#college au wanda maximoff
mionemymind · 1 month
Chapter 1: Second to You
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My Rival Series
Summary: “I hate Wanda Maximoff. I hate her face and the way she hides her freckles. I hate her smile and how perfect she laughs. I hate how smart she is and how she knows everything. I hate her.” Y/n complained. 
But how could she hate the girl that always took #1 in everything? How could she hate the girl that captivated her mind 24/7? How could she hate the girl she would willingly be #2 for?
Or the time where Y/n Y/l/n and Wanda Maximoff were academic rivals that fell for each other.
A/n: Gif credits to @aftertheglitterfades
Warnings: Rivals to Lovers, Obvious Feelings, Stubborn Reader, Cursing
Word Count: 4.1k
Series Masterlist
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 |
One Month - Spring Semester
“Please be a hundred - please be a hundred.” The brown eyed girl silently pleaded under her breath. Her hands were clenched together, easily covering her mouth. She couldn’t, actually wouldn’t, give her the satisfaction of seeing her nervous. 
With her dark brown hair, quick green eyes, and pretentious smile, Wanda Maximoff already had a lot going for her, something Y/n could easily list out. ‘So god forbid, please humble her for one moment’ Y/n thought to herself. 
Trying her best to not seem so obsessed, Y/n carefully studied Wanda’s reaction. While the rest of the class seemed upset over their grades, seeing Wanda’s smile among the crowd of frowns ticked something inside Y/n. ‘Oh please, not another 100.’ But there went that fucking cocky smile, one that brought Wanda’s dimples out, and Y/n knew the answer. 
Looking back at Professor Hathaway, the older woman gently smiled at Y/n as she handed her test backwards, careful to not expose her grade. Once she passed, Y/n slowly flipped it over, eyes squinted as if it would help lessen the blow. 
‘Oh god - a 99.’ Y/n tried to steel herself from any reaction. She knew Wanda would be looking at her like a hawk. Taking a peak past the paper, Y/n could easily spot those green eyes anywhere in a crowd. And just as Y/n expected, Wanda was looking. 
“Okay class, this week's test was better. We currently have a class average of 65. There were two outliers that have caused the average to bump up. For those that need help for next week, please feel free to reach out to see where we can improve. No homework due but please try to review the remarks I’ve made.” 
Everyone was quick to start packing up, especially those that barely scored a passing D. But for Y/n, she packed quickly to avoid Wanda. Hearing Wanda talk about another perfect score would only rile her up and considering she still had to study for the managerial accounting test, talking to Wanda was the last thing she wanted.
But Y/n never got what she wanted. When a classmate accidentally bumped into her backpack, causing the contents to spill, Y/n couldn’t help me internally curse at her luck. “I’m really sorry about that Y/n!” 
Y/n didn’t dare focus on the feeling of Wanda getting closer, she didn’t even need to see to know she was only a meter away. “It’s okay Katie. Just be careful next time.” The blonde meekly smiled as she walked off to her next lecture, leaving Y/n behind to pick her stuff up. 
Just as the final book was stuffed into her bag, Y/n rose up from the ground, ready to grab her test, but Wanda was quicker. Holding back her distaste, Y/n watched as Wanda’s smug smile grew seeing the 99 plastered right at the corner. 
“Better luck next time, Y/l/n,” Wanda proudly stated as she held up the perfect grade written on her test. Holding back her profanities, Y/n snatched her test and shoved it at the bottom of her backpack. “And messing up a simple year for Renoir’s paintings, my my, this is easy at this point.” 
Y/n slung her backpack and started to walk out of the lecture hall. Usually, no response and the sight of someone leaving would give a normal person the idea that they don’t want to talk. But Wanda wasn’t normal by any means. 
She walked at a similar fast pace beside Y/n, enjoying the silent treatment she was receiving. “Not gonna talk? Ya know, I could help you study in case you need it.” 
Y/n scoffed as they exited the humanities building. ‘The nerve.’ Y/n thought. 
It was a nice spring at Evergreen University. The weather was at a perfect 75 degrees. People were out on the lawn, enjoying themselves, hanging out with friends, having picnics, overall having a great time. But none of that was something Y/n hardly got to experience nowadays. 
For the majority of the first month of the spring semester, Y/n had either been stuck at her dorm, the library, or some other student’s dorm, helping them study. The luxury of having fun was something Y/n could hardly afford. Not when Wanda Maximoff was a constant reminder of your failure to beat her. 
“99 is still good, Maximoff, in case you forgot.” They passed by a couple of people that knew Wanda, but that didn’t deter the brunette at all. She waved at them with her perfect smile which irritated Y/n even more. 
“She speaks! Didn’t know you were settling for second place now. You must’ve lost your confidence. Afraid you can’t beat me?” Y/n grumbled something that Wanda couldn’t hear. 
With Y/n’s dorm hall getting closer, the brown eyed girl quickened her pace, hoping that Wanda would stop. “More like I don’t want to humble you. Princess might get hurt if I actually try my best.” 
Wanda feigned hurt, dramatically placing a hand on her chest. “Going for the ego jab? What will I ever do?” Wanda laughed, a laugh that came from her chest, one that was wholehearted, and god did Y/n hate it. “Takes more than that to hurt me.” 
Stopping right before the entrance, Y/n halted infront of Wanda, the two almost colliding.
“Oh yeah? Then-” 
“Y/n, can you help me with accounting?” Y/n turned around to her savior. It was one of her classmates from her managerial class. Her name was Holly. 
“Sure thing.” Unbeknownst to Y/n, Wanda rolled her eyes at the pathetic excuse. Holly was a smart girl, one that hardly needed to study. This was all just a lame excuse to hang out with Y/n, something Wanda easily saw through. 
Adjusting her backpack, Y/n walked towards Holly, holding the door open. Looking back at Wanda with a frown, Y/n remarked, “Next time, I won’t go easy.” 
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Midway - Spring Semester
“Are you going to come with me to the party?” It was a Saturday night at Evergreen University. Parties were a typical thing especially since the campus had a large selection of greek life. 
However, today was not a typical Saturday. Midterms were finally over and the majority of campus was out for the night, trying to enjoy a little stress reliever. 
“Can’t Natty. I gotta study.” Y/n said hunched over a book. While Y/n did receive well above passing grades, none of them could compete with Wanda’s. It’s like no matter how much Y/n studied, there was always one small detail that would prevent her from being perfect.
“You’re always studying. Can’t you give me at least one night away from all of this.” Natasha looked around the room, Y/n’s side was filled to the brim with various books, journals, and papers. It was an academic mess. 
“You know I can’t.” Natasha sighed at Y/n’s response. She walked towards her bed, giving Y/n a tight hug. Having been roommates since freshman year, Natasha knew how Y/n was when it came to her academics. 
“At least I have senior year to try.” Y/n laughed, knowing that she’d never really go to a party. She had nothing against them, but the idea of pretending like you’re having fun was exhausting for her. 
“Text or call me if you need me to pick you up, okay? I’ll have my ringer on the highest volume.” Natasha grabbed her phone and keys, blowing a fake kiss to Y/n. 
“Thanks love. Stay up till 1:00 am for me? If I don’t text you by then, go to sleep. I’ll have a ride.” Y/n gave a thumbs up as Natasha left. 
Looking back at the time, it was only 10:00 pm. The dorms hardly muffled the loud music playing on the floor above. And knowing the RA on the floor, they’d simply dismiss it until 2:00 am. 
Shaking her head, Y/n grabbed the nearest bag and stuffed the essentials she needed. A night trip to the library wasn’t going to hurt. 
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“Accounting can literally go fuck themselves,” Y/n uttered. She was currently tucked away in a far corner on the fourth level of the library. This place hardly had any students around and with midterms being over, not a single soul was in the library at this time, well besides Y/n. 
“I need a break.” Pushing the chair back, Y/n stretched her legs and arms out, releasing out a weird primal groan in the process. Tapping her phone screen, it was a quarter past twelve. Her body was stiff and desperately needed a walk. 
“How the hell am I so stiff?” Y/n cracked her neck, hands, and knuckles, a very bad habit she developed at a young age. 
Grabbing her wallet, Y/n walked away from her spot and traversed through the long aisles of books. She eyed a couple of interesting subjects on the way to the vending machine, saving them in her head the next time she needed a new book to read. 
It didn’t take long before she spotted the bright fluorescent machine. Eying the choices, there wasn’t much. To play it safe, she got a Pepsi and quickly started to drink it. 
‘I really need to start drinking more water.’ The thoughts on being healthy always came around this time, among other things. So to distract herself more, Y/n walked around the floor, hoping to do some exploring. 
She was hardly a couple of meters away when Y/n saw her. Asleep on top of her books and notes, mouth slightly parted, and slightly shivering was Wanda Maximoff. The sight caused Y/n’s breathing to hitch. The grip on the bottle tightened, feeling already irritated and Wanda hadn’t even said a word. 
Looking around for anyone nearby, Y/n grumbled knowing that no one else would be studying on a weekend this late at night, but of course the only two people on the campus that would be are herself and Wanda. 
Y/n wanted to leave, everything from her mind and body told her to walk away and act like you didn’t see her. But how could Y/n ignore the way Wanda’s body shivered from being under the a/c? How could she ignore the way her lips twitched from reacting to a dream? How could Y/n ever ignore her? 
Betraying all logic, Y/n walked to Wanda’s table. Although she wanted to wake her up, which would’ve been the nice thing to do, the large part of Y/n didn’t want Wanda to know she could be kind to her. 
They’ve been at this stupid ‘race’ or ‘competition’ since freshman year ever since they took the intro to biology together. A lot of the people in the class had struggled, especially those that were not pursuing a STEM major. So when the professor made a light comment that Wanda was always first place in the class and Y/n was second, something inside them changed. 
Maybe it was the way Y/n noticed how much Wanda thrived under praise or how she loved answering the professor’s questions. None of the characteristics really bothered Y/n at all and she certainly didn’t care to be second. But then more exams came and Wanda was always first and Y/n was always second. 
Next came the light taunting from her friends, saying Wanda has never been beaten academically that it started to rub you the wrong way. And then came the fateful day, where Wanda had come to Y/n after class ended and asked, “Do you want help with biology?” 
The question was supposed to be harmless, but it was the fact that Y/n was around with her friends who then started to chuckle and taunt the question. It felt embarrassing especially since she didn’t even suck at the subject. 
So with a sore ego and hurt pride, Y/n mumbled a no and walked away as her friends howled even more. Ever since then, the two have been at it. And by the looks of it, it was not going to stop. 
‘Just walk away and let her deal with it.’ The thoughts in her head were convincing. Wanda would eventually wake up and be fine. She would get up, go back to her dorm, and probably act like nothing happened. 
Turning back around, Y/n almost walked away but her heart couldn’t. Sleeping alone in this lonely part of the library was not something Y/n wanted for Wanda. Looking around the table, Y/n spotted Wanda’s phone past all the humanities notes. 
Grabbing it, Y/n was surprised to find that there was no passcode. ‘Maximoff, you really need to change that.’ 
Looking through her contacts, Y/n finally was able to find Pietro. Sending a quick ‘pick me up from the fourth floor of the library’ felt harmless. Especially since it sounded like something she would say. 
Placing the phone back in its original spot, Y/n felt satisfied enough to walk away. But Wanda just had to whimper in her sleep, still shivering from the cold. 
Y/n would never admit it outloud but she would have cursed Evergreen University for making their libraries so cold. Taking off her flannel, Y/n shook her head as she placed it on top of Wanda. She had plenty more in the closet, so losing one was not going to hurt. 
‘I fucking hate her.’ Y/n convinced herself as she finally walked away from Wanda. The brown eyed girl got back to her table. It was useless to continue to study. Wanda was all she could think about right now. 
Sighing, Y/n grabbed her phone. It was getting close to 12:30 and there was still no text from Natasha. Packing her stuff up, Y/n walked out the library at a slow place. Within a block away from the library, Pietro had jogged past Y/n, not even recognizing the girl with how dim the streetlights were. 
No one else witnessed this, and once again Y/n would never admit it, but she did smile knowing Wanda was going to be okay.
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Pietro could hardly make his way through the library. If we’re being honest, he kind of forgot that this library was 24/7. After scrounging through the fourth floor, he finally found Wanda asleep at her study table.
Muttering curses under his breath, he walked to her, ignoring the flannel that covered her. ‘I didn't even take that long.’ He thought to himself. Pietro had only taken around 10-15 minutes to get to her. How did she manage to fall asleep? 
“Sestra.” Wanda woke up from the constant tugging on her shoulder. Grumbling a few incoherent words, she sat up, barely awake. Yawning into her hand, Pietro shook his head at the sight of Wanda. “You fell asleep studying, again?” 
Wanda shrugged her shoulders, too tired to even respond. “Let's get you back to your dorm.” 
As Pietro helped Wanda pack her stuff up, the brunette finally noticed the flannel on her shoulders. She snaked her arms through it, enjoying the warmth and comfort it provided. 
Too tired to think, Wanda followed Pietro out of the library and to her dorm hall. It didn’t take long for them to arrive. Thankfully, Wanda didn’t have a roommate, perks of having rich parents. 
Pietro had muttered a goodbye as he dropped Wanda’s bag near her desk. He flipped the lights off and closed the door. 
Wanda easily slipped under the covers, flannel still on. The cologne was distinct, something her body already knew who it belonged to. But having been too tired to think, Wanda simply thought it was Pietro’s flannel. 
But had she actually paid attention, she would’ve noticed the only person using this cologne was Y/n. Had she been paying attention, she would’ve noticed how much her body enjoyed having the flannel on. Had she been paying any attention, she would have noticed that the flannel was slightly too small to fit on Pietro. 
And if Wanda had a bit more energy, she would have noticed that her subconscious didn’t fight the feeling of Y/n. 
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Almost a week has gone by since the library situation. Y/n was certain that Wanda had figured out her stunt. I mean the flannel had her initials written on the underside of the tag. But when Wanda walked into class, flannel surprisingly on, it shocked Y/n. 
‘Does she seriously not know?’ During the whole lecture, Y/n could not focus. All her undivided attention was on Wanda Maximoff. The way the flannel hung off her shoulders or the way she would purposely cover her hands with the sleeves. 
Every single detail was not left unnoticed. And as class ended, Wanda came over with her usual smug self. She made a comment or two, but Y/n hadn’t heard a single thing. Not when her flannel was still being worn by Wanda Maximoff. 
And by the looks of it, Wanda didn’t know. It literally took Natasha shoving Y/n for the brown eyed girl to even respond. “See ya, Maximoff.”
Y/n had panicked and blanked hard. She left in such a hurry that even Wanda was confused. 
“What’s up with her?” Wanda asked Natasha, but even she didn’t know. 
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“Okay, this has been like the 10th time you’ve looked at her in this past conversation. What’s up with you?” If Y/n could, she would leave the country at the moment. Feeling so embarrassed, Y/n thought about denying Natasha’s comment, but god she was being so obvious about it. 
“I-,” Y/n sighed with her head in her hands. “I did something nice to someone I usually don’t do anything for.” 
Natasha hummed as she ate her banana. She carefully looked back and noticed Wanda talking with some of her friends out on the lawn. They were too far away to even notice the pair, but it didn’t hurt to be careful. 
“So you were nice to Maximoff? What’s the big deal?” It irritated Y/n that Natasha could be so nonchalant about everything. Couldn’t she clearly see why it was a big deal? 
“I guess…” Y/n looked over at Wanda once more. Her smile was radiant even if she was a little far away. And the way her body tilts back every time she laughs, Y/n could have sworn that she could hear it from her spot. Or maybe it was the way her mind remembered everything about Wanda. 
“It just made me think what if we were actually friends rather than…this.” Natasha could easily see this was a big deal to Y/n. However, their whole situation was rather odd. The banter and competition was just a children's game to her. No harm really came out of it. 
“Well I think there’s still time to make up. Why don’t you go over there and just try to talk to her?” Y/n scoffed at Natasha’s absurdity. 
“Yeah - over my dead body.” 
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“We’re partners.” Y/n wasn’t dead but it certainly almost felt like she was as she choked on Wanda’s comment. Quickly gaining the attention of other classmates, Y/n waved them off and regained her composure. She wiped the water from her lips and stared at the piece of paper that Wanda shoved in her face. 
Team 7 - Y/n Y/l/n and Wanda Maximoff
“I told the professor that you and I could easily do this project alone, but he wasn’t having it. Apparently we need to improve our teamwork skills.” Y/n looked up and easily saw how displeased Wanda was. Using all her acting skills, Y/n did the same. 
Before Y/n could say anything, Wanda commented, “Just come over to my dorm after math club. It’s at Bourbon Hall. Dorm 321.” And just like that, Y/n easily forgot all about her kindness as Wanda walked away. 
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The day was almost over. All Y/n had to do was enjoy another meeting at math club, be civil with Wanda, and then go to sleep. Although she didn’t necessarily want to do it in that order, duty called. 
Y/n was about to enter the room for math club until Lily stumbled in front of her with urgent eyes. “Hey Y/n, Dean Holloway wants to see you.”
“Do you know why?” The Dean never had random meetings with students. Generally, students would pop up to him with issues. Not the other way around.
Lily shook her head no with a small frown. “Sorry, he didn’t say.” Looking over the math club, Y/n could see that Wanda had already arrived. There was never an instance where Y/n wasn’t at a meeting, but knowing Wanda, she could handle it like a pro. 
“Okay, can you tell Wanda that I’ll be late and to start off without me?” Y/n adjusted her backpack.
“Sure thing, I’ll let her know.” Y/n gave Lily a small smile before walking away. 
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Their banter was supposed to be a children's game, simple, harmless. Nothing was supposed to come out of it. But the look in Y/n’s eyes told a different story. Her thoughts flooded with insecurities as the conversation she had with the Dean replayed. 
“Thank you for coming at such short notice Y/n. I wanted to see you before your current meeting with math club.”
Y/n hadn’t gone back to attend math club. It meant seeing Wanda, the very last person she wanted to see at all. She knew that the brunette would already be pissed at her being late, but it was better to avoid that conversation entirely. 
“I’m going to cut to the chase since you’re a very busy student. By the board, new requirements have been added to your scholarship effective immediately.”
“What are they?” There was no letter or notice coming from the school about her scholarship so this must have been a very recent decision. The Dean was unable to look Y/n in the eye as he recalled the meeting. He looked stiff and strained, something that was easy to notice. 
“For the upcoming math club state competition, the school is requiring that you and your group must achieve first place. There is no tolerance for anything less than that.”
Y/n could remember the silence being deafening. She didn’t know what to say. The whole reason she was even at Evergreen University was due to her full ride. And for the board to randomly put that on the line felt so targeted. 
Y/n tried to beg for an explanation as to why the board decided this. Wasn’t she a great enough student? Regardless, Dean Holloway was useless. He couldn’t give her a single reason as to why they decided to implement this. Essentially making Y/n deal with it herself. 
For a minute, Y/n allowed herself to dream about first place. It felt plausible, but as her phone buzzed in her bed, reality came back. Right on the screen it said Wanda Maximoff. Not wanting to speak, Y/n let the phone ring until it hit voicemail. Before she could have her moment of peace, a harsh set of knocks were at her door. 
Figuring it was Natasha forgetting her key again, Y/n slowly got up. “Coming - coming.” Not bothering to check the peephole, Y/n opened the door, her eyes landed on her.
The girl who knew every answer to every question. The girl who hasn’t left Y/n’s mind since freshman year. The girl who was the reason she was second. 
“Not going to the meeting is one thing, but ditching our plans is another.” Wanda passed Y/n up, allowing herself to enter without permission. She sat down at Y/n’s desk, immediately spouting out ideas about their project. 
But as Y/n stared at Wanda, she couldn’t help but think, ‘You’re the reason I will never be first.’ 
And that made it real. It was no longer a children’s game. This was a competition. And Wanda Maximoff was going to have to lose. 
Chapter 2
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Taglist: @halobaby  @arelyitsherec8 @blackxwidowsxwife @cristin-rjd @madamevirgo @trikruismybitch @paradiselost916 @mmmmokdok @morbid-gaymer @dailyavengering @itsnottilly @helloalycia @randomshyperson @tomy5girls @daenerys713 @ensorcellme @lezzzbehonesthere @imagine-reblog
@sighsam @olsensnpm @tquick99 @feolok @emilyprentisslittlewhore @mvddison99 @iamapotato @yuhloversxx @mjaudrey @upsidedowndanvers @somewhatgreatexpectations @wandavixen @magicallymaximoff @username23345 @coollemonsaresour @littlewinchester15 @aimezvousbrahms @afuckingshituniverse @am-just-a-cosmic-joke-to-me 
@ohmygooddamnbisexualmood @diaryoflife @s7uts @newyork1432 @the-anxious-stargazer @hello-mtf @marvelousbelladonna @ima-gi–na-tion @obsessed-with-wandamaximoff @the-camilucha 
@itsnottilly @171611 @kaitlynroseb @daisybri7 @drpepperobsessed @bemyvitamin @musicinourlips @marvelousbelladonna @gingerbreadcookieforlife @xastrydx @chasethemoon @naixia00 @lostandsearching @stupidsapphicsstuff @haechanana @the-camilucha @severepeanutartisanhands @owloftheshadows @somewhatgreatexpectations @ywuen @mixed-fandom-mess @loomontoia @ilovemarvelwomen @coxmicbabygirl  @cyanide-mustard @mrs-avenger3000 @prentisshoe @andrea-stark @simpforwandanat @abimess @randomshyperson @yourtaletotell @magically-queer-stuff 
@imapotatao @iliketozoneout @maximoffbrossupremacy​@olsensnpm​ @psychadelichues​ @whitelotus00 @taliiiaasteria @tynix @autorasexy @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @hiiraya @reginassweetheart @milkeeteaa @alyciaddict @justgotlizzied
@msmothermaximoff @ielliesitchyeyereposts @nothanksbye07 @unicorniusfallapatorius @misshelchwhen @marvelogic @emiliaisdead @tobiaslut
635 notes · View notes
marigoldenblooms · 3 months
An Important Lesson - One-Shot
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Pairing: Professor!Wanda x Fem!Reader (MINORS DNI - 18+)
Prompt: After years of rigorous study, you were nearing the end of your graduate program. Companionship had become a figment of your imagination, until your film professor caught your eye. Taking something from her desk, you hope you could catch hers- and you got more than you bargained for.
Tags: Who is Y/N I don’t know her, Dom!Wanda, Sub!Reader, Porn with plot, teasing, orgasm denial, vibrator use, thigh riding, Mommy kink, Professor kink (sparingly), no aftercare, slight dub-con, dumbification, praise, dom/sub dynamics, power imbalance (professor/student), age gap (Reader is 26 while Wanda is 34), brat taming if you squint. 
