#kinda grew out of control LMAO
inkykeiji · 25 days
But also the thought of big brother Touya noticing you usually steal his shoes to run outside, and he loves it. But this one time he catches you and you hadn’t even realised that you’ve snatched Natsuo’s— but Touya noticed…
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JOOOOOO this ask sent me into a fucking fit and i wrote an embarrassing amount about it i am so sorry (but also thank you for such a brilliant idea it had me reeling for days ily ily ily)
warnings: 18+ minors do not interact, stepcest, noncon, touya is Awful, unrealistic amounts of cum, one (1) mention of implied underage, minimal prep, slight dacryphilia, fem!reader, implied physical abuse, rough sex words: 2.4k
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You don’t notice—and, truth be told, you wouldn’t have noticed, had Touya not made such a big fucking deal out of it. 
But, as always, that just isn’t his style. 
A heavy, dirty palm claps over your mouth the moment you re-enter the mudroom, smothering the scream of surprise punched from your chest as another strong arm wraps around your waist, pulling you back against a broad chest. 
“Shut up,” your eldest brother growls in your ear, though amusement tinges the edges of his words, demand spit through a grin. 
Using his bodyweight, he manhandles you toward the steadily humming washing machine, spinning you around to face him just before he traps you against it, vibrating edge digging into your back.
“Jesus, Touya!” you heave out, a palm held flat over your heart in an attempt to calm it. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!”
“Y’know, I really can’t believe you’d do this to me,” he laments, an exaggerated pout molding his scarred lips. “I thought I was your favourite brother.” 
“What?” your lashes flutter in quick succession, forehead warping with confusion. “You are? You know you are, you always have been—”
“That so? Who’s shoes are on your feet right now?” 
Looking down, your gaze lands on Natsuo’s tattered white sneakers—a stark contrast to Touya’s worn-in combat boots, or Touya’s fraying, battered Vans—and realization smooths your brow. 
Oh no. 
Head snapping up quickly, an explanation begins to bubble in your throat, stalled by the sudden ice in your veins, your heart plummeting through your ribcage. 
“O-Oh! Uh, I-I’m sorry—I just grabbed them—I wasn’t paying attention—”
“So you’ll just slip your feet in anyone’s shoes?” 
The innuendo infusing his snarky tone doesn’t go unnoticed and your eyes narrow, face puckered up with something sour.
“Of course not,” you spit, chin tilting up a little. 
A hum of incredulity vibrates in his throat, head quirked. “Doesn’t seem that way.” 
Your features flatten, fixing your big brother with an unimpressed look, though your heart is still in your stomach, pounding away irregularly. 
You’re sure he can feel it, throbbing in your gut, his hips pressing further into your own, demanding an answer.
“Touya, they’re shoes. They mean nothing. It was an innocent mistake—”
“Prove it.”
“Prove what?” you frown, voice beginning to strain beneath desperation. “It was an accident, meaning that it was unintended, not deliberate, like—”
“Prove to me that I’m your favourite brother.”
A pang sears through your chest, features falling as if he had just physically struck you, appalled that he would even insinuate such a thing, as if he could ever not be your favourite, and your response comes out harsher than you intend, scathing your tongue. 
“I prove that to you every fucking night.” 
Sapphire flares, engulfing pinprick pupils, the hinges of his jaw flexing with a slow, controlled exhale. It wafts across your face, chills skittering after it as dread unfurls, thick and sticky, in the pit of your stomach, engulfing your heart in a tarry, suffocating embrace. 
“Y’know, that mouth of yours is real filthy,” he begins, eyes lidded with a practiced indifference, not enough to hide the flames glimmering in his irises.
Of course your mouth is; it’s routinely glazed by your eldest brother’s tongue, your teeth lacquered in thick spit stained with spice and ash—irrevocably soiled, ruined, forever his.
A response blazes on your tarnished tongue—something you try to keep locked away behind two rows of ivory, something you try to snuff out, muscle pressed hard against the roof of you mouth—but it’s too hot, it’s too strong, melting past your teeth to ooze from your lips, venom and syrup.
“Oh, yeah? What’re you gonna do about it?”
You expect a backhand for such a rude response, face preemptively wincing as the phantom of sharp knuckles and metal rings caresses your cheek, but he just smirks, eyes lazily sweeping to the sink crammed between the machines, zeroing in on a thick bar of soap. 
“Oh, I’ve got some ideas.” 
You’re too slow, too weak, too stupid to escape it—or, rather, he’s too fast, too tough, too smart to allow such a mistake, a fluid flash of ivory and crystal as he leans forward, palm already clasping around the bar when you try to wriggle from below his body, his free hand catching your jaw and yanking you to back toward him, hard enough to give you whiplash. 
Pain sears down your spine, a yelp splintering in your throat, body gone pliant beneath your big brother’s touch. 
Head shaking, your jaw clenches under callused fingertips in defiance, molars grinding together.
“I said, open,” he growls, expertly squeezing the hinges, mouth popping open easily without your permission.
You should’ve known he’d do that, a trick he learned when you were teenagers, a trick he’s been exploiting ever since. 
The bar shoves past your teeth, scraping against the edges, thick curls of soap collecting in the divots of your cheeks. 
A bitterness explodes on your tongue, flattened to the underside of the bar, and your features scrunch up in distaste, nose wrinkling, eyes shut tight.
“Keep it in there,” he says, thumb pressing it in a little further, huffing out a chuckle at your responding gag. “If you spit it out before I cum, I’ll tie it to your goddamn mouth and fuck you again, y’hear me?” 
Azure eyes search your face, slow and calm as they wait for you to nod your understanding. Then he’s smirking, something smug and arrogant curdling the corners of his lips, and he’s spinning you around, grip rough and harsh as he pins you between the machine and his body, and he’s kicking at your inner ankles, toes forcing your legs further apart, knees slipping between your own, keeping them pried open. 
“You know,” he’s saying conversationally, hands unhurried as they creep up your dress, the hem beginning to bunch around his wrists. “I’ve always found it so cute when you act as if you don’t want this.” 
Fingers crawl between your spread thighs, muscles tensing around his as if they’d like to snap shut, his own strong legs urging yours wider. 
Two digits find your hole, drenched and desperate, rubbing circles into it through the lace of your panties—massaging, tips just barely dipping inside, snorting out something sick and cruel as your empty cunt pulses and flutters, a poor attempt to suck them in further.
He plays with you for a breath, gathering the fabric between his forefinger and a thumb, peeling the sticky material from where it was clinging to your folds. 
Holding it taut, he lets your shame build, flushing hot through your blood, pinpricks sprouting across your skin, Touya waiting for that telltale whimper before finally allowing it to slap back wetly, another little snicker dripping from his lips. 
Callused pads find your clit, puffy and yearning and jumping beneath his touch. He brushes against it—a crude apology of sorts—then clamps down on the swollen nub, something high and pitchy cracking in your throat.
“It’s always so hot,” he speaks over your cry, grip strengthening, “when you act as if this doesn’t turn you own just as much as it turns me on.”
Jerking forward, his hips grind into your ass, hard cock pressed tightly to supple flesh. His jaw latches over your shoulder, chin digging into your collarbone and keeping you in place.
“So don’t stop, ‘kay?”
Your head nods; automatic, instinctual, unable to resist even if you wanted to.
Because yeah, sure, he’s fucking sick, but you’re just as bad, ailed with the same illness, contracted from the same diseased household, the both of you growing, festering, in the same putrified environment—nurtured there, poisoned there, by each other, for each other. 
And so, you obey, you perform, body thrashing against his own, palms planted on the top of the washer pushing back hard, his cock twitching in response. 
Yeah, yeah, keep fighting him. 
The sound that rattles in his chest is dark, dangerous, lips spread into a wide grin. One of his hands curls around the back of your neck, grip hard enough to stutter the blood in your jugulars, before he slams your head down against the machine, skull bouncing a little with the impact. 
The force nearly sends the soap skittering from your mouth, eyes widening as you manage to catch it with your teeth, drawing it back in. His palm skims down your spine, splayed flat on the small of your back, pinioning you in place.
His cock breaches you suddenly, one sharp, swift thrust to bury him to the hilt, head jammed tight against your cervix. It fucking stings, delicate skin splitting as your hole stretches, strains, struggles to swallow him whole, desperate to succeed, to submit. 
You choke on a gasp, the soap wedged in your mouth making it difficult to inhale, and Touya laughs, cruelness curling on his tongue. 
His other hand wraps around your waist, fingertips snapping tiny capillaries beneath their touch, using the leverage to pull you back as his hips hammer forward, each drive of his cock jostling your entire body, the edge of the machine jabbing your tummy.
It’s ruthless right from the start, just as it always is with Touya, cock pounding into you hard and fast and deep, the sharp slap of his pelvis against your ass rivalling the steady rumble of the machines. 
The soap is already starting to slip again, melting in the heat of your mouth, eroded by the saliva drooling in thick strings from the corners, and you whine, teeth sinking further into the softening bar, a feeble attempt to hold it in place. 
Even now, you’re still so eager to please him. 
But it’s hard to hone your concentration on the slick bar between your lips when Touya’s consistently ramming against that swollen patch of flesh buried deep within you, cockhead rolling over that spot in quick little motions, in time with the piston of his hips. 
Sparks of pleasure quiver down your legs, each thrust sending another bout flooding through your veins, a dense, hot heat beginning to furl in the pit of your stomach. 
It feels so good, muffled moans seeping past the seam of your stretched lips, fingers curling around the corners of the washing machine, nails scraping metal as you try to anchor yourself, weakly pushing back against your big brother, begging for more. 
It’s a shame your big brother knows your body so well.
“Don’t you dare,” he pants out, purposefully angling his hips so he stops brushing up against that spot, his next thrust missing it completely. “Bad little sisters don’t get to cum on their big brother’s cock, don’t you know?” 
The denial burns your eyes, a stringy, contorted wail of his name wavering around the soap as a thick shield of tears blurs your vision, nose twitching with a sniffle. 
“Yeah, yeah, cry about it, baby,” he mocks, the edges of his letters gone wispy, sounding more like a plead than a demand. “It’s your own fault; if you weren’t such a disrespectful little brat then maybe niichan would’ve let you cum.” 
You hate being told no by anyone, but you hate being told no by Touya the most.
It hurts, chest aching with rebuff, but your body does as he asks anyway, incapable of disobeying a direct order from its owner, tears spilling past your lashes to pool in little puddles on the metal.
You try to say please, to beg so prettily, with glittering lashes beaded with tears and sweet little niichan’s hiccuping your ribs, but the wiggling of your tongue causes the soap to slip again, a sweet yelp of concern trembling in your throat as your teeth dig in deeper, jaw tensing, cheeks hollowing around the bar in an attempt to suck it further into your mouth.
The agony doesn’t last long, though, your combined obedience and weeping and the grumbling vibrations from the machine enough have Touya cumming quickly. 
You should’ve known that would happen, too, Touya now a seasoned pro in the art of the quickie, a feat achieved through years of practice, in family game closets and your personal shower and the backseat of his car. 
Two more pumps before his cock is throbbing almost violently, his hips stammering to a stop, flexors pressed flush to your ass as he fills you to the brim with hot, thick cum. 
