tsuchishima · 3 days
no cause I've been in my haikyu phase for months now... it's currently my longest phase now 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏 anyways please hear me out on dot barrett HES SO SILLY I LAV HIM🤗😍
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tsuchishima · 4 days
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WARNINGS | none (dm me if it needs any)
WORDS | 0.2k words ~ GENRE | angst
A/N | the story has no plot whatsoever, you can try to imagine how and why it started and ended. it's all up to you on how you interpret this reader!ヾ( ̄▽ ̄) bye-bye~
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oh how he misses you so much.
your sweet voice that used to echo in the halls of his house, faded. the deafening silence is straight up killing him. he wishes to hear your voice one more time, he misses it. your tone of voice always sounded so melodious to him even if it was an angry one, he yearns to hear it.
he walked through the quiet hallway, making his way to yours's and his bedroom, wait.. i mean... his bedroom. while turning the silver door-knob, he shakes his head as the upsetting memory of you and him flashes in his head..
"c'mon.. me don't remember that.." he reminds himself, trying not to recall the recent.. happenings.
he sighs as he enters the bedroom. it feels so empty, so hollow without your presence that used to fill it. he then crashes into the bed, feeling the soft bedsheet with his hand.
in that moment, all he wanted was you to get some sleep. and so he does. he closes his eyes and tries to forget everything. as his body starts to relax, he turns to his side to wrap his arms around your waist. a muscle memory of his.
but his arm only manages to fall back on the bed, making a creaky sound. "oh yea, you're not here." and there he is, wide awake again.
he looks at his arm, and he starts to rub the desolate spot on the bed. it feels so cold. his eyes opened wide at the realization that he can't go back now. what happened, happened. he couldn't change the past anymore.
a tear then falls from his eyes, and they only continue to spill when he realizes that you're not here to wipe them.
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BOKUTO, hinata, KENMA, ATSUMU, TSUKISHIMA [hq] CHOSO, GOJO, INUMAKI, geto, yuji [jjk] KAEYA, DILUC, alhaitham, NEUVILLETE, KAVEH [gi] MAMMON, BEELZ, belphie, [obey me], + any of your favs!
tsuchisama © — please do not copy, steal, or translate. this is my only platform.
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78 notes · View notes
tsuchishima · 7 days
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WC | 1.3k words ~ GENRE | fluff
PARTS | part 1, part 2
A/N | i had sm fun writing noya and tanaka!!! i kinda got lost with noya's and suga's ending, so forgive me╰(‵□′)╯
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he knows the basic information about periods and pads. after the moment you had chatted with him he followed your request to buy a pad without any trouble. he walks to a nearby convenience store and grabs a pack of overnight pads. and as he was about to go the cashier, something had caught his eyes. the box of [flavor] tea, he eyed it and remembered that you had mentioned that you drink this kind of tea whenever you felt stressed or tired. he took the box and made his way to the cashier to pay, and he walked to your house. meanwhile, you were on your couch, sulking in pain caused by your period. you groaned as you squeezed your eyes and held your stomach just as another wave of painful cramp hit you. your ears caught the sound of knocking, you immediately remember that you had told your boyfriend to buy you pads. you got up from the couch, having your back hunched over and your hand over your hurting stomach. the silver knob on the door opened, and daichi straightened his back and smiled, but that smile faltered a bit when he saw your painful state. "darling?! are you okay?" he looked at you with concerned eyes as you let him in your house. "a-augh.. no.." you closed the door and immediately laid on the couch, sprawling your limbs all over the couch. he let out a half-suppressed laugh and sets down the plastic bag, and comes to you. "aww.. i'm sorry that you're feeling that way, i bought you the tea you like. do want me to brew you some?" he asked, smiling at you. "yes.. please." you grunted out. he then headed to your kitchen and brewed tea for you. after brewing the tea, he sat down beside you and handed out the tea. you thanked him and drank the [flavor] flavored tea, and the tea ended up making you feel better so you and daichi spent the rest of the day with each other.
