#wasn’t able to watch due to how busy I got with the holidays and running my own campaign
greeksprings · 1 year
After not being able to watch for a week, I’m back to watching Campaign 2 of The Mighty Nein. They just made their first “A Thousand Miles” joke.
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backtothefanfiction · 6 months
One Last Date For Christmas | PART ONE: An Arrangement At The Christmas Party
Summary: Another year, The same Christmas party and holiday hook up... or is it?
Warnings: 18+ Only, Smut (oral M & F receiving, p in v, mild dirty talk with Christmas references), Mentions of Cancer/Death, Fake Dating, Fuck Buddies to Lovers, this is basically Hallmark/Netflix Christmas movie vibes
Word Count: 5.9K+
A/N: Okay, so I've been feeling crumby lately and really need a boost, so although we took a poll and it was decided this whole story would go up as one piece at the same time, I need the motivation and have had a crumby week mentally and need a boost. So here is part 1. If you do enjoy PLEASE LEAVE ME FEEDBACK!!! I am like Tinkerbell, if I don't get attention I will die haha. But seriously my mental health needs the kind words for energy so please take a moment to share some if you like this part and not just like it. Anyway... ENJOY!!!
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Another year, another fancy corporate business party Peter was obliged to attend due to his job. It had become such a regular routine over these last 7 years J. Jonah Jameson didn’t even bother asking if he was available to come anymore, just automatically emailed over the details so he could attend. 
Peter couldn’t completely complain. He got free drinks and fancy food for the night. I mean in reality he got to act just like any other guest, despite the camera he had around his neck for the night. And instead of paying to be there, he was instead getting paid to be there. Sure it was only an extra couple hundred bucks, but at this time of year it really did make all the difference.
Being a freelance photographer only made him so much a year, especially when the rest of his time was spent moonlighting as the local superhero which didn’t pay a thing. Not that he couldn’t have made some money as a public figure. A couple grand here to endorse a few products. A donation of thanks or two from business owners or generous members of the community there. All of which had been options that he had turned down. That wasn’t who Spider-Man was and definitely not who he wanted Spider-Man to be. And so at almost 40 years old, this was Peter’s life.
No wife. No kids. Not even a pet, because he couldn’t commit to spending enough time at home in his tiny run down box of a studio apartment, to look after it. He sometimes brought girls home, he did have needs after all, but no matter how interested they had been in him, he’d never let himself get attached. After Gwen he would never get attached again.
The only one to ever even come close was you. He had met you 5 years ago now at this very event. Just like him, you always felt like a fish out of water at these parties, despite always being on the guest list. Your Father was one of the big business benefactors of the party and ever since the divorce you had become his regular plus one. 
Just like Peter you were a chronic singleton, always too busy traveling for work to be able to sustain an actual relationship, despite your Mother trying her best every time you were home to set you up with some poor soul. She just didn’t get it. You didn’t believe in marriage anymore as most of them ended in divorce, your parents marriage and even two of your Uncle’s marriages prime examples alone; and as for children? You had decided at the age of 13 you wouldn’t have kids and no matter how many times your Mother, Grandmother or Aunt Sarah told you, you would change your mind, you hadn’t. If anything the birth of your brother’s kids had only cemented things more. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t like your niece and nephew, you were just always glad you could pass them back off to your brother and his wife after a few hours of their shrieking play and demands for cookies and ice cream, while fighting over what to watch on the telly. No, you had never wanted kids and you never would. You had however always wanted to get a cat, but until you changed jobs or just simply didn’t have to travel for work anymore, that would just remain a lovely little dream for the future.
Peter always arrived to the party early. After all, he was getting paid by the hour, so the longer he was there taking photos, the more money he could claim from the Daily Bugle finance department on Monday. He aimlessly wandered around taking photos of the venue and the table settings and the odd entering guest as people arrived. He helped himself to horderves off of shiny platters and the odd glass of champagne as he worked, seamlessly floating through the crowd, formally stopping people every now and again for more posed group shots, other times just taking candid photos of people mingling. He took the occasional booming order from J. Jonah Jameson, “Hey Parker! Make sure you get a shot of me with the Mayor. Parker! Come here and take a photo of me and Mrs Perez! Parker! Take a picture of me and my wife!”
“Yes, sir.” Peter would respond with a smile. Usually you were here by now to laugh at the way he followed the head of the Daily Bugle around like his lap dog, but as of yet you still hadn’t arrived. Then a horrible thought crossed Peter’s mind, ‘what if you weren’t coming this year.’ He had seen your Father walking about, had even taken a couple of photos of him with various business partners and city officials, but as of yet there had been no sign of you.
Peter checked his watch again hoping you were just running late, but the closer it got to 8.30pm and the start of the meal portion of the night, he started to give up hope. He knew you were busy, always flying between Tokyo, Milan, London and Paris for work; but you were always usually back home for the holidays. He was just about to check his watch again when you came through the door like a whirlwind in red.
He watched you like a Spider sizing up his prey as you made a beeline for your Father. You gave him a rushed greeting and an apologetic kiss to the cheek, before you followed him and the rest of his group to their table, placed closer to the small makeshift stage that had been erected at one end of the long window lined room. He kept his focus on you as you took your seat, your father pushing your chair in for you as you turned to greet one of the other women at the table a couple seats away from you. That was, until J. Jonah Jameson’s booming voice called him away again.
“Parker! You’re over here with us!” He barked as he ushered Peter over to a table on the other side of the room. He was just able to lock eyes with you and give you a friendly smile before he took his seat. “I’ve sat you on this side so you can get the wife’s good side.” Jameson continued to say.
There was a couple of speeches and awards before the food was served. Peter was pleased to find that he was in fact in a good vantage point in which he could take pictures of the stage this year without having to move. He also had a clear sightline to you too, his lens unconsciously moving in your direction every few shots then back again.
Peter had chosen the steak and hasselback potatoes for his dinner with a rich chocolate pudding for dessert. When he finished his meal, he dismissed himself from the table, as he traditionally did, to go around the tables and take a few more candid shots of people before taking a break at the bar. 
“I’ll take an old fashioned, please.” Your familiar voice suddenly came from beside him. “I’m sorry I was late.” you said as you leaned into him as if conspiratorially. “My flight got delayed.”
“Where were you coming from this time?” Peter asked as he took a sip from his own drink.
“Boston.” You said with a sigh. It definitely hadn’t been the answer he was expecting and his quizzical look at you said as much. “I was visiting my Mother. Her and her new partner Brad moved there a few months back to be closer to his grandchildren.” You explained.
“I’m guessing that means you got away with not being set up on a blind date this visit.” Peter fished, knowing your Mother’s habits and routines well after these last 5 years of annual hookups.
“You’d think so.” You said as you took a sip of your stiff drink, just to emphasize the drama of it all. “Turns out Maggie’s teacher is single and available.” you say with mock enthusiasm.
“Maggie?” Peter questions.
“One of Brad’s grandchildren.” you fill in with another sigh and eyebrow raise. “I wish she’d just give it a rest, you know?” You pause as you take another sip of your drink before you tell him, “I’m thinking of coming up with a fake boyfriend just to get her off my back. But then I know she’ll be all like ‘when do I get to meet him?’” you say doing an exaggerated impersonation of your Mother’s voice.
“Yeah, I think about doing the same thing with Aunt May sometimes, but I’d hate lying to her.” Peter confided.
“How is your Aunt?” you ask. The one blessing of only seeing each other once a year meant there were always things for you both to talk about and catch up on.
You watch as his face falls, his eyes turning sad as he looks into his drink. “Umm, they’re not good actually. We found out this year she has stage 4 breast cancer. The doctor said this is probably gonna be her last Christmas.” He struggles to look at you.
“Peter, I’m so sorry.” you say, mustering up as much empathy as you can as your hand instinctively comes to rub at his back. “Is there nothing they can do?”
“They said they could try a few different treatments but it wasn’t guaranteed to work and May ultimately decided that… Well she said that she’s lived to a good age and if this is how she is meant to go, this is how she is meant to go.” He paused, blinking hard as he continued to stare at the liquid in his glass. “She said I was a grown man and didn’t need her anymore.” He let out a small unsatisfied chuckle that wreaked of denial, before he finally looked at you again. “I just… I just feel guilty, you know?”
“What for?” You asked him.
“It’s just. I know she was always holding onto this hope that I’d meet someone. That I’d end up finding someone and settling down. Live a life like her and Ben did.”
“But that’s not what you want from your life?” you question him now unsure, as you finally sit yourself on the bar stool next to him. “I mean, if you wanted that, isn’t that what you would have done? Gone out, met a girl. Settled down. You can’t be someone you’re not just to please others.”
“But it was what I wanted.” he suddenly confides. “And that’s why I feel guilty because she knows that. When I first introduced her to Gwen, I said, ‘that’s the girl I’m going to marry Aunt May.’” he says with gusto, like he’s saying it exactly how he had said it to her, before his body deflates again.
“But things change. People change. We’re allowed to change Peter.”
“I know, but… she just, I know she never gave up hope.”
“You know what they say about hope?” You say.
“It breeds eternal misery,” he bristles.
“No.” You chastise. “It’s like the sun, if you only believe in it when you can see it, you’ll never make it through the night.”
Peter’s brow furrows as his head turns back to you. “Did you just quote Star Wars to me?”
“Princess Leia.” you smile.
“God I love you.” he says casually with a smile.
“I know.” you continue to beam back before you raise your glass towards him. “For Aunt May?”
“For Aunt May.” he agrees before clinking your glass with his own.
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You both creep away a little before midnight, catching a cab back to your apartment. You always went back to your apartment. Peter said it was because he wanted you to be comfortable and said it was more homelier than his place, but the truth was, Peter was ashamed to take you back to his own apartment. It looked like a dingy run down squat or some really dodgy student housing in comparison to your place. 
He didn’t want to kid himself, he knew he was definitely punching above his weight a little when it came to you, not because he necessarily thought he was ugly, but more simply because you had more money than him. You’d never made him feel inferior for it. In fact you’d always wanted to help him by offering to put him in contact with some galleries so he could get more of his work out there. Maybe make some extra cash by selling some of his photos as art for the rich and wealthy, not just to a local paper, but Peter had never had the guts to take you up on the offer. It would make him feel indebted to you and throw the balance of your relationship off even more than it somewhat already was.
“Did you choose red because it’s my favourite color or just for the festivities?” He nibbled on your ear as his fingers ran across the velvet skirt of the dress, dragging it up to your thigh as he pressed himself against your back.
You hadn’t bothered turning on any other lights than the Christmas tree, before you stopped to take a moment to look out your window at the city. Christmas in New York was your favorite time of year. Every year to mark the occasion, you would go down to Rockefeller Plaza, grab a hot chocolate and watch as they turned on the lights. As kids you would go ice skating there. Less so now you were adults, your brother and his own kids had their own tradition of skating in Central Park on Christmas Eve, but some years you would still partake.
“I chose it for the season.” You sighed, your body relaxing back into him, head resting on his shoulder as he kissed his way down your neck.
“My festive little elf.” He teased as his fingers continued to work up the hem of your dress until they could reach your panties, which you had in fact bought new and chosen with Peter in mind.
“I even brought presents.” You plaid along teasingly.
Your breathing hitched slightly as the pads of his fingers dragged over your lace covered clit.
“Really? For me?” You could feel him smiling into the exposed skin of your collarbone.
“Mhmm.” You hum. “Maybe, you should unwrap me.” You tease back.
“Mmm.” He hums back deeply in delight as he turns you around to face him. The hand that was just ghosting at your centre, now wraps firmly around the back of your neck, as he smashes your rouge stained lips into his. 
His other hand begins pawing at the velvety fabric of your dress again before he’s pulling his face away from you, his grin growing too big and you can’t help but give a satisfying smile back as you notice how your lipstick has transferred from your lips to his, marking him as yours for the evening. Your hand reaches for his and you begin taking steps backwards, pulling him in the direction of your bedroom and awaiting bed.
Your room is a slight mess from your hasty packing before you left for Boston and your equally hasty unpacking upon your return. You’d just had enough time to get home and get changed, rushing your make up and hair, before you left to go to the party. Your suitcase lay open on the floor, some of the contents lay spilling out from where you had hunted around for your makeup bag. The little pink bag from Victoria Secret sat upside down on the floor beside it. Peter spies it the moment he enters the room.
He feigns shock, “Did you buy this for me?” He teases as he picks up the bag.
“Don’t get too excited Parker, they were having a sale.”
“I don’t care.” He says with a boyish grin, despite his 39 years of age. “Come here and let me see.”
You smile at him as you begin to step closer to him before calling out into the room, “Alexa, turn on mood lighting.”
His eyebrows raise as a lamp in the corner of the room turns on, illuminating your bedroom in a magenta hue. “Mood lighting huh?”
“Do you wanna be able to see your Christmas gift or not?” You sass back with a hand on your hip.
“I mean, I’ve always thought of you as my Christmas present, regardless of what you wear.” He says as his fingers begin to grab for you again and pull you into him.
“Next year I won’t bother then.”
“Oh no, you’ve made it a thing now. I’m gonna expect this, every- single- year- from now on.” He says between kisses across your cheek and down your neck and upper chest. You begin to giggle and shriek in delight as his lips gently nibble at your skin. “Mmm.  Come on then. Let’s see what you got for me.” He says ripping himself away from you so you have the space to reach behind you for the zipper to your dress. 
The dress begins to relax its hold on your body, slowly exposing the black strapless lace bra to Peter before you slide the dress down the rest of your body to show off the matching lacey bikini briefs. You carefully step out of the puddle that now is the red velvet dress on your floor, your ankles only wobbling slightly as you still stand in your heels for him to take in the full sight.
He pauses for a moment silently taking you in before he gives a small nod. “Yes. Yes, this will do. Excuse me a moment while I go and write my thank you letter to San-“
“Peter.” You whine.
“Oh come on, don’t be bratty with me now.” He says jokingly as he steps closer and wraps you in his arms again.
“I thought you liked it when I was bratty.” You joke back as your arms wrap around his neck.
“Nope. You become completely intolerable and insufferable and…” You roll your eyes as he continues to list words, but nonetheless, begin to snake your arms from around his neck, trailing them down his chest as you begin to get down on your knees before him.
You begin to work open the button of his jeans, freeing his semi hard cock from its confines. He only stops his fake monologue about you acting like a brat when you take his length into your mouth and his hand involuntarily reaches out for the side of your head as he sighs. 
The only sounds that fill the room now are his small gasps and moans and your saliva slick lips around his cock. One of your hands braces itself on his thigh, whilst the other works the rest of his shaft your mouth won’t reach.
You pull off him with a sloppy pop of your lips and Peter groans before you begin to circle the tip of his cock with your tongue and he jumps away from you with sensitivity, suddenly worried he’d blow his load too soon if you continue like that. It makes you giggle.
His fingers reach around the flesh of your bicep and he pulls you up off the floor before pulling you into him, his head nuzzling into your neck, lips and teeth nibbling and teasing at your skin and driving you crazy. He’d worked out that you liked that on the second Christmas you had slept together. He loved the way it made you sigh but also giggle and shriek when the sensation grew too much.
“Ahhh Peter.” you cried out with a high pitched moan. 
He reluctantly broke himself away from you and the intoxicating smell of your favorite perfume so you could latch your mouth onto his, a satisfied smile struggling to be contained on your lips. He can’t help but smile back.
“Peter!” you shriek and giggle as he reaches around to pick you up and drop you back onto the covers of your bed.
Your hands get lost in his hair as he begins kissing his way down your chest. Your stomach involuntarily twitches as his lips move across it and the way his hands reach for your hips to forcefully hold you in place sends you reeling, a wave of arousal soaking your panties. His lips skip over your underwear, instead kissing at the inside of your thigh as his hands begin to relax on your hips, his fingers curling under the waistband of your underwear, ready to pull them down.
As he removes you of your underwear, he also takes the opportunity to rid himself of the flattering black long sleeved top he’d been wearing all evening. The removal of his shirt reveals a silver necklace that had been hiding beneath the shirt and the way the chain hangs off his neck has you biting your lip. It is so rare to see a man wear jewelry so you never realized the effect the sight had on you before, but there's something about the connotations and hidden meaning to it, his choice and confidence to wear it, makes you want to rub your thighs together in want. 
His fingers are suddenly teasing at your entrance though and its almost enough to take the edge off, or it would be if his finger hadn’t stopped at the first knuckle of his middle finger. You realize he’s only done it so he can spread the arousal that was already leaking out of your cunt around between your folds and across your clit so he can then go in and lick it all off. Your head falls back into the pillows of your bed as you sigh out his name in relief.
You can feel the focus he has radiating off of him without even looking as he begins to expertly lick up from your entrance, swirl his tongue around your clit and then back down again as he draws moans, ever increasing in volume, from your lips. You found out very early on in your yearly dalliances that he was an expert with that tongue, making you cum not once, not twice, but three times just from his tongue alone, when you told him no one had ever actually gotten you off that way before.
You could feel your first climax of the night building low within you, your muscles growing tight, clit growing extra sensitive as your fingers tangled themselves into his hair, encouraging him and guiding him and not allowing him to pull away until you finished. The pressure of his tongue grew firmer and you ground your clit down against it until that tight thread within you snapped, your hips stuttering as pleasure rippled through you. He held tightly onto you, lapping up everything you gave him and helping you ride it out until you were actively pushing him away from you. He gave your bare thighs a small satisfactory slap as he gave you his smug tight lipped  smile that seemed to say ‘another happy customer’ and you couldn’t help but let out a little giggle before turning your head and trying to hide the ear to ear smile that was on your face.
You were able to compose yourself as he shifted from the bed to shuck himself fully off the rest of his clothes, his jeans joining your red dress in a puddle on the floor, before he carefully lifted the necklace off over his head and placed it on your bedside table. You shifted yourself over on the bed as he came down to rest beside you, his hand reaching out to pull your face to him as he gave you a kiss before he encouraged you to climb up on top of him.  Your lips didn’t part from his as you straddled his waist, your cunt involuntarily rubbing itself along his hard length as your tongues intermingled with one another.
His fingers reached round to grab a hold of your ass cheeks, squeezing the flesh as he encouraged you to grind down harder. You moaned and gasped against his lips at the drag of your clit across his skin. Your open mouth before him allowed him to reach out for your lower lip, sucking it into his mouth making you moan louder, before he began to trail kisses down your chin and neck. You closed your eyes, getting lost in the feeling and the sounds of your own voice. It sent a new flood of arousal between your legs and you could feel Peter grinning against your skin as you worked your slick over his length.
You paused only long enough to reach over to your chest of drawers, pulling a box of condoms out of the second drawer. The position allowed Peter to attach his mouth over your breasts, his teeth biting at them over the lace bra. You reached behind you to unclasp it and take it off as you sat upright, Peter’s hands resting patiently on the tops of your thighs as he waited for you to then open the condom. You held out the torn open packet for him to take the condom and start rolling it down onto his length as you reached back over the side of the bed to drop the wrapper in the bin. 
You shifted your legs back slightly as you recentred yourself, one hand balancing on the bed, the other on his bare chest as he lined himself up with your entrance. He glided the tip of his cock against your folds, covering the tip of his cock with your slick before he began to encourage you back onto it. The slow fill of his cock inside you had you letting out a long sigh of satisfaction, your eyes falling closed, head tilting back as you savored the feeling.
It had been a slow year. Despite a brief hook up with a guy over the summer after a night out with friends and a quick tinder hookup in your hotel in Rome (where the guy spoke barely a lick of English), your only companion had been your old reliable rabbit toy. You’d be lying if you hadn’t been counting down the days to tonight the whole time you had been visiting your Mother. When your flight had been delayed, it was the thought of missing out on your one good and guaranteed fuck of the year that had stressed you out. Now it all seemed worth it.
Peter started slowly, his hips pushing up into you at an agonizing pace as he guided you down and your hips back with every thrust, the contours of his cock dragging agonizingly slowly across every sensitive spot inside you, working you up gradually to another earth shattering climax. Your body bowed over him as you let out small gasps of praise into his forehead, your fingers gripping tightly into the sheets either side of his head. You felt one of his hands run soothingly up your back and it sent shivers down your spine that only added to the sensation building in between your legs.
“Peter.” you sighed against him, as you pressed your forehead into his, your eyes closed in concentration as you chased that feeling inside you.
“What is it? What do you need?” his voice gently calls to you as he moves the hand that was caressing your back round behind your neck, pulling your lips down to his for a kiss.
“More. I need more.” you say equally as gently back into his lips. 
You feel his head give a small nod in acknowledgment before he seals the deal with a kiss, as his thrusts begin to grow quicker and firmer in pace. It makes him hit something deep inside you that has you crying out. Your eyes fly open, desperate to lock onto his. He looks up at you with such beauty and gratitude. It makes you want to kiss him again and you do, your tongue licking deeply and slowly into his mouth in rhythm with his thrusts.
Your thighs shudder slightly as the sensation between your legs changes and you know your cumming again but the feeling of his cock moving between your legs doesn’t stop. It works you through the high and he still doesn’t stop. Instead his thrusts grow fast as he searches for his own release. You brace yourself, holding yourself over him as he just takes what he wants. If he holds out long enough you think you can get out one more orgasm of your own.
You balance yourself on one arm as your other hand reaches between your legs, swirling rapidly at your clit as you push yourself against his length, feeling every sensation of his rapid thrust. Peter grunts in response at the sensation of your fluttering cunt and it forces him to find one final push, his hips sputtering only slightly before he increases his angle and speed one last time, then he’s embracing you.
His arms wrap tightly around you as your final climax soaks his cock. Your head is buried into his neck as you try to shut out the overstimulation for just a few more strokes of his cock before he stills, his length pulsating as he finishes, only adding to the sensitivity between your legs making you squirm. He’s quick to push you off him as you do, his own sensitivity unable to take the feeling.
You both pause breathing deeply as you come down before he gives you a small tap and you flop onto your side on the bed. He quickly gets up, kicking his legs out to disperse the blood around them as his cock softens. You close your eyes to revel in the last dregs of your orgasm as he goes to your adjoining ensuite to sort himself out.
He takes a little longer than usual and you begin to frown, but then you hear the flush of the toilet and the door opening and you settle. You quickly get up, flashing him a smile as you hobble to your bathroom with legs like a newborn calf. Usual he’d let out a proud little chuffing laugh but this year he doesn’t.
When you return to see him sat on the side of the bed in his underwear, his fingers reaching to fix the necklace he had taken off back over his head and around his neck, you realize he looks distracted. “What is it? What’s wrong?” you ask him as you climb over the bed to your rightful side and slip between the covers.
His head turns, eyebrows raising as if he’s only just noticed you’re back in the room. “Huh?” he says. “Oh, nothing.”
“Really?” you say as he shuffles himself round to face you, put he doesn’t get under the covers. Peter doesn’t sleep over. He stays for a debrief and a chat for maybe another hour, some years two, but always leaves to return to his own apartment and bed.
“It’s just,” he says as he places an arm under his head as he gets himself comfortable, “I was just thinking about what you said earlier.”
“What did I say earlier?” you reply as you shift into a similar position to his, facing him. You look like two kids at a slumber party who have moved so close to each other so you can whisper really quietly and not disturb the others who are sleeping.
“About pretending to have a boyfriend to get your Mom off your case.”
You frown at him, “Yeah, but it’d never work because she’d want to meet him.”
“Okay, yeah.” he says, but his tone isn’t one of defeat, it instead says ‘wait, hear me out’. “But what if you had someone to take home and pretend to be said boyfriend?”
You’re still confused. “What are you trying to get at here Parker?” You suddenly sit up, placing distance between the two of you as a realization hits you. “Wait, this isn’t you asking me out or trying to be my boyfriend is it? You know I don’t really do the whole dating thing. We have our arrangement and that's-”
“No. NO. Would you just hear me out.” he speaks over you and cuts you off as he too sits up defensively. “Look, I just thought we could come to some sort of arrangement.” You’re silent as he pauses and takes a deep breath and you wait for him to continue. “Okay.” he says, his hands folding in his lap, “This is probably gonna be my Aunt May’s last Christmas.” he says and the implication of his words make you bristle. He struggles to look at you, but your eyes remain fixed on him so he know that you are listening and paying attention, even if his words are starting to make you uncomfortable. “I don’t want her to die thinking I’m gonna spend the rest of my life alone, you know? I mean,” he sighs, collecting his thoughts before he continues, “I don’t want her to die without hope.”
“Okay.” you acknowledge quietly as you follow his words.
“So I was thinking, what if- just for this christmas,” he emphasizes, “what if we pretend to you know, actually date. Come the New Year we go our separate ways as normal, no strings attached, but you know, just to get our families off our backs so we can live our chosenly single lives.” He screws up his face a little at the word chosenly, which he’s all but sure he’s made up but figures he’s gotten his point across.
“So, we pretend to date for the holidays to get our parents off our backs?” you frown, checking you’ve got his proposal right.
“Yeah. You’d come for Christmas Eve dinner with my Aunt and I’ll…” his voice trails off as he wracks his brain for an equal solution for you.
“You’ll come to Boston with me for my Mother’s New Years party.” You fill in for him.
He hesitates a second realizing he’d actually need to travel and stay with you and your family to make things even on your side of things, but the thought of letting May die thinking he’s going to be lonely forever, has his stomach turning more so he hastily agrees. “Fine, but-” he interjects, knowing a single day with his Aunt for a supposedly 2-3 day trip with your family isn’t a fair exchange, “if my Aunt is still with us in February, you have to stop by on Valentines day.”
“I thought you just said we go our separate ways come January.” You respond.
“Yes, but one meal with my Aunt in comparison to a multi day trip to Boston is hardly an equal-”
“Fine. Fine.” You concede with your hands raised.
He relaxes slightly as you come to an agreement. “You wanna shake hands on it or something?” he offers. You roll your eyes, your fingers reaching for the pillow you’d pulled into your lap to nervously fiddle with instead, picking it up and throwing it at him. “Hey.” he jokingly exclaims as he holds his hands up to catch the pillow before it hits him in the face. “Is that any way to treat your new boyfriend?” he deadpans.
“Uuuhhgg.” you scoff back with another eye roll but you can’t help the tiny smirk that creeps into the corner of your mouth.
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I'm going to upload the other parts of this mini series on the dates that match up with the story (Christmas Eve, New Years Eve), if you want to be added to the list below, please put it in writing. All current tags have been taken from likes, reblogs or comments from other posts about this series, if you wish to be removed, just let me know. (I had a few more names who liked posts but it wouldn't let me tag you, apologies, I'm not sure how to fix that but I hope this finds you anyway.) Once again if you did like this, please don't just like it, respond with some words of your own to give me a boost.
@sincericida @tarzinnia @raindropsandteaandtears @xenasolos @dil3mma @ms-wild-card-56 @shivani1902
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sweetyyhippyy · 3 years
Late Arrival. Spencer Reid x Reader.
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(Not my gif)
Summary: Spencer is coming back home after an out of state case runs long. You fall asleep waiting for him, and when he finally does come home, he sees your outfit and there is no way he can’t wake you up for a proper homecoming.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
TW: Brief mentions of masturbation (male and female), sleepy sex?? (I don’t know how to refer to it), calling Spencer daddy (duh), fingering, reader trying to be dom and Spencer teasing, unprotected sex, creampie, a lot of praise kink.
Word Count: 3.2k
A.N: I saw @fics4arainyday​ put that she wanted someone to write this concept, so i did! I hope you like it! Also, I’m bad at ending fics so 😬... sorry! 
link for lingerie I refer to: x 
It had been 3 agonizingly slow weeks since your fiancé had been home.
Being engaged to an FBI profiler wasn’t always easy. The days, even weeks being apart, Spencer coming home at all hours of the night too exhausted to stay awake and spend time with you, missing birthdays, holidays, anniversaries being states away on those occasions.
But in all honesty, you still wouldn’t have it any other way.
Nobody else could make you laugh the way Spencer did. Nobody else could make you think the way Spencer did. Nobody could lovingly annoy the crap out of you the way Spencer did. And most importantly, nobody could fuck you the way Spencer did.
He has been gone for 3 weeks, but the week before he left, there wasn’t a lot of sexy time going on since you were busy with your own job. It was the occasional quickie before having to rush getting ready for work in the morning, a quick mutual masturbation session on a lazy weekend, but no real “wake the neighbors” fuck that you were so desperately craving. Keeping a healthy sex life was important to both of you.
So when you got the call from Spencer that the case was finally over and he would be coming home that same night, you knew it was go time.
You didn’t have much self control when it came to online shopping when Spencer was gone, what else were you supposed to do? The goldfish you two had as a pet wasn’t much company.
So you had treated yourself to a few new pairs of lingerie. Spencer was going to love all of them, but there was one in particular that you knew he was going to lose his mind over. It was baby blue see through with a floral pattern throughout the slip. It left very little to the imagination but that was your favorite part about it. Technically you were supposed to wear some sort of underwear but the slip looked better without it.
You took a hot deep shower and pampered yourself a few hours before you knew he was going to be home, that way you were nice and relaxed and ready for his arrival. You kept your hair simple since Spencer would be pulling at it all night. But you did put some makeup on just to enhance Spencer’s favorite part of your face, your eyes.
The mood of the room was set; the bed was perfectly made, the candle you had given Spencer for a “just because present” called “Bookstore” smelling like mahogany, leather, and coffee; lit on the bedside table. It was meant for him but you enjoyed it much more than him. All that was missing was Spencer.
You looked at the time on your phone, only 10 more minutes before Spencer was due home. You lay on your side of the bed, flipping through tv channels to find something to watch to occupy your time.
Spencer turns the key to turn the car off, he drops his hands from the steering wheel into his lap, letting out a deep sigh. He could have been home over 3 hours ago but the jet back home was having engine issues, so the team had to fly through a regular airport… which meant waiting for a flight.
The case wasn’t particularly a rough one emotionally, it was just long. Spencer missed you like crazy within the first few days of being away. Late night phone calls weren’t the same as physically being with you.
Spencer grabbed his satchel, leaving the rest of his baggage to lug up to the house until tomorrow when he had enough rest. As he’s walking up the driveway he can see the light on from the kitchen, signaling you were awake and waiting on him. He knew how much you hated waiting, so by now he knew you were seething with rage. There was about to be a lot of apologizing he was going to have to do. Spencer unlocks the front door, dropping his bag next to the front door and kicking his shoes off right next to it.
“Babe?” Spencer calls out, removing his jacket and hanging it up on the back of the couch. He listens for an answer, but all he hears is the slight murmur of the tv from your bedroom.
Spencer begins to unbutton his shirt as he walks down the hallway to the blue hue of the tv shadowing onto the floor. He steps into the room, spotting you curled up on top of the comforter fast asleep. Before he could appreciate how adorable you looked, softly snoring, he noticed the little outfit you were wearing. You laid there on your belly, one leg straight while the other bent up on the pillow next to you.
He scans your body through the see through fabric, spotting the lack of underwear on your lower half while your butt was fully exposed to him. You were practically a step away from being naked. He quietly walks over to the bed and touches the hem of the slip and carefully hikes it up your butt, not earning a reaction from you.
Spencer quickly sheds his shirt off and throwing it off to the corner of the room along with his dark slacks, kicking them off quickly. Spencer carefully climbs into the bed behind you, laying on his side and palming himself through his boxers to get himself hard, which really didn’t take much as his eyes rake over your body and his imagination runs wild about all the things he was about to do to you. He hisses as he strokes himself harshly, his cock growing harder every second.
Your body shifts next to him, a low grumble coming from your mouth as you shift in bed onto your side, your ass now completely facing him.
Spencer’s eyes widen seeing you move, he didn’t want to get caught stroking himself less than a few inches from where he wanted to be. He finally scoots closer to your body, resting his hands on your bare hip, your skin a little cold from the lack of bed sheet or clothing on you. He lines himself up with your entrance, slowly slipping in between your folds, not yet sliding in. He rubs the tip of his cock up and down you, finding you were already a bit wet.
Your whole body jumps a loud gasp filling the room which makes Spencer pull himself back. Your head turns quickly behind you to look at Spencer, a little glimmer of fear in your eyes. “What the fuck?” You whisper yell at him.
“I’m home. And I see you left a present for me.” He says, whispering in your ear. “Is this okay?” He asks, his hand moving down your thigh and lifting it slightly for easier access.
“I don’t know. I’m pretty annoyed you were so late. I’m kind of not in the mood anymore.” Your voice was laced with sarcasm as you cocked your eyebrow at Spencer.
He licks his lips, a smirk on his face appearing as he picks up on the little game you’re playing with him. “No? Well I think I have some apologizing to do.” Spencer says, moving the strap of your outfit out of his way, kissing up your shoulder and over to your neck.
Your eyes flutter closed at the feeling of his soft lips pecking at your skin, a low hum coming from deep within your chest.
“You know I missed my girl so much while I was gone.” He says, his hand traveling up the underside of your outfit all the way up your stomach and up to your breasts, kneading one in his large hands as he spoke in your ear. “I missed waking up to you.” Kiss. “Seeing your beautiful face.” Kiss. “Hearing those sexy moans about how good daddy makes you feel when I’m touching you.” Kiss. “And how wet you get without me even trying.” Kiss.
You were putty in his hands, the game of trying to be tough was no longer working, and Spencer was fully aware of it.
His hand leaves your breast and goes back down to between your legs, his fingers running over your inner thighs, intentionally skipping over your core.
You whine as his fingers tickle you, scooting your body back against him. “Spence.” You pathetically whine, taking his hand and leading it to your throbbing middle. You keep your hand on top of his as you feel him play with your slit, feeling all the wetness that was seeping out of you.
“You want me to touch you?” He asks, kissing the spot below your ear.
“Please, baby?” You beg, turning your torso enough to look at him, pouting your bottom lip out ever so slightly.
His fingers part your lips, finding your bud immediately and slowly drawing lazy circles around it. Your body reacts immediately, relaxing against his body as he massages you. Your hand moves back to tangle in his hair, pushing his head closer to yours, your lips meeting for the first time in 3 weeks. His fingers continue to work their magic, as you two heavily make out with one another; his tongue slipping into your mouth and yours into his.
Your body quivers as Spencer drops his fingers down to the pool of wetness between your legs, two of his fingers slipping inside.
You pull back from the kiss, gasping loudly. “Fuck.” Your eyes flicker to his face, your mouth agape.
“It amazes me how tight you are. I’ve been with you for almost 6 years and it’s always so amazing.”
You moan in response, not being able to form words at the moment.
The room is filled with the sounds of the wetness Spencer is drawing out of you and your breathy moans. Your high was coming quicker than anticipated, Spencer could feel it in your body and could see it in your face.
You cling onto his forearm, keeping him in place. Spencer liked to play games like denying you of your orgasms, but you weren’t going to let him this time. Your eyes rolled back in your head as you fought to keep them open but you were far too overstimulated at this point. The knot came undone as you clenched around his fingers, a string of curse words and desperate moans fall from your mouth as you ride your high out.
“That’s it. Good girl.” Spencer coos, still slowly drawing what you have left out as you try to regain your breath. He kisses your cheek and moves his fingers out of you carefully. “Do you want to taste?” He questions.
You roll over onto your back, nodding your head and grabbing his hand, bringing it up to your lips, and letting him slip his middle and ring finger in your mouth. You swirl your tongue around his fingers, sucking on them harshly.
Spencer looks at you in admiration as you look up at him with innocence in your eyes. “I love that I’m the only person that knows how much of a dirty girl you are.”
You open your mouth to let his fingers free, smiling at him. “And I like that I can be your dirty girl.” You say, wrapping your fingers in his curls and bringing his head down to kiss him. “Come here, I want to give you your welcome home celebration.” You say, moving him off of you.
“Normally I’m all for that, but I need to be in you. I’m not going to last long if you use your mouth.”
You sit up on the bed and get up onto your knees, pulling Spencer up to sit up too. You straddle his lap, cupping his face in your hands, rubbing both of your thumbs on his cheek, feeling a bit of stubble in his face. “You look tired, my love.”
Spencer smiles, wrapping his arms around your back, pulling you into his chest. “Not too tired to finish.”
You laugh, kissing him softly. “No? You can go all night? Multiple times?” You teasingly question.
“We can test that theory tomorrow. But right now, we have 3 weeks worth of tension we need to work out.”
“Can I ride you?” You ask.
“Be my guest. I like the view.” He smirks, laying back down against the mattress, his hands gripping both of your thighs.
You get into position, holding his cock steady while you lower yourself down slowly.
Spencer rolls his head back on the pillow, grunting loudly as he feels your tightness around himself. His hands move up your thighs and under your outfit to your hips, gripping them tightly.
You rest your hands on his chest to keep balance, slowly starting to rock your hips against him. Your eyes stay glued to him, watching how his lips were parted and light moans were falling from him. “Do you like that?”
Spencer nods his head, his eyes focusing on your chest bouncing up and down in rhythm of your movements on him. He was trying to focus on anything else in the world to prevent himself from cumming too early.
“Tsk, tsk… words baby.” You tease, scratching his chest with your nails. “You never don’t know what to say.”
“It’s cute when you try to be the one in control.”
“I know I’m cute. You tell me quite often.” You retort with a wide grin.
Your comment earns a laugh from him, playfully rolling his eyes at you. Spencer begins to buck his hips up quickly, taking you by surprise. His fingers move the straps down your shoulders, helping you move your arms out of the straps as you continue to move on top of him. He moves the top half of your outfit down under your chest, his hands like magnets and begins massaging your breasts.
“Fuck, daddy,” You whimper, holding his forearms as he fucks into you. “That’s so good, you’re so good.”
Spencer sits up, letting you take control again. His thumb finds your clit, starting to rub it slowly, his soft brown eyes watching you melt into his touch.
Your eyes roll into the back of your skull, small whimpers leaving your mouth. You lean your body forward and nuzzle your head into Spencer’s neck. You start to kiss his pale skin, raking your teeth against it.
“Mmm, fuck.” Spencer moans out, applying more pressure to your clit as he feels a small pinch on his neck. “You going to cum for me again, pretty girl?”
“Not yet.” You whine in his ear.
“I’m going to move you. I want to fuck you.” Spencer says, moving your body off of his, earning a whine from you as his cock leaves you. “Bend over for daddy.” He says, helping you lay flat on the mattress while your butt is in the air, facing him. “Mmm, you’re so pretty, my girl.” He says in a low voice, both of his hands kneading your ass.
You whine pathetically, pressing yourself against him. “Daddy, please.”
Spencer smiles, grabbing his cock and slowly sliding back inside you. “It’s cute when you try to take control, but even cuter when you’re a whiny mess.” His hand grips the back of your outfit to hold onto as he fucks you from behind. This was his absolute favorite way to have you because of how hard he could slam into you, but the reaction you gave was even better.
Your hand finds his wrist and holds onto it as he  thrusts into your dripping pussy. He could feel how you were coating his cock every time he drew himself back out of you. “I love your cock.” You mutter out.
“This is your cock, baby. You take it so fucking well.” He grunts out, now struggling to keep from exploding. Anytime you fully submitted to him, he was done for.
You had such a strong personality outside of the bedroom that most people wouldn’t believe you were submissive 9 times out of 10.
“Am I your good girl for taking you so well?” You question, looking behind you to look at Spencer with innocent eyes.
His heart and cock fluttered at both your question and your eyes, you always played the innocent card so well. He grabs all of your hair in his hand and gently pulls it back toward him, making you whimper again. “You’re always a good girl for me, my love.” He responds. “Such. A. Good. Girl.” He thrusts into you harshly with each word.
You start to rub your own clit, bringing your second orgasm to the surface for the second time tonight. “You’re going to make me-fuck-me cum. Don’t stop, please don’t stop, daddy.” You were gasping as you spoke, desperate for your release.
“Cum for me, let go my girl.” Spencer says, taking over for your fingers to help bring you to your height. He rubs you quickly, trying not to lose it before you.
Finally you feel your walls clench around his cock, both of you moaning loudly. You moan Spencer’s name along with multiple curse words as he continues to rutt into your sensitive hole.
Spencer pulls out quickly, rubbing himself as he feels his own climax coming to a head.
“No, come back. Put it back in me, please.” You whine, reaching behind you to find Spencer’s cock and lead it back into you.
“You want me to cum in you? You want it inside you?” Spencer groans, seconds away from losing it.
“Please. Cum in me, Spence.” You beg, meeting his thrusts.
Spencer thrusts one last time before he spills himself inside of you, his grip on your hips squeezing as you slowly stop throwing your hips back against him. “Fuck, you’re so good.” He whispers, his eyes shutting as he feels the tip of his cock tingle.