The moment he’s got nothing else to give, finished stuffing your cunt full of his rotten seed, he’s pulling out despite your whines of protest, knees hitting tile as his hands curl around your thighs, nails dimpling plush flesh, carving crescents of angry purple as he wrenches them further apart. 
Dollops of cream cascade down your inner legs, his thumbs sure to move out of their way as they lazily roll past, unobstructed. 
“Don’t move,” he breathes, voice infused with a sick sort of awe as his head tilts, spine curving uncomfortably while he follows them down your calves, watching as they trickle right into Natsuo’s shoes. 
“Fuck,” he nearly whines, nose nuzzling into the back of your knee, lips dragging across your skin as he speaks again. “D’y’think you can squeeze some more out f’me?” 
Yes, niichan, of course, niichan, anything for you, niichan. 
Empty hole contracting around nothing and muscles in your gut tensing, you manage to wring more of the sticky substance from your body, sending another torrent of cum flowing down your legs in silky streams to soak into, to stain, Natsuo’s soles. 
A praise sticks in Touya’s throat, garbled and heavy, his tongue smoothing along the residual streaks gleaming on your skin, sopping up the remnants of his pleasure, painting over them with a thick salve of saliva. 
“There,” he’s murmuring when he gets to his feet again, nose trailing along the curve of your neck with a single deep inhale, lips planting a chaste kiss to your earlobe. “That should be enough to remind you to never make such a careless mistake ever again, right?” 
Your head turns, nose bumping against his own, wet eyes blinking twice. Waiting. 
Something sinister smears across your big brother’s lips, crystal eyes shimmering as they watch his fingers dislodge the bar from your mouth, clumps of soap clinging to the edges of your teeth. 
“Yes, niichan,” you say immediately, voice wrecked and raw, the confirmation grating on your throat.
A thumb rubs along your front teeth, smudging the soap in a crude caress, his gaze mollifying slightly. 
“That’s my good little sister.” 
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
Me and my cat are exactly the same and it's hilarious. Like my gf just got a new rug to go over a cord we have on the floor (my autism along with some other factors make me really clumsy and I WILL trip over it so yeah) but she had me feel the rugs at the store because she wants one that's also an okay texture for me. Well she grabbed one and showed it to me and it's just *chefs kiss* very good texture. So immediately when she lays it down at home, me and the cat both sit on it before she's even done adjusting it XD
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fairyhaos · 4 months
how seventeen would act as a webtoon fantasy world prince
this was written with those virtual character dating simulation thingies in mind btw?? like. those unrealistic webtoon isekai-esque stuff. ive never played them before but this is based on my interpretation of them lmao
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either you fall in love with prince seungcheol at first sight or it's some charged enemies to lovers dynamic until someone finally realises they've fallen. he's just such a huge and great and formidable presence and he is just The Best protector. there's ofc gonna be some sort of altercation where you get hurt and you can bet that his eyes go stormy and he's asking "who did this to you" in a low voice, full of promise to murder anyone who hurt you. watches you with stars in his eyes when you descend the staircase in the beautiful outfit you're wearing as his partner to a royal ball, and that's how he knows that you're the one
prettier than you. every time he appears on screen there's a bunch of shiny sparkles and floating hearts and at least one of the other faceless side-princesses has to faint at his beauty in the background of the scene. he's charactertised by his soft eyes and the glinting teeth in his smile and the way he always has the most out-of-pocket sentences that leave his lips. he's really pretty and really smart but also???? unexpectedly does little things that show that he cares about you. prince jeonghan is written as the webtoon trope where he looks like a laid-back pretty boy but secretly loves you dearly and would defend you with his life
childhood friends who drifted away due to circumstances in their own kingdoms before finally reuniting at a ball and realising oh god... they both grew up to be so beautiful. there's some underlying, dramatic plot involving betrayal and corruption in the temple (dude it's always the temple) but your love for one another is always there, unspoken but ringing true constantly. does it kind of give you plot armour? yeah, bc the writer doesn't want anything to happen to joshua. (or you. but mostly joshua.) but there's also at least 6 shirtless prince joshua scenes bc the writer loves him so. take what you can get.
he's just Doing His Best okay. he's been married off to you, a royal from another kingdom, and he's kinda having a bad time bc the climate of your kingdoms are just so different but you're also kind of being all snappish with him like he chose to be married off to you?? but you're also really pretty and sometimes you're quite nice and it's obvious you're a good person from how you talk about your subjects and he knows that you don't like him but he thinks he might be falling in love with you, which is kind of confusing for everyone. comedy-fluff-misunderstandings webtoon style.
playful younger prince. rebellious. you first meet him in some rundown, peasant area and you genuinely think he's just the illegitimate son of a noble rather than the prince himself bc he's just so friendly and blatantly disregarding all sorts of common court etiquette. as someone stifled by the rigid aristocratic structures, you find it refreshing, and talking to him is just so easy and you get to express yourself so well around him. before you know it, you're in love, and when you feel horribly betrayed at the reveal that he's the prince, well.... perhaps someone else out of the two of you managed to catch feelings too.
he's always so calm and composed and it makes you want to climb him like a tree and wring his shoulders to finally ruffle his leaves a little and find out what makes him tick. you want to be the one to crack the secret to prince jeon wonwoo, basically. will he let you? no. he hates you. at least, that's what you think, before something happens at a horse-riding tournament through the woods that you're participating in and your horse becomes out of control, and from then on, wonwoo never leaves your side. almost as if he was scared that he'd truly lose you, and he realises that he never wants that to happen, ever.
guys. guys prince jihoon is perfect for a prince x knight trope. prince jihoon who's head knight and always ends up sniping with you, the one knight in his charge that always snarks back. prince jihoon who spars with his knights often and always seems to be the closest in skill level with you. prince jihoon who mostly sees you in your armour so to see you dressed in finery at a ball makes him blink because you're actually rather beautiful. and you, who feel torn between your duty and the comfortable banter that you've developed with the crown prince that makes you crave more and more every time he turns to leave.
you rarely go out to balls but this time your family convinces you to come to the masquerade ball the royal family are holding for the crown prince. there, you meet a handsome masked man, who leads you through one of the fast dances and has you laughing into him before you share a fascinatingly intellectual conversation with him until the ball ends and from there, you're whisked away by your chatty (but well-meaning) family and you never see him again until a dramatic encounter at the market where you're about to get robbed but a familiar voice steps in. is it a cliche plot? yeah, but prince minghao is drawn to be utterly gorgeous so people will stay for the art
is literally soooo drop-dead gorgeous that you promise yourself you're not gonna fall in love with him bc like???? he's the prince from a neighbouring kingdom that you're being forced to marry. this off-the-charts handsomeness is just a ploy to get you to act out a cliche of falling for him. but the more time you spend with him, the more you find that despite being (almost terrifyingly) handsome, he's also kind of... adorable? so... maybe you'll rethink your decision to not fall in love with him.... especially when he trips over his feet and accidentally blurts out how he's in love with you when on a walk in the palace gardens
ray-of-sunshine crown prince who is so annoyingly perfect that you feel kind of irritated. literally it's soooo obvious that the writer has a thing for puppy-coded sunshine bright boys bc it even makes the reader fall for him too. you have an (admittedly one-sided) rivalry with him, bc he's just so kind and loved by all and it fills you with hatred bc you've been nothing but despised and shunned your entire life. but then, some small, kind gesture that he does to you marks the beginning of change in your feelings, and it's as his eyes find yours during yet another ball that you realise... oh. perhaps you've fallen for him after all.
spoilt brat. but also your childhood best friend, so you've learnt to deal with his tendencies and know how to hold him back from kicking someone in the shins in a very un-royal way, and have even grown to love him. like a friend, ofc. however, the weird feeling in your stomach from seeing him having to entertain foreign royalty.... it's definitely not jealousy, right? definitely not. at least, you don't think it is, until seungkwan and you overhear his parents talking of an arranged marriage with another kingdom and you realise with startling clarity that you never want to lose seungkwan to someone else
honestly. vernon is probably the ordinary guy who was isekai-ed into a fantasy novel as the crown prince. but like, Why does he manage to do so well in his role???? he's panicking the entire time, but he's not necessarily doing badly, and he manages to make you fall for him even harder than you do in the original novel. the second male lead doesn't even have the chance to be an option bc vernon is literally the only person you see. he doesn't know how it happens, but he speed-runs the entire book in one month and then you're confessing your love for him and uh. he might actually be in love with you too.
prince chan is the most gentle and most courteous prince of all time. bows all deeply and respectfully when you first meet him, and he's careful not to touch you without your permission. has such a captivating smile and such captivating words that you can't help but find your gaze gravitating to him at all times. stares at you all awed when you laugh at a particularly funny joke he made. he will 100% definitely treat you right forever. kisses you all soft when he leaves for a battle, your handkerchief tucked into his clothes as a reminder of what he can never leave behind
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reactions tags: @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @yonabutnotyuna @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @evasaysstuff @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @hanniehaee @astrozuya @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @amxlia-stars @all-american-fangirl @f1uffyjun @jeonghanfr
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fgefrgbghv · 4 months
Astrology notes 1: Family & genetics & my placements
Capricorn Moons - very unstable, irresponsible and childish and overall can have a terrible, irresponsible and childish mother, often absent father, often are the oldest kids who raised themselves, their other siblings and partly also their parents.
Experiences: my best friend is an oldest child cap moon who raised basically themselves, her mother is almost as shit as mine,, which is A LOT,, also her father tends to be on long work trips a lot. like,, majority of her life and ive never actually seen him except her jokin glike two times about him being autistic -
Scorpio Sun - Often Black sheep of their family - raw, wild, different from their family and often put aside in a different box cuz of it.
Experiences: my scorp sun dad - he is literally an adhd energetic worcaholic goofball in a house full of conversative "mental differences & ilnesses aren't real" (I mean, he is this too tho-) lazy people. or at least,,, he grew up to be. I hope we're not like this lol.
Also this thing about scorp placements being neurodivergent -
Experiences: my moon and my dad's sun, both having adhd and possible autism
Scorpio Moon - The worst moon sign to have objectively. A terrible, over-controlling, border narcissistic mom. Were literally taught to be feared by her and her obsessions. Have it the worst. Also they get so much trust issues from their parents and overbearing, too-involved and wanting to be controlling everything in their lives, mother, so they aren't very good with relationships, and often feel
Ecperiences: Me. I have it, also a very terrible and fanatic and often crazy, mad and frantic - not in a good way - described by people who she has around and me, who knows this aspect of her way too much,
On the contrary, Taurus Moons - Objectively the best moon placement to have. Imagine taurian qualities and that in a mother -- boom, now you have won.
Exps: - My brother is this, and remember that frantic mom we have? Well, if you saw her around him, you'd almost believe she is actually normal. They have a great relationship. I mean, she IS kinda awful, but like, doesn't make his life hell,, in contrary to mine.
People often tell people with Lilith in 10th their worst horrible horrible secrets and their dark side. And like when they tell it about them to anyone else they're always like "noooo, them??? They'd NEVER do that." and just people
I have Pluto in 11th - which makes me always on the edge of social groups, people not trusting me easily and always having a thin line between friends and enemies, mixed with my moon sign never knowing who to trust because I KNOW people are gonna turn their back on me a lot. Happened a lot always and will happen, anyways. Also, combined with my Lilith in 10th, women don't like me in general, so, personally, as a man-repulsed person... Yayyy. I have a loooot of people to talk to and to choose from, lmao.