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if you were to describe this man, i'd be 'green flag', well technically it's two words, but you get the idea. he knows that menstruations come up every month, so he's always there to help you, and he also knows the basic stuff too. he just straightforwardly buys you a pack of large pads, and some snacks went to your house. as he entered your house, he gave you a peck on the cheek— causing you to blush and give him a kiss back, too. "hey, what about we watch a movie?? i bought some snackss!" he said while handing out the bag. earlier, he bought a pack of microwaveable popcorn, so he microwaved it up. after he was done, he set up the snacks on the table in front of your tv, and both of you did movie marathon while cuddling sweetly ♡.
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he's DEFINETLY has researched what menstruations are. he knows almost everything about it and maybe even more than you. he has studied it scientifically, learning how and why it happens, and he makes sure to absorb everything he reads when he studies about it. and because he's so well educated about periods, so ever since you both got together, he has downloaded a 'period tracker app'. so he knows when he can help you get through your period with ease well, the best he can at least. and also whenever he gets a notification from the app, he always takes the opportunity to come and help you. some time later, after you texted each other, he arrived at your front door. he was carrying a backpack that seemed to be full of stuff. you eyeing the black bag until he spoke. "babyyyy! are you okay? are you getting cramps? i have something that could help you if you are!" he quickly said as he inspected at every corner of your body. "ryuu, I'm okayy!" you giggled from the ticklish feeling of his hands when he 'investigated' you. "ahh.. good." he sighed from relief upon hearing your sweet giggle. both of you then entered home, and he put dropped his bag on a table. you were surprised by the loud sound when tanaka placed down his bag. "uhhh ryu? did you.. bring a lot of stuff.. like last time?" he looked at you with his eyebrows raised as he unzipped the bag. "nope! actually i..." the man paused his words as he completely finished unzipping the bag before dumping the contents of it, and it seemed to be.. multiple packs of pads?! a heating pad, and more other items that are related to menstruations. "brought more!" he said joyfully, having a smirk plastered on his face. "new record babyyy!" he wooed loudly as he let out a laugh while your jaw dropped and your wide eyes blinked at the amount of pads. it was quite strange.. he was quite literally celebrating that he got more the amount of pads than before, but you just let out a little sigh of pleasure as you watched him celebrate. you then came closer to him, and gave him a kiss unexpectedly— causing him slowly turn his head towards you, he shivered from the feeling of your warm lips on his cheeks while his arms were wrapping himself. he was also giggling uncontrollably, and his cheeks were tinted pink. oh, how you so much you just love your himbo-of-a-boyfriend so much. ♡
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he's quite similar to tanaka in a way because he's trained by him! tanaka taught him the way he learned it, by googling and watching videos of course. (don't take that sentence wrong) nishinoya has gone through tanaka's training by texting him and pretending to be you. he honestly did well, but when it happens, it actually happens.. he's surprisingly nervous. but nonetheless, he still buys your needed item with a swirling uneasy feeling in his stomach. after buying the pad you were in need of, he skipped his way to your house. as he faced your front door, he let out a heavy breath before knocking on your door. you then heard the knock and swung the door open, just to see nishinoya handing out the plastic bag to you with his eyes closed. it's as if he was a young boy who just started courting you, having a bouquet in his hands standing in front of your parents' house. you giggled at the sight of your boyfriend as you planted a kiss on his forehead to show your thankfulness. he just smiled, and he returned your kiss.
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he's very straightforward with things, so when you chatted him he just simply followed your request and bought it with no trouble. he doesn't think that buying pads for someone is embarrassing. he thinks that pads are as normal buying anything else. after you texted him, he headed to a nearby store and bought a pack of pads. then he exited out of the door and made his way to your house. when he arrived at your house, he gave you the pads with a soft smile on his face. "thank youu ushijimaa!", he nodded at you. "do you need anything else? i can help you with anything." he said, smiling again, "hmm yea actually.. can you buy painkillers? these cramps are killing me! get it?" your awful pun caused the man to chuckle. "mhmm, i knew it." you raised your brow at his statement while you watched him grab something out of his pocket hoodie. he then hands you out a bottle of painkillers. "babyyy?? omg thank you so much!" the man had a knowing smile on his lips, "seems like i guessed right." he emitted out a quiet laugh. and just as you were about to hug him, a pain of wave came up on your stomach, causing your arms to only hover around his body, and you only groaned in pain. he sighed with a smile, and he did the hug for you, his large arms wrapped around your body. "c'mon now, let's head inside and make you drink up this pill." you nodded, and he placed his on your shoulder and guided you to your home. "we'll continue to hug once you feel better." he assured you, placing a soft kiss atop of your head.
