#like a sad girl who's going through something so strangely unique and no one believes her or understands the extent of her suffering
weaponizedmoth · 1 month
If requests are still open it would be awesome to see you doodle Christine or Roul, your style is gorgeous!
Thank you! Here you go:
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Razor (Genshin Impact) - Yandere Profile
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I'm glad you are ok with it because oh boy do I have some very very n a s t y noncon-y thoughts about our wolfboi. We love a dense boy, not a single thought in his empty, horny lil brain. Head empty, just horny for y/n. 
I also have the big horny™ for any cross between boys and canines... Does smth for me. As if my favoritism wasn't obvious by how much I've written below lmao
tw: general yandere content, violence, mentions of n/sfw
tw below cut: breeding, heavy  noncon, like jfc this is nasty, misogynistic
What are they generally like? Lucid, aware? Obsessive? How do they behave?
The biggest issue with Razor is his complete and total lack of restraint. He sees no need for it, he has no real concept of social norms. Wolves don't really practice restraint on... anything. When they see something they want to kill, they kill it, when they see something they want to have, they have it, when they're mad, they attack, when they're hungry, they eat.
So in a way, he's perfectly lucid, but doesn't act as a normal lucid person who understands social norms would do. He knows that you give him some burning, fluttery feeling, and that he enjoys having you around, and that he gets sad when you have to leave. He's perceptive enough to know it's the same urge that drives humans to form their long-term mate partnerships. If that's what they refer to as "love," he'll readily adopt that term as a way to describe what he feels. What he doesn't get is everything between point A and point Z. No point in all the "courtship" and "marriage" and other human customs -- he doesn't need to "date" to know you're the one, and he doesn't need some signed paper to signify he loves you. In his mind, it's perfectly logical to expect you to immediately come live out in Wolvendom with him. You did accept all his courtship signs, after all.
Wolves are very straightforward with it, you see. Their courtship includes going for walks side-by-side, close to each other, which you did when you let him guide you through the woods. Wolves will rest their head or legs on the other, and you let him rest his head on your shoulder (even if you flinched with surprise when he did, uncomfortable but too nice to say anything). He even when to the extent of engaging in human mating rituals -- you accepted all those gifts he hunted down, and you smiled when he said nice things about how pretty you are, how nice you smell.
So in other words, you've basically already accepted him as a mate. That's what he's perceived, and changing his initial perceptions is not easily accomplished.
How likely are they to kidnap their darling? How quickly will they do so?
One of the most likely, and definitely the fastest. Possibly after meeting you a single time. He can't take the risk of you not coming back.
He won't be very subtle or sneaky about it either, not tricking you into walking right into captivity, nor drugging you or taking you in your sleep. It's very straightforward - it's not like there's anyone in Wolvendom to hear you, so he has no problem just slinging you over his shoulder and carrying you off. He kinda gets why you'd panic, so he reassures you that no, he's not gonna eat you or anything, you're just going home.
Don't worry about the pack - they won't eat you either, or even hurt you. He's already told them not to. He gets why you might be frightened by the massive, snarling creatures and their massive teeth and eyes that shine in moonlight, but he'll make sure you get used to them and accept them as your family, just like he has.
How difficult is it to escape from them? How do they keep you restrained? How do they deal with attempted escape? 
That depends. Can you fight off two 180-pound masses of claws, teeth, and muscle? If so, sure, it'll be easy. If not... you'll have some issues.
He's lucky to have such a loyal pack that will help him with these things - they don't exactly understand why you'd want to leave, but they know you're not supposed to. Even when he has to leave you, which isn't often, he'll leave a few of them around to watch you. To make sure no one comes and steals you or anything - and of course, the implication that it's to make sure you don't run away, either. He doesn't really get why you would, but he's come to the realization, based on what you've tried to tell him, that you miss your family and friends. And he gets that, he really does, but in the end, he's selfish at his core, and his empathy for you isn't enough for him to just let you go.
He sleeps latched onto you, arms wrapped around you, so it's not a good idea to try. Your best bet is to wait for a time he's gone and distract the wolves with something, which isn't too hard, and run for it. But even if you do manage to escape, you won't be for long. They can smell you from a mile away and will use your scent to pinpoint you down within a few minutes. They don't exactly have any gentle ways of taking you down and bringing you back, either. They're basically going to have to use their teeth, so it's better if you don't struggle - you'll just hurt yourself.
If he catches you, though, he'll just get huffy and angry, and much like when initially taking you, he'll just pick you right up and bring you back. He's not opposed to stealing ropes and the like from the passing knights, and tying knots isn't too difficult to figure out.
How easy are they to trick, deceive, or manipulate?
Poor boy is very easy to lie to and manipulate. Head empty, not many thoughts up there. However, you'll have to be clever about it, because most of the time, even if he believes you, he doesn't care. Sure, you can easily convince him that it's normal for human couples to sleep separately... But that's not going to stop him from curling up with you, because that's what he does. That's what wolves do.
He will, however, be somewhat easily manipulated into getting you things you want, if he thinks it'll make you happy. However, obtaining things you want will almost definitely come in the form of theft, or worst case scenario, the body of a passer-by that just so happened to have something you wanted visibly on their person.
If he finds out you lied to him on something, he'll get pouty and grumpy. It's not pleasant, but it's better than the rage reaction of some yanderes.
How lenient are they? What privileges can you have, and what will you be denied?
His life revolves around you, and yours should revolve around him. That's how mates are. You can go for walks in the woods! You can take naps in the sun together! You can spend literal hours mating! Why would you need anything else?
That being said, he's always had a uniqueness from the wolves in that he's awake more - wolves sleep about 14 hours a day, him only about 8 or 9. You'll definitely be getting a lot more sleep than you would back home, but you'll have a few precious hours to yourselves. It makes him happy - it used to be time he spent all alone, a reminder of how he didn't truly fit in with humans nor wolves. But now, you have that time together! He's willing to do most anything you want, so long as you're together. He's always had some adaptative differences he practices by himself - making fires, cooking food on them, wearing clothes. If you want to go exploring, you can do that, if you want to make food, you can do that too. He'll even accommodate you if you want to do useless things, like your insistence on teaching him to read, or practicing his speech.
What kind of rules do they have? What kind of punishment would they use?
It's fairly simple. Don't leave. That's really the one big one.
He's actually not one to make a rule against fighting him - he'll see it as you wanting to play fight, wrestling, which wolves do all the time. It's fun, even if it's easy for him to win. And it's exciting when you fight back, in a weird way.
Don't make contact with other humans, if you see them. Oh, and he'll want you to report to him everything you did or saw while he was gone hunting.
Generally, if he gives you a command, which isn't too much, he expects you to follow it. In his mind, he's the male, he's supposed to tell you what to do. Isn't that how it usually works with humans too?
If you're too disobedient, he'll get grumpy. Honestly, his most likely form of dealing with it is to wrestle you to the ground, and essentially hold you down until you comply or agree to whatever he wants.
How do they deal with rivals, or perceived rivals? Will they get rid of them? Will they kill them themselves, or find another way?
But seriously. No, they're not going to last. He's one of the more paranoid ones, because deep down he's aware of how little he understands. For all he knows, every human male that talks to you could be doing what you call "flirting." Hell, didn't some girls like other girls too? How does he know which ones do and which ones don't? That means everyone is a threat, and he can't let threats get in the way.
He's not one of the ones to be subtle or try to hide it from you. He will probably try a little bit if he knows it's one of your family or friends whose blood is soaking his clothes when he comes back to you, but if it's random, he might even be proud. Look at that, he took down a whole search party that came looking for you all by himself! It's proof of his strength and dominance, and you should be happy that you have a strong mate to protect you! And he doesn't really empathize well - if you're upset, he will explain exactly that to you, and insist you change how you see things. Humans are so strange, being upset that your mate is able to protect you. You'll see why it's a good thing eventually, he's sure.
How easy is it to make them mad? What does their anger look like?
He gets frustrated pretty easily. It's usually just a lack of understanding, in his mind, you're being unnecessarily difficult almost all the time. He has told you a million times he doesn't care about whatever is normal for humans, yet you continuously bring it up, and that's a bit irritating. He'll huff and sigh and clamp a hand over your mouth if you're going on about it, and if you really refuse to shut up about it, there are a variety of ways of making you quiet - or distracting you from complaints.
He's got an immature streak, as he never really had anyone around to teach him otherwise. So he gets very pouty, a little bit aggressive and forceful when it comes to being upset over something or getting his way. If he wants attention and you're not giving it to him, he won't hesitate to just take whatever you're holding and focused on of your hands and toss it to the side.
On the positive side, he's never going to be passive aggressive. He's always straightforward and has no hesitation to tell you exactly how he's feeling.
If he's genuinely, truly furious, he can get violent. He'll probably apologize and definitely feel bad, licking all the little wounds. He wouldn't try to do anything so bad as bone breaking or severely hurting you, but might accidentally lose control of his own strength.
Do they see you as above them, beneath them, or equal to them?
More or less an equal. Not much to say here, as, to be honest, that sort of thing hasn't really crossed his mind. He doesn't waste time with thoughts of relative value, he just knows he loves you and wants you.
Subconsciously, it would be slightly below. Due to a very natural upbringing, he automatically associates males as being the leaders and alphas, while females are... Well, puppy-making machines. Don't try to accuse him of any sort of sexism or anything - he can't even really wrap his head around the concept, much less understand why it's wrong to acknowledge how much weaker you are than him. If you need proof of that, he can easily wrestle with you and prove it.
How determined are they for you to love them? How hard will they try to make it happen? Or are they content just having you?
Pretty highly determined. He mistakes a lot of things as signs of love, though. You might be only complying out of fear or exhaustion, but he won't be able to tell, he's not good with facial expressions, so he thinks it's a sign you're accepting him.
Honestly, he's one of the ones that, albeit unintentionally, will kind of guilt you into acceptance. You inevitably feel bad for him, you can tell how lonely he really is, and how desperately he loves you, wants you to love him. His intentions aren't malicious, and it's actually difficult to truly resent him, unlike some yanderes. Ironically, it reaches a point where rejecting him sometimes really does feel like kicking a sad little stray puppy in the rain - it makes you feel awful when he gets sad and quiet.
While there are a lot of yanderes who would be a lot more earnest and striving to serve and please you, which he doesn't really do, he's probably one of the most patient yanderes when it comes to this. He doesn't care if it takes the rest of your lives. He'll never give up or just settle for having you with him, he'll be loving you and trying to be reassured of your love till the day he dies, if that's what it takes.
Bonus: Is there anything that makes them unique, in comparison to other yanderes?
Primarily, it's hard to emphasize how significantly his lack of human socialization impacts his yandere behaviors.
Most yanderes are forced to acknowledge the inherent wrongness of their actions - some will accept it and not care that it's wrong, some sadists enjoy knowing it's wrong, some will delude themselves into justifying it, some will try their best to act within moral boundaries or make up for their wrongness somehow. But all in all, they all have to face the reality of the situation and understand that what they're doing is considered wrong.
Razor's not like that. He doesn't really take the moral aspect into consideration. To him, the whole idea is simply a human thing entirely. It doesn't matter what humans do. He views the world in a very black and white sense. Morality is a more abstract concept, what's more important is how things are relative to himself - what he wants.
Tends to communicate in strange ways. Excess emotions, too much happiness or anger or whatever can make him forget his words, so there's a lot of subtle communication through grunts, whimpers, growls. Over time, you learn how to distinguish between the various noises and body language and what they mean.
Will lick you. It's weird. It's kinda gross. But it's just how he shows affection. He tends to get carried away with kisses, ending up lapping at your lips, licking your neck and collarbones, nuzzling his head into you.
General perverseness: how sexual of a person are they? What’s their drive like? How touchy do they get? Do they have any reservations about sexuality?
Scientifically speaking, male sex drive is heavily boosted by testosterone. Testosterone can be greatly increased by heavy physical activity, eating high amounts of meat, sun exposure, and is even directly correlated to spending large amounts of time outdoors. 
You see where this is going.
Very high drive, very touchy, and no reservations, no shame. Thank whatever deity you care to recognize in Tevyat that you're isolated from other people out in the woods, because he has no concept of norms or appropriateness, and trying to get him to understand is a fruitless effort. You're wasting your time trying to explain the idea that groping and touching out of the blue is considered rude, or that most human men take issue with being very visibly, very noticeably hard and would likely try to conceal it, not just sit there with the blatant bulge poking forward... His response will only be that you're far away from humans, so it shouldn't matter. He's just trying to show you he loves you, that's why he insists on grinding into you all the time, staring at your body, humping you when you're curled up together quite ironically like a horny dog.
Unfortunately, he basically just does not know how to be gentle or slow about it. He can start off trying to be slow and soft if you beg for it, but once you're actually laying there and he's in you, he gets caught up in instinct and the heat of the moment, and just kinda... forgets about that whole "slow and gentle" thing, opting to just rut you as hard and fast as possible.
He doesn't talk much during sex. He already has some trouble forming sentences in normal times, you can't expect him to when he's fucking. You won't get a lot of words besides the occasional, "good, feels good," or little commands, but you will get a lot of animalistic noises - possessive growls, little whines of pleasure. He doesn't have any sense to hold back on his noises.
He's also the least likely to care about things like shaving, periods, or imperfections. Which is good, but you also can't use those things as an excuse to not fuck, it'll go in one ear and out the other.
How forceful are they? Do they care about your willingness?
It's not so much an intentional disregard for your willingness, so much as a combo of not really considering it, and thinking it's just something you'll change on. If he's human, and he has the urge, that means surely you do too. Sometimes humans need emotional connections before they want to mate, right? So he just needs to express his love to you. The looping problem there is that fucking you is pretty much his primary way of expressing love. It'll work out in the end, he guesses.
His limited knowledge of humanity also will lead him to certain conclusions. From what he understands, human society often shames females for having sex and wanting sex, right? That's dumb. But their mentality is probably ingrained in your brain, isn't it? That's why you act like this. But don't worry, he's not like the human men. Wolves don't feel that way. You'll understand that with time.
What sort of kinks or fetishes do they have, or would they fill?
It's a natural reaction to him. If he's balls deep in you, mounted on and pounding into your body, thrusting so hard that your body is lurching forward with every movement, he wants a way to hold you still, keep your body in place so that each pounding goes deeper and harder. It's second nature for him to just sink his teeth into your jugular, your neck, your shoulders. As an added bonus, he likes seeing the marks it leaves behind, in addition to how his fingernails that dig into your hips leave little indents in your skin.
He doesn't know how to not cum in you. You can't honestly expect him to pull out of you, you're so warm and wet and soft, it would be torture not to reach a climax buried inside that tight heat. You can go on a rant about not wanting to get pregnant, but it'll go in one ear and out the other. He doesn't get it - you're supposed to want to have his pups. Do you not think he's a suitable mate for reproducing? You'll be halfway through explaining why kids aren't in your current agenda before being flipped over and pounded into yet again with his newfound determination to prove his strength and dominance to you. Once you understand that, surely, you'll want all the puppies you can possibly make.
This applies mostly to escape attempts. He'll be mad, but it triggers something in him, something instilled by years of hunting down poor little prey animals. The desire to hunt you down, find you, and ruin you. Instead of ripping you apart like he would boars, he can't think of anything but just fucking you up against the nearest tree, the ground, anything. The faster you run, the more afraid you are, the more exciting it is. It's a very primal urge, one that commands all sorts of predators, both in feeding and breeding.
Forced Orgasms
As with many human things, he makes certain discoveries with time about sex. The first time you fuck, it'll probably be too rough for you to really cum, but it'll only be a few days in before your body adjusts to the girth that's frequently inside of you, and you end up spasming all over him - and he's just got this shocked expression, watching with amazement when you clench down and quiver under him. Wait, you mean human females can orgasm too? Not just the men?
From that point forward, he's determined to fuck, lick, grind, and force every orgasm out of you as physically possible. It makes him feel a weird sort of pride and contentment. It's one of the few things that makes him a big smug. Even if you feel like you can't possibly cum any more, he'll try anyway.
How do they feel about pregnancy or babies? Do they want them?
It's your purpose! He has learned that human girls only have one baby at a time, sometimes two, which is nothing compared to how many pups wolves usually have in one litter. That means that you'll have to make up for the lack of quantity of pups with quantity of pregnancies, which means constantly breeding and breeding and making sure every last drop stays inside of you. He doesn't understand why humans would even want to prevent pregnancy, it's the best thing that can happen, it's the whole reason you're alive, and it's a sign that you're his. Like with most things, he knows eventually you'll come around. Once you actually have the pups there in front of you, you'll love it. He knows you will.
What kind of (nsfw) punishments would they use?
He's a little lacking on the thought process behind punishing. If he's mad, it tends to cloud his thoughts, reverting to a more animalistic state, and he's not gonna have the complex thoughts required to really think through punishment, so it's not gonna be anything complex.
Doesn't really matter, if he's mad, just fucking you is going to feel like a punishment, with him slamming you into the ground, a tree, any rough surface nearby and just rutting you, claw-like fingernails digging into your skin and teeth sinking into your shoulder to hold you in place, a hand clasped around your throat. Fucking is basically the primary outlet he chooses for his emotions, happiness, love, stress, and anger alike, a simple, primal form of expression. If he's mad, he just needs to take it out on something, release all of that force and energy into rough, brutal motions. Normally when he's angry, he'll go hunt down some animal, taking all that anger out on the kill. But, recently he's learned he actually quite prefers to release his anger this way. It's more satisfying and enjoyable, and it deters you from stepping out of line, too. It's not just your average slightly rough fucking, no, it's the kind of fucking that will genuinely hurt you, rutting you over and over until your insides are burning from friction, your walls and cervix so completely bruised and abused you'll feel the  throbbing soreness with every movement for days, hands leaving massive bruises all across your hips and shoulders. Not that that's any excuse to not fuck more, no, no soreness will get you out of normal daily routine.
What body parts of their darling do they like the most?
He has a thing for breasts. They're very unique to humans, it's something he hasn't had the opportunity to see or understand, and he'll spend a lot of time just burying his face in them, licking and sucking. Big or small, doesn't matter. He just likes them.
One more nasty HC i can't not talk about
wait, you mean humans have sex... Facing each other? There are positions other than doggy? It's all he's ever seen. Porn and the internet don't exactly exist in this world. The whole concept blows his mind. He can fuck you AND see your face while he does? He'll nearly faint right then and there, and you'll regret bringing it up once you've gone numb from the repetitive pounding. He'll start asking you what else exists out there, his brain will start thinking of all the different ways to fuck he's never thought about. Once he learns you can ride him, he's in heaven, even if it's not so much riding so much as you sitting on his cock and him bouncing you up and down with such ferocity you can't even move your legs.
Speaking of things he doesn't know about, if you're smart, you make sure he doesn't find out about blowjobs. He'll love it, and it won't be a blowjob so much as him literally fucking your throat, grabbing your head and hair and just wrecking your mouth.
None of it is him trying to hurt you, really. He just doesn't understand how to be gentle. He might get better with time, but he's got a predator-born ferocity, a primal roughness that will always be a part of his nature.
(yes i did research on wolf courtship/mating rituals for this bc i suffer for my art)
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savagenutella46 · 3 years
Standing Here With You
A valentine’s day gift for @thecaptainhelm lm. (By the way, I love you so much and you’re amazing) I hope YOU have an awesome eventful day filled with lots of love because you’re such an amazing writer and I love you!!!!!!
Also, @eat0crow , who is moderating the gift exchange! Thank you for all you’ve done!
Everyone has a soulmate. 
It's not a notable deal. Though it's something many people cherish and look forward to, it's just as much an ordinary fact as primary color mixing: that's just how the world works.
Blue and yellow mix correspond with each other to produce green; soulmate A and soulmate B each have tattoos to correspond with one another, completing either tattoo on the skin of their other half.
Marinette will be damned if she finds anyone to match her tattoo. She'd loved it as a child, sitting through boring classes with a pout and jittery knees so she could rush home and admire the strange tattoo that covered the length of her inner forearm.
But now, she couldn't find a single thing to be more ashamed about. 
Even as she moves halfway across the world from taunting bullies and mind-controlling sociopaths, the damage is done. 
Marinette Dupain-Cheng does not want a soulmate.
She does not want to disappoint, to never live up to her soulmates expectations, because, "Your soulmate wouldn't like those pigtails, Marinette." and, "How could someone want a bully like you?"
Marinette does not want to relive her lycée experience, covering her mark every chance she could get so that Lila Rossi wouldn't antagonize whoever was on the other end of her soul line.
She’d watch as other people’s—normal—soul marks started to glow, indicating the one thing soulmarks are responsible for. Marinette witnessed on the sidelines as everyone she knew and had learned to love and lose found their other half, and left her in the dark. Watching, seeing, but never to experience what it was like. To find your soulmate.
Her mark. A white rose hanging upside down at the epiphysis of her radius, petals spread wide against each other, some looked as though they were flowing freely in the air, and some looked as though they were stuck to one another.
A deep red liquid spurting out of the center, running down the limp rose and glazing its petals as it oozes from the center bottom and down the sides of her arm, creating for a unique, yet concerning mosaic upon her forearm.
"Is that blood?" They'd asked, some looking curious, and some looking downright disgusted at the mere sight of her mark. Something that was supposed to be naturally celebrated, not hated and sneered upon. They were convinced she'd be a menace to her soulmate, like soulmates were anything other than fate.
Marinette did not know if it was blood, obviously. There was no superior entity whispering to her at night, informing her of every single petal's weight in grams. Instead, it was easier to have a friend pick apart the dubious meaning of such a cryptic mark, unlike so many others, hers was not so simple.
Kagami, especially, had a great eye for these things. The meticulous thought that girl compartmentalizes for the sole topic is unbelievable at first glance. It's only when you see much more of her, do you understand why she even bothers with soulmarks.
"You wouldn't believe the meaning behind such marks, Marinette. It's only when you start to break the first barrier, do you know." Okay, so, Marinette had no such way with words as the world-class fencer, but she was pretty sure the girl was saying that marks represent people the way names represent their spices.
Salt, for example. You can just tell the flavor of salt by it’s damn name.
“You’re the epitome of innocence, Marinette,—“ Marinette begs to differ, she’s read fanfiction. “But it seems you’ve been hurt, aged more than what a white rose will represent for you. That’s where the blood paints over you, like a parasite.” Marinette furrows her eyebrows at Kagami, a reoccurring gesture that will give her wrinkles by the end of the year, she knows, but it’s Kagami.
They’re sitting in their apartment, high above the Gotham smog and litter they’ve learned to acquaint themselves with, and looking out over the city from their ratty second-hand couch.
—Because Marinette wants to live with someone who will break her finger and then call her stupid and put a cast on it for whatever reason, you feel?
Another twig, green leaves still growing out of it—though, probably not since the severance—blows by their window, spurred on by a lone gust and back down to the ground, plummeting to an unfortunately placed puddle on the pavement.
“Stop moping.” Marinette makes a face.
“I was not moping.”
“You were making that sad face you make when you see a puppy walking by itself on the street. You’re moping. Why?” Marinette huffs in annoyance, and turns to look at her friend, who’s already staring with an exasperated quirked eyebrow.
She flounders for words, making exuberant gestures with her hands as she tries not to look Kagami in the eye.
An audible exhale from the woman. “You’re worried about, what, your soulmate, for whatever reason?” 
Marinette looks down at her mark, it’s entrancing rose petals glowing brightly against her skin, almost alike to the glittery sheen of highlighter she so often brushes onto her cheekbones.
“It started glowing last night, Kagami.” Marinette worries her lip and continues to stare at the now pulsing, almost obnoxious glow of her rose, the red liquid that spurts from its center taking on a glamorous shine.
“That’s wonderful. Right?” Kagami adds, when she fails to find a response. 
It should be. She knows that. She should be joyous right now, jumping ecstatically and rejoicing at the fact that she might find her soulmate sooner than later, but the ever-impending doom of, ‘what if’ continuously pops up in her brain, muddling any chance of happiness she might’ve had.
Marinette’s psyche is aged. She’s been through things. A lot of things that most people haven’t been through. Deaths, loss of loved ones, reoccurring terrorist attacks, and so much more that puts a haunted look in her eye and a deep hunch in her shoulders. She couldn’t bear to see the look on her soulmate’s face.
Kagami seems to read her mind and makes a low noise in the back of her throat. “Let’s go to the zoo.” So spontaneous, it almost makes Marinette do a double take.
“You? Want to go to the zoo?” She stares at Kagami, the latter unwavering with a borderline determined look on her face that says, ‘Nope. No fighting me on this one.’
“Distraction.” Is all she says, and for once, Marinette agrees that, yes, maybe a distraction is in order.
The Gotham City Zoo proves to be a great distraction, in between the hippo exhibit and the jungle-themed building just for showcasing snakes, Marinette finds a rather warmth in her heart.
Marinette grins widely at the crocodiles lounging across various rocks, seemingly not a care in the world is thrown around in between her and the fenced crocodiles, and she harbors  a sort of piece standing alone. (Kagami had ditched her at the zebras for the lions.)
Distantly, she hears what sounds like two people fighting—or, bickering. 
“—over here, got bit by a crocodile.” An erupt of laughter from two different voices, one distinct with a low raspy laugh, and the other, who starts hacking nastily in the middle of it.
“Those cigarettes do not benefit you, Todd. This is not a laughable event.” A third voice juts in, and she has to turn her head, locate the source of whoever said that.
