#and working on flexibility daily now
You have controversial opinions posts but does it count for confessions ?
I've learned to pole dance for sport due to tokyo revengers. I know, wacky.
But let me explain..
I love to make playlists and I came across some very sensual ones that got me making whole ass scenarios in my head of how they'll be good songs to strip to with Bonten guys watching. These scenarios played in my mind over and over. I thought, let me try to dance then, why not? They might not exist but my dancing can. So I bought a pole and I've been practicing for months now. It's one of the most difficult things I've ever done but I've gotten so fit from it and confident. I've gotten compliments from friends/family on the song choices and routines. I'm still NOWHERE near as good as I want to be but I'll get there. I just imagine [insert hot anime guy here]and go to town on that pole.
Kinda embarrassing so I'll stay anon but that's my confession ❤
You're my fucking hero anon gimmie some of that confidence I've wanted to start pole for years how'd ya start? Concept of classes makes me wanna die sksks anyway I get why you think it's embarrassing but I just think it's badass.
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lovinterstellar · 6 months
this is a collab w the it girl @prettieinpink !!
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Movement (yoga, running, Pilates, walking, gym, etc. Anything that allows you to move your body 
Reflection- make a note of things you would like to improve on. This could be self-love, relationships, 
Consistency is key. Make sure to stick to your plan and keep working towards your goals every day. Even small steps are progress. Try to make your goal part of your daily routine. 
SCHEDULE- Setting schedules helps really well with consistency. Make a schedule for the tasks you need to do daily or weekly to achieve your goals. This can help you make your goals a part of your routine, making it easier to stay consistent.
STAY ORGANIZED- Keep track of your tasks and goals. Use tools like calendars, to-do lists, or apps to help you stay organized and remember what you need to do.
DISCIPLINE YOURSELF- Sometimes, you won't feel like working towards your goals, and that's okay. The key is to maintain discipline and do the task anyway. Remember, consistency is about doing the task regularly, not just when you feel like it.
START SMALL- Don't overwhelm yourself with huge tasks. Start small and gradually increase your workload as you build consistency.
DON’T BE TOO HARD ON YOURSELF- If you miss a day, don't beat yourself up. Instead, acknowledge that it happened, understand why, and move on. Consistency is about long-term progress, not perfection.
Once you know what your goals are, create a step-by-step plan on how to achieve them. Break down each goal into smaller, manageable tasks. This might involve creating a timeline, setting deadlines, or identifying resources or tools you might need.
In 2023, I’m sure everyone has had ups and downs, but not letting them define you as a person is something that has to be done in order for you to become a new person.
ACCEPTANCE-  Acknowledge the past and accept it as part of your life story. Understand that it's something that has shaped you but doesn't define you.
FORGIVENESS- Forgive yourself and others. Holding onto resentment only harms you. Letting go of grudges can bring a sense of peace and open up space for healthier relationships.
LEARN FROM IT- Every experience, good or bad, is an opportunity to learn. Reflect on these experiences and use them as stepping stones to better decisions in the future.
FOCUS ON THE PRESENT- The past is unchangeable, but the present is in your control. Concentrate on what you can do now to create a positive future.
SET NEW GOALS- Create new objectives for yourself. This gives you something to work towards and helps shift your focus from the past to the future.
PRACTISE MINDFULNESS- Mindfulness is about staying focused on the present moment. Practices like meditation can help you stay grounded and prevent you from dwelling on the past.
It's okay if your initial plan doesn't work out exactly as you thought. Life happens, and it's important to be flexible and adapt your plan as needed. If you find that a certain approach isn't working, don't be afraid to try something different.
Remember to take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. This can include things like getting enough sleep, eating healthy, exercising regularly, and taking time to relax and do things you enjoy. Don't forget that self-care is an important part of reaching your goals.
BALANCED DIET-  There is no need to restrict yourself from foods but eating a healthy, balanced diet is crucial for maintaining physical health. Try to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains in your diet.
EXERCISE REGULARLY- Regular physical activity can help reduce stress, improve mood, and boost overall health. This doesn't necessarily mean going to the gym - it could be anything from a brisk walk to a yoga class
GET ENOUGH SLEEP-  Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Establish a regular sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine to improve sleep quality.
STAY HYDRATED-  Drinking enough water each day is important for overall health. Try to aim for at least 8 glasses per day.
TAKE BREAKS- Make sure to take regular breaks throughout the day, especially if you're working or studying. This can help prevent burnout and improve productivity.
DO THINGS YOU ENJOY- Make time for hobbies or activities you enjoy. This could be anything from reading a book to playing a sport to painting. 
Don't wait until you've reached your big goal to celebrate. Celebrate small wins along the way to keep your motivation high. This could be treating yourself to something you enjoy, or simply taking a moment to acknowledge your achievement.
Think about how the past year went. Did you learn anything? Did you reach new goals? If you don't the answers to these questions, I recommend further examining your year!!
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memoriesndew · 19 days
𝒃𝒖𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒚 𝒓𝒆𝒃𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖞 @𝟒𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖙𝖌𝖎𝖗𝖑𝖘
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clean space, clear mind
one of my main goals right now is to keep my space clean, being in a disarranged space always makes my mind feel cluttered. here are a few things I want to focus on:
making my bed in the morning
practicing saturday resets
sweeping my room - most days
practicing self-care
practicing self-care is essential for maintaining your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. here are some ideas for self-care activities I want to incorporate into my routine
the 3 S's: sunlight; sip; self-reflect
do 1 self-care task every day
reading at least 10 pages of my current book each day
watching an episode of my current show once a day
pilates mornings {courtesy of love you twice}
some form of body movement
dabble in 1 hobby every day
get my study on
I'm not really active in studying these days and I really want to give my all to language learning and finally be consistent in using my language learning notion page and I really want to get into maths
schedule language learning sessions
use flashcards or vocabulary apps to memorize words
allocate time for writing exercises such as essays, journal entries, or creative pieces - in different languages
record yourself speaking and review to identify areas for improvement
devote time to studying grammar rules and sentence structures
schedule regular problem-solving sessions to work on math exercises or problems
work on my physical appearance
working on your physical appearance is important because it can significantly impact your confidence, self-esteem, and overall well-being. When you take care of your body through exercise, proper nutrition, skin care, and grooming habits, you not only look better but also feel better mentally and emotionally. As they sometimes say look better feel better
set a schedule for exercise sessions 4-6 times a week
monitor portion sizes to avoid overeating
have a daily skincare regimen
stretch regularly to alleviate tension and promote flexibility
get 7-9 hours of sleep each night
have a hair care regimen
try different aesthetics - like in outfits
focus on my goals
track food intake
study for at least 1 hour every day
update notion daily and weekly to keep track of progress
update notion with workouts for the week on fridays
dedicate 20 minutes to catch up with a friend
do daily tasks under each goal
I plan to take on the growth mindset. growth mindset is my belief that nothing is fixed and I can always grow. I'll embrace learning, adaptability, and self-improvement, knowing that it leads to greater success and fulfillment.
all the habits I plan to keep to
intermittent fasting (16:8 or 18:6)
eating indomie and bread once or less a week (I'm trying to eat a variety of foods, these days it's always indomie or bread, indomie or bread)
sleeping before 11pm
waking up at 7am
reducing my portion sizes
no night time snacks
workout 4-6 times a week
actually keep to my workout programs - stop adding more workouts to the program so it doesn't overwhelm me and makes it harder for me to workout
hit 10k steps 6-7 times a week
starting my day with God
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mylittleredgirl · 2 months
i know some of you have been pressing your faces to the glass waiting for me to see this one in particular SO i saw "the nurses" the other night and am still thinking about it!!
i love love love it when characters get pushed to a point where you can almost see their childhood selves pop out, like are they even talking about what's happening right now? or are their 12-year-old hearts just screaming?? i love that margaret's outburst is both irrational (the hostile work environment is coming from inside the house; i was yelling at my tv "baby it's your fault!!!") and so so honest.
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[this turned into a bit of a character thesis, so not only is there a readmore, there will also be a reblog soon with the rest of the post because i maxed out the image limit] [edit: part ii now in the reblogs!]
this whole time, margaret has treated her subordinates with a heavy hand because she thinks it's the right and fair thing to do. the rules say this is how it works!
she maintains a high standard of excellence in brutal circumstances, but she's also reactive, moody, and unforgiving. she's often shown on the edge of losing control and authority, she inflames situations by overreacting, and the thing she punishes most egregiously is disrespect (toward frank, toward the army, toward herself). she intentionally underlines the distance between herself and the other nurses at every turn.
from season 3 "there's nothing like a nurse": [all IDs in alt]
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really, everything she thinks and does comes from a place of "they're not supposed to like me," but the childish part of her that is completely unable to see her own behavior is confused and hurt because "i'm just doing my job so why don’t they like me???"
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it's her job to maintain discipline, but especially here in 4077-land, she doesn't have to lead with the whip. henry was beloved because he was an overly permissive clown, which will never be her speed, but colonel potter has all the same training as she does. he's loved and respected as the Good Regular Army Guy because he leads with discernment and mutual respect.
it's easier for him. he's more experienced, he's respected and supported from above and below, and he has a calm temperament — which isn't nothing.
from season 4 "the interview":
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whether she's aware of this as a problem or not, we at home can see how margaret's inability to control her emotional reactivity causes her as much grief as her inability to control other people.
if she were capable of laughing off small slights, hawkeye and trapper wouldn't have used her as a chew toy so much, and henry might have taken her real concerns more seriously if they weren't lost in the noise of daily fits, you know? she rarely started it, so i'm not blaming her for the hostile chaos circus of seasons 1-3, but i am saying she would have had a better time if she knew how to take a few deep breaths.
this description from the script, after the near-brawl in the nurses' tent in act one, is basically her character thesis statement:
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and here, when she's reacting fully emotionally, the truth comes out! the reason that she won't be flexible and show compassion to the nurses isn't because of the rules, but because they're mean to her!!
