#not as long as mammon's but I'll take what I can get
lovetei · 10 months
Okay, this have been on my mind for a while now…
So! MC in the manga is a sheep (get turn into a sheep because they aren’t familiar with the magic? Idk). I was just wondering that at the end of the exchange programme how would the boys react to Mc’s “true form”
This is such an interesting thing to write 🖤
By the way, this is another request stuck in my drafts, I promise I'll try to make up for it and post more :')
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Their reaction to Sheep MC changing into their human form at the end of the exchange program
Warnings: Slightly suggestive, no proofreading, wrong grammar, spelling errors, kind of long
Versions: Demon brothers, Side Characters
Links: Masterlist
It was the end of the exchange program and he's seeing you off
A large portal behind your back
For you, it might be the portal that will lead you to the freedom and whatever normality this program took away from you for a whole year
The portal that you've been waiting for
But for him, it's nothing but a spiral of magic that takes away the only comfort he has
The comfort that he seek for
And his twisted heart aches whenever he remembers it
But he hides it off with a smile and a wave
He waved at you one last time before you turned around
"Uhm... I feel weird-"
The extreme feeling of despair left his body for a second and was covered with confusion
That soon turned into worry as your sheep form completely fell to the ground
The noises you're making is not normal and they're all panicking because they've never heard of it before
And the fact that you started glowing didn't ease their mind.
Could it be that some higher demon planted some spell inside of you?
He looked at you shock
No, more like-
He looked at your new form, shocked.
The way your naked body is laying on the ground right in front of him...
Right in front of them..?
He can't help but sigh and thought that, everything would have been fine, perfect even, if you turned into this form in front of him
But no, you just have to turn into your original self in front of everyone
Now he can't even embrace you.
All he did was take his coat off and throw it to your body as his face flush red.
You turned around to look at them as you clutch his coat with that adorable expression before you run off and enter the portal
He's left there, shocked and speechless
He didn't know what the hell just happened
But what's he's sure of is that he's going to get you back
And you're going to show that expression to him one more time
But that time, it will just be the two of you, alone.
This man is bawling his eyes out
His original plan is to watch you leave as he cries and once you're gone he will walk it off like a real man, with tear stains of course.
He set his mind to it, gambling for the whole week after you leave so that he can forget you
Even for just a moment
But no,
You won't even let him have the peace of mind
Or leave him with a nice memory
Instead your sheep body dropped to ground and made everyone think that you're about to die!
But you know what more you did?
You turned into a human!
Your human form!
He went from 😭 -> 🤨 -> 😮 -> 😭 -> 😳 in a mere minute
He just stood there with a flushed face
A blushing dumbass who don't know what to do but watch as Lucifer threw his coat on you
And watch you run away with that cute expression, embarrassed expression on your face.
You drive him insane
Now he's all fired up, willing to destroy the mortal world just to get you back in his arms.
This one too is bawling his eyes out
While holding his camera of course
He's filming every part of this
He's standing there like "WAHHH MCCC! W-Wait is the angle r-right..? I need to capture how b-beautiful MC is..." while sobbing words out.
His hands are holding the camera shakily but the movement suddenly stopped when you said you feel weird...
His eyes shot open and his tears stopped
Are you okay..?
. . .
He's malfunctioning the moment you dropped to the ground and started to glow
And he malfunctioned even more when you turned into your human born, as naked as the moment you were born.
Now his sniper instincts came in and the camera is as focused as a laser
He's staring at you wide eyed, face as red as a tomato and his mouth agape
He doesn't know what's happening
But what he's sure of is that he needs to film it
The moment you grabbed Lucifer's coat and hugged it to cover yourself
And the moment you stood up and looked at them with that cute expression
But the moment you left, he hid the camera
This film is for his eyes only...
He's gonna need this for a 'project'...
And you know what else he needs?
He's smiling everything off as he watches you leave
But you know deep down some anger is boiling
Considering how hot his pact mark is getting
Because, why do you have to leave..? Did he fail to satisfy your standards..?
He can't help but roll his eyes internally
But in the middle of his self talk, you spoke
"I kind of... Feel weird-"
And then you dropped to the ground and he's suddenly panicking
Any other feeling except for confusion flushed out of his body
He ran up to you immidiately but the light dimmed down and your naked body lay before him
He can't help stop in his tracks and just look at you and blush
Before he can even register anything, Lucifer's coat is already hugging your body
Which causes another wave of wrath to hit him
He just glared at Lucifer and saw that he's not even paying attention to him
He's looking at you
With a foreign expression in his face
So he also looked at you and...
Why the fuck did you have to look so majestic..?
You met his gaze and your face flushed before you ran out and entered the portal
He just remained still
Looking at the ground where you once sat
He can't move, he's shaking so much...
He feels like he's about to explode...
"WAHHH MCCC!" He whined out as he openly sobbed
He loves you so much!
Just why do you have to leave him!
He can't help but pout at you as you say your final goodbye
But what about him?
Why do you have to leave him too!
I mean it's understandable that you want to leave them because they're all such nuisances to you why him?!
He can't help it-
What do you mean you're feeling weird?
He's slowly walking to your direction
But you started to glow..?
Suddenly he's bearing his teeth expecting enemies around
Oh wait...
His mind is scrambled
He completely stopped working
And he'll probably be out of service for the next few days.
He's probably standing there with Belphie in his arms
He's giving you his infamous puppy smile hoping that you'll give him what he wants
Hoping that you'll fall for it like the usual and ran up to him an dsay he's cute instead of leaving
But there's a part in his heart that knows you won't
He's sad and happy at the same time
He's happy because you'll finally live the way you do back then
But he's sad because you have to leave to do so...
You're feeling weird..?
You're glowing, MC!
He's shaking Belphegor awake now
What's happening to you-
. . .
He'll be one of the most respectful and cover his eyes
But he's secretly peaking through the gaps
Your flushed face...
Looks so cute...
You look...
You looked delicious...
Just enough to eat...
Now he's hungry.
Hungry for something... New?
Something that includes you.
He's awake actually
He watched everyone, he heard everyone gave their final speeches to you
But when you were about to leave
He forcefully shut his eyes and leaned on Beel
Hoping that his sin would take over and he fell into some deep slumber
But why of all times... Why isn't it cooperating..?
His brows are furrowed as he forces himself to sleep
But suddenly everyone dropped silent...
So you finally left?
Wha- why is Beel shaking him?-
Why the fuck are you glowing now?!
No no no...
Is it the work of some demon?!
. . .
You're... Naked...
In front of everyone...
Beel better hold him back or else he's about to run after you and do what his brothers can't
But he knows you won't like that.
So he clinged to Beel-
Why do you look like that?!
That's his last thought before he ran and almost caught you but the portal closed
"Hmm... What a shame~"
He'll make sure he'll catch you next time.
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bloomries · 10 months
y-you're too close!
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includes : the demon brothers (lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, and belphegor).
summary : they get a little too close to your face— and how are you supposed to ignore their mesmerizing eyes or kissable lips?
warnings : gn! reader, kissing (lucifer, satan, belphegor).
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꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── lucifer
Lucifer had, of course, went to visit you- and you just so happened to be in an empty classroom at the time. He found you rather easily, almost having a sixth sense for your presence. Standing behind you, he watched as read some words from a textbook before writing down an answer.
He then leans down to whisper in your ear, to teasingly praise you for your hardwork, when you turn your head to the side at just that moment— your lips brushing over his.
"L- Lucifer!?" You squeak, before falling out your seat from trying to pull back much too fast. His eyes widen, and he swiftly catches you before you can cause too much of a commotion.
"Are you alright?" He holds back a laugh, meanwhile you're trying to not have your heart explode.
"I'm fine- I just- you were- why were you so close!?" You manage to get out as he puts you back in place, your homework long forgotten by now. He tries to hide the quirk of his lip, but you see it and know he's preparing to tease you.
"Well, I wasn't expecting you to turn your head and try to kiss me." He says, touching his lips and shaking his head. "You must conduct yourself in a more respectful manner."
"You know I wasn't trying to- you just snuck up on me!" Lucifer frowns, still putting on an act special to you. He'd never act in such a silly manner to anyone else.
"But you still kissed me. You'll have to be held accountable." You groan, looking up at him with a dismal expression. You make him almost take pity on you, but then again he was never known as merciful.
"And how do you suppose I make up for my mistakes?"
"Hmm, perhaps kissing me again? On purpose this time, of course."
꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── mammon
"Mammon, knock it off," You groan, pushing him away from you. He had been bothering you for the better half of the day, clinging on to you. You don't normally mind, but Mammon also doesn't normally poke your sides and pinch your thighs.
"Noo," He whines, and this naturally leads into you two play wrestling, Mammon ending up with his face perhaps a little too close to yours when he pins you down against the bed. Your eyes widen when you realize just how close he is.
"Hey, let up." You struggle in his grip and he huffs, getting all smug.
"No way. I won fair 'nd squa...re.... ah," That's when Mammon realized just how close to your face he was. "Uh..." He doesn't pull away from you, though his grip loosens. Now you're both messes. Mammon's hot in the face, and you're trying hard to ignore how sweaty your palms have grown.
After a few seconds on bashful staring at each other, Mammon finally pulls away and lets out a shaky loud laugh. "Ha, well, I won. So... I get to stay."
You're still too flustered to deny him, so you just nod wordlessly. However, the tension in the air is thick, and Mammon is like a statue from how he barely moves.
Both of you painfully aware of the obvious affections you two have been showing nonstop over the last few months, but none of it being really faced until just now- when you two were basically a inch away from kissing.
"Should we, uhm, y'know, talk... about what just-"
"I just remembered I have to do, uh, dishes!" Mammon stood up abruptly. "I- I'll talk to ya later!" Oh, this is definitely going to cause a few awkward days in the House of Lamentation.
꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── leviathan
Leviathan and you had been up for hours on the new game he got, collecting items, ravaging villages, defeating enemies, and it all lead to now— the final boss. Through sweat, blood, and tears you two managed to defeat the final boss in a total of four minutes and fifty six seconds.
"Y- Yes!" You both shouted, cheering and jumping up from your seats, clinging on to each other with damn near tear in your eyes. "Yes! We did it!" Levi cried, squeezing you tightly.
You laugh with joy, pulling away from the hug only to be met face-to-face with Levi.
"Didn't doubt us for a second," You smile, a flirty lilt in your tone that has Levi sudden very conscious on how close you two are. Your eyes flicker down to his lips and he gasps- were you- no, no way! he was a gross otaku! you must be mistaken! yes, that's it!
And thus, Levi is quick to push your face away and accidentally push you back into your gaming chair. "Ow," you pout, and Levi gasps once more.
"S- Sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"It's okay, Levi, really," You chuckle, and he awkwardly laughs with you. He sits down back in his seat, letting the end music play as he messes with the hem of his shirt.
"I thought, I thought you were going to kiss me for a second," He admits bashfully, chuckling as if that was impossible. You quirk a brow, leaning back in your seat and eyeing him.
"I was."
"Haha, yeah exactly you weren't- wait, what!?"
"I said, I was. I was going to kiss you, Levi." You push yourself forward, your face once again impossibly close to his and he chokes on his own breath before squeezing his eyes shut, lips puckering forward a little.
You press a finger to his lips, and he peaks an eye open- disappointed. "Aw, too bad you missed your chance today, how about you try again tomorrow?" Ah, he most definitely would- if he didn't talk himself down by then!
꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── satan
"Wait, so, forward, right- uhm, oh!" You had asked Satan to teach you how to dance upon getting the invitation to Diavolo's upcoming ball. Apparently demons love ballroom dancing. However, in your attempt to learn, you've come to realize that you're dancing skills are possibly a little rusty.
"Sorry," You chuckle, you had tripped over your own feet for the umpteenth time, but at least it was Satan's? You sigh, looking up at him as he looks down at you, and oh. Oh wow.
It was quiet, except for the classical music playing softly in the background. Your heart is racing, and you fear that in your close proximity he might be able to feel it. He fears the same, his grasp on you tightening. He has that charming smile resting on his features, despite the storm in his mind!
How desperately you want to kiss him- and had his eyes always been so green?
Your certain your cheeks are on fire, and you want so badly for the ground to swallow you up. You can't form any words, just staring like a lovesick fool- and Satan is doing no better. He's at a loss for words, truly. How could he even begin to form a sentence worth interrupting this moment?
Then, a book falls to the ground with a loud thud- a mischievous tabby meowing and stretching somewhere. You both pull away, Satan's cheeks growing a rosy color as he clears his throat.
"Maybe we should take a break? I'll... I'll go get us some waters," You say, about to leave, however Satan can't help himself and pulls you by the waist towards him.
"Please forgive me," He whispers, taking your chin between his thumb and forefinger.
"Kiss m-" With that, he kisses you deeply. A kiss that certainly will make itself into your dance routine with Satan at the ball next week.
꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── asmodeus
"What do you think?" Asmo asks, scooting closer to you, showing off the new look he was attempting- and obviously he was nailing it. He looked perfect, but that wasn't unusual in his case.
"Pretty as always," You say, not really looking at him. He was always showing off looks that were amazing, so you already knew that it was perfect. He whines, shimmying closer to you.
"You're not looking!" He pouts, and you sigh, turning your head abruptly- not expecting him to be so close. Oh. He did look very pretty. And now your cheeks are warm. "Thank you! So, how does it look?" He asks, as if the close proximity wasn't bothering him.
"You look nice- good- you look... good..." He frowns. Well good wasn't good enough. He pulls back and checks in the mirror, but finds not a single product out of place. He whips back around towards you, getting even closer to your face.
"Just good?"
"You look beautiful," You say, and he blinks in shock at your earnestness. He's glad the make up is covering up the blush that surely spreads on his cheeks.
"Oh my, are you falling for my good looks?" His teasing comment ruins the moment, and you scoff, shaking your head as you turn to look back at your phone.
"You wish, princess." You say, pushing him away by the shoulder. You ignore the heart palpitations as you scroll through your DDD.
꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── beelzebub
"Oh, Beel, you got something right there..." You say, pointing to your cheek to where Beelzebub had some sauce. Beel looks down at the food in his hands- both hands were pretty occupied, so he leaned in for you to wipe it away for him.
"W- What?-" It seems he underestimated how small the table was, though, as he leaned in way too close! Face hot, you lift a shaky hand to wipe away the sauce with a napkin and then he shoots you the biggest, most kissable grin in the world.
"Thanks!" He chuckles, before leaning back and taking another bite of his food. You can only stare at the table now though, lest you wish to continue your rather romantic thoughts.
Beel notices this, and once again leans in close— Damn it, is he trying to give you a heart attack!? He furrows his brows as he inspects you, before frowning. Shit, did he realize that you were having definitely not friendly thoughts?
"Are you okay? You look a lil' sick." He says, leaning back. You let a silent breath of relief before nodding.
"I'm fine, just... just a little hot, that's all." And technically, you weren't lying.
꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── belphegor
"Shuddup," Belphegor groans, rolling over on to his side to face you, before grabbing your waist and pulling you into him. You gasp, not from the action- honestly, this is a rather typical evening with Belphegor (he claims he "sleeps better" when you're near him) but you gasp due to how close your face is to his.
Usually you land near his chest or vise versa, but this face-to-face view was definitely making you grow quiet. Belphegor was pleased with this, before he realized it took quite a lot to usually shut you up. He peaks an eye open with a frown.
"What's your deal?" When you don't respond and instead try to wiggle out of his arms, he tightens his grip and gets even closer. "Hm? Trying to get away?"
"Yes! Let me gooo!"
"Nah," He grins, realizing what's happening. "I think you don't really want me to let you go anyways, right? You wanna stare at my face longer? Wanna kiiisss meeee?" You groan, wishing to strangle the annoying demon. He laughs when you don't deny him.
"I knew it," He flutters his lashes close and pouts his lips out a little, trying to appear 'pretty' or... something? You just shake your head, done with his teasing. Grabbing his collar, you admire his natural beauty for a second— after all, who knows when you'll be so close to his face again— before catching him off guard with a kiss
Letting go of you out of shock, you're quick to run away, leaving Belphegor in a stunned, blushing mess. Stupid humans...~
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꒰ ❀ ꒱ thank you for reading. have a wonderful day, darling!
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rae-writes · 4 months
Firstly, big fan of your poly mc x obey me brothers stuff. Secondly, I'm a bit curious about the dynamics between the brothers and mc (cough three-ways cough). Obviously Beel and Belphie wouldn't mind working together, but do you have any headcanons regarding the other brothers sharing?
threesome parings lets gooo! // nsfw, poly!mc (duh) // dateables and sides next maybe?? ;)
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Obvious parings
Beel + Belphie; this one is the most obvious, but it works so well (Belphie likes to say they're the best tag-team). It can leave you reeling because you don't always know what's going on when they communicate with just their eyes. The favorite positions in this team are probably: you sitting on one's face while sucking the other off; riding one while the other fucks you from behind; spooning with one in front of you and one behind you
"Such a fuck-ing slut for us, huh? Our pretty little slut."
"o-oh..yeah, move your hips like that again, please..g'na c-cum-!"
"Please go faster, Mc..uh-huh, like that..a-ah! Yesyesyes, cumming! 'm cumming, oh fuck!"
"Your mouth is always so good...here, do Belphie next. Wanna prep you with my tongue."
"Mmm...slow down over there, Beel. We said we'd go slow...'s still early..'m tired." "Sorry, Belphie, but they feel so good..just listen to them. They need us." "..fine...we're going back to sleep after, though."
Lucifer + Satan; yes. These two. Their synchronized energy is almost on par with the twins (even if it's like a subtle competition the whole time) and they do everything so smoothly and seductively it makes you hot and bothered at a rate that should be illegal. The favorite positions for this team are probably: bent over something, one pounding you from the back while you suck off the other; being held up while they fuck you standing, one in front and one behind
"Come on, you can suck my cock better than that. Don't tell me he's made you dumb already?"
"No, no, no, moan my name. Yeah, that's it baby, let me hear you. Louder."
"I'm cumming- don't fucking move. I don't care if he's close, I'm filling you up first."
"You look so pretty, Mc...so. fucking. gorgeous. Doing so good for us, always do so good."
"Hold it. Yes, you can, and you will." "Don't be so mean to them, Lucifer. I think they've well earned the right to cum, don't you? I wanna feel it. Let them cum." "No. If you keep mouthing off, I'll take them away and you can finish yourself off. They hold it until I say so."
Mammon + Asmo; PARTY DUO! They're so wild and filthy and it's so fun to have both at the same time. Tag teaming you is one of the times they can bounce their energies off each other without arguments. The favorite positions of this team (though they're down to try any positions) are probably: riding one while the other fucks you from behind; train style- fucking one [w/strap or dick] while the other fucks you; both squeezing themselves between your legs to give you oral
"Harder! Yeah, yeah, yeah- like that! Come on, Mammon, fuck them faster, I need them to give me more!"
"Ahh, fuck...you're so fuckin' good t'me, baby. Look so good, you're so damn perfect- look at me, look at me, baby...fuuuckkk.."
"Come on, hon! Spread those legs a biiit wider...don't be shy~ show us your pretty self..gotta give us room to work our magic!♡"
"Rock them hips over me, baby, yeahh..make me feel so fucking good. Takin both of us so well."
"Ooh, turn them around this way!" "No way! They faced you the last time, I wanna look at them this time." "That's so not fair- oh! Aw, just listen to that little whine...you need us that badly, Mc?" "Course they do, you kept us waitin so damn long. Don't worry, baby, we gotcha."
Not-so-common pairings
Asmo + Belphie; little odd pairing here, but Asmo cancels out Belphie's sloth (and even gets him riled up in a way only Azzy can) so once you experience it, it's like the shock of temperature play. The favorite positions of this team are probably: riding Belphie while Azzy fucks you from behind; sitting on Bel's face while sucking Asmo off; getting fucked by one; head hanging off the side of the bed, while the other fucks your throat
"I knew I made the right idea picking this set out for you! You look absolutely gorgeous, Mc! Put on a little show for us?"
"Mmmnn...move faster..yeah, come on..ugh- please? Please, for me...y-yeah! Like that.."
"The way you move your tongue like that has me spinning, darling! A-ah..ah, ah-! I'm gonna cum!"
"No, no, no, look at me. At me, Mc, not at Asmo. I wanna see your face when you cum on my cock- take that pretty mouth of yours off his dick and scream my name."
"Come on, Belphie! You gotta get motivated! Just look at them, laying there so pretty for us!" "I can make them feel good without acting like you, you know." "Not unless you want me to steal them away~ Ooh, there's that competitive look in your eye!"
Lucifer + Levi; not necessarily an ‘odd’ pair, but definitely one we don’t see often. With the elder commanding the room and the younger so willing to follow along, it makes for a smooth combination (and an easy dynamic to settle into). The favorite positions for this team are probably: sucking off one while the other fucks you from behind; bending Levi over and fucking him while Luci bends you over the other and fucks you from behind; sitting on Levi’s face while sucking Lucifer off
"Ah, ah, ah. If I can hear you forming words, it means you're not sucking his cock properly. Doesn't Levi deserve some pleasure, too, hm? Go on, choke on it."
""Nghh! You f-fuck me s'good! Hnn...h-huh? Y-yes...yes, y'r fucking me dumb already- 'm your good boy t-though, please keep going!"
"So willing and obedient...you don't know what you really even do to me, do you?"
"Mmph...love the way you taste..ride my tongue faster."
"You can fuck them harder can't you? If their mouth isn't being forced onto my cock, it means you're slacking again." "S-s-sorry...they just- ah!- f-feel so good...my legs are..are already shaking." "Already? Well, if you aren't going to do it properly, let's just switch positions."
Mammon + Beel; again, not ‘odd’, but more so an overlooked- giving based- combo. They’re pretty much all about you, so it can be a bit overwhelming sometimes (but in the best way). The favorite positions for this team are probably: sitting on one’s face and giving head to the other; laying on your sides, each fucking you from the front and back; riding one while the other feels you up and plays with you
"Aw, why're ya cryin', baby? Yeah? Feels good? Sweet little thing...how bout we make ya feel even better?"
"No, no- don't run away, Mc..not done yet..you can take us both at the same time, know you can."
"Y'look s'good ridin' him like that. Can't wait for my turn, fuck, do you feel what you do to me? C'mon, baby, feel it...s'all for you."
"Make him cum again..I don't wanna stop tasting you yet."
"Beel! C'mon! I wanna taste 'em too! Stop hogging!" "But their taste.." "I know- but look at 'em. They're dying to taste you, too. So give me a turn, yeah? Let 'em get their fill." "Okay...just for you, Mc.."
Levi + Belphie; this one…is interesting. It’s easy to run things because of their natures, but this is the unofficial ‘drastic switch’ team— you never really know what you’re getting with them. The favorite positions for them are probably: giving both a handjob while they pleasure you; riding one and making out with the other; getting fucked from behind and fucking the other
"D-don't stop- hnn..! O-oh, u-uh-huh, make me cum again, don't care if 'm sensitive, wanna cum again for you!"
"Noo! Come back...mmph..mm...don't stop kissing me. Don't care- I'll move your hips for you, don't worry about Levi, just focus on me."
"You look so. fucking. good. bent over for me. Shh, don't listen to Belphie's bitching, he's getting fucked every time I slam my cock into you, so focus on me."
"Pull my hair. Yeah, like that- mm! Let me fuck you harder..please? He won't care, he can take it, I need to fuck you harder, Mc, please!"
"Quit hogging them! It's not fair!" "Is that all you ever say? It's not my fault you don't ask them to give you what you need. I do. So I'm going first." "H-hmph! Mc, Belphie's being mea- oh..oh your hand feels good..yeah stroke me like t-that.."
Other good mentions
Lucifer + Mammon; these two can communicate with just their eyes as well as the twins can, okay, they absolutely have your head spinning— and usually, the eldest is in charge of the whole thing but sometimes his favoritism shows and he lets Mammon take over. The favorite positions in this team are probably: each fucking you standing, from front and back; sucking one off while the other guides the pace; rough makeout session to see who gets to be in charge (and sometimes it’s you)
"It's been awhile, hasn't it, Mc? I can tell by the way you're already drooling for us...all dumb and pretty. All ours."
"Doin' such a good job, baby...uh-huh, bob your head a liiittle faster, like..this. Use your tongue too...hear the way he's moanin' for ya?"
"Don't make fun of me...is it so wrong that I want to feel your touch, too? I love the rake of your nails across my skin..indulge me, won't you?"
"I don't even care if 'm not in charge this time- just don't stop kissing me..haven't felt your lips on mine all day, please, fuck, don't ever stop kissing me."
"Well? What are you going to do now that you're in control this time, Mammon?" "Heh..overstimulate him, Mc. 'n don't stop until he's shooting blanks." "...what? Mc, don't you d-ah! Gr..damnit...fuck, it feels good.."
Mammon + Levi; they might act like it’s a big competition sometimes, but all they really care about is making you feel good, and when their energies are in sync, it’s crazy. The favorite positions of this team are probably: riding one while the other fucks you from behind; getting fucked while fucking the other, spreading your legs wide open so they can both give you oral
"Don't be such a fuckin' sore loser, Levi. Just put your mouth on 'em and shut up..we don't getta talk till their legs are shakin."
"C-can't handle when you s-stare at me like that..m-makes me feel all hot a-and bothered..especially w-when he keeps fucking you e-even closer."
"Can take it- promise I can take it! Don't stop fucking me, need it s'bad!"
"Hah! Look at him! He's practcially in tears from just one orgasm..h-huh? W-w-what are you doing- no, d-don't! You're..going too fast..a-ahhh..c-cumming! N-no..'m not crying..'m not!"
"What'd you say?!" "You heard me! You're not that dumb, are you?" "You little- Mc? Oh, no, we're sorry baby...no, no, we didn't mean to forget you, we'll make it up. Here..put that tail of yours to good use, Levi." "Yeah..okay..we're sorry, Mc. That feel good?"
Satan + Asmo; this pairing can be so softly sweet and so passionately intense, it should come with a whiplash warning (but are you really complaining?). The favorite positions for this pair are probably: laying down while one fucks you from each side, getting fucked while making out with the other, mutual masturbation and getting edged while edging them
"Ah, ah, ah...not yet, love, don't cum yet. It'll feel better if we wait, yeah? Hold it for me...just a little longer."
"You look so sexy, all disheveled like this! Gets me all hot and bothered every time! Hehe! ♡"
"Arch your back for me- just like that. Makes it go even deeper, doesn't it? Just. like. this. Ohh, fuck, make that sound for me again- 'm gonna cum."
"Stroke me faster, baby, please! Uh-huh, uh-huh...mm! Cumming! Yes, yes, yes!"
"Calm down, Asmo. Mc's had a tiring day..let's take it slow and make them feel better, hm?" "Ooh, you're absolutely right! We'll take care of you, hon, you won't even have to lift a finger!" "Relax, love...we've got you."
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daytaker · 5 months
The Gang React to You Petting Their Hair
"I am only going to say this once: stop."
You get one warning. One. If you do not cease and desist, he is throwing you out of his study, so help him Diavolo's Dad. No, he does not like it. No, not even a little bit. You really aren't going to stop? You're just a glutton for punishment, aren't you?
....You're very lucky he's too busy to hurl you bodily from this room. He'll just endure it for now.
"Hah?! What's the big idea?! This is the revered hair of THE Great Mammon, I'll have you know. So that'll be 100 Grimm a touch, thanks! ....Hey, no, wait, why'd you stop?"
Once he's done turning bright red and clearing his throat, he'll try to capitalize on this whim of yours by offering you a discount on hair touches. A very poorly-planned scheme, because you're not going to pay to do something he'll start begging you to keep up as soon as you stop.
Oh, so Mammon is willing to let you touch his high-value hair for free? You're so honored. What a good boy you are, Mammon. (You can expect a bit more sputtering and some denials that he is anything like a good boy, but bro's into it big time. If he had a tail, it would be wagging.)