Three men, one looking younger than the other two, stand slightly to the right of her in front of the crocodile exhibit, the two older men seem to be laughing at the younger’s expense—how do you even get bitten by a crocodile? She decides to not judge. This is Gotham, after all.
And, oh.
The guy they seem to be laughing at has the brightest green eyes she’s ever seen. Ink black hair frames his face beautifully, as he sneers down at the other two. The stranger doesn’t seem to notice her stare, but it’s cut short anyway by the sudden immense throbbing of her forearm.
Marinette winces, and slowly pulls down her sleeve to see her soul mark is—
Finished. It’s glowing, glowing far more than it had been over the course of the past two days, glowing so much she can barely squint to see that buried deep in the middle of her rose, a pristine dagger.
Marinette’s eyes widen, and she can’t help but make an incoherent sound that fights its way up her throat.
A tap on her shoulder, and she turns around to see the boy she was shamelessly staring at is right in front of her, and, woah, he’s tall. Marinette cranes her head up to look at the boy who so quickly grabbed her attention.
He also has the prettiest blush on his face, his eyes darting in between her and his companions, who seem to be laughing even harder, and in the distance, she hears a crude nickname being thrown at him.
“Holy shit, Demon Brat actually has a soulmate—“ a sentence cut off by more wheezing laughter, so she turns her gaze back to the boy in front of her.
“I’m Damian, you’re...soulmate.” The last word comes out wonky, like he couldn’t believe his own words, but she understands. He’s staring at Marinette now, bright green gaze fixed so intently on her, and she can’t help but blush, herself.
“Marinette. I figured, actually, when my arm started to sting like a bitch.” She says, once her mouth finally aligns with her brain and she gets the courage to say something relevant to smart.
Damian cracks a small smile, and she finds herself following the gesture with her eyes. It’s a beautiful movement, one she can tell is foreign to him, a shame.
And she doesn’t feel jittery. More at peace, looking at the equally aged look deep in his eyes, and the mark right in the middle of her forearm, she can guess he’s been through a hell of a lot, maybe more than she has.
Marinette will spend a lifetime learning what lies behind his exterior, looking at him now.
She supposes this soulmate thing won’t be too hard, after all, even as the two men behind them keep bickering and laughing at their predicament in front of the crocodile exhibit.
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1973 pt1
Summary:(y/n) life hasn’t been the same since the school closed down and neither has her father. But there seems to be a sign of hope of the man he used to be returning with this new mission.
Warnings: I’m not doing this word for word with the movie ok. You’ve seen the movie you know how it goes.
a/n: I’ll probably post on Wednesday. I’m actually really excited about this one. I got so excited I said can’t wait to see what happens next and then it hit me I have to write it and I got sad cause I don’t know. @whyiswhatahow
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When I was a little girl, my father liked to tell me stories. Stories about a group of young people who weren’t quite human. They were the next step in evolution, the government called them mutants. My father wanted peace between humans and mutants, he knew that mutants would still need to stand together. It’s why he created his school for gifted youngsters. It’s why he started the X-men. But that was years ago, things are different now. He’s not who he once was, none of us are.
Que the super cool X-men music with an animated opening of DNA and big X.
I had been lying in bed all afternoon trying to get some rest. The feelings were just too overwhelming for me to sleep anymore. Recently it has been getting worse. The dreams, the sounds of hearts beating and crying mothers mourning their children, everyone else’s feelings. Even when I was awake, I could still feel most of it, but it only got worse in my dreams.
My father drowns his out with Hank's newest drug, I’ve seen how he’s hooked on it, and I’m not going down that road, not ever. I’m not like him, though he was always stronger than me.
My father, Charles Xavier, was the strongest man I knew and this world still broke him down eventually. After the teachers were drafted it was tough, we were understaffed and the eldest students like me had resorted to teaching the younger ones. But when the students started to be drafted as well, his spirits began to fade. He didn’t resort to drowning out the voices till the first call came in saying some of them wouldn’t be returning home from Vietnam.
I can’t hear the voices like he does, though, I feel them. I would give anything to just hear the sad thoughts of people instead of feeling their pain. But you can’t choose your mutation. I just wish I could get some peaceful sleep for once.
I decided to give up for the day, I would just waste it in bed wallowing. It’s not like dear old dad will be doing anything else today, either. I could at least go see what Hank’s getting up to. He’s probably just in his lab. I ultimately get up and start walking down the hallway to the front of the house. Doing my best to avoid my dad's room, I take the long way, using the stairs on the far side of the house. Just as I’m reaching the bottom floor I hear a loud growl and some clattering noises and I take off running towards it.
As I make it through the doors, I walk into see Hank in full blue hanging from the ceiling over some scruffy guy laying on the table. “What the hell is this, Hank?” I shout.
Just as I’m about to ask more questions when Charles walks in. “Get off the bloody chandelier, Hank.” He walked over to the table on the side to pour a drink. I could feel both my anger against him grow, Hank’s embarrassment, dad's bitter loneliness and this new fellow's shock.
“Professor, you're walking?” Said the scruffy man. He felt surprised, and he acted as if he knew my dad.
“Do you know this man?” I ask my dad. He just ignores me.
“Well aren’t you a perceptive one. I haven’t been a professor in a long time. Now please leave. Hank the door!” Charles said, clenching the glass he held tight too. He quickly left the room, not wanting to discuss matters further.
“I’m afraid I can’t leave yet. I was sent here for you.”
“We’ll go and tell whoever sent you I’m busy.” He sat down on the stairs with his drink.
“I can’t exactly do that, cause you sent me 50 years from now in the future.”
He laughed, “I doubt that.”
“You would know I’m telling the truth if you had your powers.”
“How do you know he doesn’t have his powers?” I asked the stranger. He gave me a curious stare, he seemed confused by my presence.
“You’ve piqued my interest. Say I believed you. What exactly are you here for?”
“It’s mystique.”
“Wait, what does Raven have to do with any of this?” Hank said, putting his glasses back on.
“In three days she’s going to kill Dr Trask in Paris to stop him from creating these weapons but by doing so she gives the world leaders a cause to fund his works and in fifty years they’re will be a war between these weapons, sentinels and mutants. There’s barely any of us left.”
I was shocked, horrified actually. Or maybe it was Hank who was feeling this, or maybe it was my dad. I can’t tell. Though I definitely feel something on my own. He’s description of these weapons seems so clear in my head. Like I’ve seen them before.
“Even if I did help you, Raven doesn’t listen to me anymore. Her heart and soul belong to someone else now.”
“That’s why we will need magneto too.”
“Hell no!” Charles stood up and began to walk away.
“He’s a murder.” My dad laughed, “You know, I do remember you now that I think of it. Eric and I came to you years ago. I’m going to say to you what you said to us then. Fuck off!” The professor took his drink and walked back to his room, leaving me and Hank with this stranger.
“You came to the wrong house. There isn’t a professor here anymore.” I said, silently hoping my dad could still hear me.
“I’ll see if I can persuade him to help.” Hank said, chasing after my dad.
“What happened to him?”
“Hank made a serum, like the one he used for himself, but to give him his legs back instead. He just takes too much, that’s all.”
“So who the hell are you kid?”
I rolled my eyes, “(y/n) Xavier, what used to be the professor, is my dad.” I said sitting on the steps.
“Wait? (y/n). I never even knew you were related to the professor. I didn’t even know he had kids.”
“Kid. He only has one. He dated my mom for a few weeks during grad school, and a few years later he got a kid dropped off on his front porch.”
“It’s just when we met, you were so much older. By then you had changed your last name, I guess. I don’t even recognize you.” He sat down next to me on the stairs. He felt strangely happy, with a small sense of pride. The way a big brother might feel when the youngest graduates.
“I don’t even know your name.”
“Names Logan.” He said, holding his hand out for me to shake.
“I say it’s nice to meet you, but I’m not quite sure if it is yet.” He almost laughed.
“So you were always a smart talker.”
“What year did you say you were from exactly?”
“2023, but I’ve known you for decades.”
“I would have been almost 67. When did we meet?” I was growing more and more curious about the future, though I wasn’t sure I believed him.
“I don’t think I should be telling you about your own future like this, kid. Could be dangerous.”
“You being here is dangerous.”
“You’re not wrong, but we didn’t really have a choice.”
I was going to ask him what they did to send him back, but Hank finally came back with my dad reluctantly behind him. “Charles agreed to help. We both have.”
“Guess that means we’re going to pay uncle Eric a visit?” I say trying to lighten the mood.
“Do you even know where he is?” Hank asked Logan.
“But do you know why he’s there?” Logan's face drew a blank for a moment, and Charles laughed. “He didn’t tell you? You know what happened to JFK?”
“You're not saying that was him?”
“How else do you explain the bullet curving through the air like that?” Hank said.
“Eric always did have a way with guns.” I always got a certain sadness from my father when he said Eric’s name. It was always unique and different from the rest of his pain.
“How do you plan to get him out?”
“I know a guy,” Logan gave me a knowing smile like this was an inside joke. “Of course when I met him he was much older, but he should be a young man by now.”
“How do we find this guy?” I asked.
“I guess cerebra is out of the question?” Hank looked at Charles, but turned away when he got a spiteful look. “We have a phone book.”
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cuquitalocita · 3 years
the hot girl from physics class- rowaelin
AN: okay this has been sitting in my drafts for MONTHS and i just found it again. this is literally just self indulgent bickering with absolutely not plot in mind. also my first time writing rowaelin because i had no desire to butcher them so... anyway here’s to first tries and i hope you all enjoy!
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main masterlist
Rowan’s mouth tasted of metal.  Or maybe it was blood.  
The second thing that hit him was the inability to breathe through his mouth as he attempted to swallow a mouthful of nonexistent air.  The motion sent his eyes shooting open, immediately registering that while his mouth was covered, his nose was not, and he managed a large inhale of hot air before exploding into a rage of rough coughs that left him breathless and once again on the verge of blacking out.  Rowan thrashed in what seemed to be a chair, quickly realizing that both his arms and legs were bound tighter than he thought possible, and no amount of lacrosse training could prepare him for the fatigue he felt at that moment.  The dark spots in his vision didn’t seem to help either and his sweat shone skin seemed to melt in on itself as he took a few more breaths through his nose, slower this time until he was somewhat steady.  
It was only then he felt stable enough to figure out what the hell had happened.  The last thing he remembered was excusing himself to go to the bathroom before the bus was supposed to take off.  He had been walking down the empty hallway one moment and the last thing he could recall was the strange sensation of being as light as a feather before darkness overtook him.  And now he was here.  And… where was here exactly?
A sort of warehouse it seemed, with tall metal walls and a lofted ceiling, freezing regardless of the fact that it was barely fall meaning it was most likely abandoned.  Night shone through the glass windows he identified to his right and left and across from him sat-
“CELEANA?” Rowan attempted to scream out, his cloth-filled mouth muffling the sound to almost nothing.  But he was right, and his vision refused to fail him as his eyes widened at the hot girl from physics class who now sat across from him in a much more comfortable looking chair than his hard wooden one, sporting casual leggings, a stained t-shirt, an insanely messy bun, and the smuggest expression he had ever seen. Strands of golden hair sprang out every which way and Rowan was hit with the inherent desire to smooth it out himself. His heart did terrified somersaults as he took in her (clearly) laid back posture and bored eyes and he stiffened as Celeana pulled up one of her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around it, one of her hands clutching a small book.  It was only then he noticed the highlighter sticking out from between her teeth.  If he wasn’t gagged, he would’ve been gaping.  She was studying.  
“Well look who’s awake,” she mused, her voice somehow sounding deeper than it had before.  Rowan couldn’t deny how smooth it sounded and how naturally it suited her.  “Hey, sleeping beauty.”  There was no mistaking the smirk that curled onto her lips and the sparkle in her unique turquoise eyes as she gazed at him, her look solely calculating as she took him in from head to toe, zeroing in on something close to his head.  
The tip of the gun was colder than he imagined it would be, the hard metal sending a shock through his entire body and forcing a scream out of his mouth, damning the gag.  The sound was just as muffled as he thought it would be, barely loud enough to alert anyone within a four-foot radius to his whereabouts.  Still, he didn’t relent.  He screamed with everything.  He screamed with his anger, he screamed with his disgust, he screamed with his confusion, and he even screamed with his sadness, the emotion he hadn’t felt since his mother had died.
When the blonde had waltzed into his physics class for the first time two weeks ago sporting a bright grin and gleaming eyes, Rown hadn’t known what to expect. It certainly wasn’t the charming and positively addictive person he ended up meeting. Elegant and beautiful Rowan had been unable to tear his eyes away from her, even as she deliberately placed herself in the seat next to him, shooting him a brilliant smile. Celeana had been wholly consuming, something Rowan was now kicking himself for, and the two had fallen into an easy conversation, him unable to hold up his usually angry exterior when it came to her. They had flirted- quite a lot, if he remembered correctly and despite his constant lacrosse practices, Rowan had even found himself agreeing to help her with her physics homework. It had only taken one word from her cursing Einstein and Rowan knew he was done for. He hadn’t gotten the chance to ask her out yet- he had meant to do it after his game today. So what in hellas was he doing here?
Rowan screamed until his throat gave out, his wide eyes never faltering as he stared in what was pure shock at Celeana across from him, who seemed to be doing nothing but gazing at him, her eyes cold and calculating, a contrast to the small quirk at the corner of her lips.  By the time his throat gave out and his eyes yearned to drop shut in exhaustion, Celeana had closed her book and tucked the highlighter on top of her ear.  She wasn’t watching him anymore; instead, her gaze was fixed next to him, to the person who most certainly held the gun to his head.  A gun which Celeana seemed entirely unfazed by.  If anything, her eyes seemed to sparkle more and the other side of her mouth pulled up before she said,
“I win, pay up.”  A shift in sound and the gun behind him before a much deeper and older voice spoke now.
“Actually Miss, you said less than thirty minutes.  I said less than ten.  And it seems it was…” the gun was momentarily lifted from his head as the older man checked something on his arm, allowing him a sharp exhale.  “Seven minutes.  Which means, I won.”  The corner of Celeana’s mouth pulled down in a frown and she glared at the person behind him.
“Oh, you’re no fun Brullo,” she sighed.  “Fine.  I-” she was cut off as he commenced screaming again, louder this time after he had taken a lungful of air.  Her eyes widened for a smidge of a second in surprised shock which quickly faded into her smirk again.  When he finished screaming this time, it was because Celeana was looking him straight in the eyes, her gaze more powerful than should be possible for a girl her age.  And it told him everything he needed to know: he wasn’t going anywhere.  The sound fell from his voice and he glared fire at the girl across from him who only rolled her eyes when he attempted to open his mouth again. Her own fire blazed back at him. 
“Oh my god, are you done?” she asked in exasperation, the smirk no longer on her face, just pure teenage annoyance as she looked back at him.  He was at a loss for words as she put her book down on the ground next to her boots and looked back at him.  “Okay,” she said as if he was a wounded puppy she didn’t know how to approach.  She wasn’t afraid, just wary.  “I’m gonna take the gag off now and please, for the love of the gods, please Ro, don’t even try to scream.  With as much as I love your mouth, and believe me, I really do,” she gave him a wink and he let out a growl laced with disgust and ignoring the electricity in his blood at the look she gave him.  “I have no interest in hearing you any more than I have to today.  Got it?”
He said nothing, his glare unwavering as Celeana stood from her chair and approached him, the gun to his head tensing as if the bearer was more alert than he had been a moment ago.  Rowan wondered exactly how he was supposed to even move when his arms and legs were bound and just to prove it he went still as Celeana leaned forward, her blue eyes suddenly level with his as she reached towards the back of his head and untied the intricate knot in a quick movement of her hands. He attempted not to inhale her intoxicating scent- jasmine and lemon verbatim. She was back in her seat before Rowan could register the air on his mouth and he gulped down a few breaths as he looked at her again, unsurprised to find she was looking at him as well.  His heart did a relay in his chest as his green eyes met her blue ones and she arched a brow, smirking again.
“Like what you see?”  His answering glare said enough until the silence was too much.
“Who are you?” he growled and Celeana laughed coldly, either at him or something else, he didn’t know.  She tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear and Rowan tried not to focus on it.
“You know who I am,” was all she said.  
“I thought you were Celeana but apparently I don’t know shit considering you kidnapped me and tied me to a chair.”  His voice was ice as he snapped at her and Rowan enforced his point by shaking his arms and legs and wincing at the pain.  Celeana’s gaze showed no sympathy or remorse for him and his heart sunk at the realization that he wasn’t surprised.  He had no idea who this girl was, he realized.  Celeana leaned back in her chair, her posture lazy once more, and began to mess with her nails.  It was only then that Rowan realized they were dark red underneath and he swallowed, his gaze snapping up to Celeana’s.  She followed his eyes with her own in a bemused way until realization struck her and her eyes widened.
“I- oh god, chill out, it’s just Taki dust,” she assured him, holding up a purple bag of spicy chips she pulled out from under the chair as evidence.  She let out a huff of a laugh and shoved the open bag at him in a questioning gesture.  She shoved one in her mouth before asking, “Want one?”  Her voice was almost as muffled as his had been and he glared at her, his eyebrows shooting up to remind her of his arms and legs.  “Fine,” she muttered.  “Have it your way.”  Celeana’s eyes shot up to the person behind Rowan as she dusted her fingers off and something flashed in her eyes before the light weight of the gun was removed from his temple.  He exhaled.
“What do you want from me?  My aunt will-”
“Spare me the family connections pretty boy, we’re not interested.  I will say this, it isn’t personal.”
“Why the hell should I believe anything you said when everything you’ve said so far has been a lie?” he snapped, attempting to find some sort of ground. 
“Well, that just isn’t true.  I really do suck at physics, Ro,” she said smiling, pointing to the book at her feet.  “Hawking is kicking my ass this year,” she grumbled and if she was anyone else he would have laughed.
“Don’t bullshit me, who the hell are you?”  Her eyes sparkled at his defiance and he stiffened as the man who had been holding the gun to his head padded up next to Celeana.  He was easily a foot and a half taller than her, making her look like nothing more than a tiny ant in comparison to him, and he had to be at least his aunt’s age.  But the muscle that quivered beneath his leather jacket was enough of a difference for Rowan.  Celeana’s grin grew.
“Are you gonna drop the ‘woe is me hero act’ any time soon?  I’m just curious as to whether I should get some popcorn or not,” was all she replied.
“Pretty gutsy coming from a girl holding an innocent person against his will,” he snapped back. Faster than he could have thought possible Celeana’s playful expression had shriveled into cold hard menace, the look sending a spineful of shivers down his back and forcing his heart into his throat.  Gone was the girl who enjoyed witty bantering.  In her place was the monster he had painted her as from the moment he had opened his eyes.  Rowan realized he should have taken laid-back Celeana when he had the chance because there was no doubt in his mind that the girl in front of him could and would end his life when given the chance.
Celeana’s posture stiffened and the hand that had been playing with her hair stilled as the man beside her placed a hand on her shoulder.  Whether it was meant to be a warning or a comfort, Rowan didn’t know.  Celeana’s face turned cold, her playful pretense officially vanishing.
She sneered and leaned forward on her elbows until they were almost nose to nose.  Rowan refused to shrink back as much as he wanted to.  The feeling coursing through his veins was unfamiliar to him: fear.  “You know something, prince?” she asked.  Her smirk was purely feral.  “I don’t like you very much.  And I’m not beyond beating your ass to prove it.  So shut up, and do what you’re told and you might live.”  With that, Celeana pushed her hands off of her knees and leaned back in her chair as if nothing had happened.
Rowan swallowed, knowing there was no point in hiding his fear of her.  It was so strong she could probably smell it on him.
“Why am I here?” he snarled.
“That isn’t your concern, and frankly I don’t feel like explaining it to you.”  
“Are you ever going to give me a straight answer?”
“Why would I, when you seem so hell-bent on hating me?” How could he explain to her that he wanted to, gods did he want to. And yet he could still feel his emotions attempting to fight him.  
“Who are you?”
“You tell me.  I think you know.  I think that pretty face is for more than just looks.”  He gulped at the realization that this wasn’t a dream.  He was really sitting in a warehouse, bound to a chair, while full-fledged members of the mafia stared at him. He really hated his aunt sometimes. 
“You don’t look like the rest of them.  You’re-”
“Prettier?  Smarter?  Wittier?  Tell me something I don’t know.” Celeana was picking at her nails again. 
“So what are you supposed to be?  Good cop?”  Her answering smile chilled his bones.
“Something like that.  It would help to tolerate me.”
“You try being friendly with the people holding you prisoner.” Celeana’s smile vanished. 
“You’d be surprised.”
“The hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Like I’d tell you.”  Rowan was really wishing he had witty Celeana back because this one seemed to hate him just as much as he hated her.  “Now I really suggest shutting the hell up with the questions before that bullet ends up between those pretty little eyes of yours.”
“Miss, your uncle called.  He’ll be home at eight.”  A chill went down his spine as Celeana’s face went white.  He almost thought he was seeing things when something like fear flashed in her eyes for a moment before it was gone and replaced with her smirk again, this one which didn’t quite reach her eyes.  
“Well,” Celeana said, grunting as she stood up and hauled her backpack and book over her shoulder.  “This has been fun, but I’m gonna have to leave you boys to it.”  Rowan knew something was wrong when she blew him a kiss, barely looking over her shoulder as she opened the door to the warehouse, pausing with one foot out.
Celeana turned back to him, the side of her face even more beautiful in the reflecting moonlight. As her eyes met his, Rowan felt pinned in place by the intensity in her own. 
“Aelin,” she said quietly.  “My name is Aelin. My mom used to call me Celeana when we would sneak out of the house together,” she paused before adding, “It wasn’t all a lie.”  With that, she silently slipped out the door, shutting it solidly behind her and leaving Celeana staring at the empty place where she had just been.
It wasn’t all a lie.
drink your water :) 
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astrolocherry · 4 years
Wounded Inner Lunar Children, astrolocherry
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An Aries Moon
This child can be nurtured through experiences that forced strong and reactive defences to develop, and as an adult she is always on guard and prepared for people to harm rather than love her, there tends to be an experience or encounter that reveals what people are truly capable of, even those she thought she knew best, so sometimes the offering of your support or concern is subconsciously threatening. Vulnerability means that she could be hurt again
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A Taurus Moon
This child can be very aware of everything wrong and disordered in the world. There was an emulation of maturity and wisdom far behind her years, her love was demonstrated through helpfulness, support, and taking up grown-up responsibilities very prematurely, and sometimes this can condition the adult who is negligent with self-nourishment and self-care because she has rarely focused on her own, a jaded self-image of being worthless and valuing herself on the scale that she is depended on and needed by other people
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A Gemini Moon
The vast spectrum and potential of her intelligence is vague as the moon against daylight until adulthood. She is taken by a dreamy and distracted reverie until a Full Moon bloom when she is old enough to leave home and come to earth completely, extreme dysregulation and confusion during adolescence severely impacted her capacity to learn and focus to her potential, the sense that she is without an identity and defined future can take the priority
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A Cancer Moon
Her emotions have always attracted attention - in all of  the right and wrong ways, she could make the whole world stop fighting, she could do it all with those eyes-  the ones that moved you like Moon’s gravity from the inside and seemed to captivate your conscience, she could distill the wrath of the devil with her look of fear. If you were to damage her and be witness to the complete aftermath of everything you’d done to her, you could vow to never hurt another person again
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A Leo Moon
This child is a display of a star in the making, seeming to shine brightly across many scenes of life with a variety of talents to pick from, but sometimes she does this for love and not out of love, the will to win and fear of failure can be pure projected expectation It’s in the need to be noticed as valid for something, the sense that she is only worthy of being loved if she is the best because a golden girl will never be left 
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A Virgo Moon
This child is very in tune and responsive to the natural routines and temperament of her parents, so she can develop that ability to spot subtle signs of distress and unrest in people very early in life, and as an adult she can see the symptoms being hidden and the pain that everyone is going through,  so not wanting to afflict them with anymore she keeps her secrets waiting until she can repair everyone else - then maybe she will be worthy of her own recovery
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A Libra Moon
She was a magic child with a habit of magical over-thinking, in amongst the many gifts and tricks she could magically believe that she was the cause of it all, like her behaviour or presence caused her mother’s sadness or sickness,  sometimes the subconscious holds onto these thought patterns while the rest of her grows up, it’s all seemingly conditioned her around a sentiment like, everything you say or do, the universe will hold against you
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A Scorpio Moon
This child’s unique intelligence, intense imagination, and profound observations can make it difficult to relate to the other children around her age, and in some cases she has no older adults or caregivers she can turn to either She is so sensitive to the unseen that she can see the wars inside the worlds that consume them, and that asking for the time and energy to be truly understood is like asking for a world, that she could go missing from this one and no one would notice a thing
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A Sagittarius Moon
The child finds great comfort in knowledge and discomfort in ambiguity, she is insecure and ill at ease when she is given vague details or sugarcoated answers, maybe it’s assumed that she’s not ready, or too young, or the truth is too dark but the dark truth is that what she doesn’t know can hurt her, 
her intelligence and imagination will fill it up the empty space of the unknown with fears, anxieties, insecurities mixed by a ravenous intellect instead
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A Capricorn Moon
Sometimes this childhood is spent waiting to grow up and take on the world that has made her feel so small, growing up means freedom from the vulnerability of being dependent, it means safety because with the means to protect and defend herself, it means that every day only she decides her fate, and in a strange twist of all things fate, when she grows up like she’s always wanted, she longs for a childhood again, there begins the inner tension that she has missed out and deserves it now, and the sense that now she really is the bigger person and to accept, let go, and truly move on once and for all 
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An Aquarius Moon
The child’s temperament is wild and bewildering for all involved, she’s a puzzle of paradoxes with pieces of changing edges that don’t fit together, it could almost derange and re-arrange your own head, and she’s probably only young when she learns that most of her experiences are better left secret, it seemed like the adults dismissed or hardly believed it, but she never had to believe a thing, she knows that she knows it all came true and it was never ‘just a dream’
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A Pisces Moon
This child had a serene way of interacting with the world that seemed far beyond her years, a deep awareness and understanding of life that kept her placid while adults shattered, but this serenity often hides the sinister, she only has her angels because she called for rescuing from a demon, she only remembered the path to oasis because she needed to find a way to escape out from hell
Cherry art by Richard J Oliver 
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subbing-for-clones · 3 years
The Alpha and The Omega Part 2
Alpha Maul x Omega Reader
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Summary: Darth Maul becomes Maul and has to figure out how to both survive and thrive in the galaxy on his own. It’s more difficult than he thought it would be, especially after being thrown into a mix of bounty hunters with a unique gene that he also shares that are more than willing to allow him into their pack. Can he learn to trust those around him after a life time of near solitude?
