#haikyuu!! x afab reader
deathc-re · 1 month
oh, how he just wants to make a pretty little house wife of you. leave you with absolute freedom and autonomy over your time.
you want to go shopping? here's his card.
you want to join a yoga/ pilates/ kickboxing class? let's register you together!
you want to renovate the kitchen? my buddy knows a guy.
he wants to come home and smell the amazing cooking you have for him. or on lazy days, plop on the couch with you and eat take out.
he wants to smile at his phone while at work because you sent him a selfie of you eating breakfast at noon, or taking the dog for a walk, or with shopping backs in the trunk or with the people you're volunteering with or whatever it is your heart desires.
he wants to see you on the porch, barefoot and pregnant, rubbing your belly and waving to him as he pulls up in the driveway.
he wants to hear you ramble on about the new book you read and hated/loved. or help you brainstorm ideas for your passion project.
he wants to brag about you to all his work buddies and bring you to all the corporate dinners and stroke his own ego while you bashfully tell his coworkers that you "don't have a job, my husband takes care of everything."
NANAMIN, BAKUGO, KIRISHIMA, FATGUM, IZUKU, aizawa, yuuta, armin, iida, iwazumi, sugawara + whoever else you want!
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fushigurosboy · 2 years
Hi, I’m Tim, welcome to my account!
This is a 2.0 of my Rules/welcome list because I have updated and changed some things :) 
So, a little bit about me, I like anime, reading, writing and drawing. I do small photography gigs here and there, and I prefer reading the manga over watching the anime, idk why I just do 
I’m trans ftm, my pronouns are he/they, I’m unlabeled in my sexuality and I am poly 💛
- minors DNI!!! I don’t write smut because it makes me uncomfy, but I will write and post suggestive things! 
- I only write he/him he/they and they/them readers! afab or amab is never specified 
- fem aligned (she/they she/her) can only interact with some of my posts. You’ll know what ones not to interact with because I will put (FEM ALINGED DNI) at the top of the post! This rule was originally fem aligned dni with any of my posts, but I have to block so many people daily, it’s gotten tiring and I realized that you guys just interacting with my story times, or my shit posts is fine with me 
- all the characters I write for are either their time skip versions (i.e. time skip Haikyuu!!) or aged up (i.e. pro hero Bakugo) 
- I will write poly stuff!!! If I have a personal fave ship in a show, let’s use KageHina as an example, I will write reader into their relationship and make it poly! I myself am poly so I love to write about it :)
- race, genital's, etc is never mentioned in my one shots/imagines so it’s pretty inclusive :) 
Fandom’s I Write For 
- Haikyuu!!
- JJK 
- MHA 
- Demon Slayer
- Sk8 the Infinity 
- Naruto 
- Voltron 
- OHSHC (the hosts, platonic!Honey)
- Chicago Fire (Gabby, Casey, Severide, platonic!Shay)
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envy-of-the-apple · 6 months
Hello! I love your writing, especially that mad dog Drabble! Could you maybe do something similar for Oikawa? Noncon if you’re comfortable with that too. Thank you so much!
I wrote this awhile ago and then I never got around to publishing it and now I refuse to reread it because i cringe at my old writing but i remember spending a shit ton of time on this so here's my three year old trash fic. enjoy.
(Warnings: dark content, non-con touching, rape, non-con/sexual harassment, verbal degradation, forced orgasms, public-sex, overstimulation) 
18+ content 
 Tutoring Sessions 
You knew Spanish. 
Not an expert by any means, but you could probably get by if you were stranded in a Spanish-speaking country. You were good at it. Decent. 
You just weren’t the teaching type. You could barely learn, let alone, pass your skills on to someone else. Teaching required patience and diligence. That wasn’t you. 
But, really, what could you say when the Captain of the volleyball team himself asked you to tutor him? He looked so desperate too, looking down at you with pleading eyes. He asked for an hour-no-just thirty minutes. All you had to do was correct his grammar, jot a few vocabulary words for him, and maybe teach him extra conjugations. 
Looking back, you should have declined. You should have made any bullshit excuse you could think of. You should have laughed nervously, apologized- have done anything to get out of his attention. 
You shouldn’t have let him coax you into the fourth floor of the library, trapping you with his tall body in an isolated booth. 
At least then his hand wouldn’t be currently rubbing your thigh.
His movements were slow, casual, as his fingers made lazy circles up and down your leg. You couldn’t tell if it was intentional if he was touching you on purpose or mindlessly moving his hands. His face betrayed nothing, solely staring forward at the sheets of paper. 
“So, I just replace the ‘ar’ with ‘aron’?” He asked, his hand slowly moving higher and higher, “Why can’t I use ‘aban’?” 
You bit your lip, “Because it has a definite ending. The-the sentence is ‘they spoke with me yesterday’. The action ended yesterday, that’s-that’s why we use the preterit form.” 
Your breath hitched when his hand trailed underneath your skirt, skimming across your panties. Your hand balled into a shaking fist. 
You wanted to tell him to move, you wanted to shove his hand off you, but you weren’t confrontational. Instead, you elected to push down the feeling of unease in your chest, trying your best to ignore his ministrations, praying that he’d drop his hand by himself.
He didn’t.
“Right, you use preterit form for a definite ending,” He’s murmuring now, a sultry rumble that sends shivers down your spine, “I keep forgetting that." His laugh twinkles through the air. It's a jarring contrast to his warm hands.
“So ‘Hablaron me ayer’?” 
He took that moment to slide past your panties, lightly rocking on your heat. You sucked in a short breath, gritting your teeth. You couldn’t pretend like he didn’t know what he was doing, not when his fingers were sinking deeper and deeper-
A finger tapped on your inner thigh. Play along.
“It’s-it’s ‘me habl-ah-hablaron ayer’. The object comes first-” You flinched when his pointer finger stroked over your hot skin, “And-and then the subject.” 
You wished he’d stop making you talk. You wished you could just push him off you. You wished so many things, things Oikawa wouldn’t grant you. 
“Okay,” He’s grinning now, a little less put together. His breathing is a little ragged, hitching whenever you uncomfortably shift. Though he’s still resolutely staring at the pages before him, his eyes are shining. Eager, “-makes sense,” 
You just realized how empty the library is. 
You can feel his calloused fingers crawling under you, searching for something. His middle finger curls a little, softly brushing over your sensitive clit. 
You stumble forward. He says something, but you’re not listening. Not when his fingers are hovering over your hot button, delving down to push and prod. 
Your reached up to cover your mouth, instantly silencing any noises you knew would come spilling out. He laughs at that, finally finally breaking the act of playing innocent. 
Or maybe it wasn’t such a good thing. He’s looking at you now, a knowing smirk on his pretty face. 
Repulsion burns through you. It’s quickly replaced by humiliation as a wet squelch erupts from the place he’s touching you, making you lurch. 
“I wasn’t expecting that,” He hums in satisfaction, “You already dripping? You must really want this, huh?” 
He stares at you, daring you to reply, knowing fully well you won’t. No, you wouldn’t say anything, you wouldn’t do anything either. You would just sit there and take it. 
Exactly what he wants. 
