#it's all bad and my emotions are getting too loud for my head
cabalittle · 1 year
Been breaking my "no JK TERFling" rule to express my disdain that not only is she transphobic, homophobic, racist, anti-semetic, misogynistic, and fascist. She's also just a really bad writer. There's a reason why it took so long for her to publish her first book. It was bad writing, and bad story building. Then she goes on to bash her publisher for "not letting her rewrite her book for a grown up audience" citing, and I fucking quote "they're two greedy jews". Like, fucking A. Even I grew out of it!
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fairyhaos · 2 months
❖ no such thing as too perfect // jeon wonwoo
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wonwoo x gn!reader, 2k+ words
tags: office au, established relationship, fluff, kinda crack, junhui is the best work bestieTM ever, yn is Dramatic and In Love
warnings: none
notes: this was only meant to be like, 1.2k.... idk what happened but im not apologising. also there are a couple of pov switches which i hope make sense!!
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“I think I need to break up with him,” you say, and Junhui blinks around a mouthful of salad. 
“Who?” he asks, spraying pieces of feta cheese all over the table, and you wrinkle your nose and brush away a few bits that get too close to you and your bento box. He frowns, and then his eyes widen. “Oh my god, you need to break up with Jeon Wonwoo? Why do you need to break up with Jeon Wonwoo?”
You wince as Junhui's loud exclamation rings throughout the office canteen, making several heads turn to look at the two of you. 
“Don't yell it so loud—and why are you saying his name in italics?”
“Because this is Jeon Wonwoo,” Junhui emphasises again, shoving salad passionately into his mouth before carrying on talking. “He's the only one of your boyfriends that I've actually ever approved of. Which is crazy, because Soonyoung introduced him to you, and I've never pinned Soonyoung as a guy that knows boyfriend-material guys.”
You reach over and lower Junhui’s fork, preventing him from eating and talking at the same time. “I don't know,” you sigh. “I just… I don't think this is going to work.”
“What did he do?” Junhui asks. His face morphs into a more serious look. “Do I need to murder him for you?”
“No, I— no! Don't murder him!” you say quickly, shaking your head. “He hasn't done anything wrong. It's just. I think I need to break up with him.”
The grave look melts from Junhui's face, and then he frowns. “You need to break up with him… even though he hasn't done anything wrong?”
Junhui stares at you, mystified, then snatches back his fork to keep eating his salad. “Okay, so you've gone insane. Nice to know.”
You sigh at Junhui's response, rubbing your temples. 
Whilst it does sound insane for you to break up with Wonwoo even though he's done nothing wrong, in your eyes, it's actually quite understandable. 
Nothing has gone wrong, per se: you've been dating Wonwoo for about ten months now, and everything has been perfect. He's been perfect. 
Maybe… a little too perfect. 
He's always being so gentle and courteous, silently reading your emotions and knowing exactly how you're feeling at any given moment. He knows what you need before you even know that you need it—giving you little cheek kisses to remind you that you're loved, pushing a chocolate bar into your hand when you're all dizzy and tired, hugging you to sleep when you've had a bad day. 
The bento box that you're opening and having for lunch? That was prepared by him too. 
Jeon Wonwoo is just so goddamn perfect, and it worries you. 
“I don't think I'm good enough for him,” you admit whilst Junhui is busily sipping his water. 
It's fascinating how he manages to eat so frantically whilst eating so slowly at the same time, you think idly, as Junhui chokes on the tiny sip he was taking. He sets down the glass, wiping his mouth and blinking at you. 
“Sorry, what?”
“Come on, Junhui, do I really have to say it again?” you complain, beginning to open your bento box. “You heard me.”
“Yeah, and I couldn't believe my ears,” he says, tilting his head sideways. “You? Not good enough for him? Please. That's crazy.”
You make a questioning noise. “You just said that he's the only boyfriend of mine that you approved of.”
“Exactly.” Junhui stabbed his fork in your direction, before going back to shovelling leaves into his mouth. “You're perfect for him, and he's perfect for you. I predicted it from the moment you met.”
“I don't know about me being perfect for him, but he really is just too perfect for me,” you whine. “Him and his stupidly warm eyes and that smile… oh, Junhui, he makes me feel like the most beautiful person in this entire universe.” You look down at your bento box, pouting. “Wonwoo's just so perfect.”
Junhui makes a face. “Gross, but okay. I still don't see your point, though. Wonwoo's perfect, and you're both good enough for each other. I don't see why you think you need to break up with him.”
Still looking down at the bento box, you let out a sigh. All of the food is neatly packed away into the separate compartments, and he's even arranged the sesame seeds on your rice into a little heart. It's an awfully goofy but also an awfully Wonwoo thing to do, and you can feel your heart squeezing painfully in your chest, the longer you stare at it. 
This is not good. You are far too in love with Wonwoo. 
That's what you tell Junhui, and he stares at you with utter disbelief as if you've finally admitted that you really have lost your mind. 
“And what makes you think that he's not far too in love with you?” Junhui asks. “You know, one of the reasons that I approve of Wonwoo is because he's just so so in love with you. Like, almost disgustingly in love with you.”
“What?” You blink at him, before shaking your head. “Junhui, no, this is serious. Wonwoo's just so perfect and I'm so in love with him and—and it's actually getting dangerous now. I've literally fallen in love with him.”
Junhui stares at you for a long moment, wondering whether you're actually being serious about all of this. 
“That's not a bad thing,” he insists, and then chomps on his salad in frustration. “Y/N, that's not a bad thing at all.”
“Yes it is,” you say, despairingly, looking forlorn as you prop your chin on your hand. “I love him too much. It's gonna—it's gonna get too overwhelming, soon, and then he'll start thinking I'm weird, and he'll distance himself from me, and then we'll break up and I should end this before that happens.”
Junhui shakes his head. “I don't think that's true.”
“Yes it is.”
“No it isn't. He won't break up with you.”
“Not yet.”
Junhui looks away exasperatedly, because you're adamant in wallowing in your despair over having to break up with Wonwoo because “he's too perfect” even while quite happily eating the lunch that Junhui knows Wonwoo probably prepared for you. 
It's insane, he thinks, because it's obvious to him that Wonwoo loves you a lot. But he knows you and your negative thinking, and short of Wonwoo walking in here and professing his love to you all by himself, Junhui can't think of anything that could possibly convince you otherwise. 
As he looks past your shoulder to the glass doors of the office canteen, however, he blinks. 
There's a tall man entering the canteen, his dark hair all fluffy and his glasses-rimmed eyes scanning the area, lips pursed into a look that could almost be described as bored. He has his hands in his coat pockets, wearing the most simple casual fit ever, but he exudes such cold model energy that even Junhui blinks again. 
And then he watches as the man catches sight of you and Junhui, and his entire demeanour just softens. 
Junhui bites back a grin. 
Wow. Maybe he’s, like, actually psychic. 
“Wonwoo's here,” he says abruptly, and your head snaps up so fast that he can hear the audible click that sounds in your neck. 
Junhui doesn't get to say anything, however, because he sees the moment that your eyes clock the tall man that's striding into the canteen, the light catching the frames of his glasses, and watches as you positively melt, in much the same way that the man had done when he saw you. 
He can almost hear every infatuated thought that runs through your mind. 
“Wonwoo,” you breathe, once Wonwoo steps close enough to the table that you and Junhui are eating at. His hair is all fluffy and windswept, and you resist the urge to smooth it down with your fingers. 
“Hello.” Wonwoo bends down, presses a soft kiss to your forehead. “You weren't answering your phone.”
“Hm? I didn't get any text notifs from you.” You check your phone, trying to turn it on, only for the screen to remain black. “Oh. Is it dead?”
“I suspected as much,” Wonwoo says dryly, but there's a fondness in his voice as he pulls out a power bank from his pocket. “Here.”
Your eyes light up. “Oh, you're a life saver!” You look up at Wonwoo, smiling at the way his eyes look so warm as he gazes down at you. “Thank you.”
Junhui slurps his water loudly. 
“Sorry,” he says, sounding not sorry at all when the two of you look over at him. “Don't mind me.”
He's grinning mischievously, for reasons that you cannot fathom, and when he leans forward to peer up at Wonwoo with curious eyes, the mischief in his grin only increases. 
“So, Wonwoo, why are you here?”
Wonwoo tilts his head, pushing his glasses up at the same time. “You're Junhui.”
“The one and only,” Junhui says brightly. “I'm Y/N's work bestie. I've heard loads about you.”
You hiss in annoyance, kicking Junhui under the table even as Wonwoo laughs amusedly, placing a hand on your shoulder affectionately. 
“Wen Junhui! Why would you say that?”
“Do you talk about me that often?” Wonwoo asks, and his tone is somewhere between genuinely curious and adoring and you kind of just wanna sit there and listen to his voice forever. 
“Oh, all the time,” Junhui says, eyes gleaming, and you snap your gaze back to him, exasperated. “Y/N loves you so much. I hear about the extent of it every day.”
Wonwoo looks down at you, raising an eyebrow. “Really?”
You kind of want to deny it, but then that would mean lying to Wonwoo, so you don't. 
“Maybe?” you say weakly, cheeks burning as you smile sheepishly up at him. “You're just, uh. Really really lovely. And, um, I kind of love you. A lot.”
Wonwoo laughs, a full and endeared laugh, twinkling with the light of a thousand suns. “I'm glad. Because you're really lovely, and I love you a lot too.”
Your eyes widen, and suddenly it's like it's just you and Wonwoo in the canteen now, him with his hand on your shoulder and those eyes, holding your very soul in place as he just smiles so lovingly and oh God you really do love him. 
“Oh,” you say, soft. “Wonwoo…”
Wonwoo just smiles again. “Anyways, I came by to let you know that I'll be finishing work a bit earlier today, so call me when you're done and I'll drive by to pick you up, okay?”
You nod, mute, stunned by the gentlest words of “I love you” that had left Wonwoo's mouth just seconds before. 
“It was nice meeting you,” Junhui chirps, but Wonwoo doesn't seem to hear, because he's looking down at you again, before swooping in and placing the lightest kiss on your nose and you feel like you could combust on the spot right there. 
“I'll see you later?” he says. 
You nod. “I'll see you later.”
Wonwoo smiles, and then the hand slides off your shoulder and he walks away. 
You watch him go, watch him walk through the tables and then get to the glass doors, where he turns around one last time to wave goodbye before disappearing outside, and really, it's insane how much you love him. 
And how much he loves you, it seems. 
“So. He took time out of his own lunch break and came all the way here to give you a charger because he knew that you'd forgotten one and to tell you that he's picking you up later?” Junhui says, making you reluctantly turn back to him. “Y/N. If this doesn’t make you see just how in love with you Wonwoo is, then I’m gonna kick you.”
“Hey, no need for violence,” you say, raising an eyebrow, and Junhui pulls a face. 
“So do you see it or do you not?”
You look over your shoulder again, out at the doors. Wonwoo’s no longer there, but you can still imagine the imprint of his warmth, lingering like the softest lavender scent over the entire area. 
“Maybe I do,” you say, all wistful and dazed, a smile on your face. “Isn’t he just so perfect?”
Junhui grins, and makes use of your distracted state to steal a carrot stick from your lunch, crunching on it loudly.
“Perfect and in love with you,” he points out. “So do you still feel like you need to break up with him?”
You blink, eyes still all starry from your few minutes of interacting with your boyfriend, his soft smile etched into your mind. It takes a moment for Junhui's words to register, but then they do, and you can't help but laugh. 
“Oh. Oh, no. He and I are perfect.”
Junhui grins. He really is a psychic. 
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fics tags: @jeonginssa @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @zozojella @kawennote09 @thedensworld @a-wandering-stay @abibliolife @doublasting @wonranghaeee @icyminghao @sweet-like-caramel @your-yxnnie @odxrilove @kyeomyun @crackedpumpkin @jeonride @kellesvt @sakufilms @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @amxlia-stars @raevyng @isabellah29 @hrts4hanniehae @mcu-incorrect
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ellieslob · 1 month
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★ellie got sick
+idea: ellie gets emotional when you take care of her
ways to help palestine !!!
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you knew, deep down, under all the toughness and her act of being completely independent, and solitaire, ellie yearned for touch, but not just anybody's touch, your touch.
the first week after you guys got together you were both hesitant to touch each other, to be near one another, too nervous and definitely too worried of messing up, ruining everything and ending up alone again, so for the first weeks, you guys practically were just friends that called each other “babe” and “honey”.
that was until ellie got sick, it was nothing to really worry about, nothing but a cold, “it didn't matter” as she said, but at the same time, she had spent all of her weekend inside her bed, texting you about how her tummy hurt, her head hurt, her pinky toe hurt, your girlfriend switched from being the strongest and toughest woman you ever met to such being a pretty cry baby. you two were on your nightly call, when she heard the ring bell “oh no, wait babe, god, how do i get up” you heard her covers moving as she growled and whined.
