#no one bought this from me and i couldnt throw it away so i took it home
book0ftheday · 22 days
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Dick's Hero by Blanche Atkinson, illustrations and cover art uncredited, previous owner's inscription dated 1906.
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grugruel · 6 months
Let the Light in
Pairing: priest!Bucky x f!reader
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Summary: On the day of your wedding, you excpect to love your husband, not fall for the priest.
You'd never been a believer. But when your marrige spiraled into darkness, you had to find light elsewere. So you asked the Lord for help, and He answered.
Ironically enough, He gave you a most devout follower, the priest.
Word count: ca 4k
Warnings: fluff, angst, blasphemy, soft!priest!bucky, pinv sex, oral sex (f receiving), passionate sex, fingering, thigh-riding, adultry, praise (m receiving), priest kink.
AN: its been proof read! I dont understand how yall read it before the fact, my misspellings were crazy. I also edited it a bit, gave yall about 200-300 words more.
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I stod silently on the sidewalk, with my back to the road. Numbly observing the scene in front of me as I waited. Cars were rushing past behind me, slowing as they noticed the crowd.
The chilly autumn winds blew my coat off of my stocking clad legs, revealing them to the elements. I couldnt be bothered to care.
The cold did not affect me anymore, I was strung out on feeling.
I watched my husband struggle, and the guests scramble to help him. They got him on his feet, and his best man slung an arm around him to keep him from falling again. My eyes brimmed with tears, ready to fall any second now.
I felt a hand touch the small of my back in silent support. A palm pressed firmly into the arch below, fingertips curling, rouching the fabric of my dress. I closed my eyes and all my troubles were wisked away for but a second, until I heard the guests approach and the hand left me. I opened my eyes to a grim sight.
We met in college, my husband and I. He'd been lovely and attentive when we first met, he made me fall in love with him. He proposed to me on our graduation, and i'd never been happier.
Unfortunately though, it didnt last that long.
As we were fresh out of school, both with stellar scores and brand new degrees. We got our dream jobs, and bought ourselves our dream home.
Everything was perfect, until he got fired. Why? He wouldnt tell me, he left me in the dark, refusing to tell me himself.
Naturally, I grew suspicious.
So I called his former boss, who told me that they'd caught him with his secretary bent over his desk. They said he'd gotten a reputation within his business and would be experiencing difficulties in finding a new job for himself. My crying increased gradually through out the call, this was the first time hed let me down after all. His boss was very apologetic and so was my fiancé.
He found me sat on the floor with phone in hand, a complete mess of tears and running mascara. Immedietly showing worry, 'Whats going on, whats happened?' He asked, thinking somebody died. But when I glared at him, repaying his silence with my own, he understood. He stuttered an apology, his words a flurry of explanations and sorrys, sounding truly regretful.
So I forgave him, silly me.
With time, bitterness manifested within him. Resentment over the fact that I was well liked and did good work at my own job. It led him down a pityfull path, finding solace in alcohol, resentment turning into lousey drunkeness. I should've left him, but chose to forgive him. I loved him, despite all.
Eventually he found a new job, nowehere near the prestige of his old one. But it calmed his drinking.
When he sobered slightly, he apologized continously. Telling me he promised to get better and told me he wanted to have our ceremony, because I deserved it. Foolishly, I belived him. He stayed sober several weeks before the wedding, and I thought it could be a new start.
But here we are now.
I stood behind the doors of the nave, inhaling and exhaling big shaky breaths, trying to gather strength for what I was about to throw myself into.
The priest, father Barnes. The one who would be marrying us, came to me before I walked down the aisle.
'Miss.' He began, his eyes pleading as he took my hands into his, 'Its now my place, I know. But your betrothed-'
'Youre right, its not.' I cut him off, the idea of discussing my fiancés indiscretions with the priest was not appealing. 'I apologize father.' I sighed and met his eyes, 'Hes drunk isnt he?'
The priest tilted his head to the side, realising I was already well aquainted with the vice, 'Well, yes. . .' He said, sounding apologetic.
I nodded my head, deep in thought, 'Alright, lets not waste anymore time then.'
'You're still going ahead with the wedding?' He asked me, an incredulous expression shaping his face.
I looked down, studying the intricate details of my wedding dress. Id picked it myself, my favourite flowers covered it. That man of mine doesnt know my favourite in anything, nor would he notice them on my dress.
A melancholic smile covered my lips, 'You must think me foolish father.' I whispered under my breath, chuckling quietly.
He shook his head and moved one of his hands to my chin, tilting my face to meet his. The other grabbed my hands, and squeezed them, 'I think youre strong.' He told me, a reassuring smile on his lips.
'He promised me he would get better.' My voice was meak, a tear streaking my face.
'You're a good woman.' He breathed, letting go of my hands to cup my face. He leveled his head with mine, his tall stature forcing him to hunch as his eyes locked with mine, 'Too, good.' He whispered, 'And, Its not my business, thats true. . .' Another tear fell, and he gently stroked it away with his thumb, 'But he does not deserve your kindness.'
My cheeks burned hot, a blush crept up my face. I had not heard such kind words in a long time. I could not controll my crying any longer, unstoppable tears came rolling down my cheeks, 'I have to believe him, father, I have to try.' I told him quietly, hating how desperate my voice sounded.
'I love him.'
He cringed at the words, furrowing his brows 'I admire your devotion.' He said gently, 'Do you want more time? Im sure we can wait a little longer.' He tried, but I shook my head.
'No, I dont want to keep the guests waiting.' I took a deep breath, 'Do I look ok?' I asked him.
He nodded, but pulled the cuff over his hand and dabbed my cheeks dry.
His eyes flickered over my face, studying my features, my wet eyes and rosy cheeks. He leaned in, kissed my cheek and whispered 'Angelic.' His hands fell to my bare shoulders and gave them a reassuring squeeze.
He turned around and as he was about the leave I grabbed hold of his wrist, carefully tugging him back. He faced me and I let go of him realising that perhaps it wasnt appropriate of me. 'I just-' I began, but my voice broke. He met my eyes and pulled me into his embrace, 'Thank you, father.' I whispered against his chest.
He rested his head on your shoulder and rubbed your back gently, holding onto the fabric of your dress, rubbing it between his fingers. Studying the beautiful pattern. He slid his hands up your arms, feeling a sudden urge to kiss the bare skin beneath him. He pulled back hastily, clearing his throat as he silently rebuked himself.
'I must take my place dear.' He said, stroking a piece of hair behind my ear. He gave me a last smile, then left, taking his place by the altar.
I heard the music starting and the muffled sound of the crowd standing up. I sighed, steadied my breathing, and opened the doors to the nave. Everyone turned around, looking at me. Whispers rumbled through the crowd as I began walking, their stares were making me nervous.
Through the gloom of the church, light shone through the windows at the altar. I looked at him for comfort, handsome as he was, I met his eyes and found it within them.
He could not tear his eyes from you, you were the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, courageous and proud, you walked down the aisle. When your eyes met his, he smiled proudly. Hoping you would find some comfort in it, and you found it.
As I approached the altar, I tore my eyes from his and looked at my fiancé. His best man holding him upright, otherwise slumping over. He smiled sloppily at me, I gave him a strained smile back.
The ceremony was over quickly, my husband stumbled through his vows and his kiss tasted of smoke and whiskey. In fact, the entirety of him was drenched in the odor.
I smiled and thanked everyone as they congratulted us, and carefully, tiptoed around the subject of my husband.
I hurried to change into my reception dress, it was all black. Black coat, dress, heels and stockings. Fitting, I thought. As this felt more like a funeral than a wedding, burrying the woman I once was.
People were drinking, laughing and dancing. The reception was doing a wonderful job of keeping everyone cheery, everyone except me. I sat silently by our table, watching my husband as he kept drinking and his men trying to calm him down. He had barely spoken a word to me, he was to drunk to stand, to drunk to have our first dance. I felt myself sinking into oblivion as my polite smiles and thank yous were running out.
But someone approched me, snapping me out of the darkness. I looked up, and the light returned.
He reached his hand out to me, 'May I have this dance?' He asked, his white collar stark against his black shirt.
'You may.' I smiled, the first genuine smile I'd given anyone since the night begun.
I laid my hand in his and he led me to the edge of the dance floor, somewhere we could be at peace. In our dark colors we went unseen, tucked away from prying eyes.
I snaked my arms around his neck and his arms circled my waist, pulling me tightly against him. A bit unorthodox perhaps. But I didnt mind and neither did he, it seemed. I leaned my head against him as we swayed to the music, basking in eachothers prescence.
He sensed that you werent interested in talking, but rather needed a shoulder to lean on. Someone to hold you up, as your ungrateful husband couldnt even do that for himself.
For several songs, we just held eachother. Until the evening began winding down and we had to depart.
'I think this was a mistake.' He whispered.
'Which part?' I asked, and he sighed.
'Dont hesitate to come to me if you need anyhting.' He said quietly, 'Please.' he pleaded. I nodded, thinking id never take him up on his offer.
Now, I stood on the street. Still feeling the priests hand on my back although he'd already taken a few secure steps back.
I watched as my husband being carried to our car, as we were headed for our honeymoon. Two weeks in rome, I wish I could truthfully say I was excited. They shoved him into the back, and once again congratulated us with cheapish smiles. I walked around the car and opened the door, about to sit down when a hand slid into mine. I looked up and my eyes met his beautiful blues once again. He assisted me into the car, lending me his strong arm for support as I sat down. His hand slid out of mine, and a note was left in my palm, reflexicely I closed my hand around it. 'Anything.' He whispered and backed away, closing the door gently.
Our car drove off as the guests were waving us of, but all I could think about was the priest disappearing in the distance.
I opened the note, written down was his number and adress along with a few intricately drawn flowers.
I smiled to myself, quickly stashing it away in my pocket, afraid my husband would see. But as I looked at him, I realised. He was dead asleep, snoring even.
I opened my hand, tracing my fingertips along my palm. Trying to recreate the feeling of his hand in mine, his gentle, yet firm touch on my skin. I sighed, feeling my tears returning.
I cried silently, afraid to wake him. The driver looked at me through his rearview mirror, I met his eyes and quickly averted my gaze, crying even harder, but I couldnt even do that in peace. God, what had I done. I leaned my head against the seat, closing my eyes. When suddenly, I felt fingers on my knee. I shut my eyes harder, begging for it to be my imagination. But it wasnt.
'My, beautiful wife.' He drawled, tracing a finger along my jaw as his hand slid up my thigh. He sat forward, leaning towrd the drivers compartment and shut the hatch.
I opened my eyes and faced him, 'Aw, crying of joy sweetheart?' He asked, he was so delusional it was scary. I nodded, and feigned a smile which he returned lazily, then leaned in to kissed me.
I closed my eyes again, canceling out the taste and smell of liqour, shutting my ears to his voice.
And when his finger reached under my dress, It no longer felt like him. My husbands face was no longer my husbands, his voice and touch was someone elses.
All of a sudden my core was aching for more.
His kisses on my skin felt like heaven, his touch like fire and when he pulled me on top of him. I opened my eyes, and was met with blue, black and white.
Weeks went by and my thoughts never left father Barnes, whenever my husband made love to me, I made love to a priest.
Eventually his drinking subdued and he started taking care of himself, but grew more distant by the day.
It did actually make my existence bareable.
But there came a day, when I got home from work early and things were not as they should. The were heels in the doorway and clothes strewn on the floor. As I followed their trail, I found my husband and his secretary at the end of them. Naked, sweaty and monaing, in our bed, in our home. I was quiet, lost for words, but they mustve noticed my presence.
Because they stopped and threw the sheets over themselves, covering up. 'Sweetheart, its not what it seems.' He managed, struggling to clme up with an excuse. God, the stumache on that man. I felt like screaming, like cursing him and his entire bloodline. But he wasnt worth it.
I turned on my heel and he scrambled out of bed, dragging the sheet with him as he followed me out of the house, apologizing prefusely.
I shut him out, rage filling me as I got in my car and drove away. I drove to the only adress that came to mind.
I walked up to his house and knocked on the door, a few moments passed and he opened.
With wide eyes he looked at me, unable to hide his surpise. 'I uhm, I-' I stammered, my own surpise catching up to me. I hadnt had time to think this through, I acted on pure instinct. 'He cheated on me.' I got the words out, finally taking a breath as I finally understood their meaning. Misery overtook my rage, and my eyes welled as I tried to explain myself. 'I apologize for barging in on you father.' I started, 'Ive been thinking about you and I-' rambling, all my thoughts and feelings poured out of me. In the doorway of this poor mans home.
He reached out to me and pulled me into a hug, backing away from the door and let it fall shut behind me. He rested his head on top of mine as one of his hands held my head against his chest, stroking my hair. The warmth of his home embracing me.
'Can I confess something father?' I asked him as I laid my arms around him, much like our dance a few weeks ago.
'Anything.' He answered, kissing the top of my head.
'Ive sinned.'
He pulled back with a confused look on his face, but didnt let go. 'Lets hear it.' He ordered patiently.
'Ive. . . Been thinking of another man.' I whispered, looking deep into his eyes. 'During actions that should only take place between husband and wife.' I told him quietly, and his face grew pale. 'Ive had an emotional affair with this man, unbeknownst to him.' My breathing turned heavy, as my gaze switched to his lips, 'But, me and this man. Were both bound by vows you see.' I said and let go of him, understanding my words as I said them, and stepped back. Suddenly regretting coming here, as I felt rejection was imminent. 'Mine are already broken, but his are not and he cannot break them. He would not.'
'You should let the man speak for himself.' He said, serious in tone. His gaze locked in on me, as he stepped closer. 'I havent been able to stop thinking about you, no matter how hard I've tried.' He whispered, laying his hands on my hips. 'Ive never seen a woman so beautiful walking down the aisle, god himself mustve blessed you.' I snaked my hands around his shoulders, burrying them in his hair. 'Im hoping he would bless us, too.' Leaning in, his lips were a ghost over mine. 'I would care for you, in a way your husband never could. He does not deserve you.' He leaned his forehead agagaist mine, 'I'd work everyday to deserve your love, your kindness, your presence.' He said quietly against my lips, planting a gentle kiss on them and pulling back slightly to give me room. But I chased his lips, returning the kiss feverishly. Grabbing a fistful of his hair as I pulled him impossibly closer. His hands roamed my back, reaching under my shirt to undo my bra. It fell to the floor and he pulled my shirt over my head in one quick motion, making me gasp.
I removed the collar of his shirt with my teeth and ripped his black shirt open, burrying my head in the crook of his neck, 'Youre not a beginner, are you father? I asked, between kisses. Breathing heavily as I latched onto his skin, sucking at the sweet spot between his neck and collarbone.
He moaned, a smirk shaping his lips, 'Saints also sin from time to time.' he breathed, his hands falling to my ass and lifted me into his arms. I chuckled, letting go of his neck and circled my legs around his hips. I pushed my bare breasts against him and he burried his face in them, in turns taking them into his mouth. 'Where?' His voice came muffled by my skin.
'Everywhere.' I answered.
I could feel his grin against my skin, as he nipped my nipple with his teeth, making me yelp. He walked us toward his bedroom, and laid me down on his bed. He stood back, studying me as he took his shirt and pants off. I unbuttoned my own pants and shimmied out of them, raising myself onto my elbows, watching him as he took me in. His eyes roamed my body, thighs, hips, stumache, breasts. He loved all of me, 'Youre perfect.' He said, lust in his eyes as he climbed on top of me. 'I need you.' He whispered.
'You'll have me.' I told him and flipped him over. Positioning him against the headboard as I stradled his thigh, grinning wickedly and leaned forward, kissing his jaw. 'But first-' I whispered against his ear, 'I want to test your self control.' He looked confused, and I began grinding my clit against his thigh, a whimper escaping me. His hands flew to my hips to help me along, but I grabbed them and led them up to the headboard. I leveled my face with his, ghosting my lips over his as I had him hold onto the board, 'No touching.' I whispered and pecked his lips. I leaned back and my grinding resumed, I grabbed his thighs for support as the heat from the friction was making me swoon. I leaned my head back, biting my lip from the pleasure and when I looked back at him, he was holding onto the board for dear life. The muscles in his arms and jaw clenching as he fought himself to stay still, his eyes were running up and down my body.
The way your hips swayed and breasts bounced, it was sucking all the restraint out of him. His hands were itching to touch you, to just feel your skin under his fingertips for a moment. It would keep him fed for the rest of his life.
I hummed, 'Im- im gonna-' I stammered, my breaths frenzied as I was closing in on my orgasm. The crazy in his eyes made me smile devilishly, I felt evil, in the best way. My hips stuttered against his thigh, my ruts becoming faster and shorter as I was approaching my release. When I looked at him, his eyes were pleading, begging for permission, but it was to late. I rushed over the edge in a second, collapsing onto him, panting hard as I was catching my breath.
'May I?' He asked, his voice strained.
I kissed his chest and answered, 'Yes, please. You did so good.' He grunted at the praise, surprising me. He grabbed my ribs and threw me under him, hurridly kissing his way down my body until he reached my thighs. Spreading them, he kissed his way up the inside until he reached my panties. Without a second thought he ripped them apart and burried his face in my cunt. Tasting me, licking my juices, sliding his tongue through my folds and kissing my clit. A string of curses fell from my lips, as he pushed a finger inside of me, carefully sliding it in and out. Then adding another, and eventually a third, he thrusted them into me, my moaning telling him he was on the right track. He curled them into my spot and I nearly screamed.
'Just like that, good job.' I breathed and he moaned against my clit. What fun. He reached into his boxers and stroked himself, the sight made me mad. And for the second time, I came tumbling over the edge. He was not far behind, coming into his own hand, drenching himself in his seed. I grabbed his arm and pulled his hand closer to me, licking a stripe of his hand. He grunted at the sight, spurring me on as I took his fingers into my mouth. Sucking him clean as he watched, furrowing his brows, he became plagued by lust.
I pulled him closer to me, meeting his lips in another kiss as he pulled off his boxers. I reached down, stroking him as I lined him up with my entrance, 'You did such a good job, father.' His head perked at the praise, like a puppy being told hes a good boy. Gratefully pecking my face, cheek, chin and jaw, below my ear and neck. He put his weight on me, we couldnt possibly get any closer to one another. 'I need you in me father.' I told him bluntly, and leveled his head with mine, sliding inside. Kissing me mean while and I moaned into his mouth, sharing my breath with him. I laid my hands on his hips, telling him to move by pulling and pushing. Helping him set a gentle but firm pace, he lowered his head to the crook of my neck, his breath hot against my skin. 'Let me hear you father, dont hold back.' I whispered and appreciatively he grunted against my skin, moaning in my ear. It was fiendish, it was fantastic. 'Deeper, please.' I asked, pulling on his hips to drive him deeper and using the weight of his entire body he thrusted into me, in rythm with his grunts as our bodiess moved together.
'Tell me im good, please.' He begged, nuzzling his face into my neck.