He’s moving at a rhythm now, rubbing your clit with his thumb as his fingers inch down your folds. Your nails are digging into your trembling palm, but you don’t tell him to stop. You don’t say a word. No, that would be acknowledging what he’s doing. It would make it real-
your thoughts vanish as a slender finger sinks into your pussy. Your sigh is muffled by your clammy hand, digging further into your mouth as he starts fucking you in earnest. He’s going too fast; your mind is spinning. You can’t keep up with the waves of pleasure coming in and out and in and out and in again. 
Your hand slips and the moan that escapes your mouth surprise you. It was loud and so dirty, you couldn’t believe it was your voice-it was you who made that noise. 
His finger curls, bending in your tight walls and you feel like wailing. Oikawa strokes against a spot deep inside you that has you seeing stars. 
You unconsciously lean against him. Oikawa draws you in closer, forcing you to rest against his shoulder as a second finger sinks into your heat. You whine as it pushes through your sopping walls, completely stretching you out. 
You think you hear him snarl a quiet fuck but you’re not paying attention. Your head is pounding, matching the brutal thrusts of his fingers. It’s devouring you it’s too much and you want to stop, you want to breathe. Oikawa isn’t keen on helping, not when he’s rubbing fast circles on your clit, stretching his fingers inside you when he feels you’re not making enough noise. He wants something from you. 
And you’re forced to give it to him. 
There’s a hitch in your breath, the tiniest pause, before you clench around his fingers with a muffled scream. He hushes you, allowing you to bury your face into his shoulder as he keeps fucking your pussy until you collapse in his chest. 
You’re panting when he finally removes his fingers, wiping the slick haphazardly on your inner thigh. You shift uncomfortably when he pulls away, feeling your hole clench again. The orgasm fades away and all you’re left with is the shock of what you’ve done and utter humiliation. 
He lifts your chin, forcing you to look at him. His brown eyes were dark, coated in lust. He’s sneering at you. 
The kiss surprises you. You weren’t expecting his lips to be soft as he gently melts into yours. It’s so tender, a stark contrast to what he was like before. Maybe it was because you didn’t really put up a fight, your lips falling open when he stroked his thumb on your sensitive skin. 
It’s still intense and when he pulls away, you take your first real breath. 
“See?” He hums, a hand settling on yours, “That wasn’t so bad, right?” 
He’s pulling you out of your seat before you can finish your sentence, dragging you away from the abandoned table filled with unused highlighters. Your legs are still weak, you stumble around a little. Oikawa doesn’t mind, towing you like he’s carrying nothing but air. 
He slips into an empty storage closet, with you reluctantly trailing behind him. The door closes behind you with a dull thud, and you’re forced to stand with him in the darkness. 
When the light comes back on, he’s towering above you. His chest presses against yours, pinning you against the wall. His smile is manic, filled with a hunger that you know won’t be satisfied with just one taste. 
No, he wants to devour you whole. 
It’s the realization, that he will ruin you, that make your eyes sting. Hot tears creep down your cheeks as your lips waver. 
He coos at that, “Don’t cry, baby. You’ll be okay. I took care of you, right? I made you feel so good?” He shuffles closer and you can feel something hard and stiff press against your thigh. 
“Now you gotta’ do the same for me. It’s a fair trade, right?” 
He’s kissing you again. It’s rough, this time, as he bites on your bottom lip, hard enough to tear skin. Your yelp is muffled as he shoves his tongue into your drooling mouth. You taste the smallest hint of something metallic. 
His lips move down, covering your jaw with soft butterfly kisses that made your head spin. When they find your neck, he clamps down on your soft flesh, licking at biting at everything he could taste. Your breath hitches, a sound that’s in between a gasp and a moan. The sensation of his teeth against your neck causes you to lean your head against the wall, reluctantly giving him room. He purrs at that.
“Good girl.”
His hands are fiddling with your buttons. You barely have time to speak before he impatiently rips your shirt, sending the round objects scattering.
A half-hearted apology is mumbled into your skin. His fingers skitter over your bra, you cry out when his cold hands push the material up to feel your tits.
It’s still not enough. His body is feverish, you feel so hot against him, so pliant, so beautiful. You’re crying, whimpering, softly whispering for him to stop but do you even know how desperate you sound? Your voice sounds so needy, it’s hard to be sated from just touching.
Oikawa yanks down your skirt, letting them pool at your ankles. Your thighs are still glistening from his previous ministrations and your panties are wet, still soaked.
He feels pure euphoria watching them slide down your legs, landing on the ground next to the other piles of clothing.
You’re standing before him, barely clothed, shivering. He gives you a chaste kiss on the cheek, mumbling a soft ‘be good for me, okay’, before he reaches down to his pants.
He doesn’t pull it down all the way, just enough to reach inside and pull out his throbbing cock. It’s already an angry red, a single drop of precum leaking at the tip.
He gives it a few cursory pumps, before he stills.
“I really wanted to see you cum, bet you looked so pretty. Do you mind doing that again, just for me pretty please?”
He grinned when you didn’t reply. You can’t understand how someone so beautiful could hide so much cruelty. 
“No? That’s okay, I’ll just make you. Again.”
In one single movement, he hikes your leg against his hip and thrusts his cock inside you.
You wail as he pushes himself inside, already starting to set a rough pace. It hurts, much bigger than two fingers. Whatever he did before clearly didn’t help make it feel any less painful. You give a choked scream, hot tears clouding your vision.
He’s not quiet either, leaning his forehead against the wall behind you, moaning shamelessly. He’s saying your name like a prayer, repeating it over and over again until it sounds like that’s the only thing he can say.
“You have to relax, baby-fuck you’re so tight.” Oikawa hisses, hiking your leg higher to fuck you deeper.
The pain fades. You wish it stayed, keeping you sober while he pushes you against the wall, greedily palming your tits, sucking on your neck.
But it disappears and a loud moan leaves your lips, too breathy to be made from anything but pleasure.
You instinctively cover your mouth, trying to muffle the sounds your traitorous body is making.
“Nope, not this time,” He cheerily says, ripping your hand away, “I wanna hear you scream.” 
He angles his hips, his cock sinking into that spot and you do scream.
The pleasure that waves up and down your body blinds you. Your body isn’t listening to you, anymore. Your cunt keeps sucking him back in with each thrust. You can feel beads of precum roll down your thigh. Oikawa’s head is resting on your shoulder now. His weight makes your shaky legs buckle, digging your back further into the hard concrete.
He kisses your hand, encouraging you to drape it on his shoulder. It limply falls beside his neck, barely brushing against his hair.
You shift your hips and his cock stutters almost stopping his rhythm before Oikawa’s cooing something dirty into your ear, reaching down to rub your clit until you’re crying out again.
It’s addicting, he realizes, having your cunt flutter around him like this, leaking out his precum. It’s a feeling that makes him piston himself into you over and over again, relishing in the way your pussy tries to suck him in, like you were begging for more.
“O-oikawa,” You finally gasp when you finally regain the ability to speak, “Slow down please please slow-slow down.”
His laugh is breathy, “You want me to slow down, angel? What, are you close again?”
You don’t respond, but it’s enough to make him go faster, ignoring your pleas in search of your gradually rising voice.
He hisses when his knee hits the wall, grimacing.
“-Wanted to do this at a bed, you know,” He grunted, “Somewhere soft. But-but I didn’t wanna-hah-scare you, you’re so anxious it was so-fuck- hard choosing a place-place you’d actually show up in.” 
He rubs your clit, feeling your walls grow tighter and tighter. He pulls back to look at you, eyes shut, your lip caught between your teeth, your face filled with lustful pleasure.
