#life diary
mindofserenity · 1 year
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25.03.2023 — Day 3 of Ramadan🕊️
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vampirel0re · 1 year
Mental health isn’t healthing rn :/
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allaboutthemoonlight · 10 months
It’s the little things in life ✨
A warm cup of tea or coffee on a chilly morning.
The smell of freshly baked bread or cookies.
Hearing a favorite song on the radio.
Finding money you didn't know you had in your pocket.
Laughing uncontrollably with friends or loved ones.
The feeling of sunshine on your face on a beautiful day.
A gentle breeze rustling through the leaves on a summer afternoon.
Watching a sunset or sunrise and being in awe of its beauty.
Receiving a genuine compliment from someone unexpected.
Finding a perfectly ripe piece of fruit.
Cuddling up with a cozy blanket and a good book.
The sound of raindrops falling on the roof.
Discovering a new favorite book, movie, or TV show.
Random acts of kindness from strangers.
The first bite of your favorite meal.
The satisfaction of completing a task or checking off an item on your to-do list.
The smell of fresh flowers.
Spotting a rainbow after a rainstorm.
Dancing like no one is watching.
A heartfelt hug from someone you care about.
Finding a handwritten letter or card in your mailbox.
The sound of waves crashing on the shore.
The excitement of planning a trip or vacation.
Rediscovering a childhood toy or memory.
Seeing a full moon illuminating the night sky.
The sound of children's laughter.
Watching a pet play or do something adorable.
Having a good hair day.
Waking up naturally without an alarm clock.
Finding the perfect parking spot when you're in a rush
I challenge you to find something beautiful in your world today...
- Luna <3
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chelssology · 4 months
the art of being ALONE [healing diaries] - 01
2024 is the Year of Change. Life continues to teach us the lessons unprovoked, but one that effortlessly stands out to me is that of grief. And that it is not exclusive to that of a person. The loss of places and things is sure to bring sudden sadness. But what about the loss of self? Or at least feeling like you have. I’ve spent the sunniest of days grieving the past and killing my presence. It’s apart of the journey.
The human experience requires healing, and it’s our responsibility to seek the antidotes. Because no one is coming to save you. In moments my mind experiences sadness, I remember that creation is the core of our consciousness. Which brings a transformative thought that my brain consciously caught - the cure for depression is found in your expression. So I sing. And I dance. To the beat of my own drum. My new rule of thumb.
Dear Self,
..as this life continues, my skin itches to shed.
To shed the past traumas.
To shed future insecurities.
Like dead leaves, it makes way to grow.
To let go.
The relief that comes with grief, because…
I no longer have to see her.
Be her.
This sweet morning, I’m in mourning.
- Chelss
JOURNAL PROMPT 01 : How do you enjoy your time with Self on your healing journey?
I ask that you give personal reflection on the journal prompt and provide wisdom for the community in the comments
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sayisa · 6 months
ini kali pertamaku berbagi cerita pada dunia. sebenarnya aku tidak tau berapa banyak tulisanku yang akan muncul dan bertahan. gangguan konsentrasi dan fokus sering membuat lupa kalau kalau ada hal yang sebenarnya aku suka. semoga awal ini tidak langsung menjadi akhir seperti yang sudah-sudah.
catatan ini aku buat sebagai pengingatku yang selalu lupa bahwa aku pernah tumbuh dan untuk tahu sudah sampai mana kembangnya.
semoga semua semoga dapat tersemogakan.
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euesworld · 1 year
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hellomymidtwenties · 8 months
This will be a shorter entry as I don't really have much to say.
Things have been going good. Since I put true intention into my manifestations this month, they've worked their magic! Things feel like they're on the uptick with both work and my personal life. It's nice to feel the ups finally!
And with ups come the downs 🙃
I've been beating myself up about my looks. I've always struggled with my self-image relating to health and fitness. (AKA my weight) I'm not as active as I used to be, especially since graduating university. I want to be more active and feel good about my body, but I have a mental block and fear of being perceived by strangers. I don't want to be watched and mocked, even though I don't know their thoughts.
These thoughts come and go in dark waves of anger, frustration, shame and embarrassment. But then they pass for a moment of stillness where I'll feel empowered, free, beautiful even, all for the dark waves to come crashing into me again. I treasure the moments of calm I do have, but the waves hurt every time they come.
