#me a person whos too anxious to even LOOK at someone in the train with me: yes i love this story
gatheringbones · 1 year
[“The barbers, on the other hand, were kind. They were prisoners, too, though they’d been trained as cosmetologists for their prison work. They could see my pain. They could feel my body tense, sense how anxious the whole thing made me. I’d freak out every time and start telling the barber that I didn’t want to do this, I couldn’t bear it again. They went slow, talking me through it very carefully. “I know,” they’d say gently. There was no judgment.
They’d get me talking about something else, anything else. Sometimes, they’d wash my hair, to make it feel more like a beauty appointment than a ritual shearing. And each of the barbers made sure, very carefully, that he left my hair at two inches every time—the longest length allowed. One barber asked if he could shape my eyebrows; he said he wanted the practice. And so from then on, he’d thread my brows into a feminine shape, a small thing that made me feel more like the person I knew I was. It touched me deeply.
I wasn’t the only trans person in our housing unit. In late 2013, the dining facility was closed for renovation, and we ate in the gym. Everything was temporarily socially scrambled, our usual table arrangements thrown into chaos. There was a break from territoriality, the usual de facto segregation. A person from the Latinx group sat down next to me and began to talk quietly about my transness. “I feel the same way,” they said. “I have these feelings, and I never got a chance to deal with them.” Not long after, they were transferred to a medium-security facility in Texas. (Texas was a jurisdiction where prisoners couldn’t legally change their names, which meant that a trans person couldn’t do what I’d done in Kansas.)
Most of the prisoners now called me by feminine pronouns and used my last name or called me Chelsea. Even the transphobes at least largely respected me. But there was one guy—white, blond hair, glasses, lanky—who’d been convicted for murdering civilians. He came into the dining facility one day not long after he’d arrived and began needling me about my gender. If this guy thought he was doing something original that was going to cause some kind of fresh pain, he was extremely incorrect. Being an out trans person had quickly thickened my skin. I was surrounded by people who say the meanest possible things to you, so you learn to be twice as hard, and twice as ready to rip someone apart. I went straight back at him. Look at you, you skinny-ass glasses-wearing little general. I wonder how many pencils you’ve broken today. He was momentarily stunned. Everyone else reacted. Oh, I hope you got a sterile dressing for that burn. He was mortified. He had been taken down by a trans girl, and nobody let him forget it.
The other inmates were supportive of my pursuit of gender reassignment, not necessarily because they believed deeply in trans rights, but because compelling the government to allow me to take hormones was fighting back against the prison. A victory for me would be a victory for all prisoners.”]
chelsea manning, from readme.txt
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ovaryacted · 8 months
Rookie Mistakes
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Pairing: RE2!Leon x Sergeant fem!Reader
Summary: When Leon seems distracted and makes a mistake during a call, you ensure your rookie gets his head together as his sergeant.
Content/Warnings: 18+/MDNI. NSFW. Porn with plot. Dom/sub elements. Femdom/msub. Praise kink. Slight degradation. Needy/subby Leon. Oral sex. Fingering. Handjob. Office Sex. Slight age gap (reader is older at around 25, Leon is 21).
WC: 4.7k
Notes: Finally this is out. I know I know, I'm a liar! But, I had fun with this one, so I hope you like it. Shoutout to the babe @cinnarette for beta reading this and giving me her approval lolz. Anyways, reblogs & comments are always appreciated!
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Leon had always been one to find the good in a shitty situation. Someone with a warm heart that matched the moral compass he developed despite the constant bullshit he experienced daily.
From his hectic childhood to his experiences in the police academy, he had to overcome many trials and tribulations on his own with nobody in his corner. All of those struggles to get the pure sense of relief once he felt his diploma in his hand made all the stress worth it.
When he first arrived at the R.P.D., he didn’t know what to expect. The anxiety of starting fresh in a new city with a new career clouded his mind with a paranoia he seemed to carry in his youth. Walking into the police department he’d call his new home, Leon was fairly surprised to be greeted with a welcome party.
Balloons and confetti filled the common room as he moved around the crowd, bombarded with introductions and greetings as he tried to memorize the names that were thrown his way. Still, the small games and blue cake he indulged in brought a smile to his face, topped off with the polka-dotted party hat he was forced to wear and the words Welcome Leon hung up on the ceiling for him to see.
What Leon didn’t expect was to be assigned to your personal detail the next day. A police sergeant on the force, a bit older, no more than 25 he first assumed, more refined and seasoned with one hell of a glare. First impressions? He was terrified, nervous as hell to fuck anything up seeing how you ran a tight ship, taking your job too seriously for comfort. Of course, you had to. You were working in a male-dominated field, forcing yourself into a mold so you could be taken seriously by those around you.
He took his hand out when being introduced to you, unstable grip and a nervous smile to match as he looked directly into your intimidating gaze. You shook his hand firmly, the strength of your grasp parallel with the small grin you offered him almost made a shiver roll down his spine.
“So you’re the new rookie huh? Well, it’s nice to see a fresh face in here. We have some serious work to do. Let’s get started.”
You were particular about how you wanted things done, very precise in your words and your delivery. A harsh leader, one who easily reprimanded the other rookie officers but was particularly picky with Leon. In a way, he started to feel like you were targeting him, pressuring him so he would crack and leave the force. He knew he couldn’t leave, that this was the career path he chose, and he was too anxious to say anything so he’d let it slide.
You didn’t let up on his training either, always making sure your rookie was on top of what was expected of him. The slight fear Leon had when first meeting you quickly turned into admiration. His stress-induced feelings morphed into respect, now wanting to learn everything you had to show him.
That was when it started. Leon now tried any little thing to get in your good graces, to see even the slightest sign of a smile or to hear you laugh. He started coming to work earlier to help with the case filings you had piled on your desk, organizing them the way you taught him whenever you assigned him grunt work. He wanted you to take a breather and start your day with a clear head, maybe even enjoy your coffee for a bit longer.
When you saw how tidy your work environment was, you went up to Leon who you saw was typing away at his desk diligently. His head lifted up to look at you, blue eyes glancing over your face to read your expression.
“Morning. By any chance, did you fix all the files on my desk?”, you asked curiously, making the blonde rub the back of his neck shyly.
“Yeah, I did. Wanted to help you out a bit and give you an early start to the day” he responded, silently hoping you wouldn’t be upset at him for entering your workspace. Instead, he was met with your look of genuine surprise, followed by a twinkle of gratitude.
“Thank you for that, I appreciate it. Keep up the good work Leon”, you praised him, offering a small smile, one that he made sure to burn into his memory.
“Yes ma’am”, his face was practically beaming at your words as he watched you walk back towards your office, trying to hide the sudden warmth flooding his cheeks.
Your words kept repeating in his head nonstop throughout the entire day. Not only did you acknowledge him in a positive light, you also addressed him by name, which was rare. He was more present at work, his posture straighter, and more eager to help. From that point on, he made it his mission to make sure his sergeant was stress-free, doing anything to see you smile at him again.
Working with Leon, you quickly learned that he was perceptive. A smart cookie, and probably the smartest one out of the current bunch of recruits. Despite the tough love you gave him, especially because he was your professional responsibility, he was the only one truly receptive to your teachings. Like a sponge, he took in everything you gave with a certain wonder you hadn’t seen in anyone else. It was cute really, how he was so ambitious and doing his best to get your approval.
What you liked the most about working with Leon was how he addressed you. He took your authority seriously, seeing someone in charge instead of your appearance. He didn’t say your name, not your first or last out of respect, but rather he always addressed you as Ma’am. You never had someone say that to you directly, thinking it makes you sound older than you actually are. But with the way his eyes warmed up when he’d say it with full confidence, you didn’t have it in you to tell him to stop.
Over the next few weeks, Leon became part of your daily routine, integral to the start of your day. He’d walk in a few minutes early as expected, with two coffee cups in his hands as he waited for you outside your office. Spotting the top of your head coming from speaking to the chief, you were heading his way. You had the same soft smile reserved just for him, one that he always looked forward to seeing when you worked together.
“Got you your usual”, he offered one of the cups to you, your fingers lightly grazing his when taking the warm concoction into your hand.
“Extra caramel?”
“With oat milk, vanilla and cinnamon. I triple checked”, he said enthusiastically, observing you as you sipped the drink. A soft hum escaped you while you closed your eyes in satisfaction.
“You know how to spoil me”, you gave him a wider smile now, seeing how his cheeks blushed the slightest bit at your expression. His reaction made you chuckle, a sound he’s come to enjoy the more time you two spent together. 
“Now come on, we need to work on this case before we patrol at 12. The chief’s on my ass again so let’s get this over with before lunch yeah?”, and without fail, he’d give you the same ending response every time.
“Yes ma’am”
The more you invested in Leon’s skills, the more you realized small things about him that were fairly telling. You weren’t stupid. Anyone with a brain could see that the respect and admiration he had for you was turning into something else entirely. You could tell with every passing moment you had with him, noticing how the tension between the two of you would get thicker after every interaction. You didn’t comment on it. Instead, you enjoyed toying with him, a part of your ego feeding off on how he’d say yes ma’am in such a way that would make you want to hear it more often.
The faint touches between the two of you got more frequent. Your fingers would brush his during the exchange of files, you saw how he’d always be within a hair’s distance when standing near you. Moments spent training in the shooting range were where the intimacy seemed to skyrocket, putting your hands on Leon’s arms to keep his form up as he shot towards his target.
You didn’t need to do that. Leon was a good shot, accurate too. But you enjoyed the way he released a shaky breath whenever you were close to him or touched him, how the tips of his ears reddened when you praised him for hitting the bullseye.
In one certain instance when the R.P.D. was extra busy, you were being hammered with files and administrative work. The coffee sitting on your desk was no longer doing its job of waking you up, and the constant bombardment of having to organize new information was starting to make your head pulse. You stood up from your seat to give your back a break, bending backward until you felt a satisfying crack in your spine. Hearing a knock at your door that brought your attention, you noticed Leon on the opposite end.
“Hey, my bad if I caught you at a bad time. The investigators wanted to review those files on that drug bust we did yesterday, something about missing information”
“Oh yeah yeah, it’s right behind me. Hell, I don’t even know where I put it”, you turned to face the mess behind you, lamenting at the stack of files you have yet to sort through today.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll look for it. You stay focused on what you’re doing”
Just like that, Leon came over behind you, going through the files while you stayed reading over the papers in your hand. The both of you made quick conversation, commenting on how busy it became. The increase of instances flooding the department only added more to your workload. Leon kept digging through the pile, turning his body to go to the other side of you.
In the process, he put a hand on your hip and muttered an apology, slightly making you jump and walking behind you to go to your left side. You tried to pay no mind to the gentle touch, going back to refocusing on the case at hand. He found the document folders he needed, suddenly too close to your body when the second he turned, you moved backward into him. Leon’s hips pressed against your rear, his hands reaching toward your hips instinctively despite the hitch in his breath at the contact.
“S-shit, I’m sorry…”, he mumbled, cheeks flushed red as he walked out of your office. You didn’t get a word in, but his reaction was enough to tell you about what you already knew.
The ghost of his touch filled your mind for the rest of the day, and it was worse for Leon. He tried so hard not to think about it. Not to fantasize about how your hips would feel bouncing against his with force, what you’d sound like when you’re aroused. It was practically impossible for him. His imagination went haywire the second he got home, jerking himself off to relieve the hard-on he’s been managing since earlier this afternoon.
He couldn’t get the image out of his head. He thought about how you’d praise him, call him a good boy for making you feel good. Deep down, he wondered if you were equally as authoritative in the bedroom as you were outside of it. As he released all over his hands with a whine, he sighed to himself, fully aware that he had reached the point of no return with his own thoughts about you. 
It was a Tuesday afternoon when both of you were assigned to handle two suspects committing a robbery. Called to the scene, you trailed them down to a nearby commercial street. They were careless too, throwing their guns halfway into the chase and the items they stole slipping from their grasp onto the concrete floor. Catching them felt easy, handcuffing one to the ground and throwing him to the backseat of your cop car. Leon seemed to be distracted, with what you didn’t know. When the second thief seemed to slip from his grasp and started to make a run for it, you knew he needed to get his act together.
“Get your head out of your ass Kennedy! Before I put my foot up there instead. Now move!”, you ordered him to get back into the patrol car. Turning on the police siren, you drove to track down the next suspect and apprehended them with quickness.
The drive to the station was quiet besides the two handcuffed men grumbling behind you. Leon kept his mouth shut, refusing to look your way, and focused on listening to the chatter on the radio. He knew you were pissed, and he didn’t know what had gotten into him today but he couldn’t focus for the life of him. The nagging voice in the back of his mind was telling him to be prepared for the worst, because he fucked up, and worse yet, he fucked up with you.
After bringing the two robbers down to the precinct, you couldn’t erase the irritation from your face. You couldn’t even look at Leon, upset that someone like him after so much training made such a rookie mistake. You only offered a glare, knowing for a fact you’d have to talk to him later on when your temper wasn’t so flared up. For now, you made Leon sit at his desk to do filing work, deciding not to berate him in front of the other officers and saving him the embarrassment.
Knowing you were giving him the silent treatment, he avoided you for the rest of the day, staying late at the R.P.D. in hopes of being able to talk to you. Leon drummed his fingers on his desk absentmindedly, until you came up behind him and got his attention.
“Kennedy, to my office. Now”, your tone of voice was harsh, making the hairs on Leon’s neck rise as he got up to follow you back to your workspace.
You locked the door once the both of you were inside, leaning back against your desk with your tactical belt off so your hips pressed against the wooden edge. Arms crossed over your chest, your head raised at the cop before you, watching his feet anxiously moving as he looked at the floor with slight shame.
“I want to know what happened out there. You messed up, and that’s not like you. You don’t make rookie mistakes anymore, we’re passed that”, you started to speak. Leon’s gaze was pinned on you, trying to hide his humiliation but it was clear as day.
“I know. I know I fucked up, it was a stupid mistake. I’m sorry”
“Yeah, it was. I didn’t invest all this time in training you personally for you to let things like this slip. You’re better than this, you know that”, your tone changed from irritation to concern, trying to get him to see the bigger picture.
“You’re my responsibility, Leon. I’m this harsh and this strict for a reason, and it’s because I care. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t give a shit what happened to you, but I do. This reflects back on me, so just get your head together alright?”, you saw how his brows furrowed a bit in slight confusion at your confession.
You cared about him.
“Yes ma'am. It won’t happen again, I really am sorry”, his hands started to fumble with his tactical belt.
“I know you are, but sorry’s not gonna cut it. I can’t have you distracted like this. Not on my watch”, you said, now walking from the desk until you stood in front of him. He didn’t move a muscle, not knowing what else to do besides stand there.
“If you’re really sorry you’re going to have to prove it. You’re not getting off that easy. You got that rookie?”, your eyes held that intimidating stare that made Leon tense, you could practically hear him gulp. 
“I-I understand ma’am. Whatever it takes I’ll do it.”, he was still oblivious, having no idea what he just got himself into but he wasn’t complaining, not when you were this close to him. Your hand went up towards his belt, a singular finger curving into one of the loops to yank his body forward. Now standing chest to chest he shivered at the close contact, holding his breath and waiting for your next words.
“You’re gonna use your pretty mouth to prove that you won’t mess up like that again. Maybe if you’re good enough, I’ll think about being nice and rewarding you. That okay?”, your words were laced with pure temptation, making Leon nod, too scared to speak up. He didn’t know what to expect, but lord if he wasn’t going to pretend he wasn’t enjoying it. 
“Use your words baby”
“Yeah, f-fuck it’s okay”, he was shaking in front of you, a blush on his cheeks so intense you could feel the heat radiating off of his skin.
“Can I kiss you?”, you tilted your head up towards him, his warm breath against your lips as the ends of your noses touched.
“Please do…”
You didn’t waste another second, lips colliding against his as Leon finally released the breath he was holding. He let you take control, his mind turning to complete mush at just the feel of your mouth against his. Tongues dancing together, you ran your fingers through his hair, his own hands going to paw at your hips. He released needy faint moans, holding on to you as if you were going to leave him any second now. When you pulled away from him and bit his bottom lip he whimpered, a sound you didn’t expect him to make. You fucking loved it.
You walked backward while he followed you on jittery legs. With your back now pressed against the desk again, Leon’s face dug into your neck, leaving a path of kisses in a way that made you chuckle. His hands were everywhere, overwhelmed with what to do or where to touch. You brought your fingers into his hair again, giving him a soft yank as he groaned out from the action. Pupils already dilated, you eyed him closely, how he seemed so far gone when you haven’t even started.
“You want to be good for me Leon?”, your voice was soft, almost patronizing and it only made Leon’s dick pulse in his pants.
“Yes, I wanna be good for you. Don’t want you mad at me”, Leon pouted, and you fought the urge to kiss him again.
“Then get on your knees and start working on your apology”, you commanded, watching how he bit his lip and nodded.
“Yes ma’am”, he was already shifting down to the ground, diligent fingers on the button of your cargos and undoing them, while you threw your shoes off.
Pulling the zipper down, he started to drag the fabric to your knees until it hit your ankles, pants discarded to the side and leaving you in your panties. Sitting on top of the desk, his eyes looked up at yours, coming face to face with where you wanted him most.
His large hands moved from your shin to your knee, then towards your thigh and hip to hook his thumbs into the waistband of your underwear, noting the wet patch that was already staining the cotton material. He dragged them down with ease until they hung at your ankle, lifting one of your thighs onto his shoulders to admire all of you with a soft moan.
“Can I taste you? Please?”, he mumbled against your thigh with a soft kiss. He was already playing the part so well, offering him a smirk as you drank in the way he begged you for more. You didn’t even have you train him.
“Yeah baby, you can”
Without hesitation, his mouth made contact with your body, the taste of your wetness filling his tongue and making his chest rumble. It was better than he imagined, moving his tongue up and down against your slit to collect the developing slick. You released a low hum from your lips, already pent up from the stress of your job and your day, now having your favorite rookie tending to you on your orders.
Leon was anything if not keen, tongue lavishing against your throbbing clit and his lips circling around it as he began to suck. You threw your head back at that, hand holding his head in place and hips moving towards him shamelessly. He was grunting under his breath, growing obsessed with the way your body twitched anytime he touched you just right. 
