#((Like honestly we both really like how this one turned out :000))
m0ther-of-p3arl · 1 year
flying is a state of mind
(robert aeor high au p5)
anyway im super proud of this one i think it turned out very well and it was fun to kinda dive into a bit of scott's memories and deeper backstory. hope you like!!!
It’s really kind of nice having a new friend, Scott supposes. The last time he’s felt this excited to go to school was when Shelby joined the friend group, and that was about three years ago. Scott’s been stuck with the same people for a long time- not that he doesn’t enjoy hanging out with them, obviously he does, but it’s a much-needed breather to have something different.
or, Scott is on the way to Jim's house (so he can go to the movies with Jimmy and Joel, but that's next update) and we meet Beks for the first time :000
(4257 words)
TW: internalized homophobia, self-hate, flashbacks of past abuse, etc
It’s been almost a month since Jimmy’s arrived at school, and Scott has to admit, he’s grown quite fond of the avian, who’s almost seamlessly fit into their friend group- mainly because Scott tries to make sure he’s invited to everything. Shelby loves him like a little brother, and he and Joel have got on famously (honestly surprising to Scott) ever since an incident at lunch where Jimmy made Joel laugh so hard that his chocolate milk had snorted out of his nose.
Owen, on the other hand… Scott’s pretty sure no one else has noticed, except for maybe Jimmy himself, but Owen is, to put it lightly, not as excited about a new member of the friend group as everyone else seems to be. Scott’s not sure what it is, but he supposes that after five years of being someone’s best friend, you kind of just feel what they’re feeling instinctively. 
Now, the thing is, Scott really likes Jimmy- he’s funny, he’s sweet, he’s gotten Scott out of a breakdown spot more than once. Jimmy is quickly climbing up his friend tier list, and he’s sure that Owen can tell how much Scott’s enjoying Jimmy’s company.
In fact, Scott’s pretty sure that Owen’s jealous, as silly as that is. Scott can’t imagine his life without his best friend there by his side, laughing on their walks to school, smirking at all his dumb jokes. But Jimmy’s different- refreshing to be around, kind of like a breath of fresh air after being stuck in the same room, repeating the same patterns, for so long. He’s not a better friend than Owen, not even close, but he’s… new. And that always has an effect on the way he perceives people.
Of course, though his life’s gotten just so, so much better since the avian’s arrival, there is still his situation at home. His mom’s always away leading her cult, and his father is bearing down harder than ever, telling Scott to stay away from his friends, to stay inside. Many times, he’s almost found out about Jimmy, and Scott can’t quite put a finger on why he thinks so, but he’s certain that his father can not find out about the canary.
Scott tries to get out of the house as much as he can, to get away from Father, but it’s hard, and he often feels weird initiating activities within his friend group. So most of the time, he just sits quietly upstairs in his room, hoping and praying that his father doesn’t come in and find him on his phone.
Scott isn’t supposed to have a phone, but Joel bought it for him a couple years back, and he’s had it ever since. It’s always a much-needed reprieve from his stressful home life to just hop on to the group chat and talk about the silliest things for a few hours, or even just a few minutes.
He’s the one who insisted Jimmy be added to the group chat after a week of hanging out with him at school, much to Owen’s chagrin. Shelby had seemed ecstatic about the idea, and Joel just as chill with everything as ever. After two weeks, Scott and Jimmy had a private chat, just the two of them, which was something kinda new for them both- Jimmy’s never had a friend til recently, and Scott’s only ever had a private text with Owen.
It’s really kind of nice having a new friend, Scott supposes. The last time he’s felt this excited to go to school was when Shelby joined the friend group, and that was about three years ago. Scott’s been stuck with the same people for a long time- not that he doesn’t enjoy hanging out with them, obviously he does, but it’s a much-needed breather to have something different.
There are still a lot of things he doesn’t know about Jimmy, of course, a lot of things he’s too scared to ask, because he’s grown to value their friendship greatly and doesn’t want to do anything to jeopardize it. Scott’s pretty sure that he and Jimmy have some sort of silent agreement not to bring up their first conversation- Jimmy doesn’t ask about Scott’s eyes or why he still needs to wear shades if he can’t turn things to stone (Scott’s certain he’s wondered this at least a few times), and Scott doesn’t ask about it when Jimmy mentions how he’s just learnt to fly and other things like that.
He’s thinking about all this today as he runs his morning jog route, something he’s started up in the past few weeks to get away from home on the weekends. It works remarkably well; he can leave on his jog and then go meet up with his friends, be out of the house all day, and his father’s none the wiser. 
Today, he’s going to the movie theater with Jimmy and Joel, as Shelby has Gnome New Year and Owen canceled as soon as he heard Jimmy would be there- though Jimmy’s the one who initiated it, so he should’ve known anyway. Scott wishes that Owen and Jimmy could just get on a bit better, but at least Owen has Lilith, his enbyfriend, to vent to this all about- it’s just difficult to juggle the two clashing personalities.
He runs faster, his legs burning and his snakes hissing quietly in his ear, urging him to keep going. Making sure to push up his shades, Scott takes a long sip from his water bottle, pushing himself to go further, faster, his blood beginning to boil. Maybe he’ll burn away everything he hates about himself, maybe the fire will cleanse him, melt the ice, make him who he’s supposed to be.
He wonders what his friends would think of him if one day, he showed up perfect, just how he’s always wanted to be. He’s certain that then, they’d look to him as the leader, and he’d be able to make it so Owen and Jimmy would be friends, and he’d finally be able to stop thinking about the canary who dominates his mind night and day.
Scott slows to a stop, breathing heavily with his hands on his legs, bracing himself to stay upright. His sweat drips off his face, landing in patterns on the pavement that merge with the rain that’s beginning to fall, gently, from the sky, cascading onto the lake beside him. The ice is finally beginning to melt; it’s too cold for early April. It hasn’t snowed in months, and yet somehow, it’s still consistently below freezing during the day, as well as at night. Scott could really do with some sunshine, the coming of spring always seems to set him right.
The drops fall down from the sky, causing him to shiver. He really needs to get to Jimmy’s: that’s where they’re meeting up, though Scott’s never been to Jimmy’s house before, and the avian seemed quite hesitant to make that their meeting place. But Joel’s sister has some sort of soccer thing and obviously, Scott’s house is completely out of the question. 
So to Jimmy’s he runs, pulling out his phone and checking the address to make sure he’s on the right route to… what was it- ah, right; 156 Norman Flick Avenue. Fantastic. Scott has no idea where the heck that is, so he pulls up Gugol Maps, luckily finding he’s traveling in about the right direction. But it’s almost 11:00 in the morning, and he needs to hurry if he wants to be there on time.
It’s at times like this that Scott curses himself for choosing to run everywhere, because it’s just another one of his stupid decisions, and he misses feeling good about himself, he misses feeling like he’s worth something. But he’s not and that’s the hard part: remembering that all those times in elementary school, when he kissed boys and ran around getting mud all over his clothes, only serve to incapacitate him now.
Owen knows about the mud part, everyone does, they laugh at his school pictures where his snakes almost always had chips of the stuff stuck between their scales, Scott’s gap-toothed grin happier than anyone’s seen him in years. But no one knows about the time when he and a kid he’d met at a field trip to the zoo in Laurtentown, a city slightly south of the one Scott lives in, had kissed in the corner by the lion exhibit. 
Scott remembers the boy had been about his age at the time, so eight, maybe a little younger, and had been walking around with his- well, at the time Scott had assumed they were his parent, but he remembered how the boy had looked to them with almost reverence, as if they had the absolute final say, which just doesn’t feel like the way one would look at a parent. But of course, he wouldn’t know anything about parents, would he…
Scott could barely convince the boy to leave them when they had started talking. Somehow, he had gotten the boy, who’d been wearing a huge sweatshirt that made it hard to judge his species- all Scott remembers is the shock of scruffy blonde hair and huge, trusting brown eyes- to follow him with his class, and they had ended up kissing in front of the lion exhibit. 
It was just a tiny, experimental peck on the lips, the kind that all people try out at some point in their childhood- and yet Scott remembers how the boy’s eyes had widened, and how he had run off immediately after, seemingly quite spooked. Scott had called after him, wondering if he’d done something wrong, but the boy hadn’t turned back.
Scott’s wanted to find that boy for a long time since, but he doesn’t even know his species; and if the other boy was to try to find him, Scott hadn’t needed his shades yet, and he’d been wearing a hat: the only way the boy would be able to identify him would be from his features alone, which have changed a lot since then. His eyes have gotten more cyan, his temperament a lot more anxious and depressed.
He’s lost the innocence he had when he was a child, he’s lost the feeling that he’s okay, the knowledge that there’s someone out there who loves him. There is no one who loves him. How could anyone, when he’s this, this aberration, cyan where he should be green, wrong where he should be right, thinking of boys when he should be of girls?
How could he ever be anything but a mistake? He can feel tears prickling up behind his eyeballs, but he won’t cry, he can’t cry, then he’ll just be proving that he’s even weaker than everyone already knows- oh, god, he hasn’t cried since his powers came in, has he. It’s been a long, long time.
It was third grade, and Scott had just turned nine. Gorgon petrification comes in at ages eight to twelve, depending on genetics and environmental factors, and Scott’s doctor had predicted that, based on his father and other relatives, his powers would activate when he was about nine. So obviously, on his ninth birthday, he jumped out of his bed and ran down the stairs with excitement. 
Had his powers come in? Could he petrify things? He hadn’t known, and it had made him giddy just thinking about how cool he might be now, cooler than Kymora, another gorgon who he’d had an intense rivalry with at that point. He would show them all. Just because his snakes and eyes were a weird color didn’t mean he’d be weird. He was just special. At that point, his father hadn’t been as strict and criticizing as he is now, but he’d still been quite expecting of his son- and Scott didn’t want to let him down.
But his situation with Father didn’t get really, genuinely bad until that morning, the day he’d turned nine, when he ran down the stairs, and upon reaching the bottom, had keeled over and nearly passed out. His eyes had hurt, he remembers, the pain intense and freezing. It felt like someone had been poking them out with an ice-cold poker, twisting it around in his sockets. And so, obviously, he started crying. He was nine, what else was he supposed to do? He hated pain, still does- the way it twists around and seems to whisper, we’ve got you now. There is no escape. 
His father was so unspeakably angry when the feeling had subsided, Scott creaking his eyes open, the tears he had just cried freezing on his face. Everywhere he looked, something else froze. And every time something did freeze, it hurt his eyes, a new jab of intense pain, trying to keep his tears coming. His father had almost hit young Scott, curled into a ball on the lush cashmere rug, sobbing and choking on his own spit freezing in his throat.
From that day onward, Scott’s father has always hated him, utterly and completely, without a shadow of a doubt. This was when the peanut butter jelly sandwiches started being his only food, when Father started sending him to private schools and counselors and religious specialists- anyone who had any possibility of “fixing” him.
This was when Mother left, promising she’d be back within a week, swearing to his father that she wasn’t leaving for her cult forever. But she hadn’t come home, and Scott was left scared and alone with only his vengeful father, and the knowledge that he’d singlehandedly broken his family, to keep him company. He hasn’t thought about this in a long, long time.
How the time flies when you’re thinking about traumatic events; he’s almost at Jimmy’s now, his feet pounding against the asphalt, the rain freezing to ice when it hits him. Scott’s body temperature has always been lower than normal, even for a gorgon, and it had just decreased further when his ice came in- meaning that sometimes, when he’s feeling negative emotions really intensely, the surface of his skin is cold enough that water freezes on it.
He groans, peeling bits of ice off of his arms, wishing that he could just calm down and get to Jimmy’s. The avian always seems to get him back to a reasonable state, whether it’s just subconsciously by talking about the randomest shit, or when he’s consciously trying to cheer Scott up. It’s only been a month and already, he can’t even try to imagine a world where he hadn’t met the avian.
Jimmy makes everything better, just looking at him so often brings a smile to Scott’s lips, just thinking of him and Scott knows that things will be better with Jimmy around. He wonders which�� movie they’ll be seeing.
He’s reached Norman Flick Ave, and he slows to a comfortable pace, the wind brushing against his snakes, tiny hisses going off in his ears. He scans the houses, looking for the 156 that signifies Jimmy’s house. 124, 130, 134…
The road is quaint, kind of like the street that Scott’s family mansion decides to squat in the middle of, but this one has a slightly different vibe- perhaps due to the fact that there isn’t a giant estate smack-dab in the middle of the left side of the avenue. The houses are all very typical, two-story homes, each probably at least a hundred years old, with their creaking porches and slightly smoking chimneys.
Scott finds Jimmy’s at the end of the street. It’s the corner house, and he can see as he’s walking up that Joel’s already arrived- his humongous blue and white car is parked right outside, and Joel himself is standing in the middle of the sidewalk, tapping his foot. Scott waves, and Joel catches his eye, a grin stretching across his face.
“Scott!” he yells, cupping his hands around his mouth. “Hurry up, mate, you’ve already almost made us late!”
Scott picks up speed, moving forward in a state somewhat between walking and running, until he reaches Joel. “Sorry, I ran all the way here- where’s Jimmy?” he asks, craning his neck so he can see the celestial’s face.
“He’s inside still,” Joel gestures with his thumb towards the house, “Getting ready, I think, but you can knock if you’d like,”
“Sure,” Scott agrees, stepping up the stairs to Jimmy’s wrap-around porch, rapping  his knuckles against the paint-splattered door. Almost immediately, it creaks open, a head poking out from behind the wood. But it’s not Jimmy’s.
“Well, hello, you must be Scott Smajor,” says a short girl, about Scott’s age, maybe a little younger. “Jim talks about you all the time- come on in! Oh, and Joel’s here, too- Joel, get your butt inside!”
“Hiii, Beks,” Joel calls, making his way towards the house. “Only problem is, I might not fit? Your house is made for tiny little avians, not a celestial like me.” He flexes his biceps, and Bek lets out a derisive snort.
“Wait- I feel like I’m in the dark here,” Scott says, confused. “Do you two know each other? Are you Jimmy’s sister or something- wait. Beks- I recognize that name. You’re a grade below us, right?”
“Wait.” Now it’s Beks’ turn to look confused. “Jimmy hasn’t told you about me?”
“No, I only know about you because of Joel- you two used to be like best friends, I remember.” 
“Well, yeah- but Jim hasn’t told you the story?” Bek bites her lip. “Well, no, I guess he wouldn’t tell you the whole thing, but he hasn’t even told you the bit where he lives with me and my parents?”
“Wait. What?” Joel furrows his brows, leaning down to look Beky in the eyes. “No, he’s never told us any of that- come to think of it, he’s been quite private about his home life in general; I don’t think he’s ever mentioned it at all.” Looking back, Scott realizes Joel’s correct. He can’t remember a single time Jimmy’s willingly brought up where he goes after school, and even when someone else has brought it up, he’s always been really vague about answering.
“That’s…” Beks trails off, looking hurt and a little angry. “Jimmy! Get down here right this instant, or I swear, I will steal all your dresses again!” Oh. That’s right. Scott hasn’t seen Jimmy much outside school, and most of the time, he just wears typical clothes; but he had mentioned that this time he’ll be wearing a dress. Scott’s never seen Jimmy in a full on dress before, and he feels his cheeks flush because Jimmy’ll look even cuter than normal-
Oh, no. Why is this happening? He’s seen Jim in skirts a ton of times, almost every day for school, in fact- but for some reason, just imagining the avian in a dress hits completely different.
“What?” Jimmy’s voice is far away, floating down from up the stairs. “Are they here? What do you want?”
“Just get down here!” Beks yells, definitely angry now. Scott’s not sure if he should be here anymore, because it looks like there’s going to be some sort of family feud and he’s not sure he wants a part in that.
It seems like Joel’s had the same thought, muttering, “Should we…go?”
“No, it’s fine,” Beky sighs, looking up the steps. “Jimmy, get down here right now or I swear to god-”
“Just give me a sec, I’m almost done dressing- I’ll need to grab the hat downstairs anyway.” Scott flushes again at Jim’s words, looking slightly to the side. Joel catches his eye and gives him a quizzical glance, a slight smirk growing on his lips. Shit. He knows, or at least he suspects, that Scott’s gay- oh, no.
Scott looks away, crossing his arms over his chest. What the hell is this? He needs to stop this madness. He does not have a crush on Jimmy. He can’t have a crush on Jimmy, that’s non-negotiable. He is not allowed to like boys, it’s disgusting, it’s not something he should even be considering. But then he imagines the avian and he can’t help but smile, and all he wants anymore is to make Jimmy laugh-
What would Father say? Scott can almost hear the cold voice, pressing into his mind, whispering in his ears, a sneer upon his faceless father’s lips- You are nothing, nothing but a defective, worthless, disappointment- and now you tell me you’re in love with another boy? Get out of my house. Get out of my home. You’re not wanted here anymore.
Scott shivers, knowing this could very well be how his father reacts. He needs to keep himself a secret, from everyone, keep it secret keep it safe but he feels like he might be going insane-
He hears a creak from inside the house, the sound of a foot stepping down on a stair, and his head snaps up, gazing upon none other than Jimmy. He’s wearing a light green dress, long-sleeved with little white frills that cuff his wrists, his hair clipped back with an emerald clip that matches the gown perfectly.
It’s a bell dress, the many layers of the skirt making it poof up at the bottom, the abundance of lace just visible against Jimmy’s ankles. He’s chosen darker green tights to compliment the hue of his main garment, and his shoes are a lot like the typical black belt-buckle shoes, but they’re white instead, matching his cuffs and collar. Jimmy’s wings are floofed up in the back, his ear feathers popping in all directions, and the avian hasn’t noticed Scott yet, who’s stood stock-still in the doorway, taking in every bit of his appearance.
Scott feels like he’s seeing Jimmy for the first time, he’s radiant, his face lighting up in a smile when he sees them stood in the doorway-
He’s speechless. He can feel the warmth returning to his cheeks, even more than before, and he suddenly feels underdressed in his short-sleeved shirt that shows off his scrawny arms and his sweatpants, because Jimmy looks so nice- he realizes he’s probably been staring for a bit too long, and the avian’s blushing now too, their eyes meeting.
“Hi,” Scott mutters, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He still can’t get over how pretty Jimmy looks, with his dress ruffling in the breeze, his waist cinched with a white ribbon tied in a bow.
“H-hi,” the avian responds, barely a whisper, his eyes wide. Scott knows he should look away, knows he’s probably making this very weird for everyone else as well as himself, but Jimmy’s gorgeous, and is it really his fault that he can’t stop looking, can’t stop taking in every little detail of his appearance-
And then Beks clears her throat loudly and the spell is broken. Scott looks away, his face probably red as a tomato, Jimmy stood stock-still, like he’s not sure what’s just happened. Scott’s not completely certain either, all he knows is that one second he was fine, and the next he was just- gone. All logical reasoning, out the window. 
“Jimmy, did you not tell them about me?” Beks asks, hands on her hips as she turns to the boy on the stairs.
“Huh?” Jimmy’s still focused on Scott, and he shakes his head, turning to Beky. “Oh, um, yeah, about that…”
“Jim!” Beky shrieks, her hands in the air. “Without me, you’d probably be dead or in a homeless shelter!”
Jimmy pales. “Beks- I don’t want- I’m not ready-”
“Okay, yeah, I get that, but you could have at least told them I exist! I’m basically your sister, and I care about you and so do they, so-”
“We’ll talk later. I need to go or we’ll be late,” Jimmy states plainly, “I can’t talk about this right now, Bek.” He walks down the stairs, his shoulder brushing  against Scott’s as he steps outside.
“Jimmy-” Beks pleads, trying to reason with him.
But the door closes and he’s shut her out. “Sorry about that. Shall we- uh-”  His voice trails off when he meets Scott’s eyes, blushing hard and moving his eyes to the ground. “Shall we get to the movie? Joel, you’re driving us, right?”
“...Yeah, I am,” Joel says, squinting his eyes at the both of them as if he’s trying hard to figure something out. And Scott feels like something’s changed too, though he can’t quite tell what it is, but there’s a new feeling in the pit of his stomach- or maybe not a new feeling, just a dormant one that’s grown stronger, pulling him towards something, a realization.
They all pile into Joel’s car, the celestial taking the driver’s seat, Scott and Jimmy sharing the backseat, seated almost uncomfortably close to each other. Scott risks a glance over to Jim, and then notices that the avian’s already looking at him. Their eyes meet and Scott moves to look away, he does hate eye contact, but something keeps him there.
Jimmy’s eyes are big and brown, a color you wouldn’t expect to see on a bird. It’s lighter than you would think, not the deep black of Bek’s, but not the light green usually seen on a canary. They’re beautiful, Jimmy’s beautiful, and Scott has to beat the feeling down because he is not doing this, this is not an option.
As much as he wants it to be, it’s not.
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anystalker707 · 3 years
Spicy horror
Pairing: Frank x [fem] Reader Word count: ~ 4 000 Genre: Smut / Fluff Summary: It's Halloween, and (y/n) and Frank finally confess their crushes to each other when binge watching horror movies on Frank's place. Kind of content: Praising / Protected / Oral
Requested by @thisisjustforrequestingfanfics (can't tag you, sorry hhh my T*mblr is acting weird)
a/n - I'm sorry that I coudn't proofread, I might do it soon; I was supposed to be asleep rn
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"You're just annoying, old man," I tease with a grin. "But don't whine or else you'll ruin the makeup!" I continue spreading the white concealer over his face, careful to get it on the corners around his nose and around his eye, though not to irritate his eyes.
"No, fuck you," Frank groans, his face twitching to suppress any expression. "Why can't we watch it again tonight? They're the best movies! And stop calling me old man, it's just my birthday! I'm not decomposing or anything!" Despite his words, he smiles, opening his eyes once I pull away, leaning back against the chair of the desk – I roll my eyes.
"Yeah, I agree." I grab the eyeshadow palette from the desk and move closer to him again. "TCM is a great series and all, but can we not watch it for a single week? It's your birthday and we can watch literally any horror movie! And it can be special, like, not something we've watched a thousand times already to the point we already know most of the lines." I glare before motioning for him to close his eyes.
Frank sighs grumpily, leaning his head back. "What are you planning on, then? Alien? Jaws?" He lets out a weird cry when I slap the side of his head lightly, though he is soon chuckling.
"And then you complain when I say how annoying you are!" I spread the dark eyeshadow over his eyes, humming. "It's been a while since we've watched The Howling, Evil Dead, House of Wax. I mean, 'm not gonna complain if we decide on Alien and Jaws either." He hums, pouting. "Don't worry, you're still my favorite old man." I press a kiss to his head.
"I hate you," he laughs.
After a little bit of fake blood and retouching on my makeup, the two of us are leaving Frank's house to go to school, waving his mother goodbye. We don't look like what most of the kids will go dressed up as – not putting enough effort nor choosing the same themes as the jocks and popular people and not invisible enough just to throw on whatever in a black theme. Frank looks like a chill vampire with Bela Lugosi's Dracula references, though still looking like a punk, while I decided on one of my favorite characters. Nothing too extra, but still in the vibe.
"You look ridiculous with that hair slicked back." I kick one of the pebbles on the sidewalk. "I prefer the hedgehog or whatever it is in the normal state."
"I honestly feel like I could kill someone just from biting their jugular off." He grins, throwing his nose in the air – I can't help but to chuckle; he's adorable. "But not gonna be anyone from school, they're not worth it neither their blood would taste good." He twists his mouth. "I feel like most I'd get would be booze, botox and steroids."
"Damn," I snort, "awfully accurate. You're gonna starve, sorry."
Frank pouts, looking down, but a smirk soon tugs on his lips as he takes a step closer. "But you're not that bad, baby, you know?"
"Oh, fuck off!" I roll my eyes, clicking my tongue. "You just want to get in my jugular!"
Both of us burst out in chuckles and our conversation eventually dies down when we walk past the gates to inside the school, replaced by jokes at other people's costumes, sometimes needing to hold onto each other from laughter.
We walk into the first class, already a bit late, but all it does is to attract everyone's attention the moment we step in.
"Ridiculous, as always," some girl mutters under her breath. Funny.
Frank wraps a hand around the length of the coat to stupidly bring it to cover the lower part of his face, looking around with narrowed eyes then wide ones. "I smell not just a lot of blood here," he says in a low and raspy voice, "but also stupidity!" He points at the girl judgingly, making her twist her mouth disgusted.
"I hope Freddy Krueger visits you tonight," I say when walking past her, patting her shoulder. A scream comes from her when noticing the fake blood stain I leave behind on her white outfit, having Frank and I chuckling on our way to the back.
No one really pays attention to the classes – it's Halloween, we're even in stupid clothes and anxious for whatever is going to happen later in the day, so the teacher doesn't even bother scolding Frank and I for talking nonstop in the back of the classroom. To be honest, I think only the goody two shoes are actually doing something, sometimes turning around to glare at the others.
"Okay, okay, shut up for a minute!" I tell Frank, taking a look at the messy words over my notebook to check if I forgot to write something down. "We've got The Howling, Alien, Evil Dead, House of Wax, Dawn of the Dead, Funhouse, Pumpkinhead..."
"Fright Night," Frank continues, "Opera, Cannibal Holocaust, Texas Chainsaw–"
"I said no TCM! Fuck you," I curse, rushing to write everything down, crossing out TCM when I accidentaly write it down.
"Friday the 13th, Poltergeist, Near Dark and Elm Street," he finishes, glaring at me. He hits my shoulder, not enough to hurt. "I'll make you watch TCM with me until you have memorized every single frame of it!"
"Your TCM phase will have died down by then!" I twist my mouth bitterly. "Sorry to kill the hype, baby!" I throw my nose in the air with a chuckle at his sulky manners. He furrows his eyebrows, sucking in a breath for words he never really gets to say. "And we still got to watch all these goth movies and shows lying around! Do you think it was easy finding the 60s Addams family show on DVD? Or that one Frankenstein version on cassette." Okay, the last one was easy to find in a yard sale, but still, it was just luck.
