#hm i wonder what could that mean lets all hold hands and think about this together.
wheelercore · 11 months
Okay but why is the rose imagery associated with normalcy and the barrier against the "shadow self" and the grandfather clock is associated with UD abilities, then later Henry, and the "shadow self". I mean literally the clock is portrayed as protruding out of walls and trees (Chrissy)- two places we've seen the UD connect to the RSU in canon. The rose wallpaper in the creel home hides the spiders in the walls/floors. What are we doing here.
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mondaymelon · 9 months
— 𝐚 𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮! ♡
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໒꒱ || :feat~ lyney, freminet, wriothesley, neuvillette x gn!reader:
໒꒱ || cw: fluff <3 maybe a lil ooc since i havent done the fontaine quests yet, wrio is whipped !!
⤷ giving your fontaine boyfriend flowers ♡
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“Oh? For me?”
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LYNEY’s expression is one of delight as he holds the bouquet of roses you’ve gifted him, smiling gratefully. The shining excitement in his vibrant eyes, however, doesn’t quite translate into how ecstatic he really is… because usually, he’s not used to being on the receiving end of affection, since the charmingly flirty magician is constantly the one to make you glow red.
“They reminded me of you…” You laugh sheepishly, watching his grin only grow.
“They’re beautiful. Thank you, love.” He moves the flowers to one hand as the other finds its way resting on the small of your back, giving you something to lean on as he moves forward and gives you a quick peck on your cheek, light and fleeting. “So I’ll show you my thanks, hm?” His voice is low as he stares at you, something earnest in his gaze as his violet irises twinkle. You nod, slowly, unsure of what he implies, but you know him well enough to not be startled as he swiftly moves forward and meets his lips to yours. You can feel his warmth… is it because he’s a pyro user? It’s hard to think about anything, especially when you’re pressed up against him like this, mind blank as his mouth moves against yours.
He speaks as he pulls away with a slight smile, and your hand instinctively latches onto the hem of his coat. “Not enough for you?” You can hear the smirk in his tone. “C’mon now, we can’t be too greedy, love~”
“What? No, I just-!” You hastily release your grasp on his clothes, face growing hot. “Lyney, you know I didn’t mean it like that!”
“I know, I know, it’s just so fun to tease you, y’know?” He lets out a laugh at your pouting expression. “I can’t help it, really.”
There’s no winning against this man. “Hah… alright, alright…” You glance up in surprise as Lyney gently moves you out of his arms and starts to stand up.
“Aw, don’t look so sad, I just have something for you too! Surely one kiss or two isn’t enough to repay the gift you’ve given me?” He smiles as he reaches for his signature hat, which dangles on the coat rack. You watch in awe. How come his every movement is still so graceful?
“Lyney, I don’t need repaym-” You’re cut off as the man flourishes his arms - You blink, and all of a sudden there’s a bouquet of his own in his hands, splendid yellow roses, fully in bloom. “Wh-”
“Tada!” He bows, looking pleased with himself as he stares at the flowers in your arms, then up at you. “Now we match~” He holds up his own bouquet with a beam.
“W-When did you-”
“So you can create just about everything with magic, huh…” You stare at the roses in silent wonder.
“Ah ah, not everything!” Lyney bounces on his feet, watching the look of curiosity on your face with an air of amusement. One of his sparkling eyes closes in a wink.
“No magic could ever conjure up something as limitless as my love for you!” ♡
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“H-Huh? Flowers? For… me?”
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FREMINET’s eyes are wide as he hesitantly holds the flowers in his hands, looking rather anxious. “But… why?” The poor male glances from the roses in his hands back to your face nervously, studying your features. “Y-You should’ve told me so that I would’ve had flowers for you too…!”
“There’s no need for you to give me a gift, Min. I just got you a bouquet because I felt like it, no reason.” You beam at him as his face only grows redder. “There’s really no need to get embarrassed!”
“Ah… but I feel bad…” He shakes his head, lightly colored hair swaying with his movements. You can hear him mumble under his breath, quietly to himself: “...omorrow…ing…”
“What was that?” You blink at him, confused. “Sorry, I couldn’t hear you.”
“N-Nothing! Uhm… do you want to go somewhere today? You’ve put me in a good mood, so…” He smiles softly, and the air around him seems to glow with the sheer brilliance of it. You match his smile with one of your own, watching as he takes the flowers out of the bouquet and arranges them into an intricately decorated vase, half-filled with water. Gazing at him is like observing a masterpiece at work, although you know far too well that the male’s job certainly has nothing to with that of a florist, yet the movement of his skillful hands captures your attention anyhow.
“Is something wrong? You’ve been looking at me for quite a while… is there something on my face?” Upon noticing how your eyes are fixated on him, he flinches, ears flaring red. 
“No, you just look pretty today. You look pretty every day, Min.” It’s hard to restrain your laughter as you watch Freminet bury his face in his hands, his red ears visible from behind his hair. 
“Don’t tease me…!”
“But it’s true.”
“D-Do you want to go to town or not…?” He shifts a finger, hesitantly peeking an eye out between them. “We can go get something to eat… I’ll pay, but you’ll have to order…” His usual habits were the same as always, how he’d stutter over his words when faced with anyone except his siblings… and of course, you.
“That sounds great, Min. Come on, let’s go!”
The next morning, a soft knock jolts you awake, three light raps hitting the wood before the sound of footsteps quickly retreated away. You manage to crawl out of bed and open the door, only to be startled as a large bouquet - larger than the one you had gifted him - sat on your doorstep, mixed with Fontaine classics and even Romaritime flowers… had he dived underwater to pick these for you? Every petal was perfect, and the flowers were all fully in bloom, despite being out of water. What kind of magic was this?
A cream-colored card catches your attention, leaning against the bouquet. On it are finely crafted words, written in Freminet’s familiar small script:
“Thank you, love.” ♡
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“Hm? What’s the occasion?”
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WRIOTHESLEY’s usual professionalism fades as his chest tightens with a giddy sensation. He had been having a rather tedious afternoon in the Fortress of Meropide - time passed all too slowly whenever you weren’t present - but now that you were here, he knew his minutes with you were already slipping away like sand through his fingers, no matter how tightly or carefully he cupped the grains in his hands. You were a free soul, a rather unfitting lover for his occupation, coming and going like the wind. And while your presence may be as fleeting as the gale, at least the breeze you brought would leave in him a warm sensation. “I wasn’t aware you’d be visiting today.”
“I figured I might as well surprise you! Besides, you always come home with a scowl on your face, so I was just making sure you weren’t having a hard time here,” you smile at him, an expression that causes his heart to stutter. It takes him all he’s got in him to at least somewhat maintain his professional expression, knowing full well that if anyone else saw him at the moment, they would certainly be in for a shock. Your words are entertaining. Him? Having a hard time? That had long dissipated the moment you stepped foot into the building.
“Were you worried about me? I’m okay, so don’t concern yourself over such trivial matters.” Wriothesley lightly shakes his head. For someone as beautifully naive as you to exist in this world, he knew full well that your future would not be free of adversaries. He supposed that wasn’t exactly a problem, though. The male had already promised himself that he’d dispose of them all when you weren’t looking.
Your face scrunches up like you’ve eaten something bad. “Trivial?” you echo, your tone expressing your annoyance. “Wrio, how could you say that? Of course I should be worried about you, silly! What kind of lover would I be if I didn’t?”
Ah, there you go again. Every time you refer to yourself by that title, he swears he can feel his heart skip a beat, the only evidence of his flusteredness is the burning of red dusting his ears. He had been refraining from holding you until he had gotten back home, but, naturally, you had broken his final sense of reason. You blink, and there he is, pressed up against you with both of his arms wrapped around your waist, your back leaning against his chest. He’s warm, startingly so despite him being the bearer of a Cryo vision, and you can hear the rapid thrum of his heartbeat.
“You’re cold,” he remarks offhandedly, pressing a kiss into your nape, then another.
“You’re warm,” you respond, smiling, only to hear the drumming of his heart quicken.
“You know exactly what you’re doing, don’t you?” Wriothesley’s face is flushed, just the tiniest bit, and once you blink, you could’ve sworn that it was never there.
“Do I?” You grin up at him cheekily. “Why don’t you care to elaborate?”
“Fuck, darling… you can’t keep doing this to me. I don’t think my heart will be able to take much more of this.” ♡
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“They’re beautiful.”
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NEUVILLETTE's fingers graze a petal and trace its outermost edge, studying the bouquet with a smile. The blooming assortment lays perfectly balanced in his hands as he cradles them gently. “Thank you, dearest.” His smile is serene, like an untouched expanse of water. Smooth, and glimmering, and when you lean over to peer into it, you can see your clear reflection staring up at you. His eyes mirrored it, pure and unsullied. His beauty stuns you for a moment. He had always been a man with an air of elegance, his magnificence simply inhumane, and it was likely a stroke of luck that Neuvillette had ever taken you as his partner.
Of course, those were merely your thoughts on the matter. His did not match your sentiment, not even in the slightest. For in his mind, he was the one who didn’t deserve you. No, it would be simply unreasonable to compare him to something as perfect as water. You were the only one in his eyes who deserved such a title. And he was the Romaritime flower, only able to thrive in your presence.
“You like them?” He loathes the surprise in your voice. Indubitably, he did. There was no other option. It was something that you had gifted him, and that enough made its value clear.
“Certainly,” his eyes are warm. “I will treasure everything and anything you bestow upon me.”
“Vil, there’s no need to go that far…” you laugh sheepishly, only for the sound to slowly cease as you realize he isn’t jesting. “...Why?”
His soft laughter fills the silence. “I love you. Have I not made that apparent?”
“Yes, but there’s certainly no need for-”
“Shh.” This interaction has made something painfully clear for the man. Perhaps he hasn’t been showing you enough affection? He is a busy man, but he always heads home, heads to you whenever he has a second to breathe. Yes, only in your arms would he finally feel content. Only with your fingers carding through his hair, whispering his name with a smile and closed eyes, only then. You knew how much he yearned for you, right? 
If not… well, that could be changed.
“You’ve given me such a precious gift, so I should show my thanks out of courtesy.” Wrapping his arms around your smaller frame and leaning your head against his chest, to hide the slightest flush on his cheeks. “Ah, but it should be a fair trade.” You tilt your head at his words, confused.
“Only one kiss won’t be justified, hm?” ♡
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(a/n) help why do i actually like wriothesley's part this isn't supposed to happen ?! anyways yeah it was about time i wrote for fontaine men
໒꒱ || ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ (open! send an ask or a comment : @manager-of-the-pudding-bank, @iamdedinside, @ilyuu, @achlysis, @swivy123
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gojoux · 9 months
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Gojo. Geto. Sukuna. Nanami. Choso. Toji. Megumi. Itadori. Yuta.
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◈ — 𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎
“Why the obvious question, baby?” Gojo smiles wide, caressing your cheeks with his thumb as he cups your face. “I love you so, so, so much,” he says, pecking you between words, his smile doesn’t falter at all like his feelings for you. “I think you know that already. You just want me to say it, didn’t you?” He kisses you again. “I’ll say it as many times as you want me to.”
◈ — 𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐎
Geto is more than willing to provide you the answer, “Of course, I do, love. More than anything,” he smiles softly at you, caressing the back of your head. “I love you more than I can show. I hope you know that.” He brings your hand to his lips, pressing soft kisses to the back of your hand as he caresses your fingers against his. He’s a man who is good with words and actions after all.
It’s hard to tell whether it’s love or lust from Sukuna, but he’d answer you with pure honesty. “I do. You want me to show you more?” He smugly smiles before reaching out to grab your wrist and pull you to him. “Did someone make you doubt my love for you, hm?” He assuringly caresses your waist. He may not be the most romantic one but his feelings for you are unmistakable.
Nanami is a man of few words at expressing his feelings but when it comes to you, he’ll never hold back. He gives you an honest and blunt answer right away with no hesitation in his voice. “Yes, love. I do love you.” He squeezes your hand tightly on his own, giving it a long kiss of assurance. “I love how you—” and he starts listing everything he loves about you if you ask why.
Choso is smitten for you, why would you even ask this to him? His actions alone are enough to show how much he loves and cares for you. He has no problem being open with his feelings for you, answering in a soft tone, “I love you. I’d do anything for you.” He’ll hold your hand the entire time and body pressing close to you, he just likes being around you. “I can’t ask anyone better than you.”
◈ — 𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈
“Huh? What’s with the question? You have doubts or somethin’?” Toji is not the slightest impressed by your question. He’s not the type to express his feelings and he certainly not the type to blurt out ‘I love you’s, but don’t be mistaken, he does love you. “Our feelings are mutual, darling. I’m as much as you are,” he gives you a lopsided smile. He stands by what he says and that’s the truth.
Megumi is not one to show his love by words, but by action. Your question makes him a bit taken aback, he’ll start to wonder if he showed you enough of his feelings or did you have doubts about his love for you. “Yes,” he nods right away. “I know I don’t say it enough but... I do.” He gives you a small smile. Best believe him when he says so, his love is as genuine as it could be.
Itadori is a straightforward guy, he’d answer you immediately without skipping a beat, and he doesn’t have anything to hide from you. “Yeah, I love you. I’m sure of that,” he nuzzles his face onto your shoulder as he hugs you tight with a big smile on his face. “I may not be the smartest guy in the world, but I know my way around feelings. And when I’m with you, I feel happy.”
◈ — 𝐘𝐔𝐓𝐀
Yuta absolutely adores you. You’re one of the most important people in his life, how could he not love you? Especially you, his love? He nods quickly with that soft, wide smile of his, “Of course, I love you. You’ll always have a special place in my heart,” he says proudly with his whole chest. He’d say it to the whole world to let everyone know how much you’re loved if he had to.