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that's obviously a very bad place to lead from. she has enormous institutional power over them, including controlling their freedom of movement, but she feels like all the other girls in school are hanging out together and they hate her. because they are! and they do! the fight in act one boils over when they make fun of her hair, and that sent all of them back to middle school.
and in many ways, that's where margaret's emotional maturity is stuck (which is, i think, why i find her so endearing). she can't see herself. she knows they don't like her, trust her, or want her around, but she doesn't understand how she dug this hole herself, or how to get out of it.
to add insult to jealous injury, one of the nurses (mary jo, who gets between margaret and baker to stop the fight and takes care of the others in different ways) is margaret's age, and the others look to her as their chosen leader and personal support.
and i'm sure margaret had NO IDEA this was the messy truth until she heard it come out of her mouth.
and her emotionally breaking on the "one lousy cup of coffee" in particular…
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i wonder, how often does some version of that first tent scene happen? does she deliver their assignments every night? she walks in already defensive, they immediately stop laughing, and then... she either finds a reason to scold them or they ice her out until she leaves. (and they probably start laughing again as soon as she does!)
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from her perspective, when she arrived for the dreaded sleepover and they turned out the lights the minute she walked in, it's like they cancelled the nightly coffee klatch just to avoid spending one social minute with her.
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i also think the nurses are right when they assumed that she wouldn't have accepted an invitation to hang out with them (and might even have snapped at them for being inappropriate for asking). she doesn't cross that emotional line, even when she should — she didn't know gaynor was spiraling after losing so many patients in a row, and didn't respond compassionately when she learned.
has she ever invited them for coffee or a friendly chat? no.
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...... but her circumstances have recently changed.
[reblog with the rest of it is here!]
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Hi! It's me ...again hahaha.
I hope you're ok, I'm really glad see your updates again.
I see you have open request and I want to try it. I'm in love with werewolf Suguru...what about a mating and heat cycle with his lovely mate? And jelousy scene because other werewolf it's just nice with Y/N, not in romantic way, just being nice.
Basically shameless smut. Hahaha I'm really sorry if it's uncomfortable for you, my apologies. But I'm in ovulation week so... I'm just hot v: and I love Suguru so much.
Really my apologies if it's make you uncomfortable.
Please stay healthy and have a lovely week!!good luck in school!!
I'm in heat
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•°-Shameless smut-°• +18
Werewolf Geto in heat cycle x mate reader
NSFW: breeding, rut, pussy eating, possessive sex, knot fucking, marking
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His body was sweaty when you touched him. And he just woke up. Was he too hot at night?
Maybe werewolves have different temperature needs?
After all, werewolves stand out even in appearance from other people.
For example, your partner and his best friend. And others too.
If he has any other temperature needs, why aren't you informed? You are his mate!
"Suguru? Are you too hot?" you asked, rubbing his bare back gently.
He was sweating.
"Hot..." he muttered as he sat on the bed with his back to you. "I'm going to take a cold shower."
"Are you okay?” you asked, placing your hand on his muscles. You ran your fingers over his skin, gently scratching his back because he liked it.
His low ponytail lay loose on his back.
He turned his head to the side to look at you.
You smiled slightly at him. Your hair in a mess as your soft thighs were clearly accentuated by the fact that the sleeping shorts he bought you were really short.
A camisole hugged your breasts and one strap fell off your shoulder.
He forgot he started the heat cycle today...
Why did he forget again...
Last time he lied to you that he was going to another city for a few days. And at the time he was in his apartment trying to survive his heat.
Since he's with you, his heat comes on so intensely. That's what happens when you have a partner.
You have been his mate for two months, but the first month you managed to avoid his several-day rut.
Last month, because he didn't want to hurt you, he went on a trip to wait it out.
And this month? He can't... He can't come up with an excuse to go anywhere.
In addition, your smell intensifies what is happening in his body.
Your neck looks so pretty and appetizing. Bite that spot and tag you again. Just like he did for the first time during sex. However, he didn't have a heat cycle back then. So he could control himself.
And now he knew it wouldn't work.
Your appearance was so striking to his eyes. His pupils dilated so much, swallowing the violet in his eyes.
My heart sped up. His body was so eager to pounce on you, and mark his mate again. To cover you with its scent. To mark yourself as his.
Your scent entered his nostrils, and he thought he was drooling.
Your scent so intense and sweet.
He failed to calculate everything correctly.
Because you also ovulated.
His body reacted to his partner's body.
That's why his heat kicked off very intensely because your heats were in sync.
Damn werewolf body...
His body lines up with your cycle only to impregnate you at your most fertile time.
And since your cycles were close in time, his body aligned itself with yours.
Your scent signaled it to him.
Because every werewolf in heat would like to have a sweet and fertile mate under him that he can breed so much.
That's why werewolves are so flexible about this sort of thing.
And since you are his mate, his body has become so used to you. Now his heat will always be when you ovulate.
A partner for life...
However, your rut synchronized very quickly.
And because he lives with you, and is beside you daily, he will no longer escape your cycles.
Although werewolf cycles run much more intensely than human ones.
Because if you were a werewolf too, and you were in heat, you'd be jumping on him to breed you by now. Especially if you felt he was in heat too.
The longer you've been with a werewolf as a human, the more you'll get used to the pheromones he gives off.
And as your body gets used to it, your body will respond.
You will be like his little partner.
You may not react as much to the smell, but it will be stronger for you than it is now.
His mind veered very quickly to think about how you'd be moaning when you asked him to come inside you.
„My Alpha... Please..."
"I want you now... Please... Breed me..."
He would love to hear his mate beg him for it.
If so, he'll probably jump on you in a few days anyway and fuck you into oblivion when your smell becomes unbearable to him.
As his hormones take possession of his body.
When all he has in mind is how soft your thighs look. Same with breasts.
He will only think about stroking that soft pussy and listening to you purr for him.
To put his cock in your tiny tight hole and stretch his shape inside you.
Because there is no werewolf who does not think about having sex with a partner during the heat as if the world was about to end.
He thought of it at first as something that's probably not pleasant, because you only think about sex and you only want sex.
But when he experiences it, he feels how pleasant it is. So very pleasant.
Even though he feels an irresistible urge to strip you now and fuck you until you're dripping with his scent. His body tells him to put his puppies inside you.
"Are you okay?" You asked him, hugging him lightly.
Your slightest touch made him feel like you were only touching his cock.
He was more sensitive. Your tiny touch was so pleasant to him.
It made him want more of that touch.
The lower your hands were, the more he felt pleasant shivers as your scent also reached his nose stronger.
You may not notice that right now his pheromones are attacking your body to show you that your alpha wants you now, but you clearly felt something between your legs. Your neck was a little irritating where he last bit you.
Your cute body, even if you're a human, next to him, which is a powerful alpha, you too can very easily start to act like a little omega.
Werewolves are not much different from humans.
Its pheromones act as an aphrodisiac for you.
A few more months or a year and you will be like his little omega when his pheromones get you.
"Sugu... Don't ignore me... Are you okay?"
"I'm fine..." He replied with a small smile.
His hand reached for his erection that had formed in his sweatpants.
It was so hot... Outside and inside.
He wanted your warmth to soothe his warmth.
Do what his body wants.
Mark you and breed you.
"Really? You're sweating." You said.
"I'm just in heat." He laughed as if it was something to joke about.
The heat cycle has never been something to laugh at, especially between partners.
Because heat for partners is endless sex for almost several days.
"Heat?" you murmured. "Oh, rut yes?"
"Yep." he laughed.
He really wanted to laugh about it, because maybe you will laugh about it too?
"Are you... are you..." you pulled away from him blushing.
Everyone had biology in school.
Everyone knows that rut is the period when creatures reproduce.
You sat behind him with your knees bent on one side of your body.
You felt warmth between your legs and also on your cheeks.
You feel the sexy heat emanating from his. His scent is so erotic.
Well, you ovulated. Maybe that's why you found it sexy that he was sitting next to you shirtless...
But you felt something pulling you towards Him.
Is it because he's in heat as a werewolf?
"Do I what?" he asked with a smile. Roses on his cheeks.
Not because he was ashamed.
Only his blood flow is so fast that his skin is pink.
Blood flowing to his crotch.
The veins on his body are starting to become more visible.
"Do you want to... you know..." You muttered rubbing your hand over your thigh.
"Haha... I look like I don't want to?"
Suddenly, he turned completely sideways to you, and showed you the taut muscles of his torso, as well as his taut pants underneath which his hard erection stands, waiting for his partner's touch.
Your face was red when you saw it.
But you couldn't help the fact that the sight of him so lecherously made you feel wet between your legs.
"So I'm going to take a shower. I need to get some rest." He said as he stood up.
"Suguru." you called him.
Your finger between your teeth as you briefly wonder if this is a good idea.
