#jumping up and down punching the air /pos
octoagentmiles · 1 year
*heavy breathing*......... I have been waiting SO LONG FOR THIS EPISODE TO COME OUT SO I COULD TALK ABOUT IT—
GHOST SHIP THOUGHTS 👁️👁️ (spoilers) ↓
Barnacles was so chill about boarding the ship. You'd think in a world of pirates (*points at Kwazii*) they'd be a bit more cautious about wandering onto random suspicious sea vessels. (actually kinda surprised Kwazii didn't say anything--)
"I've heard of ghost ships before" Oh Have You, Barnacles? 👁️👁️ That's So Interesting. Please, Tell Me More 👁️👁️
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the barnacles jokes will Never get old to me. Never. I was dying on the floor the ENTIRE episode.
Barnacles casually mentioning the ship's damages were probably caused by a heavy storm............. I see you sir.
Also Tweak being so serious this episode...... and knowing how the ship worked....... telling the others to be gentle with it........... getting stressed when they couldn't keep it from falling apart...... I see you ma'am.
This episode does THREE things;
Gives us definite confirmation there are other animalpeople with cities around, AND implies that the Octonauts could be somewhat well-known among them, based on how Barnacles tried to introduce himself to the ship, and how Shellington pointed out how the "chain connecting the ship to its dock" was missing.
Gives us a look at a possible pirate ship, and how they live. There were pictures on the walls, one showing off a treasure map, and one actually showing a pirate for like half a second. All that rubbish was probably theirs, and the rest of the ship was completely empty—most likely due to it being robbed by other pirates who got to it before the Octonauts did.
Gives us the closest thing we're probably ever going to get when it comes to seeing Barnacles' experience with traditional ships, i.e. the Manitoba, in action.
and finally. I love Shellington very much have I mentioned this???? he's so good in this episode and I love how everyone is so patient with him, and doesn't get mad when he messes up—just get excited and praise him when he succeeds. he is so special to me <3
hhhhhggggh this episode really is my favourite. there's more to come that I'm very excited for, but This One,,,,,, <3333 rotating in my mind forever <3333
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taytjiefourie · 1 year
Show Don't Tell: Happiness
And now, for the moment you've all been waiting for... drum roll, please! We're diving into the emotion of happiness in today's post of my 'Show don't Tell: Emotions' series. If you're a regular, welcome back! And if you're new here, a warm welcome to you, my dear!
Today's topic is happiness.
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Happiness is such a wonderful feeling! It brings us pleasure, contentment, and joy, and often leaves us with a sense of well-being and satisfaction with life. In creative writing, happiness can be a powerful tool to convey positivity and hope, to contrast with darker emotions, or to create a satisfying resolution.
If you want to show happiness in your writing, there are many effective ways to do so. One of the most obvious ways is through your characters' body language. They can jump for joy, laugh brightly, or even have a smile so wide it hurts their cheeks!
Smile broadly or grin from ear to ear
Laugh or giggle
Jump or skip with joy
Clap hands or fist pump
Hug or high-five someone
Dance or sway to music
Stand up straighter or raise their head
Bounce on their toes or wiggle in excitement
Open their arms wide
Lean in towards someone or something
Have a relaxed posture and open gestures
Tilt their head back or close their eyes in pleasure
Breathe deeply and exhale with a sigh of contentment
Rub their hands together in glee
Raise their eyebrows in excitement
Twirl around or spin
Skip or hop
Shrug their shoulders in delight
Tap their feet or fingers in rhythm
Squint or close their eyes in pleasure
Nod their head enthusiastically
Sway or rock back and forth
Fist pump or air punch
Squeal or shriek with joy
Playfully nudge or poke someone
Flap their hands in excitement
Jump up and down
Do a little dance or shimmy
Hold their hands up in victory
Clap or cheer loudly
Open their mouth in surprise or delight
Rub their stomach or pat their heart
Touch their face or hair
Hug themselves or wrap their arms around their body
Toss their head back in laughter
Swing their arms or hold them out wide
Skip or hop on one foot
Lean in towards someone or something
Exaggerate facial expressions (e.g., widen eyes, grin widely)
Whistle or hum a tune
Make a thumbs-up gesture
Squirm or wriggle with pleasure
Hold hands with someone or link arms
Let's put it this way: the body isn't the only way for authors to convey their characters' emotions. Sensory details are a powerful tool to immerse readers in a character's world. By describing what they see, hear, taste, smell, and feel, we can bring readers into the character's experience. But we need to go beyond surface-level sensations and capture what the character feels on the inside as well.
Smiling widely or grinning from ear to ear
Laughing heartily or giggling uncontrollably
Dancing, skipping, or jumping with joy
Humming or singing a happy tune
Taking deep breaths and exhaling contentedly
Feeling a warm and fuzzy sensation in their chest or stomach
Savoring the taste of a delicious food or drink
Noticing the vibrant colors and beauty of their surroundings
Feeling the sun on their skin or the breeze in their hair
Hearing the sound of birds chirping or children playing in the distance
Feeling a sense of lightness or buoyancy in their body
Experiencing a tingling or ticklish sensation
Jumping up and down or bouncing on their toes
Clapping their hands or hugging someone tightly
Closing their eyes and smiling serenely
Feeling a rush of energy or excitement
Noticing pleasant scents, like flowers or fresh-baked cookies
Tasting the sweetness of fruit or candy
Feeling the softness of a plush toy or blanket
Running their fingers through sand or grass
Hearing the sound of a favorite song or musician
Watching a beloved movie or TV show
Feeling the coolness of a refreshing drink or ice cream
Taking in the beauty of a sunset or sunrise
Enjoying the sensation of being hugged or cuddled
Noticing the warmth of a loved one's touch or embrace
Feeling a sense of accomplishment or pride
Basking in the glow of positive feedback or compliments
Feeling a sense of relief or release from stress
Being immersed in a favorite hobby or activity
Feeling a sense of connection with others
Noticing the sparkle in someone's eyes or the curve of their smile
Feeling the rush of wind on a rollercoaster or other thrilling ride
Enjoying the sensation of swimming or floating in water
Feeling the comforting weight of a pet or stuffed animal on their lap
Hearing the sound of a baby's laughter or a friend's joke
Smelling the aroma of a delicious meal or favorite comfort food
Feeling the texture of a favorite fabric, like silk or cashmere
Noticing the beauty of art, like a painting or sculpture
Enjoying the sensation of being outside in nature, like hiking or camping.
Continuing on from our discussion on sensory detail, our next topic is all about action! The way a character moves and interacts with their surroundings can be a great way to show their emotions, including happiness. You might notice some overlap with our previous discussion on body language, as the two often work hand in hand.
Smiling or grinning widely
Laughing or giggling
Jumping up and down or dancing
Hugging or kissing someone
High-fiving or fist-bumping
Skipping or running
Singing or humming a happy tune
Whistling or clapping their hands
Doing something they love, such as playing music or painting
Sharing good news or accomplishments with others
Showing gratitude or appreciation towards others
Offering to help or support someone in need
Expressing optimism or hope for the future
Being kind or generous to others
Taking deep breaths and feeling a sense of calm and contentment.
Doing a happy dance
Giving someone a thumbs up
Offering a high-pitched, cheerful greeting
Whipping out a camera or phone to take a picture
Whipping out a camera or phone to take a selfie
Leaning forward with a big grin
Widening the eyes in joy and excitement
Throwing their arms out wide in exuberance
Doing a victory pose with fists in the air
Nodding and smiling with a sense of approval
Having a bright and lively conversation with others
Celebrating by popping a bottle of champagne or soda
Pumping fists in the air or chest-bumping
Cheering or clapping excitedly for someone or something
Staring off into the distance with a contented smile
Taking a deep breath and letting out a sigh of relief and satisfaction
Walking with a spring in their step
Picking flowers or enjoying nature
Baking or cooking a special treat for someone
Telling jokes or sharing humorous anecdotes
Giving someone a warm hug or a pat on the back
Sitting in a comfortable chair with a relaxed smile
Expressing genuine interest and curiosity in someone or something
Offering a comforting presence or a listening ear
Sharing a happy memory or personal achievement
Gazing lovingly at a significant other or family member
Taking part in a fun and engaging activity with others
Expressing excitement and anticipation for a future event or experience
Giving someone a playful nudge or wink
Let's dive into the topic of setting! It's more than just a physical space for your characters to exist in, it's about how they interact with it and react to it. The location, the scenery, and your character's responses to them can all be powerful tools to convey their emotions, including happiness.
Skipping, jumping or running around
Smiling or laughing while enjoying the scenery
Engaging in activities that bring them joy, such as playing music or reading a book
Dancing, swaying or moving rhythmically to music
Taking deep breaths of fresh air or savoring the aroma of flowers or food
Hugging or kissing loved ones, or expressing affection to pets
Participating in outdoor activities, such as swimming or hiking, with enthusiasm
Noticing and appreciating the beauty of the setting, such as the colors of a sunset or the intricate patterns in a forest
Expressing gratitude or excitement about an event or opportunity in the setting
Engaging in playful or lighthearted banter with others, demonstrating a sense of ease and joy
Basking in the warmth of the sun or feeling the coolness of a breeze
Indulging in a favorite treat or drink, such as ice cream or hot chocolate
Spending time with animals, either domestic or wild, and showing delight in their company
Expressing wonder and awe at the majesty of natural wonders, such as waterfalls or mountains
Engaging in physical activity with enthusiasm, such as playing sports or dancing
Enjoying a picnic or outdoor meal with loved ones
Taking part in a community event or celebration with excitement
Taking time to appreciate small details in the environment, such as the sound of birds singing or the rustling of leaves
Making art or taking photographs to capture the beauty of the setting
Connecting with others through shared experiences in the setting, such as storytelling or singing around a campfire
Feeling a sense of accomplishment or pride in overcoming a challenge in the setting, such as climbing a difficult trail or completing a scavenger hunt
Smiling or expressing joy at the sight of familiar landmarks or locations
Taking time to relax or meditate in a peaceful environment, such as a garden or park
Engaging in creative activities, such as writing or painting, to express their happiness
Expressing gratitude or appreciation for the people and experiences in the setting
Showing excitement or anticipation for future adventures or experiences in the setting
Taking part in cultural or historical activities that evoke a sense of happiness and pride
Playing games or engaging in playful activities with friends or family
Have you ever noticed how a sunny day, singing birds, and blooming flowers can instantly uplift your mood? The same effect applies to the settings/location in your story. Even without a character present, the scenery can influence the readers' perception of the mood. It's relatively easy to convey happiness through the scenery by incorporating bright and beautiful elements.
Weather: Sunny skies, clear blue skies, and warm temperatures can create a cheerful and happy atmosphere.
Time of Day: Early morning or midday can create a bright and positive atmosphere.
Location: A park or a beach can create a sense of happiness and relaxation.
Objects: Brightly colored or playful objects can indicate a character's happiness and joy.
Colors: Bright or pastel colors like pink or yellow can be used to create a sense of happiness.
Noises: Soft and melodic sounds like birds chirping or soft music can create a sense of happiness and calm.
Crowds: A lively and bustling environment, such as a festival or concert, can be used to create feelings of happiness and excitement.
Architecture: Warm and inviting environments like a cozy home or a charming cafe can create a sense of happiness and comfort.
Nature: A lush and verdant landscape can create a sense of happiness and contentment. Animals: Playful or affectionate animals can be used to create a sense of joy and happiness.
Hey, now we get to dive into some dialogue! It's a fantastic tool to showcase emotions, especially happiness. Your characters' tone of voice, choice of words, and how they deliver those words can all capture their happiness in a stunning way.
Using positive and cheerful language, such as "great," "fantastic," or "wonderful."
Laughing or chuckling at appropriate moments in conversation.
Expressing gratitude or appreciation for a situation or person.
Sharing good news with others and being excited about it.
Using exclamation points or emojis to show enthusiasm.
Using playful or teasing language with loved ones or close friends.
Asking others about their own happy experiences or memories.
Complimenting others on their accomplishments or actions.
Using endearments or affectionate language with loved ones.
Offering to help others with a task or problem in a cheerful manner.
Smiling frequently during conversation.
Using a lively and upbeat tone of voice.
Engaging in friendly banter or teasing with others.
Using positive affirmations, such as "I'm so lucky" or "Everything is going well."
Recalling happy memories or experiences.
Expressing optimism about the future.
Showing interest and enthusiasm for others' interests and hobbies.
Being open and receptive to new experiences.
Offering words of encouragement or support to others.
Displaying physical affection, such as hugging or high-fiving.
Speaking in a fast and energetic manner.
Showing a willingness to help others.
Being playful or silly with friends or family.
Making jokes or using humor in conversation.
Engaging in activities or hobbies that bring joy.
Saying "thank you" often and with genuine appreciation.
Expressing excitement about upcoming events or plans.
Using positive self-talk and focusing on personal strengths and accomplishments.
Expressing love and affection to significant others or family members.
Being generous with compliments and praise towards others.
And after all that, you get to delve into your character's mind and showcase their thoughts and core feelings, which can reveal their happiness. Expressing a character's thoughts is a great way to convey happiness in creative writing. It allows readers to get a closer look at the character's emotions and makes for a more intimate reading experience. When a writer reveals a character's innermost feelings, it strengthens the connection between the reader and the character.
For instance, if a character is feeling happy, their thoughts may reflect their sense of contentment, satisfaction, and positivity. They may dwell on things that bring them joy, such as achieving a goal, having a meaningful relationship, or enjoying a beautiful sunset. By describing the character's thoughts, the writer can give the reader insight into what is making the character happy and allow them to share in that happiness.
Furthermore, a character's thoughts can be used to contrast their present happiness with past struggles or sadness. By demonstrating how the character has overcome adversity or grown as a person, the writer can create a feeling of triumph and fulfillment that adds depth to the character's happiness.
A sense of contentment and satisfaction with their life or current situation
Thoughts of gratitude or appreciation for the good things in their life
Positive self-talk, such as reminding themselves of their accomplishments or strengths
Optimistic thoughts about the future or upcoming events
Thoughts of joy or excitement over something they're looking forward to
Thoughts of love or affection towards someone they care about
Daydreaming or fantasizing about happy scenarios or possibilities
Feeling a sense of lightness or freedom in their thoughts, with fewer worries or anxieties
A sense of fulfillment or accomplishment after achieving a goal or completing a task
A desire to share their happiness with others or spread joy to those around them.
Feeling a sense of belonging or connectedness with others
Being grateful for small pleasures, like a beautiful sunset or a good cup of coffee
Feeling a sense of relief or release after overcoming a challenge or obstacle
Feeling a sense of validation or recognition for their efforts or hard work
Feeling a sense of pride in themselves or others
Reflecting on happy memories or past experiences
Feeling a sense of anticipation or excitement for upcoming events or opportunities
Feeling a sense of comfort or security in familiar surroundings or with familiar people
Feeling a sense of wonder or amazement at the world around them
Feeling a sense of accomplishment or progress towards a long-term goal
Thinking about ways to help or support others, and feeling happy at the thought of making a positive impact
Feeling a sense of peace or serenity in a quiet moment or peaceful environment
Feeling a sense of enthusiasm or passion for a particular hobby or interest
Feeling a sense of nostalgia for past experiences or happy times
Feeling a sense of connectedness to nature or the outdoors
Thinking about happy moments shared with loved ones, such as holidays or family gatherings
Feeling a sense of awe or inspiration from witnessing acts of kindness or beauty
Feeling a sense of relief or release after expressing emotions like love, forgiveness, or empathy
Feeling a sense of confidence or empowerment after overcoming fear or self-doubt
Feeling a sense of awe or gratitude towards a higher power or spiritual force.
Let's chat about metaphors and analogies, two super fun tools that can bring your writing to life and help you show your characters' joy! Just remember not to go overboard, or your readers might get tired out.
So, what are metaphors and analogies? These are literary devices that writers use to compare two different things. A metaphor says that one thing is another thing, while an analogy explains how two things are similar. These tools are perfect for creative writing because they create vivid and unforgettable images that can show happiness in a powerful and unforgettable way.
You can use metaphors and analogies to show happiness in many different ways. They can help make the emotion more tangible and real. Instead of saying "she was happy," you might write "she was like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, filled with joy and wonder." This comparison creates an image that's much more memorable and helps the reader feel the character's happiness more deeply.
Metaphors and analogies can also be used to create contrast, which can make the happiness even more impactful. For example, you might describe a character's happiness as "a rainbow bursting through the clouds after a thunderstorm." This comparison creates a feeling of hope and joy that's made even more powerful by the contrast with the stormy setting.
"She felt like a bird released from a cage, soaring with joy."
"His heart felt like a sunflower, turning towards the light of her smile."
"The warmth of happiness spread through her like a sunrise, chasing away the darkness."
"He was as giddy as a child on Christmas morning, unable to contain his excitement."
"Her happiness bubbled up like a pot of boiling water, spilling over in laughter and smiles."
"He felt like a runner crossing the finish line, victorious and elated."
"She was a cat curled up in a sunbeam, purring with contentment."
"His happiness was a beacon, shining bright and spreading joy to all around him."
"She felt like a flower blooming in the spring, bursting with vibrant colors and life."
"His heart was a kite caught in a strong wind, soaring higher and higher with each moment of joy."
"Her happiness was a songbird, chirping a beautiful melody in her heart."
"He felt like a child with a new toy, excited and full of wonder."
"She was a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, spreading her wings and basking in the sunlight."
"His happiness was a warm hug, comforting and enveloping."
"She felt like a rainbow after a storm, bringing light and color to the world."
"His heart was a hummingbird, beating fast with joy and energy."
"She was a lighthouse, shining a beacon of happiness and hope."
"His happiness was a fountain, bubbling up and spilling over with joy."
"She felt like a puzzle piece finally finding its place, completing the picture of her life."
"His heart was a symphony, playing a beautiful melody of happiness and contentment."
"She was a shooting star, streaking across the sky and leaving a trail of happiness in her wake."
"His happiness was a warm blanket, wrapping him in comfort and peace."
"She felt like a flower blooming in a desert, defying the odds and spreading joy in a harsh environment."
"His heart was a drumbeat, pulsing with the rhythm of happiness and excitement."
"She was a bird building a nest, filled with purpose and joy in creating a home."
"His happiness was a wave, washing over him and carrying him to a place of contentment."
"She felt like a river flowing freely, unrestricted and joyful in its movement."
"His heart was a candle, glowing bright with happiness and spreading warmth to those around him."
"She was a firework exploding in the sky, lighting up the darkness with bursts of happiness and color."
"His happiness was a treasure chest, filled with priceless memories and experiences."
Thanks for reading my post today, my lovely readers! If you're new to the series, don't forget to check out my other posts on various emotions besides happiness. They're all on my Tumblr or you can find them organized a bit better here! Until next Monday!
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robynlilyblack · 1 year
Take my hand and find out
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Sirius Black x shy! fem! reader
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Summary: Y/n's morning was going okay until new information causes her to have an attack in the middle of breakfast
Warnings: swearing, comfort, mentions of food, eating, not feeling hungry, feeling sick, shortness of breath and sex, detailed descriptions of a panic attack, gryffindor reader, reader has panic attacks, friends to lovers, mutual pining, first kiss, Sirius being a sweetheart, minor James and Lily and Marlene being a simp for her slytherin gal
A/n: 2k words, thank you for the request, I hope I captured it okay I used to do this went I panicked in large crowds to help calm down xx
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Navigation | Sirius Black Masterlist
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“Morning” Marlene's voice sings as she enters your dorm room “How are my two favourite girls?” she asks, walking towards you but pats Lily’s head on the way 
“If I can get breakfast without being bothered by Potter I’ll be grand” Lily huffs, shaking her head as she finishes her hair
Marlene plops herself beside you on your bed with a snigger, turning to you with a sceptical look that elicits a giggle from you
“I mean it” Lily turns around, a frustrated look on her face
Marlene holds up her hands “Sure you do” she replies, voice dripping with sarcasm before she puts on her best impression “My wonderful, beautiful, sweet, sweet Lilypad!” she presses the back of her hand to forehead and falls back onto the bed
You giggle at her theatrics “Hey” your eyes go to LIly as she scolds you lighty, a smile cracking through her frustration “You’re supposed to be on my side…Marlene!” she pleads but giggles herself at the end, blushing lightly as the blonde starts to go on about her thighs and arse
“What?” she sits up and looks at you “She has a great arse, right?” she asks and you nod shyly, causing Lily’s blush to deepen “Lils why can’t you admit you like the specky weirdo already” 
“...don’t like him” you and Marlene say together, you a lot quieter but they hear it and despite it making fun of her Lily is just as proud as Marlene
“We should get to breakfast” Lily stands up the smile finally breaking through as she grabs her robes, avoiding the question as she always does “I need to get to those blueberry muffins before they’re all gone”
You and Marlene smile, gathering your own robes and bags. Marlene slips her robes over her satchel while you put them on, fixing the hood as you head out of the dorm and down the stairs
Sniggers escape you as Marlene mutters “Think that’s a new record” under her breath while Lily eyes the boy jogging towards her 
“What Potter?” she crosses her arms, pressing her lips together as she takes an annoyed breath
“We got a meeting with Minnie this morning, head boy and girl thing” he informs her with the biggest smile on his face “You look wonderful this morning, beautiful” 
You had to give it to James, he never faltered in his affections, if anything over the years they grew more and more sweet, just like another boy you know…even if he was a little more of a natural flirt
“Hey pretty girl” Sirius greets as he and Remus come down the stairs behind you “Hey Marls”
“Hey Sirius, Remus” Marlene nods to them
You turn around to look as well, finding Remus wearing a kind smile while Sirius smirks and winks at you causing your cheeks to heat but a small smile plays on your lips as you look back towards Lily and James
“Oh” Lily pouts “I forgot about that, sorry…I haven’t had time to get break…” she starts but James gently cuts her off revealing two blueberry muffins
“I already ran down and grabbed you something” he offers them to a now wide-eyed Lily
She just stares at them for a moment before taking them “Thanks Po…James” she corrects making the boys soft smile grow significantly “Don’t get any ideas” she points at him before smiling at the muffins again “Let's go” she hithers saying her goodbyes to you, Marlene, Sirius and Remus before heading out
As she turns away you all chuckle at James, watching as he jumps and punches the air in a quiet victory before following along behind her
“So breakfast?” Marlene claps her hands together earning hums and nods from the three of you “Where’s Pete?” she asks as you all make your way down “Feel like I haven’t talked to you all in ages”
Sirius steps forward and beside her “He’s not feeling great unfortunately, stomach bug” he shrugs before falling into conversation with her while you and Remus walk along behind “I’ll tell him you’re asking for him”
“Hey love” he nudges you gently to say hello, looking down at you with a smile
You smile back, Remus and you got along well, both being the shy anxious hermits of each of your respective friend groups “Hey Rem” you greet him, tapping your head on his shoulder as you walk, missing the raven haired boy slight jealousy as he catches it when he looks back
“Are you ready for the presentations today?” he wonders and you look up at him confused “Binns moved the oral presentations to this morning, you didn’t know?” he informs and while you nod anymore conversation is cut off as you enter a loud and busy great hall, your friends ahead finding seats on the top end of the table
Remus seems to get the hint of what the two are doing before you do, in fact you’re too busy dealing with the forming lump in your throat and sickness in your stomach to realise until you sit down
“Hi” Sirius smiles at you while you turn to him shocked, you were expecting Marlene or Remus, not him
You give him a nervous, timid smile before you turn away and stare at your plate, hands shakily grabbing food you know you won’t be able to stomach nor eat before picking up your fork and beginning to play with it. Desperately you tried to calm yourself, trying all your usual tricks but the thought of talking in front of everyone in less than an hours time was terrifying
“Woah” your eyes flick up to Marlene, seeing her mouth ajar as her eyes are locked across the room “Just me or does she look extra good today?” she points at her girl 
Sirius leans to the side, shoulder touching yours by accident as he looks between Remus and Marlene. You look as well, trying to focus on something else but you struggle, more so when Marlene stands, quickly grabbing some food and running after Dorcas as she heads out with an ‘I’ll see you and those two losers later honey’
“She’s a loser” 
Sirius huffs but you barely hear it, only Marlene and Lily knew you had anxiety, you were sure Remus understood it to a degree but he’d never seen it at its worst, he couldn’t talk you through an attack and realising that caused your chest to tighten that little bit more
“Sorry insult Pads” 
Your hands find each other under the table, nails digging in as nerves overcome you. Suddenly the room felt small, and you were aware of how many people were here, how loud it all was, how many people were walking behind and around the table, the clatter of cutlery, bangs on the table, laughter and shouting merging into the same scary hum
“So’s your mum” 
Running away was the best option but you also couldn’t move, you were glued to the chair
“No I take that back your mums lovely moons…oh hey Prongs, Red and Minnie get tired of you already?” 
It felt like the world was closing in, the weight of it all pressing on your chest…
“Hilarious Pads but no, in fact things were going well but we’ve ran into a hitch and I need Moony's help” 
“Why his help?”
“Because he’s tall like me”
“I’m tall!”
“No next to us you’re not”
“You two suck”
“And you blow…anyway moony you mind helping me and Lily with the banners? She’s just a little short, it’s adorable but impractical ya know?”