Both of you stay in place as you try to regain your composure. You can already feel your eyes flutter closed, heavy from being tired. Spencer finally pulls out of you, making you hiss and lay flat on the bed.
“Baby, come on, we gotta go clean you up.”
“No.” You whine, closing your eyes again.
“You need to use the bathroom and clean yourself up. We have this conversation every time you’re too tired to get up. Come here, I’ll help you.”
You poke your bottom lip out into a pout as you reluctantly get out of bed, holding Spencer’s hand as you walk into your bathroom together. He helps clean the mess inside you up with a wet towel before leaving you alone to use the toilet.
Once you’re all settled, you walk back into the bedroom, finding Spencer getting the bed ready for both of you to lay down. You wrap your arms around his waist and hug him from behind tightly. Spencer happily hums, reaching behind himself to touch your arm.
“I love you.” You say, giving him a squeeze.
“And I love you.” He says, pulling you around to give you a kiss on the lips. “Do you want to sleep?”
You nod your head, climbing into bed first and getting comfortable right away as you watch Spencer slide in next to you, laying on his side to face you.
You grin ear to ear, kissing his chin. “Hi baby.”
“Hi pretty girl. You good?” He questions, lightly touching your cheek. You lean into his touch and nod. “I’m perfect.”
Spencer brings you into his chest, his fingers rubbing small circles into your shoulder. “Yeah, you are perfect.”
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dontworrysunflower · 3 years
Merry Fucking Christmas | h.s.
a/n: i’m baaaaccckk!! lol idk it took me a while to finish this and i was gonna have it finished before christmas but then i was exposed to covid so i was little paranoid but anyway (i’m good tho). merry christmas and happy holidays!! i know this years been hard but hopefully we can make it a little better :)
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warnings: drinking, angst?? idk not proof read word vomit, some language too
word count: 3.1k
also thank you @watchmegetobsessed !!
feedback/reblogs appreciated
You knew the holidays this year were going to be difficult. You procrastinated on getting gifts for your friends. Your work seemed to pile up on your desk since you got your promotion. You weren’t able to fly back home, and you still had some thanksgiving weight you weren’t able to put off.
Oh yeah, another thing. Harry was still with his girlfriend.
You met Katy, Harry’s girlfriend, at his birthday party in February. She was the epitome of ‘his type’. She had bleach blonde extensions and the bluest eyes you've ever seen. She was tall and really, really loud.
Since then, she’s all he ever talked about when they weren’t together, but when they were in the same room, boy did you want to gag.
You thought they would last maybe three to four months, you were so sure, you bet with some of your other friends.
Needless to say, you lost quite a lot of money.
You tried not to let it bother you, really. But it was so hard when Harry is the literal sweetest person you’ve met, had the voice of an angel and wasn’t bad to look at.
You felt you were the closest with Harry when you moved to London. He made you feel welcome in your little friends group. There was a little flirting game between the two of you that you didn’t even notice until one of your friends brought it up.
“Oh c’mon, it’s so obvious you like each other.” Margot slurred, her second glass clinking against the table as she finished every drop.
“What?” You asked, baffled. Your eyes were wide and your face started to heat up. “He doesn’t like me.”
“But you like him?” Ava, a friend from work, smirked at you.
You stumbled on your words, wiping at the condensation on your glass.
But since he was in a relationship now, you felt almost icky around him. You felt so uncomfortable around him that you did whatever you could to not be in the same room as him.
You were ready for the holidays, you thought. It would give you a break from constantly thinking about him being so busy with your family back in your hometown.
You should’ve known London weather wouldn’t be in your favor. It rained constantly everyday and the fog seemed to get closer to the ground every other day. The weather was getting so bad that you started working from home, the roads too wet and icy to drive on. So honestly, you weren’t that surprised when airports closed due to the weather, meaning you had to spend Christmas in London.
With Harry.
The day after flights were cancelled Harry texted on your group chat saying he could host a dinner and party on Christmas eve and everyone was invited. You watched texts from your other friends flood in, some excited vulgar words were thrown in there as well.
You never responded. Not only because you still felt weird around him for having this massive crush on him, but because things haven’t really been the same between you two.
You can’t remember the last time you had a full on conversation with him before you had to excuse yourself because you couldn’t take the ache in your chest when you were around him, and he wasn’t yours. You can’t remember the last joke he ever told you or when you went out for lunch or drinks when it was only the two of you. You were sure he noticed how weird you were around him, but never said anything, so you let it be.
As the day neared, your mind would change on whether you were going or not. You didn’t want to seem bitchy and cold on what was supposed to be the happiest and cheerful day of the year, so you thought you would go. You thought of every reason you shouldn’t go that had nothing to do with Harry, but you knew you wouldn’t be able to handle seeing him cozy up with his very serious girlfriend.
But there would be alcohol, so you decided to go.
Hey (y/n)! Think you come over early and help me set up for tomorrow? H xx
You stared at the text for what seemed like hours, but it was only a couple seconds. Before you could even register what your fingers were doing, you tied up a quick message and hit send before you could stop yourself.
Of course!! See you tomorrow!
You hated yourself for the rest of the day. Why would you do this to yourself? You could barely be in the same room as him and some other friends. How would you survive being alone before the party started?
The butterflies in your stomach have not been able to settle since you woke up Christmas Eve morning. Just the thought of seeing him made you nervous. You almost didn’t get out of bed that morning. But you pat yourself on the back when your feet finally hit your wooden flooring and moved on with your day.
Your shoulders hung low beside you as the time to meet up grew closer, the sun lowering behind you, Christmas lights and inflatable decorations coming to life as stars dotted the sky.
You sighed heavily as you styled your hair and naturally did your makeup.
You slid on your silky, tight dress and grabbed your coat and quickly made your way to your car to get away from the bitter cold.
You rubbed your hands together, blowing into them to regain some feeling before turning the key into the ignition, quickly turning the heater on, Mariah Carey blasting through your speakers.
You were about to pull out of your driveway, mumbling along to Mariah’s notes when you realized you forgot the gifts.
Your shoulders were hunched up as you knocked on the white door, your foot tapping against the brick stairs of Harry’s house as you waited for him to open it in the freezing cold.
You could hear shuffling from the other side and watched the doorknob wiggle, Harry having trouble with his lock since June and still hasn’t had anyone fix it.
The door swings open to reveal Harry in his glory, brown corduroy pants and an ugly Christmas sweater under an apron that’s tied around his slender waist that you’ve always been jealous of.
“Hey, sorry, come on in.” Harry said to you before moving out of the way, a bowl nestled between his side and his arm.
You mumbled a quiet thank you before stepping in, your cheeks reddening at the warmth enveloping you as you walked through the foyer of his home.
“Mm,” he hummed as he remembered something. He puts down the bowl he had on his white kitchen counter and waddles over to you, a small curve on his lips as he wrapped his arms around you. “Merry Christmas, love.”
You hate that nickname. But you don’t. You hate the butterflies that flutter in your stomach when he says that word. You hate the goosebumps it causes you and the hairs sticking up on your neck when he says the one thing you feel too harshly for him. And you hate how much he doesn’t feel it back.
“Merry Christmas, Harry.” You mumbled into his neck, his cologne flooding your senses bringing you comfort.
He doesn’t let go of you yet, but he backs up just a little to see you. “You look gorgeous, (y/n).”
The air gets stuck in your lungs and you almost forgot how to formulate words. You hoped Harry thought the pigment on your cheeks would be from the cold because it totally was. Before it was obvious how his words affected you, you stuttered out a few words. “Thank you, you look nice too.”
He chuckled at you, the breath passing his lips hitting your neck, a tingle passing through your spine. “You don’t have to lie, darling.” He squeezed you one last time before letting you go, your body instantly becoming colder as he backed away.
There's a low hum of Christmas music playing in his surround sound system, a tall tree tucked in a corner between his burning fireplace and window looking out onto the street.
You turn your attention back to Harry as he speaks up again, his famous dimples puncturing his cheeks. “Thanks fo’ comin’ early to help me out.”
You rolled your coat off your shoulders and hung by the door, walking up to him as he moved around the kitchen. “Oh yeah, it’s no problem. Not like I had anything else to do.”
He gave you a small sympathetic smile before throwing a tray full of greens into the oven. “I’m sorry you couldn’t go see your family.”
You shrug as you run your finger on the edge of his marble counter. “It’s alright, nothing I can do much anyway.” You perk up when you remember what you’re doing here so early in the first place. “Guess that’s why I’m here, no? What can I help you with?” Your heels click as you move around the counter closer to him.
“Nope.” His lips puckered as he pushed you back to where you were standing. “Just stand there and talk to me. Wine?”
Your brows furrowed in confusion as you blindly nod, watching him uncork a bottle of Moscato. Your favorite.
He hands you a glass of the sparkling wine before turning back around to the dishes, prepping food of all kinds for everyone and most importantly; eggnog.
“But, you said you needed my help.”
He chuckled nervously, his cheeks reddening. From your comment or from the wine? You weren’t going to get your hopes up. “I just need some company before the party. Just stand there and look pretty.”
You try your hardest ignore the blush on your cheeks. You twirl the wine glass from the neck, watching the liquid swirl around in the depths of the glass. “What about Katy?”
He sighs deeply, opening the oven to check on the food. “We’ve been kind of fighting lately.”
You did your best to stop the grin from forming on your lips, hoping he did notice your sudden burst at the new information. They are still together, so you can’t act on anything. “I’m sorry. Can I ask what’s going on?”
He shrugs. “I don’t know really. Anything and everything. Every little thing I do annoys her and anything she does annoys me. It just wasn’t the same.”
“Is she coming?” You ask before you can think about it.
He shrugs again, shoulders hanging more than usual. “I don’t think so. She said she was staying home since she can‘t fly back to her family either.”
A silence hangs between the two of you when neither of you said anything, not really sure of what needs to be said next.
“I don’t think I feel the same way for her as I did in the beginning.” Harry mumbled, arms crossed over his chest as his hip leaning against the counter, his usually bright eyes a little darker, a little sadder.
You walk up to him and lay your hand on his shoulder, giving him a small smile. “It’s not my business but, if you really feel that way, you shouldn’t lead her on, it’ll only hurt both of you.”
Harry looks down at the floor as he nods. “Thanks, love.”
There’s a wave of silence between you again as he raises his head to look at you. You almost felt small under his gaze. Something about his crystal green eyes always made you nervous. You were scared he could see what you were really thinking.
And you also swear his eyes fell to your lips.
The dinner party was in full swing now, people’s laughter bleeding in with the loud Christmas music playing around the house. Some people were dancing in front of the fireplace, drinks being refilled every once in a while.
You were standing by the counter with your friends, Margot and Ava, chatting and drinking your eggnog instead of the wine you had before the party started. You had completely forgotten about the wonderful man hosting this party, the conversation you had earlier with him slipping your mind as the drink in your hand lowered to the bottom of the glass, intoxicating your thoughts.
Even though you offered to help, Harry didn’t let you help with the rest of dinner before everyone came over, so now the food still wasn’t ready as people flooded in. You heard him say something about potatoes and that was as much as you knew of the food preparation and when you would be able to eat.
The music is lowered a bit and then a clicking sound was heard, everyone turning their heads towards Harry, who clinked a fork against his glass. “Dinner is ready!”
Everyone cheered and started making their way towards the dining room. Most people had already filtered towards the next room when a knock on the front door was heard.
You turned your head as Harry twisted the knob. You were sure Harry's face mimicked yours when you saw who was standing at the doorway.
There stood Katy, hair newly bleached and a little overdressed.
She wasted no time in wrapping her arms around him, her plump lips repeatedly marking his face with the bright lipstick.
“Oh god,” you waltzed over towards Ava, who was pouring herself a new glass of eggnog. “pass me the eggnog, I can’t stand this sober.” You pushed her over slightly and grabbed the handle of the ladle she was using, filling up your cup almost to the brim.
Ava looked at you in curiosity at your sudden change, carefully looking over at the lovely couple still by the door. “Wait, I thought you told me they were fighting.” She whispered beside you, eyes widening as she watched you gulp down some of the eggnog you just served yourself to give yourself some more.
“Guess fucking not.” You were much less sober now, on the brink of tipsy and drunk. Your words slurred, eyelids heavy, vision blurry. “Let’s go fucking eat.” You dragged Ava by the wrist towards the commotion in the dining room, almost, but not quite forgetting about the couple behind you.
You’ve had four glasses of eggnog. Or was it five? But now, you stand in front of the bowl, pouring some into your glass again, making it six.
“Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” You hear his sultry voice behind you, his tone a little sassy and annoyed, but you didn’t care.
“What are you gonna do about it?” You slurred, turning around to face him. His pink lips were turned down in a frown, his eyebrows furrowed in frustration, his buff arms that were constricted in his sweater cross in front of his chest. “Gonna go kiss your girlfriend some more?” You stumbled on your feet, your drink almost spilling over the rim.
“What does that have to do with anything?” His face changed from annoyance to confusion. His thumb twisting the ring on his other finger nervously.
You open your mouth to retaliate, but even in this drunk state you knew not to say anything. You chug the creamy drink, keeping eye contact with him, watching his face change again. You didn’t care.
He obviously didn’t care either.
You sighed dramatically as you finished the drink. “Merry fucking Christmas.”
You had sobered up quite a bit after your little encounter with Harry, mainly because there was no eggnog left.
You realized it was for the better though, so you made your way back into the kitchen, doing your best to not stumble or bump against anything as you grabbed an empty cup to fill with water.
“I am really sorry.” You knew his voice anywhere. But it wasn’t his usual chirpy, charming voice he had that always soothed you, it sounded more sad and somber.
“On Christmas? Out of any day you chose today?” Katy sniffled, voice wobbly and hurt.
“I know but, you know we can’t go on any longer, we’ll just hurt each other more.”
“I think I'm going to head out.”
You don’t hear Harry say anything back, but the sound of the door clicking open catches your attention and you almost turn around to watch.
“I just have one question.” Katy said weakly.
You walked away before you could hear anything else.
Even though you were still a little upset at Harry (For what? You weren’t sure anymore), you stayed behind as everyone left to help him clean up before you head home.
You were putting things back in his refrigerator when you heard the front door close, the light chatter and drunken goodbyes silenced by the wooden door.
You kept your back towards the door, suddenly nervous of the words that would be spoken between the two of you.
“(y/n), can we talk?” Harry’s voice was low and sultry, your knees almost gave out.
“I should um-I should get going. It’s late.” You hurry around him to grab your things and for the door, but he holds your wrist.
“Please?” He sounded desperate, and for the first time in what felt like days you looked up into his emerald eyes. There was that desperate look in his eyes, his eyebrows furrowed and lips turned down into a frown.
You sigh and nod slowly.
He lets go of your wrist and stuffed his hands in his back pockets, his pink cheeks either from the cold or from nervousness.
“I’m sorry.” He said suddenly. “I didn’t mean to get mad and I know I shouldn’t have said anything.”
Is that it?
You weren’t going to lie, you thought he would profess his love to you or something.
“I um- I also,” he swallows and takes your hand, his rings cold to the touch. “I broke up with Katy.”
Your mouth opened for words to come out but nothing ever left your lips.
“Do you want to know the real reason why Katy and I were fighting?”
You’re still speechless, scared of the answer, even though you have an idea of what he'll say.
“I’ve always liked you, (y/n).” His shoulders rise in a deep breath. “I guess, I don’t know, I thought if I started seeing someone else it would it easier but, not being with you this past year has been hell and I know I haven’t made it any easier with being with Katy but—”
Your lips crash on his, your arms wrapping his neck, your fingers immediately tangling in his brown locks.
He stumbles back in shock but grabs at your hips, bringing you closer to his chest.
His pink lips press against yours, the corners slowly turning up into a smile, breaking your kiss.
“Merry fucking Christmas to me.”
@samaratheweirdo @sarcasticallywitty15
(Let me know if you would like to be added or taken off taglist.)
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theoreticslut · 4 years
“It’s nice to see you happy, princess.”
part 1 / part 2 
pairing: fred weasley x reader x george weasley
requested: no
word count: 3.9k
warnings: ANGST, light swearing
A/N: hi, hello! I, uh, almost forgot to post this ngl. You guys really liked the first two parts so I’m hoping you’ll like this part as well. fair warning, i hurt my heart writing this one so please let me know what you think! there will be at least one more part, but depending on how it pans out there may be more than that. quick reminders: thank you for being so supportive of me and my works, it truly means the world to me so just thank you. so much. hence i’m doing a 300 follower sleepover to thank all of you lovely people for following me. (I’m also taking requests too - you can check out my holiday prompt list here)
Taglist: @justmesadgirl @xuckduck @yikesyikesyikes95 @filipi-yes @aestheticwh0r3 @siredkai @matsuno-nadeshiko @msmarklee1213 @immajustreadwritereblog @msmimimerton @lauren2408 @mischievous-queen @bunnyboo7 @grandeoptimist @kaitlynw011 @daddystevee @slytherinxhunter
^let me know if you’d like to be added / removed!
You sigh as you lay your head down against the library table. It’s been just over a week since the fight between your ex and the twins.
As you had instructed, both Fred and George had checked in with you so you could assess how they were healing. Fred was looking much better; the few cuts he had had healed relatively quick with the help of the balm and his bruises were nearly gone save for his black eye. You expected that to be gone in another few days though.
George, however, worried you. His knuckles and small bruises on his hands and cheek healed perfectly, but the bruises to his torso were taking much longer. The balm was helping, but it didn’t seem to be healing it any faster.
Thinking about it made you upset. If George had just stayed out of the way he wouldn’t be all bruised up now and he and Fred wouldn’t have to spend a night in detention each week.
You groan as you turn your attention back to the assignment in front of you. It wasn’t due until Monday and it was only Thursday, but if you didn’t get it done today and tomorrow it wouldn’t be getting done.
You turn to see George watching you from a few feet away and you smile at him.
“Hey, George. What are you doing here?”
Since the night of the fight you and the twins had been getting along better. They often sat with you at meals or even just around the common room and would joke around. You had been getting to know each other more substantially. Before, you knew each other from what you’ve each observed or heard from other people. Now, you guys were actually learning and trying to get to know the other with deep conversations at night or even silly games of twenty questions when others, besides the golden trio, were around.
You enjoyed it, but along with getting to know the two better came a handful of other issues. You had always been aware of how attractive the two were, but now you found yourself zoning out in complete bliss whenever one of them looked at you or moved a certain way. Not to mention how your heart swelled whenever they smiled or laughed, especially if it was over something you had said or done. You knew you were falling in love with them, but you couldn’t find a way to stop it. You’re pretty sure you had been falling for them for awhile, but your irritation for the two had kept it at bay.
George scrunches his nose at you wondering why you would be here in the library so early in the morning. He knew you studied diligently, but on a Thursday morning before breakfast? You must surely be crazy.
You honestly could be crazy, but that wouldn’t change the fact of how attractive you were sitting there. George noticed how you sat with one leg tucked under the other which he was amazed at giving the chairs in here weren’t very wide. He noticed how tired you seemed, yet somehow still looked wide awake.
He could tell you had showered as your hair was still a bit damp and how he could smell your lovely perfume from this far away. All of it together drove him crazy, especially when he added in how you sat with your head resting in your hand and how adorably frustrated you were with whatever you were working on.
“I could ask you the same thing. Breakfast has just barely begun. How long have you been here?” He asks as he walks closer to you, not sitting down though.
“Oh, uhm, I don’t know. I was up a little before 6 and came here after I showered. Maybe two hours?”
“Two hours in the library before breakfast? You must be crazy.” He chuckles to which you roll your eyes.
You, Fred, and George were starting to form a friendship out of all this and it was exciting. It was surprisingly easy to talk and joke with them when you weren’t fuming over being pranked. You had even been able to understand and enjoy how brilliant their pranks were when you weren’t at the receiving end of them.
“I couldn’t sleep. What else am I supposed to do?”
He frowns as you start packing up your things. He and Fred had finally managed to apologize for butting into your business which you easily forgave them for. You probably wouldn’t have except for the fact that they had defended you and ended up getting hurt in the process. That and once you had started getting to know them, you knew they only did so because they cared.
You knew it was silly to forgive them solely because they had fought for you, but as you had told them, no one had ever done that for you. You were flattered and felt like you kind of owed them kindness at the very least.
“Why couldn’t you sleep?” He asks as he takes your books from you so you could put on your robes. You hated wearing the robes if you were just going about your business, so you often took them off when studying.
“Not sure, I haven’t been sleeping well most of this week.”
“Does it have anything to do with that fight?” He asks gently, watching your face for any indication that it was.
“No,” you frown.
“Y/n. Please stop trying to be fine.” George begs, giving you those signature puppy dog eyes you’ve seen them use before.
“Fred and I can both tell you’re still upset about it all.”
“It’s that obvious, huh?” You joke as you sigh. Even though you were glad they had been there for you, you were still upset it all happened in the first place.
“You’re like an open book.” He smiles, bumping his shoulder into yours to get you to smile.
You weren’t sure how, but it seems that Fred and George just understand you without you even having to say anything. It was kind of scary and a little bit annoying, but they knew when to back off in a conversation or when to grab ahold of your hand to comfort you. They just knew and it made you feel special. It’s just another reason you found yourself falling for them.
“I guess I’m still just a bit scared, George. I knew he was a pig, but I never thought he’d try to hurt me like that.” You admit and george frowns, watching as you relive it.
When your hand comes up to trace the line of faint bruises that’re left on your neck from his hands, George grabs a hold of your hand, kissing the back of it. He doesn’t like to think about what that gremlin could’ve done.
“I sometimes wonder what would’ve happened if you and Fred weren’t there...” you trail off. “I mean would I even be here right now? Then, I wake up gasping for air.” You frown, feeling a bit naked telling him this, but at the same time you feel that he’ll understand and know what to say.
George shivers at the thoughts running through your head. He abruptly stops the two of you from walking, setting your books on a ledge as he pulls you into him. It’s not fair that you still have to relive that day after day. It never should have happened in the first place.
“I’m so sorry, darling. Godrick, I would give anything to take away this pain.” He sighs, holding you tight to his chest, your arms wrapped around his stomach as his are wrapped around around your shoulders and the back of your head to keep your face buried in his chest. Unconsciously he plays with the ends of your hair and you smile lightly, hugging him a bit tighter.
“Y/n!” You hear your name called as Fred and George sit down on either side of you in charms the next day.
They both have huge smiles on their faces and you wonder what in merlin’s name they were up to.
“Hey, guys.”
“You’ve got to see this!” Fred smiles, winking at you.
“See what? You guys are up to something, aren’t you?”
“Always, darling.” George smiles, keeping his eyes across the desks to where Will sits.
“What have you done now?”
“Just watch. You’re going to enjoy it.” Fred smirks.
When George had told him how terrified you still were because of Will, they knew they had to find a way to get him back for you. They had to embarrass him and make him realize that he couldn’t keep going around being an ass. They had spent a good majority of the night working on this just for you.
You sigh but do as they say, giggling as they nudge your sides when Will finally walks in to his seat where an envelope had been sitting.
You watch as he opens it, jumping back as it starts sounding an alarm.
“STAY AWAY! THIS MAN IS TRAGICALLY DIM WITTED AND ABUSIVE!” It shouts, fireworks and confetti exploding from it as it spits bright red ink onto him.
It repeats itself a couple more times before  burning up in a display of fireworks.
You have to bite your lip to hold back your laughter at the pure embarrassment written across his face as the rest of the class is chatting and laughing amongst themselves at his expense.
“Guys!” You say a bit shocked but impressed nonetheless.
“You like it?” George asks.
“It’s a bit over the top, but it was really funny.” You admit, smiling as you still try to hold back your laughter.
“The best part of it is that that ink can’t be removed until it disappears 12 hours from now.” Fred says, leaning in so only you and George can hear.
“No!” You gasp, hiding your smile behind your hand.
“Oh, yeah. Everyone will know what he’s done.” George smiles and you can’t help but start laughing.
Fred and George look at each other and smile, both of them biting on their bottom lips to keep from smiling too big. They couldn’t help it though, after everything that’s happened, they were ecstatic to see you happy and laughing. And knowing it was because of them, Merlin that was a thousand times better.
“It’s nice to see you happy, princess.” Fred smiles, wrapping him arms around you waist as he pulls you closer to him on the bench.
“Thank you, guys. You’re too good to me.” You smile, hugging Fred before turning and hugging George.
“I should have known it was Fred and George’s doing!” Hermione chuckles when you tell her what the twins had done in charms today.
“Oh Merlin, Hermione, it was hilarious! You should have seen the look on his face, he was so embarrassed and confused. It was honestly so great knowing he finally understood how I felt.”
“I’m just glad you’re happy, y/n. You deserve it more than anything.” The twins hear Hermione say to you as they come up to your door. They can only imagine you smiling and blushing at her words on the other side.
They smile, loving the idea of you so happy. They had only been falling more in love with you since starting this friendship, but there was no way they’d complain about it.
They loved the ache in their chest when you did anything remotely cute and the racing of their hearts only reminded them that they were alive and could feel such love for someone. They couldn’t complain about how sweaty their palms got or how dry their throats became when they got nervous around you because to them, it was all worth it. They couldn’t imagine being in love with anyone but you. You were absolute perfection in their eyes and would happily have to endure any form of torture if it meant they could still see you.
This was so much better than pranking you and getting you riled up. While they did love when you got angry with them over something so trivial, they loved having their breath taken away whenever you hugged them or chuckled at them. Having you close to them was so much better than anything they could have imagined.
They gently knock on the door to have Hermione open it a few seconds later.
“Oh, your boys are here.” She smiles, letting them into the room.
“They’re not my boys, ‘mione.” You mumble, rolling your eyes as a blush creeps across your cheeks before you smile at the two redheads who have taken a seat on your bed.
Hermione smirks at you, raising an eyebrow as she knows how you feel about them. You had only been talking to her about it every other night this week.
She was aware that you liked them long before now, however. Even though you had only ever shown irritation for the two, the way in which you spoke of them and the words you used gave it away that you had some sort of feelings for them other than resentment.
You pout at her, not wanting her to just blurt it out. You were embarrassed with how fast you had fallen for them.
“Alright,” she smirks. “I’ll be down in the common room for a bit. Have fun and try not to make a mess. We did just tidy this up earlier.” Hermione smiles.
“Got it, mum. No messes.” You chuckle, still blushing furiously. The twins smile at you, biting their lips to keep from laughing.
You were so playful. They hadn’t ever seen this side of you and godrick was it amazing.
“Oh Merlin. I’ll be back.” She sighs, rolling her eyes at you, but smiling nonetheless. She truly is excited to see you happy again. You were happy with Will, but he had been slowly draining you. Watching you with the twins was like watching a new person.
“No hurry, ‘mione. Maybe you can get some quality time in with your guy.” You suggest, smiling at her. You knew she liked Ron, but he was beyond oblivious to any advancement she tried to make.
“Doubtful, but maybe.” She chuckles, leaving the room shortly after.
“Hi, guys.” You smile, finally taking a seat at the end of your bed, facing them.
“You’re quite a playful minx, aren’t you?” Fred chuckles, smiling at you.
“Sometimes.” You chuckle, smiling a bit.
“Merlin you’re gorgeous.” He smiles, studying you as you blush.
You being a flustered mess was one of the twins’ favourite sights. They loved that they could make you blush with a simple compliment or look or even a light touch.
“Stop staring at me!” You chuckle, embarrassed by the two of them admiring you.
Trying to get out of their gazes you get up and head over to the bathroom to grab the  bruise healing balm you’ve been applying.
You knew they were flirty people to begin with having seen how easily they throw around flirty comments and it was no different when it came to you. They had always made flirty comments and complimented you, but you were positive they were just teasing you so you always got really annoyed.
Since apologizing and becoming friends, however, whenever they would sneak flirty comments or compliments into your conversations you would blush madly and become all flustered. You so badly wanted their words to be sincere but you truly doubted they were. They were flirts and couldn’t possibly like you as you did them, right?
“What else are you supposed to do with a masterpiece?” George asks and you gape.
“Godrick, you two are such flirts. No wonder the entire female student body fawn over you.” You chuckle, still furiously blushing as you get back on the bed.
You wait for one of them to lift their shirt so you could start working on getting the balm on them. Anything to divert your attention from their words.
“We’ve only got eyes for you though.” Fred winks and you groan, rolling your eyes but smiling.
“Come on, now. You’re here so I can see how you’re healing, not to flirt with me.”
“Who says we’re not here to do both?” He asks, looking over to his brother who only smiles at you.
“Just get your shirt up, Fred.”
He smirks and winks at you before doing as you ask.
You look over his sides to see that he’s pretty much healed. The bruises have faded really well.
“Like what you see, princess?” He asks, smiling, but not seeming to be joking anymore.
“Godrick, you’re unbelievable. I think your preset to flirt no matter the situation, huh?” You ask, smiling as he winks at you.
“Alright, George. You’re turn.”
He smiles and takes his shirt off, stretching his one arm over his head in the pillows so it’s not in you’re way.
“It’s actually looking a lot better tonight, George. For awhile I was wondering if it was helping any.” You admit as you take some balm and smooth it onto his side where he flinches.
“It tickles tonight.” He chuckles. All you can do is shake your head and smile. These boys were beyond adorable.
“I love you.” He whispers after a couple minutes as you’re still applying the balm.
“What?” You ask just as Fred smacks him.
“Fred! Are you seriously trying to bruise him more?” You huff, frowning at the twin who seems to be pouting.
“We were supposed to tell you together.” He huffs.
“Tell me what?”
“That we love you.” He mumbles, not quite looking up at you, too embarrassed to see your face.
You gape at the two of them, not believing that their serious, which is why you start laughing.
“What’s so funny?” Fred pouts.
You continue laughing, shaking your head. You wonder how long they had been thinking about this joke. Did they know you  loved them and wanted to see what you’d do if they said they loved you?
“That’s a really good joke guys. You don’t love me.”
“What do you mean we don’t love you?” Fred asks, looking at you incredulously.
“We’re not joking, y/n.” George frowns.
“Sure you aren’t. You just wanted to see what I’d do, right?” You laugh, shaking your head. They can’t possibly love you. It just doesn’t make sense.
“No. We just really love you.” Fred says, watching you with hurt in his eyes. You can’t really believe this is all a joke, right?
“We have for ages, y/n. We’re just, we’re really bad at showing our feelings.” George adds, watching you as you shake your head, not able to make sense of all of this.
“No. No! I’m sorry, but you guys don’t love me. You-you feel sorry for me. Sorry that I got cheated on, sorry that I got choked, sorry that you had to pull pranks on me nearly everyday for a good two years. You don’t love me. I don’t think you ever could love me.”
You close your eyes, trying to keep the tears at bay. You don’t need to cry right now, not when they’re playing with you. You don’t need to show them just how weak you are to them.
“You’re absolutely crazy, y/n.” Fred says, his hurt turning to frustration.
Godrick, he has loved you so much and you really think it’s all a joke. How can you possibly think that when they had literally fought for you? They pranked your ex for you to show you that you had no reason to be scared of him anymore. How could you say they didn’t love you?
“Not as crazy as you to think I’d believe this! You really think I’d believe that you two love me when you antagonized me day after day when I clearly wasn’t happy with it. You were purposefully trying to upset me! Then you guys only stop after I break down crying? That’s not love, Freddie.” You hiss, not being able to help the few tears that escape your eyes.
“Y/n, darling, we know you don’t believe us but we really really do love you. We’ve loved you since Merlin knows when.” George tries to intervene, but you don’t care to hear it.
“If you guys loved me then why would you torment me?” You ask completely sincere, tears now flowing down your cheeks.
“Because we’re gits! We don’t know how to handle our emotions when it comes to you! You are so bloody perfect that we really don’t know what to do around you.” Fred shouts.
“We can’t hardly breathe because you take our breathe away every second of the day with either the way you look or some adorable thing you do. We constantly feel like we’ve just finished running a marathon because our hearts are racing so fast and our palms are so sweaty due to how nervous you make us. We feel like we’re going to be sick due to all the butterflies you give us. Good Merlin, y/n, you have us completely wrapped around your finger and you don’t even know!” He finishes, completely aghast that you can’t see it.
You chew on your lip, tears still streaming down your face as you look at the two of them. George had put his shirt back on at some point in all of this and was looking at you in shock yet still upset. It’s like he wanted to pull you into a hug and comfort you, but not doing so in fear of how you’d react.
Fred just looks heartbroken. He’s angry beyond belief, like you’d be scared to encounter him like this in any other setting, but he looked so defeated.
You wanted to believe them. You so desperately wanted to believe that they loved you, but your mind and your heart was telling you that they just couldn’t. Not after what they’ve done to you and what’s happened with Will. You just really can’t believe that anyone could love you.
“You’re not going to say anything?” Fred asks, still upset.
You stay silent as you stare at him. You would love to say something, but you just can’t seem to find anything to say.
“Godrick, y/n. I really can’t understand you sometimes. Here we are standing in front of you proclaiming our love to you and you refuse to believe it. As much as I’d love to be able to call you mine, if you can’t realize how deeply in love with you we are, then I can’t hang around waiting for you. It just hurts too damn much.” Fred sighs, shaking his head and leaving your room.
You look to George who’s watching you, wanting to stay here with you to comfort you and just to be with you, but also knowing he should follow his twin to make sure he’s alright.
“I-I should follow him,” he finally says to which you nod, not able to look at him anymore.
“We really do love you, y/n. I hope you can realize that soon.” He sighs, squeezing your hand before going after his brother.
Once the door shuts behind him you let out a sob you’ve been holding back. It hurts so much seeing them leave knowing that their upset with you, but you just can’t accept that they love you. Not right now.
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crushing companions reacting to f!sole being caught under the mistletoe by someone who ISNT him?
omg, that’s so funny to think about. some are longer than others so i hope you don’t mind (also i got a little carried away). please enjoy! ❤️
i feel like i moved away from the topic but yknow.. ☠️
christmas/new years reacts are still open!
somehow, he was dragged into this and had no choice but to attend upon soles request, not being able to say no due to his obvious crush on her. now he was here, mindlessly listening to the chattering of the person who accompanied him during the party, being absolutely bored out of his mind despite the liveliness of the party. as the person continued on, words not being absorbed, his eyes scanned the area for sole, wanting to at least see her once during the whole event and hopefully strike a conversation before it ended.
he expected to see everything; her chatting with some people, maybe putting out some food, or playing with the kids, but what he didn’t expect was to find her under the mistletoe with someone else. someone that wasn’t him.
his world stopped for a mere second, all his surroundings becoming blurred as he focused on the scene the raveled before him, unknowingly holding his breath while he did so. his mind slowly processed what was happening and once it completely settled in, a wave of genuine irritation and jealousy began to crash over him. danse being danse, he tries to keep his emotions under control as best as he can. on one hand, sole has the freedom to do anything and everything with anyone she pleases with... and on the other? he wants to pull her into his arms for him and him only.
as the person leans in for a kiss, he leaves no room for debate as he unconsciously rushes his way there, unable to cope with the idea of his precious crush sharing such contact with someone else. sole would yelp in shock as she was pulled away from the person without explanation. he ignored sole’s questions as he dragged her to a quiet corner, not thinking straight.
his eyes stayed on the individual, glaring at them silently with a displeased look as if sole wasn’t staring up at him with the most confused expression. the protective hold on her wrist never detached, the grip still as tight as when he first grabbed it.
she coughed to get his attention and his gaze immediately fell on her, forgetting that he had dragged her without a reason. he would be struck with horror, his heart stopping at the realization that he had done so without registering it. “so, uh. mind explaining what that was for?”
his face would go completely red, his mouth opening to respond, but much to his dismay, nothing came out. the words became tangled in his throat as he tried to come up with anything to cover him from the truth but eventually came to the conclusion that there was no way he could save himself at this point. swallowing nervously, he slowly slid the hand that grabbed her wrist to enevelope hers and with a flushed expression, he knew he had a lot of explaining to do. no better time to do it than christmas day, right?
if someone were to ask deacon why he was so afraid to fall in love again, this would be the exact reason why. he didn’t like the familiar feeling that began pooling in his stomach and the unwanted envy and insecurities that began to surface. instead of showing his discomfort, he smiled through it all and excused himself from the conversation, quickly sneaking up on them. he didn’t have a plan, but he knows damn well that he could at least make one.
before the person could lean in for a kiss, he’d pop out of no where, cutting the individual off even before they had the chance. with a “panicked” expression, he’d grab sole by the shoulder before she could let a word out, ignoring the confusion on her face. “charmer! i just came here to say...” he stopped for a moment, giving her the longest stare as the awkward silence began to build up, “..that you look great today, partner!”
she would send him a look of disbelief. “seriously, deeks? all that just to say i look good?”
“someone’s sounding a little ungrateful during the holiday season, tsk. a thank you would be nice.” he shook his head disapprovingly, both ignoring the individual that watched them dumbly, unsure of what to say. he then pointed to the door behind him while keeping a disappointed expression, “also, dogmeats totally destroying your vault suit.”
“he’s WHAT?!” sole nearly yelled, covering her moth instantly as she received stares left and right. with a paled expression, she’d laugh nervously and run towards the other way, excusing herself in a hurry. “sorry, gotta go!”
deacon would smile and pat himself on the back at the accomplishment of his mission. the person would be left dumbfounded at what just happened. “uhhh..”
with a smirk, he’d turn over to the individual and look up back at the mistletoe that hung above them. “so you gonna kiss me or what loverboy? these lips can’t wait forever.” and just like that, the person immediately shook their head and left the area with an embarrassed expression. he scoffed as he watched them drag away to another area of the party. that’ll teach them not to mess with him.
now he just needed to find another lie to tell sole when she realizes that dogmeat wasn’t at all destroying her vault suit but was instead sleeping by the fire.
maccready is many things; petulant, angry, and absolutely jealous to his core and does not bother to hide it. he disregards the person he’s talking to, immediately stomping off towards soles direction without a word spared to the individual that accompanied him. sole would hear the loud footsteps behind her and would turn around upon hearing the noise, seeing a red faced maccready making his way to them with the biggest scowl ever. the person would raise a brow, absolutely bewildered at macs behavior as they stepped forward in attempt to shield sole.
“hey man, you good-“
“take a hike, buddy.” mac shot back through gritted teeth, his tone full of venom. the persons confused and concerned expression would soon turn into a surprised one, full of disbelief at the words that left the mercenary’s mouth. before they could respond with just as much attitude, sole would stop the situation from escalating, a sweet tone in her voice.
“okay, okay. take it easy.” she cut in between the two heated individuals and slipped her hand in macs own, instantly earning a surprised and flustered from him. she looked at the person with a apologetic smile, “i’m sorry, please give us a moment.”
and just like that, she’d pull him to a more private area of the party, folding her arms with a demanding expression.
“what the hell was that?”
mac would try to pretend as if he was irritated, whining quietly but loud enough for her to hear. he’d throw his arms in the air dramatically in response, letting his emotions take over the best of him. “they were gonna kiss you!” then he began to panic more, realizing the position he dreadfully put himself in with little to no ways to take him out. “i mean- uh- they were gonna- i was-“
“so what if they were gonna kiss me?” she raised a brow, a small smirk forming on her face as she pieced together what was happening. “what then?”
“i- i-“ he began stammering, unable to find excuses this time around. he mentally beat himself up, instantly regretting the fact that he allowed his emotions to take control of the situation instead of his mind. ultimately, he gave up as soles eyes bored into him, his voice dying down into a quiet whisper. “i-i don’t know.”
sole would let out a laugh, entertained by his reaction, leaving mac a blushing and embarrassed mess as he looked towards the other direction, hands stuffed in his pockets. “don’t laugh at me.” he murmured, face growing more red.
she would immediately stop upon request but the smile on her face never left as she stepped forward, placing a hand on his bicep. “if you were trying to let me know you liked me, you got the message across.” mac grew rigid at the words that left her mouth but made no attempt to deny them, knowing the truth of it , “and just to give you a straight up answer..” she tiptoed and placed a quick kiss on his cheek, his eyes widening upon contact. he felt himself freeze at the softness of her lips.
“i like you too.” she whispered against his flushed skin and he nearly fainted from the intensity of the situation. what a way to celebrate christmas.
everyone knows hancock has it absolutely bad for sole, so for someone to approach her in such a brave manner secretly ticked him off. he saw the stupid ass smile that plastered that persons face and he wanted nothing more but to slap it off them. he’d look at the person accompanying him, holding a finger up to shush them for a moment with force, “hold that thought, sister/brother. got something i need to take care of.” and he’d immediately make his way to them, not wasting a precious second.
