#they don't play volleyball here ;p
hazyletter · 10 months
tkkg where 3rd year!tobio has always been set to move to kyoto, his mother's hometown, for college and forever since his 2nd year, planning to leave everything behind on miyagi for a change. but then comes kei, who swept him off his feet and made him want to stay
it leaves him frustrated, because he doesn't want to live in miyagi anymore but he also wants to stay with kei. in the end, kei decides for him and he lives on kyoto with tobio instead, settling on a small apartment that is fine in every corner
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augustinewrites · 2 months
summary: realizing you've fallen for someone is hard. even more so when that person is miya atsumu.
part of how to be your lover boy (a valentine's collab brought to you by augustinewrites and seiwas!) (a month and a half late but here nonetheless!) ps @seiwas ur my one true valentine
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you’d been planning to leave your boss’ party at a sensible 9pm. 
but one drink had turned into two, two had turned into three, then four. you’re just about to down a shot with osamu when his brother appears, resting an arm around his shoulders. 
atsumu is known first as osamu’s twin, and onigiri-miya’s biggest supporter second (third is a major league volleyball player, but you have to keep him humble). he orders a lot of food a lot of the time, always tipping spectacularly. during his team’s off season, he’s there from opening till closing, doing his best to bus tables and take orders. 
he’s been off for a few days, so you’d been seeing a lot of him lately. not that you really minded because, well–
atsumu is hot. 
you’ve known this for a while but refused to linger on the fact. you’ve done your best to lock it within the furthest recesses of your mind and throw away the key because he’s your boss’ brother. mixing business with pleasure has never been a smart move. 
the blond holds up his own drink and flashes you a charming grin, eyes darting up and down your figure appreciatively. you can see the gears turning in his head as he tries to find the perfect thing to say. 
“what are we toasting to?” you ask, clearing your throat to mask the sudden bout of insecurity you’re feeling.
“to good fortune, good health–”
“and good company,” atsumu adds, winking before the three of you tip your glasses back, liquor sliding down your throat. 
five drinks just turned into an incredibly questionable decision. the dyed blonde, volleyball playing type.
you hadn’t meant for it to happen, you swear. you hadn't meant to let him tug you into his brother’s (your boss’) bedroom and you hadn’t meant to kiss him. 
but it'd all happened so swift, so laughably cinematic. pressing up against a closed door as he fumbled for the handle. you’d shared messy, rushed kisses as hands slipped underneath clothes, but atsumu’s lips were warm and you liked how they moved against your own. 
“wait, wait–” you mumbled, pulling away for a second to look at him. “are we really going to–” you gesture between you.
atsumu gently nipped at your throat, humming. “why shouldn’t we?”
you shouldn’t because he’s your boss’ brother and your seasonal coworker. while not outright banned in onigiri miya’s code of conduct, workplace relationships certainly weren't wise. 
“i'm just saying,” he murmurs, the thumb brushing the top of your thigh making you squirm. “if you want to, i'm game. we don't have to make a big deal out of it.”
your nose scrunches at what he’s implying. rational, sober you who hadn't just been kissed dizzy wouldn't even consider this type of illicit exchange. whatever version you were tonight though…
“wouldn’t it be weird? after, i mean.” 
“not unless we make it weird,” he says, glancing up at you through unfairly long lashes. “and…”
surprise melts into curiosity as you wait to hear what he has to say, but he trails off. he quickly tries to dismiss it with a shake of his head before moving in to kiss you again.
but you lean back and fix him with an expectant look. “no. what were you going say?” 
his cheeks flush before he lets his head drop against your shoulder, mumbling something that sounds like you’re really hot under his breath. 
in theory, no-strings sex is supposed to be simple, mechanical fun. 
and at first, no-strings sex with atsumu is. 
he’s good in bed, unsurprisingly. he puts his money where his annoyingly talented mouth is and leaves you trembling atop your bed sheets every time. he’s eager to learn you, making each encounter a little better than the last.
outside of sex, you don’t really see much of him. pro athletes rarely get any down time. when he’s not at practice he’s at the gym and vice versa. when he’s not at either, he’s out of town for a game. 
but still somehow, your relationship evolves (slowly at first, then suddenly at once as things often do).
you’d spent a lot of time together leading up to new year’s. grabbing a snack across the street during lunch breaks. christmas shopping together on the weekends. coffee dates on lazy, snowy evenings. you still go home with him, but it’s no longer accompanied by the blur of alcohol or the burn of desire. 
it’s different now. you still want him, but not just because he’s got wicked abs. 
you want him because he always remembers your coffee order. 
you’re treading a dangerous path. no-strings sex only works if there’s no connection other than physical. 
(which is why no-strings sex with atsumu changes on new year’s eve.)
tonight is different. he’s different. 
tonight, atsumu kisses your shoulder. your jaw. the tip of your nose. soft words of praise are whispered against your skin instead rather than grunts of pleasure in your ear.
you love the feel of his hands on your waist. his face beneath your fingertips. it’s a lot. it’s so much. it’s–
“i love you,” he groans, curling his fingers into the hair on the back of your head as he noses at your neck.
the lunch rush at onigiri miya has just started to slow down, so  and osamu are in the back office. you’re both hunched over a laptop updating the inventory when atsumu appears in the doorway. he slings a hand towel over his shoulder, casting a brief, hopeful look in your direction.
you stare hard at the screen as osamu glances between you both. 
“dishes are mostly done,” the blond says. “i'm gonna head home.”
(another hopeful look.)
“yeah,” osamu nods, catching the apron that’s tossed over to him. “feel free to grab something on your way out.” 
it’s then that you finally steal a quick glance at him, just in time to see his kicked-puppy look. it’s almost enough to waver your resolve, tugging in your heartstrings just enough before you turn away.
“trouble in paradise?” your boss asks once his brother is gone. 
“he’s the trouble.” you sigh. “obviously i’m the paradise.”
“i’ll say. something happen between you two?” 
you close the laptop, casting him a warning glance. “don’t you have onigiri to make?”
“yeah,” he shrugs. “but the scrub’s been moping around for weeks. not to mention he’s been playing ‘i wanna know what love is’ every time i get in a car with him.”
“sounds like a quarter-life crisis.”
osamu hums thoughtfully. “could be. or maybe it has something to do with the fact that you’ve been sleeping together and pretending everyone doesn’t already know you’re in love too.”
leave it to your boss to drop truth bombs in the middle of the work week.
“so what if he said he loved me?” you ask, throwing your hands up. “it wasn't– it wasn't like i love you i love you. it was…middle of sex i love you. he didn't mean it.”
osamu stared at you, as if trying to figure out if you were serious. “do you think he chooses to come here in his down time and work for free washing dishes? he comes here for you. the idiot obviously loves you. you’re really gonna sit here and tell me you don't love him too?”
you supposed…you supposed this wasn't your typical friends with benefits arrangements. late nights weren't just spent tangled up in each others bedsheets. they were spent drinking tea on the balcony of your apartment. they were spent giggling and cuddling on the couch, not really watching sitcom reruns all night long. 
you supposed that somewhere along the line, the scale between love and friendship had tipped out of balance. 
maybe…maybe that didn’t have to be a bad thing.
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dividers by @/enchanthings! please check out their adorable work!
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jesswritesthat · 2 months
Bokuto Kōtarō: Misunderstanding
Fandom: Haikyuu!! — [ Masterlist ]
Summary: ~1.5k, fluff
• Bokuto likes you, but gets the completely the wrong idea. You’re fine being friends though, right? A MSBY beach training session will sort that out.
Warnings: None
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Being surrounded by rowdy division 1 volleyball players wasn't how you expected it to be, you'd expected their level of professionalism to be carried over into their everyday lives - but this was not the case. Gladly so, honestly.
They were chaotic and mischievous, oblivious and loving, with a shenanigan never too far away. This was especially true for Bokuto, the wing Spiker who you'd become undeniably close with.
It was no secret he'd felt the same, always greeting you first and walking you home if you remained after his false promises of 'one more'.
MSBY could see it plain as day, though Bokuto had insisted you were only one of his best friends, there was a growing attraction imbued to his actions. How his gaze softened upon seeing you, how he'd memorised your boundaries so he could utilise physical contact, and how he'd effortlessly fit into your everyday life.
The teasing of his current teammates was swiftly dismissed as a joke however, when he received a visit from a particular nutritionist that seemed to shatter everyones' perceptions. Yukippe and Bokuto spent the entire visit by one another's side leaving you all to simply get on with your respective jobs.
"So you're pretty close with them huh?"
Shirofuku Yukie observed, the former manager of Fukurōdani - a team Bokuto truly cherished and would enthusiastically talk to you about late into the night and then profusely apologise for keeping you out so late whilst walking you home or preparing his bed for you to crash in. Yet every time, the love never faded.
It meant Yukie, like the rest of the team, was special to him.
"Didn't you hear me tell you the last 10 times Yukippe? We're not together, only friends and that's it - right (Y/n)?" He'd called after you for support when you'd walked past, yourself heaving a dejected sigh when answering and leaving the room.
"Platonic with a capital P."
The nutritionist seemed a little deflated by your deadpan response and lack of flustering to her claims as you disappeared through the gym doors, having hoped you'd felt the same attraction as her old Ace clearly did to you.
"Friends don't... you don't look at your friends like that Kōtarō. Not once did you ever look at Fukurōdani like that." Yukie pleadingly justified, both former Fukurōdani members outcast from the speculation regarding them.
"I know... but I can't help it." Bokuto hummed hopelessly, the truth making his emotions even more jarring. "I'd date them in a heartbeat, honestly."
"Then why don't you birdbrain?"
"Eh?! Because I can't! They're just not into... I mean they prefer..." He froze again, this time due to his uncertainty about your sexuality being public knowledge - you'd scolded him on not thinking before he speaks multiple times, and this was one of those times. "They're... just a friend."
It was the day you dreaded, the MSBY Jackals had decided to head out to the beach to try an unorthodox form of training recommended by Hinata. The man had experience as a beach volleyball player and suggested playing on sand had increased both his power and balance for on court matches also.
So here you stood, watching a bunch of physically fit pro athletes in swimwear play varying matches of beach volleyball. You'd crafted a necessary regime though and prepared everything required, and it seemed your team were surprised by your less formal appearance (as you're fairly certain this trip wasn't entirely for training purposes considering they'd reserved a chunk of their schedule for swimming and such).
As expected they'd garnered a fair bit of admiration but you remained oblivious to the attention you were getting, even if the team were protectively aware. All the more amusing when Bokuto noticed it too, overhearing a nearby strangers comment along the lines of "...really hot, I'll try to talk to them when they’re finished talking and I get the chance." directed toward you.
It was no surprise (to the team) when their loud mouth decided to make an overly showy entrance.
"Then we can work on— argh the hell?" You pulled the MSBY track jacket from your head, revealing a bemused team and happy-go-lucky Bokuto walking backwards presenting himself with arms wide.
"Don't want you damaging your skin in the sun!" A double thumbs up and cheesy grin was sent your way courtesy of the spiker much to your chagrin. Is this how that Akaashi guy felt catching jackets all the time?
Regardless you put it on, resuming your informative update and even when you were done, you missed the unanimous smirks of the team due to no interruptions despite having the chance.
