#all this to say i would not have heard my hairdresser & her sister talking about valentine’s day also being the start of lent
autumnhobbit · 3 months
continually weirded out hearing normies talk about/acknowledge lent
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Part 2
(Part 1: Paul attacking Ruth over a TV appearance, Jim's prudent gambling, Paul and Linda being awful houseguests)
“It’s not working out with you” - Sleeves to the elbow, only skirts and short hair.
(This is an 11 minute long bit and has little to do with Paul directly, so I transcribed only a small part of it. But I find it so interesting how that crazy family worked.)
‘Mike and I’ve been having a talk. It’s not working out with you.’ … I said ‘What do you mean?’ - ‘You are too quick for me. [...] I’m gonna talk to Paul and he’ll buy you a house, or a shop, or a little business.’ [...] The night he said it’s not working, I said ‘What things?’.  He said: ‘Well you go around with bare arms and I’ve seen Mr. Jack, the gardener, [...] looking at you bare arms. And this thing with the long hair and the ponytail, it’s just not respectable. [...] And I had promised my first husband, who loved my long hair [...], he always said to me: ‘Promise me, you’ll never get your hair cut off.’ And in an attempt to save my marriage [...] I went to the hairdressers and said: ‘Chop the lot off!’. [...] And went back to Jim’s. He said [...] ‘I called Auntie Ginnie and asked her how to handle this. [...] She reckons we should go over there, have afternoon tea with her and talk this thing through.’. I thought, what the fuck does it have to do with your sister?  [...] So I was subjected then to go over to auntie Ginnie’s for afternoon tea with Jim and for her to say ‘Now, you know, is that side of your marriage alright?’ She wants to know about sex again. [...] Just so unbelievable, Geoffrey, it was like in a nightmare. And we came home that evening and Jim said ‘So what are we having to eat then?’. And I cooked steak in the oven, I made rice pudding, and we sat down and watched television and it was never mentioned again!
Musings on generosity
It seemed to be a game with Paul and Linda. They would do things for people and then sit back and watch them fuck it up by themselves. [...] The rush head-long into these things and then when people flounder and fuck up, ‘Oh, well. Shit happens. Nevermind’. Buy Jim a big house, gibe him all the money in the world. Then take it away. And then give him allowance that you know he will have to struggle on to pay the bloody heating bills. [...] I had just recollected that Auntie Millie, Jim’s sister Millie, who was a real pal to Paul and Michael. When their mother died, she spent every single Monday and lot’s of other days besides taking care of them. In her final years, she became infirm and wasn't able to live alone any longer. She finished her days in a nursing home. And I was told by a close member of the family that Paul was very good. He payed half of the bill. Auntie Millie gave entire old age pension as her portion. They took her pension in its entirety and Paul payed the rest of the bill. Now wasn’t that generous of him. I could only think, why didn’t he pay her entire bill and let Auntie Millie keep her few pounds a week, her independence, so that she could buy toiletries and books and nuts for her grandchildren, chocolate for her grandchildren, when they visited. That half to me was just so strange.
Adult type compliment
At this stage I was probably around 13 years old and I was about the same size as I am now. I got out of the bathtub. I had a towel around me. A towel on my head and a towel around me and I got out of the bathroom. And I was walking around to the left … back into my bedroom. Paul was coming out of their room. … And he said ‘My, my, my. Look at you. You’re getting to be a big girl, you’re growing up, aren’t you?’ He patted me on the rump. And Linda heard him and there was just world war three. … I didn’t hear the exact words, but she had heard him paying me an adult type compliment, noticing the fact that I wasn’t little toothless, six-year-old Ruth anymore. …
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heyyyharry · 3 years
Deep End - Chapter 6: Andersen’s Fairy Tales
…in which Harry teaches Ezi how to read.
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Word count: 4k
AU: famous!harry, siren!mc, adult modern retelling of the little mermaid? lol, fake dating, enemies to lovers.
All chapters / Synopsis / Moodboard / Playlist
Wattpad link
A/N: please please let me know what you think. I can't write without motivation 😭
When Harry finally decided to answer his mother’s call, he had prepared himself for some verbal ass-whooping. He was twenty-four years old, a celebrity and a millionaire, yet still getting scolded by his mother on a daily basis. Life was good.
“Is your date okay?” The first thing his mother said to him was this. At first, Harry thought he’d misheard it. But then she repeated the question in a more urgent and concerning tone. “Harry, is Ezili okay?”
His mother had never remembered the name of any girl he’d brought home. His mother always had a lot to say about the way those girls had dressed, talked, and carried themselves. Had Ezi charmed his mother with her siren magic?
Harry shuddered at the thought. “Y-Yeah...why?”
“Dawson told me you and Bax got into a fight at the manor.”
Harry smacked his forehead. Fucking Dawson. “How did Dawson know?”
“He found Bax lying on the floor.”
Although Harry hated to recall that night because he couldn’t imagine how scared Ezi must have been, it was funny to think about how pathetic Bax must have looked when Dawson had found him. The mental image made Harry laugh. “See?” he told his mother. “It wasn’t a fight if it was one-sided. I beat him up.”
His mother exhaled sharply. Harry could imagine her with her eyes closed, shaking her head. “The only reason I will let you get away with fighting your cousin in my house is because I know what he was trying to do with Ezili. So I called to ask if she was okay.”
“She’s okay. Don’t worry. I think she also scared him.”
“She’s a woman. Any strong woman would’ve been terrified in that situation,” said Harry’s mum. “I feel bad for having let that happen. I shouldn’t have invited him.”
“It’s not your fault, Mum. He’s always been scum.”
There was a pause, and Harry knew exactly what his mother was going to say. “Bax’s parents have always hated us. They envy your father. I think they’re trying to sabotage our wine business. Maybe if you’d change your mind--”
“Mum, we’ve talked about this,” Harry sighed. “I love my career. I can’t...I’m not a businessman like Dad. Isn’t Dawson doing a good job managing our family business already?”
“He is. But I know your father would’ve wanted it to be you.” When Harry stayed quiet, his mother knew it was a sign that this topic shouldn’t be continued, so she switched to another. “You should invite Ezili to lunch at the manor.”
“Mum, that wouldn’t be necessary.”
“Nonsense! Her first time in our house and she got absolutely traumatised. I’ll make up for it. I’ll send you an invitation in the afternoon.”
“Mum, there’s no need for an in--”
But his Mum already hung up on him.
Sighing, Harry sunk back into his chair. A staff member knocked on the door and informed him that he would have to return to the set in fifteen minutes. He told them he got it and intended to call his mum again and try to talk her out of the lunch thing with Ezi. That was when he got another call.
“Don’t tell me someone’s injured. It’s only been an hour.”
“Worse!” Niall screamed. “Dawson kidnapped the girl!”
Ezili didn’t know if the bookstore was small or Harry’s house was just too big, but she liked the cosiness of it in contrast to what she’d always been used to. There were bookshelves climbing all the way up to the ceiling. The walls were covered with hundreds of books of all sizes, and there were dozens of piles on the floor in the corners as well. But seeing that most of the furniture was covered in dust, Ezili guessed they didn’t often have visitors.
She wondered why nobody wanted to come into this fascinating place. She loved books even though she couldn’t read or write. She’d found a few books in her room and some of them had pictures, but she could only guess what the stories were about. So she wanted to read, but it would be something her mother would never approve of. If she learned to read, she’d become a laughing stock for her kind for sure.
Entering the bookstore, Ezili and Dawson were greeted by an old lady with crazy chestnut hair that looked like she was wearing a fluffy dog on her head. Her eyes were huge behind those thick round glasses that gave her a psychotic kind of look that absolutely terrified Ezili.
“Hello, love birds,” she said with an ear-to-ear grin. Ezili could not take her eyes off the shiny wires attached to this lady’s teeth. They sparkled every time she opened her mouth. This woman must be rich if she wore silver on her teeth.
“Oh, we’re not birds,” Ezili said as she pulled Chilli tighter to her chest.
The crazy lady hugged her stomach and burst out laughing. “She’s a funny girl,” she told Dawson, pointing to Ezili, then her face turned serious. “But no cats allowed.”
“She’s with me. Her name is Chilli and she’s very nice--”
“She can stay here while you pick your books.” Before Ezili could protest, the lady took the black cat and put it on the counter. “So what are you looking for?”
“Thank you. We’ll just have a look around,” Dawson said with a tight smile and pulled Ezili with him. They turned into one of the aisles and heard the lady telling them she’d be here if they needed help. What kind of help would you need in a bookstore? It wasn’t like books would attack you.
“The Book of Wisdom,” Dawson said as he took out one colourful book from a higher shelf. Ezili peered over his arm as he scrutinised the front cover. He smelled like coconut and summer, which reminded her of those tropical islands she’d visited with her mother. And the fact that he was a lot taller than her made her want to bury her face into his chest to get soaked in that homely smell. But then she remembered what Harry had taught her about consent. Realising her chest was touching his arm, she stepped back and felt him relax a bit more. She hoped he didn’t think she was sexually hairdressing him. She had no idea why they called it hairdressing, and she kept forgetting to ask Harry.
“Hey, why do they call it hairdre--”
“Lesson 1: Be polite.”
Ezili jumped and hid behind Dawson’s back, her heart pounding violently. “Did the book just..talk?”
“Yeah, it’s a talking book for children,” Dawson chuckled. “I like your sense of humour.”
He flipped to a new page and the book talked again, “Remember, kids, if you accidentally raise your voice with someone, always apologise to them. It’s not nice to yell at other people.”
Ezili couldn’t decide if she was in awe or creeped out by the talking book. Maybe a little bit of both. But then her eyes zeroed in on a picture of a beautiful siren on one of the covers. She passed Dawson to try and was trying to reach for the book when his hand landed on her shoulder, and she looked up to see him grab the book without effort and hand it to her with a smile.
“You like this? It’s the new edition of Andersen’s Fairy Tale.”
“The Little Mermaid!”
“Yes.” Dawson’s eyes squinted behind his glasses. “You’ve never read Andersen’s Fairy Tales?”
“I have,” Ezili lied, hugging the book to her chest. “I want this book.”
“Great. I’ll buy it for you. As a gift.”
Harry had told Ezili that humans couldn’t just take the things they found because they would get arrested, and apparently, they couldn’t fight and kill each other for things either. It didn’t sound fair and was kind of stupid. Why were humans so dependent on these stupid papers they called money? Ezili couldn’t understand how their inferior brains worked sometimes.
“Hey, look,” Dawson said, holding up his phone that was buzzing in his hand. “Harry’s calling.”
Ezili couldn’t care less about Harry now. She let Dawson speak to him while she flipped through the book to look at pictures. But...why was there a picture of the prince and another girl? Didn’t he marry Ariel? She tried to look for the ones that revealed the new ending, which was apparently different from what she’d seen on the telly, but the rest of the chapter was just text and no pictures. She hated this. She wished she could read.
“Yeah, she’s here with me. The bookstore is just a few blocks near your house…” Dawson finished the call with Harry and turned back to Ezili. “He’s coming to pick you up.”
She found it strange that Harry would speak about Dawson with such hatred, like the way Koa would speak about Ezili, while Dawson had always been so nice about Harry. She couldn’t recall him saying anything bad about Harry when in fact, she could go on and on for days about Harry’s bad qualities. And she’d only known him for a week!
“Why doesn’t Harry like you?”
The question seemed to have caught Dawson by surprise, but he was quick to put on a smile.
“I don’t know. Maybe because I’m helping his mum run the business his father left for him. But he was the one who didn’t want it. He wanted to become a singer.”
“Harry’s mother doesn’t want him to be a singer?”
Ezili closed the book and gave an understanding nod. “My mother never lets me do things I like, either. She never thinks I’m good enough because I’m not like her.”
“I’m sure your mother loves you,” Dawson said. Ezili liked the twinkle in his eyes and tenderness in his voice when he reassured her. Maybe he had a special gift that only sirens had. The gift to charm anybody they wanted. “Every mother has their own burdens and loves us in a different way.”
“But...if they love us, should they want us to be happy?”
Ezili didn’t know where that had come from. For the last twenty years of her life, she had never once thought of this. Why now? Why now that she decided that she could have been happier if her mother hadn’t been the way she was? But sirens were all supposed to be the way her mother was. Cold and dangerous like the ocean itself. So did it mean...did it mean her mother and sister were right? That she was too weak and emotional to become Queen?
The sound of her name pulled her out of her own head. She snapped her head up to find Harry padding toward her. He looked just like that night when he’d scolded her for biting his cousin. She hated this Harry.
“Let’s go home,” he told her coldly.
Before she could reply, he took her wrist and pulled her with him. The book fell to her feet and she was too appalled to even pick it up. She was about to remind Harry that Dawson was standing right there, but then she realised Harry had intentionally ignored his cousin.
“Ezili, your book!”
Harry and Ezi stopped before they got into the car parked out front. Dawson handed her the book and beamed. “I already paid for it.”
“Thank you.”
“Very nice. Get in, Ezi.”
Dawson seemed slightly annoyed by Harry’s attitude, but he didn’t act on it. Instead, he gave Ezili another gentle smile and told her he’d see her another time. Then, he went back inside the bookstore.
Ezili wished she could have stayed with him.
“Rescue mission accomplished!” said an energetic voice as Ezili got into the back of the car. A stranger she had never seen before peered around the passenger seat and smiled at her before he started speaking in a funny accent, “You’re welcome, by the way. The name’s Niall.”
Chilli was sitting on Niall’s lap, licking her own paw, which showed that she was comfortable around Niall, and Niall wasn’t an enemy. To human Ezili, of course. All humans were enemies to sirens.
“I’m Ezili,” Ezili said, then, she recognised the funny accent. “You’re Niall...Horan?”
“You know me?”
Ezili could feel her grin stretch from ear to ear. “I saw you on TikTok! You’re so funny.”
“Look, H, a fan!” Niall exclaimed as he shook Harry’s shoulder, but Harry didn’t react as he manoeuvred the car back onto the road. “I like her already.” Niall laughed. “I’m Harry’s best friend. Are you following my TikTok?”
“Yeah. I’ve watched every single one.”
“Good, good, good,” Niall said, nodding slowly. He turned to the front and back to Ezili immediately. “Also, I’m sorry about what happened to you. The accident must have been awful.”
“Niall,” Harry growled. “Seatbelt.”
Niall flinched. “Sorry.”
Frowning, Ezili hugged her new book and sunk into her seat. She hated this Harry. He reminded her of a whale with a toothache, and even with that image in mind, she still couldn’t laugh. That was how angry she was with him. Yes, she was angry with him being angry with her. And for pulling her out of that beautiful bookstore. For making her drop her book. For holding her hostage like a prisoner. For being rude to Dawson. She hated him. She hated Harry Styles.
So when they’d arrived home and he told her to go inside and hang with Niall, she had to chase after him and let him know how much she hated him.
“Harry Styles!” She called when they reached the white stairs leading to the enormous courtyard where he’d parked his car. “Why are you upset? You have no right to be mad at me after you lied to me.”
Harry stopped halfway down the stairs; it seemed like Ezili’s words had finally hit him. He slowly spun around with a stunned expression as if she’d accused him of manslaughtering. “I didn’t lie to you,” he said, his jaw tight. “I told you to stay in your room. You were grounded.”
“You didn’t tell me that you’d leave me with your assistant and Niall!”
“But I didn’t lie to you.”
“Telling half-truths is telling lies.”
Harry held Ezili’s gaze for a long moment before he started ascending the stairs. She stiffened as he stopped right in front of her, leaned in, and stared.
“Oh, so you’re so honest, aren’t you?” he asked in a mocking tone. “You’ve never lied to me?”
“Never,” she said confidently.
Well, that was also a lie. But since when had Ezili felt bad for lying? She’d eaten men like him. Why did his presence now make her nervous?
She hated that the more she stayed human the more human she became. That thought terrified her even more than the possibility of getting caught and killed in this foreign land.
“I’ve never lied in my entire life,” she added, making Harry's eyes grow wide.
He said nothing, and when he turned to leave, she hurriedly followed him down the stairs. “Speechless by my honesty?” she asked.
“Speechless by the lies that come out of your mouth,” he said. “Is your name even Ezi?”
“No, it’s Ezili.”
Harry let out a scoff but he didn’t stop, so Ezili grabbed him by the arm and spun him around. Hard.
“Shit! How are you so strong?” he cried out, facing her again.
Ezili folded her arms across her chest and sharpened her gaze. “Apologise right now.”
“For what?”
“For yelling at me.”
“And why should I apologise for yelling at you?”
Ezili bit her lip. The voice inside her head told her to push him down the stairs. She could just say it was an accident, and no one could prove that she’d done it. However, she needed him alive. Sucking in a breath, she said, “Because that’s what decent people do. A talking book told me that.”
“You mean those children's books you found in the bookstore,” Harry taunted, giving her a despiteful smirk.
She scowled at him even harder. “Apologise.”
“Fine,” he breathed. “I apologise for yelling at you. Now you apologise for stealing my cat.”
“I tried to save Chilli. You see, your assistant said something about the Master of the House being dead. I thought you were dead. But she was only talking about a show--”
“Yeah, famous Netflix show. It’s good. But that’s still no excuse for taking my cat.”
“Fine.” Ezili glared at him. “I’m sorry for stealing your cat.”
“And for getting into Dawson’s car.”
“And for getting into Dawson’s car.”
“And for leaving with him and liking him.”
“And for—What is your problem with Dawson?”
Instead of answering the question, Harry pulled out his phone, looked at it, and then told Ezili, “Go inside. We’ll continue this talk when I get back.”
He was just about to run when she pulled him back by his sleeve. He gave her a ‘what do you want?’ kind of look as she stammered, “When...when you get back…”
“Yeah?” He stressed out the word, an eyebrow arched impatiently.
“Can you teach me how to read?”
“Teach me to read. Are you deaf?”
“You can’t read?”
When Ezili shook her head, Harry’s frown transformed into a smile. “That explains a lot.”
She smacked him on the arm and he gasped and leapt down two steps.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing! Why are you so aggressive?” Harry winced and backed away from her. “We’ll talk about this later. Now go inside and film a TikTok with Niall or something. I’m late for a photoshoot.”
Ezili opened her mouth to ask him what time he’d be home, but Harry had already run back to his car.
Harry got home at around 10 PM. He’d had a rough day. His manager had been furious because he had run out on a magazine photoshoot without saying a word to anyone. In his defence, he’d been in a rush, and couldn’t figure out an excuse to cover up for the fact that he’d almost let a mythical creature get loose. He shouldn’t have been so careless and left her with his assistant and Niall. That was his fault. Also, he could never think straight when he was angry. He thought about the look Ezili had given him when he’d pulled her out of the bookstore. The look Dawson had given him. Fucking Dawson. If it wasn’t for him, Harry wouldn’t have had to be mean to Ezi.
“Jesus!” Harry shouted when the light switched on and he saw Ezili sitting on the floor in the middle of the living room. “Wha--Why are you on the floor? Get up.”
“This is Chilli’s favourite spot so I thought I might try to see how comfortable it is. Pretty uncomfortable, I must say.”
Harry rolled his eyes and offered Ezi a hand to help her get to her feet. “Why are you still awake?”
She pulled away from him and rushed over to the table to grab the book Dawson had given her. She shoved it at him. “You promised to teach me to read. This is a collection of fairy tales. Andersen’s Fairy Tales. I noticed that one of the details from The Little Mermaid story was different from the film, so I want to know how the story actually ends in the book.”
Harry sighed as he took the book and looked at the cover. When he glanced up, Ezi was giving him these big puppy dog’s eyes with her hands clasped together in front of her chest. “It’s late,” he said tiredly.
She shook her head. “You promised!”
“I can just tell you the ending.”
“No, I want to read!”
“Fine, fine.” He put his hands up, left palm out, the other holding the book. “I guess there’s still time to teach you the alphabet then we’ll call it a day.”
Harry could have sworn he had never seen anyone as excited about learning as Ezi was, which was quite amusing, he must admit. So they sat on the couch as he taught her the alphabet and how to put letters into words. She was a fast learner, so it didn’t take long for her to memorise everything.
“It’s been three hours and I still can’t read,” Ezili whined as she hit him with a pillow.
Shocked, Harry blinked at her. “That’s not how learning works. You need time.”
“You said my brain was more developed!”
“Yeah, but still!”
Scowling, Ezi kicked Harry’s feet. “You’re the worst teacher ever. I’ll never get to know how it ends.”
“Okay, Miss Drama Queen,” Harry scoffed. “How about I read you the story now, and when you can read on your own, you can practice by rereading it?”
Ezi thought for a moment, then the line between her brows eased, and she nodded once. “But you must teach me everyday until I can read.”
“Fine,” Harry breathed as he opened the book. His body stiffened when Ezi suddenly leaned on him like he was a pillow, her cheek against his arm, and he could feel every beat of her heart.
“Go on,” she urged him, giving him a nudge.
He cleared his throat and opened the book, trying to distract his naughty mind with the innocent words of a fairy tale.
Far out in the ocean, where the water is as blue as the prettiest cornflower, and as clear as crystal, it is very, very deep; so deep, indeed, that no cable could fathom it: many church steeples, piled one upon another, would not reach from the ground beneath to the surface of the water above. There dwell the Sea King and his subjects. We must not imagine that there is nothing at the bottom of the sea but bare yellow sand. No, indeed; the most singular flowers and plants grow there; the leaves and stems of which are so pliant, that the slightest agitation of the water causes them to stir as if they had life. Fishes, both large and small, glide between the branches, as birds fly among the trees here upon land. In the deepest spot of all, stands the castle of the Sea King. Its walls are built of coral, and the long, gothic windows are of the clearest amber. The roof is formed of shells, that open and close as the water flows over them. Their appearance is very beautiful, for in each lies a glittering pearl, which would be fit for the diadem of a queen...
By the time they’d finished one-third of the story, Ezi had already fallen asleep with her head on Harry’s shoulder. Harry wished he’d read this to her in bed so he wouldn’t have to carry her upstairs now. She was small and slender, but he’d had a bad day, so even the littlest inconvenience could bring down his mood. Cursing under his breath, he picked her up and carried her to the stairs as she curled against his chest like a little cat.
When her eyelids fluttered, he thought she was going to jolt awake, but then her brows knitted, and she murmured, “Mother, please...give me more time. I will bring you the heart…the heart...”
He chuckled and put her down on the bed.
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Baby | JJK
Pairing: husband!au Jeon Jungkook x Wife!au reader.
Warning: c-section surgery, nothing too detailed. Baby fever. Very slight mention of smut. Fluff. The reader is a foreigner. Mentions of cultural differences.
The part written in italics is a flashback
Synopsis: You and Jungkook agreed not to have babies right away after your marriage, yet you find yourself witnessing a cute situation that leaves you thinking otherwise.
A/N: I am begging you guys for the gazillion time to please let me know what you think. Thanks in advance.😊
Word count: 4,178.
This part can be read as a continuation to Marry you.
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Babies! Oh God! You cannot express how fed up you were because of that word. After you and Jungkook got married, your family members had nothing to talk about to you except babies. It's like they were pressuring you, well scratch that, they were, but unconsciously though. You couldn't blame them. You grew up in a culture that was not really open to the idea of "we are gonna wait a few years until we feel like we're ready."! Yeah, this ideology does not exist!
"Wait until when? I am not living more than I already am!" Your grandma would say, or "wait for what? Are you still getting to know each other after a five-year relationship?" Your grandpa would scoff, and your favourite one was "Hunny, are you kidding? You'll never be ready! No one is ever really ready! … You think me and my sister had you, kids, because we were ready?" Your auntie would say in disbelief laughing lightly at your logic with said sister, your mum, sitting next to her shaking her head in disappointment with a "can you believe her?" murmured in annoyance.
You didn't have the heart to blame your family that's how they were raised for generations, and for you to try and change their mind-set would be difficult, almost impossible. That is until you and Jungkook refused to talk upon the matter anymore saying that this is your life and you're free to do whatever you both agree on, only then did they stop nagging you; however, you knew they were not happy about it.
Jungkook on the other hand never really minded the idea of babies, in fact, if you told him that you were ready, he would gladly help you right away, if you know what I mean, but knowing your concerns, not only did he comfort you, but also respected that you were not there yet, mentally. You would always tell him "I sometimes think that I am still a baby, myself. How can I have one when I think like that!" He would chuckle, patting your head and cuddling you closely "Baby, it's okay. We don't need to have one right now! Why are you so worried about it?" He asked looking down at you since he was resting his chin on your head. "I mean, aren't you bothered about it? Don't you want to have your own child?" You pouted thinking that maybe you're holding one of Jungkook's wishes back which can make you feel that you're not good enough for him. "Well, baby, of course, I want a child, but I want to have it with you, and if you're not ready that's totally fine! I mean when I think about it, it is a huge deal, you're going to house a human being in your body for 9 long months, and your body would go through drastic changes, plus you'd have to not only take care of yourself but the baby growing inside you, as well!" Jungkook cradled you to his chest moving aside a lock of your hair behind your ear. "It's all amazing, but you're the one who's carrying a baby, I would never pressure you to do that if you're not ready!" He said looking into your eyes sincerely. "Oh, I love you so much!" You said giving him a few repetitive pecks on his lips. "How did I end up with such an amazing man!" Your lips barely meeting his, whispering before you closed the small gap between you, kissing him with all the passion and love you held for this wonderful husband of yours.
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That all changed when one day you were at the hairdresser's getting a new hair cut. You were looking through your phone waiting for your turn until you noticed a woman entering the shop. She had this unusual aura to her, like something about her seemed to interest you, she walked around as if she had accomplished something amazing but wouldn't brag about it as if to let her accomplishment speak for itself. You understood why you felt that because minutes later, two identical accomplishments followed her suit. They were two identical boys who were probably 4 or 5 years of age. You were in awe when you saw them following their mummy, like lost puppies. They resembled her greatly, and behaved very well as if their mum promised to buy them Disneyland if they did. They stood next to her looking up at her as if she is their whole world.
For a moment you imagined that with Jungkook, and what would it feel like to have a baby in both of your lives. How would it feel to have a child of your own looking at you the way these boys looked at their mum.
For weeks to follow, you were almost obsessed with the twin boys you saw at the hair salon. How they dressed, how they behaved, how they sat obediently eating their sweets waiting for their mum to finish, how their mother would look at them through the mirror every once in a while to check on them, how they cutely complimented her saying that "mummy is the prettiest girl ever!" With wide eyes looking up in amazement and cute small sticky fingers from the sweets reaching up in the air in excitement. The whole thing kept repeating over and over in your head which led you to look up some photos of babies and reading more about them and what's new in the parenting world that parents try and apply with their kids. You even reached the point where you would stop at the babies section, racking through cute onesies, making Jungkook arch an eyebrow in amazement. "Are you pregnant or something?" He would ask eyeing your belly before looking up at your face trying to see what's going on inside your head. You would shake your head slightly before reluctantly letting go of the tiny baby clothes and taking Jungkook's hand to move to another department of the store.
Jungkook, too, could feel a change in your behaviour, like how you would gaze longingly at kids playing at the park when you had your picnics there, how you would pause to listen to a show that talks about babies and how to care for them, he even caught you reading a book about pregnancy. His heart skipped a beat when you went to visit your brother after his wife delivered a healthy baby girl; you kept holding her the whole time refusing to let anyone hold her unless it was your brother's wife because she needed to feed her. He even took a photo of you, you were looking at your niece so lovingly when you looked up at Jungkook smiling brightly as if she was your own. He put it as a background for his phone.
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"Yaaah! If you want a baby that bad make one of your own!" Yoongi yelled playfully at Jungkook who wouldn't stop looking at the photo. "Ay! Don't pressure the kid." Namjoon said looking disappointedly at Yoongi for saying that. "Well, there's no pressure. It's just … I don't know y/n has been acting weird lately!" He took a last look at his phone's background before it displayed his worried features as he closed the screen. "What do you mean weird?" Jimin asked looking at Jungkook quizzically. "I don't know… it's… she'd stare at baby clothes when we go shopping even though there's no one we know who's going to give birth soon. I mean I could have brushed it off thinking that she wants to buy some as a gift or something, but no." Jungkook ruffled his black locks resting his elbows on his knees. "And you know she looks at them as if … as if she's imaging them on a certain baby, not the way she'd look at them as if inspecting the design or something, do you understand what I mean?" He looked up at his hyungs waiting for a confirmation that he's not imagining things. Namjoon nodded "you mean she inspecting the clothes as if she's buying it for her own baby, not just going through them?"