“sunshine!” he’d call out to sole with open arms and a smug smile, immediately attracting her attention away from the individual who wore an irritated expression upon seeing hancock. her face lit up with happiness, a grin stretching across her cheeks. “hey hancock!”
hancock would throw an arm over soles shoulders, gazing lovingly at them as she giggled. “looking beautiful as always, i see.” he chuckled at the redness forming on her cheeks. “so how’s my favorite girl doing?”
they’d continue on their conversation as if the other person wasn’t currently in their presence, wanting to continue where they left off. the endless compliments and inside jokes made them uncomfortable, unsure of what to do or say at the moment. “um hello?”
sole would smile sympathetically upon seeing the irritated expression on the persons face. “oh, sorry. got a little distracted.” hancock would cut in with a smirk, feeding off the persons reactions. “sorry brother/sister, we’re busy.” he pointed at the mistletoe above them, going straight to the point and sole let out a surprised, “huh?” with a flushed face. “now scram before i make you do it.”
the person cursed under their breath and stomped off elsewhere, leaving hancock satisfied and accomplished. sole would shyly look up at him. “so did you mean what you said or was that to help put me in a more comfortable position?”
he looked down at her, thinking for a moment but smiled warmly to ease her tension. “a mix of both, sunshine. if you’re still up for that kiss, i’d be more than happy to do so with your permission.”
she would become more flushed at his response but would grin happily. “you didn’t need a mistletoe to kiss me, hancock. i was more than willing to if you felt the same.”
“guess now we know, huh?” he’d whisper softly and tilt her chin up, slowly closing the distance between them both.
Nick Valentine:
nicks smile faltered in response, his eyes observing the scene before him for a little while. something in him throbbed with pain at the way the person smiled at her confidently as she stood still, not rejecting his offer and he took that as a sign that she allowed it. he excused himself from the conversation politely before it could happen and walked out of the room without a second thought to allow himself to have a breather. the muffled holiday music would fall on his ears as he took a seat on the patio, quietly attempting to push away the idea that sole was indeed having fun with someone else.
lighting up a cigerrate, he quietly watched the christmas lights that lit up the street with a sigh and took a drag, wanting to get the thought out of his mind as soon as possible. perhaps he’d head on back to diamond city as soon as he was done with his cigar, hopefully having the courage to thank sole for inviting him with a smile. nick wouldn’t realize how much time had passed or how long he’s been out in the cold until he heard a voice calling out his name faintly behind him.
“nick?” he’d look over his shoulder and immediately throw the cigar on the ground, stepping on it upon realizing who the voice belonged to. composing himself, he’d address her with a forced smile.
“hey there, doll.”
sole would smile back at him and stop in her tracks, looking at the empty spot near nick. “is this seat taken?”
“not at all. never taken for you.” sole giggled softly and sat near him, giving him some space. he quietly removed his jacket, placing it over her shoulders and she chortled, sending him a small thanks in return as she pulled the coat closer to her body. a silence surrounded the two for a moment before he broke it, not wanting to appear suspicious. “what brings you out here, doll?”
sole thought for a moment before responding, “i just came here to check on you.” she said with a worried smile, “i saw that you weren’t around and well.. they told me you just suddenly up and left the party, so i just had to check.”
he smiled, a warm feeling filling his body. even at times where she was occupied by other things, she still cared about his well being. “i’m doing just fine, no need to worry. besides, i know you’re busy with your date, so i wanted to give you some space.”
“my.. what?” she was pulled back at the words that left his mouth but then responded quickly upon realization, “oh! you mean the person you saw me with? no, no, nick that’s a misunderstanding!” she laughed. “they were just doing that whole mistletoe tradition thing, yknow. where they kiss and stuff... but i’m pretty sure you know about it.”
he gazed at her as she continued to speak, pausing in between as she processed her thoughts. she stared at the ground. “i didn’t kiss them though. i rejected them and told them i wasn’t interested.”
a sudden flood of relief washed over nick and he let out a breath he never knew he was holding, the dreading feeling in his chest immediately turning into nothing. “is that so?”
“yeah. i had other plans too, so it just wouldn’t work out either way.” she smiled with a blush, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. he looked at her with a curious expression. “did you manage to get around to those ‘other plans’?”
she blushed and scooted closer to him, leaning in to place a kiss on his cheek softly, immediately sending him to shock. his eyes fell on her the moment he realized what was happening and felt something inside him whir loudly. once she pulled away, she grinned at him shyly with a completely flushed face. “i have now.” she beamed happily as he touched the spot where she kissed, a smile of his own growing. “merry christmas, nick.”
he pulled her in, wrapping both his arms around her and kissed her temple lovingly as he whispered.“merry christmas, sole.” sole let out a pleased sigh at the contact, melting into his embrace.
sturges would swallow with a small, forced smile, trying to hide his discomfort in front of the eyes of others. much to his luck, he was great at doing that. his eyes would remain on her, not being able to avert it elsewhere no matter how hard he tried. despite his strange change of behavior, he’d still try to contribute the the conversation he was held hostage in, but give shorter replies, uninterested. a series of ‘uh-huh’, ‘yeah’, and hums would leave his mouth instead of well thought replies as he continued to focus on the scene nearby.
once sole presented a sign of discomfort that he was well aware of, he’d immediately excuse himself as apologetic as possible, quickly pacing to her. as he made it closer to them, he’d speak with a friendly tone, not wanting to make the situation worse. “hey now, is everythin’ alright here?” his eyes would flicker from sole for a while and then to the person who stood in front of her, a scowl on their face as they looked straight at him. he didn’t mind; if it meant irritating the person away from sole as far as possible, then so be it. he had no plans to leave now and he definitely wasn’t going to do so, even at soles commands.
“yeah, it’s just fine.” they said with an annoyed tone and sturges would reply with just as much attitude. “i wasn’t askin’ you.” he would then turn back to sole who smiled at him with relief, and he knew he made the right decision. “i’m okay, sturges.”
“i hope this fella wasn’t botherin’ ya too much, sole.”he commented loud enough for them to hear and their face went red with anger as they shot him a glare. “whatever, man.” and would stalk off towards the other direction with mumbled insults.
he’d sigh disapprovingly as he watched the person walk off childishly and then look back at her with a smile. “you okay, sweetheart?”
“of course i am. i was about to tell him off anyway.” she smiled happily at him and he felt his heart melt at the sight. “i’m glad you stepped up and saved me the trouble though. i really appreciate it.”
“no need for a thank you. i just did what was right.”
sole laughed and tiptoed, resting a hand on his cheek and before sturges could react, she placed a lingering kiss on his cheek, closing her eyes in bliss as she did so. once she retreated, she caught the familiar crimson that dusted his cheeks and giggled at the surprised expression on his face.
“my way of saying thank you since you won’t accept it and, uh..” she pointed at the mistletoe above them and he smiled nervously, letting out a shaky laugh. “gotta follow the tradition, yknow?”
“well, ain’t that a lovely way to say thank you.”
she nodded, taking both his hand in hers and stepped closer so that he could hear her murmur. “hope you don’t mind me saying thank you like that from now on.”
he leaned his forehead on hers and chuckled. “not at all.”
preston would immediately show reaction to it, his smile dropping completely and his eyes widening in what seemed like terror and devastation. the words around him would become nothing but static and the music would be blurred as he felt time slow down. he knew sole deserved the best, but deep down, he hoped he was the best for her and maybe this was just the answer he was waiting for all along. with a heavy heart, he’d look away from the scene before it could happen and grow uncharacteristically silent throughout the whole conversation. he didn’t even bother to spare a second glance and tilted his hat down, afraid of what he’ll see.
when sole approached him later that night during the party, he jolted and automatically felt his heart drop as he met eyes with the one person he had it bad for. he tried his best to pull a smile but failed miserably as it looked absolutely forced.
“hey preston, not enjoying the party or something?” she said quietly, taking a seat next to him on the couch. the concern on her face meant she was picking up the unusual signs he was exhibiting and he felt panicked, knowing there was no escape.
“just not feeling it, that’s all.” he responded, looking back down at his drink on in his hand.
“we both know that’s a lie, preston. i can see right through you.” well it was worth a shot. “mind telling me what’s on your mind?”
he thought for a moment, wondering if it was worth telling sole about his feelings at this point since he had already gotten his answer. maybe he could fake it with a smile and carry on with the conversation casually in hopes that she’ll eventually drop it or maybe he could excuse himself elsewhere for the rest of the night to think to himself. instead, he just let out a deep breath and put down his drink.
“mind if we talk outside then?” sole smiled and nodded, standing from the couch and offered him a hand to help him up. they exited the building and walked down the quiet streets of sanctuary, side by side. sole remained quiet, waiting for preston to break the silence instead of forcing it out of him.
“you know what i’m about to tell you, i hope it doesn’t change anything between us.” he filled the stillness of the air and felt a small hand gently grab his bicep to stop him from walking any further. he looked back and caught the reassuring smile on her face. “you know it won’t change anything.”
he looked down at his feet, a blush forming on his face. “i know.” he breathed, “ i know it wont. you’re not like that.” she let out a hum of agreement.
“i guess.. i guess i was just upset that i saw you with someone else under the mistletoe.” he murmured, voice dying down the more he spoke, “and that i lost my chance.”
sole looked at him, baffled for a moment. “lost your chance? what do you mean?” he picked up his head to gaze at her with a defeated smile, lightly scratching the nape of his neck. “to tell you i like you, i guess. seems like someone already beat me to it.”
“what?” she looked confused and stepped forward, trying to explain herself, “preston, you’ve got it all wrong. i didnt kiss them! i left to go find you after i checked up on a few people.”
he stood there, wide eyed while trying to process the words that left his mouth and he realized in horror that he based off things due to his assumptions. “i- uhm, excuse me? you didn’t uh-“
“no, i didn’t kiss them preston and well, you could say i know who i want.” she grinned happily at him with a blush on her cheeks, keeping her hand on his bicep. he felt his heart beat loudly against his chest and he was caught off guard upon registering what she meant. “oh. oh!” a smile slowly grew on his face as he beamed at sole, holding both her shoulders in excitement. all signs of devastation and sadness immediately washed away as if it wasn’t there in the first place. “that’s - that’s great! oh my god! i-i don’t know what to say!”
“you don’t need to say anything.” sole laughed and moved her hand to his cheek, brushing her thumb over his skin. “just kiss me. you know, a celebratory one.. since it’s christmas and as my way of saying i feel the same way.” he nodded, leaning in to connect their lips.
“of course.”
as if this party wasn’t bad enough already; the person talking was annoying the shit out of him and now the only person he’s ever had a crush on was being hit on by some low life. his scowl that was already there would only deepen more upon seeing that unsettling scene but would watch from afar, hand ready on his gun just in case some funny business were to arise. as much as he wants to put a bullet right between their eyes, he resists, waiting for some kind of signal from sole to give him the go.
without looking at the person who accompanied him, he’d speak gruffly, his expression absolutely twisted in anger. “shut the fuck up, will ya?” and they did, slowly sliding away from him in fear. he kept his eye on her, patience running thin as they grew closer to sole by the second. the second their hand stroked her arm flirtatiously, he snapped and made his way to them without a second thought, hand already drawing his gun.
“youd look better with a smile.” they commented as sole rolled her eyes, obviously unintimidated by their behavior. the sound of a gun cocking behind the person would stop her from responding and she’d peek behind them, seeing a furious gage glaring at the back of their head. the room went quiet, watching the scene before them but not daring to butt in, knowing gage was a tough one to take down. after all, they knew the safest route to this was for sole to take care of the situation before it escalated.
“and you’d look better with red,” he threatened, pressing the gun harder against the back of their head. “lots of it.”
the individual would turn a deathly white as they shook in fear, paralyzed. through stuttered words, they’d try to explain themselves, “i-i-its a tradition, the mistletoe! it’s - it’s just something w-we do every ch- christma-“
gage would shoot the mistletoe above them and sole watched as it fell to the ground, broken into pieces as sole sighed at the sad sight. “stupid ass tradition if ya asked me.”
she’d sigh and fold her arms, tapping her foot almost impatiently. “gage, quit it.” she demanded with an irate expression, “leave it and let’s go.” when gage refused to withdraw the weapon, sole sent him a sharp look. “now.”
and just like that, the person would let out a breath as gage retreated, mumbling some colorful language under his breath as he made his way to sole. they both walked past the silence crowd and once they made their way far enough from the party, she stopped in her tracks and faced him with a smirk. “jealous much?”
“i ain’t jealous. that was just getting’ ridiculous and embarrassin’.” he commented, looking elsewhere with a scowl.
“sure you weren’t.” she teased, earning a glare from the raider, “can’t deny that you wanted to kiss me though and you definetly wouldn’t think that tradition was stupid if you were under the mistletoe with me instead.”
he rolled his eyes and walked past her, wanting to hide the growing blush on his cheeks. “shut the hell up and keep walking, boss. we ain’t ever gonna make it back to nuka world with all yer blabberin’.” he stayed silent, knowing well that whatever sole had just told him was utterly true to the core and there was no absolute way he could deny it.
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fatandnerdy30 · 3 years
Some Irondad g/t fluff? Pretty please 🥺
Okay....you twisted my arm. This is part one, so if you want to get updates, message me your username and I'll make sure to mention you in the future updates!
After the whole Germany fiasco, the only way for the Avengers to be safe in the world, they had to agree to be put on house arrest, only coming out when the world needed them and no other time.
A lot of the time, the team would hang out in the compound, or just spend the day in the training room, trying to keep busy. But, it was never enough. Every day they would watch the news and see all the evil in the world and want to be out in it, protecting people. No one more than Spider-Man, who was outcast to his apartment in Queens.
And as a hyper-active teenager, he was going crazy! He was banned from watching TV or working on any of his machines or projects. All he was allowed to do was go to school and come home under the watch of government officials. He was so bored!
He wasn't even allowed to call Happy, which he would gladly do if it meant he got to talk to someone! Sure he got to talk to Ned in school and text him when he was bored, but he missed his friend. So that night, he had had enough!
He got his old Spider-Man costume down from the attic space in his room and put it on. The little ankle chain was no problem. Since he wasn't able to eat as much as he needed to due to funding problems, he had lost enough weight to be able to slip it off his body no problem.
Leaving the tracker on his bed, he checked the street. There were three people watching his apartment....but, his room was in a dark spot, which made it so much easier when he had to leave in a hurry, which this was one of those cases.
So, turning off his light, he opened his window as quietly as he could, the teen slipped out into the darkness, his spidey-sense not even twinging. Peter smiled as he crawled across the roof, then let loose a web and jumped off his apartment building, feeling free for the first time in weeks.
While on the way to his best friend's place, he stopped a few muggings, not leaving any evidence he was there and getting a free twelve inch sub out of the deal, which he had devoured in seconds.
Ned's light was off and when Peter checked, his friend was sound asleep, clutching a Yoda plushie, drool covering the poor toy. He didn't want to wake his friend, so he left quickly, webbing his way towards a tall building, sitting on the edge. This was the best he'd felt in like, forever, but he still missed talking with the Avengers. He especially missed Mr. Stark.
Part of his punishment, even though he didn't do anything major, was he was not allowed to even speak to Mr. Stark or any of the Avengers, which Peter hated. He turned and saw the dark Stark Tower and felt tears come to his eyes, burning them.
"You know what? I didn't even do anything during Germany! True, I broke a couple of windows and even though I didn't exactly break the jet walkway, it had fallen on top of me during his fight with Captain America.....so, in a way it was I guess it was my fault. But, I didn't do any major damage! So it wasn't fair that I'm locked up along with the Avengers!"
He sighed and laid back, wishing he could see the stars, but Queens was too bright. You know what, even if he was caught, he was a kid. He could use that to his advantage! And he missed the Avengers, even if he had never officially met them out of his mask. So, he was going to go see them.
It was the holidays, and he had sent the presents to the compound. So, that's what he was going to do. He was going to go to the compound. But, how would he get there? It was basically in the middle of nowhere....that was a conundrum. He went to take out his phone, but he remembered he'd left it home just in case someone tracked it. He began walking along the edge of the building, swinging a leg every now and then over the edge until he got an idea.
Buses were always going everywhere in America, so he had to just find a bus that was going to LA and catch a ride on top! With excitement, he flung his webbing until he sat on top of Madison Square Garden, scaling down the dark side of the building until he got to a point where he could see the terminal and focused on the board. There was a bus leaving for Los Angeles right now!
Smiling, Peter quickly located it and shot a web, pulling himself towards the moving vehicle, landing on top of it as quietly as he could. Now, the trick was to stay warm during the ride. Peter was shivering as the bus pulled into the terminal.
Six long days, riding on the outside of a bus, during December was not a good idea. He should have thought it through, but he was determined to see Mr. Stark. So tired and very hungry, Peter shot a web and the boy took off towards the compound, feeling more lighthearted than he had in a long time. The lights were off in the building, which was perfect for Spider-Man.
Quietly he landed against one of the windows, pressing against it to see if it opened, which it did. Slowly Peter began crawling up to the ceiling when a noise caught his attention and he snapped his head up, looking down to the ground. Peter couldn't keep his eyes off Dr. Banner, who stared back at him in shock. "And who are you?" the man finally asked, his eyes narrowing.
"Oh, um....I'm Spider-Man...." the boy stuttered. This was the actual Bruce Banner he was talking to! The man who had been his scientific idol since he discovered a beaker! "Th-this isn't what it looks like....I-I mean I know I kind of came in like a thief, but, I can explain that and.....crap."
"I should get Tony," Bruce started, but the boy's eyes widened and he ripped his mask off, brown eyes wide.
"Please don't tell Mr. Stark! He'll kill me if he finds out I'm here!" He dropped in front of the doctor, grabbing the man's white coat.
"Whoa!" Bruce cried, backing up a step. "Okay, okay, I won't tell him. Just, take a breath and try to explain, okay?"
The boy nodded and took a deep breath. "I-I'm Spider-Man, as i said...and I just missed Mr. Stark so much, I'm not allowed to call him, even though I didn't even do anything in Germany, I'm locked up with my Aunt and I just needed to get out, and I thought I would visit with Mr. Stark and the rest of the Avengers.....and I'm just realizing how bad of a plan this was. Am-am I in trouble?"
Bruce sighed. "I can't answer that, kid. I'm not Tony, but I will say he'll be shocked when he finds out, which he will."
Peter's face went white and he shook his head. "No, I have to leave. I'm sorry I came here, Dr. Banner. I gotta go!" He turned and suddenly his stomach rumbled loudly, making the boy blush.
"Wait," the man said as soon as the boy let a web loose from his wrist. "It's obvious you're starving and I can't let you leave like this. So have something to eat and stay the night. You can leave in the morning, OK? I would hate for a kid to go hungry and I could have prevented it."
Peter paused and nodded. "Y-yeah, yeah, you're right. Thanks Dr. Banner." He shook the web from his wrist and walked over to the table where the man had been standing....in the dark. He looked down and gasped. "Whoa! Isn't that the size-changey guy's?" He leaned in closer. It was in some kind of magnetic force field, pinned to the table by pins and clips.
"Yeah. Tony brought it back after Germany, and with being stuck here with nothing to do, I decided to study it. I know it's used to make things grow larger, but how it's done, I have no clue." Banner took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. "I'm gonna go get you something to eat. You stay here, kid, unless you want Tony to find you and punish you." The boy's body shook at that and Bruce smiled. "I'll bring you back a hot cocoa, then I think it's time you got some sleep." Peter nodded, trying to hold back a yawn, failing spectacularly. "Do no touch anything, okay? I'll be right back."
Peter stood in the middle of the lab, swinging his hands back and forth, just looking around when a flash got his attention and he turned to see something tiny moving around on Dr. Banner's table. "What is that?" he wondered out loud, then his eyes widened. It was the size-changey guy! "Hey!" he yelled, and pointed his wrists toward the little guy.
"Being here is a big no-no, especially for you, little....big guy..." He shot a web at the small man, but he dodged it, continuing to run across the table. "Whoa, you're fast! Try this!" He shot multiple webs, but the little guy dodged all of them like he knew where they were going to be. "Oh man, you're awesome! But, like I said, you're not allowed in here!" He ran towards the table, webbing a beaker on his way, about to drop it on top of the little man, when suddenly he grew to a full size man, who stood there, staring at him.
"You're Spider-Man!" he cried. "You're just a kid! I could have killed you!"
"Hey, I'm fifteen!" Peter defended. "I'm not a kid anymore! Now get out!" The man moved to the thing he'd come after, not wanting to hear Hank's lecture about his inventions landing in the wrong hands and all that.
"I will, but not without this," Scott said, grabbing the disc from the table, wincing when he passed through the magnetic field that protected it, and feeling a tingle through his whole body. He saw the boy move and he brought his thumb to his activator, when suddenly the kid jumped and landed on his back the instant he pressed the button.
Something went wrong, because suddenly, he was getting smaller, but also the weight on his back wasn't getting heavier. In fact, it stayed the same....Scott looked back and was met with the face of a scared boy, brown eyes wide as they were pulled to the ground. He let go of the button, stopping his shrink much larger than he was used to. He had to be five inches now. "Wh-what did you do!?" Peter cried.
"Don't blame me!" Scott yelled. "You're the one who jumped on me!"
At that, Peter scrambled off the man's back, staring at his arms, then lifting his head to stare at everything else. "No, no this is not cool! Change me back!" Suddenly the ground started trembling and Scott shot the kid a sad look.
"Sorry, kid, but I gotta go." He clicked his generator and grew, running towards the window just as Bruce came in, shock showing in his face as Scott ran to the open window, jumping through it, clicking his alternator as soon as he made it out, landing on his waiting mount, taking off with a sad look back at the building. He hoped the kid would be all right.
Peter was freaking out. He couldn't believe this....he'd been shrunk! He was just trying to protect Dr. Banner's lab from the Scuba suit guy, and he shrunk him! In full panic mode, Peter's hands fisted in his hair as he turned in circles, looking up with wide eyes. "No, nonononononono," he moaned.
Suddenly, a black shoe landed next to him, and Peter screamed, his senses going wild. He ran from the shoe, only to have another land on the other side of him. "Peter?" he heard Dr. Banner call his name, his voice holding a worried tone as his head swiveled, looking around. "Peter, where are you?" The volume of his voice hurt Peter's too sensitive ears and he covered them with a wince, eyes looking at everything his senses were calling a threat, which at the moment was everything.
"Doctor Banner!" Peter yelled, waving his arms. "Doctor Banner! Down here! Please, look at the floor!" The boy started jumping up and down, but the doctor never looked at him, instead, he kept looking around at all of the webbing on everything. That's when it came to Peter. He had powers. "I feel like an idiot," he grumbled, feeling his face heat up.
He was about to start running when Doctor Banner took a step, his shoe sailing over Peter's head, the ground shaking when it landed and he walked over to the table. Peter took that chance to run over to the lab table, not wanting to waste any webbing just in case, and latched on to the table leg, crawling up as fast as he could, slipping a few times from the slickness of the metal table. Finally after ten minutes of climbing, he made it to the top, panting and clinging to the metal top.
"Oh man that was scary," he said. It reminded him of the trip he took to Washington. Resting a minute, he got up and saw Dr. Banner making a face while he tried to pull the webbing off of his stuff. "This is disgusting," Bruce muttered. "Doctor Banner!" Peter cried, running over to where the blue disc had been, slipping on the metal a few times in his rush.
"Hey! Down here! Please look at the table!"
Bruce's ears picked up a voice calling him and turned, but it told him to look at the table...slowly he looked down and when he spotted the tiny human shaped thing calling his name, his eyes widened to a comical size. "Ahh!!"
Peter covered his ears at the man's scream and shrunk back from the giant man, looking up with a wince. "Not so loud," he cried, shaking his head. "It hurts my ears." Peter walked over to the doctor, stepping around the fingers that were the size of him now.
"What happened?" Bruce asked, keeping his voice lower.
"I-I don't know! I did what you asked, when suddenly, I saw the giant guy from Germany come in here. I tried to protect your lab-sorry about the webs- from him. I tried to stop him, but he took the blue disc, and I jumped on his back, when suddenly a shock went through me and when he shrunk, so did I! And then, he left me like this!" Peter raised his hands, letting them fall to his sides, tears burning his eyes. "Y-you're a doctor, right? Can you fix me? Please tell me you can..I don't want to stay like this!"
"Calm down, kid....take a deep breath, you'll be fine. It may take a while, but I will find a way to fix you. But, for now, I think we should let Tony know."
At that Peter's eyes went wide and he started shaking his head so fast he got dizzy. "No! Please don't tell Mr. Stark! He'll find out I snuck out and probably punish me by sticking me in a box for the entire time I have to be here!"
Bruce chuckled. "Don't over-exaggerate. Tony's an understanding guy, so I'm sure if you pour on the cute act and tell him you missed him so much you had to sneak out to see him, he might forgive you." Banner started to reach for the boy. "Now, let's go explain things to Tony."
Peter watched the giant hand come at him and screamed, his body reacting before his mind could. He grabbed the overly large fingers as soon as they tried wrapping around his body and he heard the doctor let out a yell, and Peter opened his eyes just in time to see the man go flying over the counter, landing on his back with a loud wheeze.
"Holy shit!" the boy cried, running to the edge of the table. "Doctor Banner, a-are you alright?! I'm so sorry, I don't even know what happened!" Bruce stared up at the tiny face staring down at him, trying to get air back in his lungs.
"It's okay," he puffed and rolled to his front, shaking his head. "Just, tell me, what was that?" Peter took a step back when the man grabbed the table by him, shaking it.
"I-I just felt I was in danger, and my senses have been going haywire since this happened, and I reacted....I did whatever I do to things that are a threat to me...I threw it."
Banner smiled at the kid, seeing his tiny face go red. "Well, now we know not to grab you. Just know, I won't hurt you."
"I know, but right now, everything feels like a threat! Everything is so big, Doctor Banner.." Peter sniffled and wiped his nose on his suit. "I-I'm scared.."
The man sent a sympathetic look to the boy. "I know, but we'll get this taken care of. I promise, okay? Now, let's try this again." Bruce got to his feet and slowly lowered his hand to the table, flattening it out. "Take your time."
Peter just stared at the large palm before him. He was shaking, but that was thanks to his senses. He knew Doctor Banner would never hurt him, in his current form, anyway. He heard too many stories about how gentle the man was when he wasn't angry, and from those stories alone, Peter trusted him.
So, he took a step, then another, until he was stepping into the man's hand. It felt squishy yet firm under his feet. "Whoa! I can fell your heartbeat!" he called up to the doctor, missing the smile he got. "And your muscles keep twitching everywhere I step." He wanted to try something. He took a leap and landed on the other side of the doctor's hand, falling on his face when the muscle he landed on jumped and tripped him.
"Are you okay?" Bruce asked, feeling the odd sensation of the boy on his hand.
"Yeah...sorry about that, just an experiment." Peter settled on the man's hand, sitting facing the now giant doctor. "Do..do we have to tell Mr. Stark tonight?" he asked nervously.
"I think that would be best, kid....If he finds out in the morning, he'll be even angrier knowing you've been here all night. Speaking of, why hasn't Friday spoken?"
Peter brought a hand to his neck. "That's my fault....I asked her, if I ever came again, not to tell anyone..."
The doctor shook his head. "Tony's not going to like that."
"What won't I like?"
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brockadoodles · 4 years
Gumbo, Football Sundays, and Christmas - q. hughes
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AN: this was totally named something else before, but honestly I like this name better. So here’s holiday Quinn floof to celebrate the return of my main squeeze, the quinn to my brock, the oh so wonderful, @pettypetey​ If any of you are mean to her, its on sight, ily kyn <3
Word Count: 3759
Warnings: None :)
You carefully walked over to the couch where Quinn was sitting on his phone with two hot bowls in your hand. You cleared your throat to grab his attention, handing him the steaming bowl of your favorite homemade potato soup, something that his trainer would absolutely kill him for eating, yet he did anyway because you made it and he openly admitted that it was one of his favorite things. Quinn couldn’t cook to save his life, something that you had attempted to remedy when you became friends and found out that he got most of his meals from the rink or the Tanev family. But after one night where he spilled an entire pot of gumbo on your kitchen floor, you settled for doing the cooking or letting him pay for takeout whenever he came over, sparing your poor floor from another huge mess and your own sanity over wasting that much time on food only to not be able to eat it. 
You sat down on the couch next to him, your thigh pressed up against him due to the nature of how small your old Ikea couch was. You set your bowl down on the coffee table and picked up the remote, scrolling through the various options on TV until you spotted a marathon of cheesy Christmas movies listed on the Hallmark channel. 
“I’m absolutely not watching a Christmas movie with you, it’s not even thanksgiving yet,” Quinn frowned as you moved through the various options on the tv, each movie title becoming a worse holiday-related pun as you scrolled further into the depths of the Hallmark channel. 
You glared at him and for a moment you contemplated why you were even such good friends with someone who clearly had no sense of what Christmas joy really meant. Obviously, you knew that he didn’t celebrate Christmas, but you also knew that he knew how much comfort these movies brought you. You used to spend hours watching them in November and December with your dad as a child, and when you moved to Vancouver, that quickly became one of the things you could do that reminded you of home.   
“Quinn I will absolutely kick you out of my apartment,” you warned, queuing up one of the movies whose premise was likely about some small-town person who needed to save their business and the way that happens was through a Christmas miracle. It didn’t matter how similar or terribly low quality these movies were, you loved them and happily watched them consistently as early as September each year. Quinn should have considered himself lucky that you waited until November before putting one on with him there. 
“You would never,” he smirked at you, wrapping an arm swiftly around your waist and pulling you into his chest. Quinn was always affectionate with you, something that you had found yourself readily falling into. You would never admit it to him but Quinn was your favorite person, and as the months had progressed his affections have sparked daydreams in your head of what it would be like if he took it one step farther with you. 
The two of you sat in silence next to each other as the opening credits of the movie began to play as you enjoyed the warm soup. It was what you considered the perfect November evening, your favorite movies, your favorite meal, and your favorite person all in one sitting as the rain fell outside of your apartment. 
You pulled the dark green throw blanket over both of your bodies as the movie continued to play, Quinn rolling his eyes and audibly groaning at the cheesy dialogue that was happening on screen. 
“Shhhh, I’m trying to distract myself from you,” you whacked him in the chest, feeling his body vibrate softly as he laughed at you. He grabbed your hand, focusing on playing with your fingers lightly, sometimes threading his own through them. His actions were causing a flutter in your stomach and a blush to rise on your cheeks each time he held your hand in his, and the movie was offering no distraction from him. 
Quinn was a constant for you, a presence that was always there whether that meant in your mind and heart as you thought of him, or physically there on your couch watching Christmas movies with you just because you asked. He had been your friend since he started playing in Vancouver, the two of you frequently running into each other at a hole in the wall Chinese place near your apartment. Somehow the chance run-ins had become Sunday nights in his apartment where he always had your favorite fried rice and football queued up for you provided he didn’t have a game of his own. 
Quinn fussed around with your fingers and hand for the entirety of the movie, if someone were to ask him to summarize anything that had occurred over the last two hours that you were nestled into his chest, he simply couldn’t do it. He couldn’t focus on the movie, or the white noise of cars passing by outside and the rain steadily pouring down, all he could focus on was your hands and your breathing as you watched the movie. Quinn hadn’t admitted it to anyone, probably not even fully to himself yet just how attached he was to you. You were his favorite person, by far. His quiet demeanor never seemed to bother you, and you had the ability to calm him down yet challenge him when he needed it. You never made him feel like he was Quinn Hughes of the Vancouver Canucks, instead, he felt like just Quinn with you, a feeling he only ever experienced when he was back home with his family in Michigan. It might not have been obvious to him, but everyone else knew he was as in love with you as someone could be with a person they weren’t actually with. Even his mom asked about you frequently, smiling as he would tell her whatever mundane thing about you that he had thought of that day. You were the only person he willingly let this close to him, and people noticed. 
“What time is it?” You groaned, moving from his lap. Your back was slightly stiff, and you were kind of warm as you peeled the blanket from both of your bodies. The tv was turned off, and the sky outside was pitch black. Quinn slowly opened his eyes, a soft and sleepy smile on his face as he pulled you back into his chest. 
“Sleep time.” He hummed. You laughed softly and pressed your hands into his chest. 
“Come on, let’s go to bed, q.” 
A few weeks later, after American Thanksgiving had come and gone, you found yourself surrounded at a small table with some of the other young Canucks at a holiday charity event. Quinn had practically begged you to go with him to the fundraiser, complaining that he had no idea how to decorate gingerbread houses, and if you weren’t there to help him then Brock and Petey would never let him hear the end of how ugly he ultimately would turn out. You agreed pretty quickly, rolling your eyes at his concern and reassuring him that he shouldn’t feel bad even if his was the ugliest gingerbread house of the entire group.
Quinn was entirely out of his element as the kids tossed around various candies and made a mess at the table you were all sitting at together. His eyes were wide and he was quietly focussed on his own tragic house. You watched him try to concentrate on building a roof, struggling to hold in your laughter, and Brock and Elias relentlessly teased his efforts. 
“Look Quinn, mistletoe!” Quinn shot a look to Brock instantly at his words, his eyes shooting daggers into his friend as he held mistletoe up above the two of you. You sat there in shock, silently hoping that Brock would simply let this whole thing go without a fight so that you wouldn’t end up embarrassed and hurt. Unfortunately for you and him, the kids instantly jumped at the chance of forcing you to kiss, almost all of them egging it on and making kissy faces at the two of you.  
Quinn swore he was going to force Brock and Petey to block 50 of his shots next practice for how they were acting. It was bad enough that the kids were hounding him to kiss you, but he didn’t need it from his friends who knew about his long harbored crush on you. You took it all in stride though, a slight blush to your cheeks that Quinn found himself melting even moreover. It also didn’t help that you were there, wearing one so his jerseys, his name on your back. He wanted to kiss you, but the last thing he wanted was for you to think that it was all the accumulation of these pesky kids bullying him into it. 
Quinn tried to brush off the attempts at pushing the two of you together. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to kiss you, he did, but he wanted it to be under his own terms and a moment that was more special than at a fundraiser event with a bunch of children and Brock watching. He shook his head at Brock, mouthing for him to cut it out. Brock was having none of it though, knowing that a kiss was a long time coming between you and if Quinn wasn’t going to make the move quickly, then he was going to take advantage of the situation and attempt to get things moving between you. About every guy on the Canucks roster had about had enough of Quinn talking about how much he liked you without doing anything about it, and Brock saw the opportunity and took it. 
“Pucker up kids, there’s mistletoe now. You can’t break the Christmas law that is mistletoe,” Brock smirked, hanging the mistletoe above both of your heads. He knew exactly what he was doing, and Quinn wanted to smack the not so subtle smirk off of his face.
You grabbed his arm, turning to face him with a soft smile on your face. You almost felt bad for him, sensing how uncomfortable he was at the situation, but something about the way he was carrying himself had you hoping that maybe he did want to kiss you and that had you fluttering with excitement as you leaned in. Quinn just looked at you nervously, unable to react as you quickly grabbed his face, and softly pressed his lips to yours. The kids cheering in the background, and Elias and Brock smirking at the success of their efforts. It was almost too much, but he found himself grabbing your cheek and kissing you back, his heart beating so fast and loud he was sure that you would hear it. 
You smiled into the kiss, pulling back with a bright crimson shade present on your cheeks, a wide-eyed Quinn in front of you. For a moment you thought maybe you had messed everything up, maybe Quinn had absolutely no feelings for you and that’s why he was looking at you like he looked at most other people who he didn’t know. But it didn’t take Quinn long to smile and grab your hand, lacing your fingers together and going back to decorating the tragic gingerbread houses sitting in front of you, a soft smile present on his face the rest of the afternoon. 
Quinn has debatably taken your ugly Christmas sweater idea a bit too seriously, so seriously in fact that you were genuinely impressed when he came to pick you up in a dark green holiday sweater, complete with a reindeer and light up antlers on his chest as you opened your front door. You laughed a bit, shaking your head as you took him in. You found it sweet that he made the extra effort, knowing that you were in a bad mood and probably just wanted to cheer you up. You wordlessly grabbed your bag and locked your door, following Quinn quietly out to his car. 
The drive to Bo and Holly’s was quiet, Quinn focused on the dark roads as he drove. You watched out the window, looking at the shiny pavement that was slick with the steady rain that Vancouver knew for the majority of the winter. Things with Quinn had felt weird since you kissed him under the mistletoe, you couldn’t explain the shift because as much as you hoped the kiss would show him your feelings for him, he never brought it up. You supposed that you were partially to blame, you could have put your heart out there with him, but you also felt like you had already done that by kissing him those weeks ago, and him not saying anything only sank your heart further. So instead of dwelling on it, you tried to enjoy your time with him as usual, pushing your feelings to the side in hopes that in time they would evaporate and you would be okay just being his friend again. 
You fumbled around in your bag as he parked outside of the Horvat’s house, flicking his light-up sweater on with a soft smile as he moved to unbuckle his seatbelt and get out of the car. 
“Quinn wait.” You started. You reached out and grabbed his thigh softly, pulling your hand back quickly when you realized what you were doing, your nerves bubbling up into your chest. You pulled a small wrapped box from your bag, fiddling with it in your hands as he watched you carefully. His eyebrows furrowed slightly as you handed him the present. 
“Happy first day of Hanukkah.” You smiled. Quinn grinned at you in response, his heart softening at you remembering. Not that he thought you forgot, but you were after all parked outside of his captain’s house, dressed in ugly Christmas sweaters, about to attend the annual Canucks Christmas party. So while he didn’t think you forgot, it meant a lot to him that you vocally remembered and thought of him enough to get a gift. 
Quinn carefully unwrapped the present and shook his head as he pulled the item from its box. He ran his hand over the keychain, the New Orleans Saints logo clear as day on the charm. 
“I should have known not to expect something serious.” He joked as he put the keychain on his keys, a small act that caused butterflies to rush into your stomach. 
“Yeah well, your taste in football sucks so I had to remind you who you should be cheering for.” You replied, smirking slightly at him. Quinn leaned over the center console, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek so quickly that you were sure you didn’t even have time to take one breath as he pulled away. Your eyes were wide and your mouth slightly parted at his outward display of affection, no sign of him thinking anything of it. You gulped a bit as you tried to hide the blush on your cheeks. Quinn didn’t say anything, instead, he smiled and climbed out of the car, waiting patiently for you to grab the punch you made and join him on the short walk to the front of the house, the moment between you quickly passing as you headed into the party. 
You walked into the home, smiling in awe at how beautiful the decorations were. Your eyes wandered around the room, stopping on the huge tree in the living room, covered with red and green ornaments and lights. The whole house smelled like fir, and it was warm and inviting as you starting noticing the various players and their families who were scattered throughout the room. 
Holly led you into their kitchen to help you get the punch set up for the rest of the guests. She took the large pitcher from your hands and set it on the counter. Quinn had been pulled another direction from you and was now talking with Elias in the living room as you were in the kitchen with Holly. You were a little nervous being alone with her, having only met her a handful of times at various events that you had gone to with Quinn. But she offered you a friendly smile and the first glass, which helped your nerves settle. 
“Ah, Mrs. Huggy! You’re here!” You heard from behind you, an audible gasp at the nickname escaping from your lips as Jake slid up behind you and hugged you. You quickly turned out of his grasp and shot him a glare, glancing past him in hopes that Quinn hadn’t heard his friend call you that. 
“Jake! Shut up!” You whispered harshly, whacking him lightly in the chest. He just laughed at you in return, leaving you alone in the kitchen with a now smirking Holly and a tint on your cheeks that you were hoping would go away before Quinn came back to find you. You took a long sip of your drink, resigning yourself to the fact that this night was probably going to be long, and you definitely needed the liquid courage to get yourself through it. 
About an hour and two drinking games later, you found yourself tipsy and less nervous around Quinn and your friends, them seemingly forgetting about your unrequited crush in favor of arguing who got to have him as their beer pong partner, something that Quinn was shockingly undefeated at. 
You walked into the kitchen, bypassing Brock who was leaning against the counter, typing away on his phone. He didn’t notice you as you walked by him and over toward the drinks that were on the counter, refilling yours and taking a moment to yourself. You didn’t notice that Quinn had followed you into the room, jumping slightly when you heard his voice coming from behind you. 