I smiled, 'Youre being so good for me father.' I whispered into his hair.
'Thank you.' He whimpered, putting even more force to his thrusts as he traced my collarbone with kisses, all the way to my shoulder, repeating "Thank you." Over and over again inbetween his kisses. His thrusts were coming faster as he was closing in on his orgasm, driving me over the edge with him. 'I- im- im close.' He stuttered faintly.
'So am I, almost there father.' His pace hastened as his hand slithered between our bodies, finding my clit and circled it. 'God' I moaned, spots specking my vision as the priests thrusts became frenzied. He pinched my skin in warning, reminding me not to take the lords name in vain. Then we came together, and he collapsed on top of me.
'Im sorry for swearing, father. You bring it out of me.' I whispered.
He chuckled, 'Youre forgiven.' Throughout the night, we made love on the couch, the floor, the kitchen table and shower.
Eventually, we got back into bed. Holding eachother tightly as we drifted off to sleep.
When I woke up late the next day, there was a vase of flowers on the bedside table with a note under it, the letter "-B" was written on it.
I unfolded it and he had written me a message, "I had to go to church, but didnt want to wake you. I hope on seeing you later, please stay if you want to. Id love to come home to you. -PS, Your favourites."
I smiled happily and smelled the bouqet of tulips, a soft, warm feeling spreading throughout my body.
For a long time love had felt dark to me, it had felt cold and lonely, but now. . .
I had let the light in, he was my light.
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Law x F!reader
Some NSFW parts
Warnings: a lot of angst, some fluff, reunion, reader almost dies, mentions of torture.
Been apart of the Heart pirates for six years.
The heart pirates stop at a bustling island and some of the crew go shopping including you and Ikkaku your bff, but right when she wasnt looking your kidnapped by the Cruel pirate crew. After three months of searching Law finds you by accident on the Cruel pirates ship Dutch is their Captain. After Law gifts you a special present on an island later.
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"Allright were stopping just for a couple hours be back at noon" Law says for his crewmates to hear. You and Ikkaku hand in hand skip off to town. You had exactly two hours to kill. You and Ikkaku go into many different shops with her holding the bags of clothes you both bought. After some time the lunch rush came and seemingly everyone and their mother came out pushing you both apart till you couldnt see her anymore so you decided to go to the beach and circle around to the sub. Going south around one corner and it made you stop.
"What have we got here men?"
"A little duckling out of water"
You've only heard stories about the Cruel pirates and how they torture people pirates and animals, anything. Their Captains name is Dutch and unfortunately for you he has some sort of vendetta against Law. You only knew since Law told you himself. Law broke off a trade for materials with the Cruel pirates.
"You'll be coming with us lil lady" Dutch says venomous as he tears your boiler suit to shreds exposing your bikini white and blue striped. They all kept whistling and hollering. Dutch picks you up so you use your gravity devil fruit to push them all down but Dutch was stronger than your gravity and bashed your head making you go unconscious.
Laws POV
'Where is she? She should have been back by now.' I think to myself abit panicked.
"Ikkaku where is (n)?" I question her and she replies
"Well I thought she was allready on board is she not here Captain?" Ikkaku knew Law had a little crush on (n) but she didnt tell a soul lest she be chopped into pieces. And she also knew (n) had a crush on the Captain since they were the same age it only made sense.
"Somethings not right, close and lock the door Ikkaku" I say firmly.
"Yes right away Captain" she says and hurries to do so.
"Room, Shambles" I teleport to spots she may have gone not caring for the eyes on you. When I was walking around the island my worst fear crept up again. I see her shredded boiler suit on the ground and markings to indicate a ship was just there. Suddenly panic took over me I didnt know why I was so panicked, but I knew I HAD to get her back. The feelings she caused me to feel, no one else could the way she would look at me, no one else could. I teleport to the Polar Tang inside and gave the orders to forget everything else and follow that ship.
"Shoot her from behind with that sea prism bullet that outta shut her the hell up. Once that's done throw her in the brig" Dutch yells to one of his men after they have beaten you up a bit.
*bang* you fall to the floor.
'This is it now. This is my life now to be a play toy for these horrible excuses for humans.' You think as the pain is severe you blackout. What has felt like years has passed in your dreams as you flutter your eyes open only to reveal your neck and wrists chained to the wall a dirty towel for you to sleep on. Some moldy bread and soup was in front of you. You were so hungry how many days has it been? You grabbed the soup and bread and ate around the moldy bits. Once finished you noticed a watch keeper sitting down across the prison bars.
"Excuse me how many days has it been?" You ask innocently.
"Been about five I'd reckon" he replied. Suddenly Dutch appeared walking down the rows stopping at your cell.
"So tell me you piece of trash, where is Trafalgar Law?" Dutch spat in your face.
"I'm sorr-" he yanked the chain so it was choking you as you saw the watch keeper cringe by you. Dutch let go you gasping for breath.
"Where is Law?!" He yelled making you shiver.
"He left me. I dont know!" You cried and that seemed to satisfy him in the moment. He looked off down the hall.
"Shoot her again in the back, dont want her to die though for that fuck Law.
*bang* and you blacked out for a undetermined amount of time. When you awoke the same gate keeper was there.
"How long has it been?" You ask.
"You've been out a week I'd say" the gate keeper says quietly. The same moldy bread and soup so you did the same thing just to survive ate around the mold and drank the awful soup.
This Repeated Until One Day
You awoke yet again but starving skin and bones you were. You asked again
"How long this time?"
"Six days I reckon" the gate keeper says quietly. As you eat. After the whips being shot numerous times being choked your surprised your not dead. Soon though Dutch comes by.
"I have had enough you fucking wench!! Tell me where he is or I'll brand you with our jolly roger!!" Dutch yells as you cry
"I swear I dont knoww..." you say through tears.
"Open her gate!" Dutch yells at the gate keeper who reluctantly does what he asks.
"Turn around wench!" Dutch voice booms as you reluctantly do what he says. You hear someone pass him something. No warning no nothing as Dutch presses the smoldering hot iron on to your back branding you forever. All anyone heard was your screams of pure agony. You sobbing onto that dirty towel mouth to the floor drooling at how escalating the pain was. You didnt sleep for a week. Eventually sleep got the better of you as you passed out on your side. Once you awoken you ask the gate keeper through the bars
"How long has it been...?"
"I think bout seven more days" he replied.
Laws POV
"Captain please consider the reality of it. She should be far dead by now it's been twenty-six days no one could survive that long on board the Cruel pirates ship." Sachi says concerned.
"Captain you've barely ate or slept it's not good for you. We should think of the future. Maybe make a grav-" Penguin was cut off by me.
"We will keep looking surface the sub!"
'My heart feels like it's been ripped out of my chest. She just has to be alive I dont think I can live without her. All these years I never knew what this feeling was but now I know.' I think to myself.
"Change course to this location!"I yell orders while shaking slightly.
"It will take about four days to reach that point Captain"
'Why didnt I make her a viver card I could have saved her by now?!' I hecticly think while I banged on my desk.
(N) POV Four Days Later
You awoke to yells and all around stomping around as you hear you gather that they've encountered an enemy. Dutch stomps down stairs and yells
"Realease the girl!" As the gatekeeper obeys. Dutch rips the chains holding your hands off the wall and the chain holding your neck. He gathers all the chains and drags you out on deck it's so sunny you havent seen the sun in so long it burns your eyes. Dutch holds you by the railing up high choking you as you lock eyes with ... Law. You still choking are turned around for Law to see the torture Dutch has inflicted upon you.
"Ant she a buet?" Dutch says to Law. Bullet holes that never healed, tears, scratches up your beautiful skin all ripped up and the brand. Still choking you just dont have the strength to hold your self up, your body goes limp. But you can hear faintly.
"Well since I found ya I dont need her anymore, here cetch" Dutch yells to Law. You felt the collar loosen you take a big breath then fall into the ocean.
Laws POV
"Well since I found ya I dont need her anymore, here cetch" Dutch yells to me as he throws her into the ocean. But I noticed she had taken a deep breath.
'Shes still alive after all this time. I'm so proud of you (n)' I think quietly to myself as I bark an order to Penguin.
"Penguin go get her now!" I yell as he dives into the ocean.
"Shes long gone with them chains and bullets were sea prism" Dutch says making me even more angry.
"Room!" I slice my blade across their ship then downward multiple times.
"Tact" I say as the ship comes apart and reforms coming back together in akward shapes.
"Shambles" I take all their transponder snails and throw them far away in the ocean. Suddenly Penguin surfaces with (n) in hand. I say
"Shambles" and Penguin and (n) pop up on the deck of the Polar Tang. Quickly I cut up Dutch and scatter his body all over the ocean where my room can reach. Now that the Cruel pirates where taken care of I turn around to see Sachi, Penguin, and a unconscious (n). I hurry and do chest compressions then lock lips and blow into her lungs. Suddenly she rolls over gagging up water then inhaling sharply. She rolls back on her back and looks at everyone then to me. In a quiet meek broken voice she says as she uses her right hand to cup my cheek
"Am I dreaming... it's you Law" tears forming in her eyes as she passes out and her hand falls onto my lap.
'Could she possibly feel the same? Or is she just happy to see her Captain?' I think to myself. I pick her up bridal style and say
"Room, Shambles" and all of us appear in the med bay.
"Hurry and assemble the operating team" I yell as Sachi and Penguin say
"Yes Captain!"
Within minutes the operation team is collected.
Rolling her into the operating room with the team.
"Room, Scan"
"That fucker!" I yelled as there are so many bullets and wounds on her back.
Several Hours Later
I put her face down on the med bay bed once finished and took a seat at my desk. Remembering what she had done and said just confused me.
' I think it's time to talk to Ikkaku.' I think as I use the intercom to call her to the med bay.
"Yes Captain?" Ikkaku asks. I quietly explain what happened when (n) said and what (n) done when cupping my face. Ikkakus eyes widen.
"Shes your best friend you must know why she did it?" I ask.
"Well she made me promise not to tell but she has a crush.. on you Captain" she explains
"(N) was worried if she expressed her feelings that she would be rejected and ruin both of your relationship" she adds.
"Please be nice to her and let her down nicely. Or pretend you dont know if that's the route you want to take" Ikkaku says.
"Thank you for letting me know you may leave now" I say as she leaves the room. Putting my head in my hands on my desk I'm all alone now besides an unconscious (n).
'I cant believe I've been so blind. She always makes my lunch and tells me when to go to bed. (N) always has fresh coffee for me too. Of course all the signs were there. Wait did she struggle to stay alive for me?' You think as you look to her. Sometimes youd see her with pain on her face. And that brand.
'We have to figure out what to do about that brand.' Thinking as (n) stirs.
In your dream you stir a bit
"(N) I love you please be mine" Law says.
Laws POV
I suddenly hear (n) say
"Yess... Law.." she stirs then falls silent again.
'She dreams about me? I'll admit I have had dreams about her too..'
After an eternity you wake up only to see Law passed out on your bed his elbows and head resting while hes sitting in his desk chair. You gently pet his hair as he stirs you immediately stop.
"Dont stop please..." Law murmurs seemingly in a dream.
"(N) ... yes.." Law murmurs in his sleep. You just keep petting his head for another hour until he stirs awake. He opens his eyes to see you petting his head. But he stays still you both looking eachother in the eyes.
"How do you feel (n)?" Law whispers to you.
"Better now, thank you Law, you saved me" you whisper back while petting his hair. He doesn't seem to mind actually he seems to enjoy this physical touch.
"(N)...?" Law asks.
"Yes Captain?" You reply.
"I must admit something to you.... I'm in love with you (n)... I cant get you out of my head... and when you went missing it felt like my heart was being ripped out of me." Law confesses which makes you freeze.
"Am I still dreaming??" You whisper to him. He closes the gap between you and him and you both lock lips moving together you both explore eachothers tounges then break for air. Your blushing a deep red as is Law.
"Will you please be my girlfriend ... and wife in the future?... we have known eachother for six years..." Law states gaining even more red but without his hat he cant hide. You think for a moment.
"I'd love that Law but are you sure you want someone like me my back has been torn to shreads...." you reluctantly say.
"Your beautiful just the way your are (n).... I love you" Law states firmly as he pets your head.
"How bad is my back?" You ask in a whisper. He looks you in the eyes
"Its bad, but I have an idea." He says
"Hmm?" You hum
"You could tattoo our jolly roger on your back to cover everything, once your healed" Law says hoping it may cheer you up. You think for a moment
"Ya I actually love that idea thank you!" You say chipper and wrap your arm around his neck. Looking eachother in the eyes you whisper
"I love you too Trafalgar" as you go in for another kiss he locks lips with you as you two feel your hearts up with love breaking again for air.
"Okay that's enough... I'm just not used to this.. but I do feel for you" Law says. He gently takes your arm and unwraps it from himself laying your arm back down. Your dressed in a different bikini. Noticing this you ask
"Who changed me?"
"Ikkaku changed you and gave you a sponge bath. Dont worry I didnt see anything." He chuckles which makes you blush.
"Oh that reminds me how many bullets were in me?" You question. He looks saddened and replies.
"Nine bullets of sea prism stone were extracted you shouldnt even be alive. What made you keep going?"
"Honestly I... just wanted to see you at least one more time" you reply.
"Lay flat it's time to sanitize your wounds. I'll go slow." Law says to you.
"Okay boyfriend hehe" you giggle as he puts the cotton on your wound.
"Ahhggh fuck!" You yell as tears streak down your face.
"Heres a clean towel bite down on it. I'm going as gently as possible"Law says. After forty minutes he finished. Your eyes swirling.
"Here sit up if you can and drink this smoothie I had vitamins put into it for you."Law says. You slowly try to sit up as Law holds your arm to help you up. Your back having so many stitches. Your right arm has wires and an IV in it. He hands you the drink and you sip it down.
Three Months Have Passed
You have moved into Laws room and began sleeping with him but on your stomach. The whole crew now knows about your and Laws relationship. Your now docked at an island and Law has a surprise for you.
"All right (n) get dressed but not all the way" Trafalgar orders. As you put on a bikini and a denim skirt. You loop a coin bag around a hoop on your skirt.
"Ready!" You say to him.
"All right let's go it's going to take several hours and tomorrow too" Law states as you wrap an arm around his arm while he holds Kikoku in his other arm.
"Room, Shambles" Law says as we both teleport outside. We walk up to town as the rest of the crew came and went to town. Law leads you to a alley with a door on it and an eye slit that opened and closed. Law knocks on the door and the eye slit opened.
"Password." Eye slit man questions.
"Trafalgar Law." Eye slit man closes the slit then you hear the door open after unlocking some locks.
"Welcome in Law, whose this with you?" A lady asks.
"This is (n).... my girlfriend, she needs a big cover up" Law says confidently letting go of your arm.
"Hi there hon, I'm Jude I've done every tattoo on Law. Why dont you turn around so we can see what were working with?" She smiles sweetly. You turn around and she gasps but holds her tounge.
"Allright itll be 1,000 berries" as you go pale
'I only have 800 berries on me what will I-' your struck out of your mind as Law hands over the berries which makes you relieved.
"Dont worry so much (n) think of it, perks of dating the Captain" Law states as Jude laughs.
"It sure has been awhile Law. Will you be getting anything done?" Jude asks.
"I'll have to go over it with (n) first I'm assuming this will take two or three days?" Law states.
"Two days if I work over time which I will do since it's you Law" Jude says and gives an older womans chuckle.
"Allright dear hop on my tattoo bed on your stomach. Heres a chair Law you'll want to hold hands women are more sensitive to pain" Jude states as you lay down and hold Laws hand.
"And yes this will hurt just hang in there missy" Jude states.
"I think I can handle pain pretty well okay I'm ready" you say. Giving Laws hand a little squeeze and he does the same. She started her set up with everything being sterile. Then Jude began working as you squeeze Laws hand.
Several Hours Later
Everyone stands up after she cleans you up. Everyone stretches and Jude says
"Allright dears come back tomorrow. It's good to see you again Law. Why dont you (n) look in the mirror real quick?" You stare in the mirror and put your hands to your mouth some tears forming.
"I allready love it thank you so much. You cant even see the brand except the bottom half that's not done" you say wiping away your tears. Jude crosses her arms smirking with Law.
"Okay I dont want to take up the rest of your time thank you so much allready" you say as Law holds out his elbow waiting for you to take it. You hook your arm around Laws arm and he leads you out towards the Polar Tang.
"Room, Shambles" and your both teleported inside of your shared room.
"I was thinking do you want to get a couple tattoo? I know its early for it but we wont be coming back here for a really long while" Law asks quietly. You think for a moment.
"That sounds amazing dear!" You exclaim as he raises his head with a smirk.
"Do you have any clue what type of tattoo we should get?" He replies.
"Ouu what about your devil fruit but split in half? I mean it is a heart" you reply as you look at him smiling. He smirks
"Allright sounds good" Law just smirks then puts his sword to rest and undressed getting ready for bed.
"Where should we get it?" Law questions you.
"How about on our inner ankles?" You reply as he nods. You take off your skirt and have your bottom bikini on. You take your top off revealing your pierced breasts which made Law smirk and blush covering his blush with his hand.
"You never told me you had those piercings" he says while you retort
"You never asked hehe it was supposed to be a surprise but my top is rubbing on my tattoo now it's super cold though"
"Come here I'll keep you warm" he raises the blanket for you to join him. As you slip in beside him he picks you up and lays you ontop of him your breasts squishing ontop his chest which makes you blush cherry red. He smirks and says
"What I cant be intimate with my girlfriend?" He asks.
"Of course you can you just surprised me because I always slept at your side but I like this." You reply as he throws the blanket over you both. You rest your head on his chest hearing his heart beat which lulls you to sleep.
The Next Day At The Tattoo Shop
After several more hours.
"Allright its finished" Jude says as she and Law get up. Law helps you up to look in the mirror your eyes all sparkly.
"Thank you both so very much this means so much to me!" You state very excited.
"Dont forget theres one more thing to tattoo" Law smirks as you turn to look at them Law teleports a book to his hand, opens it and shows Jude the devil fruit.
"Could we do this devil fruit but split in half on our ankles?" Law asks.
"Sure it's simple so one hundred berries for both of you" Jude says as Law hands over the berries. Once finished you both look at your new tattoos and the new stronger bond between you and Law.
"Thank you so much Jude!" You squeal happily even though your in a lot of pain from the tattoo.
"Of course sweetie you two are precious together. Allright I'm beat now go please" Jude says
"See you Jude" Law says linking arms with you heading out of the door and out of the alley.
"Let's grab some food" he mentions as he guides you to some food stalls.
"Two orders of takoyaki" Law says dropping more berries down on the counter.
"Right away sir and ma'am" the kart vendor says while cooking. After their done they hand you both the food as you unlock arms with Law to eat.
"Can we head back to the Polar Tang? I'm tired and in pain" you quizzically ask pointing to your new bikini top.
