#The series 6 or 7 we didn't get BUT COULD HAVE
Okay in my imagined version of whichever series I'm replacing (6 or 7), Jimmy's lost his love for the job and puts in for a sabbatical (Basically a year off on half pay). Duncan, who does not get arrested for assisted suicide because Jimmy doesn't let him get emotionally abused into that position like that, runs his bistro and everything is fine.
Cassie comes home for the summer after a placement falls through and is driven around the bend by Jimmy trying to cook. We're talking burnt custard, seperated cream, accidentally pouring stock down the sink and saving the bones instead of binning the bones and saving the stock, mixing up tartar source and cream of tartar (it happens, okay! We've all been there) and then Cassie being like "Duncan, you need to teach him".
And that's how we get them cooking together and Duncan getting exasperated for how much Jimmy argues despite Not being the expert but Jimmy learning how to make things over time.
And Cassie getting loads of photographs of what her fathers are making together, to the point where she sets up an instagram account for them that works as excellent promotion for the bistro even though Duncan is not the chef at the BIstro.
And if they happen to accidentally make a whole romantic meal together and kiss each other goodnight then so be it.
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reiderwriter · 19 days
♤ I Can't Help Myself ♤
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“Look, Spencer. I probably have nothing against you personally. But I've just been conned into another three months of probationary minimum wage because your boss at the Bureau decided he wanted rid of you for a month or two. Some of us didn't get child genius scholarships for multiple PhDs and aren't receiving two paychecks right now.” “If money is an issue, Y/N, you know I could-” “No. No, stop butting into my personal problems. We can be civil, but we're not… we're not friends, Spencer.” You stepped back and let out another sigh as you forced the words to stand between you. “Okay. I'll stay out of your way.” “Great. Looking forward to it.” “Sure. Me too.”
Synopsis: Just when you think everything is going right for you, Spencer Reid walks into your life and ruins everything. Stealing your job and half of your office, you can manage, but you won't let him steal your heart as well.
Warnings (possible spoilers): Enemies to lovers, academic rivals to lovers, slight age gap, Professor Reader x Professor Spencer, eventual smut, unplanned pregnancy.
A/N: Welcome to my new series! This one specifically is dedicated to the one anon in my inbox that has been asking only for enemies to lovers for like 8 months now, but also to anyone who is a great enemies-with-benefits-to-lovers fan!
Masterlist || 5k Celebration Challenge
Chapter One - Puppet on a String
Chapter Two - Four In The Velvet Morning
Chapter Three - Satisfaction Feels Like a Distant Memory
Chapter Four - 3/6/24
Chapter Five - 10/6/24
Chapter Six - 17/6/24
Chapter Seven - 24/6/24
Chapter Eight - 1/7/24
Chapter Nine - 8/7/24
Chapter Ten - 15/7/24
Epilogue One - 22/7/24
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E̴N̴T̴W̴I̴N̴E̴D̴ - Series - Part 7
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x f/reader
Warnings: Smutty Smut Smut - kinda like paint me like one of your French girls narrative lol
Notes: Gotta rewatch part 1 of S3 bc I can't with the wait. THANK YOU for reading <3
WC: 4.6K
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"Ben!" you squirmed, your legs couldn't close and your muscles tensed hard as his hands completely pulled your legs to the side. You were going to die and you were fine with it "-Be-Ben" you exhaled, your skin felt like burning, you wanted to close your legs and the embarrassment of being this vulnerable to him was making you hot.
"What's wrong?" His voice was sweet and you could hear his smile even though he was between your legs, your eyes were closed but you could tell he was enjoying the situation a lot.
"Sstop" you gulped "I-too much" you managed to say
Benedict however looked up with his mouth and chin glistening with you, his eyes sparked with joy and a devilish smirk was on his lips as he licked his lips and hummed in contentment. He then leaned forward and licked your folds, a strangled cry left your mouth. You were going to kill him.
"Stop teasing"
"You asked for it love" Benedict's chest emitted a deep groan as he kept licking you, his tongue lapping slower than before "I just need to stay here, can I?"
Your hand silently went to his soft hair, you tried to push his head away from your core but it only encouraged him to go faster and harder, you didn't know what was more embarrassing; the fact that you were moaning loudly or the fact that you didn't have any strength in you to stop him.
"I'm gonna" your breath hitched and the knot in your stomach was tighter than before. You were close, the warmth of your core was spreading around your body and the pressure was getting heavier and for the third time you orgasmed, the third one hit you like a shock that now your legs once pulled apart went straight and quivered hard, your vision went black and grey and all the colours again until you stopped and grabbed the linen to feel something more
Benedict however saw the whole thing from the front -very front- view and couldn't stop admiring you. When you lift your head like a cute little thing, he smiled "I mean..."
"Three times!" you snorted and passed the back of your hand to your hot forehead "Three times"
"I can try to make it four"
Your eyes became heavy so you shook your head and sat upright on his bed "I admire your commitment, but I cannot. But let me return-"
"The favour" he took your words "Another day, my love. It is alright"
"Hmmm" you swing your legs out of the bed "You'll have to let me do it at some point" you leaned to take your dressing shoes to put them on "Is it because I don't know how to give a man pleasure?"
Benedict frowned and dried his chin with his sleeve "Are you serious asking me this?"
He snorted and jumped out of the bed only to kneel next to you and grab your shoes "No, of course not but I love making you feel pleasure"
"selflessness clears the day for others but might cloud yours if you do not know how to balance things"
Benedict grinned, his hand strapping your shoe "Did you just say an impeccable quote to tell me I should let you pleasure me?" he raised his brows.
He laughed and you joined him. You really needed to see him under you and witness his pleasure but the mood was too good for you to keep insisting.
"Come on, I'll walk you home"
"We were supposed to be walking near Battersea"
he pointed to his head "We went in here"
By the time you two came outside of his house, your Lady joined you, already knowing where to wait for you -for the past three days-, you greeted her and walked with your arm around Benedict's. Before turning right to your house you encountered...
"Oh what on earth?"
Benedict scrunched his nose at your comment and decided to cross the street with you "Sister!"
Eloise saw you two and straightened herself, your eyes travelled to Cressida Cowper and her affectionate hold on Eloise's arm.
"Brother! Mother told me you went to Battersea with Miss Future Bridgerton"
"Mother told me you went to..." he looked at you "where did she say?"
"The museum" you added
"That's right" he nodded and saw Cressida "Miss Cowper"
"Mr. Bridgerton... Miss Ashbourne" she greeted
"What are you doing here?" you asked
"Me and Miss Cowper were discussing the new paintings but the day was too good to stay inside the museum. Done with Battersea you love doves?"
"Oh yes" you gulped "Beautiful park, refreshing for the good weather"
"Indeed" Benedict agreed "Waterfalls, I mean, humid... water"
You looked at him and then at Cressida's hold on his sister. If Eloise liked her, the only thing that made you worry was her friendship with Penelope and how she treated her but either way you heard how Eloise said farewell to you two and the dupla walked away.
"Weird things happen when you are out of the world for a moment" he murmured "No matter, let us go, I need to talk to my mother about the wedding"
"What about it?"
"To hold it tomorrow"
"Are you mad?"
"No, sane"
"Yes" he looked at you and gave a soft nod "Do you want to do it today?"
"No, of course not! It is just very fast. I would've preferred to give it a week of planning"
"Let the planning for our Mamas. I need to marry you fast"
"Whatever for?"
"Many reasons," he said casually walking with you "One, I cannot stop thinking about you and I cannot work properly"
"I thought you said I was your inspiration"
He shrugged "And I tried to take it today by the bed and still you have it all over you"
You blushed and looked away "Uhu. The second reason?"
"The pain you cause me when you are away"
"I believe this one ties with the first one"
"I never said they were independent of one another" he ticked his tongue "And third, is it a sin I just need to pass time with you by my side?"
"We do it perfectly being engaged"
"Imagine what we could do being married!" he quickly sniffed and looked down, your house was meters away now and the idea of tonight made him blurt it out boldly "let me paint you"
You frowned, his voice changed and so did his tone "Paint me?"
The thought of his eyes gazing upon your body made the hair on the back of your neck stand and a small heat in your face rise "What kind of painting?"
"You holding a fruit bowl"
"while naked"
"And a peach exploding its pulp against your chest"
You almost tackled the poor man "Shush!!!" You laughed "Benedict Bridgerton are you thirsty?"
His blue eyes darkened as he stared down at you "Parched if you ask me"
It hit you that he lied earlier and the three days you have been "walking together". You have offered to pleasure him. How? You don't know, he said it was not rubbing but stroking for a man... Either way, you asked and offered and he said he was alright but his continuous lust and imagery of you with a broken peach by your chest or wine splattered on your thighs -a scene he had yesterday while in the middle of reading- made you understand this poor man, your poor man needs it more than he knows.
"I must see you tonight then"
"Painting me?"
"You are pulling my pants"
"No, but you will might tonight with your easel, canvas, what not"
Benedict was about to let his spit fall from his mouth at how confident you looked. A sinful painting. You are agreeing to do it.
You took a breathe and ventured further "Perhaps you can take that inspiration from me"
"I..." he was indeed nervous. He couldn't help but wonder why his chest felt heavy "I should then get my things ready?"
"Is that a question or an answer?" you giggle walking away to your house "Mr Bridgerton"
"Miss Ashbourne"
You don't know why all so suddenly you can't stop being a lustful girl, part of you tries to say that perhaps Benedict is influencing you but deep down the real reason is that you feel comfortable with him and that you have a lot to explore with him, and this was the best opportunity for that; hell, all nights have become all the best opportunities for you and you were clearly stubborn enough to know tonight whatever you have to stroke and pleasure you will do so oh so fervently and slowly that Benedict Bridgerton will quiver like you did this morning.
Your mother ordered and the day went away with her several requests, a bridal fitting with Madame Delacroix and a luxury bath prepared for you. The rose water left your skin soft and the lavender soap had your hair smelling like a field in the spring.
When you left your house with the leftovers of twilight, you grasped your long gown by its middle and walked away to Benedict's bachelor's dwelling. He had given you a key for it the last time he brought you there to spend the night.
You arrived and locked the door, the house smelled like vinegar, too hard for your nose that you covered your middle face with your sleeve and stepped into the art studio where he was... cleaning.
"Now Eloise walks with Cressida and you clean"
Benedict turned to see and he shrugged "Something's in the air. You decided to be painted by me... clearly decisions are being altered"
"Must be the full moon"
"Do not start with that"
"Should I s-"
"No, no. Come here first" he opened his arms and embraced you tight. You hugged him back and he sighed "I missed you"
"We met this morning"
"Still" he rubbed your back "You smell so good."
"Thank you... you smell like a vinaigrette"
"So like all artists, I believe" he turned you around and you saw the white canvas "Do you think this is a good size?"
"It is wider and not tall" he explained
"I don't know, is that good for painting me?"
"I think?"
"Well... that's a good start"
"You're laughing!"
"Am not"
"You are! Look at me" he pushed himself from you and took off his jacket and waistcoat "You need to share my vision"
"I am having a vision" you grinned seeing his hands taking the clothes away
"Stop. Look" he pointed at the canvas "You sitting on the couch, legs up and laid by the side"
"How still should I be?"
"As still as possible" he started to tie his sleeves up
"But my arms will hurt"
"They will but..." he stopped and walked to his easel, grabbed a pencil and drew a line from his chin to his neck, his eyes then landed on you and the same line was traced down your chin and neck to the tip of your breast and nipple "It worths it"
"What is this?"
"My focus"
"On you" he grinned
You looked down and back at the canvas "Well then... May I have some brandy?"
"I went ahead and put a glass for you by the couch, there"
"Thank you"
"Let us get to it then"
Benedict got behind the easel and grabbed his brushes, the palette and his chalk. You walked to the couch sat on the right end and slowly undid the buttons of your gown until the whole front fell from your shoulders and landed by your waist.
"All of it?" you asked and he hummed behind his easel "Alright" you pushed yourself to your feet and the gown left your body, you folded it and put it away before sitting again and doing the same with your undergarments
"I thought I said no more pantalettes"
You looked to see him focused on his sketching "Did you?"
"They always get in the way"
"You wear undergarments"
"To hold things in their place, dear"
"Not fair" You folded your pantalettes and left them on top of your gown "So my face here?"
His head peaked from the easel and he shook his head plucking his lips “Right here for a moment”
You tiptoed and pecked his soft rosy lips and giggled as you danced away to the couch. The freedom felt good on you. You landed on the extreme and laid your legs. One crossing on top as this one was hiding most of your private parts.
“Now, move your arm here... like this, yes, yes. Like that, good. Perfect. Stay still. You can have some brandy now, I need the light from the candles to hit you differently for a bit"
You nodded and drank most of it, the burning left your tongue to travel down your stomach. Benedict already away from you left one candle by the table next to your feet and he ventured to his easel. The silence filled the room and he kept staring, his hand moving fast, his eyes looking at you and then the canvas.
You could see him, the tip of his tongue sticking out and how his brows frown. His eyes are dark blue now. The candles are casting shadows around his body and the only light hitting him was the one of the full moon that peeked through the window.
The silence was not uncomfortable but rather reassuring. Most of the time you two have always something to say, something to mock, judge, debate or talk about. However, now that you were in a moment of quietude you realized how much of a couple you two were, or are.
You could see it, the marriage, the future children, the old age, the death. The silence was that loud to your mind.
“What are you thinking, gorgeous?”
You smiled and saw his soft smirk “The silence”
“What about it”
“For the first time, we are in silence”
“Hmmm. We are, indeed… I do miss your occasional banter”
“My ban-“
“More than occasional if I must s-“
“You always trigger it”
“See?” He chuckled and looked at his canvas, his chalk made a noise as he quickly traced something “your banter”
“You always made me speak more than I should”
“I knew you had it in you” he wiggled his brows “I do remember when your governess complained to Eloise’s governess about your attitude”
“She did not like me”
“No, she did not” he bit his lip and looked at you “Don’t move your leg”
“Oh sorry”
“That’s alright… after that, however, I made sure to make you talk more. Especially when your governess paid us some visits” he snorted “No one was shushing you up while I was there”
“Oh, my knight in shining armour” you giggle but feel your leg move so you try to stay still as a statue.
He laughed at your confused face and he put the chalk and brushes aside. His hands rested on his hips and his shirt was still tied up, you could see his forearms and the hair on them was more pronounced.
His body was a piece of art, not because he was tall and had wide shoulders, but because his body had so many details that caught the eye. Your eyes. Everyone's.
Benedict however walked away and left you in the middle of your… vision. And after less than a minute, he came back with something in his hand.
“What is that?” You asked
“A prop. That is how we call it” he showed you the peach in his big hand and he crouched next to you, his eyes as professional as he tried to be, stared at your soft navel and long legs “Now let us add a touch here and there”
“You might need a k-“
Cut in your words as he bit the peach and swallowed a piece. The bitten part then juiced all over his palm and he made sure to start dropping the pulp on your chest, stomach, and legs.
He smiled and ate another piece before placing it on top of your breast and watching it slide down the sides of your chest "It looks even better than I expected"
“It is cold”
“You are hot, give it time” he offered you the peach “Here”
You obeyed and bit the plump fruit, the mix with the remnant of brandy made you sigh and felt just a tiny drop by the corner of your mouth.
“Good girl”
And you did not sigh at that but rather squirmed in your place at the praise. It made his eyes travel down and you could not look away.
You know you have said it over and over but this felt different than other times. Intimacy has shown you a fan of scenes and this one was so tender and artsy. You were naked and the man you love was about to paint your body, the same body he has made twitch with his finger and lips.
“Let us return” he gulped as if he had the same thoughts as you. With a grunt, he stood up and walked to his easel.
This time, the silence was not welcomed and you could tell. There were moments when Benedict would stop, sigh, or hum and then continue. And when he did so, it was so soft and low that it felt like a caress.
"Is my pose bad?” you said after a while
“Not at all”
"Why are you sighing and grunting then?"
"I... well..." he looked down and back at you "It's nothing"
"Does it not please you?"
"What does not?"
"Me, like this?"
"It is quite the opposite," he said and looked down at his pants, he was trying his best to control his erection and failing "I... this is not about me"
"You have said so”
“Let me paint you”
"You can show me"
"Hmm" he bit his lower lip and saw you’re still stiff pose “show you what?”
“You know, Ben"
Oh, he did know.
He sighed and stumbled back against the stool behind him. He sat down and gripped his hair only to see you still there. Stiff.
“So obedient” he murmured
You shrugged softly “I will only move if you want me to. If you ask me to”
“I can ask you to sit straight”
And you did, your legs swung out of the couch and touched the carpet.
“I can ask you to stand up” he said and his cock twitched seeing how your legs moved your frame closer, the peach juice leaving a trail from your breasts to your sex.
“Like this?"
"Completely. Closer" he ordered
You walked in all your bareness next to the easel, your eyes tried to take a quick look at what he had done but you heard his subtle tongue click.
"No peeking. Come here"
You saw him opening his legs and you walked to the middle, finally, the height was not a problem with him sitting up your eyes were in the same line and he took a second to look at your eyes.
"Closer, sweetheart"
You stepped and stood between his knees. You looked down and saw his cock twitch underneath his pants. True, he needed undergarments to keep things in place, although now you doubt the efficacy of it.
"Do you really want me to show you?"
"You are the artist after all" you whispered
"Hmmm, wait" his hands slid from his lap and up to his torso, his fingers opened the buttons of his shirt and he was bare-chested for you. His muscles flexed under the touch of his fingers and his fine chest hair moved as his skin did.
Your hands were aching to touch him, but you knew better than to move, so you waited and watched as he undressed in front of you, his boots, pants and undergarments gone in the blink of an eye, discarded by your feet and you were able to see his skin against the amber light of the room.
His legs were so strong, his thighs so thick and those arms. You suddenly needed to be squeezed by them, close. Skin to skin but then his groin. Your eyes saw it throbbing, with a mind of its own yout thought.
"Don't be afraid"
"I'm not" you quickly said and heard him laugh
"Look" he expanded his right hand "I'm going to wrap my cock and start stroking" and he did, his male hand did not do justice to his member as the pink tip was left exposed and the skin started to be pulled up and down "Here, look. Looka t me"
Your eyes flew to his, his nostrils were flaring, his forehead was a bit sweaty and his pupils were so dilated they almost looked black. You knew you must be looking the same.
"Now be careful, kneel," he asked of you
You did so still by the middle of his open posture. He was still pumping his cock.
"Give your hand" he took it and you gasped, but mostly oh-so silently that it seemed you didn't have a tongue anymore, no sound was coming from you as you felt his shaft, the thickness, the pulsating veins under the skin and the warmth of him "F-fuck" he sighed "You look so pretty on your knees, Y/N"
You blushed and nodded. His hand then wrapped around yours "Grip me, tightly. Yes, like this, perfect, fuck."
Benedict was not completely innocent in this. He had wanted this moment for so long that his body was more than ready for whatever he planned on doing, more than ready if he must confess. But the sight of you will forever be better than the fantasies he has had before. Your breasts, sticky with the juice of the fruit, your skin flared and hot. Your lips -unintentionally he thinks- slightly parted with the tip of your tongue showing in concentration as he, god damn it, is being touched by your pure hand.
"Now" his left hand took your wrist and hand away "I can finish for myself here a-"
You grunted loudly that he stopped and blinked at you "Stop being a gentleman or whatever you are trying to do, Benedict"
His name sounded so dirty. He could not help it. He knows it is covered in frustration but the way you reacted he needed to shush you somehow.
"Kiss it then" he arched a brow "Let me see what you have in that pretty mouth of yours"
You gulped and nodded. You knew this was a side of him you have not seen. The side that wants you to have all of him, even his cum. You leaned in and gave the tip a peck, his pre-cum already on your lips and you tasted him, sour.
"That is it, keep going" his left hand cupped the back of your head and pushed you against his groin, and your mouth opened in reaction "Oh Lord" he muttered feeling the inside of your cheeks grazing his cock "Open wider, no teeth"
You tried to nod, utter fail. Your mouth was stuffed and his right hand was still pushing you forward, not that you had the strength to go back.
"Fuck, my love" his head leaned back to admire the scene
You controlled the breathing, your nose hit his pubic hair over and over and you wanted to ask him if getting him all inside of you was good.
"It is perfect" he answered without knowing, the grip of your hands on his thighs, your mouth salivating around him, and his balls were heavy and ready.
He was not going to last much longer. He has been thinking of this since the moment he opened your body to pleasure itself.
You, on the other hand, felt good and confident of your newly-acquired skill and went back to the tip only to go down to his pubic zone. Perhaps too much because you started doing it fast, faster and faster and his taste became too cravebable for you.
"Y/N, Y/N" your head was stopped you stood there with your mouth full mid your pace "Slowly, I don't want to spill it on you"
"AAAdantmaind!" your gorgled
You gulped as you pulled away, your eyes caught the moment his member was shining with your spit "I said I don't mind"
He groaned, his finger tapped twice on his thigh and he nodded "Come back here now"
"Yes, Ben" and your lips were once again sucking him, taking him, and your hands were touching every single place that was not in your mouth. Benedict's body was on the edge, you felt it.
"oOoooh" he sighed above you "Take more"
You did, you took him all in. The tip of his cock hit the back of your throat and your lips kissed the base of his groin. He was so big, so hot and the sounds he was making were too delicious. The sounds you were making were so dirty so borderline vulgar.
"I'm coming, fuck, I'm-!"