Peace out, guys.
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trancylovecraft · 5 months
Since you do VERY dark subjects and such, do expect me to request for Mammon often LMAO
Okay so--
General HC's for Mammon with reader who is his GF?
RECEIPT ✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BARISTA'S NOTE: EEEEEE! sorry this one took so long!! i'm happy you requested this cause AGHHHHH I LOVE THIS PINE TREE MAN!!! favourite character frfr. if you ever do request when open then PLEASE go as dark as you like, trust me, i enjoy writing it :D
FANDOM: Helluva Boss
Thank you for ordering!
Come again soon!
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• Oooh! Intresting!
• I headcannon Mammon as a possessive, Manipulative and controlling kinda yandere. Mostly coming from his position as the King of greed.
• Especially once you’ve gotten in a relationship with him these traits are tenfold.
• Mammon views you as his possession, And a valuable one at that. You are his, He likes showing you off too as he brings you around his workplace and flaunting you like jewellery
• If anyone dares to touch what is his, Mammon would not hesitate to absolutely crush them. It doesn’t matter if its a creepy fan or a close family member. He doesn’t care, They’re getting obliterated.
• Mammon doesn’t show his care for you, Deeming it as unprofitable. But he does care even though he insults and berates you often, Even when it gets physical, He does love you.. He does! Don’t you realise this is all because he loves you..?
• He manipulates you into staying with him by promising you mountains of luxury. Whatever pleasures and desires you may want will be served on a silver spoon, Especially after a physical argument (Though you don’t know that its solely so you don’t leave)
• No one really knows how you two got together, One day you just showed up sitting next to him while watching one of his shows.
• You could’ve started out as a performer trying to get to the face of his brand, And Mammon, Somehow grew a liking for you more than just your monetary value.
• You could also have been a PR stunt, Him paying you to be his partner. Mammon, The King of Greed getting in a relationship? Preposterous! It would only drive more people to his shows just to see if they were true, Making more money.  
• But he doesn’t know what attracted him to you. Maybe it was your cunning nature, Your lust for more and more. Or maybe it could’ve been your genuine creativity, A want to make out of passion and not pennies.
• Either way, You’re both in a relationship now, Hooray!
• Though the quality of your bond really depends on how you react to his rather unsavoury tendencies.
• If you’re fine with it/have Stockholm syndrome then its gonna be a much easier time with him.
• You’ll be taken out with him more, Mammon likes boasting about you and how much of prize you were to have as a girlfriend. He’ll tone down his insults to banter and the amount of gifts you get will be increased tenfold.
• Mammon enjoys taking you out on expensive dates, Restaurants in the lust ring with a bottle of their most fine wine being opened in your favour. It’s only on these dates you can really see Mammon have something of a soft side, Giving disguised compliments and maybe even a genuine smile or two.
• You’ll be much more free, Being able to roam around his place of living freely, Ability to go out shopping without him (But, With a good few bodyguards, That is) And the right to go do what you want.
• Though Mammon does dictate what you wear and will order you to come to certain events, You don’t mind as you believe you’re just spending time with the Christmas tree you call your boyfriend.
• Physical touch is also a big thing for him, Also being a display of ownership. An arm around you, You on his lap or simple goodbye kisses are all too common for the both of you.
• Its sweeter, Even though the glasses you buy are rose-tinted, You enjoy the nicer moments.
• However if you’re considered unruly, Actively don’t reciprocate his obsession and god forbid try to escape..
• You’ll be tossed into a cage, One of the carnival trailer ones where they keep animals. That's where you stay, Not his expensive condo. You won’t be spoiled with rich foods and pleasures beyond your imagination, Only being served with what the show dogs are being fed with.
• If you want to act like a bitch, You’ll be treated like one. That’s what Mammon thinks. He’s pissed that you don’t appreciate him for everything he’s given you! All the money he’s spent! You’re his girlfriend, Why the hell are you acting like this.
• You won’t be taken out, Not until you learn how to behave. Mammon still visits you daily, No sweetness in his voice as he insults you and breaks you down with your biggest insecurities. He wants to break you, Just so he can build you back up into the perfect partner, Both for his reputation and his own selfish desires.
• If this process takes too long then Mammon will get angry and ramp up his abuse, Resorting to beatings or even torture just to get your mind into a mouldable state.
• Mammon is a horrible yandere to have, If you couldn’t tell.
• Sometimes when he’s in a better mood, He might toss you his leftovers or actually give you a blanket to sleep with instead of the horse hay you were using. Though he really does care, This is more of a manipulative tactic to get you to act better in order to get more stuff.
• If you ever do give up and give into him, Mammon would be stoked. He’d treat you as if nothing ever happened while you just had the worst experience of your entire life.
• You’d be absolutely traumatised, Even though Mammon does feel only the tiniest bit guilty, He ignores it in favour of just forgetting that it ever happened.
• The only way I ever see you escaping him is if you have connections with any other of the kings, Especially the more powerful ones like Beelzebub. If they care enough or you have a certain relationship (Platonic or otherwise) they could probably bail you out, Secretly of course, You’re going into hell’s witness protection after this.
• Mammon would be pissed, Yelling and destroying everything around him as he demands his employees to find you. Basically having the biggest tantrum of his life.
• When he finds you with the money he bribed people with, It really depends if you do have a connection to one of the kings because if so that would stop him from taking you back. Leaving him to absolutely explode over what happened, Just fuming and scheming a way to get you back.
• If you don’t have a connection to one of the kings, Then he’ll drag you back to the greed ring screaming. He won’t hesitate to yell obscenities and break your legs, Throw you into the trailer cage and start the torture all over.
• But hey! What can you expect?
• This is the king of greed, Of course he’ll never let you go.
• Not for a very, VERY long time.
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cowgurrrl · 3 months
Ok I have fluff angst idea…Charlie is pregnant and freaking out about telling Joel because she is kinda young. And Joel is mad, scared, excited , crying and also grandpa Joel?!
Hello why did this make me tear up
April, Come She Will
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
Author’s note: it’s canon to me that reader and Joel live to be 100 and nothing bad ever happens to them ever again
Summary: The next generation of Millers find their way [3.6k]
Warnings: teen pregnancy (what’s new for this series lmao), arguing, language, call backs
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Charlie's been acting weird for the past few weeks. She's been coming in and out of the house at strange times, not showing up for patrol, and giving you vague answers about where she's been. She's nineteen now, so she doesn't necessarily need you and Joel breathing down her neck all the time, but you still like to know where your kid is. She tells you she's been with Ellie or her boyfriend, Eric, which is fine. You like Eric. You just wish she would spend a little more time at home. 
Charlie and Eric met on patrol. No matter how much you tried to dissuade her from joining the patrol team, she wouldn't listen. She had watched you guys go out and defend Jackson as she grew up and even talked to Ellie about her adventures outside the walls. She knew how to ride a horse, and Joel taught her how to handle a gun. The intention was never to "train" her for patrol but to be prepared in a worst-case situation where she needed to protect herself but the second she was old enough, she signed up. She got paired with Eric, a sweet boy her age she went to school with, for her first patrol, and that was it. They've been together ever since. 
Joel was hesitant when they started dating, but you reminded him she was an adult and could make her own decisions. Eric was somehow more hesitant when Charlie invited him over for a family dinner. Eric grew up hearing stories about your family, and his dad occasionally worked patrol with Joel, but knowing him by proxy is much different than sitting across from him at the dinner table. Joel promised to be on his best behavior, but poor Eric was terrified any time Joel asked him a question. Since then, they've gotten a little closer, but they are by no means buddies. You're a little nicer.
All this runs through your head when Eric trails behind Charlie into the house. It's a Saturday, and you and Joel are off patrol, sitting next to each other on the couch. You were supposed to go see Ellie and Dina, but they rescheduled for next weekend without much explanation as to why. JJ might've gotten in trouble. At seventeen, he has more of Ellie's wild personality than anything else. It's a little fun to watch her try to handle a younger version of herself. 
"Hey, can we talk?" Charlie asks, a slight tremble in her voice. You look up from your book, and Joel leans forward to drop his wood carving knife on the coffee table. She and Eric sit across from you, her leg bouncing anxiously when she does, and you glance between them. You're a little confused as to why Eric has to be here for this, but she's clinging to his hand so hard you almost worry she's gonna break it. Worry claws at the back of your throat, but you swallow it down. Whatever it is, you can handle it.
"Sure, bug," you say. "What's up?" 
"Um, so there's something I've been meaning to tell you, but I wanted to get some things squared away before I did because I didn't want you guys to freak out or anything. I understand this is a really big deal, but it's under control, and we have a plan." She explains rapidly, and Joel chuckles as he removes his glasses to rub at his eye.
"You ain't pregnant, are you?" He asks, and Charlie is silent. That's when you feel your heart drop to the pit of your stomach. Your mouth goes dry, and you sit up, staring at her like you're waiting for her to say she's joking. "Charlotte," Joel says, his tone even and scarily calm. "You're not. Right?"
"I'm sorry, Daddy," she says, tears shining in her eyes. "But we… we have a plan. We're gonna get set up in a house, and Ellie's gonna lend us some of JJ's old things, and we're gonna pick up some more shifts before the baby comes. It's all gonna be okay."
You can't help but feel like you set her up for failure, not only with your own teen pregnancy but with your inability to keep her safe. In the old days, you might've been able to put her on birth control or give her condoms when she started dating, but those things aren't on the top of the list for what little FEDRA manufacturing is left. The best "safe sex" talk you could have with her is letting her know her options if she did get pregnant or sick. You hated it, but there wasn't much else you could do. And now look where you are. 
"Mom, can you please say something?" Charlie begs as Eric rubs her back. You thought you'd be prepared for something like this with your and Joel's (and Ellie's) family life starting earlier than most. Instead, you find yourself, possibly for the first time ever, sympathizing with your mother. You pull yourself together enough to open your mouth. 
"You wanna have this baby?" You ask, and she nods. 
"We already decided. We're not gonna get married or anything yet, but yeah, we want this baby," she says. Eric doesn't say anything. You figure that's probably smart. It's only a matter of time before Joel freaks the fuck out about the fact that he got your baby girl pregnant. "That's why I went to Ellie's the other day. I was talking to her, Aunt Dina, and Uncle Jesse about when they had Jay." She says. You try not to be offended that she told Ellie before she told you. You told lots of people before you told your mom you were pregnant. Still, you thought you and Charlie were closer than you and your mom were. 
You look at Joel, the same panic and anger taking over his features, and take a deep breath. He grinds his teeth as he thinks, and you have to stop yourself from scolding him. When you look back at Charlie, her face is splotchy, and her brown eyes sparkle in the mid-afternoon light. She looks so grown up but so little at the same time. Your eyes slide from hers to Eric's wide ones.
"I'm assuming you know the stories about Jane and her dad?" You ask.
"Yes, ma'am." He croaks, and you nod.
"And I'm assuming you know how Joel and I got to Jackson in the first place?" 
"Mom," Charlie starts, but you catch Joel shaking his head at her in your peripheral vision. Eric swallows thickly and nods.
"Yes, ma'am." 
