#jegulus x reader angst
petitemistletoe · 1 year
Pairing: James Potter x Reader, Regulus x Reader, James x Regulus
Warnings: angst, homophobia, abuse, outing, pregnancy
Word Count: 5.4K+
A/N: Part 3 to Hate! This is a lot angstier and darker than the last two parts
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Regulus had been avoiding you and James like the plague since the night of the concert. You had tried to talk to James about it but once again he had told you he wanted to forget it. You suspected this time around, though, he was more concerned with the idea of Sirius finding out. You were laying in your dark, cool dorm with the curtains drawn in the middle of the day. You had been sick for the past few days, feeling overly nauseous and sweaty. James had stopped by your dorm before Quidditch practice to check on you and ask if you wanted to come but you just shook your head, telling him you would see him at dinner. 
You finally pulled yourself out of bed to go to the hospital wing to see if Madame Pomfrey could help you. You stepped into the bathroom to wash your face and saw that one of the other girls had left a tampon sitting on the counter. An icy wave of realization washed over you as you realized your period was over two weeks late. Your period was never late, you had been regular since you had gotten it so this was cause for stress. You made your way down the hospital wing, this time with different intentions. Luckily for you, the hospital wing was empty, only Madame Pomfrey was around, working like a little cyclone. 
“Madame Pomfrey?” You cleared your throat. 
“Yes!” She turned and gave you a warm smile, “I’ve heard you’ve been a bit under the weather, dear. Why don’t you have a seat?” She pushed back the curtain to one of the beds and gestured for you to sit down. You felt tears start to well in your eyes as you took a deep breath.
“I, um, I think I need a pregnancy test.”
“Can you tell me about your symptoms, dear?” Madame Pomfrey had a neutral expression on her face but you saw the way her eyes widened when you asked for the test. 
“I’ve been pretty nauseous these past few days and my period is over two weeks late.” You said, digging your nails into your palms trying to stop tears from coming. 
“Alright dear, there could be a number of things causing this but why don’t we give you the test and we’ll go from there.” Madame Pomfrey gave you a comforting pat on the shoulder before disappearing into a cupboard and reappearing with a test. She gave you privacy to take the test and then set it on the counter and told you to wait a quarter of an hour. She gave you a cup of tea and began to sip her own when a group of students burst in to the hospital wing. 
“What’s going on?” Madame Pomfrey immediately had her hands on her hips. You quickly shut the curtain and pulled your knees to your chest. You could hear chatter and Madame Pomfrey ordering the students to leave, save for the injured student. It seemed that someone had been the victim of one of Sirius’ famous never ending exploding inkwells and the student could not stop vomiting ink. 
“Hold on a moment, dear, this will stop the ink from coming but you’ll need to rest for a few moments to make sure all the ink on your tongue is out.” She handed the student a bucket and made her way back over to you. She opened the curtain only slightly so she could enter and then immediately closed it behind her to preserve your privacy. 
“Alright then, let’s look at this.” Madame Pomfrey put her glasses on and then held the test to her eyes. She let out a small gasp before clearing her throat.
“Oh my god,” you said, your heart dropping into your stomach.
“The test is positive. However, you have many options for how you would like to proceed.” 
“I think I need to go,” you said, your blood was roaring in your ears, “I need to talk to James.”
“Of course, dear. You will need to meet with a more specialized mediwitch that I can put you and your parents in contact with whenever you need.” Madame Pomfrey smiled at you. You could only nod as you collected your things and pushed the curtain open. You were exiting the hospital wing when someone else threw open their curtain and called, 
“Madame Pomfrey I think I’m alright now.” The student stood from the bed and you felt the blood drain from your face. It was Regulus.
“Oh, hi.” He said, looking at you up and down. 
“Hi, what are you doing here?”  
“Sirius and his exploding ink well nonsense. What are you doing here?” The question was innocent enough but you felt your eyes welling with tears again. 
“Hey, hey. What’s going on?” Regulus looked incredibly uncomfortable watching you break down in front of him.
“Sorry,” you said, wiping your eyes and nose, “it’s nothing. I’m fine.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“Dear, would you like to keep this? Oh Mr. Black I’ll be with you in a moment,” Madame Pomfrey was handing you the positive test. Regulus looked down at the test and then back up at you and his already pale face became even more devoid of color. 
“Thanks.” You said, shoving the test in your pocket and running out of the hospital wing. 
You ran out to the Quidditch pitch and laid your hand on your stomach as you tried to catch your breath. You immediately realized what you were doing and your hand shot back like it was on fire. James was finishing with practice and he was on the ground, talking with the rest of the team. 
“Hey! Isn’t this a nice surprise.” James said after the team dispersed and headed towards the shower. He hugged you but the smell of his leather gloves and sweat soaked skin was too overwhelming and you immediately turned and vomited on the ground. 
“Oh whoa, still not feeling better? Have you gone to see Madame Pomfrey yet?” He asked, handing you his water bottle. You swished out the taste of vomit and spit again. 
“Uh yes. We have a problem.” You said, your hand resting on your stomach again.
“Alright,” James chuckled, “you’re freaking me out a little. What are you pregnant or something?” He said it as a joke but his smile dropped when he saw your face drained of color. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” He said, staring at your stomach as if he expected to see the baby kick at that very moment.
“I went to Madame Pomfrey today when I realized that I was two weeks late and I took a test and she confirmed it.”
“Okay, okay,” James ran a hand through his messy hair, “Let’s go talk about this somewhere a little more private. Why don’t we go down to the lake?”
“James,” you put your hand on his chest, “before I go anywhere with you I need you to shower.” 
Twenty minutes later you were sipping a cool glass of water while sitting by the Black Lake. You used to love coming to the lake, you and James had many picnics down here, you would run around with your friends down here, you would take walks down here, but now you felt nauseous from the smell of the squid and the scent of James’ body wash.
“This obviously isn’t ideal but you know that I love you and I know my parents would love to have you and while they’ll be a little peeved that this is all happening before we graduate I know they’ll be thrilled to have a little granddaughter or grandson.” James was rambling a bit but he was looking at you with big eager eyes. 
“So that’s the other thing,” you said, looking at your lap, “I don’t think it’s your baby.”
“Excuse me?” James looked at you like you were trying to make some weird joke.
“You’ve never cum inside of me. Regulus did that night.” You said, looking down at your feet. 
“Oh my god,” James looked sick all over again. 
“What am I going to do?” You felt tears pushing at your eyes and you were fanning your face to cool it off before you really burst into sobs. 
“Hey,” James grabbed your hand, “it makes no difference to me. That’s my kid in there.” He smiled and put his hand on your stomach. You really started to cry then and you buried your face in his shoulder. He rubbed small circles on your back as you collected yourself.
“There’s another thing,” you said, sniffing hard.
“I don’t know how many more things I can take,” James said with a nervous laugh. 
“I think Regulus knows.”
“What do you mean you think he knows?”
“He saw me with the test at Madame Pomfrey’s.”
“Did he say anything about it?” 
“No. But if he knows I imagine we’ll hear about it soon.” 
“Alright, we should probably head to dinner. Don’t want to raise any suspicion.” James helped you up and together you walked to the Great Hall. 
Dinner was a bit of precarious affair. While you usually loved the great selection of foods that Hogwarts displayed for you, you found yourself feeling sick at all the intense aromas. You were able to find a tureen of chicken soup which you sipped with your icy goblet of water. 
“Baby, you should eat something more substantial.” James said, trying to offer you a piece of his chicken and mash. 
“I’m just so nauseous.” You shook your head, pushing away James’ fork. 
“You feeling okay, love?” Remus asked, taking stock of how pale and shaky you seemed. 
“Just a little stomach bug,” James responded quickly. 
“You’re still sick?” Sirius jokingly held his shirt up over his nose and mouth and scooted away from you.
“It’s just a stomach bug, Sirius.” You rolled your eyes and went back to sipping your soup. James was rubbing your back when you saw Regulus stalk past your table. 
“I need to talk to you.” Regulus said, his intense gaze boring into your soul.
“Why?” Sirius asked, looking between you and Regulus.
“We’re, uh, partners in potions,” you said quickly, “it’s about that, right?”
“Yes. Can we talk now, please?” Regulus grabbed you harshly by the forearm.
“Oi!” James immediately shot to his feet, “Don’t manhandle her like that.”
“It’s fine. Let’s just go.” You and James followed Regulus out of the Great Hall. You could hear Sirius saying to Remus, 
“They’re all being so weird.”
Regulus insisted on taking you to the room of requirement for ultimate privacy. You were going to protest but the lack of privacy was what caused Regulus to find out about this all in the first place so you figured you didn’t have legs to stand on.   
The room of requirement looked like an empty classroom and you didn’t have a clue what made it so special but Regulus was pretty convinced that you didn’t need to cast a silencing charm or anything before diving into your conversation.
“That’s my baby, isn’t it?” Regulus asked.
“In a manner of speaking.” James said.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Regulus was on guard. 
“It means,” You cut James off, “that technically it is your baby. You came inside me the night of the concert. But it’s okay, Regulus, James and I are going to raise the baby like it’s our own child. You don’t need to be involved at all. No one ever has to know.”
Regulus had an odd expression on his face. 
“That’s my baby?”
“The baby will be fine as a Potter.” James said stoically. He put his body between yours and Regulus’ to signify the end of the conversation. Regulus nodded at James before lifting his head and marching out of the room. 
You didn’t hear from Regulus for two more weeks. You had asked James to avoid telling his parents until you were able to tell your own. How were you even supposed to start? Every time you started penning a letter, you would get to the part where you would tell your parents about the baby you found yourself crumpling the parchment and burning it. You were currently distracting yourself from such a task by laying on James’ bed in the boys dorm and watching Sirius agonize while James was at Quidditch practice. Sirius and Regulus were called home for a funeral of some distant family member and he was going to have dinner with his family for the first time in a very long time.
“I look ridiculous!” He complained, looking at himself in his dress robes. 
“You look fine,” you said with a head shake at the same time as Remus who said, 
“You do look ridiculous.”
“Oh my god! That’s it. I’m not going.” Sirius flopped down on the bed and covered his eyes with his arm. 
“Remus is joking!” You said, moving so you could punch Remus in the shoulder. “You look very handsome, Sirius.” You said with an earnest nod. 
“What do I care that some weird racist uncle finally kicked it? Why do I have to go to his funeral?” Sirius groaned. 
“Do something!” You begged Remus. Remus sighed and put his hand on Sirius’ arm. 
“Stop pouting you big baby.” Remus said, “When you come back I’ll blow you. How’s that?”
“Are you being serious?” Sirius said, sitting up and looking at Remus.
“Don’t make me change my mind.” 
Sirius shot up and ran out to meet Regulus in McGonagall’s office. 
“I am sorry for your loss, gentlemen,” Professor McGonagall said, holding her dish of floo powder out towards Sirius and Regulus. They both flooed back to the Black Manor for the bleak affair. That evening, Sirius and Regulus were seated at the ostentatious table for dinner with their parents. Luckily for Regulus, Sirius was being his usual ridiculous self, using anything and everything to piss their parents off so the attention was off Regulus. Regulus’ brain was racing. You were carrying his child. He was going to be a father. But did he want to be a father? Did he want James Potter raising his child? Did he want you raising his child? Did raising his child with James mean that he would be able to have sex with James again?
“Regulus,” his father had been calling him for quite some time. 
“Yes father?” Regulus looked up at his father. Sirius was staring at Regulus with a strange expression on his face. 
“How has Slytherin been doing in Quidditch?”
“Oh, oh. We’ve been doing well. We’re due to play Gryffindor in a few weeks and it promises to be an excellent match.” Regulus said, pushing around the food on his plate. 
“Don’t,” Walburga held her hand up to stop Sirius’ retort before he could say it. “Are you alright Regulus?” 
“I’m fine.” Regulus brushed off his mother’s comments. 
“Are you?” Walburga narrowed her eyes and before Regulus knew what was happening, Walburga had pushed her way into Regulus’ mind. Regulus forced himself to push the interaction with James out of his brain. To erase James from his mind. He couldn’t have his mother knowing about that. Instead his mother saw Regulus with you. And then you telling Regulus about the baby. 
“Did you know about this? That mudblood is your friend?” Walburga screamed at Sirius.
“What are you talking about?” Sirius asked, mouth open. He looked at Regulus in confusion. 
“Get out, Sirius.” Walburga commanded. 
“No! What are you talking about? What is she talking about, Reg?” Sirius looked between Regulus and his mother. 
“Just go.” Regulus whispered. Sirius looked like he was going to protest further but he was pulled away from the table by his father. It was just Regulus and his mother at the table. He felt impossibly small. 
“You impregnated a mudblood.” Her voice was steely calm. 
“Her father is a pureblood and her mother is a halfblood.” Regulus squeaked out.
“A mudblood no less.” His mother pinched the bridge of her nose, “However your brother has proven that he will not produce an heir with the disgusting lifestyle he’s chosen. Your child is the only hope to carry on the Black name. She will have tea with us. Tomorrow. I’ll have Kreacher send an owl to her parents.” Walburga dismissed Regulus and he returned to Hogwarts with a pit in his stomach. 
You were on your way to charms when Regulus grabbed you by the forearm and pulled you into a closet. 
“What do you want?” You asked, grabbing your stomach. It was an unconscious action but you found yourself doing it more and more often. 
“I messed up,” Regulus said, wringing his hands.
“What do you mean?”
