#haikyuu x gn reader!
emmyrosee · 8 months
“Baby, I promise I was kidding.”
“I don’t want to talk to you right now, Rintaro.”
“‘Rintaro?’ Baby, it was a joke! If I knew it would actually make you upset, I wouldn’t have done it.”
Your eyes are watery and pouty when you look at him, and he blinks down at you expectantly. Then you huff, “of course I’m upset! It’s a sign of disrespect.”
Rintaro groans and squats down in front of you, head moving back and forth to keep his eyes locked on yours as you try to move your own gaze, “baby, I swear, I didn’t mean it, I thought it would make you laugh.”
He never thought hitting your Pompurin plush would have you in such shambles. You’ve been ignoring him all ride with a small grimace on your lips, playing with Pompurin’s arms and tiny feet, sometimes answering questions about what’s on the tag. You’re deadset on ignoring him. It’s destroying him.
With a small sigh, he leans up to try and plant a kiss to your lips, despite the fact that the last thing he’d think you’d want is a kiss. It’s something he knows you adore, though, he hopes you see through your anger to see him.
You do pout out slightly to try and chase his lips, and it fills him with relief.
“It was pretend, baby,” he mumbles, trying to convince you. “I’d never mean to hit him, I was pretending to be mad that he’d take you away from me.”
Well. It was only half pretend.
But you don’t need to know that.
You gently twist pompurin’s ears in your fingers, shrugging and shaking your face from his hands slightly. “You hurt my feelings Rin.”
Once again, he grabs your chin, leaning up to press another kiss to your lips. “I know, baby. I thought it’d be funny.”
“Say you’re sorry.”
“I’m so sorry-“
“Not to me,” you grumble. “To him!” You hold up the new pompurin plush, and Rintaro tucks his lips in his mouth to hide the annoyed sigh that wants to slip out.
Annoyed, albeit still endeared.
Green eyes hyper fixate on the doey eyes of pompurin, smacking his lips and nodding in respect. “I’m sorry, Pompurin. I never should’ve hit you. And I hope you’ll consider forgiving me and taking care of them while I’m at practice.”
In his peripheral, he sees you smile, your fingers shifting to move pompurin’s head to nod.
“Thank you for apologizing,” you say as you lower the new plush animal. “I love you.”
He smirks and leans forward one final time to kiss you, and you giggle in the kiss and toss your arms around his neck.
If he could guarantee you’d always be this affectionate after, he’d playfully smack all your stuffed animals.
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taintedtort · 3 months
Hello!!! Can you do this request with kenma, tsukishima and suna pls???? 🥺🥺
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summary. you wipe their kisses off (pt2)
characters. kenma, tsukishima, suna
warnings. gn!reader, none!
a/n. i love this prompt, it’s so easy to write :P
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☆ kenma isn’t usually very physically affectionate, but he likes to kiss your hands a lot. it’s simple and quick, and not that noticeable to other people. however, this particular time he kissed the back of your hand, you wiped it on your sweater directly after. he noticed, but didn’t really say anything because he hadn’t thought much of it at the time. but as the day went on, he realized that you were doing it every single time he kissed your hand. he knows you though, and he’s quick to catch on that you’re messing with him. he’s mildly amused at best, but doesn’t really get the point. you’re trying to provoke him, right? it kinda worked… he‘s not necessarily annoyed, but he doesn’t like that you’re wiping them off.
"quit it."
☆ he notices and instantly scowls at you. it was kind of your fault for making it so obvious though. he kissed your forehead and you immediately wiped it off with your hoodie sleeve, a disgusted look on your face. it was clearly fake and all a joke, seeing as you laughed right after, but he got petty nonetheless. you apologize through giggles when you see his annoyed expression, but he only rolls his eyes. he eventually gives in, like he always does, but you have to make it up to him by kissing him literally everywhere.
"fine then, wipe my kiss off. see if you get another one."
☆ he was taking some selfies with you, and he gave your cheek a kiss for one of them. he was sort of rapid fire clicking, so he actually got a picture of you wiping the kiss off directly after. he looks at you with a confused expression, saying something like "the fuck was that?" you wave him off, but he just pulls up the picture he got and starts examining in. he doesn’t say anything else, just looking at you with an expecting look, silently telling you to explain yourself. you crack and tell him it was a prank, just to rile him up and see what’d he do. he rolls his eyes and places another kiss to your cheek, watching to make sure you don’t wipe this one off too.
"you trying to be cute?"
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omi-boshi · 2 months
"I don't recall agreeing to be a glorified weighted blanket when I decided to come over." Kiyoomi chuckles from his place on your chest, legs tangling with your own, arms curled around your back. You kiss his forehead, your smile mirroring his. "You didn't? I thought it came with being a boyfriend?" "What? Crushing the love of my life with my entire body weight? I think I missed the patch notes for that update." He teases. "Oh, shut it, you loser." You roll your eyes, pulling his head closer to your chest to smother his laughter. "Just cuddle me. Please." "No," He huffs out his dissent, softened around the edges by the motions of your hands in his hair, and all the while his arms tighten around you. "You're asking for a lot after calling me a loser." You feel rather than hear his words as he mutters them into your — his — shirt. "I'm sorry, you big baby." The snort he lets out in response pulls your grin wider. "Whatever shall I do to regain your favor once more?"