A/N: Holy balls, I did not realize smut was so hard to write. Major kudos to all who seem to do it so effortlessly! I know I envy ‘em. This is my first foray into writing this kind of fic (my university’s spring break has brought a lot of writing firsts), so if you have any feedback I’d love to hear it! This is also vaguely proofread! Wanted to do some practice before the evental sex in Unica Sempter Avis (Because USA is certainly an Abbreviation of All Time), and other ideas I’ve got cooking up. I'd love to write another part to this, if y'all would be down! Thanks y'all again!  Edit: An Important Lesson is getting a second part! Read a teaser here! >:)
Word Count: 2.5k - Read length: 9 minutes, 5 seconds.  Pictures aren't mine, credit to their owners! ~~~ 
The pen hadn’t been worth stealing, and yet here you were. 
Professor Maximoff’s classroom was overwhelmingly quiet, dark and empty with familiar rows of tables curved in a half arc around her desk, pushed off to the side. She’d always pace within the front few rows where you sat, and you’d have to crane your neck to keep her in view when you weren’t scribbling down paraphrases of what she said. She taught Advanced Film and Media Critique, which generally lended itself to analyzing the shit out of old TV shows. Maximoff was a difficult professor, but you weren’t looking for easy, especially in your graduate program. After a few years of working your ass off to make enough money, you’d wiped the floor with your bachelors and now you were vying for your masters, in your last few weeks of grad school. And you knew Professor Maximoff liked you, which didn’t make it so bad. 
You knew other things about her too - for instance, there was no way she wasn’t a lesbian. Whenever you’d raise your hand her eyes would snap to you, and you swear her face would curl into a smile that was beyond professional. You’d catch her staring in your direction during exams on multiple occasions (to be fair you did the same when she wasn’t looking, but that’s besides the point), and you swear up and down that she winked at you during your midterm. She’d hold onto your hand a little too long when you turned in papers, and always offered ‘tutoring’ sessions which you humbly declined in the beginning of the semester, your grade being nigh perfect in her course. Between that, the short nails, tailored suits, and the rings- oh, so many rings- there was no way your professor wasn’t gay, and possibly had the hots for you. Your studies had been your priority over companionship for so long,  And now, within a few weeks of your final, why not make a move?
Heist films had been the topic of last week’s lecture, and so nicking something small would be a good segway, right? You’d return it to her tomorrow after class, mention something flirty (perhaps about stealing her heart), and see where it went. If you were lucky, you’d have her number by the end of the course, and perhaps take the older woman to coffee after your final exam. You’d bring her to the movies, but that might turn into more of a lesson than a date. 
As you’d pluck a pen from one of her desk drawers, you notice that it was slightly heavier than most. You clicked it once, then a second time- and nothing happened, so it went into your pockets. You’d move to exit the dim room, before a plaque caught your eye- her degree. It was neatly pressed into its frame: Wanda Maximoff, Masters of Arts in Film and Media Studies. You remembered her mentioning she was working on her doctorate, a proud grin sparking at that. Perhaps you’d get to know more about her dissertation and herself shortly. ------------------------------------------
Class went by faster than most, although it didn’t help that you were anxiously awaiting the end of Professor Maximoff’s lecture. She had worn a trim fitted sleeveless blouse and buttoned pants, both beautiful shades of burgundy. A myriad of gold rings decorating her hands as she’d motion with them through her talk. You’d have to keep your eyes off her fingers, nose deep in notebooks as you’d scramble to collect her words before your incoming final exam. 
“And what is the significance of I Love Lucy’s laugh tracks?” Wanda would ponder aloud before your hand immediately shot up, the lone attempt out of your fifty or so classmates. She’d grin at you, “Yes, dear?” 
You almost forget what you were about to say, holding onto the vestiges of it as you’d sputter, “Oh, uhm- yes, well, I Love Lucy didn’t have laugh tracks, mostly- they were the first sitcom to have a live studio audience.” Her eyes would crinkle with mirth, and you could tell immediately that you had the right answer. You tuned out her words as your mind would swim, thinking back to the weighted pen in your jeans pocket. The pet names were new, settling a joyous fuzz both in your mind and between your legs. It was things like this that had you on the back foot- this was your chance to get her back.
“And I’ll see you all in two days,” Wanda would return to her desk, sitting atop it rather than in the chair behind it. One of your classmates had asked why in an icebreaker towards the beginning of the semester, and if you remembered correctly she said ‘Just like the view from up here,’ or the like. If you’d been on the same track mind as now, you probably would have noticed how she stared at you during her spiel, a detail only discovered in hindsight. Now, you had all the pieces. 
You pack up slowly, shimmying your belongings into your overly stuffed bag. Hanging back until there were few students left, you flag her gaze with a hand and an upturned smile, “Professor, I was wondering if I could..” Your words would halt in your throat, thoughts thickened and syrupy as she’d look down to you, head tilted a degree off kilter. Would it be embarrassing to admit you’d never been this close to her before? Her lips would be pursed, but would break into a wild grin, and you felt yourself melt right there. You weren’t a teen anymore goddamnit, focus- “Talk-” you’d squeak, clearing your throat hastily to camouflage the blunder, “Talk with you, after class. Professor.”
Her brows would raise, and you could almost see the cogs rotating in there. Her eyes would dart within the now-empty room, adjusting her position on the desk- and it’d become increasingly obvious (you can deny it no longer) that you were standing directly in between her slightly parted legs. This wasn’t how you were expecting it to go, but here you were. She’d start taking off her rings. “Of course, darling,” she’d tease again with a roughened lilt. Those damn pet names. “What do you need?”
“I think I have something of yours, Professor-” Your mouth would open a few seconds before you’d speak, and you swear she’d smirk at how she had you, devoid of any thought. Something about her had you smiling and kicking your feet, and boy did she know it. Without any further bravado, you’d pull out the pen, “I hate to say it, but I think you’ve stolen-”
“Oh,” She’d breathe, Wanda’s face tinting with a pinkish hue, yet her smile only grew larger. Her gaze would narrow, voice dripping with a sultry air that almost knocked you off balance, “I didn’t let you borrow that, did I?”
“No Professor,” you admit, beginning to launch into your story, before she’d shush you- shush you, words piling up into a lump in your throat. 
“And do you know what it does, darling?” She asks, her tone a breathy whisper now. You swallow, shaking your head no. She fucking giggles. She takes the pen from your hand, clicking it three times, and it’d start to buzz. Oh, my god. It was a fucking vibrator.
“Too dumb to even recognize what this is? And I thought you were so smart..” She’d tease, a flush forming on your face in tandem with a shiver down your body. You open your mouth to speak, and yet her warm, calloused fingers would clasp your jaw shut. “Shhh, don’t want your pretty little head to even think, darling. How about Mommy show you how it works, hm?” 
You’d nod immediately. She’d abandon the toy, clicking it off as her hands would slip beneath your shirt, and it felt like time had frozen. She was so soft, and your mind glazed over. Your breath hitched as she’d trail upward, palming your skin before running her fingers over your bare breasts. You’d watch as Wanda’s pupils would blow in seconds, a devious smile bubbling into view, “No bra?” She’d murmur lowly shaking her head as she’d start to knead your flesh, “Just couldn’t remember it, hm? My precious student, too busy thinking of me to get dressed, were you?” You nod again, a pitiful mewl escaping your throat.��
“Yes- Yes, Professor..” You arch into her touch, although that bliss was short-lived as you feel her dig her hands further into your tits, sharper than you’d like. She’d tsk at your reply, and you look up to meet her eyes- oh, that was the wrong answer. 
“Did you already forget my title, baby?” She’d ask almost tauntingly, her gaze sharpening as she’d shift her hands from your skin. You’d chase her warmth, dazed as your skin would flush and tremble, slotting yourself up against her. She’d run her thumb over your lips, crooning at your immediate submission. She could use that. 
“It seems Mommy has a lot to teach you, dear..” Her touch would ghost across your exposed forearms, her feather-light touches only stuttering your breath further. “And I think you’re ready for your first lesson. Think you can handle that, darling? Keep your eyes on me,” Her hands would dig into your jeans, rougher against the hem’s fabric, “Think you can take this off for Mommy?”
“Please..” You beg, raising your hips to strip yourself bare, your glance trained on her. You don’t miss how her eyes darted down to your bare cunt, having slid off your panties too, or how she licked her lips at the sight of your slick. Her hands would hold your legs open, the cold lecture hall’s air chilling your exposed skin. Still staring at Wanda, you’d discard your shirt in the same breath, her jaw clenching as all of you felt the cool air. Feeling exposed, the urge to flee ebbed away some of your arousal. Were you really about to fuck your professor in her own classroom? Your focus was immediately drawn again as she’d capture your chin in her hand, pulling it harshly to meet her gaze. Her eyes were dilated, a thin sheen of sweat on her brow as she’d pant, both from your disobedience and your thighs rubbing against hers. “Look at me,” she’d hiss, taking your lips into a searing kiss. Your answer? Fuck. Yes.
Your cunt would grind against her leg as Wanda would pull your hips up and onto her thigh, grip bruising as your lips would crash together. You could smell her vanilla perfume as she’d tug at your bottom lip with her teeth, a familiar buzzing sound heard but not registered before you felt it on your clit. “Mommy- yes, Fuckin’ christ, there-” You’d keen, lurching back as Wanda’s hand would rest on your hip, keeping you from escaping her touch.
Wanda would groan at your words, voice a little breathier as her hips would stutter against yours, “There’s my good girl..” Teasingly, she’d circle your clit with the pen-shaped toy, gasping herself as she’d feel the aftershocks of its pulse on her clothed cunt. “Taking Mommy’s toy so well..such a sweet girl for your Professor-” 
You’d rock your hips against her, the friction from her dress slacks and the vibrator’s pulse bringing you to the edge embarrassingly quick. Wanda wouldn’t notice your frenzied breathing or how you lost your rhythm, but she would hear your words; drawn between husky whines, “Mommy, please, I’m so close, fuck-” Your face would flush, legs beginning to tremble before the whole feeling was ripped away from you, Wanda’s grip leaving as the buzz would click off. With shaky breaths, your eyes would rise to meet hers- only to see a teasing grin. She’d pat your arms, gently coaxing you off of her thigh, the few sparks of friction from that not enough to bring you anywhere close to your release. You’d blink, thoughts thickened and reeling, brow furrowed ever so slightly for her- and Wanda loved it. 
“You did so well for your first lesson, dear..” She’d croon, brushing herself off as she’d rise to her feet, leaving you on her cluttered desk. “But, Professor, I didn’t-” You’d begin and she’d silence you right there, hand rising to close your jaw shut again. 
“And you won’t come unless you call me by my title, darling. You’ve received your correction for your first mistake- and for stealing from me,” You nodded slowly, absorbing her words as though they were molasses, and her smile only widened at how dazed she’d made you. “And if you disobey again when you’re with me, alone- then I’ll lower your grade by five points. Understand?” 
If you were in any kind of fog before, you cleared it from your thoughts immediately. “Yes, very clear- uhm,” You pause, noticing the stain on her pant leg where your pussy had ground into the fabric, and you feel your face warm. Wanda would shift her stance and you’d look up- she leaned above you, a single brow raised. You’d swallow, keeping your eyes on her completely, “Yes, Mommy- I understand.”
“Good girl.” That was the right answer. She’d smile at you, her praise going straight to your cunt. Could she not have given you a few more seconds? Maybe you could’ve gotten off without her noticing. She’d interrupt your mind with a quick peck on the lips, and you felt your wits slow, swimming with thoughts of her mouth. Oh, that was why- couldn’t get away with anything if you didn’t think anything at all. Wanda’s grin would only intensify as she’d watch you dress, clothing rumpled from the haste it had been taken off. After a few minutes, you were back to prim and proper..besides your racing heart and flush whenever Wanda so much as moved. “This was great..” You’d murmur, pressing the wrinkles from your shirt, gaze flicking back up to Wanda’s- your professor still watching you with a smooth, secretive smirk. 
“Of course it was, dear..but it’s still nice to hear you say that. Anything for my best student,” She’d wink at you and you’d fold, feeling your palms clam up. Since when were you this weak in the knees? She’d settle at her desk again, her hands clasped together on its wooden grain. You’d be taller than her now, with her sitting down- and yet there was an aura she commanded that you couldn’t outdo. You turn to leave without any further fanfare but her voice would seize you again, just as warm as her touch. “I’ll be expecting you after tomorrow’s classes, then? I think some…after-hours remedial work for my course would do you well.” 
Were you really about to fuck your professor in her own classroom, again? You’d leave her hall with a bright smile, a reply, and a secret. Your answer? The same as before - Fuck. Yes. 
And your secret?
You’d stolen the ‘pen’ again.
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wandasaura · 3 months
𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝓂𝓎 𝓅𝓁𝒶𝒸𝑒
;༊ wanda maximoff x natasha romanoff x carol danvers x maria hill
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summary — you spend your nights wrapped up in four different sets of sheets, but graduations approaching, and what you have won’t last forever
warning(s) — heavy dom/sub dynamics, mommy kink, daddy kink, captain kink, sir kink, impact play, orgasm delay/denial, practically every kink you can think of tbh, heavy emphasis on emo wanda
au — four college seniors corrupt the innocent and unsuspecting freshman
PARTS — will be added as written
HEADCANONS — will be added as written
(a) what did i say [ 3.6k ]
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wandasverison · 3 months
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p.o.v - u go to college w/ wanda maximoff
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wandaspetal · 11 months
Late Night Talking
𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: Marvel/MCU
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫(𝐬)/𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐩(𝐬): Wanda Maximoff x Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff (past), Carol Danvers x Natasha Romanoff
𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞: Friends to Lovers, College AU
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.6K
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Cursing, flirting teasing, mention of insomnia, anxiety and stress, jealousy, and huge fat warning college, some angst with happy ending
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: If you’re feeling down Wanda wants to make you happier baby
𝐀𝐍: Reader uses she/they pronouns. Loosely based on Late Night Talking by Harry Styles and my insomnia (surprise surprise). This was written at 3 in the morning and is unedited. Enjoy! :)
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At first it was passed off as a quirky trait they had by their friends and family members. Now they were starting to acknowledge how much of problem it is for Y/n to deal with. Hopefully Professor Harkness wouldn’t be on her ass about it. The last time they were here the professor showed an immense amount of concern at the lack of livelihood in them due to their insomnia.
She was becoming somewhat of a concerned mother figure towards her while still maintaining her professionalism.
Thankfully she wasn’t at her desk yet and it was still 5 minutes before class started. As Y/n plopped down into their seat they barely spared the person they sat next to a glance. It wasn’t an auditorium styled classroom it was one of the smaller ones. Only 20 people were in this Psychology class and it was the smallest one the professor had (she has joked about it multiple times).
Wanda couldn’t help but stare. The droopiness in their eyes and bags underneath raised so much concern. The Sokovian cleared her throat and debated giving the gift she had for Y/n now or after class. Her utensils and items she uses for class were all perfectly laid out in front of her.
She quickly reached into her bag deciding she could use Professor Harkness as a distraction in case Y/n didn’t like what she gave them. Wanda removed the plastic bag and slid it towards them.
“What- oh good morning Wanda, don’t forget your stuff.” Their voice was laced with tiredness.
Wanda giggled. Even when they were sleep deprived they were cute. “It’s for you baby.” The pet name slipped out causing both their cheeks to burn.
Y/n cleared her throat and sat up in attempt to straighten their posture but still hunched over the desk a bit to grab the bag. They untied it and looked inside to see an assortment of snacks, a water bottle and two different brands of melatonin. Their cheeks flushed for another reason. Y/n had no clue Wanda had been paying this much attention to her.
“Oh Wanda I’m sorry I- do I bother you during class? Because I can move–”
“None of that.” Wanda shook her head immediately cutting her rambling short. “Whenever I’m sleepy during class it helps me to stay awake to eat or drink in between writing…and because it helps me stay awake, I thought it might help you too…I also used to take these melatonin brands when I had issues sleeping during finals from all the stress and they worked pretty well unless you blatantly ignore the tiredness they cause you like I did at the start of taking them…” Wanda scratched the back of her head, she could not read Y/n’s expression. “Point is, I got this stuff for you because I wanted to help.”
Y/n could not fathom why someone she rarely sees outside of class would do something so kind for them. Kate, Yelena or one of their other friends would do this but Wanda and her only interacted because she briefly dated Natasha until the two decided they were better off as friends. And even then Natasha and her never got that close due to the overwhelming crush Y/n had on her in highschool. But that can be reminisced on another time.
Y/n placed her hand on Wanda’s wrist immediately feeling it relax under her touch. “Wanda, thank you, seriously.” The two shared a smile. “You’re sharing them with me throughout class though.” Wanda began to protest. “I wasn’t asking, Maximoff.” Y/n smirked when her cheeks flushed and a shy “okay.” Reached their ears.
The two shared the snacks during class and Y/n carried the melatonin around with them for the rest of the day. After eating dinner with her roommates she laid in bed for two hours until she glanced at her night stand and saw the melatonin mocking her. Melatonin usually doesn’t work, she’ll feel drowsy then immediately begin to doze off then wake up and be awake for the rest of the night.
They sighed and reached for the melatonin, ripping the package open. “5 milligrams per fruit gummy.” Y/n popped in 4 and hoped for the best.
Their phone buzzed on the bed signaling a text message coming in. Y/n grabbed it without looking and unlocked her phone. The time read 1:20 in the morning which was less worse than usual.
Wanda :D | 1:20 AM
You up?
Y/n forgot Wanda had her number after they (her friends, Natasha and Wanda) all went to the arcade together. Seems Wanda didn’t forget though.
Y/n <3 | 1:23 AM
Yup! Just took the melatonin though so let’s see if it works.
Not even 30 seconds went buy before Wanda’s name popped up on her phone, signaling she was getting a call. Y/n answered, propping herself up against the head board with her pillow for support.
“Hi.” Y/n sang.
“Hello.” Wanda’s accent was pronounced as ever. “I…sorry I called you I just- I wanted to talk to you and hear your voice, I also don’t feel like typing any longer.”
“That’s alright, not like I’m asleep.” Y/n joked with a hint of amusement in their voice.
Wanda chuckled deeply. “That’s true, which one did you take?”
“I’m too lazy to grab it and look but it has a clear packaging with the label on front.”
“Purple top?”
“Yeah.” Y/n grinned.
“Oh cool, I figured you would like gummies more.”
“And what made you think that?”
Wanda twirled her hand between her fingers as she sat at her desk inside her room at her brother’s apartment. “I sort of remembered how you said you enjoy fruit flavored things so…yeah.”
Y/n nodded even though Wanda couldn’t see them. “Yeah well you are what you eat.”
Wanda giggled. “Shut up.”
“Oh okay well I’ll just hang up now.” Y/n said with mock offense and their hand on their chest.
“Stop, no teasing.” She chastised playfully.
“Me tease? Like you weren’t calling me nicknames in class earlier.” Y/n’s chuckle was deep and raspy. After not hearing a response they pulled the phone away from their ear. Then put it back as it said the call was still going. “Hello? Wanda.”
Wanda muted herself and screamed into her pillow then calmly moved her hair out of her face as Y/n questioned where she went. She picked the phone back up and unmuted herself.
“Wanda you okay?”
“Yes, I’m okay just wanted you to see how empty your life would be if I hung up on you.”
“You are so–”
“Pretty, smart, amazing–”
“And also annoying.”
“That’s rich– you think I’m pretty?”
Y/n responded without hesitation. “What? Of course you are! Natasha only dates pretty girls and you’re the prettiest I’ve ever seen– dating her aside.”
Wanda’s smile faltered at hearing Natasha’s name. Then returned at full force as Y/n reassured her right after making that comment. Nat and Wanda being in the same friend group was a decision Wanda regrets but also loves. Her friends are some of the best people she has ever met. Once Carol and Nat started dating soon after they broke up Wanda avoided speaking to Natasha as much as possible.
“Sorry, did I make things weird by bringing up the ex…I didn’t mean too.” Y/n was now laid down in bed, snuggled under the covers with her phone to her ear.
“No you didn’t, baby.” She cleared her throat. “Are you feeling sleepy?” Wanda asked, physically resisting the urge to write notes on their current state.
Y/n swooned at the nickname for the second time that day. “Yeah.” She sang. “Are you– wait why are you still up?”
Wanda grins. “I stay up late sometimes when I don’t have plans the next day, it’s like a reward for getting through the day or week.”
“And you decided to use your reward time to call me? Such a sweet girl.”
Wanda giggled, shut off her lamp and laid down in bed under the covers. “I try.” She glanced over to see the clock read 2:30 in the morning. “We both have to try going to sleep now though angel, get some rest for me okay?”
Y/n hummed in response, her heart fluttering at the nickname. “Okay…night.”
Wanda grinned knowing the melatonin was kicking in. “Goodnight angel, sleep well.”
They both hung up and for the first time in a while Y/n got a full eight hours of sleep. Wanda sighed happily and held her phone to her chest. It was clear Y/n needed some guidance, someone to take care of them. Wanda just so happened to have her favorite love language be acts of service, what a coincidence.
Two weeks go by and Y/n’s sleeping habits start getting better at the same time Wanda and her become even closer. Unfortunately some habits take a while to stick.
“It’s not working.” Y/n cries out of stress, feeling physical tears start to come to their eyes. “Finals are right around the corner and I need to have this together or–”
They’re sitting outside in the court yard near the student center. This was the first time Wanda and Y/n have hung out outside of class without their friends around. Wanda places her hand on Y/n’s wrist effectively stopping her speech.
“Yes you will, everything’s gonna be fine baby.”
“But Wan I–”
“Baby? Didn’t know you two were that close.”
Y/n groaned and dropped her head on the metal table at the sound of another persons voice. They were already having a break down outside it’s worse that another person had to come and perceive them. Wanda forced herself to relax instead of snapping at her friends for interrupting. She understands how emotional Y/n feels as it’s how she felt during the summer semester not too long ago. Wanda turned her head to greet them as politely as she could to see Carol’s concerned expression but see Natasha’s eyes bouncing between them both with an emotion Wanda did not like; jealousy.
“Yes we are, that close. In fact I adore Y/n with everything in me and I’m trying to comfort them so now is not the best time–”
“Y/n/n what’s going on baby girl?”
Wanda felt like a hypocrite at the sound of her exes voice. Now she was jealous and looking at Y/n to avoid glaring daggers at Natasha. Her shoulders tensed up at the hand she placed on their back. Wanda nearly smiled as Y/n’s whole body tensed up at the contact.
“Ask Yelena.” Came Y/n’s muffled voice.
Natasha smiled playfully. “I will if she could answer her phone.”