*shrieks in confused, touch-starved otaku*
Wait, no, he didn't say to stop! What's with these mixed signals? Petting his hair then stopping just because he shrieks a little bit? Did you want to touch his hair or not? Is it greasy? Oh god, when did he last bathe? ...It was only the other day. You have no reason to be disgusted. You're just a bigoted normie who assumes all otaku are crusty and gross!
Ahhhh?!?!?!?! Again?! Fine! Just don't change your mind again, because that's super confusing! And yeah, obviously he's blushing, you're petting his head and it feels nice and kind of tickles! ....Mm.... You know, once he's settled into it, it's really relaxing, actually...
Fast forward an hour or two and he's probably conked out with his head in your lap, drunk on affection and mostly asleep.
"What exactly do you think you're doing?"
It feels weird. Why are you doing that? Wait, you're petting him? Like he's....a cat? Hmm. Interesting. He'll allow it. But you should do it properly. None of this mussing his hair around with wild abandon. You have to be gentle and use small movements. Maybe use your knuckles? Gently though. There, that's it.
So this is what it feels like. Admittedly, he probably wouldn't take kindly to this if anybody else was doing it, no matter how well they imitated proper cat-petting technique. But you're a special exception, so in the future, if you feel the need to do this, just let him know. And for the love of all things unholy, don't breathe a word about this to his brothers.
"Oh, you like my hair? Isn't it soft? I'll show you the conditioner I use."
Asmo loves having his hair played with! Or brushed, or combed, or tugged (just not too hard, please!) His hair is silky smooth thanks to a mixture of his natural good looks and his shampoo/conditioner combination. He'll let you borrow them if you're interested. Your hair will look amazing! And it'll feel even better!
This is cozy. He'll just settle in and let you do this as long as you want. Careful you don't get too handsy; he knows how irresistible he is.
...Well, maybe if you're a little handsy he'll let it slide, but just because it's you.
"Are you....petting me?"
Kind of weird, but it feels nice, so he isn't complaining. It's a little bit embarrassing, just because it makes him feel a little bit like a puppy, but then again, who doesn't like puppies? He'll be able to continue to go about his day not minding you petting his hair now and again. The only awkward part is how damn tall he is. You might need to keep a step stool handy.
"Nnngh, knock it off...! ... ... ...I changed my mind, do it again."
His initial reaction to being woken up to you stroking his head is annoyance, because dammit, he was sleeping. But once he shakes the cobwebs out of his brain, he'll realize that it actually felt really good and he could absolutely fall asleep under these circumstances.
He'll wait a little while, hoping you'll give it another try of your own accord, but if you don't, he'll eventually cave and grumpily ask you to do it again.
"Hahaha... That's enough, now."
He isn't actually a fan. Maybe it's the fact that he's a prince and has been acting as an autocrat more or less for centuries, but being stroked like an adored pet feels really degrading. Of course, he won't hold it against you, but seriously, stop.
"Are you finished playing around quite yet?"
Another one who isn't into this at all. He's more than happy to spend his free time petting you, if that's what you're interested in, but he is a petter, not a pettee. Read into this what you will.
"You're so forward!"
Solomon likes it very much. Too much, possibly. Are you flirting with him? There's something incredibly intimate about touching someone's hair, don't you think? No, please, continue.
"Um, what are you doing? ...As long as you're enjoying yourself, I guess!"
Simeon is more bewildered by this than most. Like, are you trying to scratch an itch for him? Is this one of those "viral memes" he's heard so much about? Well, it feels nice, and it isn't as if it's hurting anybody. He'll indulge you for now.
A little to your left, please. Ahhhh, that's the spot...
"Hehe, that tickles... Hey! Is this a Chihuahua joke?!"
It feels kind of nice, but as soon as he takes a second to think about it, he realizes that you're treating him at best like a little kid, and at worst, like a dog, and he isn't having any of that. He'll scold you for treating a Celestial being so casually, remind you that he's actually a lot older than you, technically, so who's the real baby, and secretly pine for more pets for the rest of his life.
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he-calls-me-kitten · 7 months
Show Me How (Pt. 1)
Poly GN! MC x OM! Characters
(TW: Gangbang, Poly, Messy, Orgy??? MDNI - some people requested and I had to try :P, but if y'all want a one on one HC's I can do that seperately)
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You trembled in excitement as Diavolo got off his seat to talk to the manager. You barely caught the words "special room" from the conversation and looked around you.
All of them looked at you like hawks about to feast. You weren't expecting your body count to go from 0 to 11 in one night.
"They're ready for us." Diavolo held out his hand and you readily took it. You felt them all follow close behind as you walked, hot and bothered before you had even taken your clothes off. Some of them, you were too nervous to notice who, brushed their palms and knuckles against your hips and thighs.
The room was dimly lit and the bed looked big and cushy enough for atleast 6 of you. There were couches placed next to big tinted windows showcasing the glowing city lights.
"Don't worry MC, I'll fuck you against those windows so we can see the pretty sights together. And we can be there as long as you like." Asmo whispered, casually caressing your behind before letting you go.
Taking your seat in the middle of the bed, you looked up at them like a innocent little lamb. "So...what happens now?"
Solomon was the first one on the bed, tilting your chin to look up at his towering form. "Since it's your first time, maybe you should start with a human before going up against the supernaturals?"
You nodded. You could hear Mammon grunt in annoyance. "Unfair!" Asmo whined. "Damn your advantage, Solomon!" Satan scowled.
All other protests drowned out as he pressed his lips against your parted ones, slipping his tongue in with ease. You reached out to hold him by the shoulders as he pulled you onto his lap.
"You can be the first to take MC, but I don't think they'll mind us lending a hand, would you, MC?" Barbatos joined you on the bed and so did Diavolo. Lucifer turned towards the windows but he knew he was watching you intently in the reflections.
"You're so... beautiful..." Solomon whispered as he undid the buttons on your school uniform. Barbatos and Diavolo pulled down the sleeves so you were only left in your undershirt.
"Indeed. Even your scent is divine." Barbatos latched his mouth on your neck right beneath your ear. Solomon proceeded to suckle your nipples through the thin cloth while undoing your pants. Diavolo kneaded the other side of your chest while stealing kisses off your cheek.
You were soaked faster than you expected, dripping and ready. "Hold on MC, we need to make sure you're stretched out enough to take him. To make sure it hurts less." You watched Barbatos take his glove off with his teeth and coat fingers with your precum and Diavolo followed suit.
"Ah- AHHHHH!" You moaned out load at the introduction of one finger right after the other. As small as you were compared to them, it took them no time at all to find where it pleasures you most.
Beel inched dangerously close to the bed. "Could I have a little taste?" His eyes were trained on your slick and glistening beads of sweat on your back. You nodded lightly. You felt the bed shift with his weight as fell onto Solomon's chest, your ass hoisted up against Beel's mouth.
"Beel! Wait!" The his warm tongue on your cold skin was already too much and you were still so sensitive from the last act. And it took him seconds to go from gentle to feral animal.
"MC...you taste so good...please just a little more." He pleaded. You had tears of overstimulation by the time Solomon pulled you away from him.
"Alright, alright I think my adorable apprentice is more than ready for me now." He huffed annoyed as he pumped his dick against your stomach. You gasped at the sheer size of it. Your head spun knowing that it's only going to get bigger from here on.
He rubbed the tip against your hole before thrusting. You felt full but he wasn't even half way. "So tight for me...don't worry I'll be gentle." He went deeper with every thrust, slowly splitting you open.
"Breathe...don't tense up, relax your muscles. Just like that." It was almost like Solomon was in his room teaching you magic. You whined as he finally fit in all of himself and you whimpered at his size. "That's it. There's my perfect little apprentice."
"Hurry it up already!" You could hear Mammon growl, impatient. You tried to look back at him only to see him undoing his belt, the tent in his pants huge and uncomfortable. In fact, almost everyone had the same problem.
Levi was facing the wall, trying to jerk himself off discreetly. Belphie was sitting down gently rutting against his pillow. Satan was staring intently with crossed arms, sizing you up to imagine everything he wanted to do with you.
Solomon and you came at the same time, gasping and clutching to each other for support. You marked him with your nails and he marked you with his cum pouring out of your hole. "I'm so sorry I couldn't pull out, MC...you felt too good."
"That's it! My turn!" Mammon's patience ran out as he grabbed you by the arms and flipped you over. The sight of Solomon's essence inside you fueled his anger. He was about to fuck you like a dog.
"You need to learn to share, Mammon. MC belongs to all of us, after all." Asmo slithered his way under you somehow, running his dainty fingers up and down your chest, his manicured nails lightly grazing your nipples. "So cute."
"Asmo n-not there!" You trembled at his lips leaving lipstick marks over your tummy and to the sound of Mammon furiously unbuckling his pants. You felt both their erections on your thighs before Mammon shoved two fingers inside you, just to see if you could take him. "You belong to me now. Don't you dare scream anyone else's name but mine."
Latching his lips on yours, he thrust himself inside like a brute. You screamed his name into his mouth through his rough thrusts and tightening grip on your waist. "M-Mammon please not so rough!" You pulled away from his mouth to breathe.
You were barely registering the stretch of Mammon's length when Belphie appeared in front of you sheepishly. "Could you...let me use your mouth?" He ran his fingers over your lips tenderly. You parted your lips for him, half dazed and felt his tip trace your lips before putting it in.
"Couldn't wait his fucking turn. Why ya gotta be so pretty, MC? Hah...fuck you're still so tight.." Mammon hissed at Belphie lazily thrusting inside your mouth. Mammon's rough pace coupled with Belphie's slow one was so overwhelming you came again before long. "So good...so so good for me, MC..." The sleepy demon praised through gasps.
You were crying again as you came on Mammon's dick. He spilled out on your hips, dripping down your thighs. "I can't anymore...not right now...please..." You begged. Asmo cooed and hugged you. You fell asleep on his shoulder.
You woke up to Satan cradling your head on his lap, and Simeon running his fingers through your hair. "Let yourself relax, MC. The rest of us can wait patiently for our turn."
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obeymematches · 24 days
Hello~! Can I request a headcanon for an Mc that can’t sleep alone? Like they feel much safer sleeping next to someone. Thank you so much and take as much time as you need~! ☺️
ohhh i know how you feel, i also prefer sleeping with someone 💓 thank you for sending in a request & inspiring me, i had fun writing this💫
💤Sleeping together💤
He is awake when you go over to his room. He didn't have intentions to sleep yet but he wants what is best for you. It is your secret mission to get him to do what is best for him. He gets addicted to sleeping with you also. Even if he has evening plans with Diavolo / he seriously has to work late he insists you stay in his room & he joins when he can.
Nothing could make me more at ease than feeling you sleep by my side.
Guess what MC he can't sleep without you either!! Whew good thing you two are on the same page!! He must hold you with his arms AND his legs to fall asleep. After that he'll toss and turn though. Gets super sad if you tell him no sleeping together tonight. He would never do this to you!! 😩
Are ya comfy MC? Wanna stroke my hair? Just a little?
Quickly becomes addicted to your warmth surrounding him through the night. Never let go pls. You are a very good influence on his sleep schedule! Doesn't get as clingy as Mammon but damn he is very close to that level. Must get a bigger blanket so you stop stealing it so easily!
There there MC! My only duty now is to keep you warm!
Oh you won't get him to sleep when he doesn't want to so easily. He lets you sleep on his bed but he isn't in a rush to join you in dreamland; yes he does lay next to you but he is still busy reading! Loves to cuddle even though you might not remember much of it the next day. I think he doesn't complain if you sleep together often as long as you are not demanding it.
Nights with you are the most peaceful. Thank you  for being with me MC.
Gotcha! He suggests sleeping together before you do! Never ever complains if you want to spend the night! Free to cuddle any time of the day if you want to nap!
My dove, resting with you calms me down every night. You look cute when you are sound asleep, did you know?
Blushes at the suggestion of helping you sleep solely by being next to you. Very careful not to be too heavy for you! Would never dare to suggest it but gladly sleeps with you every night if that's what you wish!
MC.... I love you so much, being your pillow is my pleasure!
Honestly he doesn't mind if you randomly visit him through the night to sleep with him. If he likes you he is going to make sure you have the best sleep of your life and you become addicted to him quickly.
That's it MC, now close your eyes and take a rest. I'll be guarding your dreams.
Ah his lonely ass is craving your company 0-24 so honestly he would never refuse sleeping together. Has to make sure he has the most comfortable beddings on! Please cuddle him like his life depends on it, he is going to devote himself pretty soon if you keep it going!
I can't believe I was missing out on this feeling... somehow your presence makes me feel safe. I don't understand how either.
Hmmm I think he likes his independence but how could he refuse you? You can rarely sleep together though so he isn't going to be the best candidate for this request unfortunately :( If you do though it's going to make you view him in a very different light; he rarely lets anyone see hin so vulnerable!
On one condition, we can sleep together. No taking pictures, you can only close your eyes and sleep!
Ohhh a feeling he was longing for for so long... and now it happens every night. He probably doesn't go to sleep early though so he just joins when he is ready to sleep. It is his pleasure to cuddle you through the night!
I could really get used to this, MC. Shall we do this tomorrow as well?
Okay one step at a time! First just cuddling on the couch, then on the bed, only after that you might sleep together! Doesn't complain though and feels bad for making you wait so long. Loves to caress your back as you're cuddled up to his chest!
This feeling.... do you feel it too, MC? I never want this moment to end.
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denpa-dere · 8 months
hello and welcome to my house arrest series. this is going to be super self-indulgent and a little different than my last couple of fics. think of this as the backstory and i'll link to branching paths as i update (assuming i dont immediately get overwhelmed and abandon it).
afab!mc x polyship
description: NSFW (though the intro is just suggestive), you are confined to your room for your own protection. But how long will that last when the only thing standing between you and your housemates is a door and some willpower?
warnings: straight up breeding kink fodder. she/her pronouns and afab!mc descriptions. a little humiliation if you squint.
|| Intro || Mammon || Asmo (mini) || Levi || Satan (mini) || Beel || Lucifer (mini) || Asmo || Belphie (mini) || Belphie || Barbatos (mini) || Satan ||
So, about that morning...