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tsuchisama © — please do not copy, steal or translate. this is my only platform.
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98 notes · View notes
tsuchishima · 16 days
Can I request Wakatoshi Ushijima for pt. 2 please?
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tsuchishima · 17 days
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WARNINGS | slightly suggestive flirting
WC | 1.4k words ~ GENRE | fluff
PARTS | part 1, part 2
A/N | !! requests are open !! and for obvious reasons this is f!reader. this idea honestly just popped up in my head, and I might take a break to focus on my other hobbies! φ(゜▽゜*)♪
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he knows what pads are, but when it comes to buying them, he feels slightly embarrassed, but with you in need of them, he gathers all his courage and goes out to buy it. and after making his purchase, he comes at your house with your (fav food) in hand and your requested item in his other hand, and surprisingly enough, he got the right one. but little did you know he actually stood at the display of pads and napkins for a good few minutes and stood there clueless. overnight pads? liners? pads with wings!? what are those?!? he's so confused with the different kinds of types! so he decided to close his eyes and let his hand randomly pick a pack. he made his way to the cashier and hesitantly placed the item on the checkout, and he managed to pay for without making eye contact with the cashier.
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he probably doesn't quite know anything about pads, so he asks you about it, and he'll buy it without any shyness. he asked one of the workers where the pad section was, and he made his way there. he was in awe on how many variations pads actually had! he eyed each kind and tried to make his choice, but he realized, 'what if you needed this kind? or this other one?' he didn't know what pick, so as a solution to his problem, he bought one of each type. when he was paying, he didn't notice that there were a few women wowed and maybe even overwhelmed at how much he was buying. standing at the front door of your home, he was holding a heavy paper bag full of pads. just right about when he was about to knock, the door was swung open by you. you stood there, having your mouth agape to the brown bag he was holding. he literally bought you a one whole year supply of napkins!
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he's similar to tsuki, except that he knows that pads have different kinds. he doesn't quite know what they are for but will buy what you need specifically. just right after you texted him, he was already at the door?! you swore that only a few minutes passed by after you texted him, well he did say he was gonna be there in a minute. how did he get there immediately? well. after he received your 'urgent' text, he ran his little legs in an instant. and when he got to the store, he acted hastily and grabbed the kind of pad you needed, and he also took a bar of chocolate for you. then he paid for it before running out of the store again. so here we are, his hands rested on his knees. he was letting out quick breaths while beads of sweat were coming down from his forehead. "here.. i ran as fast .. i could!" he said, almost having a breath between each word. he gave you the bag, and you thanked him with a kiss on the face— making him show his signature winning smile.
