#school problems
melxhunter · 6 months
I feel like there are a lot of people out there who needs to hear this:
If you dropped out of school because of diagnosed (or undiagnosed) ADHD, Autism, ADD, OCD, Dyslexia, Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar disorder, psychotic disorders, schizophrenia etc… You did not fail. The education system failed you.
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hamoodmood · 4 months
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that-bisexual · 3 months
I really think lgbtq+ history should be taught in schools, even just for a week, maybe an elective. I don't know but I think we should be able to learn even a little bit about our history in school.
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purpleartrowboat · 7 months
needing to get permission to pee and being able to be denied permission to pee shouldnt be allowed bro. like, you shouldn't have a medical note just to be able to pee when u need to pee
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autball · 1 year
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I just got done with my kid’s annual homeschool evaluation, which means it’s the anniversary of when I pulled them from school. 
This right here is from the last meeting I had with the school. Spoiler alert: their plan did, in fact, not work, and they suspended my kid within the week for behavior that was a direct result of said plan being completely inappropriate for the situation.
The real problem was that they were being bullied, constantly. The real problem was sensory issues that no one wanted to accommodate. The real problem was that my kid was PDA in one of the demandiest places on earth, school.
The real problem was that the school saw my kid’s completely understandable reactions to their completely distressing and unsupportive environment as “the real problem.”
And this is the problem with behaviorist approaches. More often than not they assume the problem is in the kid, not their environment. (This is especially true in schools where lack of resources leads them to do everything they can to avoid accommodations by putting the onus on the child to “adapt.”) More often than not they don’t even attempt to ask the kid what’s up. More often than not the “function” they assign is bullsh!t, and so is their attempt at a solution.
So yeah, happy homeschooling anniversary to us. I only wish I had put a stop to the trauma sooner.
(Image description in Alt Text.)
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g0thnico · 12 days
Piper: some girls at school talk bad about me because they think I want to steal their boyfriends
Leo: They say that because you're beautiful, what they don't know is: If a lesbian were a person, it would be you
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mycatsaidwhat · 1 year
things i’ve heard college students say pt. 27
-if you hit it raw, why are you voting red? 
-if all he does is smoke and give you meat, you’re dating a barbeque grill sis 
-being horny is a feminine trait, you should be thinking about war
-lord, we thank thee for the food before us *grocery store sushi, sponge bob fruit punch, pokemon-themed fruity pebbles* 
-why does the aftertaste of coke zero taste like blood 
-suck it up, you’re an American, you can do anything with god and Nixon on your side
-i’m too drunk to pray for god 
-if I’m ever in a coma, just show me that meme of Georgia as a state backslapping the Republican elephant and I will bolt upright 
-“Academic weapon” and “alcoholic” both begin with A
That they do, Braden, that they do
-My Little Pony? More like My Big Pony
That did psychological damage
-turning right on red is the greatest civil liberty we have left in this country 
-well as of 1989, dueling does not prevent you from running for public office, so props to you 
-he walks like he got pegged
-if I’m ever throwing up on the side of the road and I text you that I’m drunk, you don’t have to come get me. I always find my way home. Like a pigeon. 
-being in a relationship will NOT solve your problems. Happiness comes from substance abuse 
-I wrote down all the reasons we should do shots tonight. For context I have an essay due tomorrow. 
-I want you to take a picture of Quintin Tarantino in person because he simply CANNOT look that weird in real life 
-you’ve got like 50 feet of intestines, right? You could definitely do a couple laps around a tree with them 
-*is making an alignment chart of writers that we’ve covered in class and whether we could take them in a fight and if we’d feel good about it* 
-i wanna kill everything or die, I don’t know, I’m sad 
-he seems like the kind of professor who would make us fill out the course evals in class 
-he has abs, what do you think we were doing? 
-Here in this house we stand for the flag. The flag being Bucky Barnes in the first Captain America movie, greasy and sweaty and freshly tortured
-I’m just trying to enjoy my shitty Busch light and you bring me Charles LeClerc with his legs spread 
-if I got cancer my private snap story would become an inspirational story and that sounds like a lot of pressure 
-college is just progressively caring less about people seeing what you’re doing on your computer in class. I’m texting, I’m on Doordash, I’m on Shein, I’m on Tinder, I do not give a fuck 
-got stacks on stacks on stacks, baby I clear the racks 
Nice, Dr. Suess, get it! 
I was referencing a rap over Gimme More by Britney Spears, but sure  
-if doing drugs and fucking raw in pools in front of everyone is what adult producers think eleventh graders are up to these days then someone needs to tell them 
-I’d fuck to the Gravity Falls theme 
-you missed the professor’s Coin Jar Day and his annual discussion of child marriage 
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wanderingmind867 · 7 months
I had to get back to class from the cafeteria all by myself! Thanks teachers! Also they want me to go tomorrow, even though my dad is at work tomorrow! Just get an Alarm, they said! Can you believe that!? Also they still want me to video chat and call all the other kids! They move too fast! It's week 3! Slow down you fools!! Have you no understanding of the word Patience!? You're teachers, surely you do!!!
I'm now very scared to go back on Monday, as I now have a very negative experience clouding all my judgement.
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brettdoesdiscourse · 11 months
Something I very distinctly remember from high school was a kid asking a math teacher how often we would actually use something we were learning in real life. And this woman looked him dead in the face, in completely 100% seriousness, and do you know what she said?
"I use it every day."
Surely the math teacher will not have a biased view of how often the average person will use a math concept.