Word Count: 4.9k
WARNINGS: Mentions of death and injuries, hints to slavery. A/B/O dynamics. Maul’s injury is not the canon one
This wasn’t how it was supposed to end.
    Maul was falling, plunging into the depths of a reactor shaft on Naboo. He had killed a Jedi Master; finally, after all his years of training and harsh lessons, he had succeeded in this long-awaited trial. He didn’t plan for the Master’s padawan to be so strong and so quick. Right when he had started to celebrate his victory by taunting his opponent who had hung from the very shaft he was falling into, he was caught off guard. The padawan had leapt up, used his fallen Master’s saber and plunged it straight through his chest before kicking him down into the abyss.
    Maul could still feel the padawan’s rage billowing through the surrounding force, his pain and sadness and he took pleasure in it. The fact that he had cracked the padawan’s resolve was a consolation to his failure. He had failed his mission, he had failed himself, he had failed his Master; years wasted. His life, wasted. His eyes widened in a realization and harnessing his physical pain, Maul was able to take hold of an air vent, hoisting himself up and into the tight tunnels and calling the working half of his saber into his grip with a burst of fury through the force.
    Every time he had thought he was able to keep something from Sidious it was revealed that his master had planned his movements long before he made them. No, he had not failed his Master, he had followed his plan accordingly. Sidious wanted him to fall on Naboo; he wanted the Jedi to believe they had once again eradicated the threat of the Sith and take on a new apprentice. Newfound anger at his betrayal fueled him to climb through the ventilation until he finally reached the surface. The wound in his chest was not fatal, it had passed between both of his hearts but still ached and throbbed; the burning of the instant cauterization kept him from bleeding to death. He should have died from the impact of the fall.
    He had to leave, he couldn’t let the Jedi or his master know he had survived. Concealing his force signature like he had had to master years ago, he kept to the shadows. He feared the Jedi would recognize his ship; he knew his master would, so he almost regrettably left it behind. The citizens were still celebrating their false victory drunkenly in the streets so it was far too easy to steal a small ship and escape the planet since the blockade had been eradicated.  
    He made his way to the furthest reaches of the outer rim on the boarder of wild space to evade his master’s detection. He spent a year bouncing between planets, nursing his injury and keeping up his original training by fighting fearsome beasts. When he had returned to his full strength, he dared inch slightly closer to civilization. He had returned to Tatooine in hopes of gathering some supplies despite his almost empty purse.
    He had fallen into bounty hunting by accident. He came across a small moisture farm and with the intent to rob it, had found himself face to face with an utterly terrified Twi’lek male. Maul was about to unsheathe his weapon but stopped when the man before him dropped to his knees.
“Please! Please don’t take me back to Jabba! I know he has a price on my head but I can’t go back there!” sobs cracked through his words and Maul grimaced in disgust at the man’s weakness. “I- I don’t have much but I’ll pay you what I can if you leave me alone and forget you ever saw me. Please.”
     Maul did no such thing. With the promise of credits, he ignited his blade and took the man’s head in one fell swoop. Carrying his head over his shoulder by one of the Twi’lek’s lekku along with the credits he had offered him for his freedom, he made his way to Jabba’s palace to collect a reward. Sure enough, he was promised a handsome sum for killing the thief and presenting his head to Lord Jabba.
    He sat at a small table in the corner of the cantina while he awaited his pay. He scanned the room, taking note of every patron and exit while the band played music he didn’t care for. His eyes met the visor of who he assumed was a bounty hunter under Jabba’s employ. The Mandalorian warrior strode over to him slowly after muttering something to one of the servant girls. The man pulled the only other chair out from Maul’s table and settled himself down in it, followed quickly by the girl carrying two amber bottles. She gave a dainty bow before she trotted away, leaving the two men in a heavy silence.
    Maul could smell him; he didn’t feel like a threat to him per say as he could tell the Mandalorian wasn’t a force user, but he did waft a heady scent that made the flesh on the back of Maul’s neck raise up. He bared his teeth to the man and growled before taking a swig of the bottle; never taking his eyes off of the stranger in front of him.
“Easy there Alpha. I’m not here to start trouble.” Maul pretended like he wasn’t confused by the title he had been assigned. Some bounty hunter lingo perhaps.
“I haven’t seen you around here or around the guilds before. How long have you been hunting?” the man never removed his helmet to drink his beer, rather placed a metal straw in the opening and sipped it from under his helm.
“Not long,” Maul wanted to give this man as little information as possible without rousing suspicion. He had interacted with bounty hunters before and was under the impression they didn’t ask questions, unlike the Mandalorian. Maul watched intently as the man reached into his utility belt and pulled out a card before sliding it across the table in his direction. He quirked his brow ridge at the man waiting for an explanation.
“We tend to take care of our own. Guild Master on this card has a set up on Corellia. She’s a mated Omega, she’ll help you get started up, might be able to pull a few strings and get you into the Guild,” he rapped his knuckles once on the table and stood as a Gamorrian Guard approached with Maul’s payment. He took the purse quickly and made his way to the exit but not before shooting the stranger one last glance.
“Good luck out there brother,” he rasped through his vocoder and giving a lazy two finger salute.
      Maul made his way back across the desert as night was starting to fall, a relief from the blistering heat. He had some strange exchanges in his life but none that had left him so confused. Why had the man called him Alpha and referred to him as a brother? What in the name of the force was a mated Omega? He had never heard of that species before despite his Master’s thorough tutelage. He sat in the cockpit of his ship holding the card in his crimson and tattooed fingers, lost in thought. He hadn’t considered what his life would turn into with his newfound freedom.
    He knew he wanted revenge and the notoriety he was promised, how he would achieve it on his own he had no clue. He considered how he might be able to gain influence in the underworld and high contacts should he become a renowned bounty hunter. He had the skillset for it. He needed the credits too. Sighing, he punched in the coordinates to Corellia, confident in the idea that his Master was convinced of his demise and made his way there.
    He never much liked Corellia, he had been here several times before. Despite the fact that it was easy to get lost in a crowd, it was also difficult to perceive incoming threats if he dropped his guard. He wandered through the streets, keeping to the alleyways when he could with the hood of his black cloak pulled over his head, obscuring others’ ability to see his face. He glanced down between the card in his hand and the neon signs above the various businesses. Trying to locate a cantina called The Den, supposedly in Coronet owned by a Theelin named Zeni.
    Sure enough, after rounding a dozen corners he finally found a hole in the wall with a little sign that read The Den, in red lights. Two characters he didn’t recognize from any languages he was familiar with, unlit, one painted on either side of the basic neon lettering. He pushed open the heavy door and was pleasantly surprised to find it larger than it looked on the inside. The room was dark, lit by low glowing lights. Cigar smoke wafted lazily through the air but not so much that it made you choke. Various tapestries and flags decorated the walls along with photographs of people he wouldn’t have been able to recognize if he had cared to try.
Only a few patrons sat scattered around the cantina, their attention on data-pads and bounty pucks. He spotted a dark blue haired, purple skinned Theelin behind the bar chatting flirtatiously with a large Chiss male.
    A scent, different but akin to the one the Mandalorian had permeated the room, swirling with a strong flowery one. The odd pair’s eyes snapped up to him the moment the door closed behind the Zabrak. He took a bar stool a few seats down from the Chiss and stared straight ahead, feeling the man’s eyes narrow in his direction. The Theelin woman he assumed was Zeni strode over to him after patting the Chiss’s arm affectionately.  
“Don’t mind him, you know how Alphas get when unmated ones come around their Omega,” she was absentmindedly wiping down the dark bar with a damp rag before setting a glass down, “what can I get for you?”
Maul reached into the pocket of his robes and pulled out her card and set it down on the counter.
“I was told you were the one to come to if I wanted to join the guild.”
“You got a sponsor? Proof of successful hunts?” she quirked a brow at him as the man he assumed was her mate kept a close eye on him. Maul was confused.
“I wasn’t aware you needed a sponsor to join the Guild.”
“Not the collective no, but if you wanna join this house you’ll need someone to vouch that you’re not an over aggressive Alpha or too submissive Omega,” the Chiss answered before Zeni could. Leaning across the empty space he extended a hand, “Call me Coth, Zeni’s Alpha.” Maul hesitantly took the man’s hand and gave a firm, curt shake, “Maul.”
“You’re unmated,” Coth stated, it wasn’t a question. Maul at least understood what that meant.
“I do not have a mate no. Is that important?”
“No,” Zeni cut in, “we’ve quite a few lone Alphas in our ranks, few unmated Omegas too, as long as you don’t give the girls too much trouble, we won’t have a problem.”
Maul was getting frustrated with the terms he didn’t understand, “What are these Alphas and Omegas? I’ve only heard of them over the last few days from another bounty hunter. Is this some kind of title?”
The mated pair exchanged a bewildered look, “You don’t know?” Coth asked. Maul simply stared at them while Zeni sighed heavily and reached behind her, pouring a massive amount of liquor into the empty glass she had placed in front of Maul. Coth had scooted over to sit next to him.
“He wouldn’t be the first,” he started, “do you remember when ‘Meg first came around with Bane? She didn’t know hardly anything. Terrified of every Alpha she smelled, poor thing.”
“Of course I remember, I wouldn’t let her catch you referring to her as a ‘poor thing’. She’s probably our best Omega, she does work for the collective too now, not just our house. Still don’t know where she came from. I think Bane knows but you know how he is. Moves around a lot that girl, just like he does.” Coth nodded at Zeni’s words before turning his attention back to Maul who was only half listening at this point as he nursed his liquor.
“Long story short, it’s a gene. It’s why you can smell me and my honey there. You’ve got the Alpha which makes you stronger, faster and a bit smarter than the rest of your species.”
Maul mulled over Coth’s words. From what he had learned, most of his kind from Dathomir had some kind of connection to the force, perhaps this added gene was why he was chosen to be Sidious’s apprentice.
“And what of the Omega?” he turned to Zeni and she grinned. “Same deal for the most part but we always fall in line behind our mighty Alphas,” she leaned over the bar pinched her lover’s cheek and gave him a playful growl before turning her attention back to the Zabrak.
“Listen I’ll cut you some slack, if you got this card, it means someone in our house gave it to you so you caught someone’s eye. Who gave it to you anyway?”
“I never got a name, he was a Mandalorian at Jabba’s palace.” Coth’s eyes gleamed, “Interesting, he’s never recruited anyone before.” Coth stared off into the corner of the bar while Zani spoke up again.
“Like I said I’ll cut you a break Maul, I can’t just grant you instant access to the guild’s bounty list; especially without a sponsor but if you can consistently turn in public bounties through us for six months and prove to be reliable, I’ll grant you membership and you can start taking some pucks,” she looked to her mate for a final approval. He gave her a curt nod and she refilled Maul’s drink with a pleased smile, “what do you say?”
Maul shot back the last of the liquor and stood, “prove my worth, join the ranks. Sounds reasonable..”
Coth also stood and retrieved a data-pad with a list of public bounties, “good, here. Take your pick, bring em back to us and you’ll get the reward through our broker.”
      Over the next two months Maul proved to be an almost mechanically reliable hunter. He only ever took bounties that were listed with the option to bring them in dead, made his job easier. He found that it wasn’t as lucrative as he had hoped but he was only taking public bounties at the moment. They tended to be cheap but there were a lot at his disposal. The jobs were too easy for him, he was a born hunter and a trained killer yet he was hunting down mostly thieves who stole from the wrong people. His strength through the force came to every advantage, he enjoyed toying with his victims; making them run, giving them a false hope that they would escape but they never could.
    To say he liked the other hunters at the Den would’ve been an overstatement but he didn’t necessarily dislike them either. Zeni was always friendly and welcoming when he came to drop off the bodies and collect his pay. Coth was as pleasant as an Alpha could be to another. He slowly started picking up social ques about the sub culture. Alphas were fiercely protective of their Omegas and although the Omegas were a force to be reckoned with all on their own; he realized how true Zeni’s earlier statement had been. They always fell in line behind their Alphas and their Alphas took great care of them. He still hadn’t met an Omega that wasn’t already mated and he wasn’t sure that he wanted to; the bond looked like an anchor, a distraction.
    After collecting a series of quarries, he returned once again to Corellia to collect. When he entered the familiar cantina, a new scent almost knocked him out with its intensity. It was soft and earthy, lightly floral but incredibly strong. Noticing that Zeni was preoccupied talking to a woman at the bar with Coth by her side he took a seat in one of the empty booths and started looking through the newly available bounties from the public database trying to push through the fog that clouded his mind. He could just barely sense an individual in his proximity that had a strong connection to the force and it made him bristle.
      Your pupils blew out the moment the scent hit your nose. You had been around your fair share of unmated Alphas by now but you had never been so affected before. You turned away from Zeni to scan the bar and your eyes fell on someone you had never seen in the cantina before. A crimson Zabrak’s eyes bored into yours for only a moment before he turned back to whatever it was he was doing. Zeni had to wave her lilac hand in front of your face to bring your attention back to her while Coth chuckled, obviously aware of how you were affected.
“Who the fuck is that?” you asked nodding your head in his direction. Coth quieted down long enough to answer you.
“Name’s Maul. New to the game, Fett gave him the card but he doesn’t have a sponsor.”
“Never heard of Fett handing out your card,” you quirked your brow over to Zeni.
“As far as I know he never has. Maul must’ve had some crazy strong pheromones going off to catch that Alphas attention,” she chirped, “since it was Fett who extended the invitation and he’s obviously an Alpha I told him he can take public bounties and cash em in here for a while ‘till he proves to be a good addition to our pack.”
    You nodded pensively before downing your drink. His scent was heady, a strong woody and musty, lightly smoky smell that heated your muscles under your skin. You had finished your heat recently so you were confident that the only pheromones you were releasing were your normal Omega ones. Still, you felt his eyes on you and you could feel the dark side of the force surrounding him. Interesting.
“How’s he doing? Why doesn’t he have a sponsor?” you tried to ask nonchalantly while you looked through the pucks Coth had set out for you to take your pick from.
“He won’t ask for sponsorship and no one’s offered. He’s doing great considering he didn’t have a clue he was an Alpha when he first wondered in here.”
“He didn’t?” the mirrored déjà vu was not lost on you.
“Nope, but he’s taken care of the most dangerous thieves that have been posted publicly, finds em quick too,” Coth praised, “plus he’s left the mated Omegas alone, hasn’t challenged any of the other Alphas either. Keeps to himself, still doesn’t have a mate as far as I can tell,” he gave you a not-so-subtle wink and jab with his elbow.
You glared at him from under the rim of your hat. “So he needs a sponsor..” you turned your attention back to Zeni picking up three of the pucks and sliding the rest back to Coth.
“I’m way ahead of you ‘Meg,” she set two glasses with a few ice cubes in front of you and a full bottle of whisky; the spicy kind you liked, and turned her love sick gaze back to the Chiss she called her mate. You took the glasses and the bottle and turned to walk towards the strange Alpha.
    You watched a scantily dressed Twi’lek slide into the worn booth next to him and try to mutter something into his ear, you smirked when he made an effort to scoot away from her but this woman was persistent. She had no scent, she wasn’t an Omega, she had no business trying to woo an Alpha. Fucking Betas, you thought. They made up the majority of the population and couldn’t tell the difference between Alphas, Omegas and their kind. She didn’t notice you while you set the glasses down softly on the table; bottle still in hand. When you cleared your throat, she looked up at you with an annoyed huff. You swept your coat to the side, showing the blaster strapped to your thigh, “beat it bitch,” your voice was sultry and smooth but carried an authority only a respected Omega could.
    You watched her scurry away looking frightened and ignored the snorts of amusement coming from the bar. Every patron in the Den knew you and your reputation. You had no problem challenging anyone who stood in your way. Whether that came from the skills you had learned as a Jedi or an attitude you picked up from Bane; you didn’t know and didn’t care. It worked.
    The Alpha said nothing as you glided into the black booth opposite him and slid one of the empty glasses over to him; passing him the bottle once you had poured yourself a generous serving. You allowed yourself to enjoy the spicy malt liquor and watched as he also poured the amber liquid over the ice cubes in his glass. His scent was over powering, it turned your insides into butterflies; something the other Alphas had never done. The pheromones he released told you he was vaguely interested in your presence, welcoming it, almost. But his force signature told you he was wary, waiting to see why you had approached him in the first place.
    For a few minutes the two of you sat in silence, eyes locked on one another while you basked in the other’s aroma and sipped your drinks until you broke the silence.
“So, you’re the new Alpha in town,” you cocked your brow at him.
“That’s what I’ve been told, yes,” he poured himself a second drink and you hummed.
“I hear you’ve been taking up the public listings and doing fairly well for yourself,” you leaned back and stretched your free arm over the back of the booth.
“Is this going somewhere or did you just want to buy me a drink?” the corner of his mouth quirked up and his golden eyes narrowed slightly as he also leaned back, spreading his legs to a more comfortable and dominant position.
You nodded your head, respecting the fact that he valued his time. Still, you made him wait till you finished your drink and sighed. “I also hear you might be in need of a sponsorship.”
“As you said, I’m doing quite well for myself. Not so sure I need one.”
You poured yourself another glass and hummed again, leaning forward towards him and resting on your elbows with your drink clasped between your hands. “That maybe the case but without one it’ll be a while before your granted membership. Even then, new initiates only get last picks.”
“Are you offering me something?” he leaned forward slightly, searching your face for your intentions before you could speak them.
“As a matter of fact, I am. The hunter who sponsored me was high ranking so when I got in; I got better pickings by affiliation. I’m giving you the same chance I had by offering you, my sponsorship.”
“What exactly would I have to do?” he growled. Obviously not keen on the idea of owing anyone anything.
“Nothing you’re not already doing,” you placed the three pucks you had gotten from Zeni on the table and pulled a fourth out of your pocket you had gotten from a private hire. “Come with me and help me take care of these four, come back and collect fifty percent after fuel costs. Simple. After that you’ll have full membership and higher paying bounties to choose from. Few weeks instead of a few months, thousands instead of hundreds.”
    You leaned back and gave him time to look over the information each puck carried. Even if he decided to try to run off with the info and catch them on his own, no guild master would cash him out without a membership. You barely caught the slight widening of his eyes when he saw the cash reward. You felt his need through the force and smelled it from him. You knew he would accept your offer but you allowed him to drag out his answer for a few minutes while he mulled it over.
“Alright,” his voice was velvety, “I’ll play along. When do we leave?”
“Is your ship somewhere you can leave it unattended? We’re taking mine.”
“Yes, it is.”
“Good, meet me at the refueling station by night fall, docking bay number 7. I have to resupply. Bring whatever you’ll need for a few weeks,” you stood and collected your pucks, tucking them safely into the bag that hung from your shoulder, “don’t keep me waiting Alpha,” you cooed before sauntering out of the cantina.
    Maul poured himself a third drink from the bottle you left, he had more than enough time and was hoping to drown out the strange thickness your scent left on his tongue. The seat you left open was quickly filled by none other than Coth. He was grinning dumbly, wide and toothy; his red eyes gleaming.
“Did she offer you a sponsorship?”
“Yes, we’re leaving tonight,” he didn’t quite understand why he felt so comfortable talking to Coth. Perhaps it was because of the pack mentality this house seemed to have, maybe it was something to do with the unique gene they all shared. It could just be because he spent his whole life alone besides his master and although he would never admit it, he marginally preferred occasional company. He wasn’t a threat to this Alpha’s mate and thus Coth wasn’t a threat to him; so, he pressed on, “why is her scent so much… stronger than the other Omegas?”
“Who ‘Meg? She’s unmated. Hasn’t even been scented by another Alpha. Not that no one’s tried. Usually, Omegas are mated shortly after their first heat but she’s been around for three years or so now and she’s a force to be dealt with. Probably the least submissive Omega I’ve ever met. Cad Bane sponsored her and even he respects her.”
“Why did she turn down the others’ advances? I thought Omegas were supposed to be pliant.”
“They are with their Alpha. She’s especially headstrong though. I overheard her chatting with Zeni one time when she actually got pretty smashed, going on about how it would be an honor to submit to an Alpha but it had to be one worthy of submission.”
    Maul nodded and was pleasantly surprised with what he was told. He of all people could understand being willing to fall in line but it had to be to a greater power than the one possessed by the follower, not just anyone. He finished his drink and thanked Coth for the information and gave Zeni an uncharacteristic wave before he left the cantina; much to her delight.
    He made his way back to his ship and gathered a few pairs of extra clothes and the rest of his ration bars in his pack before paying the caretaker of the of the ship yard enough credits to dock his ship there for six weeks. He hoped that would be long enough, Corellia wasn’t exactly cheap to store your ship on for long periods of time. It would be worth it if he really could come back to better prospects. He never sensed that you had lied to him, neither through the force or through your scent. He took his time and bought a few meat kabobs from a vendor on the street before heading to the location you had given him.
    Sure enough, when he arrived at dock 7, he saw you chatting with a Quarren while one of his employees loaded a few crates into your cargo bay. He took a moment to admire you, your scent wasn’t nearly so intoxicating at this distance. He silently appreciated the way the glow from the setting sun lit up behind your silhouette and cast a slight shadow over your face under the brim of your hat but your eyes never lost their glow. How your posture was relaxed and friendly yet carried an air that demanded respect from those around you. You had smiled brightly at something the supplier said and let out a melodious laugh that rang through the cooling dusk. He felt a pang of jealousy that almost startled him. He had no reason to be possessive of you. Still, when you turned to him, a smile still across your lips and motioned him over to you he held a sense of pride with being beckoned to your side. He was utterly fucked, wasn’t he?
 As the two of you walked up the ramp and closed the hatch behind you, you turned to face him.
“You ready for some big game Alpha?” he nodded.
“Maul, my name is Maul.”
“Alright Maul, if that’s what you prefer. Call me ‘Meg.”
Yes, he was indeed fucked.
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The Other Side of Hollywood
Part Four
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Word Count: 6.3K+
Author’s Note: It’s the end of episode seven! The chemistry is real, the stakes are high, the secrets are being revealed. I went straight from writing Part Three into writing this, and I have a feeling I’ll start writing the next part immediately...
Thank you for reading the nonsense I write.
Warning: our ghoul bois get sad...
Part One here, Two here, and Three here. Masterlist here. Boom, let’s get into it.
Y/N had spent almost all of her afterlife surrounded by grown-ups. It was by chance, of course, that she was the youngest one at the Hollywood Ghost Club, but until Willie showed up about ten years before, that’s just how it was. And while every night at the HGC was a party…
There was nothing quite like a high-school house party.
The fact was Y/N was meant to be somewhere else. She was scheduled for bar duty that night at the club, but with a note on her room door reading she felt unwell and already asking someone to cover her shift that evening, she had the chance to venture out into the world beyond, to forget what had happened after Luke left the club… The jolts, the yelling, the feeling that her stomach was on fire and burning her from the inside.
So, in keeping with what she could vaguely remember about the high school parties she attended in the 90s, she did her best to dress up: she ditched her scruffy band tees and torn up shorts for a knee length black dress she had found about 20 odd years ago. She had discovered it in the costume department’s back corners, falling in love with the camisole top with the lace border and the flowing skirt with pockets from the moment she set eyes on it. Caleb had told her to take it, keep it for herself, and after a few good washes and alterations, it fit her like a glove… Then she didn’t have anywhere to wear it for two decades.
She had rummaged through her cupboards and found a nice pair of heeled combat boots to match, and with and box of treats for the boys she had swiped earlier that evening under her arm, one last check in the mirror and a final application of a vintage pink lipstick, she poofed out her room to the address Luke had given her, which she had transferred to a post-it note once she was alone, the ink on her arm already fading.
She landed with a thud of her heavy boots a second later, her carpet having shifted to what Y/N could only assume was Julie’s patio. She did a 360, quickly figuring out where she was: a fence to her left, trees to her right and a garden gate behind her, Y/N opted to go forward, heading in the direction of chatter and multi-coloured string lights.
