#Sara loves Iris like her sister
just-another-josh · 7 months
Kara had the best of intentions.
She really, really did.
But let’s be honest, she didn’t stand a chance. She was setup to fail since childhood. During her time on Krypton, she never saw an actual, honest-to-Rao wedding proposal; not anything resembling Earth standards, mind you. No, it was basically your parents marching you down to the local council building when you came of age and submitting your DNA to the Matricomp to find a genetically suitable partner. The nobler the house, the better. It was no different than an arranged marriage on Earth.
On the off chance you did meet someone you wanted to bond with, the process was the same, save for your DNA was only tested against your potential mate’s. When Kara reached adulthood and reflected on the matching process, ‘cringy’ was the best way she could describe it. She was honestly happy the ritual didn’t survive Krypton’s destruction and by extension was not practiced on Argo. She loved keeping her culture alive and all, but she had no interest in telling Alura and Zor-El to “piss off” if her parents ever had the audacity to suggest she of submit her name.
Her exposure to proposals on Earth were limited, at best. Sure, she’d seen her fair share of people popping the question in the multitude of rom coms she’d watched and books she’d read, but her sample of real-world proposals was…sketchy. Eliza never shared the story of how Jeremiah proposed to her simply because it brought up too many bad memories. Kal and Lois were always vague when sharing the story of their engagement. As for Alex and Sam, their proposal took place immediately after destroying Al’s bar fighting Lex and Nyxly for the Love totem; any guidance they had to offer lacked credibility.
Without any authentic, trustworthy examples available to her, Kara decided to forge ahead on her own when she made the decision to propose to Lena. She convinced herself she didn’t need any help; she’s the editor-in-chief of CatCo magazine, hell, she’s Supergirl for Rao’s sake. She could come up with the perfect proposal that would blow the CEO’s mind! Something that would ooze love, devotion, and romance.
Kara spent a month coming up with the perfect set-up. She’d already forged the bonding bracelet in the Fortress and, with a little help from Sara Lance and Iris West-Allen, had purchased the perfect engagement ring (she didn’t involve her sister in the process; Alex had a big mouth whenever she hung out with Lena). She had a special box created to house the bracelet and ring for an optimal presentation; lining it with blue felt on the exterior and red felt inside.
As for the location, she decided to keep it simple and propose at their penthouse. She would fill the living and dining areas with candles to set the mood; sparing a few for the bedroom in case they decided to celebrate their pending nuptials in a more intimate setting.
She wanted to look particularly radiant that night, and with Nia’s help, Kara found the perfect dress at an upscale boutique. Not wanting the Naltorian to know why she was getting the dress (much like Alex, Nia also had a big mouth), Kara told her that she and Lena were going to dinner at a fancy new restaurant. Kara was nervous and disappointed when she was told the color dress she wanted had to be fitted and altered and couldn’t take it home that day, but the sales clerk assured her it would be ready before their “special night”.
Kara planned the perfect meal for her zhao. It would be a magnificent dinner filled with her favorite Irish foods. The Kryptonian knew she wasn’t the best cook, but she felt confident she could prepare Irish stew, soda bread, Colcannon Mash, and traditional Irish apple cake with custard sauce after watching a few YouTube videos.
Last but not least, Kara spent weeks preparing the speech she would give Lena when she proposed to her. The first draft went through multiple edits before she scrapped the whole thing and rewrote it. After rewriting the speech from scratch four more times and dozens of edits, Kara was finally satisfied. The hero thought it was the greatest piece of writing she’d ever done; in her mind, eclipsing even her Pulitzer winning expose on Lex and Red Daughter.
The plan was simple: Kara would propose to Lena on a Friday night. The CEO always got off in time for dinner on Fridays; a compromise the CEO made with the hero when they moved in together. She would meet Lena at the door wearing her very expensive dress; dinner already platted and on the dining room table. They’d enjoy a candlelit dinner with her and Lena’s favorite sappy playlist playing softly in the background. Once dinner was finished, she’d ask Lena to dance with her and when the playlist hit their special song (Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift, of course), Kara would produce the box that she had strategically hidden under the coffee table, get down on one knee, and propose. If Lena said ‘yes’ (Kara was at least 90% sure she would), her and her new fiancé would enjoy dessert and later head off to their bedroom to make love the rest of the night.
“Easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy” as Winn would say.
The first indication that things were not going to go smoothly was a delay with the alterations to her new dress. The clerk at the boutique called her three days before the big night saying that the seamstress had been ill and was behind on her orders, but before Kara could hyperventilate, the clerk assured her it would be ready Friday morning with plenty of time to spare before dinner. Kara spent the next fifteen minutes doing controlled breathing exercises Eliza had taught her when she first arrived on Earth, reassuring herself that everything was going to be okay.
The rest of the week passed without further complications; it wasn’t until Friday morning that everything started going sideways.
Kara received word from the clerk at the boutique that her dress had been destroyed in a sewing machine mishap. Kara tried to roll with the punches and asked if they still had the dress in the color that she initially tried on. Unfortunately, the clerk informed her that that style of dress had sold out. After receiving a half-assed apology from the clearly disingenuous clerk, Kara poked her finger through her phone as she ended the call. The Kryptonian rushed to her private bathroom and spent several minutes doing breathing exercises again. Kara quietly mumbled to herself between breaths, “Everything’s going to be okay. This is just a minor setback. It’s okay. I’m okay. I’ll just dig out that dress I wore when we crashed Morgan Edge’s party. Yeah, that’s it, that’ll work. Everything’s going to be great!” She got up, splashed some water on her face, and went back to work.
Fortunately, Kara was able to escape CatCo in the early afternoon. With her personal phone taking up residence in the trash can, Kara grabbed her seldom used work phone, shot a text off to Lena telling her that she’d be using it the rest of the day, and flew (literally) out of her office to pick up the ingredients for the night’s special meal. The hero hated that she had to wait until the last minute to hit the grocery store, but between EIC and Supergirl duties that week, she just hadn’t had the time. Luck seemed to be on Kara’s side as she had no issues finding the supplies she needed and getting out of the store swiftly.
She returned home around 4pm and began fixing dinner in earnest, super-speeding through prepping the ingredients. She boiled potatoes, sliced up beef, apples, and veggies, whipped together dough, and sauteed some of the chopped vegetables in olive oil. She had everything prepped and ready to cook within twenty minutes (the potatoes took forever to boil, and she didn’t trust speeding up the cook time with her heat vision).
Kara didn’t realize the stew would take three hours in the crock pot before it was ready, creating a slight problem; Lena was due home in two hours. Kara turned the heat up to its highest setting to speed up the process. The bread, Colcannon, and apple cake would only take a half hour in the oven, so she moved on to the next phase of her plan.
Placing the candles throughout the penthouse was simple enough, but she ran into a bit of an issue when she went to pair her phone with the built-in sound system. Her work phone did not have the playlist she wanted downloaded on it and she couldn’t download it from the Cloud. Lena refused to connect any phone that didn’t have her personal encryption software installed, hence the reason why Kara never used her work phone. The Kryptonian for a generic YouTube playlist to stream directly into the living room speakers.
After speed cleaning the penthouse, setting the dining room table, and checking the progress of the stew (it was lukewarm at best), she readied her other dishes for the oven. A slight hiccup with the remaining dishes: each had to be cooked at different temperatures for different lengths of time. Unfortunately, the penthouse only had one oven, but Kara had prepared for this. Her plan was to average out the cooking times of the three dishes and repeat the process for the cooking temperatures. Bubbling with pride at her ingenuity, the blonde put the remaining dishes in the oven.
Her tasks completed; Kara noted she had forty-five minutes before Lena was due to arrive home. She used the time to take a shower, get dressed, and do her hair and make-up. As per usual, she kept her make-up light, save for using a darker shade of red lipstick. She styled her hair in a pompadour-style updo reminiscent of the way she wore during her exposure to Red K. Although she would never admit it to another living soul, she actually liked her wardrobe and style choices while she was infected; her fondness for that awful experience ending there.
Twenty minutes later, Kara exited the bedroom looking (and more importantly) feeling sexy and confident. She spent the next five minutes lighting the candles spread about the penthouse. Sadly, she had to light each candle at human speed; the candles would be blown out if she went any faster.
With twenty minutes left before Lena walked through the door, Kara walked into the kitchen to inspect her still-cooking food. Everything in the oven looked like it was progressing as planned; nothing was burned, smoking, or on fire, a win in Kara’s book. Much to her chagrin, the stew was still undercooked. Starting to panic, the Kryptonian decided to take a risk and use her heat vision to heat the stew to the appropriate temperature. Focusing on the simmering meal, Kara released two narrow, blue beams of heat vision. She had to use the utmost control to ensure she didn’t incinerate the stew (or the crock pot for that matter). She was reminded of all the times Eliza had had her finish cooking the Thanksgiving turkey in a similar fashion. Heating up a turkey was easy in comparison to what was essentially a thick soup; the slightest slip up could result in a boiling cauldron of inedible slop. As she slowly brought the hearty meal to temperature, she could smell a delicious combination of meat, vegetables, and spices. She couldn’t help the beaming, congratulatory smile on her face.
As far as Kara was concerned, she was killing it.
As if the universe had decided that Kara’s cockiness needed to be tempered, the alarm from the smoke detector roared to life causing the hero to lose focus; an intense burst of heat vision blowing the crock pot and its contents throughout the kitchen. Kara screamed as she was covered in thick, viscous brown chunks. The startled hero backed away from the oven and collided with the food prep area; the force of the impact crushing the lip of the marble counter with a loud crunch. Kara spun around to inspect whatever damage she’d done to the counter and in the process smacked the bottle of olive oil she’d used earlier. The oil splashed in all directions; some ending up on the candlelit dining table. The highly flammable oil ignited when it made contact with the candle’s open flame which resulted in bright flames springing to life on the tabletop; increasing its intensity quickly when the cloth napkins turned to kindling.
Seeing the mini-inferno spreading across the tabletop, Kara released a panicked yelp. “No, no, no, no, no, no!” she cried. She swiftly positioned herself near the table and extinguished the flames using her freeze-breath. The force of the artic blast knocked several candles off their perches: some landing on the floor and some on the furniture. Luckily, the candles were extinguished by the same force that knocked them over, but hot, liquified wax splashed onto the carpet and furniture indiscriminately.
With the table fire quelled, Kara turned back towards the kitchen to identify what had set off the smoke detector. The blonde zeroed in on a plume of smoke billowing out of the oven and rushed back into the kitchen. In her panic-driven haste, the Kryptonian ripped the oven door clean off its hinges and carelessly flung it away. The freshly launched door smashed through the glass sliding door and landed with a loud clang when it landed on the balcony.
Kara peered into the now doorless oven. “No!” she bellowed when she saw the soda bread burned to a crisp; thick black smoke rising from its charred corpse. The apple cake was well on its way to becoming charcoal but had yet to transition into a gaseous mess. The Colcannon resembled a Jello mold.
Kara, a crushed look on her stew-stained face, stepped back from the oven and doused the still smoking dishes with a quick burst of freeze-breath. She slowly became aware of the obnoxious shriek continuing to be emitted from the smoke detector. The Kryptonian removed the glass dish containing the Colcannon from the oven and flung it at the detector, smashing both to pieces.
Mercifully, the penthouse fell silent.
“Miss Zor-El, there is an incoming call from building security.” Hope’s soothing but indifferent voice broke the silence.
“Okay,” Kara quietly responded, clearly in a haze.
“Miss Danvers, this is Chet at the security desk. We’re monitoring a smoke detector activation coming from your unit. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, just a little accident. Everything’s fine,” the hero flatly responded.
“Another issue with your toaster oven?” the guard said jokingly.
“Something like that.” She let out a shuddering breath at the guard’s playful ribbing, but the joke fell flat as it was just another reminder of her past cooking failures and compounded the gravity of her current situation.
“No worries, Miss Danvers. I’m glad everything’s okay. Please contact us if you need anything. Have a good night.” The guard hung up without a response; not that Kara really cared at this point.
Kara surveyed the penthouse; slowly taking in the scope of the damage. The kitchen counter and dining table both sported large scorch marks; the counter also showed a Kara-size indentation. Chunks of crushed, white marble littered the floor. The front of the oven sported black smoke residue that made a trail up to the ceiling. She turned towards the living room and saw that multiple candles were strewn about the carpet. Their white couch and loveseat bore splashes of now-cooled wax. The shattered sliding door and the severed oven door lying on the balcony floor added the finishing touches to the carnage.
Kara’s eyes filled with tears, but she refused to cry. She turned away from the damage and nonchalantly made her way to the bathroom. Once inside, she robotically wiped the brownish, caked-on stew residue off her face with a wet washcloth. Her face clean, she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her once well-quaffed hair had wild strands hanging loose, her dress had crusty brown splotches running from top to bottom, and, turning to look at her backside, pieces of plaster and crushed marble covered her ass.
Kara squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head in disbelief. She exited the bathroom without making any other attempts to clean the remaining muck out of her hair or off her dress.
Kara returned to the living room and sat on their wax encrusted couch and the very edge of the cushion, her body ramrod straight.  After a few minutes sitting quietly, the Kryptonian reached under the coffee table and retrieved the blue box containing the bonding bracelet and engagement ring. She set the box on top of the coffee table and longingly gazed at it. She closed her eyes and, as if finally giving permission to break free, a trickle of tears began to slide down her cheeks.
This is how Lena found her when she entered the penthouse.
The CEO mindlessly glimpsed at the mangled penthouse; mere seconds passed before her brain caught up to what she was seeing. “Kara!” She moved quickly to the couch, a look of panic in her eyes. “What happened? Did someone attack you?” Kara gave no indication that she was aware of Lena’s presence, let alone respond to her questions. Lena sat on the edge of the couch next to Kara, grabbing her by the shoulders and turning the seemingly catatonic Kryptonian’s body to face her. Lena closely examined her stunned girlfriend. She focused on the brown stains littering Kara’s dress, going so far as to scrape some of the crusted substance off with her fingernail.
After a brief examination of the unknown substance, a perplexed Lena gently cupped Kara’s cheek and ever so slowly turned the hero to face her. Lena saw a smattering of tears running down her cheeks.  “Darling, what happened?” she asked with all the gentleness she could muster.