"Okay, mommy, please just don't punish me," Frank says with a groan and a fake moan. I stare at him as he's not able to contain his laughter before starting to hit him with the notebook.
"Too bad you're not a good boy, hun."
For once, school ends up actually being nice and just because Frank and I were getting in the character sometimes and pissing people off. By lunch, he had pulled on some sunglasses and looked like the stupidest fucker while eating his sandwich and smudging more of the lipstick and fake blood around his lips. At some point, we had pretended to have a fight and pierce the other's chest with a pair of scissors just to squeeze a bag of fake blood at whoever walked by – mostly some of the jocks or plastics. So much fun.
The house is quiet when we arrive back at it, a couple hours after school ended, and we find out, later, a note from Frank's mom apologizing she can't be here during the rest of his birthday, though she's sure he'll have fun with me.
"Imma take a shower," I sigh, pointing upstairs.
"Sure," he hums, looking up from the note for a moment to smile at me.
Thankfully, I always leave some clothes at Frank's place because I'm here far too often and not always have the chance or disposition to go back home and grab some clothes. It doesn't prevent me from stealing his hoodie, however, and walking out of the bathroom without all of that sticky makeup or fake blood is the best thing ever. Later, Frank is the one to go take a shower while I take care of the food he had already started to prepare.
"Much better!" I raise my eyebrows at the sight of Frank with his hair back to normal and only a bit of black makeup smudges the underside of his eyes now.
"Y'know, I never said a single thing about how you looked," he mutters with his brow low, coming to lean against the counter, next to me, "still, you've been attacking me every chance you got!"
"Does it offend you?" I smile.
"No, but it still hurts!" He sniffles, a hand flat against his chest. "I know I'm too badass for you to handle, but you don't need to let it be that clear!"
I look at him from head to foot. "I hate you, y'know that?"
"Love you too, hun!" He grins and moves closer, cupping my face exaggeratedly to peck my cheek before we head upstairs with everything we need.
We turn the lights on to organize everything, soon sitting down against a pile of pillows and with food surrounding us, though most of it is on the bedside tables since Frank, mainly, gets extremely uncomfortable with it falling on the bed. It doesn't matter, though, since the food and half empty cans end up going forgotten halfway through the movie at the same time the chatter dies down and we watch The Evil Dead as if it was the first time.
Some funny part comes on – well, not exactly funny, but enough to make us chuckle quietly – and brings us back to reality, sighing and glancing at each other, adjusting our postures as we'd slid down the pillows.
Frank yawns.
"Already tired?" I tease, poking his shoulder.
"No." He pouts, crossing his arms over his chest. "Getting tired is for losers." He does glance at the clock on his bedside table, however, and the red glowing numbers say it's six something.
"You're my favorite loser, then." I smirk lightly, exhaling.
Frank's eyebrows knit together as he looks at me, but then rolls his eyes. "Well, duh, of course I am! Who else? I'm the best." He scoots closer until his head is leaning on my shoulder and I can't help but to smile.
"No, I am," I groan, arms wrapped around him.
"I am!" He glares and, at some point, we end up in a wrestling match, pushing each other around the mattress among laughter and curses, which comes to a stop when we start getting too tired and I just let Frank lie down on top of me, head on my chest, still watching the movie. "Do you like anyone, (y/n)?" he asks suddenly. "Like, got a crush?"
Random. Why does he want to know? I mean, I do have a crush, but telling him about it is difficult.
"Um, yeah, I guess, why?" I blink, startled when he suddenly brings himself up on his elbows to stare at me.
"I swear to God I'll hunt them down if you forget about me because of them, do you understand?" Frank presses his forehead to mine. "You're the only one I got, sometimes I'm so worried you'll even leave me for whatever reason."
"What?" I breathe a chuckle, though there's not exactly anything funny here. "Never in my right mind would I do that! And you can't hunt my crush down if my crush is actually you," I laugh in a sudden rush of confidence, which wears out awfully quickly, leaving me lying there and rethinking every life choice.
"Me?" Frank widens his eyes. At the lack of answer, he takes a hold of my collar, straddling my hips. "Did I hear it right? Please, (y/n), (n/n), soulmate? I'm your goddamn crush? For how long?"
I shake my head lightly, shrugging. "Months? A long time."
"And you just told me now?" He cries, forehead pressed to my shoulder. "Slow motherfucker."
"I didn't want you to leave me either, c'mon!" I sigh in defeat, running a hand through his hair. "I remember that time a girl confessed to you and you'd simply vanish whenever she showed up. What if that was with me? I'd not be able to live like this, y'know that."
"Y'know, yeah, seeing it from that point..." Frank shrugs, bringing himself up to face me again. "Still, I wouldn't avoid you like that! Dunno, but it doesn't matter now because you just relieved me of months of suffering. Looking at these pretty lips without being able to kiss it." He furrows his eyebrows, eyes on my lips. "Can I kiss you, tho? Now that we feel stupid for all these months. Damn. At least I feel."
I breathe a chuckle. "Of course! Do you think I wasn't dying to do it either?"
Next thing I know are Frank's lips pressed against mine softly, soon growing firm with confidence. His fingers run along my neck lightly, in a caring manner, dropping to trace my collarbones.
"Also," Frank breathes, pulling away; his face never moves farther than a couple of inches whilst he adjusts his position, lying down beside me on the mattress. "Maybe it's wrong to say and I've always tried to say it in a subtle manner, but–" his eyes meet mine, "–you've got the body of a goddess! Like, dunno, sometimes you comment about not having an 'ideal', skinny body, but you're just so perfect," he groans, wrapping his arms around me tightly.
"Frank!" I tap on his back lightly. It's not that I don't like what he said – no, damn, it sends my heart fluttering, this warmth taking over my chest –, but is it really the truth? I didn't think it was possible for anyone to tell me this.
"No, I'm telling the truth!" Frank grins. "Like, your thighs and all. I just want to squeeze and bite you! Not in a bad way, I mean." I must give him a funny look because of how flustered he grows, tongue playing with his lip ring as he looks away. "There's a lot to unpack, fuck, I thought it was obvious how I always sit there gazing at you and shit, but..."
"Likewise." I glare playfully, making him chuckle.
"Y'know–" Frank smiles lazily, "–this is the best birthday I've ever had, by far." He brushes his lips against mine softly, watching me through half lidded eyes. "Never knew you'd actually like me back. Never believed it was possible, to be honest."
"I never cogitated you like me," I breathe.
"Well, okay," he says, "we've already gotten through this. I think we should focus on now."
"I'm not the one who keeps bringing back past thoughts!" I chuckle at how he pouts, scowling funnily.
"Shut up, shut up, I get it!" Frank rolls his eyes and presses his lips to mine before I can say anything, having me smiling against the kiss until returning it, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him closer. Now that we've finally kissed, keeping our lips off each others' feels almost impossible – letting go of each other feels almost impossible. "God fucking damnit," he groans under his breathe, moving to press kisses down my jaw, soon reaching my neck.
A sigh escapes my lips at the kisses, though it turns into quiet pleased sounds at the feeling of his teeth pulling at my skin and sometimes closing around it, sucking on it whilst all I can bring myself to do is tugging onto his hair. Suddenly, however, feeling his hands traveling down to my hips and squeezing them makes me gasp, probably reacting a bit more than I intended.
"What?" Frank pulls away at the same moment, eyes wide. "Did I do something wrong? Please– Damn, I'm so sorry!"
"N-No, no," I finally bring myself into speaking up, feeling my cheeks burn bright red. "I, um, I actually... liked it. A lot. Sorry if I scared you, I just wasn't expecting it. I don't mind, really," I insist as he continues looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.
"You sure?"
"Yeah!" I smile, bringing him for a quick kiss before he's trailing down my neck again.
Frank's hands go down my body, experimentally at first and then squeezing my hips again, receiving another reaction this time, including just a soft gasp as I push my hips up – a shiver runs down my spine with it, a nice one. Fuck.
"Damn..." Frank breathes, hands running down to my thighs then up again to slide under my shirt. "It's a bit early, maybe–" he shrugs, looking at me, "–but... is it okay if..."
Holy hell. "Of course," I say without thinking much – he continues to stare, so I nod.
"Fuck yeah," he mutters, lips against mine for a few seconds before he's pulling my shirt over my head and the expression on his face carries such admiration that I can't help but to feel embarrassed for a moment. He never lets me cover myself, nonetheless, hands flying to my waist to hold firmly onto it as he's pressing kisses from my stomach to my hip. "No, seriously–" he sits up again, "–how can someone be so perfect?" He seems to be talking mostly to himself, getting rid of his shirt.
"Dunno." I grin. "How does it feel to be so perfect, baby?"
Frank exhales shakily. "You'll be the death of me and I ain't even joking." He presses a kiss to my collarbone, starting to nibble down at the skin again, trailing down to my chest, lips sometimes lingering over my breasts – sure as hell he leaves a few marks behind, considering how invested he gets.
Something tells me he doesn't know what to focus on. His hands never stay in the same place for too long, going down my thighs then trailing up to my waistband, up my torso, and then he repeats it.
"C'mon," I mutter, placing his hands on my waistband. He's a bit hesitant, but quickly undoes the buttons and starts pulling it down – I help him, kicking the pants away in the end.
A string of curses slip past Frank's lips as he quickly gets rid of his jeans too and, when coming back, he kneels down between my legs this time, spreading them apart. Our lips are yet again locked in a kiss, different from the others, more heated up and urgent this time as we hold onto each other. I play with the hair on the back of his neck and tug onto it instead at the feeling of his hands around my ass, groping.
"Frank, damn," I breathe quietly for a second we pull apart and, opposite to earlier, he gets the hint and does it again, humming against my lips. Once he stops groping, his hands just run along my skin, up and down my body, sometimes lingering. The most lovesick look decorates his face when he pulls away. My heart.
I place my hands on Frank's shoulders as I sit up, changing our positions. He observes me with wide eyes and I smile at him before pressing kisses to his neck, leaving behind a hickey before I can go lower and lower until my fingers are around the waistband of his boxers and I pause, looking up at him, and continue after he nods.
Frank's already half hard, a breath hitching in his throat as, after discarding his boxers, I assume my previous position.
Even if it's not the first time I've done that, this nervousness still lies under my skin as I wrap a hand around him, pumping him lightly before wrapping my lips around the head experimentally. He breathes sharply.
Only halfway through it that I allow myself to look up at Frank, pausing for a moment after finding out he's been watching, propped up on his elbows, eyes focused on me and jaw slack, but I don't look away, hollowing my cheeks instead and watching him break under my gaze, letting go of all the tension for a second.
I repeat the motions a few times and pull away, licking up along the underside, around the tip, and he's suddenly pulling me away – eyes wide and face flushed this time.
Frank mumbles something I can't quite understand, but it doesn't really matter. He moves closer, both of us soon assuming the position we were in minutes ago, pressed against each other. Now, he removes my underwear and his hand slips between us, however.
Pleasure is sent ringing up my spine at the feeling of Frank's fingers slipping past my lips, quickly finding my clit and wasting no time on working his thumb on it while a couple of fingers tease my entrance. Moans just escape my throat easily after he breaks the kiss, mouthing his way until the inside of one of my thighs – he bites and sucks on the skin there. His tongue is suddenly there, then, against my clit, working around it before being replaced by his lips and my vision goes fucking blank when I can feel him sucking on it.
"Fuck," Frank curses once pulling away, moving to frantically rummage through the nightstand's drawer; I groan at the loss of touch, pushing my hips up into nothing.
Hearing the sound of foil being torn makes me understand what's happening, and I watch him rush to slip the condom on, giving us a moment to catch our breath before he's positioning himself, a hand on my hip whilst another holds himself up.
"Tell me if there's something wrong, okay?" he asks slowly, "I'll stop right away. Don't be afraid."
"Same to you," I say softly, cupping his face to pull him for a soft, quick kiss.
Frank smiles with a nod and looks down before I can feel him against my entrance, pushing in slowly. I wrap my arms around his shoulders tightly, feeling his chest vibrate against mine with the low moan coming from him, replaced by a sigh once he sinks in completely. He starts moving right away, hips jerking experimentally before attaining a heavy and slow pace which doesn't last long due to how needy we are already.
I gasp at how he thrusts in harder, wrapping my arms around his shoulders to hold him close and having my legs around his hips, instinctively.
Curses and praises are breathed into my ear among moans, somehow making the pleasure pool down in my lower stomach even more intensely, summed up to feeling his hands groping on my ass again, fingers sinking into the skin.
"You're just so perfect, (y/n)," he babbles, "and even better that now you're all mine."
Suppressing a louder moan turns out to be impossible at the feeling of Frank's hips reaching a certain angle and, soon, the answer I had in my slips away from my grasp and all there's left is just how good he feels. I travel a hand up to his hair, remembering how he reacted to it earlier, and tug on it in a form of response, though also wanting to hear how pathetically he moans at it.
"'M gonna cum," I manage to say before being cut off by a moan, arching my back.
"Me too, babe," he groans, "almost there."
Frank pauses, adjusting himself so a hand is under my thigh and another on the mattress for major support and his thrusts are suddenly harsher. I throw my head back at the same time, holding onto him tightly, and it doesn't take long for all the pleasure that had been building up so far to unravel at once – it apparently triggers the same on him, considering how tight his grasp gets whilst a higher pitched moan comes from him.
Coming down from the high, I feel almost numb, in a good way. Frank pulls away and I'm only aware of him when he's lying down next to me, both of us breathing heavily and unable to do anything aside from staring at the ceiling for a long moment.
"Damn, I love you so much, so much," he mumbles again.
I breathe a chuckle, feeling him cuddling up to me, arms wrapped around me. "And I love you, dumbass." I press a kiss to his head.
"My girlfriend now, right?" he asks. "Nevermind, you don't get to choose." He chuckles, though it quickly dies down. "Just kidding, okay? Tell me to and I'll fuck off."
I laugh, still breathless. "Of course I am. I didn't confess for nothing."
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need-a-fugue · 3 years
Trustworthy (Chapter 4)
Summary: You’ve spent the last three years teaming up with Santiago Garcia on every mission you had a hand in coordinating… and the past several months plotting with him to take down the biggest bad to hit your radar. But even all your time at the DEA and all your experience in the field couldn’t have prepared you for this.
Pairing: Frankie “Catfish” Morales x Fem!Reader (slow burn)
Warnings: Violence, language
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Okay, yeah, sure, fine, you and Santi might not have been 100% honest about what you were planning in the jungle.
In fairness, neither of you ever actually said that this recon mission was at the behest of the CNP or Colombian military or any other government entity. You may have hinted at it. You may have neglected to correct the guys when they assumed. But you never actually told them that anyone had requested the raid on Lorea’s house.
What you had said was that there was a good chance this could turn into… something more. Something that might end up in a hefty pay day for all of you. You just never told the group of men that you and Garcia were actually banking on it.
You didn’t love the idea of lying to a bunch of strangers whom – if they agreed to everything – would end up holding your very life in their hands. Frankly, just the thought of doing so felt… sleezy. Especially considering that these men were Santi’s trusted friends. His brothers. But Santiago insisted that it needed to be played this way – They’ll never go for it if we tell them what we’re really up to. But I promise you, bonita, once they’re here, once they see… they’ll be all in.
He clearly knew his team because after just that single two-hour recce, a couple rounds of beers at a local bar, and a rather stirring, pointed speech, they were, in fact, all in.
And why not, really? The only one of them who had anything to lose – a family beyond those seen at the occasional holiday, wedding, or funeral – was Tom. And he’d been struggling so badly lately with impending alimony and child support and two kids’ worth of college tuitions – eight years minimum – that the money alone did all of their convincing for them.
It was illegal, yes. It was, as the captain said, “downright criminal.” But it wasn’t wrong. And as long as everything went according to plan, no one would know anything about any of it.
In the end, the world would be down at least one piece-of-shit, megalomaniacal drug lord murderer.
Some of the struggling people of Leticia – because you and Santi had promised each other and Yovanna that you’d drop a good chunk of the money into the hands of local charities – would have better lives.
Tom’s girls could go to college without having to worry about paying off student loans until they die.
Will could finally get rid of his old junker and buy a nice car – maybe not the Ferrari Ben was angling for, but a nice car all the same – to get him back and forth across the country for all those rousing speeches he insisted he would not stop giving.
Benny could invest in better training, at better gyms with better equipment… and real trainers. Or, hell, he could give all that shit up and quit getting his ass handed to him by kids ten years his junior, all in the hopes of capturing what was almost always one hell of a disappointing purse.
And Frankie? Well, Frankie wasn’t sure what he’d do with his share. But it sure would be nice to not have to worry so damn much. To not have to scramble to make the house payment every month. To not have to beg that dick who owns the local airfield to let him take on a few jobs just so he could settle into a cockpit for a bit. To maybe have the time – and funds – to take a woman on a date every now and then… not that he had a clue who that woman might be.
And you and Santi? Well, after years of accomplishing nothingin the fight against Lorea – the fight against the drug trade that had ruined and taken so many lives around the world – you two could finally say that you’d actually made a difference. Even if you couldn’t quite say it aloud for everyone to hear.
By the time you get to the compound early Sunday morning, rain’s already been falling for hours. The area’s nearly flooded, so your off-road path is basically a sprawling swampland. You barely slept, your hip is aching like crazy from an old injury, and the minute you step out of the SUV you damn near squeal like a stuck pig as you suddenly sink up to your calf in thick, sucking mud.
“Shit,” Frankie mutters under his breath – under a breathless laugh, you’re pretty sure – as he hops out and wraps a steadying arm around your waist. “Let me help,” he says, the words so soft, you can barely hear them over the unyielding pounding of the rain.
You try to balance, holding onto the door, one foot just barely sinking into the soft earth as Frankie leans down to pry the other from what feels like an utterly engulfing quicksand. He struggles, still holding you around the waist while his left hand works to grip your leg, your boot, your ankle… whatever he can wrap his fingers around. But it’s no use. The op has yet to even begin and already you’re stuck. In the disgusting mud. Deep in the endless jungle. With no hope of ever getting out.
You let out a painfully dramatic, completely despairing sigh and glance up only to see Benny laughing. Really laughing… not even trying to hide his utter, unabashed amusement at your awful predicament. You shoot him as threatening a glare as you can muster. But it only makes him laugh harder.
“Go get into position,” Tom orders, slapping him on the shoulder and shaking his head – once again in a seemingly all-too-practiced dadway – before he bends down to help Frankie out.
Finally, finally, the two men manage to free you. Shockingly, your boot leaves the earth as well, though you can feel the muck inside squelching beneath your instep and in between your toes. Your lip curls in disgust as you haphazardly wipe the boot – bottom, sides, and top – on the wheel well, a bit of mud getting squeezed out near your ankle as you do so. “I’m gonna get jungle rot,” you mutter bitterly as you continue to smear grime along the body of the SUV.
Tom swats your leg away. “Just be sure you don’t give away your location with all the squishing,” he says with a hint of a smile. Then, patting Frankie on the back, he finishes with a much more stern, “Let’s do this,” and takes off to find his position, face and shoulders both set as he easily drops into soldier mode.
“I’m still not sure if I like that guy,” you begin as you and Frankie head for the high ground, “or really freaking hate him.”
He bites out a quick laugh, turns to show off that too-damn-perfect smile, and replies with an easygoing, “Yup.”
Once you make it out of your drop-in point, everything else seems to be smooth sailing. The worst part is just waiting, especially with the rain. Waiting for Garcia’s informant to drop off the van. Waiting for the guards to leave for church, the family not so quickly following suit. Waiting for the guys to move in – Frankie shooting a quick wink alongside, “Watch my six,” as he heads out to join them. Waiting for the all-clear from Benny before you can finally enter the house yourself.
The house. Lorea’s house.
You’d been waiting for this for too damn long. Years of hunting the man had led to these last few months of building out this very plan with Santiago… and then to the last week of recon and final plans with these soldiers whom you barely even know. For all of the initial mistrust heaped upon you by them – and you honestly don’t blame them for any of it – the truth is, they know they have each other to depend on. You’re the odd man out here. You’re the one who should be questioning them… their dedication to this mission. Their loyalty to Santi, and by extension, to you. Their desire to end Lorea’s reign of terror.
You’re in this to take that man out. And if just one of these guys decides that’s not going to happen – for whatever reason – you’re shit out of luck. You should trust them only as far as you can throw them, which would be… not very far. But as you catch sight of Ben standing inside the front door, eagerly waving you in, and as you see the trail of blood leading into the kitchen, a voice over the coms calmly declaring, we had to shoot one of the guards in the leg, something inside of you shifts and settles and all of the worries about who may or may not be trustworthy simply flit away to nothing.
But other concerns quickly rise to take their place.
Watching the highly trained special ops team move about you – each man light-footed and fluid, so quiet that their breathing is nearly inaudible, even as one of them leans over your shoulder from his position behind – is nerve wracking enough to make your legs begin to tremble. You knew what you were getting into here. You knew that this would be dangerous, that it would require a certain level of skill and technique and training. But it isn’t until you actually see these men – these elite soldiers – in action that you realize how woefully inept and unprepared you are in comparison.
Self-doubt begins to seep from the cracks now forming in your carefully crafted façade. Uncertainty, insecurity, fear starts to build up and rise within you, burning like bile creeping up the back of your throat. By the time you and Santiago finish the second sweep of the downstairs and begin climbing the steps to the second-story landing, your entire body is vibrating with regretful apprehension.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” you hear as you approach the study upstairs. It’s the room where your informant took the picture of the stacks of cash after her delivery, the holding area where all of Lorea’s blood money sat, just waiting to be counted. But when you enter, there’s no money to be found, just pissed-off-looking soldiers surrounded by the empty bags they had planned to fill with cash.
“Your girl burned us,” Frankie mutters blankly, eyes full of regret and annoyance as he leans heavily against one wall. His dark gaze collides with yours for just a fraction of a moment before he shakes his head and breathes out, “We gotta get outta here.”
Your brow crinkles in confusion, all of the insecurity bubbling through your body suddenly settling and getting replaced by a sort of righteous indignation. “Whoa, wait,” you spit out, sidestepping Santi and rushing to the center of the room. “We’re not leaving. We’re not done here.”
Will gives you an almost disappointed look and blankly mutters, “Nothing here, sweetheart,” before dropping heavily into a chair in the corner.
You shake your head, a pointed certainty to your words as you level him with a heated stare and say, “Lorea’s here. He’s always here. He does not leave.”
Tom scoffs. “Yeah, well, he left today,” he says, tone full of spite. “And he took the money with him.”
You spin to face him, “No,” pouring from your lips in a firm and unyielding tenor. “He’s here. And so is the money.”
“We did a full sweep,” Will breathes out.
“So we’ll do another,” Santiago chimes in, suddenly at your back.
You look around at all the forlorn faces and roll your eyes, realizing all at once that, for all their training in war, these men don’t have a freaking clue about the kinds of things you deal with in your job. They’re used to encountering soldiers – enemy combatants, trained mercenaries, militias… people who’s purpose is to fight. That’s not what Lorea is. That’s not what he does. He didn’t move deep into the jungle to fight, to wage war, to build an army. He came here to hide.
“You guys are fucking idiots,” you declare with a huff. “I once spent two hours tearing apart a houseboat before finding the guy we were after squatting in a hidden cutout near the bilge. A few years ago, we found fifty thousand dollars under a false bottom in a hot tub while serving a search warrant. Another raid ended with us tearing apart a kid’s tree house that had cash hidden under the floorboards. You think because Lorea isn’t sitting here behind his desk, counting his millions like fucking Scrooge McDuck that they’re not here? That he’s not here?”
“Didn’t McDuck swim in his money?” Benny inquires from behind, the question earning quick huff of a laugh from his brother.
You feel Santi step away from your side. “She’s right,” he says, his eyes dancing around the room, looking for… something. They land on a mostly empty can of paint, and he smiles, sniffing quickly at the air. “Fresh paint.”
Tom’s eyes widen and tick towards the wall to his left as his lips split and out pours what you had all along seen as being an obvious truth. “The house is the safe.”
When it rains, it pours. You’d been the one to say that, to inanely mutter the adage through the coms with a huff as Benny took off back inside the house – the safe – while you sat in the now heavily weighted van, so full of money that the suspension sags to the point of extremeconcern.
The guards are coming back, the sound of their SUV’s engine just barely chugging atop the steady beating of the downpour that had engulfed you all for the past few hours. They’re coming back, and everyone but you is still inside.
Call it greed. Call it vindictiveness. Call it whatever the fuck you want. But you all had agreed to get as much plata out of that house as possible, to fill the cars to the freaking brim with as much of that motherfucker’s money – his lifeblood, his love, his everything – before setting fire to the whole damn thing. You’d been in this business long enough to know that bringing down one cartel merely opens up a door for others to grow. But still, the idea of watching Lorea’s empire burn makes you wet in a way the torrential rain beating on the roof on the van never could.
You toss a glance back, over you shoulder at the mound of duffel bags, a child’s suitcase thrown into the pile as well, all filled to bursting with cash. It’s pretty unbelievable. Incredible. You’d never been the type to really worry about money, no more so than the average guy. But damn if being surrounded by millions of dollars doesn’t make you a little lightheaded. And the fact that it’s Lorea’s money?
Despite Santi’s little bullshit pep talk the other night about how all of you deserve this – for serving your country and fighting for what’s right… blah, blah, blah – you honestly don’t feel like you deserve this money any more than anyone else. But Lorea sure as shit doesn’t deserve it. And you trust yourself – and each of these men by your side – to put it to far better use than he ever would.