“Hey so remember when you kissed me?” You nearly choked on your drink, the contribution you had decided to bless the party with, a punch that only came out during the holidays, containing what you could only describe to people as 90% alcohol and a 10% chance of blacking out. You were only on your third cup, not near inebriated enough for this potential conversation with Quinn. The truth was that you of course remembered kissing him, the feeling of it had been cycling around your brain since the charity event last week, but he never brought it up with you, so you were forced to pack your feelings back up into a tightly taped box, hoping that one day you could pull said box out and give it to him properly. 
Quinn however had consumed almost four cups of your famous Christmas party punch, sending him well on his way passed tipsy and onto the train towards the loud drunk you rarely saw from him. He had wanted to kiss you again, a secret tucked deep in his chest that was bubbling up to the surface with the more drinks he had. He took in your appearance, your hair was down and you had a slight blush to your cheeks from your makeup, the Christmas sweater hanging from your body was stupid and endearing and all he could think about was tossing it onto the floor. 
“Mhm, yes I do remember something of that sorts happening, Quinn,” you said, smirking softly at him, a complete act to hide your growing nerves. Quinn smiled the widest drunk smile you’d ever seen, and you couldn’t help but appreciate how cute he was. 
“Can I kiss you this time?” He asked, loud enough that Brock turned his head from where he was standing, a few feet away in the kitchen as he was on his phone. He raised his eyebrows at you, smirking a bit before turning and walking out of the kitchen, leaving you and Quinn to yourselves as your heart beat faster in your chest. You gulped back the rest of your drink, setting it down and stepping toward him. Quinn’s hands instinctively went to your waist, pulling you in closer with a lazy smile on his face and a soft expression in his eyes. 
“You gonna kiss me or what, Quinn?” Your heart was pounding so loudly, you were thankful for the chatter coming from the kitchen, someone yelling about winning what must have been that round of beer pong. Quinn smiled at you and it only made things worse, the moment feeling like it was hanging in time as you waited not so patiently for him to press his lips to yours again. You almost thought you were imagining the entire thing as he grabbed your cheek, leaning in and closing his eyes. As soon as his lips touched yours you melted into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and tugging softly on his dark hair. You smiled into the kiss, not caring who was watching because all that mattered was Quinn. 
Quinn pulled back and continued to hold you, a blush evident on both of your cheeks and smiles that were big and wide. You buried your head into his chest and he kissed your head, no words needing to be spoken between you, it was like you both knew exactly what the other person wanted to say. You knew how Quinn felt, and he knew how you felt, your hearts practically beating in each other’s ears as you shared a not so private moment in the kitchen, a cheesy Hallmark movie type ending that you loved. 
“In case it isn’t obvious, I really like you.” Quinn murmured, running his hand softly along your hip as he looked down for your reaction. You leaned up and kissed him once more, smiling into it and squeezing him gently. 
“I like you too, even if you hate Christmas movies and have terrible taste in football teams.” You said, earning a laugh out of your favorite person. The two of you spent the rest of the party stealing drunk kisses together, your minds fuzzy with the not new feelings but new ability to express them openly with each other, regardless of anyone else’s opinions or comments. Quinn was absolutely your favorite person, and you couldn’t believe you were finally getting to be with him in the way that you had wanted to for months, even with his stupid reindeer sweater on. 
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koulakoukoula2003 · 3 years
Winter on Paradis
Pairings: Levi x y/n x Erwin, Hange x Moblit, Eren x Mikasa, Marlowe x Hitch
Genre: Fluff, Comedy
Summary: (AU where nobody dies in the Battle of Shiganshina) Everybody is more than excited to find everything covered in white outside the Survey Corps HQ. The Winter Holidays are closer than ever, and you can't wait to spend them alongside your husband, and your brats in your Special Operations Squad.
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: This takes place after the Battle of Shiganshina. Moblit and Hange are married. You and Levi are married. BASICALLY EVERYBODY'S HAPPY, WE NEED SOME HAPPINESS IN THIS FANDOM GODDAMMIT😭😭
Enjoy! 🥰
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The next morning, everything was white outside. Everybody was way too excited. It was the 24th of December. And tomorrow was her beloved husband’s birthday. (Y/n) had to think of presents, but all she could look at now, was the whiteness that spread all around them. The snow looked puffy. Only for Connie and Sasha to step right in and destroy it's immaculate beauty. They dove right into the snow, throwing snowballs at each other, and Jean soon joined, playing like five-year-olds.
A snowball landed on Marlowe’s back and he turned, only to be met with an even larger one landing on his face and Sasha with Connie laughed their asses off.
“Aw man, look at that mess,” Hitch approached her boyfriend wiping the white snow off his face. They were all dressed in their pyjamas. They hadn’t even bothered to throw on a cloak or a jacket. Armin had barged right into the barracks, notifying them all that everything outside was covered in a thick, beautiful veil of white and everybody just had to run outside right away.
“No worries, Hitch. I’ve got this,” Marlowe cracked his fingers before he leaned down, picking a large handful of snow and tossing it in Connie’s way. Connie’s laughter ceased as the throw was so powerful, it knocked him down on the snow and Sasha only pointed down at him laughing even more.
Hitch threw another snowball, knocking Sasha down beside Connie. Hitch laughed throwing a fist in the air. “That’s what you get for sneak-attacking my boyfriend!”
Meanwhile, Jean and Eren had been glaring at each other with snowballs in their fists, waiting for the right moment to throw them. Mikasa and Armin were just watching as Jean and Eren did nothing but stare intensely at each other as if they were trying to curse at each other with just one look. Armin raised an eyebrow. Wait a minute…
“Are you guys making a staring contest?” Armin pointed out but the two didn’t answer. They were too busy with trying to keep their eyes open.
Mikasa groaned. “Seriously?! What are you guys? Five-year-olds?!”
The two ignored her and tried to keep it up for as long as they could manage. Eren was the first to give in. “AAH! MY EYES!”
Jean threw a fist in the air. “FUCK YEAH!” And then he tossed the melting snowball that he had in his hand towards his friend. He grabbed another snowball tossing it at him, and another. “Can Mikasa stop me from turning you into a snowman?!” Jean cried out.
“SHUT UP, JEANBOYYYY!” Eren launched at him and they both came crushing down on the snow, beating each other up.
By the time the veterans walked out, it was a mess. (Y/n) had chosen to put on that one thick coat that she had for such circumstances. It was brown, way too big for her small body, but quite cosy and warm due to the fur embroidered on the inside of it. Of course, she had hurried to the barracks to catch all those coats of her squad’s stuff that she recognised. She had washed those coats before. She passed all six of them around her arm and she hurried outside.
Connie, Sasha, Marlowe and Hitch were locked in a thunderous snowball fight. Mikasa and Armin were cheering for Eren whilst he fought with Jean. (Y/n) sighed and she just shook her head. Those kids were going to catch a cold, that was for sure.
“L- Lieutenant (Y/n)-” Marlowe tried to say as he stopped throwing snowballs and turned at his superior, only to be knocked down by a powerful snowball from Connie.
“HELL YEAH!” Connie cried out.
“High-five!” Sasha raised her hand only for Connie to give it a smack.
Hitch growled as she gathered all the snow she could. “You little-”
“Time-out! Time-out! Unarmed person passing by!” (Y/n) cried out as she walked between the two groups. She caught Marlowe’s hand helping him up.
“Thanks, Lieutenant,” Marlowe said as he dusted off the snow from his shoulders. (Y/n) passed his coat around his shoulders and she messed his hair pushing the snow away.
“What have I asked you to call me?” (Y/n) grinned as she settled the coat closer around him.
Marlowe started giggling like an idiot. “(Y/n)?”
(Y/n) gave him a smile. “There, there, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” She handed Hitch her own coat. Hitch had just joined the Survey Corps, and she with Marlowe were making a pretty good team already.
“Thanks, Lieu- er- (y/n)!”
Connie let out a loud sneeze as (y/n) approached him and she cringed. “Oh dear,”
“It’s nothing, (y/n), seriously,” Connie said as he rubbed his red nose.
(Y/n) raised an eyebrow “Sure,” as she passed his own coat around him, and then she did the same with Sasha. “You guys continue,” She grinned. “The team who wins gets to share an entire tray of cake,”
Sasha’s eyes widened. “IT HAS TO BE ME!”
“OVER MY DEAD BODY!” Hitch growled as their hands reached for all the snow she could get.
“SO BE IT!” Connie cried out and the fight continued. (Y/n) giggled as she watched them. She’d never get to make that cake. Those kids would be bedridden by afternoon with an unbearable fever and an undoubtedly sore throat.
Erwin let out a sigh as he watched (y/n) scolding Jean and Eren to death before tucking them both in their coats and then setting over to do the same with Armin and Mikasa. But then he realised he wasn’t the only one staring. An invisible smile spread on Levi’s lips as he tucked his hands in the pockets of his black, thick trench coat, and then another contented sigh came from Moblit. All three men stared at that wonderful woman whilst she mothered the fifteen-year-olds that were making a mess of the street.
Moblit received a painful smack on his shoulder, and he knew of only one woman whose hand was so damn heavy. He turned and he saw his wife. “I get it for those two idiots, but why are YOU SIGHING AND STARING AT HER?!” Hange cried out furiously and Moblit cringed.
“I- I- I wasn’t staring at her!”
“FUCK YOU, MOBBY! …and then fuck me too,”
Those two were kissing and making out before they knew it. Levi groaned and rubbed his forehead and Erwin rolled his eyes. Both men turned their attention away from the loudly kissing couple, and they tried to ignore Hange’s moans and Moblit’s groans. Levi clicked his tongue in utter annoyance.
I’m never standing around those two ever again.
Time Skip
“H- Hey, (y/n)?”
“Yes, darling?”
“Y- You don’t happen to have a... twin sister, do you?”
(Y/n) choked back a laugh. Connie’s fever was bringing the wildest hallucinations she had ever seen in a patient with fever. “No, darling,”
“Who brought that goat in here?” Sasha mumbled as she pointed at Hitch who was lying on a bed across from her. No matter her fever, Hitch’s eyebrow twitched in frustration.
“I know for a fact that Sasha’s not hallucinating!” Hitch growled.
“Jeez, can y’all like… shut up?" Jean cut in. "And no, Sasha, that’s not a goat, that’s clearly a unicorn,” Jean pointed out in as-a-matter-of-factedly tone in his voice. (Y/n) cringed. Oh boy. Jean was hallucinating too.
“Speaks the horse,” Eren’s voice came from the bed across of Jean’s and Jean shut his eyes and groaned. Eren was the only one not hallucinating and maybe his titan-shifting abilities had something to do with that. Still, Mikasa was beside him, tending to his fever, and Armin was all around trying to help (y/n) all he could.
“You… son of a b-” Jean tried to say but (y/n) cut him.
“Guys!” She said strictly, catching everyone’s attention. “Let’s just deal with your fever and then you’re all free to skin each other alive, how about that?”
Eren sighed as he let his head roll back on his pillow and Jean groaned. “Fine!”
(Y/n) reached Marlowe. He wasn’t hallucinating either, or at least she thought as much. He was sitting there, quietly on the bed across Connie’s dealing with his fever.
“Hey, honeybun,” Hitch caught Marlowe’s attention. His bed was beside her own. “Do I look like a unicorn to you?”
Marlowe looked at her for a moment. His own fever-induced hallucinations weren’t helping him form an honest answer. “N- No, my sweetiecake,”
“Those are like… the lamest pet names I’ve ever heard of,” Jean commented.
“It’s not like you have a big experience with the ladies and pet names,” Connie grinned. (y/n) couldn’t understand how he was able to tease even though he was in a very high fever.
“Me?” Jean chuckled. “If anybody’s got experience in here, it’s me,” Connie, Sasha and Eren started laughing and a bright blush graced Jean’s cheeks. Jean frowned deeply. “YOU GUYS, SHUT UP!”
“Oi, Jean… I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to your twin brother,” Connie said as he let his head roll back on the pillow. (Y/n) tried her best not to laugh. There he is.
“Ooohhh," Jean nodded casually. "Alright, dude, no problem,”
A/N: Thanks for reading!!! Lemme know if you like it!!! Feel free to reblog and comment below!!! 🥰
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sassyduckqueen · 3 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 64
Ok wow that took a while. Sorry, it took so long to update. It wasn't an easy chapter to write but I think it's time out cool. This was certainly a challenge to write but I found it quite fun. I probably would gotten this out quicker but it's the summer holidays, meaning that work is busy. Anyway the next chapter will be Backwarder, meaning I'll finally be able to get some of Fu's history out and I get to introduce Marianne so yay!
Ant tataeadaa mumtalakat! Airhal alan!- You are trespassing! Leave now! La bi'asa! hum 'ilaa janibina!!- It's ok. They are on our side
Ánthropoi tis Athínas! Eímai i theá rara!- People of Athens, I am the goddess Hera! fére mou ton pséftiko theó, ton Alfeió kai tha deíxo éleos stin póli sou- bring me the false god, Alpheus and I will show mercy on your city Thavmatourgí paschalítsa- Miraculous ladybug
Chapter Sixty-Four: History Keepers
~City of Camelot, England~
 "In the name of God, I hereby name you man and wife," The priest stated as King Arthur stood in front of Gwenevieve, holding her hands in his and smiling like a damn fool. His eyes were sparking with pure joy and Gwenevieve matched. The priest smiled a little before turning to Arthur. "You may kiss the bride,"
 He leaned down and kissed Gwenevieve as the entire church cheered in joy. However, at the back of the church, a single knight looked on. He had a smile on his face but it didn't reach his eyes. Instead, he turned on his heel and walked out of the church. He took a deep breath as he walked away. He really wanted to be happy for Arthur, he really did. However, his heart ached in pain as watching him marry Genevieve was the hardest thing he ever had to do. He blinked and wiped his eyes before shaking his head. He shouldn't be sad. He knew Arthur didn't feel the same way for him or even swing the same way. He knew Arthur was in love with Gwen and she wasn't a bad woman at all. She would make Arthur happy and that's all he wanted. Even if it hurt him and broke his head.
 "Rene!" A voice shouted, causing him to stop and turn around. Lancelot was stood outside. "Where are you going?"
 "I just need some time alone," He replied, giving Lancelot a weak smile.
 "You're going to be at the party right?" He asked, frowning. Arthur and Rene were practically brothers so he didn't understand why Rene would just leave his wedding without saying goodbye. A brief expression of sorrow came across Rene's face as he didn't answer. "Right?"
 "Yeah... I'll be there later... I just... have something to do right now..." He replied before turning back on his heel and walking off. Lancelot frowned and tried to call out after him but Rene got on his horse and rode off, heading deep in the forest. He came to a stop and jumped off his horse before walking deeper into the forest. He stopped and waved his hand, creating a shimmer in the air before stepping through it, entering a cave with a waterfall and a small hut in the distance. He walked over to the fire pit where two others sat. One looked much younger then Rene. Part of his head was shaved and the rest was braided. He wore what could be described as ancient egyptian clothing and had no shoes on. In his hand was a huge toad and he seemed to be talking with it. The other had curly hair but it was the same dark shade. He wore a greek toga and sandals on his feet. He had an arm band on his right arm and was moving his fingers as he controlled water droplets around him. He glanced over as Rene walked over as the younger looked over as well. Rene gave them a weak smile and sat down. "How's Ra doing, Khnurn?"
 "He's ok," He replied, tracing his finger across the toad as Rene nodded.
 "You're not though," The water mage stated, turning the water into ice.
 "Don't worry about me, Al," He smiled, causing Alpheus to roll his eyes as he looked over at the hut. For the last few weeks, it has been shut and locked. "Is it still locked?"
 "Yep," Khnurn replied, tracing his finger over Ra's back again. "Toutai got in earlier but he didn't say much when he came out. I think Feng told him not to,"
 "I wonder why he locked it," Rene replied, sitting down as he picked up the kettle and poured a tea from it.
 "Probably cause he's bored," Alpheus replied, rolling his eyes again. "I know I am,"
 "You're always bored," He replied as he took a slip and smiled a little before turning his attention to Khnurn. "So how's Egypt doing?"
 "Well, there was a few issues with Imhotep but I stopped him as you well know," Khnurn replied, placing Ra onto the ground. "And I still don't like people,"
 "You never did," Alphus replied as he trapped Ra in a bubble of water, allowing the toad to swim in it.
 "Given his upbringing, it's no real surprise," Rene replied, making Alpheus glare at him. "The desert is a harsh mistress after all,"
"Well, my childhood wasn't exactly a walk in a path either," He grumbled as Khnurn fished Ra out of the water and glared at the mage, who smirked at him. "Why not trade him in for a camel? They're more useful,"
 "A common theme among us," Rene replied, as the toad croaked, glaring at Alpheus, who glared back. Rene shook his head and rolled his eyes as he slipped his tea.
 "Don't worry, Ra," Khnurn muttered, holding him. "I wouldn't trade you for a camel. You're much more fun than them,"
 "Oh yeah," Alpheus replied. "Much have been so hard been born to a lord and lady of the manor,"
 "Well, been a mage and born in a kingdom where magic was illegal wasn't exactly fun, Alpheus," Rene replied, shaking his head before a fourth person joined them. He resembled them as he shared the same hair shade and silver eyes but he was dressed in more asian style clothing. "Feng... you're actually gracing us with your presence today?"
 "I assume Arthur just got married," Feng replied, looking at Rene with a sympathetic look. "My condolences,"
 "Well, he's happy..." Rene frowned, holding his cup. "That's all that matters to me. Besides, he sees me as his brother..."
 "And you want him to see you in a different light?" Alpheus grinned, wiggling his eyebrows. Rene went bright red and glared at him, making him laugh. "If you ask me, you're over thinking this. Just enjoy what life gives you,"
 "Of course, you would say that," Rene muttered, rolling his eyes as Feng smirked. "What's your thoughts on love, Feng?"
 "Overrated," Khnurn muttered, making the four of them look at him. "What?"
 "Personally, I think love is a wonderful thing," He replied, making Khnurn roll his eyes and Rene smile. "And I was very happy with my lovers,"
 "Ok but what's with the door been locked?" Khnurn asked, making both Feng and Rene look at him due to the sudden change of subject. Alpheus merely snorted in amusement. "What? Love, relationships and stuff like that makes me uncomfortable and you want to know just as much as I do, Rene,"
 "True..." Rene muttered as Feng shook his head with a slight smile. "Well?"
 "Alright," He smiled. "We have a new incarnation,"
 "Really?!" Khnurn gasped, making Ra jump a little before he croaked. "Oh sorry Ra,"
 "I thought that Toutai was stripped of his title?" Rene asked, frowning.
 "Well, he was but that doesn't change what we are," He replied, making them both nod. "Besides, it wasn't like he actually dishonored the title. It was taken from him by force,"
 "By that jerk!" Khnurn huffed. "See? This is why we shouldn't trust people!"
 "And the new one?" Rene asked. "What is he like?"
 "Very brave and creative," Feng replied, smiling a little. "He actually wields the ladybug miraculous,"
 "Impressive," Alpheus whistled before stretching. "So when do we get to meet him?"
 "Soon actually," Feng replied, waving his hand over the fire pit. Smoke rose up from it, showing several images. Each were in their own time, showing a number of people from the future appearing and facing different situations. "There will be an incident that will send his friends back in time and he will have to find them,"
 "When?" Rene asked, looking over the image of his time showing a boy and two girls cowering from one of Mordred's beasts. "How long do we have?"
 "Two weeks," Feng replied, making them nod. "Best be prepared as well,"
 "For what?" Khnurn asked as Feng gave them his all knowing smile. 
 "You'll see soon enough,"
 ~Paris, Modern Day~
 "There is nothing in this book, Master!" Luka sighed, running his fingers through his hair as Master Fu frowned. He was so sure the answers would be in that cave but as soon as he got back to Paris, he checked out the book. Well, actually the first thing he did when he got back was collect Juleka's and Rose's miraculous and returned them to the miracle box since he was back in Paris but the second thing he did was go through the book. To his utter horror, he discovered nothing on the pages. Not a single letter or word had been written. Four days later and nothing had changed. "Why is it empty?! Why did I get that damn riddle if there is nothing in this book?!"
 "Luka, take a deep breathe and calm down," Fu ordered as Luka paced.
 "How can I?!" He gasped, close to tears. "I am been haunted by nightmares I don't understand and I've been possessed by something that made me write a pointless riddle and I don't know what is happening to me anymore?! I am scared and tired and... I just want to know why I have a connection to Feng! Why me?! I'm nothing special! I'm just... Luka..."
 "Luka, you're definitely something special," Tikki gasped, flying up to him. "You're amazing and the best bug I've ever had and whatever is happening to you, we'll work it out so please don't put yourself down like that,"
 "I'm sorry, Tikki," He muttered, flopping down onto the floor and hid his head in his arms. "And I'm sorry, Master. I... I just want to know what's happening to me. Why did Feng send me to Shanghai if the book has nothing in it?"
 "Maybe to stop Meishi from destroying it and to help that young lady to become the hero she was meant to be?" Master Fu pointed out as Luka looked up. "As for the book, maybe it is invisible ink?"
 "I tried that..." He admitted, frowning. "Feng did mention that I wasn't ready to see what was beyond the hut's door..."
 "Hut's door?" Master Fu asked but Luka shook his head and hid it back in his arms. Master Fu sighed and got up. "I'll make some tea,"
 "At least, it's the summer holidays now," Tikki smiled, making Luka nod as Master Fu came back in. He set up his kettle and began to make tea as Luka sat and hugged his knees. "Have you considered reaching out to Koro? Maybe she knows how to unlock the book's secrets?"
 "I don't want to bother her..." He muttered, frowning to himself. He had considered asking her but he wasn't sure if he wanted to reach out nor was he sure if she would be able to help. Master Fu placed a cup of tea in front of him, causing Luka to sniff at it before he picked it up and sipped it. "Do you think I should ask her, Master?"
 "I think that is only you can decide but maybe ask Lady Noire's advice on it too," He replied, making Luka nod as he sipped the tea. Maybe he should ask Koro about stuff. Maybe she would know but he wasn't sure about anything. He was also worried about Hawkmoth and his current silence. Since Shanghai, he had been oddly quiet. There hadn't been any akumas yet and it worried Luka. Usual when he was this quiet, it was because he was planning a big attack. It was his pattern. He was quiet before Heroes Day, Miracle Queen... if you don't count Loveater but Luka was certain that was a distraction in order to allow Miracle Queen to gain control over him. He repressed a shudder as his mind flicked back to it. Hawkmoth was also this quiet before New York and Shanghai. Other than Cash and Meishi, the last person to be akumatized was Mrs Mendelieve so Luka was concerned but he also realised that Yan Woshi was the first akuma to actually kill him so maybe Hawkmoth is taking a break. Hell, he might be quitting. Luka immediately casted that thought aside. There was no way he was quitting. He jumped a little as his phone buzzed, causing him to look at it. He frowned as it was Marinette calling. He shouldn't really be surprised even though it was fairly late. She often stayed up late to do her projects but usually she would text him. He gave Master Fu a look, who nodded before he pressed answer and held it to his ear.
 "Hey," He stated but almost instantly, he heard her sniff and he knew she had been crying. "You ok?"
 "Not... really..." She admitted in a sad voice. "I... I was hoping maybe you could come round for a little bit... it's cool if you can't though..."
 "I'll be there in a few minutes, Melody," He replied, feeling her relief through the phone. 
 "Thank you," She whispered, making him smile a little. "I'm just gonna cuddle Mr Whiskers until you get here,"
 "Ok, Melody. I'll see you soon," He replied before he said goodbye and hung up. He turned to Master Fu as he picked up the book and put it in his bag. "Sorry, I gotta go,"
 "Alright," Master Fu nodded as he transformed. "I hope your friend is ok,"
 "She will be," He nodded before leaving out the window and heading to the Bakery. He got there in record time before he knocked on the door. A few minutes later, Marinette opened the door, holding Mr Whiskers in her arms. It was a black cat plushie he had won for her at the fair they went to before they went to Shanghai. She kept it on her bed. Her eyes were bloodshot and it was obvious she had been crying. Luka held open his arms, causing her to instantly hug him. He wrapped his arms around her as she nuzzled her face against his chest. "You ok?"
 "It's silly really but I dreamt I got killed again by that big monster again..." She muttered, making him frown. He felt really bad but she had been caught up in the attack on Shanghai and had been zapped by Wan Yoshi when trying to help people escape and since coming back, she had been having nightmares about it. Luka also got nightmares about it, along with the rest of his ones but he didn't get killed in his. Instead, he watched as Yan Woshi killed everyone while he was helpless to save them. He pushed his thoughts aside and walked into the apartment as Marinette led him inside. The two of them settled on the sofa in the living room with Marinette resting her head on Luka's lap as he gently played with her hair and hummed. "Thanks for coming, Luka,"
 "I'm always here if you need me," He replied, making her look up at him. She looked a lot calmer and the shine in her eyes were returning. He gave her a smile as she reached up and moved a bit of his hair. Her hand lingered as her eyes moved down to his lips, causing him to blush a little. She gave him a soft smile. However, she realised what she was doing and went bright red.
 "I.. um... s-sorry," She gasped, sitting up. "I must seem like such a creep doing that. Oh god, you're gonna hate-"
 "I could never hate you," He replied, gently leaning over and placing a soft kiss on her forehead, making her blush even more. He smiled a little before deciding to change the subject. "I won't be able to stay over tonight,"
 "T-That's ok," She replied, still red before looking at the time. It was ten to 11. "It's pretty late though... will you be ok getting home?"
 "Don't worry. I'll be fine," He smiled, making her smile back. "Do you feel better?"
 "Yep," She smiled, resting her head on his arm. "You're just like a lucky charm, Luka. Are you coming to the picnic tomorrow?"
 "Of course," He smiled, making her smile even more. "I should head back, Melody,"
 "Ok," She nodded, getting and walking to the door with him. He smiled as she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks for coming over, Lu. You'll text me when you get back to the boat right?"
 "Of course," He replied, placing his own kiss on her cheek. She smiled before he waved to her and walked out into the night. She couldn't help but sigh a little before she closed the door and locked, heading back upstairs to the quiet apartment. Her parents were out on a date night but were due back in the next hour. She yawned a little as she grabbed Mr Whiskers before heading up to her room and back to her bed. She had fallen asleep in the evening and woke up from a nightmare, hence why she called Luka. She frowned a little as she felt bad not telling him the full dream but she didn't want to start crying again. Sure, she had flashbacks of been zapped by Yan Woshi but that hadn't been her nightmare tonight. Instead it had been Luka who had been zapped in her dream. In it, he had pushed her out of the way and took the hit instead. She had woken up screaming and crying worst then she ever had which was why she wanted to see him. It wasn't to comfort her but to know he was alive. She curled up her bed as her phone buzzed, causing her to look at it.
 L: I'm home. Sleep well, melody
 M: Yay! Sleep well as well, Lu.
M: *typing* Love you ❤️
 Marinette held her breath as her thumb hovered over the send button. She wasn't sure if she should it. Normally she wasn't so bold but she felt like she could be with Luka, especially since they had been getting closer and tested the waters with each other but they weren't exactly a couple yet. She bit her lip and deleted the message before retyping a new one. 
 M: Sweet dreams 😘
 L: you too, Melody 😘 
 She giggled and put her phone down before curling up in bed and hugging Mr Whiskers. The picnic will be fun.
 ~The Next Day~
 Marinette hummed to herself as she walked over to the park, holding a basket full of baked treats. She had chosen to wear a light pink summer dress with her ballet pumps that matched. She had her hair tied up in a loose, low ponytail and had the purse she made out of her Nonna's gift across her chest. She looked over and saw her friends sat on the grass chatting. By the looks of, almost everyone in her friendship group had turned up and had brought drinks and snacks too, meaning she wasn't the only person to bring food. Ondine and Kim were sat with Max and Marvok. Sabrina, Aurora, Chloe and Mirelle were sat talking to Kagami, who was playing with Adrien's hair as he laid on the grass with his head in her lap. He walked talking to Nino about some anime he watched and Alya was sat talking with Rose, Mylene and Ivan. Marc and Nathaniel were just sat whispering about their comic, causing to smile as she looked over them. She called over and waved at them as she walked over before sitting down on the grass and looking around. The only people that were missing were Alix, Juleka and Luka. However, the Couffaines turned up pretty quick, causing Marinette to smile as she greeted them. Soon the group were just waiting on Alix, who turned up a few minutes later.
 "Sorry, I'm late," She grumbled, sitting down and grabbing an Eclair before stuffing it in her face. Kim snorted a little before doing the same, trying to see if he could finish it before her. Most of the group waved it off but Juleka muttered asking her why. "Oh, Pa got a new painting for the museum and he insisted I see it before I came to meet you all. He wanted to know what I thought before he sets up it's grand unveiling,"
 "Ooh what is the painting?" Rose asked excitedly, clapping her hands together. Alix took out her phone before unlocking it and passing it to Rose. "Oh, wow!"
 "He looks so cool," Juleka muttered, looking at the phone before she passed it to Luka. He took off her and glared at it but as soon as his eyes landed on the picture, he felt a pulse similar to the one he experienced when he looked at the Eagle Miraculous. Only it wasn't half as bad as it had been. The painting was of a young knight kneeling down on the ground as he rested his hands against on his sword. His helmet was on the floor and behind him was a slained beast. He had dark shoulder length hair and wore silver armor with a golden trim over silver chainmail and leather breeches. He had his eyes closed and in one of his ears, he wore a jacket earring, making Luka frown a little as he felt like he had seen it before but couldn't remember where. What surprised him the most was he resembled the knight he had seen during Miracle Queen's attack. The only real difference was that the armor he wore and that he didn't have horns or a tail. Despite this, he was certain that it was the same knight. He frowned again before he passed the phone to Adrien. He couldn't help but wonder if he had the Wyvern miraculous as Alix's phone got passed around the group.
 "He's kind of cute," Marinette grinned, passing the phone back to Alix.
 "According to Pa, he was one of King Arthur's knights! Apparently, he had the nickname the Dragon Knight but his real name got lost to history," Alix replied, locking her phone. "In fact, that painting is like super rare and the only known picture of him!"
 "His name was Sir Rene..." Luka muttered with even thinking, making everyone look at him in surprise before he blinked. "What?"
 "Dude, you just said that the Dragon Knight's name was Sir Rene!" Alix gasped, making Luka frown. He didn't know the Dragon Knight's name but... yet somehow he knew that it was Sir Rene. "You said it was-"
 "Sir Rene," Juleka muttered, making everyone look at her before she looked at Luka. "I thought he wasn't real?"
 "Huh?" He asked, generally confused. Seeing his confusion, Juleka frowned.
 "Back when we were really little, we use to play a game of knights. I would play Morgana and you always played Sir Rene the Dragon Knight. In the game we use to 'save' King Arthur from the evil warlock Mordred," She mumbled, making him frown. He didn't recall it but at the same time, it sounded so familiar. "But we stopped playing it after... um... after Issac put you in hospital,"
 "I don't remember..." Luka admitted, frowning before looking at her. "Was it fun?"
 "So fun," Juleka smiled, making him smile. "Why... why don't we go and see the unveiling? M-Maybe it might help you remember the game..."
 "That's a great idea!" Rose grinned, making Juleka smile. "Oh we can make a day off it!!"
 "Me and Marc are down for it as we'll can get some inspiration for the comics," Nathaniel grinned as Marc nodded to. Alya grinned and turned to Aurora.
 "We could do a video on it and other exhibitions for our blogs," She suggested, making the other reporter grin. 
 "Definitely!" She smiled as Mirelle nodded as well. "Oh, Mirelle, you can do a photoshoot!!"
 "That sounds like a great idea!" Adrien grinned, sitting up. "Even Father will let me go because it's 'education',"
 "Mother would be the same," Kagami replied as everyone nodded and agreed they wanted to see it. Luka couldn't help but smile. "Plus it might help trigger how Luka knew about this mysterious knight,"
 "Oh what if your family is related to him!" Marinette gasped, making Juleka and Luka flush. They're pirates, not knights but it would be really cool to be related to a knight of the round table. Luka looked at Juleka, who gave him a shy smile and thumbs up. Given that just seeing an image of the painting gave him a smaller reaction of what happened in New York, he would be mad to skip out on it as it might have something to do with the miraculous. Maybe even to do with the journal. "What do you say?"
 "I'm down for it," He smiled, making everyone grin. "It's a once in a lifetime chance to see a rare painting and maybe it will help me remember why I knew about him,"
 "Maybe you're psychic," Juleka smirked, making him chuckle a little. Maybe he was and made that's why he had dreams about Feng. "Either way, it will be cool for you to remember. That game was awesome,"
 "How often did we play it?"
 "Almost every day," Juleka admitted, making him frown a little. "We use to play at school as well,"
 She sniggered a little, making him raise an eyebrow.
 "You had a go at a teacher and got detention," She explained, looking at him. "She had told you that Morgana was the evil witch in the story and that you shouldn't make me play her. She always told you that there was no such knight as Sir Rene but you insisted that he was real and that Morgana wasn't evil either. In fact, you said she was extremely lucky,"
 "Lucky?" He asked, frowning. Why did he say that about Morgana? "But how did I get detention?"
 "You called her a dorbel, which apparently means a petty, nit-picking teacher in old english," She giggled, making him blink. "You basically swore at her in old english. Ma thought it was hilarious apparently. Issac... not so much..."
 "I'm not surprised by that," He replied, nodding before turning to Alix. "So when's this grand unveiling?"
 "This Friday," She replied. "When I go home tonight, I'll ask pa and let you know,"
 ~The Night before the Unveiling~
 Rose and Marinette were sleeping over at the Liberty so the four of them could head to the museum together. Alix's father had been really happy that the class had wanted to come and see it. He had ensured her that her friends would be on the guest list. Apparently, a lot of high profile people would be there as well. Apparently, a number of people wanted to buy the painting but Alix's father was refusing to sell it, stating it was priceless. 
 "Are you excited to see it?" Marinette asked, causing Luka to look at her. She was sat cross legged in front of him on his bed with a grin on her face. He couldn't help but match her expression.
 "I am," He replied as she moved and stretched. "It's gonna be strange though,"
 "How so?"
 "Well, that painting is priceless," He replied as she moved so she was laid on her stomach. "And I did some research on it. It was painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the 1300s and was considered part of his 'lost' work,"
 "Really?" She asked, surprised. "Wow,"
 "Yeah," He replied, smiling a little. "I can't believe that some of his lost work was found..."
 "I didn't know you liked painting," She grinned, making him smile. "Been friends with Anatis must be rubbing off on you,"
 "Well, he is basically the embodiment of creation," He grinned, making her smile. "Though... he's not my muse. You have that title,"
 "Luka!!" She gasped, going bright red as he laughed, causing her to playfully hit his arm. "Y-You're not serious are you?"
 "Very serious," He replied, leaning against his wall and placing his hands in behind his head. "I don't know what it is but I could write a hundred songs after spending a moment with you,"
 "Lu!!" She gasped, going red again as she hid her face in her hands. He couldn't help but smile at her. Slowly, she peeked from her hands as she looked at him. "Y-You really mean that?"
 "Yep," He smiled, causing her to blush and hide her face again. "You're so cute,"
 ~The Next Day~
 Luka couldn't help but smile as he looked around the room that the unveiling was been held in. He was generally surprised at how many people had turned up. Chloe was there with her family and Sabrina's. He knew those two were coming but he was surprised that their parents did as well. A number of reporters including Nadja Chamack had turned up as well and to his surprise, Gabriel Agreste had turned up. Well..technically he was on his tablet as usual and it was actually his assistant who was here.. but it wasn't his usual assistant though. It was actually the Gorilla but Adrien and Kagami seemed happy so that's what mattered. It turned out that Tom and Sabine were providing the caterating for the event too and that Penny had gotten an invite. She had explained to him that she had banned Jagged from the event because he would more then likely try to buy the painting plus he didn't really like museums much. Luka wasn't surprised by that. Even a number of teachers from different schools were here as well as Alix's brother. He was actually stood talking to Mr Damocles and Mr D'argencourt. Apparently, the two of them were actually helping with the unveiling and in the same history club as Alix's brother. Unfortunately, Lila was also there with her parents, though they seemed more bothered about other people then Lila. Instead, she was sulking in the corner. She had tried to tell Alya that she was related to Leonardo da Vinci but Alya just told her that she didn't need to lie to impress her. Luka was a little disappointed that Alya was still trying to give Lila the time of day but he was glad she knew she was lying, even if she didn't realize that Lila was malicious with it. She would get there at some point. Alim tapped his glass, making everyone look at him.
 "Thank you all for coming," He smiled as he addressed the audience. "I'm also really happy to see so many young people in the audience today. As you know, today is the unveiling of one of the lost works of Leonardo da Vinci,"
 He turned and pointed to the velvet curtain that covered the painting.
 "Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to present the Dragon Knight," He declared, pulling the curtain off and revealing the painting. Everyone clapped and oohed at it as they stared at it. Luka couldn't help but stare straight at it, almost in a sort of trance as he looked at the knight. Alim had continued to talk and people moved around yet Luka just stood there staring as his mind pulsed in a similar way to how it had with the eagle miraculous. He blinked as he heard someone talking, causing him to look around as the world caught up to him. Lila was talking to some other kids from a different school about how she knew a lot about the subject while her parents talked far from her and so didn't hear her lies. Luka frowned as he listened.
 "Oh, yes, apparently he was a real lady's man. ," She laughed, making him frown as he walked over, not caring for the restraining order. He would not have her lie about his possible ancestry. Rene was not a lady's man at all. He didn't even like women.
 "Actually, Lila, he was gay," He pointed out, making her look at him. "So stop making up lies,"
 "That's kind of hypocritical, isn't it?" She smirked. "Since you just lied,"
 "Unlike you, I'm not lying," He stated, making her frown. He didn't know how but he knew it was true. "Sir Rene was gay and never married,"
 "Knights can't be gay!" She gasped, making everyone look at her. "It was against the code and he would have been killed for it since it was considered a crime punishable by death,"
 "Actually, he was a holy knight, meaning it was a crime to try and hurt him as he was considered a man of god," Luka pointed, making Lila grit her teeth. "So actually yeah he could be a knight and gay. Deal with it,"
 "Well, I don't believe you!" She gasped, making him roll his eyes before he walked away. However, his words had caused the people listening to her to also walk off, causing her to narrow her eyes. "Stupid Couffaine,"
 Naturally, no one replied but she felt like someone was watching her. Looking around, she noticed the painting was facing her. Despite the fact that the Knight had his eyes closed, she felt like he was staring at her and strangely enough, that enraged her. She would have to do something about that. She saw her chance when people began to leave the area, leaving her and the new painting alone.
 ~Half an Hour Later~
 Luka was stood, talking with the rest of the group when they heard a scream echo through the museum. They looked alarmed and rushed from where it came from, causing them to stop in the area where Sir Rene's painting for. To their horror, they saw someone had defaced it with some marker pen and a few slashes. Luka frowned as he suspected it may have been Lila but that wasn't the person who screamed. It had been Jalil Kubbel. He was kneeling in front of it with his head in his hands while Mr Damocles and Mr D'argencourt tried to calm him down and reassure him. Alix and their father were also trying to calm him down.
 "You don't understand!" He cried, looking up. Luka frowned as he saw Lila smirking from the sideline. He narrowed his eyes as he was sure she had something to do with this. "This painting is one of a kind! It's the only known painting of the Dragon Knight and Father... you put me in charge-"
 He suddenly cut off as an akuma entered his pendant and the butterfly mask appeared over his eyes but to Luka's surprise, it also appeared over Mr Damocles' and Mr D'argencourt's eyes as well, despite that they weren't actually touching them. Alix and her father backed off as the three men listened to Hawkmoth, causing Luka to glance at them in shock. He frowned as he noticed each of them had similar necklaces around their necks, all looked black. It concerned him because Hawkmoth had never akumatized more than one person who wasn't touching the object. He took a step back as a blue feather also appeared, entering the watch on Mr Damocles' wrist. Mayura was helping him today.
 "We shall protect history and punish those who disrespect it," The three of them declared, accepting whatever Hawkmoth had offered. The purple smog engulfed them as a blue smog appears in the air. It disappeared, revealing a huge floating clock that was orange, black, red and blue in color. It had a huge smile on it's face and single eye. The purple smog disappeared, revealing Darkblade and the Pharaoh in the place of Mr D'Argencourt and Jalil but Mr Damocles hadn't turned into the Dark Owl but a new villain. He resembled a greek god and seemed to be themed around time. Luka slammed his hand on the fire alarm, triggering it as everyone started at them before he turned his friends.
