#l love mountains
lymphomalass · 2 years
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30 Days of Fells
Day 14: Catbells and Derwentwater from Castlehead, Keswick
Painted in situ while my husband tried to befriend the local robin guarding his territory. Now available on all kind of things printed to your order at:
https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/113722913 and 20% with "FINDYOURVIBE" till 17th June!
Or the unframed A5 original painting is available for £35 incl UK post.
Please private message me to purchase.
Sam aka LymphomaLass xx
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voilaammayi · 5 months
John Watson saying you join me and my companion/colleague/friend/flat mate while the only thing I can think of is oh please cut the bullshit.
Companion is already the gayest word in existence and yet you want to salvage yourself by flat mate in a desperate try of not using roommate which is actually nothing more than just the second gayest word in existence and you and I both know it.
Who do you think you’re fooling John, my beloved sweet summer child, only yourself I’m afraid.
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snakeeyesdraws · 7 months
Overly Analyzing; Favourite Scene in Bowser's Inside Story
Well, analyzing is a bit of a stretch. I moreso just want to highlight my favourite small interaction from this game!
After the main incident that kickstarts the plot of this game, which is Bowser inhaling most of our main cast (no, I'm not kidding. Bowser's Inside Story is a literal title LOL) we control Mario as he tries to find the others.
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After reuniting with Starlow, the first person he finds, of course, is Luigi. And yes, this is what inside of Bowser looks like. Just don't think too hard on it.
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Luigi jumps back up, takes a couple of glances around their current predicament, and...
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-immediately bursts into tears and falls onto his knees, clinging onto Mario. Aww.
Very clear example of Luigi being prone to crying when overwhelmed! But of course, there's no judgement on Mario's end. Hell, the moment isn't even really played for laughs narrative wise, considering Starlow doesn't chime in until after the fact.
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Instead, we just get Mario being happy to comfort Luigi. He holds him back and gently pats him while he cries. Mario doesn't think any less of Luigi for have a brief emotional breakdown; they're in a scary and unfamiliar situation! Most people would be rattled and upset, especially someone who is as anxious and scares easily like Luigi, but he at least has someone to comfort him. It's a very sweet moment.
In the remake this scene is largely the same, albeit with different graphics. They do add one cute detail which I find very fun.
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The scene is interrupted by some enemies spawning. In the remake, Mario straightens up and repeatedly taps Luigi's back, noticeably quicker than the gentle pats he was giving earlier, to get his attention.
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We get a very quick reaction animation of Luigi turning his head while still holding onto Mario, which I just find, so cute. It's a very blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment, but it's attention to detail that adds some good personality that I adore out of this series.
Link to the scene in the original Bowser's Inside Story game
Link to the scene in the remake
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bubblepopsims · 15 days
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Little bit - Lykke Li
(Definitely L. Singing this about Cesar at the very beginning)
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𝑆𝑢𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑡 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒
𝐼𝑙 𝑛’𝑦 𝑎 𝑞𝑢’𝑢𝑛𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑞𝑢𝑖 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒 𝑙𝑒 𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑛𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑒 𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑑𝑒 𝑙’𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑟 : 𝑠𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑖𝑟 𝑞𝑢𝑒 𝑗𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑖𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑏𝑟𝑒 𝑑’𝑎𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑒 𝑞𝑢𝑒 𝑗’𝑎𝑖𝑚𝑒. 𝐿𝑀
𝐶𝑜𝑔𝑛𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝐺𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑠 / 𝐹𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 🇫🇷
𝐵𝑦 ®️𝐿𝑀©️
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torgawl · 4 months
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this is absolutely killing me *bombastic side eye, criminal offensive side eye playing in the background*
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elvencantation · 1 year
every time rosethorn calls briar ‘her boy’ i START CRYING
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gleesongtournament · 10 months
no but the way Rumor Has It/Someone Like You swept every other fucking round with no competition and then the second it goes up against one of if not THEE most popular Blaine solo in the show and starts to lag behind by a whopping 1% my inbox gets filled with anons claiming that the whole thing is rigged and me and all my followers hate women alskjflkdsfjs PLEASE even the Sebastian stans let go of Smooth Criminal more gracefully than this!!!!
also i appreciate all the asks i woke up to that were talking about this just to laugh at the ridiculousness, but i cannot talk about it anymore after this lol im not strong enough </3
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makerscockandballs · 2 years
Inquisition is so fun in theory then you actually play the game and it makes your eyes roll upwards by 200°
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doodlesink · 10 months
Mountain Abduction Rescue by Darlene L. Turner -- Book Review
Happy Tuesday!  Mountain Abduction Rescue by Darlene L. Turner is out today.  See what I had to say about suspenseful story.  Happy Reading!
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shomixremix · 4 months
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recently i've been getting more and more into my zhongli brainrot (even though he's been one of my fav characters since forever lol) so here you all go!!
oh also tysm for over 1k notes, 100+ reblogs and 50 new followers!! you guys are the best <3 i really didn't expect that kind of support on my last post - turns out everyone likes some dragon men!! so i decided to write some more, here you lovelies go!!
tags: Zhongli, female! reader, dragon! zhongli, religious themes, sacrificial offering, smut, fluff, mating, breeding, creampie, monsterfucking
-> you have been chosen as a sacrifice to the great geo lord rex lapis, during a period where everyone believed he was mad at mortals. scared for your life and trembling, you now realize there was another problem troubling lord morax.
reqs open ♡︎ | minors DNI
great lord rex lapis roamed the earths and heavens for centuries, ruling the land of geo and its people through the thick and thin. they were very devoted followers, obeying his every wish.
however, the height of his reign has long passed, and people simply stopped caring about their archon. until recently.
crops began to wither, mines dried out, contracts were getting broken left and right - rex lapis has had enough of their careless behavior. his people have disappointed him, and this was a sign of his fury. if something wasn't to change, he would abandon them completely.
the people of liyue decided to recommit to their religion, prepared to offer the geo lord a sacrifice of any kind, just so he'd once again bless them. you, even though born in a time where people lost their respect for the geo lord, have always been a devoted follower, praying to him each day and leaving flowers and beautiful crystals under his statue of the seven.
already being a believer of the geo archon, you were chosen as the ceremonial sacrifice.
while nobody knew where rex lapis resided, the site of the ceremony was chosen to be on mt. hulao. as the crowds of people gathered from all over liyue around the lake on the top of the mountain, you stood in front of them, shaking. while you were a follower of morax, you didn't feel it was right to die for the sins of your people.
"it's time to pay our sacrifise!" yelled one of the townsfolk, holding your wrist in an iron grip as he he slit your palm with a sharp knife. you screamed out in pain as maroon blood dripped down your hand. the man who slit your hand placed a valuable cor lapis stone in it, watching as the orange stone quickly became stained with your red blood.
you held your breath as they placed you on the highest point of the mountain and pushed you off, chanting morax's name over and over.
falling seemed to last centuries, even though it was just seconds. you waited and waited for your body to hit the ground, tightening your hold on the cor lapis and in your head praying:
"rex lapis, if you're here, if you hear my prayer, please, i beg you, save me!"
suddenly, your feel onto something, tightly closing your eyes. was this... death?
you open your eyes and realize this wasn't any kind of afterlife - in fact, you were very much still alive, spread on top of the back of a large dragon. your mortality was confirmed by the sharp pain you still felt in your left hand.
"..r-rex l-lapis..?"
the dragon stayed quiet as you clutched his mane, holding on to him for dear life. he only let you get down once you were inside a large cave, seeming like it wasn't a part of the human world - no, this had to be an adepti realm.
an uneducated mortal maybe wouldn't be certain just who was standing between them, but you knew oh so very well. his goldenish brown scales, the big, honey-colored eyes and the tail which ended in a mosaic of clouds all gave him away. standing before you was the geo archon, the adeptus who saved your life even though you were a peace offering.
he stayed quiet, removing you from his back like it was nothing and moving to a completely different side of the cave, laying down on the cold ground with his back turned to you.
he was in no mood to talk, you knew, but you had to thank him for saving your life.
"lord morax..?"
he grumbled in response, steam coming out of his large nostrils.
"i cinserely thank you for saving my life... i was supposed to be a mere sacrifise, yet you still showed me mercy.. i.. just, thank you so much.."
the second the word "sacrifise" leaves your lips rex lapis perks up, turning to you with frantic eyes. he grabs your hand to inspect the still slightly bleeding cut, tearing a piece of your skirt to wrap around your wound as a bandage. morax tightly ties it, then quickly moves from you.
"it should stop the bleeding," he grumbled low, never turning to look at you, almost as if he was completely uninterested, "i will bring you to the villege tomorrow, little mortal. now sleep. your body needs rest"
how could you rest after such a traumatic experience? after almost having your life, all your hopes and dreams, unfairly thorn from you?
"no, i.. i can't return! they will all know that i failed, that i wasn't the sacrifise they all needed to save liyue from your punishment!"
morax huffs, his tail hitting the ground with a loud thump.
"then you can tell them all that i do not wish for a sacrifise. spilling innocent human blood is not only unecessary but also completely repulsive to me."
your eyes widen as he says this, your body instinctively moving a little closer to him: "you.. do not wish for a sacrifise, my lord? then how should we repay you for our sins? how can we ever make you forgive us for losing our faith in you..?"
rex lapis growls lowly, his body tightening like he was in some kind of discomfort or pain.
"the lack of my blessing isn't for the reasons your kind believes," he growled, "i'm not upset at you humans. now sleep." you knew well that that was an order, and an order coming from an archon must always be obeyed. yet, you didn't, scooting closer to him.
"the only thing to be upset about is that they sent you as the offering. how unfair it is to send one of my most devoted followers to die for my amusement.."
you hold your breath, afraid that he was actually considering killing you.
"i've recieved all the little treasures you leave out for me and have heard your every word. you're a persistant little one, aren't you?" even though you couldn't see him, you could feel the smirk on his face.
the knowledge that he has seen and heard how you worship him makes your heart thump loudly in your chest, a pool of pride and flusterness swirling in your belly.
suddenly, morax smells the air sharply, then started writhing on the ground in pain, cursing out a deep yet broken"fuck..!".
"are you in pain, my lord? can i do something to help?" you ask eagerly, wishing to help your saviour.
"move away!" he roared, steam coming out of his mouth. "go to sleep and stop talking to me when i ask, mortal!"
you frigtenedly to as told, laying down on the ground and turning away from him, squeezing your eyes shut. suddenly, you hear little muffled whines and cries coming from him, which immediately makes you look at him again.
his large head is completely flushed red, his lungs heaving up and down quickly. he panted out short little puffs of air, his eyes bloodshot ready and his body trembling slightly. you didn't know what was wrong with him, he acted like some kind of a wild animal in a rut-
"lord morax, are you.. in a rut..?" it was a shameful question to ask the archon, yet your curiosity got the better of you.
he huffed out, more and more in pain with every passing minute. "i haven't... hah... i haven't been in centuries... it's inevitable i go through it every couple of hundred years..."
morax groans, visibly in a lot of discomfort.
"and of course that when i'm in a rut they just have to send me a gorgeous woman as a sacrifice to worsen my state..."
your cheeks darken as he murmurs this, blood rushing to your head.
"how do i worsen your state..?"
"your arousal" he rasps, "i can smell it, little mortal. i can smell you, and it's torture. it pains every muscle in my body to resist you, but i have to; it's my duty"
your heart aches at his words.
"i can help" you breathe, unsure what you were even offering. his sharp eyes turn to you, piercing you with his gaze.
"no", his answer is short but stern, "i could kill you, i could harm you and leave you not remembering your own name. i cannot do that to my most devoted follower. not to you, y/n"
your heart stops, dropping to your feet.
"how do you know my name...?"
he groans as he explains: "i often wander around the mortal world in my human form, to feel closer to your kind... i have met you a couple of times during your prayer at the statue of the seven. i cannot use your pure body to breed when i know how much respect and hope you have in me. it would be betrayal to you, and you would never see me, nor my human form, the same"
"it pains me to see my archon in pain" you whisper as you get closer to the large dragon, your stomach stirring. you gently touch the scales down his back and feel how he shivers under your touches.
"i want... i want to help you, if i can... i want to help you through this.. you have helped me through the darkest points in my life, and even though i don't know who your human form is, i have a feeling i'm close to you even then... i just desire to help you, lord morax..."
"do you even understand what kind of help i need? what i will do to you if you allow me?"
you smile, running your hands through his shiny mane.
"yes, i understand. use me however you like, my lord."
his self control snaps, big paws pinning you down on the ground. he's panting like a dog as he nuzzles his head against your neck, tearing the rest of your skirt off. only left in a pair of underwear and a thin shirt, you tremble under the archon's touches.