You can’t see the guards, can’t see the SUV carrying them from your vantage point in the van. But Benny had told you to stay put, he’d get the others and he wanted you ready to drive as soon as they came out. Still, you know now that the first car must’ve arrived at the compound because – aside from the steady pounding of the rain and the wild pulse of your heartbeat echoing in your ears – everything is suddenly silent. No more hum of an engine. No choppy callouts over the radio as Ben seeks out the guys. Everything is silent and still. Until… pop-pop, short and sudden, muffled by the thick walls of the house.
Over the coms you hear – in a calm, controlled tone – Two down in the entryway. Another sharp pop, followed by a voice you’ve come to easily recognize. That’s three.
There’s something in the way their words are uttered, something in the utterly placid tenor of each of their voices. Something also to the sparse shots – so unlike the rapid, automatic gunfire you’re used to being thrown into amid scared and untrained local police and inexperienced, foolhardy kids hired as cheap labor by the cartels. There’s something about the way they all rush suddenly into your line of sight – fast but calm, controlled – as they pour out of the house, a few racing past to find the guards’ SUV, the sounds of their footfalls and quick breaths nearly drowning out the whir of the engine as you turn the ignition. There’s something about it all that leaves you feeling – despite the fact that things did not go as planned and you can see that all-too-recognizable, pissed-off scowl tugging at Santiago’s features as he flies past your window – calm as well. Safe, even.
Frankie climbs quickly into the passenger side of the van just as you fire up the engine, Will slowly pulling himself into the seat behind him. “Shit,” you mutter, eyes widening as you take in the grimace on the man’s face, the blood on his hands and shirt. “What the hell happened?”
“S’fine,” he tells you, punctuating the statement with a nod, a directive to look forward. “Let’s move.”
You put the van in gear and hit the gas, maneuvering steadily through the compound and towards the front entrance. “Did you get shot?” you inquire again, your voice showing less concern and more simple curiosity.
“Yeah,” he groans, a thick breath hitching as you hit a particularly big bump in the road. “Your friend Lorea popped out of his little hidey hole and got me. Guess you called that.”
You whip around to face him, eyes now like damn saucers. “You got him?”
Frankie grabs your arm and gives a little tug to get you turn back towards the front, only speaking, answering for Will, once you do so, once you settle a still-wild stare on the path ahead, “Yeah. Pope took him out. He’s dead.”
You say nothing for a long moment, letting those words seat inside of you. He’s dead. He’s dead. He’s dead. How long have you wanted to hear those words? How long have you been gunning for that son of a bitch, waiting for someone to take him out… hoping that someone might be you? Santi doing it is the next best thing, you figure.
A sudden explosion lights up in front of you as you approach the gate and Benny blows past it, and past the van, angrily muttering to himself all the while. “He looks pissed,” you comment blithely, looking to Frankie for something akin to permission before flooring it and ramming through the gate like you’re just itching to do.
He gives a staunch nod forward. “Can’t blame him,” he says, capping it off with a softer, rather encouraging, “Go for it.”
You hit the gas, glancing in the rearview mirror and asking, “The others are in the SUV?” as the guards’ car pulls up behind you and waits for Ben to jump in.
Frankie nods – “Yeah.” – and his eyes suddenly tick your way, narrowing a bit as they rove your body before coming to rest on your hands as they tightly grip the wheel.
“What?” you ask, feeling his stare burn into you.
Will laughs from behind – a swift, stilted thing that tells you just how much pain he’s actually in – and lets out an amused, “Fish always drives.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you say, voice dripping with put-on sincerity as you continue down the unpaved road. “Do you want me to pull over?”
He rolls his eyes, but there’s no hiding the plainly obvious pout tugging at his lips when he looks over at you and mutters, “Just watch where you’re going.”
The first half or so of the long drive up to the airfield is spent in tense silence. You don’t fight it, don’t force any sort of conversation, don’t inquire about what exactly happened in that house. You can tell that these men need a long-ass moment to come down from everything. Hell, your own adrenaline still has your pulse thrumming endlessly through your ears. And you’d been safely ensconced inside this van for most of the action. It’s not like you had to fight your way out of there. It’s not like you got shot.
Your eyes bounce up to the rearview mirror, finding Will curled into himself in the backseat. “How you doing, Ironhead?” you ask, purposefully infusing the ridiculous name with a mocking intonation.
He looks up and catches your gleaming eyes in the mirror, notes your slight smirk, and gruffly replies, “Well, I’m not dead yet.”
“It’s just a flesh wound,” Frankie supplies from your right. He spins around to give his friend a quick once over. “He’s fine.”
“That’s awfully presumptuous,” you challenge, raising a brow. “Didn’t see you coming out of there with a new hole in your body.”
“Didn’t realize you were so focused on my body,” he returns with a bit of a lilt.
Will groans loudly from the back. “Don’t start flirting up there,” he practically orders before the no-argument tone slips into something softer, almost jovial. “I’m suffering enough back here as is.”
“You’re fine,” Frankie shoots back, turning bodily in his seat and craning his head towards his friend. “You act like you’ve never been shot before.”
“I’m retired,” he replies. “Think I forgot how much this sucks.”
You nod, almost to yourself, emitting a simple, assenting, “Yeah.”
Frankie leans back, still remaining sideways in the seat, his stare now wholly on you. You glance over and see his brow scrunch in… is it concern? Or merely curiosity? “You’ve been shot?” he asks, an odd edge to his voice.
Again, you nod. “I have. Didn’t care for it.”
“See, Fish,” Will mumbles from the back as he slips further down the seat in an effort to find some semblance of comfort. “Maybe you’ve been so busy flying around rich businessmen in the private sector that you’ve also forgotten how shitty this is.”
“I haven’t forgotten,” he mutters with a frown.
Will cocks his head at you – not that you can see it, eyes remaining trained on the road lest you get another watch where you’re goingevil stare from the man by your side. “What happened to you, sweetheart?”
You snort out a short laugh, glancing quickly at Frankie and saying softly – and more than a little bit condescendingly – “He likes to call me sweetheart.”
“Yeah, yeah,” the man in the back sighs out, waving a dismissive hand through the air. “Guess I’m just a run-of-the-mill chauvinist.”
You shrug. “I never said anything about you being run-of-the-mill.” And from your right, you hear a soft snicker. A gentle smile spreads across your face and your hands loosen their death grip on the steering wheel just a bit as you feel the air filling the van begin to lighten, tension seeming to slowly spill away. After a lingering – but not at all wrought – moment, you shift a bit in your seat and say, “Went on a raid just outside of Tijuana. My first down in Mexico. And I took a bullet in the hip.”
“Shit,” Will intones. “Hell of a bienvenido.”
“Yeah,” you breathe out, suddenly all-too conscious of the old ache in your joint that’s been plaguing you all day. “But on the plus side, I’m now always the first to know when it’s about to rain.”
Both men laugh. You laugh – despite the pain in your hip and the worry about the guy in back… and your terribly distracting infatuation with the wide smile now painted on Frankie’s face. You all sit in the van – on your way to flee the country after committing a terrible crime – and laugh about the fact that, despite each of you being a little bit broken, none of you are dead yet.
@tweedlydumbtweedlydoo @icanbeyourjedi @greeneyedblondie44 @mrscrain-x7 @kyjoraven@elephants-are-a-thing @nakhudanyx
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katiea03 · 3 years
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❣︎Order #4~ Rum Cupcackes ❣︎
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❣︎Warnings❣︎: Cursing, Alcohol (and the mentions of sex once)
❣︎A/n❣︎: I’m finally back!!! It’s been like a month but that’s okay! Hope you enjoy this bit of crack byeeeee ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
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You adjust your black slip dress as you walk down the street silently cursing yourself for wearing the most painful shoes in your entire closet. But at least you looked hot. You swing open the bar door and look into the dimly lit room to see Yachi and Kiyoko already there and saving a table for you.
The girls stand up as you come to the table squealing in excitement. There’s a mix of hugs and kisses on the cheek before you all sit down together.
“Suga and Daichi aren’t here yet?” You place your small handbag besides you.
Yachi leans forward on the table. “No not yet, but I think they will be here soon.” You all begin to make small talk; asking about work and how everything has been as if you guys didn’t text almost every day anyway. There’s a small silence that lingers as you guys wait for the drinks as you wait when Kyoko finally asked,
“So do you wanna talk about the whole thing with the strawberry shortcake guy?” You lean back in the cold leather seat crossing your legs and arms.
“Honestly no, that guy ghosted me after making me think we really had something. I came out here tonight to forget about him, and his stupid strawberry shortcakes.” The waiter comes back with the drinks and with a small thank you, you quickly swallow your drink.
“Fuck him.”
“Yea fuck him!... Who are we cursing out again?” Sugawara and Daichi slide into the booth you guys are in.
Yachi whispers to Suga not so discreetly, “Strawberry shortcake guy.”
Suga slams his hands on the table, “ Yea fuck that guy! Lets chop his dick off!”
Daichi smacks his chest lightly, “Babe, lower your voice.”
“So why were you late?”
Suga leans back against Daichi, “We had something to take care of.” He gives the girls ‘the look’ and they knew. Small giggles were shared and Daichi looked away embarrassed
You laugh and order another round. This was going to be a very long night.
Who knows how many drinks later and everyone, other than Daichi is some level of drunk. Most of the night is trying to hold Yachi back from dancing on the bar table and trying to get Suga to lower his voice. After enough pulling, Kiyoko manages to get Yachi to stay seated.
“I- I just don't know why he wouldn’t call me you know… I’m hot, funny, and smarttt. I own a very successful business for fucks sake!” You wail over another drink leaning against Suga’s shoulder.
“Yea! He’s just a prick. Just forget him!” He harshly pats your head.
Yachi turns to you, and gives you a deadpan expression. “Bitch you just met him. How are you gonna cry over a dude you don’t even know”
“Don’t be mean Yachi! Heartbreak is heartbreak no matter how small!” Suga goes to take another sip from his almost empty glass when he notices a guy across the room.
“Oh my god guys, HOTTIE ALERT! That man over there talking with the guy in blue jeans. Mannn he's really cute, but he’s probably straight.” Suga’s words are slurred by this point but not inaudible.
“Babes, that’s Daichi… You know, you’re boyfriend?” Kiyoko looks back concerned.
Suga looks again and lazily smiles, “Oh yeaaaaa. I love him you know! We just moved in together. It’s really stressful but the sex is great!”
Daichi looks over and parts ways with the guy he was talking to and comes up to the table.
“Babe I want at least 3 kids I hope you know!” Suga grabs Daichi's arm.
“But you hate kids?” He looks down at Suga amused.
Suga pulls away to look up at Daichi and mumbles something, “yeaaa but kids with you wouldn’t be so bad!” Suga stands up and clings to him lovingly.
Daichi looks at the rest of you and decides everyone has had enough for one night.
It was a struggle to say the least but he somehow managed to get you three drunk girls, plus Suga, home safe.
“Now nobody leave, and just go to sleep okay?”
Suga peaks out from behind Daichi, “Oooo, what are those?”He points to your kitchen countertop.
“Rummm cupcakes!” You slur out.
“Oh-oh-oh I want one!” He goes to reach for one but Daichi pulls him back,
“No! No more alcohol! We’re leaving now, goodnight ladies. Stay safe!”
You girls wave goodbye and Daichi locks the door behind him.
You all sit there for a while talking about who knows what. Yachi threw up and you were crying about how pretty your friends were.
A good two hours later they only slightly sobered up. You all were splayed randomly amongst your living room floor, you sit up and ask,
“So what’s married life like Kiyoko?”
There’s a long pause before she answers “Honestly, it isn’t easy… I love Tanaka with all that I am, but being married so young is a lot harder than it looks. No one told us that the minute you say ‘I do’, all these crazy responsibilities pop up and suddenly it feels like you’re 20’s are gone… but I don’t regret it. I just think about it sometimes…” Kiyoko dazes off a bit and lazily smiles, “but what about you guys?”
Yachi stops spinning on the computer chair and lays her head in her palm.
“I can’t even see myself getting married. I can’t even be in a serious relationship for too long. I'm too anxious of them leaving, so it's just easy to not let any of them get on close. Oh my gosh… I‘m turning into my fucking mother!”
Both girls comfort her in unison, “ No you’re not!”
“I’m gonna die alone!” Yachi yells out before joining the girls on the floor.
With her head in her hands,” Your turn Y/n.”
Y/n sat there for a moment, trying to collect her thoughts despite the drowsy and spinning buzz within her. “ I don't know, I guess I’m just scared I’ll never know what true love really feels like.”
You’ve had a couple s/o’s through your life but could never truly say you were in love, hence why they never lasted. Your mind wandered back to Tsukishima. You knew you were crazy for being hung up on a guy you had barely even known. But as you reminisced on that night in the bakery, your heart swelled.
That warm and oh-so comforting feeling felt real again, no you knew you weren’t crazy. Something special was there. You awake from the daze you landed into to see Kiyoko and Yach lying down looking like they are about to pass out.
“I should text him right?”
Kiyoko leans her head back and mumbles something of a ‘do it girl’ and all Yachi does is give you a wonky thumbs up before they both pass out.
You were gonna give that man a piece of your mind!
You woke up with probably one of the worst headaches in your life. But at least the room wasn’t spinning anymore. You sit up to see Yachi and Kiyoko still asleep. You look around for your phone and open it. It opens to your messages and your whole body cringing within itself and there’s nothing you want to do more than just dig yourself a hole and die.
“Fucking shit!”
❣︎Order #3| Order #5❣︎
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❣︎Taglist❣︎: Open! (To be added to the taglist just send me an Ask ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ)
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yandere-ac · 4 years
Hey buddy, do you know a channel named Etce? It's a guy that makes gameplays of Animal Crossing, and his favorite is Maple. It's so funny how he sounds low-key like a yandere for her, with made me imagine what it would be if we, the darlings were villagers, and maybe the yandere villagers played the role of humans trying desperately to cage us in their islands lol (like Audie being human and trying to take you with her) sorry, it's just so shitpost idea I hoped it made you laugh a bit tho :D
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Yandere Human Audie x Villager Reader x Yandere Human Raymond
Rescue me
Another day in hell. That’s pretty much how life was for you nowadays. Each day you wished it would be your last and everyday just got worse and worse. Even if you wanted it all to end, you couldn’t. But let’s start from the beginning shall we? Your name is Y/N. You are a F/A villager who, unbeknownst to you, was a REALLY popular villager. People had online groups talking about just how badly they wanted you, people drew tons of art of you, some really cute, other a bit...questionable. Some people were even selling you for millions of bells. Of course, it all started small. So when a moderately big group of people on the internet started to talk about how cute you were and how they wanted you, you didn’t put much thought into it. You were very flattered at their compliments and left it at that.
However, once it came out that you would be signing up for the nook inc island getaway package, all hell broke loose. It was the day before the move when you decided that, why not check out the little fan group you had. As much as you hated to admit it, you did get a small boost in confidence from all the nice people who seemingly liked you. And right now you were pretty nervous about the whole move. So you quickly typed in your name into your phone and searched up. Your eyes widened at what you saw once you hit search.
947 619 results in 0,8921 seconds. What the hell?! Why did your name have so many results?! This...this had to be some weird coincidence, I mean, maybe you just shared a name with a popular actor who just blew up. Yeah that’s probably it. But all rational thought left you head once you saw that the little group was now the top result, and the little group wasn’t so little anymore. No, quite the opposite. It had gone from maybe about 5000 people to around 230 000 people. Each and every one of them, praising you, talking about how much they loved you. Some of them even wrote out detailed descriptions of what they would do with you if they found you, things that made your face flush scarlet red, why in the world would someone write that?! What reason did they have?! You felt disgust and discomfort flow throughout your body. Now feeling even worse than how you felt before! Should you even move?! What if you encountered one of these weirdos?!
Yet, you still went. You couldn’t exactly cancel your flight now could you? You’ve already sold your home and you couldn’t buy it back. You just hoped that you didn’t get paired up with a crazy person. And still, it would seem like luck wasn’t on your side.
Knock knock knock
Oh god.
“Y/N! Good morning my sweetheart!” And so, it began. You turned to look at the human in front of you, trying to push down your instincts to whimper and tremble. You had found it easier when she believed you weren’t horrified of her. Last time you shook in her presence she came very close to you and asked what was wrong. When you told her she was scaring you she simply picked you up and carried you to her house. There she spent the next 3 hours spooning and cuddling you, whispering various things in your ears all while you quivered in her arms, terrified of what she would do. Who was this woman? Why it was the island representative, Audie. The girl had long orange hair that went down to her waist and blonde bangs. On her head rested a pair of white sunglasses with purple glass, she never really used them for sun protection so you guessed it was for the aesthetic. She had yellow eyeshadow and winged eyeliner, bringing out her intense blue eyes. Eyes that would strike fear and dread throughout your entire body once they made contact with yours. She was wearing the same tropical muumuu that she always wore. Audie was looking at you with a big smile on her face. You would be lying if you didn’t say that she was a very beautiful girl. But all that beauty was overshadowed by a possessive and clingy nature. She was crazy, she saw you as hers and would make sure you belonged to her and her only. She seemed normal enough when you, her and a third islander moved to the island together. A little strange but still very bubbly and happy to be around you. You probably should’ve realised that she was one of your fans sooner than you did.
She would get annoyed when you hung out with the other resident, Kevin, a yellow bird. Soon you started to see her hitting him with a net, telling him to get out of the island along with other horrible things. And you realised that the more you tried to comfort and hang out with him the more Audie would hit him. You didn’t know what to do. You would report this behaviour to Isabelle but she told you that there was nothing she could do since Audie was the island rep. She was untouchable, and so, you could only helplessly stand back as Kevin was being harassed. You knew if you tried to intervene, Audie might do something more drastic. The whole situation was bad and apparently even Tom Nook has privately told Kevin that it might be for the best if he moved out.
All of the abuse led to Kevin finally moving out. You felt bad for the poor guy. But you were even more scared of Audie. What was truly scary was the fact that Audie had acted nothing but sweet around you. Giving you cute outfits and accessories and furniture. In a way it scared you more than if she would be hitting you as well. Because she was honestly terrifying when she acted nice around you. She would be unaware of how strongly she came off while near you. As a result she would usually be oblivious to your fear of her, which would result in very little personal space and a lot of touching. Not anything inappropriate, no, touching your shoulder, twiddling with your hair, stroking your arm, even giving big hugs that would shake you to your core. She was so much bigger than you, so to have her overpower you like that, you felt completely helpless in her strong grip. She could do anything and you would be powerless to stop it. And that’s why she was so much scarier when nice. She would practically drown you in affection that you did not want. Yet she either didn’t care or didn’t notice.
Going back to present day however. Audie was now walking towards you and you could feel yourself Yelp as she grabbed your hand and kissed you on the cheek. “H-Hello sweetheart...” you didn’t want to call her that, it’s literally that you couldn’t NOT say that. She changed your catchphrase to “Honey” and your nickname for her to “sweetheart”. So you had no choice but to call her that. You could feel your hands start to shake slightly and you tried to make it stop, but that only made you tense up in your whole body as trying to calm your nerves only made them worse. Audie was quick to notice this. “Oh? Why Y/N, your shaking. Is something wrong?” What do you say what do you say? “N-No I’m fine! I uh...I’m just a little cold that’s all...” you probably should have said something else as once she heard this, Audies eyes lit up and instantly you knew you weren’t gonna like this. “Awe you poor thing. Here let me help you!” And so, she lifted you up in her arms and carried you to your bed, where she proceeded to spoon you. At this point you figured you might as well not hold back, as long as she thought you were just cold and not afraid. And so, your whole body started to tremble. No matter how many times she did this, it would never be any less scary. “Oh my. Your shaking very bad. You must be absolutely freezing! Looks like we’ll be here for a while.” Shit.
But this sort of suffocating intimacy was not even the worst part of Audie. As island representative, she was the only one who could build and terraform the island. And she used that for bad things. The first thing she did when she found out she could move houses was to move yours next to her. After that, she completely surrounded both of your houses with a fence. Audie could exit the “yard” anytime, all she needed to do was pick up a part of the fence and put it down. But you, you were stuck. You could not get out and could only watch the island from inside your little “enclosure”. She also started to decide what you should wear. Sometimes she would give you cute clothing, things that you actually enjoyed wearing and felt comfortable with. Other times...other times she would give you skimpy outfits that barely covered you and made you feel very uncomfortable. At times like that you felt grateful no one else could see you. It was only you and Audie. But that didn’t exactly make you feel good. Anytime you wore them, Audie would squeal and blush and inspect you. She would walk circles around you, like a wolf circling a terrified bunny. Just waiting to pounce on it and sink it’s teeth into the poor critter. Luckily, Audie has never done anything...like that to you. She at least respected you enough to not force you to do anything. And that was at least a comfort for you. It was one of the very few comfort you had.
However, you weren’t ALWAYS trapped. Sometimes, Audie would hold a strange sort of...event? It’s very weird. She would open the fence and let you wonder around but shortly after you could see people arriving through the airport and drop off hundreds of Nook mile tickets. It would be insane to see how much they would give Audie. And at first you didn’t know why, you were aware of the fact that some people sold their villagers, but from what you knew, Audie didn’t do that. It was only later that you realised why they were here. They were here for you. They would pay up to 200 nmt just so they could get an hour of talking with you. You thought that was really weird, but to be honest, you didn’t mind it at all. It was the only time you could walk around the island and you could even talk to other people. Those other people being the paying humans of course. But it was nice, you enjoyed talking to some of them. You didn’t particularly like the humans that would only gush about you, telling you how much they loved you, and only asking you about stuff over and over again. It was just tiresome and very annoying. But every now and again there would be the humans that would talk to you like a normal person. Those were your favourites. Out of everyone, three humans stood out to you.
The first one was a girl. She was pretty short, maybe a few inches taller than you. She had light brown skin with freckles and blond hair. Her eyes were big and said hair was tied up in two pigtails. She was wearing a beige layered tank dress that looked very cute. Her name was Coco. She used to see you all the time. She was a frequent costumer, but then one day she just...stopped coming. Maybe she ran out of tickets, maybe she just lost interest, or maybe she found or bought her own Y/N. Yeah, that was a concept that made you really freaked out. The fact that there was apparently a bunch of copies of you out there. It happens to everyone who buys the nook inc getaway package. Either way, it didn’t matter. She stopped showing up, and you never saw her again.
The second one was a tall chubby man with yellow curly hair and a brown moustache. His skin tone was a bright shade of yellow. His eyes were kinda narrow but you could still see his very prominent blue eyes. He was always wearing a red ringmasters coat, always wearing it with such pride, you thought it was very cute. His name was Chops. Chops was always very nice to you. He would treat you well and act like a gentleman, sometimes it would come off as a bit weird but you knew his intentions were good. But after one visit where he asked if you would ever like to see his island, you never saw him again. And you were really excited as well...you thought that you could get away from this place but...apparently not. You didn’t believe that he just stopped going here like Audie said. By now you were smart enough to know that Audie wouldn’t let ANYTHING like that fly. You see, she kept a close eye anytime someone was there to visit. It was all part of the deal. They would get to come and hang out with you just as long as she was there with you. She would of course stand back a little, giving you and the customer some space. But never the less, she would be there, watching.
And the third person was a tall skinny guy named Raymond. Out of all three, Raymond was probably your favourite. He was around the same age as you, maybe a year or two older. He was very pale, you got the impression that he wasn’t exactly the type of person to tan. He would wear a grey waistcoat with a blue tie. His hair was blond and very neatly kept, he was very adamant about being precise. He wasn’t a neat freak per say. But he wanted things to stay orderly. But one of the most captivating things about him was his eyes. He had heterochromia, his right eye was brown and his left eye was green. On top of his eyes were a pair of glasses. And although he himself had said that he didn’t like his eyes, you thought they were beautiful. And anytime you would say that, you could see his face heat up as he muttered a thank you. You really liked Raymond, and you got the feeling he liked you as well. You liked him a lot more than Audie and you hoped she didn’t figure that out. Because once that happened, Raymond would probably get thrown out and not be allowed to see you.
Luckily, you don’t think she suspected anything. She seemed to trust Raymond since she left you two alone when he was over for no extra charge. It was amazing really, you don’t know how he did it but he apparently got her to trust him. And you were grateful for that. Because you and Raymonds conversations were usually the most genuine out of all your interactions.
“Hey Raymond? Could I ask you something?” You asked the guy sitting next to you. The two of you were sitting under a cherry tree near by the beach. He looked at you with a smirk. “Of course you can! You can tell me anything my dear Y/N.” As he said this, you could feel a smile form on your lips. He was always so sincere with you. “Okay so...how many tickets have you spent visiting me? A lot right? Why wouldn’t you just save up those tickets to buy or go for a villager hunt to find a copy of me? Wouldn’t that be easier than spending so much just to get an hour of speaking time with me?” This so something that had bugged you for a while. You didn’t understand this man. Why would he spend so much just to talk to you? Raymond let out a deep chuckle at this, pushing up his glasses on the bridge of his nose slightly before looking at you.
“It’s because, my dear Y/N. I don’t want a “copy of you”. I want to hang out with the real you, you who are living on this island. You mean a lot to me, and to see you not remember me...well it wouldn’t feel right...” he said. You could feel tears prickle your eyes. Did he really mean that? Did he care so much about you? “Woah woah what’s wrong?! Was it something I sa-“ before he could finish that sentence, he could feel two small arms wrap around his waist. You were now crying into his chest, with him awkwardly trying to comfort you by patting your back. “Hey now, don’t cry. It’s okay-“ “No no it’s not! You don’t understand!” But as you said this, Raymond pulled you out from his chest, grabbing your shoulders as he stroked one of your cheeks with his hand. “But I wanna understand! Please Y/N! If there’s something going on, I want to know so I can help! Just...please...tell me what’s going on? I care about you Y/N...” as he said that you could feel your heart skip a beat. Should you....