“You’re doing so good Leon, so damn good for me”, you praised him again, feeling the sounds he’d release when you did talk to him. It was debauched, how his senses were filled with just you with no end in sight.
This was how you wanted to see him. On his knees and eager to please.
His attention went back to your opening, feeling it flex around nothing with every flick he gave you. Inserting his tongue into your cunt, your hips arched towards him again, moaning louder than you anticipated.
You were silently thankful your office was a bit farther away from the rest of the department, and being it was later at night, you didn’t have to hide much of anything. You moved Leon’s face closer to your body with a pull of his head, clit pressed against his nose as he sucked at your essence greedily, taking in everything he could get. 
A warmth started to develop in your gut, pleasure like liquid fire making your body twitch. The high you so desperately craved was in near sight, grinding yourself against Leon’s face and using him to get off. He didn’t object, moving his mouth to suck at your clit again, two fingers teasing your entrance before inserting them inside. You cursed under your breath, the dual sensation of Leon’s fingers curling against your g-spot and his consistent sucking brought you closer to your much-needed climax.
“Fuck you’re gonna make me cum”, you could almost taste your release right at the edge of your tongue, could imagine the way it would feel to finally let go.
You looked down to watch Leon at work, how he’d pump his fingers at just the right pace, how his eyes grew hazy with pleasure when they looked up at you.
With one soft nip at your clit your release hit you full force, a small squeal leaving your lips as your gummy walls clenched around his fingers. Your grip on the desk and his hair were both tight, knuckles turned white as stars filled your vision. Leon kept moving his fingers and mouth the whole way through your orgasm, groaning loudly against you and refusing to stop. He couldn’t get enough of you or your taste, forcing you to pull his head away before the overstimulation made it too much to handle.
The both of you were panting, eyes widening when Leon pulled his digits away and inserted them into his mouth to lick off what remained of you. You pulled him up towards his feet, dragging him down to kiss you again and chasing your own taste that flooded his tongue. If you weren’t on a time crunch, you would’ve gladly let him go down on you again.
“Did I do good ma'am? Do you feel good?”, Leon asked, thumbs rubbing your trembling thighs as you came down from your high, flushed face waiting for your approval.
“Yes, you were so fucking good for me. You ate my pussy so well”, your words made him smile then, a dopey lopsided grin that seemed to ease his doubts from earlier.
“I think you deserve a little reward now. You want some help with that pretty boy?”, your eyes gestured to the tent in Leon’s pants, looking up at him from your long lashes.
“God, please touch me”, he begged then, blue eyes engulfed in pure lust.
You didn’t want to tease him any longer, undoing his pants and slipping your hand inside. With a gasp he felt your fingers wrapping around his cock that pulsated with need, knowing it wouldn’t take him long to cum either. He had been on the edge for too long, imagining you like this for what seemed like months. You pumped him, twisting your wrist and pressing your thumb against his slit, feeling the precum that was already making a mess in his briefs. 
“You get hard when you have your superior’s pussy in your face huh? You like being used like that baby?”
“Y-yes, yes I do. God I fucking love it”, he nodded dumbly. “Love the way you taste, the way you feel…”, he didn’t even know what he was saying anymore, mind so blurred with just you that he was losing track of time and himself.
You smirked, kissing his neck and pressing your lips against the mole on his throat. Leon swallowed, hands pressing into your thighs for stability but he was so close to losing it. He thrusts his hips up into your hand, chasing his own high and you gladly let him, whispering sweet nothings into his ear and biting at the lobe. The sounds Leon released were downright pornographic, whines and lewd wet sounds filling your office. 
“S-shit I’m gonna cum. Can I cum? Please ma'am, I’m so close”, he begged again, his cock throbbing and hot in your hand as he spoke. He bucked his hips more into your squeezing fingers, your pace picking up as you jerked him off more persistently. He felt like he could barely breathe, the prickly feeling in his lower spine getting more prominent the closer he got to his orgasm.
“Be a good boy and cum for me Leon. I want to see you cum baby”, it was your final order, and those words alone were his undoing.
His body shook above you when he fell over the edge, his lower stomach flexing hard as he came all over your fingers. He cursed and whimpered, an array of thank yous were said against your neck, hands pressed into your thighs hard enough to bruise your skin. His cum dribbled out of him as his body jerked, still pumping him to the point of sensitivity. He clutched your wrist to signal you to stop, half-lidded eyes looking at yours that filled with mischief.
You took your hand off of him and licked the remaining fluids, purring at the taste of him filling your mouth. Leon bit his lip when watching you, already starting to feel his dick twitch again for more.
He leaned down towards you, kissing you hard and chasing his taste, just like how you did with him. The eroticness of it all overwhelmed him, rasping against you as you pulled away. You looked over his face, cheeks flushed pink and lips plump from their usage. You burn that image into your mind, saving it for later when it would be more helpful. 
“No more distractions or mistakes from here on out Leon. You come to me if you need to clear your head. Understood?”, he released a dry chuckle, placing another kiss against your lips, much softer than before. The intimacy made your chest warm, your smile matching his own.
“Yes ma’am”
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©️ ovaryacted 2023. Please don’t repost, copy, translate, or feed into any AI. Support your fellow creators by reblogging, commenting, and liking!
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xenosaurus · 2 years
there’s an autism test going around again, and those are always WILD to take as an adult who has actively worked to adapt to certain symptoms.  My score has almost definitely “improved” by neurotypical standards because I put in an unholy amount of effort to get there.  I didn’t “become normal”.
I was a deeply anxious child with no idea how to interact with other children and could rarely identify my OWN emotions, let alone how they looked on others.  I got badly bullied because all of my social interactions were “off”, too forward or too quiet and too fixated on single topics.
As an adult, I work in training, where I often teach classes to large groups of strangers, and every year my performance reviews are full of comments about me being friendly and welcoming.  I get along with most of my coworkers, even the ones I have nothing in common with.
I have not become less autistic.  Nothing became instinctive or “just makes sense”.  I didn’t “grow out of it”.  I have 10+ years of therapy under my belt and understanding friends who were safety nets while I tried new things and let me ask “weird” questions about body language or social interactions.  I learned body language the same way I learned math-- by reading instructions, by practicing, by cheating off someone sitting next to me if I had to.
And I only got through it at all because I find people interesting; if I’d been bored by them, I’d have been stuck, and no amount of intervention would have gotten past that stumbling block.  I weaponized a special interest in personality development to get here.
I still struggle without accommodations my peers don’t need.  I still can’t go to concerts or clubs or loud parties.  I can still lose myself for hours in a special interest and forget to eat.  I still miss euphemistic jokes if I haven’t heard them before.  I still struggle with executive dysfunction and sensory problems, and if there’s a NEW social skill to learn, I’ve got to figure it out from the starting line.
Getting good at navigating around your disability doesn’t mean it went away.
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Divine Intervention
God AU Luffy x GN!Reader
1.2k words
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Doing your best to tune out the chanting echoing around you, you forced your breathing to even out. It wasn’t going to do much in the long run, but you wanted to calm down to preserve what little dignity you had left before your untimely death.
You probably only had a few minutes left. After the incantations were finished, whatever god they were about to summon would likely rip you apart for their own amusement. At least that’s what you assumed would happen based on what you knew about gods. Very few of them were kind to humans, and you doubted that these people were summoning one of them.
It would almost be a mercy to end you now with how much pain you were in. Your body was bloodied and bruised from the fight you put up in an attempt to get away from these lunatics. All you had done was offer food to some freedom fighters, and that was enough to earn the monarchy’s ire. Enough ire to abduct you from your home in the middle of the night to use you as a sacrifice to some god that they would unleash upon the freedom fighters to snuff out their cause.
The chanting had stopped, and everyone waited with baited breath as the room fell into silence. The seconds ticked by with all the urgency of a stagnant stream. Judging by the rustling and hushed whispers going on around you, it would seem your captors were becoming anxious from the lack of anyone divine appearing in the temple. What would they do if no one answered? Would they let you go, or simply kill you? Probably the latter.
Suddenly, there was a blinding flash of light, and a burst of heat throughout the room. Their call had been answered. You flinched and screwed your eyes shut, not wanting to see who was about to be the end of you and the resistance. 
The ringleader of your kidnappers spoke up, “We thank you deeply for answering our call, fearsome god of battle, Zoro.” You didn’t even need to be able to see this prick to know that he was offering only the most smarmy of grins right now.
“Oh, I’m not Zoro. He was busy and asked me to see who was bein’ so loud and annoying while he’s trying to train,” the god answered back, sounding mostly bored. “Do you have any food?” 
Against your better judgment, your eyes cracked open and you risked a glance at whoever this strange god was that showed up. He was standing near the altar you were currently chained to, with his back to you. The robe he was wearing was dirty, covered in what appeared to be grass stains, dirt, and flecks of blood. It was also undone up top, with the bottom only staying in place thanks to a sash tied around his waist. On his head was a simple straw hat, the kind you typically see farmers wearing. 
It was odd to see a god wearing something like this. Not that you’d seen one in person before, but still. You’d always imagined that they would be in only the finest of clothing, and that it would be pristine.
The stone slab you were on was digging into your hip, and you shifted slightly to try and aleve the pain. Much to your horror, the chains make noise, and the god perks up and turns to face you. You’re frozen in place as you make eye contact with the god, something that you’re sure is a taboo, but it’s too late. There’s a small scar under his left eye that your gaze briefly flickers to, before returning to his dark eyes. They’re so much… warmer than you would expect the eyes of a god to be. 
The small smile he sported when he first faced you dropped into a frown. You flinch involuntarily and look away, terror filling you at the thought that he was incensed by your audacity to look him in the eye.
“What’s this about? Were you praying for someone to help them? Zoro probably wasn’t a good choice for that,” his tone was much flatter than it was before.
The ringleader scoffed, “They are the sacrifice, and they aren’t for you. Can you please have Zoro come here? We need his strength to wipe out a rebellion that’s been inconveniencing the king.”
A calloused hand slid under your back and gently propped you up into a sitting position. You kept your head down, desperate to avoid offending him anymore than you already have. His hands moved to the chains wrapped around you. He gripped them tightly, and then effortlessly snapped them. Loose chain links loudly clattered on the ground as they fell. You couldn’t comprehend why he was doing this, but you still refrained from looking at him.
“What are you doing?! You have a lot of nerve for some god’s attendant!”
“Zoro doesn’t have attendants,” he answered simply, much more focused on the task of breaking and tossing away the remaining chains and shackles still on you. Not once did he injure you in the process, much to your surprise.
“Then who are you?” He seethed. You could hear your captor stomping towards you, and you subconsciously leaned into the touch of the god. It was beyond you how that man could mistake this god for being an attendant. You couldn’t explain it, but he just had this energy emanating off of him that made it clear he was far too powerful to be anything less than that. 
“I’m the freedom god, but most people just call me Luffy.”
There were audible gasps throughout the room, and the leader stopped dead in his tracks. Your head snapped up to look at the god again, but this time your heart was filled with hope. You’d heard tell of this god. A god that valued freedom for all above anything else. He was a hero and had liberated countless people around the world. Your throat was raw from screaming at the king’s guard while they took you away, but you forced yourself to speak regardless.
“Help me… please,” you croaked.
Luffy blinked, then smiled widely. Looking upon his smile felt like basking in the warm sun. He patted your shoulder reassuringly and responded with a simple, “Of course!”
You felt like a crushing weight was off your shoulders, and soon it would be off everyone else’s, too. Luffy had left your side and was rapidly approaching the others, but you didn’t feel vulnerable anymore. 
Panic erupted in the room as people shoved eachother out of the way in an attempt to escape from the god that had now been turned loose on them. Before anyone could slip out through the temple’s only exit, Luffy shot out his foot. The leg stretched unnaturally, allowing him to land a direct hit over the archway. The stonework crumbled instantly underneath the force of the blow, trapping everyone in the room.
Luffy cracked his knuckles loudly and rolled his shoulders, grinning at the now cowering people. Something told you that he was about to enjoy beating these people as much as you were going to enjoy watching him do so.
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randompoetemogirl · 11 months
Analysis of Ambrosius
If you’ve read my previous posts, then you’ll know that I have a theory that Ambrosius was forced/pressured to bleach his hair at a young age to be a better poster child for The Institute. Now, I want to delve a bit more into his character.
   We know Ambrosius is good right from the beginning. He encourages Ballister, acknowledges that Ballister has had to work twice as hard as everyone else, and says that the people will love him just like he does. He even encourages Ballister right before he’s about to be knighted.
   Then crap hit the fan.
   Ambrosius cuts off his boyfriend’s arm. He didn’t mean to, it’s literally stated that he did what he was trained to do. The Queen was attacked and he acted in reflex. Still, he feels guilty about this. He doesn’t use this as an excuse to justify himself, he KNOWS he did the wrong thing. But at the same time, is there even a RIGHT thing to do in that situation?
   We then see him anxiously think about the situation in his head. “ARM CHOPPING IS NOT A LOVE LANGUAGE.” It’s very clear that his mind is racing. This is the first instance where we see some of Ambrosius’ anxiety. Very often in media, anxiety is always shown at the very extreme: Panic attacks, not being able to talk to people, not being able to lead, ect. And while a lot of people do struggle with these things if they have really bad anxiety, there’s people like me who can lead very well in a group setting, make our way through a touch conversation, and hold our own ground. But at the same time, there are days when I’m walking my dogs and I cross the street just to avoid making eye contact or saying hi to a random person I’ll never see again. Sometimes I don’t have the courage to correct someone or I can’t raise my hand in class even though I know the right answer.
   Ambrosius is the perfect example of this. He’s a leader, albeit he was kind of forced to be a leader but a leader nonetheless, and openly stated his own opinions and thoughts. But at the same time, he had no idea how to deal with the crowd of people surrounding him while looking for Ballister. For Pete’s sake, he literally SIGNED AN AUTOGRAPH FOR ONE OF THEM. He could have shoved his way past the crowd and shouted for everyone to get out the way, he had every right to, but he didn’t. He didn’t even so much as raise his voice until he got to the escalator. 
   I mentioned this in a previous post, so I’ll copy and paste it here:
“Ballister shouting out to the waiter not to add olives because Ambrosius is allergic. Not only does this let us know how well the two know each other, but notice how it’s Ballister, not Ambrosius, who tells the waiter this. I believe that Ambrosius is a very anxious person do to all the pressure he’s been put under all his life and may find it hard to speak up for himself at times. Ballister has probably demanded that they don’t put olives on his nachos for years because of this very reason.”
   I think a lot of people can relate to this. Ambrosius can lead other knights, sword fight, hunt down his ex and his ex’s adopted daughter, but can’t remind the waiter not to put olives of his food, something he LITERALLY cannot eat. Another way I relate to Ambrosius is being able to be confident/snarky in the right settings. This may be because this is how The Institute has raised him, as stated in a theory in my previous post that Ambrosius was forced to bleach his hair from a young age to look more like Gloreth. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was taught to act bold and courageous in front of the cameras too. During his knighting ceremony, he’s whoops to the crowd and even seems very confident in his commercials, but surround him with a group of people and he can’t choose the right course of action.
   Even if Ambrosius wasn’t purposefully written to suffer from anxiety, I still think he’s a well written character that won’t soon be forgotten. He’s complex, he’s loyal, he’s loving, and most of all, his hair smells like lavender as confirmed by Todd.
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severelystrangewriter · 8 months
Holding Hands (Flufftober 2023 Day 6)
Pairing: kei “tsukki” tsukishima x female reader
WC: 906
Warnings: none
Summary: just a short and sweet scenario involving tsukki holding your hand
Note: there’s nothing really to add, no thoughts only tsukki
Kei Tsukishima has been your best friend for as long as you can remember. You, him, and Tadashi Yamaguchi were practically inseparable growing up. So it came as no surprise to you when you started developing feelings towards Tsukki.
Being with the bespectacled boy was second nature to you despite his cold and calculating personality. What surprised you was how he reciprocated your feelings, having actually been the one to confess to you during your last year of middle school.
You accepted happily and thus began your relationship, which might not seem like your typical relationship to outsiders. He still teased you like he would anyone else, but don’t worry, you always served it right back to him.
To be completely honest, with the way you two acted, most people didn’t even know you were together.
And it’s not like you guys were keeping it a secret either, you were both just too lazy to “announce” it to the world. You both knew you were dating and that’s all that mattered.
Tadashi knew of course, and he was ecstatic for you both. In fact, he’s the one who would talk about it more than you and Tsukki did- always suggesting date ideas that he would inevitably tag along. It was kind of endearing.
You all were now in your first year of high school and you were a manager in training like Yachi for the Karasuno volleyball team.
“Hurry up! We’re going to be late for school!” You exclaimed to Tsukki as you both walked to school with Tadashi.
“Calm down, (Y/n/n). We still have plenty of time,” Tadashi reminded you, “What are you in such a hurry for anyways?”
“She’s just anxious about that test today. But it’s not like getting there early is going to make it happen any faster,” Tsukki rolled his eyes. Tadashi nodded in understanding.
“If we get there early, then I can go over those flashcards one more time,” You said like it was obvious.
“But you’ve been studying crazy hard this entire week!” Tadashi protested, “I’m sure you know everything by now.”
Before you could reply, Tsukki spoke up, “He’s right, you’ve done nothing but stress about it. I mean, you’ve hardly slept. Which is why I’m not letting you touch those cards when we get to class. Let someone who actually needs them use them, like Tadashi.”
“Hey!” Tadashi snapped.
“Are you trying to inhibit my academic career?” You argued.
“I’m prioritizing your mental health,” He countered.
It was then that you felt Tsukki slip his hand into yours as he tugged you closer to him, the both of you coming to a stop.
“Look at me,” Tsukki stared hard at you and reached out with his free hand to flick your forehead, “You’re going to do fine on this test. You’re smart. Stop worrying so much.”
You looked up at your boyfriend with wide eyes, he looked completely serious as if daring you to argue with him about it. But you didn’t. Instead, you found yourself nodding along, a determined smile making its way onto your face.
“You’re right,” You said.
“I know I am,” Tsukki replied, continuing to walk once more, this time with your hands interlocked.