"Ahh yes let's go. I dont want you in any more pain ever" he says melancholy. You pick his chin up and say
"It wasnt your fault my love"
"I still feel like it is" Law says tone saddened. Reaching on your tippy toes you kiss him while he reciprocates. After breaking for air you explain.
"If I didnt go through all that then I wouldnt be with you at all right now." You state as you approach the Polar Tang. Law holds your hand
"Room, shambles" then you appear inside the Polar Tang finished with your treat you grab his food tray and go down the hall to throw them away. After you head back to your shared room. It becoming night time soon. You undress your top and yet again you smirked seeing Laws face go cherry red.
"What see something you like?" He just nods in complete embarrassment. He reaches out his arms to you waving you over so you do so. He gently places you on top of him again. As you hear his heart beat you say
"I love you Trafalgar" he responds
"I love you too (n) and I'm never letting go" his heartbeats lull you to sleep.
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Summer wedding Part 6 (epilogue not not really I'm continuing it) would LOVE comments
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Reposts and COMMENTS are welcome and appreciated. You do not have my permission to repost, publish or translate
Warnings: fluff. Angst, mentions of air plane crashes death, divorce, wedding planning and Duh Ari
"Ari" she was surprised to see him there only because the two of you haven't spoken in she doesn't know. Her first instinct for some reason is to look for Nick, her partner in crime, but then she took a breath she isn't the same Person Ari doesn't grace her like he once did. He doesn't make her feel small like that anymore. He didn't always but she did want to face him and frankly he looked off. She motioned to the side and there was a nice garden
"I wanted to say congratulations" he couldn't help but look at her in a white dress that hugged her curves just so with daisy cutouts in-between that started with a blush pink
"Nice color" Ari thought, fading to a white that one would never know there was day cut outs unless one was standing this close and paying this much attention. He may never know that Nick was the one who picked it out, who going to look at tuxes he saw the dress and bought in her size. She loved it. But that was Nick. That Nick not ari that did that.
"Thank you"
She paused for a moment and then gave him a hug wrapping my arms around his neck for a moment and sighed before she let go.
She knew Nick wouldn't get jealous and it had been too long they had things that went unsaid that needed to be well, said
"Look about how things ended it wasn't right im sorry.
"No I am it was. It was..." he swollowed hard "I'm just glad your happy."
I could tell me wasn't not completely but thats life.
"So how are things,"
"Good things are good. Maya misses you."
"Tell her I said hi."
There was a beat
"You don't give her the right candy do you?"
"No " he threw his hands up and I couldnt help but chuckle. "Just let her pick it out from party city itll save time and you'll know for next time."
"I tried getting what used to eat but-"
"She likes the stuff she can't get there. That's the whole point." I laughed.
"This is nice fancy"
"Thanks Nick parents are throwing it.
What's he do again?"
"Musican and manages an apartment building."
"Off, my ass" I shouldn't even fallen for that again. His hands go into his noticeably tight front pockets even
"Look when we were together I know I used to send you texts to make sure you were ok and I never meant to try and be controling or know where you are to be an ass but with my job I you never stop worrying that someone will take someone you love and -
I understood. Let me guess last girlfriend didn't did you you didn't I guess couldn't just run around and tell everyone you date you're an assasin."
"You believed me"
"Well honey," she scoffed "you told me when we were in Israel are you took me into mossad headquarters kinda makes it look legit not to mention you arranged for a fake passport without telling for there oh and also lets not forget about the what to do if you get kidnapped handbook puts an elegant stamp on things."
"It wasn't a how survive kidnapp mannual:
"Ari half the things in there started with keep your kidnapper calm."this banter was smooth for them familiar...comfortable.
"Most girls would have run for the hills. But not you."
"Well I was stuck in Israel and I dont know those hills. Plus you would have found me."
"I would have always found you" Ari thought through thr slightly uncomfortable but-not-as-uncomfortable-as-they-thought-t-would-be moments of silence as they walked around the garden
"You can stay if you want. We have room."
"It's ok I just wanted to congratulate you."
"You want to say hi to Nick?"
He shook his head no. Ari truely looked sad. He look down and away as she rolled my eyes at the big bad assain.
"If your targets could see you now Come on " she shook her head. Nick appeared out of no where.
" Nick" Ari couldn't miss how her eyes lit up for her fiance....he remembered with longing how they used to do that for him.
"you remember Ari, he came to congratulate us." They shook hands with curt looks. She was hoping her hand on Nick's back was soothing him. He never liked Ari. She motioned for a server to come with drinks.
There was a crash while they all looked and she saw Ari jump a bit. She directly saw him juml "He never jumps." She thought.
"It was just silver ware but the event planner was motioning for the bride and she was torn. "Um" she looked at Nick.
"Play nice."
"You're leaving, soon." Nick stated
Ari shook his head.
Change of P.O.V
I came back. Looking at the two of them.
"Well at least no one is bleeding. That's a good sign."
"I need to go."
"I'll walk you out."
Nick's hand runs down my arm to my hand and I turn to see his smile and I smile back at him.
Ari goes to open the door and I close it.
"What's going on?Ari you jumped you never jump. What happened."
"Nothing long flight."
How he is a spy I will never know.
"Try. Again. Do I need to know something? Or should I just go get Rachel she's in the other room."
He looked a mix of confused and worried and could it be- no just concern.
"No, I everything's fine. I just had to see for myself."
He nodded. " I'm leaving for Isreal."
Far to get away from an ex's endgament but ok....
"You'll find someonr Ari so it wasn't me. You'll find her. Stop trying so hard. "
He nods
"You're good man itll happen." I rubbed his back
"Tell Maya I said hi. And give her a hug for me."
"Will do"
And if you're ever in the city one day a d she wants to see the dinosaurs ill go with her."
"What you two like about those dusty bones I'll never get."
He was almost completely over the threshold when I grabbed his arm.
"Milkyways. She loves milkyways and paydays and 100 grands anything with carmel. Her mother doesn't let her eat Carmel."
He looked me up and down slowly With remorse. He really way saying goodbye.
"Bye" he leaned in for a kiss on the cheek.
Three days later I'm looking at news on my phone and it come up that a few body's were found from a wreck of an Israeli airplane with one of them being a New York teacher which is why NBC was reporting on it but no....couldn't be..... he no he went back before. Right. Would Maya be with him? He didn't say....
"Honey what's wrong"
"There was an airplane crash"
"That's horrible."
"Yea a teacher from the city was in it but it was in isreal ari was going back you don't think I'm sure Maya's fine. I'm just Ari sometimes went with her but there want anything about kids. I mean I don't even know where-."
"Only you would worry about an ex's kid."
"Well Nick it was a horrible custody fight. And I wasn't always allowed in the court room with him and she definitely was God forbid her mother leaves her at home so we played battleship for candy outside. That kid had a thing for strategy didnt even have to let her win. I could never even get one hit. "
Nick was laughing
"Are you- why are you laughing at me?"
"Because a 7 year old beat you at battle ship. How many times."
"Shut up" I playfully hit him with a pillow from the couch he returned the playfully gesture.
Nick thought back to his discussion with Ari
No one knows about her but
Shell be safe regardless. I've always kept her safe especially from you.
Look I've apologized 10 times what more do you want.
You. Out.
"I came to say goodbye. That's all" ari wasn't thrilled with Nick's tone. But there was nothing he could do. He made his bed. Time to burn it.
"You have. You're leaving, soon."
Nick stated
Ari shook his head
You talked to Ethan?
Yes my great uncle called me.
A week later a postcard came in the mail
I stood there looking at it. The simple message. Barely a senatance.
"Hon whats wrong?"
"Nothing. Just a post card from an old friend."
Three words but I read it over and over and I knew it had to mean something else but I didn't know what.
"I'm sorry. -Thomas."
Everything ok.
"Yea. Just yea. Ok I cant figure it out."
"I'm sorry."
"So what he do cheat on you?"
"Wha-why do you think I dated everyone?"
"Because who wouldn't want to."
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@sapphire-rogers @patzammit @nana1000night @sparklybarbarianninja @hawkeyes-queen
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bitchapalooza · 2 years
Twenty-thousands eggs
Laventon is on his way home with the children in tow, unexpectedly running into his newest coworker, Cyllene.
Read on ao3 or below
"OOOOOF! These grocery bags are soooo heavy!" Laventon groaned as he scaled the stairs. "Just how much did I buy!"
Rei and Akari giggled in each arm. Each step he took was long and exaggerated, jostling the children as he moved which only made them laugh more. "Oof! Oof! Huff! Huff! Soooo heavyyyyyy!"
"You bought twenty-thousands eggs! Twenty-thousands eeeeggs!" Rei giggled, throwing his arms out for emphasis.
"Oh gosh darn, I shouldnt have taken that coupon deal! Buy one get ninteen hundred ninty nine-thousand!? What do I need twenty-thousand eggs for anyway!?"
Muffled behind her hands as an attempt to control her laughs, Akari exclaimed, "To—to bake a biiiiiiiiig cake! Ha ha— a chocolate cake! With strawberries and— and— and gummy bears!" Rei howled with more laughter in response.
"My, that sounds like a delicious cake. I might have to try it sometime."
"Ah! M-ms. Cyllene!" His voice rose in pitch at the surprise of seeing her here. "Assuming from the boxes all over the foyer and in your hand, youre moving in, yes?"
Cyllene nodded. "My things finally arrived today. Now the hard part is unpacking."
Laventon began setting the kids down, Rei dramatically protesting. "Nooooooo! All your eeeeeeeggs! Theyre gonna be broken if you put them dooooooown!"
"Rei, settle down!" Laventon chuckled. Cyllene couldnt help the faint smile forming. The two days shes worked at the labs, shes heard all about the children already. But seeing their antics for herself was something else.
"SPLAAAAT! THERE THEY GOOO!" Rei cried as he was sat on the ground, collapsing on the hard floor as if he were dead. He coaxed Akari into playing along, his twin barely hesitating. "LOOK AT THOSE DEAD TORCHICS! ALL TWENTY-THOUSANDS OF THEM!"
"Children, please, indoor voices!" He tried to be stern. He really did. But these two always seemed to ruin his efforts with whatever silly game they were getting carried away with. He couldnt help but laugh.
Cyllene set the box she was holding down, label reading Books in Hoennian. She reached into her pocket and fished two lollipops out, looking to Laventon for permission. He nodded his approval. Cyllene bent down on one knee, holding the blue and green candies out in front of the children. Their eyes lit up immediately, smiles showing their barely contained excitement. Akari took the blue lollipop, Rei the green. They thanked her politely as Laventon had taught. As they unwrapped their treats Cyllene stood to full height, reflexively wrapping her arms behind her back. "Well that'll keep them busy for twenty minutes." Laventon chuckled. "Why did you have candy in your pockets anyhow?"
"I went to the bank earlier."
"Grabbed a handful from the bowl?"
Laventon laughed again. He looked around the hallway, noticing the handful of boxes in varying sizes. Cyllene seemed to be the only person here to carry her no doubt heavy luggage inside. Pocketing his hands to wipe the growing nervous sweat off his palms, he asked, "Would you, er, like some assistance bringing your belongings inside, Ms. Cyllene?"
"Hm? Oh. No thank you. I've got it. The smaller boxes at least. My Abra can take care of the larger ones for me." Exactly on cue, a yellow fox-feline like pokemon appeared in a flash, floating beside her. Cyllene looked to the creature, fondness flashing in her eyes. Laventon felt the excitment of seeing a pokemon hes never seen in person before flutter in his chest. Wait was that excitment? Why did his cheeks suddenly feel so warm then? Laventon shook the minor worry away.
"Ah! So your partner is an Abra!"
"Yes. He's been my partner since I was ten. We've been through a lot together." Cyllene scratched behind the yellow pokemon's ear, the spoiled thing melting under her touch. He let out a low purring "baaaa..." to show his satisfaction.
"So... You were a trainer then?"
"If you could call it that, yes. I only lasted two weeks. It wasnt my thing. Yuzu here was the only pokemon I could ever catch myself."
"Really? Ive read Abra are not only rare, but extremly hard to catch! Especially the Hoenn species."
"An Aron was bullying him. I saved him and he's been by my side since."
"I see. That was very generous of yo— Oi! Dont swap lollies! Thats— Ew! So unsanitary!" The twins had swapped their candies out, Rei now with blue and Akari with green. They smiled and giggled around the sweet treats, not all caring about their father's chastising words.
Yuzu levitated the box Cyllene had sat down before back to her hands, then began to lift one of the bigger, heavier boxes in through the door. She thanked her partner. "I should finish up here if I hope to be on time tomorrow. Goodnight."
"Huh? Oh! Uh, goodnight, Ms. Cyllene."
Cyllene smirked. "Just Cyllene is fine. We arent working right now. No need to be so formal."
He hoped she hadnt noticed the bright crimson spreading across his face. "Yes! Right! Then you can call me Ed. Yes, Ed, that is. That is my name."
"Well I-I should get these two upstairs then. Uh, thats where we live. Upstairs. Above you, haha!"
Cyllene nodded, still wearing the smirk on her face. She turned to enter her own apartment. Laventon reached down and took Akari's hand, which was sticky from the candy. He cringed on the inside. The girl insticntively linking her arm with her brother's as her other hand was preoccupied. "Come on now. Ive got school work to do. And dinner to prepare." He said as he began to lead the two eight year olds up the stairs.
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luciajaydekaine · 2 years
The Way I Love You(Kim Hanbin)
Warning: Soft smut, loss of Virginity, handjob, blow job, eating out
Hanbin’s first time
Zaharia and her members walked off the stage as the concert m. They all went to their dressing room to get changed. Zaharia put on joggers and a crop top throwing her hair into a bun. She quickly ran out to find Hanbin.
Zaharia hugged Hanbin tightly pressing a soft kiss to his lips. When she pulled away he smiled brightly.
“You looked incredible tonight.”hanbin said kissing her on the top of her head.
“Thank you my love. I was thinking you and I could have a sleepover at my hotel room. Do face masks and watch k-dramas. I also bought us matching pajamas.”Zaharia said excitedly
Hanbin looked nervous trying to think what to say.
“Babe. When don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for. It’s just movies. We can sleep under different blankets.”Zaharia reassured him rubbing his cheek with her thumb
“okay. Can we get some food. I’m starving.”
“Absolutely. How about burgers and milkshakes.”
“Sounds amazing”
Zaharia grabbed his hand leading him to the Girlicious van. When they sat down she cuddled into his chest kissing his cheek making him blush.
When they got to the hotel, Zaharia led him to her room. Hanbin’s eyes widened when he saw how fancy her hotel room was.
“Wow it’s so fancy.” Hanbin exclaimed
“I like luxury hotels better.”
Hanbin followed Ari’s guide to the bathroom which was equally luxurious.
“Would you like a clay mask or sheet mask?”Ari asked
Ari mixed the clay and smoothed it over Hanbin’s face and then hers.
“What movie do you want to watch? I’ll order food while you choose.”
Hanbin’s nodded turning to the tv looking for different dramas trying to find the most romantic one. They waited for their food to arrive before playing the movie. Once the food came they cuddled watching the movie while eating.
“I’m so inlove with you” hanbin softly whispered against her hair
Ari smiled brightly leaning up to kiss his lips. They pulled away after a couple minutes.
“Time to clean the masks off and get into our pajamas.” Ari grabbed his hand after grabbing their pajamas pulling hanbin into the bathroom again.
“We both need to shower before we go to sleep.”
“You go first. I’ll wait.”
“Why don’t we just take a shower together?”
“Like both of us naked. Together?”
“Of course. Can’t shower with our clothes on. And it will help you be more comfortable being naked together when you’re ready to lose your virginity.”
“Uh uh. Okay.”
Ari turned the shower on. Hanbin turned around while she undressed and climbed into the shower.
“Your turn bins”
Hanbin nervously pulled his clothes off and walked into the shower. He couldn’t pull his eyes away from her body. From her large chest to her abs to her legs.
“Hanbin. If you want you can touch me anywhere.”Ari said softly
Hanbin wrapped his arms around her waist and began passionately kissing her. She put her hands in his her gently tugging at his hair to hear him moan. They pulled away and Ari picked up the body wash and a loofah. Pouring soap onto it she sat the bottle down before gently washing his chest.
“Is this okay?”
Hanbin took a deep breath as she washed his abs down to his now hard cock. He loudly moaned as her other hand wrapped around him softly massaging his cock.
“Ahhh fuck. That feels so good. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” Hanbin moaned and grunted as she moved her hand a little faster
Hanbin grabbed her face in his hands and they began kissing passionately. Hanbin couldnt stop moaning into her mouth. Hanbin threw his head back and loudly moaned.
“Fuuck. Ari! I’m so close. Can I cum?”
“Go ahead baby. Let it go.”
Hanbin tensed up letting out a gasp and moan as he released all over her abs. Ari let go of him as he softened.
“Are you okay?” Ari asked lovingly
“That was amazing. Thank you.” Hanbin replied kissing her lips again before grabbing the loofah and washing her body
“You’re body is so amazing.”
“Awe. Thank you Gorgeous.”
Hanbin turned the water off and wrapped her in a soft towel. They dried off putting their pajamas on. Hanbin couldnt stop staring at her perfectly round ass. He just wanted to grab it but was too shy and nervous to touch her.
“Do you like the view?” Ari asked with a laugh
Hanbin’s face turned red. Ari walked up to him grabbing his hands putting his arms around her to her butt. Hanbin grabbed her ass with both of his hands groaning. They started making out for the thousandth time. Hanbin pulled away getting an idea. He picked Ari up bridal style carrying her to the bed.
He gently laid her down covering her in the soft blankets before getting into the other side.
“I love you so much. I don’t think I’ve ever loved anyone as much as I love you.”Ari told Hanbin holding his face in her hands
“I know we haven’t been together for very long. But I’m sure you are my soulmate. I want to spend the rest of my life in your arms.”Hanbin kissed her deeply pulling her into his arms
The sweet kisses started heating up as his hands roamed her back to her ass. He rolled over onto his back pulling her on top of him. Ari straddled Hanbin’s hips not breaking the kiss as she started slowly grinding on him. Hanbin pulled away moaning
“Oh fuck. That feels so good.”
“Do you want to keep going?”Ari asked making sure she wasn’t doing anything he wasn’t ready for
“I want you.”
“You want me how? I’m not doing anything until you clearly tell me what you want to do.”
“I want you to take my virginity. I know I’m ready. I want to make love with you.”
Ari nodded kissing him before sitting up pulling his tank top up over his head. Zaharia started kissing his neck as he let out weak moans. She made sure to be careful to not leave marks on him. Hanbin sat up kissing her neck down to her shoulder and collar bone. Ari took off her shirt. Hanbin started at her chest for a few moments before kissing down her sternum to her breasts. He reached out trying to unclasp her bra with shaky hands. Zaharia leaded her hands back undoing her bra for him. He slid the straps off looking into her eyes with lust. He’s never been more turned on in his life. Hanbin massaged her breasts before taking her left Brest into his mouth swiping his tongue across her nipple making her moan and grind her pelvis against his. Hanbin switched to her right breast then kissed her shoulder laying her down on his back.