You opened and closed your mouth once, then twice. You swallowed thickly.
“What..?” The question trailed off into the ether.
Across from you sat Lucifer, brow furrowed and eyes screwed shut, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger, looking very much like he’d rather sink into the floor than continue this conversation.
“I’m aware how uncomfortable this situation may be,” He said, feeling a migraine brewing behind his eyes, “But your cooperation is necessary. We can’t risk any unknown quantities around you, right now.”
Unknown quantities. How tactful. You laughed despite yourself. Lucifer’s head shot up in response, face a mix of equal parts frustration and concern.
“It’s for your own protection,” He said, sympathetic but no less firm.
To your credit, your compliance was never really in question. Lucifer was certain you very well understood the dangers of being around others in your current state. Though he would never admit such a thing, this lecture was almost as much for himself as it was for you.
Your face was flushed, eyes wide, expression inscrutable. You stared into your lap at your upturned hands, closing and unclosing them.
“Can I… Can I at least go about the house like normal?” You asked.
Good question, Lucifer thought, hoping you hadn’t caught the briefest flash of a frown cross his features.
On one hand, confining you to your room would definitely lower morale; not just with you, but sending a ripple effect throughout the household. Besides, what sort of message would that send to you about your safety in their company? 
On the other hand, breakfast had nearly turned into an all-out war.
Lucifer stood and sighed, moving to make his exit, “Just… try to keep your wandering to a minimum. Please.”
You nodded eagerly, thankful for the leniency. Then, you were alone.
You smell different. Something in the way Beel had looked at you made you suddenly acutely aware of how small you were.
The memory sent a cold rush through you. You grabbed a pillow, holding it against yourself for comfort. Even though you hadn’t done anything wrong, you felt exposed. Could you even bring yourself to face them after this morning? 
Your phone buzzed on the nightstand beside you. Your finger hesitated over the screen.
The memory of Asmo’s laughter echoed in your skull, “Oh, you poor thing!”
You felt your stomach drop. Today felt like an exercise in humiliation.
The brawl in the dining room replayed in your mind.
You tapped the message notification.
Satan: I’ll take notes for the classes you miss.
Oh, well, that wasn’t so bad, actually. You tapped out a quick “Thank you!” in reply, feeling a little silly for getting yourself so worked up. These were your friends.
How was anyone supposed to know that going off your birth control would change your scent so dramatically? Sure, demons had heightened senses, but something so minor as a hormonal shift? That you were ovulating?
You fell back on your bed and covered your face with your hands. It was a small comfort when you felt like you couldn’t hide.
You could all be mature about this, right?
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sparkbeast20 · 1 year
Status: it's complicated
"I wonder if I change something in my Devilgram?"
You thought for moment, than you realize why worry about it now? Back in the human world no one cared that you changed your status on your socials.
So changed up bit of your profile, including your relationship status. You never did wrote something when Asmo made you your Devilgram account. So you wrote "It's complicated" since it's true.
You finish your change before setting your D.D.D down and take a long bath.
As soon you came back, you can hear your phone getting a ton of messages.
You look over and there the mess start
Mammon's chat with you
Mammon: Oi! What do ya mean Complicated!!!
Mammon: It's is about that scam I did!
Mammon: Blame Lucifer! I tried my damndest so we can't get caught!
Fifteen minutes later
Mammon: 🥺
Mammon: Don't be mad at me please.
Leviathan's chat with you
Leviathan: 😣
Leviathan: Was it because I cancel our date for a event raid!!
Leviathan: I can make it up to you.
Leviathan: I don't why our relationship is "Complicated"
Beelzebub's chat with you
Beelzebub: 🥺🥺🥺
Beelzebub: I didn't mean to eat all your dessert last night.
Beelzebub: We can talk about this.
Beelzebub: I'll make this right!
Asmodeus' chat with you
Asmodeus: Darling~
Asmodeus: Why is your status in your devilgram is changed to "It's complicated"?
Asmodeus: I was expecting you changing it to "In a relationship with Asmo ♡"
Asmodeus: I guess I have to change my to "It's complicated" too huh?
Satan's chat with you
Satan: Did I do something to upset you in someway?
Satan: I want to know what it is. So if you have time I'll be at my room.
Satan: MC, you know that you can talk to me with any issues we have, right?
Satan: I don't want to ruin this relationship we have. So let's talk this out.
Belphegor's chat with you
Belphegor: Yeah that checks out. But still.
Belphegor: Why change it now?
Lucifer's chat with you
Lucifer: If have any problem with our relationship you can come and say it to me.
Lucifer: My brothers would suspect that there is something wrong.
Lucifer: MC, I'm being serious about this.
Lucifer: I know we got on the wrong foot when we met, but I believe that we are pass this no communication part of our relationship.
Diavolo's chat with you
Diavolo: 🥺
Diavolo: Is it because my status?
Diavolo: MC, you know very well that I don't care that you're human.
Diavolo: I don't want to feel that our relationship is complicated.
Diavolo: I see as my equal.
Barbatos' chat with you
Barbatos: There's has to be a misunderstanding.
Barbatos: Just because I have my duty for Diavolo and the castle.
Barbatos: I will always have time for you.
Barbatos: We can discuss what's troubling you in this relationship we are in.
Barbatos: I'll be more than happy to adjust somethings to make you comfortable
Barbatos: 😊
Simeon's chat with you
Simeon: What do you mean "It's complicated"?
Simeon: I'm confuse to what that means
Simeon: Are saying that it's complicated because your human and I'm an angel?
Simeon: There is nothing complicated about it.
Simeon: I love you and you love me, right?
Solomon's chat with you
Solomon: Are you weirded out by me referring to you as my apprentice.
Solomon: 😥
Solomon: I thought that is are cute way of tease the brothers.
Solomon: I never saw are relationship really strictly as Teacher and Student.
Solomon: I could stop, if makes you feel better.
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zephyrchama · 3 months
Hi!! I love your hc’s , can I request how the brothers would react to a s/o from who’s deathly afraid of wasps , like phobia strength fear . (It’s spring where I am and I have a phobia of wasps so i really want comfort stuffs lol)
Thank you! I've been wanting to write something bug-related, hope I don't disappoint too much! If there's not enough fluff or comfort, I'll try to come up with something else. I wound up writing how they'd handle the situation.
(little scary note: Devildom wasps are probably awful monstrosities, maybe even bigger than human realm ones. They could have all kinds of RPG monster-style wasps in addition to the “normal” sized ones that humans are familiar with (yet have some crazy venom).)
Lucifer revels in being the first person you go to when you feel afraid. He doesn’t quite get why it’s such a big emergency, and he doesn’t like the chore of having to stop what he’s doing just to take care of a common pest, but there’s a warmth in knowing you come straight to him when you're scared. At first he would tell you to go ask someone else. Or, couldn’t you chase it off yourself with magic? He knows that surely you’re more than capable. He has better things to do than deal with a wasp. But with enough begging, he’d give in. Especially if you bury yourself under his coat. He can feel you trembling. Grasping his shirt in your fingertips and shakily asking “Lucifer, please?” will usually do the trick. He takes his coat off and drapes it over your head so you don’t have to watch while he takes care of things. Typically, it only takes seconds to erase all traces of the wasp’s existence. It takes far longer for you to convince Lucifer to help than it does for him to actually help. As the problem persisted and the weather got warmer, Lucifer started insisting you wear bug repellant to keep the problem at bay. He stops you in the morning to make sure you’re wearing it. If you come to him later in the day with a wasp-related issue, he’ll hold you back and personally make sure every inch from head to toe is coated before you leave. "I can't have any pests approaching you when I'm not around," he explains.
Mammon loves when you rely on him. He has no trouble getting rid of a pesky bug or two. The first time it happened, he panicked. His human was crying and shaking and could hardly speak - the human he’s supposed to be in charge of. If anything happened to you, he’d be in a world of trouble. “What? What happened, huh?” he asked, grabbing your shoulders. He couldn’t understand unless you told him. “Help,” you whimpered, pointing where you had been standing moments before. “What?” The only thing there now was a buzzing wasp, flitting to and fro. “That thing?” You nodded and the relief that washed over him was immense. He almost laughed. “Man, don’t scare me like that! C’mon, the Great Mammon’ll take care of it for you.” Now, he’ll ask for rewards. Nothing big, but just enough to motivate him and keep you from taking advantage of him. He can’t let you find out that your tears are his weakness, after all. Mammon makes a big show of playing the hero, saying “get behind me” and pulling you in close. He’ll wrap an arm over you, guiding your head into his side while firing off a spell with a “bang!” Sometimes he’s so focused on how cute you look that he misses and sets fire to a shrub, but as long as you’re not looking, he can coolly escort you in the opposite direction as if nothing is out of the ordinary. “Well? Don’t ya think the Great Mammon deserves a reward for savin’ ya?”
“Do I have to?” Leviathan gets anxious and doesn’t want to confront the wasps. He can see how distraught you are and it’s tugging on his heart strings, but they freak him out too. He’s so much stronger and he knows it, but their unpredictability is unsettling. He’ll let you take shelter in his room for as long as you want, or under his hoodie as long as you don’t move too much. If you’re especially persistent, he’ll eventually work up the courage. It might take a while though. With a mighty wadded up newspaper in one hand and the other hand outstretched protectively in front of you, he’ll slowly inch forward towards any unsavory bug. At the smallest sound though, he’ll jump and it’s back to square one. If the wasp moves and you shriek, he shrieks with you. “Don’t scare me like that!! I-I… I almost had it!! Arrghhh!” If you two are lucky, the commotion attracts one of his other brothers who rolls their eyes and crushes the wasp like it’s made of paper. On days when backup never arrives, you have to play hype man until Levi finally works up the nerve to one-shot the target. “I did it!” He looks so happy, and he occasionally strikes a silly victory pose despite also falling back in relief. He is the hero who saved the human in distress, after all. The next time it happens he’s still incredibly reluctant, but he upgrades his rolled-up newspaper to one of those electric zapping polls so he feels a little cooler.
Satan is usually unperturbed by the bugs. They’re certainly annoying, but nothing to fret over. “You want me to take care of that?” he’ll ask, no questions asked. You don’t even need to say anything. He notices when your attention wanders from him, when the look in your eye changes and your demeanor shifts upon spotting one. You don’t have to speak if you’re unable to. Grabbing on to the empty sleeve of his jacket is enough of an answer. Satan is especially handy if there are multiple bugs buzzing in the vicinity. It’s not often he gets to practice his curses on a moving target. If he’s having an especially rough day, he’ll pack all his frustrations and wrath into a single blow that’s way more powerful than necessary. That is doubly true if he’s interrupted during a nice moment. Satan likes to savor good times without being disturbed. He’s ruthless if a wasp comes along and ruins the nice atmosphere between you two. He tries to be careful around his book collection, but anything else in the way is fair game to be destroyed. His attempts to calm you down afterwards are less helpful. He tries to distract you with trivia. “That was just an infernal warrior bee. You can tell by the three horizontal stripes and ones vertical stripe on its back. We must have walked past its nest, they’re mostly harmless unless you get too close and they start unsheat-” ”Aaaaaahhh!!!” The quickest way to shut Satan up before your fear gets worse is just to shout louder than he talks, especially if you nuzzle your head against his chest while he does it.
Asmodeus gives you a nauseated look. He could probably destroy a bug in seconds, but they’re gross. He wants nothing to do with them. “Isn’t there anybody else around to get it?” It’s quite a sight to see Asmodeus publicly charm people into disposing of a wasp for the two of you. It is the most convenient way when other people are around. He does it as naturally as breathing, and then the two of you have to run from his obsessed fans instead of an insect. If Asmo sends a distress text to his brothers, it’s rare for someone to actually show up. But if you join him and spam the house’s group chat together, somebody will inevitably come to your aid. The two of you have cowered together in a corner many times waiting on one of his other brothers to show up. Due to this, you’ve perfected a defensive formation. If you both hug each other, fingers intertwined and head resting on the other’s shoulder, it calms you both down while also minimizing the blind spots in the room. You can spot any bug approaching with a 95% accuracy rate. If it’s a long day and bugs are a major recurring issue, Asmo will snap. Enough is enough. He still manages to be so pretty, despite his raging demonic energy knocking down everything in its path. He feels so disgusted afterwards though and will invite you to bathe the grossness away with him in a long, long bath.
Beelzebub the reliable. Beelzebub the wonderful. You have so much appreciation for this dude. Beel is often the one you can turn to when nobody else will help. He’s not the best at spotting the smaller insects so you need to be very descriptive about where you saw them, but he shows no hesitation when it comes to exterminating them for you. The way he casually just whacks them aside is astounding. He’s more concerned about your shaking and crying and will try to prioritize comforting you over handling the wasps, but that just makes you more scared. With each passing moment, who knows where they’ll fly to next? “Please, please Beel. Just please take care of it, make it go away!” The sooner the better. The corners of his mouth will turn down, hesitant to turn his back on you, but he agrees. “Ok.” You must ensure to reward him with plenty of snacks. It keeps him protectively by your side for longer and otherwise he starts wondering how the felled wasps would taste fried. He used to get concerned you wouldn’t eat with him, but has since learned you need time to calm down before you appetite returns. It helps if you can sit in his lap, a fortified spot you’re certain no wasps can get near.
Belphegor is too lazy to lift a finger most days. If they’re not bothering him, he doesn’t want to bother with them. But the way you twitch, the way you shriek and jump over the smallest movements, will start to concern him. It’s cute at first. He enjoys seeing a new side of you, the easily startled side. It's amusing. If it goes on for too long though he knows you’ll get nightmares and it will mess with your health. Humans get sick easily like that. He’ll laugh at you and then fell the buzzing menace with ease. It’s easier to get Belphegor to help when he’s tired. The buzzing annoys him to no end when all he wants is a peaceful nap. He might not even be conscious of what he's doing and protects you out of pure instinct. When he’s cranky, he shows no mercy to the insects hassling you. You’ve got blanket permission to throw yourself in his arms when he’s taking a nap. His demon form tail is an especially potent fly (or any winged creature, really) swatter, ensuring nothing gets near the two of you. Belphegor will literally take care of everything in his sleep while he snuggles up to you without a care in the world. One time you were escaping a nagging Lucifer instead of a wasp and tried the same tactic. It only made him madder. But it was great to see him get bapped in the face with Belphegor’s fluffy tail.