A look of pure anguish fell over Kara’s face and the floodgates opened. The hero pulled Lena into an almost too tight hug and buried her face in the CEO’s shoulder; uncontrollable sobs erupted from her. Rage, disappointment, embarrassment, and a litany of other emotions poured out of the blonde as her body was racked with an onslaught of tears. Muffled wails soon followed, the hero’s body quaking with each mournful cry.
On the verge of tears herself, Lena kept her composure as best she could. Her girlfriend needed her to keep her shit together and, although the CEO had no idea what was going on, she intended to support the hero in any way she could. She squeezed the blonde as tight as she could and ran her fingers through her hair, periodically planting chaste kisses on her forehead and softly whispering reassurances that everything would be okay.
After fifteen or so minutes, the Kryptonian’s cries were reduced to shuddered breaths and occasional sniffles. Taking this as a sign the blonde had finally calmed down, Lena decided it was a good time to get to the bottom of her girlfriend’s meltdown. “Are you feeling up to telling me what happened?” Kara’s body briefly stiffened, but the hero nodded into the brunette’s shoulder, nonetheless. She slowly extricated herself from Lena’s embrace and situated herself on the couch so she could properly face her.
Lena took one look at the bloodshot and puffy eyes on Kara’s tear-streaked face and her heart broke. “Oh, my giehrehv-divil, please tell me what happened.” Lena tucked a few strands of wet, matted hair behind the blonde’s ear.
Kara nodded and took a deep, shuddering breath. “I…I tried to plan a…a special evening for us. I ordered a special dress from Matti D and…and…I…was going to make some authentic, Irish food…and…and…so we could have a nice candlelight dinner…and then I was going to put on our favorite playlist…so…so we could dance…and then…and then…I was gonna…gonna give you…” Kara glanced at the blue box on the table and let out a painful, hiccupped whimper. “But everything got ruined!” she said with an angry stutter. “The seamstress destroyed the dress…so I had to put on this…this old rag which I know you like…but it’s four-years-old…and then…and then I broke my phone when they called me, so I didn’t have access to our playlist…” The intensity in Kara’s voice began to increase, as did the intervals between stuttered breaths. “…and…and I tried to cook dinner…but everything burned…and then…the table caught on fire and…and…I broke the counter…and…I ripped the door off the oven and threw it through the sliding door…and the wax on the couch…” Kara choked on a sob. “I wrecked everything!” she howled before crumbling into heaping mess of tears.
Lena deftly pulled the hysterical Kryptonian into her arms and began rocking her. She rubbed small circles on her back and planted more soft kisses on her forehead. The hero didn’t take long to recover but Lena refused to release her. Instead, the CEO slowly moved herself and Kara into a lying position on the couch; Kara readjusting her body so Lena could spoon her. The brunette planted soft kisses behind the Kryptonian’s ear, Kara melting further in her embrace.
The couple stayed cuddled together for an indeterminant amount of time before Lena broke the silence. “Is that for me?” she asked, indicating the blue box.
Kara somberly sighed.  “It was supposed to be.”
“Now I don’t get it?”
Kara scoffed, “I don’t think you’d want it.”
“And why is that?” Lena asked, eyebrow raised inquisitively.
Kara sat up and turned to face the CEO. “Why?” she said incredulously. “Look at me…look at all this.” Kara waved her hand indicating the living room and kitchen. “Lena, I’m a dumpster fire!” the Kryptonian pleaded.
Lena sat up and grabbed ahold of Kara’s hand, lacing their fingers together. “Is that really what you think?”
Kara shrugged. “It’s how I see myself sometimes. Especially after I do shit like this,” she said as she motioned towards the kitchen again.
Lena thinned her lips as she carefully considered how to respond to Kara’s unfair assessment of herself. “So, because you see yourself as a dumpster fire, I should reject whatever’s in there.” Lena pointed at the box.
“You would if you knew what was in it,” Kara whispered defeatedly.
Lena chuckled. “Oh, my sweet, sweet, darling. I’m fairly certain I already know what’s in there.” The CEO confidently smiled, a glimmer of warmth in her eyes.
Kara gasped, her shoulders slumped, and she looked away; attempting to avoid the certainty in her girlfriend’s gaze.
Lena pulled at Kara’s hand. “Hey, don’t run away.” The Kryptonian turned towards the brunette but refused to make eye contact with her. Lena cupped her chin and gently guided Kara to face her. “I need you to look at me and listen,” Lena said with conviction. “You say you see yourself as a dumpster fire. Do you want to know what I see?” Lena asked rhetorically, not giving the blonde any time to reply. “When I look at you, I see a loving, considerate, romantic, and giving woman who…I don’t know…for the quadrillionth time since I met her, went out of her way to show me just how much she loves me…no one has ever gone to the lengths that you have to make me feel like I’m cherished. Honestly, you could accidently destroy our entire penthouse and I would still love you.”
Lena laid a soft kiss on Kara’s hand. “We’ve been through hell and back to get to where we are. I would be a damn fool if some broken appliances and a few scorched furniture made me question how what we’re trying to build here.”
“But I had this perfect plan…” Kara whispered.
“Darling, I can’t imagine how disappointed you must be, and I’m so sorry all this happened.” Lena squeezed her girlfriend’s hand tighter. “But please understand, I don’t need perfect, Kara. I just need you, imperfections and all…especially the imperfections…they’re what made me fall in love with you in the first place.”
Kara minutely nodded, still not looking convinced. “I just…I sometimes feel like I’m not good enough for you…like…somehow I’m not worthy of your love,” the hero said, averting her eyes.
Lena couldn’t help the astonished gasp escaping her lungs. “Kara. How could you say that? How could you ever think that?” she said with a hint of anger in her voice. The CEO lightly grasped the Kryptonian by the shoulders and made sure she had her attention. With a pained look on her face, Lena calmly said, “I’m sorry for raising my voice. I of all people understand how you can feel like that sometimes. When it came to you, I felt unworthy for years. I thought to myself ‘There’s no way I’m a good enough person to have Kara in my life’.  And don’t even get me started on where my head was at when we started dating. I felt like a fraud. I convinced myself that I didn’t deserve your friendship, let alone your love.”
Lena’s eyes were filling with unshed tears. Kara noticed and mirrored her girlfriend’s painful expression. “But I don’t feel that way anymore, and do you want to know who finally got me out of that spiral?” Lena leaned in to rest her forehead on Kara’s. “You, my giehrehv-divil. You spent years showing me that I not only deserved to be loved by you but loved by our friends and family. You never gave up on me. I spent those same years doubting everything you tried to show me. Until one day, one day I started to believe it. There was no special event or earthshattering circumstance that opened my eyes. I just remember one day I was looking in the mirror and came to the realization that I was good enough, that I was deserving of your love, and that I was worthy of you.”
Both had tears cascading down their cheeks. Kara leaned in and gave Lena the gentlest of kisses, the blonde grinned into her girlfriend’s lips. The couple broke apart and Lena filled Kara’s hands with her own. “And let me tell you something, if that box has in it what I think it does, you, Kara Zor-El, are more than worthy enough to ask me the question that goes with it.”
A light dusting of pink appeared on Kara’s cheeks. “Promise?” she said bashfully.
Lena softly smiled. “Promise.”
Kara slammed the brunette into the arm of the couch with a bone crushing hug; almost knocking the wind out of the surprised billionaire. The Kryptonian ended up atop her girlfriend and buried her face in the crook of her neck. Lena could feel Kara’s smile tickling her skin, the blonde adding a hum of contentment once they were comfortably settled.
After enjoying a few minutes of happily snuggling with her girlfriend, Lena, staring contemplatively at the Kryptonian curled up on her side, brushed her lips against the blonde’s forehead and asked, “Kara, do you know what the odds are that, out of all time and space, the two of us would end up here, on this couch, in each other’s arms?”
Kara thought a moment before mumbling “no” into Lena’s neck.
“Well, in the interest of saving me the trouble of rattling off an obscenely long number, let’s just say a person would be more likely to be randomly struck by lightning...” Lena paused to let her words sink in.
Kara removed herself from Lena’s neck and leveled a raised eyebrow at her; clearly unimpressed. “That’s not a big…”
“…25 times,” Lena interrupted, sporting a mischievous grin. Kara’s eyebrows flew to her hairline, and she let out a low whistle. Lena nodded in agreement. For the first time since she arrived home, Lena was treated to her girlfriend’s trademark, radiant smile. The CEO cupped the Kryptonian’s face and slowly ran the pads of her fingers down the baby soft skin. The brunette’s features softened into a look of adoration and something akin to awe. “I don’t know if it was fate, a cosmic coincidence, or hell, even Rao that brought you to me, but I cherish every moment I get to be with you.”
Kara’s eyes began to well up again. She swiftly captured Lena’s lips with her own, her kiss desperate and hungry. They kissed until Lena had to come up for air. Kara leisurely moved off the brunette and sat up straight. She glanced over at the kitchen and frowned; a frustrated sigh followed. “Well, I guess I better get to cleaning up this mess.” Kara moved to get up but was quickly stopped by Lena’s hand grabbing her wrist.
Lena scoffed, “The hell you are. I didn’t triple the insurance coverage when you moved in for nothing. I’ll have a clean-up crew in here tomorrow to deal with this.” Kara reluctantly nodded in agreement. “No, you and I are going to order some take-out because I’m starving…as are you, I’m sure. While we’re waiting for dinner to be delivered, we’re going to get you out of that dress and into the shower, hopefully we can wash that goulash out of your hair.”
“It’s Irish stew…or it was supposed to be,” Kara said with a hint of embarrassment.
Lena’s face lit up. “Darling, that’s so sweet of you!” She sat up and gave Kara a quick peck on the cheek before continuing, “The food should be here by the time we get out of the shower, so we’ll eat, and then it’s straight to bed so I can show you how much I love you.” Lena seductively bit her bottom lip and wiggled her eyebrows. “Multiple times.”
Kara giggled excitedly and rose from the couch. “I’ll go get your phone out of your purse, I have no idea where my work phone ended up and I have no interest in finding it right now.” She had barely taken a step before she felt Lena’s hand grip her wrist again. She looked down at the seated CEO confused.
“I think you’re forgetting something,” Lena said, eyeing her girlfriend with an expectant look.
Kara scanned around the room; not finding anything that needed to be attended to immediately, she asked, “What am I forgetting?”
“Didn’t you have something you wanted to ask me?” Lena motioned towards the blue box on the coffee table.
The Kryptonian followed her girlfriend’s eyeline and when she realized what the brunette was alluding to, a deep blush and a look of shock overtook her features. “Oh…yes…right…okay!” She let out a long breath and shook her arms to loosen them up. Kara took several deep breaths and rolled her shoulders. “I can do this…I can do this,” she not-so-quietly told herself.
While Kara was having a mini-nervous breakdown, Lena sat silently trying her best not to laugh at the Kryptonian’s panic induced calisthenics. The brunette could not hide how much she was enjoying watching the blonde come unraveled.
Appearing to have psyched herself up sufficiently, Kara lifted the box up and cradled it in her hands. She opened her mouth as if to speak but stopped short. The Kryptonian set the box back on the table and began patting at her chest with both hands. Having not found what she was apparently searching for, she slid her hand into the top of her bra and, after digging under the cup for a few seconds, removed her still empty hand. She repeated the process with the other cup, once again coming up empty handed.
“Kara, what are you doing?” Lena said, leveling her girlfriend with a perplexed look.
The Kryptonian smiled sheepishly and held up her index finger. “Ummm, be right back.” She super-speeded out of the living room leaving a bewildered, windswept Lena without answers. Kara reappeared in front of the CEO within seconds, her face reddening and her jaw clenched. “I left my speech at the office,” Kara said through gritted teeth. “I worked on that speech for weeks.”
A small giggle escaped Lena’s lips, but she quickly slapped her hands over her mouth trying to quiet herself.
Kara threw her hands up in defeat, her body completely deflated. “Seems to be the theme this evening. Well, I guess I’m gonna have to wing it!” she said in exasperation. She aggressively swiped the box off the coffee table and unceremoniously plopped down on one knee.
Lena smiled, took Kara’s hand into her own, and lightly kissed it. “Relax, darling. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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rolandsgaard-castle · 5 months
Some lore of my AU Bella Sara
Inupiat & Anisibane are the king and the queen of my own herd, the Herd Dreamwalker. They have 5 "foals" :
1 - Thunder, He has the courage and determination of his father and the power and will of his mother. He doesn't see his family anymore.
2 - Lugh & Blossom, They're twins. Both inspire the serenity, wisdom and power of their parents.
3 - Starfighter, A fearless yearling, always full of stupid ideas. He loves bothering his father and fake fights with him.
4 - Akama, Young filly always with her mother. She is calm, but she likes to race with Starfighter too.
Other family on the herd : - Rauni (father), Osage (mother), Firefly (filly) - Memory (father), Urd (mother), Merrydancer (colt) - Mushu, Ninja, Shadow (, Shaman, Saga) are brothers and sisters - Brigid, Amphitrite and (Kona) are brother and sister, and Islandar's children - Anisinabe, (Rosamund), Mireldis, (Snowdreamer and Rosebriar) are sisters.
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Pantheon's first mate was Rêverie, he build his herd with her and they had a foal, Tenebrae. But quikly, Rêverie her son left for another herd. Rêverie became Dreamwalker's mate. Pantheon, his brother Dreamwalker and Rêverie still get along very well together.
Bells was the first filly of Dreamwalker and Rêverie.
Dreamwalker, Pantheon and Elemyn are from the same family but we do not know who their parents are.
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Other : - Shahazar is Farah's father and first Fiona's mate (Thunder was next). - Cantaro & Shanti are mates (and both are Marwari horses) - Skipper, and Royce are brothers, Aphrodite is they're mother. - Icarus & Tramontane are twins - Soul and Heart are Amor's littles brothers and sisters - Bandi and Toffee are Flame's parents - Hera, Cybele, Hestia & Demeter are sisters - Potpourri, Beran, Autumn and Iceking are brothers and sisters - (... in progress)
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Several horses have been cursed by Ivenna, their appearance on the cards is not their original physique : - Treasure, Kora, Pelagos, Sleipnir, Janus, Conall, Signy, Mahina, Ticklebit, Merrow, Wavebreaker, Bathylas, Snowhorse, Twilight, Iris,...
