#Access to Family Building Act
Joan McCarter at Daily Kos:
Senate Democrats are planning to make June Reproductive Rights Month, commemorating the anniversaries of Roe v. Wade in 1973 and Dobbs v. Jackson Womens’ Health that overturned it in 2022. With the Supreme Court ready to rule on access to both abortion pills and emergency abortions, they should have plenty of fodder. But Donald Trump gave them even more with his gaffe Tuesday suggesting that he’s coming up with an “interesting” and “very comprehensive policy” on birth control. Never mind that he tried to walk it back—he put it out there, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer grabbed it up. Schumer announced Wednesday that he is fast-tracking the Right to Contraception Act next month, so Republicans will be on record blocking it. “Contraception is a critical piece of protecting women’s reproductive freedoms, standing as nothing short of a vital lifeline for millions of American women across the country,” Schumer said in a statement. “Senate Democrats are committed to restoring women’s freedoms and will fight to protect access to contraception and other reproductive freedoms that are essential safeguards for millions of women to control their own lives, futures, and bodies.”
[...] Over the next month, Senate Democrats will hold votes and events to highlight just how out of touch the GOP is on all reproductive health issues—access to care, birth control, in vitro fertilization, and abortion. That will likely include another vote on the bill from Sen. Tammy Duckworth of Illinois that would grant a federal right to IVF, in sharp contrast with GOP Sen. Ted Cruz’s effort to stake a weak claim on the issue.
Senate Democrats are planning to launch Reproductive Rights Month for the upcoming month of June to prepare for the 2nd anniversary of the Dobbs ruling that overturned Roe.
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Calling the Republican Party the “party of fertilization,” former President Trump continues to make false claims in a recent interview with a Detroit TV station, while simultaneously taking credit for the overturning of Roe vs. Wade.
In an interview last week with FOX-2 Detroit following his Wednesday rally in Saginaw County, anchor Roop Raj asked Trump about the issue of abortion and how much it would impact the November election. The former president argued that the erasure of a 50-year precedent that provided women a constitutional right to an abortion was a positive development.
“I say what the people decide, and whatever it is, it’s within the state and what the people decide, and it’s working out,” said Trump. “For many, many years, people have said we’ve gotta bring this back to the states to decide, and that’s now working.”
Trump then outlined how different states were dealing with abortion rights, but appeared unaware that Michigan had already enshrined those rights in its constitution.
“All the states are deciding, and you know, for 53 years, people wanted to be able to get it out, Roe v Wade, get it out so the states can decide,” Trump said. “Your state [Michigan] will decide probably a liberal policy if it hasn’t already done it. … I think Michigan’s gonna actually be very loose. They’re gonna vote on it, and that’s gonna be the law.”
In 2022, Michigan voters overwhelmingly approved securing the right to an abortion and other reproductive rights, less than six months after the U.S. Supreme Court decided in Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization that the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause no longer provided a federal right to an abortion. Three of the six votes in favor of that decision were made by justices appointed to the court by Trump.
Trump also told Raj the GOP was “the party of fertilization because we are for the women,” referencing one of the issues that resulted from the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, namely in vitro fertilization (IVF).
“We wanna help the women because they were gonna end fertilization, which is where when the IVF, where women go to the clinics and they get help in having a baby, and that’s a good thing, not a bad thing. And we’re for it a 100%. They tried to say that they weren’t for it. They actually weren’t for it and aren’t for it as much as us, but women see that,” said Trump.
The IVF issue came to the forefront in February when the Alabama Supreme Court, citing the Dobbs decision nine times, ruled that embryos had the full legal rights of citizens. That left IVF clinics facing costly litigation, prompting a temporary halt to the procedure in that state until it passed a law extending criminal and civil immunity to IVF providers and patients. But because the measure didn’t declare when life begins, clinics there are still moving away from providing the service out of litigation concerns.
Trump’s claim that “they weren’t for it,” presumably meaning the Democratic Party, is false. In fact, Democrats like U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth of Illinois — a disabled veteran who used IVF to become a mother — had been warning since at least 2022 that IVF would be the next target of GOP-led legislatures and courts if Roe v. Wade was overturned.
Additionally, Senate Republicans have rejected attempts to protect access to IVF treatments, while a bill sponsored by House Democrats, H.R. 7056, the Access to Family Building Act, which would establish a federal right to access assisted reproductive technology, including IVF, remains bottled up in committee by the Republican-led chamber.
Trump continued to insist in the interview that abortion “was not that big of an issue,” and “should be largely taken off the table.”
He also continued to push the false claim that abortions were routinely being done in the final month of pregnancy, or beyond.
“Nobody wants to see abortions in the ninth month and the eighth month and the seventh month, and nobody wants to see abortions or, in this case, killing after the baby is born,” Trump told Raj. “Right now, that’s what the Democrats can do. They can have it in the seventh, eighth, ninth month, and they can kill the baby. In numerous states, they can kill the baby after the baby is born, and nobody wants that. Nobody.”
Since at least 2016, Trump has been making the claim of abortions in the final days of pregnancy or even killing babies after they are born, and it has been fact-checked time and again as false.
And according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, less than 1% of all abortions are performed after 21 weeks of gestation — in the fifth month of pregnancy.
Raj asked Trump about Florida’s six-week abortion ban that went into effect last week.
“You have to understand, every legal scholar from all over the country, all over the world, they said ‘You have to get abortion out of the federal government, you have to take it away from the federal government, give it to the states’, and now that’s what we’ve been able to do. We’ve given it to the states, and some states have already decided, and people are satisfied with it.”
While there were certainly scholars who believed Roe had been decided incorrectly, they didn’t represent a majority, much less anything close to unanimity.
“Any claim that all legal scholars wanted Roe overturned is mind-numbingly false,” Rutgers Law School professor Kimberly Mutcherson, a legal scholar who supported the preservation of Roe, told CNN, which quoted several other legal experts in fact-checking that assertion as false.
“The people within the states … they seem to be very happy with the way it’s working out,” added Trump.
According to the Guttmacher Institute, which supports abortion rights, since the overturning of Roe, 30 states have enacted abortion policies that range from restrictive to the most restrictive.
Raj also asked Trump about labor policies, unions, immigration and the war against Hamas in Gaza.
When asked about the success of union efforts in southern states, such as the UAW’s historic victory last month with Volkswagen workers in Chattanooga, Tenn., who voted by a nearly 3-1 margin to join the UAW, Trump instead talked about China building car plants in Mexico, insisted the public didn’t want all electric vehicles (EVs) and ended up in a diatribe against President Joe Biden.
“This character that’s destroyed our country, the worst president we’ve ever had, without question,” said Trump. “He’s destroying our country. What he’s doing with cars, he’s forcing the auto industry into China and other countries, and it’s so sad. And, by the way, Mexico is doing things that nobody can believe. They just started, and they’re doing them in conjunction with China, and it’s gotta be stopped. We can’t let that happen.”
Raj restated his question about growing union support in states like Tennessee that have been less than welcoming to organized labor in the past.
“Well, it could be happening,” Trump said. “I mean, it’s gonna be happening, but you gotta be very careful about what’s gonna happen in two years from now when China wants to take all of the jobs. Because frankly, then union or non-union, everybody’s gonna be hurt. Everybody.”
There have been concerns about Chinese automakers looking to avoid U.S. tariffs by building vehicles in Mexico and the Biden administration has addressed the issue. Last month, Reuters reported that under pressure from the U.S., Mexico was refusing to offer Chinese automakers incentives to build factories there such as low-cost public land or tax cuts for investment in EV production.
The report also quoted an official with the Office of the United States Trade Representative as saying the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, which was negotiated during the Trump Administration, did not allow “a back door to China and others who may be seeking to access our market without paying … tariffs.”
On the topic of Israeli military attacks against Hamas in Gaza, in which more than 34,000 people have been killed according to the Hamas-run Ministry of Health in Gaza, Trump was asked how he would try and end the hostilities, and indicated he would give Israel a free hand.
“You gotta finish it off fast. You gotta get it done, and then you gotta have peace. And we’ll make peace fast. But you gotta get your work done and you gotta have peace. You know that Oct. 7 was terrible,” Trump said, referring to Hamas’ terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians that killed about 1,200 people.
The interview closed with Raj asking Trump if he would debate Biden on statewide television in Michigan.
“If you can get him, I’m there. I’ll go anywhere he wants to go,” said Trump. “What he’s done to Michigan is so bad. What he’s done to our country is so bad. What other man, what other person, would allow 15, 16 million people right now in our country? They came from prisons and jails. They came from insane asylums and mental institutions, not from South America, from all over the world, they’re pouring into our country at levels that nobody’s ever seen. Drug dealers. One stat before we go, Venezuela was very crime-ridden. They announced the other day 72% reduction in crime in the last year. You know why? They moved all their criminals from Venezuela right into the good old USA, and Biden let them do it. It’s a disgrace.”
“But, sir, where are those numbers coming from?” asked Raj.
“I guess I get them from the papers in this case. I think it’s a federal statement or well, they’re coming actually from Venezuela. They’re coming from Venezuela. That’s where they can’t come from,” said Trump.
Punishing sanctions imposed against Venezuela during the Trump administration have been blamed as at least one cause of the mass migration out of that nation. Trump also didn’t mention that one of his last acts as President was to give Venezuelan exiles in the U.S. illegally protection from deportation.
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headspace-hotel · 5 days
Read the Project 2025 manifesto RIGHT NOW
It's MUCH worse than y'all have been hearing
There is so much here you'll have to look at it for yourself, but the climate policy alone is nightmare fuel.
The republican coalition wants to essentially end funding for green energy, dramatically promote and expand fossil fuel industries, and eliminate funding and regulations in all sectors promoting climate change mitigation. Task forces and offices related to clean energy and lowering carbon emissions will be eliminated and replaced with offices for promoting fossil fuels.
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There are specific provisions in Project 2025 to essentially destroy the Endangered Species Act, causing it to defer to the rights of "economic development" and "private property." The plan includes delisting gray wolves, cutting the budget so that a "triage" system is used to determine which species will get protection, removing funding for research, removing experts and specialists from the decision-making process, and preventing "experimental" populations of animals from being established.
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This is so much worse than I expected it to be and there's much more past that: They want to deregulate pesticides and remove much of the EPA's ability to regulate pollutants as well.
Also included in the manifesto is that we should
withdraw from nuclear weapons nonproliferation agreements, build more nuclear weapons, and resume nuclear weapons testing
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The manifesto comprehensively outlines the scorched-earth elimination of abortion access, down to ensuring doctors aren't even trained to perform abortions. There are plans in here to disrupt abortion access GLOBALLY, not just domestically.
Not only that,the Republicans plan on reframing family planning programs around "fertility awareness" and "holistic family planning."
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I can't even describe it all. I'm trying to give screenshots of the most important things but there's so much.
The foreign policy is a nightmare. They plan to push fossil fuels onto the Global South and promote the development of fossil fuel industry in the "developing world."
It is aggressive and antagonistic towards other nations, strongly pro-military, proposing that we INCREASE (!!!!!) defense spending, improve public opinion of the military and military recruitment, and increase the power to fund new weapons technology.
Just read the Department of Defense section. It's about greatly increasing and strengthening the military-industrial complex, collaborating more closely with weapons manufacturers, removing regulatory barriers to arming our allies and to inventing new military weapons, and recruiting more people into the military. They include provisions to develop AI technology for surveillance. And of course, continuing to support Israel is in there.
Elsewhere it proposes interfering in foreign countries with creepy pro-USA propaganda campaigns, even establishing international educational programs where faculty have to pledge to promote USA interests.
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There's a line in here about getting rid of PBS because SESAME STREET is LEFTIST for God's sake.
HOW are people claiming democrats have the same policies. I feel like i'm losing my mind.
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communistchilchuck · 2 months
Sujood has reached out to me to boost she and Sanaa’s fundraiser. They’re urgently trying to evacuate their family from Gaza and seek asylum in Belgium. Their previous campaign was suspended, so they have started a new GFM and currently have £1,642 out of their £50,000 goal! Please share if you can’t donate!
From their GFM page:
Dear friends,
We are reaching out to you with a heartfelt plea for help. Our names are Sanaa and Sujood, and we find ourselves in an incredibly challenging and dangerous situation.