"Good," you say. "If I ever hear anything about you not being there for Charlie or that baby, or if you even think about leaving them, I'll fucking kill you." You haven't had to speak this way in years, and it, obviously, rattles both Charlie and Eric. Good. You hope it does rattle him. 
"Mom!" Charlie scolds, looking to Joel for help, but it's clear that he has your back with this one. You'll be damned if she ends up a single parent like you two were. She scoffs and stands, pulling Eric up with her. "You don't have to listen to this, Eric."
"Yes, he does." You say.
"Baby, what did you think we were gonna say?" Joel asks. 
"That you'd support my decision or, at least, find a way to!" 
"Of course, we support you. I just..." Joel trails off. "I just don't think you know what this means. How much this is gonna change your life. And I know you love each other, but havin' a baby ain't an easy thing."
"That's why we're doing it together," she says, her eyes moving from Joel's to yours. "That's why it's fucking crazy to talk to him like that. And unfair. You didn't act this way when Ellie had JJ." 
"That's because we didn't need to have this same talk with them. Jesse and Dina had already decided to co-parent Jay. There was no way Dina was gonna be a single mom," you say. "But there were three of them, and it was still hard. You were just a baby when he was born, so you don't remember, but it was a lot."
"So, you don't think I can be a mom?" She asks, and you stand with your hands up in defeat.
"I didn't say that. I just want you to be prepared. I remember what it was like, and I-"
"Just because you were miserable when you had Jane doesn't mean everyone is." It's mean and calculated and hits you right where it hurts. It doesn't matter if it's the hormones or not. The sting of her words renders you silent. 
"Don't you speak to your mother that way!" Joel yells. He never yells anymore, especially at Charlie. The scary boom in his voice fills the room, but you catch the glint of tears in his eyes as his breathing stutters. "This ain't just playin' house, Charlie. So, if your mama is a little worried, she's allowed to be. Shit, we're all allowed to lose our fuckin' minds for a minute, but that isn't an excuse to talk bout your family like that." He says, and she taps her shoe on the ground twice, a nervous tick she picked up from Joel.
"I'm sorry, Mom, but I can't just sit here and listen to you threaten Eric like that," she says. You nod but don't apologize. You can't find anything to say. Charlie stares at you like she's waiting for you to lash out or yell at her, but you can't. She wipes a stray tear away furiously and turns away. "I need some air," she mumbles, dragging Eric out of the house before you can even protest. The door slams behind her, and the floorboards she took her first steps on shake with the force. Joel reaches for your hand and pulls you into him. He murmurs soft assurances into your hair, his voice cracking and tears spilling from his eyes as he does, and all you can do is let him hold you. 
What the fuck else are you supposed to do?
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You wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of the bathroom door in the hall slamming open. You and Joel jolt upright in bed at the sudden sound (old habits die hard, right?), and you sigh as you rub your eyes. You check the alarm clock next to your bed for the time and see it's close to three. The dark mountain town is still asleep outside your window, and you grab a soft flannel from the floor to pull over your shoulders. 
You don't remember falling asleep. You were up, waiting for Charlie to come home so you could talk further, but when the front door opened and closed, and she basically sprinted to her room, you couldn't find the energy for another fight. But when you laid down, you couldn't sleep either, your conversation from earlier playing on a loop in your mind. You and Joel just sat there in silence, staring up at the ceiling until your eyelids got too heavy, and you fell into a dreamless sleep. You couldn't have been asleep for over an hour or two when the bathroom door swung open. Joel looks at you, confused when you stand.
"What are you doin'?" He asks, and you wave him off.
"I know why she's up. Just go back to bed." You say without much explanation before padding down the hallway and into the bathroom.
Your footsteps are loud enough on the tile for her to hear you, so she doesn't flinch when you suddenly pull her hair away from her face and hold it out of the way. She glances at you and softens a little before retching into the toilet again. She does that for another minute or two before her stomach is finally empty, and you can safely let go of her hair. She sighs and leans against the wall as you flush the toilet and hand her a towel. You settle across from her, your back pressed against the sink, and rub her leg as she wipes her face. 
"Thanks," she mumbles as she tips her head back against the wall. She looks tired and weak. All you want to do is scoop her up in your arms like she's three years old again. "I feel like shit."
"I'm sorry. That's my genetics. I was super sick with you and Jane." Her name rolls off your tongue so fast you almost forget the last time it was invoked. The air stiffens between you, and she shifts uncomfortably. 
"How long were you sick for?" She asks softly. You sigh as you track your memory back and try to remember the exact details.  
"About six months," you admit, and she groans. You laugh a little at her reaction, but only because you know how frustrating it is. If you could take it from her, you would. When you settle, she stares at you guiltily and starts picking at the nail bed around her thumb like she can't stand the silence. "Where did you guys go?" you ask to put her out of her misery.
"I just… needed to get out of the house. We walked around town for a while before going to his parent's house," she says. "They still don't know. We wanted to tell y'all first." You nod, unable to give words to your gratitude just yet, and she swallows thickly.  
"You could've stayed," you whisper. "I wanted you to stay."
"I know," she says. "I'm sorry. For everything." She looks like she could start crying again, so you take a deep breath, scoot over to her, wrap her in your arms, and kiss her temple. You feel her relax into you, and a weight is lifted off your shoulders.
"You know your dad and I worry about you. It's not about you not being capable or not smart enough because you are plenty capable and smart. But we also know that it doesn't matter how prepared you think you are. There's nothing that can prepare you for being a parent, and that's not me trying to scare you. It's just how it is." You explain, and she nods into your neck. 
"That's what Ellie said, too." She says. 
"Smart kid." 
"I feel like I fucked up," she pivots dramatically, but you hold on tightly and wait for her to continue. I'm right here with you, baby girl, you think. "I want to be happy because Eric seems happy, and you're supposed to be happy when you find out you're pregnant, but I'm so fucking scared." She sounds like she's on the brink of tears again, and you shush her. She sighs heavily and wipes at her face as she leans back enough to see you. "Were you scared when you found out you were pregnant?"
"Both times, I was fucking terrified. With you, it came later, though. Even though your dad and I talked about having another kid and how amazing you'd end up being, I remember going into labor and shaking cause of how scared I was." You say, and she nods. 
"How did you... know you were supposed to be a mom? She asks. It's a loaded question. How does anyone ever know they're "supposed" to be a parent? You certainly didn't think you were meant for anything that important at sixteen, but you do remember why you made the decision you did. 
"I, um…" you trail off, laughing. "I started having these dreams after I found out I was pregnant."
"It was pretty much the same thing over and over again for a few months. I would be going through my regular routine, but this… baby was following me around. I couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl, but I knew it was my baby. And it came with me to school, the grocery store, work, everything, and as time passed in my dream, the bigger the baby got. They'd get more personality or start laughing, or their eyes would change colors, and I'd be so in love with them," You know you sound crazy, but that's because it was crazy. "The first few times, I woke up crying because the baby from my dreams wasn't there. I thought there was nothing worse than waking up in the morning and not having my kid there," you say. The weight of your words catches up with you, and you have to bite your bottom lip to keep from crying. "And I was right." You shake your head and take a deep breath, hyper-aware of her eyes on you.
"I had the same dreams when I got pregnant with you, except they were a little different. In all of them, you were always with Ellie and Dad— every single time. I thought you were gonna grow up and not like me as much or whatever other reason my hormones gave me for the change, but, towards the end, you started showing up alone. You were just this little light. I can't describe it exactly, but everything I did in the dream was a little more magical because you were there. Things were shiny or glittery, and you would just giggle and giggle and giggle," you say, smiling at the memory. You grab her hand and squeeze hard, looking directly into her eyes and fighting more tears. "You turned my world technicolor even before you were born, and I knew I would always do everything I could to protect you. That's why I was so hard on Eric. I know he's a good kid and nothing like Jane's dad was, but I don't want you to end up like me, kid." Charlie squeezes your hand, somehow harder than you squeeze her, and a familiar crease appears between her eyebrows.
"Mommy, if I'm half the woman you are, I'd be so fucking happy. Are you kidding me?" She says. 
"I'm serious," she cuts you off, Joel's commanding yet gentle tone seeping into her voice. "Mom, you made my lunch until I was in high school, and even when I asked you to stop, you still had one ready to go just in case I needed it. You used to take JJ and me to the park so Ellie and Aunt Dina could get some sleep, even though everyone knew that meant you didn't get any. You convinced Dad to talk to Eric because you knew I loved him and wanted him to like him..." She slows down a little bit, scanning your face before she continues. "You kept a kid alive during the Outbreak despite everything. You still buy her flowers on her birthday. You tell me about her. You let me know her," you take a shaky breath, and you can't stop the tears anymore. "You're a good mom, and I'm so lucky to have you, and I'm sorry for what I said and for getting pregnant and-" 
This time, you stop her by hugging her tight and letting yourself cry. She gets emotional, too, and a very unlucky Joel finds the two of you crying on the bathroom floor in the middle of the night. Like everything, he takes it in stride and joins you two on the floor until the sun breaches over the mountains and a new day shines down. 
It's hard to say things got easier after that day. Eric's parents didn't react very positively at first, and it took them most of her pregnancy to come around. Charlie goes through weeks of sickness and bed rest. They argue a lot about the future and what it should look like, but they get there in the end. The next year, the house is filled with a familiar chatter and chaos. Charlie and Eric's twins (which explains why she felt so bad), Elliot "Ellie" Beth, and April Theresa Miller-Donovan, squeal as Joel takes turns dancing with them in the living room.
Elliot is, obviously, named in honor of your Ellie, but she bears Sarah's middle name. April threw you for a loop. The twins were born in snowy January, confusing you as to why they would name her that and not January, but Charlie smiled as she handed April to you. "Jane's birthday is April 7th. I didn't want to steal your name, but I remember you taking me to the meadow to pick flowers for her. April 7th was always my favorite day." She explained, making you choke up. When she told you April's middle name, you and Joel completely lost it. Theresa, for your Tess, the woman who believed so much in Ellie, she forced you to believe in her, too. The woman who saved your life in more ways than one. The woman who would've absolutely adored Charlie if she ever met her. 
You love being grandparents again— admittedly, a little older than you were the first time around. Joel teaches the girls Spanish words and lets them pull on his beard. You make extra food so your baby has something to eat after the long days and nights of keeping them alive, and you play silly games with them. They don't look like you or Joel or even Charlie or Eric. They look like their own little people. People who will never know the loss, destruction, and nights spent staring hopelessly at walls you went through. People who will grow up safe and loved and cared for. People who carry names they won't be able to put a face to. 
That's okay. They don't need to know about the people you were before you were their grandparents, and maybe it's time for you to try to let that time go. Maybe, in your and Joel's old age, with the deep wrinkles and graying hair, you can just be. Maybe you can just dance in the living room and make warm blankets and fall asleep holding hands. Maybe everything does turn out okay.
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colourstreakgryffin · 9 months
can i pls request sekido x reader who always look absent-minded and out of it all the time, but is actually always paying close attention to every detail? lmao sorry if this sounds weird-
It is a bit odd but I will try my best to meet what you want, love! Hope you like this! Kinda very short, my apologies!