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he has no idea what pads are exactly for, but he did just as what you had asked for. he took the pink ones— just like what you said pink, and he bought it. he then cheerfully skipped to your house, his arms swaying the bag with your needed item in it. just as he reached your front door, he rang on your doorbell and waited patiently. he was oddly eager to see you, but it wasn't really surprising for him to be. a v-smiled shaped appeared when he saw you opening the door, and he straight away hugged you, causing you to lose your balance, making the two of you stumble right there on the floor. thank god you didn't hit your head on the floor, or else things would have taken for a turn. he said his sorry's, but he didn't bother to get up. "y/n! i bought you the thing!" he said, putting up his arm to show you the bag. you can't tell if he's ignoring the fact he's on top of you or he just doesn't mind it. "kotaro.. get up," you said as you pushed him by the chest, and he just let out a joy-filled laugh. though he helped you get up and he gave you the bag. you thanked him by kissing his cheek. and just as you opened the bag, you took a look at the pad he bought. it was.. the wrong one. you probably could have specified it more. but sure he did bought the pink one.. turning your head at the smiling owl, you smiled at him sheepishly. he tilted his head in confusion. if there's one thing that bokuto very much knows how your smiles look, and the smile you have right now.. isn't your usual cheery smile. so he moved closer. "y/nnn?? is there something wrong?", you tried to say no but saying the truth is more likely better. "ahh..eh.. kotaro.." you sighed before continuing, "you bought the wrong one.", the contoured parts of his hair then curved downwards representing the new mood he's in right now. he then resented his disappointment as he rested his on the crook of your shoulder. "augh... please don't ever let me buy anything again y/n!' the pout on his mouth only grew more and he hugged you tightly. you only giggled at him and said that it's okay. the owl was once again, in his emo mode. o(TヘTo)
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he knows what pads are for and how periods work, but he can't understand why you need them when he can make it make one's period (yours) be gone for 9 months. he's slightly downcast, but he knows that there will be a time soon he'll be able to do it.. soon enough. but he just simply walks to a store and buys you a pack of regular pads, and he makes his way to your beloved home, and he gives your needed item. smiling at you, he plants a kiss on both of your cheeks, and he stays at your humble abode for a while to take care of you because your period cramps started to get worse. he brewed you some tea and heated up your heating pad to help lessen the pain. you thanked him for being a helpful boyfriend while he placed the heating pad on your belly, and the both of you sweetly cuddled in each others arms ♡.
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tsuchisama © — please do not copy, steal or translate. this is my only platform.
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220 notes · View notes
tsuchishima · 18 days
YAYY i finally posted smth that isn't fluff!! expect another post soon cause i'm near finishing another project! i hope i post 2 today 😋😋😋😋
EDIT | i won't be able to post it right now 😔😔
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tsuchishima · 18 days
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WARNINGS | MDNI nsfw gn! reader, fingering, declined orgasm,
WORDS | 0.2k words ~ GENRE | smut
A/N | MDNI !! i don't really write smut so it might be bad. just a short drabble of smut and the reason this post isn't as decorated compared to my other posts is because its hort. this will be also the format i'll be using for my short posts. anyways, read well reader! (* ̄3 ̄)╭
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men who knows that he's good with his fingers, and he uses this at his advantage. the way the calloused tips of his hand reaches the deepest parts of your insides, putting pressure in your most sensitive areas. it's like he knows like the back of his hand on how to push your buttons.
small whimpers leave your lips when his fingers did scissor-like motions, bringing you closer to that oh-so sweet release. he continued to pump his fingers in and out with ease while you sensed yourself getting even closer. he felt your walls tighten around his fingers, causing him to draw out his fingers. you chocked at the feeling of getting stopped at just before the point of your orgasm.
a smug look appeared on his face. "you really thought it was that easy?" he licked his fingers that were soaked from your slick before releasing them with a pop! sound.
you ignored his words as you franticly find any contact that could help you reach that climax you've been desperate for. he notices your movements, so he grabbed both of your hands and pinned them above your head with one hand.
"so desperate, are we?" he teased, feeling your hot breath on his face.
he leaned into your ear. "don't you worry, i'll make sure you'll reach that little goal of yours." he said in a whisper.
"it'll just take a.." he snickered before continuing.
"..few hours."
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TENDOU, kageyama, TSUKISHIMA, KUROO, ATSUMU, sugawara, TERUSHIMA, [haikyu] GOJO, SUKUNA, geto, [jjk] ALHAITHAM, KAEYA, cyno, WRIOTHESLEY, ayato, CHILDE, [gi] SATAN, LUCIFER, asmodeus, mammon [obey me], + any of your favs!
tsuchisama © — please do not copy, steal or translate. this is my only platform.
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218 notes · View notes
tsuchishima · 23 days
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SUMMARY | Your boyfriend Tsuki invited you to watch him practice but he noticed that you kept looking the black-haired setter, Kageyama Tobio.
WC | 1.4k words ~ GENRE | fluff
A/N | I am still trying to figure out how I should format my fics, so forgive me if it looks a bit diff than my last post! I got a bit less creative with the main ending of the story. o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
( listen to some music while your at it! 🎧 )
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another school day has just ended and your boyfriend, tsukishima has told you earlier to come by the volleyball court to watch him practice. so you grabbed your bags and exited out of room and made your way to the place.
once you stepped foot into the gym, you immediately spotted your beloved blond-haired man. he was practicing until he stopped because noticed you standing by the door. you smiled and waved at him, he did so as well. tsukishima then walked to you and he grabbed your bags of your shoulders.