He told you that werewolf heat is no small thing. Because it lasts almost up to one week, and it's an intense period, both for the body and for the emotions. Because it's thinking about your partner and about sex all the time. Taking care of your partner and sex. And then there are the periods of possessiveness. The alpha partner does everything to keep the omega partner with him. In your case, you are the omega partner and Suguru the alpha. And that means he'll be jealous of everything for a few days, he'll be so needy of touch, he'll drive any other "alpha" away from his mate, and will always be somewhere with you to take care of you. And every day he'll think about pinning you under him and fucking you.
What will your few days look like?
You've been his girlfriend for a long time, but you've been his "mate" for over two months.
Which means he just tagged you as his lifelong partner recently. Even though he already felt you as a potential mate he would love to have. But he preferred to wait for your permission so he could mark you as his.
Since you've agreed to be the alpha werewolf's mate, you must attend to his needs.
Besides, if his estrus affects you like that when you're ovulating, you can't ignore it.
He was looking at you, waiting for what you would say.
He was so hard to control himself not to throw himself at you now. You were so lovely.
So fertile~.
He could very easily keep you in bed and mean so much. Shove his cum inside you.
However, this will be your first time together when his heat reacts to his partner. This will be your first time with him so wild.
Even more than it was every time you had sex.
There's also a chance you'll say no and he'll spend a few days fucking his hand...
The heat cycle activates when the werewolf gets a mate.
There is always rut.
But the heat comes when you have a partner.
Once a month.
His heat is here because you are in heat.
So he's in heat, his heat, because he's feeling your body.
Theoretically, alphas don't have the same as omegas that get heat and wait for their partner.
Alphas have an estrus once a month, which is simply associated with a great desire for sex.
But when the alpha heat synchronizes with the heat omega, then it's like heat. That's why he is like this now.
Alphas go crazy when they feel their partner is fertile and willing.
Just as internally there is a war within him. Control yourself and also pounce on you.
His body wants to pounce on you, but his wits stop him because this would be your first time he's like this.
During estrus, alphas are more brutal, but not so much as to hurt their partner.
He's more like a hungry animal.
You let him once, and he'll be like this for a month.
When he knows your body can handle it.
And he knows your body will last forever.
"Come, if you want..." you said spreading your arms. By inviting him to you.
Your face was red as you looked to the side.
You still knew his dick was stuck in his pants so tight.
"Are you sure?" He asked. "Once you agree, there's no going back."
"I'm your mate... right?"
"Are you not afraid?" He asked smiling as he knelt in front of you on the bed.
"Why should I be afraid of you?"
"I'm unpredictable at a time like this. You don't know what I would love to do right now."
"My partner won't hurt me. After all, a partner never wants to do anything bad for a mate, right?"
His body suddenly towered over you, his fingers digging into the softness of your thighs.
His lips were immediately pressed against your throat.
He ripped your shorts off your legs, doing it with your panties. They landed in tatters on the floor.
As his fingers dug into your pussy without warning, stretching you.
A sweet scent reached his nose, and he felt his cock throbbing in his pants.
Keeping his fingers inside you in one place, he felt your soft, hot walls tighten around his fingers.
Moisture trickled down his palm as he pressed the palm of his hand against your clit.
Your body really reacts so sweetly to his estrus. And your rut is so beautiful. That nice smell.
He moved his mouth to the side of your neck and sank his teeth in.
He groaned at the sweet scent that enveloped his sense of smell.
He unconsciously moved his fingers inside you lightly, massaging your g-spot. Listening to your sweet moans as he didn't stop.
He felt like he could come just by listening to your noises.
His mind was clouded by his instincts, so he was surprised when more of your juices spilled onto his hand moments later. And your walls squeezed his fingers.
With a wet sound, he pulled his fingers out of you, feeling the one thigh he was holding shake.
He put his wet fingers to his lips and licked everything clean, savoring the taste of his mate.
He wanted more.
Without warning, he dived between your legs and began to lap up your folds aggressively.
Your legs jumped in susceptibility to the sudden attack.
"S-Suguru...!" You groaned as you grabbed his hair.
Causing a pleasant burning sensation in his head.
It was so good.
His hand reached for his cock, stroking it, keeping his hand under his pants.
His hips moved on their own, swaying his length in between his fingers.
You saw the very lascivious sight of his tongue leaving your pussy, with a thin line of sticky fluid connecting your sensitive body to his wet muscle.
His fingers tightened around its broad base.
His long fangs began to bite your thigh, savoring the softness of his mouth.
"I can't hold back anymore." He said in an intense voice.
The purple of his eyes was completely devoured by his dilated pupil.
You didn't want him to hold back.
Since you were his mate, you had to do everything for him to help him with his rut.
He's so crazy about how cute you are. How much you got his attention with your body and smell. Because your ovulation was showing him how willing and tasty you are.
Your short shorts digging into the fat of your soft thighs. Ah... That was all that made him go crazy right away.
He stood up, hastily lowering his pants.
If he took it off, it would take too long. He wanted to be in his tight mate right now. Feel yourself sucking it inside. Feel how nicely you take all of him, trying to contain every inch of him.
To watch later as his wick spreads inside you, ensuring not a drop of his cum comes out of you.
You saw a furious red tip that cried a lot of precum. Pulsating thick shaft. Certainly long and thick enough to destroy your pussy.
Especially since you know who that heavy dick belongs to.
As he quickly moved closer to you, he tore off your shirt with his hand. You felt him pull on the fabric and then suddenly your chest was exposed to him. Your nipples are stiff from everything he does to you.
With a sigh, he immediately placed his mouth on your tit, biting your nipple lightly with his sharper teeth.
His hips thrust blindly into yours and your wetness running down your skin very quickly led him to your willing hole, which greeted him with a very pleasant hug.
He didn't even have to enter you slowly because your walls offered no resistance whatsoever. Letting him find the bottom right away. His balls pressed tightly against you.
Its tip was releasing precum inside you to facilitate the breeding process, but that wasn't necessary at all because you were dripping.
His hips quickly settled into the rhythm of hitting you. His pubic bone was pressed against your clit, and his pubic hair gave an extra prickly and soft touching sensation as he thrust into you.
He was in a hurry, chasing to fill you up.
He didn't try to make you moan the loudest, he didn't change the rhythm. Because he just wanted to fill you up.
Every move he made made your body squirm. Waves of quivering pleasure ran down your spine.
His lips reached for yours, catching your tongue to kiss you deeply.
He caught all your moans that came out of your mouth like music.
As he felt your moans increase, he didn't slow down. You felt his knot slowly forming, a sign of his forming orgasm.
Your pussy was getting more and more stretched. But the pinching disappeared as quickly as it appeared.
Particularly when his knot brushed against your g-spot, pressing it hard you clenched his entire cock. Feeling that way, his body squeezes your clit between your bodies.
Your head throbbed as he bit your neck, inhaling the ethereal scent.
Sucking your pussy as well as the feeling of you stretching around his knot made him shoot copious amounts of cum into you.
Your legs trembled around his hips as his dick extension ensured nothing would leak out of you.
But at some point he pulled out of you and your pussy spat out a wider chunk of his flesh with a loud sound.
But what is it supposed to be? Why isn't he soft?
Is that how his rut ​​works?
Why did you have to be in the heat?
"S-Sugu... How long is your rut...?" You asked quietly, breathing to calm yourself down.
He chuckled briefly with a heavy breath before thrusting into you again.
"Five days." He whispered against your lips before kissing you.
"Wow, Suguru, I know you can have rut or whatever now, but don't be so aggressive towards me. I'm not going to take your mate." Laughed the White-haired man with whom you were talking a moment ago.
Your alpha wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you to him.
His nose rested on your shoulder, inhaling your scent, mixed with his.
"I'm not taking your partner. Even though she smells pretty sweet. She's not an omega, is she? Is she human?" he asked with a smile. "(y/n), how long will he keep doing this?"
"A bit more. Sugu, do you want to go home?" You asked, stroking his head.
You moaned as he squeezed you tighter.
"Fine... Sorry (y/n), we'll talk when his rut ​​is over, okay?" Your friend waved to you.
"Bye." You waved at him. "Suguru what's up?"
"He's a werewolf too..." he said kissing your neck.
"But we are friends."
"He is the alpha. And you are my omega."
"I guess you're too used to be a werewolf." You laughed quietly. "I'm a human, not an omega werewolf."
Suddenly his tongue licked your ear.
"But you are my omega partner~. And as an alpha partner, I want my mate for me. That's why I will mark you."
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vividwritinglove · 1 year
One where you are working out with lando and he watches you bend over and gets turned on
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Another combination - hope you like it ♥️
It's his summer break. And you don't want to spend the next weeks with anyone else but Lando. Besides small trips with his friends, you also plan on spending some time together.
This year, it was your turn to plan the summer vacation and you came across this beautiful and secluded house on Paros via AirBnb. Compared to the other accommodations on the Greek island, this one is very modern and stands out with a futuristic architectural style. Just to Lando's taste. He was excited and looking forward to the undisturbed togetherness.
Of course you wanted to relax, but after the vacation it would be time for Lando to get used to his daily trainings again. That's why you decided to rent a house with it’s own gym. For some time now you have been training together with Lando. He motivates you to do more sports and so you can also spend more time with him. This is also noticeable in your figure, not that you needed it, but even you noticed that your muscles are more defined and your butt looks much better in tight yoga pants.
Since then, you've also been posting more stories of yourself in gym clothes on Instagram, earning distinct emojis from Lando every time. You enjoy teasing him. You love playing with him. Just like today. You've already been at the gym for half an hour with a direct view of the ocean, as you get the idea to tease Lando a little. While he's still doing some cardio exercises, you stand in front of the mirror and start stretching. Again you watch him through the mirror. His gaze is still stubbornly directed forward to the sea, while he vigorously pedals the bike and almost rests his upper body on the handlebars.
