#it honestly caught me extremely off guard i was not expecting that reaction at all
gin-juice-tonic · 6 months
i almost forgot but today my mom asked "when did you get your hair cut?" and i thought she was happy about it bc she's always complaining how my mullet is too long
so I said "oh I cut that myself actually"
The way her eyes filled with hate immediately. The air around us physically got colder. She said, no joke "Don't you EVER do that again. You are NEVER to cut your own hair, do you understand me?"
I opted to just say 'yeah okay' bc im not dealing with that but inside i was just like "Lol I'm 24"
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asmosmainhoe · 5 months
Good day 🩷 can I request the Obey Me brother's reactions to an MC who likes hugs and is very snuggly and expressive (when they're already close and comfortable with them). For example, if they're very happy they like to jump on the brother's arms, if MC is scared they look for comfort and hide on his chest/neck, and if they're sad they curl against him, etc.? Tysm!
MC loves to hug
Gender: neutral
Warnings: heavy language
He's really not the type for hugs. They're reserved for very special occasions and when the situation calls for one he prefers to casually put an arm around you
Depending on how your relationship with him is he would actually enjoy them. Only when they're from you though and you also have to be the one to initiate it
If it's a scary situation then Lucifer definitely doesn't mind wrapping his arms around you protectively, but most of the time he's only answering with half-hugs
As I said he's more the guy to put one arm around you which he does when you hug him or he puts his hand on your arm
It does place a soft smile on his lips
Another big hugger right here
Only that he does it more subconsciously and only realizes it after a couple seconds. For example if it's a spooky situation then he kind of grabs the person closest to him or when he's extremely happy about something. Once it hits him he's going to push that person away, be slightly embarrassed and pretend as if nothing ever happened
With you though? Nah, you're staying in his embrace
Whenever you jump into his arms for whatever reason and someone else is there Mammon usually shoots them a smug look like "fuck yeah they're hugging me, you loser"
This man is an absolute mess. What exactly does he want? No one knows
When you hug him he's going to call you cringe, but then once you let go he gets all whiny and sad about it
He's also going to complain when you don't give him his daily dose of MC hugs, but not before he makes absolutely sure that you're doing okay. The lack of hugging might be because you're not feeling well. After that topic is cleared he is going to throw hands though
You better wrap those pretty arms around him whenever he wins a game. This demon needs his reward
In the beginning of your friendship/relationship when you started feeling comfortable jumping into his arms he was soooo caught off guard and honestly a little uncomfortable
But once he got over that he started to enjoy your hugs so much to the point where he's always the last one to let go
He let's out a small chuckle no matter the situation and just gets lost in your embrace
Sometimes he goes through your hair with one hand or he rubs your back with it. Other times he pulls you as close as a possibly can and takes in your scent deeply. It depends on what mood he's in that day
This man can also feel whenever you need a hug. You simply walk into the room and something tells him that you need it right now so he just opens up his arms and waits for you to fall down on him
Yes! From the moment you meet him! Go ahead and give him a hug please, because he does the exact same
Before you he usually jumped into the arms of the first person he could get ahold of just like Mammon. Then you came into his life and now you both have a specific hug-friend
The moment you two realized you were the same was incredibly funny. You were getting a test back and the entire class was silent until you and Asmo looked at your grade which was exactly what you had hoped for. The classroom was filled with happy yelling and you both automatically went in to hug each other without expecting the other person to do the same. This resulted into a visit to the school nurse and a head injury that could have almost been a concussion
But you're more gentle now
He catches you mid air. Like he sees you get ready for a jump like some cat and he just extends his arms expectedly, but it's not to prevent you from hugging him. It's just so you could be closer to his face and wrap your arms around his neck properly. He's a strong giant
If you let him he's going to carry you around like that for a while, but it's fine if you don't feel comfortable with that. If you don't want to get picked up at all then he will keep that in mind as well
But wow he adores your hugs. They're the highlight of his day
The first couple times he was very awkward when hugging you back, but it feels so natural now. Like Satan he will never be the first one to let go
Your hugs turn a mysterious switch inside him. The moment he's in your embrace his lights are out. He's completely gone. The first time that happened it scared the shit out of you
"Belphie, come here- WHAT THE FUCK?"
Now you're more used it, but it's still so incredibly inconvenient when it happens in public. You could be shopping with him or whatever and the moment you hug him he's in a deep slumber. You have Beel on speed dial at this point to come help you carry his brother back home
It also sucks that he basically falls on top of you whenever that happens. So you're just laying there buried under the avatar of sloth while other people walk past you and give you weird looks
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inmyheaddd · 16 days
heyy love your work could you please do the Hawthorne siblings headcannons?
hawthorne sibling head cannons
thankyou sm for the reqq, hawthorne brothers you will always be famous!! wc: 848
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when nash saw how skye was with grayson when he was first born, he was finally happy that his mom was more involved, but that was extremely short lived.
grayson would sit and talk to baby xander up until he was around 3 because he felt like he couldn’t really talk to anyone else.
xander and jameson made it their mission everyday to annoy grayson.
deep down they didn’t want to annoy him; they just wanted some sort of reaction out of their brother, like all little siblings do.
“grayson can i borrow your camera really quick?” xander would ask, knowing that he and jameson snuck into his room and hid it.
they would be stifling their laughs while grayson looked around his room for a minute, when he finally realized.
“you guys aren’t funny.”
whenever they’d pull something like this and it would go on for too long, nash would have to get involved.
xander and nash were getting ‘told off’ by nash, grayson standing beside him.
“jamie, would you like it if somebody took your things and you had to search the whole house to find them?" he rhetorically asked with a serious look on his face. jameson on the other hand, was anything but serious and was smiling widely.
“actually yes, i love searching for stuff.”
there was a beat of silence followed by nash muttering under his breath,
“yeah, i shouldn’t have asked you that.” he turned his attention to xander, who was starting to fiddle with his small hands and bite his lip.
“xander, would you like it if if someone too-“
“okay fine i’m sorry!” he blurted out suddenly. “i just wanted to play with you guys but i didn’t know grayson would actually get mad, jamie told me he wouldn’t, he said it would be funny and- and-” he rambled on so quickly nash couldn't even comprehend some of his words.
nash’s attempt at a stern face softened, “aw kid, you can always just ask to play, you know that, right?”
“but you guys are always busy,” 6 year old xander countered.
grayson finally spoke up after staying silent for 10 minutes. “i’ll always play with you, i just don’t like it when you steal my things.” he said quietly.
jameson agreed “yeah same, ill always play with you.” he paused and then continued, “but i actually really like it when we steal grayson’s thi-"
nash, grayson, and jameson came to the realization that they didn't make the best decision that day, because xander was like a never-ending talking machine, constantly asking them to play.
one time, nash and alisa were hanging out, and 8 year old xander burst into the room. “hi guys, can i play robots with you?”
5 minutes later, alisa and nash were sitting in silence, their clothes slightly wrinkled, sending each other looks sometimes, while xander was droning off about the game, the different robots, and what they do.
he went silent for a few seconds, then suddenly spoke up. “nash, were you playing with mommy’s makeup?”
“no?” nash responds confusedly, as this question was extremely out of the blue and caught him way off guard.
“then what’s that red stuff on your neck?”
hangouts were at alisa’s house from then on.
grayson and jameson were honestly inseparable before emily came around, and the old man’s expectations tore them apart.
whenever they would actually get along, for days in a row even, grayson would suddenly snap and go back to being distant. jameson would think he did something wrong, and he was honestly angry at grayson in a way, because all he wanted was to just talk to his brother. but he never ever voiced those thoughts outloud.
grayson on the other hand, felt like he was becoming weak and like he had to put on that strong persona and unbreakable facade in front of everyone, even in front of the people who were practically half of him.
"it's going to be you one day," the old man’s voice echoed in his mind
though sometimes his brotherly love for jameson — for all his brothers —overpowered and silenced that voice in his mind. 
at the end of the day, his brothers always came first. above everything.
xander and jameson (and sometimes nash) lowkey make fun of grayson when he acts all emo — xander's words.
“honestly, he’s like if edward cullen had a child with chuck bass. the most broody, seriois, and annoying guy to walk the earth.” 
xander’s attempt at being quiet at the dinner table failed, and grayson heard it. he tried to hide his laugh by taking another sip of his water.
xander and jameson always feel like they’ve accomplished something when they make their older brothers laugh.
when everyone was in different stages of their lives—xander in high school, jameson about to graduate, grayson already being graduated, and nash always off somewhere—moments when they were all having fun together were cherished tenfold.
one time jameson called a 911 because he “missed everyone too much." grayson didn’t come, and then the leather pants punishment came to life. 
the lack of their childhood in the books is literally criminal
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thedecoy-if · 1 year
Honestly, the way you're acknowledging that MC's original world is still turning while they're stuck at *squints at notes* .. Eternia. Eterna? It's 5am and I forgot. Anyways, the way you're acknowledging that just. It just make it hurt all the more, man. I don't really know how all this will pan out, but MC is going to be faced with some really tough choices down the line, what with being stuck between two worlds. Maybe even two lives, if they start adjusting to their life in Angsty Kidnapper Land.
Unless... they turn out to be some sort of realm walker...
Ahahaha. Anyways. Incredible game!! It is such fun. You know how many times I've replayed the demo? Four times. Four. I keep going back just to pick all the 'furious, on the warpath' options. Hell-hath-no-fury MC is the BEST. It's incredibly cathartic, watching MC being rightfully pissed about their situation, watching them freely express their anger. I tend to keep more aggressive emotions like anger to myself, so it's very refreshing. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that I'm using your story as some odd way to cope with my own life's trainwreck state. It's amazing <3
Honestly, this Eternia place has terrible manners. Hells upon hells, MC woke up in a dungeon. After getting kidnapped. And they expected MC to take it well.
A dungeon. Really? A dungeon? How 'bout a bedroom? Is that so hard? Really? If they're concerned about security, I'm sure it's not hard to post guards outside of said bedroom? Maybe put up a few wards if that's a thing there?
Azzy even knew that MC was an average citizen!! An ordinary(?) human! The man practically recited MC's profile on the spot! Honestly, how the hell was plopping MC into a cell supposed to endear them (and their cause) to MC?
They could've been going for an intimidation tactic but. MC's someone they're going to be closely working with, and with the current state of affairs, it seems like they might be doing so for quite a while - so it would be better if they started off on a good note, no?
A good note that is certainly not waking up to a dungeon in a strange land. And a good note that is absolutely not getting stared/glared at very angstily by some knight with a crush(?) on your doppelganger.
Yes, this is for you, Theokins. Honestly, the nerve of him, acting like MC's at fault for having the same face as S. I understand that the man is hurting, but damn.
That line in the bar, when MC tries to escape and Theo 'says the word prince as if MC had somehow tainted it' - ugh. Whatever Theo's feelings about S are, MC has nothing to do with it. He may be doing it subconsciously, but his callousness/Sad Boy-ness with MC is getting on my nerves. I happen to like this MC a lot, thank you very much, so I'm feeling very protective of them.
I have a feeling know that MC getting caught in the crossfire of people's feelings/expectations for S is going to be a running theme in this story. Which in turn will probably definitely come with a healthy heap of identity crises. Joy. I can almost feel the internal hair pulling I'll be doing.
I do hope that we'll have chances to bully Theo at least a little bit in the future, though. I usually play the genuine, good natured MC, but they just can't let Theo escape scot free from the consequences of his attitude, no? :D
TLDR: The Kidnapper Squad absolutely sucks at the hospitality and tact aspect of kidnapping. Surprise surprise.
Anyway. Don't get me wrong. I've griped and rambled through 90% of this monstrosity of an essay, but I completely adore this story. The way it sparks genuine emotional reactions from me - it's great fun. The first time I played the demo, I was going through the scenes with extremely vivid ramping indignation. I was even gripping my computer mouse tighter and tighter, wishing I could just chuck it and nail [insert kidnapper squad member here] on the head with it. The range of emotional reactions you allow the MC is, frankly, impressive - and it's immersed me into the story in a way that few stories are able to do.
I'm very excited to see what comes next! Of course, take as long as you need - pieces of art aren't made in a day <3 Thanks so very much for creating this story and sharing it with us. You're awesome! I'm sorry if this... letter...? rant...? Ran for far too long (it definitely did). I just got very excited. And I tend to go on and on when I am. :D
I hope you have a very nice day! <3
Oh my gooodnesss I love long asks mostly because it makes me really happy that you got invested in the story!
Firstly, I'm so glad you liked the story and thank you for the kind words! I'm really happy it resonated with you. I tend to keep any negative emotions to myself as well, but I knew I wanted to give readers the option to be as feral and as angry as possible. An angry MC is basically what I'd hoped I'd be in that situation instead of the reality (scared and very obedient lol...). MC is a totes new yorker, i had to squeeze in the angry NYCers that tend to be our stereotype lolol
And yes, these Eternans suck. I say this a lot but I am happy they've gotten people angry. They're supposed to! They went about 'kidnapping' MC in the worst way but I find the whole thing kind of funny, especially considering they just throw MC in a room anyway like you could've done that in the first place!?! They get better, I promise!
Theoden is.....interesting. 'Sad Boy' is honestly the most perfect way to describe him. He's like a moody teenager. His relationship with S is super complicated and I'm excited to get into it, considering what they have is not at all straight-forward (evil laughter).
