#orginial poem
artunderwraps · 8 months
ok so i was sorting through my binder from eighth grade and i found something very important
(yakkos world style narratoon) and now, the reasons why homework sucks, presented to you by me!
(written by my group and yours truly, sing this to the tune of old macdonald)
Homework all day is the worst,
Free me from this curse!
It always messes with my sleep,
Every night it hurts!
A question here
a question there
Here a question
there a question
Everywhere a question!
I wish homework dissappeared,
Every year its worse!
I'm sleep deprived and not okay,
free me from this curse!
I cannot take it anymore,
every night it hurts!
A minute's passed
ten minute's passed,
How long will this homework last?
I wish homework dissappeared,
(yiu need to scream that last part its very important emphasis matteres)
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greenbuggyy · 2 years
For i am enthroned to be so deeply in love with you
As loving you seems serene,may your sweet perfume sink me into your love land,
A place where i could hold you in my arms at last
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foliederive · 1 year
I can’t do it alone. Is that bad?
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curbshurt · 2 years
Fuck You
I see you in even the unexpected.
I can’t avoid you.
You won’t stop haunting me.
Although I don’t know what you did to me, I can feel it inside.
But God is a woman
and she shows me the light to your darkness.
I have the power against you now.
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blezz-this-mezz · 2 years
A woman was a girl, and a boy, she gave her heart to.
A man was a boy, and a girl, he gave his heart to.
She held his heart for years and years, but never held his hand.
He holds her heart still, but wonders how long he can.
She claims the timing was never right for her to be with him.
He claims he always loved her and oh what could've been.
Her thoughts of him always stay in her head, even with another man in her bed.
His head is filled with thoughts of her every day, but with his wife he must stay.
She wonders how her life would have turned out with him, she smiles and believes that he is her whim.
He wonders how it would feel to hold her, how soft is her skin, oh how the thought of her caused him to grin.
She believes she should be with him and he should be with her, but now it feels too late and with that she must endure.
He wishes things were different and if he could go back in time, he would change the entire world just to call her "mine".
《 Orginial poem by me / edited pics by me 》
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a Peaky Blinders poem
Blood is red
Tommy‘s feeling blue
I’ll always love Polly
More than any of you
-me after a little bit of wine and another episode of Peaky Blinders
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epsileo · 4 years
Ink - write a poem and share it
Holy shit thank you! I’ve always wanted to share my poems here but I was always worried no one would like them and I’d feel disheartened. Most of my poems are pretty dark as they reflect my true emotions
This one is called “Her” and it is a little...dark. It’s about someone who I thought cared deeply for me, but she ended up hurting me in ways I’ll never be able to heal from.
I wrote this in the spur of the moment and I wish not to forget,
The swell and crescendo of your voice was intricate.
Unfortunately, though, your vocal chords broke,
A tweeting bird with a frog in its throat.
I did not feel sorrow,
I did not feel shame,
When I squeezed your neck by the windowpane
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stay-strong-pr0ject · 5 years
“Sometimes I like to go to bed early or take naps in the middle of the day not because I’m tired, but because some days I don’t want to be awake.”
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lowkey-bro-lowkeybi · 5 years
A little love poem
Forgive me,
If I stutter and twitch
For it is my incapability
To see anything but you
Forgive me,
If I seem to disappear
For it is my lack of love
That I find in myself
Forgive me,
If I show up with scars
For it is the hate that burns
Into my skin
Forgive me,
If I seem un-kind
For it is the coldness I receive
That beats me down
Forgive me,
If I show to much love in my eyes
For it is my heart swelling
And you being the cause
Forgive me,
If I cannot forgive myself
For it is my sadness
That weighs on my heart
And breaks it into two everyday
Forgive me,
If I shy away at your touch
For it is your way at holding me
That makes my heart swirl
And makes it mend everyday
Forgive me, if that scares me
For I have never felt a love this strong
Forgive me, for loving you.