You felt the hard twitch and tension around his thighs and were unbalanced with his hand pushing you away from his member way too fast. You caught yourself with one arm behind as you saw his hand covering his forehead as if he was thinking but if he is having an orgasm -you thought- he is not thinking at all.
Your tongue however explored the bitter taste in your mouth. The spit was thick and so you swallowed it, some drops along your chin you sensed.
Benedict opened his eyes, his stomach was moving fast and the sweat was dripping down his face, neck, and chest. He took his cock and looked down to see how much of a mess he has done.
You so ignorantly frown at his confusion and stare at where he is staring "what?"
"I swear I... cum" he leaned, two fingers touching the carpet and then he inspected his inner thighs. His head snapped and looked at you "Did you...?"
"You didn't swallow, did you?"
"Well... yeah?"
His mouth went agape, he gulped and without detaching his eyes from you he took the discarded shirt from the floor and wiped your mouth "You didn't have to, love"
"it was not bad at all, too warm... Like warm milk only bitter"
He emitted a laughing snort and stood up, his cock softening as your eyes admired his beauty "Come here" he helped you get on your feet and when you regained your balance his fingers took your chin inspecting more "all good. Thank you for that"
"was it good?"
"Good is a euphemism" he smiled and leaned in for a kiss
The taste was stronger than ever, he had not been able to notice before. His hands slid down and cupped your butt, squeezing it and making you squirm.
"What are we doing next?" you asked against his lips
"I was going to ask the same question, are you up for more?"
"More what?" you snorted
He shrugged "Art?"
"And that means?"
He pointed at the couch "Painting you of course"
"Well forgive me, you looking like this is just a simile to what art is"
Benedict threw his shirt at you making you giggle "go back and let me paint you"
You grinned "Not before getting another peach"
"why? it dried already?"
"oh no it's quite wet"
You only had to smile at him.
"Oh, my darling girl"
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atinystraynstay · 3 months
Pretty Boy Rock - Yoon Jeonghan
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Synopsis: Every girl in your office swooned over Yoon Jeonghan besides you. Yet, Jeonghan always liked a challenge.
Pairing: Colleague!Yoon Jeonghan x fem. reader
Genre: "I won't fall for you because everyone else does" girl meets the "I get whoever I want" boy
Inspired by @aaniag - thanks for tagging me in this post ♡ this is only the second one so we still have a long way to go!
First Encounters Mini Series: #1: #2: #3: #4: Wonwoo #5: Jeonghan #6: #7: #8: Dino
Word Count: 2k
Friday afternoon, 12:25pm
"Did you see what Jeonghan is wearing today?" "Girl, how could I not notice? My attention was all over his slacks." "The front or the back?"
Oh god. Give me a fucking break.
If there was one thing you hated, it was gossip around the office. Especially when it came in the form of girls basically drooling over one of your colleagues, Yoon Jeonghan. And of all places, they decided to take their little thirst fest into the break room.
"You know, there is something that I noticed," you said, popping into the conversation.
Immediately, heads snapped towards your direction. You were a bit taken back by the abrupt movement, fearing that their own heads would fall off. Either because they didn't realize you were in the room or they were interested in what you out of all people had to say. You were one of the few survivors of the trance Jeonghan seemed to place over your female colleagues. And if you had something to say regarding the matter, they surely were interested.
You couldn't help but smile slightly as you set down your silverware. The element of surprise had to be on your side here. You just had come in to enjoy your salad, but why not enjoy a show?
All the women leaned in, anticipating for what you might have to say. Your eyes glanced from side to side, as if you were scooping the scene to make sure there were no unwanted listeners. Getting the hint, the women leaned further in to hear the secret you were about to spill.
Time to go in the for the kill. In the loudest voice you could possible muster, you said the following:
"The way you talk about Jeonghan is quite disgusting. You hate when the men in the office talk about your skirts or how tight your blouses, but here you are drooling over Jeonghan in just a pair of pants? Pathetic. Close your mouths, ladies, or you might flood the office."
The small group gasped at you, eyes glaring at you but also glancing around to make sure nobody had looked in their direction. Their faces red in embarrassment as you smirked triumphantly.
Being the polite person you are, you bowed your head gently to pardon yourself. Gathering all the trash from your lunch, you threw it away and was about to make your exit.
"You're just upset that you're not Jeonghan's type," one of the woman muttered.
You couldn't help but laugh at their claim. You turned towards the group who seemed to be mustering all the courage they could to stand up to you. At the same time, you raised an eyebrow and had your hands on your hips. Do they really think their words will hurt you?
"Oh no! What will I ever do?" You said dramatically. "At least I don't live in some delusion where me and my friends are all after the same guy? I mean, he can only pick one of you. Or worse, he picks none of you."
Their eyes widened and mouths dropped at your words. Don't mess with the bull or you might get the horns. They seemed to be trying to come up with another comeback, but all you could do was walk away. Not worth wasting your breath on them.
You began to make your way back to your cubicle. You still had a few reports you needed to get done with before you could close out for the weekend. It wasn't that you hated your job. If anything, you kind of liked the routine it put you in. You even were beginning to be handed more responsibilities like leading presentations and joining brainstorming sessions for different marketing campaigns.
You definitely didn't have the time to be oogling over the looks of Yoon Jeonghan.
As you settled back at your dress, you let out a sigh. As invested as you were in the work you were doing, you couldn't help but feel as if time was dragging now that it was towards the later part of the day. Just 3 more hours.
"Well look who it is," a voice called out.
The hairs on the back of your neck rose a bit. You recognized that voice anywhere. Your attention was locked on the computer monitor in front of you, thinking that if you ignore the interruption it would just go away naturally. That was until you felt like something was looming over.
With a narrow gaze, you looked up to see the devil himself - Yoon Jeonghan. His arms rested against the top of your cubicle wall. You realy thought you had been silent enough to get back to work without alerting the beast. But by judging by the smirk curled on his lips, you knew he had been waiting for you. The black tie was loose around his neck with the sleeves of his white button up were rolled up to his forearms.
"Missed you, darling." "What can I do to help you, Mr. Yoon?" You did your best to keep a montone voice.
You didn't want to give any sort of impression you could be into what is happening.
"Mr. Yoon? What is with the formalies, y/n?" He gasped. "Well, I'm here to do my job and not entertain whatever this is," you explained.
"Is it actually that harmful for a man to be friendly?" "But what's the catch?" "Go out with me."
Your eyes widened and you nearly laughed. He frowned at your reaction but still stood his ground. There was no need to give any indicator that his ego had deflated a bit. He was not used to someone being so upfront with their rejection, normally accustomed to a shy "I don't know." But you were different. There was a reason he did this little waltz with you.
You and Jeonghan have been working together since you joined the company last year. He was technically someone in your department that could have been a mentor, but you were quickly swayed away by his flirtatious manner. Seeing that you were not dropping on your knees, begging for his attention, Jeonghan saw the challenge and knew he could beat it. There was a way to get into your heart, no matter how icy and impenetrable you wanted to come across.
He would crack the code, one way or another.
"I don't think it's a joke, doll. We're two attractive people. Come on. One meal couldn't hurt you." "Jeonghan, being in the same room as you is sometimes insufferable. How do I even know you don't want to go out with me because someone else was busy, hmm? I mean, weren't you just coupled up with the receptionist?" "Couldn't be fit into her Google Calendar."
You rolled your eyes at his response before dropping your gaze back down to your computer. You pretended to be typing away at one of the numerous documents you had pulled open, hoping it was enough for Jeonghan to get the hint.
However, he could tell you weren't budging quite yet. He also picked up on your little act as your screen was completely black. The brightness from the screen wasn't reflecting onto your face whatsoever. Still, he found you absolutely adorable.
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. This is unprofessional of me, y/n. I'll leave you be."
Fucking finally.
Monday morning, 8:59am
Your heels clicked along the tile flooring of your office. It poured during your commute into work, which caused you to be stuck behind more traffic than usual. You didn't always mind, but it just put you in a foul mood. Especially since you had to sacrifice your Monday morning coffee run. It was ritual for you, and now the whole week felt like it was just off balance.
"Woah y/n. Your bad mood seems to have brought the bad weather," a voice called out to you.
Your gaze narrowed in the direction the voice came from. Your hair was slightly damped as you had to run into the front of the building from your parking spot because of course you didn't think it was going to run and didn't bring an umbrella with you.
Looking over, you noticed it was one of the girls from the break room on Friday. You rolled your eyes to refrain yourself from sticking up your middle finger. You just offered a polite smile before marching to your desk. As you moved, you heard her and her friends giggling at you. This is why you despised any sort of office relationship.
"Hey, y/n. You okay?" Jeonghan called out.
You were about to enter your cubicle when you saw Jeonghan overlooking your cubicle again. Your jacket rested on the back of your chair. it would be a miracle if it dried at all before the end of the day. You were also grateful you had a pair of flats you could change into in attempt to save your soaked shoes too. Plus, it as a good excuse to slip out of heels. You didn't mind wearing them but always valued comfort over appearance.
"Yeah," you murmured.
Usually, you would expect a snide comment from Jeonghan. Or a flirty attempt in righting the situation. But there was nothing. It cause you to freeze and look up to see what was going on. Jeonghan was only staring at you with almost a friendly smile on his face. Not a smirk but a smile.
You wanted to question it, but as you were calming down from your hectic morning, something else caught your attention. An iced coffee was sitting on your desk with a winky face on it. What the fuck?
You opened your mouth to question it but looked at Jeonghan instead. In response, he winked at you before slipping behind the wall that divided the two of you.
Standing there, you felt something unusual throughout your body. You felt warm and tingly, especially in your stomach. Your heart was doing somersaults. It was comparable to in cartoons when the heart leaps out of the character's chest. You stared at the coffee, specifically at the marker drawn winky face staring back at you.
Jeonghan did this? For me?
Your eyes couldn't help but wonder to see if this was a prank or if there was a hidden camera. Jeonghan still wasn't lurking in his usual spot. You also noticed that nobody else had an iced coffee on their desk awaiting for them. A blush overtook your cheeks, but you quickly sat down before anyone noticed.
Reaching forward, you moved the plastic container towards you to see it was from the local coffee shop you frequent. It was the place you went every Monday morning, the place you had to skip out on today or else you would be late. But what struck you was that he got your exact order.
Your blush intensified. You kept your head ducked as you took a sip out of the delicious drink. There was no denying the smile on your face wasn't just because of the coffee but because of Yoon Jeonghan.
And on the other side of the wall, Jeonghan was smirking to himself. He got his computer turned on before going to make himself a cup of coffee from the break room. He didn't often frequent coffee shops as they often didn't have decaf coffee. When he walked into the place around the corner from your office building, he asked the woman behind the corner if you had been in yet. Saying no and noting how odd it was, Jeonghan seized the opportuntiy. He asked for your usual order and requested a winky face drawn on it.
"Are you her boyfriend? She's mentioned there's a guy she's interested in at her place of work."
That's all the encouragement Jeonghan needed to go through with his plan. He shook his head but smiled at the barista. "No, not yet. I'm hoping this catches her attention."
And by the looks of your blushing face, he was close to winning you over. He always gets what he wants, and he certainly had his eyes locked on you.
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souliebird · 6 months
[[and then I met you || ch. 10]]
Series: Daredevil || Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader || Rating: Explicit
A one-night stand years ago gave you a daughter and you are now able to put a name to her father – Matthew Murdock. Everything is about to change again as you navigate trying to integrate your life with that of the handsome and charming blind lawyer’s and Matt realizes he needs to protect his new family from not only Hell's Kitchen but from the world.
pt: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Words: 4.2k
banner thanks to the wonderful @theradioactivespidergwen
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When Minnie was six months old, you used to sleep on the couch so you wouldn't wake her up trying to get ready for bed. It would hurt your back - your couch was not very comfortable to sleep on - but you would sacrifice your comfort so she could sleep. No one in their right mind would wake a sleeping baby - even one that was always happy to go down for a nap. 
As your mind begins to stir, you become aware of the familiar ache in your lower back and the unfamiliar one pulsing around your eyes. Your hand slowly snakes up from where you had curled it against your chest and press your fingers along the bridge of your nose and up to the curve of your eyebrow, testing to see if the throbbing was sinus related. Nothing is triggered but your memories of the night before creep into your consciousness. 
Minnie with her tantrum and Matt with his amazing senses. 
You groan into the cushion as it all falls into place. Your eyes hurt from crying, not your sinuses, and you must have fallen asleep on the couch after your breakdown. 
Shame and embarrassment course through you. You hate crying and you hate that someone witnessed it. You can't imagine what he must think of you now - losing it like that. You should have been able to handle the news far better than you had and you're going to promptly apologize the next time you talk to him. You had acted so selfishly when it was clear he had control over the situation. 
But you don't have time to sit and wallow in your wretchedness - your daughter needs you to get up and be a capable adult, so you will your aching body to sit up. 
Your phone is sitting on the table in front of you, so you grab it to check the time. It's half past seven and your daughter has probably been awake for at least an hour. More shame courses through you - you always try to wake up before her so you can take care of her. You can only guess what state she is in. 
Your head spins as you stand, but you try to ignore it in favor of heading towards the bedroom. You prepare yourself to find a soiled bed - you didn't bother to change her into her night clothes and a pull-up and she is still mastering waking up when she needs to pee at night. 
The door is partially open and as you near it, you hear her tiny voice talking nonsense as she plays with something. You take a deep breath and push into the room, ready to face the start of your day.
Your mind short-circuits at what you encounter.
Both beds are clean and made, far tidier than you usually make them, and Minnie is sat on the floor with Scooby and some of her other stuffed animals, having what looks to be a tea party. To your absolute confusion, she is already dressed, and her hair has been put into pigtails with mismatched bows. You know for a fact she can't reach where you keep her hair supplies - you put them on a high shelf after she got into them to play salon before and managed to get her hair tangled so badly you had to cut things out. 
It doesn't even take her half a second to notice you and her little face breaks into the biggest smile, “Mommy!”
Still very much confused, you step forward to join the tea party circle and kneel down to be level with her. “Hi, sweetie,” you greet, trying your best to not alarm her. “Did you get dressed all by yourself?”
“Not-uh! Mister Matt helped! We watched lots of videos about hair and he made me pretty!”
You frown at that, “Mister Matt helped?” Had he stayed the night after you fell asleep? If so, where is he now? Your apartment isn't that big, and the bathroom door is open. Had he left before you woke up? You don’t like the idea of him leaving Minnie unsupervised.
Your daughter nods as she turns back to her toys, pretending to pour you a cup of tea and handing it over. You automatically pretend to take a sip.
“He helped make me pretty,” she confirms after putting her tea pot down, “now he's getting foods. Bagels!”
You turn the statement over in your mind - there is a bagel shop around the corner Minnie loves and if Matt is right about her also having enhanced abilities, maybe, just maybe, he didn't leave her unwatched. 
You bite your lip, then dare to push.
“Mouse, do you think you can tell me where Mister Matt is right now? Can you hear him?”
She doesn't acknowledge you right away, fussing with another piece of her tea set. You wait, allowing her to process what is being asked of her and watch as she slowly starts to move her head in minute movements, like she's tracking something. It's terrifying and fascinating to see a look of concentration come over her face and after about thirty seconds, she breaks into another big smile.
“He's talking to a frog!” 
“A frog..?” You ask, wondering if Matt was wrong about Minnie having heightened senses and she's playing pretend again.
“Yeah, he says…he says.. He's telling froggy he can't go to work. He's gonna stay with us!”
It clicks instantly. Matt isn't talking to a frog. He's talking to his business partner, Foggy Nelson, and as far as you know, Matt hasn't mentioned him or Karen yet by name to Minnie. 
“Can you tell where he is?” You ask again, being sure to be gentle with your question. 
“Outside,” is her response, like it is the most obvious thing in the world. “Froggies can't come inside. Do you want sugar?” She holds up her toy spoon and you offer her your tea cup.
“Yes, please.” 
She pretends to scoop sugar and you watch her in amazement. You are of course going to have to confirm that Matt was talking to Foggy, but it is so hard to believe your little one can hear that. You can't hear what is going on in your own living room, let alone outside your apartment. You cannot imagine how loud everything must be, how much input Mouse must be getting - but she doesn't seem bothered by it at all right now. 
She seems to be completely over her tantrum from yesterday and you want to ask her about it, but you aren't sure how or if she has the ability to express it. You know there are days you get overwhelmed and upset and you can't think of another way to explain it other than “too much”. You can't expect a three year old to articulate it better than you can. 
She's got a sweet little smile and part of you fears if you bring up her previous upset, it will spiral right back into a meltdown. So, you watch instead - watch as she goes back to playing make pretend with her toys, seemingly unbothered. You sip at your tea, making up a list of questions for Matt when he returns from his errand. 
Minnie plays for about five minutes before she perks up, beaming up at you, “Mister Matt asks if you can open the door, please thank you."
Her statement throws you for a moment and you aren't sure how much you like the idea of her being able to tell you all these things. It scares you - her knowing things you don't and not knowing what she does know. 
Maybe it is one of the things you and Matt can talk about - then talk about it with your sweet Mouse. You are going to have to get used to it, either way.
You push yourself into standing and motion for Minnie to come along. She scrambles up and runs out of the room, delighted laughter following her.
You are still in your clothes from the night before and you wish you had taken a moment to check your hair or even brush your teeth. You try to tell yourself it is fine, but your anxiety just argues back, and you feel like a complete slob by the time you get to the front door.
Your stomach and heart both do a funny clench at the sight of Matt, who is still sporting his borrowed shirt. You don't know if you want to fall into his arms or throw up or go hide under your covers so you can pretend all of this is a dream. Instead, you step aside so he can come inside and silently beg your mind to stop collapsing in on itself. 
“Breakfast delivery,” Matt says as a greeting, his entire face lighting up with a smile. He's holding a bag from the shop around the corner in one hand and a drink carrier with two large drinks along with a small one in his other.
You can feel your face starting to heat up and force your eyes down to the ground, mumbling, “you didn't need to do that.” 
He shrugs as he toes off his shoes, “I wanted to, and someone,” his voice turns teasing as he directs his next comments to Minnie, “wouldn't stop talking about bagels.”
Your daughter erupts into giggles, then turns and runs back towards the kitchen. Matt gives a pleased laugh, and your stomach flips again. He follows Minnie, and after you relock the door, you join them. 
They are sitting at the dining table, Mouse watching with a big smile as bagels are laid out on the table. Matt narrates for both of you, “Three egg bagels with plain cream cheese, two large coffees, and one kid’s hot chocolate. Now, is that the right order or was someone taking advantage?”
Minnie giggles more and that relaxes your shoulders. “No, that's right. Thank you, you really didn't -” You cut yourself off as you realize the table is clear of any mess from the night before. There are no plates on the table or in the sink, there's no lasagna stains on the floor, there's no leftovers sitting out. Your eyes drift to Matt. 
He must have cleaned after you had fallen asleep. Guilt courses through you - he shouldn't have to be dealing with your messes, especially in your own living space. You are going to need to not only apologize but return the favor somehow. You aren't sure how you'll do that - no one has ever done this much for you before, and Matt has done so so much in such a short time. 
You're dragged from your thoughts as a coffee is placed in front of you. 
“It's just black, I didn't know how you took it,” the kind, handsome lawyer says, and your heartbeat is so loud in your ears. It beats harder when you remember that not only can he hear your body and mind freaking out, but so can your daughter. 
Your instinct tells you to panic at the idea of someone knowing that much about you. You always try to stay calm on the outside while having a meltdown, but that doesn't matter with him. He'll know you're a mess. You can't hide it. 
You hear Matt ask Minnie something about her tea party and watch as she skips away from the table, but it's like your mind doesn't process it. You feel completely frozen because you don't know how to act - you don't know how to hide yourself from the man in front of you. You don't know how to hide yourself away from your daughter. 
How can you protect her from yourself? Your own body?
Suddenly, Matt is in front of you, cupping your cheeks with his large, warm hands and whispering your name. He's practically right on top of you, gently rubbing his thumbs over your skin, “Hey, hey, it's okay. It's okay. Everything is okay. Can you take a deep breath for me?”
“What?” You ask, so confused about what is going on. You don't understand why he's saying it's okay. 
“A deep breath, sweetheart. Can you take a deep breath?”
Your mind will not wrap the reason for the instruction, but you do as you are told. You inhale through your nose and that earns you a soft smile. He continues to pet you, gently instructing you to exhale after a moment and you obey. 
“Again?” He prompts and you nod. You feel shaky as you try to focus on breathing. You've always hated these exercises - they've never worked for you and have only served to frustrate you, and now you are just trying to make sure you are doing it right. How embarrassing would it be to fuck up breathing in front of Matt? 
“That's it,” he says so calmly, “Just breathe. I know it's a lot. I know. One step at a time. Let's have some breakfast, okay? Let's sit and have coffee and we can all talk. How's that sound?”
It sounds good, it sounds like the right thing to do, but your throat is clenching and not wanting to produce words, so you nod instead. 
You close your eyes to try to center yourself and somehow calm down. Matt lingers, keeping a hold of you until you hear Minnie coming back to the kitchen. It seems like he waits until the last possible moment before pulling away. 
Seeing your daughter looking so happy helps to reset your mind. She's fetched Scooby and Pig and runs up to the table to put them in their chair. You smile at the sight.
She really does seem like she's perfectly fine and maybe Matt is right and everything is okay. For now, at least. 
You force yourself into action, moving to set one of the bagels in front of Mouse, setting it on a napkin. You're going to need to transfer the hot chocolate into a mug or Mouse will spill on herself.
“Thank you, Mommy!”