Unfortunately, our previous attempt to receive donations was unsuccessful due to restrictions on transactions to Gaza. However, the urgency of our circumstances compels us to reach out again, this time with new procedures in place to ensure the secure delivery of your generous contributions. We are launching a new campaign because we cannot afford to wait for a long time for the restrictions on the bank account to be lifted it’s already being two months now. We are unsure if we will be able to access the funds or if they will be returned to the donors. In any case, here in Gaza, we are fighting against time. Every day poses a threat to our safety, and we cannot afford to wait. If, after some time, we are able to retrieve the previous amount, we will use it to rebuild our lives and continue the education of my siblings.
The situation in Gaza has become increasingly unbearable, and we have been left with no choice but to seek assistance from compassionate individuals like you. Your donations can make a significant difference in our lives and help us escape the dire circumstances we currently face.
This is ours story:
I hope this message finds you in good health and spirits.
My name is Sanaa Odeh, currently in Gaza, occupied Palestine. I am writing this as a plea for survival, for a future for my family and myself.
Our lives are in immediate danger, with non stop explosions everyday and every night, tanks and guns all around us, and fear as a constant companion. It is a non-stop nightmare, every minute of every day, for 6 months. Everyday is a struggle for survival. Lack of food and clean water creating a crisis of death by starvation and dehydration.
Despite the endless nightmare, we are a resilient and strong family. My beautiful parents gave everything to raise us as successful daughters and we are so proud of what we have achieved.
I work as a graphic designer and my sisters: a nurse/educator, small business owner, a medical student, and a field coordinator. Despite being on the path to rich and promising futures, it can all be taken away in any moment. We have already lost several family members, including my uncles and their entire family. There is little hope that the situation will end soon, all of us waiting for our turn next.
We are looking to seek asylum in Belgium. This campaign will help support us in covering the costs to do so, specifically in covering the evacuation costs per person. Your donation will provide us with the chance to escape the endless horror we’ve been facing for the last 6 months and give us a chance to return to a safe, normal life again, where we can once again contribute positively to society.
I understand that this is a challenging time for everyone right now, but please do not underestimate what even £5 can contribute to especially when it all adds up. It really does make a huge difference. No matter how small the contribution it can still change our entire lives.
Thank you for taking the time to read our story, your support means the world to us. Whether it is simply sharing our campaign or donating, it makes all the difference in the world to us. Your act of kindness can bring light to our darkest days and help us build a better future.
Thank you once again for all your support and kindness
With heartfelt gratitude,
Sanaa and Sujood
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risestarkiss · 5 months
Being Purple ○ Part Two
Rise Ramblings #315
Previous | Being Purple ○ Part One This post is a continuation, so I recommend reading Part One before reading this Part Two. ••••
We’ve talked about what Donatello was and his role in the family.
But, we never examined why. Why is Donnie so gung ho on physically providing for his family?
Well, to understand why he feels that way, we need to go back to the beginning. After Splinter and the turtles were mutated, Yoshi was obviously unable to access any of the funds or resources he held as Lou Jitsu due to, you know, him now being a giant rat. He had to start life a new from the bottom of society.
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We don’t know what happened during their time on the streets, but we can make some inferences as to what happened next. Splinter eventually moved the boys down into the sewers and was able find a comfortable space for himself and his little family.
Here is where I’m going to try my best to piece together the order of events regarding Donatello’s earliest contributions. I’ll be using two episodes: the season one finale, “End Game,” and the Nick web exclusive mini-episode, “Turtle Tots.”
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In Turtle Tots, the family has gathered in Splinter’s room. We can also see the den through Splinter’s doorway. This home is, indeed, the home that we are familiar with in the show. Thus, we now know that at this age the boys were already living in the sewers. We also know that the den has already been outfitted with a tv, electricity, and probably some kind of cable hookup.
Is it possible that Splints did this electrical work all on his own? “End Game” gives us a clue that can lead us to an answer.
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Here he is, the boy of the hour. In this picture, given the perspective, young Donnie is much shorter than Splinter. Their heights here are actually comparable to their height difference in the “Turtle Tots” clip. Therefore, I believe it’s fair to conclude that Donatello is about the same height in both instances, and likewise, relatively the same age.  
Given that new piece of information, now we can speculate further.
When you look at the room that crying Dondon is in, he’s surrounded by wires, batteries, boxes, and what appears to be little bits of tech that he was working on, hence the booboo. There’s a small rotary plane of some sort, a tiny workbench, and other bits and pieces. So, we can deduce that Donnie is familiar with electrical work and is building things for himself, even at this young age.
Donatello is already cooking.
With that evidence, I believe it’s reasonable to surmise that Donatello had a hand in hooking the den up with a refurbished TV and in wiring the house with electricity, which is such a big job for such a little guy.  
If it had stopped there, I wouldn’t bring it up, but as we can plainly see…
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It never stopped. His labors are endless. Everything from the turtles’ transportation, their living space, and their comforts at home was created, built, enhanced, and refurbished by Donatello. Consequently, he internalized the idea that his usefulness equated to the safety and security of his family. And that’s just how he lived his life.
He doesn’t know any different, and I’m sure at this point he wouldn’t want any different. This is his role. This is his place. Besides, his beneficence makes his brothers happy, and his father happy, and by extension it makes him happy.
Hence, his “gift giving” love language.
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If Donnie is happy, then where’s the problem?
I’m sorry, but external validation as a primary source of happiness, or even worse, as a source of self-esteem, is dangerous…
But I digress…
From the outside looking in, it’s easy to assume that his genius is best utilized as a tool for the team’s benefit. But as a child, the weight of ensuring their entire family’s physical infrastructure is a large burden to bear…and it is almost the exact definition of Instrumental Parentification.
Parentification is a process in which a role reversal occurs where the child or adolescent is obligated to act as a parent would to their siblings or to their actual parent. Instrumental Parentification involves a child assuming the responsibilities of maintaining a household through physical means. In this case, Donatello literally maintains the household.
I’ve said all of that to say this.
Donatello has been subjected to Instrumental Parentification for almost his entire life. He doesn’t know life without providing for his family, but he’s happiest when his family is comfortable and safe.
So when we ask, why does Donatello make these sacrifices for his family, the answer is obvious. Love. And that answer reigns true in the past, present, and future…
Anyways, Donatello is such a complex and intriguing character, I could go on about him forever. But I think this as good a place as any to put a pin in my deep dive on this fiery little grape, because our next dive’s focus is on the true pinnacle of the Hamato clan…
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Previous | Being Big Red • Being Baby Blue • Being Purple ○ Part One
Next | Orange, Baby!
Finale | Being Hamato Yoshi
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possiblylando · 3 months
Who's the ghoul? [HTP;4 SPOILERS!]
Alright so Hunter the Parenting Episode 4 has been out for a bit. If you haven't watched Hunter the Parenting and are just seeing this for whatever reason like coincidence or following me... WATCH IT! I assure you it's worth it it's all on Youtube its great come on don't get spoiled here. Seriously SPOILERS FOR BASICALLY EVERYTHING IN EPISODE 4
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Alright hopefully everyone who hasn't watched it is out of here and now watching it. We can start by establishing the suspects.
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Now for what I hope are obvious reasons we can rule out every member of the D family. Door and Boy aren't even here anyway. As such our current list of possible suspects is;
Upper Management Occam Blacklaw Sr. Gloria Waters Wernon
Security Brock Spit Giles
Cleaners Amanda Matilda Students Elise Grimal Harry
Now who else can we rule out for sure? 1. Occam can be ruled out. He's the chapter leader and if he was the ghoul for whatever reason the information would already be out. Plus Occam is already a mage or sorcerer of some sort so I doubt he'd get trapped into becoming a Ghoul. 2. Blacklaw Sr. can be ruled out. While he has keys to whole building we knew exactly where he was the entire time the crimes were being committed. Alright so then who can we rule out based on intuition? 1. Harry was with Markus for most of the time so it likely isn't him. 2. Elise, While Big D did interrogate her first I feel like he would've had some more suspicion if he genuinely believed her to be the ghoul. As such we can shorten the list to the following;
Upper Management Gloria Wernon
Security Brock Spit Giles
Cleaners Amanda Matilda Students Grimal Now we can look at where everyone was known to be while Occam was in the vault.
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During this time the ones left unaccounted for are Elise, Big D, Wernon, Gloria, Grimal, Occam (duh), Spit, and the Cleaners. For obvious reasons we can ignore Elise and Big D as we've ruled them out as suspects. Now we can also rule out Giles and Brock from the list as during the time Occam was attacked they were both accounted for. HOWEVER I want to talk about brock for a moment. While I doubt Brock is the ghoul there is a moment near the end of the episode I want to bring attention to. While Markus and Co are saving Grimal from being tortured, D absolutely rocks Brock to the point he gets slammed into a wall. Yet Brock gets up with very little damage and continues to brawl. This is very interesting as Brock is apparently stronger than Blacklaw. This could be ghoul strength but I doubt it since Brock is a VERY big guy. Also about Giles, We know his boss at the 99p store is related to the vampires. Either she's a vampire or just a ghoul I'm not 100% sure. So Giles would have the connections to become a ghoul however having multiple ghouls working at the same 99p store seems like a waste of resources. So I doubt he's the ghoul. So now our suspect list is;
Upper Management Gloria Wernon
Security Spit
Cleaners Amanda Matilda Students Grimal Now that we've narrowed down the list of suspects I doubt that the either of the Cleaners end up being the ghoul as while both would be fairly easy to get in the building they lack any real clearance to get into the archives. As such they would be little strategical use outside of minor surveillance. Additionally they have no way to gain access to the Archives. Now ime to talk about that final scene. Wernon being killed at the end of the episode is very interesting as it acts in contradiction to what happened to Occam. Occam was just knocked out but Wernon was EVICERATED yet Wernon is a much lower priority target than Occam. Now I doubt Spit is the ghoul because again how would he have access to the Archives. However I do think Spit is the one who killed Wernon. Perhaps Spit is a Werewolf or other weird being as they were very specifically pointed out as killing machines in the episode where Big-D tells Kitten about some stuff. At the very beginning of the episode we can see the moon is full.
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The lighting is a bit weird in these early scenes as outside is very red and orange but in other scenes we can see the moon and it's detailing a bit better so this is certainly the moon. As such the circumstances exist for Spit to turn into a Werewolf and flip the fuck out. Given the fact Spit is absolutely losing it I doubt he did it intentionally either. That answers the question of what happened to Wernon, what about the ghoul. Currently these are the possibilities as I see them; 1. Wernon was the ghoul. He had the means to get into the Archives and attack Occam. He's advancing in age so becoming a Ghoul might help with that slightly which would supply a motive. If he brought Spit off to deal with him, then spit flipping out in self defense would continue to track with him being a possible werewolf. 2. Grimel is the ghoul. Grimel was acting a bit weird the entire episode and during the start when the ghoul was announced she looked very uncomfortable. Additionally she's spent a majority of the episode away from the rest of the group and was missing while Occam was attacked. When she was being "interrogated" by blacklaw she doesn't actually say she isn't the ghoul she changes the subject. However this again could be coincidence as she saw Amanda get fried. Additionally there is the issue of her not having access to the archives. 3. Gloria is the ghoul. This one I think is the least likely. The only real evidence for this is that she was willing to so quickly take control of the situation when Occam was passed out. Currently the odds as I see them are Wernon; 40% Grimel; 30% Gloria; 10% Anyone else; 20% However if it is Wernon that raises the question, What will the rest of this arc be about? If the ghoul is dead then the rest of the arc would have to be about sorting shit out and kinda loosing it at eachother. But again that seems weird right? Killing the culprit off? So I guess my final guess is; Grimal (MAYBE Wernon) is the ghoul Spit is a werewolf (or similar creature) Matilda is going to be important somehow
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gurugirl · 4 months
an adorable bad boy | loveable!rogue!harry
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This is part 1 of a Patreon AU (4 parts have been posted on Patreon already). If you'd like more check out my Patreon! xoxo
A loveable rogue is someone who breaks the law for personal profit while being nice and charming, likely with a sad or dark past.
AU Premise: Harry has been in and out of jail for nearly a decade due to a string of bad luck and bad choices. But he's not a bad guy. Not really.
Summary: Harry's trying to keep on the straight and narrow now that he's out of jail but things have never come easy for him. And then he meets the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. Maybe things won't be so bad after all. If only she'd give him her number.
Word Count: 3.8k
Warning: Mentions of drugs and the sale of drugs, mentions of jail time
Harry’s life sucked. Every time he tried to get on the right track, his past would come back to haunt him. He took responsibility for the things he did and he knew he deserved to have the book thrown at him. But he also knew where he came from didn’t make things easier for him. Starting at a young age he had to act like an adult and do things most people would never imagine needing to do just to get by.