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Sekido is flowing to the brim with anger and irritation constantly. This applies to everybody he has ever known; his clone brothers, his enemies and… partly to you. But with you, it’s kinda different
Sekido was truly tricked by your appearance. You look so absent-minded and ditzy, that he wondered if you even knew how to breathe and it plagued his head so much, that he grew annoyed by it
Sekido elaborates his curiosity with you after a little while of you pairing up with the Emotion Clones, and he noticed the way you carefully analysed him behind those cloudy eyes
Sekido takes charge and demands you don’t trick him ever again with how you actually pay attention despite looking so out of it, it was irritating since to him, not knowing how his crush feels has his blood boiling
Sekido does appreciate that you truly listen to him and don’t just ignore him when he speaks to you. It’s just a trick that gets him more than once as he snaps at you to pay attention, but feels humiliated when you repeat everything he said in grand detail
Sekido thinks about you a lot and he is a mixture of annoyed and relieved at your mindless image. He is very high-strung and stressed out, whilst you’re more calm and composed. He almost wishes he could experience what relaxation is, for once
Sekido makes sure you remember every detail he tells you by asking you to repeat the entire thing he told you and since you can with zero issue, he is very pleased and pats your head with a huffy pout
Sekido is a attention seeker and by how controlling he is with his clone brothers, he demands you stare holes through him when you converse with him so he cannot be wrong and so he can know that your attention is on him
“Dokusha. Are you even looking at anything? You look like your skull holds nothing but air and it makes it seem like you’re ignoring me. I won’t let you ignore me, brat”
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beatcroc · 10 months
on the peppinos, postgame
i like to think the peppinos are pretty good friends now, but that certainly wasn't always the case. in fact i think they were both pretty terrified of eachother for a good couple months or so after the tower's fall. here's a moderately-sized ramble on how they went from one end to the other, with some extra thoughts on their current dynamic.
peppino's deal here is pretty obvious. being anxious and afraid of everything all the time is like his main character trait, but frankly he has every reason to be terrified of fake pep even aside from that, given the... you know. the everything. everything that went down in and around their fights, and just the nature of what fake peppino is-both as a general horror creature and also, specifically, as some kind of fucked up parody of himself that exists for reasons unknown to anybody. the only reason peppino let fp hang around in the first place was out of fear of pissing him off and getting attacked if he did try to take some action to Remove him. he tries his best not to invoke that, and stays far away from fake pep.
but fake peppino is also pretty terrified of peppino for the same reasons- he's really only ever seen peppino at his most violent, he's already gotten his ass kicked twice, and what's more he's acutely aware that he's on borrowed land and borrowed time out here. he only went to pizzeria in the first place out of instinct and because he didn't really have anywhere else to go without the tower, but he knows damn well that this is not his turf to be hanging out on, and that peppino has every right to defend it if he wants. he tries his best not to invoke that, and stays far away from peppino.
unfortunately, neither of them are perfect at that, and both of them are peppinos, so...
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their paths do tend to cross on occasion. fortunately, neither of them actually want to fight again, so these run-ins never escalate to conflict, and end with them both scrambling away as quickly as they spot the other.
as it goes, time passes and they get more used to eachother at a distance; fake pep being naturally curious and poking around despite his reservations, and peppino sorta noticing fp is skittish whenever he ventures a bit past his usual boundaries. with that and the fact they've never actually had any violent encounters with eachother, peppino eventually catches the vibe that "oh maybe this thing isn't just here to menace me''. there is definitely still the aspect of "why the fuck is this freak here and what does it want" to deal with, so he doesn't drop his guard entirely, but he does go from ardent avoidance to more a... neutral observation.
and it's a bit of a positive feedback loop; fp seeing peppino being less Reactive about him means he's less worried about being Retaliated Upon & thus a bit more venturous still. perhaps even enough to be seen Inside the restaurant...?
from here it doesn't take long for peppino to start seeing fake's, uh, utilitarian benefits. he eats the rats so it's free pest control, and noise seems really afraid of him too which is funny as hell, so pep just kinda starts going lik ''oh lmao ok maybe this is kind of cool''.
for fake pep i think it was just... the first time peppino showed him any kind of thanks or congratulations for such. a moment of "??? does he like that?? does he like me?? do i not need to be afraid of this guy???" and so this is where fp starts trying to Deliberately interact with peppino a bit, and things just kinda grew from there.
i think it's neat because while peppino may have been the first to get over his fear and technically 'be accepting' of fp [shockingly???], it still takes the both of them because without fp trying to Initiate something, i really don't think pep would have ever gone out of his way to Give A Shit or achieve anything besides a mutual tolerance.
it is also so funny because like. i think peppino still is not seeing his end as anything more than a tolerance. sure, by now he knows fake pep likes him a lot, but as far as he's concerned he still only keeps fp around because he's '"'useful''", and because he thinks "ohhh i guess this guy is just never gonna leave ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i guess there is nothing i can do about this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" when in reality it would take very little to drive fake pep off, and also, i need to reiterate, peppino has very much already beat fp's ass twice [when fp actually WAS trying to fight no less!], and could very much do it again if he actually wanted to. he just doesn't want to. he isn't actually any more stingy towards fp for all this, but it also means like, he's never going to give fp an actual "name" because that would be waaaaaay too direct an admission.
i wouldn't call peppino emotionally Stupid or immature, but i like to think he is often very....oblivious of his own actual state even when LITERALLY everyone else knows otherwise.
fp knows bc peppino lets him get away A Lot Of Shit and even openly solicit affections, gus knows bc peppino actually defending fp and/or making an effort to work him with is an insane leap of faith/trust for this man to have made, every random customer who sees the two buddying around knows, hell even noise knows [and is terrified of it] bc why the hell would the most panicky man on earth casually have a freak fucking beast around in the first place?
and nobody really tries to press peppino on this because he is stubborn. it's a good bit of denial, but it's also partially him thinking he's just being logical; "why would i be mean or try to chase him off if he's beneficial?"
if you asked him whether he was gonna give fp a name he'd get all defensive and probably straight up say some shit like ''noo you know how they say if you name it you'll get attached'.' dumbass. you are already attached.
we all know peppino is a nervous animal but really i think they are both nervous animals. pep is a nervous prey animal who's mostly stressed out and afraid for like, self-preservation reasons; and fake pep is a nervous predator animal like a cheetah who needs constant companionship and reassurance or else he's Also going to be very stressed. and they're like weirdly good at covering this for eachother & so trust the other way more than they probably realize.
for peppino it's as simple as "if this guy was going to hurt me he already would have", perhaps with a bit of extra "if this big scary thing is on my side maybe i'll have less to worry about in general" [i mean this mostly in the powerful allies "oh he can kill things for me" sense, but i'd like to think there's a bit of a confidence boost in the sense of "if i can overcome/make peace with this maybe i can overcome other things too" somewhere in there as well]
for fake pep I think a lot of it is that peppino is like completely incapable of hiding his emotions. it makes him very easy to trust in that regard, and for a guy as Unsure about everything as fp is it's very good for him to have that kind of straightforwardness. there's never any guesswork with peppino; if you are doing something he doesn't like or makes him uncomfortable...you will know it. and for the same, on the rare chances he's showing approval, you can be sure that's genuine too.
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yanderederee · 1 year
¡暴走族\旧車會!x!ヤンキ!x! 助番¡
What is the New Generation of Delinquents?
Tokyo Revengers plot circles around Bōsōzoku subculture, which is why I love it as deeply as I do.
!! Update: Discussion Piece(6.14.23): Tokyo Manji Honorary Division
Bōsōzoku culture derives/d from lower class Japanese youth who’ve banded together to express dissatisfaction with Japanese Society.
America is very familiar with countercultural movements lmao. Punk/Grunge/Metal/etc…
Youth are aimless, reckless, and rebellious.
If you’ve ever enjoyed the book The Outsiders by S.E Hinton , you know this is a prime example of brotherhood bonds between lower class hoodlums. In Oklahoma, of all places.
Otherwise known as; Yankii, Sukeban, Kyushakai.
Who is a Yankii?
The Rise and Fall of Bōsōzoku
When Bōsōzoku Youth evolve past crime, Kyushakai
#GirlGang: Sukēban<33
This article is really awesome in explaining cultural differences, feel free to read up on some if you’re interested.
Today I plan to point out a few:
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Yankii Mothers / YanMaMa; Ryoko Baji
early ’90s, yankii men occasionally entered construction and teen women had children and dropped out of high school — both stereotypes that persist today. *The young yankii mothers — yan mama — were often ostracized by other mother groups and struggled to assimilate to their new identities as parents.
Within a year of publication, Yan Mama Comic had reached of circulation of 120,000, helping to bond socially isolated communities of young mothers.
NO DOUBT ABOUT IT FOLKS; Ryoko and Baji’sDad were definitely two yankii teens who fell in love and had a kid too young.
Headcanon! That Keisuke’s parents were set on making a badass life together, and be awesome young parents with the coolest and toughest new punk kid to add to the books!
…But, they were still two idiots. Baji’s father probably ran head first, sacrificing himself in one way or another, I’m sure.
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This leads you to wonder ~..
How did everyone else come to this lifestyle?
What is Their Social Injustice?
(All headcanons but kinda factual,so…)
Mikey: all younger siblings admire their older brothers! Shinichiro was the leader of a biker gang, of course Mikey would want to follow in his footsteps! So Mikey’s reason soon turns to::
Shinichiro: By being a overall stand up guy, true to his word and genuine to a fault, he had a strength not a lot of people had. He welcomed friendships with BlackSheep, and made a home for them however he could. Strong ally’s stood by him and as long as he’s around, they would support his ideals in shaping a better future.
Draken: was literally born into it. Escorts have been judged and poorly treated left and right, taking care of yourself—with a child to boot; was hell for a women. Unwanted kids of “filth” aren’t usually welcomed in social circles. The Children bare the injustice of inconvenience. By living with escorts and witnessing first hand the “low-class work” so many have had to endure to make a decent way of life, Draken learned young that life was unfair. So to live, you have to make a way of life for yourself, unapologeticly.
Mitsuya: Poor kids are looked down on a lot. Made fun of for things they can’t control. Kids with jobs are looked down on for being in the working class so soon. With a mother who was never home, and taking care of two younger sisters, he needed strength to deal with how unfair his life was. Meeting Draken, and realizing that the struggle to survive and keep trying to have a family even when it’s hard, he started respecting his mother a lot more. He found a sense of belonging Toman…
Baji: also literally born into it. Grew up with a single mother who was looked down on for being young/dropping out of school. Supporting her as the only Man of the house, Keisuke takes after his mother’s confidence. He also is seen having an alternative sense of fashion, making me believe he is definitely a metal head.
Kazutora: dealt with a lot growing up. He was bullied for being a sheepish pushover. He was hit by his father for any level of individuality /expression of defiance. He was manipulated into always having to pick one right side, and that there was always one wrong side. He tries showing loyalty by giving everything he has to friendships that hurt him, without realizing friends shouldn’t hurt him. No matter who he was, there was never anyone he could just be a person with. Be a part of the perfect high status family you were born into, or face the punishments. He finds comfort when he finds a family he can trust and be a person who makes mistakes. Friends are meant to be treasured. And after meeting Baji, and joining Toman, he found somewhere he could belong.
Pah: I still need to look more into him I can’t lie.