He pinches you lightly for your dramatics; your exaggerated posh tone startling into a yelp. "Pancakes would be nice." A sharp inhale punctuates his words as you tug his hair harshly in retaliation, before smoothing it out in apology. "Only if we can go out and have ice cream after." "And of course, I'm paying since you'll conveniently 'forget' your wallet, huh?"
"That was one time!" He chuckles at your outburst. Turning his head just enough to leave a kiss on your collarbone, he halts your tirade before the words even have the chance to form in your throat. "Of course, baby." Then, he places one last placating kiss under your chin before both of you succumb to the coziness of the atmosphere.
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luvring · 3 months
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gn!reader | oikawa, akaashi, suna, atsumu, aone
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OIKAWA, predictably, lets his jaw drop and acts as if you’ve broken up with him. he teeters between draping his entire body over yours and whining, or crossing his arms and huffing while turning away. calling you dude feels foreign on his tongue, an insult to you, in tooru’s mind. but he’s nothing if not a little petty, and will call you it until you apologize.
“thanks, dude.”
tooru freezes, plate of cut up fruit in his right hand that mere moments ago, he pictured he’d be feeding you. but now—“dude?”
off the court, he’s nothing but predictable. you bait him with a smile. “yeah?”
“no! what- you called me dude! me?!” tooru holds his free hand to his chest.
“oh, now i’m tooru? sorry, only the love of my life can call me that and be fed fruit from my personalized platter, bro i don’t know.”
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AKAASHI cares a little—it feels kind of awkward and he finds himself overthinking the term. but once he’s comfortable, he can tell if it’s just something you say or if you’re messing with him, in which case he’ll have a knowing smile as he refers to you as his friend. but if he’s tired, he’ll drag out the bit just long enough to make you regret it.
“you okay, dude?” you ask as he finally comes out from the washroom, ready for bed.
keiji doesn’t respond, the pout on his face and his slow steps speaking for themselves. he climbs into bed, curling into your side and draping an arm over you.
his breath is warm against your collarbone. “no, dude. i think we need to stop capitalism. can i have a hug now?”
wrapping yourself around him, you place a kiss on his head, hair more ruffled than usual. “i’ll collapse capitalism for you.”
“you’re the best, dude. love you, dude.”
“keiji, please.”
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SUNA doesn't really care. the times rintarou 'takes offense' are for a bit, and he sounds amused the entire time. if you don't care either, he'll call you “dude” himself and means nothing negative about it. this isn't to say he won't call you "baby" or "babe" or even "hon," but he—in his words—considers a large nickname vocabulary to be diverse and for the better.
"what the fuck are you talking about, dude?" you laugh.
rintarou rolls onto his back to look at you as you rest against the bed's headboard.
he squints at you and frowns—the look of disbelief on his face isn't at the term, but your reaction. "you're supposed to get me like no one else as the love of my life."
you raise an eyebrow. "maybe you should try making more sense?"
"i'm gonna 'dude-zone' you until you take that back."
"what, dude?"
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ATSUMU instinctively responds as if you were osamu, not used to hearing the word in your voice. as soon as it clicks, he's as offended as you'd expect him to be. it becomes nonsensical bickering as soon as you act offended, until you're both laughing and ‘apologizing’ to each other.
“dude, where is my towel?”
“huh? i dunno, why would i touch your nasty ass towel?” he asks, eyes honed in on the game on his monitor.
you blink, and a moment passes before atsumu pauses and whips around. “wait, ‘dude’?”
his expression mirrors yours as laughter builds in your stomach. “what the hell did you just say to me?”
“y’just called me dude!”
“my nasty ass towel?”
atsumu’s own words finally hit him and he stutters, “babe- wait- i thought you were ’samu—”
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AONE’s gotten so used to you calling his first name, or using terms of endearment that he thinks he’s done something wrong. his anxiety doesn’t last long, not when you take a look at his hesitant expression and posture while he works up the courage to ask about it. he wishes it didn’t bother him so much, but he admits that he’d like having a special name, or just his first instead.
“hey, dude, can you pass me my charger?”
“my charger? it’s next to the couch by your feet,” you explain.
takanobu’s brows furrow as he quietly picks it up and hands it to you. he wonders if he’s imagining things when you shoot him your regular smile and thank him.
a few minutes go by, and it’s nowhere near unusual for the both of you to sit quietly together, but he hasn’t sat comfortably since you asked for your charger. moving closer, you apologize and hold onto his arm. “’m kidding, ’nobu, just wanted to see your reaction.”
his body relaxes as the both of you lean into each other, and he smiles, albeit a little embarrassed. “that’s good to know.”
“...i like your nicknames for me more.”