“Shake, shake.” Inumaki hugs you tighter in his arms. He cups your face and pampers your face with small kisses to show you what he means. He’d also be cute and all to give you a heart shape from his hands or typing word after word on his phone in front of you to see. He’s grateful that you understand him despite his limits and he wants you to always know that you’re loved by him.
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Oh, to be loved by these men 😔💕
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faithums · 4 months
…shopping with jjk men—> ੈ✩‧₊˚
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✎ synopsis: what happens when you decide to agree to go shopping with these boys, but shopping doesn’t exactly happen…
<suggestive in some parts> <fluff> <crack> <subtle angst>
inclu. gojo, nanami, megumi, choso, yuji, toji, inumaki, geto
╰┈➤ gojo satoru
of course he takes you to a bougie mall just so show off his wealth. what can he say; actually wait, he does know what to say- he calls himself a ‘philanthropist’ (putting that lightly) because he once gave a kid on a playground a half eaten krispy kreme. he takes you in all of the shops, bombarding you with a plethora of new designer items, he really does too much…
“Saturo-,” you couldn’t really speak coherent words as your boyfriend was currently picking out several different items of jewellery and placing them infront of you. They were all so beautiful; silver plated with diamond crusted attachments, which glistened in the reflection of the glass chandelier. He had dragged you to a very, expensive jewellers, and was insistent of you- well him- making a purchase.
“Shush. You’re getting at least one thing.” He quickly shut down your rebuttal as per without hesitation. Then carefully, he lifted your wrist up, dragging the enticing metal over it, tracing the subtle contours of your forearm. The sudden cold contact made your breath hitch slightly, but the worst thing was the price… You were shocked- to say the least. Why did the woman in-front of you let him behave in this childish way.
“What the hell.” A whisper spilled from your lips, “Saturo this is extortionate, I can’t have this. It’s just daylight robbery- I’d be too scared to wear it out.” Small protests were made but he just kept on and on, yapping to the sales clerk beside him about the insurance of the pulchritudinous bracelet. The fact that it had insurance was a crime in itself.
“‘Nnnnnd that’s what… like two ish grand? Okay okay. Bare with-,” Gojo’s arms were slung into his pockets, rummaging for his wallet. He is so nonchalant- too nonchalant about this… Sooner than later, the transaction had been completed and you had another bag in your hands. The hummed to himself as he watched you struggle to hold like what, 10 ish (maybe more) bags. It was funny, you could tell which ones you’d brought yourself, as you had some PRIMARK bags, yet some Tiffany & Co. bags (i wonder who brought which ones…). It was nice to treat yourself, but him spoiling you most days- you felt somewhat guilty.
“Saturo. Can I get you anything in return? If there’s anything you want, I mean- I know I don’t have as much as you bu-,” your ramblings were cut short by Gojo’s immediate response.
“Hm. I can only think of one thing if I’m honest,” he pondered suspiciously, putting his hand on his chin like a childish idiot.
“What.” You replied with a smile creeping up your cheek as his arm slithered around your waist; taking some of the weight from the bags in the process.
“Backshots.” He grinned smugly.
A grimace formed on your face, knowing full well what would happen when you two returned home. After all, if gratitude can be free- then backshots it is.
╰┈➤ nanami kento
a gentleman, through and through. his patience shines when he is with you: helping you declutter your thoughts, calming you down. he takes time for you, and especially with you. he loves seeing you immersed within the clothes you surround yourself in, not interested in anything but you. he really is a gift too pure for this world…
Nanami promised to take you to the mall today, so here you were. The morning sun cascading down your neck, it heating up your skin ever so subtly, creating a comforting warmth. You found yourself strolling hand in hand with him. The air still alive with possibilities and the hun of excitement.
The boutique stood out like a beacon of elegance admits the bustling mall, it’s exterior adorned with intricate wrought iron accents and tall, gleaming windows that showcased the latest fashion wonders like prized jewels in a treasure trove. Upon entering, a wave of opulence washed over you, enveloping you in a cocoon of luxury (that you wished lasted a lifetime).
As you navigated through the labyrinth of silks, your fingers grazed over sumptuous fabrics, each touch eliciting a sense of delight. No wonder Nanami decided to take you here. It’s very fancy- to say the least. The ambiance was one of sophistication and refinement, yeah, this is Nanami territory.
You decided to chose out a dress, on Nanamis behalf (he said it was ‘his treat’), so now you’re stood before a full-length mirror examining yourself and if this was nice, or not…
The soft, velvety fabric of the black king dress was dripping down your figure, you couldn’t help but feel a path of uncertainty fluttering within the depths of your heart. The dress, with its sleek silhouette and subtle shimmer, represented the shop at its peak. Yet you gazed at your reflection, doubts crept in like shadows in the moonlight.
Your fingers traced the delicate embroidery adorning the bodice, the intricate patterns seeming to dance beneath your touch. You shifted uneasily, the fabric clinging to your form in a way that felt both foreign and unfamiliar. A flicker of insecurity danced in your eyes as you searched for reassurance within the depths of the mirror- yet none was found.
Beside you, Nanami, your Kento. He stood tall, with an unwavering presence, his aquamarine eyes utterly fixated onto you, which sent a warmth flooding through your veins. His gaze offered solace admits the storm of hesitation that raged within.
“Hey,” he murmured softly, his voice smooth like honey, a melody that washed over you like a gentle breeze. “You look.” He stopped, looking you up and down again, “stunning.” To which you blushed at his words.
“I don’t know,” you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper, “I’m not too sure if it’s right for me.”
His gaze softened, he cupped your cheek. His touch was like a balm to your wounded spirit, his presence a source of strength in your moment of vulnerability. “It’s not about the dress,” he replied, voice filled with sincerity, “it’s about how you feel when you wear it. And right now, as far as I’m concerned, you look. Breathtaking.”
His words, like a lifeline in a sea of uncertainty, anchored you to reality. With a tender gesture, you leaned forward, pressing a delicate kiss to Nanami’s cheek, a silent token of gratitude for his unwavering love and encouragement.
╰┈➤ fushiguro megumi
this boy. he is clueless. utterly clueless. he doesn’t know the first thing when it comes to basic shopping- you’re surprised he can even get dressed: speaking of getting dressed. you’ve taken him to get new clothes because the little freak basically lives and breathes in the same 3 hoodies all of the time. so now you’re helping him try on clothes in the back changing rooms of a shop…
You were currently egging your anxious boyfriend on to get new shirts, joggers, coats, anything. Just clothes. He desperately needed new ones. He’s been living in literally the same ones for the entire time you’ve been dating.
“I swear to god Megs. If you don’t come out of this shop with at least a hanger I’ll kill you myself.” Your warnings didn’t seem to bother him as he only hummed in response. You both began looking, rummaging throughout the clearance racks. Scouring and mapping out the highs and lows of the shop until your hands had found themselves tugging on a specific item of clothing you would die to see him in it.
“Fushiguro. Come here right now,” you said, condescendingly, walking over to him, slowly closing the distance between you. “Look at this.” You handed the shirt to him. Waiting for a reaction, but instead you just got an inconspicuous raise of an eyebrow, inspecting the shirt.
“What about it. It’s literally just a normal black shirt?” He questioned you and your antics as something had to be up… “You know I don’t need any more black t shirts.”
“I don’t care you’re trying this on or else I’ll. uh. I don’t know but I’ll do something,” you rebutted his faffing about and basically dragged him to the changing room cubicle at the back of the store. You nudged his arm, indicating that you hadn’t got all day, even though he seemed to think otherwise.
A few minutes had passed and no signs of life had emerged from Megumi’s cubicle. “You okay in there?” You replied hastily, and got a meek reply of: “No.”
“No? The fuck does he mean no.” You mumbled under your breath, “babe what’s wrong?”
“Is it supposed to be this tight?” And with that the curtain dividing the two of you opened, revealing Megumi with the worlds most tightest compression shirt on, which looked as if it had been tailored for him especially.
Your jaw was practically on the floor, it was a fight to stop your mouth from falling in awe. He looked so- good. But ‘good’ puts how he looks too lightly; so let’s go with irresistible. The faint outline of his abs peaking from under the restriction of his shirt, his body’s contours moving as he fidgeted. “My my Megumi. Bend me over and do me dirty, you look nice,” you announced to him.
“Nice? After you say that, nice is what you come up with?” He deadpanned with a subtle smirk
“Thought it was suitable.” You smiled. “Giving my big girls vocabulary a rest for today. I mean, keeping my eyes on you is like a chore.” You chuckled then sighed, and on queue your eyes did again search from his veiny arms to his slightly turned head (with the smallest hint of blush visible).
“Shut up.” He protested whilst rolling his eyes.
“When we get back home I want a fashion show.” You declared, whipping your purse out already, determined to buy this for him.
╰┈➤ kamo choso
choso is the most oblivious person when it comes to the basic things in life. ask him you’re going for a girls night and he will insist on coming with you, but then you will have to explain to him and let him down gently that he can’t go. but today you’ve dragged him to the mall and now he doesn’t have a clue what’s what…
Dragging Choso into Sephora wasn’t exactly on your list of typical couple activities, but you couldn’t resist the urge to splurge all of your hard earned money on crap you didn’t need (who doesn’t!) and besides you were overdue a makeup shopping trip. As you began to peruse the aisles, you can’t help but to notice a group of young girls, no older than ten, browsing and gawking at the Drunk Elephant section nearby.
“What’re they going here? Haven’t they just come out of the womb or something?” Choso whispers, his curiosity piqued by the sight of such young customers in a makeup store.
“Hm. Oh. Yeah no, they’re just ogling at the viral products, which in fact won’t do anything for their non hormonal skin. That’s normal in makeup shops Chos,” You reply casually, not necessarily caring as you’ve heard of many stories like this- although these kids are supposed to be brutal.
You focused your attention to the products infront of you, “hmmm, I do need a new setting spray.” You picked the bottle up, seeing if it matched the one on your phone. Choso chirped in.
“Setting Spray? Is it like… a magical mist that sets the mood for your makeup? So is it when you’re angry, you do angry makeup.” He asked obliviously.
“What do you mean by angry makeup-,” you cut yourself off before you got distracted, “Not quite love…” you dismissed his naive behaviour with a loving smile.
You hadn’t really taken in how tall he was, stood next to you it was as if there was a skyscraper. He’s just too attractive. You admired in silence, as he cluelessly picked up an eyebrow gel and scraped a bit on the back of his hand- then went on to complain how his hand was sticky.
Some time had passed and the Sephora ten year olds were slowly approaching the section you were stood in. It had clicked what you both were blocking with your figures… Retinol. These Sephora kids bloody loved this stuff, even though it is way way too damaging for their skin, they think they’re Einstein and don’t want to be disproven.
“Chos let’s go.” You grabbed his cold, pale hand to avoid this inevitable conflict. But he was interested in the thing you needed to distance yourself from… “Retinol? Chos, do you really need that?” You advised him.
“I think I’ll get it, just trying it won’t hurt- will it?” He asked, his dark eyes staring lovingly at you.
“Most likely not.” You laughed at the entire situation to yourself, you did not expect to see your boyfriend in a queue for Sephora to buy retinol. It was very humouring.
All seemed quiet until this little girl approached Choso and demanded for what he hand in his hand to ‘be hers’. He just stood there, puzzled.
“No.” He said bluntly, and this child did not stop screaming. It was like Choso had pulled a fire alarm. As long as that kid doesn’t get its way then it doesn’t matter.
He ended up purchasing the retinol, which is so weird to think about… ‘As long as it keeps him happy’ you thought.
╰┈➤ itadori yuji
he’s always thinking about his stomach, then jennifer lawrence, then you. so it’s ideal that he starts off his afternoon by feeding the first and third most important things in his life, by taking you straight to the food court…
“You’re paying.”
“WHAT?” He practically shat himself when he heard this, “WHY?”
“Maybe because when we go for food. You order the entire menu. Every. Fucking. Time. Yuji.” You said, sternly, as in ‘I’m happy to be here sternly- but if you make me pay I’ll kill you sternly.’
“It’s not my fault that I’ve got like six stomachs or something! I just think it means I’ve got a good ability to digest food quicker,” Yuji yapped on and on, trying his hardest to justify his case as he talked to himself.
“Whatever makes you sleep at night babe,” you leaned into his shoulder as he pulled you toward him via the waist as you two walked to the food court.
The rich aromas of sweets and savoury attacked your senses, as he guided you to the birthplace of gluttony. It oozed of pride in its branding, as when you stepped through the door- the ostentatious architecture made itself present, the waiters all in their matching regal uniforms, there must’ve been a fountain somewhere deeper in the restaurant as the smell of spring water came apparent.
Yuji took one look at you and your reaction to the extravagant establishment and you both knew what would happen next.
“Fancy a wagas?” Yuji stated, fine dining wasn’t his style, you knew this, this man cannot sit still- let alone be waited upon.
“Couldn’t think of anything better babe,” you smiled, as he gave the top of your head a chaste kiss, briefly rubbing his face against your hair as he said previously that he ‘liked the smell’. “Babe if you’re smelling my hair again I think I might cry. This is literally the third time within the past half hour.”
“You’re only allowed to cry when we’re sat at a table with food infront of us. Now come on, I’m starving,” he gripped your hip and escorted you out of the posh building as you two rendezvoused to the nearby Wagamamas.
A bit of time had passed and you two were tucked into your meals, which were delicious. And Yuji had the audacity to ask (like the cheeky sod he is): “Can you actually start crying so we can get a free meal? The staff look like they’d take pity on you.” And in response you threw an edamame at his smug face.
“Get lost you gannit. You’ll be crying when you see the bill,” a cacophony of laughter emerged from your lips as you had just cursed the upcoming tab which was about to be placed in-front of Yuji.
“You’re lucky I love you.” Yuji’s once cute and naive smirk disintegrated from one of happiness to pure horror when the total cost from the check was in eyeshot. 
