the-great-chimera · 1 year
Waking up from a nap or cuddling with levi, and you've got those weird indentations on your legs and tummy from where his tail was coiled around you. It's like the weird marks you get when it's been a long day and you take off your socks, but like all over your body.
And when you look at the snakey-otaku-boi still curled in on himself, basking in the warmth of the spot you were previously occupying on the bed. You can't really stay mad at him.
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pechirojo4 · 1 year
I'm collecting this
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anna-naray · 5 months
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"Raf is one of the young devils who came to Earth to complete a stage and become a 100% guardian devil! She and Ang-li are best friends, and this 13 thunders (y/o) little devil is also the main model of a famous brand in Zolfanello City run by Ang-li's father!"
Here we're with devil Raf! I really like her style, which remained pretty much the same as in the early studies! The hat is the most important part of her figure, as well as the big leviathan boots!
I also paid homage to Raf from the TV series with the red tuft on the bangs, while I decided to give a drastic cut to her beautiful curly hair on both sides of her face heheh!
I hope you like it!✨
Characters -> Sulfus - Raf - Kabalè - Ang-Lì - Cabiria - Mefisto
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First complete designs ↓ and other studies here
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drakkonyan · 7 months
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old as shit thing I made ages ago
scratch desing by @the5n00k, molly by @chytag, ollie by @itchthefriendlyghost, idea by @gass60 and the libster by your dearests server (moi)
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999lcf · 6 months
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https://displate.com/ immagine
Testo: Leviathan: the origins of the myth(https://www.esquire.com/it/)
Tracing the origins of Leviathan is an extremely difficult task, since its first suggestions must probably be sought in ancient populations, in possible contact with large marine creatures that imagination and millennia have slowly transformed into indomitable aquatic monsters capable of instilling great terror in Man: after all, traces of snakes that inhabit the depths of the abyss can be found iconographically and narratively in the most disparate cultures such as for example in the Middle East (the story of the fight between Marduk and the serpent goddess Tiamat is very famous) or even the Norse mythology, where the dangerous Jörmungandr is defeated by none other than Thor. But to get to talking about the biblical Leviathan we must pass through Syria and precisely through Ugarit, the ancient capital city of the kingdom of the same name which no longer exists today: in this distant place which looks directly onto the Mediterranean Sea, the myth of the sea serpent which became then Leviathan. His original name, however, is Lôtān and he is one of the servants of the God of the Sea Yammu who is defeated by Hadad in one of the most famous passages of the Baal Cycle: at this point in our research, however, a translation problem arises which makes it difficult to understand who some epithets contained in the text refer to and consequently what characteristics Lôtān has, sometimes described as a slithering serpent or as a powerful monster with 7 heads.(https://www.esquire.com/it/)
Tiamat mother abyss
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5soswitch · 1 year
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Twitch Streamer Agustín Guardis (AgusGuardis) being interviewed by local press. April 21st, 2023.
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emixa95 · 11 months
Noelle y Leviatán 🌊🐉
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magusscrap · 9 months
Deep sea dragon
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mattrkusocinderdrilla · 6 months
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darkfowler · 7 months
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Que suba la ola por Leviatan y que la sostenga Cipactli
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"Aquella fusión de la terramar salió y eclipsó el cielo. Junto a ella estaban dos formas las cuales no quiero mencionar sus nombres. En cambio yo, lo que sentía era indescriptible debido a que aquellas dos formas me habían dejado sin habla. El capitán estaba fuera y yo era quien sostenía el timón pero la roca dónde yacían se movía en frente de nuestra popa. Firmeza era lo último que sentía."
Domínico Galeano
Cipactli y Leviatan vs Piratas
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art-of-axel-lyhrs · 1 year
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the Art of Axel Lyhrs
Axel Lyhrs
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peraseorelhas · 1 year
Modo avião
Agora você tem tudo o que deseja Um amor, um abraço durante a noite, alguém que escuta seus desejos Quando digo isso é pelo fato de saber que você esta bem Bem com você mesma, de bem com seus pais, talvez com o universo Eram sempre às duas da manhã em que acordava com pesadelos São sempre três da manhã quando acordo e vou a cozinha abrir a geladeira sem motivo algum Não, não, eu não estou blefando Por que você estaria pensando isso de mim? Fumaça sai da sua a janela a noite, seus vizinhos acordam com bitucas na sacada Você diz que não é você, eu pensava que seria você Num dia chuvoso eu te abracei, e fiquei com seu cheiro em meu casaco Mas vou deixar de mostrar meus sentimentos, vou deixar que eles naufraguem Sejam levados pro fundo do mar por um leviatã Comece tudo outra vez, e, respire fundo Até que seus pulmões sintam toda a brisa da sua viagem Modo avião ativado, nada vai te encontrar Eles nunca saberão o que te faz feliz além do que sua ultima postagem no instagram
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liarithewolf28 · 1 year
¡Pulpo...! ¿Atorado?
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Los pulpos son maestros del escapismo, asi que, dudo que este "meme" aplique en Leviatan.
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silence-caravan · 2 years
Step-siblings eating candy
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alicia-akuma · 2 years
Hello fellow Otakus
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sumarex · 6 days
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