There wasn’t much Y/N could remember about her life on earth, and what she did was pretty miserable: however, walking into the party gave her a strange sense of nostalgia, of déjà vu. She slipped her way through the crowds, for a moment forgetting no-one could see her, setting down the bag of goodies she had brought by the doors of the garage, which upon a second glance looked more like a studio from what little she could make out through the windows. She watched as kids, no doubt from Julie’s high school, milled around and chattered together, talking about school work and how glad they were that Friday had come around at last, how excited they were to see the band play. She couldn’t join in on anything, she knew that, but it didn’t bother her, and Y/N found herself a comfortable spot on the garden’s back wall, her legs swinging as she watched the world go by.
“What are you doing here?” A voice caught Y/N’s attention, looking forward and to her right to find the voice linked a handsome blonde haired boy, who looked rather displeased with a girl that she recognised: the girl from the pop group the other night at the bar.
“Julie is one of my oldest friends, Nick.” She snapped back. “I’m sure she just forgot to invite me.” She folded her arms, and the poor kid beside her sighed.
“Look, we’re not getting back together, Carrie.” He said with a deadpan voice, and Y/N couldn’t help but lean closer.
“I’ve heard that before…” Carrie replied back with a smirk, turning her attention back to the stage. “Something doesn’t add up about those holograms.” She pondered, placing a manicured hand on Nick’s lapel. “I wouldn’t trust her, if I were you.” She added, the conversation ended as a familiar face appeared nearby, Flynn boosting herself up onto the wall, her foot going into Y/N’s leg as she turned around, microphone in one hand and an odd looking box in the other. She set down the latter object pointed for the stage, and quickly connected it to some sort of plug.
“What’s up everybody?” Flynn asked, Y/N scooting along the wall a little to stop Flynn from stepping into her again. “Time to put your hands up, do a little dance, yup, here’s the new anthem from Julie and the Phantoms.” Flynn announced, jumping off the wall and running to the front of the crowd as two kids no more than 12, who Y/N speculated were Julie’s younger brother and friend, opening the studio doors that had been decorated with papier mâché to reveal Julie.
The sight of the girl, covered in butterflies and smiling so bright, brought an ache to Y/N’s heart, though she didn’t know why. It was one of fondness, watching the girl walk to the piano with a shy wave to the crowd of her peers almost had Y/N feeling proud.
“Thanks for coming everyone.” She said as she sat down, taking a nervous breath, and scanning the crowd to lock eyes on Flynn, and then, further back, Y/N. Julie smiled at her, prompting Y/N to smile back and hold her thumbs up in support. Another breath, and Julie began the song.
“Running through the past, tripping on the now. What is lost can be found, it’s obvious…” Whoops and cheers emerged from the crowd as Julie began to sing. “And like a rubber ball, we come bouncing back, we all got a second act, inside of us.” The machine just above Y/N whirred into life suddenly, and out of thin air, the band appeared behind Julie, causing the audience to gasp and cheer while Y/N just smiled wider.
“I believe, I believe that we’re just one dream away from who we’re meant to be, that we’re standing on the edge of…” Julie’s voice was unequivocally unique, the sort of sound you found once in a generation. And with the boys behind her, Y/N was confident in the conclusion she had come to the night before: they were the best band she had ever seen. “Something big, something crazy our best is yet unknown, that this moment is ours to own, cause we’re standing on the edge of great!” The boys came in, providing an echo of the chorus’ tagline as Julie belted some beautiful high notes.
It was in this section of the song that Luke’s eyes finally moved from his band mates and onto the crowd, scanning over the audience and just soaking in their reaction. On that stage, he felt alive, free, and undoubtedly happy: in fact, it’s how he felt whenever he managed to get his hands on a guitar, when he got to play, when he wrote music.
And as his eyes landed on a certain girl in black at the back of the crowd, he realised it’s how he felt when he was with her, as well.
“Yeah, we all make mistakes, but they’re just stepping stones to take us where we wanna go, it’s never straight no…” Luke sang, his eyes focused in on a spot in the back of the room no-one in the audience could see: but his bandmates could. Julie quickly noticed where Luke’s eyes had landed and grinned at Reggie, who raised a brow before he glanced between Luke and his point of fixation, a smile on his face. Alex caught on pretty quickly from his raised vantage point.
“Sometimes we gotta lean, lean on someone else to get a little help until we find a way.” With a quick nod, Luke passed the melody to Julie and took the harmony line, rolling his eyes at the stupid grins his bandmates had. They had noticed who he was looking at. “I believe, I believe that we’re just one dream away from who we’re meant to be, that we’re standing on the edge of something big, something crazy, our best is yet unknown, that this moment is ours to own, cause we’re standing on the edge of great!” Julie came out to the crowd, singing a portion of the song to Flynn in front, even taking the chance to wave at Nick, which more than ticked off Carrie from Y/N’s point of view. As they finished the chorus, Y/N found herself needing to be closer, and pushed herself off the wall, walking through the crowd and stopping in the front, her arms folded and a smirk on her face as she lifted a hand to wave her fingers in hello to Reggie, who had to gulp in response.
“Shout, shout! Come on and let it out, out! Don’t gotta hide it. Let your colours blind their eyes, be who you are, don’t compromise.” Julie climbed up the piano as she sang and sat herself on the top, throwing her head back as she sang in a way that had the déjà vu hitting Y/N all over again. “Just shout, shout! Come on and let it out, out! What doesn’t kill you makes you feel alive… Oh, I believe.” Julie sang, Luke stepping forward towards her, playing a guitar solo underneath her. “I believe that we’re just one dream away from who we’re meant to be,” The pair shared a smile as Luke free-styled alongside her. “That we’re standing on the edge of great!” Julie stood up as she held the high note, throwing her arms out and giving it everything she had, to the applause and cheering of the crowd as the boys sang the rest of the chorus behind her.
“We’re standing on the edge of great, on the edge of great. Great, on the edge of great. Great, on the edge of great.” The boys sang along as Julie re-joined them, Luke’s eyes finding Y/N’s once more and a dopey smile came on his face. As the chorus came to an end, Alex and Reggie vanished into thin air, and Luke swung his guitar behind him, grabbing his mic off its stand as Julie sat back at the piano, the pair singing the outro together.
“Running through the past,” Luke sang, walking to the front of their stage, coming face to face with Y/N. “Tripping on the now… What is lost can be found, it’s obvious.” He sang softly to her, winking in the second before he disappeared, a group of girls right behind Y/N bursting into a fit of giggles while the true receiver of Luke’s affection stood rather breathless in front of them, practically glowing under the string lights.
After the performance had finished, Flynn taking control as DJ for the rest of the night, Julie was quick to push her mother’s piano back into the studio with the assistance of her dad and Nick, and then close over and lock the doors to stop anyone wandering in before joining her guests. The doors closing and the turn of the lock was the signal the guys needed to relax after a performance well done, all three collapsing onto chairs around the room with happy sighs, the sounds of the party continuing muted by the thick oak doors.
Before any of them could say a word, a hand appeared through the wood and chapped on the door’s inside, the stamp on her wrist making it clear who had arrived.
“Come in!” Reggie yelled, swiftly receiving a punch from Luke who scrambled to pull off his beanie and run a hand through his mess of waves. Just as he stood up, Y/N walked through the door, a smile on her face and a box under her arm.
“You guys…” She started, shaking her head. “I am amazed every single time.” She admitted, setting the box down on the coffee table, only to be met with silence, no-one quite sure who was meant to speak first. “Open it. Please.” She urged, Alex flipping the top off the box to reveal a selection of delicacies from the club: burgers, pizza, meatball subs, and a half of a chocolate fudge cake.
“Keep her.” Alex ordered Luke, his eyes not looking up as he reached for a burger. “She remembered to take off the cheese.” He added with a grin, digging into the burger. Reggie looked into the box, picking up one of the meatball subs, and with a quick glance to Y/N to make sure he was good to help himself, Reggie sat beside Alex and let himself dig in.
“I… I didn’t think you would make it. Shouldn’t you be at the club?” Luke asked, having to clear his throat to stop his voice cracking. He kept his eyes on hers, though his peripheral could gauge how gorgeous she looked in the dress. “Do they know you brought the food?”
“I’m already dead, there’s not much Caleb can do to reprimand me now.” She said with a shrug. “Plus, it’s not my first time sneaking out. I mean, it’s been a quarter of a century, but it’s like riding a bike: never leaves you.” Y/N assured with a smile, Luke smiling right back and holding out his hand. She took it, letting him lead her to the couch as her eyes took in the space the boys seemed to call home, her smile only getting wider.
“So, uh, proper introductions, right?” Luke suggested. “Guys, this is Y/N. Y/N, Alex and Reggie.” He gestured to his two closest friends as he spoke, both of whom were stuffing their faces with the food Y/N had brought along. Alex was first to clear his mouth of food, swallowing his bite of pizza and sending a nod her way.
“It’s nice to meet you again. You’ve certainly got Luke smitten…” The comment earned a pillow to the face, Y/N and Reggie laughing simultaneously. “I just mean! I just mean he’s got good taste, usually. It’ll be nice to get to know you.” Alex defended himself, and Y/N felt the blush rise on her cheeks.
“There’s not much to know, but I can answer any questions you’ve got.” She glanced back at Luke, who quickly shook his head at the boys behind her.
“You’ve opened the flood gates now Y/N…” He muttered, throwing an arm across the back of the couch, his fingers brushing against her shoulder. “Best get comfy.”
“Ok, ok.” Reggie asked through a bite of fudge cake an hour later, the rest of the room recovering from a laughing fit after Alex’s recounting of a story from when the guys were all kids that involved a play park slide, a frog and Luke’s parents finding said frog in their toilet later that night. They were asking questions back and forth, Y/N asking the guys a question before they asked her one back. It had been on plenty of tangents, but Reggie seemed to have a list of questions lined up, and with Luke’s thigh as her pillow as she lay on the couch, Y/N felt more than happy to comply and answer. She had spent most of the hour in the position, save from when Luke jumped up to fetch her his song writing journal, which currently lay on her chest. “Favourite song from the collection.” Reggie asked, and she glanced back up at Luke before smiling.
“I’m a sucker for a sad song… Unsaid Emily.” She answered, and Reggie nodded in approval, sharing a look with Luke that Y/N couldn’t quite decipher.
“Ok, most hated artist. Before or after death.” Alex asked, stretching out with a hand resting on his stomach. Most of the box’s contents were gone.
“Easy. Trevor Wilson.” She answered, causing the three guys to look over in shock. “I mean, the lyrics are exquisite… But he’s a horrible person, I could never support him as an artist, alive or dead.” She explained, and the guys shared a laugh, Luke taking one of her hands in his and threading their fingers together.
A knock on the door sent four pairs of eyes across the room, and it was quickly followed the door opening and Julie slipping into the studio, beaming from ear to ear. The music outside had quietened down, and with Julie’s arrival it seemed like the party might be coming to a close.
“We haven’t really met yet.” Y/N said quickly to refrain from an awkward silence settling. She sat up quickly from her position, Luke unlinking their hand to make it a little easier on her. “I’m Y/N.”
“Julie. Nice to properly meet you. And thank you, for coming along tonight. Certainly put Luke in better spirits.” Julie took a seat herself, her eyes stopping on Reggie as he took another bite of cake. “Ghost food?” She guessed, and was met by four nodding heads.
“I don’t know if Luke ever passed on my compliments from last night, but you guys are amazing.” Y/N offered, and Julie sank into the chair with a smile on her face, not quite listening to whatever had been said.
“Don’t mind Julie… She’s in her own world.” Luke said with a smile, and Y/N nodded.
“Oh, I know the look of a lovestruck girl when I see it.” She bit her lip, taking a moment. “I’m going to guess… The blonde kid who helped with the piano?”
“Nick.” The boys said in unison, and Julie sat up straight at the sound.
“Hey!” She pouted, but it didn’t stay long. “Ok, so, he may have… Kissed me goodnight?” She squealed, and Y/N let out a gasp of excitement, leaning forward to listen more as the guys shared glances, not sure whether to be happy or concerned: Julie was their friend, and the past few weeks the guys had become rather protective of her.
“Cheek, lips?” Y/N asked, and Julie blushed.
“Cheek… But after we danced together today at school…” Julie’s shoulders came up to her ears and she let out a happy sigh.
“Oh, he’s just waiting to ask you out.” Y/N concluded, and the three guys sent her a look, almost warning her not to tempt Julie. “What? The girl’s got a crush, leave her be. She wouldn’t stop any of you.” Y/N defended, glancing back at Luke with a cheeky grin.
Luke couldn’t help smiling back: God, she was beautiful.
“Have you told the one with the immaculate fashion sense yet?” Y/N asked, snapping her fingers as she tried to remember the name.
“Flynn?” Julie suggested, and Y/N nodded, sitting back against Luke, much to the boy’s delight.
“What about me?” The voice that came from the door was the girl in question, Flynn quickly shutting the door behind her and coming over to hug Julie from the back. She still wasn’t quite used to her best friend talking to thin air, but it was getting a little more normal. “Where can I sit?” She asked, glancing around the vacant couch and chairs, knowing the boys were sitting somewhere.
“Just here.” Julie pointed to a vacant chair. “Y/N was just complimenting your fashion sense.” Julie explained, gesturing to the air.
“Y/N? The girl from last night? The one you could see?” Flynn asked, waving at the spot Julie had just picked out. “Sorry, hi. I’m Flynn.” She said, and Y/N couldn’t help the smile on her face. If only she had been friends with these two in high school…
“That’s the one.” Julie nodded, and she paused for a moment, listening to someone Flynn couldn’t see. “And according to Reggie, you stood in her earlier.” Julie informed, earning a giggle from Flynn.
“I… Nope, this is weird.” Flynn sighed, standing up and beginning to pace, and Julie stood up in response, worried. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry… It’s just. It’s weird not seeing, or hearing them…” Flynn admitted, and Julie nodded in understanding, placing her hands on Flynn’s shoulders to stop the pacing.
“I know… It sucks… for all of us.” Julie confirmed to her best friend the feelings of the ghosts lounged over her furniture, but the words seemed to strike an idea in Flynn’s head.
“Can you guys all sing something?” She asked, looking in the general direction of the couches, managing to meet Reggie’s eye contact, who sat up a little straighter, waving his hand to make sure she couldn’t actually see him. “I mean, you all appear when you sing with Julie, I’d get to see all your stupid faces again.” Flynn shrugged.
“It’s not a bad idea.” Alex posited, pulling his drumsticks from his back pocket.
“Ok, but Y/N picks the song.” Reggie suggested, to the shared chuckles of the ghosts and Julie, who quickly explained that the guys were up for it, just picking a song. The girls sat back down as Y/N sat up and flicked through the marked pages of Luke’s book, stopping on ‘Bright’. She handed the book over to Luke with the song picked, and he grinned, closing his eyes for a moment before his guitar appeared in his hands.
The sound of drumsticks against wood filled the air around Flynn before it was joined quickly by a soft guitar, and the soft hums of three boys in perfect harmony, setting Julie up to sing.
“Sometimes I think I’m falling down, I wanna cry, I’m calling out for one more try, to feel alive.” Julie sang along, Flynn watching in awe as it seemed the light started to shift around the couches and armchairs. “And when I feel lost and alone, I know that I can make it home, right through the dark, you find the spark. Life is a risk, but I will take it, close my eyes and jump. Together I think that we can make it, come on let’s run.” Flynn let out a squeal as the guys suddenly appeared out of thin air, Alex drumming away on the table edge as Reggie and Luke sang harmonies under Julie, the latter strumming the guitar.
“And rise through the night, you and I, we will fight to shine together, bright forever.” The lyrics were distorted a little by shared laughter in the room thanks to Flynn’s squeal, but the music was still beautiful, nonetheless. “And rise through the night, you and I, we will fight to shine together, bright forever.”
On the other side of the spectral veil, Y/N sat crossed legged on the couch, reading along as the band sang, her head swaying gently as she watched them perform just for Flynn, and in some ways, her.
“In times that I doubted myself, I felt like I needed some help.” Luke sang, trying to keep his eyes on his guitar with very little success. “Stuck in my head, with nothing left.” As Reggie and Julie joined in on separate harmony lines, Luke’s eyes travelled up to Y/N’s. “I feel something around me now, it’s so unclear, lifting me out. I found the ground I'm marching on.” Luke sent a wink to Y/N, who let out a laugh. From Flynn’s point of view, it very much looked like the band’s lead guitarist had winked at a pillow.
“Y/N, I swear if you don’t start singing to at least try and become visible, you can take your compliments about my dress sense back because we can’t be friends.” Flynn spoke over the boys and Julie singing the chorus, and Y/N sat up straight, glancing down at the words on the piece of paper and looking back up at the band around her, each one of them urging her to give them something, Luke most of all. It wasn’t just the fact that Flynn wouldn’t let it go until she saw Y/N, but Luke knew how amazing she actually was.
“Come on Y/N, please?” Julie pleaded, thinking it was at least worth a shot. Y/N found herself taking a deep breath and nodding, Luke tilting his guitar to point to their starting point.
“In times that I doubted myself,” Luke began to sing with just the tap of Alex’s stick accompanying him, but on the last word a female voice arose from the air, joining on a high harmony line. “I felt like I needed some help. Stuck in my head, with nothing left.” The notes became clearer by the minute, and Flynn let out a gasp as a girl started to fade into existence. She was sat cross legged on the couch in a pretty black dress, her eyes screwed shut as she sang along with Luke, who couldn’t stop smiling at her.
“And when I feel lost and alone, I know that I can make it home.” Julie joined in for the last lines of the bridge, Luke dropping out to leave the two girls singing. “Fight through the dark and find the spark…” Y/N found her eyes finally opening on the song’s last line, glancing over to find Flynn looking straight at her, to find everyone looking straight at her. As Luke strummed the last chord of the song, Y/N flashed into thin air, the boys following soon after.
“I saw her! For a hot minute there I thought Luke had some sort of imaginaey girlfriend, maybe you guys were just letting him have his moment, but that was a whole person on that couch.” Flynn jumped up from her chair, pointing at right where she had seen Y/N, who was wide eyed and staring at the music on her lap.
How did that happen? How was she visible without Caleb’s help? It just didn’t make sense to her. And with the thought of Caleb came the harsh reminder of what she was trying to do: how she was trying to make the guys, make Luke, give up their dreams with Julie. Willie’s words were ringing her head, and they quickly had her hyperventilating.
“Y/N, hey, are you alright?” Luke asked, placing his hand on hers, and she looked up nodding quickly.
“I just…” She started, but couldn’t quite find the words.
“It’s awesome, right?” Reggie said with a grin, and she nodded slightly, knowing not to correct him.
“Girls! Girls, pizza’s here!” A man’s voice shouted from outside the studio door, Julie and Flynn sharing a glance before Julie jumped to her feet.
“I’ll see you all tomorrow?” Julie promised, and the guys nodded, waving her and Flynn off as they left for the main house.
“I… I think I ought to go as well, actually.” Y/N spoke up after a moment of silence, still trying to process what had just happened. “Someone will probably try checking on me soon, if they haven’t already.” She said, quickly getting up from the couch and placing Luke’s journal on the table. “It was… It was really nice to meet you guys.” She smiled, starting a quick walk out, the trio watching her walk through the door.
“You going to go kiss her or what, Luke?” Alex spoke up after a moment, the guitarist looking up at his bandmates, then the door, and suddenly jumping to his feet to follow Y/N out.
“Y/N, Y/N wait!” Luke called out as he ran through the door, bumping into the back of her and sending her towards the ground. In a lightning quick move, he managed to catch her before she hit concrete, looking down at her wide eyes and shocked face.
“You really ought to watch where you’re going, Denim.” She breathed out, letting Luke help her back to her feet, though the distance between them only became smaller.
“I wanted to thank you for coming tonight, properly.” Luke said softly, his hand finding hers and their fingers interlacing. Y/N looked up into his eyes, finding their lips inches from one another. It was so tempting, to just give in to her better judgement and kiss him, to tell him everything: but then everything flashed before her eyes, and she couldn’t find the courage to do it. What would he think of her, once she told him what she had helped Caleb do to them?
“Don’t do that.” She whispered softly, her heart breaking at the sight of Luke’s smile turning to a frown, a coldness worse than the winds at the beach coming over her as he took his hand from hers and moved away.
“I’m sorry I thought that was what…” Luke started, and Y/N jumped to her own defence.
“It is!” She admitted, looking down at her shoes. “Just… I’m not ready yet.” She lied, but Luke seemed to believe it wholeheartedly. “I’m sorry.” She added, more for herself than Luke: at least she would know she apologised to him.
“Don’t apologise, Y/N. There’s nothing to forgive.” Luke assured her, pulling her into a hug. She hugged him back tightly, her arms wrapping around his neck as he held her up on her tiptoes.
If only you knew, Denim… If only.
“See you around.” She said with a smile and they pulled away, Y/N capturing the image of him waving goodbye in her head as she vanished back to her room at the hotel, hoping she could just slip into her bed until morning.
A floorboard creaked behind her in the dark room, and it seemed she wouldn’t be so lucky.
“Well, hello, little sunset.”
After Julie and Y/N’s departures, the guys found themselves outside, taking turns shooting for the basketball hoop that hung just above the studio doors. Luke took a few paces back with the ball before shooting and sinking the shot, receiving a cheer from Alex while Reggie scooped up the ball from the ground, spinning it between his hands.
“Feels like we should be celebrating, or something…” Reggie said with a shrug. The night had been a success, sure, but when a night had gone well back in the 90s, they would have gone out on the strip, seen a movie, done something big to celebrate. “What do you wanna do?” He asked, but they were interrupted.
A jolt hit them all at the same time, the pain from it so severe that it sent both Reggie and Luke to the floor, and had Alex doubling over in pain.
“Not that.” The blonde muttered, holding his stomach as he tried to straighten up, the pain fading almost as soon as it arrived.
“That wasn’t like the other ones… It’s getting worse.” Luke said softly, pulling himself up from the drive-set and dusting off his trousers.
“Why is this happening to us?” Reggie asked, leaning on his knees for support as he tried to get his breath back, the confused expressions on his bandmates’ faces giving no answers whatsoever.
“It’s because you guys are in serious trouble.” Out of thin air, Willie came into view, walking towards the three boys with a look of deep concern as he saw the aftermath of a jolt. They turned to look at the intruder on their conversation, Alex taking a step forward at the appearance of his… Whatever he and Willie were.
“We need to talk…”
Willie knew the best way to keep off of Caleb’s radar was to a) move during club hours and b) stay walking. He wasn’t sure how, but Caleb had a sense for when people poofed in and out of his hotel, or when one of his workers did anything.
He had done his best to explain on their walk over to the Hollywood strip, but the guys still had plenty of questions.
“So, all these jolts that we’re feeling is because Caleb put his stamp on us?” Luke had to clarify, not sure he got it quite right. He had been seeing red the whole walk over, zoning in and out of the conversation.
“He’s threatened by you!” Willie exclaimed, the quartet coming to a natural stop so Willie could lay out their situation plain and simple. “He wants you under his control. I mean, you’re the only ghosts that can be visible to lifers without his help.” Reggie was about to correct him, tell Willie about Y/N and her visibility only a few hours before, but Alex stepped up first.
“And you let him do this to us?” He asked Willie, not quite sure what to think of the handsome skater boy. Sure, he had told them what was happening, but he still helped in making it happen.
“I can’t stop him. He owns my soul!” Willie defended himself. “All right? He owns everybody’s soul at that club. If he even knew I was here talking to you he… he would destroy me…” Willie trailed off, allowing Luke to step in.
“Everybody’s soul?” He asked, Reggie and Alex sending a look his way, something close to pity. Willie just nodded. “So, was she in on it too? Did she help?” Luke demanded an answer, and Willie sighed.
“Y/N is Caleb’s right hand… She’s been at the club for a quarter century I-” Willie paused, looking down. “Look, I may have found Alex but… But I came into this unwillingly. Y/N on the other hand… She wanted the challenge… I’m sorry.”
Willie’s words hit Luke straight in his core, and he found himself walking back and leaning on the closest wall, running his fingers through his hair as he tried to come to terms with the information: Y/N wasn’t morally grey like Willie, she was straight up a bad guy, maybe even worse than Caleb. She had seen Julie and The Phantoms perform; she knew how much their music meant to every single one of them.
“So if we don’t join his club, then the weird power outage thing continues until there’s no power left at all?” Reggie asked, sending a worried glance Luke’s way, but knowing if the distraught guitarist missed something he and Alex would catch him up.
“What exactly happens when the power goes out?” Reggie asked the first of his follow up questions.
“That’s… That’s it… You’re done.” Willie gulps as he spoke.
“Uh-huh. Yeah. And what exactly do you mean by ‘we’re done’?” Reggie asked again, growing impatient.
“You just!” Willie finally got to the answer the trio needed. “You don’t exist… Anymore. Not anywhere.”
“So we have no choice?” Luke spoke up for the first time in a while, pulling himself to his feet with a wipe of his watery eyes. “We have to say goodbye to Julie, give up everything we’ve built together, and work for Caleb? Work with her?” He asked, anger bubbling over. Not just at the predicament they found themselves in, but the fact that saying her name would remind him how he felt about her: in spite of all this, he still wanted her, still liked her. “That’s some club you got going on.” He muttered when Willie hesitated on his answer.