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d34dlysinner · 7 months
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Satan halted when you said that you never did this before. He was amused how you, who smelled so obscene, never did it before.
You're asking a lot if you expected him to be holding you as if you're made out of glass, but he did understand that it was going to hurt if he was rough.
He started out slow. Slowly pushing in and checking if you were going to fight back. Of course he loves a struggle, but only when it's actually intentional and because of some kink, not out of pain.
"Say stop if it's too much. Hit me if it's really needed.", he said. He can take a punch so he's not worried about being hurt himself. He just hopes you aren't hurt at all.
He was considerate of your fears and would try his best to make you feel comfortable.
Mammon was grinning at you as if he just earned a medal or something.
"So not only am I giving myself away to you... but you'll be giving yourself to me too?"
He understood that it meant that he needed to be very soft and careful with you. You may be his first, but he's not stupid when it came to how big he actually is.
"Seems like we need to prepare you a lot then...", he says as he starts with softly groping you.
He was happy to hear that you both will be giving yourselves away to each other. It gave him some sense of pride. He took his time making sure that you were ready.
Leviathan just blinked as he registered what you said.
"You never did it?", he asked as if he needed to confirm what he heard. Unlike many other times it made him happy to hear that he'll be the first to take you.
"That's great to hear.", he says as he prepares you. "I'll be soft this time, but once you get used to it you'll notice that I will include some other things.
He wasn't as jealous as he usually was. He even enjoyed having you all to himself as he took his time to prepare you.
Beelzebub smiled as he starts kneeling down and sniffing the air. "You've never done it before, but I can smell that your body is very excited for what's about to come.", he says as he pulls your trousers down.
He looks up at you and sees how you become all blushy before he kissed your thighs. He soon after started preparing you to take him. It didn't matter for him if he had to use tongue or fingers to stretch you. As long as you were ready to take him "easily".
He was very skilled and fast in preparing you.
Sitri was very excited to hear that news. "Don't worry Solomon. I'll take good care of you.", he says as he places soft kisses all over your body. He fully focused on every part of you as if he was trying to study all of you.
He closed his eyes as he started preparing you to take him, because at that moment your heart sped up more and more. He could hear it and he was loving it.
His soft touches and kisses would linger on you as you notice him focusing on your heartbeat and sounds to make sure that you were alright.
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moonywritez6 · 6 months
Kinktober Day 9 Lactation (Reupload)
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Character: Dad Mammon x Mom Reader 
Reader: Fem Reader!
Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, smut, unprotected sex, small breeding kink, whiney Mammon, unprotected sex, harsh language, tit fucking, breast milk, pet names (Mamma, daddy, honey, etc.),
Wc: 3,298
A/n: Hello my sweets! Unfortunately, I got locked out of my old blog account, so I had to make a new one! So, chances of you having seen this before are high as it's on my old account! (I am so sad about it honestly). But I am going through all my old accounts posts and reuploading them here! I hope you can still enjoy my works!
"Hey, now be gentle, S/n!" You whined, feeling your son's tiny teeth starting to nibble against your sore nipple, his bright and innocent eyes looking right up at you. You smile, letting out a small coo as you playfully boop his nose. "You're so lucky you have your daddy's eyes~ I can never stay mad at you~" You gushed, a giggle escaping when S/n reached one of his grubby little hands towards your finger, carefully gripping the digit between his chubby flesh. Your happy thoughts are stopped when a dark and menacing aura emerges from the other side of the baby. You let your eyes travel over to the pouting face of your loving and childish husband, who rocked back and forth in one of the rocking chairs as he quietly chewed on his thumb. 
"What's up with you? You're going to upset the baby." You grumble, giving your husband a slight glare as your son squirms in your arms. Mammon scoffs, turning his head away from you, the pout still evident on his face. "He's hogging you all to himself." He growls. It wasn't like Mammon hated his son.
On the contrary, he absolutely adored the little bundle that was a perfect mix between you and him. When you told him you were pregnant, he felt so much joy that he ran around the entire devildom, bragging to anyone he could while buying all sorts of baby items for boys and girls, not caring what it would be as long as it was healthy. However, there was one thing the avatar of greed failed to consider. Having to share his precious wife is the one thing his greedy mind could never handle. 
After hearing his words, you roll your eyes at such a childish reason for your husband's sour mood. "Honestly, Mammon, you're ridiculous!" You huffed before turning your attention back to your son, watching as his eyes slowly started to close, indicating that it was time for a nap. You let out a few small hums, allowing him to finish getting his fill for the day. On the other hand, Mammon stared deeply at your tired expression, the bags under your eyes becoming more noticeable by the day, along with your messy hair and baggy clothes. He didn't mind you not dressing up because it just meant that no other guy would be eyeing you with their lustful gazes. The demon's eyes soon fall on your breasts, having grown immensely since your pregnancy, each mound filled with your precious milk. Mammon recalls a conversation with his brother Beelzebub a few days ago.
The two watched you from across the living room, feeding your hungry son, who happily latched onto one of your swollen mounds. "I wonder how it tastes…" Beelzebub mumbled without thinking as he stared longingly at your form, a bit of drool leaking from the corner of his mouth, eyes hungrily taking in your exposed flesh. Mammon growled at his brother's words, shooting him a warning glare as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Watch it, Beel! I'll kill you, dammit." Your husband growled, feeling possessive of his human wife. Beelzebub puts a hand up in self-defense, his hungry gaze leaving you to look at his brother. "Sorry, I can't help myself." The avatar of gluttony mumbles his stomach, rumbling loudly, causing your baby to pull away with a loud cry. 
Mammon quickly looked your way, his eyes catching the brief glimpse of your exposed nipple. His pupils dilate when he takes in the perked nipple, the tiny bite marks from your son's incoming teeth engraved into the tender skin. To his dismay, you quickly cover up as you try to comfort your son while giving Beelzebub an understanding smile as the demon panics while trying to calm his nephew down. Your husband stood there, bangs falling in his face as he went and licked his lips, a new greedy thought appearing in his selfish mind. 
You let out a small sigh as you exit your son's room, Mammon close behind as he carefully shuts the door. "You look exhausted, mamma~" The demon cooed, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind as he nuzzled into your neck, leaving a few tender kisses. You relax at the feeling, leaning closer into his chest as his hands carefully rub up and down your sides, a content hum leaving your lips. "I am tired. I love my cute little S/n, but he just won't sleep properly, not to mention he's been teething a lot more lately, so I haven't been able to feed him properly." You sigh, tossing your head to the side when you feel Mammon's tongue trail up your neck as he places a few kisses against your jaw. 
He lets out a slight hum at your words, raising a brow in curiosity as he looks up at you while resting his chin on your shoulder. "I have noticed the little rascal leaving more bite marks on me, but what do you mean you haven't been able to feed him properly?" His eyes trail down to the top of your low-cut shirt, your cleavage highly exposed as the shirt desperately clings to the flesh. Your husband enjoys the view as he backs his lower half away from you, feeling his pants getting tighter at the sight. You blush slightly while glancing in both directions of the hallway, causing the demon to grow even more curious at what you could say. You motion for him to come closer as you whisper in his ear. "Because of his teeth, it hurts too much when he's feeding, and I haven't had time to buy a pump yet." Your words cause Mammon to frown, not understanding what you meant. Seeing this, you bite your lip as you debate, telling your husband more before letting out a small sigh. "My breasts are full, and it's becoming painful, so I need to buy a pump to get the milk out and give it to S/n in a bottle." You mumbled, ears turning red from embarrassment. 
Mammon takes a second to process your words, his eyes going wide once everything clicks before a mischievous smirk tugs at the corners of his lips. "Oh? Is that right?" He teasingly sings, his hands slowly making their way up your torso. You give a silent nod, too embarrassed to say anything else. "My poor wife~" Mammon playfully cries before his hands lightly grope at your swollen breasts, earning a loud gasp from you, your smaller hands shooting up to push him away from the sensitive flesh. "M-Mammon! Stop it!" You hiss, shooting at him with a warning glare, to which he just smiles, his eyes sparkling with mischief. He doesn't budge as he lightly massages your breasts in the hallway, not caring for anyone who could stumble upon his shameless act. 
You let out a small moan from your husband's movements before feeling your shirt dampen, causing your eyes to widen as you tried to push him away again. "Come on, if you don't stop, you will ruin my top!" You whined, trying to devise any excuse to escape the embarrassing position. Mammon's fingers came to a quick halt when they pressed against the now wet fabric, his eyes narrowing as he looked over your shoulder, seeing the two soaked spots where each nipple sat. "Y/n…is that what I think it is?" His tone is deep as he whispers into your ear, teeth lightly grazing the skin, sending a shiver throughout your body. He hums at your silence, his fingers teasingly pinching at the leaking buds, making your back arch as your knees give out. Mammon is quick to catch you, his arms wrapping around your waist. He lets out an amused chuckle that slightly echoes throughout the hall. 
"Let me help you out mamma~ Your husband has been feeling extra greedy lately~" He cooed before sweeping you up his legs and taking him as fast as they could to your shared bedroom. Once inside, the avatar of greed couldn't keep his hands off you as he sat you on the edge of the bed. "You're such a good mamma, baby~" He moaned as he slowly sucked on one of your clothed breasts, his tongue lightly tasting the milk that had seeped through. You whine at the sudden feeling, bringing a hand to your mouth to muffle your weak moans. Mammon sucks at the spot for a few more seconds before moving to the other, leaving darker wet spots. "Is this helping baby? Does it feel any better?" Your eyes soften at how sweet his tone is as you carefully caress the back of his head, earning a slight hum as he glances up at your lips, still sucking on the soaked fabric. 
"I don't like the feeling of the fabric." You confess, cheeks pink as you look into his eyes. He pulls away carefully, standing up from his kneeled position, body now looming over yours. "Raise your hands, baby." You do as told, hissing when he starts pulling the fabric off. He shushes you, giving a small kiss to your forehead before taking a step back, multicolor eyes taking in the sight of your swollen tits, a ball of saliva struggling to get down his throat as he tosses the shirt to the side. He caresses your cheek while lightly trailing his fingers across each mound. "Such a good wife just for me." He growls, loving how you were letting him toy with your chest as he goes and scoots you further onto the bed. Once he thought you were positioned far enough, he quickly pinned you, watching your breasts bounce around. 
Before you know it, he hungrily takes one into his mouth while one hand carefully squeezes at the other to relieve himself. You whimper at the sudden feeling as you grip the sheets. Mammon lets out a shaky moan when his mouth fills with the milk from your sensitive bud, his taste buds going insane over the new flavor. 'She was keeping this from me this whole time. What a naughty wife.' He thought, glancing up to see the cute face of his lover, all red, your lips slightly parted as shaky breaths filled his ears. He pulls away with a small pop, his tongue darting to lick at any leaked milk. "So tasty your milk is so fucking good, baby~" He moaned, cheeks flushed while caressing your cheek. 
"P-please suck on the other one…" You shyly pant, wanting the painful feeling to go away. Smiling at your request, Mammon hovers over your other mound, his mouth open as he carefully squeezes the flesh with one hand. You watch as the white liquid shoots out onto his tongue, causing your insides to feel warm as you lightly press your legs together. Mammon continues his assault on your tender flesh, unable to get enough of your sweet taste. "Fuck… can't wait to brag to Beel about your sweet tits." He growls against the flesh, his greed showing as he refuses to remove his lips when he feels your hand push at his head. You whine at the feeling of your breasts being toyed with as Mammon tries to suck them dry. "M-Mammon honey, you're doing too much! They're really sensitive." You whined, trying to pull your husband from his greed. 
Unfortunately, he was too far gone as he pulled away from your sore nipple, watching the swollen bud glisten with spit, his breathing heavy and eyes clouded with lust. "Hey baby…let me fuck them." He breathes as he pulls his pants and boxers down, revealing his erection dripping with precum. You look up at him in a daze, still trying to recover from the pleasure and relief your poor tits were experiencing all at once. "W-what?" You breathe, trying to prop yourself up with an elbow, only for your husband to push you back down, straddling your torso as he slowly pumps his cock. He looks at you hungrily while licking his lips, giving his stupid grin whenever he knows he will get what he wants no matter what. 
"Let me fuck your tits, babe; I wanna see just how swollen they are~" He sings while sliding his cock between your breasts, both hands squeezing the mounds together as he starts moving his hips, tossing his head back in pleasure. A shaky growl escapes his throat, followed by a loud laugh. "Fuck baby, your breasts are suffocating my cock~ Just look at it disappearing~" He moaned, completely taken over by lust as his thrusts started picking up. You whine, eyes watching as his leaking tip pokes out at your face, a line of precum beginning to provide a lubricant between your mounds. "Mm, that's right, mamma keep watching~ open that pretty mouth for me, yeah?" He growls, squeezing at your tits and watching them leak under his hands. "Fuck." He cursed, his eyes trailing to your pretty lips as he watched you slowly stick your tongue out to lick the tip as it poked back at you, earning a slight hiss from the demon. "Don't tease." He scolds a slight pout on his lips before bucking his hips forward, this time more aggressively as he goes and shoves his cock deep into your mouth, causing a small, muffled squeak to leave your lips. 
"That's right, baby…fuck so good. You're so fucking sexy." He whined while bringing a hand up to his mouth, licking at the milk, his eyes rolling to the back of his head, thrusts becoming sloppier. You just watched him as his cock slipped in and out of your mouth, your pussy dripping with arousal from this sudden change in your husband's behavior. Usually, he was never this horny in bed, but after having tasted the precious milk, his son had been hogging for the last few months, there was no stopping him. Mammon's chest heaves as he cups both your cheeks, a fucked-out expression on his face. "I'm gonna cum all over your sexy tits, my sexy wife~ So watch me, okay? Otherwise, I'll be so upset~" He whines, pulling his cock from your mouth to give it a few more pumps before biting his lip as his hips buck forward, white strands of semen spraying all over your messy breasts. 