Y/n sat up right and took a deep breath, inching closer to Wanda. She wiped her face as she spoke. “She’s in class today doing a double to catch up and make up for her grade so she won’t be out of class until 5:30 and I made sure her and Kate are doing a buddy system so that they won’t be around after sundown by themselves because we are women on a college campus be fucking for real and use the buddy system whenever you can and however you can….Yelena is also the size of five stacked up toasters, black belt or not buddy system always works.”
They all laughed in a various octaves at her rant.
“That is very true, the buddy system is what works best.” Carol agreed gesturing towards them with her can of soda.
“Can I have some?” Y/n asked with a pout.
“Did you have soda today already?” Wanda asked softly, scooting closer to her.
Y/n shook their head. “No, I want a sip.” She pouted.
“Okay, baby.”
“What’s with the nickname seriously,“ Natasha passed off her comment as a joke with a forced chuckle. “are you two dating?”
Wanda opened her mouth to respond but Y/n beat her too after handing Carol back her drink. “And what if we are?” They asked.
Wanda beamed at the protectiveness on their voice. “Yeah what if we are.”
“So what if Wanda is the air that I breathe and the water that I drink.” Y/n added with a shrug, pulling the brunette into her side. “I adore her just as much as she does me, if not more.” The sleep deprivation was definitely talking but so what Wanda didn’t seem to mind. Natasha looked off to the side, avoiding eye contact with them both.
The brunette giggled and kissed her cheek.
“Well congrats.” Carol added with a grin.
“Thank you fellow lesbian.” Y/n beamed.
Carol threw her head back and laughed. “You’re welcome fellow lesbian.”
They all laughed at the exchange.
The day left and night began, as the clock hit 8 Y/n took their shower and did everything they needed to be done before bed. By the time they took their melatonin it was 11 at night.
They laid down in bed with all the lights off and the quiet thrum of voices coming from the living room as Kate and Yelena worked on a project for a class they had together. Y/n’s phone began to buzz on the night stand. Knowing the only person’s notifications she had on at this time of night she answered the phone without looking at the caller ID.
“Hey.” Y/n said.
“Hi.” Wanda sung.
“How’s my pretty girl doing?”
Wanda’s cheeks burned as she left her bathroom and moved to lie down in bed. She was stunned into silence and Y/n knew it. They began to laugh.
“Sorry, too much?”
“No, not at all just a shock that’s all.”
A few minutes of silence passed as Wanda got settled down into bed with the lights in her room off and her brother out for the night.
“About that conversation earlier…”
“My breakdown or Natasha’s jealousy?”
Wanda rolled her eyes so hard she wouldn’t be surprised if Y/n heard it through the phone. “Oh god don’t get me started, that was so annoying! And I hated when she started touching you like you two are close and that she speaks to you outside of you and Yelena practically being sisters like don’t touch her!” Wanda huffed.
Y/n giggled so loud she knows her bestfriends heard it. “I didn’t realize she got you so riled up my love.”
“Tell me about it.” Wanda sighed then bit her lip at the sound of their laughter. “But no, before they walked up I wanted to tell you that I understand how you feel and I’m here for you, you’re going to get through this.”
Y/n wished the Sokovian stood in front of her so that she could give her a hug. “Thank you sweetheart.”
“Of course angel.”
“You wanna stay on the phone with me tonight? I like the sound of your voice.”
“Well you have to I am your girlfriend now.”
Y/n chuckled. “Yeah…” Silence passed between as they both thought over that part of the conversation. “I would actually like for you to be my girlfriend in the future Wanda…I feel like you want the same but I could be wrong–”
“You’re not. I like you so much. Our nightly talks are something I’ve been looking forward to every day since they’ve started….can I take you on a date?”
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seikkoi · 10 months
𝗞𝗔𝗥𝗠𝗔 | wanda maximoff x f!reader
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18+ minors dni
content: gay as hell, slight degradation, mentions of infidelity, thigh riding, slight dacryphilia,
genre: angst, sm*t, set in a college au
word count: 3,212
a/n: @nightprompts for the inspiration
“Wanda, please, what do you want me to do?” You’d promise her anything right now. Your eyes grew wet, filling with tears soon to fall. You’d promise to stay away from parties, other girls, tell the world you were hers- anything. “I just need you back, what do you need me to say, please.”, you continue to plea as tears start to flow. Another interlude of silence passes as you stare into emerald irises. “Begging is a good look for you.”
Fresh, white snow crunched under your leather boots. An even, steady sound like styrofoam splintered by angry fingers. With each tinted imprint left behind by your worn soles, you prayed. Prayed that this wasn’t a stupid decision. You kept your head down, watching your weight sink into the soles, guarding against icy winds. Gloved hands squeezed tight in your coat pockets. You said silent prayer after silent prayer as snowflakes coated your eyelids and wet your rosy cheeks. She had to forgive you, right? She’d see how sorry you were- Amidst the frozen landscape, your shivering skin and trembling resolve were symbols of your remorse.
Eventually, you recognized the stone pillar by her apartment, gray marble jutting from a pile of snow. You were close now, lifting your head to see the familiar red building’s ornate trim. The sight makes you nauseous. Less than a hundred yards separated you from the woman who had warned you of regret, who had sworn never to lay eyes on you again.
“How pathetic.” , you thought to yourself. To come crawling back like she said you would be. When you’d decided to do this, brave this frozen nightmare, pride was no factor- just getting Wanda back.
What were you even going to say? Would she even answer the door?
Amidst your inner turmoil, memories of sandalwood and jasmine on her skin resurfaced. The melodic giggles, the gentle touch that commanded attention.  You remember walking across this same campus and finally noticing and watching Wanda with awe. You reminisced about the feeling of completeness she brought, and how her absence had felt like the loss of your sanity.
You swallow your cowardice and continue on. 
Between the cold journey and rising anxiety, you make it through her apartment’s lobby with wobbly legs. The hours late, only the faint echo of televisions and Friday night parties gearing up as you make your way up the stairs. The warmth of the building doesn’t render you any less frigid by the time you reach Wanda’s floor. 
You can’t help but chuckle a bit when you hear the music and voices coming from her neighbor, Natasha’s apartment. Natasha was a graduate student, like Wanda, that had become something infamous around campus for her parties, even amongst the underclassmen. You’d started your senior year in college in the hopes that you learn to study more and go out less. It worked for the first week of classes, then you met Nat. 
You’d met Wanda initially at Nat’s, but at the time she hardly stood out to you. Over time, though, you saw her more and more, eventually outside of dark, crowded rooms. The first time this happens, you feel insanely oblivious for not noticing her sooner. Auburn locks, a captivating accent – the puzzle pieces had fallen into place too late. 
Like the idiot you are, instead of realizing how special she was, you decided to explore your options instead. You’d foolishly assumed in the beginning that she’d wait, that she’d always be there. The two of you were never explicitly exclusive, yet in the back of your mind you knew she wouldn’t be okay with you sleeping around. You subtly hid other girls from Wanda- only for her to find out anyway.
She found out from some post a particularly enticing sorority girl made. While you weren’t in the picture, it gave a clear view of your dorm bedroom with a caption that told Wanda everything she needed to know. Too bad it was from weeks ago- before you quit sleeping around. You’d awoke yesterday morning to a multitude of pissed off texts and calls. Any attempt to apologize or deflect in person just earned you more anger. Telling her it wasn’t recent didn’t help anything either. Ultimately, it ended with Wanda blocking you and swearing you out of your life. 
A wince passes through you with the memory of her harsh words. The rusted letters on her doorplate seemed to mock you, the reverberations of the neighboring party serving as an ironic backdrop .The bass does a better job at warming your bones than the heaters. 
“She can’t just ignore me.” , a final hope as you remove your gloves and give the door a heavy knock. The moment you longed and dreaded neared. A few seconds of quiet pass- you give another, louder this time. Inside, you can hear more music, this one much gentler, and something shuffling. 
Right as your nerves are split between knocking again or fleeing while you still can, the door swings open. 
Wanda stands in front of you, annoyance crossing her face. You notice how breath-taking she looks, dressed in a hoodie and simple shorts that leave little to the imagination. Just as you're preparing your plea for forgiveness, those gorgeous green eyes roll at the sight of you, and she turns to close the door.
You’re not leaving without getting a chance to make your case, sticking your foot out followed by your right arm to keep it open. Behind her, you can see textbooks and papers strewn about, the record player spinning softly. 
Her face is swirled in a mix of surprise and anger. For the sake of seeing this through, you decide to focus on the surprise. 
“Look, Wanda, can we talk, please, I’m really sorry about everything that happened I know I’m not suppose to be here-”
“What do you want?” She interrupts your rambling, crossing her arms and leaning about the doorframe. Her tone is dry, straight to the chase like you’d treat a salesperson. 
It throws you a bit, leaving you stammering on hopeless words.
“I want you to talk to me, let me explain.”, you plea.
“What is there to explain? What, one of your little flings cancel?” 
You’re the one rolling your eyes now, pulling the hood of your coat down as the snow on it starts melting. You shivered, not just from the cold, but from the iciness of her demeanor. You had come this far, endured the frigid journey, for a chance to mend what was broken between you two. She seems to take in your hypothermic appearance, eyeing your wet clothes and reddened skin. 
“You walked all the way here?” Wanda questions and you respond with a shuddering nod. The sympathy in her gaze was fleeting, replaced by cool appraisal as she eyed your wet clothes and rosy skin.
She takes enough pity on you to step away from the door, gesturing into the apartment. You’re the one surprise now, but you aren’t going to question progress. You kick your boots off at the entryway. Wanda waits by her kitchen counter until you’ve hung your coat up, watching you like a hawk.
“You didn’t answer me. Am I just your backup plan?” Whatever sympathy points you earned a moment ago are gone. Bitterness is all that coats her tongue. 
Your earlier nausea bubbles into guilt. How do you explain that at one point she was without completely tossing away any chance of winning her back. You really want to answer honestly, to bare your soul in the hope that she sees how much you need her. This morning, you’d tried moving on- hooking up with someone else. You couldn’t even follow through because it just wasn’t Wanda. Worse than that, now you feel like the largest piece of shit on the planet. Maybe you didn’t even deserve her forgiveness. Maybe you should’ve listened to Wanda and left her alone. 
Your head hangs silently and Wanda scoffs. You weren’t worthy of the thing you sought most. 
Out the corner of your eye, her silhouette pivots, heading for the disarrayed living room. Words jumble and mix like tangled cords in your throat. So many things to say and so little meaning takes form.
“Wanda, I’m sorry. I’m here because I fucked up, not because there’s someone else I’d rather be with.” You stress your apology, stretching rubber band syllables into a tangled sentence. 
It stops her nonetheless. When she turns back, there’s something else in her face. Every touch on every random girl- you’d take it back if it made her smile instead. 
“You think I’m that dumb?” She scoffs again.
You left pride at the door. “No, no, please, all I want is you.” you choke out.
You take the small steps across her entryway, shaking your head. Your hands finally feel warm once when they enclose hers. The desperation you had, the one that propelled you to walk through layers of snow, is only worsened at the touch. The silken skin under your fingers sparks a longing you didn’t think could get so big in one day.
Wanda’s expression becomes clear- it’s smugness coloring her face. 
Still, she’s silent, and the brief silence turns unbearable. 
“I-I was betting on you, just, I don’t know,” You suck in a breath, trying to find balance in your words.
“I just was hoping you never found out, never cared- waited for me.” you admit.
The soft skin is ripped from your fingers immediately after. 
“You know, maybe you should bet on something else instead of betting on someone’s fucking feelings.” Wanda glares when she speaks, her accent particularly derisive, piercing your gut.
“I know, I know,” you lament, reaching out for her hands the second they leave. “Wanda, give me another chance, just-please.”
The scarlet woman doesn’t move or make a sound. Her self-assured glare watches you plead aimlessly. You can hardly take it. It made more sense yesterday when she was cursing you in Sovokian on the phone. 
“Wanda, please, what do you want me to do?” You’d promise her anything right now. Your eyes grew wet, filling with tears soon to fall. You’d promise to stay away from parties, other girls, tell the world you were hers- anything.
“I just need you back, what do you need me to say, please.”, you continue to beg as tears start to flow.
Another interlude of silence passes as you stare into emerald irises.
“Begging is a good look for you.” Wanda’s voice eases, laced with smugness. 
You swear you see a grin twitching at the corners of her lips. One of the hands your holding moves to your head, gently stroking your nape.
“You’re cute when you cry. Does this normally get you what you want?” Wanda doesn’t give you time to answer, tugging your hair slightly. 
A  breath fills your lungs at the force. Her touch was always enigmatic in how it rendered you so wanting so effortlessly. You give into her pull, eyes closing slowly. She knows all your cues, and if she needs to capitalize on those to take you back, fine. 
“All I want is you.” An admission that comes without restraint. 
It seems to please Wanda, who brings her other hand to your shoulder. You feel a teardrop roll down your cheek, which Wanda quickly brushes with her thumb.
“I told you- you’d come crawling back,” She strokes your collarbone, tracing up your neck, heating cold skin. “Tch. Fucking your way through campus just wasn’t enough.”
You want to tell her to stop, that you get it, but she interrupts you with a sudden kiss, fast and bruising. The sandalwood you were craving floods your nostrils. She holds you in place with the hand at your shoulder. It’s not like it's necessary, you quickly give into her lips, relief flooding your veins. 
Sooner than you’d like, Wanda pushes you away, breaking the kiss. While you’re panting, dazed by the taste of her lip gloss, she’s smirking. She releases your shoulder, bringing a hand up to cup your chin, thumb stroking the sheen on your bottom lip. 
It’s a dangerous tease, and you lean forward to try and kiss her again. Wanda pulls you away gently by your hair, sucking her teeth. You close your eyes, face turning red from shame at the arousal she so easily sparks. 
“I think I like you better this way- desperate.” she says, biting her lip. Her eyes are locked on yours when unbuckle the belt at your waist. In the next moment, her hand ducks behind your waistband. 
You suck in a breath at the touch, but don’t dare move on the off-chance Wanda takes that as a reason to stop. She knows how to make you weak, though, giving light strokes that make you pant all over again. 
“Darling,” Wanda drawls, fingertips gathering the wetness pooling in your underwear. “I’ve barely touched you and you’re a mess.”
You squeeze your eyes tighter, mind hyper focusing on every moment of her fingers. 
“Aw,” she taunts with a soft voice, gripping the hair at your nape harder. “Does that sorority girl make you feel this good?” 
You’re too blinded by pleasure to muster a response. She knows she’s right without you saying it, regardless. You mentally wished you could take your jeans off without Wanda stopping.
Still, Wanda needs to hear it from you. She pulls the hands from jeans, making you open your eyes to see her lust-riddled face. Her eyebrow is raised, waiting.
“No, no one makes me feel as good as you, Wanda.” You’re left panting and dying for her to keep touching you. You’ll tell her whatever she needs to hear- it was true anyway.
It’s exactly what she wanted, and you’re rewarded tenfold with another bruising kiss. It’s long and sloppy as Wanda guides you into the hallway, pressing your back against the wall.
When she pulls away, you're both gasping for air. Wanda rests her head on your shoulder, hungry hands fully undoing your belt and pulling your pants off your ankles. Your hands are just as occupied, twisting her hoodie in your hands to pull her closer. 
“Tell me again,” she purrs in your ear. You feel her fingers graze the wet fabric of your underwear.  The hairs on your neck are electrified. Charged and needy just like she wants. 
“You’re the only one who makes me feel this way.” Your head tilts back, thudding on the dimly-lit hallway. You can still hear the party next door, still raging. 
You sink into her touch, hoping that you’ll gain even just an ounce of friction. That Wanda will pull back the black lace, using those same elegant hands to-
As quickly as your arousal builds, it ends when Wanda promptly withdrawals. She smiles at your needy, confused expression. The scarlet woman steps away, moving past more scattered textbooks and papers.  She reaches her bedroom door, opening it before turning back and motioning you forward. 
You only feel a little pathetic at how fast you follow. Wanda’s bedroom comes into view, and she sits on the edge of her bed, looking more than dignified.  You cross the small gap between her door and her bed, and her arms open, allowing you to straddle her lap. You drape your arms around Wanda’s next, becoming enveloped once more at her warmth. 
You try to capture her lips, but she pulls you back another time. 
“Why are you being such a tease?” you huff, settling on top of her legs. 
“I don’t think you’ve earned it.” Wanda speaks with the same subtle grin, caressing your thighs. 
“How many more times you need me to say it? I’m sorry, Wanda.” You bring your lips to her neck, laying mild kisses along her collarbone. You know you’re weakening any restraint she had- feeling her squeeze the subtle flesh on your legs. 
“Sorry, darling, not good enough.” Wanda shifts you, bringing her leg between yours. Her hands leave your thighs for your hips, pressing your center against her thigh. You bit your lip at the pressure to your aching core, dampness spreading from your lace to Wanda’s sweats. Far too worked up, you go for a second attempt at kissing her- which fails. You’re determined though, going for the loop on her pants- to which she swats your hand away.
Worse, she laughs at your impatient desire, making the redness on your cheeks spread anew. 
“Wanda, c’mon,” You're certain you’re gonna explode if she doesn’t let you at least kiss her.
In response, she presses her thigh harder, pulling a groan from your lips.
“I’m not gonna help you get off, darling.” You meet her eyes and they’re clouded, pupils dark. It makes the heat in your core even more insufferable. 
“It’s this or nothing.” you watch her eyes trail down your figure as she speaks.
Wanda’s completely serious, however, to your dismay. It wasn’t enough to make you beg- now she wouldn’t even give you what you wanted.
“You want me so badly, show me.” Her tone is riddled with well-placed arrogance- you didn’t just want Wanda, you needed her like oxygen. 
You’re too far in and too desperate to protest when she presses into you further. A whine escapes your lips, hips instinctively rolling against her. The coarse fabric of her pants drags along your center in a teasing pleasure. 
It’s not long before you're moaning softly, riding Wanda’s thigh with little shame. It’s not enough, though, rendering you a whiny, shaky mess above her. Wanda takes great joy in the visible dark spot on her sweats, watching every scrunch of your face and twitch of your body. 
“Aw, look at you darling,” she scoffs, “Dying for me to touch you, but you’re just happy to ride my thigh, aren’t you?” 
Her words taste like kerosene, lighting fire after fire in your nerves. This was karma, the best that you deserved, and nothing more. Despite that, your body needed more. It was pitiful, how you must look-  begging for so much and being grateful for so little. 
Your hips turn frantic as you frustratingly try to pursue your end, knots tying in your stomach. You wouldn’t know it from her words, but Wanda’s eyes never leave you- fully infatuated with your whines and moans. 
Every brush of your clit along stretched fabric is painfully good. You try shifting, centering yourself differently to get that extra pressure right where you need it. It doesn’t work, with every movement being so close to just enough. You think your mind might split into two at the sensation, nails digging into Wanda’s clothed shoulder. 
“Please, baby,” you whine, hips still rolling. You were so, so close if she just-
Your ceaseless begging puts Wanda in a rewarding move, pressing back into you to give you the right amount of friction to send you over. The high you’d been so exasperatingly chasing sneaks up on you. You swear while your vision blurs, legs clamping around her. Your hips jerk involuntarily, sending the final wave through you, clinging to Wanda like a life raft.  
Wanda lets you ride out your orgasm to its end, running her finger through your hair. When you come down and meet her eyes again, she looks much too pleased with herself. Still, her face is flushed, inviting lips parted. The recently extinguished fire is re-ignited in your core just from the sight. Wanda would always have this effect on you, you wished you’d realized that sooner.
“Please tell me I can kiss you now.” You drape your arms back over her shoulders.
A grin plasters it way onto her face. “Sure, you’ve earned it.” 
You don’t waste a second to do so, bringing your face to hers. You’re slow and intently, taking in the taste on her tongue. You rest your forehead against Wanda’s when you pull away, sighing. The air feels warm and light between you, listening to her heady pants. Maybe you didn’t deserve to have Wanda back, but you do anything to get this feeling.
You’d walk through a million snow storms for her, without question.
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thesugarclubs-blog · 1 year
Pose for Me - Wanda Maximoff x F!OC
warnings: au art teacher wanda, strangers to lovers, professor x student, FxF smut involving paint, 18+
word count: 7.6k
WP: https://www.wattpad.com/1337111732-pose-for-me-leonor
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Leonor's wavy brown hair blew into her face as she looked up at the imposing building before her. A college art department shouldn't be at all intimidating, but her impending destination terrified her. She shook off the nerves, flexing her fingers around the strap of her bag before bouncing up the grey stone steps. 
Already a graduate student of the arts program, Leo had taken her fair share of lectures and workshops over the past five years. Still, a new class never failed to spark up old anxiety. Whenever she was forced to draw in front of anyone, much less a group or strangers, her body was tight like the canvas her brush loved so much. 
There was a murmuring as Leo walked to the classroom. Located at the end of the long hall, illuminated by the spring sun shining through massive glass windows, it was the perfect space for any artist. Edging through the group into the studio space, Leo searched for a spot to set up her equipment, one that had good enough lighting to see but far enough away where no one would bother her. 
One of the most interesting and popular professors on campus, Wanda Maximoff, was hosting a workshop on figure painting and from the sounds of her fellow attendees, everyone was eager to begin. Leonor had never taken a class with her, nor even laid eyes on the supposedly gorgeous artist herself. The thought set off a new wave of stress and she took a deep breath, attempting to steady her nerves.
At the back of the room, near the corner of one of the giant windows, a shaft of sunlight illuminated a square on the hardwood floor. It was almost too perfect. Collecting one of the easels and blank canvases that rested against the wall, Leonor headed to her spot and set up the easel at just the right angle. Another trip to collect a small table, stool, and water jar and then she was ready.
Leo tied a paint smeared canvas smock around her neck to protect the pretty dark teal shirt she wore. It fell delicately against the flat of her stomach and didn’t meet the hem of her pants, leaving her midriff exposed. She was glad too - the classroom seemed even hotter as the sun poured through the high windows. The class hummed quietly around her as she got situated. The sounds of clinking water jars, paintbrushes and wooden easels sliding across the floor silenced as a door behind her swung open. 
“Hello class,” her voice wafted around, trailing down in whispers between Leo’s shoulder blades leaving goosebumps in its wake. 
Leo turned to see her enter the class behind her and swallowed tightly at the sight.
Professor Maximoff was nothing like Leo imagined, and she didn't necessarily mind if her racing heart was any indication. Soft golden waves fell around her mossy green eyes, an almost mischievous smile on her face. 
"The door says Professor Maximoff, but please call me Wanda," she continued, a slight accent making every word roll a little bit. 
Leo watched slightly open mouthed as she stepped onto a small stage in the center of the room and turned to face them, unbuttoning her blazer. 