Now, nearing 30, he was determined to get his shit together. If he had to step foot in another jail cell again he was going to just end it. He couldn’t handle another sentence that had him losing a job, his car, the place he was staying… Every time he got into trouble it was like he had to start over again. From scratch.
And he was always well-behaved once behind bars so he usually got out early on good behavior. But keeping out of trouble as a free man was nearly impossible. He’d be tossed out on the street once he was released but with no place to go and not a dime to his name, times were hard. He had to hustle for a dollar. And when he meant hustle, it usually involved something illegal.
Getting a job that paid well was a joke. No one wanted a convicted felon. No one would hire a man who had a criminal record. Why risk it? He sure as hell wouldn’t if he were in their shoes.
There was no program to help him reintegrate. No help for a safe spot to sleep. Shelters wouldn’t even allow him a safe haven due to his past. He had nothing. Incarceration meant drudging through, keeping his head down, and following directions. That was easy. But there was nothing easy about rebuilding his life over and over again once he was out from behind bars.
His sister wouldn’t answer his calls anymore. He’d drained that well dry. His mother had cut him off too. His cousin was a last resort, but that’s sort of how his life was these days. Everything was a last resort.
“Harry! My dude! You get out?”
He was leaning against a tall residential building in an alley with a cigarette in hand. The phone he was using was the one that he had when he got locked up, kept for him upon his release. The officer helping him fill out his release forms allowed him to charge his phone before they pushed him out the doors. How kind.
The wifi signal from the bookstore gave him access to his apps so he could make the phone call he was dreading.
“Yep. Glad to be out of there. How are you doing?” He figured he’d make some small talk before getting to the point. He didn’t want to be rude, after all.
Saul gave him the rundown of what had been going on with everyone. And then Harry learned he was engaged.
“Wow. Congrats, cousin. Proud of you. You guys living together?”
“Nah. Not until after the wedding. She’s a really good girl. Super sweet. Her whole family is. Just like, the nicest people I’ve ever met. But she doesn’t want to move in until we’re married since that looks bad to her parents,” Saul laughed. “They’re super conservative about stuff like that. They think she’s still a virgin.”
Harry humored him with a chortle through the phone and then sighed. The sun was going down. Small talk needed to come to a halt. He had to get this part over with.
“So, uh… hate to ask this but um, could you let me crash at your place for a few nights? I’ve got nowhere to go since I just got out and gonna be cold tonight. Otherwise, I’d just sleep in the park or something.”
Silence for a few uncomfortable seconds.
“Did you ask your sister? I mean I’m sure–“
“She hates me right now. Won’t take my calls. But man, look, it’s okay if you can’t. I get it.”
“You know what? Sure. You can stay here for a bit. I know shit’s hard. How you gettin’ here?”
Harry let out the breath he’d been holding in and leaned his head back into the building in relief, “Gonna walk. Literally have nothing to my name. Just my old cell phone, half charged, and this free wifi I’m using to call you. I can get there in like an hour.”
Saul told him he’d pick him up but Harry didn’t want to trouble him anymore than he had. It was already embarrassing asking for help. Plus a walk through the city would feel good. It’d been a while since he’d seen the hustle and bustle of daily life in the city.
It was late September. He was wearing black jeans and a black t-shirt with boots. At least he had a beanie on his head. His cousin lived in one of those “up-and-coming” neighborhoods. Gritty but recently gentrified. His flat was two floors up. A flimsy plastic call button for the residents hung outside the reinforced glass door that opened up to a small lobby with mailboxes in the wall to the left and just beyond that, old wooden stairs that led up to each apartment.
Saul was on floor three. Harry took the stairs two at a time and the door was already open with his smiling cousin waiting for him and then a warm embrace that made Harry feel like maybe he was going to be okay. Silly as it sounded. He hadn’t been hugged in over a year. Hadn’t felt safe and relaxed in over a year.
“Ordered some pizza from this fire spot. Should be here soon. Beer?”
Harry could cry. He hadn’t had pizza or beer in over a year either. There was a lot he hadn’t had in over a year.
“Uh, yeah. Thank you, man.”
Harry followed Saul into his tiny galley kitchen and leaned against the frame of the door as he watched his cousin pull a beer from the fridge, “And thank you for everything. For this. I really mean it. I’ll pay you back as soon as I get a job.”
Handing Harry his beer Saul laughed, “We’ll see. Alyssa and I might need help for the wedding next summer. Her dad wants to have the wedding at their place. They’ve got this nice house with a massive garden in the back. But they need people to help landscape and do some manual labor to get it ready. Might save us a little money if you could help. But that’s a ways off,” he waved his hand as he walked past Harry into the living room. “Don’t worry about it right now. I’ll figure out a way you can pay me back.”
. . .
A few nights turned into a few weeks. And Harry did find a job, but he’d need to save up for a while longer to be able to afford a place on his own. He figured, at least he could pay Saul for food and help pay some of the bills in the meantime.
Fortunately, the job he found paid pretty well. Unfortunately, it was illegal. It was what had gotten him thrown in jail in the first place.
Selling drugs. Mainly weed. Some shrooms, ecstasy, molly… party drugs.
He applied to 28 places. Twenty. Eight. Dishwasher, food prep, janitor, midnight stocker, busboy, fast food line cook… everything he could find from places that might take a chance on someone with a record. After a week of having Harry sleeping on his couch, Saul appeared to be getting frustrated. So, Harry did what he always did when he needed money (and who doesn’t need money?). He called Memo.
Memo always had a spot for Harry. And because he trusted Harry he gave him an advance.
The first thing Harry did with his money was buy some clothes for himself and groceries for the house. Getting rid of his supply was easy. He still had all his old contacts to sell to and with Harry’s natural charm, he was introduced to even more people who wanted some killer weed and Harry was their man.
Saul seemed to lighten up a bit when Harry began paying him cash for his part of the bills and to help cover some of the rent.
Being a drug dealer bought him time. Eventually, he’d find a better gig. He knew there were places that would hire felons, he just had to be patient. But in the meantime, doing shady shit to get by was necessary.
“So, I’m going out tonight. With Alyssa and a few others. Just going to Ray’s. You can join us if you want.”
Harry was sitting on the couch readying himself for another night in but maybe going out with his cousin for a few beers could be fun, “Anyone I know going?”
Saul shook his head, “Doubt it. It’ll be Alyssa, her little sister, and a few of our mutual friends.”
Harry figured it was better if the people that were going to be there didn’t know him. And besides, what better way to spend a Friday night as a single man? Sitting at Saul’s house was fine, but going out and meeting new people with a few beers in hand sounded a hell of a lot better.
Harry nodded, “Why not?”
. . .
Roy’s might have been an old hole in the wall, but it was a popular old hole in the wall. Harry could hear the music before they walked into the black brick building with the lighted, vintage metal sign that hung above the door.
The smell of stale cigarettes and beer hung in the dark space, a shiny lacquered bar that ran half the length of the room, high-top tables, two pool tables, and a few booths.
Alyssa nearly pummeled Saul, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and kissing him on the cheek as she squealed.
“We’re just over here! Tony got us a big booth 'cause he got here early.” She pulled Saul along with her. Harry followed.
The group that came into view were two young men and two young women. He barely had a chance to take it all in before Alyssa pulled his arm, “Everyone! This is Harry, Saul’s cousin. The one we were telling you about.”
The one we were telling you about. Harry knew what that meant.
Harry smiled and nodded as he slid into the booth. It was long and easily accommodated all seven of them.
“I’m Kelin,” the man he sat next to held his hand out to Harry to shake. The one next to Kelin greeted Harry, “I’m Tony,” he turned and looked at the girl next to him, “And this is my girlfriend, Dasha.” Dasha smiled and waved at Harry.
Then as Alyssa moved into the opposite side of the booth with Saul at the end she hugged the girl next to Dasha, “And this is my little sister, Y/n.”
Some moments in time are unexplainable. Like moments when things feel like fate but you don’t believe in that sort of thing. Or like when someone is speaking a language you don’t know but you swear you understood everything they just said. Sometimes it was more like a riddle you couldn’t figure out all day only to wake up in the middle of the night from a dream with the answer.
The moment Y/n set her pretty gaze upon Harry was like that for him. Something inexplicable. Something enchanting. Almost mythical.
“It’s nice to meet you all,” Harry spoke as he tried to tear his eyes from the angel called Y/n. He forced his pupils away to look at everyone else but his heart was already beginning to thump violently in his chest.
Drinks were ordered and conversation resumed to wherever it was left off before Saul and Harry’s arrival.
“So, we were discussing anything but the wedding!” Dasha laughed as Alyssa moaned exaggeratedly.
“I was only letting you guys know the theme!” Alyssa laughed.
“Girl, tonight is a night off. And the wedding isn’t for like another 8 months!”
Harry tried to focus on the conversation as he sipped his beer but he couldn’t help allowing his eyes the indulgence of Y/n’s pretty face. She had some kind of clear drink. A vodka soda maybe. And when Kelin started talking about the Halloween party he was throwing Y/n’s eyes met Harry’s again and he thought he was going to fall limp to the floor in a puddle at her feet.
He didn’t even know what her voice sounded like and he was already imagining waking up next to her in the morning and getting to see her disheveled hair and warm pajamas and soft, tired eyes. He had never had such a visceral reaction to anyone before. Ever.
Another round of drinks made its way to the table and Harry hardly spoke a word. Y/n only laughed a few times at what was being said but otherwise, she remained quiet as she sipped her drink.
He needed to talk to her. He needed to learn all about her. He wasn’t sure why it felt so important, so vital to him. But every time she looked at him his throat went dry and he searched her face for any sign that she might be feeling the same odd connection that he was feeling.
“I need a cigarette,” Y/n spoke as she looked at Alyssa, making Saul and Alyssa scoot out of the booth to let her out.
Harry tapped his fingers on the table as he watched her walk past before speaking up, “Yeah, me too.” He hopped up from the booth and jogged to catch up with his dream girl before she could push the door open.
“Allow me,” he grabbed the handle and opened the door for her.
“What a gentleman. Thank you,” she grinned teasingly at him and Harry felt his head swirl and his knees go weak. She smiled at him and he was sure he was in love at that moment.
“I try,” he chuckled as he followed her to the edge of the building before she pulled out her pack of cigarettes. Harry liked the same brand.
He pulled out his lighter and held it out as she put the filter between her lips. The flame lit the tip and then Harry put his own cigarette into his mouth and lit it.
“You have good taste,” Y/n gestured with her cigarette toward his and watched his mouth as he inhaled the smoke into his lungs.
“Guess we both do,” he blew the smoke out and it mixed with the smoke she blew out at the same time.
“Heard you recently got out of jail. Alyssa told me to keep my distance,” she laughed as she took another puff, her eyes on his.
“Yeah. Trying to keep on the straight and narrow now. Jail sucks,” he let his gaze wander over her lips and jawline and down to her neck, “I’m not that bad, though. You gonna get in trouble with your big sister for having a smoke with me?”
She snorted (which Harry found adorable and irresistible) and shook her head, “I’m an adult. She tries to act protective and tough but she knows better than to tell me what I can and can’t do. In fact,” she took a drag and lowered her gaze to Harry’s outfit and then back up to his eyes before exhaling, “When she tells me not to do something it just makes me want to do it more.”
Harry felt his face grow warm as he listened to her speak and couldn’t help the smile that took over his face, dimples winking awake in his cheeks.
“Oh shit,” she leaned into the brick and crossed an arm over her middle, one arm angled out with the cigarette propped between her two fingers, “You’ve got dimples.”
Harry ashed his stick, keeping the smile on his face, “I guess I do. Is it okay?”
Y/n laughed softly, the prettiest sound Harry had ever heard, and nodded, “Of course it’s okay. It’s adorable.”
“Adorable…” Harry repeated as he leaned his shoulder into the brick and faced Y/n, “Think I’m adorable?” He pulled his lips into his mouth, tamping his wide smile as he blushed. Yeah, he was blushing.
She reached her hand up to his shoulder-length hair to tug at a curl, “You are. Pretty curls, green eyes, dimples. I get why Alyssa didn’t want me to get mixed up with you. An adorable bad boy. Dangerous combo.”
Harry shook his head and looked down at her feet before winding his pupils up her frame to her face, “Bad boy? Nah, not really. Just made some stupid decisions.”
Y/n shrugged and pulled at her cigarette before blowing out the hot smoke, “Mmm….” She pursed her lips and squinted at him, “You’re definitely a bad boy. You kind of emanate that persona. And I bet you use those dimples to charm all the ladies.”