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my new tag list form if you'd like to be tagged! ^^ sorry old tag list. love u.
@dira333 i know u like aone.. i don't write for him a lot but He is here. thought of u. and @reverie-starlight u r of course my local tsumu fan. YAAAY!!!
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kikiyoomis · 3 months
sakusa prefers to be subtle and private about your relationship with him. he’s not going grab your waist, barrage you with kisses all over your face or any other blatant displays of pda. he tells other couples to “get a room” anytime they get a little too heated and he doesn’t like being a hypocrite.
except under one condition.
he’s both a jealous and confrontational man.
someone’s staring at you for too long? he’s going to show them who has your full attention by sweeping you up in his arms
someone’s trying to flirt with you? suddenly your tongue is too busy dancing with his to even reply
someone’s buying you a drink everyday just to win you over? he’s buying you a bouquet of fresh flowers every morning and lunch.
and sakusa knows he’s good looking. as an athlete his body is always at its best physique, he takes care of his skin and hair and he’s even made it to the top ten of both “official” and fan made lists of japan’s hottest athletes multiple times. even a blind person would know who’s coming out on top when comparing sakusa’s attractiveness to the nobody that’s trying to woo his s/o.
so he’s always willing to show off a little just to prove to them who’s really deserving of your love.
but 9 times out of 10 every time he does this it embarrasses you to hell and back. though, it is kind of cute if you look more closely at the intentions rather than the execution.
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fushigurosboy · 2 years
Hi, I’m Tim, welcome to my account!
This is a 2.0 of my Rules/welcome list because I have updated and changed some things :) 
So, a little bit about me, I like anime, reading, writing and drawing. I do small photography gigs here and there, and I prefer reading the manga over watching the anime, idk why I just do 
I’m trans ftm, my pronouns are he/they, I’m unlabeled in my sexuality and I am poly 💛
- minors DNI!!! I don’t write smut because it makes me uncomfy, but I will write and post suggestive things! 
- I only write he/him he/they and they/them readers! afab or amab is never specified 
- fem aligned (she/they she/her) can only interact with some of my posts. You’ll know what ones not to interact with because I will put (FEM ALINGED DNI) at the top of the post! This rule was originally fem aligned dni with any of my posts, but I have to block so many people daily, it’s gotten tiring and I realized that you guys just interacting with my story times, or my shit posts is fine with me 
- all the characters I write for are either their time skip versions (i.e. time skip Haikyuu!!) or aged up (i.e. pro hero Bakugo) 
- I will write poly stuff!!! If I have a personal fave ship in a show, let’s use KageHina as an example, I will write reader into their relationship and make it poly! I myself am poly so I love to write about it :)
- race, genital's, etc is never mentioned in my one shots/imagines so it’s pretty inclusive :) 
Fandom’s I Write For 
- Haikyuu!!
- JJK 
- MHA 
- Demon Slayer
- Sk8 the Infinity 
- Naruto 
- Voltron 
- OHSHC (the hosts, platonic!Honey)
- Chicago Fire (Gabby, Casey, Severide, platonic!Shay)
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chaepink · 20 days
Hear me out, maliciously praising pathetic yandere Oikawa. Like he’s so pathetic obsessed with reader, and the sound of their praise is making him go crazy, and reader catches on to this and starts praising him just for a reaction, which ends in him cumming, on his knees for reader as they just smirk and teasingly praise his pathetic shaking form <33
dom!reader, sub!Oikawa praise, cumming in pants, teasing
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“You’re such a good boy for me, right?” Another shiver racks through Oikawa as he whines, staring up at you from his place on the floor with glassy eyes.
You’re standing in front of him with a grin on your face that makes him swallow in anticipation.
“I never thought you would like my praise this much, Oikawa. You must really like being my good slut, don’t you?”
A soft whimper leaves him as he clenches his fists that lay on his thighs. He’s been sitting on his knees for a while and there’s a slight ache but the cloudy fog in his mind is preventing him from thinking of anything else other than you and your words.
“I bet you just want to touch me right now, don’t you? Make me feel good like a good boy is supposed to do?” Oikawa stares up at you with tears forming at the corner of his eyes.
You glance down from his face and see the bulge in his pants and smirk. Oikawa can’t even think properly anymore, he just wants to cum. He’s so hard, it hurts.
“You’re hard from just my words, baby? Gonna cum from my praise only?” A sob racks through his body and he nods eagerly, staring up at you as he ruts futilely in the air, searching for any kind of friction.
“Go ahead and be a good whore for me then and cum in your pants then, darling.” Oikawa lets out a choked moan and gasps at the sudden release. Quickly, you see a wet stain start to appear on his crotch and you giggle.
“How cute, you came in your pants without my touch.” Oikawa’s breaths are heavy as his body rocks with his recent orgasm.
After a few minutes, he looks up at you with trembling lips before glancing down at his stained pants with a flushed face and looking back up at you, expecting you to do something. You raise an eyebrow before suddenly placing your foot on his crotch and pushing it down, making him cry out in pleasure.