She practically dives into her bagel, picking it up and taking a big bite and getting cream cheese on her cheeks. She is completely engrossed with her food.
“Thank Mister Matt, he got us breakfast,” you advise before going to get a napkin. While you are in the kitchen, you grab your creamer from the fridge.
“Thank you, Mister Matt!” she chimes before barreling on. “Mommy, did you know Mister Matt can braid hairs!”
Guilt courses through you and you remind yourself you need to thank Matt for everything he has done for you. But you tell yourself to not think of it right now - you are terrified of Minnie sensing your panic and that somehow shuts your mind down and you go into parent mode. 
“No, I didn't. Did you ask him to braid your hair?” You ask as you move in to wipe her face. She obediently tilts her face towards you and closes her eyes as you clean away the cream cheese. In the corner of your eye you see Matt sip from his coffee, a smile forming in his lips.
“She wanted puffs,” he advises, “I learned a lot of new hair terminology today. Minnie is a very good teacher.” 
Your daughter preens at the praise before taking another bite of her bagel. More cream cheese gets on her face. You decide to wait until she's done eating before tidying her up again. It will be pointless otherwise.
Instead, you start to fix your coffee, removing the lid to add creamer. You eye your daughter as you do, letting yourself finally take in her appearance. 
“You're a good stylist,” you tell Matt, and it is true. Her pigtails look even and as smooth as can be expected for a toddler. You don't see any tangles and if Minnie is happy, you have no grievances with the outcome - only guilt that Matt was the one who dealt with it. 
“I have some experience,” he hums, before taking another sip of his coffee. Then he directs his smile to his daughter, “my best friend used to have long hair. He has little nieces and they used to do his hair at Christmas, and I got roped into helping. I'm told I do a pretty good French braid.”
Mouse giggles before gasping and pointing at you, “do Mommy's hair!”
Embarrassment floods you - you don't think anyone has done your hair since you were Minnie’s age, and your current hair is a gross greasy mess and you don't want anyone touching it. 
Matt hums as he tilts his head towards you, “I think Mommy is better at doing her hair than I would be. But maybe next time?”
“Maybe next time,” you agree, hoping that will be enough to deter your daughter from this path. 
Luckily, she quickly parrots, “Next time!”
You offer her a smile and take a much needed drink of your coffee. It not only warms you but helps to ground you back into reality. 
You remind yourself nothing has actually changed - you are just more aware of the world. To Minnie, this is the same as any other day and you need to get yourself back on track. 
Which means you need to confirm some things with Matt. 
You set your coffee down, then pick up Minnie’s hot chocolate and bring it to the kitchen to transfer into one of her kid-friendly tumblers. You clear your throat, then dare to try, “Minnie said you'd be spending the day with us?”
“You told the froggy!” Mouse happily adds.
Matt looks confused for a few seconds before it must click, “Foggy, sweetheart, not Froggy. Foggy is my best friend - the one who had long hair.”
“Froggy!” Is the defiant response and you know better than to argue. Once something is named, the name sticks. But of course, Matt doesn't know this and you decide to let him learn.
“Foggy,” he tries. “Like a cloud. Not a frog.”
“Fog. Foggy. No ‘r’.”
“Frog. Froggy! Froggy! Froggy!” Minnie bounces in her seat, starting to giggle. You return to the table, securing the lid to the sippy tumbler before placing it down.
“Ribbit ribbit,” you add and that gets you a delighted burst of laughter.
“Ribbit ribbit!”
Matt practically pouts but seems to realize he isn't going to win this. “But yes, I… told Foggy I wanted to spend the day with you. When I was in the phone, outside.” His dramatic sad face turns into something soft as he tilts his head towards Minnie, “Did you tell your Mommy you heard me?”
“I, uh, asked if she could,” you say, feeling silly for admitting it. But you know this is the path you need to take to start understanding what enhanced senses mean.
“I can hear everything,” your little one proudly says, and you've heard her say it before - but now you know she isn't just playing pretend.
“Yes, you can,” is Matt's soft reply. Unlike your underlying panic, his voice seems to carry a fondness about the whole situation. He is the one with the experience and you want to trust him with the lead on this, but it's still absolutely terrifying. 
But you know you need to set the ball up, so you gently push, “Did you know Mister Matt can also hear…everything?” You know it's not everything, at least by what Matt said, but you aren't going to get technical with a toddler. “Mommy can't, though. Mommy’s hearing isn't as good as yours and Mister Matt's.”
Mouse looks between the two of you, pursing her lips up as she thinks, then she reaches out and pats your arm comfortingly, “I'll tell you what I hears, Mommy.”
Your heart soars with so much love and you turn your hand so you can take hers and give it a gentle squeeze, “Thank you, baby.” 
“I can hears a bark-bark dog and a woofy dog,” she starts, “and there's a puppy going ‘yip-yip-yip!’”
Matt laughs a little and your focus is ripped away from Minnie and over to him. He absolutely beams at you, looking proud as can be. You wonder what this like for him - having someone else who can hear what he can.
“There's a doggy day care about two blocks north,” he informs, and it is so hard to wrap your mind around the fact your daughter can hear that far. “Clients are starting to arrive, and they are lively.”
There's a flash of brown and Minnie is waving Scooby at Matt, “Bark bark bark!”
“Is Scooby a barky dog?” He asks, leaning forward towards her and putting his elbows on the table. “Not a woofy dog?”
“Bark bark!” Is the response before Mouse makes him growl. You finally allow yourself to sit and watch the sweet interaction. Everything still feels like it's too much and swirling inside you, but seeing Matt and Minnie bond is soothing - even if it's over something you can't understand yet.
“What about Pig? Does he go bark-bark or woofy?” 
His question gets Minnie to gasp as if she's scandalized. “Pig isn't a doggy!”
“Oh, he isn't?” Matt teases, “I can't see him. What is he?”
“He's a piggy!” She snatches up Pig and clutches him to her chest beside Scooby. You hope she doesn't have cream cheese on her fingers because cleaning her toys is always an adventure. She hates when they have to get washed and now, you guess, you understand why. They probably smell different after being washed or the texture is off. It's something you'll have to explore later.
“What type of noises do piggies make?”
“Oh, that makes sense,” he hums, then hunches forward more and lowers his voice, like he's talking in secret, “And what sounds do little girls named Minnie make?”
You finally get to take a bite of your bagel as you watch her contemplate the question. Her face screws up in thought before lighting up when she decides her answer.
Matt throws his head back with laughter, which makes Minnie dissolve into happy giggles. The sheer joy between the two of them pulls a smile out of you and the heaviness in your chest starts to lighten more. 
“Ooogie-boogie-boo?” You question and your daughter giggles more. 
“Ooogie-boogie-boo! Like Scooby!”
You don't understand what that means but you just let the positivity continue. 
“What about Mommy? What sounds do I make?” You ask, curious what her response will be.
“Bumbum-bumbum.” They aren't words, but you instantly get it is supposed to be your heartbeat. You feel yourself start to flush. Matt had told you that Minnie listens to your heart to ground herself, so of course that is what she associates you with. But hearing it from her mouth and getting that confirmation still rocks you. 
“It's a good sound, isn't it?” Matt asks Minnie and you can imagine how red you are turning. You try to hide behind your coffee.
“The bestest,” Minnie agrees before adding, “After Scooby Song. Scooby Dooby Do! Where are you!”
“We've got some work to do now,” you half mumble, half sing with her.
“I've never heard the Scooby song,” the man beside you says and that triggers Mouse into action. She slides off her chair, and still clutching her toys, hurries across the room to the television. She knows how to bring up what she wants, so it only takes a few seconds before there is an episode starting to play on screen. 
She drops her toys and the remote before running back to Matt and tugging on his - technically yours - shirt. “You gotta listen!”
He barely gets to stand up before being pulled into the living room. He does not resist in the slightest to being directed to sit on the ground and you watch as Minnie begins to explain the intricate lore of her favorite show. To your wonder she describes each character by their voice first and you can tell Matt is completely enthralled by what he is being told. Scooby gets moved from laying on the floor to being shoved into Matt's lap so he can hold onto him. 
You realize without fanfare that you can barely hear the television. It is still on low volume from last time you had it on, and it dawns on you that you never really have it turned up too loud. Minnie can probably hear it just fine and doesn't need it blasting throughout the apartment. You never got to really watch television as a kid, and you wonder what the normal volume for watching things is supposed to be. 
You sip at your coffee, watching as Minnie plops herself next to Matt on the floor, going on excitedly about mysteries and different sounds. Both of them are smiling and laughing like they don't have a care in the world. 
This is what you want your life to be like, you decide. 
You want your family to be full of love and joy and you have fought so hard to get to this point. You've climbed your way out of a cold and distant household to make your own little corner in the world and right now you need to enjoy it instead of letting your mind be taken over by darkness and despair.
So, you set your coffee down and move to join your daughter and her father in front of the television, asking in a teasing voice, “So who is the blonde man again?”
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finnsbubblegum · 1 year
The Neighbor (Joel Miller X Reader)
Pairing: no-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, sweet joel, domestic joel, rom-com
Summary (Series): reader as Joel’s neighbor. Joel’s wife left him so Joel asked his neighbor for help in babysitting Sarah. 
Summary: You came across your ex on your morning walks with Joel and baby Sarah. Is Joel just your neighbor or is he your fake husband?
Words count: 2k
A/N: I’m trying to make this as a rom-com, hope you like my new series! This is part 2 of Where It All Starts. I'm happy that many of you liked it so I hope you enjoy the next parts. Love you!
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
It had been a few days since you babysit Sarah and you started to grow fond of her. You tried your best learning about babies and what was good for them. 
"I read that it's good for babies to get early morning walks." You told Joel as you put Sarah to her crib.
"Yeah?" Joel raised his eyebrows.
"Uh-huh. They said it’s a good source of Vitamin D." You stroked the baby’s head adoring her.
"Okay..I'll take her for a walk tomorrow then."
"Can I come? If it's okay with you. Of course." 
"Sure. No problem." 
You woke up earlier that day and got ready. You knocked on your neighbor's door.
"Mornin'." Joel opened the door with Sarah in his arms. 
"Morning." You waved your hand. 
"Come in." Joel invited you inside his house. 
"Hi sweetie, ready for a walk?" You caressed baby Sarah's cheek who was still in Joel’s arms. 
"I need to get the baby stroller ready. Can you hold her for a while?" Joel asked you for help.
"Sure." You opened your arms and took Sarah. 
Joel went to get the baby stroller and got it ready. He placed it beside you and you put Sarah in the stroller. 
"Okay. All done." 
"Let's go." You took the stroller and pushed it. 
"After you." Joel opened the door for you. 
The weather was nice. It was sunny but not too hot. It was the perfect weather to have a morning walk. You were happy you brought up the idea to Joel. 
"I'll do it." Joel slowly moved your hands from the stroller so he could push it. 
The three of you walked around the neighborhood looking like a real newlywed with a newborn baby. You liked the idea of thinking of having a family but deep down in your heart you weren't ready to start a new relationship. Joel probably wasn’t ready too.
"Thank you by the way." Joel suddenly thanked you.
"For what?" You tilted your head and faced him. 
"For this. For carin' about Sarah's health. I didn't even know babies need vitamin Ds from sun and everythin'." He scoffed. He looked like he was guilty of being a bad father. 
"Oh! Well, you're welcome. I'm trying my best to be a good babysitter." You joked. 
"I'm sure you'll be a good mom." He smiled at you. 
"Thank-" You couldn't finish what you wanted to say as you saw someone familiar across you. 
"(y/n)?" A familiar man called your name.
"Chad? You live around here?" You were shocked and startled to tremble because of arising anger inside you.
"No. I-uh- I didn't know you had a baby." He pointed at baby Sarah who was sleeping in the stroller. 
"Do you know this man?" Joel looked at you confused.
"Yeah, he was-uhm-my ex." 
Joel nodded. He opened his mouth wanting to say something but closed it again. 
"What are you doing here?" Your voice was shaky trying not to cry. 
"I was visiting my girlfri-" Chad answered but you cut him.
"You mean the girl you cheated on me with." You scoffed and rolled your eyes. Joel’s eyes widened and he crossed his arms to his chest.
"(y/n), I'm really sor-" You cut him again.
"Save it, Chad. I don't want to hear anything from you again. Let's hope we won't cross paths again." You wanted to yell at him, hit him, slap him but you couldn’t. Not in front of Joel and baby Sarah.
Sarah suddenly cried. You immediately moved to lift her to your chest and pat her back gently. 
"Shh..Shh..I'm here, I'm here sweetie. You want to go home, don't you?" You cooed as you tried using Sarah to get out of the situation. 
"Come on, Joel. Sarah wants to go home.” You put your hand to Joel’s upper arm.
You left your ex without explanation of who Sarah was or who Joel was, on purpose. You didn’t mean to use Joel and Sarah this way but you needed to. You wanted your ex to know that you were doing well without him. You wanted him to believe that you were happily married with a handsome husband and a beautiful baby even though it wasn’t the truth. If you had to be honest, you were still heart broken. You had trust issues with men since you got cheated on twice by the same man.
“You okay?” Joel was concerned because you were quiet the whole way back to Joel’s house.
“Hmm? What did you say?” You got back to reality.
“You okay?” Joel repeated.
“Yeah, yeah. Why am I not okay?” You scoffed trying to play it cool.
“Okay.” Joel was curious about you but he didn’t want to cross the line. 
“So, will you be home as usual?” You took Sarah from the stroller and moved her to the carseat.
“Uhm..I was thinkin’ about eating out for dinner. The three of us. If you want.” Joel’s cheek redden. 
“Of course. That’s a great idea.” 
“I’ll drive you to work today. Then I’ll pick you up at 6?” Joel suggested.
“Sure, thanks.” 
Joel dropped you off at work. He got out of the car just to help you with the baby stuff so he didn’t go inside the cafe to introduce himself because he was late to work. He kissed Sarah’s forehead before he drove away. You waved him goodbye and went inside your cafe.
“Is that the dad?” Your co-worker asked.
“That’s “the neighbor”?” Flo giggled and pushed you teasingly.
“Yep, that’s my neighbor, Joel. Sarah’s dad.” You crossed your arms to your chest.
“Your neighbor is freaking hot.” Flo shook you excitedly.
“I agree.” Your other co-worker added.
“Stop it. You guys.” You shook your head.
“Wonder why the baby’s mom left.” Flo wondered. 
You had told her what you heard the other night when Joel had a fight with his wife. Joel hadn’t told you anything about his wife or what happened. And you had never asked him about it. You knew it was something private and you would wait until he decided to open up to you. Because if you were in the same position, you also needed time to open up. Just like your random meeting with your ex this morning, you weren’t ready to talk about it. And Joel didn’t ask you a thing so you understood why he hadn’t told you about his wife. 
“I’m sure they have a reason.” You replied.
“Has he told you?” Flo asked.
“No. It’s not our business, Flo. Let’s get back to work.” You squeezed her shoulder and got back to work.
It was finally 6PM and you were waiting for Joel to pick you and Sarah up. You checked everything and left the rest to your employees. 10 minutes later Joel’s truck was parked in front of your cafe. He got out of the car and went inside. 
“Hey.” Joel greeted you.
“Hi.” You smiled.
“You haven’t met my friends. Guys, this is Joel. My neighbor.” You introduced him to your employees whom you considered your friends. You widened your eyes telling them to act normal.
“Hi, I’m Joel. Nice to meet you.” He shook their hands one by one. 
“Okay, I’m going now. Don’t forget to lock the door, okay?” You reminded your employees.
“I’ll see you guys later.” Joel took the baby bag and Sarah who was in the car seat. 
You and Joel went inside the car and you could feel that your employees were making heart gestures behind you. You looked back with two fingers pointing to your eyes then to them. You swore to God if Joel saw them, you would kill your employees for making you embarrassed. Thank God they acted normal when Joel and you got in the car facing them. 
“Do you have something you want to eat?” Joel started the car.
“Hmm. Let me think.” You put your hand to your chin.
“How about Mexican?” You suggested.
“I know a place.” Joel nodded and started driving.
You suggested Mexican for dinner so Joel drove you to his regular Mexican place. Joel and you were already comfortable enough with each other so you didn’t feel awkward with him. You two talked about different things but again, not relationship stuff. He didn’t even bring up what happened that morning and you were glad because you weren’t ready to open up.
“Hmm, this is so good. Why didn’t I know about this place?” You mumbled as you munched your empanadas.
“I’m glad it suits your taste.” Joel smiled.
*Sarah cries*
“Oh baby, you’re hungry too, aren’t you?” You cooed.
“Come here, come here.” You lifted Sarah from the car seat and brought her to your chest.
“Can you pass me her bottle from the bag please?” You pointed at the baby bag next to Joel.
“I’ll feed her.” Joel took the bottle and opened his arms for you to move Sarah to him.
“No, no. It’s okay. I’ll feed her. You must be tired from work.” You insisted.
Joel passed you the feeding bottle and you fed baby Sarah. She immediately sucked the bottle and drank the baby formula. 
“How do you know right away?” Joel was amused.
“Know what?” 
“That she’s hungry.” Joel rested his chin on his palm.
“I don’t know. Maybe we’re telepathic?” You shrugged. 
“You’re a natural.” Joel chuckled as he shoved a spoonful of his food.
Your stomach growled and you remembered you needed to eat too. So you put the baby bottle on the table for a second to eat. But when you grabbed your empanadas and just got only one bite, the baby in your arms snuggled her face to your breast. 
“Nuh-uh, Sarah, babygirl, don’t do that. That’s inappropriate.” Joel moved his index finger as a gesture of saying don’t. 
“Oh my God! What’s she doing?” You burst into laughter.
“Ugh-Sarah..baby..” Joel was embarrassed by his daughter’s actions.
“You’re funny, little girl. But, I don’t have any milk in my boobies sweetie.” You caressed her head.
“Here you go.” You put the baby bottle for her to suck.
“I’m sorry.” Joel apologized.
“It’s okay. I wish I could breastfeed her. I’m sorry.” You felt bad for the adorable baby girl in your arms for not being able to be breastfed. 
Joel spaced out for a while. His eyes were glistening with tears while watching her daughter in your arms. You looked at him and your heart broke for him. He was probably thinking about his wife or his daughter who should have had a mother.
“Joel?” You called him and he didn’t answer.
“Joel..” You called his name again.
“Huh?” He looked at you. A tear fell down to his cheeks and he wiped it hurriedly.
“You okay there?” You were concerned.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m good. You haven’t eaten yet. Let me help you.” He offered to feed you.
“No, no. It’s okay. I can eat later.” You were afraid he could see you blush when he fed you.
“Come on. Don’t want you to get sick.” He insisted and fed you.
You didn’t have a choice. So you opened your mouth and let him feed you. You were blushing. You hoped he didn’t realize your cheeks redden because of him. 
“Thank you.” You chewed as you fed baby Sarah.
Joel helped you eat until you finished feeding Sarah. You felt taken care of even when you had to take care of someone’s baby. You had never felt this way towards a man. Maybe..Maybe Joel was different. Different from your ex. Maybe he was a good guy. 
“Check, please.” Joel raised his hand to call the waitress. 
The waitress came to your table and gave you the check. Joel read the receipt and took out his wallet.
“I’ve been looking at the three of you and I wanted to say that you’re a really cute family. You two made a really beautiful baby.” The waitress said as she smiled at the baby. She was a bit older, in her 50s maybe.
“Oh! I’m not his wife. We’re neighbors.” You chuckled.
“Thank you.” Joel didn’t say anything but only a thank you. He gave the money to the waitress and she left with a shake on her head.
“She’s funny.” You shook your head.
“How much do I owe you?” You took out your purse.
“Oh, no. My treat.” Joel stopped your hand.
“Yes, it’s nothin’ really. You did a lot for me and Sarah. Don’t worry about it.” 
“Okay. Thank you though. For dinner.” You smiled.
To be continued…
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bountydroid · 17 days
Darlin' pt 9
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pt 1 / pt 2 / pt 3 / pt 4 / pt 5 / pt 6 / pt 7(SMUT) / pt 8 / pt 10 (SMUT)
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x f!reader
Description: Cooper gets vulnerable as they head to Moldaver.
TW: Angsty
Notes: Sorry this is a little shorter, I wanted to get something out for you guys since it has been so long. I appreciate your patience. Darlin' will end at the end of the TV series. So probably 1-3 more parts I haven't decided yet.
Sweat dripped down my face as my brows creased together. The very limited charm of the Wastelands has completely left, leaving me sweaty, angry, and very very tired. Cooper and I haven't said a word to each other since we left Sorrel behind. I know that he knows that I want answers, that I am upset, that I am scared. Instead of explaining himself, however, he stayed silent. This only increased my worries. My thoughts and fears ran rampant in my brain as I thought of every possibility. This woman, she meant something to him. I hoped that she was maybe a family member or a close friend. I knew it was likely false hope, but the thought of everything between me and Cooper was a lie? That he was leading me to a lover? I couldn't handle that thought, it was eating me alive. 
"Should be a couple o' days more walkin' darlin'. You think your little legs can handle that?" He jested, trying to improve the gloomy mood that hung over us. 
"Okay," I whispered back, I didn't know if he even heard me as I kept my eyes trained on my feet. I watched the sand move around my shoes like it was the most interesting thing in the world. Anything to keep my mind off of her. I could feel his eyes on me as he looked behind him, taking in my defeated form.
"It ain't what ya think." He says as he stops walking, finally addressing the issue. "It ain't like that."
"Whatever you say," I mumbled again as I brushed past him. I could feel his hand wrap around my wrist as he tugged me backward against his chest. 