“Cum for me, baby. Show me how perfect you are.”
You follow his orders, your orgasm making you cry in ecstasy. It makes you go limp and you almost sink to the floor before Oikawa catches you, keeping you upright as he chases his own end.
He doesn’t stop, not even when you beg him to slow down that it’s too much. No, he just hushes you again, stumbling over a tensed ‘Just a little more’, before he’s going faster and faster until you feel something warm, wet, and sobering fill your cunt. 
He’s slows down then, his eyes shut in bliss as he rocks his hips forward, milking as much as he could. When he finally pulls out, he does it with a hiss, making you flinch as his skin hits your sensitive clit. 
He doesn’t catch you this time, letting you drop to the floor. You tumble to the ground, your hands barely catching your fall. The tile is so cool against your sensitive skin, it almost makes you forget the milky liquid spread on your legs, the finger-print shaped bruises on your thigh. 
You don’t think you have anymore tears left, but they still fall, running down your cheeks. 
He’s instantly over you, brushing a hand down your face. 
“Oh, don’t cry, baby, you did such a good job,” Oikawa cooed, wiping your tears away. 
He’s not comforting you. His smile is too satisfied to make you think he had any semblance of pity. You briefly wonder what he’s seeing. You, exhaustedly crumpled against the wall, your legs curled, cum seeping out, your neck and chest littered with teeth marks. No wonder he looks so pleased.  
He pets your hair, shifting it back in place and it’s so domestic-so loving that it makes you sick. 
Oikawa grins, showing teeth. “How about next time we study at my place.”
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archivedzeke · 1 year
warnings ! top m! reader , trans character (afab) , nsfw , fingering , voyeurism , exhibition , squirting , daddy kink , slight spanking
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★ . . . “ keep your fucking hips up. " your hand came into contact with kenma's face , his head whipping to the side from the force of the slap as a sharp whine left his lips from the sting.
your long fingers were buried deep inside kenma's pink cunt , his legs spread wide just for you as you moved both your middle and ring finger in and out of him slowly , watching him suck them back in with minimal ease. such a fucking whore.
the black haired man could only hold his legs open and move his hips down against your fingers for better friction. thighs quaking as he asked you to give him more , make him cum.
kenma was propped onto his back , arms wrapped under the backside of his knees to keep his legs in the air. his streaming camera which was usually facing his gaming chair was pointed toward the bed , zoomed in on his dripping cunt.
" look at his pretty little pussy , taking my fingers so well. he's leaking everywhere. you like being shown off like this don't you bitch ? "
he nodded his head obediently , toes curling in ecstasy , " yes daddy. i l-luh-love it ! "
the poor boys legs were shaking and a bit sore , being forced to sit still as you had your way with him - antagonizing him with the slow movement of your fingers. he just wanted to cum.
you pump them in and out of him quickly , spurring on gasps and high-pitched moans. his pussy fluttered around your fingers , head rolling to the side but not once did he drop his legs.
" pluh-please daddy. . . ngh-oh fuck! " his slick juices seeping out and coating your fingers to the knuckle , the excess sticking to his thighs.
" are you going to cum baby? you've been so greedy , pussy swallowing my fingers. i'm sure our little viewers would love for you to cum like this " you placed a kiss on his ass cheek and smirked at the camera. slowing your fingers to hear the loud wet slick sounds that cause him embarrassment.
as if getting fingered on the live stream was not enough. kenma’s clit throbbed , twitching for stimulation. he’s been good, doing as you say and letting you pull orgasm after orgasm out of him.
" d-deeper! fuck. . . push them deeper " he let his words trail off into a gentle groan. pushing his ass back in time for you to push your fingers further into his cunt. “yes . . ah! like that daddy ! ”
there was a split second of shock as kenma's back arched off the bed with a girlish moan , thick cream gushing from his sloppy folds as he tried his hardest to pull away. " whoa baby , was that it? did i find your spot? "
you teased him to no end , stimulating the spongey area while rubbing gentle circles on his throbbing clit. kenma's broken garbled language had your thick cock begging for release.
but of course , you could deal with that after you've made him cum again from your fingers. it didn’t take him long , he was already at his peak again. but this time he felt different , wetter.
his clit twitched underneath your thumb and his pussy walls clenched around your fingers , spasming with wetness and heat before kenma's eyes crossed and a loud sob of pleasure left his throat. body going rigid and legs tensing in air.
clear liquid spurting from his cunt , and his hold on his leg going weak as his body went limp. but you leaned over to catch some of his release on your tongue with a giggle.
" you made such a mess ken ! look at that ! ”
pulling your fingers away from his used pussy and spreading his folds, you glanced at the camera with a smile, bringing your other hand down on the fat of his ass before gripping the flesh.
kenma panted , mewled , and giggled. the orgasm leaving him in an almost braindead state. if he was this way with your fingers , he was going to be even better with your cock buried in his cunt.
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astronoxx · 1 year
Breathless Bokuto
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Bokuto during half time in the locker room washing his face with cold water to wake himself up and he looks up to see you sitting on the bench smiling softly at him he walks over and lays down next to you his head laying on your thighs he was to tall to fit fully on the bench so his feet bend touching the floor on the end of the bench. He sighs “Sorry baby” You look down at him with question “for what?” He chuckled softly “You came wearing my jersey cheering on me and I can’t even score a point for you.” He looks utterly disappointed in himself. You stare down at him in under disbelief and then you have a idea you say “I have a way to cheer you up” 2 minutes later your underwear is ripped off and so if your bra the only thing left is his extra jersey he lent you, you are hovering over his face he says “stop hovering, sit.” As he clench’s your thigh with his hands pulling you down onto his mouth he uses one hand to squeeze your thigh the other in your shirt rubbing circles on your nipple. He laps his tongue back and fourth sucking on your clit, you squeeze your thighs around his head and it makes him go faster like a starved man, one he is. He loves that you can take his breath away, who needs breathing anyway not him all he wants to do in please you as you ride his face that’s his one duty to please you. His tongue runs laps in your flaps as your thighs squeeze around his hand and bench you moan “Kou- we uh.. have to go.. play time...” he just goes faster as you squeeze his head making him breathless Bokuto doesn’t give a fuck if he misses the rest of the game if that means he can stay on this position. Til there’s a knock on the locker room door Akashi’s voice rings through the locker room meshing in with Bokutos slurping noises “Bokuto, We have two minutes can I come in?” Bokuto takes his two hands and puts them under your thighs and lifted you up a bit he yells “one second.” He moves you from his face to his bulge in his pants he sits up and turns so he can stand up he picks you up before and he holds you up with one hand while ur legs wrap around him he gently lets you down and takes a deep breathe his mouth sloppy he likes the juices off his face and helps you get your underwear and bra back on and he’s back to his normal perky self. He puts his hand in yours and whispers “Are you okay to walk?” You nod a little wobbly knowing if you said no he would carry you back to the bleachers you hold hold his hand he opens the door walking next to him Akashi smiles at you both until he sees you both together he definitely knows He keeps himself calm and together and he says “comeon before coach yells at us” you three walk to the gym together and he kisses your cheek before you go up to watch not forgetting to whisper “thanks for the good luck food.” Akashi face is horrified and Bokuto just smiles widely at us both they walk out to the court and in a few seconds the whistle blows and they start to play, a few minutes ago he was leaving bruises on your thighs and boobs and now he’s smiling proudly as he spikes the ball over the net. Akashi is next to him contemplating his life. Bokuto has traumatized Akashi you could say took his breath away
Bokuto :
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You were straddling your boyfriend's lap as his hands slipped under the hem of your shirt and quickly pulled it over your head. He let out a little groan at the sight of your boobs in the pretty little lace bra you were wearing.