╰┈➤ fushiguro toji
this mf cannot afford to even go into a mall (let alone buy something in it). he’s often spotted cavorting around mcdonald’s waiting until somebody’s order has been called up, pretends to be said person, takes the food and dips immediately. whilst you watch with horror from the back of the room. or sometimes, he has told you he would be at work, so when you decide to visit your local mall (to treat yourself whilst he’s away) and see him begging for money outside of it alls he can say is “gotta make money somehow doll,” with a grin and he thinks he can get off scot free? yeah, absolutely not.
╰┈➤ inumaki toge
this man thinks he’s so hard core, thinks he’s the silent but deadly type: when in reality he looks like a weirdo lingering behind people acting like that one man emoji (🧍‍♂️) . and now he’s followed you upto the store in the mall with all of the jelly cats piled in it…
You and Inumaki were walking up the stairs of the shopping centre, when you caught a glimpse of a particular bag with a specific logo on it… Inumaki hand tensed around the mound of flesh which was there originally, now his hand was clenching around the air, you had ran off in the distance somewhere as you’d seen something you’d been wanting for a while.
“Ohmy godoh. my gof-,” your thoughts were disorientated a little, and your breath wasn’t catching up with your train of thought; but you couldn’t help but run after this woman with this bag. You needed it. And when you had finally caught upto her you politely said, “Excuse me, you know your bag? Where did you get it from? I cant seem to find a store where they sell them?” And the woman responded, a bit confused as you were enquiring about a paper bag, but you got the location of where you needed to go.
Inumaki had been left in the dust at this rate, frantically panicking as he was trying to find you, but he saw a glimpse of you from across the other side of the mall and b-lined for it. (A very funny sight to witness.) But you were too absorbed with what you had in your hands, not just that- but what was all around you.
You were in a store which sold soft animals, but the best news was that it’s sold JellyCats, you had wanted these teddies for a while, but there were no local shops which had them. The air smelt clean and crisp, juxtaposing the once stuffy, smelly, BO infested mall air, the place was magical, it was as if a part of your childhood was taken away and kept here.
Once Inumaki had found you again, he had found himself inside of the store as it had caught his eye, as he knew you would be inside of there. He walked upto you again, relived at the sight of you- however you seemed to be to infatuated with the teddies and not himself. So, the once pristine fluffy teddy in your hands got absolutely clarted by Inumaki’s fist.
“Toge what the hell are you doing you freak.” You joked, knowing he has called you far worse over text. “You cannot just punch all of the teddies.” You exclaimed between slight giggles. You shook your hand as you continued to browse the aisles, careful not to pick up any more victims for Inumaki’s playful punches (which were meant with full intent with the sheer vigour of how he clarted them).
You had been looking for this specific JellyCat which has a brown elephant, you’d had your eye on it for a while now, and low and behold. There it was, sat on a shelf by itself, it was practically begging for you to pick it up and re-home the cute thing.
However, there was a kid coming to toward it. “For gods sake,” you let out a slight groan, your paces speeding up ever so slightly in attempt to beat this child at reaching it before yourself. When suddenly Inumaki appears from literally thin air, snatches the elephant from the shelf, and hands it to be- and to top it off- the kid is given a gift too. The gift of Inumaki whipping out the ‘L’ hand sign.
“Toge…” you sighed and smiled lightly yet victoriously. You ruffled his hair, “Thanks babe.”
╰┈➤ geto suguru
i swear geto is the same as having like scary dog privilege. you lead the way and he lurks, when in reality he’s just made you walk infront of him because you’ve elbowed him as he made a snarky joke about the a weird guy walking past. doesn’t even make sense. anyway, now you’re leading him to the sweet shop at the end of the mall…
“Fudge?” Geto sighed, “really? Out of everything you’re going to get fudge.” (Geto does not like fudge. Whatsoever.)
“Yeah. I am. What’s got your knickers in a twist Sugu?”
“It’s vile.”
“You’re vile.” He rolled his eyes, even when you were in-front of him you could just sense it.
The sweet shop made itself closer and closer until the luminous neon lights were reflecting from the walls, and your face- making it appear pink and blue. As you and Geto step into the sweet shop, the air iss thick with the scent of sugar, like a warm embrace from a long-last friend. The vibrant array of sweets and treats dazzle your eyes, each confectionary a colourful masterpiece in its own right.
You turn to Geto, excitement bubbling within you as you’d been craving something sugary all day. “I’m starvingggg,” you whined, unable to contain your enthusiasm.
“No you’re not.” He quipped.
“Shush. Let me try one,” you said as you reached for a sample, and it was like you’d been transcended to a realm of peaceful tranquility. “Want one?” You offered to him.
“Nah, I’ll stick to the classics” you grin at his choice, admiring his steadfast dedication, even though he acts like an old man sometimes.
“Cant argue with you for that babe,” you reply, selecting a few more treats for yourself. “After all, why mess with perfection? Even though fudge is still top tier.”
He chuckled, the sound wand and genuine, as he wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close. “Exactly,” he murmurs, pressing a chaste kiss to your temple. “Sometimes, simplicity is the sweetest indulgence of all.”
“Ooo. Get you and your fancy quotes, where are you reading them from then?” You ask, then pop another sweet into your mouth. He just smiles warmly.
As the two of you are walking out, there seems to be something which catches your eye: it reads ‘fudge flavoured condoms’. You felt your eye twitch. “Suguru. I want to die what the hell is that.” And to which Geto followed to where you were indicating toward and just laughed hysterically.
“Want me to buy some?” He asked with a sly smile.
“Absolutely not.” This was humiliating. Safe to say that you won’t be running back to fudge anytime soon.
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moonstruckme · 3 months
hey if you don’t mind, I’ve been struggling with a lot of anxiety and it makes my chest hurt a bunch so maybe you could rwrite something like that with anyone you’d like, ofc if you’d rather not that’s totally.
have a wonderful day dearie
Thanks for requesting baby, I'm really sorry you're dealing with that! I hope maybe you're feeling a bit better by now.
cw: anxiety, chest pain
doctor!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 1.1k words
Remus knows you mainly watch this show because he likes it, and yet he’s dozing off. After a long shift at the hospital, the clashing of swords sounds about as lulling as a thunderstorm outside the bedroom window to his tired ears, and his head slowly slumps backwards against the couch cushion. When snuggle closer to his side, head needling its way almost into his armpit, he thinks you’re trying to get him to wake up. 
“Sorry.” His voice comes out raspy, drowsiness clinging to his vocal chords like a paste. 
You pull away, looking up at him. “Oh no,” you murmur, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.” 
The guilt in your voice has him responding instinctively, “It’s okay.” Remus drapes an arm across your shoulders, encouraging you back to where you were. “I was only resting my eyes.” It’s a flimsy excuse and you both know it, so he moves on quickly. “What’s up, hm?” 
“I was wondering if I could have a hug,” you say quietly, tentatively, your eyes not quite on his, “if that’s okay.” 
Remus checks himself before he can look too surprised. “Of course it’s okay,” he says, tightening his grip on you. 
Granted permission, you go all out. You turn your body into his, both arms wrapping tight around his midsection and face burrowing in the soft material of his sweater. Remus adjusts his hold to get a better grip on you. He brings his other hand to your head, cupping the back firmly. 
Asking for affection like this, so explicitly, is unexpected from you. It makes Remus feel like he’s just had a cup of tea, spreading warmth through his insides and leaving a pleasant aftertaste on his tongue. You hate to need him, but he loves to let you. He’ll take any chance to take care of you. He likes to think a secretive little part of you likes to be cared for, too. 
The exhaustion in his bones melts into something heavy and fond as he pets the back of your head. “Everything alright, sweetheart?” 
You hum into his armpit. “Just felt like I needed this, for some reason.” 
“Any reason’s good enough for me,” Remus half-jokes, dropping a kiss onto the crown of your head. “Did you have a long day, too?” 
“Not really.” Your voice dips into a lower register, disgruntled and bemused. You turn your face up so you can see him but don’t pull away, scooting closer to tighten your hold. “Nothing’s happened, I just feel a bit off, I guess. My chest hasn’t stopped hurting all afternoon.” 
He can see the regret in your expression when his eyebrows go up, and Remus laughs. 
“Oi, what’s that look about?” 
“I’m not trying to put you on the clock.” 
“No,” he says, smiling as he kisses your hairline, “You’re not, honey.” But he does reach for the remote, pausing the TV and silencing your background noise. 
Your eyes narrow. “You’ve got that serious look, though.” 
“That’s just my face, I can’t really help it.” Admittedly, chest pain worries him. Remus is prone to worrying about anything that ails you; it's where his job and his boyfriend duties collide. Still, he doubts you’ve been having a heart attack for the entire afternoon, so he’s not going to frighten you by telling you about the vast number of things chest pain can point to. “Where does it hurt? Can you show me?” 
You sigh and lean back, putting space between your chest and Remus’ side. “Sort of here,” you say, flattening your palm over your sternum. 
“Is it a concentrated pain,” he asks, “or more of an ache?” 
“More like an ache,” you admit. “It’s sort of, like, burning? But that sounds more dramatic than it really is.” 
He ignores the last part of your statement, setting his hand on your chest and pushing down gently. “Does that make it worse?” 
You shake your head, and Remus hums. You haven’t been coughing; he would have noticed. He works two fingers under your jaw. 
“What else feels weird, sweetheart?” 
“I’m not sure,” you tell him, starting to sound a bit raw. “I just feel…not right, you know? Is that bad?” 
“No, I don’t think so,” he says, letting his fingers drop from your pulse point. ”I think you’re mostly okay.” He uses both hands to pull you into his lap. “C’mere, baby dove.” 
You seem far from unhappy at being moved, pushing your face into Remus’ neck and letting him rest his chin atop your head. “What?” you ask. 
“Did you have coffee this afternoon?” 
“Yeah.” You sound cautious. “Why?” 
“And did you eat before?” 
“Remus.” Your warning tone is undercut by unease. 
He kisses your head in apology. “I think your chest hurts because you’re anxious, honey,” he says. “The caffeine probably made it worse.” 
You go quiet for a minute. Remus rubs your back, sorry for the invisibility of your hurt but relieved that its cause isn’t something more sinister. When you pull away, you’re frowning. 
“I don’t think it’s that,” you say. “It’s never felt like this before.” 
Remus feels his mouth slant in sympathy. “I think coffee without eating is already a bad idea, but then if you got anxious and we started watching a stressful show,” he tries to convey some apology in his expression, “it might have made your nerves feel worse than you’re used to.” 
“I think I’m only nervous because my chest hurts.” You blow out a breath. “It’s kind of a chicken and egg thing, yeah?” 
Remus hums, running his hand up the length of your spine. He can feel your heart beating beneath his palm. “Humor me for a minute?” 
You sigh again. It looks strenuous. “Sure.” 
“Breathe with me,” he instructs, folding you back towards his front. You go willingly, though you seem tenser now than before, your hands nearly rigid on his back. “In for eight.” 
He listens to be sure you’re doing it with him, feeling your chest expand against his own. He lets his palm lie still beneath your shoulder blades, sneaking a gauge of your heart rate. 
“Hold for eight.” 
Remus feels your nose press into his collar. He turns his lips into your forehead, holding his lungs at their full capacity and knowing that if it’s difficult for him, it has to be considerably worse for you. 
By the time you’re finished breathing out it's a relief for you both, and you turn your face up to his with a bit less skepticism. 
“That was hard,” you admit. 
Remus bites back an I-told-you-so, but he knows his smile must say enough of it when you roll your eyes good-naturedly. 
“Why don’t I change it to something a bit lighter,” he says, nodding towards the TV. “We can do more breathing during the commercial breaks, yeah?” 
You appear to consider this. “And we can keep cuddling?” 
Remus’ chuckle lures a smile out of you. He’s exceedingly gratified to see it. “That was never up for debate.” 
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st7rnioioss · 3 months
heyyy so i was watching a matt edit and it was to the song come through by the weekend and i was wondering if you could make a smut inspired by that song please :) i love ur work!!!! thank you
౨ৎ⋆ ˚。⋆ come thru
chris sturniolo x reader
warning: SMUT, p in v, fingering, mentions of edging, creampie, breeding kink kinda?, degradation, dirty talk, toxic relationship, BAD aftercare. smut w no plot
a/n: HELP i really hope i understood what this song about. busy famous dude who doesnt want a proper relationship. anyways, THANK YOU SO MUCH AND TY FOR THE REQUEST🤍🤍
not proofread!
i just realized i accidentally made this into a chris fic, forgive me please
"Just put it in a ponytail, fuck 'em from behind Fuck 'em with their clothes on, panties to the side Put the panties to the side, like a don do"
Chris and I’s relationship was.. special. Friends with benefits if you may. It all started when Chris suddenly got a lot of fame for doing YouTube videos with his brothers. Me and Chris were good friends. I started spending less and less time with him, but after one tiny slip-up (aka, fucking in his friends bedroom) at a party, we’ve been hooking up whenever he wasn’t too busy.
One day went something like this:
‘Chris, are you free right now? I’m home alone.’ I texted him, waiting in my empty house for him. I knew he was done filming by now. ‘I’m on my way.’ he answered a minute later. It didn’t take long for his car to park in the driveway of my house. He basically barged in, and without a word I was pinned to the front door, hickeys starting to appear down my neck and collarbone. I had repeatedly told Chris we should stop what we were doing due to his career, but he turned it down, telling me ‘how much he loves me’ and ‘how he just couldn’t get enough of me’. I didn’t complain though, I just didn’t want our situationship to ruin his worklife.