Metaphors aside, I want to be healthy. I know my current lifestyle and activity level isn't ideal. Especially since I work from home and sit/stand at my desk all day. The stupid chemicals in my brain won't let me, though. I want September to be the start of this new habit for me! I want to be able to feel good in my body.
And yes, I know I should feel good in my body no matter the size or shape, but I physically don't feel good. My joints hurt and my posture is terrible. I'm only 24! (about to be 25) This shouldn't be happening to me this early in my life!!
I think I'll start small instead of hard launching myself into a gym. Youtube workout videos are free after all.
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rissaharris · 10 months
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fr1day-th3 · 11 months
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birthday adventures 🌷
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isahowdy · 2 months
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this moment from work has lasted in my head for months and i think its finally time to draw it out
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ceremelmacchiato · 29 days
trust me you'll be fine
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neharachna · 3 months
एक और पल
और, एक और पल
मेरी इस कहानी का भी अनचाहा मोड़
बचपने की एक कहानी ,खूबसूरत मंजिल होती
अगर काश मैं संभल गई होती
तुम्हे संभाल लिया होता
अब वो वक्त बीत गया, मैंने तुम्हे जाने दिया
तुम्हारे लिए, हमारे लिए
दिल तो बहूत उदास है
पर मन को पता है की इस कहानी को अब यहीं खत्म होनी थी
और मुझे फिर से आगे बढ़ना होगा
खुद को ढूंढकर , वो जो खो गई थी इस कहानी में
जिंदगी की कहानी का एक नया अध्याय शुरू करने
अपनी गलतियों और कमियों और तुमसे बहुत कुछ सीखते हुए
नई उम्मीद, विश्वास और एक अच्छी सोच के साथ
शुरुआत तो कठिन है
पर आगे तो बढ़ना है
एक बेहतर और खुशनुमा कहानी लिखने
खोई हुई मैं
खुद को पाने।
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Ways to be more classy this spring
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Dress appropriately: Dressing appropriately for the occasion is key to being classy. It’s not about wearing expensive clothes or having the latest fashion trends. It’s about wearing clothes that fit well, are clean and well-maintained, and are appropriate for the event.
Mind your manners: Being polite and having good manners is essential to being classy. Say “please” and “thank you,” hold the door open for others, and be respectful in your speech and behavior.
Practice good hygiene: This may seem like a given, but good hygiene is essential to being classy. Keep your hair clean and neat, take care of your skin, and maintain good dental hygiene.
Be confident: Confidence is key to being classy. Be proud of who you are and what you have to offer. Speak with conviction and stand tall.
Be a good listener: A classy person is always willing to listen to others. Don’t interrupt others when they’re speaking, and give them your full attention.
Show gratitude: A classy person is grateful for what they have and shows appreciation for the people in their life. Say thank you when someone does something for you and express gratitude for the blessings in your life.
Be mindful of your language: Avoid using foul language or speaking in a derogatory manner. A classy person is mindful of their language and chooses their words carefully.
Practice good posture: A person’s posture says a lot about them. Stand up straight, shoulders back, and head up. Good posture exudes confidence and class.
Be punctual: Being punctual shows that you value other people’s time and that you take your commitments seriously. Arrive on time or even a few minutes early.
Show kindness and compassion: A classy person is kind and compassionate towards others. Treat others with respect, empathy, and understanding.
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This will always be something between me and my friends [13.10.2023]
The next day started with me sleeping in (of course) and finally starting to unpack my bag. I'm still pissed that S canceled for the weekend, especially so short noticed but in the morning, I was glad to have some hours between meetings to myself and for my room. When I arrived on Wednesday, I promised myself and my room to never let it go like that again. It's my space for recovery and recharging, after all.
Ever since I saw the news about the Hamad incident on my mom's phone in holiday, I had a feeling. One of my first thoughts was my wonder how my friends here feel about it and the uneasy sensation that they probably have a very different option than me. I made a lot of efforts to befriend "unpolitical" people ever since I got over my political phase at age 16. Of course, no person is ever truly unpolitical but I made a point to avoid overly politically active or opinionated people. For the most part, my friends obviously come out of the same political corner as me, but there are also some times people comment on something with a different opinion. My strategy to keep the political part of any conversation as small as possible was to just say nothing. But with the Hamas happening and the following demonstrations also in Berlin, I had an icky feeling about it.