Mammon sits there, eyes lidded as he looks down at you, his mind all fuzzy from having reached his release. You look up at him, eyes wide in awe as you take in the beautiful sight before you. "Mammon… you're so handsome." You whisper, unable to take your eyes off your demon husband as his chest rises and falls, mouth parted. He looks down at you, cheeks red and eyes practically hearts. "Hmm?~ I'm handsome, yeah?" He purrs, a hand sliding behind him as he reaches into your pants, his fingers instantly coming in contact with your slick eyes widening. He looked back to make sure he wasn't imagining it due to his fuzzy mind as he went and slipped a finger into your pussy with ease, the wet noises echoing throughout the room. 
"Fuck Y/n… you're so wet just from me sucking and fucking your tits? Have I been neglecting my beautiful wife?" He coos, slipping another finger inside, watching your expression change as you squirm under his weight. "N-No, just been so busy with S/n…ah~ that I just haven't had any time for t-this!" You cry, feeling Mammon's fingers curl inside, barely brushing against that spot he knows will drive you crazy. A pout falls on his face as he shakes his head, letting out a few disappointed tuts. "That's not good, baby! Why didn't you tell me I would've taken care of you sooner!" He scolded while pumping his half-hard cock, feeling himself more turned on the longer he stared at your cum covered tits. You whine as you try to arch yourself off the bed to no avail because your husband's weight is still on top of you. 
"M-mammon honey, please!" You beg, reaching a hand up to him, watching as he lightly bit a finger, his eyes locked with yours. "I-I want you deep inside me before it's too late!" You cry, tears forming in your eyes due to your desperation. Mammon smirks, quickly changing his position as he spreads your legs apart, watching your slick drip onto the sheets. "So, fucking filthy baby…just how I love you~" He chuckles before quickly slipping his cock into your needy pussy, watching as your back arched while you gripped the sheets, a loud moan leaving your lips. Mammon hums his hips, moving at an inhuman pace as he relishes in the pleasure of your walls squeezing around his aching length. "Fuck! Fuck so good, baby~ Your pussy is amazing!" He cries, his eyes landing back on your tits, watching them leak with each bounce. 
"So fucking sexy…just look at them leaking~" He laughs while wrapping an arm around your back, quickly lifting your upper half as he had you sit on his lap, hands grasping your hips so tight they'd leave bruises later. He hums, wrapping his lips around a sensitive mound, body shaking as he lets out multiple whines cock still pounding into your abused hole. "Want all of it… it's all mine, dammit!" The last part came out as a possessive growl as he lightly pulled the bud between his teeth, causing a small scream to leave your lips. "S-such a greedy demon…this is for S/n." You scold lightly, hitting him on the head. Mammon growls as he kisses your lips, his tongue invading every inch of your mouth. 
"That's right, I'm your greedy husband~ So. Fucking. Greedy!" He emphasizes the last three words, the feeling of his cock hitting the entrance to your womb each time. A few cries leave your lips as you sloppily kiss his neck, leaving minor bruises wherever possible. Mammon hums, his thrusts getting sloppy as he feels your walls clench around him. "Are you getting close, baby? Are you going to cum for the daddy of your baby?" He growls, his grip tightening as he gets ready to firmly press your hips down. He glances at your breasts, his cock twitching with excitement. "Fuck they bounce so good I just can't get enough!" He whined, leaving a few kisses on your lips, unable to handle anymore as he pushed deep inside you. "M-mammon! I'm gonna cum! Gonna cum from your cock so deep inside me!" You cry, wrapping your arms around his neck. Mammon smiles, loving how you cried out from his cock as he went to whisper in your ear. 
"Maybe I should make you pregnant again, huh? Keep your tits nice and full for daddy and the kids~" His words have you cumming, hard eyes rolling far back into your head as he shoots his release deep into your womb, letting out a pathetic whine as he kisses your breasts. 
"I'll make you a mama forever~"
Mammon hummed happily as he rocked back and forth in the chair, his aura pure and blinding as he watched his beautiful wife feed their son. "S/n mamma, is such a wonderful woman, right?" He gushed to the baby, who looked at him with no thoughts behind those innocent eyes. You roll your eyes, a slight blush on your cheeks as you carefully fix your top when your son finishes his fill. "There, there S/n! Don't listen to daddy, he's an idiot!" You scold while patting your son's back, ready for him to burp. Mammon pouts at your words before his eyes land on your breasts; his mind starts to wander into dark territory before your son throwing up catches his ears. 
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aestrayla · 1 year
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driving you crazy ft. mammon
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summary: you make a bet with a certain white-haired demon to see who can last the longest without touching the other. let's see how long you can last. ft. mammon x f!reader
cw: 18+ SMUT and sexual themes. minors and ageless blogs DO NOT interact.
word count: 1.8k
a/n: this was my first time writing smut LOL. i had to stop myself from cringing while writing this but my fingers just kept typing away.. anyways enjoy!
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You had made a bet with Mammon to see who could last the longest without any physical touch, and of course, he agreed to it. Making bets was his playing field after all and after mentioning the little reward you'd offer if he won... he was not going to lose. This was mere child's play for him.
Now of course you had to play dirty to win. The odds that he would win were more or less in his favour. Here and there you would try and tease him, wearing short little skirts and staring at him with your pretty eyes. He knew when you made that stupid little sultry look with your eyes it could struck any guy dumb. He knew this, because he experienced it firsthand and still remembers the day you laughed at him after leaving him dumbfound.
Your teasing was extremely fun on his part though. Mammon could honestly fuck you whenever he pleased but being able to watch you play this silly little game and planning your next "big move" was far too entertaining for him. It was like watching a child learn to walk, seeing how pouty you'd get after the game dragged from hours into days.
The lack of physical touch was burning your insides. How was he able to handle this so well? It was surprising how good his restraint was when he, at the same time, has terrible impulses of blowing thousands of grimm within seconds.
As the days dragged on, it got quite obvious to the others that you two were up to something ridiculous once again and Lucifer was starting to get quite fed up of the back and forth teasing you two would do. "Guys just- get a room... Please," he would say.
You were both shooed away by everyone, making it into Mammon's room. "Can't you just let me win already?" you pleaded, as you plopped onto his bed, lying onto your stomach. Mammon watched as his gaze followed your figure, until he couldn't take his eyes off of something.
As you landed on the bed, your night gown slightly lifted at your waist, revealing a pretty lingerie set you had on underneath. Thoughts were swirling around his head. He had only seen you in lingerie once, on his birthday. This was no special occasion but you definitely had his heart racing and his mind pacing.
"Did you hear me?"
"I-I... U-um... Yeah I uh..." he stuttered. You got off of your stomach to rest your back on the headboard. He clears his throat. "Let ya win?" He makes his way to the edge of the bed and takes a seat. "I didn't play this lil' game of yours just to let ya win, princess."
To be honest you were needy, really needy at this point. You've been craving him the entire week but you just had to play it cool and you were starting to get really frustrated. You pouted at his words.
"Hm? What's that look on ya face?" he questioned.
Although you were desperate, you still didn't want to lose to the likes of him. Your brows furrowed as you pleaded him with your eyes, your glossy lips pouting.
"Ah, now ya makin' me feel bad! How could I say no to your pretty little face?" He leaned back into the bed, his arms holding him up. "Well, if ya want me so bad, then go ahead princess. I'm all yours."
He had the stupidest smile plastered to his face. You frowned. It was obvious he wasn't gonna let you win. When he wanted something, he got it- no matter the cost.
"Just admit ya lost and I'll give ya whatcha want."
Easier said than done. You were a petty little brat but you were craving him so bad, you needed him right now and all this chatter was getting you all hot and bothered. "Mammon..." you whined, "Please..."
He sighed. "A bets a bet. If I'm not gonna lose, and you're not gonna lose... then I guess we're waitin' another week," he shrugged as he got up from the bed. You tugged at his shirt before he could fully stand. "Hm?" He paused as he turned to face you. As you stared down in defeat, you could feel him staring back at you with the biggest smirk. "Is this your way of sayin' ya lost to me?"
"W-whatever... just- just tell me what you want," you mutter.
The reward you offered for winning, was that the winner could do whatever they wanted with the loser, pretty simple.
"Get ridda the dress, I wanna see how pretty ya dressed for me."
He takes your place, resting his back against the headboard while you remove the silk gown. He admires you for a moment, the intricate lace hugging the curves and folds of your body beautifully. He's always amazed at how he managed to score you. Of all demons, you chose him and he could never be happier.
He motioned for you to sit on his lap and you do so. Settled over him, you can feel a hard bulge beneath you. You look up at him and meet with his deep blue eyes. "Well, whaddya waitin' for, princess? Ride me." You both frantically toss your under garments away into oblivion.
Once again, you're settled above him. You gulp as you stare down at his growing member, already flowing with pre-cum. You use your hand to guide him to your entrance while your other hand rests on his chest for support. He never fails to surprise you with his size and there was no way you could ever get used to it.
You slowly lower yourself down, feeling your walls stretch around him. You groaned. You weren't even halfway down and you were already having difficulty taking him in. He watched you carefully as you attempted to lower yourself, his dick twitching from the lack of friction. "Fuck, y/n... ya actin' like ya ain't take my dick before," he grumbles.
"I'm sorry you're just... so damn big..." you muttered. He brought his hands to your hips to help guide you down and once you made it all the way down you took a moment to adjust. You slowly started to raise your hips to bounce on him, pressing your hands against his bare chest to hold yourself up. He watched as you rode him, scrunched brows, half-lidded eyes, mouth agape. You were so damn pretty.
You started to pick up the pace, earning a few groans and grunts from him. His hands found their way to your hips, slamming you down while he bucked his hips up into you. Your gasps and moans were music to his ears. "Mammon... Mammon I..." You were starting to come undone and felt a tightening knot in your stomach. You were going to reach your high soon. "Fuck... fuck y/n..." he groaned, "You're so... you're so damn slow!"
You sharply gasped when he grabbed you by your wrists and threw you onto your back. He was now hovering over you. The look he had in his eyes looked as if he was going to devour you, whole. He started to slam his hips into you mercilessly as if some kind of monster had taken control. Your moans grew louder and much more whiney as he rammed into you, over and over again.
"Do ya know how fuckin' crazy ya drove me this entire week?" he breathed. You could feel him smile beside your ear. "I woulda fucked the shit outta ya first day if I didn't hafta put up with ya lil' game."
The only response that left your mouth were your stupid little whimpers and moans of his name.
"You're gonna make up for all the time ya wasted." His pace only got faster, his tip hitting that same sensitive spot again and again. You wanted to tug and pull at his soft white hair, but your wrists were in restraint by his large hands. "Mammon... I can't..." you whimpered.
"Can't what?" he smirked.
"I... I can't take it... ‘s too much..." Your words only made him go faster and it was pulling your insides into knots and twists. "Well I'm sorry princess, but the winner gets to do whatever to the loser, right?" he grinned.
He was abnormally faster than usual today, but it was because of how much he was dying to fuck you. Just because he could restrain himself, did not mean that he didn't wanna fuck you dumb. If anything, the game made him even more hungry for you.
Your fucked-out face had him smiling stupidly as he rammed into you. "Mammon I'm... I'm gonna..." you mumbled.
"Hm? Whaddya gonna do?"
"I'm gonna cum!" you whined.
"Already? But we've only just started princess," he teased, as he placed a sloppy kiss onto your lips. You were seriously about to finish, especially at the pace he was going at.
"Please... let me cum. I can't take it anymore!" you begged.
You looked so good right now. Brows furrowed while your eyes were rolled back, tongue slightly out. "Fuck you're so pretty... do ya hafta finish right now?" he groaned.
You were a moaning mess and it was a struggle to even speak right now. He removed his hands from your wrists and found purchase of your hips. His thrusts were starting to get sloppy and he was also close to finishing.
"Fine," he huffed, "You can cum."
As if on command, you came undone almost instantly while grabbing ahold of his soft hair. The tightening of your walls around him pushed him over the edge and he released into you. "Fuck..." he groaned as he filled up your insides with his hot seed. He continued to thrust into you, not allowing a drop to be wasted.
He started to slow down his pace, and he finally pulled out of you. You smiled as he looked down at you, you were completely worn out. He leaned down to place a soft, but sweet kiss to your lips.
"You happy now baby?" you asked, while wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Mhm, really happy," he smiled.
You lean in for a second kiss and as he pulls away, you notice his smile turn into a devilish smirk. You frown, confused at what his face is for.
"Mkay now turn around, we goin' for round two baby!"
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©2023 aestrayla. do not modify, copy, translate or share.
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
You ARE The Father! (Obey Me!)
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After getting back to the human world you realized you were pregnant. You decided to keep it a secret during your relationship. After having the baby/babies for a few weeks, you finally decide to tell your demon baby daddy.
»Characters: Demon bros // -> [Part 2: Dateables] Now available!
»Tags: Female reader/MC, Unplanned pregnancy, Humor/fluff, Bulleted Style Fic
»Note: Sorry it's kind of long. Also I imagine the babies all heavily resemble their dads. 🥺♡ I might make a part two with Diavolo and Barbatos but they will be short stories. Well, maybe. Lol
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"That's not funny."
Didn't believe you because how could you keep that sort of secret for months from him
You sent him a photo of you holding a very unamused baby boy with black hair and red eyes
The Avatar of Pride has fainted. I repeat, he has fainted
Didn't pack or say anything to his brothers once he woke up, he just bolted out the house to find a magic seal to travel to the human realm
Quickly let Diavolo know why he canceled their meeting whilst on the way to you
He arrived disheveled, man was sweating lol
Anyway he immediately reached for his child and cradled him
His baby's horns and wings popped out!
Barely wanted to talk to you at first, you wounded his pride...Did you think him unfit? Did you think he wouldn't accept?