“I just…I didn’t know what to do about the baby-”
“Regulus, that’s the whole point. You don’t have to do anything. James and I are going to take care of it. Your family would probably have a coronary about the whole thing and you can barely stand me. It’ll be a little rough at the beginning but we’ll get through it.” You rested your hand on Regulus’ arm.
“So that’s the thing. My parents know.”
“What?” You felt your blood run cold.
“I’m so sorry. But they’ve invited your parents to the Black estate for tea tonight. They want us there too.”
“Regulus,” you were trying to keep your voice level but there was icy sweat rolling down your neck, “I haven’t even told my parents yet. What the hell did you do?” 
“Listen, I don’t really know what they want but maybe they’ll have a good idea about what to do. Let’s just hear them out.”
“Okay,” you nodded, “um, until we know more about this situation with your parents, we’re not telling James.”
“I think that’s for the best.” Regulus nodded. 
It was difficult to get rid of James that evening. You told him you were going home for the evening to tell your parents about the baby and he had insisted he come with you. You convinced him that it would be better coming from just you and that you would let him come back the next time. You were dressed in your dress robes as you and Regulus used the floo network to enter the Black estate. You wiped your sweaty palms on your dress as you entered the drawing room and took in the bizarre sight of your parents and Regulus’ parents all sitting and sipping tea. 
“Hi Mum, hi Dad.” You said, nervously twiddling your fingers. Your parents immediately ran out to embrace you. As you pulled away from them both your father immediately started, 
“What the hell is wrong with you? Getting pregnant? We sent you to Hogwarts to study! Not to mess around with boys,” he gestured wildly at Regulus. 
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Your mother asked, looking at you with a pained expression. 
“Obviously that is all moot,” Walburga said, gesturing for you all to sit, “the Black family is one of the oldest and most noble in Great Britain and we will not allow for shame to cloud our reputation. It’s already difficult enough with Sirius. Regulus Black is the Black heir. His child will be the next.”
“I’m sorry,” your father interrupted Walburga, “weren’t you dating James Potter? What happened to him? Kind family, bright future, could keep it in his pants?”
It was interesting the way that your parents contrasted Regulus’. The Blacks were stoic and serious and void of emotion. Your parents were the opposite, louder, more intense, absolutely brimming with emotion.
“Regardless, we have a proposition.” Orion said, looking at your parents warily. 
“At that is?” You asked. 
“You and Regulus will marry. The ceremony will be next month over the Christmas holiday. Then you will tell the world of your pregnancy two weeks after the wedding and we will announce that baby was born prematurely.” Walburga explained.
“What?” You spat.
“How could you allow such a marriage? She’s not a pureblood! Wouldn’t that hurt the bloodline?” Regulus asked, grasping at anything.
“All documents that would indicate such blood status have been removed. 
“We aren’t even graduated from Hogwarts yet! How can we marry?” Regulus asked, his fingers pulling at his hair. 
“Surely you think this is a ridiculous idea.” You said, looking at your parents. 
“I think given the current situation it would be beneficial for our family to have ties to a family as noble as the Black family.” Your mother said, looking at her lap. 
“Oh I’m going to be sick.” You said, your hand over your mouth as you ran from the room. You luckily found a bathroom and were able to stumble in and lean over the toilet just seconds before losing your lunch. You stayed slumped over, vomiting and sobbing, cursing your damn pregnancy. 
“Are you alright?” Regulus could be heard just outside the door to the bathroom. 
“Peachy,” you replied, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand and forcing yourself up. You flushed the toilet and washed your hands and face before opening the door. Regulus’ eyes were rimmed red as if he had been crying too.
“I don’t know what to say.” He said, staring at his feet. 
“It’s all your fucking fault.” You spat, “Why did you have to tell them?”
“I didn’t!” Regulus blurted out.
“Excuse me?” You had an eyebrow raised. 
“My mother…she’s trained in occumenacy. She knew something was on my mind and she found it,” Regulus’ face was red and he was looking everywhere but at you.
“Oh Regulus,” you shook your head and sighed, “how the hell are we going to tell James?” 
“I have no idea.” Regulus’ face went an unnatural shade of white, which was disturbing considering Regulus’ resting tone was already an unnatural shade of white. You both returned to the parlor. There were four sets of eyes watching you and Regulus.  
“You understand no one can know about your child until after the wedding,” your father said. 
“Yes.” You nodded. 
“You will announce tomorrow that you and Regulus are engaged. We will meet again to discuss plans for the ceremony.” Walburga said. She narrowed her eyes at you and said something to you that you could somehow only hear in your own mind: You will produce the finest heir this family has ever seen.
You looked up at Walburga and nodded, icy fear washing through your body. Before she let you go, Walburga made you and Regulus pose for a photo. It was painfully awkward and you couldn’t help thinking about how uncomfortable it would be to spend the rest of your life with Regulus. You supposed, however, it would only be the rest of Walburga’s life. And then you would be able to go back to what you wanted. 
You were able to make it back to the girls dorm without running into James. You had no idea how you were going to tell him about this. You loved James more than anything in the world but you weren’t given much of a choice. 
You sat down at breakfast in the morning and James immediately was at your side.
“How was it? How did you parents take it?” He whispered. Sirius and Remus looked up at you, trying to make out what James was whispering. 
“Not here. Not now.” You whispered back before taking a piece of toast and spreading butter on it. 
“Reg had to go back to my parents house last night. Something weird is going on with him,” Sirius shook his head. You tried not to look panicked. 
“What do you think happened?” You kept your voice as even as possible.
“No idea. But I think it has something to do with someone I know. My mother said something about my friend.” Sirius shook his head. 
“Is he back yet?” Remus asked as the owls flew over dropping everyone’s mail. 
“Yeah, yeah. He’s at his table. Do you think he got a howler?” Sirius was sitting straight up and trying to see over at Regulus. You turned as well to look and then you heard, 
“Oh my god.” It was James. He was holding open a copy of the daily prophet. On the page was the picture of you and Regulus from last night with the announcement of your engagement. 
“What? WHAT!” Sirius ripped the paper out of James’ hand and flicked his eyes back and forth between you and the engagement announcement. The entire great hall broke out in chatter as everyone stared at you and then at Regulus. 
“You’re engaged to Regulus? Aren’t you dating James?” Remus asked.
“Yes, I’d quite like to know about this.” James asked. His knuckles were white as he gripped the edge of the table.
“Not here.” You said again, running from the great hall. The marauders followed you back to the Gryffindor boys dorm. You were pacing and wringing your hands as the boys stared back at you. You were about to start when you heard a light knock on the door. 
“Who the fuck is that?” Sirius demanded, whipping open the door. It was Regulus. “Oh perfect!” He grabbed Regulus by the forearm and pulled him into the dorm before locking the door and casting a silencing spell. “Talk. Now.”
“So you remember the night of the Queen concert?” You said, wringing your hands again. 
“I knew we shouldn’t’ve gone to that concert.” Remus shook his head. 
“Well…we all had a bit too much to drink and-”
“You foul little slut! You cheated on James with Regulus?” Sirius snapped. You shot back like you had been slapped. You knew Sirius was upset but he had been one of your closest friends since your first year at Hogwarts. How could he speak to you like that?
“No, not exactly.” James said from his place on his bed. 
“What does that mean?” Sirius’ head snapped towards James. 
“James, please don’t.” Regulus begged quietly. 
“We had a threesome with Regulus. Regulus has been in love with me for a long time. But he messed up and got her pregnant. We told Regulus that we would raise the baby like it was mine. I’m not sure what happened exactly.” James glared at Regulus. 
“What the fuck? You had sex with my two best friends?” Sirius turned to Regulus. 
“You just called one of your so-called ‘best friends’ a slut.” Regulus rolled his eyes. 
“Oh I’m going to kill you.” Sirius lunged at Regulus and Remus and James had to separate the two men. 
“Can someone please explain the engagement business?” James demanded. He was holding Sirius back and glowering at Regulus. 
“My mother found out and this is what our parents demanded. They thought this is the best way to avoid scandal. They want the child to be the next Black heir.” Regulus said, staring at his hands. 
“You told her? You disgusting little slug.” James spat. 
“No. He didn’t tell her. Our mother poked through his mind.” Sirius’ rage seemed to have dissipated as he looked at his younger brother in pity. 
“So what then? You’re my girlfriend!” James grabbed your hands. “I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
“I know,” you said, tears running down your cheeks, “but I don’t have a choice.”
“When is the wedding?” Remus asked. 
“During the Christmas holiday.” You said, resting your hands on your stomach. James sniffed harshly and stormed out of the room. You moved to follow but Remus rested his hand on your shoulder. 
“Let him go. He needs time to process this all.”
“Well, welcome to the Black family.” Sirius said with a sad smile. 
The semester ended and you were off to the Black estate with Regulus, your fiancé. Your nausea came and went and the wedding gown Walburga had given you felt very tight. Kreacher had already let it out twice and you were afraid to ask for it to be let out again. Sirius was to be in attendance as Regulus’ best man. James and Remus had also been invited but you weren’t sure if James would be in attendance. You couldn’t blame him. You wouldn’t’ve wanted to watch James marry someone else either. Lily, Marlene, and Mary were not allowed to attend so your bridesmaids were women you really didn’t know. They were all Black sisters, Narcissa and Bellatrix. They were both a little frightening and you tried not to speak to them more than you had to. 
At your engagement party, you felt yourself getting overwhelmed and you sat on the balcony with your feet dangling over the edge so you could breathe in the cool air outside. James sat down next to you and handed you a glass of water. 
“How are you doing?” He asked.
“I’m alright. Surprised to see you.” You said, accepting the water and drinking it gratefully. 
“So,” James sighed heavily, “you’re getting married tomorrow.”
“Yeah, I am.” You looked out at the gardens that stretched out behind Grimmauld place. 
“I don’t think I ever apologized to you.” James said. 
“Apologized for what?” You asked. You couldn’t believe how kind and sweet James was. It was the reason you had fallen for him in the first place. 
“I never should have had that threesome with Reg. I put you in this position and I ruined all three of our lives forever.” James hung his head. 
“Hey,” you put your hand on James’, “If I didn’t want it, I wouldn’t’ve done it. It’s a shit situation but things could be worse. And it’s not like we won’t see each other all the time,” your eyes were brimming with tears, “you’re my best friend, James. I love you.”
“I love you too,” James’ eyes were full of tears as well, “I, just, I don’t think I can be there tomorrow. I want to. But I don’t know if I can.”
“I know,” you whispered, “it’s okay.”
“Is everything alright out here?” It was Orion, he was staring at both of you. 
“Fine,” you said, sniffing hard and wiping your eyes. You took Orion’s outstretched hand and stood up. “I guess I should go enjoy my party.” 
You woke up the next day with a pit in your stomach. You took another pregnancy test, just in case you weren’t pregnant and you could tell everyone to call the wedding off. The test was positive, as you expected, and you were helped into the dress by Narcissa, Bellatrix, and your mother.
“Have you thought about children yet?” Bellatrix asked. 
“Don’t be silly, Bella. Her and Reg haven’t even graduated yet. Surely they’ll wait a few years before having kids.”
“Well, who knows. Regulus feels strongly about producing an heir.” You tried to say casually. Your mother shot you a look.
“I’m going to check on your father. I’ll see you in a bit, darling.” Your mother pressed a kiss to your forehead before leaving you alone with the Black sisters. 
“You’re pregnant, aren’t you?” Narcissa asked, staring down at your stomach. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“No, no. It makes sense. The rapid wedding to a Gryffindor? But you and Regulus look excellent together. And you’ll produce a beautiful heir.” Bellatrix was tracing her finger over your hairline and you had to resist the urge to shiver. 
“It’s time,” Narcissa said, the organ playing the beginning notes of your wedding march. Narcissa left first, her arm tucked into Sirius’ elbow. Then it was Bellatrix, who looked a bit odd as she walked Barty Crouch Jr. Then it was you. Your stomach was flip flopping as you walked with your father and mother until you saw James and Remus sitting the back row. A smile spread across your face and you held your head high and regal as you made your way to the alter. 
Regulus looked nice in his dress robes with that brought out the deep colors in his eyes. You took his hand as Orion, who was conducting the ceremony, spoke loud and clear. 
“Please be seated.” He ran through the standard vows and then what it meant to join the Black dynasty. He talked about blood purity that made your mother shift angrily in her chair and then he stated, “If anyone objects this holy union, speak now or forever hold your peace.” He waited for a few beats before looking between you and Regulus and smiling. 
“I have something I’d like to say.” A voice from the back of the room rang out. Everyone turned and you saw the defiant face of James Potter staring back at you.
@skyesayshi, @urdad6900
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pixiesndberries · 1 year
𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 , 𝐫. 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤
; regulus black x ex wife!reader
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, he truly loves his daughter and after she was born to this earth regulus couldn't be so much more happy. She was so fragile when regulus first felt her in his arms , still covered in little blood. He felt warm and comfortable around her and he instantly thought that this beautiful human would changed him.
─ you gave birth to regulus black's daughter even tho at that same moment and time you guys aren't doing as well. You aren't even going home to the house he provided for you and the family he was expecting and dreaming for. He was there living alone but your mother told you , this child isn't only yours but to regulus' too. You agreed that you should give birth to "his" house , just for the child.
The moment you saw him holding the beautiful creature you and him made together , you can see in regulus' eyes how happy he is ─ you can't help but to tear up. Like regulus believe on himself , you thought this might be a change for regulus. This man has alot of emotional baggage that you can't handle making the relationship tough to handle together , things already ended when you were two months pregnant. He begged but you thought it was enough , your suffering is enough.