“Sure thing, I’ll see you two in class” 
“See ya” Sirius waves them off before turning to you “So I was thinking…darling?” his eyes brows furrow, noticing how distressed you look “Y/n?” he tries again but don’t react, your eyes still tracing frantically around the room, breaths shallow
His hand finds yours, stopping you from hurting yourself with your nails, thumbs softly rubbing into the left over indentations “I can’t…I…” you breathing gets heavier, no longer panicking in silence as everything gets fuzzy, loud, it’s overwhelming 
Sirius stays quiet for a moment bringing your hand to the centre of his chest and his to yours “In and out” he tries, and if you weren’t in your current state you would love him more for that “In” he over expands his chest “Out” he deflates, voice soft
You attempt to copy, it helps but it’s not enough, your chest still feels tight “I can’t” you shake your head, slipping back so he tries something else
“What can you see?” he asks, head dipping down to your eye line
“What?” you almost squeak
“Name all the things you can see around you” he expands and nods towards the great hall
You warily look, still struggling to breathe as you start “Umm…People…talking…laughing…eating…” 
“What else darling?” His fingers run over your hairline, knuckles grazing your cheek
You continue looking around, your breathing getting easier “…tables…food…pancakes…newspapers…some boy picking his nose…” a giggle escapes both of you at the last one
“Feel better?” he asks, the sweetest smile on his face
You nod, breathing returning to normal and you lean into his hand as he cups your cheek “How did you know what was happening?” you wonder a little surprised 
He looks down, face flashing with guilt “My little brother…he used to have them when we were young…maybe he still does I…I wouldn’t know” he confesses and your heart goes to him, you didn’t know much about what happened, but you knew enough to know how much he regretted it “”
“Thank you” you lean up and kiss his cheek, breaking him out of his own thinking 
His fingers graze his cheek, and your eyes widen at the blush that grazes them “You’re welcome, but I’d do anything for you” the words roll off naturally “What happened? Is it too busy? We can take our food to the courtyard or something” he offers
“Not at first” you shake your head “Remus told me they changed our presentations to first period” 
“Oh” he nods in understanding before kissing your forehead “Well I can fix that” he shrugs 
“You can?” your head tilts, cheeks heating at the ease of the kiss and that his hand hasn’t stopping cupping your jaw line
“Yeah! What can I do for you? I can cause a distraction and you sneak out, or just get it plain cancelled or I could forge a note that excuses you…oh or I could sneak you to Hogsmeade and we can just skip it entirely” his eyes light up as he speaks, excitement evident that he can help in the most him like fashion
“How would you get us to hogsmeade?” you inquire, though you should have guessed he would have a way
“Take my hand and find out” his hand slips from you cheek as he stands up, extending his hand back towards you
You don’t even think about it, just grab your bag from under the table with one hand and accept his with the other, letting him pull you up
“You won’t regret this” he promises as he leads you out of the great hall and down the corridor but you stop him just at the end “What?” he pouts, he must think you’ve changed your mind
“Sirius…” you bite your lip, psyching yourself up “…is this a date?” 
His mouth drops open in a happy shock, trying to contain it but fails in the best way “Do you want it to be?” he poses, hope evident in his eyes and tone
“Very much” you confirm smiling wide as lights up more than you’ve ever seen but you are sure you can beat that “Siri” 
“Yeah?” he beams at the new name but you don’t say anything just lean up and gently peck his lips softly “Umm…well…ugh” he struggles and your heart bursts that you’ve rendered him speechless after all these years
You step backwards in the direction he was headed, gently pulling him with you “Come on” you encourage and he snaps out of it, grinning as he starts dragging you down the corridors for your first official date
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Thank you for reading ♡
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themultifandomgal · 11 months
Shelby Clan- Kimber’s Daughter
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This was requested! Hope you all enjoy it.
Trigger Warning- child abuse and kidnap
Dads are meant to protect you, keep you safe from harm. Not harm you. YNs mother died in child birth, leaving her father to resent her. She became his punching bag. All through the her young life she never had a proper meal or any love.
Now at the age of 8 YNs father, Billy Kimber, is going to see the Shelby brothers about fixing horse races.
Billy Kimber walks through the doors of the Garrison a gun in his holster
"Is there any man here named Shelby?" It's quiet for a moment then he pulls out a gun and shoots it in the air making everyone around jump "I said is there any man here named Shelby?" Thomas (Tommy) Shelby walks out of the snug. His brothers following behind him
"Harry get these men a drink. Everyone else go home. Grace go home" Tommy says as to the barmaid as she walks over to the table Tommy and the others just sat at with drinks
"But Mr Fenton said..."
"I said go home"
"I've never approved of woman in pubs, but when they look like that..." Kimber watches Grace walk off, YN stood next to the man looking down not daring to look at the men in front of her
"I don't think kids should be in pubs, but here we are" Arthur grits between his teeth
"You said you wanted a man called Shelby. You've got 3 of them"
"Right, I'd never heard of ya then I did hear of ya, some little Didicoy razor gang" YN shifts uncomfortably "I thought to myself, so what? but then you fucked me over so now you have my undivided attention. By the way which one am I talking to, who's the boss?" 
"Well I'm the oldest" Arthur replies
"Ha clearly"
"Are you laughing at my brother?" John asks with a tooth pick in his mouth
"Right he's the oldest, your the thickness. I'm told the boss is called Tommy and I'm guessing that's you 'cause your looking me up and down like I'm a fucking tart"
"Which one am I talking to? Which one of you is the boss?"
"Well I'm Mr Kimber's adviser and accountant" Kimber then stand up
"And I'm the fucking boss" he shouts making YN flinch.
Finally the meeting is over and YN leaves with her dad. He takes her home but then leave her in the house alone while he goes off to fuck some poor woman who has no idea what he's capable of, or maybe they do. Not before he beat her, leaving a red hand print on her face. YN takes herself upstairs. A noise startles the young girl and a bag is placed over her head.
"You fucking idiot. I told you to take her not suffocate her" YN hears the ruff voice of the man her dad was speaking to earlier. The bag is ripped off her head
"Bloody hell Tommy" Arthur breathes out seeing the mark on YNs face
"Did you fucking hit a child?" Tommy yells at the man that took the child from her home
"What? No I.."
"Who did this?" Tommy once again tells
"My..my dad sir"
"Fuck. Arthur take YN to Polly. John and I are going to pay a visit to our friend"
While at Polly's Arthur quickly became very attentive to the little 8 year old
"I'm not much of a chief, but err I can make a sandwich. You hungry?" YN nods her head
"You can have a slice of cake as well love" Polly smiles warmly at YN
"Cake? I've never had cake before"
"Well then scrap the sandwich, Aunt Polly's cake is the best in all of Small Heath" Arthur places a huge slice of cake in front of YN who stares at it, scared she won't like the taste
"What's that?" She asks pointing to the jam and cream filling
"That YN is Polly's homemade strawberry jam and cream. You'll love it. Give it a try" YN nervously picks up the cake and takes a bite. The flavours dancing on her tongue
"This is delicious. Thank you"
That evening, Esme comes over with some of the kids old clothes and helps bathe her and put her to bed. She finds the Shelby family in the living room of the small house at Small Heath
"That girl has got one hell of a road ahead of her. She's littered with scars, looks like belt marks"
"Shit" Arthur draws out a breath "poor girl"
"Right well I'll ring up an orphanage tomorrow..."
"Tommy she can't go to an orphanage" Polly says looking at her nephew
"I'll look after"
"Arthur you can barley look after yourself. Your in no fit state to look after a child" Tommy scolds his brother
"Let him try Tom, it might be good for Arthur"
And good it was. Since that day Arthur stopped drinking, didn't take any drugs. He was a father figure to YN. Cared for her and provided for her. Even stopped messing around with women before he found a woman who welcomed YN with open arm. The finally had a family, that's all YN ever wanted.
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broke-art · 2 years
Red son x reader training
Red son caught your wrists and pinned you against the wall.
"Care to try that again?" He taunted lightly a smirk tugging at his lips.
"You cheated!" You huffed trying to get air back into your lungs.
"I'm a demon, you were expecting me to be fair?" Red son gave you a dubious look.
You jerked your knee upward suddenly in retribution only for Red son to anticipate the move and jump backwards.
You launched yourself off the wall attempting to hit the flame prince only to miss each time.
His fighting style was fast and efficient, not to mention elegant in a manner of speaking. And yet when he hit, it had the force of an oncoming truck. Typically his attacks threw you back wards if you didn't brace properly.
You threw a right hook this time, but Red Son only pulled to the side to avoid the blow. Then you felt him press his leg behind yours and shoulder check you, sending your form backwards and smacking your back against the floor.
With a twist of his ankle he pinned your hips to the floor with his knee, caught your wrists in one hand, and pinned them to the floor above your head.
"Not bad, peasant girl. But not good either." Red son mused unimpressed. "Your form was weak and your punches were sloppy."
"I think I've improved some." You pointed out. "I didn't fall on my face this time."
Red son scoffed.
"Be that as it may, you aren't focusing." He accused leaning closer.
Your breath caught in your throat. You had thought it wasn't obvious. But he could hardly blame you. You swore he wore the black tank top to mess with you.
"Yeah well," you tried to think of a retort. "You have a fascination with pinning me."
The red that painted Red Son's cheeks signalled your victory as he tore himself away and releasing you.
"That is beside the po-"
You instantly took the opportunity to pin him to the floor with his wrists on either side of his head.
"HA! Gotcha!" You cheered victoriously.
Red son's face displayed shock that soon melted into a smug look.
Butterflies erupted in your stomach and flitted through your nerves.
"You have a total of 5 seconds to run." He warned.
Your confidence waned momentarily, but you shook off the doubt.
"No way, I pinned you. Technically I win."
Red son laughed evilly before kicking out your knees from under you and rolling you both.
You fought valiantly, but in the end you were pinned beneath him. He grinned then paused when he realized his lips were inches away from yours.
His eyes flicked from your lips to your eyes before a flash interrupted whatever thoughts were going through his head.
Red Son's head snapped upward to see Lady Iron fan leaning against the doorway holding a camera.
"My, my Red son." She mused with an amused smirk. "How forward, have you been speaking with your father?"
In an instant Red Son was on his feet.
"Mother! You- you are mistaken I-"
You sat up only to catch lady Iron Fan's look. She smiled at you while Red Son babbled then gestured to him with her eyes.
Suddenly her intent clicked in your head and you grinned mischievously tackling the fire demon from behind.
Lady Iron Fan giggled evilly and walked away as you pinned his arms behind his back.
"Y/n you little-" Red son growled as you leaned down where he could see you.
Admittedly, you hardly considered it when you pressed a kiss to his cheek. This silenced him effectively. You waited with baited breath hoping he would say something.
But instead, after a few moments of silence he jerked back throwing you off him. But before you could hit the floor his arm snaked around your lower back and pulled you to his chest.
"If you're going to kiss me, you're going to do it properly." He growled with very red cheeks.
With that sentiment he pressed as kiss to your lips.
You tensed slightly in shock but then melted into the kiss.
*Sorry I've been gone but I brought an offering!*
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intrulogical · 2 years
me: *thinks about the logan angst and orange in the finale*
punches hands through the air
jumps up and down
hands on my mouth breathing deeply
reminds myself these are literally fictional people
the tweet replies thomas gives whenever people say "logan angst?" ARE NOT HELPING I AM PERISHING AT THE THOUGHT i am the anon from earlier ty for replying <33
augh the prospect of logan finally expressing his personal woes... i think id faint /pos
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mochii0park · 3 years
meraki; 02 I jhs
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Title: Meraki
Pairing: Hoseok x Reader / Jin x Reader
Part of series: Waterlilies and Japanese Bridge
Genre: literaryscout!hoseok x writer!reader
Word count: 4.4k
Summary: Throughout your whole life you lived in your sister’s shadow, watching from side-lines as she formed herself into a successful businesswoman with an envying life. Never being able to fill her shoes you gradually understood the meaning of an estranged family and the burden it carried. The twenties began slowly slipping from your grasp which had been embedded with insecurities and longing for fulfilment. Pouring your heart out to strangers with a pseudonym meraki, you began second guessing the decision when an email lands in your inbox.
Author's note: unedited, i had fun writing this chapter tbh
Taglist: if you want to be added to the taglist message me
@namsope32 , @cuteipat , @ofvopemin
Meraki masterlist
<  chapter 01 | next chapter >
You absentmindedly twirl in your chair, chewing on the pencil in your hand. The ticking of the clock was inaudible from the loud sound of keys smashing against the keyboard. Your mind raced in different directions and to say you were anxious was an understatement. A black polished oxford shoe lands harshly on the surface of your chair halting your twirl. The stain is starkly visible, inhabiting your mind and annoying you endlessly.
Min Yoongi pulls his foot back; the action makes your chair stroll backwards the back hitting your desk. “I am not paying you to slack off during work hours.”
It took a lot of willpower not to roll your eyes. He exhales, leans forward, and takes the sheet of paper from your lap. You could feel the level of disappointment rise with each sigh as he reads the lines of the text.
“I understand inspiration has to come to you, but it’s been months.” He scraps the paper throwing it into the bin, the action itself telling you what he thought of your work.
To be honest your thoughts on it didn’t differ much.
“I am sorry. It hasn’t been my month.” Or your year. You cower further into the chair. It was embarrassing enough to fall behind because of your private issues but having your higher up pity you was by far worse.
Yoongi shakes his head taking a seat on the sofa. He unbuttons his sleeve pulling them until they reached his elbows. Working for him for over two years made you know that whatever matter he was about to discuss was serious.
“The single didn’t do well,” you nod as you recall seeing it flop dramatically,” We need to produce an album that will reach the top ten charts. That won’t happen if you sit here twirling for hours with nothing to show me.”
“I understand.” He clicks his tongue, a ding from his phone gaining his attention as he signals for you to hold your thought.
You mumble hypocrite under your breath relieved when he gives no reaction to the word as he locks his phone looking straight at you. He crosses his legs, hands intervened on his knee as he rocks back and forward.
He glances up at the ceiling whistling an unfamiliar tune. After a few seconds, he stops rocking, taps his knees enthusiastically and walks towards the guitar. He whistles the tune over and over until he manages to perfectly string it through guitar chords. You stare at him watching closely as he scribbles a few notes and tosses the paper to you.
“Try to write something that would go well with this tune.” -was the last thing he said before he put the guitar back in its stand and left the room.
You let the frustration out through a scream, the soundproof plates securing it between the four walls. Ignoring the papers laying in front of you, you dig through the content of your purse. You extract pack of cigarettes. The clock on the desk flashes 10 pm and you know a long night was ahead of you.
The lobby was empty, the patter of your shoes cutting the silence. You tap your foot impatiently as you wait for the lift to take you to the rooftop. Smoking was forbidden in the KT entertainment building so your only options either the roof or the yard in front of the company.
“Graveyard shift?” A voice to your right says.
You scoff placing a cigarette in the mouth. “Yeah, you too?”
Baekhyun nods following you inside the lift. “I wish trouble wouldn’t follow Jungkook everywhere he went.”
“He got into a scandal?” Baekhyun catches the doubt in your voice and smiles.
He closes his eyes, resting his head against the mirror. You watch with pity as he breathes out in defeat. “It wasn’t him per se. A friend of his caused ruckus in a karaoke bar in Busan. Somebody sent an image of him leaving the bar. He was drunk and accompanied by a girl.”
You whistle at the last part. Idols getting caught with a female was almost like a death sentence for their career, no matter if the female was just a friend. Jungkook was the star of KT Entertainment, the one who brought the revenue. The idol has had a clean image so far. He did drink and lit a cigarette with his friends but, who didn’t? Although he wasn’t problematic, he had a knacker for attracting trouble.
The lift stops at your designated floor and Baekhyun jumps already halfway through the door. You follow behind him, wrapping your arms around yourself for some warmth. The cold night leaves traces over your cheeks, reddening them. You inhale the air, the scent reminding you of last year’s autumn. The image of Seokjin smiling at you as he crunches leaves is shattered by Baekhyun. He stops in front of you a spark flashing from his lighter casting different shades over his face.
You lean in, inhaling the nicotine as the tip of the cigarette burns. You observe him as he inhales a smoke before exhaling it and making a circle out of it. You often forgot he was six years your senior. His youthful face and the lively person often misled people believing he was far younger.
He leans against the rail, a hand in the pocket of his jeans. The scenery in front of you looked like a young adult novel. The light of the city flashed behind Baekhyun, his figure coming out as a blur because of the smoke. His newly dyed red hair catching your attention.
The silence between you wasn’t an awkward one, on the contrary, it was comforting. Finding a smoke-buddy like him was a blessing. He wasn’t very talkative despite his upbeat personality; he somehow distinguished your emotions well and knew when to speak and when to be silent.
“Did Yoongi punish you again?” He breaks your train of thoughts, choosing the spot closest to you to stand.
“Well, I wouldn’t call it punishment,” you throw the bud on the floor stepping over it lightly before you throw it in the bin, “but I do have to write some lyrics to a beat of his choosing.”
“Sounds like a punishment to me.” He chuckles as he lits another cigarette.
You shrug your shoulders. Working with Yoongi hadn’t been at all difficult as how people told you it would be. When you applied for the position, you read various posts on forums about Yoongi’s wrath and the difficulty of the tasks he gave. Many people criticised him for his mentorship, but you had found it refreshing. He never sugar-coated his opinion; he was straight to the point kind of a guy, and you liked it. Well, not every single time but you can’t have the best of both worlds in this industry.
“I can handle it. He’s right, I am behind deadlines, and I should focus on work instead of my personal life.”
Baekhyun looks like he wants to say something but quickly changes his mind. Throwing the bud over the rail he presses the down button. You punch him on his shoulder, hating the way he never cared much about the environment and the disposal of his trash.
“I’ll see you around. Maybe for a coffee next time?” Baekhyun smiles as you exit the lift, and you hum a quiet yes before going in the direction of your studio.
A part of you always felt bad for turning down Baekhyun’s invites for a coffee. You knew his motives were nothing but friendly seeing as you’ve met his long-term girlfriend Dayhun. The two were a match made in heaven having the same humour and playful personality. Sometimes it came to the point where they morphed into one person which gave you the creeps.
You laid on the couch, legs looking at the ceiling, back twisted and the head narrowed to the floor. It was half-past midnight, and inspiration was lacking in every sense. You scrunched the papers with words you thought were bad and aimed for the bin in the corner. You have yet to hit the bin, the papers lying next to it.
You were about to throw the next paper when your phone buzzed. Deeming the notification oh so important you fish it out of your back pocket staring at the screen. Yoongi’s name appears under the official e-mail inviting all the employers of the KT Entertainment tomorrow for a celebration of Jeon Jungkook winning an award for the Male Musician of the Year Netizen Vote and his single Still with You winning the Best Pop Song.
You sit up straight preparing yourself to decline the invite when a message pops up.
Min the Boss Yoongi
The invitation isn’t optional for you. You are required to come.
You didn’t even ask if I was busy tomorrow night?
Min the BOSS Yoongi
Are you busy tomorrow night?
No, but that’s beside the po-
Min the BOSS Yoongi
Great, see you at 8 pm tomorrow.
You massage your temples trying not to sink further into the frustration you felt for this man.
Min the BOSS Yoongi
I wrote that everyone could bring a plus one if they desire, seeing as the two of us and Jeon’s manager will be working tomorrow night, I highly advise you not to bring a plus one. I won’t mind if you do, but they might since you will be by my side most of the time.
You type a quick reply and toss the phone into your bag. Sehun wouldn’t be opposed to the idea of a plus one knowing he wanted to infiltrate himself into the upper society. Meeting people of such status equalled cases with greater stakes and greater stakes meant higher pay. You were gathering your belonging when a soft knock on the door caught your attention.
Baekhyun’s head pops behind the doors. “I was about to leave do you need a ride?”
You smile at him and nod. Baekhyun gives you a thumbs up, happy knowing he won’t be driving home alone at this hour. Luckily for you, he lived nearby and had given you plenty of times a ride. You get up from the couch and throw your purse over your shoulder, locking the studio.
As you walk to the car you discuss tomorrow’s party in Jungkook’s honour. You chuckle as Baekhyun grabs his head already imagining scandalous scenes pernicious for Jungkook’s career.
At the sight of the guests’ attire, you felt severely underdressed. The sleeveless v cut dress tightened by a small knot on each side of your shoulders fell a little bit above your knees. Combat boots were your go-to footwear on such occasions, unlike the rest of the women at the party you needed to feel comfortable in order to finish tasks. You had to run around from one place to the other, obeying each order your boss gave. Sometimes you felt more like a secretary than a songwriter. Under such circumstances, high heels weren’t an option unless you wanted blisters.  
The metal rings on your fingers clanged against the glass deconcentrating you. The room swarm of people of different ages and statuses. You fell back blending well with the rest of the staff you tolerated. Baekhyun stood next to Jungkook, the younger if closely examined looked exhausted. Yoongi stood a few feet away talking to a group of men, some that you recognized.
A hand taps your shoulder, a familiar lavender scented perfume reaches your nose. Momo lays her head on your shoulder. “I thought this was a party. It feels more like a business gathering.”
Momo had been the main choreographer at the KT Entertainment. She was the type of person whom you couldn’t hate even if you wanted to. Kind natured and a bit naïve, she was the heart of the company always ready to help you or brighten your day.
You chuckle as you pat her head while she twists the straw in her cocktail. “Well, Min Yoongi organized it. He wouldn’t know what fun was even if it hit him straight in the face.”
Momo chuckles. “But he sure knew what handsome meant. Look at those men at his side.”
Something you noticed while working for him was the pallet of handsome men he knew which he called close friends. The first you met was Park Jimin, a highly respected dancer that occasionally stepped in to fill for Momo when she was absent. He was very charming and well equipped with words that bared red shade to the cheeks of female employers.
After Jimin, you’ve met Kim Namjoon, a literary professor who frequently reviewed your work. He was shy which often came off as reserved but overall, he was a pleasant company to have when going through your lyrics. He gave them the spark that was much needed to make the song into a hit.
Next to Namjoon stood Kim Taehyung. You’ve met him on one occasion when you barged into Yoongi’s office after he sent a rather rude message. Out of all Yoongi’s friends, he was the one you knew the least. Unlike Namjoon’s unintentional cold behaviour Taehyung’s was deliberate. He didn’t even introduce himself as he left the office making you feel like shit for interrupting what seemed an important meeting.
Another person who was part of Yoongi's close circle is Kim Seokjin, who recommended you to Yoongi. The two were childhood friends and somehow, you’ve never heard of the name Yoongi until two years ago. As much as you hated Jin now, you were still grateful for his help.
The last person in the circle was unfamiliar to you. He fitted well with the others, his handsome face wearing a smile that never flattened through the conversation as he jumped into Yoongi’s words a few times causing the gang to laugh. He had to be very close to Yoongi for your boss not to bash him for interjecting but rather send him a smile.
Momo lifts her head from your shoulder and stands in front of you. “Did you notice one of Yoongi’s friends absent from parties?”
You swallow a lump at the thought of your best friend before you quickly shake your head. “No, not really.”
“Call me crazy but I’m sure I saw Kim Seokjin at these parties before.”
“Can’t recall. Why do you care about him when Park Jimin is over there?” You try to change the subject hoping Momo would take the bait.
She huffs rolling her eyes. “You know I am not a big fan of him. Sure, his work is splendid but him? His personality? It needs a major rework.”
You chuckle at her disgusted expression as she jabs the olive pretending it was Jimin’s face. “Well, then you have Jeon Jungkook.”
“What am I? The company’s serial dater? Can I be honest with you?”, Momo says you follow her line-of-sight landing on Jungkook.
“Sure.” You say as you watch him push past people before he stands next to Jimin, engulfing the older one in a hug.
“I am sorry I know you work with his team, but I hate his songs. They feel like all the washed pop songs you hear on the radio. The whole night I’ve been lying to people saying his latest one is amazing.” You laugh loudly at her confession partly sympathising with her. It was ironic how much you both loved the songs you wrote for him and hated.
“No need to apologize just because I work for him.” You shrug off her apologetic smile, her lips fall into a straight line after she swallows a big sip of her drink.
“It’s still kind of awkward. We work together Y/N, I make all of his choreographies.”
“So? Just because you work together doesn’t mean you have to be a fan.” She nods soaking up your words. She goes to take a sip of her drink, but she groans in surprise at the empty glass.
“I’m going to get another cocktail. You want some?”
You shake your head, and she shrugs her shoulder starting to walk away. Before she can disappear from your sight you call out for her. She turns around tilting her head slightly. “Who’s the fifth guy in Yoongi’s circle?”
You watch as she searches for Yoongi and the rest of the gang. The man in question seemingly sensing you spoke of him looks up at you offering you a smile. He was by far the most handsome one in the group by your standards. Dressed from head to toe in red he, stood out in the mass, the waisted suit hugging his body showing off his well-built figure.
Doubting the smile was for you, you look around searching for the real receiver not wanting to look like an idiot if you return it. Seeing your action, the man laughs which catches the attention of the group.
When Yoongi turns around motioning for you to join them you flush. As you pass Momo her touch lingers for a while on your elbow. She darts close whispering in your ear.
“That’s Jung Hoseok.”
The information left you out of breath, the e-mails he kept sending replaying themselves in your mind. You stumble a bit when Momo’s light touch disappears. Feelings a set of eyes on you, you regain your footing and walk towards your boss. Each step feeling heavier.
There was no one else to blame for the situation you found yourself in but yourself. You knew who Hoseok was in theory, he published many bestseller books and everyone who was even remotely into writing had some knowledge of him and his famous company. Although in the last couple of months your newsfeed lacked information about Hoseok’s whereabouts, you brushed it off as him working on a new book.
You knew about him all, but what he looked like. Jung Hoseok managed to avoid the press like his life depended on it. You saw articles of his assistant Yuta standing in his place at promotions and any other public event. If you only dug deeper or asked for the guest list, you could’ve avoided this.
Yoongi places the palm of his hand on your lower back guiding you into the circle. Jeon Jungkook waves giving you a soft but tired smile, Kim Namjoon nods in your direction slowly sipping the wine, Park Jimin gives you a polite greeting while Kim Taehyung acts as if you never existed. You saw Jimin elbow him lightly, but the man never wavered.
Your eyes stop at Hoseok who beams at you stretching his hand. Yoongi leans and whispers into your ear, the loud beating of your heart making it hard to differentiate his words. “Y/N this is Jung Hoseok.”
“It’s nice to finally meet you.”
Finally? What did he mean by that?
You muster up what you thought was a smile albeit a weak one but there. “The pleasure is all mine.”
Different questions race through your mind. Was he here because he found out it was you behind the username? Was he even Yoongi’s friend? Had this all been a plot to finally meet you?
“He hasn’t shut up about the Jungkook’s single. Something about it speaking out to him. He’s very excited to meet the writer behind it.” Yoongi tells you making your head snap in his direction.