Your smile grew, feeling a little lighter now thanks to Tsukki’s words of encouragement. 
School and volleyball practice passed fairly quickly, causing you to breathe a sigh of relief. You were ready to go home.
Tsukki must’ve been feeling particularly touchy-feely today because the minute you both stepped out of the gym he laced his fingers with yours as you walked to the corner store for a snack. It made your heart flutter because typically it was you who initiated contact.
“Hey guys- AH! Tsukki and (Y/n) are holding hands!” Hinata yelled when you caught up with the team at the corner store, pointing at your laced fingers. He bounded over and circled you two once, studying you both curiously.
“Well duh, they’re dating,” Tadashi explained with a knowing smile on his face.
“What?!” Came the chorus of exclamations from your friends.
“For how long?” Kageyama demanded with a suspicious squint, annoyed that Tsukki of all people somehow managed to get a girlfriend.
“Our one year anniversary is actually next week,” You smiled sweetly, giving Tsukki’s hand a squeeze.
“But… you’re so nice,” Hinata came to stand in front of you again, looking at you like you’ve grown an extra head as he scrunched his nose, “Why are you dating Tsukki?”
You offered a one-sided shrug, “Because I like him and he makes me happy. Why else?”
“How? He says super mean things, like, all the time and-” Hinata suddenly started cowering, being cut off by Tsukki’s glare and menacing aura.
“Like I said, he makes me happy,” You repeated, stepping closer to Tsukki and leaning into his side. He seemed to relax a little at your reassurance.
“Yeah, no, I’m not buying it,” Tanaka shook his head and crossed his arms, “Blink twice if you’re being forced into this relationsh- ow!”
He rubbed the spot on his head that had been harshly smacked by Daichi.
“We’re happy for you guys, really,” The captain said with a comforting smile of his own. 
You grinned back and after a little more chatting you, Tsukki, and Tadashi departed from the group to head home, with Tsukki’s hand snuggly fit into your own like the most perfect puzzle piece.
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sageyxbabey · 1 month
Whiskers & Wishes - Gaz x Reader (1)
jesus christ, i can't believe i'm doing this...
Tumblr media
two of the images used are renders done by loneghostwolf88 and BettyBRenders3D
Gaz x F!Reader, eventual smut (final chapter only).
this is: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | (TBA)
Gaz knows you very well - he's been in love with you for the better part of a year. So when he jilts the wrong woman and ends up being turned into a cat for his troubles, surely the person who knows him best will recognise him, even like this... right?
You know Gaz very well - you've been pining over him for the past year. So when he disappears without a trace and a strange cat appears at your apartment, the little coincidences that remind you of Kyle are just your anxious mind making false connections... right?
Read on AO3 or below the cut!
Kyle kept his head down as he made his way to the pub near your apartment, rain slipping down the slope of his nose. 
This was his last night of leave, and he had spent the entire day with you, the same way he had for each time off he’d had for the past year of his life. Outside of his task force, you had become his closest friend. To his heart, you had become something more. You were the lightness in his chest, threatening to float away with his heart in tow every time you smiled. You were the warmth that settled over his skin when you hugged him hello and laughed at his quips. You were safety and peace. You were still and mundane compared to his working life. And with a job like his, God only knows how magical the mundane could be.
But he could never tell you this. He couldn’t tell you this because you were his best friend, and you had been for a year now. A year spent spinning in your orbit and eclipsing you in sweet, soft moments. He had flirted, he had touched, he had watched. And now, in this dance of yours, he had spun you out and waited for you to keep the waltz going, but the longer he stood with arms outstretched, the less likely it seemed you would spin back into him. Being with you but not being with you was the sweetest torture. Your blade was carving him up, but all he wanted was to kiss the hand that held it. 
Sergeant Garrick was trained to hold up under pressure, but Kyle was about to crack. He knew he had to move on for his and your sakes. For better or for worse, Kyle needed you in his life now, and if the only way he’d get to keep you was as a friend, so be it. So, he pushed open the door of the Crossroads Hotel and bought himself a goddamned drink. 
And when he finished that one, he bought another.
And another. 
A hand grazed his wrist when he raised the bottle to his full lips for one last swig. 
“You’re drinking awfully quickly there, handsome.” Kyle turned to find the owner of the voice. She was nothing like you.
Maybe that would make it easier.
He leaned one hip against the bar and grinned, “Is this you offering to get my next one?” 
“Maybe, what are you offering me in return?” The woman purred.
“Hmm… Where to start? I have several talents, you know.” Kyle moved in closer as the stranger laughed. This was why he was here. He needed to try to shift his attention to people who would want him back. This bout of flirting went back and forth like a tennis match, and felt like one, too. It was performative, a hollow game. When she excused herself to the bathroom, Kyle was on his sixth drink and still just as drunk on thoughts of you. 
When he turned to scan the bar (hypervigilance was a serious work hazard), he spotted someone else who looked so similar to you… How could he resist? It was a terrible idea, but he was already feeling terrible. He approached this new player and started the same kind of game as he had before. His only prize was frustration at himself.
“Well, you don’t waste time,” a sharp voice groused – the woman from earlier.
In his self-pity and irritation, he said the words that he would both curse and praise himself for later. “No offence, but I don’t exactly owe you anything, do I?”
The woman cocked her head to the side, her smile just on the wrong side of inhuman. When her grey eyes locked onto his, he felt a shiver down his spine. “Fine. Since you’re so concerned with getting pussy, maybe you’d enjoy being one instead.” 
Gaz let out a grunt as the woman’s palm smacked into the centre of his chest, an odd sensation spreading out from his heart to the tips of his fingers and toes. By the time he collected himself, both women he’d been speaking to were gone.
He was alone. Wonderful…
With a heavy sigh and a heavier heart, he closed his tab for the evening.
Shuffling back out into the cold and biting night air, Kyle made his way towards the end of the block. Nausea was setting in. God, how hard did that woman hit him? ‘ Clearly, the alcohol isn’t helping ,’ he thought, as an aching started in his head and joints.
Then, there was nothing but excruciating pain. If Gaz could’ve screamed, he would. But he could not breathe. He could not think. He felt like his bones were being pushed to breaking, like his skin was tightening in on itself.
Now he screamed.
Crack, snap.
Holy shit, his bones were breaking. They must be because he knew that sound all too well. What the bloody hell was going on? Gaz moaned out in pain, shaky breaths getting smaller and tighter as he closed his eyes to try and brace through it.
As suddenly as it had started, it was over. 
When he opened his eyes, everything looked… wrong. Colours were not what they should be, and things were too clear for this time of night. That streetlamp was also… a lot bigger than it had been a moment ago. Kyle went to stand before freezing when he caught a glimpse of himself.
Was that a fucking paw ? Why was it moving when he tried to move his left arm? Kyle swung his head around to see not his torso and two legs but a cat's body and a full, long-haired tail. A glossy brown-black coat of thick fur.
‘I didn’t think I’d had that much to drink…’ Kyle thought. He was dreaming. He must be dreaming. But he felt very much awake, very much in pain, and he knew he had not made it home yet. Oh God, home. How the fuck was he supposed to get home? His clothes and belongings were not lying around after his… episode? Transformation? The half-an-hour taxi back to his place was now out of the question, and – assuming this was real and he wasn’t just having a fit in the gutter – he was not about to get very far on foot. On paw?  
“Shit…” Kyle tried to mutter.
“Meow…” was what he heard. 
Oh… you’ve got to be having a fucking laugh.
He was a soldier, a problem-solver. He just needed to think and find a way out of this. He needed help. He needed…
He’d come from your apartment, not two blocks away. Your building was pet-friendly, and he remembered the little dog door leading onto your balcony. Bless you – even when you didn’t know it, you were helping him. If he could get to your apartment, get inside, and figure out how to convince you who he really is, you could help him.
If this were all a dream, he would wake up in his bed tomorrow morning and laugh it off. 
If this was real, you were his only shot at getting out of this mess.
Moving was strange. Kyle’s brain was thinking about moving his limbs the same way he usually would, but the sensations he was getting back were all wrong: the strange tingling from the wind  moving in his fur and whiskers, the lightness of his body, and his shifted centre of gravity. 
He was grateful for how easily he could jump once he reached your block – scaling up the tree to your balcony with sharp claws. In one leap, he landed at the glass door. He ducked his head into the plastic dog door…
It did not budge. Locked. Shit . 
‘Hey!’ Kyle called out in his head. A loud ‘mrrow’ came out instead.
– – – – –
You startled at a strange flurry of taps and yowls as you tugged on your sleep shorts. You followed the noise with cautious steps out into your living room and breathed a sigh of relief when you spotted the culprit. The cutest little long-haired cat with wide hazel eyes stood on its hind legs, tail swishing eagerly with front paws pressed into your sliding balcony door. 
“Aww! Hi there, kitty!” you cooed. In response, you received a string of pathetic meows. 
“Do you live here? Did you get stuck outside, silly?” 
Your building was pet-friendly. You had a few neighbours with cats who liked to laze around outside on the warm pavement. The cat batted a paw at the small dog door. “Demanding little thing,” you laughed and reached down to unlock the flap. As soon as you did, your new guest darted through in a chocolate-coloured blur. The cat’s fur was shiny, and it looked well-fed. It was definitely not a street cat. ‘No collar…’ you thought, ‘Odd.’ You sent a quick message to your building tenants' group chat to see whose cat you’d accidentally acquired. 
In the meantime, your fluffy friend was mrow -ing up a storm as though you’d personally offended them. You knelt down on the carpet and offered your hand for a sniff. “Hi, baby,” you cooed. The cat stopped meowing and stared at you, blinking. You gently scratched behind their ears, watching how their eyes closed and head tilted in pleasure.
— — —
He knew you didn’t realise it was him, but hearing you call him ‘baby’ in that soft voice had floored him for a moment. 
He’d been chatting your ear off, hoping that something vaguely human-sounding would get through, to no avail. He was going to start thinking up Plan B, he swore, but then you’d kept cooing at him and scratching behind his ears – Oh, that feels very good, thank you – and before Kyle knew it, he’d leaned so far into your touch, he was flopped on his back, purring. You giggled sweetly, and Kyle felt his heart melting in his chest. 
“Oh, what a sweet baby! You’re such a pretty girl,” you fussed.
Kyle’s eyes opened, and he let out an indignant chirp. 
“Hang on, are you a girl?” He watched you lean forward with a surreptitious gaze before realising your intent. Kyle yowled and flailed away, but you had seen enough. “Oh, pretty boy. My mistake.”
You were completely unfazed. 
This was the most mortifying moment of Kyle’s life. 
In all the ways he’d imagined you seeing him naked for the first time, this was never one of them. Oh, God… was he technically walking around naked the whole time? No… ‘The fur counts as clothing! The fur counts as clothing! ’ he thought. That was the only way to stop himself from curling up into a ball and dying of embarrassment.
You’d gone back to patting him at some point during his existential crisis, complimenting his fluffy tail and chest. “What a handsome little man!” You praised, stroking a gentle finger down his nose. 
He was going into cardiac arrest. He just knew it. 
“Where do you live, little guy?”
Your question snapped Kyle back into action. With a chirp, he was up and running across your living room.
— — — 
You watched the cat bound past your couch to sit in front of your TV console, right next to the framed picture of you and Kyle from the day you’d helped him move into his apartment. The cat just flicked his tail, looking at you almost expectantly. 
He sniffed at the picture before turning back to you.
“That still doesn’t answer my question, mister.”
This time, the cat turned to paw at the photo of you and Kyle, and you jolted upright.
“No, no, no, we don’t touch that!” You took him into your arms and carried him back to your couch. He meowed in protest the entire time. “That’s a very special picture, pretty baby, so you leave that alone.” He flopped onto his side, the image of dejection at being denied the chance to cause chaos. You checked your phone to see responses from most of your neighbours; no one recognised the cat. “Well buddy,” you sigh, “Looks like you’re stuck with me for the moment. How do you feel about chicken for dinner?”
“Mrrp!” His tail twitched. 
You narrated your cooking process to him, picking him up to show him the pans on the stove. Your little sous chef sniffed the air before giving his approval, but complained the second you put him back down. “What’s the matter?” you whispered. His pleading eyes bore into yours as he pawed at your calf. “You wanna come back up? Okay, you big baby.” You supported his weight with one arm, his front legs resting on your shoulder while he watched you cook, tail swishing lazily. Now and then, you pulled a strip of chicken off the grilled fillets and fed it to him, laughing as he licked your fingers clean. You ate your dinner on the couch as he sat beside you, staring at your face the whole time – strange cat…
You may as well enjoy this little fluffball before sending him on his way. 
Your new friend gave a quiet chirp and nudged your hand where you had been absentmindedly scratching his chin. He rolled over to show you his belly when you looked down, blinking up at you expectantly. 
“Wow,” you deadpanned. “I see how it is. You’re just using me for cuddles, huh?” You hesitantly ran your hand down his tummy, barely brushing the soft fur. You’ve had one too many cats lure you in with this trick, only to scratch and bite you when you give in and pat the sensitive spot. You pulled your hand away from his belly, not wanting to risk a finger. He wiggled and meowed at you – almost petulant in tone – and you returned your hand to his stomach, feeling a purr vibrate against your fingertips. 
This odd fellow was changing your perception of the typical cat. “You are such a weird little guy!” He mrrped back at you and stretched out lazily, presenting more of his belly to you. You couldn't  help but laugh. “Cheeky little bugger,” you muttered before pressing your face into the long fur of his chest, dropping obnoxiously loud kisses there whilst you scratched his sides. You reached up to rub behind his ears before sitting up to grab your phone. 
“I’ve got to tell Kyle about you; he’s never going to believe this!” You starte dtyping out a message, but soon, a chocolate-coloured tail obscured your vision. Your new friend frantically meowed, demanding your attention. 
You hushed him, stroking his back with a soothing hand until his cries ceased. You briefly re-read your texts with Kyle. Normally, he’d have told you he was home by now and maybe sent you a meme or two before heading to sleep. You hope he’s just knocked out after packing his bags to leave tomorrow morning. This deployment wasn’t supposed to be a long one, thank God. 
You’d already started missing him before he left your apartment earlier today. You used his goodbye visits as an excuse to hold him tighter, like you could press him into your chest and keep him there if you tried hard enough. 
Your eyes flicked to the time. It was getting late.
“Alright, pretty baby, I think it’s time for you to go home.” You picked up the cat and walked towards your balcony door, but he wriggles out of your grasp for the first time tonight, darting back to the couch. You kneeled next to the small cat flap, holding it open. 
“Come on,” you coaxed. “You need to go home, little kitty. Your people will miss you!” The cat kept staring, unmoved, even as you pspsps to try and get him closer. You sighed, resigning yourself to leave the little plastic covering unlocked. “Fine, I guess you’ll leave on your own at some point.” You stand and make your way towards your bedroom before freezing in your tracks. You turned back to point a stern finger at your feline friend. “Do not. Shit. In my apartment.” You stared each other down in silence. Satisfied with your quiet agreement, you turned and crawled into bed. 
Half an hour later, you were fast asleep when silent paws padded into your room and leapt onto your bed. You didn't feel it when a gentle weight sank into the pillow next to you, one paw stretched out towards your face.
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outromoony · 27 days
Forgive me, Peter (is it something I did?)
Marauders microfic from Peter's POV | 2.2k words
ao3 link here
James was Peter's whole world when they were young.
The moment they met, Peter knew James was different from any other kid he'd ever met. He was kind, and didn't make fun of Peter because he didn't know how to play certain games or was in bad shape for sports. James was always so kind to him, so patient. They will spend hours and hours playing by themselves in James's garden because the other kids didn't want to play with Peter, but James said he preferred to play with him anyway.
They lived very close to each other; in fact, they were technically neighbors. Peter only took a six-minute walk from his house to James's, and they will see each other every day. James would show him everything he knew about Quidditch and discuss his favorite teams, and in return, Peter would teach him how to play chess and vent about his older siblings at home. And James will listen, he will always listen; and for the first time in his life, Peter felt like his voice deserved to be heard, that his opinions and feelings mattered to someone other than just himself and his own shadow.
That was, until they got on that train.
The Hogwarts Express was everyone's dream. Peter could remember his brother and sister talking about it nonstop when they came back from Hogwarts for their first break. Peter was excited about it, but it also made him anxious. When he received his letter, he couldn’t actually believe it at first. He knew he had magic since he was nine, but still, his aunts and brother loved to point out that it was weak, that even if he wasn't a squib, his magic would never be strong enough to even do anything relevant with it. Peter could not avoid feeling as if there had been a mistake, as if he didn't belong there. But just three feet away from him, there was James, smiling at him reassuringly and fondly as he awkwardly walked towards the train.
James had always been his anchor, the one and only person who could keep him grounded when he felt too low about himself. James would assure him he was wonderful, and that being his best friend was the best thing that had ever happened to him.
And James might have been Peter's anchor, but perhaps Peter had always been James's shackles.
The moment James met Sirius Black, Peter knew his relationship with James was never meant to last.
They were still friends, of course. James never wanted Peter to leave his side, and tried to get him into conversations. But Peter knew since the beginning of their Hogwarts journey, that Sirius was everything James wanted Peter to be, even if he never said it out loud.
Sirius was loud, that was the word that described him the best. He was loud, and so, so alive. And for Peter, who had always felt a little bit dead inside, that was like looking directly at the sun and getting a little blinded by its light. He tried, he really bloody tried, but he couldn't change who he was, how he felt, how he acted. No attempt was enough to get James to talk or look at him the way he did with Sirius Black.
When he was sorted into Gryffindor, he was so surprised that he tripped on his way to the Gryffindor table. Everyone clapped, and amidst all the loud noise, he could hear Sirius whistling and James shouting his name. Peter smiled nervously and sat between James and Remus. James gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder, and Remus just gave him a quiet nod. Peter didn't even look at Sirius when he called his name.
Peter Pettigrew had never been brave. He never felt like it, and his family reminded him every day how much of a coward he was. Since he could remember, he had always been afraid of making friends, and his parents needed to talk to the other kids for him to be able to have someone to play with. His siblings needed to force him to do new things like flying a broom, and his aunts scolded him when he refused to try new food. When he became friends with James, he became that force he needed to start opening up a little. James never forced anything into him, always respected his boundaries and tried showing him the light of life. He succeeded, of course, James always did; but when Sirius came into his life, that light started to banish little by little, wound by wound.