Takemichi: Bozosoku culture is notorious for being social justice fighters, as the entire notion of a subculture is to defy societal injustice anyway. And that’s just who Takemitchi is; a friend to everyone.
Hinata: the prime example of Dating into the lifestyle. It’s easy to admire and possibly fall in love with people as passionate as rebellious, adrenaline junky teens. She’s empathetic to how others see Takemichi, knowing above all else, he loves her more than anything!
Emma: she never really got into being a part of the gang, but she was by association. All of her brothers. She’s always been the crown jewel of TokyoManji! But not only that; Emma isn’t fully Japanese. True, a lot of the cast is multinationality. But she has Mikey on her side. She is his family, and that makes her strong. Foreigners are often ostracized, easy to pick out due to her natural Blonde hair. (*blonde hair is also often an act of rebellion, she showing that she refuses to dye it black to fit in can also say a little about other issues-)
LETS NOT FORGET!!! TOMAN IS BUILD ON THE BACK OF “The Little guy who sticks up for the Weak”.
The series is based on what kind of world Manjiro Sano chooses to build. Every timeline is unintentionally set by his hand, because he is that powerful of a person. Because people follow him. Manjiro is the type of person who changes fates.
By losing Shinichiro; Manjiro loses Empathy.
Shinichiro was a charismatic and empathetic person, often putting differences aside to better the other person. He was a heavily respected person in the delinquent world of Japan as the founder of Black Dragon. He led Black Dragon with a humble heart and was treated with notable respect, while also being a big brother to all three of his siblings. Even though he was a weak fighter, he lead the Black Dragon with his immense charisma. Even years after his death, later generations of members still hold him in high regard.
A person like Shinichiro is the kind of man people follow. The Weak Guy sticking up for his friends; The One who Always Won..
In a subculture seeking structure, he is the perfect person to leading a generation of a kinder and more empathetic people.
So let’s wrap up the question!;
What is the New Generation of Delinquents?
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!TO.MANji !!
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
Buddy Daddies - Episode 9 - Preview is Up! - SPOILERS & SPECULATION!
It’s time for Sports Day! 
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So, according to the summary, neither Kazuki nor Rei have ever participated in a children’s sports day, which makes sense. Rei had an unconventional childhood and Kazuki grew up without much money and without parents, so it’s unlikely that he went to daycare or preschool. 
(Thinking about, this would also explain why neither Kazuki nor Rei thought of daycare or preschool right away and only got the idea after seeing a daycare bus go by the park.)
This means that this children’s sports day will be all of their firsts! Mine too, kinda. I’ve experienced elementary school and junior high school sports days, but never a daycare/preschool sports day. I found a blog post written by a mother who went to one (I’ll link it below in the comments) and a lot of the events involve the parents in the activity.
At the elementary and junior high school level, parents usually aren’t all that involved, But at the daycare level, it seems they are! Especially for the little babies (which makes sense, because they are babies, they can’t do too much on their own).
Putting the rest under a Read More because of spoilers!
Let’s look at some of the events we can see in the preview:
Tamaire - Bean Bag Toss
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It looks like Miri is holding a white colored bean bag in her hand, so this is probably going to be some a bean bag toss game.
Here is a description of the event:
Tamaire (玉入れ) translates “Beanbag toss”, and as the name implies, it is an exciting game where students throw small beanbags into a basket hung at the top of a tall pole. Beanbags are scatted on the ground around the pole, and each bag has the color of its team, typically red or white. Teams compete against each other based on the number of beanbags in the basket. There is a time limit, and the beanbags thrown into the basket after the time ends are not worth any points.
(I’ll link to the post where I got that description below in the comments).
Tug - of - War
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Tug-of-War is a staple and is basically at every sports day and it looks like Miss  Anna is tugging at a rope here. How it will go down here...I’m not too sure. Usually you’ll see combos like the kids going against each other, or students against teachers (junior high school), or even like teachers against parents (one of the rare events where you might see parents participate in Sports Days aimed at older years). Maybe here it will be the Aozora Staff vs The Parents? Or maybe the older kids and Miss Anna vs The Parents, lol.
I don’t know! It should be pretty interesting though! Of course, I could be wrong here too, but tug-of-war would make sense.
Kumitaiso (組体操) - Maybe? Or Stretching?
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I’m not 100% sure on this one. What is kumitaiso? 
Kumitaiso (組体操) is rather a group performance than individual competition. Students work together as a team and create a variety of gymnastic formations with their bodies.
Usually they make a pyramid, but this generally tends to be for older kids, and parents have noted in more recent years that it can be very dangerous, so many schools are getting rid of it. But maybe this is a more tame/safer and more simplistic version of something like that. But they could just be doing some kind of stretching activity here. If anyone knows for sure, feel free to let me know and I’ll add the info in!
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And, of course, we have the race. According to the summary, Miri practices with Kazuki in the park and she does end up in the lead, but then she falls right before the finish line! T0T Oh no, Miri! A lesson in things being out of our control sometimes? About losing and taking it okay? Both? Something else entirely? I’m intrigued to see which it will be!
Let’s see, outside of that we have... 
Rei scouting out the daycare, lmao! XD
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It’s cute though! Rei is getting into the event in his own way.
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It seems both him and Kazuki are getting really invested in it, so this may end up being a lesson for them too (like parents centering themselves in their children’s sports activities and making it more about them than their child - you know, the parent that gets super worked up over their kid losing something, maybe kinda like Kazuki looks here: 
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But the kid will be totally fine. I can see them going with that angle. Since Buddy Daddies generally tends to be less about Miri learning some kind of lesson and more so about Kazuki and Rei learning something about parenting and themselves through raising Miri.
Changing up the focus a bit, one thing I’m really looking forward to is seeing Kazuki and Rei possibly interacting with the other daycare parents more (not just the Daycare Mamas!).
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You can spot a Daycare Papa! in the background there too. It’s also just really common to see like the whole family come out for Sports Day events, so like moms, dads, older and younger siblings, even grandparents.
The idea of Kazuki and Rei being able to take part in something so...innocent and group building is such a heartwarming idea. Though, I am also fully preparing myself for an after-credits scene that will go back to the drama at hand and Kyutaro’s decision, etc. and that’s probably going to hurt even more after this episode (likely as the writers intended, lol).
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Oh! Also, I love that we are seeing that follow through that I was hoping for from Episode 7! It seems Rei is going to be willingly choosing to make riceballs for Miri (enough that she could share them with her friends and others there too!). This lunch is going to be one that Kazuki and Rei make for their family together. T~T My heart! 
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Also, Rei learning how to make something like a riceball is such a good place to actually start (instead of French toast, which requires more basic skills and knowledge). It’s an easy (and quick) meal to learn how to make well. If they end up tasting really good too, then that can act as a very quick and easy boost to his confidence with making and preparing food. It’s such a good step in the right direction! I hope the kids and parents like his riceballs! 
Anyway, I’m going to fully appreciate this breather episode before we jump into the angst, action (probably), and drama of the final act of the series (Ep. 10 - 13).
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jimmy-johns-was-taken · 8 months
i hope you're doing great and not wearing yourself out thin lmao, you gotta take care if yourself!! anyways, could i request like. idk how to describe it really. but like, hcs for masky, ej and jeff in a scenario where the reader is a loner type of creep, and the creeps meet her while she's out during a mission? i hope it's not toooo specific haha, i just want a bamf reader, basically.
Ok I love these kind of things! Like liner reader who doesn’t really interact with many pastas but likes very certain ones???
Thank you so much for requesting, have a good day and take care of yourself!!
Jeff the Killer, Eyeless Jack, Tim/Masky with a loner creepy s/o
Jeff the Killer :
Met you while you were out on a mission
Had no fucking clue who you were and tried to kill you at first
Then you bested him in combat and he learned you were a proxy and shit
And from there y’all just kinda started hanging out
You would train together, drink together, etc
And eventually it just developed into something
I think something cool here would be a slow burn enemies to lovers????
That’s just my idea tho
Eyeless Jack :
Similar to Jeff, Jack tried to make you his next meal
While you couldn’t beat him in combat, you managed to put up one hell of a fight
Jack then learned that you were a proxy and was all like “oh shit my bad”
He didn’t see you for awhile until weeks later when you were injured and had to go to the medical office thing
Jack was all like “oh, you again” and patched you up
And then you kinda just kept getting hurt (totally not on purpose) and seeing Jack more
And Jack would suddenly be going out for more hunts whenever you had missions
It’s a slow burn, all love with Jack is a slow burn, but you two become very good friends and eventually lovers
Tim / Masky :
Both of them are aware of your existence, however they choose to ignore you
Tim has tried to talk with you some, being a fellow proxy and all
But it seemed as if you wanted nothing to do with him
So he left you be
Until you and Masky got into an argument
You beat the shit out of Masky, and when Tim regained control he apologized
You were very weary, but grew fond of Tim quickly after
You and Tim would slowly start to hangout more
And eventually Slender would notice and start pairing you and Masky up for missions
You hated it at first, used to being alone and all
Masky hated it just becuz it was you
But you and him very slowly grow closer and feelings eventually develop
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miguelswifey04 · 10 months
Hii!! I live ur fiction sm and I was wondering if we could have a Miguel x Fem Reader who is Badass like him and usually cool and collected and maybe sometimes quiet and shy? But when she is pissed she is really scary like one day on a mission she full on pulls a miguel and miles situation (NOT CRAWLING ON ALL FOURS THO LMAO)
And she starts fighting ruthlessly and miguel is super proud but kinda scared bc he's worried she is gonna kill someone. Ty for ur time hope this isn't too much! ❤
it’s not too much, don’t worry my love <33 love this idea a lot :)
miguel o’hara x badass fem! spider! reader
miguel always admired your calm and collected nature. your ability to remain level-headed during missions was something he truly respected. but there was another side to you that he had witnessed only a few times—a side that unleashed a fierce and ruthless fighter.
one day, as the two of you embarked on a mission together, something triggered you, igniting a fire within. your usually reserved demeanor transformed, and miguel couldn't help but be in awe of the intensity emanating from you.
as you fought, your movements became fluid, each strike precise and calculated. your eyes blazed with a raw determination, and the once calm and collected facade was shattered. you unleashed your full power, not holding back an ounce of your strength.
miguel watched with a mix of awe and concern. he had never seen you so ferocious, so unyielding. your actions mirrored his own, the spirit of a true fighter coursing through your veins. as your blows landed with deadly accuracy, miguel couldn't help but feel a twinge of worry. while he was proud of your strength, a part of him feared the potential consequences of your ruthlessness.
the battle raged on, and with each passing moment, the intensity grew. miguel could see the fear in the eyes of your opponents, a primal realization that they were facing a force far greater than they had anticipated. but amidst that fear, there was also a glimmer of admiration for your power.
finally, the chaos subsided, and you stood amidst the defeated enemies, your chest heaving with exertion. miguel approached you cautiously, his eyes reflecting a mixture of pride and trepidation. “wow…," he said, his voice laced with a mixture of awe and concern. "that was…intense. you were incredible out there. but i have to admit, i’m a little worried about the level of ferocity you displayed. you seemed ready to go all the way."
you took a deep breath, your gaze fixated on the ground. "i’m sorry, miguel. i just…i couldn't contain myself. something inside of me snapped," you admitted, your voice tinged with a hint of regret. miguel placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, his touch grounding you. "i understand. we all have those moments. but remember, there's a line we shouldn't cross. we fight to protect, not to cause unnecessary harm."
you nodded, appreciating his words of wisdom. "you’re right, miguel. i’ll be more mindful next time. it’s just that sometimes, the rage inside me becomes overwhelming. i need to learn to control it better." he smiled gently, his love for you evident in his eyes. "we’ll work on it together. i know you have incredible strength, and i believe in your ability to channel it for the greater good. just remember, you don't have to fight alone. we’re a team, and we'll face any challenge together, no matter what."
with that, miguel pulled you into a warm embrace, reaffirming the unbreakable bond between you. as you held each other, you found solace in the fact that even in moments of darkness and rage, love and support would always guide you back to the path of balance and compassion.
tags 🏷️!! @kairiscorner @astro1bloom @obi-mom-kenobi @emiemiemiii @sabcandoit @meeom
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
I have a request: I feel like Hades deserves just a LITTLE bit of karma HEAR ME OUT.