"hm.. such a beautiful mortal..." he hums as he tears the rest of your cloth from your body, leaving you completely bare. you try to cover yourself with your arms, yet morax grabs them and pins them by your sides.
his large mouth comes in contact with your skin, licking, kissing and biting as he moved down. morax grazes your skin with his teeth, never biting down hard enough to draw blood from your veins. you had already done your sacrifice, more blood wasn't needed. his tounge moves from your neck to your exposed breast, swirling around your hard nipples, earning a little whimper from you.
then, he moves even lower, nipping at your stomach. he forces your tighs apart, burying his large head to your folds and forcing you to hold on to him by his horns. rex lapis tastes you eagerly, lapping up any slick your body oh so willingly gave him. you moaned and whined as he fucked you with his tounge, making you come almost instantly.
"ohhhh!! m-morax~ ahh..." you moan as he helps you through it, sharply tugging on your sensitive clit with his sharp teeth, always careful not to hurt you.
"celestia" he sighs into your slick folds, earning a tremble from you. "you taste devine, my dear. i haven't enjoyed such a sweet taste in centuries"
he shows you no mercy and continues to eat you out as if you were his last meal, one paw holding down your wrists and the other secured on your hips, not allowing you to move at all. after about three delicious highs he pulls from your frail body with his tounge, you start begging for the real thing. you knew his rut wouldn't be over unless he fucked you, and you were kinda hoping this torterous foreplay would be over soon...
"m-morax... please.." you whimper, squeezing your legs around his snout. he grumbles low, giving one final lick to your greedy pussy.
"i have to loosen you as much as possible so you could even try to take me. preperations can take up to days."
your eyes open wide and your mouth partens. you couldn't wait days to get him to fuck you, and you certainly didn't know how you'd survive days worth of eating out!
"but i cannot wait that long" he smirks, rubbing your outter tighs and ass. in one swift motion he flips you over so you were on your knees, face down and ass up. you feel his length rubbing up on you; even though you couldn't see him, your eyes went wide in shock. you felt how impossibly large he was, both in size and girth, almost being comparable to your legs.
but another thing surprises you - the head of his cock is poking at your tight entrance, but another thing is poking at your ass! you turn your head in shock, and he reassures you.
"i am different than a mortal, my dear"
you let out a loud scream of his name as he harshly thrusts both of his heavy cocks into you. he thrusts as far as he can, entering your cushy womb from how big he is and almost ripping your ass apart. you scream and cry and writhe yet he doesn't budge, letting you get used to him inside you for a few moments before he starts thrusting.
he starts moving without a warning, dragging you back on his cocks. you turn into a sobbing mess as each one of his thrusts so pleasantly tease your g-spot, bullying your tight walls.
"ahh.. ahhh! mphhh! mmphshs! m- mor... ah! ohhh!"
you cry and cry, not even knowing your own name out of so much pleasure. you feel like your holes are completely loose and yet, clamping down on him greedily. he tugs your head back by your hair, snuggling his nuzzle in your neck so you'd hear him better.
"shh, don't cry... you've asked me for this, little mortal. you asked to be fucked like this, hm? look at you, so pretty like this. so no need to cry, you will be fine. i allow you as much pleasure as you need. "
you couldn't stop yourself from coming, squirting your juices all over his cock. he watches this in amusement, fucking into you harder and faster. in one moment, he threw his head back in pleasure, making a loud roar.
"fuck, y/n..." he groaned as you hiccupped your sobs, finally giving a harsh, last thrust and stilling inside. you felt an impossible amount of warmth spread through your body as he filled you with seed, spilling a wave after wave of cum in your womb. he had filled you so much that it spilled from you, leaving you entirely breathless.
as soon as he's done he pulls out, letting you fall to the floor. he picks up your limp body, curling himself around you and cuddling you close.
"it's alright, my dear... you did perfect. you were just devine, and you've felt better than anything i've ever felt in all my years. rest, now. i will take care of the rest tomorrow."
your head hazy, your mind fuzzy with pleasure and your eyes heavy, you lay curled against him and finally get the much needed sleep.
the next morning, you wake up with a human, veined arm around your bare waist.
"there you are... you are too adorable in your sleep" a deep voice said from behind you, and you turned around, expecting to see the geo archon.
yet, you were faced with a man you knew all to well - the man you had deep feelings for ever since he first arrived in liyue harbour.
"mr. zhongli?!"
he hums out a laugh, tightening his hold on you.
"yes, if i'm correct, we've met in my human form a couple of times?"
you blush deeply, reminiscing on the few blissful times you talked to him. he was a very handsome, successful young man, with great wisdom and a clever mind - and you admired him very much, so much that you couldn't help but fall in love.
"you look dissapointed... are you not fond of me after finding out who i am?"
he asks, his gaze softening and looking almost saddened. you quickly reassure him:
"no, no, i'm not dissapointed! more like stunned.." you blush and he notices, twirling a strand of your hair between his fingers.
"oh? why is that? i have always assumed we had a fairly good relationship, y/n. you have always been so nice to me"
"i.. i've had feelings for you for quite a while..." you say shyly, almost embarassed of the fact.
his lips curl into a genuinely happy smile, his arms pressing you closer to his bare chest.
"then everything turned out alright"
you smile, but everything suddenly dawns on you - that zhongli seemed to be okay with your feelings for him, that you almost died yesterday as a sacrifice, that zhongli is morax and most importantly, that oh, you fucked the geo archon, in his dragon form no less!
"am i pregnant now..?" you ask quietly, reminded that the act of a rut is mainly to breed and create off-spring. zhongli laughs at your question, leaving a quick peck on your forehead.
"no, most likely not. but you will be, in a few hundred years, once i have to go through this all over again" you almost choke on your own spit as he says this.
"but... i won't be alive in a few hundred years... you will have to find another to help you through this.."
as soon as you mention him sleeping with another woman his face turns into one of disgust, his strong arms gathering your entire body in his hold.
"as my mate, you will live as long as i do, and i'm immortal, my dear."
"your mate?!"
"yes. by helping me through my rut, you have become my mate. of course, only if that's what you wish" he says, pressing a loving kiss to your eyelid. "and do not worry, my dear, dragons mate for life"
he almost purrs into your warm skin, making a referance to what you said about him sleeping with another woman.
"...being your mate.." you sigh, cuddling into his chest.
"it's like what you humans call "relationship" except a stronger bond, sort of an unbreakable contract between the two of us. a forever promise of care, love and loyalty."
"i think i would like that" you humm into his chest, "but, let's take it a little slow?"
he kisses you full of warmth, his hands soothing your sides.
"of course, my dear. i will take you on a proper date when we get back. for now, just lay there and let me thank you properly for your help last evening..." he sighs as he kisses your shoulder over and over again.
yesterday at this time of day you were supposed to be nothing but a sacrifice to the geo lord, and now here you were, getting your body worshiped by him, forever safe and secure in his arms as his mate.
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gglitch1dd · 26 days
Alpha Midoriya Izuku x Reader
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Context: Kirishima Eijiro was the one you pined for, the man and Alpha you made yourself perfect for. However after choosing Bakugou Katsuki as his intended, you are left in ruins. However, Midoriya Izuku, soon to be Duke, gives you an offer you can't refuse.
Warning: OMEGAVERSE, Bridgerton AU, Rejection, Chronic Illness and pain, angst, hints of depression, Marriage of convenience, petty Izuku, bullying
12k words
“Announcing, the Prima Omega, Lady L/N Y/N!”
You walked in, looking at all the lit chandeliers that adorned the decorated ceiling. Tonight was a perfect night. It was perfect for a bunch of reasons, but tonight was the night you had been waiting for. A night that would define your future for the rest of your life. You had worked too hard to be here not for it to go exactly your way.
You into the room in a red dress, the material was of a rarity and the design was in fashion for the current trends, a crimson deep colour that looked perfect on you. You ignored the stares as you kept an eased smile on your face. You undid your fan, fanning yourself lightly as you walked slowly through the decorated hall. The entire venue was decorated full of rich splendour and perfections. Music played calmly in the air, creating the perfect fairytale atmosphere. You were not surprised that for this social season, everyone would go above and beyond for today’s event.
The entire Season actually.
The Season, an occasion that lasted all of Spring as the elite families of Japan brought in their most eligible Alpha bachelors and Omega bachelorettes to mingle and pair up to be hopefully married. It was an esteemed event that only those with enough power, money and influence could attend. Big families of all types were here, all for a chance of mating their family members off to esteemed members in society before it got too late.
This was the time you shined. And you had been shining all season long. You were perfect. You had to be perfect. Anything less than that would mean that you could be replaced, you could be on the back burner of priorities and that was the last thing you wanted.
“Miss Y/N.” You turned around to see Kirishima Takea. At the sight of the Duke of Kirishima mountains, you gave her a broad smile as you headed towards the large Alpha and her wife. She was dressed just dapper in a black suit with the Kirishima crest on her blazer. Standing next to her, was her Omega, Kirishima Yua, who wore a loving smile towards you as she stood in a black dress and red furs hanging from her shoulders, a diamond crest on her chest, worth more than anything you had probably seen in your life.
You grinned as you headed towards them. “Duke and Duchess Kirishima. It is wonderful to see you so soon, you both look incredible.”
Takea chuckled. “Oh please, pumpkin. You’re the one who looks perfect tonight. Red truly is your colour.” It was a double loaded statement but one you took with pride. You wore red for that precise reason. Everyone was expecting it and so were you.
Tonight, was the night that Kirishima Eijiro would announce you as his Omega.
You giggled as you held your glass champagne flute with two hands. “I have always been rather partial to the colour.” You spoke truthfully.
Yua giggled at her Alpha’s side. Her red hair with a few strands of grey fell down her left shoulder. Despite having that soft look on her face that reminded you of her son, Eijiro got all his looks from his sire. Kirishima genes were strong, and it was almost impossible not to know that Eijiro was Takea’s son. “To think that you and Eijiro have come so far. I remember when you two used to play outside together as happy little pups. To think how much you have both grown.” She spoke reminiscently, a warm smile on her face as she had a maternal look about her. She always seemed to have such a warm calming presence about her. It was half the reason why you loved her dearly.
You opened your mouth to speak but your voice didn’t come out. “It’s only natural, Mother.” You whipped your head around to see the large Alpha approach the three of you, one hand resting in his pants pocket and the other holding a glass of champagne. “We all grow up eventually.” He added before looking down to you, intense warm ruby eyes baring into your very being. He took his hand out of his pant pocket and had a gentle smirk on his lips. He offered his hand and you slipped your delicately into his large one, you could feel the warmth of him through your glove. He dipped low into a bow. “Lady Y/N.” He said your name in a low tone that always had a shiver running down your back. “It’s a pleasure.”
You looked down away from him, baring your neck in submission. “Lord Eijiro.” You spoke softly, a flustered look on your face. A low rumble left Eijiro’s chest as he stood beside you, making you swallow down hard. Although Alphas having such outward reactions was seen as rude dependent on the situation, the Kirishimas seemed to be an exception to that rule.
Eijiro had grown a lot the moment he had presented. Before then, he was just a scrawny rather timid pup with dark black hair, and round ruby eyes who seemed more like a puppy than anything. You would have rather played with your dolls but you liked him anyways. Well, you liked pushing him around for the most part. He was easy to persuade back then. Now? He was anything but.
Lord Kirishima Eijiro, eldest son of Duke Kirishima Takea, Prime Alpha just like every Kirishima masc before him. He stood at a staggering 6,6 and was a hulking mass of muscle. He was the epitome of what an Prime Alpha was, and high society sold it like gold. With sharp canines and basically brimming with testosterone, it was no wonder that he was so sought after. Not to mention he had a scent that could make any Omega drop into a heat and present just with one word from him. He was perfect.
And you had made sure you would be perfect just for him too.
You, the most eligible Prima Omega outside the Kirishima family in the Japanese elitist scene. You, who had been raised by the royal family’s academy for distinguished Omegas to marry into one of the high noble families. As a Prima Omega, a diamond cut above the rest, you had been told all your life that due to your scent and apparent higher fertility rate, you were of high demand. However, there was only one family that the Royal academy wanted for you.
The Kirishimas.
You had been brought up and raised to fit into their family, perfectly. As well as any family of similar standing.
You and him. Prime and Prima. Alpha and Omega. It was the perfect balance.
It was perfection.
Not to mention that you both had enough chemistry that it was tangible. You knew that there was no denying his feelings towards you. You had made sure of it. Everything was going to go perfect.
It had to.
Eijiro’s ruby eyes looked over your appearance. His eyes moved down to the necklace you had on your neck, Kirishima diamonds of course. He may have wanted to touch them but that was an instant no in high society. “You look stunning.”  He complimented.
“Thank you.” You looked up to him. You looked over the suit he wore, black with red, his family’s colours. Even in the light of hundreds of candles he looked just handsome. You pressed down his collar a bit, but smiled up at him. “You look handsome, Lord Kirishima.”