And so, you told Raymond about the whole thing. You told him about Audie, about Kevin, about the strict rules. About everything. You tried to keep your breath steady but it was hard as all your emotions spilled out. Once you were done it was easy to see the disgust that lingered on Raymond’s face. You didn’t blame him. It wasn’t exactly the lightest thing to process. But after a few minutes of silence, Raymond grabbed your shoulder and looked at you with a serious yet sad look. “Y/N I-.....I’m so sorry....I didn’t know how bad Audie was and I-....I’ve been supporting her...I’ve been paying her nmt just so I could see you. I’ve been giving her the satisfaction and encouraged by directly contributing to-“ before he could continue you grabbed his hands. Raymond looked down at you and got the message. Right now there were more important things to dissolve rather than blaming someone. “Okay okay...you’re right. Well what can I do? Do you need anything?” He asked you. You didn’t know. Should you...yes. “Take me away from here.” You said short and simply. “What?” Raymond responded, making sure what he heard was real and not something he imagined. “Take me away from this hellhole! I don’t wanna live here! To Audie, I’m just some toy for her enjoyment. I don’t want to live here! I don’t want to live here! I don’t-“ Raymond quickly pulled you in for another hug. Both to comfort you, and to silence you. He didn’t want Audie to hear... “Okay okay. Shhh, it’s okay. I’m here Y/N....” Raymond got quiet for a few seconds, almost like he’s considering something. “Come to my island. You’ll be safe there and I’m sure my residents would love you.” He told you, gently stroking your cheek. “Thank you Raymond. Thank you so much!” “Of course Y/N. I promise you. I WILL get you out of here...”
And so, the two of you started planning. Planning on what to do, planning on how you’d do it. There was barely any time left for Raymond’s visits so he agreed to come back the next day. You and Audie waved goodbye to him as he entered the airplane and left the island. Audie grabbed your hand as she looked down at you. “Did you guys have fun? What did you guys talk about?” She was acting and talking very sweetly but you knew what that question meant. It wasn’t “I’m interested in what you discussed” it was “I’m paranoid and need to know what you were doing without me.” But by now you were used to these questions and knew how to get around them. “Oh you know, just life in general. He talked a little about how his island is going and I talked about my life. I told him about the delicious peach pie you made last week.” Any and all suspicion that Audie had melted away once you aged her a compliment. You knew that if you ever wanted to change the subject or get away with something, you needed to sprinkle in a compliment. And just like always, Audie let all of her guard down. “Aww! That’s so sweet of you! I love you so much!!!” And just like most times, she wrapped you up in a big hug. You tried to steady your breathing as you responded to her. “I love you to...” and you stayed like that for a couple of minutes before Audie released you. “Well I just wanted to say, this was the last visit! I’ve got so many Nook mile tickets now that I don’t even need any more! So you don’t have to interact with these weirdos anymore! And guess what? The first thing I’m gonna do is fix up our home. Maybe I can convince good old Tom Nook to give us that big Villa so we can live in the same house! Imagine it, we could hare the bed, I could hold you every night. We would eat breakfast, lunch and dinner together! I could spend my mornings and nights with you! Oh just thinking about it is making me all giddy!”
As she said this, you could feel your whole body tense up. Your eyes went wide and you felt all the air escape your lungs. You wanted to cry, to scream, to yell out for help. But only meekly whimpers came out of your throat. “Oh darling, you’re so happy you can hardly breathe! Well don’t you worry dear. There’ll be plenty of celebration time later!” “N-N-NONONO! H-Hold up i-why...why can’t we celebrate a little tonight? W-why don’t I...sleep at your house tonight? I-I mean if we’re gonna sleep together, we might as well start getting more accustomed to it...” as you said this, you could see Audies face turn into a shade of dark red. It seemed the two of you had very different ideas of what you would be doing once you shared a bed. Of course, nothing happened later that night, just you asleep in Audies arms. Her grip on you was very strong. To get out, you had to slither your way away from her, it took about 30 minutes to do this as any time you made a slight movement, Audie started groaning and moving. You had to be careful, if she woke up it was game over. Once you were free of her grip, you carefully searched the whole room for her phone, making sure not to step on any creaking floor boards in the process. After about 3 minutes, you found it lying on the nightstand next to Audie. So carefully, you approached it and picked it up from the table. Now walking out of the room, preparing to rummage through it. You entered all messaging apps and looked through them all to find Raymond. Finally you found a conversation between Audie and Raymond on an app called “Discord”. You wasted no time, quickly typing in a message for him. You just hoped he would be awake at this time...
“Raymond? Is this you? It’s Y/N. I’ve taken Audies phone. She’s planning on stopping the visits and she’s gonna limit my freedom even further. Please I need your help.” As you sent this you felt even more panic rush over you. The reality of the situation hasn’t quite settled in yet but now? Now you truly realised what could happen if Raymond didn’t help you. Your hands started to shake and your eyes filled with tears, it was getting harder and harder to breathe quietly. You needed to get out of the house before Audie heard you! But just as you opened the door you could feel the phone vibrate. It was Raymond! Before you opened the text, you quickly went out of the house, making sure to carefully close the door. After that you ran towards the big fence, it was higher than your entire body. But you couldn’t stay here. Looking around you saw a tree stump with a sharp golden axe lodged into it. Should you? You have no other choice! So you ran towards the axe, picking it up with struggle. And then, with all your might, all the pent up fear and anger, you struck the fence with force. After maybe two swings you had broken up a small part that you could fit through. And so, you ran, you ran to the beach near dodo airlines. Picking up the phone to look at the new message.
“Okay calm down, we’ll figure this out...I made a promise to help you and I’ll be damned if I don’t keep that promise.”
“What if I double the amount of nmt to see you? Would that work?”
You thought about it. But no. Audie wouldn’t care. “No, that’s not gonna work, Audie probably has ten thousands of tickets by now...” And after about 20 seconds you got a reply. “I’ve got it! Why don’t you go to the dodo airport, open the gates and tell me the dodo code!” This....this could actually work! You wiped your tears away and quickly replied. “Yes! I’ll go do it right now!” And with that, you quickly ran into the dodo airlines. You asked Orville to open the gates and that you wanted visitors, and after a quick weird look he complied, telling you the dodo code. He was probably not used to villagers wanting to go but it wasn’t exactly any rules against it. You pulled out your phone to text Raymond, he had left a message to you. “Alright! Let me go to the airport!” You smiled to yourself as you read this. Is this it? Are you really gonna escape? You texted him back. “The dodo code is B2GT7.” And now you just had to wait. You sat down on one of the stools in the airport, twiddling your thumbs as you waited. But then. Something awful happened.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?” You quickly turned around in shock to see the person you wanted to see the least. It was Audie, standing in the doorway. Her hair was disheveled and she looked this close to snapping. Your whole body started to shake more violently then it had ever done. “A-A-Audie?! I-I-I ca-an exp-plain!” You couldn’t keep your voice steady as you hastily backed up against Orvilles desk. Orville was looking at the both of you, very concerned but mostly scared. “YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE OUT HERE!!! ESPECIALLY AT THE DODO AIRLINES! WERE YOU GONNA FLY AWAY AND LEAVE ME!!!!” Audie was now approaching you at a rapid pace. It didn’t take long before she was towering above you. “I really thought I could trust you Y/N! But it seems I’ve been giving you to much freedom. Until we get the shared house, you’re gonna be locked inside my house!” As she said this, she grabbed a hold of your arm and started dragging you
away, you were punching and trying to pry off her hand but it wouldn’t budge. Once you were outside of the airport Audie continued. “Maybe I’ll have to put the new basement to use. Yeah, until we get the shared house, you’ll be chained up in my basement. I can’t trust you on the main floors, they have windows and I wouldn’t want you to escape again!” Once you heard this, adrenaline kicked in to the max. You used all your strength to kick Audie in the shin. She instantly released you to grab her leg. Letting out strings of grunts and curse words. You tried to run back to the airport again but Audie tripped you and grabbed your legs. Now dragging you back to the house. You tried to grab onto anything, digging your nails into the ground. But nothing slowed her down, she was determined to take you with her. So you cried out for help. Hoping that someone, ANYONE would hear.
And just then you could hear footsteps approaching and Audie letting out a grunt. Suddenly, her grip on your feet released and you could hear a big thud. Turning around, looking back, you could see Raymond. He was leaning over Audie, two hands pressed against her throat. He was strangling her! You quickly ran up to him and tried to pry him off. “Raymond no! Stop! Please stop!” He looked at you, hate in his eyes, yet none of that hate directed at you. You gave him a pleading look. And so, Raymond stood up. Taking his hands off her throat. Audie immediately started to cough, desperately trying to get air back into her lungs after it being forced out. Raymond wasted no time however. Grabbing your hand and running off to the airport. He slammed his hands onto the desk that’s Orville say by. “TAKE US AWAY FROM HERE! NOW!!!”
The flight home was very quiet. Neither of you wanted to bring up what happened before you left. Raymond felt ashamed over himself. He decided to try to break the silence. “Listen I-“ “you tried to kill her...” He didn’t know how to respond in a way that wouldn’t make him sound like a psycho. “...yeah...I did...I’m...im sorry Y/N. I tried to stop myself, but right then, that moment. When I saw how horrified you looked...I guess the adrenaline took over...a-and I know that’s not a valuable excuse! I know that! What I did was inexcusable! But...I don’t know, I guess I just lost control...” as he said this, you leaned your head against his shoulder. “I don’t care what happens to Audie. I care about what COULD have happened to you. What if she got loose and attacked you?! What if someone saw it and called reinforcement!? Do you really think I’m worth going to jail for!?” You turned around to look at him as you said this. There were tears flowing through your eyes. Raymond cupped your cheeks with his hands, using his thumbs to wipe away your tears. He looked into your eyes and leaned closer, kissing your forehead. “You’re worth dying for Y/N...”
After maybe 2 minutes of flying you finally arrived at Raymonds island. Salamacis. You always liked that name and this would be the first time you ever visited Salamacis. The island was still very bright. It appeared to be around 5pm at the island when you arrived, and as the plane flew closer to the ground you could see the decor of Salamacis. It was beautiful, the entire island was decorated in a very classical manner. The ground was covered with stone paths except for the flower gardens full of white and black flowers. There were full of zen gardens everywhere, In fact the whole place screamed of “Zen”. It was very nice. You could also see the occasional islander running around. Some of them saw the plane and waived, some of them even ran after the plane. And sure enough, as you and Raymond walked out of the airplane, A small group of villagers had gathered around you. They all looked curiously at you. Your grip on Raymond’s hand tightened, but Raymond stroked it gently with his thumb, trying to calm you down. He let go as he walked toward them all, with you following behind him. “Everyone! This is my friend Y/N! She’s going to be living here from now on! I want you all to treat her with respect and kindness. As she is a new addition to the family.” Everyone was quiet for a few seconds before a small rabbit ran up to you. She was black with a few white spots here and there and had a black tuff of hair on her head right between her ears. She was wearing a black box skirt uniform and a black beret. “Hello! I’m Mari! Welcome to Salamacis! You’re Y/N huh? We’ve heard so much about you! If you want we can give you an island tour!” “Yeah! Let’s give them a tour!” “Follow us!” They all said as they ran away, you felt much easier as you ran after them. But you stopped midway and ran to Raymond. “Thank you Raymond. Thank you for everything.” And with that, you gave him a quick pick on the cheek and ran after the others. You got a feeling that you were gonna enjoy it here. Meanwhile, Raymond was standing by the airport wide eyed and blushing like crazy.
“So we don’t actually have an open plot for you to live in...so you’re gonna have to sleep in my house.” Raymond said as he led you up the stairs to the bedroom. “I know that it sucks that you just got out of the Audie situation and now still have to share house with someone, but don’t worry! I’m gonna sleep downstairs on the couch!” As he said this, you two arrived in the main bedroom. Just the mere sight of it made you let out a small “woah” to which Raymond laughed slightly. He thought your amazement was adorable. The room had a king sized bed in the middle, with a big fluffy rug under it. You went up to it and sat on the bed. The blanket was made with a soft material and the mattress was so comfortable that you practically fell into it once you sat down on it. You immediately laid down, basking in the comfortable material as you stretched. “So, again, if you need anything, and I mean ANYTHING, feel free to come down and ask. Alright? Goodnight Y/N.” And so, as you got down under the blanket, Raymond turned to walk down the stairs. “A-Actually Raymond? There is one thing I wanted to ask...” as you said this, Raymond made a total 180 and looked at you. “Yeah?” “Would you...would you sleep with me tonight?” Once you asked this, Raymond’s eyes went wide, it looked like there was about a thousand thoughts going through his head. “Y-yeah! Of course!” And so, he walked up to you. Lifting up the blanket and laid next to you. You crawled up to him, embracing him. And he did the same, he was wearing a silk rope with some imperial print. It felt very comfortable. You rubbed your face against him, feeling yourself drift off to sleep. “Goodnight Raymond....I love you...” and just like that. You were out like a candle. Raymond felt his heart beat faster. You...loved him?
“...hhhehheh....hehehe, oh Y/N...” Raymond laughed quietly to himself. He had you, he finally had you! After months of searching! After thousands of Nook mile tickets! At first, he just wanted one of you. But when he found out that you were the original you! That made him interested in you specifically. And that interest only grew and grew until it became a monster-like obsession. He wanted you, he needed you. He was gonna do everything it took to get you. When he attacked Audie, he went in full intention to murder her. Such a disgusting individual! How dare she treat you like nothing but a mere pet! Raymond felt ashamed for what he did, not because he regretted it, but because he did it in front of you. You should never have had to see that side of him. But not to worry, you would never ever HAVE to see him like that again! Now that you lived here with him there was nothing that could come between you and him! He was gonna treat you so much better than Audie did. You would be allowed to walk around freely! Talk to anyone you wanted! Dress in any way you wished! If he found you at the Ables sisters and you wanted the 1 000 000 bell crown? He would buy it! No questions asked! He would even let YOU decide where to place your house once you got it! ...but there’s no rush. If he could have you like this, next to him, for a few more weeks...maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing...he knew that he would eventually have to let you move out into your own home. After all, he just said that he wouldn’t be like Audie. But maybe a little bit more time with you wouldn’t hurt. You wouldn’t mind! The proof was right in his arms. He didn’t even suggest that he slept next to you, yet you still asked for it! And you said you loved him! Oh you were gonna be so happy here! He was gonna make sure of that. He’s your friend. Your saviour. The one who’ll always be there. The one who’ll always have time for you.
The one who rescued you.
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Oh was this a shitpost idea? How about I turn it into a 6 0 0 0 W O R D F I C ? No but for real. This is probably one of my favorite ones. It was such an interesting idea and like...I got so much inspiration. Also sorry to the anon that wanted a wholesome happy ending. It’s more of a bittersweet ending. But if you feel bad for Y/N, I don’t think Raymond is gonna do anything since Y/N is pretty much in love with him. There. Happy ending! So yeah...more Raymond :D wooo! Hope y’all are hungry because I am serving some food! This time featuring friends as the villagers beck didn’t want to come up with villagers myself!
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multifandom-girlie · 4 years
𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐡 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬
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Imagine:Imagine Requested by Anon. You move to New Orleans and meet Elijah who then introduces you to his younger brothers. You take him to your brothers wedding as your date but he also brings his brothers as plus ones.
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x Human!Reader
Warnings: None
Words: 3596
Edited: Yes
Hi! I'm sorry so for the long wait, this was a really good request and I wanted to make it perfect for you. Now I can honestly say it still isn't to the best of my ability but I was stumped half way through and had to power through it. Sorry about the length I wasn't planning for it to be this long but it just ended up being so. Anyway I really hope you enjoy! Please comment requests or what you think of the imagine please. Thank you !
Recently, I moved to New Orleans. I did so because I heard great things and I am not disappointed. I moved here right in Mardi Gras season so it was okay but it's been a couple of months now and the tingles of excitement thinking about living here is incredible. At this moment in time, I was walking my dog. Barney. He's a beautiful German Shepard, he's getting older now but he'll always be my baby. We were walking down bourbon street and I was looking at my phone to check the time when I bumped into a pristine looking man. I dropped my phone and started giggling nervously.
"I'm so sorry, sir."
I bent down to pick up my phone but as I did we bumped heads, seeming as he lowered to pick it up too. We both looked at each other and started laughing. It's like I came straight out of a high school romance movie.
"It's absolutely okay. I should've moved when I saw you on your phone. I couldn't help but be-and forgive me if I'm overstepping-but be captivatingly beautiful."
I couldn't stop or even stall the luminous red blush engulfing my cheeks. The wind picked up in time to cover my face with my Y/H/C coloured hair.
"Oh, uh thank you."
"Sorry I shouldn't of said it, that was out of line."
I giggled as he walked away.
"Wait ! It wasn't, I'm just not used to compliments from people I bump into on the street."
He looked down with his hands in his trouser pockets and blessed my Y/E/C eyes with his sweet and wide grin.
"Sorry. Let me make it up to you. Would you let me buy you a coffee ?"
I giggled and Barney started licking the man's hand.
"Barney ! Stop it baby."
He laughed.
"It's quite alright. So coffee ? We can have it to go if you'd like?"
I smiled and Barney sat down next to my legs.
"Uh yeah, that would be nice."
"So you've bought me coffee and are walking around with me and I still don't know your name."
We laughed together.
"I apologise. My name's Elijah."
I looked at him in awe. His name was so beautiful and it matched his pristine look.
"I love your name, it's beautiful. My name's Y/N."
"Talk about beautiful names."
I looked away, again blushing. It made me smile so much because I always used to get picked on for my name despite loving it myself. It made me uncertain of the importance of self-love.
"Thank you, it means more than you may think."
We smiled and continued to walk in a serene silence.
"So, Elijah. When your not carelessly bumping into girls and dishing out compliments, what do you like to do ?"
He chuckled softly.
"I like to read a lot and I can cook when necessary."
This man becomes more intriguing by the second. I bet he's a great cook and the reading explains his extensive range of vocab.
"That's so cool, I cook and bake all the time. I love it so much and I don't read as much as I'd want but I like to sing."
"Oh yeah, do you sing for people ?"
"Uh sometimes, mainly special occasions like birthdays and stuff. I'm actually singing at my brother's wedding in a couple of months."
"Really, what a shame I don't get to see for myself your talent."
"I wouldn't really call it a big thing but I mean if it means that much. You seem nice so far, I was just gonna go stag but if you want to join me you can. It might be more fun if your there, I don't particularly love the women he's marrying so."
"That would be lovely. What's wrong with the woman?"
"Well, she's always stuck up around him you know. She licks his ass so much but whenever he's not around for a second she is the bitchiest most irritating girl in the world and not forgetting she's incredibly immature."
"Really, must be a irritating women then ?"
"Like you wouldn't believe."
I looked up and realised that it's already quite dark out, which means I've spent a good couple of hours talking to Elijah. I told him where my apartment was and he left but not before exchanging numbers. That very night, I had no sleep because Elijah and I were texting all night.
In the morning, after still not getting any sleep. I had a text from Elijah just as I had finished brushing my teeth.
Elijah: Good morning Y/N! I hope your energised. How would you like to get lunch today ?- E.M
Reply: As energised as I can be, Elijah. I would love to get lunch today. I also need to get my dress for the wedding, help me pick ? Good morning by the way.
Elijah: Of course you do, trust you to not be prepared. I would be honoured to help you, I don't want to go to a complete stranger's wedding with my date looking like a tart.
Reply: Thank you Elijah. Self-confidence risen dramatically... what time do you want to meet ?
Elijah: I'll pick you up at 12:30.
Reply: Okay, see you then.
As soon as I sent my reply, I ran and jumped into the shower. I lathered my vanilla body wash all over my body and soaked my hair in cherry almond shampoo and conditioner. I hopped out and decided to leave my face free from makeup and put on a mask whilst getting ready. I quickly applied my charcoal face mask and started rooting through my wardrobe for some clothes. I looked at the clock and realised I only have 50 minutes to get ready. I decided to wear a sheet black crop top with coloured flowers on and flared sleeves along with a short denim skirt, brown ankle boots, some black tights and and brown bag to match my shoes.
I was just spraying some of my vanilla perfume when there was a knock at the door. My eyes shot to the clock and I watched as the clock turned 12:30. I opened the door to see him stood there with a warm smile on his face. I smiled back at him with just as much warmth.
"Hey Elijah. You weren't kidding when you said 12:30 were you ?"
He chuckled and straightened his posture more even if it was impossible to be standing any straighter than he already was. I get it now, he's a perfectionist.
"When I say a time, I mean it."
I giggled and shut the door, locking it behind me. I replied to his comment with a smirk on my face and walked off.
"I can see that, Mr Perfectionist."
He chuckled and followed me out. We we're taking a comfortably quiet stroll down bourbon street, not rushing to get to the mall.
"So Elijah, what is it ?"
He turned to me with slight confusion.
"What ever do you mean, Y/N?"
I could tell he was genuinely confused so I made the choice to elaborate. I turned my head to look at him with my arms crossed but still walking.
"You. The way you talk, your timing ? I mean your not just on time you were there in the second of it turning 12:30. How about that both times I've seen you, you've been wearing $10 000 suits. I mean we are going to lunch. Probably to get some pizza or sushi, not for a meal that costs like $300 take like one zero off that at least."
He looked shocked at me understandably so. I just called him out on practically everything that makes him Elijah. It's not that I have a problem with any of it. A man who has impeccable timing, amazing-expensive-but amazing dress sense and knows how to talk properly not "Sup baby, you busy tonight ?" The number of times that lines been used in me is incredible.
He looked at me with a prominent look of worry. Maybe I said the wrong thing, was I too blunt maybe ? Or he might think I don't like any of it. So I quickly decided to save myself.
"Before you think or even ask yourself if I don't like any of that, I do. I'm just not used to speaking to a man. Someone with great fashion sense, doesn't talk like in idiot and can actually pronounce and word things properly-in other words speaking actual english, someone who has manners, the looks, impeccable timing and knows how to charm a women. Your a women's dream I just didn't know you were so....dreamy."
A wide grin broke out on his face, with made me blush profusely. I saw the mall in front of us.
"Dreamy ? You have a way with words Miss Y/L/N. I apologise if I may have distracted you for being so dreamy."
I giggled and smacked his arm playfully.
"Hey it's not funny. Take the compliment or leave it, alright ? It just slipped out."
"Slipped out of your mouth or your dreams."
We started laughing together feeling more comfortable than when I had my curious outburst minutes ago.
We walked in the mall and I was lost for which shop to buy my dress in. I nudged Elijah's arm.
"You know any good shops to buy dresses ?"
I asked jokingly but to my surprise he dragged me into a shop I didn't see the name of. He stopped at the entrance and turned to me.
"We are going to do something because you have massively boosted my ego today unintentionally, I think. Your going to let me do something for you. To make sure you don't look like a tart is why I came with you, correct ?"
I nodded.
"Your are going to pick five dresses you like in this store and I am going to pick my favourite one and you have to wear it to the wedding, deal ?"
Not how I expected the day to go, being bossed around by a man who was a stranger not more than 2 days ago.
"How do you not have women lining up to be with you? As long as your this bossy in the bedroom, I will say deal to you as many times as you like."
I winked at him and walked further into the shop. Elijah stood there with a wide grin at the once innocent flirty comments turning rapidly less innocent and followed her.
Five. Five dresses is not hard to pick. Come on Y/n. Just one more. I stopped and looked around until I spotted the last one. I handed them to Elijah with a whispered comment as I walked out.
"One of those dresses are harder to get off then the rest I might need some assistance, make the right decision Mr Precision."
I waited outside for him to pick the dress. Minutes later he walked out of the shop with a wide grin on his face and a white paper bag that most likely has my dress in it.
"So ?"
He looked at me and winked.
"I made the right decision, don't you worry."
We walked over to Rousseau's and I persuaded him to sit down and eat. When the food arrived he looked at me weirdly.
"I can't eat this, Y/N."
I giggled at him a rolled my eyes.
"What worried about getting grease on your $10 000 suit. Don't even tell me you don't like it, what's not to love about a big greasy burger and fries with a beer. Or do you only drink wine and eat lobster with caviar ?"
He chuckled at me and took his jacket off and placed it on the back of his chair. He unbuttoned his sleeves and rolled them up so they were now three quarters in length. The next thing I know is he's picking it up and taking a big bite of the burger whilst staring at me in the eyes to prove a point.
A little while later after it's like 6 pm we decide to leave the bar and go back to my apartment. I unlock the door and hang my jacket up whilst throwing my keys on the worktop in the kitchen. I kick my shoes off by the door and walk into the kitchen to look for some wine. Elijah follows me in a little later, having just taken his jacket off and hung it up.
"You look confused."
I'm rooting around in my pantry looking down my wine rack not finding the alcohol I wanted. Then the idea that it might be in the fridge popped into my head. I walked out of my pantry closing the door and opening my fridge finding the label staring at me in the face. I smiled and grabbed it before turning around and showing it to Elijah.
"I was trying to find this. A bottle of wine I was saving for when I had good company."
He grabbed the bottle out of my hands and inspected it, lastly he smirked.
"No wonder you saved it Y/N, this is an expensive wine. One they don't even sell in the United States. What did you do? Go on holiday and smuggle a bottle of rare and incredibly expensive wine back here ?"
"I guess you could say that but I didn't buy it...I won it. In a game of poker on my 26th birthday, I lived in Italy with my family and it was a bottle that was made the year I was born and my mother saved up for it and bought it. My dad annoyed her buy using it as a prize for our game of poker, he said it was pure luck just because it was made on my birthday. $6 863. That's the total cost."
"So your Italian ?"
I giggled and grabbed two glasses.
"Si signore."
He chuckled and followed me into the living room. I threw myself on the couch and sat upright so I could pour the wine.