Things changed as time flies by , your daughter grew up quickly. She can walk and mumble words already ─ things changed , you find someone else and regulus respected that. Deep inside for regulus of course it hurts seeing you pick up the child from his house with your new partner that isn't him. But he needs to accept the truth and left the delusions he have whenever you spend your time at his house with your kid.
, "see darling that's a star" regulus smiled pointing at the glowing star from the ceiling "a stah ?" regulus chuckled at the words of her , he can hear the exact accent from you. "yes darling a stah !" he laughs mocking the child playfully , her also laughing ─ And you watched them from afar you were peacefully waiting for your child to sleep before going home , she won't leave because of the reason ; "i don't wanna go ba- bye mama!". She don't wanna leave his father's side.
"where's mama?" regulus whispered fixing the child's hair , the child quickly looking at you and smiled. Unexpectedly she stood up and quickly walking towards you , "mama" she mumbled holding your finger with a puppy eyes "yes my love?" you replied caressing her cheeks "mama , bed please" she was asking for you to lay in the bed with her. "Oh.." you whispered , regulus was laying there as well though he didn't ask for you to lay there , your child does. "darling , mama is there ok she won't leave" regulus assured her so you don't have to lay down near him. "Bu-but mama" she looks like she was about to cry , "it's fine reggie" you replied standing up letting the child take you to the bed.
when regulus heard the name , reggie. God his soul almost left his body not hearing that for a very long time and hearing it again made him feel alot. He felt what he felt again when you called him that for the first time ; it feels like a bucket of butterflies are setten free inside his stomach , a warm feeling covering his body.
"you should go sleep now darling.." you smiled cuddling your daughter , "you too reggie" you laughed. You knew this kid would sleep only if regulus sleep ; just like before , he would only sleep if you are already asleep. "ye-yes ma'am.." he chuckled insured what he would reply , this is the delusions he was talking about - thinking this what it feels like to have a complete family with you and it feels so so good.
"goodnight darling" regulus whispered kissing his daughter's forehead , looking at him. Insider of his mind he could've said you want one too? but he felt like if he said that and say it was a joke , it would be awkward for you. You thought , he looks so gorgeous - always been gorgeous. "Goodnight reggie." You whispered and god forbid you don't know why did you even said that. Regulus proceed to pretend he didn't heard what you said , but lord he loves you so much it brings so much joy and pain to him that he couldn't just pull you for one kiss atleast.
The moment he knew you have felled asleep , "i love you." That's all he can say. He truly loves you and this child , if he could turn back time he wished he could've fixed everything. And you truly love him aswell.
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valentinetypewriter · 9 months
Me and My Husband-Chapter 1
Summary + series masterlist
Main masterlist
Chapter 2 / chapter 3
This is a slow burn wolfstar x reader/arranged marriage au
Word count : 2,724
The Marauders had all piled up into a carriage of the Hogwarts Express, sweets and lollies littering the seats and floor as they talked all about their break from school. Sirius had of course spent most of his break with the Potters once again before having to go back home before the start of their new school year. "We went to this muggle movie theatre and it was amazing, I've never been to one before" Sirius was currently spouting out about all the things he had done with James, not having a chance to do those kinds of things in his own home. "It was quite fun until we almost got kicked out because Padfoot here wouldn't shut up!" James spoke up with a humorous tone. "Well enough about that, how did your guys break go?" Sirius asked the other two boys after giving James a slight shove. Remus spoke up first "I went to visit my grandparents, they live out in the countryside, so it was nice to have some peace and quiet finally" Peter timidly spoke, a hint of concern in his voice. "Did you handle the full moons alright?" Remus gave a slight nod "it's a pretty secluded area, plus lots of room to run around" He gave Peter a smile to ease up any concern he had for the young Werewolf.
The rest of the trip was filled with mindless talk about more stuff that happened during their break, what kind of pranks they were planning this year and of course relationships. Sirius seemed to stiffen as soon as the topic had been brought up. Peter droned on about his new hufflepuff girlfriend he had gotten at the end of last year before asking the others if they had any crushes or anything. "Well I can't say I have one yet, but who knows this year I might get lucky" James said with a huge dorky grin on his face. After being rejected by Lily Evans far too many times the boy had decided it was best to move on, and now without the constant attempts to gain her affection they had become close friends. Sirius hadn't contributed much to the conversation though, in fact he hadn't spoken a word since Peter had brought the topic up. Although James and Peter didn't notice, the two boys continued with meaningless conversation. Remus on the other hand had noticed how Sirius was unusually quiet, his stormy eyes didn't look away from the window he was leaning against until the scarred hand of the tall boy touched his knee gently "you alright padfoot?" Remus's soft voice had always been pleasant to his ears. Sirius gave a small nod and faked a smile, though Remus could always tell when someone was faking a smile he just always knew, tilting his head as his eyebrows furrowed, clearly not believing what he had said. It scared Sirius just how much of an open book he seemed to Remus, though he guessed everyone felt that way about the tall boy. He knew Remus knew he was lying, he leant down towards him "I'm here if you need anything Sirius" giving him a soft smile, everything about Remus Lupin was soft, his hair, his voice, his warm skin and even the sweaters he always wore. Thankfully though he didn't press on, just leaving his large warm hand on Sirius's knee.
The train ride had come to an end soon after that, the four rowdy boys rushing off the train. All laughing like madmen at some stupid joke James had said. "Let's get to hogwarts quickly I'm starved" Sirius said with an over dramatic and drawn out sigh, James slung his arm around him as a laugh was drawn out from him "yeah because you totally didn't have enough from the trolley" Sirius elbowed him in the side, although that did nothing to discourage James. "Yeah padfoot you would've brought her whole stock if Moony hadn't stopped you" Peters jab had James cracking up all over again. Even Remus let out a small laugh, though Sirius just huffed "you're all the worst" shaking his head at his three friends. "Yeah but you'd be lost without us" James stated, ruffling up the hair of his best friend. As they continued walking Sirius caught sight of the one person he dreaded seeing around the school other than his younger brother, Y/n l/n, or as he referred to her since their last meeting during their break, the absolute bane of his existence. The sight of the expensive jewellery she wore on her hand made his thoughts bubble with anger, she was just as pompous and up herself as ever. He quickly dismissed the thoughts of her, not wanting to think more of it.
The four friends eventually found their way to the great hall, watching on as new 1st years were getting sorted. The boys were certainly the loudest when new students were sorted into Gryffindor. After the sorting and the same speech Dumbledore gave every year the feast had begun, everyone digging in and talking loudly with the people around them. Once the boys had finished eating they rushed to their dorm room, already excited to start planning out pranks for their last year. They all fell asleep quicker then they had initially planned on, the adrenalin wearing off as they started to crash out, barely out of their clothes or under their covers. Remus fell asleep sitting at his desk, his head leaning against his sweater he was using as a makeshift pillow. James was sitting upright, leant against the headboard of his bed, Sirius had crashed out at the end of James bed, his legs dangling off the edge of the bed. And Peter had fallen asleep on his own bed, though lying on top of the covers in nothing but sweat pants he had changed into.
They woke up later than usual, all stiff and sore from the uncomfortable positions they slept in, except for Peter, he was just cold. They all got dressed and decided to go down to the courtyard, they had the entire weekend to settle back in before 7th year classes started. Which they were all eternally grateful for. The Marauders made their way outside, laughing and joking around as usual. Finding somewhere nice to sit they picked back up their conversation from last night. "So this year everything needs to be bigger and better boys" James announced, clapping his hands together "I was thinking that prank we did last year on Snivellus, when we turned his uniform bright pink for the whole day, was pretty good but we could definitely top that". As soon as he finished the four boys all had that same classic Marauders look on their faces that screamed they were up to no good and to steer clear. Sirius shot up "how about we make it rainbow and glitter" Peter laughed and added on "yeah we could even add frills this time" that sent the boys into a crazed fit of laughter all except Remus. It wasn't that he was against the idea, it was more that he had something else in mind "or we could turn his uniform into the girl's one" despite his voice not being as loud as the others, their laughter had completely stopped. Wide devious smiles quickly covered the shocked looks they gave him "Merlin Remus you're a bloody genius!" James shouted, as he ruffled his hair up in approval.
They continued talking about how they'd pull it off when James noticed none other than Lily Evans walking through the courtyard "hey Lily!" James shouted out without a second thought. Lily's head shot up and she smiled at the boys walking over with one of her friends she had been talking to. "Hello boys, I hope the break treated you all well" the boys responded with simple answers of head nods and even a thumbs up from Remus. Sirius had finally noticed who Lily just so happened to drag along with her, of course it just had to be her, Y/n. "Mind if we sit with you guys?" Lily asked, her tone as sweet as always. Sirius would have denied her, almost saying how they were planning some 'Marauders' stuff. But of course James beat him to it "of course not, go for it ladies" he smiled at the two girls as they sat down. Sirius was angry at this, not at James for letting her sit with them, but at Y/n for thinking she could just sit near him so casually.
Sirius couldn't help the hateful glare as he watched the girl in front of him, seemingly avoiding conversation with the rest of the Marauders. All he could focus on was the girl he deemed to be the bane of his existence talking away with Lily, the two only met because of Lily's best friend Severus due to the two being in Slytherin. His stormy eyes held a gaze with the glittering gem on her left ring finger, acting as a constant and cruel reminder of his unwanted fate. Remus of course had noticed, he always did when Sirius's mood suddenly changed. The Werewolf leant down to whisper into said boys ear "You know if you keep brooding at her you're going to burn holes into the back of her head" he let out a soft huff of amusement as the boy looked back over at him, an incredulous look on his face "I'm not brooding, I just don't like her" Remus had that look on his face, the kind of look that said yeah that's totally it. The boy shook his head leaving the over dramatic boy to continue his not brooding session.
Y/n knew Sirius was glaring, she could feel his eyes on her as soon as she sat down with Lily. She tried to ignore it, instead choosing to focus on her conversation with said girl about their breaks, the muggle born witch always asked about the balls and events Y/n went to. Neither minded talking about it, Lily got an inside view of what rich and exclusive Pure Blood gatherings were like and Y/n was able to boast about the overly expensive dresses and jewellery she wore to each event and how pretty she felt in them. She was able to ignore the glaring eyes that seemed almost harsh enough to feel in her skull, until Lily had pointed it out "you know Sirius has been staring at you this entire time" the Slytherin didn't spare a glance at the mentioned boy "I'm well aware, he's been doing that a lot lately, I have no idea why" she let out a scoff at the end of her sentence. As much as she liked to talk about every little detail that happened during her break to Lily. The one thing she just so happened to leave out was the meeting between both her family and the Blacks. When Y/n's left hand combed through her hair brushing it back giving Sirius a perfect view of the beautiful ring he had come to hate, and of course he had taken it as a personal insult, as if she was flaunting the expensive jewel on her finger to dig the knife deeper into him. And that kind of insult wasn't something he had taken very lightly as something seemed to snap inside him, the black haired boy stood up abruptly walking over to the two girls "may I have a word with you l/n" his stormy grey eyes filled with hatred and disgust met the dull and harsh eyes of the girl he stared down, awaiting an answer from her. "With all due respect Black I'm currently busy" despite the two seeming to hate each other's guts, they always still acted formal with each other, years of being raised by pure blood families leaving its mark on the two teens."Yes well it's a very urgent matter Y/n" at the use of her first name she sighed and stood from her seat next to Lily, Sirius had only ever seemed to use her first name when he was beyond angry at her "i'll be back soon Lily" the girl just smiled and nodded joining the conversation with the rest of the marauders as Sirius dragged her away. Remus noticed the tight grip his friend had on the girl's wrist, he felt a tinge of worry creeping up on him, though he seemed to be the only one who noticed, not even Lily had noticed how Sirius pulled away the girl she was just talking to a second ago. Remus knew he was overly perceptive sometimes to his own detriment, so he softly interrupted the group's chatter with the excuse of going to the bathroom. Only to follow the two teens who had just left, stopping just before turning the corner peeking over slightly to see the people he was looking for.
Sirius had cornered Y/n against the wall, not wanting to let her leave until he spoke to her "do you seriously have to wear that stupid ring everywhere" he scoffed down at her, disgust clear in his voice. The Slytherin rolled her eyes at the boy "my parents wanted me to, it's not like I could say no to them, you know what will happen if Regulus finds out you're not wearing yours, do you really want your parents to find out" it was now Sirius's turn to roll his eyes "that doesn't mean you have to flaunt it around and keep reminding me of it" the girls face morphed from slightly irritated to furious "Excuse me! You think I'm flaunting it, as if I ever wanted this, as if I like this any more than you do!" Her voice kept rising in octaves as she yelled at the boy in front of her. "All I'm saying is you seem far too comfortable wearing that to be too upset about it" he leaned down into her face, it was clear to Y/n he was trying to intimidate her, there was a pause of silence before a loud slap rang out in the empty corridor they had found themselves in. Sirius's hand shooting up to hold his now reddening and sore face "you prick! Stop speaking to me like that, as if you know anything about me, it's like you think it's my life's dream to be betrothed and bear children to some moronic teenage boy I hate, simply to uphold our stupid pure-blood lineage!" Sirius was too stunned to speak, he didn't know if it was because of the slap, the angry words the usually quiet girl had yelled at him, or the tears that were now violently streaming down her face. Y/n turned away from him, face red and hot from her anger and tears, in doing so she had locked eyes with none other than Remus Lupin who was standing at the end of the corridor in shock only slightly out of view, both their eyes widening as their eyes locked. Y/n letting out a shocked gasp had alerted Sirius, whose head shot over to look at Remus, the tall Werewolf looking between the two, a slight bit of fear etched on his face at being caught. He looked down "sorry, I didn't mean to overhear anything, I was just worried about you" he didn't say who exactly he was talking about, eyes locking onto the floor. Though Remus himself didn't know who he was talking about either, only looking up when he heard the sudden movement of feet, watching as Y/n shoved Sirius away from her. Finally being freed from against the wall, she took off in the other direction, unable to contain her violent sobbing. Remus looked awkwardly at Sirius as he slowly made his way over, the taller boy staying still in his spot "you can't tell the others about this, can you promise me that Moony?" Remus seemed shocked, while he looked at Sirius. He seemed so vulnerable and scared, almost weak even as a few tears leaked down his face "I- I promise… I won't tell anyone anything" he gently put his hand on Sirius's shoulder. Said boy leaned into the touch of his friend, he sniffled slight before speaking "thank you Remus"
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theseerbetweenus · 4 months
Me: Oh yay it's Valentine's Day! I can't wait to read all the cute, fluffy fics.