"I'm excited to see so many familiar faces, but even more interested in the newer ones," she continued, eyes shifting across the room with a soft steely gaze, until finally landing on Leo in her hidden spot.
Leo’s breath hitched as her eyes flitted across her features, her lips upturning slightly as she studied her. Electricity jolted across her nerve endings, her nerves both igniting a foreign feeling along her body and screaming at her to look away from her. But the pull her eyes and soft plump lips had were much stronger than Leonor’s will.
Her green eyes sparkled in the sunlight that poured into the room and Leo could see the hint of small freckles that peppered the soft skin of her face. She would have sworn that the professor could hear the pounding of her heart across the room based on the soft smirk that upturned the corners of her pouty lips. 
"The human body is a beautiful thing if you look at it the right way. Every curve, every spot, has a meaning meant to capture the soul inside," Wanda continued, drawing in a slow breath as she moved her eyes from Leo back to scanning the room, "in this classroom today, I want these pieces not only to capture the soul of our beautiful model, but it should be about your own style, your own heart. I want to see you on this canvas as well."
The warmth exuding from Wanda filled the room and Leo was convinced she was not the only one who felt it. The rest of the class stared at the professor as if caught in some sort of spell. With a crinkle of her nose and a clap of her hands Wanda spoke once more.
“I’d like to give thanks to our model.” 
A door at the very front of the class opened, one that Leo had assumed was a store room, and a man emerged wrapped in a short robe. 
“Class, this is Steve, who has very kindly agreed to sit for us today.”
Steve smiled and nodded as the class mumbled their hellos, a faint blush painting his cheeks as he picked up a chair and placed it in the centre of the room, amidst the forest of easels.
Wanda walked around him, leaning closely she whispered something in his ear, her eyes flickering over his shoulder to where Leo watched. Both smiled, a soft friendly laughter tumbling from his boyish lips as he slipped from the robe and handed it to Wanda. Both Leo as well as half the classroom got an extended view of his toned backside as he settled onto the chair, bringing one foot up to rest on the rung of the stool.
"Nice ass Rogers," the handsome blue eyed college kid positioned beside Leo hollered, sending the class into a fit of hushed laughter. 
"Mr. Barnes, if you insist on harassing your boyfriend in my class I'll have to ask you to leave," Wanda turned to him, her eyes a darker shade as she tilted her head to the side in warning.
The blonde guy, Steve, winked over top of the professor's head and Leo couldn't help but snort, earning her a grin from his boyfriend as Wanda continued to give instructions to the class. 
"I can't draw a goddamn thing," the blue eyed boy leaned over the aisle to whisper. "Can't resist a good show, though." 
Leo's face flared up at his cheekiness, but she gave him a shy smile, opening her mouth to respond before a husky voice over her shoulder interrupted them. 
"James, I am fully aware why you are in my class," Wanda remarked with amusement. "But please refrain from spreading the distraction to your classmates." 
She stepped around in between them and gazed at Leo, who caught the professor's eyes drift over her frame quickly. 
James chuckled, picking up a brush which encouraged Leo to hurry to do the same. 
"That's fine, Maximoff," James grinned as he licked his lips, leaning forward over the canvas. "I don't think Stevie is the type for Dimples anyway." 
A perfectly arched brow raised in Leo's direction and the girl wished she could just evaporate then and there.
With eyes slightly wide in panic, Leo dipped her head and scrambled around on her small equipment table for the carmine red pencil she preferred for sketching out forms, her paintbrush still in her other hand.
Wanda continued to watch as Leo fixed her gaze on Steve, tilting her head slightly this way and that, before raising a slightly trembling hand and lightly drawing in the rectangles that would eventually become a person.
Wanda nodded her approval.  “Mmmm, good start…”
“Leonor, I mean, Leo. I’m Leo,” she stammered, feeling completely flustered.
A soft smile appeared on Wanda's lips as she nodded once, "great start, Leo" 
Her name rolled perfectly off the professor's tongue as she rounded the easel and started making her way around the classroom. Leo's hand continued the sketch work as her dark eyes followed Wanda's movements, unable to take her concentration back. 
Leo sketched and erased, moving around the boxes into different positions, settling on a mid-waist up portrait of a figure. She traced in the sharp curve of a jaw, rounded out the tip of the nose and finally spaces for the piercing eyes that were now stuck in her head. 
Satisfied with her sketches, she picked up a small brush and dipped it into the water, moving to mix a bit of red with yellow and white to make the resemblance of a skin tone. As she worked, the rest of the murmurs and business of the classroom seemed to fade into the background, the only thing playing in her head was the sound of Wanda instructing another student a few feet away.
The sun pressed down on her brow line and neck, tiny droplets of sweat beading against her skin and trickling down beneath the fabric of her shirt. She slowly pulled her brush in long, smooth curving motions, tracing the gentle lines with color. 
"It's beautiful," Wanda stood behind her. She had snuck up on Leo and her breath fanned over her hot skin making her nerves tickle. Her hand came up, fingers dipping against the curtain of Leo's hair and pulled it back over her shoulder. "But you seem to have missed the lesson, Leo." 
"I-" she opened her mouth, her focus pulling from the way Wanda's fingers felt against her neck, lingering there driving her nuts and looked at the painting before her. 
The sultry, smooth image of Wanda Maximoff stared back at her. Leo chewed down on her lip short of breaking the skin and whined under her breath.
Her gaze fell to her hands as she picked at the paint drying up on her fingers, heat pooling at her cheeks in embarrassment. 
She was unsure of how to turn back to apologize to her professor, hell she wasn’t even sure how she ended up painting a portrait of her. Her hands just seemed to work on the only thing that hadn’t disappeared from the room in her mind. 
The feel of a soft, warm finger curling under her chin broke her away from her thoughts as Wanda lifted her chin up to look at her. 
“Where’d you go there, Leonor?” she purred, “I’m quite flattered that I served of some inspiration. I did say it should be your own heart that showed through your work today.” She finished, her eyes sparkling as a tender smile graced her lips.
“I’m sorry, it’s just…well I…oh hell,” Leo stammered.
She bowed her head and bit her lip but somehow found the courage to continue. Raising her head again she looked Wanda straight in the eye. 
“The heart wants what it wants,” she said. “Sometimes we have no other choice but to listen.”
Wanda’s smile widened and the corners of her eyes crinkled delightfully as she let out a hum of satisfaction.
“Don’t rush off,” she said with a wink before turning back to the class.
As the professor wandered off, Leo let out a breath that she hadn't realized she was holding and turned back to the canvas as she decided what to do. She'd gone too far into her work to turn back now, if she was going to get scolded after class, she might as well finish what she started. 
"You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say that was some cheesy pick up line you just gave the ol' prof there," the blue eyed boy quipped from beside her with a smirk, as he smeared different colours onto his canvas. 
Leo cleared her throat, and tried to hide the blush that crept up her neck, as she worked to mix up the perfect green to match Wanda's eyes, "I don't know what your talking about," her eyes drifted over to the boys painting and a giggled bubbled from her chest, "what is that?" 
"Abstract," James shrugged, splattering a royal blue into the middle of a tan circle.
Leo laughed and clapped a hand over mouth when it was a little louder than she intended. She rolled her eyes as she felt a smear of paint across her cheek from the paintbrush still in her hand. She shrugged and left it, looking up only to get caught in Wanda’s gaze. 
Wanda was staring at her from across the room, a slightly calculating grin on her face. Leo shivered as her professor began speaking, continuing the lesson.
She spent the rest of the morning sweating in the hot sun as she finished her painting. She had subconsciously strayed far from the lesson and found herself mixing the perfect shade of green. She filled in the rough sketches, heat burning through her knowing that her professor would see them. 
As the green flooded the page, it brought to life the painting of her demanding, lustful eyes and a naughty sense of pride licked at Leo's skin. 
"I will see you all back here on Tuesday," Wanda's honey voice echoed through the class and Leo finally looked up as everyone started to pack their things and leave. 
She pushed the tip of her paintbrush between her teeth, her eyes flickering over Steve slipping back into his robe and back toward where the professor spoke to another student. She cleaned her brushes in the sink, mindlessly watching as the green swirled around down the drain. 
"Interesting," Wanda said from behind her, a hand tucked under her elbow as she brushed her bottom lip in thought with the other. "I'd like to see you privately," Wanda said, "do you have time later today?"
"I have class until nine thirty tonight," Leo left the paintbrushes in the sink and untied the apron from her neck, laying it over the stool as she came closer. "Is that too late?" She asked, nervous for what the privacy may entail. 
"No," Wanda finally tore her eyes from the painting and raked them over Leo, "that's perfect."  Wanda walked toward the back door, "leave that," she pointed to the painting of herself, her eyes dancing between Leo and the work she had created.
There had always been something about the campus at night that felt like magic to Leo. The quiet halls, echoing laughs and the feeling that maybe she wasn’t supposed to be there. 
As she journeyed through the art department now, a little past nine, that feeling was amped up to a hundred. The nervous flutter in her stomach doubling as she neared the classroom her professor was waiting in. 
Warm light flooded the otherwise dark hallway from the pane of glass in the door, a singular shadow cast as Wanda moved inside. 
“You won’t know unless you go in there,” Leo muttered to herself, thankful for the empty hall as she fixed her hair in the darkened reflection of an empty classroom window. 
With a deep breath she forged on, stopping abruptly outside, and knocked before she could change her mind.
It took a moment, longer than Leo’s nerves would have liked, but the door finally opened.  Leo swallowed thickly at the sight of Wanda, who had changed into long flowing trousers in soft pink, a white silken tank top, and her golden locks were now secured into a messy topknot with what looked to be a paintbrush.  This was more like the art professor Leo had expected to see this morning.
“Leo, thank you for returning. Please, won’t you come in?” Wanda smiled softly and opened the door a little wider giving Leo just enough room to squeeze past.
Leo had no choice but to brush up against Wanda as she sidled into the classroom and the heady scent of her perfume wrapped around Leo like a blanket.  She couldn’t help the way her eyes drifted over Wanda’s figure and she groaned internally, or so she hoped, when she realised that the professor wasn’t wearing a bra.
As she tried to catch her breath, Leo turned her back to the professor and walked further into the classroom, closing her eyes for just a moment to centre herself. The electricity running through her nerves was almost too much and she could feel her heartbeat in her throat.
"Okay, before you say anything, I'm sorry again for not drawing the model as instructed, I don't know what happened, I just -" Leo's words were cut off by the playful smirk that danced onto Wanda's lips as she lifted her head, hushing Leo's stammering in the process. 
"That's not why I asked you to come back, Leo," Wanda cooed, taking a few steps towards her and helping her slide the backpack off her shoulder, dropping it to the floor, "and do not apologize to me again or we'll have to find something to do about it," she spoke in an almost warning way, the smile dropping from her face. 
It felt as though Leo's heart had stopped all together, feeling the heat under her skin as Wanda's fingers brushed her bare arm while taking her bag off. This was not what she had been expecting. 
"I just wanted to give you some one on one time, to go over your technique and pass on some pointers," the corners of her lips upturning once more, as she backed away and walked towards Leo's canvas where her painting still sat.
Leo’s heart tripped, watching her professor float away, coming to a stop behind the stool placed at the easel. 
“Come, Leo,” Wanda ordered softly, gesturing with two fingers. Leo did everything she could to keep her mouth from dropping open as she walked forwards, stumbling over her backpack. She righted herself, a flush high on her cheeks and carefully sat down on the stool. 
She was achingly aware of Wanda behind her, inhaling deeply when her hand came to hover behind her back, just making her shirt graze her skin. 
“I was curious about how you chose to mix your colors, you used more color than most would attempt, yet you achieved a wonderful outcome- look here,” Wanda said, leaning forwards, her chest pressing against Leo’s shoulder as she stretched her arm out, gesturing to the painting.
Leo sucked in a breath through her teeth, resisting the urge to lean into her and inhale her pretty floral perfume. It made her head dizzy as Wanda spoke in the background of her thoughts. 
“Every stroke has purpose, like you’re telling a story in the curves and slopes.” Her voice came through in bursts as Leo admired the flecks of golden in Wanda’s eyes. 
“Are you well?” Wanda’s hand brushed her cheek bringing her back to the present, “you feel warm.”
“I’m okay,” Leo said, fighting the feeling of languid bliss that settled over her from the soft skin of Wanda’s hand. “Was there anything else?” She asked, tearing her gaze away and looking back to the painting. “That you wanted to teach me?” Leo swallowed tightly.
“Well, I suppose that depends on whether you feel like you have more to learn,” Wanda replied softly, “and even then, I can only teach you so much.”
Wanda’s lips twitched, a soft tug of her pink lips that had Leo floundering, her gaze locked on Wanda’s mouth. 
“Well I— I don’t really have much experience with life models. It’s why I took your class but—“ 
“It’s not about experience, Leo. It’s about appreciation. Seeing art in a body and interpreting it with paint is one thing, appreciating the way we’re formed and bringing it to life on the page, well…” 
Wanda’s gaze drifted to the canvas, to her own body and Leo felt her cheeks warm. Her skin prickled as Wanda’s fingers slid along her forearm, wrapping delicately at her wrist as she guided Leo from the stool. 
“Follow me, I have an exercise you might enjoy.”
Leo tried to shake away the tainted thoughts running through her mind as they made their way towards the center of the room. The small distance seeming like it was a thousand miles away as she felt her pulse grow quicker, certain that her professor could feel the quickened pace against her fingers.
A big white canvas sheet was draped across the center stage. Wanda stopped them just short of stepping onto it, turning towards her as she let go of her hand. 
"Sometimes, we need to be in order to fully understand how to best capture the essence of what you're trying to portray through your work," she smiled as her eyes danced along Leo's figure, "if you feel comfortable doing so, Leonor, I would like you to be art for a moment, pose for me."
For just a moment, she thought she might pass out from the fire that ignited throughout her. Surely that part of the statement was just in her imagination. Her breath was caught as she looked up to meet Wanda's sultry green eyes, "W-what?" Leo stammered. 
The soft smirk remained on the professor's lips as she tilted her head and raised her eyebrow, "We've spent so much time talking about how this is about the appreciation of the human form, and what better way to teach that to you than to... appreciate what's right in front of me, if that's okay with you."
Leo nodded slowly at her words, and turned to step up onto the canvas but was stopped as Wanda's finger hooked into the belt loop of her light jeans, her thumb grazing the sliver of her belly between the top of her pants and the hem of her shirt. 
"Leo," her name rolled out of Wanda's lips so perfectly, "You are covered in far too much fabric to step onto that stage," the corners of her mouth pulled up, "besides, we wouldn't want to get your beautiful outfit all covered in paint, now would we?"
Leo gulped audibly, swallowing hard as she shook her head, lifting slightly shaking hands to her jeans button. She slid it free, pulling down the zipper too, then bit her lip as she nodded to her professor. 
Wanda smiled, eyes fixed on Leo’s lower lip before meeting her eyes as she slid her hands into Leo’s jeans, pushing them down from the inside. She bent down fluidly as she did, ending up half squatting half kneeling at Leo’s feet. 
Wanda carefully helped her step out of her jeans, sliding her hands back up Leo’s thighs, ghosting over the lace of her panties before smoothing up her sides, helping her to lift her arms and take her shirt off easily. She dropped it to the floor on top of her jeans, holding a hand out for Leo to take and step up onto the stage.
She helped Leo lower to the canvas on the floor, moving slowly Wanda took her time positioning each arm. Running her fingers down her skin as she went before moving to her legs. Wanda’s hand skimmed the underside of her calf, lifting her leg and bending her knee. She was laying on her back with one leg bend, her foot planted on the canvas and the other extended fully. 
“Softer than I imagined,” Wanda cooed as she ran her palm across Leo’s taught stomach. Her fingers dancing dangerously against the lacy fabric of her underwear. She moved higher, tucking one of Leo’s hands behind her head, and fixing her hair before standing back. 
“Not quite, my favourite art is the expression of self love. Touch is so important,” the soft words dripped from the professors pouty bottom lip as she knelt again, moving Leo’s other hand to tuck into the strap of her bra against her skin. 
Wanda tugged a paintbrush from her hair, long golden locks poured down around her sharp face and bounced against her shoulders. Leo fought to control the whine that threatened to escape her lips as she watched her through thick, hazy lashes. 
“A little lower,” Wanda pointed a brush to the hand tucked between her strap, lighting reflecting in her green eyes playfully as Leo listened. “Good girl,” she smirked as Leo’s hand dipped into the lace and palmed herself. “Perfect, don’t move, do you understand?” She asked and Leo gave her a soft nod.
Leo closed her eyes as she took in a deep breath, listening to the sounds of Wanda flitting about the room. She heard her come closer humming a soft tune to herself as she placed what sounded like paint bottles down on the floor. Butterflies swarmed in Leo's stomach at the feeling of Wanda's warmth beside her once more. 
"Are you feeling alright, Leo?" Wanda asked, as she unscrewed the bottles. Leo nodded as her eyes fluttered open and drifted towards her voice. She saw her smile out of the corner of her eye before she spoke, "I need to hear you say it, Leonor."
“Yes, I’m alright, I’m good,” she breathed, nodding again.
“Darling I’m going to have to ask you to stay still.  If you keep nodding your head like that you’re going to spoil the beautiful lines your hair is making on the canvas, and we can’t have that now, can we?” Wanda purred, squeezing some paint into trays.
Leo began to shake her head but then paused and whispered “no, sorry.”
“Perfect, you’re just perfect for me,” Wanda smiled, encouraging and sweet, but there was a inferno burning behind her eyes that caressed Leo’s form with a scalding intensity.
Every breath that Leo took trembled more than the last with the anticipation of what she hoped was to come.
Her mind was foggy and full of every thought and emotion as they bubbled to the surface through each word that dripped from her professor's lips. Of all of the ways Leonor had thought this meeting was going to go, this had definitely not entered her mind. At least not that she was going to let on. The fact that Wanda's piercing green stare had been ingrained in her mind with her rolling cooed voice all day was something she was trying to keep in her own thoughts, but with every movement Wanda made, it made it harder and harder to contain herself. 
"Close your eyes for me, Leo," Wanda leaned over her and whispered, fingers brushing delicately at a piece of hair that had fallen against her bare collarbone. 
Leo followed the command, fluttering her eyes closed as she drew in another breath. 
"Good," Wanda cooed, "Now remember what I said earlier, about every curve having a meaning that needs to be captured.. As we go through this exercise, I want you to feel that, okay? Allow every feeling and emotion to surface..." her voice quieted and Leo felt the trailings of a wet paint brush tracing along the canvas from her ribs to her hips.
“I- Ohhh,” Leo trailed off in a hushed gasp as Wanda guided the brush in a swirl on her calf, the paint cool and creamy, gliding along effortlessly. 
“Very important now, Leonor, do you want to continue the lesson?” Wanda asked smoothly, meeting Leo’s heavy gaze when she blinked her eyes open. 
“Yes Professor,” she said breathily, exhaling shakily as Wanda continued the trail of her paintbrush up Leo’s thigh all the way to her panties before stopping. 
She couldn’t hold back a whine now, slipping through her lips and making Wanda’s eyes darken. 
“Good, that’s exactly right Leo, feel everything.”
The cold wet paint dripped down, leaving a damp trail over her skin and pooling beneath her ass between the canvas. She inhaled another shaky breath as Wanda dragged that same line up across her stomach. "List your emotions," Wanda's voice was warm and it settled over her like a blanket.
"Nervous," Leo's bottom lip trembled. 
Wanda dipped the brush into more paint but this time she dropped a few drops in her palm and rubbed it between her fingers as she watched Leonor struggle with her words.
"Excited," she breathed out.
Wanda smiled, running her tongue along her teeth and used two of her painted fingers to draw a line slowly down Leo's throat. The feeling of her hands, cold and careful, running down her skin while Wanda hovered so close to her lips caused her body to clench and her hips to lift from the canvas. Wanda's eyes flicked down at the movement and then back to Leo's with a scolding scowl to her perfectly pouted lips. 
"Sorry Professor," Leo apologized, but the words came out a teasing whine.
Wanda continued her journey with her fingers, lower across her décolletage — a cool sharpness over the prickly heat of her skin. 
Lower still, Wanda travelled. Between the valley of Leo’s breasts, paint dripping dangerously close the the black lace of her bra. 
“Do you mind?” Wanda questioned, her green eyes darkened, shadowed and hazy like the deepest forests. 
Leo shook her head, voice lost to the want. The want to please Wanda, to feel her paint slicked fingers anywhere she desired. 
She arched from the canvas as her professor worked the clasp of her bra open, cool air pebbling her nipples as soon as they were freed. 
“You’re beautiful,” Wanda purred, and Leo whined, her lip between her teeth as the other woman soaked up the sight before her. 
Wanda brought a hand to Leo's bent leg, lowering it further onto the canvas slowly spreading her legs open as she settled herself on her knees between them. 
She smiled down at Leo as she leaned forward wrapping her fingers around her wrists and pushing her hands above her head. Wanda's chest rose and fell against Leo's and she relished in the feel of her clothed breasts brushing against hers, letting her eyes fall closed. 
The tip of Wanda's nose brushed against hers, hot breath fanning against her lips as her professor's hands began trailing back down her arms. 
"Open your eyes for me Leo," she whispered lips just missing hers as they moved, "I want you to watch me appreciating your body."
Barely missing the paint marking the column of her throat, Wanda ghosted her lips over Leo’s skin, her breath raising goosebumps despite its warmth. Reaching Leo’s right breast, Wanda paused, rolling her eyes up to take in the expression of desire on Leo’s face as her eyelids fluttered with anticipation.
Leo whined once more, which turned into a gasp as Wanda traced around her areola with just the very top of her tongue, gently teasing, with hardly any pressure at all.  The circles became smaller, tighter, until Wanda’s tongue was circling Leo’s pebbled nipple but not touching. Leo ached for more and almost bucked up from the canvas once more but managed to contain herself.
Wanda chuckled huskily at the feel of Leo trembling beneath her.
“Well done.” She whispered, taking Leo’s nipple into the warmth of her mouth and sucking gently.
Leo's tongue swiped her bottom lip before she pulled it between her teeth to stifle a moan. Every inch of her body felt like it was on fire, the coolness of the wet paint only making it worse. Wanda's lips continued trailing down her stomach, followed closely by the wet paintbrush, soft green marks appearing on every curve and ridge that her torso held. 
"Tell me what you want, Leo," Wanda murmured into her skin as her lips skated across the hem of her lace panties, "right now, in this moment, what do you crave?" 
The paint brush moved to dance around her inner thigh, Wanda's hot breath dangerously close to her centre. Leo felt like her brain was malfunctioning and she whined in response, craving the touch of her beautiful art professor. 