“Do you have a condom?” Hanbin asked hopeful
Zaharia searched the drawer thankfully finding one. She’s never wanted someone as much as she wants hanbin. Hanbin slipped off his pants and boxers then grabbed the condom before realizing he didn’t know how to put one on.
“I don’t know how to put a condom on.”Hanbin said embarrassed
“That’s fine. I’ll teach you.”Ari said not caring at all about him not knowing
Zaharia opened the condom gently rolling onto his hardened erection.
“There. Ready?”Ari asked again
“I’ve never been so hard in my entire life. I need you so bad it’s starting to hurt.”
“Ari nodded as he pulled her shorts and panties down her legs seeing her pussy for the first time. He leaded down to kiss her then grabbed his cock trying to find her entrances Ari smiled assisting him. She was completely soaked. Hanbin took a deep breath as he slowly started to push into her. Hanbin let out a loud gasp as he filled her.
“Holy shit. You’re so tight. I don’t think I’m going to last very long”Hanbin moaned
“That’s normal. Don’t worry.”Ari reassured kissing his mouth
Hanbin started to thrust slowly in and out of her letting out loud moans. Hanbin started to realize Ari wasn’t really moaning
“Am I doing okay.”
“You’re not moaning”
“I was focusing on you”
Hanbin kissed her deeply continuing to thrust into her. He suddenly remembered that his Hyundai told him how to thrust to make her feel good. Hanbin thrusted up hitting her G spot dead on.
“Fuck Hanbin! Right there.”Ari loudly moaned tightly gripping his back
Hanbin couldn’t hide his pride in making her feel good. Hanbin kept hitting her spot as she moaned loudly. Hanbin started to feel himself getting dangerously close to orgasming.
“Zaharia. I’m getting close.”
“Go ahead Binnie. Let it go.”
Hanbin buried his face in her neck as he started moving faster. His whole body started to tense up as he started to cum.
“Uhhh Fuck! Ari! I’m cumming!“ hanbin loudly moaned as he came hard into the condom
Zaharia rubbed his back with her nails as he came down from his orgasm. She was a little sad that she didn’t get to finish but already knew that he wasn’t going to last very long.
Hanbin rolled onto his side facing her after he threw the condom away.
“You didn’t cum”hanbin realized feeling like a failure
“It’s fine. Tonight was about you. You’ll have millions of times to make me finish.”
“Wait. Bobby Tought me how to give oral. I can do that.” Hanbin said excitedly
“How did he teach you?”
“With an orange.”
Zaharia started laughing.
“I’m not going to ever say no. I’m not sure an orange is very accurate.”
Ari laid onto her back spreading her legs for him. Hanbin moved the blanket and kissed her knee before going down her thigh. He kissed her pelvis before kissing her lower lips. He started licking her hole tasting her then licked and sucked on her clit. Ari couldn’t stop moaning. For someone who has never ate pussy he was doing great.
“Finger me while your eating my pussy.” Ari guided
Hanbin started thrusting his index and middle fingers in her hole.
“Cu your fingers like your telling someone to come here.”Zaharia instructed
Hanbin quickly followed her directions wanting nothing more than to make her feel good. Hanbin moved his fingers until Ari began begging him not to stop. He started eating her out like he was starving. Zaharia felt heat pulling at the bottom of her abdomen.
“Hanbin! I’m so close. Don’t stop. It feels so good” Ari moaned grabbing his hair gently tugging on it making him moan into her. Zaharia’s legs started to shake as her orgasm hit her like a train. Ari nearly screamed his name as he kept going until her orgasm stopped. Hanbin sat up looking at her fucked out face.
“How was it?”
Hanbin smiled as she grabbed his arm pulling into a kiss. Zaharia felt his erection against her hip. She smiled at the idea of paying him back. For the longest time she’s wanted to suck him off.
“Lay on your back. It’s my turn.”
“You don’t have to. It’ll go down.”
“I know I don’t have to. I want to. Giving oral is fun.”
Hanbin watch as she crawled over to him laying between his legs. She wrapped her hands around his cock stroking him as she watched him lean his head back. She licked from the base to his tip before wrapping her lips around him. Ari started bobbing her head listening to hanbin moan loudly. She smirked as the fact that he’s going to lose his voice from moaning so loud. Hanbin treaded his hands in her hair as she started to deep throat him. Thank God she didn’t have a gag reflex so deep throating was easy. Zaharia pulled away sucking on his tip stroking him as she leaned down licking his balls taking one into her mouth gently sucking on it.
“Oh my fucking God! Zaharia! UH! That feels so good. UH! If you keep doing that. UH! I’m going to. UH! I’m going to cum so hard.” Hanbin gasped and continuously moaned
Zaharia took his other ball into her mouth stroking him faster slightly tightening her grip. Pre cum started pouring down his cock. Ari licked off all of his pre cum before returning to sucking his cock licking into his tip.
“FUUCCK! IM CUMMING!” Hanbin yelled as his cock started twitching shooting his cum down her throat. She gladly shallowed all of him before kissing his stomach.
“Do you feel okay?”
“I don’t think my brain works anymore.”
“So I sucked your brain out. Next I have to fuck your brains out.”
“Can we sleep first?”
Zaharia nodded settling her alarm and cuddling against his bare chest.
“I love you so much Hanbin.”
“I love you so much more Zaharia”
Exhaustion and sleep took over both of them as they cuddled in each other’s arms.
The end!
The complete story of Hanbin and Zaharia continues on Wattpad called:
The Way I Love You(Kim Hanbin)
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getris · 6 months
I've heard some people use tumblr as a way of venting or letting things out, i guess those are the same thing and i figured ill give this a try.
This will mostly be me venting to myself about things to do with my life starting with my grandad, and id like to stay anonymous so i wont mention his name.
But on may 28th 2023 i lost my grandad, so about 6 months ago now, ive delt with mental health issues for the majority of my life, idk if thats due to a cocktail of family issues, medication my mother was taking when she was pregnant with me or if theres just something not quite right in my head.
Ive delt with major trust issues, self confidence and self image issues, physical and emotional abuse from both parents and emotional abuse and manipulation from an ex partner but never in my life has anything come quite as close to the level of mind twisting torment that grief has provided; i loved my grandad dearly, out of every member of my dysfunctional family he has consistently been the only safe space, i have never once seen him get angry, swear or even raise his voice unless he was letting out one of his typical hearty chuckles and i think i can safely say that no matter what anyone said he couldnt get angry or judge.
That doesnt mean he is incapable of being firm, he was a fair man and if you did something truly stupid or disappointing he would give you this specific look, one that is still filled with love and compassion but sadness and disappointment and he might throw in a softly spoken "dont do that" (but a little rugged from years of cigars and whiskey during his time in the army), even then his tone was reassuring and it never made you feel challenged but it always got through, i could be screaming at my mother, bright red faced and body full of adrenaline but the moment i caught that look and heard that tone it would all wash away and id feel nothing but regret for what ever was said or done, thats when you know someone is a good person, when they dont need to shout at you, push you or say harsh things, and a simple few calm words immediately diffuse the entire situation.
So naturally me and everyone else in my family were close to him, i have so many fond memories of him, like the time he had this golf cart (he loved golf) and my brother turned it on by accident and sent the thing shooting off down the street as my grandad desperately sprinted after it, or the times he would adamantly try to fix or build things on his own since hes an ex army mechanic and knew better, only to sheepishly realise hes made a mistake and go back to the instructions, he took me to a fishing tournament once and i honestly didnt care at all about the tournament but it was a lovely chance to spend one on one time with him as adults, he even bought me a cider and a beer for himself and that was the first and only chance i got to drink with him, that tournament was even broadcast on TV once so id love to go back and try to find it to see if i can spot me and my grandad in the crowd somewhere.
Theres so much more to the relationship between me and my grandad and im sure ill remember some of it and come back to write more another time, but you can imagine why it felt like my world was shook, i was at a friends house when i first got a call from my brother, he said something along the lines of my grandad had fell over and they took him to hospital, found out that it was potentially cancer but there was no certainty, i cried immediately after that call because to me my grandad was this big, unshakeable ex military man and ive seen him hurt a million times and be unbothered, so to hear that he had collapsed immediately sent waves through my body and i knew something wasnt right.
i spent another few days at my friends house and went home, at that time i was grossly behind with university work (due to mental health issues), and i had finals coming up so i had to force myself back into work, nothing but university and train times and study sessions on my mind because i had to pass, i had to... so i went to my friends house, we study better together and have similar mindsets, so it works out really well when we study and bounce ideas back and forth between each other to get the assignments done, i remember finishing a particularly gruelling study session with her one night when my brother messaged me saying he needs to tell me something but its better if i hear it in person, but i intended to stay at my friends until these assignments and exams were over so i pushed him to message me the update and thats where the regrets started.
My brother told me that my grandad was very sick, it was confirmed to be cancer and the moment i read that i felt physically sick, but my brother reassured me that my grandad was told he had a few years to live, so immediately i wasnt too hurt and i was hell bent that as soon as these exams are over im going to go visit him and once hes out of hospital ill make memories with him, drink with him if possible, anything he wanted.
But thats not how it went, i kept studying and handing in assignments and all i had left was one more exam and thats it im free for the summer and i can go see grandad, but just a day or so before the exam my brother messaged me again saying my grandads health had declined rapidly, he was told months, and then weeks left, so of course i panicked, but i had to do this exam and it was only one more day so surely everythings going to be fine and i can still go see him in the hospital and have a laugh and chat with him.
Exam day comes and i cant get it out of my mind by this point, my family told me they are visiting him that day and asked if i could come but because of visiting hours and my exam hours, i couldnt go but again i told myself "he has weeks left, i can bare one more day and visit him the moment my family goes again", so i went to university, went into that exam room and the entire time i couldnt focus, my university was in the same town that my grandad was in care, so all that was on my mind for that entire two hours was "hes only 30 minutes away, what if he passes while im in here", but the exam time passed painfully slowly but it passed regardless, after the exam i was insanely exhausted and depressed, i hung around with my friend after the exam for an hour or so and then took the train home, turns out timing is a bitch because the moment i got home my parents asked if i was still at uni because they could pick me up on their way to the hospital but i had just got home, the next train would be an hour from then so theres no way i could have visited.
Two days later i was at my mothers birthday when she informed me that my grandad didnt in fact have weeks, he had days left at most and they were going to see him the next day and theres no way im missing anymore chances, so the day comes that we get to go see him, but again something really did not feel right, we got in the car and only a few minutes after picking up my grandmother my aunt (who was at the hospital) said to come quick because he was choking on his own tongue at that point and they expect him to be gone any minute.
Thats the beginning of the heartbreak, seeing my own grandmother in the car talking out loud "just wait (his name) just wait a bit longer please", she was a lot like him, always innocent, always smiling and there she was begging to herself in the car crying, hoping he can just hold on a bit longer for her to be at his side.
We get to the hospital, i watched my nan walk as fast as she could, in pain to get to that room, the moment i walked in it felt like my entire world had ended in that instant, he was no longer my grandad, seeing him in that state felt like my heart had just been ripped out through my chest; he was pale, hairless, almost no muscle left on his body, his skin was a different colour, you could see his heart beating through his chest because his rib cage had twisted and changed shape, he had his eyes and mouth half open and all you could hear was struggled breaths, occasionally interrupted by a weak cough or the sound of him choking on his own tongue, his spine had broken in multiple areas from coughing, thats how frail his body had become.
It was painful, he was clearly suffering and i went through whirlwinds of anger, sadness, anger, sadness... Sad and heart broken seeing such a strong pillar of my world laying there struggling to even exist, and anger that he was allowed to stay in this state, nurses coming in to inject him or feed him medication that would only serve to keep him in this state for a little bit longer, i felt like he was being tortured in the most inhumane way for hours, he couldnt see or hear or speak by that point, just breathe and exist in pain.
Thats when family started talking, gossiping about his state and things he had done during his stay which further broke my heart, remember earlier when i said he had never sworn, never raised his voice and was effectively this gentle giant? Well i overheard my aunt, mother and grandmother talking about how he had been in such pain that he had started threatening the nurses, swearing at and insulting everyone within eyesight, begging both nurses and family to either kill him or take him somewhere where he could do it on his own terms, just typing that out brings a painful lump to my throat because to change such a gentle, loving man into that state must have meant either he was already suffering immensely, or he knew exactly bad it was going to get, it was shock after shock, emotional whiplash.
I stayed in that room for as long as i could which turned out to be 5 hours and 24 minutes, i couldnt bare a moment longer before i stood next to his bed and said my goodbyes, seeing a person you care so deeply about in such a state of suffering, staying in that room for those 5 hours had physically exhausted me, its not that i was just tired of being in the hospital, but i dont think i could have processed another second of that day without rest, so the second i got to my house i passed out in my bed, two hours later my phone was ringing and it was my brother, grandad was gone.
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artterm · 2 years
I havent written in a very, very long time. But I am back.
His name was Jeremy.
The story starts same way it usually does. Boy says hi to girl, girl says hi back.
Except this time we met in the areospace building. To be fair, he was in two of my classes the first semester. And in one the second semester. but lets talk about the first semester. He was eye candy. He made my heart race when he sat next to me. I don’t even have to mention the butterflies, I felt a whole zoo. His big brown eyes - like a doe, he made me so nervous. The first time he hugged me i had the biggest smile the rest of the day. It wasn’t perfect- I mean the first time we kissed I remember I was like “ why’re you biting me?” I mean seriously the next day I had a bruise on my lip. The lack of experience was evident - I tried to use it as an escape. I don’t know what happened , why , or how. But besides all of it I kept coming back. On and off for a whole year. Except I’m the reason it has been this long because he stopped texting first a long time ago. 
but i wanted him. 
even after he told me that he just wanted to have ‘fun’. I kept telling myself I wanted the same thing, but Linda you never fucking learn. YOU want to LOVE, you want to give even when you don’t recieve. You think you’re for the streets but miss girl you most definitely are not. 
Anyways let me tell you the worst part of this.
On Septmber 1st you had a show. I wanted to go SO bad. But no one wanted to go with me, so I said fuck it Imma just go. So anyways, I bought a ticket off you and you didn’t even put my name at will call!!! so i almost missed ur entrance but alas I bought another ticket and got in. It was emptier than I expected - and I didn’t know what to do with myself so I grabbed a drink at the bar. first person i noticed when i got inside was your dad, did he recognize me? no idea. eventually i went and stood towards the middle/back. You texted me up until the point that you showed up. [ it was cute? idk?] anyways, i couldnt help but smile SOOOOO freaking big whenever you would look at me. just kept thinking to myself, wish that was mine. anyways, after your set which was obviously SO GOOD, [ maybe a little bias, besides the point]. Your dad came up to me and hugged me, 
“Thank you so much for coming Linda.” ummm he remembered my name crying n throwing up. Then when I saw a couple of the guys getting drinks I went to the bar and he bought my drink! again- fricken cute af. I came up to you while you spoke to a group of men - i lifted my drink so you could see it, “oh nice! what did you get?” Did I already mention this was the first time we’ve ever gone out...together..? I was confused for the slightest second because everyone knows my usual- except you. “Vodka Cranberry, try it.” You took a sip. You reintroduced your friends and we all hungout when the main performers came on. I felt - happy but awkward? Should I stay or should I go? I wasn’t drunk enough - but i needed to go to the bathroom. Without saying anything I snuck away and shortly after you textedd me. 
“Did you leave?” 
aw. you noticed. 
When I came back I noticed your eyes searching for me in the crowd. We made eye contact and moving through the crowd I made my way back to you. I wish you could see what I feel for you. Was it obvious when I looked at you? I wanted to kiss you. I wanted to not feel like it was all on sided. But there was no physical touch from you the whole time. By the time the show was over your dad was inviting everyone to dinner and saying how hungry he was. You were saying your byes to everyone and eventually i just felt so awkward that I left without saying anything to anyone. So I walked out those doors and headed straight to my car. and i waited. hoping that you would notice and text me. and you did. “Did you leave?” “no. well yes, but im in my car” so you told me to wait and you came to my car. I drove for a while but I was drunker than you were, so you drove. I had to pee SOOOO BAD. “Can you hold it until we get to my parents?” “no.” 
So there we go trying to find a gas station so that I can go pee. The first gas station we went to didnt have a bathroom. We got to the second and as I went to open my door you went “nuh uh” and you opened it. brownie poiiiiints. Anway you asked the cashier for the bathrooms and you got me the key, which I couldnt take out so I told you to just stand in front of the door for me. When I came out I was so happyyyyyyy. I was relieved and I was with you, still a little drunky. I vaguely remember grabbing your face, “you’re soooo cute.” 
I was on aux and you were NOT fw the music i was playing. so rude. Until I started playing bad bunny, i was surprised you really knew the song, i was laughing so hard as you sang it. You played the song you always do, ‘ Get you’ by Daniel Ceaser. You were singing- I mean actually singing. I dont know if you noticed or not but i kept lowering the volume just to hear you better. Rapper and singer??? Oh the way you had me in awe. Then we got to your parents house so you could get your car. “Are you coming over?” “ummm....” “Pleaaaase” “I dont know....” and you looked at me and it felt like such a ‘finally’ moment, we came close and kissed. It was passionate, atleast for me. As you exited my car you said , “just follow me ok?” I nodded, “okay.” 
The path we took to get to your house was very dark, you could see the plethora of stars. It was beautiful. 
But look. none of it mattered, not this story and not anything that happened later that night.  I had the best night with you and next thing you know it’s been a whole month without you. And did you care? no. did u ever care, about me?
I texted you tonight hoping that it was enough for you to say “yeah i havent seen u in a while when are you free?” some type of sign that you want to see me like I want to see you. but nothing. Sp I finally deleted you off snapchat. I don’t know if you’ll notice and I don’t doubt that when you do you wont say anything. But its what I needed, and I need to forget about you. I need to heal. You cant give me when I need and most certaintly cannot give me when I deserve.  
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dr4cking · 3 years
Hello lovely - Could plz you do draco smut on the hogwarts express with breeding kink? but they keep going after he finishes 😶‍🌫️🤪
Hogwarts Express.
masterlist taglist
draco malfoy x reader | smut | anon requested.
a/n : hii bby thank you for requesting, this one is wild i admit and was kinda hard to write but i like it nonetheless 😩💞
the 9 3/4 platform are full of wizards and witches coming back from their home, hagrid already waiting and calling them to come inside the train, but he still waited as he saw the blonde haired guy still standing outside.
“malfoy, you gonna miss the train if you keep standing there!” hagrid shouted at him getting impatient by the time.
“a minute hagrid. i’m waiting for my girlfriend!” hagrid rolled his eyes at him taking a seat on the nearest bench while the train already honking at them.
finally, draco spotted his girlfriend running to him with her belongings, he quickly wrapped the girl in his arms.