And don't worry, bullying Theoden is coming hehehe
You're def right about expectations and identity crisis. One of the major (internal) conflicts MC deals with having to separate themselves from S. It's also something the whole kidnapper squad has to adjust to, and it's definitely not easy. Especially if you're romancing them. Even worse if MC starts getting comfortable and actually enjoying themselves at Hotel Kidnapper.
Thank you for the nice words and I'm so happy you loved the story 🥺 the fact that you played it four times means so much to me! I hope you like what I have planned.
and please, I'm always happy to hear long rants (especially if its just ragging on Theoden lol).
Thank you!!
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obanzi · 3 years
hello! so I saw requests were open! can I get the reaction of the hashira boys when their shy s/o suddenly confesses to them? Thank u in advance
yeah mhm !! idk i just got in the mood to write this .
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༄ Sudden Confession !
Summary ⤳ Hashira reacting to y/n’s sudden confession !!
TWS / Mentions ⤳ n/a
Featuring ⤳ hashira boys
Author’s Note ⤳ i had some trouble writing Uzui so forgive me :(
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❥ Rengoku Kyojuro
You were Rengoku’s Tsugoku , now , it was a regular day of training . Alright so just to get some things clear .. you had a massive crush on rengoku ever since you first saw him !!
Anyways , you couldn’t hold back anymore . All you wanted was the Flame Hashira’s love . While during your break time , you just let loose without thinking twice ..
“Rengoku-san .. I know this is sudden but I like you !!”
Rengoku was caught off guard . BIG TIME — like , wtf ?? How did he not notice this .. he was redder than the devil !! Even so , rengoku answered even with his sweating face .
“I like you too Y/N - san !!”
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❥ Iguro Obanai
You and Obanai were out on lunch with just finishing a mission , you both went to your favorite ramen shop !! Obanai loves the tea there while you love the ramen .
You and Obanai’s friendship was something that you both enjoyed every much and would hate for it to go somewhere else .. even if you both wanted to stay friends . The universe had different plans for you two ..
You were currently thinking about your feelings for Obanai while waiting for your ramen to arrive . Meanwhile , Obanai was deciding whether he should get black or green tea ..
Without thinking twice or even waiting for your ramen to arrive . You just spit it out .. “Iguro-San , I think .. I like you .” While covering your face with your hands .
That’s when Obanai went red , just like straight up red . It was so sudden that his mind went blank !! That lunch was a little awkward after .. but don’t worry . I’m sure things will turn out find :D
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❥ Sanemi Shinazugawa
Sanemi was your best friend , you two are a chaotic duo . While sanemi thought he never caught feelings , you on the other hand have . I mean , how could you not ? He might look scary to some but you think he looks handsome !! All you wanna do his kiss his scars and tell him how much you love him .
Alright so put that aside for now , you two were doing the Hashira training . You were asked to help with pounding training !! While sanemi was scolding some of the lower rank demon slayers , you were just looking at him . Not in a weird way .. like more in a “ur cute” look .
Once he was finished , he caught you looking . “What the fuck are you looking at ?” , he was honestly a bit confused . And without any thinking .. “You , you look cute .”
Both you froze . You had just figured out what you said and got extremely embarrassed and started covering your face . Meanwhile , Sanemi was .. he didn’t know what to think . Woah you like him ? You think he looks cute ? Is he cute ? What does this mean ? I thought we were just friends ? Yeah , a lot of questions in his head right now .. 
Although once you both sort it out , maybe something will happen . Who knows ? Just gotta throw your hints luv >:)
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❥ Muichiro Tokito ( Aged Up )
You were Muichiro’s Tsugoku , as much as he is forgetful he is cute !! Is what you tell yourself most of the time . Even if he could never catch onto your hints , you still love him either way .
One day , you two were taking a break . With him laying down and you still sitting up , both of you were looking up at the clouds ! While you two were looking at the lovely clouds , you couldn’t help but notice mui’s adorable face !! Trying figure out what some clouds look like .
You couldn’t help but squeal out “you’re so cute mui-Kun !!” While holding both of your red cheeks . You honestly didn’t care if he heard or not .. you knew he was going to forget anyways .
... He didn’t . There was a small tint on pink on his cheeks but barely visible ! He actually liked you too although he wasn’t so sure of his whole romance thing so he waited and kept his feelings to himself .
Although with your small confession , he had some hope . At the end of the day .. he will confront you about this <3
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❥ Himejima Gyomei
Alright so your friends with Genya !! Genya sees you as a mother to him . So basically you hang around gyomei and genya a lot — after staying around the two for most of your life , you had caught feelings for the big giant !!
After a few lunches with him , this became a normal for the both of you . So it was one of those lunches today — you were talking to gyomei about the lovely flowers you walked by before you got here .
“They were such a lovely pink ! Ah , I wish I could’ve taken them with me .” Is what you said while taking a bite into your rice bowl . After a few minutes of talking , you decided maybe it was time . Yeah , sure it was sudden but .. you loved him a lot and this is what you wanted to do .
“I’m not the best at confessing but .. gyomei-San , I love you a lot !” You said laughing while giving a cheeky smile . And you swear to GOD you saw a small tear out of gyomei’s eyes . You started to panic and ask if he’s okay !!
Gyomei was okay , just surprised . Someone like you .. can love someone like him ..? Although don’t worry .. I’m sure something will work out :)
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❥ Uzui Tengen
Uzui already had 3 wives but who said he can’t have 4 ? Sure you and Uzui were still talking but maybe something could go on . Anyways , you had kinda a crush on Uzui . Although you were restraining yourself since he already had 3 wives .
Even so , you get along with his 3 wives a lot !! They all like you , they also knew you had a thing for Uzui . So it was a huge win - win . Maybe something could work out ..
One day , you and the girls were talking about these cute clothes at the market . Once that conversation died down a bit .. the girls asked you something that would completely get you off guard ..
“so y/n-chan .. do you have a crush !!?” Suma would ask you while the two other girls waited for an answer . You couldn’t decide if you should tell them or not .. you had no idea how they were gonna react . What should you do ??
Just as you were about to say something else , Uzui did a sneak attack on all of you — “boo !!” All of you ( expect Makio ) all jumped . “Hey girls !! Watcha talking about ~?”
“Oh nothing !! Just talking about how much i like youuu .....” that’s when you covered your face and got really embarrassed ... have fun luv .
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❥ Giyuu Tomioka
Both you and Giyuu were pretty quiet . Although that didn’t stop you for catching feelings for the Water Pillar , he was quite handsome even if most people don’t like him . He’s also a great listener :D
There were many things that you loved about him . Although you kept that to yourself .. at least you tried too . One night , both you and Giyuu were out doing a night guard .
“The moon is nice today , too bad we have to keep watch .” You said looking up at the sky , enjoying the moonlight hitting your face .
You looked back at the small town before you looked at Giyuu and smiled . Oh , how he looked so cute focusing . You couldn’t help but blush and admire him !! Although , accidentally .. you said something that could maybe change a few things .
“Ah you’re so cute Giyuu-San ! I wish I could give you kiss —” .... yeah that might have been obvious . Literally Giyuu coughed and covered his face . I think he likes you too !!
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© obanzi , do not copy or steal my work . And please don’t share my work on other media platforms ! Thank you .
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sadomas0chist · 3 years
perfect strangers
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part one; part two; part three
genre: nsfw
pairings: jean kirschtein x female reader
word count: 2.6k
tags/warnings: penetrative sex, dom jean, fingering, praising kink, slight body worship, dirty talk, sneaky.
synopsis: your recent discovery makes you certain that you won't be able to control yourself around him and neither will he, hence you decide that it was time to make an agreement that was rather spicy.
a.n: hey babies! so i finally decided to turn this into a short series since some of you were intrigued with the idea of having a continuation for the previous part i wrote. i hope you like it, enjoy <3
“How was I supposed to know?!” I yelled as soon as Jean exited our apartment. I had put on a random t-shirt to follow Connie to his room, trying to convince him that I had no idea that I fucked his best friend.
“Y/n he literally told you his name is Jean and he was attending my party. You’re acting as you’ve never seen him before!” he scolded taking off his shirt and throwing it across his room.
“Oh for fuck’s sake Connie. The last time I saw Jean I was 16 and he didn’t look like that. He’s so fucking different now how was I supposed to know. And to be fair, he was studying abroad for I don’t know how many years, how was I supposed to know that he metamorphosed like that.” I motioned my arm out, my other hand resting on my hip.
He groaned, rubbing his temples before he looked back at me. “Look,” he spoke softly. “I don’t want to fight with you over this okay? You’re right, I should’ve told you that he was coming back. He graduated a year ago and was considering coming back to his hometown, here. Let’s just forget it all happened okay? It’s a simple misunderstanding.” I nodded, resting my head on his chest as he embraced me into a tight hug.
“Now go take a shower you reek of sex.” he snickered earning a punch on his arm. He winced rubbing his flesh, a proud smile setting on my face.
The week went by smoothly. I told Sasha and Hitch what happened and they both had different reactions. Hitch was gushing over the sex and Sasha on the other hand confessed that she forgot to mention that Jean was coming back to stay here. It’s okay though. We all passed it and I was working my ass off to finally graduate.
Connie was spending his days with Jean, which granted me a lot of peace and tranquility. At least, that’s what I thought.
I hadn’t spoken to Jean ever since we hooked up, figured that Connie already explained the whole situation and moved on.
Three knocks on my door broke my focus, a loud frustrated sigh leaving my lips. “What Connie!”
“Actually,” a voice on the other side of the door caught me off guard. “It’s Kirschtein. Can I come in?” A knot formed in my throat.
“Sure.” he turned the knob, slowly coming in. “Connie knows I’m here by the way.” I nodded, adjusting my seat.
“What’s up?” the tension was awkward. The tension shouldn’t even be present in the first place. But how could I not get aroused when he was wearing a black tank top showing off the tattoos on his sleeves with a pair of sweats. He looked effortlessly attractive.
“- and like I said it will never happen again. Y/n?”
“Huh? Oh yeah, yeah. Never happen again. I’m very sorry but I need to finish this assignment.” He chuckled and nodded leaving me alone with my thoughts. Did I just make him talk to himself because I was too busy checking him out?
I shook my head, assuming that whatever he said wasn’t worth my time. Time went by rather quickly and the assignment was done earlier than I expected. It was already ten pm, and I had promised the girls I was going to meet up with them for some drinks.
I picked my outfit and applied some makeup. Simple and effective. We were going to spend the night at Sasha’s so I didn’t make much effort to look hot.
The place was empty when I left and I assumed that Connie was helping Jean to rent an apartment for himself.
Sasha’s place wasn’t very far from mine. As a matter of fact, it only took me ten minutes to get there. Once I got there, the girls were already ordering pizza and picking out some movies to watch.
“Hey whores.” I greeted them, earning cheers from Hitch and Sasha. “Oh my god, Mikasa I missed you!” I rushed to the dark-haired girl who was sitting on the couch and engulfed her into a tight hug. I haven’t seen Mikasa since I moved with Connie. We used to live together, but after she and Eren got together, he wouldn’t leave her alone. So I figured it would be best if I left and lived with my brother.
“I missed you too! I looked for you everywhere at that party where were you?” she asked taking a sip of her soda. Hitch began coughing dramatically as Sasha giggled next to her. “Oh quit it.” I teased rolling my eyes.
I ended up telling her everything, her face displaying a plethora of expressions. “I mean, Jean did change I can’t argue with that. But didn’t he recognize you?”
I shrugged. “I changed too. Puberty hit me like a truck.”
“Cheers to that.” Hitch raised her cup. We laughed and talked for hours. I missed going out with them like that. Fortunately, college will be over soon and I’ll have some time for myself.
Movies were playing in the background but we paid them no mind. We ate our food and cleaned the living room, not wanting to bother Sasha with the cleaning since she was having Niccolo over tomorrow.
I glanced at the clock that was hanging above the door. I gathered my stuff and tucked them in my bag, drawing all of their eyes on me.
“Already? Come on stay longer!” Sasha whined. I smiled softly at her and shook my head.
“I can’t, I’ll see you guys soon.” I waved at them and walked out of the door.
“Connie! I’m ho- what are you still doing here?” I froze at the entrance, my keys still hanging from my index finger, my eyes fixated on him as he only stood in basketball shorts.
“What do you mean what am I still doing here. I moved in here remember?”
Silence. Nothing but intense and awkward silence. Moved in? Since when?
“I told you when I came into your room. Weren’t you listening to me?” I stared at him blankly, not able to explain how caught in thought I was when he came into my room. I was too busy checking him out to care about what he was trying to tell me.
“Why didn’t Connie tell me?” I closed the door and locked it slowly, my legs feeling weak, the idea of living with him and seeing him walking around like that making me weak. And extremely horny.
“He said he’d rather if I told you. You know, break the ice.” he shrugged and walked forward, his chest now a few inches apart from mine. “You changed a lot from what I remember.” he lowly said tucking my hair behind my ear.
“So did you,” I replied, staring at his lips. He licked his bottom lip and held my chin between his fingers, forcing me to maintain eye contact.
I was a sweating mess. I still couldn’t believe that this was Jean, the horse face. What kind of water did he drink, and how did he get so big? Look at those muscles-
A sudden feeling on my lips interrupted my chain of thoughts. I soon realized that he held my bottom lip between his brown ones. “Kiss me back y/n, I know you want to,” he whispered, his breath brushing up my face.