Omegas could touch an Alpha, with flirtatious or reasonable intent, however only with their gloves on. Considering Alphas never wore gloves unless in certain circumstances, they were only ever allowed to touch an Omega by the hand and offer their arm if walking together. It was just how the rules were for unwed matches.
“Everyone is on edge tonight, however I cannot blame them.” He stated as he looked around the room. Alphas and Omegas mingling with their chaperones not too far away, whispering and making predictions on which couple would be next to be fated to be engaged by the end of the season. “Tonight, is a very important night.” That took your attention, your heartbeat increasing just a little bit more. You had to hold back your scent as much as possible, not to seem improper. Eijiro turned to look down at you, his smile directed only at you for a moment before looking up and around. “I actually have something I have to discuss with Lord Tetsu about our two packs, but…” He bowed with a reassuring sharp smile. “I will see you later, okay?” He spoke softer down towards you. “And remember to breathe.”
You nodded as you watched him leave, him kissing his mother’s cheek before leaving the three of you. You smiled as you watched him leave, the large Alpha saying his greetings and headed towards his cousin.
You looked back to Yua and Takea. “I should go and give my greetings as well, but I’ll see the both of you soon.” You waved.
“Of course.” Yua nodded.
Takea smiled brightly as she waved to you excitedly. “Bye pumpkin!” Takea wasn’t one to know much about social etiquette but considering how rich the Kirishima family was, they didn’t apply to her often than not.
You chuckled as you gave a small wave before turning forward to find your Omegan friends. You walked past people, saying your greetings and smiling at everyone. The ball room was in spectacular décor today. With ribbons hanging between pillars and bouquets that sat in rich vases. You felt as though all eyes were on you, and you could feel it enough to make you nervous as you walked through the hall. You had to keep yourself together, and it would all work out.
You past the prince and his chosen Omega before moving to the table where your friends mostly surrounded. Mina had caught sight of you first, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight of you. She quickly put down the glass she was holding. Her black and champagne dress hug her curves deliciously and you didn’t know how she was able ever to move fast in heels as stable as she did. “Y/N!” She let out excitedly, quickly moving to pull you into her arms tightly despite having seen you a few days prior. She leaned back taking you in. “You look perfect! Who designed this dress for you, you must tell me the name of your be-autist!”
You put on a soft sincere smile. Mina always knew how to pull a smile on your face, even when you did not have a need to smile. “Thank you, Lady Ashido. You look gorgeous as well.”
Mina smirked putting a hand to her pink curls. “You think? I am so happy it turned out well. I was so worried the dress wouldn’t turn out great, but I guess my worries were for naught.” You both giggled. Ashido Mina was the only daughter of Count Ashido in the Kirishima province and was a well-known trend setter amongst Omegan fashion. If there was one Omega that was able to put even the royal family to shame in terms of wears, it was her. Her influence on Omegan society was high due to her style and her connections due to being closer to the Kirishima family as well.  
“Excuse me, favourite male omega has arrived!” Denki let out as entered the conversation. The blond Omega was in a rather loose dress, despite what you knew he would have preferred to wear.
You put a hand in Denki’s with a smile. “Our apologies, Lord Kaminari. How are you?” You asked.
He quickly lost all memory of feeling even slightly offended of not being invited into the conversation and smiled. “Not as good as you are going to be at the end of the night.” He pointed out excitedly with wiggling eyebrows. You chuckled. “I am serious.” He told you as he motioned around. “Everyone in the ton knows what is going to happen tonight, and I am not going to say anything but…” He leaned closer to you. “If you were to ask me,” He whispered. He took a moment to look left and right as if someone was listening to your conversation. He lifted up his fan to his mouth as you leaned in to hear what he was going to whisper. “You’d make a fantastic Duchess.”
Before you could comment with a smile, someone else spoke. “Well that is all Lord Kirishima’s decision, isn’t it, sparky?”
The three of you turned to see walking over to you in heels and in a black satin dress with a tight pinched waist was Bakugou Katsuki, son of the Marquess. He looked deviously gorgeous as always. He always had a sort of untouchable look about him and was practically flawless in design. Hairless body with a waist small enough to fit an orange and a half, with large assets for being a male Omega. Not to mention he had siren eyes that could lull any Alpha into following him helplessly. He had a soft smirk on his face as he stood before you all, his black feathers of his fan brushed against his face softly.
His harsh gaze moved to you, looking you up and down for a moment. “Y/N…” He let out softly. “Red is your colour tonight?” He asked.
“It is.” You acknowledged turning to the other Omega. You and Katsuki never really did get along, or you did just barely. You tolerated each other to say the least. You both grew up in the Royal Academy for Distinguished Omegas, the both of you vying for that spot as top ranking Omega. You motioned to him, your eyes looking him up and down. You lifted your fan higher up your face at his low neckline of his dress, rather uncouth for an Omega who was not yet married. “You are wearing a dress.” You let out in surprise.
Katsuki was never fond of dresses. He would wear everything, but a dress often than not but tonight seemed to be his night for it. The ashen blond shrugged. “My dam designed it for the evening. I think it is the perfect option for tonight.” His eyes held something that you didn’t know what. It was almost mischievous or almost as if he knew something you didn’t.
“Lord Katsuki,” The omega in question looked to Denki, turning his eyes away from you much to your relief. “Where’s Sir Midoriya?” He asked looking around for the green haired Alpha.
Sir Midoriya Izuku, a businessman who had made a name for himself in high society. He was the illegitimate son of the now passed Duke of the Usagi prefecture and considering he was the only son to ever be sire from the Alpha, he was heir to the dukedom. Although his mother was said to be a common maid at the time, he had the blood of the past duke and had a right to the dukedom despite being what many considered a bastard.
Katsuki shrugged disinterested. “Who am I to know?”
Denki’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, confused and so did Mina. “But the two of you were together most of the Season so far-”
“I am not his dam, Denki.” Katsuki let out clearly agitated by the topic of the conversation right now. He scowled and motioned randomly. “I do not know where that damn two-inch-nerd is. Deku can do as he pleases. He is not my Alpha, nor will he ever be, God forbid.”
You all seemed a bit taken aback by the confession and the aggression in his voice. Katsuki always had a rather harsh way of speaking, and always managed to be vulgar while doing it. You forced a smile to your face and swallowed down hard. You looked to Denki, putting a hand to his shoulder. “Well, I am sure that wherever Sir Midoriya is, he’ll be back in time for dinner. He might just be enjoying the gardens outside the hall or mingling.” You suggested, making a silent note in your head to find him eventually by the end of the night. By the sounds of Katsuki, it seemed as though something happened between the two.
You weren’t surprised though. Izuku’s mother had become Katsuki’s wet nurse and caretaker in the Bakugou’s household, and the two grew up side by side. But growing up, soon they seemed to have had some sort of fallout as Katsuki grew a disdain for the Alpha that was almost tangible. He was either ignoring the green haired Alpha or the two were passively aggressively insulting one another. They managed to survive each other out of pure spite. However, the past two years, it seemed as though they had salvaged whatever was needing to be salvaged. They had gotten closer and managed to deal with one another like they used to and maybe just a bit more.
But you guessed it was just for naught.
You smiled at the three of them and shrugged. “Either way, there is still over two weeks left of the Season, there is so much still yet to go on. So many engagements to happen, and few meetings and events left. I am sure we can all have a good time.” You spoke optimistically as you moved to sip on your champagne.
Denki nodded his head optimistically. “You’re right.” He looked over at all of you with a smirk like grin. “Besides, it gives us a whole two more weeks of spectating beautiful Alphas while we can.” He voiced out mischievously as he undid his fan to fan his face as his eyes moved over the room. Your face fell in shock, but Mina only giggled.
That made Katsuki scrunch his face up as he rolled his eyes. “Seriously, Lord Kaminari?” He asked in disgust. The other male Omega snickered to himself, putting a hand to his mouth as he found amusement in Katsuki’s disdain. “How brutish. You are no better than any Alpha here.”
“No need to be so judgemental, Lord Bakugou!” He let out relaxed with his arms out. His mouth was set in a smirk as he motioned to Katsuki. “I am sure there is some Alpha during this entire season that has taken just an inkling of your fancy.”
Katsuki scoffed as he looked off to the side, his crimson eyes focusing on something or someone you couldn’t quite see. He had a small smirk on his face, almost in satisfaction as if he won something. “Don’t worry. By tonight I will have everything I deserve and more.”
Denki and Mina shared a glance before both of them moved towards him, trying to figure out what exactly he meant by that. You were silent however, as an uneasy feeling settled within you. Your eyebrows were furrowed as you tried to figure out silently what Katsuki was so evasive about.
“Excuse me, everyone!” Raising her glass was Takea in the middle of the large hall. She stood with Yua at her side and Eijiro too, a large grin on her face as she kept her champagne glass high in the air. The orchestra lowered in volume. You felt anxiety start to bubble in your chest as you put down the glass you were holding as most of the guests fluttered around the Kirishimas.
Such a command of the room meant one thing during the Season. It meant that a promising would happen. A promising. When before the Season ends, an Alpha or masc makes a proclamation that the Omega or femme that they choose is who they want to mate with and thus are engaged. It was like a public devotion of love or intent and was rather romantic the few times you saw it.
But now… now was the time you had been waiting for, for so long. Mina gave your arm a squeeze as you both moved to the front to wait and see what was going to happen. You swallowed down hard as you rested your hands in front of you, watching Eijiro as he held a black velvet box, that no doubt held the Promise necklace inside. Every Alpha had to offer one up.
You felt the gazes on you and on Eijiro. You also noticed one other look. You looked opposite the room to the President of the Royal Academy. Ms B stood with a small smirk, indicating that this was it. It was the moment you had been waiting for years to come. You took a deep breath to stop yourself from shaking.
Takea looked to her son and motioned to him as he stood next to her and her Omega. “My son has a Promise to make.” She announced, everyone focused on Eijiro.
Eijiro nodded as he tightened his grip on the box bust smiled. He raised his chin as regal as ever. “Tonight I’d like to claim my future duchess.” He said the words for himself, a small murmur moving through the crowd in excitement. You grew nervous, almost as if you needed to go to the lady’s room but you couldn’t run now. It was time for what you had been waiting for. Eijiro smiled as he looked around at everyone. “This Omega has made such an impact on my life, blends well with my pack and…” He looked down for a moment with a soft smile on his face, almost in a love trance. “and they are just right for me. I couldn’t ask for anyone better for me because there is none.”
Mina gave your hand a squeeze and you felt some light taps on your backs. This was it. Any second now and everything would fall into place.
Eijiro looked up at you, his ruby eyes on your being and you almost wanted to start crying. You gave him a smile, a broad genuine smile. The same boy you had grown your affections for since he was a pup till now. It was almost like a fairytale come true.
But Eijiro’s eyes flicked to your right. “So I’d like to promise myself…” He wasn’t looking at you. But everyone was looking at you. Even his parents were looking at you. Pride in their eyes and small nods to their heads as they got ready to embrace you into their family. Takea looked just about ready to burst into a run and sweep you up officially as her daughter. They were all looking at you. Everyone but Eijiro. “to my future duchess…
Bakugou Katsuki!”
Your body froze as you stayed where you stood. A painstaking second passed by until finally you realised…
He didn’t call your name.
He hadn’t called your name. You flicked your eyes to the blond Omega to your right, dressed in black, the same colour as the Kirishimas. Everyone was shocked at the name that was called out but not Katsuki. No… Never Katsuki. He didn’t look anywhere else as he passed his champagne flute to a shocked Denki and moved over towards Eijiro, a smirk on his face. His heels were deafening in your ears as he moved over to the large redheaded Alpha who smiled down at him like he gave him the world and so much more. He put one hand on Katsuki’s hip as the blond Omega looked up at him, pupils wide in content and hands resting on his chest.
“Katsuki…” Eijiro whispered as he opened the velvet box, revealing a black necklace with silver chains and blood red rubies hanging from them. It was gorgeous. It was befitting of a Kirishima Omega. It was meant to be yours. “Will you accept my promise to you?”
The blond nodded his head, moving one gloved hand to caress Eijiro’s face. “Of course.”
You couldn’t breathe. You hadn’t been breathing.
Everyone was looking at you.
Why were they looking at you? Why couldn’t they look somewhere else!?
Takea and Yua turned to their son with shocked expression, absolutely taken back by his announcement. Takea turned to look at you, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion but those ruby eyes… Suddenly you couldn’t see her face, it was blurry and distorted. Mina looked to you with a fallen expression. She opened her mouth to speak but you clapped your hands.