Harry chuckled and looked down again to give his retinas a break from her breathtaking beauty. When he looked back at her he shook his head slowly, “If anything you’re the charmer. Making me blush over here.”
She giggled and leaned her head back as she looked up into the sky. Harry was not going to be getting over her laugh. He knew he’d be dreaming about it too.
“I’m just honest is all. Not particularly charming I don’t think.”
Harry shook his head and pointed at her, “No. You are definitely charming. Sweeping me right off my feet.”
“Oh, I am? Falling for me already, Harry?” She smirked at him and turned her body to face his, mimicking his stance.
Was it too soon for him to fall for her? Yes. But Harry was never one to play by usual timelines. He grinned and licked his lips, “Be bad if I said I was?”
She puffed out a laugh, “Probably would be bad. You don’t even know me. I’m really not all that great. Lots of issues. Very unstable,” she laughed as she gestured at her head and then wrapped her lips around the filter to inhale.
“If that’s the case, then you’re just that much cuter,” Harry parted his lips to place the cigarette between them as he kept his eyes on hers.
She bit her lip and turned to look out into the street, “You gonna go to the Halloween party next week?”
Harry shook his head, “Probably not. Wasn’t invited. Don’t like to dress up for shit like that anyway.”
“Hmm… If you go I’ll go,” she turned to look at him and raised her brows.
Harry stitched his brows together and tilted his head, “Are you serious?”
She nodded, “Sure. Why not. Wasn’t planning on going either but I will if you do.”
Harry narrowed his eyes at her and grinned, “Still wasn’t invited, though. We’ll see.”
Y/n tossed her butt down to the ground and stepped over the tip to crunch out the burning end, “Probably should get back in there. Alyssa’s gonna think we’ve run off together. That’d really get her going.”
Harry chuckled and followed suit with his own cigarette and nodded before following her back to the booth in the bar.
This time, as luck would have it, Harry scooted into his original spot and Y/n sat down next to him at the end.
“I wish you wouldn’t smoke,” Alyssa frowned at Y/n and Harry leaned forward to put his elbows on the table as he turned to look at Y/n’s profile. She was certainly stunning.
Y/n shook her head and looked at Dasha, “Will you pass my drink down?”
Harry looked down at his lukewarm beer and pushed himself into the seat, his back hitting the vinyl cushion behind him before turning his head to watch as Y/n drank from her glass.
Everyone at the table resumed their conversation but both Harry and Y/n were thinking about the way their thighs were pressed together and how warm it felt. How nice it was.
“You’re staring,” she whispered with a grin as she set her glass down on the table and turned slightly to see the limn of his outline in her peripheral.
He grinned as he leaned his shoulder into hers as he spoke quietly, “Can’t help it.”
Harry tried to be as subtle as possible with everyone around but his skin was tingling in delight any time she shifted to pick up her glass her thigh ran against the stretch of his jeans. He regretted that he couldn’t stare into her beautiful eyes but he loved her nearness. The smell of her perfume and her shampoo.
“So, Harry,” Tony spoke up, “What do you do for fun?”
Harry was caught off guard. He’d been far too focused on the girl next to him that he nearly forgot he might need to participate in a conversation.
He laughed and looked at Saul and then to Tony, “I like music a lot. Um… reading. I don’t know,” he shrugged.
“He used to be in a band. Plays guitar and sings. He can play almost any instrument actually,“ Saul chimed in.
Harry rolled his eyes when everyone began to ask questions. He didn’t enjoy talking about himself because then that wound up leading to discussing his time in jail. Thankfully no one brought it up, though he was sure everyone already knew anyway. Saul wasn’t exactly discreet.
When the bill was paid after everyone threw down some cash, Y/n slid out of the booth with Harry right behind her, “Can I have your number?” He spoke so only she could hear as he brushed his fingers against hers.
She stopped and turned toward him, a mischievous grin on her face, “I’ll give you my number if you come to the party next weekend.”
Everyone began to walk to the door and Y/n turned to leave but Harry wasn’t done. He felt his heart walloping in his chest as he hastened his steps after her, pulling at her hand as stealthily as possible, “I can’t just crash a party I wasn’t invited to.”
When they stepped outside Y/n moved to the side to let everyone walk past and she looked up at Harry, “If you don’t come then you don’t get my number. It’s up to you.”
Harry swallowed as he looked down at the pretty girl in amazement, “Fine. I’ll be there.”
She smiled sweetly and raised her hand to poke at his dimple, “I know you will.”
NEXT PART (link goes to Patreon)
I hope you enjoyed part 1! This is the only part I'll be posting on Tumblr. If you want more check out my Patreon 💕
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fryingpan1234567 · 10 months
DC high school au… mayhaps…..
I’m not sure if anyone’s done this before
But I’m doing it now
So the JL, right. These are famous alumni who made school history and now obvi they’re billionaires and reporters and museum owners but they’re not superheroes— just regular people
Liiike Clark Kent was the best quarterback the school has ever seen
Oliver Queen essentially revolutionized the archery team
Diana Prince convinced the school to start a fencing league
Barry Allen slayed both track and any and all chemistry competitions thrown his way
Arthur Curry… I shouldn’t have to say anything about his swim team career. That’s where he met his wife
Bruce Wayne was one of the smartest people probably ever, especially to grace that building
And so on and so forth
Anyways so these people are famous, and they’re up on the walls and display cases and shit
The staff!! Was so thrilled!! To be getting their children!!!!
(The principal counted down the days on his calendar after the news hit that Brucie adopted his first kid)
Dick and Barbara are seniors. Dick is the cheer captain and Babs WAS on the team until a fun little accident that has her wheelchair-bound. (It’s fine, she discovered she actually likes computers better. She’d hacked the entire security system one day at lunch because she got bored)
Dick is kind of the queen bee of the school, which is hilarious, because he KNOWS but refuses to let it get to his head. This man will start water gun fights in the hallways for fun
Jason and Cass are juniors
Jason is one of the drama club’s absolute best (singing and acting). He played Billy Flynn in Chicago, Prince Charming in Cinderella, Aladdin in… yeah. He slays pretty hard
Cass is on the dance team and regularly misses class for some competition or another. Sometimes, when cheerleaders and the dance team collab on stuff (like assemblies), she actually likes the pompoms. She does not like the skirts.
Tim, Steph, and Duke are sophomores— people are s c a r e d of these three
Tim is known for constantly having a stockpile of energy drinks in his locker; sometimes a few of his friends get access to it. He’s also terrifyingly smart. And he’s got a bike. SOPHOMORE YEAR. TIM WHAT
Steph’s whole entire TikTok presence is lifting/ workout challenges against any poor scrub who tries to go up against her. She can lift the same amount as Jason Todd. That gives her a very confident “don’t fuck with me aura” around school, which is good, because she’s got zero interest in any guy there anyways (bi f pref queen)
And Duke… Duke is the golden boy, so the first time you see him in a sparring match with any of his siblings (they do that for fun at lunch), you’re very shocked to see him holding his own against Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown. He also slays
Damian is the only freshman in his family. Jason and Tim make fun of him endlessly
It is pretty impressive that a freshie organized the biggest fundraiser the school has ever seen— and it was for local animal shelters. Nobody knows how he did it. Probably intimidation. You never know with that kid
Now the superfam. Ohoho, yes, these legends go to that school too
Kara is a junior, Kon is a sophomore, Jon is a freshman. They’re all on the football team (their dad comes to every game🥰)
Did anybody expect a woman or freshman to land on the varsity team the first year either of them tried out? No. But they made it anyways. Good for them
And football is just so different from their day-to-day personalities, sometimes it gives people whiplash
Kara pretty much runs the broadcast and yearbook teams, and she does it along with dominating the football field and gym
Conner looks like he’d deck you for looking at him wrong (I mean he might but like he won’t… probably), and he’s like. He makes good fashion choices. He’s the Bad Boy, which is funny considering his nerdy bf is the one with the motorcycle
Jon is fluffy?? So nice?? Sir who let an actual decent person on the varsity football team?? When someone spots Dami wearing his letterman at some point, they become the most popular couple at school. As freshmen. Slay for them tbh
Donna Troy is a senior. Fencing and beauty pageants is a weird combination. But she knows she’s pretty and she’s gonna make damn sure everybody else knows too
Cassie is a freshie, but she’s already on the fencing team as well and several people have seen her sparring with Damian (wHERE did he get KATANAS), and it looks like a couple of war gods who happen to be fifteen are fighting to the death for a few yards of shitty grass behind the school
Conner Hawke, Artemis Crock, Emiko Queen, Roy Harper, and Mia Dearden are the archery team captains. Yeah, there’s five of them, yeah, the coaches couldn’t pick because the kIDS ARE BETTER THAN THEM
(Ollie laughed so hard he fell out of his chair when they came home and told him that)
Roy is a junior and definitely brings his bow everywhere he shouldn’t. He also “accidentally” shot Jason once. Whenever someone asks about their meetcute they just laugh until the person gets scared and runs away
Conner is a sophomore but a bitter old man in his soul. What a king
Artemis is also a sophomore and everyone thinks she’s Ollie’s favorite because she’s like a mini-him, but Ollie doesn’t actually HAVE a favorite and she finds this claim hilarious
Mia, third sophomore, has a very strange attraction to the color yellow. She LOVES it. And she actually pulls it off, how awesome is she
Emi is a freshman but gets along with Dami pretty well, which isn’t surprising considering their matching deadpan humor and lowkey murderous rage constantly
Jackson Hyde broke Arthur’s record for fastest lap on his fourth try. He spends more time at the ocean than literally anywhere else
Wally West and Bart Allen are technically not related?? They’re like. Cousins. But Barry ended up officially adopting Wally (long story)
Anyways they’re actually cousins with Jesse Quick
The three of them DOMINATE track and field/ cross country/ physics club (yeah you read that last one right don’t even with me)
Wally is a senior and working towards becoming a forensic scientist for the cops. When someone asks why the fuck he wanted to do that to himself, he always jokes, “I’m not fast enough to be a serial killer so I guess I’ll help catch ‘em” and everyone is scared
Bart is a sophomore but should be a freshie, because he’s almost a full year younger, except that he skipped fifth grade and went straight to sixth. Tim and Kon pretend to be his adoptive parents and it’s like a soap opera watching these three act out a dramatic divorce arc
Jesse is a junior (alliteration go brr) but a younger one (summer birthday WOO) she definitely takes after Barry, especially in speed
SO people call their friend groups chaotic. What are you gonna do, go up and fuck with any of them? Bad idea
For fun, these assholes run a fight club after school with betting and rosters and everything, with anyone who signs up. FOR FUN. Once the batkids learned their dad has a black belt in like six different martial arts, it was all over
They say it’s a good workout
They’re probably not wrong, but still
Who the fuck wakes up and chooses violence on all their friends and family all in good fun to make MONEY OFF OF BEATING THEM UP
The most viral videos taken from their school is a push-up contest with all eight batkids, seven competing, Babs filming
Cass won.
LET me know if you want more for this. Because I’m gonna write more. But if you had specific suggestions or characters or scenarios or questions, I would love to write them
Good morning/ night/ 4am!! (PS BACK TO SCHOOL WOO)
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theskeptileptic · 6 months
batfam fanfic i’m too lazy to write but really want to read and will thus be haunted by my own inane desires until i inevitably age and find something else to pine over:
Civilian Tim gets Joker Juniored after a night of following Batman and escapes before telling, he’s so embarrassed by how he looks and who he acts like, that he researches how to fix himself—lo and behold, there’s something called a lazarus pit, and all he has to do is ask a guy named the demon’s head for access—cue a tiny Damian, post-Lazarus Pit Jason and Joker Junior Tim sneaking out of a LOA base in the middle of the night after Ra’s threatens them
Jason is doubting his place in the family. Gotham Academy’s theater program is dying, and Jason complains one night—the next day, there’s an announcement: a classically trained theater actor volunteered to direct the Spring Show. Alfred is a taskmaster, Bruce funds and builds the set, Dick volunteers for choreography, and who is the weird kid who keeps sneaking in taking photos of them?
Damian and Tim first meet, not as bitter rivals, but as runaways in Nepal—Tim running away from his parents and Damian from his upbringing. Both become very protective of each other.
Bruce loves his children very much but as a child was cursed by a fae prince with a grudge against his family to always be misunderstood. The curse means he can’t say it, and overt acts of love become twisted. The boys and Alfred figure it out and over the years, they find a new language/way to express it.