“don't worry honey, i'll get the door” she looked at her phone confused, you hung up and left her even more confused, were you high? or…
the knocking stopped an the door opened showing that it was you at her room, with a soft smile and a little basket in your hands “hi baby. okay, okay, so i brought you a soft blanket, some chocolate, and yes, the milky one, not dark. i bought soda but i bringed tea, because you need to stay hydrated” your hands pushed her back to the bed, tugging her with the little blanket, and then checking her temperature by softly pressing your foreheads “oh and i made you chicken soup, i know you don't loove vegetables, but baby you-
you stopped yourself completely, her face was now drowning in tears, her face all covered in blush and her hands were grabbing her new soft blanket with a very tight grip “ellie, w-what's wrong?”
she got up from the bed, still her movements were slow and silly, but she managed to get to you, your worried look, the little basket, the homemade tea and soup, the little and soft voice you used just to talk to her. she knew it.
she almost tackled you into a hug, starting to cry even harder, her deep voice turning into whines, her sobs were loud and strong that they moved her hole body, she was clinging onto your shirt, hiding her face in your chest, you didn't know what to do, you had yourgirlfriend weeping desperately in your arms and she didn't answer your questions or stop shivering. you caressed her cheek, trying to wipe her tears a little “ellie?”
“thank you, i… i was so exhausted, i am really, but even with all my whining and complaining, god it must have been so boring to hear me complain about everything but still you.. you”
“i love you ellie, i love your face, your little freckles, your voice, your bad jokes, your complains, i love them because i love you, way too much, i’d say, you should be scared, like seriously, you should call the police” you started attacking her with little kisses all around her face.
“stop” she laughed like a kid, making you chuckle a little, her tears finally stopped, leaving her eyes shiny and loving “and you say my jokes are bad” she holds your waist, pulling you closer to her.
“well i guess that's why we are together honey, you'll have to endure”
“i love you”
“i love you more” and as cheesy as it sounded, your voice, your words and your kisses were all that ellie needed to get better.
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🫐nat: im back😭 im so sorry for all the time that has passed, this is not my best work but i wanted to make a little something to officially come back, love yaaall so so much
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lynxalon · 2 years
having a breakdown is. a bit cringe. like.. me?? CRYING??!?!?!? naur.....
#i usually cry pretty silently#so to cry loudly or visibly is a bit. it freaks me out ig?#cause i think that surely i will be judged for having noticable human emotions surely the people close to me#will hate me for expressing myself in a way that isn't positive and perfect#i sanitize my mental health soooo much that. sometimes i forget i'm not actually doing okay ??? if that makes sense lmao..#so ya bein told i'm perfect while sobbing like a baby was. a lot. i sobbed more. it meant a lot to hear that honestly#i didn't know i needed to hear it like that#i've been trying so hard to earn my place in people's lives that i created all of these convoluted rules i felt i had to abide by#it's been exhausting#i have given so much love but struggled to believe maybe i really am loved too#my head hurts but it's the best feeling rn#i've cried Really cried for the first time in so long#i was loud and i made my hurt known#it's not really easy. it doesn't get better from here. it'll come in waves as always and i will withstand the tides#hopefully hand in hand with the people i love#i'll get better at preventing myself from falling into those Mentally Ill traps#it'll get easier to trust myself and others#and to. explain the mentally ill . so things don't get this bad again#well. ohm. hopefully#agshddjkdkd#aaaaanyways ohm if you made it this far. i love you i love you i love you#i promise i do#we'll be okay and things'll get easier although it doesn't always seem like it#if your head stuff hurts you and hurts others you're not bad you're not a bad person#hold the hurt in your hands and then let it fall away so it doesn't stick around to hurt you again#that's when things get easier#that's when you feel the love people have poured into you#i love you i love you i love you#as you are now and as you will be later and i thank the person you were because you are here now <3
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angels-fantasy · 2 months
hi! i was wondering if you could do a bakugou x reader where the reader went to the states to visit family and as a surprise the reader came back on an earlier flight but something bad happened to the flight she was supposed to go on but thank god she wasn’t on it and bakugou thought the worst when she wasn’t responding to her texts but it turned out all okay in the end? sorry if that’s vague 😭😭
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Flight Frights (Request)
Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Details/Warnings: katsuki gets a little emotional in this one, slight talks of death but nothing crazy
Word Count: 1.7k
hello thank you for this request :)) it was enough for me to work with so dont worry! i hope you like it 🩷
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"You sure you got everything?" Your boyfriend asked for the millionth time.
You rolled your eyes. "Yes, I have everything. You can even double check my bags!" You insisted.
He squinted and began looking through each of your bags silently. After a few minutes you looked at him smugly, "Are you going to tell me how perfect I am and that I didn't forget a single thing?"
Katsuki smirked, "Nah, I was gonna say you forgot your brain somewhere." He teased and gripped the top of your head lightly.
You smacked his hand away, "You're not funny, Katsuki." You laugh, despite your words.
"Yes I am and you know it."
The two of you continued to spend time together until it was time for you to go to the airport. You were visiting your parents in the states, so Katsuki was going to drive you to the airport and send you off.
When the time to go to the airport came, he drove you there and waited with you until you boarded the plane, which you felt bad about but appreciated a lot.
Some time later, a boarding announcement for your flight rang out loud through the speakers and you frowned at Katsuki.
"I'm gonna miss you." You said and hugged him tightly.
He hugged you back, "Yeah, I know."
"Stop it! Be serious."
He laughed and apologized, "I'll miss you too. Be safe on the plane and everywhere else, and don't talk to any fucking weirdos okay?"
You nodded and gave him a kiss, saying goodbye.
The time spent at your parents went well and you called and texted Katsuki as much as you could but it was hard, considering the time difference.
But like always, you managed to make it work.
As your trip neared it's end, your mother asked you if you were going to take the later flight like you planned.
"Jeez Mom. You trying to get rid of me already?" You teased her, making her pout at you.
"Oh stop it. You know that's not what I mean."
You smiled and said, "I know, it's just fun to mess with you," with a laugh, "but nah, I think I'm gonna take the earlier flight actually. I wanna surprise Katsuki, even if it's just a few hours earlier."
Your mom smiled at you, "That's sweet of you. I wish he could've come along with you..." She trailed off, making you a little jealous that your mom was wishing someone else came along too.
You crossed your arms, "Yeah well, he's busy with hero work, so he couldn't." You excused, "And besides, you should be glad it's just me! I missed you and Dad."
She smiled and patted your head. "Well of course I'm glad you're here! But I know you two must miss each other a lot. I know what it's like to be in love." She winked, and coincidentally your father walked in at the same time.
You both greeted him and continued talking about mundane things. You only had two days left with your parents, so you wanted to make them count more than the previous ones.
Fast forward to the day of your flight. Your parents took you to the earliest one at 5:00 am and said good bye to you, but not without some tears.
After sending you off with a lot of love, you were now on your way back home. You felt weird not texting your boyfriend about what you were doing, but you were still excited to surprise him. You wondered how he'd react.
You were a little nervous about how he'd react to you not answering his messages, since you wouldn't be able to text him regularly during the whole flight. Maybe he'd think you were sleeping in, since it was a likely scenario.
Ignoring your thoughts, you looked out the window at the raining sky and decided to fall asleep, hoping it would make the trip go by faster and thankfully it did.
Back in Japan 5 hours later
Katsuki had been on his phone mindlessly scrolling through his feed when suddenly a video caught his attention. It was a recent news post about a plane crash coming back to Japan from America.
"The flight had taken off at 10:00 am, and an hour into the flight the plane experienced a high amount of turbulence due to the unexpected weather conditions. Suddenly, the plane went crashing down-"
The news now had all of Katsuki's attention. He felt his heart racing in his chest and the world went silent, only the sound of his beating heart now filling his ears.
The plane that had crashed, was the flight you were on.
He felt as if time was slowing down as he watched the news. The news reporters had been describing just how bad the accident was, and he felt like he couldn't breathe.
There was no way you were hurt or even dead, right? You had to come back home to him. He had so many plans for your future. There's no way he'd be able to live life knowing he'd never get to act on them.
He grabbed his phone and clicked on your contact to call you but it went straight to voicemail. It was just because you had it on airplane mode right? They always make people turn that shit on.
He called again and again until he thought he was going to go crazy at the sound of the automated system's voice. He threw his phone across the bedroom and rubbed his hands through his sweaty hair.
After taking a few deep breaths, he got up and walked over to where his phone was and picked it up. Turning it over, he sighed at the large crack on the screen.
"Fuck..." He mumbled. Whatever. His phone didn't matter right now. What mattered was you and your safety. That damn phone was replaceable, but you weren't.
He continued to use his phone to call your mom, who was confused at his phone call.
"Hello Katsuki!" Your mother said.
"Hey, um-" He cut himself off to hold back tears. Fuck did your parents even know about what happened? Your mom sounded so happy, he didn't want to ruin it.
"Katsuki?" Your mother asked in a worried tone, "You okay, dear?"
He nodded, even though she couldn't see him. He wiped his eyes, "I'm fine. I was just calling to ask about Y/n."
"Oh! She should be fine. We dropped her off at the airport a while ago, so she's on her way back to you."
Holy crap. Your mom didn't even know about what happened. He couldn't tell her, there was no way. All he could do was thank her and hang up before he began to cry.
"God dammit." He cried.
Katsuki had never felt so defeated and devastated before. He continued to sit on your shared bed, eventually laying down in it and crying out for you. He didn't know what condition you were in right now, but like he was trained to do, he assumed the worse.
Hours later, you were finally off that cramped plane and on your way home. You couldn't wait to see Katsuki and the look on his face when you surprised him.
As you were driven home in an Uber, you were on your phone when a news report popped up. Curious, you clicked on it and found out that it was about the flight you were supposed to be on.
You put a hand over your mouth and thanked every god there was that you ended up on a different plane.
You closed the news article and focused on something else to distract you until you got home.
When you finally did, you giddily ran up the steps to your home and opened the door as quietly as you could. It was pretty early in Japan, so maybe Katsuki was still asleep.
Pulling in your luggage behind you, you took your shoes off and scampered around the house to look for your boyfriend. The house was so quiet, which was strange since his presence was so loud.
Tip-toeing into your bedroom, you awed silently at the sight of him sleeping. You snapped a quick picture and walked over to him, sitting on the bed next to him.
You reached out and stroked the top of his head, lightly scratching his scalp to wake him up. You frowned a bit when you noticed how irritated his eyes seemed. Maybe spring was getting to him already.
"Katsuki, wake up." You whispered.
He grumbled a bit in his sleep, shifting around a bit before finally opening his eyes.
You smiled and held one of his hands in both of yours, "Surprise! I'm home early."
He looked at you with a sleep clouded gaze for a second, and then shot up in bed.
"You're okay?! Oh my fucking god." He said and wrapped his arms around you in a bone crushing hug.
You hugged him back, "Of course I'm okay! Why wouldn't I be?"
He rested his face in the crook of your neck and said, "I-I thought you were hurt. I saw the news about the flight and it crashed!"
You frowned and hugged him tighter, "Oh Katsuki... I'm so sorry I didn't tell you anything." You pulled away slightly and placed your hands on his face, "I wanted to surprise you, so I got on an earlier flight."
He sighed and leaned his forehead onto yours, "Thank fuck you did. I would've brought you back to life and killed you myself if you died." He said, making you laugh now that his personality seemed to be back.
"Now cuddle me." He demanded and wrestled you lightly to lay you down next to him.
You gasped at his words, "Did you just admit you want to cuddle me?" You asked.
"Of course I do, woman. I haven't seen your ass in weeks." He said and laid his head on your chest, wrapping an arm around your waist, lightly stroking the skin there.
You moved around, trying to get into a comfortable position which made Katsuki groan.
He pinched one of your thighs, making you yelp, "Stop squirming. We're going to bed now."
You smiled, "Sorry love," and messed with his hair. "Can I put on a movie Kats?"
You took that as a yes.
As you watched the movie, you continued massaging Katsuki's scalp and playing with his hair which made him eventually fall asleep. You smiled down at him, happy that he was now at peace compared to earlier.
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authors note
thank you for reading <3
btw for people who have sent a request, i'm working on it i promise! it's just happening a little slower since i'm sick lol
love ya 🩷
tags for bakugou fics: @doumadono @shonen-brainrot
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thehighladywrites · 7 months
That's your mother, but she's my wife first…
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⋆⭒˚。‎♡‧₊˚ pairing: cassian x fem!reader, the inner circle mentioned
⋆⭒˚。‎♡‧₊˚ summary: 18+ nsfw, mdni, light angst, stress, smut, fluff, praise, cassian channelling his inner general, reader being an absolute sweetheart who deserves everything good in life fr
⋆⭒˚。‎♡‧₊˚ amara’s note: okay so I don’t have any kids so some parts might be inaccurate but close your eyes please🤞🏽i have nothing else to say, i just wanna fuck cassian so bad rn...