The fics: Angst, betrayal, angst, unrequited love, death, angst, more angst
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aphrcdites · 11 months
i don’t know how to explain it but when emma falls in love is so james potter coded
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masivechaos · 2 years
Sirius Black x fem! reader
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Request: yes / no
Synopsis: Sirius just finds out about James and Regulus’ relationship and he doesn’t accept it, when the marauders are in a big argument Y/n seems to be the only person who finds the good words.
Warning/content: swearing; jegulus; feeling betrayed; kissing; mention of blood, injuries, parental abuse, kissing, sex, being drunk; angst to fluff/ hurt to comfort; my English
a.n.: 3.5k words- I tried not to add many swear words but I'm a person who swears a lot and even more during arguments so sorry if there's too much. i think it’s one of my best so far, hope tumblr would finally decide to give me attention (my stats have been falling they’re underground) so don't hesitate to reblog it will really help me.
masterlist/ marauders masterlist / navigation
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──
Sirius plopped himself down on the couch between Remus and Y/n, Peter sitting on an armchair in front of them “Where’s Prongs?” he looked left and right, and no sign of the curly-haired boy.
“Dorm” Y/n replied as she ate a sugar quill, a pout formed on Sirius’ face and he threw his hand to his chest, falsely hurt “You eat without me” the girl rolled her eyes but her lips tugged upwards “You’re being silly”
“Me?” he said even more dramatically, Y/n laughed “Stop acting like a child. Why are you searching for James?” she asked, she brought a leg to her chest, her cheek pressing against her knee. “None of your business” he poked his tongue out at her.
“Why he’s upstairs when everyone is here?” Sirius questioned as he tilted his head “He told us he had a headache” she answered taking a bite of her quill. Sirius’ smile fell “Oh fuck” he got up “Gonna see if he’s fine”
Y/n started to talk with Peter until they heard shouts coming from the dorms. They stood up, followed by Remus, and rushed to the boys’ dormitory “What is happening?” Peter asked.
They saw James on his bed and next to him… Regulus? They both had messy hair, swollen lips and cheeks dusted in pink. Ooh, Y/n got it. “He’s fucking my brother! That’s what’s happening!” Sirius was yelling pointing at James.
Y/n rarely saw him getting mad like this, he was impulsive but not this much and it was usually for small stupid fights.
“What?” she never thought that James and Regulus could have a thing. She stopped herself from smiling a bit, and the anger emanating from her friend was enough to convince her.
Sirius turned his head to look at her “He was making out with Regulus! My best friend! Making out with my brother!” Remus tried to calm him “Hey… Calm down a bit…”
If Sirius’ eyes could kill Remus would be six feet under. “Calm down?! He’s shagging my brother!” he then looked at Regulus “He’s shagging my best mate!”
“We love each other!” James added. Sirius turned his head sharply “I don’t care, James!” James winced, here we go, they’re at the point where Sirius doesn’t use Prongs anymore. He started to justify himself but it was too much for Sirius. He stormed out of the room.
Y/n looked at Remus and Peter to see if they were as surprised as her but apparently not. “You knew?” she asked a little stunned. Remus sighed “Yeah” her eyes widened. Ouch, Sirius was going to lose it even more.
She darted out of the dorm, searching for Sirius. She found him sat on the stairs leading to the girls’ dormitories. She let herself fall next to him, she could hear his small sobs, they were angry tears. He rested his head on her shoulder “How can he do this to me?” he ground his teeth.
She hugged him, rubbing his shoulder with her hand, she could sense how betrayed he felt. “Hey… it’s gonna be okay” she reassured him quietly. But he shook his head “No…” she embraced him even tighter and kissed his temple. He let himself relax. They stayed like this until Sirius calmed down.
“I- I don’t want to go back there,” he told Y/n the voice craking, she offered him a soft smile placing a piece of hair behind his ear “You don’t have to, you can stay at my dorm” she offered him, whispering. He nodded “Thank you”
Sirius nuzzled in Y/n’s neck, she could feel his tears on her shoulder skin. He was now sad, he felt so betrayed, he trusted James, he was the only person who knew everything about how he felt about his family, who knew exactly what happened the night he escaped. But he was now kissing Regulus?
“Do you want to talk about it?” she whispered. It was not the first time they slept in the same bed, but this time felt more intimate. Usually, they would fall asleep after an exhausting day, or after a party when one of them is drunk and they’d take care of the other.
Tonight, Y/n saw Sirius breaking down like this for the first time. She knew he could cry and be emotional but she felt like he didn’t allow himself to be vulnerable in front of her. He would just wipe the tear that had just fallen on his cheek, laugh, and make a joke, creating a distraction so Y/n would forget he was sad.
But the thing is she never forgot, she knew he was just hiding his feelings away from her. She tried to scratch the emotional barrier he created when he was next to her, but he didn’t want to take it off. So after a few attempts, she gave up, their relationship only having surface conversations.
She wished he could open up to her, she wished he was comfortable enough with her to confide.
Y/n had always been close to Sirius, and they started being friends in second year. They were now in their last year and Y/n realized a year ago she liked him.
The feeling was terrible, loving your best friend, growing closer but without romantic feelings on his side. She even felt sometimes like he was her best friend but she wasn’t to him. She was at a point where she could feel jealous of his complicity with the marauders.
Y/n knew they saw him sad, angry, in the worst state ever. But she didn’t. She didn’t because he didn’t trust her. And she did everything she could to win his trust but he still didn’t let her see the more unsteady part of him.
“No…” Sirius finally answered. And Y/n shut her eyes, he definitely didn’t want to open up. Therefore she held him closer, hoping he will feel how much she cared, that he could talk to her. It didn’t work, he stopped crying and wrapped his arms around her shoulders before falling asleep but didn’t talk.
She felt guilty honestly. She was there, complaining in her head about the fact that her best friend whom she had feelings for didn’t open up to her when he was crying, cuddling her just a few minutes ago.
She pushed her thoughts away and tried to fall asleep. She kissed Sirius’ hair, wiping a tear on his cheek “It’s going to be okay” she whispered before drifting off.
The next day Sirius stayed close to Y/n. He avoided James and Regulus to stop himself from yelling at them every time he saw them. The worst was that they stayed together, they held hands under the table at the library.
Sirius’ jaw was clenched and he felt his face hardened, he rushed out of the room as fast as possible and found comfort next to Y/n. He only had her because he had the nice surprise to discover that Remus and Peter already knew about James and Regulus and told him that he was ‘overreacting a bit’
Sirius hated how he acted with Y/n. He needed her, but he didn’t want to seem vulnerable. Godric, he loved her so much, that he didn’t want to show her this side of him, he wanted her to see him as a funny little dude who was smiling and making jokes about his traumas.
But there was a moment where he needed to talk to somebody, and since his best friends weren’t the ones he could talk to in this situation he stuck with Y/n but stopped himself from talking about how betrayed he felt, how it shattered his heart. He cried and yelled in front of her yesterday it was enough.
She was always so understanding but he simply couldn't let her enter his deepest feelings. If there is one thing he learned from his childhood is showing emotions is bad. Don't smile, don't cry.
He still remembered the way her mother looked at him with disappointment in her eyes when he let out sobs in front of her for the first time, the way she left. Leaving him alone in the dark room he used as his bedroom.
He didn't want Y/n to leave. He didn't want to become again this little scared child in the dark room, cold giving him goosebumps, shadows becoming monsters.
So he bottled up in front of her so maybe she'd stay. He was sad or angry? not with her, he couldn't.
He tried to get as much comfort as possible without her suspecting something. Stealing a hug that lasted a second too long as a greeting when he just cried the entire night. Falling asleep with her, when his tiring day wasn't about school but the letter he received from his parents.
He couldn't let her see through him.
But as he tried to get the entire story out of his head for a minute someone called him “Padfoot” he took a deep breath as he recognized James’ voice and turned around to face the boy “James” he knew that by calling his friend by his name instead of his nickname he’ll get that Sirius is still mad at him.
James winced but still kept going “Please… Can we try to talk?” Sirius huffed “No! You know I hate my family and all you find to do is dating Regulus! I trusted you and you betrayed me!” he shouted, they were alone in their dormitory, Sirius wanted to take some stuff to stay at Y/n’s dorm.
“Pads… he’s not like them” James tried but only received a death stare from Sirius who faked a laugh “Then why he didn’t help me the night I ran away, huh?! Why did he let me bleeding there, James? Why?!” he said, hands in fists, knuckles turning white.
James hated to see Sirius like this, and it hurt to know that it was his fault. But he needed to defend his boyfriend “He was scared… and he felt like- like… you abandoned him”
“Abandoned him?” Sirius scoffed “You know how many punches I took for him?” he was now closer to his friend as he felt rage winning him. “He- he thought I replaced him in your heart” James added but the raven-haired boy wasn’t satisfied by the answer “Bullshit.” he took a deep breath before adding “Since when have you been together?” he asked
James’ tongue darted out to wet his lips, he shut his eyelids “James?” the other boy said sharply. The curly-haired boy opened his eyes “Five months” he looked at the ground and only heard the door slamming as Sirius left the room.
But downstairs, in the common room, Sirius found Remus who tried to talk to him “Pads, don’t you want to give them a chance?” he pleaded but Sirius only glared at him before heading to the girl dorm.
He ignored Lily as she asked him if he was okay and join Y/n in her own bed. She looked up and immediately saw something was wrong with him “Come here” she opened her arms for him and he quickly laid down his head on her chest.
“What happened?” she asked “I don’t want to talk about it” he responded and Y/n felt her heart sink “Sirius… You know you can talk to me, right?” her voice flinched and the boy heard the hurt in it. He plopped himself on his elbows.
“Is everything fine?” Y/n couldn’t help herself but started crying “Why don’t you ever open up to me? You don’t trust me? Am I doing something wrong?” she said through some sobs. Shit. Sirius never wanted to make her feel like it was her fault.
He cupped her cheek “It’s not because of you, darling” he reassured her “Then why don’t you talk to me?” she asked with eyes that broke his heart. “I don’t want you to see me vulnerable. I’m scared you won’t like me anymore” Y/n sat up.
“Why would I?” Sirius sat next to her, his head against the headboard “I- I don’t know. I’m supposed to be always laughing and happy, don’t want you to see me cry”
Y/n smiled softly “You don’t have to be always laughing and happy with me. You’re allowed to be sad, Sirius” a tear fell on his cheek and his eyebrows raised, he bit his bottom lip “Really?” he whispered like he couldn’t believe what she just said.
She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, hugging him tightly “Of course” his cries grew louder, he needed to hear these words “Thank you, Y/n. So much” he embraced her back.
She pulled away after a few minutes “You didn’t say you wanted to bring some clothes?” she asked, looking around finding nothing but her own belongings and Sirius sighed “I argued with James when I went to my dorm” he told her.
“Oh. Do you want me to go?” Sirius´ lips tugged up as he wiped a dry tear on his cheek “You would do that?” Y/n kissed his forehead “Of course, stay here!”
She opened the curtains of her bed and rushed out of the room.
“What are you doing here?” James asked, his brows furrowed “Taking some togs for Sirius” Y/n answered as she dug into Sirius’ closet before pulling out some clothes. She could sense James wanted to tell something and it didn’t miss “He’s still mad at me?”
She turned her head and gave him a sad smile. He let himself fall on his bed and lifted his arms in the air “Just- Take care of him” he told Y/n, she nodded her head and left.
When she returned to her room Y/n found Sirius almost asleep on her bed. “Hey” she whispered, he turned his head, his hair a little frizzy from staying on the pillow. She handed him some shorts and an oversized shirt “Go take a shower I’ll wait for you”
Sirius stepped out of the bathroom, hair freshly damp, and sat next to Y/n who had changed into pyjamas too. He stretched down when she did, they were facing each other, the curtains hiding them “I’m sorry for making you feel like it was your fault if I didn’t open up” Sirius apologized. “Don’t be sorry Sirius” she reassured him
“I realized I didn’t ask you your opinion on the situation, I just complained” he said with a sigh. “Well, I understand how you feel, and why you feel like this.” Sirius felt relieved “But,” she added “I can also understand the boys. I trust James and I don’t think he’ll date a bad person. So if it wasn’t your brother I won’t say anything. But I understand that you’re shocked because it’s your brother”
He wanted to be mad at her, to yell at her and tell her how much she was crazy but he simply couldn’t. She was not the first person who told him this but it sounded better when it was from her. She wasn’t judging him for being angry, she was just being unbiased. “You think my brother isn’t a bad person?” he asked
She shrugged “I don’t know. But maybe you should try to talk to him” she proposed. He grunted “He didn’t help me, Y/n. He left me bleeding on the floor with broken ribs” his voice broke and his eyes started to water at the memory.