Dick and Jason go to the kitchen to unwind after a very difficult patrol and find underage Tim and Damian sneaking alcohol after a very difficult day at school—conversations galore.
Give me feral good dad Bruce who now only dresses up as Batman to stalk his disobedient, vigilante children who refuse to be safe so he helicopter parents them in the suit
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brucewaynehater101 · 8 days
They are so big and so cute! And if Huggin and Munnin are well above the average size of ravens they could be nearly the size of Tim's torso. Certainly bigger than his head. Plus they are so, so smart. Some of the smartest birds in the world. Imagine Tim getting in kidnapped as a civilian and Huggin simply grabs the key for him while Munnin acts as a look out. Tim escapes without ever being seen.
Tim also has special "bird doors" in his Nest so the whole place is filled with his many birds. Sure not all of them live there because he set up dozens of safe places around the city that are basically just Reall Big Pigeon Roosts with bird feeders in them that all types of birds are allowed in. Also the bird doors are much to small for any human to fit through, much like dog and cat doors are, and they do have actual sliding metal doors on them that are opened and unlocked by proximity of the little cameras he put on some of his birds. Roughly 4 owls, 8 pigeons, 3 Bluejays, 2 hawks, 17 crows, 9 grackles, and 20 ravens have access to his Nest. Are those a lot of keys just flying around the city? Yes. But no one knows the birds are his, Tim is constantly trying to make smaller and smaller cameras for them so that they will never be spotted, and who the fuck is gunna point to a random bird and go "that bitch has the key to Red Robin's house." And be believed by anyone who would help them catch a fucking pigeon that's just minding their own buisness?business??
The only beings who notice the cameras are other birds and the strange sparkly spot on his birds chest? It only gives his birds more Rizz. There was a study about how Zebra Finches actually preferred to mate with those who had on red tracking tags over other colors so what if this is similar? This would also mean that every spring Tim has an exponentially larger amount of birds.
Also the funniest way for the family to find out. It's one of the very rare sunny days in summer where it's Actually Hot in Gothem so the family decides it's the perfect day to use the pool in the back yard of Wayne Manor. Everyone is having an amazing time and eventually Tim gets tired so he sits down on one of the reclining pool chairs for a rest and snack, which is his chocolate free trail mix. He has a large bowl of it and ends up falling asleep with it in his lap. Just as the siblings are giggling and deciding what prank to play, a crow lands next to Tim and sqwacks a few times. Tim mumbles in his sleep but doesn't move so the bird hops up onto Tim's chair and starts to eat out of his bowl. Since it doesn't get shooed away, soon others are joining it. The family watches in amazement as Tim gets *covered* in birds that are casually eating from his bowl. There's even a pair of hawks that are perched above his head. When the bowl is empty, one of the crows bites Tim on the nose, startling him awake and he glares at the feathery fiend and very gently taps it on the beak as he scolds, "Monroe, I told you to stop biting my nose. Wait- you guys ate all my trail mix!" He has forgotten that his siblings are there because it's usually the birds or siblings, never both.
Oh, and when they eventually ask why he hid the birds, Tim simply says, "last time anyone found out, Janet called an exterminator."
I love this so much. Him building little nests all over the city for them is adorable and great. It would be cool if he started that before his Robin years as he was out and about in Gotham. He just built small little safe places for the birds, and it rapidly expanded as Tim got more experience, more resources, and more birds to look after.
Your logic with the keys is fantastic! When the batfam finds out, I bet birds pop by Tim's place while whatever family member is just chilling. Like maybe they are watching a movie and said bat gets distracted by the coming and goings of various birds (the birds probably also mess a bit with Tim or his space as fond pestering before leaving again). Maybe a few are just staring at the family member without blinking or taking a nap.
I wonder if Damian would start to make excuses to go over to Tim's Nest as much as possible. He states he needs to "ensure Timothy is maintaining adequate nesting conditions for the various species of birds" or that he will "test the Nest's security" by dropping by unannounced and breaking in.
Perhaps some of the birds watch over his various family members for Tim? Especially Duke because nobody else works the day shift with him, and birds are more common during the day (and thus less suspicious).
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Alanna Vagianos at HuffPost:
Republican Sens. Ted Cruz (Texas) and Katie Britt (Ala.) on Monday introduced legislation to protect in vitro fertilization, months after a controversial Alabama Supreme Court ruling that led providers to halt the fertility procedure. The IVF Protection Act seeks to protect IVF nationwide by barring states from receiving Medicaid funding if they implement a ban on the fertility treatment. The bill defines IVF as a procedure where “eggs are collected from ovaries and manually fertilized by sperm for later placement inside of a uterus.” The legislation states that it does not stop states from enacting health and safety protocols within IVF clinics. [...]
In February, Senate Republicans blocked a bill to protect IVF. Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) introduced the Access to Family Building Act, which would have established a statutory right to IVF and other fertility treatments, as well as given physicians the right to provide fertility care without the fear of prosecution. The bill would also have allowed insurance companies to cover the cost of fertility treatments, which can be extremely high. [...] The majority of House Republicans have supported legislation that would threaten fertility treatments on the national level, even though Donald Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, claims he supports IVF. Several other House Republicans, however, have introduced two resolutions that expressed strong support for IVF but had zero legislative power to actually protect the fertility treatment. And the same week the majority of House Republicans endorsed an abortion ban that would threaten IVF, Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.) introduced a bill that would have safeguarded the treatment.
Republican Senators Katie Britt and Ted Cruz introduce a window dressing bill called the IVF Protection Act that purports to protect In Vitro Fertilization but does nothing to actually protect IVF. These same Senators voted against the Access to Family Building Act, a bill that would have meaningfully protected IVF access. #ProtectIVF
See Also:
Daily Kos: Ted Cruz pretends to care about IVF in desperate bid for reelection
Reproductive Freedom For All: Reproductive Freedom for All Responds to Cruz and Britt’s Phony IVF Bill
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daistea · 12 days
I love ur mithrun stuff sm can I request him and his s/o celebrating their 100th anniversary 😭 (for some reason I really like that scenario with long living/immortal characters)
gn reader
words: 1,296
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876,581 hours, 16 minutes, 48 seconds. More or less.
“You don’t have to do the math,” Mithrun spoke into your hair. His voice wasn’t soft, it was rarely soft, but it was quiet enough to only reach your ears. His arms snaked around your waist and his fingers tangled together in front of you. Without a second thought of what others might think, you rested your hands on top of his.
You didn’t have to do the math, he was right. But you’d heard that number somewhere. Something about 100 years averaging around 800,000 plus hours. That was a lot of hours. A lot of minutes. So many seconds, countless.
And Mithrun had decided to spend them all with you. As comfortable as you were with each other, that fact still made your heart pleasantly clench.
“I know,” you murmured. He only pressed his nose deeper into your hair, acknowledging your response.
Nearby, your friends and family were getting loud. Their voices carried through the building and mingled with the crowd. Fleki was trying to convince Pattadol to smoke something with her. Pattadol was lecturing Fleki in return. New friends that you’d met through the years laughed and chatted, but you and Mithrun stayed in your corner. Odd, because it was your party.
“Let’s go,” he said under his breath. His arms tightened around you.
You couldn’t help but make a face, “We’ve only been here fifteen minutes. It’s our party, we can’t just leave.”
You felt Mithrun’s chest rise and fall against your back as he sighed. “I told Pattadol we didn’t want this. It’s really not our usual way of celebrating.”
True enough. Your anniversaries were usually laid-back affairs, but Pattadol’s excuse for throwing a party was that this year was specific. It was special. One hundred.
Mithrun rested his chin on your shoulder. You didn’t need to look at him to know what face he was making. Your husband wasn’t one for parties, and you both had attempted to plead your cases against the celebration. Yet, one hundred years of marriage proved that Pattadol was right. It was special.
But nearby, Otta was shamelessly flirting with a half-foot girl she’d brought as her plus one. Lycion and Fleki were telling bad jokes and laughing too loud. Cithis had made a tall-man get on his hands and knees and be her footstool. Pattadol was on the brink of a panic attack as she tried to contain the crowd and throw the perfect occasion.
“You’re right,” you said, “let’s get out of here.”
Mithrun dipped his head toward your neck and pressed his lips against your skin. Your breath caught in your throat and, without another thought, you tilted your head to give him better access. He always liked it when you offered yourself, bared it all to him like land for claiming.
“Get a room!” Flamela yelled from where she sat at a nearby table. (Why had she been invited anyway?)
“If you insist,” Mithrun responded loud enough for her to hear. His tone wasn’t particularly excited, but his lips betrayed him. He pressed his mouth to your neck one last time, a final act of defiance against Flamela’s disgust.
“Come on,” you huffed as you pulled yourself from his grip. His brow furrowed ever so slightly at the new distance between your bodies, but you remedied his displeasure by taking his hand and leading him toward the exit. A quick glance at Pattadol confirmed that she was far too busy trying to wrench whatever Fleki was smoking out of her hands to notice.
Sweet escape. The moment you and your husband stepped outside, the cool night air of Melini greeted you. Mithrun exhaled and closed his good eye as if reveling in the sudden quiet.
“Our spot?” You asked.
He nodded.
A hundred years of marriage meant many things. It meant comfort, a home in each other, a connection that couldn’t be severed. It also meant that you and Mithrun often nearly read each other’s minds. He noted the looks on your face and knew precisely what they meant. Words sometimes failed but actions succeeded.
With no further discussion upon the matter, you and Mithrun walked hand in hand to your spot.
It was a grassy hill that overlooked Melini, and it was a bit of a hike. Both of you were still relatively young for elves, but over time you’d noticed a lack of willingness in your knees and back. Trudging up the hill had become more of a pain, but the view and privacy was worth it.
As you started, Mithrun turned himself to face you. He wrapped an arm around your waist— two thoughts entered your mind: he was either going to kiss you, or teleport you.
The rush of magic in your veins told you that it was the latter. The experience of being teleported had gotten more bearable through the years, only lasting half a second and not giving you nausea anymore, but the principle of the matter remained.
Yet, the view of Melini distracted you. The prickle of magic dissipated, and Mithrun kept his arm around your waist. His other hand brushed through your hair, tucking the strands behind your ear. You scanned the growing blanket of the city beneath you. Melini was all golden lamp light and old fashioned architecture. Every time you saw it from that angle, you couldn’t help but think of your short-lived friends who’d created your home.
“Usually I would snap at you for doing that,” you began to say, but the moment you looked at Mithrun, you found his gaze already glued to you. He didn’t care about the Melini landscape. How could he look at anything but you?
“You would,” he agreed, “but you’re not.”
Your heart skipped. “I’m in a good mood.”
“Why is that?” Mithrun’s long, cold fingers gently pulled out of your hair and found their home on your jawline, tracing lines across your skin, to your chin, down the delicate bones of your neck. He looked at you with calm appreciation, like a jeweler would admire and inspect a diamond. He drank in the sight of your face as if he wouldn’t see it again.
Those subtle, lingering gazes always made your heart flip. Somehow, you’d gotten through a hundred years of them without going into cardiac arrest.
“I don’t know,” you answered lightly, “I guess I just like you.”
“I would hope so.”
“Do you like me?”
“I married you, didn’t I?” His lips flickered up into a barely-there smile. “Do you recall when we first got married, and you kept asking me ‘are you sure you love me?’ as if I hadn’t just made the decision to exponentially improve my life.”
You recalled. Half of the time, you were only joking, because Mithrun made it clear, often, that he’d never been more sure about anything.
“I’ve improved your life, huh?” You asked, “Like a nice kitchen utensil or a good broom?”
Mithrun lifted your chin, “Not just a good broom. The best broom known to man.”
“Despite your words, you still manage to charm me. I wonder why that is.”
His fingers were still under your chin, but he began to lean in. You met him halfway, and your lips pressed together. You and Mithrun had rough kisses, with tongue and teeth and grit. You had soft kisses. Lazy kisses. Casual kisses.
This particular kiss felt like it held more, like Mithrun was trying to tell you something. It was heavy with unspoken emotion. His other hand left your waist and went to your cheek, and he held your face, cradling you, as if you were the most important person in the world.
And to Mithrun, that was exactly who you were.
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strqyr · 6 months
hold up.
burning the candle. yang says that while looking for answers re: why raven left, she found something; "what i thought was a clue that could lead me to answers, or maybe even my mother."
on screen, this is represented with young yang looking at a broken picture frame with a photo in it, then as her looking at the back of the photo.
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this, somehow, leads her to the worn down house that has been taken over by grimm.