"Listen to me damn it." He said angrily as he held me tight against him. I could feel myself starting to shake. I've been fighting the tears this whole time, but his raised voice finally broke the dam causing a broken sob to leave my mouth. 
"Don't yell at me." I cried out, frustrated at his reaction. I wanted him to kiss me, to coo at me, to hold me tight, but that wasn't the kind of man he was. He was just as broken as I was, and the years of wandering the Wastelands on his own left him an angry old man. 
"There ain't nothing worth cryin' about." He said as he spun me around to face him, "So stop it. Now." 
"Oh, am I inconveniencin’ you?" Venom slipped out of my mouth as I finally met his eyes, "Better leave me here then and just go after her."
He sighed, clearly annoyed as he pinched the leathery skin between his eyes. "You can be so damn stubborn." He mumbled. After he said that I let out an annoyed huff before turning back around with every intention of storming off, but before I could, he grabbed my arm again. "Stop it."
"Who is she then? When did our little adventure go from hunting bounties to hunting her?" I rambled angrily, not being able to keep the questions in any longer. "And when were you gonna tell me you are 200 years old? When did you meet her? You've been in the ground a long time, is she 200 years old? Is she your wife-"
"She's not my wife." He interrupted as he pinched my lips together to silence me. There was a moment of silence before he let my face go. Instead of continuing to berate him, I opted to stay quiet and rub my sore lips. "I ain't used to having someone I gotta explain myself to." He continued.
"You make it sound like such a chore." I scoffed out.
"Just listen to me, damn it. She's not my wife. She's not a lover. So, settle down." He huffed angrily. 
I silently stared up at him waiting for him to continue, to explain the pieces I was missing, however as time went on it became clear he wasn’t going to say anything else. My face changed from anger to disbelief as he stared down at me with his signature stony expression. I wanted to scream at him. To yell in his face. To berate him for keeping me in the dark. Instead, I just turned around quietly and started walking in the direction we were going earlier before shooting back at him with an aloof tone. “Whatever you say.”
I heard him scoff behind me, but this time he didn’t stop me from walking away. Instead, he chose to yell after me. “Does my age bother you? Me bein’ a ghoul is fine but an old ghoul? That's too gross for you?”
I stopped dead in my tracks before I whipped around to face him again. The look of disbelief still graced my face. “Of course that doesn’t bother me, Cooper. I can’t believe you would think that.” I could feel the tears returning to my eyes as we stood there staring at each other. “It’s the secrets that bother me. I told you everything about myself, but all you’ve told me is you had a wife and a daughter at some point. I’ve given you everything-“
“I know. I know darlin’.” He interrupted me as he walked up towards me. His scarred hands quickly found my cheeks as he cupped my face gently. The annoyed look he’d worn on his face this entire argument was gone, instead replaced with a look of sadness. “You deserve better than me.”
“Don’t.” I responded quickly, “Don’t do that. I am not gonna let you push me away Coop.” 
He gave me a sad smile before dropping his hands from my face, “Guess I am stuck with you then?”
I let out a surprised laugh as I grabbed ahold of his hands. “Yea. So you better start treatin’ me right.” I teased. 
His sad smile was exchanged for a happier one as he looked down at our joined hands. “How about we keep goin’ and find a place to stay for the night?”
I nodded my head quietly as I gave him a small peck on the lips before turning around, and dragging him close behind me. He scoffed and shook his head in disbelief, he had no idea what he had done to deserve love. He was a cold, hard man who thought he'd live the rest of his life alone and he had been fine with that. 
My mouth hung open in shock as we sat around the fire. Cooper explained everything, the vaults, the experiments, and his wife's role in everything. We took little breaks here and there, as it was clear this was hard on Coop. He hadn't told anyone about these things even before the bombs dropped. If he was a softer man, he would've cried. I sat still and listened carefully while casually rubbing his back with reassurance. I was happy that he felt comfortable enough to be vulnerable with me.
"And Moldaver, well she was the woman who helped me realize the truth about my wife. Now that I know she is alive, I am hopin' she knows where my daughter is." He explained quietly, a look of defeat on his face. 
"Do ya think she's still alive?" I asked tentatively. 
"If Moldaver is, I don't see why not." He responded. 
I nodded my head quietly as I tried my best to take in all of this information. This was beyond me, and we both knew it. 
"Well, I'll help you find her," I said giving him a small smile.
He scoffed as he he frowned. "You don't have to, it'll be dangerous darlin'."
"I know." I said reassuringly, "But we are a team now." I kissed him on the cheek softly, my lips lingering on his face. "You are stuck with my Cooper Howard."
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ayabeanworks · 7 months
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Title: Hold me tighter
Synopsis: You knew Suguru wasn't well, and you did everything within your power to be there for him, including inviting yourself on a certain mission where two young girls were rescued.
Character: Geto Suguru x reader
Series: Let's Meet in the Spring (SaShiSu x reader)
Notes: Fluff, angst, swearing, feral!reader who probably hung out with Gojo too much, Geto pining, mentions of death and alludes to depression. AU where Geto doesn't defect.
Somewhat of a prequel to this AU.
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You were amazing. You were strong. You were also terrifying.
That's how Geto Suguru saw you during a certain mission.
He and you had been assigned on the mission in a small town inhabiting only more of 100 people, with weird things like deaths and disappearances of the villagers.
You begged the higher ups to go because you were worried about Suguru's health, and you didn't want to leave him alone. You had noticed a downward spiral from him, and these days, it seemed to be getting worse. You also had a very bad feeling about this mission, and you were going to do whatever you could to make sure Suguru's sanity remained intact.
Even if the elders said no, you were going to go anyway. And that's exactly what you did.
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"What exactly is this?"
Suguru had an expression of exasperation as he saw the young girls locked up in the wooden cage, bloodied and bruised, holding onto each other for support.
You could smell the thick scent of blood in the air, as well as see the dried, old patches of blood here and there when you eyes darted around the room. Apart from blood, there were other smells, similar to an abandoned alleyway where the homeless would reside.
Your jaw clenched and your eyes, widened with the need to see every and anything in the room, hoped they were lying when they landed on the girls. You counted the number of bruises on their limbs, the blood on their clothes, the blood on their face, the eye injuries each of them had.
It made your blood run cold. They looked to be just around 6-7 years old, only just old enough to understand and learn more complicated math in a school setting.
Not here.
Not here, bloodied and bruised.
It was like something inside you snapped, and all inhibitions went out the window. Like boiling water, it started to simmer, and you slowly turned to the two villagers as they conversed with Suguru, holding down your anger as your fists clenched and released.
"What do you mean? They're the cause of this, right?" One of the two who accompanied you both raised a hairy brow, his arm raising and trying to make a point.
"No." You could feel Suguru trying to continue being polite, but the slight edge in his voice was obvious.
"But those two strange ones are using their strange powers to attack the villagers!"
"I've already determined the cause of the incidents." Suguru gave a statement, one that he determined after being in the village for 5 days with you.
"My grandson was killed by these two." The older lady chipped in, a terrible frown on her wrinkly features.
Your shoulders relaxed and a light exhale released from your lips. You took a couple of steps forward to stand by Suguru, placing a hand on his shoulder softly, patting it a couple of times.
So they want to die?
Suguru glanced at you, his hand still up, about to summon a curse as he battled with his inner demons.
You gave him a little smile, one you'd give him all the time, but the underlying feeling made him tense. It was much darker, much more sinister.
"He's the one who-!" The girls from the cage exclaimed, but was shut down by the shouting of the male villager.
"Shut up, you monster!!! Your parents were exactly the same! We should have killed you when you were babies!"
"Shut the fuck up."
A loud thump from your fist embued with cursed energy, as well as a resounding crack from the same area tore a bloodhurdling scream from the middle aged male villager.
Suguru's eyes widened as his tensed hand lowered to his side, lips parting in shock at your actions.
That was the first time Suguru has ever seen you so angry you snapped. It sent chills down his spine and the hairs on his body to raise. His body tensed from the accumulation of cursed energy around you.
"Does having a broken rib hurt?" Your words were laced with worry, but with the unyielding mocking tilt in it, it was hardly convincing. "Do you want me to break your arm as well? That'll numb the pain a little."
You strode forward a couple of steps, coming in closer to the older male, crouching down slightly as you grabbed his arm roughly, pulling him in as your foot landed on the shoulder of the arm you pulled, about to dislocate his arm with a rough pull.
A strangled cry for you to stop made you raise your brow as a scowl adorned your face. Your eyes narrowed at the man below you. He was breathing heavily as he grabbed your ankle, trying to pry you off weakly, but to no avail. His grip was painfully weak, and he was struggling to breathe. You wondered if the broken rib pierced his lungs or any other organ?
"Oh? You want me to stop?" You taunted, an amused chuckle resonating through your chest. "Did you stop when you and the village were tormenting those poor kids? Beating them up and locking them up in here?" You dug your heel into his shoulder as you pushed him into the concrete wall, twisting it a couple of times for good measure. He writhed in pain as his grip on your ankle tightened, but you pulled at his arm, making him scream out.
The older lady on the side, who had been trembling the whole time in shock, suddenly let out a screech and flung herself at you, her arms flailing to hit you to let go of her fellow villager.
You grit your teeth as you grab the village man's arm with your left arm, using your elbow as an anchor point to throw a perfectly timed slap to the woman's face, causing her to hit the wall next to him after spinning in the air a couple of times.
"Wow, didn't know a human could spin so much. Especially for an old lady!" You light up into a smile. The smile didn't reach your eyes and was instead habouring a deep hatred for the types of people you were fighting, ready to rip off their arms and limbs if necessary.
"You can join you grandson now. I'm sure he's waiting for you."
What a sorry excuse for a human being.
"[name]..." Suguru called our your name hesitantly, glancing at the two girls in the wooden cage. They were trembling, hugging each other as they watched you. However, it didn't seem like they were scared. Their eyes showed admiration, and were widened in a surprise that could be interpreted as positive.
His eyes once again landed on you. You didn't even react to him saying your name - it was like you were in a state of mania, with such a fluctation in temperament and emotions, it felt like a different person. It didn't feel like you.
Did he even know you?
Who was the person in front of him?
He looked back at the girls, walking a couple of steps closer before trying to shield what you were doing with his body.
"Answer my question. Did you or did you not stop when you were tormenting those kids?" You looked to the wall where the woman hit, seeing her barely unconscious on the ground after the smack made her life flash before her very eyes.
The villager man screamed, "I-AAHHh-hah, you...you'RE THE DEVIL!"
"Oh, wow, you think I'm the devil?" You didn't even miss a beat at responding, giving him a doe eyed look to vouch for your innocence. Your expression shifted to a crazed grin, a laughter erupting in your throat as you pulled roughly at his arm, a loud pop ringing in the air as you dislocated it. You let him scream, collapsing over as you let go of his arm, allowing it to drop to his side as he cried, streaks of tears staining his shirt as drool flowed out of his mouth at the pain. You lean in, a smile on your lips as you coo at his current state, "Honey, if I'm the devil, then what are you and the other villagers? I think you're all devil's incarnate, so we should be the same, no? Why the scared face? Just like you said, I'm a devil. No, we're both devils."
You watch as his expression contorts to one where he wanted to scream something in your face, anger taking hold of him as the fear takes a seat. He was sweating, and the colour was draining from his face from the pain you inflicted.
You could only chuckle at his sorry state, clicking your tongue at him a couple of times. "But there's one thing you got wrong, darling. I'm not the devil, I'm your grim reaper."
You pull your foot back as the man's consciousness finally breaks, and he slumps over to join his fellow unconscious villager after enduring the pain.
"Didn't even answer the fucking question." You muttered, clicking your tongue once more. You fished your phone from your pocket and gave a call to the Windows nearby to alert them of what happened.
As you did so, Suguru watched you. He was frozen in his spot, unable to move. He was in shock at the way you handled the two just now. It was different to when you sparred together, and it made him realise you always unconsciously held back.
While he watched you release your anger at them, he had calmed down. His mind and heart less cloudy than before as he watched everything unfold before him. It gave him a rationality of thought, juxtaposed with your outburst. It almost made thinking a lot easier, with you by his side in such a state.
It reminded him of his best friend Satoru, and he wondered how much time you spent with him to become like this. After all, that mocking tone and speech was actually quite similar that it scared him - or, did you have this side hidden the whole time, but had control over yourself that you didn't break until the situation called for it?
By no means did he condone what you did, but if you didn't handle it the way you did, he didn't know what he would've done. He was so close to breaking that it was almost a miracle he didn't.
"[name]." Suguru repeated your name again after you finished your phone call, taking a couple of steps towards you.
"Hm, yes, Sugu?" You questioned him with a genuine smile. Your usual smile was on your lips as you tilt your head slightly at him, wondering what he wanted to ask.
He paused, wondering which was the real you. The switch was so fast, and oh so sudden. Your cursed energy had dissipated and wasn't so condensed, and your calm temperament was back. It confused him, and he wondered if he was in the wrong for thinking of such horrible things before you literally broke a person's rib.
He grabbed the hand you used to hit the man in the stomach and slap the other, seeing no injuries. Gliding his thumb over the areas that made contact, he closed his eyes for a moment, heaving a light sigh, before making eye contact with you again.
"We should get the girls to safety." You nod to the girls in the cage, placing a hand on Suguru's hand as you pat it a couple of times before releasing from his grip.
Suguru watched as you broke the lock of the cage, taking the girls out carefully. They latched onto you and murmured quiet thank yous as they cried in your arms. It hurt his heart to see such young children suffer from the hands of horrible adults. They didn't deserve this.
He walked over and leaned down slightly, placing his large hands on the girls' heads, gently ruffling their hair. He also ruffled your one too since you were crouched down to their level, a funny noise coming from your throat at the unexpected affection. Seeing your reaction, the girls glanced at each other and did the same, placing their hands gently on your head as they pet it like they did a small animal.
You laughed lightly, a sound so delightful to Suguru's ears at this current moment that it slowly wedged its way into his darker thoughts.
"The Windows should be here soon," You looked from Suguru to the girls, "We'll be taking you back with us. You'll be provided shelter and food, and life will be much better than here." You grabbed a hand from each girl, thumb caressing the back of their hand.
They fervently nodded their heads, ready to depart from the wretched village they used to call home.
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The minute the four of you arrived back at Jujutsu High, you were pulled over by an angry Yaga, who began berating you for going on the mission regardless of what the elders have said, and that you were to see them immediately.
"This is unlike you, [name]! Suguru could have handled it on his own." Yaga pinched his nose bridge, obviously frustrated at your handling of the situation.
You crossed your arms, quickly glancing over at Suguru, the girls and the Window accompanying them. They were watching you, and the girls were getting tugged to go to Shoko for their injuries, but they didn't want to leave since you were getting yelled at.
You met Geto's eyes, which held yours for a moment, before you looked back at Yaga with a heavy exhale. "Well, yes." You said simply. Yaga stared at you like you'd grown another head, wondering why what you said was different from your actions.
"Since you understand that, then why--"
"So do the elders want to see me now?" You interrupted. You didn't want to hear it from him nor did you want to elaborate. It wasn't like they were going to understand what you were doing anyway.
Yaga made an expression he normally did when dealing with Satoru, before sighing. "They'll see you now. You're probably not going to get out of this unscathed."
"So what are they going to do? Kill me? The villagers are still alive and well, just a little bit in pain." You waved at the girls and Suguru as you left with Yaga.
"I'll be back in a bit. Gonna get ripped a new one." You joked light-heartedly. It was the elders, after all. They're going to rip into any and every material and weakness they had on you so they could bring you under their control.
But you weren't going to succumb.
No fucking way.
Suguru watched as you left, his waving hand falling to his side. He felt little hands grab his pants as you left, each one belonging to the little girls saved.
"Is [name] going to get in trouble for saving us?" Their worried tone of voice was so sweet, so young, it hurt Geto.
He shook his head, "Only a little bit. But they'll be ok." He placed his large hands on each of their heads and ruffled their hair gently, careful not to get any healing areas.
"I think [name] will be happy if you go to Shoko and get healed up." Suguru nodded at the Window, who tried to get the little girls with them.
The girls stared up at him for a moment, then let go and nodded, trusting his words. They each grabbed the Window's hands and asked them to lead the way.
And, Geto Suguru was alone once again with his thoughts, the whole fiasco weighing on his mind as his feet took him to your room.
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Geto Suguru wandered why he sat in your room all the time. He practically lived in there now, with how often he was there instead of his own room or house.
You often dragged him when you saw him alone, to your room so he could keep you company, citing 'loneliness', but really, later down the track he realised he was the one needing your company instead, and he looked forward to when he was able to be around you. He also knew you weren't really 'lonely', but rather wanted him to know someone was willing to be there for him.
Could you read minds?
Sure, his other best friend Satoru wasn't around as often due to taking more solo missions, and Shoko was in the morgue, but at least he was able to see her. But out of the three, he saw you the most, and he was glad he did.
When did it start?
He wondered when he started coming to yours, now considered normal without any asking, without any hesitation.
He thinks it was right after the mission with Riko, the star plasma vessel. That was when you started inviting him to things way more often, trying whatever you could to fill up his time and space whenever Satoru and Shoko weren't there. So he was never alone.
The compliments, the time, attention, and love he was showered was almost too much for him when he realised it after this specific mission, and he had to lean forward and hold his head in his hands as the burden of his own thoughts made his eyes glassy.
The one who had reached out their hand, unwavering and steady, was you.
It was always you.
And since it started, the others did their best to support whenever they could, and that would've been an effort on your behalf, most likely you letting them know what you were doing.
Geto let out a choked sob as he let the tears fall in silence. Even though it tore him inside with which side he wanted to take when it came to protecting or not protecting non-sorcerers, he thought of you, he thought of Satoru, and he thought of Shoko. He thought of the girls you and him rescued, and the lives of the other sorcerers he went to school with. He thought of the non-sorcerers who didn't understand what it meant to live as a shaman, and he thought of the ones who cried and thanked him gratefully.
He hated the Jujutsu society and how it was structured. He hated how non-sorcerers were the bane and root of their existence, and the discrimination that comes with being a Jujutsu sorcerer as a minority.
Even though he was combating the very notion of accepting either side of the war raging inside him, he wondered how you were able to be as you are. How you were able to continue on your missions, how you were able to continue on the marathon race called shamantism? Did it not affect you?
But he knew it did, but how deeply he did not know.
He had heard you crying your heart out for Haibara, who was easily one of your favourite underclassmen, alone, when you woke up in the middle of the night before and during the mission you both came back from. But, even though he heard your sobs and cries, he couldn't say anything. All he could do was pretend to sleep and move so one of his arms was draping over you stomach, his forehead touching your shoulder as a way of saying 'I'm here for you'.
He would notice the way you calmed down when he did so, and it was something he noted for next time.
In his mind, he could recognise your smile and your voice, every one of your words drilled into his head as the tears fell onto the floorboards.
He was originally doing this for himself and wanted a solid foundation to base his beliefs off. Before, it was strong, but after the Riko mission, it faltered, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to continue down the same path.
And now, he was at a crossroad.
He wanted to trust in those who had faith in him, and the good in the people who were not the bad kind of non-sorcerers. Because the world had both. If his noble cause was just to protect the weak, those who weren't able to protect themselves and were good people, then so be it. Those who were corrupt, there will be another punishment waiting for them.
And so, he made up his mind.
"Sugu! Those elders put me under house arrest! For disobeying orders!" You opened the door to your room, half exclaiming and half grinning at the punishment given.
You gave a momentary pause when you saw Suguru with his head in his hands, hunched over where he normally sat at the foot of your bed.
With your arrival, he looked up, his loose hair slightly covering his face. But you could tell, he looked like he'd been crying, or was he still crying?
You took off your shoes, shut the door and immediately made a beeline to him, standing between his legs and cupping his cheeks with both your hands as you stared at him, searching his eyes for answers, for reasons, for everything. He stared up at you, sniffing every couple of seconds as his tears dried.
"Sugu." Your voice was a whisper, "What are you thinking?"
The softness of your voice didn't go unnoticed. Suguru always noticed. His hands hesitantly held your wrist, fingers wrapped around loosely so if you wanted to get out of his grip, you could.
The silence was palpable. It was heavy, and it tasted thick. He could only feel the warmth of your hands on his face and the warmth radiating off the close proximity of your body.
Since you didn't get an answer straight away, you gently swiped your thumb in the area just under his eyes like he did for you, on both sides, one at a time. He blinked a couple of times, the grip on your wrists loosening further as it fell down between his legs.
When you ran your fingers through his hair as a makeshift comb, he closed his eyes, basking in the affection you gave him, calming his tumultuous heart.
"Thank you..." His words were quiet, all too quiet that it seemed like you were the only one who he spoke to, in the bubble of the two of you, "For coming with me on that mission."
You hummed lightly as you continued to thread your hands through his hair, giving him a light head massage here and there as he struggled to find the words to convey his thoughts to you.
"I wavered." It was a statement, a statement that had many emotions in it, spoken to himself more than to you. It made you pause your movements, the raw feeling of his words sinking into you as you waited for him to continue, along with your massage.
"After Riko's death, those non-sorcerers, those monkeys, I can still hear them clapping, applauding her death." Suguru lets out a breathy sigh at the end, finally letting out his thoughts. "I used to believe the strong exists to protect the weak. But now...what about the strong? The strong are dying because of these non-sorcerers, because they aren't able to control their cursed energy, and they create curses that cause our deaths. There's no end."
"Being a Jujutsu sorcerer is a marathon race. What if...at the end, it's just a pile of our corpses? Our friends' corpses?" Suguru opened his eyes again, holding a sadness in his eyes he wasn't able to show until now.