“What, you thought I was done, darling? Oh we’re far from that, don’t you want to be my good boy?” He nods eagerly.
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ty for reading to the end! ❤ - chaepink
╰┈➤ masterlist | rules
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satoruzlove · 1 year
thinking ab bf suna who holds your neck from the side of u and kisses your temples firmly
thinking about bf suna who puts things on high shelves just so you ask him for help
bf suna who takes videos of you doing mundane things like putting away your hair iron, and when you ask him to stop he simply pouts, “ but you’re so cute doing everything, just pretend you don’t see me”
bf suna who just gives anyone else who flirts with him the stink face, because ever since he met you he can’t find anyone else attractive
bf suna who has a necklace with a heart pendant that has your name engraved into it. whenever he does an interview, he puts it on. sometimes the interviewer asks him about what keeps him motivated, his passions outside volleyball, but he simply makes eye contact with the camera and kisses the pendant gently - “ my lover. they’ve always had this way of making me a better man, and if that’s not worth working for then i’ll simply just wither away.”
bf suna who bites back the urge to bite you whenever you say something kind to him, smiling so hard that his cheeks redden and then getting close- mumbling a , ‘you’re so perfect,’ into the skin of your lips
bf suna who bumps his hips into yours when you cook, then turns away and pretends he’s never done anything wrong his entire life
bf suna who hears wedding bells as you talk shit about him with his sister
bf suna who turns to osamu when you walk down the isle, not because he’s laughing or trying to be calm, but because there are tears pricking at his eyes. osamu’s eyes widen , and as you make your way to your fiancé he sniffles. “ thank you, yn,” he smiles down to you,” for being with me, for choosing me, promise i’ll take care of you, ‘kay? forever.”
bf suna who uses your perfumes when he’s away- even if he smells like ‘sweet sugar cookies’ he doesn’t care. it makes him feel closer to you.
bf suna that earns a ‘🤨’ from your parental figure because they fear that suna knows you better than them. he’s got everything about you memorised thanks to your mutual pining during college.
bf suna who rubs his face against you like a cat randomly when you two hang out in silence.
bf suna who would light himself on fire if you were cold [ his words, not my own 🤞🏻]
bf suna ☹️<3
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emmyrosee · 2 months
His phone rings once, and Kiyoomi smirks down at it.
You’re calling him, of course you are, why would you not be, and he sighs and excused himself before slipping out to the front of the building and answering the phone.
“This better be good.”
“Im crawling in your walls.”
He lets out a laugh and scrubs his face with his hand, “you miss me that much? I’ve only been gone for a few hours.” You whine on your end of the line, and he chews the tip of his thumb to stop himself from laughing.
“Kiyoomi,” you whine. “I didn’t give you enough kisses this morning. I’m feeling deprived.”
He cocks a brow, “babe, you gave me a thousand kisses before I left-“
“No, I gave you forty seven. I should’ve given you forty eight. Or a thousand.”
This, has him laughing. Laughing because never in a trillion years would he expect to let such ferality be allowed. What would 16 year old Kiyoomi think if he heard some person say “I’m in your walls because I didn’t kiss you enough”?
He wouldn’t believe him. He wouldn’t think someone would care enough about him to go through such lengths to be part of his life, a part of him, and he poked his tongue in his cheek and shakes his head.
“You can kiss me more when I get home.”
“I don’t want to wait that long.”
“I’ll kiss you back?”
This, has you stopping, and he raises his brows as he waits for a response. “You promise?”
“Of course I do,” he snorts. “When have I never not wanted to kiss you?”
“True.” You go quiet again, “I miss you.”
“I miss you too, baby. I’ll be home soon.”
“…okay,” you finally sigh. “I’m gonna eat your drywall.”
He snorts again, “go for it.”
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reverie-starlight · 2 months
sakusa is the number one guy to have an eye on you. If you so much as sniffle, he's pulling out he emergency scarf...
So he absolutely knows when you go on your period, but he tries to phrase it in a way that makes it kess obvious that he knows.
"is it that time already?"
how fitting is it that when I started writing this, my period did too? 🥲 sorry this took so long dira, I’ve been busier with school than I thought I’d be 😭 your other requests are in the works!!
gn!reader that menstruates, no physical descriptions. fluff fluff fluff. FLUFF. cuddly reader that's somewhat shy about affection. attentive kiyoomi. making this part of my MSBY!manager!reader mini-series as a little add-on :3
sakusa swears he can pinpoint the exact moment the switch flips in your brain and you succumb to the PMS feels.
you’re cuddling with him on the couch as a movie plays in the background when you shift a little. he glances down at his chest to see you resting your chin on his sternum, eyes wide as saucers and showcasing the familiar look of affection.
he sighs fondly and rests his hand on the back of your head. "someone feeling a bit needy?"