"oh wait tsuki you don't need to do that! It's not that heavy anyways."
you tried to pull your bags from him but he held them tightly. "it's okay, and you said it's not that heavy no?" he insisted and carried your bags. following him, he placed your bags down in a spot in the court. some greeted you and of course you returned the favor, and there was this orange-haired person who was quite short but he greeted you and his energetic energy matched yours so you spent some time talking to him, and uh.. yea he was really.. quite the energetic one.
when it was time to practice, tsuki then said he'll be practicing with kageyama and reminded you that it might be boring, you shook your head. "don't worry about it! I'm honestly excited to see you play if I'm being honest." he nodded and walked off.
you can see tsuki practicing his spikes with a black-haired man assuming that was the 'kageyama' he told you earlier. you watched the black-haired setter do another set for tsukishima, and you can easily tell he was skilled at it. your eyes watched him intently— another flawless set was done.
without realizing it, you were staring at the him for quite some time. because you were watching the setter you didn't notice tsuki kept his eyes on you while he practiced.
when he noticed you looking at kageyama, tsukishima felt butterflies in his stomach but they weren't the good kind, it was more like spiders crawling in he can't really explain the feeling. being distracted by his thoughts he didn't realize what was happening.
kageyama did another set for tsuki and it was flawless. expecting it to be spiked, the ball dropped instead. your eyes then finally were pulled out from looking at tobio and moved on to tsuki. he was just stood there looking a bit lost in his thoughts.
the setter then turned around surprised because most of the time when they usually never miss a spike or set, unless the ball is a bit to high. "tsukishima?" kageyama called his name, pulling him out from his thoughts. "oh sorry, i was.. distracted.", the setter raised his brow at him. 'distracted? huh that's rare' he thought to himself. "focus" he said and they then continued on to practice.
after a few more minutes of practicing it was time for a break. "okay everyone!", daichi called out as he clapped his hands. "you all did well! let's take a break.", everyone then cooled down while kiyoko and yachi handed out fresh towels and bottles filled with water.
instead of tsukishima going to the group of noisy people he instead made his way to you, and settled down beside you. you remembered that you had bought snacks for you two, so you opened your bag and grabbed the packed snacks. you handed a snack and he took it.
both of you ate in a comfortable silence but it feels odd. tsukishima was too quiet, even for him. you peered at him with a questioned look, he then turned to glance at your eyes but he immediately looked away. he was acting... strange? his eyes were narrowed and he didn't talk much.. 'is he mad at me?' you asked yourself. you didn't want to start overthinking you just asked him straightforwardly.
"tsuki? are you.. okay? you're acting a bit odd." you said leaning towards him.
he then turned his face to you and without making eye contact. "why.. were you watching him.", he said in a quiet voice, his words were quite hard to catch so you asked him again. "uhh.. can you that again? please?", "why were you... watching him." he repeated it was louder than before but it's still not hearable, so you questioned him again. "sorry, tsuki.. i can't hear you.", you said leaning in closer with a hand behind your ear.
he groaned in frustration and puts his mouth near your ear. "i said.. why.were.you.looking.at.him" he uttered through his gritted teeth. now finally understanding what he said, sure you were taken aback a bit, but the corner of your mouth raised a little now that you realized he got jealous!
at first thought, you thought he was angry with you but instead it was just your boyfriend being jealous. a small stifled laugh came out of you while tsuki was feeling embarrassed with how you reacted.
he groaned. it was rare for him to get embarrassed when he's usually used to being the one embarrassing others. his cheeks were flushed and his face was feeling weirdly hot, so he buried his face on your shoulder to hide his pinkish face.
you giggled at him, then you placed your snack down and patted his head while also ruffling his soft curly hair. he emitted out a long sigh.
"awhh tsuki, i never imagined that you could get this shy." you teasingly say letting out another giggle. "whatever." you could feel his eyes rolling despite that you couldn't see his face. "hmm why does that bother you though??" you jokingly let out a dramatic gasp and faked your realization. "omg! tsuki?! you got jealous?!"