However, as you stretch and then bend deeply forward, you get his full attention. You continue your stretching exercises and demonstrate to him your flexibility by doing the splits (not that he already knows..). Your execution of the exercises is particularly lascivious and sexy this time. Lando cycles slower and straightens up to have a better view of you. You have reached your goal.
Slightly you look over your shoulder and give him a distinct look with a cheeky grin. Lando also needs to grin and shakes his head. As you get up, he gets off the bike and walks towards you. You're just making your head spin, as he gets right behind you and puts his hands on your stomach. His fingers play with the high waistband of your yoga pants, "Fuck! You look so good.".
You smile at him through the mirror and put your hands on his.
"Can't wait to absolutely ruin you..." he murmurs in your ear and then kisses the crook of your neck. As he does, he continues to look at you with his bedroom gaze, which makes you wet instantly.
"Why wait?" you ask, almost moaning, and make his hand slide under the waistband of your yoga pants.
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another-lost-mc · 6 months
Hi Jes!!! Happy Sunday!!!
I’m curious; what do weekends usually look like with some of your obey me faves? Do you tend to just relax at home, or is your social calendar packed full? 😋
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➤ sunday routines
characters: leviathan, asmodeus, barbatos, solomon & simeon, mephistopheles
content: sfw. established relationships with gn!reader implied. implied polyship with solomon and simeon. mostly domestic fluff/slice of life (slightly suggestive in solomon/simeon and mephisto's sections). wc: 0.7k.
a/n: thank you for the ask, andy! also my fav bias is showing.
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Leviathan is dreading another long week of RAD classes. He invites you to watch TV in his room and if he gets the sense that you're anxious or just not in a great mood, he'll suggest that you pick what you both should watch. He won't complain even if it's some random movie or series he hasn't heard of or doesn't like. He plays his handheld with his head in your lap and every now and then he follows you to the kitchen for drink and snack refills.
Asmodeus meets you in the laundry room with his hamper full to the brim with clothes from the past week. He reminds you how to sort things to preserve their colours and the delicate fabrics. He even has his own special brand of laundry soap that just happens to be scented exactly to your liking. He's gotten angry at his brothers in the past for using it without permission, but he has no reservations about adding it to your own laundry. Usually he takes you to his room while you wait for the wash cycle to finish so you can relax. When it's time to fold and put the laundry away, he follows you to your room and helps if you'll let him (he insists you can take it easy on his bed or at his vanity while he puts away his own clothes). Afterwards, he takes your hands in his and examines your nails when he notices some of last week’s polish is chipped. He gives you a manicure, complete with a hand massage, before painting your nails with a fresh coat of polish for the week ahead.
Barbatos gets up early as usual and visits the street market. He already has his young master's dinner planned out and the ingredients on a list in his pocket, but he browses the daily offerings of fresh vegetables and imported foods while he debates what he wants to make for you. Sundays at the Demon Lord's Castle are usually more relaxed while the staff finish cleaning up from any gatherings the evening before. It'll give him enough time in his surprisingly flexible schedule to make lunch for both of you and it's the highlight of Sunday afternoons for both of you.
Solomon and Simeon invite you to Purgatory Hall to catch up on any last-minute homework you might've neglected or forgotten about. They're both extremely knowledgeable and kind when they explain concepts you might still struggle with, and you're glad you don't always have to bother Satan for his help. Solomon wants to charm you with a home cooked Sunday dinner, and he tries to sneak away from the table when he thinks Simeon is too focused on his work (and you) to notice. The best way to avoid culinary chaos is to offer to help both of them with dinner, and they're glad for your company. Sometimes they find your presence a little too distracting because they're hungry in more ways than one, but perhaps a break in one of their rooms can help.
Mephistopheles has a busy schedule and it's hard to predict what he'll be doing on any given Sunday. Sometimes he's helping his parents with errands related to their duties as high-ranking nobles in their community. Sometimes he's helping his younger brother with homework or they're playing games together. If he has no other obligations, he rides one of his favourite horses through the wooded trails behind his family's estate and lets you know when he's returned (he rushes to shower and dress before you arrive). He's more than happy to send a car to pick you up so you can have dinner with his family, or sometimes he's particularly greedy and sets up a private dining table in the lounge connected to his bedroom for the two of you. It's only when you're interrupted by the incessant vibrations of your D.D.D. later that night, and when he groans his frustrations into the crook of your neck, that you realize you lost track of time. Lucifer means well, but his timing is terrible. Some Sunday evenings, Mephisto accompanies you back to the House of Lamentation after instructing the driver discreetly to take the scenic route. Other times, you're glad you thought to bring an overnight bag with you and send Lucifer a hasty goodnight text before turning off your phone. You happily focus your attention back on the demon who pulls you onto his lap and eagerly picks up where he left off.
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read more: obey me masterlist
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astrojulia · 10 months
How can I use astrology to find an ideal career for me?
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Astrology and Career: Discover Your Cosmic Sea to Success
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career [ kuh-reer ] noun an occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed as one's lifework: a person's progress or general course of action through life or through a phase of life, as in some profession or undertaking
We have several details to talk about how astrology can help us find our ideal profession and we use what we have in our power to strengthen ourselves and self-knowledge.
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Career as we saw earlier is not just work and your job, it encompasses many things in your life as it is something that takes many years, so all planets show something related to your career.
Sun: The radiant center of our being, revealing our mission, identity, and values. It guides us towards the areas where we seek recognition and how we can contribute to society.
Moon: Reflecting our emotional desires and commitments, the Moon unveils our preferences for a comfortable and nurturing work environment.
Mercury: The realm of analytical skills and communication, Mercury highlights areas where our rational thinking aids and supports us, making tasks easier and efficient.
Venus: Governing our ability to forge relationships and be adored, Venus unveils our potential to sell products or ideas, how others perceive us, and how we can add value.
Mars: The driving force behind our desires and motivations, Mars indicates where we can find energy, passion, and determination to propel us forward.
Ascendant: The extra personal talent, exclusive to each individual, offers a distinct insight into your inherent abilities and potential.
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Elements and Modalities
It can be used for each planet (it won't be so detailed, if you want me to talk about each one, like or reblog to show that you are interested in the subject...), but it is used to see the dominant modality and element in the natal chart.
Earth: Seeking security and practicality, Earth signs are adept at managing and structuring tasks, valuing their products and presenting their true worth.
Water: Emotionally driven, Water signs thrive in environments that foster connection and love, often leading to careers where care and bonding are vital.
Air: Driven by intellectual pursuits and interaction with people, Air signs flourish in professions that require intelligence and daily engagement of their diverse skills.
Fire: The passion and drive of Fire signs lead them towards pioneering roles and highly recognized positions, necessitating dynamic and energetic environments.
Cardinal: Initiators and independent spirits, Cardinal signs embrace challenges and take the lead in manifesting their intentions.
Fixed: Penchant for control and security, Fixed signs passionately pursue their interests and maintain unwavering dedication.
Mutable: Embracing change and creativity, Mutable signs excel in professions that allow flexibility and unconventional approaches.
Now... I know that you want career paths you can work on, but I first showed you how you can understand what are your needs and strengths before giving professions because I think it's more important for you to know your needs than to think "wow, look, my natal chart tells me to be a doctor, I think I'll drop everything to do medicine"
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How to know if you do well in this career??
1º Way: Identify the ruling planets of the earth houses: 2nd (work and money), 6th (job and routine), and 10th (career) house. Then, determine which house the ruling planet of this house is in. Next, refer to the list below and check if there's a career you like associated with that house. For example, my 2nd ruling planet is in Taurus, and my Venus is in the 5th. Therefore, I'll explore professions related to LEO/FIFTH HOUSE.
2º Way: Identify the career sign you are most interested in. Find the ruling planet of that sign and see if it corresponds to the 2nd,6th or 10th in your birth chart. For instance, I'm interested in reading tarot cards, so I'll check the position of my Pluto (ruler of the 8th). As it's in my 10th, tarot card reading could be a good career choice for me.
3º Way: Identify the planets that fall in your 2nd, 6th and 10th houses and see directly the professions it represents, knowing that in terms of CAREER, the 10th house is more important. So if I have no planets in the 2nd, Venus in the 6th and none in the 10th, I see the carrers that are represented by Venus.
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ARIES / FIRST HOUSE- athletics, entrepreneurship, leadership, military, police, firefighter, lifeguards, surgeries, creating something, competitive careers …
TAURUS/ SECOND HOUSE - Plastic arts, dressing rooms, painting, things related to food, finance, massage therapy and well-being, services that involve giving a pleasant experience to others, aesthetics.
GEMINI / THIRD HOUSE - writing, journalism, communication, teaching, advertising, libraries, representatives, assistance, performance, things related to organization, information management, research …
CANCER / FOURTH HOUSE - medicine, nursing, veterinary, work that involves taking care of the home and decoration, so also architecture, work that involves taking care of things, restoration, photography, painting, music, art, crafts, accommodation, doula, public offices , trade in household items, babysitting and professions that involve taking care of children, providing services to people in situations of vulnerability, first sector...