“James knows?” she asked, surprised that James would date Regulus if he really left Sirius. He nodded “Yeah, but apparently Regulus was too scared to act, and he also felt like I abandoned him by living with James”
Y/n stayed silent for a bit and ended up resting her hand on his shoulder “You don’t want to talk about that night with your brother? Having the two versions would maybe help you” she whispered as she realized Sirius started to be really tired.
He stared at her for a few minutes, debating in his head “Okay, I’ll try” he finally said. “I’m proud of you” she smiled, she really was. He found him brave to accept this. He nuzzled in her neck and she started to play with his hair until he fell asleep.
They woke up in the same position as the night before. Sirius was panicking “What!” Y/n asked, still dizzy “Fuck!” he swore as he got out of the bed “What?” she asked again, sitting up. “I forgot I had a detention with McGonagall!”
Y/n couldn’t help but laugh “Stooop! It’s not funny!” he whined. She tried to stop but she simply couldn’t, she was thinking about the future silly excuses Sirius was going to give to the Professor. “Good luuuck” she shouted, he blew her a raspberry before rushing to the transfiguration classroom.
She let herself fall on the bed and sighed contently “Well, well” she heard Lily say. “What?” she chuckled, Lily sat next to her “Since when you’re dating Sirius?” she asked.
Y/n’s cheeks heated up “We’re not dating!” The ginger girl rolled her eyes “You clearly like each other!” she stated. Y/n blushed even more “He doesn’t like me”
Lily sighed “You’re the only one who doesn’t see it” she smiled. The other girl’s eyes widened “I think you’re imagining things, Lils” she said sadly.
“Then he’s been sleeping in your bed as a friend?” Lily smirked. Y/n rolled in her bed, laying on her stomach, her head buried in her pillow “Arghh! It’s not like this! I wished! I wished it was like you said! He’s just arguing with his friends so he stays with me”
“Um um, yeah sure” Lily replied “You know that arguing with his friends and staying with you doesn’t mean that he has to cling to you like this the entire night?” she raised an eyebrow with a playful smile.
“Ah, stop! Please! You’re just giving me fake hope!” Y/n said as she got up to eat breakfast. She ignored her friend as she continued to go on and on about the fact that Sirius fancied her.
A few days later, Y/n headed back from the Great Hall and saw Sirius and Regulus talking. They were yelling at each other in a garden. She also observed James in a corner, she joined him “Hey” he turned his head “Hi” he responded.
They haven’t talked since she came into the dorm to take Sirius’ clothes. Sirius didn’t talk to his friends, he fled their glances the whole days, mostly staying with Y/n. He wasn’t even thinking of talking to his brother but today he met him in a hallway and he couldn’t escape it.
James and Y/n watched in silence as the brothers were fighting, more yells and cries until both of them stopped. They stared at each other before Sirius hugged Regulus tightly, the latter’s shoulders were shaking before finally relaxing under the boy’s warm embrace.
Y/n glanced at James with a big smile “I think things are going to be better” she winked, and the curly-haired boy wrapped his arms around her shoulders “Thank you, thank you, thank you” she chuckled as he kept thanking her.
Sirius walked to them “Prongs, listen. I’m sorry and it’s fine. Just- if you hurt him I will kill you” he warned, he then looked at Regulus “And if you hurt him I will kill you” Y/n soft laugh won Sirius’ attention.
James and Regulus left on their side, and Sirius looked at Y/n “Thank you” she hugged him, his hands clinging to her shirt in her back. Tears welled in his eyes again, this day was full of emotions “Sorry” he said as he thumbed away his tears, hiding his face.
Y/n took his wrist, pulling his hand away from his face “Hey, don’t hide, it’s okay. Don’t be ashamed to express your feelings. It’s normal to feel like this”
"You won't leave me?" he asked, he was the most vulnerable he'd ever been in front of her. She tucked a strand of hair behind his ear "I won't leave, Sirius. Never" she reassured him. He stared at her, lips slightly open, his eyes flickered to her own mouth.
“Kiss me” he heard her say. A smirk formed on his lips “Be careful, if I kiss you I don’t think I’ll be able to stop” he cupped her cheek and she bit the inside of her bottom lip.
“Just kiss me” she asked again. He chuckled and finally leaned in. Their lips touched, the taste of Sirius’ previous tears melting in the kiss, and a weird sensation grew in Y/n’s stomach but she didn’t mind, she liked it. Sirius deepened the kiss, his other hand in her hair.
It will take some time for Sirius to accept James and Regulus, asking them less PDA as possible in front of him but Y/n was right, things got better.
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yellow-berrys · 1 year
PT. ONE | remus lupin x fem!reader | navigation
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He could cry just thinking about you. The burgeoning smile at your lips every time. Always eyes the other way, crystals etched in them that he wished he could count. He really could cry. It was the way you promised, “Never better.” Or that time you had finally smiled at him. A mile between the both of you, as if you were a precious diamond avoiding the rough. There was something about you. 
It’s a collision; there’s a swelling, boyish heart over here, another one that is pinker and unassuming- it is all too unintelligible but it will be clear as glass later. Beating, beating, beating. His had never run away from him. It did when he thought about you. 
Tale of the falling and the self-effacing. He wanted something simple, cards laid flat on the table, good and stable. The Romans had preached it, Venus, wasn’t it? Something so nuanced, beautiful. Something about you. 
Moreover, it was a tale of illustrious reputations. Remus Lupin, Gryffindor’s prefect and resident pretty boy. You, the golden girl, gorgeous legacy and even prettier marks. Ambitious and so sparkling. 
How did it start?
With this strange, unfamiliar concept called love.
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heaven4lostgirls · 1 year
OKAY! hear me out i know this is gonna sound too specific BUT!
does anyone have any fic recs abt harry traveling back in time to the marauders era??? homosexual ships ARE ENCOURAGED 🫶🏽
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r0sekill3rss · 10 months
nightmares • l.e x gn!reader
prompt: “don’t be silly. i want to stay up with you,”
summary: where you wake up from a nightmare and lily helps you.
a/n: established relationship. not proofread 🙈
word count: 430
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you’d had a nightmare and woken up with a start. unfortunately, lily had felt the jump while she stayed in your room that night. you were still trying to regulate your breathing and shake off the cold sweat covering your body when you heard a familiar mumble of your name. you turned towards the voice and saw a half awake lily with a concerned expression adorning her face. she was always so pretty.
“hey, you okay?” she whispered groggily as she sat up. you didn’t know how to answer. you weren’t okay, you were shaken by the nightmare but you didn’t want to worry her.
“m’fine lils. just a nightmare,” you said with a half-hearted smile. she didn’t believe you, of course. she’d felt the tremble of your hands. it was her right to be worried about you, even if you were fine. you knew she wouldn’t back down so you began to gently stroke her hair in a weak attempt to distract her.
“i don’t know what you think you’re doing but it’s not working. are you really okay?” lily sighed.
“i’m really okay lily, just go back to sleep,”
“don’t be silly. i want to stay up with you,”
“lily evans.”
“what? you’re obviously shaken by the nightmare. you can tell me what happened, if you want. if not, i can cuddle you until we both fall asleep.”
you smiled tiredly at her. she was always so compassionate, even when you playfully bullied her like there was no tomorrow. you studied her face for a second. her naturally piercing eyes complimented her bright ginger hair. her almost perfectly pink lips often tainted your thoughts. her slender nose that she would scrunch up in disgust when she had a distaste for something. you just found her so pretty, as that was exactly what she was.
as you tuned back in to the world around you, you realised lily was waving in your face. a calling of your name had brought you back down to earth.
“sorry,” you said with a dazed smile.
“you okay? you were staring at me.”
you admired her one more time before you felt your eyelids droop.
“i think it’s time to sleep.” you yawned as you let out a small hum of laughter.
“okay, love.” you got comfortable as she laid down and you rested your head on her chest. she began to stroke your hair gently before closing her eyes and mumbling a quiet, “i love you.”
“i love you too lily.”
you slept peacefully that night, forgetting all about the nightmare.
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robarazzii · 1 year
also where are the dramione scream au?? hermione being sidney, draco=billy, theo= stu etc like it would be so good!! i feel like it could also be a drarry au as well or even jegulus really any kind of ship even x reader
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siriuslystargazing · 1 year
Becoming Human: Chapter 1
Chapter 1 ~ A New Lease on Life
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James never thought death wouldn't come to him so quickly. One moment he was upstairs with his fiancé, Lily Evans; the next, he was on the bottom floor dead. At first, death was lonely. He had to sit in the living room watching everyone mourn him. He watched his mother cry ugly tears, and his friends Peter and Severus console his mourning wife. It wasn't until Lily pulled away that he saw the bump. Lily was pregnant, and now he's dead, and now the pipes in the house are groaning with anger, his anger. Lily looked up, unsure of what was going on. Still, by then, the wake unanimously decided to finish early, and now the house was empty again. James Potter died at 21, which was 4 years ago. 
Remus was 15 when it happened, 15 years old when everything went wrong when Greyback broke into his tent during a family camping trip and cursed him with his wolf. His next encounter with the supernatural was at 20; he worked at a small café in Portsmouth, waiting on tables and pouring coffee. Simple job. It brings in money until 4 masked figures come in, called themselves the Death Eaters, dragged Remus out of the café and beat him to a pulp on the street. Luckily fate intervened, and he was saved by a stranger. 
"I suggest you leave him alone", the Irishman drawled. 
"Why on earth would we do that? He's a filthy mutt that needs to be put down. We're just doing the world a favour, wouldn't you agree?" one of the death eaters spoke; Remus couldn't tell who thanks to all the cryptic masks they wore, but heavens above, he was shit scared and wanted to die right then and there. 
"No, I disagree, but you're playing a dangerous game. His boss will wonder where he went in a matter of minutes, and I don't think the Aurors need another reason to cover up your messes; leave him to me" Aurors? What the fuck is that? Remus thought he had never heard of them. Still, considering the 5 people in this alleyway smelled like blood and something undead, he concluded it had something to do with them. He was right; Aurors were a network of vampires that kept the population in check. If they had done their job correctly, Remus wouldn't be surrounded by Death eaters. 
"you're a coward betraying your kind like this for an oversized dog", another death eater spat "let's just get out of here", and with that, they all left, flitting from the scene. The Irishman stepped out of the darkness and into the neon glow of the café sign; he was tall and handsome, but something lingered behind his eyes. 
"Why help me? Why not let them kill me?" Remus's voice shook 
“Everyone deserves death, I just thought you’d want to go out on your terms and not to some deranged Vampiric Nazis, so I decided I want to help you" The Irishman held out a hand. Remus hesitated to take it, but something in him urged him to trust the man "Qrow, I'm like them, a vampire. Don't panic, though. I'm off the red stuff," Qrow huffs a laugh helping Remus up.  
"Remus Lupin, so what now?" Remus fixes his clothes the best he can. 
"Well, I think fate brought us together for a reason...I found a nice house in Camden, cheap rent. I have a job at the hospital. I'm sure I can get you something" Qrow pulls out a pack of cigarettes and offers one to Remus, who, in turn, accepts. 
"Why do you think I'd just join and live with you at the drop of a hat" Remus takes a drag clutching his ribs in a defensive stance. “Just because I'm a … werewolf doesn't mean I roll over and expose myself to the first guy that decides to take pity on me.” Qrow looks around, trying to think of something to say.  
"Look, something just tells me you're trying to be human; I want to help you. That and I lost a very old friend. He told me to make a new one" Qrow bares his teeth in an awkward smile that makes Remus stifle a small laugh. “You might not want to trust me, but at least give me a chance; look, the moment you want out, fine, you can go. But please, I'm asking for one chance. I know I was supposed to find you. Call me crazy, but when you’ve been around as long as I have you-” Remus holds his hand, silencing the word vomit Qrow produced. 
"And if I accept your lavish offer, what will I-. We do about my time of the month?" 
"Hospital basement, it's just been cleared out for renovations and knowing the NHS as it stands, that won't be for another 10-15 years yet." Remus weighed his options; he was about to get kicked out of the house share he was in, Landlord Was being a massive cunt and raising the price, he had to drive miles out to change, and no one helped him... what's the worst that could happen? 
"Fine, when do we leave?" Remus takes a drag letting his guard down; Qrow smiles "we can go now if you want" Qrow points over to his car. 
The drive back to London wasn't as bad as Remus expected; he managed to call his flatmates and tell them he was leaving and coming to pick up a few things. He wasn't fussed about his old car. It was practically scrap, so it was theirs to deal with. He spoke with the café owner, took the rest of his wages from the till, and then hit the road. Not even halfway, they stopped at a service station to grab food. Remus was in awe that Qrow so casually ordered food and ate it. "I thought you lot need blood to survive and well eat, I guess." 
"Common misconception, as I said, I'm off the stuff. Human blood it's like a drug, but I'm doing better than I was. I eat for show this stuff,” he gestures to the big mac meal on the table “it has no taste, it's been a tough couple of years... adapting but I'm getting there” Qrow's voice was low. 