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before, i thought this house might have been where tai and raven originally lived, hence why yang believed she might even find her mom there, buuuut thinking about it now... that's a really run down building; while the picture is heavily stylized, the door (or, where the door should be) and some of the windows look to be boarded up. this isn't just a "something bad happened here and the grimm took over and cause a mess", the place has been abandoned for a while, possibly longer than yang has even been alive.
there's also the question of why keep a photo of their old house when you've already moved into a new one, in a place where yang has easy access to it bc frankly, the way this is framed makes it look like yang sort of accidentally broke the frame and unexpectedly found something.
additionally, how did this photo—particularly what's written(?) behind it—lead yang to the house? was there an address? does patch have house addresses? yang said she must've walked for hours, would a 5-year-old yang even know which direction to take? "i had cuts and bruises," she says, which makes it sound like the house isn't in an area people particularly live in, or is well-maintained.
so what's up with this house, and what was written behind the seemingly unassuming photo that by itself didn't act as a clue?
who wrote it? where there directions written? why the (presumed) secrecy? what made yang think that this clue, whatever it was, might maybe lead her to raven?
what i'm trying to get here is... does this photo have something to do with summer's mission that raven was involved in? when raven left originally, did she just move little bit to the left and stayed on patch in this abandoned house? when summer went looking for her, did she sent directions to her whereabouts in secret, similarly to how raven "slipped" and gave qrow info about the tribe's location just as she also gave qrow a message to give to yang (family, only coming around when they need something, etc etc)? did one of them just have the brilliant idea that sending messages in secret like this was effective? did summer decide to write the directions down anyway bc holy fuck raven this place is hard to find but she also needed to keep it a secret from tai and qrow so behind a framed photo it is??
(in fairness, that's a classic hiding place.)
whatever the actual answer is, if this photo really has something to do with summer's mission and yang just happened to stumble upon it like hey??? i might just combust.
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deliciousangelfestival · 10 months
Every Time You Lie- Ch 1 || Lloyd Hansen
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Character: dark!Lloyd Hansen x female!reader, dark!Husband Lloyd Hansen x Wife!reader.
Synopsis: Any woman is jealous of you, especially with the status of being the wife of Lloyd Hansen—the CEO of the biggest pharmacy company in the country. From the outside, everyone sees you as a perfect family, a successful husband, two kids, and living in a big house. 
But the truth is different. You are trapped in this marriage because of the mistake you made. You are willing to give everything you have to get your freedom. Free from him. Free from your vicious mother-in-law. Free from your snobby son.
This story has manipulation, tragedy, and drama. 
Both of them shouldn’t be together.
Warning: Betrayal, suicidal thought, non-con, smut, harsh language, tragedy. Minors do not read. 18+
Author Note: I do not consent to copying or translating my work. 
Any reblog, comment, and feedback are appreciated. I want to know what you guys think about this one.
Series Masterlist || Chapter 1, Chaper 2 , Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6 , -
Main Masterlist || Ko-fi
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Any woman would kill to take your place—good looks, fame, connection, money, perfect kids, and perfect husband, Lloyd Hansen. 
But outsiders only see the surface. They don't know what happened behind the door. 
Heartbreak, betrayal, distrust, lie.
If any woman could withstand all these four, you are willing to give her the position of Mrs.Hansen to someone else.
You became the head of multiple charities to help people. But you can't save herself. 
All the money you have doesn't give you happiness. It's the opposite. As long as you still breathe, seeing Crystal Pharmacy building standing tall and proud reminds you that it's your fault why it turned out like this. 
Crystal Pharmacy used to be known as Laurent Pharmacy that belonged to your father. 
Your gentle father is a scientist who is friendly, kind, and gentle towards his kids even though they keep making mistakes. You are proud to have a patience father like him. 
But because your sin of trusting the wrong person made you lose everything: your father, brother, sister, and company. 
Your sin is loving Lloyd Hansen. You never thought sales like him could manipulate you and everyone. 
It turns out it was all his plan from the beginning to get close to you so he could access your father's company. 
Now everyone seems to have forgotten the name of Laurent Pharmacy, and the legacy from your father is also gone. 
You are trapped in this sinful mistake, perhaps have trapped marriage and your karma.
You married the man who destroyed everything your father had built. Your brother despised you and made him move away from the city, and your sister doesn't want to see you. 
All that has left is only Lloyd and his mother, your mother-in-law, Krystal Hansen. 
Oh, she hates you; she always has this passive-aggressive talk towards you. 
Every day she reminds you, "You are lucky to marry my son when there are a lot of women that are better than you."
You hold your anger each time she looks down on you. You can't run away or even get a divorce because you can't do anything. Because Lloyd holds everything you got. 
So, the only thing you could do is become a dutiful wife, always do and listen to whatever he says, and become a good mother. 
You thought becoming a mother of two kids could make your mother-in-law start to warm up to you. But no. Having two grandchildren is still not enough for her. 
First, your first daughter, Emily Hansen. She's beautiful, smart, and courageous. You're grateful that she doesn't act like her father. She even defended you when Krystal tried to mock you, and Lloyd couldn't get mad towards his daughter. 
But Krystal doesn't like Emily because she's a girl and wants a male heir to continue the company. 
Then your second child, a son. His name is Lionel Hansen. Everyone was overjoyed when he was born. But at that time, you were stressed and always went to a therapist every week. 
Krystal accused you of having an affair with your male therapist. 
That's the first time you snapped at her; how dare she be accused of something untrue while his son tortured you every night. 
What made you heartbroken is that your husband doesn't talk back to his mother and lets her do the DNA test. 
Well, the DNA proves that you were right. Lionel is Lloyd's son. In a second, Krystal changed, and she wanted to take care of Lionel. 
You were devastated, screamed. She can't take Lionel away from her. It's enough to have one Lloyd in this world. 
You can't help crying about Lionel, but you almost forgot about Emily. She needs attention too. She was 13 years old when Lionel was born. 
No one is taking care of Emily. Seeing you being fragile, her father busy at work, and her grandmother only pouring her affection towards her brother, she felt neglected.
Then she met your sister, her only aunt, Mia. They became close, and then Emily discovered the truth about her father's company and how her father made your family crumble. 
It felt like a jab in your heart when Emily told you she would move out, and she was ashamed to have a father like Lloyd. After her 17th birthday, she left the house and left you alone. 
The only pillar that made you able to stand is gone. 
Krystal gave Lionel back to you because she's exhausted caring for him. 
He's already seven years old. But you don't feel connected to your son. Perhaps you're afraid because his attitude is similar to his father's. 
The only thing you can do is stand still, be pretty in a beautiful dress and jewellery, and be proud to be Mrs Hansen.
Everything changed at your 20th wedding anniversary. 
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A loud moan echoed through the room. A man and a woman were intertwined on the bed. The man's back moved back and forth. Lloyd's cock dug deep into you. 
Lloyd feels pleasure and fullness every morning, making love with you. 
He lifted your legs and draped them over his shoulder. He grabbed your thighs with both hands and moved his back vigorously, speeding his movement. 
When he heard you moan, he knew you already hit a climax. Lloyd leaned his body towards you and moved his waist to reach his climax. He spilled his seeds inside your body. 
"Ha…That was a good way to celebrate our day. Right, Y/N?" 
Lloyd took his cock from your body and lay down next to you. He put your head to rest on his chest. He stroked his hair and kissed your forehead. 
Those who do not know will see you and Lloyd as a normal couple. 
Even though you just had an orgasm, you immediately feel dead again. 
"Yes." You nodded her head. 
Lloyd hummed and stroked your back. "I have booked a boutique store for your dress."
"Thank you."
What Lloyd is talking about is your dress for their 20th wedding anniversary. If anyone asks about that party, you will say it's unnecessary. But Lloyd wants to hold the event and invite all the business partners, and Krystal wants to show off her new diamonds. 
Lloyd smacked your ass. "Let's get up and start our morning."
You hummed and followed him to the bathroom and took a shower together. It's the same activity. After you put on your outfit, you will go to his changing room and put on his tie. 
He will wear the suits that you have prepared the night before. When you came in, Lloyd was already wearing his suit and tie. 
But there's something different. That's not the tie she prepared beforehand. In fact, she has never seen it before.
You grab the jacket suit from the hanger and go to Lloyd's back. "New tie?"
"Hmm, I bought it when I went to Paris." He stretched his arms to the back to wear the suit jacket. Then he straightened his outfit. After that, he sprays perfume on his neck. 
'That's a new perfume too.' You've never seen that perfume before. 
Then your woman instinct sent something to your brain. But you shook it because it's too early to speculate. 
Three of you, including Lionel, have breakfast in the dining room. He's 12 years old and taller than you because he likes to play basketball and volleyball. 
"Lionel, put down your phone." You softly order your son so he can eat his food. 
"Hmm…" Lionel hummed, but he didn't stop playing the mobile game. 
Reading the newspaper, Lloyd put down the paper and said, "Listen to your mom."
Lionel rolled his eyes. "Alright. Geez." He turns off his phone and starts eating. 
Only the sound of food utensils in the dining room until Lionels start the conversation, "Mom, I want to buy new shoes."
"Didn't you just buy one like yesterday?"
"This one is different, it's a limited edition. And these shoes are only available at your friend's store. All my friends already own it and I don't want to get left behind. Pleaseeee, mom…"
"That means you have to be on the waiting list. It will be difficult, Lionel."
"Mom!! I want it!! If grandma is here she will get it for me." Lionel crossed his arms and huffed. 
Under the table, you fisted your hand. Lionel is your son, but you can't scold him because he will tell everything to Krystal, and you will get scolded. 
"Just give him what he wants. Talk to Amelia, you are her top client." Lloyd suddenly joins in. 
You couldn't say no when your husband has made his decision. "Okay."
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You were at the private boutique watching the model walking on the catwalk with the choice of dress that you probably would choose for your party. 
You glanced at your secretary. "I will pick the blue dress and the white shoes from the second model."
"Yes ma'am."
After the short fashion show, every model went backstage. You also grab your bag and leave the room. But one model still stays, "Mrs. Hansen?"
She's the one wearing the blue dress you picked. When she got closer, in an instant, you knew she was gorgeous, and her beauty was captivating. The rosy cheeks on her skin, slender body, and mystery air around her. 
Compared to you, who is aging gracefully, I can't help being jealous towards this young model. 
She smiled shyly and cleared her throat. "Hi, uhm, my name is Zoey. I always wanted to meet you. It's because of your charity I could go to college."
You smiled at her. "I'm honored to hear that. So you became a model?"
Zoey nodded her head. "No, I'm helping my friend since she couldn't come. I work as a secretary."
"All thanks to you. Can I give you a hug? You're my inspiration."
"Uhm, sure." You weren't sure, but Zoey had already made her move and hugged you. After that, she became giddy and left you. 
When you don't see her, you tell the shop assistant, "I don't want the blue dress anymore, change it to black."
You quickly left the store and got into the car. Your heart is beating fast. Because when Zoey gets closer, you smell her. In a second, you knew, that's the same perfume Lloyd wears. 
One thing about Lloyd is he always wears something customized that is only available to him, like perfume. All his perfumes were custom-made only for him. And he said he got it from Paris. Paris is the city where perfumers gather. 
And Zoey said she's a secretary.
Fuck. Both of them fucked. 
Lloyd is cheating on you. You weren't that shocked because deep down, you knew this would have happened. Even though Lloyd is already 43 years old, he still has a muscular body, like 30 years old. He is rich and drives nicely. 
You sighed heavily and rubbed your head. The driver notices you from the rear mirror. "Mrs. Hansen, are you alright? Do I need to call a doctor?"
You raised your hands. "You don't have to. Headed to Amelia's store, please."
"Yes, Mrs.Hansen."
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You sit on the gold chair near the window at the boutique on the second floor. 
"Y/N. Are you're alright?"
You look at Amelia, who is sitting in front of you. She brings you tea and cakes. But you didn't touch anything.
Amelia is the only friend you got. Lloyd didn't stop you from meeting her because she’s rich. Her boutique store only sells limited editions, and many famous people became her clients. 
Your finger touches the teacup. You looked at your reflection in the water and sighed. "Lloyd is cheating on me."
Amelia slammed the table "That bastard!!!"
"Shh, don't be so loud."
"Fuck that; there's only us on this floor." Amelia leaned closer. "How did you know?"
"I met his mistress 1 hour ago."
Amelia clicked her tongue and threw him back to her chair. She was silent for a moment and then said, "Divorce him."
You scoffed, "Like I haven't thought about it a million times."