The hickeys by the front door quickly turned into my back against my bed, pants discarded on the floor. “Such a slut, hm? Letting me finger you, panties to the side.” he shook his head with an amused smirk, repeatedly fucking his fingers up into my aching core. Occasionally he’d curl his fingers, adding a thumb to rub hard but slow circles against my clit. “Chris, please- I need you,” I begged. I felt so pathetic. Still fully clothed beside my sweatpants that were resting on the floor. Chris only found the view fantastic. “Get on all fours.” Chris’s voice rasped as he withdrew his fingers from my pussy. I don’t mean to overreact, but I could cry from frustration. Ever since he carried me to my room, he’s been edging me, making me a dripping, and begging mess for him. I quickly compiled, turning around to get on my knees and hands. I felt Chris shift from behind me, looking back to find him pulling his pants down, just so his cock could spring free from his pants. He leaned down to get a sight of my soaked pussy, glistening from the dim lights in my room. “So fucking wet for me..” he murmured, letting his thumb slide down my folds, pushing my panties to the side to get a better view. “Chris, just shut the fuck up,” I whimpered, begging for him to let me be released after having been edged for so long, on top of thinking about him every second of the day. “Watch the attitude or I’ll make sure to fuck some senses into you,” Chris grunted, leaning back to get a hold of his cock, teasingly aligning it with my folds, making sure to keep my panties on. Slowly, he pushed forward, eliciting a quiet moan from me. He stopped for a moment before pulling almost all the way out, pushing in again.
It always made his ego skyrocket when I winced in pain from the strech of his cock, maybe even moan, just from the sight of discomfort on my face. “Holy fuck.. ‘swear to God, you were made for me,” Chris moaned in unison with me. A hand slid from my waist up my back, getting a hold of my hair. Swiftly, he wrapped my hair around his hand in a makeshift ponytail, pulling my head backward to let his lips whisper into my ear. “You like that? Pulling your hair back?” he smirked, knowing he couldn’t get a proper sentence out of me. With those words he only went faster, pushing my head down to make me arch my back instinctively. In response, he only got a few incomprehensible words, moaning and whimpering as his thrusts hardened and quickened. Suddenly I felt the knot in my stomach tighten and snap, cumming unexpectedly. “Chris, I-” I whimpered, getting more and more overstimulated by the second.d “Shut the fuck up. You’re lucky I even consider fucking you on a daily basis. Y’know how many girls would die to be in your position?” he groaned, feeling himself about to reach his high as well. I didn’t answer, mostly out of overstimulation. Chris could cum from my reflection in the mirror alone. The slightest bit of drool hanging from the corner of my parted lips, brows furrowed, eyes closed. A sight for sore eyes. “Chris, I’m gonna cum again..” I managed to mumble out, falling onto my elbows instead of my palms, making Chris unintentionally hit a spot way deeper than before. “Holy shit, Chris!” I moaned, letting myself cum around him once again. Chris wasn’t too far behind himself. To be fair, he’s been holding back for a while. He pulled me by my makeshift ponytail once again, making me groan in both pleasure and pain. “Gonna fill you up so nicely. I’ll make sure nothing leaks out, ‘might even have to cockwarm you if that’s the case. What do you think? Should I keep myself buried inside you?” Chris couldn’t stop groaning from just the thought of it. He only asked these questions to drive me crazy, knowing I couldn't form a proper sentence. Instead, he left me moaning, overstimulated, and tears threatening to spill. The thought of his dick staying inside of me, pushing his release deeper inside of me made me slightly fuzzy, arms buckling. “Chris, please. I-It’s too much..” I whimpered, a single tear rolling down my cheek. With a groan, Chris thrusted a few more times before letting him finish inside of me, making sure not to pull out.
After making sure I was doing alright, he pulled his pants up, pressing a kiss to my forehead while mumbling a quick ‘I’ll see you tomorrow’ as he left with his jacket under his arm.
a/n: hi chat. i found out this week that a whole lot of people i know have been shittalking me and making up rumors LMAOPOO. anyways, i rlly hope u like this, and thank you so so much again ahh ilyy🤍🤍 sorry if this is complete ass, im tired as fuck
taglist: @chrissgirlsstuff @leah-loves-lillies @toriinie @cupidzsq @lacysturniolo @iluvmattyb @ratatioulle @emma4eva @riasturns @sstvrnioloo @sweetbabydoe @elliewrites1 @its-jennarose @abbypost @chrisstopherfilmed @sturniolossss @ducksturniolo @junnniiieee07 @klaus223492 @urfavvev3lyn @vschrissturn @cicimayx @keerahsturn @sturniolololover @domaniquessidehoe @sturniolossss @orangelala @sturnioloslvtt @gwenloremain @k-l-a-w-s
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vendetta-ari · 3 months
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So, I was wondering if you could come up with some head cannons on what would cause the winged characters' (i.e. Lucifer, Lute, Adam, Valentino) wings to suddenly unfurl?
Heyy this ask was a lotta fun and I hope you enjoyy! I also added Vaggie to this bc she has wings too- either way, hope you like it anon!!
(Word count = 1255)
WARNINGS!! [probably our of character for vaggie, I've never written her before, SUGGESTIVE PARTS WITH VALENTINO, LUCIFER AND ADAMS, kinda angsty and cringe??
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》She can usually control her wings just fine, they don't usually unfurl without warning and they always stay hidden
》However, when she's upset they usually fly out
》 during an argument with her, she started getting all quiet before lashing out and yelling at you, her wings flying out
》Such beautiful wings too, a shame it had to happen at a time like this.
》She realized what she had just done and felt awful, a gut wrenching awful. she got misty eyes before tell you she needed to be alone for a bit
》 after a few hours Vaggie came running back to you, embracing you into her arms and hugging and holding you tightly
》her wings wrapped around you before she let out a bunch of incoherent sobs
》 “I-i'm so sorry I'm sososo sor-ry sorry- i-i really didn't mean to I jus- I just … I'm so sorry..” she was really broken up about it.. it was a big argument after all, so it made sense.
》 You sighed, taking her into her arms, and dragging her to the couch, accepting her apologies and telling her “It's okay, it wasn't anyone's fault. tensions were just high and- it's okay just let it all out m’kay? dear?” you said, your voice was shaky
》You'd be lying if you said Vaggie's crying didn't affect you, you tried hiding your tears, trying to be strong for her before a few tears slipped and you both laid on the couch.
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~ Like vaggie, he has good control of his wings and rarely use them
~However, his wings are a lot more sensitive.
~ his only real weak spot actually, that's why he usually just keeps them tucked away
~ poor you though, you didn't know, it's not really your fault for being so clueless.
~You were just done filming, and you stayed after. you and val were good friends and weren't ever really on bad terms so you always chilled with him after scenes and certain sets
~When you looked behind him his wings caught your eye, you almost forgot he was a moth and had wings, so you were pretty intrigued. 
~Oh but how curiosity killed the cat. walking up behind him you brushed his wings and ran your hands up and down them
~He shivered, turning around quickly to see you messing around with his wings. he was pissed, hes fucking killed bitches for pulling such bullshit stunts like this.
~But he didn't really wanna kill you, at least not yet, he chuckled as an evil smirk spread across his face. “Were these what you wanted to see mi vida?”
~His wings spread out, largely, they were probably double your size, you looked at them with awe before Val grabbed you by the wrist “Now. you should know not to ever touch these again. but since your so fucking dumb, I'll just have to show you a lesson hm?”
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*Lute, unlike the other two usually always has her wings out
*She likes showing em off, she thinks they're pretty
*And well, she's not wrong they are some of the most beautiful wings you've ever seen
*but the thing is, she always has them out. like to let them stretch and what's the point of hiding them? Shows how she's an angel, exterminator, and a bad bitch.
*So a better question really is, what makes Lute hide her wings? since she always has them out when and why does she put them away? two reasons.
*Well first answer is pretty simple, when she's in front of someone greater and higher than her role she'll put them away for the time being. It's just proper manners after all. Plus if she had her wings out in front of someone higher, they'd realize how much better she and her wings are, and let's not make others insecure now Lute.
*The other reason is a bit more complicated 
*When lute is feeling sad or down, shell curl up her wings behind her and wrap her arms around her knees and just curl up into a ball
*You found her like this once, and god were you so confused- you tried asking her what was wrong but to no avail, she barely gave you a response let alone an answer to your question 
*You sighed, assuming she just didn't really wanna talk about it. so you sat down next to her and rested your head on her shoulder, grabbed her hand and smiled “I'm here for you Lute.” you spoke softly. and you swear you caught a glimpse of lute blushing and smiling, but who knows- she denies it every time anyway.
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☆ Lucifer is 50/50.
☆While he usually has his wings kept tucked away behind him, he's no opposed to having them out, he doesn't really care
☆Whether his wings unfurl or not is usually random too, he doesn't even notice when they're out half the time too.
☆He'll usually use them to get things high up or travel from place to place, only for convenience purposes 
☆He doesn't like looking at his wings though, he's insecure about them, being a constant reminder of what he's been through, the poor fallen angel.
☆He has good control over them, they don't ever “accidentally” unfurl out when he gets mad or anything like that. he uses them only when he needs to
☆But you? oh no you're different. it's almost like their your wings with the way you have such control over them
☆By just a light touch the fluff up and out, they're usually unkempt by the way Lucifer doesn't like his wings too much, but you'll always fix up his wings for him, preening and brushing them for him
☆They will always fly out on cue when you two both end up on his bed after a long day, making out and leaving hickeys all over him
☆Fuck him infront of the mirror with his wings out
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-Adam is a lot like lute, where he'll have his wing our all the time, except it's even less likely for him to ever hide them
-For being the first man he is kinda unkempt though. 
-you always have to preen him and take care if his wings for him, keeping up his handsome and pretty wings
-If it weren't for you this idiot would just be walking around with messy and gross unkempt wings.
-He should really be thanking you though, he makes preening him so goddamn difficult 
-He always squirms and moves around, and he keeps his wing close to you, barely letting you touch them let alone preen them
-Adam hates when people touch his wings. he won't let anyone do it, your the exception however 
-and even being the exception he will be so stubborn with letting you touch them despite the countless times you've both done this, he will always be stubborn and difficult and he will never fully sit still and let you help him.
-He growls as you touch his wings, folding them around himself making it harder for you. as you groan in annoyance he reluctantly moves them a hit, making things easier for you “Just be fuckin careful bitch..” he mutters under his breath.
-Unlike Lucifer though, Adam will surprisingly try to hide his wings during sex. As said before he doesn't like people touching his wings so there's no real point for them to be out like that, he will fail though, and when he cums they spread out for a bit, before the post but clarity hits and he hides then once again, you can never win.
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-xoxo Ari
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
(Continued from this snippet! Content notes: police interrogation, homophobia)
“You don’t look gay.” The detective gives Steve a very obvious once-over. Steve tries to look gayer as subtly as he can. 
“Sorry,” he says. “Guess I’ll have to let my boyfriend know you don’t think I look gay enough to fuck him.”
The detective’s face twists slightly, like he’s smelled something bad. “No need to be like that. I’m just saying, I bet a good-looking guy like you could get a girlfriend pretty easy.”
“You’re not my type,” says Steve. He smiles with his teeth, even though his heart is going fast and he can feel his palms starting to sweat. 
The detective’s hands tense, and Steve wonders if he’s about to get hit, but they relax again and the detective sits back.
“Just doing my job,” says the detective. “Because, funny enough, we asked around with all your little friends, and it seems like you used to be a bit of a ladies’ man.”
“Things change,” says Steve. 
“In fact…seems like none of your friends ever even saw you talk to Munson before. Moved in different circles and everything. I remember what high school was like.”
The detective leans close. 
“So why would the captain of the swim team, a nice normal boy from a good family with a string of pretty girlfriends, ever—ever—stick his neck out like this for some murdering scum like Munson? That’s what I’m trying to figure out, here.”
“Don’t fucking talk about him like that,” says Steve. His mouth is dry. His pulse is thundering in his ears. “He didn’t kill anyone. He was with me the whole time. He’s—he didn’t kill anyone.”
“Hm,” says the detective. 
It takes a while for them to stop interrogating him. They keep asking him the same questions over and over, trying to trip him up. He asks for water and doesn’t get it. In the back of his mind, a hysterical little voice is shrieking Scoops Ahoy! I work for Scoops Ahoy!, but he manages to keep it locked down. Doesn’t let himself get baited, just keeps repeating that Eddie was with him the whole time and neither of them know anything. 
It takes a while, but it’s over eventually.
When he leaves the station, Eddie’s standing outside with Hopper and Joyce Byers, wearing a shirt and jeans that definitely belonged to Jonathan at some point. Eddie’s got his hands tucked into his armpits, looking antsy and tense, but he’s free and standing on his own two feet. It’s a pretty big upgrade from when Steve last saw him about a week or two ago. 
It’s almost too easy to go straight over to him, wrapping him up in a tight hug like they’ve had their arms around each other a million times. 
“Oof. Easy there, tiger,” laughs Eddie. “I’m, uh, still a little fragile.”
“Sorry,” says Steve, and loosens his hold. He doesn’t let go all the way.
“Come on, boys,” says Joyce. “I’m taking you two home. Steve, Eddie’s been staying with us, but we’re a little short on spare beds and it’s not great for his recovery. We’re moving him to your place until we can figure out something better, okay?” 
Joyce drops them off and helps carry in a few garbage bags full of Eddie’s stuff. There’s not that much.
And then the door closes behind her, and Steve’s alone with Eddie for the first time since—actually, maybe ever. 
“So,” says Eddie. “What…the fuck, Harrington.”
“Is that an actual question?” Steve says. He rolls his shoulders, trying to get some of the stiffness out. “I mean, didn’t Hopper and Mrs. Byers explain everything to you?”
“Kind of? I mean, I still think this is probably the worst idea of all time, but they told me—anyway, what I meant just now was a much more personalized and individual what the fuck. As in, why the fuck would you agree to any of this? You know you’re never gonna get another girl in this town to look at you now.”
“Dumping me already? Ice cold, man.”