“Fuck, you look so pretty, baby.”
You leaned in to kiss him again, his lips moving slow and hard against yours. You tangled your hands in his hair and pushed yourself harder against him as he reached around you, undoing the clasp of your bra. Bokuto slipped your bra off of your shoulders and tossed it somewhere else in the living room.
His hands immediately went to your tits. Surprisingly, they were easily big enough to cover them. He started to squish them and thumb at your nipples, making you moan into the kiss whenever he’d squeeze just a little too hard(He’s so strong. He can’t help it).
After a few minutes of him squeezing at your tits like they were his very own personal stress balls, he pulled away from the kiss. Without saying a word, he leaned down and attached his lips to one of your boobs while continuing to squish and squeeze the other. You immediately straightened your back and leaned forward into the feeling of his warm mouth on your oh so sensitive(I really don’t want to say nipple here but what else am I supposed to say? ;-;), allowing him to ease into a more comfortable position. You hands found purchase in his hair, and you couldn’t help the moans you let out at the feeling of his tongue flicking and the occasional addition of his teeth gently pulling at your skin. Bokuto loved having your tits in his mouth, or in his hands. And at this point, with all the biting and sucking he was doing, you were confident there would be hickeys on your boobs(nipples?)…again. He absolutely loved leaving little bruises and marks all over them that were there just for the two of you to see. He liked leaving marks in other places as well, but he couldn’t deny that he far preferred to mark up your pretty tits.
“Fuck! Kou, I can’t- ah! Mmm!”
He cut you off with a particularly hard pull of his teeth.
It felt so good, but it wasn’t enough. You could feel how wet this had made you, and you had been trying your best to keep your hips still and yourself slightly raised so that you didn’t get anything on your boyfriend's pants(It really was a poor decision to wear a skirt). But despite all of that, you couldn’t stop your hips when they started grinding against the tent in his pants. The friction was just what you needed, and your moans became louder, flowing much more freely than before.
The feeling of you grinding against his confined cock was driving Bokuto wild as well. Every so often, he would throw his head back and let out a moan before returning his mouth to your tits. Everything just felt so good, for both of you. You continued to move your hips against your boyfriend’s covered cock, no longer caring what kind of mess you were making and focusing solely on your impending orgasm.
“Fuck, don’t stop, baby. ‘m gonna cum.”
A few moments passed, and eventually, you had your boyfriend cumming in his pants. His hands shot to your waist pinning you to his lap and grinding his covered cock up into your pussy. He buried his face in your shoulder and moaned as he came, his actions worsening the blush that had spread across your cheeks. Eventually, he stopped moving, but you hadn’t reached your end just yet. Thankfully, you were close. You started grinding against his now soft cock, causing little whimpers to fall from his lips.
“Baby, ‘m too sensitive. Just wait a few minutes.”
“So close Kou, please!”
You whined your response, and that was enough to make him nod his head and lean back as you finished yourself off on his pants while he whimpered at the overstimulation. After you had cum, you leaned forward to rest your head on his shoulder. But as you recovered, you could feel him start to harden again underneath you. You leaned back and tilted your head at him.
“Sorry, baby. Still need you.”
And with that, Bokuto picked you up and carried you away to his room, where he could fuck you properly this time.
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Tag list: @tojishugetiddies @but-a-peach @hello-kitty-is-my-life-69
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nubisaureus · 11 months
their (main) love language
character(s): timeskip!Suga, timeskip!Asahi, timeskip!Daichi
pairing(s): afab!reader x timeskip!Suga, timeskip!Asahi, timeskip!Daichi (separately)
contents: fluff, established relationship, love languages, dates, period cramps, everyday love, cuddles, taking care of you
a/n: sorry for the absence guys! exam season started in June, and I've been studying my ass off ever since! my last exam is on the 31st of July, and after that I'll be a bit more free to write! I've been rewatching Haikyuu though, hence why this post.
not proofread! also I'd love to make more posts like this, not only on haikyu, so let me know if you'd like that!
hope you enjoy! <3
Acts of service and physical touch: he loves making life easier for you, and will always make sure to make his presence known whenever you're doing something.
He'll dry your hair for you, make you a bath, whatever it takes to make your life easier. He could be grading tests, reading a book or whatever really, he'll always make sure you know he's there.
«I'm gonna go read a book, I'll let you grade your tests okay?» you get your book and go sit on the sofa. As you're halfway through the page, you hear rustling from the table, and then see Suga coming to the sofa. Soon enough your legs are stretched out on his lap, as he continues grading, occasionally giving your calves a gentle squeeze.
As he's done grading you soon enough end up in his arms, being cuddled as he whispers sweet words in your ears and kisses your head, inhaling your perfume.
Has it been a hard day? You bet he's going to brush your hair until you fall asleep on his lap, and then he'll bring you to bed, lay next to you, falling asleep to the soft sound of your slow breathing.
Words of affirmation and quality time: he's always wanted to hear things SAID, so it's not a surprise at all. He's also always super busy as a fashion designer, and so, whenever you two can spend time together he wants it to be meaningful. He likes to organize dates, and will do anything in his power to make everything you wish for become a reality.
«Look at this!!» you send him a video of a recently opened ice skating rink in Tokyo. You wouldn't see him for two weeks, since he had a fashion show in another city in Japan.
Two weeks had passed, and as promised, he came over. You open the door to find him there, a flower bouquet in his hands, as he extends one for you to grab. You do, and next thing you know you're at the skating rink, with you helping him as to not fall over, since he's absolutely terrible at it.
He's very difficult to categorize in my humble opinion, but if I'd have to summarize him in one word, I'd choose: care. He's a mix of all five love languages, he just wants to be there for you and take care of you in every situation, even if you insist on him not to, since you feel like a burden sometimes.
«Daichi, you don't have to do all of this...I've had my period countless times. It's okay; I took painkillers, they'll take effect soon and I'll be good.» he gives you a stern look, much like he did with his teammates in high school when they were exhausting themselves.
«There's no way I'm letting you go to practice like that. You're hereby forbidden from straining yourself until you feel better. And don't try to do otherwise, because I'm not going to move until you feel better [y/n].» you sigh, as he opens the sofa bed. He grabs a few blankets, and the heating pad, laying them on it. He gently lays you on the sofa, putting the heating pad on your abdomen, and covering you with the blankets. After a little while he comes back with snacks and the tv remote, laying next to you.
He cuddles you in his arms, massaging your lower back, soothing the sharp pain coursing through your body.
You spend the evening like that, cuddled in his arms while watching a tv show.
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trueshellz · 2 years
Haikyuu Boys: Pregnancy Annoucement Angst
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Warnings: reader crying, kuroo shouting, things thrown, mentions of leaving, iwaizumi accuses you of cheating, crying, hugging, angst but happy ending, female reader
Summary: Part 2 to this but with Kuroo and Iwaizumi
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You had found out you were pregnant a few days ago, with your long term boyfriend often out the country you were struggling with how to tell him and when to tell him. He was home for a while and thought you would broach the subject and see his reaction. You had went out and bought a cute gift bag with some baby trainers in there similar to the ones he always wore and hidden it under your clothes to surprise him with.