There was a silent argument going on between you. It took you months before you accepted Namjoon into the small circle of people who knew that behind another pseudonym of yours stood your name. The songs you wrote for Jungkook mostly spoke of unrequited love and heartbreaks and it would mortify you if people knew it was you who wrote it. The pity looks you might get sent a shudder through your body.
“I can’t wait to hear the future songs you will write.” He says clapping enthusiastically unlike you who couldn’t even utter a word besides thanks. You felt like you kept were being rude. You tried your best not to let the events get to you, but it was hard with him bombarding your inbox constantly.
To your side, Yoongi smiles as if silently answering your question. Hoseok didn’t know you wrote the other songs, nobody knew except Namjoon and Yoongi. You exhale in relief, but the tension remains as you look up at Hoseok. He seemed like the mood maker of the group his smile permanently resting on his face.
“We’re currently working on a new song,” Yoongi announces, and you feel like you want the floor to swallow you up.
You notice Jungkook now paying attention to the conversation as Hoseok leans in. Yoongi turns to you putting you on the spot probably knowing you hadn’t written anything. Trying to calm your nerves you imagine Momo or Sehun standing in front of you instead.
The tension in your body slowly shimmers down, and you can feel yourself take control of the anxiety that was the result of the shock you felt from seeing Jung Hoseok.
“Something with a happier note I hope,” Taehyung says, and you wince at his stoic voice.
Hoseok tsks at him. “Whatever Y/N and Yoongi write will be a hit no doubt.”
“Whipped.” Jungkook coughs under his breath and Jimin giggles slapping him softly on the back of his head.
“We’ll see.” Yoongi smiles, and you follow his suit ignoring your burning cheeks.
Whenever you glanced at Hoseok he was already looking back at you. The attention he gave you every time you spoke offered you a feeling of importance that contributed to you speaking more freely in their presence.
“Did you manage to find anyone interesting to publish their work?” Namjoon’s sentence tickles your curiosity shifting your gaze to Hoseok whose smile for the first time tonight drops.
He plays with the drink in his hands prolonging his answer. “I did find someone, but I am not sure if we’ll sign a deal.”
You stiffen at his answer, the e-mails in your phone suddenly felling heavy.
Namjoon’s brow quirks up. “Not satisfied with the writing?”
Hoseok shakes his head, a weak smile on his lips. He bites his tongue before plopping it to the corner of his mouth. “On the contrary,” this seemed to confuse Namjoon,” they haven’t been responding to any of my e-mails.”
“That’s hard to believe.” Jimin joins the conversation, your attention changing between them as they speak.
"Did you offer them a bad contract?" Namjoon buts in jokingly once he finishes his drink.
Hoseok puckers his lips, slowly looking at Namjoon. "There was no contract to begin with."
"Your conversation gives me a headache. Can you finish the story in one go?" Taehyung speaks up and you silently agree with him.
Hoseok places the glass on the table in front of them, pushing his wavy hair to the sides. His eyes seemed even more mesmerising as they looked over the edge of his glasses.
"I've seen their work on a site and tried to contact them via e-mail. I’ve tried searching for them on other sites but with no results.”
"Why don't you call them or text them? It's the 21st century most people don't use emails as a form of communication."  Jungkook adds his two cents, and you see the rest of the table roll their eyes.
"Just because you use messenger and kakaotalk as communication doesn't mean others do. This isn't a chat between two friends, it's between possible business partners." Jimin scolds the younger and you stifle a laugh.
Namjoon pats Jungkook's back affectionately. "It's unprofessional to contact people through apps especially if you're someone of Hoseok’s status.”
"Anyway," Hoseok coughs straightening his posture," I don't know their name or number. All I have is the user under which they write and well the e-mail."
"Are you sure they are worth all the fuss?" Yoongi adds and you look at Hoseok who immediately nods.
"You should read their poems, Yoongi. They are magical, raw. You can feel each emotion slowly seeping into you. Just like with Y/N’s and yours song. It's powerful."
You tense up at the mention of your name which goes unnoticed by the rest as they engage in a lyrical discussion. You can see Taehyung backing away from the table with Jungkook following behind. Jimin occasionally nods to Hoseok's interpretation of your poems not interested but not wanting to be rude either. Yoongi and Hoseok go back and forward for a while before Namjoon excuses himself leaving the four of you.
"Anyway, I don't want to bore you with my work," Hoseok finishes the discussion turning towards you, " it was lovely meeting you Y/N. I hope to see you soon."
Highly unlikely you wanted to say. "Likewise."
He disappears in the crowd as Yoongi turns to you. "Jimin and I should talk to the other producers some more before we call it a night."
Soon enough they are out of your reach, and you feel like you could breathe for the first time tonight. Pulling your phone from your purse you head straight for the exit. You tap the familiar number, one you’ve dailed many times.
"Hello?" Sehun's voice cuts through your hectic thoughts.
"You will never know who I just fucking met."
"What? No. It’s Jung Hoseok."
You say as you watch the said man lean into the wall of the lift before he notices you standing not far away. The last thing you see before the doors close was his smile turning into a smirk.
"Jung fucking Hoseok."
Miss/Mister Meraki,
I am writing you this mail in hopes of getting a response from you. Wishing the previous mail had landed in a spam box (rather than you not answering), I am writing you another one filled with more hope. After reading your poems I couldn’t help but notice the sad tone most of them carried.
In the light of the discovery, I am going with my hunch and will say freely that you are probably wary of me. Therefore, I’ve decided to take the time and let you get to know me. I’ll start by writing you little facts about me after I read one of your poems. Hopefully, by the end of the journey, you will choose me.
Kind regards,
Jung Hoseok.
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morganas-pendragons · 3 years
Goodbye For Now | Din Djarin
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I had a dream the same day this aired that incorporated Goodbye by Avril Lavigne... and yeah, this was born. I put a lot of my own experiences into this fic. It’s very personal. Regardless of that, I hope you enjoy! 
tag: @earthtokace​ / @kyber-queen​ / @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol​ 
This is literally the first fic in years I’ve used Y/N and it’s just one line for the fic, and I think it’s the longest fic I’ve ever written on Tumblr. 
Word count: 5.1k OOPS 
In the quietness of a little room in the back of an inn on Nevarro, the question asked by a grieving Din Djarin rolls around in your mind. You hadn’t been able to give him an immediate answer. It was too fresh. Too heavy. 
What’s the hardest part about letting go?
As The Mandalorian sleeps fitfully behind you with his arm wound tightly enough around your waist to ensure you do not disappear in his sleep - because has he not sacrificed enough? - you ponder his question as much as your sleep deprived mind is able. 
Din.. I think the hardest part about letting go is being able to accept that the people you’re letting go of aren’t apart of your life anymore. They aren’t physically with you anymore. They aren’t imprinted on your memory, on your soul. You just have to let it... fade. Let them fade until they're just a story. 
Your eyes flicker down to the ring that lays on your left finger. 
But in a galaxy as remarkable as this one... There’s always that glimmer of hope that someday, maybe someday... they’ll come back to you. That they won’t leave you. 
  “And Grogu will never leave you Din.” You whisper, wrapping your hand around his forearm and lightly squeezing it as you settle into the warmth of his embrace. “Never.”
Your blood chills in your veins at the words, “I go alone.” because there is no possible way in Sith hells you are allowing Din to walk onto that cruiser alone. As Bo-Katan reiterates the plan to the crew around you, your eyes are focused on the rigid and silent Mandalorian standing across the holo-table. 
You’re not coming with me. 
Are you really naive enough to believe I’m letting you go alone, Din? You snap, to which he winces at your sharp tone. If Gideon is half intelligent as I think he is, he’ll have installed impenetrable defenses on those dark-troopers. You'll need a Jedi to get through them. 
You can practically feel the burn of his gaze through the helmet. It’s obvious he wants you with the larger group, but you refuse to bow when the life of your son is at stake. If he’s going to retrieve the baby, you very much intend on remaining by his side to ensure the safety of them both. 
Until the end. 
Fine. You stick by me, don’t say a word- He pauses and swallows the reluctance in his throat that dies when he meets your eyes through the helmet. You know he’s looking at you... and you know how fearful he is. And please, don’t die. 
You beam. Dying without you, Din Djarin? I have no intentions of doing that anytime soon. 
The two of you disengage from the shuttle, trekking through the bodies left in the wake of the women in the landing bay as you move in the direction of the brig. Doctor Pershing had disclosed that Gideon had been keeping the baby there, so there was no reason to believe that he wouldn’t still remain within the same cell. 
Your blood roars in your ears as you disengage the lock on your staff and hold the hilts of each saber in your hands. The Force envelops you in its comforting hold - wraps around your bones and your scars and your muscles and invigorates you with a strength you haven’t felt since before The Republic fell - and guides your steps that will lead you in the direction of the little one who holds a large piece of your heart. 
The other piece is held in the hands of The Mandalorian. 
Din. You murmur. I just need you to know that you may see a side of me today that you’ve never seen before. If that in any way changes how you feel about me-
He stops you short just as a pair of Stormtropers jog past. Nothing will ever change how I feel about you. He sounds certain, almost confident, in his answer. The sound of it makes your chest warm. 
It’s right there on the tip of your tongue. You’ve only said it to each other once in the time that you’ve been together, but you’ve never desired to say it more then this moment, but it doesn’t feel right. It’s too rushed. Dancing too close to the edge of anticipation as you seek out your child. 
Your heart nearly jumps out your chest as Din sprints in the direction of the doors where the dark troopers are emerging and one lone soldier has escaped. Before you can react, the man you love is being held against the wall in an iron grip and a fist is repeatedly pounding itself into his helmet. 
The Dark-Trooper turns its eyes on you, and you’re suddenly flung into a lifetime  of battle skills that kept you alive when you’d served as a Padawan in The Clone Wars and on the front lines of The Rebellion. You slide forward on your knees and remove the legs of the trooper just as Din impales the thing with the Beskar spear slung across his back. 
  “I’m fine-” He rasps, extending a hand to hold you at arms length as your trembling hands tighten their grip on your saber. It’s not often that Din comes face to face with Death when you're standing right there. People are petrified of Jedi. There aren’t many of them left. Mandalorian bounty hunters, however... They can be more expendable. Easier to break then one who is gifted with The Force. 
  “C’mon. I’ll take point.”
Right here. The Force whispers its assurance as you both stand in front of the nearest cell, and the moment the door opens you are granted with the sight of Moff Gideon holding the dark saber in front of Grogu. 
Buir. You’d completely forgotten the baby had bonded himself to you in the days just shortly after you’d found him. He’d rarely used it. He’d only ever opened himself up to project his emotions onto you in order for you to know when something was wrong, but the minute you see him sitting on that bench, he’s talking to you.
Grogu holds his hands out as if he’s reaching for you, wide eyes pleading for you to remove the Force Suppressant handcuffs that envelop his tiny hands.  Buir. 
Tears prick your eyes as you ignite your saber. The other sits idle on your hip just out of reach.  
  “Drop the blaster,” Moff nods to your saber. “And your saber. Slowly.” The two of you drop your weapons simultaneously. “Now kick them over to me.” Before Din can do so, you wave your hand to throw your weapons just out of reach. “Very nice. I didn’t know Jedi could be civil.”
The venom drips from his words. “If you’re not careful,” You warn. “I will show you what I look like when I am not civil.” A split second passes as you watch the fear flicker through his gaze before he’s tightening his grip on the dark saber. Moff had not, to your knowledge, encountered any kind of Jedi up until this point. He only knew of their abilities. Not of what they were capable of - with the dark or the light - with The Force at their disposal. 
The damage you could cause.... 
  “Give me the kid.” 
  “The Kid is just fine where he is.” Gideon replies, to which he begins moving the dark saber back and forth just to hear the satisfying hum of its kyber that rings within the hilt. “Mesmerizing, isn’t it? It used to belong to Bo-Katan.” Din stops short at his statement. “Yes. I know you’ve both been traveling with Bo-Katan. Friendly piece of advice, assume I know everything. Like the fact that your wrist launcher has fired its one and only salvo.” 
Your gaze is still trained on the kid. Did he hurt you? Your voice is gentle as you prod at the shields that Grogu has placed inside of his mind. For someone who has little to no training, he’s rather good at making sure nobody can reach the most vulnerable places of himself. Ad’ika, it’s okay. It’s your buir. Did he hurt you?
Din and the Moff are still talking as your son lifts his head, meets your soft - and familiar, he hasn’t felt this safe since he was last on Tython, knowing you and Din were out there protecting him - gaze, and shakes his head. 
Bless The Maker. 
You shake yourself out of your reverie at the Moff’s words. “I see your bond with him. The bond the Jedi has made with him,” He comments, disengaging the dark saber as he moves away from the baby. “The two of you can take him, but you will leave my ship immediately and we will go our separate ways.” 
The Force coils itself around you. Tightens around your arms as if you pull you away from the baby, and just as Din moves to pick him up, whispers danger before The Moff has reengaged the dark saber and slams the weapon into Din’s jetpack. 
  “Din! Go!” 
Buir. You throw yourself right into the line of fire, regardless of the threat to your own life, and envelop Grogu in your arms as the fight between the Moff and Din carries out into the hallway. Safe. 
You aren’t sure if he’s talking about himself or you. Regardless, you cradle him against your chest and bring your knees upward to shelter him within your manse. 
Yes. Safe. 
The cuffs fall to the floor with a snap of your fingers. 
You’re straight up itching to punch Bo-Katan right in her smug face. After bringing Gideon to the bridge where the rest of your team awaits you, the Moff confesses the origins behind the Dark Saber - which for some reason is a tradition, despite Mandalore’s loss, that Bo-Katan still follows because it is what she knows - and the Princess of Sundari refuses to take it back from Din. 
  “You are so stuck in your old ways, Bo-Katan.” You snap, Grogu still cradled in your arm as you pace the width of the bridge. Din still wields the blade and grasps the Moff in the other hand, hardened gaze set on the thick-headed Mandalorian before him. “Wake up! This is not your sister’s Mandalore-” 
The youngest Kryze whips around. Shock and disbelief writes itself into your features because that is the only time you can recall seeing such a fire lit within her. “Don’t you dare speak her name-” She snarls, pointing an accusatory finger  at you as the two of you step toe to toe. “Or even think of her.” 
You are so tempted to release your biggest secret, the one you’ve been keeping from everyone - even before you met Din - for your own safety. You hadn’t even told the Skywalker's about it. 
It’s fortunate you didn’t obtain the auburn hair. 
  “Why don’t you kill him now and take it? It’s yours now.” 
  “What is?” 
 “The dark saber.” 
Bo-Katan will not relent. Until she wins that saber in combat, she refuses to even lay a hand on the dark saber. You find the entire thing amusing given what your former Master had told you in hushed stories underneath a starry sky about Clan Kryze. Stubborn, prideful women. Satine’s pride had earned her an early grave. Bo-Katan, however... that remained to be determined. 
  “I yield. It’s yours.’’
Din is too good for the throne of Mandalore. All he wants in life is a ship, the baby, and you. That is what drives him to hand the dark saber over to Bo-Katan. That is what drives him at all. 
You know about the Dark Saber. You’ve heard the tales surrounding it since you were small, stranded on a home world you’d have rather never seen again with your father and a thrumming lightsaber crystal. The Force will be with you. Always. He had made that promise just before he died, and you had carried his words with you ever since. That man had sheltered you, raised you, made you his own. 
And as Din watches you hold that Dark Saber out in front of your hand, he finally sees the resemblance. He sees the ferocity in your gaze and the defeat in Bo-Katan’s, he sees how similar you too are in both personality and physical appearance. 
What the kriff? 
  “He’s right. The power is in the story, not the weapon.” Darkened eyes meet your own as your pulse thrums erratically beneath your grip on the Dark Saber. “Ironic how a Jedi raised on Coruscant knows more about Mandalore then most of the people in here, two of which are from Mandalore.” 
  “Who said I wasn’t from Mandalore?” 
Before the two of you can argue, one of the alarms begins blaring on the opposite side of the bridge. The dark troopers have breached the ray shields and board the cruiser. 
  “You’re about to face off with the Dark Troopers. You had your hands full with one, let’s see how you do against a platoon.” 
This was the precise moment you’d warned Din about. “Bo-Katan,” You call over your shoulder at the Princess, who turns to acknowledge you as she puts her helmet on. Now or never I guess. “Ke'pare olar, cabuor cuun adiik. Par Clan Kryze.” 
Before Bo-Katan can ask you what you’re doing, you reach into your tunic and reveal the pendant you’ve worn since long before you met Din. A token from the man who'd taken it upon himself to raise you, you’d been everywhere with the tiny silver owl that almost never left your person. 
Her breath catches in her lungs. The last time she saw that pendant... 
  “Din?” You question hesitantly and lowly enough that the others can’t hear, handing him the baby before you reach for your sabers. “Remember when I told you I was going to do something you’ve never seen before?” Din nods and tightens his grip on Grogu as you activate each saber and turn in the direction of the doors. 
The Mandalorian catches your trembling hands wrapped tightly enough around your sabers to turn your knuckles white. 
Din swallows the trepidation that lingers in his throat and squares his jaw beneath the helmet, allowing his fear of what may happen to you - despite knowing how well you can take care of yourself - to confine itself to the back of his mind. He can dwell on it later. 
You’re making the child’s safety your top priority. 
  “Don’t let it change anything.” 
You cast one last look over your shoulder at the man you love, allowing your gaze to soften as Grogu eyes him, then you, and rests a tiny hand against Din’s. He’s trying to tell you I’ll keep him safe while you’re gone. It’s sweet. Endearing. 
  “It won’t.” Din replies quietly, to which his voice then whispers I love you across your bond. Your heart nearly explodes with how gentle it is, how he chose now to tell you again after so long of having not heard it. There’s a newfound strength coursing through your body as you turn towards the doors and call to Fennec to open them. “Be safe, Sarad.” 
  “I will.” 
As someone who usually calls on the Light Side of the Force, you’re oddly coaxed to the lingering darkness in the hallways of the Cruiser. You’ve never allowed yourself to fall like the Sith do. You’d had every reason to do so over the years, and yet you never did. 
It occurs to you as you make your final stand alone that the only reason you never fell was because you found the baby. 
Oh Force... 
The metallic footsteps of the dark troopers ring in your ears as you stand vigil before the doors to the room that contains your family. Your aliit. 
Forgive me. 
  “Go on then!” You yell, hoping your voice will carry through the hallways in which they are following to lead themselves to you. “What, are you afraid of a Jedi? I’ve bested the dark, I’ve survived two wars and a mass genocide! Nothing can break me!” You twirl your wrists in the usual jar’kai motions and settle yourself into your favorite defense position. “I’m ready! Are you??” 
Outside the main viewport, a lone X-Wing flies within view with the hangar as its destination. 
Your head falls to your chest. I’m calling on you... Be with me. The steps grow closer, the anticipation of their lethal capabilities thrumming in your veins. Be with me. 
The first dark troopers circle the hall. You peer out of the alcove in which you’re hiding, position yourself in the middle of the platoon, and lift your head towards the ceiling. 
Din watches from the surveillance array as the first squad of dark troopers begins trembling. The metal crumbles beneath the weight of your Force grip. “Sarad-” He whispers, fingertips ghosting the screen as he watches the troopers turn in your direction and set their targeting systems on you. “Sarad.” 
Be with me. 
Unaware of the other Force User who’s just landed in the hangar, your head snaps upward and your instincts kick in as your sabers begin moving of their own accord. You are not the one moving with such grace, such poise, years of training in desert sands with a man who’s constantly dancing with his ghosts. 
You are not you. You are simply The Force. 
Blue collides with obsidian. Further down the hall, Grogu watches on the surveillance as his buir and the Jedi he’s called upon move to meet each other half way. 
Before you reach the newcomer, you’re nearly knocked off your feet by the way his presence radiates in The Force as you clench your hands into a fist and send the last Dark Trooper slamming into the wall. 
  “No way.” The two of you snap upward to meet each other’s gaze. It’s been years since you’ve seen that familiar face - the same familiar face you’d spent so many nights with training in the forests, the same face that had always softened as the two of you traded stories about your pasts and the Jedi who’d trained you - and it’s a welcome sight that this happens to be the Jedi that your ad’ika had called upon on Tython. “Luke?” 
The newcomer throws his hood back to meet your eyes. 
Buir. Grogu watches the surveillance screen as you and Luke join one another in the elevator. There’s one small platoon left that’s come from a separate hallway that the two of you can eliminate without barely lifting a finger. 
The powerful two Jedi can radiate. It’s cosmic. 
It’s alluring. Mesmerizing. A flurry of blue and green weaving between one another as each individual dark trooper is reduced to a pile of smoking metal. Din watches Grogu where he stands, little hand planted on the surveillance screen as the two of you emerge together from the elevator.
  “Remarkable.” Din whispers, because it is. The way that the two of you fight is almost like you were born to do it together, to fight with one another and as one another. 
The last dark trooper crumbles under Luke’s grasps. When he passes by the camera, Grogu turns to his father and tips his ears back before whining for Din to lift him up. 
  “Open the doors.” 
Din tries not to laugh at the utter indignation on Fennec’s face as he cradles the baby’s neck in his hands, moving around the bounty hunter to stand before the blast doors. He knows they’re safe when you’re standing on the other side of it. 
The crowd watches as the newcomer follows on your heels through the smoke left in the wake of your destruction, and the two of you both remove your hoods to acknowledge them. 
  “Is he... A Jedi? Like you?” 
Luke, ever the civil, folds his hands across his stomach and nods. “Yes.” He says quietly, green eyes softening as the baby peers around the edge of the chair to look at his buir and the man who has answered his call. “Come, little one.” 
Grogu looks to Din, and then to you. You can hear his question as clear as day inside your mind. 
Are you ready to let me go? 
And in that moment, everything comes crashing down in front of you. He’s asking for your permission to go with Luke. He’s asking for the permission of the woman who’d saved him and the man who’d taken it upon himself to keep him safe, to raise him, to let him go with the other Jedi in order to be properly trained. Maker knew you couldn’t do it. 
  “He doesn’t want to go with you.” 
Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, my love 
  “He wants your permission. Both of you.” Luke’s voice breaks through your reverie as you hang your sabers on the belt that’s swung low across your hips. This child has been your livelihood, your reason for breathing, since the year following the genocide of the Jedi. Since you lost your world. 
And it seems like you’re about to lose it again. 
I can’t hide
I can’t hide 
I can’t hide what has come 
    “He is strong in the Force, but talent without training is nothing. I will give my life to protect The Child, but he will not be safe until he masters his abilities.” Unfortunately for you, Luke knows you so well that he can feel the weighed projection of your feelings that emanate from you like a flare within the darkness, which is what prompts you to gently usher you towards Din. 
  “Hey, go on. This is who you belong with. He-He’s one of your kind.” 
I have to go 
I have to go
I have to go... and leave you alone... 
“I’ll see you again. I promise.” 
Wide, innocent eyes flicker between you and Din before Grogu is reaching up, ever the gentle, to press his hand against his helmet. This would be the first and most likely the only time the baby has ever seen Din’s real face. 
You flash a questioning look at the man you love. Then, without question, he wraps his fingers around the bottom of the helmet and slowly lifts it off. 
The beskar clang resounds within the bridge. 
But always know
Always know... Always know
That I love you so.. 
Your heart has begun to bleed just by watching this exchange. Din has gone so much of his life without knowing what love was, how gentle people were capable of being. That had all changed when The Child had healed The Mandalorian’s lonely heart. It had never been you. It was him who healed you both. 
Din’s lips quiver as Grogu presses his hand to a bare cheek. Your tears are becoming harder to keep at bay, and with the sudden tightness in your chest, you’re suddenly finding it incredibly difficult to breathe. Nevermind the fact that the room has suddenly begun spinning. 
 ‘’Alright, pal. It’s time to go.” Din said quietly. You aren’t entirely sure if he's talking to himself, to you, or to Grogu. “Don’t be afraid.” 
Everything around you is muted. Numb. Like your body is trying to fight a shock that you haven’t experienced since Order 66. 
Buir. A tiny whisper, echoing in the back of your mind as a gentle hand rests on your shoulder. A flash of a child’s cry echoes in your ears as a blonde woman hands a baby into the arms of Obi-Wan Kenobi, the very man who had taken it upon himself to raise you. Safe. That whisper grows into the voice of your son. Your son is staring at you over Din’s shoulder and desperately trying to call your attention as your world comes crashing at your feet. Buir is safe. 
That’s what he means. Since you’re not going to be looking over your shoulder and sleeping with one eye open anymore just because he’s in the same vicinity as you - such a powerful being inside this tiny body - now, you are safe for the first time since The Empire fell. 
The fact Grogu puts your safety over his own makes your heart break. 
  “You’re losing a child.” It’s Bo-Katan’s voice that brings you back to reality. The gentle and foreign tone she’s using is enough to jar you and bring your focus back to the matter at hand: It’s time for Grogu to be with his- your people. “It’s alright to grieve.” 
It is, but you can’t. Not right now. 
You stumble forward and wipe at your eyes as you press your front to Din’s back. He’s very clearly overwhelmed by the loss of the baby, but that doesn’t stop him from nodding in thanks to Luke. 
Goodbye, sunshine
Goodbye for now 
Your anguish is replaced by a split second of joy as Grogu looks at you, waddles forward to cradle your leg against himself and say i love you through his Force Bond before he’s turning in the direction of the astromech who’s just rolled into view. 
  “May The Force Be With You.” But before Luke walks into that elevator, he casts one last look at you. It’s the same look he gave you before you’d left to make a life for yourself. To be your own person outside of the legacy of the Jedi that you’d been brought up in. “I’m offering you the same opportunity I did when you left, Y/N. You can help me in training The Child with the new Jedi Order I intend to build. There are many young Force Sensitives to find.” He holds out his free hand and tries to hide his smile as R2 beeps his approval. “A new world. Would you like to be a part of it?” 
Through your Force Bond, you clearly feel Din’s heart drop right into his stomach and his chest tighten as reality hits him: You and the baby may be leaving him together. That would leave him alone for the first time in several years.. and Din doesn’t remember what he was like before he met the two of you, before he loved the two of you. 