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Spilled milk, mismatched socks, wailing babies.
Gods, what you wouldn’t do for a moment of peace…
Your children were usually calm, even when they were tumbling down stairs and running into tables, but during your youngest twin kids teething phase, they developed an interest for chewing on anything. Their outburst put your two other kids in distress, making it a difficult period for everyone.
In your attempt to keep your twins safe, you unintentionally became the evil mother for denying them the joy of chewing on concrete bricks, their father’s important books and a million other dangerous things that a child simply shouldn’t be putting in their mouth. 
They had been given enchanted teething toys made out of moonstone by their uncle Rhysand, but it didn’t keep them entertained at all. Safety was apparently too boring for them.
This morning was extra rough because Cassian had to leave early for a mission, leaving you with four kids. Although the two oldest ones, 7 and 12, could get themselves ready for the day, they still needed some help with some things. You were downright in a foul mood, feeling the weight of frustration and helplessness as the twins wailed and your oldest ones argued, all while trying to keep your emotions hidden.
“ You took the last pancake, Ves!” your son angrily sliced the remains of his food as your daughter, Vesna, looked at him with anger. “ I don’t care. I told you that I wanted it and you made no move for it, Therian. Blame yourself and be quicker next time.” she bickered back. They kept arguing about that stupid pancake as you picked your twins and moved to the rocking chair across the livingroom to sooth them. The kitchen seamlessly flowed into the living room, creating an open floor plan that allowed you to effortlessly monitor Vesna and Therian.
 “ It’s okay, babies. There we go, hush now.” But it didn’t work, they kept screaming and you were at your breaking point. You felt like the worst mom ever as you looked up, took a deep breath and blinked back tears. 
You almost yearned for Cassian's return, craving the comfort of your mate's presence amid the chaos. Yet, the nagging self-doubt held you back, hesitant to burden him with your distress and feeling a twinge of selfishness in the idea of asking him to cut short his mission. Despite the internal struggle, you chose to tough it out, convincing yourself that countless women had faced similar challenges, wondering if you could measure up to their strength.
Unbeknownst to you, you had been signaling Cassian with your feelings through the bond since this morning. He was already on his way back the moment your emotions reached him. He was just in time to hear your daughter’s frustration directed towards you, though none of you had felt his presence or heard him approach your home. 
“Mom, you're seriously failing at shutting them up. It's not dragon taming to handle two kids, and it shouldn't be this painful for the rest of us. How about you take them outside and only come back when you've figured out how to keep them quiet? Because none of us can stand the noise.” You looked at her stunned as a million thoughts went through your head. Guilt, anger and self-doubt took root inside you.
 Guilt, because was she right? Anger, because she shouldn’t have spoken to you like that ever. Self-doubt, because your fears and feelings about motherhood were spoken out loud. 
Your first-born had a sour expression on her face that quickly fell before she looked down at her plate sheepishly. Maybe she felt regret? But what made her react like that instantly? Your daughter could be hotheaded and it usually took her a few hours to calm down, but not this quick. 
Looking at where she removed her eyes from, you look and see your husband, body tense and wings tucked in tightly. You felt immediate comfort and wanted to throw yourself in his arms and fucking cry. How you had missed him this much in only a few hours was a mystery. 
His boots thudded heavily against the wooden floors as he approached your embarrassed daughter. “Look at me,” was all he needed to say before Vesna reluctantly lifted her head. She knew he was going to chew her out. He clenched his jaw in anger as he looked down at her. “Your lack of empathy for what your mother is dealing with right now is astounding. Instead of criticizing, maybe you should try contributing to the solution. We're a family, and we handle things together, not by throwing blame around. She's your mother, but remember that she's my mate and wife first, and no one speaks to my mate and wife with disrespect ever, not even you. Now go ahead and apologize to her.”
Your husband, ever the general.
With teary eyes, realizing the gravity of her words, Vesna approached you. “Hey, Mommy,” she mumbled, avoiding eye contact. She hadn’t called you mommy in forever. “I... I shouldn't have said those things. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so harsh. I know it must be difficult and my anger took over. I really love you and I’m sorry.”
You were a bit surprised by the apology and softened your expression before replying, “It's okay, sweetheart. We all have our moments. Just remember, we're a team, and we need to support each other.” She nodded, still feeling a bit guilty, and said, “I'll try to do better. Can I help you with anything now?”
A genuine smile appeared on your face as your replied, “That would be wonderful. Let's work together to make things smoother for everyone. How about you start clearing the table and Therian picks up things from the floor.” She nodded and gave you a small kiss on the cheek before hurriedly making her way back to the kitchen table. Cassian gave her a kiss on the head and gave her a proud smile.  “I’m glad you apologized, and it takes courage to admit when we’re wrong. Let’s move forward now. Your willingness to help now means a lot. Thank you.”
Feeling the tension ease after the daughter's apology, your mate approached you. He gently placed a hand on your shoulder and said, “Hi pretty.” You look up at him with a thankful smile. “Hi lover.” He smiles right back at you. “I know it's been a rough day. I’m so proud of you, sugar. We'll get through this together. How about you go upstairs and soak in the tub while I take care of the kids.” He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss on your forehead, and wrapped his arms around the twins who had gone quiet.
Feeling reassured by Cassian’s comforting words, you smiled appreciatively. You gave him a tender kiss in thanks before scurrying upstairs, grateful for the support and unity he provided for your family. 
As you undressed, a delightful surprise caught your eye – the tub was filled, and a slice of your favorite cake awaited you on a nearby table. Gratefully, you thanked The House for the steaming tub and the unexpected treat. Stepping in, you let the heat envelop you, soothing the tension in your muscles. Time seemed to blur as you relaxed in the warm water — minutes or hours, it was hard to keep track. Exhaustion gradually overcame you, and your eyelids grew heavy in the comforting embrace of the tub, a sweet slice of cake adding to the calmness of the moment.
Entering the room, Cassian caught sight of you in the steaming tub, content and relaxed. A mixture of emotions flooded over him – admiration and a deep love that seemed to intensify in this quiet scene. He approached silently, not wanting to disturb the serene moment. Gently, he reached out to stroke your hair, his eyes reflecting the warmth and affection he felt. In that intimate moment, a silent understanding passed between you, affirming that you’d never be alone ever. You’d be there for each other and it made your heart swell. 
Curiosity lit up your eyes, you looked at your husband and asked, “Hey, where are the kids? Did you take care of them?”
A gentle smile played on his lips as he revealed, “Actually, Rhysie and Feyre picked them up. They thought we could use a quiet weekend, just the two of us. They’re taking Nyx, Ves and Theiran on a trip up the mountains but the twins are staying at the River House with Elain and Lucien. She made a special herbal blend that helps their gums, it’s all very Elain.”
Surprise and gratitude washed over you as you processed the thoughtful gesture. “That's so sweet of them, you remarked, a genuine smile forming. “A quiet day sounds perfect.” You exchanged a glance, appreciating the unexpected silence given by thoughtful friends.
“So, are we entirely alone for the entire weekend?” You attempted to conceal your smile as warmth surged in your belly upon meeting Cassian's gaze, only to discover him returning a heated look. “Indeed, sweetness. It's just you and me, alone. Whatever shall we do to pass the time?” His commanding, taunting voice always managed to drive you crazy. He had a charming voice that you could listen to forever. “I can think of a few ways…” you responded as you stood up, dripping wet. You beckoned him closer  and deeply inhaled his delicious scent. He smelled like home. Throwing your arms around him, you inched your lips closer to his, teasing him, not letting him get close enough for a real kiss. He frowned and slightly pouted. “Either give a proper kiss or I walk away.” You knew it was a false threat. Cassian wouldn’t ever leave your embrace now that he was turned on. 
But you decided to keep playing with him, wanting to see how far you could push him. 
“Yeah? Walk away then, baby.” You let your arms drop to the side, slightly tilting your head with a small smirk on your lips. You felt a surge of amusement as you observed him, jaw tight and knuckles white from clenching, meeting your gaze with defiant determination. “Stop fucking with me, y/n/n. You want me as much as I do.” It was his turn to return a mocking smirk. “ What, you think I don’t know you by now? You think I don’t know that you wanna be fucked until you can’t think straight? Little one, I have years on you. I know your body better than you. I’ll ask again. Are you going to kiss me properly or do I walk away?”
 Fucking hell. He really did know your body better than you since his words only fueled you on. While you enjoyed toying with him, it was time to throw in the towel. No way where you wasting any more time. With hands behind your back you looked up at him, doe-eyed and blushy. “I’ll give you a proper kiss, Cassie. Then please take me to bed.” He smiled down at you with a devilish smile, putting his hand on your hips as he pulled towards his warm chest. “ Whatever my baby wants, she gets.” With hands on his chest, you stood on your toes as water swished around your legs, putting your plush lips against his soft ones. 
 Careful, gentle, loving, comforting and really fucking hot.
That was all you could think of when you were kissing him. One of his warm hands roamed all over your body as his other one cupped your face, deepening the kiss. Your own hands stayed in one spot, your favorite place to put your hands. His chest. You absolutely loved touching his chest. Giving his pecs a light squeeze, resting against them, anything really. Centuries of honing his body into a weapon had made him look like a god. 
You wanted to dry off and move to your bedroom, and as if Cassian had read your thoughts, he grabbed the towel without breaking the kiss and wrapped it around you. He simply picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he moved to the bedroom before gently lowering you to the soft bed. Cassian caught your wrists and pinned them, crisscrossed, above your head while he settled between your legs, once again wrapping them around his waist. You kissed until your lips swelled and pulled away for air. 
He forced your legs apart, hand cupping your pussy. You let out a gasp, quickly gripping onto his broad shoulders. Cassian carefully watched your face as it contorted into pleasure when he pushed in two fingers, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as you let out a moan.
 “Feels good, wifey? ” Cassian asked as your nails dug into his shoulders, hips bucking into his touch. “ mhmm, yeah it feels really fucking good.” you managed to respond as you felt his fingers speed up, curling into that delicious spot that made you absolutely melt. 
He wanted to be inside of you, fuck you and ruin you all over the sheets. “ It would feel a lot better  if I had you wrapped around my cock.” He said, looking up at you through is his dark lashes, eyes full of mirth. You clenched around his fingers at the thought of him filling you up with his thick cock. It had been a while since you had been properly dicked down by him, since you two were busy with life and kids. Quickies, fingering and handjobs were all you had time for since the twins were born 6 months ago. As much as you loved your kids, you also loved alone time with your mate and it was rare these days. So of course you’d use this weekend to get fucked, and maybe that would help you relax a bit. Cassians cock had always been the answer for you. 
Mad? Get dicked down. Sad? Get dicked down. Happy? Get dicked down. 
No wonder you had four kids…
You nodded eagerly at him, “ Please cassie, fill me up. I really need it.” He sat up, dumped his clothes on the floor and positioned his cock infront of your throbbing core, teasing a bit. He used his fingers to scissor you open a bit. When you felt even more slick under his touch he retracted his fingers and licked your wetness off of them. He smiled at around his fingers and said, “Delicious.” Your chuckle morphed seamlessly into a moan when he slammed his lenght into you.
  He let out a sound of pleasure as he pushed himself into you. You clenched around his cock, you were so wet and slippery around him. He let out a pleased groan as he started giving you deep strokes. His pace quickened with the intention of finishing inside of you. He loved to make a mess of your pussy like that, fuck you full of his cum and watch it slowly drip out. Nothing made him more possessive than seeing his mate full of his cum. “Fuck, you’re taking me so well, sweetheart. Such a good girl for me, I’m so proud of you, my beautiful girl.” He knew the exact words you needed today and it made you feel so emotional that he knew you this well. 
You blushed. Pleasure crept up your spine once more. Your legs were starting to shake, sweat coated your back. He pulled you into his arms and kissed you as his strokes were getting faster and faster, his lips muffling your moans. He kept up the pace, feeling the pleasure flow through his body, bringing him closer to climax. He loved the feeling of you around him.
 He was addicted to it. He was addicted to you.
You moaned and arched your back as he continued to fuck into you. You wanted to cum so badly, and as if Cassian once again read your mind, he said something that almost made you cry.
“ Don’t cum yet.”
He must have caught your annoyed stare because he looked down, sporting his usual grin, and said, “I want us to come together. You can handle that, right, pretty?” Your brows furrowed as you attempted to feign annoyance, though deep down, you weren't truly bothered at all.