You put your hands back on his cheeks. "Do you still believe the strong exists to protect the weak?"
You weren't able to answer this marathon race question. It was impossible to. Whatever answer you had, it would be negative. And you didn't want to dampen his spirits with something he already knew, deep inside him.
It was silent before he finally replied, "I don't know."
"The strong protect the weak. That was your philosophy, wasn't it?" A pause, "It's also what makes the strong, strong. You know, if there weren't any 'weak' people, you wouldn't even be considered 'strong', you know."
"As someone who's been saved by the strong and now becoming stronger because of them, I will hold that in my heart forever. Those non-sorcerers and sorcerers you've saved, Sugu, will remember you as their saviour."
Suguru's lips parted, but he closed them again, waiting for you to continue. He didn't know what to say.
"If you decide you don't want to protect non-sorcerers anymore and you look down on them, and it's the alternative to saving non-sorcerers because they're weak, then..." Your forehead presses on his as you close your eyes, "I'll let you go."
Suguru's throat became dry. He wanted to badly to say that he wasn't going to leave, but he couldn't deny the feelings he had when it came to whichever road he would pick.
"But, if you do end up hating non-sorcerers, you'll become one of those corpses you didn't want to see. And as a fellow sorcerer, I'd hate for that to happen." You lean down and move to hug him to your smaller body, pressing his face into the crook of your neck.
"Non-sorcerers are weak, yes, but they can also be strong. Not strong enough to kill curses, but strong in other aspects. Strength is not equal to pulverising curses." You gently pet the back of his head, "Riko was strong, wasn't she? She's not a bad non-sorcerer. She was almost like a friend to you, wasn't she?"
Suguru's arms wrap around your mid section, grabbing onto the back of your shirt like life support. "...yes." He managed to whisper.
"There's good and bad in everyone, Sugu, regardless of if they're sorcerers or not. If you're worried about the sorcerers in the world, wouldn't it be best to fix it at its core rather than to to just kill them all?"
Suguru didn't respond. He already had his answer.
You felt a wetness on your neck as his body shook, sobs ripping through his body as relief filled his veins at your words. You hummed, gently patting his back as he cried.
You knew, Suguru was a soft person inside. No matter how troublesome he and Satoru can become when they're together, Suguru was undoubtedly the softer one. Satoru also had a soft heart, but he had walls and walls around so it wasn't easily penetrated. Whereas for Suguru, the environment he's in affects him easier, and the suffering of others will easily shake him. Especially with his job as a sorcerer, it was even harder since it was a job with an abundance of negative energy.
You must've stayed like this for a while, and you felt him move to face you, his face still in your neck. You could feel his exhales on your skin, a soft hum from him as he murmured an apology to you into your skin.
"You okay there, Sugu?" You leaned your head on his, nuzzling a little.
He let go of the back of your shirt, and instead grabbed your waist and under your legs, bringing you to his lap as you yelped in surprise at the sudden lightweightedness.
"Sorry, it's easier this way." He adjusted you so you were directly in front of him, your legs to the side on the bed. His arms encased you as he hugged you tighter than before, not wanting to let go. He wanted to feel your pulse and heartbeat, to know you're present and there with him.
He buried his face into the crook of your neck again, his eyes closing as he tried to burrow impossibly closer, just like you're his lifeline.
You didn't mind since occasionally he would do this, but as of now, this was the most intimate he had become with you, and it was making your heartbeat speed up.
You tried to calm yourself as you continued to pat his back and smooth the back of his hair, chin on his shoulder as you leaned your head on his.
"Your heart's racing." You felt his lips curl into a smile, "You like this?"
Slightly annoyed by his teasing during such a tender moment, especially for him, the next pat was a lot harsher than the rest of them. You pouted as he chuckled into your skin, loosening his grip. He kept one arm around you as he wiped any tears with his sleeve, gently patting the areas on you he made damp.
You noticed he looked a lot better. A lot lighter, even. Even though he was crying, whatever was weighing him down seemed to have lessened or disappeared, like it was never there in the first place. It was like the Suguru pre star plasma vessel mission had returned.
You unknowingly held your breath, wondering if the Suguru in front of you would go back to the one who was conflicted.
"Do I have something on my face?" Suguru could feel your intense gaze on him the whole time, and he felt like he was under a microscope at how strong your gaze was.
He suddenly became self-conscious; did he look that bad after crying?
"You're back." You stated, almost incredulously.
At the tip of his tongue, he wanted to ask 'I'm back?', but he realised, you meant him. You meant the him from before Riko, the him before he started spiralling. The him who had a strong resolve and foundation.
"I've always been here." He gave you a little smile, the smile sincerely reaching his eyes as he gave you a little forehead bump.
You felt a blush rise to your cheeks at such a gentle motion, not unnoticed by him.
"You blush at this but not the hugging before?" He stared at you like you were the strangest thing on this earth, but the mirth was clearly dancing around his purple eyes, making you hit him lightly in the chest, giving him an unimpressed look.
"Welcome back, I guess." You rolled your eyes playfully at him, but you were glad he was back.
"So what's this about a house arrest for you?" Suddenly, you remembered you'd come to deliver the news to him after your meeting with the elders.
"Ah, yeah, so I'm under house arrest! For 1 week! They told me to not leave the school and if I do, they're gonna do something." You tried to recall the information, but all you had in your head was Suguru, Suguru and more Suguru.
You blinked once, twice, thrice, but you couldn't remember shit all. "Maybe I should get 'toru to bail me out if I get in trouble. He can threaten them easily."
"...why not me?" Suguru gave his best attempt at puppy dog eyes, making your brows raise at him for the effort.
"Nice try," You pinch his cheeks, trying to stop the smile from pulling your lips upwards, "I don't want you going alone, so go with 'toru if you want to. Double trouble from the two strongest sorcerers, right?" You finally give him a grin as he held a baffled look.
Then, he laughed.
The sound was like a melody to your ears, one which was so genuine and heartfelt, one you hadn't heard in so long. It moved you.
"I'll do that, then. Does that mean you have to stay here the whole time?"
"Nah, as long as I'm in Tengen's barrier."
"That's a pretty good holiday for you."
"I know right?"
"You've worked hard enough so I think you deserve some rest."
The chatter continued until the night, until you fell asleep on him from how tiring the whole day was. Geto cradled you close, like you were made of glass (not that he wasn't hugging you like his lifeline before). Instead of caressing your cheek like he was used to, this time, he mustered up some courage, gave a quick peck on your cheek, then nuzzled your cheeks together as he stood up and got you into your bed.
As he tucked you in, he gently pushed the stray hairs out of your face, his finger caressing your cheek ever so gently.
"...thank you, [name]." He spoke so, so softly he barely heard his own voice, a calm and gentle smile on his face as he reluctantly left. He was going to hop into bed next to you to sleep as well, but he figured he should clean up first before doing so.
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Turns out, Suguru didn't have any missions in the same week you were under house arrest.
You were still sleeping even after Suguru tried to wake you up in the morning, so he just left you there so you could rest. After all, you probably needed some extra time since you worked so hard for him.
"I'm surprised I don't have any missions this week." The martial artist sat down with a cup of tea.
"Wonder why that is?" Shoko had shrugged off the question, eating together with the curse manipulation user in the common area.
She already knew why that was, since she heard it all from you, but she wasn't going to tell Suguru so easily.
"[name] probably complained to the elders." Suguru stated with a laugh. He could see it happening, with you giving them attitude until you got what you want. Almost like a kid trowing a tantrum.
Shoko let out a hum as she agreed. There was a little more to the story, but he didn't need to know yet.
They were so worried about you they actually begged the elders this time. Probably the first time they've begged them, so they allowed it with one condition: [name] had to do whatever they wanted for a week after their house arrest.
But Suguru didn't need to know that, at least, until [name] told him, which they probably didn't want to do.
Seeing Shoko's nonchalant personality was normal, but for Suguru he felt like there was definitely something she knew. After all, [name] was at Shoko's before they came back to their room yesterday. And knowing the elders and from what [name]'s said about them, Suguru assumed there would be some form of condition.
Seeing he wasn't convinced, Shoko decided she was going to allude to it a little, since [name] probably wasn't going to say anything.
To speed up the process, was Shoko's determining factor.
"I think they're going to be quite busy after their week off. My spider senses are telling me this." She joked, leaning back on the chair.
Suguru thought for a moment, "So the elders are going to force [name] to go on difficult missions."
Shoko shrugged, taking out a cigarette and placing it between her lips. She didn't light it inside, but it didn't feel right without it. "Aren't they already doing that?"
Geto didn't give a response, thinking what the elders would do especially since [name] was involved. From his observations, they were much more strict on you than they were on anybody else. Satoru could get away with things because he was one of the strongest and could actually end them and everything else, but you on the other hand, were not able to do that and effectively just danced in the palm of their hands trying to bite your way out.
He let out a low hum in thought. If he was granted no missions during this time and you were under house arrest, but Shoko alluded to you being busy the next week even after knowing you'll be taking up missions just like usual, that effectively means something was up. Was there another variable he wasn't sure about? Did you have something to do with him having no missions right now?
"Shoko, why not just tell me [name] had a deal with the elders?" He let out a sigh at the roundabout way of getting to the answer. "I'm guessing they agreed to do whatever the elders asked for, for 1 week, right? In exchange for giving me a break and going on that mission even after getting told not to."
"Bingo." Shoko made finger guns at his correct answer. She definitely didn't tell him, he just figured it out on his own, she tells herself.
Suguru's lips pressed into a thin line, wondering what the elders had planned. After all, you were a semi grade-1 sorcerer, but you kept getting pushed into missions which were grade 1 or higher, somehow managing to always come back alive even after facing a grade 1 curse.
Which is why the elders were always assigning you to go on difficult missions.
"You know, the girls you brought back, Mimiko and Nanako, are doing well. They've been put into a foster home associated with Jujutsu High, so you'll be able to see them if you want." Shoko forgot to give him this piece of information.
"That's good to hear." He smiled, now knowing the girls were doing well. It brought him back to the day prior, where he was so, so close to losing it and choosing another path. "I'm sure [name] would like to see them too."
Shoko shifted in her seat when she heard your name from his lips this time, finding it was different to earlier. It was softer? She couldn't quite put her finger to it, but it was like his soft spot for you was even softer than before, if that could even be a thing.
"You sound like a lovesick fool." Shoko commented with a non-commited laugh. She was just teasing, but she was also curious.
Suguru rolled his eyes at her, taking a sip of his tea. "They saved them too. Of course they'd want to see them."
He didn't agree nor deny, making Shoko raise her brows in surprise.
"I heard my name." You yawned as you entered the common area, still in the clothes you wore yesterday.
"Looks like you slept well." Geto examined your hair, which stuck up in some places, a smile on his face at the scene.
You hummed in response, giving a wave to both of them before sauntering over to the kitchenette to make yourself a glass of warm water, uncaring of the eyes trailing after you.
Shoko's gaze landed on Suguru, watching him watch you.
His gaze on you was definitely different. She definitely wasn't seeing things. She swore it was softer than before. The way his expression changed to a more relaxed one the minute you came into the picture, the way his shoulders relaxed when he talked to you, the tone of his voice shifting spectacularly to include an affectionate tilt, all of it was presented right in from of Shoko, who had known Suguru for a while, so she could tell these differences easily.
Wow, damn. He's down bad.
She smirked to herself, wanting so badly to tell Satoru of Suguru's little crush.
Except, both of them would probably deny it to the ends of the earth.
You slip into the seat next to Geto, eyes half open as you slowly blinked away your sleepiness, drinking the water here and there. Suguru laughed lightly at your state, scooting a little closer to detangle your hair with his fingers, running his hands through your hair to fix it.
Shoko's eyes nearly bulged out of her head, watching this blatant public display of affection. She was used to Suguru being a little touchy with [name] and expressing it here and there, but this was a new high. It made her sip the coffee she'd forgotten she had on the side, not sure if she should be there to experience such a thing.
You hummed in content, "Thanks Sugu."
"Should've brushed your hair before coming out." He gently chided, taking a sip of his tea.
"Probably should've changed, too..." You yawn again, taking another sip of water. "But yeah, I'd like to see the kids too, Shoko, when they're ready and all healed up."
Shoko, having been distracted for a moment, returned to her nonchalant self as she grinned, promising to let both of you know when that was possible.
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The week of house arrest was a blessing for you, especially before the files for the missions you were undertaking were handed to you by a Window.
There were 2 missions you were asked to undertake - a grade 1 solo mission, and then a special grade one with Satoru.
A special grade with Satoru? If you didn't already feel alarmed, you were definitely feeling alarmed now. Hell, if Satoru is on any missions, it meant that there was serious harm that could be done.
You flipped through the papers wordlessly, your expression changing here and there before going back to normal.
These were the two missions asked by the elders, the ones who you were to obey for the week.
There can't be anything good here, you thought, going through the documents a second time to remember the information.
"Are you going on a mission soon?" Suguru suddenly appeared out of nowhere, nearly making you jump in surprise. His face was right next to yours, overlooking your shoulders to peer at the documents.
"Yeah, these two are for next week. One solo, one with 'toru." You showed him the front pages of each and the basic information.
He let out a low hum in response and pulled back, plucking the papers with him to sift through them.
He already knew they were missions the elders specifically picked out for you, but for one with Satoru? He was sure something was up there.
Of course, you didn't know he knew about your little deal with the elders, and he didn't plan on telling you he knew. Instead, he just showed up wherever you were because he wanted to be near you. And, who knows, the elders might have something planned so he wanted to know you were safe.
"It's too bad I have my own missions to go to. Otherwise I'd have gone with you." He handed you back the papers, seeing your confused expression.
"I'm sure the elders would love that." You spoke sarcastically, but laughed all the same. It would've been great to go on missions with Suguru, just like not too long ago. "Maybe we'll go on missions together soon!"
"I'd like that."
He'll pretend he didn't see the big red words on the special grade mission with Satoru, one which spelled out '2 special grades'.
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"So, apparently there are 2 special grades." Satoru ate a crepe filled to the brim with toppings, walking side by side with you as you both headed to the site of the mission.
He'd come back a day or so ago and didn't even bother looking through the documents, leaving it to you since you had them before him. Also because he was strong and he didn't care enough; he would've beaten them regardless.
"Which is why I have no idea why I'm here." You muttered, sighing. You snack on your on crepe, much more simple than his, wondering why in the earth the elders wanted to put you on such a mission. You were semi grade 1, for fuck's sake! Just because you survived a special grade and grade 1 mission before doesn't necessarily mean you'll survive the next ones?!
Satoru glanced at you and took a large chomp of his crepe, munching gleefully. Once he finished that bite, he said, "They should've sent Suguru with me if anything."
"I know right? Special grades against special grades, not special grade and semi grade 1 versus 2 special grades. Are they telling me to die?" You let out an exasperated sigh.
"They're probably planning something." Satoru and you both knew how much they were assholes, but cunning was also a word that could be used to describe them.
He left out the part about how he knew you did this for Suguru, and all the nitty gritty details Shoko filled him in about after he came back from the mission prior. He also left out the information only he has access to, one which was more in line with the ability you had, that the elders were convinced you were able to awaken at a later stage.
After all, if you could unlock your cursed energy output channels so abruptly and have so much CE, there was bound to be some locked potential there, right?
Which is why you were put onto this mission to assist Satoru.
"Let's just get this over and done with." You finished the rest of your crepe, downing some bitter green tea before heading to the Windows waiting at the site.
Satoru followed you, feeling the CE ooze strongly from the site.
This will be interesting.
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A couple of nights after you and Satoru went on the mission, Suguru began to get worried. He shouldn't be worried about you since you were with the Gojo heir, but he couldn't shake the feeling something happened to you.
It was when he woke up from a nightmare of you dying in his arms that he feels his stomach drop, and cold sweat run down his face and body.
The feeling was unmistakenably so humane, so real that it fucked his head in. He sat up in bed for a moment, feeling your side of the bed before finding it cold and empty. He started to panic, wondering if the dream was indeed real, but then he realised you were still on a mission, and it's been a couple of days since you went. He sighed to himself, slipping out of the covers to go cool down.
When he opened the door, he saw the light at the end of the hallway was open, the one belonging to the common room.
He didn't know what time it was, but it definitely wasn't a time to be up. But, he still went, curious about who was up this late.
"Satoru?" He questioned, seeing the white haired man in question sprawled out on the couch. "You two finished the mission?"
"Yeah." Gojo leaned back, turning his head to meet Suguru's tired ones. "Can't sleep?"
"Had a nightmare."
"Where's [name]?"
"Getting examined by Shoko."
"What happened to them?" Suguru didn't want to sound too panicked, but Satoru could see through him right away.
"[name]'s fine. Maybe super tired now since they activated their curse technique for the first time."
"Cursed technique?" Suguru echoed. From what he knew, you didn't have a CT.
"Yeah." Satoru leaned on one side, crossing his legs as he faced Suguru. "Nullfication. Can cancel anything with cursed energy within a radius of 2 metres. Curses die just being in contact with it, but depends on grade."
"Isn't that an extremely rare ability?" Geto had to get himself something to drink, he was parched. He also made one for Satoru as well, knowing he'd want one too after the mission.
"Yeah. It bypassed my infinity." Satoru made an expression as he clicked his tongue, "But then my infinity worked again. Was the first time something like this happened."
Suguru couldn't help but let his jaw drop. "Is that even possible?"
Satoru frowned, taking the cup from Suguru and taking a drink. "I don't know, but the CT uses CE to maintain it. Still trying to figure out how it works."
Suguru breathed out in relief, "Wow."
"Not a moment to be celebrating, Suguru." Satoru clicked his tongue at him again, "I think this was exactly what the elders wanted."
Suguru backtracked for a moment - he knew the elders wanted something, but this? He didn't expect them to look at [name] and go 'this one will have a CT manifested'. Usually CT are manifested at an earlier age, so for you to awaken one so much later was a miracle in itself.
"Back then, and now, too." Gojo let out an exasperated sigh. "Those old bastards."
Suguru finished off his drink, "I'm going to go see them."
"Oh, ok." Satoru saw Suguru's expression, it did hold worry, but it was more contemplative due to the situation around it. He quickly finished off his drink and followed his best friend.
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Suguru breathed a sigh of relief he didn't know he was holding when he saw you getting a check up from Shoko. You looked tired, but you were still alive and kicking.
"Sugu? Why are you awake? It's 3am." You raise a brow, then quickly realised Shoko was up too because of you and apologised with a little bow.
"I couldn't sleep." He strode to where you were. The tension in his body was replaced with relief as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a hug. He nuzzled into your hair, even if it was dirty from the mission.
"Sugu? I haven't cleaned up, you know." You let out a laugh as you let him do his thing, giving him a light hug back and some pats on the back.
Satoru made an expression, almost pouty, before he also came over and enveloped both you and Suguru into a hug. "I don't know what's going on but I'll hug you too. Shoko, come!" He dragged her by the arm so everyone was in a hug, much to your delight.
It's been a while since there was a group hug.
"If the elders say anything, drop my name and I'll come kill them." Satoru murmured, ready to throw hands. He nuzzled his face into the top of your head, ignoring how his hair tickled Suguru and Shoko's noses.
"If you do that, let me examine their dead bodies." Shoko joked.
"If there are any difficult missions, bring me or Satoru along." Suguru scrunched his nose as he delved deeper, leaning his body weight on you ever so slightly.
"Guys, I think I'll pass out..." You tapped at their arms, not having enough strength to pull them off.
Not even a minute passed and you were tucked into your bed, the other three shoved into your bed with you, hugging at least one part of your body as they drifted off into sleep.
You were facing Suguru, who hadn't slept yet, but was waiting for you to close your eyes and rest.
"Sugu, let's visit the kids soon, ok?" You yawned, closing your eyes, "Goodnight."
He moved slightly to bump his forehead to yours, moving back when a small smile curled your lips. He was ready to sleep now, and he didn't think he'd have anymore nightmares.
"Let's do that. Goodnight."
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A/N: This is almost a little prequel to this angsty one, but can be a fluffy-ish angsty-ish standalone as well!
Fun fact, after Suguru cried his eyes out, his eyes were puffy for the first day of this break, and you and Shoko gave him so much shit for it.
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 5 months
UPDATED 1/29/24
this was inspired by @lubble-underscore's post and I decided to expand on the iceberg and see how much I could throw on it
thanks to the Discord server for filling in on things that didn't cross my mind! :D
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feel free to save and highlight what you know :3 Links to many of these things are below - some are not tho!