"YES!"Taehyung jumped at Jungkook's sudden outburst. "Sorry Hyung!" Jungkook muttered to Taehyung before focusing on Namjoon again. "Well, it's easy she wants a baby!" Hobi said shrugging and looking at Jungkook as if he's dumb and that this was as obvious as the sun. "No shit Sherlock! I know that. It's just she never said anything about it ." Jungkook was bewildered he didn't understand your sudden change of attitude, and if you had a change of heart about having a baby, then why didn't you tell him? "Just talk to her about it. See if she's ready or not, maybe she is, but something is holding her back, you never know!" Jin said patting Jungkook on the back. "we are definitely having a talk." Jungkook sighed lighting up his phone's screen to look lovingly at your photo holding your niece.
"Baby, you home?" Jungkook looked around the house for you while taking off his shoes and closing the door. "In here!" You answered from your bedroom. You heard his footsteps on the stairs knowing very well from the sound of it that he was skipping some. You rolled your eyes at your husband's child-like behaviour. "BABE!" He suddenly opened the door to your room, a huge smirk on his face as he stepped slowly towards you. "What? What's wrong? Why are you giving me that look?" You looked him up and down as if he's gone mental. Out of nowhere, he pounced on you like a cat making you put your book aside as you squirmed beneath him. "Oh my God, Kook get off. What's wrong with you!" You started laughing because he started leaving small pecks on your neck, and it was ticklish. "Tell me!" He suddenly stopped and looked into your eyes. "Tell you what?" You searched his face thinking that he might be drunk. "Tell me what you're not telling me!" He said, face getting closer to yours as you backed yours from his. "Are you drunk?" You said laughing, again. He was being unusual. "Nah, I am not. I just want to know what's wrong. Lately, you've been acting weird as if you're hiding something." He claimed as he sat beside you, taking you in his arms as your upper half laid on his bent knee; this was your position when you both had deep talks, he'd let you rest your back on his bent knee as he held you closely, usually playing with your hair locks. "You keep on checking baby clothes whenever we go shopping, you're reading a book about pregnancy and parenting, you listen to anything related to babies on the T.V. are you not telling me something?" He asked with concern filling his doe eyes as he caressed your cheek. "I … I've..." You sighed closing your eyes; words were not getting out of your mouth. "What? What is it baby? You can tell me." His thumb brushed your cheek in a soft motion encouraging you to speak up. "I … I want a baby." You said out of nowhere and looked at Jungkook to see his reaction. "Well, baby that's great. You know I don't mind, then what stopped you from telling me?" Jungkook flashed you his bunny smile, happy to know that you're ready to take this step with him. "It... It's just, you know I have been reading about it, pregnancy and stuff." He nodded, a sign for you to go on. "And it's all great and everything, but what if something went wrong?" You looked worriedly into your husband's confused eyes. "Like what if I have a miscarriage? What if something happens to the baby? Like what if …"
"Hold on, hold on … baby why are you trying to predict everything? Why can't you focus on the positive side?" He said trying to calm your raging thoughts. "What if my body is not strong enough to have a baby?"
"Baby,nooo!" Jungkook pulled you closer into his arms. "No, none of this is going to happen, we are going to keep checking up with a doctor, and everything will be fine. I'll always be by your side." He said pulling your head under his chin, then he pulled back to look you in the eyes, "and even if something happens, We will go through it together. I know it will be harder for you, but I swear that there's nothing in this life that could be offered to help you lessen your pain that I won't do it." He whispered sincerely, holding your face between his big warm hands. You hugged him tightly, "I love you so much, I don't even know what I did to deserve you!" You said crying over the fact that a man like Jungkook existed, a man who's willing to do anything for you. "Ah, baby I love you, too so much. I don't want you to doubt us or the future. You know why?" He chuckled feeling you shake your head. "Because the future is never guaranteed, but the only thing that is guaranteed is us, and I know that we're strong enough to face anything life throws at us, together." He said hugging you tighter. "Okay, baby?" He pulled back to look at you. You nodded as he wiped away your tears. "Now, about that baby..." He smirked as you laughed at his goofiness. He always knew how to make you laugh. Always.
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Now fast forward a few years, you and Jungkook are parents now. It didn't take that long to get pregnant thanks to Jungkook's stamina. Your pregnancy went on smoothly and nothing bad happened. Just as Jungkook promised, he was always right there for you, for everything; from the moment you both found out, to birth-giving, till now. Speaking of which, the poor thing was so terrified when he knew that your doctor would perform a C-section and that you wouldn't be giving birth naturally.
"Is she supposed to be awake during the surgery?" Jungkook worriedly asked the doctor as he could see that the medication they have given you were not putting you to sleep. "Oh don't worry, Mr Jeon. She won't feel a thing, we drugged the part that we will be working on, and it's normal for her to be awake." Your Doctor smiled kindly at him knowing that this was his first time undergoing something like this. Jungkook was dressed in scrubs holding your hand to keep you from panicking, the doctor also hung up something like a sheet in front of you so you won't see them perform the surgery. "Are you okay?" Jungkook whispered, trying to make small conversation with you as you kept looking at him. You nodded still looking at him as he was getting more anxious by the minute because of your intense staring, "Jungkook why are you panicking, I am the one who's having her stomach open, not you." He laughed squeezing your hand, his nerves easing a bit. "How are you so cool with this?"
"I don't think me panicking right now, would do us any good, you know." Jungkook chuckled then kissed your forehead.
An hour has already passed by when they informed you that you delivered and that the surgery was almost over, they needed to stitch you up. "Jungkook go with the nurse!" You said urgently turning to look at him. "No baby, it's okay, your mum and my mum are waiting outside, I'll wait with you here." He said calming you down, he promised that he won't leave your side until you both get out of the surgery's room together. "But, this means that they'll know!" Jungkook chuckled at your worried expression. "It's okay baby, let them know." He said kissing your forehead. "You did great, and I am so proud of you!" He was tearing up because he could not understand how women could go through all of this, he was truly amazed. "I love you." You said looking into his teary eyes, "I love you, too baby so much!" He pecked your lips before the doctor announced that you were good to go.
It definitely wasn't easy, but with Jungkook there, everything was better.
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Right now, you and Jungkook were asleep in each other's arms, appreciating the few hours of silence before everything turns back to its chaotic state in the morning. Since you've given birth, you could swear that you became a light sleeper. Your mum brushed off your marvellous discovery with a laugh claiming that it's normal for most mums to become light sleepers because you're always worried.
Just like now, your ears perked as you felt tiny footsteps softly padding towards your bedroom. And you were right, as you slowly turned in Jungkook's arms, so not to wake him up, you found your 3-year-old, Haneul, standing quietly by the door, sucking on his thumb and trying to search for you in the dark. "Haneul, baby I am here." You whispered and got up to see what's wrong. He padded softly towards you in his Stitch Kigurumi onesies that he insisted you buy from your last trip to Disneyland because that's his favourite character. "Oh baby what's wrong." You picked him up and held him in your arms cradling him as if to protect him from all the world's evil. You already knew what's wrong, he needed to change his diaper. "Come on baby, let's go to your room, daddy's still asleep." You left the room quietly hoping not to wake Jungkook up.
Haneul whimpered lightly in your arms seeing that he was irritated because of his diaper and he was still super sleepy. "Okay baby I'll change it for you, just please be quiet, your brother is still sleeping!" You prayed than Haneul won't throw a fit and wake up his twin, Hyun, from his sleep. It was too early to wake up the whole household right now.
"There, all done!" You whispered enthusiastically as he flashed a bunny-like grin at you just like his father. "Thanks, mummy." He grinned shaking his body cutely from side to side still laying on the changing table. "Anything for you baby!" You dived your head to his stomach attacking him with kisses as he squirmed beneath you. "Come on let's get you back to bed." You said putting him back in his crib and giving him a goodnight kiss. Before you could shut the door to the boys' room, you saw Haneul still standing in his crib giving you puppy eyes as he whimpered. You heart squeezed in your chest at the sight of your baby in discomfort. He wanted to sleep with you and Jungkook, but you can't let them get used to it. "Mummy!" Haneul whimpered reaching his tiny arms out for you. You sighed, your heart was too weak to leave him alone in the dark, you just couldn't do it. His eyes were starting to tear up as you went up to him. "God, you guys are my weakness." You muttered to yourself. As you were about to pick Haneul up, Hyun started to turn in his sleep, slowly waking up. Another pair of doe eyes slowly opened up, fluttering due to the dark smooth locks that were getting in its way. "Mummy!" You sighed great now both of them are awake and they will refuse to go back to sleep in their cribs.
Jungkook woke up to an empty bed, he jolted awake thinking you must be with the kids and that you might need his help, but didn't wake him up. He walked to the kids' bedroom to see you holding Haneul in your arms with him sucking on his thumb, drowsy eyes fighting sleep as you looked at Hyun who was carefully climbing out of his bed. "Careful baby!" You seemed to be fine, but your voice told otherwise, it was laced with worry, fearing that his leg might slip and he would get hurt. Hyun climbed down carefully then went up to you tugging on your nightdress and whimpering grumpily. Jungkook entered the room, "come here, buddy." He said scooping Hyun in his arms. "Baby, you woke up!" You frowned not liking the idea of him getting up so early. Since giving birth to your beautiful baby boys, Jungkook has put you and the boys as his top priority, and he was always there making sure you don't need anything. You didn't want him to wake up so early for once so that he could enjoy his sleep before going to the studio. "I didn't find you in my arms, so I got up to look for you." He said gazing at you lovingly. You kissed him on the cheek, he smiled and told you to go to bed with Haneul "I'll change Hyun's diaper and come right behind you." He said planting a kiss on your forehead. "Okay, baby." You said pulling Haneul closer to your chest.
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A few minutes later, Jungkook and Hyun joined you and Haneul in bed. Haneul was fast asleep with his head resting on your chest, and Hyun was still awake looking up at Jungkook. "Come on buddy, go to sleep," Jungkook whispered running his fingers through Hyun's black locks that he inherited from his dad. "Appa!" Jungkook hummed softly in response. "Sing to me." Hyun traced his small fingers over Jungkook's cheek. Jungkook smiled closing his eyes for a few seconds enjoying the feeling as he started singing softly and quietly so that Hyun would go back to sleep.
You smiled, recalling all the things you've been through up until this moment. You remembered how you both were shocked when you found out you were having twins. That day was the best day of your life, you cried in happiness so much that Jungkook thought it was your hormones getting the best of you. "No... I'm just … I'm so happy." You said whipping your tears. That night you sat on the bed with Jungkook holding you in the same position that he would hold you when you're both having a deep conversation. You told him about the twins you saw that day, and how you were so fascinated by them and how they interacted with their mum. Jungkook smiled softly at you as he rubbed your belly. You both decided that you wouldn't tell anyone that you were having twins, and that it would be a surprise to your family and friends. The shock on their faces when they entered the room to congratulate you to find each of you holding a baby was priceless.
"Oh my God, are...are... You gave birth to twins!" Your grandma said in tears astonished by the surprise. "Oh, my dear bless you." She cried as you nodded with a big smile on your face. Your mum and Jungkook's mum were the ones who were in great shock because they were the ones who were waiting in the waiting room to suddenly find two nurses coming out with two babies. "How could you not tell us something like that?" Your mum asked whipping her tears as she looked at Haneul who was sleeping soundly in Jungkook's arms. "We wanted to surprise you." Jungkook replied as your dad smiled with tears in his eyes as he kept looking between you and Jungkook. "Congratulations sweetheart!" He planted a kiss on your forehead, proud of you. "Thanks, dad."
To say that the boys were shocked is an understatement. Poor Hobi kept looking left and right at each baby. "What the … twins?" Jimin burst in excitement as Yoongi grinned down at Haneul and Namjoon patting Jungkook's back smiling at Haneul, too. "They're so cute!" Jimin said excitedly as you handed him Hyun. "Careful, hyung!" Jungkook said worriedly, eyes watching Jimin like a hawk. "Look at our Jungkookie being a protective father," Jin said laughing with Taehyung bursting in laughter.
The boys kept pampering your kids to no end. Jin and Jungkook would even make sure that you and Lilly, Jin's wife, have play dates for the kids, seeing that Jin and Jungkook are the only fathers in the group. Life was treating you good with everyone surrounding you with love and care.
"What are you thinking?" Jungkook whispered. You looked at Hyun to find him fast asleep. "Nothing I was just remembering the day the boys blessed us with their existence." You smiled patting Hyun's back as you lifted the blanket to his shoulder. Jungkook's eyes gleamed at you as he smiled, probably remembering that day, too. Having kids is a huge deal to any couple but with Jungkook being there as he promised, you felt that everything is alright, and you didn't have anything to worry about. You and Jungkook fell into a deep sleep holding each other's hands as both Haneul and Hyun slept soundly between the two of you.
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Haneul means heavenly 🌌
Hyun means bright or intelligent.🤓
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wafflesandkruge · 3 years
have your way with me until you go (zoyalai)
Nikolai and Zoya's morning routines are like clockwork. She wakes him with a drop of stimulant. He makes a witty quip. Neither of them acknowledge what's between them.
So when Zoya shows up late, it's reasonable to assume that nothing else will go as planned.
@grishaverseonline mission 06: free for all
a/n: it’s literally just 2k of pining, pls take it, it’s all i have to offer. meant to be a parallel to the carriage scene at the beginning of kos but it got a bit out of hand 😔 big thanks to @storm-dog-pirate and @mareshes for helping me beta!
When Nikolai woke, it was less surfacing gently from the sea of sleep than being abruptly spat out onto dry land by a monster. He inhaled sharply, his mind instantly assaulted with his surroundings. He was on his bed at the Grand Palace. Chains were once again fastened around his wrists. And an unfairly lovely face was hovering above his, her dark curls brushing his bare chest.
“Zoya,” he greeted with a groan, “how kind of you to grace me with your delightful presence this fine morning. I feel healthier already.”
She barely spared him a glance as she leaned over him to unlock the shackle on his right wrist. He caught a whiff of her hair, the same strangely familiar wildflower scent as always.
“Getting a head start on the flattery, are we?” Her voice was rough, strained. He could see a near imperceptible tremor in her hands as she fitted her key into the lock. It took her multiple tries to get the stubborn thing to turn. Odd, when she’d practically perfected the technique of unchaining a king from his bed months ago. 
He shifted to get a closer look at her. Dark shadows bloomed under her eyes, her brows furrowed as she attempted to unlock the last shackle. Her hair was in sore need of brushing. Saints, had she really emerged from her rooms looking like that? Perhaps she was human like the rest of them after all.
“Late night?” he attempted. “Fun night?”
“Only you would think of fun while facing war on six fronts, my king.” She moved away as soon as the shackle sprang open as if she didn’t want to be near him for any longer than necessary.
He sat up and watched her retreat into the sitting room, rubbing at his sore wrists. Had he done something to offend her recently? Besides daring to breathe the same air as her, naturally. He pondered the question as he washed and dressed mechanically.
When he emerged from his room, he found Zoya hovering in front of a gilded mirror with a ribbon in her hands. As he watched, she attempted to pull her hair into something more manageable than its current frazzled state, but each time she’d miss a strand or the knot would become undone as soon as she dropped her hands. His eyes met hers in the mirror. The dark smudges under her eyes only seemed to make them bluer than ever. An untold secret seemed to lurk behind their depths, but she’d probably sooner jump out the window than confide in him.
“You’re a mess, Zoya.”
“Says the man who was just chained to his bed.” There wasn’t nearly enough venom in her voice to reassure him of his general’s wellbeing. He crossed the room and plucked the ribbon from her hands. She made no move to stop him.
“You know, I once had a promising future as a hairdresser,” he remarked idly as he took a strand of her hair in his hands after a moment’s hesitation. It was impossibly silky, and if he’d been wearing his gloves, he was sure it would have slipped right out of his hands. The dark scars on his fingers were hidden among the loose curls, and for just a moment, he could pretend he was just another man. But Zoya would never be just another woman to him, would she? He used his fingers to carefully comb out the worst of the tangles. 
“Is that so?” The words were a challenge, or perhaps an invitation. He could never quite tell with her.
“Girls would line up at the door when they heard I was in town just to get the newest styles done by me,” he boasted. It was true, to an extent. By “girls,” he’d meant Dominik’s two little sisters, Faina and Polina who had adored their brother’s mysterious friend. They’d forced him to arrange their hair just like the ladies at court, and because he never did anything only halfway, he’d bribed one of his mother’s servants to teach him just so he’d have something to delight them with. For a moment, he could hear Dominik’s warm laughter as his sisters eagerly showed off their pretty braids. 
Some prince you are, he’d said with a grin as the two of them tore into his mother’s sweet pastries. All you’re good for is making the ladies happy.
Not just the ladies, Nikolai had wanted to say, but Dominik had already turned to yell at his sisters for playing too close to the river.
But now Dominik was gone, and all he had left was the broken country that had failed him. And Zoya, always Zoya. 
His fingers skimmed the warm skin at her neck as he pulled back another strand of hair. Zoya was barely moving, only letting out the occasional hiss when he accidentally pulled too hard. As he plaited her hair, his eyes wandered down to the collar of her kefta. It was slung unusually low this morning, and from his vantage point, he could see the tip of one of her scars, the paler strip of skin just visible beneath the fur collar. He couldn’t help thinking about how easy it’d be to lean forward and press a kiss to the back of her neck. Would she pull away? He swallowed and averted his eyes. Saints, this had to be some game of hers, didn’t it? Sometimes he wondered if the little things she did- sending looks his way that from anyone else, would have been a reason for scandal, or letting her fingers linger on his as she handed him something- were on purpose. But he'd heard the stories of the people she’d toyed with when she was younger and crueler. She played for the sake of the game, not the prize, and if the stories were true, she had yet to lose. He was never quite sure if she was playing the same game with him, but if she was, her winning streak wasn't going to be broken. He blinked and focused on Zoya’s reflection again.
“What’s wrong?”
As expected, she crossed her arms and scowled into the mirror. “Nothing. Hurry up so we can be on our way, or people will talk.”
“People already talk. Why do you look like you stayed out drinking with Genya and didn’t get a wink of sleep?” He pressed the issue, not sure if she would tell him anything at all. Even after three years of rebuilding a country together, there were still some lines Zoya refused to cross. 
“Maybe I did go out drinking with Genya.” Her voice was curt, clipped. He didn’t believe her for an instant.
“Without inviting me? How treasonous.” 
“You were unwanted.” 
At least her poisonous tongue was back. He supposed it was better than nothing. His braid finished, he tied it off with a neat bow. “There,” he said softly, admiring his handiwork. He let his hands linger in her hair for a moment longer before pulling them back. “Now you look a fraction more presentable.”
In the mirror, Zoya’s lips quirked upwards. “What an excellent valet you make.”
He was instantly reminded of that night in the carriage, Zoya snug in his arms as they played the role of sated lovers. She’d seen him at his worst, and yet she was still here every morning to wake him and face the country together. He supposed he ought to have returned the favor somehow, but what did he have left to give? Somehow, Zoya didn’t seem like someone who’d have use for his eternal gratitude or respect. 
“Your buttons are done wrong,” he muttered as he caught sight of her kefta in the mirror. Either she’d had a very good night, or a very bad night, but he couldn’t decide which was worse. He spun her by the shoulders and hesitated for a moment before kneeling. Vasily’s voice echoed in his head as he refastened the first of the pearl buttons. A king never kneels, brother. But his brother had never met Zoya Nazyalensky.
He glanced up at her, but her gaze was faraway, her arms crossed over her chest as she worried at her bottom lip. 
“A king’s kneeling in front of you, shouldn’t you be a bit more excited?” he quipped, somewhat desperate to get a normal reaction from her. 
She raised a brow. “I’ve had plenty of men kneel before me in the past. Why would a king be any different unless he offers me a country as well?”
He moved on to the buttons over her stomach. “If I recall correctly, I already did. You weren’t thrilled.”
She stiffened. He rose to his feet again as he finished the buttons over her chest. The pearls gleamed in a neat line down the front of her kefta, nestled in the whorls of silver embroidery. He could spend hours tracing the patterns with his eyes, and he often did during particularly trying Triumvirate meetings. He resisted the urge to trace one of the spirals with a finger. Finally, he got to the buttons at her neck.
"Do take care next time to not look like..." His voice trailed off as his eyes left the saints forsaken buttons for a moment to find Zoya's exquisite face entirely too close to his. Even exhausted, her features still spoke of regality and poise, her blue eyes bright and defiant as they stared right back at him. Nikolai's eyes tried to return to the task at hand, but they met a distraction on the way, namely, her lips. Saints, her lips. He swallowed hard and tried to force his fingers to move. 
"Like what?" she demanded. 
A girl in need of kissing. 
"...a toddler who tried to dress herself," he finished weakly. Then, as if his hand had a mind of its own, it drifted upwards and swept an errant lock of Zoya’s hair back behind her ear. His palm brushed her cheek and hovered there. He could scarcely breathe as if her closeness had sucked all the air from the room.
Zoya peered up at him from under her lashes, her gaze inscrutable. Then she sighed and let her cheek rest against his palm for the briefest heartbeat. Her warmth had barely registered before she was stepping back again, her general’s mask firmly back in place as if nothing had happened. Nikolai tried not to let it sting too much as he tucked his hands into his coat pockets. 
“Anything else for me to fix? A broken shoe? A lonely heart?”
The last one was a jest, but Zoya’s lips pursed as if he’d caused a problem she’d have to fix later. “No. Let’s go. The Triumvirate has been waiting long enough.”
She turned to go, then paused halfway to the door. A foolish seed of hope took root in Nikolai’s heart, only to be trampled with her next words.
“Don’t forget your gloves.”
She swept out of the room without another backwards glance, the scent of wildflowers and thunderstorms left in her wake. 
He would play her game, he decided as he found his gloves and slipped them on. Having his heart broken by Zoya Nazyalensky was still preferable to the impossibility of staying away from her. 
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kaimelia · 3 years
a/n: okay here’s something I wrote really quickly so uh yeah. anyway, I might not be posting for a little bit-something really weird happened today and now I have to go to a bunch of doctors and stuff and I have no idea what's happening but anyway enjoy this! also, me posting 2x today? what?
"Link?" She waited for a moment, hearing the all too familiar sound of her boyfriend clamoring up the stairs. He appeared in the doorway, his eyebrows raised at her.
"Can you cut my hair?"
Amelia held up a pair of metal scissors. "It's getting long. And, I'm pretty sure we're not getting out of quarantine any time soon, which means no hairdressers." He stepped towards her, placing his hands on her shoulders. She turned to face the mirror. "Just a few inches. So it's above my shoulders."
"I miss my short hair. And, I need a change," she muttered, mimicking cutting motions with her brown hair between her fingers. "Short hair reminds me of when we met."
"We met when we both had long hair. We got together when we both had short hair," Link clarified, picking up a strand of her hair.
"Yeah, that." The scissors made a loud clanking sound as she placed them onto the sink counter. "Anyway. Will you do it?"
"You seriously trust me to cut your hair?" Her hair bounced as she nodded confidently, grinning at him in the reflection of the mirror.
"I think you're pretty good with your hands." He raised his eyebrows in amusement. Amelia's mouth dropped once she realized what he was thinking, her cheeks turning a shade of pink. "No! Not like that, I meant that because you're a surgeon." She turned around, playfully slapping her hand against his chest. "God, no! No dirty talk. There are kids in this house!"
"That has not stopped you before." Amelia laid her head onto his chest while giggling, hiding the blush that had crept onto her cheeks. She pulled her head back a minute later. "But, if you actually want me to do it, I will." She beamed up at him, grabbing the scissors and quickly leaving the bathroom.
"C'mon! Let's go outside; we can do it now!"
"Right now?" She nodded.
"Yup. It's time for a change." The orthopedic surgeon shook his head in amusement as he followed her out of the bathroom, muttering some sarcastic comment about her running with scissors in hand. He grabbed a towel from the downstairs bathroom, heading outside to see her settling into a chair on the patio.
"Okay, this is your last chance to back out," Link teased, wrapping the towel around her shoulders.
"Nope, we're doing this." She opened the camera app on her phone, snapping a picture of them. "I need before and after pictures."
"You're ridiculous," he muttered. He took the scissors from her.
"Don't mess it up."
"You seemed so confident earlier; what happened?" Amelia turned to him, sticking her tongue out. "You're gonna have to sit still if you want it to look decent." She crossed her arms while turning back around. Her eyes closed as the metal clasping of the scissors sounded.
"Did you really do it?"
"Yes, was this some sort of test that I just failed?" She looked back to see a few inches of her hair between his fingers, her mouth wide.
"No, I just didn't think you would actually do it." A smile played on her lips when she heard the metal snip again. A few minutes passed in silence, various comments sounding from the nieces and nephew, until Link walked around the chair, holding the last chunk of hair he had cut off.
"All done," he stated proudly, taking his girlfriend's phone. He filmed a quick video before handing it back to her and watching it with her.
"It actually looks good!" He pouted at her.
"What, you didn't think I'd be able to do it? You did say I was good with my hands, after all," he said quietly, looking off at Ellis and Bailey playing further in the backyard.
"No, I just, there's an expectation for home haircuts. But, this? You should quit surgery and become a hairdresser." Their eyes all darted to the side of the yard as they heard the latch of the gate opening. Maggie and Winston stared at the couple in amusement.
"What happened here?" Maggie asked, walking over to her sister. She picked up one of the woman's now short locks of hair. "Did you cut her hair?" she asked Link.
"Yup, he did. And he did an absurdly good job." Amelia grinned at Maggie. "Doesn't it look good?"
"It looks impulsive," she mocked. "But, it does look good. Reminds me of when you two got together."
"That's what I was thinking!" Amelia practically shouted, standing up from the chair. She glanced down at the cut-off pieces of hair on the ground. "It looks like a lot."
"What prompted this haircut?" Winston asked as he walked towards them.
"I feel like with this whole pandemic; we've been stuck. I mean, it's been almost six months since we went into quarantine and nothing changes. I needed a change." The man shrugged in understanding, leaning back against the picnic table. Although he had only recently entered their family scene a few months ago, Amelia was pleased with how well Winston and Link got along, finally able to live out her dream of her and her sister's boyfriends being best friends. "Plus, short hair makes me happy." She ran her fingers through it. "And now all the kids can have haircuts because this guy is secretly a hairdresser," she poked Link's chest.
"Do you need me to take after photos?" Amelia nodded eagerly and handed her phone to him. "There we go." She turned back to Maggie and Winston.
"Wait, what are you guys doing here?"
"We figured we'd take the kids to the park. Give you two a few hours off," Maggie suggested, walking over to where Ellis and Bailey were playing. Link stood behind his girlfriend.
"I can show you just how much I like the haircut," he whispered into her ears, rubbing his hands up and down her arms. She grinned.
"No dirty talk," she whispered back, "there are kids here."
"There won't be soon."
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Falling For You But You Are Worlds Away: Chapter 4
Three months passed. The winter snow melted and made way for spring showers.
Simon was proud to say that he had managed to adjust to life in New York fairly well.
The first month was difficult, there was no doubt about that. He was constantly sad and missed his mother, Sara, Ayub, Rosh, and… Wilhelm. He mostly stayed home unless Ana or Tia Elena would drag him out. He hated the subway and how loud and tight it was. And he rarely talked to anyone at school unless he really had to and mostly stuck to Ana’s side during lunch and GSA meetings.
But, eventually, he got used to all of it. 
His homesickness was often abated by speaking to his mother every week and messaging Sara, Ayub, and Rosh on Instagram almost everyday.
“How are you, mi amor?” his mother would ask.
“I’m fine, Mama,” he would reply.
“How’s school?” she would follow up.
And, then, Simon would tell her about his day, what he and his new friends have been up to, and toss something in about how much the subway sucks.
“Spoken like a true New Yorker,” Ana said when she heard him.
Simon also made a new Instagram so he could post photos of his adventures in New York (he had to abandon the old one – there were too many creeps sliding in his DMs and many of them made him sick to his stomach). After much urging from Ana, he finally joined the school’s Glee Club and met some nice people he could hang out with. And he and Darren from GSA had become very good friends.
It was obvious from the get-go that Darren had the biggest crush on Dominic, the GSA president, and was always flirting and trying to get the older boy to go out with him. Dominic always refused, stating school as the priority over dating. It never deterred Darren, though, as he kept trying. Simon both admired his persistence and found him kind of idiotic for going after someone who didn’t want to go out with him.
(“All in the name of love, baby,” Darren said in response to Simon’s blunt observation.)
And, speaking of dating, Simon was pretty proud of himself for actually managing to go on a date. Even though he said he wasn’t looking to date, at first, he found himself wanting to give it a shot. So, he said “yes” to the one boy from Glee Club who asked him out. He was nice and had a beautiful singing voice. It didn’t really go anywhere, though. Simon partly blamed it on the fact that the boy wasn’t really his type and partly because he really wasn’t over Wilhelm, yet.  
But, it was progress… right?
And, today, he was making one more step towards it.
“I think you’re next,” piped Ana from the seat beside him. “You sure you want to do this?”
Simon swallowed the lump in his throat. “Y-Yeah,” he managed, a little nervous. “You said this will help.”