"You," she finally rasped, "I want you, Professor"
Wanda smiled, a twisted playful smile that drove Leo to insanity. She tucked her fingers into a pot of blue paint. Pressing it against the palms of her hands before dipping into the band of the lacy underwear that Leonor wore. 
As she removed them from her hips she left long, soft strands of blue down her thighs and calves. Wanda sat back on her knees, admiring her work before coming back, pressing at Leo’s stomach and dipping her head between her legs. 
Blue finger prints maimed her olive skin as Wanda’s tongue swiped between her drenched folds. Leo bucked from the sudden, sweet sensation and Wanda pushed her back down as she worked relentlessly at her clit.
Encouraged by the moans and whimpers that Leo could no longer control, Wanda ran her tongue lower, deeper, laving along Leo’s slick pussy. Leo tightened her thighs against Wanda’s head, she couldn’t help it, but Wanda gently pushed them apart again, leaving two very obvious blue handprints behind, the most intimate of picture frames.
Leo cried out as she felt Wanda’s tongue stiffen and then push into her aching cunt, fucking her slowly but relentlessly, allowing the pressure to build until finally, as if she could read Leo’s mind, she swept her tongue back up to her clit wrapping her lips around it and and sucking hard as Leo came undone in a glorious moan of pleasure.
Wanda continued working her through her orgasm, relishing in the sweet sounds that filled the classroom. Leo's mind was dizzy with pleasure as she came down from her high, but she knew deep within herself that they were not even close to being done. 
"Wanda," Leo breathed, confidence rising as she reached down and cupped her professor's cheek, pulling her face up to look at her, "please, please let me show you how fast of a learner I am" 
A deep chuckle left Wanda's chest as she sat back slowly and peeled off her white tank top, doing her best not to get any more paint on it then necessary. Leo sat up on her elbows and watched the site before her, drinking in every inch of Wanda's now exposed breasts as she tried to catch her breath. 
When Wanda stood to remove her trousers, Leo scrambled onto her knees in front of her lightly grasping her hands, "let me... please" She whispered, looking up at the blonde through heavy lashes. With a soft nod of approval, Leo hooked her fingers into Wanda's pants and the hem of her underwear, pulling them down together.
From her knees Leonor was given the most wonderous view. Her hands raked around and up Wanda's smooth, strong calves and over the swell of her ass. She kissed her mouth over every inch of skin, licking and nibbling at the fleshy inners of her thighs as she reached Wanda's core. Leo's eyes flickered up as Wanda practically dripped down her hand. 
"So wet already," Leo purred against her skin. 
Wanda raked her paint fingers across her jaw and around her throat lifting Leo's chin to really look at her, "I've been waiting all day," she brushed a thumb over Leo's bottom lip, "walking around soaked just thinking about you." 
The confession drove Leo nuts, dipping between her thighs without another word and lapping the sweet taste of Wanda onto her tongue as she lifted her knee and hooked it over her shoulder. She pressed her fingers deeper into her skin, dragging a sweet moan from Wanda's red lips as she supported her weight and ate her out without remorse.
Leonor began circling her clit slowly with the tip of her tongue, almost teasing her seeing just how far she could push her professor. Wanda moaned in protest and dug her fingers into Leonor’s hair, lacing her fingers in between her soft brown locks and pulled her head slightly back green rimmed blown out pupils staring down at as her chest heaved. 
Leo looked up at her through her lashes and smiled innocently, “is everything alright, professor?” 
Wanda raised a brow and tugged a bit tighter on her hair causing Leo to gasp in pleasure, “don’t be a tease Leonor, don’t make me punish you.” 
She felt herself grow wetter at the thought of what more Wanda could do to her. Leo bit her lip and ran a finger through her wet folds, teasing her entrance as she moved her face forward once again, “May I?”
Upon seeing the brisk nod, Leo attached her lips once more to Wanda’s clit, laving it gently with her tongue as she slipped her finger up inside her.  The whine that spilled from Wanda’s lips only served to encourage Leo and she quickly added a second finger, moving them in the same rhythm as her tongue.
She knew when she had found the right spot inside when Wanda’s grip tightened on her hair and she began to buck her hips against Leo’s mouth, pushing her closer towards her dripping cunt.
“Yes, there, right there,” Wanda gasped as Leo tried to keep pace with her undulating hips.
Wanda keened above her when Leo slipped a third finger into her and the walls of her pussy began to clench.  Leo worked Wanda’s clit as she pumped her fingers in and out, almost having to fight against the grip Wanda had on her head but then the professor stiffened and Leo felt a rush of slick run down her chin as Wanda reached her climax.
Leo worked the professor through her climax, lapping up every ounce of slick she could. She moved her lips to pepper small soft kisses on each hip bone, trailing them up her body as she stood. Making sure to nip at the skin of her breasts and ghost her lips up Wanda's throat, she finally came to a stand nipping at the blonde's ear lobe. 
Placing her hands gently on her hips, Leo guided Wanda, turning her towards the canvas, "lay down... please" she added to not sound like she was commanding her, "I don't think our lesson is quite through," Leo teased. 
Wanda hummed, and brushed her hands into the brunette's hair, trailing her fingers over her collarbone and down her bare arms, "Well I certainly hope not," 
With Leo's help, Wanda settled down on the canvas and allowed Leonor to position her on her back, both arms stretched above her head, with both knees bent and her back slightly arched off the canvas. The brunette stood over her professor, taking in the sight before her and feeling the fire reignite in her belly as she sank to her knees beside her, digging her finger into the red paint and tracing a line up from Wanda's hips to the crevasse between her breasts.
Leo lifted her finger from her chest, a soft whine in protest slipping from Wanda’s lips. With her free hand, she picked up some more paint and spread it around in her palms. With both hands covered in red paint she swung a leg across Wanda’s body, holding on to her waist as she settled atop her lap. She smiled down at her as she cupped her breast tenderly, dipping her head and nuzzling into the curve of her neck. 
Wanda moaned as she began leaving a trail of wet kisses along the side of her neck as she palmed at her breasts. The feel of her professor wiggling and moaning under her only egging her on to kiss down to her collarbone. 
Her professor’s hands came down from above her head to cup her face pulling Leonor upwards, the tips of her noses almost touching. Leonor’s breath hitched in her throat at the soft brushing of her thumb on her cheek as her green eyes looked back at her. Just as she was about to ask her if she had done something wrong, Wanda tilted her chin upwards barely touching her lips to hers. 
“Kiss me Leonor, please.” She breathed, “Let me taste myself on your tongue.”
With a small sigh Leo leaned forwards and closed the gap between them, her eyes rolling back in her head at the soft feel of Wanda’s lips finally pressing against hers.  She opened her mouth slightly, allowing the softest brush of Wanda’s tongue to swipe along her bottom lip but it was Wanda who was the impatient one, pulling Leo’s lip into her mouth and nipping it gently.
The kiss was intoxicating, the taste a heady cocktail of their combined essences with the tiniest hint of paint.  Wanda’s hands tangled in her hair and pulled slightly, the tiny pinpricks of pain only adding to the almost overwhelming sensations. Leo smiled into the kiss not even noticing when her thumb smeared a streak of red paint across Wanda’s cheekbone.
They're mouths continued to move against one another, dancing with their tongues and taking in every inch of each other that they could. The red paint from Wanda's breast, transferring and smearing onto Leonor's as the red and blue mixed on their bodies. 
A soft red handprint found its way onto the side of Wanda's neck, and another planted firmly beside her head as Leo attempted to hold herself up. Her nerves igniting once more as she felt Wanda's hips buck up into her, grazing her sensitive bud and pulling a teasing moan that was swallowed by her lips. 
With one swift movement, Wanda wrapped her arms around Leo and rolled them so she was back on top, rubbing her knee between Leo's legs again, "This is my classroom remember?" She breathed, kissing her once more, and pulling at her bottom lip with her teeth, "I'm in charge"
Leo hummed and ran red paint up Wanda's back, "yes, Professor"
Wanda pressed kisses up and down Leo’s neck, paint smearing against her lips, drawing it down and across her chest, sucking her nipple into her mouth. Her delicate fingers stroked her other breast, massaging it and making moans fall from Leo’s mouth. 
“Please, Wanda, more,” she begged, and Wanda grinned around her tit, tweaking her nipple as she bit down lightly. She pressed her thigh up against Leo’s cunt, wet and slick, sliding against her.
Wanda obliged, ducking her hand between them. Her fingers curled painfully deep into Leo’s wet pussy using the weight of her thigh to fuck Leonor senseless. 
Her head lulled as the moan ripped from her throat and Wanda sucked at her sensitive nipple. “Sing for me,” she cooed, rubbing her clit with her thumb as her fingers scraped against the roof of her cunt. 
“Don’t stop,” Leo begged, and she would continue to do so.
Wanda smiled against Leonor’s chest trailing kisses along her sternum as she pushed her fingers deeper into her center. A string of pleas slipped from Leo’s lips like a song as she continued to work her clit with her thumb. She brought her free hand up, resting it on her throat brushing her lips along the curve of Leo’s jaw. 
“You’re so beautiful when you beg, Leonor.” She purred.
Her sounds echoed out into the studio and she could feel Wanda's smile on her skin. The red and blue paint had smeared between them creating a deep purple, the canvas no longer resembling the outline of Leo's body but looking more like an explosion of colour created by passion and heat. It didn't matter who was left in the school, or what tomorrow would bring. What mattered in Leo's mind, the only thing that was left there, was the beautiful blonde who lay on top of her, bringing out more pleasure than she'd ever felt before. 
"One more, Leo sweetheart," Wanda cooed, dragging her tongue up the side of Leonor's neck and flicking her ear lobe, "I've got you" 
Leo's vision went white as the fire in her belly let go once more, a strike of electricity shooting up her spine as her pleasure overtook every one of her senses. Wanda's name dripped from her lips as a whiney, needy growl that she couldn't control and the vibration of Wanda’s chuckle against her brought her back down from her high.
Leo took a breath, chest heaving slightly as she slowly came down, head spinning. She met Wanda’s green eyes, a smile shining in them as bright as the grin on her face. 
“You did so wonderfully my sweet, I’m so impressed, look at this beautiful work you’ve helped to create. Here, let’s take a look,” Wanda said as she stood fluidly, hands out for Leo to take. 
She did and they stepped back, gazing at the canvas, smeared with paint. The colors mixed and swirled to create a beautiful whorl of a painting.
Leo looked over at Wanda, kissing her paint smeared shoulder, “it’s beautiful,” she turned her head back to the art. 
“You know,” Wanda chuckled, “it would sell for a fortune if they knew how it was made.”
“We can always make more,” Leo teased. 
“Is that an invitation Leonor?” Wanda turned snaking her hand into her hair and tugging her close for a kiss that stole the air from Leo’s lungs. 
“Perhaps it was a challenge,” Wanda teased when Leo said nothing more, pulling away with the click of her teeth. 
Together they hung it dry, and Wanda helped her slip into a pair of paint stained sweats. “I’d like to take you home Leo,” she smiled, helping her tuck her paint stained hair up into a loose ponytail. “We both earned a shower,” she kissed her nose and jaw. 
“Is the shower just a shower?” Leo collected her things and followed Wanda to the door. 
She shut off the light to the studio and turned to Leo with a playful look in her eye. “A shower is never just a shower,” she hummed, linking their hands together.
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fxckmiup · 1 year
𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐩𝐭. 𝟒
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Genre: ♡ Fluff | ♤ Angst | ♞ Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Unrequited/requited love, yelling, mean Wanda, mean Yelena, if there's anything else please let me know.
Pairing: AU Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Nothing hurts more than falling in love with your best friend.
Words: 6,395
PS. I've tagged everyone on my taglist but most of y'all can't be tagged.
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Wanda Maximoff
"What do you mean she left?" Wanda asks Yelena who stepped past her sister and Steve to get closer to the brunette.
"She left because of you," the younger Russian repeats with venom laced in her tone. Bucky gets up from his spot on the couch and steps in front of Yelena to stop her from coming any closer to Wanda.
"Yelena, don't," Bucky warns to which the blonde scoffs at. "Don't what? Tell her the truth? Because that played out well so far, didn't it?"
"You know it isn't just about her. You're looking for someone to blame and maybe she's partially at fault but it doesn't mean you get to dump all your resentment towards her," Bucky tells her. If it was anybody else who dare speak to her in such a way, they probably would have gotten a slap right across the face. But it was Bucky, who was the only person besides Natasha and Y/n who she allowed to speak to her in such a way.
Yelena rolls her eyes before crossing her arms over her chest, looking up at the man who's standing in her way to rip the Sokovian a new one and if he thinks he can stop her then he's a fool.
"My resentment towards a certain Sokovian in this room isn't just about today. It's about everything she's done, directly or indirectly to Y/n in the last year. If Kate, who's the most oblivious out of all of us, can pick out the number of times Y/n got hurt by the Sokovian then Wanda should at least know that her actions towards her so-called best friend were impacting her in a negative way. And ultimately, if Y/n was to listen to anyone telling her to stay it would have been Wanda she'd listen to but Wanda did the opposite, didn't she? She pushed and prodded Y/n so much that Y/n felt as if this was the best decision for all parties. So no. I will not spare Wanda Maximoff my damn resentment because she deserves it." Yelena lays out as if the brunette wasn't in the same room as her.
Yelena sidesteps Bucky and walks up to Wanda getting up to her face, to which the brunette didn't stand back from.
"You're a fool," Wanda swallows at Yelena's bitter quiet but strong words. "And I don't know what she ever saw in you," Yelena tried to walk past her with an aggressive bump of their shoulders but Wanda grabs Yelena's bicep tightly before she can walk further.
The room goes eary quiet and no one knows what to say. Yelena glances at Wanda's grip and Natasha takes a cautious step toward the two while the rest watch in anticipation of what's to come next.
Wanda's mind is reeling. Y/n left. She's gone and she didn't even get a proper goodbye. Just like that, she disappeared into thin air.
"A walk? Anyone?" Kate suddenly throws out in the air after fidgeting uncomfortably through the silence.
"Get your hand off of me," Yelena dangerously warns Wanda but the brunette only stares at the side of her face. After a long few seconds of nothing, Natasha takes another step closer after noticing Yelena fisting her hands.
"You're wrong," Wanda spits out evenly in a low tone but clear enough for everyone to pick up on while she lets go of Yelena's arm.
"Oh yeah? About what?" Yelena turns around to come face to face with the brunette once again.
"She wouldn't have listened to me," Wanda shrugs nonchalantly but it was clear in her face that she was only trying to hide her anger.
"You're more stupider than I thought," Yelena throws out shaking her head in disbelief.
"And why is that, Yelena? You're here all up on my face, but you truly don't know shit," Wanda spits out, accenting her remark with a slight head tilt.
"If I were you, I'd shut up," Yelena growls at the brunette as she closes the gap between them, chest touching, nose flaring, and eyes sending daggers to the other. "Years, Wanda. Years she had to sit back in pain watching you. Years of her sacrificing everything for you. Years of making sure you were always happy. Years of putting you before her. And how did you pay her back? How did you show her your appreciation? By forgetting your traditions? Traditions that y'all have done for years. Traditions that Y/n made sure she was to never miss, cancelling everything and everyone just to make sure she made it to you."
Yelena takes another harsh step forward resulting in her chest pushing Wanda back a few steps but this display of aggression didn't falter Wanda's stance. "You forgot her at the roof. You forgot your brunch dates. You forgot Y/n's second birthday," now that last one knocked Wanda's breath out of her chest.
"She got you that stupid fucking dark hold book. She saved up her paycheques to make sure she got you that damn book but she sacrificed all that and gave Vision the credit because why? Because she wanted to see that stupid ass smile on your face. And after all that, you still continue to forget about her. You're a selfish asshole who doesn't care about anything and anyone around her but herself. She fucking worshipped where you fucking walked and you choose to continue to be oblivious, making out with your stupid little boyfriend in front of her whenever you can. She wanted to get away from you! It's because of you why she fucking left!" Yelena yells bringing her hands up to push the sokovian's shoulders back and at this point everyone was on their feet, ready to stop a fight from happening.
To everyone's surprise, Wanda catches both Yelena's wrists before she got pushed back and she ends up pushing the younger Russian back instead. "You think you know shit?!" Wanda yells and as if the tables were turned, it was now the brunette who charges forward the Russian.
"Okay miss knows it all, did you fucking know that I did confess my feelings to her this morning?!" Wanda throws out and the revelation earns a gasp from anyone. "Did you know that she claims that she fucking loves me back but when I asked her to stay and she still chose to fucking leave?!"
Yelena shakes her head in denial with a frown on her face, "Y/n wouldn't have said no to you."
"Well, then I guess you don't know Y/n as well as you thought you do, huh?" Wanda chuckles dryly, "all this time you thought she'd sacrifice it for me? All this time you thought she'd pick me, yet here she is, gone after I confessed to her that I'm fucking in love with her. I offered to go with her Yelena and she fucking told me no. She told me she didn't want me."
Wanda steps up to Yelena's face, "get it through your head that Y/n didn't choose me. Get it through your head that Y/n still chose to leave."
Yelena being Yelena, always wanting to get the last word in, doesn't back down. With an all-calm voice, Yelena says, "in that case, good for her. She's finally putting herself before you after years of putting you before her. It's time you do the same."
Wanda comes stumbling through her door at half past 2 am, "fuck you, fuck you, I hate you. I never want to see you ever again Y/n," the brunette yells to her phone.
"That's enough," Natasha says making herself known to the brunette who jumps at her voice. "Who let you in here?" Wanda asks confused as she slams her front door with her back, leaning on it for support right after. Natasha wonders for a second how this Sokovian hasn't gotten any noise complaints from her neighbours, as this scene has happened almost every day since Y/n left three weeks ago.
"I have a spare key to your apartment remember?" Natasha lightly reminds her, knowing that Wanda probably won't even remember this by the morning as she complains about a killer hangover.
Natasha walks over to the nearly blacked-out drunk brunette before quickly taking her phone and hanging up on Y/n. "Hey! I wasn't done yelling at her," Wanda yells as she tries reaching for her phone only to stumble forward and if it weren't for Natasha catching her, she would have planted face first to the ground resulting in an ugly bruise on her face.
"Yeah well, I said you're done. Bed," Natasha orders while she helps the brunette to her room. "You know that key was only for emergencies," Wanda mumbles and stumbles to her room despite Natasha's support.
"And you being out past 1 am a Wednesday getting close to blacked-out drunk is an emergency. This can't go on for any longer Wanda, this is unhealthy." Natasha reprimands her.
"Blame your sister for kissing me, leaving me, and breaking my heart," Wanda says before she falls on her bed and not even a second later knocks out. Natasha grumbles before she starts helping Wanda into comfier clothing.
"Where is Wanda?" Sam asks the group whilst starting the hand out of barbequed hotdogs to the group for their monthly friends' reunion.
"Late as per usual," Yelena mumbles as she squirts hot sauce all over her hotdog.
"Have you talked to her?" Bucky asks. "No."
"Yelena it's been months since y'all went at it with each other. You should just sit and talk because this is getting ridiculous," Bucky scolds her.
"Well then she can come to me and talk if she wants to talk," Yelena says as she rolls her eyes while Natasha shakes her head at her younger sister.
"You know she won't do that. Plus, what you did was uncalled for," Steve comments fitting the description of being the peacekeeper of the group.
"She asked for it," Yelena shrugs which earns a glare from the peacekeeper himself and before Steve can answer, Sam's front door opens revealing Wanda.
"Holy shit, what did you do?" Tony asks loudly which gets everyone's attention. Wanda shrugs "what's the rite of passage?" Wanda asks Sam who's hosting this month's reunion. "Jello-shot," he smiles cheekily before Wanda takes one of the cups and quickly downs it making a face once she tastes the straight Jello tequila.
"You dyed your hair red? Why?" Tony asks. "What you don't like it?" Wanda tilts her head with the question but Tony chooses stupid this time around and answers her rhetorical question. "No, I don't."
"Don't anger the beast," Sam says through a cough before walking away which makes Wanda rolls her eyes in annoyance.
That's Wanda for you who's been acting out since Y/n left a few months ago. The former brunette is now easily annoyed, easily angered, short fuse, and simply does not give a fuck about anything and anybody else.
"How's your dream job?" Steve asks instead, sensing the clear annoyance of the newly red-headed Sokovian. "Well it's my dream job, so I'm loving it a lot," Wanda says half sarcastically but sighs when she notices Steve's genuine curiosity. "It's going great, my manager is amazing, my colleagues are great, the company is great, and I'm truly having fun."
"That's what I like to hear," Pietro comments suddenly coming out of nowhere and ruffling up her nicely done hair which then earns him a big ole slap on the arm.
"So are you late from your pussy appointment?" Yelena says from the balcony door. "You know Yelena, maybe you need to schedule some sex appointment for yourself. I know people and you seem like you need to get laid," Wanda shoots out.
That's another thing Wanda started doing after Y/n left, one-night stands. It's almost rare for Wanda to get through a whole week without at least having two one-night stands. And no matter how many times she got scolded by her friends, she continues to do it to the point that no one says anything anymore.
"Yelena," Bucky says as a warning when he sees the blonde about to make another remark. Instead the Russian rolls her eyes at Bucky before stepping out the balcony to tend to the barbeque that was still cooking.
Natasha shakes her head at the two, something she's been doing a lot lately. "You two need to sort your shit out with each other. It's getting old," she comments as she passes the Sokovian on her way to the kitchen.
"Enough of that, shots anyone?" Tony yells through the apartment.
"Can I do a chaser?" Kate asks and Clint pats her back with a chuckle, "oh Kate."
"Is that a yes?" Kate stutters out.
A few weeks passed since the last friends' reunion and Wanda is currently doing a deep clean of her apartment when she comes across an envelope underneath her bed. She furrows her eyebrows wondering what could be inside the envelope, she turns it over to come face to face with her name nicely written on the front of the envelope.
She freezes immediately knowing whose penmanship that was from. Her frown grows trying to remember when she could have possibly received a letter from Y/n and as she was about to open the envelope, a knock comes booming on her front door. She jumps at the sound and drops the envelope to the ground.
She picks up the envelope contemplating if she should throw it out or actually open it but before she can even make a decision another set of knocks comes through her front door.
"I'm coming!" she yells out before quickly placing the envelope on her bedside table. She makes her way to the door and looks through the peephole only to come face to face with one of the people she did not expect to be standing in front of her door.
Wanda opens the door with a puzzled look on her face, "Yelena?"
Y/n Y/l/n
Y/n sighs heavily once she steps through her front door, she drops her purse and keys on the table by the door before locking it behind her. Her first week at her job was a whirlwind of many emotions and she's starting to think that maybe she should start investing in a therapist.