 No, no you weren’t mad at all because if he was adamant about you finishing together, then you’d do everything in your power to make it happen. You got closer to him, pressing a quick kiss before deepening it as your tounges swirled around each other before you pulled away, biting his lip. He let out a groan and it only spurred you on. You pulled out all your tricks, whispering downright filthy things in his ear. That seemed to do the trick. Cassian thrusted deeper and deeper, rubbing tight circles on your neglected clit before you came in unison. 
You moaned at the feeling, warmth filled you as his pace started to slow down. Your mate collapsed on top of you and your put his head on your chest as you ran your fingers through his hair. He remembered that he hadn’t pulled out yet but before he could you stopped him. 
“ Please baby, don’t pull out yet. It feels really warm and good and I want you in me forever.”
You felt his chest rumble with a gentle laughter. “ Whatever you want, you shall have. You did so well, sugar. I love you.” You kissed his forehead and gave him praise back. “ Thank you, baby. I’m so happy you’re here, I love you too.”
Safe to say you fucked the whole weekend, everywhere, only taking breaks for food and occasional naps. But you also basked in the intimacy of having him. by yourself. Eating together, talking about everything between the heavens and earth, cracking jokes and just enjoying yourselves. 
You and your mate, together for all eternity...
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junipers-archive · 1 year
Music Moods
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Word Count: 604
Includes: FLUFF, Spencer explaining how he can tell readers mood off what music she's listening to (Prompt from this challenge from @imagining-in-the-margins)
You were on the jet with the rest of the team, reading one of the many novels you packed in your go-bag while listening to the Smiths with your headphones.
Or at least thats what they saw, what you were actually contemplating was giving up on your book and staring out the window for the rest of the flight. Usually you'd use Spencer as your personal pillow but he looked busy so you tried your best not to interrupt him.
In fact, you dutifully turned your head towards him, just to enjoy how he talked, which was always using hand gestures.
He however was talking about you, though you'd never be the wiser with your music blasting so loud everyone could hear it slightly.
It wasn't anything bad of course he was only discussing what he found helped to determine your moods.
It had been Derek that asked initially, "Spence why aren't you sitting with Y/n? Trouble in paradise?"
To which spencer responded, "Actually, I find that by paying attention to what artist y/n listens to I can easily determine in what radius to her she'd like me."
"That can't be real." Emily was suspicious.
Rossi however...was familiar with how relationships went about.
"I believe it may have been...my first wife, she had this thing about how she wore here hair, up meant she was going to be more extroverted and down meant not to talk to her too much...or was it the other way around?"
"Gee I wonder what went wrong there." Derek grinned,
You tried your best to follow who was talking, but it was all reading lips and you were too lazy to reach your phone across the table to pause your music.
Spencer continued to explain and your gaze landed on him, "No, he's right, whether or not we realize it, many of us do things out habit, its our subconcious essentially communicating with the rest of the world, for instance, Y/n will listen to more 80's groups or artists like The Smiths, David Bowie and Queen when she's feeling more introverted and independent. As when we go out together she's more likely to put on more recent artists like Lana Del Rey and Lizzo because she's feeling extroverted."
Even Hotch was invested now, "But how do you know she just doesn't want to hear a specific song, written by one or the other?"
"Well I also like to take into account the beat and message of the songs, one of her favorite songs is 'Losing My Religion' by R.E.M and though the group was founded in the late 80's this specific song is more up-beat and has, like most 80's songs more of an 'all or nothing' message."
JJ spoke up now, "But what if its her favorite song? I mean like you said it is, so how do you know she doesn't just want to hear it, bad or good mood?"
Your eyes followed back to him as He smiled at the challenge, "People will gravitate more to songs that express their emotions, and often will shy away from playing a favorite of theirs as to not ruin the euphoric feeling they get when hearing the song with that of a gloomy memory."
The last question you did hear though, as you finally paused your music and could hear Emily try one last time, raising an eyebrow at what you could only assume was Spencer's consistent rants.
"And when you can't hear her music, how do you determine her mood?"
He looked to you then, catching your gaze and wiggling his fingers like a magician.
"Boyfriend instincts."
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scaredbisexual · 21 days
MOOTS🥹 I am here to request🙏 Can I request a Joost Klein x reader enemies to lovers? Just a classic trope🤭
You ask and I deliver, my liege.
Dunno if it's enough lovers, if you would like me to elaborate in part two lemme know, I'm open to continuing this story!
Big, big kisses for my first request, too! Love ya!
And he did | Joost Klein x fem!reader
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Summary: ‘They disqualified you?’ she demanded, pressing her back to the door. She has never seen him in this new, raw edition. Never experienced this boy who sniffled and laughed hoarsely. 
‘Mm-hm, must make you a very happy woman, doesn’t it?’ 
Word count: 1011 (in half an hour no less, I'm crazy for him)
WARNINGS: some swearing, nothing explicit
Author's note: there is no use of Y/N, but the reader is referred to as "she" and is mentioned to wear a dress. I haven't yet mastered the ability to write those in a gn way, but gimme some time and I'll try to do better!
The corridors were lively as ever, curving and suddenly ending, loads of people walking around them and talking excitedly amongst each other. It was an important night, one that would be remembered by many for years and years to come. Everyone was ready, adrenaline pumping through their veins, silly and/or sexy costumes on, game-faces on. It was show-time. 
‘For Christ’s sake, let’s just get it over with!’ someone exclaimed from the side but she paid them no mind. She was walking hurriedly, her steps loud and heavy, chest raising rapidly, as if she has just run for hour hours on end. But she hasn’t, no, that was actually more exhausting. 
Rage. The pure rage that was born in her veins, surging through her system, flushing out every other emotion ever known to her. Rage that was born ages ago, eons before. 
Finally having reached her destination she pushed the heavy door to a dim-lit room, a certain name and surname decorating it. “Joost Klein” it read, a dorky-looking cutout of his face hanging right next to it. He must have done it himself. Yeah, that would make perfect sense, actually. 
She opened the door and right away closed it behind her, looking at the scene in front of her. Here he was, in his European-Union-Blue, his jacket laying on the floor, discarded in a hurry, looking sad when it only ever brought joy to people. And next to it, on a plush sofa, wrapped in a blanket and with a teacup in hand, sat him. The reason for her rage, the man who made her see red.
He got startled at her entrance, the liquid sloshing in his cup and burning his hand. He hissed in pain and a grimace made its way on his face. A, objectively speaking, handsome face with a frown etched onto it, brows furrowed, eyes red. 
‘They disqualified you?’ she demanded, pressing her back to the door. She has never seen him in this new, raw edition. Never experienced this boy who sniffled and laughed hoarsely. 
‘Mm-hm, must make you a very happy woman, doesn’t it?’ the man replied, his voice thick with emotion, trying to act like it wasn’t. Like it was just him, the goofy guy with jokes and anecdotes up his sleeves. 
‘Like hell it does!’ she protested. It was hot in the room, so hot and heavy, the silence after her words suffocating them both. He slowly raised his head, turning around to look at her. He tilted his head to the side, silently posing a question. ‘I don’t like injustice, Joost, you know it.’ 
And it was true. She hated when she or others were getting fucked over, lied to, when bad things happened to good people, essentially. 
The rage was still there, it’s quiet bonfire still burning brightly, albeit a little dimmer, just a tad. She didn’t hear any ringing in her head anymore, just the labored breathing of him and her. Of them. 
And isn’t that funny? The both of them sitting in one room, eyeing one another and not saying a word. After all, it was more than usual for them to get into catfights, sneer at one another, jokingly (or not) tease. It has been like it forever, really, ever since they met at this one festival at the beginning of both of their career. It has been like that ever since he spilled his drink on her stage costume and then laughed, not sparing her another glance. 
Ever since they continued to meet on other festivals, her shooting daggers at his and his friends’ careless behavior, him sticking his tongue out at her and walking away. 
Ever since she tripped over one of the cables and bumped into him, causing him to drop one of the microphones and destroying it. Ever since she fought fiercely to not pay for such mike.
That moment, yes. The rage seemed to be saying, its fingers curling around her heart and clenching, stuffing her full of the need to sneer, to bite back. 
But how? How was she supposed to think of this careless teenage boy she met when she, too, was a stupid young girl? How to do it when there he was, curled on himself, dark bags under his eyes, the sleeves of his shirt uncuffed and crumpled, as if he squeezed them in his hands too much. A skipping rope laid somewhere in the mess of the room, discarded just like his jacket.
And so the silence continued while the room got colder and colder, her face softer and his eyes glassier. 
‘Fuck the EBU’ she muttered, walking closer to him. She approached the sofa, took a deep breath and sat next to him. The man followed her every move with his eyes, a glint of something making them shine. Or maybe it was just the unshed tears. 
‘Yeah’ he rasped. Joost shook his blonde hair, as if he were a dog, as if shaking off the sadness. He slapped a goofy looking grin on his face and wiggled his brows at her. ‘You worried or something?’ he teased, nudging her with his elbow. 
And that did it. In the speed of lightning she lounged herself at him and engulfed him in a hug. The kind that breaks bones and any internal barricades you may have. She put her chin on his head and waited. 
To give credit where credit’s due, he reacted instantly. He snaked his arms around her body, resting his forehead on her chest and taking a deep, shaky breath. 
‘You would’ve won this’ she whispered gently, stroking his hair. The rage was gone, the hot hot feeling fleeting the moment she saw his fake smile. Instead another kind of warmth bloomed in her chest, shaking her to her core. And he didn’t seem to fare any better, his shoulders slumping and fingers curling around the fabric of her dress. 
‘You’re okay, it’s gonna be fine’ she mumbled into his hair, stroking his back in soothing circles. ‘Breathe, Joost, just breathe’. 
And he did.
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hannieehaee · 4 months
luna, my beloved,
can i get a very down bad (and also very horny) woozi, please?? he just gives me the vibes of a very obsessed boyfie when he's truly in love.
also, i love your works so much!!!! ♡♡♡
18+ / mdi
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content: simp!jihoon, established relationship, afab reader, smut, dry humping, very fluffy, jihoon is insanely in love with reader its disgusting, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, etc.
wc: 2157
a/n: thank u so much!! <3 i rewrote this four times bc way too many scenarios of woozi being down bad plagued my brain (still do), so i hope u enjoy what i came up with <3
even after months, jihoon was unable to understand this weird feeling in his chest. one that he only ever got when he was around you (and on occasion whenever he thought about you). it was some sort of inexplicable heaviness. the beating of his heart would speed up and it would feel as if time slowed down. every touch and every breath felt like a sensible decision, and his thoughts would turn into static.
sometimes it was just in the background. sometimes he'd hold your hand or listen to you rant about your day and still be able to act as a functioning human. but there were times in which it simply overtook him.
he had had relationships before; both physical and not, but he had never experienced this feeling before. jihoon was unsure whether or not he liked it. it made him feel weak, but also made him feel more.
there were instances in which this feeling would be accompanied by lust. one accidental peak of a sliver of skin of your thigh and his lips would go completely dry. one grace of your hand a little too close to a sensitive part of his body and his knees would buckle. he was unsure if you knew about how easily it was for you to get him ready to plea for even one touch, but the truth was that it didnt matter. there was no space in his empty head to think about it in those moments.
truth was, jihoon was insanely enamored by you. some (soonyoung) would call him 'down bad' for you, but jihoon liked his term better. being enamored entailed that jihoon adored everything about you, with the pleasure you gave him included among those things. though there were times in which his lust simply grew so big that jihoon could admit to simply being down bad horrendously for you.
currently, that feeling in his chest was ever so present, and he knew that his lust was just about to take over. nothing had yet happened, but still, he felt a desperation that brought a crimson color to his ears. just looking at you as you slept beside him had him holding in a whine of your name.
to be fair, you looked angelic in this moment. you were facing him – although your face was almost completely pressed up against your pillow. your arms were wrapped around your chest in front of you, causing your breasts to press up together in the form of soft mounds peeking from under your tank top. your blanket was covering most of your body but still gave him sight of some of your shoulder. your hair was covering most of your features yet he could still rejoice in your mushed up face as you seemingly made yourself as small as possible. soft breaths coming from you were the only thing he could hear. his senses were all overtaken by you, even as he leaned down and quietly smelled the floral scent from your shampoo.
the beating of his heart was so loud he was sure it ran the risk of waking you up.
it's not that he was nervous, he was simply too caught up in you. every emotion you ever made him feel was making its way to the surface, causing his hands to clam up and his lips to run dry. he wanted to touch you so badly, but he knew that the moment he did, he would fall to his undeniable lust for you. it was hard for him to simply adore you from a distance, as his carnal feelings for you would always take over somehow.
however, his need for you won, making an embarrassing side of himself take over and pull you closer to him in order to wake you up un the softest way he could. he began to pepper kisses on the nude sliver of skin your shoulder offered him, breathing heavily as he prepared himself for what he knew would come as soon as you arose from slumber.
it was only a few moments later in which you began waking up, murmuring his name in that soft morning voice he loved so much.
he hadn't mean to sound so desperate that soon, but the moment he felt you begin to arch against his hold, – encouraging him to keep kissing any available skin – he couldnt help his pleas to let him have you in a way he relished in knowing only he had the privilege of having you.