“But there is another option. That’s why I’m here. Just… Please. Hear me out.” He pleaded when Alex rolled his eyes, the boys falling silent to let him continue. “All right. If you guys could just figure out what your unfinished business is, you do it in time, you could cross over and be free from all of this.”
“Ok, so what’s our unfinished business?” Luke asked.
“I don’t know, but since you all died at the same time, you know, it might be something you need to do together.” Willie tried to offer a suggestion, but Alex was having none of it, stepping forward to push Willie a step back.
“Ok but why should we listen to a word you say?” He asked with a scoff, only to look up and meet those big puppy dog eyes that had him falling for the skater in the first place.
“Because I care about you, Alex.” Willie admitted, and Alex backed down. “And I hate that I brought you, and your friends into this mess. I uh…” He was getting teary eyed. “I can’t be away much longer… I’m sorry. For everything.” And with that, he vanished, leaving the three bandmates on the sidewalk alone.
“This is all my fault…” Alex started, shaking his head in disbelief. “I… I met Willie, Willie introduced us to Caleb, to Y/N, and now…Now we’re screwed…” He trailed off, Luke letting out a sigh.
“We all wanted to go see Caleb… And I went back to the club to see her I…” Luke ran a hand through his hair.
“We have to go tell Julie.” Reggie added to the conversation, receiving a stern look from both Alex and Luke.
“No, we can’t do that. All this means is more loss in her life.” Luke argued. First Julie’s mom, then them? That was too much for her to bear alone. “But if we don’t want Caleb to own our souls we have to figure out our unfinished business.”
“Yeah, man. And how are we supposed to do that?” Alex asked with a shrug of his shoulders. “All right? There was so much we wanted to do.” Luke nodded in defeat, glancing just past look in search of something, anything that might make light of the situation. Instead, he did a double take at the neon sign on the strip, one he had walked past the night before. “What is it?” Alex asked.
“Yeah, but the night we died, there was one thing we all wanted to do together.” Luke walked past the pair, Reggie and Alex’s following to where Luke’s were focused.
“Play the Orpheum?” Reggie asked the rhetorical question, all three now focused on the neon blue sign across the street.
“Getting that gig was literally impossible.” Alex reminded. “Even after people knew who we were, we had to hustle, call in every favour we had. It took years.” Another jolt went through them all, as bad as the last if not worse, sending all three doubling over in pain.
“Yeah, well,” Luke coughed out, taking a moment to stand up straight again. “We don’t have years.”
Part Five is here...
Tags: @im-a-writer-right​ @elioelioeli0​ @jenjen889​ @walkingonshunshine​ @parkeret​ @lolychu​ @leahstypewriter​ @j-mar-memester​ @sunsetcurve-h​ @musicconversedance​ @gracefulpenguin​ @shae-is-not-ok​ @talksoprettyjjx​ @smol-book-nerd​ @lord-of-the-fried​ @siennanoelle01​ @deadpoolgirl23​ @theatricalfangirl​ @deepsleepnat @hhyunj1n​ @lovesanimals​
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kaisa-ryo · 3 years
Satoru Gojo NSFW Alphabet
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Warning: English isn't my native language!
A = Aftercare (What he likes after sex)
With slow movements, stroke your back with your large palms. Gently fingering your hair and mumbling something about your uniqueness. Then he will pause and move on to deeper caresses. Goose bumps will cover your whole body, and your heart will pound madly, which will cause an involuntary smile from Gojo. Let it be some strange mantric nonsense, a mysterious spell, with the help of which you can finally hide from everyone around you.
How rarely do you experience such a feeling of security, while the beloved man experiences an equally rare feeling - the love of the closest person, which gives him confidence for the whole day.
B = Body part (His favorite body part)
At least because he considers her an integral part of the female body. And if you have it of impressive size - expect especially great attention to them. Namely licking, biting, scarlet sucking, spanking ... But don't think that this will only happen with big breasts. Medium or small, too, will not be left without affection. Seen from the outside, most of them may seem like feminine signs that complement orientation and are able to give relationships with a man such inner harmony that will make them extremely desirable.
The first place on your body where he will leave marks is your chest.
C = Cum (Everything about sperm)
He loathes condoms, for which you constantly sulk at him, because you have to take birth control pills, and this, by the way, is not very pleasant. And in general, obeying the rules is not his forte. Therefore, he is firmly convinced that he possesses the mysterious art of doing what is beneficial to him alone.
D = Dirty secret
Not to say that it can be safely called a "dirty secret", but he has thoughts of selling you into sexual slavery to himself. Such thoughts first appeared in him when he realized that with your charm you were making him ill and, in a sense, making him weaker. And what an unpleasant humiliation for him, when the ideal woman of his fantasies suddenly appears out of nowhere and by her very existence spoils all his megalomania. To tell you the truth, this fact even turns him on a little. Based on this, he came to the conclusion that he will subdue you completely and completely with the help of sexual slavery.
Is it strange? Depends on how much you go crazy over him.
E = Experience
Gojo himself considers this question to be slightly incorrect. For example, if he had fucked other women before you, then you cannot say for sure that in those moments he definitely knew what to do. And if he hasn’t "shoved" anyone before you, it will always be possible to gain experience from a variety of sources of the vast networked web.
But if we talk about it, then in such cases he is helped by confidence and high self-esteem. Which gives him a considerable advantage in the field of sexual relations.
F = Favorite position
When you swing your leg over his shoulder, and he continuously pushes, biting and licking the inner thigh. This action drives you crazy, and you are ready to beg him not to stop. When he reaches orgasm, you scream, and he squeezes you in his arms, showered you with kisses and pushes his excited flesh into your vagina, while he himself shakes with laughter. You know that this obscene act brings him such pleasure that he cannot stop. You cling to it with all your might, as if hoping that it will not stop and you will be able to reach the highest point of bliss. Therefore, it is so important for him to control the lower part of your body.
G = Goofy (Are you serious at this moment?)
Not at all.
In a sense, for him, this is nothing more than entertainment. But it also happens that he, fascinated by your alluring body, smell, look, goes crazy. And then anything can happen.
H = Hair (Is the hair ok?)
Once you asked him to put things in order at least once, after that you realized that it was useless, because instead of answering, he just laughed loudly.
I = Intimacy (Romance)
Yes, sometimes.
Even despite the fact that he does not treat women as much as, for example, Nanami, he considers his passion an exception, although, perhaps, not in all cases. He is pleased that he is considered some kind of incomprehensible male - “this is not even a man, but such a little dummy who thinks of nothing but sweets” - and this is a compliment for him. The most important thing is that you like to feel your exclusivity.
In his opinion, he considers the most romantic moment for you when he looks you in the eye. Well, of course, he is so tall and also with eyes, in which the whole universe seems to fit. Therefore, in order to impress you once again, he takes off the blindfold, looks into your eyes and says something very pleasant about you in a bewitching voice. And at the moment when you already lose the power of speech from this - bends down and kisses on the lips. He knows perfectly well that you will not resist one hundred percent before such.
J = Jack off (masturbation)
Never. Seriously, never.
He will not humiliate himself so much in front of himself, but in front of you ... there is even nothing to answer.
— I have never done this before... I will appreciate it if you teach me! — said Gojo, smiling broadly and spreading his arms to the sides.
— Quite a fool or what?..
— Oh? So can you show me how it's done? The man asked with a sad and obviously feigned expression on his face.
— Why don't you start doing it at all? What's so sexy about that?
In other words, he does not need this, because for such cases he always has you.
K = Kink (Kinks and fetishes)
Light BDSM elements such as bondage, gags, collars ... especially the black blindfold. He just goes crazy when he sees you with her. It seems that you imitate him, ready for all dirty manipulations, just to become like him. Heck.
After such a night, he will repeatedly hint that he really liked your yesterday's image. It is unlikely that you want to again fall for his next trick to trick you with various perversions. Not to mention, he'll drag you into bed anyway. You have no options, baby.
L = Location (Favorite places to have sex)
Prefers on the bed. He's not so much a fan of public places or hiding places. But if we talk about the audience ... he loves to play with your pussy with his fingers, so that you feel awkward and uncomfortable all the way home. But it's worth your wet panties.
M = Motivation
When you say how you want it at the most unexpected moment. Yes, yes, at least in the same audience. For him, this is the most exciting thing that can be with him. He had already checked everything before, no doubt. And such a mess in his thoughts, it’s just not clear why he should fight the curse when he can take you right here? Someday he will do so, believe me.
N = No (Which won't do)
Something for which you will not want to see him for a long time.
He may never show such an emotion as longing, but he certainly does. Just at such moments. When he comes to apologize to you, he will hide it again. According to many men in the world, girls do not take offense for long. True for Gojo, these words seem to be a lie, because you have been ignoring and abstracting from him for the third week. He thinks that this is natural, because he considers you not like everyone else. But it only makes my soul worse. Maybe he really was so guilty? Then it's really monstrous. Why hadn't he thought about it before? But anyone knows that it's his ego. It was then that he realizes that even the strongest make mistakes.
O = Oral (Likes to receive or to give)
Get. Do you know what his trick is? He always tries to give you as much as possible, so that in a fit of excitement you give him twice, because giving pleasure to you does not tire him at all! It's like swinging, only you don't understand that you are giving him not yourself, but your body, and you give it to him at that moment when you still don't know that you are giving him and yourself. You don't even notice it. So it gives him a huge plus. Not a bad bonus for you.
P = Pace
In this regard, variations take over. He even has his own trick - to scroll the first song that comes to mind and adjust to its rhythm. And oh God, such harmless stupidity does such amazing things... (!)
Q = Quickie
Also not unambiguous.
From the very beginning, it's kind of like very slow introductions, specifically for you to beg him to speed up. Stretching on a sense of anticipation that creeps through you. Satoru will maintain a slow pace until he moves his hips on his own to match his movements. And only then it will gradually pick up the desired speed.
R = Risk (Ready to experiment)
Anytime, just ask!
He himself does not mind trying something new, but only when you are completely sure that sex will be successful. Otherwise it will be awkward and unpleasant. While these are experiments after all, anything can go wrong. And it's one thing when you really think about the consequences, it's another thing when you have no doubt that as a result of "new" sex there will be a lot of pleasant sensations. But if you don't try, you won't know, right?
You also urge Satoru to be taken seriously and responsibly. By the way, an interesting fact — he ignores words about responsibility, but at the same time, in some magical way, everything goes perfectly. Well, in that case, you are lucky with a man, congratulations.
S = Stamina (Stamina)
Always adjusts to you.
He cannot enjoy the process if you are already exhausted just lying on the bed and trying to grab at least some notes of ecstasy. Perhaps this theory seems primitive, but Gojo believes that any sexual intercourse is nothing more than a change in posture, the purpose of which is to make intimacy pleasant. After all, it is also part of a complex whole in which body and mind harmoniously merge. Certainly not an indicator of sensitivity, as one might expect, but also not one's own narcissism.
T = Toys
Not an ardent fan, but there is some interest, and a very big one.
If he is out shopping and stumbles upon a "sex shop", prepare for the fact that he will bring everything that was there to your home and some strange enlightenment session will begin, because you did not even know about the existence of many toys.
— This one? Maybe this one? Or is it this one? Look how interesting!
— Gojo ... did you seriously empty the entire store just to show it to me?..
— The opinion of my beloved woman is much more important for me than the schedule for the import of new goods into the store.
— Why does it seem to me that you are laughing at me?
U = Unfair (Does he like to tease)
Yes! Yes! And yes again!
As mentioned earlier, he likes it when you beg him to speed up. But what if he stops altogether? Or maybe pull the cock out of your slit? There will be no limit to your charming whine! As soon as he does this, you try to put yourself on the penis on your own, while he, grinning, does not let you do it. As a reward, he sticks the head into your hole and again starts hammering like crazy into your hole.
V = Volume (How loud is it)
The only sounds he makes are short chuckles. They serve as a sign that he likes your movements, actions and moans. Sometimes he allows himself to snort. This is also a kind of signal - he experiences excitement from the same movements ... actions... moans... oh...
W = Wild card (Random headcanon)
Once you had such a case that after he finished, you immediately lost consciousness. And when she woke up, she decided that she had already died. You told about this to Sator, sitting next to you, who burst into loud laughter. He told how you passed out right at the end of sex, explaining that the blame for everything is his magnificence, just the same, leading to a swoon.
* In fact, for three minutes he could not understand what was happening and for an hour he tried to bring you to consciousness. And you lost it not because of its magnificence, but because of its multi-orgasm. As a result of this incident, the man did not do this with you for a while, as it was a little awkward. At that moment, the thought crossed his mind that he really killed you. And he still cannot forget it, although he has long ago got rid of such ridiculous thoughts associated with you and your fragile body.
X = X-ray (What's under the clothes)
19.5 cm, during erection ± 2
Y = Yearning (How high is the sex drive)
A serene magician never looks for a reason to do this with you. Only if you don't want it yourself. Sometimes it happens - completely on your initiative, and sometimes he independently makes you want it. This Devil with a bandage seems to see all your weaknesses from the most obvious, to the most secret and intimate: whispering in your ear, changing the timbre in his voice to a lower touch of his hands that slightly tickle your face ... He has a lot of ways to make you want what no matter how he spoke.
Therefore, to be honest - 7/10
Z = Zzz (How quickly falls asleep)
Are you sure he ever sleeps at all?
The most recurring case is when he watches you for a long time until he is sure that you are definitely asleep. Following, he will kiss you somewhere in the area of ​​the ear and go about his business.
But if we consider a rare case, then everything will turn out the other way around: it will wait for you to wake up to ask how you slept. The perfect moment to be alone with him without any obligation.
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harmoni-me · 3 years
Hello! I’m not sure if your requests are still open but, if they are here you go! I wanted to ask if you could write me a request of Nagito Komaeda x a reader who is the ultimate Chess Master? I kinda wanted to imagine him falling in love or already dating his S/O who plays chess as a professional and is more on the kinder side when it comes to him. Good luck! 💖
Ooo! This is such a unique concept, and I absolutely love it! Writing it was an absolute joy! Thank you so much for the amazing request <3
Nagito Komaeda x Ultimate Chess Master Reader!
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The ultimate nurse, the ultimate swords-woman, the ultimate photographer…everyone in this class seemed to posses such interesting talents. It made you feel quite jealous, in some sort of way.
Now, of course you never thought of your talent as boring, useless, or unnecessary in the slightest! After all, you were the Ultimate Chess Master. You believed that everyone should try chess at least once before inflicting their nasty opinions on the strategic game. Unfortunately, that was already too late when it came to…basically your entire school life.
In Elementary, you would ask the kids on the playground to play a quick game of speed chess, because you thought it was a fun way to spend time with friends! But all you got in return were child-built insults, saying that chess was stupid and boring. It’s quite ridiculous to admit, but those comments still float around your mind sometimes. Kids were harsh, still are…
In Middle School, you had a few close friends, and when you asked one of them to try playing a game of chess with you, all they did was look at you weirdly, a look that only seemed to scream “uh, are you serious?”. This was when you started to question your liking for chess. Was it that weird? Am I the only one my age that thinks that chess is actually a fun game?
Now, you were sitting in class at Hope’s Peak Academy, a school full of the elite, yet…
This was the first time you felt truly, whole-heartily ashamed about your love for the game of chess.
“Are you kidding me? Chess? You got into this school for an old-people game like CHESS!? Pfft-!” A girl in twin blonde pony tails and an orange kimono let out a shrill of laughter.
“An…old people game….?” You muttered to yourself, steadily becoming a little closed off from the rest of the class.
You’re love for chess was parallel to how you played, which was almost unbeatable on a professional level, yet…
Why were these comments crushing your heart? Why did it make your love for the game waver?
Class continued like normal, just a little lecture to start off the rest of our high school lives. You honestly weren’t paying attention, your focus more attentive to your little chess notebook, filing it with strategies you wanted to try against high-level computer AI.
Though, it would be nice to have even a complete beginner to play with every once and awhile, though, you might be asking for too much.
Great, more harassment.
You turned around slightly in your seat, and looked down at the ground it see a crumpled piece of notebook paper that had hit you in the back. You picked it up, and looked around to try and figure out a potential culprit, but it seemed as if everyone was acting normal. No dice, then.
Unfolding the messy ball of paper as quietly as possible, you read what seemed to be words written on the inside.
Meet me in the library today after school, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to be seen with trash like me
The wording on the letter was…strange, but that didn’t stop you from feeling a tiny firework of joy in your heart. Yet, you couldn’t help but feel more nervous than joyous due to how the letter was written. It was surely vague, but it really seemed like the writer as quite the low self esteem.
You were suspicious, but honestly, what could go wrong? It had to be someone from the class that you were just introduced to, so at least it’s not like a blind date sort of thing…
The more you thought about it, the more it actually seemed like a blind date. Nice.
Time seemed to move incredibly slow for the whole rest of the school day, but eventually, the bell had rung, and you were out the door in a heartbeat.
After a little while of asking for directions to the school library, you finally reached your desired location: An absolutely humongous cavern of probably any book one could think of.
Only a couple of students were residing in this literal book mansion, and none of which you recognized.
“I guess they’re not here yet…” You mumbled, sitting yourself by a large, lit fireplace. As the warmth from the flames licked your skin, steadily causing you to naturally relax all of the tensed muscles that were stuck to your bones.
You pulled out your phone, and automatically started a game of online chess with a random opponent. The game was done in a mere ten minutes. The other player was no doubt new to the game, but that’s ok, you were there once too.
You suddenly heard a subtle clunk next to you, making your gaze wander to that direction. It was that boy from your class, the lucky boy. You remember him clearly because you thought his hair resembled a fluffy cloud. The two of you made eye contact, his foggy green eyes squinting a bit when he smiled at you, warming your heart a smidge.
“Y/N L/N, correct? I hope you don’t mind my presence, though it’s ok if you do, I would never blame you on something that’s not your fault.” The thin male crouched down to take a seat on the floor with you, sitting cross-legged.
“Yep, that’s me…and I actually kind of appreciate the meeting, honestly. Even if you just came for simple company, I think that’s very nice of you, especially since everyone in the class already thinks my talent is boring and all…Nagito Komaeda, right? I’m happy to meet you.” You shot a warm smile to the boy, causing him to reciprocate.
“You’re too kind to such untalented scum like myself, all I have is the Devil’s luck, after all! I can’t even control any of it! So I’m glad someone like me can be used as a stepping stone for you to be a beacon of hope!” Nagito chuckled, humored by his own self loathing.
You flipped your whole body to face the living incarnate of a four-leaf clover, “Well, um, on a personal note, I don’t think you’re scum. At all. I think your talent is anything but boring…I also think you’re…quite kind, for hanging out with someone like myself.” Fiddling with your uniform sleeves in nervousness. You just want him to feel better about himself.
The boy went quiet, his smile dwindling from your comment. Was he not used to compliments?
After a few moments in silence, Nagito gazed into your eyes, a new type of smile prettily stitched onto his features. It was almost like this expression was more…vulnerable, uncovering itself under layers upon layers of facades. His face almost made you breath out a sigh of relief at how comforting and relieving his genuine expression was.
“I would like to play with you. I-If you would let me, of course.” Nagito gestured his hands downwards to the chess set he had placed onto the ground since the very beginning. And how did you not notice that? It may or may not be the fact that the boy in front of you seemed to be way more intriguing.
You’re eyes widened as sudden happiness started to flow through every vein within your body. The excitement washed over your soul, rejuvenating it’s prior state of melancholy dreariness. Was…he was serious, right?
“Really…?” Was all that you managed to squeak, causing the lucky student to tilt his head in wonder.
“Hm? Well, of course…I don’t really know who else I would be aski-“
“C-Can we please play speed chess!?” You sputtered, the passion and the fireplace flames reflecting off of your eyes to reveal in an enticing glow.
“Speed Chess?” Questioned the frizzy-haired boy, though he did seem quite interested at your sudden burst of energy.
“Yeah! It’s also commonly referred to as Blitz Chess, and it’s like chess, but you have a very short amount of time to make your moves! It’s super duper fun, and if you want even more fun, then we could also play Bullet Chess! It’s even faster, and a game only takes roughly three minutes if you…keep up…the…pace…” Your words started to get quieter and more mumbled. God, you totally forgot the two of you were in a library, how embarrassing….
A hearty laugh spilled out of Nagito’s mouth, the corners of his lips turning upward to the ceiling. You looked down in pathetic nature. That was totally something to laugh at…
“Though I would consider myself a newbie when it come to chess, speed chess sounds lovely.” Nagito smiled, his pointer finger playing and twirling around the queen piece’s crown.
“Ah, a-alright, well, lets get started, shall we?” You stuttered, with joy obviously evident within your voice.
                                       .   .   .
Unsurprising to you, you had won all three games of speed chess against Nagito, though, it was surprising how close each game was. the more you thought about it, the more you realized his luck most likely aids him whenever he plays. Definitely one of the most interesting opponents you’ve been up against, whether it would be for casual online play, or in-person tournaments.
“Ah, bummer, I guess someone as useless as me shouldn’t even try to come close to beating you!” The boy ruffled his cloud-like locks, laughing at his loss.
“Hey! You had me worried for a few turns there, you were no pushover at all, Nagito!” You proclaimed, frustrated on why he would still think that, even thought the game results were all obviously pretty close.
“Also, please don’t say that your useless…it makes me really sad, because it’s not true at all.” You looked up at him with eyes that reflected something that had never burned so brightly before, and Nagito noticed.
Those eyes, previously clouded from the despair given from others, were now shining with a glimmering hope…and he drew that out from you…by simply playing a mere few games of chess.
For a moment, and only for a moment, he believed your words. Maybe he wasn’t so useless, he helped you find your smile and joy, right? Maybe…maybe…
“Oh yeah!” You shot up, causing Nagito to snap out of his thoughtful daze. You stuck your hand out to him, waiting for reciprocation.
“A handshake, to wish a good game among equals.” You encouraged the boy, wanting for him to fully indulge into what it was like to play the game in a professional, yet somewhat casual setting.
The boy looked at your hand, observing everything. Your nails, your fingertips, your knuckles, all the way down to your wrist. Equals, huh…
Nagito then slowly reached out to your hand, grasping onto it gently, yet it felt like it was the most comfortable fit he could’ve imagined. He wanted the warmth from your soft skin to seep into his cold hands, wanting that heat to slowly fill the rest of his frozen body, all the way up to his thawing heart. Though he didn’t linger any more on the handshake than he needed to, not wanting to make it uncomfortable for you.
But god, did he want to hold on forever.
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bebepac · 3 years
A Quarter For Your Thoughts
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This is chapter 6 of Just The Way You are.  To catch up on what you’ve been reading click:  Just the Way You Are Masterlist
The Book:  CROSSOVER: Perfect Match x TRR
Pairing:  Hayden x Kai  /  TRR MC is single (past pairing includes Nico Karahalios) 
Word Count: 2489
Summary:  Liam walks Riley home after some strange things happens.  Even more strange events continue as Liam goes inside Riley’s apartment for the first time.  Hayden and Kai have a date night out with Dipper.  
Riley, Liam, Hayden, Kai, Chance and Dipper, all belong to Pixelberry, all others are my own characters to help tell our story. 
Warnings: Mention of character death, Profanity.
This is my submission for @choicesfebchallenge​ day #9  Chance.  Which I took completely literal. 
A/N:  DW is at it again.  We have two special guest stars in this episode  Pops and Mia visit Just The Way You Are, from my series: Pops Place. The dynamic is slightly different as they have crossed into this AU.  You’ll see. 
Song Inspiration:  “If I Could Turn Back The Hands Of Time” R Kelly 
I don’t own rights to the Music.
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She walked in silence with Liam, holding the quarter tight in her hand. Could Liam have given it to her? It didn't make sense, why or how she got the coin, unless Nico really came to her. But Riley didn't believe in the supernatural, Riley barely believed in God in recent years, her faith completely shaken, and honestly nonexistent after Nico's untimely passing.
The idea of peace of having religion in her life Riley found comforting. However, she hated the idea of the same entity that placed Nico in her life for her to love, had not even two years later ripped him away from her so suddenly, it was cruel.  How could something supposedly so good,  be so cruel?
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He murdered Nico. That's what Donovan Jacobs did when he decided to get behind the wheel of his SUV knowing he should not be driving and him striking Nico's SUV, essentially taking the greatly loved father, son, soon to be fiancé (we know Riley would have accepted his proposal), and best friend. There was hurt and anger in Riley's heart now for it and he was going to feel every bit of it when she gazed upon his face at the trial.
Riley had only seen Donovan's picture in the paper. But trust and believe she hated the man.
"Are you going home Riley? Maybe you should lay down for a bit once you get there."
"That might be a good idea."
"Do you mind if I walk  with you? I just don't want you to get dizzy again and be alone."
Riley nodded.
He helped her gather her blanket and guitar. He glanced down seeing a little cop car on his headstone.
"That's cute."
"Nico was a criminal profiler for the NYPD. His son left it."
"You have a son?"
"He's not my blood, but I feel like he's mine. He just turned 10 two months ago.  He’s still a very large part of my life. I see him at least several times a week."
"That's good you’ve stayed consistent for him. Often times... when relationships.....end... the kids are left missing the person they got to know."
"He has a lot of father figures in his life now to try to help him cope, my brother and my friends, we make sure he's loved."