He knew from the beginning of his life that he would never be anyone's first choice. He knew it and accepted it. At least, he thought he did. His parents will always choose any of his siblings, just never him. His siblings will always choose each other, and James... oh, James. He really thought, for a period of time, that he was James's first choice, but now he realized that would never be the case, not while Sirius Black was still breathing.
He even tried getting close to Remus. The boy was quiet and liked reading. Peter initially thought that perhaps he was reserved with everyone, not just with Peter. But, fast enough, he realized that wasn't the case. Sirius, somehow, had broken that shield Remus always carried with him, cracked his mask, and got him into his most vulnerable human form. Remus loved Sirius, he loved him in a way Peter quite never understood, but again, he really never understood what was so special about Sirius Black that was leaving him completely alone, what was so special about him that he could just take everyone and everything away from him, even James.
He never intended to hurt him, to hurt any of them. Even after seven years of feeling like he was just something less than a sidekick for his friends, he still was something to them, at least he wasn't alone, at least James hadn't given up on him after everything. He never intended to do any harm, but Peter had always been weak, manipulable. The Dark Lord gave him what he had been craving his entire life, an opportunity to be someone, to do something important, to be someone's choice.
So he did it, he started working as a spy for the dark side. At first, it was alright— great, even. Voldemort chose him as one of his most loyal followers, he even sat next to him in the meetings with the rest of the Death Eaters. He felt like he was important, like he had done something right for the first time in his life, and for the look in Voldemort's eyes when he looked at him, he had.
The first time it actually hit him was when the news of the McKinnons reached his ears.
He had never been close to Marlene, not like Remus or James were, but he knew her; he knew her more than any of the people that had died in the war. He knew that her laugh was the loudest out of everyone in the Gryffindor tower, he knew she loved playing Quidditch just as much as James did, and that she loved reading some weird muggle books, which she would later recommend to Remus. He knew she loved music, especially rock, and she and Sirius would annoy everyone in the common room by singing and shouting lyrics left and right from their favorite rock bands. He may not have actually known her that well, but he saw her breathing and living for so many years, and because of him, she was dead.
He tried swallowing the feeling of guilt, tried pretending as if nothing had happened, and continued doing what the Dark Lord asked him to. That was the first time Peter actually realized how badly he had fucked up, and he was now trapped. He couldn’t back off now, but still, he couldn’t shake off the feeling that he was always meant to end up like this.
When the prophecy came, Peter was the first person Voldemort asked for information.
He wanted every possible location of the Potters, their schedules, any piece of information that could help him get to them. And for the first time since he had joined the Death Eaters, he lied to the Dark Lord.
That was probably the bravest thing Peter Pettigrew ever did in all his pathetic and miserable life. He lied, he lied about everything he knew, about every piece of information he had. He lied as much as he could, until he couldn’t anymore.
James and Lily now knew about the prophecy, and Dumbledore had sent them into hiding. Those were the exact same words he told Voldemort when he asked again about the whereabouts of the Potters, but when the Dark Lord asked about the type of magic they were using to hide, Peter couldn't even think of a good enough lie, so he told the truth.
He knew that if the Potters or Sirius were suddenly found dead, it would be his fault, but none of that happened. Voldemort didn't know who the secret keeper was, Peter had had enough decency to keep that piece of information to himself, but he knew that the first suspect would be Sirius Black, James's best friend and Harry's godfather.
Sirius apparently had the same thoughts, because one night after a meeting, after everyone was already gone, Sirius asked him to be the new secret keeper.
He apparently had already told James and Lily about it, and both of them agreed. Sirius was the most obvious option, and nobody will ever suspect him.
"Is it because I look weak?" Peter wanted to ask him desperately. "Because I look incapable?" But he didn't say it out loud, because maybe he was; maybe he was weak and incapable and a coward, and maybe he'd always been.
After he became secret keeper, Voldemor knew. Peter wasn't sure how he knew it, but he did. Maybe he could read his mind, or maybe he'd never been really good at pretending, but in that moment, when Voldemort asked him the location of the Potters, Peter knew it was over.
Because he was a coward, after all.
He could have begged for James's life, just like Snape did for Lily's. Perhaps, that would have been the last decent thing he could have done for him. But deep inside, Peter knew that it was in vain. Snape never knew Lily the way he knew James, or even Lily herself. They both loved so hard, so intensely, so deeply, and they were so brave, something Peter never had been. They loved so much, and Harry was just the person they loved the most in the world. They wouldn't let their child die without a fight, and then Voldemort would kill them all three.
The moment it happened, Peter felt it in his bones, in every cell of his body, in every beat of his heart.
James was dead.
Peter never thought it was possible to feel absence so deeply in your soul you felt like your own shadow had been torn away from you. He felt it all, but at the same time he felt nothing at all—not when the Dark Lord was gone, and he had lost everything.
Sirius Black gave him a new reason to run: he was going to kill him, he had promised. With every single step he took, he could feel Sirius's breath on his neck like a sharp knife threatening to cut him open, and he deserved it; he knew he did.
But he didn't want to die.
So he ran and ran, until his lungs were full of memories, and regrets, and fear—oh, so much fear. He was terrified of dying.
It was just a matter of time until Sirius found him, he knew he didn't have much time. He had promised to kill him, and if he knew something about Sirius Black, was that he was always true to his threats.
So he did the only thing that crossed his mind—the only thing that gave him an actual shot to survive. He hid among the Muggles, even though he knew Sirius would find him anywhere, and when he inevitably did, Peter was ready.
He caused an explosion that killed probably hundreds of muggles; he wasn't sure, but he didn't care that much. Sirius was there in the explosion, but he didn't die; Peter's plan had never been to kill him.
He held his breath, and without thinking too much, because if he did, he might never be able to do it, he cut one of his fingers. The pain was terrible, the blood was everywhere, but when he transformed into his rat form once again, the pain was already gone, so was Peter.
And he ran once again—he ran away from the life he used to have, the life he would never have again. He ran from his guilt, from his bad decisions, and from every time he betrayed himself.
He ran and never looked back; that was the one thing he always did the best.
He was a coward, after all.
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Hello, hope you’re doing well! Really loving the Hazbin posts you’ve done so far, they’re wonderful ☺️
If it’s alright, could I please request some platonic HCs with Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, and Sir Pentious for a slightly younger reader than the rest of the cast who’s on the shy and anxious side, very easily rattled in hell, but takes a liking to their fellow demon(s) enough that they feel comfortable around them to express themselves a bit more and start to develop a sibling/parental sort of bond with them?
Sorry if that’s a bit specific of a request, but thank you for reading!
A/N: I'm sorry for taking so long Anon but I absolutely loved your ask! Shy!Reader is so me tbh. Hope you enjoy it.
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• She's mostly concerned about how young you are, not that you're a teenager or something, but the age you died is concerning since you're younger than anyone at the hotel.
• She's an extrovert so she might not notice how shy you are at first because she's just so excited to have you around that she is already showing all of her hotel to you and wishing you a good stay.
• Even with that bubbly personality of her's, it's actually pretty easy for you to feel comfortable enough around her to express your feelings, she's just so sweet like that. You feel like you can tell her all of your problems that she would listen to carefully within a day of meeting her.
• She's the type to be a sister figure, she's always trying to make you open up more with weekly trust exercises and besides her looks wouldn't hesitate to put a demon in their place if they treat you badly. She considers everyone at the hotel family, but you're the one that needs most protection out of them, so she's going to be the best host you could ask for.
• She's the least chaotic of the people in the hotel, she likes to solve things calmly and sometimes with brute force but only when it's necessary. Your more timid demeanor is a breath of fresh air from all these sinners full of themselves.
• She's the one that gets more rational the moment she sees you're not dealing very well with the things around, she gives you space and time to be comfortable around the place, especially because she feels that you really want to change for the better. She also calms Charlie down when she's being too excited around you.
• She wants to help you be more sturdy tho, Hell is a dangerous place and you need to fight for yourself, so she gives you private fighting lessons on basic self defense, she can get a little too aggressive while training but if you actually get hurt she'll say sorry and help take care of you.
• The way she makes you feel welcomed is very different from the others, she makes you feel safe, she protects you from Angels comments and teaches you how to stand up, she's just like an older sister that wouldn't hesitate to kill for you and has a strong sense of bonding.
• He finds you almost adorable, he probably just enjoys having someone that kinda looks up to him as an example, you almost envy his personality and how easy-going he seems to be, he enjoys the attention and praise.
• Will eventually grown attached to having you around but he's very good a not showing it, he's an actor for a reason after all, but he can still be very sweet with you and sometimes even protective, not so much, but he'll tell a demon to suck a dick if they are mean to you.
• He helps you try and lose up more, be more extroverted, he takes you to drink on bars or go to clubs so you can try to make more friends. He can easily get distracted if Cherri is also there and might not notice if you get uncomfortable at first, but don't be afraid to tell him that you want to leave, he won't be mad at you and will do as you ask.
• He really makes you feel like you belong, especially when you two are just doing skin-care and telling gossips, he feels like a older brother and you appreciate how much he takes care of you.
𖤓Sir Pentious
• Daddy issues? Naahh, this man got child issues if that's even a thing. He craves for the feeling of having a child like it's something he misses deeply without even knowing why, so the moment he realizes that you, the shy one of the crew is looking up to him he's being all clingy with you.
• He tries to look cool, something that either he fails at or his Egg Bois do it for him, he wants to make up to your expectations towards him because you're one of the little people who treat him nicely. You mainly admire him because besides being a little timid like you, he's a very intelligent inventor.
• He makes you gadgets for your self defense and makes sure one of his Egg Bois is always following you to keep you safe, they can't do much but are very useful as bait so you can run while they get attacked.
• Expect a bunch of drama and dad jokes coming from him, that's his way of trying to sound cool and reliable to you, he wants to be a good father figure or whatever figure you need and that's what makes you feel so welcomed and cared for when you're around him. Make sure to give him a hug everytime he does nice things to you, he appreciates it.
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crvptidgf · 2 months
Bad Blood • pt. I
Mattheo Riddle x Reader
➸ summary: After the Battle of Hogwarts, you find it difficult to let go of the past. Your trauma lies deeper than you think. When when you meet somebody who understands your pain, your journey of self-discovery and healing begins to set sail. For once, everything in your life seems to click.
➸ warnings/notes: reader is of romanian descent, afab! reader, mentions of trauma, descriptions of death and traumatic events, profanity, friends to lovers trope, hurt/comfort, eventual smut (18+), trauma bonding, eventual mutual pining, mentions of the golden trio being dicks for the sake of the story
word count: 1.9k
THE TRAIN TO Hogwarts screeched against the rusty rails, bumping along the coast. I looked outside the window, staring down below. The waves crashed into the pillars that were holding the railway up, and I almost shook with discomfort at the thought of it breaking.
I felt someone's arm link through mine, gently resting their head on my shoulder. Looking down, I noticed it was Ginny. Her ginger curls were swept back into a ponytail, but her hair tickled me nonetheless.
"I can't wait to start our first year," she said.
Hermione hummed in agreement as she studied me somewhat intensely. She could read people like the back of her hand - it was something that always both annoyed and comforted me. I knew that she would always be there for me, but I could also never hide anything from her.
"How about you?” asked Hermione to which Ginny lifted her head to look at me.
I shrugged and looked to the side.
Harry and Ron had fallen asleep ages ago. Ron's snores merged with the various other noises inside the train, and it had long became background noise. Harry's glasses were askew on his head - Ginny adjusted them before looking back at me to hear my response.
"Nervous, honestly," I said plainly.
I didn't want to tell them just how anxious I was about starting college. About how I was scared because I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life - how I felt like I was miles behind all of my friends. How I didn't feel like I belonged.
Hermione was smart and kind - she had ambition and was the most empathetic person I knew. Ginny was brave, beautiful and she knew she wanted to pursue Quidditch professionally since she was 14. Harry and Ron wanted to be Aurors, and Fred and Weasley had opened their joke shop since before we even graduated.
Me? I didn't even know who I really was. Sure, I knew I was a Slytherin - and that I was pretty good at potions. Besides that I had no clue about where I wanted to be in life.
I didn't even feel like I fit in with my own friends, let alone a whole college full of people with ambitions and goals. With real, true goals.
Hermione always reassured me that I was still young and I had ages ahead of me to figure it all out. Yet when everybody around you is already at the stage of growing up and moving on, its hard to believe that.
I knew I was only 18 but that fact provided little comfort to me.
"Ron, Harry. Get up!" shouted Hermione as she pulled on her robes in the unstable carriage. We had arrived outside of Hogsmeade station, the yellow lights of the street lamps illuminating the black abyss of the water before us.
We all walked onto the platform, Harry yawning as he tried to press his unruly hair flat down. He always had messy hair. It grew impossibly fast even when he cut it. At some point he gave up and just let it grow; which led us to now, as his hair almost reached his shoulders. Ron had followed in his footsteps, letting his mane grow out, too. Their matching shoulder-length curls was just one of many things that they shared in common.
A giant of a man trodded his way forwards, introducing himself as Rubeus Hagrid, Groundskeeper of Hogwarts. His long beard was frizzy, long, and dark - but not as long as the hair on his head. He could give Harry a run for his money.
Self-rowing boats made their way towards us, the darkness of the lake being broken every once in a while by the ripples of the oars.
"Four to a boat! Move on, move on," said Hagrid.
All five of us looked at each other before glancing at the boat. I honestly didn't mind being alone, so I wrapped my robe around my shoulders before nodding at my friends. Ron asked if I was sure, offering to give me his seat.
"It's okay. I'll see you guys inside."
I walked a little further to where an almost full boat floated in the water. Three boys sat inside, arguing about seemingly nothing. I heard a few names like Blaise and Pansy, whom I remembered being in my class in secondary school. They were fellow Slytherins.
Their conversation suddenly halted, and I felt their eyes on me as I neared them.
"Sorry to interrupt - but can I sit here?"
I saw one of them shift to the side a bit more, making space for me. He looked slightly familiar, but I figured he must have just been someone I passed in the hallways in our old school.
"Sure, hop on," he said.
I climbed into the wooden vehicle, jolting forwards as it began to move. A hand came to grip my wrist, gently pulling me back so I didn't tumble into the water. I pulled my hand away as I sat down, my eyes meeting his.
The moonlight shone beautifully against his skin. I vaguely felt like I knew him, but I wasn't quite sure of his name. Maybe it was Matthew, or Matthias - or was it just Matt?
"Thanks," I said. His eyes were almost as dark as the night sky, his features sharp but gentle. With the little amount of his face that I could make out in the pitch black of the night, I came to the conclusion that he was attractive. Realizing that we were just staring at each other, I looked away from him quickly, opting to stare at the castle that we were rapidly approaching.
"So..." came the same voice from beside me. "I'm Enzo."
Lorenzo Berkshire. Of course.
My breathing halted for a moment. I knew I recognized him. Our parents had been friends for as long as I can remember. Up until our 3rd year of secondary school we had been best friends - that is, before our parents had gotten into a huge fight and we drifted apart.
His parents had gotten caught up in the war - becoming Death Eaters in order to protect their son. My parents were having none of it. I was advised to never speak to him again; something about how he would 'become just like his parents'.
But Voldemort was dead - and so were Enzo's parents, along with half of the Slytherin population's families too. The past was in the past. There was no use in dwelling on it.
"Ah. Berkshire, right?" I asked. His eyes shot up in surprise.
"You know me?"
I laughed lightly as I looked towards him. Maybe I had changed a lot since we last spoke - it made sense that he didn't realize who I was. I barely recognized him either. We hadn't spoken in almost 4 years.
"You don't remember me? Sunt ofensat!"
The other two boys had an intrigued look on their face as they watched me and Enzo's interaction.
Enzo's already wide eyes lit up at my words. We always spoke Romanian to each other - we called it our secret language. Even though it's a common language, most of the wizarding world in England were not foreigners.
"Oh my God! Y/N?"
I smiled as I noticed the recognition in his eyes.
Our families were one of the only well-know Romanian families in the wizarding world, so it was no surprise that we had grown close when we were young. I felt bad that we couldn't spend more time together during our last years of school. Those were hard times - especially for him. I only wish I could've been there to help.
During the war I remember that I had ran to find him. He betrayed his parents to fight alongside us, against the Death Eaters - I was afraid he'd been killed. It was a tough time for everyone, but I could never forget the look on his face that day.
However, I didn't want to think about that right now.
His arms came to encase themselves around me. I forgot just how affectionate of a person he was. My arms came to rest under his, hugging his torso tightly as my chin landed on his shoulder.
"Okay. What the fuck?" said one of the other boys.
Enzo pulled away from me, smiling.
"Remember my childhood best friend I told you about? This is her," he beamed.
I put my hand out for them to shake. They introduced themselves and Theodore Nott and Mattheo Riddle. My heart slightly stuttered at the sound of his surname, the memories of what his father did swirling in my mind.
I wondered how Dumbledore ever accepted him here, but I tried to push the thought out of my head. No use in overthinking it right now. If I never judged Enzo for his family, I figured I should give Mattheo the same chance to prove himself.
And anyway, if someone as kind as Enzo was friends with him, how bad could he be? Sure I hadn't talked to him in years but I would always harbor trust for the boy. We had been through thick and thin together. You could even say we had even been through hell, literally.
"I didn't know you talked about me," I joked, nudging Enzo's shoulder.
He grew flustered as he tried to dig himself out of the hole. Mattheo had an amused look on his face as he smirked at Enzo's nervous attempts at covering up his words.
He looked over at me, the devilish smile still plastered on his face.
My eyes trailed along his cheekbones and jawline, eventually resting to stare at his plump lips. For someone whose father was the most evil wizard of all time; he sure was hot - and also surprisingly nice, I came to find out.
Apparently after Enzo and I had stopped being friends, Mattheo and Theo took him under their wing. They included him in their friend group, inviting him out to parties. That was nice to hear - he was quite antisocial when we were younger. He seemed better now.
We had already arrived at the castle when Mattheo's eyes finally dropped from mine. His gaze seemed to find mine during every conversation, whether he was speaking or not. The dark brown orbs seemed to stare at me intensely, no matter what I was doing. I could feel them on me even when I wasn't looking, and when I was, he never shifted his gaze.