"a– angel, please ... need you so bad ..." were the first words out of his mouth, murmured against your neck as his hands rubbed at your hips through the blanket.
"hoonie? what's wrong?", you were clearly still half asleep, only taking in his touches but not computing the words he was saying. but it was fine. he could be more specific if need be.
"you're so soft ... so pretty. can i have you, angel? please?" he didnt care how desperate his first words to you that morning sounded. he never felt any shame in showing you just how badly he always wanted you.
"oh, hoonie ...", you breathed, removing the blanket from the way and pressing yourself even closer to him.
the two of you were now curled up against each other with no distance between your bodies as you faced one another. with your lack of clothing, – him in just boxers and you in a tiny tank top and booty shorts to match – jihoon was now able to feel you up as he wanted; something which he took advantage of immediately.
he finally disconnected his lips from your skin, now making eye contact at the close proximity between you. however, before even being able to express his want for you once more, his lust won over him again, making him press his lips against yours with urgency.
he moaned and whined against your lips, his hips searching for yours as he positioned himself above you. there was no way for him to help himself. you were just so soft and pretty and beautiful and perfect. nothing couldve possibly interrupted that cloud of lust that was taking over him.
jihoon still had trouble processing how such a pretty girl could ever be his. he knew he was in love with you since the day he met you. just from a first glance, he thought you the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. speaking to you as acquaintances had been hard, but befriending you had been the biggest challenge. even back then, his feelings for you manifested in very noticeable ways. all his friends would mock him for the way he'd stumble over his words or stare at you a little too much. luckily for him, this did not last long. by some grand act of god, you had found some sort of liking towards him, giving him various obvious openings for him to finally ask you out (and admittedly, it took a lot of silent encouragement from you to get him to finally act up).
upon starting your relationship, it didnt take long for jihoon to make his adoration for you known, constantly letting you know how perfect he found you in any and every capacity. all his defenses would go down when he was around you, causing him to wax poetic whenever his emotions took over him – not to mention the endless files of love songs he had produced since meeting you. anything you desired, he would deliver just for the promise of your happiness.
your relationship had him thinking that maybe his past self suffered a grand deal in a past life; just enough for karmic retribution to grant him the girl of his dreams in the next.
and that's how he felt at this moment, grinding his clothed cock against your cunt as you whined into his mouth. could life get better than this? better than having the love of his life mewling into his mouth as he carelessly canted his cock into the warm heaven between your legs? he couldnt help but groan at the reminder than you were all his, and that he had access to every inch of your breathtaking body for his and your pleasure.
"fuck ... wanna fuck you, but you feel so fucking good like this– shit ..."
"dont stop ... i can cum like this. promise!", you cried whilst pulling at his hair, assuring his mouth stayed glued to yours.
as much as he wanted to keep letting you lick into his mouth and pulling at his hair, he was craving the two mounds that were pressing up against his chest. without further thinking, he disconnected your lips, groaning at the way you tried to chase his lips before hearing you whine once again due to his rushed removal of your top and the feeling of his tongue toying with your tit.
he practically devoured your tits, licking and nipping at every inch of them before using the tip of his tongue to play with your nipples. the way you cried his name had him losing his inhibitions, making him grind even harder and faster against you. your gorgeous and warm cunt was the only thing in his mind.
despite wanting to give you an orgasm just like this, he needed more. he needed your cunt strangling him as he chased both your highs.
"can i fuck you? please ... i know you wanna cum like this, but i cant last ... wa– wanna last for you, but you just feel so ... so fucking good."
"please, hoonie. fuck me .."
he hadnt moved faster in his life, discarding his boxers and your shorts in order to prepare himself for you, but suddenly it hit him.
"baby ... c– condom? do you have any?", he had forgotten to buy new ones before you stayed over last night, so he was hoping against all hope that maybe you had some in your discarded bag in the living room.
"no, hoonie, i .. i don't have any," your eyebrows were furrowed in concern, but he could tell you were still lightheaded from the pleasure you had been feeling just a few moments ago.
"oh, i ... i can just dry hump you? yeah, uh, i'll just–", he couldnt help himself in sounding deflated. he wanted your cunt so fucking badly, but had stupidly used his last backup condom last night.
"or ... you can just .."
his head perked up at that, halting before even starting to grind his hips against yours again.
"baby– "
"just go without it, hoonie. i trust you," you gave him a soft smile, holding onto his cheek before pulling him down for a peck.
"oh, i ... fuck. y– you– " his brain was short circuiting. raw? you were going to let him have it raw? oh. oh, fuck.
"baby, please i need you so fucking badly."
he could never say no to you. as per usual, he gave you exactly what you wanted, ignoring how badly this moment would ruin him; corrupt him and smear his brain with thoughts of your unfiltered cunt for years to come.
and ruin him it did, as he immediately lost himself the moment he entered you, groaning at the warmth and wetness coating his cock.
"you're perfect. god, fuck ... you– you're going to ruin me, arent you? you al-already have, shit ... you're my dream ... love you so fucking much, oh fuck ... make me yours and never give me back, i– i need to be yours. need you every day, fuck, please ..." he babbled senselessly as his hips went crazy against yours, drinking in every cry you released and groaning at every scratch of your nails against his back.
he was already close from having dry humped you through his boxers while he made out with you earlier, but now he knew his end was just around the corner. begging you to cum inside was likely out of the question, but his body demanded he at least try, except you somehow beat him to it.
"baby, inside, please! need you to fill me up ... fuck, please ..."
he had no way to respond other than by crying your name against your neck, relishing on the sound of slapping skin as he chased his end inside you with the desperation of a starved man.
with multiple expletives and confessions of love hidden between cries of pleasure, the two of you came one right after the other, kissing each other all throughout your highs.
now jihoon felt nothing but unfiltered bliss. he held you in his arms and caressed your body to the best of his tired ability, continuing to tell you sweet words of affirmation as you did the same in return.
jihoon was more than fine with being obsessed with you if it meant having you all to himself like this. he would gladly get teased about being down horrendously bad for you as long as he had you in the end.
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yoursweetwife · 2 months
You entered my sinful life, just don’t leave
warning: female reader, soft Aventurine, Aventurine is called Kakavasha, fluff, kissing, mention of Topaz, slightly suggestive at the end. bad english
P.s I wrote this fanfic before the official art from Hoyo appeared, after that I left it in drafts, since too many stories about this started to appear. Anyway, this is just a cute story before this wonderful man's banner comes out :D
My requests are open!
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Aventurine was in no hurry to open his eyes when he woke up. He continued to lie on the large bed, wrapped in soft sheets and enjoying the rays of the sun warming his pale skin.
Out of habit, his right hand ran along the now empty side of the bed. He shivered slightly because of the cold, as if this place had been empty for a long time. Aventurine frowned and gripped the sheets tightly, suddenly a wave of doubt washed over the young man. Was this a dream? However, he calmed down when he heard quiet footsteps approaching the place where he lay.
He tried to hide the smile that threatened to appear on his face when a warm palm touched his cheek. Thin fingers first ran along the skin at the base of the hair, removing yellow strands from the face, then slowly went down along the cheekbone, nose, eyelids, lips…
"I know you're awake, Kakavasha."
A soft voice brought Aventurine out of his sleepy state. Disappointment quickly gave way to a feeling of warmth in my soul. He liked it so much when you called him by his real name, it made him understand that in this terrible unfair world there is a person who cares about him.
Aventurine covered your hand with his own, not allowing you to remove it, and smiled maliciously.
"I wonder how I gave myself away?"
The quiet laugh that left your mouth blessed the player's ears. You adjusted Aventurine's shirt on your body. In his house, this is practically your only clothing, even if you have a lot of your own things here, considering that you often spend the night with him. But by the way the blond stares at you, especially after a shower, you can understand that he loves it when you do this.
"The smile on your whole face gave you away. Shouldn't a poker player be able to not show emotions?"
Aventurine chuckled cheerfully. As a person who intrigues with his incomprehensible behavior, he really cannot control himself around his lover.
“It’s hard not to smile knowing that I got this treasure.”
Aventurine ran his hand over your collarbone, a slight shiver running through your body as his cold fingers touched your soft skin. His long fingers rested on a necklace of aventurine, his birthstone. This is exactly what he gave you in the third year of friendship, it’s surprising that you kept it for so long.
"You're making me blush again. Better get up before I call Topaz."
It was funny to see how Aventurine's face turned sour at the mention of Topaz. Unfortunately, your threats were not a bluff. Angry Topaz is not the most pleasant company, especially in the morning. The blond threw his head back on the pillow and sighed offendedly.
"Okay, okay. I'll get up, but only after the kiss."
You sighed in annoyance and lightly hit his bare chest. It's so hard to say no to those puppy dog ​​eyes.
"Just one kiss."
You ignored the blonde's happy sigh and began to slowly lean towards his face. Your soft lips touched him and Aventurine could not stop the satisfied smile spreading across his face.
He gently cupped your cheek with his palm to deepen the kiss, and you couldn’t help but let out a soft moan, Aventurine pouring all the love and passion even into such innocent kisses. You pulled away from his lips. A quiet chuckle escaped your lips as the player reached for your lips with a pitiful moan.
"Mmm no."
Suddenly, Aventurine grabbed you by the waist and threw you onto the soft sheets. With a loud squeal, your head landed on the soft pillow, Aventurine's strong arms pinning your arms to the sides of your head, preventing you from escaping. A smug smirk appeared on his face at the sight of your red face.
"K-Kakavasha, you're a liar, I can't believe I fell for it again."
Aventurina laughed quietly and brought his face closer to yours, without looking away from your beautiful eyes.
“And you will fall into this trap more than once, sweetie. We both know that you cannot refuse me.”
His left hand moved closer to your face to brush away stray strands. Your heart beat loudly against your chest; not everyone can see his gentle expression on his face. This showed the trust that Kakavasha had in you.
You chuckled and completely relaxed your body.
"I don't think anything will happen if we're a couple of hours late."
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luvh4nji · 10 months
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warning: none really, reader is shorter than yeonjun and soobin, soobin's also refers to reader as a "girl"
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yeonjun ; he's absolutely a flirty drunk. he's the type to be all over you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pulling you close into his side, leaning down to whisper little compliments in your ear and try to get you to come home with him, not really remembering that you are, in fact, already together and live together.
"you're so gorgeous." he'd mumble in your ear, words slurring a little, the hot breath against the shell of your ear making you giggle and look up at him. "so, so pretty. d'you have a boyfriend?" and you'd just laugh, wrapping an arm around his middle, helping keep him upright, telling him that yes, you do, which makes him so pouty for the rest of the night until you tell him that he's the boyfriend. then he gets so, so clingy, trying to ward off any man in the vicinity that gets near you with what he thinks is an intimidating look until you take him home.
soobin ; he seems like an emotional drunk. he's the type to sit close to you all night, wrapping you up in his big frame and tucking you into his chest, cooing over how cute you are and how he can't believe how lucky he is to have someone so pretty with him. and as the night goes on it only gets better worse; he's moved on to telling you how much he loves you, how much you help him when he feels bad and things get rough, how happy he is to have someone who he can take care of and who takes care of him.
"you're it for me, sweetheart, i'm so serious." he'd mumble, his words muffled from where his lips are pressed on the crown of your head. "i don't know what i'd do without you, you're my baby, my sweet girl." and he just keeps rambling and kissing on you until he's close to passing out and you take him home.
beomgyu ; he seems like the type to get quiet. not necessarily emotional, just quiet. he's the type to sit off to the side and observe, especially if you were in public, like at a bar. his cheeks are all rosy and his gaze a little dazed, and he gets so happy when you come over to sit with him, throwing you a bright smile that reaches his eyes. he's definitely the type to want to go home early too, grabbing your hand a dragging you out of the bar.
"it was too loud in there." he pouts, his grip on your hand tightening as he motions in the direction of your apartment. "jus' want it to be the two of us. no one else." and he's pulling you close, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, while you wrap an arm around his middle, trying to convince him to let you order an uber before he pulls you down the street.
taehyun ; honestly, he doesn't seem like the type to drink that much. he gets tipsy, at most, before he stops drinking for the night. he'd look after you when you drink, keeping a close eye on you throughout the night. and even when he does end up drinking a lot, he seems like the type to be able to handle his alcohol well. the only indication you'd get of him being drunk would be the flush on his cheeks.