Tears stung at your eyes as you clapped your hands with a strained wobbling smile on your face. You tried your best to suck in your scent but you couldn’t help the pure agony in your chest. With that everyone was forced to clap. A successful Promise was something to be glad about. Everyone was clapping as you started taking steps back out of the crowd. Mina looked to you as your breathing was hitched.
“I…. I can’t breathe.” You whispered, a hand to your chest as your world felt like it was crushing in on you. Your chest hurt, like stabbing pain to your lungs. You looked around as your hands were shaking. You couldn’t do this. You couldn’t be here.
You were perfect!
You made sure you were perfect for him!
Why… why didn’t he say your name?
You were gasping for air as you moved backwards. Mina was saying something and so were other blurred faces of your close acquaintances, but you couldn’t hear them. you couldn’t see. You quickly turned around to the closest open door. You raced out of the room, out the glass doors to the gardens of the venue. But still you couldn’t breathe. You were outside but you felt so closed in. So you did one thing your Omega told you to do.
You ran. You ran so fast down the stone walkways, through mazes and the beautiful gardens. But none of it mattered. Your heart was beating out of your chest, yet you couldn’t breathe. You couldn’t think. Your lungs were burning as you ran deep into the gardens as far from the hall as possible till you collapsed onto your knees in a clearing near a maple tree. You clutched at your chest.
Your dress was too tight. Your eyes blurring as you gasped for breath. You were suffocating. You pulled at your dress wanting it off. You clawed at your neck, snapping the diamond necklace off of your neck feeling as if it was burning you from the inside. You looked up at the sky. The beautiful endless sky.
You felt yourself growing weak as you found everything moving as you fell into the grass. Quickly catching you before you could fall to the ground completely, was someone. They were pulling at the ties of the back of your dress, pulling at the strings to keep it from suffocating. At the sweet release you gasped, your mouth against someone’s lap.
“Shh, Y/N, Y/N breathe.” You heard someone say. You looked up at the sky as you were turned to lie on your back. You saw Mina’s terrified face as she pulled at your dress making sure you had space to breathe. She held your face with a hand as she looked down at you, tears in her golden eyes as she looked down at you. “Breathe for me.”
“Lady Ashido, let me try.” Someone else spoke, whoever it was holding you.
You couldn’t care much as you felt a sob wreck through your body, grief moving through you intensely. Your body began to shiver with sobs that erupted from your chest, hot tears flowing from your eyes. “Mina!” You cried out in utter pain. You felt a soft hand on your forehead and soft shushes to you. You leaned in closer to her hand but you felt to broken to do much. You coughed, tasting metallic blood in your mouth as you did so. Everything was burning and you felt like you were choking. You had done everything for his approval, you had twisted your back to make sure you would be perfect. He said he saw you as perfect.
Then why would he do this to you?
Mina put her forehead against yours. “Shh… I know, my love. I know. I’m sorry.” She apologised softly as she held you tightly. “I need you to hold on. We need to get you to a physician.”
“Lady Ashido, she is going to drop.” The person who held your body spoke up, rather calmly. You were gasping for air, your chest feeling as if someone had stabbed a knife into your chest like you could barely leave. You coughed, blood coming out of your throat and spill at your lips. “Allow me to help her. I am the only one that can help her right now.” Mina hesitated as she looked up at the Alpha. She nodded her head as she let go of you.
You hear soft shuffling before you were encompassed in a warm Alpha scent that wrapped around you. You felt an ease to your lungs and to your Omega to an Alpha’s comfort. You let out a small needy whine. A comforting rumble came out of the Alpha’s chest in response as you were pulled against a bare chest. You closed your eyes as you leaned against the warm skin of the Alpha, your face being pushed into the crook of their neck. A strong scent, one of a Prime, escaped the Alpha who held you in their arms, lulling your Omega into a scent dazed calm. You took in deep breaths.
It didn’t take long before you passed out in exhaustion against the Alpha’s chest, unconscious and taken out of the pain of being awake. Mina ran a hand over your forehead with a scowl on her face as she looked down at you. In a span of a few minutes you looked void of much life and passion that you had when you were awake.
“Lady Ashido…” The pink Omega looked up to the Alpha. “You should head back.”
Mina’s eyebrows furrowed as she sat up where she was on her knees with the Alpha that held you. “No. I can not leave her while she is like this.” She motioned down to you. “Sir Midoriya, you can not expect me to-”
“Lady Ashido.” Midoriya’s dark green eyebrows furrowed as he looked to Mina serious. “You are family friends with the Kirishimas. You can not ruin that. It is important, especially in a world like this. Go.” He motioned back to the brightly lit evening hall, light coming out of the glass from inside.
In the darkness of the gardens with nothing but the garden lanterns and the moonlight shining down on the three of you. Izuku looked down at you, where you were against his chest. Your eyes were shut, your lashes were wet with tears as you were numb in his warm arms. Blood stained your lips but luckily his Prime had stopped any escalation of your drop. He had draped his blazer around you and kept you against his chest, comforting your Omega during this rejection process you were trying to understand and make sense of.
He held you tighter, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked down at you. “I will get her to a physician, just tell the president about this matter.”
Mina hesitated. “Sir Midoriya…”
“I’m the only thing preventing her from a drop right now,” He reminded her as he looked up, his deep jade eyes looking at her with only one thing on his mind and that was taking care of you. “She is okay with me. She’ll be okay. I’ll take her to my room. You can come and get her once you’re done there.”
Mina looked at him but she knew you were better off with Izuku than with anyone else. She nodded her head sullenly, not wanting to leave you but knowing it was for the best. She looked back at you tenderly. She shuffled in her dress a bit, leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead as you slept. She put her forehead against yours as she let out a shaky breath.
She lifted her head and looked back at Izuku, frowning. “Take care of her for me, Izuku. She’s my best friend.” Izuku nodded as Mina stood up from the grass covered ground. She took the diamond necklace off the ground. She looked back to the direction of the party, making her slow way back.
Izuku watched her for a moment before looking back down at you. He carefully stood back up, holding you tightly in his arms as he did so. Slowly he walked towards the stone path once more, heading in the darkness of night towards the direction of the lodges where everyone was staying during the season.
Your head was pounding as you slowly lifted it off of the pillow. You let out a soft whine at the headache that assaulted your head. You wished you were still asleep. Your body felt as though you were dying, and honestly, part of you wish you were. Half the time your body always had something to say, but now you were sure this would be the nail in your coffin.
“You’re awake?”
The voice asked you. You tried opening your eyes, but it took longer than you wanted it to. You blinked, grateful to see that the curtains in your room were drawn. Only a few candle were lit in your room which you think only set the down mood even more. You turned to your left slowly. Sitting there in a cushioned chair was your appointed guardian and mentor of the Royal Academy for Distinguished Omegas.
You opened your mouth to speak but a cough came out of your throat. The metallic taste of blood still evident.
He let out a sigh as he stood up and walked over to you. He moved to help you sit up, keeping you cushioned against an array of pillows. He carefully grabbed a glass of water for you and helped you drink it. He was gentle to your surprise. Aizawa Shota was known for being harsh, but he loved his Omegas. This was basically an orphanage if one thought hard about it, and he was your guardian and chaperon.
“Don’t rush yourself, Y/N.” He spoke in a low chastising voice. He held a frown on his face. “You nearly fell into an Omegan drop. You have been asleep for the past three days.”
You took a deep breath, your throat now feeling better as you sank back too exhausted to try keep your posture. It was just the two of you in your bedroom, which meant you didn’t have to be formal or hide your true feelings. You gave him a gentle smile as you looked at him. “I failed… didn’t I?” Your voice was a low whisper, barely even audible but Aizawa always paid attention to you.
He frowned as he moved to sit back in the chair. “You did not fail. Alphas are cruel and horrible things.” Despite being an Alpha himself, he was sincere about his words. “You did nothing wrong, Y/N. It was nothing on your part.”
You shook your head as you looked at him. “That is not what society will say.” You remind him. You turned to look away from him.
“Y/N, you were perfect.” Aizawa stated with furrowed eyebrows with a serious look on his face as he looked at you. He leaned forward. “If anything, the academy is greatly offended by the actions of the Kirishimas. You had gained the approval of his parents, you had visited their duchy and proved that you would be the perfect duchess.”
“If I were perfect, then why would he not pick me?” You asked with an emotionless face, a tear slipping out of your eye.
Aizawa didn’t respond and that was all the confirmation you needed. You might as well give yourself to a nunnery because you knew the type of humiliation you were to face the moment you stepped out of your room. All your time spent focused on one Alpha just to get rejected and sidelined.
“You are lucky that Lady Ashido and Sir Midoriya had found you when you left the hall.” He informed you.
You turned to him with a confused look, your eyebrows furrowing. “Sir Midoriya?”
“He had brought you back, unharmed, unscathed and untouched. Without his intervention you would have surely-” Aizawa didn’t let himself say it. “It is not the matter. You have been invited to a tea party tomorrow morning.”
“From who?”
“Bakugou Katsuki.”
“Just kill me already and be done with it.” You said as you looked away from him, not wanting to meet his gaze.
Aizawa sighed, not liking the invitation either. “He is inviting you to tea, knowing that you might not be in the state to. He wants to humiliate you by you not showing up.” He explained his viewpoint of the invitation.
You were silent, letting out a shaky breath before looking down at your legs. “Shota.” You whispered. His dark black eyes looked up to you, however you didn’t look him in the eyes. “I can’t move my legs.”
Aizawa sat up in concern. “Can you not feel them?”
“I can but I can not wish them to move even if I wanted them to.” You told him, being painfully serious with him.
Aizawa let out a worried breath, not in frustration but just in concern. Your health had always been something that had plagued you since you had presented. It was something that doctors could not figure out. Small symptoms that plagued you sometimes all at once and sometimes not at all. You had been doing so well this season too. “Do you think you’d be able to go tomorrow?” He asked lowly. “We can put you in a wheelchair and Lady Ashido will be there too. I am sure she would love to see you.”
You didn’t respond.
You didn’t even want to exist right now.
“You look wonderful in your new house colours, Lord Bakugou.”
“Simply marvellous.”
“The betrothal necklace looks great on you.”
“Simply glowing.”
Lady Ashido Mina rolled her eyes at the needless compliments aimed at the blond Omega in question. She lifted up the porcelain tea cup to her lips as she ignored all of the other Omegas upliftment of him. It was a beautiful morning at the Bakugou Estate, with the sun shining with only a few clouds. The greenhouse that they were sitting in was trimmed to look refined and beautiful.
Katsuki smiled smugly as he sat down his own cup of tea and looked around the table. There was an empty seat beside Mina which he knew would stay empty. It was the entire reason he had put it there. “It seems as though Lady L/N won’t be joining us.” He let out softly with a fake sigh. He frowned as he shook his head. “What a shame.”
Denki frowned with a breath, feeling uncomfortable with the way the conversation was turning. He half expected it from Katsuki but still found it rather unnecessary. “Lady L/N is unwell, but I am sure she sends her regards.” He stated truthfully. Mina nodded her head in agreement.
“Ah yes, she is unwell.” Katsuki nodded leaning back in his chair. He opened his mouth to speak.
“My apologies Lord Bakugou.” Katsuki stiffened at the voice. He turned to his left to see you being wheeled forward from the eastern entrance of the glass house. You sat in a silver dress, your grey puffed out sleeves had bows on your shoulders making you stand out in a bold yet pretty way. You had a rather plain expression, a hidden mask of your true feelings at seeing the blond Omega in front of you. “I did not mean to be tardy, it seems as though the roads leading to the Bakugou estate are unfamiliar to me as they must be for you.”
Your passive aggressive jab was not missed by Katsuki. Considering the both of you grew up in the academy, Katsuki was essentially never allowed back home until he had made a match and would therefore also be whisked away straight after. He smiled but his eyes said anything but. “Lady L/N, we were just discussing you. Please do come sit.” He motioned to the empty chair but his other hand rested by his neck.
Wrapped around his neck was the betrothal necklace that was given to him by Eijiro. It was snug and beautiful, covered in diamonds with the Kirishima insignia on the very front of his neck, red rubies encircled the Kirishima crest. It was beautiful and was the object of your envy.
One of your personal maids given to you by the academy had wheeled you closer to the table, before moving the empty chair so that your wheelchair could be put in that place instead.
“Lady L/N are you alright?” You turned to Princess Momo, who had been married to Prince Todoroki Shoto just last year. The Omega from a supporting rich family had always been rather quiet and hidden about her opinions and you hearing her ask about your health was a surprise.
You gave her a small smile and nodded your head. “I am, your highness, just fatigued really. The president of the academy herself gave me strict orders to stay in my wheelchair for my own safety and assurance. Thank you for your concern.”