Tier 1 - do we even need to SAY anything?
pathetic little meow meow
unreliable narrator
Tier 2 - surface level/easy to see
superiority/inferiority complex
bitchsexual (i mean... points to commodus)
raised chiron (see CHB Confidential)
Tier 3 - complete read-through/reread; taking first steps into fandom
breaks cycle of abuse
great with kids, actually (see Harley, Georgie, ect.)
ordered pizza to chb (see The Hidden Oracle)
domains contradict
best godly parent
still heavily affected by past lovers (see The Whole Series)
Tier 4 - digging a little deeper
love life isn't actually terrible
definitely tried to bang frey at least once (see that One throwaway line in The Hidden Oracle)
malewife malewhore manslaughter
broke up the beatles because paul jilted him (Discord)
sees the faces of primordial gods (see The Hidden Oracle)
copollo could have worked
catboy but cats are competition (See The Tyrant's Tomb; submitted by @trials-of-apollo-my-beloved)
freakishly high pain tolerance (See THE ENTIRE SERIES)
Tier 5 - holy shit we're on to something
that apollo & jesus fic (Discord)
knew hades had kids in TTC
pressured to be the perfect son
fatal flaw is love
not as close to hermes as he used to be
seahorsed kayla
patron of CHB
roman apollo au (Discord: Creator chronictheorizing)
Tier 6 - wait what. OH!
was forced to punish halcyon green
deathsong (Discord: Creator @txny-dragon) (addition)
kids are greek & roman
michael yew is most like him
brings change by being his true self and not the fake one (Submitted by @/txny-dragon)
laomedon is why he hates slavery (Discord: Creator @ukelele-boy)
intentionally made the orientation video to communicate info on the gods
Tier 7 - what the fuck did we get ourselves into
directed travis & conner to tartarus tongs
Apollo x Orion is peek hateship (Discord: Origin in Tsari's server during Eclipse)
unlocked heavenly prophecy powers during trials
dated oscar wilde and inspired the picture of dorian gray (Discord)
half-titan theory
tartarus regenerated him
imperial kids were meant to usurp the olympians
Tier 8 - we're in too deep but will never come out
knows estelle is omen of end of the world
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sen-ya · 14 days
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part 5/7
is it silly that this is my favorite in this series? i really enjoyed writing kaya and I wanna do it again at some point :')
[op comic masterpost]
[pg1] panel 2: Kaya: Oh! Dr. Law! I didn't expect to find you in our library.
panel 3: Law: K-Kaya-ya!
panel 4: Law: Uh. Ahem. Excuse me. I hope you don't mind me borrowing your books.
panel 5: Kaya: Oh of course not! I'm just shocked to hear we have books you don't! What are you studying?
panel 6: Law: UHHHHH
[pg2] panel 10: Kaya: Oh! Is someone on your crew pregnant? Ikkaku??
panel 11: Law (thinking): She doesn't know Ikkaku is trans. Does she not know that I am?? I just assumed Nose-ya would have mentioned it. But that makes sense. If Straw Hat didn't already know Nose-ya was trans it's not like I would have told him.
panel 12: Kaya: ...?
panel 13: Law (thinking): Fuck, I've been quiet too long. I can't throw Ikkaku under to bus. Just say something.
panel 14: Law: No. Kaya: Oh. Then why...? Law (thinking): Wait, shit
[pg3] panel 15: Law: My, uh...brother...'s...wife. Yeah, we're taking him back to Zou soon...because his wife is pregnant...and I...want...to help...?
panel 16: Kaya: Oh, how sweet! Congrats "Uncle Law" hehe. If you have any questions I could help with let me know!! I specialized in traumatic injury, but I did deliver a few babies in Syrup Village! On smaller islands like that you wear a lot of hats.
panel 17: Law: And you've...been pregnant. Kaya: Well, yeah, but I wasn't my own doctor! Could you imagine if I had tried to deliver the twins myself? Even a doctor needs a doctor, you know that.
panel 18: Law: ...right.
panel 19: Law: ...what...what was it like?
panel 20: Kaya: Oh, my pregnant patients were actually pretty fun! I suppose it makes sense that as a pirate ship doctor you wouldn't have had to know obstetrics. But it was always so lovely to hand a parent their--
[pg4] panel 21: Kaya: ...newborn...baby...?
panel 23: Kaya: ...I'm sorry, Dr. Law. If there's context I need you'll have to give it to me. I'm not good at guessing.
panel 24: Law: What do you mean, I just gave you context. Kaya: With all due respect, you're full crying. It's a new sight for me!
panel 25: Kaya: You can tell me what's going on! I'm told I'm a very good listener
panel 26: Law: ...You Straw Hats sure are a pain Kaya: Sorry, hehe
panel 28: Law: ...I...ahem...so number one, if you didn't know...I'm...I'm trans.
panel 29: Law: But not like your husband. He got the works from Ivankov-ya...I never felt the need to seek that out.
[pg5] panel 30: Kaya: ...I see
panel 31: Kaya: How far along are you? Law: ..12 weeks, give or take. Kaya: Well, I've provided obstetric care of all kinds. So whatever questions you're researching here...why don't you ask me instead of being your own doctor?
panel 32: Law: ...Same question. What was it like?
panel 33: Kaya: Being pregnant was a horror show!
panel 34: Law: A glowing review. Kaya: Oh, sorry! I can lie if you'd prefer!
panel 35: Kaya: I was just so sick my first trimester! Law (speaking over her): KAYA-YA I THOUGHT I WAS DYING FOR TWO WEEKS WHEN WILL IT STOP I CAN ONLY EAT RICE.
panel 36: Kaya: It's different for everyone. By the end it wasn't quite so bad for me, though. And I love my kids so much. They were such cute newborns!! So I was alright being uncomfortable for awhile. Because that's what we wanted, you know?
panel 37: Kaya (off screen): What do you and Luffy want, Dr. Law?
[pg6] panel 38: Law: ...We haven't decided yet. We're giving it to the end of the week. I'm trying to think about it rationally. But I just keep getting emotional any time I talk about it. It's strange.
panel 39: Kaya: An emotional decision and a bad decision aren't inherently synonymous, you know.
panel 40: Law: ...your bedside manner is impeccable, Dr. Kaya-ya. Kaya: Well, thank you! Next time let's meet in the infirmary, mine or yours.
panel 41: Kaya: I'll be your doctor through this, okay?
panel 42: Law: ...Okay...Thank you. Kaya: Of course!
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incognit0slut · 9 months
Right Kind of Wrong (12)
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She never thought she would be involved in a murder investigation and encounter her one-night-stand again, the awkward guy who isn’t exactly that good in bed—Or is he? Offended by the sentiment, Spencer is determined to prove her wrong… But as he gets tangled with the beautiful stranger, he realizes there is more to her than what meets the eye.
Part Summary: Spencer gets closer to the truth while she feels suffocated by the situation. wc: 4.3k
Series Warnings: 18+ explicit content, graphic details of murders, mentions of suicide, mentions of SA
a/n: Let me give you a long part as a token of my apology for being a slow writer. I hope this was worth the wait
Other parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
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"WE BELIEVE WE ARE DEALING WITH A MALE OFFENDER IN HIS LATE 20s TO EARLY 30s," Aaron Hotchner announced, his voice loud and jarring. "Based on the crime scenes, the Unsub doesn't have a lot of experience as they were most likely done in a moment of rage."
The team stood in front of the bullpen, facing a room full of officers and agents scattered along the space. Pens clicked and notepads rustled around them as everyone prepared to add insights to their unfolding narrative.
Rossi, who stood by the evidence board, skimmed his eyes across the room. "It suggests someone who is impulsive and might have difficulty controlling urges. This could also be a sign of an underlying mental illness."
"It's likely that there is some kind of history there, either of abuse or trauma in their childhood," JJ added. "It seems that the Unsub may have difficulty connecting with or relating to others and may be socially isolated as a result. He would mostly like to keep to himself."
Spencer took a step forward and carried on with their profile of the unidentified suspect. "The Unsub might also have grown up in a deeply religious environment. Their beliefs may have become twisted and distorted, leading them to believe that they possess a unique calling to carry out their crimes as a way of punishment."
"Based on the victims, the Unsub has targeted specific people whom they believe have harmed one of our witnesses," Morgan added, his voice seeming to turn deeper as he continued, "Y/n L/n."
A jolt of electricity surged through Spencer's consciousness. The human mind really was a powerful thing. Somehow the simple sound of her name projected the memories he had of her and suddenly he was seeing her face, her radiant smile, her beautiful eyes—he was seeing her so clearly as if she were standing right before him.
But then Emily moved past him, jolting him awake from his reverie as she bumped against his shoulder. "The Unsub has a sense of loyalty to her that they are acting out these crimes as a desire for retribution on her behalf. They might believe that they have a connection or some kind of relationship with Ms. L/n."
"We believe the Unsub might know her personally," Hotch addressed, his eyes, sharp and penetrating, scanning around him. "Go through places where the witness is most likely to go. This could be her neighborhood, workplace, daily commute, and so on."
The atmosphere seemed to shift as he finally dismissed the room. Everyone rose from their seats, each one heading to their respective posts and assignments. It didn't take long for the phones to ring in the background, followed by the constant shuffle of feet as the entire space started to come alive.
And as Spencer turned back to his desk, a familiar man pushing the glass doors of the office suddenly caught his attention. His steps faltered while the man looked around the room as recognition hit him. Spencer walked over, addressing him as one of the witnesses. "Mr. Adler?"
The other man blew out a sigh of relief. "Eric, please." He entered the office and gave Spencer a look. "The people downstairs told me I could find you here."
"You were looking for me?" He frowned. "Is there anything I can help you with?"
"I hope so," Eric replied. "Has there been any missing person report lately?"
The confusion on his face grew prominent at the question. "Not that I know of. Why? Is someone you know missing?"
"A coworker of mine hasn't shown up to work and I can't contact any of his family members," he explained. "I'm starting to get worried."
"What's his name?"
"Oliver Walsh."
Having an eidetic memory helped him recall the name easily. His mind went through all the information he gathered these past few days and remembered the exact name written on the list of employees. "When did you last see him?"
"Three—no, four days ago. He left work looking very troubled."
Spencer's brow was furrowed, his eyes fixed unwaveringly on Eric's. "Troubled?"
Eric nodded. "He seemed distracted."
"Do you have any idea why he acted the way he did?"
"No," he responded. And then it suddenly happened. His eyes, previously engaged in maintaining eye contact, drifted upward for a fleeting second. It was as though a switch had been flipped in his mind and the gears of his memory whirred to life. "Although he did seem to act different that day... especially towards Y/n."
His stomach churned. A subtle tremor coursed through his limbs, betraying the unease that was slowly but unmistakably creeping into his consciousness. "...Y/n?"
"You remember her, right? She was with me the night it happened."
Remember her? She was the only person he couldn't stop thinking about. Spencer cleared his throat and leaned forward. "I'm aware Ms. L/n was also a witness."
"Well, Oliver has been fixated on her for so long, everyone in the office knows this. Y/n mostly thinks of it as a joke but I don't think Oliver sees it the same way as she does."
"And something happened between them on the day you last saw him?"
"I'm not sure." Eric sighed. "I saw them talking after work hours, and by the looks of it, I think Y/n was pissed at him." He then crossed his arms, his brows in deep concentration as he seemed to be recalling that day. "She looked like she was under a lot of stress, actually."
"Did you hear what they were talking about?"
"No. But after that, Oliver didn't seem like himself anymore. Then he didn't come to work the next day..." Eric trailed off, his eyes casting down before he mumbled, "I still don't know where he is now."
Spencer's mind suddenly became a whirlwind of calculated chaos, connecting the dots with lightning precision. His heart raced in his chest, pounding out a rhythm of urgency that echoed in his ears. There was no room for hesitation, no luxury of second-guessing.
He needed to move fast.
"Emily!" He called out as he saw his friend walking past them, quickly stopping her pace at the mention of her name. "Can you help Mr. Adler file a missing person report?"
"Uh..." she looked between the two men, uncertainty written across her face. There were questions lingering at the tip of her tongue but she stopped herself when she saw the urgent look Spencer was throwing at her. "Of course," she decided to agree, her attention shifting to the other man. "Right this way."
With a swift, purposeful stride, Spencer left them behind, his footsteps echoing the urgency that had taken hold of him. His heart was still racing when he walked down the corridor, quickly making his way to the room down the hall.
The door swung open with a resolute push, and he entered the room, his senses on high alert. "Garcia."
"I wasn't doing anything!" The woman sitting before him shrieked, closing the window tabs on the screen in front of her. Usually, Spencer would tease her on how unprofessional it was to be doing something else that wasn't related to work, but he didn't have the time to engage in playful banter.
Spencer stepped behind her, placing a hand on the back of her chair. "Garcia, I need you to find Oliver Walsh for me."
She wasted no time. Her fingers danced across the keyboard with a rapid, almost feverish intensity. "Oliver... Walsh..." The soft clatter of keys echoed in the room as she navigated through files and databases. "There are too many Oliver Walsh in this country."
"He works at the same company as Y/n."
"Should've mentioned that sooner." Her eyes scanned lines of text, images, and documents in front of her. "Bingo. Oliver Conrad Walsh was born on 18th December 1991 as an only child—wait, look at this. His family was part of The Haven Hill... a sanctuary of unwavering faith and profound tranquility?"
"Is it some kind of a cult?"
"I don't think so." Her eyes landed on an old article buried within the archives and clicked on the link before a picture of a worn-out brochure greeted them. "Prospective members are welcomed into Haven Hill, a secluded and serene enclave where faith and tradition unite. It seems like a very tight-knit community with a very religious belief—oh!"
Her fingers moved as she navigated through digital records. "Reid..."
"What is it?"
The screen suddenly displayed a grim history of illicit activities and misdeeds, a virtual breadcrumb trail leading them closer to the truth.
"Oliver Walsh was far from being a saint albeit growing up in a religious environment. Along with his group of friends, he was constantly rebelling ever since a very young age. He had to do a lot of community service for it too; underage drinking, burglary, public disturbances—oh dear."
"Attempt sexual assault?" Spencer read out loud.
"...a group of underage boys was proved guilty of trying to violate a fourteen-year-old girl on school grounds—"
"Garcia," Spencer stopped her, not wanting to listen to the rest of the story. "Give me his current address."
"Already on it," she responded, her fingers hovering over the keyboard.
Spencer's heart pounded in his chest. He couldn't believe this, the suspect was no longer a shadowy figure; they were becoming real, tangible, and within his grasp. Then his eyes caught the shot of the man on the screen. A jolt of recognition surged through him as he scrutinized the suspect's image on the screen. The face staring back at him carried a haunting familiarity.
Memories raced through his mind like flickering images from the past. He remembered him, he always remembered people's faces, and that man right there was the same man he had seen in Y/n's house that afternoon. There was a huge chance this was all a coincidence.
But there was also a possibility of Oliver Walsh being the Unsub.
He didn't know which one was true, but what he did know was that he needed to find out the truth.
The sudden, shrill ring of his phone shattered the intensity of the moment. It was a jarring intrusion, snapping him back to the present. With a swift, almost automatic motion, Spencer reached for the device and answered the call without looking away from the screen. "Yes?"
"Agent Reid," the person on the other line greeted, their words rushed in a moment of panic. "I can't find her."
Spencer pulled his phone away from his face and glanced at the caller ID. Officer Anderson. A sense of relentless panic coursed through him as the realization hit like a lightning bolt. He felt a knot tighten in his stomach, a visceral reaction to the gravity of the call.
"What do you mean you can't find her?"
"I—" There was a sigh. "I-I was watching inside my car and I somehow ended up sleeping. She's nowhere inside the house now—"
"Did you call her?"
"She left her phone in the kitchen."
At that moment, he was acutely aware of every heartbeat, every pulse of blood coursing through his veins. Panic resounded through his thoughts, casting a dark shadow over him. It was a visceral, gut-wrenching sensation that threatened to paralyze him like the ground had suddenly shifted beneath his feet.
"I apologize, Agent Reid."
But then anger coursed through his body. He was suddenly angry—Angry at the situation, angry at the Unsub, angry at the officer who couldn't seem to do his one simple job. His jaw clenched, his knuckles turned white as he gripped the phone tighter, and his eyes flashed with fury.
"Being sorry isn't going to help you find her," he snapped. He then straightened himself. "I'll be there in ten."
"What happened?" Garcia whispered, noticing the sudden tension in his shoulder.
Spencer shoved back his phone and turned to her. "Garcia, I need you to inform the others, I have to go."
"What?!" She yelped, watching as he turned away from her. "Right now? Where are you going?"
But her question was left unanswered as he bolted out of the door.
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There was no other way to explain what being followed by a disguised officer felt like. It was suffocating. Even everything felt suffocating these days, and when she meant everything, Y/n really meant everything.
At first, the idea of protection had offered comfort, but now it was an oppressive weight that bore down on her shoulders. Everywhere she turned, a shadow loomed, an unwelcome reminder of the loss of her freedom. The suffocating sensation was inescapable, restricting her every movement.
The constant surveillance had pushed her to the brink of stress and manifested in the form of tension that coiled within her, ready to snap at the slightest provocation. Her patience wore thin and the weight of anxiety rested heavy on her chest. One moment she was on the verge of tears, the next, she was snapping with sharp words, irritable and sullen.
She really needed a break.
"You should go to the gym," Sandy had suggested the other day. "It might help relieve the stress."
After debating whether it was a good idea to visit the gym when she couldn't even remember the last time she stepped foot on a treadmill, she finally decided to slip out of the house. She walked over to the black car she already grew familiar with and stood by the window—only to find Officer Anderson fast asleep behind the wheels.
A pang of guilt tugged at her, but the allure of temporary freedom was too strong to resist. It was an unexpected opportunity, a rare moment of freedom dangling before her like a tempting prize. Was it wise to leave without informing him? Probably not. But she couldn't imagine herself working out—all awkward, tired, and sweaty—with Officer Anderson watching her from the corner.
So silently, she retraced her steps. Her pulse quickened with a mix of trepidation and exhilaration as she walked away. It would be fine, she had assured herself. She would be back before he realized she was even gone. And with that thought in mind, she quickly made her way to the closest gym around the corner.
The place felt both familiar and foreign as she navigated the equipment, but she finally found her place in an exercise routine. Her muscles protested the unaccustomed effort, but with each movement, she could feel the tension slowly dissipating. It wasn't until she could barely feel her limbs anymore that she stopped and left the place.
Even though her body was aching from pushing her body to its limit, she did feel slightly better. Her steps also did feel lighter when she walked back to her home, and her mind felt calmer, and less chaotic than it did when she left her house. But as she approached her street, a knot of unease tightened in her stomach.
The evening's fading light cast long, ominous shadows that seemed to reach out and embrace her front door, which stood ajar. It was an unexpected sight, one that sent a chill down her spine. Two things flashed into her mind at that very moment. One, she realized Officer Anderson was nowhere in sight. His usual parked car looked very much abandoned with no one inside the vehicle. Two, she could probably die if she entered her house alone in this state.
Maybe she should call the police. Maybe she should call Spencer... Yeah right, she didn't even have his number. Maybe she should just call Agent Jareau. Or Agent Prentiss. Yes, that would be a wiser option than to—shit. She clutched her empty pockets.
She didn't even bring her phone to begin with.
She cursed to herself. This was a bad, bad decision. She was probably going to regret this, but she couldn't just stand there and do nothing. So very cautiously, she approached her house, her senses on high alert.
As she pushed the door open wider, it revealed a slice of the dimly lit interior. She couldn't help but hold her breath as she stepped over the threshold, her footsteps hesitant, almost reverent, on the creaking floorboards.
She stepped deeper into her home and slowly entered the dimly lit kitchen. Her breath caught in her throat as she saw a figure standing shrouded in shadows, a silhouette in the gloom. A gasp of shock emitted through her lips, but as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, recognition washed over her like a tidal wave.
"Officer Anderson!" She yelled, placing a hand over her heart. "You scared me!"
"Ms. L/n," he breathed out, his expression softening when he saw her. "Where have you been?"
Guilt washed over her as she noticed the concern in his eyes but she quickly dismissed it, stepping further into the room, and grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. "I went to the gym."
"Why didn't you tell me? I'm supposed to accompany you—"
"You were asleep, I didn't want to wake you."
"You should've woken me up, Ms. L/n."
"You looked like you could use some sleep," she mentioned before glancing at the clock perched on the wall. "I was only gone for like an hour, it's not a big deal."
Officer Anderson looked like he wanted to argue with her, but stopped himself before letting out a sigh. "Can you please inform me whenever you step out of the house, even when I might be asleep?"
His concerned gaze met hers as he turned to her, a mixture of relief and worry in his eyes. Guilt twisted in her chest as she nodded. "Alright, I will."
"And please bring your phone with you at all times."
Her eyes snapped towards the device sitting on the counter. "I did forget to bring it with me, I'm sorry."
With a nod, the officer excused himself, giving her a moment of privacy to collect her thoughts. She watched him go, his retreating figure a testament to his dedication, despite the surprise of her brief absence.
Feeling overwhelmed by the mix of emotions—being scrutinized by an authority, being a potential target of a serial killer still on the loose—she retreated to her room, seeking solace in the familiar confines of her private space. She quickly peeled off her clothes which clung to her body from all the sweat and stepped into her bathroom.
The sound of running water filled the room as she turned on the shower, its warmth a soothing embrace. Steam enveloped her, and as the water cascaded over her body, the tension that had coiled within her began to unravel. Under the gentle caress of the water, she closed her eyes. Her shoulders trembled with the tension she had carried for so long, the weight of guilt, responsibility, and emotions too complex to unravel.
How had things turned the way it did? A few weeks ago her life seemed normal, yet now she was linked to a crime with her name at the center of it. This felt so unfair. Why her? Why now? Wh—
She opened her eyes.
What was it now?
It sounded... it sounded like a thud coming from somewhere in her house.
The sudden interruption jolted her from the sanctuary of the shower. Her heart raced as she hastily wrapped a towel around herself and emerged from the bathroom, water droplets glistening on her skin. The door to her room suddenly wrenched open with force before a figure she last expected walked in.
"What the—Spencer!" She gasped, not believing who she was seeing. "What the hell?!"
His gaze met hers, and she saw something in his expression that sent a shiver down her spine. It was an anger she hadn't seen before, a storm brewing beneath the surface of his usual calm demeanor. His jaw was clenched, and his normally warm eyes were steely and cold.
"Are you crazy?" He suddenly snapped.