MSBY had taken a brief break in the sea / sunbathing and to your expectancy there was a commotion in the water, having used your hand as shade to see you immediately regretted doing so. Kōtarō had stepped out of the ocean, muscles dripping and hair unfairly framing his face with a bright grin on his features. You hated this job, you hated this job, god dammit why?! Naturally he was greeted by two beautiful women and you're certain they'd complimented him and asked a question but he strolled right past them - only then did you realise his gaze was locked on you.
In a second a finger gently lifted your chin and you were met with the most beautiful sight you'd ever seen in your life, the sunlight highlighting his skin only disabling your thoughts further.
"Hey hey hey! What are you staring at (Y/n)? You zoned out."
"Uh— I, breathtaking..." You'd breathed it in way that caught Kōtarō off guard, amber irises analytically scanning your eyes, then lips, prior to turning to the horizon which snapped you back to reality.
"Yeah it is an incredible view huh?" He'd moved to stand by your side now, hands proudly on his hips.
"Yeah the view." A pause, then a glare. "Kōtarō those women...!"
"He really doesn't have eyes for anyone else does he?" Hinata chuckled, watching the scene unfold alongside Atsumu.
"Nah, (Y/n) is the only one who doesn't realise though."
They overheard your faint protest of how 'women were trying to talk to him and he shouldn't have just ignored them like that' but Bokuto seemed to happily dismiss it.
"Why so mad? Did you think they were pretty? I can introduce you if you want (Y/n)?"
His reply was questionable, and once Bokuto had gone over to Atsumu and Hinata (who were defitely flustering him about something) you fell into thought. You'd seen Atsumu address everyone who tried to flirt with him, the same with the other players but the fact Bokuto had just ignored them was so strange. Normally he enjoyed praise after matches, or any time really. Maybe he'd reached his limit today?
You didn’t have time to further ponder it though when you were interrupted by the aforementioned trio.
“Hey (N/n)! We’re gonna have another game, will you be my partner?”
“Did you run out of teammates or something? Or did Sakusa say no?”
“No! Jeez, I wanted you to set for me is that such a crime?” Bokuto jokingly pouted, yourself only shaking your head in bemusement.
“I’m in, makes sense to put the two Spikers on different teams.”
“Sure. That’s why Bokkun asked.”
It was a late practice tonight but you still thought the beach trip a week ago had imbued them with motivation. As the final practice match came to an end, the team prepared to head off separately. However, Meians’ partner had come for him today and you regretfully found yourself admiring the pair - how they'd brought food for him, and waited for him to go home together.
A defeated sigh escaped you, and only then did you take note of the presence beside you.
"Are you thinking about trying whatever they were eating?" Kōtarō spoke, gym bag over his shoulder having followed your direction of sight.
"Sorta? Well more like... no it's stupid." You embarrassingly waved it off, starting toward the exit when a gentle grip clasped your wrist.
"I'll still listen, stupid is more fun. Plus now I'm hungry."
You watched as he planted himself on the bench, a competitive aura about him that said 'I’m not moving until you tell me' and who were you to deny the person who was walking you home.
"Well, I was just thinking about going out with someone but I don't think it's in the cards for me."
Your calm nature and words seemed to surprise him, Bokutos' eyes widening slightly and for a second you swore he was contemplating more than usual.
"You're really awesome, you know that right?" You turned to him now, completely puzzled. "Anyone would be so lucky to have you, I'd be ecstatic, so try to see yourself how I see you."
"If you see me so positively, maybe you should just date me yourself Kōtarō." You jokingly laughed along with that accompaniment when he abruptly stood up with renewed determination.
"I would! I love you as a friend anyway and I've liked you for ages, but I can't."
"What?! I thought you liked Shirofuku hence why you were telling her we were just friends." You facepalmed, but reiterated your point of view to aid with his understanding.
"No I— I thought you were only into girls!"
There was a mortified silence, like the whole gymnasium had heard this and decided to tune in to listen. You're almost certain you heard Atsumu choke.
"Since when?! Where did you even get the idea?"
“Huh? I dunno, overheard ‘Tsum ‘Tsum mention it once, and you’ve never been bothered by male attention so I didn’t pry.”
“And you believed Miya Atsumu instead?!” You swear you heard the entire remaining team unanimously facepalm, grumbling curses under their breath despite Miyas’ hopeless protest.
“You gotta trust your teammates right? But when you put it like that…” Bokuto looked sheepish, despite his adamant defence of his setter which only left you laughing out loud.
“What’s so funny? It was a misunderstanding, I didn’t treat you differently and love you all the same no matter who you like.”
You paused, sighing hopelessly with a soft smile matching your new tone.
"Bokuto... I like you."
[ Masterlist ]
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fairymunson · 1 year
The Right Somebody To Love
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pairing: eddie musnon x chronically ill! reader
summary: you're already used to being alone on the battlefield, fighting a disease that plays foul, but eddie decides to be your knight in shining leather.
warnings: insecure reader, p in v sex, unprotected sex, oral ( f receiving ), mentioning that people are total assholes, absolutely sweet Eddie, mention of medication, illness, but nothing specific, I wanted everyone to be able to identify with it
You were biting your pencil with nerves, correcting your faded skirt every now and then. And it wasn't because you'd overslept, it was because you were cradling it in your hands the whole time, nervous about your first day at a new high school. A new one. Another one this year. All you wanted was for them not to find out, so you held the sleeve of your sweatshirt tightly, covering your puncture scars. It was summer, terribly hot and you were barely panting in those suffocating clothes, but you sweated more at the thought of having to show your body. Your pulse began to pulsate in your head. Panic settled on your heart and gnawed at it vindictively, making you palpitate. You had the feeling that everyone was looking at you, exchanging communicative glances. For the first time, you felt sorry for the teacher being late for lessons. The whispers turned into voices in your head, shouting ''disgusting'' ''you're giving yourself a hard time, huh? ''you probably require some special treatment, eh?'', ''go back to the hospital, girl, no one will take pity on you here''. It's always been like that. From a very young age when they diagnosed your illness. At the time you didn't quite know what it entailed, guessing only that it was no good, looking at the frown on your dad's face and the tears of defeat in your mum's eyes. It was only later that it came to you. Not going to school, the constant hospital visits, the days, passing through your fingers, the infusions and the scars. More and more puncture scars. On your arms. On the stomach. On my arms and on my thighs. They were nasty. The healed ones and the ones that were still recovering, some more red, others brown and faded, but still awful. At least you've always been told that. Your eyes well up with unshed tears as you recall how, at your previous school, girls could be cruel when you dressed up for PE lessons. They treated you as someone inferior, just because you didn't have a smooth belly and a perfectly soft body; they laughed at you because you got tired faster when you ran or played volleyball, or when you hid in dingy corners to take a shot or change your clothes.
''Hey girl, why are you covering yourself up like that? It's hot in here, don't you think?'' Jason whistled at you, drawing the attention of the rest. Thunderous laughter filled the room. A group of cheerleaders giggled, measuring you from top to bottom. They sent you a venomous look, snorting contemptuously. You curled into yourself, covering yourself more tightly with your sweatshirt. Your nostrils moved as a sharp intake of breath escaped through them. You smiled for show, trying to play amused. Pretending that everything was fine, that his remark had not at all triggered the wave of uncertainty now humming in your gut; that you were not at all hiding the tiger-like scowls that made you feel not at all like a tigress and a warrior, but like a little frightened kitten, drenched in a rain of sadness and labiality. Hearing more nasty remarks, you run out of the room, ignoring the fact that you are already leaving the class on the first day. Your head is buzzing with questions about what they must have thought of you now. Why in the hell did you put up that crib? Now they certainly won't give you a break, thinking you're hiding some secret from which to get some good entertainment. You run through the hall, looking back, making sure no one has come up behind you to continue the rambling. Distracted, you feel after a moment as you bump into someone. This someone, grabs you by the shoulders, firmly but gently, pulling you away from his hard chest.
''Hey sweetheart, are you okay?'' You looked up, seeing a pair of the most gorgeous brown eyes. They were so big and soft, fluttering towards you with concern. He looked like Bambi when the butterfly first sat on his nose. Surprised but charmed and so pretty you felt like sticking your finger in his dimples and those soft cheeks. You took a closer look at him, gasping at the storm of brown curls framing his pretty face. ''Sorry, but I don't think I've seen you here before. Are you new? You've already managed to run into those assholes from the basketball team, I swear they're just a pack of motherfuckers and…''He moved in place, swaying gently from side to side. The chain hanging from his trousers made a noisy sound, matching your rapidly beating heart. You blushed, lowering your gaze. Wiping your cheeks with your hands, you sobbed quietly, trying to hold back the crying. In vain. Fuck, you couldn't even keep your emotions in check. They were right. They were all right. You were a failure. Why are you crying now? After all, they didn't do anything. They just hooked you, that's all. But the fear bug was crawling up your spine, leaving a slimy terror behind. ''Hey, hey, hey, baby. Why are you crying, someone upset you? Is it them?'' You shook your head, embarrassed by the whole situation. Shame hugged you to himself again, even though you wanted to break free from his embrace. Humiliated, you clamped your lips into a tight rope to keep from letting out your sobs again. ''Hey, how about stopping by my place after school? Or, if you don't want to, you can also come to my D&D campaign, I'm organising it here in the hall tonight…'' You gasped, rolling your eyes at him. However, after a moment, you lowered your gaze, picking at your nails again with nerves. You were afraid that he would discover the anxiety in your eyes. All your insecurities will be visible to him, and he will stop being interested in you when he discovers the truth. He'll see your scars, the fact that hanging out with you isn't that easy because you don't always feel like doing certain things. Often you're just lying in bed after yet another treatment, you feel like just snuggling up in a blanket and not coming out of it until you've had a cry of all your nerves and hidden emotions. Sometimes you are too tired after taking a dose of medication to even go out for a silly walk. Why does he need such a friend? Insofar as he wanted to befriend you at all, or did he just take pity on the crybaby who ran out of the room as if he had been tripped?
''You know, I… I don't really get to see you after school. '' You choked out, reminding yourself of another appointment with your doctor. An awkward silence, punctuated only by your isolated sobs, filled the corridor. You expected him to leave immediately, recognising himself as just another cry-baby. Although you wanted him to stay, you were too paralysed and buoyed by his height and that dark look to cough up anything. He reminded you of the frontman from some famous metal band you liked to listen to and you couldn't hide how captivated and charmed you were by him. What you didn't know, ba, you wouldn't have dreamt in your wildest dreams, was that this handsome man couldn't take his eyes off you either. From how sweet and shy you were, making him want to just be that shitty sweet boy and gentleman, just to see the smile on that plump, flushed face. He grunted, shifting to bow for you and pointing with his hand towards the canteen. ''In that case, I would like to invite a beautiful lady. Oh, I would be honoured if you would agree to have lunch with me, Miss.'' You raise an eyebrow, a little stunned by his drama and theatricality. When you didn't reply, he theatrically grabbed his heart, falling to the floor. You couldn't help yourself, giggling loudly at his foolishness. And so it began. That's how you met Eddie Munson. Your hero.