Lets say in this universe he DOES kidnap Persephone against her will and has a daughter (the reader) with her. Just like how he's a yandere for Persephone, he's a yandere dad to his daughter too.
In comes yandere Beelzebub who falls head over heels in love with the reader (he has control over his curse so he won't kill her). He and Hades are canonically close... acquaintances? Or friends? Idk, but they're close so maybe Beelzebub gets... inspired by Hades and kidnaps the reader just like how Hades kidnapped and married Persephone.
I just think it'd be funny because Hades kinda had it coming you know? You kidnapped someone's daughter so it's only fair someone kidnaps YOUR daughter too lmao
-You know the truth behind your parent’s relationship, your father fell in love with your mother and stole her away from your grandmother, Demeter.
-While sad at first, Persephone grew to love Hades and his love only grew for her, even more so when she announced that she was pregnant.
-Your father is a wonderful husband and father, and an admired ruler as well, but with the two of you, he would set the world ablaze, just to keep you two safe.
-Hades was slow and patient with Persephone, slowly teaching her to make her believe that others were against their love, their marriage, and wanted to take her away, like her mother, who fought so fiercely to have her back, even to the point of letting humans starve.
-With you, it was easy to teach you that the world was a scary place, and only your parents and the few people they trusted were the only people you could trust.
-You grew up looking just like your mother, stunningly beautiful, only with your father’s snow-white hair, and with pretty daughters come big responsibilities.
-Persephone thought it was amusing to see Hades violently threatening any man who would dare approach you, as none were worthy enough for you, in his eyes.
-Beelzebub was your father’s ‘friend’, they were more than acquaintances but you’re not 100% sure if you could call them friends.
-You had met him only once or twice, at one of your father’s big parties, and you hadn’t really spoken to each other, other than greetings.
-You were stunning, to Beelzebub, you were the moon of his sky, lighting up his dark world, but in respect to Hades, after he witnessed a brutal beat down of a cocky man who had the audacity to put his hands on you, he stayed back.
-However, like a moth to a flame, he found himself being drawn more and more to you, as if the harder he tried to fight it, the stronger the desire came.
-Beelzebub knew the story behind your parent’s relationship as well, and he couldn’t help but grin, getting an idea, a bit of payback in a sense.
-Beelzebub approached you while you were in your mother’s garden, practicing your own magic, growing plants as well, but only flowers and plants that didn’t need a lot of sunlight.
-You greeted him politely when he approached, giving him a small smile before you spoke, “Father is in his office, if you would like to speak with him.”
-Beelzebub chuckled softly, pecking the back of your hand after he asked for it, “No little blossom, I’m not here for Hades, this time. I’m here for you.”
-Your confused face was adorable before you let out a yelp when he pulled you into his arms and swept you up princess style, making your face flush before he was quick to run away.
-You felt like you couldn’t scream, too stunned to do anything but you heard guards shouting after your kidnapper, demanding you be returned safely.
-Persephone knew you were safe with Beelzebub, and she had to hide her mouth behind her hand to hide her smile, thinking it was a bit funny, while Hades was gathering his army, leading the charge, “Papa’s coming Y/N!!”
-At Beelzebub’s place, you did find it rather amusing as well, being just like your mother, as Beelzebub set down some tea and cakes for the two of you to share, waiting for your father to arrive.
-You didn’t mind Beelzebub, he was respectful to you, giving you your space, and he was nice to talk to.
-You wondered how your father was going to react when you told him you liked Beelzebub.
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cellophaine · 1 year
Could I get a matt Murdock with an s/o with anxiety? And I don’t mean that sit com tv anxiety where they pretend to scream and get “panicked” ?. I’m talking about The one where your body get suddenly really cold then really hot, and you feel like your body is made of air? I get bad anxiety like that and i often lie on the floor to cool down and to feel better.
I feel like with his hightend senses he can tell when there anxiety gets high before them, just a simple “hay you would lie on the floor, your anxiety is going up” and it just becomes normal? And at home he just kinda lies on the floor with you/ sometimes lieing on top of you (mind out of the gutter!!) and having a funny YouTube video play when it happens?
Peace of Mine
Pairing: Matt Murdock x GN!Reader
Warning: Anxiety, fluff.
Author's Note: I wrote this with some of my own experience. I hope that's okay! I didn't mean to make your request so long (just about 1.5k words, but still), and Matt only comes in in the last half, but I hope you'll enjoy the fic! Also, what are the chances that I got anxiety while editing this piece lmao 🥲
Share and feedback are welcomed!
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What a perfect day it could have been.
A day off spent at your own pace. Bookshops, cafes, record stores and the farmer's market were all within reasonable walking distance from Matt's place. Spring was approaching, but the air was still cold as if the winter was trying to sweat out its last shivers before the sun was warm enough to chase the chills away. On your shoulder was a jute bag halfway filled with fresh produce as you gradually checked off your list.
You stopped at a fruit stall; the crisp scent of apple rose above all else. The woman behind the table gave you a warm smile, nodding at you. You smiled in return before directing your attention to the fruits. Your eyes roamed over the colourful display, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the ample array. You took an apple in your hand, turning it over and studying its pattern with a forced intensity. Your stomach stirred slightly, and you brushed it off, thinking it was from your breakfast earlier. It took a long moment before you realized you only stared blankly at the apple; your attention slipped over its shiny, reddish skin, taking nothing in even as your fingers nudged against the soft spot that almost cried out in its sour juice.
Your stomach churned again in warning, gradually tying itself in knots as if to brace for what was coming. You felt unsteady on your own feet even as you were rooted to the spot with your head dipped low in an attempt to make the surroundings stop moving. Your body turned cold at the early signs of an anxiety attack that could blow up if you didn't get it under control soon enough.
You took a shuddering breath, doing your best to act normal. Your body grew hot out of the blue as if it tried to flush the cold out. Your mind was stuck in a messy loop, worrying that someone could see through you all the while you tried to compose yourself. Your stomach twisted, your heart raced, and you drew into yourself as if it could stop the pain from digging at you. The familiar and unwelcomed sensation extended throughout your body, manifested in goosebumps along the skin of your arms. You dared a glance at the woman behind the stall, who gave you a look of apprehension. In your distressed mind, it was a look of disdain as if you were an inconvenience by just standing there, being obstructive. It was then that all hell broke loose.
Anxiety unfurled like a flood, sweeping over everything you tried to prevent it from worsening within a heartbeat. You were overwhelmed by different sensations and thoughts as they fed one another in a delirious high despite your best effort to sort and make sense of them. You whispered a small 'sorry', placing the apple back on the pile before walking away, your hands clenched and unclenched at your sides. You wove your way out of the crowd, whispering 'sorry' repeatedly at the briefest contact with people around you; your anxiety worsens, twisting your inside. You broke out in a slick sweat, and your body burned up even more as the embarrassment of freaking out in public quickly soaked in.
You walked faster once you got to the main street, almost broke into a run; your head worked in tandem with your pace as you tried to regain control of the situation. But it was like quicksand. The more you tried, the harder it was for you to steer yourself away from going deeper down the spiral. Your head hurt, your palms were clammy, and your entire body felt uncomfortable, as if your skin was only an intolerable costume.
Your lips parted as you took in huge gulps of cold air, passing familiar scenes that brought you so much joy just a few hours before until you saw a familiar sight. Matt's apartment. You took the flight upstairs two steps at a time until you reached his door. You rifled through the bag, pushing at the heads of green onion, the bundle of parsley, the blunt bodies of carrots and other things to find the key to his apartment. Unlocked, then locked again once you were inside. You put the keys on the table in the hallway and hung your coat up; only then did you see the dark crescent marks on your palms. If Matt was with you, he would slot his hands into yours so you wouldn't hurt yourself. But he couldn't be with you all the time.
Confronted with the familiarity of Matt's apartment, with the lack of strangers, your brain had almost nothing to overthink and grapple with, and the churn in your stomach relented. You poured yourself a glass of water and paid no mind to the droplets spilled on your cheeks as you downed the glass in one go. You put a hand over your heart, feeling its rhythm slow as you took several deep breaths. You looked at your watch to see that Matt should be back soon. So you rolled up your sleeves and got to work.
Your mind tuned out, allowing your body to go into autopilot as you prepared a dish you had made many times before without the items you missed. You thought about what happened earlier and repeatedly told yourself you were overreacting. Everything was fine. You had no reason to get nervous or freak out about it. But why did everything feel so terribly wrong? Was it the watchful eyes of the woman? The curious looks from bypassers directed right at you because you appeared flustered? Because you looked wrong and out of place by simply being there? You felt like everything was spiralling out of your reach. You felt the familiar stir in your stomach, the prickly heat ghosted over your skin, and you didn't want to give in to that for the second time that day.
You were carried away, so lost in your thoughts that you barely registered the soft click at the front door and the unmistakable sound of Matt's footsteps on the hardwood floor. Your lips curved into a small smile as you heard him putting his bag on the dining table, finally breaking into a soft laugh when his arms winded around your torso, enveloping you in a hug from behind. He placed a kiss on your temple before resting his chin on your shoulder, his hands splayed on either side of you as if he needed to feel as much of you as possible. You relaxed in his embrace, feeling better already.
His deep voice smoothed at your earlobe, drawing a breathless sigh from you.
"That smells delicious. How was your day?"
You thought of the answer before giving him a half-truth and halfhearted response.
"It was fine."
Matt stilled with a brief pause of realization before leaning forward into the peripheral of your vision. You avoided looking at him, removing yourself from him and picking up the spatula.
"Is everything okay?"
You responded with a noncommital hum and poured all your attention into the cooked vegetable as if it was the most important thing at that moment. Matt placed a hand on your shoulder blade, urging you to stop and look at him.
"Come with me."
You shook your head.
"I'm cooking. I don't want the food to burn."
With a swift movement, Matt reached over and turned the stove off, coaxing you to leave the spatula and the sizzling pot alone. You reluctantly obliged.
"Matt, I'm okay."
"Please, sweetheart."