"Me?" She wailed, tightening the towel around her body. "Are you crazy? What are you even doing here?"
"What were you thinking going out without notice?" Spencer's tone was incredulous, his anger unabated. "Without informing Officer Anderson?"
So this was why he was here? To confront her reckless action perhaps?
She scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "He looked like he needed the sleep after constantly watching me with little to no rest."
Spencer's frustration deepened, his brows furrowing. "He's assigned to you to keep you safe. You can't just disappear like that, it's irresponsible."
"Well excuse me for being considerate," she retorted.
"You were being reckless."
"No," she argued. "I was being thoughtful."
"Why are you not taking this seriously?" His voice grew sharper, a desperate attempt to make her understand as he stalked towards her. "Can't you understand you were putting yourself at risk?"
"I was only gone for an hour."
"Something could've happened!"
"But nothing did!"
She met his frustration with a defiant glare, holding her ground as he approached her, his tall, intimidating frame only stopping when he was directly in front of her. She saw his eyes drift down her body before pinning his gaze on her face again.
"Y/n, I need you to be safe."
"I am safe! I've been safe ever since you guys put someone to watch over me. I've been safe ever since the same person has been following me everywhere I go, which if you haven't caught on my sarcasm, has made me feel more like in prison than actually feeling protected." Her voice was tinged with frustration as she squared her shoulders, refusing to back down. "It's like I'm being controlled."
"It's not about controlling you, it's about ensuring that nothing bad happens to you."
"I was simply gone for an hour, Spencer," she reminded him again. "No need to go all dramatic over it."
Then in the blink of an eye, the heated tension that had filled the room seemed to snap, leaving them both breathless and disarmed. But instead of reacting with anger or shouting, Spencer's frustration found a different outlet.
"Why are you not fucking listening to me?"
And in a sudden and unexpected gesture, he cupped her face in his hands. Their eyes locked for a fleeting moment, filled with a mix of emotions too complex to name. And then, in a burst of raw and unspoken desire, he leaned in and crashed his lips on her.
She was too stunned to speak, too stunned to respond. There was nothing else she could do but to give in his advance, because dear god, it felt too good to have his mouth moving against hers again. Spencer had kissed her many times before, but not like this. Not this rough. She could even feel the frustration seeping from his body as his lips moved against hers with urgency.
He continued to kiss her, biting hard at her bottom lip, teeth gnashing against the soft flesh of it as a rumbling noise vibrated deep in his chest. Each time she gasped in response at his teeth, his tongue forced its way into her mouth and lapped so mercilessly that she was left desperate for air each time he returned to assaulting her with his teeth and lips.
"Is this what it would take for you to listen?" He growled against her mouth. "Is this what you want?"
Speechless, she responded to his ardor with a fervor of her own, her body leaning into his, fingers tracing the contours of his face. She continued to stare up at him, trying to quickly piece together what was going on, though she nevertheless found herself aroused. It was as if their desire, long suppressed by their arguments and differences, had suddenly ignited, leaving them both powerless to resist the pull of passion.
"Answer me," he barked out.
"Yes," she finally breathed out. "Yes."
Releasing her face, his hands rose in between them. Her eyes dropped down, watching as he gripped her towel with so much force before he ripped it off her body in one swift movement, throwing the material onto the floor.
His eyes roamed over her body, tracing every curve and contour with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. His hands traced over her sides before he gripped onto her hips, tugging her towards him desperately. "I won't be able to restrain myself."
She knew what he meant. She was acutely aware of the tension seeping from his body, all the anger, all the frustration. She understood how hard these past few days had been for him, she could even feel it from the taught in his muscles. He was tensed and from the way he was looking at her with hooded eyes, he needed a release.
And so did she.
The intensity of the moment had ignited a different kind of fire within her, and her previous anger and frustration began to fade away, which was why she found one of her hands caressing his cheek, pulling him closer as he leaned his forehead against hers. "Then don't," she whispered. "Use me."
His eyes snapped to her.
"You can use me, Spencer," she assured him. "Use me in any way you want."
There was a moment of silence as he contemplated her words. "Do you mean that?"
She nodded. She missed this—dear god, she missed him so much. She hadn't realized how much she missed being close to him until she was standing naked underneath his heated gaze.
She pressed her lips against his softly. "I'm all yours."
And then he deepened the kiss and she melted into him, her tongue dancing with his. He slowly loosened his grip on her hips and found its way onto her hand resting against his cheek. He pulled away from her, tugging her hand towards him, his mouth hovering above her wrist.
"In any way I want?" He asked, gently brushing his lips over her pulse.
"Any way you want."
He smiled at her then, the first smile she saw on him ever since he barged into her room unexpectedly. But there was something about his smile that sent her into a frenzy of nerves. It wasn't genuine, it wasn't gentle.
It wasn't until his other hand reached behind him that she finally understood what his smile meant. Because right at that moment, to her surprise, he retrieved a pair of handcuffs from his pocket, and with a soft click he carefully bounded one of her wrists, the steel bracelets feeling cool against her damp skin.
And then his smile morphed into a more dominant edge as he leaned closer, his eyes burning with need.
"Any way I want."
a/n: Did you think I wasn't going to insert another smutty scene in between all the chaos? You thought wrong!
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writerslittlelibrary · 6 months
I'm your mother now, chapter 7
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masterlist series masterlist
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8
summary: Yelena is there to save you, but isn't it them you needed saving from?
pairing: Dark!Natasha x teen reader, 
warnings: yelling, a lot of swearing, dark themes, kinda evil Natasha, translated Russian
genre: angst
words: 1961
a/n: chapter 7 is finally here!!! I really need to get more consistent in writing… anyway, I hope you enjoy🫶
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work
 |——————————— ⴵ ———————————|
You had been sitting in that room for hours, the phone call with Yelena long forgotten as you waited patiently. Yelena said she would come fix it, and you trusted her. 
It was exactly 18.00 (6 pm), or so the clock on the phone said when you heard yelling outside the room. You heard a few gunshots, and you ducked under the table as you held your hands over your ears. Your entire body shook with fear as the gunshots drew closer, and soon enough the door to the room you were in opened. 
There stood Natasha, gun in hand and a smile on her face. She ran towards you, getting on her knees next to the table and loving the fact you scrambled towards her, throwing yourself in her arms as you sobbed. 
Natasha smiled as she hugged you closer, rubbing her hand over your back soothingly. “I love you,” you sobbed out, and Natasha simply beamed with joy. 
This day has been incredibly stressful for you, and turns out Yelena was right. Something as simple as having a woman recognise you, would make you realize that leaving was not at all what you wanted. You were loved and safe, and Natasha would always protect you. 
Their plan had worked, and you were finally able to admit to Natasha, and yourself, that you didn't want to leave. 
Natasha would keep you safe. Natasha would love you. Natasha would protect you.
After sobbing in her arms for a few minutes, Natasha made a move to get up, but you wouldn't let her go. “Please don't leave again,” you begged, and Natasha smiled as you cried.
"I am never leaving you again, Malysh,” Natasha told you, and you nodded the best you could. "Promise?” you asked her in a quiet voice. "I promise,” Natasha confirmed.
"Now come on, time to go. We should leave this police station before reinforcements come,” Natasha explained, standing up and dragging you along with her. You kept your arms tightly around her waist, and Natasha rubbed your back with one hand while she used her other to operate her gun.
Outside of the room it was all a blur. You could hear screaming and gunfire as Natasha led you rough the hall. 
When you finally made it outside, a car was already there. Natasha opened the back door for you and helped you get in, she herself joined you on the backseat. There was a woman already in the car, and she sat behind the wheel, waiting for Natasha to close the door. 
The moment Natasha closed the door, the woman stepped on the gas, driving away from all the gunfire and commotion. 
It didn't take long before you fell asleep, Natasha holding you close as your eyes shut and sleep consumed you. Everything that happened exhausted you, and now you were finally safe and cared for you could finally fall asleep. 
After arriving back at the house, something you didn't even notice, Natasha carried you up to your room, the woman who drove the car following her.
After you were settled in bed, Natasha kissed your forehead before going with the woman to the kitchen, planning some things out for the upcoming weeks. Natasha wanted to do so many things with you, but she knew that even though this arrest had been an act, people were actually looking for you, and taking you around could cause suspicion.
And so, together with the woman, she planned it out, transferring your identity over to a girl that already passed. The girl looked similar to you enough, and all Natasha had to do was transfer your DNA to hers, so if she got tested, it would seem as though it was you.
This was all online however, and involved a lot of hacking of medical files and information, hence why she had invited her friend.
Eventually, everything was settled, and the DNA in your medical files matched the DNA of the dead girl. When the girl would be found, they'd test her DNA, compare it with your already existing medical information and draw the conclusion that the dead girl, is indeed, you.
If that was all over, Natasha would finally be able to take you outside without people suspecting her. She could take you anywhere in the world.
The next morning, when you woke up, you were confused to say the least. You were pretty much out of it, and it took you a while to remember the events of yesterday. 
Natasha came for you. Natasha had brought you home…
After a few minutes, your drowsy state left and you got up, surprised to not have been wollen by Natasha. What about your bath? After brushing your teeth you went downstairs, determined to find Natasha and the reason for your lonely awakening. 
When you got downstairs, you found Natasha in the kitchen, the woman from yesterday sitting at the counter chatting with her. The moment you got spotted, the woman closed her laptop quickly, obviously hiding something from you. You didn't really care, instead walking to Natasha and hugging. 
"Good morning malysh. Did you sleep well?” You nodded and hugged her tighter. After yesterday, You never wanted to let her go again.
Natasha smiled at your actions, giving you a tight squeeze before letting go. 
"Sit down, I have breakfast for you,” Natasha stated as she reached for a plate on the counter. It was filled with eggs and toast, and after you sat down she put it in front of you. 
"We'll do bath time tonight,” she simply said as she sat down as well. 
"Y/n, I'd like you to meet Maria,” Natasha then said as she gestured for the other woman at the kitchen counter. "Maria is here to help me with some business. We don't want what happened Yesterday to happen again,” Natasha explained, and you nodded as you gave Maria a smile.
Maria smiled back, before getting up and walking to the couches, grabbing the large bag on top of it. 
"I heard you liked gifts,” she simply said as she walked back, putting the large bag on the counter.  Your eyes lit up, and your breakfast was almost forgotten, until Natasha reminded you. 
"Finish your breakfast first. Then you can open the gifts,” Natasha ordered, and you nodded with a smile as you continued eating. You were quick to finish your breakfast, eager to open the gifts Maria had brought. 
Once you were done, Natasha took your plate away as Maria pushed the bay of gifts your way. 
You took the bag and thanked her, looking at Natasha as you waited for permission to open the bag. Natasha gave you a little nod with a smile, and you took the gifts from the bag. Each of them were wrapped in wrapping paper of your favourite colour.
There were three boxes total. One was heavy and big, while the other two looked more like cd's. You opened the biggest gift first, your mouth falling open as you noticed the Nintendo switch console. 
You smiled widely and quickly got rid of the excess wrapping paper, setting the box down on the counter. 
"Oh my god,” you exclaimed, giving Maria a huge smile as you went to take the Nintendo switch out of the box. "I can't believe it, thank you,” you told Maria.
After you'd unpacked the console, you grabbed the two smaller presents, opening them to find your favorite game and Mario Kart. .
'Thank you, thank you, thank you,” You exclaimed excitedly as you got the games out of the box, putting them in a case that was provided with the Switch. "Can I please go play mama?” you asked Natasha, giving her the best puppy dog eyes you could. 
"Of course you can, my love,” Natasha told you, stroking your hair. "Go sit in the living room.”
You happily took your place in the living room, plopping down on one of the couches and starting your game. You had no idea how long you played for, and eventually Maria came to wish you goodbye, and you told her yet again how grateful you were. 
Natasha had brought you lunch, and surprisingly she had not told you once to put your game away. Instead, she just sat down next to you, reading a book while you leaned against her.
When it was time for dinner, Natasha had told you to go sit at the kitchen counter, something you happily did after playing your game for so long. 
After dinner, Natasha had told you no more games, as she claimed it would be harder for you to fall asleep. You didn't mind, content with the idea Natasha presented of finally giving you your bath. 
You two went upstairs and you picked out your pajamas as Natasha set up your bath. 
Once you were in, Natasha carefully washed your hair as she hummed a song. You were quiet and contently listened to her humming as you ran your hand through the bubbles and played with them a little. 
"Thank you for coming to get me,” You suddenly said, and Natasha stopped rinsing your hair for a second before continuing. 
"I will always come to safe my baby,” Natasha told you as she leaned forward, giving you a kiss on your cheek. 
"I love you mama,” you told her, and it was impossible for Natasha to fight off the smile that was forming on her face. "I love you too, Malysh.”
After your bath, Natasha put you to bed, tucking you in with your two stuffed animals as she gently stroked your hair. "Goodnight my little love,” Natasha told you with a smile, leaning forward to press a kiss to your forehead. 
"What if they come to get me?” you asked Natasha scared, yet Natasha just smiled reassuringly. 
"No one will come to get you. Mama will fight them all off for you,” Natasha told you, and even though you nodded, you weren't convinced. 
"Will you stay with me mama?” you asked her oh so sweetly, how could Natasha ever deny. She got herself ready for bed quickly before crawling next to you, allowing you to snuggle close to her. 
Once you were all nice and comfy, Natasha started stroking your back, hoping for you to fall asleep faster.  
"I never want to leave you mama…” you told her, your voice laced with sleep.  
"You never will…”
Together with Maria, Natasha had made sure the body of a dead girl would be found closely to where you had gone missing. 
Police had quickly moved in, fishing the body from the river and getting it to a hospital. It was clear the girl had been dead for days, and when a doctor took some DNA samples and typed them into the system, your file showed up.
You were dead. You had been murdered.
As the body was cleaned and an autopsy had been performed, the cause of death had been a stab wound, which afterwards ‘you’ were thrown into the river. 
‘You’ had been death before ‘your’ body hit the water, and ‘you’ hadn't suffered. 
After ‘your’ funeral, the discovery of ‘your’ body had made the news, and every news channel was talking about it. 
Natasha got an alert on her phone, opening the news article and reading about ‘your’ death. She smiled to herself. She had won. Natasha had finally won. You were hers. You were her child, her daughter, and no one would ever be able to take you away from her ever again. 
Natasha pulled you closer, kissing your forehead and stroking your hair. 
“You’re my little daughter, my little child. I’ll love you forever,” she promised, as she soon joined your peaceful slumber.
chapter 8
tag list: @carol-romanoff @natsxwife @simp-erformarvelwomen @clintsbigtoe @olsenmyolsen @leenasayeed @naslt @dvrkhcld @nova-kyle @wandanatsbaby @alphalesbianwolffoxdragontribrid @cherlenovix @mrsromanovaa @wandanatsgirl @screechcat @a-spes
Permanent tags: @marvelnatasha12346 @lesbionion @darkstar225 @saraaahsstuff @marvelwomenarehot0
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aoioozora · 4 months
THIS IS SO AMAZING OMG (talking about the Simon fanfic btw) YOU JUST EARNED A FOLLOWER ❤️❤️ we'd really appreciate it if you did a part 2? 🥹 Take care
Part 2
Part 1 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10
Character: Simon Riley / Ghost
Content: Biker! Ghost x Fem! Reader, strangers to lovers, fluff, civilian au
Note: I was never planning on making this a series but here we go, I guess I'm invested too now >:) thank you for requesting and following! While this series is fluff only, I have a small warning for this part: there's swearing, crude jokes. And possibly incorrect usage of Scottish and English slang. Enjoy :) Photo credit: mus
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“It's pishin’ it doon out here.”
Simon looked at his friend and sighed, “English, MacTavish.” 
MacTavish groaned. “It's raining fuckin’ hard.” 
“Then say so.” 
“I did!” 
Simon and his friend, John MacTavish or ‘Johnny’, as he was affectionately called, found themselves standing under the shade of a book café, helmets in hands, watching Simon's bike get drenched in the heavy rain. Neither of them expected a downpour, and were caught without raincoats. And so the two had no choice but to wait it out. 
“It was yer bloody brilliant idea to go on a road trip when I warned ye that it was gonna rain today,” Johnny griped, crossing his arms as he shook the rain water off his helmet. 
Simon didn't say a word. He copied Johnny in getting the water off his helmet, except that he wiped it off with his hand. As he hung his head down to do so, his messy blond hair fell over his eyes, and he shook his head to get it out of the way. He wiped his hands on a handkerchief to dry them, and then pulled his mask down below his nose to inhale a fresh gulp of the cold, wet air. When he had inhaled enough, he pulled the mask back on, and his eyes wandered to his motorcycle, which was surrounded by a foggy haze in the rain. 
His mind wandered to that night he saved a young lady off the dangerous streets. He remembered how he saw her from afar, and without a second thought, sped up to her assailants, half-intent on actually flattening them into crepes. He remembered how his engine pounded as adrenaline charged his blood, as he twisted the accelerator to full throttle, sending the vehicle flying. 
A pretty lady he thought she was. He didn't know why he called her his girlfriend; his brain decided that being a boyfriend was the second most powerful thing a man could be, the first being a husband. No other men would mess with another man's woman, that was for sure, unless he had a death wish. She acted well too, convincingly even. 
He pulled out his phone and turned it around. Nestled beneath the clear casing was a small, clear candy wrapper, the same one that the pretty lady gave him that day. He didn't know why he felt the need to keep it, but did anyway. He definitely wanted something to remind him of her. 
He had been in anguish ever since he dropped her off and rode away; he had completely forgotten to ask for her name. But who does that? They were strangers. What are the odds that two strangers would meet again? 
“I'm heading inside,” Johnny announced, “I want a coffee.”
“Get me some tea.” 
“Fuckin’ Brit.” 
Simon was about to correct Johnny by telling him that Scotland, where he was from, was also part of the British isles, but he bit back, not wanting to risk hearing a rant in exclusively colorful, and totally family friendly Scottish words and phrases. 
“Fine, I'll do it myself.” Simon rolled his eyes and followed Johnny inside the book cafe. 
The two men sat at a table and while Johnny peered into the menu, Simon sank back into the comfortable chair and looked at the yellow bulbs hanging overhead, casting a soft, golden glow on the smooth wooden tables, the floors, and the cutlery. The smell of coffee, cakes, and books filled the air, along with the soft ruffle of pages, clinks of tableware and cups and saucers, and the distinct murmurs of his friend across him as he figured out what coffee he wanted to have. 
A waiter came by to take their orders, and the two were soon left to their own, sitting in unusual silence as they stared out the glass windows at the relentlessly pouring rain. While Johnny hummed a tune to himself, Simon, tired of looking at the downpour, decided to amuse himself with people watching. 
He saw people working at their laptops, some reading and drinking, others chatting in soft murmurs, and staff doing their job. 
His eyes fell on one particular lady who was seated at a table across the cafe, back facing him, busily working on her laptop. He felt his heart stop for a moment. Her silhouette was familiar, particularly her hair; it looked just like her. His heart pounded beneath his ribs. 
He didn't realise how long he looked until Johnny's voice piped, “Wit ye lookin’ at?” which interrupted the momentary buzz of his thoughts. 
Simon turned to his friend, who was looking at him with mingled curiosity and confusion. “Nothing.” he replied, shaking his head and hanging it down slightly to look away, but his eyes immediately darted to the lady, as if she was a strong magnet. 
Johnny wasn't quite convinced, and he followed Simon's line of vision. “A lass,” he observed, smirking. 
Simon glared at his friend, but it only made him chuckle. The two watched as she stood up for a moment and turned around, intent on walking to the shelves to grab a book. That's when Simon saw her face, and again, his heart seized. 
“It's her.”
His breath lodged tight in his lungs and his body visibly stiffened. And the most unfortunate reaction of them all: his partially exposed cheeks had turned pink. His eyes were glued to her, and he was unaware that Johnny was still keenly observing him. 
“Ye ken her?” asked Johnny, his smirk widening. 
“You remember I saved a girl the other day?” He asked back. 
“That's her?” Johnny whipped his head back again to take another gander at the lady. 
She was furiously flipping through the pages of a hardbound book, as if desperately in search of something. Simon rested his elbow on the armrest of the chair and leaned his cheek on his fist; he watched with interest as she hunched over the book like a medieval scholar, and wondered what her occupation was. She went back to her seat, hunched over again, and the two men looked back at each other. 
“Go talk to her,” Johnny challenged.
“Keep bein’ a fuckin’ pussy and ye won't get to fuck that pussy, ye ken?” 
Simon snorted at that, but then immediately and quietly hissed “Wheesht!” at Johnny to make him shut up, glancing back at the pretty lady. “Don't be disrespectful,” he added.
Johnny chuckled, ever amused at the fact that his Scottish vernacular was infecting the Englishman. He leaned forward, resting a hand on his knee, continuing to smirk, “Since when did ye care about respect, huh?” 
Simon inhaled sharply, since he was getting increasingly impatient with Johnny and at the fact that he was running out of arguments. It was also a bit hard to argue in a place where you're supposed to be quiet. 
“Just go already. I cannae see ye looking so stupid like this. The worst she can say is ‘fuck off’.” Johnny shrugged. 
Simon shot his friend and unimpressed look, making Johnny snort. “That is the worst thing she can say, you wanker,” he said, now mechanically rising from his chair. 
“Fuck off and get her number, ye gobshite, or else you'll just be wanking to her and not talking.” Johnny shook his head with a smirk and gave his friend a slap on the back as he passed him. Simon returned the gesture with a slap to the back of Johnny's head, particularly in annoyance at the latter part of his sentence. 