He doesn’t want to go back to being a ghost. 
  “I left you for a reason, Luke.” And just like that, the infamous Mandalorian masks his shock as you step backward and right into his hold, maneuvering your arm so as to take his hand within yours. “And I have no intention to leave my aliit. Not this time.” 
Luke nods. It’s all he can do. “Very well. As I said, May The Force Be With You.’’
Grogu looks at the two of you as Luke carries him into the elevator. 
Goodbye, brown eyes 
Take care of yourself 
It is so difficult to keep your composure as your son watches the two of you disappear from view. Your knees are already trembling by the time Din pulls you into his arms, and when the elevator doors close, you throw your head back against Din’s chest and let out a wail that shatters the silence following their departure as the two of you sink to the floor. 
I have to go.. and leave you alone 
But always know that I love you so
Din’s split second decision comes as he buries his face in your hair and whispers as gently as he is able, “Marry me.” 
I love you so
Your eyes snap open to meet his own. Tear filled onyx meets your gaze as you cradle his face in your hands and kiss him - once, twice, three times until he’s open and begging and desperate for more of you - before pulling away to envelop him in the tightest embrace possible. 
Oh... he’s so wholly and wonderfully yours. 
Bo-Katan approaches you as you stand in Slave One, knees brought to your chest and chin resting upon them as she kneels in front of you. You and Din haven’t said a word since you boarded the ship, and it’s a needed silence. You must have time to process your losses. 
Why did I have to let him go? 
  “That pendant.” Bo-Katan whispers. “That pendant used to be in my family, Clan Kryze.” The former Princess of Mandalore tilts her head as your gaze remained focused on the cargo hold, eyes vacant as she continues. “It was mine. That pendant was mine and eventually passed to my sister, Satine. You know about Mandalore before the Empire, you know about Kenobi, you know about The Force.” 
Your eyes slowly shift to hers. 
  “I don’t think you’re from some backwater planet. I think you were born on Mandalore,” Her eyes soften, the first time you’ve seen her show any kind of humanity in the entire escapade since leaving the Cantina. You didn’t think she was capable of it. “I think Kenobi raised you wherever he ended up, and I think he was your Master. I think you are Mandalorian, little one.” Bo-Katan stands to her feet and hesitates for a brief moment before resting her hand against your head. “But I don’t know. I never will.” 
Your entire body sags into her touch. 
  “Be peaceful, little Jedi.” She stops before turning to look at you over her shoulder, flashing the faintest smile - one you swear you’ve seen before - before returning to her spot beside Koska. 
Your eyes flutter as you fall asleep.
The End
In the quietness of a little room in an inn on Nevarro, he asks you again. 
  “What is the hardest part about letting go?” 
And this time, you have an answer. 
  “The hardest part about letting go is knowing they’re somewhere out there in the world, away from you, and you still love them. Love them so deeply and so much that it hurts you to be away from them.” You trace the contours of his exhausted aspect, lightly poking the end of his nose just to see the toothy and bashful smile he flashes in response, and prop your head on your hand as you lightly trace his bicep with steady fingers. “You wanna know what the best thing to do is before you inevitably must let them make their own way?” Din hums his acknowledgement and opens his eyes to meet your own. “You love them. You love him..” You exhale slowly on a sigh and lean inward to press your lips to his forehead. 
Din sinks into your hold and allows you to cradle his head to your chest. You bury your face in his hair and reach into your shirt to reveal the owl pendant. 
 “And you hope it’s enough.”
Hm. Maybe one day you’ll have the courage to tell her. 
One day. 
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flamencodiva · 4 years
GBTY 1 - Nothing Against You
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Book Cover by: @talesmaniac89​
Description: Amaya Campos and Dean Winchester had a playful rivalry. what happens when Dean is no longer her Dean. Will this change make one of them realize what they really desire, or will they continue to keep secrets?
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Amaya Campos (Original Female Character) , AU Dean Winchester x AU Amaya Campos
Warnings: Language, Violence, Smut, Fluff, Angst
Word for Chapter: 5704
Beta: @superfanficnatural​
A/N: Special thanks to - @crashdevlin​ @atc74​ @smol-and-grumpy​ @winchest09​ @waywardbeanie​ @deanwanddamons​ @malfoysqueen14​  @emoryhemsworth​ @janicho88​ @jensengirl83​ @whatareyousearchingfordean​ @katehuntington​ @anathewierdo​  and to all my friends who listen to me ramble about my writing. your words of encouragement mean the world to me! Without you I don’t think I could have found the courage to come back and share what I love most to do, WRITE.
Getting Back To You Masterlist
Main Masterlist
The rumble of the black ‘67 Chevy Impala echoed in the alleyway as it came to a soft stop, the driver turning off the ignition and looking to his brother beside him. 
 "You said she was coming, right?" the driver said as his brother placed the bookmark in the book he was reading. 
 "For the millionth time," his voice dripped with annoyance, "yes, Dean, I called Amaya, and she said she would meet us here." 
 "Sam," Dean ran his hand across his face. "Look, she is a great hunter. You know it, I know it. But, she got injured in her last hunt. So I'm sorry if I'm a little apprehensive about whether she’ll be --" 
 The loud bang against the Impala's roof made the brothers jump as a soft chuckle filled their ears. They could see Amaya Campos through the window on the driver’s side, laughing. Dean swallowed the lump in his throat. He tried not to get distracted by how beautiful she looked when she smiled. Closing his eyes, Dean flared his nostrils and clenched his jaw. 
 "You know what, Campos," Dean barked as he threw open the driver's side door and climbed out. "You are a real pain in the ass." 
 "Yeah, I know," she shrugged and punched his shoulder. "But you know I'm the best." 
 "If it weren't for that fact, you would have been dead by now," Dean grumbled as he made his way to the trunk. 
 "How you doin’, Amaya?" Sam asked as he gave her a gentle hug. 
 "I bounce back, Sasquatch," she gave them a bright smile. "So, a coven of witches is in there," she pointed at the warehouse then crossed her arms. 
 "Yeah," Sam sighed, "but get this. These witches have been gathering ingredients for a big spell." Sam pulled out his notes as he showed them to Amaya, "They killed specific victims and took certain body parts from them." 
 "Well, that's just wrong… and creepy," Amaya shuddered. 
 "Something we agree on," Dean cocked his gun as he checked to make sure it was working. "I wish there was an easier way to get rid of these hags all at once." 
 "You and me both, Short Stack," Amaya breathed. She grabbed a few Witch-killing bullets and loaded the clip into her pistol. 
 "I'm taller than you, Campos." Dean pulled up close to her, his form towering over hers. 
 "I'm using Sasquatch as a reference," she gave him a sly smile before letting her fingers dance along his chest. "Wanna make this interesting?" 
 "What, like the ghoul hunt last month?" he raised an eyebrow at her before letting his eyes roam over her body. 
 Her Ramones crop top and leather jacket was accentuating her chest, her cleavage leaving Dean imagining dirty things he could do between her breasts. He continued to let his eyes roam over Amaya's figure; her bootleg jeans hugged her hips in the right place. He bit the inside of his cheek, Dean's way to hold back from reaching out and placing his hand on the curve of her hip. His eyes continued to move up to her hair in a neat ponytail. He could always see himself pulling on the elastic to let the tendrils fall, his fingers running through her brown and purple highlighted hair. Shaking out of his thoughts, he looked into her eyes, feeling his heart pounding in his chest.   
 "Come on, Winchester," she moved her hand around to the back of his neck. Her fingers began to play with the small hairs at the nape of it, "If you can last five minutes without a witch blasting you away," Amaya's fingers ghosted over his cheek while staring into his green eyes, "I can make it worth your while." 
 "Whatever you're trying to sell me, sweetheart," he licked his lips. It was his way of controlling himself. He could not fall into the trap he knew she was trying to set, "I ain't buying." 
 "Come on," she cooed, "what's one little harmless bet?" 
 "Last time we had a--" Dean lifted his hands as he pushed back away from her, making air quotes, "' Harmless bet ' I had to drive the Impala in my underwear while listening to Taylor Swift." He shuddered at the memory of Sam recording the evidence to send to Amaya. 
 "Admit it," she chuckled, "you enjoyed it." 
 "You wish," he shot back. 
 "Guys," Sam sighed. "Can you guys please, just make a bet. Hell, I'll mediate. If Amaya wins, Dean has to--" he paused to think. 
 "Give up pie for a month," she crossed her arms, smiling. 
 "You bitch!" Dean growled. "There is no way I'm giving up pie. You win, I'll kiss you for two minutes," he gave an inward groan as the words came out. 
 "Two minutes of making out with Dean Winchester?" 
 Dean watched as she popped out her hip and placed her hand on it. He could tell she was thinking about it. 
 "I'm not thrilled about it either, but it's all I could come up with, outside of humiliating myself farther," he grumbled. 
 "I was gonna say you could dance to the Macarena while wearing women's underwear," Sam shrugged. 
 Dean watched as Amaya's eyes lit up and he gave Sam his best bitch face, "Asshole." 
 "I like Sam's idea better. Not just the Macarena in women's underwear, but I want a live performance!" She smiled, “You need to sing the song too!” 
 "We're wasting time," Dean said, rolling his eyes as he looked between Sam and Amaya. "Fine. You got a deal. But if I win--" he licked his lips, "you are going to give me a very nice strip show in the Bunker to the song of my choice." 
 "Bueno, que quieres? (Well, what do you want?) All nude reviews or bare minimum?" she asked as she gave him a casual shrug. 
 "All nude with a very nice view of the sweet stuff," he said, smiling. "Quiero ver a to-do tu que-ehr-po," ( I want to see all of your body.) Dean smirked, hoping he got the wording right for his Spanish.  
 "Spanish is getting better, perv," she muttered. "Fine. But you are only looking, not touching!" 
 "Fine with me, sweetheart," Dean held out his hand for her to shake. 
 But she did something unexpected. Grabbing Dean by the lapels of his leather jacket, she pulled him in for a short kiss on his lips. 
 Pulling back, she smiled, "Sellado con un beso (Sealed with a kiss). No backing out now Winchester. The challenge, you can't go fifteen minutes without getting blasted by a witch spell." 
 "You're on," he squeaked before clearing his throat and making his way inside. 
 Sam cocked his gun before looking at his best friend, "You love making him squirm." 
 "It's only ever going to be fun and games, Sam," she put on her bravest smile. "Nothing can ever come from two hunters in this world being together. Happy ever after doesn't exist." 
 Sam sighed as he watched his friend and brother head inside. He knew they were ridiculous, but there was nothing he could do except let them be idiots together. As the group filtered through the warehouse, Sam could hear the faint sound of chanting. 
 An eerie lavender glow came from an open door along a dark corridor. Sam crept towards it, self flush against the wall as he peered inside. 
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At the same time, in another universe, a group of men dressed in black surrounded the warehouse, each one with a radio and a body cam hooked up to them. They all waited for a signal from their leader to storm inside and take down their targets. 
 "It's too quiet in there," one of them whispered. 
 "Yeah, but we have to follow protocol," the second one answered. 
 "Squad leaders, move in," a gruff voice called over the walkie talkie. 
 The warehouse had filled with the sounds of feet stomping the pavement. The women found themselves surrounded — weapons aimed at them. One of them strolled forward, her cackle bouncing off the walls and filling the warehouse with its shrill sound. 
 "The Men of Letters can't stop us," she proclaimed. "The spell is in motion. It has begun!" 
 The command came from above as the warehouse filled with the sounds of gunfire, figures dressed in black emptying their clips. The witches all dropped one by one, save for one, who cowered on the ground behind the cauldron. When the firing calmed down, the mysterious soldiers in black all pointed their guns at her, waiting for her to make a move as she bled through her wound. As the silence began to fill the air, the faint sounds of high heels and heavy footsteps echoed around them as the men all moved aside for two  figures dressed in suit’s approaching closer to their target. 
 One of the figures was a woman, about 5’4 with long brown hair that flowed down her back. She wore a navy blue pencil skirt with a button up quarter sleeve white shirt that went well with her four-inch black stilettos.  The other figure was a man, 6’1 in height, wearing a navy blue three piece tailored suit, his brown hair perfectly combed back in a short cut. Both figures stood side by side as they surveyed their surroundings. 
 "Is this her?" the female spoke. 
 "Yes, ma'am," came the reply as the woman made her way closer. 
 She stood in front of the Witch and took her chin in her hands.  
 "Excellente. Bind her and take her to the prison, we'll question her there. Whatever they did, we need to find a way to reverse it." She looked over at the green-eyed man who followed closely behind her, "Que esperen y muévanse!" (What are you waiting for and move!)  
 "We will," he said, looking over the papers before signing his name to the documents. "I believe Grandpa Henry will be happy with what we've done. We do make a great team, Amaya." 
 "I wouldn't be marrying you if we didn't, Winchester," she smiled before making her way to him. 
 "We've been tracking them for a long time," the man sighed as the Witch had a black cover placed on her head. He watched as one of the men dragged her off, "I'm worried about the repercussions to their spell. I mean, according to Sam, they were working on something that could be transdimensional." 
 "Then all the more reason to get back to headquarters and interrogate her," she said, placing her hand on the man's cheek. "Dean, everything will be fine. Vas a ver. We've been doing this for years, and we have almost eradicated this world of monsters." 
 "I know but," he said as he leaned into her touch, "what if they bring something over here to throw the balance off?" 
 "Then we will deal with it," she reassured him. "Together, as we've always done things, mi amor. (My love)" 
 The Witch smiled under the hood over her head. Everything was working according to the plan. It was all a matter of time for the other world to align and cast their spell. 
 Meanwhile, in the slick black restored ‘67 Chevy Impala, Dean looked over at his fiancee. He couldn't help shake the pit he felt in his stomach. Following behind the black van, Dean pulled up into the garage of the compound. 
Before exiting the car, he turned to Amaya, "Are we sure this witch is going to talk?" he reached over, caressing her cheek. 
 Leaning into his touch, Amaya took in a slow deep breath, "We can only hope that she does. The only one who can really make her talk is you, Dean. Yo sé que no te gusta, pero, (I know you don't like it, but,) it's your specialty." 
 "Yeah," Dean rubbed his eyes, "I know. Mientras que me ayuda a proteger a mi Familia y el Mundo, (As long as it helps me protect my family and the world) I'll keep doing it." 
 "I love it when you speak Spanish, mi amor," she leaned over towards him and pressed her lips gingerly against his. "I will be in the other room, observing if you need back up." 
 "Amaya," Dean kissed her forehead, "you know I hate it when you watch." 
 "Don't get performance anxiety on me now, Winchester," she teased. "I mean, you look hot when you get all dom on them." 
 Dean let out a low growl before pulling her in for a deep kiss, his tongue exploring the inside of her mouth as she moaned. Her hands found their way around his neck, fingers playing with the short hairs that she could find. Amaya shifted her position to press her body against his, her legs straddling him as they made out on the bench seat of his hunter car. The Impala was always good for making out after a hunt well done. Dean smirked against her lips as his hands found their way under her blouse; her soft skin sending a shiver down his spine. He loved touching her, kissing her, tasting her. The two lovers were engrossed in their feelings, too lost in their touches, they never noticed the person stalking towards their car. With a devilish smirk, they lifted their hand and slammed it on the roof of the Impala, making the lovers jump. 
 "That is very unprofessional of you two." 
 Sam Winchester smiled at the lovers as they both flipped him off. Letting them exit the car, he watched as his brother Dean adjusted his tie and smoothed out his hair. 
 "Is the witch ready for interrogation?" he helped Amaya out after she fixed up her appearance. 
 "Yes," Sam said, still smiling, "she's in your favorite room." 
 "Good," Dean linked his arm with Amaya's, "I say, after I’m done, we head on over to Albert's and celebrate with a nice meal." 
 Dean led her towards the dungeon where the interrogation would take place. 
 "Sounds good, baby," Amaya kissed his cheek as she helped him remove his blazer before lifting the sleeves of his dress shirt, "give her hell." 
 "I always do, sweetheart," he said, giving her a wink before entering the room and closing the door behind him. 
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Back across the universe, to one where the Men of Letters is all but dead, Sam Winchester watched as his brother and Amaya began to signal to each other. The witches all gathered as, what looked like, the leader started chanting. 
 "Vocamus, antiqui potestates, audire nostrum dicere, sentire nostra potestate. Per tempus et spatium, sit animarum artem. Sicut anima est, luxatis sit pati in solatium, ut desiderium pro amore et carnem esse eius ruinam." (We call upon the ancient powers, to hear our call, feel our power. Across time and space, let the souls switch. As the soul is displaced, let it suffer in solace as the longing for love and flesh be its downfall.) There was a crash of thunder and a flash of lightning. All the while, the witches began throwing the ingredients into the cauldron. 
 "Sam, Now!" Dean bellowed as all three began shooting at the witches. Both Sam and Amaya found themselves back to back as they aimed at the ones running. Dean decided to make a beeline for the leader and had reached her when she gave him a devilish smile. 
 "It is done, my followers cast the spell, and there is nothing you can do," she cackled. 
 "What did you do?" he demanded as he aimed the gun at her as she smiled. 
 "You'll see," she teased and raised her hand and thrust it forward. She used her power to send Dean back, crashing against some empty crates. 
 His body crumbled to the ground while Sam and Amaya screamed his name. A shot rang out, and the Witch's body fell with a thud. 
 With a groan, Dean opened his eyes and sighed, "Did we get her?" 
 "Yeah," Sam chuckled as he helped his brother up, "but you lost the bet." 
 "What?" Dean cried and looked at his brother with disbelief. "No, I didn't!" 
 "Yes, you did! I had my timer on, and you had two minutes left," Amaya boasted with a bright smile. "We'll talk later. You're bleeding, and we need to make sure you don't need stitches." 
 Dean hissed as Amaya brushed her fingers along the cut on his head; he could feel his heart pounding in his chest at her touch. Dean could see the concern in her eyes as she looked for any more wounds; he never wanted to see that look again. He wished he could protect her from all this: protect her from himself. He made a small note to push her away once he was all healed. But then, she did something that made him change his mind. It was subtle, but the way she cared for him, it made him rethink how he should keep his distance from her. 
 "Okay, Romeo," she murmured after cleaning up his wound. "You'll be flirting with barmaids in no time." 
 "I guess I'll have to learn the Macarena then, huh?" he sighed.  
 "I'll give you a few days to recover before I collect," she said as they made their way back outside and towards their vehicles. "I gotta jet," she used her thumb to point to her bike, "need to get some stuff done." 
 "You know," Dean cleared his throat, "you can-- you can come live with us-- in the Bunker," he rubbed the back of his neck. 
 "Did the witch curse you with something?" Amaya wondered and raised an eyebrow at him. "I mean, we're friends but--" 
 "Look, we have a friendly competition," Dean grumbled. "Besides, it makes it easier to collect on a debt when you're close by."  
 Amaya bit her lip as she looked from Dean to Sam. She always found an excuse not to stay with them in the Bunker, ever since Sam first suggested it. It was easy to reject the offer when Dean would argue that he and Sam could no longer call it a bachelor pad if she moved in. 
 "Come on, Amaya," Sam's voice broke her out of her thoughts. "It would be better than being out on your own, and you always have a bed to sleep in." 
 "I--" Amaya hesitated as she decided to find the ground fascinating. 
 "Either you're coming or not," Dean growled. "We don't have time to argue about this when we have to figure out what those witches did." 
 "Fine," she breathed. "But I swear Winchester," she walked up to him and poked him in his chest. "One wrong move, one smelly sock or underwear in my room. I catch you playing Peeping Tom, and I am out of there so fast after laying your ass out you won't know what hit you." 
 Dean raised his hands in the air as he used his finger to draw a cross over his heart, "Cross my heart. I will be on my best behavior." 
 "Yeah, yeah," she sighed, "I'll follow you on my bike." 
 Dean watched as she made her way towards the gleaming black motorcycle and waited for him to start driving. Dean couldn't help but glance now and then at the rearview mirror. He had to make sure the bike was still behind them.  He could never shake the feeling that something would happen to Amaya if she stayed near him for long. Even with their friendly banter, Dean had known her since they were kids. And when they started hooking up, much to Sam’s dismay, he couldn’t help but feel he had cursed her in some way. The last thing he needed was for Amaya to end up like every woman in his life, gone, broken, and/or dead. 
 "You know you could just actually tell her you like her," Sam sighed as he read through his book, using his phone as a flashlight. 
 Dean let out a scoff, "What? I don't like Amaya like that. She's -- she's just a very good hunter who I consider a friend and is nice to look at." 
 "Yeah," Sam scoffed as he shook his head, "you keep telling yourself that, Dean." 
 "I'm not kidding Sam," Dean denied, glancing at his brother. "You know how this story ends. Jo, Lisa… they both ended in tragedy, and one of those was an experienced hunter." 
 "Dean," Sam shook his head, "what if it's different? I mean, Amaya is not Jo. Jo lived a sheltered life away from actually hunting. Yeah, she knew about it, but she didn't become a hunter until she met us." 
 "Yeah. And I don't want Amaya to meet the same fate," Dean huffed. "It's better this way, Sam. We don't get happy endings." 
 "Dean," Sam rubbed his eyes, "I know you guys have gotten together more than once." 
 "I have no idea what you're talking about," Dean shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he made the turn towards the Bunker. 
 "You guys are not quiet," Sam pointed out. "You both are being stupid, and keeping each other at arm's length is only going to get messy. You guys think you're going to keep each other safe, but you aren't. And you are only going to hurt each other, or worse." 
 "What could be worse?" Dean asked as he pulled the Impala into the garage just as Amaya's bike pulled in behind them. 
 "One of you gets seriously injured protecting the other," Sam breathed. "You know it's true, Dean. You guys are so alike and…" Sam looked back as he watched Amaya grabbing what little she had on her. "The last hunt, where she got hurt… can you imagine if we were with her?" 
 Dean stayed silent as he tried to imagine the scene. Sam was right, Amaya wouldn't have gotten injured. He was sure that he would have jumped in and taken the hit for her. Or at least taken out the monster without any casualties. But Dean shook the thought out of his head.  
 "All the more reason for me to keep my distance," Dean argued. 
 Sam let out a frustrated groan as his brother got out of the car. He looked over at Amaya just as Dean caught up with her and was glad that she decided to stay with them. He only hoped that it would be a good thing and they wouldn't hurt each other in the process. 
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Amaya watched as Dean paced in front of the Witch. The Witch's body hung in the middle of the room, her arms above her head as she dangled like a piece of meat in a butcher's shop. The double-sided mirror was the only thing separating her from him. She walked over to the mirror and pressed the button, indicating that the microphone was on, Amaya needed to hear what was going on. If she listened in, there was a chance that she could help read between the lines. Witches, like demons, always found a way to lie. 
 "What does the spell do?" Dean asked as he walked by the weapons table. 
 Amaya watched as his fingers ghosted over the various knives and tongs. She could see his fingers linger over his favorite weapon. It was a double-edged Turkish knife that had a serrated edge on one side and a smooth blade on the other.
 "There is still one component left," the witch sneered. 
 Dean moved his way towards her, letting the blade drag along her exposed skin, the blood dripping down to the floor as the Witch laughed. 
 "You can torture me all you want son of man," she growled as she took in a deep breath before breaking the chains. 
 Amaya tried to rush towards the door, only to freeze in place as the room filled with the sound of evil laughter. 
 "Foolish mortals," the voice boomed. 
 The Witch was now floating a few feet above Dean. Her eyes were glowing lavender. 
 "Don't take this the wrong way," she floated towards him and grabbed his chin. "Your counterpart in a different world brought this upon himself. You're collateral damage." 
 Dean tried to move, but he found himself frozen in place. He took in a sharp breath as the Witch placed a finger on his forehead and whispered an incantation. He watched as a life that wasn't his flash before his eyes. He saw a different life than what he lived, watched as he saw pain and suffering and a life without Amaya. 
 "No," he growled, "you are not going to do this to me." He tried to break free but found that he couldn't, "Who are you?" 
 "Your worst nightmare," she boasted with a smile as she let out a shock wave of power. "It is nothing against you, well this version of you, Dean. This version of you is more mature. But, you decided to mess with the daughters of Hecate."
 Dean's eyes widened at the name. They were not dealing with ordinary witches any more; they now pissed off the goddess of witches. His gaze shifted to the double-sided mirror, hoping that Amaya was safe before hearing a small laugh. 
 "Your little slut is fine," she assured him and gave him a pat on his cheek. "But I'm going to give you a few days before I rip you from her. Enjoy your time." 
 Before Dean could ask what she meant, the dungeon shook, the lights flickered, and everything went black. After a few moments, Dean gasped as he shot up, hissing in pain as he reached up to touch his head, flinching when he felt the familiar sticky feeling of blood. Looking around, Dean coughed, the pain in his chest radiating. He took a closer look at the damage; the double-sided glass had shattered when Hecate escaped. The Bunker filled with red lighting as the alarm was ringing around him and he could make out the faint yells of the other hunters stationed there, all on high alert.  
 "Amaya," Dean breathed as he made his way to the window. 
 The room was in bad shape; the roof had caved in. The destruction of the dungeon kicked in Dean's protective mode as he tried to look around for any signs of Amaya. He ignored the searing pain that was pulsing through his body as he filtered through the debris. 
 "Amaya?" Dean called out as he began to move the rubble. "Sweetheart, Donde estas? Amaya responde por favor!!" he called out. 
 "Dean?!" Sam's voice called through the door. 
 "Sam?" Dean croaked. "Sam, I can't find Amaya." 
 "Just hold on," Sam said. 
 He could hear orders echoing in the hall as he continued to look for Amaya. 
 "Dean!" a female voice called out. 
 Dean froze at the sound of Amaya's voice. 
 "Amaya? Where are you, sweetheart?" he said as he looked around. 
 "Over here," Her voice was firm. "Maldita madre de la gran puta. Cuando encuentre esa bruja la voy a matar!" (Damn mother of the big whore. When I find that Witch, I will kill her!) 