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avatarskywalker78 · 1 year
AO3 Masterpost
even if we can’t find heaven (i’ll walk through hell with you) - Part 1 of The Shieldmaiden Saga, focusing on Steph Taylor - Eddie’s childhood best friend - as she gains powers from the particle accelerator, and soon finds out she’s not the only one, gaining new friends...and discovering that the accelerator was flawed.
love, you’re not alone (cause I’m gonna stand by you) - Part 2 of The Shieldmaiden Saga and a direct sequel to the above, with Steph Taylor continuing to gather friends, help metas, and build a case against Wells as another meta starts making a name for himself in Central City.
to save the world (with a friend by my side) - Longfic for SyFy’s Krypton, where Adam Strange and his friend Ashley Tanner travel back in time to save Krypton. Currently has 8/11 chapters.
flufftober 2021 - A series of (mostly) short fics I wrote for flufftober 2021, complete at 31 stories.
emerald legacy - An AU spanning from Arrow’s S1 finale, where Oliver was the one who died saving Laurel, not Tommy. In the midst of dealing with Oliver’s death, plus the revelation that Thea’s his sister, Tommy decides to take up Oliver’s mantle. Currently has 2 parts.
of legacies and lies - Alex Thompson, Jack Thompson’s granddaughter, goes on the run after the SHIELDRA reveal, and has to deal with the fact that her entire career in SHIELD has been a lie. Meanwhile Jack and Sarah - his wife - are making sure she’s going to get a fair trial when she reaches the US.
a god’s reflection - Loki’s POV after his initial imprisonment post-Avengers as he thinks about his actions, and regrets that he’ll never really have a chance to make amends because he’ll likely be imprisoned for the rest of his life.
when one door closes (another opens) - On Earth-4 in the 22nd Century, Brianna Thawne (Eddie’s distant descendant and her generation’s Cobalt Blue) takes Sara Lance up on her offer to join the Legends.
now we have (the freedom to choose) - an AU of Legends’ S1 finale. Kendra isn’t the only one dealing with destiny, but Carter too - and since he’s the one who always remembers first, it’s unlikely he’s ever had much chance to be with other people like Kendra has. Featuring a more self-aware Carter and a heart to heart with Sara Lance.
you’ve always been (a part of me) - A Seg/Adam fic set 40 years after Krypton’s S2 finale, where they’ve been together almost as long - and Seg is hit with the realization that he’ll eventually outlive Adam.
speak (and i’ll listen) - a short MonWinn fic set in an AU of Supergirl S2 (the AU being that they’re together, and not Mon and Kara). Winn stresses over not being able to stop Music Meister. Mon does his best to comfort him.
to new beginnings - A Westhallen short fic written for Polyam Shpping Day #14, set in an alternate season 2 and featuring the three of them discussing New Year’s resolutions.
brothers (lost and found) - the first part of Cobalt Blue and The Flash, where Barry Allen and Malcolm Thawne have been best friends for six years, with Barry essentially taking on the role of big brother due to Malcolm’s estrangement from his own brother. When Malcolm gets struck by lightning while trying (and failing) to prevent Barry from suffering the same fate, he wakes up five months later with speedster powers, and unbeknownst to him this changes everything.
doubt (and the bonds of love) -  Another short MonWinn fic, set in an alternate S3 where Mon-El never left Earth. Mon-El has become distant all of a sudden and Winn is determined to find out why.
to live and rise (and hope again) - longfic about Eliana Kent, Clark and Lana’s daughter from an alternate universe, as she experiences a massive power boost, becomes a hero, and joins the DEO, while still dealing with her family’s loss and having to work with two of their counterparts.
the future (is ours) - a short Thallen fic, set in a AU where Iris is the Flash, Eobard got defeated without any casulties, and Barry and Eddie are dating - Eddie second guessing his relationship with Barry after Eobard’s manipulations.
right here (is where i’m meant to be) - A lazy morning Segdam fic set post-canon.
Cobra Kai Mini Rewrites - a series of unnconnected oneshots that are rewrites on certain scenes in the show that annoyed me. Complete at 18 stories.
bad boy (no more) - my collection of Mike Barnes redemption fics, which are all standalone, but have the consistent elements of Mike’s wife Leah and his three children, Sarah, Elaine, and Alex. Currently has 5 stories.
flufftober 2022 - my collection of stories for this year’s flufftober spanning various fandoms. Complete at 21 stories.
the truth (long overdue) - a Spider-Man 2 fix-it fic where Peter actually explains things to Harry instead of rushing off and leaving him alone, and this changes everything.
looking for america (coming through your schools) - the first part of the Nicky Connors, Cobra Adjacent series, which focuses on Nicky Connor’s friendship with the OG Cobras, particulary Johnny. This fic is set on New Year’s Eve 1983, with the six of them reflecting on the year past and being hopeful about 1984.
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We can know more about Blanka,Sara and sfg!Nash?
:D thank you for askiiing !!
So let's start with Sfg Nash -> Blanka and finish -> Sara
SwapFell Gold Nash 🐶
🐶 Sfg!Nash is only child
🐶 he normally is 15 but he can be more (it depend of the timeline)
🐶 his parents are SwapFell Sans x SwapFell Koichii (@xxkoichiixx )
🐶 he get military training since he is a young teenager
🐶 when we look at him he looks lost and fragile, but he has anger issue
🐶 he totally is a little puppy with his girlfriend Frans (@sushi-girl-19 ) and his mother Koichii
🐶 in contrary to underswap, sfgNash and sfgHolaney are not close at all. They even hate each other
🐶 he likes simple Cheese cake sooo much :0
🐶 he likes fluffy stuff (plush, clothes, animals, ect....
🐶 he can see in the dark, even if it makes him scared to be in it
👀💦🐶⚠️ about +16 infos
🐶 if Frans is in mood, he can be very dominant and even use "things" to make it more exciting. We want to do everything to make her good, even if she want to dominate him, he will be for her 7w7
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Blanka 🐑
🐑 she is the sweetest person of her AU,and because of that almost everyone "like" her (mostly for manipulate her)
🐑 she is in couple with Hope
🐑 even if in Rottentale/LovedRotten the soul of courage is the 2nd stronger, but Blanka is weak because she refuse to fight and get XP/L.O.V.E
🐑 daughter of Iris and G!Sans (because Frisk and Chara does NOT exist)
🐑 her favorite food are burgers and juicyfruits like melon, cherry, lemon, ect...
🐑 she loves bunny and mouse
🐑 she is scared of her skeleton form
🐑 Blanka can count on Elior, he must be the younger but he is really sweet with his sister when she does panic crises
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Sara ☠
☠ Sara is 7 y.o
☠ she is Fran x Asara's daugther
☠ she has a twin brother named Asan
☠ she is pan
☠ she is her parents' babygirl
☠ she is too slow in her head to be scared of anything (she is not stupid, just slow)
☠ she likes apples :v
☠ she is dressed with different type of clothes
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wiispywitch · 2 months
Attack on Titan OC - Sara Weber🩵🦢💐
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♡. ToyHou.se | Instagram | AO3
Name: Sara Weber
Meaning: Sara- princess (pronounced as S-R-ra); Weber- weaver
Nickname(s): Blondie (by Nathanael), Princess (by Shadis)
Alias (if any): N/A
Age: 16 (850); 20 (854)
Gender: Female
Nationality: Eldian (French descent)
Birthday: October 9th, 834
Birthplace: Stohess District, Wall Rose
Current Residence: Trost District, Wall Rose; Pasture outside of Stohess District 
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Taken, later married
Language(s) spoken: Eldian
Life-Long Dream: To fulfill a purposeful life in helping others 
Goal(s): To expand her knowledge in the medical field, to protect her family, to marry Nathanael and have a family
Like(s): Flowers, cooking, children, helping those in need, long walks in the meadow, visiting the bakery, sewing and embroidery, girl time in the barracks 
Dislike(s): Rainy days, cats, Nathanael and Eren fighting, arrogant people, people who take advantage of others, messes 
Bad Habit(s): Taps her foot when she grows impatient, too nice for her own good, can come off as pompous
Hobbies: Flower-pressing, scrapbooking, horseback riding, embroidery, cooking 
Fear(s): The titans getting inside the walls, losing Nathanael and her friends in the battlefield, ending up alone, Elijah hurting her family, spiders 
Personality: Classy, calm, elegant, humble, enthusiastic, genuine, companionly, moralistic, well-mannered, polite
Favorites(not necessary)-
Food(s): Hazelnut soup, raspberries
Color(s): Light blue
Season(s): Spring
Activities: Reading, embroidery, sword-fighting, horseback-riding
Time of Day: Morning, midday
Extras: Animals- doves; Literature- romance, fantasy; Flower- Iris
Height: 5’3” (160 cm)
Weight: 107 lbs. (49 kg)
Hair style: Curly, pulled back into a bun, falls down past her shoulder
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Hazel
Skin Tone: Posy-pale
Body Shape/Build: Slightly muscular, slender, small hips, slim figure, pink lips
Birthmarks: N/A
Scar(s): N/A
Other: N/A
Memory: Normal, no issues
Sight (do you need glasses?): Normal
Mental: She has a fairly calm composure and can keep herself under control even under pressure
Physical: She takes care of her body very well, however she’s not the strongest in her squad
Sleep patterns (how you sleep and how much rest do you get?): She makes sure to have a fairly average sleep schedule. The only times she really breaks this is when she and the girls in the barracks stay up gossiping.
Allergies/Other: She’s allergic to cats. While she tries not to let this be an issue when she moves into the Schuyler household, who own a cat named Agatha, she can’t be near the cat for too long otherwise she will start sneezing and get irritation in her eyes and nose. Dr. Finch provides her with one of his remedies to help her manage her allergy.
Abilities/Statistics (1- lowly skilled, 10- highly skilled and tell why)-
3D Maneuvering Gear: 6/10
Intelligence: 8/10
Martial Arts: 7/10
Battle Skill: 4/10
Agility: 6.6/10
Strategy: 4/10
Teamwork: 9/10
Passion: 8/10
Affiliation: Retired, working as a nurse in Trost
Former Affiliation: 104th Cadet Corps 
Grad. Rank: 46th
Status (Alive, Missing, etc.): Alive
Parent(s): Michael Weber (father), Elsa Weber (mother)
Sibling(s): N/A
Other Relative(s): Nathanael Schuyler (husband), Alexandria Schuyler (daughter), Miriam Schuyler (mother-in-law), Taylor Schuyler (sister-in-law), Corine Schuyler (sister-in-law), Clovis Schuyler (brother-in-law)
Love Interest: Melody Oglethorpe, Nathanael Schuyler 
Best Friend(s): Melody Oglethorpe, Taylor Schuyler, Hanna Diament
Friend(s): Franz Kefka, Marco Bodt, Mina Caroline, Sasha Blouse, Krista Lenz
Enemy(ies): Titans, Kenny Ackerman, Elijah Kaufman
Hero(es): Dr. Finch
Rival(s): N/A
“I wouldn’t really consider myself a fighter, but I want to help people who have been through enough trouble these five years.”
“Nathanael, just promise me no matter what you'll come back home safe.”
“I don't care if you think I need to keep my mouth shut, you are not going to speak to me in that tone or treat me like I don't have a mind of my own.”
History/Life: Sara Weber is the daughter of Michael and Elsa Weber of Stohess District, two noble doctors of the town. Before the birth of their daughter, Michael worked as a medic within the military, although he never had any first-hand experience and mostly treated the injured soldiers from the various regiments (his highest number of patients being from the Survey Corps). He transferred out to work as the town's doctors as a way to stay closer to home and spend more time with his family. Elsa took time off to become a stay-at-home mom and focus on raising Sara, teaching her how to act as a proper and well-mannered young lady. Sara grew up having a happy childhood and a doting family, but they never spoiled her and taught her how to be humble towards others, hence her caring nature which made her very well-liked among her peers, and she even attracted some admirers. Even as a girl coming from such wealth, Sara never once let her wealth define her. However, as fulfilling as her life was, Sara couldn't help but feel that deep down something was missing; of course, she had everything a girl her age would desire, but deep down she wanted to do something meaningful that was outside of her comfort zone and use it as a way to help those who were less fortunate than her. This was a main factor that led her to sign up for the 104th Cadet Corps to find her purpose. Even if she didn't have a set goal as to why she signed up as of yet, what she did know is she still wanted to help others and this would be a great starting point.
The first few days of her training were rough for a girl of her status. The commandant didn't have high expectations from her given that she was seen as the "pretty rich girl of Stohess.” But it didn't take long for them to see that she was far more than a pretty face and she showed potential to be a great and resourceful soldier. While she wasn’t the most physically strongest cadet, she did prove to be an excellent martial artist and her ability to maneuver the gear was considered above average; there was also her knowledge in the medical field that showed to be useful in the case of an injury on-duty; she would even help out her fellow comrades that were injured during their training. She was very well-liked among her bunkmates and became part of Nathanael Schuyler's friend group—consisting of Sam Dossam, Tay Schuyler, and her old friend and past crush Mel Oglethorpe—and had even received a few admirers, among them being Mel and Nathanael. Sara and Mel pursued a romantic relationship for a short period of time, and they soon made a mutual understanding that they would remain as friends. Nathanael always had a crush on Sara since the moment he first met eyes with her the day they arrived at the camps, and they would often flirt with each other that it became an on-going joke that they acted like a married couple. They trained together frequently and on their off-days, they would go to town together and use this as an excuse to spend time together. A year into their studies, Nathanael and Sara officially became a couple. Nathanael’s family welcomed her with open arms almost immediately, yet her family wasn't too thrilled about this arrangement since he didn't come from a status of wealth much to Michael's standards. They couldn’t convince Sara otherwise as she didn't care about Nathanael’s status and loved him for him, nor did that stop her from continuing to see him.
Upon graduation, Sara had plans to join the medic squad. Nathanael was unsurprisingly hesitant of this idea as he feared she would be received first-handed to the battlefields, but he still wanted to support his girlfriend’s career. It wasn’t until the battle of Trost and the first-hand experience in what the titans are capable of that Sara changed her mind and backed out because she still desired to have a family and to someday marry Nathanael. She moved to Trost to live with Miriam and the twins, and got a job as a nurse alongside Dr. Finch, a close family friend of the Schuyler family, and helped aid the elderly doctor in tending to sick and injured patients. Sara would use her combat skills to protect her family from attackers, going as far as to shoot them with Miriam's rifle and taking the girls to safety. 
Nathanael and Sara were seen as the perfect couple, and there are times that Nathanael believes that he is not good enough to be with such a noble and charismatic young lady as her, even after his involvement with the Military Police during the uprising. Nathanael and Sara were married after the successful recovery mission of Wall Maria, and not long after they would have their daughter Alexandria. 