"So you've juiced everything interesting out of me. What about you ?"
"The only interesting thing about me is my family I suppose. I have two older siblings and four younger siblings."
"Tell me about them."
"Okay. There's my eldest sister Freya she's 34; 5 years older than me. She's quite sweet but she was more of a long distance sibling for a while.Finn who's 33, we're not especially close. Niklaus or Klaus as he prefers, he's 25 and a menace all of the time consistently getting on my nerves. He's 4 years younger than me. Then Kol who is worse than Klaus, he's the most menacing of us all and an irritatingly common flirt even at 24.My youngest sister Rebekah, 17 and she's always had a flair for the dramatics, always looking for love. Then Henrik, who was 11 when he died. None of us really knew a lot about him except Klaus, he was the closest to him."
I widened my eyes and polished off my third glass of wine already. I put my hand on his, I leant forward a touch to pour more wine.
"I apologise for your loss. But, also for your seemingly irritant siblings."
"It's quite alright."
I grabbed his glass and placed the glasses down on the table and I felt my arm being dragged back and when looking forward, I noticed the close proximity of Elijah and I. Mere centimetres away we sat staring into each other's eyes with curiosity. I couldn't help but feel intimidated by the lingering stare he had on me and also slightly exhilarated. Swiftly our noses touched ever so slightly. It made it impossible to pull away like I probably should have. He leant forward some more making the pressure on our noses more noticeable and so suddenly his small soft lips reached for mine in a gentle peck. Our eyes fluttered closed, overwhelmed from the feeling a small kiss could make us feel. It was a foreign feeling, feeling this way from a kiss.
He gradually moved away a little and looked at me in the eyes. I didn't know what to say. His hands slowly raised and stroked the sides of my face before leaning in and giving me a quick peck. Just after he allowed me to cuddle into his side to watch a movie, I'd put on in the background when we sat down.
A couple of months later, we are still going strong. Elijah and I actually have the wedding to go to today, we flew out with his brothers unfortunately so we couldn't have much personal time. I am excited about seeing my dress though, I haven't seen it since when I picked the 5 dresses out at that store, I can't even remember what they all looked like.
I opened the bag and I pulled out a beautiful baby blue halter neck dress that will hug my body tightly, no wonder he liked it and of course it was the one with the zip. I actually will need help later now.
I decided to start getting ready and then spotting the lingerie he threw in there as well.
These last few months have been a dream. I have not been this happy for years. Elijah's perfect, yes we have a few differences that haven't been great to deal with but we've made it through and he makes me feel i'm living in my dream.
I walked out of the bathroom that I was getting ready in to see Elijah drinking a glass of wine on the bed.
"Babe it's 11 am, why are you drinking wine ?"
He jumped up and spat it out on the floor, unfortunately it was red wine. My eyes widened as I saw it immediately stain the floor.
"Lijah ! This is a hotel room, we aren't at home."
He shook his bed and fell on the floor on his knees, eyes still widened.
"Elijah. What's wrong with you, baby ?"
He shook his head and helped me scrub the floor. We are most definitely going to be late for this wedding. As I was squirting soap on the floor I hear a knock. I get up, leaving Elijah on the floor. I open the door to greet the brothers. They walked in and followed me to the bedroom where Elijah was still on the floor.
"Elijah mate, why are you on the floor ?"
He just continued to stare off. They looked at me and I shrugged.
"I don't know what happened. I walked out the bathroom, he spark his wine on the floor. Now we have to explain why we've stained their carpet."
We are greeting other guests and trying to find my brother. When I spot him he walks over. He hugs me and spins me around.
"God I missed you Y/N !"
"I missed you too Y/B/N, like you wouldn't believe. I would like to introduce you to some people I bought. This is Elijah, my boyfriend and has been for a couple of months now and-"
I introduced Elijah who was back to normal after I gave him a kiss apparently it was because I looked so beautiful. I cut myself off when going to introduce the brothers because when I looked over at them. They were the only two causing trouble, Kol was consistently flirting with married women and Klaus threatening people.
"and that's it. They are NOT with us."
Elijah and I looked at each other and he nodded. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the brothers, grabbing them by the wrists and dragging them over.
"Y/B/N these are Elijah's brothers. Kol and Klaus."
"Nice to meet you all, it's a shame I can't talk more to Elijah. I guess it's hard to talk to him when your sister doesn't tell you about him."
I looked down to the floor and back up innocently.
"I love you."
"I love you too. Right, we need to start getting ready."
"Okay go."
I was sitting nervously on a couch at Elijah's House when he walks in with two good looking gentlemen.
"Y/N my darling, I would like for you to meet my brothers Kol and Niklaus."
"Call me Klaus. All my friends do."
He grabs my hand and kisses it. I blushed hard before most fortunately it disappeared, very quickly.
Kol walks closer and kisses me on the cheek and as he pulls away winks. Unfortunately, the blushed arose. Once again.
"Nice to meet you darling."
They are all insanely charming and flirtatious, it's nerve racking. No wonder, why they have so many female admirers.
I remember how different the greetings were for me and my brother. They were more chilled with my brother although still mischievous, yet with me it was flirtatious and misbehaving.
I can live with it now though. The flirtatiousness, I get enough from Elijah so I'm used to it. Kol and Klaus now are more comedic in my eyes with their fake sentiments of love for me, annoying Elijah and even bursting into our room after I've taken a shower to see if they scare me enough to drop my towel. Although, that's more Kol.
All I can say is, I'm way more comfortable with them now and I couldn't be happier to know that Elijah and I are going to last, a gut feeling tells me so.
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amythecinnabunny · 3 years
Space AU and Time Travel for Juke 👀 <33
Holy shit holy shit holy shit ok ok ok ok first of all AKDBJSJSJJEJE YES
Okay okay so let me try to iron out the mess in my head skxbjsjjd I hereby apologize if things get out of order or whatever but I am literally vibrating with excitement someone please write this I'll love you forever
Ok so I'm thinking also an aged up au for ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* reasons *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ sjsnnsn
Also, I've done this before and I'm gonna do it again, but Bobby and Trevor are two different people for the sake of the timeline here.
Time frame for this would be WAY into the future. Humanity has gone galactic. We also had our asses handed to us by several alien planets but we probably deserved it. Anyway, after we got rid of Elon Musk, we eventually made peace with the aliens and now roam the galaxy freely. 20-30yo generally try to get into a different fleet, just to learn about other races. Think all those alien ships adopts a human posts.
Julie, Carrie and Flynn are my three girl geniuses. They're like,,, the smartest people in every room. They've been like this since freshman year of college. Julie, Carrie and Flynn also all want to get into the student exchange program, which is exactly what you think it is. Alien races (and this now includes humanity) swaps out older students with each other so they get a feel of what the other race is like. It's fun, educational, and! You get to make super long distance pen pals!
I'd also have so much fun making up new memes???? It would be so fucking stupid tho but I love it.
Anyway, so after a few years of jumping through the exchange programme, hoping from planet to planet, unfortunately, without their bestfriends :<, the three of them qualify to board research ships!!!
So at like 23-25, my girls come back together on the same ship!! Its a massive thing and so they've hired so many interns from so many different races. It's like a landing hub for several smaller ships. They have like 10 interns per species and that's only because there are laws against having too many of one kind after they put 50 humans on a space station and the humans tried to take over. Also, humans multiply faster than the others. This terrifies some races.
Anyway, the ship's really just a bunch of college kids from different planets trying to avoid exam season by submitting research papers from their ship. They all bond over deadlines, breakups and coffee (or the alien equivalent thereof)
Flynn dated an alien girl for a while. They were cute. Flynn: as a lesbian, it's my duty to date all the women in space
This is also where they run into Willie!!! Yay, Willie!!!
Nick Danforth-Evans and Kayla Evans-McKessie are around ... somewhere ... in bunk beds like the little toddlers they wish they were, crying about the 15 page essay on why Xjsbsjdjd is a very intelligent race that we could learn a lot from (yes, that is a keysmash I'm too buzzed to be creating alien species names sjdjjdjd)
Carrie and Nick do date for a while but then Carrie hooked up with Kayla. Bisexual queen who?
Julie met Willie that time she didn't sleep for over 48 hours because she had a research paper due within a week and she hadn't started yet and it was 10 000 words on her experiences with the Psjxjjdkeiwj race. Luckily for her, the kid she bumped into and spilled an energy drink all over had the same paper and helped her finish it. Willie sometimes goes by the nickname Lifesaver, thanks to Julie. This confuses the metaphor-less people because Willie's never saved anyone's life?? So why is he a lifesaver??
On their own, Julie, Carrie and Flynn are professional smart people who know what they're saying and are clever enough not to do things with too many risks. In the same room, however, they turn into dumb geniuses who can and possibly may blow up the entire ship. It's a good thing they have Willie, Nick and Kayla to babysit them, right? WRONG. Willie Kayla and Nick egg them on.
They decide there going to gather all the information there is on time travel and they're going to decipher it and make it work! Yay!
When they find stuff in alien languages they start calling up their alien pen pals "hello what's this word mean in this context? What, haha oh no, it's a research paper on why time travel projects were abandoned before completion. Okay, thank you!"
Before long, they have a working time machine. I mean,, they hope so. And so they enter a random date from the past and prepare to pop their heads through just to see what the world looked like approximately 200ish years ago
2020s, post covid because that exists for joke reasons later, Sunset Curve is performing live for one of their biggest audiences yet when mid-song, the floor just opens them up and swallows them whole before vanishing. The crowd things it's a stunt but Sunset Curve's managers are flipping their shit
Back on the ship, the machine starts sparking and with a soft boom and a hiss, the power in that quadrant goes out -- not before Willie's is pelted in the face with a pair of drumsticks and then a whole person.
It's a miracle the drums survived the trip, pet alone everything else.
So now these sleep deprived geniuses and co. have to hide three people and several musical artifacts, plus the smoking remains of a time machine, from their Supervising Officer, who is regrettably, a human too.
And none of them are very good at lying.
Luke and Bobby are though, and after piecing together bits and pieces from the frenzied rambling around them, Luke and Bobby save the group.
Shenanigans ensue as they try to rebuild the time machine under the watchful eye of the SO, while trying to mantainbfake credentials for the boys and trying to explain their very dated clothing. (Yes, Sunset Curve STILL rocks the 90s vibe. In the 2020s. It's their thing.)
Willex happens in the background -- and I mean that very literally. (Jukebox having a tension moment, Willex making out in the background.)
Honestly I'm not sure yet how theyd solve the problems, whether they'd send the boys back or not or what, but I do know that they will all cause a BUNCH of problems in between.
Sometimes they play music just because they still can. Sunset Curve becomes a house band for the ship. They get broadcasted to neighbouring or passing ships like "hey, losers, we have live music, SUCK IT!"
Focusing on the jukebox aspect of this whole fic, that's gonna be a fucking hilarious slow burn.
It will definitely contain the lines "Oh my god, I have a crush on Julie." "Congratulations, you're officially the last to know." "What? Even [SO's Name] knows??" "Dude. The ship's navigation crew knows." "Does ... Julie know?" "No, you're both morons."
Julie is having the exact same conversation four hallways away.
They'd talk a lot about sending the boys back home and it'd be really quiet conversations when everyone else is asleep.
Julie and Luke write music together and after a while, Julie performs a few of them too. Thanks to the concerts, they meet the other human interns that were on the other end of the ship and Carrie and Kayla form Dirty Candy.
The ship becomes known as the party bus.
A thing that will happen: Luke helps Julie write one of her history papers that she gets an A+ for and a comment about how dedicated she was to have delved so far back in the history records to get authentic insight.
Julie and Luke speak in memes but they don't speak the same memes and it drives them both up the wall.
Luke says yeet one day and Julie's soul leaves her body because she hasn't heard anyone say yeet since she was a toddler back on Earth.
Julie: odd display, but acceptable.
Luke, physically experiencing a record scratch: what the fuck did you just say
That is all I have to offer because I'm afraid of plotting further and causing angst somehow.
oh one more thing, someone gets to bang an alien and it's probably Flynn.
Oh oh oh another one more thing. Reggie says "this is just like in Star Wars" for literally anything. The band goes along with it for shits and giggles. The rest of them are very interested in this ancient tale called Star Wars. Reggie sees a picture of Flynn and her green gf and says "hey, you dated photoshopped Yoda" and Bobby just loses his shit.
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30secondfics · 3 years
~ Author’s Note ~ “Before the renaissance we had the Black Plague.” 
- @thekingoflegoland
Rated M
Part 1 > Part 2 > Part 3 > Part 4 > Part 5a > Part 5b > Part 6
Seattle, January 2021
Gabriella Torres stepped out of her rideshare and studied the house she stood in front of. A small shingled house, hunter green, the grass browned from the cool weather and the paint of the white front door chipped from years of neglect. She knocked.
A woman with a black lacquered cane opened the door with widened eyes, pale, as if she had just seen a ghost.
“Hi, I’m looking for Calliope Torres-”
“She doesn’t live here.“
“My name is Gabriella Torres. Aria Torres is my mother—was—my mother.”
The woman sighed and eyed the young woman. “You're a spitting image of your mother. Come in.”
The sunroom of the house was clean, sterilized. It still smelled of cleaning products and polish; it was well tended to, unlike the exterior of the house.
“Can I get you a coffee or a tea?” the woman asked.
“Water, please, if you wouldn’t mind,” Gabriella answered. She took the glass the woman offered her and took a generous sip.
“What did you say your name was again?” the woman asked, taking the seat in front of her guest and leaning her cane against the side table.
“How old are you?”
The woman paused in thought.
“I’m sorry to come out of the blue, but I thought you would prefer meeting in person rather than starting a paper trail…  Aunt Calliope.”
Calliope nodded in agreement and cleared her throat. “So how did you find me?”
“I just started grad school at the University of Washington, I’m doing my masters in library studies-”
“Impressive,” Callie nodded, glad and relieved to learn her niece was educated.
“Thank you. I was in foster care my whole life, you see, I knew nothing but my mother’s name. I swore to find her one day and I searched for her for years and years. Then, finally, I came across her obituary and I found out she lived in Miami… and, well, my research led me to you.”
“So you know who I am…” Callie cleared her throat and picked at the cotton of her pants.
“You’re Calliope Torres. You were the head of the Torres Crime family. You were responsible for the Miami Mob Massacre of 2013 when all of the heads of the city’s crime families were murdered.”
“Allegedly,” Callie corrected.
Gabriella nodded in agreement. “Early in 2014 the Feds gathered enough evidence to put you on trial-”
“Alex Karev and George O’Malley came forward and turned themselves in, in an attempt to put me away,” Callie informed. “Even after I paid them a very generous amount of money to leave town. It seemed that it wasn’t enough for two men who felt overpowered by a single woman.”
“You were on trial for 21 days,” Gabriella continued. “Until you were proven not guilty. After 21 days they were going to let you walk free, you were free—then you were showered with bullets on your way out of the Miami courthouse. A man named Robert Stark was arrested; he claimed you destroyed his life over unsettled debt.”
“And yet he’s still in jail and I am not,” Callie couldn’t help but smirk.
“My mother perished that day, and you were airlifted to Miami General with life-threatening injuries,” Gabriella added. “Some articles reported that you wouldn’t make it out alive, while others rumoured you would never fully recover. You were mentioned in the papers for months, until suddenly you weren’t. New leaders of the other crime families began to take their place, and new gang wars plagued Miami. By the time you walked out of the hospital a free woman, you were old news and the Torres empire had crumbled. You’ve been laying low ever since.”
Gabriella was nothing but correct in her explanation. The Torres empire crumbled, and it crumbled hard. In Callie’s absence, and Alex and George’s incarceration, other members of the corporation fought for themselves, fought amongst themselves, stole for themselves, until there was nothing left but a few skids of canned peaches scattered across the city. The Torres mansion was looted and then destroyed by opportunistic rival families. The Torres name became irrelevant. A name no longer feared. A name no longer remembered, despite the damage it did in the past decades. Bigger crimes flooded Miami, and though grudges still existed, seeking revenge against the Torres family was no longer a priority. 
Callie remained silent. It had been years since she lived that life, it was hard to believe its vibrant contrast to the life she lived now.
“Sorry,” Gabriella brushed. “I was just searching for my mother, I didn’t mean to uncover so much more about you.”
“You’ve done nothing wrong,” Callie reassured. “That was my past, and I will take what I did to my grave.”
Gabriella remained silent.
“So what do you want to know about your mother?” Callie asked.
Gabriella released a sigh with both grief and relief. Grief of the loss she had held in her heart for so long, and relief that she was finally going to get some answers.
“I want to know why my mother left me at the hospital that day, knowing she had the means to raise me.”
“I can’t answer for the dead,” Callie shook her head.
“I know that, but you at least knew her…”
“And I know giving you up was probably the best decision she could have made for you.”
“What?” Gabriella asked with furrowed brows. She spent her life in poverty. She was alone. She moved from foster home to foster home. The closest thing she has to a family is an old college roommate.
“My sister Aria was… impulsive. Especially when it came to money. She and my father would always clash on her irresponsible spendings. I believe she had you the year she just about had it with our father and so she disappeared for a year to travel across the country in a van with some friends. She was in no state to raise a child, even if we had the money.”
“But I grew up poor, without a family-” Gabriella began to argue.
“Do you think a crime family would have been any better?”
“Maybe,” Gabriella shrugged.
“It cost us your mothers life,” Callie reminded. “It nearly cost me mine.”
Gabriella remained silent.
“A life of riches is far from a fairytale when it’s funded with bloodmoney.”
Gabriella avoided her aunt’s eyes.
“So if it’s money you want from me I no longer have much of it,” Callie admitted.
“I don’t need money,” Gabriella promised. “I just wanted answers.”
“I’m afraid I can’t answer anymore than that,” Callie replied. “I didn’t even know my sister had you until this morning.”
“Would you have stepped in if you knew back then?” Gabriella asked.
Callie paused in thought. “Probably not,” she answered honestly. She believed the mob was no place for a child.
They sat in silence for a moment. Then Callie glanced at the clock.
“Then I won’t take up much more of your time,” Gabriella promised and stood from her seat. “Thank you for your time.”
Callie simply nodded.
“Can I ask how you found out where I live?” Callie asked before the younger woman could leave.
Gabriella signed. “Seattle Grace held a Gala last week. I was sorting the newspaper section of the library when I saw your face. Your hair is much shorter now but I had studied the family so much I recognized you right away… it wasn’t hard after I ran a search for you in Seattle.”
“What newspaper published that article?” Callie needed to know: if her niece could recognize her, how many more people could.
“Seattle Local. Don’t worry, I’ve already shredded as many copies of the paper as I could find,” Gabriella reassured.
“Thank you,” Callie sighed in relief.
“Can I ask you one last question before I go?” Gabriella asked.
“You just did.”
“Do you think there are people out there who still want you dead?” Gabriella proceeded to ask.
“I know there is,” Callie nodded. “Dozens of them.”
“How do you bear it? How do you live in fear?”
“I don’t,” Callie answered confidently. “Knowing my life could end at any moment is what makes every day so worth living.”
There was one part of Gabriella’s story that was missing; one part of the Calliope Torres story that was very private and protected from the public eye. Down a long hallway, two feet and a cane dully tread across grey terrazzo floors. The door at the end of the hall held a plaque, yielded the Seattle Grace Hospital logo and the title Chief of Surgery. She opened the door.
Large windows letting in lights from the Seattle Skyline also enclosed the spacious and personalized office. The walls were decorated with various frames, some with photos, others with accomplishments and awards. One of which was the 2014 Carter Madison Grant and a photo of a small clinic in Mawali. 
Arizona Robbins glanced up from her laptop and over reading glasses arched a single eyebrow.
“Sorry, I’m late,” Callie apologised.
Arizona smirked and motioned for her lover to come closer with finger.
Callie rounded the cherrywood desk and gave her wife a kiss.
“Hmm,” Arizona hummed with satisfaction.
“Missed you.” She said this every day.
“Missed you too,” Arizona replied with a smile. “How was your day?” she asked, pushing her chair back to make room for her wife.
“Well…” Callie leaned her cane against the desk and pushed the laptop back to sit on her wife’s desk, “I had a visitor at the house today.”
“A visitor?” Arizona repeated, intrigued. “We haven’t had a visitor in a very long time. Who was kind enough to send you a hitman this time?” she asked sarcastically. 
“Not an assassin,” Callie informed with a small smirk. A very small part of her missed when an assassin or two would shake up their home. It had been so quiet the past few years since they moved to Seattle, Callie could almost say she was starting to get bored. She and Arizona had become so good at silently putting hitmen away; they made great fertiliser for the flowers in the back garden. 
“Yeah, it turns out I have a niece. It looks like Aria forgot to mention she had a kid twenty-two years ago.”
“No way…”
“She looks just like her, Arizona, if she’s a con artist she sold it really well.”
“How’d she find you?”
“She saw a photo of me in a local paper, from the Gala.”
“Oh, Calliope… I didn’t know you’d be photographed.”
“It’s fine,” Callie shrugged. “I’m sort of glad she found me. It was nice talking about Aria again.”
“Are you going to keep in touch?”
“I didn’t want her to feel obligated to keep in contact. She’s a smart girl, she’ll come back if she wants to.”
Arizona gave her wife a sympathetic smile.
“Anyways, tell me about your day…” Callie encouraged her wife.
“I think I’d rather save the talking for later,” Arizona said with a smirk.
“Oh…” Callie chuckled and moaned when her wife pressed their lips together. Arizona’s hands were on her waist and they slowly made their way up her shirt as they kissed.
“You called for me, Doctor Robbins?” Callie teased, between kisses.
“I did, and you’re late,” Arizona played along. She loved her wife for a hundred million reasons, and one of them included how ungodly good she was at getting her off.
“I’m awfully sorry,” Callie apologised in her bedroom voice.
“Y-you’d better be,” Arizona gasped when her wife’s mouth wrapped around the skin on her neck and began to suck. “D-don’t leave a mark…” she scolded, “again.”
Callie smirked and slipped her hand into the white lab coat and down the navy blue scrub top. She cupped her wife’s breast; soft, warm, and a bit more plump than she remembered.
Arizona felt wetness begin to grow between her legs. Slick. Heat. Then a gush of fluid like the breaking of a damn.
“Callie!” Arizona shrieked.
“Arizona...” Callie gasped when she felt the wetness run down her leg, “was that?”
“I think my water just broke,” Arizona said with widened eyes.
“It’s a good thing we’re already at a hospital,” Callie chuckled and took her wife by the hand before leading her towards the maternity ward to have their baby.
Callie and Arizona rushed down the aisle, hand-in-hand, away from the altar where Elvis stood to officiate. With no family left between the two of them, they spent their wedding night celebrating their rather spontaneous wedding with a rather expensive bottle of wine and room service.
Overlooking the city of Las Vegas, a city also once ruled by crime families such as the Torres’s, Callie held Arizona in her arms as they watched the night lights.
“I never pictured myself getting married,” Arizona admitted softly.
“You’re telling me this now?” Callie arched her eyebrow, taking hold of Arizona’s hand that was now weighed down by a wedding band. 
“No, Calliope, I mean… I never pictured myself getting married in the white dress and large crowd. But this… this was perfect.”
“Oh…” Callie smiled mischievously and planted a hot kiss on her wife’s neck.
“Callie!” Arizona squinted her eyes and stopped walking.
“Breathe…” Callie coached.
“I am breathing,” Arizona gritted through her teeth, freezing for a couple of minutes before gathering up the strength to walk again.
“We’re almost there,” Callie reassured.
Arizona puffed air out of her cheeks and followed her wife’s lead. Moments later, she found herself on a hospital bed, monitors attached to her belly and her wife by her side.
“Push,” Arizona encouraged.
Callie let out a long grunt as she pushed against the resistance band that Arizona was holding behind her. She took three bullets in her arm, two in the gut, and one in her femur which left her with a permanent limp. She had accepted her fate of the cane, but she had yet to give up on rehabilitating her dominant hand.
“Good,” the physiotherapist praised. “You’re really motivated today!”
“Motivated to use my good hand in bed again,” Callie pushed against the purple band again.
“Callie!” Arizona gasped, not impressed with her lover’s vulgarness in front of the physiotherapist.
The therapist couldn’t help but chuckle, “It’s good to have goals.”
“Let’s see how your baby is doing…” Doctor Carina DeLuca snapped on a clean glove and placed herself between the patient’s legs. “Oh…” 
“What?” Callie and Arizona said in unison.
“When did you say your contractions began?” Carina  asked.
“I guess, this morning…” Arizona thought out loud.
“This morning?” Callie repeated with disbelief. Her wife had been in labour all day and she didn’t receive a single text of mention.
“I thought it was just a stomach ache from all the poundcake I ate for breakfast.” Arizona admitted. 
“Did you eat the whole coffee cart too?” Callie teased.
“I only had three...” Arizona defended, “this time.”
“Move to Seattle with me,” Arizona said, her head nestled on her wife’s chest. Las Vegas streets were loud but she could still hear Callie’s pounding heartbeat.
“They’ve offered me a job as an attending… if I accept it, we can have our own life there. Just you and me, far away from the craziness in Miami. You don’t belong there anymore, we don’t belong there anymore. We both need a new start, somewhere we can raise a family.”
“You want kids?” Callie asked, surprised. With all the commotion, they forgot to talk about having children.
“I want a family, whatever that may look like. I’ve never had one and I want one with you.”
“You can start pushing on your next contraction,” Doctor DeLuca instructed.
“Callie, I’m scared,” Arizona told her wife.
“You’ve made it this far, Arizona, I believe in you.”
“What if we lose this baby too?”
“We can’t think like that right now, Arizona, you need to focus on having this baby, okay?”
Arizona nodded her head and grunted as she pushed as hard as she could.
The house was so quiet.