In the evening, I met with Y for the festival of lights. Soon enough, she made a comment on a flag hanging from a building. I just turned away and said "We will not talk about this." and that was the end of the story. I don't even know how much she got what I meant because she was also kind of high in that moment.
The rest of the evening kind of felt tainted by that small interaction. It made me realize that this thing, this political disagreement will be something that will always between me and my friends. As "unpolitical" as they may be, our different upbringings has us have different opinions on some issues like this.
I had the clear intuition that my strategy of "ignore it and say nothing" would not work for an event as big and impactful as this. Damn the Hamas for everything they did and also driving me away from my friends. I love them just as much, of course, especially cuz this disagreement is 100% the reason of us growing up in different contexts but I feel like there is something between us now. I started imagining situations when more people would talk about it or the discussion would continue longer and mentally practiced turning around and walking away as neutrally as possible. I still worry about it.
Later, we met with other friends of Y and chatted by the river. But I can't forget this disagreement, it feels like a real danger to our friendship. It makes me question the whole relationship, the whole basis of us hanging out. It felt like suddenly I noticed so many differences between me and Y that never bothered me or that I didn't even notice before.
On the way to the birthday party of a fellow student of me, we got drunk (or I was drunk at least, now for the 7th or so time, really starting to like it) and I was able to forget about it a bit. Also because we talked about gossip about other friends instead which was dramatic enough to make me forget random political differences.
At the party, I was act happy to see my other fellow students again. We may not be the best friends but they are part of my university experience, a bit of home for me. As usual, I was talking most of the time and felt like I'm the entertainer for half the party, but it's not like I don't enjoy it, lol.
The party was slow and calm and we went home around half past two. It made me actually look forward to the beginning of university next week. I'm looking forward to learning again, being a student again, spending time in my office and the library again, feeling like I'm feeding my brain again.
Also, J from my old job texted me again about some related event. I don't know if she forgot I don't work there anymore or if she really thinks I wanna attend random events like these by myself. Whatever, I didn't answer her yet and I'm for sure not going.
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die4themoney · 7 months
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Carta a Lu
Aunque la vida continuara inalterada para los demás ciudadanos, en ese instante, la situación política ocupaba mis pensamientos. ¿Por qué quedarme atrapada en la miseria cuando podría buscar mejores horizontes en otro lugar?
Me decía a mí misma: "Bueno, si todo se va al choto, me tomo un avión a Noruega".
Me hubiese gustado encontrar mi propósito o un mero rumbo a la pregunta que me atormenta todos los días cuando me olvido de estar presente: ¿qué voy a hacer con mi vida?
Sin embargo, lo segundo en mi mente al considerar marcharme era el amor.
Me di cuenta de que había cometido un error al pensar que el amor podría salvarme de la angustia que arrastro en mi vida. Podes encontrar soluciones para la insatisfacción económica o residencial, pero esta herida de la que hablo es un abismo que nada puede llenar.
Me convencí de que el trastorno de angustia no tiene cura. La mayoría de las terapias se centran en abrazar el dolor, practicar la autocompasión y aprender a convivir con estas sombras. Pero ya no tengo ganas de enfrentarlo cuando se presenta. ¿Por qué insisten en que siga luchando cuando ya no queda nada dentro de mí?
El amor, no necesariamente apasionado ni romántico (o sí), podría haber llenado con un poco de calidez este corazón.
Pero ahora veo claramente que aquí, en este momento, ya no existe. Ahora entiendo que nada de eso está en mi destino.
Ya no albergo la idea de volver a brillar, de devolverle el brillo a mi amado, de ser correspondida, de compartir los momentos más fugaces de la vida, de sostenernos, de llevarnos siempre juntos.
Me llevó el doble de tiempo darme cuenta de que todos los caminos me conducirían inevitablemente a este viaje. Me siento aliviada porque debo partir, me siento aliviada porque cuando llegue, también tendré la libertad de irme.
Perdoname Lu por decirte con tanta liviandad las ganas que tengo de matarme y como me voy a matar si fracaso en lo que estaría siendo mi último intento de buscar el goce por la vida.
Perdoname por no poder prometerte que vamos a estar juntes de viaje nuevamente. Solo nos queda disfrutar lo que nos quede de presente hasta que les de la espalda a todos.
Te quiero mucho.
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moondenss · 6 months
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