For years, Sara wanted nothing more but to have a good life that was fulfilling enough for her. Even though things turned out much different than she was expecting, she was able to achieve her goal of helping many people, and was blessed with a career that she was satisfied with and a beautiful family of her own. In the end, there was nothing more that she could ask for. 
Bonus Facts: 
-Her voice: Japanese- Akiko Yajima (Angela Blanc, Black Butler); English- Carrie Keranen (Mami Tomoe, Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
-Her name is pronounced "s-R-ra"
-She has the scent of lavender.
-She’s a Libra.
-Her alignment is neutral-good.
-In a modern AU, Sara gets a job working in a hospital as a nurse, and is often working alongside Dr. Finch. She is of course married to Nathanael and very close to his family, and they have their daughter Alexandria. She would have a combination of a sporty girly-girl and vintage aesthetic.
-In a Harry Potter AU, her Hogwarts House is Ravenclaw, and her Patronus is a swan.
-She is inspired by Fleur Delacour from Harry Potter (specifically the book variation)
-She wanted to name her first daughter Catherine after her grandmother but decided to make it her middle name
OC Profile Credit: AliceCantBeStopped
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talatomaz · 3 years
crossing paths pt.i | diana prince x lance!reader
a/n: reader has the powers of telekinesis. since this was going to be really long, i decided to split it into two parts. also this may be slightly canon divergent since i’ve not watched flash in a long time.
warnings: mentions of fighting, death
word count: 1.9k
masterlist | request list | request rules
pt.i | pt.ii
reader is sara & laurel’s younger sister who works with team flash. after her and cisco’s experiment goes sideways, she finds herself trapped on an unknown earth not unlike her own
i do not give you permission to repost or translate my fics on any platform - likes/reblogs are okay and are much appreciated
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“You’re absolutely sure this will work, Cisco?”
You asked, tying your hair up into a ponytail whilst the mechanical genius typed on his computer; the keys clacking under his fingertips.
“Yes. 100%. Well, more like 99%. Okay, if we’re being truly honest, then 93%.”
Cisco paused after each figure before turning his head to face you.
You started before the former interrupted, “Trust me, y/n. You’ll be fine. You just need to travel there, have a look around and then come straight back. We’ve done it so many times before.”
You and Cisco had been working on modifying the extrapolator your team often used to travel between different Earths. Or rather, you used to use them before the rebirth of the universe following Oliver’s sacrifice.
You cleared your throat at the thought of the vigilante. Having grown up with him and he having dated both of your older sisters meant that he was practically like your brother. And you were broken when you’d lost him so you’d left Team Arrow and came to work with Barry and his team instead.
Working with Team Flash was...different, to say the least. But having known them for several years, you got on well with them all, especially Cisco and Iris.
However, this project you were working on was only known to you and Cisco; the others blissfully unaware, mainly because the two of you knew that if you told them, they’d guilt you into stopping your experiment.
You were the one who had gone to Cisco with the idea in the first place.
After the Crisis, many of you had assumed that everyone solely remained on one Earth however you believed that the multiverse still existed, but that it’d be much harder to access. Cisco had agreed to help you but had explained that he wouldn’t come with you due to his relinquished powers.
So here you were, getting ready to try out the extrapolator in order to confirm or disprove your theory that the multiverse still existed.
“Technically, we haven’t, Cisco. New Earth remember?”
“That’s just semantics.”
“Cisco, if this doesn’t work, you better be ready to explain to my ex-assassin of a sister what happened to me.”
You laughed as his face dropped at the thought of that conversation.
He cleared his throat, “I’ve done all the necessary calculations and made a few needed modifications, including a GPS chip. It’ll work, y/n. Here, take your mask. Just in case.”
He added as an afterthought, handing you the sleek black mask he had designed to disguise your identity.
You put the mask in your jacket and took a deep breath, readying yourself. Holding the extrapolator, you pressed the small button and a familiar portal opened in front of you; variations of colours swirling around the breach.
You looked back at Cisco and feigned seriousness, “If I die, I’m going to kill you.”
His eyes widened making you smile, “Be safe, Cisco. I’ll see you soon.”
With that, you then stepped into the inter-dimensional breach.
“Okay, hopefully this worked.”
The breach closed behind you as you stepped into an alley; the several dumpsters providing some form of protection from anyone who may have seen you.
Wherever you were, it was bright and sunny.
Pocketing the extrapolator, you stepped out of the alley and walked down the paved sidewalk, listening for any indications of where you were from passersby.
You continued walking until you came across a newsstand that looked fairly out of place in this seemingly technological environment.
You stopped, peering at the front cover of one of the magazines.
The words “DAILY PLANET” were printed on the top of the paper. You reached down and picked it up, flicking through the pages, pausing when you saw a familiar name on the byline.
Folding the paper back into its original state, you placed it back on the stand, flashing a kind but brief smile to the newsagent who looked at you with intrigue.
Although you didn’t know what Earth you were on, at least you knew you were in Metropolis.
A place you had visited several times since the rebirth of the universe.
A place that, despite whatever Earth, was always home to one Clark Kent, better known as Superman.
You pondered in your thoughts for a little while longer before deciding to venture out and explore the city, eager to find any similarities or differences between your Earth and this one.
You ended up in a museum.
You weren’t sure exactly how you’d gotten there, having followed wherever your feet had taken you but, nevertheless, you were here.
Whilst you were never a huge fan of museums, you’d often found yourself being dragged to them by Laurel when you were younger.
There was something about them that she’d loved.
She tried explaining it to you once.
How the beauty of art told a story or something.
You didn’t really pay much attention and who could have blamed you? You were only 10 years old. You’d rather be out playing or hanging out with your friends than spending your Saturday afternoon in a stuffy old museum.
But this place was anything but.
In truth, you knew that you sought solace in places like these during times of distress or uncertainty.
It gave you a chance to feel closer to your sister after the world had cruelly taken her away from you. Even on another Earth, you still found peace and felt her presence next to you.
You sighed, your shoulders sagging before tensing once more, feeling someone behind you.
You never used to be so on edge.
When you were younger, you lived such a care free life, never feeling any need to be concerned or cautious.
But that had changed quickly.
Soon you had been thrust into the vigilante life, more determined than ever to become like your sisters and help them fight crime.
In fact, you had learned to fight from a reluctant Sara.
After several arguments about the danger of her world, she’d come to accept that there was no changing your mind and had decided that if you were going to purposely put yourself in harm’s way, you needed to be prepared. She had put you through vigorous training which Oliver soon picked up with you after Sara had been recruited to form the Legends.
So, suffice it to say, you were well-versed in the forms of self-defence and were constantly on the lookout for any form of danger.
And being on a different Earth certainly warranted your caution.
“How are you liking our exhibit?”
A feminine voice said, her voice thick with an accent you couldn’t distinguish.
Turning with a smile, you spoke, “It’s beautiful. I never used to appreciate art but now I find myself lost in the works of Rembrandt or Claude Monet.”
“Ah yes. They were most excellent artists.”
You blinked, not at her words but at her face.
The woman who stood before you was, quite simply put, the most beautiful person you’d ever seen in your life.
Realising you were staring, you cleared your throat, “Yes, I agree.”
You opened your mouth to say something else - what, you weren’t sure of - when you closed it again having spotted a man who’d just entered the room which held the small exhibit.
The figure wore a black cap, obstructing his face, his eyes darting around before landing on another male situated in one of the corners of the room. The latter gave him a brief nod which the other returned. Discreetly glancing at them, you noticed familiar bulges beneath their shirt, surely holding a gun.
“Okay, don’t be alarmed but I think this place is about to get robbed.” You said in a hushed whisper, faking interest in another piece of art beside you.
You noted the small but discernible flicker in the woman’s eyes, her name still unknown to you.
“Let’s just say I’m perceptive. Do me a favour and take out your phone.”
You waited until the brunette had followed your instructions.
“Pretend to be talking to someone and walk out the room. They’re not going to do anything until you’re gone because they don’t want to run the risk of you warning someone.”
She nodded at your words and proceeded to carry out your plan.
You fought the look of surprise and confusion that surely would’ve shown on your face at the lack of fear on hers. Instead, her eyes seemed to hold a look of determination.
Determined to do what, you weren’t sure of.
Once she had left, your suspicions were confirmed when the two men simultaneously took out their guns and shouted.
“Everybody down on the ground. Now!”
Screams and shouts were let out by the small group of citizens in the room, replacing the quiet bustle of hushed whispers that had previously filled the air.
As everyone immediately fell to the ground, you slid down the wall until you were in an upright position.
You watched as they removed several of the smaller pieces of art, carefully placing them in a duffel bag. You waited until they grew closer to you before standing up causing both of their guns to be aimed at you.
“Sit back down or you’ll get a bullet in your pretty little head.”
They both moved to stand in front of you, blocking you from the view of the security cameras and the people behind them. Using your powers, you pulled the guns toward you and flung them to the far side of the room.
You took advantage of their momentary confusion and kicked both of them. One of them grabbed you from behind, his tight grip trapping your arms. You raised your legs and caged the other’s neck between them.
Twisting your legs, you threw him to the ground and then drew yourself closer into your captor’s arms, lifting off the ground for a brief second before throwing him over your shoulders and onto the ground beside the other intruder.
You yelled to the handful of citizens who watched you with a mixture of awe and fear.
Then you felt yourself being pushed against the marble ground as one of the men jumped on top of you, his weight crushing your small figure.
“You’re going to regret that, bitch.” He snarled against your ear.
You threw your head back, smirking when you heard the grunt of pain and several curses falling from the man’s lips.
You raised your hands and with it, the other man floated in the air. With a wave of your wrist, he went crashing into his friend and they slumped into a corner.
You quickly picked yourself up and ran out of the museum’s back exit, knowing you had to avoid the police at all costs.
Reaching an abandoned alley, similar to the one you first arrived in, you took out the inter-dimensional extrapolator, deciding it was way too dangerous for you to remain here any longer.
Pressing the device, you expected to see a breach form but to your shock, there was none. Inspecting the device, you saw that it had been broken, more than likely from when you’d been thrown against the ground by the robbers.
You muttered a foul curse before calming yourself.
Think, y/n. Think.
Your ears perked up at the familiar whistle and rattle of train tracks.
Okay, you knew what to do next.
You needed to go home.
Part 2 ->
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korra-the-red-lion · 3 years
I will forever be salty that LoT doesn’t let Sara explore her grief a bit more, it seems. Anyway, enjoy some angst with a happy ending!
Sara put down the make-up brush and stared at herself in the mirror. It wasn’t a lot, but she felt confident in what she did for herself. Lightly, she put on the finishes touches to her lips and was ready for the big event.
In just a few short hours she’d be marrying the love of her life.
But why did her heart feel so heavy? Shouldn’t she be overjoyed that she was marrying Ava? But it only took one quick glance to the photo sitting her in locket to remind her why she felt this way. Laurel and Oliver smiled up at her, their faces alive and happy. Sara picked up the locket, holding it gently in her hand. At least Oliver got to marry the life of his life, Laurel never even got that chance. Both men she loved were tragically ripped away from her, before her own life was as well.
Although Laurel told her it was the right decision, Sara couldn’t help but still feel guilty that she didn’t use the Loom of Fate to bring her back. Why did someone like her get so many chances at life yet her sister didn’t? It was a cruel thing, fate was. Sara would have gladly given one of her several returns to life in exchange for Laurel to be here on her wedding day.
And Oliver too, who would never see his daughter grow old. How was it fair that someone who gave so much and rarely asked for anything in return was not allowed this once in a lifetime opportunity. At least Mia had Felicity, who was one tough cookie. It just felt like some cosmic joke to her. Oliver wasn’t perfect, but he deserved to grow old with his wife and children.
Sara blew a frustrated breath through pursed lips. She needed to stop thinking about this. About them. Today was supposed to be about her happiness, her love. About her and Ava finally retiring from saving the universe and enjoying life. It wasn’t an easy decision for them to make, especially for her. Sara had been fighting since she was teenager. What would the domestic life feel like? Going for walks with having to watch your back? Talking about that silly thing the neighbours did with Ava? Sara honestly couldn’t even picture it in her mind.
There was a knock at her door, startling from her thoughts. Sara put on a brave face and called out, “Come in!”
Nyssa walked into the room with a smile adorning her face. Sara smiled back, but Nyssa was not fooled. She had known Sara for a very long time and knew when she was hiding her feelings. Nyssa closed the door softly before turning to face her former love.
“What is wrong, Beloved?”
Sara smiled softly at the familiar expression. “It’s nothing, really. Just got thinking.”
“Thinking about what?”
“How much I miss them,” she said, looking down at the locket again.
Nyssa nodded in understanding as she came to sit next to Sara. “I miss them as well. I cannot imagine how difficult this must be for you.”
Sara clutched the locket, holding it to her heart. “I wish they could be here to see this. I want to let them know that I only got this far because of their support. Especially Laurel’s…” the tears welled up in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall.
“Sara…” Nyssa reached for her hand, squeezing it in comfort. “They may not be here physically, but I know Oliver and your sister. They’re watching from wherever they are currently. They would be so happy for you, so happy that you found the love they wished for you. Do you understand that?”
“I do,” said Sara with a small voice, “but that doesn’t make me miss them any less.”
Nyssa hugged Sara tightly. All she could hope was that Sara could feel her emotions through the hug. That it was okay to grief those you’ve lost, you just cannot let it consume you. Sara hugged back just as tightly, wondering when the emptiness in her heart would finally feel a little more whole.
Another knock at the door broke the pair apart. Ray stuck his head into the room, his smile instantly dropping when he saw Sara. He wasted no time in walking across the floor and scooping the tiny assassin into a bear hug.
“I have no idea what’s upsetting you, Sara, but I’m not going to let it ruin your wedding day,” he said firmly.
Ray put Sara onto the floor before getting to work straightening out her wedding dress. “Sara, I’ve known you for a very long time. Heck, I think you’re my oldest friend at this point. You were there for me when Nora and I tied the knot. We were there for each other through all the hardships that we’ve face. I would never let you do this alone.” Ray stepped back to make sure there wasn’t a single wrinkle left. With a satisfied nod, Ray placed a gentle hand on Sara’s shoulder.
“You deserve happiness and peace, Sara Lance,” said Ray with watery eyes. “I believe that more than anything else in the world.”
