Mark chuckled, it seems like he has read your mind when he said "Don't worry babygirl, Mr Dry Cleaner is receiving good bucks." "Now can I see your horny pussy? Will you open up babygirl?" Mark's assuring voice made you calm, he asked you to open your legs and so of course you did, revealing to him the now wetter pussy, heating up for his touch.
For a moment, he plays with your clit, touching, flicking, touching it rhythmically which felt like torture to you, you resist the moans that wants to come out of you.
"Babyy, that's so rude. Please fuck me." You sigh as Mark continues to tease you, you just whimper and could no longer resist your moans so you blurted out one.
"Hmm what a slut" Mark says, and then he suddenly slams a finger inside you.
"Mark Lee, oh fuck." You know Mark likes it when you moan or scream his full name, it brings him joy and power because he is assured that he's giving you so much pleasure. Just as you're about to cum on his fingers, he stops and flips you over, "All fours baby" he loves this position and you do as well just because Mark can fuck you from behind, his hands choking you as he fucks you balls deep and breeds you with his load inisde of you.
Mark wasted no time and lined up his erection on your hole, he rubs the tip on your clit making you moan.
"Fuck me hard Mark Lee." And in that moment Mark thrusts in and out of you in a slow but sexy pace, his eyes looking at you through the mirror on the opposite wall and you're staring at him moaning at the view of both of you fucking.
This is your favorite about Mark's studio, how you could see him fuck you from behind, it turns you on even more.
"God you feel so good and tight around me y/n." He says as his eyes close shut and his thrusts go at a faster pace, choking you even more and pulling your hair for extra support. His length, fully disappeared and inside you, the studio is filled with moans, good thing it's soundproofed with thick walls.
Mark flips you so that he's facing you now.
"Y/n call me daddy now please." He enters your hole again and fastens his pace. You can feel that Mark is nearing his orgasm so quickly. "Daddy I wanna cum!" You scream and moan, his name and 'daddy' comes out of your mouth ocassionally "Daddy Mark, fuck. Harder!"
"Who's fucking you so damn good? Only Mark Lee, right babygirl?" He says in between his breathy and rough moans.
"Yes! Only Mark Lee fucks me this good. Oh god oh daddy."
"I'm gonna cum! Oh shit Mark, you are fucking me so good daddy." You say as your pussy hugs Mark's dick even tighter making it twitch a bit. You finally cum and you look at Mark who's staring at you while you release on his cock, Mark kisses you rough and with passion and continues thrusting in and out of you.
With a few more thrusts, Mark has managed to be close again to his orgasm, "Gonna cum now princess, holy fuck." He rapidly and steadily fucks your hole like a sex addicted maniac.
"Mark come inside me, I want your babies inside me daddy!" You say like an excited wanton slut. "You're so good y/n, fuck here it goes." Mark wasted no time and came inside your pussy, "Fuck it up" is all that he can say while he shoots his load inside you, his cum dripping and overflowing in you, you feeling his warm cum inside your stomach, enjoying it like a cumslut. Indeed you are a cumslut for Mark Lee.
You two take time to catch your breath, messy hair and sticky skin, Mark's side bang is sticking on his forehead.
After some time, you two were finally relaxed, Mark has removed his cock inside you, and both of you hugging each other despite the sticky feeling of your skin from the sweat and cum.
"You took my cock so well again." Mark teases you.
"Lucky you right?" You tease him back and you both chuckle.
"You were wild for me right there baby. You crave for my dick all the time. Slut hehe."
"Of course, I'm wild but only for Mark fucking Lee." You smile to him and for the last time you peck his lips and caress his hair, admiring how beautiful he is and how good he makes you feel.
"Mark you made me feel so good, you're crazy for doing that." You say.
"Yeah, should be the only one making you feel that good though princess."
"Only you! Good daddy." You smirk at Mark as you felt his dick twitch, slightly touching your clit.
"Hmm round two at home?" He smiles and you whine "Let's go home now Mark."
Mark chuckles and gives you a kiss on the forehead, "So eager princess? You haven't had enough have you? You still want this?" And he holds his dick and rubs the tip softly to your clit.
"Tease! Nah but seriously let's go home it's getting late Marky." You told him while trying to stand up to get your clothes.
"Let me dress you up princess."
That's your favorite about Mark, he can fuck you hard and rough, but after all that he takes care of you like a gem, his most prized possession. You look at him in awe and think about how lucky you are for finding Mark.
(a/n: i know it's early for a part two but yall are amazing, so here it is.)
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