While Johnny whined quietly from how hard a slap he had been dealt with, Simon's attention was drawn when he heard her voice again, sounding a little agitated. His head whipped towards her table, and yet again, she was being hit on by some guy, and clearly looked like she was uncomfortably fighting back his unwanted advances. 
Simon glared at the man as he began his march. “If only she had a boyfriend by her side, a guard dog…” he thought to himself as he speedily, yet calmly stepped over to her table. 
He went around some tables and emerged behind the man, towering over him. Before Simon was noticed by her, his hand came down heavily on the man's shoulder, making him flinch. Leaning down, he whispered as the man turned to face him, “What business do you have with my girlfriend?” 
The man was met with Simon's glaring eyes that meant serious business. He froze up immediately. 
“Babe, he was trying to hit on me even though I told him I wasn't interested,” the lady's voice resounded, and a quick glance at her told Simon that her eyes glimmered with recognition. 
The “babe” made his knees weak for a moment, but he shook off the feeling and continued to glare at the man. No more words were needed. He immediately stood up from his seat and strode away, apologising without sincerity. When he was finally earshot, she sighed. 
“You alright, love?” asked Simon with gentleness unusual to him, glancing around again to make sure the man was nowhere in sight. 
“Yeah, I'm fine,” she sighed, also looking in the direction the man left. She looked back at him and smiled brightly, “But what a coincidence. We meet again, Simon.” 
“And I'm mighty chuffed about it.” he thought to himself as he nodded in response. “Funny coincidence, really. My friend and I were just about to leave on a small road trip and the rain,” he shook his head and clicked his tongue as he looked at the windows, “it rained on our parade, I guess.”
The unintentional pun made her giggle. Simon normally had a grip on his emotions, but that damned giggle threw off his train of thought. But regaining himself, he continued, “So we took shelter here, and I saw you. Thought I'd come talk and then I heard that guy trying to make a pass at you.”
She motioned to the chair for him to sit down, which he instantly did; he cursed himself for seeming so eager. 
“You heard?” she asked with emphasis. 
“Yeah?” he nodded, slightly confused as to why she zeroed in on that word in particular. “I was looking elsewhere, and then I heard you.”
She then glanced at her laptop for a moment and then pulled the screen down slightly so he wouldn't see what was on. As she did, she said, “I see. I'm lucky you came just then because I was having a hard time driving him away.”
“I could tell,” he answered slowly. He then decided to change the subject. “You come here often?” 
“Yeah, every day. This place is calm and quiet and the atmosphere helps me work.”
“What's your job?” 
“I'm an author.” 
“An author?” he blinked in surprise. He didn't expect that. “What do you write about?” 
“Fantasy and adventure… With a hint of romance.” She grabbed her tote that was on the table and pulled out a book from it, which she showed him. “This is my first published book.” 
“No kidding?” He took the book in my hand. It was titled ‘Firefly Trails’, embossed in gold. The cover was matte, showing a dark forest trail dotted with glossy fireflies and their greenish yellow light. Below the title was her name, and he read it in his mind slowly, his eyes spending more time taking it in more than anything else on the cover. 
“New York Times Bestseller.” he recited, smirking as he eyed the epithet on the top of the cover, “Don't they slap this on every book?” 
“They do, but this actually did pretty well in New York.”
“So you're famous then?” 
“Kind of?” 
“Tell me your Instagram handle, I'll need to see for myself.” Simon pulled out his phone and looked at her, waiting for her to tell him. 
She did. He immediately typed it out on the search bar and while he did, he rested his elbow on the table, holding his arm upright. His neck was craned upward slightly, and the lady couldn't help but stare at the way his Adam's apple moved as he gulped, and the way the sternocleidomastoid muscle tightened and popped from under his fair skin as he moved his neck. 
Her analytical, authorly eyes scanned him keenly, soaking in all she could make of his facial features; at his icy blond hair, short and styled in an undercut; his long eyelashes, his shapely eyebrows, his slightly pink cheeks under the black mask, the way his brown eyes reflected against the blue light of the phone screen; it was all a sight to behold. He was saying something, but her mind was so lost in trying to mentally string words together to describe the view in front of her in the most superfluous manner possible, in hopes that this information would be used in her future works. 
“Hey, you really are famous. You got quite a tonne of followers.” Simon, who was highly aware of her shameless staring, somehow managed to interrupt her flow of thought. 
She was successfully brought back to Earth from her daydream, and she nodded, now embarrassed to have been caught red-handed. He thankfully made no comment on it, not wanting to make things awkward.
She answered, “I suppose so. But they're not as many as bigger authors. I'm not complaining, though. I'm really happy to have a lot of people liking my work.”
“You're too modest,” he said, and she could see his cheeks rise to his eyes just a wee bit behind his mask, indicative of a smile. He now showed her her Instagram page on his phone. “There, I followed you,” he said, pointing at the grey ‘Following’ button.
“Are you sure? You don't look like the type of person who reads or is interested in author updates.” A slightly teasing smirk tugged the corner of her lips. 
Simon chuckled and shook his head slightly, making his short hair swish a little; she took notice of it. “I'm a voracious reader,” he bragged, lying through his teeth, even using a fancy word to make it more convincing. 
She smiled, clearly not quite convinced, but decided to humor him anyway. “If you are, then that book is a gift for you.” She glanced at the copy resting on his lap. 
“No kidding?” he blinked as he took the book in his hand to gaze at it. “Well, since you're so famous, I think I should get your autograph.” he said, and she could see one of his cheeks raised; an unmistakable smirk. 
“Oh, come on, you're making me blush,” she giggled, but took the book anyway.
"My intentions exactly," he thought as he watched her grab a pen and start writing on the first page. 
His phone buzzed a message in the meantime, and he took the device to have a look. It was Johnny. He glanced at the other end of the cafe at his friend, and found him staring, finishing the last sips of his coffee. 
Johnny MacTavvy: oi yer tea's getting cauld 
Johnny MacTavvy: Rain's stopped too. Let's go 
Simon now looked out the glass windows and the rain had indeed stopped, and a bit of sunlight was peeking through the cloudy skies. He sighed, not wanting to go just yet, but knowing Johnny wouldn't let him tarry any longer, he quickly typed a reply, which Johnny saw immediately. 
Fuckin’ Brit: ok 
By the time Simon kept his phone in his pocket, the lady finished her autograph and handed the book to him. “Enjoy.” She smiled. 
Simon murmured a “Thanks” as he received the book, and then rose from his seat. 
“Leaving already?” she asked, looking a little disappointed. 
“Yeah, my friend's annoying me to finish my tea so we can be on our way. The rain's stopped now, so…”
“Okay,” she nodded slightly, glancing out the windows to confirm for herself. Looking back at him, she smiled again, “Take care then.” 
“You too,” he inhaled. “Make sure you don't get hit on again,” he said, attempting to be casual and funny, but he felt like his attempt turned out to be so stupid. 
She shook her head, scoffing and smiling. “I'll be fine.” 
He was relieved that the attempt landed safely despite the turbulence, and he sighed. “Right then, I'll see you inna bit, love.” 
“See you, Simon.” 
He nodded once at her and then strode back to Johnny, feeling his knees get weaker by the second. He managed to reach his table and practically fell down in his seat. 
“Well?” asked Johnny with a smirk as he leaned forward and eyed the book in Simon's hand. “She gave ye a gift, I see.” 
“She's an author. Her first book.” Simon answered, handing him the book so he could see it. 
“For real?” Johnny took the book and flipped through the pages. The autograph on the first page caught his attention and he read it. His eyes widened slightly and he closed the book, returning it to his friend, who was drowning the lukewarm tea. “He completely forgot, didnae he, this bastard.” Johnny muttered under his breath, smirking. 
“What was that?” asked Simon, setting down the teacup. 
“Nothing. Let's go.” 
The two paid for their drinks and as they stepped out the door, Simon glanced back at her, and saw that she was also looking at him over her shoulder. This time, he felt a bit fluttery in his stomach. She waved at him with another of those pretty smiles and he waved back, already feeling his knees go weak again. 
The two turned away and exited the book cafe. While Johnny wiped the rainwater off the motorcycle, Simon took a moment to see what she had written as an autograph. 
“Dear Simon, thank you for saving me twice. I hope you enjoy the book,” was written, and along with that was her name and signature.
Below that was written in unmistakably bold and clear letters, “Call me,” along with her number. 
Simon felt like he had been struck by lightning. His face turned alarmingly red and hot to the point that he scrambled to pull his hood over to hide himself. “Fuck me…” he mumbled his exclamation as he processed this very clear green light from her. It was unbelievable. 
In the meantime, the lady herself  couldn't believe this whole thing just happened. He happened to be there, came up to her, saved her, and swooped her off her feet the second time. It was an amazing coincidence, a once in a lifetime incident, something straight out of a novel. And being an author, she couldn't let this go. She just had to shoot her shot by slapping her phone number in the autograph and now hope that he would call her.
But if there was one thing that sold her completely, it was the fact that he heard that she was in trouble, and came to her rescue. 
Feeling a flutter in her chest, she looked back at her laptop screen. A Google search result was displayed in bold:
“The name Simon means ‘to hear’.”
End of Part 2.
Part 3
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primrosebow · 4 months
An open letter to bigfatbimbo.🪽
Reasons why you should write for Adam.
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1 -> He is a misogynist (not for long)
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Look at his face. He is so weird. I swear. He has been favoritized for far too long, leaving him with the most mind-numbing god complex. Don't you want to stab him to death like niffty? Don't you want to put him where he deserves to be (either underground or under me)? I do. You should too! Because his way of thinking meets it's end where my heels begin.
2 -> He is stupid
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He has the emotional maturity of a boiled lobster. He fits into heaven like an orca in the amazon river. He is so unbelievably incompetent it is actually kind of mind boggling. Don't you want to crush him like he's a little bug (either with your fists or your thighs)? Didn't he literally say one of the "biggest issues evet" was math or something? He probably couldn't tell you where Africa is in the world map even if you paid him. Even the fruit of knowledge couldn't give him enough braincells to function as a proper member of society.
3 -> he deserves humiliation
He deserves to have his entire worldview rocked and destroyed, something we can surely provide. His shallow thinking should be promptly obliterated. He has only ever gotten away from beautiful tall strong women because he always had the option of just asking for a different woman. They didn't have the mental fortitude to put him in his place. We are the bearers of the curse (liking repulsive men), and, since there is no "mental fortitude" to begin with, there is nothing for him to break down. We (as a collective) should end him.
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4 -> I know what he is
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His entire persona is a gigantic act to make up for the fact he cannot appropriatelly cope with losing in general, much less losing the, like, 2 wives he ever had (to THE SAME GUY!! MIND YOU!!!) and if he had more people they were one night stands. Not because he left them, but because people know he is worthless scum and he is good for nothing other than his "original dick" ( eugh. I usually refrain from cursing >:// ). It is the reason for his pride and also the only thing that makes him even remotely worth the hastle of talking to. He is the equivalent of a carnival prize to the people in heaven, scoring him is more of a show of your own endurance rather than how coveted he is. He has been objectified through his own hubris. He should be made aware of that. He should fear the knowledge we posses. It should be used against him.
5 -> he sounds.. like.. . He sounds good.
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I watched the series while skipping most of the songs but I genuinelly could not do it when he was singing. No wonder he's in a band or something, I didn't actually pay attention to what he was saying I was paying more attention to the sound of his voice so I don't remember clearly what's up with that. Like he sounds REALLY good. If only he knew how to just use his voice without saying the most repulsive atrocities to be ever uttered by anyone ever. Oh yeah! We can make him incoherent enough for that to happen.
6 -> Lute deserves better
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Lute deserves, like, a woman. Not him. She's too gorgeous for him, and, the difference between us and her is that while SHE is dealing with HIM, in our case, HE has to deal with US. Really, we're just saving a beautiful, amazing, stunning, showstopping woman a lot of trouble, and getting an ENTIRE PATHETIC MAN AS A TRADE! WIN WIN! Literally no downsides, I swear.
7 -> he is girl dinner
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Don't you just love looking into your fridge and seeing the worthless scraps that built up overtime but somehow taste better now than they usually would have, which is particularly shocking considering it has 0 nutritional value? That would be what girl dinner is, and also an appropriate analogy for what Adam is like! Just roughly ok looking enough for you to not downright call it a biohazard. You will go to bed satisfied after fighting tooth and nail for your dinner (getting him to behave properly) and, it'll be easier the next times maybe! Operant conditioning is a heavy hitter with this repulsive individual, so it might actually get easier! Who knows!
8 -> Pretty please? (´。・д人)゙
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I really. Uh . I really want him if you couldn't tell? Maybe the cannibalism and the fear I want to instill into him got in the way of you seeing my point, but, like, that's just how I love. The highest honor I could bestow on him is wanting to eat him, so, maybe that'll assist in your judgement? I also just really like your writing and would love to hear your thoughts on his idiotic self. AND! AND! Other people also want you to write about him if I well remember the 1 ask you received about him!
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I await your response when you are available @bigfatbimbo
If you need more convincing; I can, like, draw him? I'm going to draw him no matter what but like I can cook something up for you in particular who knows.
You did say you were already considering writing for him, so, maybe this can be a final push in that direction for you!
- sincerely, Bow
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pinkbutterflygaming · 4 months
Okay, so I watched the Percy Jackson series, sadly didn't get to watch the eps after ep 5 due to no longer having the subscription and had to look for the scenes of Ep 6 and 7, and there's one thing I don't think anyone pointed out yet, which I think was made clear in Ep 7.
Poseidon in the books called Sally "a goddess amongst women", he said that he hasn't met someone like her for a thousand years. The TV series makes this very clear about Sally. She challenges the way of the Gods, and was even open about it with Poseidon.
THIS is the woman that Poseidon fell in love with.
I cannot make this any more clear, Poseidon fell in love with Sally the same way Annabeth would fall for Percy.
Because Sally changed him. Poseidon had to live with the ways of his family for a very, very long time. But when he met Sally, his perpective changes. She showed him another way. That there could be better. Just like how Annabeth, who used to live for glory, once held the same views like everyone else, was changed by Percy's kindness, and strong beliefs that it isn't right. That there has to be more than just this.
Poseidon fell in love with Sally because she was better than him. She was better than those his family.
I think some part of Poseidon was already kind of unhappy with it. We know what happens when mortals challenges the Gods in the myths. But Poseidon fell in love. Hard. Despite all the risks.
It makes the whole thing more painful for Poseidon, because as a God, he still has to abide the strict rules that his family has. No matter how wrong it is now. When he meets Sally he acknowledges that Percy will always be Sally's son. And because he is Sally's son, he will be better than the gods, just like his mother.
Now, just imagine Poseidon secretly hardcore shipping Percabeth because of how they remind him of his summer love with Sally. IMAGINE. Athena just angry and Poseidon just being all giddy about Percy's girlfriend lmao (I mean, if you think abt it, he was fine with them kissing in his domain-)
Hits different when Annabeth says "I trust your father", lol
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percheduphere · 5 months
I've previously discussed romantic tropes in the Loki series in my meta here. This meta supports the former by counting each of Loki's decisions with each of Loki's love interests (Sylvie and Mobius) and where those decisions occur in the progression of the overall story of S1 and S2 combined. The end of S1 is the midpoint of the whole story. Bear this in mind as I track how Loki's decision-making shifts. You can even choose to view Loki's decision-making with respect to Mobius as platonic if you want. It doesn't change the plot, count, or character development.
I have to give Sylvie attention and credit where it is due. To not do so would not only ignore her legitimate importance in the series and Loki's development, but it would also undermine my own credibility as an essayist. Feel free to comment, but here are my ground rules: no hate and no yucking other people's yum.
S1E1: Loki chooses himself. We could make the argument Loki chooses to trust Mobius here, but I don't think we see Loki start to like Mobius as a person until S1E2.
S1E2: Loki straddles between choosing himself and choosing to help Mobius because he actually wants to. It helps that the latter serves self-preservation. Loki most obviously chooses himself when he bullshits Mobius at the RenFaire. His choice is more gray when proposing the apocalypse theory. To be conservative, I won't count this in Mobius's favor. However, I feel fairly confident Loki chooses to help Mobius (1) sift through the possible apocalypses because of this genuine reaction:
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Loki is starved for praise. He's a centuries-old god for goodness sakes.
When a third option presents itself at Roxxcart, Loki chooses himself and Sylvie (1).
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S1E3: Loki chooses to: 1.) help Sylvie through "attempting diplomacy" with the widow (2), 2.) help Sylvie with his "shit plan" disguise (3), 3.) be vulnerable with Sylvie on the train (4), 4.) sing Sylvie a song (5), 5.) help Sylvie get to the arc (6).
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S1E4: Loki chooses to comfort Sylvie by holding her hand; their feelings for each other trigger a giant Nexus Event (7). Loki chooses to tell Mobius the truth about the TVA; if he didn't care about Mobius, he would have withheld this information (2). Loki chooses to trust Mobius (3). Loki chooses to reciprocate Mobius’s feelings of friendship (4). Loki chooses, with Mobius, to find and rescue Sylvie (8). Loki chooses to combat Renslayer with Sylvie (9). Loki chooses to confront the Timekeepers with Sylvie and gets pruned (10).
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S1E5: Loki chooses to share a blanket with Sylvie (11). Loki chooses to stay in the Void and follow Sylvie to the end of time, "Where you go, I go" (12). Loki chooses to hug Mobius (5). Loki chooses to trust Sylvie's insistence that he intrinsically knows how to enchant (13).
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S1E6 (THE MIDPOINT): The confrontation with HWR is tricky. Loki chooses to slow down and think about the consequences because he's learned the value of slowing down and thinking from Mobius (6). Loki chooses to kiss Sylvie back (I realize this is debatable for many Lokius fans, but I'm not going to argue this; 14)
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S2 NOTES: For the sake of my own sanity, I am not counting Loki's unconscious and conscious timeslipping. You can refer to the counts for that in my meta here. I will also not be counting the near-infinite number of loops Loki refuses to kill Sylvie for "the good of the multiverse."
S2E1: Loki chooses to seek out Mobius for help (7). Loki chooses to be vulnerable with Mobius in the hallway (8). Loki chooses to trust Mobius's judgment that they only have one shot at stopping the timeslipping (9).
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S2E2: Loki chooses to protect Mobius from Brad (10). Loki chooses to help Mobius reverse-engineer Brad's TemPad (11). Loki chooses to comfort Mobius in the pie automat (12). Loki chooses to follow Mobius's intimidation plan for Brad (13). Loki chooses to convince Sylvie to join his and the TVA's cause (Sylvie declines #1; 15). Loki chooses to hold hands with Sylvie to combine their blast power (16). Loki chooses to follow Mobius back to the TVA (14). Loki chooses to ask Sylvie to stay and help (Sylvie declines #2; 17). Loki chooses to comfort Mobius in the Control Room (15).
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S2E3: Loki chooses to humor Mobius's sightseeing (16). Loki chooses to try cracker jack (and hates it; 17). Loki chooses to prioritize the Loom per Mobius’s advisement (18). Loki chooses to give into Mobius's tandem bike request (19). Loki chooses to plead with Sylvie to spare Timely and asks for her help (NOTE: this is Loki's 3rd request; writers love the significance of threes and Sylvie turns Loki down all three times; 18).
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S2E4: Loki chooses to defend Mobius in the Pie Automat (20). Loki chooses to compare (through implication) Thor's relationship with Jane with his relationship with Mobius (21). Loki chooses to use this same comparison to assure Sylvie that her mercy on Timely was an act of mercy for all people on all timelines (19).
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S2E5: Loki chooses to look for Mobius in the Pie Automat (22). Loki chooses to look for Mobius in the Control Room (23). Loki chooses to recruit Mobius (24). Loki chooses to quote Mobius's "form and function" to Don (25), Loki chooses to help Mobius through the time door (26). Loki chooses to promise Don (Mobius) that he can return him to any point in time (27). Loki chooses to recruit Sylvie (20; she turns him down a 4th time). Loki chooses to argue with Sylvie that Mobius should have a choice (28). Loki chooses to listen to Sylvie that his friends are better off without the TVA (21). Loki chooses to let Don go for Mobius’s own good (29). Loki chooses to control timeslipping upon hearing Sylvie say "Do you think what makes a Loki a Loki is that we're destined to lose?" (22). Loki chooses to rewrite the story to save Sylvie and Mobius (23 / 30, respectively).
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S2E6: Loki chooses to reenact all of Mobius's small gestures of kindness even though they cost precious time: he chooses to hold Victor's glasses (31), he chooses to compliment OB's "not to scale" model (32), he chooses to recite an abbreviated version of his and Mobius's bickering over "who's in the suit?" (33), he chooses to finish Mobius's joke about taking OB's job (34). He chooses to seek out Past Mobius for guidance and comfort (35). He chooses to shake Mobius's hand (36). He chooses to talk Sylvie out of killing HWR (24). He chooses to sacrifice himself to save Sylvie and Mobius (25 / 37, respectively). He chooses to listen (and watch?) to Mobius say, "Let time pass" (38).
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Loki chooses Sylvie: 25
Loki chooses Mobius: 38
If I missed any decision points for either Sylvie or Mobius, let me know and I'll update the meta and counts accordingly.
Ultimately, Loki's sacrifice is for BOTH Mobius AND Sylvie. BOTH ships are important to the narrative and Loki. However, between the two of them, there is only one person who has consistently chosen Loki since S1E1, never rejected Loki and his requests for help, and who has, in turn, unknowingly been chosen by Loki in kind. Need a meta for Mobius’s decision-making? Here it is.
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