It felt like a contest of who would look away last - and I won.
"Alright I should go meet my friends for the sorting ceremony," I said as I clambered out of the boat, "thanks for letting me sit with you guys."
Theo raised an eyebrow at me.
"What, your Gryffindor buddies didn't want to be seen with a snake?"
I rolled my eyes at him, giving him a sarcastic laugh. Of course he would have a weird sense of patriotism for his house. The Nott family was the type. Not that it was bad to be proud of where you were placed - I just never understood where all the hostility came from.
Stealing a glance at Enzo, I gave him a look. He only shook his head as if to say 'I'm sorry'. Rolling my eyes at Theo, I turned my back on him.
And with that, I was on my way, sprinting quickly to Harry and Ginny who were waiting for me by the shore.
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andhumanslovedstories · 8 months
hello this is kind of heavy and no pressure at all to answer. and apologies because im sure you must have answered this before. but do you go through like a pain management flow chart for your patients and if so what are some of the steps? my dad is having some medical issues and i want to be able to help him manage his pain as much as i can. thank you and enjoy wasteland!
I work in a hospital setting so my pain management care plan is part of an interdisciplinary team in that setting. It's relatively easy for me to get, say, IV pain meds for a patient with extreme breakthrough pain. I don't know how well my approach would translate outside of that setting, I'm not palliative care trained, and I don't personally deal with chronic or acute pain (which is why I'm answering this publicly so other people can chime in), but in broad strokes:
First: Define pain. What type of pain is it? Muscle pain? Indigestion? Neuropathy? Surgical site? Stiffness from lack of movement? Is part of the pain also the fear of the pain? Sometimes when pain has been bad for a long time, or even has been bad in a short-term but very notable way, the idea of hurting that bad again is traumatizing. That fear of pain can, unfortunately, make you focus more on the pain you're feeling because now it's not just the physical sensation of pain, it's also the psychological impact of it.
Then, how does the pain affect you? Is it stopping you from sleeping? Is it stopping you from eating? Is it making you short-tempered or depressed? Does it make it difficult to focus on things? Does it make you nauseated? Anxious? Isolated? Do you feel like you need to hide it from those who care about you?
Everything pain is and affects is a place where you can intervene. Some of these interventions will be very small and would, if they were the only intervention, feel completely inadequate. Pain relief is rarely "you do one thing and you're done." You're addressing pain on multiple fronts, and sometimes that doesn't mean your focus isn't just the reduction of pain but the restoration of what pain has taken away. It's possible the worst part of pain for you isn't the pain itself but, for example, the immobility it causes. Are there different ways you can learn to move? Can you get a grabber? Can you get a shower chair? Can you find physical therapy exercises that help you regain strength or stop you from deconditioning to the degree you're able? What mobility aids might restore movement to you?
And if returning mobility is not possible at this time or ever, how can you modify your environment to support you? Can you figure out what bothers you the most about that immobility and mitigate that? If it's annoying that not being able to leave bed makes you bored, what can be within arm's reach? If it's frustrating that being too painful to move means you feel isolated from other people, can you make wherever you are more central? If pain makes having your bed on the second floor unfeasible, can you move your bed to the first floor? How can you adapt the environment around you?
I'd encourage movement too, to the degree it is possible. Being in the same position HURTS. If it feels good to stretch but you can't do it by yourself, can someone help you with range of motion? (You can look up "passive range of motion" to get an idea of how to do that.) This doesn't need to be exercising, just exploring the joy of moving your body. Related to movement is physical touch. I love lotions and medicated creams for pain patients because you can turn them into massages. Just be careful with pressure and be open about what hurts and what feels good. At the most gentle end of the spectrum is something called the M Technique which isn't even massage, it's like guided gentle touch. Give the body something else to feel.
Different medications work better with different types of pain. This part is hard to talk about in general because of the specificity of some pain med regiments. Tylenol is great, but be cautious with how much you are taking (acetaminophen overdoses are no joke) and remember that there's a point where more tylenol doesn't mean more pain relief. Opioids are great, but they can be very dangerous and aren't well-indicated for a lot of types of chronic pain. Even if opioids work best, I'd encourage you to be working on pain reduction on multiple fronts, as opioids are so controlled, it is easy to lose access to them. If opioids give you enough pain relief to do physical therapy, then make sure to do that physical therapy. Medications are amazing and I love them and I give out PRNs like crazy, but similarly to how I can't just take my depression meds and stop being depressed, pain medication works best in conjunction with other strategies. Those other strategies though can literally be something like "tramadol takes away the pain enough I can focus on something, and what I want to do with that focus is to watch a movie I've been meaning to rewatch for a while now but haven't had the spoons for." Sometimes all you will want to do when you get pain meds is sleep because you can't when you're hurting. Sleep is wonderful; how can you arrange your sleeping place and habits to make sleeping even more of a delight?
And if you find a medication that works, use it consistently. It is always easy to keep pain level than it is to address a pain spike. Don't wait until symptoms are at their worst to address them. Figure out what it feels like when your symptoms are ramping up, and intervene early.
Sometimes medications that aren't explicitly for pain can still help. If anxiety makes pain worse, consider an anxiety medication. If coughing hurts, can you get a numbing spray from your throat to make it less sensitive so you cough less?
I don't know how useful this is to you and your family. Hopefully it's at least something to think about. Think about palliative care (which is about the management of symptoms of illnesses rather than the treatment of illnesses) as not just taking away bad sensations but restoring good ones. You can't always get someone to a place with no pain. But what can you do to enhance life in the presence of that pain? There is a psychological aspect to pain, it's a parasite that drains you and makes you feel like you are nothing but a body that hurts and won't stop hurting. I want to make clear, I'm not saying pain is only in your mind. Bone mets and nerve pain exist whether you're cheerful about it or not. But pain doesn't have to mean suffering, it doesn't have to take away the things that make you you. Address pain through medication and therapies, but also remember that protecting, promoting, and prioritizing the parts of yourself that you most value and give you the most joy will help give your life so much substance that pain can't rob it all. You aren't doing one big thing. You are doing a thousand small things that make life easier, better, more suited to yourself and your abilities, and more aligned with the parts of life that you that give your life meaning.
(And a note in particular for being the family member of someone in pain--ultimately, they are going through this alone. It is their body. What can you make smoother for them? How can you protect their dignity and their privacy without making them feel abandoned or alone? How can you make it so your reaction to their pain is not part of their burden? Like for the six hundred other hypothetical questions in this endless post, the answers will be highly personal and will take time to figure out. Be patient and calm.)
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funbirdnest · 9 months
Atlantis - Prologue
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Hello! I will be translating the fine climax event Blue Ocean * The shining truth of Atlantis. This translation comes in collaboration with @spectralpooch and mia (nenosuns)
English proofreader: @spectralpooch
Japanese proofreader: nenosuns
Second part hasnt come out yet but I hope you enjoy the story
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(A dream. Or, perhaps, the harsh reality of Himemiya Tori)
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Tori: (………….)
(I can't… breathe... )
(It hurts. It hurts so, so much.)
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(I can't keep my eyes open… I can't see anything.)
(It's so dark and cold in here.)
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(It's cold. So, so cold.)
(I'm about to freeze…. Why is it so cold?)
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(Hey, is anyone there?)
(Yuzuru! Hibiki-senpai! Eichi-sama…!)
(Is anyone there? Anyone would be fine, please I…)
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(It hurts. I can't see anything. And it's so, so, so cold.)
(Where even am I? Why am I in such a…?)
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(Eichi-sama! Eichi-sama! Eichi-sama!)
(The place where you stand is so high, and it looks so cold…)
(I stretched my hand as far as I could and desperately tried to reach you.)
(But I'm not an angel, and I wasn't able to fly through the sky.)
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(So I succumbed. My wings shattered and I crashed down.)
(Ah, is this the sea?)
(I must be at the very bottom of the deep, deep sea, where no light can reach.)
(Is that why it's so cold, so dark, and so hard to breathe?)
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(Cough... cough... cough...)
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Yuzuru: … Bocchama?
I-Is everything all right?
You collapsed during SS and you are still recovering, so you shouldn't overexert yourself—
Tori: Hh... hh... Ugh... gh...
Yuzuru: If you are unable to respond, then I will have no choice but to call an ambulance immediately...
Tori: Pant... Pant... Yu-Yuzuru?
Yuzuru: Yes. It is me, Yuzuru.
I am here by your side, as always.
Tori:… Yeah. Guess you are.
Hehe... Even though I came to live in the dorms, I ended up sharing a room with you, Yuzuru. So tiresome.
And here I thought I'd be able to do whatever I wanted without nosy people like you spying on me all the time.
Yuzuru: Jesting aren't we? Nevertheless, even if we were to be assigned different rooms, Bocchama, I would still choose to reside in your room.
So that I can be by your side and serve you. After all, taking care of you is my job, as well as my reason to live.
Tori: Uwaaah... Groooss... You're so annoying ♪
Yuzuru: Fufu. Your words and actions don't match at all.
Right now you're holding my hand so tightly—Bocchama, I'm always going to have my hands full looking after a spoiled child like you, aren't I?
Tori: I'm sorry. I just had a really scary dream.
I may have said some weird things in my sleep because of that. But I'm fine now—It's not like I have a cold or anything.
I'm sure that I'll be able to get back to working super hard by tomorrow.
Yuzuru: Hmm... Indeed, your temperature appears to be normal. It's occasionally hard to tell because your body temperature, like a child's, is naturally high.
Tori: When did you measure my temperature?
Yuzuru: With my talents, I have the power to change your clothing from head to toe without you noticing a thing, Bocchama.
Since I know where all your nerves and sensitive points are, I can check your body thoroughly without you feeling anything, much like an acupuncture session—
Tori: Wait, wait, that's so scary! I swear, sometimes your weird, mysterious skills are way too scary and gross!
Yuzuru: Oh, but I trained especially for you, Bocchama ♪
Tori: Yeah, and that's why you're so scary!
Yuzuru: There's no need for you to be scared, because I will always be on your side, Bocchama.
Tori: I know~ And I'm grateful but… Having someone way more talented than I am devote their entire life to me is a lot to deal with.
And I don't feel worthy enough of being treated like that.
Yuzuru: What are you saying? It seems as though the nightmare you just had has left you quite anxious.
But don't you worry. Bocchama is a good and virtuous person who is worthy of my service.
If you continue to doubt my words, I can sit at your bedside and repeat them a million times over into your ear.
Tori: I think I'll have another nightmare if you do, so please don't.
Yuzuru: I only wanted to whisper about... my love for you, Bocchama.
Tori: You're half asleep too, aren't you, Yuzuru?
Oh, no wonder—it's already 3 AM. And yet I woke you up while you were fast asleep. Sorry about that.
Yuzuru: Not at all. It would be troublesome if something were to happen to you, so please do not hesitate to rely on me if you are not feeling well.
There is no need to concern yourself with time or circumstances.
I have said so many times already, but once again: I am, now and forever, your most faithful ally and I will always put you first no matter what.
Please, don't ever forget that.
Tori: Hm…I get that too.
Yuzuru: Has your anxiety passed?
Tori: For now, yeah... Ah, now that I'm more relaxed, I'm starting to get sleepy.
Yuzuru: That's good to hear. Shall we hold hands like this until you fall asleep?
Tori: I'm not a baby. Yuzuru, you have work tomorrow as well, right? So you should hurry up and sleep too.
I feel just fine now.
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artsybelle1015 · 1 year
Vil x Anxious!Female!Reader
A short fic about Vil being worried for the prefect.
warnings: reader is a female and uses she/her pronouns, also is Yuu, panicking and anxiety, spoilers for book 5!!! not proof read!
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“You,” Vil snapped to her. “Get up and fix your posture, you own this place now act like it.”
Life had been bothersome for [Y/N] ever since the SDC group had to intrude on her home. First off is Ace and Deuce, they were loud and hurt her ears, she loved them but couldn’t be around them too long because of the pain. Then, there was Kalim and Jamil, who always were arguing one sidedly. Kalim was loud as well, but Jamil was scary, he seemed like he would snap at any second. Lastly, surprisingly took the cake for the worst scenario of people who could live with him, the Pomefiore trio.
Firstly, Epel wasn’t as bad as the other two, but he was always making semi-sexist remarks and miserable around the house. Second, Rook was straight up creepy and had a vibe, he may mean well but at the same time she felt some privacy to be gone. Him even looking at her made her feel like he knew her darkest secrets.
Vil was the worst of them all though, making a strict eating plan, strict bedtime, and always judging everyone for anything. She was a frightened soul always, his stares made it no better. Those eyes were filled with disgust. Despite that, she could never be the confident manager he wants, she can’t support them the way he wishes.
She didn’t want part of this, it was the other three of her friends who did, but Crowley forced this on her. How cruel can someone be? Grim was already enough to deal with!
Although he had the best intentions, everyone was scared of Vil (apart from Rook) and thought he was out of line for his training. Deep down, everyone knew he was right and had the best intentions in mind, they all had a goal to win and he knew what to do.
He wasn’t a bad person, but she crumbled in the corner of the hallways, his figure looming over her. She had been triggered by Ace and Deuce arguing and just wanted some quiet, not to be interrogated. A cry broke out from her which caught even Vil by surprise.
“I’m sorry,” she muttered, pushing the front of her body more towards the walls. Everything was getting to her, she just wanted some peace.
Instead of getting angry, he only sat down beside her. “I agree they are being horrendous now as of currently though, if it weren’t for them I promise you this would be a respectful house. You though, need to calm down and go somewhere more appropriate instead of breaking down in the hallways.”
This made her feel worse, shying away from him more.
He sighed, “Okay, how about we go for a walk.”
This surprised her a bit, she wasn’t used to that forward of kindness, she shot a look to make sure he wasn’t fooling around. He wasn’t, of course he wasn’t he is Vil Schoenheit, a celebrity dedicated to his crafts.
“May I hold your hand?”
She slowly nodded, still stunned. He merely just grabbed her hand and walked her to the downstairs and outside, ignoring any comment being made. His skin was silky and smooth as expected, and the dorm uniform sleeve felt like a comforting velvet.
“Listen, although crying isn’t a solution, I don’t wish for you to feel unsafe,” he declared, taking them to the main street. “You may or may not have realized this, but we rely on you too, so I need you to be in your best shape.”
“Rely on me?” she sniffled, tears may have calmed down, but her voice was still horsed.
He didn’t say anything, just held tighter onto her hand and continued to stride forward. Although he spoke the truth, he didn’t want to admit her he wanted to see her happy and well for peace of mind.
a/n: ik this is bad and not long, but it was practice for me with my own yuu basically and also because i haven’t completed my other two fics i’m working on since they’re long and detailed augh
243 notes · View notes
bwabys-scenarios · 11 months
Illumi x Reader x ??????
Part 12
part 11
part 13
warning: illumi is a LITTLE mean, mostly because he’s trying to push his feelings for you away!! Also slightly suggestive, mention of panty stealing, Leorio is a pervert(as per usual)
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“I’ll teach you, for a price.”
(Name) raises an eyebrow at the man in front of her, who she knows as Gittarackur, but is actually the disguised Illumi.
“Yeah, and what you want as payment?”
The man lifts a hand to stroke his chin. “Two options.”
(Name) leaned against the tree, waiting for him to continue.
“You can pay me back with your… body.”
She jumped, her face heating up. “W-what? My-“
He raised a hand to stop her, shaking his head. “Not in that way. You will owe me a favor, which I may need your future skill to complete.”
She relaxed a bit, sliding down to sit on the ground. “Okay. And the other option?”
He smiled, crouching down in front of her to pull out a picture, one that she had dropped.
“You tell me who the people in this picture are.”
Her eyes widened, and she reached out to snatch the picture back, a hint of anger in her eyes. “Give that back.”
He shook his finger, tutting softly. “Not until your training is over.”
She grabbed his arm, her eyes wide. “That picture is very important to me, please give it back!”
Illumi paused, not liking the shaking that had entered her voice. Was she about to cry? And why was he getting anxious at the thought of her tears.
He scoffed and let the picture drop to the ground, seeing her snatch it away and hold it to her chest before he turned away, a frown on his face.
“… it’s a picture of me and someone I care about. I don’t remember much about him, but I wanna see him again someday.”
She brings the picture to her lips to kiss the boys face, smiling at his blurred features. Illumi stiffens at this.
“You really care about that person, huh?”
She nods. “He was my first real friend. I hope he’s doing okay, I know he had a rough life, but he’s strong. And was really cute!”
She giggled to herself, stuffing the picture into her bag. Illumi was glad that he was facing the other way, or she would see his disguise trembling, a blush erupting on his cheeks.
“… I’m sure he’s fine. Probably misses you too.”
He calmed himself before turning and offered her his hand.
“Tonight will be your only rest time, so find somewhere to sleep. We’ll start your training in the morning.”
And with that, he was gone. The only thing he left behind was a nostalgic girl that he now knew to be his childhood friend.
When he was far enough away, Illumi’s disguise completely came undone, and the long haired man could only hold his chest as his heart threatened to break through his ribs.
She missed him. Him! She had held onto that picture for over 10 years, searching for HIM! He let out a shaky breath, using a nearby tree to support himself.
“Look what you do to me, (Name). Can’t even stand up straight…”
He calmed down just enough to remember her words more clearly. She had mentioned that she didn’t rennet much about him. Was that just her memory being shoddy, or amnesia? Questions for later, right now he could barely think about her without melting.
“My, my, seems you got the conformation you needed.”
Hisoka shuffled his cards, not even glancing up to look at Illumi’s flushed expression. He could tell by Illumi’s aura that he was beyond flustered, and was there to revel in this new side of him.
“Yes… she is the girl from my childhood. A person that was very important to me…”
Hisoka glanced up, a smirk pulling at his lips. “Was?”
Illumi nodded, folding his arms across his broad chest, steadying his breathing. “Was. I won’t have myself falling for her all over again. The first time it was… agonizing when I realized she was gone. Plus I’m way too busy to play around, I’m not a child anymore.”
Hisoka hummed. ‘Oh poor ‘Lumi, doesn’t even understand he’s still in love with her. Oh well, just makes it more interesting for me.’