Eddie groans and actually throws his hands in the air in frustration. Steve hadn’t known people did that in real life. 
“Jesus christ.” Eddie wheels around and grabs two of the garbage bags. “I can’t do this right now, I need to take a fucking nap. We will be discussing this later.”
“Still don’t know what there is to discuss,” says Steve, but he picks up the last garbage bag and leads the way to the spare room. 
Eddie pitches forwards onto the bed, arms outstretched and face mashed into the pillow. “Fuck yes, I am going to marry this goddamn mattress. Hit the lights when you leave,” he says, slightly muffled. 
For a second, Steve finds himself stepping forward with a hand outstretched to—do something. He’s not sure what. Touch Eddie’s hair, or something dumb like that. His face warms. He’s really glad Eddie isn’t looking at him and doesn’t see how he’s kind of just standing there with a hand out for no reason. 
He turns around, flicking the light switch on his way out, and doesn’t look back.
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dreamwritesimagines · 28 days
The Eye of the Hurricane [20] - Nightclub
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, you made my day! ❤️I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think! ❤️
Summary: Business deals are open to negotiation.  
Word Count: 2600
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Violence, guns, crime, blood, explicit language, dysfunctional relationship. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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“Unbelievable,” you muttered to yourself, scratching at Alpine’s head with one hand while holding your phone with the other, your eyes skimming the lines. “Seriously…”
Bucky sipped his coffee. “Care to share with the class, Charm?”
You heaved a sigh and shot him a look, holding up the phone so that he could see the screen.
“Clint leaves the city for a couple of days and HYDRA immediately attacks his territory?” you asked and Bucky hummed.
“I mean he had his people covering it,” he said. “Just because he wasn’t here, doesn’t mean it was open to any attack.”
“Which makes it worse,” you told him with a sigh, then reached out for the jar of peanut butter to dip a spoon into it. “How many sources do these guys have?”
“That’s what we’re trying to find out,” Bucky said, reaching out to run his fingers through Alpine’s soft fur as she meowed at him. “You’re coming to the club tonight, right?”
“Wouldn’t miss it.” Your phone buzzed in your hand and you took a look at the notification, then licked your lips.
“So you know how our therapist said open communication is very important?”
“I don’t trust the therapist.”
“Shocking,” you deadpanned. “Anyway, I’m meeting Ethan today for lunch.”
Bucky let out a groan before he threw his head back. “Charm…”
“This is me openly communicating.”
“This is you throwing a knife at me and calling it communication,” Bucky corrected you, making your jaw drop.
“It’s not!”
“I will ask this question once again; why are you meeting your ex who wants to fuck you?”
“That’s not—I know the idea isn’t familiar to you, but some people can be friends with their exes.”
“So it’d be fine if I met up with one of my exes for lunch?” he asked and you shrugged your shoulders, trying to ignore the unpleasant flip your stomach did.
“If you can find an ex who doesn’t want to kill you?” you said. “Go ahead.”
He scoffed. “Not all of them hate me.”
“Is the ex who doesn’t hate you in the room with us right now?” you asked back and he made a face.
“I don’t know who fed you those lies, I’m guessing Becca—”
“Becca is very objective when it comes to your exes,” you pointed out. “And how terrible you are in relationships.”
“I’m not terrible in relationships.”
“Did you stay friends with any of your exes?”
“Give me a name.”
He blinked a couple of times and cleared his throat. “…Dot.”
“Dot hates your guts, Buck.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I know she dumped you,” you said and Bucky clicked his tongue.
“It was a mutual decision.”
“It really wasn’t,” you said. “You do realize that I’ve been best friends with your sister since I was in kindergarten? I know everything about your terrible relationships.”
“To repeat, they’re not—don’t change the subject,” he said as you sipped your coffee. “Your ex?”
“My ex does not want to kill me like your exes or fuck me like you seem to think.”
“Oh he wants to marry you then?” he asked and even though you knew he was being sarcastic, your stomach did a flip. “Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, I beat him to it.”
You clicked your tongue as you dipped your spoon in the peanut butter jar again.
“As much as I enjoy you referring to me like I’m the last piece of cake,” you deadpanned. “I will make sure both your dick and you regret it the next time you do that.”
He blinked a couple of times and you gave him a bright grin, then popped the spoon into your mouth, then pulled it out to point at him with it.
“See?” you asked him. “Open communication. Therapy works wonderfully for this relationship.”
“Tell me I didn’t make you wait for long,” Ethan said as he rushed into the café and you let out a laugh, then stood up to kiss his cheek.
“I just got here, no worries,” you said. “Ordered your coffee though.”
“You know my coffee order?”
“Yeah,” you said and made a face at him. “Terrible order but yeah. Burned into my mind.”
That made him smile as he sat down.
“I’m so sorry,” he said. “I was going to come sooner but—”
“Let me guess, your boss?”
“One of these days, that man will get in an accident that I’ve been hoping and praying for,” he told you, making you laugh.
“That’s doable,” you said. “I told you before.”
He heaved a sigh. “Stop. Right now, I feel like taking you up on that offer.”
“You can.”
He frowned, then shook his head.
“No no,” he said. “I’ve watched too many movies about this.”
“I’m not going to put a horse head in your bed, Ethan.”
“No, not that!” he said, letting out a chuckle. “Power corrupts.”
You shrugged again. “Nah it doesn’t.”
“It would corrupt me,” he told you as the waitress brought your coffees. “How about you? How’s uh…how’s marriage?”
Your eyes snapped to his and you cleared your throat, shifting in your seat.
“Ethan, if it’s going to lead to yet another—”
“It won’t,” he cut you off and offered you a small smile. “Don’t worry. I got the message.”
A silence fell upon you. You could feel your stomach doing a flip at the implication of what he had said and even though you actually wanted to talk about it, you knew you couldn’t.
Now to think of it…
You weren’t sure if you could even get together with him after your divorce. The idea was tempting yes, but you weren’t sure he could handle the life the job brought with it. While you and Bucky could torture an agent of HYDRA and then get takeout afterwards, doing the same wasn’t possible with Ethan and—
Strangely enough, you found yourself wondering whether you could still do it with Bucky after you two would get a divorce.
Your head shot up and you cleared your throat, then smiled at him.
“Sorry,” you said. “Blanked out for a second. You were saying?”
Opening night of a club, especially if it was in Barnes, Wilson or Rogers territories, was always so much fun that even when you were teenagers, you and Becca would sneak into them, most of the time to get caught by Steve. Now that you were a grown up, you still enjoyed them but you also knew what was happening in the background.
It was the perfect time to make deals.
The crowd, the music, the alcohol, it all served its purpose to make better deals without getting the weapons or threats involved. Not to mention, getting invited to the opening night showed respect to whoever was a part of any negotiation.
You took a sip of your drink and leaned back on the sofa, keeping your eyes on Mr. Clifford. He was one of the new players in town, but powerful enough to be invited to your -well, Bucky’s- VIP booth tonight. If this deal worked, he could make the shipments to your territory much smoother but the problem was, neither you nor Bucky could decide whether you could trust him or not.
He had good references, but he was still sort of a mystery.
“I wasn’t aware you would be here as well, Mrs. Barnes,” Mr. Clifford said. “So the word on the street is true?”
“What word?” you asked and he smiled.
“That you’re…not just a guest?”
Bucky raised his brows and shot you a small grin while you shrugged your shoulders.
“No, I’m not.”
“She’s the only one I trust,” Bucky said and you smirked, reaching out to hold his hand. Mr. Clifford nodded.
“I see,” he said. “And um—if you don’t mind me ask, will it affect any deals I may make with your father?”
“You will have to ask my father that,” you said. “I hear he’s not open to any new deals but you can try your chances.”
He hummed. “And his heir, Ian?”
Your jaw clenched but you managed to keep your expression flat while Bucky squeezed your hand as if trying to assure you.
“Ian hasn’t been named yet,” he said. “And either way, if you’re making deals with heirs, I may have to rethink my decision to do business with you. Are you that much of an amateur?”
“No, I’m not going to do business with him if he’s making deals with people who can’t sit at the grown-ups table.” 
“I assure you, that’s not the case,” Mr. Clifford said. “I was just voicing my curiosity, that’s all.”
You downed your drink and leaned in to whisper into Bucky’s ear.
“I’ll be right back,” you said. “Don’t shoot him?”
“No promises,” he murmured and you tried to bite back your smile, then grabbed your purse and stood up to make your way through the dance floor to the bathroom. When you stepped out again, your eyes fell upon Ryan who was by the bar and you smiled to yourself, then approached the bar as well.
“I think you’re the only person who drinks water at a club opening,” you said, making him turn his head and he blinked a couple of times as if he was surprised to see you, then looked down at the glass in his hand.
“Ma’am,” he said, taking a sip of his water and you tilted your head.
“Let me guess,” you said. “Ian told you to be completely sober just in case?”
“It’s my idea, ma’am.”
“Where’s he?”
“In the VIP room there,” he motioned at the closest room and you pulled your brows together.
“And he sent you away?”
Ryan sipped his water in silence and you heaved a sigh.
“Does he know that keeping his right arm out of deals is a terrible idea?”
“I’m just his bodyguard ma’am, nothing more.”
You pursed your lips together and cleared your throat.
“You might as well dance with someone, you know,” you joked. “If he’s going to be there alone, no need for you to get bored.”
The look of complete terror on his face at the suggestion was almost funny. He was a huge guy, and you were pretty sure he could crush someone’s skull with his bare hands if he wanted to, but he looked absolutely terrified at the idea of dancing with someone at the club.
“I’m a great wing-woman,” you told him, making him blink a couple of times. “Anyone caught your attention?”
“Ma’am I—I wouldn’t—” he stammered and you waved a hand in the air.
“And how many times should I tell you to call me Y/N?” you asked and he licked his lips, staring at you.
“I don’t mean disrespect.”
“I don’t think it’s disrespect,” you told him and out of the corner of your eye, you saw the waiter leaving your VIP room mutter something at one of Clifford’s bodyguards by the door before walking away. You frowned.
“Excuse me,” you said as you made your way to the fire exit the waiter walked into. You looked over your shoulder and pulled the small pistol out of your purse, then pushed open the door quietly to step into the hallway.
The waiter was too busy to notice your presence as he pulled a gun out of the cleaning bucket in front of him, but he froze when he heard the sound of you cocking the gun.
“Hi,” you said and he gritted his teeth, raising his hands. “Put the gun down.”
He slowly put the gun down and you smiled.
“There you go,” you said. “Good boy.”
“What are you doing?” he asked as he turned to you and you shrugged your shoulders.
“I mean I’m trying to enjoy my night to be honest but…”
“Just walk away.”
You scoffed.
“Right,” you said. “That’s gonna happen.”
“If you walk away now, you’ll benefit from it,” he said. “Mr. Clifford says if Barnes dies, you could take over his territory, his business. It’ll be your right.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Well yeah but also if Bucky dies, I’ll have to wear black and I can’t really pull off black dresses,” you said. “Becca says it has something to do with my undertone—”
You didn’t get to finish your sentence when he lunged to throw a punch at you but you caught his hand and twisted it, making him cry out in pain. You headbutted him right in the nose, hearing the crack of the bone before you grabbed the bigger pistol on the floor to slam it against his head, causing him to drop to the floor unconscious.
“This night is getting more and more fun,” you murmured as you shook your head, then pushed your pistol back into your purse. You made your way to the door again to open it, then approached Ryan to tap him on the shoulder.
“Can I borrow you for a moment?” you asked and turned around without waiting for him to answer, but he followed you anyway until you got to the hallway and opened the door. Ryan grabbed his gun from his waistband the moment he saw the unconscious guy lying on the floor, then turned to you.
“Ma’am, are you alright?” he asked, stepping into the hallway with his gun ready, checking for any threats. “Did he hurt you?”
“Not at all,” you said. “Keep an eye on him until I get back.”
His back straightened immediately like he was a soldier and you were his commander. “Yes ma’am.”
“And if Ian says anything,” you said. “This happened in Barnes territory, he’s our hostage. No one else’s.”
“Yes ma’am.”
You nodded your head and took a step to the door, then turned around.
“And thank you, Ryan,” you said, making him pull his brows together in confusion as if he wasn’t used to hearing it. “I appreciate it.”
He swallowed thickly, then nodded.
“Ma’am,” he said and you pushed open the door, then made your way to the VIP room Bucky was in.
“As I was saying, our price isn’t…” Clifford stopped talking when he saw you walk inside. “Ah Mrs. Barnes, welcome back.”
You shot him a fake smile, then leaned in closer to Bucky so that you could whisper into his ear.
“He’s trying to kill you.”
Bucky’s gaze snapped to yours when you pulled back and he heaved a sigh as if he was exhausted, then ran a hand over his eyes.
“Great,” he muttered. “Do you want to stay and watch, sweetheart?”
You thought for a moment, then shook your head.
“I got one of his men, I’ll be by the fire exit,” you murmured. “Come there when you’re done?”
“Sure thing.”
“What’s going on?” Clifford asked and you turned to shoot him a glare before pecking Bucky on the cheek.
“Have fun!”
“I will,” Bucky said and motioned at one of the bodyguards. “Paul, escort my wife to where she’s going.”
“Yes Mr. Barnes.”
“And Hannah,” Bucky’s voice was completely calm. “Lock the room down.”
“Mr. Barnes, please—” Clifford’s voice was cut off when the door shut behind you and Bucky’s bodyguards started dragging Clifford’s men away while you turned to Paul with a sigh.
“How fucking rude, right?”
“I mean honestly…” you muttered while you walked to the fire exit with Paul following you. “Sending an amateur to kill him? People today have no manners.”