With Lucy’s passing, there was no longer pitter patter of paws against the hardwood as she played around the house. Now their house filled with the noise of Arizona turning the page of her newspaper, and Callie watching car review videos on her phone.
“You think it’s too soon to get another dog?” Arizona asked.
“I don’t know if I want another dog,” Callie admitted.
“Can I finally have my chicken coop, then?”
“No…” Callie slowly shook her head.
“Well, we’re certainly not getting a ferret, Calliope-”
“I’ve been thinking… it’s a good time to have a baby.”
Arizona’s face brightened into a smile. “A baby?” she breathed out.
Callie nodded, “A baby.”
“Your baby is almost here…” Carina announced.
“Really?” Arizona phanted.
“Do you want the mirror?”
“Oh god, no,” Arizona shook her head in denial.
Callie couldn’t help but laugh.
“Don’t you dare laugh,” Arizona scolded her wife. “You owe me a new vagina after this!”
“I’m sorry…” the doctor repeated herself. “Please stay and use the room for as long as you need to.”
“Thank you,” Arizona nodded at the doctor and continued to console her wife.
Callie watched the doctor leave with blank eyes. The news hurt her more than she thought it would. She didn’t even know she wanted kids until she married Arizona, and now that she found out she couldn’t, she was heartbroken. Her life of crime, the bullets of revenge, had already taken her sister from her; she was saddened to learn it also took away her chance of having children of her own.
“What do you need from me?” Arizona said softly.
“I don’t know,” Callie shook her head.
“I’ll have them, Calliope, I want to have them,” Arizona offered for the hundredth time.
“I…” Callie gulped to rid of the dryness in her throat, “I thought we could have some of yours and some of mine too.”
“Oh, Calliope…” Arizona sighed in defeat. “It would have been amazing to have a little you running around the house, but I promise you they will be our babies no matter what.”
“She’s here…” Carina announced.
“It’s a girl?” Callie asked with surprise, relief and excited butterflies fluttering in her stomach.
“It’s a girl,” Carina confirmed.
Callie and Arizona smiled at the crying infant. Carina placed the child on Arizona’s chest and Callie wrapped her arms around her family. She was so little yet so loud, and mighty. Her hands were bronze like a Torres and her eyes were blue like a Robbins. She was there and she was theirs.
“I love you…”
“What?” Callie said past dry lips. She thought she would never see Arizona Robbins again, let alone have her visit her hospital room every day for the past three months. 
“I love you,” Arizona nodded her head. She had known, deep down, for a long time. But she was at the airport, ready to leave for Africa, ready to truly move on from her tango with the mob and start a new life, a new clinic, for children in a new land, Malawi, when she saw the Torres heir fall to the ground in front of the courthouse. She hated that she had to see Calliope Torres get shot multiple times on television to realise it. She loved the notorious boss and she couldn’t leave Miami without her.
“Arizona, you can’t-”
“You’re not my boss, Calliope, you can’t tell me what I can and can’t do anymore-”
“No, Arizona, you need someone... normal,” Callie defended her stance. “Someone who can give you the easy life you deserve. Someone who doesn’t have a past-”
“I know your past, Calliope, and I know the kind of woman you are deep down. Do you think it was easy to let someone else run my clinic in Africa, to turn down a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so I can spend three months in this hospital with you? I know love isn’t easy, but I choose it because—because life without it is dull and cold.”
Callie eyed her lover.
“I know there are people who want you dead...” Arizona continued, “that danger will follow you, but—why live in fear when we can take our chances at being happy?”
“Jeez, okay, enough with the dramatics,” Callie teased.
Arizona gasped, offended, then laughed. Her speech was quite cheesy.
“I love you too. I’ve known for a while,” Callie admitted. “But I want what’s best for you. That’s why I let you go...” 
“And I know what I want,” Arizona countered. “That’s why I came back...”
Callie cradled baby Sofia as Arizona finally fell asleep in her hospital bed. Sofia had that intoxicating new baby smell and Callie soaked in every minute of it. Swaddled in her hospital blanket, Sofia was content and happy to be in her mother’s arms. 
Callie glanced at Arizona and watched her peacefully rest. She deserves it. Arizona let out a soft snore and it made Callie smile. Her mob career started in her father’s hospital room. Her love for Arizona blossomed in her hospital room. Now their middle family had grown by one in the hospital room.
Callie Torres was working in a cubicle, in an office, on a floor, in a building full of cubicles. She was the daughter of a notorious crime boss and she was in an office working a nine-to-five desk job. Despite her upbringing, she went to college. She attended Penn State, the first in her family to go to college. She told herself that she needed space from the mob, but deep down she knew she left home because she resented her father for not being a good husband to her mother. Over a decade later, she still blamed him for making Lucia Torres flee. So Callie moved away, to a city where nobody knew her name, and for four years she studied literature, made an honest living, and lived a modest lifestyle. She was set. She had financial independence from her father and no ties to the life he lived.
Until a single phone call changed her projection. She came back to Miami after years of avoiding the city and the chaos within it. Giovanni sent one of the drivers to pick her up at the airport and she felt helpless in the backseat of the Cadillac. She hated it: the feeling of being the young woman with no independence, thanks to the nature of the family business. There was a reason why she moved out: to be able to do things on her own.
The short car ride felt like hours, but soon she was at Miami General: pushing through a crowd of news reporters hoping to get information and FBI agents hoping to find dirt that will finally warrant the arrest of the biggest mob boss in the city. The FBI were always around—ever since Carlos himself was a child—but they could never find enough evidence to take the family court. Thus, they tried to get close whenever they could. It disgusted Callie. Her father was ill and all people cared about was exposing him. 
She ran to his bedside the moment she squeezed past the door and took his hand into her own.
“Calliope…” he coughed up.
“I’m here, papa.” Callie soothed, combing what was left of his hair with her fingers.
“You came home,” Carlos smiled.
“Of course I did. You take it easy, okay?”
Carlos closed his eyes and nodded his head. He was weak, and he drifted off to sleep shortly.
“Miss Torres?” a soft knock came from the door. “I’m Dr. Teddy Altman, your father’s surgeon.”
Callie turned around and stood to politely shake the woman’s hand. “Call me Callie,” she insisted. “Can you tell me what happened? ”
“Callie…” Teddy sighed, “From the looks of things, your father has had heart failure for years.”
“He’s never mentioned it...” Callie insecurely crossed her arms, “Is he going to make it?”
“He’s responding to the ‘tropes, the medications we’re giving him, but that’s all I can say for now.”
“Is he going to make it?” Callie repeated.
“It’s hard to say…” Teddy trailed off, “But I can tell you that we’re doing everything we can.”
“Is he going to be treated just like everyone else?” Callie asked. She knew the doctor wasn’t oblivious to who she was taking care of. A high-profile man like Carlos Torres drew attention wherever he went.
“We provide treatment solely based on the patient’s clinical needs...” Teddy promised, “without moral discrimination.”
She stayed by her father’s side—only going home to get cleaned up and sleep. When she wasn’t tending to him, she was making sure his casinos were running smoothly. She became a frequent customer at the cafeteria, and even the girl at the coffee cart knew how she took her coffee. She didn’t know if it was love or guilt that made her stay by her father’s side. She felt guilty that she had deserted the family, all those years ago. And if she didn’t keep her head down that day, she would have ran into the blonde-haired blue-eyed surgical resident that stood in front of her while she waited for her coffee.
“How are the casinos?” Carlos asked one day, when he had the strength.
“Don’t worry about them,” Callie insisted, “I’ve made sure Alex and George stay on track; you just work on getting better.”
“You’re getting involved with our operations?”
“Yes, it’s fine, everything is fine.”
“You know, I always thought it would be you that I’d leave the casinos to…”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t cut-out to be a boss,” Callie hung her head in shame.
“Don’t say that, mija, I’m so proud of you,” Carlos admitted.
“You are?” Callie questioned softly.
“Always,” Carlos promised. “My smart, beautiful, girl.”
Callie wiped the tears that trickled down her cheeks and held onto her father’s hand.
Later that evening, Callie was leaving her father’s room to go home when she realized the watchman that usually guarded the door was not at his post. She grabbed her phone to call Giovanni and sighed in relief when he told her that he would fire the man for leaving his post and send over another member of his security team immediately.
In the meantime, Callie waited by her father. It was highly unlikely that any harm would come, but she still had an unsettling feeling in her gut—which amplified when she heard the door open, and she turned her head in time to see a grey-haired man.
“You must be his little girl,” he chuckled.
“What do you want?” Callie asked harshly.
“Well…” he shrugged his shoulders, his hands in his pockets. “I’m here to take him out. I don’t want to hurt anyone else, but now that you’re here... I don’t have much of a choice.”
Callie stood from her seat and took a step back. She was scared—initially— then anger sparked within her. Suddenly, she wanted to get him before he could get her or her father. She quickly weighed out her options. She was unarmed, and had been for years. She knew he had a gun, she could see the outline in his pants. She glanced around the room and in a matter of seconds she had a plan.
She grabbed the flower vase from the nightstand behind her and threw it across the room. Distraction. He lifted his hands to block the glass from hitting his face, and she rammed her right shoulder into his sternum, pinning him against the wall. Attack. The impact caused a couple of his ribs to break, and the noise of the vase shattering onto the floor caused the nurses to start peering into the window. He was able to strike her cheek with the gun, causing the skin to break, but she didn’t feel the pain. Her adrenaline was pumping through her veins and she wanted nothing more than to see him dead.
“Bitch,” he spat, trying to point the gun at her head, but bone-breaking strength pinned his body against the wall. The Torres heir was stronger than he thought.
Callie groaned and struck her elbow against his windpipe. Once. Twice. Three times. The sound of his cartilage breaking from impact. At this point, he was still alive, but the injury to his neck narrowed his trachea and he struggled to take the faintest breath of air. So Callie stepped back, letting him fall to the floor, and she kicked the gun out of his hand. She glanced back, her father was still asleep. She looked forward, the nurses had called security and they were waiting outside the door. She opened it, stepped outside, and a nurse walked to her side.
“You want me to look at that, Miss Torres?” the nurse asked.
“Look at what?” Callie mindlessly asked, still in shock from the events that took place moments ago.
“Your cheek is bleeding…”
Callie took a seat on a nearby chair, exhausted. She couldn’t believe it. She won her first fight.
“What should we do with him?” one of the security guards asked, wanting to be of assistance but also not wanting to get too involved with the mob.
“Leave him. Someone will be here to clean up shortly,” Callie sighed. It was only now that the blood from her cheek trickled down her neck that she realized she was bleeding. “I’m sorry for the noise…” she told the hospital staff, and the few patients that watched the scene unfold, “But nobody saw anything, right?”
All watching eyes turned away and went about minding their own business. Except the nurse who had offered to help, she had gone to get a dressing kit and returned to tend to Callie’s injury.
When Carlos Torres came to consciousness and learned of his daughter’s doings, that Callie was managing the casinos quite well and taking care of business in his absence, he knew what to do before his inevitable death. With her father’s ring on her finger, Callie Torres took her place behind the desk in the office she was forbidden to be in at her childhood home.
“I can’t believe she’s home…”
“I can’t believe she’s ours…”
Callie and Arizona cooed at the sleeping infant in the crib.
“We should go to bed and get some sleep while we can,” Arizona suggested. “She’ll be up wanting a feeding before we know it.”
“You go to sleep before she needs you. I’ll stay up a little longer, just in case she needs anything else...” Callie volunteered.
“We’re across the hall, Calliope, she’ll be okay on her own for an hour or two,” Arizona promised. 
“I don’t mind,” Callie insisted.
“Come to bed with me, please?” Arizona pleaded.
“Arizona, I…”
“What is it, love?” Arizona asked, placing a soft hand on her wife’s arm.
“I think I’m scared…”
“She’s safe here,” Arizona promised.
“What if something bad were to happen to her, to us, to our family? I don’t want her out of my sight. I know you we’ve been safe here but you know my past-”
“I don’t think it has anything to do with your past, Calliope,” Arizona couldn’t help but smile. “That’s called being a mother. We’re going to worry about her for the next eighteen years, at least. We’ll have eighteen years to worry about her so please, can we go to bed for now?”
Callie sighed then nodded her head in agreement. Why live in fear when we can take a chance at being happy? She had chosen happiness these past few years, she took a vow to choose happiness with Arizona. Now she vowed this: if anyone laid a finger on her baby, she would hurt them before they could hurt Sofia.
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telehxhtrash · 4 years
Ysabel I am going to pass out because of how much i adore this idea. I. I'm in love. This is it. I'm an absolute SUCKER for dumb rom-com clichés and you managed to put 3 of those in the same thing and i- it's perfect. honestly i dont even have WORDS fjdngjkdngjk it's so PERFECT IT WOULD WORK SO WELL OMFG SO LIKE this is how i imagine itd go (buckle up it's gonna be the most cliché thing you've ever read - and also probably extremely badly written but pls bear with me)
• Gon is ofc the extremely popular kid, in every sports club he could ever possibly join, extremely athletic and very kind to everyone and loveable - basically everyone is in love with him.
• Killua is the rich (ok remember that he's rich pls it's important), smart kid who mostly keeps to himself and pretty much scares people away because he's always sarcastic/doesn't want to be bothered.
And of course, they've been best friends since forever. They grew up together, always do everything together, hang out everyday.... And it's because they're so different that it works. They both allow each other to shine brighter.
Prom is pretty close, and all the excitement surrounding it totally flies over Killua's head because he's never been and will NEVER go, thank you very much. The mere thought of being in the same room as thousands of horny teenagers is enough to make him want to puke.
But Gon, sweet, adorable, peppy Gon, runs full speed at Killua down the hallway the SECOND he hears about prom, like he's been doing for the past 3 years.
"Gon I swear to god if you ask me to go to prom again after i told you a thousand times that i will NEVER go i will-"
"Mh-mh Killua ! That's not it ! I had a brilliant idea on how to fund prom this year !!" that sentence and Gon's wide grin and the glint of mischief in his eyes make Killua very scared of what's coming next...
"A kissing booth !! I'm gonna set up a kissing booth !" hold on- WHAT??
Gon can't set up a kissing booth - Gon has never kissed anyone in his life, he told Killua so himself a few weeks ago, and now he wants to set up a kissing booth where, knowing his popularity, he'll probably kiss hundreds of people??? Just the thought of it makes Killua's stomach drop - Gon's first kiss wouldn't be with him. Of course it wouldn't. Just because they did everything together didn't mean Gon wanted to do those things with him. Holding hands. Going on dates. Kissing. Who was he kidding.
But Gon looks embarassed, putting his hand on his neck and looking down at the ground, but why would he be, he has no filter and-
"But Killua... I've never kissed anyone remember... W-What if I kiss the first person and I do terribly bad and then no one will come and I will be the reason why prom is cancelled and then everybody will hate me and all of this because i can't kiss and i-"
"I mean, we could practice." Killua finds himself interrupting, and Gon looks up at him, looking extremely shocked.
"...I-If you want of course ! I'm your best friend, it doesn't bother me" Killua feigns nonchalance.
But Gon's shocked expression turns into one an excited puppy would make. "REALLY KILLUA ?? You'd do that for me??" and Killua tries to keep his cool and just replies with a "yeah, yeah, no big deal".
So they decide to meet up at Gon's place the same day, after school. Killua has homework but for once, he'll let it slide. 
Killua is a nervous mess when he sits on Gon's bed, not knowing what to do with his hands and his palms are so sweaty, he feels like he's gonna pass out any second - 
"So, are you still okay with this Killua? We don't have to if you don't want to !!" "N-no it's nothing, idiot ! I'm the one that offered to help you out. Don't worry about it." 
It feels like Killua's face is gonna fall off because it feels so red.
Gon sits next to him, and Killua turns his head around to get a good look at his face and oh- his eyes are sparkling, his face is getting closer to his, and it's only when their lips are so close together that he can feel his breath on his lips that Gon whispers:
"Can I kiss you, Killua?"
And Killua crosses the distance between their lips, letting himself completely fall.
The first kiss is chaste, just a quick peck on the lips. The second is a bit more experimental, a bit longer but also a lot more teethy - but it's no secret that Gon has always been eager and impatient. Their third kiss makes Killua's heart jump to his throat, because Gon's tongue is in his mouth and it's messy and way too overwhelming, but Killua feels like he could die on the spot because this is everything he's ever wanted. To kiss Gon.
During the few weeks that preceded the Kissing Booth Event, Killua and Gon made a habit of going to Gon's house to "practice" and "make sure he doesn't get rusty" as Gon said. Not that Killua minded.
The day of the Kissing Booth event, Killua, fueled by a sudden strike of courage, decides to wake up as early as possible to be the first one in line at the kissing booth. I mean, he's the one who helped Gon get as good at kissing as he is right now, it's only fair to pluck the fruits of his labor, right ? And it's only fair compensation for the amount of homework Killua missed because he was too busy kissing Gon and thinking about Gon's lips and how soft they felt against his and how good it feels to be able to put his fingers in his hair to drag him closer -
So yeah, Killua was definitely going to be the first one there. He'll fight anyone who tries to steal his spot. But luckily, it seems no one comes here before him, but seeing Gon looking so adorable setting up his little booth makes Killua want to run away as fast as possible because he was so, so stupid - gon was just practicing with him there was no way he would ever want to kiss him for real, he'd probably say something like "I'm sorry Killua, I can't be seen kissing you in public, it's kind of embarassing you know...." and UGH why was Killua such a dumb idiot-
But Gon flashes his brightest smile at Killua and yells so enthusiastically his name that Killua forgets all thoughts and decides to just get this over with. He can do this ! 
As Killua walks towards Gon, Gon just says with a snarky smile "Killua ! Are you here to see if all our practice paid off ?" Killua can only mumble "Shut up idiot.", before sliding 100 jennies on the booth with shaking hands because he feels like he might just die this instant.
It's only when he feels Gon's finger touch his chin and slowly lift his head up that he realizes just in what situation he's in, but Gon's eyes look so bright and warm and they make him feel so calm, that when Gon presses his lips onto Killua's for a chaste kiss, Killua just lets himself melt into the kiss.
When they break apart, Killua is so dazed and at loss for words, but still manages to reach into his wallet for 100 more jennies, putting them on the booth slowly, while still staring into Gon's eyes in complete silence.
And Gon obliges, going in for another kiss, smiling against Killua's lips.
On his 5th kiss, Killua starts to realize that there is ambiant noise surrounding them now, and people are waiting in line and starting to get impatient. Oh god, he can't believe what he's about to do. 
He digs into his wallet and puts 50 000 jennies in front of Gon, and barely manages to spit out any coherent words but he still tries : "W-would that be enough to buy all the kisses you have available?"
And Gon just lets out the most open, beautiful laugh Killua has ever heard. He leans in slowly and says, voice barely above a whisper 
"If you wanted to kiss me you could've just said so, Killua. I can give you a discount." 
And the next thing Killua knows, Gon's lips are on his again, but this time it feels different - it feels more eager, like Gon is claiming him, like Gon has been waiting for this. And when they break apart, Gon grabs Killua's hand, looks at the people waiting in line, flashes his best smile and says: "Sorry guys, but we reached the goal for prom, we're all out of kisses ! I would tell you to come back later but I think we got a very persistent customer here who wants to have a monopoly on all my kisses, sorry !"
Killua just wants to melt into the ground because how can someone be so embarassing!!! He's truly trying to kill him !! But Gon's hand lets go of his to rest on his cheek, slowly dragging Killua's lips towards his once again.
And Killua can't help but think : best. purchase. ever.
omg HONESTLY if anyone who has better writing skills than me wants to have a go with this trope i beg of you go ahead i will give my life away to see this highschool kissing booth + kissing practice AU come to life, i would do ANYTHINGGGG to read a proper fic about this HAHAHAH 
thank you so much for blessing my day with this ask ily ♥♥
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ms-rampage · 3 years
WIP-in a day
Tagged by @redangrypears
Tagging: @mc-flurrie @athenalillystar @queenofhollandvalley @mrsladydiana @hoesephseed @gamer-purgatory @oorah22 @thewanderer-000 @strafethesesinners
I enjoy writing alternate universes/timelines with my OCs and other canon characters.
Working at a prison wasn’t always an easy job, maybe not for Katella Winchester because she’s very well liked throughout the prison and with its inmates. 
Because she was always very sweet, and humble with them, and they loved her for it.
She was working at the Montana State Penitentiary in the Psych Ward where she was loved throughout the prison before she was transferred to the Arizona State Prison in Buckeye. Her home state, and she was relieved to be back home, and only an hour drive away from Phoenix, her hometown. 
After a few weeks of working at the prison, she was given a list of patients since most of the Doctors were given a roster to do their rounds, and check on the inmates.
They got transfers of new inmates that day, and Kate along with her fellow colleagues got their updated roster list.
She walks in through the employee entrance being greeted by the two guards. They scan her ID card, and buzz her in. Going over their usual protocol.
She walks down the hallway to the administration office to sign in on the sign in sheet, and her boss, Warden Cromwell approaches her.
“Doctor Winchester?” he calls her.
“Yes Warden?” she responds, turning to face him.
He hands her a beige paper folder, “Your updated roster. Since we're getting more inmates in this morning”. 
She takes the folder from his hand, “Thank you” she responds. 
“I noticed your roster is a lot bigger than the other Psychologists” he says, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
Kate lets out a short laugh, “Yeah I noticed that too. Probably because the inmates really like me, and how I do my sessions”.
“Well whatever it is, keep up the good work, and maybe these people won’t go back to their old lives if they get released”.
He’s about to turn around, and leave when Kate stops him.
“Warden?!” she softly exclaims.
He turns to face her, “Yes?”.
“Would it be okay if I have next Friday off? It’s my daughter’s birthday” she says.
“If you can find someone to cover your shift then it's fine with me” he responds. 
He turns around and walks down the hallway towards his office. 
A few hours go by, and Kate is working with her next patient. A new inmate who was just transferred from Montana State Penitentiary.
She walks into the room where she condones her sessions.
A metal table that is almost 4 feet in width, to give a safe distance between her and the inmate. 
Her sessions are always monitored for her safety, but no audio is heard from the guards point of view. 
She enters the room, and takes a seat at the table, waiting for her next patient.
She checks her roster, her 10:30am-11:30am session with a new inmate. 
Flipping through the pages of her folder to check her new patient, and she feels her heart drop when she sees the name.
“What?!” she whispers, feeling like she’s gonna vomit, “No, no this can’t be happening”.
John Seed is the name. An old lover to Kate. They had broken things off a few years back when she was living in Hope County, Montana. 
Him, his brothers Joseph, Jacob and sister Faith ran a cult called The Project at Eden’s Gate. 
To make all this short and less painful, they killed and kidnapped people into joining their cult.
Kate dated John for 7-9 months when she lived in Hope County, then she moved back to Jackson, Wyoming, and when her older sister moved to Hope County, Kate moved back to Montana, where she had another encounter with John, and it wasn’t as good as it was the first time.
A few weeks before him, and his family were arrested. 
They had sex for the last time, and unknown to her at the time. John had put a hole in the condom he used, and impregnated her.
So her daughter Daenerys is the spawn of John Seed, and her 1st birthday is next week.
The last thing she wanted to see was that psychopath, but she’s a psychologist and it’s her job to see those types of people.
She reads through his file. 
Name: John Seed
Age: 34
DOB: 07/27/1986
Place of Birth: Rome, Georgia
Height: 5’10
Weight: 165
Transfer from Montana State Penitentiary.
She gets thrown off when the loud buzzer goes off, the red light, and the metal door on the opposite side of the room opens loudly.
John steps in, wearing an orange prisoner jumpsuit, his hands cuffed together with a guard behind him.
He looks over, and his eyes light up when he sees Kate. He never not once looked away from Kate’s eyes. Like they were locked together.
She can feel her heart pounding against her chest, her palms turning sweaty. Shaking her leg in nervousness. Her anxiety through the roof. The guard releases one of John’s hands from the cuffs, and locks him to the table. 
“I’ll let you take it from here Doctor” he says to Kate.
She nods her head in response, a slight smile and the guard leaves. Leaving the two former lovers together. She looks down at the file, trying to figure out what to say to him that is relatable to her job.
“I never thought I’d see you again Katella” he purrs, leaning over the table towards her.
She clears her throat, “I could say the same about you”.
He leans back in his seat, and chuckles, “Doctor huh?”.
She nods her head, “Yep, okay so, Mr. Seed I’m gonna ask you some questions, and I want you to answer them as honestly as possible. Okay?”.
“John” he says, “You can call me John. We both know who we are. I mean I took your virginity and made it mine”.
Ignoring his last comment, “Okay John, tell me how are you feeling today?. Any negative thoughts?” she asks, going through her usual route with the other inmates. 
“I’m doing great now that I’m here with you” he flirts, "Negative thoughts? Maybe about the lustful things we did in the past". 
Trying her best to stay professional, and not be rude. 
“That’s great to hear. How are you adjusting to your surroundings?” she asks.  Nervousness, and shakiness in her voice.
He cocks his eyebrows at her, and leans forward.
“Let me ask you a question. Is this what they’re paying you for? Sit around and ask questions?”. 
She takes a deep breath, and says slightly aggressively “Just answer the question”.
He raises his eyebrows, and smirks at her, “Feisty huh?. I like that”.
He places his hands on the table, “I’m adjusting greatly. I have my own cell. A comfortable bed, I get 3 meals a day, and I get to see you for an hour everyday”.
Kate gets goosebumps throughout her body, her stomach in knots and she feels like she’s gonna vomit.
She looks down at her questions in her folder, “How do you feel about being here? What could you have done to prevent yourself from ending up here?”.
John laughs softly at her questions, “Katie, darlin, my love. You should know why I’m here. You were there when they took me away from my brothers and sister. There is nothing I wouldn’t have done to keep me out of here”.