LEO/ FIFTH HOUSE- Leader, work related to the government, work related to money and luxury items, work related to leisure and hospitality, entrepreneurship, social networks, presenters of all media, blogs, theater, dance, music, arts in general , directors of artistic projects, cinema, events, fashion, design …
VIRGO / SIXTH HOUSE - Personal organizer (it is the most virgo job in the world), assistance to someone virtual or in person, secretary, work related to organization and analysis, work related to health such as nursing, medicine, pharmacy, work related to mathematics and to money like accounting, librarian, writing, therapy, informatics …
LIBRA / SEVENTH HOUSE - Advocacy, justice, diplomacy, arts, aesthetics, fashion, architecture focused on decoration and beauty, sales, high quality and refined products, design, work related to people …
SCORPIO / EIGHT HOUSE - psychiatry, medicine, psychology, police, military, research, astrology, works related to people who died as gravediggers and doctors who do autopsy, spirituality and the occult, coach, investments, administration, politics, research in any field. ..
SAGITTARIUS / NINTH HOUSE - Politics, justice, diplomacy, tourism, religion, teaching a higher education course, teaching wisdom, philosophers, careers related to foreign countries, foreign trade, sports, careers involving recreational activities, careers with more playful areas such as theater, dance and circus, astrology.
CAPRICORN / TENTH HOUSE - Management and entrepreneurship, CEO, engineering and areas that use mathematics, construction, land-related jobs and projects for places or businesses, management, jobs that involve preparing something like a director developing a play or a project , producers. . .
AQUARIUS / ELEVENTH HOUSE - Science, astrology, everything related to technology, information technology, social media, TV and radio, politics, social projects, social sciences, social causes and social assistance (very social this sign), projects humanitarian and altruistic, demonstration and mobilization of people, jobs that aim to revolutionize and change society and the way people live their lives …
PISCES/ TWELVE HOUSE - Psychology, music, theater, crafts, spirituality, therapy, holistic therapy, careers that involve helping others and social causes, work related to hospitals, nursing and caring for others, jobs that help people who have some kind of neurological imbalance or older people or who are on the margins of society in some way.
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Sun: The Sun empowers individuals to take on leadership roles and excel in careers related to the government, money, luxury items, leisure, and hospitality industries. The Sun's radiant energy blesses entrepreneurs, social network influencers, media presenters, bloggers, artists in various forms (theater, dance, music, and arts), directors of artistic projects, cinema, events, and professionals in fashion and design.
Moon: The nurturing influence of Moon shines upon careers in medicine, nursing, veterinary, nutrition, and professions involving home care, decoration, and architecture. Lua's caring nature extends to jobs that involve restoration, photography, painting, music, art, crafts, hosting, doula work, public office, commerce of household goods, nannies, and roles providing services to vulnerable individuals, especially in the first sector, as well as culinary arts and cooking.
Mercury: The intellectual prowess of Mercury guides individuals towards careers in information technology, writing, journalism, communication, teaching, advertising, libraries, and as representatives. Mercury's sharp mind is well-suited for roles as personal organizers, virtual or face-to-face assistants, secretaries, and professionals in the pharmacy sector. Additionally, Mercury's association with mathematics and money makes it relevant in accounting, librarianship, writing, and computing.
Venus: The artistic and harmonious energy of Venus blesses individuals in careers related to plastic arts, fitting rooms, painting, and the culinary arts. Venus finds fulfillment in professions associated with food, finance, massage therapy, well-being, aesthetics, law, justice, diplomacy, fashion, and architecture focused on decoration and beauty. Venus also thrives in sales, dealing with high-quality products, design, and people-related work.
Mars: The bold and assertive influence of Mars directs individuals towards careers in athletics, entrepreneurship, leadership, military, police, firefighting, lifeguarding, surgery, and any field that requires competitive spirit and a drive to create something remarkable. Mars also finds expression in careers related to medicine.
Jupiter: Jupiter's expansive and benevolent energy inspires careers in politics, justice, diplomacy, tourism, religion, higher education, teaching wisdom, and philosophy. Jupiter's connection to foreign trade and astrology adds depth to careers related to these fields.
Saturn: The disciplined and structured influence of Saturn leads individuals towards careers in administration, entrepreneurship, CEO positions, engineering, and areas that involve mathematics. Saturn's expertise in construction and project management makes it valuable in various roles, including those of directors and producers.
Uranus: The innovative and revolutionary spirit of Uranus shines upon careers in science, technology, social media, politics, NGOs, social projects, and humanitarian efforts. Uranus is also influential in social sciences, social causes, and careers that involve social assistance, aiming to transform and uplift society.
Neptune: Neptune's compassionate and spiritual essence guides individuals towards careers in psychology, music, theater, crafts, spirituality, therapy, and holistic therapy. Neptune finds fulfillment in professions that involve helping others and social causes, particularly in healthcare settings. Jobs linked to hospitals, nursing, and care for others resonate with Neptune's healing energy.
Pluto: The transformative and powerful influence of Pluto leads individuals towards careers in psychiatry, medicine, psychology, investigation, astrology, spirituality, occultism, coaching, investment, administration, politics, and scientific research. Pluto's connection to matters of life and death makes it relevant in fields such as gravedigging and forensic medicine, while its association with transformation and marketing adds depth to careers in the marketing industry.
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Julia's Special Note
I enjoy helping people, so let me share a unique insight that you won't find anywhere else. Jupiter and Saturn play significant roles in determining our value in both personal and societal contexts. Jupiter represents the value that society places on us, while Saturn signifies the value we place on ourselves in relation to society. In short, these two planets can reveal insights into your salary and financial gains in your profession. The key aspect here is their conjunction. For many years, Jupiter and Saturn have been meeting in earth signs, indicating a strong emphasis on material values, productivity, and tangible outcomes. This means that society has highly valued material success, productivity, and practical skills. However, over the next 200 years, they will conjoin in air signs, signaling a shift in societal values. The focus will move towards knowledge, expertise, teaching abilities, effective communication, and the dissemination of information. In this new era, what garners a good salary today may no longer hold the same value in 200 years. Thus, it won't matter so much what profession you have, but rather, the greatest differentiating factor for achieving good financial gains will be how much you know and specialize in your chosen field, rather than just how much you produce.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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prettieinpink · 6 months
Hi lanny! Could you provide a guide on how to get into working out? 💗💖
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hi lele 💝☀️ hope this guide helps you w your journey!!
The first step to working out is setting goals related to exercise, not physical appearance. Avoid things like fat loss, muscle gain, smaller waist, bigger glutes and so on. 
While you can make this a separate goal, the reason why I don’t want you to associate it with exercise is that we then allow the way our body looks to dictate whether we believe the exercise we’re doing is good enough. 
Exercise and body aesthetics are two different things. Exercise is a means of nourishing our body, soul and mind, while body aesthetics is how ‘good’ our body looks. 
On that topic, I want you to stop focusing on your physical appearance when starting to exercise and I want you to start implementing a new mindset shift about your body. Instead of seeing your body as something to look at, appreciate it for what it can do. 
For example, your hands create meals, hug your loved ones and help you with essential tasks. Your legs help you to get around, especially to your favourite places. Your stomach helps with digesting all the yummy food you eat. 
Some goal ideas:
Lift 15kg+ 
Be able to do a plank for more than 5 minutes
Learn how to do a push-up
Be able to run on the treadmill for 30 minutes 
Gain more stamina and exercise for longer 
Moving on, set a time each day in which you prioritise exercise. This can be for however long you want and the times can vary daily. 
So, during this period, you are not allowed to do anything else other than exercise. It doesn’t even have to be a specific exercise either, if you’re feeling lazy and laps walking around the house is what feels best, do it. 
However, avoid obsessing over working out and losing yourself to exercise. This kills motivation, in exercise starts to feel like another obligation in the day and not a privilege. 
Now, you have to choose what exercise is right for you. I don’t believe you’re limited to one exercise, if you want you can have more than 1. 
Gym – Perfect for a mix of strength and cardio, however not the best option if you want to exercise for free.
Yoga – Tones muscles while also being a mindful experience. Low low-impact, but recommend doing it after cardio. 
Cycling – Tones the legs and the glutes, but cycling may not be the best idea depending on where you live. 
running/jogging – Strengthens muscles and bones, however, if you don’t have flat areas, may not be the best idea. 
Pilates – Improves flexibility and tone, while still being low impact (still may be challenging).
Weightlifting – Makes you stronger and boosts your metabolism, best done at the gym. 
There are plenty of ways to exercise that I haven’t mentioned here, but these are just ideas so you can research the ones that suit you best.
I recommend talking to a doctor if you haven’t done exercise in a long time, as that can open up the possibility of injury. 
Then, once we have our goals, times and what we’re doing, we need to exercise. Implementing exercise in your life is best done slowly. 
Start with simple, and smaller versions of workouts, even if you think you can do more. Do this for about a week, then try to extend yourself with something harder. If it is too hard, don’t be afraid to go back a step. 
Make it fun, create a motivating exercise playlist or watch your favourite TV show while doing it. 
However, the main thing about exercising is that every day you are not always going to feel like it, but that is when we have to discipline ourselves, talk to the mirror and say; ‘Me exercising is a privilege, I get to nourish my body because I love and respect it so much’. 
This was the best way I disciplined myself into working out. Treating it like a privilege and something that is very benefical, rather than a painstakingly challenging activity.
Or, instead, you can visualise what you would look and feel like if you continue like this for the next 5 years.
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taviamoth · 3 months
🟢 Senior Hamas leader Osama Hamdan at Hamas’ press conference today, March 5th 2024:
We are at the doors of the blessed month of Ramadan, and with this Nazi aggression against our people continuing for the 151st day, despite the scale of killing, massacres, and genocide, and the pain of displacement, hunger, and thirst, this Nazi enemy has not achieved any of its aggressive goals.