"...and then my boss hands me the file back... after i'd spilled coffee on it and told him it was a new filing process for... for our documents... and told me he — he liked my idea." you tell him, finishing your story through hiccups and slurred words. and taehyun's just watching you with this lovestruck look on his face, giving you his full attention, with the softest, fondest look you've ever seen on him. "sounds like you got your work cut out for you, baby." he'd reply, pressing a kiss to your forehead, his touch soft and tender <3
hueningkai ; he gets so loud. especially if it was just you and him at your place. he's the type to pull you into his side, laughing loudly at whatever's in front of him, or whatever thought passes his mind. and when he turns to look at you, he gets this look in his eye, before tacking you to the ground, asking you to wrestle him just for the fun of it.
"c'mon, you gotta get stronger." he'd joke, his fingers finding your sides and digging in, laughing along with you in that loud way he does as you half-heartedly try to push him off of you. and he looks so cute, so happy with his reddened cheeks and hazy eyes, you can't help but lean up and press a kiss to his plush lips, smiling with him when he starts giggling.
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fallingdownhell · 3 months
May I request Neuvillette, Diluc, Kaeya and Zhongli asking their s/o if they would choose them or the world and they (s/o) chose the world? At first they were upset until s/o hugs them and says they're their world.
THAT IS SO CUTE!!<3 Characters Included: Neuvillette; Kaeya; Diluc; Zhongli Content: gender neutral reader; established relationship; just some good old fluff; a bit angsty on Diluc's part but nothing too bad; not proofread yet Word count: 1,9k words Had a very stressful week and didn't get to writing at all. But now that it's over, I can finally work on requests again! Yay! Enjoy<3
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Neuvillette, when in a relationship, would be head over heels for his partner
it may not show in his face, because the Iudex was never good at expressing his emotions, but his actions are loud and clear
he adores you in every way possible and tries to spend as much time as he can with you, without neglecting his duties as Chief Justice of Fontaine
enjoys taking you on a leisure stroll through the city or just lay on the bed with you, cuddling all day/night long. Around you, he fells safe to let go of the strong hold he has over his dragon side. So, when in the privacy of your or his home, you can expect his tail to curl around some part of your body as soon as he gets close to you, but most of the time, it's either around your leg or your waist
one evening, while you were cuddling together, there was a thought that entered Neuvillette's mind
on his way home today, he saw a couple and he didn't mean to eavesdrop on them, but he overheard one of them asking the other, if they would choose the world or their partner
he thought it to be stupid at the time and didn't think anything of it, but having you in his arms now, he couldn't help but think what your answer to this would be
"Darling", he'd ask cautiously as to not scare you from suddenly speaking up. You hummed, signaling that he had your attention
"This might sound stupid, but... If you had to choose, would you save the world, or me?"
You don't answer for a while and Neuvillette almost thinks that you might have fallen asleep. He was about to lean down and check when you stirred and turned yourself around in his arms to face him
"Hmm.. I think I'd save the world.", you answered and then pressed yourself against his chest again, content with your answer
meanwhile, Neuvillette felt a bit disappointed. He was sure that you'd adore him as much as he did you. Was he.. wrong about it?
His mood drastically dampened as he continued to hold you, but then you spoke up again
"Wanna know why?", you ask him, and unable to refuse you anything, he agrees to hearing your reasoning
you rise from his arms, pushing yourself up so you can look at him. You smile at him, warm and full of love, as you tell him: "Because, you are my world."
for a moment, he's too stunned to speak. Then, he closes his eyes and lets out a chuckle, relieved to hear that and overwhelmingly happy right now
He catches you in his arms again and kisses you, holding you as close to him as humanly possible, not wanting to ever let you go again..
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he's usually not one to fall for such tricks. No, rather, he's the one who gets people into doing them, watching the scenes unfold in the chaos afterwards
but for reasons, this one hits a bit too close to home for his taste
choosing between saving one or the other.. it's not a situation he'd want to wish upon anyone, knowing first hand just how bad it feels to be forced to decide eventually
he tries to forget about it, pushes it to the back of his mind, but it's like the heavens are mocking him, as he sees couple after couple who'd ask each other this damned question
and almost every time, he'd see them happily fall into each others arms when they get confirmation from their partner that they'd choose them
it filled the Cavalry Captain with some sort of longing... a feeling he couldn't quite describe, but he wanted this for himself, too
so, he decided, that on his next outing with you, he'd just go ahead and shoot his shot, asking you the same thing. What could possibly go wrong, right?
you'd invited Kaeya over tonight for dinner, to which he obviously enthausiastically agreed to
the two of you had some fun goofing around, playfully throwing things at each other before you actually did the cooking together
while the food was boiling on the stove and there was a quiet moment, Kaeya felt that now was the time to ask you
"Hey, (Name).. I got a question for you."
"Shoot.", you'd answer, still focused on cleaning up, but waiting for Kaeya to ask what he wanted to
"It's just.. If you'd had to choose.. would you choose me? Or the world?"
you scoff, a smile on your lips, and without hesitation you answer "Obviously, the world."
"Oh.", Kaeya answers, his mood sinking by the second. He can't really blame you for your answer, but he can't help but be a bit disappointed
however, the next second, he feels your arms snaking around him, pulling him into a hug. "Because you are my world, dummy."
Kaeya is stunned for a second, but he quickly feels that warm feeling rising in his chest again, that you always seem to trigger in him
he hugs you back, burrying his face into your hair as he holds you close to him, the food forgotten for this moment
"Thank you", he whispers, his arms ever so slightly tightening around you. He didn't realise how desperately he'd needed this confirmation from you until now...
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Diluc is a man who often thinks of himself as unworthy and undeserving of your love and affection
he's flawed, broken, a fragment of the person he once was. He can't find anything good within himself, so he can't fathom you seeing him in a different light entirely
you love him, regardless of his broken self. Even more so, you help him in trying to overcome this feeling. You heal his very soul, with you, he finally feels complete again
but despite that, he still has his moments of doubt, but you're always quick to shut such thoughts down again
Diluc truly adores you, with everything he has. No matter what you want or ask of him, he'll personally see to it that you get what you asked for
You want some new clothes? Already bought. You want to spend time with him? His schedule is cleared out minutes later. You want his love? You already have it
but the doubt still gnaws in his mind today, not letting him focus on the good aspects of your lives together
it was a quiet evening at Dawn Winery. The Staff had gone to bed already but you were sitting on a couch in front of a fireplace, the fire crackling peacefully, while you read a book
Diluc was walking down the stairs, looking for you when he spotted you there, looking as stunning as ever
His heart clenched in his chest when he saw you, and that irresistable desire to be close to you took ahold of him
he carefully approaches you and slowly snakes his arms around you from behind, hidding his face in the crock of your neck where he breathes in your scent, calming down his mind a bit, but the thoughts are still racing in him
you chuckle a bit and raise a hand to play with his hair, while you kept part of your attention on your book still
the both of you stayed like that for a few minutes, before you closed your book and adressed your lover
"Why don't you sit down with me? It must be uncomfortable like this."
but Diluc remains where he is, totally content right now. And yet, something still gnaws on his mind..
"Love.. if there were ever a situation in which you'd have to choose.. would you save the entire world? Or me?"
if he were to be asked the same question, his answer now would be different compared to if he would have been asked that before meeting you
before, he would not have hesitated and saved the world. Eradicating all evil to save everyone else sounded like the right thing to do.
but now? Diluc was certain that he could not live in a world without you in it. He'd sacrifice anything and everything for you, even the entire world
you chuckle lightly, still playing with his hair. "I'd choose the world. Without a second thought. Because you are my world. And I wouldn't want it to be any other way."
hearing you say that eased his mind, his hold around you growing stronger. It was a relief for him to hear you thinking about him the same way he does about you
with little to no effort, he picks you up from your spot on the couch and carries you all the way to the bedroom, where the two of you cuddle well into the night, unitl none of you can stay awake any longer. And even in your sleep, he holds you close, thinking that maybe, it's okay to love you, that you were meant to be together...
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even as a god who's lived for thousands of years, there seems to be new things to learn still, with every single passing day
and since you entered his life, the things he learns have become all the more interesting to him
every little detail about you has been committed to his memory, never to be forgotten again. Zhongli never would have thought he could harbor such intense feelings for another being, much less a human, but he was proven wrong
only through you does he really learn to appreciate things that come with being human. He begins to take pleasure in the small things in life, his focus shifting from the greater good, and instead setting his sight on you, always aiming to make you feel as happy and appreciated as possible
after a bit of time, where he got to know you and trust you, he would also reveal the truth about himself to you
the moment you accepted him still, despite his true self, was the happiest Zhongli has felt in a long time. Now, whenenver it was just the two of you in private, he can let go of himself and allows himself to show some of his more draconic features around you
on one such day, the two of you were cuddled up on the couch, Zhongli laying on top of you, his arms around your body, his tail curling around one of your legs while you were stroking the horns protruding from his head
you were talking about mundane things, telling each other how your day has been going, but he really enjoyed listening to you
"Oh, I almost forgot! My coworker asked me something today that I found kind of ridiculous."
"Oh, really? What was that question, dearest?", Zhongli would inquire, interested but still resting comfortably on your chest
"Well, since she knows I'm in a relationship, she asked me if I would choose my lover over the entire world.", you laugh as you recall that conversation
suddenly, Zhongli's interest is peaked and he turns his head so he could look at you, a spark in his eyes
"And what did you answer?"
"Obviously, I picked the world. I mean, I don't think I could or really want to live without you at this point."
at that, Zhongli furrows his brows in confusion, your answer making no sense to him
he ponders about it a bit more, you laughing a bit at him, finding it cute that he didn't understand the implications of your words. So, you decide to just explain it to him
"It means that you are my world, Li. Nothing would feel right anymore if you weren't by my side."
the confusion now washed away, his gaze grew softer as he stared at you, love for you swelling in his chest, growing and growing until he couldn't take it anymore
with a low growl, he shot up and burried his face against your neck, his tail swaying back and forth behind him and you couldn't hold back the chuckle
"I love you, Darling.", he'd whisper against you. "with everything I am. My heart and soul will always belong to you."
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izvmimi · 10 months
katsuki wakes you up from your midday nap with his yelling.
it isn't exactly a rude awakening - you just turn with the sudden ruckus coming from outside your bedroom - but it's enough to cause you the tiniest bit of alarm, even if being together at home is the safest place you can imagine on this earth.
it's saturday evening and he thankfully will not be gone for patrol, so you could afford the extra time to sleep off a worsening migraine. you shift out of your bed, satisfied that a combination of ibuprofen and extra z's have done their work, and make your way out towards the source of the fuss. as you get closer, you're happy to know that it's nothing serious - rather katsuki is simply speaking at loud volume into his phone, presumably irritated, but not devastated by something.
he doesn't hear you coming as light as your footsteps are, and you stand at the doorway to observe him.
"what the FUCK do you mean 'there's nothing you can do'?! i spent hours making these arrangements and you expect me to just accept a gift card like my anniversary is replaceable?!"
you blink, suppressing a yawn still, and watch him. he's agitated and you're pretty sure he's justified, although it probably isn't great for him to yell so much, even if your ears are somewhat attuned to it given your many years together. it's not like when you met him he was exactly the stoic and silent type at all times, although he could be if he wanted to.
but why would you want him to be any different than himself?
you step forward after a few more moments of him hunching over, gritting his teeth as he hears whatever palliating excuses the customer service has on the other end, then press a hand to his shoulder. he stiffens - in fact, he almost pales at your touch and his voice drops nearly to half the number of decibels, a barely audible whisper. reassessing his anger, he nods to you, then to the agent he cannot see, and clears his throat.
"i'll be a little more uh..." he glances at you, and you're smiling at him, but you're giving him the look that pleads him to be nice, and he sighs, "judicious about my willingness to do business with you in the future, but i'll accept a gift card. for now."
with that, the conversation ends. katsuki looks red for a different reason, the gentle sting of embarrassment in his cheeks. you decide not to rub it in, and find a way to settle into his lap.
"what's going on, baby?" you ask. he makes a sound of displeasure, then adjusts your position balanced atop his knee, running a hand through his hair. he then looks at you again, appraising your own emotional state before deciding to change the topic. after all, it's probably best you don't know why he lost his temper.
"did you nap well?" he asks first, nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck.
"not with you hollering," you tease as he lets his teeth graze gently on the skin of your collarbone. he looks up and frowns.
"was it that bad?" his voice is quieter now, lower. you tilt your head.
"you yell all the time. it's fine, i'm used to it. partially deaf at this point."
he frowns again, then mutters a "sorry."
your hand cups his chin. that one word is spoken too softly.
"hey, i'm not made of glass. speak up." you say, squeezing. he smiles, circling his own hand on your wrist before pulling it towards him to kiss the underside.
"sorry, princess!" he says louder, and you giggle, turning your head.
"what? can't hear you?"
he pulls you in and yells directly in your ear, and you scream, and he holds, both of you laughing together. once the two of you calm down, he sighs and leans back into the couch, making sure to take you with him so that you're resting on his chest.
he exhales deep and you wait, knowing he has more to say.