Sara swallowed thickly while blinking out tears. “Thank you…” She fanned at her laugh with a wet laugh. “Oh God, my make-up. Ava is going to freak out if I don’t get a move on things.”
“I believe I can help with that,” said Nyssa with a smirk. She held up the eye make-up with a fire in her eyes. “I am quite good with my hands, after all.”
Sara burst out into laughter while Ray looked pleasantly confused. Together, Ray and Nyssa got Sara ready to walk down the aisle.
Quentin looked like he was trying his hardest not to cry as he walked his daughter down the aisle. Sara squeezed his arm tightly as they did, trying to keep her raging emotions in check.
“I’m so happy for you, baby,” he said in a choked whisper.
“Thanks, dad.” Sara sniffled slightly. “I’m really happy too.”
He gave her a kiss on the cheek as he left her at the alter. He joined his wife in the front row. Sara took in the crowd. Jax and his wife were here with their kids. Thea and Roy were in the crowd chatting quietly to Dinah. Sara couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow when she noticed that Dinah had her pinkie finger linked with Laurel 2.0. That was unexpected. Barry and Iris were sitting next to Kara, Alex, Lena, and Kelly. Ray waved to her, his arm linked with a very happy looking Nora, who was also waving. Mona was seated next to Gary, who was already ugly crying. Nate was on Ray’s right side, and he was beaming up at Sara, Zari holding his free hand. Charlie was with her band, providing the music for the wedding. Amaya came from the past to also watch her former captain and friend tie the knot. She was seated next to the Hawks, which they had been hard to track down, but Kendra had been Sara’s first friend aboard the Waverider, and there was no way she was going to miss this for the world. Nyssa sat with Sin, who was looking so much older than Sara last remembered.
All her friends and family were here, and it was a wonderful sight to see.
Charlie looked up towards the doorway and motioned to her band to start playing the music. Sara’s heart was beating like crazy with anticipation as the doors swung open.
Ava walked out from behind the curtains. Her smile was wide and there were already tears in her eyes as she walked towards Sara. Her dress was nothing fancy, but that’s exactly what suited her best. Mick was walking her down the aisle. They had an unlikely friendship, but Ava had helped Mick with so many things in his life, he felt it only fair to return a favour. There were tears in his eyes as he helped her up the steps. He gave Sara a quick nod before clomping back down to take his seat next to Spooner, who was sitting with Astra and Behrad.
“Alright,” said Diggle with a clearing of his throat. “Sara and Ava both asked that this not be fancy. Sara said to me, ‘I already have enough drama in my life, I don’t need it at my wedding too,’ and I couldn’t agree more.”
This drew laughs from the crowd.
“So, Sara, do you have anything you want to say to Ava?” asked Diggle.
Sara nodded quickly. “Ava, I just want to say that you’ve made me the happiest girl in the world. You just get me, and that is so important. We’ve had our rough patches, but we always got through them together. You’ve been with me through thick and thin. I love you so much that it makes me lie awake at night thinking about it. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.” She smiled brightly, ignoring the tears that flowed freely down her face now.
“Ava, do you have anything you want to say to Sara?”
“Yes.” Ava took a deep shaky breath. Sara could feel the tremors in her hands as she spoke. “I hated you the first time I saw you.” Everyone laughed at that, including Sara and Ava. “But you slowly broke down my walls and taught me how to really live. If it wasn’t for you, I probably would still be working for Rip, without ever realizing the person I could have been. You helped me because the best version of me, because that’s what’s being a person is all about. Helping each other grow. I hope that we can continue to do just that, because you’ll be spending every moment with me, and I can’t wait.”
Diggle smiled at the two of them before saying. “Okay, well, go ahead then!”
Sara dipped Ava and gave her the most passionate kiss she could muster. It would take some time, but she was hopeful that Ava would help her fill the hole in her heart. She already had, in some way. Because Sara knew that this right here meant that she was no longer lonely. She would always grieve the death of her Laurel, her wonderful and beautiful sister, and her best friend in Oliver. But she also knew that Ava would always be there for her, every step of the way.
And she was ready to see where that path led.
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mariannesketchnotes · 3 years
Fanfic Rec List (mostly Timeless)
Since starting this blog, I created 24 fanfic sketchnotes & I can now create a mosaic that covers nearly a square meter. So, in celebration of all these amazing stories I got to recommend, join me in this (massive) compilation post with links to all the stories & the sketchnotes (for more detail on my recommendations). I categorized the stories and I wish to celebrate all you amazing writers & artists today! Thank you for sharing your stories & art.
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I hope you forgive the massive amount of namedropping I am about to do. (Also: I love reading the responses when people see my sketchnotes - so feel free to respond, sent me a note or engage in conversations :-) ). I’m also always on the lookout for more stories to read: I particularly like found family, recovery, mission fic, general or rare pair stories & maturity in characters & conversations. I like adults leaving teen drama behind and dealing with things like the adults they are. Angst is a favorite too, and I enjoy the multiverse of AUs. (Honestly: I’m a pretty eclectic reader).
The show that pulled me back into fandom & fanfic & to all you wonderful people. The full list is under a read-more, cause this post got LONG.
Historical / Mission
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The Only Way Out by @sallyexactly
Author’s summary: Chinatown leaves the team shattered and grieving, but their only option is to stumble forward. To save the world, they'll need strength of character they didn't know they had, to defeat depths of evil like they've never seen. Meanwhile, they need to find a way to decide their own future, not give up hope... and save the fighting for the actual bad guys. It's honestly a toss-up which of those will be hardest.
This story is my headcanon of how the series ended. It is long (300000+ words) but well-worth it. It's got history, slow and mature development and an intelligent resolution. I reread it frequently and although I have wanted to capture my response in a (series of) sketchnote, I never managed it to my satisfaction. The story is beautiful and feels cathartic (and well-worth rereading over and over).
The Road Ode by @sallyexactly  - my sketchnote
Post-canon. Roadtrip with our favourite historian & lots of historical markers on the way. 107937 words.
The Gutter and the Stars by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels - my sketchnote
Oscar Wilde. Short (1397 words) & funny.
No End, No Beginning by MandyCandy - my sketchnote
Ambitious plan & canon divergent. Tecumseh. With a full bibliography. 65068 words.
Parallel Lines by @x-voyevoda - my sketchnote
Multiverse. Post-canon. Rated mature. Work-in-Progress. 71911 words.
Zajednički by @insane-sociopath - my sketchnote
Retelling of season 2. PTSD. More missions included. Incomplete. 129474 words.
Evocative / Poetic / Philosophical / Makes Me Think
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Burn the Witch by barefootwithneonhands - my sketchnote
Evocative. Poetic & fascinating to no end. 19534 words.
Two Roads by @oldshrewsburyian - my sketchnote
How do you live your life while waiting for a future you once so tantalisingly glimpsed but barely dared hope for? Denise Christopher pondering her choices. 835 words.
The Nuclear Option by RedGold (@timelesshonesttrailer) - my sketchnote
“Sometimes… sometimes change happens because a thousand voices cry out and make themselves heard, many moving parts of some Rube-Goldberg Machine. But… from time to time… it just takes one person, making one decision, and that changes the fate of the world.” Jessica-centric. 6036 words
A Shot of Remembrance by @doctorliamsr - my sketchnote
Garcia & Karl. Season 1. 1093 words.
Scorched Earth by @sallyexactly - my sketchnote
Garcia & Lucy. Evocative language. 2695 words.
Ballet-Feerie by @oldshrewsburyian & @qqueenofhades - my sketchnote
Ballet AU. Dance as language. Authors’ summary: “Garcia Flynn teaches ballet to a class including Amy Preston. Lucy Preston has been her younger sister's guardian since they were orphaned. Hesitant conversations and fraught silences ensue. Also, there's Tchaikovsky.”  16799 words.
Alternate Universe
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Finding Light in Darkness - by Ultra - my sketchnote
19-century Governess AU. 40199 words. Found Family. Wholesome story.
Incandescent & Adolescent (Wonders Never Cease) by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels - my sketchnote
She Loves Me AU. 1930s setting. Lots of letter writing. 18438 words. 
Ballet-Feerie by @oldshrewsburyian & @qqueenofhades - my sketchnote
Ballet AU. See above. 16799 words
Blood Sins - A #FlynnFriday Imagines Series (E-rated) by  @doctorliamsr, @timelesshonesttrailer & @ununpredictableme - my sketchnote
Vampire AU. Ongoing story that fascinates me to no end. Reading any snippit I can get my hands on. Garcia/Lorena/Lucy & Jiya/Rufus relationships. The E-rated parts are clearly marked and can be skipped if it’s not your cup of tea. Currently at 47403 words.
The Assassin’s Holiday by @secretnerdprincess - my sketchnote
Murdervision. Assassin AU. Got me giggling all the way through. 12224 words. Rated mature.
Amehrana by Redgold (@timelesshonesttrailer) - my sketchnote
Food Truck AU. Found family. Wholesome. Mature people. Lorena is awesome.  32589 words.
Lorena Lives
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Rise Like a Reckoning by @amandamonroe - my sketchnote
Author’s summary: ‘"Lorena Flynn Has a Chance" Ex-CIA agent Lorena Flynn is back. She's got her daughter, her husband, and the woman who saved their lives years ago. She's taking command of the bunker and taking Rittenhouse down.’ Lorena/Garcia/Lucy hinted at towards the end. 6483 words.
Blood Sins - A #FlynnFriday Imagines Series (E-rated) by  @doctorliamsr, @timelesshonesttrailer & @ununpredictableme - my sketchnote
See above. Also: Iris lives!
Amehrana by Redgold (@timelesshonesttrailer) - my sketchnote
See above. Yes, I’m recommending this twice. :-)
Due to the nature of the show, there are not many stories in which Lorena lives. I particularly like the Lorena focused stories that RedGold, @sallyexactly, @omnicat​ & @amandamonroe​ write. Lorena & Iris deserved better and these stories bring depth, humanity and grace to Lorena & her choices. I reread them frequently and recommend you do the same. These authors are amazing.
Recovery & Healing
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To Find a Home by @misscrazyfangirl321 - my sketchnote 
Rufus & Jiya & Garcia friendship. Extending grace. 4529 words.
A Butterfly Garden by @vita-s-west - my sketchnote
Post-Rittenhouse defeat. Slow recovery. Especially wholesome to read in these pandemic times. There’s now a sequel too!  3323 words. 
Nisam Sam by @thealocksly - my sketchnote
Lucy’s processing her time in Rittenhouse & Garcia holds space for her. Soft & dark & visceral. 1225 words.
Q&A by @somekindofflowergirl - my sketchnote
Author’s summary: “Lucy and Flynn develop a routine during their nighttime chats. She's allowed one loaded question and he's allowed one loaded apology.” 22176 words
The Road Ode by @sallyexactly - my sketchnote
See above. This roadtrip fic inspired my own roadtrip where we found ourselves in Friedrichshafen, Germany and the Zeppelin museum there were there was a whole exposition on the Hindenburg. Felt very serendipidous.
Honorable mentions (especially in these pandemic times):
Disease Protocols for Time Travellers by hjea (594  words)
Also, I’d like to give a shoutout to @battleshipgarcy​ for their fan archive sites & meta posts with screenshots of the journal & all the meta content. I love seeing all those small details highlighted! (Plus: their Maria Thompkins in their story The Road Less Traveled intrigues me to no end!)
Other Fandoms
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Hunger Games - A Standing Engagement (E-rated) by @bettsfic - my sketchnote. 
Annie & Finnick AU within Hunger Games world. 56760 words. The Food Wars are so very appropriate in the Hunger Games world. It’s fascinating how well betts incorporates exisiting Hunger Games context into this story: this feels like it could have happened.
Temeraire - The Diplomat’s Dragon by indecisive_lotus - my sketchnote
Ongoing story. Post-canon. I love Churki & Hammond together & how Hammond especially gets out-manouvered. 20730 words.
White Collar - In Your Wildest Dreams by sahiya - my sketchnote
Post-canon. Sara Ellis focused. Author’s summary ”This was what grief did to you, Sara knew. It played tricks on your mind. But if it wasn’t Neal, then who could it be? Who else would send her an anonymous packet detailing all the ways someone could knock over the Louvre?” 14289 words.
White Collar - I’ve been bingereading the stories by Sholio. Especially the stories focused on Diana Barrigan. They are a delight. Breakout is especially bad-ass Diana (in heels nonetheless!)
I started this blog to show my appreciation of those wonderful fanfic stories that have entertained me endlessly and engage with these amazing artists (and other people in fandom who share my enthusiasm!) This recommendation list is obviously incomplete and I welcome additions & conversations! 
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dctvgen · 3 years
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Thanks to everyone who took part in the event - we hope you enjoyed it.
Here are all the lovely fanworks created for it, and don’t forget to show the creators some love if you can. 💝
More Simple Times by Cat2000 - Oliver Queen, Tommy Merlyn, Thea Queen
Set pre-series. Oliver spends some time with his best friend and his little sister.
You and Me (And A Long Goodbye) by Val_Creative - Kate Kane, Alice Kane
Kate and Alice find themselves in the hands of some bad guys. Working together is the only way to escape.
—The Flash—
West Family Dinner by IncendiaGlacies - Wally West, Iris West, Joe West, Nora West-Allen
After meeting his new family, Wally tries hard to fit in with the Wests at family dinner while they try equally as hard to impress him. 
One of a kind is never normal by Purpleyin - Earth-2 Harrison ‘Harry’ Wells, Cisco Ramon
A few introspective snippets for Harry about what happened on Earth-2 pre-S2, how he feels coming to Earth-1, and on his friendship with Cisco.
—Harley Quinn—
Just Another Mask, Just Another Story by sultrybutdamaged - Harleen Quinzel, Poison Ivy, Batman, Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne (past Harley/Joker)
Harley Quinn has always had a tattoo on her right shoulder, and she's always known what it meant.  But when a series of disturbing dreams and a concussion leave her wondering which of her memories can really be trusted, Harley becomes determined to find out what really happened on the night she got that mark.  And that may mean trusting the last person any Gotham supervillain should... the Batman.
—Legends of Tomorrow—
OG's more like All G's by Tailah_Haderson_Gilbert - Sara Lance, Nate Heywood, Ray Palmer (background Ava/Sara)
When the girls are out on mission Sara has free rein of the ship and to lift everyone's spirits this valentine's day, she decides to through a family festival and it includes ALL the holidays. Cute Sara and Nate friendship and amazing captain at work!