It didn’t take me long to pull him to me, crashing my lips on his. He was intoxicating in ways I couldn’t understand nor explain. I needed him close to me at the moment and I didn’t care why.
“Yo, Jean where did you my video game?!” Connie’s voice boomed from the hallway, forcing us apart. Realization slapped my face when I looked at him and saw his cocky smirk. I just kissed him, even though I promised myself I’d never do anything with him ever again.
“I’ll get it!” he yelled back, the same expression resting on his face, his back facing the hallway. “I’d apologize, but you pulled me back. Anyway, I’ll see around beautiful.” he winked and began walking towards Connie’s room, his back muscles flexing at his movements.
What am I doing with myself?
The atmosphere felt nice. I couldn’t sleep so instead I lied down on my bed and watched the stars from my window. I couldn’t stop thinking about what happened hours ago and how I had to sit with them and pretend as nothing happened.
Jean was certainly not the little boy he was years ago. He got more confident and a lot more handsome. He was fucking with me and I thought, why shouldn’t I fuck with him too?
After all, I know for sure he didn’t tell Connie anything. He’s too protective of me and if he knew, well let’s just say Jean would be moving out by tomorrow. He trusts him blindly and I honestly just think he doesn’t want me to hook up with him again because he’s just like him.
He likes to mess around. Not the type to stay in the morning after. But neither was I. I sighed and dragged my legs out of bed, my body following.
“Shit now I gotta pee,” I whined stomping slightly on the wooden floor. I ruffled my hair with my hand and slipped on my slippers. I was wearing Connie’s t-shirt, so it was long enough to hide my thighs.
I walked to the bathroom when suddenly a hand grabbed my arm and yanked me into the guest bedroom. My mouth was quick to be silenced by another hand as I was about to squeal.
My back collided with the wall, my hands pinned on each side of my head.
“Jean let me go.” I struggled to get out of his grasp but he kept grinning at me. “Sure.” He let go of his grasp.
I looked around to notice a towel on his bed. “I was going to take a shower but then I heard your footsteps, couldn’t let you get there before I did.” He walked away, throwing his towel over his shoulder.
“Is that all?” I cocked my eyebrow, crossing my arms. He looked me up and down before saying: “You tell me. Need anything else?”
I looked at him briefly, calculating my next move. “An agreement. Connie can’t know.”
“Fuck yeah.” he dropped his towel and stepped closer to me, holding my face with his hands as he crashed his lips on mine. I kissed him back instantly, my fingers finding their way through his hair.
His tongue slipped in, caressing mine. His hands went down my body to squeeze my ass, pulling me even closer to him. My hands traveled across his bare chest, going over his pecs and then gliding one hand down his abs, while the other sat on his shoulder.
We pulled apart, his arms going under my thighs to pull me up and sit me onto the mattress. He walked to the door, locking it before he looked back at me.
Jean crawled over my body, caging me between his arms. “Divine.” he smiled and sat up, his hands tugging at my top. I helped him take it off and threw it on his chair. I was nude underneath him. It wasn’t the first time, yet he still looked mesmerized.
He licked his lips, his fingers tracing my cunt before dipping into my entrance. I arched my back at the sudden intrusion, trying my best to remain quiet.
“I missed your little cunt.” he chuckled massaging my insides slowly. I gasped, my hand immediately covering my mouth.
He rubbed my bud with his thumb, his pace never changing. It was torturing and slow, but I knew we couldn’t make a lot of noise nor make lots of movements that could awake Connie. We had to go nice and easy.
My legs squirmed, the combination of playing my nipples and watching him touch like he does driving me to the edge. My eyes rolled to the back as he added a third finger, my walls clenching tightly around them as I felt myself orgasm around them. “Good girl.” he praised with a chuckle, removing his fingers from my opening.
“Suck your juices off come on.” he tapped my hand, motioning me to remove it and take his fingers in. I stuck my tongue out, his ling digits finding their way down my throat making me slightly gag. “I didn’t know you were such an obedient girl.” he cooed, as I sucked off my arousal.
Jean sat back up, removing his shorts along with his briefs, his erection slapping on my lower stomach. “As much as I’d love you to suck me,” he paused pumping his cock. “I have to say that I miss being inside you.” And with that, he slid all the way in, his mouth silencing my moans.
He stayed still for a while, his eyes staring into mine intensely, almost as if he was trying to tell me something. I nodded my head, his hips moving at my signal. His thrusts were slow and deep, going over every spot. I wrapped my arms around him, my forehead resting against his, as he breathed heavily.
“I want to fuck you dumb, but he’ll hear your moans.” he taunted rolling his hips, his tip almost hitting my cervix. “So good.” I whimpered, wrapping my legs around him, my heels digging into his lower back.
“Jean…” I was close and my legs were a shaking mess. “That’s right baby, say my name.” he breathed in my ear, slightly speeding up his thrusts. I bit onto his shoulder, my orgasm ripping through my body.
I tightened around him, his strokes getting sloppier. It came to my attention that he wasn’t wearing protection, and I wasn’t about to get adventurous like last time. “Jean… pull out…”
“Beg.” was his only reply to which I complied. “Please, anywhere, just not-“ He harshly pulled out, and instead of jerking himself on my stomach, he reached up to straddle my chest and stroked himself. “Open.”
I stuck my tongue out, his hand now replaced with mine as I jerked him off, ropes of cum shooting down my throat. “Such a good girl.” he chuckled, rubbing his hand over his face.
He got off me and pulled his hair back using both hands, his naked body walking around the bed to grab some tissues. He cleaned off my arousal and handed me some to clean the corners of my lips.
“If only you could see how messed up you look,” he smirked and threw me my t-shirt before grabbing his towel and sliding on his shorts.
I put on my top and got off his bed. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and internally yelled at myself. I looked like a mess. My hair was tangled and my skin was all sweaty. Guess I have to take a shower too.
I looked over at Jean to see him staring at me with an amused look on his face. “What?” I cocked my eyebrow. He shrugged and smiled at me. “Connie and I are going out to get some lunch tomorrow. What’d you say?” he requested.
“I mean yeah sure. But Jean he can-“
“Can’t know alright.” he rolled his eyes. We stared at each other for a minute before I decided to leave his room.
As I made my way past him, his hand flew to cup my swollen cunt. “This belongs to me.”
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skepticalarrie · 3 years
Hello Allie, how are you? I’m a baby larrie and I don’t see many people talking about the confirmation of bbg on good morning america. I’m particularly curious about the part where the lady says H is too quiet. Like, WTF. I’ve seen some people saying they were all caught off guard and L didn’t know they were taking it that far. Would you mind explaining how that play out or your thoughts in it?
Hi there anon, I’m sorry your ask was sitting on my inbox for a few days but I really wanted to give a proper answer so I took my time. Yeah, there's two things larries probably avoid more than anything: Haylor new years eve and the confirmation on GMA. That definitely was the day our souls permanently left our bodies and we're waiting for it to come back to this day. Well, here's the video let's do this: https://youtu.be/mrjueYEjTw0
Considering your questions I think there are two major things to be analyzed in this interview: everyone's body language and reactions. Keeping that in mind, I don’t think they were caught off guard at all, all of them seem somewhat uncomfortable since the very beginning of the interview. We have: 1) an extremely pissed off Harry. And that extends also the next part of this interview later on, here. He looks like he wants to cut a bitch right there and then the entire time. 2) Liam on daddy direction mode. Tense, but he would probably confirm the baby himself if someone asked him to. 3) "buzzing" Louis. Living an out-of-body experience and just waiting for someone to call it a joke. 4) disgusted Niall. Niall is useless when there's any kind of lying involved. He just froze there for like two whole minutes with the same disgusted look on his face.
Moments before the interviewer acknowledging the subject you can see Louis tensing up even further like he was expecting it to come. He was very serious, moving his hands a lot on the mic and then drying it on his pants. He totally knew it. 
Before we talk about Harry, I think there's some other part of this interview that sounds completely off to me. You see, the male interviewer congratulates Louis and then Louis brings the mic to his month, he smiles. That was his cue to talk, to say thank you, to confirm it. He doesn’t. 
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He puts his mic down and it seems like the interviewer mimics something like “go on” and then adds “so how are you feeling”. And that's when Louis finally answers how excited he is and proceeds talking like this is his own funeral speech. 
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And when Louis finishes speaking is just the weirdest part, as you pointed out, anon. The female interviewer actually turns to Harry. Why? Did she really had the balls to do that? Was she rude enough to ask Harry about it? Honestly, I don't think so. When the male interviewer congratulated Louis, we can even read his body language or choice of words as a bit strange or tense, but she looks completely delighted about it, she has a big smile for Louis. So unless this was a cold-hearted undercover larrie, I don't think this interviewer had a fucking clue about what was happening there. Look at her:
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And here's the tricky part: there's a moment of silence when Louis finishes talking and the male interviewer congratulates him again, and then both of the interviewers look at Harry at the same time.
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So I can only read that as a) Harry said something or made some kind of noise that drew their attention to him or b) someone in their ears said "Harry has something to add". Here's the thing though, the camera was on the four of them moments before the interviewers turned to Harry. Harry haven’t moved or said anything, he was just standing there plotting how is he going to kill someone apparently. He shows no indication he wants to address the subject. Are you telling me his face made them look at him suddenly? Both interviewers actually motions for him to talk and then the woman says  “..Harry?” When he doesn’t talk, she adds “...you seem very quiet today” which he doesn’t, he just looks angry. He talked more than Niall and Louis. And of course he gives the most dry answer in history for that.
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*Louis putting his own earpiece*
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So here's my opinion - and I'm really sorry this answer is so extremely long - I think Louis was totally trying to get away without saying a word. He literally played dead when the interviewer congratulated him, he was only smiling and nodding. When he pushed, Louis went with the most generic thing without saying the words pregnancy, baby, Briana. And with Harry, the more I replay that part of the video, the more clear it is to me that he was supposed to say something there and he just didn't. “you seem very quiet today” like, really? While Liam is clearly panicking the entire time trying to save the situation because Harry and Louis didn't feel like saying a word.
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Hi, how are you? Hope you're staying safe 🥺
How would the brothers + Solomon if you want react to a Gen Z MC calling them old/grandps
Cause in my head, there some kind of like age difference like even if MC is older than 18. Especially the way how Gen Z is and how chaotic we are. Like, I imagine Gen Z meeting a demon and be like ok cool whatever what's the wifi password.
I'm sorry if you got this twice something happened to the app and it glitched
(Heya! Thank you for the first request! I'm doing alright. And no worries I get how buggy the app can be. Hopefully this isnt too ooc...especially solomon)
Genre: Humor
Warning: None
Brothers + Solomon React To GenZ!MC Calling Them Old/Gramps
He was reminding you to do your tasks. "Ok gramps" out of all responses was not the one he was expecting to get. He finds himself caught off guard. Honestly he should've expected this coming from you though. Are all humans actually like this? No, he's seen what humans are like. So maybe it's just you? He shakes his head with an exasperated sigh, pinching his nose.
"While I am eons older than you, that does not give you the right to address me like this." And with that he walks out. He has work to do.
"Oi! I ain't that old!" You stare at each other for a second, your eyebrow raised, "Okay well I am a demon so to you I am, but why you gotta point it out like that?" He's pouting. Just give him some form of physical affection and tell him you were joking and he'll cheer up.
"Gramps?" He says in surprise, "Wait, are you calling me old? Seriously? I mean you're not wrong but seriously?" Well at least he'll be able to watch all the anime and play all the games he wants for years on end. So he can pride himself in that. Still... Stupid normies calling him gramps. He's not a boomer like Lucifer >:(
"Pardon?" Hand on his chest and wide eyes, "Did you just call me gramps?" His brows are now furrowed, "I understand to you I am older than you can probably comprehend but I'd still appreciate if you didn't address me like this." If it were anyone else his reaction would probably have been more... Extreme. But you are his favorite human. So he's not happy but he can overlook this. Please do call Lucifer gramps though. He doesn't think he's seen anything funnier.
"Old!? Is my age starting to catch up with me? Do I really look that old?" What would he do if he started to get wrinkles!? He can't keep the title of the most beautiful being if he looks old! Oh? You were joking? Don't scare him like that! You nearly gave him a heart attack :(
"Gramps...?" He's just trying to find something to eat why are you calling him a grandpa? "Oh, is it because I'm older than you?" Doesn't have much of an opinion on it. He understands he's probably older than pretty much every human, including you. He doesn't exactly enjoy the nickname but he probably won't say much on it.
Just sighs. He just wants his nap buddy. So what if he's old? He just wants to sleep. He probably will throw a pillow at you if you continue calling him old or gramps.
A small frown before a smirk. Shaking his head and possibly a witty comeback or a comment to tease you. Really though he's not sure if he enjoys thinking of his age or his immortality. The jokes are fine but sometimes it makes him think.
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ranhaitanisgf · 3 years
Fluff headcanons of tsuguko (nanbaka) x reader where the reader sees his face for the first time and calls him pretty plz?
tsukumo when his s/o sees his face: headcanons
[𖤐] hello lovely, and thank you for requesting!! i'm sorry for depriving my nanbaka fans of content, its all been tokyo revengers lately 😭 i'll definitely be making more even if it's not requested just because i love it sm and i never really get a lot of reqs for it; anyways, i hope you enjoy!! this idea was so cute <33
❧ masterlist
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✗ it had been something that he had been debating for the past couple of weeks; should he reveal his face covering to you? it wasn’t as if there was some horrible scar that he was trying to hide, or that he was even trying to hide his actual face from you, but it was more of the fact that he was nervous about what your reaction would be. would you laugh at him? would you never speak to him again? what if you thought he was ugly?