Kate sighs, scratches her eyebrow. Looking down at her folder.
“How do I feel about being here?. Hmm? Let me think” he says with his finger to his chin, scratching his beard, “I hate it here. That’s how I feel about it, but the thought of me seeing you everyday makes me love it here”.
Kate is about to ask her next question when John gives her a question of his own.
“How’s the little one?”. His eyes staring intensely at her, almost piercing through her. If looks could kill she'd be dead.
She stops what she’s doing, and looks at him in confusion.
“What?!” she asks, acting like she has no idea what he’s talking about. 
John lets out an exaggerated sigh, “If I can remember. I knocked you up before I was taken away. So how's our little boy/girl?”. 
Stammering over her words, “Oh I-I uh I lost it, at 3 in half months” she lies, her eyes wandering away from his gaze.
Kate was always a really good liar, but she was never able to lie to John for some reason. 
“Bullshit” he snarled at her, “You claimed to be a good liar, but you were never able to pull it off with me sweetheart. So let me ask again, how is our child?”.
She feels herself go pale, her hands go numb and sweaty at the same time. Scratching the back on her neck.
“That must be a lawyer thing” she chuckles, "Detecting lies".
John stares at her with those intense piercing blue eyes. Those same eyes that their daughter had inherit from him.
“Daughter” she mumbles, looking down at her hands.
‘What was that darlin?” he teases, leaning closer towards her.
“We have a daughter, her name is Daenerys, and she turns a year old next Friday” she says. 
He leans back in chair, staring at Kate, and asks “Who does she look like?”. 
A little off that, that's his first question regarding their daughter, “Like me, but she has your eyes” she responds. A slight smile appears on his face. 
“I notice you don’t have a ring on” he says, “Single mother?”.
Kate nods her head in shame, she wasn’t able to keep a relationship because of her job, and with her daughter, they were both her number 1 priorities. She was okay with being a single mom. Her best friend Morgan helped her out, watching over her when she was at work. Sometimes her mom, or her sister Paige, Sarah, Alissa or any of her friends watched over Daenerys.
On her days off she spends time with her daughter, sleeping in and catching up on her tv shows.
He sighs loudly, catching her off guard. “We would’ve been perfect parents. The best parents, our little girl would be spoiled rotten. Maybe along the way I could fuck our next child into you. I do miss feeling that tight little pussy of yours, and you begging me to fuck you into the mattress. Making you sore, and unable to walk properly”. 
Kate clears her throat, feeling a bit uncomfortable, and a bit turned on at the same time. She hates herself for it, she hates herself in general.
She hesitantly asks her next question, “How would you better yourself for those you care about?”.
John raises his eyebrows at her question, and scoffs “Really?. That’s your question?. Okay” he shrugs. Going along with her "little game".
“I would better myself by being myself. But since you asked for those I care about. I would better myself by being a less shittier person, and maybe if I were to meet our little girl. Then maybe I will better myself for her, and maybe for you." He pauses for a moment, and Kate is about to continue with her session asking more questions, and John interrupts her.
"Just to keep in mind, I think I’ll touch myself tonight, thinking about you. I wasn’t planning on it. Imagining me destroying that pretty little tight pussy of yours, making you scream and beg for me”. 
Kate sighs in annoyance, she knows this session is gonna be a long hour of John flirting with her, telling her all the things he would do to her. 
Finally an hour later, 11:30. John's session is complete for the day. 
A buzzer goes off, followed by the red light on the wall going off, and the locks on the metal door make their loud clanking sounds informing them that they’re being unlocked. 
John looks Kate in the eyes and says, “If there were a prison riot, and all inmates ransack the joint. Keep in mind I’ll be coming after you, and I won't stop until I find you, and do God knows what to you. I know how you like it rough, and hard".
He winks at her, before getting taken back to his cell by the guard. Leaving Kate in the room by herself. 
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dawnwave16 · 4 years
Gamer Girl pt 2!
part 1; part 2; part 3; part 4
AO3 link
Part 2 and 3 were meant to be one chapter and it wasn’t supposed to get this long but here we are! 
When Marinette walked into the Bakery so soon after having left for school, Sabine knew something was wrong. For one thing, Marinette tried not to miss school if she didn't have to, the last time she had gone to school only to come back home was a particularly bad day when Marinette was nine. For another, Marinette didn't even bother to greet her simply walking past her and up the stairs without a word.
“Marinette?” Sabine called tentatively after her daughter. “Maman, with all due respect I need to calm down right now before I speak to anyone.” Came the terse reply from her daughter's retreating form. “I'm going to see if I can go into full dive and join Kirito and the others for a while. When I'm calm I'll tell you what happened.” Sabine exchanged a look with Nadja, who had just walked in and shrugged. If Marinette asked for time to calm down first, it had to be something bad but both women knew there was nothing they could do until Marinette was ready to talk. * * * * * * * Marinette waited for Tikki to climb out of her bag before she tossed it onto the chaise with her backpack joining it shortly after. She had just taken her jacket off when a voice echoed in her mind. “Lady Morning, I am-” “Yeah, I know who you are Hawkmoth and the answer is no. I am in no mood to deal with you or anyone else except those who truly would understand how I'm feeling right now. If you try to akumatize anyone else since I'm saying no, then I will track you down and I will make you feel all the pain I'm feeling right now.” Marinette growled at the villain. “Just for future reference, Ladybug will be told who you are because I've recognised your voice Gabriel Agreste! So leave me alone or it won't be Ladybug you have to worry about!” Tikki watched from her vantage point as Marinette fought off the Akuma that had flown into her jacket and listened in growing horrified pride as Marinette stood up not to Hawkmoth but to the person she had once looked up to. She hadn't known about the connection between Hawkmoth and Gabriel and under normal circumstances, Marinette wouldn't have been recognised his voice either. It seemed her anger was so potent at that moment that it burned away the magic that normally hid that sort of detail. Tikki watched as the dark purple butterfly escaped from the jacket Marinette was holding and quickly swooped down and purified it. She looked at Marinette's face but seeing the tears making their way down Marinette's cheeks, she decided to simply eat the offered cookie and return to her nest to watch over her chosen. Marinette, now free to feel, let herself cry for a bit before checking with Yui to see if her group was online and quickly joining them. * * * * * * * * * * * * When Marinette had stormed out of the classroom, the class had taken a moment to process what had just happened before turning to Max and Markov for clarification about what Marinette had said. It took him a moment to find the information but when he did his face paled and he ran for the rubbish bin and threw up. “Max?” Mlle Bustier asked softly. Max was quiet as he processed what he had just read further then he turned and faced the class. “We messed up. Big time. When Marinette said that people died from the game, she wasn't lying. That 'game' was called Sword Art Online or SAO to most people. Anyway, on the day it launched 10 000 people logged on only to find they couldn't log out. To people not logged on it looked like the people who were, were simply in a coma. It wasn't until after everyone had logged on that a message was released saying that if the people that had logged on wanted to survive, they had to clear the game. If they died in-game, they died for real because the headset, or NerveGear as it was called, they used would fry their brains.” Max closed his eyes and fought the urge to vomit again, his face was still ashen when he opened his eyes and looked at the class. “If the family members of someone who had logged in tried to remove the NerveGear, it would kill the person in full dive anyway. 3,853. That's how many people died in the game or through people trying to remove the players NerveGear. Over half of that was in the first month!” Max sank to the floor as his legs gave out from shock. “I can't believe Marinette was one of the ones that survived. From the video, we can guess that she was really strong but the other players we saw must have been strong too...” His voice trailed off as he thought about what his classmate must have gone through. Several members of the class nodded in agreement with his words. Suddenly Chloe spoke up. “Wait how long were they stuck in the game?” “I don't see how that's relevant Chloe but to answer your question two years two days one hour and fifty-five minutes. The extra day comes from the fact that 2024 was a leap year.” Max said softly. Chloe closed her eyes as though she was in pain. “Fuck! How did she not lose her temper with me?! I've bullied her for how long now about being clumsy but after that long in a coma, of course, she is going to be clumsy!” The class stared at Chloe in shock and even Mlle Bustier didn't say anything. Alya had her eyes on her phone and her hand was flying over a page she had next to her as she went over all the information she could find about SAO, presumably for a new story for her blog so she missed Chloe's statement completely. “She's stronger than the rest of us that's for sure,” Adrien's voice was soft but seemed to echo around the silent room. “What do you mean Adrian?” Chloe asked for once using his name instead of one of her twisted nicknames for him. “Think about it. Not only did she survive SAO but she is one of the few people who has never been Akumatised. Even with everything Lila and this class has done to her she has avoided Hawkmoth's notice. As we are yet to get an alarm saying there is an Akuma on the loose now, I think it's safe to say that she hasn't been Akumatised today either. Any of us would have been a prime target in Marinette's state but there's nothing so far.” Adrien's voice was still soft as he explained his logic and he was surprised when he saw a number of his classmates' nod in agreement with what he was saying. He was about to say more when there was a knock on the door and a smartly dressed man walked into the room. “Pardon the intrusion so early in the morning, I am Jean-François Thévenet. I'm one of the members of the school board. We were in the principal's office for our annual meeting when we all received a rather interesting email. Due to the nature of the contents of this email, we have decided that a formal investigation has to be launched.” The man paused as he took in the various looks of surprise and disbelief on each of the class members faces. His brown eyes cataloguing everything he was seeing with an impassive expression. “The results of this investigation will be determined by the findings. Now, each of your parents have been call and as such we have obtained permission to interview you all. Some parents have requested that an adult other than ourselves be in the room and we have agreed so long as they don't interfere with the investigation. To be clear, we have a very good record of what has been happening in this class for the past six months, all we want is the clarification of why it has happened and why it wasn't brought to our attention before now. Interviews will be done in a random order, so will Rose Lavillant follow me.” He didn't give anyone a chance to react, turning on his heel and walking out of the room with Rose scrambling to catch up to him. Whispers broke out as soon as the two were out of the classes eyesight as Caline Bustier stood in shock. An investigation? Six months? What was going on? As far as she knew, that morning was the first time anything untoward had happened in her classroom. Eventually, she managed to shake her thought clear and start the much-delayed lesson on the french revolution. * * * * * * * * * * * * When Yui had sent him a message to let him know that Suiren (Waterlily aka Marinette) would be joining him online shortly, Kirito had been confused. She was in Paris which meant that if he had the time conversion correct, she should be in school at that moment. His confusion Vanished the moment he saw her. “Suiren! Are you alright? Silly question, never mind.” Without giving her a chance to reply he pulled her into his arms. “I'm here, let it out,” he murmured to which the only reaction was her burying her face into his avatars chest and bursting into tears. They stayed like that even as the rest of the group arrived thanks to Yui calling them. Kirito slowly ran his hand up and down her back in comfort even as he looked at his friends in confusion. It was at the moment that Suiren murmured something that had Yui nodding. “Sui-chan said I could show you what has her so upset and why she isn't at school. I'm just glad that I copied myself to her phone!” Without further ado, a large screen appeared hovering in mid-air that showed Suiren as he everyday self walking into her class. It showed her teachers actions and Marinette's reactions. It skipped over playing the video of that fateful battle though, for which Suiren was grateful. She didn't think any of the people present needed to see that video. Instead, it skipped to Marinette telling her teacher off and carried on from there giving those present a view of what was carrying on in her class at that moment. Suiren turned to Yui. “How are you doing that?” “I tapped into the camera's you had the school install in every classroom after that Lila girl almost got you expelled.” Yui chirped happily. Suiren was quiet for a moment. “What are you thinking, Suiren?” Kirito asked her quietly. “That I'm honestly sick of Paris. I understand that it is where my parents are but I am the only person
at my school that went through SAO and I'm beginning to feel completely alone. I was never one to enjoy being the centre of attention and I feel like if the people I thought were my friends were truly my friends, they wouldn't have been swayed by Lila.” Suiren's voice was soft as she spoke, almost as though she was trying to work through an idea as she spoke. “I think I'm going to talk to my parents about the possibility of me moving to Japan and joining the school they set up for SAO survivors in order to make sure I'm at the right level educationally. I can always attend the Tokyo branch of ESMOD and most of the people I design for live in Japan anyway. Those that don't live in Japan, travel to it now and then for work much as they do to Paris so it's not like that's an issue.” “Want me to talk to Kikuoka to see if he can pull some strings? He owes me a couple of favours anyway...” Kirito offered, and after a pause, Suiren nodded. “I think that might be best. This is the last week of the current school term so I'll stay in Paris for another month and get everything sorted out that needs to be sorted out. I'll also need to talk to my parents. Yui if you could send what you've found to my home computer that would be a great help in convincing them to let me go!” With that plan settled the group moved to an area where they could do some mat collection for both Liz and Suiren as they had been talking about upgrading their gear for them. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The investigation that was going on at Collège Françoise Dupont had been slightly brutal in Marinette's opinion, even if it had had to be that way in order to get the full truth to be revealed. M. Damocles had tried to protest against the investigation and the board had eventually had to threaten to suspend him before he had reluctantly stepped aside and let them have access to everything that they needed. The interviews with her class as well as some of the other classes had gone about as well as the board had expected though and they hadn't been impressed by their findings. They were, even more, displeased when they had finally managed to contact Lila's mother. When the board had first tried to contact Mrs Signora Rossi they had been puzzled as to why her phone kept going to voice mail. As Alya was Lila's friend they asked if she had Signora Rossi's number on the off chance. She didn't but she willing handed Lila's number over to the board and when they compared it to the number they had for Signora Rossi they found that the two numbers were the same. So the board did the next best thing since Lila had said her mother was a diplomat for the Italian Embassy, they phoned them and asked to speak to her. Once again that failed to bring the desired result as there was no Signora Rossi registered as working for the Italian Embassy as a diplomat or otherwise. It took them two days but they eventually found her working long hours as a waitress in an out of the way restaurant. She had been shocked when she had been asked about everything that Lila had said or done as well as Lila's frequent 'trips' and 'illnesses'. It was only through sheer luck that Mr Pigeon had struck at that moment instead of her being akumatised. She had been absolutely devastated to find out that while she was working two jobs to give her daughter a better life than her own, that same daughter was lying through her teeth as though she was ashamed of her. Once that had been discovered, the board had taken a closer look at all the documents that Lila had given the school. These ranged from various doctors notes to letters that had supposedly come from her mother regarding her trips abroad. Once they had been check thoroughly they had set to work on trying to get hold of Lila who had proved to be most slippery. In the end, the board had simply handed her file over to the truancy office and made sure that she would be held back a grade due to all her absences and the sheer amount of work that Lila had had her classmates do for her. In the end, Lila's mother opted to move Lila to a different school where she gave the teacher very strict instructions on what to look out for with her daughter. As for the rest of Marinette's class? Well, they had found that life wasn't as easy as they remembered it being before Marinette had finally decided she had had enough. It seemed like all the little things were missing and for the first time, they started to realise how much her smile had brightened the day for many of them.
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daffodildazaiwrites · 3 years
i'm very curious about your selfship :000 and i'm looking for something to watch, maybe,, a top 5 anime would be sweet ! hope it's not to much, i'll keep the birthday wishes to later 💗
Ohhhhh okay! Thank you for asking anon also tell me about your top 5 animes too!  
Let me tell you my top 5 anime and then about my selfship then  (≧◡≦) For the top 5 I’M going to pick normal length anime’s (like i love one piece but it’s like 900 episodes and I feel like suggesting that would be cruel but if you’re up for the challenge to it xD)
Self ship stuff under the cut!
Also keep in mind my top 5 always changes but if you want to watch something new these will be fun! 
Birthday event: Alphabet and Interactions
Top 5 Anime
1. Black Clover (Episode count 157 - ongoing)
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Okay if you want something action packed + fighting the system made up by asshole royals this is for you. 
Basically to give you a summary in this world magic is everything, everyone can use it except for Asta. Asta and his brother Yuno want to become magic knights and travel to the capital and participate in the magick knight exame, Asta gets picked for the worst squad and Yuno the best one, their adventure starts from there. 
Animation very good, story, in my humble opinion, good. So yeah go watch it before this too gets to like a 900 episodes xD   
2. Toilet Bound Hanako-kun! (Episode Count 12 one season but there probably will be more) 
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I just watched this and fell in love with it enough to start the manga because I can’t wait for season 2 to come out :’D The animation is very pretty and you just want to learn more about the characters, highly recommend! so here’s what 9anime’s summary about it: 
“The famous "Seven Wonders" that every school seems to have are a staple of Japanese urban legends. One of the most well-known of these tales is that of Hanako-san: the ghost of a young girl who haunts the school's bathrooms. Kamome Academy has its own version of Hanako-san's legend. Rumors claim that if one successfully manages to summon Hanako-san, she will grant her summoner any wish. Lured by the gossip, many people have tried to call upon her, yet every attempt has failed. However, when Nene Yashiro, a girl hoping for romantic fortune, dares to summon Hanako-san, she discovers that the rumored "girl" is actually a boy! After a series of unfortunate events involving Nene's romantic desires, she is unwillingly entangled in the world of the supernatural, becoming Hanako-kun's assistant. Soon, she finds out about Hanako-kun's lesser-known duty: maintaining the fragile balance between mortals and apparitions.“
3. Haikyuu! (There’s four seasons but I don’t know how many episodes and I’m too lazy to count sorry :’D) 
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I’m sure you’ve heard of Haikyuu, basically it’s a sports anime about volleyball. I was one of those skeptics saying that I wouldn’t enjoy sports anime but here we are. 
The animation and learning about each individual characters story really gets you hooked so if you haven’t check this out yet you totally should! 
4. Jujutsu Kaisen (Episode Count 12 - Ongoing)
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Ah yes the ever famous Jujutsu Kaisen, there’s a reason why everyone’s talking about it, it’s because it’s very very good. If you like your hero stuff with angst and interesting worldview philosophies I highly recommend! Here’s what 9anime says: 
“Idly indulging in baseless paranormal activities with the Occult Club, high schooler Yuuji Itadori spends his days at either the clubroom or the hospital, where he visits his bedridden grandfather. However, this leisurely lifestyle soon takes a turn for the strange when he unknowingly encounters a cursed item. Triggering a chain of supernatural occurrences, Yuuji finds himself suddenly thrust into the world of Curses—dreadful beings formed from human malice and negativity—after swallowing the said item, revealed to be a finger belonging to the demon Sukuna Ryoumen, the "King of Curses." Yuuji experiences first-hand the threat these Curses pose to society as he discovers his own newfound powers. Introduced to the Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu Technical High School, he begins to walk down a path from which he cannot return—the path of a Jujutsu sorcerer. “
I also, of course, have a jujutsu blog if anyone’s interested it’s @sassystarlightgojo !
5. Banana Fish (Episode count 24 - Complete) 
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I’m not gonna say much about this other then I still think about it, also this has mature themes and again I won’t say much but it’s angst but it also has its cute moments! highly recommend! Also if you do start watching do not look up ANYTHING about it!
“Ash Lynx, was a runaway picked off the streets of New York City and raised by the infamous godfather of the mafia, Dino Golzine. Now 17 years old and the boss of his own gang, Ash gets his hands on a mysterious drug called "Banana Fish"—the same two words his older brother, Griffin, has muttered since his return from the Iraq War. However, his investigation is hindered when Dino sends his men to retrieve the drug from Ash at an underground bar he uses as a hideout. At the bar, Skip, Ash's friend, introduces him to Shunichi Ibe and his assistant, Eiji Okumura, who are Japanese photographers reporting on American street gangs.”
Honorable mentions: Fire Force (beautiful animation great story watch it), Given,  Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign, Ouran Highschool host club
Now on to my Selfship! 
Okay I won’t keep this super long (I do want to post some selfship stuff but honestly I’m not sure anyone would want to read those xD) I ship myself in a poly relationship with both Dazai and Chuuya.
 In canon world I also joined the port mafia pretty much at the same time as Dazai, we already had somewhat of a relationship but Dazai, as we all know, was a bit too intense back then but when Chuuya joined I realized that I like them both and slowly out relationship starts to bloom. Chuuya is quicky to realize he might have a bit of feelings for Dazai too and even if he never told him, in order to understand himself better he rolls with it. 
But when Dazai decides he’s going to leave I try to stop him but then end up going with him, leaving Chuuya a letter before we go. 
So that’s pretty much the gist of it xD I didn’t write much of the relationship dynamics because I just thought it would be too long of a post buuuuut if anyone is interested feel free to ask!  
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need-a-fugue · 3 years
We Grow Together (32)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Tessa Sullivan (OFC)
Chapter Summary: The aftermath...
Summary: Relationships can be tough, especially when one person is a recovering-from-being-brainwashed-and-tortured former assassin and the other is an overworked mutant scientist. But hey, every couple has their struggles. Right?
Warnings: All the angst! Also... talk of drowning, hospitals, and death.
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The whole thing just kept playing over and over and over again in his head. Every detail. Every wrong call. The far-off tailing. The lack of air support. Him telling her to comply with Lobe’s driver and get into the trunk. Him telling Bucky to take the shot.
He didn’t expect that the car would go into the river. It should’ve skidded to a stop long before that, should’ve veered off into the fields that lay between the town and the bridge. But it didn’t. And he can’t get the image of it careening off the bridge and slamming into the water below out of his head.
She didn’t answer at first, but once she did, the relief was short-lived. Her voice was small and scared, unlike he’d ever heard it before. I can’t get out. Steve, I can’t… trailing off as the water began shorting out her earpiece.
But we got her out… That’s what he keeps telling himself, reminding himself. In response to all of the other terrible thoughts and images going through his mind… We got her out.
“Hey.” He looks up from his twisted hands and sees Bucky standing before him, just as soaking wet as the rest of them, just as drawn and tired looking.
“How is she?” he asks with a start, standing up so fast that he almost knocks his friend over.
Bucky places a hand on his shoulder to steady him and he nods. “She’s alright. I mean… they want to keep her overnight. And they’re worried about her lungs… how the water affected them.” He gives Steve a small, sad smile. “Natasha’s with her. She told me to go get some air. You wanna come?”
Steve just nods and pats the man on the back as they head for the doors out of the emergency room. There are a few benches along the walkway that extends out to the main parking lot. They’re along a quiet grassy corridor, surrounded by trees, and Steve can’t help but think how almost cruel it is to offer such a lovely space for people who are undoubtably in the midst of one of the worst days of their lives.
Bucky doesn’t seem to notice the flowering redbuds or the lush green grass, or even the crickets beginning to chirp as the sun sets to their left. He simply drops down onto a bench in an exhausted heap, his head falling into his hands.
Steve stares at him for a long moment before quietly taking a seat next to him. “Sam said he flew the Redwing over the island. Said he couldn’t see a damn thing.” He shrugs his shoulders. “Nat and I’ll go out once it’s dark and see what we can find, but…” He trails off, glancing over at Bucky once more. He hasn’t moved an inch. “Never found the other guy,” he mutters, referring to the passenger in the car.
“I don’t really care,” Bucky mumbles into his hands.
Steve pulls in a nervous, shaky breath. “The doctors…” he starts, then shakes his head. “She’s okay, right?”
He sits upright finally, leans back and drops his hands as he takes a deep breath and squints against the setting sun. “Yeah,” he breathes out. “Yeah, I think so. Her um… pulse ox? It’s a measure of how much oxygen she’s getting. It’s low. But they said that’s normal, considering. Somebody going without oxygen that long, they’d be most worried about brain damage. But she’s with it and talking… And puking… guess she swallowed a lot of water too.” He nods, definitively. “Yeah, I think she’s okay.”
“I broke her rib,” Steve says softly, his eyes cast down as he remembers the sickening pop, feels her chest cave under his hands.
“Two, actually.”
He looks up and sees Bucky offer him another sad, conciliatory smile. “Jesus,” he mutters, still wringing his hands. “Buck, I’m… I’m so sorry.”
“For what? Doing CPR?” He snorts. “You saved her life.”
“No,” he says with a sigh. “Clint did.”
It’s true, Clint was the one who stepped in after Natasha’s alarmed shout of Steve! She too had heard Tessa’s ribs crack beneath his hands. And Clint was there in an instant, calmly pushing him aside and taking over compressions, softly repeating, “You’ve got this. C’mon, Doc. You can do this,” until murky river water poured from her mouth in violent gasps and chokes and heaves.
“You got her out of that car,” Bucky tells him simply.
“I’m the reason she was in that car.”
There’s a slight sound of wood cracking and Steve looks down to find Bucky’s metal hand too-tightly gripping the edge of the bench. “She was there because she was too damn stubborn to say no,” he says, his lips pressed together in a firm line. He shakes his head solemnly. “We all fucked up.”
“It was my mission. I set it up. I called the shots. I was running point.” Part of him hopes that Bucky will interrupt to tell him that he’s not to blame. But the larger part knows that even if he did, it would just be one friend trying to comfort another. The truth is the truth. He’s responsible for his men (and women) when they’re in the field. It’s that simple. And Sergeant Barnes would know that truth better than anyone. “The only man I ever lost in a op was you,” he says after a long, quiet moment.
Bucky turns to look at him, but Steve doesn’t – can’t – make eye contact. “You didn’t lose me. Not forever. And we didn’t lose Tessa either.”
He leans back into the bench and stretches his hands out. His fingers are aching from mangling them for the last who knows how long… but it was all he could do to keep from feeling the metal of the car slipping under his fingertips as he fought to open the trunk, or the feel of Tessa’s chest not rising as he pulled her to the shore and began CPR. “If she didn’t make it…” He stares off into the horizon, still unable to look at Bucky. “I would never forgive myself. You’d never forgive me.”
Bucky unclenches his fist from the bench and places an open palm gently on Steve’s knee. “If she hadn’t of made it, I wouldn’t have made it either.”