"Tetsu... you want kids someday right?"
Kuroo shrugged, his expression nonchalant as he moved around the kitchen. You were making breakfast together, thankfully your stomach wasn't so bad this morning, and you thought this would be a good time. You smiled when he leaned down to kiss you, putting some toast on a plate, but a small gnawing of worry formed in your stomach when he started frowning.
"If I'm honest, not right now. I'm so busy with work and everything, especially the recent promotion, an ankle biter would just make things difficult for me."
For him?
What about you?
"Yeah but, it'd be nice? You'd be home more and-"
"You want me home more? I didn't know that. We don't need a kid for that though, kitten."
"No, but-"
"And anyway, it'll be too much work, life is stressful enough anyway I don't want a kid too."
Suddenly your appetite had gone, you stared down at your plate and frowned. How had this gone so, so wrong? Gritting your teeth, you forced a smile on your face as you looked at his back, hand rubbing your lower stomach as you vowed to keep your baby safe. You hoped once you told him, he would have a change of heart... he loved you right?
"Tetsu, what if-"
A long pause, his hands frozen as he turned to face you with another frown. His eyes darting between your face and stomach, pan still in his hand from making breakfast.
"I just said, I don't want a kid. Why do you keep asking?"
Now you were pissed, nodding along with his rant again about his job and stress you rose up and grabbed a hoodie to pull on over your t-shirt and leggings. The small bag you had prepared behind the sofa, the same one you picked up and hurled at his chest. Watching in anguish as it landed on the floor with a thud, one shoe popping out and rolling to his foot.
"We don't need you anyway. I'll look after my baby myself."
Kuroo stopped, his eyes meeting yours as he let the words sink in and felt the small trainer land next to his barefoot. Bending down he picked up the bag, peering inside to see a small card and a picture of a positive pregnancy test. He felt his heart stop, a lump in his throat as he looked up at you and started to make his way to hug you. Stopping short when you held your hand up, shaking your head at him while tears ran down your face.
I did that.
"I- kitten? I-"
"Don't worry, I'll be out your hair soon. I'm going back to my parents house. You don't need to concern yourself with me, Tetsuro."
He winced at the use of his full name, something you hadn't called him in years. The small trainer still in his hand, so small compared to his own frame. He imagined how tiny the baby must be now, gaze landing on you as he tried to remember if your body had changed. Taking a deep breath, he moved forward and held your wrist this time and used the tug you forward until you landed on his chest. He was well prepared for you to hit him, not that it hurt at all, he could see your shoulders shaking as you cried and landed blows on his bare chest. His arms wrapping around you even though you resisted and tugged you forward until your tears met his warm skin, chin leaning in your head as he rocked you side to side.
"I hate you."
"I know, kitten."
"You don't want this."
"I was shocked and yeah, I was speaking earlier about my job and shit. But when you told me, I don't know. I imagined you all pregnant, then a little girl who looks like you. And then the thought of losing you. Baby, I'm upset that I made you cry and I hate that youre hurting because of me. I didnt mean to hurt you, I swear. Please believe me."
Iwaizumi spent so much of his time travelling, between his time with the team abroad and his own training and qualifications it was often a whirlwind when he came home. You had been toying with the idea of telling him so many times, but each time he came home he was exhausted and barely able to keep his eyes open long enough. On the days he was recovered, he would often just want to take you out and spend time with you and the last thing hou wanted was to spring this on him at a dinner date.
The one evening he was sat on the sofa, laptop perched on his thighs as he completed his pre-travel paperwork while you made dinner. Your eyes casting back and looking at the place you had stored the gift bag, between the sofas on the floor near him. Every so often, you would glance up and catch his eye causing him to smile at you, about an hour passed and while dinner cooked you decided to try and have a chat with him.
"Haji... can I ask you something?"
"Sure, doll."
"If I got pregnant-"
A hand gripping your arm made you jump, eyes meeting his worried ones. "You're pregnant? I thought you were on birth control-"
"Listen, I-"
"I don't understand how you thought this was ok. I mean, I got my job and I'm always travelling. The last thing I want is a kid."
"But, Haji if you just-"
"Wait. Is it even mine? I've been away so much, doll. You been getting lonely without me?"
Standing back up, you pressed your hands to your eyes as he rambled on behind you about fidelity and how you should have been taking your tablets. You could feel your lunch from earlier sitting in your stomach, a hollow feeling ever growing the more he spoke. Reaching down to pick up the bag, you thrust it in his chest and pushed it against him. His eyes widening when he saw the watery tracks running down your face, hand reaching out for you only for it to be slapped away.
"Don't. Touch me."
"Doll, I-"
"No, Hajime."
Turning away you wrenched your arm when he tried to hold it, the bag still clutched in his hand when he stood in front of you. Your vision was obstructed with tears, birk g tour lip to stop the sobs escaping as you covered your mouth.
"Baby, I didn't mean-"
"But you did!" You didn't mean to shout the last bit, hands wiping your face as you shook your head in dismay. "How dare you! How dare you stand there and accuse me of sleeping around. You go around gallivanting in different countries, how can I believe that you don't have a girlfriend in each place? Hmm? You think that little of me? Of our relationship? I love you, Hajime." A huff as you laughed, the sound empty and humourless. "Well, I did anyway."
Turning away again you stopped when his arms wrapped around you from behind, his head dropped on your shoulder as you felt his body shake. Your own tears starting up again when he sucked in a breath, a sniffle as he gathered himself.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it and it was a dumbass thing to say. I swear on my life that I will make it up to you." His arms tightening around you as he whispered your name. "Please. Please don't leave me. I love you so much."
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stxrmylxve · 1 year
Hi! I hope you are well! Would you be able to do a brat tamer/kinky rough smut with either a Kuroo x AFAB reader or an Akaashi x AFAB reader?
Or a dom Asahi x AFAB reader?
Whenever you get the chance, I'd really appreciate it
Pairing: Kuroo x AFAB!reader, soft!dom!Asahi x AFAB!reader Notes: smut (duh), choking, whining lmao, degrading speech A/N: okay this is a bit short since they're like blurbs but... enjoy!
His harsh hands gripped your throat, squeezing just enough to bring small stars into your already tear-blurred vision.
"You fuckin' like that? You seemed so focus on kenma today that it made me a bit jealous... how are you gonna' make it up to me? Hm?"
"I- I- I- use your fucking words correctly." he mocks, letting go of your neck to wrap his bruising grip around your wrists.
You glared at him through your lashes, letting out an almost mocking moan as you threw your head back dramatically.
"You think you're fucking slick? You must be wanting me to straighten you out." he spits as he turns you around, forcing you face down into the bed with ease.
Yeah, he has his moments where he is feral. But.. that's okay
"You must think you're in control here." you tease as you roll your hips, a soft moan falling from his mouth as you smile down at him.
"I-I am still." he teases back as he grips your hips, steading you back to your previous pace.
"Yeah right." you roll your eyes as you easily thrust your hips again, hearing the slight gritting of Akaashi's teeth below you.
"Alright now, I'm runnin' this." he says as he pushes you down, his hair falling slightly from his bun to cast shadows on his face.
"m'kay... kinda hot there softie."