The image of the erosion of the defeated entity and its war pillars internally is increasingly deteriorating and growing, while the image of our people's steadfastness, patience, strength, and the bravery of our resistance is firm, rooted, and determined to be victorious.
We send our greetings, pride, and honor to our people in the Gaza Strip, who continue their legendary epic of patience and sacrifice. We also send peace and greetings to the victorious Al-Qassam Brigades, the fighting Saraya Al-Quds, and the men of the Palestinian resistance on the land of Gaza of glory, who continue with all strength, capability, will, and determination to forge a legacy of glory for our people and our nation.
The movement has worked seriously and persistently to reach an agreement to stop the aggression, intensify the entry of aid and relief, and return our people to the areas they were displaced from, especially in the north, and for the complete withdrawal of the occupation from the Gaza Strip.
Over the past two days, the movement's vision and stance on the proposal presented to us by our Egyptian and Qatari mediator brothers at the end of last week have been submitted. We affirmed our conditions for a ceasefire, complete withdrawal from the Strip, return of the displaced to their areas, especially to the north, and provision of adequate aid, relief, and reconstruction.
We dealt with the proposals of our brothers in Egypt and Qatar with a high spirit of positivity and flexibility at all stages of the negotiations. However, Netanyahu continues to evade and shirk his responsibilities before his public, for personal political calculations, revealing his fear and terror of his political future and the post-war stage.
We reaffirm that we will not allow the negotiation process to be open-ended with the continuation of the aggression and the war of starvation against our people, nor to serve as a cover for the continuation of more crimes against unarmed civilians, or to buy time to proceed with the genocide against our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.
Any prisoner exchange will not take place before securing all the conditions of the resistance, and negotiations will not continue without a prospect.
Any flexibility shown by the movement in the negotiation process to stop the zionist aggression, out of concern for our people's blood and their great sacrifices, is matched by a readiness and determination to continue all forms of struggle and resistance, in defense of our people, our land, our constants, and our sanctities, at the heart of which are Al-Quds and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.
On the 151st day, the zionist war machine, supported by the U.S. administration, has not stopped committing genocide, ethnic cleansing, displacement, starvation, dehydration, and horrific massacres against unarmed civilians and innocents in the Gaza Strip.
All the slogans of humanity, freedom, and justice, which the U.S. administration, who is a partner with this occupation in its crimes and aggression against our people, sings about, have fallen. It has exposed all the hesitant and negligent positions on breaking the unjust siege on the Gaza Strip, relieving its people, healing their wounds, supporting their steadfastness, and putting an end to this continuous zionist crime and aggression.
The tragic situation experienced by the citizens and displaced people in all governorates of the Gaza Strip remains catastrophic and cannot be described or summarized in words.
Disease, hunger, and thirst are now claiming the lives of thousands of our people in the Gaza Strip daily, especially among children, women, and the elderly, as all hospitals are out of service, and sufficient relief and medical supplies fail to reach them.
We confirm to the zionists and the United States that what they failed to impose on the battlefield will not be taken through political machinations, no matter the forms of trickery and pressure they employ. This resistance will remain faithful to the sacrifices, keen on accumulating its outcomes and building upon them until the occupation is defeated.
The war of starvation waged by the occupation for more than five months, especially against civilians in the Gaza and Northern governorates, has forced citizens seeking sustenance for their children to risk their lives and fall into the killing traps set by the fascist occupation.
The complete cutoff of water in the Gaza and Northern governorates increases the suffering of citizens from thirst, due to the unavailability of drinking water and the lack of even non-potable water, due to the occupation's continuous bombing of wells and water stations, and the absence of fuel needed for water extraction.
The continuation of the occupation's war of starvation against our people, targeting aid convoys, and committing massacres against the citizens gathered around them, is a clear insistence by this criminal entity to proceed with the war of genocide and ethnic cleansing, a blatant challenge and disregard for all international laws and humanitarian norms, and for the resolutions of the International Court of Justice.
The occupation at the Al-Nablusi roundabout, which claimed 118 martyrs and hundreds of wounded, who gathered at dawn in anticipation of securing sustenance for hungry children, only to be shot down by the bullets and shells of the Nazi occupation army's vehicles, in a savage crime that is shamefully horrific, followed by a brazen zionist narrative of what happened, disclaiming the crime with utmost arrogance and disdain.
The statement issued by the United Nations Security Council, which was subjected to American pressures and amendments, to finally express "concern" about Al-Nablusi massacre, does not rise up to the level of the crime, and proves once again the impotence that has struck the most important tool of international security in the face of the genocide against our people in the Gaza Strip.
The aid that has been airdropped from several countries is appreciated, but it only meets a tiny fraction of the needs of the people amid the catastrophe in Gaza.
We call on all countries and governments that support the rights of our people and their just cause to find more effective ways to deliver aid, emphasizing the need to open the crossings for its entry by land, to ensure its safe and orderly arrival to its beneficiaries, and to maintain the dignity of Palestinian citizens, with a focus on delivering it to the north where famine is worsening.
The U.S. administration and President Biden personally remain a full partner with the zionist occupation in the genocide our people in the Gaza Strip are subjected to, bearing political, legal, moral, and humanitarian responsibility for the outcomes and repercussions of this aggression. Dropping some relief aid will not cleanse their image stained with the blood of our people.
We say to Biden and the U.S. administration: The most important thing is to stop supplying the Nazi zionist army with weapons, shells, and missiles that rain down on our unarmed people..and that you stop raising your hands to use your veto in the face of the entire world...to give the occupation cover to continue the genocidal crimes against our people.
We call on our Arab and Islamic countries to take practical and serious action to stop the genocide our people are subjected to, and to work seriously on the immediate implementation of the decision of the Arab Islamic summit on November 11 of last year, which emphasized breaking the zionist siege.
We call on the peoples of our Arab and Islamic nation to continue all forms of solidarity, support, and backing for the Palestinian people and our people in the Gaza Strip, and to continue to go out in wide public activities and demonstrations condemning the crimes of the occupation and its aggression, and pressuring governments to take effective and strong positions against the entity.
We renew the call to the peoples of our nation through which the food convoys to the zionist entity pass, to immediately act to prevent their passage, as the minimal form of solidarity with Gaza is to make the criminal realize the dire consequences of his siege on our people.
We call on the international community to effectively press for the full opening of the crossings, end the siege, and allow the entry of aid convoys in sufficient quantities to all areas of the Gaza Strip, especially to Gaza and North Gaza governorates, ensuring these aids reach our besieged people and end their humanitarian suffering.
We demand the activation of the role of international relief institutions, especially UNRWA, to facilitate and organize the entry and distribution of aid, in a way that preserves the dignity of our people.
We call on all governments and institutions in our Arab Islamic nation to use the blessed month of Ramadan as an opportunity to seriously work and press by all means to establish land, sea, and air bridges, and introduce relief aid and field hospitals to all areas of the Gaza Strip, to prevent the continuation of the war of starvation and genocide against more than two million Palestinians.
During the month of Ramadan, we call for intensifying all forms of financial, moral, humanitarian, and charitable support to heal the wounds of our people in the Gaza Strip, support families, the sick, and the wounded, and adopt charitable projects that support their steadfastness in the face of zionist aggression.
We call on all Arab Islamic governments and institutions during the month of Ramadan to work towards partnering in supporting the resistance in Gaza, just as the resistance and fighters in Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq are doing.
[via RNN]
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marzipanandminutiae · 9 months
she's never going to read this, but it's still interesting
so the person with the extremely cold corset takes last night has now decided that dress history folks are straight-up lying about the purpose of corsets. because we just love them so much, I guess?
she found this ad:
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and therefore knows corsets were Totally About Waist Reduction First And Foremost, Always And Forever, Amen
I have. some thoughts.
the main one being that nobody claimed corsets were never used to waist-train back then
the secondary one being that many ads for "form-reducing corsets," at least the ones that I found, make a distinction between "normal" corsets and their product:
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It's a specialty product, not what the average woman is wearing on a daily basis. Is its existence messed up? Yes! But nobody has been disputing that pressure on women to look a certain way, and fatphobia, are awful. The issue in question is: was the primary function of an average (in this case Victorian/Edwardian) corset waist reduction? It seems to me that the ad supplied- again, for a specialty garment that was not seen as an ordinary corset -does not prove OP's point.
so let's look at some ordinary corset ads, shall we?
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(don't freak out too much about the "baby/child corsets"- I've worked with extant examples many times, and they're just lightly stiffened vests. you couldn't lace a kid down in them if you tried- not that you should, obviously)
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(Pliability, elasticity, comfort- but no mention of waist reduction as a selling point)
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(this one is an unusual design, but I'm including it because it mentions support- and specifically breast support -not once, but twice. It also instructs ladies to measure their waists OUTSIDE their clothing- which will result in a larger measure even than we commonly use for custom corsets nowadays. note that a 2" lacing gap was common, per a corsetiere quoted in Valerie Steele's The Corset: A Cultural History)
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(Flexibility and comfort, yet again.)
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(Rather a ridiculous one, including the implication that you need an elegant corset to snare a husband and therefore economic security and love, but the bottom left text says "What an improvement the Madam Warren corset. And how comfortable.")
so we've clearly got comfort, support, and ease of movement at the forefront of the average consumer's mind, for so many ads to mention such thing. a number also don't have much text at all:
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(The Celebrated EEE is my hypothetical burlesque name, but I digress.)