Found Family by Ballycastle_Bat - Sara Lance, Nate Heywood, Mona Wu, Ray Palmer, Gideon
Ray's found family has a valentines day surprise for him. 
wherever you roam we'll be your home by Purpleyin - Gideon, Jefferson ‘Jax’ Jackson, Martina Jackson   
Snapshots of Jax and Gideon's friendship spanning from the day he leaves the Waverider to many years in the future.
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gingersthoughts · 3 years
i put characters from every fandom i know in hogwarts houses: red queen edition
Mare is a Slytherin. No explanation necessary.
Evangeline is a Griffendor. I know she often acts like a Slytherin, but thats how she has been raised. All her character trades that Mare noticed on her were this typical mean silver princess trades. Her parents want her to be that way. But in the last book she needs to be brave and find out who she truly is. She still does
Farley is a  Griffendor shes so brave, cunning and strong even though she dosen´t have any powers, lost her mother and sister, lost Shade, have a child and beeing tortured she is still fighting. She´s so strong. Love her.
Cal is a Huffelpuff, my baby. Always trying to make things right.
Original Maven is a Ravenclaw. The MareandCal Maven. The Maven without Elara. Thinking things on his own. With some Huffelpuff tenses. RIP.
Lucas Samos is also a Huffelpuff. Also RIP.
Iris is a Griffindor. I wish we had something in broken throne about her. After reread war storm i realised how truly intresting her story is. Even though she isn´t one of my favourite characters. Her story is not over.
Julian is a Ravenclaw. Just like his sister. They both saw that the system was wrong.
Sara Skonos is a Ravenclaw. Thinking thinks on her own. And try to do the right thing like go on the red war front in Queen Song.
Cameron is a Slytherin. She has her own goals. Love her.
The Fishboy is a Huffelpuff. Mare has an affection for Huffelpuffboys. Like all Slytherins do. But seriously, his character is so real and still loveable. Victoria did a great job writting him. He deserves only the best.
Gisa is a Ravenclaw.
Shade is with his war- intelligence a Slytherin. He is very similar to Mare. And like his father. Who is also a Slytherin and who i also love. RIP. We will always love him.
Ruth Barrow is a Huffelpuff. Trammy is also one.
And Bree is a Griffindor. Love him!
Ella is a Griffindor. Wish we had seen more of her.
Tyton Jesper is a Slytherin. True power. Love his relationship with Mare.
I wish i could write something about Rafe because he seems really interesting and i loved the dynamic of the Electricons.
Elane Haven is a Griffindor, she has the brave to love and open herself for nnew things.
I love this book series. The writing is great, the story is great and the characters are so deep, interesting and real. It´s a masterpiece.
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ohnopoe · 3 years
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Imagine: Barry admitting he’s in love with you
Imagine: Finding a reader insert blog about The Flash with Barry
Imagine: Getting caught by your boyfriend, Barry, using your metahuman powers
Imagine: Getting frustrated when something isn’t working, only to have Barry speed learn the topic and fix it for you
Imagine: Going to a ball with your boyfriend, Barry, only to have the party crashed by your children from the future
Imagine: Putting Barry in his place
Imagine: The team finding out you and Barry are an item because he isn’t as awkward with you as he is with others
Imagine: Your brother, Barry, comforting you after you find out about Harrison being the Reverse Flash
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Imagine: Caitlin telling you she likes you too
Imagine: Cisco and Barry locking you and Caitlin in a room together so you will admit you like each other
Imagine: Fighting with Caitlin, only to end up admitting you’re in love with her
Imagine: Talking with Caitlin about your insecurities about having fallen in love while struggling with depression
Imagine: Telling Cisco that you were moving on from your long time crush on Caitlin
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Imagine: Helping the team capture killer frost and working with Barry to get the old Caitlin back
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Imagine: Being Harrison’s daughter and moving in with Cisco
Imagine: Being jealous of Cisco and Lisa
Imagine: Calling Cisco out after he asks a stranger to pretend to be his girlfriend instead of you
Imagine: Cisco surprising you when you come home from work with your apartment fully decorated for Christmas
Imagine: Getting spooked by Barry whilst watching scary movies with Cisco
Imagine: Helping Cisco with his fears that he will become exactly like Reverb
Imagine: Meeting Cisco by accident, for the first time, at an ice-cream parlour
Imagine: Scolding Cisco for getting your keyboard all sticky from all the Twizzlers he eats
Imagine: Surprising your best friend, Cisco, at work after not having seen each other face to face in years
Imagine: Teaching Cisco how to use his powers because you used to work with Reverb
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Imagine: Finding out you are Eobard’s ancestor along with Eddie after you’re both kidnapped
Imagine: Signing up Eddie to a dating app
Imagine: Watching your favourite Halloween movies Eddie
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Imagine: Being in the crash caused by Eobard with Harrison
Imagine: Being the reason Eobard wants to come home so badly
Imagine: Confronting Eobard after he’s been put in the timeline
Imagine: Eobard knowing he can’t have you, but getting jealous when you’re out on a date. So, he calls you ‘needing help’ at Star Labs
Imagine: Eobard trying to be smart after admitting the truth to you
Imagine: Only believing Harrison Wells is an imposter when you see the real Wells’ body, and Eobard’s reaction to watching you find out
Imagine: Walking in on Harrison when he’s out of his chair, and him trying to make you keep his being able to walk a secret
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Imagine: Cheering up a homesick H.R. at Christmas
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Imagine: Being Barry’s little sister, but your Earth-2 Doppelgänger being Harry’s daughter who was killed by Zoom
Imagine: Being Harrison’s daughter and moving in with Cisco
Imagine: Being Harrison Wells’ secretary and being secretly in love with him, but him not realising until it’s too late and you’re leaving the office for a date with someone else
Imagine: Being in a longterm relationship with Harrison and, when Zoom is finally defeated, spending the day baking with him
Imagine: Being Jay’s girlfriend and the reason Harry hates him without knowing it
Imagine: Being separated from your friends in the middle of a corn maze
Imagine: Fighting with Harrison
Imagine: Finally getting Harrison to open up a bit… only after embarrassing yourself in front of him
Imagine: Forcing Harrison to have a dinner away from the lab
Imagine: Forcing Harrison to rest when he’s not well
Imagine: Forcing Harrison to rest when he’s not well - part two
Imagine: Getting all dressed up for an event but having to work last minute instead
Imagine: Getting into a fight with Harrison, and Jesse asking when you two became an item…
Imagine: Harrison being scared that he will break you heart
Imagine: Harrison finding out about your secret life that no one else knows about
Imagine: Harrison traveling to Earth-1 to spend Valentine’s Day with you
Imagine: Harry getting jealous when you come back from Christmas shopping with HR and Cisco
Imagine: Jesse finding out you like Harrison and telling him about it in front of you and you get all embarrassed
Imagine: Jesse setting you and Harrison up on Valentine’s Day
Imagine: Kissing Harrison under mistletoe
Imagine: Making Harrison talk about his feelings with you
Imagine: Only finding out why Harrison has always been so distant with you only when Jesse arrives and calls you ‘Mum’
Imagine: Staying behind on Earth-2 when Harrison leaves to get help from Earth-1
Imagine: Talking with Caitlin about her feelings for Barry and your feelings for Harrison
Imagine: Trying to convince Harry that he shouldn’t go out because it’s not safe for him
Imagine: Watching a scary movie by yourself and then being called into Star Labs
Trust series
Part One 
Part Two
Part Three (abandoned)
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Imagine: Being Hunter’s girlfriend and helping him with his plans
Imagine: Coming home to your apartment with Hunter
Imagine: Hunter kidnapping you because he’s in love with you and you trying to convince him to be a hero, not a villain
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Imagine: Helping Iris get ready for her first date with Eddie
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Imagine: Helping Jesse leave Central City
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Imagine: Being Joe’s new partner on the force and dating him and him being smug that for once he was dating his partner, not one of his kids
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Imagine:  Trying to make Julian’s first Christmas in Central City special
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Imagine: Being a thief and running into Leonard on a job
Imagine: Helping Leonard buy a present for Lisa
Imagine: Joining the Legends and finding out Leonard, the ex you never got over, is on the team
Imagine: Kissing the masked Leonard at a party
Imagine: Leonard finding your souvenir stash from every place you’ve all stopped
Imagine: Leonard Snart admitting he’s in love with you
Imagine: Leonard, your ex, saving you from an abusive relationship
Imagine: Sara and Leonard both having feelings for you, but you being oblivious to the fact
Imagine: Seeing Leonard dressed as a cop for a mission
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Imagine: Being Martin’s ex-girlfriend and recognising him when he goes back in time to meet his younger self
Imagine: Martin being the only one to understand your obscure costume
Imagine: Your father, Martin Stein, recruiting you to join the Legends
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Imagine: Being the first one on the team to notice how smart Mick is
Imagine: Being Mick’s child and going back in time to save him and the team from Savage’s forces
Imagine: Convincing Mick to have a snowball fight
Imagine: Going to tell your younger self to not make the same mistakes you did, only to have Mick stop you and tell you you’re enough
Imagine: Making Mick wear an animal onesie
Imagine: Mick getting Jealous because he thinks you like Leonard, but you really love him
Imagine: Mick protecting you
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Imagine: Being Barry’s sister and meeting Wally for the first time and instantly clicking, only to have Barry become overprotective of you
Imagine: Being in a relationship with Wally but instead of Iris getting hit with the glass, you do, and Wally is by your side feeling guilty
Imagine: Going to a CCPD Donation Gala with Wally
Imagine: Going to Joe’s for Christmas and meeting Wally for the first time
Imagine: Wally admitting he likes you
Imagine: Wally telling Joe and Iris, who you’re friends with, that he and you are in a relationship
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Imagine: Being a member of Team Flash but secretly also being a metahuman. But everything goes wrong when Harry explains that your Earth-2 Doppelgänger is a superhero
Imagine: Being kidnapped by Barry and him being confused when you don’t know anyone on the team
Imagine: Bringing a puppy to work with you at Star Labs
Imagine: Getting caught singing and dancing around Star Labs to Mambo No.5
Imagine: Having game night with the Wests
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widowandthewitch · 4 years
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Ugh. Lord take me now. Look the actor seems like a really nice guy so nothing against him but this is most likely going to kill me next season. I love supercorp. Supergirl gave us Alex and Maggie and Alex and Kelly (I miss Maggie). And I have to be honest despite all the long looks and inferences and everything else I never truly thought they’d make supergirl a predominately homosexual show with two sisters who had girlfriends.
I knew they’d only ever girl our community Alex and never Kara and Supercorp would never happen despite everything we hoped for. I knew it would only live in fictions. Because despite the CW being super inclusive, let’s be real- they do have a wider audience to service and to make both danver’s sisters gay ( or ever Kara bisexual) may have been pushing it too far. I never had any illusions that they would.
But, I can understand the supercorp fandom ire and outrage. The looks between Lena and supergirl, the clear parallels between their relationship to that of Barry and Iris, the focus on their relationship and how not heteronormative it is to anyone with eyeballs. We feel baited- and it’s completely valid to feel that way. And now we are going to be subjected to another slow burn romance between Kara and a guy we find annoying and feel has been awkwardly foisted upon her for the sake of giving her a male counterpart. Their chemistry just doesn’t match the chemistry and intensity of hers with Lena
I recently saw a post where a woman spoke about how the gay community devoured any bits of homosexual inferences in the media no matter how small bc it’s what we are used to. I grew up with the L word, I remember watching it in college and sticking with it no matter how fucking bad that show got. Bc at the time it was all we had for represention. The only place I could go to see myself on TV. Now things are a tad different! We can watch Motherland fort Salem and watch rayelle and Scylla and their amazing kisses, Alex’s authentic coming out story, Sara Lance the swashbuckling and delicious captain and her amazing GF Ava have one of the most supportive and authentic relationships I’ve seen in a while. But I think as a community we will always look for those small bits of homosexual inferences, those longing looks, those peole we wish so desperately were together- that’s why we write our fictions. I think there’s always room for more representation, more of us on Tv and movies and when we feel baited into watching a show and then aren’t returned for our loyalties, our fandoms, and our outpouring of love the hurt is very real.
I remember when I was growing up and all I had were those longing looks and the occasional kisses on Xena. So I, personally, am very grateful for the representation that exists now. But I’m also as miffed as anyone at what’s going on in some shows- will I abandon supergirl? No. If simply for Lena Luther in those fucking pantsuits. Goddamn I love a woman in a power suit.
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avatarskywalker78 · 2 years
Fanfic Masterpost
Now under a read more due to the growing number of fics.
even if we can’t find heaven (i’ll walk through hell with you) - Part 1 of The Shieldmaiden Saga, focusing on Steph Taylor - Eddie’s childhood best friend - as she gains powers from the particle accelerator, and soon finds out she’s not the only one, gaining new friends...and discovering that the accelerator was flawed.
to save the world (with a friend by my side) - Longfic for SyFy’s Krypton, where Adam Strange and his friend Ashley Tanner travel back in time to save Krypton. Problem is, the villain they’re after’s already arrived, Kandor’s a powder keg, there’s an extremist group making things even worse, and Adam and Ashley are about to find their different approaches are going to clash. 8/11 chapters
flufftober 2021 - A series of mostly shortfics I wrote for flufftober 2021, mainly dctv but a few Marvel and Ace Attorney ones as well.
emerald legacy - An AU spanning from Arrow’s S1 finale, where Oliver was the one who died saving Laurel, not Tommy. In the midst of dealing with Oliver’s death, plus the revelation that Thea’s his sister, Tommy knows that sooner or later the city is going to need a protector again, and decides to take up Oliver’s mantle.
of legacies and lies - Alex Thompson, Jack Thompson’s granddaughter, goes on the run after the SHIELDRA reveal, and has to deal with the fact that her entire career in SHIELD has been a lie. Meanwhile Jack and Sarah - his wife - are making sure she’s going to get a fair trial when she reaches the US.
a god’s reflection - a rewrite of an old FFN story, written from Loki’s POV after his initial imprisonment post-Avengers as he thinks about his actions, and regrets that he’ll never really have a chance to make amends because he’ll likely be imprisoned for the rest of his life.
when one door closes (another opens) - In the 22nd Century on Earth-4, Brianna Thawne takes Sara Lance up on her offer to join the Legends, and this is only the start.
now we have (the freedom to choose) - an AU of Legends’ S1 finale. Kendra isn’t the only one dealing with destiny, but Carter too - and since he’s the one who always remembers first, it’s unlikely he’s ever had much chance to be with other people like Kendra has. Featuring a more self-aware Carter and a heart to heart with Sara Lance.
you’ve always been (a part of me) - A Seg/Adam fic set 40 years after Krypton’s S2 finale, where they’ve been together almost as long - and Seg is hit with the realization that he’ll eventually outlive Adam.
speak (and i’ll listen) - a short MonWinn fic set in an AU of Supergirl S2 (the AU being that they’re together, and not Mon and Kara). Winn stresses over not being able to stop Music Meister. Mon does his best to comfort him.
to new beginnings - A Westhallen short fic written for Polyam Shpping Day #14, set in an alternate season 2 and featuring the three of them discussing New Year’s resolutions.