 He smiled at her outburst and sighed when he could see movement coming from one of the corners of the room. Dean rushed over, forgetting the pain that radiated from his wounds. He moved the debris, thankful that it seemed to only cover her without crushing her, helping her up and carrying her over to where Sam and his men had cleared out a path. 
 "What the fuck happened?" Sam asked as he looked at the damage then his brother's wound. 
 "Hecate," Dean said and winced when he felt Amaya's fingers assessing the damage, “she made an appearance.”
 "How did we miss that?" Sam wondered as he looked at the damage in the dungeon room before turning to his brother. 
 "She was inside one of the witches," Dean sighed. "I guess they invoked her before we got there." 
 "How do we explain this?" Sam asked.  
 "As with any other hunt that can and will go wrong," a voice came from down the hall. 
 Walking towards them was Henry Winchester. His salt and pepper hair short and neat, his face clean of any facial hair. His green eyes surveyed the scene before landing on his grandsons. 
 "Grandpa Henry," Sam acknowledged as he stood at attention. 
 Dean took that moment to show respect to their grandfather. He mimicked his brother's stance; back straight, shoulders squared, hands at his sides. Both brothers observed as the Patriarch of the Winchester family assessed the damage. 
 “Boys,” he said and offered them a small smirk, “it seems the witches have decided to stir up trouble.” 
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Amaya looked around the Bunker. She had only heard the stories from the boys themselves a few times. Looking around the garage, she took in all the classic cars. Amaya held in her excitement; she couldn't wait to get her hands greasy from looking through the engines. As Amaya took in more of the garage, she made a note to look at the bikes and make sure they were in top condition. Parking her bike in an empty spot, she grabbed her things from the saddlebag and waited for the boys to approach her.
 "So this is your man cave?" she asked and looked over at Dean.  
 Dean scoffed, "This is just the garage, sweetheart." He took her hand in his, ignoring the jolt of electricity that coursed through his veins, "The man cave needs a… private tour," he gave her a wink. 
 Amaya gave a small smirk before pressing her body up against Dean, "Does that include a private show of your Macarena performance, Gringo?" her breath was right on his ear. 
 "Okay," Dean groaned as he placed his hand on her shoulders and pushed her away from him, "one, I still need to recover," he gave her a devilish smirk before wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her body flush with his, "B, if you want a private show," he caressed her cheek, "I'm in room eleven." 
 Amaya tilted her head at him, "Oh? Me vas enseñar algo privado?" she let her fingers dance on his chest. Two could play the flirting game. "It's okay," she pulled away from him, "I'm sure I've seen guys who are… bigger." (You going to show me something in private?)
 "If you want to see bigger, sweetheart," Dean reached for her again. "I'm not shy." 
 "I know you're not," Amaya shook her head while pushing at his face playfully. "But, slow your roll cowboy. I'm here as a roommate. I know in the past we've…"  
 "Danced the mattress mambo," Dean interjected. 
 "Yeah, among other things," Amaya smiled. "But, let's keep our hands to ourselves."
 Dean let her go as she pulled herself back and grabbed her duffle from the floor, watching as she made her way out of the garage and walked down the hallway leading to the main entryway. He couldn’t help but stare at the way her hips swayed when she walked away from him. Shaking out of his thoughts, he decided to follow after her. Grabbing his bag, he traveled down the same path she did before seeing her in the middle of the hallway. 
 "Come on," he called to her, "this way." 
 Amaya followed Dean as he made his way to the kitchen. Upon entering, they both found Sam eating dinner. 
 "What took you two so long?" Sam asked as he took a bite of his salad. "It's been a good thirty minutes since we got here. Everything okay?" 
 "We're good, Sam," Amaya chuckled. "We were discussing where Dean was going to dance the Macarena." 
 Dean rolled his eyes as he put his bag down and grabbed a beer from the fridge. His mind wandered to what he and Amaya did in the garage before turning back to his brother and friend. 
 "Why don't we show Amaya a room and let her get settled?" Dean grumbled and grabbed his bag before motioning for Amaya to follow. 
 "So my room is here," he announced and pointed to room eleven, "and Sam's room is right there," he pointed to room twenty-one. "So, you can have a pick of any of the other rooms that are empty." 
 "Looks like Twenty is empty, so I'll take that one," she said with a smile. 
Dean nodded as he looked at the room down the hall closer to Sam's. He had hoped that she had picked a room closer to him, but this was for the best. He wouldn't be as tempted to make his way to her room. He watched as Sam led her down the hall, and they disappeared around the corner. 
 Amaya looked around the room she had picked and smiled, she liked the feeling of finally having her own room. Amaya could decorate it how she wanted and listen to her music. All the while, she never noticed Dean. Never saw how he watched in silence as she settled in. Deep in his thoughts, he had to make sure he could stay away from her. But if they fell into bed again… well, he would figure it out and do what he always did.  
 Later that night, when the Bunker filled with soft snores, Dean found himself in front of Amaya's door. Opening the door to her room, Dean felt his breath catch in his throat. Amaya laid sleeping on her bed, blanket almost falling to the floor, her brown hair with purple streaks sprawled on the pillow, some of the strands on her face. 
Dean walked in and sighed. She looked beautiful and he had to make sure he could protect her. Taking the fallen comforter, he placed it over Amaya, tucking her in. His fingers grazed her skin as he put the stray hairs that were on her face behind her ear, smirking when she leaned into his touch. Dean could feel a pull in his heart. It took all his strength not to lean in and kiss her soft skin. With a sigh, he pulled back and walked out of the room, giving one final look before closing the door, making sure it didn't make a sound. He had to keep his distance, but he knew he had to get her out of his system one more time.
Chapter 2 
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twomoonstwosuns · 4 years
valentine’s day.
back to you [series masterlist]
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pairing: professor!poe dameron x reader
warnings: swearing, pure sweet cheesy af fluff for literally the entire thing
word count: 4.8k lol oops
a/n: eee, here it is! i really hope this lives up to expectations because i really agonized over trying to make this perfect. feedback would be so greatly appreciated.
also shout-out to @myrandom-fandomlife for giving me the help to kickstart my brain and get this written <3
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You felt lighter than you had in weeks.
The semester was going well. Graduation was just a few months away. Your sister Tallie announced she was pregnant, her baby coming in the fall. The only thing that had the potential to turn your mood was Poe, but even that had been going well.
You talked more. You hadn’t been over to his place since he bent you over his table the previous week, but you were talking to him nearly everyday. You texted often and stayed up way too late talking to him. You were enjoying it, but you knew you had to be cautious as you fell deeper into attachment.
With Valentine’s Day just a few days away, you began to wonder if you’d be spending it with Poe. You weren’t together, much to your chagrin for fear of putting your heart on the line and being turned down, but people had sex on Valentine’s Day. Maybe you’d at least get that. You tried not to dwell on it too much, but Poe made it increasingly difficult to not think about it…or him. He had spent the majority of the day sending you the most ridiculous pick-up lines, having heard one that morning at his favorite coffee shop that made him cringe with how bad it was. Whether it was a joke or not, he didn’t know, but he found the most ridiculous ones on the Internet and sent them to you, if anything just to brighten your day and make you laugh.
You had just dropped a book off at the library and were heading towards the university center to meet up with your roommates when a car flashed its brights at you. You stopped when they did it again and it took you a minute to realize it was Poe’s car. You made your way over, hearing the soft whir of his window going down.
“Hey, what’re you doing here?” you asked as you leaned in, the warmth from the car’s heater fanning your face. “I thought you had that mixer thing tonight?”
“I’m on my way, I just had to grab something from my office. Then I saw you and just wanted to say hi.”
You could just see him, the cover of darkness providing the perfect shield for your meeting. The smell of his cologne filled the car and you realized it was different but just as distinctive than the one he wore everyday. You narrowed your eyes when you noticed the tension in his shoulders.
“You don’t want to go, do you?”
“Not really.” He admitted with a humorless laugh.
“Could you skip it? I can’t imagine sucking up to department heads is very fun.”
“It’s not, and as much as I want to, I can’t. Snoke’s retiring and they’re looking to find his replacement before the fall semester. There are a lot of people that will be there that I have to impress if I want to be considered.”
“Do you want to be considered?”
Poe nodded, the knot of nerves in his stomach tightening. “It’s just a rumor right now, but word is that President Organa’s already got a small list of people she’s considering to replace him and I’m on it.”
You gaped, a smile forming on your face.
“Poe, that’s amazing. They’d be stupid not to pick you.” You placed your hand on this shoulder. “You have to get going and I have a move to catch, so neither of us have time to listen to me tell you all the reasons why you’d be the best option, but just know you are. And although I may be a little biased, I’m also usually right.”
Poe smiled appreciatively, the support making him feel a little more ready. Of course he’d talked to his dad and his close friends about it, receiving the same encouragement, but it meant so much coming from you.
“So, what’d you think of the pick-up lines I sent you?” He asked, changing the subject. You giggled.
“I thought they were great but my roommates think you can do better, so we spent an hour after class googling pick-up lines,” you explained, making Poe chuckle warmly. “I’m definitely going to blame you for not getting anything done the rest of the week.”
“That’s what I’m here for.”
“I did actually like some of them. They were cheesy as hell, but some of them were pretty cute. And the dirty ones were good too.”
“I have one more if you want to hear it.” You nodded enthusiastically. “Do you have any raisins?”
“Did you just say raisins?” you asked incredulously. Poe gave you a pointed look that told you to just answer the question. “Ok fine, um…no?”
“Then how ‘bout a date?”
You threw your head back and barked out a laugh. “That’s a good one. Very smooth.”
“How about a date? Saturday night?”
You froze, unsure if you heard him right, but the way he was observing you with hope told you that you heard every word correct. You couldn’t help the smile that grew bigger with each second you took to process Poe’s words.
“Yes, I’ll go on a date with you.” you repeated with a grin, your smile disappearing when you felt your phone buzzing incessantly in your pocket. With five minutes until the movie started, you knew it was your roommates wondering where you were. You glanced at the clock. “I have to get going and so do you. Try not to die of boredom.”
“I’ll text you.”
“You better.”
You took two steps away from Poe’s car when you decided to turn back. You knocked on the window, giving Poe an apologetic smile when he jumped in surprise. The window rolled down once again and you leaned in to press a gentle kiss on his cheek.
“I can’t wait,” you said softly, taking a few steps back as your cheeks heated up. The way he was smiling at you was turning your insides to mush. “Good luck tonight.”
Poe’s soft gaze stayed on you until he couldn’t see you anymore. If he had room to punch in the air in victory, he would have. Meanwhile, you felt like you were sixteen again, like the boy you had a crush on for months asked you to the big dance. The smile stayed on your face for the entire movie, while the one on Poe’s face lingered for throughout the party.
》 》 》
Dress warm. I’ll pick you up at 8.
Nervous was an understatement. You paced in the lobby of your apartment building, your hands practically sweating through your gloves.
If this date didn’t go well, that would be it for the two of you.
“Stop psyching yourself out,” Jessika had told you just moments before. “You guys already have this amazing connection, it’s gonna take something short of admitting to a murder for this not to go well.”
She was right, of course, but this wasn’t just any guy. This was Poe, someone you’d come to care for greatly in the last few months.
It had to go well.
Poe pulled up at exactly 8 o’clock and you snuck into his car, speeding off before anyone could see, like an undercover mission. “So, where are we going?”
“You’ll see. It’s not too far from here.”
You narrowed your eyes and studied Poe, looking for any clues in his facial expression that could somehow spill where you were going. He kept his face neutral, a small hint of a smile on his face. “Mysterious. Ok. How’d the mixer go the other night?”
“Good. Not to sound conceited but I think President Organa likes me.”
“Of course she does.”
Poe winked and you rolled your eyes with an amused smirk on your face. The soft music in the car filled the silence, neither of you quite knowing what to say. You wrung your hands in your lap as nervous butterflies flapped around in your stomach.
“You seem nervous.” Poe said, his hand coming off of the steering wheel and covering yours in comfort. You immediately stopped fidgeting.
“Is it weird that I am?” You asked.
“No. I am too.”
Your confession gave him a boost of confidence. He felt he had gone the extra mile to make this night special, to show his true intentions of what he wanted out of this. He hoped you’d see it and want it as much as he did. Knowing you were just as nervous as he was showed you cared about this going well just as much as he did.
He pulled his hand away to steer his car into a parking spot. His was the only car in the lot, not that it was surprising. Cold and dark winter nights didn’t exactly bring a lot of people out to wander around a park for fun. Poe opened his door, but your hand on his arm stopped him. “I’m nervous, but I’m really happy we’re doing this.”
He gave you an easy half smile, the one that made him so effortlessly striking.
“Me too,” he said, covering your hand with his. “Come on.”
You got out of his car and finally realized you were at Canto Park. It was unrecognizable at first due to the darkness of the night and the lack of people, but you recognized the streetlights that lit up the walkways when you got a closer look. Poe handed something to you and it took a minute in the dark to see that they were a pair of skates.
“We’re skating?” you asked in surprise, completely caught off-guard. You were expecting dinner and a movie at his apartment, the options for doing anything together extremely limited. “This is not going to end well, just so you know.”
“You’ll be fine,” Poe assured you. “Have you ever rollerbladed?”
“When I was like thirteen.”
“Then this’ll be fun. I’ll help you.” You couldn’t help but become a little anxious. The chance of you making a fool out of yourself was very high.
The park was eerily quiet but peaceful, the only sound crunching underneath your feet. The man-made ice rink was lit up with bright lights that nearly blinded you with its sharp contrast to the inky black sky.
“I don’t think we’re supposed to be here,” you said with a smirk as you sat down on the bench next to the ice rink. “I’m pretty sure the park closes when it gets dark.”
“Better be prepared to run if we get caught then.”
“I’m flattered you think I’ll be able to skate, let alone run in skates.”
Poe finished tying up his skates and as you tied up your left one, he scooted closer to you and brought your right foot into his lap.
“What’re you doing?” you asked.
“Making sure you tied them right,” he winked. You gave him a dry, sarcastic laugh as he grabbed the foot you had just finished with. With his seal of approval, Poe helped you up and over to the ice. You gripped the wall until you were sure you had your balance. Like riding a bike, the familiar movement of gliding came back, although you wobbled like a newborn colt with fresh legs because it had been nearly ten years since you did anything like this. Poe did a lap around the rink as you glared at him.
“Show-off!” you called after him, hearing him laugh from the other side of the rink. “Let me guess, you played hockey?”
“Only for fun.” Poe answered, slowing down as he approached you. “I was more into music than sports in high school. I was in a band, though.”
“College professor by day, rock star by night? It’s like modern day Indiana Jones. What kind of music did you play?”
Poe smirked at the reference. “Rock, pop, alternative, whatever you want to call it. We called ourselves The Resistance. It’s how I met my friends Finn and Rey. Still best friends to this day.”
“Do you guys still play?”
“Individually maybe, but together no, we left that back in high school. We had a demo of songs that somehow got into the hands of someone over at Skywalker Records, but we weren’t interested.”
“You didn’t want to be a rock star?”
“Sure I did, but I had other things I wanted to do more. Finn and Rey did too.”
“The Air Force?” Poe gave you a curious look. “The tattoo on your back. I recognize the symbol.”
“My dad was in the Air Force. I got the tattoo for him. I almost enrolled right out of high school, but then my dad got sick.” You gave him a sympathetic look. “He’s fine now, but instead of enlisting I went to college and I worked to be able to stay home and help him out.”
“You guys are close.” You observed.
“Very.” He wanted to tell you why, but didn’t want to bring the mood down anymore with the story of his mother. “What about you? Sports, music?”
You told him how you played soccer as a kid through an amateur league in your hometown. You played up until high school, making the varsity team your freshman year but taken out of the game indefinitely during your first game from a severe knee injury. You told him while you loved music, you participated in choir during high school not because you could sing, but so you could hang out with your friends.
While the conversation was entertaining, you stumbling around on the ice was not.  Poe thought it was though, as he tried walking you through it step by step, giving you tips on how to keep your balance by focusing on one spot in the distance and not moving your eyes from it. Of course your mind chose Poe to focus on, but every little movement he made, especially when he was close to you, grabbed your attention, which made you unable to concentrate. You were having fun even though you were slightly embarrassed about your lack of coordination. You’d miraculously had not fallen, but you bumped into the wall and crashed into it whenever you had to stop yourself.
“Ok, new idea. Let’s try one more thing.” Poe said, turning so he was facing you. He grabbed your hands to make sure you were steady before moving backwards, pulling you with him. “Don’t look down, eyes on me. Now talk about something.”
“Like what?” You were finding it extremely difficult to focus on anything at all except your hands in Poe’s and the impending doom of rolling your ankle at any second.  
“Anything.” He said, turning so he was facing you and skating backwards. “Tell me something not a lot of people know.”
You hummed as you thought about his question. “I seriously considered going to school for photography.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“Same reason you’re not a famous musician. I had other dreams and it’s a hard industry to make a career in. It’s probably better as a hobby anyway, I can’t get mad when something doesn’t go right because I’m not under any obligation to be successful.”
“What do you photograph?”
“Anything. I’ve done some senior pictures over the past few summers when I’ve been home. I’ve done some engagement photos, pregnancy announcements. I like to think I’m really good at those black and white hipster photographs of nature and stuff.”
“You’ll have to show me sometime.”
“I always keep my portfolio with me, just in case. I’ll bring it by next time.”
Next time.The promise of a second date. Poe smiled down at you and then looked over your shoulder with a soft chuckle.
“What?” You followed his gaze and your jaw dropped. You had skated from one end of the rink to the other without almost falling.  “Oh my god, I made it!” You laughed happily. Poe smiled at your excitement.
“I told you you’d be fine.”
You were practically bouncing in excitement. You pushed forward, gaining speed and catching up with Poe when you suddenly fell onto your butt when your skate hit a loose chunk of ice.
“Damn it, I was doing so well!”  You exclaimed, holding your arms out in front of you. “Help me up?”
Poe pulled you up with ease, gripping your forearms when you nearly slipped again.
“You good?”
You nodded with breathless laugh, your eyes meeting his. The sudden urge to kiss him consumed you and you glanced down at his lips. Poe did the same, the air surrounding you standing so close becoming thick. Your feet suddenly came out from underneath you and you ended up on the ice with a hard thump. Poe laughed loudly and you couldn’t help but laugh with him at your clumsiness.
“Ok, I think that’s enough skating for you.” Poe said, holding out his hand. You lay back onto the ice with your eyes closed, arms out on either side of you in defeat.
“Nope, I’m done, not moving. I’ll die here.”
Poe grabbed your arms, hauling you up before crouching down to the ice, urging you to get on his back. “Come on, I’ll give you a ride back.”
You hesitated a second before wrapping your arms around his neck. He gripped the back of your thighs tightly as he picked up speed, taking a quick detour to do a lap before taking you back to the bench. You squealed in delight at his sudden burst of speed, the wind whipping your hair. You held on tightly, not letting go until you were being lowered onto the bench. Before you could start unlacing your skates, Poe was doing it for you, being gentle as he slid the skates off in case you hurt your ankle.
“If photography doesn’t work out, I don’t recommend skating as a back-up plan.” Poe teased, and you shoved his chest playfully as you grabbed your boots. You handed Poe his and then the skates, but he pushed them back towards you. “Keep them for next time.”
“You’re going to make me do that again?!”
Poe took your hand and you walked back towards his car, both taking it slow as your legs were exhausted.
“You’ll be a pro by the time I’m done with you.”
You sincerely doubted that, but didn’t want to tell Poe it’d be useless after seeing him so excited to try and teach you. It’s not like you wouldn’t mind trying again if it meant spending more time with Poe.
From relearning how to skate to the conversation, time had flown by and it was nearing ten o’clock. As he drove, you couldn’t help but hope your date wasn’t over despite it getting late. When he took the familiar route to his apartment, you were ecstatic.
He led you inside, itching to grab your hand but knowing there were too many possibilities of someone seeing it. Whether or not they went to school or knew he was a professor and you a student, the night was going too well to risk it. When Poe unlocked his apartment door, your jaw dropped.
The lights to inside were dimmed. A bouquet of roses sat in the middle of the wooden table that had been used not so innocently just last week, with a bottle of wine and two glasses. You scoffed in disbelief as he led you in.
“Wow,” you breathed, still taken aback. “Is this what you did all day?”
“Yeah. I cooked too, if you’re hungry. It just needs to be warmed up.”
You were speechless. Poe had really gone all out. You were secretly happy he had been the one to ask you out and not the other way around, as there was no way you could’ve come up with something to rival what he came up with in a few days. While he dealt with the food, you begged him for something to do to help him out. He insisted he had it but had you open up the bottle of wine.
“Where’s Beebs tonight?” you asked as you twisted the wine opener into the cork, looking around the apartment and not seeing him or any of his toys lying around.
“He’s at a friend’s house.” You glanced up at Poe, giving him a weird look. “No seriously, he’s down the hall at my neighbor Mr. Frick’s. He has a dog named Zorii that Beebs likes to play with. He lives alone, so I think he likes having two dogs to keep him company.”
“Have you done that every time I’ve come over?”
“Sometimes. Other times I usually put him in the guest room when people are here. I love him to death, but he’s nosy. He just gets so excited when people are over and not all of them like him jumping up on them. Not to mention I didn’t want him worried about the noises you were making.”
You understood, having had a dog growing up that had to be kept in a room when you had birthday parties and sleepovers. You were also surprised at how hyper-focused you must’ve been to get Poe naked that you didn’t realize that Beebs hadn’t really been around whenever you were there. You made a mental note to pick up something special for Beebs for being so tolerant of you and Poe’s frequent activities.
You handed Poe a glass, gently clinking yours against his before taking a sip. You noticed he had also lit some candles, adding to the romantic ambiance of his apartment.
“I keep meaning to ask you,” you said as you walked over to a cabinet that held a record player that had caught your eye many times before. “Does this work or is it just for show?”
You waited for an answer, but instead Poe walked over to you, reaching over your shoulder to grab a record. He practically boxed you in, the close proximity of him brushing up against you making you buzz excitedly. He grabbed a record and soon enough the slow strums of an acoustic guitar filled his apartment. Between the flickering candles and the smell of delicious food was filling the apartment, you were in awe.
“Dance with me?”
You set your wine glass down, your heart thundering in your chest. You knew Poe was sweet, but this was turning into the kind of date you thought only existed in movies. You were absolutely swooning and it was only the first date. You’d never been romanced this hard by anyone you dated. You took his outstretched hand and he pulled you into him. The position was familiar, you’d been in this exact stance with him many times, but his touch was soft, not lustful, like he was holding something truly precious. His hand was on your waist, the other holding your hand between your chests, holding you close. Any chill that lingered from your outdoor adventure was long gone. You were warm with adoration.
“What’re you thinking about?” Poe asked softly, bringing your attention back to him.
“The music, the candles, the dancing…it’s all so romantic.”
“Is that such a bad thing?”
“Not at all.” You swallowed, suddenly feeling nervous again. “I just really thought I missed my chance for this.”
Poe pulled back just enough to give you a questioning look.  
“I wanted to ask you out last weekwhen you told me about your date,” you confessed, and Poe felt his chest tighten with a little bit of guilt. It read on his face and you shook your head. “Don’t. I should’ve told you not to go, or to go out with me instead, but I chickened out. My feelings have been all over the place the last few weeks and after that night I cried on your couch…”
“Yeah, me too.” He didn’t need to elaborate. You knew he felt the dynamic change that night as well. “Since we’re being honest, I only agreed to that date to try and forget how much I was thinking about you. This whole arrangement we have—“
“Not really working for me anymore,” you interrupted, Poe nodding his head in agreement. “But this? This is what I want. Even if I come out of this with a bruised ass.”
“I could say something about bruises on your ass, but we’re having a nice moment.”
Your shoulders shook with quiet laughter, your head dropping down onto Poe’s chest. He hugged you to him once again, his cheek resting against your head.
“Did you have fun tonight?” Poe asked, his tone suddenly unsure. You looked up at him concernedly. “Even though you fell a bunch of times?”
You went to answer him, but he kept talking.
“I know we don’t have a lot of options for dates because we’re technically not allowed to date, but—“
You put your free hand on his cheek, silencing him and bringing his attention down to you.
“This was the best first date I’ve ever been on,” you assured him and he smiled softly as your thumbs gently ran over his cheeks. “And it’s ok if we don’t have options. We’ll make it work. I just want to be with you.”
Poe let go of your hand, allowing his to fall at your waist. His eyes searched yours, brown eyes sparkling with warmth from the candles looking for any hint that you didn’t mean it. He found none and you stood up on your tiptoes, guiding yourself to him with the hand on his cheek, meeting his lips at the same time as he met yours.
He’d never kissed you like this before. Your lips molded together perfectly, already familiar with one another, but it was soft and light with nothing behind it except being in the moment. It took your breath away. You pulled away at the same time and it took you a minute for you to open your eyes.
The beeping of the oven pulled you apart. You reluctantly let go of Poe, grabbing your wine glass while Poe dished up the food. He suggested eating on the couch instead and your achy muscles couldn’t have agreed more. You made yourself comfortable on his couch as Poe ran to get Beebs before it got much later, both of you having severely lost track of the time. Although the dog was happy to see you again, he ran right into Poe’s room to sleep, tuckered out from a night of playing with another dog.
It didn’t surprise you that Poe was a decent cook and you made sure to let him know as you ate. How he managed to plan everything from the date to the food, you had no idea.
“You said earlier that you and Finn and Rey might still play individually. Do you?”
Poe shrugged. “Occasionally. I find myself mostly playing when I get really stressed. It’s relaxing.”
“Do you play for Beebs?”
“No, but he’ll sometimes lay next to me while I play, so I guess maybe a little bit.”
“Will you play for me?”
“Someday.” Poe was already thinking through all the different songs he could sing to you.
“So you skate, you cook, supposedly sing, and dance. What can’t you do?”
“Water ski.” Poe answered and you gasped theatrically, which turned into a loud laugh. “I’m serious! I’ve never been able to stand up.”