The trailer smelled of cigarette smoke and some stale laundry as you stepped inside, giggling warmly at Eddie's boisterous behaviour. He bowed to you and grasped your hand, placing a kiss right in the middle of it, pretending to be a knight. Just like the first day you met. ''My lady, princess of my heart, I wish to welcome you to my humble abode. Oh, damn, I gave the cleaning lady time off, wait. A lady like you can't make such an effort.'' He grumbled, seeing the scattered beer bottles and a few of his T-shirts on the floor, grabbing you quickly into his arms bride-style. ''Eddie! Let me go!'' He just laughed, spinning around with you, skilfully dodging the rubbish. He was a bit overly dramatic and theatrical at the same time, shouting that he had to save you from disgrace, finally throwing your body gently onto the couch. He leaned over you, wrapping you in his arms, which were now on either side of your head. His hair surrounded him like a halo, but his smile was devilish, showing his dimples and that ruddy curve of his lips that made your knees soften and your thinking turn white. You batted your eyelashes, feeling a flickering warmth in the pit of your stomach. You snuggled into him, letting the scent of his cheap cologne seep into your mind, making you into a sweet mush that only he could taste.
''My lovely girl, so beautiful. And only mine, yes? Just for me. All mine.'' He cooed, joining your lips in a faint kiss. Rubbing against him, you sank your fingers into the nape of his neck, drawing him impossibly close to you. His warmth, his hot breath, his lips licking yours, deepening the kiss with each passing moment. You moaned sweetly when, after a series of wet and sloppy licks, he moved to your ear, biting the lobe. He knew. Oh, this sexy bastard knew how much you loved it. How small and whiny a mess you make when he uses his hoarse voice, so different from the tone he uses to read you to sleep, whispering the filthiest things into your ear, reaching deep into your selfish, slutty ego with it. He just knew you wanted to be his little cry-baby bitch. He licked his clit before lowering his voice. Your pussy clenched helplessly at nothing, soaking your little panties. You rubbed against his clothed cock, and your skirt rolled up halfway up your trembling thigh, gaining coveted access to the leather material. He growled at you, feeling his penis flutter at this delicious contact. Oh, what he wanted to do to you. You trembled in his arms, wishing only for him to be by your side, driving your demons far beyond consciousness. ''Beautiful, we are getting naughty yes? Are we getting greedy? You're such a smart girl, sweetie, but when we use that dirty talk you're just a stupid and mindless slut, huh? Hush, baby I got you. Rub up against me, come on, you can wet my jeans, fuck me, use me just like that. I'm yours.'' Each successive word was laden with the sweet sucking of your ear that drove you crazy. You wanted to cross that line, you wanted to have sex with him. You wanted to do indecent things with him. You wanted him to undress you and worship your body, but then the insecurity returned. You remembered your scars, a few new ones, because you had recently started to feel unwell again and the amount of drips had to increase. As soon as you felt his penis pushing against your pussy again, hearing his dirty words and his veiny hand gliding towards your breast and pebbled nipple, you tensed up. The fear returned with redoubled force, weakening you. You and your enthusiasm. Your eyes glazed over, and you fidgeted silently. Eddie immediately sensed your anxiety. Fuck. He discerned every last wrinkle on your forehead. Every little grimace and wrinkle of your nose that he thought was cute. When you got angry, when you lost to him in D&D, when you failed to learn to play the guitar, he distinguished it from that frown that accompanies something nice, like when he picked you field flowers in the meadow, or went with you to your doctor for a consultation. So when you were too quiet and your body stiffened, he moved away, embracing you with a soft and sweet gaze. Damn. He was the death of you. He looked so pretty in the faint light of the yellow bedside lamp. His eyes glittered at you, with nothing but concern.
''Darling, everything's fine, yes? We're interrupting. I don't want to force you to do anything angel, okay? No questions.'' He kissed your nose, stroking the apple of your cheek with his fingers, cooing at how blushing you were. His sweet red beet. He bit his lip to just not start singing a tirade of love, coming straight from his heart, sharp on the sides but plush inside for you, marvelling at your beauty, tenderness and how pretty you were. So vulnerable and tiny beneath him. He respected that. Fuck, he'd be damned if he did anything without your permission. He would spit in his beard for the rest of his life if he hurt you. His most precious treasure. A tiny little bell. ''Eddie, I'm sorry…'' you muttered barely, limping away. You knew that once you showed yourself to him, there would be nothing left. The defensive walls would be torn down and you would be at his mercy. Defenceless, naked. You could lose him. Like all the previous ones who left you because they thought your wounds were ugly and only disfigured you, because you don't look like the women in the magazines with their big breasts and perfectly cut figures that aren't covered by any blemishes. Thinking about it, you clench your eyelids, fighting back unshed tears. ''Sweets, it's okay. You don't have to apologise for anything. You know that?'' Eddie felt bad for thinking you needed to apologise to him. God, he could have jerked off for the rest of his life if you weren't ready for sex and he'd still be OK with it. The important thing was that you were happy. That was all that mattered to him. ''Is it because of your medication? You've been taking them haven't you? Are you feeling worse? Baby, we can lie down, I can make you something to eat, although… I know you're not very hungry when you're taking them, so I'll just make you some tea, wrap you up in a blanket, turn on Black Sabbath or Iron Maiden and give you a little hug? Unless you don't want my touch right now, that's fine too, I'll do whatever you want, just tell me how you're feeling right now, princess, I need to know what's going on in your pretty head…''You interrupted his chaotic ramblings, almost crying from how much of a sweet boy he was. You kissed his parted lips, swooning at how soft they were. Even more than they seemed to be at first glance.
''Eddie I'm fine really, I'm just a bit scared.'' You muttered, dropping your gaze to his guitar pick hanging around your neck. You began to play with it, wanting to ground yourself at least a little to stop the doubts rushing in, and the coolness of the metal made it a lot easier. ''What are you afraid of, my sweet girl? You're safe with me, you can tell me anything, I swear honey. ''You want to be brave. You really want to. For him. But it's so hard. It's hard to trust someone when you've been cheated on and betrayed so many times. When you've had to experience hurtful stares and unfavourable comments so many times. Boys preferred to be with someone else after all. With someone you didn't need to be looked after, reminded of the medication you often forget, often in a crisis when you just want to pretend you're not facing a serious illness at all and everything is fine. But this is Eddie. Your sweet boy who, over months of dating, of sweet dates, of kisses exchanged in the back of his van, has never failed your trust. When you told him about the illness, he immediately wanted to know the details, not because he was nosy or wished to use all these facts against you to make fun of you; but because he wanted to know everything so that he could react appropriately if necessary. So that, despite his forgetful and noisy nature, he could remind you of your medication and be with you at every doctor's appointment. He was there, holding your hand and whispering tender words about how proud he was of you. He was wrestling with his thoughts. He hasn't seen you yet, not even your arms, because you're always covering them up with sweatshirts and sweatpants. And Eddie has never squeezed. Your heart fights against your stubborn and wounded reason and wins as soon as those little Bambi eyes flutter open again, pulling you from the embrace of anxiety.
'Love, if I've hurt you in any way just tell me, I'll fix it. ''Fuck, you can't stand that he thinks that. You can't stand that you've made him the one who feels insecure. You search for his hand in the pleasant darkness, this time turning the skull ring between your fingers. You take a deep breath. ''No, Eddie. It's not about you, it's about me. Christ, you haven't done anything wrong. You're the best in the world. I'm… You know I'm sick. I, like I told you I've faced it since I was a kid, but apart from having to take medication and sometimes I really don't feel like moving out of bed, there's something else, something I'm ashamed of, because I've always been told it's something to be ashamed of.'' You shudder, fighting the sob vibrating in your throat. Eddie doesn't say anything. He just nods for you to continue, tenderly kissing your knuckles. ''I have a lot of scars from all those infusions. They're horrible. I can't stand them. I can't stand my reflection. I can't stand looking at them. I hate that there are more and more of them. That they're not disappearing, they're just getting bigger every day. I hate them so much.'' Eddie's heart breaks. He can't believe you think that about yourself. Not when he thinks you're the most beautiful woman on earth. The most valuable, intelligent. You are his rising sun, when he was like an October night without you. Cold and devoid of rays, his feelings somewhere behind a fog of fear. The silence consumes you both. It begins to overwhelm you. You want him to speak, even if they are words of rejection, though you probably can't bear them. Eddie senses your confusion and self-doubt. He wraps his arms around you, one hand gripping your face. His hand is large on your cheek, giving you a beloved sense of security. You love comparing it to yours as yours literally sinks into him, or watching him slide his thick fingers over your thigh, embracing almost all of it. He sees you returning to him. He smiles soothingly, rubbing the thumb of his other hand over your neck, at the point of your pulse.
''Princess. Listen to me now, okay? I love you. Christ, I love you so fucking much. I think more than my guitar, Lord of the Rings, music, because fuck me baby, you are my music, my muse, my ruler, my everything. And no scars will be able to change that, you got that? Beautiful, they'll only make me admire you more. For how bravely you fight every day, for how you don't give up. For how you are still open to the world, to people, to the good, despite the unpleasantness that has befallen you. I feel very lucky that you let me in, that you let me be with you. Therefore, I will appreciate this opportunity as long as you let me. I will honour you as you deserve.'' You are crying now, ready to make love to him until you are out of breath. He rubs his salty peas, smiling tenderly at you. Even more thirsty and desperate, you slide impossibly close to him. You climb into his lap again and again feel the pleasant stimulation as your insatiable pussy, covered by soaked panties, comes into contact with the rough material of his trousers. Eddie hugs your waist, helping you to move. ''Eddie, I…'' You faintly shrugged. God, it was so pathetic. You rubbed against him like a desperate little slut, crying raspily. ''I love you so much Eddie. I'm sorry I doubted you. It's just that so many people have let me down and…'' ''It's okay, honey. You don't have anything to apologise for, okay? You had a right to all those feelings and emotions and you also had a right not to trust me at first…'' ''No, Eddie. I trust you. I trust you so much. I want you so much, please.''' Eddie stammered, hearing your silent plea. His cock also twitched curiously at this spectacle. The little whine that escaped your wet lips was the sweet end of it. It sounded better than the notes from his guitar and better than any Metallica song. Maybe he was blaspheming now, but nothing he was going to do to you was sacred. Just blasphemous. It was how fucked up you sounded and how desperate you sounded that broke whatever brakes and chains were holding him down.
''I want to see you, is that okay love?'' You nodded as his hands, which a moment ago had been held securely on your sweatshirt, now wandered slowly towards your naked waist. You held your breath, but you didn't stop him. Nor did you stop him when he lifted the sweatshirt up your body, causing you to be left in just your bra after a moment. You clenched your eyes shut, terrified, vulnerable and not ready for the judgement you expected to see in his gentle features and eyes. You remembered the last injection on your stomach and panicked. However, you heard no laughter, no snorting, no chastising. Eddie didn't get mad at all, didn't get up disgusted. He didn't. You felt butterfly kisses right next to your navel. He kissed your puncture scars with his open mouth, purring into your heated skin, sending pleasant vibrations throughout your body. ''Beautiful. Jesus Christ, I have the most beautiful baby under the sun. On top of that, so brave and courageous. Baby, you are so beautiful.'' A kiss. Another just below the underwire of your bra, which he got rid of in less than a second, exposing you to his greedy gaze. And another on your hip. More passionate and juicy. A pleasant current reached your frightened heart this time. He accepted you. He loved you as you are. When this reached you another wave of tears flooded you. This time the happy ones. ''Let it out, sweet girl, you are safe here. My dear little crybaby. I guess I need to take better care of you, huh? I need to show how precious you are. Come on, come here to me. I'll take care of you properly. I'm going to wipe out all the nonsense you think about yourself. '' Eddie licked his lips lewdly before kneeling on the floor in front of the couch. Before doing so, he kissed the bend in your elbow, where you'd last had an IV done. That one kiss evoked more emotion than all the others that night, even though they made you dizzy. It showed his love and care. That he is here for you. That he wants to be there for you and isn't going anywhere. One of your knees was on his right shoulder and your other leg was spread wide for better access to you. He grinned, playing with your greedy crack through the thin material of your panties. You whimpered.