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of the first twenty random ads that come up when I do an image search for "corset advertisement," eleven mention health and/or comfort, and only one directly mentions waist reduction- while advertising, again, a separate specialty "reducing" corset.
am I saying it never happened? absolutely not. I have NEVER been saying that. tightlacing did happen. obviously reducing corsets existed. I would not deny any of this
am I saying that, clearly, support and comfort were thought so high on the average corset-wearer's priority list that manufacturers played to those attributes more than waist reduction when constructing/advertising corsets, implying that they are NOT, in fact, the same thing as a Kim K waist cincher? yes
(file under: things I cannot believe I have to fucking say, and yet here we are)
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nanowrimo · 8 months
How to Set Realistic NaNoWriMo Goals
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Every year, we’re lucky to have great sponsors for our nonprofit events. Dabble, a 2023 NaNoWriMo sponsor, is a tool specifically designed for fiction novelists. Today, Dabbler Robert Smith shares a few tips to help you set daily writing goals that will work for you:
November looms, and with it the thrilling, harrowing, and sometimes carb-loaded journey of National Novel Writing Month. As we tie our writer's capes and ready ourselves for a month of intense creation, there's a small matter we need to address: our writing goals.
The Weight of 50,000 Words
Setting goals for NaNoWriMo is like setting a pace for a marathon. You wouldn't expect to sprint a marathon. The same goes for writing. If you try to sprint through, chances are you'll burn out faster than a candle in a windstorm.
However, only doing the minimum can leave you in a precarious position. Because if something comes up—and something always comes up—you’re suddenly behind on your goal, and that can really hurt morale.
So here are some goal setting tips to crush NaNoWriMo this year:
1. Start off strong, so you can end strong.
There is a simple fact about motivation. It starts strong and wanes with time. 
Now to be honest, you won’t be able to write a book with motivation alone. It requires a lot of discipline, and you’ll have to write even when you don’t feel like it.
But a great way to get the most out of that early motivation is to channel it into higher early output.
We all know that 50,000 words split over 30 days is 1667 words a day. But authors who win NaNoWriMo often don’t start there. They shoot for 2,500-3,000 words a day in the first week. That way they build up a buffer for the later weeks where motivation isn’t as high.
Plus, it gives them great forward momentum on their project. So consider setting higher goals early and taking advantage of your early NaNo fervor.
2. Account for daily life.
Even if you've cleared your calendar for November, life has a knack for throwing curveballs. 
Kids get sick. Work projects pop up. You know what I mean. If your word count goal is teetering on the edge of feasibility, any small disturbance can throw it off. 
To combat this, make plans and backup plans. Schedule your writing time around family gatherings. Plan what happens if you miss a day. Set yourself up for success before those situations arise.
3. Use the buddy system.
Find a writing buddy to be accountable to. It could be a friend participating in NaNoWriMo, or even someone you connect with in the NaNo community. 
Check in with each other daily. Celebrate your wins, commiserate over the tricky bits, and hold each other accountable. 
Sometimes, knowing someone else is in the trenches with you can be incredibly motivating.
4. Have weekly check-ins.
Instead of focusing solely on daily targets, also have a weekly goal. This gives you a broader view and allows for some flexibility. If you have a slower day, you can make up for it later in the week without feeling like you've thrown the entire month off course.
5. Actually track your goals.
Obviously, you need to track your goals, but there are multiple ways to do it.
Dabble integrates with NaNoWriMo, so you don’t have to manually submit your word count. And if you fall behind a bit, Dabble will automatically adjust your daily goal accordingly to keep you on track.
But even if you’re just marking off your goals on a napkin at your desk, tracking your progress will help you stay the course to victory.
Now go forth, share your stories, and remember: it's not all about the word count; it's about the words that count.
All NaNoWriMo participants can use the discount code  NANOWRI2023 for 20% off 1 year of Dabble! Offer expires January 31, 2024.
Robert Smith is a Dabbling Writer, and a Writing Dabbler. He likes playing board games with his wife, and deconstructing plots from movies in his spare time.
Top Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash.
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i99zhuo · 9 months
How to live like wonyoung
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this is a guide on daily routines inspired by jang wonyoung!
Content list (routines):
shower + self care
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✸ ꒰ morning routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
Wonyoung starts her days by stretching, this can help to relieve any tension or pain from the night before. Stretching shouldn't take that long to do, so make sure to stretch for at least 5 minutes every day. If you don't know how to do it, you can follow along a tutorial like this one.
Next step is skincare, to create the perfect skincare routine you need to at least wash your face and then use moisturizer and sunscreen, use products based on your skin type and add more steps only if you find it really necessary.
Now it's time for breakfast! Wonyoung loves to drink a cup of soy milk every morning, she also likes to have light and clean breakfast, so a good idea is to have some fruits and yogurt.
Finally, it's time to get ready for the day! Choose a cute outfit and hairstyle that fits the occasion + do your makeup, find your own style and get inspiration from Pinterest!
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✸ ꒰ study routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
First things first, organize your time so you have at least a week to study for exams or get your assignments done. Avoid procrastinating, the more time you have, the less work you'll have to do.
One time, when Wonyoung was asked about study tips, she said that it's important to find your own study style. Study methods don't work on everyone, so it's important to experiment with various methods until you find the one that works the best for you.
Now that we know our study style it's time to actually work and focus hard, for this we need to create the perfect study environment, clean and ventilate your room, turn some instrumental music on (or study with me videos for inspo), get some healthy snacks, water or literally anything to make yourself comfortable! (stuffed animals, pillows, blankets, etc.)
When studying, always focus on understanding the content and continuously solve sample questions, repeating the same material for various days actually helps to remember details better, but if you are in a rush or running out of time you can try and memorize the content.
Take breaks and get enough sleep, taking breaks in between study sessions it's actually more productive than not doing so, some productive ways of taking breaks are meditation, listen to music, reading, journal or taking a power nap, sleep is very important, you can't have a proper study session if you don't have the energy to do so.
Stop comparing yourself with others! You aren't in a competition with the rest, the only opponent you have is yourself, so your goals should always focus on breaking your own records and become even better than your past self.
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✸ ꒰ workout routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
When working out like wonyoung we should aim to improve our posture and be more flexible, this will help when doing Pilates or yoga just like she does. Also, we can focus on losing weight or just toning up our bodies if you don't find it necessary.
Wonyoung love Pilates, you can pick any Pilates workout on YouTube based on your time or in your specific body goals, but here's a Pilates routine inspired by her. Also, if you feel like doing a full body workout, here's another video inspired by wony!
If you don't really like to work out at home, the other options you have is that you can try and join a flying yoga class like Wonyoung! She also spends lots of her time doing dance practice, so choosing your favorite kind of dance could be an option too!
Choose one and start doing it continuously to start seeing results, also, it's very important to have non-physical goals, like feeling happier or meet new friends! Remember to always drink water!
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✸ ꒰ shower and self care routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
Time for some self-care! First, take off your makeup using micellar water or an oil based cleanser (only if you have dry skin!).
Then it's time to hop on the shower and start with our haircare routine, one of wonyoung's charms is her long healthy hair, so make sure to use the right products for your hair. Here's a quick haircare routine you can follow; massage your scalp using a scalp massager or your fingertips, then use the right amount of shampoo only on the scalp, next use a conditioner from middle to ends to moisturize and detangle your hair. If you identify a problem with your hair (for example too dry, difficult to manage, etc.) you can add using a hair mask to this routine!
While we leave the products in our heads for a few minutes, it's time for bodycare! always clean your body with soap and a loofa, if needed exfoliate your body 1-2 times a week for super soft skin! Next is shaving, shave only if needed and never do it when your skin is dry, if you don't have shaving cream, you can use conditioner, just make sure to rinse it very well after.
After we are done with the shower it's time for skincare, wash your face, you can also exfoliate your face 1–2 times a week (3 if your skin it's too oily). This is also the perfect time to use a face mask! Use a hydrating sheet mask if you feel that your skin is dry, or a clay mask if you feel your skin is oily. Finally, use a moisturizer.
With clean hands and our skincare done it's the perfect time for face massages! Massaging our faces can help to improve skin texture and reduce the puffiness of the face, I personally like to do it with my hands, but you can also use a facial roller or gua sha (just make sure to keep the clean).
We can't forget to moisturize our bodies, make sure to apply lotion all over your body, especially if you exfoliated or shaved, use a lotion with your favorite scent (strawberry, vanilla, etc.) or use an unscented lotion and immediately apply perfume to smell good all day long.
It's now time to continue with our haircare, gently brush your hair and dry it, if you are using a hair dryer you must apply some heat protection. Also, make sure to apply a leave-in conditioner to prevent dry ends!
You can add more stuff to this routine if you need, like applying a lash serum to grow your lashes, or clean your makeup brushes, so you start doing it more regularly! Also, it's the best time to get some motivation, you can scroll down Pinterest or watch YouTube videos from thewizardliz, song jia, vogue beauty secrets or any content creator that inspires you to become the best version of yourself!
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✸ ꒰ night routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
First step is to have dinner, if you're going to eat near your bedtime you should mind your portions and what you are eating, avoid heavy or spicy food, so you can rest better and really get that beauty sleep.
Every night, before going to bed, you can make some time to organize the next day (what are you going to do, plan the outfit/makeup/hair, etc.) and clean your room! It's very satisfying to wake up to a clean room, it also helps a lot when you have everything you need in the morning already set up, so you don't end up getting late!
Before going to bed is the best time for some yoga or stretching, yoga can help with relaxing your body before sleeping, specially if you exercised or if you were sitting down for many hours because of work or school.