His cousin bit her lip and shrugged. “I mean, it’s a superstition… belief… thing. I don’t know if it works but people say it does.”
“No harm in trying.” Simon fiddled with the sleeves of his sweater. “Besides, it’s getting long anyway.”
“Hi,” said the kind-looking Asian woman. “It's your turn.”
Simon nodded as he stood up. He followed her until they reached an empty chair, which she swung towards him. He sat and she whirled it around to face the mirror.
“What would you like?” she asked as she fastened a long black cape over his body.
“Um… can you cut about… three inches?”
Her eyes widened. “Really? You have nice curly hair. Prettiest I’ve seen.”
He blushed. “Thanks. But, um, yes, just cut it, please.”
The hairdresser looked a little sad at the prospect of cutting Simon’s hair but she nodded and prepared her tools.
Simon took one last look at his hair – his curly mess of a hair that Wilhelm loved to playfully tug and run his fingers through.
It will be gone soon. And, maybe, along with it, his feelings for the Crown Prince of Sweden.
Wilhelm was making no progress in moving on. Maybe because he didn’t really want to move on.
He had been regularly meeting with the school therapist. It helped his anxiety a little but it wasn’t like he could really talk about missing Simon, regretting his decisions, and how he wished (for the thousandth time) that he wasn’t a prince.
But, if there was anything he learned from being royal was that if you wanted something done, efficiently, you can either delegate or do it yourself. And since he could not delegate his search for Simon to others, he would do it himself.
The smell of hay and horses greeted Wilhelm as soon as he stepped into the stables. It didn’t bother him, he liked horses. They were nicer than people so he understood why Sara liked them so much.
One black horse tapped Wilhelm’s head as he passed and Wilhelm paused to rub its nose. The horse snorted, making Wilhelm chuckle before going on his way.
As expected, he found Sara in Rousseau’s stall, happily brushing him as she made small talk.
Wilhelm paused, unsure about continuing. She was still angry with him and he couldn’t blame her. But, three months had passed and he was desperate. He would face her wrath if it meant he could finally know where Simon was.
Clearing his throat, he stepped closer.
Sara turned her head and as soon as she saw him, her smile disappeared and her eyes narrowed.
“What are you doing her, Prince?” she practically hissed.
Wilhelm bit his lip. “I just… want to talk to you.”
Sara turned back to Rousseau. “I’m not telling you where my brother is.”
“Sara, please.”
She put away the brushes before turning to him. “Why should I do that for you?”
Wilhelm bit his lip, stumped. Sara’s gaze was piercing on him and if looks could kill, he had no doubt he was a goner.
“You’re not… doing it for me. Not really.”
She quirked an eyebrow.
Wilhelm took a deep breath and released a sigh. “I made a mistake,” he confessed. “What I did to Simon… it’s unforgivable. I shouldn’t have left him alone. I should have… done something different. But, it’s done and there’s nothing I can do anymore. That’s why I need to talk to him again. I need to make it up to him. I just… Sara, I just…” He bit his lip again. “I miss him… I miss, Simon. And, I know I don’t deserve him. But, I miss him.”
Sara continued to stare at him, her face unreadable. She wasn’t budging.
Wilhelm swallowed, not really wanting to resort to what he ended up saying next.
“And... You owe him… and me.”
Sara blinked. “What are you talking about?”
Wilhelm took another deep breath to strengthen his resolve. “I know that you knew that August leaked the video.”
He watched as her expression finally changed – from indifference to shock.
“He promised to help you apply for a grant but he didn’t. So, you told Felice what he did and she didn’t speak to you for a week. I know because she told me but begged me not to do anything. She cares about you. And I wouldn’t have anyway because you’re Simon’s sister and he loves you.”
It was Felice who helped Sara get the grant, gave her recommendations and everything.  
“But, you never told Simon any of this. So, yes, you owe him and you owe me.”
She glared at him. “I don’t like you.”
“I know.” Wilhelm took a tentative step closer. “Please, Sara. I need to talk to him.”
She sighed. “Mama will be angry with me.”
“I won’t tell her that you told me.”
Sara pursed her lips as she looked at him, as if examining him for more lies. Then, she closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and opened them again to catch his gaze.
“Just so you know, I’m just telling you so that you’d leave me alone. And don’t you dare tell Simon about me and August. I… I’ll tell him, myself. Just not right now because he’s not here and I don’t want him to be angry with me while he’s so far away.”
Wilhelm held his breath, his heart beating as he waited in anticipation.
“He’s in New York. We have an aunt there. He’s living with her.”
New York. Simon was in New York. That was only eight hours away by plane. The Royal family had a private jet. Could he get away with borrowing it and leaving for a weekend? Surely, it wouldn’t hurt to just pop in, right? He could come up with some excuse to his mother. Hell, maybe she didn’t even have to know!
His mental plans were disrupted by Sara’s firm voice. He looked at her as she frowned at him.
“I know what you’re thinking. And you shouldn’t. Simon is okay there. He has friends. And he likes New York.”
The hope in Wilhelm began to wither.
“It’s not forever, you know,” said Sara. “He’ll be back.”
Wilhelm swallowed, fingers digging into his palm. “Does he hate me?”
To his surprise, Sara chuckled and shook her head. “I don’t think there’s anything you can do to make Simon hate you.” She stepped up to him and awkwardly patted his arm. “You don’t have to worry about that. Just… let him be, for now, okay?”
Wilhelm nodded.  “Okay. Thank… Thank you, Sara. Thank you.”
She offered him a small smile. “Anything else?”
He shook his head then looked at Rousseau. “Need help?”
Her eyes widened at that. “A prince? Helping at the stables?”
He shrugged and walked over to Rousseau. “I know how to ride and I’ve helped take care of horses before.”
She narrowed her eyes at him, suspicious, before shrugging. She picked up the brush again and tossed it at him.
“Then, get to work, Prince.”
Wilhelm smiled. He and Sara barely talked before, even when he and Simon were… together. He felt a little awkward around her, sometimes. But, maybe they could be friends. After all, they were both missing Simon. That was one thing they had in common.
“I still don’t like you, though,” she said.
One step at a time.
Wilhelm kept his promise to Sara and resisted getting on his private plane and taking off for New York.
He lasted until June.
And, it wasn’t his fault, really.
He heard Madison and Felice talking about the latter visiting her in New York during workies.
So, Wilhelm had leaned over and asked, “Can I join you?”
Maddie blinked in confusion. “What?”
“Can I join you in New York?”
Maddie's brows furrowed. “Um… sure. But, why, though?”
Wilhelm grinned. “Simon is there. And I want to see him.”
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If You Love Someone, Let Them Go: Part 6
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Summary: Since starting with SVU, Sonny hadn’t kept much terribly close to the chest. The squad knew about his family, growing up on Staten Island, the classes at Fordam. What was hidden was why he didn’t date. Sonny Carisi was also separated from his childhood sweetheart, a separation neither ever took to divorce. They had the same haunts. They’d grown up neighbors. Their paths crossed every few months, and divorce talks would turn into reminiscing would turn into a night spent together, sometimes sex sometimes just talking until the early morning. It always ended with one of them waking up alone however. How will that change when the squad finds out?
Pairings: Sonny Carisi x Original Character
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
April 2015
“You ready?” Sonny called as he came into her apartment. They’d agreed to skip the pretense and drive together, and Sonny had booked a hotel room within walking distance after confirming she’d be okay with it. His bag was in the trunk, and he grinned when she came out bundled up, the same Fordham sweatshirt she’d stolen under her coat and the little wheeled bag beside her. 
“Ready,” she grinned, stretching up to kiss him, and he felt like he could do anything. He took her bag despite her protest.
“I got us a room for the next two nights. We ain’t gotta stay both, but I thought it might be nice to go to dinner? I got both nights off, too.”
“That sounds real nice. I packed some real people clothes anyway.”
“Perfect. Now let’s get going. Bella said you guys got a make up artist coming.”
“Yeah. She got one and a hairdresser.”
“She’s definitely the one who wouldn’t wanna get herself ready.”
“Yeah. We gotta get there in time. What’re the groomsmen doing?”
“Playing video games and taking turns shaving and showering.”
“Not fair.”
“You look hot. You don’t need hair and make up.”
“You always think I’m hot.”
“That’s because you always are.”
“So are you. I got real lucky on the husband front.”
“You really think so?” She could sense the current under what he said. It wasn’t just Am I hot? but was also Are you lucky?
“Incredibly lucky. I got you.” He slammed the trunk shut, cheeks pink when he settled in the driver’s seat. It was familiar to drive with their fingers laced, and he smiled to see her wedding set in place. Bella had gone by the bakery to surprise her one day, and his sister was very pleased to let him know both rings were on her left ring finger. He’d told the squad the same day he told Olivia, and his ring had been on his hand every day since, the cross the only thing on the chain again.
“Think they’d notice if I do my own make up and hang out with you?”
“She really does have y’all going like two hours longer than Gina did.”
“Yeah. Gina was very ‘Let’s get down to business, get photos, and get married.’ Bella’s way more into the matching robes and face masks vibe. But she’ll be happy.”
“I’ll check in a lot, okay? I don’t like the video games Tommy does.”
“You just like Sims. It’s endearing.”
“It’s kinda fun.”
“You spent six hours building a house once.”
“I had t’make sure it was perfect. They were having twins, Tor.”
“I love you, you absolute nerd.”
“Your nerd.” 
“Damn straight.” Sonny dropped her off at the venue, checking them in at the hotel and dropping off their bags. He stopped by the bridal suite when he got to the venue, thankful the weather moved the ceremony inside now that he was out of the cold. 
“Dominick! No boys allowed,” Bella said, wagging her finger at him, hair in rollers. 
“I know, I know. I’m just bringing Tor the key and her charger, okay?”
“You got her key?” Gina asked, leaning back to look at him and lifting her brow. “That sounds like you’re sharing a room.”
“We are,” Victoria said plainly, taking both items gladly. All the girls had changed into robes, but she’d opted to stay in his oversized sweatshirt until the inevitable photos. A primal part of him liked knowing that.
“That sounds like a reconciliation,” the younger Carisi sang, and Victoria rolled her eyes. “And you two snuck out of the party early like you used to.”
“I’m real glad you approve of our progress, but if you put too much pressure on us, we might break again.” Victoria knew he didn’t mean it and just wanted them to drop it, which she was grateful for. They weren’t quite there, but she trusted he’d probably open up by the end of their weekend together. Even if he didn’t, she’d decided she wanted to start planning to see him more after the wedding. Several late nights with Margy and a bottle of wine had told her that much. If you prove you’ll be there and patient, he’ll probably feel less like he’s scaring you off, she’d told Victoria after another night analyzing their last four encounters.
“Fine. But just know I’m telling ma. Maybe she’ll stop being mean to Tor.”
“Ignore Bella. She’s been glaring, but I think Sonny talked sense into her at Thanksgiving. She’s mad at both of them now.”
“As she should be,” he shrugged, kissing Victoria. “See ya for pictures.”
“See ya,” she grinned, ignoring his sisters’ squeals. This marathon made her kind of tired. Her hair and makeup were done soon enough, and she was grateful the dress was a dusty, dark enough pink in person to look good on her. She liked pink on Sonny, especially since the sides of his brunette hair had started going gray, against the blue of his eyes. The bridesmaids, the two Carisi sisters, Victoria, and a couple of Bella’s friends, all posed together in the matching silky robes before slipping their dresses on. 
“And you thought that pink wouldn’t look good,” Sonny said softly against her ear before kissing her cheek. 
“You like it?” Her hands rested on his shoulders as she smiled up at him, and he felt giddy. It was official. This was how they acted before, no almost needed. 
“I do. Beautiful color on you. And damn, my wife got a figure.”
“You’re the best hypeman,” she hummed as she straightened his tie. “I ever told you how handsome you look in a suit? Or how pretty pink makes your eyes?”
“I can stand to hear it again.” There was the cocky smile he got sometimes. “I’m starting to look old, doll.”
“Nah. Getting hotter.”
“Even with the gray?” He’d been self conscious about it before, when the evenly dispersed gray in his dark hair could be mistaken for a dirty blonde. His temples gave him away now, but she loved it.
“Even hotter with the gray.”
“Stop being gross,” Teresa whined. “It’s like when you were getting ready for homecoming again.” She was rewarded with her brother and sister-in-law’s middle fingers, and Victoria was pleased with Gianna’s disapproval and the picture the photographer snapped. They took pictures, and Sonny was glad when they settled in the back of the venue. He could see the back of Olivia, Barba, Amaro, and Rollins’ heads, and the change in his dynamic with Victoria had him looking forward to showing her off at the reception. 
“Shoes off at the reception. I intercept ma?”
“How’d you know?”
“I’m pretty sure I’m supporting ninety percent of your weight, Tor.”
“Love you.”
“Do I need to hold ya until we walk?” 
“Not enough time to make a difference. But you’re a saint for offering.”
When Olivia saw Sonny with Victoria on his arm, it made sense why he’d been calmer the last two weeks. He’d been texting her more, though he thought he was sneaky enough no one noticed how he smiled at his phone throughout the day. She seemed to smooth his edges, and she and Amanda shared a look over the way the pair watched each other across the front of the venue. The ceremony was a quick enough affair, and Bella had decided to let her bridal party sit wherever they wanted. That led to Victoria stepping out of her shoes, pleased to be spared a big entrance. Heels in hand, she followed Sonny to the table his squad was at before dropping into her seat and giving a wave.
“Means a lot to Bella and Tommy you all came,” Sonny said, taking her shoes and tucking the wall by his chair. “This is my wife, Victoria. Tor, meet Rafael Barba, Olivia Benson, Nick Amaro, and Amanda Rollins.”
“Nice to meet all of ya. I’ve heard a lot.”
“Wish we could say the same,” Rollins said, and Victoria immediately recognized what Sonny had meant. No venom. Just protective of her occasional partner. And Benson was definitely the mother hen, shooting the blonde a look as Amaro and Barba concealed smiles.
“Get it all out now,” she joked, rolling her eyes. “Married into this family nine years ago.”
“Been putting up with Carisi that long? I’ll petition the pope for sainthood.” The three piece suit. The snark. Barba was just what she expected. 
“Think she deserves it,” Sonny chuckled, arm flung easily over the back of her chair. “I can be a pain in the ass.”
Conversation started to flow easily, and he was glad Victoria was tough enough to bite back at Rollins and Barba when they referenced anything touchy. Tommy’s family filled out the rest of the table, and he was glad to see the trial had brought them around to agree that what happened to Tommy was wrong. Teresa and Tommy’s brother gave the speeches, and he liked seeing the squad join in as Bella threw the bouquet and Tommy threw the garter. 
“Bella caught my bouquet, remember?” Victoria smiled up at him.
“Yeah. And Freddy Esposito got the garter.”
“Both of ‘em got married this year.”
“Was delayed for us. Our friends from back then are just now getting married.” 
“We’ve been married nine years and aren't even thirty. I think we were ahead of the curve.”
“But now my baby sister is married and pregnant.”
“Dom, you do know she and I are the same age?” Sonny blinked, squinting at her. 
“You’re fucking with me, right?”
“We’re both twenty-seven.”
“No way Bella’s twenty-seven.”
“I like how you can fully separate me and Bella graduating together.”
“I forget,” he shrugged. “You always picked me anyway.”
“Then married you. Duh. Long game.”
“I hear people making noise.”
“They’re cutting the cake. Amaro has the garter half in his shirt pocket, and a three year old caught the bouquet. The same age you think Bella was when she caught mine.”
“Shut up,” he laughed, pulling her to stand at the edge of the dance floor to watch the first dance. His arms slid around her waist as he rested his chin on her shoulder.
“He wouldn’t have to stoop so low if you’d wear your damn shoes, stellina.”
“Ma, leave her be.” Gianna rolled her eyes, but Sonny squeezed Victoria as the music started. “She’s coming back around. Called ya stellina instead of Victoria.”
It was kind of fun to watch the four members of his work family loosen up around the room. Amaro and Rollins were across the dance floor and not fooling anyone. Barba wasn’t sure what to make of any of the Carisis or Sullivans, but since they’d easily figured out that Olivia was not involved with him, the singles from both families had circled the man who was suddenly the most eligible bachelor. The best part was how hard Olivia ignored his visual pleas to be saved as she talked to one of Tommy’s uncles. It was nice not pretending work and personal life were separate; the squad had taken him in like he hadn’t anticipated, and now his family was taking the chance to accept his squad. 
When the first dance was over, Sonny pulled her onto the dance floor, holding her flush against him in a way he hadn’t been brave enough to before. They’d talked every day the last two weeks, and he’d realized they really had hit the turning point. The songs weren’t slow, so his chest was against her back as his hand splayed over her stomach as they swayed. Both their voices were off key as they sang along to each song with the rest of the guests on the floor. Nick and Amanda were wrapped up in each other, and Olivia and Rafael seemed perfectly entertained, so he didn’t feel bad slipping out after a couple hours. 
“I know you two. Go ahead and dip. You stayed for all the important parts,” Bella had grinned, bumping Victoria’s hip with her own. “I’m the only sober one here, so this is gonna wrap up earlier than anyone realizes. Baby and I gotta sleep.”
“You sure?” 
“Positive, Tor.” That was all it took for Sonny to lace their fingers, duck out of the venue, and start the couple of blocks to their hotel. At first, she wore the heels and walked,  but he quickly realized it was the shoes, not the wine, making her unsteady.
“That’s it,” he said, squatting in his suit. “Hop on.”
“My bag’s heavy.”
“I can handle it, babe.”
“You sure?”
“You don’t hop on, we’re going spider monkey front carry, and we both know that always ends in me tripping more.” She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and Sonny held her thighs, careful to keep the fabric under his palms to save her some modesty. When they were outside the room, she slipped the key from his breast pocket, helping him push the door open before he dropped her on the bed. 
“Thank you,” she sighed, toeing the pumps off and letting them fall. 
“Glad to be of service.” A little salute as he started to strip out of the suit and hang it. “Thanks for always ditching early for pajamas with me.”
“Glad to be of service.” She hung the dress and tucked the strapless bra away, and when Sonny turned from the closet, he saw her in the oversized sweatshirt again as she pulled the blankets back on the bed. He hadn’t bothered for two. They’d had that option every time but hadn’t used it when they were fighting. 
“Comfy?” He ran a hand through his hair, breaking up the gel before flopping beside her.
“It’s literally nine o’clock. Are we old, Tor?”
“Old? No. Codependent? Maybe.”
“We been living apart a year and a half. Maybe we’re just a clique.”
“Very true. We’re like if the plastics were millennials who had been married a decade.”
“We should write that script.”
“Forget law school. Teen movie parodies based around our marriage.”
“Perfect. I’ll drop all my classes tomorrow.”
“I missed you. It’s been nice talking all the time.”
“I missed you too,” he murmured, watching her with his cheek pressed to the pillow. 
“Regardless of if you’re ready to tell me, I wanna keep talking a lot.”
“I’m ready. I just was going to wait. Don’t wanna ruin our weekend.”
“I feel like you’re going to tell me and realize I don’t care as much as you thought. Unless you fucked somebody.”
“First, last, and only, Tor.” He rolled onto his back, taking a deep breath, and Victoria knew him well enough to know this really was going to be the moment. She sat up, legs tucked beneath her. Leaning towards him a little, she put her hand on his chest and rubbed what she hoped were soothing circles as he put his hands behind his head. When he was nervous, Sonny talked to the ceiling, just needing her to anchor him.
“Just trust me, okay?”
“I trust you, vita mia,” he murmured, and that particular Italian term of endearment let her know it was really happening. “You remember when my hours changed? End of 2011. Became a detective. Acted funny when you took me upstate. A year before I fucked up and forgot your birthday bakery combo dinner.”
“Of course.”
“I was working homicide.”
“It really fucked me up, Tor. What I seen, it was so bad. The women. There were so many women, and they’d be so pristine. One of them was in a fuckin’ dumpster even. But he took all the time to give her a bath and do her make up and get her dressed. And you know what that always told me?”
“What?” she whispered, taking the hand that went from behind his head to rest on top of hers.
“It was their husband or boyfriend. The person who they trusted. And their faces were so peaceful, Victoria. They knew what was coming. And I’d go talk to people. You know what they’d say? They weren’t surprised. They’d seen it. They’d heard it. Those men hurt their wives and girlfriends. Took advantage of the fact they trusted and loved them. I started seeing you when I saw them, Tor.”
“Sonny,” she whispered, hating the way his voice sounded. It was thick with emotion, and he’d closed his eyes. She was well aware that if he opened them, they’d be rimmed red and tears would be falling. “This is what you couldn’t tell me?”
“You’re so proud of me. I didn’t want to disappoint you. I couldn’t sleep and it hurt so badly. I’d wake up freaking because I thought it was you. I’d never hurt you, but my brain just- I don’t know. And then you’re so good. You deal with cakes and fondant and cannoli and things that make people happy. I was so scared that if I talked about it, it would blot out the light in you. I felt like the only light I had was you. I think I pulled away because of that and it snowballed. When it got so bad, the last six months? It got to the point I thought all that darkness and the stuff I was seeing and the stuff my brain was picturing would- fuck- leak into you through osmosis or something. When I wanted to tell you, my brain would just change the words I wanted to say.”
“Sonny, I didn’t know it was like that,” she murmured. 
“You couldn’t have known. I wouldn’t tell you.”
“I should have figured it out.”
“Don’t do that, doll. If you’re willing to trust me to tell you moving forward, I just want to move forward.”
“I shouldn’t have left, Dominick. You were hurting, and I just abandoned you.”
“I was depressed. I should have told you or talked to someone. Being depressed doesn’t make it okay to neglect you. I need to take care of myself.”
“And I should have stuck with you. Figured out the why.”
“You did though. I’ve known that I can come to you for the last two years. I just couldn’t get past myself. Doc’s been working through it with me. Says I gotta learn that dad bottling it up wasn’t good. It works better for him and ma because she couldn’t read him when they met. I never had to tell you so I didn’t know how. And then dad doesn’t believe in men sharing their feelings. It’s easy to ignore that for the good feelings. I didn’t want you to think I wasn’t tough enough.”
“I didn’t know how to tell you how I was feeling. I knew you saw dark stuff and I was scared to make it worse. I didn’t want to pressure you.”
“Are we okay?” His voice was almost pleading, barely a whisper as his eyes finally opened to look at her. She laid against him, cupping his cheek as his hand flew to rest on hers. They were both crying, and she hated it. She hated to know that it was such a stupid miscommunication. If she’d pressed on it, taken guesses, asked around, maybe she could’ve helped him not hurt. This new squad seemed good for him, and therapy was helping. She probably needed to address their relationship more in therapy, learn how to ask for what she needed. They had to an extent, helping her hold out as long as she had for him to open up.
“We’re okay, Sonny. I’m so proud of you.” She was nudging his nose with her own, not dropping his gaze. 
“Thank you for being so patient.”
“I’d have waited for ya forever. First, last, and only, Sonny.”
“Come home.”
“We gotta consolidate now,” she teased gently. “But I’ll come home.”
“It’s in Brooklyn now. You’ll like it. I didn’t even get rid of that stupid dog statue.”
“He’s a very important dog statue.” 
“I love you, you weirdo.”
“I love you too, nerd.” He missed laughing with her, even when they were both crying. The relief that flooded him was suddenly exhausting. Not telling her had been heavy on him for a long time, but he didn’t expect his body’s physical response to the openness. He felt like he did before he went on this pointless journey to hide the bad parts of his field from her. She knew what he did. She kissed him, slow and sweet and loving, and Sonny’s arms snaked around her. They’d kissed plenty since she left, but there was always a hesitance behind it. Unsureness around their status. Now, he was kissing his wife, not his estranged wife. Even if it took time, they were working towards her coming back home. They hadn’t had sex since their ill fated first run in post separation. It was slow and sentimental, and afterwards, he had a half second of panic she’d disappear. Instead of pulling away like his gut wanted, he curled around her frame, nuzzled into the crook of his neck. 
“I missed that,” he murmured. 
“Me too.” She rested her hand on his, and he could feel that she was smiling in how her cheeks moved. He felt greedy, wanting to feel every bit of her skin he was able to before he fell asleep. When he woke to find her still there, he was relieved, and even better, she’d twisted in the night, leg hooked over his hip and her chest pressed to his. They’d spent most of the night talking or tangled together, so they’d slept in until ten o’clock. He checked his phone to be sure everyone had made it through the night before. Once he reminded his mom he was spending the weekend and really wouldn’t be at Sunday dinner, he settled back in to watching her. After a while, she started to stir, pulling him closer. She’d been right, everything had changed once he told her. He didn’t feel like he had to keep any space between them.
“Morning, beautiful,” he whispered, and she stretched her arms over her head.
“Heya, handsome.” She pressed a kiss to his lips, and it took all his attention not to take her again. He’d made plans for the day, and he was determined to stick to them. Even if they hadn't reconciled, she was a sucker for the beach, even when it was cold, so he’d planned to take her to lunch, take her to get her nails done, and take her to walk the little shops he’d found. It would make her smile, and he’d missed the little trips they’d taken before. Other than going to the cabin, something she’d planned, it had been years between work and school and money. For their tenth anniversary, he was already planning, even though there was just over a year to plan. He wanted to take her back to New Orleans, just the pair of them together now and no disappointment on her part that her mom was there but ignoring her. 
“I planned a day for us.” His hands trailed her spine, and he realized something else had shifted since he told her the reality. While he thought it wasn’t possible, he felt even closer to her. The men in his family, though well intentioned, had always told him it would be viewed as weaker to share his emotional world with anyone. They thought it was a little girly for him to be as sappy with her as he tended to be, tearing up at weddings and when he talked about how proud of her he was. But the bad things? Those were weaknesses that would drive her away. The realization that the depression and inability to separate work from her didn’t scare her off made him realize that letting her see it wasn’t going to break them. Hell, it seemed to bring her closer.
“Yeah. Lunch on the beach. Little walk on the beach after. Manicure- I know you, Tor. Don’t try to say you got one for Bella’s weddin. You love them but won’t take yourself ever- and then we can walk around some of the little shops and stuff.”
“That sounds like a real romantic day, Dom.”
“What can I say? I learned my lesson about not being romantic.”
“I’m excited to come home.”
“Me too, Tor.”
Tag: @cycat4077 @fear-less-write-more
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simsadventures · 4 years
Not Me: Chapter 2: Domestic Bliss
Summary: You throw a party at your house, and while on the outside you look like the perfect couple, the reality is quite different. Especially after you learn about another shocking truth. But Bucky seems to be shocked as well.
Warnings: angst, pretending, infidelity, hint of jealousy, swearing, betrayal, weight loss
Pairing: CEO!Bucky Barnes x wife!Reader
Word Count: 2555
A/N: I promise, all will be explained in a short time. What did we all think? Bucky is an ass, that’s for sure, but maybe there’s something behind his behaviour… who knows? XD FEEDBACK is gold, so please, let me know if you like it, or what was your favourite part :) xx
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Series Masterlist __ Masterlist
< Previous Chapter
You looked at yourself in the mirror and sighed. Where there used to be a happy, confident woman, was now standing an unsure being without shape or form. You always loved the way your boobs looked, having been one of the lucky girls to have their breasts just the right size and shape without undergoing surgery. But since you lost more than 20 pounds over the last year, your boobs all but disappeared.
So did the glow your skin used to have once. You were dull now, and if it weren’t for your hairdresser who tried to keep your hair shiny and healthy-looking, you bet you would like a walking dead. But no matter how much weight you lost, James didn’t seem to care.
It was pathetic to even try in the first place, because he would always mumble something like you’re not gonna get me, and would walk away, leaving you confused and hurt. You thought that maybe he thought you weren’t representative enough for him, so you tried to lose weight. But nothing happened because you were just the right amount of weight.
It came only with the constant heartbreak that you finally lost your appetite, and the pounds started to disappear from the scale.
You shrugged in the mirror and applied another layer of red lipstick to your lips and plastered a fake smile on your face. This would be a long night, you thought to yourself, as you descended the stairs leading to your formal room, aka the torture room, as you liked to call it.
It was there that most of the parties and meeting happened, and because it was your turn to host one of the Y/L/N family parties, you couldn’t even protest. Your whole family would be there, and so was James’.
After what your father told you that day, and the way he’s been acting towards you ever since then, you weren’t looking forward to seeing him. Nevertheless, you couldn’t wait to see two of your three brothers. Not that you wouldn’t see them almost every month, it being your only outlet and your flight towards safety, but their faces and goofy acts always made you smile.
When you saw your oldest brother, Max, you actually smiled at him, and you had to tell yourself not to rush too fast towards him, because it would actually look like you weren’t happy in your current position. The hostess of the party. Ugh!
 You made sure that the caterers brought everything they should and that your home decorator came soon in the morning to put things in their places, but other than that, you couldn’t care less. It was just for a show, just like every other aspect of your life, apparently.