 "Run!" He shouted, causing them to come back into reality before they rushed into action. He noticed Lila rushing to get out among the rest of them.
 "You shall not escape our wrath, Knaves!" Darkblade called, causing the Pharaoh to glare.
 "Thoth, give me time!" He declared, turning his head into a gaboon as he made bubbles. He threw them at people, trapping them in them but the moment he did the sentimonster fired a beam at them and they disappeared. 
 "You can't escape Chronos!" Mr Damocles declared, jumping over to a number of people and slashed them with his scythe, freezing them in place. Once again, the sentimonster fired at them. Darkblade began to turn people into his knights as the group and others ran out, causing the akumas to give chase. Naturally, Rose tripped up, causing Juleka to rush over to her as Luka turned around. She pulled her up and began to run as the akumas chased them. However, it did them no good as Chronos jumped in front of them and slashed them with his blade, freezing them in place.
 "Juleka! Rose!" Luka gasped, going to rush over to them but Adrien grabbed his arm as the sentimonster fired at them, making them disappear, causing Luka to just stop and stare at where they had been. It had been like something out of his nightmares.
 "Luka! Come on!!" He gasped as the akumas began to attack others, including the rest of their group. Pharoah directed a time bubble towards a number of people including Lila, who pushed Sabrina towards it, trapping her in the bubble. Chloe shouted and tried to help but got caught in the bubble. Like Rose and Juleka, they were erased by the sentimonster. Mylene and Ivan were next, followed by Nathaniel, Marc and Lila. "We have to get out of here!!"
 "R-Right..." Luka replied, shaking his head before he looked around. His eyes widen as he saw Marinette wasn't around but was sure she hadn't been hit. "Where's Marinette?!"
 "She was just ri-" Nino started but Chronos suddenly sliced him, freezing him before he stalked over to the remaining members of the group. Darkblade and Pharaoh followed him, causing the remaining members of the group to back away. Luka tried to glance around to find a way out of there so he could go and transform.
 "Disrespectful youths!" Chronos growled, lifting his blade but before he could hit them, Lady Noir jumped down and blocked his attack with her baton before she turned to the group.
 "Get out of here!" She shouted, pushing Chronos back and dodging the beam the sentimonster fired at her. Luka, Adrien and the others ran away from them. Darkblade jumped down and fired his sword at them, hitting Aurora, Ondine and Mirelle as the rest of them dodged and ran in the other direction as Darkblade knighted them. Pharaoh jumped in front of them and threw time bubbles at them, trapping Kagami, Kim and Max. Luka grabbed Alya and Adrien by their arms and pulled them out of the way of more time bubbles before they turned to run again, only to find they were completely surrounded by the akumas, their mind controlled knights and their sentimonster. Luka panicked as he tried to find Lady Noir. His eyes widen as he saw her trapped inside a time bubble but she seemed to be moving. Albeit, really slowly but she was lifting her hand in the air and saying something. He realized she was summoning her cataclysm as the dark energy appeared in her hand. Looking around, he saw the sewer lit up in his luck vision as the akumas were just about to attack them. Lady Noir slowly placed her hand against the bubble, causing it to explode as Luka grabbed Alya and Adrien and pulled them to the ground, avoiding the shatters of the time bubble. Lady Noir gave him a look as if to say 'get out of here while I distract them'.
 "Hey! Time freaks!" Lady Noir growled and spun her baton, getting the akumas attention as they, the sentimonster and the army charged towards her. She gave out a battle cry and charged back. Seeing a chance to escape, Luka pulled Adrien and Alya to the sewers and opened it.
 "Get in!" He ordered, making them blink. "Now!"
 "But what about Lady Noir?" Adrien asked but then they heard the sound of the blast from the sentimonster's eyes, causing the three of them to look in shock and surprise. "Oh no..."
 "Go!" Luka ordered, causing the two of them climb down the ladder as the mini army rushed over. Luka jumped in and ran, along with the other two as he took out his phone and put out an alert on the akuma app. They kept running through the sewers with the akumas hot on their tail, only to come to a sudden stop when they reached the end of the tunnel. Looking down at the drop, Luka frowned as they heard the akumas coming towards them. "We need to jump!"
 "What?!" Alya gasped as Luka jumped, causing Adrien and her to follow. However, Pharoah threw time bubbles at them, trapping Alya and Adrien in the air but missing Luka completely. Hr took a gulp of air, just before he hit the water before swimming off. He made his way to the edge and pulled himself out of the water as he looked around. Apparently, the akumas decided he wasn't worth following. He jumped as he felt someone on around. He thought for a second it was the akumas but when he looked around, nothing was there. He let out a sigh of relief as Tikki flew out of his jacket.
 "Sorry," He gasped as she shook the water from herself. "You're ok right?"
 "I'm fine, Luka," She smiled, making him smile back but before he could transform, he had that feeling again. He glanced around, seeing no one. "Luka?"
 "I.. I feel like someone is here..." He replied, causing Tikki to frown before they felt the wind around them.
 Luka... this way... A voice inside the wind whispered, causing his eyes to widen before he turned to Tikki, who apparently didn't hear anything.
 "Tikki! Spots on!" He declared, transforming into Anatis before he ran to where the wind had directed him. It was one of the exits so he climbed up it. However, he carefully took out his yoyo and used it to check around. It seemed like no one was around and was in an alleyway so he climbed out. He would need a lucky charm straight away so he threw his yoyo in the air and quietly summoned one, causing a small mirror appear out of thin air. He caught it and frowned as he tried to look around to work out what to do with it before he realized it was a normal mirror. It had a frame that was Ladybug patterned but the glass itself wasn't normal mirror glass. It was in fact black, making him frown as he looked at it. He held it up so he could look at the reflection but jumped and dropped it when he saw someone stood behind him. He quickly picked it and looked behind him, frowning as no one was there. He took a deep breathe and held it up again, causing him to see the man behind him again. Only this time he recognized him. "Feng?"
 Feng gave him a smile before holding up something. Anatis' eyes widen as he saw it was the Rabbit Miraculous but that meant...
 It is time... Feng's voice echoed, confirming his thoughts before he faded away, leaving Anatis alone. He took a deep breathe and looked around, finally noticing it was the alley right next to Master Fu's apartment. He blinked before detransforming and catching Tikki. He gave her a cookie and rushed inside the building, heading to Master's apartment. He burst through the door, causing Master Fu to jump. 
 "Master, I need the rabbit miraculous!" He gasped, surprising Fu. "Scrap that... I need all of the temporary miraculous including the rabbit,"
 "What?" Fu asked, surprised as Luka moved pass him and opened the phonograph. "Luka?! You ca-"
 "I'm sorry, Master. Normally I wouldn't do this but we have no time to argue or to delay," He replied, taking out the box and opening it. "I have three akumas, one sentimonster and a number of brainwashed citizens to deal with. My team, including Lady Noir, have been erased. Since Feng showed me the Rabbit miraculous, I'm guessing they are lost in time so I need the Rabbit Miraculous to rescue them,"
 "But if you merge-"
 "I won't merge them," He replied, placing the miraculous he needs in his pockets before he took out the rabbit miraculous. "I'll be giving it to Alix Kubbel. It will mean she'll find out the temp heroes' identities but this is the only way. If I take on the akumas alone... I'll be lost in time too or worst, Hawkmoth will get my miraculous,"
 "Can you trust her?" He asked, making Luka nod.
 "I've already met her from the future," He explained, making Master Fu frown. "She's Bunnyx or she will be... which is happening now. Anyway, I need my whole team to take down the akumas, the sentimonster and their army. I just don't know how yet,"
 "Well... I trust you so do what you need to," Master Fu nodded as Luka closed the miracle box and placed it back inside the phonograph. "But how did you know my code?"
 "I have a really good memory," He replied, shrugging before pointing to the turtle miraculous. "I'm gonna need that one too,"
 Master Fu looked down at it before he took it off, causing Wayzz to disappear into it and placed it in Luka's hands.
 "Good luck," He smiled, making Luka nod before he left. He smiled a little as he looked out the window and saw Anatis jump off.
 ~At the Louvre~
 Alix curled up, making sure to hide behind the stone tablets in the ancient egyptian section of the museum. Honestly, she was terrified and she didn't know what to do. As soon as her brother had accepted Hawkmoth's powers, her father had grabbed her and told her to run before going back to try and talk Jalil out of it. He hadn't come back yet, meaning he was probably either erased or a knight or a mummy. She flinched as she heard a noise before she got up and grabbed a spear from one of the displays, holding it out to protect herself. However, she dropped it when she saw Anatis. She rushed over and hugged him, making him jump in surprise.
 "Anatis! It's my brother!" She gasped, looking at him.
 "Alix, take a deep breathe and calm down ok?" He ordered in a calm voice. She nodded and did so. "I need your help,"
 "M-My help?" She asked, surprised as he took out his yoyo and opened it. He reached his hand in it and took out a colorful watch, making her eyes go wide as she recognized it as the rabbit miraculous. "Is that..."
 "Yes," He replied before he hesitated. "But I need you to promise me you'll never repeat what you learn today to anyone,"
 "I... I promise," She declared with a look of determination before he nodded and help it out to her.
 "Alix Kubdel, here is the Miraculous of the Rabbit that will grant the power to travel through time. You will use it for the greater good," He declared, making her blink as she took it. "Once the job is done, you will return the miraculous to me. Can I trust you?"
 "You can rely on me, Anatis," Alix replied, opening the box and allowing Fluff to manifest. "Hi, Fluff,"
 "Oh, what is now? And where is then? What..." Fluff blinked before frowning and turning to Anatis. "Master Anatis... something is wrong with time. People aren't where they are suppose to be!"
 "So I was right," He frowned, holding his chin with his thumb and forefinger. "Alix, we need to go back in time to find the temporary heroes and Lady Noir. Here.."
 He pulled a jar of small carrots out of his yoyo and handed them to her.
 "You're gonna need those," He replied, making her blink. "You can only use burrow once and then you'll detransform once five minutes has passed but we're gonna need to make a lot of trips,"
 "Ok," She nodded, holding out the watch. "Fluff, Clockwise!"
 Fluff got sucked into the watch, turning it into it's miraculous form. Alix swiped her hand over her eyes, creating her mask before holding it as the light blue light traveled down her arm, creating her suit. She spun around as her outfit changed. She tucked the watch into her pocket and created the ears on her head before she held up her hand and caught her umbrella before swiping to the side then opening it, completing the transformation. She grinned and looked at herself.
 "How come my outfit is different to older me?" She asked, noticing she had shorts on, trainers and elbow length gloves instead of the outfit she had seen her older self wearing.
 "You're younger than she was," Anatis pointed out, making her nod. "Now we just need to work out where everyone is... if it was like Time Tagger then history should have altered... so let's start looking for any changes,"
  ~Shanghai, China, 1600 AD~
 Lady Noir blinked as she looked around, wondering how she suddenly appeared in what appeared to be china. She knew she had family there but this was not where she had stayed. She got up and dusted herself down as she looked around before she heard a gasp. Before she could react, she felt someone suddenly hug her.
 "Lady Noir!!" Rose's voice echoed as she looked down and saw the hyper girl was the one hugging her. "Oh I'm so glad to see you!! Mylene look! It's Lady Noir!"
 "Oh thank goodness," Mylene smiled as she came over from her hiding place. "Do you know where we are?"
 "It's more of when," A calm, male voice stated, causing the three girls to look over at where it came from. Leaning against the wall of a building was a young man with long black hair. He was wearing traditional chinese clothing with bandages on his legs and martial arts shoes on his feet. His shirt was light blue and had silver details on it. He wore light gray pants and a dark blue jacket over it with a dark blue belt around his waist. In his hair was a silver ribbon and he had gray fingerless gloves on. He also had gray eyes. He pushed himself off the wall and walked over to them "Come with me. There are a lot of imperial soldiers around who will attack you on sight, especially since you're not from here,"
 The two girls looked to Lady Noir, who nodded as she had a feeling she could trust this guy. She didn't know why but he kind of reminded her of Anatis. She wasn't sure why but she just knew she could trust him. She, Rose and Mylene followed him through the city until they came to a temple. The man let them inside and locked the door behind him, telling Rose and Mylene to rest before turning to Lady Noir again.
 "Follow me," He replied, making her nod as he walked deeper into the temple, away from the others. 
 "How are you speaking perfect french?" She asked as he opened a door and brought her inside.
 "I'm channelling Khnurn's magic," He explained, making her look at him with confusion. "His magic manifested itself as the ability to speak in any language,"
 "Oh that is useful," She replied as her miraculous beeped rapidly before she detransformed, causing her to catch Plagg before she gasped. "Oh no! I-"
 "Don't worry," He smiled, making her calm down. "I won't tell anyone. There's some Nguri for Plagg to recharge. It isn't the type he usually prefers but it should be enjoyable enough,"
 "Thanks, Toutai!" He called, diving straight into the pile of cheese, causing Marinette to look at the young man.
 "You're Master Toutai, the celestial guardian?!" She asked, remembering what Koro had said. He smiled and nodded. "Whoa... is this how you knew about..."
 "You appearance in my time? Yes, I was given a heads up about it," He explained, making her raise an eyebrow. "Those are details that I can't tell you, Miss Marinette. It is not my secret to give,"
 "Ah," She nodded. "I get it... still thank you for rescuing us,"
 "It was nothing," He smiled in a shy manner before he looked behind him as in the distance a chime echoed. He turned back to her. "You might want to retransform. We're going to have some guests,"
 Marinette nodded as Plagg flew over to her before retransforming into Lady Noir. Toutai smiled and lead her back into the main temple as the chimes came to a stop. When the last chime finished, a glow portal she recognized as a burrow opened in the middle of the temple before Anatis followed by a younger Bunnyx walked out, causing Lady Noir to rush over and hug him. Instantly, he hugged back as Bunnyx glanced over at Rose and Mylene as well as Toutai. Anatis pulled away from her.
 "I'm glad you're ok, Kitten," He whispered, making her smile before he looked around. "But..."
 He went silence as his eyes landed on Toutai, who merely nodded towards him and stepped forward.
 "Hello, Anatis.. it's nice to actually meet you in person," He smiled before he looked over at Bunnyx, who was talking to Rose. Rose nodded as she gave her the bee miraculous discreetly, sipping it into her pocket. "Miss Rabbit, there is a room down there where you can detransform and charge up Fluff,"
 "Oh, right... cool. Thanks, random person from history," She grinned, holding up her thumbs before going to that room. Anatis stepped over to him.
 "How are you here?" He asked, making Lady Noir frown a little.
 "This is my time," Toutai replied. "China, 1603 to be exact. I'm 303 years old,"
 "Damn, you look good," Lady Noir gasped, making Toutai smile. "I mean... your wife won't kill me right?!"
 "Oh, no she won't," He smiled, making Lady Noir let out a sigh of relief. "She's currently doing her guardian trials so she isn't home right now,"
 Lady Noir nodded before walking over to Anatis.
 "What's wrong?" He asked, frowning.
 "Should we tell him about... the fact that he's gonna be murdered?" She asked, causing Anatis to frown. Koro had explained he had been killed before he fully lived out his life as the celestial guardian. "Maybe we could prevent it,"
 "I... I don't think we can," Anatis whispered, frowning as he felt Toutai's song. It was a song full of hope and sorrow. One of wanting to live happily before it was too late. "I think... I think he knows it's going to happen... he just doesn't know when or how,"
 "Ok! I'm good!" Bunnyx declared before Lady Noir could answer. She walked over to them as Lady Noir gave Anatis a nod. "Where to now, Boss?"
 "I'm not sure," Anatis replied, frowning. "I think we might just need to visit different-"
 "We need to go to Egypt, Ancient Greece, Medieval England and Ancient China," Toutai stated, walking over. "Those are the times and locations your friends are in,"
 "Oh thanks," Anatis smiled before he realized what Toutai had said. "Wait... what do you mean we?"
 "Simple," Toutai smiled. "I'm coming with you,"
 ~The Sahara Desert, 1200 BC~
 Chloe blinked as she looked up at the sky. She was sure she had been inside the Louvre museum with her friends so why was she laid on her back, looking up at the very clear, open sky? Blinking, she sat up and looked around, causing more concern to fill her mind as she saw she was laid in the desert. Laid next to her was Nathaniel and Max but both of them seemed unconscious. She scrambled up and shook Max awake before moving to Nathaniel, waking him up. He looked around alarmed as Max pushed his glasses up.
 "Um... where are we?" He asked as Max stood up and dusted his clothes down.
 "I would guess a desert but I don't remember how we got here," He replied, frowning as Chloe helped Nathaniel up while trying to keep him calm. "Is everyone ok?"
 "Physically, yes but I think Nath is having a panic attack," Chloe replied, gesturing to him as he looked around and tried to breathe. However, the sound of horses made her own panic rise, especially as she saw a cloud of sand in the distance. "Um... Max tell me that can be explained and isn't a bad thing,"
 Max looked over before clearing his throat.
 "I think we should run," He stated, making her look at him as he began to step back. The sand cloud was getting closer. "Yep... definitely run!"
 Chloe wrapped Nathaniel's arms around her neck and began to run, along with Max as some horse drawn chariots came at them with great speed. The men riding them were yelling as they gained on them but before they could do anything, the cariotes came to a sudden stop. The men fell forward before looking around bewildered as they tried to make their horses move. Chloe looked back as she, Max and Nathaniel kept moving. The men jumped off the chariots to chase them on foot but the moment they passed their horses, something in the air changed as a number of figures jumped towards them and landed in the sand. Chloe's eyes widen in fear as she thought they were about to attack them too. 
 "Who are they?!" Nathaniel asked as one of them stepped forward. He looked their age but was dressed very different to them. He wore a white kilt with a golden belt that had golden and blue material hanging from it. He had no shoes on at all but had golden cuffs around his ankles and his wrists, though the wrist ones were slightly bigger. His hair was partly shaved and the rest of it was braided and finally, his eyes were brown in color. Despite his age, he had an sense of authority about him. It was clear he was the leader of this group. He walked past the three of them and up to the leader of the men who had chased them.
 "Ant tataeadaa mumtalakat! Airhal alan!" He stated in a calm but firm voice. At first the leader seemed to hesitate before he turned to his men and began to shout them, causing them to back off. The boy watched them leave before turning to the three of them. "Come. I'm sure the desert has left you weary and in need of food and drink,"
 The three of them stared at him in surprise. It was pretty obvious that they were in ancient times but yet he had just spoken to them in perfect, modern day french. He rose an eyebrow at them as they stared.
 "It's complicated but basically I can speak any language that has ever existed or will exist," He stated, making them blink and nod before he walked off, causing them to follow him to a number of camels and horses. One of the others with him leaned over to him and said something. The boy replied, causing him to nod before he stopped and looked over at the sky before he turned to his companions and said something to them. They looked at each other but stopped when a white portal appeared before Anatis and a girl in a rabbit suit stepped out. Instantly, the others around the young leader went on edge, ready to attack. However, he turned to them. "La bi'asa! hum 'ilaa janibina!!"
 The group lowered their weapons as Anatis stopped in his path and looked completely taken by surprise as he stared at the young leader, making the rabbit girl look at him. A few minutes later, Lady Noir and a man dressed in Chinese clothing stepped out again, causing the young man to smile at him.
 "Hi, Toutai!" He grinned as Toutai nodded to him as Anatis turned to the older person.
 "I know him... why do I know him?" He asked, making Toutai chuckle.
 "All in good time, young hero," He replied, turning to the boy. "Anatis, this is Khnurn,"
 "Yes, that is my name," He replied, causing Anatis and the rabbit girl to blink in surprise. "And you're Anatis... or at least like this you are..."
 He smiled and gestured to him.
 "Come! We shall take cover in our camp so your friends may have food and drink to recharge," Khnurn declared, causing Anatis to nod before he followed. He gave a nod to Bunnyx, who nodded back and took the chance to slip the horse miraculous to Chloe, telling her something and winking at her. Chloe nodded and hid it in her purse before Lady Noir whispered something to Bunnyx, who nodded. A few minutes later, she slipped something to Nino and told him something without anyone else noticing. Nino nodded and slipped the tiger miraculous into his pocket. The group followed Khnurn and his group over to their camels and horses before climbing on with them, riding off to their camp. It took a bit of time but they came to a pyramid hidden in the sands, just as Bunnyx's miraculous beeped. Khnurn jumped off his camel and walked over to the edge of the pyramid before placing his hand on it. A golden light came from it before forming a phoenix and disappearing, revealing a hidden doorway. "Follow me,"
 He walked inside, causing the group to follow him. Once inside, it was revealed to be a camp area with a number of tents and areas sectioned off with curtains. Another thing Anatis noticed was the number of animals in the place. All kinds of birds, dogs and cats were around. There was even a cow and a toad. The toad hopped over to Khnurn, who picked him up.
 "It isn't much but it is home," Khnurn replied as he smiled before he looked over at Bunnyx. "You can detransform and charge up Fluff over there,"
 He pointed to one of the hidden areas, making her nod as she walked over and moved behind a curtain. Lady Noir moved over to Anatis as he took a seat near a fire pit. Khnurn moved over to Toutai, switching to chinese to talk to him with anyone else understanding. They both glanced in Anatis' direction, making him look over.
 "I don't trust them," Lady Noir grumbled, making Anatis smile a little. "I mean how do they know each other? Why do they even look the same?"
 "They're connected to each other," Anatis replied, making her look at him. Toutai's song and Khnurn's song were eerily similar. "I just don't know how yet but I think we can trust them,"
 "Well, I trust you," She replied, making him smile. "Not sure about them though. Like Toutai seems nice but... Khnurn seems odd,"
 "He doesn't like people," Anatis muttered as Khnurn stroked the toad in his hand. "That's why he talks to Ra,"
 "Ra?" Lady Noir asked, making Anatis look at her.
 "That's what the Toad is called," He replied, making her blink and look at him before he shook his head, gripping it a little. "I don't know how I know that,"
 One of Khnurn's friends walked over to them, holding out a goblet. Anatis looked up at her, noticing she was wearing the earrings that resembled the ladybug miraculous but when they weren't active. However, he couldn't sense Tikki but maybe it's because he was out of time so to speak.
 "Yashrab," She stated, making Anatis shake his head.
 "Ana last eatshan," He replied, making Lady Noir look at him in surprise.
 "Annie, I didn't know you could speak ancient egyptian," She replied. He looked at her in surprise.
 "I... didn't?" He asked, not certain. He noticed Khnurn smirking like he understood something that Anatis didn't. "I just said I'm not thirsty since she told me to drink,"
 "You understood what she said, didn't you?" Khnurn asked, walking over. Anatis looked at him with slight confusion, causing him to smile. "Fascinating,"
 "I'm all charged up!" Bunnyx shouted as she walked out and back over. Anatis stood up with Lady Noir. "So where to next?"
 "Ancient Greece," Toutai stated, making everyone look at him before they looked at Anatis for confirmation. "If you're willing to listen to me that is,"
 "Yeah... ok... Greece it is," He nodded, causing Bunnyx to open a burrow. "Chloe, Nathaniel and Nino. Stay inside the room,"
 "No problem," They replied, walking inside the burrow but to Anatis' surprise, Khnurn put down Ra and told his group that he would be back soon before he turned to Anatis.
 "I'm coming with you," He replied, making the remaining heroes blink. Though Toutai didn't seem surprised at all. Anatis suspected that he knew Khnurn would do this. "You're gonna need my help,"
 "Right..." Anatis replied, nodding. "Let's go then,"
 ~Athens, Greece, 470 BC~
 "Oww," Ivan groaned as he sat up and rubbed his head. He was sure he had just been in the Louvre with Mylene and the rest of their group but now he was lying under a giant statue of a man with a beard. He looked around and saw Marc curled up and still asleep while Alya was just sitting up. "Alya, you ok?"
 "I'm fine, Ivan," She replied as Marc stirred. "But where-"
 She was cut off by the sound of a huge roar, making the three of them jump up in surprise before Alya excitedly took off, causing Ivan and Marc to follow her. They ended up hiding behind some urns as they came across a scene that wasn't unfamiliar to them. A creature they recognized as a hydra breathed fire and destroyed thing with it's tail as a woman dressed similar to Mayura watched the destruction. She was wearing a blue toga and held the fan of the peacock holder in her hands.
 "Ánthropoi tis Athínas! Eímai i theá rara!" She declared, making the three of them look at each other in confusion. "fére mou ton pséftiko theó, ton Alfeió kai tha deíxo éleos stin póli sou!!"
 "I think she's threatening the city," Marc whispered, making Ivan frown. However, before they could do anything, a wave of water hit her, knocking her off the building before flames wrapped around the Hydra. A woman dressed in a ladybug patterned Toga jumped down and wrapped her yoyo around the beast before another hero, dressed as a lion, jumped down and crushed a pillar, causing a blue feather to disappear from it. The Hydra disappeared, allowing the woman to capture the feather with her yoyo before she threw up an item into the air.
 "Thavmatourgí paschalítsa!" She declared, causing the item to burst into the cure and fix everyone. Alya couldn't help but squeal. However, the woman Hera was no where to be seen. 
 "Oh my god! That's a holder of the Ladybug miraculous!!" Alya gasped, practically vibrating with excitement but Marc looked just as excited as he looked at the two heroes.
 "She's Hippolyte and that is Hercules!" He gasped, making Ivan look at them before they heard someone clear their throat. The three of them turned around to find themselves face to face with a young man roughly somewhere in his late teens. His hair was black and curly in style. He wore a white toga with light blue detail on the trim and brown saddles but what really made him stand out were his eyes. They were the color of the ocean and sparkled with humor and mischief. "Um... hi?"
 "You're not from here," He stated, surprising all of them before they slowly nodded. "Come with me. The others must not see you or they'll think your the enemy and they will attack you,"
 "Attack?" Marc asked as the hero walked off.
 "Wait! Who are you?" Alya demanded, making him stop. "And how can we trust you huh?!"
 "Would you rather I leave you to the hydra?" He asked, making her gasp and quickly follow him. Marc walked over to him.
 "Um... who are you?"
 "I'm Alpheus," He replied with a cheeky grin. "A friend of yours contacted me to find you,"
 "Wait... Anatis?" Ivan asked but Alpheus didn't say anything. Just gave him a smile. "It has to be Anatis,"
 "But Anatis has never mentioned him before," Alya pointed out but the two boys just walked off, following him. She gasped and ran after them as they headed back to the temple Alpheus was staring at the sky, making Alya raise an eyebrow before she walked up to him. "Excuse me! How do you know Anatis?"
 "Let's just say we have history," He grinned, making her raise an eyebrow. The way he said means it was clearly a pun but she didn't get the punchline. However, she didn't have time to think about it as a glowing portal appeared, causing Anatis to step out with a rabbit hero. Alya squealed excitedly as she saw her before Lady Noir stepped out with two others the three of them had never seen. However, Alpheus walked straight up to them and greeted them, making her assume they were his brothers. They looked similar after all. The Rabbit girl went over to Ivan and gave him something, getting a nod of him before she disappeared behind a statue, causing a white light to flash. Alya was very tempted to look behind it to see who the girl was but Anatis gave her a stern look as if he knew what she was thinking. She gave him a calm smile before walking over to him.
 "Can I ask you a question?" She asked, making Anatis nod. "Who is that guy? He said you contacted him and said you had history with him but he said it like a joke but I didn't get it,"
 "I'm not sure I get it yet either," Anatis replied, frowning. "I do know him though. His name is Alpheus... I didn't contact him though..."
 "You've never mentioned him before, Annie," Lady Noir stated, making him frown. "Don't ya think they kind all look like each other? Like if I didn't know any better, I'd say they are all related,"
 "Aren't they?" Alya asked, making both heroes shake their head. "But... they look like brothers?"
 "I noticed that too," Anatis replied, frowning. "But there's no way for them to be brothers. Possibly descendents of each other but definitely not immediate family. For one thing, Khnurn is from ancient Egypt but Toutai is from China in the 1600s,"
 "But they know each other?" Alya pointed out, making Anatis frown. That he didn't know how to explain. He knew that Toutai was a celestial guardian of the miraculous but as far as he was aware, Alpheus and Khnurn had no connection to the miraculous or to Toutai. The only thing he knew as that Khnurn was a mage and that Alpheus might be channeling his magic like Toutai was but that's all he knew. As soon as he thought that, a little voice in the back of his head made him question it as it asked him if he was sure. He let out a sigh and put his fingers through his hair. Lady Noir gave him a look of concern as he looked stressed.
 "I'm alright, Kitten," He smiled at her before sighing. "I just... It feels like a riddle but I can't solve it because I'm missing a vital piece. They have a bond that runs deeper then family but I don't know what it is,"
 "Also... the greek one... Alpheus... he was speaking perfect french?" Alya questioned, making the two heroes look at her before Lady Noir bit her lip.
 "Toutai said he was channelling Khnurn's magic right?" She asked, making Anatis nod. "Then maybe Alpheus is doing the same? Maybe he's... Like Toutai..."
 "Khnurn's magic?" Marc asked, having been listening into the conversation. The three of them looked at him, making him blush and look down. "So-Sorry... I didn't mean to listen. It just sounds so amazing,"
 "It's ok, Marc," Anatis smiled in a reassuring way. "Khnurn is a mage and his magic is based on communication. He can speak, write and understand any language that has ever existed no matter when it existed. I'm guessing by channelling his magic and their connection with him, Toutai and Alpheus can communicate with anyone they want or need to,"
 "That is so cool," Alya grinned as Ivan nodded and Marc smiled, clearly inspired. "But how do they do that?"
 "I don't know how," Anatis admitted as he noticed a glow coming from behind the statue before Bunnyx stepped out. "Ready?"
 "Yep," She grinned before the two of them looked to Toutai. "Since you lead us to Egypt and here, I'll let you choose next,"
 "Medieval England," He replied, walking back over as Anatis nodded. Khnurn and Alpheus walked over too, making him raise an eyebrow.
 "Let me guess... you're coming as well," He stated, making Alpheus grin.
 "Of course," He replied, shrugging. "Bunnyx can drop me off at this exact moment and Hera won't attack for at least three days. Even if she does, Herc and Hip have it covered. Hip has the ladybug miraculous so she can restore the damage done but you would know all about that, don't you Anatis?"
 "Right," He replied, turning to Bunnyx. "Open the next burrow,"
 "Sure thing, boss," She grinned before holding out her hand. "Burrow!"
 The glowing portal reappeared, causing Marc and Alya to grinned excitedly.
 "Alright, everyone! Let's go!" Anatis declared before disappearing inside, causing the rest to follow.
 ~Lake Avalon, England, 750 AD~
 "Rose!! Luka!!" Juleka called out as she looked around the island she had climbed up on after finding herself floating in a middle of a lake. She was sure that she had been in the musume with Rose, Luka and everyone in their friendship group but then suddenly she was here alone. She looked around and noticed Kagami lying in the water. She gasped and rushed back over as Kagami jolted awake, splashing in the water. She waddled back in the water and helped her up as waves on the water moved. Both girls gasped and stepped back, aware of what might be swimming towards them. They both screamed when it broke through the water, only to hear the laughter of Kim.
 "Ha! That was amazing!!" He grinned, stretching as they both stared at him. "There's a castle under the water and everything!!"
 "A castle under the water?" Kagami asked, looking around before she looked pale. "Where are we?! Where's Adrien?!"
 "I don't know," Juleka mumbled, feeling afraid. "No one else is here from the group either. It's just us three,"
 "We should try and find someone," Kagami replied, looking around. It seemed to be nothing but trees around them but they had to be someone around there. Juleka nodded and followed Kagami as she walked off into the forest, with Kim trailing behind them. The forest seemed to go on forever as they pushed through the leaves and branches until they came out in a large clearing. In the distance, they could see a castle but something felt wrong. There were no birds singing like there was in the forest. The grass looked dried, the ground looked cracked and there was a strange smell in the air that made them feel sick. Juleka carefully grabbed Kagami's hand as both girls looked at the castle ahead in fear. Everything about it screamed danger. "We should leave,"
 "I agree," Juleka muttered, taking a step back before the ground began to shake. It stopped as soon as it started, causing the girls to look confused as Kim snored in amusement. "Was that an earthquake?"
 "If it was, it was weak as-" Kim stated but then they heard a crack, causing them to look over. The color drained from their skin as they saw a rotten corpse pulling itself from the ground.
 "Run," Kagami stated as another started to climb up. "Run!"
 The three of them turned and ran as fast as they could, though Kagami and Kim were at lot faster then Juleka. She kept going but she missed placed her footing, causing her to trip and fall as the forest came to life. She screamed as a vine wrapped around her ankle and the undead gained on them. Kagami stopped and turned around, running back towards her. She jumped at one of the undead, knocking it down and grabbing it's sword before swiping at the vines of the trees but they grabbed at her. She tried to cut them as they wrapped around her waist but before she could, they grabbed her sword. Juleka tried to scream as the vines weaved around her but some began to cover her mouth and Kim was been hosted into the veins, making them all panic. However, the sound of an arrow cut through the air before it landed on the ground.
 "Flare!" A voice declared, causing the area where the arrow landed to be engulfed in a burst of light before a number of figures jumped down and attacked the undead. Juleka's eyes widen as she saw one of them using a yoyo as well as another using a flute. The undead creatures retreated as the light dimmed, revealing the newcomers to be knights and what looked like to be a wizard. "Victory is ours once again!"
 "Perhaps we should help these young ones," The woman in the ladybug themed armored pointed out, making the men look at her as she gestured to the three of them. "Merlin, if you will,"
 "Of course, mi'lady," He nodded in a respectful way before touching the tree. Juleka noticed that while he looked like a wizard, he seemed to be themed around a black cat. In fact, all of the group were themed around animals. There was a fox knight, a turtle knight, a rooster knight and even a snake knight. Her eyes widen as she realized they were holders of the miraculous. "Cataclysm!"
 The trees and their vines turned to dust, freeing the three of them. As soon as they were free, Kim jumped up and grinned.
 "Real life knights! So cool!" He grinned, making the knights look at each as Kagami dusted herself down and grabbed the sword. The woman in the ladybug miraculous helped Juleka to her feet. "I can't wait to tell Alix about this!!"
 "You have our thanks," Kagami stated, nodding. "But could you tell us where we are?"
 "The Island of Avalon... 750 AD," A new voice stated, causing the knights to turn to as another knight joined them. The three of them stared in surprise and awe at him as they recognized him as the subject of the Dragon Knight painting. Only he didn't have his full armor on. He had his chainmail with a blue tunic over it and brown boots. His hair hung by his shoulders and was black in color. He had a single jacket earring in his left ear but what made him really stand out was his piercing green eyes, which surprised Juleka. She had envisioned he had blue eyes, just like Luka but that could because Luka use to pretend to be this knight. Sir Rene gave them a gentle smile, causing them to feel calmer then they were before he turned to the other knights. "Let's move north. We'll set up camp near the lake so we might have her protection. Sir Bedivere, you're in charge of finding us a boar to roast. Sir Galahad, would you be so kind as to make sure a nice fire tonight?"
 "Of course, Sir Rene," Sir Galahad nodded before the group began to head off. Sir Rene turned to Juleka, Kagami and Kim.
 "Mordred will recover and attack again so please come with us," He stated, making them look at each other. "He can't go near the lake,"
 "Mordred?" Kagami asked, looking at the other two who shrugged. "Is that who lives in that castle?"
 "He has overtaken it," Sir Rene confirmed as Kagami frowned before they began to follow the other knights. They would rather go with them then deal with those creepy trees or undead monsters again. Juleka kept looking back at Sir Rene as she walked with them, making him give her a questioning look. "Is something wrong?"
 "Um... I want to as-"
 "Is it true that you're gay?!" Kim asked, interrupting her. Rene cocked an eyebrow at him. "Sorry but it's just this girl was claiming knights can't be gay-"
 "I am joyous," He replied, making Kim look at him. "Since that is what gay means at this time but if you referring to the fact that I have a preference for male partners then females then yes that is true. Will that be a problem?"
 "Oh no! Not at all!" Kim gasped, holding up his hands to show that he didn't mean to be offensive. "I was just curious! That's all!"
 "Good," Rene smiled before turning to Juleka. "I believe you were going to say something,"
 "My brother knew about you before anyone else..." She mumbled, making him look at her in a little surprise. "We use to play knights when we were little and he always insisted on been the lengendary 'dragon knight' Sir Rene but I don't know how he knew you, given that your name is lost to history.. sorry..."
 "It's fine," He smiled, making her nod.
 "So do you think we're related?" She asked as Kim tried to challenge the other knights to an arm wrestle. "Is it possible that we are your descendents? Do you have a family?"
 "I have no family," Rene replied, frowning a little as they came to a stop. "As for your brother knowing, it's possible that he knew me before that,"
 "Like he had a past life with you?" She asked, frowning. Luka did seem wise beyond his years so it made sense that maybe he had lived before.
 "It's a possibility," He stated, smiling as he knew something she didn't. "But I wouldn't worry too much though,"
 She nodded as Sir Galahad and a few of the other knights set up tents. Soon there was a roaring fire and a wild boar was been roasted over it, thanks to Sir Bedivere. Some of the knights were talking, some were taking Kim up on his challenge and one of them was fencing with Kagami. She was sure that was Sir Lancelot but Sir Rene himself was merely keeping an eye on the boar and seemed a little sad but as soon as night fell, he glanced over at the lake. Juleka glanced over as well. The stars reflected off it, making it look like diamonds but literally seconds after she looked over, a glowing portal appeared near the shore. The other knights jumped up in alert as Merlin and the woman with the Ladybug miraculous looked over.
 "Merlin's beard! What is that?" Sir Kay gasped, looking over as Merlin rolled his eyes and muttered something about his beard. However, relief flooded through Juleka as Anatis stepped out, followed by Lady Noir, a rabbit themed hero and three men who she guessed were brothers. "Sir Rene, should we attack?"
 "No, they are friends," He smiled, getting up and walking over. "Welcome!"
 "Sir Rene?" Anatis asked, generally surprised as the Rabbit girl walked over to Juleka and suddenly hugged her. Juleka was slightly taken back but hugged back as she felt the girl give her the fox miraculous.
 "Anatis said to give this you," She whispered, making Juleka nod. "He said wait until we're back in Paris before using it,"
 "Alright," She replied as the girl pulled away and walked over to Kagami before talking to her. Juleka didn't notice as she slipped Kagami the dragon miraculous and gave her Anatis' instructions. "Anatis?"
 "Yes?" He asked, looking at her as she played with her hands.
 "Is Rose ok?" She asked, hoping her girlfriend wasn't hurt. He gave her a soft smile.
 "She's safe in Bunnyx's burrow," He explained, making her let out a sigh of relief as Bunnyx disappeared into a tent. A few seconds later, a white light appeared inside. "As soon as Bunnyx is recharged, we'll be heading inside. Toutai, is this the last place?"
 "No, one more place," Toutai replied, surprising Juleka as he spoke perfect french. "We'll be heading back to China but not from my time. It will be Ancient China,"
 "Ok," Anatis nodded before looking to Sir Rene. "You're gonna come with us, aren't you?"
 "Yes," He replied, making Anatis nod. "You will require my blade,"
 "Sure," He replied, pinching his nose. "Just... don't add to the argument,"
 "Argument?" Juleka asked, making Anatis groan as Lady Noir grinned.
 "Oh what fighting style is better," She replied, making Juleka raise an eyebrow. "Toutai does martial arts but Mr Khnurn thinks that Marksmanship is the better style while Mr Alpheus-"
 "Call me Al,"
 "Al likes more defensive action but seems to favor the trident,"
 "Oh," Juleka nodded. "I think Marital arts is the best,"
 "Oh that's another one for Martial arts!" Lady Noir grinned, making Toutai whoop and Juleka smile a little before Sir Rene cleared his throat.
 "Clearly Swordsmanship is the truest art," He stated, making his knights cheer in agreement as Bunnyx comes out of the tent. "Ah the young doe is ready,"
 "I'm not a deer," She replied, raising an eyebrow. "And I thought girl rabbits are called Jills?"
 "I believe that is the hare, my dear," Sir Rene replied, making Bunnyx make a thoughtful face. "Either way, it is time yes?"
 "Right," Anatis replied, nodding. "Let's go,"
 ~Feng's Family Temple, China, 1300 BC~
 Adrien blinked as he looked around, wondering where he was. One minute he had been running away from the akuma with Kagami and Luka, the next he had woken up in this strange little temple. It actually had a nice feeling to it but he wasn't sure where he was. As he looked around, he saw Max laid on the ground next to Marvok and Sabrina was curled near them. Max groaned as he woke up before sitting up and pushing his glasses as Marvok flew up and looked around. 