“So, what do you plan on doing with her then? You’re going to teach her to be a hunter, correct?”
The black haired assassin mulled over this, brushing his hair to the side.
“Yes. I can sense potential in her. I may…”
A small smile spread across his lips, a smile devoid of good intentions.
“… borrow her after the exam.”
(Name) did her best to create a rudimentary shelter before the sun dipped below the trees. When she finished, she crawled in and lied down, using a pile of leaves as her pillow.
She thought back to earlier, gripping her photo so tight it wrinkled.
‘How did he get this? I’ll have to be much more careful in the future. Someone could use this picture to hurt my old friend…’
She curled up, her eyelids growing heavier by the second.
“Goodnight Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, and Gittarackur. Wherever you are…”
(Name) awoke when the feeling of water surrounded her, she tried to breath, but stopped when her mouth filled with liquid.
She breached the surface of the water, gasping for breath. (Name) took a moment to breath before she checked her surroundings, seeing Illumi standing on the bank of the stream she had been tossed in. He had an amused smirk on his lips.
“I came to wake you up and you didn’t budge. I pulled you out of your mediocre shelter, nothing. If I can carry you to a stream and toss you into water before you wake up…”
He grabs her sleeve, pulling her up onto the bank with ease.
“We have a problem.”
(Name) pushed him away, coughing up water. She gestured to her soaked clothes, her brows furrowing.
“Okay, cool, but now my clothes are absolutely soaked. What am I supposed to do?”
He shrugged, looking her up and down. “You could just train in your underwear. Don’t worry, I’m not attracted to girls like you.”
He winced at his own comment, but she didn’t seem to care.
“Huh, okay then.” She scoffed and pulled at the hem of her shirt, just enough to expose her pink bra.
He jumped back, his head turning to look in the opposite direction quicker than he would have liked.
“Vulgar girl, I would’ve hoped you’d change in privacy, considering you have an extra set of clothes.”
He tried to ignore the urge to look, biting his lip. She just huffed, throwing her shirt on the ground and waking past him to her shelter.
“You’re blushing an awful lot for someone that ain’t attracted to girl like me, Gittarackur.”
He growled, folding his arms as he waited for her to change.
“Anyone would blush when a woman starts disrobing in front of them. You feel comfortable getting naked in front of men?”
She laughed, exiting her shelter wearing her shorts from the first day and a sports bra. He could feel his pants tighten at the sight, telling himself he’d address THAT later.
“No, only the men I’m not attracted to.”
She stuck her tongue out at him, stretching out her legs.
“Let’s get started, yeah?”
Illumi’s training was tough, partly because training to be a hunter was tough, but also because he wanted to let out a bit of pent up energy.
He was no stranger to seeing half naked women, often being an assassin meant women trying to seduce you into not killing them. This never worked, as Illumi didn’t have much of a libido.
(Name), however, was testing his patience.
The way she bent to watch the fish be picked up by birds and practiced catching them by jumping into the air, causing her breasts to bounce was driving Illumi crazy. She seemed almost unaware of her effect on him, leaning against him during her breaks to offer him food or a drink.
Her scent mixed with the sweat of her hard work was mind numbing. He wondered how he was able to keep himself in check when she loosely lifted the hem of her bra to complain about the heat, fanning herself.
“I’m heading out. Keep practicing, watch how the bird waits to catch the fish and practice the moves I taught you.”
He runs off, hissing at the hardness between his legs.
(Name) watches him go, a bit confused at his hasty departure. “Alright, see you tomorrow.”
By the time Illumi arrived to wake (Name) up, she had already rose and gotten dressed, this time in a t-shirt and shorts. Illumi sighed in relief, glad he wouldn’t have to deal with his “little problem” again after their session.
He would have stayed relieved if he didn’t see her clothes from the last day drying on a string next to her shelter, including a pair of panties with a strawberry pattern.
He gripped her shoulder, staring down at her intensely. She just lifted an eyebrow. “Yes?”
“Why… why are you drying your underwear out in plain view?”
(Name) just shrugged, pushing his hand off her shoulder. “Why not? I need clothes to wear, since YOU got them all soaked yesterday.”
His eye twitched. She wasn’t exactly wrong but…
“There are dangerous men taking this exam, (Name). I seem to remember you saying that Hisoka would be into strange things. What do you think his reaction would be, seeing your little strawberry panties waving in the wind?”
(Name) blinked, then covered her mouth.
“Oh god, he would get WAY too excited. Do you think he’d steal them? They’re my favorite pair!!”
Illumi glared at the girl, raising a hand to rub his temple. “Men are capable of much more than stealing your underwear, girl.”
She tilted her head at this. “Capable of what exactly?”
He dropped his hand, sliding it to her chin.
“Want me to show you?”
Illumi pulled his hand away, covering his lower face to hide his blush. He was losing control, the power this girl held over him was concerning. He could feel himself throbbing at the thought of touching her, kissing her, bending her over and-
“Are you done being creepy and ready to see my progress?”
She tapped her foot impatiently, a light blush also apparent on her cheeks. He cleared his throat and nodded.
“Yes. Go ahead.”
It took (Name) two days to master the act of hunting, which impressed Illumi immensely. She was proud of herself, jumping up and down excitedly.
“Ahh, thank you for training me Gittarackur!”
Illumi tensed at her arms wrapping around him, giving him a tight squeeze. He wanted to pull away, but his arms hound themselves wrapped around her waste, his head lowering to smell her hair.
“You’re welcome. I have no other reason to be here, so I just leave. I still have to k- find my target.”
He retracted his arms and pushed her off, earning a huff in return. Illumi held back a chuckle.
“You helped me before even you found your target? You’re such a nice guy!”
Illumi paused, turning quickly to grab her by the shoulders.
“You have no idea the kind of man I am. Don’t trust people so willingly, (Name). You’ll only get hurt.”
He squeezed her shoulders before he let go and scurried away. She frowned and yelled after him.
Illumi ignored her, speeding up.
(Name) left her temporary home to explore, having a bit more confidence in her abilities. Illumi had sparred with her relentlessly, and she rubbed her bruised bottom. He’d sent her falling onto her butt so many times you would of though she’d broke her tailbone.
“Man, where is everyone hiding?”
(Name) perked up when she heard Illumi’s voice in the distance, immediately following it.
“I haven’t seen anyone for the past two days.”
(Name) appeared, waving excitedly.
“Leorio, I’m so glad to see you!”
She jumped into his arms, squeezing him tightly. He gasped, his hands hovering around her hips.
“Oh, (Name), you scared me! How you’ve been holding up?”
“Meh, okay I guess. One of the applicants trained me in the “art of hunting.” He’s moody, but I think he’s actually a nice guy under all that doom and gloom!”
Leorio relaxes, his hands finally resting on her hips. “He? (Name) be careful, men don’t just help a girl for no reason.”
“But you and Kurapika have helped me plenty, and I know you two don’t have any ulterior motives… unless…”
She playfully hit his shoulder. “You’ve been using me for my canteen haven’t you?”
He sighed, playing along by holding up his hands in defeat. “You got me. This has all been an elaborate plan to steal your pink water canteen.”
They looked at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter. (Name) pinched his cheek, her eyes sparkling.
“See, now that wasn’t so hard to admit, huh?”
The moment was ruined when the bush next to them rattled. Leorio stood, pushing (Name) behind him and wielding his knife. She pulled out her own dagger, her eyebrows furrowed.
“Who goes there?”
“Oh, hold on!”
Tonpa left the bush, holding his hands up to show he wasn’t armed. (Name) frowned, folding her arms across her chest.
“It’s just me!”
“Tonpa! Don’t tell me your target is…”
Leorio and (Name) tensed, pointing their weapons at him.
“Hey, wait a second! Just calm down you two! Neither of you are my target.”
“Prove it.”
Tonpa reached into his back pocket, pulling out a card with the number 191 on it. The two relaxed.
“Good think I didn’t throw it away. Fighting people who aren’t my target is a waste of time and energy.”
(Name) looped her arm around Leorio’s, glaring at the man. Tonpa caught this and began to back up, pointing at her.
“Wait don’t tell me that I’m your target?!”
“Unfortunately you’re not.” Leorio replied. (Name) shook her head to signal he wasn’t her target either. Leorio held up the card that held the number of his target.
“Number 246. Ponzu, huh?”
“Huh? You know who this is?”
“You didn’t already know?”
(Name) giggled, poking Leorio’s cheek. “You shouldn’t let him know he has an advantage over you, Leorio.”
“Uh, er, well… I wouldn’t put it that way. I just didn’t have a chance to find out…”
Tonpa grinned. “Heh. Want me to fill you in?”
“Your target’s appearance, weapons, special abilities, and weaknesses.”
Leorio let him continue, thinking it over.
“I have one condition.”
The two were surprised to hear a wet gurgling sound come from Tonpa’s stomach. (Name) made a disgusted face, stepping back.
“I think I ate some bad fruit.”
“Bad fruit…”
“To be honest, I can barely stand… you want to become a doctor right? Do you have any medicine one you?”
He groaned, holding his stomach as he trembled. (Name) gagged, retreating behind Leorio. He approached Tonpa, holding out his briefcase.
“Wait, don’t soil yourself. I have all kinds of anti-diarrheal and stomach medicine.”
“Oh, thank you so much!”
Tonpa reached out for the briefcase, his hands brushing against it. Leorio pulled it back, scowling.
“First tell me what you know.”
(Name) didn’t pay much attention to their conversation, only picking up that the woman she’d met before was named Ponzu.
Leorio instructed Tonpa to step back before he opened his briefcase, which he did quickly.
As soon as the briefcase clicked open, someone descended from the trees and attempted to wack Leorio in the head with a large stick. He barely dodged, the contents of his bag spilling out…
Including his badge number!
(Name) launched forward, but before she could grab the badge it was stolen by a monkey. (Name) was so surprised by the monkey that she fell backwards into Leorio.
The two hurriedly stood, (Name) embarrassed apologizing as they did. Leorio paid her no mind, his anger increasing by the second.
“You two are working together!?”
“Exactly so. I didn’t need your medicine. I have my own, and I might as well confess that you actually are my target.”
Tonpa swallowed his medicine, a cocky smile on his face.
“What about the card you just showed me?”
“That’s my target.”
The man with the monkey waved, winking in (Name)’s direction. “This is tonpas, we switched cards. And these…”
He reached into his pocket, pulling out a pair of strawberry panties.
“Are yours, right?”
(Name)’s face erupted in a combination of embarrassment and anger. “Hey, those are my favorite pair!”
Leorio just gawked at the man, his jaw nearly hitting the ground.
“Can I uh… have th-“
(Name) elbowed him in the stomach, and he shut up.
“There you have it!”
He laughed, which only enraged Leorio further.
“Damn you! I’ll make you pay!!”
He began to chase Tonpa. (Name) glanced between tonpa and the man with the monkey, deciding to follow after Leorio.
“Hold up, I’m gonna kill you!”
“Hey now, I’m not the one with your tag and her underwear!”
“Shut up!”
Tonpa laughed, keeping a good distance between them. “You still haven’t learned your lesson, rookie? It’s your own fault for letting us trick you! Besides, working in teams during the Hunter Exam is common sense!”
“I agree with the latter, but I cannot accept the former.”
Kurapika appears on the path. Tonpa doesn’t have time to stop at the pace he was going, and Kurapika kicks him.
“You shouldn’t be tricking people, in the first place!”
(Name) embraced him, her eyes welling up with tears. She couldn’t get any words out, just blubbers. He pats her head, and looks to Leorio.
“You two wanna team up?”
“Oh dear.”
Kurapika holds a hand over his mouth as they explain their situation. His cheeks flush when (Name) tells him what happened with her.
“What degenerates. How did they even get them? Are you…”
He barely stops himself from asking if they had been taken straight off of her. She was wearing shorts after all, that would be near impossible.
“Probably stole them while I was hanging them out to dry. My favorite pair, with the cute strawberries!”
She started to cry again, shaking Leorio. “What if they get away and keep them?! What am I supposed to do without my lucky pair!! Ugh Gittarackur was right!”
The two exchanged a look. “We’ll get your uh.. undergarments back, (Name).”
Leorio ruffles her hair, which calms her a little.
(Name) waits at an old log, kicking her feet. The two had promised to retrieve her underwear, and she promised to cook dinner.
The two returned an hour later, Leorio with his tag in one hand, and her neatly folded panties in the other. Kurapika was polite enough to not look, instead turning his head when Leorio offered her the pair of panties.
“Oh thank you so much! Ah, my favorite pair!”
She held them up, spinning in a circle before stuffing them into her bag. “I’ve gotta out these on later. Guess they’re only safe when they’re on my-“
“Ahem! Anyways…”
Kurapika stopped her mid sentence, avoiding her gaze. “We have the tags for #16 and #118 as well.”
“So Kurapika, Tonpa was your target? You saved me back there!”
“No need to thank me. I didn’t want Tonpa to notice me, so I stayed hidden while you were jumped from behind. Well that was because there’d be no point teaming up with you if you couldn’t withstand that attack. I suppose that you barely qualified.”
“You really are full of yourself…”
(Name) pointed to herself. “Did I qualify?”
Kurapika smiled, shaking his head. “I didn’t need to test you, I already planned on teaming up with you from the beginning.”
Leorio frowned and (Name) gasped, pulling Kurapika into a hug and ruffling his hair.
“Aren’t you a little charmer?”
“He’s rude that’s what he is!”
Leorio huffed. “Well, I can’t deny that it’s easier to work as a team. Let’s stick together for the remaining four days.”
(Name) released the now flustered Kurapika, putting her hands on her hips.
“Yeah, let’s.”
The three chatted for a bit, discussing their targets and the tags they now had.
“Wait, (Name), who’s your target?”
Leorio glanced at her, only slightly suspicious. She sighed and reached into her shirt, pulling the blank card out to show them.
“I have no target, and I’m not being hunted. I’m the one who drew the blank card.”
Illumi had been watching over the interaction from a distance. Once (Name) had gotten her stolen underwear back, he left.
He didn’t like that another man had held her panties in his hands, but there wasn’t much her could do about it… yet. It was almost night time and he had long since gravely wounded his target, only needing to capture his tag.
Illumi took one last look at (Name) before he was gone.
The group of three traverse through the forest, (Name) stopping to pick up herbs and mushrooms she’d need to make dinner.
They all slide down a cliff, (Name) complaining about their nonchalant behavior.
“Do all boys just enjoy getting dirty? I just washed these.”
She groaned, dusting the dirt off of the back of her shorts.
“You can just wash them again later. You can wear my tunic if you need to.” Kurapika offered like the gentleman he was.
“Thanks, but that would barely cover me. I’m not exactly the smallest girl, but any girl with hips would pop out of that.”
Leorio put a hand on Kurapika’s shoulder. “Let her borrow your tunic.”
The younger man pulled away from his grasp. “Did you not hear her, it would barely cover her.”
“That’s the poi-“
Kurapika smacked him over the head with his weapon. “Pervert.”
Leorio huffed. “So I’ve figured out who my target is, but how am I supposed to find her on this huge island? Isn’t walking around aimlessly a waste of energy?”
“Constantly whining and being a pervert would be an even bigger waste of energy.”
“You already have six points, so you’re finished. But if I don’t find my target…”
The three stopped in their tracks, Kurapika gasping. Down the path and causally leaned against a tree was none other than Hisoka.
He held up a card nonchalantly. The two men stiffened, standing in front of (Name) protectively. Kurapika barely noticed her slowly raise her hand to grasp her hurt wrist, trembling.
“Imagine meeting you here…”
Leorio laughed humorlessly. “I keep running into people I don’t want to encounter.”
“You see, I need two more points. Could you give me your tags?”
“What was that! Screw that, I’m not gonna-“
Kurapika cut his eyes to (Name), and Leorio did the same. She was shaking, struggling to control her breathing. It was very obvious that Hisoka scared her, and it wasn’t just because he had a frightening presence. Something had happened between the two.
“You said that you only needed two points, correct? Which implies we are not your targets, correct?”
“I’m the one asking questions here. Will you give me your tags or not?”
He held a card to his lips, his eyes trained on (Name). The two men inches closer, blocking her from view.
“That depends. We currently have five tags. Mine, my target’s, Leorio’s, (Name)’s, and a tag only worth a single point to us. Of these, only two could be the number of your target. Mine, or the tag only worth a single point.”
“Correct. Neither of those is my target. So?”
“That’s leaves the other two tags. If you’re willing to take the tag worth only one point to us and leave, you can have it. But I will not let you have mine or (Name)’s, and the same goes for the other two.”
The two of them throw down their respective bags, readying themselves for battle. (Name) drew her dagger.
“If you insist on taking them by force, you’ll have to fight me!”
Both Kurapika and Leorio raised their weapons, the three men having a stare down. (Name) attempted to join them, but before she could move from behind them the two blocked her with their arms.
“Stay back.” Kurapika whispered. Hisoka’s eyes narrowed, taking in the sight of the three with wicked glee. He covered his face with his hand, laughing into it.
He pulled his hand down to glance at them. “Out of curiosity, what is your number?”
“#404.” Kurapika answered, frowning.
Hisoka glared at them for a bit longer, almost like he was savoring the moment. “Alright. You have a deal. I’ll only take the one tag.”
Kurapika nodded. He crouched down to grab his bag, fishing the badge out and placing it in the hollow part of a tree.
“I’ll leave it here.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll be standing here for a while.”
Before the three can leave, he stops them with a smirk.
“Girl, stay here for a moment.”
Leorio and Kurapika began to protest, but (Name) stops them. “It’s alright. I don’t want to anger or… excite him with my refusal.”
“You two, walk away a bit. Don’t worry, I don’t plan on killing her or anything. Just need to.. pass on a message.”
The two glanced at her as they walked away, Kurapika’s hand forming into a fist.
“What do you need to tell me?”
(Name) stand a good 5 feet away, her dagger still out and ready for use. Hisoka steps towards, and she takes a step back.
“Relax, I’m not gonna hurt you again. I really do have a message for you, from your little friend.”
(Name) perks up at this, breaking the distance between them. “You mean it? A message from-“
Hisoka puts a finger over her lips, smirking as she winced in disgust. “You surround yourself with such dangerous men, (Name). Be careful who you say his name around.”