“hey my love, how’s your summer?” draco asked taking her stuff in his hand helping her as both of them now entering the train.
“it was good i had so much fun with my parents! what about you?”
“it was nice i guess but it would be better if you were there with me..” y/n chuckles at her boyfriend.
“next time i promise, pinky promise!” he laughs as he opened the empty cabin and motioning y/n to go inside.
“why dont we sit with our friends, dray?” y/n asked him in confusion while draco placing her stuff in the trunk.
“i miss you too much to sit with them today, love” draco sits beside her, cupping her face in his hands as he finally gets the taste of her after being separated from summer break, y/n kissed him right back until they broke the kiss.
draco and y/n talked about how their break, random things for hours as the train still on its way to hogwarts, y/n is currently eating her snacks that she bought from the trolley lady but she stops when she watched draco swished his wand and the window covered instantly. she widen her eyes as one of draco’s hands squeezed her thigh under her skirt and rubbing small circles on it, she looks up at him who now held a lustful gaze in his eyes.
“draco.. not here.” y/n warned him but its only made his hand trailed higher, draco gives her a cheeky smirk.
“cant blame me.. you’re too hot to resist and i cant wait until we get to hogwarts i miss you too much..” draco leans into her face biting and licking her earlobe then kissing her jaw making the girl letting out soft whimpers.
“b-but what if someone comes in, draco? its too risky.”
“and thats what it made this more fun, right?” draco chuckles lowly as he took out his wand from his pocket and casted a locking and silencing spell at the door.
“you’re unbelievable” y/n laughs, her hand removing his blazer and unbuttoning his black shirt and draco does the same to her.
“i can tell you that you wanted this too. i bet you’re thinking of me while touching yourself in your room, wishing it was my fingers instead, hmm?” y/n moaned at his dirty words she hated to admit but it was true.
“use your words and answer me.” draco slapped her thighs making her gasped.
“y-yes” she stutters as he starts to rubbing her from her panties.
“yes what?”
“yes draco.. p-please touch me” y/n begged desperately at him getting more aroused at his touch.
“i’m touching you.”
“no.. you know what i mean, dray..” y/n leaned back to her seat and widen her legs for draco making him chuckles deeply.
“you’re just a needy slut, aren’t you?” y/n nodded eagerly at him, running her hands around his bare chest and abs causing him to rolled his eyes back at her simple touch.
“yes i am, please i need you” draco pulled down her panties throwing it to her side, y/n’s breath got stuck in her throat as his thumb made a contact with her clit.
a moan left her lips as he thrusted his fingers into her, she quickly put her hand over her mouth to muffle her moans making draco stop.
“dumb slut, be as loud as you can i’ve casted a muffliato.” draco put her hand off of her mouth and replacing it with his lips instead, he kissed her roughly, their tongue dances together fighting for dominance. draco won of course as y/n moan into the kisses when he inserts his fingers back into her and starts to pumping faster.
y/n’s hand going down to his clothed boner rubbing it causing draco to let out a hiss but he quickly slap her hand away.
“you dont get to touch me. dont be a bad girl or you wont get to cum” draco curls his fingers inside her and thrusting faster hitting her spot making y/n squirmed in her seat.
“draco please i’m so close..” and with that draco pulled out his fingers making y/n whining in frustration.
“not yet little slut” he pulled y/n from her seat and stood her up against the window.
draco quickly unbuckled his belt and and letting his trousers falls onto the floor, he pushed her skirt up to her waist and hooking one of her legs to his waist as he lining his cock up and down her slit.
“beg for it, slut.”
“please dray please please fuck me fill me up with y- ah- yes- oh my god!” y/n screaming out loud instantly as draco gave her no warning and pushed his cock all the way inside of her, he gives her no time to adjust as he starts to rocking his hips against her.
“fuck you’re so tight- wrapping my cock so tight.. such a good girl-” draco pounding into her harder and faster making both of them feeling heavenly. one of his hands squeezing her breast, twirling and pinching her hard nipple making y/n dug her nails deeper on his back.
draco’s thrust getting sloppier as he feels the knot tighten in his stomach, he forced his cock deeper inside her nearly brushing her cervix making y/n screaming louder.
“i’m gonna cum.. please let me cum!” y/n pleaded at him cant hold her high anymore as draco doubled up her pleasure by rubbing her clit with his fingers.
“shit- cum baby, now.” y/n came instantly with loud moan left her lips after he said that, her legs began to shake, her walls clenching and pulsing around him making his cock throbbing inside her.
“thats it- ‘m gonna fill you up baby, stuffing you full with all my hot cum, fucking hell-” draco came to a full stop as he shoots all of his cum into her, spraying his cum inside her filling her up like he promised, he ride out their high.
fuck, he was still hard.
draco made no move to pull out, he captured y/n’s lips back on his as he still rocked in and out of her snapping his hips against her making the girl moaned again.
“im not done yet with you baby, now bend over the seat” y/n obeyed getting into the position, getting all fours, draco gives her a few spanks on her ass making them printed with his hand print.
“safeword?” draco said as he lining his cock back on her cunt, their juices making it slippery and made his tip slipped into her causing y/n to winced.
“no need draco, please just fuck me again.” and with that draco slammed his entire length into her, granting her wishes, profanities left their lips.
“such a greedy girl, only for me”
“yes yes only for you, harder please” draco was surprised that y/n hasnt sensitive yet, he thrusted harder and sped up his pace at inhumanly pace, clapping sounds and moans filling the cabin.
“fuck draco!” y/n couldnt contain her scream anymore she only wanted to screaming his name while she came undone around his cock.
“holyshit- y/n!” draco grabbed her neck pulling her up to his chest as he shoots his cum for the second time inside her, y/n moaned feeling so full. draco lazily ride out their highs and pulling out as he softening. their mixed cums dripped out of her and he quickly pushed it back inside. he reached for her panties and pulling it up.
“keep it there, wanna see you walking around with my cum inside you” y/n blushes madly at his order.
they quickly redressing themselves, their bodies feels so sticky. and to their luck the train has stopped at the same time. they quickly bring their stuff before opening the door.
“merlin it smells like sex in here” theodore nott said as he passed through their cabin.
“thats because we just had sex” draco replied without hesitation making the poor guy scrunched his face in disgust.
“you guys are so gross i dont ever wanna sit there again!”
tagging : @dracoscum @hellounicorn @onyourgoddamnleft @whoreforgeorgeandfred @turn-to-page-394-please @malfoysbiitch @f4iryluvy @arzfia @slut4dracoo @alexthealexthealex
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tendouluvr · 3 years
not telling them you’re pregnant - f!reader
- fluff, sliiiight angst maybe
- characters: suna, sakusa, semi
- warnings: pregnancy (i don’t go into detail of giving birth or anything), cravings, morning sickness aka throwing up, two mention of the act of sex in semi’s, some cursing
- wc: 1.4k, 888, 946
a/n: it’s f!reader cuz pregnancy but there’s no specific pronouns/gendered terms used
also idk how suna got so long, he was the last one i wrote for bc i couldnt think of anything lmao
[2. iwaizumi, atsumu, kageyama]
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#! suna has been practicing late into the night the past few weeks
#! there’s a big game coming up and the entire team is feeling the pressure and adrenaline from the crunch time
#! you haven’t been feeling too good lately, a lot heavier and more tired than usual
#! thinking it was just stress from work and the missing presence of your boyfriend, you pushed through it and thought it would go away in the next few days
#! unfortunately, luck wasn’t on your side and you started to get sudden needs to throw up
#! it didn’t take you long to realize why your physical and mental drive have been down lately
#! you’re pregnant
#! or you believe you are
#! you bought a few tests, some of different brands so you can have a variety, and headed home to confirm your suspicion
#! a few minutes later, staring back at you was multiple positive symbols and the bolded ‘PREGNANT’s
#! taking a few deep breaths, you decided to tell suna tonight once he comes home
#! you thought it was better to let him know as soon as possible
#! it wouldn’t hurt anyone plus the faster you rip the bandaid off, the easier it’ll be to deal with it
#! so you waited
#! and waited
#! until 11pm that night, when suna finally came through the front door
#! “tarō! how was practice? can we talk?” you hurriedly greeted him
#! he was taken aback, not expecting you to be right beside him and in his ear as soon as he came in
#! of course you weren’t, you made sure to put some space in between you and him
#! but suna was stressed and tired, so everything is intensified to him at the moment
#! “can you back up?” he mumbled, pushing his way from in front of you to walk to the kitchen
#! “oh, sorry. can we talk?” you sheepishly smiled, hoping he would say yes
#! you’re not blind, you can tell that suna was tired but you really didn’t wanna put this off
#! you were just gonna tell him, he gets surprised, you both talk it out, and then go to bed and continue figuring things out tomorrow morning
#! but before any of that can happen, suna bluntly told you, “no. i’m tired. i’m sure whatever it is isn’t a big deal. can it be tomorrow? i wanna sleep.”
#! you didn’t get to answer before he was already walking away to the bedroom
#! understanding where he was coming from, you mentally agreed to talk to him tomorrow. one day wouldn’t change anything and you’ve seen plenty of people not tell their partners until a few weeks in
#! he was right, it wasn’t a big deal (yet)
#! so you waited until tomorrow
#! and waited
#! and once again, he came home late
#! “hey! can we quickly talk, babe?”
#! “i’m tired. tomorrow, okay?”
#! “oh, okay. night, rin!”
#! “g’night.”
#! night came and there was still no talk
#! this continued on for about 2 weeks, you finally choosing to not care anymore and just let him find out whenever he finds out
#! technically, you could’ve just blurted out a simple, “i’m pregnant.” any point during your nightly five seconds conversations
#! but seeing that he really was tired, springing it onto him would either put him in a full body shock for three days or he just doesn’t fully process your words until three days after
#! a month has passed, your stomach was still barely showing like most women at their one month mark
#! you decided to book an appointment for a checkup, it’ll be while suna’s at practice
#! and that doctor appointment was the exact reason suna found out
#! he was at practice when komori entered the gym
#! he had a doctor’s appointment for his annual checkup, and that’s where he saw you
#! you didn’t see komori, busy reading the directory to find your way to the right office
#! but he saw you on the way out. seeing that you looked a bit busy, he chose not to greet you and just quickly walk to his car lmao why is this funny to me
#! entering the gym, he greeted everyone and apologized for his tardiness even though it was excused
#! walking up to suna, he tapped him on the shoulder and quietly told him, “i saw yn at the hospital earlier. it’s been awhile since we all got together huh, they looked a bit different.”
#! ok so komori, being the smart person he is, deducted that you were pregnant when he saw your finger pointing at the ob/gyn office
#! and he genuinely thought suna knew so his comment was suppose to be a small joke that was meant to tease suna and his sex life
#! suna, however, was confused
#! look different? did you get surgery?
#! “what do you mean?”
#! komori rolled his eyes and gave a sweet smile at suna, “congrats you two! when were you gonna tell the rest of us?”
#! suna: 👨‍🦲 huh
#! “are you guys not pregnant?” he blinked at suna’s frozen reaction
#! suna became unresponsive so komori just walked away mumbling to himself about being sure he read the sign right
#! a loud whistle blew and it shook suna out of his daze, everyone got ready to play a practice game of 3 vs 3 while suna ran over to the coach
#! “hey coach, um i think there’s an emergency at home. can i go? ok thanks.”
#! his coach just stares after him as he sprints off, you think? is there an emergency or not?
#! suna quickly drove home, he may or may not have speed a little, and entered the apartment
#! “yn? baby?” he called out only to be greeted back with silence
#! probably still at the hospital....what were you doing there? he thought to himself while rummaging around the house to find anything that could give him somewhat of an idea
#! he was digging around in the bedroom when you came home, his head so frenzied he didn’t hear the front door open
#! but you heard the ruckus from the bedroom and immediately went into fight or flight
#! panicking, you took out your phone to call suna while quietly opening the front door to make your way back out before the intruder catches you
#! the phone rang and rang until it was picked up. “suna?” you whisper-yelled into the speaker. you had a habit of calling him by his last name when you were freaking out. he noticed and was equally alarmed
#! “what’s wrong?” he whispered back just as panicked
#! “there’s someone in our apartment. can you come home?”
#! “huh? oh, are you home?” he cackles into the phone speaker making you move the phone away from your ear, “it’s me, sweets, c’mere.”
#! you warily walked on your tiptoes over to your bedroom, peeking your head in and what a surprise, it is suna
#! “jackass! why are you home?!”
#! “why didn’t you tell me?” he cut straight to the point
#! “huh?”
#! “you’re pregnant. when were you gonna tell me?” his voice sounding stern, but the quiet smile dancing on his face tells a different story
#! “i tried.”
#! “huh? what do you mean?”
#! “all those times i asked if we could talk. i was trying to tell you.”
#! his heart dropped, eyebrows furrowing, while he stared you down
#! suna became unresponsive once again, standing there trying to think back to the first time you asked him
#! two weeks ago
#! “i’m sorry,” he quietly whispers
#! “hm? i..it’s fine....i was a bit sad, but i’m over it. at least you know now,” you casually shrugged it off like it wasn’t a big deal
#! “no. i shouldn’t have pushed you aside like that. even if you weren’t pregnant, even if you had just wanted to tell me about some stupid video you saw that day, i shouldn’t have told you off. i’m sorry, i love you a lot and you deserve so much better.”
#! “tarō, shut up. i accept your apology and i forgive you, now make it up to me by giving me a back massage while i show you the ultrasound pictures!”
#! he kisses you before lifting you up bridal style making his way to the bed
#! contrary to popular beliefs, sakusa is not an obsessive germaphobe who finds everything disgusting but you
#! he wouldn’t be playing volleyball if he was that afraid of germs,,,,,
#! yes, he cringes if random little kids grab onto him after games because 1) he’s drenched in sweat and that feeling is not fun
#! 2) he doesn’t even know themmm
#! and 3) he wanna go home
#! but sakusa loves you and if you happened to get pregnant, he would love your kid(s) just the same
#! however, he never told you this. he never really had a reason to voice this out loud
#! so when you actually did get pregnant, you were confused
#! the only interactions between sakusa and kids you’ve seen multiple times were the moments between him and his fans
#! you guys have been to family parties and his nieces, nephews, and cousins looooves him
#! maybe it’s the fact that he’s a tall looming giant and they just want to climb
#! but besides those moments, you don’t recall him ever telling you upfront that he wants children of his own
#! and the constant stress and pressure he always seem to be working around also doesn’t help reassure you in any way
#! being an athlete for a living means always watching your body, health, and looks for the cameras (but omi could care less about the last thing)
#! he also has to make sure whether or not he’s working well with his teammates, practice and improve on anything he’s having problems with, and deal with atsumu’s dramatic ass
#! you’re an overthinker and because of that, all of these reasons were just reasons for you to postpone the pregnancy news to your long term boyfriend
#! it wasn’t too hard anyway, considering practice runs late sometimes and he’s busy majority of the time doing other stuff
#! when you guys do have alone time together, you both are so focused on one another that you actually forget that you’re pregnant and you never told him
#! you’re about to hit the three months mark now — time goes by fast — and sakusa has noticed you and your body changing
#! at first he just thought you were going through a phase of cravings and a bit of bloating, so he didn’t mention it and just let you be
#! he never got to witness you getting morning sickness because he goes on early runs or he was just out doing morning errands so he wouldn’t have to deal with it later that day
#! so when he caught you in the kitchen cutting up a lemon, the last thing he was expecting you to do was bring the lemon directly up to your mouth
#! “uh, what are you doing?” his deep voice caught you off guard, effectively stopping the hand that was holding the lemon
#! you just stare at him, not wide-eyed, not surprised, just stare
#! “eating a lemon.”
#! “i can see that.... why exactly?”
#! “dunno, the baby i guess.” you casually shrugged it off before popping the lemon slice into your mouth
#! “ah-,” he opened his mouth to stop you from eating the lemon, your words not fully processing in his mind, but cut off midway and froze when he finally realized
#! hearing him pause like that made you suddenly remembered that you never told him you were pregnant
#! you slowly turned back to look at him, mouth still slowly chewing the lemon slices
#! a moment of silence later, he unfreezes and just starts stiffly walking towards you
#! he grabbed you by the shoulders, made you look him in the eyes, before whispering, “you’re pregnant?!”
#! “y-yes..”
#! his eyes were wide, black pupils expanding as he stared you down, his lips slowly curving into a small smile
#! “you’re pregnant....,” he whispers, mainly to himself, hugging your head into his chest
#! “mhm, get off me i’m trying to eat,” you gently pushed him off but he wouldn’t budge
#! “omiiii please, if you get off i’ll give you a slice,” you tried bribing him. he couldn’t tell if you were being serious or just teasing
#! “no.”
#! “um ok, two slices?”
#! “no.”
#! “omi!”
#! he giggles before opening his arms to let you go
#! “why didn’t you tell me?”
#! you didn’t reply right away, making him start to overthink
#! did you not want the baby? or did you not want a kid with him? did you not want to be with him anymore? or was it not his?!
#! he childishly shakes his head side to side at the last question. he knew you wouldn’t do that
#! but you were still silent, making him nervously glance at you from the side
#! “sorry, piece of lemon stuck in my teeth. i just forgot to tell you,” the words easily flowing out of your mouth nonchalantly
#! sakusa’s fingers were literally about to start twitching from anxiousness beside you
#! a sigh of relief was heard from him and you turned to look at him
#! “you okay?”
#! he doesn’t answer, just gives you a smile and goes back to hugging you from behind
#! you were currently sitting on the couch in your shared apartment waiting for semi to come home
#! he’s been on tour for a few months now, you both kept in touch by facetiming, texting, calling, and any other methods of virtual communication
#! you would tune into the live recording of all of his performances when you had time so you could watch him
#! a few weeks into tour, you suddenly felt different than usual but shook it off as nothing and probably just you missing your boyfriend
#! you believed that until one morning you were woken up by the sudden urge to throw up, dashing to the restroom as fast as your drowsy body can go
#! it was then that you realized you might be pregnant
#! the night before semi left, you both had sex to enjoy your last few hours together before he had to leave for a few months
#! with the new realization, you quickly dressed yourself to make a short trip to the store to pick up some tests
#! after half an hour of looking at yourself in the mirror, trying to wrap your head around this, you finally opened the first box
#! a few minutes later, all 5 tests were lined up on the bathroom counter showing positive
#! you stared at the tests, trying to make sure you weren’t reading it wrong
#! once you began to understand the responsibility of being pregnant a few hours later, you made a mental note to go out and buy some food for yourself the next day
#! you decided to sleep off the rest of that day
#! through all of the facetime calls with semi, you never once told him you were pregnant
#! you knew that if you told him he would freak out and either demand to go back home, or stay but all of his attention would be on you being pregnant alone at home for the rest of the tour
#! so here you are now, sitting with a 4 1/2 months baby bump waiting for your beloved to come home
#! it was around 6pm when the front door opened, sounds of shuffling bags and heavy steps could be heard from the musician
#! he cursed under his breath when he almost tripped over a duffle bag with some of his loungewear, calling out for you as he walks further into the apartment, “baby? i’m home!”