"Oh, what about daylight?" Remus was far more interested in learning more about vampires than anything else. 
"It's bright, so I wear sunglasses, and as for the other questions you have, watch" Remus watches Qrow manifest, his fangs descend, and his eyes go black. Blink. Human once more. "Holy shit! And you can do that running thing those guys did, too?" 
"Yeah, it's called flitting; you run fast, that's about it, really" the two continued to dine on their French fries "can I ask how old you are? I mean, if you want to tell me that it is." 
"Around 127 years old, give or take a few months. I was recruited at 21 during the first world war. Was a medic, got caught, and well” Qrow gestured to himself. It was true. He was caught out and sent to a prisoner-of-war camp. “What about you? How do you become a creature of the night?” 
Remus sighed; it was an incredibly sore subject. Losing his mum that night and then his chance at everyday life thanks to some creep by the name Greyback "I was 15, camping trip" Qrow didn't press for more he could sense it wasn't a story ready to be told. For some reason, he found Qrow to be easy to talk to. 
They finally arrived at the flat just before the morning rush of commuters entered London; Camden was an exciting place, Remus thought. The house Qrow managed to get cheap was even nicer than he thought. It was a simple townhouse defiantly worth over a few million pounds; Remus supposed a few million a month was cheap to a vampire. "Here it is, home sweet home", Qrow mused, slamming the car door." I must admit I thought it would be a slum of some sort, but this is nice" Remus peered into the front window into what he assumes is the living room. "I feel a trip to Ikea is needed. Where's the closest one?" 
"Wembley, I think, help me with the Tv, would you" Qrow opens the boot pulling out a nice flatscreen box ", 42 inches. Picked it up from the Tesco; it was on them Clubcard prices right cracker steal." 
"Well, at least we have a tv", Remus mused, helping Qrow pull the Tv from the car. It wasn't long until another car pulled up to the house; it was a fancy automobile considering Qrow and Remus drove up in a vintage Ford consul. Stepping out was a tall hooked-nosed man. He didn't look all too welcoming but gave off a prick of a property owner. 
"You must be Mr Rosewood?" The man drawls with the foulest look on his face 
"oh Yeah, hi, umm, you don't look like a Lily, mind you, no judgement here", Qrow bares his teeth in what he thinks is a smile "no Ms Potter is busy, so she sent me, any issues with the building you are to contact me, My name is Severus Snape" Snape holds out a card with his name and number on, Qrow takes it "Qrow, and my roommate Remus…." Qrow smiles, helping Remus carry the Tv into the house. 
"Lupin, Remus lupin", Snape simply sneers at both "pleasure to meet you" Snape grinds out "it's a nice 3-bed house. Lily has said the rent has been negotiated; any issues, call me directly I'll respond, or I'll send Peter around. Oh, and if a little punkish delinquent named Sirius Black bothers, you tell him to fuck off" Snape grimaces once more, handing a set of Keys over to Qrow "you might want to get another set cut for him" With that, Snape leaves the house. Remus is in awe of the place; it is lovely. Something about it felt so inviting and safe. "Well, I guess that's the maintenance of the lot sorted", Remus huffs 
"Aye, well, home sweet home, I guess. You take the first pick of the rooms. I'll set this bad boy up, and then we can head to that Ikea place you were talking about." Remus stops at the stairs 
"Wait, you've been alive for over 100 years and never been to Ikea?" Remus was in awe 
"Yeah, never needed to, I haven't done many things, but now that's all going to change." 
"Fair enough", Remus laughs continuing up the stairs ", you have bought a Tv license and an aerial for that, right?" Remus shouts from the landing 
"The fucks a TV licence, and I thought you just plug these things in", Qrow huffs reading over the instruction booklet; it clearly said it needed Wi-Fi and a tv aerial to function. "Fuck's sake!" 
Remus shook his head, looking around the 3 bedrooms, but something felt off; it felt like someone was following him. He peered into the master bedroom. It was huge and perfect. Qrow said he got first dibs and might as well go for it. He threw what belongings he managed to grab from the old house into his room and turned to leave. He still couldn't shake the feeling someone was watching his every move. 
A few days later, the house was slowly coming together; Qrow had realised that Remus had acute OCD and kept the place looking clean and insisted that everything had a home. He claimed it gave him control, so Qrow didn't mind. In return, Qrow decided to fix anything broken in the house; the pair weren't overly fond of Snape and weren't in the mood to meet new people. The only thing that refused to be fixed was the upstairs toilet; Qrow called Snape, who said he would send Peter over as soon as possible. "I spoke with some people over at the hospital; it looks like a porter job is going; you want it?" Qrow spoke between bites of toast. "Really? Yeah, when do I start?" Remus beamed. "Today, I'll make sure you are close to my ward; thanks for the tea this morning." 
"I didn't make you tea. I thought you made it?" Remus and Qrow look at each other, confused, both taking a sip from the mysterious tea. "Oh... then who made the tea? Unless..." Qrow set his mug down; looking behind him, the sudden feeling of being watched had returned, and they could both feel it. 
"Unless what Qrow-" 
"Shhh-" Remus was taken aback; Qrow kept scanning the kitchen, waiting for something or someone to appear "you going to tell me what you're doing, or is this some weird vampire trick?" 
"Do you get the feeling that someone is watching us? I had it since we returned from," Qrow holding in his shudder ", Ikea." 
"Well, I did feel something when I was picking a room" Remus could feel and hear the tremble in his voice ", but-" Qrows' Alarm blares out. "Jesus' fuck!" Qrow silences his phone "guess the ghost hunt can wait; time for your first day." 
Qrow grabbed his coat, leaving his plate and mug. "Leave it, Rem, or we'll be late!" Qrow shouts from the hallway. Remus stares at the messy table, itching to clean "ugh, fine! But promise me you won't leave them again!" Remus follows Qrow out of the house; as he closes the door, he could have sworn a messy-haired man was standing in the kitchen holding two mugs of tea. 
James liked having roommates again. It reminded him of when he lived with Sirius and Peter at university, except back then, he wouldn't hide; he would be joining in on the banter, even starting it, but the moment James heard them both talking about Vampires and werewolves, he got freaked out. Was it true this whole time that they lived amongst them? James didn't know why he was questioning it; he was a ghost for crying out loud! So, James did what he always did: clean the pots, make a cup of tea, wait for Sirius, and act like he was alive and human again. 
"Bye guys have a good day's work," James said to the empty kitchen as he watched his new housemates, well tenants, he guessed, leave for work. James was used to people moving in and out, so he wasn't expecting this couple to stay long. So, he sighed, picked up the leftover pots, and began washing them, just doing odd domestic chores hoping they would last longer in the house if it felt like a magic cleaning fairy exhausted. Even if Remus had started putting him out of a job with his manic cleaning episodes. By 10am, the house was spotless, meaning Sirius would be over to sit on the porch before his shift at the hospital. The kettle had boiled, and James made Sirius his tea and waited on the porch; just like always, Sirius stubbed out his ciggy and sat down at the porch to pick up his tea. 
"Thanks, mate." he laughed into his cup  
"It's okay; we got new tenants the other day. I think you will like them. One’s got a killer black trench coat and boots. The other is, well, he's defiantly a dog person." James sat beside Sirius his arm wrapped around Sirius's shoulders. Even though Sirius can't see or hear him, James hopes that Sirius feels comfort when they have one-sided conversations.  
"You know I don't believe much in ghosts, but I know you can hear me. Can you make sure Padfoot is okay up there? He-" Sirius choaks on his sob "well, I thought the big doofus was going to make it, but the vet said his cancer spread, so he crossed that rainbow bridge." Sirius tried to hold it together but failed; it broke something in James to see his best friend like that. "Oh shit, I gotta go, mate; I love you, and I miss you so fucking much" Sirius wiped his face and downed his cuppa, heading for work and leaving James alone again. "I know, mate, I miss you too" James stayed on the porch for 2 hours 
"Your self-control is insane if you can work in a hospital" Remus sat down in the breakroom opposite Qrow "oh, and thanks again for helping me get this job; how much rent do I owe you?"  
"Nothing, it's fine. I can cover it; you just buy food and furniture" Qrow sips on his coffee as he watches the other nurses and doctors rush around the canteen getting food. Remus joins him, observing the room "speaking of food, I managed to nip to the Co-Op and grabbed steak for dinner. I'm guessing you want yours raw?" Remus smiles at his joke as Qrow chokes on his coffee, laughing, "that's a good one, Lupin; yeah, the steak sounds good.” Qrows pager beeps; he pulls it out, reading the call. “I'm gonna be down in paediatrics this afternoon. I'll see you at six” Qrow leaves again, rushing through the corridors to the ward. 
“Oh, so you’re the new Surgeon”, Sirius Coo'd from the ward reception desk; he waltzed over to Qrow, handing over the patient's file smugly. “Male, 16, shattered his leg, you must be pinning it back in place. Doctor Black, the pleasure is all mine.” Qrow takes the file scanning over the information  
“Not the worse break I've seen; you want in on this?" Qrow gestures to the operating room. 
“Wait; really?” 
“Yes, really, Doctor Qrow Rosewood, but Qrow is fine, honestly” Qrow offers a hand Sirius accepts, giving his winning smile “nice to see the hospital put a specialist in orthopaedics' on the books for a change. Sirius.” the two make their way into the surgical suit. 
Sirius and Qrow stand over the patient gloved and ready to roll. “Have you done this before?” Qrow looks up at Sirius, who simply states, “no, I haven’t; I've read about it that’s as close as I've gotten to something like this.” 
“Well, like I always say, see one, do one, Teach one. Not my first pinning and it's not as fucked as your notes made it out to be, so the chances of amputation if we fuck up are slim to none,” Sirius could hear the smile behind Qrows mask. “Sirius is quite the unique name if I must say.” 
Sirius scoffs “coming from you? You're named after a bird but spelt it with a Q.” 
“Yeah, I was pretentious little shit when I changed it. But I'm just putting two and two together here; you don’t know a Severus Snape, would you?” 
“I do”, Sirius spat the words out at Qrow “why?” 
“Oh, it's just my Landlady’s Maintenace man, possible lover or something has told me to tell you to fuck off. If I see you near my house.” Qrow begins his insertions of the metal rods  
“he’s a slimy git, that’s all, And I would really appreciate it if you still let me-” 
“of course, you can sit in front of our house until you die. I really don’t care. Though I can’t speak on behalf of my roommate, why not come around for dinner tonight? I think we're having steak.” 
Sirius was stunned but let the offer hang in the air as he focused on the procedure. Watching Qrow move the pins into place gracefully and with little effort was mesmerising. It wasn’t long before the process was finished, and the patient was wheeled out. “My offer still stands; we’re having steak tonight at six; you look like a medium rare kind of guy anyway” the two walk down the corridor back to the ward.  
Remus was contently mopping when he heard the familiar sound of Qrow talking. He looked up to see him walking with another doctor. “I suppose I could join you. My shift finishes at 5:30 today, so why not” Sirius smiles.   
“Speaking of my roommate, Remus, over here.” Qrow waves Remus over. “Sirius, this is Remus, Remus this is the guy we’re supposed to shout fuck off to, I have invited him for dinner. You don’t mind, do you?” 
Remus wasn’t as stunned by Qrows abruptness as he used to be. He held out his scarred hand to Sirius, who gracefully accepted. Sirius’ beauty encapsulated Remus, the way his hair framed his face to the deep grey of his eyes that reminded him of a summer storm. “Yeah, hi, your good with steak, right?” 
Sirius couldn’t for the life of him formulate a response. The taller man in front of him. He was utterly beautiful even if he was littered with scars. “Yeah, sounds pretty, guy - Good sounds good”, Remus tried to conceal the blush spreading across his face by laughing. Oh yeah, this being human thing is going to be so easy. 
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ellecdc · 1 month
💰jingle jingle💰
how much for you to continue the barty shirt fic where they make it up to the tower and tell the marauders🤭
I'll give you this one for free but the rest will cost you
Barty Crouch Jr x potter!reader who tattles on Jegulus
CW: making fun of only children, siblings insulting one another, platonic Prongsfoot drama, no real angst - just chaos Continuation of this one shot
The trek from the Slytherin dungeons up the Gryffindor tower in a full sprint was unideal for even the most athletic and fit quidditch player in the castle; but if there was one thing a lifetime worth of living with James Potter and his pranking ways prepared you for, it was running.
Fortunately for you, this was not a universal experience and you were quickly able to leave Regulus and Barty well enough behind you.
You screamed the password at the Fat Lady who shrieked in fear when she saw you barrelling towards her causing her to open so quickly that the portrait thwacked against the stone walls and you all but dived into the common room. 
You stood up straight as your chest burned to survey the patrons of the common room only to find that the entire common room was already doing the same to you.
“Circe’s tits, Potter.” Lily said with a smirk. “You look like you were trying to outrun Peeves.”
Your smile turned devious as you continued panting. “Better.” You answered quickly, turning your sights towards your brother, Peter, Remus, and…
“Sirius!” You greeted as you speed-walked over to their sofas.
“Hey Trouble; get tired of the snakes?” Sirius teased as he moved a chess piece with an air of nonchalance.
You were eager to change that.
Before you could open your mouth, two Slytherin’s came spilling into the common room before the portrait had a chance to close behind them.
“I’m so glad you could join me for this.” You taunted Regulus who’s jaw tightened as he straightened himself up and shook Barty’s hand off his shoulder.