 "Where are we?" He asked with question marks in his eyes as Max looked around.
 "I can confirm we are no longer in the Louvre museum," He muttered as Sabrina groaned and woke up, sitting up as well. "I would guess the akuma has somehow transported use to a different location,"
 "Chloe?!" Sabrina gasped, looking around as Adrien realised Kagami wasn't there. "Oh no! Where is she?"
 "Your friends are all quite safe," A voice stated, making them jump as they turned and saw an older man who appeared in his late 30s. He was dressed in a gray handfu suit and had his hair tied back in a long ponytail. He had a faded blue jacket on and wore martial art shoes on his feet. Next to him was a cone-shaped hat and he was sat near one of the stones in front of a small fire with a pot of tea on it. He also had four cups out as if he was waiting for them. "I sent word to my friends to ensure their safety and they should have been picked up by your friend with the beetle miraculous by now,"
 "You know Anatis?" Adrien asked as he took the teapot off the fire and poured it into the cups before handing one to Adrien. He looked at it and took it, sitting down in front of the strange man. "Are you a friend of his?"
 "I'm more of a guide to him," He replied, passing one to Sabrina and one of Max as both had sat down. "I would pass a drink to your friend but it would fry his circuit board,"
 "You know of robots?" Sabrina asked, surprised.
 "I know that they will come to exist," He replied, sipping his own drink. "My name is Feng by the way. You are Adrien, Max, Marvok and Sabrina,"
 "How do you know our names and robots?" Adrien asked, surprised.
 "I was born with the ability to see the future," He replied, blowing on his drink. "In a moment, a burrow will open behind me and your friend, along with six others, will step out,"
 As soon as he said it, a glowing portal appeared and Anatis stepped, followed by Lady Noir, a rabbit themed hero and four others. Adrien stared in shock but he wasn't the only one. Anatis himself was staring straight at Feng, who stood and turned around.
 "Feng?!" Anatis gasped, clearly off guard. "... you're here? wait... am I having one of those dreams again?"
 "No, this is actually real,"  Feng reassured as Bunnyx took the chance to give Adrien the snake miraculous and Max the Rooster. "And I know you have a lot of questions and I will answer them but not yet. Bunnyx, it's good to see you again. You can feed Fluff over there,"
 "um... thanks?" She asked, confused as he pointed to a small area cornered off by material but he chuckled. 
 "I met your older self when I was younger," He explained, making her blink in surprise before he waved his hand. "The rest are spoilers. Now I believe you should go and feed her then we should get going. We have much to achieve,"
 "Right," Bunnyx nodded before hiding behind the thing as Feng walked over to the rest of the group. Anatis just stood there, completely silence. Lady Noir frowned and walked over to him, gently poking him in the cheek.
 "Sooo... Hao Feng huh?" She grinned, nodding towards him. Anatis nodded in silence. "You ok?"
 "Weirded out... I was wondering if he was real... or just something I made up in my mind," He muttered, looking over at him. "I thought I was going mad but he's actually real..."
 "That's good right?" She asked, glancing over. Feng seemed to have an air about him but so did the others they had picked up. Even though he looked roughly her age, she got the impression that Khnurn was no more a child then Feng himself was. Toutai, Alpheus and Rene all looked like they were in their early twenties but they also seemed to have a feeling of been much older then that too. Funny enough, it was a feeling she associated with both Luka and Anatis. If she had to pick a way to describe them, she would say an old soul in a young body. A flash of light got her attention before Bunnyx stepped out from behind the curtain. Anatis looked at her before Feng walked back over. 
 "We should head back to Paris," He stated, making Anatis nod.
 "Umm... Bunnyx, would you mind?" He asked, causing her to summon a burrow. It opened, causing everyone to walk inside. It wasn't what Adrien expected as he thought they would just be transferred straight to modern day Paris but instead they entered a white room with lots of tvs in it. Well, he thought they were tvs but he wasn't sure. However, before he could have a look, Feng moved over to him and pulled him away from them.
 "Spoilers," He smiled, making Adrien look at him confused before he looked over to where he was been lead to. Kagami looked over as he stopped, causing her expression to turn to one of relief as she saw him. Next to her was Rose and Juleka, hugging each other as if their life depended on it. Nathaniel and Marc were sat next to them, whispering excitedly to one and another. Mylene was curled up in Ivan's arms and Chloe was holding Sabrina in a similar way. Kim was sat talking to the Rabbit hero, along with Max. Nino was sat nearby as Alya spoke excitedly about seeing an ancient ladybug holder. Adrien smiled a little before he looked around, frownin a little.
 "Where's Marinette, Luka and Lila?" He asked, frowning.
 "Luka contacted me and is hiding from the akumas back in Paris," Anatis stated before frowning. "But I didn't see Marinette-"
 "That's because she's hiding too!" Lady Noir gasped, causing Adrien to raise an eyebrow. "She alerted me then went to hide,"
 "Are you telling the truth, Lady Noir?" Adrien teased but noticed the youngest of their guests held back a snore as Lady Noir looked a little panicked. "I'm just kidding,"
 "Now is probably not the time, Adrien," Anatis stated, making him nod and apologize to Lady Noir, who brushed it off with a nervous laugh. "Alright, everyone, we're gonna go back to Paris. You all need to go and hide as soon as we do so you don't get hit by the akuma again,"
 "Mr Anatis, while I'm grateful that you came and got us but just why did you come and get us? Wouldn't the lucky charm just bring us back?" Sabrina asked, making everyone look at her. Those who hadn't been slipped a miraculous began to mumble in agreement with her. However, Anatis held up his hand.
 "I'm not sure if the cure would have reached you and the item that was summoned lead me to do so," He explained, making them nod in understand as he glanced over at Feng and the others. "Feng, you can come with us but the rest of you... I'll have to ask you to stay in here. I know you wanted to come along and I know you have 'magic' but none of you have a miraculous and I can't use magic tricks during battle so it's too dangerous to let you join me in this battle. Also... you might get in the way... no offence..."
 "Should we tell him?" Rene asked, looking to the others. 
 "We probably should," Toutai agreed as Alpheus and Khnurn also nodded, surprising Anatis. They had been arguing among themselves since meeting each other. Mostly about small things like who had the better fighting style, who had the coolest magic...he wasn't sure why they argued about that but he was pretty sure the only one with real magic was Feng... who's food was better, why the greeks were better then the romans or why they weren't. The point was they were arguing over small, pointless things which lead him to believe they wouldn't be good for the battle plus no miraculous. The four of them looked to Feng as if waiting for his blessing before he let out a sigh and nodded.
 "You can tell him," He replied, causing Khnurn to grin and Alpheus to make a whoop noise. Toutai had a calm smile and Rene nodded.
 "I'll go first!" Alpheus declared before opening the small satel he had attached to his hip. "Nepp, you can come out now,"
 Anatis' eyes widen in surprise when a kwami that resembled what the Lock Ness Monster looked like flew out. Or at least, how he envisioned it but it was definitely a kwami. Apparently, he wasn't the only one staring as everyone in the room was. They had been with a miraculous holder and had no idea.
 "This is Nepp, the kwami of Focus," He explained, causing Nepp to wave.
 "Hello, it's nice to meet everyone," She replied, smiling a little shyly before turning to Alpheus. "Where are we, Al? It doesn't look like Greece,"
 "We're in a burrow," He explained, making Nepp nod before she flew over to Feng and hugged him. Well, hugged his cheek.
 "It's good to see you again, Master Feng!" She grinned, making him smile back before she flew back to Alpheus and sat on his shoulder. Anatis blinked and shook his head before sighing.
 "Do all of you have miraculous?" He asked, making the three others grin sheepishly as three other kwamis flew out.
 "This is Bennu, the kwami of renewal," Toutai explained, gesturing to the kwami that resembled a phoenix, who waved at Feng. He waved back.
 "Niix, Kwami of Intelligence," Khnurn explained, gesturing to the kwami that reminded Anatis of an egyptian cat. 
 "Hello," Niix stated, smiling. "Master Feng, it's been too long,"
 "Likewise, Niix," Feng replied, nodding as Rene gestured to the little dragon kwami that was sat on his shoulder. Though it resembled a western day instead an eastern day.
 "This is Vernn, Kwami of Chivalry," He explained, causing the Kwami to fly up.
 "It is truly an honor to meet you all," He bowed, making Lady Noir coo at his politeness before he turned to Feng. "Master Feng, it was an honor to serve with you,"
 "The honor was mine, Vernn," Feng replied, bowing back before he looked over at Anatis with a knowing smile. "I believe my friends here will be joining with this battle, Anatis,"
 "... Alright but this is my time and therefore my rules. I expect you to listen to me and follow my plan. Got it?" He declared, making them look at each other and mutter something in a language he had never heard before before they nodded and turned back to him, making him raise an eyebrow.
 "Alright, we'll follow your lead, Boss," Alpheus grinned, making Anatis nod before he glanced at them.
 "You should probably transform in here..." Anatis stated, causing them to nod.
 "Nepp, Submerge," Alpheus declared, transforming. His hair become midnight blue and he wore a light blue toga with dark blue detail. He had matching gloves on his hands and dark brown sandals. His ears had fins on them and he had small horns on his head. On his right arm was a golden arm band with blue gems in it and he had a light blue mask with a dark blue trim over his silver eyes. In his hand, he had a trident. 
 "Bennu, Rise again," Toutai declared, making him transform. His outfit changed into a hanfu style, giving him an orange shirt with yellow detail. His pants turned red and his hairstyle changed a little. It was still loose but part of his hair tied in a bun with a golden headpiece that resembled flames. He wore a mask that resembled a bird's beak but it was red that faded into orange in it's color. He had two folded fans that were attached to his belt and he wore a brooch in the middle of his chest that Lady Noir now recognized as the phoenix miraculous. She blinked and grabbed Anatis' arm before looking at him.
 "Wasn't that the one Fenix Rouge was using during Miracle Queen's attack?" She asked, making him nod. "So cool!! You look awesome, Toutai!!"
 "Thank you, Lady Noir," Toutai smiled, causing Alpheus to look at him before back at Lady Noir.
 "Don't I look awesome?" He asked, a little disappointed.
 "I think you look cool," Marc muttered, making Alpheus grin happily.
 "Mett, Let's March!" Khnurn declared, causing Mett to disappear into his head chain. His outfit changed, causing him to wear a royal blue kilt that had a metallic belt that was purple with material straps hanging from it that were blue and gold in color. He wore a large necklace that was made from golden, blue and purple metals. He still had golden cuffs on his ankles and wrists but there were amethysts embedded in the ones on his wrists. His feet were still bare and he wore a royal blue mask with a purple trim and golden eyeliner that forms Horus' eye on his right eye. Upon his head were cat ears and his hair was royal blue as well. He wore a disc headdress and had a lion's tail. 
 "Oh my, you're a pharaoh! That is so cool," Nathaniel gasped, making the others look at him. Khnurn smiled a little. "Sorry but when Alix is your best friend, you learn a thing or two about egypt. Only Pharaohs had lion tails on their belts as a symbol of power,"
 "He's not wrong," Bunnyx confirmed, making everyone look at her. "What? History is my jam,"
 "Your friend is kind of right but I'm more of a leader then a king," Khnurn replied in a cryptic manner. "Anyway, Rene, you gonna transform?"
 "Just waiting for you to finish your talk," Rene smiled before turning to Vernn. "Ready?"
 "When you are, my lord," Vernn replied, making Rene smile
 "Vernn, Defend," He replied, causing Vernn to disappear into his earring that turned into a dragon. His outfit changed, giving him bronze and green armor over a green tunic and silver chainmail. His boots turned to greeves that were made of bronze, matching his gauntlets. His hair turned dark green and he gained four green horns as well as a tail. A green mask covered his eyes, that had turned lizard like. His scleras were green but his irises stayed silver. He also gained a sword. 
 "I knew it," Anatis muttered, making everyone look at him. "Yours is the Wyvern Miraculous,"
 He turned to Lady Noir.
 "In our time, it's Dame who uses it," He replied before looking at Feng. "Are you going to transform too?"
 "Sass, Scales Slither," He declared, transforming into his hero form. "I'm going to set a second chance in here,"
 He pushed the head of the snake back, setting it before nodding at Anatis. 
 "Right... let's get going... um... Khnurn, Toutai, Rene, Alpheus... I guess you should come with me and Lady Noir-"
 "We should drop everyone off in the metro I think it was," Feng stated, making Anatis look at him. "Three resets... each time, you've been send back in time or Lady Noir has..."
 "Oh... right..." Anatis muttered, nodding. "The Metro it is,"
 "Ok!" Bunnyx nodded before creating a burrow. Everyone stepped out and found it was completely empty. Bunnyx looked at Anatis as the civilians went off, leaving the heroes. "Should I charge up?"
 "Yeah, we might need a burrow again," He replied, taking his yoyo and checking the news feed as Bunnyx went to the bathroom but there wasn't one. "Damn it,"
 "Annie?" Lady Noir asked as he typed on his yoyo before their temporary heroes came to the metro where they were. Abeille and Culpeo were the first to arrive, followed by Ryuko and Aspik. Leatherback turned up next then Apollo and Valkyrie. Finally, Sabertooth turned up. "Whoa, how did you get to everyone in time?"
 "It was the first trip we did," Anatis stated. "Bunny and I went to a few moments before the akuma happened and grab the temps their miraculous... apart from Apollo and Sabertooth that is but I'm guessing you got Bunnyx to somehow get their miraculous to them?"
 "Um... yeah..." She replied, making him nod. "Sorry..."
 "Don't apologize," He smiled, making her smile back. "I trust you and I trust Bunnyx. Remember she told us she can keep a secret... now we just need a plan to defeat the history keepers.. Feng, is it possible to do a second second chance?"
 "Yes... while they are the same miraculous, mine is younger then his plus I didn't set it out here... The burrow is outside of time. Since I set the save point there, it means that the usual rules don't apply," He explained, making Anatis nod. "But his will still it's timer on,"
 "I see," Anatis replied, nodding. "Let's move out. I need to see what the akumas are doing..."
 All of the heroes nodded and followed Anatis as he headed up the stairs and carefully looked around. He frowned to himself as he saw no one in the streets before they jumped onto the rooftops and ran to the Louvre. He came to a stop and ducked down, causing everyone to do the same as they looked at the scene in front of them. Tied to three pikes were Koro, Dame and Snowbird. Luckily, none of their miraculous had been taken yet but it appeared to be some sort of trap to lure him out. Pharaoh, Darkblade and Chronos were stood on a platform above them with their sentimonster while surrounded by an army of knights and mummies.
 "Anatis! Lady Noir! Surrender your miraculous and we won't send these three to the big bang," Chronos declared, causing the army to call out as Anatis gulped. This reminded him off Mob Boss too much and he felt himself feeling afraid and sick. He flinched a little as Feng gently placed his hand on his shoulder.
 "It's alright to be afraid," He whispered, making Anatis look at him. "What matters is what you do next. Do you let your fear rule you or do you channeling it and make a strength?"
 "... right..." He nodded, taking a deep breathe before he turned to Aspik. "Aspik, I need you to activate second chance. We need to come back to this point should anything go wrong. Bunnyx, be on guard and stay back. You are our last hope so if all else fails, go into your burrow and get the older versions of us. I hope it doesn't come to that but-"
 "It's the back up plan in case things go wrong," She nodded, making him nod before he turned to Feng but he knew he didn't have to say a thing. Feng gave him a nod and look that said that he knew what he was. He was the first back up plan. If all but himself are captured, he would reset to be back in the burrow and give them a second chance. He would also defend Bunnyx to ensure she could get away if it came to that. Anatis nodded at Aspik, who pushed back the snake head.
 "Second Chance," He declared before Anatis turned to the rest of the team. He explained they were going to go after Chronos first as he was the most powerful but before he could continued, Aspik shook his head. "Time Keeper can free anyone of them from been venomed,"
 "Ok," He replied, nodding. "Then we need to focus on Time Keeper... right?"
 "Tried that," Aspik replied, frowning. "We can't get near it. The army and the akumas make it impossible..."
 Anatis frowned before quietly summoning his lucky charm. He frowned even more as he caught the rope that appeared before looking around in his luck vision. Apollo and Culpeo lit up first, followed by Abeille and Valkyrie before it lit up Time Keeper. Next, Ryuko and Toutai lit up, followed by the army then Leatherback. Khnurn and Rene lit up before Pharaoh and Darkblade. Lady Noir was lit up next then to his surprise, Ryuko lit up again, this time with Alpheus before it finally lit up the rope and Sabertooth, making him understand the plan. He tied the rope into a lasso before hooking it on his belt before looking at everyone.
 "We need to attack them all at the same time," He stated, making them look at him. "Culpeo, I need you to make an illusion of clones for all us and as many as you can to confuse Chronos. Apollo, use flare to blind Time Keeper. Valkyrie, create a portal directly above it so Abeille can dive through it and use venom on it. Ryuko and Toutai, you need to use Wind Dragon and Ash Phoenix to round up the army. Leatherback, use Shell-ter to trap them inside it,"
 "Right," He nodded, making Anatis nod before he turned to Khnurn and Rene.
 "Rene, I need you to distract Darkblade. Challenge him to a duel. Khnurn, you need distract Pharaoh. Calling him a fake should be enough to get him to fight you. Once you both have their attention, lure them away from Chronos and to the Seine. Alpheus, you need to use Stream to trap them in a water cage. Ryuko, that where's you come in again. Use lightning dragon on them and once they are weakened, Lady Noir will use Cataclysm on the akumatized item," Anatis explained, turning to Sabertooth. "While this is happening, we're gonna tackle Chronos. You'll need to use Veil so he can't see you. While he's focused on the illusions provided by Culpeo, I'll get behind him and use this to trap him. That should get him to focus on me then you can near enough to grab his watch and destroy it,"
 "That is a very complicated plan," Lady Noir admitted, making Anatis nod as everyone looked unsure.
 "Yes but we can do it," He replied. "And if it fails, one of them can reset the timeline or get our older selves... now let's do this,"
 Apollo and Culpeo nodded, taking out their respective weapons. Culpeo played her flute before throwing the charged up ball into the air.
 "Mirage!" She declared, causing it to burst into an orange light. When it disappeared, there was literally hundreds of clones of all the heroes stood on the buildings, making the akumas gasp before Apollo took out his bow and arrow. He aimed to in front of Time Keeper, muttering Flare as the clones dived towards the villains, causing Chronos to hit a few of them while the other two began to attack them. Anatis and Sabertooth used the chance to get behind Chronos as he fired at one, gasping as he did.
 "They're illusions!" He called out, causing Apollo to release his arrow, causing a blinding light when it landed. As soon as it did, Valkyrie opened a portal as Ryuko and Toutai used their powers, blinding the army and swiping them up in the air. Khnurn and Rene attacked Pharoah and Darkblade as Anatis threw the lasso over Chronos stopped him from freezing anyone. "Time Keeper! Attack!"
 "Venom!" Abeille called, diving out of the portal and slamming it into Time Keeper, freezing it. Chronos struggled against Anatis as he called out, failing to notice Sabertooth activating Veil. Meanwhile, Leatherback used Shellter to trap the army inside it. Ryuko reformed near the Seine as Khnurn and Rene lead Darkblade and Pharoah there. As soon as they got there, a burst of water wrapped around them, trapping them inside as Alpheus moved his trident.
 "Lightning Dragon!" Ryuko called, diving towards them and hitting the water. It electrocuted them before the water dropped, causing them to fall to the ground defeated. Meanwhile, Anatis was thrown over Chronos' shoulder but before he could freeze him, Sabertooth punched him, knocking him down before he grabbed his watch and stabbed it with his knife. At the same time, Lady Noir grinned and yanked the pendent off Pharoah's neck, using her cataclysm to destroy it. The three akumas turned back into their normal selves as the akuma and amok escaped. Anatis got up and captured the amok before heading to where Lady Noir was and capturing the akuma as Feng, Aspik and Bunnyx jumped down and joined the rest. They joined the rest of the team before Anatis picked up the lasso. He looked at it before looking to Feng.
 "If I cast this... will you go back to your own time?" He asked, making Feng shake his head.
 "We'll need Bunnyx to return us as it was technically her who brought us here," He explained, making Anatis nod. "We'll talk in the burrow,"
 "Alright..." Anatis replied before throwing the rope in the air. "Miraculous Ladybugs!"
 It burst into the magic swarm and spreaded across all of Paris, fixing everything and restoring the people who had been sent back in time or turned into a mummy or a knight. Anatis looked at the sky as it did before turning to the temporary heroes. 
 "Culpeo, Abeille, Leatherback... I'll collect your miraculous as soon as I return," He replied before turning to Lady Noir. "Could you collect Valkyrie's, Ryuko's, Aspik's, Sabertooth's and Apollo's miraculous? I know I should-"
 "Go and talk to him," She smiled, giving him a reassuring smile. "I'll get them back to the box-"
 "Toutai?" A voice interrupted, making everyone look over as Koro walked over. Anatis mentally groaned. He had forgotten about them. Toutai gave him and look before walking over to her.
 "You're still as beautiful as ever, my flower," He stated, taking her hand in his before he switched back to Chinese. She closed her eyes and gently pressed her forehead to his before nodding. He whispered something to her, making her kiss him. Khnurn rolled his eyes at their moment before clearing his throat. Toutai pulled away and gave him a look before turning back to Koro and telling her something. She nodded again before he let go and walked away. "I believe it is time for me to return to my time,"
 "I think it's time for all us to go home," Feng replied, causing Anatis to nod at Bunnyx. She opened a burrow before walking inside with the five historical figures and Anatis. As soon as it closed, Feng turned to Anatis. "Have you realized yet?"
 "Realized what?" He asked, looking at him. "That somehow you five are all connected? That much is obvious. You somehow told them that I would be arriving and would need their help. What I don't understand is how you're all connected and how I'm connected to you. I want to know and please don't say I'm not ready because I'm tired of hearing that. I'm tired of the nightmares, I'm tired of been confused and I'm... I'm just tired, Feng... so just tell me. Who are you to me? And why do I know them?"
He gestured to the other four, making Feng sigh. He knew this day was coming. Anatis looked at him with a desperate look.
 "Please... just tell me..." He stated, making Feng nod.
 "Do you have the journal from Dragon's cave?"
 "Yes but there is nothing in there," Anatis replied, running his fingers through his hair. "The pages are blank. Why would you send me to get an empty journal?"
 "It's not empty," Feng replied, making Anatis frown and look even more annoyed.
 "Then why can't I read it?" He asked before looking to the side. "What am I do wrong?"
 "You're not doing anything wrong," Feng stated, trying to reassure him. "It's just you don't have the means to read it yet,"
 "Just tell him already!" Alpheus stated, making Feng and Anatis look over at him as he walked over. Feng knew he was going to do this but it still didn't stop him from been annoyed with him. He wanted to break it to Anatis gently and slowly so he could help him instead of just throwing him in the deep end. "You're not-"
 "Alpheus, don't," He warned, making him look at him and roll his eyes.
 "You can't protect him from everything, Feng," Alpheus gasped, making Anatis frown. "I know you want to but life doesn't work that way and he needs to. Keeping it from him will hurt him more in the long run. You should know that! Or have you had a vision that we don't know about?"
 "No, I didn't," He replied, frowning. "I just-"
 "Just what exactly?!"
 "I just don't know how to tell him ok!" Feng shouted, surprising everyone in the burrow before he gestured to Anatis. "He isn't like you or those three! He's different,"
 "Of course, he's different, Feng!" He shouted, making Anatis frown. "He's one of us after all!"
 "That is not what I mean!" He growled back, making Alpheus argue back. Khnurn looked down and played with his hands as Toutai sighed and shook his head. Rene tried to get in between them and break them as Bunnyx just started. Anatis frowned and pinched his nose as they began to argue in a different language, causing a similar buzz in his head as went he got possessed by an akuma. Only it was different at the same time. He closed his eyes as they argued before he gritted his teeth.
 "That is enough!!" He shouted, snapping his eyes open. When he did though, he found he could see something that he didn't see before. He could see their auras. They were surrounding all of them but what made him really confused was that they weren't different like they should be. In the back of his mind, he recalled seeing auras before when he was younger. His mother's was bright red and resembled a flame, Juleka's was purple but acted more like watch. Issac's was gray and sharp looking but these auras were gold in color and all of them were identical and took the exact same shape. A phoenix. Feng and Alpheus looked at him as he stared at them. "You're... the same..."
 "Anatis..." Feng started as he looked down. 
 "Phoenix... the fact that you knew each other... and resembled each other... even your names... it's been in front of me along..." He muttered, glancing down before he noticed his own aura. It was the same shade of gold as well. He looked up and rushed past them over to one of the windows that didn't show anything in it. It was just blank and dark, meaning that he could see his reflection. His eyes widen as he saw the phoenix around him. His mind flashed back to the hidden passage in Dragon's cave and the fact that he could open. Realization washed over him like a tidal wave as all the pieces fitted together. From the time he saw what he thought was Issac by the Liberty last Christmas to the dreams of the hut and the riddle. He felt lightheaded and sick as he remembered how he talked to his Grandmother after she had died and how Issac screamed at him, causing him a demon for talking to the dead. He closed his eyes as he tried to keep calm but this was a lot to take in. However, he needed to know for certain. In a small voice, he spoke. "I'm... you.... aren't I?"
 "It's not quite like that," Feng tried to reassure. "You're still you... it's just... we share the same soul that's all,"
 "Were you ever going to tell me?" He asked, looking at him.
 "Yes but I was hoping to ease you into it..." He sighed before frowning. "Even though knew it wouldn't go that way... I was hoping that I could change it. Alpheus can be... impulsive,"
 "Right..." Anatis replied before turning to Bunnyx. "Can you send them home please?"
 "Anatis, I'm sorry," Alpheus gasped, reach out to touch him but Anatis shook his head, making him sigh and lower his hand. "I just got frustrated... I should have thought about what I was saying... I'm sorry..."
 "It's fine..." He muttered, frowning as Rene gently pulled Alpheus away. Khnurn frowned as Bunnyx told opened a burrow for him. Because she wasn't stepping out, she wouldn't need to recharge so she would be able to send them back home. She sent Khnurn home first then Alpheus, Toutai and finally Rene. Feng lingered for a moment and Anatis looked at him. "Go home, Feng. There's no point in you staying as I will be going home myself... I need..."
 "Time... I understand," He stated, frowning. "When you're ready to learn more and talk about this, I'll be there..."
 Anatis nodded but remained quiet as Feng walked over to the last portal and disappeared through it. As soon as it was close, Bunnyx walked over to him and gently placed her hand on his shoulder, making him blink and look at her.
 "Let's go home," She smiled, making him smile back weakly before she opened a final burrow and walked out with him.
 ~The Eiffel Tower, 12.00am~
 Lady Noir landed on the tower as she frowned. She had just decided to go with a run and had noticed Anatis' tracker was activate so she went to investigate. She frowned as she found him sat on the tower, holding his knees close as he buried his head in it. It reminded her of how Luka reacted to the attempted kidnapping. She glanced around and frowned as she noticed a number of white butterflies. 
 "Annie?" She asked as she walked over to him. She was praying he hadn't been akumatized. Relief flooded through her as he looked up at her with his normal eyes. Though they were a little bit bloodshot. "Are you ok?"
 "N-not really," He admitted, wiping his eyes as she looked at the butterflies. "He gave up an hour ago,"
 "How long have you been out here?" She asked, sitting down next to him.
 "A few hours..." He muttered, frowning as she moved her arm around him. He let her pull him close and moved his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder.
 "You should have called me.." She mumbled, stroking his hair. "You know I don't mind keeping an eye for butterflies,"
 "I didn't want to disturb you..." He muttered, making her frown. "Besides... it's kind of stupid as to why I'm upset..."
 "Is it to do with Feng?" She asked, making him nod. "Want to talk about it?"
 "Not really..." He admitted, making her nod. "Can you stay with me?"
 "Sure," She nodded, making him give her a weak smile back.
Next Chapter: Coming soon
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sanders-sides-fics · 3 years
Domestic Bliss
Hi @lala-the-rebel, I’m your secret santa for @sanderssidesgiftxchange‘s! Hope you enjoy and happy holidays! Thank you to @rubyredsparks for betaing!
Pairing: Logince
Warnings: food mentions, driving, Remus, Janus, and as always let me know if you need something tagged!
Word Count: 3084
AO3 links will be added in a reblog in the future and in my masterlist!
Roman glanced in his rearview mirror and smiled at his sons, one out cold in his car seat and the other excitedly staring back at him from his booster seat. Roman smiled at his older son, Patton, and turned his eyes to the road once more.
“Excited to see Papa?” Roman guessed, smile coiling into a teasing smirk.
Logan didn’t know his family was coming, but Roman knew their intrusion on his workday would be forgiven. His husband could only hold a grudge for so long and it never lasted long when Patton broke out his puppy eyes. Even if it somehow did, Roman had their secret weapon napping in the backseat. A sleepy Virgil wanting his Papa couldn’t be resisted, no matter how recently he had joined their family.
It wasn’t in their plan to adopt a second child, but neither regretted accepting his initial placement with them. And now, Roman couldn’t imagine their lives without their sons.
“Mhm!” Patton exclaimed. “Gonna see Papa working!”
Roman chuckled and turned on his blinker to change into the exit lane. He checked the rearview mirror to ensure Virgil was still asleep and not disturbed by his brother’s excitement. To his relief, the baby slept soundly. Virgil didn’t like being abruptly woken up and would cry nonstop if he were. Roman’s heart couldn’t take seeing those eyes filled with tears.
“We are! And maybe we’ll get lunch with Papa too. He said he wasn’t busy today,” Roman told Patton as he navigated the rest of the way to the university.
Roman was sure Patton would appreciate being able to eat lunch with both of his dads today. The two were going out on a date for dinner and wouldn’t return home until after his uncles had tucked him into bed. Though perhaps Patton would enjoy an evening with Remus and Janus while his fathers were away.
“So, we’re not gonna see his fishies?” Patton pouted.
Roman smiled sympathetically, “I’m sure Papa will let you see them when we get to his office.”
The first time Patton had gone to Logan’s office at the university, he had fallen in love with the large tank Logan kept in his office. Whenever he went to visit, he made sure to say hello to the fish. Roman found Patton’s commitment to making the fish happy endearing.
“Make sure to bat those big old eyes at Papa and he definitely will,” he promised.
“Okay, Daddy!” Patton agreed.
When Roman pulled into the university, he followed the direction signs to the staff parking outside of the building Logan worked with. Logan alternated cars he drove to work, due to weather mostly, so both of their vehicles had valid parking stickers. It made visits easier because Roman didn’t need to worry about paying for their spot while handling both boys on his own.
Roman smiled when he spotted the car Logan drove to work in that day. He parked a few spots away from the car and got out to help Patton out of his booster seat. Patton took his hand and patiently walked with him as he rounded the car to get Virgil.
“Can I carry the bag, Daddy?” Patton asked.
Roman smiled and nodded his head, allowing Patton to pick it up, “Just tell me if it’s too heavy. If it is, I’ll take it until we get to Papa.”
Roman leaned in and started to undo the buckles on Virgil’s car seat. The young boy opened his eyes with a whine and reached his arms up.
“You want to be carried, little guy? Okay, Daddy’s gotcha.”
Roman hefted the nine-month-old into his arms, where Virgil settled back in and rested his head on Roman’s shoulder. Virgil had woken up a bit early from his nap today, which was probably why he fell asleep in the car.
Roman reached down with his free arm and gently took Patton’s hand.
“Let’s go see Papa, yeah?”
Roman walked his sons to the building and smiled at the student who held the door open for them. Patton cheerfully thanked her and told her he was going to see his Papa. The student smiled and they continued their walk.
Patton walked at Roman’s side happily, adjusting the diaper bag every now and again. Roman thought that it might be too heavy for him, but Patton never said a word until they were outside of the office. Patton set down the bag with a huff and knocked at the door.
“Paaaaapaaaaa!” he called. “It’s Patty!”
The door opened after a moment and Logan stepped out, a mug of coffee in his hand. He gave Roman a quick amused look and set down his coffee on the table near the door to crouch down and hug his son.
“Salutations, Patton. Did Daddy bring you here?”
“He did! He did!” Patton cheered. “Brought Virgie too but he’s tired!”
Logan looked up from the hug to Roman and Virgil. Roman glanced down to see Virgil’s eyes had shut again.
“Someone skip his nap today?” Logan asked.
“Half of it, Starlight,” Roman answered. “I tried to get him to go back down but he wouldn’t until we were already in the car on the way here. An hour later.”
“Sounds about right,” Logan sighed, standing so that he could pick up their older son. “That’s the fourth time this week?”
“Counting bedtime, I think.”
Patton wrapped his arms around Logan and squeezed happily. Logan adjusted his hold on his son and smiled as Patton settled into his arms. He carried him into the office and sat in the chair behind his desk, next to the fish tank. Patton gasped and waved at the fish.
“Hi, fishies!”
Roman and Logan smiled at the greeting as Roman settled into one of the chairs on the opposite side of Logan’s desk.
“Did you get more fishies?” Patton asked, pointing at the tank. “The black one is new!”
Logan nodded, “Good observation, Patton. I have. The black fish belonged to a student who graduated last semester and couldn’t take the fish on their flight home.”
Patton pouted, “They couldn’t take their fish? Won’t the fish miss them?”
“Maybe, but he also has many new friends in the tank,” Logan promised softly.
Patton smiled, seemingly satisfied with the answer provided.
“Papa wouldn’t let the fish get lonely, Patton,” Roman added. “He’ll make sure they have a good home here.”
“Like Virgie and me?”
Roman smiled, “Just like that, Patty.”
“Papa’s the best,” Patton concluded.
“Daddy helps,” Logan looked across the desk to Roman fondly.
Roman fixed his hair in the bathroom mirror, straining his ear to listen for the sound of the doorbell. If it were his twin coming alone, he would be listening for the door to open, but he found that Janus preferred to ring the bell rather than walk right in. Roman appreciated the gesture, especially with two young children in the house.
The doorbell rang and Roman put down his comb.
“I’ve got it,” he called out to Logan, so he could continue getting ready for their evening.
He exited the bathroom and scooped up Patton as the young boy made a beeline for the door. Patton giggled and Roman poked his nose.
“What did Daddy say about answering the door, Pattycake?” he asked gently.
“Only do it with you,” the little boy answered. “Annnnd you’re right here!”
“I guess I am.”
Roman smiled at his son’s cleverness and set him down when they arrived at the door. He motioned for Patton to open the door and Patton swung the door open enthusiastically.
“Uncle Remus! Uncle Janny!”
“Hey, Squirt!” Remus exclaimed, stepping inside.
Roman wasn’t surprised to see Janus dressed in a suit, knowing he had come from the courthouse; just as he wasn’t surprised to see Remus in ripped up jeans and a t-shirt, both splattered in old and new dried paint stains.
“I’d better not find any paint stains on my couch, Rem.”
Remus grinned at his brother, “Don’t worry, Princey Poo, I’ve been done painting since before Jan got out of work.”
“I would’ve made him change if it were wet paint,” Janus promised.
“Thank you, Janus,” Roman said. “I’m just finishing getting ready and then I can run you through Virgil’s bedtime routine. I think Logan’s written it down somewhere though.”
Logan rounded the corner from their living room to the entryway with Virgil in his arms. He looked ready for the evening and Roman suspected he was soaking in a few more minutes with Virgil before they let Janus and Remus watch the boys for the evening.
“It’s on the kitchen counter,” Logan informed them. “I can show them what to do, this way I can get Virgil warmed up to them before we leave.”
Roman nodded, knowing that Virgil took time to get used to new people. It would be best that he felt more comfortable around his uncles before Roman and Logan walked out the door or the evening would be a nightmare for his uncles. It wasn’t that Roman thought Janus and Remus were strange, but he knew Virgil took a few weeks to like Logan too since he left the house to work daily when Virgil first came home with them.
“He’s met us before,” Remus said.
“He’s a baby, dear,” Janus reminded softly. “He’ll be used to us in no time. A few more visits perhaps.”
Roman smiled and took the opportunity to slip away from the door to continue getting ready. It would only take a few minutes to put on his deep crimson dress shirt and pick his cologne for the evening. Perhaps he would go with the cedar one, he knew Logan liked cologne a lot.
“Oh! Papa! Can I smell pretty too?” Patton stuck his head into the bathroom.
Roman smiled, spraying himself with the cologne, “Alright. But only if you promise to still take a bath tonight. Uncle Remus is running a bubble bath for you.”
Patton’s eyes lit up at the promise of a bubble bath and nodded his head, “Yes, please!”
Roman sprayed Patton lightly with the cologne and Patton sniffed his shirt to make sure he could smell it.
“Just like Daddy?” Roman asked.
“Mhm! Thank you!”
With that Patton ran out of the bath and in the distance, Roman heard his son shouting that he wanted to play with Janus. Normally Roman would correct this shouting, but for tonight he would let it go. Janus was working a high-end case and hadn’t been over to see Patton lately.
Roman checked his appearance in the mirror and adjusted the collar of his shirt. He smirked at his reflection and stepped out of the bathroom.
“Logan? Are you still ready?” he called.
Logan called back, voice trailing down the stairs from Virgil’s bedroom, “In a moment, Love.”
Roman went to the coat closet and selected his brown leather jacket to wear later in the evening when it would be colder. He grabbed his dress shoes and slipped them on, before sitting down on the loveseat to wait for his family to come back down the stairs.
It only took a few minutes for them to come down. Roman grinned when he noticed Virgil was in Remus’ arms, relieved and joyful to see Virgil warming up to his twin.
“Virgil likes his Uncle Remus?”
“He does!” Remus affirmed.
“Or he thinks you’re his Dad?” Janus teased, slipping past him with Patton.
Patton ran to the toy chest in the living room and started pulling out different toys. He offered Janus the rubber snake, knowing he preferred to use that toy. Roman knew Patton would be fine for the evening.
Virgil stretched his arms and looked up from Remus’ shoulder, drawing Roman’s attention away from Patton and Janus.
Virgil looked from Remus to Roman with wide eyes, “Dah?”
Roman snorted quietly and walked over, “Hi, Virgie, it’s Daddy.”
“Dah!” Virgil held his arms out.
Janus snickered from the couch as Virgil was transferred from Remus to Roman. Roman hugged Virgil close and gave Remus a sympathetic smile. He pressed a kiss to the top of Virgil’s head and rocked him back and forth.
“Virgil, this is your Uncle Remus. He’s my brother like Patty is yours,” Roman spoke softly. “He’s going to watch you, yeah?”
Virgil glanced up and hesitantly held out his arms to Remus again. Remus took him with care and allowed Virgil to settle back in.
“Finger painting okay?” Remus asked.
Roman nodded, “As long as you remember to clean him up.”
Roman trusted his brother not to paint anything too scary around the boys, despite knowing what his paintings looked like. Remus may not have cared when they were younger and constantly tried to scare Roman and his friends with his creations, but he had never done that with Patton.
“It’s bubble bath night,” Remus promised.
“Which is waiting on the counter for you, next to towels and a set of pajamas for both Patton and Virgil,” Logan said as he descended the stairs.
“Perfect!” Remus exclaimed. “Now, you two lovebugs get out of here!”
“We will, we will,” Roman promised.
Roman leaned in and kissed Virgil’s head again and looked to Patton in the living room, “Daddy and Papa are going now, Patty. You going to be okay?”
“Mhm! Buh bye!”
“No kisses? You won’t see us until tomorrow,” Logan added, knowing Patton would realize it later and become upset.
Patton gasped and set down the stuffed puppy he had, choosing to run over and quickly kiss both of his fathers.
“Have fun, we’ll call if we need help,” Janus stood from where he sat on the floor, stretching out. “Though I think we’ve got this.”
And finally, Logan and Roman were out the door.
Roman checked his phone after the waiter walked away from taking their orders. Logan reached across the table and gently lowered Roman’s phone.
“I am sure they are okay,” Logan assured him, offering a small smile. “Even if they weren’t, your phone’s volume is on, we would hear if they called.”
“You’re right,” Roman put the phone down.
Roman couldn’t help but feel nervous about leaving Virgil with a babysitter for the first time. He trusted Janus and Remus greatly, enough to leave them alone with his sons. But they hadn’t left Virgil with someone else since they brought him home.
Logan stroked Roman’s hand with his thumb and brought it to his lips for a brief kiss, “Janus and Remus are very capable. And you need a night to relax. You’re home with those boys all day.”