"That's noble of your friends."
When they arrived at the apartment she noticed Liam was sweating a little.
"Do you want to come up and cool off for a bit? Maybe have a drink?"
"I don't drink."
"It's barely past noon. I'm not an alcoholic. I meant like lemonade or something."
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Liam laughed,  "My bad. Sure."
Liam followed Riley to her apartment. Her door was painted a bright pink.
"That's unique."
She glanced at him.
"That means you hate it."
"No it's unique. I like pink.  Men can like pink."
He winked at Riley.
Riley opened the door to her apartment.
Putting her keys in the dish beside the door. Riley's apartment was spacious, decorated, nice and neat.
"Here Chance!"  She called out to a small Corgi that came running around the corner.
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Riley was a few paces in front of Liam.  Chance ran right around Riley and barked happily at Liam.
Riley turned around and looked at Liam.
Liam picked up Chance and laughed as he licked his  face.
"Hey Buddy."
"He normally doesn't like strangers."
"Yeah I can tell he's absolutely ruthless. You've got quite the attack dog here Riley."
Riley laughed out loud.
He put Chance down.
Chance started rolling over on the floor, in front of Liam, and he had crouched down, giving Chance tummy scratches.
"My attack dog is absolutely worthless! See why I have a conceal and carry? He'd lick our intruder to death."
Liam smiled.
"Well at least he killed them. Kindness might not be the most effective route  though."
Riley burst out laughing.
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He loved her laugh, and she seemed to like his corny jokes.
"Do you mind if I use your bathroom?"
"Sure it's…." Riley's phone rang. She paused to answer.
Liam knew walked down the hallway. He knew exactly where it was.
When he was done he could hear Riley still on the phone.  She was speaking in Greek again.  He walked into her room glancing around it.  It caught the light of the sun. He walked to her night table and on it there was a man's watch.
He picked it up. Maybe she was seeing someone. He turned the watch over finding, it was broken and the time on the watch was 6:32. He knew immediately what he was looking at. Nico's watch, and time the accident happened.  He put the watch down and picked up the picture frame.  It was Riley, with who he was guessing was Nico, in a cute candid photo. Riley was wearing a blue dress her head tilted back laughing while Nico held her tight in his arms. When his fingers grazed the face of the watch he felt a jolt of electricity go through him causing the watch to drop back on the night table.
Laughter. Riley's laughter was soft in his ear. He wrapped his arms around her while he was wearing the watch.
What the?.... he thought. But it was still working. He noticed the second hand still moving. What is this? Liam thought.
"No, stay in bed with me. Both of us are off today."
That wasn't his voice he thought.
"I'm hungry, I'm going to make us some breakfast. You relax. You work so hard."
He hugged her tightly.  "You feed those curves Girl."
Riley got out of bed exposing her naked body to him.
Liam gasped. Holy hell!!! God she was perfect in every way.
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Then he heard his voice, but not his voice say..
"I love every inch of your sexy body Riley. You're so beautiful, you're my goddess."
She slipped her robe on. "Well your Goddess says go back to sleep." She kissed his lips softly.
"What are you doing?"
Liam jumped, and could still taste Riley on his lips when he opened his eyes.
He didn't know what happened, following her eyes to the floor. He had dropped her picture frame.
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"I'm so….so  sorry Riley."
"It's okay, just let me clean it up. You go back to the living room."
Riley was carefully picking up the pieces of glass.
She glanced back at Liam as he walked out the door. Chance followed behind him, like he was his shadow.
When she came back in the room both Liam and Chance looked sad. Chance was sitting on Liam's lap.
"I'm sooo sorry Riley." Liam's voice was so apologetic.
"It's okay Liam. It was an accident."  She carried two glasses of lemonade and handed him one.
"Thank you."
"I've never seen Chance so taken with someone."
In minutes, Chance had already fallen asleep in Liam's lap.
"He must recognize dog people. They always had therapy dogs visit  when I was in the hospital. Dogs are so good at sensing when you are alone, scared or sad."
"What were you in the hospital for?"
"Not winning the genetic lottery." Liam smiled weakly.
"Are you okay now?"
"Yes, Things are great!"
"My friend Drake says that all the time."
There was something about his life that he wasn't ready to share either. She could relate to that.
Riley changed the subject and they continued to talk. Time flew by.  Chance finally woke up.
"Oh thank God," Liam said standing up. "My legs are asleep."
"He does that to me too. Looks like you're his favorite person now."
"Then maybe we should see more of each other at places he might frequent.  I guess he can bring you along too, Riley. You know to the dog walking park, the fire hydrant right out front, the vet?”
Riley smiled again.  
“Chance you call me when you want to hang out brotha.”  
Riley bit her lip.  “Maybe Chance would like to have breakfast tomorrow.”  
“It is the most important meal of the day I hear.  We should start our day off right.  Good thinking Chance. I’d like that.”  
“Take care of yourself Riley.  See you tomorrow Chance.”  
Chance barked excitedly.  
Riley hurried and changed clothes to get ready to head over to Nico’s mother’s house for dinner.  
“I want to get out of the house tonight Hayden.  Let’s do something out tonight.”
“There’s a movie on the lawn at the park.”  
“What’s playing?”
“Since it's almost Halloween they are doing a Fright Night Series. Stir of Echoes.”  
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“Oooooh. Spooky I love that one!!!!!  What food truck do they have tonight?  Please say it’s Pop’s On The Go. I really need you to say it’s Pop’s on the Go.”  
“Well Kai I hate to disappoint you, but the food truck they’re having is…. Pop’s On The Go.”  
Kai was ready to be disappointed until she had realized fully what he said.
“Pops and Mia are so cute,  they banter back and forth together they are adorable.  I really wish they had an actual restaurant.  I definitely would eat there all the time.   His chilli cheese fries are life.”  
“So do we want blankets or folding chairs?”
“We want blankets,” they both said in unison smiling at each other.  
They got their blankets  and headed to the park with Dipper in tow.  
“Dipper be a good girl and mommy will give you some chilli cheese fries.”  
Dipper barked happily.
“You will not give our baby chilli cheese fries.  Has she had chilli cheese fries before?”
Kai shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe?"
“Kai, seriously?”
“She’s got a stomach of rocks like her Momma.”  
“You love me.”  
“Let’s get us our chilli cheese fries.  None for Dipper.”  
“Hey Pops!”  
“Kai! I knew I’d be seeing you tonight! You always seem to make it out this way when our truck is out here.”
“You have the best snacks around Pops.  Can we get two orders of chilli cheese fries, with two colas?”
“And I got something for you Dipper.”  
Pops took out a box of dog treats.  
“Got to make all my customers happy.”  
He handed Hayden dog treats for Dipper.
“Thank you Pops.”  
“Mia, did you make those shirts?”
Mia nodded.  
Pops and Mia were wearing matching shirts.  There were also a few hanging on the side of the van.  
“You should be in design school, you’d do really well there.”  
“It’s just a hobby.”
“Looks like an untapped revenue stream to me.”  Hayden responded.
“We’ll also be taking two of your shirts too.”  
Mia perked up.  “Really?”
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“See, I told you people would like them Pops.”
“Yep Pops, you’re looking stylish.”
Pop's stuck his chest out proudly. "She makes me a stylish and proud pops every day!"
Pops gave Mia a smile as she pulled down the shorts they wanted, and bagged them up.
They paid for their food and their shirts and picked a comfy spot on the lawn.
Hayden placed their blankets on the ground while Kai held the food.  He set up their large blanket first,  and even Dipper got her own Dipper sized blanket to curl up on and in.   Dipper quickly curled up on her own little blanket, while Hayden and Kai got settled under the tree.  
He loved watching Kai watch movies. She had so many. Hayden had to build another book shelf for Kai's DVD collection.  And this movie he had seen with her several times.  Kai was engrossed in the movie as if it was her first time watching it.
“And all this happened because he was hypnotized to be more open minded.  It’s crazy and I love it!!!”
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Kai begrudgingly went to the bathroom seeing Mia walking out.
"Mia! Your shirts you made are truly awesome.”
“Thanks Kai, that means a lot.”  
“And I was serious about design school, how old are you now Mia?”
“I’m nineteen.”  
“You should be in college sweetheart.”
“Pops needs me. Things have been really hard for us.  I used to think about things like college before Mom got sick.  She had cancer.”
“She’s in remission?”  
“No… she died.”  
“I’m so sorry Mia.”  
Mia’s eyes filled with tears.  
“So my last two years of high school my grades weren’t good.  I helped take care of my mom and worked with Pops.  I probably couldn’t get into a design school anyway.”  
That sweet young girl, that always had a smile on her face every time she saw her, was carrying the weight of the world in her heart.  
She hugged Mia.  
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“You’re going to get the chance to chase your dream Mia.  Please don’t give up on it.”  
“Thank you Kai, I’ve got to get back.”
Kai headed back over to Hayden embracing him.  
“What’s wrong?”  
Kai told him about her exchange with Mia.
"I'm gonna call Hana and see if she has some contacts out this way that can see Mia's work.
"That's nice of you Kai."
"Mia's a good kid, she shouldn't have to give up on her dream because her family has had a rough time."
Liam got a text early that next morning.  "Chance couldn't make it, and he was wondering if it was okay for Riley to meet him instead?"
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"Sure, I guess Riley is an okay substitute,  though I was kind of looking forward to hanging out with my main man Chance."
Riley smiled down at the text.  What was that feeling she was feeling in her heart. She took a deep breath. She went over to her dresser expecting it to be gone. She imagined it all. But the coin was still there.  She put it in her pocket. And headed to the restaurant.  
Riley was already there when he got there.
He walked up to her pulling out the chair and sitting across from her.
Her glance shot up at him.
"Hey, how are you doing?"
"Fine… Can I help you?"
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"I know I wasn't who you were expecting as a breakfast buddy today."
Liam smiled at his joke. Riley did not.
"I actually wasn't expecting anyone."
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"Okay…." He wasn't quite sure what game Riley was playing.
"So are you going to order the same thing or get something different?"
"We don't know each other."
"Riley, you're acting really strange."
"That's your problem right there, I'm not Riley, I'm her sister."
He wondered if this had anything to do with her fainting yesterday.
"Riley, this is weird and teetering on the edge of certifiable. You invited me to breakfast and if you didn't want to meet up, you could have said and pretended to be, oh I don't know your twin sister? Thanks but no thanks."
"Not Riley, corny jokes dude! You seem like just the type she would like."
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Liam jumped up from the table heading towards the door. When he saw her. Riley was walking through the door.  She smiled at him.
Liam halted in his tracks.
"Hi Liam, I hope I'm not too late. Chance was upset he couldn't make it and I had to cheer him up."
She smiled. Liam looked incredibly confused.
Liam glanced back at the woman sitting at the table. She smirked at him.
"Told you, I'm not Riley." She waved at him.
He turned around to face Riley again.
"So…. I guess you met my twin sister Taylor."
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Tagging: @dcbbw @queenjilian @jessiembruno @bbrandy2002 @khoicesbyk @janezillow @sillypapermango @gkittylove99 @gabesmommie1130 @mom2000aggie @jared2612 @shewillreadyou @zoehanji @queenwalton @kingliam2019 @mrsdrakewalkerblog @hopefulmoonobject @hopelessromanticmonie @lovablegranny @batgirlassociationofgothamcity @iaminlovewithtrr @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful  @ladyangel70 @twinkleallnight @kat-tia801 @caseyvalentineramsey @thequeenchoices @yourmajesty09 @secretaryunpaid @sfb123 @neotericthemis @royalromancer​ @sweatyrysconnoisseur​
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eyesforjade · 3 years
Chapter 1: prologue
Summary: Tony Stark's life changes dramatically after a trip to South Korea, where a one-night stand ends up generating a life, the billionaire never imagined being prepared to be a father, until he held his little girl in his arms, where he knew for sure, that child had his heart at his fingertips and didn't even know it.
Word count: 1914 words.
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Tony Stark never imagined that his life would change dramatically. Of course, he was used to all the perks of having a public life, being a billionaire and a philanthropist, Stark Industries was going well in sales, and he always had the help of Pepper Potts and James Rhodes with his personal life, which added with the help of Obadiah Stane in the Industries, he held most of the loose ends they could have.
He knew he was prepared for everything, until the day he heard the news. Tony will never forget March 3, 2001, which he thought would be just another affair with a model, through a trip in the behest of Stark Industries. He remembers exactly the nine months before that date, when Obadiah got a perfect opportunity to purchase materials for the manufacture of weapons, which would benefit everything they were doing, and all Tony needed to do was to attend that event and give a speech.
Tony always approached in subtle forms when it came to women, with Nyree Choi it wasn’t different. The New Zealander model caught his attention as soon as she stepped on the scene, he knew it was a unique opportunity, since from what the news said, the woman lived in South Korea, even though she was born in New Zealand, Tony had to take advantage of that opportunity. The night was fast, and he didn't have Pepper to get rid of her the next day, so for the first time, he stayed in bed all night.
The next morning, they said goodbye and it was as if they hadn't even met. Tony didn't think much of it, usually he was the one who pretended that nothing had happened, and it was this factor that made future encounters with a certain woman so strange, and these were the ones he regretted leaving like that. However, with Nyree it wasn’t like he was used, the woman escaped his fingers like water, and she never needed to give satisfaction to him.
The absence of the women in the media, shocked many gossip magazines. And Tony always knew deep down, but he never wanted to admit it until 3th of March in 2001, when Pepper got that call, the redhead didn't know how to react when she heard the other woman on the phone, Malibu was a trip away from South Korea, Tony wouldn’t arrive in time for the birth of his daughter, but would arrive long enough to decide what to do with the girl.
Pepper ran that day, as fast as she could, to Tony's workshop on the floor below the house. She typed her access code with shaking hands and was almost pale when she faced the man, Tony vividly remembers what it was like, and how much he feared for what the woman was going to say, Pepper was with him long enough for him to know that the woman it wasn’t easy to shake, so at that moment, he smiled, and released one of his typical comments when he saw her.
"It looks like you saw a ghost, Miss Potts." His smile remained on his face, even though the woman's reaction in front of him only got worse. "Unfortunately, Stark Industries doesn’t yet manufacture weapons for non-existent beings."
"Tony, you... Hm..." Pepper takes a deep breath, staring at the man. "I advise you to pack your things, I already called Happy, and he's already outside, waiting for you with a car".
"And what is the occasion?"
"Nyree Choi just went into labor". The little sentence was enough for Tony's heart to wake up and speed up, he never expected to hear those words, and if he did, he hoped it was about someone that he had a better relationship, Nyree had been a one-night stand, and now, it was apparently a one-night stand that generated a life. "She disappeared for a few months, Happy and I were keeping up with the news, when she called me… Well, I did the math”. Tony had already got up and was walking towards the door. “Exactly nine months since that night, Tony. I’m not wanting to bet on hypotheses, but...”
"This has to be wrong." When the two went upstairs, Happy Hogan was at the entrance of the house, the door open behind him, and a look of despair followed his worried eyes towards Tony, who didn't even bother to pack a suitcase, he just left the house going towards the car, entering without saying a word.
Pepper followed behind, facing Happy without knowing what to do. Tony Stark was many things, but neither of them ever thought of adding “father” to the bottom of that list. The trip to the Stark Industries heliport was silent, Tony had his head in his hands, and his heart didn't even beat in his chest, or he couldn't feel it right, his mind flew between a thousand possibilities, like how he was going to have a child with a person he doesn't even keep in touch with?
The unexpected arrival of the three at the heliport made Obadiah question the reasons. Not that one of the three responded, they just walked towards the jet that Happy had booked and ordered the pilot to get out of there as quickly as possible, which caused Stane's numerous calls that ended up being ignored. Tony had no head to talk to the man who helped him run his company, to be quite honest, Stark had no head for anything.
The only thing he remembers in that jet, was looking at Pepper Potts and whispering a simple "I'm not ready for this", and he will never forget the smile she gave him, and the words of comfort that were said in his direction. Pepper Potts was always his salvation, no matter the moment, it was her, it was always her.
When he arrived in South Korea, his mind was a mess, and his heart yearned for his arrival at the hospital. Everything to have that moment, the first time he held the little girl in his arms, he knew, she was his little girl, that child had his heart at her fingertips and wasn’t even aware of it. All possible DNA tests were done during that week, and Tony could be sure that the girl he held for days was really his.
And that was when the most difficult decision was made. He had to hear from Choi the cruelest words that a man — newly discovered father — could hear. Elisabeth Stark Choi, as they had decided, wouldn’t be part of Tony Stark's public world, Nyree was famous too, but being a model would never endanger her little girl's life, the weapons creation business that Tony followed, it wasn’t the right world for his newborn daughter, and even if it hurt, Tony knew it was true.
He followed the girl's growth for five years. They had a good relationship, and every week, Tony visited or called her, the child was a genius, something the man already expected, she was a Stark, she was his little girl, and Tony saw that every day that it passed, she became smarter, but just like her father, Elisabeth had to discover that people couldn't always get what they wanted.
At some point in her life, Nyree decided that her career had been damaged since the birth of her daughter. At the same time that the woman loved her, she felt that she had been left out when she got pregnant, she was only 27 years old when she had her, and even so, she thought she would never be able to chase the lost time, it was when she came into contact with Pepper about the papers of the full guard to Tony.
It was when Happy traveled to Australia, where Nyree had recently moved, it was also where he met with her and the full guard papers already signed. Elisabeth wasn’t so excited about the news, it was a strange feeling to be losing her mother like that, she was too young to understand the woman's motives, and was too scared to know what her life in Malibu would be like, everything she could feel it was sadness for the possible loss in one side, but happiness for being able to spend more time with her father.
The trip with Happy was exciting, she showed all the things she had to the man, and talked about all the things she liked, and the man couldn't be more impressed. The little girl in front of him knew many things, including two different languages, not that she knew how to speak everything perfectly, but to know that Nyree was teaching the girl how to speak English and Korean, due to the time that the two stayed between the two countries, it made Happy’s day, even if the woman didn't want to be in contact with Lisa anymore, a part of her would always be with the girl, her origins would always be there.
Happy knew at the same time, that the little girl would be everyone's doom, and that Tony was lucky enough to have something so precious in his life, maybe he would even take it easy and open his eyes to the woman he already had in his life. Pepper received them with a huge smile on her face, and while Happy unloaded the girl's bags, the woman told stories about what her life would be like in Malibu, the woman knew they wouldn’t be able to hide the girl for too long, the media already suspected a possible daughter between the model and the billionaire, and that made Pepper's mind go everywhere with the intention of protecting the girl from that world.
Obadiah Stane was a complicated person at first. He thought it was crazy for Tony to assume his daughter, and held Happy and Pepper at the heliport before they were able to go to Tony's house, Stane believed that being with a daughter for 24 hours a day would be too much responsibility, and that Tony alone wouldn’t give so much attention to Industries and feared for the time that he would reserve with a child. Happy took over the situation, and reassured Obadiah that Tony's routine would change drastically, but he would still meet all the company's deadlines, and with that the three left without giving the man any more opportunities.
That day, Pepper assumed the role of a maternal figure. She knew she was far from being the mother of that little girl, but she knew she would be there at all times of difficulty, at all times that Tony was a difficult person to deal with, she would be there, just as she was now, holding her hand, and walking towards the house. That day, she presented the huge house to Elisabeth, the girl was 5 years old when she went down to that workshop for the first time, she remembers opening a huge smile, with the various possibilities she would have learned alongside her father.
Tony's eyes met Pepper's, and then they looked down, seeing the woman holding the delicate little hand of a little girl he knew well. Her hair went just about her shoulders, brown and with tired brown eyes, he knew in that moment, that his life would change for the better, and he knew in that moment that no matter what happened, he would be with her.
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Tagged: @queenturtle2018​
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whump-town · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Hotch!
Waking up surrounded by nothing but white walls, Aaron Hotchner… feels sick. Miserably, his throat burns as he coughs up stomach acid choking on what little bile does come up. He must have passed out some time earlier but his cheek is resting on the toilet’s lowered rim so that has to be some sort of win. Better than the nothing in his stomach-- nothing in his body except pain killers that wore off hours ago and the Gatorade he’d sipped to make the charge-nurse at the hospital happy.
But at least he’s home.
Speaking of---
There’s a harsh knocking on the front door. He recognizes that as the sound that had woken him up from his toilet nap. Whoever it is-- Dave, he recognizes a moment too late-- is not happy.
Picking himself up off of the ground, knees and back and every joint in his body heaving complaint, he makes a shaky attempt to move from the bathroom.
That’s… that’s not Dave.
“Emily?” All the way from London? “What’re you--”
He’s taken aback when she throws her arms around his neck. It takes him by storm, a stumbling storm of honeysuckles and lavender and all so very distinctly Emily. He hadn’t realized how much he missed her until this moment. He entertains himself by thinking the swell of emotions in his chest is caused by the medicine in his system and not the genuine pain of missing her so desperately.
“Happy birthday,” she whispers, still rocked up onto her toes so that she’s tall enough to hug him properly. “I’ve missed you, you old bastard.” She pulls away from their hug first which in itself is a dead giveaway that something isn’t right.
He’s warm to the touch. Too warm. That’s excusable but added with the mess his apartments in and the mess he looks…
“You’re sick.”
Hotch is a very organized and predictable man. He sleeps in old t-shirts and sweatpants. The man wouldn’t be caught dead in his underwear. The closest thing to a design his apartment has is in the books he leaves propped open, print side down on various surfaces. Asides, of course, the toys left mid-play by Jack. It’s tidy and unique and very him.
The man standing before them now is not that same man.
He’s standing in plaid green boxers, absent of the shirt he thinks he might have gone to bed in. There are tissues on the coffee table, a blanket of sorts over the sociology book he’d been reading earlier this week. He’s only got one sock on and with Emily no longer holding his shoulders square he sways slightly. As if rocking with a breeze only he’s aware of.
His sleep-deprived mind having a hard time processing all of this. His birthday? Is it November? It can’t be November… Surely he’d know if it were his own birthday… wouldn’t he?
There’s a wordless exchange shared as Emily steps back and allows Dave to step close. Hotch stands still-- which speaks volumes-- as Dave presses his wrist to his forehead. With a solemn nod Dave condemns his fate, “oh he’s sick alright.”
Hotch rubs at his nose with the back of his hand, “I already went to the doctor.” Actually, he’d gone to the ER. Jessica had dragged him there kicking and screaming--- or rather, grumbling and too weak to stand (she’d said it was the same thing). He can’t remember how long ago that was.
Dave huffs at that and Hotch jumps when Morgan’s voice adds, “he’s got a prescription from yesterday.” Morgan flips the bottle around to read the label. He blows out a breath and passes it to Reid. “I have not idea what this is for, though.”
Reid scans over the whole bottle and hums, “for the flu.” He hands it back to Morgan, “you don’t recognize the name because it’s not the typical prescription doctor’s are asked to prescribe.” Reid passes the medicine to Dave, who holds his hand out expectantly. “This medication, while proven not to be as effective, won’t counteract with the blood thinners Hotch has, also, been prescribed to take daily.”
Biting his lip, Reid acknowledges his boss won’t like him further adding it could counteract with the other medications he takes for his OCD, thyroid, or the anxiety that he tells his therapist only has a tendency “flare up”. Still, those medications could cause additional side-effects.
“Here,” JJ gets tired of seeing Hotch just standing there shivering. His glossy eyes seem vacant and far off and she assumes this is why he hasn’t moved to cover himself up despite how badly his body is shaking. So, she pulls the blanket off of the back of the couch and pulls it around his bare shoulders.
Hotch blinks owlishly at her… how many people are in his apartment right now? There’s Emily who’s now taking him by the hand guiding him to the couch. He can see Reid and Morgan tossing discarded tissues into the trash can from where they’ve been left to sit on the coffee table. There’s JJ who, as he caves into the couch, pulls his blanket a little tighter around him. Dave leaves the room without comments leaving…
“I can’t believe you’re sick on your birthday.”
It’s sweet that she’s so concerned but…
“Is it really my birthday,” he asks, turning to Emily. Surely, this is all a part of one of her games or maybe he’s dying on the bathroom floor and this is all some hallucination. If it’s a hallucination he’d really like to imagine some pants and a shirt, please.
Emily looks so sad when she turns to him that he almost regrets having asked. “Your birthday is November 2nd, isn’t it?”
JJ takes his hand and adjusts the blankets again as he keeps sinking back into the couch. Her hands are freezing.
He nods, throat sore and head too cloudy to really want to reply.
“It’s your birthday then.”
Dave comes into the room with a handful of pills. There’s green and blue and white and at least five different pills sitting in his palm right now. It’s startling within itself to the others but Hotch takes them without question because five pills really isn't that much to him.
“Drink some more of that,” Dave says, putting his hand under the glass of water Hotch only sips before trying to put down. He guides it back to Hotch’s mouth, ignoring Hotch’s weak grunt of protest. Hotch pulls away sooner than Dave would like but he’s already looking queasy and Dave backs off, not wanting to push it.
Hotch looks around, dazed and confused, when JJ and Emily both stand from where they’d been sitting beside him on the couch. “Get some sleep,” JJ says, guiding him by the shoulders to the side so that he’s laying down.
He doesn’t want to sleep. Not with them here. Not when his guard needs to be up and he has to be the boss, the guy they can rely on.
“We’ll be here when you wake up,” JJ promises, kisses his temple.