The words make Steve’s heart still suddenly in his chest. Of course Bucky would feel that way. He knew how much he loved her. And he knew his friend well enough to know that he’s not the kind of guy who would just get over losing her, maybe ever. But hearing him actually voice that truth still catches him off guard. Not because it’s unexpected to hear or because it plants another unsettling what if in Steve’s mind. It’s just because he honestly hadn’t thought once about Bucky today. Not as they left the compound this morning mentally prepping for the mission. Not once things were underway and he was making the – in hindsight, questionable – calls he’d made, including ordering Bucky to take out the car that Tessa was in. Not even when he saw Bucky’s hands suddenly appear on the car underwater, gripping and bending and pulling along with his own to tear the trunk open. Not once had he thought about how hard all of this must be for him.
He was on the comms, he heard Tessa crying for help. Hell, the last thing she said, in a strangled, slurred cry before her device crackled into oblivion, was Jamie. But Steve was so caught up in his own failure and his own regret that he hadn’t even thought about his friend’s pain.
When he finally does look over at him, he sees tears filling Bucky’s eyes. He’s staring off at the sunset, so he doesn’t notice the intense look his friend is giving him. The moment the tears start to spill over, he almost violently swipes them away before turning his head to look at Steve. “Bucky…” is all Steve can muster.
But it’s enough. “Yeah,” he says in response before hauling himself up off the bench. “I should get back in there.”
The corner of Steve’s mouth quirks up a bit as he hears the water in his friend’s shoes squish. “You should change clothes,” he says as he follows him back inside. “You’ll catch pneumonia.”
“You sound like your mom.”
“Well, she wasn’t wrong. I had pneumonia twice.”
“Maybe you’re the one who should change, then.”
As soon as they approach the waiting room, Clint is on them with a report. “Sam’s got your weapon,” he tells Bucky – he, of course, had left the rifle behind as he ran headlong down the embankment to get to the river. “And Tony’s talking to the local authorities now.”
“He’s on his way back?” Steve asks.
Clint nods. “And he is pissed.”
Bucky pats the archer on the shoulder as he moves past him and ducks into Tessa’s cubicle. “Can’t say I blame him,” he says, disappearing through the glass doors.
Steve stares at Tessa through the doors, frozen to his spot. She’s curled in on herself, obviously in pain as she fights through a coughing fit. Natasha is rubbing her back soothingly, smiling lightly as she talks to her friend. When Bucky enters, Tessa straightens a bit, stifling the coughs, and reaches out for him.
“She’s gonna be okay,” Clint tells him. “They’ll keep her overnight and first thing in the morning she’ll be bitching out the staff so much, they’ll kick her to the curb.”
“There won’t be any… lasting effects?” he asks, keeping his gaze on the people in the room in front of him.
Clint shrugs. “They’re giving her a bunch of antibiotics. Actually, we all should get in on that.” Steve finally turns to him and gives him a confused look. “That river was nasty. Those of us without super soldier immunity are probably gonna be shitting our brains out for a week.”
The comment earns a small chuckle from Steve as he says, “Guess you guys should get some penicillin, then.”
Natasha and Clint both go with Steve that night to check out the island. Bucky doesn’t even think to offer to go out there with them. There’s a part of him that wants nothing more than to find that facility and burn it to the ground… find Lobe and every miserable motherfucker who works for him, and put a bullet in each of their brains. No, actually, they’re not worth the price of a bullet. He’d just tear them apart, one by one.
But as much as he’d like to live out that bitter fantasy, there’s absolutely no possible way that he could leave Tessa’s side. Not now. Not ever.
Sam showed up at the hospital just after sunset with a change of clothes for everyone. Dry tactical gear for Natasha, Clint, and Steve. Civilian clothes for Bucky and Tessa. So he must’ve guessed already that Bucky wasn’t going anywhere. Or maybe Steve had made the decision for him. He didn’t ask. He didn’t care. He just took a ten minute break while the Falcon sat with his girl, making lame jokes about underwater treasure, and went and changed and grabbed a cheap coffee from a vending machine down the hall.
Aside from his chat with Steve earlier, that’s the longest he’s away from her the entire night.
“How are you feeling?” he asks her once everyone clears out, leaving just the two of them in the quiet little hospital room.
She looks down at her hand tightly folded up in his and frowns deeply, but says nothing. Instead she curls into a tighter ball, scoots nearer the edge of the bed where he sits.
“Still cold?” he asks, dropping her hand just long enough to pull the blanket up over her shoulders. He tucks it in around her neck and slowly moves his fingers up to sweep at her hair and tuck the loose waves behind her ear.
She looks up at him, an unreadable expression on her face. In a near-whisper, she says to him, “I died.”
He keeps his eyes locked onto hers as he gives a small nod. “But you came back,” he says, taking her hand in his once more. Her brow furrows. “You’re gonna be fine,” he tells her, leaning in and laying a kiss on her forehead. She nods, but the concerned frown remains. He moves his metal hand up to cup her face, and he begins tracing soft lines along her forehead with the pad of his thumb, as though trying to smooth out her wrinkled brow. She closes her eyes and nuzzles into the cool metal, craving it but also shivering against the cold.
When he feels her shiver, his thumb stills and he makes a move to pull his hand away. But she reaches up with her free hand and takes hold of his wrist, opens her eyes and stares him down as she says, “No.”
So he continues sweeping along her brow. “What’s wrong, baby?” he asks gently, as her frown grows deeper. She shakes her head a bit as if to say nothing and turns her face to bury it into the pillow. “Are you in pain?” he asks, even though he knows that they just gave her some Demerol less than an hour ago. Again, she gives a slight shake of the head. He pulls in a deep breath. “Are you worried about… about the mission? About Lobe?”
She turns her face out just enough to be able to speak without the pillow swallowing her words. “He knows who I am.”
Bucky raises his eyebrows and says, with a fierce determination, “He’s never going to get you. I’ll never let that happen.”
She’s silent for a long moment, just staring deeply into his steadfast eyes. “Supernova…” she starts slowly. “She was… very dangerous. He can’t have her. Not ever.”
He nods firmly. “Not ever.”
She closes her eyes again and parts her lips to let out a small, pained cough. “I don’t want to die again,” she says, her face twisting as she reaches down and grips his right hand with both of hers, holding on so, so tight.
He gets up from the chair by her bed leans over her. “Scoot,” he says simply. Without opening her eyes, without letting go of his hand or uncurling her body, she shifts back several inches. He climbs in bed beside her, taking care not to jostle her or to even pull the blanket down from around her shoulders. Slowly, he slides his metal arm beneath her neck and settles in around her. She releases his hand and instead grabs onto his shirt, fisting the material in her hands as she sidles closer and buries her face into his side.
He doesn’t say anything to her as she holds onto him for dear life. He doesn’t say that he’ll never let anything like this happen to her ever again. He doesn’t say that she won’t ever die again. No matter how much he want to. Because today, she did die. Today, he twisted apart metal and pulled her lifeless body into his hands. Today, he stood, dripping wet on the shore of some murky river, staring ahead at nothing as his entire world, all that he’s known, crumbled around him – just as it had years ago when he stood beside Steve after pulling him from that murky river in DC.
He won’t lie to her. He loves her too much to do that. So instead he drapes his right arm around her, his hand splaying protectively over her lower back. And he presses her gently into him. He may not be able to keep her safe forever. But he can keep her close for now.
Eventually, he feels Tessa’s breathing steady and deepen as she gives into sleep. But Bucky doesn’t get any rest at all that night. Not even once Steve calls him to let him know that they’re all out and safe. And the moment he hears that they found next to nothing on the island – the entire facility having been abandoned and the computer systems wiped clean – he’s not sure if he’ll ever really be able to sleep again.
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chuckepisodes · 3 years
Chuck vs. The Imported Hard Salami Part 3
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You, Chuck, Sarah and Casey were all in a van at the location where Lou would be meeting up with Stavros. "Okay, Chuck, our intel says Lou should be meeting Stavros behind the club." Casey said. "You guys are being paranoid. There's no way Lou's showing up here." "Now you're mic'd." Casey said handing Chuck his watch back. "Great. Great, thanks a lot. And what will the sandwich police be doing on this stakeout?" All of a sudden Sarah saw a car pull up and you all started to duck down a bit. "Here we go. We got company." Chuck couldn't believe it when he saw Lou getting out of her car. " Believe us now?" Casey asked. "No. As a matter of fact, I don't. " And Chuck got out of the van and followed her. "Hey, Chuck, wait... " Sarah started about to get out of the car. "No, wait. No, damn it. One of us needs to go after him." " They have us on tape. They recognize either of us, we could blow the whole operation." "Well I was more in the back and they know I'm his best friend. I'm going." And you quickly got out of the car and went after Chuck. "Y/N! No!" Sarah shouted but it was too late.
When you got to the back you saw Chuck confronting Lou. You couldn't help but cringe though when Chuck opened the box and it was just meat that fell out of it. The whole fight was awkward to watch. "I'm sorry, Lou. I made a really big mistake." " Looks like I did, too." Lou said storming off. You slowly got up and went over to Chuck, pretending like you didn't witness the whole thing. " Hey, what happened?" "Y/N I blew it... Again." And you couldn't help but give him a sad smile. " Yes, you did, Chuck. You most definitely blew it." Stavros said pointing a gun at both of you and you both froze. Next thing you knew, you were both tied up and thrown into his trunk.
"Y/N are you okay?" Chuck asked you as you were both close together, locked inside the trunk as the car was driving. "Yeah. You?" "Yeah. Now...why did you follow me to the back?" "I had to make sure you would be okay! You know me!" "Not enough apparently. What has been going on with you lately?" "What do you mean?" "Ever since I got together with Lou you haven't been yourself. You've been moody and pushy and-" "Excuse me?!" "I would say you're jealous." "I am NOT jealous! Now would you just shut up while we figure out how to get out of here?" "How are we going to get of here?" "Wait! Your watch! I forgot to put on mine this morning but you have yours! Sarah and Casey can find us with the GPS!" "Yeah about that..." "Please don't say it..." "Lou was incriminating herself and I didn't want her getting into trouble." "Oh my God!" "Sorry...." "Mmm hmm."
Later both you and Chuck ended up in a giant warehouse and strapped to chairs. "Time is of the essence, so I will cut to the chase. We have a very important delivery that is about to be picked up and we need to know who else knows about it." Yari said grabbing a gigantic drill and walking over towards you both with it.  You and Chuck looked at each other terrified but Chuck knew he had to do something. Especially to protect you. " Okay, I'll talk! I'll talk!" Chuck shouted. " No, Chuck! Don't do this!" you pleaded. "We, we know all about... The imported salami and, and, and, we're cool with it, man. The real crime is that it's illegal to begin with. Honestly, there's no need for torture, Yari." " Mr. Bartowski, I'm not going to torture you." " Great. Great, we're on the same page." Chuck said relaxing a little. "I'm going to torture her." Yari said holding the drill to your head. "No, no, no, no, no, no. We're not on the same page anymore, Yari, we're not even in the same chapter. No, no, no, please don't! Don't hurt her!" Chuck was pleading now. You shut your eyes, tears starting to come down as he held the drill to your head. "You killed a whole family outside Yerevan. You stole their heirlooms, and you sold all of them on the Russian black market except for that watch." Chuck said. You opened your eyes and looked over at Chuck. He must have flashed. " How do you know that?" You looked over at another man and flashed on him. "Your name is Vladimir Snell. Last year, you were paid $40, 000 to kill a man named Leo Koloff." You said. " You told me we were paid 20." " She's lying. She'll say anything to get out of trouble. " "She knows about Yerevan. She knows everything. And you... Owe me money." And then the man got shot in the head making you and Chuck jump a little. "Well, that settles that. So... If you will kindly tell me who else knows about our shipment." Yari said. "The package is here. Berth 19. We've got five minutes till it expires, sir." a man said rushing in. " All right, let's go. We'll just have to kill them." "There's a weapon in the shipment. I think it's some kind of chemical bomb. We have to get to it before it blows." Chuck said looking at you. You looked over and saw Casey coming down and then looked behind the men and saw Sarah sneaking in. She all of a sudden knocked out one of the men, and began fighting them. Casey quickly went over and untied you and Chuck fast. After, Casey began shooting at them. "I'll hold the fort. You go get the bomb-- go!" Casey shouted. Sarah was getting ready to leave and you stopped her. "We know the bomb's at berth 19. Chuck and I got this, you stay here and help Casey, Sarah!" "What?! No you guys need to get away from here." Sarah argued. "Do you know how to diffuse a bomb? Do you have an intersect in your head? I didn't think so. Let's go Chuck!" "No wait!"  Sarah called out but you and Chuck were already gone.
You and Chuck found Berth 19 and the package. It was in a gigantic box. You looked over and found some crowbars. You grabbed two and threw one over to Chuck. "Here. Help me out." You both ran over and got the box opened rather quickly. And then you both saw the gigantic bomb and backed away slowly. " Okay... Okay, intersect. Flash. Show me how to do this." Chuck said. Nothing was happening for him. "Did you flash?" Chuck asked you. " No. Nothing." "Come on! Come on, come on, come on, baby, don't fail me now. " "Chuck what are we going to do?!" "I don't know Y/N! I don't!" You both were terrified. "Maybe I can stay and try to diffuse it. How hard can it be right?" "No, I'm not leaving you." "Chuck one of us has to live. They are going to need to have at least one of the intersects." "Y/N this is crazy. You can't do this." You both looked over and saw you had seconds left before the bomb goes off. " Go. Chuck please?" "No." " Why are you so stubborn?" "Actually, I consider this a rare moment of courage. And if it does blow up then I am not leaving you alone to die." Chuck said getting closer and closer to you. You both looked over at the bomb again and saw there was only 10 seconds left. "Y/N there is something I want to tell you. Y/N I-" You then grabbed Chuck's face and pulled him down for a kiss. Chuck kissed you back and it turned into a passionate kiss. Full of things you both never got to say to each other. As you both broke for air, you leaned your foreheads against each other and then looked over at the bomb and realized it never went off. You both then looked back at each other and you gave a shy smile. "I don't know if this should be an uncomfortable moment or not now..." "It's completely comfortable on my end..." Chuck said grabbing your hands. "Just saying." "Yeah me too..." Chuck smiled back at you and you both were leaning in for another kiss when you heard Sarah and Casey coming in. "Chuck! Y/N!" Sarah shouted. They found you both and Sarah breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh thank God! You're both okay." You smiled then looked back at Chuck. "Oh I think we're more than okay." Chuck smiled a warm, loving smile back at you. Sarah and Casey saw you both holding hands and looked at each other and smirked. They knew something happened between the both of you and all they could think was "Finally!"
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nagichi-boop · 4 years
hi!!! can i get a matchup pls??? • im 170cm, very pale, i have a few freckles on my face and i have this mole below my left eye (other ppl look good w it why does mine look like dirt??? 😖), i lean more on the thick side but unfortunately not that thick 😔🤘, my hair is always up on a ponytail!! bc its rlly hot in my country, i only let my hair down at home. oh!! and my hair is shoulder length 🍰
im really quiet at first but when you get close to me i can get rlly loud. not all the time tho, talking too much exhausts me :d i appear as a very boyish person to others so i hide the fact that i like stuff like sanrio, pokemon, star butterfly vs. the forces of evil- ok i gotta stop. i like sending my friends weird memes at 3am. the reaction they give in the morning feeds my soul 👌 🍰
im a multimedia arts student!! i love editing photos and videos so thats what i do a lot on my free time. i write and draw too! but im not confident in it yet. im considered tall in my country so a lot of professors recommend me to be a student athlete, but i h a t e sweating.. i like watching people play tho! (but i almost never cheer even if its my brother or a friend im shy ok iM SORRY) this was hella long :000 i apologize bsbsjsb and thank you in advance!!! ❤ 🍰
Hey! Thank you for your request! I'm sorry it took so long for me to get to. Hope you like it anyways!
I'd ship you with...
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Kuroo Tetsurou!
• I'm gonna assume you are in the class same as Kuroo for this, hope that's okay.
• He was walking with Yaku having another debate about their preferences for girls when he suddenly pointed at you and said "like her!", which caused you to freeze. Kuroo also froze as he realised what he did. He then ran up to you to apologise and explained that he was arguing about preferences and he was saying that you looked attractive. He then awkwardly blushed and jogged off, apologising as he went back to Yaku and the team.
• Honestly you were really shocked about the situation. Like...what just happened? This boy suddenly just came up to you, said you were attractive then left.
• You then saw him and Kenma the next day and he stopped and stared at you for a moment, before going over to you looking slightly flustered. He then said in a slightly nervous voice, "Uhm, I'm sorry about what happened yesterday, but the truth is I have kind of noticed you for a while. You look really pretty and I kind of wanted to talk to you. I noticed as well that you tend to doodle in class and when I glanced over, I thought you drawings were super cute...a-anyways, we don't have volleyball practice after school today, so did you want to go to a café with me later? My treat."
• Kenma quietly judged Kuroo because of how creepy he was being but also because he knew exactly what he was doing.
• You agreed without thinking since the whole situation caught you off guard, and he happily thanked you and walked off, saying he'd come find you after school. Then after he left, you realised what you'd done.
• You waited for him outside the school and he finally caught up with you, but Kenma was also with him. He then took the two of you to a cat café because of course he did and Kenma, who read the mood and realised he was third wheeling, left the two of you alone to talk while he went to play with the cats.
• It was a bit uncomfortable at first, but after Kuroo settled down a little, he became super easy to talk to and was really good at keeping the conversation going, which helped you to relax as well. Before you knew it, the two of you started sharing memes and cackling at them together. You could feel Kenma's judgement from across the room.
• Kuroo asked if he could have your number and you agreed. You sent him a 3am meme hoping he wouldn't get mad, and the next morning he sent you a bunch of messages about how he was wheezing and he couldn't breathe because of how funny the memes were, so you decided to add him to your target list of sending memes. Eventually, Kuroo started to participate as well, sending you memes as well as people on his team. Some found it funny, but others Yaku and Kenma got mad at Kuroo, which only motivated him to do it more. He also started to occasionally send some to your friends as well.
• You were afraid to be more open with Kuroo because you didn't want him to think badly of you because of the less "boyish" things you liked. One day, though, he caught you looking at pictures of Sanrio plushies on your phone, which made you panic. But he just smiled and said, "I like those too," which was really shocking. You assumed he was just trying to be nice, but then he pulled out his keys, which had a Kuromi keychain attached.
• (Apparently, he and Kenma found out about the Sanrio characters when they went to an arcade as kids and they bought each other keychains. Kenma bought Kuromi for Kuroo and Kuroo bought Gudetama for Kenma. Kenma's keychain was attached to the case for his Animal Crossing Switch. He told you to keep this a secret since he knew Kenma would get embarrassed, but it eventually came up in conversation at one point and Kenma showed his keychain.)
• As you and Kuroo got closer, so did you and Kenma. He was really good at noticing when something was off and he'd listen to your concerns. You also realised that you had a lot of common interests and you felt comfortable sharing your hobbies with him and Kuroo. When Kuroo saw the two of you talking comfortably about Pokémon one time, he had a really sincere smile on his face because he was amazed at how well the two of you got along and how you glew when you talked passionately about your hobbies. He fell in love with you a little more.
• You realised one day that you weren't exactly sure what your relationship with Kuroo was. You were friends of course and you'd spend a lot of time together, but you wanted more, you were just afraid to say since you didn't want to ruin what you had. Kenma noticed you seemed to be deep in thought and you told your feelings to him, to which convinced you to confess to Kuroo, saying it would make him happy.
• You nervously said to Kuroo that you'd like to date, and he just kind of froze and then said in a cracked voice "s-sure!" He then apologised for the strange response and then confessed that he'd had feelings for you for a long time, he just didn't know how to tell you. He then kissed your hand and thanked you for confessing, then he ran off to get ready for practice.
• Kuroo seemed to be a little bit more on edge with you now you were dating. When you confronted him about it, he said he wasn't sure how comfortable you were with displays of affection and the reason he was on edge was because he wasn't sure whether he was okay to hold your hand, hug you, kiss you, etc. You let him know what your terms were and he relaxed a little knowing what his boundaries were.
• You were glad Kuroo was taller than you because you loved being able to bury yourself in his chest or shoulder whenever he hugged you. And despite his tough-looking exterior, he really loves cuddling and he's super good at it and showing his affection in soft ways.
• Kuroo really loves watching you draw and edit. He either quietly watches you do it or he sits off to the side and let's you get on with it, maybe looking at you every now and then and smiling at how pretty you look. Either way, he is fine with quietly hanging around when you work and he does his best not to disturb you, but also likes to encourage you to take breaks and cuddles you when you do so you can recharge.
• The first time you let your hair down in front of Kuroo he just...stopped? You got confused because you didn't know why he reacted like that, but he had to turn his head away and cover his face because of how much he was blushing. Even if you don't think highly of yourself, to him you are the most stunning, attractive person ever, both in terms of how you look and your personality.
• Kuroo really appreciate you supporting him during matches, even if you don't go crazy cheering for him. Just knowing you're there is enough for him to feel grateful.
• The club members love you as well. Not only are you Kuroo's weakness which they sometimes like to exploit for entertainment, you also get along with everyone super well. They were so shocked when they saw Kenma talking to you so naturally. They started inviting you out whenever they'd go out as a team since you were practically a part of it now.
• Kuroo is super good at showing how much he loves you, even just through little things. You also make him super happy just by being you. Arguing with Yaku that day was the best thing to ever happen to him.
I was gonna pair you with Yaku but I felt like I was only doing that since I've already done Kuroo as a matchup before, but honestly I think Kuroo is a super good match. Hope you enjoyed this!
Sorry this is so long btw, I am in Kenma and Kuroo loving hours, so this was fun to write! To be honest, I could have written more if I wanted to, but I didn't wanna drag this out too much.
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kim-isnt-seaweed · 4 years
I discovered something
A few days ago I was talking to a friend and she said she wanted a Gucci bag really bad but it was expensive and she would have to save for it. She sent me the link but me being a dumbass didn't think to open it because i assumed she meant like 500.000 KRW tops i commented on how T has been offering to buy me a bag too but i didn't see the value in it and kept refusing because i would much prefer to spend it on something else (but didn't elaborate in what i mean cause again i am a ragging dumbass) she called me out saying that i sounded rude and i said i meant that i would prefer spending it on things for the house since it's for both of us but then she said that it wasn't it but how i kinda made her feel bad because it sounded like i was bragging like "oh my husband is offering to buy me million won baaag while you has to save" i apologized profusely in no way did i mean to make her feel that way, i never wanted to make her feel bad i just wanted to point out how she and T thought similar (they both say it's something you should have at least one of) and i just couldn't see it, i also had nooo idea the bag she wanted was a million in fact i didn't even think bags could go for more than like 700 .000 won (around 600 bucks)
Yesterday I learned something new about the topic. So yesterday we were at the same mall his best friend was also coincidentally at and turns out he got his Fiancee an almost 5 million won Dior bag and I was honestly baffled but T kept commenting on getting me a bag too he was like "not that expensive but a few bags together around a million is okay isn't it?" I ignored him and asked how if they ( friend of) don't even have a home to live in yet, nor furniture or appliances so T explained that its common here for men to buy their Fiancee's expensive bags and gifts before the wedding, it's almost expected of them so I asked why instead not use it for a trip for both of them or a good luxury bed and he was like "she's expecting that too" and I was just really confused especially when T bringing up the topic of getting me one when we still haven't even been able to start my orthodontic treatment but then after a few more explanations it kinda clicked. I put two and two together plus a few comments my MIL makes about them being good husbands and not cheap like my FIL and how my SIL rarely uses the brand bags she has. So I told my friend and I told her about it and how I felt that this is something men here are expected to do here.
I admitted that I hadn't thought that what I had said the day before could've sounded how it did to her because to me T's insistence was a little be offensive to me as I felt like he was just embarrassed by what I had or didn't have since I only have two bags and the bag I use for going out I got for 10 bucks while his friends GF's have brand bags and such but now I think its because T felt like he needed to buy me one since it seems like something they have to do for their wives/ Fiancee's to prove that they're good husbands and can provide, and T felt like he was failing that because we have been married for three years now and I am still to "receive one" and he was probably feeling pressured by his mom as well, I love her and I know she raised him to be a good husband but like....how can a bag determine that? How are they ignoring all the other none material things T does that make him a great husband? Like pushing me to do better, supporting me and encouraging me to go to school instead And even the material ones like always being willing to send money to help my family or buying all the air tickets for my family to come (but they couldn't cause corona) how is a bag more telling than these things??
I come from a family where my grandfather is the ultimate example of a good husband that provides, he was dirt poor sleeping on the floor of his little cafeteria shop before marrying my grandmother and building a house for them with his bare hands, then he worked his ass off after immigrating to u.s despite poor conditions and treatment at a metal factory plus part-time cleaning offices all to provide for his newborn granddaughter, 15 y/o daughter, 8 y/o daughter and his son he had to leave in Colombia. That's what I want, I want a husband that will work hard for us to live well that will fix things that break around the house and will listen to me talk about, IDK, atla or this cool new fact I learned about sharks, not one that can buy my a 5mil bag I'll probably be too burdened to use. My friend also realized she had done something wrong (not to me to her husband) and we got a new perspective of how some things are.
To clarify I am not judging T's friends gf for expecting these things, she was taught to. Also, I can't say for sure if this is a whole ass Korean culture aspect or just T's circle. I do know that it's a tradition for the husbands family to get the future wife expensive jewelry and how in some dramas you see the groom's friends giving the bride gifts sent to her by the husband and how the wife's family has to give each of her father-in-law's siblings a million won only for them to give 500.000 won back on the wedding day (in our case my father in law paid for it because my parents really can't afford over 5mil especially converted to Colombian peso ) so yeah..
I just learned something new about .. courtship???? Culture here
Also that 11 million won bags exist and that a strap alone can cost 1 mil, rich people..
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