Max waved at you, and you came close enough to squeeze his hand affectionately. He looked you up and down and frowned, but didn’t say anything, being the polite one of the four of you. You wanted to say something, but then you felt somebody hauling you up from your feet and you screamed, not being able to contain yourself.
When you heard a huron laugh from behind you, you let out a chuckle and tapped his hand, signalling that he should let you down. It was the other brother, two years older than you, Thomas.
While Max was a cardio surgeon, Thomas was in the Army. He only recently got sent home from Afghanistan, and you couldn’t get enough of him, missing him like crazy over the past 7 months while he was on a mission.
“I swear to God, you’re lighter and lighter every time I see you, cheerio! You’re almost translucent, what the fuck is going on, huh?”
You just shook your head and put your fake smile on to calm him down so that he wouldn’t make a scene. Your father and James would eat you alive if somebody caused a scene and you wouldn’t be able to shush them appropriately.
“It’s this new diet I’m on, Tom! I thought I looked marvellous so thank you for bursting my little bubble,” you said playfully, hoping that neither of your brothers would see through you. But who were you kidding? You grew up with them, and you were their little sister, of course, they wouldn’t trust you just like that.
They both exchanged looks that said, right but didn’t press the matter for which you were extremely thankful. You looked around the room to see where your husband was, trying to keep up the appearances at least for a while, but you couldn’t find him anywhere. You shrugged and hoped he’d come as soon as possible, because you could see your father’s prying eyes on you, and you didn’t want to give him another reason to scold you.
To get your mind off of things, you looked for your nieces and nephews, Max’s children, so that nobody would ask you unnecessary questions and you could enjoy some time with your family before you had to go and speak with your father. You couldn’t find your mom anywhere, and you could bet she was outside having a cigarette, or 10. It was her outlet in this crazy world, and although you used to give her lectures, you totally got why she started this horrible habit. It even crossed your own mind a few times.
The little ones were having fun on the veranda, and after you greeted their mother, Felicia, you sat on your heels to let the little ones tell you all they needed.
“And auntie Y/N, why is grass green?” “Y/N, I have a boyfriend, his name is Joshua!”
You listened to the 4-year old asking question over his sister’s telling you about her kindergarten’s love, and you smiled to yourself. You loved the two of them, just as much as you loved the two babes in Felicia’s arms. One-year-old twins. Four children were apparently a lot to take in and to take care of, but Felicia was a pro, and you admired her for her patience with your brother because he sometimes acted worse than those kids.
“Shouldn’t you be in there, entertaining your guests with your husband?” You heard your father’s stern voice from behind you, and the hair on your neck stood up. You clenched your jaw, gave Felicia an apologetic smile and went back inside, without as much as looking at your father.
He didn’t like that too much, so he grabbed you by your upper arm, squeezing so much you could feel the blood draining from the limb.
“Don’t you give me this treatment, young lady. How about you put a smile on that pretty face of yours and stop being so sour, huh? Wouldn’t kill you to be pleasant for a day!”
You blinked away the tears welling in your eyes, nodded absentmindedly, which made him release your arm. You looked around the room once more, looking for James, when you saw him leaving one of the guest rooms on the floor ground. You sighed and put on a smile, which fell as soon as you saw another person leaving the room behind James. Her red hair seemed to be the only thing you saw, and you had to try really hard not to vomit at the sight.
It was one of your bridesmaids and great friends (sure), Natasha. They both looked like they either went through a tornado or they fucked each other’s souls out, and your heart fell.
Not only was he making your life a living hell, but he also fucked one of your friends? That was just perfect. You knew that if you saw him, you weren’t the only one, and sure enough, your father made his presence known again
“You can’t even keep a man? Pf, I thought at least that pussy of yours was for something, but I guess I was wrong,” he said mockingly and left you standing there, feeling like you stood under a cold shower.
James turned around the room, greeted a few people he missed due to his escapades before his eyes landed on you. You wanted to yell at him, wanted to throw stuff at him for doing this to you. Why he married you in the first place, you didn’t understand. You didn’t give him even a small smile as you walked towards him, and, for a second, he looked like a deer caught in headlights. That soon passed, and his typical scowl replaced the shock on his face.
When you reached him, and he snaked his arm your waist (which cause you to shudder in disgust, to be quite frank), you leaned in, and with a smile for the other guests of the party, you whispered to his ear,
“You could have at least each left the room in a different time. And you could have made sure you didn’t look like you just fucked one of my best friends, but maybe that’s just me, dear,” you hissed the last part of the sentence as you looked deep into his eyes and without as much as another thought left him standing there, and went to your brothers again.
Not that you wanted to talk to them about it, but you saw the looks on their faces, and you knew they saw the whole thing, from Bucky leaving the room with Natasha to you talking to him. And the looks on their faces were very close to two people ready to murder somebody, so you tried to go and calm them both down. You were just lucky your twin, Adam, wasn’t there, because he would definitely have already acted. And it wouldn’t be nice considering he was an MMA fighter.
“Is he fucking kidding me? I’m going to kill him, Y/N. Like seriously, it will take me one good measured punch, and he’s down,” Tom said, seething, and you patted his shoulder, keeping your fake smile on your lips.
“Don’t. Please, Tom, Max. Suits me for thinking he could actually love me. Let’s just forget about it and act as if nothing happened, can we?”
“Is that the reason you looked the way you do? For fuck’s sake, Y/N. That idiot’s been killing you for over a year, and now he’ll sleep with your friend, to top it all? Has he been beating you too? That why you have the forming bruise on your arm?” Max asked, his temper showing as well.
You looked down to your bare arm and saw that Max was right indeed. There was a bruise already kind of blue from where your father grabbed you minutes ago.
“It’s not like that, I promise. James hasn’t laid his arms on me, I swear. It’s from a pleasant conversation I had with dad a while ago,” you added, knowing that there was nothing your brothers could do about your despotic father.
They were both red from anger, and you didn’t blame them. If somebody treated your brothers the way James treated you, you’d probably tear them to pieces. Or, at least, the old you would. You didn’t know yourself anymore. This meek wife, trying to do as her father and her husband tell her. You were disgusted by yourself but couldn’t see a way out.
Somebody touched your arm, and from the surprised looks on your brothers’ faces, you knew exactly who it was. The fucking audacity of that woman.
“Natasha, to what do I owe the pleasure?” You asked her, so mockingly, you were actually surprised at yourself.
She looked taken aback, but she still laughed freely.
“What? Can’t I come and as hi to my dear friend?”
It was your turn to laugh in her face.
“Aaah. So I guess that’s what you’ve been doing in one of my guest rooms with my husband, then? Saying hi to him? You guys have some special secret handshake? Or did you fuck him after you exchanged pleasantries?”
She looked terrified, and before you could say more, or before she could start stuttering some lame excuse, you felt a hand on your hip, and from the unpleasant reaction of your body, you knew it was your husband. This was hilarious. His wife and mistress talking, and he just casually strode in.
“May I speak with you, Y/N?” James hissed into your ear, and you stabbed Natasha one last time with your eyes before you let James pull you away from the party into the kitchen.
You couldn’t even look at him, you thought you’d vomit if you did.
“What the fuck is your problem, huh? You’ve got everything you wanted, the house, the marriage, the prestige, everything. What more do you want from me?” He said, raising his voice, and you finally turned around to face him, your brows furrowed in disbelief.
“What? What are you talking about, James? You think I asked for any of this? For the hell my life is right now? Oh so great, I’m married to one of the sexiest CEO on the planet, good for me. But guess, what. I never asked for any of this. All I wanted was to take over the publishing part of the company, live in my little apartment, and maybe, maybe fall in love one day with a nice guy who would treat me right.
Did I think it could be you, for a while? Sure, but don’t worry. I don’t anymore. You asked me to marry you. I don’t know what you’re playing at, but at least I try to make this marriage work and don’t go fucking your best friends behind your back. But I guess I ask too much of you, don’t I? Well, excuse me, your excellence. I did everything you told me to. I stopped speaking up, I started cooking like crazy, wearing make-up all the damn time, wearing clothes like I was part of the Gossip Girl extras, just because you told me to. But I will never be good enough for you, will I? I don’t know what you want from me, James, I really don’t, but if we don’t go back to the party now, people will start asking questions we don’t have answers to,” you said, fighting the tears threatening to leave your eyes.
Bucky was watching your, his expression somewhere between surprise and anger. He looked at you, obviously wanting to continue fighting with you before something caught his attention.
“What the fuck is that on your arm?”
You scoffed and walked around him to leave the kitchen.
“Oh, now you care? Please, give me a break. I don’t know what your motives were to marry me if you wanted the whole company to yourself and had a deal with my father or something, but please, stop acting like you are the worried husband, ok? Let’s just get this party over with, and then you won’t have to look at me for weeks, just the way you like it,” you said with a fake smile (Bucky knew that much, that was definitely not a real smile of yours), and left the kitchen, not caring if he followed you or not.
He just stood there, confused and with more questions than with how many he initially came into the kitchen.
/Next Chapter >
Not Me:
@jennmurawski13 @lovely-geek @vogueworthy-barnes @veronawrites @loser-alert @trumpettay @thesoldierrogers @girlbehindthecameraposts @little-smurf @jesseswartzwelder @fuckwhateverfuck @learisa @karla-silva @blowing-mikey @afterlaughter27 @93generation @ungratefultroll @maybeisthemoon @greenprisca @geeksareunique @champagnesugamama @hailqueenconquer @grincheveryday @mc225g @thatweirdwalangpake @neerness @ntlmundy @captainchrisstan @sspider-parker @cap-just-said-language
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prorevenge · 4 years
He Ruined My Sister's Only Birth Experience So I Made Sure He'd NEVER Forget Her
Kinda my revenge, kinda my sisters, both of us really proud. This is gonna be long so TL;DR at bottom. Here's our cast:
My sister - we'll call her "Sara" for the story Sister's Ex-BF - "Paul" Ex-BFs New Wife - "Jane" Ex-BFs Parents - "Mr. And Mrs. Doe" Oldest brother - "Zeke" Our parents And Me :)
When I was 14 and my oldest sister, Sara, was 22 we found out that she was pregnant with Paul, her boyfriend of 4 years. They immediately got engaged and they were really happy. For a time. Sara had a horrible pregnancy, about 16-18 weeks in the "wonder of creating a human life" evaporated within her. She developed hyperemesis (which if you don't know is really bad morning sickness), she was constantly in pain, she developed gestational diabetes, and just all around hated the experience. Around this time Paul, the then-fiance, started getting sick of the complaining. I believe the argument was "your body is built to do this, it can't be that bad".
Sara was due around Valentine's Day and Paul's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doe, were very excited, both about the grandkid and the fact that he could be born on a holiday. She was very against that and really really hoped that her son wouldn't be born on a holiday, even one as small as Valentine's day (her birthday sometimes falls on Easter and she hates it) because it might make him feel that "his day" isn't very much about him. Well, Mrs. Doe says something like "Well if you name him Valentine or Valentino then that'll make the day even more special to him!" Again, sister HATED the idea. She thought it was tacky, he'd be bullied for it, and just really didn't like the name Valentino. Paul loved it, but agreed to go with a more average name like Daniel or Jared.
Fast forward to February and she was ready to Get This Over With. Sara had officially been put on bed rest because while standing or walking her blood pressure took unexpected spikes and dips. I look back now and goodness do I feel bad for her. She was doing her best to avoid giving birth on Valentine's day because, again, she didn't want him born on a holiday. Unfortunately, births happen when they happen and that baby was going to come on Valentines day whether she wanted him to or not.
I remember waiting out in the waiting room with my dad, brothers, and Paul who couldn't stand to be in the delivery room because it was "gross". I was so mad that he could have gone in but wouldn't because he thought my sister was "gross" while giving birth, whereas I had to stay outside because I was "too young" to go in with my mom and other sister. Dad went home with the youngest two brothers while the oldest, Zeke, stayed to watch me because I refused to leave. 16 hours after Sara went into labor my little nephew was officially part of the family on the evening of Valentine's day.
Unfortunately, Sara was not okay. She had to have an emergency cesarean section and while doing the operation discovered that the back of her uterus (facing her spinal cord) had a very large and very severe (thankfully non-cancerous) tumor. When I say large I mean it was twice the size of a standard uterus. The doctors were shocked and didn't understand why nobody had noticed it on an ultrasound. It accounted for her severe backpain and blood pressure issues. The doctors immediately went in for more surgery to remove the tumor, but sadly ended up having to perform a full hysterectomy. This meant that my nephew would be Sara's only child.
Now while Sara was in for surgery Paul was taking care of everything baby related to make sure his son was okay. In my 14 year old self's memory I remember him being suitably distraught, but I didn't really pay him much mind and spent my time in the waiting room with my mother and other sister. Zeke, however, wanted to be a good future brother-in-law and make sure that Paul was okay. He found Paul filling out the baby paperwork on his own looking (in my brother's words) "like he had not a single worry in his mind". Zeke asked why Paul didn't wait for Sara to fill out the paperwork as she should have been put of surgery within the hour, and Paul said that he just wanted her to get her rest and heal. That checked out with Zeke, as he was 16 and didn't know any better at the time.
Now I know what you're probably thinking. "No, he wouldn't. He knows how much she hates that name. And still, she'd need to sign the paperwork too!" My fellow peoples of Reddit, I regret to inform you that Paul forged Sara's signature on the paperwork and waited until she was out of surgery to hand said paperwork over. My sweet nephew, that was born on Valentine's day, was named "Valentino" on his first official birth certificate. I still to this day don't know why Paul and his family were so insistent about the name. He had even picked out a different one with my sister! And before you ask, no he was never brought up on forgery charges because his parents were "witnesses" to her signing the papers, even though they only got there at the last minute.
So Sara dumped him and got her son's name changed a month later. She was willing to do split custody with him because that's her son's father and she wants the kid to know him, but Paul vanished and she never heard anything back, which seemed weirdly out of character to us. Until a mutual friend on Facebook was tagged in his wedding pictures 6 months later. Paul had apparently started cheating on her not long after she got pregnant. Sara was livid but there wasn't much she could do so she filed for child support and continued to liver her best life.
Until 6 years later. This is where the revenge starts, my friends. So Sara has been a single mother for the past 6 years and has been amazing at it. At this point in my career I've been a hairdresser for about 8 months at our local GreatClips. I'm working one day and who is seated before me but Jane, Paul's wife, herself. I take her back for a trim and she clearly has no idea who I am. That adds up because a mutual friend that still keeps in contact with Paul said that Jane doesn't know a thing. She has no idea about Sara, that she was the other woman, or that Paul actually has a kid that he's been (infrequently) paying child support for. She's in the dark on it all.
I told myself not to be an ass and treat her like a normal customer, which I did. Now at this point, Jane was heavily pregnant, so a lot of our conversation was about that. She loved being pregnant but it was hard, her husband was so unsympathetic (big shocker), and she was due in 10 weeks and they still hadn't picked out a name for their baby girl.
Ladies and gentlepeoples, this was my chance.
I asked what kind of name she was looking for and she said "I want something unique and unusual, but not ridiculous like Brayntleigheigh" (you know the ones I'm talking about) and Paul had suggested so many already and she didn't like ANY of them. So I, conniving little weasel I am, said "what about Sara?"
My sister's name isn't actually "Sara" she was named after an older family member that passed not long after she was born, but there was no female equivalent for his name so our parents created one. It's a beautiful name and just what Jane was looking for.
She loved it, she stuck by it, and I found out by stalking her Facebook months later that she had put her foot down about it and that was their daughter's name. Now Paul has a daughter with his ex's name to remind him every day about her (and to also remind him to pay his ******* child support).
Little nephew is 10 years old now with a new name and no contact with his biological father, though we do still sometimes call him Val as a family nickname. He likes it but doesn't want to bring it to school so it's staying a family nickname. Sara pretends to hate when we call him that, in a joking way. As long as he likes it she doesn't have a problem with it. And she's seeing a new guy who's really great and like a father to Val. :)
TL;DR: My sister's baby daddy forged her signature on paperwork while she was in surgery to name their son a name that she had been avidly against from the beginning, then broke all contact when she dumped him and married the girl he was cheating on her with while she was pregnant. 6 years later I meet his wife and convince her to name her daughter my sister's name because the wife has no idea my sister and her son exist.
(source) story by (/u/AngelGuideIndi)
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bumbershots · 3 years
Author’s note: Hello! Once more I would like to thank you all for the love this story’s been getting, it truly blows my mind. I am also looking for a beta reader so if anyone out there is interested let me know! (: Let’s pick up right where we left off...
Story masterlist ** Word count: 2.3K **
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Two souls don't find each other by simple accident, Harry thought after taking a seat for the first time that night, his feet were probably going to be swollen tomorrow, they were killing him already. But he wasn't keen on turning down a dance from the girl collapsing in the settee right next to him. A slow Amy Winehouse song was their cue to rest.
"Do you want a beer?" Her voice sounded a bit hoarse, probably from all the giggling and singing she did while dancing the night away.
"Yes please."
He watched her trot to the small bar on the other side of the flat, focused on how the multiple bracelets bounced in her left wrist as she instructed her brother which beer to give her. As she came back to take her previous seat, he felt a small wave of anxiety for wanting nothing more than to start a conversation with her, as she handed him the beer. Usually it was the other way around, but in most of the cases, people wanted to know his persona.
He knew the silence was becoming awkward, but he was still debating whether to ask about her upbringing or what she did for work, whatever the case was, he didn't want to make a fool out of himself, he almost never seemed to be that lucky.
"You're not used to people being calm around you, are you?" Alma’s frown os curiosity is a mirror to the one on the musician's face.
"Yes and no?" Harry's coy tone makes her smile warmly and shake her head in denial, "so, I'm Hampstead station guy?" Her eyes widen, a shy smile appears on her full lips before she takes another large sip of her drink.
"It's unlikely to find the same person thrice in the tube! I told my friend Laura, it felt like a glitch in the matrix." She answers and he lets out an amused laugh.
"For the record, I wasn't following you, at all..."
"I know, you just had to take the same line I did and it was a happy coincidence," she interrupts him, the new song gathers a few more dancers and Harry wonders if she will ask him to dance again, "although it would've made a great anecdote for my YouTube channel; story time, a famous musician follows me around the city possibly plotting my painful death." She joked as she gingerly flashed her hands before the two of them, as if presenting the latest play from the West End.
It was Harry's eyes turn to be wide and smack his hand into his forehead.
"You have a YouTube channel?" His interest was genuine and Alma made herself more comfortable on the sofa, before proceeding to fill him in about what that was about, just videos about her 'sort of interviewing remarkable people' or so she claimed.
It was something that started as a class project back when she was seventeen, trying to get good grades to win a scholarship and study abroad —none of those things happened. She kept doing it afterwards because it was too much fun, once she interviewed all her friends, she moved onto her family. "Believe me when I tell you, that I have more relatives than I should!" With a smile as big as hers, he sighed before breathing 'lucky' as his heart sped and she continued.
Restaurant owners, chefs, firefighters, barristers, doctors, accountants, waitresses, sexual workers, sex shop employees, bankers, homeless people, hairdressers and apparently every person from her home country had been on the informal interview series. Harry was impressed with the whole concept and her.
"I sort of abandoned it a little when I moved here last year, it was crazy busy the first couple of months and the whole bureaucracy... and I was a little homesick to be honest." For the first time in the night, her voice is thinner, he has to lean in a few inches to hear better, "I miss my parents, my cousins, my aunt, my grandparents. But this is something I've wanted for the longest time you know?" Her eyes bore into his, allowing him to see the vulnerability swimming in them, "I've never felt like an outsider here, never got lost in the tube, took the wrong bus or anything like that. Isn't it weird?" Harry smiled at the sentiment, thoughts of his latest trip to Japan flashing before him.
"No, I think it's marvellous that you feel that way." He cannot be real, is the only thing running through her mind like a restless hamster in its wheel.
Harry and Alma talked about everything they didn’t have in common, despite the brief interruptions to do some shots and drink champagne with the birthday boy. Their families were discussed, their favourite things to do in the summer. Alma even asked him how was work going, as if she didn’t know that he was one of th world’s most successful artists. Harry was thrilled to joke through their drinks and the girl wasn't shy to ask him for a couple more dances. None of them noticed the partying dying around them, it was only after Fernando said his goodbyes to his laughing sister, that they noticed how late/early it actually was.
Before they knew it, golden hues streamed through the window behind them as Freddie walked out of his room and offered them coffee.
"I'm never drinking straight vodka again," Freddie mumbled to himself after finishing his cup of coffee.
"At least it wasn't Vodquila like last time," Alma's words make him groan but agree. "I should go now, need a shower and a healthy breakfast."
After Harry also admitted he needed to be on his way, with all their belongings gathered and after saying goodbye to a very ill Freddie, neither Harry or Alma looked forward to their imminent separation. He had spent hours hearing how busy she is, when not recording content, she was working at Wenzel's and teaching Spanish to her neighbour's daughter on the weekends. Still, he was determined to meet with her again.
As soon as they started moving down the street, Harry noticed the next one was where he had to turn right in order to go home. It wasn't a short walk but the most effective route for sure.
"So, the bus stop is that way," Alma nodded her head to the left, smirking knowingly as she stuffs her hands in her coat pockets.
"Of course," they had come to a rolling stop at the corner. Harry suddenly felt beyond nervous about asking the girl for her phone number. "Thank you, for keeping me company last night." It was amazing he wanted to add, but licked his lips quickly instead.
"You mean keeping you from catching up with all your friends," she corrected him.
Harry shakes his head and smiles, the dimples graciously adorning his cheeks, his racing heart giving him the last push needed to finally ask. "Do you think we could go, like for coffee... sometime?” With that she laughed, immediately memorising the sound of it, her loud cackle is one of the nicest things he has heard in awhile.
"Only if I can buy you something from the selection of pastries." Harry laughed loudly, completely relieved by her answer. She dug around her purse for a moment before taking out a pen and what seemed to be an old receipt, quickly scribbling down her number and handing it to him.
"I'll call you," he beamed, carefully placing the piece of paper in his wallet. He'd be an idiot to lose such a precious fragment of information.
"Looking forward to it," Alma smiled at him for one last time before she started walking to the opposite direction. "See you around Harry." His face was a bit puffy from not having slept properly, but she would be lying to say he didn’t look adorable at the same time.
He waved and watched her walked away, her sweet and tired morning smile seemed to be engraved into the musician's mind as he headed home.
The air was still a bit cold, but the heat was starting to rise and plague London for the rest of the day, the hot summer everyone's been yearning for was finally here, even Harry could feel it in his bones as he continued down his path. He was still highly enamoured by the amazing night he spent sharing a piece of himself with Alma. His feet felt heavy, were even burning a little, but it was nothing as he made his way through his home gate twenty minutes later.
He decided to get some toast and a cuppa for breakfast, his high spirits not faltering even one bit although he could feel the consequences from the all-nighter already with each yawn. After eating he decided to take a shower that got him ready for a well deserved sleep in his comfortable bed.
Waking up around six o'clock startles him at first, Harry is well rested now but a bit grumpy for the weird taste on his tongue, something usual after drinking beer. He scolds himself for not brushing his teeth earlier as he walks in his bathroom. The cool tiles against his bare feet wake him up a bit more. After some needed dental hygiene, Harry gets dressed to go out and pick up his sister for their weekly dinner. Hopefully he can convince her to stay in, that way he can go on and on about the events from the night before.
His feet still hurt, he can even feel a blister underneath his big toe. But it doesn't bother him, it's actually a nice reminder of the incredible things that miraculously happened. Harry knew that since Alma was related to Fernando, someone that was bound to be in his life for the next six months or so, there was a big chance they would've met at some point. But he'd rather think it was fate, some sort of good karma coming round, he stared at her contact on his phone, still charmed by the fact that she gave it to him on the back of a receipt. Ignoring that she only did it that way, because the thought of asking for his mobile to enter it herself, was a very bold move. And Alma wasn’t really that confident, not when his green eyes were boring into hers anyway.
"When are you gonna call her then?" Gemma's voice snaps him out of his daydream for the third time during their quiet dinner in her flat. "What is it? You've got that look."
"What look?" He asks before his sister frowns and pinches her bottom lip with her thumb and index finger. It's his nervous quirk, he sighs, "I don't know, I'm just so nervous." Without a valid reason, he knows the girl is so lovely, maybe that's why.
"You're afraid of fucking it up," she knows, Harry nods. "Well, you could tell her that, perhaps on a text—
"—I want to call her, texting her will make me feel a wanker." Gemma smiles at her little brother, he looked uncharacteristically unsure of himself but nonetheless excited. It was endearing how the first thing he told her after crossing her home's threshold was 'my life is officially a chick flick!' Before proceeding to explain with detail about the whole situation.
"What about a text that reads: hello, this is Harry please save my number so when I find the guts to call you, you don't think it's a telemarketing scam," Gemma might be joking and mocking him all at once, but has a point. A text so she also has his number, makes the situation more even, she can call him too. "Assuming she gave you a real phone number."
"What?" Harry is mortified.
"I'm kidding, you should've seen your face," his sister wanted to drag a bit more her joke, but the preoccupied look on his face stopped her. Gemma couldn't wait to tell their mum, knowing that she would be just as absorbed. "There's nothing wrong with showing interest right away. If you want this to be honest and genuine, set an example." She finished before taking the last bite of pizza.
Harry knew that to be true, but now he was left wondering if it was the right time for him. Had he really left behind all the ghosts and baggage from his past? Or was he still carrying them in the new tattoos of his knees?
Despite his sister's encouraging words about how nothing could go wrong this early with Alma, he couldn't help but wonder if his still grieving heart was ready.
He takes his time walking back home, not caring if it was a really long one, he was aware of the curious eyes once he reached the Southbank but paid no attention to them. He welcomed the chill breeze, hoping for it to cool his boiling mind. Remembering the last time he walked along the river arms around his former flame, her laughter still ringing in his ears, her tender kisses in his knuckles, her delicious scent flying away with the airstream into London's sunshine.
Missing someone is not wrong, Harry reminds himself.
There's no point going down the rabbit hole of what ifs about their relationship. Harry can admit his mistakes, no matter how hard it comes to him, he can also apologise wholeheartedly. He did all those things already, months ago. Which is why he was able to keep her as a friend, not a close one, more like an acquaintance. And she's happy, he can see that, knows it.
Why does he feel like he's still drowning? He's already been pulled from the vast ocean of hers. Harry groans, struggles to open his gate, his good spirits from this morning nowhere to be found.
He doesn't know if it's the memory of her, the fear of loneliness, coincidence and laziness, or a bad habit? But he doesn't text the girl with warm brown eyes, instead he plays the voicemail that sometimes haunts his nightmares, on repeat, for the rest of the night.
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sincerlypadfoot · 3 years
Drummer Boy (8)
Word Count-1.6K
A/N- This book will be ended in a couple chapters, some of you could guess how it’ll end, some may take it as a shock but I hope that the ending is all worth is in the end 
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Unsure of how long I had been running for, I fell to the ground in the forest, rain started and tears fell down my face. The sound of rain took my ears and I felt lonely, everything around me was spinning.
I looked up infront of me, letting out a scream in pain, crying, almost not being able to see anything infront of me, I rolled onto my back looking up at the sky which was darking, everything nowadays was dark.
“Danny,” Dumbledore said with a calm tone. “Get up,” He whispered leaning over me. “Everyone knows your here, they’re waiting for you,” his finger pointed to my right, I turned my head looking at Grimmauld place in the clearing, Molly Weasley stood outside looking at me.
“I think I could just lay here for a minute,” I whispered shaking my head. “I think I broke my ankle,” I admitted, looking down at my swollen ankle. “I went back home, to see Draco, I had to do, but I don’t do the dark lords bidding, I promise, I just needed to see my brother,”
“We know,” Sirius said standing on the other side of me. “Dumbledore, he ugh,” Sirius started saying but was cut off.
“We looked into your mind, we had to see if you were really you, but only us two saw,” Dumbledore said shaking his head.
“How did you do that?” I asked without a care in the world. “Legilimency,” I whispered before they could answer.
“Yes, well you were running, we only looked at what we needed to see,” Sirius was now in my view with his hand pointed down at me. “Come on, i’ll bring you inside, i’m sure there is something we can do for that ankle,”
I hesitated, looking at Sirius’ hand, raising my own and helping myself up with my other hand.
“We’ll have to lock you in the room again, you won’t be able to leave until hogwarts,” Dumbledore said causing my skin to itch.
“I don’t wanna talk about it please,” I whimpered looking at Molly who pulled her hands out and brought me into a hug.
“Don’t leave us again okay,” Molly whispered holding me tight. “Now come in side, everyone's sleeping and i’m sure there is something I can do for that ankle of yours,”
“I won’t, I just panicked and i’m sorry,” I whispered leaning on Sirius as the door opened and we walked along the hallway. 