✗ tsukumo has never been one to think too much about his appearances and how others perceive him, but when it came to you, everything about that suddenly changed. he wanted you to look at him and think like his fans would, that he was “perfect”, (he knows he truly is not, and hates the standard that was pushed onto him, but he can’t help the fact that he still lives by it sometimes).
✗ for you, it was a bit hard to try to figure out what had been wrong with him for these past weeks. for some reason, he seemed to be almost...avoiding you? you would admit, it hurt a little bit; had you done something wrong? had you done something to upset him?
✗ nonetheless, you tried your best to act the same as you always did, although it would seem that your somber mood didn’t go unnoticed by everyone. one might say that jyugo is rather horrible at reading people, but for some reason, he’s able to read his friends like a book, (more like he noticed the odd mutterings of tsukumo in passing, something like, ‘i can’t show them my face, what if…’).
“tsukumo, you’re pushing (y/n)-chan away,”
“j-jyugo?! what’re you doing here? what do you mean by-?”
“just look at them.”
✗ just from a couple moments of watching you, it was clear that there was something weighing on your mind, but...was he really the reason for it? had he really been avoiding you that much?
✗ following a talk from jyugo, he just decided to suck it up and go for it. i mean, you are his precious s/o, and he would never want to be the cause of your sorrow, (much less over something dumb such as this).
✗ that evening, he had quite easily convinced yamato to let him visit your cell before turning in for the night, (he knew that yamato was gullible beyond belief, but he really didn’t realize that it was to this extent). safe to say, you were pretty surprised when tsukumo suddenly showed up before lights out. what was he doing here so late? shouldn’t he be in his own cell?
“tsukumo…? what’re you doing here-”
“(y/n), i’m sorry i’ve been avoiding you...there’s just been a lot on my mind…”
“so, i didn’t do anything to upset you?”
“no! no, it was just me...um, would you want to, see under, my mask?”
✗ his question caught you off guard, to say the least. you’d always been a bit curious on what was underneath your boyfriend’s face covering, but you had never really asked about it, since you’d figured that he would show you whenever he was ready. you were right about it, but you just hadn’t been expecting it to be so soon, (you’d figured it would’ve aken at least a couple more months).
“only if you’re comfortable with it, but i’m still going to love just as much either way. may i…?”
✗ tsukumo inwardly cursed himself for stuttering, but as you moved closer, he forgot all about it, gulping down his nervousness as your finger slowly let down his mask.
“wow, you’re so...pretty,”
“oh, sorry about that, but just, wow, you’re gorgeous!”
✗ a blush was immediately evident on his cheeks as his face exploded into red, the words he was trying to get out just turning into a mumbled mess, his thoughts going all over the place. you had just called him pretty! although the compliment is used for girls, he somehow can’t help but feel extremely flustered and flattered by it, (it was quite evident he was flustered from the way his heart was pounding and the way his mind was all jumbled).
“ahh, you’re so cute, i really can’t help myself! thank you for showing me though…”
✗ before he could even try to think of a response, you had pressed a soft kiss to his lips. he didn’t even know what was going on, and it took a good few seconds for him to slowly melt into your kiss; his lips were surprisingly soft, although you shouldn’t have expected anything less from a former actor, (he most likely still had his old routines that he would do).
✗ you finally broke away after a few seconds, and you laughed a bit at tsukumo’s extremely flushed and pink face. not giving him much time to process, you just hurried him out, telling him that he should get back to his cell before yamato gets smacked by hajime for having him be late.
✗ it isn’t until he actually sits down in his cell that he finally processes what just happened, and honestly, he really just malfunctioned, (for lack of a better term). it was almost like he was a computer that had just crashed; he literally just passed out until the next morning.
✗ probably got flushed again when he saw you the next morning because he remembered what had happened the night before, (and gets questioned by honey and trois on what exactly happened LMAO).
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mysterytickingnoise · 3 years
Pairing: Merlin x Reader
Genre: Bittersweet Angst
Word Count: 2,058
Summary: After getting caught and accused of doing witchcraft, and failing to prove your innocence to Uther, you have to take desperate measures to flea the kingdom. Unfortunately your escape plan works a little too well, and without your knowledge the people close to you end up mourning you.
Request from @joyismycenter : "If you’re asking, I’d love some bbc Merlin x reader where he though the reader was dead but she/they turn out not to be. Love me that happy angst"
Authors Note: Thank you so much for sending in the first request for this blog! Fair warning I'm doing all my writing on my phone at the moment and I couldn't really get the ending to flow how I wanted it to so it's not perfect, but I really hope everyone likes it!
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[Image Description: A gif of Merlin (from the BBC Show Merlin played by Colin Morgan) looking over his shoulder. End description]
It was such a silly mistake.
You trusted someone too soon, tried to help them.
Next thing you knew you were being accused of witchcraft. It was true but considering your accuser had no real evidence you thought perhaps you could argue your way out of it. You called them crazy, demanded proof, spouted off any alternative explanation for what had happened to no avail. Uther didn't give a damn about proof, the moment the word magic was held against you it was up to you to prove you hadn't used it.
Even if you hadn't, how do you prove a thing like that?
Pleading your case was useless, and the one person who could help you had left with Arthur and the knights before any of this had begun. Even if they somehow showed up before the execution, you wouldn't want Merlin's help.
He couldn't be caught helping you, not with his destiny. You weren't worth the risk, though he certainly would've argued otherwise if he'd had the chance.
No, you only had one choice left in your small cell. You would have to find an opportunity to use something that you saved for a situation such as this. When an old friend came to visit, to say goodbye, that was your opportunity.
You asked them to come back with the blue vial tucked in the back of your armoire. "It's a poison," You had told them. "I don't want to give Uther the satisfaction."
Tearfully, they obliged. In the middle of the night you chugged it down, and not one hour later your 'body' was wrapped in a sheet and wheeled out of the dungeons 'To be buried in the morning.' But the enchantment on the potion wore off before then, and you woke up alone and free.
You crept out of Camelot at the break of dawn with nothing but the clothes on your back, making it to the treeline before your will broke down and you turned back to look at the old castle peeking out over the tall walls.
Your home was behind those walls, your friends lived there, and the man you had surely fallen for. Tears stung your eyes as you thought about him, the fact you never got to say goodbye, how long it would be until you would see him again.
You could risk waiting for him to return, but if someone outside of Arthur's party were to catch you...you would be forced to do something you'd regret. You'd have to cross the line of no return and goodbye at that point would surely be permanent.
'Someday,' You thought, 'Until then, he'll understand, he might even come find me.'
Little did you know the guard who discovered the empty cloth had no intention of telling the king that the body of a prisoner had gone missing on his watch. No, he had a family to tend to, he wasn't losing his position because of some witch. It didn't even cross his mind that you might not be dead.
There was an empty grave in the pauper's field the next morning, and any questions on your whereabouts were contained in the mind of one underpaid guardsman for two years.
Meanwhile, Merlin had been devastated when he heard the news, even confused. Gaius told him the whole story, what he knew of it anyway, but he could never wrap his mind around it. It didn't make sense. He had spoken to you only a few days before, you smiled and hugged him and told him to come home safe. And just like that you were gone? The irrational fear of someone you tried to help, and the blind tyranny of Uther, that's all it took and now nobody would ever see that smile again. No, it didn't make any sense at all.
He eventually did what he had to do, put on a brave face and got back to work. And yes, a while after that night things got somewhat close to normal again. But there were always moments where he'd think to himself that he'd have to tell you about his day or a joke he heard, and then he'd remember. In other moments, he'd see Uther laughing at dinner or be forced to hear one of his speeches and his jaw would clench just a little tighter than it had before. And when he found himself awake in the middle of the night, when the world was dead silent and the only light in his room came from the moon, it was because he had found himself caught up in the memories you had together.
You had those nights too.
You had been dead on your feet by the time you stumbled into the small, reclusive village you'd learn to call your home. You'd been told that nobody really ever passed through on purpose, and they liked it that way. You told them that you could use a life like that, and then asked if they had need a physician. They did.
Sure, a reclusive person probably would've loved the little life you built for yourself. You had a small but cozy spot to live on the edge of the village, not long after you showed up you began to tend to minor wounds and ailments, making a few friends along the way. Occasionally two farmers would ride into the city to barter off crops for supplies and other things, eventually they began to bring you back a book or a small trinket each time to thank you for your work. It was nice.
But still loneliness tugged at your heart, more than you imagined it would when you took that last look at your home. On the most random days, doing the most random things, you'd find yourself thinking about everyone again and crying for up to an hour before you could pull yourself together again. Those moments became more rare over time, but they never hurt any less. You were never quite back to normal.
Finally, you were wrapping a farmers broken finger, speaking about the state of the kingdom and how you were surprised Uther had felt the need to improve anything it all, when you heard the news.
"Oh, no. The king died months ago, Arthur's in charge now."
You knew you must've gone pale, as the next thing the man said to you was a question of your health. You were quick to respond with a growing smile, "Why didn't you say something earlier?"
He shrugged at you, "I'm not all that concerned with politics. These men, they're all the same to us out here, you know?"
But you knew the difference.
Your life depended on it.
You finished his treatment and sent him away without much else to say on the matter. You had to pack, after all. Later on that day you pleaded with a neighbor to let you borrow her horse, and your friends gathered around as they overheard you say you needed to go to the capitol. You honestly felt a bit bad leaving in such a rush, but after you relayed a safe version of your story, why you came here and why you had to leave, they all seemed to understand.
With many promises from you that they could send for you if they ever needed to, and many words of encouragement from them, you took off. Even when you stopped in the night to allow the horse some rest, you never got any yourself, too excited and nervous and overwhelmed all at once. You spent hours contemplating what to say to everyone, but nothing seemed right.
Another days journey, and you were home.
The response you got to your return wasn't what you expected. Your first stop was to check on the friend who got the potion to you in the first place, and strangely they let out a short shriek before slamming the door in your face. You knocked again, speaking through the door. "It's me...I'm back?"
"Go away!"
You furrowed your brow at them, hurt and confused. But ultimately you walked away, thinking a reaction like that might be deserved considering what you must've put them through that night. As you continued down the street there were a few people who recognized you and proceeded to clear out of your way with gasps and whispers, pulling along anyone they were walking with.
Last time you were here you had been accused of witchcraft, and two decades of fear don't just disappear with a new king, so you simply accepted that as the reasoning and started to make your way up through the lower towns.
On the other end of the city, Merlin had just reached the end of an extremely long day. It had dragged on so long that it felt as though the walk from the armoury to his room took another hour. He didn't even bother to get something to eat, he just wanted to sleep. So naturally when he had just layed down in bed when someone decided to knock on the front door, he didn't know any better than to be annoyed.
At first he thought Gaius would take care of it, then he remembered that he wasn't home.
Maybe they'll just go away.
Whoever it was knocked again and he pulled the pillow over his head.
Please go away.
The front door creaked open and he heard a familiar voice call out. "Hello...Gaius? Merlin?"
He sat up, a heavy feeling settling into his gut as he realized where he had heard that voice before.
But...it couldn't be. Could it?
He shook his head, leaving his bedroom to shoo out the person who couldn't have been you.
But there you were, flipping through an old book that had been sitting on the table since the day before. When you noticed he was standing there you looked up with a sad smile, saying the only thing that you could think of; "Hi..."
"I uh- I know it's been a long time," You started, crossing your arms over your chest in an awkward stance. "I wish I didn't have to leave like I did but..."
"Leave??" He repeated what you said once more. Finally you registered how strangely he was looking at you, not angry or upset but bewildered, and maybe even scared. What he said next confused you even more. "How are you alive?"
"I thought you might've had more faith in me than that." You joked, but he wasn't amused. "Am I missing something?"
He was hesitant to approach you, unsure of how he was supposed to say it but he tried. "They told me you were gone, that you'd poisoned yourself. I mean...Gaius saw you."
"It was meant to look like that, but it was a trick." You said. "I left when I awoke, they didn't tell people I escaped?"
He shook his head no, tears starting to stream down his face. "...I can't believe this."
As the reality of the situation hit you, you couldn't help but cry as well. All you were guilty about, what you thought you put your loved ones through, it had actually been so much worse. "I am so sorry, if I had any idea I would've- well I don't know what I would've done. I'm sorry."
"Don't be. I'm just, I'm so happy that you're here, and you're okay." Striding over with a grin, he pulled you into his arms. "I've missed you."
"And I, you. More than I could ever put into words." With a laugh you continued. "Things got so boring without you."
"I'm sure they did, you won't believe some of things I have to tell you."
And that was all it took, you both sat down at a table as you filled each other in on everything that had happened in the last two years. It took hours, there were multiple times you had to stop and collect yourselves as certain stories had you laughing until your stomachs ached. Gaius came home and after another tearful welcome back he made you all something to eat and had plenty of his own twists on things that had happened.
As if no time had passed at all, the world felt normal again. You were back where you belonged.
You were home.