"Then do it; what's holding you back?" Amelia knew you didn't have a happy life. You're miserable. Under the expensive makeup and the fancy dress, she could see your soul crying. 
'What's holding you back?' That's the right question. 
Even though you have nothing, you still have your pride. You don't want to divorce Lloyd until he apologizes and realizes what he has done. 
But now, you don't even know anymore. 
"I don't know Amel. My kids?"
"Tsk, tsk, that's bullshit. Your oldest have moved out and already became a resident while your son is ungrateful child. If I have a gentle mother like you I won't touch any kind of drugs."
When she mentioned Lionel, you remembered, "Amel, can I ask you a favor? It's for my son. I knew there was a waiting list. I will pay double the price."
Amelia rolled her eyes. "Huh, really, Y/N. You're too kind. It's alright; I will call the designer to make another one."
You smiled at her; at least someone knew your effort. Amelia mother is a socialite whose an alcoholic and doesn't know parenting. 
Your friend became a drug addict, but she turned sober. Amelia sip the tea. "You remember Katherine from flower rearrange class?"
"Yeah, what about her?" You knew Katherine; she's a quiet and skinny woman. Her husband is an oil tycoon.
"She got divorced. Turned out her husband is abusive, and a cheater. Even though she doesn't get any money, she looks happy. I met her when I went to Florida." 
Amelia grabs her phone to open her social media. "See, doesn't she look vibrant and happier?" You look at Katherine's photos; she smiles a lot and seems to enjoy being alone.
Perhaps. Someday. You could be like her. 
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On the way back home, your phone suddenly rang. When you saw the contact, a smile appear on your lips. It's from Emily. 
The only thing that could make you want to stay alive is because of her. You didn't want to be biased towards your children. But you've been through; Emily is the only child that understands you. 
She never stepped foot into the house after she entered university. Both of you only met outside. But it's getting difficult to meet since she got accepted working at the hospital. 
"My dear, how are you?"
"Mom…" Her voice sounds trembled. 
"Emily, what's wrong?"
"Mom, aunt is Mia is sick. Could you come to hospital? Please."
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The moment your car stopped at the hospital, you ran from the car to the lobby. There you saw Emily already waiting for you. She's wearing her blue uniform. She looks exhausted. She lightened up when she saw you, "Mom."
You immediately hug her. "Emily, what's going on?"
Emily dragged your hand. "I will explain it later. Follow me."
She brings you into the ICU. Inside, you see your sister, Mia, lying on the patient's bed. The big sister you used to know was healthy, but now she looks skinny. 
You gasped, and your vision became blurry. "Mia, what happened?"
Mia, whose eyes were closed, slowly opened when she heard your voice. Her younger sister. "Y/N…?" She raised her hand to try to touch you. 
You immediately hold her hand and bring it closer to your cheek. "Sister, why you didn't tell me? Does brother Theo know?"
Mia didn't speak at all; she only nodded. 
Emily put her hand on your shoulder. "Aunty Mia got diagnosed with breast cancer. And… when she found out it's already on stage four."
"Oh no…"
Then you feel someone stroke your head, the movement is slow, but you know it's from your sister. You look straight at her and saw her smiling at you. 
"Y/N… I… miss… you…"  
At that moment, all the resentment and anger is gone. Both of you went back to the siblings you used to know. 
"I miss you too Mia."
You cried silently, looking at your sister condition; if both of you never fight, you could stay with her. If you had never met Lloyd, none of this could've happened.
"Here you are wifey. Damn Mia, you lost a lot of weight."
Your breath hitched when you heard that voice. It's not even an hour yet, and he already found you. 
One of the reasons you can't get a divorce from Lloyd is his possessiveness. And you can't hide from his sight. 
"Fuck… you… Lloyd." Mia cursed at him even though it was difficult for her. 
Lloyd didn't say anything. He only looked down at her. Then he wrapped his arm around you. "Let's go home. There are a lot of germs here. I don't want you to get sick." Your body couldn't fight from his grasp. 
Emily blocked both of you with her body. "Don't get mad at mom. I told her to come here."
Lloyd nodded his head. He patted her shoulder. "Come home once for a while. And don't forget to attend the party. I invited many actor and singers."
On the way back home, both of you were silent. You no longer care if he's mad since you didn't tell him where you're going. 
"I will stay with my sister."
Lloyd was looking at his phone; he scoffed, "Yeah, no."
This man is already over 40 years old but still childish. Didn't he see that your sister is dying? 
"This time I won't listen to you."
Lloyd sighed; he put down his phone and stared straight at you. His hand touches your cheeks and brings your face closer to him. "Wife, if you make me angry, you will attend her funeral tomorrow."
"Lloyd, ehmm…" Before you talk back, he kissed you roughly and bit your lips. 
"Aww." You pushed him away. "You're heartless. She's my sister!!!"
"Yeah, and she's doesn't even worth of your time. I need you to supervisor for the party. It's important more worth it then your sister."
You gasped, "How dare you."
Lloyd rested his hand on your thighs. "My wife, didn't you forget your promise to never meet your siblings?"
You hold your anger, it's impossible to talk through him. As you're getting older, you're supposed to get wiser. But Lloyd?
He is still a man-child. 
"Don't be mad. I will send the best doctor and medicine for her. How about that?"
"Thank you."
"Ah, I'm going to sleep at the office. I have to make sure the product is ready." 
Is this how he will start lying to see his mistress? Sure, as long as he doesn't bother her. "Okay. Thank you for telling me."
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On the day of the party, Lloyd kept his promise. He really came home early in the morning. You didn't ask, and he didn't tell you about his day, so it's a win-win. 
Three of you wear a formal dress. Lloyd and Lionel wear the same design of the black suit, and you wear the black dress you bought. 
On the car, Lionel, who sit on the back, still playing games, ask, "Is Emily going to be there?"
"She will be late, since she's watching your aunt."
"Huh? Whose aunt?"
"Don't you remember? I told you before about aunt Mia. My older sister?"
"Let's forget about her." Lloyd suddenly joined the conversation. 
When the three of you arrived at the party, the red carpet and paparazzi were already waiting for your appearance.
"That dress made you look slim Y/N." 
That arrogant voice. You rolled your eyes before turning to see your mother-in-law Krystal Hansen. 
You turned around and were glad you didn't hold any champagne glass. Because if you did, you would drop the glass. 
The reason is that the woman standing beside Krystal is Zoey. She is wearing the blue dress you picked before. 
"Aw,Mrs. Hansen. You look beautiful."
"Hmm thank you. Hello mother." You greet both of them, when you trying to keep your composure.
Krystal hummed. "This girl is my secretary. Her name is Zoey. She's one of the successful people from our charity."
"Yes, madam Krystal. And I'm always grateful for that."
Krystal felt more proud. She always likes it when someone compliments her. Zoey is a nice girl who knows her place. How she wishes her daughter-in-law would be her instead of you. 
"Excuse me, I need to greet another guest."
Krystal clicked her tongue, seeing you walking away from her "Tsk, you see Zoey? She's really rude towards me."
"But it's true ma'am. There's many of guest here."
"You're right. I should meet my friend."
You lied; you didn't meet anyone. You went to the balcony to get some fresh air. You were suffocated. Now everything has become clear. 
Zoey isn't Lloyd's new secretary. Both of them met through Krystal. You never go with Lloyd every time he visits his mother. It's only him and Lionel. 
Is this Krystal way to make you separated from Lloyd?
"Mrs. Hansen, you need to hear this." Kelly, your secretary, appeared out of nowhere and holding your phone.
You saw the caller's name. It's from Emily. You answered the phone and heard Emily sobbing, "Mom, she's gone."
When you heard that, you dropped your phone and lost your balance. 
"Ma'am?" Kelly, hold your body before you fall. 
"I need to leave."
"Mrs. Hansen you can't leave yet because your husband still hasn't given the permission."
"Kelly, I just lost my sister."
"I'm sorry, ma'am." Kelly and the others knew how scary Lloyd was. They knew how possessive he was with you. 
The only way is to talk to Lloyd so he would let you go. You look around, seeing everyone look like they have no problem.
Your mother-in-law is busy talking; your son is with his friends, your husband?
Where the heck is Lloyd?
You left the ballroom to look for him. He must still be on the same floor. Then you saw a man and woman hugging. You hide behind the wall. 
You knew that broad shoulder even though it was dark. That body belongs to her husband, and the woman who wore the blue dress are Lloyd and Zoey. 
Suddenly you felt a pain in your chest. It's been happening a couple of times lately. Being near them gave you more pain.
Yeah, you should walk away. Give them some space. Besides, you need to be alone. 
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Lloyd was looking for you. He asked his bodyguard where you were and found you sitting on the floor in the quiet hallway. He saw you drinking wine all by yourself. It seems like you have finished one bottle. 
Your head feels heavy; your makeup is ruined because of the tears. "Oh, here he comes, the maestro of my misery."
"You're drunk." Lloyd took off his coat and wrapped it around your shoulder. He helped the man to make you stand up. "What happened?"
"Mia is gone."
So that's why you cry, "Well, anyone will die. But she's quicker."
First, you cried, and you giggled? "What's so funny?"
"My younger self was a fool to fall in love you. My biggest mistake is to trust you."
Lloyd felt his heart being stabbed. You never said these mean words towards him. "Alright, you're completely drunk. You don't know what you're talking about."
You pushed yourself away from him. "No. Let go of me."
You were dizzy because of the alcohol;  perhaps because you're drunk, you dare to say, "You slept with her."
"I didn't."
He knew you were depressed because you lost your sister, but what's with this accused? And how did you know that she was?
Without giving Lloyd a chance to speak, Y/N continued, "Don't lie; I could smell your perfume from her."
He didn't say anything.
Your fingers stabbed his chest. "I could have spent the days with my sister instead dealing with this party. While you fucked your mistress."
Lloyd grabs your hand "Y/N. There's nothing between me and her."
You clenched your trembling hand tightly. There was a tension that could not be hidden in your speech "I shouldn't have married you."
You murmured "My father told me to let go of everything. He never blamed me. But I'm so stupid to believe you. And now I lost the chance to say goodbye to my sister."
Lloyd never sees you like this. "We should talk about this at home." He tried to grab you but he failed.
You squeezed your arms "As I grew older, I learned the hard way to let go. But you…"
You pointed at him. "You are not capable of love. You're selfish."
“If I stop seeing that woman and mother starting from today, can we make up?” Lloyd asked.
"It's not enough." You shook your head and then said the words Lloyd never expected.
"I want a divorce."
He frowned and searched for his cigarettes in his pants pocket. He pulled out a cigarette and held it between his fingers before saying curtly, “So, you want to give her and me your blessing?”
That's even better. He should've married her. You nodded "If I could turn back time or there's another life, I wish I never met you."
Lloyd raised his voice. "I married you because I loved you!"
Your raised your voice and said "Do you know I prayed to God every day to take my life away? I want to be free from you. That's how much you've hurted me."
He launched towards you and clenched your wrist, "Even if you hate me or die before me. We will never, ever get divorced."
Your hands hurt because of how tightly Lloyd held them, but it was nothing compared to the pain you were feeling right now.
“What’s the meaning of dragging on?” You didn’t struggle from his grasp. "Please just once. Stop lying. The first time you lied to me. I lost everything."
“Look, the biggest problem with us is that I love you but I don’t know how much you love me!” Lloyd held your hand up to kiss it. “We communicate too little. You have an unbending and headstrong character, while I’m a conceited and proud man!”
He lowered his gaze, and after calming down his emotions, he held you by the back of your head and leaned his forehead against you. 
“It’s the stupidest thing I did in this lifetime, the darnedest mistake I’ve made! I hope… Y/N, you can give me a chance, a chance to redeem myself, okay?”
Lloyd hated himself a lot, especially at the thought of him cheating on you.
You knew the end of his voice was trembling, but you pretended not to know and shook your head. You pretend not to hear anything and said “It’s better that we sign the divorce agreement and lead our own lives.”
You gave a cruel smile when you saw regret in his eyes. 
You are still staring at each other; none of you speak.
"Mom, Dad?"
You widen your eyes when you hear that voice; even Lloyd lets go of your hand. 
"Lionel." You tried your best to act calm. 
"Mom, I've been looking all over the place for you." He whispered at you because Lionel realized the atmosphere is not right between you and Lloyd.
"What is it?"
"I got the email that my shoes are here. Can we get to Amelia's boutique?"
"Like, right now?"
"Yes pleaseee…. All my friends at school will wear it tomorrow." 