“And we understand that,” Sirius said leaning his head on my head. “Sit, we can do something,” Molly pulled out a chair and I sat down leaning my head back.
“I will see you in a couple days Danniella, there are some things that I will have to do,” Dumbledore said putting his hand on my shoulder, I looked up at him, then watched him walk away and apparted away.
“Where did you go!?” Hermione yelled out running downstairs after seeing me and hugging me. “You said you weren’t gonna leave,”
“Hermione dear, could you go get us a clothes from the bathroom,” Molly asked relaxing I was uncomfortable. “I understand,” She whispered up at me, waving her wand at my leg.
“You know you won’t be able to leave the house,” Sirius said with a frown, tossing his hand on my shoulder. “Come on, I can help you upstairs,”
I nodded my head, without saying anything, following Sirius up stairs, I let out tiny smiles as everyone looked at Sirius and I, but I kept my head down.
“Goodnight Lia, and i’m sorry again for having to look in your mind, did you really not notice?” Sirius asked opening the door to the room I was staying in.
“I don’t remember half the things I did when I ran away from my house,” I said lowly sitting down on my bed and taking out Cedric's wand. “Do you think we’ll ever be together again?” I asked not looking up.
“I believe,” Sirius paused causing me to look up at him. “Everyone finds their way back together eventually,” Sirius shot me a smile then closed the door.
I frowned at his words, falling back on my bed and looking up at the roof, Cedric's wand was tightly gripped in my hand. I closed my eyes, wishing I was anywhere but here.
                                            Five months later
I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, my dominate blonde hair was now a dark shade of black, cut to my shoulders, thanks to Hermione who had insisted that a change had to be a order in my life.
“Your packed right?” I heard the devil herself walk into the girls lavatory looking at me, she appeared in the mirror behind me.
“Yeah i’m packed, i’ve been packed since last week, how are the Weasleys doing with their dad?” I asked turning around and facing her, placing my hands on the sink behind me to hold me up.
“Good they’re all gone, I won’t be able to make it there, I could try but since it’s christmas, but your going aren’t you?” Hermione asked looking at my hair. “You know I didn’t think I was much of a hairdresser, i’m glad you let me cut your hair, you look better,”
“Yeah i’ll be going, since I live with Sirius now it’s where the Weasleys are staying,” I turned back around and finished washing my face. “You should come for a night, i’d think it be good, and I think Ron fancies you,”
Hermione let out a snort and walked over to the sink beside me, looking at herself in the mirror.
“You think Ron fancies me now,” Hermione giggled brushing her hair out with her fingers, not with much luck since it was so bushy.
“Yeah, he looks at you the same way I looked at Cedric, trust me, that boy fancies you,” I turned to Hermione and she turned to me. “We should go and grab our stuff, we don’t want the train to leave without us,”
Hermione and I walked out of the bathroom, people still looking at my hair, since Hermione had only done it last night, not many people outside of the common room saw it.
“Danny,” Draco called out, turning a corner and coming to a hult when seeing me. “Can we talk,”
I looked over at Hermione, who nodded her head, then walked passed me, up the stairs going to the common room.
“I’m not coming back home Draco, i’m sorry, it’ll probably be safer for you to stay on the dark lord's side, I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you,” Everything that came out of my mouth was like spitting fire, burning the both of our souls.
“You died your hair, black,” Draco's hand went to my hair, running his hands down to my shoulders. “And cut it, we’re twins, we’re supposed to look the same for a reason,” At that moment, cutting my hair seemed like the worst idea in the world, but fire spit in my soul as well.
“Draco you have no control of life, I really have to go, you stay safe now, don’t be dying on me,” My fists clenched uncontrollably as I walked passed Draco, his hands wrapping around my wrist pulling me back.
“He’s gonna kill you, his planning something bad, i’m warning you now because if you stay with those people any longer, they’ll all be dead because of you,” 
“Draco your hurting me,” I whimpered trying to pull my wrist back but his grip only got tighter. “Draco you let me go this instant!” I cried out pulling back more.
“They’ll all die over you, I heard them, your killing them, come home!” His voice broke with every word that came out of his mouth.
“Let her go Malfoy, or a swear, you’ll have more then the you know who to deal with,” Both our heads turn to the twins who stood in the hallway looking at us.
“Fine, my sister would come home,” Draco spat out letting go of my wrist, I backed away towards the twins, scared of my own brother for a moment. “But go ahead, go to your boyfriends, seems like you’ve gotten over Cedric fast,” The fire in my body flamed and rage consumed me.
“And my brother wouldn’t say a thing like that to me!” I screamed moving closer to him, my hands pushed against his chest, knocking him into the nearest wall. “Sooner or later Draco, you’ll know that your on the wrong side, but you’ll follow in mom and dad's footsteps, because you act for their approval, like the good little pet you are to them,” My words spat out then hands wrapped around me, pulling me away from Draco. 
“Come on Danny, he’s not worth it,” Fred whispered pulling me back, both the twins looked at Draco, Georges fists were clenching, staring Draco down.
“Weasleys, having your hands all over my sister, i’m sure that Cedric would approve of them, oh wait, he’s dead, never coming back!”
I tried running forward but Freds grabbed me, pulling me back furter.
“Draco you leave her alone, we all know your cruel but she’s your sister, your just as heartless as you know who, and i’m sure you’d probably not enjoy the sight of yourself if we let Danny go,” George said, placing his foot infront of him, causing Draco to finish.
He quickly turned around, walking back the way he game from, I stood there shocked, that my own brother would say those words to me, or that the twins stood up for me.
“Come on, we’ll walk you back, i’m sure that the train ride to our home will calm you down,” Fred wrapped his arms around me, rubbing my back as we walked, I stayed silent for a moment, thinking back to Draco, and what I had done to deserve a brother as cruel as him
“You boys need to come with me, Miss Malfoy, i’m sure you can walk down to the dungeons and gather your things yourself,” McGonagall chimed, taking the two boys away from me.
I walked by myself, unsure of what trouble the boys had gotten themselves into this time, but just anxious to grab my stuff and leave the nightmare I was in.
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toxickimi · 3 years
CH 7 Ceremony
Quick note: Princeps diu vivere means Long live Princess and Vivat regina means Long live Queen also see notes/message bubble for links to the outfit for Kimikyo
The following weeks were met with Kimikyo reading books and being fitted for the ceremony outfit. Azumiral would test her knowledge through out the month. A couple of times Preston or Piper would arrive. Piper had brought Kimikyo a camera though it didn't work. Hancock also came through but then disappeared. The royal court assumed he went back through the portal. Kimikyo at one point stood in the building with the portal wanting to step through but the guards stationed there stopped her.
The last time Piper had visited Azumiral handed her invitations to the ceremony. "Please make sure to invite Elder Maxson and Paladin Danse. We haven't seen them in quite some time. I do believe a certain little princess is missing her friends." Azumiral winked as she giggled lightly. Piper also giggled lightly at Azumiral's words. "As far as I know those two have been busy brahmin but the Brotherhood aren't exactly social people." Azumiral tilted her head at Piper's words. "Right, different world. So the Brotherhood of Steel is who Maxson is leader to and Paladin Danse is among their ranks. I won't go into detail about what their about. "Either way, please ensure they are invited. We hope to see you and the others there." Piper had soon left through the portal back to the Commonwealth.
Soon they day came. Kimikyo had tried her best to rest the night before but all she could think about was how badly it could go and all the laughter that will be received once she turns into a fish. Before the sun could rise Azumiral along with Kimikyo's personal maid entered her room. "Ah, good you are awake. Let's get something to eat then we can start." Kimikyo sat up in her bed though she was looking out side. "Do I have to...? Can we not call it off today, say I'm sick or something?" Azumiral sat on the edge of Kimikyo's bed. "What is the matter?" "I didn't sleep well...everyone there will laugh once they see I'm a fish. I mean you turned into a griffon, Kigra is a unicorn and Kai...he turned into a pheonix...THE pheonix...." Azumiral ran her hand down Kimikyo's hair as if petting her. "My dear little sister you compare yourself to others and are too hard on yourself. My wings get wet and I'm useless, and unicorns can't swim underwater." Azumiral tapped her sister's nose gently. "I will talk to mother and see if we what we can do about showing your form but the ceremony must happen today. It is your birthday after all." Kimikyo sighed brushing her hair out of her face. "Very well." The three females walked to the dining hall to have a light breakfast before they made their way to the bath house. They walked past the public area where they would normally be to a smaller room off to the side. "Here you will take a milk bath then scented oils applied. Mei, if you will take over I must getting going to over see everything else." Mei bowed before helping Kimikyo.
Kimikyo shifted uncomfortably as Mei helped her undress. "You need not worrying. I have been made aware of your conditions and have been sworn to secrecy." Mei had her head bowed until she heard Kimikyo climb into the milk bath. Mei began helping Kimikyo with her hair. "Won't I be sticky after this?" "My lady you will be rinsed off with water after you get out." Kimikyo sunk down in the milk a bit. "O-Oh...that makes sense." "Please do relax, you have time to do so." Once Mei was done helping Kimikyo she walked over to the door to wait. Kimikyo tried to relax before looking at Mei. "It's hard to relax while you stand there waiting...come sit and talk." Mei hesitated before following what she thought were orders. "What do you wish to speak about, my princess?" Kimikyo shrugged at her. "I don't know...where are you from? What do you like?" "I am from Mudos. I like serving the royal families." "Mudos. I've heard of that place. It's said it a highly spiritual area. Is that true?" Kimikyo looked at Mei who was staring at the wall. "It is. We are taught from a young age about the spirits and chi in all life. Everything living has a name and a purpose." Kimikyo smiled lightly. "Please go on. I'd love to hear more." Mei looked at Kimikyo with shock before averting her eyes. "M-My apologies, princess. I will not look again." "Mei. It's alright we're both females. We have the same parts. Did you serve others before coming to La Tempo?" Mei tightened her fists on her lap. "I did. I served in Windhelm before being relocated here. I must say however you seem more...relaxed here. The royal family that is." "I heard Windhelm was uptight and that the queen there was rather strict." Kimikyo ran some of the milk up her arms. "That is true. We were not to do this." "Take baths?" "Talk." Kimikyo stared at Mei before slowly standing up. "Let's get on with our day. Oh and Mei, we welcome talking, laughter and joy here. So please don't hesitate to reach out to any of us." Kimikyo smiled happily at Mei who stood to help her new mistress to rinse off.
Once Kimikyo was rinsed off from the milk bath and lightly wiped down with rose and lavender oil, Mei helped her into a light tunic to wear until it was time to dress. "You are to meet with the hair dresser then with the make-up artists. Miss Azumiral has also scheduled you for a light lunch." "Us. She's scheduled us for a light lunch. If you don't eat I won't." Kimikyo took Mei's hand in hers causing Mei to stiffen at the touch. "Let's go get out hair done!" "M-My lady?" Kimikyo dragged Mei with her to meet the hairdresser who looked at Mei before snapping his fingers. The two were seated before the hair dresser and his assistant began working on the two's hair. They hair dresser had straightened Kimikyo's hair, curling the ends with large curls. They then braided two sections of her hair that met in the mid section of her hair. The braids were adorned with gems that looked like stars. Mei's hair was braided on the sided of her scalp with the remaining hair fluffed and put into a pony tail. They had put rune gems in her hair. Mei looked in the mirror to see her hair before tearing up. "Mei are you alright?" "How...how did you know?" Mei looked at the assistant who smiled at her. "My wife is a Mudakon. She would style our daughter's hair like this all the time before she moved out. I'm well aware of what Mudakons look and sound like." Kimikyo smiled at the assistant. Mei hugged the assistant, not letting go of her for a long moment. "May I ask?" "I apologize my lady." Mei turned to Kimikyo before explaining. "This hair style and these runes are traditional to Mudos. We would wear this style for rituals and weddings. I...haven't been able to wear it for quite some time."
After they were done with the hair dressers the two left to meet up with Azumiral. "Mei, how long has it been since you went home?" "It has been ten years, my lady." "And how old are you?" "Twenty-three." Kimikyo nodded before stopping. "After today, go home. That is an order." Mei froze in her place. "M-My-" "I will not hear of it. I will fund your trip home and back if you wish to return. You deserve to be with your family just as much as any one else." "My lady that is generous of you but...I couldn't. It is too much to ask for." Kimikyo put her hand on Mei's shoulder. "I'm a princess, I have the funds and means to do what I wish and I wish for you to go be with family. I can manage on my own here." "Thank you my lady." the two smiled and began to walk once more. "It is good to see you've taken to Mei so well Kimikyo." "I am glad to have her by my side, sister." Azumiral smiled at the two before rushing over to the maids. "Ah! The flowers should go over here." Azumiral ushered the maids to the area before retuning to Kimikyo and Mei. "Mei, how are you adjusting? I see Kimikyo forced you to have your hair done." "I am enjoying myself madam. I will admit I was unsure of all this at first." Azumiral nodded to her. "Well I am glad you are enjoying yourself. Now please go finish getting ready then to lunch with you. I will meet up later."
Kimikyo and Mei walked to meet the make up artists. "Do you have a dress for the ceremony, Mei?" "Are servants allowed to attend?" "Of course! Mama loves everyone, so everyone is invited." Mei looked at the floor before shaking her head. "I have no dress wear. I only have the clothes provided by Pheilo." "I bet if you ask Pheilo, she'd have something for you. We always donate our old dresses and clothing to the community and maid's quarters. After we get our make up done we'll go ask her." Mei thought back on her time at Windhelm and how she along with the others were treated. They were beaten and starved at the slightest mistake. When she was sold off to the slave traders Pheilo was the one to buy her along with the others in her group. Azumiral then took her as Kimikyo's personal with Aiko swearing her to secrecy. Mei began to tear up as she thought about how her life is already going better then before and how her people are often stolen and put into slavery. Kimikyo turned to Mei to see her crying. "Mei...?" "I-I apologize, my...my lady." Kimikyo patted Mei's head, trying to calm her down as Mei explained why she was crying. "We will speak with my mother and see what we can't do for Mudos."
The two made it to the make up artist who began their work. The didn't do much to either of the girls other than adding eyeliner and eye shadow to Mei. "It is now lunch time. Lady Azumiral requested that you return after eating to finish." Kimikyo and Mei had left to the dining hall where Aiko was already eating lunch. "Mama!" Kimikyo rushed over to Aiko with Mei tailing behind. "I'm glad you're here. I actually wanted to talk to you about Mudos." Aiko looked at Kimikyo with shock before setting her eyes on Mei. "Oh and what is it you wish to speak about?" "This is Mei, she's from Mudos and she's made me aware of the hardships that go on there." Mei stepped behind Kimikyo letting her explain. "They are taken and sold off as slaves or worse. Mudos is one of the most spiritual lands and are being taken advantage of. So I was pondering on what we could do to help. We are already working on expanding our kingdom, why not expand to Mudos and give them protection and give back their freedom?" Aiko smiled at Kimikyo, gently patting her daughter's head. "Then I suppose this will be your first step as second princess. You are in charge of this and Mei here will assist you with it but for today let us not dive into it. We will discuss all of this tomorrow." Mei looked at Kimikyo who gave her a thumbs up. The two girls sat down and began to eat lunch.
Once lunch was finished Mei was told to stay behind by Aiko, leaving Kimikyo to go back to finish her make up by herself. The make up artist had placed lipstick on her as well as small gems under her eyes, three on each side to line the shape of her eyes. As Kimikyo finished with the make up Azumiral arrived. "Look at you.." Azumiral teared up. "You look so grown up." Azumiral gently hugged Kimikyo. "Come it is time to get dressed." Azumiral led Kimikyo to her room where the dress maker and her assistant were waiting. The assistant gave Kimikyo a corset and an under-slip to put on. They turned away while Azumiral helped Kimikyo with the corset. Next the maker laid the dress on the floor which Kimikyo stepped in the center of before the maker and the assistant pulled the dress up. While the assistant held the dress in place the maker tightened it to Kimikyo, lacing it to the corset. The assistant place a belt at the base on the top that was made of different sized stars. The two then stepped back allowing Kimikyo to look at herself in the mirror to comment. Kimikyo turned, to look at the back seeing a small scar showing. She frowned that Azumiral took notice. "We can have it covered with make up." The aslant and the maker were holding a long length of fabric. "No need madam. We made a cape as well." Kimikyo looked at the cape, running her hand across it. "It's like the night sky." "And it suits our young Princess. We were told you like to map out the stars." The dress maker smiled at her before the two helped clasp the cape the the shoulders of the dress before adding a thin sash from shoulder to shoulder in the front. "One last thing." Azumiral walked over, opening a small box. "Mother had this made once she saw the plans for your dress." Inside the box was a brooch of two crescent moons connected by a diamond in the center. The dress maker took the brooch, pinning it to the front of the dress. Kimikyo sat on her bed, allowing Azumiral to help her put on her silver glittered brushed heels. "You ready?" Azumiral looked up at Kimikyo who nodded to her.
Azumiral led Kimikyo to the stairs. Azumiral quickly made her way down the stairs and to her spot next to Kigra and Aiko. What music was playing came to an end and all that were attending looked up at Kimikyo who lingered. Panic washed over Kimikyo as she stared down at the massive group of people. She franticly shifted her eyes from person to person, glancing of Maxson and Danse who were there. A slow melody began to play which snapped Kimikyo back to what she was supposed to do. She began slowly and carefully walk down the stairs. Once at the bottom Haku met her ,leading her to Aiko and the others. The four of them led the group to the throne room where a tiara was waiting on an ivory pedestal. The tiara was rather simple and smaller then what Kigra's was. Kigra and Azumiral walked past the pedestal, standing in front of their thrones while Aiko stood, facing Kimikyo and the crowd. Kimikyo was standing in front of Aiko, mere inches away. "Welcome all our guests. We thank you all for joining us on this my youngest daughter's coming of age ceremony. She is now officially able to wed and make royal decrees. She will rule over the element of water as my late husband, King Takito once did." As if on queue the crowd spoke all at once. "King Takito, may he rest in piece." Aiko smiled gently as she looked at Kimikyo. "With this tiara I, Queen Aiko, grant you royal control over water and I appoint you as a royal ambassador over neighboring kingdoms and land we claim in the future." Kimikyo kneeled down slightly so that Aiko could place the tiara on Kimikyo. She then stood and turned to the crowd. "Princeps diu vivere Kimikyo. Princeps diu vivere Kigra. Vivat regina Aiko." The crowd spoke in unison once more before Aiko raised her hand. "Please enjoy festivities for the remainder of the evening! We will have the royal dances soon." Aiko sat on her throne as a few of the earth magic servants began moving the walls of the throne room, opening it up to the main area.
Kimikyo stood silent for a moment before looking back at Aiko who beckoned to her. Kimikyo leaned down to Aiko who whispered. "Azumiral said you weren't feeling well enough to transform earlier but how do you feel now?" Kimikyo hesitated before whispering back. "I don't want them to laugh at me mama. I'm a fish..." Aiko nodded to Kimikyo before Haku stepped forth. "My lady Queen, if I may be so bold to ask her princess Kigra to a dance?" Kigra jolted in her seat before nodding. "I'd love to." Kigra walked over to Haku who lead her to the dancing area. Aiko smiled, watching the two before looking at Kimikyo. "Go, have fun darling. I'm sure you'll be happy to see Elder Maxson and them again." "Wait...they're here?!" Kimikyo raised her voice, beginning to panic again when she looked over to see several woman talking to Maxson and Danse. Kimikyo felt a knot in her stomach as she watch the girls giggled and talk away as Maxson spoke back to them, though he was trying his best to just be polite. Azumiral was already talking with Preston and Piper, having a grand time. "I...I'm fine here." Kimikyo stood next to Aiko, looking out over the crowd. "You can sit you know this dear?" Kimikyo smiled nervously, her eyes shut for the time. "I'm afraid if I sit down I won't be able to stand back up." "Double corset?" Kimikyo nodded to her mother who knew all too well the pains of being laced into two corsets.
After an hour had passed Aiko stood, allowing the music to slowly stop. "I would like to welcome any princes, noble men, or leaders to dance with Princess Kimikyo as is tradition. Please feel free to ask for her hand in dancing." Aiko smiled happily though Kimikyo was slowly dying inside. One by one Kimikyo was stolen away to dance with noble men. There was a light taping on her shoulder. She had turned around to see Preston, smiling at her with a goofy grin. "May I?" Kimikyo nodded, taking his hand. The two began to dance, the two of them tripping a few times and laughing it off. "Hancock, the ghoul you met, asked me to dance with you in his place. Guess he was too nervous to come here after your mother interrogated him and Nick." "That sounds about right, but please tell him and Nick to come back. They are my welcomed guests and I'd love to learn more about them." Preston nodded to her before smoothly passing her off to Kigra and Azumiral. The two sisters caught Kimikyo, the three of them laughing. "So miss ambassador who do you want to dance with next?" Azumiral joked lightly with Kimikyo. "Oh! I bet she wants to dance with Maxsoooon~ I saw the way you looked over at them. You where green with envy at those of woman." Kigra snickered, poking Kimikyo's cheek lightly. "Psh! As if. I wasn't jealous! Besides I don't care whom he speaks to." "Really? Because I see Lady Julia over there with him now and you know how she is." Kimikyo nearly snapped her neck to look over at them and sure enough the infamous Lady Julia was talking to him. She was known to be a smooth talker to the men, getting them to join her in bed came easy to her. She stood tall and proud with her gifted body that many woman, Kimikyo included, were jealous of. She had the perfect hips, legs, curves and all. Her hair was a dark auburn and her eyes were brown like owl's.
Kimikyo not realizing it had began to walk over to them. Kigra had actually reached out to stop Kimikyo however, Aiko had shook her head, catching Kigra's attention. Aiko sat watching and wondering how this would play out. "Your so tall and muscled, with battle scars too. I bet all the woman flock to you-" "Excuse me." Julia turned around with an annoyed look and tone. "You're excused. I was here first-oh! Princess Kimikyo. I apologize." Her attitude had changed the moment she looked at Kimikyo. "I would just hate to interrupt but if I could steal Elder Maxson away for one moment. Captain Haku would like to speak to you." Aiko, Kigra, and Azumiral all face palmed at once, something Haku took notice of before rushing in between the group. "Ah, there you are, sir. Thank you Kimikyo for finding him so quickly." Haku led Maxson away from the girls. "Just what was that about?" "Remain quiet, sir." Haku led Maxson and Danse over to Kigra and Azumiral. "I mean...she tried." "Tried what?" Maxson was becoming annoyed at not getting answers before Kigra spoke up. "Uhm...hello? She approached you...on her birthday..." Kigra had crossed her arms giving Maxson a moment to realize. "I see." Azumiral cleared her throat. "In all fairness Lady Julia is intimidating. I wouldn't be shocked if Kimikyo chickened out half way through."
Kimikyo went to go walk away but not before Julia could comment. "Good luck, Little princess." Julia made a snide remark, poking fun at Kimikyo's body. "I won't need it, Lady antique." Kimikyo retorted. Julia placed her hand on Kimikyo's shoulder not allowing her to walk further away. "Excuse me?" Julia was smiling though it was clear Kimikyo hit a sour note. "Oh, you mustn't of heard me. I'll speak louder next time. I know how hard it is to hear for aged women." The room fell silent. "I see. Well, little princess, you must not understand with age comes experience that men want and are after." "Experience with what, knitting?" Kimikyo had a dead pan expression on her face. The people that were gathered around the two took a step away. Kimikyo not wanting to cause further trouble, bowed to Julia. "If you'll excuse me, Lady Julia, I have to visit my sisters now." Kimikyo turned and walked off, the music and chatter soon returning.
Kigra looked at Julia who was fuming before looking at Kimikyo. "You do know what you just did?" Kimikyo looked at Kigra before shaking her head. "No? I've been over here?" Azumiral and Kigra looked at each other before smiling at Kimikyo. "You just accepted Maxson's offer to dance!" Azumiral shoved her towards Maxson, the two being confused before walking to the dance floor. "Inform mother of this, Azumiral....and have the guards keep a watch on her." Azumiral had nodded before going over to Aiko, explaining what had happened. Aiko watched Kimikyo and Maxson, the two awkwardly dancing to the slow music. "I'm...glad you could make it...all of you! It's nice to see everyone again." Kimikyo couldn't bring herself to look up at him. "I'm afraid it's only for the night. When we got back last time my crew where in a chaotic state. You are welcome to visit yourself when you like." "I can't...mama forbids it." Maxson tucked some hair behind Kimikyo's ear causing her to flinch, clenching her eyes shut as she feared he'd strike her. "You're now a royal ambassador aren't you? Use that as an excuse to visit." Kimikyo looked up at him with the realization she could do just that.
Kimikyo smiled at Maxson, for once feeling like her world was complete. "So when do we get to see her creature form?" "I can't wait. I hear her dad was a kelpie, do you think she's one?" Whispers began to spread through the crowd like wild fire. Kimikyo let go of Maxson, she bowed and walked away. Aiko watched everything before looking at Lady Julia who stepped forth. "My queen." Julia bowed, awaiting for Aiko to acknowledge her. "Lady Julia." Aiko bowed her head. "If I my be so bold as to ask, when will the grand event happen? Everyone is excited to see our princess's form. I heard it is something of splendor." Julia smiled innocently at Lady Aiko. "I'm afraid that Princess Kimikyo will not be showing her form tonight. She is unwell." "Unwell, then why is she here tonight? She should be resting. Surely she is well enough to transform if she is able to attend." "Enough Lady Julia." Azumiral stepped behind Julia. "Our queen has given her answer. Her word is law here." Julia turned around to Azumiral. "I wasn't asking the princess drop out." Aiko stood from the throne, the room going silent. "There will be no transformation tonight. Princess Kimikyo is unwell and there for too weak. If she were to change tonight it wouldn't be of her true self." Lady Julia bowed to Aiko before walking back into the crowd seemingly disappearing. Aiko sat back down, sighing. "Mother?" "Keep an eye on her, she is bound to stir more trouble tonight." Azumiral nodded to her mother before going to search for Julia.
Azumiral found Julia now flirting with Preston, causing Azumiral to bite her lip but stayed back. Kimikyo was by the dessert table munching on some cake. "Shouldn't you slow down?" Piper walked up to Kimikyo. "You're unwell after all." "I suppose you're right..." Kimikyo put the plate down before Piper held up her camera. "May I?" "O-oh! Yes by all means." Piper smiled as she took a photo of Kimikyo, who looked uncomfortable. "You know...you look rather grown up with your make up." "I'm not a fan. It makes my face feel heavy..." Piper chuckled lightly. "Well you do have diamonds on you. I can't imagine they're light." "Oh...these are not diamonds. They are just simple crystals." Kimikyo tapped on them gently. "Either way...you're pretty lucky, Red. No one in our place has this luxury. Everything's so clean." "Red?" Kimikyo tilted her head before looking around. "I'm Kimikyo?" "It's a nick name since your hair is so red." "Oh...Does it look bad?" Piper giggled lightly before shaking her head. "It's unique."
Kimikyo and Piper continued to chat as a hooded figure walked past them. Kimikyo turned to watch them before her heart dropped. She heard Azumiral gasp as the scent of blood filled the room. Kimikyo was beside Azumiral in an instant, cradling her in her arms. "A-Azumiral..." Kimikyo looked at her hand that was covered in blood, tears falling from her eyes. She looked up to see the culprit who was grinning down at them. Without realizing it Kimikyo had transformed into a large dragon. Her scales matched that of her koi fish form. A screech could be heard from the door way. "D-Dragon!" Everyone began to scatter out of the throne room except for Aiko, Kigra, Maxson and Preston. Kimikyo lunged down and snapped up the stabber. She shook her head back and forth as the man struggled. She flung him across the room. A loud crack could be heard but it was from the tiles under her claws. Kimikyo was blinded by rage and it was clear as a freezing mist fell from her mouth. With out much warning she let out an icy blast that blocked the door. She coiled her tail on the floor around Azumiral.
Aiko was moved as far back from the chaos by Maxson. Preston and Kigra were stood, watching Kimikyo for a moment to see what she'd do. "I thought she was a fish...?" "Yes well sometimes this happens. It's not the first time this has happened, her grandfather had a similar experience happen." Kigra looked at Azumiral, seeing her bleeding out. "We need to get out of here and get medics." "How are we going to do that? She iced our exit." Kigra transformed into a unicorn. She ran into Kimikyo's line of site. "Kimikyo you need to let us out! Azumiral will die if you don't." Kimikyo growled, swiping at Kigra who barely dodged her sister's claw. Kigra charged at Kimikyo but turned at the last second causing Kimikyo to chase her. Kigra ran straight for the glacier at the door way but turned at last second again. Kimikyo was too big to stop or turn into, she ended up crashing through the glacier, shattering it. Kimikyo skidded across the floor, leaving long claw marks on the floor. Everyone that was there, began to scatter once more.