“Only because I can write from home,” Roman blushed at the feeling of Logan’s lips brushing against his knuckles.
“Meaning you care for them and still manage to find time for your novels, it’s very impressive, Love. And you deserve more breaks,” Logan spoke softly.
Roman looked up and met Logan’s hazel eyes, which were filled with adoration. Roman squeezed Logan’s hand and sighed happily. It had been a while since they went anywhere without either of the kids. He loved his sons but hadn’t realized how much he missed having time alone with Logan that wasn’t the moments before they fell asleep at night.
The waiter came by with their drinks and the mozzarella sticks Roman had talked Logan into. On the promise that he had a lactose tablet in his wallet that he could take before eating any. He looked to Logan and pouted before letting go of Logan’s hand to take out the tablet. He chewed it quickly and Logan smiled.
“Thank you for taking that, I do not like risking your health, even if it is something minor like a stomachache.”
Roman picked up a mozzarella stick and dipped it in the sauce, “You’re welcome, Lo… I wouldn’t worry you like that.”
“Oh, I believe you have before,” Logan teased, taking one himself.
“I didn’t want anything to ruin our time together tonight.”
Roman ate his mozzarella stick and grimaced at the leftover taste from the tablet. It was meant to taste like vanilla, and it sort of did, yet wrong. He swallowed and grabbed his lemon water to wash the taste out of his mouth.
“I hate the aftertaste of those things,” he whined.
“And the taste is already gone?” Logan asked.
“… It is…”
Roman reached for another mozzarella stick and took a small bite to test the taste. He found no hint of the taste or the grainy particles often left behind. He finished the stick and wiped his hands off on the cloth napkin supplied by the restaurant. When he was sure his hands were clean, he reached out to hold Logan’s hand again, at least until their meals arrived.
“I love you,” Roman whispered.
“I love you too,” Logan murmured back.
Their meals arrived and Logan thanked the waiter, briefly tearing himself away from Roman to do so. They let go of each other’s hands and ate their meals. Roman listened as Logan described the latest research from his chemistry lab. He didn’t care much for chemistry but loved the passion in Logan’s eyes when he talked about it.
By the end of the dinner, Roman was entirely lost but his confusion was worth it. He leaned around the table and kissed Logan on the cheek.
“Ready to go home?” Roman asked.
“I am. When our waiter comes back with my card, we’ll go… Perhaps go to the park first? The boys are already in bed.”
Roman smiled.
Roman and Logan were sat down at a bench in the park, leaning against one another. Logan shivered at a cold breeze as it blew by.
“Forget your jacket?” Roman teased. He shrugged off his leather jacket and put it around Logan’s shoulders, “Here you go. Can’t have my husband going cold.”
“Thank you, are you sure you don’t need it?”
“If I get cold, I suppose you’ll have to warm me up yourself.”
Logan snorted back a laugh as Roman wiggled his eyebrows in a teasing manner. He leaned forward and placed a hand on Roman’s cheek. Roman shivered under the chilling touch.
“Well… I do suppose I have to warm you up now, don’t I?” Logan teased.
“I guess you do.”
Logan moved forward and brought their lips together, moving to wrap his arms around Roman. Roman slipped his arms around Logan’s neck and kissed him again.
“I love you,” Logan whispered into the kiss.
“And I, you.”
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berrynarrybanana · 3 years
Deck the Halls - pt. 1
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A/N: Ummmm.....so this is kind of like a Christmas fic, but it turned out very different than I expected it to. It’s more of a...wintery suspense type thing with an actual lengthy as fuck plot, but the romance is strong from the beginning. I tried to keep it in one post, but the word count is simply too much for me to put in one post. I plan on updating everything that I have so that you all can indulge in the story while I finish it up. I know that this might not be everyone’s cup of hot chocolate, but I hope that some of you enjoy it! I haven’t really done anything of this nature before, so I’m kind of nervous about the whole thing. I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday, and I can’t wait for us to ring in the new year together! I love you all loads! 
Word Count: 7.3k
Warnings: Mentions of death, violence, smut, fluff....other things i can’t remember at this moment? 
November 1
Harry is walking through the snow. 
The soft sound of snow crunching under his boots and the wind whipping around him is all that he can hear at first. He feels cold, but he’s been colder than this. His hand feels warm, though his hands are bare. He glances down, his eyes locking on an emerald green mitten. He feels the fingers in the mitten flex, gripping his hand tightly. He trails his eyes up the arm covered in a light green coat, freezing when he sees the curly tendrils of snow white hair draped over her shoulder. He knows instantly who it is, and he knows exactly how this dream will end. 
When his eyes finally land on rich, berry red lips, he feels his breath catch in his throat. He’s never seen her face before this. She’s usually drowning by the time he gets to the lake, already under the block of ice as the man with blue hair holds her under. He can’t help but stare, taking in the beautiful and ethereal features of her face. It’s almost as if she isn’t real at all, from the color of her skin to the pointed tips of her ears. The hair was strange, but he’d gotten used to the beyond platinum shade over the years. It wasn’t so shocking to him anymore. 
Harry turns his attention from the girl when he hears a twig snap, his gaze dropping to the snow covered floor of the forest they've been walking through. He wasn’t sure why they were walking in the woods, or where they were going, but he was happy to be spending time by her side. He was happy that he wasn’t watching her die for once, her beautiful face still full of life as her lips moved. She was talking, but he couldn’t hear a word that she said. All he could hear was the wind and the snow, a whistle and a crunch echoing in his ears as if he had winter sounds playing from a quality stereo. 
He hated that he couldn’t hear her.
He hated that he didn’t know where they were going. 
But suddenly, it all becomes clear. 
The lake. 
“Don’t.” Harry croaks out through chapped lips, squeezing her fingers in an attempt to get her attention. Her lips stop moving as he pulls her closer, but she offers him a sad smile. “We shouldn’t-”
“It’s alright.” He can finally hear her voice, the sound something akin to Christmas bells being softly run in the middle of the night. “We have to go.”
“You can hear me.” He breathes out, his eyes stinging due to the wind, and the inevitable tragedy that’s about to occur. “You can hear me and I can hear you.”
“I guess so.” She glances up, an amused smile curling the corners of her lips as she hums out. 
When she looks back down at Harry, he loses his breath. 
“What’s your name?” She asks, turning her back towards the lake, giving him her full attention.
“Harry.” He whispers the word, almost as if he’s afraid for anyone else to hear it. “I...who are you?” 
“I can’t tell you.” He watches her face fall, her expression going dismal. “But I want to.”
“You can tell me anything.” He moves closer, squeezing her fingers. “Talk to me, love.” 
“I can’t say it.” Her brows furrow in frustration. “It won’t come out, no matter how hard I try to say it.”
“Why is this happening to us?” He presses, moving his feet closer. “Why do you drown every single time? Why can’t I save you?”
“I don’t know.” She glances down, her cheeks losing their glow. “I wish that you could save me, Harry.”
“I’ll try harder this time.” He gulps, his throat tightening as tears threaten his eyes. “I’ll try harder to save you, I promise.”
“But you won’t save me.” She looks up, her own eyes glossed over with unshed tears. “It’s okay, Harry. It was meant to be this way.”
“No, I don’t believe it.” He shakes his head. “I can save you.”
She shakes her head, slowly backing away from him. 
“We have to go now.” She says softly, her feet carrying her towards the iced over lake. 
Harry notices a pair of skates dangling over her shoulders. 
“No, don’t go.” He reaches out for her, but she continues to move away. “Don’t leave me.”
“I have to.” She steps onto the ice, the soft cracking noises causing Harry’s eyes to grow wide with panic. “Save me, Harry.” 
And just like that, it’s all over.
November 2 Harry’s POV - Age 21 
Harry pushes the door to Paradise Records open, watching a few flakes of paint fall to the concrete stoop outside of his shop. He made a mental note to buy some paint to touch up the door before the holiday season started. 
He could feel the frustration creeping up his spine at the mere thought of Christmas, and it was times like these that he wished the world had sympathy for those who hated the holiday.  He hated to give into the global phenomenon, but it did bring in enough business and revenue to keep the shop afloat until the annual summer sale rolled around in June. 
He sipped at his bitter, black coffee, walking into the record store with a relieved sigh. This was truly his paradise where he escaped from the demons that haunted his mind. For a split second, he was finally at peace after the grueling nightmare he endured. That peace was quickly disturbed by the jingling of bells from the front door, causing Harry to frown as he turned on his heels. 
“Another beautiful day in paradise, eh boss!” Niall clapped his hand down on Harry’s shoulder on his way towards the checkout counter, causing Harry to bite back a whine of discomfort. “How are you today?”
There were knots in Harry’s shoulders causing him pain, and most of them were caused by the cheery Irish lad pushing behind the checkout counter.
“Good morning, Niall.” Harry turned towards the boy with a sarcastic smile. “Why are you always so bloody loud.”
 “You knew I was loud when ya’ hired me, I put it under my strengths on my job application.” Niall called out as he walked through the beaded curtain to the back office, whistling a tune that made Harry’s ears ache. 
“I didn’t know that you were a fucking foghorn, mate.” Harry hiked his leather bag higher up on his shoulder, fighting off a yawn as he followed slowly in Niall’s footsteps. 
“Did you have a long night?” Niall popped out from the beaded curtain, causing Harry to jump as he made it behind the counter. “You look exhausted.”
“Yeah, long night.” Harry grumbled, shutting the employee gate at the end of the counter. “You watch the front for a few hours, I’ve got some paperwork to catch up on.”
“Sure.” Niall nodded as Harry pushed through the curtain. “If you need anymore coffee, just let Mitch know. He’s stopping at Java Java before he comes in.”
Harry pulled out his phone, typing a quick text telling Mitch not to get Niall coffee. 
He didn’t need any more energy. 
He needed a proper nights rest.
Harry sat down at his desk, putting his coffee by his keyboard with a heavy sigh. 
There wasn’t enough espresso in the world to fix the aching in his head caused by the nightmare he had last night. In the sixteen years that he’d been having the recurring nightmare, he was never able to talk to her in the dream. He was still haunted by the beautiful sound of her voice when she spoke to him, but he was mostly haunted by the sound of her desperate pleas for help. But his feet were frozen solid to the ground as the man with ice blue hair held her under the water. He emerged from the cracks in the ice this time, pulling the girl under with him as she screamed for her life. Harry remembers screaming for her until his throat was sore, but when he woke up this morning, he felt fine. 
Harry brushed his palms over his face, inhaling sharply as he tried to push the image of her face from his mind. He didn’t need to spend the rest of his day thinking about her. He needed to get to work. There was a lot that he needed to do in preparation for Christmas. Every single year, parents and Uni students would come into Paradise Records and buy out his record players, and usually all of his Christmas albums. He’d already pre-ordered Christmas albums, but he needed to get in contact with the shipping company and the manufacturer to make sure they all arrived on time for the Christmas sale. 
“Hey boss,” Niall’s sudden shout made Harry flinch, muttering a curse under his breath at the Irish lad. “Gemma is here.”
“Tell her to come back.” Harry called back, reaching into his bag in search of his glasses with his left hand while he booted up his computer with his right hand. 
He hated wearing glasses, but Gemma bought them for him last Christmas when he opened the shop, insisting that they would improve the quality of his eyesight by blocking out the blue light in most devices. He did notice a slight difference in the quality of his vision after using them. 
“Look at you, a dapper young man in his glasses.” Gemma pushed Noah’s pram into Harry’s office, the toddler screeching out the second his eyes landed on his uncle. “Alright, young man, Mum isn’t superwoman. I can’t move that fast.”
“You have five seconds to hand me my nephew before I start screaming with him.” Harry teased, looking at Noah with a wide smile. “I’ve missed you, mate.”
“It’s been three days, not three months.” Gemma huffed out, unbuckling the straps on the pram until Noah was free of restraint. “Alright, you can stop your crying now dove, uncle knobhead is right here.” 
Harry scowled at his sister, leaning up to grab his nephew by the waist with ease.
“Harry.” Noah screeched, patting his palms against Harry’s cheeks. “Hi.”
“Hi, bubba.” Harry kissed over Noah’s face, causing him to giggle out as Gemma found a seat on the opposite side of Harry’s desk. “You know he’s not going to leave here without throwing a fit, right?”
“I know.” Gemma let out a breathy laugh laced with frustration. “Thanks for the reminder.”
“You’re welcome.” Harry settled Noah in his lap, resting his hand on Noah’s lap so that he could entertain himself by playing with the rings on his uncle’s fingers. “What brings you by?”
“I just wanted to talk to you about Christmas.” Gemma said softly, watching Harry’s face change from curious to furious in two seconds flat. “I know, you still don’t feel ready to celebrate after Mum and Dad, but I think we should start easing back into it. Noah is getting older, and we’ve got friends who-”
“I’ll do it for Noah, but I don’t want to celebrate with other people.” Harry interrupted. “I still don’t get how can you be okay with it, Gemma? They died because of some stupid Christmas tradition.”
“So are we supposed to hate pancakes now?” She tossed her hands up with an eye roll. “You drive a bloody car, don’t you? The pancakes didn’t kill them, Harry. Some reckless driver knocked into their car.”
“It’s not-”
“You’re being childish, Harry.” Gemma snapped at her younger brother, shaking her head. “Christmas isn’t the thing that killed Mum and Dad. I know that it sucks, having the anniversary of their death on your favorite holiday, but you have to deal with this. You can’t keep pushing it off like this.”
“I can, and I will.” He said, clearing his throat as his sister shook her head. “I don’t want to be happy without them on such a terrible day, Gemma.”
“I really think you should talk to someone about this.” She sighed, brushing her palms over her thighs. “I think it would do you some good to work out the issues you have surrounding this whole thing. I’ve been talking to someone since it happened, and it’s really helped me cope.”
“I don’t need help.” He rolled his eyes. “It’s fine, Gemma.”
“It’s not fine, and the fact that you don’t seem to realize that worries me the most.” She whispered. “You’re drowning in your own grief, and I can’t save you.”
Harry froze, his eyes snapping back to his sister. 
“What did you just say to me?” He asked her, his voice barely above a whisper.
“I said it’s like you’re drowning in your own grief.” She said slowly, tilting her head with narrowed eyes as Harry stared back at her like she’d stepped on his foot. “Why are you staring at me like that?”
“Because…..” He paused, licking over his bottom lip as he inhaled sharply, shaking his head. It was best not to mention the nightmares, or the girl. “Nothing.”
“There you go again.” She let out a bitter laugh, smacking her thighs. “You can’t keep everything bottled in forever, Harry.” 
But this, I should keep bottled in. 
“It seems to be working out alright.” Harry shrugged, searching for something to change the subject. “How are we on presents for little man this year? Did you get everything on your list?”
“Yeah, nearly.” Gemma mumbled, picking at a loose strand of thread on her scarf. “Niall has helped me get most of the shopping done when I’m at work. He’s truly a godsend, Harry. I’m so happy he lives close by, and that Noah loves him.”
Harry narrowed his eyes at his sister, previous suspicions about Niall and Gemma creeping back into his mind. He always knew there was something between the two, but he could never get a straight answer out of either of them on their feelings. Gemma swore that he was only a friend, and a good neighbor. Niall swore that he only hung around Gemma to hang out with Noah. Harry pressed his lips together, watching as Gemma’s cheeks turned pink, the soft color giving away their secrets in an instant. Normally, she was better at hiding it. 
“What?” She squeaked out, shifting in her chair.
“You slept with Niall, didn't you?” Harry said slowly, his eyes narrowing. “You finally bit the bullet and slept with him.”
“Harry, Noah is right there.” Gemma’s eyes grew wide. “Don’t say things like that in front of him!”
“Don’t be a hypocrite, Gemma! Who was watching Noah when you were getting it on with Niall of all people!” Harry asked, his brows lifting up towards his hairline. “Noah doesn’t know what that means, calm down.”
Gemma snapped her mouth shut, sinking in her chair. 
Harry wasn’t really mad, but he enjoyed teasing Gemma. 
Niall was a good guy. 
“My poor nephew.” Harry tutted, shaking his head before he pressed a kiss to the soft ginger hair on top of Noah’s head. “I’m so sorry, buddy. I’ll make sure to dock Niall’s pay to help out with the therapy you’re going to need when you’re older.” 
“Alright, we get it.” Gemma grumbled, crossing her arms with a frown. “I’m a terrible mother and a horrible sister.” 
“Hey.” Harry snapped, turning his attention back towards his sister with furrowed brows and a deep frown. “I never said that, and I never will. I’m only teasing you because you slept with fucking lucky charms out there, I’m not shaming you as a woman or a mother in anyway. You’re allowed to have fun, Gemma.”
“I know.” Her lips curved into a smile as her brother nodded, glancing at Noah as the toddler tried to pull off his Grateful Dead ring. It seemed to be his nephew’s favorite ring, and Harry couldn’t wait until Noah was old enough to wear it himself. “I’ve raised you well.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Harry rolled his eyes with a playful snort. “I just don’t want to hear about you and Niall’s sex life ever again, capiche?”
“Got it.” She nodded, trying not to smile. “He’s a really good guy, Harry, and I really like him a lot. I would also love it if he could spend Christmas with us.”
Realization dawned over Harry as he looked at his sister. 
So that’s what this is about. 
“You want him to spend Christmas with the three of us?” Harry asked. “Like, as a family?”
“We’re gonna ease Niall into it, but I think so.” She softly laughed. “Noah adores him, Harry, and quite frankly so do I.”
Harry bit the inside of his cheek, looking down at his nephew with hesitation. 
These two were all that he had left in the world, and bloody Niall was trying to take them away. 
But maybe she needed someone like Niall in her life to balance out all of the bad that loomed over her head. The Irishman was supportive, and positive no matter what situation he was in. He was loyal and kind to everyone he met, and he was honest, and genuinely the best at giving advice. Harry hated to admit it, but Niall was everything Harry used to be. He couldn’t be that positive influence that his sister and nephew needed anymore, but Niall could. 
So maybe he needed to let them move on. 
“Yeah.” Harry whispered. “I’ll think about it, okay?” 
“Okay.” Gemma smiled. “That’s all I’m asking.”
“I can’t believe-”
“Oh, actually-” Gemma held up her hand, interrupting Harry. “I am also asking that you won’t kill him when I leave.” 
“That’s asking a lot.” Harry blew out a breath, shaking his head. “I’m definitely allowed at least one punch, Gemma. My best mate slept with my sister, c’mon.”
“Please don’t punch him, he bruises like a peach.” Gemma groaned.
“How do you know that?” Harry’s brows lifted before they fell, a look of disgust washing over his face as Gemma pressed her lips together. “That’s fucking gross! I didn’t need to know that!”
“I’m sorry!” 
“Did you tell him?” Niall’s head poked into Harry’s office. “Did he call me his best mate a second ago?”
“I’m going to punch you.” Harry lifted his free hand, pointing at Niall. “You’re lucky I have Noah in my lap, mate.”
“But I bruise like a peach!” Niall looked at Gemma with wide eyes. “Did ya tell him, love?”
“I did.” She nodded, but she pursed her lips in defeat. “I can’t help you with this one, Ni.”
“Oh, for fucks sake.” Niall groaned. “I knew I should have taken those self defense classes with you Gem.”
Harry watched Niall sulk out of his office, Gemma glaring at Harry before she got up to follow her new loverboy. Harry rolled his eyes before glancing down to Noah. The toddler dropped his head back against Harry’s chest, lifting his uncle’s hand up to chew on one of his fingers with a sparkle in his eyes. 
“This is your fault, mate.” Harry said softly, not a stitch of malice in his voice. “I’m only agreeing to this because I love you more than anyone else in the world, and I expect you to change my nappies in return when I’m old, do you hear me?”
“Harry.” Noah gurgled out, a gummy smile melting Harry’s fake stern expression. “Harry, hi!”
“I love you.” Harry pressed soft kisses all over Noah’s face. “You’re my favorite human... even if you don’t have any teeth.”
November 3 Holland’s POV 
Holland felt like she was going to vomit as she walked through the halls of Santa’s workshop. 
As the elves watched her with judgmental, licorice colored eyes, her palms started to sweat, and her feet moved faster. Her father requested her for an urgent meeting, but Holland truly had no idea what it could be about. She hadn’t told anyone about her dreams, afraid that people would think she was crazy for having them. She was used to the dreams, but last night’s dream put her on edge. Something was different about the situation, and it wasn’t just the fact that she knew the boy’s name. 
For the first time since they started, she saw his face. 
She would admit without shame that she would die over and over again in her dream if it meant she could look at him. His hair was shoulder length and the strands curled up at the end. He had a beautiful set of candy pink lips that Holland wanted to taste with her own, and gorgeous jade eyes that were almost translucent. She spent most of her nightmare staring into them, trying to see into his soul as if it would help her find him. 
But it didn’t work. 
He was still just a stranger to her. 
A stranger named Harry.
As she approached her father’s office, she felt her palms become slicker than they were before as her heart pounded faster and faster in her chest. She reached down for the doorknob, turning it before she pushed the heavy wooden door open. She stopped in her tracks when she noticed the three, ominous figures standing off to the side of her father’s desk. The vibe that they gave off sent shivers down her spine as the little hairs on her arm stuck up to warn her of danger. 
“Come in.” Her father ushered her in, and Holland’s feet followed the command without hesitation. “Holland, I would like for you to meet the Council of Elders.”
“Hello.” Holland offered them a small wave, her body shrinking nervously as they glared back at her. 
Their dark robes were just as creepy as the large, wooden walking sticks they carried. 
“Young child.” One of the men spoke up, holding his hand out to her. “Give me your hand.”
Holland looked towards her father, afraid to take a stranger’s hand. 
“Go on, Holland.” Her father said. “Do as they ask, my dear. I promise that they won’t hurt you.”
Holland moved closer to the man with jet black hair, sliding her fingers into his palm. 
A shock greeted her senses, causing her to gasp and jump. 
“It’s alright.” The man whispered. “Close your eyes, show me what you see.”
When Holland obeyed his order, Holland thought of the lake.
Her entire dream played out in her head, almost as if it were on a television screen instead of in her mind. The closer they got towards the end, the harder Holland gripped the man’s hand in her own. The end was the part that she hated the most, the part that tore her apart. 
“Holland, baby, please breathe for me.” Harry’s palms brushed over her cheeks, tears streaming down his own as he tried to bring her back to life. “I need you to wake up, Holland! I need you.”
The dream finished with Holland on the ice, Harry sobbing into her neck. 
He did know her name. 
“My, my, my.” The man spoke, tutting his tongue. “It seems that I was right after all.”
“Right about what?” Holland whispered, blinking her eyes rapidly in attempts to clear the tears from her vision. “How did you know about my nightmares?”
“Because I rule them, my dear.” The man spoke. “I’m Morpheus, the god of dreams.”
“Oh.” She whispered, still in shock. “You make those happen?”’
“Most dreams are of my creation, but not yours.” He said. “Your nightmare is crafted at the hand of someone else, a master manipulator that has conned his way into using someone else’s magic.” 
“Morpheus, I would like to know what in the sleigh bells is going on with my daughter-”
“Kristopher, this is not your place.” The shortest of the three men hissed, his chubby cheeks turning red. 
“Now, now…” The only woman spoke up, a sly smirk on her black painted lips. “Erotes, Kristopher is merely concerned for his offspring.”
“If he was concerned about her well being, Ma’at, he would not have split her from the boy-”
“Erotes.” Morpheus drawled out. “He could not have known about the boy.
“He should have known.” Erotes turned back to Holland, offering her a soft smile. “To be parted from the other half of one’s soul is a pain I would not wish on my worst enemies. I sincerely apologize on behalf of myself for letting you be away from him for so long.”
“I don’t understand.” Holland looked from Erotes to Morpheus, her brow furrowed. “What does-”
“Things have changed, haven’t they?” The man hummed out as if Holland were a specimen that he was examining in a lab instead of a girl. 
“He knows my name.” She whispered. “And I know his name.”
“And you didn’t know it before.” The man narrowed his dark eyes, staring at her with a curious grin. “How is that, little elf?”
“I don’t know.” She tried to pull her hand back, but the man kept her fingers in a tight hold. “I just...I had the first dream when I was five, and it’s always been the same up until last week. It was all the same until suddenly I saw his face, clearer than it’s ever been before. I said his name like I’d known it all along and then….when I was drowning I saw him for the first time.”
Holland cleared her throat as it started to tighten, trying to regain her voice.
“You saw who did it.” The man spoke. “You know who it is that is trying to kill you both?”
“I do.” She nodded, licking over her lips nervously. “It’s Jack Frost.”
“Can someone tell me what’s going on?” Kris spoke up from his desk, his chair scraping across the wooden floor as he stood up. “What does Frost have to do with this?”
“The boy that you exposed yourself to as Santa sixteen years ago on Christmas night is your daughter’s other half.” Erotes said. “They are two souls created from the same star, the brightest star, and their love for each other has been tainted by your ignorance. The moment you laid eyes on the boy, you should have contacted me.”
“He reminded me of Holland, but I didn’t...” Kris said. “He had that same glow that she has in her eyes, I remember that much about him.”
“Their souls were forged from the ash of the Christmas star.” Morpheus said. “Other than you and your son, these two are the last people on earth with true Christmas spirit and it is their job as children of the Christmas star to instill that spirit into the souls of everyone they meet.”
“Jack Frost wishes to kill them both to absorb that power for a different use, of course.” Ma’at spoke up, drawing Holland’s eyes from Morpheus. “In the wrong hands, their power can be used for evil things.”
“When Frost kills them both, he will kill Christmas.” Erotes tutted. “We wouldn’t want that to happen, Kringle. The humans wouldn’t know what to do without Christmas, it would be horrible.”
“So what do we do?” Holland looked at Morpheus, swallowing around the lump in her throat as he looked down at her. 
“We must keep an eye on Jack Frost.” Morpheus spoke. “And you must find your soulmate. He has suffered great tragedy, and his Christmas spirit is nearly gone. You must save him, and restore his power if you wish to properly fight for your lives.”
“Both souls must be pure in order for you to fight Jack Frost and his twisted magic.” Ma’at said. 
“You must go to him, Holland.” Erotes said. “You must be by your beloved.” 
“I don’t have any clue how to survive in the real world.” She shook her head. “And I don’t know where to find him, or how I would even begin to restore his Christmas spirit. I’ve never been trained on that kind of thing.” 
“Look at me, Holland.” Morpheus snapped. “I have faith in your ability to do this without failing, but my faith in you is nothing if you don’t believe in yourself. Let that be the lesson you learn during this mission of yours.”
“Without Christmas, the rest of us will cease to exist.” Ma’at said. “The entire world of magic relies on you.”
“I will take you to him in six days time.” Erotes said. “He is in London.”
She swallowed, clenching her fingers into fists at her side. 
“Alright.” She said softly. “What do I need to do to prepare myself?”
“There is a book you must read.” Morpheus said. “I will send it to you as soon as I return to my own realm. You need to practice your Christmas magic, little elf.”
When Holland blinked, the council of elders was gone without a trace.
She turned around to her Father with wide eyes, her mouth open in shock. 
“What in the sugar plum just happened?” 
November 7 Harry’s POV
Harry felt like he was one gust of winter wind away from falling over. 
The lack of sleep was starting to catch up to him as the days grew shorter and the nights colder. 
Fighting off sleep to avoid the violent dreams that plagued his mind at night wasn’t helping, because no matter how hard he tried to fight it off with caffeine, or cold showers, he ended up falling into the ominous forest in his mind where he would inevitably watch the girl die the same way that she always did. But the blue haired man was getting bolder, taunting Harry with icy smirks and snide remarks. Harry could never retaliate with his feet frozen solid to the forest ground however. His eyes were always glued to the girl with snow white hair as she cried his name out, his heart breaking in his chest as he accepted the cruel fate bestowed upon them. 
She was fighting so hard to stay alive, and it killed Harry knowing that it was never enough. He spent a lot of time trying to convince himself that it was just a nightmare, something that the darkest parts of his brain conjured up to punish him. But with each passing night that he stared into the girls eyes, he started to think that he was wrong about that. His brain didn’t conjure this dream up at all, it was real. It made him feel insane, of course, thinking that some recurring dream with two strangers in it wasn’t a dream at all, but a reality. But he couldn’t shake the feeling in the pit of his stomach that this was a premonition, not a figment of his imagination. 
That girl was real, and Harry cared for her. 
They weren’t just friends in the nightmares, they were lovers.
At this point, he was considering committing himself to an insane asylum so that he didn’t end up accidentally telling someone about these dreams. If he told anyone, they would surely look at him like he was loony, and he couldn’t really blame them. It was a weird situation, and he didn’t have anyone he could confide in. 
“Why do you look like you’re in pain?” Niall nudged Harry’s foot with his own, lifting his pint up to his lips as Harry snapped out of his thoughts. “You’ve been staring at the table for like, five solid minutes. Do you have heartburn or something?” 
“I don’t have heartburn, you prick.” Harry rolled his eyes, grabbing his own pint from the table before he tipped it back. “I’m still upset with you for sleeping with my sister.”
“Here it goes.” Mitch inhaled, trying not to laugh as he reached for his whiskey. “Styles, I don’t think talking about your sister’s sex life with your best mate, while your drunk, is a good idea.”
“Yeah, what Mitch said.” Niall shifted uncomfortable as Harry slapped on a fake scowl, sending it towards the blonde boy. “You’ve already threatened to punch me-”
“I’m still going to.” Harry said plainly. “Of all the women in the world, you had to pick my sister.”
“Mitchell, help me.” Niall whined, glancing over at the brunette with desperate eyes. “I don’t want to die tonight.”
“I don’t think that I can help you.” Mitch shrugged his shoulders, catching the wink Harry sent his way. “He might actually kill you.”
“I might.” Harry shrugged, sipping at his beer. “I might save it for a rainy day, who knows?”
“Jesus.” Niall scoffed, shaking his head. “I better call my Ma and tell her I love her then.”
“Niall, I’m kidding.” Harry laughed, shaking his head. “I’m happy for you both. I think you’re good for her, even if I hate to admit it.”
“Really?” Niall let out a sigh. “Because I really like her.” 
“I know that you do.” Harry nodded, sitting his pint glass on the table. “And I know that you love Noah just as much as you love her.”
“I really do.” Niall’s lips curved up in a secret smile. “They make me happy.” 
“And the end of the day, that’s all we can really ask for.” Harry shrugged his shoulders. "But I don't want to hear anymore about how you bruise like a peach or what you get up to in your spare time.” 
“That’s fair enough.” Niall nodded.
Harry lifted his pint glass, downing what was left before he stood up. 
“Where are you going?” Niall’s brows furrowed. “It’s still early!”
“I’ve got to open the shop tomorrow.” Harry reached for his jacket, sliding his arms in. “I don’t want to be late….or hungover.”
“I think you’ll already be hungover.” Mitch laughed. “I can open if you’d like me to, I don’t have any plans tomorrow.”
“Nah, you spend time working on those guitar skills, shredder.” Harry stuffed his hands in his pockets as he looked at Niall. “And you, treat my sister to breakfast or something you lowlife.”
“Will do.” Niall laughed, his cheeks turning pink. “We’ll drop something off for you with Noah?”
“I’d like that.” Harry mumbled, offering Niall a tight lipped smile. “Alright lads, you be good.”
“Same to you.” 
Harry waved at his friends before he made his way out of the pub. 
He walked towards the end of the street, looking both ways before he ran across. 
His building wasn’t far from the pub, but the wind whipping around made it feel like a twenty mile trek in the tundra. Harry was shivering by the time he made it into his building, his feet carrying him slowly through the lobby and towards the lift. He stepped in, using his elbow to press the button to his floor as his teeth started to chatter. The landlord was going to get an earful about the temperature inside the building tomorrow, Harry would make sure of it. 
He stepped off of the lift, fumbling his fingers around in his pocket until he made contact with his keys. He pulled them out, glancing down until he found the one that opened his flat. As he walked down the hall, his mind went back to the girl. He could almost smell her familiar scent in the air, berries and clove filling his senses with every step he took. He was sure one of the ladies that lived down his hall was burning a winter candle with the same scent. 
It was the only explanation. 
When he made it towards his door, he heard a soft gasp. 
He lifted his head up, his eyes growing wide as he saw the girl from his dreams standing right across the hall from his flat. She was staring at him, her pine colored eyes wide with disbelief and her berry red lips parted with shock. Her hair wasn’t as white as he remembered, more honey colored tones tied into the strands to compliment her skin. Harry stopped in his tracks, his heart slamming against his rib cage as she blinked rapidly, shaking her head as if she were trying to bring herself back into reality. 
Harry swallowed around the nerves in his throat as he took one step forward. 
Just as his foot landed on the ground, she fell to the floor. 
Harry felt like he lost all of the air in his lungs, vivid visions of her body falling through the ice playing through his mind. But this time, he could do something about it. He rushed forward, grabbing her arms with his palms to lift her up as her head lolled back. She was limp, her body heavy and warm in his hands. He was shocked by just how warm she was, her skin was usually ice cold by the time that he got to her. He felt the tears blurring his eyes as she lay there. 
“No, no.” He shook his head. “Get up!” 
Her eyes snapped open at that, the dark shade of green greeting Harry like a breath of fresh air. 
He was stone cold sober when he yanked her against his chest, holding her tight in his arms. 
“I can’t breathe.” She gasped out, her hands tapping his shoulders. “Harry?”
He pulled back, staring back into her eyes with pink cheeks. 
“How are you here?” He asked her, licking over his lips. 
“Um, I don’t really have an answer for any of it.” She cleared her throat, glancing away from his gaze with shy eyes. “I just kind of...ended up here?”
“Did you take a taxi or something?” He asked, confused when she laughed. “Do you live in London? Have you always lived in London?”
“To be honest with you, I think that I teleported here.” She said slowly, like she was unsure of the response he might have. “That might sound insane to you. I know you only ever see stuff like that in Dr. Who, but um, it’s kind of real?”
“You sound like a mad woman.” He whispered, his eyes flitting over the features of her face, taking it all in. “But for some reason, I believe you.”
“If you think that was mad, wait until we dive into the fun stuff.” She said softly, giving him a sympathetic smile. “I don’t really know what I’m doing here, if I’m being honest with you.”
Harry nodded, loosening his grip on her arms. 
“Do you have some place to stay?” He asked her. “Or do you plan on teleporting back to wherever you came from?”
“Um, that’s my flat.” She pointed to the door just next to them. “I’m staying there until...well, until I can go home.” 
Harry suddenly felt drunk again, his mind swirling with information as he let go of her. 
She sat up on her own, clearing her throat as she brushed her palms over her thighs. 
“I’m gonna get off of the floor now.” She said softly. “Is that okay?”
“Just promise me that you won’t faint again.” He felt his brows pull together in concern, panic flashing into his heart. “Please?”
“I will try not to.” Her laughter still sounded like bells. “Um, so, I know your name-”
“But I’ve never learned yours.” He finished for her, standing up before he offered his hands out to her. He pulled her up, pressing his hand against her hip when she stumbled. “Are you okay?”
“I’m good.” She offered him a smile, one that genuinely comforted him. “I’m Holland.” 
“Holland, baby, please breathe.” 
“I did know that.” He cleared his throat, reaching up to scratch at the back of his neck as his cheeks grew warm. “I guess….I guess I forgot about that part of my dream.”
“Our dream.” She pressed her lips together, fighting off a smile. “I have the same one.”
“How do you know both of our dreams are the same?” He asked, a small smirk pulling at the corners of his lips. “Maybe mine is different from yours.”
“I think I die in each version of the dream, Harry.” She said softly, trying not to laugh when his face paled. “But, I’m here now, in the flesh!” 
“But you’re going to die.” He said slowly, anger rising in his chest. “That’s not funny.”
“No, I’m not going to die.” She was firm with her response, holding her chin up proudly as she crossed her arms over her chest. “I refuse to die like that, it just won’t do.”
“I don’t think you can control it.” Harry said, his voice bleeding with frustration and disbelief. “You are a mad woman.”
“I’m not.” Her berry lips pushed out into a pout, and Harry nearly dropped to his knees. “I’m very smart, and extremely sane, Harry. I just….I happen to know things that you don’t!”
“Things like teleportation?” He asked, his brows lifting towards his hairline. “You look different, did you know that?” 
“No.” She said. “Why do I look different?”
“Your hair is normally white.” He lifted his hand, grabbing a few strands gently. “And your skin is normally like the snow.”
“I suppose it would be weird if I walked around London looking like that, eh?” She asked. “I can’t exactly be myself in this world.” 
Harry knew what that was like. 
“I think you’ll be just fine.” He whispered. “You’re still beautiful.”
“Well, I should probably go inside.” Holland said softly. “I’m quite knackered from all of that teleporting and stuff.” 
Harry felt panic start to rise in his chest again. 
She was leaving him. 
What if something happened to her while he was just across the hall?
He would never forgive himself. 
“You’re…” He felt his palms get sweaty. “Are you sure you’ll be okay by yourself?”
“I’m sure.” She nodded. “I’ve done a lot of research on this place, so I think I’ve got the hang of everything.”
“This place, as in the complex or this place, as in earth?”
“This place as in London.” She snorted. “I’m from Earth, gumdrop. I just come from a very small, remote island near the arctic.”
“Are you really from earth?” He let out a breathy chuckle. “Because I could have sworn you fell from heaven.”
Harry watched her cheeks glow like they did in the beginning of his dream. 
“You’re cheeky.” She said softly. “I learned what that means by watching Skins. By the way, those children should all be on the naughty list, they’re horrid.”
Harry froze, watching Holland as she shook her head. 
“You still believe in Santa?” He asked her softly, as if he were afraid he would startle her. 
“Oh, yeah.” Her eyes grew wide, but she was quick to look away. “Who doesn’t?”
“Most of the world.” He cleared his throat. “Most of us don’t even like Christmas.”
“Gumdrop, by the time I’m through with you, I’ll have you singing Christmas Carols with Santa himself.” 
“If there’s one thing you should know about me, Holland-” His voice was low as he spoke, frustration bubbling in his chest.. “It’s that I will never love Christmas or anything that has to do with that bloody holiday.”
He pulled his hand back, turning on his heel before he slipped his key into the lock. 
He could feel Holland’s eyes on his back, but after the comment he made, he needed a little time to cool down. Sure, Holland was someone that he had dreamed of meeting for most of his life, but he didn’t really know her as a person. He drew the line at Christmas with anyone, and she was no exception to his strict rule. He pushed into his flat, shutting the door behind him with his foot. Seconds later, he dropped his head against the door with a heavy sigh. 
“Maybe this is another dream.” he whispered, squeezing his eyes shut. “Wake up, Harry.” 
But when he opened his eyes, he was still standing in his apartment, and he could still smell the sweet scent of berry and clove. 
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srn-clrwtr · 4 years
dating embry call,,,, kind of HAHA
i hate myself for writing this, however, it was asked of me and i have no other ideas 😐😐 pls,,, go easy on me. i’m not good at romance, or any writing, but... i need to release something HAHAHA also i hate writing in second person but i’m TRYING **pls reblog**
also this is more like??? plot based??? in the beginning anyway. it isn’t till the end where i throw some headcanons in there... my writing goes from eloquent to straight up meme sorry about it :)
pls enjoy this v v v v long request and pls excuse any errors 🙏🙏 i’m going to edit this throughout the day
***also this is after breaking dawn and the cullens r gone and resume never happens :)
your mother had called la push her childhood home. it was the place she had learned to walk and ride a bike, it was where she experienced her first love and heartbreak, and the place where she knew unconditional love and friendship.
embry’s mother had been her best friend since she could talk, the woman knew her like she had known herself. where one was, you could always find the other.
they were the same person, all before yours had moved away. the second she was able to free herself of the chilled and misty winds of the torrential northwest, she was gone.
while she was utterly in love with the life she built, she itched for something beyond the quiet comfort of gentle rain. still, she always knew that she could find solace in the waterlogged soil if she ever needed.
and so she began with college, where she rooted herself with a man just a few short years older than herself. she moved in tandem with him, where he stepped, she followed.
when she fell pregnant with you, she found herself settling down and building a home. from crumpled photos on the fridge, to the sea smoothed stone that littered the windowsill above the sink, she left subtle reminders of the home she had left behind.
your father was initially a happy man, loud and boisterous with a grin so contagious, even the moon smiled back. you suppose it was what your mother had fallen for.
as you grew, his sunny aura shifted, hidden from the dark and looming clouds of a more than stressful work week. by the time you hit middle school, you understood that even though he had loved you and your mother, his priorities were found elsewhere.
your mother understood that raising you was best alone. though her husband responsible, living with the shell of the man he once was, was pointless. he was far too rooted within the floorboards of his office to quell the brewing storm of their marriage.
by the time you were in high school, your parents had divorced, and your mother had asked you about moving back to her own home town.
while she understood that moving away from your own home could be hard, all she had to do was mention embry.