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beasty-xoxo · 1 year
.·:*¨༺ɢʟᴀᴄɪᴇʀꜱ ᴍᴇʟᴛɪɴɢ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ᴏꜰ ɴɪɢʜᴛ༻¨*:·.
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Pirate!Lev Haiba x AFAB!Reader x Prince!Kageyama Tobio
(In which you-- a young duchess to be-- are torn between the future king of your kingdom, and your childhood friend who has fallen into piracy...)
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WORD COUNT: 6.5k (a WIP +)
SUMMARY: A swan dances along with the melody set for her inside her nest. She bounds on endlessly without tears. The swan is dutiful and the swan is without mercy for herself, but inside? She longs for more. She chanted out into the night, but only the moon bore witness to her soliloquy.
One day the swan met a cat. He is cunning, and carefree. Above all he is tender, with claws sheathed and teeth hidden away. Hardly a notable predator to the exuberant swan. She befriended him.
Eventually winter dawns and the swan must migrate. She loses sight of her cat, and mourns him for many moons. The swan's father senses her distress, and sends word to the noble falcon.
He is cold, he is calculated. Powerful, swift, and full of grace. Talons gleam like stars and they sink into the swan's throat.
The ever resilient swan will not cease her struggle.
⚠ WARNINGS: This story contains-- Explicit Smut, Criminal Activity, violence, period-typical sexism, Explicit Language, Alcohol Consumption, Fluff, Angst, and more...
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I - Have Pity
II - In Times of Need
III - The Caligo District
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deathc-re · 3 months
you hate getting sick, who doesn't? but a part of you loves it at the same time. why? because your boyfriend always treats you so good.
he'll dote on you hand and foot. you want tea? he knows just the one. you want noddles? steaming bowl in front of you. you're too hot or cold? thermostat adjusted to the perfect temperature for you, forget him.
you wanna be close to him, be held and cuddled? anything for his sweetheart. but...what about when you're horny? when this cold/ fever takes you over right in the middle of your ovulation? it's anything for his baby, and that includes slowly torturing himself while you cock warm him under the covers. you're body basically burning up, hot to the touch against his cool skin. moans and whimpers escaping you from the aches and pains in your body but also from the feeling of his cock filling you so good.
you're so weak and tired, basically in and out of consciousness but your dripping all over him and squeezing him so tight.
when he catches that your awake again he rubs your back slowly, "baby," he breathes "can i move? please? you just- fuck-- you feel so good i can't take it."
you muster up a weak chuckle and nod your head, wrapping your arms around him tighter. slowly he switches your position, moving you onto your chest and places a pillow under your hips. the loss of him and the blanket made you whine but when he pushed back into you, you melted into the bed.
it felt like every touch to your body was heightened. your fingers gripped the sheets weakly as you arched further into the soft bed. you heard your lover moan but you were too focused on your own body, every drag of his dick along your walls felt like heaven. when he reached down to rub on your clit a jolt ran through you.
before long you were seeing stars, tired body even more tired as you gasped and whimpered into the sheets, a drool pool forming by your mouth.
your boyfriend, oh so loving, restrained every muscle in his body to keep at this pace. the last thing he wanted was to hurt you. but you felt like heaven, warm walls wrapped around him so tight, your noises, the look of pleasure and daze on your face.
he gripped your ass and leaned down to nip at your ear, "i'm sorry sweetheart but i have to go fast-" he was cut off by your quick nod, reaching a hand back to grip his wrist. just that action made him twitch.
he gripped you tighter and angled his hips upward, speeding up his pace just a bit but increased the force of this thrusts by a lot. your ass shock in waves every time his pelvis met you. like energy was being pushed into you your moans got louder, more urgent, the cord in your belly tightening.
you both came almost exactly at the same time, heavy breathing filling the room. you were out, sprawled onto the bed, barely awake. your lover chuckled at the scene and leaned down to kiss your temple.
"you want a bath my love? i'll make the water extra hot for you." he called while walking to the bathroom. you hummed a response and curled into yourself, drifting off. the warm cum running down your thigh barely registering in your mind.
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FAT GUM, aizawa, DEKU, kirishima, sanji, corazon, connie, gojo, CHOSO, geto, SUGAWARA + whoever else you think
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uravitypng · 2 years
𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐈 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮?
┆彡 tadashi yamaguchi x reader
word count: 700+ words
warnings: fluff, slightly suggestive
summary: yamaguchi is a consent king, always checking beforehand if he can touch you. it started when the two of you started dating.
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yamaguchi is a consent king, always checking beforehand if he can touch you. it started with when the two of you started dating and after a few dates he had walked you home, "can i kiss you?" the kiss was exactly like you imagined between you two, shy and nervous and so sweet.
you're in a busy shopping market one weekend buying food for the two of you to cook together later that day, "can i hold your hand? i don't want to lose you in the crowd." it's everything you imagined, tadashi holding onto you like you're the most precious thing in the world.
"can i take this off?" he asked as he brushes along your sides, asking permission to take off your top. you grant him permission and he touches you so gently, taking his time and making sure you're okay, that you're comfortable and safe and that you feel good.
tadashi's checking in has been in a constant in your relationship, always making sure you are okay after a long day, "how are you feeling, love? do you need me to run you a bath?" it's exactly how it's always been, yamaguchi being the most amazing boyfriend in the world.
his caring and considerate nature is one of the many reasons why you love him. "what would you do if i told you i loved you?" it's the first time you've seen him this nervous towards you in a long time and god your stomach filled with butterflies. "i'd tell you the same of course" you softly smile.
"do you want to move in with?" he blurts out one day while watching a movie together, the movie quickly became forgotten as you became overjoyed and you both started talking about what decor you wanted in your new place together.
yamaguchi took you to the same place he took you on your first date. it was your anniversary and the time you've spent with tadashi has been the best few years of your life. "will you marry me?" he went down on one knee and you couldn't stop crying. you're with the man you love and want to spend the rest of your life with. "yes. oh my god, i've never wanted anything more"
one of the most important questions in your relationship brings you right up to now. you're so nervous, he isn't even home yet and you're still planning how to say it properly, how to get the right words out. you triple-checked and there's no doubt about it, you're pregnant.
you and tadashi never really talked about having kids before, it's been brought up a couple time but you're not even really sure if he wants them. you use to not know if you wanted them that was until you met tadashi and you fell in love and you wanted everything with him, to spend your whole life together. the trouble is you're just not sure if he feels the same. you can't help but imagine tadashi holding a little child that looks just like the two of you, laughing and smiling, you know your husband would be an amazing father.
your thoughts are interrupted when you hear the door close. you're fidgeting and nervous and preparing what to say. yamaguchi shouts a quick hello before putting all his things away and coming up towards you in the kitchen. he kisses your cheek and can see that somethings troubling you. "what's wrong dear? did you have a bad day."
"my days been fine 'dashi but i need to talk to you about something. can we go sit down in the living room?" you ask while twiddling your fingers. he agrees and you both make your way to sit down.
reaching into your pocket you pull out one of the pregnancy tests you took and places it on the table in front of you. "do you want to start a family with me?" tadashi grins from ear to ear and he looks at you like he did when you were walking down the aisle. he rushes to kiss you and whispers against your lips, "i want nothing more, i love you so much. you mean the world to me and i can't wait for our future together"
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spacieboi · 2 years
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𝐈 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫
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𝙏𝙮𝙥𝙚. 𝖫𝗂𝗆𝖾 (𝖽𝗋𝖺𝖻𝖻𝗅𝖾)
𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜. 𝖨𝗐𝖺𝗂𝗓𝗎𝗆𝗂 𝖧𝖺𝗃𝗂𝗆𝖾 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
𝘾𝙬. 𝖢𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝗆𝖺𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗈𝗎𝗍
𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩. 0.3𝗄
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*slam* The sound of you being pushed against the wall of the storage closet vibrated through your body.