Kigra reared up, letting out a loud braying noise. Kimikyo looked over at Kigra. She got low to the ground, growling at her sister. The freezing mist began to seep through her teeth ounce more. "Kimikyo." Maxson's voice boomed through the halls. Kimikyo turned to look at him. Her growling had slowly stopped. Maxson walked up to her, staring into her eyes. "You kept your sister safe, don't fight your other one." Kigra had slowly walked up to Kimikyo, gently putting her horn on Kimikyo. A light flashed and Kimikyo had fallen asleep, transforming back to her human form. Maxson took off his coat, wrapping Kimikyo in it. "I sapped her mana. She won't be able to do any magic for the next few hours." Kigra watched Maxson but only for a moment before Kimikyo woke up screaming in pain. Tears were streaming down her face as she yelled. "Burns!! It burns!" Kigra rushed over to her sister, picking her up but was pushed away as Kimikyo struggled. Kigra looked at her hands seeing a purple liquid on her. "Maxson, grab her." Maxson did just that, scooping Kimikyo in his arms. The two made haste to the bath house. Kigra stepped into it using her earthly powers to make the water medicinal. "Hand her here." Kimikyo was struggling to get away from Maxson who walked into the water still holding her. Kimikyo struggled for only moments before she ended up falling asleep once more.
The two remained silent as Kigra made a floatation bed of vines. "You can put her on this...it'll keep her in the water to heal but she won't down." Maxson slowly moved her to the float before the two climbed out of the water. "What happened to her?" "You saw. She turned into a dragon. The transformation took a tole on her body." Maxson looked at Kigra, his stare was cold. "I'm talking about those scars." Kigra fell silent. "Tell me!" "I can't." Kigra bit her lip before pulling her dress up to show scars on her legs. "All I can tell you is that it wasn't because of mother or our fathers. It's not a story we talk about and it's up to her to tell her side." Kigra pulled Maxson away to her room. "When Kimikyo and I were younger we were kidnapped, held for ransom. We were split up...they thought we were stronger together. I was whipped day and night on my legs, I wasn't allowed to sleep and I barely ate. They kept me weak...I don't know what all happened to Kimikyo but you can already tell she had it worse." Kigra stared at the floor, tears forming in her eyes. "That day...the day Takito rescued us was the day he died...and we lost out brother too. It's not my story to tell...they targeted Kimikyo, I just happened to be there too that day." "I'm leaving Danse here. I want him to alert me the second she wakes up." Maxson walked away, going back to the Commonwealth after informing Danse to stay.
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joy1579 · 4 years
RFA boys + saeran helping surrogate MC through pregnancy and meeting her baby
so this is the other interpretation of that request i got. i hope its okay! i wrote this one out side which was really nice for a change. please leave a comment if you enjoyed it
also master list if your into it
During the pregnancy
-        Since he met you later in your surrogacy he only gets 2 months to help you through your pregnancy
-        But he does everything he can
-        You get one of those super fancy pregnancy body pillows
-        He declines the private nurse though reminding him that every woman ancestor he has gave birth even before private nurses were a thing
-        He picks apart the line saying that his great aunt never had children so not every
-        You cut him off with a gently kiss before saying “hush I’m pregnant and therefore right”
-        He would argue with you but you’re already walking away towards the kitchen where your latest snack craving was hidden away.
Meeting the baby in the waiting room
-        He was a tad upset that he couldn’t be with you in the delivery room
-        But he understood that your sister and her husband (the parents) took priority over him
-        At least he said he did but his grim look and constant foot tapping  said otherwise
-        “Jumin” your sister called “do you want to see your future nephew?” his heart jumped at that.
-        Your sister hadn’t been cold to him certainly but she had always referred to him as your boyfriend despite his proposal.
-        He had taken it to mean she did not approve of him but if this child was his future nephew then she must have accepted that you were his future wife
-        “yes I would” he said resolutely stepping forward to see the baby in her arms
-        He had you and your sisters eye’s (poor baby ain’t got no eyes JK) and red tinted hair from his father but what hit Jumin most was the simple peace of the child
-        He had expected fussiness and crying. He had asked around and many people warned him that newborns were fussy even on their best days
-        But like you this child had a gentle peace about him a calm and happy light in its bright young eye’s
-        “I’d like to see MC” he said abruptly and your sister chuckled stepping aside so he could visit you
-        He wrapped you in his arms and murmered low in your ear “you never cease to amaze me my love. Marry me? Not in several months not even in days. Tomorrow. The second your discharged.”
During the pregnancy
-        He is trying his absolute best. He knows nothing about pregnancy. So he asks his mom and after calming down her panic she agrees to help.
-        By showing up at his house to see and care for MC.
-        She insists on cleaning and worries over MC whenever MC tries to help
-        Yoosung helps dutifully but you can see a tinge of regret in his eyes when his mother nags him to stop playing lolol
-        She’s there for a week cooking and lecturing Yoosung on everything that a pregnant woman need help with (which according to her is EVERYTHING)
-        You ask her if she had a hard pregnancy by chance and she admits her pregnancy with Yoosung was very difficult (Yoosung had never known that and listens intently from his place cleaning in the kitchen
-        She had pushed herself to hard and ending up going into labor prematurely nearly loosing Yoosung in the process now your crying and Yoosung is rushing to your side his mom hugging you both
-        “you are strong MC anyone who can put up with my son must be but dont forget to take care of yourself, and you Yoosung you help her with this and make me proud” his mom semi scolds with a warm smile
Meeting the baby in the waiting room
-        Yoosung is sitting in the corner practically bouncing with anxiety
-        Zen has his hand on Yoosung’s shoulder and is looking at his watch every five minutes
-        He was missing a final for this but he had told his professor that his girlfriend was having a baby so the professor would let him retake it tomorrow
-        Technically it wasn’t a lie. It just wasn’t their baby.
-        Despite it not being their baby he was still so nervous he thought he might be sick. After hearing his mother’s story, he had researched EVERYTHING that could go wrong (there are a lot of things that could go wrong)
-        So when he heard your sister (who had become a familiar presence in his life) call him he nearly jumped out of his skin
-        He rushed over to where she stood holding a small bundle of blue blankets
-        “you’ll never guess what we named him?” she teased and her small smirked highlighted just how much you two looked alike “MC came up with it, and we thought it was perfect naming him after his uncle”
-        Yoosung looked at her confused and lost tilting his head to the side
-        “meet Yoosung our baby and maybe someday your official nephew”
-        Yoosung turned beet red at that you and he had only been dating for 3 months after all
-        And yet through all the nerves he couldn’t find it in himself to dislike the idea in fact he couldn’t stop the wide smile that grew on his face
-        “hi mini Yoosung. I’ll do my best to be someone you can look up too okay!”
during pregnancy
-        Look there was A LOT going on during this moment in his life
-        Between the agency and mint eye he could barely think straight
-        And you were his rock grounding him through it all.
-        Vanderwood had never seen a woman 7 months pregnant pick a fight with a cult leader and show no hesitation when looking danger in the face before you
-        You were either incredibly brave or just plain stupid considering you were in love with Saeyoung probably a bit of both
-        He had to admit though your steadfast level headed nurturing was exactly what Saeyoung and his brother needed
-        At every wrong turn and new trouble, you were there cheering Saeyoung on and calming Saeran down (something that amazingly it seemed only you could do)
-        Saeyoung was determined to protect you and his brother and you believed in him whole heartedly
-        It was only after all the chaos was over and Saeyoung had brought you to his bunker that you finally sat down, sighed and called your sister to tell her you were home
-        Saeyoung sat next to you and as soon as you hang up you burst into tears and buried your face in his chest
-        He was surprised when you mentioned how worried for him you were
-        He pulled you back to look at you disbelievingly before kissing you hard
-        After all that nothing could come between you
Meeting the baby in the waiting room
-        He stood stock still eye’s darting between the doors to the delivery room and the hallway he led to the psychiatric ward where his brother was
-        He wanted to tell his brother that today was the day but everything had been so busy since arriving he didn’t have a chance and now his was stuck unsure of how long it would take.
-        Logically he was sure he had enough time since his brother never wanted to see him for very long. They were doing better of course but at most they could only spend 20 to 30 minutes together before Saeran would have an episode and Saeyoung would be ushered away.
-        Still he didn’t want to risk being absent when the baby was born and he could see you safe and sound again.
-        Your sister had barely stepped through the door before Saeyoung was burying her in questions
-        “is MC okay? What about the baby? Is it a boy or a girl? When can I see MC again?”
-        Your sister chuckled at that nodding down the bundle of blue blankets in her arms
-        “MC’s is okay their helping her clean up now. This is our little boy here and you can see MC as soon as you answer a question for us.” Her gentle voice reminded him so much of yours whenever you tried to soothe Saeran and he nodded urgently. He desperately wanted to see you.
-        “will you be the God father luciel?”
-        Ice ran through his veins as he froze. Godfather. He couldn’t, there was no way he could with everything he’s done everything he’s caught up in but hadn’t he thought the same about being with you, and about seeing his brother again too
-        He looked at the tiny infant, it slept soundly in its mothers arms and he tried to find a reason to dislike the small boy, any reason to say no to the question your sister had just asked. Slowly the baby opened his eyes and he marveled at how clear and innocent they were.
-        He’s tremulously nod’s and is suddenly caught up in a gentle hug from your sister and her quiet husband, before being ushered back to meet you.
During the pregnancy
-        Absolutely gives you anything and everything your craving
-        Completely quits smoking because what if it hurts the baby (still drinks beer though)
-        he lays his head on your belly and talks to the baby telling it how it has the best kindest strongest angel of a mother ever
-        surrogate mother you point out and he looks so confused because what’s the difference?
-        You explain that the baby isn’t yours in any way except for it growing in your womb. The egg was your sisters so the baby is hers not yours
-        He still looks a little confused but takes your word for it after all you would know best
-        You and he have A LOT of dinners with your sister and her husband
-        He’s still getting used to the whole family dynamic since he hasn’t had it in so long
Meeting the baby in the waiting room
-        He is pacing because he does not enjoy sitting still while anxious
-        he can’t calm down and he’s angry that they won’t let him in the delivery room with you
-        Yoosung touches his shoulder and he turns on him about to snap but stopping himself when he sees its Yoosung and not Jumin
-        Yoosung asks him if he wants some water and offers to walk with him to the hospital cafeteria
-        They are almost out the door when he hears your sister call for him
-        “zen would you like to see the baby?”
-        He sprints over to see the little boy and in that moment he vows to teach this child everything he knows
-        It may not be his son but he swears to support the kid to the ends of the earth and if the kid ever needs a place to go. Well that’s what uncles should be for.
-        The baby grabs at a stray lock of Zen’s hair and its one of the few times Zen lets anyone but you and his hairdresser touch his hair
-        Then the baby tugs just a little too much and Zen decided that the no touch rule is completely valid as your sister tuts and untangles the tiny fist
-        He still loves this kid though
-        Your sisters been talking this whole time but he hasn’t heard a word so she snaps in front of his face to get his attention
-        “do you want to see MC”
-        “yes” he nearly shouts before speed walking to your room
During the pregnancy
-        After the chaos of mint eye and looking for his brother he is happy to settle down
-        He cooks for you, and of course you and he share so much ice-cream (midnight ice-cream runs because of craving happen almost weekly at first)
-        He brushes your hair and tries to wait on you hand and foot until you put that foot down
-        You have to give him a serious talk about making his own decisions and choosing things for himself because you don’t want to see him fall back into his mint eye habits
-        He nods and starts to give you a little space but he still brushes your hair. Saying he genuinely enjoys it
-        You encourage him in his recovery and sit outside while he gardens
-        When he gets angry you do what you can to calm him down. People are worried he might hurt you but you have faith in him. (and the self-defense training Jaehee gave you)
-        Your sister is admittedly nervous but your unwavering faith bolsters her trust in saeran as well as his trust in himself
-        He’ll be the first to admit though he does NOT like the look of discomfort on your face when the baby kicks but he’s learning to keep himself calm and to walk away from things that upset him rather than try to fight them head on
Meeting the baby in the waiting room
-        EVERYONE can feel how tense he is
-        He’s sitting straight backed with his fists clenched on his knees
-        Your sister is honestly a little afraid to take her newborn baby out their despite how sweet he seemed sometimes. It’s the times he didn’t seem sweet that she worried about. Even if you swore up and down he was more than safe
-        His head shot up at the sound of the door and he rushed to your sister the second he saw her
-        “where’s MC? is she safe? I need to see her NOW?” that last word came out harsher than he meant and Jumin put his hand on Saeran’s shoulder
-        “I’m sure MC is fine. Isn’t that right?” he said calmly
-        Your sister nodded a little before speaking “MC is fine the nurses are helping her clean up you’ll be allowed back as soon as she’s done I just thought you might want to see the baby since you helped MC through this”
-        Saeran swallowed hard, he wasn’t sure he wanted to see the baby. Wasn’t sure if he should see the baby
-        But when he locked eyes with the small infant he swore he could see so much of you in its face (or was it your sister? Did it matter? Not to him)
-        It was the first time he had actually thought of starting a family with you. later when he is farther into his recovery, when his relationship with his brother is better, when you and he are married maybe.
-        When a nurse called for your visitors and he lunged forward baby forgotten you where most important
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gellavonhamster · 4 years
a room for one night
gen || R the Duchess of Winnipeg, Lemony Snicket, Bertrand Baudelaire, Kit Snicket || ships mentioned and/or implied: R/Beatrice, Lemony/Beatrice, Bertrand/Beatrice, Kit/Beatrice, Bertrand/Lemony || pre-canon 
ao3 link eng  || ao3 link rus
inspired by @beatricebidelaire‘s post that I can’t find now (tumblr search function, am I right?) but the idea was the following: two volunteers, the “there was only one bed” trope, but all they do at night is talk about Beatrice
“Should I sleep on the floor after all, perhaps? Lemony suggested.
R gave him a bewildered look. “I feel like we’ve slept in the same bed before often enough for you not to worry about propriety, haven’t we?”
“That’s not what I meant,” Lemony raised the edge of a dull bed sheet covered in light blue polka dots, and tapped on the base of the bed. “I meant the beer crates.”  
They checked in the hostel early in the morning, left their belongings, and went out to explore the surroundings – not only and not so much out of tourist curiosity as to find the restaurant where they would have to spy on a couple of persons of interest to VFD tomorrow, select the table it would be the most convenient to spy from, and evaluate the escape routes just in case. After that they simply had to go to a café for root beer floats, and then they made the mistake of visiting a museum whose size they severely underestimated. The room had been checked for wiretapping and other unpleasant surprises of that sort earlier by another volunteer who was passing through the town but could not stay for long and perform the task that was ultimately assigned to Lemony and R. What that volunteer had not mentioned in their report was that the room had a sloped ceiling, so low in places that it was possible to bump one’s head by accident, as well as that the bed was essentially a mattress placed upon several beer crates put together. Though they were not happy about the ceiling, the bed, which they had a good look at only in the evening as they were preparing for sleep, only made them laugh.    
“Ah, that’s what you’re talking about. Come on, if they keep this bed in a double room, it means it won’t collapse under anyone. And I assume that many have tried…”  
“Your Grace.”
“I mean, this is a double room…”
“Your Grace,” Lemony repeated, shaking his head. Despite his deliberately disapproving voice, he was smiling. “Sometimes I cannot believe you belong to the cream of society.”  
“That’s because you do not spend enough time among all that cream. It is sour at best,” R climbed under the blanket. Her legs were aching a little after wandering the town and the museum, and the dubious bed felt like a paradisiacal cloud to her. “Hey, what’s with the face? Are you all right?”  
“Yes. No,” Lemony hesitated. “May I ask you something?”
R tensed up.
“Go ahead,” she consented. She had suspicions regarding what was bothering her friend, and she was not sure she wanted to talk about that.
“Do you hate me?”
R reached out and touched his forehead. Lemony frowned.
“What are you doing?”
Stalling for time, she thought, but what she said out loud, naturally, was a whole different thing.
“Checking if you have fever, since you seem to be raving.”  
“R, I am being serious,” Lemony pushed her hand away softly. Both of them were lying on their sides, face to face, and in the mellow light of the night lamp Ramona could see it clearly that he was talking completely seriously indeed – she could read it in his eyes and on his lips. “I am not asking you for politeness; I am asking for an honest answer. If my company is oppressive to you, I will get a separate room, and tomorrow we can organize work so that our paths would cross as seldom as possible.”
Ramona rolled her eyes.
“Fine,” she spoke. “You want honesty? Here’s your honesty. No, I do not hate you. I love you, you fool,” and she wasn’t lying, wasn’t trying to spare his feelings. Lemony was her best friend from their very childhood. Despite his peculiar personality, it was easy for her to love him – it was a genuine, virtually familial attachment that was not complicated by anything superfluous.
“And Beatrice?”
He was watching her so intently and sadly that she couldn’t bear it and closed her eyes. She was silent. He kept waiting.
“I love her too,” she said finally. If her love for Lemony was simple and straightforward, then her love for Beatrice was disconcerting, at times uplifting, at times stupefying, and only one thing was clear: while there was friendship in it (in R’s opinion, no real love was possible without friendship at all), there was certainly nothing familial about it. “As if you do not know that.”  
“I do,” Lemony confirmed. She opened her eyes again and looked at him. Of course he knew everything and even more. In the area of romantic feelings towards Beatrice Baudelaire he was no less of an expert than she.
R sighed.
“You know I would not come between you, now that she has finally made up her mind and chosen you,” she said firmly, to him and to that small nasty part of her soul that kept wondering why Lemony Snicket should get what she had been dreaming of. “I cherish both of you too much. That may come as a shock to you, but crushes come and go,” shit, she promised to be honest, but when one is not completely sure if what one says is true, that does not count as a lie, does it? “But friends like the two of you are hard to come by. Are you going to ask me if I am happy for you? No, I am not happy that the girl I liked chose you,” that was a good word, ‘like’, it made everything less significant. “But I am happy that the two of my closest friends are together, and doing fine. Well, as fine as it can be for the most dramatic people I know.”      
“Hmm,” was all that Lemony said. He covered her hand with his. “I believe that you wouldn’t lie to me, and I want you to know that I am sincerely sorry that it all turned out like this. If I can do anything for you…”  
“You can,” R propped herself up on one elbow. She was eager to be done with this conversation as soon as possible. The more they discussed that, the more she thought about Beatrice, and so the more difficult it was to let her go. And she had already decided that she would let her go – it could not go one like this anymore. She deserved better. All of them deserved better. Maybe Lemony and Beatrice enjoyed drama, but she preferred comedy. “Stop trying to set me up with every girl we meet that I say is cute. Or at least stop using literary quotes for that purpose, I am begging you.”
Now it was Lemony’s turn to roll his eyes.
“Ramona, please, I’ve already apologized…”
“We still have to face that receptionist in the morning, you know.”
“What’s wrong with quotes?”
“They perplex normal people. Some things exist for VFD internal use only,” R put her head on the pillow again and winked at him. “Now let us go to sleep already, shall we?” 
“Do you think I should cut my hair?” Kit asked.
Bertrand looked up from the book, the preface to which was supposed to contain an encrypted message, and shifted his gaze to his friend. She was combing her hair by a rather dirty oval mirror. Usually Kit put her hair in a bun or a ponytail, and occasionally Bertrand (and many other people, in all likelihood) forgot how long and voluminous it was – a heavy brown waterfall.  
“If you are tired of your current hairstyle, then by all means you should,” he observed. “What is important is your own opinion on that.”
“I see. I don’t even know what I expected,” Kit put the comb down on the only nightstand present in the sparsely furnished motel room, and started plaiting her hair for the night. “Bertrand and his famed diplomacy…”  
Bertrand put the book aside.
“We can do without diplomacy,” he said in a tired voice, took his glasses off and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He and Kit had driven for four hours today, and tomorrow they had to drive as much. The heat was unimaginable, the air conditioner in the taxi kept acting up, they had already eaten all the food they had with them, and the only kind of food one could come by in that part of the Hinterlands were crappy hot dogs and candy sold at gas stations. “I remember Olaf used to shower your hair with compliments all the time, and I get your wish to do something to spite him, but if you’re going to cut it every time the two of you split up, you’ll go broke splurging on hairdresser’s services.”  
“This is not ‘every’ time,” Kit threw her plait over her shoulder. “There will be no next time. And that has nothing to do with him. As to hairdressers, I can cut my own hair just fine. Now, if you like – I got scissors in my bag…”  
“I think you should get some sleep and think about this in the morning.”
The bed creaked when Kit climbed onto her half of it. As the old guy at the reception explained to them, there were no single rooms in the motel. “You can have one room with no trouble,” he told them in a conspiratorial voice. “Not a soul for many miles around! No one will know.” That amused them: it wasn’t often that they got mistaken for a couple. Bertrand was under the impression that the two of them, in their glasses of the same shape and even often with a similar facial expression, must rather resemble relatives – if not siblings, then cousins. “Easy, B,” he heard Jacques Snicket’s voice in his head. “This is my twin sister, not yours.” Bertrand grinned.  
“Olaf isn’t the only one who likes your hair, you know,” he pointed out. “For example, Beatrice said that they are, and I quote, ‘gorgeous’. She’s even a little bit jealous.”  
“Is that so?” Kit said. It was as if something in her face changed when he mentioned Beatrice, but that might have also been just a trick of the light in the dusk – the floor lamp by the bed, the nervously blinking neon sign outside. “I see you and her have grown quite close lately.”  
“We are working on a new production together.”
Kit was right, of course. He and Beatrice had been working at the same theatre for years, but they only really bonded lately, when the actor who was to play her lover had to leave on VFD business and his part in the play was given to Bertrand. Frankly speaking, he didn’t like Beatrice much until recently. He used to think her too loud and careless and pretentious, yet now the closer they got, the more he became convinced it was just another role that Beatrice used to protect her real self from fake friends, bootlickers, and the press. There was something extremely flattering in being allowed behind that façade, allowed to see the less kempt but at the same time more cosy space that it was hiding. Bertrand hoped to justify her confidence and not to lose her friendship – which was precisely why he knew well that at a certain point, they have to cease growing closer to each other.      
“I am not saying anything of that sort,” Kit remarked. “It is logical that the actors playing a pair of sweethearts spend a lot of time together – it is necessary to practice… and so on.”  
Bertrand turned off the floor lamp. It crossed his mind immediately that he shouldn’t have done that at that moment. It might have looked as if he didn’t want Kit to see his face or, for instance, to notice he was blushing. Not that he was actually blushing, of course.      
“Don’t worry,” he said. “Your brother’s relationship is under no threat. I am not the kind of person who could do that.” He almost added “Not to him”, but stopped short. He wanted to believe that he was not the type to ruin someone else’s happiness in any case, but there was something especially important in not ruining Lemony Snicket’s happiness. For a long time, their interaction used to come down to the debates of varying degree of seriousness, the non-committal (at least at first sight) discussions at the get-togethers, and Bertrand’s sincere frustration that Snicket seemed to dislike him. It was only lately that a careful friendship had come into being between them. When Bertrand tried to analyze that friendship, he ended up overwhelmed with the same feeling of awkwardness that resulted from his attempts to analyze his growing closeness with Beatrice, so he just allowed that friendship to grow, trying not to think of anything too hard. Anything but one thing: Lemony Snicket certainly was on the list of people he never ever wanted to cause any pain.        
“I know,” Kit replied. He couldn’t see her face: he was lying on his back, and she was on her side. But he could guess that she was smiling, and that her smile was far from being carefree. He couldn’t guess why, and he wasn’t sure he should. “Have you set the alarm?”  
“For six, as agreed. Will you be able to drive at that unearthly hour?”  
“You insult me,” now she must have been smiling from the bottom of her heart. “I could have driven all night without stopping for sleep. We’re in this doghole solely because I had pity on you, B. Appreciate it.”  
“I do appreciate,” he turned over to his side too. The thin curtains provided no protection from the handfuls of pink and green light that the neon sign was throwing at their window. Bertrand could make out the stripes on Kit’s pyjamas and the thick plait on her pillow, reminiscent of one of Monty’s snakes in the twilight. He remembered Kit’s words about the scissors in the bag. “So, have you changed your mind about cutting your hair?”    
“I have,” she answered, and he seemed to hear something strange in her voice and didn’t wish her good night, because he didn’t know what she, in turn, could hear in his.    
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Gone and Left Your World (Venable X Reader (part 4))
I noticed I spelt psychic wrong so many times in the last parts and probably in this too. I apologize for that. 
I will name in the series in a week to a month like I am doing with my Cordelia series.
Parts: One, Two, Three, Four
Warnings: N/A
You had to pass Coco’s room in order to get to your own. Unfortunately, she happened to be in said room at the time of passing. She wasn’t alone, accompanied by Gallant and Mallory.
“What? I don't want to rub it in for the ones that don't get picked. No offence, Mallory.” They must have been talking about the selection for the sanctuary. Of course, Coco would assume she was getting in, she was a rich (almost) influencer back before the world turned to hell. You don’t know how she could see that as more important than someone who could actually do work like Mallory. Gallant has a better chance of making it than her. Not that you cared. You doubted the girl has done an honest day's labour in her life, she had staff serving her every day of her life.
Mallory didn’t think she would get in. Coco was convinced that the people who were getting in already knew, something about her one-on-one with him being ‘illuminating’.
You didn't like the chances of getting in yourself, threatening the person here to 'save' you wasn't going to save you a spot. He said he liked your mind but nothing much was happening in it, you weren't a scholar, none of you were. He jumped around, knowing things he shouldn't have. You knew he was bad, but this confirmed it, and you threatened him. Shit. You don't even know how powerful he is. You're all alone in this, no one would get you if you explained it to them.
“Wait. Did something weird happen to you, too?”
Wait- You froze in place.
“What are you babbling about? What did he say to you?”
No? She couldn't be- could she?
“It wasn't anything he said. It was uh a feeling,” Mallory’s word caught your interest. You popped your head into the room to watch. The others were too busy to notice your presence. “I think I set the room on fire.”
“What? Like you knocked over a candle or something?”
“No. Like flames shot out of the fireplace and went everywhere. I know this is impossible, but I think I made the fire with my mind.”
Coco scoffed, “Yeah, we're definitely not talking about the same thing.”
Mallory compared herself to a superhero (“…and now I'm like the Dark Phoenix.”). You leant against the wall in the hallway, still listening, waiting for Mallory to leave the room to find out more. The rich snob and her hairdresser took what she said joking. You knew you should have too but with all the strange things you’ve seen and heard, you needed to know more. You couldn't explain away the dreams- visions- whatever they are. You had seen her face, not only her but her annoying boss as well. You didn't feel hate when you saw them, but now, always towards Coco, you couldn't stand her face.
 “Come on. Prove it. Make flames shoot out everywhere.” There was some time before anyone spoke. “This is pretty lame, even for you, Mallory. Some people just have nothing special about them, and you have to be okay with that.”
 She told her to use her power to shut up and disappear. She needed her costume to be ready for tonight. She recommended for the woman to look for supplies in Evie’s room as she won’t be needing them anymore.
Mallory walked past, bumping into you. She apologised and kept walking, staring down at the ground. Their dickheads sometimes- correction- all the time.
“She's out of her mind,” Gallant said.
 “This place is full of looneys, speaking of one, that L/N was eavesdropping. I mean, who can hear the dead? That’s ridiculous.” Coco said. “Do you really think she’s with Venable? It wouldn’t surprise me since the woman has been eye-fucking her since the (hair colour) haired bitch arrived.”
“She’s fucked up enough to be her type. Insane and murderous partners well with-”
You don’t want to hear the rest of the nonsense that could leave their mouths. You chased after Mallory who was heading towards the late Evie’s room. You called after her. She stopped shuffling through the dead woman’s belongings and paid all her attention to you. She said your first name back.
“Did you really mean what you said back in Coco’s room?” You asked. You immediately apologised for eavesdropping, but she cut you off.
“I did, but it’s probably just the place getting to me. It seems ridiculous-”
“You’re talking to the person who’s claimed repeatedly to hear ghosts.” You thought about that for a second. “Forget I said that I just realised how insane that sounds. My point is I believe you.”
“You do?” You pulled her down to sit on the bed so you could talk to her properly.
“A part of me feels like I’ve already met you. Not some past life bullshit but before the apocalypse.” You move a bit away from her and move your attention away from her. “Since I got here, I’ve been having these ‘dreams’ of a life I’ve never had. You and Coco were in one, along with some people I have never met before.” You chuckled, “Coco was nicer. Like really nice, especially to you. I think she admired you. That’s beside the point. I don’t think we’re here by coincidence.”
“What are you saying? That we're not who we think we are?”