''What's all this whining, sweetie? Be so good to me and I'll show you fucking how you should be worshipped. '' He patted your ass, seeing the stain on your underwear get bigger. He laughed darkly. Of course you liked that shit. You could pretend to be so innocent and small, but really you just wanted to be tied up with his belt, thrown over his knee and treated roughly. ''Eddie, don't tease me.'' You flutter your eyelashes at him, playing the little shit. ''Honey, let me worship my goddess. I'm just discovering a new religion. '' You moan desperately, giving in to him. Eddie removes your panties and you feel like it's taking ages. He teases you and you let him, especially when he bulges his eyes admiring your dripping, lovely pussy. He slurps hot air into it, and as you squirm in his embrace, you get another two spanks. Gentle but firm ones. The kind that makes a pleasant warmth tickle your belly. You swear that you could come just from that. But then he leans in and sucks your clit avidly, as if there is no tomorrow. As if he's licking the last bit of ice cream off a spoon, as if he's had his last meal and as if he's been given water after days of drought. And that is exactly how he felt. Thirsty and miserable until he tasted your sweet juices. He licks your crack, from the tight ass hole to the sensitive nodule, expanding your folds with the tip of his tongue. He again embraces your clitoris with his open mouth, swirling his tongue around it. He slurps lewdly, spitting into your pussy and licking up his drool. His hand glides across your belly, stopping at a sensitive nipple. He maltreated it between his fingers, every now and then focusing his attention on the other one too. You moaned, arching back, feeling the knot tightening in your insides. You had never felt an orgasm approaching so quickly. Your toes curled and you rocked your hips, clenching your fingers in his curls, trying to bring his face impossibly close to your thirsty folds. Though his tongue was literally one with your pussy and touched places you hadn't known before and didn't reach, even with your fingers.
''God, pretty girl. I could eat you out all night until you were all shivering and wet. But I promised to worship every square inch of you, I have to do it, yes? Come here to me.'' You look so fucked he can't stand it. His hands land on your back to ease you onto him. You are now sitting on top of him, your thighs on either side of his hips, and rubbing your clit pleasurably against his trousers again. Eddie removes his t-shirt so that he is skin to skin with you and allows your fingers to tighten on his alabaster shoulders. You admire his tattoos for a moment, running your finger over his bats and spider. But he doesn't let you enjoy the view for long, as he grabs your pebbly nipple between his forefinger and thumb, making you squirm, hungry for his touch and attention. ''I want to see you whole, okay? Ride me, sweet girl. Be a good fucking girl and ride my cock. ''Drooling, you undo his belt buckle and zipper. His cock pops out of his boxers. All hard, pink, wet and tempting. You lick your lips, playing with his red tip, to which he growls, tilting his head back against the couch headrest.
''Don't play with me, babe. I need your pussy on my cock, okay? Get me wet, sweet girl. Fuck, use me for your pleasure. I'm all yours, right? Ride me. Milk me to the finish''He purrs in your ear, helping you climb onto his heaving penis. You feel him rubbing against you, slowly thrusting in and ruining your entrance with just a push. Your eyes roll back, your pulse tightens the hoop around your head, and your breathing speeds up. A light sheen of sweat glistens on Eddie's chest. It doesn't help that your boyfriend is clamping both hands on your buttocks, kneading and kneading your fleshy skin like fucking dough. He pats, pinches and massages your ass, impaling you on his cock ever more brutally. You stagger back and forth on him, jumping up and gripping tighter to his arms, which are doing your leverage. You are swamped, fucked and over-stimulated. His shaft slides into your wet pussy, perfectly hitting that spongy spot he had skilfully caressed earlier with his tongue; his mouth salivates over your breasts, biting alternating nipples, his clasped fingers tormenting your swollen clit, making the most lewd sound. Completely frozen, you whimper and squirm wildly, barely hearing his words. ''Beautiful. Perfect. My tigress. My brave girl. ''He covers all your scars with his eyes, scissoring the places he has access to in this position. This time his arms hug your back, to be able to be closer to him. So that you can look into his eyes, continuing to ride him, this time slower and more sensual. His bushy pubic hair is now rubbing against your clit, sending a delicious shiver to your core. He touches his lips to your mouth, not kissing, but rubbing against it. Your slick nipples come into contact with his hot chest as you circle slowly on top of him now, feeling every vein of his cock deep inside you. You don't even know what he's saying to you as the orgasm oozes towards you like a speeding train, stunning you. ''Fuck, baby, that tiny cunt is swallowing me so good. You are so tight. Come for me, come now. I can feel you squeezing me. ''You're muttering something under your breath. Since he slowed down the bluntness, your release seemed to lap at you harder. Everything became blurry, white and skimming. Satisfied and far beyond your brain, you only felt his semen spilling inside you, soaking you and filling you. The last things you remember are his soothing arms, his words of apology, his breath against your ear, the scent of lavender candles and tobacco you could still smell in his soft curls and the hot water enveloping your tired body.
It was one of those days. You came back from hospital after a whole day of not eating so they could properly prepare you for another gruelling examination. You had had enough. You were exhausted, hungry and frustrated, barely managing to keep your eyelids ajar as they discharged you home, marking you to come in for a check-up in a week's time. Eddie ran at you like a puppy. He insisted on carrying you to the car so that God forbid you got tired of walking. On the way, he turned on California Dreams, humming to you as you dozed off in the front seat, while he stroked soothing circles on your thigh to help you relax; he also took you out for your favourite burger and a double milkshake, because, he said, he had to pamper you properly after those nasty meds. However, the real pampering began at home. He carried you to bed, making sure you were decently covered, had the right number of pillows under your head and a soft enough blanket. He treated you to a million little kisses on the forehead before disappearing into the kitchen to prepare your hot chocolate. Making sure you were full and all warm and snoozing sweetly, Eddie pulled out his notebook, where he mostly jotted down ideas for D&D campaigns, to check exactly what time you should take your medication. This chaotic, careless and incredibly forgetful boy didn't even remember his lunch box or to put the washing machine in on time so Wayne wouldn't get pissed at him again and reproach him for not fulfilling his duties, but you, sweet, adorable and most wonderful you, now snuggling like a teddy bear in the bend of his neck, drooling on his skin in your sleep, were his damn priority. He knew it was common for you to forget your medication, so he wrote everything down carefully for you, highlighting the time of day, when and what doses you were supposed to be taking. When he realised that it was passing the time for your evening dose and you were still asleep, pressing firmly into his side, he had to break your blissful state with a painful heart. He corrected himself on the bed, leaning your back against the headrest, and lifted you gently so that you could continue to lean against his body, but at the same time have a comfortable position to swallow the tablets.
''Sweetheart, hey. I really didn't want to interrupt your rest, but you need to take your medication, okay? I'll give you, just stay here, sweetie. '' He leaned over to the bedside table, reaching for a glass of water. He slipped the capsule between your parted lips, from which came your disgruntled muttering. You were somewhere beyond consciousness, not yet fully awake, aware only of his soft touch and the closeness in which you were splashing. You swallowed the antibiotic, obediently sipping as he tilted the glass towards you. ''My good girl. I'm so proud of you, sunshine. ''He whispered in a low voice, kissing the middle of your ear. You blushed at the praise. You quivered like a kitten who had been scratched behind the ear by someone. Your inner little girl was jumping for joy, and the big, more needy one was clenching her thighs, rubbing heat between her legs. Oh, how he worked on you. He had no idea. Or he had. He was just slyly taking advantage of it. ''Thank you, Eddie. Thank you for being here and helping me.'' You muttered sleepily, settling down to sleep again. You clung to his chest like a little koala bear, but he didn't complain. He wouldn't dare. He politely stroked your back, every now and then playing with your hair and rolling soothing circles on your tense shoulders. He made a mental note to give you a hot bath and massage later, once you were feeling a little better. ''Eddie?'' you grunted into his chest. A light came on over your head. ''Yes, love? Do you need something, get you something?'' You shook your head, glancing up at him from above half-closed eyelids. God, you had never looked more sweet and innocent, and yet he knew that behind that cloud of tenderness hid a tempting devil. ''Do you by any chance have a campaign today? It's already Thursday.'' You reminded, burying your head under his chin. The rhythm of his heart calmed you.
''I had, sunny, but I called the guys and cancelled. I rescheduled for the next one.'' You furrowed your brow, resting your chin on his chest to get a better view of him. The wry smile played across his face. He already knew he was going to get away with it. You couldn't resist those dimples and shiny chocolate buttons. ''Eddie.'' You fuked accusingly, feeling a sudden sense of guilt. You were the reason he'd given up. You knew. Surely he'd want to go when he didn't have to look after you. The treacherous gobble of insecurity began to giggle and ignite the anxious flames of shame in your chest. It made you feel hard. However, Eddie immediately picked up on the change in your behaviour, sweeping the goblin away with one tender kiss on the forehead. He felt you tensing up, so he embraced you tighter, not letting you move away. ''I wanted to, love. Don't start again with the silly things about me sacrificing myself for you and being unhappy because of it.''' He rebuked you gently, sending you a stern look, but the gentleness pierces through that fog. He really couldn't be angry with you. He would jump into the fire if you asked him, so how could he be angry over some trivial matter? ''I am doing all this because I love you. I'm staying with you because I want to take care of you, okay? I want you to be better off because then I'm better off too, you know? It's my choice, it's my decision. I chose to love you. And I will love you. And I will accept you. Exactly as you are.'' Your eyes glazed over. You were never anyone's first choice. Even your parents distanced themselves from you over time, letting you know that they were overwhelmed by caring for someone sick. And he didn't even freak out at the news of your illness. He was sad, yes, but because you have to face it and when he heard about all the assholes who made you feel less than valuable and sufficient. He kissed you faintly, stroking the apples of your cheeks, smeared with emotion. That's when you knew. Hearing the quiet words of The Mamas and the Papas in the background. This is the right somebody to love.
taglist: @eddielives1986 @goodhappyfriday @needylilgal022 @alienthingstwo @stranger-messenger @honey-eyed-munson @gretavankleep37
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sadlysoulx · 2 years
[12:34]– Enemies to lovers w/ haikyuu boys!!