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jeontaeil-archived · 3 years
a night full of surprises //
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pairing: hyunjae x fem!reader
genre: smut, fem receiving, handjob, unprotected sex
words: 2.06k
warnings: 18+ content, read at your own discretion
summary: you reluctantly allow hyunjae to take you on a date. but what you don't expect is to end up having a very good time.
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you were going on a date with hyunjae and it was making you extremely nervous. the only reason you had even agreed to it in the first place was because he'd been pestering you nonstop, asking you out at the most inappropriate occasions. you thought that giving him what he wanted would mean that he'd lay off you for a while. at least then your friends and parents wouldn't cast looks of disapproval on you.
it wasn't like you'd attracted hyunjae on purpose. you had no idea why he was going after a girl like you in the first place. you were quiet and studious, completely different from the type of girls he seemed interested in. but for some reason, hyunjae just couldn't set his sights away from you. maybe if he got a taste of how boring you were, he'd realise you weren't worth it.
hyunjae pulled up at your door, honking loudly so as to alert the entire neighbourhood that he was taking you out tonight. leaving the house, you put on the most genuine smile you could muster and got into his car. his eyes raked over your outfit, a simple skirt and blouse, smirking to himself slyly. though you may disagree, you had certainly dressed to impress.
he drove off, taking you to god knows where. you didn't bother asking, knowing that you'd most likely have no idea where the destination was even located. hyunjae didn't seem like the type who'd take you to a restaurant for a fancy dinner or something cute and cliche like that. honestly, you wouldn't be surprised if he landed you at some rave.
things were quiet between you two. no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't find the courage to speak first. you also had no idea what to say to him other than the obvious. luckily for you, he caught you glancing at him and smiled, deciding to spark up a conversation.
"so, what did you do today?" his question was normal. this caught you off guard. he was always so chaotic and excited. it was a surprise seeing him be so casual. you sighed and shrugged. "nothing much. i did some homework and then i spent most of the day wondering what i should wear," you answered. the last part wasn't true but he wouldn't know that so it didn't matter.
"well i think your outfit looks nice," he complimented, sounding sweet. you couldn't help but smile. "thank you."
hyunjae smiled back, keeping his eyes on the road. "aren't you curious to know where we're headed to?"
you shook your head. "no, not really. i can tell i've probably never been there anyway so what's the point?"
he seemed surprised by your words. it felt like your roles had reversed. hyunjae never recalled a time when you were so confident and outspoken. he liked seeing this side of you.
the only reason you were acting the way you were was because you felt comfortable. which was a bit odd considering the fact that you'd been dreading having to converse with him. hyunjae was really leading you to believe that your time with him would actually be worthwhile. you hoped the night would continue like this.
eventually, hyunjae made a turn onto a narrow off-road. it was a bumpy ride. he apologized and shared that the destination was just around the corner. soon enough, he pulled up into a small grove. hyunjae turned off the car and clapped his hands together.
"this is it," he revealed. you took in your surroundings, raising a brow in confusion. "you brought me to the middle of nowhere?"
he nodded, smiling expectantly. "i figured we could just talk and get to know each other better." you glanced at him, completely baffled. "really? i thought you lured me out here to fuck me." hyunjae snickered to himself and shrugged. "i mean if you're down then we could do that too." rolling your eyes, you shook your head and leaned back in the seat. "this isn't too bad. i like it."
just like that, hours passed. the sun had finally lowered beyond the horizon and the air had gotten a bit cooler. you had no clue how, but you were leaned over your seat, lips locked in a calm but heated kiss with hyunjae.
after you'd run out of topics of conversation, all you did was stare at each other with small smiles on your lips. it seemed there was nothing else to do except follow your instincts. his lips were soft, and his touch was gentle. every now and then he'd rub his thumb over your knee, making your skin tingle. hyunjae soon pulled away from you, a giddy smile on his face as he stared at your lips.
"do you wanna keep going?" he asked you, looking fairly expectant. you bit your lip and nodded. hyunjae gestured to the back seat with a smirk. you clambered into it while he simply entered through the door.
his lips were back on yours in a matter of seconds. this time he pushed you down on the seat, hovering over you. placing your hands on his chest, you let him lead the kiss. hyunjae's curious hands trailed over your thighs, coming dangerously close to your panties until his fingers eventually hooked into the thin material. he tugged them slightly, pulling away from you to ask if he could take them off. nodding quickly, you watched him peel them down your legs and toss them into the front seat. hyunjae spread your legs, eyes sparkling at the sight of your glistening core.
"fuck, your pussy's so pretty," he mumbled, licking his lips eagerly. smiling shyly, you tried to shut your legs again. "don't stare," you whined, not having the courage to look at his face. hyunjae giggled and toyed with your clit, just amazed at how cute and innocent you were.
"tell me y/n. have you ever been fucked in the back of a car?" he continued playing with your clit. you squirmed about, trying to process his questions. after a while you covered your face and whimpered. "only once, but it was really uncomfortable."
hyunjae hummed and caressed your thigh with his other hand. "that's a shame. i promise i'll make it worth it."
while he rubbed your clit with his thumb, he pushed your blouse up to your neck, tugging your bra down so that your breasts popped free. his fingers tweaked at your nipples, making you yelp softly.
"does this feel good," he asked, continuing to touch you? you nodded, still avoiding eye contact with him. "well do you want more?"
you did want more. but you were too embarrassed to admit it. somewhere hyunjae realised this and he chuckled to himself. "there's no need to be so shy. i promise i won't bite baby."
your heart skipped a beat that the nickname. you peeked at him from between your fingers, feeling bashful under his intense stare. he just couldn't get enough of you. he pried your hands away from your face and made you look at him. you could tell he was really enjoying the view.
your throat felt dry all of a sudden. it was like you couldn't speak, even if you wanted to. hyunjae seemed patient. he was still fully clothed and that made you feel singled out. so you presented your first request.
"i feel weird being the only naked one," you spoke, still feeling a bit awkward. hyunjae raised his brows, understanding what you meant. he smirked and tugged his shirt off. this was the only time you actually stared at him without shying away. you always knew he worked out but you never realised how effective it was until this moment.
hyunjae laughed at your reaction. "what else do you want?"
you hesitated, looking at him unsurely. "i don't wanna lay here doing nothing." you were too bashful to actually admit what you wanted to do.
hyunjae unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out. he took your hand and brought it to his member. "you could help me out with this," he said, guiding your hand over himself. eventually, he let you do it yourself. once again, his eyes raked over your body as you very timidly stroked his cock. you felt so flustered that the only place you could look was at your hands. hyunjae didn't mind at all. he was too enticed by the sight of having you splayed out underneath him, touching him so lightly.
he squeezed the inside of your thigh and continued playing with your tits as you made him harden up completely within your grasp. he soon pulled out a condom from his back pocket and was about to rip it open before you stopped him.
"don't use that. i'm sure you've got a nice pull out game."
hyunjae swore he was gonna marry you. he couldn't believe you were actually asking him to just fuck you raw, that too when it was your first time hooking up with him. he tossed the condom aside gladly and pushed his tip into you.
your eyes squeezed shut immediately. he was definitely bigger than anyone you'd ever slept with before. it wasn't an easy fit but after a few tries, he finally managed to stretch you out just enough. still, hyunjae pulled out of you and made you watch him enter you once again.
"look how good you take it," he praised, pushing his cock back into you oh so slowly. you wouldn't lie, the sight was a lot to take in, quite literally as well. he bottomed out, holding onto the headrests above you.
he started bucking his hips into you, groaning at how awfully tight you were. everything he did had you squeezing your eyes shut so it came as no surprise to him that you weren't watching yourself getting fucked.
though loud, your moans were soft to the ears. your hands rested aimlessly at your side. hyunjae took your hand in his and simply held it as he fucked you. his thumb came to your clit, unable to resist touching you somewhere.
"oh hyunjae," you cried out, throwing your head back in ecstasy. he held your thigh with his other hand, still continuing to caress your velvety skin.
hyunjae soon pulled out of you and flipped you around, making you get on your hands and knees. he rubbed his cock at your slick folds before pushing back into you. it was hard to remain steady in the cramped space. you put your hands on the window and let one of your legs touch the floor of the car. hyunjae pulled your hips back on his cock, groaning in satisfaction. fucking you felt so numbing. he wouldn't say you were easy to please, but you were. the longer he fucked you the more it felt like he was wrapped up in this blanket of unyielding pleasure and he loved it.
"god, can you go faster please?" you were starting to feel your orgasm approaching. hyunjae silently accepted your request and began pounding into you quickly. your hands gave way, chest falling to the seat. hyunjae grunted, now able to fuck you harder and deeper. his fingers clawed at your ass, needing to dig into something. you moaned hazily, feeling a little dizzy now that you could tell your orgasm was about to hit.
hyunjae snapped his hips up into you before sending you straight to your climax. he continued fucking you, this time faster as he too was nearing his own high. crying in delight, you let out a string of curses. hyunjae snapped his hips into you yet again, sharp thrusts pushing him to his high. he was quick to pull out of you and empty his seed onto your ass. you wished you could have witnessed the scene.
he pulled your skirt back down and paused to tidy himself up. you did the same, returning to your original state.
"i never thought you'd be down to fuck on the first date. you seem like the type who likes to take things slow," he admitted. you smiled and shook your head. "i mean, usually that's how things would be. but with you, i just couldn't resist."
hyunjae smirked. "you must like me more than you let on."
your eyes widened slightly. "yeah, maybe i do."
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taglist: @byeongsung | @jayvoir | @jisungismymom | @lqsience | @jakesavocado | @giveortake | @choijwiss | @treasuretaeil | @bts-txt-ateez | @heeslily | @sunoosi | @dong-hyuc | @borrovvedyoongi | @uwusforateez | @haechanswhore
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Hiii! Thank you for keeping this fandom alive! I hope you're feeling better now, get well soon!
I wanted to request hcs about watching horror movie with the boys but the reader is not scared at all, they're just vibing
You don't have to write it if you don't like the request or if you don't feel good enough 💞💞💞
a/n: hi!! you’re so sweet, thank you! i’m sorry for putting off this request for so long, i wanted to recover first, so if you’re still following my blog here it is! thank you so much for your kind words and i hope you enjoy!
- it wasn’t actually planned to watch a horror movie at first, but when you and ethan got to the theatres you realized that the movie that u guys planned to watch had actually just sold out of seats
- and ethan was kind of bummed over it bc he was looking forward to a movie date with u but he got over it quickly, and offered u to choose one instead
- u took a peak at the movie posters nearby and saw one that caught ur eye and you were like. that one.
- he doesn’t really think much of it honestly he’s like “okay! whatever u say” cos let’s be honest he just wants to spend time w u he didn’t come for the movie he don’t care
- so when you guys finally took ur seats and started watching, ethan didn’t know what to expect at all so when the jumpscare came he jolted in his seat and was like WHAT THE FUCK
- he turns to u, expecting u to have the same reaction, but u just kept watching??? not even bothering to look his way LMAOOO
- so ethan’s kind of surprised but he’s proud!! he has a s/o that doesn’t get scared easily what a badass
- after that first jumpscare he relaxes back into his chair and all the scary scenes that happened afterwards he glances at you (and u still had no reaction) n he can’t help but feel at awe at how both invested and nonchalant u were at the movie bc it had ethan lowkey shaking in his seat LOL
- when the movie finished u were talking about just how good the movie was while u guys walked home, and ethan was like ,,,hey that didn’t scare you at all? and you replied “ofc not, i don’t get scared by horror movies!” while beaming at him
- and u look good as fuck smiling so ethan feels his face grow warm n ykw he’s happy he learned something new about u
- also he’s lowkey impressed so W. he now has an additional excuse to bring u on more dates
- horror movies don’t scare this boy but he isn’t the biggest fan of them either
- so when you guys were crashing at harry’s house, u decided to watch a movie and harry’s fine with it bc he’s with u :D
- and there was a new movie trending in the program he uses to watch movies n it interested u so u asked if he could watch it with u
- harry’s whipped so obviously he says to go ahead
- like ethan, he doesn’t know what to expect at first but harry quickly realized it was a horror movie about 1/3 into the story
- he nudges u and tells u that it was going to be a horror movie (he wasn’t sure if u were into that sort of stuff) he’s surprised when u reassure him that it’s fine
- like said before he’s not a huge fan of horror movies even tho he could handle them as well u can, so he huddles next to u and wraps a large blanket around the two of u with a bowl of snacks
- u guys just relax the entire time bc no matter how terrifying the movie got harry’s warmth was such an overwhelming, comfortable presence so it didn’t matter at all
- after the movie ended, u guys got way too comfortable and u both really didn’t want to move, so it ended up as a horror movie binge night with you sitting on his lap, arms wrapped around ur waist with the blanket wrapped around harry’s head as u two continued to invest urselves in the movie
- drifted off to sleep at around 5 am fucked up sleep schedule gang wya
- horror movies would usually induce nightmares or sleepless nights, but u guys slept peacefully with a good dream that night (or morning, since the sun was basically rising by the times u guys slept lol)
- sneaky lil shit
- zion thinks he’s slick because u know the basic “watch a horror movie with ur s/o, it’s so cute when they burrow into your arms so they feel like they’re protected!!!”