Cobalt Blue and The Flash - an AU series where Malcolm Thawne and Barry Allen are best friends and both get struck by lightning, becoming speedsters. Malcolm wakes up first - and this changes everything.
doubt (and the bonds of love) -  Another short MonWinn fic, set in an alternate S3 where Mon-El never left Earth. Mon-El has become distant all of a sudden and Winn is determined to find out why.
to live and rise (and hope again) - longfic about Eliana Kent, Clark and Lana’s daughter from an alternate universe, as she experiences a massive power boost, becomes a hero, and joins the DEO, while still dealing with her family’s loss and having to work with two of their counterparts.
the future (is ours) - a short Thallen fic, set in a AU where Iris is the Flash, Eobard got defeated without any casulties, and Barry and Eddie are dating - Eddie second guessing his relationship with Barry after Eobard’s manipulations.
right here (is where i’m meant to be) - A lazy morning Segdam fic set post-canon.
Cobra Kai Mini Rewrites - a series of unnconnected oneshots that will rewrite various scenes of the show that I felt didn’t work or were flat out bullshit. Currently has 18 stories.
bad boy (no more) - my collection of Mike Barnes redemption fics. Currently has 3 stories.
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un-lovely · 3 years
OC Masterpost
female, early 20s
short, with long black hair that reaches her calves; hazel eyes with epicanthic fold; sharp facial structure and lean build
daughter of Rhea and Sebastian, both from noble families; has 3 siblings (order): Selena, Brigid, and Iris; 3rd born, after Brigid
can be stuck up and rude, but is not unkind; can be aggressive to those she dislikes and possessive with those close to her
is best friends with Antonio (calls him Toni) and they are actually platonic soulmates
love interest is Adan; their relationship is a constant push/pull of the other, which balances them out
in near constant conflict with her sister, Selena, due to personality differences
struggles with emotional issues
is the best cook out of all OCs but doesn't like baking other than hand making bread
male, 5 years younger than Diana
medium height, black eyes, sun streaked hair with a lean build; has buck teeth and a crooked smile with a youthful face
father disappeared during childhood and mother passed away when he was young; no other relatives
is mute; speaks in sign language and voice output on phone
is generally crotchety with a no-nonsense attitude, but is very supporting and affectionate with loved ones
is best friends with Diana; they're both stubborn, a fact that keeps them friends but often leads to them butting heads
love interest is Carlos; he is genuine, kind-hearted, and a little awkward, which Toni finds endearing
doesn't like Adan because he and Diana always meet explosively or in terrible circumstances
came from a humble background, as opposed to Diana, which lead to fights about money
he doesn't like to lie
likes to garden in his free time
male, 3 years younger than Diana
taller than Toni, but thicker; has a belly and muscle; short, black hair, strong jaw, and heavy-lidded dark brown eyes
large family consisting of parents and 6 siblings; is the 4th oldest
reticent and hyper empathetic; still waters run deep; slow to the point of stagnation
is best friends with Isaias, like brothers from a different mother
love interests are Diana and Sara, but Diana is the push to his pull and understands silence well
will overthink a problem till it no longer exists
hates being called boring
can be surprisingly intimidating and dominant when pushed/angry
hobby is playing guitar
male, 2 years older than Diana
the most attractive OC, lean but not muscled, with long, black hair that passes his shoulders; grim features that always make him look serious; light brown eyes
mother passed away due to illness in teens, father is abusive; has a twin sister, Liliana, and other unnamed siblings
always serious, but is not unkind and will always help those in need
no love interest; was engaged to Diana in Supernatural AU but does not care for her romantically
either is friends or enemies with Diana, depending on the AU
likes reading
male, 4 years older than Toni
taller than Toni but not by much; brown skin and brown, curly hair; has green eyes and dimples
has parents and cousins but they live far away; don't really speak that often; is an only child
generous and kind; even tempered and always looking out for others; can be kind of shy with strangers but is more open with friends and family; described as "warm"
lives alone and has no close friends except for pets
love interest is Antonio, who he finds hides a beautifully noble and wise mind beneath his cranky exterior
not very good at interacting with Diana, but considers her a friend
is a very good neighbor
experiences bouts of loneliness due to his distance from most people and society
hobby is tending to his farm
female, middle aged
average height, but still taller than Diana; wavy black hair, honey brown eyes the same shape as Diana's and a rounder face; has curves but mostly lean
mother passed away young and she never knew her father; has a younger brother; married to Sebastian and has 4 daughters
has a kind heart, but can be selfish at times; very loving to all, but has to learn how to act like a family head and aquire confidence; very playful and youthful
best friend is Maria, a servant girl she grew up with but that sees as her own sister
love interest is Sebastian; they are true soulmates, both romantically and in terms of friendship; they understand each other without words
has had a rocky relationship with Diana for years, but this is due to her being overbearing at times
is heartbroken her daughters (Diana and Selena) are constantly fighting
gets along very well with her mother-in-law, Angelica and goes to her for advice
hobby is any activity with a family member or the entire family
male, middle aged
very tall with a thin, bony frame; light brown hair, large nose, and bony features; green, slightly droopy eyes; wears glasses
has both parents and a brother almost 20 years older than him; no other extended family
is neither shy nor awkward but does not make it a habit to talk to others; he is mild-mannered and noble; gets stuck in his own head often
best friend and lover is Rhea; they are two halves of one whole, a two headed being
he has a rocky relationship with his mother, Angelica
comes from a dying, cursed line of nobles
The Best Dad™️
likes reading everything but law and business; he dislikes business majors
female, 6 years older than Diana
average height, curvy, with wavy, brown hair; dark brown eyes; face shape like Sebastian's
has both parents and 3 sisters; Brigid, Diana, and Iris; is the oldest
can act haughty but is serious and practical; can be a bit of a killjoy and has a hard time loosening up; is not mean but will not respect someone until they earn it
best friend and lover is Liliana; she helps Selena see the beauty of the world without its practicality; they lead a quiet life together
is constantly in conflict with Diana, mostly due to her hurting their mother
likes fashion and making her own clothing
Brigida (developing)
female, 3 years older than Diana
short, thick and curvy; black, wavy hair and a round face with upturned eyebrows; has her paternal grandfather's eyes
has both parents, and 3 sisters; Selena, Diana, and Iris; is 2nd oldest; is married with 2 children
soft-spoken and a bit of a pushover; finds confidence in her husband and children
she grew up being the peacemaker between Selena and Diana, and as such, dislikes conflict of any kind
is kind of afraid of Diana
likes cooking and watching TV
Iris (developing)
female presenting, 3 years younger than Diana
average height, thin, and slim; long brown hair and thin face; eyes similar to Rhea; androgynous features
has both parents and 3 sisters; Selena, Brigida, and Diana; is youngest
is often silent and speaks softly; many regard her as mysterious; difficult to pin down
best friend is (Nameless OC #33)
she takes after her paternal grandmother in terms of gifts
hobbies are taking walks and daydreaming
male, 3 years older than Adan
tall and wiry, very skinny; thin, fine features with brown, curly hair and dark brown eyes
mother leads a bad life and father is in jail though none of them speak; no other blood family known; unofficially adopted by Adan's family
can be charming and likable, but finds it difficult to be genuine; is self conscious about his family history; likes figuring people out like puzzles
best friend is Adan, likes to anger him by pretending to be his lover in public
no love interest
used to have anger issues that he's been working on; they still get the best of him sometimes
has an intense stare
hobbies are harassing Adan to see how he'll react and going out clubbing
female, much older than she looks
very tall, taller than Sebastian; long, tight curly hair, heavy lidded eyes and a large nose; curvy
has no living blood relatives; married to Gabriel and has 2 sons, Gabriel Jr and Sebastian
is mysterious and seems to always know more than she lets on; very wise and is someone many come to for advice; always tells the truth but never answers a question
best friend and lover is Gabriel Sr; they understand each other well and have weathered tough times together
Gabriel Sr calls her "my sphynx"
she is a powerfully gifted psychic with an affinity to pyromancy
she mourns her rocky relationship with Sebastian, though it's cause is well-warranted if accidental
she considers her oldest son to be a good friend of hers
her hobbies are being admired by her husband and tending to her doves
female, late 20s
beautiful; medium height with a lot of curves; large hazel eyes and a round, chubby face; hair is toffee colored
mother passed away and has only a father; is twin to Lucio and has other unnamed siblings
she is soft-spoken and always happy; some would call her an airhead due to her bubbly attitude but she is in fact very clever
best friend and lover is Selena; they love each other dearly and hope to start a family of their own soon
hobbies are embroidery and making her wife laugh
Rene (developing)
nonbinary, age unknown
tall, with copper hair and light brown eyes
blood family unknown; has an unknown lover
will mold their personality to fit the people around them, all the while maintaining emotional distance
works for Diana in some AUs
is a sort of spy
female, age close to Rhea
average height, with a rectangular figure; brown hair and an oval face; pretty brown eyes
has a mother, no father, and unnamed siblings; is married with 2 children
is always laughing and cheerful; exudes a girlish innocence but is trained to kill; she is not afraid of lying to protect her loved ones
best friend is Rhea; despite having been raised and trained to protect her, Maria's affection for her is genuine
husband works far away, so she sees him rarely
seeing as she became good friends with Rhea, she was educated in combat, psychology, and noble etiquette from a young age without Rhea's knowledge
likes Sebastian immensely and finds his physical and personal attributes charming; she is happy he brings Rhea joy
Rhea's girls call her AuntieMum
hobbies are spending time with her family and gossiping with Rhea while cooking dinner
female, around Adan's age
short and stout; bigger frame; curly, black hair with a round face and large, dark eyes
has a large family
she is generous and has a cheerful disposition; she loves to talk, though she sometimes doesn't want or like silence
love interest is Adan; they are a good match but she is sometimes unwilling to coerce him from his bouts of silence and stagnation
age unknown, very old
a dog that lives with Angelica and Gabriel
simply wants validation
age unknown
an orange cat that lives with Diana
has only 1 braincell but experiences frequent power outages
Last updated: Aug 21, 2021
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yukippe · 4 years
my mind that burned
lesbian piper for day 2 of @piperweek ! ao3
 now, piper knows what it meant. she doesn’t tell her dad, she tells him what matters. introduces him to the people she cares about. she spares him the pain. 
 he wanted the best for her. sometimes that meant trying to hide how much the world sucked. but a dad’s dreams of protecting his daughter don’t always come true.  piper remembers being seven and on set for the last day of shooting for her dad's first big blockbuster. she remembers the whispers of the crew on set, remembers stumbling into a room where several men were laughing as two women kissed. she remembers tripping back out and finding her dad and going home. 
 things stick to your skin. piper knows her aunts sara and jess, knows their easy smiles and knows that one always has an arm around the other. they’re in love with each other, always have been for as long as piper’s known. when she was younger she didn’t know that others could think it was wrong, she knew that they were in love and her family loved them and she loved their daughter rebecca who was five years younger than her. 
 things stick to your skin. women who love women and men who love men exist in strange corners of her dad’s work, they exist freely in her family and in the home her family’s built. when piper looks back she thinks of the balancing act her heart went through. she thinks about how it was easy to remember her aunts and her home before they moved. 
 when piper was ten, her dad moved them to los angeles. she loved learning to surf with her dad, she loved sinking her feet in the sand, she loved how the sun still warms her back like it did in oklahoma. she missed the family they left behind, but her dad promised visits. 
 she never loved the schools. she’s never had a great track record with them. she was always hopeful when she started at a new one, though. her dad still dropped her off for her first day when she was ten. she didn’t end up making any friends.  she did hear her classmates mock people like her aunts. it’s the one school she doesn’t feel bad at all for getting suspended from, even when her dad gives her sad eyes after he gets the call on the school's story of how she punched a kid in the face. at ten, piper forgets to tell her version.   when she looks back, piper thinks being ten and in a city away from her family, with her dad taking more and more roles and kids that ran their mouths about shit their parents told them were wrong is where it started. 
 later, at sixteen, holding her first boyfriend's hand in hers as she feels her pulse race for the first time she can remember as she looks at someone else is where it ends. reyna. piper had been worried for this meeting, worried that jason would suddenly remember being in love with the girl he knew for years, the first person from camp jupiter he remembered at all. reyna. her long neat braid rests over her shoulder, a cape pinned to the top of the gold plate on her chest, the laurels in her hair, the intense look in her eyes as she stares them all down. jason squeezed her hand. piper barely noticed. 
 she doesn’t know what it means. it’s been so long piper doesn’t remember what it means. reyna whisked annabeth away and there’s a spike of jealousy in her chest as she wondered why annabeth got the tour around the city when she was stuck with jason - but she knew that’s not what she should be thinking. this is jason, the golden boy who’s taken up almost all the space in her head with fake memories he doesn’t share, and real memories she’s done her best to create. he’s the boy she’s supposed to like. he looks like the younger version of the actors who were cast for the roles of hero and love interest that her dad could never get. 
 it all went to shit in the end, leo possessed and fire rained down on new rome. jason helped her up onto the argo and when she looked back she saw imperial gold armour and flowing purple capes and her fingers twitched and she wondered what was wrong with her. 
 she didn’t try to think about it. piper discovered very quickly that the more you try to avoid thinking about something, the more it haunts your thoughts. it’s in leo constantly hitting on girls he sees when they stopped for a quick quest on their way to greece even when he didn’t seem to actually be interested, it’s in how annabeth tried to tease hazel about a crush on frank no matter how many times hazel insisted he was way older because she was the only one out of the girls without a boyfriend, it’s in annabeth and percy being found in the stables having gone out of their way to find time together and piper realizing she was thankful jason hadn’t tried the same thing. 
 she still couldn’t think about it as much as her mind would like. piper was busy charmspeaking eidolons and fighting monsters and trying to be the girl that plans picnics for her boyfriend. she was the girl that didn’t even know it’s her boyfriend’s birthday. she got a cornucopia she doesn’t understand the point of, she got a sword hazel taught her how to use, she tried to remember why she picked a dagger over a gun. they lost percy and annabeth. gaea tried to turn them against each other and she tried to turn them against each other and she tried to turn them against each other. she talked to her mother and wondered how her father fell in love with her. 
 it’s the part of her life that people in the know will ask her about for the rest of her life and it’s the time of her life she tries to block out the most. piper tried to fight a war with a year of spotty training and she remembered the family she found in camp half blood, the family she missed in oklahoma, the friendships she made in a flying boat. 
 now, she tries not to remember that she lost her best friend.
 at sixteen piper had to fight a war and she doesn’t remember half of it and at the end of it all in camp half blood looking at jason and missing leo and wondering what the fuck she did for the past year she thought of the memories hera gave her and she held his hand as his girlfriend. “jason,” she said. “jason i think we should break up.” and she let go of his hand as maybe a friend. 
 the breath she let out as she saw jason nod felt like a door opening, finding a key she hasn’t seen in years, a memory she’s lost warming her heart. 
 she found reyna before the romans left, she didn’t know how she felt around her. she still hadn’t had time to think about it. but, as reyna confided in her the words her mother gave her that had been messing with her mind, piper tried to remember everything she learned as head counsellor of the children of love. 