She nodded hesitantly and he pulled his finger away, licking it.
“He said to meet him in York New, September 1st.”
Her heart started beating against her chest, and she gripped the fabric of her shirt. “I’m so glad he’s okay…”
‘Although he could have just texted me instead of getting the creepy clown to play messenger…’
Nonetheless, (Name) shook Hisoka’s hand, smiling up at him. “Thank you so much, I didn’t know you were this nice!”
After that she ran away, chasing after Leorio and Kurapika.
Hisoka watched her go, staring down at his hand for a moment before clenching his fist.
“I’m starting to understand why those two are so… interested in her.”
(Name) made a simple soup for dinner, eating and drinking water from the stream as the two fussed over her.
“What did he tell you, did he hurt you?”
“Why the hell did you grab his hand, he could’ve crushed your windpipe with ease!”
(Name) leaned back against her leaf pillow, stretching out her legs. “I’m fine, aren’t I? And he didn’t tell me anything that you two would need to know.”
She wasn’t sure if she should tell them. After all, her friend wasn’t exactly a… great person. She was okay with that, but she knew others wouldn’t be so lenient.
“We’re just worried, (Name). You seem to have a knack for getting yourself into trouble with dangerous men.”
Kurapika didn’t know how right he was. (Name) pouted, snuggling up under their new shelter.
“I can handle myself… most of the time… I promise if what he told me was bad I would have told you by now.”
“Yeah? Well how about you tell us why you were shaking so badly when he looked at you?”
(Name) was silent at this, looking down at her wrist that had turned purple over the last few days. Leorio didn’t miss this.
“He’s the one that did that to you, isn’t he? That bastard… I’ll kill him!”
(Name) reached out to pull at his sleeve, shaking her head.
“Don’t. He’s too strong for any of us to beat. He… made me promise not to say anything. I agreed, for… your sake.”
She gestured to the two, before releasing Leorio’s sleeve.
The three fell into silence, and (Name) soon fell asleep. Kurapika took of his tunic and covered her with it, brushing the hair out of her face.
“She did that… to protect us?”
Leorio shook his head, gripping his blade.
“We’ll have to return the favor.”
Four days had passed since they saw Hisoka, with nothing to show for it.
“Wanna head back to the starting point?”
(Name) stopped, placing her canteen back in her bag after they’d all had a sip. Leorio continued.
“It’s possible that people have already finished.”
“No, we won’t be able to find anyone there. This phase is unique because you have a chance to recover your tag if you lose it. On the other hand, you might have six points in tags right now, but that doesn’t guarantee you’ll have them when the phase ends. You can’t finish it quickly.”
“I see.” Leorio grunts out, rubbing his aching legs.
“But it’s worth a shot. Only one day remains, people who already have six points will be inclined to wait near the goal. I would do the same.”
(Name) nods, jumping over the roots of a tree.
“Okay, let’s go!”
“Well? Anyone there?”
The three stare out at the place where they first disembarked. “No. No one that can easily be spotted.”
“Perhaps we should split up to search after we decide on a place to reconvene.” Kurapika and Leorio sigh, (Name) raising an eyebrow at the suggestion. Had they forgotten that there was a Killer Clown on the loose?
“It’ll go faster with four people!”
The three startle, quickly swiveling around to see Gon jump from a tree.
“I guess we all had the same idea. I’ve been watching from up above, and a number of people are nearby.”
(Name) jumped up and tackled him in a hug, petting his head. “Gon!! You’re safe!”
“I see, we should search from above.”
Gon wiggled out of her grasp and Kurapika shook his head.
“We can’t, it’s only possible if you have eyes as sharp as Gon’s.”
(Name) agreed, looking at the tree with dismay. “And I don’t think I can climb a tree, not after what happened last time.”
“Last time? What happened last t-“
Said boy perked up. “Yes?”
“Do you have the tags you need?”
His expression soured a bit. “Yeah, I guess.”
“Damn, so I’m the only one without enough points.”
“Who’s your target?”
Leorio handed Gon his card. “#246, a woman named Ponzu. I heard she used chemical weapons. Gon, did you see any women when you were up there?”
He shakes his head. “None besides (Name).”
“I see…”
Kurapika placed a hand on Leorio’s shoulder. “We can assume that there are four possibilities. She’s I. Good shape and still has her tag. She’s in good shape, but she lost her tag. She’s out of action, but she still has her tag. She’s out of action, and she doesn’t have her tag.”
“Is it really likely that she’d still have her tag if she’s out of action?”
“If she were caught in a sudden accident, or if she were defeated after hiding the tag. If she died after conceiving her tag, we won’t be able to find it.”
“Sounding gloomier by the second.” Leorio whined.
“Hey, do you know anything else about Ponzu? Does she wear a special perfume like (Name)?” Gon asked. (Name) sniffed herself, but all she could smell was soil and sweat. Kurapika gasped.
“Oh, that’s right! Gon can follow her scent!”
“But she might not wear perfume.”
“He can smell the chemicals she uses. She’s known for using drugs, right? Some of them must have strong scents. Well, Gon?”
Gon nodded. “Okay, I’ll give it a shot! That’s why I’m here.”
The group of four travelled under the shade of trees and through hills of grass, Gon inhaling the air as they went.
By sunset, Gon sniffed out a cave where they stopped in front of. Leorio peered at the cave, giving Gon a nod.
“Is she in there, Gon?”
“Yep, definitely.”
“What do you want to do, Leorio?”
“I’m going inside.”
They all looked at him as he picked up a stick and began to approach the cave. “You guys wait here.”
He walked in, tapping the walls as he did. He threw his stick into the dark to test for a reaction.
“I’ll head inside. Don’t renter until I give you the okay.”
“30 minutes.”
“If we don’t hear anything from you after 30 minutes, we’re coming in.”
Leorio denied Kurapika’s demand with a shake of his head.
“Unacceptable. If that happens, you guys should return to the start.”
“I can’t do that. Since we teamed up, I won’t abandon you now.”
(name) nodded, in agreement with Kurapika. “I still owe you from getting my… lucky pair back for me.”
She winked, causing a blush to erupt on his face.
“Then I quit the team. You don’t owe me anything. It’s selfish, considering all the help you’ve given me, but I’ll do this alone.”
Gon frowned. “No.”
Leorio ran back. “What did you say?!”
“We’re staying here no matter what! Still got a problem?”
He watched the threes faces, all of them looking at him with stubborn eyes. He sighed and pulled out his knife, tossing his briefcase to gon.
“Do whatever you like. Hold onto that for me.”
The three smiled between themselves.
“-and then he bit me, like actually bit me! I was afraid he might be rabid so I ran away.”
“(Name), you attract the strangest people.”
(Name) had begun to tell them about her meeting her mysterious friend, although she kept his name and occupation secret. Kurapika rubbed his temple.
“Yeah, he is pretty strange, but cute in a way. He really liked the rose syrup I made so I mail him some every month. His address changes for work often but…”
She paused, biting her lip. “Sorry, I’m rambling. It’s just…”
“Nervous about Leorio taking so long?” Kurapika asked, a smile pulling at his lips. She nodded.
“It’s been nearly 30 minutes.”
“Kurapika, Gon, (Name)!”
The three shoot up at the sound of Leorio’s shouting.
“Don’t come in!”
The three run forward, Kurapika pushing (Name) back. “You stay here. Don’t move!”
With that, (Name) is alone again. She kicked the sandy ground, her lips forming into her another pout.
“Stupid boys and their stupid chivalry.” She crossed her arms, deciding to gather ingredients for dinner to pass the time. If they weren’t out in an hour, she’d go in.
(Name) was lucky enough to find a nest full of eggs, so she boiled them and made a simple salad to go with it. It wasn’t much, but would fill their bellies enough to get through the night.
She stared at the entrance to the cave as the eggs boiled. She noticed smoke starting to pool out.
“Smoke? Oh god I hope they didn’t-“
(Name) quieted when she heard the d sound of shoes slapping against the cave floor. She gasped when she saw Gon carring the boys, plus Ponzu out of the cave.
“Holy- Gon how strong are you!?”
He let out a great before inhaling loudly. “Strong enough!”
The boys explained what happened over dinner. Gon seemed particularly excited, his stomach growling loudly.
“Thanks for preparing dinner, (Name)!”
She patted his head, putting two one of her eggs onto his plate. “No problem. Here, take one of mine. Young boys need to eat!”
He didn’t argue, only gulping it down and grinning. After dinner the four gathered together to sleep, (Name) telling them stories about her mysterious friend, who they were beginning to wonder the motive of.
“(Name), I think that guy might be in l-“
Kurapika smacked Leorio across the head.
“Goodnight, let’s all get some rest before the big day tomorrow.”
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peanutpinet · 10 months
You Belong with Me - Idol! Jaemin x staff! fem reader
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A/N: I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before but if you follow me on my Instagram, you might have seen my Instagram reel where I mentioned that Jaemin is definitely my comfort idol. For some reason, no matter what I’m feeling that day; whether it is good or bad, whenever I see Jaemin’s comforting yet encouraging messages, seeing him work so hard to make nctzens happy yet he himself is able to be so mature and still prioritizing others before him is just another level of my respect towards him and it just brings comfort to me and hopefully to many other nctzens
Dedication: To all nctzens who feel lost and anxious, this one is for you
Main Pairing: Idol! Na Jaemin x staff fem reader x slight idol! ex Jaehyun
Warnings: mentions of cheating, “unintentional” cheating act, violence, swearing, angst, slight possessiveness, light fluff, comforting scenes, anxiety
Additional Info: This is a slight spin-off of “Try Again” (a Jaehyun angst fic)
Disclaimer: this story is completely fiction and not a defective representative of what the members are actually like. Please take everything with a grain of salt
[08:16pm] - don’t expect too much. Don’t let your guard down. Everything seems too good to be true. Those were all the warnings that your mind was trying to tell you. But just like a hypnotized person, you were blinded by the good things of being together with someone whom you thought would be your significant other till death do you both apart.
It wasn’t until it was too good to be true that it instantly went downhill. Just as you were reaching your one-year anniversary with Jaehyun. You thought that your life was finally being put together and that you can finally see the end of the tunnel as if you were on a train and finally reaching your destination until the train took a “wrong” turn.
You, Renjun and Chenle were going around the company after a photoshoot for a Chinese magazine when you heard an unfamiliar female voice was ringing around the NCT floor’s hallways; confusing you, Chenle and Renjun.
You didn’t think much about it because you were more focused on surprising your boyfriend of almost 1 year. You were more than thankful for the universe to be able to let you to have such a caring and supportive boyfriend. Someone who was willing to risk his career for you. To take care of you when you yourself never did. To be able to give you more than you could have ever wished or hoped.
But the universe clearly had other plans because when you made a turn, there you saw your boyfriend’s back with an unfamiliar woman right in front of him who was kissing him and your boyfriend didn’t even pull away but you felt that your heart did.
Lost for words, you turn around to avoid the scene unravelling before you as you walked away with Renjun quickly following you whereas Chenle took a quick look at what you saw before following both you and Renjun.
When the three of you have gotten to one of the unused recording studios did you finally break down in front of your two friends. You dropped to the ground pulling your knees close to your chest as you slowly sobbed that you passed out.
When you did regain consciousness, you noticed you were in one of Chenle’s guest bedrooms since you have stayed at his house a couple of times just to hang out with the other dreamies. Sighing, you thought that it was all just a nightmare but when you grabbed your phone and Jaehyun’s parents’ message was the first thing you saw, you remembered that you were currently living with Jaehyun’s parents and that it was already late at night.
You quickly texted Jaehyun’s parents that you had some work to do so suddenly that you decided to stay over at Chenle’s place because the shoot ran pretty late and you had to quickly go over the shots and video before forwarding it to the head content manager. Lucky enough, Jaehyun’s parents believed you and told you to get more than enough rest and to let them know whenever you were free because they wanted to take you out.
Sighing, you take a deep breath on how to face Jaehyun and confront him. Frustrated, confused, sad, all those negative emotions started to swallow you down. Especially whenever you close your eyes, your mind would consciously replay the scene over and over again even though your heart is still holding on to that last bit of hope that it was all just some misunderstanding.
As your thoughts slowly tried to take control, you started to sob once again until you felt a warm arm wrapped around you. Startled, you almost pulled away while also kicking the person but when the person’s voice came out, your whole body immediately recognizes it and slowly lower your guard because who else would be able to calm your nerve-wracking state other than Na Jaemin himself.
“It’s not good to check your phone in the dark” Jaemin softly pointed out, taking your phone out of your hand and placing it on the bedside table
“D-did Chenle or Renjun…” you asked but Jaemin beat you to it
“Chenle told us in the dreamies’ group chat. Don’t worry, nothing was spilled to the other group chats. Rest assured that it’s just us that know” Jaemin softly replied, patting your head as you sigh in relief
“How about we go have some dinner first? You probably haven’t eaten since morning. Chenle made some hotpot for us to eat. Do you want me to bring the food to you or…” Jaemin asked but I held his hand
“No. It’s alright. Let’s go out to eat with the others. It would be rude of me to ask you to bring the food that Chenle made. I’ll be ok” you reassured Jaemin who extended his arm for you to grab
Both you and Jaemin then head out of the room and saw the other Dream members in the dining room, gathering around. Renjun, Mark and Haechan were playing whereas Chenle and Jeno were cooking and Jisung just brought out some of the cooked meat onto the dining table.
“Oh?! Noona?! You’re awake?” Jisung stated, putting down the plate of food, grabbing the other dreamies’ attention
“A-are you okay? You passed out for a long time” Renjun asked, walking towards you along with the others
“Y-yeah. I’m fine. Thank you, Renjun, Chenle, for bringing me back here” you replied back, hoping that none of the dreamies would question you just yet
“Hey, why is everyone standing? C’mon, let’s sit and eat. Chenle and Jeno worked hard in cooking for us tonight” Mark stated as everyone sat at the living room and ate together because the dining room was too small
“Thank you for cooking, Chenle, Jeno” you stated as you sat on the couch, Jaemin handing you a plate of rice and meat already
“No worries about 姐姐. Eat lots of it. No dieting in this household” Chenle joked, dividing the hotpot equally
You were more than thankful that you were closer to dreamies’ age because at times like this, you just feel more comfortable talking with them or even doing some mundane things with them because it reminds you of the times when you were in school and was having a sleepover with your friends.
Being around with friends around your age who were not judging was another level of comfort and it even made you forget about what actually happened until Haechan brought it up which the other dreamies glared at him.
“So, did you actually see Jaehyun-hyung’s face or was it from behind?” Haechan asked, earning a glare and smack from Mark and Renjun
“Dude. Can you be more sympathetic?!” Mark scolded Haechan
“Ya!! You think she was there alone? Don’t you remember who brought her back here?” Chenle argued
“Whatttt? I was just curious. I’m sorry okay!” Haechan tried to defend himself. “You’re lucky that (y/n) is nice. If it were me, I would duck tape your mouth and only open it when you have to sing” Renjun threatened
“Hyung, I don’t think that we should be arguing or even touch on that subject. Noona is probably still sensitive about this…” Jisung tried to stop his hyungs from arguing. “See, even Jisung understands the situation” Chenle argued back
“YAAAAA” Jaemin growled, grabbing everyone’s attention, slightly scaring you but Jaemin was quick to wrap his arm around your smaller body, rubbing your shoulder with his thumb. “Can’t you all how uncomfortable (y/n) is with all of you arguing? Hasn’t she gone through enough today?” Jaemin reminded the others who instantly fell silent and apologised
“I’m sorry (y/n). I shouldn’t have asked because it should be you who would tell us first whenever you’re ready” Haechan apologised and you shook your head
“It’s alright. Jaemin-a, don’t get angry at them. Everyone but Chenle and Renjun were just curious” you defended the other dreamies as Jaemin sighed, giving your shoulder a light squeeze to let you know that he’s here to support and defend you
“But yea. Though I did see his face from a side, I didn’t get a closer look at what actually happened. Maybe, I was looking at a wrong angle and just assuming….” you started but Chenle was quick to correct you
“You weren’t hallucinating, 姐姐. I also saw what happened after you turned and left. It was clearly him and that weird girl was clearly kissing him but he didn’t pull away” Chenle bluntly stated
“Ya! Zhong Chenle! Enough okay?! It’s been a long day. Let her breathe” Renjun scolded the younger Chinese as Jisung tried to get both his hyungs to calm down
“Renjun. It’s okay. Chenle is right. I wasn’t hallucinating even if I wanted to. What happened, happened. I just have to accept it” you softly muttered, all the dreamies looked sad and worried upon hearing what you said
“Let’s not discuss that further unless you want to, okay?” Mark mentioned as you nodded slowly and all the other dreamies prepared the living room to be a mini theatre
Jisung got to pick the movie because everyone was sure that he wouldn’t really choose any kind of romance film. In the end, you guys ended up watching Spirited Away because it was one of your comfort films. Towards the end of the film, everyone was slowly drowsing off and you then suggested to Chenle that everyone should stay over.