- and he thinks he’s a genius so he invites u over to his place to watch one of the more scarier movies
- he’s a “gentleman” somewhat so he chooses a more tame movie, like one with just one or two jumpscares
- you both were huddled in front of the television screen and zion kept touching shoulders with u and making snarky remarks like “huh y/n u scared yet? i bet ur scared >:)”
- however, he underestimated the horror movie’s scary level so when the first jumpscare came around he’s caught off guard
- expected u to hug his waist or something in reaction but he’s genuinely surprised when u just kept watching on like it was nothing
- after the movie ends, you said “damn that was it?? zion i expected more i thought u were going to show me a scary movie!!”
- tbh all zion hears is more time with u so he’s like BET and chooses the next few horror movies that were on and doesn’t even bother to watch them, he’s just staring at u intensely to see if u have any reaction
- there wasn’t
- he was pretty sad that his plan to get u into his arms failed but he takes pride in having a s/o that can watch scary stuff with ease
- also he’s a huge fan of horror themes so now there is a golden opportunity to now have u play scary games with him if ur interested of course
- secretly praising himself for inviting u to watch horror movies bc now he gets to share his hobbies with u!!!
- but zion is extremely easy to read so u already figured out his secret plan all along
- you were actually the one who suggested watching a horror movie with him
- you guys took a trip to the theatres but none of u guys had anything particular in mind which was like mind boggling to eugene cos he was like WAIT,,, I THOUGHT WE CAME HERE BC U KNEW WHAT TO WATCH and u were like NO WAY ME TOO ???
- so obviously there was some improvisation and u did the suggestion
- and eugene’s like “pfffft u think u can handle a scary movie??”
- he’s not easily scared tho, he has the “well it’s just a movie, it can’t hurt me” mindset so he doesn’t mind watching a horror movie at all
- he’s more concerned about you honestly, but yk him he’s not gonna say it out loud >:( tsundere looking ass
- and obv since none of u guys minded u went ahead and seated ourselves in the movies
- eugene’s relaxed and all,,, but he does get quite jumpy whenever an unexpected scene happens
- so when they rolled around he made an audible gasp and glanced at u immediately
- u were already looking at him with an amused face bc ur normally tsundere bf just got jumpscared LOOOL
- eugene doesn’t really care if u were or weren’t scared by the movies
- but eugene was like WOWWWWWW Y/N I SEE HOW IT IS when he saw u laughing at him
- watched the rest of the movie with him sulking but u did hold his hand after tho (begrudgingly LOL)
- was jokingly mad at you but after the movie ends, he presses a kiss to your cheek and asked if u wanted to watch another in the theatres after u guys refilled ur snacks
- honestly, his thought process was the exact same as zion’s
- lawrence enjoys having u in his arms while ur vulnerable bc he likes the idea of being ur protector
- he’s far far more discreet about it and purposefully leads u to watch a movie with him, and chooses a movie with an innocent looking poster so u wouldn’t see what was coming >:D
- he thinks your innocence is adorable so he’s super eager to show u a scary movie
- lawrence already knows what’s going to happen in the movie so he’s super prepared and he’s honestly only staring at you
- but when u were just there relaxing and calmly watching the movie with some people getting bludgeoned or something lawrence was like,, “this isn’t part of the plan HOLD UP”
- kind of disappointed that there wasn’t any reaction but you guys made it up afterwards because when u exited the movie theater with your arm around his, you were excitedly talking about the entire thing and you said something like “lawrence!!! i didn’t know you were into horror movies, you picked such a good one!”
- his disappointment washes off immediately because seeing your face light up was so cute and it was 100% more worth it than some cheap tactic ironic lawrence
- he nuzzles your hair and replies that he’d knew that u’d like it (he did not)
- lawrence comes up with like,,, 294713 more plans to get cuddles from u after
- but you see through it bc he’s cute when he’s needy so let it slide plsplspls and give my favorite psycho some love <3
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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hiro-gari · 3 years
GarouxReader Falling in Love Headcanons
Happy Valentine’s Day!!
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Maybe it was the way you fought, or because you were talking really passionately about something. Honestly, maybe you just smiled at him and it caught him off guard
Either way, it all started because you managed to take his mind off hero hunting and his chaotic thoughts in general, and now he wants to learn more
You caught Garou’s interest ✨
-♡ ♡ ♡-
So he just happens to keep running into you he’s doing it on purpose whether he realizes it or not
Falling in love kinda throws a wrench his human monster plans, so he’s going to push aside his feelings for as long as he can
But you’re d i s t r a c t i n g
Garou’s half expecting you to tell him to get lost any day now, and he’s bracing himself for the rejection, wondering how long it’ll take
But it doesn’t come, and he’s finding he really doesn’t mind being around you at all?? Weird...
He slowly becomes less cautious, telling you things about himself he’s never said out loud before
And likewise, he’s finding more things to love about you
Drops blatant compliments without thinking “Damn, you’re smart as hell/You looked so fierce” like he’s just stating the Facts™️. He’s not flirting yet, but getting a flattered reaction out of you makes him even more curious
Starts to get extremely flustered when he repeatedly catches himself daydreaming about you
This could’ve been triggered by practically anything. The moon looked really bright? He wonders if you can see it, wonders where you are, what you’re doing, what you’d say if you were there...
Next thing he knows he’s been staring off into space for half an hour, and he snaps out of it like “What the fuck is wrong with me”
-♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡-
He’ll start trying to distance himself because, what the hell, this is starting to feel like a romance movie, and this shit just doesnt happen to him
Rest assured, he’ll commit to it for maybe an hour. His self-restraint is shit
Forcing himself to stay away from you gives him an ache in his chest that he cannot ignore. Physical injuries he can handle, but this is way beyond his expertise
The thought of someone else making you smile and laugh the way you do with him is all he needs to make up his mind. There’s absolutely no way he’s letting that happen.
When he’s inevitably drawn back to you, and he watches your eyes light up when you see him, he’s on cloud nine
Your touch is so gentle and soft. He’s practically drunk on it and he can’t get enough, it makes him feel so wanted
“Fuck it. I’m in love then.” You make him happy. He wants you too.
He’ll do whatever it takes to make you his.
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wqlfstqr · 3 years
◟𖥻 ♡⃕ ៹ ·˚ ༘ ◡̈ she wasn't you ཿ remus lupin
▰▰▰ pairing(s): young!remus lupin x fem!reader, young!james potter x fem!reader (platonic)
summary: remus realizes that he was looking for y/n in other people
warning: a little jealousy ig, probably some grammar mistakes since english is not my first language :)
a/n: this is my first post and is honestly such a mess, I didn't even know what I was writing half of the time but I really liked the result so here ya go!!
words count: 1868
slightly inspired by this scene from secret admirer
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ㅤㅤㅤy/n had always loved hogsmeade, especially in snowy times, there was something about the town that used to made her very happy and excited about the days they were allowed to visit the place. However, that saturday morning she wasn't as thrilled about the trip as always, and she was even willing to stay at bed all day while her friends went to have fun.
“cmon, you never miss an oportunity to go to hogsmeade” pleaded james while the girl covered herself with blankets up to the neck
“y'know what they say, there's always a first time for everything” she shrugged.
“is this about remus?” potter ventured to ask, making the girl freeze in her spot.
“what about remus?” she asked back, trying to act nonchalantly, the boy raised his eyebrowns at her in pure disbelief.
“I know that you know that he has a date, y/n/n” he said cautiously, waiting to see the reaction of his best friend, who hid further under the sheets as a response
"really? didn't know, guess people find out new things every day huh” she kept acting like she didn't know, like that wasn't the reason she was in bed at two in the afternoon, but she was a pretty bad liar and the way james knew her, probably better than anyone, didn't help at all
“listen to me y/n, I know that you fancy him and I know it's been like this for a while but this is probably for the better” james sighned, sitting on the edge of his bed, where she was laying with the covers covering most of her face “I love moony, and i'm very happy for him, but you deserve more than being sad in bed for someone that doesn't see how amazing you are”
y/n poked her head out of the covers, a very little smile crossing her face as she extended her arms towards james who quickly understood and took her in his own arms, hugging her and stroking her tousled hair with a smile. she felt safe, she always felt safe being with james, as if her worries were silly and there was nothing in the world that could hurt her.
“I still don't want to go to hogsmeade” she mumbled, her face hiding in the crook of his neck “I appreciate what you're doing for me, really, but I just want to sleep and forget about all this, just for today”
“then I'll stay with you” james replied, laying down and dragging y/n with him, determined not to let her go.
“but you should go, you deserve some fun and peter and sirius are waiting for you, you guys probably had a lot of plans for today.” she babbled, shoking her head.
“I'm pretty sure they can survive a few hours without me” james insisted and y/n knew he wasn't going to give up.
“can they? 'cause I bet sirius would die after fifteen minutes without you” she said jokingly, closing her eyes with a smile peeking out of her face as she heard james laughing
“he can figure how to survive just for today, I'm not gonna leave you alone drowning in your own misery” he joked, but the determination was clear in his voice.
y/n didn't bother to reply, knowing he would keep insisting, James Potter was for sure stubborn as hell and once he had proposed something, it was impossible to get the idea out of his head. So she sighned and, without talking more, she made herself comfortable in his arms, her eyes still closed as the world began to disappear around her and a feeling of peace started settling in her chest as the minutes passed slowly.
“shut up, you're gonna wake them up" sirius' voice flooded y/n's ears, followed by the sound of a door being opened
"no need, you already did" replied peter watching at the bed where his two friends were laying.
indeed, y/n began to slowly open her eyes while letting out a small yawn but remus was too frozen in his place to even react to that, a very strange feeling hitting his stomach as his head replayed over and over the scene his own eyes had witnessed seconds before; y/n laying on top of James, her face hidden in his chest while the boy hugged her around the waist, both of them fast asleep over the messy sheets.
“hey guys, how was hogsmeade?” she said, releasing herself from james's grasp to sit next to him, a tired smile crossing her face as she watched the other three marauders.
“it was pretty boring withou-” peter's sentence was left unfinished and the words lost in the air as remus spoke above him.
“we spend the whole afternoon looking for you two” he looked angry and y/n's tiredness disappeared quickly, being remplaced with surprise at the actitude of the boy.
“the hell's happening?” muttered james, his voice sounding sleepy as he narrowed his eyes at his friends
“we can ask you the same question" replied remus bitterly “did you even think how bloody worried we were?”
“moony what the fuck, It wasn't a big deal, we just fell asleep.” james was still half asleep, maybe too much to deal with the situation.
“you know what, prongs? I just remembered we bought a bunch of stuff from zonko's” sirius was fast to intervene, walking towards potter's bed “why don't we go watch it? I thought we could think of some way to use them”
before james could even respond, sirius lifted him completely out of bed and dragged him to the door, james tripping over his own feet while trying to walk on his own as peter didn't waste time following them. y/n got up too, with the intention of following them but sirius quickly closed the door before she could even get to it.
she understood the message very clear, exhaling before she turned to look at the only boy left; remus put his hands to his own face to hide behind them, letting out an exasperated sigh. the girl approached him quietly without saying anything, the two of them falling in a silence for some very long minutes.
“what happened to you?” she hesitated before asking, eyeing him with discretion.
“do you like him?” the answer was obviusly not expected by y/n, who seemed to have been taken by surprise “I mean james, do you like him?”
“what are you talking about?” she laugned with disbelief, but when she saw how serious remus was, she sighed “of course not”
“it's you who I like, prat” she wanted to tell him, but she bit her tongue just in time not to let go of anything that she would regret later, falling silent as she watched remus nooding slowly with his head.
“why do you care anyway” she questioned instead, crossing her arms under her chest.
“you two are my best friends, of course I care” y/n felt the disappointment roll her stomach at the answer. That was not the answer she was expecting.
“how was your date?” she quickly changed the subject, even though a part of her didn't want to know the answer.
“oh great, yeah, she's great” He rambled on, glancing at y / n sideways before speaking again “but...”
“but...” she encouraged, biting her lower lip while looking at the floor.
“but...” remus hesitated, scratching the back of his neck as a million thoughts ran through his head “she was great but she wasn't you”
she quickly raised her head, allowing remus a view of her tear-filled eyes but she didn't care about that, her biggest concern was the way her heart was starting to beat fast, almost as if it was treatening to jump off her chest in any moment.
“what do you mean?” she gulped, feeling a lump in her throat that didn't allow her to fully form the words.
“she was talking about all those things and she was really interesting you know? or so I thought, because I wasn't really paying attention” he admitted, shutting his eyes for a minute “I wasn't paying attention 'cause the only thing I could think about was that she wasn't you”
y/n had always liked remus, and she really didn't think anyone could blame her for it, was there really something not to like?  Remus was pretty, kind and incredibly charming, he was a great friend, extremely smart and responsible when it was necessary but at the same time he could be so much fun when he was around the people he felt comfortable with.  if anyone thought about the perfect human prototype, then the closest thing to that would have to be remus lupin.
so being there in that exact moment, standing in front of him after hearing what he had to say, she felt all the words get stuck in her throat as she locked eyes with him.
“it just wasn't what I thought it was supposed to be” he continued, feeling nervous as the time passed and there was no response from her “I expected her to be like... you.”
she had dreamed of situations similar to that for so long, she had waited for something like that for years and now that she had remus telling her all that, looking completely serious, she didn't know how to respond and that made her feel slightly frustrated, because she could see the desperation growing in lupin's eyes as time passed.