Chapter 21
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lovingseventeen · 1 year
Hiii hope you're well 🫶🏼
I really really loved the svt doing your make up 🥺 honestly getting make up done is so relaxing and it can be so intimate (me when lol)
I have a suggestion for a svt reaction bec you see I have a thing for hands, like the hands are one of the first thing I notice about a person so I wonder how svt would react to their s/o randomly grabbing their had and kissing it 🥹
randomly kissing svt’s hands 🫶🏽
a/n: HI ANON i LOVE this request omggg. i have so many things queued but i HAD to write this rn rn
edit: i’m literally biting my lip as i write this bc FAWK this is such a cute idea i need all of these men’s hands in marriage rn
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❥ he loves holding hands so he doesn’t question when you grab his hand
❥ he’s about to lace his fingers with yours when he feels you bringing his hand up to your face to kiss it
❥ but he does malfunction a little bit because his brain is thinking: wait i’m supposed to do that to you
❥ you can hear his typical “ayy” as he watches you
❥ he won’t admit that he’s a little flustered
❥ you only find out that he is when he tucks his hair behind his ear and you notice that the tips of his ears are pink
❥ watches you with the most endearing smile
❥ lets you do you what you want but still leans in close to your face and asks, “what’s this for pretty baby, hm?” AAAAAAAA
❥ so so confused but he doesn’t pull his hand from you (because he never would)
❥ “what’s this?” he asks as you’re bringing his hand up
❥ “mm, nothing babe” you hum, placing a light kiss to the back of his hand
❥ “oh, okay?” he replies, pink dusting his cheeks
❥ blushing so bad but he isn’t even embarrassed
❥ goes “oo” as your lips make contact with his skin
❥ “does this mean you have a crush on me?” he jokes, making you drop his hand and smack his arm
❥ but ofc he catches your wrist and pulls you into him so he can properly kiss you
❥ you could do anything to him and he’d go with it
❥ smiles as you kiss his knuckles
❥ he might not comment on it but he’ll give you a few extra kisses that day
❥ you were chilling with him in the studio as he was going over his work
❥ without thinking about it too much, you took his hand to give it a little kiss which grabs his attention
❥ he hums in surprise and he’s so flustered that he’s immediately asking “am i not giving you enough attention today? i’m sorry baby give me a minute-” as he’s already starting to close some tabs on his desktop
❥ “oh, no! jihoon, i just felt like doing it!” you quickly explained, but he’s still closing off his things
❥ “i’ve done enough work today anyways” he decides, assuring you
❥ so so giggly as the slight foreign feeling of your lips brushing against his hand
❥ so smiley even as he’s asking “what’s this? you don’t usually do this”
❥ hair ruffle right after you do it
❥ you tease him a little as you run your thumb over his knuckles
❥ he’s wondering what you’re doing but it’s also not entirely new
❥ it’s when you’re lifting his hand that he’s already blushing because there’s no way you’re about to do what he’s thinking
❥ “what’re you doing? baby, what’s this?” right as you hold eye contact and kiss his hand
❥ for a pretty big and buff man, he feels like putty in your touch, he’s covering his face with his free hand because he can’t even look at you with how pink he’s getting
❥ “so i can’t even kiss my boyfriend’s hand?” you tease
❥ “not when it makes me like this!” he whines (definitely do this to him again)
❥ you couldn’t help but kiss his hands god they’re so pretty AAAAAA
❥ for seokmin, you took both of his hands in yours, making him raise his eyebrows, “oh?”
❥ casually, you place on kiss to his left, then one to his right and his eyes follow your ministrations
❥ best believe his heart is hammering and he’s blushing madly
❥ “do you have any idea what you do to me?” he asks, swearing that he’s falling even harder when you coyly shake your head no
❥ you kind of adored him when he was in a state of rambling about his day, even when he was tutting about the member teasing him but especially when you could tell that he felt like he did well. you were watching him from your couch as he paced your living room
❥ but there’s a moment when his eyebrows are furrowed because he’s talking about this dance move that he’s supposed to do on top of singing something quite difficult
❥ “it’s supposed to go something like this..” he murmurs slowly walking you through the dance steps, quirking his head as he wonders how he’ll do it
❥ he plops down onto the couch next to you when he’s finished walking you (and himself) through the whole chorus, leaning his head back. “i just don’t know how-”
❥ you take his hand because he’s so clearly stressed and place a kiss to it. his words stop as his face heats up from the sudden gesture
❥ “why all of a sudden?” he murmurs, looking away from you because you caught his so off guard
❥ “because my baby’s so stressed and i know you want to avoid getting wrinkles” you chuckle
❥ also so chill with it — would also probably let you do anything to him
❥ a small smile as you randomly kiss his hand
❥ “this is new” he observes, smiling wider when you giggle
❥ “just felt like it, why, is it weird?”
❥ he shakes his head, “no, not at all”
❥ “w-what, what is this?” he’s mumbling as you unexpectedly take his hand and kiss it
❥ “just wanted to give you a kiss” you reply simply
❥ he’s so pink but he’s trying to quickly think of a way to recover
❥ “well, why don’t you give me a real one” he decides, surprising you by pulling you into him by your waist
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multifariousqueer · 1 year
Yandere Miles Morales( 42 & 1610) headcannons
A/n: Okay, so I’ve been thinking about it a lot and I was wondering, if the Miles’ were yanderes, which ones would they be?? So, here are my headcannons/Drabbles on the Miles as yanderes
Warnings: Yandere behavior, toxicity, stalking, possessiveness, manipulation,
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Miles Morales(1610)
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Our miles is definitely the stalker/manipulative Yandere
When Miles found out where your dorm was, it was over for you.
He would come by your house every night and watch you sleep before and after going on patrol
Memorized your entire schedule and your dorm location before you two actually met because he was so infatuated with you
I feel like this man says that y’all are gonna get married even before y’all start talking. Like he’s telling Ganke that you two are gonna get married
“Dude, does she even know you exist”
“Yes. She glanced my way and she was wearing Jordan’s identical to mine”
“That doesn’t mean anything man”
It means everything to him
When y’all do start talking, he moves really quickly. Like he’s holding your hand on the first date and calling you his girlfriend on the third
You mostly got with him because you felt bad but he manipulates you into having feelings for him
He’s very persuasive tbh
He makes a good impression on your family and everyone is convinced that y’all are going to get married
When he reveals himself as Spider-Man, all hope is out the window of being safe
It doesn’t matter what you say or do, In his mind, you two are in love and you’re gonna be together forever
If you give him an inch, he’ll take a mile.
Will try to separate you from your family and friends
Will start dressing you up like a doll
If you try to fight back, he’ll just say “calmate Mami. It’s okay, I’m here and we’re gonna be together and have kids and we can wear matching clothes and everything will be okay”
If you disagree with something, he’ll just say, “it’s fine, I just thought you loved me” and will make you feel like shit for not going with his flow
If you go crazy enough on him, he will just web you up and kiss you until you calm down
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Earth 42! Miles
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Earth 42! Miles is the possessive/ crazy Yandere
Will just not let you leave the house alone and he will not let you go anywhere
If you end up in his dimension and you look like his s/o that died, forget it.
This man is not above kidnapping. Like Yk that box from You that Joe kept Beck in? Yeah, he’d build that for you
“Where do you think you’re going, Mami?”
Will not let you wear your own clothes, especially in public
He would spoil you and use it as leverage
“You think that cabròn would buy you that, hm? Nah princesa, I do that. I take care of you”
He forces you to be dependent upon him
“Oh, princess you need something, hm? You need food? You’re hungry? Let me get you some food”
This man has prowler advantages. Like he could kill anyone and no one would know but you
Will give you everything you want but it always comes with a price
“I’ll get you that necklace, mi amor if you promise me that you’ll stop listening to your friends and family’s opinions about me” “sì Papi”
Has a tracker on you at all times in the off chance he lets you leave
Hates your friends and family because they don’t like him
Will isolate you from everything and everyone you know until you’re nothing but his piece of clay, ready for his moulding
This man would kill anyone that came too close to you
Yeah lmk if there’s any that I missed 🩷
Divider- @firefly-graphics
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lainsshop · 4 months
We’re Simply Meant To Be 𝜗𝜚
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Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Tags: fluff, human alastor, out of character(?), tnbc, eveloping relationship(?) n probably more..
Song: Sally’s Song & We’re Simply Meant To Be - The Nightmare Before Christmas
A/N: Here we out.. Alastor is so Jack coded in someway like walk with meeee!! Not proud of this one tbh..
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“… I sense there's something in the wind, that feels like tragedy's at hand-” The ringing in your ears and the dust around the destroyed hotel feel up your senses as you try to stand up. You were bleeding out after fighting against Adam with Alastor. You regained consciousness after remembering what happened, you coughed and begin to search for him.
“And though I'd like to stand by him,” You knew that he was okay but the changes are never zero, you couldn’t risk it- you couldn’t risk never telling him what you felt all those years being together before and after dead, even if it was a silly joke-
“If we still don’t have partners by the age of 30, we should marry each other, what ya think?” You playfully suggest as you hand him a glass of rye. Soft jazz could be heard in Alastor’s radio as you both sat on his dining table. “Now, we both know that we won’t have a someone by that age, probably never.” He chuckled. “I know, I know- I was just joking.” You were lying.. deep down you wanted that, you wanted to be next to him and love him more than a friend but something was holding you back from confessing.
“Can't shake this feeling that I have, the worst is just around the bend,” You continued to walk around, you couldn’t even see the rest of the crew so you were probably a lot farther from them. “And does he notice my feelings for him..?” Your legs betrayed you as you tumbled down on the ground, you became dizzy and rested against a demolished wall. “And will he see how much he means to me?”
“I think it’s not to be- what will become of me, dear friend?” You began to questioned yourself as you tried to push through the pain. “Where will my actions lead us then?”
“Althought I’d like to join the crowd, in their enthusiastic cloud, try as I may, it doesn’t last… and will we ever end up together?” Questions. Questions running through your head.
What would happened? What if you weren’t so fucking pathetic and just told him everythi- “And will we ever end up together? No, I think not, it’s never to be ecome-“ You looked at your bloody hands as drops of tears started to appeared. This is your final moment? “For I am not the one..”
You were about to close your eyes as you heard footsteps, vague footsteps getting louder and louder and a radio static-
You quickly looked were the sound was coming from and you nearly jumped when you saw him so near to you.
“… Al-” “Shush, my dear, you’re severely wounded so I should suggest to not speak at the moment, hm?” A beat of silence.
“May I?” He was asking about your injury so you just simply nodded and let him do whatever. He started to help you with the wound. As he did that, he suddenly spoke- “… my dearest friend, if you don’t mind,” You looked at him wondering what he was gonna say next but he was trying to look for the right words and he looked at you with a soft gaze. “I’d like to join you by your side,” You felt a swirly feeling, you didn’t wanted to assume what he meant but you knew it was a positive gesture especially coming from him. “Where we can gaze into the stars-“
You see, there was rare moments where Alastor used to speak like this with you when y’all were alive, you never knew what he meant but in that moment you knew what he meant now. He was- “And sit together now and forever, for it is plain as anyone can see,” He gently grabbed your hand and gave it a small kiss. You both looked at each other with a soft smile.
“… we’re simply meant to be.” You both serenaded.
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beskarandblasters · 7 months
Grasp & Tug
Inexperienced!Din Djarin x F!Reader
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Main Masterlist | Din Djarin Masterlist
Author’s note: This is yet again inspired by another beautiful piece of art by @immarocketman 🤍 If you wanted to you could imagine this is in the same universe as Uncut and Oral Fixation!
Summary: Din discovers he likes having his hair pulled.
Word count: 800
Warnings: reader is able-bodied, pet names (cyar’ika for you, baby for Din), hair pulling, oral sex (F receiving), crying during sex, dacryphilia, vaginal sex, cream pie, no use of y/n
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Din Djarin loves having his hair pulled. It makes sense, being the touched starved man he is. And he discovered this kink by accident. The first time you pulled his hair he was in between your thighs, eating you out and making your entire body shake with pleasure. Without thinking you reached down in between your legs, intertwining your hands with his hair and giving his locks a tug. He let out a deep, guttural moan at the sensation. At first you thought you hurt him. You immediately sat upright, caressing each side of his face as you looked down at him.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you, baby.”
But to your surprise he looked up at you with a primal, hungry look in his brown eyes.
“Do that again,” he said in a strained tone before pushing on your abdomen to coax you to lie down again. This is out of character for your sweet, inexperienced Mandalorian. But you must’ve unlocked something inside him when you pulled his hair.
So, you obliged, resting back down on the cot and letting him have his way with your cunt, all while you pulled his hair and soaked the lower half of his face. Every time you tugged on his hair a little harder, he melted into putty in between your legs, letting out a string of moans and whimpers.
When he was finally finished with you, you sat upright and asked, “You really liked that, huh?”
“Cyar’ika, I loved it.”
“It didn’t… hurt?”
“It did.”
“But you liked that?”
“Hm, wonder what else you like,” you teased, lying back down on the cot.
He laid down beside you on his side, running his fingers along your outline, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
“You’ll find out soon enough.”
That was how it started. Flash forward to several rotations later and here you are, riding him like there’s no tomorrow.
He’s sitting upright against the wall of the bunk. You’re straddling him, his cock buried deep inside you. You move your hips back and forth against him, resting your hands on his shoulders as you look deep into each other’s eyes. You’re both covered with a slick layer of sweat from the activities earlier that evening, already several rounds in.
“Cyar’ika…” he started, trailing off.
“Mm, what is it, baby?”
“Pull my hair.”
“Knew it was coming,” you tease.
You bring your hands to his hair, tangling your fingers in his locks and giving them a soft tug.
“Harder,” he moans.
You knew that was coming, so you pull a little harder. You’re still hesitant about inflicting any sort of pain on him. He’s a big, bad bounty hunter by day. But at night, he’s your soft boy, slowly working his way out of his shell.
He closes his eyes and says, “Pull. Harder,” his words coming out strained.