"you know," he starts, tracing circles into your palm, "i had an ex-" you bristle for a moment, and he grins at you, then kisses your forehead, "that thought i was too loud."
"loud, yes. too loud? i'm not sure," you reply.
he shrugs. "she would bristle any time she heard me talking. i would never yell at her, but i guess i scared her in some way just by the tone of my voice."
"mm." part of you wonder what they expected; he's always lived boisterously, with no pretense otherwise, but you keep mum.
"so i felt like i couldn't really be myself around them. obviously not the way i can be with you."
katsuki looks away from you for a moment and in space as though he is thinking, and then soon time is up, and his focus shifts back to you, giving you a cheeky grin.
"thanks for putting up with me," he says. again his voice is soft and quiet, because he addresses you with care, not because you've demanded him to adjust for you, but because he wants to.
you peck his nose. "well, when i go deaf in both ears, i'll reconsider."
he rolls his eyes playfully, and you pull his ear and yell, "i love you!"
he threatens to throw you off of him again, and you playfight until you're both rested on the couch, content in each other's arms.
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aajjks · 10 months
mess (m)
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synopsis. There’s only one way to make sure you stay. And he’s willing to do anything.
pairing: yandere oc x fem!reader.
wärnïngs. yändêrê, mäsöchïstïc tëndëncïês, öral (fém récîevïng), délüsïònál béhâvïöûr, präïsè kink, ëxplïcït smüt, ëxtrëmë yändere, MDNÏ
part one — part two.
note. please share feedback and send in asks for ezekiel, ENJOY!
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You look like you want to kill him.
Ezekiel removes his hand from your wrist, and immediately falls on his knees. You are visibly fuming, the way you’re chewing on your lower lip has him quivering in fear.
Although you look so sexy at the same time to him, glaring down at him with those E/C eyes of yours, your teeth nibble on your lip,
okay not the right time, stupid!
He stops his train of thoughts and barely manages to look into your eyes, “y-yn…” you cross your arms to your chest and clench your jaw.
Oh you really want to kill him..
“P-Please don’t misunderstand!” He begs you, his voice is loud and panicky. “I don’t know why she was here!” He confesses to you.
You look around the hall, it’s empty! Why can’t you focus on him instead, all of the people are busy attending their classes.
He has to go too but no he won’t, not when you’re so quite, when you’re fuming. And he could always catch up later.
Right now his priority was only you.
He needed to fix this mess that his ex girlfriend had created.
“Who the fuck was she huh?” You spit at him, oh your eyes are turning dark, he’s in so much trouble, it excites him.
“M-My ex…” he grabs your legs before breathing in. “I-I broke up with her almost a year ago, I-I don’t know why she decided to study here!” He feels so frantic.
You have to believe him! He’s telling you the truth!
“Hmm..” you mumble something he can’t comprehend… he can’t tell what you’re thinking, you’re so good at hiding your emotions. Your eyebrows furrow all of a sudden,
He feels like he can finally breathe again.
“An ex huh..?” You seem to be in a deep thought, Ezekiel nods his head and looks at you with his grey eyes, filled with desperation.
“Let go of me.” You command him, your gaze is empty. He panics. No he can’t let you go, he has to please you, he has to make sure you don’t abandon him!
He can’t afford that, oh no he’d rather die by your hands than let you go.
“N-No please d-don’t leave me! L-Let me make it up to you yn!!! Pl-Please!” He only holds onto you tighter, “l-let me please you!”
There’s only one way to make you stay. And he would do anything to make you stay. He grabs your legs tighter, and pushes his face into them, inhaling your scent like a dog.
“You sick fuck.” You curse at him, “such a slut aren’t you?”
“Only for you..” you smirk at him, he feels his heart thump in anticipation, you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever seen.
He wants you so bad.
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He follows behind you like a puppy, you keep searching for the janitors closet and he’s starting to get impatient, “look there!” He points it out for you,
Oh please let’s just get in, already!
“I can see it.” You roll your eyes at him and open the door to see if anyone is in there, once you are sure, you signal the impatient guy to come in.
And he immediately complies, he doesn’t wait for your command to lock the door, and you don’t stop him either.
He turns around to look at you, staring at him with a bored look in your eyes, “come on.” You sigh, “take off my jeans.” You point your fingers to your jeans and his eyes light up.
He walks over to you, his mind feels so hazy, he can’t see but you.
“Y-Yes t-thank you yn..” he gets down on his knees, his fingers reach your zipper and he tugs at it, taking off your jeans eagerly, his eyes bulging out of the sockets as he stares at your underwear.
His fingers trace the lace, his mouth is watering as he slides it down to your legs.
He shudders as he stares at your bare cunt.
And he feels so much hunger.
“So beautiful…” As you spread your legs for him, he lets out a shaky breath. Ezekiel’s shaking, he pushes his face between your legs and takes in a deep breath, inhaling your scent once again.
You smell so good.
Your thighs trap him and you feel his light stubble on your skin, he drags the tip of his tongue along your slit, his spit getting all over as he gives it a few kitten licks,
It feels so good.
It’s hard for him to take it slow, he wants to eat you out feverishly, but he wants to savour the feeling of you on his tongue.
“F-Faster, don’t fuckin tease me. I need you.” You grab his hair and pull on it harshly, his teeth graze your bud and you gasp when he bites on it gently. He quickly pushes one of his digits inside you, pumping in and out, making you squeal.
You’re dripping.
He feels so feral and attaches his mouth on your cunt once again, lapping at like a starved man, the lewd sounds of your cunt are making him feel so hot, he’s di hard, it’s painful but the way you’re tugging at his curls is so hot.
You use your other hand to push his face deeper into your pussy and he almost cried from happiness, you’re enjoying yourself.
He doesn’t waste his time to spit on it and then continue to eat you out like a feral animal, he knows that you like it rough, messy and nasty,
And who is he to deny you?
He feels so lewd, with your nectar and his drool running down his jaw, he can’t stop, your moan’s burn in his memory,
He loves those little weak whimpers coming from you.
“S-So tasty, fuckin suffocate me, y-yes please clench around my tongue, o-oh yes!” You only moan louder at his dirty words
“G-Gonna cum, puppy ‘m gonna cum…”
Oh he’s about lose the last the bit of his sanity.
He drags his tongue all over your cunt, sucking all over your thighs so his marks stay, he loves you so much, you drive him absolutely mad.
“D-Don’t stop… don’t f-fuckin stop.” You command him, you use your hand to push his face deeper into your pussy, again.
He’s in heaven.
You want his tongue to feel so deep inside you, so how can he deny you?
He tilts his head to the side and your back arches, “love you s’much, only you.” He is slurring out his sentences at this point.
“Cum… please f’me.” He begs and you let go, your hips buckle up and he squeezes it, you gush around him and he takes it all, “O-Oh puppy..”
“Y-Yes that’s it… give me all of it!”
He slurps it all up like a good boy, you have his mind shutting down, he cums on the spots too, his boxers feel so fucking heavy but it’s okay.
It’s all because of you.
You make him a mess, and he loves it.
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sapphicmsmarvel · 3 months
azriel: mr loverboy
angst + fluff 
“boy you keep on blowing my mind, caught up in my emotions.” 
song: mr loverboy by little mix
Azriel always treated you kindly when you were just friends. But once that mating bond snapped, oh boy that’s where everything changed. 
You didn’t think it was possible that Azriel could get sweeter than he already was but he quickly proved you wrong. 
If he knew you had a bad day, he’d show up with your favorite flowers, candy or a new book. He always held doors open for you, made you walk on the side of a street that was least hazardous. Always listened to you, held you. 
You made sure to return that in tenfold. 
Because of past relationships, you kind of expected to see your partner have wandering eyes but as long as they came home with you, you always felt like you didn’t have a right to be upset. At least, that’s what they told you. But Azriel’s eyes never strayed from yours. He hugged his family but he held you differently. As if he wanted every part of your body constantly being pressed against his. 
However, if someone randomly came up touching him, he would either flatly look at them disgusted or politely decline depending on the social situation. He didn’t like hurting other people's feelings but he knew your scent was on him as well as his whole ass wedding ring. 
You and the Inner Circle were at a party in the Summer Court. Tarquin and his newly wedded mate had thrown a lovely gathering. Tarquin even temporarily lifted the ban on Cassian. As long as he didn’t go anywhere alone. 
You were too used to seeing multiple people throw themselves on your husband. But he didn’t even look at them. He kept telling them no and they just wouldn’t listen. 
But this night, a night of love and celebration, you watched one girl just push it a bit too far. You could see your mate trying to politely turn her down and not cause a scene that would distract from the newly wedded couple. 
So you did what anyone else would do. 
Walked your sexy ass over and plopped down on his lap. Put his face in your hands and gave him a big ole kiss. You ignored the snickers from his brothers and the gasps from the girl and just focused on him. He kissed you back eagerly. His hands coming up behind your back and holding you. 
You two pulled away, he smiled, a glimmer of affection and pure warmth was sent down the bond. “What was that for?” 
You smiled, “I just wanted to.” You didn’t wanna admit it was jealousy. However, your husband wasn’t stupid. He smiled knowingly and you rolled your eyes. You turned towards the girl and she had already left. 
Satisfied, you turned towards where Azriel was facing. You saw the Inner Circle giving you shit-eating looks. You did something no one would dare do to their High Lady however you got special privilege. “Shut the fuck up.” You murmured. She threw her beautiful head back and laughed. She knew all too well how you felt about Azriel’s admirers. She felt the same about Rhysand’s. Nesta tipped her glass to you, she also knew what it was like fighting off the admirers. 
You leaned back against the warmth of your mate. A welcome contrast to the cool summer breeze on the patio. 
After a bit more dancing, Nesta and Cassian retired to bed, Rhysand and Feyre quickly following. After a quick goodbye to the happy couple, you and Azriel began a walk by the beach. 
“So do you prefer the sandy beaches or the rocky beaches of the Night Court?” Azriel asked you. 
“Honestly, I’ve always hated sand. Blegh, the herpes of nature.” You shuddered. 
He let out a loud, unguarded laugh and you found it the most beautiful sound. Usually, after a comment like that, your past partners would scold you. 
But Azriel embraces you. He held your hand even tighter. 
“But we wouldn’t be able to be barefoot in the Night Court.” He argued. “Yes, but we also don’t know what germs are touching our naked feet. I’d rather have protection. What if you step on glass in sand?” You said back. 
He gave you a pensive thought. “It seems we agree to disagree.” 
“You like the sand?” you asked softly. You’d put up with it for him. You’d put up a lot for this man.
“I don’t know what it is. It just feels nice.”
“Then we should look into a vacation rental here.” You squeezed his hand. 
“No, no you hate-”
“Hey, I hate sand but I can put up with it if it means I get to wake up to your sexy naked body in the sun.” You gave an overdramatic shiver. “Lord, they’re gonna have to put me in church for the thoughts I just had about you.” 
He let out another laugh, you wanted to preserve it in a jar and just open it to hear it. “Besides, a vacation rental would be nice. Just imagine,” You held your hand out in front of you as if to paint a scene. “A nice cabana, windows and doors wide open, curtains blowing in with the breeze. Fresh fruit and seafood waiting for us. The smell of sex and ocean water. A goddamn wet dream.” 
But when you turned your head, you just saw him gazing at you full of love. “I’m looking at the only dream I’ll ever need right now.” 
Your blush could’ve rivaled the earlier sunset. “Sap.” 
“You love it.” “More than anything.” You said, all traces of joking gone. 
You somehow were able to hold him tighter as you two continued walking 
“Thank you for earlier by the way.” You whispered. 
He looked confused, “what?”
“You didn’t entertain that random girl. I appreciated it.”
“You…you don't need to thank me for not looking at other people?” He was even more confused. “You’re my mate. My wife. You come first, always and forever, baby.” He brought your interlocked hands up to his lips to kiss your hand. 
You got a bit embarrassed.  “I’ve never been anyone's first choice, so it’s kind of crazy to me that I’m yours.” You admitted. 
His heart slowly broke that you had never had someone treat you like this. He pulled you both to a stop. “You’ll always be my number one. Even above the Night Court. Above it all.”
“I’d never ask you to put me above your job, Az.”
“I know, hence why you’re put above it.” He pulled you in to kiss your forehead. “You deserve the best, better than me, I don't know how the Mother paired-“
“Shut up,” You snapped with no real bite. “You’re wonderful Az, I’ll always tell you that.”
He conceded, “we’re perfect together.”
“Fuck yeah we are.” You said bringing him in for a kiss. 
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junkdrawerfics · 1 year
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Jasper Hale X Reader
Summary: There's one thing the Cullens don't know about you and you try with every fiber of your being to make sure things stay that way, especially with your boyfriend, Jasper. His gift makes it a little hard though, making you stretch to unhealthy limits.