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hello, after 5 months, it's soulx here. I'm sorry I wasn't active lately, too many things are going on, I'm about to change schools AGAIN. thank you for still being here with me you guys, I'm on 450+ followers I DON'T DESERVE YOU ALL😭❤️
warnings: gender neutral but there's a word 'pretty', enemies to lovers, a little angst at the end? hot boys, bad writing, proof read (I think)
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Truth to be told, he doesn't hate you, but that doesn't mean you don't hate him. He acts like the meaning of his life is to annoy the hell out of you. Oops, he spilled his coffee on you, why? Because his hand slipped. Taking notes? Trust him to scribble on them for no apparent reason. Eating lunch? He'll eat your lunch with you, literally. You're having a presentation? He'll embarrass you by asking questions you don't know the answer to. Going on a date? Oh dear, he'll stare at you for a long time before asking 'Why?' and you'll stare back at him and ask 'Why not?'. There'll be a long silence before he answers, 'Because I'm here, there's no need to go on a date with a boy you barely know,' he pouts, eyes averting away. After staring at him for some time, that's when you realized that he wasn't annoying you for fun, for his enjoyment or for his satisfaction, but it's because it's only the way for you to take notice of him.
»Bokuto, Hinata, Hoshiumi, TENDOU, Nishinoya, Yamomoto.
War of the Populars. Mister Popular, he's so used to people running up to him, waving at him shyly, giving him variety of gifts and foods. . . so used to people knowing his name. Just for all of that disappearing once you came. People started to forget about him and started fangirling and fanboying at you. What? No! He's definitely not jealous, he's definitely not jealous at how much more popular you are and how much your fanbase is bigger than his, no he's definitely not jealous. Well, ok, maybe he is. He went up to you and angrily confronted about the issue, voicing his concerns and worries and even going as far as demanding you to transfer to another school. . . and to stop being so pretty? His anger boiled even more when you just smirked and sashayed away. If that's how it is, then so be it.
»Oikawa, Atsumu, Futakuchi, TANAKA
Volleyball rivals. He always looks down at you, always thinking that he, the all mighty volleyball king, is better. You hated it, you hated feeling so small as he glares down at you. In training, the both of you would always play to your max as if playing for the nationals. The two of you would always have an one on one match. The two of you would always race to see who is faster, you would play for a very long time to see who has a better stamina. The two of you will always play volleyball so roughly, bruises started forming on your arms. But when you broke your ankle and started crying? He'll be so worried and would start comforting you, rubbing your back and whispering in your ear how much of a good player you are, how he admires you, how much he looks up at you. And that's when you noticed something else stirring in your heart, right when he smiled softly at you.
»Ushijima, Kageyama, KYOTANI, Aran, AKAASHI, Iwaizumi, Kindaichi.
Academic rivals. You're a very hard working student, always on the teacher's good side, always have straight A's, a student council. But that's not enough, you're always the second best. Who's the best then? Ofcourse, it's him. He'll be so smug as waved around his test paper with a 97% mark. You'll be so pissed, scoffing and scrunching up your 94% marked paper. The two of you always have debates in the classrooms, saying that your answers is right but it'll always end up with the both of your answers wrong, and the two of you will glare at each other. One afternoon, you happily went up to him, paper test on your hands, almost tearing it apart in excitement. "What's your score?" You asked. He hid his paper under his desk and stared at you softly. "95%," He answers. You squealed, jumping around the classroom, holding the test paper to your chest, ignoring your classmates' weird looks. "I got 96%!" You laughed at him, shoving your paper under his nose. "Take that, loser!" You happily run out of the classroom and into the hall, screaming at how you finally did better than him, and he'll laugh in amusement, taking out his own paper with a 98% mark on it.
»Tsukishima, Terushima, Kuroo, Yamaguchi, Ennoshita, Kunimi.
Business war. The two of you being entrepreneurs, having your shops across each other. And it's hard, you would go to his shop in terrible disguise trying to steal his customers and he'll always catch you, chasing you outside of his shop with a mop as you laughed to yourself. You're terrible right? No, he's way more worse. He'll pretend to be this elite investigator and walk in your shop like he owns it. Then, he will raise up a finger, slide it over the surface of anything and hold it up again, showing the tiniest speck of dust to your customers. "This is why you shouldn't come to L/N Y/N's shop, very unsanitary," and ofcourse your customers will agree and move to his shop. Because of this it took you a week for your customers to come back on your shop again. But then, for some reason, he started to notice your shop doesn't open anymore for weeks and weeks. Until finally, you came, he excitedly look through the window of his own shop, happy that your back but his smile quickly disappeared. There was a few people who came along with you, you conversed with them and then finally nodding, signing a contract. His heart dropped, your shop will be closed forever and you won't come back. After the people left you, he walked out of his shop and had a normal peaceful conversation with you for the first time. "I- I couldn't handle the shop, I need to close it before something bad happen first," You sighed. To your surprise, he took your hands and smiled at you kindly. "Come to my shop, I'll hire you, I'll pay double if you'd like," Unbeknownst to the both of you, it was just the beginning of your story.
»Osamu, Asahi, Lev, Yaku, Hanamaki, Kita
Social media enemies. For some reason, the two of you battles on who get the most followers, the most likes, the most views, the most anything. He can't let you win and you can't let him either. You went and post a picture of you holding a kitten? Check, he posted himself doing the exact same thing. He did a reaction video? Check, you did it too. The whole school finds it amusing and they even went around and made fanclubs for the two of you. However, when the two of you meets in real life, you'll pretend you didn't know each other. Then scandal blew, it spreads all over the internet that you guys are dating, it was a hit. People kept discussing it on Twitter, people posted badly photo shopped pictures of you and him in Instagram and people kept on posting cringe ship edits on TikTok. Now the two of you are after the clout, so you discussed and planned on fake dating for more. But no hard feelings, no soft feelings, no catching any sort of feelings. Did the plan work? Yes. . . and no. What happened? The two of you became the cutest couple on the internet in a short time. And? The plan backfired, and the two of you are dating for real.
»Suna, Kenma, Shirabu, Konoha.
Opposites attract. That's what they say. But does it really? Because that's not the matter between the two of you. You hated each other to the guts and to the bone and he couldn't believe there's such person like you to exist. He hated the way you're loud, and not to be mean he thinks your laugh is exaggerating, you always try so hard to please everybody, everybody except him. You are the kindest and the most genuine to everybody but to him, you are the exact opposite. You are sweet to his teammates but him. You are the happiest person in the school but when it's the two of you alone, you're annoying and stupid. He hated you. There's so much to hate about you. He can go and on and on for the days and he still wouldn't be finished. But when he saw you standing alone in the rain, face upwards in the sky, hair and clothes drenched, he realized that he's the only one who sees your true colors because he's the only one you trust. He sees you opening your eyes and turning to him, and even when raining he can see tears rolling down your cheeks. You let out a sob as you ran to him, hugging him tight and sobbed harder. He didn't care if you're drenched in rain water, he raised his arms and finally, he hugged you back.
»Sakusa, Suga, Daichi, Ukai, Matsukawa.
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i love you guys, stay hydrated, sleep for 8 hours, do your homework and keep a smile on your face <3
I will be still doing enemies to lovers but for separate characters, see you there!!
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innocent-cat · 1 year
Bbg, can you do a Jealous Tsukishima x Reader plzzz? Ily bbg /p
Never watched Haikyuu in my life. Read up on him, so be warned, i will NOT have the most accurate character of him down in this oneshot. So, with the fact that my knowledge of Tsukishima and Haikyuu are very frail, please excuse any errors, or poor use of character's behavior, or general plot. Making this js for u babes fr xx (lyt)
(I also have no clue how volleyball works. LOSER!!!!)
Jealous!Tsukishima Kei x Reader
Warnings - Reader calling someone a 'whore', uncomfortable advancements/situations, harassment to reader, entitled man,
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"My loser is the best loser.", Tsukishima x Reader
Your boyfriend of a few months, was currently playing volleyball for your collective high school, Karasuno. You didn't quite understand why it was so tense on the court, but you chose to cheer him on regardless whenever he had a game.
Being known as the person who just happens to be dating Tsuki, his team mates often poke fun at him to you. It's funny most of the time, but it gets weird having a group of people try to follow you around because you're dating their friend. Although, if he's not with you, hes with them, so you always know where to look when in doubt. How kind of them. To what you knew, he one of the blockers of the team. He told you often about how much his team needs him. You, of course, feed into this energy.
"Yeahh go get em' tiger.. you're so important!"
He always cracks a smile at your strange form of cheering, and appreciates it. Although he found it strange, he felt he should play better for you. Weird right? Trying to impress lil' ol' you.. Tonight was a night unlike any other game night, he was within his position and supporting his team with planned blocks. You couldn't tell which team was winning, but you tried your best to stay positive about it. which- meant- very, VERY, incomprehensible cheering. Mumbling, shouting, or just smiling, in hopes of some how, you sent the right message. "Ohh wow nice shot.."
You sounded a lot like a mother cheering for her kid. It was definitely working. (You hoped.)
Growing tired and confused, you eventually space out and leave yourself to your own thoughts. You have no clue whats going on, so you just imagine what ever you feel like. A cow spinning? A rockstar chicken? Your doll who you had left in time out before you left for falling and scaring you? Okay maybe not them. You felt bad for not returning them to the window you pretended they liked so much before you left. Oh no. What if it's lonely? It's probably lonely. Cold, shut out, shunned.. SHAMED, in time out.. Your thoughts are interrupted when you feel the weight beside you shift. Assuming it was Tsukishima, you turned to the weight with a smile, before jumping at the realization it wasn't your monotone'd boyfriend. "Hey! Couldn't help but notice you were sitting here all alone and sad looking.. Don't worry, I'm here to accompany you now. totally like a prince in shiny armor." Baffled, you stare at the teen who had approached you and sat next to you so confidently. You had to admit, you were impressed with how he wasn't embarrassed. You did think he was weird though. "Oh. Thanks?" You shrugged off his enthusiasm and tried to be as nice as you could force yourself to be. Tolerating him was already hard enough now that you're tired, confused, and bewildered at the sudden company. "Do you even really get this sport? You've been totally out of here the entire game." He poked at you. Confused, you look him up and down, taking in his description to ask Tsukishima about him later. What a weirdo. "Yea. My boyfriend is the nerdy blocker up there with the real thick rimmed glasses." You pointed him out, smiling softly. When the teen beside you noticed him, you let your finger fall, and your hands link back together in your lap. Within that moment, The ball quickly advanced to the front of the enemy's net, and they spiked it. Tsukishima tried to block it but- It smacked him. Square in the face. You stifled a small laugh as you watched the now stunned blocker look around hoping for someone to sympathize with him. He looks towards you like a child telling a parent they had just thrown up. Your face breaks out into a wide, humorous smile. His stance, his face, and his slightly pushed down glasses, all was a likely embarrassing moment for him, but all the funnier to you.
Covering your mouth with your hand, you snicker and giggle as you look back at the shocked volleyball player. You watch his eyes travel to the left of you, where the teen who started small talk sat beside you. His eyebrow raised, and obviously smacked back into reality with envy, he scowls at the boy beside you. From far away, you don't notice the facial change he shows.