Embry Call was the highlight of your summers. Your father was always too busy for family vacations, and so your mother always took you to La Push for a few weeks during the summer or over the holiday. Her job allowed to work from the comfort of her home, so trips to visit Embry and his mother weren’t entirely uncommon.
whenever you went to visit, you were both joined at the hip. As children, your fingers were always laced as he brought you all over the reservation. From the beaches to the middle of the forrest, he made sure you always ended up caked in mud, hair tangled messy.
In middle school, you were introduced to Jake and Quil, where you graduated from mud pies and forts, onto bonfires and the dryness of jake’s workshop.
of course, you still went on the occasional hike with embry, eager for at least some alone time away from your mutual friends.
it was pretty obvious that the both of you liked each other, but you were young. it was playground love, if you could even call it that.
into high school you stopped visiting so much, your mother grew busier, and you began to focus more on your own studies... during the summer, you enjoyed time at home, with friends not so far away.
still, you both stuck to phone calls. they were generally late at night, usually with the excuse of studying and school. you had no idea that it was actually because he ran on a much later schedule due to his shift.
and so when she all but mentioned Embry Call, you agreed... apprehensively, of course. at the end of the day though, you knew that you wouldn’t exactly be alone.
and truth me told, you always kind of liked it there better... the memories you made in la push were the best you had.
when you had arrived in la push, your mother had breathed in the air with a gentle smile, eyes closed as she took in the misty air. it was then when you began to wonder how much she had actually missed her home there.
embry’s mother had come to help unpack, explaining that embry was off running a couple of errands for her. a lie of course.
you were obviously bummed, a small pout gracing your features before your mother had all but rushed you to start unpacking. embry was not forgotten, the boy still on your mind as you grumbled throughout the rest of the night.
it wasn’t until after dark, when the sky was surprisingly clear with stars, did you get to see your long time friend.
with a knock to the door, and a shout from your mother telling you to answer it, you had flown down the stairs... with a small gripe of course. she was in the dining room. why couldn’t she get it?
the attitude all but vanished from your being as you opened the door to see embry, so much more different than you had last remembered.
it took you a moment to recognize him— his chest and shoulders were broad, hair cut short compared to the long inky strands that you were used to.
it took maybe a few seconds at most to register that the boy standing before you was indeed embry, and once that small fact had clicked, you all but flung yourself into his arms.
“em, oh my god just look at you! what in the hell did you do to your hair?!” your exclamation was muddled into nothing to embry, taking a few seconds himself to respond to your embrace.
little did you know that when the door had flung open, and his eyes met yours, his mind went blank as the world stopped spinning. the only thing on his mind, was you.
with gentle hands, he pulled you close and returned your hug. he had laughed a little bit, letting go of the breath he seemed to be holding, “it’s good to see you too, y/n”
embry hadn’t expected to imprint at all, let alone on the one person he wanted it to be the most. it was the first time he had seen you since his shift, and he had all but forced himself to forget any chances with you. all until you had opened the door.
you pulled away with a grin, quick to tug him inside your home, “you okay though? looks like i lost you in space there for a second.” and in all honesty, it looked as if he still was.
“yeah yeah, no... i’m okay! promise. i just... i’ve got a lot on my mind, is all.” you chose not to pay any attention to the way his eyes looked to the ceiling when he spoke, or the way he stammered out his response.
instead, you turned to your mother, where she sat at the counter with embry’s mom, tea in hand. They were smug as you spoke, “if it’s okay, i’m going to drag embry upstairs... i can’t put my bed frame together for the life of me.”
your mother shrugged her shoulders and looked over to her friend, “i don’t care—” and before she could finish, you yelled out a quick thanks before rushing up the steps.
neither of you missed the, “keep the door open!” from embry’s mother. you laughed it off, meanwhile, embry’s skin darkened with blush as he stuttered out a complaint. to say he was horrified, was an understatement.
embry was up in the clouds. it was you. of course it was you. it has always been you. though embarrassed, he couldn���t help but admire the way you could laugh something off so easily. how you blew the constant teasing off from his mother without question. and then he thought about how you did the same with jake and quil... you accepted it. you played right back.
images of you with his pack floated through his mind like dreams, a soft smile on his face. if you could get along with quil and jake, and take their endless amounts of teasing, then there wasn’t a doubt in his mind about his other friends, his brothers.
embry hadn’t noticed that you had laced your fingers between his, or that you were talking aimlessly to him. it wasn’t until you stopped leading him down the halls of your home did he realize.
you had turned around to look at him fully, head tilted in wonder as you held eye contact with him, “i wasn’t kidding when i said i needed help, embry. but if you have too much on your mind, we can talk it out too, you know?”
his heart fluttered a bit, eyes wide as he stared down at you, “no! no. i can help. i just... i’ve missed you.” and before you could squeeze in a cheeky comment, he continued, “well i mean, i mean we all do! my mom missed you visiting... i did too! and then jacob and quil never stoped pestering me about when you were going to visit again... and... and now your here! for good...”
you giggled as he rambled on, trying to cover up his obvious mistake. rather than watch him stutter over his words, you shook your head and lead him into your bedroom, “okay embry i get it. i missed you too. now, please for the love of god help me with my bed.”
this seemed to shut him up as he gazed into your bedroom, where your bed frame lay across the floor... somewhat put together, and lopsided, “well i mean you’re half way there... i guess?” he noticed the screws and various tools scattered across the floors and smiled fondly, “don’t worry, i’m here the save the day. let’s see what we got.”
and as he began to reconstruct your bed frame, you watched on in admiration. he wasn’t aware of your silent stare as he worked. instead, he was focused on the task at hand... admittedly, also day dreaming. ever since you had opened the door, his brain had turned to mush.
“so em... are you going to tell me why you cut your hair? or how you changed so much since the last time i saw you? you never even mentioned it over the phone!”
the boy looked up at you as you questioned him, hand moving to scratch at the back of his head, “i mean... well.. i just needed a change i guess. long hair is a lot of maintenance and with school being so... busy? i guess i just wanted one less thing to worry about.” his excuse seemed rehearsed, but you payed no mind. if he didn’t want to tell you the truth, you weren’t going to make him. not now anyway.
you nodded, and let out a hum. you thought about a lot of things, such as why he seemed so stressed and up tight. or why he felt the need to lie about his hair. using the excuse of “it’s too hard to keep up with” was bs. at least to you. whenever you came to visit, you had noticed that his hair was a priority to him, just like it was for jake and some of the others on the reservation.
he kept it well, carried around hair bands for when he needed to keep it back, and even had a brush sometimes. he wouldn’t even let anybody except for his mom touch it. why did he think you were going to believe his lie so easily?
the rest of the night went on with ease. it took embry less than fifteen minutes to figure out your bed frame, insisting that he put on the mattress himself.
the rest of the time, embry had watched you unpack. you wouldn’t let him help after he put the bed frame together, so he settled for asking you about life since he last saw you. he danced around your own questions, making up excuses here and there for his appearance or tired complexion.
eventually, you took a seat next to him as you spoke. you smiled as his head fell against your shoulder, “you can rest your eyes em, i won’t mind.” he all but nodded, hair brushing against your cheek as he settled closer. he hadn’t realized how exhausted he was until you told him.
it wasn’t long before embry’s mother had come up the stairs to find embry asleep on your shoulder. she leaned against your door frame as you waved to her, “i’ll wake him up and send him down. it won’t be but two minutes.” at that, she nodded and turned around.
hand coming to rest against the skin above his knee, you ahook his leg gently, “okay emmy. you gotta wake up, your mom is waiting for you downstairs...” he stirred awake, body stretching as he hummed, “i’ll see you tomorrow? maybe?”
he nodded at your inquiry, rubbing his eyes, “yeah, i’ll see you tomorrow... just, just call me when you wake up or something. the boys will want to see you... maybe i can take you to meet some more friends of mine? a bonfire maybe?”
you agreed, and pulled him up for a hug goodbye. his body was hot against yours, another question forming at the top of your tongue. it was like he knew, and before you could mumble it out, he pulled away to ruffle your hair. with a quick ‘see you later’ he all but rushed out the door, leaving you in a comfortable silence.
embry and you only grew closer after that. he couldn’t help but cry a little inside when he saw you interact with his brothers the following night. you all sat around a fire at the beach, where you had laughed and played into friendly banter as you snuggled up into his side.
you stuck your tongue out at quil nd jake whenever they had something to say about you both together.
into the following weeks, you and embry acted as if you were already dating. he never uttered a word about the wolf thing until seth had let a comment slip past his lips, something about how, “us wolves are just like that”
and then embry told you. you had all but laughed in his face when he told you, turning to cry after he shifted. it wasn’t like you were upset, you were just... overwhelmed. he walked you home that night, where he tucked you into bed and kissed your forehead, apologies rushing from his mouth. you refused to let him leave you after that.
you pulled him beside you and buried your head in his chest and basked in the silence of your room. he let you, running his fingers through your hair as he let you think everything out. he was afraid to speak, terrified of losing you.
you were the one to break the silence, peaking up at him, your eyes red from tears, “you owe me so many answers, embry call. too many for you to even count.” embry laughed a little, letting the tears he held back fall down his cheeks, nodding as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
he did give you answers. all of them. he told you about when and how... and why. he told you that after the cullens left, he stopped shifting so much. he wasn’t as busy anymore, no longer needing to patrol the woods for roaming leeches. after they left, the trouble they brewed followed.
he calmed your worries before you even spoke of them, promising that everything was okay, and that you’d be the first to know if they weren’t. he all but promised to keep you safe.
later, when he asked you on a date, you agreed as fast as ever. you had claimed that you already thought you were together. embry sort of died a little at that, peppering little kisses over your face.
he only told you about imprinting after having an established relationship so you could get used to the wolf thing.
made sure to explain to you that he loved you before it happened.
dating embry was... simple. it was like being his best friend with the exception of intimacy.
he loved cuddling, and always found a way to pull you into his embrace when you weren’t looking.
he was literally glued to your hip. in the kitchen, he hugged you from behind.
on the couch, he preferred to pull you into his lap or against his side, arms wrapped around you.
this man would use your chest or hips/butt as a pillow, you are not getting away from that.
dating embry also means cooking. a lot. you had practically beg emily for her muffin recipe before she finally caved. she made you swear it to secrecy.
when you first made them, embry had walked into your home and nearly cried in excitement. he was not expecting the sweet smell to greet him when he opened the door.
when you’re sick, you have to shove embry out the door. while it’s nice to know that he’s worried about your well being, he’s extremely annoying. and you love him for it.
he settles for pressing kisses to your forehead when you’re sound asleep.
embry also is the kind of guy to be like, “do yOu nEed heLP?!1?!?1” :/
no sir they does not but thank u for asking
“arE yOu sURe??1??” :// dude if u don’t stop ✋
he means well but sometimes you really have to grab his face and press your forehead to his nd say, “embry. i am more than capable of doing this by myself. i need u to sit down and be quiet or do something else because i am b u s y” instantly makes him check out for a hot second tbh
he knows you’re more than capable and that you don’t need his help, but like???? he’s still?? like he wants to ask and be helpful all of the ti m e
this usually happens when you’re making dinner for him or something
he feels bad cause he feels like you do too much for him
so you usually tell him that he can help clean up HDHSJ
when you told your parents that you guys were dating, they were all like, “oh baby,,, we already knew that” they have been planning your guys’ wedding since u turned 10 and they caught u guys holding hands
maybe u join jake nd quil in teasing embry
you have to make it up with kisses
embry strikes me as a pouty type... not like, the annoying?? pouty??? but a cute pouty. one kiss to his forehead tho and he’s g o n e
anyway,, dating embry is as easy as counting. he’s loveable and sweet and he’s funny and the love of your life.
the person who requested this brought up marriage too but this is already too mfing long u feel
so maybe another day
bye bye now
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crimsonheart01 · 3 years
This Feeling’s Enough (Juice Ortiz x Female!Reader)
A/N: Thank you @aimkatsz for sending in this request. Juicy deserved so much more than what he was given! I hope you like it!!! <3 
Prompt: 20. “Nightmare Before Christmas is a Christmas movie, not a Halloween movie.”
Word Count: 1.5K Words
Playlist: Season of Love - 98° [Spotify] [YouTube]
Warnings: None <3 
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“This is the season The season of love love love It’s got me believing This feeling is enough” Season of Love - 98° 
She was reclining into the sofa, her knees up and balancing her trusty notebook against them. She was tapping the pen against the pad repetitively as she was deep in thought. There were only so many days in December, not to mention their odd working hours. She’d written down all her must-watch movies for this month. The ones she absolutely couldn’t go without. She knew there were plenty that she could tack on, but it wasn’t fair to Juice. She needed to give him a few.
Twelve movies each seemed to be the best way to go. That way, it would manage to get them through the whole month, and if they needed to drop a few, well then, she’d sacrifice a few of his. She smirked to herself at that thought.
In a perfect world, they’d be able to watch one movie a day, but that was never going to work. Not with how busy he’d been with the club the past few weeks, and not with her shifts ramping up now with all the extra foot traffic due to the upcoming holiday. She sighed and stared down at the page again. Biting down on her lip, she crossed out two more movies. They weren’t top of the list, so she wasn’t too put out by it. She’d make sure that they were in the top picks for next year.
Reading through her list one last time, she smiled and nodded to herself. Perfect. Now all she needed were Juice’s picks. Then they’d work out the watch schedule, weaving in and around both their timetables. Leaning forward, she dropped the notebook down on the coffee table, flipped open to the start of the list, and she left a note for him to add his absolute favourites in. She signed her name with a flourish and a little heart.
Yawning, she padded out of the room, flicking off the lights as she went. She probably wouldn’t see him until tomorrow night, but at the very least, they had their note-passing to get them through their constant missing of each other.
Juice wiped down the fog off the mirror in the bathroom with one hand. He tilted his head from left to right, stretching out his neck and shoulders. He leaned forward against the counter, staring at the bags under his eyes. The long days and nights were starting to take their toll. He looked and felt like he’d been run over by a truck. With a sigh, he pushed back and grabbed the towel hanging behind the door, wrapping it around his hips.
He walked out into their bedroom, fresh from a shower and looked around. He could still smell the scent of her perfume in the air. He grinned a little to himself. He hadn’t been able to spend much time with her in the last little while, but all the little reminders of her laying around the house always kept him hopeful. He knew it wouldn’t be like this for much longer. Soon everything would die down, and he’d be back to spending every night cuddled up on the couch with her.
He quickly dressed and shrugged into his kutte as he walked down the length of their hallway towards the kitchen. He spared a glance into the living room and saw a notebook sitting in the middle of the coffee table, opened. He arched an eyebrow, intrigued. Stepping around the divider, he dropped down onto the couch and pulled the notebook towards him.
He smiled at the little note she’d left for him and then picked up the pen before taking a look down the length of the page. He pulled the cap off the pen and narrowed his eyes as he read down her list of must-watch movies. He glanced over one suggestion and paused. That wasn’t right. She had to be joking, but just in case she wasn’t, he quickly scratched it out and wrote ‘not a Christmas movie’ next to it.
After doing another read of hers, he jot down his list, matching her twelve. He snapped the cap back on his pen and tucked it onto the lip of the notebook, leaving it on the counter where she’d find it when she got home.
She could honestly say that she hated working retail. Even on a slow day it was the worst but add in the rush for buying presents, and it made every store close to hell on earth. Thankfully, the day was over, and she was happy to be home. She unlocked the door and shed all her outdoor wear in the front hall before bee-lining for her bedroom, making a quick pit stop to the bathroom.
Stepping into the bathroom found her overwhelmed by the smell of Juice’s body wash and cologne. She closed her eyes and smiled, imagining him being home with her right now. She let a small sigh, knowing that it would be soon that they’d be able to get back into their routine. Until then, she would be content with leaving notes for one another and wearing his sweaters when he wasn’t around.
Making a stop in the living room, she peered down at the notebook while rolling up the sleeves of Juice’s sweater. She pouted in thought at his list when his extra note caught her eye. She paused, leaning down and scowling at his comment. He was clearly delusional. There was no way that movie was a Halloween one. If there was any proof that this holiday movie marathon tradition needed to be done, it was for this reason alone. He obviously didn’t know his Christmas movies.
Crossing out his note, she wrote beneath it, ‘Nightmare Before Christmas is a Christmas movie, not a Halloween movie.’ Then she read through his list a second time only to note the non-Christmas movie he listed. She crossed out his movie choice and left the same note to him.
It was another late night, but thankfully this time, he would be able to see her in the morning before she left for work instead of just missing her. Juice closed the door behind him with care, locking it silently. It was three in the morning, and he knew she would have to be up early. He didn’t want to disturb her, so he pulled off all his clothes and collapsed down onto the couch.
Stretching out along the sofa, he rolled onto his side only to find the notebook in his direct sight. He chuckled to himself, having forgotten about the tradition altogether. Sitting up, he grabbed his phone and turned on the flashlight. He shook his head at her comeback, only to roll his eyes when she crossed out Die Hard on his list.
If Nightmare Before Christmas was a Christmas movie, then there was no way that Die Hard wasn’t one too. He considered writing out his retort but chose not to. Instead, he was reminded by how much he missed her and her humour. Sighing to himself, he realized how ridiculous he was being by sleeping out in the living room. If there was a chance to spend even a little bit of time together, he should be taking full advantage of it.
Scooping up the notebook, he padded down the hall and peered through the ajar bedroom door. She was curled up into his pillow, and it made his heartbeat two paces faster. Tiptoeing around to her side of the bed, he slipped under the covers and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her flush against him. She stirred at his touch and murmured his name.
He smiled and pressed a kiss to her temple, “Go back to sleep, baby. I’ll be here in the morning.”
She nodded sleepily in his embrace, and he felt as she began to drift off.
Dropping the notebook from his hand, he pushed it over the covers, away from them and whispered, “Die Hard is a Christmas movie, babe. You can’t veto it if you want me to recognize Nightmare Before Christmas.”
He felt her sigh before turning in his arms. She snuggled into his chest, breathing him in.
She pressed a light kiss to the side of his neck before shaking her head, “No. Die Hard isn’t a Christmas movie, but Nightmare definitely is.”
He laughed at her, “We can argue about it in the morning. I promise.”
“Sure,” She nodded, “But I’m right.”
He smiled but instead of responding, he held her closer to him, glad for her presence in his life. Especially right now. She was strong and kept everything running smoothly between them. He didn’t know what he did to deserve her, but he wasn’t going to let her go for any reason. For that reason, he was going to let her win their ‘argument’ in the morning. Plus, they had every other December to come to continue the fight. He’d get her to come around to Die Hard being considered. He knew it. Maybe not this year, but next year was still up in the air.
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official-weasley · 3 years
Meant to Be (Charlie Weasley x OC)
What happens when Bill brings home a girl and Charlie is completely awestruck by her?
WARNINGS: mentions of alcohol, curse words
One year later...
“Good morning.” I sang opening the door to the nursery.
“Charlie, hi!” Tina almost banged her head on the counter, getting up. “You’re early.”
“Did you sleep here again?” I frowned at her.
“No. I just dropped a bottle on the floor.” She was one of the clumsiest people I know. She reminded me so much of my friend Tonks from Hogwarts, except that her hair was black and not hot pink. “You know he can live without you for more than 5 hours.”
“I know. But I missed him and I couldn’t sleep anyway.” I looked at the clock on the wall.
Half-past five in the morning. I already came in later than usual.
“Okay. Let me take you to your son.” She chuckled and stepped away from the counter. “If he’s still sleeping and you’ll wake him up, you’ll be dealing with him, I’m warning you.”
“I know. I don’t mind.” I smiled.
I followed her through the corridor and waited for her to unlock the door.
“It definitely doesn’t sound like he’s sleeping.” I placed my hands on my ears to muffle the sound.
“He’s doing really well this week.” Tina said proudly.
“Hi, Aami. How are you, little guy?” I approached the fence slowly, my hand in front of me.
“Perhaps a few more days and we’ll be able to do a gender reveal.” I turned around at Tina’s words, sparks in my eyes.
“We can do a gender reveal cake then.” I giggled to myself.
“What?” Tina asked confused.
“It’s something Muggles do, I’m told.” I kneeled next to him, admiring his every move.
“Your dad told you that?” She laughed.
I hummed in reply, not taking my eyes off Aami.
“Isn’t he the most beautiful thing you have ever seen, Tina?” I said in a dreamy voice.
“I would say he got it after you, but it looks like he only got your stubborn personality.” She joked.
“Ha-ha.” I rolled my eyes at her. “Do you think he’ll ever fly?”
I slowly extended my arm through the fence so I could touch his beautiful crimson wing. Aami was collateral damage when Victor Krum accidentally made the Chinese Fireball step on her eggs while he was retrieving his golden egg. Aami’s egg was cracked but he somehow survived thanks to Tina.
She was the nurse who took care of eggs and helped premature hatchlings to grow strong. Then we had a team who would train them and help them fly. The mother dragon is usually supposed to do that but if the baby doesn’t hatch next to her, she doesn’t want it. That’s where our team steps in and helps them with everything, from feeding to firebreathing and flying.
Aami’s left wing was badly hurt due to the egg’s collision with the ground and was growing slower than his right one. Even though Tina was optimistic and said that he is showing progress every single day, we still didn’t know if his wing would ever fully grow. If it doesn’t, he would never be able to fly.
I don’t blame Viktor for what happened that day. I was watching him retrieving the egg and I know he didn’t do it on purpose. It happens. It was more our fault that we brought our mother Fireball to the tournament. It was a bad idea.
She was one of the most stubborn and untamed dragons but the Ministry insisted. We shouldn’t have allowed it. She was too attached to her eggs and she snapped, stomping on them in the process.
Aami’s wing might be damaged but we considered him lucky, even though his mother rejected him once we started taking care of him. At first, I was helping Tina because I felt bad for the little guy and I was really hoping that he’ll make it but he grew on me so quickly. With his fire-coughing and his playfulness and his green eyes. He was perfect.
“I don’t know, Charlie. His wing is still underdeveloped and even though it’s growing slowly it’s still not even close to where it should be for his age.” Tina’s face was creased in a sad expression.
I know she cared for him just as much as I did.
“I’ll be here every day until I’ll be able to take you flying.” I turned back to Aami and whispered to him.
“He’s lucky to have you.” Tina stepped closer to us and placed her hand on my shoulder. “You’ll make a great dad one day.”
“Thanks.” I murmured.
“Oh, I almost forgot!” I stood up and reached for the bag I brought with me. “I got you some fresh chicken blood and 10 bottles of brandy. I know it’s not much but…”
“It’ll do until the next supply crate tomorrow. Thank you, Charlie.” She took the bag from me with a smile on her face.
She took out one bottle and a bag of chicken blood, gave it to me, and exited the room to give us some alone time.
I carefully took the empty bowl away from Aami and poured the contents from the bottle and the bag into it and returned it to him. I laughed at his hungry eyes.
“Here you go. Have at it.” I sat down next to his small enclosure and hugged my legs, placing my head on my knees. I felt so calm when I was watching him eat. It was my new favorite activity. Is this how it feels like when you have children? Because if it does I won’t be able to take my eyes off them.
I stayed with him until he fell asleep. I got up and quietly exited the room and went back to the nursery reception.
“There he is. Our Fireball Mother!” Peter mocked me, leaned on the counter.
“Good morning, Peter.” I ignored his remark.
Ever since I started taking care of Aami he and the mates from my team have been teasing me. Taking care of baby dragons is something women usually do around here and they found it funny how invested I was. I didn’t care because I knew they would never understand me and I enjoyed doing it so much that the fact that they called me the Fireball Mother didn’t even bother me.
“Should we transfer you to the nursery, since you’re here every morning?” He smirked at me.
“Don’t tempt me.” I pointed my finger at him.
“Your team misses you.” He looked up at the clock above me.
10 past seven.
“Fuck, I’m late for work!” I started towards the door.
I’m never late for work!
“Relax.” Peter extended his arm to stop me. “I know you were with the little Fireball. Count it as work.” He winked at me.
“Thank you, Peter.” I said thankfully.
“If you want I can make this your part-time for the time being. I’m sure your team will be able to handle the workload without you until we move Aami to his habitat.”
Did I mention that he was the best boss ever?
“I would love to, but I can handle both, Peter. Thank you for the offer.” I smiled faintly and took a step forward.
“Look, Charlie.” He stopped me yet again. “I know we are teasing you all the time but it’s only because you’re the youngest even though you are the most talented. I know this means a lot to you and since you didn’t go home for Christmas this year I couldn’t help but notice that you are working yourself even more than you did last year.”
He wasn’t wrong but I stayed quiet.
I didn’t know what to tell him. I had my reasons why I hadn’t taken a day off or visited my family for any of the holidays for the past year.
“How about you join your team at 8 for the next few weeks and be with the little guy in the morning. Call it your time off.” He winked at me. “I don’t know what goes on in that red-haired head of yours but it can’t be healthy to work yourself so hard.”
I blinked at him. I didn’t know how to reply. I didn’t expect this from him. Peter was the oldest in the Sanctuary. He was 48 and I looked up to him more than to anyone else here but we never talked about stuff like this. He teased me that I should take time off and he joked that I was a workaholic a couple of times but I never actually thought he was worried about me.
I know they teased me all the time because I was the youngest of the group and I didn’t mind that they did. We had a great time and I loved them all. But I was taken aback by his short speech.
I was fine.
I was doing okay.
I had the job that I always wanted and now I was taking care of this little guy which brought me so much joy.
What else could I want from my life?
My daily routine starts around five in the morning. I make myself some coffee and breakfast. Hike up the hill to watch the sunrise. Go to the nursery to check up on Aami and help Tina if she needs anything.
I meet my team at seven in front of my cottage and we make a full circle around the Reserve feeding the dragons. We finish around 12 every day so we go down to the tavern for launch. Then we go check on the mother dragons and see how the eggs are progressing. Then I assign a dragon to each in my team and we go and train them until four. We meet back up at my hut and go and feed them again.
Once we are done I go home to change my clothes and I either go for a run or another hike. I shower when I come back. Get some dinner and on the weekends we all grab a beer which usually ends up with me waking with a headache because it never stops after just one pint.
It might sound boring to some but I loved my work. It was busy but I love every minute of it. It’s true that I don’t have a lot of free time or take many days off but I really don’t need it. The hikes in the morning and the evening are my alone time and I don’t need more than that. I don’t even know what I would do if I had more time off.
“You know if it’s doable I would love to spend more time with the baby Fireball.” I finally answered him after a short pause.
He only nodded and finally let me go.
“Do you happen to know where my wife is?” He asked when I was almost out the door.
“She’s probably in one of the nursery rooms.” I smiled at him and exited.
Peter and Tina were one of the few couples in our Reserve. A lot of us are single, some have partners that work other jobs and have long-distance relationships. Most of us don’t think about it a lot because we don’t have that much time or the liberty to settle down.
We don’t get many recruits and when we do it’s mostly men so every time we get a new female Dragonologist everybody flips out and either scare her away or get slapped in the face. The latter happens more often.
“Where have you been, Charlie?” Andrew asked as soon as I reached them.
“Have you been looking after your son?” Theo made a kissy face.
I will murder him, I swear.
“For a matter of fact, I was.” I stuck my tongue at him. If he can be 35 and act like a child, I can be 22 and do so too. “I made a deal with Peter to join you mates at 8 so I can spend more time with Aami.”
“But you’re our team leader.” Evan looked puzzled.
“Can’t live without Charlie, Evan?” Theo mocked him. “We have the same routine every morning, I think we can manage.” He winked at me.
“It’s only until Aami can start his training.” I assured them.
I loved being the leader of a team and it was touching how much they listened to me.
I worked with 4 men. Evan, who was 28, was the only one besides me that was under 30. As I said before Theo is 35, John is 40 and Andrew is 32. Peter joins us occasionally in case we need a helping hand but they are all very skilled and good at what they do so we rarely have any problems.
I was so nervous the day when Peter told me he picked me as a group leader. I felt neither worthy nor qualified for the position and I thought they would all hate me for being their boss since I knew they were all older than me but nobody cared.
They obeyed and respected me since day one and I admired that about the Sanctuary. Here, age doesn’t matter. Talent, ambition, and skills matter. If you show how hard-working you are and that you are willing to learn and are good at your job, you can quickly earn everyone’s respect.
I told them that I would make a plan in the evening and pin it to the door for them to look through it in the morning so that they will know what to do while I’m in the nursery. Then we went to the storage room to get our protective gear and the food and we started our day.
“That’s it, mates.” I took off my gloves. “We’re done for today.”
“I can’t tell you how much I will enjoy my shower.” John smelled his shirt.
“That’s what happens when you’re not looking where you’re going and you fall in dragon dung.” Theo laughed at him and the rest followed.
“Meet you down for a pint, Charlie?” Andrew asked, his hand on my shoulder.
“Sure.” I nodded and we started walking down the hill.
“Charlie!” We all turned around when we heard my name.
“What do you have for me, Ernie?” I grinned at him.
Ernie worked in our Admission Office and was usually the one who brought us mail in the morning since all the letters usually arrived at the Sanctuary Owlery. It was for the safety of the owls so the dragons wouldn’t accidentally make them their dinner.
“I couldn’t find you this morning so I hold on to your letters.” He explained.
He handed me a handful of them. I tucked them under my arm.
“Thanks, Ernie.” I waved them all goodbye and made my way to my home.
As I was walking I looked through the envelopes. I couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t wait until I was sitting in my kitchen. I couldn’t pretend that I was waiting for a letter.
Tonks’. Mum’s. Ron’s. Ginny’s. Freddie and Georgie wrote separately to me which rarely happens. Nothing from Bill…again. I sighed and unlocked my door.
I put the letters on my coffee table and went straight into the shower. I didn’t feel like a hike. I wanted to go and grab a drink and be with my friends as soon as possible. I didn’t know what would happen to me if I was alone with my thoughts.
“Charles, what took you so long!” Theo slurred when I sat down next to him.
“How long was I in the shower that he’s already drunk?” I laughed and looked at Andrew and John sitting opposite us.
“What did I miss?” Evan sat next to me and sipped on his beer.
“Charlie is here, pretty boy!” Theo sang.
I shook my head. This is going to be a long night.
“I have noticed.” Evan laughed. “How is he already that drunk?” He leaned to me.
“I think the alcohol never leaves his system.” I joked.
“Look Charlie, it’s your girlfriend.” John smirked at me and when Andrew saw who he was talking about, he covered his mouth to stop himself from laughing.
I turned around and saw April standing at the bar. I sunk in my seat.
Oh, dear Merlin let her not see me!
“Will you ever stop?” I rolled my eyes.
“Who are we talking about?” Theo leaned on my shoulder and hiccupped.
“Nobody.” I answer quickly. “They are delusional.”
“We’re talking about April.” John said and winked at me.
Theo turned around so abruptly that I thought he was going to fall off the bench.
“April! Come here, April!” He shouted toward the bar.
April looked in our direction, smiled softly at me, and waved.
“Will you keep it down!” I smacked him over the head. “If she comes here, I will strangle you, Theodore!”
“You’re the one who slept with her.” Andrew mocked.
“Twice.” John made a kissy face.
“What is the topic tonight, mates?” Peter motioned with his hand that John and Andrew should make some room for him.
“We’re teasing Charlie about sleeping with April, twice.” Evan said innocently, holding two fingers in front of my face.
He was the one who was usually quiet when the rest of my mates were making fun out of me but I know he was enjoying it just as much.
“Twice?” Peter frowned. “Didn’t you sleep with her three times?”
I slammed my hand on my forehead. “They didn’t have to know that, Peter!”
Evan, John, and Andrew all looked at me, their eyes widened and they burst out laughing.
“Charlie, mate.” Theo leaned on his hand and looked me in the eyes. “Didn’t you say she’s bad in bed? What you sleeping with her so much for?”
“Are you in love, Charles?” John made a heart with his hand and extended his arms over the table.
“Bugger off!” I rolled my eyes. “I make bad decisions when I’m drunk.”
I then turned to Theo who was still leaning on his hand but had his eyes closed now. “It’s not that she’s bad in bed it’s just…” I swallowed hard. I didn’t know how to explain it because I knew that no matter what I say they’ll laugh at me again. “…we don’t have the right chemistry. There’s no passion.”
No connection, I wanted to say bit my tongue.
“Have you looked around, Charlie?” Theo laughed. “You don’t have that much to choose from.” The hand that he was leaning on finally gave in and he slammed his head to the table.
We all burst out laughing including him.
“Thanks. I’ll rather stay single.” I patted his head, pretending to care if he got hurt.
“You’re still young, Charlie. Never forget what you want and never settle for less.” Peter lifted his glass and we all followed his lead.
Never settle for less. It’s going to be hard to find someone after what I experienced last year.
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peachyproserpina · 3 years
Wickedly Domestic - Roommates and Puppies
Now that I am back on tumblr I figured I might as well upload my John Wick x Fat!OC fic here as well. Maybe I'll find the motivation to write it as well.
TW: Alternate Universe Canon Diverence, Mutual Pining, Slowburn, Sex
If I miss anything please let me know!
There is a consistent thunk, thunk, thunk of her roommates bed hitting the wall. Despite a whole floor separating them she could still hear the sounds of her roommate getting fucked into next week, literally. Usually Maria wouldn’t care that her roommates late at night shenanigans would run into the next morning but, there was more at stake on the agenda today than usual. Maria pressed her pillow over her ears and looked at her phone; it was almost 4 am Monday morning.
There was a meeting in downtown New York that she had to attend, which the commute was a little more intense then she usually had to deal with. Living and working in a suburb outside of New York City allowed for a stress and traffic free drive to work, usually 15 minutes or less, but driving into the city always was a hassle, that drive tends to be close to an hour. Maria rubbed at her eyes and unlocked her phone, she still had 3 hours before she had to be downtown. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, this meeting was with the CEO. Those kinds of meetings either ended up in promotion or termination, she buried her face into her pillow. She could still hear the thunk and a few giggles from her roommate and company. Considering she was already up and too anxious to go back to bed she might as well get her workout in now instead of later.
Heaving herself up and out of bed with a groan she let out a yawn before looking around for her workout clothes. Pulling on her leggings and finding a clean shirt she fished around her room for her headphones. Despite living in New York state for a little over 3 months now she still hasn’t completely unpacked. Moving boxes were still stacked around the room and there was a stack of art needing to be hung up.
She wasn’t planning on moving when she did, the roommate who was busy getting fucked, offered her a place to stay. All she had to do was pay utilities and cook for the house once a week. The home had been a surprise to her roommate Cooper. An estranged great Aunt had willed it over to her, Cooper was already living in New York, and the full ride she received was barely enough to cover the dorm she had to split with 2 other people. When she was contacted by lawyers telling her she is now a proud homeowner and didn’t have to worry about student loans for the rest of her life.
One of the first things she did was reach out to Maria. Cooper was well aware of the tension at home, brewing in Maria’s family since they met in high-school. Unfortunately she had first hand seen more tear stained faces and frustration that Maria was put through. They spoke often and were close, promising to push each other to do amazing things. Sometimes amazing things means moving across the country but their love and friendship didn’t diminish over the distance. So offering the room
All Maria had to do was fund the move and drive 30 hours across the country. Dying to get out of the town she has spent her whole life, as well as always loving the east coast, she packed up, put in her two weeks at her current job and submitted an application to anywhere within a 10 mile radius of her new address. She thanked the stars when a local bank picked up her application and allowed for Skype and phone interviews, giving her the job before she even moved out there. She was introduced to her coworkers through a group chat and she fell into her role easily before she even met them in person.
The hardest part had been leaving old friends, leaving her family on the other hand had been a blessing. Her father and his side of the family had always been hard to please and any relationship with them over the last couple of years had been more of a formality than anything else. Her mother was a different story, tears were shed and a few fights were had due to this hasty decision on moving across the country. Maria’s mother had always wanted more for her daughter than what she currently had but packing up and leaving across the country in less than a month gave her mother bad feelings. Her mother backed off and gave Maria her blessing once she got her job, knowing how stubborn her daughter is once she puts her mind to something.
Her siblings had felt the same way, constant calls and texts were exchanged during the long drive while everyone was proud and knew she would be better for the move. It still hurt, promising to visit during holidays and letting them stay over if they ever visited. But it was like ripping off a bandaid. It had to be done or else it festers and could lead to infection, staying stagnant had been driving her crazy.
Once changed and headphones found under some papers she had been reviewing at her desk, she slid them over her ears and made her way upstairs, closing the door and making sure it was locked behind her. Her cat had the habit of running outside and getting lost or turning up at the local shelter and the last thing she needed was to also be worrying about her cat while she was working in the city.
She jogged down to the gate and opened it before she got into her car and made her way to the nature preserve just a few minutes away from her home. She could have ran there but she wasn’t quite ready to commit to the workout while the air was so chilly. By the time she has parked and started her stretches the world had started to wake up around her, birds chirping and the distant sounds of honking while she tried to figure out what playlist she wanted to run to. Deciding on something beat heavy she started down the trail that would lead over the swamp, it had been a while since she had run outside, usually opting to do her cardio in a class setting or on a treadmill while she binges whatever series she is watching on Netflix at the moment.
She was only half a mile in the trail before she had to stop for a moment. Her “ultra support” sports bra did not help as much as she hoped, having big tits was a blessing and a curse. They made working out hell on earth but it got her more free drinks at the bar then she would like to admit. But it also kept her from being able to run as much as she would like to before she has to stop and readjust.
She pulled out her phone and checked the time, quarter past 5 am, she still had time. She could do a mile before she went home and showered and get ready for a grueling day. She paused her music, taking deep breaths before she started up again, she thought she heard rustling behind her. Which despite being close to the city the swamp held more wildlife than she thought it would. She sat and listened, chancing a glance behind her. The sun was nearly up but running by herself in public always put her on edge. There was always the chance of someone grabbing her and doing whatever they would like to her, she shuddered and unlocked her phone, sending her location and a text as to when she would be back to the roommate group chat. Just in case she were to get snatched up at least her roommates would know where she was last.
She started up again, turning her music up all the way to drown out her heavy breathing and the sound of her feet hitting the trail. It wasn’t until she was almost across one of the many bridges in the nature preserve stretching her calf muscles when she felt something warm and slimy against the skin of her leg. She screamed and pulled her head phones off, looking down to see if she had unknowingly picked up a slug or if some creep had managed to sneak up on her. Letting out a sigh when she saw it was a small Beagle, whining and licking at her leg. She crouched down pet the dog who was whining at her feet.
“Hey baby, where are your parents?” She picked up the dog and looked it over, she saw a name tag, “Daisy- that’s a cute name. Matches my tattoo,” she flipped over the name tag and saw an address, thankful she wouldn't have to drop the dog off at home and try to find her owners later. Daisy fell asleep in her arms while she walked the pup back to her car, the thought on finishing her run gone from her mind. Once the dog was rested safely in her front seat and plugged the address into her phone. It was a quick drive back to the owners house thankfully, it was getting dangerously close to 6 am but she couldn’t not take the sleepy baby home.
She knew if her cat went missing longer than usual or her roommates dog she would be worried sick. No parent should be worried about their baby, that was the biggest motivator for her as she snaked through the neighborhood following her GPS until she pulled up to one of the biggest houses she had ever seen. She knew she lived in affluent part of the state but pulling up the gravel driveway of what was basically a mansion she started to sweat. The bouncing of her car woke the puppy up, who was happily wagging her tail, grateful to be home after wandering away in the early morning. Maria smiled, happy that the pup was glad to be home.
“Lets go baby, let's get you back home.” Daisy ran up the door and pawed at it. Maria knocked and waited a moment, when she didn’t hear any movement in the house she rang the doorbell. Daisy was sitting by her feet waiting patiently for the door to open, it felt like hours while she stood in the massive door hoping someone was home to take the pup in. In reality It had probably been only 5 or so minutes, she chanced a glance around the driveway and didn’t see a car. Figuring that whoever would have been home was gone she turned and started walking back to her car, calling for Daisy, she could take her home and try again after work. Knowing her roommates would be sympathetic to the lost puppy and take care of her until she could try again. It was then she heard the large door open. She turned and nearly lost her balance when she caught a glance at the man who opened the door.
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