“I’ll teach you. It won’t hurt as bad as ice skating.”
Poe moved the dishes onto the coffee table, bringing your legs into his lap.
“Will you stay tonight?” Poe asked, giving your leg a squeeze. “No sex on the first date, I promise. We’ll do this right. There have been too many times I’ve wanted you to stay but didn’t ask you. But if you don’t want to, I’ll take you home.”
“I want to stay.”
You and Poe, on his couch, found yourself in the same position you were in a few weeks prior, except sadness and anger were replaced with adoration and bliss and neither of you were holding anything back. You stayed up until the early hours of the morning, just talking. With how much you knew about each other, it felt more like a sixth date than a first date. It was truly amazing how smooth the this transition was, from just sex to dating.
Like you were meant to be doing it all along.
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mshermia · 3 years
Not Fine - Webpril day 6: Scars
summary: Peter struggles to accept how different things between the Avengers are after the Un-Snapping. As much as everyone else seems to have moved on from what tore the group apart, Peter is not ready to forgive and forget.
read on AO3 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
It was quiet for a Thursday afternoon. Even with the mid-November weather mild and sunny, there weren't many people out on the streets. Truth be told, that was exactly how Peter liked it. He had his hoodie pulled up shielding his face while he watched life go on from the rooftops of Queens.
He had been lying low for more than 3 months now. Sometimes, there were the small things that his senses picked up, helpful stuff he could do for people like a kid that lost his parents. Heavy grocery bags that had to be carried across the street. Anything he wouldn't need his suit for.
That, he wouldn't risk. Too many people knew his face now. Too many people could expose him and put May in danger. Ned and MJ. Maybe even Tony. No, Peter had to lay low. That had been one of the reasons why he had spent so much time upstate at Tony's new house. It removed the temptation. Out there in the woods in Tony's basement, his senses weren't tingling, calling for him to be more useful.
Well, that had worked well until two weeks ago. Until the event at the new Compound Tony had made him go to. He hadn't been able to hold back any longer. The senses he had been suppressing for months had been screaming at him to jump so he had.
If only, he had never gone to the stupid event.
He hadn't seen Tony in almost two weeks. Not since he had bolted. It had been stupid and impulsive but Peter hadn't been able to help it. He couldn't stay there with these people looking at him for another minute.
Goosebumps erupted on his arms. Frowning, he leaned a little forward-looking down into the street. Maybe it was just the memory of that day, of Rogers' hands on Tony that made his senses chime up.
No. When the hair on his neck stood up, there was no doubt. Slowly, he rose to his feet, tugging the sleeves of his hoodie a little further down to make sure that his web-shooters were well hidden.
"Hello, Peter."
He turned fast towards the voice. Rogers stood in the middle of the rooftop, right next to the stairway. Peter's pulse was throbbing in his ears. He was such a fool, should have never gone out without the suit.
Rogers' hands were in the air, his head inclined towards him. "I'm just here to talk..."
"I don't want to talk to you," Peter hissed.
"Yeah," he nodded. "And that's exactly why I think we should."
Peter had his arm still stretched out in Rogers' direction, trying to keep him away. "What's wrong with you?"
Roger's sighed, his shoulders slagging a little. "You don't have to be scared of me, Peter."
"Scared of you." He huffed out a dry laugh. "You think I'm scared of you? The last time we went toe-to-toe I was 14 and I almost beat you even then." He tried to keep his breathing in check, but his heart was racing. "I've only gotten stronger since then."
"I don't want to fight you." Rogers shook his head. "We're on the same team."
"No, we're not," Peter breathed.
His eyes narrowed, before his head moved up and down in a series of tiny nods, inching a little closer to where Peter was standing. "Right, because you're on Tony's team."
He didn't say it in a condescending tone, or any tone at all, really. Just a factual statement. Still, it spurred on Peter's irritation like a hot poker.
"I'll always be on Tony's team," he hissed.
Another step from Rogers had Peter retreat a little further toward the ledge behind him.
"That's my team too, Peter." As another show of surrender, Roger's arms were spread wide, the lines on his face deepening. "I understand how difficult it is to wake up and find things to be different from how they were before. Believe me, I'm the expert when it comes to that. But there's nothing anyone can do about that." Rogers tiled his head to the side, eyebrows knitted together in a display of concern. "Things are different. A lot happened while you were gone and we had to go through some deep shit together. I would never tell you not to look out for Tony. He's very lucky to have you in his corner, but we moved on. You can't be mad at him for that surely?"
"Moved on..." Peter shook his head. "That's really convenient for you, hm?"
Rogers' frown only deepened. "I think it's convenient for all of us, to be honest. We could only bring everyone back together. We could defeat Thanos only together, as a team. Mistakes were made. We know now what it took to win."
"Yeah," Peter huffed out a laugh. "I wonder how many of us didn't already know that before."
His shoulders pulled back, standing a little taller, Rogers studied him. "What do you want me to do, Peter? Do you want to have it out? Punch me in the face to get it out of your system?"
His heart gave a painful squeeze at the notion. At the very idea of his fist connecting with the sharp lines of Rogers' face. "I'm not gonna punch you," Peter growled, his breathing heavy.
"Then what? What can I do that will be enough?"
Peter's breathing hitched. He took another step back, even closer to the edge of the building.
He hadn't realized it until now, but there truly was nothing Rogers could do for Peter to ever trust him. He made his priorities clear, what was important to him. Who he would protect when push came to shove and Mr. Stark hadn't been good enough for him. How would Peter ever be?
"Peter, wait—"
Before Rogers could grab him, Peter had taken the last step, falling - maybe a little further than he should have. Reveling in the rush before he engaged the web-shooters and got the hell out of there.
 The Compound still gave Tony the creeps. I just looked so similar, basically the same as it had a few months ago. Almost like nothing had happened at all, no battle, no Thanos. Inside, things got even weirder. It was eerie to walk through the hallways and see them bustling with life. Not like it had before the un-Snapping or even the initial Snap. No, there was so much going on, Tony could easily pretend that it was still 2015 as people walked by and greeted him on his way to his lab.
The lab. Not his anymore. Bruce's in fact.
"Ah, there's the doc that I've been looking for," Tony called out as he stepped into the room.
"Tony! Hello, hi! Come on in..." Bruce waved him over, then shook his head. "Not like you need an invitation of course. I mean it's your lab and all, always will be. Thank you again for the opportunity—"
"At easy, buddy." Tony held up his arms to stop him. "I'm just here to help. I have a PO box for fan mail."
Bruce laughed and waved him closer to the workbench. Working with Bruce had always come easy to him. They understood each other on a level that was different from the other Avengers. From anyone really except the kid. Tony pressed his eyes shut for a moment before he blinked, trying to focus on the piece of hardware in his hands again.
Peter had been avoiding him for almost two weeks now. It was the longest Tony had gone without seeing him since they had brought everyone back. It brought up memories that Tony didn't particularly want to remember.
He had screwed up. He should have listened. Peter had been absolutely clear that he hadn't wanted to go.
This could have all be avoided if he would have just paid better attention. Now, the shit had hit the fan and Tony didn't even know where to begin to smooth things over. The panic on Peter's face, that had been too real.
He should have paid more attention.
"Sir, Captain Rogers is here to see you."
Tony hissed a painful curse through his teeth after his hand slipped and he hit his knuckles on the edge of the workbench.
Bruce, who had ignored his mishap, simply blinked up toward the ceiling. "So, FRIDAY's back?"
His knuckles pressed against his lips, Tony cringed. "Just for today's field trip. Let him in, FRI."
Rogers had his eyebrows raised as he walked up to them. "So, FRIDAY's back?"
Refusing the urge to roll his eyes up at her, Tony dropped his hand. "You know how cranky I get without an assistant."
"Yeah, about that. Listen..." Rogers' face was uncharacteristically unreadable. "I went to see Peter yesterday."
"You went—" Tony almost swallowed his tongue. "You did what?"
Rogers tilted his head at him like Tony was the one being unreasonable. "I went to see him because I thought if we just talked—"
"Jeezes, Rogers. Didn't I specifically tell you to stay out of it?"
"And how am I supposed to do that? I'm supposed to be in charge of this team. How can I do that if we can't—"
"I told you!" Tony pointed towards the lawn outside the building. "We stood right out there and I told you that the kid needs space. That he needs time. That I needed you to back off!"
"Yeah, well that's what I gave you once before," Rogers hissed back. "I gave you all the space you wanted. I'm not making that mistake again."
"Oh please, that's hardly the same, Steve. It's been two weeks not--"
"We're vulnerable as a team, Tony." Steve's shoulders sagged with a sigh. "Listen, I understand, okay. Peter's yours, but he's also Spider-Man. He's also going to be an Avenger, but--"
"Excuse me," Tony crossed his arms. "Going to be? Do I have to re-tell the story where the kid fought Thanos on--"
"No." Steve held a hand out to stop him. "I'm not trying to diminish his bravery and his sacrifice. But if he wants to be part of this team, we need to come to an understanding."
Tony gnawed on the inside of his lip. Unfortunately, the Capsicle had a point. Their feud had already cost them enough. It was over with. They had needed to move on to win, to bring everyone back and they couldn't fall back into old patterns now.
"Maybe you were right that he needed some space from me," Rogers admitted begrudgingly. "But then you need to go and talk to him. He trusts you, Tony."
His face scrunched up, Tony's eyes shot over at Bruce.
"It's fine, Tony." Bruce waved him off. "I understand you want to take care of your kid. You do that. I'll just be here, okay? When you got some time?"
He grimaced apologetically. "I'll be back when I can."
With a short nod at Rogers, Tony walked out of the lab. He had a trip to the city to make.
When he showed up in Queens, May let him into the apartment. The kid wasn't home.
"He's been out a lot. I mean, after the... you know." She sighed. "I do think that getting back to his old routine, that's good for him. Getting back out there and feeling useful."
"Right," Tony breathed.
Peter hadn't spent as much as a minute out there in the suit. Not since the last battle. But that wasn't something May needed to worry about, not yet.
"I'm off to work in like 10 minutes, but you're welcome to wait for him," May said while she was collecting things like her phone, keys, and glasses from different places around the apartment.
"I would actually," Tony said. "If you don't mind."
"Not at all," she waved off the idea that it could bother her. "Just help yourself to whatever you find edible in the kitchen."
"I'm good, May. Thanks."
She was cheerful enough when she left and Tony did his best to plaster a smile on his face so she wouldn't get suspicious. If May still thought that Peter went out there in the suit, he hadn't shared whatever was bothering him and Tony wouldn't risk maneuvering himself even further on the kid's bad side by setting May onto his trail.
Instead, he got himself a few cookies from the kitchen, a glass of water and made his way to Peter's room. The great thing about retirement, he had all the time in the world to just sit this one out. Even if the kid somehow sensed that Tony was waiting for him, he wouldn't stay out all night. The nights were getting a little chilly for that and Tony knew for a fact that Peter still wasn't wearing his suit when he went out there.
Turned out, Peter didn't sense him. In fact, he almost doubled over in surprise when Tony spoke up as Peter was sliding the window to his room shut.
"Little late to be out there without your parachute."
"Fuck's sake..." One of his hands was stretched out toward Tony, the web-shooter armed and ready. The other was clutching his heart after he had recognized Tony just before he had fired his first web. "Have you ever heard of knocking?"
"Er, I did knock," Tony pointed out. "In fact, that's the very strategy I used to get in here."
Peter scrunched up his nose before he pulled his hoodie over his head and flung it onto the bed. "May let you in?"
"Yeah, you know if you want to strategically avoid me, you should at least clue her in enough not to let me through the door like that."
"I'm not strategically avoiding you." The top of Peter's ears were pink, so were his cheeks, either from the cold or from the bold-faced lie he just told. Maybe a little bit of both.
"I heard you had another visitor."
The kid's arms were crossed tightly across his chest where he stood across the room as far away from Tony as possible. "What's it to you?"
"What's it to me?" Tony's eyebrows shot up. "Okay, time out. Could you at least fill me in at what point of all of this I became the bad guy?"
Peter blew out a long breath, eyes on the floor. "You're not the bad guy."
"Really? Cause I could have sworn that you didn't just avoid seeing my face you also dodged my calls and didn't respond to my txts for the past two weeks."
Peter groaned."It's not about you, okay?"
"No." Tony blew out a sigh. "It's about Rogers."
Arms still tightly held in front of his body, Peter leaned against the wall. He was doing what he could to avoid Tony's eyes but there was nothing he could do to hide the truth written so clearly on his face.
"Pete, you know I love you for your spirit, but..." Tony pursed his lips, watching as the kid hid away from him with every passing word. "It's time to just let this go."
The words shot out of him like he had been waiting to say it for two weeks straight. "Well, I don't want to let this go."
"No. No, I'm not okay with this." He pointed towards the window like he was pointing to the bunker in Siberia. "He left you to die!"
"Buddy, that was 7 years ago... I moved on. I had to."
"I don't care if it was 70 years ago!" His voice was shaking with emotion. "He was okay with you dying out there."
Tony blew out a breath, trying to reign in his own emotions. "Pete, I think you're being a little dramatic."
"Yeah? Dramatic?" Peter huffed out a humorless laugh. "Well, why don't you take off your shirt and say that again?"
Tony's mouth popped open in shock. "Wh-what?"
He pointed at him, his eyes glassy. "I've seen the scars, Tony."
Slowly, Tony's hand rose to his chest, clasping onto the fabric of his shirt. He had been so careful. He had always been careful to keep those hidden for almost a decade now.
Peter's face was red with fury. "You think I could ever trust anyone who did that to you?"
"But..." Tony shook his head, letting go of his shirt like it was burning metal. "Steve didn't do that."
Like someone had turned up the thermostat, the color on Peter's face deepened. "Why are you lying for him?"
"I'm not, I..." Going for the worst course of action, Tony pulled up his shirt. "You mean these?"
Peter backed up a few steps, eyes wide, a couple of tears falling from his lashes onto his own shirt while he refused to blink.
"Jeezes, kid..." Tony dropped the hem of the shirt and ran the hand that had been holding it up over his face instead. "Rogers didn't do that. It's from the arc. When... when I had them take it out."
"But, no..." Peter's eyes were still fixed on the spot of his chest, now covered by his shirt again. "No, I saw the suit," he mumbled. "I saw it. He... he struck you right there. Right on your chest where..." Peter's hand shot up, covering his mouth, as he spun away.
With a few hurried steps, Tony was across the room. Clasping Peter by the shoulders, he turned him back around, back towards him. It was all the kid needed to latch onto him, his arms tightly wrapped around him, like he had to make sure that Tony was still there.
"I'm fine now, buddy. It..." Tony pressed his eyes shut. Rogers sure had left a few scars on him but Tomy had been through worse than that. "It was a shit time and... and I should have never gotten you involved in that mess. It wasn't fair to you."
Peter shook his head. "Stop saying that it's your fault. It's not your fault."
"Shh, it's okay." He held him closely pressed against his chest like that would wipe away the memories, all of this was bringing up.
It had been a shit time after Siberia. He had been hurt, his body bruised but not as badly as his soul. Still, it was nothing compared to the pain that the friction in the team had cost him.
"I get that this is hard for you, buddy. Believe me, I get that. That pain you're holding onto." Tony swallowed hard, holding onto the kid a little tighter. "The thing is, I had to let it go because if I hadn't, you wouldn't be here. I had to trust him to help me bring you back and without him, you wouldn't be here right now."
Peter shook his head against Tony's chest, but only a stifled sob bubbled out of him.
"Maybe, if I hadn't held onto all that bullshit for so long, I would have never lost you in the first place." Tony blew out a breath and let go of Peter just enough to look into his red-rimmed eyes. "If you want to be an Avenger, then you need to move past this. You don't have to like it, but you'll have to work with them."
"How? What if... they all know who I am. They all know May, where I live. What if they tell people? What if--"
"Then we'll deal with it when the time comes."
Peter shook his head, eyes still swimming with tears. "I can't... I can't do it. I'll never trust him."
"Okay..." Tony swallowed hard. "Okay, then... well, you trust me though, right?"
Peter gave him a look like he was being insulting.
"So, if I came back to the team—"
"What? No..."
Tony shook his head. "If I came out of retirement, then you could trust me. Trust that I'll keep you safe. That someone on the team has you back."
Peter's hands had been clinging to his shirt, but he let go now. "No, Tony, I don't want that."
"Well, I don't really see any other option. You're unhappy with the situation. So I'm rectifying the situation."
Peter pushed himself away from him. "Fine," he snapped. "I got it, okay? I'll make it work."
"No, you don't have to blackmail me." He stalked away, out of the room towards the kitchen. "I get it. I'll... I'll move on. Work... work past this."
Tony was right on his heels. "Okay, stop. Come back here."
His back turned to Tony, Peter pulled open the fridge, staring into it like the solution to all his problems might be hidden between the butter and the cheese slices.
"Pete, I need you to be safe on the team, but I also need the team to be strong so all of us will stay safe."
"I get it, okay?" He slammed the fridge shut but didn't turn around, now staring at the pictures pinned on the outside of it. "I'll make it work."
"Can you maybe look at me?"
With a huff, Peter turned to face him, his eyes still red. "You're not coming out of retirement."
"Okay then." Tony frowned at him. He wouldn't deny that it had been a threat, but it hadn't been an empty one. He'd do what would be necessary to keep his family safe. Peter included. "I'll reserve the option to change my mind if you're struggling."
"I won't be."
Tony pointed a finger at him. "Not telling me about how much of a struggle it is for you is not an option."
Peter snorted. He turned his head away, the corners of his mouth twitching with some resemblance of humor.
"Sometimes I hate you, you know that?"
Eyes still on his kid, Tony studied him. "I wouldn't be doing a great job with all the mentoring if that wasn't true."
Peter shook his head, his smile growing a little wider until he swallowed hard. The smile disappeared and he was looking directly at Tony. "I hate this. I hate what they did. Rogers. All of them. I'll never forgive them."
In acknowledgment, Tony inclined his head in a soft nod. "That's not what I'm asking, bud. This isn't about forgiveness."
"Right. We're just..." He blinked a few times, eyes squinting to the side. "We're just moving on."
"Not 'just'..." Tony shook his head. "I'm not asking you to just flip a switch, Pete."
"Right," he breathed, looking back and forth between Tony and the wall, teeth gnawing on his lower lip like he was actually considering this at last.
"We'll just take it one day at a time," Tony offered. "I'll still be here for you."
"Here but just..." Peter hesitated, eying him suspiciously. "...just not too close to the action."
"As close to the action as you need me to be."
Peter dropped his arms to his side, no humor in his expression whatsoever. "Where I need you is back in the woods."
"Alright." Tony held up his hands in defeat. "As long as you know that I'm still here for you."
"I do. I know." He shuffled back and for on his feet. "It's okay. I can do it. I think. Move on."
His eyes were still red, the tears not quite dried on his cheeks. But as Tony studied him, there was honesty on his face, a true intention to try.
He narrowed his eyes on him, ready to test that newfound commitment. "We could start by moving on to the Compound right now? Where Bruce is waiting for some help with his nanotech project?"
"Nanotech at the Compound?" Peter scrunched up his nose. "Only if there's dinner."
Tony clutched his heart in affronted shock. "When did I ever not feed you?" He dropped his arms and waved Peter a little closer. "Come here, buddy."
Peter didn't hesitate. He stepped into Tony's arms, clinging to him tightly.
No... Tony pressed his eyes shut. Maybe the scars ran too deep for there to ever be true forgiveness. But that didn't mean they couldn't move on.
Thanks for reading :)
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lostonehero · 3 years
Under the full moon
Tw mentions of sexual assault and abuse, hospitals, animal attack
Nanu was a life saver, he managed to pull some strings and get Cyrus to Alohla without any suspicion or even his sisters finding out. Guzma was practically walking on air when he arrived back in Alohla, Cyrus in tow looking uncomfortable in the heat even though it was cooler as the night sky lit up the sky as the full moon hung up above.
Guzma watched Cyrus stare up at the starry sky, he could see the smaller trying to suppress a smile of wonder as he looked.
Cyrus was still distracted as a growl was heard from the bush and a large lyconrock jumped the two biting Cyrus's arm with a loud sickening crunch.
The next few hours were a blur to both Cyrus and Guzma, but what was clear was the end where Guzma's large frame was contorted awkwardly in a small hospital chair as he fell into an uneasy sleep watching over Cyrus. Cyrus woke up to the sounds of hospital equipment he knew all too well from being a sickly child growing up. He wanted to bolt out of bed, but he looked over and saw Guzma and he couldn't bare to abandon him.
He groans covering his face with his one good hand the other was bandaged to hell and back to the point where he couldn't move it. Feelings were not something he was equipped to deal with and Guzma brought up so many, and he wanted to spill his guts be open with him, but he wasn't as strong as he was. He could never be as great as Guzma needed him to be. He swallowed the growing lump in his throat and wiped his eyes. He just wanted Guzma close thats it.
Plumeria was one of the three now that knew of Guzma's secret, the man was half siren. She didn't know the specifics but she did know that his mother that raised him wasn't the one who had him. That wasn't important what was important was how frustrated she was getting with Guzma what she could only call nesting, his new sinnoh friend was coming back from the hospital. Guzma insisted that they were just friends but she wasn't an idiot and could feel the tension between the two hell she could probably cut it with a knife, even there pokemon notice it.
She sighed watching Guzma again rearrange his bed again, and yet he refuses to admit that they would even share a room. "GUZMA." She shouts annoyed as all hell.
Guzma stiffens and shoots up. "Plumes you know better then to sneak up on me sides I haven't done anything wrong."
"That's not the point everyone in this house can hear you moving your furniture for the nth time today Guzma."
"So nobody but you has complained."
Plumeria gave an auditable sigh. "Guzma you know none of the grunts would ever bother you when you're in one of your moods."
"I'm not upset Plumes "
"They don't know that."
Guzma looks away somewhat embarrassed. "Shit yo didn't mean to "
~~~later that day at the hospital~~
Cyrus moves his now freed arm from the cast, he had never healed this fast before. His arm didn't hurt he just had a pink mark left on his arm from the bite. It was kind of odd, maybe it was a side effect from the distortion world, but in reality he didn't know. He cuts off his own thoughts spotting Guzma and he swore his heart skipped a beat when there eyes locked, he decided to push thoes feelings down. He would deal with that later even if his heart was still beating out of his chest when Guzma approached close enough he could smell the scent of moss, honey, and even the sea off of him.
Cyrus didn't have a good sense of smell to beginning with, he used his sense of time to cook to perfection. As a child due to his sicknesses his sense of smell was partially damaged. Alarm bells rung loud in his head but were went silent when Guzma pulled him into a hug and all the panic dissipated from his head like the clouds after a storm.
"Cy look at you all patched up you had me all worried." Guzma was loud as always but it was comforting.
"You seem perfectly content without me." Cyrus bristles at the praise as his entire being screams at him to lean into it. He was scared of seeming soft.
"Ah I'm glad a hospital visit hasn't changed you I set up my room nice for you till you can find a place in po town, I mean if you want to stay there you don't have to if you don't wanna."
That was the last thing Cyrus could ever want to be away from Guzma. "Your room will suffice for now." He answers a bit too quickly for his own liking. He probably sounded needed but that thought had no room to grow when he heard Guzma chirp and grin.
"Your boy made it so comfy for you spaceman you're going to love it."
Cyrus covers his face quickly he couldn't stop the smile that spread across his lips. Something was different and he couldn't understand why his emotions were so easy to keep under wraps maybe the pokemon bite had side effects.
Guzma loves the fact Cyrus decided to stay in his room, and he loved the nest he made too, fuck he never knew embracing the siren half of himself would actually feel good. Maybe it was because he had the right partner. He quickly shook his head Cyrus wasn't into him like that, and he knew not to force anything onto the smaller man. Cyrus's half sister had done that, well more so used him as some sort of plaything and he let her.
He couldn't let anyone use him like that again, he couldn't let anyone have control over him again like his siren half begged. He wanted Cyrus to control the bedroom he wanted Cyrus to make the decisions when it came to his body like she forced herself into that role. Guzma groans turning over to look at Cyrus sleeping. He wasn't weezing so the wet air was helping his lungs hopefully.
Guzma stared at his sleeping form his heart twisted and raw wanting to love again, but his mind was already hurt too many times, but what screamed louded then both was his siren instincts that refused to be silenced anymore and insisted that he let Cyrus claim him. He was getting a headache, and angry at his conflicted feelings, and he knew when he got upset he broke things and he really didn't want to wake up Cyrus.
He sat up pulling at his hair his feelings only growing more complicated as he let them fester. He wanted to punch something but he heard a soft whimper come from his sleeping companion and all his thoughts seem to bend into one cohesive thought. He needed to comfort Cyrus.
He wrapped himself around the smaller man who seems to melt in his touch and all the worry and pain drains into bliss as he falls back into a deep sleep.
A small sense of pride seems to grow in Guzma chest as he drifted off listening to Cyrus sleep softly next to him.
Cyrus's temper was like a fire cracker even his pokemon noticed and ran to Guzma when he showed slight frustration. His houndoom however kept his attention for some reason Cyrus was now content chasing after his dog pokemon and she was happy to comply. She obviously knew something changed within him, but atlas he could not understand her.
"The humid air seems to really help you Cyrus." Guzma hums in the small pond behind Po town his gosilepod was splashing around with him. Cyrus wouldn't call it a pond it was more of a micro lake it was deep enough that Guzma could dive down to explore the many caves it hid below.
Cyrus pauses letting that comment sink in. Guzma was right he hasn't had any lung issues since arriving to Alohla. He was even running around like he had the energy of a child. "I concede that I have been feeling much better here then I have sinnoh, but it is much too hot here."
Guzma rolls his eyes and splashes Cyrus with his tail. "Cooled off enough?"
Cyrus against his normal facade and how he liked to act he scoffs and croches near the water and splashes Guzma back and even laughs.
His own pokemon froze hearing that noise and seeing Cyrus smile was an enigma in itself.