His pleading tone softened your resolve, and you let him lead you to the living room. He lowered himself to the floor and beckoned you to join him. You sat beside him before fully reclining with a small distance in between. The coolness of the hardwood floor soothed your nerves. You closed your eye and took a moment to truly assess yourself. The residue of your anxiety was still there, tethering at the edge, waiting for the right moment to strike again. You squeezed your hand subconsciously and felt Matt's own holding you tenderly. The pads of his fingers settled over the crescent marks, caressing them. You smiled at his gentleness and pulled his arm to drape over your midriff. He understood your need, closing the distance between you by his elbow before slowly dropping his weight onto you. You felt the slow ease of his weight on you, anchoring you to the comfort of him like an anvil. His legs are on either side of you, caging you in, the hard floor dug into your back, yet you felt the furthest from being trapped. Instead, you felt grounded and present in the moment with him. The natural scent of his enveloped you, and you couldn't help but nose at his skin, taking a deep breath. Your overthinking ceased, allowing the memories of the anxiety break to stay in the past. Matt nuzzled his stubbled jaw into your cheek, pressing a kiss there before whispering.
"Do you want to listen to anything?"
You quickly shook your head.
"I'm okay. Just need you."
Content with your answer, he settled in more, his arms slightly raised, watchful of his weight on your body. You felt every breath, every deep sigh he took as your own, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat on your chest. You stayed like that in the quietude of his apartment, basking in his presence, feeling anxiety retreating from the shore of your consciousness slowly.
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*Likes, reblogs, and comments are greatly appreciated!*
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dippindaz · 2 years
I need grabber smut I don't care about the details how you write I NEED SMUT
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A/N: I gotchu boo. I like parts of this and idk why I made it very Stockholm syndrome based, just kinda felt natural to write it that way. Thanks for the request bb :)
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The Grabber x (kind of) GN Reader
Warnings: NSFW 18+ minors DNI, belt whipping, sex on the floor lmao, hella Stockholm syndrome, he calls you a good girl, punishment, blood mentioned, unedited
Warm hands trailed down your sides. It had been happening for months now. Every time he came down to visit you in the basement, this would happen.
Your not sure how it started, or when even, but here you were. Pushed against the concrete wall, shirt thrown to the floor, your pants soon to join it.
Your lips connected with his for a passionate kiss. Your nose bumping the top half of his mask.
Previously, during these moments you were nervous. Something was different today. You felt, brave. and extra needy
He was moving annoyingly slow today. So, when your lips met again, you bit his bottom lip hoping he’d get the message. Only, it was right when he tried to boost you up so you could wrap your legs around him.
This caused you to bite down harder than you meant too, making him pull away from you. He pressed his hand against his lip and pulled it away looking at it. Blood.
A low sigh turned into a growl as his eyes shifted from his hand to you. “Now, why would you do that?”
Disappointment, anger. It wasn’t a real question you knew that, yet, you had to answer, “I, I didn’t mean too, I’m sorry.”
Your brows were furrowed and eyes wide. What if this was it? Did you make the final mistake, put the nail in the coffin?
His barely visible eyes squinted at you, “I’ll be back down to get you.” His tone was low and threatening.
Your heart raced and the door slammed behind him. What was he going to do? Was he going to kill you? All because you bit his lip?
That’s when the door unlatched. You froze staring at the door. You trembled and beads of sweat began to form on your forehead. Your eyes never leaving the door.
But it never opened. You knew what he wanted. He wanted you to walk up those stairs and accept your punishment. To just take it like a good girl would.
So you did. You knew better than to upset him even more. You opened the door and slowly walked up the stairs, not caring to be quiet.
You knew what would see once you turned the corner. He would have his belt wrapped tightly around his hand, sitting in a chair, and an unbuttoned shirt.
That was exactly what you saw when you finally mustered up the courage to walk around the corner. He had a full mask on but you knew just how smug he was under it. He knew he won, he knew he had all the power, the control.
He stood up from the chair sighing, “Against the wall.” You obeyed.
You walked to the clear wall in the kitchen. Placing your hands on the wall you leaned against it, letting your hot face be cooled by the wall.
He slowly walked over to you and leaned against you. His face was buried in your neck. He breathed deeply taking in your scent.
“You know what’s going to happen next, don’t you?” Calm and soft.
You only nodded your head. He chuckled and backed away from you. Shakily you took a big breath in and your upper body tensed.
He pulled down your pants and underwear. He helped each foot out of them so you didn’t get caught. So thoughtful. He then threw your pants across the floor. Standing up he backed away from you.
You heard the crack before feeling anything. A second afterwards it began to sting. You bit your lip and your face scrunched. You never got used to the feeling of it.
Another crack of his belt and the burning sensation grew larger. This continued until your bottom was covered in red welted strips. Your lip was bleeding now and nails were digging into the wall.
The next whip hurt the worst out of all the others you’ve felt. You yelped and jumped, tears burned your eyes.
The next one was even worse, he managed to hit right where he wanted too. Exactly where his previous whip was. This time you sobbed, you couldn’t help it. It hurt and the stinging wouldn’t stop.
“Aw sh sh sh, don’t cry.” He moved closer to you and rested his hands on your shoulders. So gentle, so kind, so condescending.
Even though you knew the underlying meaning, you leaned into his touch. His warm embrace. He was all you had anymore. All you knew. He was life and death itself. Why shouldn’t you be grateful? Death showed mercy one more time.
“Face me.” He whispered in your ear. You obeyed, turning yourself around to come face to mask with him.
His hand trailed from your waist to your hair and began playing with a few strands. “You understand why I had to punish you, right?”
You nodded.
“You understand if you’re a good girl you won’t get punished?”
Sniffling, you nodded.
“Are you a good girl?”
You nodded.
“Good.” The tone of his voice betrayed the frown on his mask. “Do you know what good girls get?” You gulped and shook your head.
“Rewards, silly. You said you were a good girl, right? Don’t you think that means I should reward you.” It wasn’t a question, you knew it wasn’t. He would get things his way no matter how you answered.
You agreed anyways. Ignoring him wouldn’t have made him happy and you weren’t going to get yourself punished again.
Letting go of you he ordered, “on the floor, good girl.” He no longer had that comforting voice. Now it sounded like it was full of hatred. Had you made him mad again?
You obeyed him and quickly moved away from the wall. Now you were crouched in the middle of the kitchen floor, staring up at this man like a dog waiting for it’s next command.
“Hands and knees, now.” You wasted no time getting into the position he wanted.
Pleased, he signed. He admired his handiwork then crouch to his knees behind you. He gently began to run his hand over you. Your back, your butt, your thighs, anything he could reach. Though, he was extra careful when moving over your ass. He is so thoughtful.
His hands came to a stop and gently groped your thighs. You tensed. Then sighed and relaxed. No, he wouldn’t hurt you as long as you were a good girl. Just be good and you won’t get hurt.
He started to laugh. “Look at you, already so turned on and I’ve hardly touched you.”
Your face burned with embarrassment. You were kidnapped for Christ’s sake, you shouldn’t be turned on. But you were. Somewhere, deep down, you knew how you should feel; disgusted, angry, depressed. But you felt none of those emotions. You felt excited, grateful, happy even. You were a good girl now.
One hand made its way to your hip and held onto you. The other trailed in between your thighs. Slowly he began to massage the area and you lightly moaned. He stayed this pace, just letting you relax.
Pulling his hand away, you heard his pants unzip and a small shuffle of fabric. His hand now planted on your unoccupied hip and held onto you tightly.
He entered you quickly, but was slow with his thrusts afterwards. It could’ve been worse, right?
Already your arms began to tremble, not used to holding up this much weight for this long. As his pace quickened, your arms weakened.
Eventually, one powerful jerk of his hips was enough for your arms to give out. Your cheek landed against the cold floor. Spit dribbled out of your mouth and tears pricked the corner of your eyes.
He lightly slapped your ass and your eyes shot open. He did it again, harder this time. You yelped and bit into your arm. You weren’t sure why, but you didn’t want him to know it hurt. Good girls don’t complain.
Your hips began to twitch backwards, trying to meet his thrusts. You wanted to cum so badly. To feel that feeling of calm euphoric relief. To feel like you’re somewhere that isn’t here.
His thrusts grew rougher. You should be grateful shouldn’t you? He’s so kind, he comforts you when you’re hurt, he feeds you, pleasures you.
His thrusts grew faster. Continue being a good girl. Impress him, make him proud. Maybe he could begin to trust you. After all why wouldn’t you trust a good girl?
He began to hit that one little spot. The spot that would push you over the edge. You wanted to last longer now, you wanted to try, for him.
You failed. You felt disappointed, upset, but it also felt so good. You couldn’t remember your last thoughts as waves of pleasure came crashing down and rolled through your body. Your hips twitched and jerked. It was all thanks to him for allowing you to feel this way.
You don’t know how long it was but the next you could register feeling was him picking you up. He carried you through the house. Gently, you were set down on a mattress.
For a moment you though you were back in the basement, but this mattress was clean with sheets. It was a bed. His bed.
You stared with half lidded eyes and began to fall asleep. He said something to you but your brain couldn’t register it.
You tried to shake yourself awake to ask him to repeat himself. But you couldn’t. Sleep had a strong grip and wouldn’t let go.
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deadinsideart · 8 months
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Back on my bullshit with another swap au
Details below!
Layton gets the crown sometime after the experiment happens, he finds it on an expedition and puts it on out of curiosity. (I don't know what his title could be lmao) And like Simon, goes insane from wearing it.
But he's kind of like a mix of Ice King and Winter King (minus WK's selfish personality) more Ice King but British Gentleman in the mix is what I'm trying to go for with him.
Luke takes Marceline's place and gets found by Layton in the ruins of London. He is gifted a Teddy Bear. (I guess Clive could also be there too?) And is cared for until Layton can't stay in control and leaves in fear. He doesn't do the Princess thing like Ice King but he IS searching for Claire, and it's for closure more or less and everyone he finds and takes, none of them are her. But instead of setting them free, they stay in the Ice Kingdom like a massive prison. Mad ruler or scientist vibes or something??
He can't remember what she entirely looked having forgotten her face long ago. Meeting Flora for the first time in this messes him up for a moment. When he sees Luke again he can't even remember him, but knows they have a connection. He only recognizes Luke from the fact that he's popular with his puzzle-solving skills. Like "Remember You" Luke learns to accept this and forgives him for having to leave. He still calls him Professor and occasionally switches to Hershel. Which he has no memory of and assumes it's an odd nickname.
Clark isn't like Hudson but their relationship is much like how it is in Last Spectre. A misunderstanding rather than being evil and stealing souls.
Instead of what happens in canon, the time machine worked too well and sent her 1,000 years into the future. And doing what Betty does in trying to help him like how she tried to help Simon. Eventually becoming Golb in the end. Even after toying with the idea of accepting that Layton won't ever be back.
Flora is Finn in this and she grew up lonely. She had her robot family but she wanted to see the outside feel the ground on her hands and share her creations with others. She was allowed once she proved she could handle the outside when a monster had attacked the village. And she set out into the world and set up a shop for her robots. And loves to explore and go adventuring. Helping others making a certain Ice Wizard leave people alone and freeing those who got kidnapped. Flora meets Luke when she finds her apples are being drained of color. Picked from the trees and left on the ground. She caught him and he promptly apologized. They reached an agreement about it though and grew close. Siblings frfr. And Luke gives her advice when she needs it.
(Luke took the older sibling role this time)
That's kinda it for now
I hope to draw more of the sillies
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