He would've been there for you no matter what, it pained him that you went through everything alone
Promised to be there from now on
He hugged you and the baby "...I love you two. ♡ Come live with me. You two won't ever be in need."
Dia and Barb visited shortly to see Luci's baby!
His baby slapped everyone in the face at some point
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"Ha! That's a good one! I always loved ya sense of humor!"
Really thought it was a joke
You decided to surprise him in person instead
You got permission from Dia to visit
You had only told Lucifer ahead of time about the surprise visit but not why
When you knocked on the door holding the white-haired baby girl Lucifer had to do a double take
"Is this..."
He smiled and excitedly held her for a minute before returning her
"Excuse me" Lucifer said as he closed the door
yeah the baby started crying
You could hear the loud commotion inside
The door swung open and Mammon stared in shock along with the rest of the family behind him
He cuddled his baby girl and gave her so many kisses
You guessed it, the baby sprouted horns and wings after being held by him
Was upset at himself for thinking you were joking
He demanded you move in right away
"Nothin' will break this family. I got ya both! Daddy will take care of y'all! "♡
His baby girl managed to grab his wallet and wouldn't let go
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"As if..."
Was skeptical...him? A dad? He always thought Mammon or Asmo would be first
He didn't know anything about being a dad but he was getting more excited the more he thought about it
You wouldn't lie to him about that right? RIGHT?
But why didn't you tell him sooner!? He could've been there for support like you always supported him!!
He texted you saying he would be visiting soon
He made a quick phone call to Dia for help getting to the human world
"Yeah let's not tell Lucifer yet heheheh"
He hurriedly grabbed a few figures and collectibles to go pawn off...kids are expensive!
After selling some things he bought some baby stuff and a gift for you...the mother of his child!!
When he finally made it to the human world he cried when he held his own purple-haired baby boy
The baby cried too lmao
The baby shifted into demon form & Levi wailed even more at his beautiful copy+paste baby
Both stopped crying when you played some anime on the tv
"I-I have a ring for you...w-will you marry me? I'll be the best husband and dad I can be!" ♡
He was planning on asking anyway; this just sped things up
He wasn't sure but he thinks his kid was giving him the stink eye when he was taking too much time with you...jealousy!?
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"You're telling me this now?"
Yeah he was angry
He had a hard time believing it but he knew you wouldn't lie about something like that
After the call, he grew excited and couldn't wait to visit
Told Lucifer what was going on ASAP and he let him go to you
He tried to read as much as he could from parenting books while on the way to you
He brought some gifts and offered to let you nap while he bonded with his daughter
Yeah she shifted into demon form after being held by him
He cooed at her, brushing her blonde hair lightly, remembering his own birth
"Daddy might've been an accident, but you're definitely not. Just a beautiful surprise. ♡"
He would do anything you asked of him, he just wanted to take care of his own little family
"Hey listen to me...I won't ever let you two down. I swear it.♡"
His daughter angrily yanked the new kitty plushie from his hands and smacked him before giggling
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"Ahaha...riiight. That's not the first time someone's tried that on me! And triplets!? "
He loved you but that was a weird joke to pull so many months later
Seriously, triplets? You had to be joking!
You were a little hurt but you kind of understood his reaction
Either way you wanted Asmo to meet them and decided to do a surprise visit
You contacted Dia for help and Barb escorted you safely to the Devildom (it was hard moving around with 3 babies!)
You nervously waited with your babies at Dia's castle while they summoned Asmo first before the other brothers
"Lord Diavolo, I'm he-" you heard Asmo gasp
He froze and took in what was in front of him
"You weren't joking!?"
He sobbed and cried out apologies to you, as he tried to figure out how he could pick them all up (sorry only two at a time!)
You handed him the two girls and watched as they shifted into demon form in his arms
Mini Asmos!
He excitedly talked about all the different outfits you could all wear and match as a family
You took one of the baby girls and handed him the boy and watched as he too shifted
"You're my family! My big beautiful family! Papa will make you all proud! I'll work SO hard!♡"
The other brothers happily joined the gathering a few minutes later
Every time someone picked up one of the babies, they were happy and friendly!
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"Huh? What? What do you mean? ... I'M COMING."
Mixed emotions: Anger for not telling him. Excited that you had his child. Sad that he wasn't there to support you on the journey. Happy overall for his new family.
He wasted no time after you told him, he called on Lucifer to let him go to the human world. His brothers caught wind and wanted to go too.
Teared up when he saw you standing and holding his baby boy, he gave a big soft family hug
Was surprised and excited when his baby shifted into demon form when he held him
It was a mini him!
He was absolutely in love with his new family
"I will give you both everything. No matter what. I will take care of you two, always.♡"
Wouldn't stop doting on you two
Growled when Belphie wanted a turn to hold his baby...he might've been a little too protective
But everyone did get a turn eventually
His baby bit/nibbled everyone at some point
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"Twins!? Mine!? When!? You should've said something!"
Was upset you kept it from him. Scared because what if he fails you and them? But was happy to have his own little family
As soon as he hung up, he quickly called Lucifer for help and had Beel accompany to the human world
Freaked out because what do babies need? What did you need? He hurriedly bought ready made baby gift baskets hoping it would help somewhat
Each step towards your place was nerve wracking and exhilarating
Having Beel there soothed him a little so he was thankful
Belphie thought you looked so beautiful standing there holding his twins in little cow print onesies
He nervously held both and teared up when they shifted and they looked so much like him
The baby boy started crying and he freaked out
"Yeah he cries a lot. The girl however is very quiet and sleeps easily."
Belphie hummed a lullaby and soothed his son who rested happily on him.
"This is better than any dream.I will do my best to make you and them proud.That's a promise.♡"
Beel patted his back letting him know he had him and the others
His babies seemed to like cuddling a lot. They really liked holding fingers tightly.
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⬦You might also like: MC Feeling Insecure︱Waffle House︱Coconut
*Super long* Authors Note/Ramblings: Moved those notes to my AO3 journal lol
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moonlightpetalz6 · 8 months
Kinktober Day 9 (Lactation)
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Character: Dad Mammon x Mom Reader 
Reader: Fem Reader!
Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, smut, unprotected sex, small breeding kink, whiney Mammon, unprotected sex, harsh language, tit fucking, breast milk, pet names (Mamma, daddy, honey, etc.),
Wc: 3,298
A/n: I feel like I didn't do this one much justice, but I had fun writing it! I hope you enjoy! I tried to get all the warnings written above! I apologize if I missed any! (S/n = Son's name).
"Hey, now be gentle, S/n!" You whined, feeling your son's tiny teeth starting to nibble against your sore nipple, his bright and innocent eyes looking right up at you. You smile, letting out a small coo as you playfully boop his nose. "You're so lucky you have your daddy's eyes~ I can never stay mad at you~" You gushed, a giggle escaping when S/n reached one of his grubby little hands towards your finger, carefully gripping the digit between his chubby flesh. Your happy thoughts are stopped when a dark and menacing aura emerges from the other side of the baby. You let your eyes travel over to the pouting face of your loving and childish husband, who rocked back and forth in one of the rocking chairs as he quietly chewed on his thumb. 
"What's up with you? You're going to upset the baby." You grumble, giving your husband a slight glare as your son squirms in your arms. Mammon scoffs, turning his head away from you, the pout still evident on his face. "He's hogging you all to himself." He growls. It wasn't like Mammon hated his son.
On the contrary, he absolutely adored the little bundle that was a perfect mix between you and him. When you told him you were pregnant, he felt so much joy that he ran around the entire devildom, bragging to anyone he could while buying all sorts of baby items for boys and girls, not caring what it would be as long as it was healthy. However, there was one thing the avatar of greed failed to consider. Having to share his precious wife is the one thing his greedy mind could never handle. 
After hearing his words, you roll your eyes at such a childish reason for your husband's sour mood. "Honestly, Mammon, you're ridiculous!" You huffed before turning your attention back to your son, watching as his eyes slowly started to close, indicating that it was time for a nap. You let out a few small hums, allowing him to finish getting his fill for the day. On the other hand, Mammon stared deeply at your tired expression, the bags under your eyes becoming more noticeable by the day, along with your messy hair and baggy clothes. He didn't mind you not dressing up because it just meant that no other guy would be eyeing you with their lustful gazes. The demon's eyes soon fall on your breasts, having grown immensely since your pregnancy, each mound filled with your precious milk. Mammon recalls a conversation with his brother Beelzebub a few days ago. 
The two watched you from across the living room, feeding your hungry son, who happily latched onto one of your swollen mounds. "I wonder how it tastes…" Beelzebub mumbled without thinking as he stared longingly at your form, a bit of drool leaking from the corner of his mouth, eyes hungrily taking in your exposed flesh. Mammon growled at his brother's words, shooting him a warning glare as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Watch it, Beel! I'll kill you, dammit." Your husband growled, feeling possessive of his human wife. Beelzebub puts a hand up in self-defense, his hungry gaze leaving you to look at his brother. "Sorry, I can't help myself." The avatar of gluttony mumbles his stomach, rumbling loudly, causing your baby to pull away with a loud cry. 
Mammon quickly looked your way, his eyes catching the brief glimpse of your exposed nipple. His pupils dilate when he takes in the perked nipple, the tiny bite marks from your son's incoming teeth engraved into the tender skin. To his dismay, you quickly cover up as you try to comfort your son while giving Beelzebub an understanding smile as the demon panics while trying to calm his nephew down. Your husband stood there, bangs falling in his face as he went and licked his lips, a new greedy thought appearing in his selfish mind. 
You let out a small sigh as you exit your son's room, Mammon close behind as he carefully shuts the door. "You look exhausted, mamma~" The demon cooed, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind as he nuzzled into your neck, leaving a few tender kisses. You relax at the feeling, leaning closer into his chest as his hands carefully rub up and down your sides, a content hum leaving your lips. "I am tired. I love my cute little S/n, but he just won't sleep properly, not to mention he's been teething a lot more lately, so I haven't been able to feed him properly." You sigh, tossing your head to the side when you feel Mammon's tongue trail up your neck as he places a few kisses against your jaw. 
He lets out a slight hum at your words, raising a brow in curiosity as he looks up at you while resting his chin on your shoulder. "I have noticed the little rascal leaving more bite marks on me, but what do you mean you haven't been able to feed him properly?" His eyes trail down to the top of your low-cut shirt, your cleavage highly exposed as the shirt desperately clings to the flesh. Your husband enjoys the view as he backs his lower half away from you, feeling his pants getting tighter at the sight. You blush slightly while glancing in both directions of the hallway, causing the demon to grow even more curious at what you could say. You motion for him to come closer as you whisper in his ear. "Because of his teeth, it hurts too much when he's feeding, and I haven't had time to buy a pump yet." Your words cause Mammon to frown, not understanding what you meant. Seeing this, you bite your lip as you debate, telling your husband more before letting out a small sigh. "My breasts are full, and it's becoming painful, so I need to buy a pump to get the milk out and give it to S/n in a bottle." You mumbled, ears turning red from embarrassment. 
Mammon takes a second to process your words, his eyes going wide once everything clicks before a mischievous smirk tugs at the corners of his lips. "Oh? Is that right?" He teasingly sings, his hands slowly making their way up your torso. You give a silent nod, too embarrassed to say anything else. "My poor wife~" Mammon playfully cries before his hands lightly grope at your swollen breasts, earning a loud gasp from you, your smaller hands shooting up to push him away from the sensitive flesh. "M-Mammon! Stop it!" You hiss, shooting at him with a warning glare, to which he just smiles, his eyes sparkling with mischief. He doesn't budge as he lightly massages your breasts in the hallway, not caring for anyone who could stumble upon his shameless act. 
You let out a small moan from your husband's movements before feeling your shirt dampen, causing your eyes to widen as you tried to push him away again. "Come on, if you don't stop, you will ruin my top!" You whined, trying to devise any excuse to escape the embarrassing position. Mammon's fingers came to a quick halt when they pressed against the now wet fabric, his eyes narrowing as he looked over your shoulder, seeing the two soaked spots where each nipple sat. "Y/n…is that what I think it is?" His tone is deep as he whispers into your ear, teeth lightly grazing the skin, sending a shiver throughout your body. He hums at your silence, his fingers teasingly pinching at the leaking buds, making your back arch as your knees give out. Mammon is quick to catch you, his arms wrapping around your waist. He lets out an amused chuckle that slightly echoes throughout the hall. 
"Let me help you out mamma~ Your husband has been feeling extra greedy lately~" He cooed before sweeping you up his legs and taking him as fast as they could to your shared bedroom. Once inside, the avatar of greed couldn't keep his hands off you as he sat you on the edge of the bed. "You're such a good mamma, baby~" He moaned as he slowly sucked on one of your clothed breasts, his tongue lightly tasting the milk that had seeped through. You whine at the sudden feeling, bringing a hand to your mouth to muffle your weak moans. Mammon sucks at the spot for a few more seconds before moving to the other, leaving darker wet spots. "Is this helping baby? Does it feel any better?" Your eyes soften at how sweet his tone is as you carefully caress the back of his head, earning a slight hum as he glances up at your lips, still sucking on the soaked fabric. 
"I don't like the feeling of the fabric." You confess, cheeks pink as you look into his eyes. He pulls away carefully, standing up from his kneeled position, body now looming over yours. "Raise your hands, baby." You do as told, hissing when he starts pulling the fabric off. He shushes you, giving a small kiss to your forehead before taking a step back, multicolor eyes taking in the sight of your swollen tits, a ball of saliva struggling to get down his throat as he tosses the shirt to the side. He caresses your cheek while lightly trailing his fingers across each mound. "Such a good wife just for me." He growls, loving how you were letting him toy with your chest as he goes and scoots you further onto the bed. Once he thought you were positioned far enough, he quickly pinned you, watching your breasts bounce around. 
Before you know it, he hungrily takes one into his mouth while one hand carefully squeezes at the other to relieve himself. You whimper at the sudden feeling as you grip the sheets. Mammon lets out a shaky moan when his mouth fills with the milk from your sensitive bud, his taste buds going insane over the new flavor. 'She was keeping this from me this whole time. What a naughty wife.' He thought, glancing up to see the cute face of his lover, all red, your lips slightly parted as shaky breaths filled his ears. He pulls away with a small pop, his tongue darting to lick at any leaked milk. "So tasty your milk is so fucking good, baby~" He moaned, cheeks flushed while caressing your cheek. 