The whistle blows, and the game starts anew. He turns back, and your small interaction comes to an end. He fixes his glasses, pushing the rim back onto the tip of his nose ridge, and gets back into his position. "Soo.. your boyfriend.. kinda sucks. At volleyball, I mean." The slightly taller boy curts, referring to the fact your boyfriend just got totally bodied by a ball. That probably hurt. A lot. You giggle. "Not all the time, but I also can't tell. I just kinda hope." "You know.. I play baseball.. It's a lot easier to understand than any game of volleyball. Lot cooler too. Lot cooler to date a baseball player over a beach game made professional player." You pause, face contorting at his words. What a man whore. Flirting with someone when he's aware they have a boyfriend? Steep. Real steep. Also, again, really weird. You look towards the boy, raise an eyebrow, and wait for him to lead on what he was saying. You wanted to see how long he'd drag his little 'You should totally ditch your lame, geeky, loser of a boyfriend because I play baseball.' game. Waiting for a response, you decide he's taking too long to click that you want him to talk back. You collect your things to stand, and like a mutt begging you to stay, he grabs your wrist. "Wow wow wow- Where you going there? You haven't even heard me out!"
"What is there to hear out? you're asking me to out right ditch my boyfriend because you play baseball and I don't even know your name." You scoffed, ready to make another statement before he tugs you back down, however, this time, instead of on a bench, he tugs you onto his lap.
"Would you- Get off of me?" You seethed, struggling against his arms, he snakes himself around your waist and under your popliteal (A/N, the popliteal is basically your knee armpit). Oblivious to the bell of the game ending, you keep fighting against him, clambering, and caught up like a spider's web. You hear the distant sound of shoes squeaking against the polished gym floors, advancing towards you, with the speed of just over a power walk. Looking over to the approaching sound, you look directly at none other than who is likely about to be your actual knight in shining armor. It did bug you how the guy got the saying wrong. Again, what a weirdo. "Do you mind? Did you always get your way as a kid or something? Put them down. You look genuinely pathetic." Tsukishima looks down at the odd teenager, towering above him. "Oh- is this- your boyfriend? Why didn't you tell me yo-" He's cut off with an uppercut from your now loose hand, to his jaw. Releasing you, he rubs his jaw, muttering curses and how 'you were ugly anyway' and 'You're lucky I even looked at you' Grabbing your bag, Tsukishima kicks him in the side, watching the man curl over clutching his side like a defeated pill bug. Scoffing, you turn to Tsukishima who is still shooting a lour face at the frustratingly idiotic oaf. Patting his shoulder, you guide yourself off the benches, hovering over railing as to not trip. You notice the lack of his presence, and turn to see he's still cursing at the man, scolding, and kneeling, like a parent to a child who broke a VERY expensive vase. "Tsuki. C'mon. We most literally don't have all day. Don't bother with him, he's just some moron. Getting under your skin lets him win." He gives the man one more apparently satisfying kick, before turning to accompany you. You follow him to the lockers, waiting outside to respect the team's privacy. After around 10 minutes of clicking and texting friends on your phone, you see a four eyed monster walk out of the lockers. Black hoodie, a brown flannel, and tan cargos. "No hello? Not even from the love of my life?" You call towards him, walking by him, and poking the side of his ribcage waiting for a response. "Right right, whatever. Hey." He smiled softly at you, his eyes telling a different story. "You okay? something up?" You interrogate, snaking your arm around his, and fitting hands like a puzzle piece. He huffs, thumb rubbing the back of your hand, continuing to walk, watching the stars. He walked you back to your apartment, every day after school and after games. If you recall, it was 'Something he just has to do for you', and ever since he's always done it. Even when either of you were upset at each other. You looked up at the stars with him, breathing in the cool, clean, night air. As you guys paced, you tripped. He tightened his hold on you, and pulled you back up. 'Thanks.' You muttered, unsure of what to say in the rough and awkward environment. "That guy. Who was flirting with you? That really bothered me during the game. I think I was too focused on you ditching me for him that I lost focus." There was a short pause, in between it you let out an understanding hum, and rubbed circles into the back of his hand via thumb. "..Did you.. say anything? To him?" He looks to the right, avoiding your gaze, seemingly embarrassed to even ask. "Yeah. First thing I said to him other than 'oh' was that you were my boyfriend. Real weird guy. Really weird looking guy too. Jaw too chiseled, too built, and I never even talked to him before. Don't even know the guys name." Tsuikishima let out a sigh of relief, tensity visually leaving his muscles. "I knew that." The two of you both laughed, enjoying the clear environment now comfortable to breathe in again.
"Uhm. Did you win?" You sheepishly look towards him, smiling. "It was totally rigged. I was the best player there."
"Glorifying yourself again, Tsuki?" "Nah. I'm definitely a huge carry for the team." He restates, letting out a snicker after hearing your laugh, self aware of how much he relies on his team-mates.
(P.S, please leave more requests for me. I'm desperate for prompts.)
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ursaspecter · 2 years
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The redesigns have returned! It feels good to be doing these again. I'm really happy with how these turned out. I'm betting that these won't be as popular as the designs I've already done, but it would feel weird to redesign everyone else and leave them out so :P As always, design notes will be under the cut!
Tools used: XP Pen Artist 15.6 Pro, Clip Studio Paint Reblogs >>> Likes!
Paulina Okay y'all have NO IDEA how long I've waited to use butterfly clips in a hairstyle and I'm so happy with how it looks on Paulina! Her normal hairclip just wasn't enough for me. I also saw that kind of sweater and shirt style a lot while looking up inspiration for the clothes and thought it was super cute for her. I kept her low-waisted capris and added a little flare at the hem, and I gave her chunky white sandals inspired by Willow Pill's entrance look on Season 14 of Drag Race.
Star I think I had the most fun with Star's redesign and reinterpretation. I gave her a more sporty look. I put her hair up in a ponytail and gave her a knee brace to reflect that. I don't know if this was a common experience for everyone, but I knew girls who played volleyball and it seemed like they always had a knee brace on. I also put a bandage on her nose implying she's had work done on it.
Dash & Kwan Not much has really changed with them, so I thought I'd just group them together here. This is another instance of me just drawing a character in my own style and having changes naturally happen though that. The difference is really in the details. While I was looking over their sketches I thought that Dash and Kwan look like a preppy Bill and Ted and that's when I knew they were perfect.
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loveephia · 1 year
nationals (oc drabble).
content: fluff, humor, implied kanoka x sakusa, suna being a wingman.
⚠ warning/s: none.
note: just a little drabble to get a grasp of niiyama's dynamic and sumire's character. :p
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"get me out of here." sumire muttered shakily.
"but we just arrived!?" ririka screeched.
from merely a few meters away was inarizaki; the male representatives for hyōgo prefecture, and the second strongest volleyball team. everything about them was intimidating. who wouldn't be scared?
maiko facepalmed, "you're not even going up against them!"
"my life, my emotions!" sumire screamed with tears forming in her eyes, desperately trying to hide from inarizaki's members.
"man, the atmosphere here never gets lighter." jinko sighed. "right..? i can already feel my stomach turning." ayame said, relative to jinko's statement. satomi patted the two heavily on the back, "think of it this way; volleyball is just a more intense version of "don't let the balloon touch the floor"!" she tried to cheer her fellow third years up.
"that doesn't change anything except make volleyball sound stupid." shinju deadpanned.
"oh, c'mon, guys!" satomi cried out.
"nah! it sounded pretty funny, to be honest. it makes me feel a lot better, too." ririka said, "so thanks, tomi!"
kanoka kept writing her fears down on the face of her palm, eating every last one like they're candy. she was soon caught doing so by the other first place ace of japan, sakusa kiyoomi. kanoka's cheeks were pink from embarrassment. she hesitantly bowed her head at him as an unsaid greeting before shuffling away timidly.
"was that amanai from niiyama just now?" komori curiously asked sakusa as he nods. "she's grown a lot these past few months. i want to see how much she's advanced." sakusa stated.
"ooh, sakusa's interested in a girl? say less!" komori teased his dear cousin.
"i'm leaving."
"keiji, kōtarō, where are you..?" sumire struggled to find the two people dearest to her from fukurodani. in the midst of the busy crowd of powerhouses, sumire was weaving through each student with careful eyes.
sadly, not careful enough since she happened to have bumped into someone.
someone from a certain school she was avoiding.
"and it really just had to be one of the miyans, huh?" sumire mentally facepalmed, having recognized the number on his jersey.
atsumu turned around, and before he could even scold the poor girl, sumire was quick to apologize aplenty. "i'm sorry, i'm sorry! i was trying to look for fukurodani, and i wasn't being careful enough."
"please excuse me..!" sumire muttered sheepishly.
"hold on now," atsumu said, putting sumire's walk away to an abrupt halt. "yer from niiyama, right? i remember watchin' yer team play last year. you were all pretty good!" atsumu dropped an unexpected compliment.
what he said about sumire's team wasn't some kind of fabrication to get under her skin or anything. he was being dead serious. niiyama wasn't given the title "queens" for nothing, y'know?
"o- oh! thank you, miya."
"call me atsumu. can't have ya callin' me by my last name when i have a stupid pig fer a twin." atsumu said.
"wanna say that to my face?" osamu entered himself into the conversation, having heard atsumu's insult.
the twins started to bicker, and as sumire was about to slip away, suna's eyes were watching her with a look that said, "don't go yet. osamu wants to tell you something."
sumire shivered, so against her will, she stayed for a little while longer.
"you were looking fer fukurodani, am i right?" osamu asked, and sumire nodded. osamu pointed at a specific direction ahead. "they're over there somewhere, near some red team named nekomo."
"yer memory is rubbish. they're called nekoma!"
"doesn't matter. i was kinda close."
sumire expressed her gratitude toward osamu, who shook it off, saying it was really nothing. sumire then nodded at suna, who, like osamu, shook it off as well.
before sumire ventured off to find fukurodani, she snuck a small glance at kita, who was busy talking to the fifth strongest ace, aran ojiro.
"ah.. he's so handsome in real life." sumire thought with gleaming eyes and a peachy blush on her face.
once sumire was no longer within earshot, the inarizaki second years were left to ponder over the interaction they just had with niiyama's own second year. "do y'think i can get amanai's autograph from her?" atsumu asked. "man, at least befriend yahagi first before pulling a jerky move like that." suna said, going on his phone to scroll through whatever.
"hm.. yer right." atsumu said.
"hey, hey, hey, sumire! it's been a while, my pupil!" bokuto greets the girl with a warm yet albeit bone-crushing hug. "h- hey, kō!" sumire manages to stutter out from the pressure of bokuto's arms around her.
"your pupil?" akaashi said, "i'm pretty sure that i was the one who taught her how to set our entire junior year together."
"just let me have this moment, 'gaashi." bokuto sulked, still squeezing the life out of the poor libero.
when bokuto finally let the girl go, she made a beeline for akaashi and brought him into a calmer embrace compared to the ace. "keiji, i missed you a ton!"
akaashi planted a hand on top of sumire's head. "have the setting techniques i taught you been of good use?" he asked. sumire nodded, a determined smile on her face. "i've gotten really precise, too. you should watch me and my team play."
"will do. only if you reciprocate, of course."
time skip.
the opening ceremony finished, and the first batch of games had finally set place. teams who frequently go to nationals are called "seeded teams", they don't have to play the first round and immediately advance to the second.
niiyama is a seeded team, so here sumire and kanoka are, walking around the venue to find themselves a vending machine.