Guzma challenged this and splashed again causing an all out water fight, and Cyrus couldn't remeber any other time where he felt this happy. He felt safe as Guzma carried him back into the Shady House. He knew this wasn't normal behavior for him but Guzma was carrying him and his smile was so nice. He clung to Guzma like he was the best treasure he had ever found.
Cyrus could not get comfortable for the life of him, his own skin felt too tight, and wrong. He felt miserable and just needed something. He flips over again in the mock nest Guzma made he had pushed the larger man out an hour ago.
Cyrus groans and glares at Guzma from the position he was in on the bed.
"Good your awake I need to talk to you."
Cyrus stretches and sits up. "Its not as my body will let me get comfortable go ahead." He says with more bite then he wanted to.
Guzma seems to hesitate and Cyrus doesn't want to be alone right now, why did he sound annoyed, but Guzma didn't leave he took a breath and sat in his throne. "Do you mind if I get personal Cyrus? I'm loosing my courage here, stupid Guzma."
"You're ok, please speak your mind." For some reason Guzma being there made him feel better and all he wanted was for him to be comfortable to, only to return the favor. That thought was tact on but he wouldn't acknowledge that fact.
Guzma's face turns red as he stumbles over his words forgetting English for a second. "Cyrus I want you to take control, I mean I just my siren half has been screaming at me for you and I fuck I fucking like you a lot and I want to be vulnerable around you. Not like how your sister forced that out of my with you I feel safe enough to let you see the real stuff." Guzma sighs putting his face in his hands. "I like you spaceman and I want you to yaknow do the nasty with me I want you to control the scene, I want you to take care of me."
Cyrus could feel his own face heat up his mind wasn't entirely there anymore but he somehow knew exactly what Guzma was asking and he wanted the same thing. His voice didn't sound like his own. "I love you too- I -gah" his own words cut off as a scream escapes from his lips as burning hot pain fills his his veins. His whole body felt as it was on fire and that was the last thing Cyrus can remember before it went black.
Plumeria lead the charge hearing the scream come from Guzma's room a few brave grunts followed behind her as they opened the door they expected the worse, but that isnt what they got.
Guzma was laughing trying to pull a lyconrock that was five times bigger then normal off of him it was also completely blue like Cyrus's hair. The closest thing to an attack the dog was doing was locking Guzma senseless as there tail wagged hard and fast.
The grunts seem to braven up even more as one shouted puppy then the rest piled into the room petting the dog who seems to melt at the attetion and Guzma could finally get up but he didn't stop smiling.
"Cyrus is the puppy Grunts." Guzma got through his laughter as the dog Cyrus began another lick attack.
The grunts gasps as cheers of werewolf ran through along with spaceman is puppy space man, along with team skull mascot.
Guzma was having too much fun to notice or listen to what his grunts were saying.
Cyrus woke up startled he was just in the worst pain in his life where was he now. His panic ebbed away into comfort as he realized he was curled around Guzma his scent was everywhere, and that purple tattoo was a dead giveaway. He absolutely no memory of what occurred last night nor did he know where his clothes went. Wait why was he wearing a collar did they have sex? Was he drugged? Guzma confessed his feelings did he use him?
Cyrus's own stomach growling made him stop his downward spiral of thoughts. He was starving, was that normal after sex? He needed to research. Guzma shift making Cyrus give a startled oof noise in response.
"Oh you're back to normal, the grunts were right." Guzma yawns and stretches. "Man you kept us up till like 4 in the morning."
This brought up more questions, so he didn't have sex, the grunts were involved, and he wasn't normal. His face must of betrayed him because Guzma was looking at him with concern.
"You don't remember last night."
"I remember saying I love you." He says embarrassed and his voice a bit horsed.
This seems to ease some worry from Guzma's face but not all of it. "Well apparently Z one of the grunts likes looking into myths and he can say for certain werewolf, and now the grunts know about me because you kind of dragged me into the pool to go swimming."
"It was actually kind of cute, I got upset and you did the whole ears and tail down and puppy dog eyes and actually you were fuckkng adorable and I couldn't stay mad at you but now the grunts are clamoring to make a full moon schedule that needs your approval of course." Guzma laughs. "For the first hour you wouldn't stop licking me you also kept trying to steal my socks."
Cyrus's face was red as he put his head in his hands. "I'm so sorry "
"Why it was a blast, and you make a great puppy Cy even if I'm a bug guy." Guzma chuckles. "Now we know it wasn't a normal pokemon bite."
Cyrus looks away. "You aren't mad? I outed you and I didn't even know until you told me."
"I mean no Cy you were being cute and now I have blackmail we took so many pictures. Want to see "
"Abostutley not." He gets up. "I'm going to get dressed then eat you can talk when you want to be civil "
Guzma laughs and gets up hugging Cyrus from behind. "I love you too Cyrus even if you can't express it well. I'll be emotional for the both of us."
This dried up every ounce of shame and anger Cyrus had at the new he could feel wet streaks down his cheeks before he realized he was crying. He immeditaly turned and buried his face into Guzma's chest. He refused to let go.
Guzma didn't realize what he said meant so much, but he didn't want to upset Cyrus anymore so he let the smaller man cry until he was done.
They got dressed in silence but left the room holding hands with a unspoken love between them only growing.
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mattmurdocksscars · 4 years
Alright, fuck it. This is my first time writing smut, so please don’t be too critical. Any constructive criticism will be greatly appreciated 💖
Pairing: Poe x Fem!Reader
Warning: Smut! 
Word Count: 1999
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You were feeling a little like provoking a certain Commander. Poe and you had been flirting back and forth for some time, but you could never get the man to make a move. At first, you thought that maybe he was just being his usual friendly self and you were overthinking things. Only, the amount of times you caught that man staring at your ass definitely pointed more towards him liking you. Plus, Snap and Finn had both told you that Poe hadn’t had anyone back to his room since the two of you started…whatever it is that you two had going on. So, you decided to test his limits. Worst case scenario, he really wasn’t interested, and you would finally know. Best case scenario…well, maybe he would jump your bones.
“Soooo…you gonna acknowledge that Poe won’t stop staring at you or keep ignoring it?” You turned to look at Jessika who was staring at you with a raised eyebrow. You were fully aware of the Commanders eyes trailing your every move and were             quite enjoying the attention. Then again, who wouldn’t? Realizing Pava was still waiting for a response, you flashed her a mischievous smirk.
“I’m trying to see how long it takes him to snap.” You told her. Her eyes widened comically and then she was laughing. She clapped a hand on your shoulder and leaned in to whisper to you.
“Well, don’t look now but he’s coming this way.” She flashed you a wink before heading over to spend time with the other pilots. Sure enough, a few moments later you heard someone clear their throat behind you.
“Hey, can I borrow you for a moment?” You turned to face Poe who was staring at you with hooded eyes. As you turned to fully face him, his eyes raked down your figure and darkened even more. You were in your usual mechanic suit but had shrugged out of the top and tied it around your waist. This left you with nothing but a white tank that had essentially become see through due to the heat. It clung to you like a second skin and you could see the way Poe’s thoughts screeched to a stop as his eyes snagged on your chest. With a smirk, you leaned your weight onto one leg and put your hands on your hips, purposefully opening up your posture.
“Don’t know, Commander. I’m a little busy to be honest.” You watched as his eyes darkened even more at the use of his title and made sure to file that bit of information away for later use. Poe stepped up even closer to you and crowded you back against your workstation. He leaned his head down so he could whisper directly into your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
“You’ve been working on the same part for 30 minutes now. You’re not busy and you know it. You wanted my attention, sweetheart, you got it.” His hands landed on either side of your hips, effectively trapping you in place. He was so close you could feel the smirk that rose on his lips as your breathing hitched.
“We are still in public, you know.”
“I really don’t care. I’ve had to watch that cute ass and those perfect tits be on display all day long. Now, let me take you to my room and show you just how much I’ve enjoyed the show.” Not trusting your voice, you gave a shaky nod and he hummed. You expected him to back off so you could follow him out of the hangar but instead, he leaned down and threw you over his shoulder.
“Poe! Put me down!” Your words fell on deaf ears as Poe turned and began heading out of the hangar. With a laugh, you settled yourself a little better, putting one elbow on his back so you could hold your chin up. Everyone in the hangar was watching the two of you in amusement. You caught the eye of Jessika and she gave you a thumbs up through her laughter. The cheers and wolf whistles of Black Squadron followed you out of the hangar and you found yourself chuckling.
Reaching Poe’s room, he punched in the code with his free hand before stepping in. He tossed you onto his bed, causing you to bounce with a shriek of laughter. His laughter joined yours, but he didn’t move from his position in front of the bed. You looked up at him expectantly and flashed a smile. He grinned back and ran a hand through his hair, but still didn’t move.
“What’s wrong, Poe?”
“Nothing! God, nothing. I just want to make sure this is what you want. I did kind of drag you in here.” There was hesitation on his face and all at once you understand. Sitting up on your knees, you reached for Poe and tugged him against you. Wrapping your arms around his waist, you settled your chin on his chest and looked up at him. He hesitated for a moment before his arms came to rest around your shoulders.
“Poe. I want this. I want you. Whatever that entails. I know you’re gone often, and I know how much this cause means to you. I understand that and I still want you, still want this. If you want me, of course.”
“IF I want you? Sweetheart, that’s definitely not in question here.” He told you with a smirk. One of his hands came up to cup your face, his thumb brushing against your cheek. He leaned down and pressed first a soft kiss to your forehead, followed by one to each of your eyes, your nose, and finally your lips. It was soft and sweet at first until Poe’s hand slipped into your hair and tugged softly to get your head to tilt. His tongue slipped easily into your mouth and you both moaned at the feeling. The two of you didn’t part until you needed air and as soon as you did, you began tugging at Poe’s shirt.
“Impatient.” He murmured, pressing another kiss to your lips before pulling away. He yanked his shirt off and threw it into the corner. You pulled your tank over your head as he was doing so, and Poe groaned as he took in the sight of you. He reached for you and gently laid you back on the bed, crawling onto it to lean over you. Trailing kisses over your neck and down to your collarbone, he paused to look up at you. His hands were resting on the band of your bra and you gave him a nod. He quickly rid you of the garment, tossing it away to join your shirts. His hands moved to cup your breasts and you gasped, arching into his touch. He was pressing kisses to your collarbone and you felt him smile against your skin. Deciding two could play at that game, you brought one of your hands up to cup him through his pants. He groaned at the contact and moved to take one of your nipples into his mouth in retaliation.
“Fuck me.” You breathed out as his tongue swirled around one of your nipples, his fingers rolling your other one.
“That’s the plan, baby.” He helped you shimmy out of your jumpsuit, leaving you in nothing but your panties. Poe kneeled between your legs and just looked you over for a moment. You felt a little shy under his heated gaze and found yourself squirming a little.
“What is it?”
“You’re so damn gorgeous.” He breathed out before leaning down to press kisses along your hips. He hooked his fingers in your underwear and slowly slipped them off of you. He kissed back up your legs before hovering over your pussy. “Wanna taste you, baby.”
“Fuck, please?” You gasped as Poe slowly licked a stripe up your pussy before focusing in on your clit. He worked you higher eventually slipping a single finger in. You cried out and buried one of your hands into his hair, tugging on the curls. He groaned against you and the vibration had you writhing. Throwing his other arm over your hips to keep them in place, he continued sucking on your clit. He inserted another finger and curled them against your walls. You cried out as your back arched and you could feel him grinning against you. “Fuck Poe, please. I’m so close.”
“I got you, sweetheart.” Slipping a third finger in, he pumped them in and out of you and focused his tongue on the little bundle of nerves. It was enough to send you tumbling over the edge with a cry. Poe worked you through it, only stopping when he felt you push slightly against his head. He wiped his face and hand off on the sheets before pressing a hard kiss to your lips. “Okay?”
“Yeah.” You breathed out, bringing your hands up to run along his chest. You slid your hands down to his waist, before tugging at his pants. He helped you get them off and you took the chance to flip him over while he was unsteady. Straddling his waist, you wrapped one hand around his cock and slowly pumped him.
“Fuck, sweetheart.” You leaned down to kiss him hungrily, your hand giving him a few more strokes before lining his tip up with your entrance. Poe’s hands came to grasp your hips tightly as you lowered yourself down on him. When your hips met his, you both stilled for a few moments before you rolled your hips experimentally. You immediately decided the groan that Poe let out was one of your favorite noises and endeavored to hear it more. You set a quick pace, placing your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself. Poe’s grip tightened to the point you were sure you’d have bruises on your hips but couldn’t find it in yourself to care. “Fuck, you take my cock so well, baby. You’re so damn tight.”
You shifted slightly and whined when the new angle had him hitting that spot in you that had you seeing stars. You felt one of his hands leave your hip only for him to begin rubbing your clit. You cried out as you felt the coil in your belly tighten in response.
“That’s it, sweetheart. I got you.” Poe’s fingers set a steady pace against your clit and his cock kept hitting that delicious spot inside you. Poe ground his hips up into yours and you found yourself wound almost painfully tight.
“Let go, baby. Let go.” The coil snapped and you came with a whine of his name. Poe flipped you without warning, his hips snapping into yours as he worked you through your orgasm and chased his own. A few thrusts later and he was stiffening against you and crying out your name. Poe collapsed against you, completely spent and the two of you laid together in the blissful aftermath. After a few moments, Poe slipped out of you and rolled to the side. You turned to face him and you both had satisfied smiles on your faces. Poe reached for you and pulled you so your head was tucked under his chin and you were snuggled against him.
“This isn’t a one-time thing, right?” You asked quietly. Poe jerked back to look at you, eyes wide.
“Fuck, no. I mean, unless you really want it to be?”
“No! No, I just wanted to make sure. I meant what I said earlier, I want this.” Poe pressed a kiss to your lips then your forehead.
“Good. Cause I want you for as long as you’ll have me, sweetheart.” You smiled and curled further into Poe’s embrace. Wrapped in his arms, you felt like you could face anything. You knew that tomorrow was never a guarantee working in the Resistance, but at least you would have each other in the days you did have ahead of you.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
The Lost Princess Chapter 41
Warnings: it’s obvious from the other chapters
Rating: SFW
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A Dark Corridor opened and the two girls pushed you out of it. You landed on the ground and looked at them. They walked out of the Corridor and looked at you with scary faces.
“W-who are you?” you asked. 
“I thought that you knew already. I guess we have to explain everything. My name is Yui and this is my twin sister, Roxy. We are the daughters of Xemnas, the leader of Organization XIII. We’re also Spirits like you,” Yui said. You quickly stood up and looked at them.
“I remember now! I’m supposed to show the true meanings of a Spirit,” you said. 
“You? A pathetic weakling such as yourself? That’s too funny!” Roxy said. 
“I’m not a weakling! I’m strong! And I’ll show you just how strong I am! ODILE!” You held your dagger up and Odile was summoned.
“Heh. We’ll see about that. Ready, sister?” Yui said. 
“Ready,” Roxy said. The two of them held their hands together and raised their guns in the air.
“SAPPHITE, WE SUMMON YOU!” they yelled. Flames surrounded the two girls and two wolves were summoned. You looked at the wolves and got scared. There’s no way you could defeat those.
“Now then, let’s have some Spirit competition then!” Roxy said. You held onto your dagger and the three of you attacked. 
The trio had arrived in the Land Of Dragons away from a village that was burning. A hawk flew through the air. A single man stood in the midst. The hawk landed on his shoulder and he smiled. A soldier watched from a bamboo grove.
“See that, Mulan? It's Shan-Yu, leader of the Hun army! C'mon, girl. This is your big chance!” Mushu said. The shadow of a large dragon surrounded by red smoke on a large rock was talking with the soldier.
“I can see it now: ‘Fa Mulan whups public enemy number one!’ You gonna be famous! I'm talkin' A-list!” Mushu said.
“Mushu, I'm not sure... I haven't even joined the army yet. I have to take my father's place to preserve the Fa family honor. I just hope I don't get discovered,” Mulan said. 
“Whatever. You just scared---admit it.”
“Aren't you?” The dragon placed a hand on his forehead. Sora, Donald, and Goofy were walking though the grove, when Goofy spotted their conversation and stopped. They saw the shadow and became suspicious.
“A Heartless?” Donald asked. 
“Let's get the jump on 'im!” Sora said. Sora and Donald ran ahead.
“Gawrsh, maybe we better look before we leap,” Goofy said. Mulan gasped as they ran in. Mushu jumped from behind the rock into Mulan's arms. He was definitely not a large dragon.
“Is that Mushu?” Goofy asked. Mushu popped out from behind Mulan.
“That's right, I know you heard of me! I'm little, lethal, and legendary! Now y'all scram before I get my dragon dander up!” he said. 
“Hey, Mushu! We missed you!” Sora said. 
“Yeah, well you better HOPE I miss YOU, or else you're---you're...Sora! Donald! Goofy!”
“Do you know them?” Mulan asked. Mushu hopped onto the ground.
“Know them? Man, we used to kick all kinds of bad guy butt together! Yeah, you know, I helped these guys out of a lot of tight spots. 'Cause I'm a mighty dragon! Right?” he said as he leaned against Sora's leg. Mulan was hesitant to show herself. Sora moved his leg and Mushu fell over.
“Something like that. And...you are?” Sora said. 
“I'm Mulan. Um, no, I-I mean...” Mulan quickly lowered her voice.
“Ping!” she said. 
“Mulan Ping?” Donald asked. 
“Just...Ping. I am Ping, son of Fa Zhou.”
“You know Mushu?” Sora asked. 
“Mushu's one of my family's guardians.”
“We didn't know we were borrowin' somebody as important as a family guardian,” Goofy said. Mushu popped up.
“Yeah, that's right!” he said as he scurried back onto Ping’s shoulders.
“And that puts you three up to your eyeballs in debt to Ping here,” he said. Ping smiled awkwardly. 
“Well, guess what, kiddies? It's payback time!” Mushu said. 
“Mushu...” Mulan said to him.
“Ah, they don't mind. Ain't that right?”
“Hmm, sounds fair,” Sora said. 
“See, Ping here was just on his way to join the Imperial army.” Mushu switched shoulders.
“We gotta go find the other recruits over at the training camp,” he said. 
“Would you join us? It'll be easier to fit in if I'm with guys, like you,” Ping said. 
“What do you mean, ‘fit in’?” Sora asked. 
“Well, um, uh, don't---don't worry about that,” Mushu said.
“You're pretendin' to be a boy, aren't ya?” Goofy asked. Sora and Donald jumped in surprise.
“You're a...girl?” Sora asked. 
“You didn't notice?” Mulan asked sheepishly.
“Uh-uh,” Donald said. 
“Not me,” Sora said. 
“I think it's working,” Mulan said to Mushu.
“I don't know---those two would fall for anything,” Mushu said. 
“I'm right here!” Sora said. 
“Hey!” Donald said. The five of them soon walked into the encampment.
“Remember, girl---manly!” Mushu said. Ping straighten up and did a very awkward strut into the camp. Sora joined a line of soldiers before being pushed from his spot by Yao.
“'Bout time we got some grub,” Yao said. 
“Hey, no cutting!” Sora said. 
“Get out!” Donald said. Yao punched Sora in the face. Donald mumbled something and pounced on Yao.
“Back off!” Yao said. Him and Donald exchanged punches. 
“Uh-oh!” Goofy said. Ling and Chien-Po came along.
“Hey, a space in line!” Ling said. He ended up pushing Yao farther from the line. Chien-Po accidentally knocked Ling and Yao away from the line.
“I wonder what they're serving for lunch today,” Chien-Po said. Yao soon got Donald off him.
“Knuckle sandwiches!” Yao said as he punched Ling. 
“That does it!” Sora said. Donald knocked Ling down and started jumping on his back. Sora tried to grab Yao, but Yao knocked Sora's hands away. Chien-Po, Goofy, and Ping just stood there not really knowing what to do.
“I’m hope you’re faring better than we are now, (Y/N),” Goofy said to himself.
“Please!” Mulan said. They all stopped fighting and turned to look at Mulan.
“Please!” Ling said. 
“What a girl!” Yao said. 
“Uh...knock it off!” Ping said.
“Knock what off?” 
“You punched me!” Sora said. 
“Cutting in line!” Donald said. 
“What a shrimp!” Ling said. 
“Who you callin' a shrimp, panda lips? I'm a bona fide guardian dragon!” Mushu said, popping out from Ping’s armour. Ping shoved Mushu back inside.
“L-let's just get back in line, okay?” Ping asked. 
“Whose side are you on? I just got slugged!” Sora said. 
“Want some more?” Yao asked. 
“Soldiers! Get back in line!” Shang said. 
“The Captain!” Ling said. They all quickly regained the line formation. Donald peeked out for a second, then straightened back up. The captain walked down the line staring at each of them. After he left, Sora made a fist, glaring at Yao, before Shadow Heartless appeared. Sora readied his Keyblade.
“What are they?” Mulan asked. 
“Heartless!” Sora said. 
“Oh yeah?” Ling asked. Him, Yao, and Chien-Po readied their fists.
“Ping, I hope you're ready!” Sora said. They successfully got rid of the Heartless and the captain spoke to them.
“You three. What are your names?” Shang said.
“You're welcome in my troop. Your battle skills are encouraging,” Shang said. 
“I am the son of Fa Zhou---” Ping said. 
“You should return home,” Shang interrupted Ping.
“B-but... That would dishonor my family!”
“You'd rather dishonor my troops?” 
“Don't make me---!” Ping said, trying to be tough.
“If Ping trains hard and does his best, he'll get stronger in no time,” Sora said. 
“Hmm...” Shang said. 
“Just give us an assignment! We'll show you how well we can work together.”
“So...you want to be tested? Our orders are to ambush Shan-Yu's army on their way here. They should be coming through the mountain pass.”
“We'll smash them!” Donald said. 
“I doubt that. You four will be the advance party. Scout out the mountain for my troops.”
“That's it? No problem. Right?” Sora said. 
“R-right,” Ping said. 
“I'll brief you on the details later. Return when you're ready to depart. Remember, the smallest mission may have the greatest purpose. Stay alert!” Shang said. 
“Sir!” Sora, Donald, Goofy, & Ping said. 
~Le Time Skip~
Sora and the others were able to defeat the Heartless at all of the checkpoints. They went back to the encampment to talk to Shang.
“You've done a passable job. But stay alert! This is just the beginning. Shan-Yu has invaded our country. We must stop him at all costs. A mob is heading for the Checkpoint. Stop them while keeping an eye out for strange enemies!” Shang said. Sora and the others defeated the Heartless in the encampment. 
“Hmm, not bad. Now brace yourself for the rest of your assignments. Our objective is to defeat Shan-Yu. Do not fail your mission. It seems the enemy has invaded the camp. Defeat every enemy you encounter!” Shang said. Sora and the others took care of some more Heartless that appeared in the encampment.
“Yes, that's exactly what I need from you. Now, you still have some tasks to do. Stay sharp. You did well,” Shang said. 
“I knew it!” Sora said. 
“Captain...” Ping said. 
“I suppose you've made a little progress...” Shang said to Ping.
“Not a little---a lot!” Donald said.
“No. You're right, Captain. Please give me one more assignment. This time I'll show you what I'm truly made of!” Ping said. 
“I'll give you one more chance. See me when you're ready to depart. Remember, this may be a test, but it's still an important mission. Be alert!” Shang said.
“Sir!” Sora, Donald, Goofy, & Ping said. They all readied themselves.
“Your mission is to secure the path over the summit so our company can pass. I've authorized you to be let through to the summit. Don't let me down!” Shang said. As the group enters the Mountain Trail, a hawk flew overhead. They fought their way to a village.
“Hey, you ain't half bad,” Yao said. 
“A man among men!” Ling said. 
“Thanks!” Ping said. Ling, Yao, and Chien-Po left. Ping looked down.
“But the Captain...” he said.
“Captain!” Sora said. Shang arrived with two foot soldiers.
“Ping sure did great!” Goofy said. 
“You bet he did!” Donald said. 
“Hmm...Fine. I'll let you join my troops... But I'm still not convinced you have what it takes to be a worthy soldier,” Shang said. 
“Why not!?” Sora asked. 
“It's all right, Sora. I'll find a way to show him what I'm made of. Just give me a chance,” Ping said. 
“That's the spirit, Ping,” Shang said. 
“Sir!” Shang and the two foot soldiers continued into the summit.
“Good going, Ping!” Ling said. 
“Thanks!” Ping said. They entered a small village near the summit.
“Okay, girl! Here's your chance! I just saw this real shady guy. And I know it's Shan-Yu,” Mushu said.
“Shan-Yu!?” Ping asked. 
“That's the Hun leader! We've got to tell the Captain!” Sora said. 
“Waaaait wait-wait-wait WAIT! Everybody use their heads a sec. Now, why are we here? To make the Captain see Mulan's---I mean, Ping's talents and bring honor to her family,” Mushu said. Sora, Donald, and Goofy nodded.
“So, let's go find out where Shan-Yu is, by ourselves. Then, if we're lucky, we can fry him up good! Though just tracking the guy down should earn us our stars... Captain Musclehead will have to notice my girl!” Mushu said.
“Okay. Let's go,” Ping said. 
“We'll help out,” Sora said. 
“Now we're cookin'! Shan-Yu is in a cave outside the village!” Mushu said. They entered the Village Cave and found a small shrine.
“Dead end,” Sora said. 
“There's nobody here...” Donald said. 
“You're crazy. Check again!” Mushu said. 
“Oh, well...” Donald started to leave.
“Wait for me, Donald!” Goofy said. Goofy followed Donald out of the cave.
“Hey, wait up!” Sora said. Suddenly, there was a strange shaking.
“Huh?” Ping asked.
“What? What is it?” Mushu asked. A barrier formed at the entrance blocking Donald and Goofy out.
“Sora!” Donald said. 
“Ping!” Goofy said. Shan-Yu laughed and secretly left the cave. Several Heartless appeared in the room, leaving Sora and Ping to take care of them.
“Nice fighting, Ping! You were amazing,” Sora said. The barrier vanished.
“You okay?” Goofy said.
“Yeah, thanks to Ping,” Sora said. 
“C'mon! Time to report to the Captain!” Mushu said.