“…Are you sure?”
He takes a deep breath and opens his eyes slowly. To your surprise, there’s a few tears rolling down his cheeks.
“Din! You’re crying!” you say, bringing your hands to his face and wiping away tears with your thumbs.
He places his hands over yours and says, “It’s okay… I like it.”
“I know you like getting your hair pulled but you’re crying… Do you like that?”
“Kriff yes, cyar’ika.”
“Okay,” you nod, “Just tell me if you need me to stop, okay?”
He nods and you return your hands back to his hair and start the movement of your hips again. Tears are coming from his eyes in an endless stream as you grasp and tug his hair, harder and harder. It feels nice. It’s something to hold onto you as you ride him relentlessly. But it also makes you feel powerful, holding his hair in your hands and having that much control over his pleasure. Perhaps your innocent little Mandalorian has a kinkier side you have yet to explore.
Soon enough you’re coming against him, your walls fluttering around his cock. The pleasure electrifies your core and spreads outwards, feeling like all of your limbs are suddenly set aflame. You close your eyes and bring one hand to Din’s cheek, feeling his warm tears against your palm. Before you know it, he’s coming and crying profusely, both happening simultaneously.
After you’re done coming down from your high you rest against him. He rubs your back and you rest your head on his shoulder with a hand still in his hair but this time you’re stroking his scalp lightly, feeling him melt into your touch.
“That was amazing, cyar’ika,” he sighs.
“It was,” you giggle against him.
“What’s so funny?” he asks, a smirk evident in his voice.
“I never knew you were so… kinky.”
“I’m still exploring… But I’m glad to be exploring this with you.”
“You’re sweet,” you say, pulling back and smiling at him, “But there’s something else we need to explore.”
“What’s that?”
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citrustan · 8 months
for what it's worth [2/4] (jjk)
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pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
genre: angst, fluff (this comes in a bit later), light smut, college student!reader x crush!jungkook
summary: you make an awful revelation about your crush of two years.
word count: 2.3k
warnings: kinda angsty because yaknow unrequited love and stuff like whew i could never
note: im SORRY it took me a year to release this :(
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1 - 2 - 3 - 4
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Every millisecond of the drive back to campus was torturous. At times, you felt like your throat was closing up. You had to sit on your hand to stop it from cracking a window open.
You think you might’ve experienced your first ever anxiety attack.
All Jungkook’s genuine attempts at holding a conversation with you were shot down mercilessly.
It was almost as if all the admiration you had for him turned into pure hatred for a moment.
Terrified that you would break down in front of the man whom you supposedly creep out, you kept your mouth shut the entire time.
You’re thankful for the timing of the universe. Had you proceeded to confess your feelings to him, you’d have humiliated yourself to death. You’d have had to dig yourself a hole and bury your head in it for a really long time. Or hibernate in the blast chiller like a stupid little snail.
Even if you had a minuscule percentage of a chance with Jungkook, Jia has destroyed it all by telling him about ‘your’ crush.
Although he didn’t seem to have recognised you as the ‘creep’, you can’t help but wonder. What if he knew about you? Maybe he didn’t recognise you without makeup? Maybe he panicked when he realised it was you.
What do you know about Jia really?
After unsuccessfully starting a conversation with you, Jungkook was staring a hole into his phone. He knows he has made you uncomfortable. But, which part of whatever he said did the trick?
He panicked. Jungkook wasn’t supposed to tell you (or anyone) about him and Jia, as per Jia’s desperate request. While he respected it, he wondered why. On pushing her for a legitimate answer, she finally told him about the ‘creep with a schoolgirl crush’ and how she was friends with said ‘creep’ and didn’t want to be in her bad books.
Albeit strange, Jungkook assumed it was dangerous for Jia to be publicly known as his girlfriend. He thought that maybe it’d have put a target on her back.
He didn’t mean to blurt it all out in front of you. It was like his mouth had a mind of its own. He couldn’t stop himself from spilling the beans. And then he made it worse by indirectly calling you a creep. He did take it back, but it must’ve been uncomfortable for you regardless.
And maybe that’s why you won’t respond to his attempts to chat.
He really didn’t want to burden you but he has to let you know--- “You know, it’s a relief to finally tell someone about Jia.”
“Hm?” You abruptly turned your head sideways to face him.
“Jia. It feels good to be able to talk to someone about the girl I’m dating. We never really planned on telling anyone actually.”
‘Yeah, while you’re at that, stick a knife in my chest, why don’t you?’
“I bet it does.” You exhale with a forced smile.
Jungkook turns his body towards you, “_____.” He called out. You instinctively make eye contact with him. “Would it be too much to ask if we could keep this a secret from Jia?”
Before you could process exactly what he asked of you, you involuntarily held your breath at the thought of sharing a secret with him. Just the two of you.
And Jia.
You frown.
The thought of Jia breaks you out of your reverie. You have got to pull yourself together.
Perhaps Jungkook wasn’t too far off with the ‘creep’ thing.   
“Whatever you want.” You immediately look away. Honestly, he probably could’ve gotten you to agree to shave your head if he wanted to.
“Really? It isn’t…?” Jungkook trailed off. “It’s okay. It’ll be as if we never met.” You assure him.
Just how far is your stupid university? It feels like forever since you got into the car with him.
“Except we have met before.” He interjects. You don’t know if he’s referring to your very first meeting at the party or the other times you’ve ‘met’ in the classes you share. Either way, Jia knows about it all.
“We sure have. But she doesn’t have to know that. If that’s what you want.” You add, “I don’t want to cause any problems for you. Just tell me what to do and I won’t question it.” With that you aim your eyes straight ahead, focusing them on the back of the passenger seat.
So much for staying grounded. You have GOT to chill. You’re worried you’ll blow your cover.
Jungkook unexpectedly laughs, “Okay. I don’t want to complicate it too much.”
“Jia doesn’t want people to know about us. And I don’t want to lose her trust. So… maybe---”
Your mouth automatically forms a pout. You really don’t want to witness his devotion to her.
“You know what, I’ll handle it. I’ll talk to her and admit I slipped up...” Jungkook waits for your reaction, but you give him nothing.
Now, you begin to feel badly about the way you’ve been acting towards him. He has done nothing to deserve your hot and cold attitude.
Jungkook has been kind to you. He complimented you, confided in you, gave you his jacket, and offered you a ride. The least you can do is not make stuff so difficult for him.
You remind yourself that your issue is with Jia and not Jungkook.
“If you’re that worried, we don’t have to mention this to her.” You meekly add.
“I was thinking maybe I should just tell her. Wouldn’t that be easier for you too?” Hah! You’d think.
You’re about to counter when the driver interrupts, “Non-faculty vehicles aren’t allowed to go any further than this. Is it okay if I dop you kids off here?”
Neither of you had noticed that you’d reached a few minutes ago. Your driver was kind enough to allow you to resolve your dilemma.
Your dorm was a ten-minute walk from the gate. “This is good.” You kindly smile at him.
The driver eyes you from the rear-view mirror, “This is none of my business but from experience, I can tell you that nothing good ever comes out of secrets and lies. No matter how big or small, shit gets messy.”
You and Jungkook share a look and thank your driver.
“I’ll tell her tomorrow.” He nods once, mostly to himself.
The two of you exit the vehicle together.
Something still bothered you. You swore you had a really great time with Jungkook at the freshmen mixer where you were first introduced to each other. Does he not remember you from then at all?
It’d be embarrassing if he didn’t.
What kills you the most is how you stupidly built your crush up in your head. It was just supposed to be just a fun thing for yourself, but honestly, you’re having trouble standing right now.
“Can I walk you to your room?” Jungkook interrupts your chain of thoughts.
Originally, you planned to run away from him as soon as you reached campus, but curiosity pushes your nervousness away. So, you agree to walk with him.
The first few minutes of your walk are spent in silence. It wasn’t pleasant, it was forced and awkward. Even small talk couldn’t have helped it.
Most of your life was planned. You liked having control over the situations you put yourself in. You like knowing what was going to happen the next day. You liked to organise everything. This tension and feelings of uncertainty threw you way off.
You could not bear not knowing. Still, you manage to keep your cool and fake nonchalance. This is only as big as you make it out to be.
At least now you know you wouldn’t need to buy an extra juice box tomorrow.
You made sure to reassure Jungkook that he wouldn’t get into trouble and that he wouldn’t have to worry about you talking to people about it. But, you could feel the discomfort he basically emitted from his speech to his body language.
Unconvinced that he heard you out, you tell him again. “Just so you know, you don’t have to butter me up or anything. If Jia doesn’t want your news out, so be it. I won’t tell a soul.” Because, that’d be super embarrassing for me as well. But you left that out.
Jungkook visible relaxed, with slouched shoulders and an exhale of relief, he turns to you. “Oh, thank goodness. I was hoping to keep this between us. I know it’s a pussy move, I just don’t want-“
“I already told you, it’s OK.” You abruptly cut him off, impatient because you couldn’t hear him get started on liking and respecting Jia, and disappointing Jia, and protecting Jia, or whatever was going on with the pair.
You were a little hurt when he reacted the way he did. Somewhere, you wanted him to admit he was walking you home because he cared about you or found you inciting enough to spend time with.
Why would he care? You’re actually nobody to him. You’re Jia’s _____.
(And he’s Jia’s Jungkook lol)
You continue, “I genuinely do not care.” A lie.
Jungkook stares at you with big stupid eyes. You almost feel bad for him. You know you’re confusing the fuck out of him with your hot and cold behaviour.
“You know what? I forgot I had to see the course counsellor. That’s like, in the other direction.”
Your sad excuse for an escape was welcomed by Jungkook.
“Oh! My dorm’s the opposite to that… building.” He wanted to get away from you just as much as you him. Well, that doesn’t hurt at all.
:D :D :D
I mean, you were doing the same thing to him but your reason was totally different. So, that doesn’t count.
The two of you stopped in the middle of the cold path. “So, okay.” He started, “I’ll see you around?”
“Yeah! See you!” You faked enthusiasm.
After a two second lag, you both awkwardly shuffle around each other.
“Bye!” You abruptly brisk walk in the direction of your dormitory, the very direction you weren’t supposed to be heading to.
Jungkook stands dumbfounded with his hand midway in the air. In fact, he had no clue you were trying to avoid him. He really meant that his dorm was opposite to the counsellor’s office.
Still, he doesn’t think too much of it.
Jungkook checks his phone to see a few text messages from his girlfriend, asking him about his plans for the week.
He promptly cleared his evenings for Jia and continued walking away from the spot you both stood at.
Later that night, while he FaceTimed her, he kept going back to the moment you greeted him. For some reason, he couldn’t stop thinking about you; as one would after such an awkward interaction.
Jungkook sneakily prods. “Babe, that friend you keep talking about?”
Unsuspectingly, Jia instantly says your name. “_____?”
“Hm…” He affirms.
After a few seconds of silence from Jungkook’s side, Jia irritably bit her inner cheek.
“What about _____?” She pushes.
“Oh, sorry- lost connection. I was saying I met her today.”
“What do you mean? What for?” Jia’s brain starts creating all the scenarios she was afraid would take place.
“We were stranded at the bus stand so we hitched a cab ride together...” Jungkook trails off as if he’s in deep thought.
“Did she do anything to make you uncomfortable?” She asks, worried.
“No, it wasn’t like that. I offered. I think I might’ve made her uncomfortable.”
Now, Jia was impatient, “Can you tell me what happened exactly? What did she say to you?”
Now, Jungkook was a little taken aback.
“Babe. You know I really like you, right?” Jungkook begins.
Jia pouts, “Where is this going?”
“Just…” Jungkook opened his mouth, deliberately delaying the conversation.
“Kook… something happened?” Jia involuntarily rubs up and down her arms.
He blurts, “I may or may not have told her about us. BUT, but-” – “YOU WHAT?”
Jungkook looks at his screen with wide eyes, “But I only let it slip because I thought you told her. She even said she didn’t care enough to tell anyone.”
“Oh? She said that?” Jia’s brows furrowed, both in concern and anger. Jungkook reads her expression and sighs. “She didn’t say it like that.” He repeats.
“No wonder she hasn’t responded to my texts yet. She’s supposed to fucking proofread my assignment for tomorrow. I’m so screwed.” Jia exasperates. Jungkook tilts his head. Has he really messed up? “I’m sorry, baby. Is it so bad I told her? What’s wrong with her knowing?”
Jia shook her head.
“Jungkook, GOD I wish you were with me. I’m so tense I think I need to be fucked so I can forget this ever happened.”
Jungkook smirked, “Well… I don’t have to be physically present with you to make you lose your mind.”
Jia’s mouth drops open a little. She thinks she might just start drooling at the sound of his voice.
“Now where is that Bluetooth controlled-” – “It’s already on me.” She blurts, knowing exactly what he’s about to do to her.
“Oh? Wow, my girl is so naughty. Is this what you wanted from me tonight?”
And, then you were long forgotten.
Well, until later that same night.
Before dozing off, he spent the remaining of his day replaying what had happened. He thought about the way your mood dropped after getting into the taxi and the way your eyes wandered everywhere but to him. He doesn’t know if you realised it, but you muttered a lot of words under your breath. Some of them being loud enough for him to hear.
Jungkook’s thoughts were zeroed in on you.
His mind went in and out of so many black holes, that he even thought of the possibility of you being what Jia tried to shield their relationship from. Even though they were all afterthoughts, one thing was for sure. You had caught his attention.