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"sumire, what kind of drink does shinju want again?" kanoka asked. sumire looked up from her phone and thought for a bit. "green tea, i'm pretty sure."
while kanoka pressed the buttons needed to obtain the green tea bottle, sumire felt a tap on her shoulder. she turned around and saw suna rintarō, the middle blocker who helped her find fukurodani earlier.
"oh, suna! do you need anything?" sumire asked.
"i looked over your shoulder and saw that you wanted a picture with our captain." suna bluntly stated, and sumire burst aflame at that, not knowing whether to feel embarrassed or what. "h- how—"
"he's nearby if you want one. i'll even help you ask." suna said.
"i—" before sumire could reject his offer, she thought back to hachi's words. with a sigh, sumire excuses herself momentarily from kanoka (who understood) and follows suna.
"why are you helping me, by the way?"
"there's no specific reason why. i just wanted to."
finally reaching kita, suna came to a halt. he looked over at sumire to see if she wanted to ask first, but at the flustered state she was in, there was no way a word would exit her mouth. "cap, this is yahagi. she wants a picture with you." sumire freezed on the spot. so straightforward!
"oh, sure." kita accepted.
"phone." suna commanded. sumire held her phone out and gave it to suna. "i take good angles. by the end of this, you might as well have the photo as your background." he reassured sumire with a thumbs up.
sumire stood cautiously next to kita. unfortunately, suna thought that she wasn't close enough since the space between the two felt awkward. "move a little closer to kita, yahagi." suna said.
sumire did as he said, but there was still something bothering suna. the atmosphere felt.. off. so kita did the unexpected and wrapped an arm around sumire's waist, whose face was now glowing a vibrant shade of red.
"say cheese." suna teased, finally taking the picture.
kita's hand was off the girl's waist, leaving sumire to calm down the rapid beat of her heart.
as sumire fanned her own face down with her two hands, she went and snatched her phone out of suna's slender fingers and ran away from the two inarizaki boys.
"you're welcome." suna cackled, though sumire could no longer hear the boy.
suna then glanced at the captain, whose ears were quite red. "what are your thoughts on my friend, captain? isn't she cute?" he asked, trying to get something, anything, out of kita.
"i.. did that out of the blue." kita said, referring to the part where he had an arm around sumire. "i need to apologize when i can." he massaged the bridge of his nose.
"who knew that kita could be so impulsive." suna thought, amused. "i got a good look at her phone number. if you want, you can text her your apology." suna offered.
kita merely looked at the middle blocker with a disappointed expression on his face. suna shrugged, "fine then, suit yourself."
sumire panted from the run, making it back to kanoka, who was still getting drinks. she sighed, going on her phone to go check the picture.
her eyes sparkled.
she sent the photo to the niiyama group chat and simply waited for their responses.
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© lowercase intended | loveephia
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bokutosmochi · 2 years
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random akaashi keiji headcannons chapter II
what's it? general
allergen warning/s? n/a
sugar level? 0.6k
regulars? @hanayanetwork​
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♧ journals a lot, but especially when he's stressed. there's something about the ripping of the paper and the gluing of the photos that makes him so relaxed. he thinks it's the asmr, or maybe it's the feeling of doing the process, or maybe it's the way he's writing his feelings down and not bottling it inside him, or maybe it's all of it.
♧ idk if it's not obvious enough, but he is the mom friend. if his friends are going out drinking, he's the one who's going to stay sober for the night -- the designated driver. also he has everything one might need when going out -- tissues, lipbalm, bandaids, alcohol, paracetamols, even pads/tampons if he's with his girlfriend.
♧ likes flower pressing. he puts some of his work on his journal to decorate them, and some are on frames hung up in his apartment.
♧ if he was on tiktok, he would 100% be on booktok or anything similar to that. despite being on the app for a longer time than what he cares to admit, he's a little clueless when it comes to those tiktok text pranks because of that.
♧ worked at a coffee shop once when he was fresh from graduating college and looking for a job. he honestly really enjoyed it and if money wasn't an issue, he probably would have stayed a barista for a long, long time.
♧ always sleeps with a nightlight on. though the night in general does unsettle him to a degree, it's not really the reason for it. the actual reason is because sometimes, he'll wake up randomly at four am and get a random idea for the poetry book he's currently writing. it's there so there'll always be some light in his room whenever he finds himself reaching for the notebook and pen on his bedside table before the idea and inspiration disappears.
♧ has an eye for interior design and fashion, he just chose to not pursue it.
♧ an overachiever. definitely an overachiever. experienced burnout a lot, but like how he used to help bokuto whenever he got into his emo mode, the former captain of fukurodani's boys volleyball team is able to get him out of a funk as well.
♧ really bad at flirting with people he doesn't like, but people get crushes on him often -- especially girls because of him being respectful and educated. he's the cute, quiet, smart person at the back of the class who always smells good and is ready for everything -- pop quiz? aced it. the girl beside him snapped her hair tie? he knew buying that pack in the discount bin of the hundred yen store would come in handy. someone scraped their knee? of course he has bandaids.
♧ doesn't get crushes on people often. however, when he does, he ends up falling head over heels for them. often times, his crushes are they even just crushes at this point? lasts for years.
♧ overthinks questions a lot, especially if it's some kind of important social issue. he likes discussing multiple sides of the story, looking at each's pros and cons, if one outweighs the other.
♧ related to the last headcannon, he doesn't make an opinion about said important societal issue if he's not educated about it. he's very confused as to why people do so.
♧ doesn't exactly think he's smarter than other people, he just thinks other people don't think enough -- they make decisions and voice out their opinion without actually thinking it through logically.
♧ a minimalist. his apartment's walls are just a plain white color with some gold-colored decoration here and there. he has quite a few succulents though, and most of his lighting there is natural, giving it a very home-y feel.
♧ really doesn't like going to college parties. it makes him really uncomfortable and usually just overwhelms him because of all the flashing lights and people around him and the obnoxious music playing and what is that smell? he'd rather stay at home and read a book, maybe get a head start on his creative writing paper due next month.
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i get: reblog
you get: a book of poems
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Matching: ex-boyfriend! Neymar Jr x woman oc (Karen Averio) brother Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro x sister Karen Rhea dos Santos Aveiro
Summary: Karen Averio is the captain of the Real Madrid volleyball team and Karen and Neymar had a good relationship. until Neymar cheated on Karen. Karen's life is going through a change.
Warnings: I wrote with google translate, health issues
Note: meu anjo means my angel in portuguese, meu amor means my love in portuguese
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(Karen's perspective)
I'm standing in this noisy place. The reason I'm here is because of the game we won today. I look at the drink in my hand. Normally I already drank but now I can't.
I'm walking towards the terrace, I need to breathe a little. I need to get off the booze. I see a couple kissing in the hallway. disgusting. I finally reach the terrace.There's someone in the corner sipping a beer.
"If you plan on getting drunk enough to forget this thing, you should have a drink other than beer." The blond man is looking at me.Apparently he didn't even notice me.
He has blue eyes but turns a little gray when the sun hits, he has blond hair.
"What if I don't want to get that drunk?" "Then you would be sitting inside, not here" I hand her the drink in my hand. "Whiskey has more impact than beer." blond man pours whiskey on his head and extends his hand.
"I'm Max. and you?" I shake her hand "I'm Karen. nice to meet you".
(a week ago)
Karen looks at her doctor. tears are about to flow. "You said I was cured years ago. I didn't need surgery."
The doctor looks at him sympathetically. "I know, Karen. Things have changed a lot since then. If you want to continue playing volleyball professionally, you have to have this surgery."
(Karen's perspective)
A few hours later, I'm standing in the parking lot of my house. I can hear my brother and my nephew's voice. I wipe the tears from my eyes and go home.
"You're finally here, aunt. I miss you." I hug my niece and kiss her forehead. "I missed you too, little prince."
it's getting off my lap."Shall we watch a movie today?" I say as I bend down to get to his height. "Please, can we watch, Daddy?" My brother is smiling at him."Of course, little prince."
"You choose the movie, we'll talk to your father about something." my nephew nodded 'okay' and went to the living room.
"What's wrong, meu anjo?" I'm looking at my brother. He was always by my side and protected me. If it weren't for him and my father, I probably never would have started with volleyball."I had a doctor's appointment today. You know. The doctor said I had to undergo surgery."
My brother looks at me with disbelief. He whispers "Meu anjo" and hugs me. "I'm here, I'm with you. You'll get through this too. I'll be with you in the process" I rest my head on your shoulder.
"Thanks for everything." He strokes my hair. "You don't need to thank me. The brothers are there for these days." "Let's go inside. Let's not keep the little prince waiting any longer"
An hour later, the three of us are watching an animated movie. The doorbell rings. "i will look." my brother says. eating two or three popcorn
When the time doesn't come, I go to him. "What's taking so long brother?" I get my answer when I see Neymar in front of me.
"He's leaving now," my brother says. While my brother is looking at Neymar, Neymar is looking at me. "Meu amor, can we talk a bit?"
"Meu amor? Our relationship is over. Don't call me that," I say sternly. "I'm leaving Spain today. I want to talk to you for the last time. For all the good memories we've had"
"Good memory? you destroyed all our good memories by be unfaithful" Neymar looks at me with shame."Brother please send him" I say as I go to the living room. my brother shakes his head
□To Be Continued□
《 I'll give you an explanation so you don't get confused. The story takes place today. Karen is 25 and Cristiano is 32. Cristiano's first child, Cristiano Jr. takes place in the story. 7 years old. Cristiano still plays for Real Madrid. Neymar has just transferred for PSG. 》
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Potato facts on a Thursday evening
Thanks for the tag @daisymae-12
ONE: Are you named after anyone?
Yes, a character on a TV show and the actress that played her.
TWO: When was the last time you cried?
Honest to god can't remember. I just don't cry. That's probably not healthy, but *shrug*
THREE: Do you have kids?
Hell no.
FOUR: Do you use sarcasm a lot?
No, actually. I find its nuance to be more difficult for people to understand than we think and it causes too much confusion for it to be generally worth it.
FIVE: What sports have you played/do you play?
Basketball, baseball, volleyball, track and field.
SIX: What's the first thing you notice about people?
Height? Maybe footwear? I dunno...
SEVEN: What's your eye colour?
EIGHT: Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings only
NINE: Any special talents?
Special? I don't know about that. Is writing plausible, and healthy sex a special talent?
TEN: Where were you born?
Jumping on the bandwagon here - in a hospital. :P
ELEVEN: What are your hobbies?
The brain weasels are only kept at bay with physical exercise, so, primarily that. Otherwise, reading, cooking, sleeping.
TWELVE: Do you have any pets?
Yes. Two dogs and one cat.
THIRTEEN: How tall are you?
184 ish cm?
FOURTEEN: Favourite subject in school?
Math, French, Band.
FIFTEEN: Dream job
I don't live to work. I work to live. I don't need to love my job, I just need to like it enough that I keep showing up, and doing well enough that I find satisfaction and my boss doesn't fire me. So.
Tagging @jazzerdoc, @clottedcreamfudge, @stutteringpeach, @celeritas2997 if they feel so inclined.
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15 Questions Game
Tagged by @blorbologist !
1. are you named after anyone?