of course you are. he's been keeping track of your cycle since the beginning of your relationship, he has everything down to a T by now. he knows your symptoms, your usual cravings, how many days in advance he'll need to stock up on supplies... and it's never brought up, because you know he'd get a bit embarrassed if he were to be called out on it, but there's an unspoken understanding that he's tuned in to you and your body.
so obviously he knows that you're PMSing. even if he hadn't been tracking things, he'd know just by the way you had to keep yourself from clinging to him at practice earlier.
for whatever reason, you seem to become almost touch-starved just before your period, despite the constant stream of physical affection he gives you everyday.
so when you nod, he just smiles down at you softly and traces a heart on the apple of your cheek. “you did so well at practice today, manager.”
he thinks back to how you made it through the day despite waking up with a bad back and some sore thighs. another clue that tipped him off about your oncoming period.
you look up at him curiously, making his heart thump a little faster at how cute you look with your cheek smushed in his palm. “shouldn’t I be the one praising you for your performance today, actual athlete?”
he snorts, something he only ever finds himself doing around you. “I hear it enough everyday. How often do you get to?”
you nuzzle into his chest and he pretends that he doesn’t notice the shy smile you’re sporting. normally he would tease you, but he finds himself feeling much, much softer for you when you’re like this.
he rubs your lower back a bit and you whine at the relief it provides. “can I get you anything, my love?”
“kiyo, if you even think of getting up right now there will be hell to pay.”
he grins and scratches your scalp with his free hand. “of course, I wouldn’t dream of it.”
you lean up for a kiss and he happily obliges.
and so you stay like that for another ten minutes, the serene silence only broken by your stomach growling. “I’m not letting you go hungry. Let’s get you something to eat, come on.”
he picks you up and helps you wrap your legs around his waist before making way to the kitchen so he can fix you a snack. he works one handed, the occupied one settled under your thighs to support you, and listens to whatever you have to say.
needy as you may be, he wouldn’t trade getting to care for you for the world.
hope you enjoyed!
some tags: @emmyrosee @luvring @aayo-whatt
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luvfy0dor · 25 days
Soft Touches 'Nd Stuff ♡⁠˖
Warnings; Suggestive, cursing in a/n, I still only write specifically for BSD, my friends suggested characters from other fandoms, so credit to them; @ilovechuuy4 and @yaeeko and others not on tumblr
Description; Sleepy morning affection ;3
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Imagine laying in your bed with the sunrise visible through your window, dying the sky a pretty wash of pink, oranges and yellows all blended together. Your boyfriends arms are wrapped around your waist with his head burrowed in the crook of your neck and his chest rising and falling against your back. You mindlessly kept your eyes fixated on the rising sun while you waited for him to wake up, taking deep and steady breaths and basking in the peace and silence. Five minutes passed before you could feel his hand rub from your waist to your thigh and his breath on your neck, making you nearly shiver. "Mm.. goodmorning." He whispered, his voice scratchy from sleep. He momentarily rolled onto his back to stretch, kicking you while he stretched his legs and took on a starfish position. Once he felt physically refreshed, he curled right back up to you and kissed your cheek. "Goodmorning." You reply, reaching back to entangle your hand in his hair. "I had the funniest dream about you, last night.." he whispers with an audible grin, and his hands slide down your tummy to your abdomen. You let out a sigh, feeling his ticklish fingers against your skin. "Yeah? Was it really funny?" You ask, a little skeptical. He laughs under his breath and shakes his head. "Maybe not funny, but definitely fun." He leans forward to kiss along the back of your neck, his fingers hooking around the waist band of your pajama bottoms. "Can I show you what we did?" His voice sent more shivers down your spine, squirming in place and nodding. "Mhm.." you let his hands into your pants, feeling them start to touch you where others never had, and never would so long as he gets a say. His excitement was evident as you grinded your ass against his hips needily. "Perfect. When I'm done with you, you'll be glad I decided to tell you about it, sweetheart."
→ Dazai, Chuuya, Nikolai, Tachihara, I wrote this w/ Fyodor in mind but idrk, Belphie, Mello, Heizou, Kaeya, Tartaglia, Wriothsley, Alhaithem, Oikawa, Gojo, Jean, Gallagher, Blade, Boothill, Sampo, Aventurine, Argenti nd your favs!!
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A/n; hey chat sorry for the disappearance!! I had to take the AP World History Exam today!! It wasn't terrible to be quite fair!!! (it wasn't a cold war leq like I desired) (what the fuck was that dbq) (I'm going to kill myself) (not seriously obviously)
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luvring · 8 months
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timeskip sakusa x gn!reader
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“you know i could have gotten you something for free, right?”
sakusa’s legs are spread, cheek resting against his knuckles as he sits on the couch and watches you.
he wasn’t one to complain about you wearing team merch, especially not when it had his number on it, but he’s still not sure why you didn’t ask him to get you something instead.
“i wanted to surprise you,” you defend yourself. “plus there was a sale.”
“paying nothing is even cheaper.”