“I just want you to know that I don't expect you to feel the same, but I just can't keep it all to myself anymore” he kept babbling and was only interrumpted when y/n finally reacted.
and she did the only thing that crossed her mind, approaching him and pulling him by the collar of his shirt to bring their lips together in a kiss that caught remus off guard and he only reacted seconds later, realizing that everything was real and not just a product of his imagination; his shoulders relaxing as he raised one of his hands to her chin, the other hand resting on her waist. Their lips danced together for a few seconds, fitting perfectly, almost as if they were made for each other and everything around them disappeared, the world stopping its course during that moment.
“I don't like james” she repeated, as she had done minutes before, her breathing was agitated as she rested her forehead on his “I don't like him because I like you, you idiot”
remus smile grew while he leaned to give her a little peek on the lips, only to be interrumpted by a sniff coming from the entry of the room, the two of them quickly pulling apart to put their glances towards the place, only to find three people standing right there, each one with the same smile on their faces.
“well aren't you two adorable?” teased sirius, with a grin on his face.
“you guys seriously don't know boundaries, do you?" y/n asked, only realizing her mistake once she saw sirius smiling even more.
“we siriusly don't”
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darthkruge · 3 years
1 + 2 from prompt list #5 plz 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Anakin Skywalker x Reader ~ Can I Kiss You? (Pt 1)
Prompts: “Have you ever kissed anyone before?” + “Can I kiss you?”
Warnings: A little language, Anakin is a bit of a little shit (affectionately), Reader is kinda shy, both of them are idiots but we love that for them <3
Words: 1.6k
A/N: I assume you wanted this with Ani because he’s basically the only person I’ve been writing for lately but, if not, I’m sorry!! Thank you for sending something in! Also this was so fucking fun to write, I loved it so much. I got carried away a little, my brain kinda ran with it so yeah! Also, this is kinda tooth rotting fluff, even for me, so be prepared.
Part 2 (there is now a sequel!)
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(gif not mine)
You and Anakin were partnered together for a mission. It was fairly simple, nothing battle related -- purely diplomatic. Honestly, you weren’t sure why you two were even sent on it; it felt like somewhat of a waste for two Padawans to go on a random mission to Naboo. Even so, if it allowed you to spend more time with Anakin, you didn’t mind.
You had this raging crush on him from the moment you saw him. He was gorgeous and confident without being off-puttingly cocky. He was tall, his hair was soft, his eyes were piercing, and his smile and laugh were contagious. 
Then, as the two of you grew closer, this crush developed into something deeper. You learned of his heart, his kindness, his selflessness, his desires, his needs, his fears. You were able to see the boy behind the prophecy and you truly, unequivocally, loved him. 
“Come on, Y/N, hurry up!” Anakin’s joking tone broke you from your thoughts. You smiled back and ran up to him, playfully hitting his back as you caught up. He took your hand and the two of you continued walking, side by side. 
These displays of affection weren’t uncommon between the two of you. Early on, you saw how he enjoyed your touch, always leaning into it when you’d accidentally brush against him or give him a quick hug after a mission. He, too, saw how you reacted when he put his arm around your shoulders or brushed your hair behind your ear. 
Since the rest of the Jedi frowned upon connections and, thus, weren’t as forthcoming with affection, the two of you were quickly bonded. You were so attuned with each other that you now just knew when the person was searching for that physical connection. It had become natural, the sort of expected comfort that becomes impossible to live without. 
The two of you walked through the gardens by the palace in Naboo, enjoying the sun’s warmth. You’d already talked to the government officials you needed to, attempting to figure out which other planets to get involved in the peace treaties. Thankfully, it went quickly and now you had the rest of the day to spend with Ani before returning home to Coruscant. 
He led you to a secluded bench and plopped down, pulling you beside him. He pulled an apple from a tree and offered it to you. You thanked him and accepted it, allowing the crunchy texture and sweet flavor into your mouth. He watched you, grinning at your excitement. 
“Okay, I’ve got a question for you,” Anakin said.
Okay. This has got to be good. “Shoot, Skywalker.”
“Who was your first?”
You choked on your apple, sputtering at his audacity! Anakin howled at your reaction, coming up behind you to thump your back a few times until you stopped choking. 
“Dumbass!” You yelled, causing Anakin to keel over in another fit of laughs. 
“You’re going to alert the entire palace!” He hushed you, gasping in breaths between his laughs.
You rolled your eyes, elbowing him in the gut. “Hey! Okay, okay, okay,” He said, holding up his hands in mock surrender before taking a pause. “But, seriously! Who was your first?”
“Anakin! That’s- I- Anakin!” You were so taken aback you couldn’t even form words. You were so caught off guard and, also, quite perplexed. “Ani, we’re not allowed to do, you know, that”
Anakin’s lips curled into a playful smirk at your response. “Maker, Y/N, I know! I meant, like, kissing… Who was your first kiss?”
Your face heated up quickly. You were hoping he’d drop it but apparently not. You didn’t want to admit that you hadn’t exactly had the chance to do that yet. You fiddled with your hands and looked away, embarrassed. 
“Wait, have you ever kissed anyone before?”
“No…” You mumbled underneath your breath, still refusing to meet his eyeline.
Now, Anakin’s gaze softened. He never meant to make you feel uncomfortable or judged, he truly thought you had. I mean, look at you! Someone had to have wanted to kiss you before! His hand gently came up to tilt your chin up, forcing you to look at him. 
His gaze saddened when it met yours, seeing how affected you were by his questions “It’s okay, Y/N! You don’t need to feel ashamed, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to put you on the spot.”
“I mean, it’s not like I haven’t had options. I totally could have been kissed by now if I wanted to!” You huffed indignantly, crossing your arms. 
Anakin laughed, glad to see some of your fight returning to you. He knew that if you were being defensive and stubborn, you couldn’t be that mad at him. He looked at you for a minute, wondering. He’d been in love with you for as long as he could remember but refused to act on it; he knew how much being a Jedi meant to you and wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize that. Even so, he so badly wanted to come home to you each night, to hold you, to be the one you could turn to with any and everything, to be the person you loved and who loved you, always. 
He thought about it for a moment more and decided he might as well try. “Can I kiss you?”
Your eyes widened and you gaped at his question. “You- you want to kiss me?”
He scratched the back of his head awkwardly, mentally wondering if this was a good or bad sign. “I, uh, I mean, yeah… You’re really kind and intelligent and, um, super nice to look at… And since you haven’t been I just thought you might wanna…” 
“I think you’re super nice to look at too, Ani,” You teased. You were blushing at his words and practically pinching yourself. You’d wanted to hear them for so long, it almost didn’t feel real. 
He allowed himself to slightly smile, hope creeping into his expression. “Is that a yes?”
You laughed, smiling too. You nodded, looking into his trusting eyes. 
“If you wanna stop, just let me know, okay?” He said, sensing your nerves.
“Okay, Ani”
His fingers grazed over your jaw before guiding it towards him, tilting it slightly. Your eyes closed in anticipation, butterflies ready to burst out of your stomach at any moment. His mouth touched yours and your brain went completely fuzzy. Maker, Kriff, Fuck, Maker!! Is this really happening? 
The kiss was so gentle, so sweet. It was just his lips against yours, nothing more. He didn’t want to frighten you by shoving his tongue down your throat on your first try. He just wanted to make you feel wanted and safe. 
He pulled apart after a moment and looked at you. “Was that okay?” He laughed as your eyes lit up and you nodded excitedly. 
“Can we do that again?” After feeling his lips and being so close to him, you never wanted that sensation to go away. 
“Of course, love” Anakin said quietly, pulling you into him once more. 
This time, he was a bit more intense, lips moving against yours slowly. You felt yourself get lost in him, in his taste and smell. You went on instinct, allowing your hands to weave into his hair. He hummed as you did so, hands finding their way to your waist and pulling you slightly closer. 
He was still extremely careful. As much as he wanted to pour all his passion into this kiss, this moment was about you, not him. He led the kiss, not wanting you to feel like a fish out of water, and smiled into your lips. When you smiled back, Anakin swore his entire body warmed. He was so glad you agreed to do this with him, to allow him to be the person to share this moment with. 
When you pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours and cupped your cheeks. You looked at him shyly and he brushed his thumbs against your cheekbones. 
“You were really good at that, are you sure you’ve never done that before?” He joked. 
You pushed his shoulder back bashfully. “Shut up, Ani!”
“I’m serious,” He laughed, “You were really good!”
“Yeah, baby. You’re amazing.”
You looked at him for a beat. “So,” You said, dragging out the word, “What do we do now?”
“Well, the ship leaves for Coruscant in thirty minutes so…”
“Anakin Skywalker, you know what I mean!”
He chuckled. “Okay, fine! I mean, if you want, of course, we could be together?”
“Like, together together?”
“Only if you want!”
“Do you want?”
Anakin nodded. 
“I, uh, I’d really like that, too, Ani”
He broke out into this big goofy grin and you followed suit. That damn, contagious smile. You knew there would be a million complications. The chances of it working out were practically unfathomable. The Council would kill you both if they found out, you’d never make rank! But you looked into his eyes and thought you could beat the odds. 
Young love had a way of making you feel invincible. He was all you ever wanted. It was as if nothing could ever affect you if you were together. The Council wouldn’t find out, you’d be that one in a million couple, you’d grow old together and be happy and peaceful. It was the most unsure thing you’d ever done and, yet, nothing felt more certain. 
As this realization swarmed round your head, you dove back in, connecting your lips once more. The garden around you faded and the weight of this new secret-relationship disappeared. It was just you and Anakin. Nothing would ever tear you apart.
I just made a taglist so if you wanna join... (dm me if you wanna be taken off!)
permanent tags:
anakin tags:
@anakinswhore @kennedywxlsh @coldlilheart @adamgetawaydriver @chokemeanakin @gayidioot @starwars-whore @katelynnwrites @haydens-moles
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mxvladdy · 3 years
Hi! just finished reading your Tumblr request on AO3 and I just looooove your writing ;; if it's not a problem I wanted to ask how you imagine that Lucifer, Mammon and Beel would react to a MC who is usually very quiet and not very expressive, impossible to embarrass or make nervous, to suddenly, one day manage to make her blush for the first time (Also, English is not my first language, so I hope this is okey) I wish you a lovely week ❤
A/N: This is adorable! Sorry for the slow turn around, I hope you enjoy!❤
Stoicism is something he normally finds very attractive in a woman. To be able to keep such a level of calm outlook during even times that might even shake him. He loves the idea of a power couple, and the way you hold yourself. You definitely make one.
It does grate him that he can’t fluster you like you do him, especially during your time together in private. He tries multiple ways to even just draw some color to your cheeks. Flowers in the classroom, hand written invitations to private dining establishments and venues, he even went to the human realm just to find some kind of familiar comfort to give to you. You love them all he knows but he wants, craves to see an uninhibited reaction from you. He’ll get it one day, his pride depends on it at this point.
Luck graces him one evening after a hellish work day. A fight in the school yard leading to property damage he had to do extra paper work for. The only saving grace of that was it wasn’t one of his brothers, this time. Only followed soon after by a report of yet another racket engineered by Mammon. Then, to top off a horrible day one of Belphie and Satan’s little “pranks” blew up half his office.
All his loose or unprotected paperwork, gone. Nothing but smoldering bits of ash. He was now more than ever thankful to have you by his side. Before he could get his hands on the two you stepped in shooing him away to deal with the other fires that needed to be put out while you handled his office.
Things got done, in record time for once. He was able to rewrite his notes for the next council meeting, but at the cost of your weekday dinner together. A pity, but he knew you understood. Trudging up to his room he looked forward to perhaps a few hours of sleep before the next crisis struck. Then he found you.
He chuckles to himself quietly leaning against his door frame. You had beaten him to his favorite resting roost. You sat on his favorite armchair, rolled up tight in his comforter. All he could see was a tuft of hair and the very tip of your nose. Beautiful as always, but he wanted to rest. Well-two birds, one stone and all…
He scoops you up envious of how deeply you could slumber and places you on his lap. Kicking off his shoes he sighs blissfully before resting his head back on worn leather.
Mini fic
You didn’t expect to see Lucifer tonight. Today has been the absolute definition of a shit show, on nights like these it wasn’t uncommon for you not to see him at all. You would normally place your bets on him being unconscious at his desk. Though, he couldn’t really do that tonight. You pat yourself on the back mentally knowing that he would be pleased with the work you and the brothers did cleaning up his office. While you couldn’t get them to apologize to Lucifer you at least got them to clean up what was salvageable in his study.
After a few hours of cleaning his office was back in working order and your feet were screaming for a break. Bidding the two miscreants farewell and making them promise to hold off on the pranks for at least a week you let your body lead you to Lucifer’s room. The room was how you left it that morning. Your slippers next to his by the door and your robe tossed haphazardly on his linen sheets. You make a beeline for the only piece of furniture Lucifer loved dearly. How many nights had you snuck in only to see him melting into the old chain. His long legs sprawled out and tangled in his foot rest, while his body sinks into the imprints he has left from years of use like a lover's embrace.
Yanking the thin comforter from his bed you curl into the divots with a yawn. Before you know it your eyes close and the crackling of the fireplace lulls you to sleep. You awake with a jolt, confused and disoriented for a moment before your sleepy brain catches up. You fell asleep alone on the soft leather but woke to something unyielding beneath you now.