"P-please suck on the other one…" You shyly pant, wanting the painful feeling to go away. Smiling at your request, Mammon hovers over your other mound, his mouth open as he carefully squeezes the flesh with one hand. You watch as the white liquid shoots out onto his tongue, causing your insides to feel warm as you lightly press your legs together. Mammon continues his assault on your tender flesh, unable to get enough of your sweet taste. "Fuck… can't wait to brag to Beel about your sweet tits." He growls against the flesh, his greed showing as he refuses to remove his lips when he feels your hand push at his head. You whine at the feeling of your breasts being toyed with as Mammon tries to suck them dry. "M-Mammon honey, you're doing too much! They're really sensitive." You whined, trying to pull your husband from his greed. 
Unfortunately, he was too far gone as he pulled away from your sore nipple, watching the swollen bud glisten with spit, his breathing heavy and eyes clouded with lust. "Hey baby…let me fuck them." He breathes as he pulls his pants and boxers down, revealing his erection dripping with precum. You look up at him in a daze, still trying to recover from the pleasure and relief your poor tits were experiencing all at once. "W-what?" You breathe, trying to prop yourself up with an elbow, only for your husband to push you back down, straddling your torso as he slowly pumps his cock. He looks at you hungrily while licking his lips, giving his stupid grin whenever he knows he will get what he wants no matter what. 
"Let me fuck your tits, babe; I wanna see just how swollen they are~" He sings while sliding his cock between your breasts, both hands squeezing the mounds together as he starts moving his hips, tossing his head back in pleasure. A shaky growl escapes his throat, followed by a loud laugh. "Fuck baby, your breasts are suffocating my cock~ Just look at it disappearing~" He moaned, completely taken over by lust as his thrusts started picking up. You whine, eyes watching as his leaking tip pokes out at your face, a line of precum beginning to provide a lubricant between your mounds. "Mm, that's right, mamma keep watching~ open that pretty mouth for me, yeah?" He growls, squeezing at your tits and watching them leak under his hands. "Fuck." He cursed, his eyes trailing to your pretty lips as he watched you slowly stick your tongue out to lick the tip as it poked back at you, earning a slight hiss from the demon. "Don't tease." He scolds a slight pout on his lips before bucking his hips forward, this time more aggressively as he goes and shoves his cock deep into your mouth, causing a small, muffled squeak to leave your lips. 
"That's right, baby…fuck so good. You're so fucking sexy." He whined while bringing a hand up to his mouth, licking at the milk, his eyes rolling to the back of his head, thrusts becoming sloppier. You just watched him as his cock slipped in and out of your mouth, your pussy dripping with arousal from this sudden change in your husband's behavior. Usually, he was never this horny in bed, but after having tasted the precious milk, his son had been hogging for the last few months, there was no stopping him. Mammon's chest heaves as he cups both your cheeks, a fucked-out expression on his face. "I'm gonna cum all over your sexy tits, my sexy wife~ So watch me, okay? Otherwise, I'll be so upset~" He whines, pulling his cock from your mouth to give it a few more pumps before biting his lip as his hips buck forward, white strands of semen spraying all over your messy breasts. 
Mammon sits there, eyes lidded as he looks down at you, his mind all fuzzy from having reached his release. You look up at him, eyes wide in awe as you take in the beautiful sight before you. "Mammon… you're so handsome." You whisper, unable to take your eyes off your demon husband as his chest rises and falls, mouth parted. He looks down at you, cheeks red and eyes practically hearts. "Hmm?~ I'm handsome, yeah?" He purrs, a hand sliding behind him as he reaches into your pants, his fingers instantly coming in contact with your slick eyes widening. He looked back to make sure he wasn't imagining it due to his fuzzy mind as he went and slipped a finger into your pussy with ease, the wet noises echoing throughout the room. 
"Fuck Y/n… you're so wet just from me sucking and fucking your tits? Have I been neglecting my beautiful wife?" He coos, slipping another finger inside, watching your expression change as you squirm under his weight. "N-No, just been so busy with S/n…ah~ that I just haven't had any time for t-this!" You cry, feeling Mammon's fingers curl inside, barely brushing against that spot he knows will drive you crazy. A pout falls on his face as he shakes his head, letting out a few disappointed tuts. "That's not good, baby! Why didn't you tell me I would've taken care of you sooner!" He scolded while pumping his half-hard cock, feeling himself more turned on the longer he stared at your cum covered tits. You whine as you try to arch yourself off the bed to no avail because your husband's weight is still on top of you. 
"M-mammon honey, please!" You beg, reaching a hand up to him, watching as he lightly bit a finger, his eyes locked with yours. "I-I want you deep inside me before it's too late!" You cry, tears forming in your eyes due to your desperation. Mammon smirks, quickly changing his position as he spreads your legs apart, watching your slick drip onto the sheets. "So, fucking filthy baby…just how I love you~" He chuckles before quickly slipping his cock into your needy pussy, watching as your back arched while you gripped the sheets, a loud moan leaving your lips. Mammon hums his hips, moving at an inhuman pace as he relishes in the pleasure of your walls squeezing around his aching length. "Fuck! Fuck so good, baby~ Your pussy is amazing!" He cries, his eyes landing back on your tits, watching them leak with each bounce. 
"So fucking sexy…just look at them leaking~" He laughs while wrapping an arm around your back, quickly lifting your upper half as he had you sit on his lap, hands grasping your hips so tight they'd leave bruises later. He hums, wrapping his lips around a sensitive mound, body shaking as he lets out multiple whines cock still pounding into your abused hole. "Want all of it… it's all mine, dammit!" The last part came out as a possessive growl as he lightly pulled the bud between his teeth, causing a small scream to leave your lips. "S-such a greedy demon…this is for S/n." You scold lightly, hitting him on the head. Mammon growls as he kisses your lips, his tongue invading every inch of your mouth. 
"That's right, I'm your greedy husband~ So. Fucking. Greedy!" He emphasizes the last three words, the feeling of his cock hitting the entrance to your womb each time. A few cries leave your lips as you sloppily kiss his neck, leaving minor bruises wherever possible. Mammon hums, his thrusts getting sloppy as he feels your walls clench around him. "Are you getting close, baby? Are you going to cum for the daddy of your baby?" He growls, his grip tightening as he gets ready to firmly press your hips down. He glances at your breasts, his cock twitching with excitement. "Fuck they bounce so good I just can't get enough!" He whined, leaving a few kisses on your lips, unable to handle anymore as he pushed deep inside you. "M-mammon! I'm gonna cum! Gonna cum from your cock so deep inside me!" You cry, wrapping your arms around his neck. Mammon smiles, loving how you cried out from his cock as he went to whisper in your ear. 
"Maybe I should make you pregnant again, huh? Keep your tits nice and full for daddy and the kids~" His words have you cumming, hard eyes rolling far back into your head as he shoots his release deep into your womb, letting out a pathetic whine as he kisses your breasts. 
"I'll make you a mama forever~"
Mammon hummed happily as he rocked back and forth in the chair, his aura pure and blinding as he watched his beautiful wife feed their son. "S/n mamma, is such a wonderful woman, right?" He gushed to the baby, who looked at him with no thoughts behind those innocent eyes. You roll your eyes, a slight blush on your cheeks as you carefully fix your top when your son finishes his fill. "There, there S/n! Don't listen to daddy, he's an idiot!" You scold while patting your son's back, ready for him to burp. Mammon pouts at your words before his eyes land on your breasts; his mind starts to wander into dark territory before your son throwing up catches his ears. 
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yanderemommabean · 10 months
Obey me Simeon feeling so sinful and awful for accidentally raising his voice at Mammon (who deserved it but thats beside the point). The only way he can feel better and properly repent is if he ties you down and has you cum multiple times on his clothed dick. Think of it as divine scolding, like he is at a confessional or worshipping a shrine. By enduring hours of your writhing, overstimulated pleas while his cock slowly gets drenched but never freed. It will make Simeon sincerely reflect on his actions- he needs you to do it for him. Ignore the way he smiles so widely and cums in his pants so fast, this is very serious punishment for him. He will remember this (as he recorded it) and wont ever raise his voice again<3. Simeon keeps his promises. Although he never promised that he would return your panties
"I truly am repenting, I hope you see that" he pants, breathless but still holding on tightly as he rocked his hips upwards, his cock twitching and coated in not just your essence, but also his own. He's wrung about three orgasms from you so far just like this, your body being the holy grail he cannot drink from if he chooses to continue his sinful ways. This is to show him what he'll miss out on if he cannot obey and be the guiding light he was made to be. He doesn't even allow himself to bend down and lick a stripe up your throat, as much as it pains him to see that sweat go to waste and your soft pliant skin not be marked. But He isn't worthy. He has to repent. Your body is the altar he prays to and your whimpers are the hymns that heal his lost soul, and with every arch and whimper he can pull from you and himself like this, it's one step closer to erasing the dark pit that has seemed to form in his soul. A slow roll of his hips, just right, the perfect pressure and once again you're spewing that delicious essence he wont be able to drink down and swallow like he so desperately wants to. His cock twitches in need, soaked and sticky from the mix of the mess you two are making, but he cannot give in. No. He can't slide every inch inside of you while you blubber and cry and beg for the angel. For, He fears, he hasn't been very angelic. Only a holy being should be able to touch you and he has to remind himself about that thin line he's been walking. "Bless me with your symphonies, cure me with your essence, remind me of all I have to lose my dear. My soul has wandered too far and has forgotten what it was placed in this world for. I beg of you for your forgiveness, and for your discipline. I repent. I repent, I repent, I repent!" He yells, eyes wide and crazed as he presses his cloth-covered cock against your own privates over and over again, your body feeling just how hard his own was pulsing and twitching, practically begging.
As if he truly was being tortured to do better.
His body hunches forward, sweat covering both your skin and his as he allowed the two of you to catch your breath, his eyes peering up at you through long eyelashes as he gives a wicked, almost deranged smirk and steals a soft peck from your lips. "I promise...I swear on my soul I'll be the angel you need me to be. I'll be the one you can turn to when hell takes a toll and I'll be the one to soothe those aches. I'll do my best to stay worthy of you, my love. I do remember saying I needed to do ten of these rituals, didn't I? It seems we have about six more to go".
-Mommabean (I hope you liked! Comment if you want beans! I LOVED this prompt / idea! )
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he-calls-me-kitten · 7 months
Playlist Drabbles #01
Writing random smut drabbles based on songs from my playlist (Solomon, Asmodeus, Mammon)
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"We don't gotta be in love, no,
I don't gotta be the one, no,
I just want to be one of your girls tonight."
(One of your girls - Weekend ft. Jennie, Lily-Rose Depp)
Solomon is just happy you're here with him right now. Wrapped up only in his bedsheets and his arms. He can't sleep, no it would be a waste. He needs to cherish this - he won't have it for very long.
When you're both back home, you'll be surrounded by everyone again. He will never be your only one - not with those brothers in the competition. But he is one of the many that gets to feel your warmth and affection and for now, this is all he needs. It's more than he can hope for.
"MC? You're still awake aren't you?" He coos softly knowing you're not asleep yet either.
"Yes, just like you." You say, tracing the bags underneath his eyes with your pretty fingers. He can feel his heart melting. What a lovely apprentice he has.
"Can we go...one more time?" Slowly, his hand traces your curves, so you can refute him anytime. But you clench your thighs around his waist and kiss him on the mouth, smiling.
"I'd like that." You say coyly. His eyes darken in desire as he climbs on top of you, positioning himself between your legs. He's not the only one that does this to you - but it's just been you and him every night since you came here. He'll have to give that up soon - but atleast not yet. Atleast not tonight.
"Please tell me I'm your one and only,
Or lie and say atleast tonight,
I've got a brand new cure for lonely,
And if you give me what I want,
I'll give you what you like."
(Give you what you like - Avril Lavigne)
Asmo doesn't always like using his powers. Why did he always have to use them to make people like him? Wasn't he enough just as he was? Wasn't he beautiful?
Who else can answer him, if not the only person who doesn't get affected by his charm. "MC..." He barges into your room, desperate to be held. To be loved.
"Asmo...you're so perfect." You cradle his face as you ride him. Tears pool at the corner of his eyes, out of joy, out of reassurance along with the obvious pleasure of your walls clamping down on him.
"MC...You really mean that?" Like a wounded puppy he tilts his head to the side, intertwing his fingers with yours. He bucks up his hips upward, deeper inside you. You moan and struggle to balance yourself.
"Of course, Asmo..." He doesn't care even if you're lying at this point. It just feels good to even hear you say that. He feels so loved and ethereal as you gently press kisses on his neck and shoulders so you don't blemish his flawless skin. And he impatiently flips you around to return the favor.
"With all the lights off,
Everything is wrong, but it's alright,
Everything is wrong, but it's alright,
You're the only good thing in my life."
(You're the only good thing in my life - Cigarettes after Sex)
Mammon feels like shit some days. With his sin taking over, Lucifer's overbearing rage, his brothers' disappointment - it's all too much for him. Sick of being holed up in his room, he decides to get out of house to clear his head.
You are late that day, and he's already disgruntled about it. Maybe he'll go out and fetch you himself. Some attendant you are. They should increase your hours at HOL.
But lo and behold, there you are standing right at the door. "Hey Mammon, going somewhere?" He takes you by the hand and leaves the house. "Oi, you know Devildom like the back of your hand, don't ya? Take me somewhere new." He asks.
You take him to a hotel with a shimmering pool. He's never been here before, but he feels an odd sense of familiarity with it. Especially when he kisses you fervently, his hands practically ripping your clothes off you. He feels so much better once he's inside you.
"The Great Mammon likes this place. Bring me back here again soon." He says as he keeps driving with one hand on your thigh. His life might be a hot mess but atleast you're here. And that makes everything so much better.
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