“did you hear the first part about it being a surprise?”
kiyoomi replies with a deep breath before standing up. “you could have asked someone else on the team? not hinata or bokuto, but meian could’ve kept a secret.”
as soon as he reaches you, one hand comes up to play with a drawstring while the other finds its way into your front pocket. his fingers quickly intertwine with yours so he can pull you closer, and he smirks at successfully flustering you, even for a second.
“first of all, don’t look at me all smug like that—”
“i don’t know what you're talking about.”
“—second, i know, i thought about it. but official merch of anything is like, always ugly.”
“ours isn’t that bad.”
“yours isn’t that much better than any other team.”
“the colours are good?”
“yeah but the number and logos are always too big. i had this custom-made so it’s cooler.”
and to be fair, kiyoomi couldn’t really disagree. it had the jackal over your heart, claw marks stretching over your side and ‘MSBY’ on your left arm. luckily for him, though it was notably smaller than on the official jerseys, the number 15 and ‘SAKUSA’ were still on the back for everyone to see. even after all of these years, he couldn’t stop his heart from skipping a beat or two at the sight of your support.
“now, instead of a boring, normal jersey, i have a one-of-a-kind msby sakusa hoodie just for me.” you smile.
he hums, smiling softly in return. “alright, just for you.”
a beat passes while his eyes take you in again, before kiyoomi suddenly asks, “can i do something, though?”
the next game you come to watch, you get your regular spot close to the court. the team waves when they see you as usual, kiyoomi lingering for a few seconds so you can jokingly shoot a heart his way and he can shake his head.
the difference this time, though, is that you're wearing your new custom hoodie specially signed by your boyfriend in gold lettering, right under his number and last name.
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Kiyoomi... i sure hope there arent any typos in this guys
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zmbiesuga · 8 months
TWENTY TWENTY VISION — m. atsumu x gn!reader
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sypnosis: atsumu needs glasses, but why on earth would he make his & your life easier by wearing them?
warnings: i'm gonna beat the shit out of atsumu oh my GOD he irks me so bad, post-timeskip atsumu, eensy bit of angst if you squint super super hard, osamu mention, i can't write the miya accent™ for the life of me but i tried so sorry, petnames such as baby used, he calls the reader pretty
notes: inspired by the fact that i just recently got my new glass and haven't had a pair since i was 14 so seeing the world focused fucks with me a lil bit, ALSO, atsumu with glasses has been flooding my brain, osamu is farsighted cause i said so
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"I'm not wearin' 'em."
"Atsumu, please, you need to wear them, you have astigmatism in both of your eyes! And you're nearsighted!"
Atsumu lets out a soft huff as he crosses his arms, as if he isn't the reason you've been having this argument essentially since you brought up him even getting his eyes checked.
It all started when Osamu had gotten new glasses, that's what Atsumu thinks anyways, that this is all stupid Samu's fault.
Osamu came over one afternoon for a harmless visit, with new glasses on. You had asked Osamu about them, and commented that you never knew he needed glasses to which he responded:
"Oh yeah, me and Tsumu both do, he just hasn't worn his since junior high."
You swear you've never seen Atsumu react so quickly, his head snapping to Osamu and immediately telling him to shut up through gritted teeth. The subject gets dropped instantly, but now you're giving Atsumu side-glances throughout the night until Osamu leaves.
After you two are settled into bed and Atsumu is almost asleep, until your voice rings out in the dark.
"Is that why you squint so much?" you ask in a voice barely above a whisper.
"...What are ya on about?" Atsumu asks, turning to face you with a soft expression.
"Is that why you squint so much?" you ask again, "Because you don't wear glasses like you're supposed to, so the world's all unfocused for you all the time, is that why?"
Atsumu's silence and stunned expression is all the answer you need.
"That's what I thought," you mumble before turning away from him, "your eye appointment is Saturday at four."
And that puts Atsumu where he is now, sitting at the island connected to the kitchen in your small apartment, staring down the thick black lenses as if he was trying to explode them with his mind.
"I said, I ain't wearin' 'em," he huffs again vehemently, looking at you with an unwilling expression, "and that's final. I don't need no stupid glasses, I can see just fine."
"Oh yeah?" you challenge, palms resting against the island as you stand on the opposite side of it, "If you don't need your glasses, read the paper on our fridge. Without squinting."
Atsumu's face goes a little pale, his eyes widening slightly. He looks over your shoulder at the paper held onto the fridge with a stupid magnet in the shape of a volleyball.
"It, uh..." he trails off, trying to not squint as much as possible, "...it...it doesn't matter what it says! I'm still not wearin' those glasses! I don't need 'em!"
"Atsumu that paper is no more than four feet away from you, and you can't even tell me what the bolded title says," you responded in an almost pleading tone, "baby, you need your glasses, so I am begging you, please put them on."
Atsumu's face softens slightly at your pleading voice, before it turns unwilling again as he looks down at his arms and mumbles something you can't quite make out.
"What was that?" you ask.
"...They make me look dumb," he repeats a little louder, looking back up at you, "they make me look like an idiot, and since my eyes aren't used to being focused, I feel like a baby deer learnin' how to walk."