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wordsbybetty · 4 years
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Written 2010?
Just a dumb rambling
-Betty Sharp (BS)
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golddieeee · 2 years
I wrote this poem for my Ela class in my school. It's about skin and it's kinda dark, so yeah. I hope you enjoy reading or don't if you don't read it, if you don't want to that's nice too. [I Apologize if there were any typos]
By Golddiee
Wash it off...
I wish I could wash it off...
I've prayed to wash it off...
Why won't it just come off?...
Laughter, one of the most beautiful, but cruelest things in the world erupts through out the corridor
Faces of joy and evil, taunting me
Silent tears fall...
Quiet weeps of pain...
Screams that echo on the inside ringing oh so loud, the outside could almost hear the wretched noise
My Skin. I hate it, I want to wash it off... I wish to wash it off...
My Skin. I wish to wash it off till there's nothing left, but my brittle bones and the lungs inside me skeleton are are all they can see.
I scrub harder
The blazing hot water from the sink feels like fire on my skin, I continue to rub until my skin turns a bright red and the deep dark rich red blood starts to pour out
I've prayed to wash it off...
But our "God" has refused my one wish, the one to end this torture, this pain, this suffering
He has refused to let me be at peace, he tells me "This is no curse, this is a blessing" He says to "Take this blessing and wear it proudly."
I don't think our "God" gets that this is more of a curse then a blessing
That this is more of a curse without a cure
That this is more of a curse than a blessing
My Skin. I hate it. I want to wash it off.
I wish I could wash it off. . .
My Skin. I wish to wash it off till there's nothing left but my brittle bones and the lungs inside my skeleton are all they can see.
My Skin. I wish to rid of it, till there's nothing left but, my brittle bones a-. . .
My Skin. I need to wash it off.....
I pray to wash it off....
Why won't it just come off!?!
Poem by,
(I know it sucks right?)
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broken-brain-poetry · 3 years
Conversing with walls
Compared to the silence in your soul.
~by Andrew Kelly @broken-brain-syndrome
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greenbuggyy · 2 years
Flower,oh you beautiful thing;
Thou voice that sounds of a lullaby,
You spoke with such delicate that it may seem honey and such dainty flowers are to be flowing as you speak
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caylasjournal · 2 years
Moving on is accepting
Accepting that it happened and we can’t go back in time to change it
Accepting then turns to selecting
Selecting individuals who want to see you win
Those who are there for you
Accepting the fact you’ve been hurt and need a change
It’s time to heal
Refuse to let them steal
Who you are and who you will be
It’ll be hard
You must try with all your heart
You deserve peace
Try and take all that bad energy and release
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aengell · 3 years
If looks could kill she‘d be putting violett garden mums next to the human sized wooden box right now. But yet the secrets hidden in her dark brown fur coat were much less clear to see than the green rings tinting her fingers. The silver round jewellery adoring her pale skin, that she twisted and shifted occasionally, had their price after all. Eventhough when she bought them for 4€ the day before, she didn’t hesitate at all while putting in her scratched up card into the scratched up card reader. The big warm fur coat surrounding her made her figure seem luxurious and strong. Almost like she herself had killed the brown bear deep inside of the Forrest. Viciously skinning it and sewing the piece of clothing with a sort of feverish determination. Using a big sharp needle. As sharp as the cold air she breathed, almost like she was drinking it. It didn’t prick her airways, it was more like a release to her hot body, always fiddling and twitching in some way. But she didn’t kill the bear. She didn’t even sew the jacket, just poked the needle through her finger and left it there. And now the blood was running down her tinted finger like a River filled with small red and greenish fish.
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uniquelyhalley · 3 years
I’ve been up all night
Crying out to you
Knowing you’ll never hear my cries
Knowing if you did it wouldn’t matter to you
because I’m just some girl
that’s all I am
all I’ll ever be to you
but that’s okay
because that means
at least you remember my name,
it may hurt the way you remember it,
but at least you remember my name.
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