"w-what?! no!" he raised his head and his face only got more pinker than before. "mhmm sure-sure" your smug face only made him more embarrassed. 'that feeling from earlier.. maybe i did get.. jealous?' he thought so himself. honestly, we wanted to say what he had in mind earlier but it only came out as a scoff and rolled his eyes once again.
you only laughed at him again and took your snack and ate. "your face doesn't deny it though.", he made a heavy sigh and hid his blushing face on your shoulder. "whatever." he said moving closer to you.
you smiled and patted his back. "sorry for staring at him though, i was just amazed on how he played.", you then felt a pair of arms wrapping around you, his arms were longer than yours so whenever he hugs you it quite literally wraps your body.
tsukishima is doesn't usually show him being shy, or awkward in any way but it's honestly cute of him to be like this. letting out a happy sigh, you finished your snack and wrapped your arms around him too ♡.
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[ insert commercial break song ]
meanwhile.. while the both of you were cuddling, two mischievous second years were watching the both of you. tanaka groaned at the sight of the couple being love-dovey and nishinoya was plotting something in his mind, and suddenly a lightbulb appeared above noya's head— an idea had sparked up inside his mind.
"hey tanaka! I got something!" he said and leaned in to whisper something in tanaka's ear. tanaka playfully grinned and nodded in sync with nishinoya.
they quietly creeped up behind you two. thankfully your eyes were closed and tsuki's face was buried on your shoulder. the pair took a look at each other and they touched both of your shoulders and let out a loud yell— making you and tsuki jump.
the second-years let out a loud laughter while they clutched there sides. tsuki growled because of the two ruining there sweet moment. tsukishima got up and started to head towards them and the pair only ran laughing while being chased by the tall first-year.
you were stunned from what was happening so you ended up only watching your boyfriend chase the two.
daichi very much noticed the three running around the court and he stood up from where he was sitting and pointed his arms to them. "YOU THREE! STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!" daichi said in a deep and commanding voice making them stop almost immediately.
"god.. you two really.. and tsukishima? why were you chasing them!?"
the now tired tanaka and nishinoya layed on the courts wooden floor and panted heavily, while tsukishima had his hands on his knees and was looking at daichi with a shocked face, wondering how he got scolded too.
watching them get scolded almost made you die laughing. it was a really hilarious scene to watch and especially with how tsukishima ran after the two!
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tsuchisama © — please do not copy, steal or translate. this is my only platform.
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215 notes · View notes
tsuchishima · 23 days
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INDICATIONS GUIDE ! ༄ ❀ — fluff ༄ ♡ — smut ༄ ☆ — crack ༄ ✧ — angst
A/N | i will be making a more organized masterlist soon!
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— HAIKYU ˎˊ˗
— JJK ˎˊ˗
... i'm working on it!
... none yet here!
... quiet..
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16 notes · View notes
tsuchishima · 29 days
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WC | 0.7k words ~ GENRE | fluff A/N | this is my first post ever please be kind to me!(;´д`)ゞ
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˚ ๑ ✩ ⋆. 。 He would literally spoil you. Giving gifts is his love language. Whenever he would go out shopping, he always comes out with a bag in hand awaiting to be opened by you. The price doesn't matter to him, as long it makes you happy it feels like the price is being repaid for him. He gives you so much gifts, it makes your room look like a store. Plushies stocked up at one corner of the room, and your desk displayed by plenty of trinkets and merchandise of your fav shows. It brings him joy whenever your face brightens up when he gives you, another gift.
❝ Here I bought you something, do you.. like it? ❞
OSAMU, KITA, tendou, ennoshita, yaku (?)
˚ ๑ ✩ ⋆. 。 He would be a bit shy at first. He doesn't really like physical touch but if it comes from you, he doesn't mind it. Whenever you come and run up to hug him it sends a shock through his body, your touch still feels all too new for him. But he slowly got used to your touch when you kept being by his side, hugging him, playing with his hair, squeezing his cheeks, and when you kept your gentle hands holding his. He doesn't really know how to show his affection but he still makes his efforts, he tries to copy on how you show your love but whenever he tries or does it always ends up him being embarrassed and shy. He completely melts at your touch and eventually, he makes you melt into his.