"Tsumu," you reply gently, your own expression softening, "if you didn't like the way glasses look, why didn't you ask for contacts?"
"Because they scare me," he rebuttals, "which I know is stupid because they're an easy solution to my problem, but they rip and get stuck and...I don't know, that just scares me."
You stare at him blankly before taking a deep breath, "Atsumu," you start, "I'm not...trying to make you look stupid, okay? I just know that you need them, and you know that too. It might be awkward at first, but won't it be worth it to see the world a little more clearer? So you won't have to squint to read traffic signs or drive through menus? And, glasses aren't a permanent solution, we can work our way up to contacts, but you need to wear these for now."
Atsumu looks down at the glasses again, letting out another unsure sigh as he picks the thick rims up, and places them on his face.
It's weird at first, everything is clearer. The titanium fridge, that stupid volleyball magnet and the paper it holds, and more importantly...
The way your entire face shifts into focus leaves Atsumu speechless. He knows how pretty you are, he doesn't need glasses to see it, but god do they make it better.
You give Atsumu a weird look, "What?" you ask puzzled, "Can you see better?"
"Yeah," he responds with a small smile, "I can see real good, pretty."
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letshaikyuu · 1 month
pretty setter squad (kageyama, akaashi, oikawa) with their s/o post-practice
a/n: lol hello, I honestly just come here when I am knees deep in uni shit and I should be writing a paper rn but I am writing this heh. hope you all are happy and healthy, and wishing you a lovely month of May soon!
warning: oh definitely some grammar mistakes so i apologize if that triggers you :3
y'all know our boy is dead tired after practice and needed much persuading to finish practice, let alone come home. he only wishes to jump in the shower, eat a hearty meal, lay down in bed, and not move. most of the time he does forget to text you once he's back home, but it's mostly because he's dead tired and wants to chill. he'd be super confused and apologetic at the same time if you were disappointed and/or anxious if he didn't text you that he was home.
if you two don't live together, I imagine him finishing his post-practice routines and then laying down in bed with his washed hair wetting the pillow while he waits for you to video call him. I don't think he'd be the one to initiate a conversation first, especially when he is one minute away from falling asleep, but he does admit that hearing your voice before bed is the best thing ever. while on call, you would do most of the talking, while he nods and occasionally chuckles in amusement, until ultimately dozing off while on call. make sure to take a lot of screenshots of that face because he can either have the most peaceful look on his face and you just have to have that angelic face in your gallery; or he can have the most ridiculous type of face on, with a lil drool, some snoring happening...
if you two do live together, you'd be greeted with a sweaty body just dropping its total weight on you because he's just so tired and also wants to annoy you with him being all sweaty and smelly on you. it's difficult to actually get him to move, especially because he gets rather comfortable in such a position. when you finally get him off, he goes off to shower and spends so much time there you're pretty sure he falls asleep there. he asks you to prepare a hot cup of milk for him once he gets out. you'd get such a gentle kiss on your cheek or lips because he is already dozing off and it'd be such an adorable sight, especially with his freshly washed and dried hair tickling the softness of your cheek and the smell of his body wash enveloping the both of you.
ngl, he would easily fall asleep without you in bed because he's just dead tired lol
he never forgets to call and/or text you once he's done and out of the gym because he knows you'd be worried otherwise. if you live together, he makes sure to ask you if you need anything from the convenience store and also asks you to prepare a hot cup of tea for him (for the two of you if you are also a tea drinker). even if you say you don't need anything from the store, he stops by and buys your favorite snacks and some of his own. i do think his favorite thing to do post-practice is to sit down on the couch with you and talk about your day. i do headcanon him to have a sweet tooth, so he is enjoying that cup of tea with some crackers or cookies and definitely enjoys hearing some of your tea ngl.
even though he is super tired, he cannot fall asleep without you beside him. he finds it interesting how dependent he has become on you, especially if you have moved in together recently. if he is not super tired, he'd move to the bed with a book by his side and read until you're finished with your evening routine and lie down. if he is exhausted, then he forgoes the book, he then lays down and toys with your pillowcase so he doesn't fall asleep. if you take long he definitely closes his eyes and then jolts awake once you get in bed, but he only pulls you closer, kisses you, and falls asleep.
akaashi who does not live with you is fairly similar. while walking back to his house, he'd call you and chat with you until he arrives. you'd end the call while he finishes his shower (maybe not) and dinner, and he'd call you right back once he's done. he then sits down in bed with a cup of tea and a cookie or two on his bedside table, his phone in an active call with you. he may be tired but makes sure to listen to you intently, and when he is almost falling asleep, he apologizes for not paying more attention to you (because he's such a sweetheart like that ngl) and then gives you one of those air kisses before turning around and ultimately falling asleep.
he ALWAYS calls you when he's done with practice because this guy has tea to spill from the day. he is so enthusiastic and vibrant that you would think he went out for a cup of coffee and not coming back from volleyball practice. legend says (aka iwaizumi) that he is a part of the Walking Dead in the locker room but always puts on the best version of himself when you're around. when he's finally at the front of his house, he makes sure to be as quiet as possible so he doesn't wake his family up and then says he'll call you once he's in bed.