“Isn’t this a nice shirt, Siri?”
Sirius looked up at that as he considered your form. “Yeah, actually; that’s designer, right?”
You look down at it with a smirk when you heard Regulus whisper a cautionary, “Potter.”
“I’m not sure…it’s got a little crown on the sleeve.” You explained innocently.
Sirius’ eyebrows widened at that. “Shit. Yeah those are super expensive; but great quality and super soft. Great choice, Junior.”
“Thank you!” Barty accepted eagerly. “See Treasure? Black gets it.”
You smirked as you looked over at James who you could see by now was clearly sweating. “Right…but I actually stole this from Jamie’s trunk.”
James’ eyes shot to Regulus as yours moved back to Sirius who was staring at you bemusedly.
“That is not Prongs’ shirt, and didn’t Junior just admit it was his?”
“Nope.” Barty answered with a pop of the p. “I admitted buying it.”
“Why are you buying clothes for James?” Remus asked cautiously then, eyes darting nervously between your mischievous form, James’ anxious form, Regulus’ tense form, and Sirius’ confused form.
“Oh, I’d never buy clothes for that Potter.” Barty scoffed. “That shirt was Reggie’s birthday present last year.”
The sound of Peter’s hand slapping against his mouth as he stared at you all wide eyed was the only sound in the entire common room.
Remus was holding his book in front of his face like a shield as he watched the spectacle that was his friend group.
Finally, Lily let out a long suffering sigh. “Potter, you might want to take this chance to get a head start.”
“Right.” James agreed quickly as he took off towards the portrait hole, pausing as he passed Regulus, seeming to decide since he was already going to die tonight, he may as well go big or go home.
He paused long enough to pull Regulus into a searing kiss before ripping away from him and taking off out of the common room.
The room continued to sit silently as everyone digested what they just saw.
“Did we seriously lose both Potter’s to Slytherin’s?” Marlene asked finally, causing Regulus to scoff.
“Like you’ve got a leg to stand on here, McKinnon.”
“At least I’m not fucking my brother’s best friend!” She volleyed back, causing Sirius to let out a dramatic gagging sound.
“You lot really need to spend less time worrying about who your siblings are shagging.” Peter said with an air of finality.
“Thank you!” You and Regulus chorused, causing you to glare at one another.
“You’re taking this rather well, Pads.” Remus chuckled, tapping Sirius’ knee with his book as Sirius continued staring unseeingly at the portrait hole.
Remus and Peter exchanged a worried glance. “What are you waiting for?” Peter asked finally.
“James will get lonely when he realizes no one is chasing him.” He replied in monotone. “He’ll be back in a few.”
“Sirius, please be cool about this; I’m happy, alright?” Regulus sighed in exasperation.
Sirius’ eyes flit over to his younger brother as his brows furrowed. “Listen, am I particularly pleased about…this? No. But that’s not what I’m going to kill him for.”
“What are you going to kill him for?” You inquired, wondering if it was worth writing home to your parents about.
The second your sentence finished, James cautiously stepped back through the portrait hole to find the common room in much the same state as he’d left it.
The room collectively grimaced as they looked over at James. 
“Listen mate, it’s not what it looks like.” James pleaded, earning him a scoff from his best friend.
“It isn’t what it looks like!? Because the way it looks to me is that you lied, and you kepy secrets! You know, there was a point in this relationship that trust and honesty meant something!” Sirius shouted back.
“It does!” James offered quickly. “It does, Pads! Swear it!”
“Right, forgive me, but your word means nothing to me right now.” He spat as he went storming up towards their shared dorm, James quickly following behind.
“Please don’t shut me out like this; you’re still my other half!”
But the rest of the argument performance was silenced when the door to their room shut behind them.
“Well, Regulus.” Remus sighed with a tired smile. “Welcome to the family; our boyfriend’s are each other’s boyfriends, and this happens every three days.”
“Salazar’s fucking balls.” Regulus groaned as he threw his head back. “This is why I didn’t want it going public.”
“Oi!” You shouted as you lobbed a throw pillow at your new future brother-in-law. “If you’re going to love my brother, love him with your whole chest, coward!”
“You take that back.” He hissed at you.
“I’ll do no such thing.”
“I…I don’t know what to do…should…should we get a professor? What’s happening?” Barty started, looking around the Gryffindor common room with a look of panic on his face.
“Oh, relax, Junior. Your only child is showing.” Remus sighed as he pulled his book back out.
“Aren’t you an only child, Lupin?”
“Yup.” Remus responded as he turned a page of his book. “But I’ve lived in the same tower as the Potters for seven years, and dealt with Sirius and Regulus for the past two; you pick up a few things. Things like this-” he explained as he pointed towards you and Regulus who were still throwing insults back and forth. “Is what siblings call bonding.”
Lily chuckled as Marlene, Barty, Peter, and Remus watched as you called Regulus a “spoiled rotten toerag” to which he replied that “even listening to your voice made him feel like he was losing brain cells”.
“Siblings are weird.” Barty decided.
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valentinetypewriter · 9 months
Me And My Husband - Chapter 2
Series Masterlist
Main masterlist
Chapter 1 / chapter 3
Taglist: @rainychaosmiracle
(Let me know if you want to be apart of the tag list)
Word count: 2,549
Remus had finally let go of Sirius after said boy had started to calm down, though he kept his hands on his upper arms for comfort. "Sirius please talk to me, what the hell was that about" Remus was always soft spoken, it almost seemed impossible for it to get even softer but he always managed when he tried to comfort people. "You wouldn't understand Remus, it's just my family, it's always them" more tears leaked down the shorter boys face, his voice cracking a bit when he spoke. Remus pulled Sirius closer to himself, rubbing his hand up and down the crying boys back "then explain it to me so I can understand it" Sirius let out a weak nod in response "alright but I can't speak about it here".
The two boys had made their way back to their dorm room, of course after Remus had made up an excuse to the rest of his friend that he wasn't feeling very well. Though no one thought to question it, the young Werewolf seemed to always be sick every other week. Sirius sat on the edge of his bed with Remus, though never looking up to make eye contact with the taller boy, he was too embarrassed to do so. Sirius started his explanation with a soft sigh "it all started during the middle of our break, after I went back home from the Potter's". The memory was still fresh to Sirius, it had kept him awake many nights since it happened.
Sirius had kept to himself since getting back home, wishing he could just spend the rest of the time with James, or even his other friends. He was especially not excited about today, his mother Walburga had invited over a friend of hers, and she of course told him that he'd be meeting them. Sirius was never happy to meet any of his parents' friends, they were always just like them, strict blood purists that stuck up their noses at him. He was dreading the moment his mother would call for him, he was dressed up nicely, being told it was an important occasion and he hated it. When Walburga finally called him down he wasn't expecting to see someone from Hogwarts staring at him, no he was expecting some old wrinkly pureblood that looked something like a ghost.
Sirius didn't know her name, nor did he care too. All he knew was that she was in Slytherin and best friends with her little brother, who of course was already sitting by her. He walked over to his mother holding out his hand to introduce himself "this is my eldest son Sirius, the one we talked about" his mother spoke for him, she always did, but he dreaded the thought of his mother talking about him to her 'friends' he could only expect the worst. Though the older woman in front of him just smiled as she shook his hand "well I hope he is as lovely as you described him to be, I'm M/n l/n" he smiled back at her although very confused, his mother had said something good about him to this woman, something she had never done before. "This is my daughter Y/n, I believe you're both starting your last year at Hogwarts" the mentioned girl nodded her head at Sirius as a small greeting. "Now Sirius since you'll be graduating your father and I thought it would be a good idea for you to start courting a member of a well respected pure-blood family, and luckily M/n here had the same thing planned for her daughter".
The world suddenly stopped for Sirius, his heart sinking down into his gut. The sickening swirl in his stomach kept building until a mess of words almost started spewing out of his mouth, though one harsh look from his mother kept him quiet. Sirius had no idea what to or do, so he stood still staring at the girl his parents wanted him to marry, only looking away when Walburga brought over a dark green velvet box. She handed it to the small girl Sirius was starting to despise, she grabbed it with a small and a quiet "thank you Mrs Black". She opened it and pulled out a beautiful and large ring, it was silver with crystal stars around the band and a stunning Emerald in the centre, it was so beautiful and it made him sick.
Walburga slipped the ring onto the young girl's finger as her face faltered, she seemed almost scared of the tall woman in front of her. Walburga then beckoned over her son, slipping on the dark steel ring with a similar star pattern onto his ring finger. "You'll make such a lovely addition to the family Y/n" Y/n just gave the woman a soft smile "oh and don't worry we have everything already planned for the big day, it will be a week after the two of you graduate" M/n spoke with a gleeful tone. The two Teenagers would never know but at that moment they were thinking the exact same thing, a wish to be younger. The threat of adulthood and an arranged marriage would be looming over their heads for the entire year, so they had to make the most of their last free year.
~Flashback over~
At this point Remus had his arm thrown over Sirius's shoulder, rubbing his thumb up and down to comfort the miserable boy "they've dictated my entire life, how I dressed, how I acted, who I spoke to, even tried to decide what house they wanted me to be in" Sirius let out an angry huff before continuing "and now I can't even choose who I fall in love with, I mean I'm to be married a week after we graduate! I wanted to do things with my life, like travel the world, have more fun with my friends before ever thinking of settling down with a wife and kids!" small tears welled up in his eyes the more worked up he became "God and I hate looking at her, and that stupid ring, it just reminds me of what waits for me after graduation" tears were now rushing down his face as he let out broken sobs "I'm sorry Sirius, I'm sorry this is happening to you, that I can't help you, love shouldn't be something that's decided for you, you both deserve to fall in love with someone you care about" Remus held on tighter to Sirius as tears streamed down the boys face. "Though she doesn't mean any harm to you, like she said she doesn't want this either, she's only wearing it to keep her parents pleased" Remus hesitated slight before he continued speaking "and I don't blame her, I wouldn't want your parents finding out that you aren't wearing it, and I don't trust Regulus enough not to tell them. It's just a suggestion, only so you don't get into any trouble" he had a soft smile as he spoke and Sirius could just tell he cared about what he was saying. Comfort from Remus always felt sincere and true, it never felt demeaning or horrid in any way, it made Sirius feel safe.
After their talk Sirius had thought more about what Remus had said and he was right though, Sirius would rather die than have his parents find out he wasn't wearing the ring. So he had actually decided to wear it, it wasn't unusual for him. He often wore multiple rings at once, so no one would think to question it. Remus on the other hand had tried his luck in finding Y/n, he wanted to talk to her and properly apologise for overhearing their conversation yesterday, he started looking for her in more obvious places. Like the Great Hall, the Courtyard and even The Black Lake, where more introverted students would relax but Y/n had been in none of those places. Remus was starting to lose hope, so he decided to go to the library planning on looking into a spell that would help them with their upcoming prank. Remus grabbed a few random spell books before residing in the back of the library where, on a good day, there weren't any people there. Unfortunately for Remus this was not a good day, sitting at his usual table was a girl, he couldn't make out much of her only the back of her head. He had planned on walking away and looking for a different seat before he noticed the finger adorned with a dark green gem. Sitting at his usual spot in the library, far away from people to have enough privacy was the girl he had spent his morning looking for.
So he mustered up enough courage to approach the Slytherin girl "Excuse me, Y/n" the mentioned girl shot her head up from her book as she seemed startled, Remus's eyes widened, hands slowly came up in front of him "sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to come and apologise about yesterday…" "and to see how you are doing" he managed to stutter out as the girl reclaimed her composure. The girl let out a mean scoff at his words, not believing the words he was saying. "I don't care and it doesn't matter, it's not like you know anything besides what you eavesdropped on" she was so rude, though Remus had a feeling it was only to push him away. "Actually Sirius told me everything" he looked straight to the ground as your face grew harsh "of course he did, can't keep his mouth shut for a second". Remus moved to sit down next to the girl, "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about what's happening" Y/n seemed confused at his words "why in Merlin's name would you be sorry?" she seemed to shrink in on herself as she asked. "Well, because I know how much this is killing Sirius, and I know you don't want this either" Y/n scoffed at him "it doesn't matter what I want, this is how my family has been for generations, they never get married for love". She looked down at the table, tears pricking her eyes "but that doesn't mean you deserve this" Remus put a soft hand on the girl's shoulder, her eyes shooting up to meet him as he did so.
Remus knew all too well what the look in Y/n's eyes meant. It was the same look Sirius used to give him when Remus tried to comfort him in their early years, the same look that begs for the pity to stop. It was all too overwhelming for Y/n, the burning behind her eyes as she tried so hard to not let tears fall, the sad look in Remus's eyes as he stared down at her, trying to make her feel better with his useless words. Comfort never felt good for Y/n, it always felt too demeaning, as if behind the caring facade people were really just making fun of her, it made her feel weak. "Thanks, I guess" after that Y/n rushed out of the library.
Monday had finally arrived, the day the Marauders could pull off their prank on Snape. They had found the perfect spell, a sort of transfiguration spell that would last an entire day and couldn't be reversed, it was perfect. There was 15 minutes before the first class started when they found Snape, he was with a few other Slytherin students in a busy corridor. They hid themselves behind a corner as James prepared to cast the spell, a small blue spark shot out travelling towards Snape. Unfortunately some had gotten in the way, having called out to the group of slytherin students who had stopped to turn around. Even more unfortunately the blue spark that was intended for Snape had hit none other than Regulus, he had made his way over to the group with Y/n, he moved too quickly to stop what was about to happen. As they were talking Regulus felt his large oversized Slytherin sweater start to shrink in size, changing itself into a cardigan style jumper. He started shifting uncomfortably, as his clothes grew tight. The others hadn't noticed until the boy's pants had started shrinking, forming into a pleated black skirt that reached the middle of his thigh. His socks also started to rise up his legs, changing into thigh high socks. They had all stopped talking, and Regulus had started looking around, his face violently red as he noticed how many people were staring at him.