“Exactly. You feel it too, I can tell.” Mallory looked unsure. Your meaning resonated with her, but your reasoning was losing her. “Coco’s father bought five tickets,” She went to correct you, but you kept talking. “A mistake was made, and I managed to get it for reasons we aren’t going to discuss. Think the chances of Coco’s family not making it to the plane and the accidental booking was intentional.” You couldn’t tell if she believed you or was just humouring you because you were a higher rank than her. “I have four years of my life missing from my memory. I would never have touched a bottle of alcohol before. Whatever, they are hiding from us, I didn’t cope with well.”
“Y/N, I have to get back to work.”
“-making Coco’s mask, right? I can help-”
She was trying to get away from you.
“You think I’m crazy. You’re trying to get away from me.” She said your name again. “No, I get it.” You raised your hands defensively. “You think I’m crazy as well. I thought you were different- I – I should go.” She called you once more. “Someone will answer me.” You were agitated. The candles flickered all around you, Mallory picked up on this. You stormed out of the room; the lights stilled the moment you left. She stuck her head out to see the same effect following you. The lights flickered and then calmed when you were far enough away. Maybe she should believe you.
No one knew what to do with you. There were only two options, go with the two girls and protect them or stay with Cordelia, Myrtle and Madison. Your powers could be covered by you also being a medium; change a few details and about yourself and your connection to the other two and you were golden. That didn’t solve the fact that your fiancé was running the place.  You were adamant that she would kill you on sight while Myrtle (and Cordelia to a lesser extent) believed you’d be fine. The choice was down to you in the end. The path you’d choose. They weren’t going to force you or sway you in a way, but they would make you decide and quick. You had a night to think about it, they needed to send off the other two and couldn’t wait around for you.
 Resting on the porch, the moonlight reflected the swamp waters. You sighed, sometime soon all of this would be wiped away and replaced with a dystopian nuclear wasteland.
 The light evening breeze will carry radiation. The trees, if they still stand, will be dead, rotting due to the chemicals getting into the soil. With no natural food source people will turn on each other. Cordelia told you about her vision (you were the go-to witch on all things dead), hoping you could help them in some way, but it only scared you.
There’s been too much death for one person to see in one lifetime. There was only more to come, the bombs would go off, people would scream. Everything reminded you of what you saw, you tried to remain strong for your sister witches, but you were tearing at the seams.
 All the blood and carnage you had seen. It’s scarred and haunts your very soul. You didn’t want to wait around while more deaths occur. Deaths occur every day, but the knowledge of impending doom made you more aware of the numbers. How would the world end? You assumed in fires; the gates of hell would open unleashing abominations among the living. Beasts once human tearing you from limb to limb, you’d choke on your own blood as they tear into the stomach and slurp your intentions like it was spaghetti. The numbers of fatalities would accumulate, one or two now, thousands later. If you stuck with them, you’d be forced to wait around with the knowledge you couldn’t save everyone. The pile of bodies would rise. The mass death of bodies with the complex relationship you had controlling your power- you couldn’t handle it.
If you just left, you wouldn’t have to make a choice. People are going to die no matter what you do but if you don’t survive the bombs, you’ll never have to worry about that, because you’ll be dead.
All you had to do was get far enough away before they discovered you're gone.
“Where do you think you’re going?” You spun around. Thank god, it’s just Madison.
“On a walk-”
“Bullshit, you’re leaving!” Her yelling caught the attention of the two other young witches. They watched on through the window.
“No~ why would you think that?” You were flustered.
“Okay, then. Where you going on your walk?”
“Just around the swamp?”
“At night?”
“Yes.” You dragged this out.
“Leaving the only place that is safe.” The place had been surrounded by a protection spell, one that was completed this time without interruption.
“I need to think.”
“You can do that here.”
“NO, I CAN’T!” The other girl was shocked by your sudden yelling.
“What’s going on out there!” Cordelia asked, bursting through the front door, annoyed the two were causing a stir at ten at night. You gave Madison a look saying, ‘don’t you dare tell her’.
“Y/N’s running off!” You weren’t going to lie anymore. There’s no point in dragging this on.
“Were you?” you didn’t nod, nor did you deny. “WERE YOU Y/N!” You unveiled the beast hidden beneath her soft, loving persona. You betrayed her- or at least that's how she saw it. You were a surprise; she didn’t think you made it and now you were walking away like none of this mattered. You might as well have never shown up at all.
“I’m done with this.” You didn’t get very far before she was holding you back with her magic. She wouldn’t be able to hold you for long without exhausting herself. You could use that to your advantage.
“Why?” you chuckled out. “’Why not?’ is a better question. I’m not contractually obligated to help you out. I have nothing keeping me going.”
This was not your fight. Michael wasn't your problem.
“You have us.” This meant little to you. Yes, they were your friends. Would you die for them? No. You were selfish. You always have been, not in the way everyone thought. You were self-destructive, you fed your own suffering the moment you left your heaven. You’d seen hell and this path led you straight to the devil’s den.
Buy your time Y/N, you thought. Open up a can of worms that will make her beg for you to leave. You heard tales from before you joined the academy, from the days of Madison, Queenie and Zoe (rest in peace). You had learnt what happened to Misty, it had been used as an example (When Cordelia wasn’t around) to teach the girls not to do spells that could potentially harm them without being powerful enough.
 To save yourself from reliving the next few moments; the bone-crushing pain as she constricted your body with her powers (intentionally or not you’d never know) and the shrill pain and anger in her voice, that you’d rather forget.
Cordelia told you that they needed you. With the most sinister smile you could muster, you brought up the girl, how if they needed everyone they could get, why didn’t they involve Misty. That’s when the crippling pain started, you fought your ground. She would have to break every bone in order to keep you here and she wouldn’t do that. Cordelia told you because she was never meant to be a part of this, she got the girl killed (blamed herself for getting her stuck in hell etc) and she was trapped in hell. You interrupted, you’re living your personal hell, you never wanted to be able to see and talk to the dead. It’s affected every aspect of your life, and everything would be better if you never had your powers or better yet heard about the stupid school.
“Face it Cordelia, they're dead! They're all dead! And we will be too,” You said. “I won’t be much use with you guys. What you want from me is impossible? Might as well save your breath and let me go.” Her powers on you were dwindling.
 “You're more useful than gluten-free detector.” Madison added her two cents.
 “Madison-” Cordelia scolded. “Y/n, we need you-”
 “I can’t. All I can do is hear the dead.” You looked at them individually, taking in their expressions. “You’ll do fine without me.” After your final word, Cordelia dropped towards the ground feeling faint. Madison caught her before she met the decking. You wanted to rush over and help her, she wanted that. It would get you to stay. You stepped forward but retracted that step. Her eyes lit up for one second seeing she almost had you.
 “She will be there.” Her final attempt to get you to stay.
 “All the more reason not to help.”
It was hours before the Masquerade ball Venable and Mead announced for a Halloween to celebrate all they had been through. You had your mask laying out on your bed. You decided to keep it simple, not being much of a party person or wanting to be in the spotlight. You knew Coco was going to be over the top with everything. You felt bad for Mallory who probably had to do most of the prep work helping her get ready for the night of festivities. Then again, she too found to be crazy, maybe she deserved to do the work. No, she’s still a nice person.
A knock on your door snapped you out of your thoughts as you were setting up something that would take you time up until the ball. “Who is it?” you yelled. Mallory responded. You sighed, getting up to allow her inside.
“You’re right.”
“Something is up with all of this. I shouldn’t have been able to do what I did. The crazy is the only thing making sense nowadays.”
“Shouldn’t you be helping Coco?” this came out more condescending then you meant it to.
“I needed to clear the air with you. Did you learn anything since we last talked?”
“No, but I jotted down everything I could remember from my little ‘visions’ and came up with every possible scenario I could think off.” She nodded her head and looked at the notebook you passed her. “This might seem ridiculous- “
“-what part of this isn’t.” You chuckled at her interruption.
“Could we be witches?”
She nodded, “Yes, ridiculous.” You backed up your claim, you had heard it mentioned a few times in your dreams, here were a ton of witchcraft books in the library and powers. It made sense. “Why are we here then? What are we meant to do?”
 “Isn’t it obvious- stop Langdon.” You held another book in your hands, you had read it over ten times. You knew it was important, but you couldn’t comprehend why. “We all have our parts to play Y/N. She has hers, you have yours.” You murmured under your breath. She asked you what you meant by that. “It was something I heard a vision/dream thing. A woman was trying to get me to do something, bring back her friends or something and I couldn’t.”
 “Revive them?”
 “More. Their souls had been erased by him- H-how do I know that? That wasn’t explained. Nevertheless, an impossible feat. Billie told me so herself but claimed if anyone could do it, it was me- WHERE THE FUCK IS THIS COMING FROM?”
 You heard Coco calling out Mallory’s name. She stiffened. She was getting ready to leave when you grabbed her arm. “No, you can’t leave. I’m making progress.” She went to say something, “If she can’t find you, it’s her fault. You aren’t her personal assistant anymore. I can get you out of it if you get into any trouble.”
There was another knock on your door. You recognised the knocking pattern easily. You told Mallory to hide in the closet and not make a sound. You would tell her when it was safe come out.
Venable came into your room to tell you about tomorrow night. She knocked on the door and waited for you to response. You yelled you were getting changed as you hid all the belongings scattered about your room as well as making sure Mallory was well hidden.
You allowed Venable to enter. Once the door was shut and locked behind her. She pulled up a chair to face you where you sat on your bed. 
“Mina, what are you doing here?” you asked, knowing full well you were going have to explain this later to the person hiding in your cupboard.
“It’s about the party tonight. I don’t want you to come. I need you to hide away until I come looking for you okay?”
 “Why? What are you going to do?”
“Nothing my darling. I’ll explain it all later.”
She knew you would disapprove and try and convince her out of it. If you didn’t know you couldn’t do much to stop her. All she wanted to do was keep you safe. She hadn’t told Mead about you and her yet, she was saving that until after the deed was done.
 “Alright, love.”
“Stay safe, baby girl.” She placed a kiss on your forehead before leaving the room.
 You told Mallory it was safe to come out. She gave you a knowing look but didn’t say anything. You would have threatened her to keep her mouth shut but you had a feeling by the end of the night there would be no one to tell.
“You’re staying with me,” you commanded. She went to voice her concerns, but you weren’t having them. “That’s a direct order.” You never ordered the greys around more than you had to, and, in this situation, she was better off with you than the others. You knew you were sentencing the others to death but if you saved them than you were only risking yourself.
 “What about Coco and the others?”
 “We don’t know what she’s going to do but for humanity or what’s left of it, it’s best if we stay out of the way.” You said, not pleased with what you were saying. “Anyway, I need your help. If we have any time left, we’ll save them.”
 You sat on your bed, a book on your lap. You set an hourglass ready to be flipped for a timer. “How do we know this is going to work?” Mallory asked. You didn’t, your running on gut instinct. With chances of death, you shouldn’t be taking this lightly. On the outside, you were calm and collected (better described as a reckless moron), you had to try to keep your hands from trembling. The books page stained from when your sweaty fingers touched the page. Everything will be fine. OR YOUR GOING TO FUCKING DIE. No. Maybe. You’re not a psychic- oh wait.
“This is going to be dangerous.” For you, not her. You didn’t clarify. She didn’t ask.
 The book was full of ancient spells lost to time. That’s dramatic but there weren’t for beginners-hell the front advises you not to do this unless you’re a level three witch/warlock and specialise in said field. The book contained parts of all branches of witchcraft; from spellcraft to ‘green magic’ (botany. There was something for every purpose. There was one for time travel, that’s weird. One thing they all have in common is they can all cause death if done incorrectly. Good thing you’re a well-trained magic-user. Yeah, even sarcasm isn’t going to save your arse.
 From what you read this was an alternated version of Descensum. There was no guarantee you would be able to remember who or why you were there. This changed version was meant to help you remember that your mission and keep you on path. It was also supposedly meant to slow down the time you could stay there, time worked differently in the netherworld, five minutes hopefully won't be an hour on the land of the living. You only had an hour so you need all the time you could get.
 "I don’t know if this alteration will help me, it has never been tested with success.”
“Wait- what?”
“That’s why you’re here. I need you to try and wake me when the timer is close to running out.”
“What happened when it runs out?”
“Who knows,” you said way too cheerily.
You laid down, waiting for Mallory to get ready to flip the hourglass before chanting the phrase.
 You jolted awake in a dark room. Sounds of yelling penetrated through the walls vibrated through the air around you. The room lacked personal items, only containing a dull bed and dresser. Your parent’s friends were over again. You hated the lot of them when they hung out. Your parents, much like the rest of your family had no restraint when it came to drinking. Best to stay away, you noted. You usually slipped out your window for a couple hours, riding your bike to the nearest library to study. You tugged at the window but it wouldn’t open, bolted shut. Shit. You opened your bedroom door and entered the hallway. Aspects of it were off but it had been years since you had been in your childhood home. The walls were pixelated, that statically effect you get naturally when looking at something but enhanced by ten percent. The doors were in all the wrong places and the pictures were all scribbled over. The images from throughout your life, not only your childhood.
“What’s going on?” You asked, hoping someone would answer you. No one was at home. This wasn’t your home. It was two unfamiliar. Someone had corrupted your parent’s house.
It’s wrong.
Everything’s wrong.
The details of your first home rearranged causing a disorientating experience. You couldn't remember what details were right, the place was messing with you. Where were you? Which house were you in? You caught a glance of yourself in a golden framed mirror you swore was the same one you had at your house with Mina. You were dressed like a kid playing dress-ups. Nothing went to together, styles clashed, the only common theme is that you had rocked the styles individually in the past.
You felt eyes watching you. You had no time to think about that right now, you had to make sense of surroundings. Or maybe you didn't?
This was your hell, utter confusion. It kicked up your new(ish) found identify complex to the max. Behind you a shadowy figure loamed but when you spun around, he was gone.
You were here for a reason, get on with it. You’re in hell. This wasn’t that bad, disorientating yes but the self-awareness of being here ruins any terror. What was your hell meant to be? They couldn’t even decide on one thing for you.
You had to find that figure, they would know how to help you. There was a door where the being stood. The door was black with a golden handle. It was your best guess on getting out of there. It led to a long corridor; it was dead silent. Protected from the horrors behind the doors. The walls were grey with a glossy finish allowing to see yourself. Yellow fluorescent lights hung above you, each perfectly spaced apart from the last. All parallel.
Were any of these people erased? Michael couldn’t have gotten rid of this many people, could he? None knew you. Each time you opened a door you expected for someone to call your name, surprised by your presence. No, something was wrong?
“Where am I?” You yelled at the ceiling. “Where did you send me?”
You couldn’t keep testing doors in an endless hallway. One more and you’re done. You opened the door to see Mead? Unlike the rest of the people, she seemed to be enjoying her torment. You entered the room keeping a distance from the woman. You didn’t know she died.
She noticed your presence immediately.  From what you gathered, this place was meant to be some sort of hell, but she didn’t appear to be in pain. This room was wrong. Maybe it was a clue?
“Who are you?” she asked, her words filled with hate. She could tell you weren’t meant to be here; you weren’t one of the usual demons.
“You don’t know who I am? Interesting.” You treated her like eighth grader’s science experiment. “Don’t worry, I’m just a worker. Just making sure your stay is as terrible as possible.”
“Dressed in Victorian wear?”
You scooped out the room, something had to be off. How did she not know you? You noticed a crack between the wall and the floor, a white glow came from between the crack. Was there another floor? If there was another floor, they were stairs. You exited the room, to see if the cracks continued. They did. You followed the way. You felt your body being shoved, no! you're so close. You were going to do this if it’s the last thing you do.
If they weren't going to come to you, you could come to them. Whether it be because you were trashing the place or because you found out where they had been hiding.
“The floor has to go.” You stomped, attacked and tore at the floor hoping it would give saw. You were forced to duck into a room and grab the nearest sharp object. You opened the black door and you were greeted with a peaceful cabin in the woods. It recked of wild animals. You scanned around looking for something strong enough to make some damage.
You ran into the room, flipping everything in your way for something to destroy the place.
“What the hell are you supposed to be?” A woman’s voice broke through the ruckus you were creating. You looked over at the woman, an elder blonde lady who looked to dressed up to be in a place like this stared at you, a glass in her hand.
“You the room’s owner?” The woman nodded. You could have sworn you had seen someone like her before, in a photo or painting somewhere. You shook your head. “I don’t have time for this, the world depends on me. Do you have anything that can smash through the floor or make any damage whatsoever?” You didn't care at this point. Maybe you should just release everyone, that would work too.
The woman scoffed; she took a sip of her drink, “The world wouldn’t depend on a Victorian lady. The worlds moved on since then.”
“You’re the dead one bitch,” She looked at you confused for a second. Then it clicked you weren’t an ordinary human.
“You’re not human?”
“Psychics can’t travel between life and death. You’d have to be something else as well.”
“I only got an hour for this, so can you please tell me if I’m wasting my time here or not.” She turned to face you completely.
“There’s an axe in the room to your right.” You ran back to the door.
"What year are you from?"
You went to the room and there was, in fact, an axe. You cheered. "2021, I think. It's hard to tell nowadays. You know end times and all." She didn't know what you were one about. She must have died before then. “To keep it quick, the apocalypse happened. Humanities down to one outpost run by my kind of ex- long story- anyway a man, the anti-christ has come to ‘rebuild the world’ and we need to stop him. Problem is, other than where in his father’s domain, he is super powerful. To my knowledge, only three women are left. Two if I die here.”
“My life’s a long story-” You said swinging the door opened. "You like causing chaos?"
She perked up.
Was it a smart idea taking someone out of their hell for your own benefit? No. Do you care? No. You scrapped your idea of finding them, the place was infinite. You had to bring them to you. You told her to let as many people out as possible, get them to cause a riot, whatever, just make it big. You wanted to be heard.
It only took a couple of minutes to turn the place into a madhouse.
You felt your body being shoved again. You clenched your heart. You need more time. “You don’t happen to know any of the demons or spirits or whatever working here, one I could make a deal with.” You asked the woman.
She gave you one, the name of a Voodoo Loa she had made an offer to back when she was alive. You were expecting the name of an old god, maybe a Greek god or something but anyone would do. You had heard of his name before, Papa Legba, the gatekeeper of the spirit world. If anyone knew anything, he was your best bet, if he couldn’t help you, he might know who. You were prepared to make any deal you had to rid the earth of that man.
You gasped for air, chest heaving as you tried to get in as much air as humanly possible. Your need to breath distracting you by your near success. You’d almost done in, that mysterious blonde lady in your dreams would have been proud of you, but you were cut short. You had so little time. You had to go back there. You needed air.
You didn't recognise you were back until Mallory scrambled to your side, checking to make sure you were fine. You pushed her away the moment you got your breath back. “How did it go? what happened?” Mallory asked.
“I found out about someone who might be able to help but I didn’t get enough time to find him” You stared into thin air. “I need to go back, seal the deal.”
“You cut it close this time, what if I can’t wake you up next-”
You noticed mist wafted around the room’s floor. The shadowy figure from before took a seat on the armchair in the corner of your room. His eyes were red, and he wore greyish-white face paint in the shape of a skull matching by a hat with small skulls around it, decorated with various bird feathers. You were confused about why he was there, you hadn’t petitioned for his presence, formality hadn’t been your strong suit in years.
He had come out of his own accord, not for yours. Word had gotten out that you were causing trouble hell. Letting people go, interfering with other people’s hells as well as making it difficult to decipher what your personal hell was.
“The spirit witch, I heard about you.” The spirit said. “Was expecting you to visit sooner”
“Sorry to disappoint.”
“You’ve caused a lot of trouble, in your short time down there.”
“Plenty more of that where it came from unless I get what I want?”
He already knew what you wanted, “What you want is near impossible.”
“‘Near’, I like my chances.”
“You sure about that?”
Positive. If there is any way, you have to tell me.
“I don’t have to do anything.” He wanted something out of it.
“But you know something?”
I might. What is your offer?
“I don’t know what needs to be done so how can I make a good offer.”
“I can get you back the souls, but it will get me in trouble with the others.”
“I don’t just want their souls. I want them back.”
“That will cost you more.”
“Uh, the antichrist.”
“The antichrist?”
“Yes, he’s on earth. You can have him.”
“How are you going to get him to me?”
“We’re going to kill him. But I need the girls to do so.”
“The process is difficult.”
“You want more?!”
You looked over to Mallory, who shrugged. She didn’t know how to deal with spirits. Neither of you knew of something you could offer to seal the deal.
“A soul for a soul.” You’d have to give him many souls in order to get all your girls back and living.
“If I give you two souls, I get two girls back in the living” He nodded. “What about the others?”
“Whatever I see fit.” He’ll probably keep them. He had a thing for keeping souls.
Who else could you offer up? Then it hit you, “You can have me.”
“Y/N, no!”
“By the end of the day, you can have me in exchange.”
He hummed. “Deal.”
With that he was gone. Mallory looked mad at you. “You don’t know what your doing is even the best thing to go and you gave yourself away. All for some random woman in a dream that might not even be real.”
“Yep. Don’t tell Venable.”
Neither of you knew what or who to suspect, all you hoped is you got the right two girls. To be fair, you didn’t know how to girls could help you save the world, but you guessed there was strength in numbers. Their value better be worth your soul. You had no idea what was waiting for you in the sp. You promised he could have your soul (and in turn do what he wished with it) but you never promised to behave.
“You shouldn’t have given up yourself,” Mallory scolded you for the fifth time since he left. It was a waiting game now, you were told to wait behind by Venable, you didn’t know how to tell her that sold your soul away. You hoped you wouldn’t have to, maybe you could kill him and in turn yourself before she found out.
Two voices brought your attention towards a pair of young women about Mallory’s age.
“Y/N? Mallory?” they both said.
“How do they know who I am?” You shrugged in response to Mallory’s question. The two looked at Mallory confused by the words that left her mouth.
“Where are we?” One asked.
“Outpost three. The world ended, she saved you.”
You nodded, while still trying to catch your breath. The two saw all the spell things set up as well as the hourglass. They had their suspicions on what one of you did. From looking at it, it was you. From there knowledge you couldn’t do control your natural powers let alone do Descensum. The unfamiliar scenery along with you and Mallory’s strange attire told them they weren’t at the academy anymore. They remembered what happened. They had died but it didn’t feel like death. It felt like they were ripped out of the time they were in and shoved in the room they were now. There clothes stained with the blood but no wounds.
Mallory filled them in on how the world had turned into a toxic wasteland. How you two had been sent her due to your boss’ family not being able to make it before the world ended. She admitted to not knowing who either girl was. One of them muttered about Cordelia probably doing a memory spell. You knew that name, Cordelia. You had heard it so many times. You reacted to the name.
“You mean that nice blonde lady who was a- I don’t remember the word,” You asked.
“How did you save us if you can’t remember who we are?”
“That woman- Cordelia, she told me so many times that I needed to find a way to save the girls. Mainly you two. It must have stuck with me after all these years.” Mallory went to say something, you feared about the price you had to pay so you decided to cut her off. “All other details are irrelevant now and won’t help us. So, tell us, what makes you two so important?”
“Nothing much, Mallory’s more important than us.” Mallory cocked her head. “We’re the teachers of the school along with being a part of the witch’s council.”
 “How am I important?”
“You’re the next supreme,” Queenie said. She had to tell her what the supreme was. Mallory thought that was a mistake, claiming that you had shown more power than her, the only thing she had down was cause fires to spit out everywhere.
The two needed to figure out why neither of you could remember. What had Cordelia done to seal your safety?
 Venable stood on the balcony overlooking all the festivities. All the men and women were cheering and applauding as they took turns bobbing for apples.
 “Let's all wait until each person has had an opportunity to participate in tonight's activities. Then we will feast together like civilized beings,” Venable said as the first person to get an apple went to take a bite.
“I can't find The Fist, Y/N, Coco or Mallory anywhere and Mr.
Langdon has declined our invitation,” Mead informed Venable. “We got to put the brakes on. Stop it now. No witnesses.”
“It's too late for that.” Venable turned to face her partner in crime, a delicious grin on her face. “Once they've had their fun, we'll bring the festivities and your gun to him.”
Venable went back to observing the party. Emily missed her apple, she chuckled while saying, “Oh, I suck at this game.” Timothy offered to share with her. Venable grimaced.
Apples willed with snakes’ venom. Once eaten the venom enters the bloodstream through their digestive tract. Immediate breakdown of their nervous systems and the lining of their stomachs. With none of them knowing that the deed had been done, there was no way of slowing the process and with no doctors or medicine, they were done for. A perfect crime. Near perfect if they could have gotten everyone. “It won't be pretty,” Mead described it.
Venable held the fruit in her hands, raised so they all could see it as she thanked The Cooperative for the blessed fruit, they have bestowed upon them.
The world had turned full circle. The original sin, an apple taken from the tree of knowledge. Humans developed away from the eye of God, who needed god when you had free will. Greed and hate-fuelled his people. In the end, all the progress humans had made will end the same way, by partaking in the forbidden fruit.
The final sin by modern man.
Thou shalt not kill
“It is time to enjoy our good fortune. You have your treat.”
Everyone takes a bite of their apples. They began to retch then cough. Blood came out. Dead occupants scattered all over the music room.
“Now, that went off rather well, don't you think? Little messier then I would have hoped.”
“Least we don't have to worry about cleaning up. We shouldn't keep Mr Langdon waiting.”
“Ladies, I'm a little busy right now formulating my selections.
“This won't take long.”
“What's this?”
 “We're making the selections now, Mr.
 “And I'm afraid you didn't make the cut.”
 “I'm sorry.” Langdon laughed. “I wanted to let you have your moment, but I just couldn't hold it in.”
 “You think this is funny?”
 “I think I'm impressed, Ms Venable. I wasn't sure you had it in you. You've passed the test. You're perfect for The Sanctuary.”
 “Ms Mead.”
 I wouldn't do that.
 “Ms Mead.”
 The bullet went straight through her. Venable gasped. As the blood seeped out, through all her shock of being betrayed by the person whom she believed was her friend, she remained composed. All she could think about as she laid on the ground where she fell was how she had failed you.
 “I don't know why I did that. I was always loyal to her.” Ms Mead rushed out.
“It's all right. You were obeying commands like you're programmed to do. My commands,” Michael comforted. He leant over her fallen body, “You could’ve been a good subject in the new world. Oh well, another lot of wasted protentional.” He crutched down, getting closer to her face, “what did you do with the medium? You wouldn’t have sent her to her death, where did you hide her?” Venable stared daggers at the man.
 “The girl is still alive?” She was confused about what girl. Venable never spoke of you to her.
 “Her lover. Venable would have hidden her before setting up the masquerade,” He filled Mead in. “Tell me where she is, and I will save you.”
 “Over my dead body,” Venable chocked out.
 “So be it.”
 “She won’t be getting far. Once she finds out about her lover, she’ll be back.”
 “How can you guarantee that?” Besides the fact that he was the antichrist.
 “She’s weak. She’ll be begging for us to bring her back.” He counted on that.
 You all heard the gunshot from your bedroom. Zoe and Queenie was more alarmed than you and Mallory. You both knew the leader of the outpost was up to something but didn’t know the logistics.
 “Venable?” Mallory asked.
 “Probably,” you responded back. You needed to come up with a game plan and quick. “It’s the safest for me to go out because of my ‘relations’ to the leader. Mallory kept with those two while I get the location and status of Langdon.”
 “Michael Langdon’s here?” After hearing that, they didn’t like the idea of you going out. You were the weakest of the four back in the day, but with the Mallory, under a memory spell (and in turn making her unsure of herself) the ranks were all over the place. “Don’t wait up for me. Find Coco and stay safe.”
 You scrambled around your room looking for your trusty switchblade you had since before the apocalypse before you dashed out of your room and went scoped out the environment. The candlelit place wasn’t helping your nerves. It made the place feel like a horror film.
 She should have been back by now. You made your way towards the gunshot. Michael’s room. Two figures were leaving. One was Mead, the other wasn’t your girlfriend. Oh, God. What had she done?
 They turned your way and approached. “Do you want me to kill her?” Mead asked. He moved the hand with a gun in it down so nuzzle pointed the ground. He saw you as no harm to them. You were full of empty threats.
 “Ms L/N, the woman I wanted to see,” Michael said. “The last human resident of outpost three. You should be congratulated.”
 “Something tells me that’s not why you wanted to see me.”
 “I’m offering you a spot as my faithful servant, a spot in The Sanctuary in other words.”
 You raised your brow, “What do I get out of it?”
 “Whatever your heart desires,” He responded. You wondered why you? As if he could read your mind he said, “Your abilities would be incredibly useful in the new age. You would be access to some of the greatest minds in history. Nothing could stop us Y/N.” He offered out his hand to take it. You stand there motionless. No intent of moving closer or further. “Take your time, I have all day.” Again, you don’t move. “You might like to take a look in my room before you make your decision.”