#! he was about to speak up again when he saw you asleep on the couch
#! bouncing his way over, he got onto his knees at the edge of the couch to observe your face. god i miss you, he thought to himself
#! he gently shakes you awake, you jolted in surprise not knowing you fell asleep in the first place
#! “hmm- what?,” soft murmurs falling from your lips as you adjusted your eyes at your surrounding
#! “eita!” he grinned at you, both of you pulling each other into a hug
#! “fuck, i miss you so much.” he whispered into your ears before placing his face into your neck
#! “i miss you more.” you tightened your grip around him making him move up on the couch to get more comfortable
#! you both moved around until he had you cradled in between him, your back against his chest
#! his hands going under your his shirt to caress you there when his movements stopped right on top of your stomach
#! it was silent as his warm hands rubbed your stomach in circles, the gears turning in his head
#! “are you- you feel- why’s your tum so round and hard?” he quizzically asked, still rubbing your stomach
#! “pregnant.” your voice a low whisper, he almost didn’t catch it
#! “what?”
#! “pregnant.” you repeated, a bit louder this time
#! “huh?”
#! “pregnant!” you sighed, moving his hand so you can get off of him
#! he grabs your wrist to stop you from walking away and turns you to look at him
#! “you’re pregnant?!”
#! “i just said that. yes.”
#! you knew you sounded blunt and a bit mean, it wasn’t his fault he doesn’t know at all, but your hormones have been making you crankier and it’s out of your control
#! “sorry. yes, i’m pregnant.”
#! his eyes continuously darts up and down from your eyes to your bump
#! “how long?”
#! “since you left.”
#! “was it the night before?” he was referring to your act of intimacy the night before he left
#! “yea.”
#! “wow. why didn’t you tell me?”
#! “because.”
#! “‘cuz what?”
#! “because i know you. you would either stop touring and come home, or stay but lose focus. i was just trying to not distract you because i know how important your career is to you. and because i thought that you’ll be having a six months break after this tour before your next comeback, i would tell you when you came home. i’m sorry if you’re ma-,”
#! “i’m not mad. oh don’t cry, babe, look at me.”he carefully cups your face, “it’s okay, it’s okay. i get why you kept it from me. and now that i have no schedule for the next six months, i can be there for you until the end of your pregnancy and the beginning of our baby’s life alright?”
#! you weakly nodded against his palms, and he brings you back down to lay your head on his chest as you both softly talk about the past months without each other
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Why You Gotta Be Like That
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Gif credit @bodybebangin.
Requested on wattpad.
I hope you all enjoy.
Taglist @ackles-nhl. @cbouvier23.
Song: why you gotta be like that  by Scotty Mccreery.
Got a Party at 8 it's 7:53
Keys in my hand somewhere to be
You come strolling down the stairs
Got that up to something look on your face
Looks like we are gonna be fashionably late
But you don't seem to care
I set down my whiskey and you kiss me
You lean your back against the wall
When we walk in and it's past ten
I'm a tell em' it's your fault
It was Tates birthday and Kayce was throwing him a party at the ranch. Lee was coming to pick you up from your house after work. So you hurried to get ready.
"Babe, I'm here". You could hear Lee say as he came into your house, you were upstairs finished getting ready. Putting on your boots, you started down the stairs.
"Still my beating heart". Lee grabbed his chest over his heart with a lick to his lip. "Damn, woman. You look incredible. How am I supposed to keep the ranch hands off of you tonight"? Lee scratched his bearded chin.
You couldnt help but blush. The butterflies in your stomach started fluttering around. "Why, thank you, baby".
"I'm serious. Twirl around for me, baby girl". He motioned his finger in a circle. Smacking his lips.
You giggled as you did. You couldn't see what the fuss was about. All you were wearing was a cut off Dutton ranch tshirt, black jeans and your cowboy boots. But that's how Lee liked you to dress. None of that shiny dresses and high heels.
"Come baby, we have to go. The party starts in an hour". You walked completely down the steps and stood in front of Lee. He took a big whiff on your neck.
"Mmmmm. You smell so good". Lee growled hungrily as he playfully took a bite out of your neck and started kissing up your neck.
"Lee, babe. We have to go". You put your hands on his chest.
"Baby, why? We have time. Let me see if you taste the same as you smell". Lee kissed your lips.
"Why, are you the big bad wolf"? You laughed, when Lee raked his fingers down your back to the bottom of your ass and picked you up. Lee carried you to the nearest wall. You crossed your legs around his waist.
Baby why you gotta wear them jeans
Hair down and a white tank top
Baby why you gotta be so mean
Looking so good I can't stop
My hands from touching your body
You know I love it but I gotta ask
Baby why
Baby why
Baby why you gotta be like that
I'm so predictable, it's like you know
That denim and low cut combo
With the fire in your eyes
Is gonna get me every time
It's been like that since we met
You keep messing with my head
You love to play that game
And I'd hate to complain but
"I could just eat you up". Lee smashed his lips on yours. One hand rested on your ass and the other cupped your face.
You broke away from the kiss. "We have to go. I bought Tate a really cool present".
"He isn't going anywhere and neither are you". Lee brought your lips back to his and deepened the kiss. His tongue danced with yours as you kissed him.  Your hands squeezed his shoulders.
"Ahh hell, what could five minutes being late do". You giggled when Lee shot his head up and narrowed his eyes.
"Really, five minutes? I'm going to make you regret that". Lee hollered as he ran up the stairs with you in his arms. You laughed and threw his hat flying it down to the livingroom. The bedroom door slammed.
Lee threw you on the bed and hovered over you. His beard tickled your stomach as he moved up your body.
"Kayce is going to kill us". You said running your hands through Lee's messy hair.
"He'll be fine. I'm sure, it's not a big deal. Now you in this outfit is a huge deal. Looking so fucking sexy. God, I am so lucky to have you". Lee kiss your neck and grabbed your outer thigh and wrapped your leg around him. Your hands held his face as you kissed. Time slipping away as the clothes came off.
Baby why you gotta wear them jeans
Hair down and a white tank top
Baby why you gotta be so mean
Looking so good I can't stop
My hands from touching your body
You know I love it but I gotta ask
Baby why
Baby why
Baby why you gotta be like that
I set down my whiskey and you kiss me
You lean your back against the wall
When we walk in and it's past ten
I'm a tell em' it's your fault
Baby why you gotta wear them jeans
Hair down and a white tank top
Baby why you gotta be so mean
Looking so good I can't stop
My hands from touching your body
You know I love it but I gotta ask
Baby why
Baby why
Baby why you gotta be like that
"You're two hours late, Lee. What the hell"? Kayce was mad and yelling at the both of you.
"It was Lee's fault". You pointed the blame to Lee who scoffed.
"Me? I blame you". Lee giggled, like a school girl.
"What ever the reason was you could've waited til you got home. You missed your nephews birthday".
"If you were in my position, you couldn't have waited. Seriously, little brother. It was that unbelievable". Lee tells Kayce as he sends you a wink while you helped Tate figure out how to work the present that Lee bought him.
Sometimes you just gotta take the time to savor the moment when you're in love.
Why you gotta be like that
Baby why you gotta be like that
Baby why, baby why
Baby why, baby why
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
Can you please do a fic where kirishima and kaminari turning into babies and reader have to take care of them but kaminari dont like reader for some strange reason and them resolved it🤩 sorry for bad English 😅
A/N: this was such a cute request! the characters as babies just makes my heart 😚🥰😍 I hope y’all enjoy this one! and your english is great btw!
Warnings: cuteness overload? and some cussing bc bakugo’s here. what do you expect?
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Kirishima Eijirou: 
when you woke up to bakugo banging on your door, you knew it was going to be a weird day 
bakugo was notrious for being an early bird, but he usually kept that to himself. so why was he screaming outside your door at 6 in the freaking morning?
“y/n! you have ten seconds to open this fucking door before i—“
you swung the door open with the meanest glare you could muster, ready to cuss him out
“what the hell do you want—“
your voice catches in your throat when you see a sleeping black haired child, no older than two, curled up in his arms 
you stare at the baby
then you stare at bakugo
bakugo stares back in confusion
then it clicks
“IT’S NOT MY FUCKING BABY!!” he explodes
you didnt get a chance to respond before he shoves the baby in your arms and tells you it’s kirishima who got hit by a quirk during his internship 
the teachers knew and left him with katsuki, but he couldnt take care of him today bc he had to go to his intership, and he didnt trust anyone else with the child
so that’s how you ended up alone with baby kiripima 🥺
you find out very quickly that kirishima was as energetic as ever, even as a baby 
the minute he wakes up, he nearly jumps out of bed and declares to the entire room 
“g’ mornin’!” 
then he glomps you with the biggest hug 
“y/n! we swol too-day!!”
you figured out that he knows who you are but that’s the extent to which he does 
either way, he’s very excited to spend the day with you 
he’s still extroverted even as a kid and loves being around his friends
when you took him around to meet everybody, he just gobbled up the attention. most importantly, he just loved your attention
he such a show off for you omg 
he’ll be “ultra manly” and clean his mess all by himself 
or when you try and help him wash his hands, he’ll stop you with a determined pout and go “i can do it!” and concentrate really hard on scrubbing his hands clean 
when you’d praise him for eating all his food he’d give you the biggest shark-tooth smile and cutely blush from your words
he still kind of stumbled when he walked but whenever he saw something cool, he’d take your hand and basically drag you with him, excitment in his steps 
and when you showed him the gym?
he was in L O V E 🤩
you may or may not have taken a couple pictures when you saw him attempt to lift a five pound weight 
bath time is fun and easy bc he’s too busy pretending to be a shark to really think about the fact that he’s getting clean
when you tell him it’s bed time, he doesn’t wanna sleep at first. but then you make a sad face and he instantly drops what he’s doing and hurriedly says,
“okay! okay! i sleep! see!?”
goes and gets his blanket and curls up in your bed bc he’s the goodest boy and it’s unmanly to make a pretty person sad!
he looks so small and fluffy that you literally wanna bawl your eyes out 
ahhh he’s just the cutest!!
you lie next to him and decide to take a nap too bc it’s been a long day 
before you fall asleep, you feel the small boy nuzzle into your chest and wrap his arms around your neck 
“night night. luh you,” he whispers before he starts to snore 
like 🥺🥺🥺
you could seriosuly die happy 
the next day, you wake up with a heavier arm around your shoulders. it’s so heavy that you can barely move and it confuses you 
when you open your eyes, you see that kirishima has gone back to normal 
and usually you’d be freaking out bc you may or may not have a small crush on him and now that he was normal sized, you were staunchly reminded of it
but when he pulls you in closer to his embrace, you can’t seem to care rn
for now, you’ll just enjoy this moment
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Kaminari Denki:
“Y/N!! watch out!”
you were all kinds of confused when kaminari jumped in front of you to protect you from a villain’s quirk and he disappeared
and just when you were about to freak out, you heard small whimpers and cries 
you looked to the ground and saw that kaminari hadnt disappeared
your best friend just turned into a freaking two year old child 
and you dont think he likes you 
at all 
once you two were brought to safety, it was like denki finally took a good look at who was holding him and just
flipped shit 
he gives you a firm (but cute) frown that makes you blink in confusion
then he suddenly pushes his hands against your chest to try and get away 
“no! stop! i wanna go!”
at first, you thought he was scared so you attempted to soothe him but it’s no use
he’s admant on throwing his tiny temper tantrum
although, when recovery girl takes him to go get checked, he instantly calms down and smiles as she tells him how cute he his 
you can’t say you didnt feel your heart break just a little 💔💔💔
but youre determined to win over his affection bc wth? you’re supposed to be best friends! 
(read: you had a crush on older denki and you couldnt handle the fact that these might be his true feelings towards you and he might actually not like you)
so the entire day, you’re doing everything you can to make the kid at least acknowledge you 
right now, it’s the bakusquad that’s collectively taking care of him for the day, but you’re there to help
you try to tell him jokes babies could understand and he’ll just look at you and turn away 
mina told you that food was the best way to a guy’s heart so you made him his favorite (soft) food as a peace offering
and you were absolutely crushed when he stiffened up and refused to eat it until bakugo scared him into eating 
he turns away and you just 💔😞
after that, you sighed and gave up
you sorrowfully accepted the fact that denki just didnt like you :(
at least you now know your chances of being with him was nonexistent
you made up some excuse to leave the room bc you coudlnt take the heartbreak
everyone pretty much bought into it
all except denki who might have been a child, but he was still as perceptive as ever 
unbeknowest to you, denki didnt really dislike you 
the reason he was acting like a jerk was bc you put yourself in danger during the mission and he was so angry about it 
he didnt know how to confront these feelings so he just ignored you 
but when he saw the silver tears line your eyes, he felt so bad 😭
he didn’t know how to emotion™️
pls don’t leave him :(((
the emotions overwhelmed him so much to the point that he bursted out in tears and wasn’t cosoled by anything 
“come on, bro! what’s wrong!?” sero anxiously asked 
“y/n! i want y/n!”
he didnt have to say it twice 
the group basically shove him in your arms and youre confused when denki latches onto you like a life line bc did he just hate you three seconds ago?
despite your saddness, you comfort him by whispering sweet nothings in his ear and denki is instaneously consoled solely by your voice 
the crying takes a lot of energy from him and he can barely keep his eyes open
but before he sleeps, he softly says, “i wa’ scare-d. sowwy y/n”
again, you’re confused, but you were too tired to think about it so you decide to go to bed and deal with this tomorrow
it’s the next day and your face-to-face with a normal kaminari who’s obviously been awake for some time and looks petrified 
now that he’s older, you’re reminded of everything he put you through and you’re salty af about it
“you still hate me?” you sassily say 
denki’s face erupts in an embarrassed blush and youre surprised when he buries his head in your neck, holding you close to his chest 
without looking at you, he explains his true feelings for you in a really round about way
you pull his face back to look at him and as he sputters out apologies to you, you kiss is nose 
“you idiot. i like you too if that’s what you’re trying to say.”
denki stares before short-circuting and you just laugh as he mumbles happily to himself 
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Someone to come back to
Cw: food and alcohol mention. Gif tw: irl hands
Only mutuals ok to reblog.
Summary: Jackal ruminates on the thought of finally having a home with the person he loves most in the world, and the Newfound sense of belonging.
Tagtlist: @samsbeckett @tex-treasures
A/n: this came to mind while talking with my good friend Nico :D.
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Jackal had come back from the rainbow HQ just a couple of days ago, it felt weird yet nice to be in his home once again.
He opened the door of his one story house, and sighed in contempt, leaving the grocery bags on the floor to take off his shoes and closing the door with the heel of his foot.
It was good to come back home.
--Ryad! Hola!-- Jerico peeked through the kitchen door and smiled, running to her husband who lifted her up from her legs and kissed her.
--Hola, ya he vuelto (hi, im back)-- he said with a smile-- hows the food going?
--Its going just fine,do you need help with that?-- she asked.
--Estoy bien,cariño( im alright, darling)-- he answered picking the bags once more and going to where his wife was previously, starting to sort out what he'd bought.
Then ryad stopped to smell the air around him-- is that...sopa de picadillo I smell?
Jeri giggled quickly making her way where he was--si! I figured I could make you something from your home since youre finally back
Jackal Turned to his wife with mild disbelief, a quick smile and teary eyes followed, he hugged her tightly, almost engulfing his beloved with his body-- De verdad no te merezco (I really dont deserve you) -- he muttered happily sniffing.
--Ryad! Dont say that you do deserve me
The Man wiped away some of his tears-- I know bebe, (baby) its just...so nice of you...-- he gave her a quick hug and started to Grab the plates.
Jerico giggled and went to check on the soup, being quick to turn off the stove and before she can Grab the heavy pot, her husband steps in to Carry it down to the dinning room, and starting to serve it.
--Are you going to let me pamper you?-- she asked half sarcastically sitting down infront of him
--No, lo siento (no, im sorry) , youve done enough for me already--ryad answered looking at jeri.
The woman only sighed and poured some water on her glass-- Go check the fridge, got you something
Ryad did as he was told and once opening the refrigerators Door he was left speechless. A six pack of bottles of his favorite beer waiting for him.
He quickly grabbed one of them and sped back to where he previously was.
After pouring his drink into his glass he raised it-- for you, amor, for being so thougtfull, and our marriage...so it can last forever
Jerico giggled and clinked her glass with her husbands -- agreed!
While eating, jackal couldnt help but have small flashbacks of his youth, he remember eating the picadillo soup once or twice with different families, but they never felt like home.
Not like when he was with Jerico...
She was a walking Ray of sunshine, he could never get enough of her, wherever she went the room seemed to light up.
After all these years he regrets nothing about being with her, he scored himself a wonderfull woman.
After eating (And ryad complimenting his wife's cooking skills)they went into their shared bedroom.
---let me help you out with that knot you had on your back...-- Jerico said sitting on her husbands lap.
Jackal was going to try and protest but he was quick to throw that idea out the Window and took off his shirt.
First thing he felt was small hands trailing over each scar and crevice of his body, he smiled and hugged his wifes waist.
Then peppering kisses down his jaw and chest, the feeling of jericos fingertips kneading the skin of his neck made him relax his shoulders and rest his head ontop of hers.
Then he was (ordered) asked to lay down on his belly.
Jerico, for being small (or small in comparation to him), had heavy hands, and as she massaged his back, ryad melted away into a puddle, with the usual complaining about one or two knots he had.
--Hey be careful! Im not that young anymore-- he teased.
--You age like fine wine, ryad, now shut up-- jerico answered kissing the back of her husbands neck.
The Man only chuckled, and after a good shower he went back to bed, his mind ruminating on the feeling of safety, of happiness, the sense of belonging
He thought back at his chaotic childhood, of his loss, but then, once he felt his wife stirr around, he came back to reality, and sighed happily.
His last thought before going to bed was "sure...its nice to have a place to come back to...but its nicer to have someone to come back to..."
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hey dils!! was listening to sunshine riptide and thought of u so i wanted to say i hope ur taking care and also ask if u have any favorite fob videos/interviews?? lately i have been obsessed w the promo video patrick did for the honda civic tour where he drove around LA and said the only reason they got the tour was because he already drove a civic ahsjdbd
first of all it is SO flattering that listening to sunshine riptide made you think of me 🥺
secondly i was molded out of clay to answer this question, 100% i have a lot that i think about like way too often
the one where petes giving a tour of his parents house where he lived at the time and was showing off his stuff and was particularly very excited about the fact that his band was turned into action figures and then half way through andy shows up and is like "were best friends forever!" and petes like "yeah andy comes over for sleepovers a lot, we hang out in my basement and make zines and stuff" and then at the end he gets all excited cuz he hears his moms car pull up and he goes out and shes coming out of the car and then patrick gets out of the car carrying groceries and petes like "here mom me and patrick can put the groceries away you finish the interview" and shes like "no- pete i just got home from work im a mess" and hes like "what? no! no mom you look great, you can finish the interview well take in the groceries" and then she did and the camera crew came back to the two of them messing around and putting groceries away.