now, Oikawa does sometimes fall asleep without showering or anything which is definitely a shocking statement for someone as tidy and clean as Oikawa, I can easily imagine him just face-planting on his bed and saying he'd get up in 5 minutes and just falling asleep lol. however, that's a rare occasion and also he'd wake up once you text/call him anyway. you will be on a video call while he's doing his skincare routine because he needs to show you that soft-ass skin and all his products.
oikawa who lives with you is very much needy once he's back home. he wants a hug as soon as he's home because he misses you so much and he'd like to have dinner together with you. i don't think he's the best cook out there, but he knows how to prepare some bomb-ass meals for pre-/post-workouts. of course, if you're not up for that he can stomach a cup of ramen. the night is not complete without him spilling the tea on every mishap that happened during practice and also inquiring about your day. he falls asleep on the couch and spills whatever food he's holding in his hands. this leads to him startling awake and screaming at the mess he's made...it's never a dull moment with this guy.
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satoruzlove · 1 year
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thinking ab bf kiyoomi who has a hair tie of urs on his wrist & will tie up ur hair 4 u when u eat
bf kiyoomi who reverses the car w one hand and rests the other arm on your shoulders, his middle finger idly tracing your shoulder blades
bf kiyoomi who hates seeing you sad , and immediately knows when you are, bending to meet your eyes and whispering ,” what’s up ?” with the most tender look in his eyes
bf kiyoomi who pretends to be stoic with his friends, but when you meet up with them one day they can’t help but gawk at their 6’4 scary dog buddy giggling at you
bf kiyoomi who loves how small you are compared to him because he wants you to feel safe
bf kiyoomi who gets mad butterflies when you show him attitude and hand his sarcasm back to him
bf kiyoomi who adores when you give him butterfly kisses on his neck
bf kiyoomi who has deep, sweet dimples that no one but you has seen. he tries to cover his mouth when he laughs, but when you told him you loved it, he never did it again
bf kiyoomi who keeps a copy of you birth certificate, passport , id, diploma, anything, because ‘i cant trust you to keep it now can i?’
bf kiyoomi who feels heat rise to his cheeks and his vision get hazy when you hold his hands and brush your lips against his knuckles
bf kiyoomi who cries at your wedding because ‘ no one ever had the patience to put up with my uh,, particular habits. ‘
bf kiyoomi who appreciates your patience and love for him- showing it in the most endearing ways
bf kiyoomi <333333
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emmyrosee · 4 months
Rintaro loves to pretend he doesn’t care.
There’s a nonchalance that carries around your man, one that comes from years of training of gaslighting the twins and making them turn against each other, or the scoldings from Kita-San that could’ve got so intense with his disappointment Rintaro could cry.
He’s gotten good at keeping a stoic emotion and making you act out. He loves to pretend he doesn’t care.
“It’s because he doesn’t,” Atsumu assures, playing with the strings of his hoodie.
You roll your eyes, “trust me, he cares. You just don’t see it.”
“And I never will. Because it doesn’t happen.”
You raise your brows in challenge, and he matches your brow raising. “Wanna bet on it?”
“If I can prove to you Rintaro actually is a dork for my attention, I want a signed Kiyoomi jersey.”
He scoffs, “can’t you just ask Kiyoomi for one?”
“Komori tells me not to bother him after games.”
Atsumu rolls his eyes, “okay. And when he doesn’t show he’s a loser, I want all you can eat at Onigiri Miya and you pick up the bill.”
“Osamu doesn’t naturally give you all you can eat?”
“Does he GIVE IT TO YOU?!”
You give him a cheesy smile and quickly move to grab your keys, his jaw slacked in betrayal, only for him to roll his eyes, “whatever. Either way, we’re going when I win. What’re the keys for?”
“You’ll see.”
You jingle your keys with a small smirk, making sure to do it loud enough for him to hear down the hall. Atsumu shakes his head in disbelief, only for his hand to cover his mouth as socked feet quickly become louder as Rintaro barrels down the hall.
A lanky frame fills the doorway, “where you goi-“
Atsumu and you let out a string of cackles, his hand smacking his knee while Rintaro scrubs his face with his free hand, the other one holding a controller for his, hopefully, paused game.
“Dawg I hate you for real,” he sighs, coming into the room to kiss your head. You smile and angle your head to kiss him for real, which he complies with happily and making Atsumu gag. His green eyes dart to glare at Atsumu, “I wish osamu was an only child.”
“Damn, bringing guns to knife fights,” the blonde snorts. “Not my fault you got caught in 4K, dickhead.”
“Not my fault you’re a single loser.” He leans down to kiss your lips, “where’re we going?”
“No where,” you hum happily. “Just wanted to make sure you were still obsessed with me.”
He beams down at you while Atsumu groans in disgust.
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