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darylbae · 22 days
end of season 2 when the group escape hershel’s farm from the walkers, but they all get separated including daryl and his wife/girlfriend but they don’t realise until they have made it back to the highway. Daryl is all angry and just wants to find her. basically a bunch of angst w a maybe happy ending?
you can ignore this if you don’t like it 🖤
trouble — daryl dixon 🩰
in which you’re separated after the fall of the farm, and all daryl wants is you.
also this won't follow the show (except the desecration of the barn) as s2 was so long ago and i don't really remember it
guys i want him so bad
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You don’t really remember how it all happened. A gunshot echoed in the field, the sound resembling a small bang to your ears due to the distance. And all Hell broke loose. You were with Daryl, sat with him on the staircase, just enjoying each other's company, a mumbled conversation between you. But you couldn't remember what about, now that you'd been handed a gun and sent out to the field to keep the walkers at bay. It was no use, you knew this from the start. But this group you've been attached to likes to hold onto the ideals of hope. Daryl had jumped onto his bike, trying to pick off a few with his crossbow in the distance. But they were closing in. You could no longer hear the rumble of his bike any more, the growls and moans of the dead succeeding anything else around you. You were almost out of ammo, the gunshots were attracting more towards you, so you'd relied on your knife and stamina to create a distance. It was no use. You told yourself this, repeating it in your head as you ran round towards the side of the house. Walkers surrounded you, there was no sight of anyone else, just cars driving off. They left, they fucking left. Even Daryl? The two of you hadn't been dating for long, but to leave without you? You prayed to God you'd survive to see Daryl and give him a slap. The barn burned bright in the distance, yet the smell of smoke invaded your nostrils even as you ran away from it. There were no vehicles around for you to drive away in, you had only your legs and your knives in each hand. Determined to survive the night.
Daryl had ended up on the outside of the farm, collecting Carol and driving off. But his mind stayed entirely on you, wondering if you were alive and fighting like you always have, or left to die through his own faults. He'd decided to head towards the highway, knowing people would regroup there, knowing you'd think to go there. Only to find him and Carol were the only ones. Daylight was breaking and still no sign of you. "Fuck!" He shouted, dismounting his bike and kicking the car beside him. He rubbed his face with his hands violently, thinking, believing you were alive. "Knowing Y/N, she is alive. You know what she's done to get here, there's no way she's gone." Carol tried to reassure him, which works more often than not. But where you were concerned, it was like talking to a brick wall. "She would've come 'ere." Daryl yelled, Carol looking around cautiously as sound attracted walkers. It was a small thought in his brain to get back on his bike and go back in search for you, but he knew how stupid that would be. He knew how smart you were, and tough, but he was getting desperate. He hadn't realized how much he cared for you until there was a chance you were gone. How he thought the world and more of you, how he worshipped the ground you walked on. To think it could all be gone, it scared him. "Let's carry on, Daryl," Carol whispered to him, her hand clutching the side of his arm, as a silent means of support. "We'll find them, we'll find her. I'm sure of it." He sulked against a car, arms crossed and mind distant, thinking about where you or anyone could be. "Why don't we leave something here? So they know we were here, hm?" Carol suggested. He didn't want to go. What if you were round the corner? But he knew Carol was right. You'd end up together, the world merged your paths for a reason. The two of them drew arrows on the dusty, dirty cars. This way, trouble. Daryl wrote on the bonnet of a car. He'd climbed back onto his bike once more, Carol behind him, and they sped off. It didn't feel right.
You could see the sun was coming up, you had no clue how long you'd been walking now. You were well away from the farm, the smell of smoke faint. You hadn't encountered any more walkers since then, but you were heading to the highway, hoping someone was waiting there. Otherwise, you were alone and unarmed except your two knives. You'd left the wooded area and come onto a road, the highway you'd all found yourselves on not too long ago. Your heart quickened, you felt hope. The thing that kept your group going, that you had lost when the world turned inside out. Your pace quickened, your walking turned to light jogging turned to full on sprinting. Please, someone be there. Tell me this wasn't all for nothing. Abandoned, rusted cars. Rubbish everywhere, everything was still and quiet. There was that familiar sinking feeling. What a stupid, fickle thing hope is. You felt like crying. You'd lost somewhere that felt stable, homely. And you'd lost the people that made you feel stable and homely. Your feet dragged along the highway, head hung low with little motivation to keep going. I need a break, you thought, leaning against a car and sighing heavily. It wasn't until you looked up to the car opposite you, seeing an arrow drawn into the debris of dirt and dust. You followed it, seeing every car had a collection of arrows pointing ahead. Your eyes caught the bonnet of a gorgeous, blue car. This way, trouble. That was Daryl. It had to have been. He was the only one to call you that. Something would always happen on the supply runs you'd do together, earning you the nickname trouble. And off you went, in the direction of the arrows. Yearning for the man you so desperately wanted to see again.
Daryl and Carol had stopped at gas station. Not to get gas, that was a thing of the past. But to wait. To find resources, to rest, to make a sign alerting you of his presence. He'd grabbed some markers, Carol climbing her way up to the price board outside of the gas station, and ripping out the numbers. She scrawled TROUBLE in massive letters, hope sitting on Daryl's heart at the sight of the word. His trouble, you, were on your way. He just knew it. "Okay, when did you know you liked Y/N?" Carol asked him, the two of them sitting with their backs against the doors, barricading themselves in this small, worn down store. He thought about it, struggling to remember a time he hasn't been die-hard in love with you. Who wouldn't be? You rocked up, covered in blood that wasn't yours, like a total badass. And more than that, you were kind, caring about the group that had welcomed you in, and you just understood him. He didn't need to act differently around you. "Well when she first turned up, I thought she was cool." Daryl remembered, and Carol could see the light in his eyes just talking about you. "But I remember us out lookin' for wood for the fire, and she wouldn't stop talkin'." He laughed, now the thought turned sour. He'd happily listen to you go on for hours about nothing, if it meant you were alive to do so. "And I ended up findin' all the wood, carryin' it all back myself," he added, "but it took me away from the world a little while. And I realized I needed that. I needed her." Carol rested her head on his shoulder, her work was done for the day. Once Daryl was in his little bubble thinking of you, he wouldn't be so gloomy.
Daryl being on a bike during this journey made this so much harder on you. Had he not realized that you'd be walking this distance? You huffed, hoping to find somewhere to stop for the night, and you could see where the trees cut off, a small building sat. The ache in your legs subsided, and you tricked your mind into coping with this journey easier Just gotta get to this tree. Now just gotta get to this tree. It had gotten you to the building, which appeared to be a gas station. And your eyes caught the price board, the world TROUBLE scribbled into it. He was here.
The pair had fallen asleep against the door, but the sound of gravel crunching outside had woken them up. Sleep never came easy, and it never stayed long. Daryl jumped up, reaching for his crossbow and squeezing it, peering out through the door where the glass would've been. And there you were. Finally, his dreams had physically appeared. His prayers had been answered. Your eyelids hung low, that was until you saw the familiar face of your love. He'd pushed open the doors, running over to you and holding you close to his body. Almost blending your bodies together. He just held you, arms smug around your waist, crossbow dropped to his feet. And you were sobbing into his shoulder, hands shaking as they found his face after your embrace. You wanted to make sure this was real, that he was real. His familiar, full of love eyes staring back at yours. You giggled, pressing a few small kisses to his cheeks. And you'd slapped his cheek, not too hard, like you promised yourself you would. You heard Carol laugh from behind him, covering her mouth to suppress the sound of her giggles. "I guess I deserved that." "Why did you leave me?" You choked out, his hands how on either side of your face, taking you in. You were like a tall glass of water in this upturned world. "I'm sorry, trouble," he apologized, and it felt like just the two of you in this world for a moment, the way he looked at you felt isolating, but in a good way, he made you feel like the only one that mattered. "I'm so sorry. I was mad and thought I lost ya." You sighed, just glad to be with him. With people again. "It made me realize I don't ever wanna lose ya." Daryl admitted, and Carol had returned inside, probably to get some sleep and give the two of you some space. "I want ya talkin in my ear forever, borin me to death with whatever ya goin on about." You giggled, just happy to be in his arms, and happy to have Daryl. "Do you know where Rick and everyone else is?" You asked, Daryl's arm around your shoulders as he led you inside. He just shook his head, knowing it was tomorrow's problem. "I'm so happy I found you guys," you mumbled against Daryl's leg. Your head was stationed there tonight, to get some rest for tomorrow's journey. "Get some rest, trouble." He spoke out, smoothing down your hair with his hands, leaning his head back against a wall to get some of his own. Whatever he had to deal with tomorrow, it didn't matter. He had you now, and he wasn't losing you again.
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moonstruckme · 4 months
Glad your back love! I have a request if that’s alright. Remus and reader going on a bookstore date and lunch or something!! That would be so cute. Imagine how excited both of them would be picking out books and being affectionate. Just a lot of fluff and cuteness. Thanks sweetness hope you enjoyed your break!
Thanks for requesting sweetness!
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
You’re feeling a bit guilty about the teas you’ve snuck in, but if there are two people who can be trusted around books, it’s you and Remus. He takes a careful sip as he leans in to skim the titles, sticking one hand in the pocket of his pants. 
“Island of Love,” he reads, amusement lilting his tone. “Original.” 
“I think I’ve actually read some of that author’s stuff,” you say. 
Remus quirks a brow at you interestedly, hand coming out of his pocket to pull the novel from the shelf. “Let’s see, a summer wedding, the groom’s brother and bride’s maid of honor hate each other, but—oh, he’s frustratingly attractive…and something about passionate summer heat.” The corner of his mouth twitches. “Wonder what that could be alluding to.” 
“Alright.” You steal the book from him, slotting back into its space. “I never said this stuff was, like, literature to be studied at Oxford. If you’re going to disrespect my section, run along to yours.” 
“Fairly sure it’s considered rude to abandon your date,” he muses. “What’s my section, by the way?”
“Depressing stuff.” 
“Mhm.” You take a sip of your own tea, trying not to fluster under his attention. You scan the shelves idly for a distraction. “It’s all rather doom and gloom. Very well-written doom and gloom, to be fair, but I’m not always looking to have my life changed. This stuff is fun, at least.” 
“I see,” he hums. “Oh, this looks familiar.” 
You turn to see him holding up the shiny new version of the worn and waterstained paperback that rests perpetually on your nightstand at home. 
“How do you know about that?” you ask him. 
Remus smiles. Your heart flutters. “It was on the coffee table when I was over last week. Are you rereading it?” 
“Yeah.” You shrug, turning your eyes away from him. “I reread it a lot, it’s my favorite.” 
“Mm, I noticed it looked fairly battered.” 
“Well-loved,” you correct him. 
He chuckles quietly, and you grin because you can’t help it. “Right, so sorry. My mistake.” 
You brush a piece of hair out of your face, slotting it behind your ear. Watch Remus’ eyes track the movement. “So what’s your battered book?” 
“Your favorite,” you clarify. “The book that’s all war torn and full of nonsensical annotations.”
He thinks for a minute. “I’m not sure,” he admits. “I have a few I go back and forth between, but lately it’s been The Secret History.” 
You have to cover your mouth with a hand to hide the full breadth of your smile, and Remus narrows his eyes at you. 
“What?” he asks.
“That book is so depressing.” You shake your head, delighted at being so right. “I mean, it’s beautifully written,” you amend. “Really gorgeous. I’m just not sure I found the plot as compelling as the prose.” 
His mouth actually drops open. You can’t tell how much of the shock is teasing and how much is real. “You thought that book had no plot?” 
“No, I mean, plenty happened.” You turn to face him, forgetting about the books around you for a moment to focus on this one. “But I felt like it happened so slowly, and there was so much in between that was just tons of description. It was like they almost skimmed over the murder part! There were so many plotlines that were brought in and then just disappeared, though I guess I can respect the ways in which it reflected real life.”
You think for a second that Remus might argue with you (he should, really—it’s his favorite book and you’re slandering it), but he keeps his mouth shut, watching you interestedly. 
“And don’t you think Richard was a bit passive? Henry and Bunny had so much going on, but the narrator could have literally been a fly on the wall the whole time. He kind of reminds me of Nick Carroway, you know?” 
“From the Great Gastby?” He tilts his head, eyes squinting a bit (it’s devastatingly cute). “How’s that?” 
“Just, they’re both such flat characters.” You frown. “I don’t really think either of them needed to be in the story at all. I mean, having a narrator that’s a character with no personality is effectively the same as having a non-omniscient third-person narrator, right?” 
Remus is biting the inside corner of his lips like he’s trying not to smile. “Right.” 
“I’m just thinking that I need to get you talking about books more often,” he says. And that’s real affection in his eyes, mixed in with the humor. 
You look down, grinning at the front of your shirt, but his little smile doesn’t waver. 
“Shouldn’t be hard,” you say. An awkward, obvious sidestep of the compliment, but he lets you get away with it. “Your turn. Let’s go to your section.” 
He shrugs. “If you think you can stand it,” he says, but starts moving in that direction. You notice he’s still holding the copy of your favorite book. 
“Aren’t you going to put that back?” 
“No.” He doesn’t need to look down to know what you’re talking about. “You’ve already torn one of my choice novels to shreds, now it’s my turn to read yours.” 
A little bite of nervousness snips behind your belly button even as his sidelong look lets you know he’s only joking. “You could always borrow mine.” 
Remus blinks. “I’m flattered that you’d trust me with it,” he says, and it almost has you blushing again, that he knows the significance of you offering him your copy, “but I think I’ll read the un-annotated version first. But if the offer still stands after I’m finished, I’d love to read your thoughts on it.” 
He says it like it’s nothing. Like taking the time to read your favorite book twice, just so he can get to know you more thoroughly, isn’t the sweetest thing anyone’s ever so much as thought of doing for you. You worry that if you look down, your heart will be glowing right through your shirt.
“Alright.” You muster your courage, taking him by the hand. “But now we also have to find one to read together.” 
Remus has looked down at your joined hands, something like shyness coloring his expression, but he looks up to quirk an eyebrow at you. “Are you so sure we’ll be able to find something we can agree upon?” “So long as it involves a main character that actually does something, I think we can manage.”
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