But… it’s so hard to fight…
“Please get better,” Garcia whispers, bending down to hug him. He grunts a little, smiling despite himself when she squeezes him. It’s worth the small smile she gives back.
Emily lingers for a moment. She doesn’t hug him or kiss his head. She just runs her hand through his tangled hair, shaking her head at this whole mess. For someone so guarded, so stuck on being perfect he seems to constantly be getting himself into these messes. A drama queen, really.
And that’s the final straw. He can’t fight how soothed he is by her fingers slowly ghosting through his hair. He’s just vaguely aware of when she pulls away. Her hand moving from his hair and the blanket around his shoulder being tugged up over his shoulders. “Get some sleep, Aaron.”
And he does.
Garcia thinks it’s the cutest thing she’s ever seen in her entire life. Aaron Hotchner snores?? Why hadn’t they told her that?
“Because,” Emily comments, popping a grape into her mouth. “It’s cute now, to you, but go on a case and get stuck with that--” she throws an accusing thumb in the direction of the softly snoring couch. “Not so cute anymore.”
JJ rolls her eyes. Dave had assigned her to cutting carrots as she’d proven to be the only competent person he could trust (his words not hers). So, the farthest side of the island in the kitchen had been taken over by the girls. Leaving Reid and Morgan to fend for themselves (they’d found Jack’s connect four game and have been playing that for the last hour).
“Dave is the worst,” JJ says with a strange amount of conviction. “It goes Dave, Derek, Spence, then Hotch.”
Emily scoffs, “uh, no. Dave, definitely the worst, but Reid is way worse than Derek.” She pulls a few more grapes off the vine. She’d found the bag in Hotch’s fridge, which was startling empty. Given that she won’t go stealing Jack’s gummies, that left the grapes.
“How have things been,” she asks. She doesn’t typically feel too guilty about leaving them but seeing how things are right now… “Other than,” she tilts her head back towards the couch. To Hotch.
JJ shrugs and Garcia shares the same not displeased but nothing to comment look. After a moment Garcia softly says, “it’s not always like this but… we miss you.”
JJ nods, pausing in her carrot cutting. She stares, for a moment, at those chopped carrots. They really do miss her and how could they not? Resuming her job she tries to shake that thought away. She’s here now, that’s all that matters.
Hotch stirs on the couch, a distressed groan coming from either the mound of pillows Garcia’s stacked around him or the blankets she’s stacked on him. Either way, before anyone else can move, Derek is standing and waving for them to remain where they are.
Emily watches as Derek disappears behind the couch. His deep voice rumbles as he talks to Hotch. “Easy, easy,” Derek says, a hint of trepidation. “Come on--” Derek stands, stumbling back and Hotch’s head becomes visible for just a moment before he falls forward.
Derek stands, “Dave!”
Hotch grumbles something and the two argue for a moment before Dave can get there.
Emily stands, starting a whole wave of movement.
Dave holds up his hand to hold them off, “he’s fine.” And they see that for themselves a second later when, heavily supported by Derek’s shoulder, Hotch stands. The blanket falls off his shoulders, giving them a good view of his back. The muscles taunt with the effort he’s putting into moving.
And, as they are told, the other’s stay right where they are. They watch every step he takes, waiting on bated breath as Morgan and Hotch argue all the way back to the bathroom and even then, they can still hear the two of them going at it. Which is annoying but if Hotch is well enough to argue then he’s well enough to eat the soup Dave’s been pouring his heart into for the better part of the last hour.
“Now listen,” Dave says, hands on hips and talking to everyone sans Hotch and Morgan. “Jack is on his way with a birthday card and a chipper attitude. I won’t have you all ruining that, understood? That boy is going to be better than any medicine we could have Aaron choke down right now.”
Jack’s not stupid but it’s unlikely he’ll react well to them freaking out.
So, they’re going to be the perfectly happy little family that they are.
“If you don’t eat that soup--” Dave is standing, hovering over Aaron’s side.
Hotch raises an eyebrow in question. While his birthday might not matter to him in the grand scheme of his favorite days and things worth celebrating, it matters to them. Enough so, Dave won’t do shit if he doesn’t eat this soup. Plus he doesn’t really want to eat it. It’s not that it doesn’t smell good or even look good. He just doesn’t want to throw up.
“You’ll what,” Hotch inquires hoarsely. “Break into my house again?”
Emily glances up at that, “it’s not really breaking in if we have a key.”
There’s a hum of agreeance, the other’s happily eating Dave’s soup.
Hotch rolls his eyes but picks up the spoon.
Dave pats his back, giving Hotch a proud smile. “Happy Birthday, son.”
Hotch blushes under the attention, ducking his head as the other’s chime in alongside Dave. He shyly thanks them with a nod of his head, “thanks, guys.”
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everything-laito · 4 years
I know you mostly do analyses, but do you have any particularly unique headcanons about Laito? It can be anything, strange, obscure, sad, funny... I'm just curious to know some of the ideas you have about him, regardless of if they are actually backed by canon or not. Sorry if this question is maybe a bit too general. But I figured since you spend a lot of time analyzing him, you probably have a ton of ideas people haven't asked about. So here's your chance! I wanna know!
OOOOO omg thanks so much for giving me this opportunity, anon!!! It means a lot that you wanna know my thoughts like this! I have some crack headcanons and some legitimate ones, and some in between! 
When/if I have more that I make or remember, I’ll reblog this to add on probably too! 
Corn’s headcanons under the cut! (One is NSFW so just a warning)
- I’ve always found this interesting, but there doesn’t seem to be modern technology in the Sakamaki mansion. The only thing modern I’ve seen in any DL scene was probably Kino’s phone in Lost Eden and in some Tokutens. Considering Laito is a dork and loves crossword puzzles and plays darts and billiards, I love to imagine that he doesn’t know how to work around modern technology. Sure he’s smart as hell but I just love thinking about him being a boomer when it comes to that stuff hgalsdkjf 
- Idk if this is counts as a (crack) headcanon or not, but you’d have to be really careful to bring Laito on a picnic date or something. It would be really cute, but he doesn’t like bugs. But man I find his fear of bugs kinda cute not gonna lie hehe.
- I believe I have mentioned that I have a headcanon that he’d be a theater kid. Another anon also mentioned this a while back too, and I freaking LOVE that idea oh my god; here’s the original post developing on that too!
- Kinda another crack headcanon but we know Laito isn’t afraid of feminine things like he straight up has an entire closet of women’s clothing; I don’t think he clarified if it’s for himself or his partners _(:3 」∠)_ but he wore the Alice costume,,,, so I also think he has other ““feminine”” interests. Like I really wanna see him read Shoujo manga. I don’t think that would be ooc at all imo LOL
- Laito and Kou can do makeup; Kou more than Laito, but again. Laito has a cosplay/roleplay closet. Come on. We know he goes full into stuff.
- Which again all of this supports the Laito being a theater kid headcanon LOL! I also think he’d try to dress up Ayato (and maybe Kanato?) when they were kids aakdjsdjj
- I guess this is another crack headcanon cuz I love Laito’s dorky nature but I think he full on has a dictionary in his room somewhere for crossword puzzles when he can’t think of a word, just in case.
- I wanna think that he was already was afraid of spiders when he was a kid but it got worse when Ayato kept pranking him with bugs or telling Laito horror stories related to bugs lol
- As for the NSFW side of things that I haven’t seen mentioned before; I think he’s into some form of somnophilia akdkskjdsj but again he likes it when they resist. But kinda like a spider, his “prey” would wake up in the middle of whatever he was doing to them and he’d get his high off of them resisting then when it’s too late oops. However I don’t rly think of NSFW hcs too often
- I feel like some of the new girls (or maybe some boys heh) at school initially had a crush on him but then was deterred by other girls who were like “no don’t” (LOL now that I realize it, similar shit happened in college; I was one of the girls who was warning the freshmen)
- going off of that I think he (and probably every other diaboy going to that school) has a secret fan club. Kou’s is obviously the biggest but I definitely think there’s a group of girls (and maybe a boy or two) that don’t heed the Laito warnings. Maybe they put little letters in his locker or something. Regardless he’d know who they are after a short period of time. Would he do something? Probably not, he could get caught if he made any of them his actual vampire shenanigans victim. But subtlety tease them??? Maybe some more??? Oh you fuckin bet.
- After his first wave of feeling his true emotions (like in MB ecstasy) he didn’t know how to truly express them. So I think he’d definitely play the piano a lot afterwards. Is it a distraction or expressing himself? Or both? And did I get inspired by the DL fic, “The Days That’ll Never Come?” Yes. Yes I did. I also think that he writes his own songs. Some with lyrics, some without, but man, I think he could freeform like a mad lad. Since song lyrics are pretty much poetry, I think he has some poems lying around here and there. But poor thing doesn’t know how to properly take care of himself emotionally ;(
-This was confirmed in one of those 4 Koma manga for More,More Blood, but it came to no surprise that Laito went through stuff in the attic for blackmail on all his brothers lmaoooooo what a fucking troll I love this man. Going off of that he’d definitely pull pranks with Ayato. And some on Ayato lol.
- basically yeah I view Laito as a deep, artistic, internally depressed dork. Sure he’s into some sexual stuff obviously but I like talking about how he’s like/how he might be like when there’s not a sacrifice in the house :) I love talking about his dorky side too much tho omg
I think that’s all I could think of for now! Lol this took me a couple of weeks to compile haha, but thanks again for giving me the opportunity, anon! If I think of any more I’ll definitely add them :)
Have a lovely day!
~ Corn
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hitoshisbabygirl · 4 years
Under the Moonlight and Fireworks // Tamaki Amajiki
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Authors Notes ♡: hi hi, I’m Bunny and welcome to my first collab and first official fic I post to this blog! I promise I’m gonna be active even more now, I’ve written a few things I plan on posting in the next week or so! I’m so glad to be a part of this lovely collab and hopefully you guys will see me in many more! I hope I did my baby Tamaki well in this, I just love him so much~ I hope you enjoy reading this and much as I did writing it ~ bunny ❥
Warnings : none! (Maybe a lil angst if you squint really hard) I tried my best to make a tooth rotting cotton candy fluffy fluff story for Tama!
Word count : 5k give or take!
Paring(s) : Tamaki Amajiki x F! Reader
Mirio and Nejire are dating in this world too ♡
Summer, the warmest time of the year, from spring flings to summer love, studying to vacations, the time of the year students look forward to, being able to make some of your fondest memories. Even in its short duration, Summer is arguably one of the people’s favorite times of the year.
For Tamaki however, he dreads this summer more than the ones he had before.
You see, He doesn’t hate the heat, or the social interactions (shudder), or getting ready for his exams, his work studies that go through the summer break, or having to get stronger, as he is one of UA’s big three. Oh no, no of these bother him at all. Not even talking about the work studies to 1-A (which is terrifying in itself) can compare to this. This summer has him dreadful for one very big problem, a big issue, specifically one person he can confirm his dread comes from.
[First Name] [Last Name].
One of his childhood friends (alongside Mirio), one of the first people to talk to him, to get to know him, someone who knows him sometimes more than he knows himself. Yes, [First name] [Last Name], the person who makes his heart beat a million miles per second when he hears her laugh or see her blinding smile. The girl with a golden heart...
Is causing him so much dread.
It started with a smile, a gentle sign of acknowledgment, warmth, and care without saying a single thing
“Hi, I’m [Name]! What’s your name!? Have you gotten your quirk!? I have mine it’s-“ The small girl rambled on and on, and all Tamaki could do was blink. Between meeting Mirio and this mystery girl [Name], he didn’t know how much more interaction he could take. He looked at the strange duo in front of him, Both coming to talk and befriend the timid boy. With a smile and a grab of a hand by the girl, Tamaki, Mirio and her ran around the playground, they talked and played the rest of his first day, starting the beginning of their friendship.
“Hey, I know! How about we become a group! We can become heroes together and take out the villains!” Mirio said one day during lunch, the small children eating from their bento boxes. “Hey, we should! Then when we get older we can be like All Might!” [Name] said happily, jumping up and down with Mirio while Tamaki watched them, slowly picking in his bento for the octopus-shaped sausages.
“ Whatcha got Tama?” The girl asked, causing young Tamaki to turn crimson “N-nothing something my m-momma made me...” He answered timidly, trying to close the lid before she could see the cut-out creatures in his lunch. To his dismay, she did. “Hey don’t be shy! I like octopuses, your mom really must love you to do something like that!” [Name] said, smiling at her stuttering friend.
“ Hey, do you like octopuses Tama?” She said, widened and bright eyes looking into his slanted darker ones. With a sigh he looked up to her, seeing how close she was, young Tama couldn’t help but to fall backward, shocked at the close proximity of his counterpart. “ Wahhh are you okay Tama??” “Hey, Amajiki are you alright?!” The two asked, looking over the small hill he had rolled down. Without hesitation, they came to his aid, Mirio reaching out to help him up
Whilst [Name], helped brush grass from him. “Butterflies..” He let off, the pair confusingly looked at him. “My favorite animal has to be butterflies..” He said, looking up at [Name] with a small smile that she too, had forming onto her face...
Then there was the exchange of gifts, unspoken words, and heavy hearts
“Hey, Tama! Mirio!” [Name] yelled down the hall towards her two best friends, seeing them head to the gym for the ending ceremony of the fifth grade. “[NickName]” Mirio yelled back, running towards her as she met him halfway, the two turning to their shy friend. “We were headed to the gym, let's go before they start!” Mirio said energetically, running off to the double doors. “Hey wait up! Come on Tama!” She said, grabbing him by the hand and catching up to their hyper partner.
The ceremony went smoothly, Tamaki and her holding hands until the very end.
“[N-Name]...” Tamaki said softly, grabbing the girls’ hand a bit tighter as they started home, book bags filled with the last day's stuff they either left in their lockers or got from teachers. “Tama?” She questioned, turning to face him. With skin as hot as coal and a shaky breath , Tamaki reached in his bag and gave her a white bunny, a blue dress on it with a vibrant blue butterfly clip on the ear. “T-this is...this is f-for you...” he said so quietly he was shocked when he heard a response “oh Tama..she’s beautiful” With gentle hands she took the bunny from him, playing with the hem of the blue dress. With a gasp and a smile she dug in her bag, giving him a squishy and soft red octopus, an identical blue butterfly pinned to a tentacle. “I guess we had the same idea huh?” She said with darkened cheeks, looking away as he took the octopus from her.
“Y-you..wanted to get me something too..?” He said in disbelief, looking at her with doe like eyes. “Of course! I gave Mirio a Ox because he’s just , well, big and cuddly like one!” She said, giving Tama what he called “the sun in a smile” face, a soft giggle falling from her lips. The two of them stood there for what felt like eternity, then finally, finally [Name] moved, giving tamaki a hug. A stuttering and blushing mess , he froze, not knowing how to handle the display of affection when he heard what she whispered to him “I’ll always be connected to you now Tama “ she said and with a kiss to his ear she ran off before he could say anything, his heart aflame as he watched his best friend dart around the corner.
“Hey Tamaki!” Mirio said, seeing his friend frozen on the concrete. With a snap back to reality, tamaki looked at Mirio, his heart feeling heavenly and heavy all in the same breath. “Y-yeah?” He said looking back at the blonde boy. ‘So bright’ he thought to himself and they walked home.”I heard [Name] was going back to the states” Mirio started, judging by his friends' shocked and sad face , he knew she didn’t tell him. “She didn’t say that when she left huh? Well don’t worry tamaki! We’ll see her again. I just know it! “ Mirio said joyfully with a thumbs up, seeing his sad and shy friend get worse. ‘Maybe that’s what she means by we’ll always be connected..’ Tamaki thought to himself, the octopus she gave him wrapped safely in his arms....
Left with a broken promise, fragile in time , stuck in the suspense of hope in the future
It didn’t matter as the school year started for middle school, nothing felt the same. Mirio was here but she wasn’t..
He felt like he was missing something, somewhere something was missing.
He couldn’t stop thinking of the girl who constantly pushed him out of his normal, to push him into bigger and better things, no matter his rebuttal. He missed laughing, eating bento in the grass. No looking out for butterflies together, no long walks home. No warmth.
He had Mirio and he was enough for the two of them
He never noticed it until now..and he wishes he did sooner.
He needed her too, more than he knew , a bigger piece into his life was missing that was more than he thought.
Then the fireworks came, setting off a fuse to a blaze that couldn’t be bothered to try and be contained
Tamaki didn’t like festivals, too many people and things everywhere. But he promised Mirio he’d go, with their new friend, Nejire Hado. He saw her the beginning of their first year, and she was just like her in a very odd and....aloof way. She had the same spark he could say, louder and more outgoing, but she felt right in their friendship. ‘I wanna go home’ tamaki thought to himself, looking for the tuft of blonde hair or periwinkle wandering about. He was hot, tired, and drained. He wanted to see the fireworks, he really did, he just..couldn’t. With a sigh, he grabbed his phone from his yukata when-
A laugh
A pair of laughs
The sound of angels to his ears
In turning around he saw Nejire, bubbly and happy as can be rambling to a girl, who had on one of the most unique yukatas he saw all night. Dragons and waves, tigers and flames, wolves and mountain tops. Dark with golden trim, Artistry and design at it’s finest. From her in geta to the black, red and gold yukata, to the beautiful pieces placed in her hair. Soft makeup that he’d never seen before.
Unique, like her.
He knew what he saw but he didn’t want to believe it
She couldn’t be back
Could she?
And with Nejire?
Then it happens, the fireworks began to blast, colors in the sky as people stop to watch and it’s almost silent, almost, except for the pounding in Tamaki’s heart as he watches his best friend, no , love of his life , smile up to the sky , that same glow as the day he met her.
And that’s when he realizes ‘I’m in love with her’
And everything froze for that moment
He saw her.
Her eyes suddenly went from the sky to his , and they widened , full of questions, happiness and warmth , and also...fear? Sadness? A hint of nervousness? He couldn’t pinpoint it but once their eyes saw each other, nothing mattered, no one mattered, except them in that moment. She looked different...her body was shapely and taller than she was in the fifth grade of course. She was stunning, no , she was beautiful, a goddess amongst the morals as he saw it. He couldn’t help but want to hide , feeling like he couldn’t look , fearing to get burned.....
But he wanted to touch the sun, to have it to himself regardless of the pain, regardless of burn.
He wanted the warmth of her to scorch him, to free him
She saw him.
The way he looked at her made her heart flip, Nejire’s words far gone as she saw her best friend in the distance. Way taller than she last saw him, a stronger physical shape and still his boyish charm had morphed into his handsome qualities. Eyes unsure of where to look, him slowly clamming up at the sight of her. She knew better than to get offended, if anything she was flattered, her childhood friend must feel something like she did. But within that she still saw the same shy third grade Tamaki Amajki in front of her, scared to speak his mind, making her heart smile at the thought. ‘He hasn’t changed a bit’ she said to herself as she smiled sweetly at him, throwing a gentle wave to him as her hyper female friend Nejire pulled her to a stand , then disappearing into the sea of people.....
But the only sea she wanted to drown in was the darkness of his eyes wrapped in the cool of his arms.
She wanted the sea of him to take her into his heart
“Tamaki?” Mirio said, touching his friends shoulders as he watched him jump at the feeling, wide eyes and stuttering out incomplete sentences, he shook him and with the loudest and most confident voice Mirio’s ever seen or hear his best friend say “She’s here, she back Mirio, my bunny’s back”
Which brings us to the current time of why Tamaki hates the summer. His long standing, hidden feeling crush is back in town, and going to one of the biggest hero course based schools in Japan ,UA Academy, with no other than the shy boy himself
“Why didn’t you tell me she was back, Mirio?” Tamaki said , a large sigh tumbling from his lips As he watched the two girls walk arm and arm together to class , Mirio and himself headed to their own designated room. “I didn’t know myself Tamaki, honest! Nejire just said she was showing a new student around , how was I supposed to know it was [Name]! I’m glad she's back though, I missed her but obviously not as much as you do ~” Mirio stated, elbowing his red friend as they sat down for their lessons. ‘Didn’t know..huh’ he looked out the window as everyone poured in. This was gonna be a long day..
Nejire walked arm and arm with [Name], the two of them blabbering to each other as they headed to their class together. “Aw come on and have fun, I need your help y'know don’t laugh at me! ” She whined, shaking the now laughing girl. “I know! Why don’t you talk to him for me?” She said with her iconic excitement, turning to face [Name] as she owlishly blinked back at the girl, hands up in defense. “Uh uh don’t get me in your way of what your crush. I’m not even that helpful in these things!” She said with a giggle as they started to walk once again, passing an open classroom. Stealing a glance through the open door, she swore she saw a certain blonde and Indigo duo she hadn’t talked to in years, not counting the fact she saw them at the recent festival she went to with Nejire. With the sudden stop Nejire turned around, looking back at her with a confused look.
“[Name]? Hello did you hear me?” She asked , waving her hand in front of the girl as she snapped out of it, smiling nervously back at her friend calling her. “Huh? Oh yeah! I-I’m fine just got a little distracted” She said, waving off Nejire's side glance as she headed to their classroom. The periwinkle haired girl watched her friend with a pout, looking into the classroom as she saw her other two best friends. “Miri! Tama! Hey!!” She said , running into the classroom as she hugged them, Tamaki hating her loud appearance while Mirio blushed at the girls’ affection. “ Hey Neji, what’s up?” Mirio asked, color flushing his face, a thing his quiet friend noticed. With a nervous smile Nejire let go of the boys, giving them room as she laughed. “Nothing much, heading to class with [Name], what’re you guys doing? Are you guys ready for the class collab this afternoon?!” She started excitedly
Tamaki immediately looked up, eyes wide as he heard her name. ‘She is here, but why? Is she in the hero’s course too? Sigh...I wanna go home..I can’t face her..not yet’ He thought to himself. “Yep we sure are! I can’t wait to see her, is she really here? Where?!” Mirio jumped up , grabbing the shorter girl’s shoulders. “W-well we’re in class together! Class 2-A!” She said , a wild spread of color onto her cheeks settling in as she looked at the energetic blonde. “Tamaki let's go say hi! It’s been awhile since we saw her, I bet she’s happy to see us as much as we are to see her! Oh yeah, I can’t wait to ask her about the states, I wonder what she’s been up to!” Mirio said as he ran out of the room , headed to the neighboring one.
“Let’s go chicken heart!” Nejire turned to Tamaki, seeing the boy even gloomier than usual. “ Oh come on you knew her before I did! It’ll be fun, we can even be the big four!” She giggled as she tried to drag the elf ear boy along, a sigh falling from his lips. ‘Definitely a long day..’ he thought. “I’ll wait here Hado..I’ll talk to her later..” He said, pulling from the confused girl. “Aw come on, shell be happy to see you! Let’s go yeah?” Nejire begged to no avail, Tamaki already facing the wall in defeat. With a heavy sigh and pout she went after Mirio, leaving him to stew in his thoughts.
“So...you want to ask Hado out?” Tamaki started, looking to his usually ecstatic friend, a nervous look washing over his face. “Y-yeah..I dunno Tamaki, she’s something special. I can’t help the way my heart feels whenever she appears, her smile makes me warm, she's like a female me! Ah what can I say, I just feel..whole y'know? In a relationship way not saying that you don’t make me feel happy and whole too! Hey Tamaki! Stop looking like that!” Mirio said, finally turning to the boy after his confession, seeing his friend now looking intimidatingly at his lunch, chopsticks pulling apart the fried octopus in his meal.
“I dunno Mirio...are you sure you want to do this..? What if she..rejects you…?” The pessimistic boy said, looking over to his friend in concern. “Well...we’d just have to go back to being friends! No harm in that right?” Mirio said, happy as can be with a smile to Tamakis’ dismay. ‘How can someone be so happy all the time..’ he thought, hearing his friend explain how he’d confess to Nejire, but all he could think about is how to do the same for [Name]. ‘Oh bunny..I hope I could one day too..tell you how much you mean to me..’ Tamaki thought, looking up as the sun shined brightly.
“Okay so I wanna confess to Miri” Nejire blurted out, halting a stretching [Name]. “You want to do WHAT?” [Name] said , a little louder than she hoped, seeing angry stares at her as she apologized, looking back at her friend. “ You really want to go to the next step huh?” She said soon sighing ”Do you...think you’re ready Neji? There's good AND bad that could come from this, I don’t want you getting your heart hurt if it doesn’t work out…” She said, looking back to the periwinkle haired girl , determination plastered onto her face. “ I have to [Name] , if I don’t I won’t be able to know if I really like him , so I can finally deal with this silly crush once and for all!” Nejire said, turning to look back at her lost friend. “Trust me , I’ll be okay..I need to do this. Next year is our last year together, and if we have a blossoming love into the ages I refuse to miss the opportunity!” She said, enthusiasm laced throughout her speech.
“I’ll text him now! Tell him there’s something I have to tell him” Nejire started, opening her phone as she typed vigorously, sending the text with a ’ping’ “Well alright..but I’m telling you now I’m no wingman!” [Name] said , following behind Nejire, who soon was squealing through the halls, starting to run towards the stairs. “He said yes [Name] , he said yes! He told me to come up to the rooftop! C'mon we have to hurry before class starts!” Nejire said, taking up the stairs. “Wait! Ugh love birds..” [Name] grumbled, speeding up to catch up to her.