Wet lips travel down your neck as a knee separated your thighs.
"Mmm" a soft moan slipped from your lips. Legs were losing feeling the deeper his teeth sunk into your skin.
"Haijme~" your silky voice sang softly in his ear.
You bit your tongue ashamed that you let his name slip past.
You were lucky he was running late. That he wasn't here just yet. If Oikawa ever found out you were banging his best friend behind his back-
"Ugh~" a sharp pain shot through the skin of your breast.
"You better not be thinking of him" Iwaizumi's eyes stare daggers into yours as his lips forged a hickey on your chest.
"No- it's just, mm what if he finds out?" He lifts his head to level yours.
"And so what if he does?" He turns you body around and you feel him pressed against your ass.
The heat between your legs burns as his voice creeps in your ear "Who gives a rats ass about what he thinks? After the amount of times he's cheated on you, he doesn't have a place to be mad."
Whimpers leave your mouth as he kisses down your back.
"You deserve so much better, Y/n. Just say the word and I can give you that"
You thought about it although there was really no point to it. The feels Hajime was giving you in this moment made it completely unfair for you to make a logical decision.
Of course you chose to let him have his way with you. Besides he was right, after the many times you found Oikawa with other girls again and again, after he promised it would end. You deserved to have this, just once.
"Give it to me Hajime" you feel a smirk spread on his lips.
"That's my good girl~"
Just as your shorts were coming down you heard his voice.
"Alright guys- wait, has anyone seen Iwa?"
"Damn bastard" Hajime pulls away from you.
You sigh and attempt to fix yourself. Just then you realize how much of a mess you were.
“This isn’t over, Love” his large hand gripped around your throat. His eyes glazed over your face before fixating on your lips.
“I can give you better”
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A/n: sorry for the long hiatus. Major writers block but I finally somewhat finished something even though it’s short. Hope you can forgive me, better (and longer) works coming 🙏🏾
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mimwritegyuu · 2 years
☾☆☽══════ Introduction to the Crimson Playhouse. (Rules, Fandoms and Other)
When the night sky looks bright, it's because a beautiful story awaits you.
Good night and welcome to the Crimson Playhouse.
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I will be your guide: Mimgyuu, "the Midnight Venus". She/they l 19 yo l I'm from Mexico, so English or Spanish is fine for me. MINORS OR AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT, PLEASE. English is not my first language so if I make spelling mistakes, let me know so I can correct and improve my writing. I do mlm, wlw, and I will do pronouns as the request preferred, but I'm willing to rewrite and publish another post in other characteristics if asked.
Mostly I will use they/them pronouns, afab body, tall! reader, and poc.
Fluff and smut (mostly smut)
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☾☆☽══════ ALL DIVIDERS FROM firefly-graphics AND anlian-aishang ══════☾☆☽ Please check out their work and support them.
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∘₊✧── FANDOMS. (The ones in red are the ones I'm not so familiar with, but i can do some characters)
Shingeki No Kyoin l Boku No Hero Academia l Haikyuu!! l Chainsaw Man l Genshin Impact l Obey Me l Sally Face l One Piece l Tokyo Revengers l Hunter x Hunter l Demon Slayer l Naruto l Death Note l Jojos Bizarre Adventure l Five Nights At Freddys l And more...
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∘₊✧── I WILL WRITE...
Anything I'm comfortable with, mostly all scenarios that are not on "I won't"; still if I'm not down to some request or I'm uncomfortable with some interaction I will be public about the inconvenience to maintain a communicative environment with my readers. Be polite and remember I am a person as well.
∘₊✧── I WON'T...
Write sc*t or vomit, watersports is fine to me. I do not write ag*play and each character sixteen or seventeen years of age and older (like Izuku Midoriya for example) WILL BE aged up at least to twenty years old. So I won't use images for them on my dividers. I do not write characters younger than the ages mentioned above (such as Gon or Killua, for example). Bestiality, c*nnib*lism, obscure subjects such as n*cr*philia is also a big no. Any other fetish can be suggested.
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I do not share certain ideals that I will touch on in my writings as an activity outside of what is sexually consensual and previously established with the partner. Romanticizing aggressive behavior, abuse, and harmful activities is not a game. Hoping to reach only an adult audience, I hope the warnings I have already stated here will be shared and promoted by my followers or/and casual readers. Even so, at the end of each writing, if I consider it necessary, I will put some warning to keep moving the importance of combating toxic or risky traits.
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"Have you heard that ominous rumor? When a witch or a wizard falls in love, they usually write about those who captivated they hearts, as this way them and their protectors do not forget the name of that person.
When the nights were still illuminated by the faint light of candles, only the moon and the stars accompanied the amorous encounters and the chats that lasted until one o'clock in the morning on the interior of the houses.
It was then when lying on the roofs, waiting for the love of their lives to pass by, were the witches and wizards: normal people, who at night turned into large black birds that stealthily prowled around the young man they fell in love with, doing all kinds of evil deeds, because this was their way of showing their love. They also wrote songs, poems and verses to dedicate to those they loved in order to fulfill their fantasies as they enjoyed sharing amorous and sensual desires shamelessly with others.
So dear witch, dear wizard, what shall we read? Tonight's story is yours to choose."
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╔.★ ════
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pavo-ocxllus · 2 years
Hello lovely! And before anything else, Congratulations💕!! I absolutely adore your writing, so I am thrilled to see you reach this milestone and ohmygosh this event is adorable 😭
For the event; I would like to purchase a ball with a silk flower and snapdragon corsage, with a dahlia. Pronouns are she/her And if possible, my character of choice is Washio from HQ (if you can't do him, just lemme know! I'll choose someone else)
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❝ 𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮. ❞
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𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡… washio has a little trouble trying to save you. 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠… knight!washio x fem!royal!reader 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠… a ball ticket (royalty!au), silk flower (a royal!reader), snapdragon (enemy-to-lover!reader), dahlia (”you’re the bane of my existance, and the object of my desires” fluff, 3rd pov used (washio’s perspective), 0.9k words, enemies-to-lovers (but i feel like it isn’t enough HAHA) 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬… typed in lowercase as a stylistic choice, timeskip is implied, not proofread, probably not enough enemies but more lovers 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐜𝐮𝐭… tysm zap!! and omg ur pfp is everythinggggg- (i hope i wrote washio good enough!!)
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“you go first.”
“no, you!”
the two continued to blatantly quarrel even more. though, most likely attributable to the surprising lack of sound they made, nobody else seemed to notice.
“you’re my personal guard,” she argued, attempting to push washio in front of her, much to her failure. regardless, she managed to get an embarrassingly good feel of how toned his shoulder blades were. “you’re supposed to get into danger before i do!”