Y/n was absolutely thrilled to be starting her dream job but it was hard for her to celebrate that win with how everything went down back home. A part of her feels guilty for leaving her friends, scratch that, her family and she's honestly been feeling some intense waves of homesickness but that's something she'd never tell her friends since she feels she doesn't have the right to feel those.
Then let's not mention how everything with Wanda had gone down. That was not how she planned to tell the Sokovian of her feelings and she feels like a dick for not further explaining herself. But then again, the letter that she had left for the Sokovian should explain everything going through her head, that's if Wanda reads it.
On top of that, Sam had face-timed her the day after she landed to tell her what had gone down at the party after she left. He told her how Wanda and Yelena went at it and how everyone was sure someone was walking away with some sort of injury, but gladly no one did.
Y/n wanted to call Yelena or Natasha right after that but she felt that maybe, letting them call her when they were ready is a better option. She's sure that the sisters are probably upset with her for not telling them about the revelation that had happened between her and Wanda that day. So ultimately, she decided that she'll let them cool off and wait till they call her instead.
A week later, Y/n finally gets a facetime call from Yelena. Y/n reaches over to mute her TV while answering the facetime call, "hello sestra," Y/n answers with a smile.
"I'm mad at you," Yelena says and Y/n's smirk grows a little, "I know that you are."
"Well I was, I'm over it now," Yelena deflates with a pout. "Although now that I'm not mad, I'm hurt that you didn't tell me."
Y/n sighs a little and takes a sip of her red wine, "I'm sorry Yelena. There was so much going on in my head that day, you knew that. Plus, whatever happened between Wanda and I was not my intention at all. I went there and before I can even try to confess about my leave, she blurted out about her feelings and then I followed after," she explains scratching her eyebrows.
"She started kissing me but I had to cut it off to tell her about the job. And it was just all shitty. And everyone was sad, and I was sad, and I knew that if I let myself process and feel everything, there would be a great chance of me not following through with my decision. So it was poker face until I was up in the air where I didn't have the chance to turn around."
Y/n bites her lips looking at Yelena softly, "I'm sorry that I didn't have it in me to tell you or Natasha. To be honest with you, I'm just coming around to accepting and understanding what actually went down that day."
"Hey, it's okay. I completely understand that. I don't blame you really, but a heads up would have been nice," Yelena mutters the last part but Y/n still heard it and started laughing. "Heads up before you ripped her apart at the party?"
Yelena groans, "she was asking for it! And she just pushed all the right buttons so it all came out. It's fine, I still got the last words." Y/n chuckles at that, "of course you did. Where's Nat?"
"She's at work. She'll be home in half an hour, don't worry, she's not mad at you anymore."
"Oh thank god for that."
"You know what, I'm glad you aren't here. I'm glad you left. I never want to fucking see you again, you're parents were right about you, you know?! I can't believe I spent so many years trying to tell you otherwise when they were right all along!" Wanda yells through the phone and Y/n stares at the phone on the coffee table, that's been left on speaker.
This was the third week into Y/n moving away and these types of calls happened almost every night. Y/n knows that she could easily ignore it and not pick it up, but it's Wanda, how can she not? So she sits through a 30-minute to an hour-long phone call every night where Wanda just yells at her. Y/n can tell how drunk Wanda really is during every phone call, she's 99.9% sure that Wanda has never called her sober these last few weeks. It makes Y/n question if the brunette even remembers these phone calls.
Y/n can hear Wanda stumbling through a door, "fuck you, fuck you, I hate you. I never want to see you ever again Y/n," the brunette yells to her phone yet again.
"That's enough," she hears Natasha say and she can only guess how surprised the brunette was. "Who let you in here?" Wanda asks seemingly confused as Y/n hears the door slam shut. At least Y/n can now relax a bit knowing Wanda made it home safely.
"I have a spare key to your apartment remember?" Natasha lightly reminds her. Y/n hears some shuffling on the other side of the phone before the line cuts off. Y/n turns on her back, staring up at the ceiling and letting out a loud sigh.
Y/n almost booked a flight ticket after the third drunken call Wanda made to her, she was ready to come back and make this all better knowing that she could. But she thought about the real deep reasoning as to why she even took this job in the first place.
It was never about the title or the company and it was never about anything anyone ever guessed. Y/n took the job to prove her parents wrong. Y/n moved across the country to prove to herself that what was engraved in her mind was never true and it would never be her reality. Wanda had helped Y/n all these years to start believing that she was not what her parents told her she was. But now hearing Wanda say that she believed her parents were right all along was a massive knife struck through her heart.
This proves to her that she was never enough for Wanda and she definitely would never be if she had decided to stay in New York. Y/n took the opportunity to turn her life around and prove to everyone, her parents, herself, and especially Wanda, that she can do it. She can reach more than the limitations her parents had put around her, she's enough, and she's worth it.
"Boo!" Y/n yells and clutches her chest while she shuts her eyes tightly. She can hear muffled laughing in front of her from a pair of familiar-sounding voices. Y/n tries to get her breathing in a normal pattern once again but the stressful week she just had at work did not help.
All she wanted to do was to come home, have a glass, or two, or maybe a full bottle of wine while she binges on Friends. But from the sound of it, that won't be happening tonight.
She opens her eyes and sends daggers at the two people who almost caused her to have a heart attack. Y/n closes her front door behind her and locks it before throwing her keys toward the two who were on the ground dying of laughter, "you idiots!"
"You should have seen your face," Yelena laughs out loud while Pietro nods in agreement. "Damn it, why didn't we record that," add Yelena who was laying on the floor wiping her tears.
"Actually, I'm smarter than you so I did record it and it will be sent to the group chat ASAP," Pietro smirks over at Yelena and Y/n only groans in response. "Don't you dare send that, I swear to god," Y/n threatens while she puts her purse down and takes her shoes and coat off.
"What? You're going to yell like you just did?" Pietro mocks and it sends Yelena into another fit of laughter. "Ha ha ha, you're so funny really. I'm dying," Y/n deadpans.
"What are you two doing here anyway? And how the hell did you even get in my apartment?" Y/n asks while making her way to the kitchen to check what she can make for dinner.
"We have our ways. Plus, we're here because it's been 6 months since we last saw you and from the looks of it, you weren't going to initiate inviting us over so we took matters into our own hands," Yelena explains smugly making Y/n roll her eyes while trying to refrain from smiling at her friend's thoughtfulness.
"A heads up would have been nice," Y/n says in faux annoyance. "Well then it wouldn't be a surprise and we wouldn't have caught that amazing video," Pietro throws back.
"Dang, that was so good. Since when did you get good at cooking?" Pietro says before he slouches back on his chair, chewing his last bite. Y/n chuckles as she wipes her mouth with a napkin, "how rude. I've always been good at cooking. But I guess I really started branching out with my cooking here. There's really nothing else I can do so," Y/n finishes with a shrug right before she picks up her glass of wine.
"Which by the way, you never talk about. So how is it really? Do you like it here? Do you see yourself staying here?" Yelena asks, now turning her full attention on her sister-like best friend.
Y/n swallows her wine as well as the nerves that those questions brought her. This was something she's been heavily thinking about for the last months. Was this a place she want to be growing old in? She made a couple of friends from work but this place never made her feel at home the way New York did. Y/n felt as if she was truly only here for work and nothing else. She comes home, makes dinner, relaxes, showers, then bed, and this has been her routine since day one.
Y/n's half-year check-in with her bosses is coming up and so this has been something that she's been asking herself. But as much as she wants to be as truthful as she can be with her friends and family, she knows that she has to pick and choose her words carefully because it's detrimental that she makes this decision on her own.
"I mean, it doesn't feel like back home. I'll tell you that," she chuckles dryly. Her cryptic response makes Yelena narrow her eyes at her, "care to elaborate?" the blonde Russian tries.
"New York is home, it always was and it will always be, you know?" Y/n shrugs swallowing her emotions down, "I don't know anyone here, my friends and my family are back home. It still needs some time getting used to."
"So why not go back home?" Y/n sends Yelena a pointed look before getting up and gathering their plates together. "No, I'm serious. If you feel like you have a horrible life here, then why not just go back home? You have 6 months of experience in this position under your belt, I'm sure it'll be easy for you to get the same position with another amazing company that could possibly be in New York." Pietro was the one who sends Yelena a look this time around.
"First, I never said my life was horrible here. Second, it's not that easy," Y/n replies as she busies herself with filling up the dishwasher.
"How can it not be that-" Yelena tries but Y/n cuts her off sharply, "Yelena. Are you here to pester me about this or are you here to spend some true time with me?"
Yelena sighs almost guiltily, "the latter."
"So drop it."
"Oh my god, Yelena," Y/n groans as she drops her body on the couch while the blonde whines for a second before knocking out. Pietro laughs behind them while he shakes his head, "Miss Yel over here thinking she can outdrink us both. Ridiculous."
"I told you not to challenge her, idiot," Y/n says as she starts taking Yelena's shoes off and Pietro passes her some sweats for Y/n to change the Russian into. Pietro shrugs before turning around to give the two some privacy, "that's what she gets for challenging me first."
Y/n can't help but chuckle lightly, remembering how Yelena went all up on their faces saying she can outdrink them both combined, "you're so mean."
"This might be a wake-up call for Miss Yel," Pietro jabs again before going into the bathroom to change and get ready for bed himself.
It was the end of the first week of their vacation and Y/n felt bad that she had been way too busy during the week with work that she couldn't take them out anywhere. Therefore, Y/n decided that a night out in the city this Saturday would be nice and it'll be her way to finally show the two around her current city.
Natasha had called them in the middle of the week right before she purchased her plane ticket to come to Seattle for the remainder of Yelena's and Pietro's stay. The redhead told them that she was too jealous of the thought of the two being with Y/n so she impulsively asked for a week off of work to come and visit, then she'll come to fly back to NYC with Thing 1 and Thing 2.
The redheaded Russian will be landing tomorrow, Sunday, and Y/n only hopes that Yelena does not have a nasty hangover in the morning since they all have to wake up at 6 am to pick up Natasha from the airport. Although, they can always leave Yelena to sleep while they pick up Natasha.
Y/n is truly considering leaving the two at home while she goes and picks up her other Russian sister, maybe a time alone with them two would be nice, Yelena surely needs more time to rest. And that was the plan of action she decided on right before she floated to dreamland.
The next morning, Y/n slips out of her apartment at 5:45 am without waking anybody else up. She stops to grab some coffee before she starts her drive to pick her sister up, she didn't have to wait for long before Natasha came rushing out of the airport into her arms.
"Oh my god, I missed you so much," Natasha mumbles into Y/n's hair as she hugs her sister tightly. The moment was so touching that they both couldn't help but get teary, "I missed you so much more," Y/n mumbles back to her.
Natasha then slaps the back of Y/n's shoulder lightly with an accompanying teary chuckle, "then you should call more or better yet come fly out to see me asshole."
Y/n pulls away with her own watery chuckle as she wipes her face, "trust me if I could find time to fly out to you-you know I would in a heartbeat."
Natasha narrows her eyes at her before sighing in contentment, "I know you would. Fuck, come here." Natasha pulls her into another tight hug and after a few minutes they eventually drove off.
"So where are Thing 1 and Thing 2?" Natasha asks while she sips on Y/n's coffee making the latter roll her eyes playfully. "Well, I've been busy all week that I haven't been able to show them around so I thought a night out in the city last night would have been nice. It was an amazing night until Yelena ran her mouth and started stating how she can outdrink Pietro and I combined."
Natasha laughs in disbelief, "let me guess, Pietro told her she can't and they challenged each other."
"Uh huh and about two hours later, Yelena was blacked out drunk that I had to carry her back to the apartment," Y/n states as she shakes her head.
"And Pietro was basically acting sober?" Y/n nods at Natasha's guess. "What an idiot," Y/n couldn't help but laugh.
The two catch up with what's been going on in their personal lives as they drive to Y/n's apartment and Y/n was thankful that she ultimately decided to pick Natasha up on her own. This is what she needed, just normal friends catch up. No teasing, no innuendo, and she knows those types of comments will eventually come throughout the week but she's happy that it isn't how this reunion had started.
The redhead knows enough not to push on particular topics and she knows when the right moments are when to do so. Y/n is equally close with everyone in their friend group, but she does confine in Natasha in more detail including her actual emotional state regarding certain subjects. Natasha was someone Y/n knows she never has to hide from, someone she knows she can truly be 100 percent honest with and not feel like she ever has to walk on eggshells with.
Wanda Maximoff
"Pietro, you ready yet?" Wanda asks annoyingly as she knocks at her bathroom where her brother has been getting ready for the last hour. "What does a man have to do in the washroom to get ready for this long?"
Pietro suddenly opens the door with a smug face, "beauty takes time sestra, but it's okay I know you wouldn't know."
Wanda's jaw drops and watches as Pietro walks away from her, "excuse you little shit. Honestly, you've been hanging out with Yelena way too much. She's rubbing off on you."
Pietro chuckles, "I mean we did just get back from vacation so."
The twins start walking out of Wanda's apartment to the elevator, "oh yeah, where did y'all go again?"
"Visited Y/n," Pietro says nonchalantly as he walks into the elevator. The silver-haired man watches as his twin freezes for a moment and only snaps out of it when the doors started to close. Wanda squeezes in right before it closes, "you what?"
"Yelena and I went and visited Y/n for two weeks and Nat joined us for the second week and then the three of us flew back together." Pietro subtly watches his sister's reaction.
"Cool cool," Wanda mutters and Pietro raises an eyebrow, "cool?"
"Yeah, cool." Wanda says with a bite in her tone. "Okay," Pietro shrugs and exits out first once the doors were open again.
Wanda follows her brother while she tries to get a hold of her emotions. She's jealous at the fact that her other friends and her brother got to visit Y/n, meaning that they've been in constant contact with her while Wanda herself hasn't heard anything in months; and she wasn't about to be the one to reach out first.
Although, simultaneously she was still mad at Y/n for breaking her heart and a part of her just don't want to hear about her again. But underneath it all, she knows she just misses her ex-best friend truly.
Wanda never uttered a word again after that until the twins were walking to their parent's grave. It was the twins' parents' death anniversary and every year they come here to celebrate in the first half of the day. It felt weird this year because Y/n usually goes with them to visit their parents since the Maximoff's treated her like they were their own.
"Who? What? Where did those come from?" Wanda asks confused after she spots the nicely decorated potted flowers all around the graves. The twins walk a bit closer and Wanda's confusion only grows tenfold, who put those here? She never ordered flowers for their parents. Pietro lays the bouquet of flowers they brought themselves alongside one of the beautiful potted ones.
"Y/n sent them over," Pietro says softly as he sits on the grass and Wanda's confusion only grows from there, furrowing her eyebrows so deeply that it might just give her a headache. "She what?"
"Come on sestra, just because she isn't in the city doesn't mean she had forgotten about them. You know how much she cares for them and vice versa," Pietro tells the redhead.
"I know, I just, I didn't-" Wanda stutters scratching her eyebrows. The redhead can not for the life of her form a proper sentence due to all of the emotions and feelings rushing around her brain.
"You didn't think she would because in your eyes she's a villain. Yeah, maybe that's something you need to reflect on," Pietro mutters with an eye-roll. He knows the true story. He knows what Y/n had said and how wrong Wanda misheard her. He also knows about the phone calls that Wanda had made drunkenly and all the contents that were said in them. He was going to yell at Wanda for what she said but he realized that she never remembered them the day after.
Pietro can easily tell Wanda about all these and hopefully straighten her up a bit, make her feel better, and not waste so much time hating someone for saying and doing something they never did. But the silver-haired man knows that wasn't his place to say, Y/n also doesn't know that Wanda doesn't remember the phone calls and she also doesn't know that Wanda had completely misheard and misunderstood what she said.
But again, that was their problem and something that they need to figure out together therefore Pietro had always kept his mouth shut although sometimes his sister pushes the wrong buttons like right now.
"Excuse me?" Wanda asks shocked. Pietro sighs shaking his head, this probably was not the time for this, "nothing. This is something we can talk about another time."
"No, tell me what you meant."
Pietro whips his head towards Wanda and the redhead almost stumbles backwards at the fire in his eyes, something that was very rare. "Wanda. We're here for our parents. I'm not going to sit here and converse about this in front of them. So no. We will not be talking about this right now."
Wanda gulps and stares at his brother for a few seconds before sitting down on the grass beside him.
"Remember the first time mama made us watch The Dick Van Dyke show?" Pietro asks her after a few minutes of silence having no trace of fire in his tone.
A year after Y/n left New York
Wanda was enjoying her cozy Saturday night in, having The Dick Van Dyke show playing as background noise while reading a book when she heard her phone ping a new message. She quickly glances at her phone to see a message from Yelena on their friends' group chat.
Wanda softly places her book down on her lap to reach over for her phone on the coffee table and her glass of wine. She takes a sip of her glistening white wine while she waits for her phone to unlock to show the message.
The white wine that she was in the middle of swallowing almost choked her when the message came into her view. Wanda reads:
Yel: Guess who we stumbled upon at the airport?
The redhead moves her eyes under the message and sees a clear picture of Y/n with her suitcase.
Y/n's back.
»»————- ♛ ————-««
🏷️: @nats-dreamland @marvelwomen-simp @togrowoldinv @maia-lightwoood @when-wolves-howl @wandanatvoid @ilovehotactresses @onetruwhore @strangegardencreatortaco @sadonism @mr-m-murdock @sayah13 @natslilangel @wandasbabe @froufrousnowman @picnicmic @justyourwritter69 @how-to-disappearrr @the-mute1 @wandsmxmff @nikkinss @abarelyexistentbeing @reginassweetheart @ratzyy @dandelions4us @oh-thats-cute @honey-sweet-hiraeth @yourfavdummy @tswiftlq
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Lessons Learned (W.M) Pt. 2
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
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Pairing: Professor!Wanda Maximoff x Student!FemReader (College AU)
Summary:Y/n has been looking forward to this particular class but something unexpected happened on the first day.
Warning 18+ Fluff, angst, a little humor with (maybe) smut in future chapter.
Requested: Yes by @mizzgay
A/n: Hey ya everybody! I'm back with pt. 2 of my newest mini series. This one finished earlier than other fic I wrote. So I will post this while you are waiting for Ch. 65 Lost In Assistance and Pt. 4 of Ten Days got done. Thank you @stonemags and @silver-lotus for helping me brainstorming. Also thank you @thatpersonthatisgenderfluid for helping me with the cool information of Marine Biology that they are expert with. Anyway, enjoy! Happy reading!
Series Masterlist
“I wish that you went to Tony’s party. Everybody was there. Bucky was looking for you.” Nat tells you about the party you didn’t go to yesterday as she sinks into your huge bean bag chairs in your room. “Wow, he still doesn’t want to believe that I’m gay, does he?” You laugh a little responding to Nat as you are busy typing on your laptop finishing your homework.
“Well, apparently. Oh, Valkyrie was looking for you too. You know how much she likes you.” Nat adds as she throws your softball up and catches it casually. “Valkyrie? You meant Val? Valkyrie is her full first name?” You turn your head to look at Nat as you ask. She nods as an answer to you. “Sharon was there too. That plastic girl. Everything about her is fake. Oh my God, she throws herself to Steve all..night..long. She’s not good enough for him.” Grimace shows in Nat’s face as she speaks.
“I don’t like her either but you are too overprotective of him.” You comment with your laptop’s keyboard tapping sounds in the background.
“He’s like a brother to me, of course I will be overprotective as much as he is to me. Anyway, I still don’t get why you didn’t go to the party. You could’ve gone but you literally chose homework over a party with me and others.” Her soft raspy voice wraps in disappointment as it reaches your ears.
“It’s not just any homework, Natty. It’s Ms. Maximoff’s homework. She doubled my essay homework.” You retort. “Well, thanks to your know-it-all side. Also, you still have time to submit it and go to the party. Why are you so determined to finish it so fast?" Nat demands your reasoning.
"Because I want to show and prove to her that even though she doubled my homework, I still can finish it even earlier than others can." You gave her a very confident wink as you told her your motive. Well, you actually didn’t tell her the motive BEHIND your motive.
“It seems like you are trying hard to impress her so hard.” The red haired Russian patches a smirk. “Pffft. Me? Of course not.” You declined full heartedly her theory.
“You can tell me, y/n. I actually think that she is your type. Well, I don’t know what you think about older women. But she is smart plus she looks very attractive and last but not least, her accent. You always say that smart is the new sexy.” Nat adds as she does your impression saying the last sentence.
“Ha ha ha. Very funny, Nat. I just want to see her face when I submit the homework tomorrow.”
You can see Nat shakes her head as she rolls her eyes while she jokingly says, “God, you are such a nerd. Sometimes I don’t know how we can even be best friends for so long.”
“I hope she already graded our mini pop quiz from last class and will return it tomorrow because I’m dying to know how I do.” said Nat as she got up. “It was easy, I’m sure we did great. Trust me.” You answer with your eyes glued to the screen as you are busy typing.
“I hope so. Well, I’m gonna go to bed. Good night, nerd.” Nat yawns as she speaks and walks out of the room. “Good night, dork.” You casually reply as you playfully throw crumpled paper to her but she quickly closes your door.
You knock on Nat’s bathroom door but no answer from her. You can hear her singing mixed with the shower noise. You knock once more and you get the same. You decided to slowly open the door and peak your head in a little, hoping that she will hear you that way. “Nat, sorry, I gotta go now. I’ll see you in class, okay?”
You finally get her attention and she peaks her head out of the shower curtain, all puzzled with what you just said. “Wait, what? Why in a rush? Everything okay? I’m almost done and I can be ready fast if you want.”
“No. No. It’s okay. My printer is broken. So I gotta go print my homework at the library. I gotta go, see you in class. Bye!” You explain in a rush and quickly close the door so Nat won’t get any chance to ask more details.
“Y/n?! Y/n?!” She tries to call you behind her shower curtain but silence is all she gets. Her mind keeps thinking that you are acting weird and there is something behind all that. She is right. There’s nothing wrong with your printer. Little does she know, you were just trying to find an excuse to go to the class early, alone. Yes, alone. So you can leave another note for Wanda before class.
Just like you did before, you carefully and quietly sneak into the empty class. You didn’t forget to check your surroundings before you proceed with your actions. Your heart beats nervously making your body feel cold as you slowly feel edgy. You cautiously grab the note and put it on the same visible spot of her desk. You rapidly walk out of the classroom, you feel relieved that nobody saw you. Your steps no longer feel heavy. You look at the time and you go to the bathroom nearby to calm yourself down despite the relief feelings you have right now then reply to Nat's text, telling her where you are at.