“Which is such a shame.” Katsuki spoke up, lifting up his cup of tea to his face. One of the Bakugou’s servants moved to pour tea in a cup for you. You nodded your head in gratitude as you took the cup. “Your health is something that has always bothered you.”
You lifted the cup up to your lips. “Bothered but not hindered me.”
“It must be the cause of such turmoil considering…” Katsuki continued as if he had not heard what you had just said. The soft beginning of a chuckle erupted from his chest. His crimson red eyes moved to look at you with an undertone of a glare. “Considering that no Alpha would ever consider an Omega with such poor health.” He chuckled, causing others around the table to do so as well.
The loud sound of a cup hitting it’s saucer was heard, effectively stopping all form of laughter. Mina fought a scowl on her face but could not hide the frown as she had her eyes closed. “Lord Bakugou,” she started as she put her hands in her lap. “That comment was unnecessary.”
“He is not wrong, Lady Ashido.” Ms Uraraka Ochaco said softly with a nod of her head.
Katsuki motioned to the other who seemed to nod their heads in agreement. You held back any reaction as you gripped your teacup and sipped your tea. Katsuki looked back at you with a tilt of his head. “As someone who is supposed to be the best of us, being sickly is not a great trait. One does even wonder if her body would be able to house a pup.”
Lady Kodai giggled as she leaned close to Katsuki with a smile. “I heard,” She glanced at you and then back to Katsuki who leaned closer to her. “That her dowry is not even undisclosed.”
“An Omega with probably nothing for a dowry and sickly, no wonder Lord Kirishima picked Lord Bakugou.” Lady Tokage giggled.
“We should inform our Alpha siblings to ensure that they know where to stir away from.”
The whispers were loud and blatanly aimed at you, but you kept quiet as you sat there. You were composed, you were still and you were silent. It was better than the pain of saying anything at all.
By the time Aizawa came in a carriage to fetch you, it was clear to say that your social standing was in ruins now.
You sat in your bed as the sun fell into your room. You watched as birds came to sit on your orange tree that you had started growing a few years ago. It had not yet given any fruit but it was making steady progress. You half thought about burning the damn thing. The only reason you had any interest in it was due to the fact that Eijiro’s mother loved growing oranges and thus had one in her own private garden.
However, you couldn’t bring yourself to ask for it to be removed off your balcony.
A knock came to your doors. Before you could even allow whoever it was inside, the doors opened to reveal Aizawa and a flurry of servants that have served you before. “Quickly.” He clapped his hands together as to get them all to hurry. He had a serious look on his face as he motioned for all of them to be fast. You watched as the maids, all femmes, carried in jugs of hot water and started pulling at your changing screen. “We do not want to keep him waiting. Make sure she looks and smells like a bed of roses.”   
You felt yourself lifted off of your bed. Your eyes widened in surprise. “What is the meaning of this?” You asked surprised as you were dragged behind the changing screen as a maid held you up, being careful to support you as you attempted to stand while the rest pulled off your white lounge dress to get you to quickly wipe down.
Aizawa looked over the choices of gowns that were presented to him by the maids. “Someone has called on you, an Alpha.” He chose a pastel light pink one with a gentle cream, the back and sleeves being pink with a long train. The maid quickly moved to behind the screen where you were currently being scrubbed with a cloth.
Your eyebrows furrowed. “Who-” You were quickly put to stand in the metal tub underneath you, water being splashed onto your body to rinse you off. You gasped before you felt a towel rub at your skin to dry you off. You felt the maids press at your scent glands making more of your scent spill out. “Ow.”
“Sorry Lady Y/N.” Your personal maid, Pony said with a bow of her head.
Aizawa moved to select something modest for jewellery. He chose a simple pearl necklace for you so that it could sit snuggly on your neckline. “Sir Midoriya Izuku.” He revealed, taking you by surprise. “Whatever his reason is for being here, we want him to take an affection to you.”
You were quickly slipped into your dress, them tightening the ribbon that sat underneath your breasts so that they would be forced to be pressed and pushed up. You let out a surprised squeak but you kept it together. You let out a sigh. “Shota, do you not think that this is all much? I am sure-” You were cut off as your head was tilted to the side so that light make up could be put on your face. “He must just be here to see that I am well.”
Although he couldn’t see your face, he gave you a blunt raised eyebrow in a disbelieving look. “Alphas are cowards. They would rather send a bouquet and a card than simply call on you to ask how you are doing.” He told you bluntly making you sigh. “No matter, he’s already here and in your drawing room. Whatever the reason is, making a good impression on a future duke is important.”
“Future duke not current duke.” You reminded him.
He rolled his eyes and motioned with his hand. “Yes, yes, now are you done?” He asked.
You weren’t, but another five minutes and you were. You were wheeled to the room just next door to your own room. You had your hands resting in your lap. This would be the first time you had been invited or called upon by someone in a week after Katsuki’s tea party. You were silent as the door was opened for you and you were let through.
Standing in the sunlight was the silhouette of a tall man. His hair was a curly dark green from what you could see and he wore a matching colour long coat, his hands joined behind his back. He had a good build, clearly having a fit element to him underneath his coat. At the sound of the door opening, he turned to look back at you. Piercing green, emerald eyes locked onto your being. His face was speckled with freckles and softer ones ran down his neck. His eyebrows raised in surprise at your state.
Aizawa offered you a hand as he helped you up to stand on your own two feet now that you were in the room. The servants quickly left, leaving the three of you alone.
Izuku strode over to you, making sure you wouldn’t have to walk a long distance towards him. You extended your hand that was covered in a glove. He carefully took your gloved hand in his large one, his thumb caressing over your fingers. “Lady L/N Y/N.” He greeted formally.
“Sir Midoriya Izuku,” You nodded your head towards him. “Forgive me for my tardiness, I did not know you would call upon me.”
He stood back up straight, letting go of your hand. “Please, I did not send word and therefore I am to blame.” He paused for a moment before his eyebrows furrowed. “You should be seated, last time I saw you, you were in no state to even stand.”
You gave him a gentle smile as Aizawa stirred you towards a seat in the sunlight so that you could soak up the warmth. You sat down, silently grateful but a deep breath leaving you showed that you were indeed fatigued for just standing for those few moments. “I should actually thank you,” You stated as you rested your hands on your lap as you faced him. “You are the reason I am here right now.” You weren’t sure whether to be grateful or to curse him for doing so.
He smiled. “Any gentleman would have done what I did.”
“Still, I owe you my life.”
He shook his head with wide eyes. “No, please.” He motioned to Aizawa who stood at your side. “Sir Aizawa has already sent his gratitude from him and the academy for my deed although not needed. Knowing that you are well is good enough for me.”
You tilted your head. This was probably the longest conversation you ever had with Midoriya Izuku. He seemed rather dignified. For being an illegitimate son, he had manners of any noble born Alpha. He stood with his back up straight and his head raised high and upright. You looked up at him with a gentle smile. “What can I do for you, Sir Midoriya?” You asked.
Izuku hesitated. He wasn’t entirely sure how to word this or whether or whether not it would be viewed as an insult by you. He sure hope it wouldn’t. He swallowed down hard before letting out a breath. “If I am to be honest, Lady L/N, I have a proposition for you.” You raised an eyebrow. You could see the business man in him come to the forefront but you could also see a bit of vulnerability. “As you know, my sire passed away not too long ago, the Duke of the Usagi prefecture.”
“I am aware. I am sorry for your loss, sir.”
He let out a silent scoff but shook his head. “No need. We were never close.” You tilted your head slightly, finding it interesting how he downright rejected the condolences, not seeing them as necessary at all. “My father never sired any legitimate children which leads his duchy, estate and assets all to fall onto me. However, the King and my father’s will dictates that I am to be wed by the end of the year that he dies, in order to secure the lineage of the duchy. Unfortunately, my time to find an Omega to take to wife is coming to an end with only one week left of the season.” He explained his situation to you, being frank and honest on his part. “I conversed with a friend of yours, lady Mina, who is engaged to a partner of mine, Lord Sero Hanta. She told me that due to Lord Kirishima’s actions you’ve been left in a rather…” He hesitated. “Disadvantaged position in high society.” You were silent, your fingers digging into your hand as you listened to what he had to say. He let out a breath. “My proposition is this.”
He stepped forward and revealed a velvet dark box. Your eyes widened and you and Aizawa glanced at each other. His eyebrows raised in surprise as he looked at you and then at the box. Izuku took a few steps closer before opening it, revealing a beautiful necklace. It was made of a gold with dark emeralds that matched his eyes and had hanging small chains linked between the gems. It was beautiful.
“Would you do me the honour of marrying me?” Your eyes flicked up to his face, looking up at him. He moved down to one knee, making your eyebrows lift up in surprise. “I have something you desire, a title as duchess and a duchy that needs a femme’s touch which, from what I have seen of you, you will be able to fulfil. I need a wife to obtain said duchy. I promise I will be a good Alpha to you, a good husband to you. I’ll give you all that you deserve, and I have enough money now to make sure of that even without the title.”
You were speechless. This was not what you were expecting when you heard that this Alpha had called upon you today. It was also not what you thought your season end would look like. It was some slim chance of luck, but you knew there was no way on earth you could let this opportunity run out of your hands.
“I know we do not know much of each other, being nothing but acquaintances, but I believe we can learn to enjoy each other’s presence and if you truly despise me, I will not withhold you from having a lov-”
“Yes.” You answered unblinkingly. “I’ll marry you.” You did not even allow him to finish.
He paused as he took in what you said, and then you heard him sigh as his shoulders lowered in relief. A relieved smile went to his face as he let out a light chuckle. “You will not believe how happy I am to hear you say that.” He said as he stood up on his own two feet. He handed Aizawa the necklace, which seemed to make him very happy to take off of Midoriya’s hands.
“Sir Midoriya.”
“Hm?” He turned to look at you with wide green eyes, interested in what you had to say. “Yes?”
“Are… are you positive you wish to marry me?” Aizawa looked at you with a pointed look, clearly not approving of what you were trying to do here. Izuku furrowed his eyebrows, confused as to why you would ask that. Before you could let him respond, you shifted in your seat and swallowed down hard. “I have a body that is often weak at times. My health bothers me, although I can often work around it, there are days where I can not. My dowry is also something that even I do not know the number of, as it was enclosed when my parents gave me to the academy. Are you positive you wouldn’t want any other Omega?” The last thing you wanted was an Alpha that regretted ever having asked you to be his in the first place.
Izuku seemed surprised by your words before a gentle look crossed his face. “Lady L/N, we don’t choose our bodies. If you are sick, then I will make sure that I have the best doctors in the kingdom to treat you.” He answered simply. “And I don’t need your dowry. Whether it is a thousand gold coins or one. I am not as fragile in my masculinity and choice of Omega to let it sway me.” He informed you amusedly with a gentle smirk on his face. You looked up at him surprised which he found cute. “Will you be able to come to the ending ball in five days?”
You nodded. “I should be.”
“Then we will make ourselves public then. I do have a meeting with his majesty King Enji this afternoon and I am sure he will approve.” He announced with a nod of his head. His eyes then widened as he looked to Aizawa, having temporarily forgotten about your chaperone and guardian who was in the room. “If that is alright with you-”
“Take her.” Aizawa answered nonchalantly, making your eyes widen in surprise. “She’ll be ready by the ending ball.”
You let out a sigh, choosing to ignore Aizawa’s insistence of throwing you away from him. You turned to look up at the green haired Alpha. “Sir Midoriya.” Izuku turned to you with attentive emerald eyes, his full attention on you. His eye contact as intoxicating and strong. “If we are to suddenly pull out an engagement out of nowhere, we ought to act like a passionate match. We will have to sell this engagement as more than what it is.”
He nodded his head understandingly. “You are most right. However, I think it starts with one thing.”
“And what is that, Sir Midoriya?”
“Izuku.” He gave you a smile. “Considering that you are my fiancé…” He took a step closer to you. “You can call me Izuku. You should call me by my name.”
You felt heat bloom at your cheeks. You had never called an Alpha by their name other than Eijiro once upon a time when you were younger. It was something so intimate especially between opposite dynamics. You swallowed hard but smiled. “Then you can call me by mine.”
Izuku stood clutching the glass in his hand trying not to pull his eyes out at the insufferable voice of Bakugou Katsuki. The blond stood beside his new fiancé, his gleaming necklace sat snug on his neck with a low bodice neckline that highlighted his flawless skin and large chest for a male Omega. “Since Eijiro is the highest-ranking Alpha engaged, our wedding is first after the end of the season.” He informed everyone, keeping one hand on Eijiro.
Eijiro nodded, Katsuki’s hand resting on his offered arm as he stood beside the blond. “Indeed. Which is a lot of planning. More than I thought it would be. But…” He turned to look down at Katsuki with ruby eyes that seemed lidded with passion. “It’s worth it for my perfect duchess.”