My middle name is the name of my great grandmother <3
2. when was the last time you cried?
Uhh, hm. I'm not quite sure, maybe the ending of this one book I read? I don't cry much.
3. do you have any kids?
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
no, definitely not. me? use sarcasm? i NEVER use sarcasm
5. what's the first thing you notice about people?
Uh. Demeanor, if that makes sense? Like I don't remember what this gentleman I met yesterday looks like, but I do remember that he was very...steady. Fairly stoic, and he spoke somewhat slow and careful.
Meanwhile the lady who was helping me beforehand was much more upbeat, very positive and helpful and attentive. Great personality on that one I would trust her with my life.
6. what's your eye colour?
Blue! If you look closely, I've got a ring of gold around my pupils. It's p neat.
7. scary movie or happy endings?
I like happy endings. Melancholic or bittersweet endings are nice too.
8. any special talents?
I'm really good at catching things
9. where were you born?
10. what are your hobbies?
Drawing, writing, gardening, DnD, sewing, cross-stitch,
11. do you have any pets?
Four cats!
Sunny I got a couple years ago after my little old lady, Echo, passed. She's turning 8 this year and so far is the only one well-behaved enough to sleep in my room with all the plants in here fjfjf
Omen came with my partner, he's about 4 now and he started out so anxious that he wouldn't leave his room. Now he plays regularly with all three of the others, and is getting better with strangers every day uwu
Beau is our 2 year old. He has an angsty backstory of being an abandoned stray, but over the past year he's really opened up and started trusting us. He likes to follow me around the house and do chores with me
And the latest addition, Azriel (or Azzy) who is just barely a year old now. Rough start with this guy, but him and I have started warming up to each other. His worst trait is that he must. Climb. Everything. Also he's albino
12. what sports do you play/have you played?
Played softball for a bit, wrestling, some basketball, some volleyball. Does track count? I used to be one of the fastest for 100m dash in the city
13. how tall are you?
14. favourite subject in school?
Mm, English, Art, and Creative Writing.
15. dream job?
Haven't quite figured that out yet :P
I'll tag mmm @vincent-mango @hueynomure @shadoe-song @ravenbarley-barn and anyone else who just really wants to do this.
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tanukitoya · 2 years
Introduction I guess :0
Omg I re-downloaded Tumblr after not having it for so long and I have no idea what I'm doing
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But uhh hii I'm Toya my pronouns are she/they, I'm prolly just gonna use Tumblr to spam or talk about anything :P though I am open to meet new people an friends :000
I'll probably make a proper introduction when I actually know how to use tumblr...
I have lots of interest so here some facts about me :D. My favorite color is pink, specifically pastel pink. I'm pan and underage (sorry I don't like saying my actual age). I'm full Mexican but hella pale because I never went out as a kid D; . I'm an artist, I want to do digital but don't have the things for it so I do pencil art. I like to play video games, example; GTA V, Borderlands, Ark, Overwatch(I dont play as much anymore) Minecraft, ect. I like horror movies, my fav is Friday the 13th. I like all types of music expect country, EDM, and kpop (sorry its just not for me, not hating on anyone who does). I love all types of animals and have so much favorites but some include are, tanukis, foxes, horseshoe crabs. I like photography and practicing it as well as practicing volleyball. I like sanrio but my fav is gudetama. I watch lots of youtubers but my fav is definitely technoblade (rip techno ;( ). I like to cosplay and hopefully i can learn to make my own one day. Im not sure what else to say since I'm writing this was 1am and having the worse brain farts right now so I'll prolly but allot / most of my interest in the tags.
So I'll finish this off by saying that, I wish you guys could see my account and me as a safe place to talk and be yourself.. Even if I'm still figuring out how Tumblr works but uhhh go drink some, water stay hydrated, actually have a good sleeping schedule until me right now.. But just overall take care of yourself ( ´_⊃`)Byeee :00
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I'm prolly gonna forget some thing important and then later be like Ohhh
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kwkiyong · 2 years
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hallo hallo! so excited to be here, it's been 6 years since i've rped on tumblr... happy to be back :D
quick rundown of kiyong/axel:
competitive skater, part of the south korean national team, an active olympian. used to train overseas but decided to return to korea as he approaches his 20s
why? well, one is bc of financial costs. he can't keep making his parents fund his career when his younger sister is a budding volleyball player recently accepted in to the national setup (if anyone wants to play the sister, hmu)
another is bc he's been influenced by the hallyu wave, esp netflix (hahaha). who says olympians don't follow pop culture?
he didn't have a normal upbringing, having had to skip school a lot and spend majority of his time training
so now he wants to try living a normal life (as if he can)
but oho, at kyungwon he's able to try new sports and somehow he's keen on ice hockey (which he tried when he was younger) ... to the displeasure of his coach :p
a huge part of him is conflicted on whether he wants to continue skating - he did participate in the 2022 beijing winter olympics but didn't medal. the old chronic injuries keep coming back (and are starting to stack ..) but he still has more jumps and techniques to perfect
the older he gets, the more he hates the sinister part of the sport he loves - his athlete friends being caught doping (unwillingly), the high profile ones turning to gambling and drugs as methods to destress, and how his success in the sport has caused the korea skating union management to use him for internal political warfare
he just wants to be a normal 20 year old worrying about normal stuff, not corruption and exploitation of underaged athletes
random facts
he loves to snack and has only been able to get away with his snack breaks when he started to podium at the senior level competitions. bless his high metabolism or else he'd be crucified for eating so much chocolate bars in between trainings. you can consider him as the doraemon of snacks (ask and you shall receive)
he is super lame (as in he loves deadpan humour, puns, memes and pop culture). very gen z. makes his coach suffer through a generation gap identity crisis every 2 business days
despite his lame personality, he has a very cold ~ aura ~ so he's been called ice prince many times and comes off as unapproachable
undecided major bc he's soul searching
his family started off as lower middle income when he was born, but as he progressed in his skating career, his family gradually became okay financially. however he still worries about his parents' retirement funds + sister's volleyball training costs and has been secretly putting aside money for them
kiyong likes to go by his korean name off the rink but insists on being called axel when discussing his ice skating endeavours. it's a separation of personal vs professional lives thing. no promises that he won't throw his ice boots at you if a lame axel pun is made
oh, his parents gave him the middle name of axel bc his father got tear eyed watching a beautiful double axel jump when his mother was pregnant with kiyong :p
he has yet to do his military service, and is strategising to win gold at the asian winter games before he retires so he can go for the reduced military service option instead
very particular with money management - he's learned to budget since he was 7 years old so you can spot him at flea markets trying his best to out-haggle other ahjummas for bargain deals
likes to thrift clothes and into environmental activism (bc winter sports will die out if the planet continues to get hotter)
i'm still setting up his bio page up but can always hit me up in the DMs to plot! am open for anything :D
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shinsukeee · 2 years
~ { "Can I Have This Dance?}~
~ ||Sugawara Koushi x Reader Angst || ~
Reader's gender isn't specified but is written female due to what I'm used to writing, sorry. I'm trying my best to make every gender written properly, so please inform me if I'm doing it wrong.
Sorry if characters are ooc.
h/c - hair color e/c - eye color reader's pronouns are they/them.
It was announced that there will be prom, of course, everyone felt excited.
Girls starting to go to their friend group and talk about the dresses and skin care whereas boys remain quiet, not care and talk to their friends or get teased.
[name] couldn't help but be nervous, it'll be their last senior prom and they wasted those two years being a wallflower, watching people dance together while either hugging or kissing, it was just couples.
Their crush plays volleyball and it's no doubt that maybe he had someone to take to prom or just doesn't care at all and goes with the boys.
Kiyoko notices [name]'s sudden quietness, the two had been joint to the hip since their first year and Kiyoko had managed to rope [name] into the volleyball world in their manager duties.
"[name], are you going to ask him to prom?"
Kiyoko softly asks, [name] looks at Kiyoko.
"It's a yes or no question, [name]"
Kiyoko says, rubbing the h/c's back.
Kiyoko softly smiles.
"Why don't you ask him later when we go to the gym?"
[name] nods.
"That'd be lovely"
They manage to breathe out.
| | Karasuno Gym | |
[name] nervously taps their foot while checking if the boy they're looking for will arrive.
"[name]'s so nervous today, did something happen?"
Daichi asks, Kiyoko helps the h/c [gender] take deep breaths.
"They're going to ask Sugawara to prom"
Kiyoko casually says, in cue, Sugawara enters the gym.
"You guys are here early"
[name] squeaks and grips Kiyoko's sleeve.
'hE'S HERE—'
"You seem so happy today, Suga. Did something happen?"
"Huh? Yeah, I got a date to prom!"
[name] felt and heard something breaking loudly which only they can hear, it was the h/c's heart.
Daichi and Kiyoko suddenly feel tense but congratulates him while they glance at the h/c [gender].
"Congrats, Kou!"
[name] says, forcing a smile as the pain became unbearable for the [gender] to breathe.
"Thanks, [name]!"
As Sugawara and Daichi converse as well as the just arrived players, Kiyoko glances at the h/c and smiles softly.
"Wanna be Yachi and I's date to prom?"
[name] looks at Kiyoko and just nods, afraid to cry if they ever start to speak.
| | P R O M | |
[name] stands by the wall and watches Sugawara slow dance with a girl, the music wasn't even helping at all nor did the atmosphere, the feeling of heartbreak immediately starts to rush back.
"[name], dance with Yachi first then you can dance with me"
Kiyoko says, managing to find [name]'s favorite spot, it's easy knowing that [name] is a wallflower.
[name] takes Yachi's head and gently guides the blonde to the dance floor, as they slow dance together.
Then later, Kiyoko slow dances with [name].
"how are you feeling?"
Kiyoko asks, [name] takes a deep breath.
"not good"
Kiyoko nods and gently brushes the h/c's hair.
"It's okay to not be okay, [name]"
Kiyoko says.
"Do you want to go home?"
[name] nods, letting the tears fall, Kiyoko softly smiles.
[name] didn't hesitant and ran out of the gym, crying their heart out as their legs burn from the fast running.
| | . . . | |
Karasuno stands by a tomb, holding umbrellas as the rain is pouring hard.
"Suga, let's go"
Daichi says, Sugawara didn't take his eyes off [name]'s tombstone.
"I'll be there"
The group leaves, leaving Sugawara alone with the tomb.
Suddenly, [name]'s ghost appears infront of him, smiling at him even.
He drops the umbrella and caresses [name]'s cheek.
He let those tears fall as he embraces them.
"Can...Can I have this last dance with you, Koushi?"
[name] softly asks, how he missed hearing their voice.
"Of course"
He kisses their hand as they slow dance together while he softly sings.
"Just the two of us..."
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scheherezhad · 2 years
first sentence: "what are you wearing?“
here's your 90s au beach episode :P
"What are you wearing?" Memir asked, eyeing Bele's beach attire, long sleeves and wide-brimmed hat and zinc striped down his nose. He looked overdressed with everyone else but Church stripped down to their swimsuits and sunglasses.
Bele crossed his arms defensively. "Not all of us were blessed with skin that tans, okay?"
"I guess that's a no on playing volleyball with us then," Memir said before ducking in for an apologetic kiss. "Don't worry, if you burn, I'll help you rub aloe on it."
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