After you are done and leave the bathroom, you casually (well, at least you try to) walk back to the class. You see through the small window on the door that some students are already inside
All of a sudden you feel a slap to the back of your head as you pull the door. It wasn’t too hard but enough to startle you pretty bad. You instantly turn your head back in surprised annoyance. “Jesus! Nat. Why the hell did you do that? You scared the shit out of me.” You slip in a complaint tone in your question.
“Geez, why are you so jumpy? You are jumpy when you lie or do something bad. What did you do?” She asks in surprise as she follows you walking into the class. “I didn’t do anything and I-I’m not jumpy. You startled me with your unnecessary hard slap on my head. Who wouldn’t be jumpy when they got slapped like that?” You retort.
“Well you deserve that, you left me this morning. Why didn’t you wait? I told you I was almost done and would be ready soon.” Nat answers as both of you sit at the same exact desk on the back row.
“I already told you why I have to leave. I had to print my homework, that’s all.” You avoid eye contact with her and as your best friend she easily notices that. “I don’t know. Something is up.” She raises a brow.
“What did you mean, Nat? What’s up?” Vision’s voice came out of nowhere just right on time when you were going to respond to Nat’s suspicion. “Yeah, y/n? What’s up?” Tony asks. Both of them look at both of you as they are comfortably sitting next to the both of you. “Nothing, nothing is up. Oh by the way, guess who finished the double homework last night? Me!” You are internally so relieved after finding a way to distract your three friends away from asking you more questions as you pull out your printed homework out of your bag.
“Wow! That was fast. Let me see?” Tony grabs it from your hand but not for so long. You quickly pull it away from him but Vision sneakily steals it from you. “Give me that!” You try to take it back and both Tony and Vision laugh.
“Okay. Okay. Guys, stop it. Look who’s here.” Nat alerts the three of you and Vision voluntarily gives you back your homework. The class turns silent respectfully the second Wanda walks into the class.
“Hello again, class.” Wanda greets then the class returns her with overlaps greetings. You have no idea why your heart feels like it bursts out insanely inside your chest as soon as you see Wanda. Your eyes refuse to leave the view of her doing her thing as she is getting ready for today’s lecture.
The anticipation is killing you. You try to keep a cool calm face but internally, you are a mess. You wish you could fast forward the time so Wanda sees the note. You don’t know if it’s just you but it seems like she moves in slow motion. Yes, that’s how much you want her to notice the note so she can read it already. Everything and everybody seems to move so slow.
Wanda secretly feels like being watched and weirdly her eyes subconsciously search for you right away as if they know that it was you who stared at her. Her instinct was right. She caught you staring at her but the bad impressions she has been getting from you only make her not a fan of yours even more. Without a doubt she averts her gaze away from your own.
Her indignation is soon enough soothed when she sees the same looking piece of note from the last one. Honestly, it excites her. She tries to be as discreet as she can, stopping everything she was doing to sit down and read it.
“Your warm smile is as hypnotizing as a love spell. Like magnets, your soft green eyes pull me into euphoria as if I'm completely under your trance.”
Wanda can’t hold back her own smile to show up. She almost forgot for a few seconds that she was in front of her students. If she is alone, she would sit longer adoring the sweetness from the note. She doesn’t even know who wrote this but she has butterflies in her stomach reading it. She feels giddy, joy dances through her heart.
Meanwhile, you could’ve sworn that you saw a blush slowly show up on her cheeks and you can’t describe how happy you feel. All the rush feelings were worth it after you caught that smile on her.
You come back from your daze when Wanda’s voice dances through your ear and flows straight to your heart as she starts today’s lecture.
Wanda starts the lecture like usual, teaches the subject passionately. The more you pay attention to her, the more the butterflies in your stomach go crazy. You even wonder how she is in a class as a student or how it is to be her friend.
Every now and then Wanda glances at you and when that happens sometimes you forget what you were about to write in your notebook. She never looks at you for more than five seconds unless you ask her questions or if it’s necessary.
As the time slowly betrayed you and reminded you that today's class is almost over, you notice that she takes a seat and pulls out a small stack of papers. “Okay, before this class is over today, I have good news. Next meeting, it’s gonna be at LAB 616, we will study some fish, its anatomy. Trust me, we are gonna have fun..” the class cheers as soon as Wanda announces her next class’s plan with excitement followed by a little laugh. Just like that, her little laugh easily traps you in adoration of her. You never knew that someone’s laugh can be so attractive to you until you hear hers.
“Also, I have your pop quiz graded so I’ll call your name, come pick it up and you are good to go for today.” She continues her last announcement before she starts to call her students one by one to hand their quiz back.
There are only a few students left, even Tony and Vision already got theirs but they stay near the door to wait for you and Nat. You don’t know why you get nervous more and more the longer you wait. Questions start to pop all over your mind randomly. Why hasn’t she called you yet? Are you gonna be the last one? If yeah, did she do it on purpose? Why does it seem that she doesn't like me that much? Thoughts and questions roaming around in your mind.
"Natasha." Wanda calls as she looks right away to your and Nat’s direction. She sure remembers exactly where you and your friends sit. You see Nat walking away from you and quickly swift her steps to take her pop quiz result. Then finally, your name slips out of her lips and you just love to hear it. Your name wrapped with her accent is the new combination you never knew you needed to hear. Your lips suppress the smile that is fighting to come out and it ends up coming out as an awkward smile.
As you get closer to her desk, Nat comes back and says “Uh, I’m sorry Ms. Maximoff, this isn’t mine. It’s the other Natasha’s in this class. My last name is Romanoff.” She hands back the paper to Wanda. You halt your steps and watch what is going on.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Let me find yours and make sure that I put your grade correctly in my file.” Wanda takes the paper back and does what she needs to do. As Nat is waiting, her eyes accidentally catch something that’s laid on the table. YOUR LOVE NOTE. Yes, Nat sees it and Wanda doesn’t even realize that.
Surprised, she quickly turned her head away a little bit but of course it’s not for that long. She lays her eyes back on the note. Nat easily recognizes that it’s your handwriting. Taking the same classes with you pretty much almost every semester has its own perks. Both of you have been sharing notes with each other therefore she knows your handwriting very well.
“Okay, here you go. Good job. Keep up the good work.” Wanda’s voice alerts Nat to stop looking at the note and she takes the paper. “Thank you, Ms. Maximoff.” with that she walks away as she checks out her paper.
You take a few steps closer in front of Wanda’s desk. “Y/n, here’s yours. Nice work.” Your heart skittered taking the compliment from her. She looks up to you for a few seconds then looks back down to what she was doing. She notices that you are still standing in front of her. “Uh-excuse me, Ms. Maximoff.” You said as soon as you noticed something.
Wanda takes a deep breath and answers. “Yes, y/n? Is there a problem?”
“Yes. Something wrong on number five.” You answer her as you show her your paper and point at number 5 question. Wanda looks at it and then looks at you as she says "The only thing that's wrong in it is your answer." Cold and flat was her tone, let alone her gaze at you was so intimidating. It makes you want to run from it but stay at the same time to adore her striking green eyes but of course, all you can and want to do right now is to disagree with her.
"Wait, what? Are you serious?" You ask in disbelief.
"Do I look like I'm joking? The question is why orcas hunt great white sharks and your answer is wrong." Her words and her tone gives a chill on your spine but somehow you like it. Okay..okay. You have to focus on the question and your answer on number 5.
"Wrong? Ms. Maximoff, with all due respect, my answer is not wrong. Everybody who are in this study knows that orcas hunt great white sharks for fun." You quickly tackle her words.
"Yes, at some point but it was years ago. Then after that, it was proven that they hunt great white sharks for their liver. Perhaps you forgot about that? Or maybe you don't know about it?" Wanda explains and asks you at the same time with a tone that makes you realize that you are actually wrong.
Shit. Yes, shit. That's what's on your mind now. You are embarrassed that you can't form any words.
"Did I ring any bells? Orcas target their liver because it has a lot of nutrients. Their liver provides oil and fat and it's a very valuable source for orcas. It's written in Mr. Fury's book as well." Wanda adds, followed by a victorious smile. Seeing your facial expression, she knows she got you this time.
And you, you are a mess inside. You hate it when you are wrong in front of her. That smile, it makes you feel more embarrassed yet flustered at the same time. The wave of her dirty blonde hair, the sharp jade eyes that feels like dagger stabs right to your heart and then you are soothed by her smile.
Seeing her explains things about your favorite subject right in front of you really makes her so much more attractive. She is definitely the definition of smart is the new sexy.
"I-uh- my apology, Ms Maximoff. You were right, I totally forgot about it." You stuttered from your embarrassment and her beauty.
Wanda stops what she was doing as she looks up to you for a few seconds. She is surprised that you admit that she is right, even apologized. There’s a pinch of thought in her that thinks that you are probably not as bad as the first impression you gave her. Of course she won’t show that thought like in an open book. She looks at you, clearing her throat and says “Well, okay then. I have to call the rest of the students so they can go home. See you in the next class.” She keeps her professionalism on point then gives the slightest smile to you.
You heard everything she said but boy oh boy, all those embarrassment and awkwardness of you stupidly complaint are worth it just to see her small smile right in front of you. Your brain has a little short circuit that you just stand there until she calls your name again. “Y/n?”
“Uh-y-yeah?” You stuttered. Wanda looks confused and you look stupidly frozen. Then Natasha came to the rescue. “Y/n, aren’t you gonna submit it today?” Nat gives you a sign through her question to you as she raises up her eyebrows. Wanda’s eyes flick between you and Nat then back to you. “Submit what, y/n?” The Sokovian professor asks.
“Oh. Oh. Y-yeah, right. Uh. I have it right..here.” As soon as you realize, you grab into your bag and pull out your printed essay shortly before you present it to Wanda with a proud smile. “Y/n, what’s this?”
“It’s the essay homework. 2510 words and I got it done early and want to submit it to you today.” Your proud tone was definitely heard by her.
Internally, Wanda is actually impressed but her ego is unamused because of your proud and confident smirk. “I don’t accept that. Take it with you, please.”
“What? Why?” Your eyes are rounded in surprise, so do Natasha’s.
“It’s crumpled. I don’t like it. It’s very unprofessional. So re-print it or don’t submit it at all.” She stares dagger at you as she answers you. Wanda is perfectionist so to be presented with a crumpled printed homework, it really annoys her.
The last sentence she said feels like a sledgehammer hit straight to your abdomen. As much as you are disappointed that she rejected your homework but you understand her reasoning after you look at how your homework looks. Thanks to Tony and Vision.
“Uh y-yes Ms. Maximoff. I understand. I’ll reprint it. Have a good day.” You agree in defeat. Disappointment written all over your face, you proceed your walk of shame and it softens Wanda’s ego a little.
“You too, y/n. See you in the next class.” She sincerely answers. With that, you walk out with Natasha and your heart smiles from Wanda’s sincere last words. Tony and Vision bombard you with questions in no time. Of course you didn’t forget to thank them in sarcasm for making your homework so crumpled and telling them what happened.
Weirdly, Nat remained mostly silent yet she looks at you with an analytical look and it concerns you. You wonder what she is thinking right now? Were you too obvious that you are having a crush on Wanda?
“Are you okay, Nat?” You ask. “Uh huh. I’m okay.” That was all the answer you got.
You have been trying to find more reasons to tell Nat so you can go to class by yourself once more so you can leave Wanda another love note. This time you can’t come up with any excuse in mind. 
At the end of the day, it feels like you finally found a light in this searching tunnel of excuses because Nat told you that she has to leave early to see the professor of the other class she takes to ask some homework related questions and she will see you in class after that. You feel so relieved that you don’t have to look for an excuse anymore and everything will go as you plan. You write another love note for her before you go to bed.
The next morning, you feel so good because you know you don’t have to lie to your best friend so you can go to class separately. Joy dances through your heart. You are excited to see Wanda again and can’t wait to see her smile again while reading your love note. This time you have to sneak into Lab 616.
Despite the excitement and relief feelings that Nat won’t catch you this time because she is busy with her other class stuff, you still watch your surroundings cautiously just in case Tony and Vision are around even though you know they most likely will come at the last minute before the class starts.
As soon as you found the lab, you peaked in quickly to make sure nobody is in there even though you can’t see the whole lab through the small window.
You are too focused on going to her desk to put the note on it. As you walk closer to it, you hear “I KNEW IT!!!”
It startled you and you recognized who it was. You turn around quickly. “Natty! Uh wh-what what are you doing here? I thought you had to see your other class’s professor?” You stammer.
“Oh zip it, y/n. Where is it? Let me see.” She asks as she opens her palms waiting for you to give it to her. “Where is what? What did you mean?” Your heart is still beating fast and you can feel your cheeks are warm from blushing too much because of getting caught but of course you try your luck and play dumb about it.
“The note you write for her. You were gonna leave it on her desk, weren’t you? I can’t believe you didn’t tell me anything about this. I thought we were best friends?” She demands and you can see that she is proud from figuring it out yet disappointed from you not telling her about this.
“I’m sorry Nat. I was going to tell you but I was just embarrassed, I guess?” You nervously explain and take out the note out of your pocket then let her read it. It didn’t even take two seconds for the note to migrate to Nat’s hand and she read it. Her lips move slowly and silently reading your love note then curves up a smile. Nat looks at you with sparkling eyes. “Aaaw! This is a sweet love note. Okay, I won’t be mad at you just because you wrote this so cute and romantic.”
“Really? You think so? Do you think she would like it?” You rambling nervously yet with excitement. “Of course! now go..go..go.. Put it on her desk before someone comes in here.” Nat encourages you to quickly leave the note. She smiles so widely and as if the love note was written for her.
Both of you walk back into the class after waiting outside so it won’t be too obvious. Nat notices you look all nervous. Waiting for Wanda to come in drives you a little crazy. “Would you relax? Geez, you are a nervous wreck right now.” Nat yells in a whisper.
“Uh maybe because I am NERVOUS.” You retort.
“What are you nervous about? The note is cute, she will like it and she won’t find out that it’s from you. If you are like this and stare at her when she reads it like you did last time, then she might find out.” Nat adds with gritted teeth at the last sentence.
“Okay. Okay. I won’t.” You agree with the redhead just so she can stop telling you to relax. Just like what you thought, Vision and Tony come last minute.
A few minutes later, you see Wanda gracefully walk into the lab. “Hello, class.” This time she wears short sleeves, you think it probably has something to do with today's lab activity.
Your eyes clearly refuse to leave the view of her arms flexing when she puts her briefcase-like handbag. You swear you thought that you could feel the smoothness of her skin when you saw her arms and went down to her perfect slender hands, and of course her pretty fingers.
As if Wanda has been excited to come to the class only to find your note for today, her eyes instantly find where the note is and there it is, her smile shows up. Nat’s leg nudges your own as soon as she sees Wanda sits down and grabs the note.
Your heart skips a beat when you see another smile of hers appear. You lay your chin on your palm as you look at her dearly. Your heart is doubled in speed and your hope kindles. You take a deep breath, a joyful deep breath.
Just like yours, Wanda’s heart beats fast, she really hopes that her students don’t hear the sound of it. She is multitasking between reading your note and trying hard not to blush or smile like a fool but she miserably fails.
“Your presence has so much effect on me like a sedative. My legs feel weak everytime I see you and I am one simple touch away from crumbling under your beauty.”
Wanda’s thumb subconsciously and gently rubs the words that you wrote. Her mind starts to day dream and imagines that the person who writes this note was all smiling when she wrote this lovely note and if the person really did, Wanda’s heart longing to see the smile.
She soon focuses back to the class. She stands up and walks up in front of the class as she brushes her palms together excitedly. “Okay, are you guys ready for some fun?” The class cheers and it draws a laugh from her. Her heart subconsciously leads her gaze to you for a few seconds then she averts her eyes to the rest of the class. You feel like a rocket ship that shot up to the sky after hearing her laugh and her gaze pays you a visit. All Nat can do is giggle at you.
“Okay, before we start the fun for today, let’s talk about some more of the beautiful sea life. Let’s start with octopus, shall we?” Wanda starts her lectures as she dim the light and turns on the projector before she proceeds with more explanations. The lectures go really well so far and it’s a fun class today. You are too busy looking at Wanda with hearts in your eyes.
“Before I continue further, is there any question?” Wanda asks with care as she looks around the class making sure if any of her students have questions for her. Once again her eyes uncontrollably look at you briefly until a student raises her hand to ask a question.
“Yes, Kate? Do you have a question?” Wanda asks.
“Yes, Ms. Maximoff. Earlier you said that octopus has multiple brains. How many do they have actually?” The brunette asks and looks ready to take notes from Wanda’s answer.
“Good question! I have the answer here and I can show you.” Wanda answers as she is looking for the projector’s slide picture. Her focus was broken when she heard your voice and when she turned her head she saw you raise your hand. Wanda lets out an annoyed “not again” exhale.
“Yes, y/n?” Wanda answers in sarcasm as her effort not to show you that it is obvious that she is not looking forward to any argument in front of class with you.
“The answer is eight brains.” You confidently answered Kate’s question. Wanda is so baffled with what you just did. She is very unamused with it. No, she is pissed off. You might have thought you were just trying to help since it takes a little longer for Wanda to answer but you just pushed her button. She stares at you furiously, she feels that you disrespected her in front of the class. Nat is as bewildered as Wanda is.
As much as Wanda feels that you have insulted her but she knows she has the card in this game. On her mind, two can play this game. She knows that you have confidently answered with the wrong answer.
Tension builds up and fills the room. The students can see it and they are all waiting what Wanda will say next. Nat’s lips pressed and she literally covered her face with one of her palms briefly once again from the secondhand embarrassment. SHe wants to slap the back of your head, pull you by the collar and yell “what the hell is wrong with you?” but the silence is already too uncomfortable to bear until Wanda decides to answer you with the coldest tone.
“Oh? eight brains, huh? Are you sure, y/n?” Wanda responds.
“Yes,I'm sure. I love octopus.They have eight brains to control each tentacle it has. It’s obvious.” You casually answered but deep down you get nervous as you see Wanda walks closer and closer to your desk in the back row.
“I can see that you love octopus from how confidently you interrupt me on answering Kate’s question but it’s obvious that you don’t know much about octopus for someone who loves them. Because.. your..answer..is..wrong.” She speaks so slowly following the rhythm of her steps but clearly as she finally stands in front of your desk, looking down at you with a killing gaze.
You swallow hard. You look at her furious eyes only for a few seconds then you look at the surroundings that the whole class is actually looking at you. You embarrassed her and she is doing the same thing to you. As soon as you open your mouth to say something, Wanda interrupts you.
“You don’t want to argue with me right now, y/n, because the answer is in fact nine brains. One is the central brain and the other eight are to control each arm. It’s on the textbook page 32, on the last two sentences of the third paragraph. It was quoted from Mr. Fury’s second book.” Her accent becomes thicker and thicker as she finishes the sentences. You can see that Nat and some of the students quickly search the page and paragraphs that were mentioned.
You know you are screwed right now. You lost words. All you want is for the lecture to be done so you can walk out and hide from all of this.
“Now, I’m sure you ‘know’ a lot of facts about octopus since you love them. How many hearts do they have?” Wanda starts her sentence with such sarcasm, totally opposite from her calm yet cold tone and professional mannerism she showed earlier.
The intimidation you got from her makes you barely speak, you even stutter to answer. “Uh-two h–he..” Wanda didn’t let you finish another wrong answer from you. Your brain can’t think and it seems like you have a short term memory loss. “Wrong. They have three hearts.” She corrects you.
“Tell me the functions of the hearts they have.” Wanda demands. Tony and Vision are as frozen as you are. You don’t even blink but you clear your throat to answer. Surprisingly, you can’t find the answer. Just like you did, seeing it takes a little longer for you to answer, she interrupts you with an answer. “Two of the hearts pump blood to the gills and one heart pumps blood through the rest of the body.” Wanda explains once more to show you her position as the class’ professor.
As if it is not enough for her to corner you with this game you started, she asks you one more time. “With all the confidence you have and showed since the very first class, I’m sure you know why octopus has blue blood?” Wanda pauses for a few seconds to let you answer.
“I–uh- I don’t know, Ms. Maximoff. I’m sorry.” And there it is, Wanda finally gets what she wants, you apologize willingly in defeat in front of the class.
“They have blue blood because they have to adapt with cold water with little oxygen using a copper rich protein that’s called Hemocyanin. This protein is responsible for transporting oxygen to blood plasma.” As soon as she is done talking about it, she looks down at you who now lower your head down, you don’t even dare to look at her because you know you just did the same mistake. She then looks between Vision, Nat and Tony shortly before she turns around and walks back to her desk.
For a few seconds, Wanda’s mind ponders if she was too harsh on you. She knows that her ego and anger gets the best of her but right now all she can do is to continue the lecture.
Soon the tension slowly fades. Wanda leads the class to check on some fish, dissect some starfish and even show them bone structures of particular fish. It was a bit of a mess but the class had fun despite what happened earlier.
As the time of the lecture is almost out, Wanda assigns some homework and dismisses the class. “Y/n, I want you to stay to clean the lab.” Wanda orders as soon as she sees you and three of your best friends stand up to leave the class.
As much as you don’t want to do it, you know better not to complain and agree. “Yes, Ms. Maximoff.” Tony, Vision and Nat leave after you told them you will see them later.
With a heavy heart and lots of guilt, you start cleaning up the lab. Silence came back once more and easily filled the lab back. To your surprise, Wanda stays in the lab and does some work at her desk. Awkward silence definitely roams around between you and her.
Pt. 3
A/N: Well, that's all for today. I hope you enjoy this part 2. Let me know what you think. I appreciate your reblog and comments. See you in next!
Taglist: @madamevirgo @musicinourlips @unstable-sapphic-hoe @fanboy7794 @chloe7076 @b0mbdotc0m @trikruismybitch @ichala @californianwhiterabbit @silver-lotus @imfuckinggenius @sxfwap @chaekhan @daenerys713 @luvmcgrath @stupidsapphicsstuff @pattypavo @selfwrotevision @emptysince18x @frvny @franfineashell @heyyoweveryone @ygtft-chen @yaaskasey @sweeet-likeeee-cinnamonn @paumxmff @dopeyouth @beaniejennie @ineedafinghug @idkwhatimwriting @lucydiibi @mainly-rebloging-fics-i-like @gloriousfoxruins @grxvitye @mcubreakdown101 @aos22 @wandanatstan @paulawand @yeeterthekeeper @femalehomosexual666 @snowdrop1026 @modernmonalisa @nothingisrealanyway @idamaemann @sweeterlust @royalityofmultifandom @playboysaleen @peabrain112 @gwhaley127 @harleyswanda @bodhi-j @darth-rain @cristin-rjd (Let me know if you want to be tagged)
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mionemymind · 1 month
My Rival
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Series Summary: “I hate Wanda Maximoff. I hate her face and the way she hides her freckles. I hate her smile and how perfect she laughs. I hate how smart she is and how she knows everything. I hate her.” Y/n complained. 