Though you were alright with sharing with any of the dream members, Jaemin debated that it was not right and you should have your own space after what happened but you argued back that it was pretty late and you felt bad that you made the others stay and if anyone had to sleep like a can of sardines, you would instantly feel worse
“It’s really alright if the rest of us have to sleep in Chenle’s room or even on the floor” Jaemin debated
“I know you guys might be alright with it. But not me. The other guest bedroom isn’t as big and probably could only fit 3 people max. Chenle’s bed could also only fit another person which leaves 2 more of you and the bed I have can fit 2 more” you argued back as the rest of the dreamies were far too lost in the debate
“one of us can sleep on the couch. I wouldn’t mind doing so. Or the other 2 can sleep on the living room couch. Perhaps even on the floor. Really. We’re practically used to it” Jaemin reasoned with you but you stood your ground
“Jaemin, if you or anyone sleeps on the couch or floor without some surface between your body and the floor, you’re going to wake up with a sore back and I don’t want that to happen to any of you. 2 of you sleep on my bed and that’s final or I’ll sneak out to the living room to sleep on the floor if any of you don’t sleep on my bed” you argued and Jaemin sighed, pulling some of his hair out of frustration
“Fine. But that 2 people should be me and Jeno because I would never touch you and I’ll be between you and Jeno so he wouldn’t touch you either” Jaemin made his final statement
“I don’t mind either of you all because I trust you guys. Now let’s just get ready for bed” you mentioned, helping tidy up the shared blanket that you guys used
“姐姐, if you’re hungry or can’t sleep in the middle of the night, we bought some of your favourite biscuits and snacks in the fridge and cupboard. Feel free to take and eat anything, alright? Good night” Chenle mentioned and you thank him
Right before you, Jaemin and Jeno head to your room, Mark called out for you. “Hey, (y/n). Don’t worry so much about what happened alright? Me and Haechan won’t say anything to the 127 hyungs but we will try to find out what happen. Don’t feel obligated to have everything figured out because you’re not alone, kay? Also, don’t feel obligated to tell everyone about your situation and that includes hyung’s parents. Take care of yourself first and foremost because I know that everything will be alright” Mark rambled whilst patting your head and slowly wiping the tears that were threatening to spill like a waterfall
After the short talk with Mark, Jaemin wrapped his arm around your shoulder and directed you back to your room where Jeno was already setting up some pillows for him and Jaemin.
“You alright, (y/n)?” Jeno asked as he saw you sniffle
“Am okay, Jen. Sorry, let me just go to the bathroom and change” you replied, grabbing your things and heading to the bathroom to change
Once you’ve changed, you saw Jaemin and Jeno were talking on the floor which made you worry that they were planning to sleep on the floor until Jaemin stated what was on your mind.
“I promise you that we’re not sleeping on the floor. We were just talking down here because it would be rude for us to sit on your bed” Jaemin mentioned and you just chuckle at his politeness
“It’s not rude at all. C’mon, let’s just sleep” you mentioned as you went towards the side of the bed that was closer to the wall
Both Jaemin and Jeno followed you shortly with Jaemin laying in between you and Jeno and Jeno who was sleeping closer towards the other edge of the bed that was closer to the floor.
“Jeno, are you alright over there? You guys can move closer, it’s still quite spacious” you mentioned, peeking your head as Jaemin softy pushed your head back down, indicating you to just lay down and sleep
“I’m fine (y/n), don’t worry about me. Thanks for letting us sleep on your bed. Good night” Jeno mentioned right at the same time Jaemin turned his head and faced you
“You sure you’re alright? You know that I’m here whenever you need a talk or vent out your feelings” Jaemin softly mentioned, stroking your hair, looking at you softly
“I know, Jaem. Thank you. For taking care of me today. You should rest. You have a full day of schedules while I have to try and ask your manager if it’s alright that I get assigned more work for you guys instead of the others” you yawned because of how soft Jaemin was patting your head
“I’ll tell my manager about that. You just FYI to him. Get some time off and just figure it out slowly. If you want to go back to your home country and take a break from here, I’ll help you. Just know that you're not alone” Jaemin cooed at your sleepy state
Once Jaemin was sure that you were asleep, he leaned closer and gave a soft peck on your forehead. “Whenever you find yourself needing someone to lean onto, come to me. Let me be the one to take care of you as you’ve taken care of all of us” Jaemin whispered, softly stroking your cheek until he fell asleep as well
For the next few days, Jaemin and the dreamies have been helping you talk to the NCT manager to help you switch your job to work more for dreamies which resulted in you not having to meet any of the other NCT members, especially Jaehyun. Not only did Jaemin help you to get your mind off of the incident, but he has also been helping you to finish some paperwork for the company so that you can go back to your home country and work for the SM branch there.
Unfortunately, the universe was once again disagreeing with you and have you meet the person that you have avoided for the past week, Jaehyun.
You had just finished one of dreamies’ new photoshoot and was waiting for them outside of the studio when you saw Johnny, Jaehyun and Doyoung walking in the hallway which made you turn around and about to avoid them but Johnny had seen you first.
“Oh?! (y/n)?! Is that you?!” you heard Johnny mentioned. Footsteps coming closer to you when suddenly Johnny was right in front of you, blocking your way and crouching down to see your face
“It is you. It’s been a while. Are you okay?” Johnny asked and you shyly looked towards the floor
Before you could answer, a familiar deep baritone voice called out to you, sending an alert to your body. “(y/n)…where have you been?! I tried to reach out to you for the past few days. Do you know how worried I have been?!” Jaehyun’s voice was firm and was holding both your shoulders to face him
Instead of replying to Jaehyun, you kept looking down, avoiding both his and Johnny’s gaze. “Why are you avoiding me?! Answer me (y/n). My parents told me that you have been working overtime. Is that true? You know that I can tell the manager if you are overloaded with work. Don’t ignore me, (y/n). Did I do something to upset you?” Jaehyun ranted, gripping his hair out of frustration
Did something wrong? You were already upset about what Jaehyun did but now, you were equally frustrated and annoyed at him. Sure, it was wrong of you to not tell him or his parents about your whereabouts but did Jaehyun even consider the chance that you know what he did?! Frustrated with the whole situation, you failed to contain your tears and it spilled out before anyone could even comment anything.
“(y/n)…let’s go have some lunch toge—hyung?! What did you do?!” Haechan interrupted and rushed to your side, slightly pushing Jaehyun away from you
“Haechan-ah…” you cried. “Ya, Lee Haechan, what’s wrong with you? I didn’t do anything. Yes, I might’ve raised my voice a bit but I was worried because (y/n) didn’t contact me nor my parents for the past week” Jaehyun defended himself but Haechan just glared at him
“Didn’t do anything, my ass” Haechan scoffed, shielding your sight from Jaehyun
“Haechan, what are you talking about? (y/n) didn’t contact any of us nor was assigned to work with any of us the past week” Johnny tried to reason
“Maybe not either of you” Haechan mumbled but was clearly heard by his hyungs
“Haechan…don’t start” you mumbled. “Is there something going on between the two of you? Like, is there something that happened that only the two of you know? (y/n), did someone threaten you? Was it something that Jaehyun did?” Doyoung asked, trying to make sure the situation doesn’t escalate
“Yea. Being angry at her when he’s the one at fault here” Jaemin growled, grabbing everyone’s attention
Not caring about the older members around, Jaemin went towards you who still not dare to actually face anyone. But Jaemin didn’t mind because he and the rest of the dreamies knew the actual truth. And that was that you were hurting yet Jaehyun doesn’t seem to have any feeling of guilt for what he did.
“What did say to you? Say the word (y/n), I’ll make him regret it” Jaemin uttered, cupping your cheeks gently; completely the opposite of his venomous words
You honestly didn’t want any of them to fight and want this moment to just pass by without any casualties that you just remain silent and only mumbled “I’m okay, Jaemin. Please drop it”. As angry as Jaemin was at his older member, he knew that comforting you and getting you out of here was his number one priority.
Just as Jaemin held your arm and was about to walk in the other direction, Jaehyun grabbed your other arm, making you stuck in between the 2 Jae who were having a stare-off with each other. Neither of them let your arm go nor avoid eye contact with each other.
“Let her go. She clearly doesn't want to be here” Jaemin warned, not wanting to stay another second longer
“You should be letting go. Holding onto her makes me think that something actually happen between the two of you and I’m guessing that you were the one that started it, Na Jaemin” Jaehyun taunted which angered Jaemin
“You know what? I feel sorry for you. Because to think that the Jung Jaehyun fans worshipped turned out so wrong because it was you who neglected her in the first place. I was the one that took care of her when you didn’t. You can call a backstabber for all I care because we both know who the real cheater is, am I right?” Jaemin taunted back, the conversation was heard by everyone in the hallway
Angry at Jaemin’s statement, Jaehyun didn’t hesitate to let your arm go but immediately launched himself towards Jaemin; both of them tumbling down on the ground, making you jump and back to the wall.
Seeing the younger men tumble and fought with each other, both Johnny and Doyoung tried to get the two to stop fighting whereas Haechan immediately shielded you from the gruesome scene unveiling before everyone.
“C’mon, let’s get you out of here” Haechan suggested, gently grabbing your wrist but feeling responsible for the situation, you yanked your arm from Haechan and rushed to get in between the two men who were now shoving each other towards the wall
Though you managed to get in between the two, neither man, especially Jaehyun actually stopped. Sure Jaehyun knew what Jaemin meant when he was called a cheater. But Jaehyun wanted to argue that he was being forced by the girl he kissed. But upon seeing you getting closer to Jaemin, not making any room for him to explain, angered Jaehyun. That thought alone was enough for Jaehyun to strike Jaemin. But instead, it was you that got hit and fell.
Seeing you stumble, Haechan was quick to rush to your side whereas Jaemin got angry and punched Jaehyun to the point he fell. Before Jaemin could launch another blow, Doyoung stopped him and told him to relax and that it wasn’t worth it.
“Don’t. Take care of her first. We’ll handle this. Especially since you’re the only ones that know what happened. We’ll ask from his point of view” Doyoung reminded, trying to stop Jaemin
“What’s the point of hearing his point of view, anyways? Did you not see that he has already hurt her emotionally and physically? He doesn’t deserve to be heard” Jaemin scoffed, backing away from Doyoung, staring into Jaehyun who was being helped by Johnny
“Jaemin! Enough!” Haechan exclaimed, making Jaemin look back and saw you being held by Haechan
“Know that I’m only leaving because I’m going take care of someone that you clearly neglected and hurt. Don’t think that I would let her go this time” Jaemin warned, turning away and helping Haechan get you back to Chenle’s place.
Arriving at Chenle’s house, Haechan allowed Jaemin to take care of you while he cooks dinner and lets the other dreamies know what happened.
“You shouldn’t have jumped in like that. I was already angry at how he treated you and how he didn’t admit that he was wrong. But seeing you get hurt because of him? At that moment, I didn’t care about either of our reputation or the fact that we were in the same group. I would give him a good beating for all I care” Jaemin admitted, slowly putting the ice pack onto your cheek
“You might not care but I do. Once images of his bruised cheek spread out, fans will start some sort of rumour. Or you never know what staff might be lurking around and spreading exaggerated rumours of you both” you replied, holding the ice
“Why do you still defend him?” Jaemin asked, pulling a chair and sitting across from you
“Why are you helping me?” you asked back, not answering Jaemin’s question, making him sigh
“Because, as cliche as it sounds, you’re a wonderful person. Your cute self, your selfless side. You’re smart even when you think you’re not. You’re caring and pay attention to the small details that not everyone might. Not to mention, you always put your effort into things even when it might seem like nothing. You deserve someone that would be that shoulder for you to lean on. Someone to be the ear for you whenever you want to ramble. Someone that is warm, safe and comforting to be your home. Someone who loves you for you and never ask you to change or do anything for them” Jaemin confessed, holding your hands in his
“Jaemin…” you whispered
“Let me finish, okay? I like you. I cared for you. It was just wrong timing. How you met him first. How he got close to you first. And how I didn’t even try to put up a fight. How I trusted him to take care of you when I should be that person. I should’ve been the one to get close to you first. I should’ve been the one to take care of you. I should’ve been the one to make you smile and be your first kiss. Call me selfish but I’m glad that his shitty behaviour was revealed because I can finally take care of you the way you deserve. Because you belong with me, not him. Even if you’re not ready to open up now. At least let me take care of you and treat you well” Jaemin softly confessed and kissed your knuckles
Somehow, despite what happened, despite how messed up your feelings and situation was, you still allowed your heart to open up to Jaemin. You allowed him to do as he promised. To take care of you, to shower you with the love and care that he promised. To reassure you every day that there is completely nothing wrong with you and how he has become your shoulder, your ear and slowly become your new home.
A/N: hi!! Your author here. Yes, I have not updated for nearly a month and I apologise because so much has been going on at work and I finally gave my one month notice and will officially resign next month.
Honestly, it wasn't really a big nor hard decision. Okay, maybe I was contemplating on it because I don't have a full backup plan on what I want to do. I really want to dive into becoming a full-time makeup artist but that really takes time and I was thinking of doing another full-time job for 1 more year (with better work-life balance and salary). I won't dive deep into why I'm leaving because out of respect towards the company (maybe next time, lmao). But I hope that I would be able to relax for once and not stress out about what might happen in the future.
Also, who tf manages NCT's schedule?! Like, yes I'm quite happy that I'll be getting smtown in my city but!!! An NCT DREAM fansign the day before and another afterwards?! When will MarkHyuck get some rest :') pray that I get the tickets to smtown because I have yet to see DREAM irl :') I miss them 5x?!?!?! I mean, if this means I'll end up with someone in dream, then by all means. lmao!!
Anyways, hope you enjoy this fic as I slowly go back to the shadows and try to come up with another fic. If you guys have any requests, do send me a request and I hope that you have a great day! Stay safe and always be happy :) xoxo vinet
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ang3lofsmalldeath · 1 year
lil piece ab steve harrington being anxious! fem! reader’s person. first part is hurt/comfort-ish and second part is smutty smut not proofread (minors DNI)
when the music got too loud, the drinks got too strong, and the rooms got to crowded, it became almost impossible to fight the tears that gathered in your eyes and the increasing beating of your heart inside your chest. everything become too much, all at once, no matter how hard you tried to ignore it.
it had been steve’s idea to come to this party, and see some old normal high school friends, even if you were to only stay for a bit. he reassured you that if you didn’t want to go, you two just wouldn’t make an appearance. keeping his angel happy was much more important than saying hi to some old, unimportant classmates. yet, you insisted, you could handle it and it would be fun to get out of the house. you underestimated the amount of stressors at this random house party.
at first everything was fine, you held tight to steve’s hand as he got you both drinks and walked around introducing you to strangers as his girl. you smiled and chatted to a few of his friends, but you felt kinda guilty. guilty to be following your boyfriend around like a small child, a lovesick puppy. so when you caught the eyes of an old acquaintance of yours, you let go of steve’s hand to go and catch up with someone who can barely remember. you tried to listen and hold conversation, talking about what you did after high school and your life now, but it was hard to focus without your pillar of strength next to you.
when your conversation ended, the old friend excusing herself to go refill her drink, you suddenly became extremely aware of the volume and the strangers surrounding you, steve nowhere in sight. you tried not to panic. tried to drink more and tried to smile at the other guests. but you felt the waves of anxiety flooding your system, beginning to shove your way through the crowd, rushing to find somewhere private to go before the salty tears alas dripped down your lashes. you pushed and pulled every person, keeping your head down, searching this stranger’s house for any sort of private area, a bathroom or bedro-
“baby” a soft, smooth, familiar voice broke your train of thought, grabbing your wrist, forcing you to look down, steve, “c’mere, sit with me, honey,” he pleaded all but yanking you onto his lap, seated on the loveseat, next to the host. immediately you melted into his touch, tucking your head into his neck, and beginning to let the wrecked sobs fall from your eyes. he patted your back, little shushes escaping his lips, a slow bounce of knee to calm you down. once he heard your breathing slow down and your grip get tighter on him, he so kindly suggested, whispering in your ear, “why don’t we go home, sweetheart, hm?” waiting for your tentative nod before standing up with you wrapped around his waist, saying quick goodbyes to the other partygoers, who just assumed you had too much to drink. the smell of him, rich and deep, the feel of his strong muscles and thick hair, brought you back down to earth, you were safe with your boy.
❀ ❀ ❀
after the most miserable possible day at work, all you wanted to do was come home and think about nothing. thankfully, dating steve harrington made that possible. when you got back to his house, he had been off-work for quite a while, lounging on the couch watching some cheesy action movie. his head whipped to the front door when he heard you come in, excited to his angel after a whole day apart.
“hi sweet thing, welcome back” he chastised, as you slipped off your shoes, and shuffled over to the couch with your head down. steve’s face fell slightly, being able to sense the fact that you were down by your body language. once you got to the couch, you sat down in your proper seat, his lap. he brushed your hair out of your face, and tilted your head to look up at him “what’s wrong, lovey, hm?” you huffed slightly, pinching your eyes closed, before answering him, “work was stressful today, stevie.”
steve squeezed you tighter in response, knowing you needed something to distract you, “yeah, baby? can i try to make you feel better?” you simply nodded quickly in response, usually he would make you use your words, but today, he knew you needed him to be extra soft. he began to softly, messily kiss you, first on your mouth, then your jaw, then your neck, all the while shifting you to lay down onto the couch. he stayed sitting up above you, taking all of you in, “my perfect girl, just need me to destress you, huh? let me help you empty your head, peach, pretty lil things like you shouldn’t have to think hard about anything anyways,” he said while slipping your pants off and spreading your legs.
“look at that, angel, your pussy soaked through your little panties, s’cute” he teased, running a single digit softly over top your cunt, making you squirm, desperate for more friction. “please,” you begged quietly, “make me forget, daddy.” steve couldn’t help his heart for crumbling, looking at his sweet angel, so soft, small, and desperate for him right before his very own eyes. he began to rub circles on your sensitive clothed clit, “ ‘course, peach, i’d do anything for you,” you uncontrollably whined in response to his words and to his actions, “especially when you sound so fuckin’ pretty.”
he finally slipped your soaked underwear off, taking in the sight that was your needy, puffy, sticky cunt, “aw, sweetheart, look at this mess you made f’me. lil cunt is practically sobbin’, baby, she wans me so bad, doesnt she? let daddy give her a kiss, yeah, kiss her to make it all better?” he kissed your pussy in every sense of the word, practically making out with it like he did with you. your boy had a motormouth for sure, and he knew how to use it. switching from sloppily making out with the entirety of your pussy, to sucking hard on just the clit, holding your hips down as a you bucked towards his face. you couldn’t help but to moan and cry out the way you knew he liked, “stevie, s’good, oh, please, please.”
steve wasn’t gonna stop until you finished on his tongue, which seemed not too far away based on your verbal reactions. he kept his pace just how you like it, getting his face messy, covered in your slick. he alternated from making out with it, to sucking your clit, to shaking his tongue all over the length of it, until your toes were curling, you were clamping and around nothing and your eyes were curling back, “oh… please… stevie, daddy, gonna cum, gonna cum- oh im cummin’”
after he helped you ride an extremely intense orgasm out, steve’s cheshire-like grin, slick with your cum and his spit appeared resting on your stomach, “is your head empty, angelface?” and it was, something only your boy could do.
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