"Son, it's already 9 p.m." Amelia's store closed at 7 p.m. 
"Moommm…." Lionel knew it was already late, but he knew you would eventually do what he asked. You always do. 
You can't stand his nagging, just like his father. He won't stop until he gets what he wants.
You called Amelia's number, asking if her store was still open. She cursed at you, saying, of course, the boutique was already closed at this hour, but she told the security to give the shoebox to you if you arrived. 
"Alright let's go." You took off Lloyd suit jacket and handed it back to him. 
"Is it okay to leave dad alone?"
"He has a lot of friends. He's fine." You dragged Lionel's body to leave the place, leaving Lloyd alone. 
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The rain is pouring hard, thunder. Luckily the road was empty. You and Lionel are inside the car. 
"Emily didn't come." Lionel said while he was still looking at his phone.
"She's at the hospital because your aunt Mia died." Your mind hasn't stopped thinking about your sister. Emily hasn't called you yet. 
"Oh right, I heard she's sick."
"You knew?"
"Dad, and grandma talk about her."
'What? So that means Lloyd, Krystal, and Lionel knew about Mia, and they didn't say anything to you. 
Lionel always plays at Krystal's house, which means, "Do you know Zoey?"
"Grandma secretary? Yeah, we talked sometimes when I was there."
"Uurgh." You feel sick, imagining they act like a family without you. 
There is no greater blessing than a family hand that lifts you from a fall, but there is no lower curse than a family hand that strikes you when you’re down.
Your husband and son didn't show any condolence about your sister. It's not like you lost a ring. You lost someone that you grew up with and shared the same blood.
"Mom, are you okay?"
"I'm not."
You must get out; if you are still stuck in the car, you will lose your mind. "Bring me the umbrella."
Jimmy, the driver, wonders why you want the umbrella, "Mrs. Hansen. I will get the package."
Gosh, you hated that name. 
"It's okay, besides the security knew my face."
"Be careful." Jimmy is worried because the rain is getting heavy.
But this extreme weather can't stop you. With that long dress and umbrella in your hand, you walk under pouring rain. 
Everyone was walking quickly to stay away from the rain. But you were slower than them, with everything in your mind. You just want to keep walking. But the trip is short. 
You have arrived at the store. The light was still on, and someone was waiting near the door. "Hello, Miss L/N." Only Amelia's boutique called you with your last name. 
"Boss has told me. Here's the package." You thanked him, then you heard the loudest thunder.
"Where’s your car ma'am?" 
"It's near. Thank you Jack." You said goodbye and left him.
While you're walking, tears keep falling from your eyes. You could see your tears drop on the floor if it wasn't raining. Leaving the traces of you crying. You crouched down and buried your head between your knees. 
You cry your hearts out before you get into the car. 
The rain was pouring too hard. Even the car headlights couldn't make the stress clear. 
Every car drives slowly, but there will always be one car that wants to go against the rule. 
"Honkkkkkkk!" Someone drives way over the speed limit.
The moment you stand up and walk across the streets, the drunk driver can't control the steering wheel, and the car goes out of control. 
The last thing you see is a blinding light, then something heavy hits you, making you fall and hit the ground. 
You hear someone screaming. Is it towards you?
Perhaps. Because you couldn't move your head.
You heard that you will have a flashback of your life before you die.  They were right.
You don't want to remember any memory of Lloyd. Instead, you want to remember the moment with you celebrating your father's birthday and your sister and brother. 
If you could rewind time, you want to return to that day.
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'Biip' 'Biip'
'Mia, turn off your damn alarm.' You want to shout, but none of the words come from your mouth. Why does your body feel heavy? You try to move your body, but you can't.
"Call the doctor, I saw her finger move." Then a voice suddenly appeared. Why did she hear the word of the doctor?
"Mom?" You hear a female voice. But why does she keep calling Mom near your ears?
"Mom, I'm sorry." Then you hear a boy crying and sobbing. 
'What the heck is going on? Did your brother prank you? Why did someone keep calling you a mom?"
And why is it so difficult to open your eyes? 
You slowly tried to open your eyelids. When you did it. The light was too bright. You were sure you turned off the light before you went to bed. 
"Omg, she opened her eyes!!!"
"I will call Dad."
'Father?' Oh right, today is your father's birthday. 
You try to turn your head, but it hurts. 
"Mother, don't move too much. Are you thirsty? Do you want to drink?"
Yes, even though you don't understand why she called you mother, your eyes blinked to say yes. 
She puts a straw in the glass of water and brings it closer to your lips.
"Slowly Mom, or you will get choked." She gently rubbed your back.
After you tasted the water, you felt refreshed. It felt like you never drank water. Your throat doesn't feel hurt anymore. 
You look around, then realize you're in the hospital.
"I will raise the bed." This girl is kind; when you look at her closely, her face looks like someone's. 
Then the boy who cried before came back dragging a man. 
"Look, Dad, moms awake."
You looked at the man wearing a black turtle neck shirt and beige colour. His face looks like that crying boy.
You've never seen him before, but he kept looking at you. 
He walked closely and touched your face. His fingers gently caressed your face.
"I'm so glad you woke up."
'Did I sleep so long that it made everyone cry?'
This man's face got closer to your face, but you moved away. You met him for the first time, and you felt scared of him.
And he knows your name. 
But you don't know who he is and the other two youngsters. You can't help but ask, "Who… are… you?"
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Any reblog, comment, and feedback are appreciated. I want to know what you guys think about this one.
Series Masterlist || Chapter 1, Chaper 2 , Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6 , -
If you enjoy the story, please send me a coffee Ko-fi . Thank you 💖💖💖
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mysticwolfshadows · 2 months
Taken - Zutara
Pt 1 (Here), Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Pt 6
So, as far as I know, we don't know much (if anything) about Azulon's wife. And I have a soft spot for fics that set up her as the origin for much of Iroh's (eventual) kind nature. Knowing a bit about world building and government structure (thanks DND), Azulon being a very militaristic leader means that the Fire Nation, to survive, would need a second in command (Fire Lady) that kept things stable on the home front. I love fics that include this, too. And we do see hints of that in ATLA. The polluted river? What smart leader puts a factory shooting chemicals into a river right housing a floating town???
Anyway, the fic that I was working on had Azulon's wife (who I called Ilah) as a main character. Basically, Fire Lady Ilah has fallen ill, and out of desperation to keep the balance of their power, Azulon managing the war front while Ilah kept the mother land alive, Azulon searches for something that can be done to save her. The only thing that was suggested that could work was a water bending healer. Of course, the Fire Nation had no access to any water benders. They executed all of the prisoners after Hama's escape, and an assault on the North would take to long to be effective. Thankfully, word had just come that there was a new waterbender spotted in the South.
Some worry its the blood demon (Hama) returned to rally dark spirits. Others hope it is a potential healer for their ailing leader. Either way, an investigation must be made. They must find the waterbender in the South.
When the ships arrive, led by Iroh (maybe Lu Ten, or with Lu Ten aboard), the tribe is helpless. Hama is not there, and hasn't been in decades. No warrior, no matter how many there are, could stand to the well equiped soldiers of three high class cruisers. So when the leader steps out, wanting to see the waterbender, the village can only cower. Hakoda tightens his grip on a spear that will be useless against so many. It's when an officer mentions a rumor that waterbenders instinctively save themselves from drowning, and suggests holding each tribesman under water until the bender is found that Katara, only 8, screams out that its her, so the Fire Nation won't hurt her family.
She's taken, her family screaming, onto the ship. There, she's kept by Iroh and/or Lu Ten, who sits with her and gives her tea. Iroh or Lu Ten explain why they came, how his mother/grandmother is ailing, and needs a healer. He tells her that, while she may be young, she's their only hope of a healer. Katara has no choice but to promise to do her best, knowing her village would take the punishment for her failure.
They dress her in Fire Nation clothes, which she hates, and as they sail back to the Fire Nation, Iroh and/or Lu Ten do their best to trian her. They have her practice on soldiers that are injured either from training or work accidents. She becomes surprisingly competent in a short time, all because she had a master (even though a firebending one) to guide her.
When she finally reaches the Fire Nation, she's taken by how bright and colorful everything is. She's amazed by how load and plentiful the people are. And when she's taken into the Fire Palace, she's shocked by how big everything is.
When she's brought before Azulon, the Fire Lord rages. A peasant child? This is the hope of the Fire Nation?! Iroh asks his father to trust, and they take Katara to the Fire Lady.
And, by some mix of sheer force of will and some miracles, Katara succeeds.
Ilah is able to recover, at least partially, and Katara is placed as her 'ward', always at the Fire Lady's side, lest the sickness return. But Ilah is a gentle soul. She won't have a child acting as a nurse full time. Whenever there is a moment, she makes sure to be where Katara can be around others her age will be. In the Fire Palace, that is anywhere Zuko and Azula will be.
Katara spends a lot of those first weeks stiff and cautious, hesitant to go near the Fire Nation royals. But Azula constantly pokes at her with Mai and Ty Lee. She bites back, snaps when Azula sneers. It is only because Ilah is there that Azula doesn't try to burn her. Later, Zuko starts to come by. He's awkward and kind of rude, but it's not meant in a mean way. Ursa encourages Zuko to be kind, to make friends with her, so Zuko does his best.
After a couple months, Katara isn't skittish or cautious. She surrenders to the fact that she's never going home. Ilah doesn't need her as much, so she is mostly locked in her room, a small room attached to the Fire Lady's personal chambers. With little to do, Katara begins to despair. It's Zuko, still trying because his mother asked and he would never disappoint her, that becomes her ally.
He brings her snacks, books, even trying toys and things, to get her to brighten. Eventually, she opens up, relying on Zuko as her only friend. It brings out more of Azula's spite, and Zuko becomes worried about safety. He asks if Katara would maybe like to come with him to practice instead of sitting around in her little room, hoping to keep her closer in case Azula tried anything.
It's at these firebending practices that Katara starts to learn combat bending. She mimics and mines certain moves when she thinks no one is watching, slowly learning what does and doesn't move the water. She learned, if she loosened her stance, made her body just a bit more fluid as it moved instead of sharp like firebenders, she could waterbend. Slowly, she adapts, teaching herself to fight by changing firebending moves to fit her needs.
It's about a year after Katara arrives in the Fire Nation that it happens. The sickness returns with a vengeance, and Fire Lady Ilah needs full time care again. Katara, attached to this woman whose life she holds in her hands and has been at the side of for over a year, weeps when she realizes she's not enough to save her. At 9, Katara must tell Fire Lord Azulon that she is weak and can not do the one thing that they kept her around for. She cowered as the Fire Lord raged, knowing that it could be the last thing she ever sees.
"It is only by Fire Lady Ilah's will that you live," Azulon tells her after the funeral. "It is her memory that stays my hand. Do not sully it, lest I forget why you are here."
Katara is put into Ursa's care, and is placed in lessons. She attends private classes, learning Fire Nation history, math, and literature. Her life becomes so busy, she barely has time for anything but her studies. Zuko is her only reprieve, and they share their wants and desires. Zuko wants to become someone that his mother and father can be proud of. Katara just wants to go home. Zuko promises that, some day, some how, he'll make that happen for her. Katara thanks him, but she knows that it's impossible.
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transmascissues · 10 months
Millions of people have died from untreated reproductive issues, and people in other parts of the world are willing to walk hundreds of miles to see an OBGYN, and yet people literally still act like a q tip is scarier than cervical cancer or HIV. Privilege is a weird thing.
normally, i wouldn’t indulge in the desire to respond to bullshit like this but frankly, i just don’t have it in me to be that reasonable at the moment.
so, to be absolutely fucking clear: getting medical care from a place that clearly doesn’t care about its trans patients is scary. suddenly experiencing level ten pain that literally no one prepared you for is scary. being physically penetrated immediately after that pain without warning or prior explanation is scary. having your very visible physical and mental distress completely ignored by your doctor is scary. being left in a room alone in a dissociative state and expected to just pull yourself together with no support whatsoever is scary. knowing your only two options are to relive that trauma every year for the rest of your life or risk not catching a kind of cancer that runs in your family until it’s too late is scary. it’s all fucking terrifying, and i think you and i both know the damn q tip has nothing to do with it.
our healthcare system is incredibly fucked, and that means medical trauma and healthcare inequality are both very possible in any medical setting. i know that, and i know you do. what good does it do the people who can’t access care to harass the ones who were traumatized by it? is this ask paying their medical bills? is it building hospitals in their towns?
anyway, time for me to go to sleep, everyone point and laugh at the asshole for me.
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