"pete wentz is honestly the only way to describe pete wentz. hes the most complicated guy i know." [cut to] "if anyone can make a strike without touching the lane i will pay you $300" *throws bowling balls straight into the air* *runs down the lane*
ok but in all seriousness i love that interview not only for that iconic moment but because later the footage is like blaring i dont care and pete goes and grabs a stuffed giraffe out of the prize thingie and hes like "what do you mean :)? we bought this with our tickets!!" and the editors are very much trying to make it a bad boy rebel without a cause moment except if you looked the woman behind the counter had a smile on her face and was laughing and then afterwards he gave it back and said "we werent really gonna steal it" but it really seemed like she knew that already
and then at a different point a couple fans showed up and they were all shy and excited to meet him and he was just like "hey are you guys coming to the show later" and they were like "yeah" and he was like "cool! thanks for coming out :) do you want a picture?" and they took a picture and it seemed like he was still kinda excited that people were excited to meet him. marcus (their bodyguard) was like trailing behind him and smiling and laughing throughout most of these antics and i just think thats sweet.
later in this same interview once again as they were on the ride back to their hotel or whatever theyd brought back a fake moustache and patrick put it on and did a bunch of dumb impressions.
patrick: if i wasnt doing music i think id be like a music critic or music journalist or something
andy:...i thought you said youd work at walmart
theres this one srar era interview thats just joe and patrick riffing for like 15 minutes. like it looks like they just straight up forgot the interviewer was there its so funny theyre such good friends.
this one joe and pete interview where i dont even really remember what they were talking about but theres a moment where joes talking about music with this intense passion and pete just kinda looks at him with this level of brotherly pride that keeps me going
this one andy and pete interview where 1) there were waterfowl chillin behind them which was deeply fascinating to andy and 2) they took a moment to swivel their chairs and hug each other bc theyre besties
band superlatives, specifically the moment where theyre all separately like "technically marcus isnt in the band but like. its marcus." bc that was sweet, unofficial 5th member of fob. and also "whos the most talented" "patrick. patrick. its patrick, hands down." "hm. petes like a really good soccer player" like thats a moment out of a fucking sitcom
halloween asmr with pete wentz. the man cant act but god can he commit to a bit.
there was this like live text chat that they all were in with fans on some radio station website. there were a lot of very fun moments, including joe saying "this is very current technology." as a comment on how very dated the live chat was and andy being like "can we set an icon i wanna change mine to an XVX" and pete and joe being like "oh are you vegan straight edge? we had no idea." and then pete was like "actually i wanna change my icon to andy hurley" and andy was like "no pete im not gonna send you a picture of me" and he was like :( and then a minute later he changed it to andy and he was like, and i swear this is almost a direct quote "BOOM! i love my life haha" and andy was like "goddammit" like i have no idea where to find this but it was so good.
theres this one "this or that" interview with joe and andy wherein the interviewer was a woman and like she seemed pretty at ease around them and got to the last question and imo seemed kinda uncomfortable and kind of established (in a way that seemed like she didnt usually do that) that it was a gross question, which was "would you have sex with a super hot celebrity but shes just died" and both of them were like "hey. what the fuck. absolutely not." and shes like "oh thats a first" and they are both like "do people say yes to that????????" and shes like "youre literally the first people to say no haha" in a way that made it seem that she did not find it funny and i just find that to be an interesting moment and i hope shes doing well and has a better producer now.
theres this one interview w andy on a hardcore podcast where the interviewer asks andy "do you every wish fall out boy were more political?" and he said (paraphrasing) "fall out boy is political, in its own way. we may not be as explicit with our politics as my other stuff, but kids find fall out boy, and through me, with all my other bands, or through joe, since he does a lot of metal, find heavier stuff, and are introduced to this stuff and to being vegan straight edge or anarchist or just more radical politics, and i dont think that just because we arent being super political in our music we arent a political band" which was really something to me bc i had just been thinking about that as a concept i call "gateway punk"
theres this one interview i recently found of a very small chicago music news outlet where a young lady interviewed pete and asked far more interesting questions than any other interviewer id ever seen and one such question was how he felt about the legalization of marijuana in illinois and he said that it was cool that it was legal but everyone locked up for it right now should be released and i like that he got to be political
theres a moment on the badass jew podcast episode joe was on where the interviewer whomst i do not recall was espousing some veiled antiblack sentiments wrt some antisemitic comments some famous black people had made and joe just completely rebutted it immediately and pointed out that black people not only are not a monolith bht are at a greater disadvantage
and also he made a joke that i could never make and cant fully get bc im not jewish but it was very funny and i love hearing people make jokes that arent for me.
this one interview before patrick had kids where he was saying how everyone kept asking him and elisa when theyd have kids and he was like "you cant just make that happen yknow? how do you just do that?" and pete immediately grinned and leaned over and mock whispered "you have sex" and patrick punched the air and was like "i hate you so much"
that one interview about abap where pete was like "we actually got the guy who did the whistles on patience by guns n roses to do it on this" and then he looks over at patrick and patrick shakes his head and petes like "you couldnt let me have this?" and he was like "i was gonna but then you looked at me and i just couldnt."
"whats the most important thing to you right now?"
patrick: star wars
joe: my daughter.
patrick: ...my son?
the puppy interview. everyone involved including the puppies was having the time of their goddamn life.
i have to stop this is too much its been like an hour
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perksofhs · 4 years
‘Please forgive me, I need you baby’
Harry and the missus disagree, and as always, the missus is right but it may be too late...
It had been 3 weeks. 3 weeks since he’d left. 3 weeks since you’d last seen him. 3 weeks of unbearable pain that you could no longer endure. All you could think about was him. You’d find your mind wandering, thinking about where he was, what he was doing, and especially who he was with. The argument that ended things had started with you being jealous of one of Harry’s female friends who, although he couldn’t see it, was getting a little too touchy feely and you’d been honest and told him how you felt. The argument then turned nasty, misguided accusations from both sides. You’d always trusted him and he’d always trusted you but in a fight you’d both bring up things from the past to back up your stupid arguments and this time it was too much and he couldn’t take it.
“Fine then Harry do whatever you want, go call your best friend, I don’t give a fuck! I’m sure she’ll love the attention that she seems to so desperately crave from you!” You’d regretted it the second you’d said it but there was never any stopping you in the heat of the moment. “For fuck sake! You bring her up all the time! I’d never do anything with her and I never fucking have either so stop! Do you not trust me? Is that it? 2 years, 2 years I’ve been nothing but loyal and for some reason every argument we have you throw it out there that I’m somehow going to cheat on you! I can’t take it anymore! If there’s no trust there’s no relationship!” Tears were brimming in his eyes and yours, your lip was between your teeth, physically stopping yourself from saying anything else because you knew, you knew that it was the last straw. “Don’t say that, you know I trust you, I always have, I just don’t trust her around you Harry, and I’m sorry but I just can’t see it any other way” you were now quietly sobbing. 
You’d never been the jealous type in any other relationship you’d had, but to be fair you’d never gone as deep and were never as committed to a relationship before this. You were in so deep and that scared you a little, the thought of it being taken away and you being alone again was just too much and when an argument arose you’d find yourself so shaken that you couldn’t control your insecurities and they’d just blurt out. It was strange though, Harry had women fawning over him wherever he went but none of them had ever made you insecure like this one particluar friend of his did. Mel was a tall leggy blonde, the typical LA instagram model type, and you were not that at all. You weren’t model thin or 6ft tall. You weren’t immaculately dressed in designer labels from head to toe every day. You didnt drive a luxury car or live in an expensive hill top home. You were just you. 
Unbeknownst to you, you just being you was what Harry loved the most about you. He loved that you weren’t like anyone else he had ever met. He loved that you were unequivocally yourself and you refused to change to yourself to fit a stupid mold. He loved that you didn’t give a single fuck about followers or likes or any sort of ‘public image’. His past relationships had all ended with the realisation that he was just being used, almost all of his ex girlfriend’s used him as a springboard into fame and nothing more. You were the opposite, you were grounded and real and he couldnt have bene more in love with you if he tried. He’d fallen just as hard as you had, he had planned out your future together, he could picture it all. He was so sure you were the one that he’d even bought a ring. 
“I don’t get why you think Mel would ever try anything like that with me? She knows we’re together, she even tells me how much she likes you and how much she wishes she could find something like what we have! You;re just fucking paranoid for fuck sake” Harry says, his brow furrowed in frustration and confusion. He cannot fathom why you would be so threatened by her. “Harry how can you not see how she looks at you? Or how she speaks to you or even about you! She like you and you’re fucking blind if you cannot see that!” You yell, hurt and genuinely baffled as to how he has been so oblivious to her advances. You let a sigh of frustration as the tears continue to rolls down your already mascara stained cheeks. Harry’s head was now in his hands as he tried to make sense of the argument. He was mad, upset and confused like he had never been and before you knew it he was on his feet, grabbing his keys and slamming the door behind him as he fled the small flat. 
You shake your head to stop yourself from playing that moment back for what feels like the millionth time since that night. You couldn’t stop thinking about him, about what you had and what you could have had if that night hadn’t happened. As you lay in the bed you had become pretty much attached to for the last 3 weeks your phone buzzed on your bedside table. You heart skips a beat still every time a text comes through, just hoping that its him, praying that its him, but it never is. 
Reluctantly you roll over, reaching for the phone and adjusting yourself to sit up for the first time this morning. You rub your eyes before tapping the screen and watching as your phone unlocks and revelas the message. Your heart stops as you read the 4 words on the screen. 
Harry xx: I’m coming over 
It took you a full minute to take in the words on the screen. 3 weeks of nothing and then suddenly this. It makes no sense. You quickly reel yourself back in, jumping up from the bed knowing he doesnt live far and he always texts you just before he pulls out of the driveway. You pad across the room to the nearest mirror, taking in the sight of your tangled hair and dark cirlces. You looked as you’d expect someone who hadnt slept for more than a couple of hours in 3 weeks would look. You were only in one of his soft tees, he had a drawer full at your flat, his excuse for it being ‘back up clothes just in case’, but really he knew how much you loved wearing them and he liked knowing that there was always a piece of him there all the time. 
You wandered into the living room, noticing the dirty dishes and used tissues you give the room a quick tidy. Knowing your appearance would enough of a giveaway for your state of mind without the flat giving away just how depressed you had been. After you tidy you find yourself on the couch, your head swirling in an attempt to prepare for what may be about to happen. Is he coming to officially break it off? Is he coming to make up? Is is coming back for his things? You can’t stop yourself from catastrophising the situation. The door buzzer snaps you from your thoughts and you approach the intercom. Even on the poor quality of the door cam you could see that he was tired, the bags under his eyes almost as big as yours and if you’re honest it makes you feel a little less self conscious. You press the receiver button and stutter out a “Its open” and watch as he enters the building. 
You wait by the door, your hand already on the door knob when he gently knocks. As you open the door you tak ein the sight before you, he’s in sweats,  his hair disheleved, his eyes puffy and tired. He does the same with you, he can tell immediately the state you have been in, it hurts him to see you just as tired and still just as hurt as when he walked out. He takes a quick breath in an attempt to hold in his tears before letting out a soft “Hi..”.
 “What do you want Harry?” it comes out harsher than you had wanted but he knew you had every right to be mad. “You were right. You were right about everything.” he says, tears welling in eyes. “What do you mean Harry?” you say now even more confused. “You were right about Mel! Fuck baby you were right about it all!” He says, pushing past you into the room. ‘Baby’ god how you missed him calling you that. “Let me get this straight? The last thing you said to me was that I was ‘paranoid’ and now you’re here telling me that I’m not?’ you shoot back, not wanting to immediately accept his grovelling. You could see the guilt as he dropped his head staring at his hands as he fidgeted with the rings on his fingers. “She tried to kiss me” he says, your eyes widening at the revelation. 
Harrys eyes find yours, a wave of panic comes over him “I didnt kiss her back! I promise I didn’t baby. Fuck how could I have been so fucking blind?” he proclaims, walking over to you as you remain gobsmacked by what has just been announced. “I knew it..” you whisper, looking down at the floor with teary eyes. you were amazed that your body could even produce more tears at this point. “I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you. I’m sorry I called you paranoid, you had every right to be suspicious. I’m sorry that I left you. I’m sorry baby, I’m so sorry.” by this point he’s standing in front of you, desperately trying to get you to look at him. “Please forgive me, I need you baby” he says, gently clasping his fingers with yours, you instinctively grasping his much larger hand. You;d imssed his touch so much. 
You slowly trail your eyes up from ground to finally meet his similarly teary eyes. “Harry you hurt me, you really fucking hurt me” you can’t hold back the tears now. “You couldn’t see what was obvious. You made me think i was crazy. You made me doubt myself. You have to know how painful the last 3 weeks have been.” He could see how hurt you were, and it killed him to think he was the reason. “I know. And I will never be able to apologise enough. I was mad, I thought I finally had a friend who wasn’t trying to manipulate or use me. I was blind. I was stupid. And I’m sorry I didnt call you or message you. I coudlnt bare being left on read or having my calls go unanswered. I also couldnt bare the thought of hearing you cry again. I know my excuses are poor but I just couldnt take it.” tears were now rolling down his cheeks as well. He let go of your hand, rainsing his hands to gently wipe the tears from your cheeks, his gaze not leaving yours for a moment. You unwillingly melted into his touch, you were still hurt but you couldnt deny how much you wanted him to just hold you. You could tell he was genuine in his apology. “Please baby, please say you still love me. Please.” he pleads once more. 
“I never stopped loving you Harry, I could never stop loving you no matter how hard I try.” your heartbreaks the thought of him thinking you didn’t love him because there was no way you couldn’t. “I forgive you, but you have to promise me that you will never do that to me again? I’ll promise to not blow up as easily but you have to promise to believe me. I can’t go through this again. I just can’t” Harry hangs on every word you say, releife evident in his face after you say the words he has been dying to hear. He can’t help but smile “I promise, I promise I will never do that to you again, fuck I love you so much” he says cupping your face before crashing his lips on yours, the kiss expressing how much you both needed each other. You rejoice in that moment for as long as you both need to. The kiss soft yet passionate. As you pull away, your smile matches his. “I missed you baby” you say before pecking another kiss to his lips just to feel them again. 
As you pull away, you bury your face in his chest, taking in the familiar warmth, his arms engulfing you in a much needed hug. Harry presses a kiss to the top of your head, holding you closer than he ever has before, not wanting to let go. “God I love you fucking much.” He says, kissing the crown of your head once more, “I love you too Harry, so fucking much.”. 
Finally, you were both back where you belong, both of you vowing to never hurt each other again. Content. Together. 
Hi lovelies!! This has been sat in my drafts for genuinely a year, a lot has changed since last time I posted. This is yet another installment of ‘The Words You Speak” series. I love writing a bit of fluff on a Sunday! I hope you’re all keeping safe in these crazy times. Enjoy and let me know if there is anything else you want me to write! Requests are always open xx 
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crystalninjaphoenix · 3 years
Kindness & Kidnapping
A JSE Fanfic
I’ve written something that’s less than 6000 words for the first time in a year, whoo! I was planning to include more plot but after a while I realized there was too much to put into one chapter so I broke it into two. And now, this chapter is short, but it has some important and...interesting developments. Let’s just say, Anti makes his move. I don’t know what to say beyond that, so just read on ;)
You can find the other stories under the pw timeline tag!
It was a bright morning outside, but Chase didn’t know that. He was inside, sitting at a hastily-done computer setup inside his closet. It was cramped and dark and honestly kind of dusty. But he hadn’t wanted to keep this setup out in the open. Because this was the computer he’d been using to access Anti’s website, and if he kept it out in any other room of the house, he knew he’d keep glancing towards the windows and doors, waiting for something to happen.
Though...nothing had happened in the past week or so since he’d first found the website. He’d told the police about it, contacting that detective, Nix, who was in charge of the search for Jackie and JJ. Nix had been really appreciative, saying that this was a helpful clue and the police would be right on it, but he’d warned Chase to not go looking at any websites like this again. “These are dangerous,” he’d said. “And many of them use trackers to gather information or worse.”
Yet here he was. First thing in the morning. Staring at a creepy hitman website while sitting in his closet.
Part of his mind was yelling at him to stop. That even though he’d waited a few days before accessing the site again, that didn’t mean anything. This was dangerous. But...he couldn’t help it. This was the first time he felt like he was doing something, like he was actually helping the search for his friends. So, he stayed there.
His study of the website mostly consisted of scrolling through the anonymous reviews and trying to find ways to look at the source code. Chase...wasn’t that good with computers. Despite the fact that recording videos and putting them on the Internet was his job. He’d basically absorbed all his knowledge from Jack and his editor and only knew how to do things like editing because of that. Anything beyond what was required for YouTube was a mystery to him. But he was trying.
His phone vibrated in his pocket, and he gasped, then felt silly. It was just a text notification. Sighing at his own jumpiness, he took out his phone and looked at the message on the screen. It was from Marvin. Hey do you know any quick ways to get food? Other than ordering.
Oh? Chase responded. Are you out of bed this early? Thats a 1st. And he didn’t just mean because Marvin was having trouble getting out of bed recently. Marvin never woke up before ten, even before JJ disappeared, so this was strange.
Luna was yelling at me because i forgot to fill her bowl last night and i couldnt deal with it anymore so i got up and thought i might as well get breakfast.
Thats great bro. As for food I bought you some microwave mac n cheese and noodles.
Marvin instantly replied, I’m not eating fucking noodles for breakfast. That’s weird.
Chase laughed a bit. Sorry, Marv. I know your sense of order is a big thing for you, but sometimes you need exceptions.
This time, the reply was slow. The typing bubbles appeared and disappeared a couple times before finally: i just cant. maybe another time.
Ah. Of course, even if he was out of bed, Marvin was still struggling. Chase thought for a moment, then said, Alright, Marvin. No problem. How bout toast and butter? It takes five to ten minutes depending on how much you want it burnt. That was a frequent go-to for him. I know u have bread and butter, too.
Alright. Thanks.
No problem. Chase paused, then added, Hey I was gonna go visit Jack again later today. Do u think youd be up for coming with?
Another long pause. I dunno. Ask me again when it’s closer to time.
Got it. And with that, Chase set his phone down and returned his attention to the website.
About an hour later, he gave up. He couldn’t find any clues at all, and reading this was really starting to get to him. Carefully standing up, so as to not knock over the computer setup in the tiny closet, he turned off the monitor and CPU, then edged around to the closet door. He hesitated, feeling uneasy anxiety rolling in his stomach, then slowly opened the door.