Mina furrowed her eyebrows but bit her bottom lip, keeping her comment to herself. Despite her attempt at keeping her opinions on Eijiro’s statement to herself, a scoff took everyone’s attention.
Izuku lifted up his glass to his lips, his eyes down casted. “It seems as though you use that adjective for every Omega, Lord Kirishima.”
Eijiro’s eyes flicked to the green haired Alpha, he kept a smile on his face as he lifted his head up to look at the other man opposite him. Katsuki frowned at the statement, his nose scrunching as he looked to Izuku. “Excuse me, Sir Midoriya?” Eijiro started with a pressed look on his face. “You were saying.
Izuku flicked his gaze up, dark deep green eyes looking at the other Omega. He shrugged but kept a polite smile on his face. “I was simply just voicing out that it seems as though you love to use that adjective.” He spoke out his notice. “Which is such a shame, especially when you use it when it is simply not true.” His gaze flicked down to Katsuki, who looked taken aback by the statement.
Eijiro frowned, a low disapproving hum coming out of his chest. Katsuki put a hand to his chest as he looked to Izuku with a pressed smile. “No need to be so sour, Deku,” He let out proudly, keeping a hand on his fiancé to calm him down. Touching an Alpha was only permitted when married or engaged and even then it had to be appropriate and not too intimate to cause a scandal. Katsuki glanced up at his Alpha with bright eyes before flicking back to Izuku with a soft glare. “Just because I turned you down, does not mean you have to be so pouty. Not having an Omega seems to have harmed your spirits.”
Sero’s eyes widened in surprise that Katsuki would say that in public, Mina’s lips drew into a line as she glanced at her fiancé who looked just as surprised. Marquess Iida Tenya glanced at his friend, waiting to see his reaction before stepping in.
Izuku seemed unamused and unhindered by the comment he simply raised an eyebrow. Izuku glanced over to Eijiro. “You allow your future perfect duchess to behave like this in public?” He asked with an almost disapproving look on his face. Eijiro swallowed down hard but didn’t say anything. Izuku turned to look down at Katsuki. He straightened the dark jacket he was wearing. “Please refrain from referring to me so casually, Lord Bakugou. Especially since I am engaged.”
Everyone turned to him surprised. “You are-”
“Announcing, the Prima Omega, Lady L/N Y/N!”
Everyone turned their attentions to the steps as you walked down towards the courtyard where the outside ball was happening. You wore a deep green emerald dress, which suited you beautifully. On your neck, sitting tightly was an engagement necklace. Tight and wrapped around with the Midoriya family crest in it. You kept your eye son Izuku from the moment you entered the room.
The large Alpha looked at you surprised. He had not expected to see you look so beautiful in his family colours, but he couldn’t deny that you were the most beautiful person here. He quickly composed himself as he drew in a breath and settled his lips into a smirk. Pride brimming in his expression as he made sure to play the necessary part as your fiancé. He handed Tenya his glass.
You kept your head hight as you focused on walking. You felt weighed down and you half wished you had stayed in bed, but you had an agreement, an engagement and it was too late to back down now. You made you way towards the group of familiar faces.
Izuku stepped to the side as he offered his hand. The moment you had placed it in his hand your eyes seemed to just glisten as your face shifted to one of adoration. Izuku wasn’t sure how you managed to do it, but you looked up at him as if he hung the stars tonight. He smirked as he pulled your hand kissing your knuckles. “Y/N.” He said your first name so casually, pulling you closer towards him by his hand. “You look impeccable.”
“Sir-” You were taken by surprise as you were pressed up against him, and he leaned his head low towards your neck. You felt your face burn. You told him that you were both to act close but not for him to act so… so intimately. You felt him take a breath of your scent making you try to fight a flushed look unsuccessfully. “Izuku, please.” You let out embarrassed but holding it together. You took a breath but carefully moved your hand to rest on the crook of his neck, making him draw back to look at you. “I apologise for my tardiness. Our carriage cracked a wheel.”
“Dear me, I’ll make sure of it, to accompany you home then.” He assured as he offered his arm. You took it, grabbing hold of him. He turned around to face the group once more. Izuku opened his mouth to speak but was quickly interrupted by Mina who came up to you.
“Lady Y/N.” She let out surprised as she took your hand. She raised an eyebrow as she looked to you. “Or should I call you Madam- no, Duchess Midoriya.”
You chuckled as you put a hand to your chest. “Please, Lady Ashido. It is far too early for that. Not until our wedding date has been announced. Izuku is about to get his dukedom bestowed upon him tomorrow.” You stated looking back at him with an adoring smile. “Rightfully deserved, might I add.”
He chuckled as he rested his hand a top of yours that lay on his arm. “I am glad you think so, Y/N.”
You smiled before catching eye of a certain Alpha. Eijiro stood beside Katsuki, an arm around him as his ruby eyes were on you. His eyes darted between you and Izuku confused, his dark eyebrows furrowed as if trying to make sense on how on earth you were with Izuku in the first place. The sight of his uncomfortability and slight suspicion would have made you happy but instead it made you sick.
You were not sure how to feel about his gaze. He was the last person you wanted to see and just seeing him made you feel faint. The broken Omega inside you whined at the remembrance of your rejection. How he had courted you, entertained you, paraded you around the ton for all to see, only for him not to pick you. Only for him to choose the very Omega you despised. Only for him to cast you aside despite you being what everyone had called “perfect”.
A hand rubbing your wrist brought you out of your daze. You looked down to Izuku’s large hands. They were large and not as soft as other nobles, they were calloused and experienced but just the soft rub of them made you feel better than you think you ever could alone. You looked up at his face. This was the first time you were standing beside Izuku especially so intimately as more than just acquintances and yet here he was standing with his head held high beside you. You blinked feeling the tears that lined your lids. He looked down at you with a tilt of his head.
His eyebrows furrowed seeing that being in Eijiro’s presence was upsetting you. The orchestra was just finishing their current piece, taking a bit of his attention. “It seems as though I will be filling your dancing card, my lady.” He told you with a gentle smile.
He let go of you before bowing at the waist offering his hand. “A dance?”
You smiled as you gave him your hand, slipping it into his warm hand. He guided the both of you towards the dancefloor, ignoring the gazes that watched the both of you. You weren’t sure how your body would hold up with a dance but you knew you could push yourself if need be. You just had to dance with him once and then you could spend the rest of the evening sitting.
As the two of you entered the dancefloor, conveniently followed by Eijiro and Katsuki. You swallowed down hard as you tried to focus on the music that was playing and not on the two of them so close to the two of you.
Izuku’s eyebrows furrowed at the clear discomfort you were feeling. Suddenly you felt his hand pull you closer to him, making a surprised chirp come out of you. Your eyes widened as you looked up at him. His eyes were only on you. “Don’t look at them, they do not deserve an inkling of your attention. Look at me.” He told you. Your eyes bore up at him, keeping him in your sights. His grip on you was firm but gently, a hand holding onto your back to keep you up right. “Just like that.”
Then the orchestra started up again and you found yourself in a move with Izuku. You let him guide you around the dancefloor. The both of you danced in tide with one another, perfectly suited in your steps. You were surprised he was a good dancer and he was able to dance with you. You kept your eyes on him, just as he wanted, and he kept his eyes on you.
The two of you were too close. Close enough that it was suffocating. You could feel the heat of his body through his clothes, you could smell his scent that seemed to envelope you in a dream. His eyes stayed on you and only on you. You felt as though your feet were barely even touching the ground, you were stepping not a step out of place and yet he held you up as if you were just gliding an inch off the ground.
Suddenly you felt him spin you, you couldn’t help but laugh at the sudden movement. He bore a smile on his face as he kept you as close as possibly and spun you just to make you smile. You moved your hand to hold onto his shoulder, throwing your head back with a bright smile as you allowed him to do something that was anything but socially acceptable but considering it was the last ball of the season, you wanted to enjoy this moment.
You pulled yourself closer to him, as you kept your faces close. “You will make us the biggest scandal of the ton.”
A sharp smirk pulled to his freckled face. He chuckled. “Good.”
The end of this year’s social season was one that left many faces shocked and many hearts fluttered. The surprise pairing of Lady L/N Y/N and Sir Midoriya Izuku, now Duke Midoriya of the Usagi prefecture has turned many heads. With every unhindered touch and gaze, they had the entire of the elitists watching in what some might say is disdain but we all know is wonder. A passionate match that seemed to have taken the entire ton by surprise.
One does ought to wonder whether this match was made in order to save face or whether truly passionate matches are real. But this author does do wonder, how dear Lord Kirishima Eijiro doth thinks of what used to be his bestowed prized gem now lies in the perfectly illegitimate yet now noble hands of Duke Midoriya Izuku.
[Midoriya Izuku Masterlist]
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queers-gambit · 7 months
Perpetual L's and Overwhelming Dubs
prompt: slutty stranger bathroom sex on a train.
pairing: Tangerine x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Bullet Train
word count: 3.7k+
note: are all our safe words pineapple? i need this man to rail me, you know, for science. yep, that's right, Cherry has a new fixation! aren't y'all so lucky?
warnings: author has brain rot, smut (public, strangers, unprotected), obviously cursing, PWP.
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Japan was bright, you decided with a soft smile on your lips; looking around the train station glowing in neon lights; some blinking, some colored, all fluorescent. People milled around every inch of the place, all walks of life from school children to professionals with briefcases, talking on the phone, running to make their departure. Couples held hands, families took meals together, and a few meters away, a little girl screamed when her brother stole her Momonga plushie.
You must've been enraptured with all around you that your shoulder bullied into someone else's on the platform, making you gasp an instant apology in Japanese. However, the man you had collided with just offered you a stoic look up and down, letting his lips pull in a half-smirk, checking in English with a thick accent, "My apologies, love. You all right there?"
"Yeah, I-I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention," you bid with a small smile.
"'S all right, pretty ladies like you can run into me all day," he smirked, eyeing you up and down before following after his snazzy-dressed companion - who slapped his chest forcefully.
"Leave the girl alone, mate," the man reprimanded. "Sorry, miss, he gets it in his head he's God's gift to ladies."
"It's really okay, it was my fault for not watching where I was going," you assured the men, glancing at your watch. "I'm so sorry, but I really can't miss this train. Safe travels, gents!" You bid, offering a simple wave, then scurried off - trying not to double back for the man with a mustache.
God, was that man handsome! Like, illegally handsome. Hauntingly handsome.
You'd even go as far as to say he was devilishly handsome! Those eyes? Beautifully clear blue, alluring, drew you in and held you captive. His cologne? Absolutely heavenly, borderline intoxicating. And he was built like a fucking mountain - tall, broad, slender hips, bulging muscles that looked as if they would rip his button-up.
Shaking your head, you rid yourself of the body-heating thoughts about the stranger you had just barreled into. Being horny got you nowhere, but being perpetually horny... Was the biggest fucking L. Sure, you could rub one out; you knew where the clit was and how to stimulate to your own pleasure (unlike most men). But it was something about a man sweating over you, thrusting into you with abandon; creating a mess in your guts, mind, and chest.
Yeah... You needed to get laid, you were fucking drooling over some stranger you had a 23-second interaction with.
However, upon entering your train and locating a seat in the hopefully peaceful quiet car, you mindlessly downloaded Tinder to pursue at your leisure, but only a few swipes in and you were exiting the app and deleting it (again) from your phone. The train was ready to depart the station, you cracking a bottle of water, looking back on your two-week Japanese excursion your job had sent you on.
And now, you were finally heading to your last stretch of meetings, requiring you to purchase an overnight ticket on one of the available bullet trains. Seemed the fastest, simplest, and most affordable way to travel - skipping out on upgrading to first class. Economy was just fine, you decided, perhaps doubting yourself when your eyes widened when you caught sight of the two strangers you ran into on the platform finding their seats a few rows up. There was a third man with them now that was left slumped in a spare chair - probably drunk off his arse, based on the man's grungy, disheveled look.
You tried not to thinking about the handsome stranger, but he was just a few rows up from you! God, you could practically smell his cologne from here, letting your mouth water slightly.
Yeah, perpetually horny was the biggest L - like you said.
Your thighs squeezed together as you crossed them, hoping the pressure was enough to relieve the build-up of warmth in your belly and cunt. Your headphones were placed, your attention diverting out the window, and tried to imagine if nobody else was in this fucking carriage - he could take you here and now.
After a few stops, your empty water bottle sought revenge against your bladder and ushered you to the closest bathroom. It wasn't as tight a squeeze as airplane bathrooms, but it was still a small facility to use. When done, you washed your hands as a knock sounded at the door, calling in Japanese, "Just a second!"
After unlocking the door and opening it, you actually flinched back slightly when the man from early with the '70s pornstache was stood directly in front of you.
"Well, don't you look like hell," you mused slightly.