 “it could mean a lot of things,” piper said. “maybe you’re meant to fall in love with a mortal or a god.”
 reyna nodded, looking out at the forest and the strawberry fields and everywhere but piper’s eyes. piper was missing something and she dug deeper and thought of her aunts who she hadn’t seen in years and she thought of the word demigod and she tried again. “or,” piper said. “maybe you’re meant to fall in love with the daughter of a god.” 
 her eyes met reyna’s and reyna’s gaze burned the same way the sun does on a hot summer day. “maybe,” reyna said, her voice little more than a whisper. somewhere inside of her, piper thought about how there were more things she wanted to say. but, reyna had a camp to go lead and they both had lives they needed to relearn to live. “piper, send me one of those iris messages if you’re near new rome,” reyna said with a smile. a strong smile because reyna seemed to be built of strength even after a war. piper promised she would and then reyna left. 
 piper remembers how after the war she goes back to her cabin to find her half siblings turning their barbie dreamhouse camp cabin into a pillow fort. piper saw drew throw a pair of fuzzy bunny slippers at her and ducked just in time, matching grins grew on their faces. after the war she got the chance to learn her siblings and learn how to be daughter of aphrodite when she wasn’t in love. 
 she spent a year at camp and she missed leo’s questioning of the camp education system and she missed her dad and her family and she missed the  even that had gone back to new rome and she missed the campers that leave after the summer and go back to school. drew and lacy both went back to their school in brooklyn. before drew left, piper found her. when piper met drew she saw the picture of the bullies that made her life miserable. ater, saying goodbye to her sister piper knew a very different drew.  
 “yes, piper?” drew asked, eyebrow raised, lip glossed mouth turned down. piper saw drew’s eyes twinkle and while she might love her sister, drew could still be a lot. 
 “be safe,” she said. 
 drew sighed at that, but the corner of her mouth quirked back up, “don’t worry piper. the most i have to worry about is this bratty thirteen year old figuring out when the gsa meets.”
 piper threw a pillow at drew and drew threw it back, it hit piper right in the head because drew had ridiculous aim and was much better suited to throwing daggers than piper. it was the closest thing drew had given her to a hug at that point and as piper watched her leave she felt her fingers twitch and she thought about the different types of love that aphrodite is supposed to represent. 
 as a daughter of love piper shares a quirk with her siblings. it’s the need for a first kiss that matters. at sixteen piper had had kisses from a boyfriend she’d let go when she realized she didn’t know what she liked about him. but, she had never had a kiss that was just a kiss. 
 it’s the kiss piper calls her first kiss later in life. at sixteen, in a camp during the year with most of her friends gone piper met a daughter of hermes and piper learned to mind the porch of cabin 11 for booby traps. at sixteen, when piper was trying to decide if she wanted to live in the mortal world or in the corners of camp half blood or new rome piper fell into a relationship with a girl who was happy just to mess around. 
 she didn’t know if she was ready. she knew that she liked the shape of the girls mouth, she liked the way the girl never let her win whenever they raced to the beach, she liked the way the girl always snuck over to her table at meals even though it wasn’t allowed. she will always like that the first kiss that was just a kiss is on the lava rock climbing wall because the girl wanted an edge to get to the top first. later, piper will prescribe that everyone has one easy relationship. at sixteen piper learned she liked girls. at sixteen she had girlfriend that didn’t mean much and she broke up with her after a month and piper learned that she had had something she would never want to forget, for the first time in a while. 
 leo came home on february fourteenth with a heart shaped chocolate box. piper kind of wanted to hit him, but he was her best friend and he was alive and they iris messaged jason, who was in the city going to normal school for the first time ever, and she hugged leo and only left him one chocolate and she listened to his stories about calypso, 
 “you know,” leo said, fiddling with the chocolate wrapper. “she’s with the hunters now. i went to save her because i thought i was in love with her and i knew it was wrong but - i don’t think i like girls. i think i just thought i was supposed to. i didn’t really love calypso i just. i knew i was on her island because i was supposed to fall in love with her, and like she’s great and all and i made her promise to send me the weird postcards she finds as she travels the world, but i don’t really miss her like i should’ve.”
 yeah. piper thought she knew as she stole a glance at jason in his dorm room. 
 the summer after the war was the first summer that camp half blood had known peace in years. piper got a bead with a squirrel for the infestation they had to fight off. lacy got the whole cabin to paint each other's toes and piper realized she'd never loved camp more. 
 at just turned seventeen, piper made a choice she never regrets and she visited camp jupiter. 
 it’s beautiful today and it was beautiful then. percy was set to go to university in new rome, even though annabeth was aiming for an ivy league, and piper could see the appeal. she wasn’t not sure if she’d like to go to university in new rome, but she thought she wouldn’t mind living there. she liked the idea of a city that’s safe. there was talk about a camp half blood equivalent but cities aren’t built overnight. 
 of course, the reason she was visiting new rome wasn’t for the beauty of the city. it was for the girl she still hasn’t gotten out of her head. not that she tried too hard. 
 now, piper likes to look back on the trip. she never tells anyone the details and nobody knows to ask. at seventeen, having had a boyfriend she realized she didn’t like and a girlfriend she did, but not enough to stay with, she went to visit a girl who’d made her think. the trip leads to a tour of a hidden city and piper brushing her fingers against reyna’s and neither of them doing anything more, piper didn’t stop liking reyna, but she wasn’t ready to try to date a girl who lived six hours away. 
 instead, piper brought leo to los angeles and finished a senior year. she iris messaged with her half siblings and skyped with her aunts and uncle and cousins from oklahoma and applies to university and had to pick between oklahoma, los angeles and new york. she went away and came back and changed her major and she watched a city grow in and next too and around camp half blood. she tried dating a boy and realized it really was just girls for her and learned the feeling of the word lesbian on her tongue. 
 then, she heard the girl she never let go of was transferring out of her own hidden city to the university she’d grown into. and at twenty, piper finally gets a date with the girl that sparked her to learn to be again. 
 at twenty two, piper thinks she’s unlearned almost all the things she never should have had to learn.
 in kindergarten lots of kids get married. when piper was five she met a girl with silly bands on her wrists and braids with beads and they traded ring pops and took turns on the swingset. she doesn’t remember her kindergarten wife until she’s twenty two and sitting between her aunts with reyna across from her smiling as her aunts tell embarrassing stories. now, she knows why the things when she was little hurt the way they did. she knows why her heart goes soft when she looks at reyna, she knows why theres a different sense of safety in between her aunts. 
 she reaches out and grabs reyna’s hand and when reyna plays with the bracelets her siblings made her at camp she doesn’t even think about the past, too happy in the present.
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raywritesthings · 4 years
This Life of Ours
My Writing Fandom: Arrow Pairings: Laurel Lance/Nyssa al Ghul, Thea Queen/Roy Harper Characters: Laurel Lance, Nyssa al Ghul, Thea Queen, Roy Harper Summary: Laurel is resurrected at the beginning of Nyssa, Thea and Roy's mission and slowly acclimates to a new life and a new love. For @missourielephant *Can be read on my AO3, link is in bio*
Ever since she’d woken in a cave with a blanket draped around her and a floral taste in her mouth, Laurel’s life had become something far different from what she had always expected. Nyssa’s hands clutching the blanket in place and her teary, shame-faced look were the first and only things she’d been able to truly process as her friend had choked out, “Please, forgive me this selfishness.”
She had quickly been filled in on the intervening years between her death and her resurrection. The changes to their world, the new Pits, the mission Nyssa had recruited Thea and Roy for, who had stood back against one wall waiting as Laurel had come to grips, then one by one had moved in to hug her.
“So are we going home now?” She’d asked, heart sinking at the uncomfortable looks on their faces.
“I’m sorry, you can’t,” Thea had told her. “There’s already a Laurel at home.”
That had led to the explanations about her doppleganger, how her father had taken her on as a project of sorts to become a new daughter to him, how everyone in Star was being forced to pretend that Laurel was their friend when in reality she had hurt them in ways Laurel couldn’t even imagine being capable of.
“I could not stomach seeing her wearing your face and working for that man who stole Oliver’s child,” Nyssa had said, and dimly Laurel had noted that she had stopped referring to Oliver as her husband. Good, Laurel had hoped her friend would one day be able to leave all the trappings the League had tried to place on her behind. “When I learned of the other Pits and that Merlyn’s loyalists were seeking them, I knew I needed to destroy them. But… I could not bring myself to do so without returning you to me — to us.”
“And I agreed,” Thea had added, with Roy nodding beside her.
“It is my worst hypocrisy. I am sorry,” Nyssa had repeated.
“Hey, I’m not upset.” Laurel had risked leaning forward, wrapping her damp arms around her friend and hugging her for the first time. Nyssa had stiffened for a moment, then melted into the embrace. “I just don’t know what happens now.”
In the end, she had chosen to join Nyssa, Thea and Roy in their mission to destroy the other Pits before those who remained loyal to Merlyn did something stupid like bring him back to life. If there was one spot of good news from the time since she had died, there was that at least.
She struggled with homesickness for what felt months, always worried about the city and what attack might be coming for it while she abandoned it. She wondered what the other Laurel might be doing to her reputation, what people would end up thinking of Laurel Lance years down the line and how much of it would really be because of her. She listened to Thea talk about the wedding between Oliver and Felicity and how suddenly it had happened after Barry’s to Iris, then excused herself to cry a little before bed because she had wanted it for him, yes, but God did it still hurt.
It worsened when the news reached them of her father’s violent death. The Pit they had used to revive her had already been destroyed, and Merlyn’s followers were hot on the trail of the next one. There would be no time for her to sneak into the city and retrieve her father’s body, no chance to restore him to life the way she once had her sister — a sister who still believed her to be dead.
She did her best to hide these feelings whenever Nyssa was near, hard to do since most nights they shared a cheap motel bed and most days they were each other’s main source of company, Thea and Roy often finding time to themselves trying to catch up on the missing years. Laurel knew that Nyssa felt guilty, as if she were responsible for cursing Laurel to some sort of half-life when in reality it was her own bad luck that her doppleganger had gotten stuck on their Earth and decided to fill in a vacancy. She wanted to be alive more than she wanted her old life, and so she didn’t want her friend thinking her ungrateful for giving her that back. They were all the other truly had left, really. Thea had quietly informed her that Sara was seeing other women, and she was sure even if no one had told her directly that Nyssa knew. There wasn’t really a good time or way to ask her about how she was feeling, and oddly enough, Nyssa no longer seemed to bring up Sara with the frequency she once did, not even mentioning the word ‘beloved’. She had to really be suffering that heartbreak.
Some nights the loneliness they both existed in seemed so heavy in the air between them that it threatened to choke or smother them. The rhythmic thumping of the bed against the thin walls of the room next door — sometimes Thea and Roy’s, sometimes not — was like a knocking at the back of her mind. A reminder that, no matter that she’d been given another chance at life, she wasn’t getting any younger. She had wasted her youth, and someday would be all alone if nothing changed. She wondered if Nyssa had the same thoughts and fears. She wondered if she was crazy for thinking that it would be less lonely if Nyssa wasn’t in love with her sister. She wondered if she were foolish for only now realizing she’d been thinking the wrong person was the love of her life when he couldn’t even love her back.
At the next Pit, Laurel almost died again.
It wasn’t as close as with Darhk. Just that, had Nyssa not dove into her, knocking them both down and out of the path of an arrow fired by a woman Thea had told her was called Athena. For a moment, Laurel gazed into Nyssa’s eyes as her friend laid atop her with blazing eyes and parted lips, then they both jumped at Roy’s shout of, “It’s rigged to blow, come on!”
They all managed to make it out in time and lose Athena and her group in the mountains. Laurel ran until her sides hurt, until she didn’t think she could make another step, and then she grabbed Nyssa’s hand to stop her, too.
“What is wrong?” Her friend asked, looking her over as if thinking she might find an unnoticed wound.
Laurel shook her head, barely able to rasp out a, “Nothing. I just didn’t thank you right.”
Nyssa’s brow barely had time to furrow in confusion before Laurel captured her lips in a kiss that was more about gasping shared air than anything else. Yet she felt Nyssa’s mouth move in response against hers, and when the kiss ended, they simply leaned into the other, neither pulling away as if they could simply stop the world for a moment by closing their eyes.
“I was hoping—”
“I know, I’m sorry,” Laurel murmured. Nyssa hadn’t been pining away for Sara silently. She never did that. She was always upfront with her feelings, demonstrative with her love in a way Laurel had always admired, a way that a selfish part of her had always wanted for herself, never dreaming that she had it.
They kissed again, this time slower, sweeter. There was time; their whole strange, shared life together. No longer did the journey feel like a lonely one.
“Hey, are you two coming?” Thea called from up ahead, just out of sight.
Laurel turned towards the sound. “Yep!” Reaching down, she took Nyssa’s hand. “Come on.”
For the first time in many nights, Laurel couldn’t wait to get back to their motel room.
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