But how could she hate the girl that always took #1 in everything? How could she hate the girl that captivated her mind 24/7? How could she hate the girl she would willingly be #2 for?
Or the time where Y/n Y/l/n and Wanda Maximoff were academic rivals that fell for each other.
A/n: I'm so excited to reveal my new mini-series. I've been wanting to write an academic rivals story with Wanda Maximoff. Part of me wanted to make this a long series but god I suck at slow burn. If someone can teach me that art, I could try. Gif credits go to @unreliablewitnessofmyexistence
Warnings: Rivals to Lovers, Happy Ending, Angst, Jealousy, Cursing
Moodboard (Credits to @wandasverison)
Chapter 1: Second to You
Chapter 2: Confessions for You
Chapter 3: Choosing for You
Chapter 4: Finding My Way to You
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marigoldenblooms · 3 months
Thinking of FilmProfessor!Wanda taking fem!Reader home after class.. safe to say, An Important Lesson is getting another part >:) If you wanna be tagged when it comes out, lemme know! Read the first part here!
Her studio would be beautiful, yet you couldn’t even care about it as you feasted on her gaze. Heavy and dark, Wanda’s eyes would hardly know peace she’d take you in, kneeling naked by her bed.
Her fingers would raise your jaw up to meet her eye, crooning to you. “Look at you, Mommy’s perfect little doll..” Her voice was breathy and laborious, jaw flexing as you’d look at her with those doe eyes, and how your bare pussy had dripped arousal onto her floorboards.
She’d pull something from behind her back, and your pupils would blow at the implication. A camera.
“Want to make a movie with me, baby?”
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Study sesh gone wrong.
Wanda Maximoff x gn! Reader (College Au)
Summary: It's finals week and you are overwhalmed, Wanda helps you get through a rough study session.
Warnings: Academic stress, being very overwhalmed, flow state is a bitch sometimes, feeling cold, hurt/comfort, fluff at the end.
A/N: Wrote this last year before a massive biology exam.
Word count: 862
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You get to your room ten minutes after finishing your last lesson for the day. The space is cramped and the air stuffy, so you open the windows and make your bed to feel somewhat accomplished. 
You go to the bathroom and fill up a big jar with water. You are about to dive into a long study session, you can’t afford anything else, and you’ll need to at least be hydrated to keep focus.
If you stop to think about it, you know, deep down, that you are overdoing it. Ever since your academic performance started to be graded (back in high school) you feel like you need to get everything right. Every single exam you have ever taken and every essay you have ever written has either gotten an A or an A+, which for many would mean that you can relax now, right? You have a soft cushion to land if you are to get a bad grade, right?
Wrong! Cause what if you get sick, and then you can’t go to class, and then you fail your exams and have to redo the whole year? What if you get into a depressive episode and your professors think you are just being lazy? What if you get the bare minimum grades to graduate and then no one wants to hire you to be a scientist and then you die of hunger?
You can’t let that happen, and you won’t. If it takes not having any social life while on exam times and finals week, so be it.
You sit down on your small desk and get all of your notes and books out.
Hours pass by without you noticing. Tomorrow you have a biology test and you haven’t had time to study during the week, cause today there was a math exam that you -also- felt totally unprepared for.
You are so immersed in your work that you don’t notice when the door opens and your girlfriend and roommate, Wanda, comes in after knocking a few times.
“Hi babe! I brought takeout!” She notices you can’t hear her. She closes the door behind her and takes a few steps into the room. “Jeez, it’s freezing in here”.
You come out of your concentration induced trance and stare at Wanda while she closes the windows. You notice that it’s already dark outside.
“Hi Wans” you get up from your chair and almost fall, as your legs feel numb from sitting for so long. She catches you though, and engulfs you in her warm embrace.
“Honey, you’re ice-cold” she says in a worried tone. Only then you notice you’re shivering uncontrollably. You bury your face on the crook of her neck. Now that you're out of the flow state, you feel tired, hungry, and cold, very cold, all at once.
“I didn’t notice, sorry” you apologize unnecessarily “I was studying”. You take a step back to see her face. By the look of it you know she’s worried about you. You feel the tears well up in your eyes. You don’t understand why. “I’m really cold”.
“Baby…” And that’s all it takes for the dam to break. You feel the sobs in the back of your throat before you let them out into the air.
Wanda pulls you in again and strokes your back in calming circles. There are no words needed. After a while the crying turns into soft and sporadic hiccups. 
“We have to get you into warmer clothes, okay?” you nod in agreement, without enough energy to speak yet. She hands you a pile of fresh clothes: a pair of sweatpants, a long sleeve t-shirt and your -her- favorite hoodie.
She warms up water in an electric kettle while you change, and you choose your favorite tea from the makeshift cupboard.
You end up eating lukewarm chinese with rose tea while cuddling in bed, because your feet were cold as ice and you got worried that they would fall off if you didn’t get under the covers at that exact moment. 
The lights have been off for a while, when you whisper “I’m sorry” you think she’s already asleep until she asks “What for?” softly.
“I don’t know. I feel like I’ve ruined the evening for you” you admit. your face is resting in her chest, and you can feel how her breath catches. 
“You couldn’t ruin anything babe” she assures you. Her fingers run through your scalp in soothing patterns. She feels so lucky to be the one who gets to comfort you when you show this part of yourself, being that you are usually the most cheerful and optimistic person in the room. She feels special knowing you can unmask your insecurities and be vulnerable around her. “I love you, you know that, right?”
“I love you too” the tiniest of smiles makes its way to your face, you’re so lucky to have her by your side. You forget for a while about the biology exam, and all your studies for that matter. You drift off listening to your love’s heartbeat, with her arm around your shoulders, and her lovely voice in your head.
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A Friendly Smile From the Past - 1
A/N: Hi there! Just another wee work in progress. Let me know what you think of it :) I'm new to Tumblr and how it works, so like I don't know how to tag pages together and whatnot heh! So please be patient with me! This is also posted on my Ao3 under the same username!
Pairing: CEO!Bucky Barnes x Reader [with College!Bucky/High School!Bucky in Flashbacks and mentions].
Series Masterlist || Main Masterlist
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“You have got to be kidding me! You seriously have got to be kidding me!” I shouted out frustrated and annoyed as I rubbed my hands down my cheeks instead of pulling on my hair because mum always said it would make my hair fall out faster. Not that rubbing on my cheeks helped either. Staring up at me from the desk was the letter I had been dreading. I knew there would be cuts, but I didn’t think I would be one of them. I have always gone above and beyond for this firm. I strove for greatness, and we were recognised more and covered in the media because of the cases I took and won. I glanced at the door where my name had once been etched, now empty. I sighed and bit my bottom lip trying not to cry, ‘do not show any signs of weakness’ my inner voice was screaming at me. ‘You are going to hold your head up high, you know they’ll regret this decision’. Breathing slowly I continued packing up my office, shoving everything into the boxes. 
Oh god, how are my parents going to take this? It’s not like I was fired, but dad thinks that being let go and being fired are the same exact thing. I can just imagine it now, the words that would be uttered  “Honey, they would have kept you if you were truly as great as the media portrays you to be”. To say my relationship with my dad is complicated is an understatement.
I should have taken that offer from the firm in the city, Johnson & Sloane when I had the chance, but what did I do? I chose to stay, in the small town with no growing career opportunities because dad had gotten sick. Even though our relationship has been difficult since the split, I stayed due to obligation, of trying to be the perfect daughter. 
“You know if you stare any harder at that letter you’ll probably remain cross-eyed” Natasha’s voice brings me out of my thoughts. I chuckle softly but it sounds pathetic. “If it helps you’re stuck with me until we find new jobs,” she says walking over and placing her hand on my shoulder as we both stare at the wall. The last item to take down and pack is my law degree. The one I worked my ass off for.
“I’m glad you’re here Nat” I whisper softly as I try to find the courage to take it down. A squeeze of my shoulder is all it takes for me to reach out and take it down, placing it in the box. 
Nat and I have been friends since we were in diapers, well technically since the womb. Our mothers are the best of friends and live across from each other. We grew up doing pretty much everything together, we had the same circle of friends. But there were some things that differed. In high school, Nat was the cheerleader and went on to be the captain, she was popular and loved by everyone. I, on the other hand, was involved in the drama club and debate team, I knew everyone and everyone knew me. Where Nat would barely try in classes, I worked twice as hard. Sitting exams was a scary time because I would worry about her not studying. I think that might be one of the reasons we ended up going to the same university because even though we may be different we couldn't live without each other, but also she wouldn’t have been able to pass any of her papers at university without me. We depended on each other because our lives were intertwined. 
When I decided to stay where we grew up because dad got sick, she didn’t hesitate one second “If you’re staying so am I, we go through this together”. I couldn’t be more thankful to have her by my side through everything good and bad. I will, however, always feel guilty because she decided to stay here, she broke up with her boyfriend Steve - they dated through high school and through university. They truly were meant for each other, but Steve wanted to play football professionally and had been drafted to play across the country, an opportunity he could not pass. 
I remember overhearing the conversation, it was hard not to. A screaming match in her room while the rest of us sat in the living room, it was one of our last hangouts before graduation and we would all move away to our respective job offers that we had lined up. 
“Why? Why can you not come with me? Do you not love me anymore is that it? We have talked about this since high school, you said this is what you wanted” Steve had sounded so broken, I knew he must have thought Nat was slipping through his fingers. “I know, we did, but plans change, life doesn’t go to plan” she had said “It’s not my place to say why I’m going back home, just that I am, she needs me” Her voice had remained emotionless but later that night, Clint and I had held her till she had passed out from crying. I had begged and pleaded in tears to her so that she would not tell anyone what had happened, that instead of moving to New York to live out my big lawyer dreams, I was going back home. I begged her to go with Steve but she was so stubborn and knew I would not be able to do this without her. “Please don’t do this to us, we have something so beautiful baby, I can’t see a future that you aren’t in Nat, please” Steve had begged her and I knew it pained her deeply. Steve never knew who Nat had meant by ‘she’, I think he might have thought it was her mother. 
“What do you think of Johnson & Sloane?” I ask softly as I pick up my box and follow her to the desk outside my- the office where her box sits but mainly contains office supplies and a photograph. Nat barely personalised her desk, but the one photo she did keep was the university photo of all of us after we had won the football game against our rival university during our final year. All of us girls had been dressed up in our colours to support the boys. Nat, Wanda, Sharon, Pepper and I had our hair in pigtails covered in glitter and ribbons. We had gone the extra mile. Steve, Vis, Tony, Sam, Thor and Bucky had all been playing and were covered in dirt and sweat. Bruce had been on medic duty that night and Clint had injured himself so he had been benched. We were all smiles in that photo, back then we thought we would be friends till the end of time no matter where we would have ended up.  
“You should have taken the offer when you first got it,” she said as we walked towards my car after handing in our work ids and office keys to security. After placing the boxes in the trunk and accidentally slamming it shut a little too hard, I don’t think it was accidental. I turned to face the building, leaning on the car. 
“I know I should’ve, but,” I said and stopped. But what? Dad had made progress and things had been looking up. I could have gone, made a break for it, and started growing my career. Used the middle-tier firm as a jumping stone to make it to New York as I had dreamed of. But mum would have been disappointed. She had grown used to my presence being back since university. She also depended on me. Since the split with dad, she had been on her own, living her life through me at times. 
“Your parents, I know,” she said softly leaning against the car too. I glance over at her “I truly am grateful to you, you know. You didn’t have to come back with me, but you did. You gave up your relationship with Steve and you shouldn’t have. He’s still single you know, it’s the main thing the media will write about him. I think he’s waiting for you, you should go. Take this opportunity and go to him” I say as tears form in my eyes, the guilt eating away.
“Y/N,” she said softly and sighed. She turned her head and met my eyes “I chose to stay, to follow you home. You’re my family, yes I loved Steve, and I still love him, but you mean more to me in the world. Partners will come and go, but you, you’re my family and I would do anything for you. You didn’t even ask me to come with you, you begged me to go with Steve even though your world was crumbling down. You were the brightest law student and you had massive offers to make a name for yourself in New York. How could I just leave you to face demons without support? You are my home. You don’t have to ask, just like I never ask you for anything, yet you’re always by my side.” 
I couldn’t meet her stare. I felt ashamed. “As for Steve, he could have reached out, he could have come back home. He could have called, he could have fought harder for us. But” she said a soft crack in her voice, “he remained silent” I finished for her. I reach out and squeeze her arm softly. 
“You’re no better though,” she says “What do you mean?” I ask confused as we both start getting into the car. “James Buchanan Barnes,” she says a little too smugly for my liking. The mention of his name makes my heart stop. “What about him?” I ask playing indifferently. “You both were in love with each other and never confessed your feelings. The only other person you have been as close to as I was him,” she said “You just stopped communicating?” she asks raising her perfectly shaped eyebrow. I sigh softly “Oh please, he was not in love with me,” I say rolling my eyes but my heart hurts. Bucky and I were super close growing up, sure he had Steve and I had Nat and the four of us had been close. He was my best friend and one day since moving back home the messages and constant video calls slowly started to fade to one-word messages and 2-minute calls to absolutely nothing from him. I had never told him and he had sensed something was wrong during that last hangout but I never once said a word to him about it. He had also had a job offer in New York and would always ask to meet up and hang out but I would always say I was busy, but the truth was I was miles away from there, too scared to tell him the truth. 
“One day the messages stopped coming and he didn’t call anymore,” I say softly which is why I moved on. "Plus we haven’t heard from the rest of the group since graduation, we all fell off the communication wagon. Our entire group has been together since high school, and sure Steve, Bucky, you and I longer than that, I thought we would be in constant contact, us against the world ya know? But it just faded away like those days didn’t mean anything at all” I say softly 
“You know that’s not true, it did mean something, I guess we are all just busy with our lives,” she says softly. “But at least we are together”, “forever” I agree with a soft smile as we head back to the apartment.
-> Next Chapter
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kimchikrust · 2 years
imagine being in college and falling in love with wanda maximoff
you shared a little dorm with wanda for your entire first year. you got well-acquainted with her twin brother, pietro, who always seemed to be around. you’d later find out he had a crush on you, and confessed to wanda first before talking to pietro. you had been more nervous to tell wanda about your feelings than pietro, and you couldn’t figure out why at the time.
you relationship with pietro began the summer before your second year started. that didn’t mean you didn’t still have your time alone with wanda. you still saw her every day, shared every detail of your life, slept in her bed when you got particularly down.
and then pietro died. a car accident. a drunk student driving on campus. you were devastated, but prioritized wanda’s well-being after his death. you were there when she first heard the news, and you felt compelled to make sure she never went through that feeling again.
eventually, you find out wanda’s been seeing someone. “a guy from my philosophy class,” you remember her chirp. you couldn’t even feel offended because she looked so happy. the harsh voice in the back of your head scratched at your chest but you couldn’t find it in yourself to voice them. what about me? aren’t I enough? but you know it’s your insecurities talking so you stay quiet and focus on being happy for her.
at some point, you couldn’t stay silent. you had to tell her. i can’t hear you talk about him anymore. i’m in love with you. please understand, i have to leave for a little bit. you left for a few months. no contact, but you occasionally checked her socials. you couldn’t help it. you just had to see what she was up to; even if her last post was two weeks ago.
when you met up again, it was at a bar after wanda had broken up with vision. you had grown mentally and physically, and that was apparent when you stood in front of wanda. you were taller than her now and you couldn’t help but feel a little smug about it. you intentionally looked down at her obnoxiously in an attempt to play off your nerves. you still felt so strongly for her. you wanted to be with her or nothing at all. and it showed in the way wanda caught you staring at her after a few shots. the night ended with wanda drunkenly dragging you into a dark corner and aggressively make out with you.
“i want to be with you,” you breathed against her lips, drunk from the alcohol and taste of wanda’s lipstick. “i wanted to be with you for so long. please.” you held her face desperately as your kisses turned intimate.
“you have me,” she shushed. she kissed your cheeks, and your forehead, and your nose, before landing back on your lips. “you’ve always had me. i want you too.”
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batllethinker · 2 years
Nat who can't keep her eyes off of her professor in casual clothes and Wanda who enjoys every second of it
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Despite how long Natasha had been dating her professor she still wasn't used to seeing her in casual clothes, after a year of only seeing her in suits it was a treat to see Wanda in a black tank top and sweatpants.
Natasha was supposed to be studying for an upcoming exam but she couldn't keep her eyes of off Wanda, the older woman looked way too good and she honestly didn't know what to do.
Wanda looked up from her phone, a smug smirk on her face as she crossed the room to give Natasha a quick kiss.
"You know, you're supposed to be studying" the blonde woman blushed and averted her gaze to the blank page of her notebook in front of her.
"Sorry" Wanda giggled and placed a finger under her chin, easily bringing her eyes back to her.
"You've been studying for so long, why don't you take a break for me?" Natasha smiled up at her and nodded, knowing what that really meant.
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megiesposts · 2 years
I’ve been fantasizing about writing a college! Au Marvel x dem College! Reader
Ive been thinking about this au for a while and I’m so ready to make it into a book either on Wattpad or here idk probably here
Warning read next line
Before reading: this post mentioned attempted sa, shirtless men, flirting, playboys, mentions of the following- car accident, drinking, an unrelenting ex boyfriend, people getting beat up, random girl getting beat up, cheerleader Natasha>>>, playboy behavior? Beware before reading- this doesn’t go into too much detail but be careful
Like imagine all the boys being in a frat and due to school rules they’re deciding to move out and rent a house and Steve invites his friend Natasha from the dance team who’s also a cheerleader (most of the boys are on sports teams/have sports scholarships) and she says she’ll only move with them if her two best friends Wanda and Y/n can move with her and they’re all like yeah sure
Wanda majoring in photography and minoring in literature
Y/n majoring in different arts and also minoring in literature which is how Wanda got added to the friend group
Y/n and Natasha being besties since high school started and Wanda being added so quickly
Imagine frat boy! Bucky Barnes who lost his arm in a car accident when he was younger, and he got a metal one who stars as quarterback on the football team
Frat boy! Cocky! Steve Roggers who’s idk a linebacker and has girls lining up to get a chance with him and basically worshipping him
Frat boy! Tony Stark who got in on an intelligence scholarship who’s has a new girl lining his bed every night and majors in robotic science who’s secretly a huge dork
Foreign exchange student! Frat boy! Thor Odinson who’s oblivious to how girls throw themselves at him more than he breathes and is an actual sweetheart who got scouted by the fraternity the moment he stepped on campus and is in the hockey team
Foreign exchange student! Frat boy! Loki Laufeyson who was forced into the frat by his dear brother Thor, who majors in literature which is how you bond and is actually such a playboy and girls drop to their knees at his words and accent
Frat boy! Bruce Banner who’s an angry drunk (💀) and was forced into the fraternity by his best friend tony, actually escapes the house during parties and is a sweet boy who’s gets ignored by girls cause he’s not a tall or outgoing or in their eyes “handsome” (who once beat the sh*t out of Loki while black out drunk) (see what I did there)
Frat boy! Clint Barton who secretly has issues about how everyone bullies him but he has a really sweet college girlfriend Laura! Who always has his back (was also forced into the frat cause of tony)
Frat boy! Pietro Maximoff who is forced into the frat when Wanda moves into the new house with y/n and nat cause he wants to protect her and is an honorary member of the girl squad, is the captain of the cross country track team (heheh), and is besties with Clint LMAO
Frat boy! Sam Wilson who is besties with Bucky and on the football team (idk a lot of football plays sorry besties) who is a simp for any girl and gets made fun of by Bucky because of it
Frat boy! Peter Parker who’s a inexperienced freshman on the baseball team who’s such a dork that tony took under his wing- he goes around the parties making sure all the girls are okay and nobody is getting taken advantage off and is an absolute simp for another freshmen who majors in literature (mj)
I imagine a scene where girls try to take advantage of drunk Thor trying to be the one to take his virginity cause look at him and y/n coming to his rescue and literally fighting the girl and locking Thor in her room where he’s safe (this is where their friendship starts)
Y/n helping Bucky with his math, a subject he’s tOtAlLy not failing, where he cracks jokes and doesn’t take it seriously until you stop tutoring him and he’s begging you for help cause he’s goin to get kicked off the team if he doesn’t get his grade up
Steve offering to model for y/n’s sculpting class and taking his shirt off, facing her just trying to get a reaction out of her, and ignoring all the other girls offering him compliments and and throws random questions your way and cracking jokes trying to get you to smile
Tony helping you with a science project and using it as a chance to get close to you and flirt and try and get to know you, (totally takes over your project btw you barely get to do anything, “hand me that.” “Will you get me something to eat?”) (you got an A)
I imagine a scene where girls try to take advantage of drunk Thor trying to be the one to take his virginity cause look at him and y/n coming to his rescue and literally fighting the girl and locking Thor in her room where he’s safe (this is where their friendship starts) (and Thor cuts back of the beer)
Loki and y/n bonding over authors when he finds you in his class (which he swears you were not in for the last four years) (you totally were) and start working on essays and projects together (who once kicked a girl off his lap when she saw a picture of you hanging in the hallway and started insulting you - he told her to leave the entire party and to watch her mouth (you were not told about this)
Bruce who invites you to come to him to his usual diner when one of the Friday night party’s gets to much cause he knows you have an essay due the next day and the music is taking over your room, helps your write it and stays out until 8am with you while you show each other your favorite spots around the city
Clint who you become great friends with him when he asks you for help picking out an anniversary gift for his girlfriend (you stay friends cause Laura and Clint are>>>>>)
Pietro who became friends with you in freshman year, when you became friends with Wanda, who sees you as another sister, who once beat your high school ex into the ground who showed ran into you in sophomore year at the mall (he was there with you buying a gift for Wanda’s birthday) (you had kicked him away from you temporarily to go get his gift)
Sam Wilson who you became great friends with when he and Bucky had a fight when Sam was supposed to be staying in bucky’s room (sm wrong with his room idk yet) and he stormed into your room rather than Steve’s by accident and didn’t notice while ranting and body slamming himself on your bed (you let him stay and you watched legally blonde together and helped him and Bucky become friends again)
And finally!!! Freshman Peter Parker who fawns over your artwork all the time (it’s more of a brother sister relationship) and stood up to your ex when he showed back up at a party and always asks for your advise on how to ask out his crush mJ and soon asks what he should wear to his dates with mj (it’s literally so cute)
(dw your ex got chased away by Natasha who got Thor and Steve’s attention and told them what he did to you) (your ex had to quite literally run away from them both after Thor threw a punch and broke his nose and he knew he stood no chance) (Steve sprinted after him until he was out of the neighborhood)
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