“But Shan-Yu wasn't here,” Ping said.
“Please! That Hun is old news! We're gonna tell the Captain how thousands of Heartless stormed the cave, and Ping took out almost every one of 'em!” Mushu said. They returned to the Village, which had been reduced to smoking ashes. They found Shang among the rubble clutching his side.
“Captain!” Ping said. Shang tried to stand, leaning against a blackened wall.
“Don't overdo it, Captain!” Sora said. 
“It’s just a scratch,” Shang groaned. He collapsed to the ground slightly.
“Captain, the enemy! Where did they go?” Ping said.
“They went toward the summit...” Shang groaned. 
“We'll stop them!”
“It kinda is our fault,” Goofy said. 
“Right,” Ping said. 
“You mean MY fault,” Mushu said. 
“Uh-uh!” Donald said. 
“Shan-Yu and the Heartless did this, not us! Captain, if you track down the villagers, we'll handle this,” Sora said. They looked toward the summit.
“Let's go,” Sora said. The group ran through the Ridge to the Summit. The hawk flew over them to landed on Shan-Yu's shoulder at the top of the summit. Hundreds of Heartless hovered over the edge of the cliff. Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Ping got ready to fight. The hawk flew off Shan-Yu's shoulder as he cleaved the air with his sword.
“Attack!” he yelled. The Heartless charged down the mountain toward the group. Sora tried to fight them off until Shan-Yu sped down the mountain with the group behind him. The hawk flew overhead as Yao, Chien-Po, and Ling entered the summit with a fire cannon.
“Stand back!” Yao said.
“We'll handle this!” Ling said. Yao placed the fire cannon on the snow and aimed it at Shan-Yu. Mulan sew how that's not going to help completely and butted Yao out of the way.
“Sorry!” Ping said. Ping grabbed the fire cannon and ran higher up the mountain. She aimed it at the peak above.
“Oh, a flint, flint, I need so---huh...” She looked at Mushu.
“Me, hey, whoa! Whoa! Wait a second! Ah!” Mushu said. Ping grabbed Mushu and stretched him so his fire breath lit the fire cannon. Mushu ended up on the head of the cannon as it exploded, shooting him off to the mountaintop.
“You're going the wrong way!” he yelled. The cannon hit the mountain, causing an immense avalanche.
“Yes!” Ping said. 
“Captain?” Sora asked. Shang entered with two foot soldiers. Ping looked from Shang to the avalanche, then back at Shang. She ran to the captain.
“Look out!” she said. The snow raced down the summit, plowing over the Heartless and Shan-Yu, heading straight for Sora and the others. Mulan ran to Shang and grabbed him by the hand, pulling him around the rock corner away from the pummeling snow.
“Run for it!” Yao said. Sora and the rest of the troops quickly made a run for it around the rock formation as the snow fell off the edge of the summit. Shang and Ping caught their breath.
“Thanks, Ping,” Shang said. 
“It...was nothing,” Ping said. They stood up.
“I should never have doubted you. From now on, you have my trust,” Shang said. 
“Thank you, Captain,” Ping said. Mushu popped out of the snow.
“First she uses me as a lighter, then she turns me into a cannon ball. The head ancestor's gonna hear about this. You know, that's it! I give up! I can't take this no more. C'mon, Mulan. Let's quit this charade and go home, girl,” he said. 
“Mushu!” Mulan said. 
“Huh?” Mushu saw that Shang was right there and clasped his hands over his mouth.
“Mulan? A woman? It can't be!” Shang said. Mulan said nothing. Sora, Donald, and Goofy ran up to them.
“Ping! Captain!” Sora said. 
“Oh boy, you're okay!” Goofy said.
“You all knew, didn't you? You knew Ping was really a woman in disguise,” Shang said. Sora, Donald, and Goofy were at a loss for words.
“I can't believe you lied to me. The punishment for high treason and dishonoring the Army...is death. Get out of my sight...now. You're all dismissed,” Shang said.
“But Captain...” Sora said. 
“My debt is repaid.” Shang walked back toward the Ridge.
“The Emperor is waiting! Move out!” he said. The troops left the summit. Mulan sighed. Mushu hopped onto her shoulder.
“Mulan... I blew it,” he said. Mulan changed out of her armor.
“Thank you, everyone. Sorry I got you in trouble,” she said.
“It's no big deal. So Ping... I mean, uh, Mulan...what're you gonna do now?” Sora said. 
“Go back home.”
“You know, your daddy's gonna be steamed as a chicken dumpling,” Mushu said. Mulan sighed again. Sora took Donald and Goofy into his arms.
“Relax, we'll take our share of the blame,” he said. 
“Thanks. You're all wonderful friends,” Mulan said. They walked back to the Ridge. The hawk flew overhead to the Summit, where Shan-Yu burst out of the snow and roared in anger. It rang throughout the mountain. The Heartless appeared behind him and the hawk landed on his shoulder. Sora and Mulan saw them.
“Shan-Yu!” Mulan said. 
“He's alive!” Sora said. 
“He's heading for the Imperial City! We've got to warn Shang!” They raced to the city, where the troops had just entered the palace walls.
“---Shang!” Mulan said. Shang stopped.
“Shan-Yu is alive! He's headed this way!” Mulan said. 
“And why should I believe you this time?” Shang asked. 
“But...she's telling you the truth!” Sora said. Donald spotted the hawk flying high above the palace. Shang looked around onto several of the towers as Shan-Yu stood triumphantly upon one. He jumped down to get closer to a way in the palace.
“Guard the palace! Do not let the enemy get anywhere near the Emperor!” Shang said. Yao, Ling, and Chien-Po charged the palace, but the other soldiers remain where they were.
“That's an order!” Shang said. The soldiers stopped in their tracks and changed into Heartless. Shang was speechless. Sora and Mulan took action.
“Captain! We'll secure the courtyard, and you can save the Emperor!” Sora said. Shang stayed where he was.
“That’s an order!” Donald said. Shang nodded and raced to the main palace building. The Heartless surrounded the remaining group. They quickly decimated the Heartless.
“The Emperor's in danger!” Mulan said.
“No time to lose!” Sora said. They ran across Imperial Square to the Palace Gate, where Shan-Yu stood with his sword to the Emperor.
“Now you'll bow to me!” Shan-Yu said. Shan-Yu looked to Mulan, who looked worried. Shang jumped down in the middle of them and knocked Shan-Yu away. Shang helped the Emperor into the Palace and Chien-Po and Ling quickly closed the gate. Shan-Yu got back up as Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Mulan guarded the gate, stopping Shan-Yu in his tracks.
“It ends now!” Mulan said.
“Right now!” Sora said. The hawk landed on Shan-Yu's shoulder as he glowed with dark energy, laughing evilly. After the grueling fight, Shan-Yu clutched his side and fell over, losing the grip on his sword. Mushu jumped around happily.
“Now that's what I call burning some hunny-bun! Aw, yeah! Mulan's the best! Mulan's the best! No, wait a minute---I'm the best! Mushu's the best! Mushu's the best!” he said. Sora and company stood in reverence to the Emperor, who walked out with Shang, a stern look on his face. There were a hundred of people now in Imperial Square.
“I've heard a great deal about you, Fa Mulan,” the Emperor said. Mulan bowed to the Emperor.
“You stole your father's armor, ran away from home, impersonated an Imperial soldier. You deceived your commanding officer, shamed the entire Chinese army, and dishonored your family name,” the Emperor said. 
“We get the picture...” Sora said, impatiently.
“You're a young woman. And in the end...” the Emperor said. Donald looked hopeless.
“...you have saved us all,” the Emperor said. The Emperor bowed to Mulan. She looked up and was completely speechless. The crowd in the square cheered. Sora, Donald, and Goofy congratulated Mulan.
“Your Excellency!” Mulan said. 
“Captain Li?” the Emperor asked. Shang took Shan-Yu's sword and handed it to Mulan.
“Take this, so the world will know what it is you have done for China,” the Emperor said. 
“Thank you,” Mulan said as she bowed again.
“Mulan,” Shang said.
“Yes?” she asked.
“Yes, sir.”
“Thank you.” Shang bowed slightly. 
“‘Thank you’? Is that all there is to say, Captain? If you wish to win the heart of Fa Mulan, China's bravest woman, you'll have to be a bit more eloquent than that!” the Emperor said. Shang was surprised. The Emperor laughed, as does Mulan.
“Can I get an autograph?” Sora asked Mulan.
“Thanks for everything, Sora,” she said. 
“Now they GOTTA let me go back to bein' a guardian! They GOTTA!” Mushu said. 
“But Mushu, I thought you already WERE a family guardian!” Goofy said.
“What? Oh, no, no---don't even worry about that, that's just real technical. Just for us guardians.”
“You tricked us!” Sora said. 
“No, no no no, see I did---I just, uh...” Mushu turned to run away.
“You know, I just didn't wanna bog y'all down with all the Guardian-ese. See, it's very complex, a lot of fine print. You wouldn't understand,” he said. Shan-Yu's sword started to glow and Sora stopped chasing Mushu.
“Huh?” Sora asked. Sora got out the Keyblade and opened another gate.
“Okay!” Donald said.
“Guess it's about time to be movin' on,” Goofy said. 
“You shall be missed,” the Emperor said.
“Is it okay if we come back to visit?” Sora asked. 
“Of course!” Mulan said. 
“We will look forward to your return,” Shang said. 
“You two play nice,” Sora said.
“Whoa... Watch it, soldier!” Mulan blushed as Sora waved goodbye. They turned to look at each other. Mulan giggled. Mushu popped up onto her shoulder and laughed.
“Goodbye, Sora, Donald, Goofy!” Mulan said. Sora, Donald, and Goofy walked down the steps of the Imperial Palace and left the Land of Dragons.
“Don’t worry, (Y/N). We’re coming,” Sora said. 
to be continued...
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aestheticdenki · 4 years
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Electric Shock- Denki Kaminari
You’ve had a secret crush on Denki from class 1-A for awhile now. The best time to confess of course is after he sneeze shocks you.
You watched silently as Shinsou read, only turning to look out the window when he had picked up another book. Due to an issue in class 1-B’s dorm, your class was forced to partner up and stay in the few extra rooms that 1-A had left. Thankfully, you got Shinsou, an easy going, quiet person that just so happens to be your best friend. Unfortunately, you also got partnered with your other friend, Monoma. While he could be quiet at times, he absolutely loved annoying class 1-A. Because he was staying with you, you had to keep an eye on him. Right now though, he was asleep, occasionally shuffling here and there and whimpering, dreaming perhaps. Out the window, you could see Midoryia practicing with the air, improving his technique. The warm glow of the evening light looked enticing, so you visited Izuku. “Hey, Midoryia!” He stopped and looked at you. From where you were standing, you could see a sheen of sticky sweat on his skin. “Hey, ______!” “Do you need something to practice on? I can draw up a clay figure.” Izuku nodded his head excitedly. Most people didn’t know you had a drawing quirk. When they found out, it was astonishing.
Your pad appeared from thin air and you started drawing a replica of Uraraka. When you were done, you tapped the dirt and watched as the mud and clay formed the delicate girl. “Uraraka?” He was so amazed by your drawing that he forgot that she was here to fight him. Suddenly, he started to float. He was hovering in midair when he realized that the clay figure had touched him right before he started to drift upwards. Looking down, he noticed that the clay figurine had her hands together, the same way the real girl used her quirk. “That’s SO COOL!” You let out a small chuckle. “She won’t disappear until you defeat her.” You yelled upwords, right before the figurine released her hands and the boy fell to the ground, now in a battle state of mind. The sun was inviting, as you had thought, it was warm and subtle. Not too hot and not too cold. Surprisingly, Midoryia defeated Uraraka quickly. You conjured up a different person, this one being Iida hoping that it’ll give you more time to work on some other people to draw. Thankfully, you can save drafts and you’ve sparred with some of your own creations so some people are already drawn. People like Bakugo, Todoroki, Shinsou, All Might, Shigaraki and Stain. Those last two are your little secret.
“Is that...me?” Getting startled, you accidentally drew a line through the face you were drawing. Iida stood at the door watching the clay figurine kick up dust. “Yes.” A few others came out to watch as well. “Whose work is this?” Todoroki inquired, wanting to know in case he wanted to do some extra sparring. “Why, it's the favorite quirk in UA and guess what? She’s in our class. Guess that sucks for you.” “Shut up, Monoma.” You sat the pad to the side and quickly grabbed his ear to sit by you. “That is my quirk by the way.” “Can you make anybody?” “As long as I know their faces and their quirks.” Finally, Midoryia defeated clay Iida. “Give me another one. A hard one.” Hmmm. All Might should work. The students gasped in awe at the very detailed All Might forming out of the clay that was used from Iida. “I am here!” Although the voice doesn’t sound exact, it was pretty spot on with a gravelly texture but what can you possibly do with clay and voices? Mineta slithered up beside you. “Who ya drawing now?” “Someone from class 1-A…” “Is it me?” You laughed. “No, I haven’t drawn you yet.” “Who else have you drawn?” A rosy tint appeared on your cheeks. Telling who, will show that you have been staring at some of them (ehem, the boys).
“Um, for the girls, Uraraka, Yaoyorozu,” The aforementioned squealed and wanted to fight against herself. “Tsuyu, Jirō, Mina, Hagakure. For the boys, Shinsou, Aoyama, Iida, obviously. Bakugou and Todoroki.” The girls felt honoured that you had drawn all of them. “The boys aren’t correctly detailed all the way through because um-“ The heat rose to your cheeks again. “It’s hard not to look creepy while staring at them.” Honestly, you forgot about Mineta until he spoke up. “You can look at me all you want…” he drooled a little. “Thanks, Neta!” You weren’t falling for his dumbass tricks. Nope. You were gonna ignore him. Iida and Kirishima also offered to let you study them to draw them in great detail. “____! Another one, please.” “Take a break, Midoryia.” Iida pressed on when he tried to talk back. You gladly brought a Yaoyorozu to life when the real one wanted to fight herself. A little while later, everyone was heading inside to cook and you were still drawing and building figurines for Izuku. A hand tapped your shoulder softly making you slightly jump. Your eyes travelled up the body from the feet to the face and the white and red hair. It was Todoroki. “Hey, u-um, if you want, you can study me too. I think you draw people exactly the way they fight and it’ll be a good learning experience for me if I can watch the way I fight.” You smiled and thanked him. He slightly, very slightly, tilted the ends of his lips up into a smile.
You awoke to the screaming of Present Mic and your body slamming to the floor which made a considerably louder noise than the voice. Aizawa and Present Mic appeared at your door to ask if you were alright. “Yeah, just fell from the top bunk. Sorry.” “NO NEED TO APOLOGIZE, YO.” Stupid Monoma and his triple bunk bed idea. You’d rather sleep with Shinsou than deal with the chance of falling out in the middle of the night. The fall caused you to be slightly grumpy. You hate waking up. Sighing, you got dressed and then woke up Shinsou and Monoma. “Come on, we have practice today.” After making sure they were awake, you headed down to help with breakfast. Only a few were already dressed. Morning people you assume. “ おはよう, Iida, Yaoyorozu and Midoryia.” They all greeted you happily. It looks like breakfast was done. You decided to go check up on the boys since they weren’t out yet and it wouldn’t be long before the food is all gone. Somehow, you got partnered with boys and had the room on the boys side. What luck! And it seems that a few of them have forgotten already judging by Kirishima and Sero walking out shirtless. “Good morning, guys.” “Good morning,” they droned out.
It got worse when you ran into a shirtless Kaminari. “Does no one wear shirts in the morning?” “Sorry, ______-chan!” He helped you up and you thanked him. You were going to punch the next person who was shirtless, and you didn’t care who it was. You opened your door to find, surprise, surprise, Monoma shirtless. But thankfully, he was putting a shirt on. Shinsou, on the other hand, was already dressed. “Get up, let’s go. Food.” “I’m not hungry.” Seriously? “I am, so let’s go get me some food.” “No.” You grabbed your pad and picked Shinsou. This time, he was made out of blankets. You laughed evilly and the real Shinsou was picked up by himself. He was startled but relaxed again. No walking. You pushed Monoma out the door and made it to the dining room. “Woah, you can make them out of blankets too?” To say, Izuku was impressed was an understatement. “I can make them out of whatever I want to use.” The blanket Shinsou sat the real one on a chair before going back to the room to return to its normal state.
The training took forever, it seemed. By the end, all of you were covered in sweat whether it be a lot or just a sheen layer. “You get the rest of the day off. Stay on campus.” Aizawa freed you to do whatever. Someone said that you guys should go to the pool but that requires permission. And who did they put up to ask? You. Midnight’s favorite. Why Midnight? Because she just absolutely thinks you are the cutest and loves how you’ve drawn her. She also loves how, deep down, you are sadistic too. “Midnight-san? Can we use the pool?” Aizawa started to give you a time to get out but he got cut off. “Of course! That sounds so wonderful. Go for as long as you like my baby!” “Thank you Midnight-san!” She squealed and watched you walk away. “You’ve got to stop playing favorites.” “Lighten up Aizawa! Isn’t she the cutest. You like her drive in class too. You’ve said it before.” He sighed and stared at the dominatrix. “I do but I do not favor her.” “Oh that’s right, you favor Shinsou. Which is her best friend. Oh they’d make a hot couple.” Midnight was useless to fight against Aizawa concluded before rolling up like a caterpillar in his ugly yellow sleeping bag.
When you coaxed Shinsou to get in the pool, you did not expect him and Monoma to gang up against you. You felt yourself get picked up and thrown into the pool. Monoma and Aoyama laughed as they stood right where you had. Letting yourself laugh as well, you splashed them and watched as they screamed. Excitedly, you swam over to Shinsou and held onto his back like an octopus (I should not have found that as funny as I did). “Shinsou! You’re freezing!” “It’s cold.” You let him go and told him to go warm up. Now only you, Kaminari and Midoryia were in the pool. “DENKI’S GOING TO SNEEZE!” Being too far away from the sides of the pool, you curse and brace yourself for the shock. You yelped when a loud achoo was heard and a shock traveled through your body. Turns out you were right next to the boy so the shock was worse. He was ready to sneeze again when you abruptly held his nose. “You fucking sneeze again and I’ll end your life.” You’d like to say that your threat had worked but it didn’t. As soon as you let go, he sneezed again. “DENKI!” Uh oh. He started to swim away and eventually made it on land. Breaking all of Iida’s rules, the two of you started running, one running away and the other running after.
It wasn’t until he stopped and you crashed into him that you realized you were on the edge of the pool. Kaminari held onto your waist to keep you from hitting him as the water surrounded you two. You sort of wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his torso as you felt yourself losing consciousness. All the exercise when your body was in pain from the shocks caused you to over exert your body. The last thing you felt was your bodies resurfacing and the heat from someone’s hand warming up your body. You awoke to the blinding sun and Midnight looking at you worried. You noticed she was adorned in a one piece bathing suit that looked quite well on her. “Are you alright?” “I think so, Midnight-san.” “I came out to watch you guys when I saw Kaminari carrying your unconscious body from the pool.” Kaminari! “Where is he?” “He’s feeling guilty while Shinsou reams him for shocking you. Maybe he should be banned from the pool.” You sat up abruptly causing you to wince, your muscles still tingling. “No. I would’ve been fine had we not fell in the water after running.” Once she decided you were okay, she hopped in the water and told everyone else they can join and not be worried.
Kaminari decided to sit out in the corner watching the others play and have fun. You hobbled over to him and sat down next to him. “Why aren’t you in the pool?” His golden eyes met yours. “I feel bad and if you can’t swim then I’m not swimming.” “You got banned didn’t you?” “That too.” You giggled at him. “What are we going to do with you Denki? Hmm?” He shrugged and shivered as a cold drop of water fell from his hair. You grabbed your towel and stood up. “Can I dry your hair?” “Sure!” Softly, you ran the towel through his hair before you deemed it dry enough. A piece of wet hair fell on his nose and he began to sniffle getting ready to sneeze. Just as he was on the brink of sneezing, you kissed him. You still got shocked just not as bad. When you pulled back you realized that Kaminari had just short circuited. “Dummy,” you whispered to no one in particular. Your head felt heavy, so you decided to lean in on Kaminari’s shoulder. Slowly, you started to drift off only waking up when someone was shaking you. “Wake up, Sleeping Beauty.” It was Denki. As you looked around, you realized you two were alone and it was beginning to go dark.
“Where is everyone?” “I told them I’d bring you home when you woke up.” You sighed and secretly wished that someone had woken you up. “Now, let’s talk about earlier. What was that?” A pink tint appeared on your sun kissed cheeks. “A kiss?” “I know but why?” You hoped he didn’t hate you for it. “My dad used to do that to my mom all the time to stop her from sneezing. I decided to do it because I didn’t want to get shocked again.” “So it’s not because I’m cute?” He pouted and you may or may not have died on the inside. “I mean, I wouldn’t have kissed anyone else.” There it was, your indirect confession. For months now, you have been crushing on Kaminari. You’ve drawn him over a dozen times in a secret file so no one would criticize you for it. “Well I-I think yo-your cute too.” Oh really? “Really?” “Mmhm.” The two of you could have disintegrated from how hot your cheeks were. “M-maybe in a few weeks when summer starts, w-we can go on a-a date.” “I like that idea!” You pressed a chaste kiss on his cheek and grabbed his hand. “Let’s go home.” “Wait, one thing before.” Confused, you turned towards him only to be met with a kiss. “I’ll be doing that in secret until we get caught.” With that, he winked and walked with you to the dorms. He only got in four days worth of kisses before Bakugou outed you two after being a sore loser.
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virtual-toast · 3 years
Scream Queens VH1 recap - Season 1 Episode 3
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The girls come back from the grand ballroom and everyone’s generally happy and/or unsurprised that Kylah went home. Michelle says that her odds of winning have “skyrocketed up”. The others talk about their feedback, everyone congratulates Lindsay on her win, and Lina complains about how the judges read her for her shitty attitude - there are some great shots of Tanedra rolling her eyes and mouthing “It’s the truth, asshole!” behind Lina’s back.
The next morning’s mini challenge sees the girls pretending to be chased by a killer and ultimately jumping out a second storey window. They’re taught how to do the basic jump with a stunt woman and coordinator, and then go for it. Everyone does pretty average to be honest, Michelle way over acts, Marissa gets in her own way once again, and to her credit Lina actually does the jump despite being afraid of heights. Tanedra is the only one who really fully commits acting wise, and not only that but she does a FLIP out the window and, I mean, it’s obvious who the best one is. Jessica, who up to this point was super excited to jump, now decides she’s afraid of heights and has a full on crying emotional meltdown before saying it was all part of the acting?? Okay girl. Clearly, Tanedra wins the guaranteed callback.
The girls are awarded a night out at a local club, because what could go wrong?? They get dressed up and go out for drinks. Things quickly go off the rails with many girls getting super drunk. Several of the girls criticise Michelle’s over acting but for some reason she decides to only snap back at Sarah, who proceeds to have a cry about it. Meanwhile Lina says some racist shit about Tanedra so they have their own little fight going on. They get on the bus to go home and Angela is crying in Lina’s lap and literally NOBODY KNOWS WHY. Meanwhile Jessica goes in on Sarah for getting drunk, so Sarah calls her fat, so Jessica calls her an ugly Jew. And the whole cast is just like WHAAAAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING.
After all this has gone on, for some reason the producers thought it’d be a good idea to fake a bus breakdown and scare the girls with Billy the Puppet from Saw, because omg what a funny prank haha. Shawnee gets on the bus along with the guy dressed as Billy and gives the girls info about their director’s challenge, but honestly they’re all drunk and they’ve literally just had that verbal stoush so do you really think they’re taking any of this on board?? And while they’re looking at their scripts Lindsay says something about how it’s exciting to have a real scene and Jessica LITERALLY SHUSHES HER - TWICE. What is wrong with this girl ahhhh
The next day the girls go to Homa’s class and Scott and Katie, the stunt coordinator and stunt woman from the mini challenge, are there to teach them some fighting combat for screen. They get taught how to punch, stab, take hits etc. Then they all get paired up to have a go at the scene from the director’s challenge. Jessica gets called out for being crazy, Michelle and Sarah for over acting, and Marissa for being in her head. Lina and Tanedra get paired up together because of course they do. Lina says some more racist shit in her talking head, and also “accidentally” hits Tanedra on purpose. But because Tanedra is the fucking best she keeps her cool and does her job.
The girls go to the director’s challenge and they have to do a scene where they wake up in a creepy lair, are confronted by the killer, and then fight him off. They’re getting bloodied up by the makeup team and in her talking head, Lina literally says, “We look like crack whores. In Inglewood.” Like DUDE JUST STOP TALKING YOU RACIST POS. Anyway.
Jessica goes up and she’s like... far away?? She’s in some sort of headspace and she literally just looks even crazier than ever, like she can snap at any moment. And honestly it comes across in her performance. Marissa bombs completely because she can’t get out of her own head. Michelle goes WAY over the top and James describes her as “frantic”, while the other girls laugh behind the scenes because her wide-stance scream of rage looks like what Angela calls a “power dump” and it’s honestly hilarious. The best part is that Michelle thinks that she killed it and goes backstage with her arms in the air, and the rest of the girls literally laugh in her face. As fucking awful as Lina is, she kills the challenge. Everyone else does okay, and then Sarah gets up and just completely bombs, which is unlike her as she’s been so consistent up to this point. Unlike Michelle, Sarah knows she fucked up, too.
The next day, Tanedra reads the list which summons Sarah, Jessica, Michelle, Marissa, and Lina to the grand ballroom. When they get there, Sarah is pulled forward and told that her director’s challenge was the worst in the group, but she had done so well otherwise that she still gets a callback, and the judges warn her not to let her emotions get the best of her. Lina gets leading lady because she killed the director’s challenge (and she was smart enough to keep her racist bullshit away from the judges smh). Jessica once again gets called out for acting crazy and told to calm down, but gets a callback. The bottom 2 is Michelle and Marissa, because honestly they both sucked this week, and Marissa gets the axe.
Stay tuned for Season 1 Episode 4!
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