Twilight, when the sun and the moon meet in the middle to change, from night to day , day to night. I’m this cause however, love is blossoming in the mist of its glory
Year 3, the final stretch until UAs’ finest become heroes in the world, men and women joining the social aspect of the world. But Tamaki knew it was a mock to that part in highschool, truly it being a ticking time bomb for him to confess his own feelings for his childhood best friend. The duo were currently headed for the workshop to get the updated gear they put in from the support class, both them excited to see the updates and new gear they ordered in. “Hey Tama, what did you think your hero gear looks like now? Ah I can’t wait! I hope now I don’t have to worry about tears and damaging me and my whole outfit!” [Name] said happily, rambling about her gear. Tamaki looked fondly at his energetic friend, his eyes sparkling as he took in her appearance.
The UA uniform hugging her in all the right places, her smile bringing a warmth to his heart. Her skin looked soft to the touch and her hair pinned and out of the way of her face, displaying her happy disposition. She soon looked up and met eyes with the shy boy as he soon turned red, stuttering out apologizes as he hid his face from the now giggling girl, her own face warming at noticing him staring at her. “Aw don’t be shy Tama! What’s up? Something wrong?” [Name] said, tilting her head to him as she leaned closer, which caused Tamaki to lean back from her and stutter even more which amused the girl even more. “ N-nothing s-stop teasing me bunny..” he whispered to the girl, turning even darker as he faced the wall , feeling his heart starting to speed, fluttering against his ribcage as the butterflies in his stomach rose up to meet his throat, the two mingling until they made a knot in the middle.
He tensed when [Name] wrapped her arms around his waist, tucking her face under his arm to look at him, a soft smile splayed on her face. “Tamaki. Talk to me, what's got you so flustered hm?” Her voice calmed him but also made him nervous as he finally turned around to her , with darkened cheeks and a shaking body , he grabbed her hands, holding them in his own as they both looked in eachothers eyes, each slowly moving towards the other when..
“Hey you two! Are you guys getting your gear too!?” They heard a loud happy voice yelling from down the hall, knowing it was a certain happy go lucky couple. Tamaki quickly released [Name] , both of them flustered as they didn’t look up to their friends, an awkward silence falling between them as they walked into the workshop.
“Tamaki you really should tell her! I bet she’ll say yes, and if it's anything like what we saw last week it seems she’s really into you too!” Mirio said to his timid friend, the indigo haired boy in thought as he watched the girl he was practically in love with laughing and joking with his other best friend and Mirios’ girlfriend Nejire.”You remember how scared I was to tell Neji I liked her and it turned out she was coming to tell me the same thing! The way you and [Name] stared at each other until we were done confessing had meaning in it y'know?” Mirio looked over at Tamaki, the shy boy now glancing towards him.
With a deep breath he continued “I know when she left you were heartbroken Tamaki….” With that statement , Tamaki perked up to look at his blonde friend seeing him look at him with soft eyes “You’ve always been in love with her Tama, everyone could see it…” With a sigh , Tamaki started, opening and shutting his mouth but with no avail , nothing came out. Mirio smiled and continued his thoughts “ We all hoped you’d tell her soon, to at least see where it could go….All of us really, you two maka a great duo as heroes, and we all see the chemistry, inside and out of the ring. And you know Neji, once she gets her mind set on something she doesn’t give up until it happens.” He said , glancing to his periwinkle haired lover talking to [Name] , the other girls face flushing with color as Nejire continued to talk on and on , obviously giving their other friend the same talk he was doing up here.
“I’ll...talk to her” Tamaki finally spoke up, shocking his optimistic friend. “What? Really??” Mirio said , grabbing Tamaki's arm and shaking the now dejected boy. “That’s great Tama, I’ll let Nejire know! Y'know we were planning to go out and get some pre summer fun done before we get out of school and start our pro hero lives! Why don’t you tell her there?” Mirio said , giving Tamaki a thumbs up. “Sure..what’s worse than confessing to a crush but doing it in public…” Tamaki responded, walking towards the door of the roof with his excited friend beside him,texting his girlfriend the plans as they headed down to meet them. ‘ I hope this works...Bunny I hope you’ll feel the same too..’ He thought to himself, trying to be the most confident he could muster inside of him.
Tamaki waited outside with Mirio outside of the girls dorm, the energetic blonde constantly trying to giving the pessimistic indigo advice of what to say and how to confess, but all he could think about was all the ‘what ifs’ and how this could go wrong. Just before he started to try and get out of something he thought could bring him more regret the main door opened, showing a happy Nejire and a shy [Name] hidden behind her.
“Sorry boys it took so long! [Name] and me had to get ready , wanted to look our best for you two!” Nejire said with a wink, walking over to kiss Mirio on the cheek.” Well you two look beautiful! Don’t they Tamaki?” He asked , seeing as his friend was disgraced by the girl in front him, mouth slightly agape. “H-huh! Oh y-yeah you both look n-nice..” He rambled out, turning from his crush in front of him, looking everywhere except to make eye contact with the girl in front of him “Aw Tama stop being like that! [Name] got all dressed up and pretty for you and you won’t even look at her!” Nejire said, smacking the timid boy in the back with her purse.
With a pout from Mirio telling her to give their shy friend time, the couple started walking, the two shy friends behind them following close behind.”Nejire“I-it’s okay! He’s just nervous is all!” She defended him as well, walking beside Tamaki and throwing him a small smile. “We better keep up, or Nejire will have your head at this rate!” She laughed as he let off a deep sigh, all of them heading to what Nejire called their “romantic getaway”. As they went up the hill, [Name] gasped happily, looking down at an early festival going on. “Guys come look! It looks like they’re having some type of festival going on!” She exclaimed and Nejire sat beside her, they both giggled with joy as they watched the people beneath them run and dance around happily as the festival continued. Soon Tamaki and Mirio joined them , sitting beside each girl as they watched on, the joy from the day settling into them all.
As the sun started to set, Nejire gently laid her head on Mirios shoulder, the blonde smiling down at his girlfriend as they started snuggling up to each other in the sunset, drifting asleep on one another.
“Ah looks like the two of them are starting to sleep” [Name] said softly, seeing as their lovebird friends were drifting off as the sun hung low in the horizon, everyone in the festival gathering as they collected fireworks to set off.
“Y-yeah..” Tamaki agreed softly, looking at the girl beside him, his heart skipping a beat as she was already glancing over to him, a smile grazing her lips.
“I’m glad we’re here, back together Tama...I..missed you a lot when I went back home..it wasn’t the same” [Name] said with a whisper. “I..didn’t want to leave you..it’s why I gave you that octopus, I guess that was sorta silly..trying to convey how I felt with a stuffed animal “ She let out a light sigh, shaking her head as she watched the sun slip away. Tamaki reached out for her hand causing the girl to snap her head towards him, seeing his cheeks flush.
“[N-name]...Bunny..I’ve always c-cared for you and y-you moving c-changed nothing..if anything I-it made me realize how m-much you mean to me..I think…no..I know I’m in love with you, and I-I’m hoping...t-that you..c-could maybe..” And before he had the chance to finish they heard the iconic pop of fireworks, the two of them turning to watch the array of lights, their hands intertwined. As the moon slipped up from being hidden under the horizon, Tamaki watched [Name] , a smile settling on his lips as the moon and fireworks making the girl seem lambent to him, inside and out.
“Bunny..” He called out to her and with a soft hum she turned to him , eyebrow raised. ‘It’s now or never..’ Tamaki thought to himself, standing up as he held out his hand to her. [Name] smiled and stood with him, holding his hand back as she tilted her head, eyes wandering between his.”B-be mine..?” He asked, almost so quiet he didn’t expect her to let out a held breath and with a gentle smile answered “I’ve always been yours”. With a shaky exhale of a breath he pulled her closer, closing the distance between them with a passionate kiss, savoring the first of many kisses together, under the moon and fireworks.
Bonus ♡ !! :
Later that night , the gang of Tamaki and [Name] headed back with Mirio and Nejire, all four of them sitting on the floor of Mirios’ dorm as they ate snacks until their dinner arrived. “ Okay so! What should we watch tonight?” Nejire asked, stuffing her face soon after with marshmallows. “Please Hado..don’t chew with your mouth open..” Tamaki whispered, laying his head on [Name]’s Lap as she played with his hair, a held snort coming out. “We have games too! Don’t forget!” She said in response , laughing at her periwinkle haired friend as she started to finish her bowl of gummy white marshmallows, smiling when she was done. “Okay okay, now! Games or a movie?” “Games.” Mirio interrupted , a smirk growing on his face. “Let’s make a bet , whoever loses has to help and serve the winners” With a huff, Nejire stood to her taller male counterpart, cheeks puffed “That’s why we’ll win! You’re on!” Tamaki let out a sigh of disappointment and [Name] couldn’t help but smile, kissing the cheeks of her new boyfriend. “ It'll be okay Tama, I’m here remember?” She said softly as he sat up from her lap , giving her a proper kiss “You are and I wouldn’t change this for anything. I love you bunny” Tamaki said , kissing her once more on the lips, their friend arguing background noise as she kissed him back with a sweet “I love you too Tama”
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aikrus · 4 years
Another Day, Another Life (Tenya Iida x Villain!Reader)
Fandom: Bnha / Mha  Warnings: Angst, amnesia, swearing, weed, coping with death, hallucinations  Words: 3,456 Requested by: No one, but requests are open!  Request/ Description: Casualties are expected in a war, but when a child dies no one is ready. No one knows how to react. The death of a teen can tear people apart, it can rip people into shreds to never be put together again, but is it better or worse if they’re not actually dead?
          Toga was far from an ideal friend. She was clingy and rude, she talked too much and she cared primarily about herself. She was weird and difficult to get understand, and you never really knew where she stood. She wasn’t perfect, but having her was a blessing in disguise. 
“Y/n, we’re heading out, are you ready?” While she wasn’t perfect, she was pretty close to it. Himiko had a strange way with words, and she could always make the world feel smaller than it was. Her voice was like warm honey on a spoon; hazy caramel color and sweet, perfect for recovery.
“I’m ready, thanks for grabbing me,” Y/n wasn’t close to anyone. It was hard to get attached when the overwhelming threat of having friends ripped away from her grasp constantly loomed over her. She kept her distance, but it was hard not to get sucked into being friends with the blonde.
“Of course!” Her bright smile feels like it should be un-nerving, it holds malice and hatred, it’s the smile of a girl who has been rejected her entire life- but it almost makes others smile back. And so, Y/n’s face was covered with the rare grin; which had become scarce. 
“It really isn’t that big a deal, but Shigarki is getting trigger-happy. We should hurry, I’m pretty sure Dabi will set his hands on fire if we don’t leave soon!” Her voice dripped sugar, and Y/n found herself hurrying. She put her phone into her side pocket, and she secured her outfit. 
The pair walked out of Y/n’s assigned room, and they made their way to the group scattered around the bar. “I thought you all were ready? Let’s get a move on!” Y/n said, there was an unusual lightness to her tone.
The group had started to pass through the given portals Kurogiri had made for them, and one by one they stepped through. In the end, only Dabi and Y/n were left standing with the tall void-like man. 
“Hey,” the gruff man had grabbed a hold of Y/n’s y/s/c arm, and he had lightly pulled it back.
“What’s the deal, Dabi?” She asked, not rudely, but he could tell she didn’t appreciate the physical contact. They were far from close. When Y/n woke up, Dabi could tell something was off about her. Not wrong necessarily, she just had a very unique vibe that he felt was oddly familiar. 
“It’s just...” he sighed and shook his head, “Nevermind. It doesn’t matter.” 
Whatever it was that Dabi was going to tell her obviously didn’t matter that much, so she shook it off and went through the portal. 
“You feel it too, don’t you?” Kurogiri looked him in the eyes with a knowing gleam in his eyes.
Dabi nodded and walked through the portal- it would be cruel to tell her- he decided as soon as he saw her laughing with Toga. She has no memory of it, and she just recently started to act like herself again, why would I ruin that for her?
Amnesia was a tricky situation for anyone to deal with. It was dangerous to the person suffering from it, due to how trusting and gullible they become- but it is significantly worse for those of them who have their memories of the victim intact.
Dabi was one of those lucky people- so is the majority of the other people on the team. They can all think back to at least one memory of the spunky girl they have grown to care for. She was always so strong, yet somehow she was always overshadowed by her over-zealous classmates. Those stars that tried to outshine her magnificence- Dabi could only hope they would burn out soon.
He had been one of the first to meet the girl, and boy was she hard to forget. If her physical appearance didn’t grab his attention- her striking y/e/c eyes and flawless y/h/c hair- her quirk definitely did. 
GateKeeper was a well-known up-and-coming hero and student at UA’s school for future hero’s, she was the receiver of the most interning opportunities, and she was respected by almost everyone. Named after her quirk, GateKeeper- or rather, Y/N, is able to access the gates between different planes. 
She can visit the gates of hell, she can see the holy light of heaven, she can see the Mormon’s different kingdoms and the fields of Aaru. She can walk along the banks of river Styx with those about to be reincarnated. 
She can see spirits or those who have passed, and she can comfort those who have lost love ones. With this power, she has been given the ability to have the power of those who have died where she is standing. She can call on the remaining spirits to help her, and she has the power to reap souls. 
Dabi had spent countless hours thinking about the girl who froze him in place- she showed him his worst fear and didn’t bat an eye. She was fierce and protective of all the other students, she stood in front of them and, with her small undead army of soldiers who could never move on, defended them till her last breath. If only she had died.
The fight hadn't lasted long, the pros took out most of the b-tier criminals, and the students were fighting here and there. With All-might out of the picture, it was anyone's guess how the fight would go.
Who would have thought that a single girl who wipe the floor with them? Ahh yes, in a flash of light she managed to subdue the vast majority of the villains, if only she hadn’t lost consciousness- then maybe she wouldn’t have been snatched away so easily. 
It was hard to believe that Iida would skip school. For the first handful of days after the attack, he dragged himself to his classes- half-conscious and unwilling to be aware of his surroundings.
Eventually having to push himself to get out of his bed- let alone go to school- grew too much for him. He settled with walking to the canteen when everyone else was out to get food before going back to his room. 
He was never one for dramatics, but Iida knew there was nothing he could do. He had failed her, the love of his life slipped through his fingers- never to be seen again.
Day after day he listened to a voicemail left months before the incident- he was never happier for his phone to be dead than when he knew he could hear her talk to him again. 
And while Iida had his outlet for his sadness, his classmates were going more and more concerned with every passing minute. 
Midoriya would double take when he heard her voice through his wall, and, silently, he would press his ear against it just so he could make-believe she was still with them.
“Hey, Tenya! I guess you’re busy huh? Haha! It’s so weird to talk to your voicemail- I’ve never had to before. Well, I miss you! Remember that just because it’s Christmas and I’m not with you doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to celebrate with your other friends!
I just want to remind you how much I love you! You are such a great boyfriend, and I’m glad that you’re mine. I was planing on FaceTiming you while we have Christmas dinner, but since I can’t I guess this will have to do~
Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?
In the lane, snow is glistening
A beautiful sight
We're happy tonight
Walking in a winter wonderland
Gone away is the bluebird
Here to stay is a new bird
To sing a love song
While we stroll along
Walking in a winter wonderland
In the meadow, we can build a snowman
We'll pretend that he is Parson Brown
He'll say, are you married?
We'll say, no man
But you can do the job when you're in town
Later on, we'll conspire
As we dream by the fire
To face unafraid
The plans that we've made,
Walking in a winter wonderland”
She cleared her throat and laughed a little, “That was really awkward, but I hope you’ll accept my mini Christmas gift! I’ll wait to open the one you got me until I’m with you again. I love you Tenya, merry Christmas!”
Once again, the shrill ring of an ended voicemail echoed through his room. Wiping away a stray tear- Iida sat down at his desk.
Everything had been going so perfect, everything was going exactly to plan. His brother had been in recovery, they had been going smoothly, classes had finally declared winter-break, and then... everything fell apart. The storm had been brewing, and brewing, and then it came- and then it destroyed everything in its wake. 
It’s hard to accept a loss that you didn’t see happen. He didn’t get the goodbye, or the I’ll never let go. There was no body to hold on to, no one in the casket which was lowered to the ground. Nothing to show that his lover was gone- only the empty dorm room and phone number that gave no answer. 
The school had opened it’s doors during winter break for all the students and parents to come. Some of her closest friends only ever saw her in the hallow walls of UA, and now they didn’t have the chance to see her anywhere else.
There was really no good way to deal with it. ‘It’. Iida despised that word now- ‘it’ was the only way people described the death of his girlfriend. As if death was a taboo word, ‘it’ was all people talked about and yet their words meant nothing. 
Tenya was doing his best- fighting every single fucking day at a time. He hated what he had turned into. He hated the state of being that he devolved to be. Every trait she adored about her boyfriend diapered.  Failing to go to class and snapping at those that came close enough to bother him. He had always gotten cold when faced with misery, resolved and retreated in himself- he had never seen himself as someone who would take up smoking to feel better.
Weed always seemed so far beneath him, it felt like something nothings did to feel better about themselves instead of working hard at bettering themselves, but now even Denki wasn’t eager to help him. Last time he visited the blonds room Kaminari rejected him, saying that he wasn’t getting high in the right way and that he was worried Iida would become a drug abuser with how things were turning up. 
Tenya hated himself more that night. He hated himself and he hated everyone else. He hated Uraraka, who coped with baking Y/n’s favorite cookies and eating them to the movie they would watch during their own girl’s night. 
He hated Momo too, she still got straight A’s and seemed to be just fine- pretending like we didn’t hear her obnoxious sobs at two am. He hated Mina too- she had no place wearing Y/n’s hoodie to school everyday. It was a shitty thing to do. 
He’s pissed at Deku as well- Midoriya the hypocrite. Knocks on his door every day with his missed classwork and with his judgement, pressuring him to leave his room. Everyone knows his grade’s have gone down since her death so who is he to talk about attending class. 
He hates Bakugo, who only ever yelled at her even when she joked around with him- who’s words she laughed at but really made her drown in her insecurities when she was suppose to be secure in her boyfriends arms. Fuck Bakugo, for glaring at her empty seat next to him like he didn’t openly mock her when she got a grade lower than him. Fuck him for screaming at 3am and breaking the school punching bags. Fuck him for feeling bad after hurting her. Fuck him for being her friend. Fuck him for giving a shit. Fuck everyone.
Aizawa sighed once he sat at his desk. Classes would start in half and hour and he was still crying. His silent tears burned down his cheek and all he could fell was the raw aching in his throat and the headache that felt like it was killing him slowly. 
He saw it then. In that classroom starring at her desk, he can see it happening. 
The cold breeze had moved his hair into his face, giving the villain a second outside of his hold. One second- yet it was long enough for him to disappear into the ground. 
“Dammit,” he hissed, looking around him. 
He heared Mic’s screech at a crowed of them on his left, and the majority of his students stood tall on his right. Everything was chaotic, but a Nomu appeared from the forest line everything exploded. 
He felt a familiar chill crawl over his skin, signifying Y/n using one of her ultimate moves ‘Fallen Heros’. AS what looked like hundreds of dead warriors of different generation’s rose from the ground- some in modern military uniform and others in ancient armor- and surrounded the giant Nomu. 
More appeared- in uniquely them outfits. They were the dead pro-heroes, the ones who passed during a fight they’ll never get to finish. The ones who either dine at Valhalla or will never be at peace after failing. 
A woman with black hair flew as she fought- with more ease than the others that were in spirit form. It was safe to assume that this was her quirk. The other that sent momentary shock waves through the gathering was Sir Nighteye, who waisited no time wiping out the waves of villains. 
Aizawa took notice of Y/n’s body floating in mid-air. The cost of her quirk- she had to keep note of all those she called upon. If one of the fallen are out of her sight for too long her body replicates what the dead’s went through, and she would eventually die from the injury. 
The dead soldiers ended the battle very suddenly, and, as their spirits returned to the afterlife, a large explosion of dust swallowed the crowed. 
Once they could all see, and the hectic environment calmed, Iida’s voice cut through the air. He was screaming as loud as he could, frantically running around the field of people. 
“Y/n!” He had shouted, his voice becoming horse. “Y/n!” Everyone became deathly pale and still as the horror of realization came upon them. She was gone. 
“Y/l/n?” Aizawa had shouted, starting the shove peoples shoulders to get to where she was. 
“Y/l/n now is NOT the time to play games!” He had hopefully prayed. His face fell along with his voice as he made it to where she had been floating. A scorched square of land had taken her place. 
His mind tried to go back and see the rose dead she had summoned, he looked frantically for a scorched soldiers face, but he couldn't find one. Even then it wasn’t hard to guess at what had happened.
No one near her had heard her screams, but with the noise coming from everyone in the dust storm, it would be unlikely that they would have been heard whether she screamed or not. 
He was right there. He saw her. He was less than three yards away. How did he let this happen?
He remembers looking around for a corpse of a soldier, but he wondered if, with Y/n dead, they would be able to live anyway. 
He pinched the bridge of his noes, wiping away the pools of tears from his stinging eyes. Rubbing them with his palm, his vision blurs when he looks up. Yet, even with the lines blurring, what he sees is unmistakable.
“Y/n?” He asked, seeing her figure sit on the top of her desk. 
“Calling a student by their first name,” she teased lightly, “how unprofessional,”
“Are you...” he stopped and starred at her, “Are you really here? Is this a part of your quirk?” 
“C’mon Eraserhead, like I would know. If you’re right then you’re right. If you’re wrong then I’m just a fixation of your brain and I wouldn’t know it,” She tried to reason, hopping off of her desk. 
“Damn... you’re right. I’m going batshit crazy,” he sighed, closing his eyes again.
“So,” Y/n smirked, walking up to his desk and bending over, placing her hands on her locked knees, “Wanna talk about why you’re fantasizing about your dead, female, super fucking hot, student?”
He groaned out annoyed and clawed at his eyes, “Why the fuck is that happening? I hate that, I hate this, cut this shit out!” He shouted, pushing his hand into his covered corneas. 
“What shit out?” Hizashi asked, stepping into his classroom.
“Nothing Mic, just overthinking,” he responded, slamming his eyes open looking for his student. 
“Alright Shouta, just remember that I’m across the hall if you ever need to talk,” 
Sighing once he noticed Y/n had vanished, he wondered if this was confirmation that he was hallucinating. Needless to say, Y/n definitely responded to her situation exactly how he would expect her to when she figured out her action’s had no consequence- like a little shit who needs to be put into detention. 
God, even thinking that last sentence made Aizawa feel dirty. He’ll definitely need to scrub his skin red after that. 
Breakfasts in the mornings have changed a lot since school opened back up. Y/n was always made a plate of food and a drink every morning, it varied in who made it every couple days. No one vocalized what the food at her usual spot on the couch meant, but it was an unspoken rule that it would stay undisturbed. 
No one was entirely sure who cleaned it up when they were in class. They were pretty sure it wasn’t Iida, the seat was clear even when he was in class with them. 
Everyone missed her voice in the mornings. Whether she was complaining about late nights (to which Denki or Mina would yell get some in her direction after) or she was cracking jokes to help wake everyone up, her voice still rung in the air leaving a hole of silence where it once was. 
People’s sentences often drifted off half way through as their eyes caught themselves on her corner seat, where she once curled up into half a ball as she placed her plate of breakfast on top of a throw pillow. 
As people would shuffle off to class, everyone would throw a look over their shoulder and give a moment of their time to the friend they would never get to see again. 
Taking one more look at the lock-screen of a phone she couldn’t unlock, she wondered who it was on her screen. A boy with strikingly unique features had white ice cream smeared from his noes down to his lips, and a small smirk was percent on his face. Lights from a Ferris Wheel and fairy lights lit up the dark night sky behind him, and what looked like her knuckles were in front of the camera, showing their interlocked fingers. 
It was a cute photo, but it was so foreign to her it made Y/n wonder if the phone was even hers. She sighed after staring at the keypad, asking for her password. The face id had been disabled after it shut off, and all she could do was hope she would remember what is was.
“You okay?” Toga asked, placing a hand on Y/n’s shoulder. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she responded, taking in the forest clearing Toga had taken her off to, splitting off from the rest of the group. “What are we doing here Himiko?”
“The other members want to know how much control you still have over your quirk. They thought I would be the best person for you t be around when we do this,” She explained, a soft smile on her face as she explained. 
“Huh,” Y/n had a few thoughts running around in her mind, “Shigiraki didn’t want you to tell me did he?”
“Yeah, how’d you know?” She teased, a wide smile on her face.
“I dunno... it felt like someone whispered it in my ear, if that makes sense?” 
“Who knows, that could be one of the parts of your quirk,”
“What exactly is my quirk?” She asked, glaring at one of the birds near them who had grown to be too loud. 
“It’s kinda hard to explain. The easiest way that I know how to explain it is that you’ve got a strong connection to the dead. You can talk to them, visit them I think, and most importantly you can summon them to fight for you,”
“Fight for me?” Y/n echoed. She wasn’t quiet sure why, but that phrasing felt weird... it almost felt off... 
“Yup!” Himiko cheered, bouncing slightly. 
“Alright,” Y/n sighed, shaking her arms, “Let’s give this shit a try,” she declared, moving her arms slowly from beneath her hips, struggling to get them above her waist.
In front of her, a muddy figure rose from the ground, it’s shoulders cracking as it took a deep breath of clean, fresh, air.
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