"All in a day's work, love," he answered, stepping out of your way to let you exit the bathroom. He looked you up and down, asking, "So, uh, where you headed?"
You told him your stop, asking him the same. He told you, your mind doing mental gymnastics to understand that you both had a good bit left on this train... Surely, anything could happen.
"I'll let you, yeah," you half-smiled awkwardly, moving out of his way fully to give him access to the restroom.
"You know..." He trailed, pointing at the empty lavatory, "Could fit two."
You chuckled, "Yes, but I'm finished now - you go on."
He hummed, glancing up and down the train car - spying through the windows of the conjoining connection each car had. When he faced you again, he took a slow, calculating step forward, "That's not exactly what I meant, sweetheart."
You feet took a slow, calculated step back to find the wall, his smirk broadening. "Then how about using your words like a big boy and tell me what you meant?"
"You look like a smart girl, sure you can figure it out, yeah?" He leered over you, either foot standing between yours, nearly pressed into you but far back enough that he could maintain eye contact.
You pouted at him, "I don't read minds."
"Not sure it's me mind yah gotta read," he perked a single brow, glancing out the window again. "Now, I'd love t'stand here and ravish you the way I've wanted since you bumped into me earlier, but maybe exhibition isn't your thing."
"Judging me now?"
Now, both his brows slowly rose. His teeth poked out from between his smirking lips, praising, "Naughty girl."
"Maybe you're the one a bit nervous, hmm?" You quipped, boldly reaching forward to palm his cock - already half-hard. "What's wrong, mister? Don't want people seeing you so, hm, submissive?" You gave a cheeky flex of your hand, his hips bucking involuntarily.
"You fuckin' minx," he chuckled, hands to your waist now. "Get in that fuckin' bathroom or I might just have to give this whole fuckin' train a show."
"Better start charging them all," you whispered, hearing his growl before pushing his chest back to give you a little space. "You do this often, then? Proposition strangers into dirty bathroom sex on public, moving trains? Hmm? In a foreign country? Seems terribly disrespectful, don't it?"
"Sweetheart, the thoughts in my head about what I want to do to this body - those are disrespectful," he smirked. "Wanna tell me I'm not truly tempting you? You would've left by now," he pointed out, making your chest feel warm from the embarrassment you felt suddenly. You smirked and twiddled your fingers at him in parting, turned, and just before you could step away, you felt his arms lock around your waist. "C'mon, darlin', don't be like that," he hissed in your ear, your visible smirk spurring him on. "Not about t'beg yah, princess, get this pretty li'l arse in this stall."
You folded.
Being perpetually horny was an L, sure, but being propositioned by a handsome, hulking, muscly stranger was for sure a Dub, right?
You turned in his arms, lips only centimeters apart; breathing the same air, hand on his chest to ease him back into the bathroom stall. He grinned in triumph, and the moment you were over the threshold, still maintaining eye contact, he reached around you to click the lock in place.
"C'mere," he growled, surging forward to bring his lips down to yours finally - and just like that, your panties were done for. You moaned instantly, feeling something akin to relief when his lips molded against yours; all but immediately sweeping his tongue against the seam of your mouth.
Letting him in was mind boggling; literally making static fill your brain as your hand lifted to hold the back of his neck, threading into the hair at the nape of his neck. His mustache was stiff, wriggling in an irritating fashion against your upper lip and nose, but you didn't notice - too engulfed in the way he domineered every rational thought. His hands both pressed tightly to your ribs, then waist, down your hips, around to your arse - like he couldn't make up his mind where he wanted to touch you. So, he chose to touch you everywhere.
He was intoxicating; feeling drunk on his taste, smell, touch. He was warm, his curls a bit greasy but still shocking soft, and his lips - plush, welcoming, anchoring. You didn't even know his name, but you didn't need to! All you needed was exactly what he was doing: holding complete control over your heart, mind, and cunt.
Your stranger pulled back suddenly, offering a skeptical look, "There's no boyfriend, fiancé, husband I'm gonna have to look over my shoulder for, right?"
"Not since about 6 months ago, no. Do I need to ask you the same?"
"'Course not," he mused with a grin, kissing you again - but just a degree softer. Now, both his hands rose to caress either cheek; his tongue wagging against yours in more controlled caresses. One hand dropped slowly to hold your neck, pulse quickening, and your stranger smirked, muttering against your lips, "Cheeky girl."
You pushed him back half a step, offering him a once over before confidently reaching down for the end of your shirt and pulling it off over your head. Your companions mouth fell open when you revealed yourself to him, smirking as you opened your jeans to show a hint of the lace panties you wore. You told him your name, earning a confused hum. "My name," you explained, "figured you need to know what to moan." His tongue swept over his lips. "Gonna just stand there?"
He chuckled, checking his watch, then started unbuttoning his waistcoat. "Tangerine," he spoke simply.
"That your safe word?" You asked, shucking your jean clean off after toeing out of your shoes. "Hm, mine's pineapple."
"'S my name, love," he chuckled, opening his button up to reveal exactly what you thought - plains of smooth skin over rigid, bulging muscles. "So you know what to scream," he smirked.
You paused, stood in your panties, bra, and socks, asking through a small chuckle, "You're telling me, your mother carried you all those months in her belly, pushed you screaming - bloodied - into the world, looked at yah, and said, 'yeah, he looks like his name should be Tangerine'?"
He peeled his top half naked, your throat swelling close; swallowing harshly to clear your mouth of the overflow of salvia. Slowly, he moved closer to you, once again leering over you. He reached out for your neck, not too tight or aggressive, but forceful enough to tilt your head back. "'S a codename, love," he explained.
"Ah, so can't reveal the government."
"The fuck kinda job you got that requires codenames?"
"The dangerous kind," he smirked, "wanna keep running your mouth or put it to other use?"
You chuckled and reached for his trousers, holding his eyes with yours as you easily unfastened him and hooked your thumbs into the waistband of his briefs and suit pants. His mouth parted slightly when the cooler air hit his exposed cock, asking, "Safe word?"
He snickered, "Pineapple's fine, love," he sounded far too amused, watching you get on your knees in front of him, "but I doubt we'll need - Oh, holy, fuckin' good God," he seethed through clenched teeth when you eagerly took him in your mouth.
He was bigger than what you were used to - like a full double the size your previous partners had been. He was longer, thicker, and Goddamn, was he sweltering in your mouth. You wondered how long it had been for him, feeling your panties dampen as you felt exhilarated to show this man with a "dangerous job" exactly what your mouth could do - and why he'd never forget your name.
"Oh, there's a good fuckin' girl," he groaned, collecting whatever hair he could in a makeshift ponytail; looking down his nose to watch you. His cock was overwhelming, but you were determined to earn the pleasure he would surely bring; mouthing around his cockhead, using one hand to pump what didn't fit, the other alternating between holding his hairy thigh for balance and cradling his balls.
A few times, you held his eyes with yours as you removed his cock with a pop; licking his shaft up and down like it was a popsicle on the Fourth of July. His jaw would clench each time, sputtering his breath. His veins were pulsing, prominent under the skin; making your cunt contract as his throat bobbed as he swallowed harshly, groaning.
"Li'l too good at this, baby, Goddamn," he breathed, chuckling to himself as he retracted his hips while holding your jaw. "All right, all right," he chuckled, "made your point, love. Get up here 'fore I lose my bloody mind."
You pouted, "I quiet like it down here."
"Darlin', I'm about to bust - "
"Isn't that the point?"
He chuckled and reached down to help you up, instantly searing you in a wet, messy kiss as he backed you into the sink counter; tasting himself on your tongue. It was erotic, something you were vastly not used to - no man ever being okay with you kissing them after having their dicks in your mouth.
But no, this Tangerine fellow was obviously built different.
One hand anchored your waist, the other dropping to toy with your panties gently; petting the waistband before sinking his hand lower. You shuddered lightly when his finger swept through your wet folds, both groaning in pleasure when he sunk knuckle-deep. "Feels so good, love," he praised, your legs widening your stance to let him better access; hand fully disappeared into your panties. "So fuckin' warm, yeah," he breathed, increasing his speed so he pumped aggressively. He didn't need a second finger, he was chasing your orgasm - purely focused on the way you withered before him.
"Tan," you whimpered, gripping his assaulting arm as he found your g-spot and chuckled darkly.
"Got it, there, did I? Yeah, let's see what you've got, love, c'mon."
You whined in your throat, leaning into his chest as your legs began to quake. You didn't get a chance to warn him, feeling that overwhelming urge to urinate - gasping loudly and needing him to support your body as his finger jabbed your g-spot to the point you were gushing into his hand.
"Oh, fuck yeah," he encouraged, stimulating you further; loving the feeling of your squirt in his cupped hand, "keep goin', good girl, that's it, yeah? I got yah, good girl, there you go."
You grunted when he slowed his hand to the point the heel of his palm ground into your clit. Feeling overstimulated, your hand slapped to his meaty forearm, meeting his eyes with a glare, begging, "Okay, okay, okay, you made your fuckin' point."
He grinned, "Didn't know I had that affect on you, love. Huh?"
"You could've offered to fuck me when I ran into you earlier and I would've bent over - right there and then," you whispered against his lips, licking into his mouth right after; making his own mind go blank.
"Feelin's mutual, doll," he nodded, using both hands to shred your lace panties from your hips with a shrill gasp. "Keepsake," he teased, showing you the ruined fabric before dropping it.
You offered him a coy look before turning around for him, not needing the instruction; meeting his stare in the mirror. Bracing yourself against the sink, you slumped over it, making him groan.
"Fuck, doll," he whispered, admiring the view and smoothing a hand over one bare cheek. "Just look at yah, ready fa' me, just drippin'," he bit his lip, giving a few pumps to his length as he looked you over; other hand toying with your weeping hole. He growled and slid his cockhead up and down your slit, both shuddering lightly; moaning in union when he notched himself at your entrance. His eyes met yours in the mirror, his mouth parted, slowly sinking forward to the fucking hilt - making you feel impossibly full.
"Oh, Jesus fuck!"
He chuckled, shifting his hips, "Keep it down, love, don't need anyone bangin' on the door, interrupting us, huh?"
"I'll be quiet when you get a smaller dick."
This made Tangerine genuinely snicker, "Fair enough."
"Fuck's sake!" You yelped when he suddenly pulled back, surged in, and started his own rhythm. Through the mirror, you saw the concentrated, cocky expression he wore; looking purely focused, mesmerized by the way his cock would disappear within you, only to reappeared - soaking wet, glistening.
"Feel's divine," he hissed, the grip on your hips sure to leave bruises. "God, this pussy's made fa me - grippin' s'fuckin' tight. Who was the idiot who let this go, huh?"
"Really wanna talk about my ex now?" You panted.
"Nah, don't need to - 's mine now," he grit, one hand letting go of your hips to bring down on the meat of your bottom. "Hear me? Huh? Fuckin' mine now," he pommeled your arse a couple more times. "Like that, huh? Don't you? Feel you fuckin' squeezin' me each time."
"Yes," you moaned. "Fuck, yes, yes, God, you feel fucking amazing."
"Keep talkin'," another slap that made you squeak.
You were nervous 'cause you never considered yourself the best at dirty talk, but still tried, "So fuckin' good, makin' me so wet. Fuck - never had cock like this, so good - so deep, so big. Don't stop," you whimpered, his feet repositioning to allow himself a new angle and speed to drill into you. "Fuck, yes," you moaned loudly, encouraging, "harder, please, yes, yes, yes! Just like that!"
The motions cause ripples across the flesh of your bottom, thighs quaking. You pushed your hand down your front, your partner groaning at the sight as you found your clit and started massaging; the contractions squeezing Tangerine's cock tightly. His one hand traveled around the front of you, sliding up to yank your bra from your breasts; palming one with fever before tweaking your nipple between his thumb and pointer finger.
"Fuuuuck, Tan," you whined, moaning. "Don't stop, please, 's too fuckin' good!"
"I've got yah, darlin', almost there," he grunted, folded a little more over your back so he could fondle you roughly. "Naughty fuckin' girl, lettin' me bend yah over like this - don't even know me. Just knew you needed my cock, huh, love? Ain't that right?"
"Yes," you moaned, orgasm fast approaching.
"Probably let me do whatever I wanted t'you, huh?"
"Fuck yes, whatever you wanted, however you wanted me!"
"At's a good girl," he grit. "Takin' me so well, so fucking good. Need this pussy again, hear me? Fuck," he panted, increasing his speed to an erratic pace, "need a taste, need yah t'squirt on me again. Need this pussy in all positions." He bared his teeth, increasing his speed, hissing, "Lemme hear you scream, love. Wanna hear my name. from that pretty fuckin' mouth, c'mon."