Finally, the best way to finish your day is to read to help you wind down! Specially if it's near your bedtime and you aren't sleepy yet. You can even read comics! Just read any physical book you have, reading on a device can be distracting and will make you stay up past your bedtime.
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(_ _ ) . . z Z⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚୨ :★: ୧ ∗  ˖࣪ ໒꒱  ˚₊·
ty for reading! btw this post is *heavily* inspired by liliwon (I miss her sm 😿😿😿😿). If you liked this guide, please let me know! I really want to make more posts like this with other idols so I would appreciate suggestions >.< Also leave other posts ideas :D hehe
Oh! btw english is not my first language so I apologize for any mistake or whatever 💀
I think that's all, anyways see ya!
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happybird16 · 11 months
Im on fire today I guess but now I just cant stop thinking about Levi's chest. Suggestive
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“You want me to do what now?” Levi asks, his tone filled with incredulity. His expression contorts with a mixture of confusion and exasperation, his eyebrows furrowing as he struggles to comprehend your request. He has just finished his morning shower, and droplets of water cling enticingly to his well-defined, muscular torso. His pale skin is still soft and flushed from the heat of the water. The soft overhead light highlights the sheen on his flesh, adding to the allure of the moment.
You’ve interrupted Levi as he is in the midst of choosing a shirt, causing him to twist around to face you with an incredulous look from around the closet door. His gaze meets yours, and he tries to make sense of your unusual request.
"Can you do a couple jumping jacks for me? Shirtless?" you ask again, your eyes fixed on a bead of water trailing down between his pectorals, unable to resist the temptation.
Levi's response is swift and resolute, his tone short and clipped. "No," he answers firmly, his voice leaving no room for negotiation. He reaches for a grey t-shirt hanging on a nearby hanger, hastily pulling it over his head. "Not going to happen. I love you, but I'm not hopping up and down for your amusement."
You playfully whine, exaggerating your pout and pushing out your bottom lip. Raising your hands, you motion vaguely towards his chest. "But I want to see them bounce," you protest, your voice filled with playful longing.
His hair is still wet, and you can spot bits of moisture darkening the fabric of his chosen t-shirt, wetting it to cling to his muscles. Levi rolls his eyes, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. “Nice try,” he says, his voice laced with amusement. “I'm not falling for some puppy dog eyes and a quivering lip.” Closing the distance between you, Levi envelops you in his arms, his hip pressing against yours. His thumb gently tugs at the skin of your bottom lip. “I do enough weird shit for you on a daily basis.”
A frown creases your forehead as you tug at the bottom hem of his shirt. Desperate to get your way, you intensify the quiver in your lip, attempting to coax some wetness into your eyes. “Please?” you plead, hoping to sway him with your earnest expression.
Levi sighs heavily, his frustration palpable as he rolls his eyes and throws his head back in an exaggerated manner. The movement is accompanied by a slight slump in his shoulders, as if he’s momentarily resigned to fulfill your request. “Fine,” he relents, his voice tinged with mock exasperation. Jerkily, he pulls the fabric of his shirt back up and over his head, tossing it onto the nearby bed. A playful smile tugs at his lips. “But just this once, and you owe me big time.”
A mischievous spark dances in your eyes as you celebrate your small victory. You can’t help but feel a surge of excitement as you watch Levi willingly position himself in the center of the room, his bare chest on full display. The play of light accentuates the contours of his sculpted physique, highlighting the definition of his muscles. With each leap of his jumping jacks, his muscles flex, their strength and power evident in every movement. The droplets of water that still cling to his skin glisten and shimmer in the light, casting a mesmerizing effect. The sight is almost hypnotic, drawing your gaze as his body moves through the air.
As Levi jumps, you can’t help but appreciate the natural elasticity of his pectoral muscles. They bounce rhythmically with each leap, an enchanting display of their inherent flexibility. The contrast between the firmness of his physique and the dynamic movement of his muscles creates a captivating visual spectacle. It’s as if his body is a work of art in motion, his bare chest an exquisite canvas where strength and grace harmoniously collide.
Your gaze remains fixed on Levi, captivated by the fluidity of his movements and the enticing bounce of his chest. As the jumping jacks come to an end, Levi stands still, his chest rising and falling with each breath. He gives you a knowing look, a playful challenge evident in his eyes. “Satisfied?” he asks, a smirk playing on his lips. “Can I put my shirt back on now?”
A mischievous grin spreads across your face as you shake your head, relishing in the playful mischief that has taken hold of the moment. “Not yet,” you reply, your voice laced with excitement. “Can you do a couple more?”
Levi lets out a loud sigh, a combination of amusement and exasperation. He playfully rolls his eyes, knowing exactly where this is heading. “Don’t you dare start on how you want to hold them,” he warns, a playful tone in his voice.
You giggle mischievously, feigning innocence. “Who, me?” you ask with a sly smile. “I was just going to suggest admiring the bounce from a different angle. Maybe a slow-motion replay?”
Levi can’t help but chuckle at your playful response, a mixture of amusement and disbelief on his face. “You’re incorrigible,” he says, shaking his head in mock exasperation. Adjusting the band of his grey sweatpants, he mutters under his breath, “What a way to start the day.” Despite his playful complaint, it’s clear that he was enjoying the spirited exchange.
After a moment, Levi relents and decides to indulge your request. “Alright, a couple more it is,” he concedes in an exasperated tone. With a mix of mischief and snark, he adds, “Do you want to pull up a chair? Get yourself a ‘better view’?”
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remindingpersephone · 1 month
Here we go again
Hi gang. I'm back on my Chris-Get's-Healthy kick, again. I know I've talked about this and asked for your help in the past. I am once again attempting to quit sugar and work out more.
If you have offered me advice in the past and are tired of my requests, yet again, for advice and ideas, I understand. I get it. Believe me, no one is more tired of my bullshit and my inability to stick to a regimen and make the healthy choices than I am.
This last time I was derailed by my mom's illness and death. I just did not have the mental space or physical energy to commit to disciplined nutritional choices and consistent work outs while taking care of her. But the reasons don't really matter because there were excuses before this one, and on and on. I have been starting and giving up on, healthy living routines since I was 18 years old. Let's do the math, that's 30 years!
A little background: I am not a yo-yo dieter. I very slowly put on weight starting with my first desk job at 20 and never dropped it. The weight has never bothered me. I am a confident woman who has never needed to fit into a six 6. I am also single by choice and nothing in the last 30 years has given me a reason to change my mind about this.
This situation now is that I'm looking hard at 50 and the little aches and pains: the trick knee, the occasional sciatica, the feet that get a little too sore too soon, are, I feel, all red flags signaling that hitting snooze on my health is no longer an option.
I truly believe that fitness and nutritional eating are not only the key to staying fit and active, but I think if I just commit and get through those first few tough months, I would actually like it.
Lately I've been drinking my Dr. Pepper and eating my high-calorie cheesy pasta and lots of sourdough bread (all my favorites), but they just haven't been as satisfying as they once were. [Sidebar: I realize some of this could be residual depression and grief making life just not as wonderful as it once was. That will take time.]
Mostly, I'm just tired of giving the "I have got to get my health in order" thoughts the mental real estate in my brain. I need to deal with it so I can move on from it. So it is not such big part of my daily thoughts.
My long-winded and self-indulgent post here is just to ask once again - and I swear for the last time - what do you all find works for you as far as fitness and nutrition goes? My fitness goals are:
to get stronger and improve flexibility and mobility while protecting the joints and ligaments
staving off osteoporosis
alleviating some peri-menopause symptoms
My nutrition goals are:
to kick the sugar addiction once and for all and change my palate so I don't crave sweet things so much
prevent diabetes/heart disease, etc. before they start
improving gut health
I welcome all comments and advice, and that includes the tough-love "girl, you have got to get your shit together!"
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yesterdays-xkcd · 2 months
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Small print: this schedule will eventually drive one stark raving mad.
28-Hour Day [Explained]
[A ruler-like timeline diagram that shows the hours in a week. 6 P.M. to 6 A.M. is labelled each day as "Night", however, there are 8-hour long blocks labelled "bed" at different times. Starting with Sunday, it's 10 A.M. to 6 P.M., Monday 2 P.M. to 10 P.M., Tuesday 6 P.M. to 2 A.M., Wednesday-to-Thursday 10 P.M. to 6 A.M., Friday 2 A.M. to 10 A.M., and Saturday 6 A.M. to 2 P.M.]
[Below the timeline, Cueball and a friend are talking.] Cueball: You have trouble sleeping right? Friend: Only when your mom is over.
[Cueball is now pointing to an easel with the chart above.] Cueball: Since your work is flexible- Friend: -Like your mom- Cueball: -You should try the 28-hour day - 20 awake, 8 asleep (or 19/9 if you prefer). Friend: I prefer your mom.
[Cueball moves forward toward his friend, with the chart behind him. He holds both hands, held together, up in front of him.] Cueball: It synchs up with the week - you spend weekdays awake normally, then on weekends you can go out all night. Friend: Just like your mom.
[In a frameless panel, only Cueball is shown from the torso up. He gestures with both arms raised on each side of him.] Cueball: It means four extra hours daily. You can stay up until you're exhausted every day and then spend a full 9 hours asleep each night!
[Back to both again, but without the chart. Cueball leans toward his friend as his friend lifts a hand to his chin.] Friend: But how much time can I spend doing your mom? Cueball: You? I'm guessing three or four minutes, tops. Friend: ...Well played.
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