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just-call-mefr1es · 2 months
no one:
me: *slightly adjusts myself in desk*
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on academic rivalry (read tws in tags)
ever since we were kids, there were five of us. the 'gifted' kids. the ones with the perfect grades and extracurriculars. teachers pets, award winners, fucking all around perfect people. the ones applying to ivies.
but our intention was never college. we just loved to learn.
and what did they do to us?
they made us into show ponies. they made us hate each other every time they rewarded one of us. all of us competing over 0.5 points on tests and SATs and GPAs and it's really suffocating.
they made us into numbers they could use to higher the school's standing. we were 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
3 and 1 always loved each other. but sparked 1's rage every time 3 got two more points than her and 3 started to hate 1 for having a higher predicted than him. what 1 didn't know was that for every point she got more, 3's parents would beat him.
and what 3 didn't know was that it was the same for 1.
2 showed up out of nowhere. she'd been kind of hidden in the shadows until she magically started doing as well -- and better than the others. better than everyone except for 1 who she hated with so much poison it could have killed her. 1, who got the awards. 1, who all the teachers loved, even though 2 was just as good as 1.
5 was smarter than the other 4 because they left. one day they gave up on the grades and the excellence, dropped all their honors classes, and decided to enjoy their life. or to pretend to, because 5 missed the academic validation more than they would ever admit.
4 hated all of them with a passion. they were the obstacles in his way. they were all so much brighter, so much more loved. and no matter what he did it was never enough.
Nothing any of them did was ever enough.
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glitched-dawn · 2 months
My caretakers (not fucking parents I refuse to call them that) are constantly scolding me for coming late class, since my lunch is too short and I am physically incapable of eating in the cafeteria. I know it isn't dangerous, but I am so fucking paranoid and anxious that I can't handle that anymore.
So I've taken to walking home each lunch, one kilometer home (downhill then uphill when I go back) to make lunch, eat it, use the restroom and go back, in 45 or even 40 minutes. Of course, I've gotten better at walking home faster and eating faster, but you don't want to get better at that.
So of course, I've brought this up with the school counsellor. He said he'd try and help me solve it, maybe through getting food from the staff and eating somewhere else etc.
But the thing is that I want to eat alone. I fucking hate hearing myself chew, and it's even worse when there are people all around me that hear me, see me and chew themselves and oh I fucking HATE it
And I was supposed to start this eating-with-staff-or-something-thing on Tuesday, and now it's Wednesday. And my caretakers don't allow me to go home and eat anymore. Worse than that, is that we had a meeting with my mentor two days ago. Where she explicitly told them that my health matters more than school, always.
So guess what they do? They say that I can't be fucking sick anymore. They say that I can't go home because I'm sick anymore, because my attendance is too low. Right after my mentor says she doesn't care if I'm sick, that my health is more important than school, my caretakers pull this shit card on me.
Well, I'm gonna be a little more sparing with my sick days. But the eating-with-staff-thing? That shit can go straight down the drain. I'm going to contact the counsellor again, and tell him that I don't want things to just get better so I can move on the same again, I want things to fucking change.
So naturally, I haven't eaten lunch in two days.
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purpleartrowboat · 10 months
perfect attendance is a horrible idea because it basically rewards kids for not getting sick or not having any other issues in life that cause them to miss school. also, this can make kids who have health issues [ like if they had a weaker immune system ] just kinda. feel bad. also, it kind of encourages kids to go to school when sick so they can get an award- even if its not meant to.
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wildlife4life · 22 days
Someone tell me to get off this site for like an hour or so, to get a quick study sesh in and take my quizzes so my brain can be completely focused on tonight's episode! Please!
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mycatsaidwhat · 1 year
Things I’ve heard professors say pt. 14
-you guys turn in your assignments, that’s so selfish of you 
-have any of you ever been on a sinking ship? Other than this university? Or the American republic in general 
-and then in this next Federalist painting we have the image of the Bible upside down in the hands of Democratic Republicans, because subtlety
-there is a solution to that, and that is called alcohol 
-yeah it’s not particularly diplomatically conducive to assassinate the leaders of the country you’re trying to wage an alliance with. It would be like if Biden met with Trudeau and shot him.
-the US calling their 1790s an “Indian problem” is like Russia saying they currently have a “Ukraine problem”   
-Thomas Jefferson coined the term “coo coo bananas.” It’s right there in the Declaration of Independence 
-*students point out that Tennessee and Kentucky are mislabeled on a professional academic 21st century map of early American colonies* so anyway–
-(student) do you want us to write our essay as if we’re addressing someone who doesn’t know anything about the American revolution, like our past essays?
(professor) Just write it like an essay, Skyler, Jesus  
-the french motto is “liberty, equality, fraternity.” now this doesn’t mean that all the men are going to join a group and paddle each other while drunk, but lots of shit happened during the french revolution, so who knows 
-I know what you’re all thinking--but what about the serial killer polygamist?!! 
-and because every artist thought they were a poet in the 18th century, there is a horrible rhyme at the end of this political cartoon 
-*trips over a wet floor sign* what are you trying to assassinate me for?
-profilers have feelings too, I guess. Actually no, no they don’t, what am I fucking saying 
-i stole all the textbooks so you don’t have to 
-if anyone is bored enough to read John Locke–
-*trying to flip to the the correct map in his slideshow* where in the freaking hell– 
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glitchyko · 5 months
I’m finally free from school stuff, now I can draw and ramble to my hearts content for a while, dear god tho I’m so worn out but I’m happy to finally have a break ;O;
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