Nobody was outside. Well, of course not. He took a deep breath, and stepped out into the hallway. It was time to get ready for the day.
But still, that anxiety followed him. And he couldn’t help but remember the notice that Anti had put at the top of the website. Something about business being closed until something was “taken care of.” That just...sounded very bad. And Chase couldn’t help but think about what might be happening to Jameson and Jackie.
Nearly a month had passed since Anti had taken JJ. For nearly a month, Jameson had been stuck in this room with Jackie. And with no means of escape that he could see. He’d looked, of course. But even with Jackie’s help, they couldn’t find a way out of the room. The closest thing he could think of was somehow unscrewing the door hinges, and he’d actually spent about a week trying to do that, but without any tools, there was no way those hinges would budge.
The only opportunity that he could see was when Anti visited, which he did often. But even that would be difficult to pull off. Jameson and Jackie might have numbers on their side, but Jackie was pretty weak after almost a year of captivity, and JJ had never been that athletic. Still, he was starting to consider it. Maybe Anti wouldn’t be expecting it, if he could just convince Jackie that they could do it, and if they could find an opportunity...
But even if they were going to try, today would not be the day. Anti had come into the room for one of his visits, which were becoming worryingly frequent, and Jackie had decided to hide in the attached bathroom. Jameson refused to look at Anti, in the vain hope that he’d go away if he didn’t engage.
“Jamie.” Anti pulled a chair away from the table, and then indicated the one across from him. “Come s...sit down.”
Jameson shook his head. He folded his arms, and stayed where he was, standing next to the bunk bed.
Anti stared at him for a while, then sat down. It didn’t ease the tension at all. For some reason, Jameson still felt like he was looming over him. “Alright. F-fine.” He paused. Waiting. Watching him with his mismatched eyes. Today, the fake one was brown, not green. Odd, but it didn’t lessen the intensity of his gaze.
After a few silent moments, Jameson couldn’t take it anymore. He slowly walked over to the table and sat down. God damn it. Why was just the silence enough to get him to respond?
“Ah, there we are.” Anti smiled. “About time. You’re always so...so tense, Jamie, when you really shouldn’t be. I won’t h-hurt you.”
What do you want this time? Jameson signed stiffly.
“Why do you keep asking that? I don’t want...anything, I just want to...talk.” Anti leaned back in the chair. “I don’t understand th-this. You’re so...different. And I’m trying, you know. Know. You know—I know, by now, that this wasn’t the best starting point. But I’m trying to...to get everything back to the way it was. You want that, don’t you?” His voice was soft, like he was talking to an easily startled animal. Or a child.
No, I don’t. Jameson said firmly. I don’t want everything to go back to how it was, because back then, you were making me help you throw bodies in the river.
“That was a mistake, okay? Oka-ay?” Anti sighed. “I shouldn’t...should never have gotten you involved in all this. So, I’m not going to, ever again.”
Jameson laughed. You’re a bit late for that! Maybe you should’ve thought of that before you kidnapped me!
“That was another mistake, and I’m sorry that you f-f-feel I was out of line. I can see what you...what you mean. But you’d never talk to me otherwise, let alone go anywhere with me.” Anti’s fingers tapped an irregular rhythm on the table. “But I can pr-promise you, no more dead bodies. Ever. Ever again. You’ll be safe.”
He sounded genuine, and JJ had to admit that at least there was still a part of him that cared about—no! Jameson stiffened and pushed away that softening feeling. It didn’t change any of this. Anti still abducted him, and he was willing to bet that ‘safe’ to Anti wasn’t the same as ‘safe’ to him. It would be more of this, most likely. Trapped inside, unable to go anywhere, always under Anti’s watchful eye. Why was he even continuing this conversation? Jameson balled up his hands and shoved them under his arms, physically preventing him from saying anything more.
Anti’s expression shifted slightly. “You’re being so difficult, my god. We’ve been doing this for a-a-a month and gotten nowhere. If you would just li-listen, we could go—past—move past this.” The tapping rhythm increased slightly, nails on wood. “But alright—okay. Fine. Yes. I-I-I have a pro—” And then the tapping stopped. Anti’s eyes suddenly widened. “Oh. That’s it.”
Jameson leaned back a bit, waiting for something. Those last words sounded like a threat. But—
Out of nowhere, Anti slumped forward onto the table. JJ gasped and stood up. In an instant, he was moving automatically, rolling Anti’s head to the side and looking for anything dangerous nearby. There was nothing. Could he breathe? Was this a good position, or should he move him? He should’ve recognized it, Anti was having difficulty with his words, he knew that was a sign—Wait, the watch. The watch he was wearing around his neck, the chain it was on had tightened a bit. JJ grabbed the chain and adjusted it so it was more loose.
A few seconds later, Anti gasped, and pushed JJ away. He stepped back.
“I...fuck.” Anti blinked, eyes glancing around the room. For a moment, he was confused. JJ could see the recognition slowly fade back into his expression. “Thwshnnbad.”
JJ watched anxiously. For a moment, he glanced over towards the door. But...he just couldn’t. Not now. Maybe he was too nice, but it just felt cruel to try and leave after that.
Anti took a few deep breaths, then looked over at JJ. “You helped.”
Jameson hesitated, then nodded.
“Hmm.” Anti didn’t say anything, but there was a look on his face that made Jameson squirm a bit. Almost smug. Almost. There was a fair share of gratitude that prevented it from being fully self-satisfied. Anti reached for his pocket, and after a few tries, pulled out his phone. “That was...not that long?”
Just a few seconds. Maybe fifteen or so, JJ said. No twitching or jerking. 
Nodding, Anti tapped on his phone for a bit. “It’s...been a while,” he said quietly. “They’re not that bad anymore, you know.”
Unsure what to say, Jameson just nodded again.
A few moments later, Anti took a deep breath, and returned his phone to his pocket. “Anyway. As...I was saying. I have a proposal.”
Immediately, all Jameson’s sympathy was gone, replaced by cold fear. What is it? he asked warily.
Anti didn’t answer for a bit. Instead, he reached inside his jacket, and pulled out a small keycard. “Do you know what this is?”
A card? Like...for a hotel?
“No, not for a hotel.” Anti smiled a bit. “Though I guess...it’s sort of like it.” His eyes darted towards the bathroom door, slightly ajar. “He’s been telling you about what happened. With him and the doctor.” It wasn’t a question. So Jameson didn’t answer. But he didn’t have to. “Did you ever meet that doctor?”
Jameson started to shake his head, then reconsidered. Once, he said. He thought I was you.
“We do look similar. Even more so than all these...these doppelgangers do to each other.” Anti tried to twirl the keycard around his fingers, but failed. It fell to the table, and he quickly picked it up again. “So, you only met him once. Hmm...I expected you to interact with him more. You’re part of this...this friend group now. I thought, surely, they’d introduce you to each other. Well, I guess they tried. I’m assuming it didn’t go well.” He paused. “But still. You’re a good person, Jamie.”
What are you saying? Jameson almost didn’t want to ask.
“You wouldn’t want anything to happen to him, right?”
Anti fell silent, but Jameson didn’t dare to answer. He couldn’t. 
“This keycard happens to give me...access to the hospital where he’s staying,” Anti continued. “I’ve already been there. I know how to get him out.”
Don’t hurt him, Jameson said, all color gone from his face. Please.
“That depends on you. Well, and our friend in there.” Anti indicated the bathroom door again. “Originally, I was going to use him, but then I thought, that didn’t stop that doctor woman from leaving. But he might try to leave himself, especially with the two of you...here. Together. So I thought I’d use something that’ll affect both of you.”
He hasn’t done anything to you. Leave him alone.
“That doesn’t mean he’ll never do anything,” Anti suddenly snapped. “The cops know I exist now. It’s only a matter of time before they start to ask him questions.” The anger drained away. Now his face was still, unreadable. “Besides, that didn’t stop me before.”
Why did you even take him in the first place? Jameson asked. Why? It wasn't for your...work. All of this could’ve been avoided.
“I was...curious. He thought I was his friend Jack, you know. When I ran into him that night. And I thought to myself, this man is clearly delusional. But I figured it would be easier to play along. After he realized what happened, he explained his whole condition to me, and I wondered. I wondered how I could use that.” Anti’s smile was sharp. “It’s not every day an opportunity like that runs into you on the street.”
Jameson backed away, horrified. Too late, Anti noticed his reaction. And for a moment, he looked hurt. Then angry. Sad. And finally, determined. “Think about what I said.” He stood up, and headed towards the door. For a moment, Jameson considered following him. But he hesitated for a second too long, and Anti was gone, the door locked behind him.
The room was silent. Jameson stood there for what felt like forever. Then he moved, walking towards the bathroom. He slowly pushed open the door, peering inside. “Hmm?” he hummed.
“Down here.” Jackie was sitting on the tile floor, up against the shower in the corner of the room. The bathroom was sparse and small, containing only the necessities of a toilet, sink, and shower, along with a bonus medicine cabinet that was empty. There was nowhere to sit except the floor.
JJ stepped inside. Did you hear all of that?
Jackie nodded silently. His hands were covering his head, fingers digging into his scalp. Tears threatened to spill out of his eyes, and judging by the tracks, a few already had. “H-he can’t—Schneep is going to—he won’t be able to—”
It’s going to be fine, JJ said, kneeling next to him. We won’t let anything happen to him.
“The—the only way to make sure of that is—but you can’t—you could get away if you—but not if he’s—”
It’s going to be fine, Jameson repeated uncertainly. I’ll make sure that it’ll work out. Maybe I can get Anti to listen to me. We can find a way. The police would notice Henrik disappearing, they’ll find us.
Jackie choked on a sob. He pulled his knees up to his chest and folded his arms on top of them. “They haven’t,” he said quietly. “They’re...not going to.” And he buried his face in his arms, shoulders shaking. 
Jameson didn’t have anything to say to that. All he could do was stay close, and hold Jackie tight as he cried.
It was a lovely day outside. For late-November-near-December, that is. Though the sun shone bright in a cloudless sky, there was still a chill to the air that forced people to wear jackets, or even coats. But Schneep didn’t mind. He hadn’t been outside in so long that anything would feel refreshing.
Silver Hills had itself a back garden where some patients could spend time. It was fenced in, for safety, but it was still quite large. Dr. Laurens had told him the news at the end of yesterday’s session: she’d gotten approval for some supervised time outside. Schneep had been hesitant at first. Some of his old paranoia and fear resurfacing. When he’d been with Anti, he hadn’t been allowed out without permission. And even when he had permission, Anti always found a way to keep an eye on him, either via cameras and GPS or by accompanying him himself. What if—what if this was another trick? A test? And if he failed the test—
No, of course not. Everything was alright here. There were other patients out and about, going on walks along the paths and stopping to look at flowers nearby. Schneep watched them from where he was sitting on one of the garden’s benches. He twirled his medical bracelet around his wrist. They’d also finally decided that he could wear clothes—besides the standard issue white shirt and pants—again. As long as they didn’t have any hard fastenings or dangly bits like strings, but that was understandable. So now the bracelet was the only sign that he was a patient here. Which was the same as everyone else. That...helped, actually. Somehow.
“Schneep? Is everything alright?”
“Hmm?” Schneep blinked, realizing he’d been gone for a while there. Oliver was nearby, as always. In this case, sitting at another bench nearby, far enough away to give Schneep his own space but close enough in case of an emergency. “Yes, I am fine. It is just a bit chilly.”
“Well...you’re not wrong there,” Oliver muttered. The orderly uniform was short-sleeved, and evidently, they weren’t allowed to wear anything over it.  His arms were covered in raised goosebumps. “Anything else?”
“No, I was just thinking.” Schneep looked down at his lap. Laurens had given him one of her notebooks and a box of markers. He’d said that he wanted to try drawing, like they’d done in one of their sessions, and she’d been encouraging. So now he was trying to draw the gardens. It was hard. He wasn’t particularly artistic, and he was pretty sure a twelve-year-old could do better than him. But it was...nice. Focusing. Grounding.
Oliver nodded, and went silent. Schneep returned to his paper. The markers were a bit annoying, since they couldn’t be erased. But it was fine. He worked around the mistakes.
Quite a bit of time passed before he was ready to go inside. A few clouds had appeared in the clear sky. Schneep stood up, closing the notebook. Oliver looked over at him again. “Ready to go?”
“Yes, I’m going back to my room.”
“Alright, then.” Oliver stood up as well. “Let’s go.”
They made their way inside, winding through the halls and then up the stairs. It was so good to have his old room back, from before that tiny, featureless room on the first floor. Apparently those rooms weren’t supposed to be lived in for that long, a fact that the lovely Dr. Newson had neglected to mention. But that was in the past. Now he had a window! And some battery-powered lamps, and a bathroom joined to the room, and more furniture than a bed and a single table. It was amazing.
“Alright, here we are.” They stopped outside Room 309 and Oliver unlocked it with a swipe of the key card. It was only ever unlocked when nobody was inside; another difference between this one and the tiny first-floor room. “You remember to push the button if you need anything?”
“Yes, yes.” There was a call button on the wall inside. Pressing it would bring an orderly to the room, hopefully within minutes. “I remember.”
“Great. I’ll be around.”
“Thank you.” Schneep opened the door, adjusting his grip on the notebook and box of markers before heading inside. “I will be seeing you, then.”
Oliver smiled a bit. “Of course. See you.” He waved a bit, then walked off, disappearing down the hallway. Schneep waved after him, pulling the room door closed shortly before he started to turn the corner.
By now, it was solidly in the afternoon, and the sun was shining its beams directly into the window. Schneep blinked in the sudden brightness, then once his eyes adjusted, he walked over to the table and put down the notebook and markers. He opened up to the page with the garden drawing and considered it. Not bad, really. For someone who wasn’t an artist. Jackie and Marvin would’ve done much better. Maybe they could have given him advice, if they were here.
It would be some time before dinner. A little over an hour, judging by the numbers on the digital clock on the table. In the meantime, he could get some reading done. The room had a shelf, and Laurens had been providing him with some books for it. He was just barely starting a new novel, but it had already sucked him in. Yes, that was a good idea. Get through a few chapters of that.
Schneep headed over to the shelf, running his fingers over the spines of the books until he reached the one he was looking for. He was just about to pull it off the shelf when there was a movement in his peripheral vision.
He stiffened instinctually. Even though he’d been seeing strange movement in his vision for years now, he’d only been uneasy about it ever since his time with Anti. But he wasn’t supposed to acknowledge it. It was better that way. Just ignore it, just ignore it, just ignore—
There were footsteps behind him. And he couldn’t help but turn around. The first thing he saw as he turned was the door to the adjoining bathroom. It was open. Hadn’t he left it closed? Could he have not closed it all the way? Then some sort of shift in the air could’ve opened it, causing the movement he saw?
No, that theory was disproved when he saw the second thing of note in the room: a man. Who hadn’t been there before. He was wearing the orderly uniform, but Schneep didn’t recognize him.
No, he did recognize him.
His eyes were a different color, and his face wasn’t scarred, but there could be no mistaking him. Anti.
Schneep froze. No. No, it wasn’t real. He was just hallucinating. He’d done the same a few days ago, thought he’d seen Anti in the rec room. That couldn’t have been real. So this couldn’t be real. So it wasn’t. If he just ignored the hallucination, it couldn’t do anything to him. Slowly, he turned back around. He reached with trembling hands to take the book off the shelf.
More footstep sounds. He saw in the corner of his vision the image of Anti again. Anti was circling around him to his left, staring, watching, staring, watching—why is everyone always watching him?!—No, no, don’t let it get to him. It wasn’t real. He pulled the book off the shelf, and knocked down its two neighbors in the process, grabbing those as they fell. It was fine. Everything was fine.
He took a few deep breaths and turned away, taking the three books to an armchair near the window of the room. The image of Anti watched him, watched him with interest, curiosity. He always did that. He’d done it in the beginning, when he’d trapped Schneep in that house with him, always curious about how far he could push his limits.
“Es ist nicht real,” Schneep said to himself. Just a reminder. It couldn’t be real. How’d he get into the room? The front door hadn’t opened, and it was impossible for him to be inside beforehand. The room had been locked. Nobody could get in without unlocking it with a keycard. “Es ist nicht real. Es ist nicht real.” It was impossible.
Footstep sounds. Schneep could see the image of Anti approaching out of the corner of his vision. He didn’t turn his head, and focused on stacking the three books on the window sill. “Es ist nicht real, ist nicht real, ist nicht real, nicht real, nicht real,” he continued to whisper under his breath. “Nicht real, nicht real, nicht real.”
The image reached out and—
It grabbed his arm. 
He felt a sharp pain.
Panic flooded his system. Schneep screamed and spun around, picking up one of the books and throwing it at the man. The book connected solidly, hitting with enough force to snap the man’s head back and cause him to let go. He yelled out in pain.
No, someone was here. It wasn’t a hallucination. Someone was here and they weren’t supposed to be. Schneep ran across the room, heading for the door.
“You—!” The man recovered quickly, and ran to the door as well. He was faster, and Schneep skidded to a halt as the strange man who looked like Anti blocked the door. 
Okay, no door then. Schneep’s eyes scanned the room, and—the call button! Of course! He lunged to the side. The man saw where he was going, and pounced.
Schneep’s hand landed on the button for a split second before the man grabbed his wrist. He started to yell for help, but the man covered his mouth. “Shush,” his voice hissed as he wrapped his other arm around Schneep’s torso.
No! Schneep immediately started struggling, kicking his legs and trying to wriggle free. For a moment, his right arm pulled away, and he hit the strange man in the face. But the man was quick, and recaptured the escaped hand before it could do any damage. “Calm down, you’re going to be asleep in a few moments anyway,” the man said. “Don’t make this hard on yourself.”
That voice—it was—but it couldn’t be. It was impossible—how would he get inside? That—no. Schneep’s thoughts swirled in broken fragments, unable or unwilling to finish and come to the natural conclusion. He shook his head and continued to struggle. The man’s grip was firm. Unbreakable. It was...a familiar feeling.
There was something on his hand. Something powdery, chalky. Like...some sort of makeup. Like...something that could be used to hide blemishes. Or scars. It was on his right hand, the one he’d used to hit the man’s face.
Where Anti’s scars would be.
No...it wasn’t possible. This couldn’t be happening! It wouldn’t be—was it all a trick? All of it? Was he always planning to come back? Or maybe it was all in his head—no. He refused to believe that one.
Strangely, the longer he struggled, the slower his movement became. Sluggish...weak. And Schneep recognized these effects immediately. A sedative? But when...oh. Oh, that sharp pain he’d felt when he had grabbed him...that was a needle, wasn’t it? It was too late, wasn’t it?
Too late...yes, his vision was starting to waver. Schneep gave up on the weak escape attempts. They weren’t doing any good, anyway. Maybe he’d managed to hit the call button, and someone would be coming. Maybe...maybe they could...stop this...help him...please...please...
He looked up into the eyes of his captor and the world faded away.
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