"T-Tan, fuck, Tangerine, I-I'm right there, I'm so close - OH FUCK!" Your orgasm made you reel back into his chest, milking yourself on his impaling cock. You gasped, mouth left wide as his hand constricted around your throat, his mouth hot against your ear; biting and licking as he grunted forcefully.
He gasped in your ear, moaning your name on a short repeat, shuddering as he stilled himself; coating your wet interior with his thick ropes of hot, heavy cum. Your eyes were closed, head tilted back to his shoulder; his lips actually soft as he planted several kisses along your neck (that he released) and shoulder. "Holy fuck, doll," he whispered, chuckling in disbelief. "'S a li'l too good."
You smirked, "Yeah, I've heard that before, you're not the first t'tell me."
"Ah, way t'ruin it, doll," he joked, making you chuckle breathlessly. "All right?"
"Mhm," you sighed, eyes opening. "You?"
"Never better," he mused softly, sighing as you both tried to regain your breath. He let out a single grunt as he held your hips, pulling his cock free; releasing a gush of cum from you both to drip from your cunt. As you both redressed, he eyed you for a moment, then mentioned, "Listen, love, uh... Don't miss your stop."
"I wasn't planning on it?"
"Good... Just..." He sighed, closing up his shirt. "Make sure you get off this train."
You stared at him for a moment, pondering, "This have something t'do with that 'dangerous job' of yours?"
"A bit."
You hummed, zipping your jeans back up sans panties. "Why don't you get off, too?" You asked softly.
"Can't, darlin', got a job t'finish."
You nodded, "Then be careful, yeah?"
He nodded in return, reaching out to pull you in close. He took a second to look you over, smirking slightly, "Worried about me, are yah?"
"I don't even know you."
"We'll change that," he eased. "Your phone?" You offered a small look before sighing, reaching for your phone, unlocking it, and offering it to him. He typed for a moment, a distant buzz heard from his own phone, then handed it back to you. "I'll call you up sometime, love," he smirked, watching you reach back to unlock the door.
"You better," you mused, letting him press one more searing kiss to your lips. You hummed, pouting slightly and telling him, "Behave, or we'll go at round two."
"Don't threaten me with a good time, darlin'," he pocketed your shredded panties with a cheeky grin.
"You still owe me for those," you pointed.
"Send a bill, I'll make it up t'yah."
You smirked, "No bill, but I'd take dinner."
To your honest shock, a sort of... Contemplating, soft expression took over his face, nodding, promising quietly, "I'll call yah, darlin'. Just make sure you answer."
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[ part two: Shower Shenanigans ]
requesting rules and masterlist
Bullet Train masterlist
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luveline · 10 months
could i request teacher!reader with hotch? like maybe she’s jacks teacher
thank you for your request! fem!reader, 1.2k
You're a teacher: you're always tired. Overworked, underpaid, everybody knows how it goes. And maybe you've let yourself go because you don't have any real material hopes for the future beyond getting Macy Danish to read at a first grade level, but how were you supposed to know that Jack Hotchner's father would be so overwhelmingly attractive? It's not fair. 
He's handsome though older than you'd been expecting, but that isn't the cut and dry of it. When he comes in, it's alone, in a well-fitted suit. He's tall and remarkably dark-eyed, shaking your hand without trying to impose any authority, as some of the fathers tend to do, and when you call him Mr. Hotchner, he says, "Aaron, please," but continues to call you Ms. L/N.
"Aaron," you say, pulling your skirt under your thighs as you sit down. You're dressed in nice clothes for the parent-teacher conferences, but you could've covered your sleeplessness better. "Jack is the nicest boy in class. He's actually my loveliest kid. Um…" You search through your notes for the preliminary assessment of Jack. "Sorry, two seconds." 
"Take your time. I know what it's like to dig through a mountain of paperwork every day." 
"Jack mentioned you work in the government, he calls you a special agent," you say, smiling. "You get the bad guys." 
"I am a special agent. Supervisory." Aaron is conscientious enough to pretend he doesn't notice your surprise. "I'm chief of the behavioural analysis unit." 
You can't even begin to guess what that entails. "Oh," you say breathlessly. 
"I understand that it sounds fantastical." 
"It sounds impressive," you say, floundering to correct yourself. Behavioural analysis? It must be obvious to him how nervous he's making you, then, and when you realise that, you get worse. "I'm so sorry about this. I should be more organised. I usually am." 
"That's alright. Take your time." 
Does he always speak that way? His voice is like fucking silk? Is he messing with you?
You yank the notes you made for Jack from the pile and flatten them across the desk. "Okay, sorry. Like I was saying, Jack is really the nicest kid, him and his friend Molly. They're both lovely, and teachers shouldn't have favourites, please don't tell the other parents, but they're my favourites." You smile at him quickly and return your eyes to the paper. The words swim in front of your eyes. "Jack can read better than you could ever hope for a first grader, he's immensely intelligent for his age group. He's patient. He'll explain anything to anyone if they ask him too, and he does it well." 
"I'm glad to hear that," he says, again so softly. 
You pick up one of your skinny biros to have something to fidget with. He's a very good looking man, but you're a good teacher. You can focus on what to say. Some parents need good things only. Some need reassurement that they're doing a good job. Aaron is harder to read, but you know what he needs, too. 
"He can be lonely," you say, looking him in the eye. "I don't think that that's down to any fault. I'm sure you know better than I do why he might feel that way." You know about his mom's passing over a year ago. You've seen grief in children too many times. "He… I understand if this isn't okay with you, but he eats lunch with me sometimes. I encourage him to sit with his peers, of course, but I think he runs out of energy pretty quickly." 
Aaron nods thoughtfully. His brows quirk into a furrow that you're afraid is directed at you. 
"I don't think he necessarily has trouble connecting with his friends." 
"What do you think?" 
"I think something awful happened to your family, and Jack will feel it for the rest of his life, but that it won't stop him from being great. It already isn't. And… he clearly has a father who loves him and who he admires. You're his second favourite topic." 
"What's his first?" he asks. 
"He's really into Fruity Fridays," you say with a laugh. "I bring in fruits you don't get often in America. Someone would've had to sign a form." 
"No, I remember signing it. He likes that?" His smile is golden. "I can't get him to try new things." 
"He had all the leftover gold kiwi last week." You rub your lips together. Time is ticking. You have nearly thirty parents to see tonight, but talking to Mr. Hotchner has been so normal. He's a regular person in a sea of inattentive helicopter narcissists. It's a relief and a half to meet him and know a kid as gentle as Jack is in good hands. "Mr. Hotchner, I have to tell you, I'm really relieved to meet you." 
"Aaron," he corrects.
Your tone drops too low. "Aaron." 
"I'm more than relieved," he says. "I knew that this year would be harder for him. I didn't know… I'm grateful to you, for being so kind with him." 
You look down at your notes, flushed from head to toe despite your airy skirt. Crossing your legs, you shake your head. "It's my job." 
"To let him take up the only break you get all day?" he asks. 
"It's not like that. Jack doesn't bother me." You fold your notes in half. "I can see his role model measures up." 
"I could say the same thing." 
The next time you see Jack, bright and early Monday mooring shepherded by his aunt Jessica, he's very happy to see you. You offer him a hug and pat his back when he wraps his arms around your hips. "Hello, Jack. Was your dad pleased with your drawings?"
Jack smiles at you. "I have a note for you." 
"You do? Can I see? Where is it, honey?" 
Jack takes off his backpack and pulls out the note and a tupperware container. "Oh, wow, did you make treats for the class? Jack, that's so nice!" 
"No. Dad said those are for you. He said you should have nice for nice, or something," Jack informs you. 
"You'll share with me, though? I can't eat them all by myself," you whisper. 
He nods with enthusiasm and runs off to put his backpack in his cubby and his coat on the hook. You look down at the cookies and note, which is actually an envelope. 
You open it with your thumbnail. The writing is Aaron's usual tight cursive.
Dear Miss L/N, 
I hoped to thank you again in person, but work makes that hard. I appreciate everything you do for Jack. There are teachers who work, and there are teachers who go above and beyond. I can feel confident anywhere in the country knowing Jack is being taught by the latter. 
Gratefully yours, 
Aaron Hotchner. 
P.S. Please don't feed Jack too many cookies. They're not for him. 
You keep the letter even if it's lame to do so. When is the next parent teacher conference, anyways?
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asmosmainhoe · 6 months
MC draws the brothers
im kinda shy to ask this but, can u make artist!mc drawing brothers and others and them reacting to it?(*´-`)
- @maiitski
Note: This was incredibly fun to write! I also only did the brothers, because I don't write for more than 7 characters in one post
Gender: neutral
Warnings: heavy language
You often draw him when he's working, because then he's absolutely still for hours
At first he doesn't exactly know what you're doing over there with your notebook. The first guess is some kind of study and you're simply looking for some peace and quiet to focus
Once he's done with the mountain of paperwork he walks over to you and glances over your shoulder
Oh wow. The portrait you drew of him looks fantastic and he nods proudly until he notices some special details
"Why are the spots under my eyes so dark?"
"Well, you've been working for hours now."
"I see..my hair looks so disheveled as well."
"You just really need some rest."
A portrait falls out of your notebook when you leave the room and he quickly hides it in one of his drawers. There is no way he won't treasure your hard work
To say that it's difficult to draw a picture of the greedy demon is a complete understatement since he's in constant movements
The only time you catch him truly sitting still is when he's counting money after a long day of casino activities
"Look at what I won, MC! Hey, you're not even listenin'!"
"Sorry, Mammon. I didn't notice that you talked to me."
"What are ya doin' anyways, huh?"
His voice gets caught in his throat and he starts coughing violently. Partly to hide his embarrassment
"It l-looks pretty cool."
"I can get rid of it if you want me to."
"Are ya mad?! You can't just destroy a picture of the great Mammon! Give that to me."
By now it's routine for you to chill in his room to watch him play in the evening, but sometimes it does get a bit boring. Especially when he's playing a game that isn't your cup of tea
So you take out your notebook and start drawing whatever comes to your mind. This time it happens to be the envious third born
But you can't satisfy yourself with a normal portrait, no. You decide to draw him as if he's a character from the game he's currently obsessing over and proudly show him your work once you're done
You can watch Levi's soul leave his body in real time once he realizes that out of all the cool things in his room you drew him
"I-I can't believe you drew me! Me! It looks so good too! MC, I've got to have this! Please!"
I can see him roll around the room crying and screaming if you refuse to hand over the drawing
Once he loses himself in a book he turns into a freaking statue
Of course he has seen your drawings before and he absolutely adores them. There are several cat pictures from you hanging on his walls
But seeing you put his own features onto paper is a whole other thing
You manage to make him blush a little and chuckle in embarrassment as he inspects your work
"You're extremely talented. It almost looks real."
As Satan inspects your portrait an idea comes to his mind and a mischievous grin forms on his lips
"Do you perhaps take requests? I'd love for you to draw me tower over Lucifer. Preferably him cowering on the ground while I step on him."
"You know exactly that he will kill me if I do that."
"Oh, well. It was worth a shot."
Please, the moment he notices that you're drawing him he's going to strike poses left and right
"Let me fix the light real quick! Oh, I how do I look? Is my hair sitting correctly? Oh, why am I even asking? Of course it does!"
It's not the first time that someone either draws him or takes a picture of him, but with you it's special
Now you have to show him your entire notebook! He has to know if there are more portraits of him!
And there are. Most of them are him in an absolutely relaxed position and often times when he's not dolled up at all
"Why didn't you tell me? I would have gotten ready!"
"You looked the most beautiful in these moments. I didn't wanna disturb them- are you crying?"
Please, to him you're the most talented artist he has ever seen! And he doesn't hold back with that thought!
One time you drew food just for fun and he ate the entire paper, because it looked way too good. You have to admit that that's quite the high compliment
And Beel has such beautiful and drawable features so how couldn't you put that on a piece of paper?
"Can I see what you're doing?"
The hungry demon gets to lost in it that he's just silent for a very long time. It gets to a point where you worried that he might not like it
"I can throw it away if you want to."
"No, why? I love it."
He never really realized how good he looks until now
"Can I keep it?"
Our sleeping beauty over here is perfect to draw considering he sleeps so still that one might think he actually died
One time you don't even notice that he woke up from his nap and is wondering what you're so focused on
It's only when he leans over to get a peak inside your notebook. You quickly hide the drawings of him, but it's too late for that now. The damage is done and you brace yourself for his teasing
"Wow, you must really like me."
"Shut up."
"This is some Levi-level simping."
You guys wrestle over the notebook for a little while until he grows tired of it and lays down again with a yawn
"Fine. Keep your secrets. Your notebook is probably full with my face anyways."
"Next thing I will find out is that you have a shrine dedicated to me."
"You're such an ass."
"But a pretty one."
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