Word Count: 2677
Warnings: Insomnia, the effects of sleep deprivation, no beta
A heavy sigh escapes your lips as you lean against the lockers, welcoming the cold bite of the metal against your skin. Why did you come to school today? Every second that goes by, you feel like you’re walking deeper and deeper into a fog only surrounding you. It makes it hard to think, hard to process anything.
You jump like a cat finding a cucumber when a deep voice breaks through your fog. As quick as you’ve moved in days, you spin around to find a familiar blond standing right behind you. Jasper. Out of habit, a smile slips onto your lips.
“Morning Jazz,” you murmur and wrap your arms around his waist.
Jasper doesn’t reply, just gently pulls you back so he can look at your face, his brow furrowed. You keep the smile up and try your hardest to push your emotions away, just focusing on how happy it makes you to see him. You don’t want him to worry. It feels like that’s all you do, make him worry, which honestly just makes you feel worse, so hopefully today you can play off the sluggishness clinging to you. It would be so much easier if he didn’t have his gift.
“Everything alright, darlin’?”
He might have caught on before you could think of hiding it, though. Stubbornly, you press on, giving him a nod and stretching up onto your toes to press a chaste kiss to his cheek.
“Everything perfect now that you’re here,” you throw out the cheesy line, which seems to be enough to distract him.
Jasper shakes his head, but an amused smirk pulls at the corner of his lips.
“So, are you going to walk me to class, cowboy?” You ask, closing your locker after you grab the books you need.
“It’d be my pleasure, ma’am.”
Your heart melts at his words, and your smile shifts into a soft grin as the blond loops your arm through his and takes your books. Such a gentleman. And lucky for you, all his previous concerns have disappeared. Hopefully you can keep it that way for the rest of the day.
It’s a mostly well-hidden secret you keep from the vampire coven. Ironically, Bella is the only one who knows about it, your insomnia. On a normal day, you can function well enough and get through school with little issue, but recently it’s been worse. Last night was particularly bad, and by that you mean you didn’t sleep at all.
You just don’t want Jasper or the others to find out about it. Not because you don’t trust them, or it’s some big, bad secret, of course. You just…You already feel so weak compared to them and all their amazing powers. You don’t feel the need to add to that, or worry them.
So, one day of hiding your fatigue isn’t too hard.
A week later, however, you feel like you’re falling apart at the seams.
You’re sitting in history class, trying to listen to whatever your teacher is saying about the civil war, and then the next moment, you’re jolting awake to the school bell. The shrill ringing sends pulses of pain through your head. They crash on you like waves, and you can’t breathe, can’t even open your eyes without nausea sweeping through you.
“Are you alright, Miss (L/n)?”
Vaguely, you can hear your teacher’s voice, but he sounds miles away. It feels like there’s cotton stuffed into your ears, which somehow makes the ringing in your head even louder. Despite the pain, and the sudden urge to throw up, you nod your head and slowly shuffle out of the room. Out of the room and into the loud, loud hallway.
“Hey (Y/n)!”
You flinch. Why are they screaming right in your ear? Everything in slow motion, you turn, eyes squinted but unable to make out the blurry figure jumping in front of you. Why are they moving so slow? Or are you moving slow? Why can’t you see their face?
The nausea comes crashing back over you, and you have to press a hand against the nearest wall to keep yourself upright. The person, you assume you know them, asks you something. What are they saying? The words mix and blend, getting lost and muffled in the cotton. Brow furrowed, you try to get them to repeat themselves, but your tongue feels heavy in your mouth, like sand. You press a hand to your forehead, the pounding becoming more like someone taking a hammer to your skull. Everything feels so heavy, so loud, so…so…
Your head hits the tile before you can hear the surprised shrieks ringing through the hall.
Jasper jerks when he hears a loud scream sound from another hall across the school.
“What was that?” Alice asks, earning a few weird looks from the passing students. They hadn’t heard it, of course.
The blond vampire shrugs, but something uneasy starts to build in his chest. An accident on school grounds could mean blood, and losing control here would be a one way ticket to leaving Forks, leaving you. He can’t bear the thought.
“Should we go check it out?” Alice looks at him, gold eyes gleaming with concern. The same thoughts are running through her mind.
“No,” Jasper says tightly, lips pursed.
The ravenette nods in agreement, so the two continue towards their class. The uneasiness doesn’t go away, though. All Jasper can think about is you, where you might be, if you’re okay. You’d been acting strange the past week, and it only makes it worse that he can’t seem to get a grip on your emotions. It’s like you’re hiding them from him. That in itself worries him, but he trusts you, knows you’ll talk to him if you want to. He won’t push. Yet.
Jasper tries to put these thoughts out of his head as their algebra class starts. Though he doesn’t need to focus in the class (they had taken it several times at this point), keeping appearances is important to the Cullens. It is difficult though when images of you flitter through his head each time the teacher starts to drone.
Things come to an abrupt halt when the door flies open. Everyone jumps in their seats when it slams loudly against the wall.
Alice and Jasper exchange a look when Edward appears at the front, offering a sheepish smile before quickly talking to the teacher in a hushed voice. One only the vampires and he can hear.
“Jasper Hale and Alice Cullen have been requested at the office. There’s been an…incident,” Edward says in a calm, smooth voice. The teacher doesn’t even question him, just gestures for the pair to go.
“What’s going on, Edward?” Alice demands once they reach the hall. There were no visions, nothing about an accident with the family, so she feels horribly caught off guard.
Jasper walks a few paces ahead of his siblings, overwhelmed by the concern and shock rolling off of Edward. It’s not like him to project his emotions so loudly, and it sets the blond on edge. If he was feeling uneasy before, now he’s on the brink of panic. Had something happened to Bella? Was it good idea for him to be here if so?
“Bella is fine,” Edward assures him from behind, a hint of hesitation creeping into his voice as he continues, “It’s…It’s (Y/n).”
Jasper stops dead in his tracks. He whips around, wide eyes ablaze.
Both his siblings take a step back, unfamiliar with the wild, unbridled look on the blond. His careful composure is cracking. Things are different with you, they always have been. Despite having the ability to sense and influence emotions, Jasper struggles to contain himself when it comes to you. Everyone felt the shift when they met you. They had all been ecstatic to see Jasper’s more reserved nature slip away around you, but they never considered what else that could entail.
“She’s okay, Jasper,” Edward is quick to try and calm him, “She’s just resting in the nurse’s off-”
In the blink of an eye, he’s gone. Off to find you.
“You probably should have waited on that detail,” Alice murmurs, a touch of amusement in her words, “It’s nice to see how much he cares about her, though.”
Edward nods, but he can’t ward off the concern that pulls his lips into a thin line. Alice puts a hand on his shoulder, squeezing softly before giving him a tug towards the office.
“Let’s go,” she insists, “and tell me what happened on the way, okay?”
You’re just waking up when Jasper rushes into the room. In less than a second, he is kneeling at your side, jaw clenched, eyes scanning every inch of you for injuries.
“Hey Jazz,” you croak, throat dry and scratchy.
Those wild amber eyes finally meet yours, and it feels like a punch to the gut, worse than the headache still clinging to you. They are filled to the brim with untamed concern and glazed over with exhaustion. But he can’t get tired. The thought makes you cringe. You did this, he’s feeling your emotions. Why did you let it get this far?
The building distress quickly fizzles out, replaced by a warmth, a sense of contentment. It’s unnatural, certainly Jasper’s gift, but you close your eyes anyways and let it take over. It is a welcomed break from the torrent you’ve been living through.
“Sorry if I scared you,” you break the small silence building between you, peaking an eye open to look at him again, “Guess the cat’s out of the bag, huh?”
Jasper nods curtly, but doesn’t say anything. You take that as the sign to keep talking. He deserves an explanation.
Starting with a deep breath, you hesitantly begin, “Well…I have insomnia. I um, it’s hard to fall asleep sometimes, and when I do, it’s hard to stay asleep.” You chew on your bottom lip. It almost sounds ridiculous, it’s like you don’t know how to sleep. You basically don’t. “You could say I’m going through a rough patch right now.”
One of Jasper’s hands covers yours, which you were fiddling with. His fingers interlace with yours gently, thumb smoothing over your knuckles.
“Darlin’...when was the last time you slept?”
It takes you a moment to think. Whenever things get bad, your memory is the first thing to go in the trash.
“Probably like, I mean, if we’re talking a decent amount of sleep, that was probably, probably a week ago?”
Jasper takes in a deep breath, jaw clenching once again. His grip on your hand tightens, not enough to hurt, but enough for you to know he’s distressed.
“I’m okay, though, I’ve been dealing with this for years,” you smile at him softly in reassurance.
Exhaustion is slowly creeping back towards you, tugging at your mind like an annoying little tick you can’t get rid of. He must notice too, because he suddenly looks around for a nurse, one of which is standing near the doorway to keep an eye on the two of you.
“May I take her home? She’ll be needin’ some rest after all of this.”
The nurse seems to hesitate, but you notice a small shift in her expression before she offers a warm smile and concedes, “Of course, hun. Make sure she gets home safe, we’ll give her parents a call.”
You go to get up, but are denied the chance to stand when Jasper quickly sweeps you up bridal style. A squeak escapes your parted lips, all the while a small grin tugs at the blond’s lips. You cling to his shoulders, squirming slightly, but his grip just tightens.
“I can walk on my own, you know,” you grumble and hit his chest weakly, “Don’t go to any trouble for me.”
The small twitch of his lips turns into one of his fully cocked smirks and he raises a brow at you, “Trust me, darlin’, it’s no trouble. If you don’t recall, I’m stronger than I look.”
You pout at the smugness in his voice. Stupid vampire. Stupid super strength. And he totally used his gift to convince that nurse to let you go. If you had any energy left, you’d probably find something snide to say, but all you want to do is curl into his cool embrace and fall asleep. Just one full night of sleep.
“Is she okay?”
“You gave us a real fright, girlie.”
Yep, that’s Alice.
You offer an embarrassed smile, “Sorry, things got a bit out of hand, I guess.”
“You passed out in the hall.”
And Edward, of course. Makes sense how they found out now.
“I’m taking (Y/n) home so she can rest,” Jasper is quick to explain, “You two can head back to class.”
You hear a snort from your best friend, but she doesn’t pose an argument. She must be worried too, but it would look weird for her to leave. It’s bad enough that you’re dragging Jasper out. It’s a relief he offered though. Because there’s no way you could get home without a car, since both your parents are working.
“Can we um, can we take it slow, Jazz? Kinda nauseous,” you grumble, burying your face in his sweater.
“Of course, darlin’.” He presses his lips to your hair and the journey starts.
You let your eyes close, equal parts lulled and dizzied by the steady sway of Jasper’s steps. Despite taking it slow, it still feels like you reach your home in no time. When you open your eyes next, you’re right in front of your house. Jasper silently asks for your keys. You fish them from your pocket with trembling fingers. He glides into the house, kicking the door shut behind him as he carries you to your bedroom. With a gentleness beyond human, the blond settles you down on the bed.
You curl up under your comforter as he proceeds to speed around, gathering everything you could possibly need. Food, water, extra blankets. You wouldn’t think based on the way he presents himself that Jasper is actually the biggest, softest teddy bear. You don’t think you’ve met a kinder soul.
When everything is in its place, Jasper settles down on the edge of the bed. He glances around, as if looking for something he can do. You reach out to grab the hem of his sweater, bringing those gold eyes down to you.
“Can you stay? Cuddle?” You mumble with your best puppy dog eyes.
Jasper smiles softly, not one of his smirks or fanged grins, just one of his smiles that he reserves just for you, “Why, of course. Anything for you, darlin’.”
The blond slips under the blankets and leans against the backboard, shifting so you can curl into him, head on his lap. The exhaustion that has been lurking around you seems to be just on the edge, so close to letting you sleep, but something in your chest won’t settle. Him being here helps. You feel safer when he’s next to you. It feels like you didn’t even know the meaning of peace until you met Jasper.
The vampire senses the quick succession of your emotions. He tenderly threads his fingers through your hair and focuses on detangling the strands as he does the same to your emotions. For each one, he replaces them with something comforting to help you sleep. Safety, love, everything warm.
You melt into Jasper, the ache in your chest finally easing. 
“I love you,” you all but whisper, eyes fluttering closed.
He leans over, pressing one final kiss to your forehead. His lips brush your skin as he murmurs, “I love you too, now get some sleep.”
You giggle sleepily and bury your face back into his lap. The feeling of his fingers in your hair slowly lulls you to sleep, one you willingly give in to. And for the first time in a week, you stay asleep. All thanks to a certain Jasper Whitlock.
Love me some Jasper Whitlock. I felt like writing this because of my experience with insomnia, and I thought it would be interesting how that would work with Jasper's gift.
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