❝ Your hand is so soft... don't remove it from mine. ❞
TSUKISHIMA, asahi, KAGEYAMA, KENMA, ushijima, SAKUSA, goshiki
˚ ๑ ✩ ⋆. 。 He would start out to take you out on dates. He's definitely a bit of an outdoorsy person. School's done? He'll take you out on a date. He just finished practicing and is still tired? He'll take you out on a date. A stressful day? He'll take you out on a date. Spending time with you is his favorite time of his days/weeks. He just loves it when you both are alone together, it's the best feeling he ever felt. He definitely love to take you out to small soba noodle shops. He also loves going to places with pretty sceneries. A specific thing he loves when you both go out to eat is watching you eat and a small bump appears on your cheek when you happily munch on your food, he finds it cute and it makes him giggle then you would look up at him with a confused look. He absolutely loves it when you spend time together, and he hopes he'll get to spend the rest of his life with you.
❝ I miss ya' so much baby! How about we go to the soba shop right now, ya' don't mind right? ❞
˚ ๑ ✩ ⋆. 。 He would brag about you to anyone. He doesn't brag because he got a girlfriend, but it's about YOU he's bragging about. He tells about you to anyone on how much of a beautiful person you are inside and out. He brags about how perfect your whole being his. He's just hanging out with his friends and you seem to cross his mind and he just starts to explosively ramble about you, he brags on how he got such a perfect person like you. He tells them on how much he loves and adores you. He could talk about you for hours, it seems like he has an infinite amount of words about you. He also definitely praises you a lot when you too are alone, his words turns you into a flustered mess but he's oblivious by it. But he knows that no amount of words he could measure his love for you.
❝ You're so perfect loveee.. so beautiful inside and out. ❞
BOKUTO, yamaguchi, HINATA, TERUSHIMA, kogane, oikawa
˚ ๑ ✩ ⋆. 。 Ever since you both got together, he's been a bit more stricter. He keeps looking out for you. He reminds you daily to sleep early, to eat at the right time and eat healthy, to drink 8 glasses of water a day, and more. He also makes sure whenever you cross the street he's always right there. You getting hurt is the thing he hates most and whether it's physical or emotional. He'll immediately be by your side when you do get hurt. He just wants to make sure his baby is safe from anything ♡.
❝ Woah-woah, careful now.. we don't want you to get hurt now do we? ❞
DAICHI, kuroo, IWAIZUMI, akaashi, KITA,
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tsuchishima · 29 days
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[ Intro, rules, important notes, masterlist ]
CURRENT THEME : ✧ light violet theme ~ main posts ✧ pastel colored theme ~ fic posts
REQUESTS : open! ⫽ closed ₊˚ ⊹ ‪♡
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NAME : Ivory, Ivy GENDER : female PRONOUNS : she/her, they/them MAIN FANDOMS : HAIKYU, JJK, MASHLE
༄ I absolutely love drawing. ༄ My current hobbies are : drawing, writing, reading, badminton, volleyball ༄ I lavlavlav the color violet, periwinkle, and purple! ༄ My current music taste : vocaloid, pop, jazz
[ It is HIGHLY advised to read through these rules it will include the restrictions, my preferences, and others. ]
༄ I will not be writing any incest, violence, gore or any thing with bloodshed. ༄ I will only be writing genres with, fluff, angst, crack, and smut. ༄ I will mainly use f!reader and gn!reader in my fics. ༄ To those minor's who will be reading my fics including smut, I HIGHLY ADVISE TO STOP READING IT. !! I am not responsible for any minors consuming nsfw content !!
༄ My upload schedule maybe a bit messy since for me writing takes a lot of time, and it depends if I'm not lazy or if I am busy. But you can expect a post every week. ༄ Typos might occur when I'm writing but I will try my best to avoid spelling/grammatical errors. ༄ Most headers I will be using are not mine and are owned to the rightful owner/s. ༄ Fandoms I might write on : HAIKYU, JJK, OBEY ME!, VALORANT, GENSHIN
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