In their shocked state the Marauders had no chance to duck behind the corned, Regulus had marched over anger burning in his grey eyes. "What the hell is your problem, it's the first day and you idiots pull this shit" he was very passed off, James had tried to stutter out a response though his eyes were stuck on the younger boy's outfit. "It wasn't meant for you Regulus, we were trying to hit Snape" Sirius shot out, annoyed that their prank had been ruined "Yes because that makes it so much better brother" the young boy's face started to lighten up, going back to its usual pale colour. James was completely stunned, he had a weird feeling form in the pit of his stomach, he deemed it to just be because he wasn't expecting to hit his best friend's younger brother. And it definitely wasn't because he thought that Regulus looked incredibly attractive in a skirt and thigh highs, though James couldn't tear his eyes off of him "if it makes you feel any better you sure do make a good girl" James blurted out, pulling out laughs from his three friends. Regulus felt his face burn up again as he looked away from James. He felt humiliated, "yes you're all absolutely hilarious" he wanted to get back at them, so he did in the only way he knew how. He leant closer to Sirius so the other boys wouldn't hear him, he wouldn't know but Remus could hear everything he was saying "just so you know brother, Y/n has been awfully close with that Crouch boy since we got back, you should keep an eye on your 'property'. If she fell for someone else mother would think you aren't putting in enough effort" Sirius had instantly stopped laughing, shooting his eyes from Regulus over to Y/n, where she had been talking closely to Barty Crouch Jr. The mentioned boy had laughed at something you said, putting an arm around your shoulder and pulling you closer to him. Regulus just smiled at the look on his brother's face, a sick sense of joy washing over him "I'm going to go and get changed now" Sirius rolled his eyes at his brother "yeah good luck with that" though Regulus seemed to ignore him. Sirius's eyes were stuck on Y/n for a few moments "Well that was a fail, let get the hell out of here" Peter had finally spoken, with that the boys had started to make their way to class.
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ghostwritermia · 1 month
Jegulus x reader request?
Where the reader is also a quidditch player and basically she is in hufflepuff/ravenclaw and their team wins, but one of the boys get mad preferably regulus and reader gets upset james comforts her. Basically angst to fluff
P.s u don't have to do it, I hv been writing a poly moonwater for a week and haven't completed yet. Ik writing is hectic
Lots of Love, babe
Hi Hi! Sorry this took so long. I was in a writing slump...
Anyhoo. Here it is, I hope you enjoy!
totally didn't feed my overdramatic personality into this...
No warnings I can think of? Overthinking? Getting lost in your thoughts? Tears?
Poly!Jegulus x ravenclaw!reader
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You were absolutely elated when you found out you had been assigned the captain position.
Sure, you were on a team that normally didn't win, but you were fine with that. You enjoyed the sport, the crowd, the family your team became, the community and environment.
It was the last game of the season and your team had finally won against Slytherin. Earlier in the season you had led your team to victory against Gryffindor. So, with one boyfriend left to beat, you had finally done it today, but apparently it had come with a price to pay.
As you were being crowded and tackled by your team you peeked over your best friend's shoulder, seeing Regulus storming off. And with that, your mood instantly dropped. 
You slipped an easy smile back onto your face as you hugged the rest of your team before slipping off into the changing tent and then back to your common room. 
You understand that Reg wanted to win his last game of the season, you did. But, it was your last game too, and only the second game you had been able to win that season. Shouldn't he be proud of you too?
When you finally made it back to your dorm, you quickly slipped into one of James's shirts (which were huge on you), and a pair of sleep shorts, before curling on in an armchair, pulling your knees to your chest and a blue fuzzy blanket up to your chin.
You didn't know how long you sat there. You also didn't know when James had slipped into the room, not even realizing he was there until he gently wiped tears away from under your eyes with the pads of his thumbs.
You startled, eyes lifting to meet his, to see sorrow swimming in his gaze. “You just gotta give him time, darling. You know how he gets about these things, he’ll come around.” James swiftly picks you up and takes your place in the armchair before resting you back into his lap.
You sighed, curling into his side, resting your forehead in the crook of his neck. “I know, it’s just hard sometimes.” You sniffle into his shirt, and he tugs you tighter against him.
“He will come around darling, I promise.” He says, leaving a gentle kiss to the top of your hair.
You lose track of time as you get comfortable, cuddling into James (stealing all of his warmth), yet he doesn’t complain. You smile into his shoulder as he starts running his fingers through your hair. You playfully bite his shoulder; he tugs on a strand of your hair in reprimand.
You had started to doze off when the door creaked open and James spotted Regulus’s head peek in. He gently tapped your shoulder and when he had gotten your attention, pointed to Regulus.
Your gaze met the stormy gray of Regulus’s before you looked away, finding a loose thread of your blanket far more interesting.
“Mon Amour, I’m so so sorry.” Regulus rushes over to you, crouching down in front of you. “My mind blanked, and I didn’t think before I walked away, and I’m so sorry.” He grabs your hand, pressing a kiss to the back of it before running his thumb along the back of it.
You frown, your eyebrows scrunching and slide out of James’s lap and onto the floor next to Reg. “It’s okay, my love. I understand what it’s like to have loads of pressure on your shoulders, I do too. It can overwhelm you at any moment; sometimes it can even come when we don’t want it too and take control of our actions.” You say wisely. “You had a moment, it happens to the best of us. You may be a wizard, but you are still a human. Bound to make mistakes for the rest of your life,” You remind dramatically, talking with your hands. Regulus laughs, his eyes lighting up again and grabs your hands, holding them stationary.
“I’m glad that you forgive me, mon amour, but you are over dramatic.” Your boyfriend dressed in green states.
You scoff as James slides down from the chair to sit with the two of you on the floor. “I love this make-up session you two are having, but you both are full of crap.” He tugs you both into his sides, one arm wrapped around each of you.
Regulus turns his head, biting James’s hand as you dramatically raise your hand before swatting him on the back of his head.
James quickly pulls his hand away from Regulus, retracting his hold from the two of you and holds the back of his head. “Hey!” You both turn your head and blink at him feigning innocence. “This is not attack James day.” 
He smiles, teeth flashing. You dramatically cover your eyes, faking passing out; falling back from your sitting position and onto your back. “Ah, too bright. Can’t see. James you’re blinding me, can’t you see? Because I sure can’t.”
“Regulus was right. You are so over dramatic.” James rolls his eyes before leaning towards you and pulling your hands away from your eyes and pulling you into him.
“I. Am. Not.” You pout, crossing your arms and leaning out of James’s embrace.
Regulus leans towards you smiling and kisses your forehead. “Yes you are.” He whispers, tackling you to the ground, tickling your sides. “You are dramatic, and I love you for it.” You grin and Regulus gives you a skeptical glance as you turn and smile at James.
Before Reg could blink he was pinned down to the ground; roles reversed. James had his arms pinned to the ground as you straddled his hip, returning the attack of tickles that he had been serving you.
“You lose, Reggie.” You state in a sing-song voice, giggling.
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hearts4court · 10 months
Marauders Era Masterlist!
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| Main masterlist! | Rules 4 blog | about me! |
☁️- old writing style!!
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James Potter:
Jealous boy with James! (Nsfw) > blurb > smut, jealous!James Potter X head girl!fem!reader.
Remus Lupin:
Choking! kink with Remus!(Nsfw) > blurb > smut, Remus Lupin X Fem!reader; requested!
Dating Remus would include! (Nsfw) > hcs > fluff, smut, Remus Lupin X Fem!reader.
Sirius Black:
Peppers!(Nsfw) > blurb > smut, Sirius Black X Fem!reader; requested!
Rough sex with Sirius! (Nsfw) > blurb > smut, Sirius Black X Fem!reader.
Regulus Black:
Choking! Kink with Regulus!(Nsfw) > blurb > smut, Regulus Black X GN!reader; requested! ☁️
Mr. Brightside! (Sfw) > blurb > fluff, Regulus Black X Fem!reader; requested!
Like a Tattoo! (Sfw) > blurb > angst, Toxic!Regulus Black X Fem!reader Ft.. BSF!Sirius Black X Fem!reader; requested!
Mean!bf Regulus! (Nsfw) > blurb > smut, Mean!Regulus Black X fem!naive!reader.
What it’s like dating The Marauders + Regulus Black!(Nsfw) > hcs > smut, fluff, The Marauders X Fem!reader Ft… Regulus Black X fem!reader ☁️
None yet!
None yet!
None yet!
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don’t copy, translate, or repost any of my work w/o my permission.
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railingsofsorrow · 11 months
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here's the 1st part of a recs list of my favourite fics! (had to split in two because tumblr was being a nightmare) have it mind that they can either be on tumblr or ao3.
the (+) means it has a smut masterlists: [0.1] [0.2]
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↬flight risk by @brywrites (s.reid x reader) (series)
I didn't know I could feel so safe reading about a pilot and a profiler, given their jobs, but I did and this fic is so magical. I loved the analogies the angst everything plz read it.
↬the sleep chronicles by @stickseasn (s.reid x reader)
↬a moment of weakness by @writer-in-theory (s.reid x reader) (series)
↬lepus the hare by @↑ (s.reid x reader)
↬(in)visible by @foxy-eva (s.reid x reader)
I felt like the words were being said to me *crying*
↬sundays by @definitelynotkatesblog (s.reid x reader)
↬ if you'll have me by @reidscanehand (s.reid x reader)
↬mister spencer by @imagining-in-the-margins (s.reid x singlemom!reader)
↬fall apart by @spencersimp (s.reid x reader)
↬bluebell by stillmarauding (ao3)
this one is really good, 90 chapters so far and still updating.
↬lost at sea by @five-bi-five-mind (j.jareau x reader)
literally everything written by this account is amazing.
↬breakfast by @↑ (j.jareau x reader)
↬ spontaneous phenomena by @luveline (a.hotchner x reader)
1. [marauders era]
↬interrupted by @cosmal (rubgy!james x f!reader)
↬chocolate orange by @↑ (r.lupin x reader)
↬crooked ties by @cupids-crystals (j.potter x reader)
↬mary macdonald by @↑ (r.lupin x sister!reader)
↬first class let down by @starstruckwillows (adhd!j.potter x reader)
↬oh bloody hell by @gtgbabie0 (j.potter x reader)
↬championship cups by @perpetuallydaydreaming (j.potter x reader)
↬bun in the oven by @letterstotheflre (r.lupin x f!reader)
↬never be another by @cryonme (r.lupin x reader)
↬he loves you by @↑ (r.black x reader)
↬cursed by @pregnant-piggy (s.black x reader) (series)
all of their fics are great.
↬off days by @messers-moony (s.black × daughter!reader)
I love everything they write + wolfstar dads<;33
↬she's a fighter by @stylesparker (r.black x reader)
↬little king by @acosmis-t (r.black x reader)
↬cocoa by @earlgreydream (r.black x reader)
from time to time I come back to reread it. it's a comfort blurb <3
↬ours by @janesociety (l.evans x f!reader)
why are there barely any lily evans fics??? let's change that.
↬loving is easy by rxgulus (jegulus; background wolfstar)
I've gushed about this fic on here. I love everything about it, remus being a tease, james being a simp, sirius being a drama queen and regulus being regulus. there's also baby harry at some point. it is my favourite one for a reason go read it.
↬step into the daylight and let it go by serendipitysirius (jegulus; background wolfstar) (currently being updated)
I have at least five quotes from this fic glued on my bedroom walls. it is that special to me.
↬drugs and surgical scrubs by anauro (jegulus; background wolfstar; rosekiller) (currently being updated)
one of the best piece of work I've ever read, worth every tear.
↬absent mindedly making me want you by calamitoustide (jegulus; background wolfstar) (completed)
my FAVORITE fic of all time, I love the way james and reg are portrayed in this, it's so raw and innocent and special.
↬papa mia! by chasingthestar (jegulus; background wolfstar & marylily) (currently being updated)
the angst kills me but the fluff is worth it.
↬a doorstep of affection by @marauders-venting (wolfstar)
↬unlovable by @masivechaos (dads!wolfstar x reader)
↬panic by @sp1rit-realm (platonic/poly! marauders x reader)
all of their fics are amazing.
↬boyfriend swap by @v1oletvenus (s.black x reader; platonic!j.potter x reader)
↬mouth of september by @luveline (platonic!marauders x reader)
one of my favourites.
1. [golden trio era]
↬ just the medicine by @vanillann (d.malfoy x reader)
↬evergreen by @starlitsilvereyes (drarry)
↬say the words then stay around by teatrolley (drarry)
it's an orphan account but it's still available and it's so so good.
↬ all wounds heal by @willowbleedsonpaper (t. nott x reader; d.malfoy x reader)
funfact: theo nott fics was what got me into the marauders wormhole plus this is a work of art.
↬ twinkle by @sapphicwhxre (h.granger x reader)
↬not like any other by @hadesrise (h.potter x slytherin!male!reader)
↬harry calls you after a breakdown by @igncrantbliss (h.potter x reader)
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