Lucifer sits underneath you snoring softly. His arms rest around your blanketed body. His head tilts down over you, his nose tickling your hairline. Like always he sports a mild look of annoyance. His lips were drawn in a scowl, brows crinkling in displease. You could tell his jaw was tense even while he slept.
Freeing your arms from your cocoon you reach up from him moving to cup his twitching jaw. With practiced ease you began to message the pin joints. You smile to yourself moving down to his tense neck and shoulders. This had become a nightly ritual for you when you shared a bed. When you knew he was asleep you would start trying to work away some of his tension from the previous day. You swear in the morning that he looks better on the nights you get the chance to.
This was your little secret though. You couldn’t bear the thought of him knowing you did this. Not that you thought he would disapprove. Lucifer appreciated acts of service, but just the thought of him knowing made your whole body heat in a flush. You push the thoughts away focusing instead on the extremely tight muscles underneath his brow line. It amazed you that he didn’t have any wrinkles after all this.
So engrossed in your perusal of his features you didn’t notice him stirring till his warm palm traps your hand to his cheek. Before you realize it his lips push a firm kiss into the flesh of your palm. Scarlet eyes meet yours crinkling around the edges. They were warm and radiant. “You’re blushing.” His voice was deep and husky from what little sleep he got.
“What?” You stammer.
Lucifer leans in tapping his forehead on yours. He studies your wide eyes and pink face for a moment before cracking a smug grin. “I’ve never seen you flustered before. Your blush looks good on you.”
“You caught me off guard.” He nods, kissing the tip of your nose tenderly taking impish glee in your squirming.
“Good-I will strive to do so more often. I wish to see you as undone as you make me.”
Stoic MC? Rare pair? Rare pair. Mammon wears his heart on his sleeve. Nothing about him is slick. From week one everyone knew he had it bad for you. He is so open with his affections whether he likes it or not. Unlike you.
Honestly, how were you always so controlled. Ain’t the dame supposed to be all blushy and giggly too? It-it makes him think he isn’t doing something right. Is he not treating you right? Were you unhappy?
So he goes to do what he does best. Scheme. There has to be someway to crack that stoic disposition of yours. He gets clingy-well clingier now. He starts springing random vacations on you. Expect to skip class whenever he thinks he won’t get skinned alive for it.
He’ll take you anywhere all his internet research tells him to. Black sand beaches, crowded boardwalks to see the lights, deserted hiking trails late in the evening to watch the fireflies. He is sure it will work. But nope, nada. You love every moment of it and show him with a soul searing kiss and sweet words of praise. But damn you if you aren’t always so cool about it.
He is about to throw in the towel when he finally gets what he wants. At work no less. It was completely by accident but he isn’t one to complain. Perhaps he should go to work more often.
Mini Fic
“Pucker up!” Mammon’s make-up artist orders, squeezing his cheeks between her thumb and forefinger. “And for Diavolo’s sake put your phone down.”
“Shove off Cazzin.” Mammon sputters around the sour tasting lip stain and plumper. His eyes still glued to his screen. His freshly done nails swiping at picture after picture of fancy hotels and spas. Just thinking about taking you a private spring got his blood boiling in the best ways.
“Woooow.” Cazz whistles through her fangs looking at his screen. “Who is the lucky lady you are trying to impress this time?
“Mammon bristles, shooting her a murderous glance. The smaller demon blanches, purple skin turning ashy with fear. Her eyes drop to the floor immediately in submission, a sincere apology falling from her lips. “My girlfriend.” He says finally after cooling down. “I’m-I’m trying to impress her or something.”
“Well, pretty sure with a price tag like that anyone would be impressed.” Mammon only grunts barely glancing at the excessive amount of zeros on the page. Any other girl he knew would be a blushing mess after getting a gift like this. Hells, even Cazz was eyeing the site with open envy and excitement. Yet, this wasn’t the first time he had done something like this with you. Every time he did all he got was a blisteringly radiant smile and kisses that probably could send him back to heaven if he didn’t have a life long ban there. Not that that was a bad thing...but he just wanted more.
“You would think so…” He trails off clicking his phone off to focus on the rest of his routine. No sooner had his hair and make-up artist finished then his director was stomping and shouting down the hall for him to get his ass on set. Grimacing Mammon slides off his seat stretching to spare himself a few more seconds of peace. He stops at the door taking one last look at his get up for this shoot.
Damn, he looks good. It was time for a new spring collection, but more importantly, his most popular season. The light spring colors always brought out his best features. The pastel cotton shirt they “fashionably” threw him in hung casually around his frame. Buttons “tastefully” undone to show the smooth planes of his freely waxed and oiled skin. The linen board shorts and finishing touch of leather sandals gave him the perfect beach vibe. At top dollar mind you.
Hmmm-perhaps he could borrow this outfit for your next beach outing.
Unable to tone out his bosses shouting anymore Mammon makes his way to set. He thinks hard on what else he can go or take you to impress you, ignoring the poking and prodding of his camera men and set designers. His partners today, two incubus twins stood sourly next to him. They had been at this for hours and even he was ready for a break from the sweltering heat of the lights.
“Alright! Alright!” The director broke an hour later tired of the twins whining. He throws his hands in the air in exasperation. “We’ll break for an hour for lunch- lost the light as is.” He huffs stumping off for a smoke break.
“Finally,” Mammon sighs from his pose on the ground. “Think I got sand in my ass.” He gets up from the ground grimacing as he tries to brush the grit off his legs. “Shit starts to burn when they get hot.” One of the twins nods looking down at their own arms. Tiny burn marks showing on their fair skin, they will heal by the time the shoot resumes, doesn’t mean they will be happy about it.
“Want to grab lunch?” The twins ask tossing him a towel to blot at his sweating brow. “New food truck is coming in today.” Mammon shakes his head. You had packed him something to eat this morning and he kind of wanted to enjoy it in peace for once.
Waving the two off he hurries back to his room already salivating at whatever tasty food you got him. Halfway to the door he stops, the fine hairs on his neck standing up. Someone was in his dressing room. Devil’s please don’t let it be another rabid fan. He pleads before creeping forward to check. Whoever it was left the door ajar, peaking in he stares enraptured.
When did you get here? It wasn’t abnormal for you to just drop by while he was working, but you usually waited for him on set behind the cameras. You sit humming to yourself reading something on your lap, feet kicking out innocently while you wait for him. Flipping a page he gets a glimpse of what you’re reading. His feathers ruffle in satisfaction. He had plans on showing you these shots before their release date. They still needed approval from his director but he knew they were great. You flip through shot after shot humming or nodding at some. One shot makes you stop fully, eyes growing wide.
Mammon snorts to himself, knowing exactly which photo you stopped on. The next issue was focusing on “Elegance in the work space”, whatever that means. His designer for the projects went a little overboard with the cuts and designs of the business suites he was to model. The sketches and drafts she had thrust at him had made his head spin. They were all amazing in his opinion, but one had been killer, everyone had agreed on that. If he didn’t know any better he was certain that it would put him on the cover. By the way you were looking at it, he was hoping it would.
That suit really complimented all of his features. It was form fitting accenting his slim waist but hid the slight sloping of his shoulders. The gold of the threading of his vest was done up in soft floral patterns that popped against the dark navy blue of the suit's fabric. The dark blue really brought out the lightness of his eyes. The look was topped off with a bright yellow silk pocket square, polished leather wingtips and gold cufflinks. He was about to interrupt you when he saw it, that one thing he wanted more than anything.
The pink starts at your ears swiping across the bridge of your nose before blooming on your round cheeks. It was breathtaking. Thinking he was being sneaky, Mammon whips out his phone for a quick picture, no one would believe him unless he had solid evidence. But the flash gives him away.
“Mammon!” You jump caught, hands flying to cover your warm face.
“Oi! None of that!” Mammon moves quickly snatching your hands away from your face beaming. “I’ve been waiting for ages to see this face on ya, an’ all it took was a picture of me?”
“You- you clean up really nicely, Mammon.” His hearts flutter at your soft admission.
“Huh,” Mammon scratches his neck, feeling his own blush coming forth. “Well- I mean I could do that more often, so long as you keep looking at me like this when I do.” He picks up the stack of photos from the floor where you dropped them in surprise. “Ya know- I still got that suit.”
Your face turns molten- oh he was going to have a field day with this.
Doesn’t even notice at first. He is kind of the same way with expressing himself too- unless food is involved. So if you are content then he is content, so who cares if you don’t show it on your face?
Well- he didn’t care, until Belphie brought it up. His twin didn’t mean anything by it; he knew that, but it made him wonder. He trusts you when you say you are happy, you have no reason to lie to him. But date nights, game nights, and family dinners you were always so impassive.
It makes him wonder, not enough to ask you though. Truthfully, he is a little embarrassed that he can’t read you as you do him. He won’t force it like his brothers might. He is patient and hopes one day it will just come naturally like it does for him around you.
Mini Fic
Beel watches you over his lunch. You two were silent as you ate, but that was to be expected on days like these. The school cafe was packed with students all jockeying to get a place in line for today’s special. He had gotten there early for the both of you to gap a few of the specials and sides before they were gone. “Are you ok?” He puts his fork down leaning in close to speak to you across the small table. It creaks dangerously under the weight of his elbows on it. You look up from your tea mug. He smiles at your perpetually mild expression, your eyes were hard but your lips and brows were relaxed giving away nothing.
“Of course.” You smile up at him, face smooth and controlled. “Just excited about tonight.”
Hmph, could have fooled him. Beel leans back, studying you intently. He hopes you were as excited as he was for tonight. A new arcade had opened on the edge of town last week and he thought it would be a great date night for the two of you. He had expressed to you on several occasions how he was looking forward to the roller rink and the hoop games. You seemed eager, giving him a closed lip grin every time he brought it up. “Me too.” Beel says finally turning back to his food. “Think we will win any prizes?”
You snort dismissively. “Us? The dream team? I would be surprised if we didn’t win something. Have you seen the plushies?” You pull out your phone and show him their Devilgram. “I want to try and get the hydra one…” You prattle on and scroll through all the cute prizes on their site. He nods along taking a mental note of all the ones that you pointed at, determined to get each and every one for you.
School goes by quickly, far too quickly for him. Each tick of the clock caught him by surprise, jacking his nerves up more and more. It wasn’t like it was his first date with you, but it never stopped the butterflies from starting in his stomach. After school he changes quickly and waits for you by your bedroom door. He fiddles with the zipper of his jacket until you finally open your door.
“Ready?” The smile you throw up at him is breathtaking. “Hope you don’t mind my get up. You mentioned a roller ring so I figured something sporty and functional would be appropriate.” You kick out a leg waving a hand over your bright sport leggings.
Beel chuckles offering you his large hand. “You look adorable as always.”
Being with you was as easy as breathing to him now. After all your time together in the house getting to know you you became one of his closest friends, even before you started dating. You shared many of his interests and wasn’t afraid to argue your point if you saw fit. You fill the train ride to the arcade with idle chatter, goofy selfies to send to his siblings, and annoying the other passengers with your ill-contained chuckles.
The place itself was packed but well spread out to handle the massive throngs of demons and beasts coming for drinks and a good time. “Come on!” You shout over the other very drunk and very loud customers tugging at his sleeve. “Let’s get some coins and find an empty station.” He lets you lead. You take full advantage of his impressive frame to part the crowds around you as you hunt for a free spot. “See anything?”
Beel peers over the heads of most of the demons and looks out. In the far corner sat a few jump rope games that were free. “Stay close.” He murmurs in your ear wrapping a protective arm your shoulders so you wouldn’t be swept away in the flow of the crowd. The games were...hard. Mentally Beel kicks himself. Of course an arcade in the Devildom wouldn’t be geared for humans. They were built for demons' fast reflexes and inhuman strength. You were a good sport about it though, cheering him on when the games began to move too fast for your senses. If a game broke in his zeal to get you tickets, well you were both fast walkers.
“Think we have enough?” Beelzebub asks hours later around a popsicle. His jacket pockets bulge with multicolored tickets screaming to be spent.
You hum around a scoop of ice cream. “Possibly-” Your eyes flick to the prize booth. “And extra, you want a plushie too?” He shrugs. No doubt the moment it got into his room Belphie will steal it to add to his horde.
You end up getting your stuffed hydra and a giant fuzzy minotaur to keep it “company”. You clutch them close to your chest, seemingly happy with your bounties. After that you spend a bit at the roller ring before you finally had to call it a night. Exhausted you lag behind Beel as you make your way back to the train station, feet dragging with each step.
Wordlessly, Beel stops just in front of you. “Here,” He squats, offering you his back, arms stretched out behind him. “I can take us the rest of the way to the stop.” He feels you hesitate for a moment before climbing on to his back.
“Thank you.” He thinks nothing of how soft your voice was, just barely a tickle at the base of his neck. Beel treks one once you are secure, stuffing his hands in his pockets to lock you in place. The rest of the walk was quiet but he didn’t mind it, your warm body and soft breathing in his ear was a comfort.
He stops at the benches with a few minutes to spare before your train. “We are here. Do you want-” He gasps quietly, cutting himself off before he could accidentally wake you. You sleep on unperturbed by his voice. Your hold on around his neck was tight, your head buried in his neck.
It seems only when you're sleeping do you let your guard down. A blush sweeps across your face, your lips pulled up into a serene smile. You looked-happy. Happy in a way he never saw before. He won’t say anything about it, he decides. He’ll cherish this tiny expression all the same. Perhaps one day he’ll see when you're awake too.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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