 You rushed past them, brushing shoulders with Michael. He was sure that when you saw the state of her, you would beg him to bring her back and in doing so have to join the ‘dark’ side.
 Her body laid in a pool of her own blood. You gasped before dashing to her side. You checked for a pulse. Her skin was growing colder by the second. Please be alive. No beating. You leant down to see if she was breathing. Nothing. This had to be a sick dream. You would wake up in her arms and she would console you. She would pull you into her chest and run her hand through your hair until you fall back to sleep. She would be there when you needed her, and you would do the same for her. You only got her back, she had to be alive. She had to be.
Something was different in the air. Something was stronger. The air has been disrupted.
 How could he ask you to join him after he did this to your beloved?
 You hunched over, curling into her lifeless body. Your tears mixing with her crimson blood. “Baby, wake up,” you sobbed. “I need you. You can’t leave me.” You kiss her body as if your touch could bring her back to you. She just needed to know you were here and she’ll come back, you thought. You wouldn’t give up. Any idea was better than not trying.
 You pushed down on her chest, wincing as you heard a few cracks. You gave her the air from your lungs then went back to pushing down. Repeat. After three tries you stopped. “I’m sorry, I was never good enough for you. You deserved the world and instead, you got me.” You leant down, resting your forehead against hers, shutting your eyes. “I ruined the last few years of your life and I couldn’t even tell you why. You were my everything. I should have treated you better. I hope your happy, wherever you are.” You exhaled.
 A hand touched your face, cupping itself on your cheek. “Babygirl.” Your brain didn’t recognise the touch in your distraught state. Her hands weren’t warm but ice cold, ghostly even. Her thumb wiped away the tears. All you could think about was how she was gone. Her words, her nickname for you, was just her ghost reaching out to you, you were sure of it. That’s the problem with seeing the dead, they haunt you. Maybe it was for the best, it would give you a chance to say goodbye.
 “I’m so sorry, I should of-” You refused to open your eyes, not wanting to see her as she once was, someone (even though it may seem sick) you preferred to see her as how she died. It made the process easier to hate yourself for what you had done to her.
 “Shh~” Her voice cooed. “Baby, can you look at me?” You shook your head. “Please?” You couldn’t say no to her. Slowly you opened your eye. You gasped. She was alive, beneath you, but how? “That’s better.”
 “H-How?” Mina had no clue. You offered to help her up. One hand grabbed her shoulder, the other held her side. You felt her ribs move as you helped her up. Shit, you remembered, you broke her when you tried to give her CPR. “I think I broke a few of your ribs”
 “I can’t feel them, or my back- my back pain is gone.” She went wide eye. An astonished look on her face.
 You share the same look, bubbling with excitement. “That amaz-ing,” a sudden pain shot through your head. A slipping migraine causing you to launch away from your girl and rest the palm of your hand on your forehead to stop the pain. “AAAAAAHHHHHHHH~” you screamed.
“Baby?” looked over worriedly at you.
 Migraines weren’t uncommon during your time at the outpost, but they were never this extreme or sudden. Your brain was like being stabbed by a blunt screwdriver repeatedly.
 “SSSSTTTOOOOOPP~” You hand formed a fist and was drawn away from your forehead only to snap back like a rubber band. Mina caught it before you could unconsciously slam your fist into your head. It wouldn’t silence your mind or stop the pain. “IIIITTTTT HHUUUUURRRRTTTTSSSS~”
 You ended up helping in the end. Some god must have planned it out because you had made it all too easy to for The Cooperative to find you. In the final two years, you gave it you're all in acting, using your magic only helped you so far. You convinced yourself in order to succeed, you needed to forget. Forget the witches, forget the old life, forget it all. Your last magic-related task, using your limited memory of your botany classes, you mixed up a fine powered to help you forget. 
 The hotel was cold next morning. You were tripping heavily but you never felt better. You didn’t know your name or where you were. You didn’t care. Life was blissful. The worry set in a couple weeks later reflects around you rejigged your memories. Some bitchy blonde came to your hotel room, complaining about how you were stupid and the supreme had sent her to get you. Supreme? You think you ordered a supreme pizza, was she the pizza lady?
 “You’re too pretty to be the pizza lady.”
 “What? Were you listening to me? Cor-”
 “I don’t care what Cornelius wants unless it’s my pizza, then he can’t have it.”
 “Who the fuck is Cornelius?”
 “I don’t know, you’re the one talking about him.” You said to the younger woman. “And tell Samantha she can’t get with me. This pussy ain’t free real estate.” You shake your fist to the ceiling
 “I was sent here to pick up an alcoholic, you're somehow more annoying drunk or maybe it’s because I’m sober”
 “I know you can hear me, whore,” you said this as the ‘pizza lady’ spoke. “I’m high, not drunk- Wait, shit, are you with the cops?”
 “Why couldn’t she have sent Myrtle?” the woman whined.
 “YES! THANK GOD- What are you doing?” 
 You were beside the window, pointing and laughing. 
 “It's snowing!” You were giddy at the sight of white flakes falling from the sky. The biggest smile on your face. The other woman had never seen you so happy, you weren’t aware that she knew you. You had almost forgotten she was there.
 “We need you to do a seance,” the woman said to you. 
 “I don’t like salad.” The woman inhaled sharply and rolled her eyes. You were testing her patience. “But if it comes with the pizza, I don’t mind.”
 “Seance, we want to talk to the dead.”
 “Bread sounds good too, oh~ I get it now, your room service.”
 The woman grumbled something about not wanting to have to pick you up as she pulled out her phone and dialled a number. 
 “Madison?” The voice said through the speaker. You eyed the little box in this ‘Madison’s hands’.
 “I found her, but she’s doped up on drugs.” There was mumbling in the background. 
 “y/n,” the voice through the speaker said. The voice, a woman, explained what Madison was trying to. She took her time, knowing you were under the influence of something.
 “Need me to talk to the dead? Get somebody else! Maybe that craigslist medium that was too much of bitch to love me! Uh~ the sex was great though. I think she’s famous now. Maybe if I sleep with her again, I’ll might make the tabloids.”
 “She’s bad shit crazy,” Madison said.
 You groaned, rubbing your head. “Fuck, I didn’t take enough.” You walked over to your coffee table covered in bits and bobs. Madison followed you asking what you didn’t have enough of. She noticed some of the items could be used for a spell. You pulled out a zip lock bag with a greenish-brown powder. You sprinkled it into your cup of red wine. “What’s in the bag?” she asked.
 “None of your concern Madison,” You went to take a sip when you caught sight of her shocked expression. Her lips remained on the glass. “What?” You put your glass down on the table. “Wait, how did you find me?”
 “Madison, you still there?” Cordelia’s voice from the phone’s speaker.
 “Cordelia?” You said confused. You were in a hotel, your hotel room. Wait, why were you in a hotel room? You looked back at your drink. Red, a colour that seemed to follow wherever you went. You picked up the glass, swirling it around mixing the powder further into the drink.
 “You remember?”
 “Hmm~” You weren’t happy about it.
 “We found a book that we think would help with what Cordelia wanted you-”
 “I don’t care what she wanted me to do,” You said standing up and getting into her face. You leaned over her. You took a small sip of your drink before heading to the window, gazing down onto the city below. “If she’s really powerful enough, she can do it herself.” Another sip. “I was happy before I met you all. You all wanted my story, well here it is, so listen up bitches.” You gave a summary of your life, speaking loud enough so the phone could pick up your voice. Every so often taking a sip of your drink. “I never should have joined you. You’re going to leave me and let the bombs do their jobs.” You chugged the rest of your spiked drink. “I always hated the colour red. Reminds me of all the worst things; blood, danger, love. Purple was always my favourite, especially lilac. Only one thing has matched the colours so well and now it’s gone from me.” Your tone grew angrier by the second. “Soon, I won’t remember who you are, or who I am and you sure as hell better get out before then or you won’t have to wait for the apocalypse because I will bring it to you.”
“NOOOOOOO~ I DON’T WANT TO REMEMBER!” So much blood and carnage. Everything was stained in a coat of crimson red. So many people you couldn’t save, so many women and men killed by that man- if you could even call him that.
 You weren’t alone anymore but surrounded by the souls of many.
 Were you in your own body? You felt air-light among them. Your body was hunched in the same pain-stricken position you were moments before. An out-of-body experience, that’s it.
 “Y/N,” a voice called for your attention. Your head darted in the direction of a woman. A friend? Mallory. Alongside her was Coco, the two weren’t dressed in the Victorian clothes you expected them to be in, it resembled the ones they wore in your dreams. Behind them was a crowd of men in school uniforms, sounding you in a circle. Other familiar faced were there too, all the fallen residents were there, lost in the crowd.
 The woman grew closer, getting down to your level to speak to you.
 “You’re dead?” You asked her, briefly looking over to Coco. You half expected a snarky comment from her to confirm your suspicion.
 “We need you to stop Michael.”
 “Already planned on that.”
 “You won’t be able to do that if you don’t allow yourself to remember-”
 “Who says that, because you saw what I did earlier.”
 “That wasn’t me persa-”
 “Cordelia put us under an identity spell,” Coco looked over to Mallory. “What? We might as well tell her now,” she whined.
 “Was I?”
 They shrugged. They informed you that their bodies where dead and that you would have to revive them in order to stop Langdon. Once awake they would continue to live as their false identities until the spell was lifted. You asked how that had anything to do with you allowing yourself to relive the forgotten years. It had everything to do with it. All of you had to be at your apex and you couldn’t do that if you’re where holding yourself back. Emotions control your powers and though a highly emotional people tend to be reckless, their power can is at their best if controlled well enough. They believed in you. That was a dangerous thing.
 The stinging came back in slow bursts. Your body weighed down. Deep breath in and out.
 Maybe you should stop fighting against it.
 In and out.
 This was it.
 The end of days.
 In the final hour, who will fall?
 You had to lose the fight to with the war. Your blurred vision steadied on a cane long forgotten by its owner. Your arms restrained by a tight grip. They loosen as you seem to intense and less hostile. The power you sensed before; you knew what it was for sure now.
 That man was going to pay for what he has done.
 “They’re here,” you muttered as you stood up, wobbling due to being lightheaded. You found Venable’s cane and hand it to her. Helping her up.
 “Who? Michael?” She bombarded you with questions which you left unanswered.
 You were sure of yourself. Something you hadn't been in years. The merge of your forgotten self and the time since then elevated your knowledge of magic. You thanked yourself for your introvert bookworm traits through the past year and a half.
 You used a power you developed late into your stay at the shack. You counted the living presences you sensed. One… Two. You knew who they belonged to. You sensed a third soon after, Michael.
 "Wilhemina, odd question but is Ms Mead alive?" You saw her walk out of the room with Michael, but she was also in hell. She couldn't do both -unless she was killed and brought back. He was capable of resurrection.
 "That's a difficult question. If you mean like how we are no, she's a robot."
 "No spirit then, good to know," You muttered to yourself. “We need to find Coco and Mallory,”
 “Why? What reason would you need those two?”
 Four... five. The other two must have found them.
 Six? Someone different to the others, no power about them. They recked of death but were hanging on.
 “Are there still guards scoping outside the place?”
 “No, they’re dead.” You turned to her and pulled a face, a mix between confused by her actions and disgusted. “What?”
  Seven…Eight...nine. Everyone’s arrived. Ten? Who was that? Stevens. The number increased but dropped soon after. What was going on?
 You left the room heading the same way as Michael and Mead went. Venable followed behind keeping a good pace. You both heard voices on your way to wherever everyone else was. Mina asked who the other voices were. You remained quiet. You reached the stairs main stairs when you saw Michael plummeted to the ground. Mead’s robotic body laid on the ground, her head was nowhere to be seen. You stepped over the body and watched the chaos. 
 “Who the hell are these people?” Mina asked you. She stood beside you to your right.
 “Witches,” You responded. There was one person you didn't know but from the looks of it she was on your side.
 “There you are Y/N, we weren’t sure if you were going to show up.” Last time you made it clear you wanted no part of any of this, how far you had come. You'd given yourself away for the cause. Crap, you had forgotten about that. You prayed Mallory hadn't told the others yet.
 “We worried when we couldn’t find you,” Zoe said.
 “You know these people?” Venable asked.
 Michael looked up at the women on the stairs. “H-How? I killed-”
 “YOU KILLED MY FIANCE? I WILL DESTROY YOU!” You went to dismember the man, but someone held you back. You looked at her questioning what she was doing when she gestured to the blonde with mead’s handgun, Madison. She was telling you that they could take care of it. She didn’t want you getting hurt in a fit of rage.
  “We need to find a tub,” Cordelia said looking between the residents of outpost 3.
 “Mina, where’s the closest bathroom with a bath?”
 “The grey’s communal one in the west wing.” The one near the swirly stairs.
 “Follow us!” you waved them to follow you, then dashed in that direction.
 Mallory and Cordelia ended up leading the way as Mallory knew the way. You stuck by Mina’s side as you all ran. Coco was beside you trying to keep up in her over the top Victorian attire.
“It’s good to see you happy even if it’s the end of the end,” Coco said. 
 “Thanks Coco, it’s good that you’re not like Madison anymore.”
 “It was a living hell. How can someone be that mean?” her eyes fell to Venable’s. “Uh~”
 “Keep your eye’s forward Ms Vanderbilt,” Venable commanded.
 “Still scary.” You chucked at her response.
 You heard screams from ahead. Oh no, what happened? Something ignited and fell over the railing. Ten. Someone’s gone. Nine. The mystery being was gone.
 “What happened?” Coco asked.
 You looked over the oldest witches. You saw the blood seeping out from her head. No. OH GOD.
 You became woozy at the sight. The chuckles and screams of girls filled your ears. Your sight goes warped. Eight. Bodies everywhere. How did she think this would make things easier?
“Come on, stay with me Mallory,” Cordelia said in-between trying to save her with Vitalum Vitalis. She couldn’t do it; her powers had dwindled for too long. No one else could do it, Madison and Zoe (Queenie was going to stay too, but it was insisted that she should go with them in case he got past them. Her powers could come into better play than theirs) had stayed down to stop Michael. Everyone else couldn’t except-
“Y/N.” Michael said he had killed your fiancée which means someone had to bring her back. You were the only one around. You were pale white. “Y/N?”
"Hmm~ uh- their gone," You slurred out, your eyes couldn't focus on one thing. You were about to warn them you didn't feel good when you fainted.
You felt someone shaking you awake. "Y/N" you moaned, not wanting to be woken up. Venable's voice was guiding you out of your drowsiness.
You roll over your feet falling off something. You help, jolting upright to grab your leg. A wave of dizziness rushes over you but before you could fall back you were caught by your love.
"Yes, my love?"
Rushing water could be heard from behind you. Coco was trying to fill up the tub for Mallory as Cordelia tried to save the girl.
"Mallory!" Mina hushed you. Your little calling caught the attention of your Supreme. She hadn't noticed you were awake; she was too busy trying to keep the younger witch in her arms alive.
You tried to scramble over to the younger witch, but Mina held you back. With puppy dog eyes and the cutest pout, you could do, you convinced her to move you closer.
You took Mallory from Cordelia, a hopeful gleam in her eyes. You looked at Cordelia unsure if yourself. Mallory was alive, if barely. Leaning down you blew, transferring some of your life essential into her. She gasped, choking on the blood that dripped into her mouth.
"I'm sorry," you apologized to Mallory. Then you turned to the others and did the same. No one knew what you were on about. You had saved Mallory and in turn helped save the world. You turned to Cordelia, "I'm sorry I was never a good student, I was always absorbed in my thoughts. When you needed me, I ran out, something I had come to accustom to doing." You looked at Mina for a second. “I doubted myself and to be honest you, but I thank you for everything you have taught me."
"You were never a bad student," Cordelia said. "You've come a long way from when you joined us. You brought back two of my girls-"
"Yeah~" you dragged the word out. She knew instantly you did something bad. She went to question it, but you kept on apologising but this time to your fiancé.
"Mina, I ditched you to go to a school full of witches. I should have trusted you with that information, but I was scared and naive. I didn't stop thinking about you for a single second I was there-"
"Why are you telling me this?"
"You deserve to know-"
"She sold her soul."
"WHAT?" Everyone other than Mallory and you said.
You pulled yourself upright, using the tub to steady yourself, “NO! I DON’T CARE ANYMORE. IT’S ALREADY BEEN DONE. DEAL WITH IT.” You didn’t know what a good scolding you would know. You did this for them, not yourself. You think you want to sentence yourself to hell. If they fail, you not only get your soul taken but you break a deal. You couldn’t comprehend the horrors of not completing a deal.
You tried, again and again, to get things right, only to fail every time. You were a runner, not a fighter, this was your chance to fight. Fitting that it will also be the thing that would kill you, you thought. If you took your time, not ran, maybe you could have done it. What a world that would be. Instead, you were the cowardice woman you’d always been.
 Using magic while highly emotional was dangerous- it was exactly what you needed. You were emotional, caught up in the moment. You would have to be in the same state again, it was when your powers were at their strongest. You weren’t needed in the equation anymore.[1] 
You made your way out of the room, pushing away anyone away. You wished Mallory luck knowing she would need it.
Cordelia was shattered by what you’d done- more than the others, she was the one who made you feel like you had to do it. You knew what she was thinking of doing and you couldn't let her. Once you were gone you couldn't stop her, but you postpone it until after you were gone.
You pushed past the two fighting with Michael. Queenie called out your name, confused with what you were doing. Marie Laveau was taken aback when you ordered them to back up. They had knocked Michael to the ground and had been teaming up on the boy. Michael had been knocked to the ground, he spat out some blood as he looked up to you expecting to see the two other women.
“Your offer still up?” You joked as you kicked him under the jaw. Falling back forwards, it took him a second to bounce back having already taken a beating from the other two.
You got into a boxing stance, gesturing him to come hither, “Come on, fight me like a real man.” You were surprised when he threw a punch at you. You swerved away, grabbing him by the collar of his dinner jacket and swung him into the wall.
Queenie cheered you on. You had gained an audience, Coco and Wilhelmina joined in watching. The sound effects they made as you fought him boasted your ego and enraged Langdon more. You were keeping him injured enough so he couldn’t use his magic back. Cordelia and Myrtle would have been helping Mallory into the tub about now if they hadn’t already. You prayed you could stay alive long enough for Mallory to go back. You didn’t want to die.  
You swung him around like he was a ragdoll. People may have thought you had taken fighting lessons when it was really easy to keep and already weak man down.
He was slumped against a wall, wiping the blood from his mouth. You approached the man, towering over his limp body.
“You had the audacity to offer me a spot as your servant when you killed my love. You underestimated me, dickhead,” you slammed him back into the wall to make sure he didn’t make a move. You had an idea, something you picked up in one of the magic books you read passing the countless hours you’d been stuck here. It was dangerous but you had everything you needed. “I won’t kill you, no, that would be back for my soul. Instead, I want to give you a gift.” You stepped back acting show offish as you did it. You pulled out your switchblade, flicking it open. You’d give them a story to tell for centuries. You dug the blade down the centre of your forearm, deeply enough to get some blood gushing out. You did the same to the other then muttered a curse. Your audience wondered what you were up to- as well as your puppet. “In my interview, I told you that you deserve to rot here. I was wrong. You deserve a lot worse and I know just the boys to do it.”
You whistled as loudly as possible. The walls and floors began to shake. Michael should never have come back to the school after what he did. You pointed at the man and yelled, “Boys, come and get him.”
The spirits of all the boys at this school he killed charged at him, pummelling him and beating him to a pulp. That should give the witches enough time to reverse time and kill Michael before all this happened.
Your audience was squashed to the side as the dead students came through. Coco, the one least in shock of what you did, rushed over to you going to drag you back towards the others. She was so excited about what she saw, raving onto you about how cool she thought it was as she guided you back to the other three. They all complimented you, but you couldn’t hear them over the ringing.
In the distance, you saw Papa Legba. You still had a deal to repay. The blood dripping from you kept rushing out, you were losing a lot of blood and fast. Michael wouldn’t last much longer with the ghosts; half your bargain would be repaid. You were the other half. None of them noticed your wooziness. In a spur of the moment, you pulled Wilhemina close to you and made out with her with as much passion you could while slowly slipping away.
With a last moment like that, maybe hell won’t be so bad.
Mallory had done it, she killed Michael. After all the trouble he caused all her sister witches, she managed to kill him by running him over when he was younger. It was underwhelming to say the least. Everything was right in its place. She would go back to the academy and everything would be alright. It was a little two earlier for her, originally, she had joined the school a little later, maybe a year or two. It wasn’t a probably, a head start wouldn’t hurt her. It did make her cautious for the current Supreme Cordelia. She couldn’t blossom too early in case it harms her friend. It was entirely possible that something was changed in the time travel. This isn’t her time; it could have messed with the universe causing disastrous consequences. She didn’t feel any weaker than the moment she did when Cordelia’s power flowed into her. Again, bring into question if this was her world just changed into time or an alternate universe. She guessed it didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, what happened did happen because she travelled back in time and he couldn’t have technique died if it never happened. Too much, she can think about it another time, she needed to see- meet her friends and set everything straight.
One problem was solved but there were a couple others. First of all, she needed to stop Queenie from going to the Cortez. It was simple enough, Queenie brought up the show in her presence and she told her the view was bad. She decided to change hotel plans. She learned that Myrtle wasn’t alive in this time (one of the few downsides to saving the world) with no grave threat, Cordelia hadn’t found the need to resurrect the woman.
Another bonus to this timeline, because she killed the anti-Christ’s son, they brought back on of Cordelia’s friends. No one explained who did something good for the spirits to bring her back to them but Cordelia was forever thankful.
 It had been a couple months since Mallory arrived at the school before you turned up. When she originally arrived, you had been there for some time and already had the mystery surrounding you. She was going to stop that before it happened once more.
 It was the middle of the day when there was a knock on the door, Cordelia was the one to answer it as classes had already commenced.
You were stunned, now that you stood there you didn’t know what to do. “Uh~” You shook your head trying to get your brain to work. “I saw your interview on the tv a couple months back and- um-”
“You think you might be a witch?”
“I hope so or I may have just made the stupidest decision in my life.” She was confused but you brushed it off saying for her not to worry about it. She brought you inside gesturing you to where you could leave your luggage while she interviewed you. “I’m sorry this might be inconvenient, but can I get a glass of water or something before you interview me, my throat’s a bit dry.”
“That’s no problem at all, I can show you around your new home to while at it.”
“New home yeah,” you mumbled not enthused by the thought of this being your new home, but you needed to be here to learn more about yourself. Cordelia could sense your uncomfortableness with all of this but blamed it with unfamiliarity.
The two of you walked past a class in session, you watched as you approached noting the two young witches teaching the class. They stopped teaching when they noticed that the class had focused their attention on the headmistress and you.
You didn’t enjoy being stared at, you lowered your gaze, playing with your engagement ring.
“New girl?”
“Yes, this is- uh~ I never got your name.”
“Y/N. Y/N L/N.”
“Doesn’t seem your last name will stay like that for much longer,” Mallory said. “Is that an engagement ring I spot?”
You chuckled awkwardly. This made some of the girls light up, some got out of there chair to see the ring. You shyer away, Cordelia was about to step in when the girls’ excitement decided to make you cave. These girls didn’t even know you and they were excited for you. Mallory slipped next to the Cordelia as they hassled you for more details on your partner, “Come on girl tell us about him.”
“You couldn’t have seen the ring from where you were sitting,” Cordelia said to the girl, not tearing her gaze from you.
“She was playing with it-” She knew Mallory was bluffing. “I can’t explain it to you, but she reminds me of an old friend.”
“No, no it’s a woman,” You said shy of telling them about your preferences- this was a girl only school. Unlike what you thought, the acceptance they showed helped to build your confidence in order to talk about your fiancé. The others loved listening.
“What happened to this friend?” Cordelia asked.
“She ran away from love to learn about herself and regretted it until the end.”
“Of her life?”
“Something like that,” Mallory said.
You made large gestures with your hands as you told the story of how you met. A few students gasped, all on the edge of their sits.
“Okay girls stop harassing Y/N,” Cordelia said. All the girls around you backed up. The smile you wore died down. You went back into your timid persona unsure of what to do. “We took up enough of your class time and I still need to get your paperwork in order.”
“Water?” You reminded Cordelia.
“Yes, this way.” She led you into the kitchen to get your beverage.
The paperwork was long and boring. Being under the school’s care meant they needed to be aware of any health issues you had, allergies and all that personal stuff so they could keep an eye on you if needed, make sure you’re in your best possible health and to ensure they don’t feed you something that could kill you. Besides that, it was standard information, birth date, emergency contact (if you had one), etc.
“Heaven forbid something happened to you; do you have anyone you would like us to contact?” She asked still looking down at your papers. When you didn’t respond she peered up. You shook your head. “What about your fiancé?” You lowered your head, shaking it again slowly. Cordelia settled her pen down. She clasped her hands in front of her before adjusting her chair, so she was closer to her desk and in turn you. “She doesn’t know you’re here, does she?”
“No Ma’am.”
“There’s no need for here formalities Y/N.” She leant forward, tilting her head trying to see your face. “Are you going to tell her?” You paid her the attention she wanted. She went back into her original position. “She’s going to worry.”
“WHAT DO YOU KNOW?” You regretted what you said immediately, “I’m sorry. It’s just that she’s- I don’t know, complex? She wouldn’t understand-”
“You’re jumping to conclusions, not even allowing her a chance to understand you.” She had a point. “If you don’t tell her, I will, and it will look a lot worse for you if I do it.”
“You couldn’t do that-”
“I could perform a simple spell and find her in less than five minutes. Or I could do it the old-fashion way and ask for details from the girls you spoke to earlier. I’m guessing you mentioned a name?”
“Through the name into google along with some other details and I’m all good.” Maybe she wasn’t bluffing. “So, which will it be?” You didn’t want this woman to do it but how could you speak to her after what you’ve done? You were so convinced that she would reject you or hate your guts that you couldn’t phone her. “I ca-n’t,” you stuttered out, ashamed of yourself.
“Do you want to give me the number or are you going to make this difficult for me?” She asked.
You gave her the number in the end. She asked you to stay during the call, but you couldn’t. You sat outside looking out into the backyard.
“You alright there?” Mallory asked plopping down next to you. You nodded not paying her much mind. Sensing you were not, she offered to distract you for a bit by telling you a story. One of witches and warlocks, where the world came to end, and the survivors had to play it safe or die. You found similarities with one of the characters and another reminded you of your fiancé (funny enough the two were together in the tale). You thanked her for saving your mind.
“You told me the others lived happily after but what happened to the leader and her lover?”
“They-” Mallory was cut off with the entrance of Cordelia who asked if she was interrupting. You both shook your head.
“I spoke to her and-”
“I don’t want to hear it.”
“Y/N-” Mallory put her hand on your shoulder causing you too look at her. “Listen to what she has to say.” You squinted at her; did you know her? Nah. You think you would remember her.
“She was irritated at first- mostly because she thought I was lying. She wants to speak to you.”
“I ca-”
“I told her that you refused and after a lot of talking, we booked her tickets to the next flight over.”
“You didn’t- why?”
“Your one of us now, we take care of our own.”
With the world as it should be, the lot of you had no care in the world. The whole ordeal of outpost 3 just a distant memory to Mallory.
When Wilhemina showed up at the academy’s door, there was a lot of sobbing (on your part). You were the one to open the door. Cordelia and Mallory was there for moral support and to make sure you actually went through with it.
 The beautiful redhead stood in front of you.
You choked up, “M-Mina.” You pulled her into a hug. She was stiff at first but warmed into the hug. “I-I’m sooo sorry. I’m so stu-pid.” She shushed you. She didn’t make you explain anything until you had calmed down.
It was odd to see the once feared head of outpost three in a different light. The woman, though hesitant at first, warmed up to the new world. Seeing how happy you were when she was around, Cordelia offered the woman a job at the academy helping Cordelia out with all the boring paperwork Cordelia always found herself drowning in. She even upped the pay to make the job more enticing. She never told you that she did that. Everything was behind your back. It was the best surprise you had in years. Wilhelmina remained in the office most of her time, you popped by when you didn’t have any classes (Cordelia may have walked in on you two a couple of times doing unspeakable things. She had to make it a rule no sex in the office).
 Though Wilhemina was bound to her office (or you) most of the time, she did grow close to the residents of Miss Robichaux's. When retelling all the events of the day, she would stop to make sure she knew which girl you were talking about, learning their names through the tales you told. You had to snap at her once or twice to be nice to your peers, especially the younger ones. A few tears were shed but you had a way with helping people feel better.
 The two of you held off on your plans until you were able to get married Louisiana. You held it at the school because the students had turned into both your family and there was no point in having it anywhere else. It was the definition of a fairy-tale wedding.
 Even though everything felt perfect, the devil wasn’t going to give up his plans that easily but this time the witches would be more prepared for the worst.
Thanks for reading :)
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