“so i’m nothing more than cannon fodder for you, your majesty?” WASHIO inquired, unamused expression fitting snugly his facial features. eyebrows knitted together and lips pressed tightly in a frown, he stood his ground, letting a deep sigh spill from his mouth. “don’t waste your breath... you know that you’re supposed to be the one conversing to the suitors your mother set up for you, remember?”
her majesty practically had a vein pop from her forehead. 
“fine! clearly, you don’t want me around you!” she dramatically exclaimed, weakly pushing on her knight’s arm and stomping away cartoonishly. somehow, though the spotlight was on her for the evening, that wasn’t enough to make a scene. 
the tall man couldn’t help but feel a bead of sweat trickling from the back of his head, before shaking his head at his charge’s change of attitude. didn’t she want to stay behind her mere seconds ago?
he found himself exhaling heavily once more. he probably needed a break, anyways. 
washio had always been quite the gentle giant. hailing from a long line of blacksmiths, he’s always been the man who would charm the pastries from elderly women and end up getting a strangely strong pat on the back from their husbands whenever he successfully completed a task for them or for no reason in particular. the man who was always the target of children when they want him to carry them across his hometown, whether that be on his shoulders, his back, his arms, hell, even his legs, he was always happy to provide them a human form of transportation. 
oddly enough, this never seemed to be the case when it came to the princess. absolutely bizarre, wasn’t it? one of the most influential people in the kingdom couldn’t seem to get their royal guard of all people to cooperate with her!
well, honestly, it wasn’t as if she even bothered with trying to get along with him. if anything, she was the one who seemed to initiate their petty rivalry in the first place, like almost every interaction with him. the man had always been rather silent, but he seems to have no problem with communicating when it came to the princess.
he found himself wandering toward the table lavishly filled with refreshments and treats. washio recalled her father telling him that like his daughter, this was time for him to get to know his co-workers. he was fairly new to working at the palace after all, and much to his dismay, the only person he had prolonged exposure to was the princess. regardless, he somehow felt weird when thinking of encountering the fellow knights and staff working here. unfamiliar, even. 
before washio got the chance to ponder this feeling even further, there was something, perhaps an instinct that tugged inside his stomach, urging him to look behind him, where he left her behind. naturally, he did, only to find her highness talking to a fellow noble, though he couldn’t get a read on the situation.
it wasn’t anything special or extraordinary; for some reason, he felt it was, though not necessarily in a positive light. his stomach started to churn, eyes furrowing together and lips tightening in a frown once more. it was really nothing more than a slight change in expression, yet if anyone were to look at him, they could instantly tell that something was up. 
he wasn’t able to stop himself, navigating the crowd encompassing the princess, muttering quiet apologies to the bodies his shoulders brushed against. her majesty was always on her mind, certainly no doubt about that. whatever antics she was even considering, washio always had to be five steps ahead. whether that meant lying awake at night or through his lunch breaks, he was always analyzing her. from her grin that he always knew meant bad news to the way her eyes gleamed, with what was something washio hadn’t figured out. 
it was definitely because of his job—how else could he explain the feeling swelling up in his chest when he’s about to corner her, only to find that she’s pulling her usual prank on him, which would only seem to bloom; as told through his heart that was loud enough for her to hear when it was just the two of them?
before long, he found himself in front of the princess and the aristocrat she was speaking to, looking at the sudden intruder in their discussion. 
“is there anything you need?” asked an unknown voice, washio immediately concluding that it wasn’t who he was looking for, thus to be ignored. before he could repeat himself, he stepped in front of him, eyes focused on her highness and only her, putting them in a position way too close for a guard and a member of royalty to be in.
he cleared his throat, assessing his current circumstances. it was obvious he wasn’t a member of the nobility. it was normal in the castle, but her being seen interacting with him outside of his duties could be seen as scandalous.
as, in the words of many of the princess’s acquaintances, a “lowly commoner” such as himself, he never quite understood the manners of elite society. granted, he wasn’t even sure what to do with his conflicting emotions battling it out in his heart. regardless, it didn’t stop his mouth from moving on its own accord, asking—
“may i share your first dance?”
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𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝. <𝟑
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moonswolfie · 9 months
Sweet things make one happy
Tendou x afab!reader
*dies because this man isn't real*
I was on my period and craving something sweet and we had NOTHING sweet at home at the time so I thought of this
This is the sort of second installment in the period comfort fic series, I wanted to write more so here we are!!
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"Heyyy, how are ya?" Tendou burst into your dorm room without warning.
"Hey, I told you to stop doing that! What if you just came in while I was changing?" You scolded him, though he didn't look like he cared much.
"Well, that's even better." He said with a (definitely feigned) innocent smile.
"Eugh, why did I even ask..." you slumped back on your bed, Tendou immediately noticing your uncomfortable expression. "What's wrong, babycakes?" he asked, moving closer to you.
"The fact you think calling me "babycakes" is an acceptable thing to do. That and I'm craving something sweet." you groaned, feeling his hand gently grab yours. He grabbed your hand often, seemingly being his comforting gesture to you. He hummed to confirm he's listening to you.
"Well, why don't you go eat something sweet then?" he asked, raising one of his eyebrows innocently. "My cramps are killing me and I feel gross." you sighed, looking up at the ceiling with pursed lips.
"Oh..... Ooooooh!" he let go of your hand, understanding flashing in his eyes. "I get it! Don't you worry, my dear lover! I will return!" he clenched his fist in front of him, acting as if he was a superhero in a movie. He swiftly left your dorm room.
You couldn't help but wonder what he would bring back this time as you held your lower stomach. Even if it wasn't helping much, it just felt right. You thought of pastries, and your favourite chocolate, and that one type of candy that's perfectly sweet.
Ugh, now you just feel worse... You can't tell if the pain is from your stomach or your uterus anymore. Either way, you were really hoping he would come back soon right about now.
"I'm baaack~" Tendou announced his arrival in a sing-song voice later but stragely didn't burst in your room. After a few seconds of silence, he continued.
"My hands are kinda full, so... a little help?" you huffed a laugh, imagining Tendou holding two giant grocery bags full of candies and period products. While you half hoped that that scenario would meet you behind the door, you do worry about Tendou's bank account sometimes.
You got up, gently opening the door. As soon as you did, Tendou was throwing a bunch of different sweets onto your bed, as well as some pads. He turned back to you, smiling.
"I got every single thing I could possibly remember you liking!" he said, a smug, proud smile on his face. You looked at the sweets he brought you, and he guessed most of them right. You never really explicitly told him your favourites before, but was this really a surprise considering who your boyfriend is?
"...Thank you. Really." you said, unwrapping a chocolate bar and digging in. He stared at you lovingly as you ate it, chin resting in his hands. He thinks you look adorable right about now.
"You're welcome~" he sung, wrapping an arm around you and gently caressing your back. You placed your head on his shoulder, already thinking of was to thank him later once your cramps let up a little. You reached for another piece of candy.
"Satori.." you hugged him back. "You're the best." you didn't even notice the dreamy smile on your face, but he sure did. You placed your face directly onto his chest after swallowing the last bit of the candy.
He laughed quietly in response, petting your head gently. "Can I have some-"
"No." you cut him off, voice a little muffled against his chest. You tried to blindly reach for some candy behind you.
"Awww, you're mean." he whined, but you knew he wasn't all that bothered about it.
And your assumption couldn't be more correct. Tendou is a very happy man right now.
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this was shorter than i anticipated oops (ˉ ▽ ˉ;)...
I kinda hate this one ngl😭
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